AnonymousArrangements for Michael |
SummaryCorrespondence between Craig Hudson to Peter Smith about the arrangements for Michael, Craig's 14 year old stepson to spend most of the late summer of 1985 with Peter Smith and his family.
Publ. 2002 (ANCGS); this site Mar 2012
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CharactersMichael (14yo), Colin (12yo)Category & Story codesNon-Consensual Man-Boy storyMt gt – coerc mast – humil spank (Explanation) |
DisclaimerThis story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.
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Céladon's noteThis story was sent in five parts to ANCGS in August 2002 by El Chasqui under the title "Michael". In each installment El Chasqui claimed "This is not my story, but one I have had for a long time." |
The following correspondence recently came into my possession. The writing was varied and difficult to read, but I attempt below to translate, as best I can, from the original letters. A letter from Craig Hudson to Peter Smith. These two gentlemen obviously know each other well. They have met on several occasions and had made arrangements for Michael, Craig's 14 year old stepson to spend most of the late summer of 1985 with Peter Smith and his family. The visit was due to the fact that Craig and his wife were wanting to visit some friends in Scotland and to have some time together. Peter Smith lives on the south coast of England and had three children, Simon (18), Colin (12) and a daughter Ann (11). It is obvious that there has been some correspondence already to which we are not privy.
First letterPeter Smith to Craig HudsonDear Peter,Thank you so much for letting me know that you are definitely able to look after Michael while we are away on holiday. It really is such a relief that we can do this as we could not take him with us for reasons that we have already discussed and it is very important that we visit Scotland before this Autumn. As agreed, Michael will travel to Brighton next Wednesday week the 16th. I am not sure that he is looking forward to it, but so much the better. As you know from our previous letters, he is not an easy child to deal with, and I therefore, have to be very strict with him and ensure that every minute of his day is managed for him. If I don't do this, he gets into all kinds of trouble and I will not tolerate that. The boy needs constant attention and very strict discipline. I think that one of the reasons he is not too keen on staying with you is that I have explained that you will stand no nonsense and that if he misbehaves then he can expect to be severely dealt with by you. It is important for me to believe that there will be no let up in Michael's strict regime whilst he is with you and I am sure this will be the case since we both think alike on the way naughty boys should be dealt with. I understand that you are not as strict with Simon and Colin as I am with Michael, but I am sure that this will not affect the way you manage Michael's life while he is with you. I will not be happy if he befriends either of your sons and in some way manages an easier life because of this. I have therefore decided to list some suggestions as to how you should handle the boy whist he is with you.
I do not think you will be surprised at any of this as I am sure that your thoughts on how best to bring boys up are similar to my own. Please reply with any further questions, and will be grateful for your comments on how you plan to deal with Michael. Once again, many thanks to you and you family for agreeing to look after Michael Yours Sincerely, Craig Hudson
Second letterCraig Hudson to Peter SmithDear Craig,Thank you so much for your letter which I found very helpful, and I have to say I was much relieved to receive it. I was concerned that, when it came to the point we might not agree on just how boys of fourteen should be treated, but I am delighted to say that your ideas are just the same as mine. Let me, therefore, reassure you that you have nothing to worry about. Michael will be treated here the same as he is at home, and I venture to say that he might find it even more interesting particularly as my wife and all of my children are very keen to get involved, but more of that later. I agree with your methods and suggestions, and have a few ideas myself, several of which will need your approval. I can hardly wait for the day Michael arrives as I find the prospect of looking after a boy, other than a son of mine, extremely exciting. To have total power over a boy of his age is no new experience, but the fact that he is fourteen, very good looking, and still in shorts with his long silky legs, is almost too much for me. My eldest son, Simon, is very anxious to meet Michael again, I suspect that he has inherited my liking for boys, but don't worry, he has a very cruel streak in him and I am sure any relationship he develops with Michael will be humiliating and painful. My youngest boy, Colin, and my daughter Ann are slightly puzzled at what I have told them in terms of how they are to treat Michael, but I know them well and am sure that they will quickly learn the art of total domination. My wife has no such concerns, she will know exactly how to deal with such a boy, she has much experience and thoroughly enjoys the role of being a strict 'Aunt'. Let me first of all comment on the various paragraphs from your letter, and in the same order, then I will list my further recommendations for your approval.
As you know, Colin is twelve, and a few weeks ago my wife asked me to take him to the doctor as she was worried that his foreskin seemed rather tight. I telephoned for an appointment and spoke to the doctor himself. he suggested that, given the nature of the problem it might be fairer to the lad if I took him along after surgery. We turned up the following evening at 6.30 and sure enough the place was empty apart from the doctor. My wife has made sure that Colin showered before we left, and every unusually he was dressed in a shirt and a pair of white shorts. I have to say that, my son or not, he was looking terrific. Anyway the doctor showed us through to the consulting room and the doctor, and myself sat in the only two chairs leaving Colin standing between us. I explained to the doctor as best I could the problem we thought that Colin had, and while I was doing so he kept saying things like, 'What a lovely boy', 'I bet he is going to break some hearts', 'We musty make sure everything is in good working order' etc. Before I had finished my explanation and much to my amazement, the doctor reached out for Colin's arm and drew the lad closer to him. Before I knew what was happening, his other hand was on Colin's leg rubbing up and down, higher and higher and disappearing up the leg of his shorts. 'Good sturdy legs, I bet he will make a good footballer'/ There was no question as to what the doctor's sexual likes were, but since Colin seemed to be enjoying it I did not interfere. After a little while he told Colin he had better have a real look at him and I sat there as he slowly undid the boy's shirt buttons and slipped the shirt off of his shoulders. Colin's shoes and socks were removed and finally the top button of his shorts was undone and the zip slowly lowered. In a few seconds my son stood between us clad only in his white underpants. I noticed that the doctor was very carefully observing the delightful bulge Colin's genitals made in the pouch of his undergarments. The doctor started his medical examination, his hands seemed to be everywhere over the upper half of Colin's body, across his back, around his chest and down onto his belly before centring in on his two flat nipples which hardly protruded at all. The doctor took first one and then the other rolling them between his finger and thumb, before declaring that there was nothing wrong with them, certainly his ministrations cause them to become erect and stick out most agreeably. Colin was then made to put his hands on his head and face the doctor whilst his briefs were pulled down allowing his willie to pop out over the elastic waist as it descended his legs. I could see that his foreskin did indeed close tightly over the glans of his penis and nothing whatsoever of the bulb of his glans was visible. The doctor had him lay face down on the examination table and proceeded to pay full attention to his lovely creamy buttocks. He kneaded both of them seeming to get a great deal of pleasure out of manipulation the dual hemispheres of Colin's bottom. Finally he prised them both apart and revealed the tight brown anus at the very centre, it was firmly closed and didn't seem to react when the doctor ran his finger all the way down Colin's crack and then wiggled gently at his sphincter. I thought for a moment that he was going to push his finger inside, but he seemed to think better off it and concluded that part of his examination by asking Colin to turn over. I noticed that Colin was already half erect and that his cock had risen up to about two and a half inches [6 cm]. the foreskin still jealously guarding the shiny glans beneath. The doctor took his balls into his hand first and weighed them up between his fingers, tracing the wrinkled lines which covered his scrotum and especially the ridge which divided them and led up between his legs in the direction of his anus. The doctor then began to massage Colin's cock carefully sliding it between a finger and thumb but not drawing the foreskin back to any extent. The lad began to get even more erect until it was obvious he was feeling the effects of the doctor's ministrations. With quite some force, the doctor tugged down on Colin's penis causing the foreskin to slip back over the glans and reveal the purplish glistening head for the first time. Colin seemed to be in very little pain, which surprised me, and the doctor continued now to blatantly masturbate the twelve year old boy on his examination table. I stood up to get a better view of what was going on and at that moment Colin let out a long drawn out sigh and a shudder which showed he has experienced an orgasm at the hands of the doctor. No semen was in evidence so it was apparent that Colin had not yet passed that far into puberty. The doctor looked very pleased with himself and confirmed that there was a tightening of the foreskin and that Colin should be allowed to masturbate daily for the next month, and return to the surgery every week for follow up examinations. he also intimated that there would be no need for me to accompany Colin any longer as he was grown up enough to speak for himself. Since then we have had plenty of evidence that Colin is progressing in his treatment and in fact he eagerly visits the doctor every week. I quite understand, however, that you wish to curb Michael of this habit and will conform fully with your requests regarding this. In his case I see it as a for of punishment and a very good method of imposing control. I would like to know what methods you have used since I may need to use some on Colin after his period of treatment is over. I look forward to hearing from you, Yours Sincerely Peter Smith
Third letterCraig Hudson to Peter SmithDear Peter,Thank you very much for your extremely detailed letter, it is good to know that we think alike, and I am now quite sure that Michael will be in very good hands whilst he is with you. Your most important responsibility over the next few weeks will be to ensure that Michael is supervised at all times, that no friendly relationships develop, and that all aspects of his life are controlled by you and your family. This includes when to go to bed, when to get up, what to wear, what to do, asking permission for everything etc etc.. I believe that such a strict regime is the only way to bring up a boy as naughty as Michael and to hopefully reform him. It was kind of you to seek my permission for your very good ideas, however, while Michael is with you, you are in full control. I am quite content to leave it to you to make the decisions, which I know will coincide with my own ideas. I would be grateful if you would kindly keep a very detailed diary of everything that happens and send it to me each week. I will then be able to pass comment on what has gone on and perhaps make some further suggestions. Let me quickly run through your suggestions. While I hope you, your wife and your three children will all participate whenever Michael has to be punished, I see no reason at all why your other friends should not be involved. Your two ex-Borstal masters seem ideal so long as they are serious and there is not risk of them taking a liking to the lad. Knowing a little of what used to go on in those schools, I suspect that I nothing to worry about on the score. I like the sound of the lady who lives next door, especially if she will be very strict and enforce his discipline programme at all times. It will do him no end of good to have to obey an older lady, in particular if she would be able to humiliate him or do anything which would cause him to remember that he is just a naughty little boy. I am fascinated by the thought of Michael having to work in a 'rough' warehouse, as you said all sorts of things could happen there to a long legged fourteen year old lad. I suggest you check this out first and have a word with some of the employees to see what they have in mind. The paper round too, is fine, particularly if he has to deliver to your friends' houses. I think Michael should be made to model for the photograph club and the painting classes, I doubt very much if he would enjoy that in particular if the persons taking the lessons were younger than he. I think it would be excellent, for example, if he were forced to show off his long legs to a group of young school girls who would be eager to see what was concealed by his shorts. The various sticks, wire canes and your wife's whip all sound highly appropriate. They will be much more than he has had to cope with before but so much the better. Not only do I agree, I insist that when Michael is beaten his is obligated to take off his shorts. I quite often insist that he takes off all of his clothes, there are numerous ways of doing this, for instance he can be made to do it himself or be undressed by the person inflicting the punishment. In short, anything which will humiliate him is quite in order and the more humiliating the better. Do fell free to secure him in any position and any method which you feel fit. Finally, a few comments on my wish that Michael not be allowed to masturbate. The most important reason for this is control, he should not be allowed to do it himself. If as part of a punishment or other situation someone else wants to play with his cock that is entirely in order since he will not be in control. I fear this is going to cause you extra trouble since it does require a great deal of supervision. The real risk is at night when he is in bed and everyone else is asleep. If I even think he is going to abuse himself I handcuff his hands to the top of the bedposts, you will find some handcuffs in his suitcase when he arrives should you wish to use them. In two days time Michael will be on his way to you. As agreed he will travel alone on the train, and because of this I have decided to allow him to dress in a more conventional manner, so do not be too surprised at his appearance. He will be wearing a shirt and tie, a sweater, shoes and socks, a pair of jeans but, of course, no underwear. The reason for this is that I don't want him to be of any interest to his fellow passengers, as of course he would be if he were dressed in his usual shorts and T-shirt. In fact arriving at your house dressed like this will give you an immediate opportunity to set the rules you intend to establish for his dress whilst he is with you. He may well think that because he has been allowed to travel in jeans you might let him continue to wear then during his stay, I am sure you will very quickly persuade him that this is not the case. Finally I would like to relate an incident which only happens yesterday to give you an idea of how Michael can behave and how I have dealt with it. We had been asked to look after our next door neighbours little girl whilst they were away for a couple of days. Sally is nine years old and very pretty, because of her age she has not yet become embarrassed by what people can see when she sits down and her panties were often on quite open display. I happened to glance over at Michael and found his eyes firmly fixed on the exhibition which Sally was giving, it was obviously of great interest to him since the bulge in his tight shorts was very obvious. I let it go on for a few minutes, waiting for the right moment to punish Michael for something he knew I wouldn't approve of and also to humiliate him as a fourteen year old boy in front of a nine year old girl. Sally, I am sure quite innocently, continued to show off her panties and in fact allowed her little dress to climb up her legs far enough to display the colourful tiny flowers which formed the pattern on her underwear. At last I could wait no longer and asked Michael why he was so interested in Sally's panties. He was, of course, very embarrassed and instantly blushed the deepest red colour. Sally, for her part realised that her skirt had ridden up her thighs and pulled it down over her knees. Michael hung his head down and I am sure realised that I would not just let it pass without some form of physical correction. What he didn't know was that I intended to demean him in front of Sally. I gave him quite a lecture about his naughtiness and in the end told him to go up to his room and bring me down the leather tawse which I keep hanging on his wall. He returned very shamefaced but, at least, obedient. I told him that since he had been looking at Sally, I was going to allow Sally to witness his punishment. He was really upset about this but knew better than to question what I had said. Now, as you know, I never spank Michael with his shorts on and had no intention of starting to do that now. However I thought that I would allow him to think that because of the presence of a very young girl I would waive that rule this time. I made him drape himself across the arm of the easy chair, this gave both Sally and myself a perfect view of his long white legs which were exposed by the fact that his shorts are so tight. They had pulled up quite nicely around his buttocks and in fact crept up into the cleft of his bottom thus showing of his fleshly boy buttocks very well. Starting off with some easy strokes, I managed to make the backs of his thighs take on a beautiful pink hue after a few smacks one each one. Sally sat watching with her bright blue eyes wide open and the hint of a little colour in her cheeks, her tongue was licking over her lips and confirmed for me that she was enjoying the exhibition. I thought about inviting her to give the backs of his legs a few swats but then decided that it would be more humiliating if I were to allow her the chance of spanking Michael's bare bottom in a few more minutes. I told him to stand up and remove his shorts, for one minute I though that he might rebel but then his knowledge of what that would cause brought him to his senses. He unrolled the waist band of his shorts which of course made them almost slide down his legs of their own accord, but that fact that he still had a bit of an erection just about kept them up. He bent over and slid them down before taking them off over his feet as he knew he should. I doubt very much if Sally had ever seen a boy's penis before and I could see that she was availing herself of the opportunity which was presented to her. Unconsciously her hand strayed to the front of her dress and caressed the juncture of her thighs. Michael was made to lay back down across the arm of the chair and I gave him another twelve spanks across his now naked posterior. He was beginning to squirm and a couple of nice welts were coming up across his bottom. I didn't have to ask Sally twice, she took the tawse and laid some very respectable swats across the naked bottom of the fourteen year old boy in front of her. It seemed to me now, that the whole of Michael's body was suffused in a pink glow which only accentuated the darker stripes across his bottom. The spanking over I allowed him to stand up, and as usual made him stand in the corner with his hands on his head for ten minutes. He certainly made a very nice sight especially since his prick had risen to full attention and had a couple of drops of precum glistening on it's tip. For a moment I thought of allowing Sally either to watch me give him a punishment wank or even allowing her to do it to him. I decided against it since I thought it would prove a very powerful tool in the future should he ever need to be disciplined in front of Sally again. I am quite certain that Sally would very much like to be involved in this and am looking forward to hearing about how your daughter is involved in Michael's life with you. I've no doubt that some of his baths will prove very interesting indeed. I look forward to your first report. Yours Sincerely Craig Hudson
Fourth letterPeter Smith to Craig HudsonDear Craig,I am so sorry not to have written my first report after a week as I promised, but so much has happened since Michael arrived three weeks ago that I just have not had the time. Anyway, I have kept a detailed record of events, both written and on my small recorder, so I will not forget anything.
Day One
You told me that Michael was going to arrive here in jeans, but I did not realise that they were going to be quite so tight and close-fitting. It is over twelve months since I last saw the boy and I was amazed at how quickly he has developed into a tall, slim, very handsome 14 year old. He really is stunning, oh those dark hooded eyes, and it was wise of you to dress him as you did because I doubt if he would have made it if he had been dressed in more usual attire. As it was, a sailor had obviously noticed him on the bus and looked as though he would have liked to have joined Michael and I in my car. The front of his uniform certainly had an extra bump in it which he tried hard to conceal. On arriving home with him, I quickly introduced him to my family after which we sat down with a cup of tea. Conversation was somewhat hesitant since he really didn't know what to expect or how he was going to be treated. For the most part we just ignored him and spoke to each other as if he wasn't there. I had discussed his stay at length with my wife and the children and had decided that we would treat him as a very little boy, trying to make him feel that he was in a very disciplined environment. After tea I told him it was time to unpack his things and he followed me upstairs to my bedroom. While he stood close to the door I placed his bag on the bed and emptied it. As I expected, it contained very little clothing, just the four T-shirts, three pairs of shorts, his suit, socks, jumper, a pair of trainers and shoes, plus of course the handcuffs. These I placed on the bed, without a word, with the rest of his clothes. I took the boy to the bathroom and told him that whilst he was with us he would not be allowed to wash himself but that for most of the time my daughter Ann would be responsible even though she is only eleven and three years younger than Michael. However, since this was the first day I would wash him myself to make sure that everything was as clean as I expected it to be. To help make him feel as if he was only a little boy, I told him that I would undress him and do everything for him. When I pulled his T-shirt off over his head I was pleased to see that there were only a few dark hairs in his armpits and none at all on his chest. Remembering what you had said about his pubic hair, I resolved to make sure those hairs had gone by the time he had finished his bath. Unbuttoning his jeans was a great pleasure, especially when I realised that he was not wearing any underpants, and his penis slowly came into view. I immediately noticed that you must have shaved him before sending him to us since there was hardly a hair to be noticed anywhere. His pubis was as bare as a baby's butt still, there were one or two inch [2½ cm] long hairs still evident on his scrotum, again I decided that these too would be gone by the time he left the bathroom. I started to run the water into the bath, cold of course, and told him that I wanted him to use the toilet which stood beside the bath, but that I would hold his penis whilst he had a wee and that if he needed to shit, I would wipe his bottom for him. Fortunately for me, since I enjoy watching boys pee and shit, he obviously had not had the chance to go since leaving you and was ready for a double evacuation. He stood up before the toilet and I took his prick between my fingers, not wanting him to spray everywhere, I tried to pull back his foreskin, an action which obviously he had not been able to perform completely, since he pulled back his bottom to try and get away from the pain it was causing him. I gave him a slap on the back of his legs and told him that he was not to resist anything I wanted to do. I did think of getting his skin back there and then but decided that it may be a very potent tool in our arsenal of discipline and contented myself with just pulling it back enough so that his piss slit was visible. The feel of his urine pulsing down his flaccid dick and splashing into the water in the toilet was enough to give me a partial erection, he certainly must have filled his bladder to the utmost since he seemed to keep pissing for a very long time. All this time he hadn't said anything apart from agreeing to all I told him so I was a bit surprised by him blurting out, "I gotta go number two." Shaking his willie for the last time and getting the final drops of pee off of it I let him turn around and sit down on the seat. Since I wanted to humiliate him as much as possible I told him to put one foot on the side of the bath and the other on a stool, this basically allowed me a view of his puckered anus which was still tightly shut. His face was bright red by this time and I am sure he was very embarrassed, but his need to evacuate his bowels took over and soon his ring began to expand as a turd began to force it's way out. It slid out an inch or two [5 cm] before breaking off and dropping, with a splash into the water which was already yellow with his pee. A couple more forced themselves out until he was finished, his anus closing up again, but with a few flecks of shit around the entrance. I had him bend over the bowl whilst I wiped him clean, I'm sure he had never been treated like that since he was a baby. By this time the bath was nicely full, so I told him to get in and sit down. He was rather slow to do this, the water was so cold of course, but a couple of slaps persuaded him to do so. I washed his hair and soaped over his chest and back. Using a jug I rinsed him off before telling him to stand up so I could wash the rest of him. Obviously I paid particular attention to his cock and balls, despite his shame he did get a slight erection but certainly didn't go up to his full size. Whilst I was bathing him I had been thinking about how to remove those few axillary and pubic hairs which he still had growing and came up with an idea which would prove somewhat painful for him, my wife's tweezers! Drying him off, I told him to go and lay down on my bed before getting dressed. Already he was getting used to following directions and did so without comment. I did have to tell him to turn over since he was laid down on his tummy, then had him pull his arms up over his head. This gave me excellent access to those few hairs in his armpits which I removed one by one accompanied by some quiet yelps from Michael. Once his pits were denuded to my satisfaction, I turned my attention to those which still remained on his balls. I had to get him to pull up his legs and expose his scrotum so that I could get to these. I must admit I also enjoyed kneading his testicles as I searched diligently for each remaining hair. As I yanked out the last one I realised that I had forgotten to look closely between his butt cheeks and around his anus. The one or two I found there were probably the most painful of all to have pulled out but finally I had the job finished and the only hairs Michael had on his body were those on his head. Telling the boy to dress himself as he would at home, as a test to see how he would react, he made the mistake of trying to persuade me that he would be allowed the jeans, shirt and sweater, but a very sharp smack around the face quickly persuaded him that there was no hope of this being accepted. I then left him to dress himself properly for the last time. About fifteen minutes later I heard him on the stairs and very soon he arrived in the sitting room where we were all watching television. He was wearing a T-shirt, sweater, (the weather was rather cold), socks, trainers and shorts. I have never seen such a pair of legs on a boy as tall as Michael. It seemed that his lovely smooth legs were completely uncovered, and it was clear that he was only just able to cover his cock and balls as they were very visible through the thin cotton, finishing just at the hem. He made quite an impression on the rest of my family I can tell you. I went on the attack immediately, to make sure that the boy was under no misunderstanding that what I had told him upstairs would also be expected of him in front of my family. "Come here," I said, and he walked across the room and stood in front of my chair. I gazed at him, in secret admiration, for several seconds. "Turn around slowly, so I can get a good look at you." I told him. He did as he was told and very soon I was given a delightful glimpse of his bottom encased in the skin tight cotton of his shorts. I was not able to see much however as the T-shirt and sweater came over the top of them and concealed most of his bum. "Now, Michael," I said when the boy was facing me again, "if you were at home at this time of the day, would your father allow you to wear shoes and socks?" "No, Sir," he replied. "Then neither will I, take them off immediately." I commanded in a very stern voice. The boy bent to undo the laces and I had a much better view of his bottom, which was only a few inches away from my face. He took off his shoes and socks, placed the socks in the shoes and faced me once again. "Right, Michael," I said glaring at him, "let me ask you another question. If you were at home would your father allow you to wear that sweater?" "No," he replied after a long pause, "I suppose not." "Well, take it off then." The boy got hold of the bottom of the sweater and peeled it up his body and over his head, bringing the T-shirt up with it and allowing everyone a splendid view of his smooth, tanned torso. He stood in front of me now, dressed only in the thin, tiny shorts and T-shirt. "Now, Michael," I said after spending a few seconds gazing at the ravishing boy before me. "I must now ask you this. I know it is not very warm, but it is summer. Tell me, does your father allow you to wear a T-shirt in the house at this time of year?" "Sometimes," he replied. "Well, I don't, so please take it off now." Without a murmur the boy lifted the T-shirt over his head stood before me dressed exactly as I wanted him, in a very thin and tiny pair of white shorts. There was really very little purpose in him wearing them as they hardly covered him at all. The legs were quite wide but only came down his thighs for about three inches [8 cm], his cock and balls were very clearly outlined behind the thin cotton, and because the elastic waist was very worn he had rolled the top of the shorts over in order to keep them up. This had the effect of pulling the shorts even higher up his legs, and only covered about three quarters of his shapely bottom. "I hope you are not wearing any underwear Michael?" I said. "No," he replied, "my father never lets me wear underpants." "Good, I can assume therefore, that you are just wearing your shorts?" The boy nodded. "Well, that's the way it is going to be while you stay here. Unless I, or any other member of my family, give you permission to wear anything else you will wear only shorts. No socks, no shoes, no sweaters, no T-shirts. Do you understand?" Michael nodded, looking far from pleased with the way things were working out. As if to confirm matters, it was at this point that my wife interrupted. "What is the matter with your shorts, Michael. They seem to be rolled over at the top." "The elastic has gone, it's the only way I can keep them up." "Come over here and let me have a look." He moved over to my wife and when she reached out to examine the shorts he moved away from her. She instantly brought her hand round in a powerful swing and slapped the boy hard on his upper thigh. "Don't you get cheeky with me, Michael, or it will be the worse for you. If you are not careful, I will take your shorts right off and you can spend the rest of the day with no clothes on at all." "I'm used to that," responded Michael rather rudely, "it happens all the time at home." "Really?" replied my wife. "We will see about that, apart from the punishment you are going to receive for being so rude, you might be surprised at other variations I have in mind if you are not careful. We have a large number of people coming here next weekend, friends of ours and their children, and you will be serving drinks. How would you like to do that with no clothes on at all so everyone could get a good look at your penis?" The boy lowered his head and looked sheepish. I thought it was about time I intervened, "You were very rude Michael, and for that my wife will punish you, but it has also earned you a black mark. Every time you get a black mark I shall punish you as well as the person giving the mark. However, I shall not do it now as my wife is dealing with you, but after lunch tomorrow you will be whipped." "Now come back over here, Michael," my wife told the worried lad, "and let me have a look at those shorts of yours." Mary took the stretched out elastic waist between her fingers and examined it carefully. I saw, as well, that at the same time she got a good look down inside Michael's shorts. As she reached behind her chair, she told him, "Get those shorts off and I'll try and fix them a bit." The boy hesitated, looking over at my two younger children, but at a glance from me, shrugged his hips and let the white cotton slide down over his shapely thighs. His prick dangled over his hairless balls and made a delightful centre piece between his legs, and as he raised his right leg to slip of the shorts, we got a glimpse of his tight rose bud anus. It didn't take my wife long to find a needle and thread in her knitting basket and shorten the waist of Michael's shorts. She them turned her attention to Michael's rudeness. "Come closer boy, and lay down across my lap." Michael looked resigned as he did as he was told, Mary lost no time in beginning a spanking on his snowy white buttocks which quickly turned them a deep crimson. Michael's verbal response was equally as sudden as he began to cry, softly at first but louder and louder as the spanking continued. I could see that my children were taking a very close interest in what was happening, Ann was biting her lip and then moistening them with her tongue. Colin had his right hand deep in the pocket of his jeans and was, I suspected, stroking his young cock as it responded to the spectacle. After thirty or so slaps, Mary let Michael get up, which revealed that not only was his bottom red but that his cock had risen slightly and was standing off of his balls. "So, you enjoyed your spanking did you boy?" Mary commented as she flicked the end of his penis with the tips of her fingers. "I'm sure you'll get more excited as the days go by." That was a prophecy that was going to prove very true. Thus we were able to immediately make Michael realise that life with us was going to be as least as tough as it is with you, and by the end of the day he was completely subdued and under our control. We kept his busy until bedtime, mainly in Simon's bedroom which he started to clear, it was a frightful mess with clothes everywhere and took him several hours to complete. The next item I want to describe to you is bedtimes. and the sleeping arrangements I have made. There are two issues here.
As I told you, Michael was rude that first day and I promised him a whipping the next day after lunch. Although I have several canes here I thought it would be interesting to buy some more, and particularly if I took the boy along. We are lucky in this town to have a shop which sells all kinds of things, a sort of mini department store. I know the owner well, his family have owned the place for years and years. and his stock room is like a museum, including a wide variety of canes which they use to sell to schools in the good old days. I shall tell you of that visit in my next letter.
Unfortunately I never received the next letter. Dale has said he may carry this forward let's hope so. El Chasqui The End |