Cutter09Campbell Boys |
SummaryRob meets Toby and Jacob Campbell. After aquirering guardianship, their adventures begin.
Publ. Feb 2016-...
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CharactersRob (32yo), Toby (15yo), Jacob (13yo), and from chapter 3 their friends Tyler (15yo) and Clay (13yo), and further Jenny (11yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy storyMt tt tg Mg – cons oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutter09 - Campbell Boys in the subject line. |
Chapter 1It was the first week of July, and I was in line at our local DMV (the driver's license place), behind a good looking kid in rather tight shorts. I had been married and divorced already, and never had a gay thought before. But for some reason, this boy's load bearing shorts had my attention. As usual, the line at this place was moving at a crippled snail's pace. I am not a patient person normally, but today, I wasn't complaining. I had trouble keeping my eyes off this kid's crotch. The obviously long overdue to be replaced shorts, were perfectly outlining a rather nice set of jewels. I struck up a conversation with the kid, just to pass the time of course. "You getting your first license?" "Yes sir. I haven't driven much yet though, I took the written test today." In our state, there are several ways to get your license. One, which the kids seem to like, is to pass the written test first. If they pass, they can drive with a licensed driver in the car with them. After X number of hours that the adult driver signs off on, they get a temporary license that is good till they are 18 and receive a full license. "Well you seem like an intelligent kid, I'm sure you passed easily." "I hope so." We made idle chit chat, about which I have no memory. Those memory cells were used to record every move his crotch made. Every time the line would progress a little, he had to adjust his junk. Nothing too noticeable, just a little shake of his leg, or a pull on the inside of the leg opening of the shorts. By the time we made it to the front of the line, I was beginning to question my orientation. The closest I ever came to a gay experience was when my best friend and I jerked off together once at the age of twelve. We were called up almost at the same time to adjoining cubicles. I was waiting as the officer typed in my information to renew my license, and heard as he was told he passed the first part, and about the requirements to have an adult sign off on his hours, and not to drive without an adult driver. He said he understood, and left. I was a little disappointed to have his nice package leave 3; I mean, to see him go. I got my picture taken, and walked outside. When I stepped out the door, I saw the kid lingering in the parking lot, nervously glancing at four officers standing nearby. It was obvious he was alone, and not old enough to be driving. I strolled over to him and put my hand on his shoulder and said loud enough for the officers to hear, "Thanks for waiting son. Now, how about some lunch?" We walked to my Lexus and got in. "I assume you drove here by yourself?" "Yes sir, and those cops are standing right by my car. What am I gonna do? I can't get in my car with them there." "Well I was going to get lunch, if you would like to join me, we can come back for your car later when they have left." "Okay, but I'm not really hungry." We went to a nearby fast burger joint, and while in line I could see that he was almost salivating just from the smell of food. "Are you sure you wouldn't like some lunch? My treat." "Okay, I guess. Just a cheeseburger if it isn't too much trouble." I ordered him a double burger with cheese and fries and a large drink, all of which disappeared in record time. While we ate I learned he had just turned 15 years old yesterday, and had a brother who was 13. His mother was very ill and didn't get out much. I got the impression things were not good at home. "I thought I could deliver pizza or something if I got my license." "I don't think anyone is going to hire a 15 year old, even with a permit, you can't drive without an adult." "Shit, uh 3; sorry. I really need to get a job," he was near tears, and I felt for him. "Look son, wait, I don't even know your name." "It's Toby sir." "Well, Toby, you need to get your mom to drive with you for however long it takes, and then sign for you to get your temporary license. Then you can deliver pizza. It shouldn't take long." Toby broke down at that point. Between sobs he said "She can't. I really need to get a job now." What the hell had I gotten myself into? All because of those damn tight shorts. I assumed dad was out of the picture. "If it will help Toby, I can drive with you till you get your hours in. Or maybe till your mom can." This seemed to help some, at least he stopped crying. "You'd be willing to do that?" he asked while wiping his tear stained cheek. "Sure, you seem like a good kid, why not." And you really look good in those shorts, I thought but didn't say. I gave him my business card and told him to call me when he had time to drive for a while. "Now, let's go get your car," I said when he had calmed down enough. When we got back to the DMV, It was worse than before. There were cops everywhere, state and city cops. They had the lights flashing on their cars, and I saw two guys in handcuffs. One was face down on Toby's car hood, and the other on the hood of a police car next to it. "I don't think this is a good time to get your car Toby." "I think you might be right about that," he laughed. "Now what?" "Where do you live? We can come back around closing time and get your car." It's a good thing I'm self employed, or this would be difficult. "Um 3; that might not be a good idea. I mean, my house is kinda messy," I could tell he was rather embarrassed to admit it. "It's okay Toby. I understand your mom is sick, and I'm really not the judgemental type." Following Toby's directions, we arrived at a ramshackle clapboard house. It had seen better days, maybe 50 years ago. Peeling paint, overgrown weeds for a yard, gravel drive rutted like a wagon train had gone through it. Inside wasn't much better. Although not dirty really, it was pretty cluttered. I was introduced to Jacob, Toby's little brother. Equally attractive and wearing equally overused shorts. His basket didn't quite overflow as Toby's did, but he still filled it nicely. "Hi Jacob, I'm Robert, but Rob to my friends," I said, extending my hand. I got a look and a nod. "Rob's going to help me get a license. How's Mom?" I heard Toby explaining as I looked around the dreary room. "Same," was the curt reply. Toby exited through a door to the right, and Jacob turned on an ancient looking television, that barely emitted any light into the room. "What are you watching?" I asked trying to lighten things. " I Dream of fucking Jeannie or some shit." Okay, nice language for a thirteen year old. "Yeah? I used to dream of fucking Jeannie too when I was your age," I can be crass too. Jacob thought it hysterical though and rolled over laughing. When he did, one of his nuts escaped from the leg opening of his shorts. Had he not been laughing, he would have noticed my sudden intake of breath, and had it not been a darkened room, he would have spotted the erection that popped up. Toby returned, looking worried. "Rob, my mom wants to meet you." Oh shit, this can't be good. We entered, and I was struck by what I saw. She was laying on what could only be described as a jailhouse bunk, covered by a thin mattress. Her frail frame barely made a discernible bump in the tattered blanket covering her. "Leave us Toby," she requested. He backed out leaving me to face the music alone. She struggled to sit up, so I grabbed a pillow from the foot of the bed. I reached under her arm and lifted her surprisingly lightweight body, and placed the pillow behind her back for support. I then took a seat in a wooden straight back chair beside the bed. "How did you meet my son?" Shit, third degree time. I didn't know what Toby had told her, but I suspected he told her the truth. "We were in line at the DMV. It was a rather long wait, and we just started a conversation." "He said you helped him out of a situation?" She had these piercing eyes that I couldn't lie to if I wanted. She could see right through me. "Yes, well, the cops had us surrounded, we had to shoot our way out. It got pretty bloody, but we made it," she cracked a smile. "It was nothing really, I just pretended he was my son, and got us away from there." "Your son? You hardly look old enough to be married much less a son his age." "Thank you for the compliment, but I'll have you know I'm 32 so it is possible, though I admit unlikely." "You're right, it is possible. I'm only 31." My god, I thought she was at least 50. "So you had Toby very early. Must have been tough. May I ask what happened to his father?" "Their father left when he found out I was pregnant with Jacob. Haven't heard from him since. He was a drunk, so good riddance. Look, Rob, let's be honest here. I was raped by my step father, so I ran away with Eugene. He was a drunk and was mean when he drank, and he drank all the time. "When I got pregnant the first time he swore he would do better. I think he even tried for a while. After Toby was born, he started to drink again 3; I tried to get away from him, but soon found out I was pregnant again. Then he left. "I raised the boys by myself. Was doing pretty good too, till a few months ago. Toby, bless his heart, has tried the best he could to keep things going. Odds are just stacked against him. So Robert, what's your story?" I was on the verge of tears, but drew myself up and said. "Not much to tell really. Graduated early at the top of my class in high school. Full scholarship to an Ivy league school. Got my degree early. Married my college sweetheart. Divorced after only two years, no children fortunately. Currently have no fair maiden to speak of, though I haven't been a saint since my divorce. Now I just knock about doing as I please." It sounded snooty by comparison, but it was honest. She appraised me for a moment, then patted the bed beside her. I sat cautious of not hurting her. She picked up my hand and said."Toby has a kind spirit. He and his brother have never had much of a male figure around, so he has taken a shine to you. He is usually a pretty good judge of character. I know he has been doing odd jobs and mowing lawns etc. to buy food. I think Jacob maybe stealing, he's a bit more precocious. They are good boys, they just need direction. "I don't want to see my boys get hurt, so if this is just a passing thing for you, I would appreciate it if you would just go away now. But If you are willing to spend time with them, then you have my blessing." I wasn't sure what that meant, but I knew she wanted a response. "Well I did promise Toby that I would take him back for his car later. Would you mind if I took both of them for dinner at that time?" She gave me a sly smile, and patted my hand. "Good, then we have an understanding." Well maybe she did, but I wasn't sure I understood anything. I sat with her a while longer, trying to find out more. She divulged very little. I got permission to bring my housekeeper over, which I had to tell her was part of our 'understanding', so she relented. I guess I'm just a stray magnet. Ada, my housekeeper, was a stray also. I found her in a shopping center parking lot late one night. Beaten unconscious, filthy, on drugs, you name it. I had just graduated and landed my first well paying job. I nursed her back to health, much to my then girlfriend's chagrin, and she has been with me since. When my wife and I had been married about a year, she insisted I fire Ada. By that time I had already seen the writing on the wall, so to speak, and refused. I had then, and still have now, no doubt that Ada would lay her life down for me. She can be a bit of a pain when she thinks I have fucked up, but she stands by me no matter what. Which is more than I could say about my wife. She is not just an employee, she is my trusted friend and confidant. "Boys, I have to go back to my place for a while would you like to come with me, then after that, we can get some dinner?" Toby's face lit up, Jacob was a little reluctant but came anyway. I left Mrs. Campbell (their last name I discovered) my personal cell phone, taking my business cell with me. That way if she needed us, she was only a finger touch away. When I turned 25, I inherited my grandfather's estate. He was my mother's father, and didn't get along with my dad. He basically cut them out of the will. Which really wasn't a problem for them because my dad made a good living as a professor. I also make really good money for my services. Therefore, I live rather well. My house is impressive. I use it for business parties occasionally, but mostly I just like it. Four bedrooms and a game room/ home theater upstairs, each bedroom has an en suite bathroom. Downstairs, there is a formal living room, den, dining room, kitchen with breakfast room, and an office, with adjoining bath. Everything is modern and state of the art. The pool house holds two bedrooms with baths, a small living room and kitchen, and of course maid's quarters, which is Ada's private domain. Beside the pool house, is what I call the cabana. The cabana has his and her changing rooms and showers, a gym, and a sauna. The front of the cabana is covered patio with a full bar, and bbq and cook top. The three car garage holds my Lexus, an Escalade, and Ada's Jeep (Don't ask, she chose it). All this, in effect, surrounds the large heated pool and patio area. When we turned into my drive, Toby's mouth dropped open, as if his jaw became unhinged. Jacob, on the other hand, offered "Holy fucking shit." Like I said, my house is impressive. Did I mention I'm rich? I pulled into the garage next to the Escalade, and entered the kitchen, and found Ada. "Robert, where have you 3; oh sorry 3; I didn't realize you had guests." "Ada, this is Toby and 3;" Jacob ran to the glass wall that overlooks the pool "Fuck me 3; look at this pool." "And the foul mouthed one is Jacob," I finished "Pleased to meet you Toby and you too mr. soon to have my mouth washed with soap." "Shit 3; uh shit I'm sorry. Aw shit." Toby just shook his head and said "Jacob, give it a rest, man." I turned to Ada "I need you to gather all your stuff and go to this address. Do whatever you can," she never blinked an eye. She just did it. "Can we go swimming?" ask Jacob. "Sorry Jacob, but I don't allow shorts in the pool. Besides, you won't have anything dry to wear to dinner, if you go in." I showed Toby around the rest of the house. He really liked my bedroom, and especially my shower. It has eight shower heads and two lines of misters that spray from the sides. It's electronically controlled by a pad next to it. Temperature and spray patterns, are all adjustable. "Next time you come over, you can use it," I said. He was delighted that, one, there would be a next time, and two, he could use the shower. When we got to the stairs, we heard splashing. We both instantly knew what happened. "There are towels on a stand in the cabana," I offered. Outside we found Jacob splashing about. "Jacob, what did Rob say about swimming?" Toby admonished. "He said no shorts in the pool and not to get my clothes wet. I didn't," Jacob said pointing to a lounge chair. There lay his clothes and shoes. He was naked in the pool. "I'm sorry Rob. I don't know what's got into that boy." "It's quite alright, Toby. I swim naked all the time. I just don't recall telling him he had to," I laughed. "He's already in there, let him have fun. Would you like a soft drink?" I hurried into the kitchen to retrieve sodas. I had only caught a glimpse of one of Jacob's nuts earlier, and about shot a load in my pants. What would seeing all of him do to me? As I turned around with my hands full of glasses of soda, I looked through the glass wall. There was Jacob in all his glory about to jump into the pool. I quickly set the glasses down on the counter, and stared. I didn't get a long look, but it was enough to memorize the beautiful body on that kid. He is probably 5'4" [1.60 m] and 115 lbs [50 kg]. He is blond and blue eyed like his brother. He isn't buff like a bodybuilder, but there isn't an extra ounce of fat on him either. Just a perfect 13 year old. I only had a glimpse of his soft cock, even after being in the cold pool, it was a rather thick looking 2½ to 3 inches [6-7 cm]. I could only guess it's hard length. Later, when he was drying himself, I would notice a light dusting of hair just above his handsome appendage. After regaining myself, I carried the drinks out. Toby was sitting on a lounge chair holding a towel, waiting patiently for his brother. He thanked me for the soda, and looked at Jacob. He was trying to be grown up about the situation, but I could see the envy in his eyes. "Would you like to join him? I don't mind if you do." "Could I?" He asked excitedly. I just nodded. I have to say, when I made the offer, I wasn't even thinking about seeing him nude. It was purely unselfish on my part. Karma rewarded me instantly when he rose and stripped. He first wiggled out of those tight shorts, which took my breath away. His 5 inch [12 cm] soft sausage wobbled back and forth as he struggled with the shorts. I saw his bush was only slightly darker blond than his hair, and not a big bush either. Then he took off his shirt, causing more wobbling, and some tightness in my pants. By the time he carefully folded his clothes and jumped in, I was ready to pound nails with my dick. What is happening to me? Am I turning into some kind of perv? His body was magnificent. At 15, he already had a developing sixpack. Not from weightlifting, just from being thin and active. He stood 5'8" [1.70 m] and maybe 160 lbs [70 kg]. Life may not have been kind to them, but these boys were certainly gifted in the cock department. I watched the boys splash and play in the pool for over an hour. They tried repeatedly to get me in with them, but I was more than a little afraid of what might transpire. At one point Toby walked up the steps right in front of me. Dripping wet, and cold, his penis was still at least 4 inches [10 cm] and thick. When I step out of the pool I have what I call 'button dick'. He came to where I was sitting, and picked up a towel. I cursed myself for buying such long towels, because as he wiped his face, the towel hung to his feet, blocking my view of his delightful form. "Are you sure you won't come in with us, Rob?" Toby pleaded. It took all of my strength to decline. "Maybe next time Toby," he again seemed delighted that I implied that there would be a next visit. I had a great time just watching the boys enjoy the pool. Pools should be enjoyed by children, and my was woefully lacking in that area. All good things must end though, as I reminded the boys that we had things to do. When they climbed out, I had trouble deciding which to watch dress. The decision was made for me when they both, unabashedly, toweled off and dressed right in front of me. I suddenly knew that I wanted them. I may not have been a boylover before, but at that moment, I changed. I wanted them more than any woman I had ever been with. I wanted to help them because I had been feeling sympathetic to their situation, I still did, but now I was also feeling a deep seated lust. On the way to the DMV, both boys talked about how much they liked my pool, and expressed a desire to return. Of course, I agreed to let them. The coast was clear at Toby's car, which I assume was actually his mother's. It was at least twenty years old, worn down by the elements, and blew dark smoke out when it was started. I gave Toby several pointers, and precautions, before following him closely to his house. When we arrived, Toby made a quick dash inside to see his mom, but was thwarted by Ada. I saw her stop him dead in his tracks at the door. Arm straight, hand flat on his chest, pushed off the porch. Toby jumped back in my car, with a frightened look back at Ada. "She said to come back later. Has she ever given you those mean eyes?" "Ah 3; yes, I have been a recipient of those eyes on a few occasions. Do you boys like Italian food?" Aldo is a friend of mine, and I handle his investments. Fortunately I'm good at it, and have made him a bundle. I always get excellent treatment at his establishment and never need a reservation. I called ahead and warned him that I was coming with two underdressed boys. He was very understanding. Most people make reservations at least a week in advance, and dress very nice to go his place. We entered through the back and got a secluded rounded booth so not to disturb his other patrons. No one saw us enter, and the long table cloth covered the boy's shorts. Both boys were well behaved and used surprisingly good table manners. I guess that sounds bad, but with their background, I didn't expect much. I could only assume their mother tried to teach them well before she fell ill. Dinner was wonderful, with the boys and I sampling each other's dishes. I asked Toby "What would your mother like for us to bring her for dinner?" "She doesn't eat much these days. I can get her to eat soup mostly." I ordered her a bowl of Minestrone and a side of angel hair pasta with meat sauce. Back at their house, I wasn't surprised to see the place looking much cleaner. Ada came out of Mrs. Campbell's room, and the boys rushed in. Ada's grim look spoke volumes. "You have got to help this woman," she said in a hushed tone. "You have no idea what she has been through. I will do all I can, but she needs your help too." "What did she tell you, and how am I supposed to help?" I felt at a loss as to what she expected of me. "I don't know yet, she is pretty tight lipped. I do know that if you don't help her, I will lose all respect for you." Now that was a threat I took seriously. I entered the room at the tail of a Jacob's retelling of the day's events. "And I went swimming naked. It was a blast." Mrs. Campbell's eyes went immediately to me. "Naked huh? Did Robert make you get naked?" she asked, her eyes never leaving me. "Not exactly," he lowered his head and said. "He told me I couldn't go swimming because I didn't have any dry clothes to wear to dinner. So I stripped and jumped in while they weren't looking," he admitted guiltily. Phew!! That was close! Holding out the bag, "We brought you some dinner," I said trying to change the subject. Ada took the proffered bag and said. "I'll make sure she eats. I'm staying here tonight. You take the boys with you. I kind of stole their mattresses." I looked down at the bunk, and sure enough, now there were three thin mattresses under Mrs. Campbell. Jacob was the first to react. "Really? We're going to stay at your house tonight?" Toby just looked worried. Ada put her hand on Toby's shoulder. "She'll be fine, I'll be with her." Mrs. Campbell patted his hand and said "Go on, baby. Pack a change of clothes." The two boys left the room, and then I heard Jacob exclaim. "She did my laundry 3; THANKS ADA ! " "She's an angel, I can't thank you enough for sending her over." Mrs. Campbell gratefully acknowledged. "Thank her, not me, I couldn't have kept her away if I tried." When the boys were ready, we said our goodbyes and I told Ada to call me tomorrow. At the house, I showed the boys upstairs and let them choose a room. Toby chose the one next to mine, and Jacob took one on the other side of the stairs. "Toby ! This room is bigger than our whole house," Jacob exclaimed as he saw his room. It wasn't quite true, but close. "I even got my own bathroom !" "Yes you do, and try not to pee on the floor," Toby retorted. "Fuck you, Toby," I am definitely going to have to work on that kid's language. It had been a very long day, so in my room I sat in a recliner and put my feet up. I was mentally rehashing the day's events, when Jacob came crashing into the room. "Can we go swimming again? You said next time we come over, you would go swimming with us," I wish I had the energy of a 13 year old. "Well it's getting kind of late 3;" I started "It's only like nine, 3; come on, 3; please?" How does any parent say no to their kid? "Oh, alright. Go see if Toby wants to join us." "Yea !!" and he disappeared. I met the boys at the top of the stairs, and we all went down together. I picked up the pad that controls a lot of electronic functions in the house, and turned on the pool and patio lights. Both boys watched through the glass wall as I adjusted the lighting to be less bright, and turned on the colored lights in the pool. I thought it would be fun, so I set them to change colors, sort of like a light show in the pool. "I'll get us some towels from the cabana" As I exited the cabana, I saw both boys waiting by the pool, completely naked. My heart immediately pumped all blood to my groin. By the time I reached them, I was fully erect. I tried to stall by laying the towels on a lounge chair, taking off my flip flop shoes, but they just stood waiting. Seeing them didn't help matters any. I remained iron like. I finally had to face the music, and took off my shirt and pants and boxers. "Rob's got a boner. Rob's got a boner," Jacob chanted until Toby backhanded him in the chest. "Yes, Rob has a boner. I haven't had time to uh 3; take care of it today, and all this naked flesh isn't helping," I reasoned. "You mean 3; like jerk off? Do you jerk off Rob?" Damn Jacob can be a pain. "Yes, Jacob, all males jerk off. Even after they marry. It's just nature at its finest." "Well, if that's nature, I fucking love it," said Jacob as he thrust his hips out and gave his cock a quick tug. Which earned him another backhand from Toby. I noticed Toby's handsome sausage start to thicken and rise, but they both grabbed one of my arms and pulled me into the pool, before I could see the final results. The cool water had the desired effect on my errant appendage, so I could relax and enjoy splashing around with the boys. Actually Jacob decided it was his job to splash Toby and I as much as possible. He would splash us in the face and make a mad dash away. After about thirty minutes of this, Toby and I made a silent plan of attack. I looked a Toby, a made a circling motion with my finger. He understood, and went around behind him as Jacob was splashing me. I managed to latch onto his arm and held him as Toby jumped on his back. Jacob went under, and Toby went balls up on top of his head. Right then I wanted to be Jacob. "Are you gonna stop Jacob?" Toby asked as he let him up for a second. "Never!" Down he went again. Only this time he was prepared. Suddenly Toby had a pained expression on his face. His eyes flew open and he gritted his teeth, and sank. I saw Jacob's form swim away underwater. I could tell that Toby was clutching his jewels as he sank to the bottom. I grabbed Toby by his shoulders and pulled him up and over to the stairs. He was still holding his groin. "The little bastard squeezed my nuts," he grimaced. "Let me have a look." There is a God, and he just smiled down on me. I actually had an excuse to not only look closely at, but to touch that beautiful piece of equipment. Toby released his grip and I leaned in. Now, I'm no doctor, but I have certainly played with my own nut sack enough to know what feels right. I moved his cock to the side, that in itself was thrilling, and hefted his nuts. They aren't quite as big as goose eggs, but larger than a hen's. I closely examined each testicle, slowly rolling it around with my fingers. I felt around in the sack itself, and didn't find anything abnormal. What I did find upon releasing his nuts was an absolutely magnificent 9½ inch [24 cm] erection. Thick and strong, with a plum size knob at the end. I hadn't noticed, because I was preoccupied, that my own 5 incher [13 cm] reared it's ugly head. I looked at Toby and he was staring right at it. I surrendered to my own lust. "Did he hurt this?" I whispered to Toby, as I grasped his steely weapon. He didn't react at first, just stared at my equally hard dick. I stroked slowly up and down his cock a couple of times. "Does this hurt?" He finally said "No, it feels good 3; I mean it doesn't hurt." "I don't think you are permanently injured," I said as I continued to stroke it slowly. "But, why don't you just sit down on the stairs a bit, and uh 3; cool off?" He had to set on the second step before his cock was submerged. "Jacob, come here!" He knew he was in trouble from the tone of my voice. "If you ever purposely hurt anyone again, you will not be allowed in my pool. Is that understood?" Jacob appeared to be remorseful. "I'm really sorry Toby, I didn't mean to squeeze so hard," he said nearly in tears himself. "It's alright bro, just try to be more careful." "Okay boys, let's rinse off in the cabana. Have either of you ever been in a sauna?" We all walked naked to the cabana, and rinsed off in the men's room. I started the steam in the sauna, and we all entered with towels around our waists, and sat on separate benches inside. I was straining to get an eyeful of each of the boys, when Toby came up to the top bench with me. He nonchalantly spread his towel and sat on it, fully exposed. "How are your jewels feeling?" I asked him "Okay I guess. How long do you think it would take if they were going to swell up?" "No more than a few minutes I would think. Probably would have happened by now," I answered, trying to reassure him. "Could 3; uh 3; could you check them again later, just to be sure?" "Sure Toby, if it will make you feel better." Visions of sugarplums danced in my head. Santa came early. Chapter 2We left the cabana, and went to the game/theater room, where I put on a video. There are tiered levels of recliners in this room, fifteen recliners on three levels. Spaced alternating so there are no blocked views of the large screen. Lighting is on a rheostat, to be adjusted for optimum viewing or gaming. The boys had put on the clothes they arrived in. Set up with popcorn and sodas, I left the boys with instructions to go to bed after the movie. I finally got to retire to my own bedroom. I was exhausted. The day's events were heavy on my mind, so I undressed and climbed into bed, praying that sleep would overtake me soon. I lay tossing for a while, and then decided to read some, to relax my mind. I turned on the bedside lamp, and picked up the latest novel I was reading. Soon there came a light tapping at my chamber door. E.A. Poe had nothing on this old bird, I chuckled to myself. "Yes, come in." "Sir, are you awake? Am I disturbing you?" "I'm awake, Toby. Is something wrong? Is Jacob alright?" "Yes sir Jacob is fine. He fell asleep while watching the movie. I made him go to bed," he said as he entered. Even in the dim light I could see he was wearing the same shorts, but no shirt. "Well, what can I help you with then, Toby?" "I don't have any p.j.s or underwear, is it alright if I sleep nude?" It seemed odd to me that he would have to ask that. I mean, if he hadn't asked, I wouldn't have known if he did. "Sure Toby, that's perfectly fine." He hesitated as if there was more on his mind. "Is there something else, Toby?" "Would 3; umm would you check again to be sure there isn't any swelling or bruising or something?" he asked rather shyly. Several questions popped into my head. Was he really concerned about his equipment? Was this a ruse to get me to play with his cock. He knows I stroked it in the pool, with his brother only twenty feet [5 m] away. Surely he would suspect that I would do it again. Was this a setup to get me arrested? Somehow I thought not. "Sure, Toby, come closer," said the spider to the fly. He sat on the bed beside me, looking more than a little nervous. He wasn't the only one, my heart was pounding in my chest. "You may want to lose those shorts," I directed. When he stood to take off his shorts, I swung my legs out of the covers and off the bed, revealing my own nudity. Toby noticed as he sat down again beside me. I placed my hand on his shoulder and put slight pressure on it. He took the hint and leaned back on his elbows, exposing his whole body to my inspection. His penis lay on his thigh, pointing toward me. Not fully erect, but by no means limp either. I took a second to memorize every aspect of this heavenly creature. I leaned over and moved his penis to the other thigh, and picked up his testicles for inspection. Much as I enjoyed looking at his balls, my attention was drawn to his cock which had risen to its full glory. I continued the pretend examination for a moment, while palming his nutsack. Dropping his nuts, I grasped his cock and heard a sudden intake of breath from Toby. I stroked it just a few times and asked "Does this hurt?" "Mm No sir, it feels real good." After a few more slow strokes I asked "Have you done this before, Toby?" "No sir. Well, I've done it to myself, but nobody else." Keeping up the slow pace another minute I asked him "Should I stop, Toby" "No. I mean 3; if you don't mind sir," he moaned out "I don't mind Toby. You are a beautiful boy. I would do this for you anytime." I quickened the pace a little, and could feel his response. I watched my hand moving up and down on that handsome stalk. Its bulbous knob becoming crimson with growing need. I don't know when or why, but suddenly I was aware of his cock in my mouth. It must have been his moaning that alerted me to what I was doing, but I didn't stop. I needed his essence in me. It was the first time I ever sucked a cock, and I wanted to suck this one a lot. I felt his body begin to quiver. I sped up my efforts and took more of him in. He tensed, raised his hips slightly off the bed, and blasted my gullet with his thick nectar. I counted six large pulses before he relaxed back down on the bed. I continued to coax more of his boy cream from him, reveling in its flavor. His orgasm over, I still was reluctant to release his cock from my mouth. I wanted it to last as long as possible in case I never got to experience it again. When I finally removed myself from his loins, I looked at him and asked "Is that what you wanted, Toby?" "I was kind of hoping that you would want to." "You've never done anything with anybody?" "No sir, between going to school and taking care of Jacob and Mom, I don't have much time for friends." "I know what you mean. That was a first for me too. I had never even thought about doing that to someone until today. Most of the day, it was all I could think about, even at the DMV, I wanted to touch you." "You were so nice to me, and when I noticed you looking, you know, at me. I wanted you to see me, all of me. When you got all hard at the pool, I hoped it was because of seeing me naked." "It was Toby. I couldn't control it any longer. And when you got hurt, I wanted to do it right there in front of Jacob. It took all my willpower not to." He lay back and I caressed his beautiful torso and down to his thighs. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to admire and stroke his cock again, which arose quite quickly. I asked him to stand in front of me, and he did. I wanted him to see my face as I paid homage to him. He moaned out loud as I took his cock in my mouth again, trying desperately to accommodate all of it. I looked up at him as I grabbed his hips pulling him deeper into my throat. I gagged, but I didn't care if I choked to death. His strong young cock was unyielding so I had to be. I pulled harder forcing my throat to open and accept its fate, its reward, its destiny. I still couldn't take it all in. I pulled back and sucked on the head a bit, all the time looking at his angelic face. I was determined to take him all. Again I grabbed his butt cheeks and pulled him into me. My throat opened and I swallowed him down until I could feel his fur on my nose. I heard him let out a deep breathy moan. This is where I belonged. Where I wanted to stay. Attached to this boy, with his cock lodged deep in me. He allowed me to pleasure him until he couldn't hold back any longer. I felt his legs shaking, so I pulled on his ass again, lodging that beast of a cock all the way down my throat where he deposited his sweet boy juice. I was a receptacle for his seed, and that was all I wanted. All that time I was afraid to touch my own cock, it would take very little for me to blow my load. His cock stayed in my mouth till it wilted, all the while I nursed on it lovingly. I finally released it, and looked up at Toby and said "Thank you for letting me do that. I enjoyed it immensely." "Do you want me to do you?" Toby offered seeing my hard on. "No Toby, that's not necessary." "I don't mind, I will try if you want." "Maybe next time." Toby smiled again at the hint of another visit. He turned and started away. "Hey Toby," I tossed his shorts at him "I prefer you naked, but you might need those," he smiled and left. *** I slept late the next day. Not sure if it was because of the long day before, or the two loads of Toby's cum in my belly. Or maybe because of the two loads I shot after he left. Either way as I came down, Toby offered me scrambled eggs and coffee. Jacob had eaten and was already in the pool. "That boy must be part fish," I told Toby. "Yes he has always enjoyed the water, just doesn't get to do it often. And sometimes he smells fishy too," he laughed. He was standing beside my chair as he poured my coffee, I reached out and rubbed his crotch through his worn out jeans. "How do you feel about last night?" I could feel his cock respond to my fingers. "I enjoyed it a lot," Toby replied as his cock became rigid. "What I meant was, are you okay with it? Are you angry with me or think less of me for doing that?" "No sir. I really wanted it to happen, and I'm glad it did. I always wondered what it would feel like, and I'm glad it was you who showed me." I turned in my chair so my back was to the glass wall. "Keep an eye on Jacob," I told him as I unfastened his jeans. His cock had barely hit the open air when I engulfed it. This time he placed his hands on the back of my head and face fucked me. He did most of the work, moving his hips back and forth, sawing that beautiful cock in and out of my throat. Tears rolled down my cheeks as he forced more and more in me. He knew that's what I wanted, and that's what he gave me. My throat would just have to get accustomed to being invaded by his great cock. I ran my hands up and down his sides as he moved, and squeezed his ass when he went in deep, encouraging him to give me more. When he unloaded this time my nose was pressed flat against his pubis, and he held me there as he fired his nectar directly into my gullet. Again I coaxed the last few precious drops from him so I could taste it. I rolled the pearly morsel around in my mouth before allowing it to join the rest in my belly. "I don't think I will ever get tired of doing that for you," I told Toby. "Me either," he chuckled as he zipped his jeans. Then he ask me "Are you going to do it for Jacob too?" "You're very special to me Toby. If you want me to I will. If you don't, I won't," he looked thoughtful for a moment, but didn't respond. I assumed he didn't want me to. I had just finished my coffee, wishing I'd had Toby flavor it with his cream, when my cell phone went off. It was Ada. "You have to keep the boys a while longer. I called Dr. Pham, he is coming over during his lunch break. I will have their mom call them tonight." I hope I didn't sound too excited when I said "Whatever you think best, Ada. How are you holding up?" "I'm good. Mrs. Campbell isn't so good though. Are you and the boys getting along?" She didn't know just how well we were getting along. "We'll be fine Ada. Just do what you can for her." Dr. Pham was an intern, living next door to me when I picked up Ada. He help us through her withdrawals and rehab and nursing her back to health. He has been our doctor and friend ever since. Ada cared for him almost as much as she did me. In fact, truth be known, she had a bit of a crush on him for a while. What was I going to do with the boys all day? I looked out the glass wall and saw Toby talking to a naked Jacob. He was just a smaller version of his brother. Then it dawned on me. These boys needed clothes. The jeans Toby was wearing were almost threadbare. I doubted Jacob's clothes were any better. Toby had already confessed to not having any underwear. I went to the pool and told Jacob it was time to get out. He was disappointed, but didn't argue. "I have some errands to run, then after that we can get lunch." We piled into my Escalade and headed to the mall. We entered one of the stores that is very popular with the kids these days, and got a clerk's attention. I told him to measure the boys to be sure they get the proper sizes but let them pick out what they wanted. "Really? Anything I want?" asked Jacob. Toby just smiled at me. That was worth any amount I would spend there. "Yes Jacob. Just be sure to get some daily wear and dress clothes as well." I love being rich, especially at times like this when it makes these boys happy. The clerk measured Toby first, jotting down the sizes as he went. I watched as he spent what seemed like extra time measuring Toby's inseam. With his left hand at Toby's foot, his right hand came up under Toby's groin. I saw him lean in to see the tape measure, and his hand moved back and forth a couple of times against Toby's jewels. The clerk's eyes sort of lit up, when he realized how well endowed my boy was. He did the same for Jacob, but when he got to the inseam, Jacob said "Hey, watch my junk man." I found a place to sit while they went wild. Both boys would come out of the dressing room and show me something or other then disappear again. The pile of clothes on the checkout counter grew rapidly. The clerk, his name tag called him Derrick, was in hog heaven. He must get a commission and fortunately the store wasn't busy. I was reminded of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, shopping on Rodeo Drive. At one point Toby stuck his head out of the dressing room door, and motioned for me to come there. When I approached the door, he opened it while hiding behind it. He closed the door behind me, and my breath was taken away. He was wearing a very sheer red bikini brief. The pouch could barely contain his equipment. I could tell he was chubbed up, but not near fully erect. His cock was clearly visible through the thin material. "What do you think of these?" He knew exactly what I thought of them. "I don't know 3; Maybe we should get Derrick's opinion," Toby broke out in an almost evil grin, and nodded. I got Derrick's attention and he came right over. "What do you think about this?" Toby was standing with his beautiful body almost naked, and that over ladened brief. "Oh my," he said breathlessly "It's magnificent. Just Magnificent" Reaching down to Toby's crotch, I palmed his jewels and squeezed them a little. I could feel his cock react to my touch. "I don't know. they seem a little tight here," I wiggled it a little, and let go. As we watched Toby became completely erect and the bikini gave way to his meat. I'm not sure, but I think Derrick creamed his jeans. He groaned a bit and seemed quite shaken. Staring at Toby's cock as it escaped the useless pouch, he said "Uh yes, Oh God, uh maybe another style would be better for his uh 3; wonder 3; I mean his equipment." He dashed out and came back with a boxer brief, that was just as sheer, but had more room. Toby slowly peeled down the bikini, his cock swayed back and forth fully erect. Then he pulled on the boxer, wiggling his hips as he did. He and his cock put on quite a show for us. I know I was hard, and I suspect Derrick enjoyed it more than I. With his cock pointing up passed his navel, and thick as a sausage, Toby asked "What do you think?" "Just 3; Magnificent." Derrick seemed to have a limited vocabulary, or was overcome by the sight. When we were ready to check out, Derrick said. "I'm giving you my employee discount, come back anytime and ask for me. I would love to help you make your choices." I'm not sure, but I think that was directed at Toby. The boys had only been to the movie theater a few times in their lives, so after lunch in the food court at the mall, we went to the movies. We arrived home, and was greeted by Ada. I told the boys to take their packages to their rooms, so I would have a chance to speak to Ada. "She is in a lot of pain," Ada started out with. "Dr. Pham said she couldn't stay in that drafty old house, so I brought her here. She is in the pool house, so I can keep an eye on her at night." "How long did he say it will take her to get well?" I asked innocently. "Get well? She's not going to get well. She is in the last stages of cancer, it has metastasized to most of her organs. All we can do is make her comfortable. Pham gave her a prescription for really strong pain killers, but she isn't going to last more than a couple of weeks." "A couple of weeks? What about the boys? What's going to happen to them?" My concern about Mrs Campbell was overridden by the boy's' welfare. "All I can say is, it's a good thing you found them or they would have been in that old house with a dead woman till the authorities caught up with them." Ada was playing the sympathy card big time. Toby came in about then. "Ada, how's my mom?" "She's good Toby. She's in the pool house." "She's here?" With that he ran out to see her. "Ada, get Jacob and take him to his mother. I have a few calls to make." An hour and a half later, I emerged from my office to find both boys in the pool, naked of course. Ada was preparing dinner. I was going to have a chat with her, when it occurred to me that Mrs. Campbell could possibly see the boys from her bed. I hurried to the pool house to close the drapes, but I was too late. "My sons are really beautiful, aren't they?" she said as I entered. "Yes, quite handsome. How are you feeling?" "I'm alright," she answered, her eyes never leaving her sons. "They seem to like swimming nude. I haven't seen them like that for a very long time. It appears they take after their father in one respect," she said rather fondly. I had to chuckle at that. "Yeah, they are both gifted for sure." "You know Toby loves you. Well, they both like you, but Toby loves you." "I'm very fond of them too, Mrs Campbell. Which brings up the matter I wanted to talk to you about. Do you realize how ill you are?" "Yes. I have known for a while. What you really want to know is what is to happen to my sons. They have no family that could or would take them. I have worried about it for almost a year." "Regarding that, I had a chat with my attorney 3;" "I thought you might. I assume you ask him to draw up some sort of agreement about them. Let's be honest here. From what I can see, those boys are quite irresistible. I have no doubts about what might transpire between the three of you. I just have a few questions. "When Jacob said you had a big house and a pool, I had no idea it was like this, so it is obvious you can afford them. "Can you be a good father figure for them? I know that Jacob respects you, more than anyone else but me, and that is saying a lot. He has had no respect for any man until you. Toby loves and respects you. So I guess you will have influence with them. "How do you feel about them? I can tell you are already smitten with them, and as I said earlier, that is going to 3; shall we say, progress. "Is your feelings for them strong enough to put up with two rambunctious boys long term? Ada answered that one. She told me all you've done for her, when no one else would. When I asked about your ex wife she called her a slut, which answered the commitment question. She told me she offered her body to you as payment, but you declined. That takes a special kind of person. I know that you will not do anything to them that they don't want. "Can you care for them and be responsible for them? Again, all that you've done for Ada answers that. "It's obvious they will have a better chance at a good life with you, than the department of social services. Therefore, If you give me your promise to never hurt my boys, I will sign whatever is necessary." I was stunned. I expected to have a big confrontation with her. I stood with my mouth agape for a moment. "Do you have something to say Robert?" I snapped out of my funk and said "No. Uh 3; You are a very intuitive woman. And to answer your question, I promise." "Good, then we have an understanding." Again with the understanding, that I'm not sure I understand. "Will you send the boys in? First have them put on some clothes, this will be awkward enough without me staring at their penises." When the boys came back into the house, Ada served us a nice meal. She took a tray for her and Mrs Campbell out to the pool house. I could see both of them had the puffy red eyes that only comes from a long bout of crying. Neither of them spoke, or ate very much dinner. After dinner they both silently went to their rooms. I was sitting in the den, when Ada returned with the tray of empty dishes. She tidied the kitchen and started the dishwasher, before coming into the den. She looked at me the way she did when I first got her straight. Then she came up to me, took my face in her hands and kissed me. Then she left for the pool house without a word. The house was eerily quiet. You would never guess there were five people present, so I decided retire to my room. It was around ten o'clock when there was a light knock at my door. Toby entered, I could tell he had been crying again. "Are you okay?" "I guess. It's just so hard. I mean, I knew she was sick, but she's dieing." "I'm so sorry Toby. I wish there were something I can do to help her." I put my arm around his shoulder, and he tucked his head under my chin. "What did she talk to you about?" I wondered if she told him everything. "She told us she wouldn't be in pain any more because you got her some meds. She said that the angels must have sent you to us, because she didn't know what would have happened if you hadn't come along. "She said that we will be living with you from now on. That you are going to take real good care of us. We talked about what she expected of us, like finishing school and such. She wants us to grow up happy and strong. And not to worry about her, that she is going to a better place." He raised his head and looked at me. "Mostly she talked about you. For us not to fight with each other, or argue with you. Then she said the strangest thing. She told us that you are a kind and caring man. That you wouldn't force us to do anything, but to let our hearts and our heads guide us. Do you think she was talking about 3; you know 3; what you and I did?" "Yes Toby I believe she was speaking of that specifically, but it is wise advice about many things." "So she said it's okay to do that with you if I want?" "Yes she did, and she is right, that I will not force you. I would never do that. And most importantly, you must understand that you and Jacob will be welcome here whether you do it or not. I don't want you to think that you have to in order to keep your place here. Having you and Jacob with me is reward enough. If you want to do those things, then it's just icing on the cake to me. The same goes for Jacob. I don't require him to do it either." "Do you think she knows what we did?" "Well of course she couldn't know for sure, unless you or I told her. But, I'm sure she suspects it has or will happen. Mothers always seem to know these things. She told me basically the same thing." "Really? She told you it's alright for us to do it" He was more than a little shocked. "As long as I don't hurt or force you, which I assured her I wouldn't." He lay his head back on my chest, and sat quietly for a moment. I thought he had drifted off, then he said "Can we sleep with you tonight?" "We?" I asked curiously. "Yes, Jacob and me were talking about it, but I told him I wanted to speak with you first. He's waiting for me to come get him." "Of course you can. You and Jacob get ready for bed and then come in." "Can we use your shower?" he asked grinning from ear to ear. "First my bed then my shower 3; what else do you want, my car?" I kidded He opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him "Never mind, don't answer that. Go get your brother." Jacob hadn't yet seen my quarters. They came in with an armload of bed stuff, and went straight to the bath. "Holy shit," Jacob exclaimed. I am going to work on that boy's vocabulary. I had shown Toby how to work the control panel, and soon I heard the shower going. They played around in there almost an hour. I didn't want to break up their fun considering the circumstances, so I read my book, and waited. The shower went off, then I hear sounds of toothbrushing, spitting rinsing etc. Finally the boys came out in matching fluffy bathrobes that I keep by the dozens in stock. They just stood looking at me until I put my book down on the bedside table. Then they dropped the robes to reveal they were wearing matching sheer blue briefs. Like the ones that Derrick had picked out for Toby. My breath caught as I took in the sight. Michelangelo could not have sculpted a more perfect vision of boyhood splendor. Jacob climbed over me to get to that side, and Toby scooted me over to the center of the bed, then turned out the lamp and crawled in beside me. neither boy seem to mind that I was naked. I placed my arm under Jacob's head and pulled him close. Toby faced us on his side. Sleep soon overtook us. I awoke once during the night, when I felt wetness on my arm. I could just make out Jacob's shoulder quivering, as he cried softly. I spooned in behind him and wrapped both my arms around and drew him closer. I held him and kissed the back of his head, and whispered "Everything is going to be alright. You're safe here." His sobs soon stopped and his breathing deepened in sleep. The next time I woke, I had a raging morning wood in my ass crack, and my equally excited dick was in Jacob's crack. The boys were still asleep, but I was the one in dreamland. I just lay there, god knows how long, till Jacob stirred. "Hey Rob. Your dick is in my butt," he laughed. "Yeah, you wish it was," I retorted as he rolled away. Then he reversed course and jumped on me. This woke Toby, and soon we were wrestling around on the bed. Naked me, and two nearly naked teen boys. There really is a God, and once in awhile he tosses us a bone. I finally surrendered, Jacob stood up on the bed, and posed flexing his muscles. It was then I noticed that at only 13 his cock was as big, if not bigger than mine. These boys were certainly gifted. Ada entered with my morning espresso, and just shook her head at the sight before her. She had seen my morning erection many times over the years, but the boys larger ones were new to her. As she neared, she said "Oh my, they certainly build boys differently now than they did when I was that age." Jacob bowed to her and said "Thank ya kindly ma'am." "Beds are not made for standing on young man." Then, glaring at me she added "And you shouldn't let him." Ada handed me the four shots of espresso, and shooed the boys to the kitchen for breakfast. I relieved myself, drank my coffee, and dressed. In the kitchen I found both boys still in their undies. My erection returned, only not from needing to pee. Ada had prepared a tray for Mrs. Campbell, so I took it out to her. "How was your evening?" she asked as I helped her sit up. "Rather quiet, actually," I answered guardedly. "Ada said both my sons slept with you last night. You didn't waste much time," she accused, never looking up from her plate. "Mrs. Campbell 3; I 3; wait, 3; what is your first name. You are living in my house, we should be on a first name basis." "It's Gloria. I'm sorry I didn't say before." "Well, Gloria, I assure you that nothing occurred last night. The boys were understandably upset, and just needed comforting. As far as wasting time, I did not instigate their coming to my room. They came of their own accord. I held Jacob in my arms, as he cried himself to sleep. That is as close to intimate contact we had," I said defensively. She looked up at me and smiled. "I assumed as much. I just wanted to be sure you were doing what is expected of you. They needed you last night. Even I couldn't comfort them at that time, only you. They needed to know that they could count on you to be there for them, even in dire circumstances. They needed to know that you would be there and not expect 3; shall we say 3; reward. Thank you Robert. I know now that I made the right decision, and can go with an unburdened heart and mind." "Mrs 3; Gloria, you are a remarkable woman. I wished we had met under better conditions. Where were you ten years ago." "I was already raising my sons, while you were still playing at school." "Indeed. Still I am pleased to have met someone like you." "Ditto," she smiled. Toby and Jacob came in, fortunately they had dressed first. I left them alone with their mother. I found Ada cleaning the kitchen. I realized that she had been working hard the last few days, and most likely would be working hard from now on. With two teen boys. and sloppy me. her life just got a lot more difficult. "Ada, how would you like a raise? How about 25%?" "Robert, you know I will stay regardless, but I do appreciate it," she leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Okay 3; Okay 3; 50% and not a penny more." That earned me another kiss. When the boys came in, I told them to get ready to leave, we had shopping to do. We went to an upscale furniture store, and as I spoke with their in house decorator, the boys meandered around. I told the decorator what I wanted and showed her pictures I had taken with my phone. By the time I finished, Toby was waiting patiently, while Jacob had opened every recliner on their showroom floor. I told him he had to put them back in their upright position, before we could leave. We then went to the mall. As we passed, Derrick was standing in the door of the clothing store. Toby stopped in front of him and pulled down the side of his jeans so that Derrick could see the briefs he was wearing. I'm sure I saw drool on the corner of his mouth as we left. "You are such a tease," I whispered to Toby. "Yeah, but I sure made his day brighter." "Yes, you did Toby, and mine." We entered the electronics store, and a clerk asked if he could help us. "I want two desktop systems with cameras and printers, two laptops, two pads and two cell phones. I need delivery tomorrow, with a tech to install and integrate with my system at home." When the clerk picked his jaw up off the floor, he went to work. Twenty minutes later, the boys were calling each other on their phones. Another thirty minutes later we walked out. We had lunch in the food court, and stopped to see Derrick. He insisted on showing us the newest style of jeans that had just come in. With a smile, Toby asked Derrick if he could help him try them on. Jacob declined any assistance, so I went in with Toby and Derrick. Derrick got down on one knee, and unzipped Toby's pants. As he slid them down, a gasp escaped him, and his eyes never left Toby's brief covered cock. By the time Derrick pulled the new pair on, Toby was fully erect, and bulging out the briefs. With his cock pointing upwards, the jeans wouldn't close, which delighted Derrick. He pulled the waistband of the briefs away, and pushed Toby's large cock to the side. Then slowly fastened and zipped him up. Had I not been there, I know he would have taken further liberties. Toby wore his jeans out of the store. Both boys got a pair, and of course we got Derrick's employee discount. Jacob wanted ice cream, so Toby and I waited while he went to get it. "Do you want to do more with Derrick?" I asked him. "No, he is just so much fun to tease. I've never done that before, so it's fun." After the mall, I took Toby over to a driving school and signed him up. I checked the box that said legal guardian for the first time ever. It was a bit of a stretch, but inevitable. Toby was ecstatic, because of the lessons, and the guardianship. By the time we got home, there was a delivery truck in the drive. Two men were carrying a desk up the stairs under Ada's close scrutiny. I went to Jacob's room to check what was done there. Ada had obviously read my mind about how I wanted it all arranged. When the computers arrive tomorrow, both boys will have a beautiful place for their schoolwork and computer time. I told Ada about the electronics delivery and set up, and about Toby's driving lessons. They didn't start for three weeks, and most likely she would be taking him to them. Out in the pool house, I found both boys excitedly telling their mother about their day. Soon she asked them to leave so we could talk. "Tell me Robert, why the desks?" "They need to know that this is their home, and it will be their home for a long time. The desks implies school, which to them is pretty far away, and long term." "Mmhmm, and the computers?" she asked. "That was just fun. You should have seen their faces when the clerk handed them their phones 3; just priceless," I said smiling. "They called each other while we were in the car." "My sons have never had much, and they have never had a father, thank you Robert. I think you better hurry with those papers though," she said looking rather grim. Jim, my attorney, and lifelong friend showed up at a little after six. Thankfully both boys were fully dressed. Jim has been my best friend since second grade. He is also the only guy I ever jerked off with at the age of twelve. He now has a wife and two kids, though I usually only see them at holiday parties and such. He had a stack of papers for Mrs. Campbell and I to sign. Ada witnessed the signatures, and Jim's wife would add her signature later. Gloria seemed relieved to have gotten it done in time. She told Jim that I was an angel, and that she made a good decision. Jim heartily agreed, telling her he had known me almost his entire life, and that a better man couldn't be found. That made Gloria feel even better. I was touched, even teared up a little. We invited Jim to stay for dinner, but he said he'd take a raincheck. Bedtime arrived none too soon for me. I was in my shower, just letting the warm water cascade over my tired body, when the shower door was opened. Toby stood there nude "Would you mind if I joined you?" What a stupid question. I went from limp to iron bar, in record time. His beautiful body is quite inspiring. He spotted my erection, and took it in his hand. I almost fainted from sheer pleasure. Having a huge cock of his own, mine couldn't be impressive, but he looked at it lovingly. Which is more than I could say about my ex wife. Toby knelt down and took my dick in his mouth for the first time. I had to brace myself, or I would have fallen over. I looked down and saw this beautiful 15 year old god with his lips around my dick. After only about a minute, I pushed his head away before I unloaded in his mouth. I pulled him under the spray and wet him down. I grabbed a bottle of shampoo, and lathered his hair, gently massaging his scalp. I got a washcloth, and soaped his body from shoulders to toes. I spent longer than necessary washing his back and butt, and even more on his chest and abs. You can't imagine the wonder I felt being able to worship at this temple. On my knees, I took his god cock into my mouth again. I went slowly trying to make it last just so I could savor the experience. He watched me as I made oral love to his magnificent cock. All too soon, I felt him swell even larger and explode in my throat. This was the best shower I've ever had. When he had gone completely limp, I released his cock, and rinsed us both off. I retrieved two fluffy robes from a drawer and handed one to Toby. We went into my bedroom, and I got us both a bottle of ice cold water from my bar. "My mom signed all those papers your friend brought over?" "Yes Toby, she did." "So you're my father now?" "Not exactly. I'm your legal guardian. As far as the law is concerned, I am responsible for you, and can make decisions regarding your health and welfare. Like school and if you need a doctor, stuff like that." Toby looked thoughtful for a moment, then asked "May I call you Dad?" My heart jumped into my throat. I grabbed him and pulled him close with both my arms around him. I was literally shaking. I finally choked out "Absolutely nothing could please me more." We chatted for a few more minutes, then he asked "Can I sleep with you tonight?" "I would be delighted to wake up with you beside me." We took off our robes and lay down together, and I drank in the vision of his naked body in my bed, before turning out the light. I ran my hand around his chest a couple of times and then I bumped into his rejuvenated cock. I grasped it and stroked it for a few minutes, before plunging beneath the covers to swallow him again. I will never tire of sucking him. It's life giving nourishment to me. His gasping and moaning, music to my ears. I caught the first three shots in my mouth before I had to swallow. The next three were just as plentiful, so I swallowed again. I finally caught the remaining dribbles on my tongue, which I spread around the fat head of his cock before swallowing it. I again, was allowed to nurse on his wonderful weapon until it was soft. When I joined him on the pillow, Toby started under the cover. "Toby, you don't have to do that." "I know I don't 3; I want to do it." Never in my life have I had a more enjoyable blow job. No he wasn't masterful, his technique wasn't perfect. His teeth even got me once. But it was my boy doing it for me. He was able to take my entire five inches [13 cm] fairly easily, and did so several times. Of course after the happenings in the shower and in the bed, I was already on the verge of cumming. I lasted maybe two incredible minutes. I tried to warn him that I was going to unload, but he didn't falter, and took my load and swallowed. *** "Are you two going to sleep all day?" It was Ada, with my espresso. I opened my eyes as she sat the tray on the nightstand. Toby was still asleep spooned in behind me. "What time is it?" I asked her. "It's almost eight. You said the delivery would come around nine or I wouldn't have disturbed you." Then she turned and left. I lay there taking in the comfort I felt, being held by this incredible young boy. I can only say it felt like home. It also felt like a wooden stake was trying to get into my ass. I went under the covers. He awoke just before delivering his manna to my waiting gullet. I definitely could suck him 24/7. A little later I ask Ada to take the boys back to their old house to pick up whatever they wanted to keep from there. They took the Escalade, because it would hold more. They left about the time the tech arrived, and returned just as he finished. As he gave them instructions on the workings of the house system, and set up email and stuff for them, I went to see Gloria. I informed her the boys had picked up some of their things from the old house. "Yes I know, Toby told me. He said something I've never heard him say. He called you 'Dad'," she grasped my hand and tearfully said "He actually called you 'Dad'." and she kissed my hand. Later as they brought their old stuff in, I saw an old coffee pot on top of a box Toby was carrying upstairs. It was the kind you heat on the stove, and could see it percolate through a glass knob on top. It had to be ancient, so I ask him about it. "My mom made coffee in it most days. I would wake up early and sit with her while she had her first cups before going to work. We had some nice chats, and I felt so close to her. It was like our time, without Jacob, and it was special for us both. I just would like to keep it to remind me of those times with her." I could see the tears forming in his eyes. I hugged him to me for a moment, then I took the pot. He seemed shocked, but didn't say anything. A few minutes later he found me in the kitchen, he had a rather angry look on his face. Then he saw the percolator on the stove, doing it's thing. "Toby would you mind taking a cup of coffee to your mom?" I have never had an embrace that seemed so warm and genuine in my life, as the one I received right then. Toby went to the pool house, and a couple of minutes later, Ada came out. She walked up to me and said "You know I'm gonna wake that boy up early tomorrow, don't you?" She had tears in her eyes too. "Please do Ada, please do." Jacob came down wearing a fluffy robe, and walked out to the pool. The robe came off, revealing a very naked boy body. He then jumped into the pool. Which I'm sure Toby and his mother saw. At least now they had something to talk about. "I swear that boy is naked more than he is clothed," said Ada with a grin. "It does seem that way, doesn't it." But there was no complaint in my voice, nor hers. Chapter 3That night Toby came into my room again. We showered together, me washing his body, and he did mine. I love this time we share together. I especially love his wonderful young body, and of course the load I swallow too. In bed he went down on me first. I took a little longer than I had the night before, but not much. Then he was ready to give me my second helping of boy juice. *** "Toby, it's six o'clock," Ada said the next morning. In a sleepy haze, Toby climbed out of the bed, his solid nine inches on full display. "Oh my" unintentionally escaped from Ada, before she recovered and set my espresso on the table. "And you need to get your lazy ass up as well," she said to me, as Toby went into the bathroom. I spent much of the day in my office, trying to catch up on work I had put off the last few days. I called Mrs. Campbell's landlord and arranged to pay off the rent they were behind, and let him know they would be out by the end of the month, of course they already were in effect. At about four p.m. Ada came in and said "She asked to see the boys, I don't think it's good. I'm calling Dr. Pham." I went out to see her. Both boys were beside her bed, crying. She took my hand and whispered "Thank you Robert," I barely knew the woman, yet I felt an overwhelming loss. In an effort to maintain an appearance of strength, for the boys, I hastily left the pool house. By the time I was in the house, I was a wreck. Ada held me for a moment then went to be by Gloria's side. I poured myself a glass of scotch, and sat in the den, awaiting Dr. Pham. He arrived in about an hour. About an hour after that, the gate buzzer chimed again. This time it was Paramedics, apparently called by Pham. Shortly thereafter, they exited with her body, face covered, on a gurney. Her boys had been with her when she passed. It was difficult for them, but at least they had some measure of closure. Pham had signed the death certificate showing time of death 5:25 on 7/07. "I have no idea how to plan a funeral," I said to Ada, as the boys followed the body out to the ambulance. "It's already been done. She and I had a lot of time to talk. She told me what she wanted, and I arranged it, and paid for it. Don't you even think about paying me back either. It's the least I can do for such a remarkable woman." Toby and Jacob were understandably inconsolable. It's tough enough losing a mother at any age, but to be so young and have her ripped from your life, has to be unbearable. I held them in my arms and whispered encouragements. Ada made us sandwiches later, which went uneaten. The boys used my shower together, I didn't join them, then we all slept in my bed. She woke us early the next morning, with my espresso, and juice for the boys. They sat up, their erections quite evident, and drank their juice. I had a lot of work to do and some calls to make, so I left them and went to my office. I called Jim and told him of Gloria's passing. We had decided to run ¼ page newspaper ads in major cities around the country, asking for people who knew Gloria to contact his office. As I was on the phone with Jim, my computer was scrolling thru images that serve as a screensaver. A particular image caught my eye, and I had a brilliant idea. I told Jim what I wanted and he said he would take care of it. The next few days were tough. The only bright spot was at night, in my bed, both boys in my arms. No sex, just comfort. Although I did manage to blow Toby once while Jacob was showering. I love sucking his cock. At the funeral, there were a few people from where Gloria worked before her illness, and a few friends from the church she attended. Ada had also managed to get in touch with a few of Toby's and Jacob's friends. My parents even came. Toby's friend Tyler, and Jacob's friend Clay, were brothers who live a few houses down from the boys' old house. They struck me as being intelligent and friendly. The boys were very surprised and happy to see their friends, even under these circumstances. It was a sorrowful occasion, but we made it through. That night Jacob said he wanted to try to sleep in his own room, and Toby said he would stay with him until he fell asleep. I spent an extra long time in the bathroom, in hope that Toby would come to my room after Jacob went to sleep. When he came in, he had showered and was wearing a fluffy robe and nothing else. Without a word, I pull the covers back in invitation. When he was settled I took him in my arms and held him. After only a minute or so, I felt his large cock poking at my belly, so I asked "Will you do something for me?" "Of course, anything," he answered. I reached into the nightstand table and retrieved the lube I kept there for my personal pleasures. I applied it to him, and soon he was moaning. Then I said "I want you to fuck me." He looked at me in surprise and asked "Won't that hurt?" "I expect it will, at first anyway. But I will get used to it, and I want you in me so much. I can't tell you what it would mean to me." He studied me for a moment then nodded. I applied more lube, then turned around. Fortunately I had prepared myself a little, but I wasn't quite ready for a nine inch, coke can size cock. The fat knob at the end was hell getting past my virgin muscle ring. Toby was patient and gentle. Once the knob passed, he took it slowly, gaining ground a little at a time. It was his first experience too, yet he maintain control longer than would be expected of a 15 year old. Soon I could feel his balls just behind mine. Then he withdrew a little and pressed back in. He repeated this a few times, only taking about a three inch stroke. When I started to push back into him, he took longer strokes. He put his arm around my chest and began plowing me good. I was in heaven. I had only dreamed of this level of intimacy. To submit myself completely to someone I love. He knew I was his to use as he wished, and right now, he wished to fuck my brains out. Suddenly he stopped, he whisked that marvelous instrument of torture from me so fast I thought my guts had been removed, then he told me to turn over. I started to turn onto my stomach, but he said "No on your back. I want to see your face." Kinder words were never spoken. I turned, and he mounted me, I drew my knees up as high as I could to give him complete access to me. He placed that fat knob of his at my entrance and pushed until it popped in. Then he leaned in and kissed me on the lips. As our tongues danced together, he applied pressure, taking me fully. I wrapped my arms and legs around him. I wanted to be owned by him, and I was. He made passionate love to me like I've never known. Toby stroked me about ten times before I unloaded between our bellies. He felt the contractions in my ass, and raised up and looked down at the mess. "Did I cause that?" "Unless there is someone else in the room, yes," he was so pleased by this. He started watching my face as he continued to make love to me. It wasn't long until I came again, which prompted his own climax. I could feel him pulsing in my belly. He leaned in again and kissed me "I love you Rob." "I love you too Toby. More than you could know." As we held each other it dawned on me that he had called me Rob. for the last few days, he had called me Dad. Then I realized, he had managed to separate our duo relationship. From father/son and lovers. In the outside world, I was Dad, but in our bedroom I was Rob. He just told me he loved me. When he pulled out of me, he looked at the mess on my belly. He swiped a finger through it and held it out to my lips. "This is ours," he said as I sucked it off. Then he swiped another finger full and stuck it in his own mouth. God I love this kid. He lay down and I went to the toilet. I hated to let his essence out of my body, but I had little choice. I returned with a damp rag and cleaned him. By the time I finished, he was hard again. I bent down and kissed his lips, and he took hold of my shoulders, and pushed me onto my back. Without breaking the kiss, he entered me forcefully. He always seems to know what I want. Placing my legs on his shoulders, he fucked me hard. Taking full strokes and slamming them home. I grunted and came quickly, but he was relentless. He pounded me until he got his own enjoyment, knowing that is what I wanted. Then I cleaned him again, only this time I stayed in bed so my body could absorb his cum. When I woke up Toby was spooned behind me. I could feel his marvelous cock at my entrance. I grasped it and pushed back and he popped inside. I pushed until he was as far in as I could get it. I would have been happy to go back to sleep with him inside me, but he had other plans. Slowly moving in and out of me, he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my neck. He continued the agonizingly slow pace, sliding his hand down to my aching dick. He didn't stroke me, he just wanted to feel it when he made me cum. He liked knowing he could make me cum from fucking, without jerking my dick. We had been at it about five minutes, when suddenly the door opened, and Ada stepped in. Fortunately her eyes were on the tray she was carrying, so we had time to feign sleep. She sat the tray down and said "You boys need to get up" Little did she know how far his cock was 'up' my rectum. When she'd closed the door behind her, we started laughing. Then he fucked me until we both came. When I got out of bed with his load fresh in me, I noticed the bottle of lube on the nightstand, next to the tray. There is no way in hell she didn't see it. She knows I keep lube for my singular pleasure, but I wouldn't have done that with him in the room. The only explanation would be that WE used it. She must know I had sex of some sort last night, with the son of the woman we buried yesterday. I had to inform Ada of my plans, and she declined my invitation. I gave her instructions for the day, and told her we were going shopping. Derrick was very happy to see us. I told him they needed swimsuits at least two each, and some additional light weight clothes. I called Jim while Derrick fawned over Toby. He said everything was arranged for two days from now. Back in the car on the way home, Jacob was grousing about having to wear a swimsuit. "I like swimming without any clothes." "Well sometimes it's just not possible. When I have business parties, you will definitely be wearing a swimsuit while I have guests." At that I thought about the speedo type suit that Derrick picked out for Toby. My female guests would very much like to see that. Two days later the boys were surprised to hear we were going on a trip. Ada had their bags packed and ready. She took us to the airport in the Escalade, we needed the room for all our stuff. They had never been on a plane, so it was exciting for them no matter where we went. When the flight to Miami was listed at the gate, they got even more excited. "Are we going to the beach?" ask Jacob. "You might say that," I teased "If we're not going to the beach, why are we getting on a flight to Miami?" "You will see in due time, dear boy." The boys loved the flight, fighting over the window seat to look down. At the Miami airport, a chauffeur met us at the gate and led us to a limo. Jacob was bouncing all around inside it while we waited for our luggage to be loaded. Once underway, he calmed down, but only slightly. We had a cold beverage as we wound through Miami, finally stopping at a private marina. A pretty young woman with very dark hair and bright blue eyes met us "My name is Elise, I am the head stewardess," she as she shook my hand. "Please follow me. Brian will look after your luggage." "Holy shit! Look at all the yachts," Jacob as usual, colorfully put it. "There must be fifty of them. Oh shit look at that one. Oh Oh and that blue one." Elise led us along the dock till we came to a group of people wearing uniforms which matched hers. Indicating to a rather paunch and weathered looking older man, she said "This is captain Jacques White." He held out his hand "Just call me captain Jack or just Jack." "I'm Robert, and these are my sons Toby, and Jacob." "Please to meet you boys. Welcome aboard." and the crew parted to reveal a beautiful yacht named Amarula Sun. Both boys stood open mouthed. It is an impressive ship. 164 feet [50 m] of pure luxury. Five guest suites, sky lounge, main lounge, sun deck with bbq and bar, three dining areas, spa pool with swim up bar, water slide two tenders, sea-doos, sea-bobs, wave runners, playstation and x-box, the master suite has two large t.v.'s and his and her baths with t.v. and liquor within reach anywhere on the ship. Of course having 9 crew members to wait on you hand and foot is awesome too. We were escorted on board and led to the aft deck, where they had lunch set up. Seafood tacos, quesadillas, all kinds of fresh fruit etc. The boys had just started to fill their plates, when from behind us came "Hey ! Don't hog all the tacos man." In the doorway to the aft deck lounge was standing Tyler and Clay. "What are you doing here?" yelled Jacob. All the boys hugged and high fived. "We caught an earlier flight. Robert wanted to surprise you," declared Tyler. "Thanks Dad," said Toby with a hug. "Yeah thanks Rob 3; uh 3;can I call you Dad too?" asked Jacob. "I would be delighted if you did Jacob." Captain Jack interrupted to say "We will be underway as soon as customs clears your luggage." "Under way? Where we going Dad?" Jacob 3; always being Jacob. "Does it matter? We're on a beautiful yacht. How bad can any place be?" Elise laughed and said "Come with me and I will show you to your cabins." She led us into the main lounge passed the dining room to a hall with a circular staircase. Downstairs, were four staterooms. One, called the vip stateroom, had a king size bed, two had a queen size bed, and one had twin beds. Each had it's own bath. Jacob took the vip stateroom. Tyler and Clay settled on the queen size beds after Toby said he would take the twin room. "Now that we know who is going to be where, by the time you finish lunch, your luggage will be delivered to your rooms. Robert, if you would follow me to your room." Back up the circular stairs, the boys went back on deck, and Elise showed me the master suite. First is a sitting area, then the office area, behind it is the his and her baths. In front of the office, up a few stairs is the bedroom with 180 degree view outside. "We will be underway in a few minutes, If you would like to freshen up first, I can bring your lunch here. Though most people enjoy the sundeck as we depart." "Thank you Elise, I will join the boys." "Dad, this is so fucking great," Jacob said as I came out on deck. "Jacob, could you please at least try to control your language." "Sorry," he said looking sheepish. "It's just that I've never been on a plane or a boat, and today I got to do both. You're the best." How can I get mad about that? Toby was sitting by Tyler and ask him how this all came about. "Well, the first I knew about it was when Ada showed up and took us shopping. You won't believe what all we got. I asked her why we were getting swimsuits, and she said we would need them for the trip. I asked what trip, and she just said 'you'll see'. "Then a messenger shows up at the house with passports. I asked my mom about it and she said 'you'll see'. I knew Robert was behind it, but I still don't know where we are going. "This morning a limo picked us up and took us to the airport. Then another took us here when we landed. I had never been in a limo or a plane, I went fishing with my uncle once, but his boat was like 12 feet [3.6 m] long with an outboard motor, nothing like this." Elise showed up and said "You might like the view from the sundeck as we depart, it's right up those stairs. Upstairs we found the spa pool, bar, bbq area and sun loungers. We were greeted by a pretty blond woman, probably no more than 20 years old. "My name is Karen, what would you like to drink?" About then, Clay discovered the pool and yelled "I can't believe there is a fucking swimming pool on a fucking boat." "Please excuse these boy's manners. Karen, and I'll have a large pina colada, and don't spare the rum. I think I'm gonna need it." We stood and watched the marina disappear behind us, and as we entered open water, Toby and Tyler came up beside me. "Where are we headed Dad?" Toby asked I pointed to the front of the ship and said "That way" which earned me a smack on the arm. "Well, will you tell us how long we will be gone?" Tyler queried. "We have the ship for two weeks." "Two weeks! Dad this is going to cost a fortune." "A little more than I earned last year. Well, earned from working that is, not my investments." As I walked away I heard Tyler ask Toby "How much did he earn last year?" Toby yelled to me as I ordered another drink "How much is that?" "About 500." I heard a crash as Tyler dropped his glass. "Karen, I'm afraid one of the boys can't hold his soda," she smiled at me as she started the blender for my drink. Toby ran up to me "500? As in 500 thousand?" "Yes." Then he turned sideways and lowered his voice hoping Karen wouldn't hear "Can you afford that?" Karen smiled as she poured my drink. "We wouldn't be here if I couldn't." Karen came around the bar with a towel to clean Tyler's mess, and stopped next to Toby and whispered loud enough for me to hear "He's already paid for it" and walked away. It is really fun being on a nice ship. We stayed on the sundeck for a couple of hours, just enjoying the sea breeze and sun. Other boaters passing us would gawk and wave. Soon we could see land in front of us, Jacob came over asked "Is that where we're going?" "I'm no sailor, so I have no idea where we are." A few minutes later he asked "What the hell is that?" Pointing to the Atlantis. The Atlantis resort in the Bahama's is very unusual looking, and hard to describe. Needless to say it is eye catching, even from a distance. We circled the island to enter from the other side, all the while the boys were pointing at this and that. We went through a little inlet that opened into the lagoon that was the Atlantis' marina. There were about fifteen other yachts there. Captain Jack expertly maneuvered the yacht around, backing into a slip between two equally impressive ships. The marina is surrounded by shops and restaurants and a casino. Captain Jack appeared and said "As guests of the marina, you are allowed vip clearance to the resort. These cards will get you into any of the resorts amenities," he gave us all electronic key cards that had our names and the name of our ship printed on it. "They also serve as credit cards. Any purchases will be on your account. Dinner will be served on board at 8, so stay away from too many snacks," he warned the boys. The boys headed off to explore the resort, and I went to the casino. At 7:30 I left to go back to the ship, and ran into Toby and Tyler. "How did you do at the casino Dad?" Toby inquired. "Not bad, I'm up a little. Did you two have fun?" "Yeah, man this place is great. There is a water park and aquarium and you should see the sharks. It's a blast," Tyler informed me. Jacob and Clay arrived shortly after we did. We all sat down in the formal dining room for a delicious dinner. The Chef on board is wonderful. I've been in fine restaurants around the world, and he could easily work in any one of them. Even Clay and Tyler commented on how good the food was. After dinner we sat on the aft deck and watched the people passing by. There was a calypso band playing and a general party atmosphere. Clay climbed down to the dock and joined the revelers, dancing with anyone who happened by. Later, we were all pretty exhausted, after such a long and interesting day. I said goodnight and went to my room. I was about half asleep when I felt someone sliding into my bed. "Toby?" "You didn't think I really wanted the twin beds did you? I just took them so no one else had to. I bought lube at the gift shop. Tyler thought I was just going to use it on myself, he got some too," he laughed. "You're such a good boy. You know what I like," I was hard in an instant, and so was he. Then he entered me. God I love his cock. It possesses me completely. "I didn't think I could last two whole weeks without being inside you." "I was worried about the same thing," I admitted. "But you're here now, so fuck me hard, give me all you have." And he did. He fucked me through two orgasms for me and one for him. He really hosed me down too. It seemed to go on and on. Later as I cleaned him, I told him "I feel like you pumped a gallon of cum into me." "I haven't cum in three days. I was saving it for you." "That's why I love you, you're so thoughtful. If I had known you had saved up, I would have swallowed it." "Don't worry, there's plenty left," he said as he pushed my head down to his cock. "I know you like sucking it too," I took him into my mouth, and started working it. "You do like sucking my big teen cock, don't you Robert?" "Mmhmm." "Then take it all," he said as he grabbed my head and pushed his cock down my throat. I almost gagged, having not had it there for a while. I recovered and surrendered to him. He continued to force feed me that big meat. "You like me to throat fuck you, don't you Robert," I nodded. "You like it almost as much as when I fuck your ass, don't you." Again, I just nodded as he took his pleasure in my throat. I was hard, but afraid to touch it. Suddenly he withdrew. I felt robbed. "On your stomach," I did as he ordered. He mounted me, sliding his arms under me and grabbing my shoulders so I couldn't escape. Then he began giving me long hard thrusts. I came in an instant, and he knew it. "Yeah, you definitely like that," he whispered behind me. "Tell me you want more." "Please, give me more, you know I need it," he kept pounding me till I shot again. then he shoved in hard and blasted my ass again. "There you go baby, that's what you needed isn't it." "Mmm yes." I'm in bed on a yacht in the Bahama's, with a huge 15 year old cock in my ass, and have never been more sexually euphoric in my life. When he had shrunk, he withdrew and rolled off me. The he hugged me and said "Good night, Dad." "Good night, son." *** "It's 8 a.m. I was told that you like espresso in the morning," I was startled to open my eyes and find Elise standing over us. I was looking for the covers that had been pushed off the foot of the bed during our late night fun. "Uh 3; Oh 3; Who told you that? I said rather embarrassed at our obvious coupling. "A miss Ada. Don't worry, she also said not to be surprised at what I see," she said while staring at Toby's morning wood. "If I may say, I am very glad I brought it to you." Toby woke up and saw her, and tried to hide by flipping over on his stomach. "The back is almost as nice as the front. Breakfast is being served on the Skylounge aft deck," she said as she turned and left. Toby was already enjoying his breakfast when the other boys came out. "What are we going to do today, Dad?" Jacob asked. "I thought we all might go to the water park, Elise said it opens at ten." They all agreed and after a fine breakfast, they donned their board short type of swimsuits and off we went. I did the fatherly thing, and went down the water slides dozens of times and had a blast. Then we had a late lunch and the boys ran off to the aquariums. I opted for the casino again. Back on board at 8 we all had dinner together on the main aft deck. The people strolling by would wave and we waved back. Some would whisper and point, wondering "Is he a rock star?" or "I think it's that guy in that movie about gangsters." The walkway is above the dock, and they can't get down here without a pass, so at a distance we could be anybody. The boys were playing on the playstation downstairs, while I was relaxing in the sky lounge, with yet another pina colada, when Toby came in. "Dad, thanks for doing this for us. We really never expected anything like this." "Hey, you boys have had a shit life till now, I just want you to see the other side. The first years were bad, the last year terrible, and of course the last week, must have been the hardest. My only regret is that your mom can't be here with you. I know she is proud of you both, and she would have liked to see you have some fun." "But Dad, this is so expensive. Will we be able to pay our bills when we get back?" I could tell he was seriously worried. Having grown up with nothing, I guess it's ingrained. "Toby, you know I have money right. I mean you saw my house. What you don't know is that I'm very rich. I was making a good living on my own. Then I inherited my grandfather's estate. That includes several apartment complexes, a couple of office buildings downtown. and a shitload of money. I've invested well, and have a nice portfolio. In the past few years I have just been putting it away. Now I have a reason to spend it. We won't always be this lavish, but we will have a good life. I promise." "So I don't need to worry?" "No, son. Everything is going to be alright." Later, again he comes to me, in my room. He undresses as I watch. Then slides into bed beside me. He kisses me like a lover, not a son. The he makes slow passionate love to me. Not hard, like last night. Slow, and sensual. He is facing me with his head next to mine, my heels on his back As he unleashes his essence in me, he softly says "I love you Rob." *** "Your espresso, sir." Elise again, damn she is sneaky. "What time is it?" I asked, just realizing that Toby is spooned behind me with his hard cock in my ass crack. His arms are around me, and he sleepily nuzzles my neck, as she watches. "It's a little after eight, The captain says we will be leaving just after lunch, so if you boys want to visit the resort again, you should be getting up." "Thank you Elise." "Breakfast is on the main aft deck." And she was gone. I decided to just stay on board and relax, and after breakfast the boys beelined for the resort. Elise brought me another espresso and the local paper. "Thank you Elise. I guess you are wondering why my son sleeps with me." "It's none of my business of course, but the thought did cross my mind," she answered rather diplomatically. I gave her a brief 'Reader's Digest' version of the last few weeks. At the end, she leaned down and kissed my cheek. "Those boys are lucky to have you. And Toby's quite gifted." "So is Jacob," I told her with a laugh. I'm not sure what all the crew's titles are, other than Elise being the head stewardess. There is an engineer, whose job is to keep everything on the ship running. A bosman, whatever the hell that is. A first officer, whom I assume is second in command. Well anyway there are nine crew on this ship. Every morning they hose down the entire ship with fresh water. I think it is to get the salt and sand that may have accumulated overnight, off the paint and wood decking, so it doesn't corrode. They also polish the brass railings and do all kinds of stuff throughout the day. There is a chef of course, and I assume a housekeeping staff. I mention this because as I sit sipping my espresso, watching the crew, I had only just became aware of the daily workings of a ship. I can only imagine what it must entail to run a navy aircraft carrier. At lunch time, we sat on the skylounge aft deck, having a delightful meal, when Tyler asked me how I did at the casino. "Not too bad, I think. I'm up around 37." Tyler said "Cool, a free 37 dollars is great." "I think he means 37 thousand," Toby corrected. Tyler looked at me aghast. I just nodded. Jacob said "That's good Dad, 'cause we kinda did something." Oh shit, what happened, I wondered. "We had this made for you," said Toby, as he pulled a box off his lap. "It was pretty expensive, so I hope you don't mind. We all sorta worked on it." It was a thick large link gold chain about ½ inch [1 cm] wide. In the center, not suspended but attached as part of the chain, were the words, BESTDAD, Attached below the words were the letters T&J. I totally choked up. I was so overcome emotionally, I just stared at it. "We didn't want our dad to see it, so our initials are engraved on the back," Tyler added. I still couldn't move. Jacob came over and put it around my neck. "Do you like it?" Toby asked "No 3; I love it. I'm never taking it off." The boys all smiled and high fived. "How did you manage to do this in such a short time?" I asked "Well we wanted to get you something special," Toby explained "At the jewelry store we saw the 'best dad' pendant, and Jacob wanted our initials engraved on it. Then I thought about having it attached instead of dangling off the chain. So Jacob wanted the initials attached also. So I drew up a design and showed it to the guy. He said it would take a few weeks, so I was going to have it shipped home. When he noticed that our last name wasn't the same as yours, I had to tell him about Mom dieing and all. Then he said he would have it ready before we left." I saw Elise and Karen by the door, both seemed pretty emotional too. We left the Atlantis resort, heading south along the Bahama island chain. I wasn't aware, but there are 700 islands in the Bahama's. We came to a small island, and the captain told us to put on swimsuits, that they were going to show us a special place. As the captain set anchor, one of the crew fit us for masks and fins, and gave us instructions in snorkling. We were escorted onto one of the tenders, and headed for the island. On the way the crewman told us we were going to Thunderball Grotto. It's a cave that was used in the James Bond film Thunderball. We snorkeled up to this rocky outcropping, where he told us that under it was the entrance. We could see the opening, and our breathing tubes didn't have to go under water. We swam in and it opened into this huge cave with a hole in the ceiling about thirty feet [10 m] up. It was really neat. The boys instantly wanted to jump through the hole into the water. The crewman said it was safe, so of course they did. He showed them where to swim around to, and climbed the cliff with them. I waited inside, and soon a very brave Clay was the first to jump through. When he didn't die, the others quickly followed. I declined, instead I snorkeled around and saw thousands of amazingly colorful fish. Back onboard, the boys excitedly told Elise and Karen about their adventure. Clay called the others pussies, for not going first. Just after dinner we arrived at someplace called Sampson Cay. Through a narrow inlet, was a large lagoon. There was a marina, filled with smaller boats, which we passed. The the captain maneuvered the ship in a 180% turn, and slid next to a private dock. It really is amazing how agile these large yachts are. As they tied the ship off, the captain turned on the underwater lights. I was amazed that at 25 feet [8 m] deep, I could clearly see starfish as if they were in my hand. The captain said that at low tide the water was deep where we were, but at the end of the dock, we could actually walk across the lagoon. It is a great place to pick up shells of all kinds. We spent the evening on the main aft deck, looking at sea life that was attracted to the lights, and of course I had a couple of pina coladas. Toby came to my room as usual, and I attempted to sucked him dry. Young boys can sure recover quickly, and produce a huge amount of semen. *** "Your espresso." I swear I'm going to hang a bell around Elise's neck so she can't sneak up on us. "Before you ask, It is 8 a.m. Breakfast this morning is on the sun deck. We have set up the water slide for the boys, but it draws a lot of attention from other kids in the area. If you would like we can make sure they don't bother you." "What other kids?" I ask sleepily. "There are several families who live here. They have the store and lease the cabins. You probably saw the store and cabins when we entered last night. Also some of the other boats in the marina will have families, and there are boats at anchor outside the lagoon. Word of the slide usually spreads quickly among the people, it's pretty popular." "It's okay, let them enjoy it as long as no one gets hurt, and it doesn't get like Disneyland crowded." "I thought you might say that. There are already a few kids on the dock watching our men set up the slide." When we went topside, the slide was in place. Clay again was the first to try it, and Jacob was right behind him. I sat down to eat just as they came up for their second trip down the slide. "Once more then you eat," I told the boys "Elise, how many kids are on the dock?" She looked down at the dock, "You're lucky, there's only about eight right now." "Does the crew mind looking after the other kids?" "Not at all, we like seeing them have fun." "Okay then, let them in." As the kids passed by me a few took the time to say thank you. I turned my attention to my breakfast of eggs benedict. After a while, I saw Clay and Jacob elbow each other and point and whisper back and forth. Looking around, I notice a little girl of around twelve in a white bikini. Oh well, I thought, boys will be boys. After her first slide, she was back. The boys swallowed what was left on their plates, and jumped in line behind her. When Elise brought my second espresso I inquired about the little girl. "That's Jenny, she lives on the island." The next time she came on deck, she was flanked by Jacob and Clay. Then I noticed why she had their attention. Her white swimsuit was past it's prime, and quite transparent. Even from twenty feet [5 m] away, I could see her puffy little pussy lips. Her budding breasts and pink nipples were also on display. I have never been attracted to little girls, but I could feel my dick thickening. Sitting next to me was Tyler, I saw him looking at her too. I glanced at his lap in time to see him adjust his erection to the side of his swim suit. The thought of these boys wanting to fuck her made me completely hard. Tyler and Toby got in line for the slide, as Elise cleared our plates. She looked at my lap, and said "Boys of all ages can smell a bitch in heat." With a wink she walked away. I lay on a lounge chair to read, and soak up some sun. But every time Jenny came to slide I watched her. It wasn't long till all the boys coming to slide were sporting erections. Some more noticeable than others. She seemed to pay particular attention to Clay and Jacob. Maybe it was because it was our ship, in a sense, or she found them attractive. A couple of hours later, the crew closed up the slide, and the kids disappeared as quickly as they had come. Jacob and Tyler sat beside me, and asked for soft drinks. When Elise brought them, Jacob ask what they had at the store. "The usual tourist stuff. T shirts coffee mugs, stuff like that." "Can we go look at the store, Dad?" Jacob asked "If you will go to my room and get my wallet, I'll give you some money." Elise said "No need, they will put it on your account. This is true wherever we go on this trip." "Have fun boys, and don't get hurt or lost," I told them. Then turning to Elise "Is it too early for a pina colada?" "It's never too early," she said with a smile. They were back shortly. They were carrying a plastic bag with mementos in it. "We got you a shirt Dad. I'll put it in your room." About thirty minutes later, I stood to stretch my legs, and noticed the lagoon was now a sandy beach from one side to the other. The last time I had looked, it was water. I could see Toby and Tyler way on the other side, walking with their head bowed. Obviously looking for seashells. I decided to go for a walk too. The lagoon is surrounded by beach, dunes, and tall grass. I was walking the perimeter, looking for shells, when I heard voices. As I got nearer to the voices, I could make out moaning sounds. I came to a clearing in the grass, in time to see Clay stand up. Then I heard Jenny say "Your turn, Jacob." I got closer, and saw the three of them, nude. Little Jenny was on her back, legs bent and spread. Jacob was just getting between them, his erection zeroing in on Jenny's little pussy. It was obvious that Clay had just finished fucking her. His cock was still hard but starting to wilt. It was a nice four incher [10 cm], slender with a larger helmut. "Oh Jacob, you're big. I love big dicks." Jenny cried as Jacob pushed into her. He slid in easy, having Clay's cum as lube. He started pumping her, and said "You should see my brother's dick. It's a lot bigger than mine." "Really? Do you think he will fuck me. I love big dicks." Little Jenny is already a size queen. "I don't think he will, he's pretty shy with girls, and he would be afraid to hurt you with it." "It's that big? Oh Jacob, you've got to get him to fuck me. I'll let you fuck me again, and then watch him fuck me." "I don't know 3;" Jenny stopped him mid stroke. "Promise me you will try, or get off me." "Okay, okay, I'll try," she let him continue. I watched Jacob's ass move up and down, I couldn't see where his cock was entering her. Jenny started moaning louder. Then "Oh Jacob, I'm gonna cum. I love your big dick. Oohhh 3;" Jacob tensed and shoved in hard and held it there as he dumped his load in the little slut. "You're the first boy to make me cum," Jenny complimented Jacob. "Now, don't forget your promise." "I will try, but I can't make him. If he won't, will you still let us fuck you again?" "No, I want to try a really big one. Your's is the biggest one I've had yet." "Okay, I'll try," Jacob said as he pulled up his shorts, tucking in his still sizable dick. I ran back toward the ship then turned around. When they exited the bushes, I started toward them, as if I had just came from the ship. "Hey fellas, oh and hi. You're Jenny right?" She held out her hand, but looked at my crotch. I guess she thought that as Jacob's dad, I would be well hung too. "Yes. I ran into Clay and Jacob over there," she offered without inquiry. I thought, more like bumped into them repeatedly. "Well, it's good to meet you. I'm taking a walk. You kids have fun." Later, we were going to have a bbq on the sun deck, so I was climbing the stairs to it, when I heard Jacob talking to Toby. "Please, Toby, do it for me." "I can't, Jacob. It just isn't right." "Please bro, I'll do anything, if you'll do this for me." Toby paused for a moment. "Have you ever done anything with another boy? Be honest." "Yes, me and Clay suck each other sometimes. Is that it, you want me to suck your dick?" That was news to me. "No. Have you ever done anal?" "Well, we tried once, but he said my dick hurt him, before I even got it in. Wait. I'm not going to let you fuck me with that big thing." "No, not me," Toby said rather indignant. "Who then?" Jacob questioned "Tyler?" "No, I want you to have sex with Dad," I was frozen in shock. Why was Toby asking Jacob to have sex with me? "Dad? That would be hot, but why?" "Dad loves us. I think it would make you two closer." Jacob was quiet for a moment. "Have you had sex with Dad?" "Yes." "I don't want one in my ass, but for Dad, I'll do it." "I don't think you have to worry about that." "Let me get this straight. If I have sex with Dad, you promise to have sex with Jenny. Right?" "Yes." "Great ! Thanks bro. I would have done it with Dad, anyway." "Asshole," Toby accused. I made some noise going up the stairs, and by the time I reached the top, they had dispersed. As we sat down to eat, Jacob said "I invited Jenny to eat with us Dad, I hope it was alright." "Sure son, she seems like a nice little girl," I told him. It would be nice to lick the two loads of boy cum from her soon to be stretched out little pussy. She showed up a minute later, and sat between Jacob and Clay. She looked adorable in a cute pink floral sun dress. Long dishwater blond hair with sun streaks, blue eyes, angular features. She probably could be a model or actress when she gets older. She already knows how to work a casting couch. Dinner was delicious as usual, half way through I noticed some strange activity across the table. I accidentally dropped my napkin, and bent to pick it up. Under the table, I could clearly see Jacobs finger in her pantyless pussy, and Clay was rubbing her button. Kids these days learn things early. Elise was approaching with another plate of ribs, so I interrupted Jenny's impending orgasm. "Tell me again how old you are Jenny." She gathered herself and said "Eleven, but I'll be twelve in a few weeks." The boys noticed Elise, and their hands shot above the table. I swear I could smell the preteen pussy juice on them. After dinner the two boys walked her down to the dock. I stood above them, so they couldn't see me, and overheard Jacob say "Tomorrow 3 o'clock same place." In my room that night, I had just settled into bed, when Jacob came in. "Is there something you need, Jacob?" "I was hoping I could sleep with you tonight." "Well of course you can, but why do you want to?" Taking off his shorts, I could see that he was already hard. He stood in front of me, cock almost at my eye level, finally saying "Toby said that you and he do things, and you two are so close, I want to be close to you too." "What kind of things did he say we do?" He embarrassingly hung his head and said "You know, sex stuff." "Do you think we need to have sex to be close and love each other?" "No sir, but it couldn't hurt," he said with a grin. I scooted over, and he slid in beside me. I pulled him close, and his erection poked my side. Thirteen year old cocks sure get hard. "Jacob, I love you no matter what. We don't have to do anything you don't want to do. I love just holding you." "But what if I want to," he said while reaching for my dick. "We will do anything you want." "Anything?" he asked "Yes, baby anything you want." "Will you 3; suck me?" "Yes baby." "What if I want to fuck your ass?" "If that's what you want, then yes." "Are you going to fuck mine?" "Do you want me to?" "No." "Then your ass is safe. Jacob, I promised your mother, I would never force you to do those things, and I will keep that promise." "That's what she was talking about, when she said let our hearts and minds guide us?" "Yes. She knew that we would be tempted to have sex. She was telling you that you should do only what's right for you. She knew I wouldn't do anymore than that." "Mom was cool," he said as he snuggled against me. After a minute, he slowly began humping his cock against me. "Will you 3; you know?" 'You want me to suck your beautiful cock?" "Yes, please." I ducked under the covers, found his cock and went to town on it. Although I couldn't see it, I could tell it was definitely bigger than mine. I think it had grown since I saw it the first time. It was easily 6 inches [15 cm], maybe more, and fairly thick. He, no doubt, would grow to be as large as his brother. Shortly, he was moaning. Being young, he didn't last long. He soon grabbed my head and face fucked me until he shot a nice load down my throat. When he finished, I continued to suck on it and roll my tongue around the bell end. He never went completely soft, instead he soon started to fuck my throat again. This time he was even more forceful. His hands behind my head, and his balls bouncing off my chin. Having gotten used to his brother's large cock, it wasn't a problem for me to handle. In fact, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially when he got close to finishing. He was straining to get there, and trying to hold back at the same time. He quivered from the intense feelings, wanting it to last. His body wanted to deposit his seed. It was marvelous. With a loud, long groan, he shot an even bigger load which went straight to my stomach. I nursed on his diminishing boyhood, coaxing the last few drops from him. Laying back down beside him, through heavy breaths, he said "You are so good at that. Much better than Clay." "Really?" "Oh yeah. Your mouth feels even better than Jenny's pussy." "So you've had sex with Clay and Jenny?" "Oh shit 3; uh 3; shit shit shit." "Do you want to tell me about it?" "Not really," he said ashamedly "Try again," I corrected him He started by telling me that he and Clay had been messing around for a while. Nothing much, just beating off together, and sometimes sucking. Then he admitted the whole story about Jenny, and Toby. "Are you angry with me?" "Angry, no. Just concerned. Did you feel coerced into coming to me tonight?" "No, not at all. I really wanted to. I kinda knew you and Toby were doing stuff. I was awake one morning when Ada took you coffee. When she opened the door, I saw you two asleep in the bed. I was a little jealous. I wanted to be there too." "Have you told anybody?" "No, not even Clay." "Good, it's best that you don't." "When we get back home, can I join you and Toby sometimes?" I drew him to me in a tight hug, "Of course you can son. I would love to have both my boys with me." During the night, I awoke with Jacob dry humping my asscrack. He was asleep, and probably dreaming of Jenny. I nudged him awake, and said "Stop teasing me if you're not going to put it in." It took a moment for him to figure out what I meant, then he said "Do you want it?" I reached into the nightstand and got the lube that Toby had bought. Pouring some in my hand, I reached behind me and applied it to his cock. Then I aimed it, for his first piece of ass. Once his knob was in, he slid in, all the way to the hilt. "Oh my god. This is better than Jenny too. Are men's asses always better than girl's pussies?" "I'm afraid I wouldn't know," I answered as he started plunging in and out of me. "You don't fuck Toby?" "No." "Toby fucks you?" "Yes," I confessed as he began to really plunder me good. "You like having a dick in your ass?" "Just yours and Toby's" "Will you let Clay fuck you?" "No." "So this ass belongs to me and Toby?" "Yes, son, It's yours." He plowed me a little longer. "You like that?" "Mmm Yes." He kissed my back then reached around and took hold of my hard dick. "Your dick likes my cock in you too," he stroked it twice, and I came. Soon after, I felt him pulse inside me. Just before falling back to sleep he said "You really are the best dad." *** "Your espresso," Elise said. Then noticing Jacob instead of Toby, "Well this is different, but somehow not unexpected. Breakfast is on the Skylounge aft deck," she turned and left. Jacob cracked up laughing. "You know, she probably thinks you're a perv." "She's probably right, too. Last night I had a 13 year old cock in my ass." "Do you want it again?" He asked, rubbing his morning wood against my crack. "Yes, but we better get out of bed." "Damn," he muttered, but climbed out of bed anyway. As we were eating, we watched the crewmen unload the Jetskis. After breakfast, the boys were given rides, and instructions. Soon they were zipping up and down the lagoon. Then they raced, and sometimes there were two boys on a ski, racing the other two. They had a blast. Other kids showed up again, and Toby and Tyler would give them rides. As the tide got lower, the crewmen put away the jetskis, and we gathered for a late lunch. "What are you boys doing after lunch?" I asked them. "We're going to explore the island more," said Tyler. Clay and Jacob asked to come along, and were quickly granted permission by Toby. Our 11 year old slut, Jenny, was going to get gangbanged. "I think I will have a nap," I told them In my room, I watched out the window till I saw Jenny walking along the path carrying something. Just after, the boys started down the dock. I was a few minutes behind them. "How're we going to do this?" Clay was asking as I approached. "You're going first, cause you're smallest," Toby answered him. "Then Tyler, Jacob, and I'm last," I found it interesting that in order of size, Tyler was second smallest. While they were deciding, Jenny was spreading a sheet on the ground, I guess she wanted to keep sand out of her pussy. She came prepared with a towel and a pillow as well. The little tramp was planning to be busy for a while. I took out my phone and started videoing the proceedings. *** Jenny laid down, pulling up her sun dress, exposing her bare pussy, she hadn't bothered with panties. Tyler went down and started licking her puffy little slit. By the time he finished, Clay was already hard, and jumped on. His 4 incher [10 cm] sank in easily, and he banged away for just a couple of minutes. No technique, no finesse, just a young boy getting his nut. He stiffened and shot, and was out and up. Jenny appeared to just be bothered by his performance. Tyler, I noticed then, was hard. I was right, he is smaller than Jacob, about my size. He also slid in easily, with Clay's load as lube. He took it slower than his brother. He kissed her a couple of times and she seemed to be enjoying his efforts, though I don't think he made her cum. Tyler had hardly pulled out when Jacob jumped on her. She moaned loudly as his longer and thicker cock hit home. Maybe it was because he liked making me cum last night, or maybe because he dumped three loads last night, but he was able to make her cum before adding his load to the others. When he withdrew, his cock was messy with everyone's cum. He picked up the towel and wiped off his cock before handing the towel to Jenny. I looked at her gaping little pussy, and even from a distance I could see the cum pouring out. As she wiped her cunt, she looked at Toby, who had dropped his shorts. "My god, you're right Jacob, it's huge. I've never even seen one that big. Give it to me." Toby got between her legs, and she grabbed his cock. Her small hand not even coming close to encircling it. She lined him up, and he pushed. The fat knob of his cock wouldn't penetrate her little opening. She put her hands on his ass, and pulled. When it popped in, she let out a loud yelp. "Oh God! That's so good. Fuck me now!" Toby began to stroke slowly, gaining ground a little at a time. All the while, little Jenny was moaning and begging for more. He had about three inches [7 cm] in when she came the first time. Then again around four inches [10 cm]. She put her arms around his neck, and brought her knees up to his ribs, and begged for more. He gave her another inch, and she was in continuous orgasm mode. He finally bottomed out at around 6½ inches [16 cm], though she still begged for more, he never tried to give her more than that. She was throwing her little slit up to him, and cumming over and over. What a little size queen slut. Toby fucked her real good, I am proud to say. When he finally flooded her pussy, she just went limp. I know how he cums, and I'm surprised we didn't see it geyser out her mouth. They lay together attached, until Toby went soft. When he withdrew, she snapped out of her daze. Sitting up she took his cock into her mouth to clean it. He indulged her for a minute, before taking it from her. "My god, that was fantastic. How long are you going to be here, you've got to fuck me again," Jenny pleaded. I looked down between her legs, and her once small pussy, looked destroyed. A gaping maw replaced the little slit. Cum was running out and pooling on the sheet. "I'll think about it," Toby told her "Please, I'll do anything you want. I'll be real good for you." "We'll see" and he turned and left. Fortunately, I was on the side away from the yacht, or he would have caught me. Tyler asked "Can I go again, Jenny?" "Sure, but you have to get Toby to do me again, before you leave the island." The three boys took another turn in her, though it couldn't have been very enjoyable for them or Jenny, after what Toby did to her pussy. I went back to the ship, and found Toby in my room. He had gone there because he thought I was napping. He looked upset, so I sat beside him on the bed. He confessed the whole thing, including sending Jacob to me. He told me about the gangbang and that he really didn't like fucking her. "Do you think I'm gay?" he asked me in all seriousness. "Well, you got hard and you fucked her, probably not totally gay." "I got hard watching the other guys fuck her. And while I did it, I was thinking of making love with you, not her." "Toby, you're much too young and inexperienced to worry about being gay. After you have been with other girls, you may find that you're straight. Someday, you might meet the right girl and enjoy being with her exclusively. Or you may discover you're bi. But whether you are straight or gay, you are a great person, and I love you no matter what." I held him for a moment and said "I can't believe you got your big cock inside that little slut." "I only got about 2/3 in her. She wanted more, but I didn't want to hurt her," he is such a good boy, even considerate of sluts. Chapter 4It was dinner time, and we gathered in the main dining room. As Elise served us steaks, she said to Jacob "I saw Jenny a little while ago. She seemed to be walking funny, like maybe both her feet hurt, but she had a huge smile on her face. "I asked her if she was okay, and she quite happily said «Never better». Did you have anything to do with that?" Jacob's eyes darted to Toby then back. "Probably not me. Must have been something else she was talking about." Elise looked at Toby, then shaking her head said "Oh shit, no wonder." That night, Toby and Jacob came to my room. Without a word they undressed and crawled into my bed. Jacob kissed my cheek, Toby kissed my lips, then moved down to my dick. Jacob watched as Toby built me up. Then he stopped and reached for the lube. "You first little brother," he told Jacob as he applied lube to his brother's cock. "On your stomach," Toby told me, and I turned over. Jacob mounted me and soon was moving in and out as I moaned. "I like this so much more than Jenny," Jacob declared. He may not be as big as Toby, but he felt wonderful in me. Before long, I shot a load on the sheets. My ass muscles caused Jacob to fire his seed in me. Jacob extracted himself, and lay beside me. Toby said "Turn over," I turned and brought my knees up expectantly. Jacob had cleared the path, so Toby had no trouble entering me. He leaned in and gave me a deep kiss, as he pushed his entire nine inches [23 cm] inside me. After a couple of strokes, he said "This is where my cock belongs. It feels like home to me." It's hard to cry and cum at the same time, but I think I managed it. He made long slow passionate love to me. When I came he was watching my face, and gave me a knowing smile. Jacob said "That is the hottest thing I have ever seen. You made him cum without touching his dick." "I came with you too," I defended "But your dick was rubbing the bed, Toby made you squirt up to your chin, and nothing touched it. You fucking loved it. That's what makes it so hot. Well that and the fact that you two are in love." We looked at him in shock. "Don't act like this is news to you. It's obvious. I mean, I don't care, I love you both too." "We love you too. Jacob. Nothing will change that," I told him. "On your knees Rob," Toby ordered, and I complied. "He likes this too," Toby demonstrated for Jacob, and started to ride me hard. Holding my hips, and giving me long, fast strokes. After a few minutes they switched places. Jacob shoved in his renewed erection, pounding me hard like his brother did. They switched a couple more times, making me feel like Jenny in her gangbang. When they had both unloaded in me, I got up to get a damp towel to clean us. My ass was in heaven, but my stomach felt like I had swallowed a watermelon. I cleaned them both and lovingly nursed on them. I thought of a mother cat licking her newborn kittens. During the night, I awoke to whispering, then Jacob climbed on my chest and slapped my face with his cock. I opened my mouth and took him in. Then I felt my legs being lifted, and placed on Toby's shoulders. My two sons fucked me at the same time. Jacob force fed me his hot young cock, and Toby fucked my ass roughly. I loved it, and they knew it. *** "Your espresso." I looked up into Elise's face. She was looking at the three of us, naked and uncovered, morning wood on full display. "Don't ask," I said. "I wouldn't dare. It's surprising, but again, somehow not unexpected. Breakfast is on the main aft deck. I suggest you dress in jeans and shirts with some sort of sleeve," and she was gone. During breakfast, the crew unloaded a tender. Then they loaded fishing equipment onboard. I love to fish, it's so relaxing. I'm used to fishing in a stream or lake, not the ocean. Growing up I would visit my father's dad. He had a farm with a stream running through it. I would perch myself under a shade tree for hours, watching the red and white bobber in the water. I would catch two or three fish in an afternoon. When I hit puberty, I spent a lot of the time under the shade tree, jerking my dick into submission. I would catch two or three fish and shoot three or four loads, in an afternoon. I have fond memories of fishing. We caught a lot of fish, some pretty big ones too, compared to what I was used to. There was all kinds too, beautiful and brightly colored. The crewman knew the names of all the fish, some he said weren't edible, so we threw them back. We very quickly caught a lot of fish, and headed back to the ship. We stopped at another island, and the crewman gave a native all our fish. He said that they trade with him, he cleans the fish, and also gives us conch, he gets to keep our extra fish. We will have fish for lunch and conch for dinner. The fish at lunch was delicious, I've never had conch, but was looking forward to it. After lunch the boys all disappeared. I assumed that Jenny was having another gangbang. I relaxed with a good book, and a couple of pina coladas. Dinner started with conch soup, and then fried conch. It was great. It's hard to imagine that something so tasty comes out of a conch shell. At 10 o'clock I went to my room and showered. Neither boy showed up. I was disappointed, but not upset. I fell asleep by 11:15. Around midnight, I felt the bed shift, and awoke to see Toby laying beside me. "I brought you something," he said mischievously, and Jenny popped her head up behind him. I was flabbergasted. There was an eleven year old slut in my bed. "I don't think this is a good idea Toby," I said, almost sounding scared. Jenny crawled over Toby and onto my chest. "Come on Rob, no one will know." I noticed she was nude when I looked at her puffy preteen nipples, then down to her small little slit. As I stared at her little pussy, I realized I was stone hard. I have never been with an eleven year old girl before, until recently, I had never been with anyone underage. Now 3; why the hell not. Live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse. I pulled her to me in a sloppy kiss, and fingered her smooth snatch. I was surprised at how wet she already was. I guess she was thinking about Toby's big cock on the way here. I slid her down and lined my dick up and slipped it in her. She was tight, but not as tight as you would think an eleven year old should be. "I've never been on top before," she said as I grabbed her hips. I moved her toward my knees a little, and started to raise and lower her. At this angle, her clit was in constant contact with the top of my dick. She quickly moaned through an orgasm. and started really bucking on me. After her second cum, I flipped her onto her back, and pounded her till we both came. Using my cum as lube, Toby entered her easily. Once the fat head was in, she started moaning again. He slipped her about five inches, about the same depth I had reached, and began thrusting in her. Of course he is a lot thicker than I am, so she was already being stretched. She wrapped her legs around him and said "Give me more." He went in another inch, and held there for a moment, before starting to thrust again. She kept asking for more, and he gave her a little more. She was throwing her hips up at him moaning loudly. He worked her for a few minutes, still she begged for more. He looked at me questioningly, and I nodded. I wanted her to get it all if she could take it. Toby placed his hand over her mouth, and pushed in. She screamed into his hand as she received eight inches into her soon to be ruined pussy. Again he worked that for a few minutes, all the while I thought she was going to hyperventilate. Instead she reached between them and discovered there was still more she hadn't taken. "Please Toby, I want it all Pleeeaasse." "It's gonna hurt even more," he told her. "Please Toby. I don't care if it hurts. I love your cock. I want it all. Make it come out my mouth." I placed my hand between them, and could feel Toby's cock moving in her belly. It was already passed her navel. He slid his arms under her, one hand went to her mouth again, the other to her shoulder. He long stroked her a couple of times and then shoved another inch in. She sounded like she had been gutted. In a way I guess she was. He pulled out a bit and gave her a few more long strokes then went back to the same depth again. This time she just moaned very loud. Toby repeated this a couple more times, then held her again and shoved it to the hilt. She knew she had it all when she felt his balls pressed tightly to her ass. "AAH 3;Yes Toby I love you. Fuck me hard, now." He started slowly, but gave her what she wanted. Soon he was pounding her, almost like punishing her. She loved it. She came so much and so hard, it was amazing to watch. Jenny just kept yelling "Fuck me, Oh, Fuck me," Toby finally just kept his hand on her mouth so she wouldn't wake the whole marina. When she started to go limp from her orgasms, Toby put his arm under her leg and pounded her till he came. He shoved in hard and held it there until his load emptied. After a minute, he withdrew. It was wild seeing that piece of meat coming out of her. She just lay there. Toby looked worried, thinking he may have killed her. "She's unconscious, that's all Toby," I told him. We lay there just looking at her dead to the world body. I have to admit, I found her pre-teen body exciting. Maybe I should fuck more eleven year olds. "Is she going to be alright?" Toby asked. "Yes, she'll be fine, but she will never be satisfied by an average dick again." He smiled, pleased with his handy work. She came around after ten minutes or so. "Toby that was fan-fucking-tastic. Want to do it again?" Toby shook his head. She looked down at her ruined pussy. It was gaping open. "Look at that. I love it," she fingered herself for a second, then she stuck her whole hand inside. Then she smiled at Toby and said "Thanks Toby. Let me know when you want to do it again." Toby snuck her off the ship, and came back to my room. "Well?" he asked "Well, it was different. I have never had sex with a girl that young." "Me either. Of course till yesterday I had never been with a girl," he laughed. "For a beginner, you did a pretty good job. She'll remember you the rest of her life," I told him as I drew him near. "She wants me to fuck her again tomorrow. I don't think I want to." "Why did you then?" "I thought it would be a nice surprise for you, since you haven't been with a woman in a while." "I would hardly call her a woman. So, you coerced her into having sex with me by promising to fuck her again?" "Pretty much, yeah," he grinned. "Next time I want some young pussy, I'll call you. But I prefer you to fuck me than to watch you fuck some little slut." "I prefer you too," he said as he kissed me. "I guess I'm just like Jenny. I'm hooked on your cock. Well I like Jacob's too. But I love it when you make love to me." "Are you sure you don't want Tyler or Clay to fuck you? I could probably arrange it." "You're so good to me Toby, but no thanks. I only want you and Jacob, because I love you two. If I didn't have you and Jacob, I'd probably go back to being a pussy whipped straight guy, and I don't even like the sound of that." "Well, I plan to use that ass of yours a lot," he said as he spooned behind me. "Oh goody," I said as I reached for the lube. *** "Your espresso," she was looking at Toby's naked form. "Thank you Elise." "This isn't the progression I expected," she mused "You should have been here last night," I retorted. "Probably not. Breakfast is in the main dining room" she replied. "What's on the agenda today?" "Sharks." Then she was gone. The crew were lowering the tender again. We went to a place called Compass Cay. there was a few smaller yachts docked in a small marina. When we tied the tender off, we walked down the dock to a restaurant. I was introduced to the owner. John something I can't pronounce. He led us to a small section that the dock enclosed. There was a sign hanging there, it said something about swimming with the sharks. I immediately paled. It listed the sharks by name. Don't ask me how they tell them apart, they all looked alike to me 3; like sharks. John handed us packages of hot dog wieners, then he took one and got down on his knees on the dock and the sharks were instantly below him. He held out the wiener, and a shark jumped out of the water and took it out of his hand. Of course the boys were keen on feeding sharks, so they went at it. When they were out of hot dogs, John told them "Now you boys can swim with them, but you've got to be careful, don't point your finger at them, or they will think it is a wiener, and bite it. And definitely don't drop your speedos, 'cause they will eat that wiener too." Then turning to Toby, "You probably don't have to worry about that, looks like you're sporting a summer sausage in your speedo." My boy does fill out his speedo well. Clay was the first to climb the ladder down into the water with the sharks. I was a bit worried, I mean how would I explain to his mother that he got eaten by sharks. Tyler and Jacob soon followed. Toby had good sense, and stayed on the dock. His speedos drawing attention from some girls from one of the ships docked there. One girl said to the other. "Look at the sharks Lydia." Neither her or Lydia's eyes were anywhere near the sharks. Then she said to Toby "Are you on one of these boats?" "No we have a yacht docked over at Sampson Cay." "Oh, a yacht huh. Well, how big is uh 3; your yacht?" "The one at Sampson Cay is about 160 feet [50 m]. The one you're staring at is 9½ [24 cm] inches," he turned and walked away. I think the girls creamed their panties. When the other boys came out of the water, we went into the restaurant for a soft drink. Our crewman, Brian, introduced me to another ship's captain, "This is captain Richard. He is a regular here," I shook his hand and chatted a bit. He spent much of the time trying to persuade me of how much better his ship and crew were, than that of the Amarula Sun. By the time I could get away, I had quite a distaste for him. I told Brian later that I thought the captain was a bit of a dick. Brian corrected me "Actually, he is a dick hole. His name is Richard Hole. In effect, he is a dick hole." We both laughed at his unfortunate name. On the way back to our tender, Brian pointed out Dick Hole's ship. It didn't look like much to me. Not near as nice or as large as our's. He said "Rumor is that the female crew members are part of the price package." "Well that wouldn't be a draw card for me, especially if they are as rude as he." We got back to the ship in time for lunch, and Elise told Toby that Jenny had been there twice, asking for him. He rolled his eyes, and sat down to eat. Around four, I was relaxing in the spa pool on the sun deck when Elise brought me a pina colada. "Thank you Elise, you must have been reading my mind. Have you seen the boys anywhere?" "They left almost an hour ago, said something about exploring the island." The last time they went exploring, they explored Jenny's pussy. "Did they all leave together?" "Yes. Is that important?" "No, it just indicates where they went." They came back a few minutes later, and all jumped in the pool with me. Elise served them cold drinks, and told them they should put on jeans, cause they were going somewhere. When they got out to go change, I asked Elise what was in store. "Pigs." Then turned and left. I decided to find out what that meant, so I went to change clothes too. We boarded the tender and went to yet again different island. As we approached the island, I could see pigs on the beach of the small lagoon. Brian took out a large trash bag, and reached in and pulled out a half eaten corn cob. As he raised it in the air, the pigs headed into the water. To my astonishment, the fucking pigs swim. They swam right up to our boat. Brian tossed the corn cob to the first one that arrived. He explained to the boys not to put their hands too close to the pigs mouths, but they could feed them. In the trash bag was the week's worth of table scraps. It was messy, but the boys loved it. There were five or six pigs swimming around our boat. I'm talking hog size pigs, not little pot bellied pigs. I noticed other tenders coming up nearby. Apparently these pigs are a very popular attraction. Everyone brought scraps to feed them. Seems there is a pig farm on the island, and the pigs have learned to augment their food supply by swimming out to boats. Dinner that night was noisy, with the boys talking about the sharks and the pigs. They thoroughly enjoyed it. That night both boys came to my room. As they got naked and climbed into the bed, I asked about their day 'exploring' the island. Both boys look rather sheepish then, "Oh, that, well we kinda gang banged Jenny again," Jacob admitted. "Toby, did you want to fuck her again?" I questioned "Not really, but she wouldn't let them unless I did. Tyler and Clay really wanted to have her again, and then Jacob begged me too." "Jacob, I promised your mother I wouldn't force you boys to do things like that, and I don't appreciate you doing it either. Toby didn't want to fuck her, he only did it for you. I want both of you to be more understanding of the other's feelings. I expect better of you in the future." Jacob teared up a little, and said "I'm sorry bro, I won't do it anymore." "It's ok, Jacob. I want you to be happy too. But maybe just ask me if I want to do something rather than beg me to do it for you." In our group hug, we all developed erections, and both boys knew where they wanted to put them. They applied lube, and Jacob went first of course. He took me hard and fast, followed by Toby, who did the same. I came as Toby fucked me from behind. Jacob was a little disappointed that I didn't for him. When he fucked me the second time, I came between our bellies. He was very proud of himself. Toby patted him on the back as if welcoming him to manhood. Then Toby had a second turn at my ass. I really do love how he fucks me. I feel like his wife or something. In the last few weeks, I have turned into a real cockloving manslut. *** "Your espresso." At least today we were covered. She set the coffee on the nightstand "We will be leaving after breakfast." At breakfast, the boys talked about how much fun they had while here. I thought of Jenny, of course, and the fun they had with her. Well not just them, I had a little fun with her too. As we pulled out of the marina, and headed out to sea, Elise brought me another espresso. "The boys had so much fun here, we hate to leave the place," I told her. "I imagine they did have fun. Did I ever mention that Jenny is my niece?" "No, I don't think 3; oh shit," I must have looked frightened. "No worries, she's been 3; precocious for a while now. Since my sister passed actually." "I'm sorry to hear about your sister. Jenny's a lovely girl." What else can you say to the aunt of an eleven year old girl you fucked? She looked at me knowingly, and said. "She is. She just needs a little guidance." Then she left me, sweating profusely. We had a few more days on the ship. We saw a few interesting sights, did more snorkeling, and more fishing. All the boys were having a blast. One day, as I was passing Jacob's room, I heard noises. I opened the door to see Jacob fucking Karen the other stewardess. He seemed to be doing a good job too, from the way she was cumming on his young cock. When I asked him about it, he said he had noticed her watching him most of the trip. So he said he had something to show her in his room. When they got there, he just dropped his speedo, and she went to her knees and sucked him till he came. Then he undressed her and fucked her. That was the day before I saw them. The one I saw, was actually the third time he fucked her. I thought to myself, maybe Karen should go work for captain dick hole. Our last night on the ship, we went back to Sampson Cay. Elise asked to speak to me in private. "As I said before, Jenny is my niece. My sister's only child, and my only living relative. I have to get her away from her father. I think the reason she is 3;well, that way, is because he molested her. She is coming with us, when we leave here tomorrow. I know it is a lot to ask, but it's obvious you have the financial means, can you keep her with you for a while?" I couldn't have been more dumbfounded, and it probably showed on my face. She continued "I have already started legal proceedings, it's just difficult dealing with both U.S. and Bahamian authorities," she shoved some paperwork under my nose. "Her father knows it's coming, and he knows I am on this ship. I just need to get her somewhere he can't find her until it's all final legally." I thought for a moment, and then said. "Look Elise, I would like to help you, and Jenny, of course, but I don't think this is a good idea. I mean, my boys are very healthy young boys, with healthy 3; uh appetites, as you have probably guessed 3;" She held up her hand, interrupting my monologue. "I am aware of what might be in store for her, it's not like she's a virgin for god's sake. I know that your boys have already 3;uh 3; sampled her charms. So has most of the boys that come here. She's a slut. But it's not her fault. I think I can turn her around if I have the chance. I can't do any worse than her father. "She is supposed to be home schooled over the internet, she hasn't done one class since her mother died over a year ago. She was barely ten when he molested her." "Look, Elise, let's be honest here. If she goes with me, she will get fucked. There is no two ways about it. I can't watch them 24/7. And as you said, they already know she wants it. They will fuck her senseless. Especially Jacob, he's a little horndog." "Yes, Karen told me. He's good too, from what she says. I should be so lucky. And Toby, he's gorgeous, and 3; well, you know. Jenny really likes them, and they seem to get along with her, so what if they fuck her, she'd be fucking somebody else if not them." "Let me talk to my attorney, and I will see what he says." "Actually, I already did. It was his idea for you to take her. When he called to arrange this trip, I talked to him about my problems dealing with the authorities. He referred me to someone, who has been a great help. I called him to thank him. When he asked about what was recommended by the other guy, I told him about taking her and hiding her. He said you were the one to do it." Fucking Jim. I need to have a little talk with him. "If he said I can do it, I will. Go ahead and bring her onboard." "Actually, I think she is in Jacob's room right now," I instantly got hard. First, because Jacob was getting more of that little pussy. Secondly, because her aunt was aware, and let it happen. She knows that Jacob is fucking her niece as we speak. "See what I mean," I told her matter of factly "I think Clay is in there too," she added. Damn she was so casual about her eleven year old niece getting fucked brainless. The next day as we were going towards Miami, I asked Captain Jack about how the gratuities were split. He explained that he didn't get any, and that the crew split was according to rank. I paid my bill, and added a 15% gratuity, and added an extra 10 grand for Elise. She would need it for legal fees. When we docked, she came up to me and said. "Jack told me what you did. I can't thank you enough for helping us. Now that your trip is over, I can do this," she kissed me on the lips. Not a friendly kiss either. A 'I want to fuck you' kiss. When she ended the kiss, she said "That wouldn't have been appropriate before the end of the trip." Strange that she saw me nude with my sons, she knows that they fucked her niece, and she is sending her to get fucked some more, yet she is worried about what's proper? Strange, strange, lady. Chapter 5The boys were surprised when Jenny was getting off the ship with us. Jacob had a huge smile when he learned she would be staying with us for a while. I called Ada, to tell her about Jenny, and she already knew about it. Damn Jim is a pain in the ass, for a best friend. Ada said she had Jenny's room already set up, and had done some shopping for her. She asked me why Derrick gives us his employee discount. That would be a long story for me to tell her. When we arrived home, Ada picked us up in the Escalade. Then she told me more exciting news. "Clay and Tyler's parents were called away on an emergency. They ask if the boys could stay with us another week." Then noticing my gift from the boys, "That's a nice necklace you're wearing" "Thanks, Ada, the boys gave it to me." Oh lord. Poor Jenny is going to be sore and worn out by the time she gets back with her aunt. When we entered our gate, Jenny said "Oh my god, nice house!" Tyler said "Ditto. Do you really live here now Toby?" Toby grinned and nodded. I told the boys to unpack the car and Ada showed Jenny to her room. Then I showed Clay and Tyler to the pool house. "Great fucking pool" Clay exclaimed. I definitely have to work on his and Jacob's language. That night I grilled some steaks, I'm not a chef, but I can grill a mean steak. After dinner, Jacob asked "Can we go swimming?" "Sure," I said innocently, forgetting that we swim nude. Jacob was out of his clothes in a flash, catching everyone by surprise. Clay said "Is he supposed to swim naked?" I reluctantly nodded my head. That was a green light for Clay, Tyler, and Jenny. Suddenly I had four naked kids in my pool. At first they splashed around, but before long I noticed Tyler paying special attention to Jenny. He pulled her over to the steps, and I saw that his cock was already in her. Ada came out about that time and stopped dead in her tracks. She was so shocked that her mouth just hung open and no sound came out. "Close your mouth Ada before you catch a bug in it. This has been going on for a while now. Her aunt knows and Jenny likes it. Little Jenny was our unofficial vacation slut. Everybody had her." "Everybody?" "Yes everybody." "Even Toby's big 3;" Now she was even more shocked. "Even Toby. She really likes Toby." "Good God. How?" "With a lot of effort, I must say," Toby said sounding quite pleased with himself. "But she's only eleven years old for god's sake," said Ada. "And she hasn't been a virgin for over a year," I defended. By then Tyler was finished, and Clay stepped up to the plate. Jenny looked over at us and said "Hey Toby come over here." "No thanks. I'm trying to cut back," Toby answered. Jenny looked extremely disappointed. When Jacob took over, she seemed to get over it though. He made her cum twice before blowing his load in her. All Ada could say was "Well, that was impressive. Pretty good for only 13." She was proud of our boys too. "Make sure the lock on her door works, in case she wants to get away from the boys a while. Better yet, check their locks as well, especially Toby's. He will most likely be trying to keep her out then the other way around." I went to my room early, leaving the kids playing video games. I showered and went to bed. It had been a long day, after all I acquired three more kids today. Toby came in quietly, and got into bed. I was already fast asleep. I woke when he took my dick into his mouth. "Mmm that's nice," I said, then I drew him up to me, and kissed him. I could feel his steel hard cock between us. Toby said "I've got you. I don't need a preteen slut." That's all it took for me to reach for the lube . As I applied it, I asked "Did everybody go to bed?" "Yes, though not their own beds. Jenny is in Jacob's room." "I guess I won't be seeing him until she leaves. So fuck me for both of you," he did. Twice. As bad as it sounds, I love how he fucks me. I love when Jacob does too, it's just different between Toby and I. Yes, he has a huge cock, but Jacob's isn't small either, and he will grow to be Toby's size no doubt. I think I am definitely in love with Toby. I was never sure till that night. I wanted Toby more than anything. I wasn't upset that my other boy was, at that moment, 6 inches [15 cm] deep in a preteen slut, I had Toby in me and that is all that mattered. Ada woke us early, Toby was still spooned in behind me. I guess he had gotten so used to being seen nude, that he got out of bed, without giving Ada a second thought. "Jim called a few minutes ago, said for you to call him back after your lazy ass gets out of bed. His words not mine," she laughed. She had no problem relaying his words, I noticed. Toby came back from the toilet, still nude, and got back in bed with me. Ada shook her head and left the room. "It's good to be back in our own bed," he said while rubbing his hardening cock against my ass. "I would love to take care of that for you, but I have things to do. May I have a rain check on it.?" "Oh 3;I guess I might be willing to fuck you later, Rob. Just be sure to keep it warmed up for me." He's getting to be a cocky little shit. We showered and dressed, and yes I managed to get him into my mouth while in the shower. I didn't let him cum though, that's what he gets for being cocky. At the top of the stairs I ran into Tyler. We said good morning, and I started down. As he opened Jacob's door, I heard Jenny moaning. That girl is going to get tired of being a slut before she leaves here. Jim told me he had a response to the ads we placed in newspapers around the country, asking for anyone who knew Gloria Campbell to contact his office. "It was her mother. She lives in New Orleans, now. She only called because she thought there might be some money in it for her. When I explained that Gloria passed leaving two orphan sons, she suddenly wasn't interested anymore. I sent her papers to sign, relinquishing all claims to the boys. "When I told her Gloria had been ill for a long time, she said "Good. The little tramp tried to steal my man. Serves her right.' Can you believe that, Robert. Her husband raped Gloria, and yet she called Gloria a tramp. She wasn't even upset that her daughter was dead. What a fucking bitch." "Did you say anything about me?" "Oh hell no. But at Christmas, I would love for the boys to send dear old Grandma, a nice card with a picture of them standing in front of your house. Maybe a caption saying 'From our home to your shack.' or something like that. Hell, I'll even pay for it." "You've got a mean streak in you Jim. That's why I love you man." "Oh, and another thing. She said that Eugene, the boy's father, was killed in a barroom brawl a couple of years ago. So, once she signs the papers, there should be no claim on the boys or you." "Great news, Jim. I guess I should tell them about their father. Man life hasn't been kind to them." "That's all going to change for them now, with you around, Rob." Then he added "I hear you have another visitor now," referring to Jenny. "Yes about that. Remind me to kick your ass later. And I actually have three more visitors, not one. Do you have any idea what those boys are going to do to that girl?" "Well from what I understand, she would probably love it." "She's loving it right now, as we speak, she is getting fucked by Tyler and Jacob." "Really? Can you get pictures?" "Fucking pervert. Don't get your desk all sticky jerking off on it. Bye Jim" Being the lazy person that I am, I called Toby on his cell phone. "Would you get Jacob and come to my office?" "Do I have to Dad? Jenny's in there, and liable to rape me, or least start begging me to fuck her." I had to laugh, "Okay, I'll call him. I don't want to go in there either." Toby was in my office probably five minutes before Jacob showed up. He looked flushed, and happy. I didn't know if he would still be happy once I gave him the news. "Boys, Jim and I have reached out to find any relatives that may want the two of you, or at least want to get to know you. By that, I don't mean that I don't want you, we just wanted to ward off any legal hassles on your behalf. We located your grandmother, and she is going to relinquish any claims on you. She also told Jim, that your father is no longer living, and as far as we know you have no other relatives. I know this is hard, but I want you to know I am here for you, no matter what." Toby and Jacob looked at each other, then Toby said "Is that it? We thought it was something important for you to call us in here. We've never had a grandmother, or father. As far as we're concerned, you're the only Dad we have, or want. Sorry, but you're stuck with us." I teared up a bit, and hugged my boys to me. "Thanks, Son, I feel the same about you two. Now Jacob, get the others to the kitchen for breakfast, and make sure Jenny washes her cunt first. I don't want to smell fish, when I'm eating eggs." The rest of the day was uneventful, other than only seeing Jenny at meal times. It seemed one or another of the three boys was fucking her all the time. Toby didn't. Toby slipped into bed with me later, nude of course. He played with my dick for a minute, then asked me "Will you fuck me?" I looked at him with astonishment. "I want to find out what it's like, and I want you to bSe the one to do it." I was touched, he wanted me to take his anal cherry. I got the lube and spread some on my dick, then my fingers. I kissed him as I worked a finger into his tight teen ass. Once I was knuckle deep, I slid it in and out a while till he started getting into it. I added a second finger and did the same. After the third finger was moving in him easily, I got between his legs and placed them on my hips. I slowly worked my dick into him, making sure not to hurt him. When I was balls deep, I began to work it a little faster. In this position, I was sure to hit his prostate on every stroke. My dick is just about the perfect size to massage his button, and give him a good fucking. Having never had his prostate massaged, he soon was bucking on me, loving the intense pleasure it can provide. It didn't take long, before he shot a huge load on his belly. "Oh Shit! 3; So that's why you like this so much," he said as he recovered. "No. I like it so much, because I love you. Orgasms are easy. You make it special," I leaned over and licked up his cum. Then I started moving in him again. After a few minutes, I flipped us over, me on my back, him on my dick. I let him work it at his own pace. I could tell when he was getting close to cumming again, and leaned forward to suck his load out of him. Having a big cock made it easier, and I love swallowing his cream. When the first jet hit my throat, I unloaded in his ass. *** "Get up sleepy heads. Toby, you have your first driving lesson today, and I have to go to the grocery store again with this damn many kids here," said sweet, adorable Ada, at what had to be the butt crack of dawn. "Good morning to you too, Ada. Will you take all the boys with you, and leave Jenny here when you go please." "Leave Jenny alone with you?" she asked while looking at me disgustedly. "Well, if that is what you want" and she stormed out. When everyone had gone, I found Jenny asleep, nude on Jacob's bed. I woke her up and told her to meet me in the living room. I was sitting on a sofa when she came in. She was wearing the pink floral sundress that she wore to dinner on the yacht. I expected her to sit next to me, but she opted to sit on my lap. She put one foot on the floor between my feet, and the other on the sofa. She rocked her leg back and forth as I looked down at her crotch. Her bare pussy was on display, and with the rocking, it appeared to be winking at me. I admit, I popped wood instantly, and my thoughts were purely carnal. "You've got a hard on. Goody, are you going to fuck me?" "No, Jenny, I'm not." "Didn't you like it when you fucked me on the boat?" "Yes, Jenny, I did. But now I just want to talk to you. Why do you let all the boys fuck you?" "Cause it feels good, silly. And they love me for it." "They love you for it?" I questioned her train of thought. "Yes. Boys love you when they fuck you," she answered. I could tell she was being completely honest about it. "Who told you that sweety?" "My daddy. He said for me to be a good girl and let him fuck me, because I was trying to stop him. It hurt bad, but he told me he loved me. He never said that before that first time. Then the next time I just let him fuck me, and didn't fight him like I did the first time. It still hurt me, but he said what a good girl I was, and that all boys like a girl who fucks. Then when he shot his stuff in me, he said again that he loved me. A lot of boys said they love me when they are fucking me." I felt so bad for this little girl. Her father turned her into a slut. I also felt guilty because of that night when I took advantage of her and fucked her myself. "Why do you like Toby's big cock when you know it's going to hurt?" "Because it hurts. Like Daddy's did the first time. But Daddy is only about as big as Tyler. So it doesn't hurt anymore when he does it to me. When it hurts it reminds me that daddy loves me. Only Toby can make it hurt now. I like when Jacob fucks me too, a lot. He can make me cum without hurting. Well you did too, but you don't like fucking me." "Oh, sweetie, that's not true. I did like fucking you, it just isn't right for me to. You see, young boys and even some men, can't control themselves. Nature tells them to fuck to perpetuate the species. They will say or do anything to reproduce. "If a boy only tells you he loves you, when he is fucking you, or to get a chance to fuck you, then he probably doesn't really love you. He is doing what it takes to reproduce, it's just instinctive. "Because as a species, we have evolved enough that we don't have to reproduce as soon or as often as we can. We now have choices. We can reproduce with whom we want. So now we choose to only have sex with people who we really care for, people we have deep feelings for. "You don't have to have sex with anyone you don't want to. There are a lot of bad men out there who will want to fuck you, just because you are a pretty little girl. If someone forces you to, it's called rape." "Aunt Elise says Daddy raped me. Do you think he did?" she asked tearfully. "If you told him no, and fought him, I would say, yes, he did." "So he only told me he loved me so he could fuck me? Is that why he never said it before?" I nodded my head, and hugged her to me while she cried. After a while, she asked "Robert, do you think the boys will be mad if I don't let them fuck me anymore?" "They may be a little upset at first, but they will understand. If you would like, I will have a chat with them." "Not Jacob though. I really like him and I want to keep fucking him." "What about Toby?" "That big thing hurts too much," she answered "You know Jacob isn't finished growing, he'll probably get as big as Toby." "I'm still growing too, and if Jacob keeps fucking me, I won't notice him stretching me out a little at a time as he grows." Somehow that made sense. She got off my lap, and then gave me a big kiss on the lips. "You really are the best dad. The boys were right to give you that necklace," she turned and skipped away. When Ada returned, she found me in the office. "I thought you might still be in bed with Jenny," she said cruelly. "Nope." "She wore you out quick huh? Got to watch out for those young ones, old men like you aren't built for it," she left my office in a huff. As I said before, Ada can be mean when she thinks I've fucked up. I asked all the boys to come to my office. Once they all gathered, I said "I don't want any of you to fuck Jenny unless she specifically asked you to. Let me make this clear. No begging, no coercion. If, and only if, she asks do you touch her. Do you understand." They looked sad, but nodded in compliance. I asked Toby about his driving lesson, and he excitedly told me all about it. Then he asked me what was up with Jenny, so I told him that we had a chat. That night, I was just starting to blow Toby, when suddenly the door burst open. Ada came over to us and said "You wonderful man! You have restored my faith in you, and I will never doubt you again. When Tyler and Clay came out to their rooms in the pool house, they told me about what you said to them. So I ask Jenny about what happened while we were gone. She told me about your talk with her." She must have finally noticed Toby's cock in my mouth, because she stopped suddenly, and flicked her hand at me, and said "Uh 3; carry on" and flew out the door. That woman is going to be the death of me, I'm sure. |