PZA Boy Stories

Alex M

A Father's Love


A twelve year-old boy has never met his father and a twenty-eight year-old man has never met his son. An accident is about to change their lives.

Publ. Apr 2017
Under construction, Apr 2017; 10,000 words (20 pages)


Tyler (12yo), his father David (28yo), Chip (22yo) and Russell

Category & Story codes

Man-Boy story/incest
Mb MM – cons oral anal – incest


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at 68620to43203(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Alex M: A Father's Love in the subject line.


Chapter 1

<> Day 1 <>

Tyler stared out of the window of the plane as it started rolling away from the gate. He could see his aunt from the window wiping tears away from her eyes as she waved to him. It was only a month ago that his mother was coming back from this very same airport and was killed by a drunk driver and her funeral was three days later. Tyler's whole class came with their families to be there for him but no one could comfort him. Afterall, the only parent he had ever known was gone.

He grew up quickly being the only child of a single parent. His mother had moved him to Northern Minnesota when he was just a baby, and while many of his friends spent hours in front of video games, he had chores. He didn't think of them as a burden, he was simply used to working hard. Afternoons were spent splitting and stacking wood, washing laundry and doing homework. Tyler liked to be active even though he was never good at sports; he always said he had better things to do than chase balls around a field. All of his hard work turned him into a very grown-up twelve year old. His body had just started its march into puberty less that a year before; his muscles had begun growing and a few little hairs were coming in. At not quite five feet [1.50 m] tall he was the shortest in his class and still waiting for his growth spurt to kick in; he at least hoped it would. His mom was only five feet [1.50 m] tall so it was a possibility that he would never get as tall as many of his friends would.

He leaned back his seat and as soon as the flight attendant said it was okay he poked around the little blue bag the airline gave him for his meal. His stomach was full of butterflies as he contemplated what was going to happen that day; flying to San Diego to meet his dad. He had never met him before and really didn't understand why he couldn't just stay with his aunt and uncle. His parents had dated a bit in high school but lost touch when they went to college. His mom didn't tell his dad about Tyler until he was two years old and she never told Tyler much about him except when a new pair of shoes or a new jacket would elicit "This is from California" referring to child support.

As he reached the halfway point in his flight his thoughts drifted from his mother to who his father might be. He had never seen his picture, knew nothing personal about him, only that his name was David. He wondered if he looked more like his mom or his dad. Was his dad short like him? Did they have the same color eyes? Random questions raced through his mind as the pilot announced that they were beginning their descent into San Diego. Tyler put his seatbelt back on and gave his trash to the attendant.

It seemed to take forever for the plane to reach the terminal and for people to start leaving; when it was finally his turn Tyler got up and struggled to pull his bag down from the overhead compartment. A tall man wearing a UCSD Athletics XL sweatshirt gave him a hand in getting his bag down and rustled his hair as Tyler thanked him. When he stepped out of the Jetway he was amazed to see how many people were milling around the waiting area; there were a lot of people at the airport in Minneapolis when his aunt walked him to the gate there but here he was alone. Being in an airport was not something Tyler had ever done before today and to make it more stressful, he had no idea where he was going or who he was looking for. 'UCSD guy' patted him on the back and said, "Welcome to California" as he watched the little guy observe the crowd.

"Do you need to pick up some luggage?" he asked Tyler recognizing how intimidated the young boy was.

Tyler could only nod yes and started to walk with him down the concourse to the stairs. Once he was at the bottom he saw someone in a black suit holding a sign with his name on it "Tyler Whitter."

"That's me," he said pointing, "that's my name."

"Really?" the man asked with surprise in his voice.

With UCSD's hand still on his shoulder he walked up to the man and introduced himself. The man and UCSD looked happy to see each other and gave each other a hug, which Tyler thought was pretty strange. Growing up in Minnesota meant he grew up hugging everyone but the way they hugged seemed a little different to him. They talked for a moment and then the man holding the sign squatted down until he was at eye-level and introduced himself to Tyler.

"I'm Chip, I work for your dad. I got your bags already so I'll take you back to the house if you're ready."

At that point he noticed his baggage behind Chip. He led them out to the bus parking area and up to a huge black Audi A8-L. Tyler couldn't believe his eyes as Chip opened the door for him; he'd never seen such an impressive car. Tyler wasn't country kid but growing up in Grand Rapids, home to only 8,000 frozen souls had never exposed him to such luxury. As Chip rounded the front of the car and climbed in he asked Tyler if he was hungry to which he politely said he was not. Tyler leaned forward and talked with Chip the whole time as they meandered through the hills of San Diego along the coast. Finally the car slowed down and Chip announced, "Here we are."

Tyler looked out of his window and was blown away by the size of the house. They pulled up into a large circular driveway and Chip got out and before Tyler could find the handle, the door opened and he stepped out into the California sun. As Chip opened the trunk to remove his bags, an older man came out of the house and smiled at Tyler.

"Welcome to San Diego Tyler, I am Russell, I take care of your house. Whenever there is something you need, just let me know."

Tyler was taken aback that this man had just said 'your house'. He shook Tyler's hand, grabbed a bag while Chip grabbed the other and they headed into the house. The doors opened up into a huge foyer with long curved staircases leading up to the second and third floors. As they climbed, Russell told Tyler that his father was called to an unexpected meeting and that he should be getting home in about an hour. Russell showed Tyler his room and Chip left saying that he was going to David's office in case he got out early. The room was enormous with a view that took his breath away; right below his window was the Pacific Ocean with beaches and people all over.

"My deepest condolence on your mother's passing. Please let me know if there is anything I can get for you. If you need me I'll be downstairs to the left of the foyer in the kitchen and there is a pool in the back if you would like to go swimming."

Tyler explored nearly every room and found, besides bedrooms all over the place, everything from a library, a game room with a pool table, a workout room and a sauna. He went back upstairs to pull on his swimsuit but when he was halfway up the stairs he heard a voice call out his name. He turned and saw a strong tall man standing with Chip wearing a pair of exercise shorts and a t-shirt by the front door. His first thought was his father's trainer or gardener or a butler, he felt like he was in a castle and had no idea how many people he would meet before David got home. He walked back down the steps, extended his hand and said "Hi, I'm Tyler."

The man smiled and shook Tyler's hand and then knelt down and said "Hi Tyler, My name is David."

Tyler was a little shocked and who could blame him, he just met his dad. He didn't know why but he choked up almost immediately and swallowed hard as tears fell from his eyes. David quickly leaned forward and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. He could feel his son's tears wetting his shirt. Chip quickly left park the car in the garage and Russell disappeared into the kitchen leaving them alone in the large stone foyer with Tyler's soft crying echoing off the marble floor and walls and into David's shoulder.

David had never felt anyone cling so tightly too him before; he couldn't believe that this was his son, the one who he had never met, right here in his arms. David choked up a little as well and since Tyler's grip was not lightening up, he picked him up and carried him through the library onto the patio, sat on a bench and just hugged him.

Tyler's crying began to subside but he didn't let go of the grasp around his father's neck. There was something very tranquil about the heavy arms around him. He was sitting on his father's solid legs and his head was against a very powerful neck. Everything about him made Tyler feel safe and secure. Everything was changing so quickly for Tyler; loosing his mom, leaving his cousins and moving across the country. He had been feeling adrift ever since he was told that he would have to move away, very vulnerable and alone but not right now. He needed this more than he realized; for the first time in weeks he wasn't scared.

Chapter 2

<> Day 1 <>

David had often wondered what it would be like to know his son but he never imagined that it would happen under these circumstances. He and Rachael talked a few times throughout the years and their conversations were always cordial but never quite comfortable – it wasn't easy to keep from getting frustrated when she said she didn't think Tyler would be ready to meet his gay dad. Child support was arranged through lawyers and it wasn't a burden for him. His family's money combined with his own business successes left him more than comfortable. He had offered to help out more but one of the things that David found attractive in Rachael when they first met was her strong will and independence.

Tyler relaxed his grip and leaned back and feeling a little embarrassed, slid off David's lap and sat on the bench in front of him. He looked at the ground as David looked at the top of Tyler's head for a few minutes before he spoke.

"I know that this can't be easy and I only want to help you through this. If there is anything you need all you need to do is ask me. If I'm not here Russell will get it for you and if you need to go anywhere Chip can take you if I'm at work. I also spoke with your old school and they have sent your records to your here and since the school year is almost done, we're just gonna say your summer break starts today."

David noticed Tyler looking out over the edge of the deck to the beach below and as he joined Tyler's gaze, he noticed how many dads were down there with their kids. He had seen them before of course and at times maybe even feeling a little envious of them, that is, until he would hear one of his employees griping about one of their defiant kids getting in trouble at school or church or in one way or another be an incorrigible little shit. Without speaking Tyler scooted back a little, stood up and looked over the rail of the patio to the beach below.

David tried to think of what to say next but every thought that passed through his mind seemed inadequate. Finally he stood up and walked to the rail. Standing beside his son he put his hand on Tyler's back and felt his shoulders tense and then relax. David was never good with awkward silences though.

"Are you hungry? Let's go see what Russell is making for lunch."

The two walked through the house as David tried to give him a layout of it. Tyler had already explored all three floors and nearly every room but he liked listening to David. The house was very large and David said it was over a hundred years old but he couldn't believe that. It doesn't look old, he thought. He tried to pay attention to what David was saying but got distracted at every turn and all he really gathered was that the house had something to do with Queen Anne and Victor or Victoria or somebody like that. They walked through the library and Tyler saw a very old looking painting of a woman and figured that it was her.

As they arrived in the kitchen Russell was putting the finishing touches on a plate full of sandwiches. Chip walked in and they all grabbed a soda and started eating. Tyler listened to 'the grownups' talking. They welcomed Tyler again and talked about matters of the day, of the house and vehicles and talk about the grounds for a few minutes before they started to make any conversation that Tyler could catch onto. They laughed from time to time, though Tyler didn't quite know what they were laughing about. He laughed along with them even though his mind was more preoccupied with the pool.

Interjecting he asked "Hey David, can I go swimming?"

"Sure – just get out if you start getting a cramp. I'll be out there in a minute."

Tyler took the last bites of his sandwich, excused himself and ran upstairs to put on his swim trunks. He got to the top of the stairs and had to think for a second about which way his bedroom was. He knew that one of the doors at the top of the steps was locked last time he tried it. His mom had always said his curiosity would get him in trouble. He could hear everyone in the kitchen talking and decided to try the door again. It was unlocked – someone must have opened it. He cracked the door open and peaked inside. The room was beautiful to say the least. It had a wall of windows looking out over the ocean with a couple chairs by a small table at the center of them. A huge bed was against one wall, a dark wood, very old looking four-poster bed with a white canopy. There were three wide matching dressers, a full-length mirror, and what he assumed would be a huge walk in closet. There was a bathroom door towards the back corner by the table and comfortable looking chairs, and on the table was a pair of binoculars and a few books.

Tyler walked over to the table and looked down at the beach – it seemed to be a couple hundred feet down below the window and he could see all of it. It was amazing the number of people that where within his view.

"I hope Russell didn't tell you that you could have this room," David said softly nearly giving Tyler a heart attack.

Tyler yelped and almost knocked the binoculars off the table barely catching them before they fell. "I'm sorry – I was just looking but I didn–"

"No no no, it’s okay, don't worry about it." David smiled, "The house is yours now too; you can go anywhere you want. Pretty cool view it's it?"

"It's awesome! My friends in Grand Rapids would never believe I live in a place as cool as this now."

"Your room is the next door down to the left." David said with a smile.

Tyler smiled back and David said "I'll race you to the pool!"

Tyler darted out the door and into his room. David could hear the sounds of him fumbling through his bags, as he was no doubt searching for his suit. David got undressed and pulled his on and just as he opened his door he saw Tyler run down the stairs pulling his suit up over his butt. David laughed as he tied his drawstring and descended the stairs. Tyler was already in the water when David reached the pool. As he watched him swimming he could tell he was definitely a Northerner. Tyler's fair skin sliced through the water and glowed creamy-white in the sun. He sat back in a lounge chair and thought that Tyler was definitely a head-turner. His brown hair looked almost black in the water. His body was trim and athletic. David could see some of his mother in him but he could also see a lot of himself. He had her eyes and height but in the physique department Tyler looked like a much smaller version of David. Tyler's narrow waist that tapered up to broadening shoulders was just like his own.

David smiled and leaned back in his chair. At 6'3" [1.90 m] and 200 pounds [90 kg] David was in great shape; working out several times a week, Russell making the healthiest of meals and his youthful attitude kept his appearance in the mid-twenties – at least that's how old most people thought he was. David was sixteen when Rachael got pregnant which put him at just twenty-eight years old now.

"Aren't you going to swim Dav– ummm–"

"You can call me David or dad – whichever you feel more comfortable with. I'm okay with both."

"Okay," Tyler said giving David a toothy smile "So are you going to come in here or what?"

In a burst of energy, David jumped up out of his chair and did a cannonball into the pool just inches from Tyler engulfing him in a tidal wave. Under the water he could see Tyler tumbling and trying to resurface. He breached the surface of the water and could hear laughing and the splashing of Tyler trying to swim away. David and Tyler played in the water for a couple of hours enjoying the sunshine and passively got to know each other. As the afternoon sun started heating up they got out of the water and sat in the shade at a table at the edge of the pool. Tyler asked how he was able to have such a nice house. David explained that he had gotten into realty right after college and in the past ten years had amassed a nice investment. He told Tyler about the area, the loss of his own parents and everything else except for the aspect of his own sexuality. They were in the pool and back out several times; Tyler had a lot of questions for David, and the two of them talked until well into the evening covreing years of history.

A little before seven o'clock Russell opened the door and said dinner would be ready in ten minutes.

"Lets go on upstairs and get changed" David said to Tyler.

As he ran off David walked over to Russell and said "One hell of a son I've got there, don't you think?"

Russell smiled, nodded and headed back into the house to serve dinner. David walked back upstairs to get changed. Tyler's door was open just a crack and as David glanced in he could see Tyler changing in the mirror. Tyler was pulling up his underwear and pants up but not before David could get another glimpse of his pure white butt-cheeks. His pants rode just off his hips, that extra inch too low which makes every gay man's eyes drift. Tyler reached for his shirt and David could see the beginnings of soft brown hair under his arms whispering in. For a moment too long his gaze was centered through that little crack in the door.

"Hey! Is there anything else you need me for tonight?" Chip said from the foot of the stairs. It was obvious that he had startled David and it caused him to laugh a little to himself.

"No – no, we will be fine," David said shaking his head "Have a good night."

"You too – say good night to Tyler for me"

"Will do – are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner? Russell made prime rib."

"I would but I have a date," Chip smiled. "I don't want to be late again."

"You know you can just blame me for it right?"

With that Chip smiled and nodded and was out the door. David turned to go into his room and nearly tripped over Tyler who seemed to suddenly appear right behind him.

"Sorry! I'm sorry – I'll be ri– dinner's almost ready – I didn't see you," David said stumbling backward and tripping over his words just as he had just tripped over his son. "I'll meet you in the dinning room in a second."

With that he was in his room with his door closed. He leaned back against his door and dropped his head back against the frame. He closed his eyes and tried to shake the image of Tyler's body out of his mind. How could he even think about that? He shucked off his shorts and jumped in the shower. He knew dinner was almost ready so he had to hurry. He grabbed the bar of soap and started washing up. He couldn't get those creamy white orbs out of his mind. Without even realizing it, he was getting hard. As he lowered his hands down his stomach and reached his dick he was a little shocked to feel just how hard he was. As fast as he got in, he jumped out of the shower and grabbed his towel. He pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, forgoing his underwear or socks; he didn't want to keep them waiting.


Tyler was shocked when he saw the table all dressed and ready for dinner. Everything looked so elegant, like something from a magazine or a movie. Russell pulled out a chair for Tyler next to the head of the table. He sat down and took a deep breath of some wonderful smell coming from the kitchen. Russell asked him what he'd like to drink with dinner.

"Water is fine – no ice though please," he replied.

Tyler could hear his dad walking down the stairs so he put his hands under the sides of his thighs. His mother had always taught him to keep his hands down until everyone was at the table. David sat down at the head of the table right next to Tyler and gave him a slightly nervous smile.

"It smells great Russell – what all have you whipped up for us tonight?" David said

"Prime rib, rosemary potatoes and grilled squash," Russell said as he carried the plates to the table.

David took a drink of his wine and smiled again at Tyler. "He's an amazing chef"

Russell brought his own plate to the table and the three generations of men dug in. Tyler couldn't get over how good it all tasted. He had never had prime rib before; He was a little apprehensive about eating meat that was still so red but was amazed at how it melted in his mouth with each bite. He couldn't help but compliment Russell over and over again throughout dinner. Russell would just smile and genially accept the young boy's praise. David couldn't help but notice each and ever time Tyler's knee would bump into his. The feeling of his smooth leg grazing his knee almost made it hard to maintain a light dinner conversation. Tyler ate quickly but stayed at the table to listen to Russell and David talking even though their conversation seemed to be a little out of his league. It made him feel like 'one of the guys' when he laughed with them though. At nine o'clock dinner wrapped up and Russell began clearing the plates so Tyler quickly grabbed the glasses and silverware to help clean the table. Russell said, "That's not necessary" but Tyler liked feeling helpful. Russell loaded the dishwasher, grabbed his coat out of a closet in the kitchen and walked to the door.

"I'll be going unless there is anything else I can do for you," he said to David.

"Have a good night Russell – and I'll see you at eleven tomorrow – take the morning off."

"Are you sure," he asked. It was not uncommon for David to give him the large parts of the day off but he always felt it necessary to ask.

"Yes, yes, now get going before I call Louise and tell her you're trying to avoid her," he said with a grin, "We'll be fine."

David put his hand on Tyler's shoulder and guided him into the living room as the door to the garage swung shut. "Have you seen this part yet?" he said as he grabbed a remote and a screen lowered above the fireplace. At the same time a small slot in the back wall opened and the TV was on. Tyler sat down next to David as CNN flipped on. "What do you feel like watching? I had Chip go out and grab a bunch of movies you might like – go ahead and take a look."

Tyler walked over to the side of the fireplace and sure enough – there had to be 100 movies still in the plastic wrapping. He looked through and saw a bunch of his favorites. He grabbed Finding Nemo, opened the plastic and started looking for the Blu-ray player. David showed him how the components were built into the coffee table and as the disk retracted into the player, Tyler found his spot on the couch. David thought it was a little ironic that he picked the story of a dad trying to reunite with is son but he was certain that it was just coincidence. They settled back on the sofa and as the movie started the rest of the lights in the room dimmed. After the first hour of the film David could tell Tyler was getting tired. With it being after one o'clock in the morning in Minnesota it was obvious why. Tyler turned from leaning on the arm of the couch to leaning against David's arm. Before the credits Tyler had his head resting on David's right leg with his hand draped over David's knee. David had his hand on Tyler's shoulder rubbing it ever so gently with his thumb. He was fighting hard to keep his eyes from closing. He just couldn't bring himself to disturb the angel that was sleeping on him.

Chapter 3

<> Day 1 <>

The movie had finished an hour ago and David still had his hand on Tyler's shoulder. As David drifted in and out of consciousness he couldn't help but notice that Tyler had a pretty nice chest for a twelve year old. His hand drifted across his back under his arm to his smooth chest and stomach. It was nearly midnight now and David was falling asleep. He finally gave in and moved to stand up. He picked Tyler up and held him close to his chest as he carried him up the stairs. He seemed as light as a feather in his arms. Tyler woke up on the way but didn't move, he didn't remember anybody ever really carrying him before and he liked being in his dad's arms like that. David walked into the bedroom and sat Tyler up on the edge of his bed.

Gently rousing him, he told him to go brush his teeth and get changed for bed. Tyler got up and went into the bathroom while David turned down his bed. Tyler came out in nothing but a pair of dark green boxers and, while Tyler's eyes were still trying to adjust from the bright lights of the bathroom, David could see just fine. He watched as Tyler cautiously stepped toward the bed hoping there wasn't anything to stub his toe on. The moonlight on his skin made him appear even more angelic than before. David quickly stood up to hide his quickly growing erection. Tyler wrapped his arms around his father's waist and pressed his cheek into his shirt. David put his hands on Tyler's back and then rubbed his shoulders while Tyler pushed his little feet under the sheet.

When he was in bed David said goodnight, left the room, turned off all the lights in the house, armed the alarm and went to his bedroom. Once in his door he took of his shirt, gave his chest a relaxing rub and lowered his shorts. As he did his hardon bounced up and a string of precum stretched from his arm to the head of his cock. He stepped out of his clothes and collapsed onto his bed. He lay there naked in the moonlight thinking of how his own son looked just moments before. His hand rubbed his chest and inched down to his abs; following his fine treasure trail he felt the base of his eight and a half-inch [21 cm] dick surrounded in short trimmed hair. He closed his eyes and wrapped his hand around it and absentmindedly started stroking. He tried hard not to think of Tyler but it was impossible.

After only five or six minutes he felt his balls tighten up, the image of his son's perfect little butt came into his mind and the thought of touching it pushed him over the edge. The first shot landed just below his chin. The following loads covered his chest and abs as his chest heaved. He touched his chest and coated his fingers in his cum and one by one sucked them into his mouth. He released his hardon and walked to his bathroom. Grabbing a washcloth he wiped off the jizz and noticed that it was a lot larger than his most recent jerk off loads.

Walking back to bed with his hardon still leading the way he got under the sheets. He quickly fell asleep, but it was a restless night as dreams of his son occupied his mind.


<> Day 2 <>

He woke to the sound of the security alarm being disabled by Chip entering the garage. He rolled onto his back and smiled at his morning wood tent under the sheet. He gave it a quick squeeze and looked at his clock. 6 am he thought – right on time. David got up to go to the bathroom just as Chip opened the bedroom door. Seeing David naked was nothing new, but seeing him hard was. Chip's mouth dropped open a little bit as he saw his boss's thick cock bouncing its way across the room. He couldn't help but notice this morning how big his boss was.

"How was your date last night?" David asked sleepily

"Huh? Oh – it was great! He's really nice but had an early morning so we had to call it an evening after dinner."

"Well that's too bad. What's he like if you don't mind me asking?"

"Not at all, he's a medical student at UCSD – very smart guy. Really funny and sweet."

"Gonna go and marry a doctor are ya?" David said with a laugh.

"Something like that," Chip smiled back.

David walked into the bathroom and as he climbed into the shower asked if Tyler was awake yet. Chip had to go to the door in order to hear him over the running water and now unintentionally, he could see him in the mirror washing his armpits and soaping his chest.

"Yea – um – he was just walking outside when I came up the stairs, said he was going to sit out by the pool for a little while before breakfast. Guess he's still on central time."

Chip watched as David's hand moved down to this crotch. He gave his own dick a squeeze as he watched his boss stroking his raging hardon right in front of him in the mirror. He knew he had to leave or he would be caught so he said he was going to go check on Tyler. He turned around and as he was leaving, noticed a wet spot on the sheets where David was sleeping. He walked over to it and touched it and could tell immediately that it was either cum or precum. He licked his finger, then the sheet and quickly left the room with the sweet flavor on his tongue.

"Gonna get yourself fired if you keep doing that," he mumbled to himself as he walked down the stairs. For a long time he had a crush on his boss. How could he not? Chip was six years younger than David. They worked out together regularly in the basement since he was hired five years ago so despite their height difference their bodies were pretty well matched. Chip was 5'11" [1.80 m] and 170 pounds [77 kg]. His short blond hair looks like it came right off a marine. Walking around the corner into the living room he could see Tyler standing outside looking out over the water. The white t-shirt fit closely around his waist and his dark shorts cupped around his butt enough that Chip couldn't help but notice. The wind was blowing through his hair as it rushed up off the cliff.

"Did you get a good night sleep last night?"

Tyler's eyes didn't divert from the water and with a timid tone he replied, "Not really, I kept waking up."

"It'll get better – when I first moved out here from Nebraska I couldn't sleep for the life of me. I don't know if it's the sound of the waves or the smell of the salt but I just couldn't rest."

"It's not that – the bed just feels different than my old bed I mean it's really comfortable but just different and the house makes different noises – and 3; I 3; I miss my mom."

Chip put his arm around him as Tyler wiped his eye. "I don't know if you want to talk but if you do you've got my ear?" Chip asked wiping a tear from his own eyes.

"It's just that my mom would have to wake me up every morning and now when I wake up witho–" Tyler's throat closed for a moment, "I–" Tyler choked and tried to hold back his tears, "just really miss hearing her."

Chip gave his shoulder a squeeze as Tyler leaned into Chip's side. He could feel a tremble in the boy's chest and even though he had just met him yesterday it broke his heart. They both stared out over the water as the sun coming up behind them brought color to the sky. A gust of wind came up off the water and gave Chip a chill causing him to shiver. "Aren't you cold out here?"

"Are you kidding – this is warm in Minnesota," Tyler said, "when you grow up having to shovel the driveway seven months out of the year your idea of cold is different."

"I guess so – I'm freezing!" Tyler didn't react and Chip really didn't know what to say. He couldn't comprehend what Tyler was thinking about right now. He'd never lost anyone close to him, even all of his grandparents were alive. Another chilly gust blew up the cliff face and Chip squeezed Tyler's shoulders in another sideways hug, turned them both around and started walking back into the house. "Come on – let's see if Russell left us anything for breakfast."


David heard his bedroom door close as Chip went downstairs. He was a little embarrassed about Chip walking in on him like that but it's not like they had never seen each other naked before. Every time they went to the gym together they never had a problem stripping down to change or shower in front of each other. They had actually laughed about it a few days ago while they were showering off after their workout.

"It's kind of like peeking at your Christmas presents before they're wrapped when you go to the gym with someone you're dating." David could remember Chip saying.

David thought about all the times he'd seen some of the hottest guys around in the shower at the gym and felt nothing, and then Tyler came back into his mind's eye. Like still frames on a screen he could see Tyler's butt as he tugged his trunks up on the way down the stairs. Then the tuft of hair under his arm; the way his back stretched as he worked his arms into his shirt. His hand already working hard on his cock, his other hand roamed his chest. His nipples were hard and sensitive as he gave one a little pinch. He could see himself in the mirror through the glass door of the shower as he stroked. The soap ran down his hairy legs as the water gently ran over his back and with it carried the suds over his ass crack. He slid his hand down his chest and rubbed down to his thigh. Looking in the mirror he remembered back to how he looked naked when he was just a kid and imagined that's what Tyler must look like about now. He thought Tyler's muscles were developing faster than his were at that time though. All the physical work that Tyler did for his mom was quite evident. His hand came up to his balls, which were pulled tight to his body; he was getting very close. Again the image of Tyler's mounds came into view. He thought about the way they would feel in his hands or against his lips. David squeezed his balls a little and with a deep breath felt his knees go weak with the first blast. He opened his eyes just in time to see it hit the glass. Then the second and third ran down the foggy door.

After the eighth pulse, David put his head under the spray and leaned against the wall. "What the fuck am I doing?" he said out loud "He's a kid – my kid!" He shook his head to rinse out the shampoo and turned off the water. The room was filled with steam so he walked out into his bedroom to dry off. He looked out his window and could see a few runners on the beach already. Looking over a little further he saw Chip and Tyler leaning against the railing. He walked over to his closet and grabbed a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt. By the time he pulled them on and got back to the window he could see them walking inside.

"Hey David – what do you want for breakfast?" Chip shouted up the stairs. "We're thinking IHOP."

"What's IHOP?" Tyler asked looking up at him.

"Correction – I'm thinking IHOP," Chip said sarcastically correcting himself. "You don't have IHOP in Minnesota?" Chip asked in disbelief.

"We didn't have much of anything in Rapids other than Country Kitchen and Perkins."

"Combine them and there you go. It's the place to go for breakfast no matter what time it is," Chip chirped.

David opened the door and bounded down the stairs looking at Tyler with a smile.

"Ready for breakfast?" Chip asked, "Russell didn't leave us anything."

"Did you already look?"

"No, but–"

"Sounds convincing enough to me. Let me get some shoes. Hey Tyler – you ready to see San Diego?"

Tyler was definitely ready to see it. He walked down the hallway with Chip to the garage. As the door opened he was awe-struck at the sight before him, the lights flickered on and the room glowed like a showroom.

"Which one will it be buddy? It's your choice." David said resting his hand on his son's shoulder. "Buddy?" David thought to himself – no – that was definitely didn't sound fitting.

His dad had four cars and they all looked so amazing. Tyler pointed to the black Audi A-8L sedan, the same one he road in yesterday.

Chip opened up the door for Tyler and David and proceeded to climb in the front. The car purred to life and the door opened as father and son settled into the back seat. Tyler looked around and was certain that he'd never even seen a car this nice, and had definitely never ridden in one before he got to California. He put his seatbelt on and looking over to David, promptly unbuckled and scooted over to center seat and fastened that belt. Tyler didn't say anything and David didn't ask but already it seemed like that distance, even if it was just fourteen inches, was more than either of them wanted right now.

Chapter 4

<> Day 2 <>

Tyler loved riding in this car – it was something so incredible to him. As they drove through the busy roads of San Diego, David pointed out things for Tyler to look at. Half the time Tyler had to lean across David to see out the window at whatever David was pointing at. Each time, Tyler would put his hand on David's leg a little over halfway up his thigh; and each time Tyler touched his meaty thigh, David could feel his soldier respond.

They arrived at the restaurant and were seated in a narrow booth – or it at least felt like it was narrow. Chip sat on one side and David slid into the other. Tyler sat down beside David and scooted over until they're legs were touching. David couldn't help but notice how much room was left on the other side of Tyler but there was no way he was about to complain. He simply put his arm around Tyler as the three of them looked at the menus and talked. Tyler leaned back and yawned wide and long shaking his head at the end.

"How are ya feeling?" David asked Tyler in mid yawn.

Tyler stretched his back a bit, which pushed most of his torso up against David's side. As he relaxed he just leaned into his dad's side. Tyler felt the arm around his shoulder tighten a little bit pulling him into a sideways hug with David. With his menu in hand he leaned back and tried to decide what to have as David's hand rubbed his neck.

"I just couldn't sleep last night – I kept waking up."

"Oh – is the bed okay?"

"It's the best bed I've ever been on – I just couldn't sleep," Tyler said back quietly.

Tyler put his menu down on the table and leaned forward putting his elbows on the table and resting his head in his hands. Chip looked at David and gave him a smile as Tyler yawned again. David grinned back and rubbed Tyler's back.


David and Chip finished breakfast with Tyler almost passing out in the booth and into his banana pancakes. Tyler was still trying to eat but it seemed he could barely keep his eyes open let alone trying to coordinate a fork. The two men quickly finished eating and David settled the check as quietly as possible. David woke Tyler up enough to get him to walk out as Chip went ahead to get the car. Tyler crawled into the back seat apologizing for being so tired.

"Don't worry about it – you had a busy day yesterday," David said reassuringly as car began to pull away. "Do you know why you didn't get any sleep last night?"

"I just couldn't get comfortable," Tyler said as he sat sideways in the seat leaning against his dad. He rested he head against David's side as David draped his arm over his shoulder, laying his hand on his chest. Very soon Tyler was asleep curled up against David's side.

"Can you just take us home Chip? I think we'll hold off the sight seeing."

"Sure thing – is he asleep yet?"

"Yea – out like a light."

Speaking in a hushed tone Chip said "When I talked to him this morning he said he couldn't sleep because the house makes different noises than his mom's house."

"I'm sure it does," David softly said. He looked down and put his cheek against the top of Tyler's head. "This really can't be as easy on him as he's making it look. His whole world has changed. I just wish I knew what to do."

"I'm sure you'll be able to help him – if there's anyone that could, it's his dad, right?" Chip smiled at David, if only he felt as confident as Chip's faith in him was.

David watched as the landscape rushed past the window in silence. Tyler was sound asleep against him. The images of his son's butt that seemed to hang in his mind all night were gone. As he looked down he just saw Tyler. A boy, his boy, out of his comfort zone, feeling alone, stressed and lost. He rubbed his chest and held him close to his own.

A few bumps and turns as they navigated the streets of San Diego caused Tyler to lean further across the seat and soon his head was resting on his dad's lap much like the previous night on the couch. David ran his hand along Tyler exposed arm as Chip navigated the twisting roads. Periodically Tyler would twist his head around inadvertently grinding it into David's lap causing him an obvious erection so with each bump Tyler's head rubbed against his shaft. As he felt himself swell the thoughts of yesterday came back again. David's hand wandered from his son's arm down to his side. He felt Tyler's firm oblique muscles and as the car entered the driveway to the house; his hand bumped the top of his shorts just below the boy's bellybutton. His middle finger slid close to the waistband of his shorts missing it by just millimeters when the jolt of the car coming to a stop woke Tyler up.

David quickly took his hand off Tyler's stomach. Tyler sat up and stretched with his eyes closed. David looked down and could see a clearly wet spot at the end of his dick. He was still very hard and felt another pulse and could feel the precum leaking onto his leg. Tyler looked at the dark spot on his dad's leg and before he could say anything David explained.

"I just spilled a little water on my leg while we were getting out of the booth." He hoped Tyler would believe it – with all the nervousness in his voice he was sure that Tyler would be able to tell it was a lie. His face blushed as Tyler looked back at the spot where his head was just laying, rubbing his eyes still trying to wake up. Just then Chip opened the door.

Saved by the bell, David thought.

Tyler climbed out first and walked into the house as David took his time getting out of the car. He didn't want Tyler to see him with a tent in his pants so he waited till he had started climbing the stairs. Once inside Tyler sat down in the living room on the couch. He was still very tired and was almost asleep when Russell came into the room.

"Are you okay Tyler?" he asked

"I'm just tired – I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Perhaps you should go lay down for a little while. Lunch won't be for a few hours and from what I understand you dad has a few things he was thinking of showing you."

“Yeah – when he comes in could you tell him I just went to my room, please?"

"Certainly – I'll tell him as soon as he comes in."

Tyler walked up the steps and as he reached the top, he looked out the front windows behind him and could see David and Chip talking beside the car. He walked into his room without fully closing the door and took off his shirt and shoes. Unbuttoning his shorts as he walked to the bed, he kicked them off to the side of the room and climbed under the sheet.


As David got out of the car Chip noticed the dark spot on his leg and could see the outline of the cock head straining against the fabric of David's pants. He stared for a moment too long and feeling defeated, David asked "Seriously? Is it that obvious?"

Chip smiled and held back a giggle as he responded; "well – I don't know many people who could miss something that big."

"Damn it – do you think Tyler saw it?"

"I dunno – he was pretty beat when he went inside. What do you have on your mind?" he said with a laugh

"Fucker," he said laughing, "get this thing in the garage before I fire you."

Chip snapped him a half-assed salute and hopped back in the car. David turned around walked back towards the house. As he opened the door he saw Russell walking towards him. "Tyler has gone back to bed for a little while. The poor boy looks absolutely exhausted."

"Okay – I'll go and see if there is anything he needs."

David walked up to Tyler's room and slowly pushed the door open. Tyler was in bed but still had his eyes open. "You feel okay pal?" The moment he said it he knew 'pal' wasn't going to work either.

"Yea – I just can't fall asleep. I don't know what it is, I'm tired and the bed is really nice–"

"Feel like talking?" David asked as he sat down on the edge of his bed. "When I can't sleep sometimes it's because there are just too much in my head and I can't get it out."

Tyler moved over to give David more room. "Okay, what do we to talk about?"

"I don't know – you're the one who can't sleep – what's on your mind?"

"I dunno – I just can't fall asleep. It's like every time I get close it seems like there's a bunch of noise in my brain all of a sudden."

David leaned back against the headboard beside Tyler but as they talked he slid down until he was laying flat on his back beside him. Tyler lay on his side facing David and laid his head on his dad's shoulder.

David moved his arm so it was around Tyler's back and pulled Tyler closer. His head lowered to David's chest and he gradually drifted to sleep listening to the heartbeat of the man he met only a day ago but strangely felt more comfortable with than anyone before. David hugged his boy and closed his eyes, simply enjoying the feeling of being there for Tyler. He didn't know all that he was going through and probably never would but he was determined to be there for him whatever was to come along.

Tyler was sound asleep as David rubbed his back and side. He couldn't quite put a finger on it but he loved to touch him. It wasn't sexual, or at least he didn’t think it was, he just wanted to show him that he loved him; that he was there. Tyler squirmed a couple times pressing his body more into his dad's, settling into the contours of the strong male frame embracing him. Soon Tyler's leg was draped over David's and his arm was reaching across David's chest.

"Get some sleep – I'm not going to let anything bad happened to you," David whispered into the top of Tyler's head.

His fingers danced across the young boy's back causing goose bumps wherever they went. Several times he would look down and kiss the top of Tyler's dark hair or run his fingers lazily through it. He ran his hand down his son's side and ever so slowly drew it back up towards his shoulder. He was in no hurry and was, himself, becoming very sleepy. His fingers traced their way up and stopped the instant he felt the delicate touch of the very few hairs in Tyler's armpit. He opened his eyes and looked down at Tyler's shoulder as his fingers brushed around the softest hair he had ever felt in his life.

His cock filled with blood and was soon tugging at the material of his pants, begging for attention. David rolled his eyes at himself and again, kissed the top of Tyler's head. He reached down with his other hand and gave himself a squeeze. He moaned as he gripped his rod through the material of his pants and hugged his son's naked back against his body. As the minutes passed, more than anything he wanted to unzip his fly pull out his cock and stroke it but – if Tyler woke up – oh fuck! No! – he couldn't do that. Instead he just continued squeezing it. He felt the precum flowing already as he focused on the feeling of Tyler's hips against his leg. He was imagining his ass again; his narrow waist; the glimpse of the top of Tyler's butt crack that he saw. Faster than ever he had himself on the verge of blowing his load into his underwear. His other hand left the downy perfection of Tyler's armpit and continued it's roaming around his back. He looked down to kiss Tyler's head again and he looked at the small of his back; the soft velvety curve leading into the loose fabric of his shorts. He hugged him closer and saw Tyler pull even closer to his side. In doing so, a small gap between the boy's shorts and his skin appeared; right at the base of his spine he could see the dark shadow under the clothes. He slid his hand down into it and, for just a moment, felt heaven. He knew what he was doing was so very wrong but there was no way he could stop. He slid his finger in an inch, and then two. He felt the crease that was the top of Tyler's butt crack. His breathing quickened and the throbbing of his cock was harder than he had ever felt it. He closed his eyes and pictured the perfect white mounds and saw in his mind exactly where his finger was and BAM! His body tightened and twitched as he filled his briefs with a giant load of cream! He feared he would wake up Tyler but couldn't completely stop himself from jolting. He pulled his hand off of the shorts and hugged Tyler tightly.

He looked down and kissed his head again and saw the pool of cum soaking through his pants; forming a large spot, just inches away from Tyler's arm. He dropped his head to the pillow and his entire body went limp as Tyler stirred ever so slightly. He closed his eyes again and sleep overtook him.


Russell and Chip sat at the kitchen table playing a game of cards when Chip looked at the clock. "God, it's already 2 o'clock! How much longer are they gonna sleep?"

"Oh settle down, you're only getting antsy because I'm beating you."

"That's not the point – alright – maybe a little – but still it's been like four hours."

"Are you suggesting that we go wake up that poor boy after he's had his life flipped upside down simply because you're bored?" Russell quipped.

"No – of course not!"

Russell laid down his cards "Gin." He said with a collected tone – "you're cleaning the pool."

"God Damn it!" Chip said as he dropped his cards, "I don't know why I ever agree to play this with you, in five years I've beaten you once – and YOU were drunk!"

"Maybe deep down inside you really like cleaning the pool. Either that or you're humoring me because you don't want to see an old man like me scooping leaves without a shirt on."

Chip smiled and stood up. "Definitely the second part Russ." With a pat to Russell's shoulder he walked to the garage to get the supplies to clean the pool. As he opened the supply closet the pool rake fell and took four other items down with it. They crashed into the pavement making a series of loud bangs. He picked them up and finished gathering what he would need. He stripped off his shirt, took off his shorts and put on a pair of swim trunks incase he slipped into the water; which had happened more times than he'd like to admit.


Tyler's eyes snapped open to the sound of a loud crash somewhere in the house. He looked around as much as he could without lifting his head and stretched his fingers before laying them back down onto David's chest. He could hear him snoring a little bit as he closed his eyes again and moved his hand around trying to find a comfortable position again. As he slid his hand down, he felt his dad's stomach, muscular but soft to the touch. His hand slid down a little more and he felt the end of his dad's shirt and his hand was on bare skin. He opened his eyes again and looked down to see just an inch of skin showing. He looked at the fine narrow line of hair that lead into his dad's shorts and then saw a large dark spot on his pants.

He reached down and touched it and not only was it still wet but he felt his dad's dick under there. He withdrew his hand immediately and held very still. He listened carefully. David's snoring had not changed so he touched it again – he was plump – and huge. Oh my God, he thought. He had enough experience with jerking off to know what cum feels like but the small amounts of it that he had just started making over the past couple of months seemed like nothing compared to the saturation he saw. He could see the outline of his dad's dick under his shorts and was amazed at the size of it. Tyler was bigger than most of his friends in the showers after gym and he had seen a couple of his friends hard before and his five and a half inches [14 cm] were much more impressive than theirs. He ran his thumb along the length of it and quietly marveled at how long he was. His small hands seemed even more dwarfed next to the nearly seven soft inches [18 cm] of meat on the other side of the cloth.

He pushed on it and could tell it wasn't hard – or at least not as hard as his own dick got. Tyler knew that he was curious but never really thought about anything beyond that. He liked the way guys looked and acted; everything about his male friends intrigued him, even the way they would talk about girls in their class. He even thought about his best friend Bryan when he jerked off once but he hadn't thought about anything like that before, it made him feel strange as though he had done something wrong. Slowly the feeling of his dad's dick was overtaken by the weight of the arm on his back and the beating of his dad's heart. With the steadiness of his breaths putting him into a trance, he was soon asleep again.


* * * * Hey guys, I'd love to hear your thoughts! * * * *
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