PZA Boy Stories


Daring Duo


A pair of cousins start a game of dares that quickly gets out of hand.
Publ. Sep. 2013
Finished 32,000 words (64 pages)


Alex Fletcher (14yo), Terry White (14yo), Doug (16yo), Josh Hammond (11yo), Jordan & Jake Omar (10yo)

Category & Story codes

Other Boy story
t(solo) bt ttcons – bond spank toys chast "clothing/diapers" "age-regression"


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Unknownwriter – Daring Duo in the subject line.

I lost contact with Unknownwriter (his e-mail gives an error message), but, he has sent me 31 stories, so I can continue for quite some time publishing his stories with one or two per month.

Unknownwriter, if you read this, send me the new e-mail address, and to be sure it is you, mention your old e-mail in your message.


Chapter One

The game of dares that was going to lead the cousins into so many interest direction started out quite innocently, during their fourteenth year when they were stuck inside, on a rainy day, at their grandmother's old house, with nothing better to do than watch, an old, kid's movie, made in the days before even their parents were born.

Alex Fletcher and Terry White, had known each other all their lives, and yet, recently they hadn't been able to spend all that much time together, since their families had made the odd decision of sending them to separate secondary schools, even though they'd gone to primary, and juniors together. Then their grandmother went and died, leaving them without access to the very house they now sat in, to meet up. This was the first time they'd got together in nearly six month, without anyone else present, and even this was about to be taken from them, as the house was already up for sale. The boys now, 'minding' it between visits from the way too small removal van.

Anyway, neither of them was paying all that much attention to the movie, as they discussed the various things they had got up to as children, including, of course, the notorious game of 'dares' that had often landed them in so much trouble.

"Hey look at that," Alex pointed at the screen, "What weird shit is that?"

Disappointed to be interrupted in the middle of recounting his most famous streak across the junior school playground, wearing only a balaclava, so he couldn't be recognised, Terry, turned to the screen, to be faced with the image of the boy robot – the movie's lead character – wearing a hospital gown, lying, shackled to a metal table, as some sort of scanning device looked over him from his feet up to his head, and then back down again.

"Like they'd really do that," scoffed the slightly elder of the two, "Why didn't they just switch him off, or something."

Alex gave his cousin a funny look, "Like you'd be able to lie still with all that stuff going on around you. You cried when we had our jabs."

"Did not!" retorted Terry, leaning over to give Alex a punch on the arm, "and anyway, that school nurse always hated me ever since, I nicked all her bandages so I could make you into a mummy."

"She did that." Alex conceded, himself smiling at the memory, of what had, for him, been a great experience of being tightly bound in cotton, which gave him a new idea, "I bet she would have loved to have strapped you to a table like that through, so you couldn't get away."

"I bet." Terry, nodded. "but then that ain't never going to happen is it, as they don't have tables like that anymore."

"Bet I could make one." Alex thought aloud and which his cousin leapt upon, instantly.

"No, way you could."

"Course I could. I doesn't look all that hard."

"Well, in that case," Terry said with a slight gleam in his eye, "I dare you to try."

To the cousins a dare was binding, so although they didn't talk about it anymore that day, Alex was already starting to work on the plan to do just what he'd been dared to do, even though he was sort of aware that Terry hadn't been all that serious.

First he needed somewhere that could be made to look at least a bit like a lab, and that was easy as there was a garage out the back of his house that was perfect, especially as it already had a work table that would easily double as an examination table, plus all the tools he would need for the conversion, and, of course, the fact his parents never went down there which is why the garage had been the scene of so many of his and Terry's previous dares.

Laying on the table top, Alex was pleased to discovered that it was just big enough to allow him to stretch most of the way out, in an X shape, which is what he did first, using a big carpenter's pencil to draw around his wrists and ankles. Now he just had to find something he could use as the shackles.

The answer came to Alex on the garden gate, and in particular the latch used to keep it closed. It was a simple device, in which a spring loaded catch, would be pressed home by a bar on the gate itself, and then, once the bar was far enough in, would snap closed, trapping the bar in place – and the gate closed – until someone pulled on the lever to release it again. All Alex had to do was pop to the hardware store and buy four similar latches that were big enough so his wrists and ankles could replace the gate bar.

Returning to the garage with the new latches, Alex wasted no time in screwing them into place, directly though the table top, at the point where his wrists and ankles would be, using all four of the supplied screws, just to be certain. He did, however, modify one of the catches on the one for his right wrists, with a small piece of metal so that the catch, on that one, couldn't close all the way as, after all, he didn't want to get stuck.

With the examination table complete, Alex turned his attention to making some 'medical equipment'. Of course, this didn't have to be real, so he just faked some up with an old box and some wires, which only left the 'scanner' itself. For this, Alex disconnected the overhead door opener, from the door, so that pulleys would move just the mounting up and over, where his table now stood. To this mounting a lightweight wifi web camera so that, not only would he have what looked like a real scanner, but it would also provide the proof, he knew Terry would demand of what he'd done.

It was several days later before Alex could fully test his set up, as despite his parents not coming down to the garage, he really didn't want to take the risk, so had to wait until they went out. Only then, when he'd watched their car turn the corner at the end of the street, and was sure they weren't going to come back did he finally headed down to the garage.

Wearing an over large shirt, that was doubling as his hospital gown, Alex turned on the camera to start filming – in the 'closed' position the camera had a pretty good view of the entire garage – before climbing up onto the table, ready for his examination.

Sitting in the middle of the table Alex put his left heel on the respective latch, and applied a little pressure to it. Slowly the latch gave way, until his heal touched the wooden surface of the table, at which point, it locked shut with a metallic clicking sound, that made Alex shiver slightly.

Repeating the process with his right heel, Alex then paused to check that the latches would indeed release his feet when they were applied, which they did, so satisfied that everything was going to work, he completed his mock up of the movie scene.

Laying down on the table, Alex pulled the cables that made up his monitor, into the from of his shirt, before he reached up with his right wrist, pushing it into the latch above his head.

Again, at this point, Alex, tested that the release mechanism worked, as it was most important that he could free his right hand, using just the fingers of that hand, which, he could, if he bent them at just the right angle so they could reach up and work the latch. Only then did he raise his left hand, and snap the latch closed on that one.

Smiling to himself, Alex reached for the remote for the door opening system and pressed the button that would start the web cam travelling up over him. As it did, he made sure to demonstrate just how well his improvised shackles were holding him in place.

Once the camera had travelled back and forth over his body, from his feet to his head, twice – just to be sure – Alex released himself from his restraints just like he'd planned, and sitting on the side of the table turned his attention to his lap top, where the video had been beamed too.

Slowly he watched the footage back, delighted with what he saw. The image of the nicely built fourteen year old, in the over-sized shirt, appeared as if he was tightly shackled to the table top, just as it had in the movie, although, there were a couple of differences. For one the boy in the movie, was younger than Alex was, and secondly, he hadn't had such a noticeable lump between his legs as Alex had, not that Alex was worried about that, as it wouldn't be the first time Terry had seen him with an partial erection. Far from it. Although it did give him an idea.

It was something Terry had said, during a latter part of the movie, about how if it had been a real robot then why would it have worn clothes all the time, especially when it was being examined by the scientists who had made it. This both made sense to Alex, and excited him. He decided to try it out.

Pulling off the large shirt, and the underwear he'd worn beneath it, Alex climbed back onto the table, and repeated everything he had done the first time, only without the safety checks which, as things turned out, proved to be a mistake for the moment he pushed his right wrist through the final latch, he heard a sound following the expected 'ping' that made him start.

The sound was a sharp snap, as the modification he'd made to the latch so he would be able to reach it, to release himself, broke away, leaving him no way to release himself.

For the next five minutes Alex squirmed about for real, attempting to free himself but to no avail at all, as none of the shackles would come even the slightest bit loose, thanks to how heavily he'd screwed them into place. In the end, breathless, he realised that it was hopeless, and he'd just have to wait for someone to come home and find him.

It was nearly two hours before someone did find him, and even then it wasn't the person he expected it to be. His parents having called the house and got no answer, had called the White's to see if he Alex was there, but when they found out that although Terry was – he was ground so had no choice – but Alex wasn't they asked if someone could go to their house to check. That role, was then passed to the third cousin, Doug Lawrence.

Alex had been napping when he first heard the deep voice of his least favourite cousin, calling his name from the house. At first surprised that the sixteen year old was there, but then relieved it wasn't his parents, Alex, eventually answered, calling the youth down to the garage.

"Shit, what happened to you?" the youth said, the moment he opened the door and saw his cousin all laid out on the table. Naked.

"Some kids did this to me." Alex lied, he and Terry having used that excuse any number of times before, whenever some adult had happened upon them in the middle of some dare of other. Surprisingly it always worked, just like it was doing now.

"Who was it? Tell me and I'll get them for you!" Doug automatically offered. He studied several martial arts, and was top rated in most of them, even though he didn't really have a violent bone in his body. At least that's what his family thought. The truth, was something very different indeed.

"Just open the latches so I can get free. Who did it doesn't matter!" Urged Alex, tugging his wrists against the catches, for emphasis.

Doug reached for the nearest latch but then, just as he was about to release it, the laptop, gave a little beep, to say the video Alex had taken earlier, had finished uploading itself to Terry's computer on the other side of town.

"What the 3;?" the youth shrugged, instantly forgetting the boy trapped on the table, and turning his attention to the laptop, for the next few minutes.

"So, what really were you up to, another 'dare' I guess?"

"Yeah!" Alex admitted, knowing the dares, or at least, the early ones, were well known in the family, from when the cousins had been very small. Of course the nature of some of the more recent ones, weren't so well known, but he could trust Doug not to tell anyone, so he told him, just what he'd been doing, about the movie, and how he'd set everything up.

"Oh yeah I've seen that movie." Doug said, "I wondered where I'd left it."

Alex wasn't surprised as Doug had always liked some odd things which was going to become apparent in a few minutes, when Doug calmly told him that he'd forgotten a few parts of the movie and that if he was going to recreated it he'd best do it right. Then, must to Alex's surprised the sixteen year old picked up a strip of cord and a hammer.

"What are you going to do with that?" he asked.

"You forgot the head restraint. Can't have our little robot damaging his head, now can we."

Alex didn't get to ask anymore questions as he had to roll his head as far to one side as he could so as to avoid the nails that Doug was now hammering into the table, first on one side and then over on the other side.

When Doug finally told Alex to put his head back in the middle of the table, the younger boy, found that he now had a strip of leather nailed on either side of his head, just above the ear. These Doug then pulled up, onto his forehead, where he knotted them together, so that Alex couldn't move his head at all.

"Now that's better. Now, let's run another scan shall we and I'll be back when it's finished."

Doug activated the over head garage door opener, before he left the garage, leaving Alex with no option but to lay there, as still as possible while the camera once more started on its journey up and over his body, and then back down again, where it remained until the youth returned some fifteen minutes later.

The sixteen year old was carrying a try, covered over with a towel in what was both a very hospital fashion, and one that Alex found somewhat disturbing.

"I think I have everything I'm going to need to finish your examination." Doug set the tray down, on Alex's chest, and after making sure he had the boy's attention removed the cloth.

There, laid out on the tray, next to each other was a can of shaving foam, a shaving brush, and a battery powered razor.

"What's that for?" Alex asked, understandably as he'd only shaved the few stray hairs from his upper lip a few days ago, and knew they couldn't be back already.

"You'll see." Dough laughed, turning the tray around to face him, as he pulled up a chair to sit beside the table Alex was strapped onto, before he got himself ready.

Slipping out of his shirt, left Doug in just a white vest that gave a deep contrast to the deep tan of his arms and shoulders, as it clung to his torso, emphasising his more manly – whilst still boyish – physique. He then pulled a strip of matching which cloth from his pocket which he proceeded to wrap around his forehead, to keep his slightly long, hair away from his eyes. Only when both of these things were done did he pick up the can of shaving foam and take aim.

"No please don't!" Alex begged at once but it didn't stop any of the several squirts of his dad's cold, slightly, scented shaving foam from being sprayed on and around the junction where his legs met both each other, and the rest of his body.

"You don't think they'd bother given a little kid robot pubes do you," Laughed Doug as he quickly worded the foam into his young cousin's flesh, "And certainly not just a couple like you've got."

There was actually more than a couple, as Alex had a fair crop of the short black hairs growing around the top, and down the sides, around his nuts. It was more than Terry currently had, but he wasn't about to say that, in case it bought up the questions about just how often the two of them had compared themselves, down there. Still, once Doug picked up the razor Alex had other things to worry about anyway.

The fourteen year old held himself as still as he could possibly could, even though he didn't have all that much movement in the first place, the last thing he wanted Doug to do now was be nudged. Of course, unable as he was to raise his head, he couldn't actually see what his cousin was doing, but he could feel the cold steel of the razor as it moved, in long steady strokes first down, then up, and then finally from side to side, across his groin.

When Doug used a cloth to clear up the remaining foam from his groin, Alex thought the shaving was over, but the sixteen year old, had other ideas, and finished the job he'd set out to do by removing all the hair from Alex's body below his neck, by shaving out both of the boy's arm pits until he was totally bald.

"There, that's more like it." The youth laughed, "Now you look like a little kid, robot. Well apart from the stiffy, of course."

He couldn't see what Doug was referring to but was all to well aware that his erection had returned as soon as the cooling foam had hit his groin, and that it hadn't gone away since then.

Nothing much happened in the next few minutes, at least as far as Alex was concerned. He was still stuck to the table, of course, and was aware of Doug moving around him, but had no real idea what he was doing. It only being when he was finally released that he discovered that the second video – the one of him strapped naked to the table – had also been sent to Terry, and another address that he could only hope was Doug's private one, and that the youth hadn't shared it with person, or persons unknown.

That first of the real dares ended there, with Doug releasing Alex's right wrist and then leaving the younger boy to clear up his own mess, before his parents came home. Yet while the mock up of the little robot's lab, may not have survived, the videos made certainly did, with all three cousins watching them over and over, for very different reasons. Each feeling differently, and yet the same, as they saw the shackled down fourteen year old, fastened to the table top, struggling against his bounds, in such a way as to make his erection wobbly wildly from side to side, in a highly erotic fashion.

Chapter Two

Terry White sat in his home alone, having just watched the video his cousin had sent him for the umpteenth time, while – also for the umpteenth time – wondering what it would be like to be tied up in a similar way to how Alex had been. Thankfully he knew Doug would have some rope, and that very morning had borrowed it so he could see what it would be like.

Sitting on the floor in the living room, Terry pulled up his legs, and began by tying a loop of rope around his ankles. This he then fastened with a knot between his ankles, but the result wasn't all that satisfactory, as after only a few minutes of squirming his knees, the rope came loose enough so that he could almost pull his feet free again. Clearly that wasn't going to work.

Thinking about it for a moment, Terry reasoned that if he bound his knees as well, then they wouldn't be able to move, so perhaps that would prevent his ankles from being able to work themselves free. He did that next.

It worked. With the rope knotted around the tops of his legs, above the knees, he found he couldn't move his legs at all, independently so therefore couldn't produce the sort of motion that would work the rope loose on his ankles. The ropes weren't actually all that tight, but still, it was something. Now all he had to do was work out how to tie his own hands together.

The first attempts of tying his hands were pretty successful, as his fingers were nimble enough to work the rope around his own wrists, and to form a basic slip knot around them, which Terry could then tighten with his teeth. The drawback of this was the obvious one. In order to do this, his hands had to be in front of his body, and not behind his back, as they would traditionally be. However, if his hands were behind his back then he couldn't see what he was doing, let alone use his teeth to help to make the knots. And that wasn't the only thing he discovered either. As he was in the middle of his fourth attempt at tying his hands behind his back, when he found out he wasn't alone.

"Tying yourself up, ain't much fun is it Terrance?" Doug laughed, standing in the doorway, in his martial arts kit.

"No!" Terry blushed.

"I wondered why you wanted the rope, guess now I know!"

Terry didn't know what to say to that as it was, after all, true. But then, experience of his cousin told him that it was always best to wait and see what Doug was up to, before saying anything. He didn't have to wait for long.

"It's better if you have someone else to tie you up, as I'm sure Alex will tell you."

A blush crept into Terry's face, although it didn't show against his naturally dark colouring, still he knew it was there, which was enough to make him look guilty of something or other which was all Doug needed.

"Yeah, I thought you'd have known about that. Did Alex also tell you that I'm good at tying people up, if that's what you want?"

It didn't really matter all that much if Terry wanted it or not, as Doug – being the oldest of the cousins – usual did and got, what he wanted, and always had done, so Terry just nodded, which prompted another question.

"Do you still have that swim suit Auntie What's-it, got you?"

The Aunt in question was, to put it politely, 'exocentric' and was joke not just amongst the younger members of the family but for anyone who knew her, for her, seriously out of date, sense in boys fashion. The previous summer this had included swim suits for the entire family, the likes of which hadn't seen the light of day, anywhere for the previous sixteen years. In Terry's case this was a tiny Speedo of blue and black panels, that barely covered the parts of him that a swim suit should cover. Not that he could throw it away of course, given where it came from, so it was still upstairs tucked into the back of his wardrobe where, as far as Terry was concerned it could stay without a very good reason. Doug though had a reason.

"Clothes get in the way of a good tie up." The sixteen year old stated before telling his younger cousin to go and put the swim suit on, while he got a few other things ready.

Up in his room, Terry felt a tingle of both excitement and anticipation about what was going to happen as he slipped out of his regular clothes, and pulled the swim suit on. Well, not so much pulled as peeled, as he'd clearly grown a bit since he'd last worn it, and it hadn't been a generous fit back then. As it was, it barely covered his bum, while his genitals made for a somewhat obscene bulge in the front. Still it was only Doug that was going to see it, and he'd seen him naked nearly as often as Alex had, even if Doug had often been the reason he'd been naked, thanks to de-panting, wedgies and other pranks the older boy had played on both Terry and Alex.

By the time Terry returned to the living room, Doug had finished organising the ropes, waiting for him. "Ready?" he asked, holding out a loop he'd made in one end of the rope.

"Sure!" hoping to show bravery, Terry slipped his left wrist into the loop which then tightened as Doug gave him instructions.

"Right then, fold your arms across your chest, so that each hand is by the other elbow. That's it."

When Terry's arms were in the required position, Doug took the rope that was now attached to Terry's left wrist, ran it around the boy's back, before tying it off to his right wrist on the other side of his body.

"Hold onto these balls, and then put your hands up."

Following the instructions as best he could, Terry gripped the two small rubber balls in the palms of his hands before bending his writs back on themselves as far as he could. This ensured his now balled fists, stuck upwards from his otherwise folded arms, allowing Doug to pull a small sock down over each one.

A third piece of rope was then tied around the middle of Terry's upper left arm, which was used to anchor it, as it was wrapped, five or six times, right around the young teenager's body, tight enough to pull his arms in, to his sides, and keep them there. This was then knotted off, just in time for a fourth rope to prevent the final bit of movement left in Terry's arms. Up and down.

The rope was tied around Terry's right wrist, and more importantly the sock that now encased his entire hand, before going up over the ropes around his chest, across his shoulder and then down his back, to be threaded – with some difficulty – through the ropes there, before coming back up, over the other shoulder, and then down again to his left wrist, where it was tied off. This rope, having been twisted from side to side, and crossed over where ever the opportunity arose, totally prevented Terry from lowering his arms even the slightest bit, although he could still raise them, but not for much longer.

The next rope started on Terry's left wrist and had a similar function to the previous one, although this time, instead of going up over his shoulders it went down, between his legs, and was then tied to the ropes around his back. Naturally, Terry wasn't so sure about the direction the ropes were going, or what they were going so close to, especially given the way Doug was ensuring they were tight enough to pull his swim suit even closer into his body, but there was nothing he could do about, now that his arms were totally immobilised other than say something.

"Wow, you're really tying me up aren't you." He joked, but Doug didn't laugh.

"That's the idea of being tied up. To make you helpless and unable to move."

Terry wasn't too sure he liked the idea of that either, but no longer had Doug's eye contact as the sixteen year old was now kneeling in front of him, making an equally though job of binding his legs at the ankles, and both just above and just below his knees, with a heft clinch knot to ensure they stayed tied.

"Okay lay down on the rug."

Doug had to help Terry to do so, as the younger boy had never been tied up this tightly before so was totally unable to do very much for himself anymore and that wasn't about to change any time soon.

Once on the rug, Doug tied a final, piece of rope, by far the shortest, to the lad's already bound ankles, and then bending the boy's legs as far as they could, go, tied the other end of the rope, to the mess of ropes that was already around the back of Terry's chest. Then he asked Terry how he felt.

"Really tied up!" came the honest answer.

"Good, that's what I was going for. Now open your mouth."

"What for?"

"The gag."

"What gag?" asked Terry trying to look behind him where Doug was fiddling with something he couldn't see. "You never mentioned a gag."

"You can't be tied up without a gag, so open up."

The fourteen year old's mouth opened although whether in reply to the request or to complain about it some more, wasn't clear and in the end didn't really matter, as no sooner did his jaw part, then a third spongy ball – like the ones in his fists – was pushed in, and then held there by one of Doug's hands, while the other one ripped open the end of a large roll of duct tape. The tape then pressed onto the one side of Terry's face, before being run, not just across his lips to hold the ball in place, but also all the way around the back of his head. This was then repeated a couple of times, with the tape being patted down each and every time to ensure that it was completely stuck to the boy's face before it was finally cut away from the roll.

"So, how you doing Terrance?" Doug asked once his job was done.

It didn't take Terry long to discover that although he really was tied very securely, he could still squirm around on the rug. He could also mumble and moan through the gag, but couldn't actually say anything anyone would be able to understand. But that was about all, other than the fact he was actually enjoying being so tightly hogtied, and gagged. That is until Doug threatened to leave him like that.

Now he was somewhat more scared. Surely even Doug wouldn't leave him for the rest of the day until his parents came home and found in like that in the middle of the living room. Not even Doug could talk his way out of that. Usually the youth would have blamed whatever he did on either cousin on the other one, but Terry knew that Alex was out with his family, so that wasn't going to work. Was it. He couldn't take the risk. He had to attempt to escape.

Protesting into the gag made no difference, even though Terry was fairly sure Doug was still in the room, somewhere behind him, so it was up to himself to get free. Only he couldn't. His fingers were trapped around a ball each, inside a sock, so couldn't reach any of the ropes, and without them there was no way he was going to be able to get out of any of the ropes that bound him. None at all.

It seemed like hours to Terry, that he just lay there, occasionally squirming around. He knew Doug was still there though, as he could hear him moving around, sitting on the sofa behind him, watching the TV for a bit and even stepping over the tied up boy, so he could go into the kitchen and get himself a snack, before returning to watch the TV. It was only after he'd done all that, that the sixteen year old final condescended to untie his cousin.

Slowly – much slower than they had gone on – the ropes came off Terry's body, as did the socks, the tape around his head, and the three balls, one in each hand and the now soggy one in his mouth, and finally he was free, standing stiffly, in the too small swim suit, with red lines where ropes had once bound him.

"How was that then?" Doug asked with a smirk on his face, and his hands deep in his pockets. "Enjoy yourself?"

"It was okay." The youngster replied, his mouth a little dry and aching from being around the ball for so long.

"Yeah, well, I've got to go, you can keep the ropes if you want, cos it looks like you enjoyed them."

Terry didn't fully understand what his older cousin meant by the last remark until after he'd cleared up the mess in the living room, and then returned to his bedroom to change back into his regular clothes. It was only then, that he noticed the damp patch darkening the front of his swim suit. A damp patch that had nothing to do with urine, but everything to do with his own excitement at being tied up.

Chapter Three

Alex Fletcher had similar thoughts to his cousin about being tied up, despite a less than pleasurable experience as the little robot – something he had vowed to never do again – but as it was, the opportunity to be bound again come up almost by accident just as he was thinking of a new dare he could challenge Terry with, based on something his cousin had seen during his part time job as a child minder.

Unlike Terry, Alex had other friends apart from his cousin, even though, like with Terry, this friendship wasn't something he'd gone looking for but had just happened. The boy's name was Josh Hammond, and he lived a few doors up from Alex and his family, and as the only two kids on the street they had become friends despite their differing ages, and, for the most part interests. However, as they both had friends of their own they didn't spend all that much time in each other's company, despite the best efforts of their parents who thought they were a good influence on each other especially as Josh was still considered too young to stay at home by himself.

On this occasion the boys were playing a brief kick-a-about in the Fletcher's garden while Josh waited for his parents to come and collect him after school. The boys soon worked up a sweat and, in preparation for taking yet another penalty, Alex made a big show of rolling up the sleeves of his school shirt, as a sign of just how much effort he was putting into it, when he inadvertently showed the younger boy something he hadn't intended to. The marks on his wrists from the gate latches.

"Oh there from a game of 'escape'." He attempted to laugh them off.

"Is that what you and Terry play?" he kid asked.

"Yeah, sort of." Came the reply.

"Did you manage it?"

"Manage what?"

"To escape, of course." Josh laughed, flicking his eyes up to the heavens as he mocked the older boy, "What else?"

"Oh year, well 3;" The teenager blushed, before turning it into a boast, "Course I escaped, I always escape. Nothing can hold me."

"Yeah? That right?"

"Course it's right. No one can hold the Magnificent Alex Fletcher."

The thin blond boy waited until his friend had stopped posing before making his challenge, "I bet I could tie you up so you couldn't get loose cos I won't have time to untie you before my folks come."

Alex shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah, whatever. I'll be out of it before you get to their car."

"Is that so." Smirked Josh, "You got any rope?"

Alex had rope, of course, a box of it under his bed, which, if nothing else had done, did impress Josh but only for a few seconds before the eleven year old got down to business. "Turn around and cross your arms."

The teenager did as he was asked, although he did pause long enough to roll his sleeves back down again first and to ensure the ropes that Josh tied, around each of his wrists, also went over his clothes so there wouldn't be any new marks to explain at some future date.

The eleven year old worked carefully, wrapping the rope around Alex's wrists, then across them, before finally clinching it between the limbs, and pulling it all tight. The knots he then tied he placed at the furthest point from Alex's fingers so he wouldn't be able to reach them. Then he moved up the teenager's arms.

It was at this stage that Alex started to wonder if his younger friend had done this sort of thing before, especially once he'd had his elbows first pulled and then tied closer together behind his back, with Josh explaining that this was to prevent him from being able to slide his bound hands under his bum and legs, so he could get them in front to untie them with his teeth.

"Okay, lie down on your bed. On you belly, and cross your feet at the ankles."

The instructions were as clear as they could be, and when Alex followed them, he found his ankles were now being tied up every bit as efficiently as his hands had been, and with the ropes every bit as out of reach as the others had been. This clearly wasn't going to be all that easy to get out of at all.

"Now I'll show you how I know you won't be getting out of this so easily."

Alex turned his head so see Josh was now holding a good twenty foot long piece of rope, which he was soon tying into the knots that were already between Alex's ankles before he pushed and pulled the teenager's legs up behind his back until the rear of his heels were actually pressing into the back of his school trousers. He then drew the end of the rope through the bindings on his wrists, and then back up to his ankles again, where, with a final push down on the bound ankles, the rope was again tied off. Alex was in a tight hog tie.

"There you go." Josh said as he wrapped the last bit of remaining rope around the bound boy's ankles and then up to the ropes holding his elbows together where it was, at last, finally tied off.

Alex made some furtive attempts to feel with his fingers around the ropes behind his back but couldn't get anywhere, which Josh was soon to confirm.

"there's no way you can reach the only knots that will get you free." The lad laughed at his older friend, "That's why they're up there, like that."

"But how 3;?" Asked Alex

"That's how me and my mates at cubs got taught to tie someone up, perhaps I should have mentioned that before."

Not knowing to say to that revelation, Alex was saved from having to think about it, by a short car horn sounding outside.

"That's my mum, I'd best be going."

"Hey wait," Alex cried as his friend started to the door, "Aren't you going to let me go?"

"Nope, you said you could get out of anything so, you don't need me to let you go do you. See yeah."

Stifling his giggles Josh headed downstairs and a few seconds later, Alex heard the front door closing signalling that he was alone in the house and helpless.

For a few minutes Alex just lay there, pulling and tugging on the ropes, no doubt probably in a bit of shock. His own parents wouldn't be home for a few hours yet whilst he could hardly move, and certainly didn't have a hope of ever getting himself out of the mess he'd got himself into.

Thankfully the ropes weren't so tight that they actually hurt in any place, and Alex really wasn't all that uncomfortable although that was really little consolation for being so helpless and alone.

After about half an hour, Alex finally gave into panic, wasting a good few minutes, tugging and pulling on the ropes that bound him and getting nowhere fast. None of the ropes would give at all, and after a close call, where he nearly rolled of the side of the bed, he once more became still.

A full hour must have passed before Alex once more heard the front door open and although he listened he didn't hear his mum call his name, like she always did so assumed that Josh had returned to let him go although when the figure finally came into his room, it was Terry's laughing face that he saw, not the small blond boy's.

"Who did this to you?" his cousin asked, making no attempt to untie him.

"The knots are up between my shoulders."

"Yeah I can see that." Admitted Terry, as he started to run his fingers around the soles of Alex's upturned feet. "But you've got to tell me who did this first."

It took a few minutes of continual tickling before, Alex finally admitted what had happened and that he'd been tied up so tight that he couldn't escape by a boy very nearly three years younger than himself while, all the while, Terry laughed at him and took advantage of the situation.

Eventually Terry started to untie his friend – something that took over ten minutes itself – by which time Alex had put the finishing touches to the dare he announced the moment the final ropes came off, and which, he knew his friend would never be able to resist.

Chapter Four

The twins had recently turned ten, and had announced that, at that age they were far too old to be babysat by the army of old woman or teenaged girls who usual provide that service in Baysville at that time. So it had been Alex's idea that Terry offer to look after either one or both of the boys whenever they were to be left on their own. Alex, of course, had a reason for this that had little to do with the small fee his friend would make and a lot to do with the way Mr. Omar – the twin's father – chose to discipline his sons.

It had been during one of Terry's first times with the boys when he'd discovered that his wallet was missing. He'd thought he'd lost it, and the next day popped around to the Omar house to ask Mr. Omar if he'd found it. The man, hadn't but he'd instantly gone looking for it and had, indeed found it. In the bedroom of Jordan, the more outspoken of the twin's. At that point Mr. Omar, had simply handed the wallet to Terry before telling Jordan to bend over the end of the bed, where he'd promptly given him a dozen swots on the seat of his jeans with his slipper.

"But dad 3; I didn't 3;" the skinny, buzz cut boy had protested, but to no avail other than further punishment.

Told to take down his jeans and underpants, Jordan Omar was pulled onto the lap of his father, who then spanked his bare rear across his knee until his skinny little bottom was bright red. Yet, although tears rolled down his face, Jordan never once made a sound during the entire thing. Something that had impressed first Terry and then, when he'd told his friend about it, Alex as well. And that's where the idea for the dare came from.

The incident had been forgotten about by the next time Terry looked after the boys. Jordan had been punished and had apologised to that was it, as far as Mr. Omar was concerned, but when they were alone, Terry carefully bought the subject up with the smaller boy. "Sorry about what happened last time. You know, about my wallet."

"Don't matter." The lad shrugged his thin shoulders.

"But it does, cos, you see, I know you didn't nick my wallet. I think I must have left it in your room when in there earlier."

The lad looked up, a confused expression on his face, as they both knew this was a lie. "Really?"

"Yeah, so sorry about getting you into trouble and everything. I should have stuck up for you when you tried to tell your dad you didn't do it."

"You should have?"

"Yeah I should have," Terry paused, to make sure he had the ten year old's attention, "so if there's anyway I can make it up to you, just say."

The smaller boy arched one of his eyebrows, "Really!"

"Yeah, I owe you big time, especially if you don't tell your dad, cos I'm sure he'd fire me if he knew."

"He wouldn't punish you, like he did me, though would he?"

To Terry this, basic statement of fact, was the perfect lead up to the dare he'd been set, he just had to push it home, "No, course not, that's why I owe you big time and will do ANYTHING you want."

Silence fell over the room, while the cogs of the mischievous young boy went through their motions, until they, came up with the perfect solution to the situation, even if it was the most stupid one, and never for one moment did Jordan think it would happen, "I should give you a spanking?"

"What?" Terry reacted in somewhat over theatrical shock, his arms thrown up into the air.

"You should get the sort of punishment that I go." Jordan clarified for him, "I should give you a spanking like my dad gave me."

Terry attempted to make like he was first against the idea but then coming around to it, although he wasn't as great an actor as he thought so when he finally did agree, Jordan wasn't entirely convinced.

"You mean it?" both eyebrows went up this time.

"It's the only thing to make everything right." Terry said, confirming that he meant it by hitching up the back of his shirt, and then bending over, showing his jean clad buttocks to the smaller boy.

Instantly Jordan's eyes went so wide that his eyebrows had nowhere to go, but all the same he didn't want to waste this golden opportunity, and slipped off his own slipper which he then wrapped across the offered target.


Alex and Terry had played spanking games before, but all the same that first lick stung, as did those that quickly followed it.


'Yow!', Terry thought to himself, for a skinny kid, Jordan certainly had some upper body strength.


Terry breathed deep to keep from making any other sound.


Meanwhile Jordan gave the teenager's rear, everything he had.


Suddenly Terry found his eyes were watering, and he found himself blushing slightly to be crying from a slippering given to him by such a young boy.


All the same, no matter who was doing all the work, Terry's bottom was really starting to get sore so he was more than a little thankful when the slippering eventually came to an end and he was allowed to get up. Although as things turned out that wasn't to be an end to the matter.

"That will do for now." Jordan announced, slightly out of breath, "Dad and Jake will be home soon and we don't want them to know about what's been going on do we."

"No!" agreed Terry, sniffing back the last of his tears, before walking, somewhat stiffly, away to continuing doing what he was doing.


Mr. Omar dropped his other son off at the house half an hour later, but thankfully didn't come in, just greeted Terry at the door for a few pleasantries, while his sons raced upstairs, and then left again.

The twins waited until their dad's car had rounded the end of the road, before they came back downstairs and faced their child minder. The grins on both of their faces, telling Terry that news about what had happened had spread between them.

"Okay, time for part two."

"Part two?" the teenager asked.

Jordan folded his arms, and let his eyebrows do the rest of the work, "Yeah, part two. I got it twice so you have to get it twice too, just like I did, and the same way I did too, without my jeans on."

Terry had known this was coming and although he wasn't a naturally shy boy, he still turned his back on the siblings, while he unfastened his jeans and pushed them down to his ankles.

"Bend over the end of the couch." He was instructed, and he did as he was told once more, but was barely able to get into a comfortable position before the slipper was once more assaulting his rear.


The boxer shorts he wore proved to be little protection against small slipper wielded by a small boy.


Terry tried to be as stoic as possible, given his audience, but his bum was still sore from the previous slippering.


This time he had the couch to hold on to and he made good use of it, grasping it with his hands.


His eyes screwed shut, squinted in an attempt to hold back the tears.


His rear was on fire, but thankfully he made it, once more to the end of the slippering with only sniffles, and the occasional wriggle to show for it.

"Stand up, hands on your head." Jordan ordered.

Stiffly Terry got to his feet, his eyes never leaving Jordan, so unfortunately he didn't see Jake creeping towards him until it was too late and his boxer shorts had joined his jeans around his ankles.

"Keep you hands on your head." Jordan snapped, with such authority that Terry obeyed even though this left his privates exposed to the two younger boys. Not that it mattered as the dare was now over, he'd got himself spanked, unfortunately the twins didn't know that.

"It ain't very big." Jake stage whispered to his sibling.

"Ain't very big at all." Confirmed Jordan, "More like a little kid's really."

"Yeah, he's a little kid, really."

All the time Terry said nothing, which was a shame as there was worse coming, and he didn't see it until it was too late.

"So why don't we spank him like a little kid?" Jordan laughed, sitting down on the sofa, and patting his legs, "Bend him over my lap!"

Pushed and prompted by Jake, Terry soon found himself, bent over the small boy's lap. Or as much as him as could fit anyway, not that he had long to ponder the positioning, before his bottom was being assaulted by a bare hand.


The slaps weren't all that hard, as spankings go, but as Terry's rear had already had two doses of the slipper, it felt a lot worse.


Within moments of it starting, Terry was starting to make noise.


The twins laughed as the gasps and then moans escaped from their childminder's mouth, but didn't stop spanking.


Jordan took his time, clearly really enjoying having a nearly naked teenager of his very own to spank.


"Just twenty more." Jordan announced before he bought his hand down as hard and sharp as he could.


"Twenty!" his brother counted for him.




"Ow!" Terry yelped at that one, drowning out the countdown.






"OUCH!" Terry's cry this time blocking out not only the count by the sound of the next slap landing on his bright red, shiny bottom.



From that point on the countdown no longer worked as Jordan, for some reason, suddenly decided to speed up the punishment moving it into fast forward for the remaining blows, with little or no gap between them, for his sibling to make them off.


There was then a pause during which time Jake didn't even bother to point out that there was one more slap to go, as instead he just waited for it, as did Terry, albeit for a different reason.

Jordan took a couple of practise swings that stopped just short of their target, given both himself and his brother, a good laugh at the way Terry would flinch away from the blows that didn't actually land. But then, just as the teenager was getting used to that he let fly with a real stinger to finish on.


Terry howled and the twins laughed especially when the noticed that Terry was now actually crying properly, with real tears running down his face that was nearly as red, but less sore, than his rear.

Eventually Terry was allowed to stand up, but had to remain with his hands on his head, while the boys looked and admired their handy work, although despite his punished state, it didn't escape his attention that they spent just about as long looking as his groin as they did at his very spanked rear.

For the rest of the evening, right up until just half an hour before Mr. Omar was due home, the twin didn't let Terry pull either his jeans or his boxer shorts back up again so they could look at his red bum. This though was probably something of a bonus, for when finally he did, Terry found the sensation of denim on his batter bum wasn't a pleasant one, making it very difficult for him to hide what had happened from his employer. But he did, and only because he knew that now he'd completed the dare, that Alex would have to put himself through a very similar experience. And that, Terry thought, would serve him right.

Chapter Five

"So you think that's a good idea?" young Josh Hammond asked his neighbour, totally unaware that he was about to make it so easy for Alex to complete his current dare, even if the teenager wasn't so sure about it.

"Don't think I have a choice, do I?" Alex responded, slowly, his eyes looking down at the ground. "It's just not fair, you got into trouble and yet I'm the one that gets punished, by you!"

The younger boy smiled, unaware that Alex was doing the self same thing, and that was the reason he was hiding his face, rather than the embarrassment at the deal they had managed to come up with, reportedly with the owner whose property Josh had damaged. Of course, there was no owner, and the property had been an abandoned house, that Alex had teased, the youngster into trespassing on only for the teenager to have been rumbled the following day, by the irate owner phoning his house. Thankfully – or so Josh thought – he hadn't been implicated, and had been left in the odd position of having to promise to see his child minder punished, in a way the stranger suggested, unaware the 'stranger' was actually Terry White.

"Yeah, but I didn't get caught." The lad reminded his friend, practically bouncing up and down in excitement. "that's great ain't it?"

"Not for me."

Josh calmed down a bit, "Well, it's not like it was my idea or anything is it. I'm mean we could just pretend to do it, you know."

"No, we can't, remember, I've got to take pictures of my bum and if it's not red enough then the guy will call my parents," Alex decided it was time to lay it on think, to prevent his young friend from backing out, "and probably yours too."

"But," Josh thought for a moment, "I've never even been spanked, ever, and I've not seen one either, let alone given anyone one. So how am I meant to do it?"

"We'll find a way, but you've got to give me a real spanking remember, one that's hard enough, and long enough so that my bum is still red when we take the pictures and send them off this afternoon."

"But that's hours away, what will be do until then?" asked Josh, looking for the TV remote until Alex stopped him.

"Well we'll need a good half hour for the spanking, and then a few minutes after so I can calm down so I don't look too much like a baby when we take the photos."

"Like a baby?" Josh turned slowly, "You mean you're going to cry and stuff."

"Of course, everyone cries when they're spanked, that's the point of it."

"Oh," the youngster said, clearly thinking about things. "What are you going to wear for your spanking?"


"Well, you want your bum to be red, don't you, so you'd best put on something thin, or maybe 3;" Josh paused, unsure about going on.

"Or what?"

It was Josh's turn to blush, "It's just that, well, don't people get spanked on their bare bums."

"I guess."

"So shouldn't I spank you on your bare bum, so like, I can see what I'm doing and make sure you get really red and stuff."

"I guess!" repeated Alex, hiding another smile, as he'd been wondering just how he was going to get to that stage of the plan, without making it too obvious, and now he didn't have to.

"So, shall we start."

Alex looked at the clock, "But it's only 3;" then he changed his mind, "Oh go on then. Might as well get it over with."

"Right then drop your trousers and let's get started."

Naturally, given all the streaking that he'd done in all his dares, Alex Fletcher wasn't the shyest fourteen year old around, and yet, taking off his clothes in front of a smaller boy – even one he knew really well – gave him the strangest feeling, and he was half way to having an erection, by the time both his jeans and boxer shorts had been removed, and placed to one side.

Josh was sitting on the side of his bed, leaning backwards to allow Alex as much space as possible to lay himself over the younger boy's somewhat thin legs, and get himself comfortable. "Are you sure about this Alex?" he asked once the teenager was in place.

"Yeah!" Alex sighed, his arms folded on the mattress to one side of the other boy, his head resting on them, only now he turned back to look at Josh so he could make the final challenge, "Go on then, spank me until I can't sit down anymore."

The youngster laughed at the idea, as his hand inadvertently cupped one of the full round buttocks that was now presented to him, "Okay, but remember that his is for your own good."


The eleven year old hand came right down in the middle of Alex's bottom.


The same thing happened again, but if it hadn't been for the sound, Alex wasn't entirely sure he'd have known what was going on. The blows were just so soft and almost gentle as if Josh was worried about hurting him, which of course would never do, if he was going to get the proof he needed to match the bright red that Terry's bum had been after his encounter with the Omar twins. It was no good he was going to have to say something.

"What the heck are you doing?"

"Spanking you." Came the surprised reply.

"No you ain't, it's like you're patting a dog on the head, not spanking someone. You've got to lift your hand up as high as you can, and then bring it down really, really sharply so that 3;"


"Oof!" Alex gasped as his instructions were followed somewhat faster than he'd expected.

"That better?" asked Josh, a giggle in his voice.

"Yeah, but you need to do it faster too, so there's no time for me to react between them."


"How's that?" the youngster's voice gave away just how eager he now was.

"Better! DO some more like that and then do some slow ones to give the sting time to set in." instructed Alex, remembering everything he'd read in the on line guide to spanking someone, Terry had found for him.


"Ooh!" Alex gasped for real this time, as his friend's started to make an impression on his rear.


Josh followed the instructions with 3;


3;a set of slow 3;


3;methodical 3;




"Ooh!" repeated Alex, as his bottom started to get warmer with every one of the single swots.


"How's that?" he was then asked. "Your bum is already a little bit red."

Alex lifted his head to look around behind himself, immediately seeing an problem. "You need to move your hand around and not just hit the same part all the time." Using his hand, the teenager pointed out the still white areas on either side of the central part where Josh had been spanking him. "You have to make sure that all my bum is red, or else we'll both be in trouble."


"Ooh!" came the surprised gasp even though Josh was following the instructions he'd been given to the letter, unleashing another torrent of blows that rained down all over the teenager's read.


The first set fell on the right side of the buttocks.


Then on the left.


Then across the top of Alex's buttocks where his bottom became one with the small of his back.


The final set landing across the bottom of the bottom, where it joined into the legs, this, both boys soon learned was a rather tender point.

"Ooh!" gasped Alex, reaching up to grasp the covers of the bed in his clinched fists as the spanking continued.


Josh was getting the hang of what he was doing now, and was soon causing some real discomfort.


The teenager started to wiggle a little bit, as Alex attempted to hold himself together for as long as possible


But then, as it continued, he found himself arching up from the youngster's lap as another groan escaped from him. One that caused the boy to stop what he was doing, as ask if he was alright.

"Course not, I'm being spanked." The teenager sneered like only a teenager could.

"but you cried out!"

"Yeah, course I did, I'm being spanked."

"But I don't want to hurt you,"

"You have to, that's the point." Pointed out Alex, to his young pupil, "You shouldn't stop until you've finished and you spanked me as much as you said you were going to, and I know that I've been spanked."

"But it's tiring," the eleven year old whined, "And my hand hurts."

It was time for Plan B, which was something Alex was well prepared for. Shifting slightly to one side, he dropped one had to the floor, and after a few seconds of feeling around on the carpet found what he had purposely left there earlier, which he now passed up to his friend. "Here take this."

"My slipper? What do I want that for?"

"It's an incentive. If you can spank me hard enough with your hand to make me cry out again, instead of stopping this time, you get to use the slipper on my bum."

"Oh!" Josh didn't sound too sure about that so Alex made to reassure him some more.

"Remember, my bum has to be really red and sore, so you've got to make me cry like a baby, or else it'll be worse for both of us, got it?"

Josh didn't say anything although he did put the slipper down beside himself, on the other side to Alex's head, so it would still be in reach, given the teenager just enough time to raise his middle up and make it more comfortable, so that his privates, which had become trapped against Josh's knee, could hang down freely between the boy's lets. This caused Josh to wrap his arm around the older boy's waist, and then to get right back to what he'd been doing. With a vengeance.


"Ooh!" escaped from Alex's lips as things got underway.


The speed of the blows quickly increased as did, at least to Alex, the heaviness of the blows.


"Ooh!" he groaned as his rear end started to really smart.


The blows kept on coming, And coming.


"Ooh! Ouch!" Alex complained in earnest for the first time, as the stinging turned to pain.


"I think 3;" he gasped, between batteries of blows to his rear end.


" 3; I think you need to 3;"


" 3;need to stop!"


Alex's legs started to shiver, shake, and then to rock up and down, in time to the blows that continued to land.


And then the blows stop. Josh's hand remained on top of the now hot buttocks, as he checked them over, looking for any spots that he may have missed, although there didn't appear to be any. All of the teenager's rear end was now totally covered in smaller boy's hand prints.

"Thank 3; thank you!" Alex said, attempting to push himself up from the lad's lap, but he didn't get anywhere, as Josh had already picked up the slipper.


"OOOW!" the teenager gasped, as the rubber sole was bought down swiftly across his quivering bottom.


"OOOW! I don' think that 3;"


"OOOW God! Don't do that."


Alex's body bucked at the heavy blows from the slipper, but Josh held onto him as he continued doing just what he'd been told to do.


The pain was much worse than Alex had even guessed at, and he really wanted the boy to stop, and said so on many an occasion, not that it made the slightest bit of difference.


Josh wasn't listening to any of the complaints coming from the boy he was spanking just like he'd been told. He was just pleased that the slipper was so much easier to use than his own hand, and had a much more impressive response as only a few applications in, and already, Alex was starting to sob rather than cry.


Within minutes the teenager's resolve was totally broken and Alex found himself blubbering something no one could possibly understand as he lay limply over his young friend's knee as the slippering continued.


Totally beaten the fourteen just lay there, getting his naked bum spanked by a small kid. If his bottom was half as red as if felt then at least there would be no doubting that he'd made his part of the dare, and that it would be Terry's turn to go again next. Alex even had the perfect thing for his cousin to do.

"Just a few more now, to be sure." Announced Josh some minutes later after he'd paused to make a quick inspection of what he'd been doing.


Alex didn't say anything, just continued to cry as the blows fell.


Eventually Josh did stop spanking and put the slipper down, but even then Alex couldn't move and just lay there crying, sobbing and sniffling as if he wasn't even aware that it had stopped. Even then Josh had to tell him.

"I think your bum is red enough now. What do we do now?"

"Huh!" mumbled the teenager.

"I mean should you go stand in the corner of something."

It wasn't something Alex had planned on doing, but he knew he couldn't stay were he was for much longer so, agreed and after a bit of trying managed to get himself up onto his feet, where for a second, Josh had clear view of the older boy's privates and in particular the erection that Alex wasn't even aware he had until that moment but was now all the more aware off as it waved around in front of him, hurrying him over to the corner of the room where he stood with his hands on his head.

"We'll take the pictures in ten minutes." Josh said, speaking pretty much to himself, but unable to take his eyes from the bright redness that he'd just spanked into the older boys bottom, whilst, at the same time, pressing his hand down into his own lap, where his own erection was making itself known.

Chapter Six

Terry wasn't at all sure about the current dare, as it wasn't something that he'd ever thought of doing himself, and he wasn't sure where Alex had got the idea from as, after all, who would think about dressing like a little kid when they were fourteen, but then, wasn't that the point of the dares. Still, at least it got him out of having to baby sit the Omar twins anymore, as now he'd managed to move up into a part time position at their dad's shop, which, gave him access to the very things he wanted.

Terry, wearing the traditional smock that Mr. Omar insisted on, was restocking the shelves when he saw the perfect thing that would give Alex the ultimate challenge to try and beat. Nappies.

They were right there in the 'Incontinence' section of the store's large and very well stocked pharmacy, neatly separated out into size. Naturally most were for babies and infants but Terry soon noticed that, although the section got smaller and smaller, they continued all the way up to adults with a few made especially for teenagers like him. Terry couldn't imagine what it would be like to be a teenager and have to wear something so babyish, it would sure be something that Alex wouldn't be able to beat, so he had to do it.

The fourteen year olds hand were slightly shaky and rather sweaty as he waited until the store was quiet right at the end of his shift, when he managed to take the 'teenager' sized nappies from their shelf. Of course, he wasn't going to steel them – the rule of the dares was that it couldn't involved anything actually illegal, but, Terry figured that if he was wearing them then it wouldn't be steeling. He just had to find somewhere to change.

The back stock room, was the obvious place, but that was too busy, although as he wondered through it Terry soon found himself in a place, far to the back, that he hadn't seen before, and from the look of it no one else had either, as from the looks of it, no one had been into that particular store-age area for ages.

Quickly Terry had a look around what was there, just to make sure there were no surprises only there were plenty of those, in what was there. It was a load of baby gear, up to and including a large crib, with a fold back top, presumable to keep the toddler – it was too big for an actual baby – from getting out.

Satisfied that there was nothing anyone would be wanting, Terry set about reading the very helpful instructions on the side of the package of nappies. These not only mentioned how to put the nappies on someone else, but instructed how someone could do it to themselves which, of course, was exactly what Terry needed to do.

Looking for somewhere to sit, Terry had to make do with folding back the lid and then lowering the side of the crib, so he could unfasten his shoes and pull them off along with his jeans and boxers, before he could put the nappy on.

Pulling out a nappy from the package, Terry laid back on the babyish mattress, and slipped the unfolded nappy under his buttocks, making sure that the side tabs came out on either side of his body at the waist. Then, slowly he reached down between his legs, ignoring his nearly every present erection on the way, and pulled up the central part of the nappy up over his groin, where he could flatten it out, and then fasten it in place with the tapes on either side.

The job done, Terry slowly rolled himself up onto his feet, and was surprised to hear the nappy crinkling slightly as he moved, his legs kept slightly further apart than was normal by the extra padding between his legs.

Smiling to himself, Terry took the digital camera out of his jeans pocket and set up it on some boxes on the far side of the room, pointing back towards him, and set the timer to take pictures as he stood in front of it posing in the nappy, with it's cute little Teddy bears around the waist.

Checking the first bunch of photos, Terry was pleased with the result but knew that more was needed to make him look more like the baby he was meant to be, but what.

Sitting on the side of the crib, Terry thought what babies looked like and the perfect idea came to him, what he needed was a dummy, and perhaps some of those large rubber, and plastic toys that babies have. Thankfully there were plenty of those out on the store, He'd just have to go and get them, use them for his photos and then put them back. No one would be any the wiser.

Picking up his jeans, Terry thought about putting his boxers back on, but decided it would be a waste of time, as his jeans would go over the diaper so that no one would see it, so that's what he did.

It felt strange to be walking around, apparently normally dressed but with the soft padding from the nappy under his clothes, but Terry tried not to let it show as he moved around the store, in a very roundabout route to get the things he wanted, even stopping along the way to help out another costumer, which earned him a smile from Mr. Omar, at the till, once the lady started to pay for the very full shopping trolley that the boy had helped her with.

"If you take some things out back, you may as well go on your break." Mr Omar told him, given Terry not only the time alone he would need but the perfect chance to get the things he wanted for his photos.

Back in the secret stock room, Terry opened the dummy first and after taking a cautious sniff of the small rubber bulb, slipped it into his mouth where he inadvertently started to suck on it almost straight away.

Moving to the crib, Terry unpacked the few toys he'd bought up and laid them around on the mattress, but could find no where to hang up the small mobile he'd bought, until he remembered the crib had a lid.

Kneeling on the mattress Terry quickly put the mobile into place, in the centre of the closed top of the crib, before he noticed the large metal ring at the end of it. This matched one on the now lowered side of the crib, and was clearly so a latch, or perhaps even a lock of some sort could be attached, to totally prevent whoever was inside from getting out.

Backing out of the crib one last time, Terry removed his jeans, and re-set the camera so that it now looked towards the crib, before he climbed in, to have his picture taken laying there, amongst the baby toys, sucking on a dummy dressed only in a nappy and oversize smock. The smock, of course, had to be pulled up to show the nappy, so that it bunched around his waist but that just added to the effect, so was fine.

After a few snaps, Terry couldn't resist the urge anymore, and excusing it as making for a better photo, pulled his legs fully into the crib, so he could slid the side all the way up to the top, until he was totally encased in the thin, narrowly spaced bars for the final few pictures.

It was some fifteen minutes later when Terry finally, had enough photos, he hoped, to convince Alex that he'd gone through the dare. Lowering the side of the crib he climbed out and began to clear up the toys, putting them back, as best he could into their packaging so he could return them to the shelves they'd come from. No doubt, Mr. Omar would blame sticky fingers from playing with them but that was okay, it wasn't steeling after all. There was, though, the issue of what to do with the nappies themselves. Those couldn't be put back, now they'd been wore as that wasn't hygienic, so Terry was going to have to keep them but he couldn't carry them out of the store, he'd have to wear them.

When everything was cleared up, Terry returned to the store and, carefully put the toys back where he'd found them and went about his normal chores for the rest of his shift.

It was half term so the store was busy during the day, but quickly quieted down towards midday, as there was no lunchtime rush from the local school to come in, so still pleased about his earlier work with the lady, Mr. Omar, told Terry to take an extended break, and the afternoon off. The teenager couldn't believe his luck but that was about to change.

"Hello Terrance!"

The sound of Jordan Omar's voice made Terry's blood run cold. He'd managed to avoid the twins since the last time they'd spanked him and wasn't looking for a rematch, especially given his current secret.

"Did you know," the ten year old continued, "That our dad let's us sit in his office, and watch the CCTV to see if we can spot shoplifters."

"No!" Terry's blood wasn't getting any warmer and his legs were about to feel a draft.

With his eyes fixed on the sold hard stare of Jordan, in an attempt to read what the youngster was going on about, Terry failed totally to notice Jake circling around behind him, until the second twin, had clamped his hands into Terry's jeans pockets and yanked them down to his ankles.

"We didn't know you wore nappies, Terrance!" Jordan laughed, along with his brother, "I wonder who else knows?"

Terry blushed redder than he'd ever been before, "No one. Please don't tell anyone."

"Sure we won't," the twins laughed together, "But first you've got to show us just what you were doing in the back room. Come on."

The two small boys moved in, each taking one of the teenager's arms and started to pull him forward. With his feet still trapped in his jeans it looked for a moment like Terry would fall over, but at the last minute he was able to extract his feet from the puddle of denim, and walk between the boys, leaving his trousers right where they had fallen. "It's okay," he was told, "you won't need them."

"Can I just go back and get my jeans?" the teenager asked when they reached the back room.

"Baby's don't wear jeans." Came the answer.

"But someone will find them."

"What those old things, don't worry about it, I'm sure they'll take care of them, won't they Jake?"

"Probably throw them out."

"Indeed, Or cut them up for rags, perhaps."

"But 3;"


Terry's words of complain were rudely cut off as a small hand slapped his more than exposed thigh.

"Boys in nappies don't answer back." He was told, while they all stared at the bright red hand print that was soon appearing where he'd been slapped.

"You know Jake," Jordan said to his brother, "Boys in nappies don't wear shirts either. Make him, take it off."

The less forceful of the twins, raised his hand and, in a flash had put a matching mark on Terry's other leg, prompting the teenager to comply with the request so much quicker than he'd been going to do.

"That's better. Now why doesn't baby get back into his crib, like he was before."

Terry's mouth fell open. How had they known about that, but Jordan just pointed up to the corner of the ceiling where a small CCTV camera was looking down with it's all seeing eye.

Slowly, with his nappy crinkling all the way, Terry walked over to the crib, pulled back the covering cloth, lowered the side and climbed inside.

"Let's make baby comfortable shall we." Jordan said sliding the side of the crib back up again until it latched into place. "Jake, have you got babies treat?"

Jake Omar, pulled something from a nearby shelf and gave it to his brother. "Right here,"

"Give it to the baby then."

Jake had to go up onto the tips of his toes in order to reach over the side of the crib, in order to hand down the baby bottle to the nappy wearing teenager inside it. "Here you go, Baby, make sure you drink every last drop."

The twins moved away from the crib, clearly to make sure the CCTV camera had a clear view as Terry slowly put the rubber teat of the bottle to his lips and slowly sucked on the contents which was surprisingly thick, and creamy and not, Terry was pleasant surprised to find out, all that bad tasting.

"There's a good baby." Jordan reached back in for the bottle which he passed to his brother as his hands were already full. "Hold out your hands."

Terry saw the babyish mittens the small boy was holding, but not the roll of tape his brother hand until it was too late. Unaware of their plan he slipped both his hands into the offered fingerless gloves and even held them there while Jordan knotted the laces around his wrists. Only realising something was up when Jordan had finished and yet didn't release his fore arms.

The sounds of ripping tape, gave Terry a start, but not enough of one, so that he could get his arms out of the way before Jake had wrapped the enough duct tape around his wrists to ensure he wouldn't be getting the mittens off in a hurry.

"That will stop baby getting his fingers into anything he shouldn't." explained Jordan, while Terry examined the pink covered stumps where his hands had once been. "Now let's put your dummy back in, so you can get some sleep."

Wanting to get this over as soon as possible, Terry lifted his head up when asked and opened his mouth for the expected dummy to be placed inside. However, he hadn't considered that the dummy he'd used was now back on the store shelf, so the twins had had to use something else, from the 'special' part of the shop that Terry didn't even know about, let alone had been in. So he was somewhat surprised when instead of the small bulb, it was something a lot larger that was pushed into his mouth, and then buckled, via a leather strap around behind his head.

At the shock of the large item filling his mouth, Terry had the natural reaction, ducking down out of the twins reach. This though was just what they wanted for the moment he did it, Jake flipped over the lip of the crib, which Jordan was then able to lock with a simple spring loaded catch.

"Night-night, little baby." The twins said together as they backed out of the store room, turning out the light and closing the door behind them.

Terry just lay there, in the semi dark, that was illuminated just by the emergency lighting and the single, and now so obviously, flashing red light from the CCTV camera. His hands, wrapped in the mittens couldn't remove the buckled behind his head, to un-gag himself, yet, without his teeth, he was unable to remove the tape that held the gloves on. At the same time, without the use of his fingers he couldn't remove the catch that held the top of the crib locked, trapping him inside what was very obviously a cage.

And then, his stomach started to rumble from the mixture of diuretics and laxatives that had been mixed into his baby bottle milk.

Chapter Seven

Alex looked into the cupboard he'd been directed to, instantly spotting the pile of black plastic bin liners that were stacked there, just like Josh had promised. The only question was, what was in them.

Pulling the nearest bag out of the cupboard, the fourteen year old, used his fingers to open up the top and peek inside. There, just as he'd suspected were a mixture of baby stuff including feeding bottles, plastic bibs, cloth bibs, and other things that were totally not what he had in mind, as, after all, Terry had already done that, so he had to do something else which, hopefully, Josh was going to provide. Assuming the younger boy could find what he'd gone to look for, that is.

Selecting another bag, Alex peeked inside again, finding something a little more interesting this time, in a length of black webbing. Pulling on this, soon revealed more of the same, and in varying colours too. They were all tangled up together so Alex had to remove the lot from the bag before he could discover that what he had was several sets of toddler reins.

For a few minutes Alex amused himself by trying to first untangle and then work out which bit of webbing went with which, occasionally stopping to drape them over his own shoulders to see if he could work out how they went on. In the end there were at least two complete sets of reins laid out on the floor along with numerous other bits and pieces that didn't quite seem to go with any of them, as they didn't match the central harness that was made up of twin sets of yellow, red and blue adjustable straps, that were stitched together at the back around a central panel, containing, two D shaped rings at the top and bottom, and, at the front, with a large fastening catch, with matching D rings, into which all the loose ends would slot.

It still didn't seem to make sense, so Alex did the only thing he could think of, he tried the harness on. Putting his arms through the straps and pulling the harness up onto his back, like it was a jacket. This left the buckle at the front, where it was fairly easy for him to slip the catches into it.

"Hey you look like a toddler, in that!" Laughed Alex as he returned to the room carrying the things he'd found in another cupboard. "Is that what you're going to do for your project then, rather than this stuff?"

"No!" Alex said, without all the meaning he'd meant to add to it, "Let's see what you've got then!"

"Well, like I said, it's something we did at cubs to show how the organisation has changed through the years 3;"

"Yeah, yeah you told me all that!" Alex interrupted trying to reach for the pile of bottle green and grey clothes that his friend was carrying, but Josh held it away from him.

"Anyway, like I said, we all got dressed up in the old uniforms and this is what I got to wear from the 1970s, I think it'll fit you okay, as it was a bit big on me, and, anyway, you ain't that much bigger than me."

Alex ignored the obvious jibe – he was a good half a head taller than his Josh – and instead asked the question that he really wanted to know "And you think this will make me look and feel like what it's like to be a little kid."

"Yeah, it should do." Josh nodded, towards the video camera the older boy had bought with him, "That'll work for your project then won't it."

The teenager nodded, to avoid having to lie through his teeth too obviously. Of course there was no school project on what it was like to be a little kid, this was just his return part of the dare to be a little kid for a day, just like Terry had. Only there was no way, Alex was going to be wearing a nappy, even if it hadn't looked so bad on his friend. At least, not before he'd been locked in a cot in the back room of the Omar store, and forced to use the nappy in the way it was designed. NO way Alex was going to do that, so, instead, he intended to bend the rules slightly by dressing up like a little kid, but one already out of nappies.

"So, are you going to put it on then?" Josh asked, impatiently.

"Yeah, course, let's see what it's like."

"You'll have to take all your clothes off first."

Alex turned to his young friend, "What? All of them?"

"Yeah, I had to cos they didn't wear boxers back then, and they don't look right, plus the uniform comes with everything else, you need."

"Even pants?" Alex laughed, "Man the rules were strict back then."

Josh smiled, but didn't laugh, "No, there's no cub pants, but I got you a Speedo you could wear instead, so everything looks right."

"One of yours?"

"Yeah, of course, one of mine, it ain't like I have other kid's Speedos hanging around is it. Now you going to get changed or not?"

"Here?" the teenager shrugged, looking around the spare room of the other boy's house.

"Sure why not. It's not like I've not seen you naked before it is." Josh finally laughed, "How is your bum anyway?"

"Fine!" Alex mumbled, turning his back as he started to unbutton his shirt.

The shirt was followed by the teenager's jeans, socks, but not his boxers until he was holding the small blue Speedo with the light green side panels. Only then did he thumb down his boxers – making sure that his bottom would jut out in Josh's direction so he could see just how unmarked it now was – and then stepping into the Speedo, which he then worked up his hips with a snap.

"They're a bit on the tight side." The fourteen year old said, looking over the parts of his body that were now encased in the very taunt, material.

"Well, it ain't like they've got much to cover is it. I mean it's not like you've got any hair or anything is it."

Choosing not to answer what was more an observation rather than an accusation, Alex took the next item of clothing from the pile and tried not to think about just how itchy his pubic region had become once his pubic hair had started to grow back from the shaving down there, Doug had given him. So itchy in fact, that in order to avoid embarrassing scratching at school, he'd ended up re-shaving it and would continue to do so, until there was a long enough school holiday for it all to grow back in piece.

The cub scout jumper slotted over Alex's head without too much hassle, but once down onto his chest, the slight difference in height between him and Josh soon became apparent, as the jumper's lower hem, barely made it down to his waist, and the long sleeves, fell just a touch short of his wrists. Still, over than that, the jumper looked the part as it came complete with a scattering of badges sewn onto it. A scout embalm, on his left chest, over his heart, with a bronze and silver, arrows of rank on the other side. The tops of his arms were also decorated with badges that clearly meant something, just not to Alex.

"Here, put the shorts on next."

Alex took the charcoal grey items he was offered and instantly realised what Josh had meant about the boxers. "They sure are short, ain't they." He said, even before he'd stepped into them, and after pulling them up, confirmed that they were, indeed, much shorter than any shorts he'd previously worn. They didn't come, even close to reaching his knees, as they did. In fact, they barely made it to his thighs, let alone his knees. The slightly thicker grey hem, stopping seemingly the moment it came down onto his legs. Clearly, if he'd kept his own boxers on then these would now be showing, by some two or three inches. At least.

"Tuck your jumper in before you do them up." Josh suggested but this clearly wasn't going to happen, given that the jumper didn't really reach the top of the shorts, and even if it did, it was doubtful Alex would have been able to still do the shorts up, with the bottle green material bulging it out. It was enough trouble as it was, for the fourteen year old to suck his breath in, enough to get the twin catches on the shorts closed, and then do up the zip.

"You bum sure does look big in them shorts." Laughed Josh, as Alex, bent over as far as he dared, before sitting down to pull the socks onto his feet.

It took a few minutes for Alex, under Josh's direction to get the socks to match correctly as the older boy just wasn't used to wearing garters, under the turned down top of his socks, let alone, ones with a single green plume on the side, which he now knew, was to be left hanging down the outside of each leg.

"Final things." Josh told him before he could stand up again, handing over the long kerchief which, in order to save time, the youngster had pre-threaded into the woggle so that all Alex had to do was pull it over his head, and the slide the plastic band up to his neck to hold it in place.

The traditional, and dated, cap was the last thing, Alex was given to wear, but only after Josh had made sure the two front parts of the kerchief was exactly the same length, and that the back, was nicely spread out over his shoulders. Only when that was done, could the fourteen year old slip the little green cap, with the yellow piping, onto his head, so the peek with the gold scout badge was pointing forwards. "How do I look?" he asked.

For a moment, Josh didn't say anything, just continued to look him over, but then, slowly, he moved to once side, opened up the wardrobe that was there, and then, pulled back the door, so that Alex could see himself in the full length mirror, mounted there.

The teenager found the change in his appearance so startling that he actually gasped out loud. Where had once stood the reflection he was used to off a fairly standard modern teenager boy, there was now what looked not only like a cub scout from the history books, but one that couldn't have been more than ten or eleven years old. If that. "I look younger than you."

"Yeah, I know." Josh laughed, puffing out his chest inside the red t-shirt he wore, above his jeans. "Guess that's why they changed the uniform so everyone wouldn't look like little kids. But is it good enough for your project?"

"Perfect." Mumbled Alex, not taking his eyes from the reflection of his younger self.

"Hey, you know what would make you look even younger though."

Alex only half turned to his friend, "What?"

"That stuff you were playing with earlier. The reins."

"Don't be stupid, that's for little kids, before they got to be scouts, cubs, or even beavers."

"They didn't have beavers back then,, you couldn't become a cub until you were like seven or eight or something." Pointed out Josh, "but they did wear stuff like this though. Wore them all the time, so they wouldn't get into trouble and in everything, like push chairs, and the like."

Finally turning round to his friend, Alex still had his doubts, "For real?"

"Yeah, there's photos of my mum and her brother wearing them, until they six or seven or something, both in a big old pushchair, and out of it. IN fact I think we've still got the push chair in the garage somewhere. So what do you say?"

"About what?" Alex turned back to the mirror.

"Putting them on, so you look younger, like you wanted for your project, as they'll be bound to make you feel like a little kid and give you loads to right about, plus they'll look great on your video."

It was the last point that got Alex's attention. They would look great on the video, and might stop Terry from accusing him of cheating. Of course he couldn't say that to Josh, so instead he just pretended to think about it for a moment, and then apparently reluctantly agreed.

Josh picked up the multi-coloured set from where Alex had dropped it on the floor. "You know, I think you had these on backwards last time, and the clasp think should be at the back. Put your arms in first."

Alex did as was suggested, slipping his arms into the holes Josh held open for him. The straps then slid all the way up his arms until the webbed centre piece was tight against his chest, Alex holding his kerchief out of the way so it wouldn't get trapped while, Josh went around behind him, and slipped the ends of the twin waist straps into the catch that was now in the centre of his back. But Josh still wasn't happy with it.

"It still seems a bit loose," he started to fiddle with the various sliders that were built into the various coloured straps that now ran over Alex's shoulders and around his upper and lower chest.

"Hey!" Alex complained as he felt the harness tightening up around him, followed by some sharp clicks as it was tightened. The red and blue straps were now tight against his chest, running in parallel under his arms. While the yellow ones had pulled into the sides of his neck, away from the edges of his shoulders.

"That's better." Josh said when he was done adjusting everything. "Now let's try it with the walker on."

"The what?"

The question went unanswered, as Josh picked up the grey walker straps and attached them to what was now the back of the harness, where the buckle was, where they clicked into place.

"Okay try to walk forwards." The youngster said, with an exaggerated, flick of the reins he held, as if guiding a horse.

Alex took one step, and then another, but then, quite suddenly he was stopped in his tracks as Josh pulled back on the reins he held tightly in his hands. It felt strange to Alex to be controlled like that, but not as embarrassing as it probably should have. In fact he found it rather exciting and went into over drive, attempting to push himself forward but only managing to stand still his arms failing about without his torso, actually moving an inch, stuck as it was in Josh's tight grip.

"Wow, you're well and truly stuck," the youngster laughed, giving a little tug backwards, "How does it feel?"

"Okay?" Alex lied, having always rather liked the idea of being helpless, just this wasn't how he'd imagined it.

"Well you look about four or something, you should see yourself. Oh wait you can, hang on."

Putting the reins down for a moment, Josh went over and turned on the video camera, and aimed it at where Alex was still standing.

For the next ten minutes or so the two boys showed how the reins worked to the camera, as if they were making the documentary, Alex had claimed he was doing. This naturally involved the older boy, pretending to attempt to escape from his minder several times, but never, once getting anywhere, while all the time, one or other of them, gave a description of what they were doing to the camera.

"Did you know that you can used the reins to fasten little kids to things." Josh said in his best teacher voice, "by using these clips at the back, where the walking strap is fastened to."

"What? Really?" Alex broke character for a moment, "Like what?"

"Push chairs, high chairs, that sort of thing. You just clip one end of the anchor straps to the harness, wrap them around whatever you want, and then clip them back to the harness."

"Really?" repeated Alex, his eyes wide.

"Yeah, I could show you if you want."


"We've still got the buggy in the garage remember, we could use that."

Alex didn't need to be told twice, as the idea of being fixed into something but still having his arms and legs free, sounded like fun. There was the small matter of getting to the garage, which would involve going outside the house for a short time, but the teenager was so excited about what was going to happen that even the thought of that couldn't dampen his spirits.

The video camera was running all the way from the house, out into the garden, and back inside, towards the garage. Not only that, but Josh made sure that some of the journey was done twice, with the camera positioned so that it had a good view, from all angles, at just how effective the harness and walking straps were at keeping an excitable young boy under control. It was then set up so that it could capture everything that happened from then on.

The buggy was a foldaway one, but Josh had clearly had practise unfolding it, for after leaving Alex the cub scout to struggle with it for a few seconds, he eventually took it from him, and with one fluid motion, had the chair assembled, and locked into place ready for Alex to take his place with in.

The buggy was surprisingly roomy, allowing the teenage just a little elbow room, although his feet, once on the steps, were a little raised so his knees came up higher than would have been normal. It was also somewhat more comfortable than Alex had expected, so after only a few moments of shifting about he got settled.

"Right then, these bits go on here." Josh applied the harness clips to the side of the harness Alex wore on his left hand side. "Then we put the other end through this D ring on the buggy, like so, and the back to the harness like so."

Alex watched all that was going on but didn't really see what was going on, or understand how all this was going to keep him secure, given that everything was still rather loose. However there was one more part of the operation that, as yet, hadn't been explained to him.

Standing in front of the buggy, Josh put his hands on either side of the seated cub scout, holding the harness clips, and then gave a sharp push both back and downwards. This pressed Alex snugly into the seat, until there was a couple of loud clicks, followed by a little adjustment, then he removed his hands.

"Well," he said, "Try it!"

Already aware of the feeling of tension at both sides of his shoulders, anchoring him into the buggy, Alex didn't need to be asked twice to test the restraints and was instantly surprised to find that he could still move his shoulders, but as he tried to pull against the buggy seat, he couldn't move his bottom at all. He was totally stuck, and the feeling was overwhelming.

"What do you think?"

Honestly Alex wasn't sure. So didn't say anything which prompted Josh to suggest that he see if he could get free.

Leaning to one side, Alex attempted to release the clips from the anchor straps, but as he strained against the seat, he inadvertently put so much strain on the straps that there was no way he could unclip them. He attempted to reach around behind him for the harness clasp, but although he could just about touch it with his finger tips, he just couldn't squeeze it in the right places, to release himself. And gave up. "You can let me out now."

"But I've only just put you in there." Complained Josh, "Hang on while I clear some stuff up, at least."

Knowing he had no option, Alex sat in the buggy and waited, while his younger friend, tided up the small amount of mess they'd made in the garage, as they'd recovered the buggy. However, even when everything was done, Josh didn't come straight back to the buggy, instead, he went over to the camera, and resumed his instructional voice.

"Seeing that our little cub is all strapped into his buggy, why don't we take him for a little walk."

Instantly Alex snapped out of the half doze he'd gone into. "A what?"

There was no stopping Josh though, as released the breaks from the buggy wheels, and then aimed it towards the door into the garden. Alex tried though, dropping his feet from the rest, down onto the ground.

"Hey, that won't do at all with it." Josh spoke the camera before pulling a couple of straps from his pocket, and then after putting the buggy breaks back on, he knelt down well out of the reach of Alex's arms, but close enough so that he could, lift each of his feet back onto the foot rest and then hold it there with one of the straps.

"That's better isn't it?" the camera was told, although Alex's opinion on the subject certainly wasn't fit to be included in any instructional video.

Unable to prevent it happening now, despite continually leaning this way and that, against the straps, Alex was wheeled out into the garden where he was momentarily parked so Josh could go fetch, and then re-set up the video camera so it could film him being wheeled around the garden, some times at speeds that worried him more than anything else, and which was repeated several times so that, once more, the camera could film it from several angles.

Eventually, sometime after he'd been released from the chair, the harness straps, and was able to change back into his own clothes, Alex would edit the video footage into a rather respectful quality movie, showing his regression from teenager to short trousered cub, wearing first a harness with walking attachment, and then being strapped into a buggy for a garden walk. However that wasn't all it showed either, as clearly visible, both when he was under control and walking to the garage, and then in the chair itself, was a very noticeable lump in the front of his shorts, that, by the end of the movie, also had a damp patch at the end caused by his on pre-cum caused by just how much he enjoyed being so helpless.

Something that he would clearly be able to use in his next dare for Terry.

Chapter Eight

Very carefully Terry stepped up onto the three legged stool, reaching up above his head to loop the length of chain over the large hook that had been screwed into the central beam of the garage.

Once the chain was in place, the fourteen year old pulled on it, swinging slightly in the air, to test that it could hold his weight which, it did, so he was ready to complete the latest task that Alex had set him. That of tying himself up, the best way he can, for as long as he can. The one of them that did it the best would get o pick the next challenge, and Terry was certain that this was going to be him, as he had some ideas he was fairly sure his friend would never think off, thanks to the store room at the Omar Store.

Of course, this wouldn't be the first time he'd tied himself up, and he was pretty sure that it wasn't the first time Alex had done it either, as after all he had suggested it. Strange thing was, that although they'd tied each other before they'd never mentioned doing it to themselves. Yes, all those years ago when they'd seen that picture of the tied up Native American boy, they'd both become excited by it, even though, at that time, neither of them knew exactly why.

Since that time, and especially since he and Alex split up, Terry had attempted to tie himself up several times, mostly without much success, as he certainly wasn't going to ask any of his new friends to help as most of them thought he was strange enough as it was, without them seeing him getting an erection from being tied up.

Terry had first noticed that being tied up made him stiff, just about the same time, Alex, apparently lost interest in tying him up, which is why he'd switched to doing it himself., which is why, when Alex's challenge came in to tie himself up so he couldn't escape came in, he had the perfect thing in mind, and all he had to do was borrow some things from the store where he still worked.

It took time for him to get all the things he wanted, but he had to be sure that nothing was going to be missed, and, of course, that the twins weren't around watching him on the CCTV, as he took the stuff, even though he was paying for it. Still, this time did give him the chance to test everything and to be certain not just how it worked, but how comfortable it was. Now though he was ready to put it all together at once, for the first time.

Everything Terry would need was sitting there, beside him, on the small table he bought over to be close by, but not in the way, and after he'd checked them all again, he started to remove his clothes.

It went without saying, as far as Terry was concerned, that if he was going to be tied up so he couldn't escape then he was going to be tied up naked, as that was just more 3; well more everything as he was sure Alex would agree. So off came his shirt, and down went his jeans, followed closely, by his boxers.

Terry's body was a miss-match of tan lines, some fading, others getting darker, from the varying amounts of clothes he would wear outside, but the one part of his body that was, by far the whites, was around the middle, where the boxers had recently covered him. There, the only thing to break up the whiteness of his body, were the few strands of dark pubic hair, and the things they grew around. Other than that, Terry was still a little skinny than Alex but not by much, even though he didn't have any hair, not even peach fuzz on his arms or legs, like his friend did. Still, it wasn't like that really mattered, did it as it was only Alex who saw him naked, and only Alex who would see him now, thanks to the video camera that was set up in the corner of the room to record everything that happened from now on.

After giving a little wave to the camera, Terry smiled broadly as he picked up the first time from the table, and showed it the camera. He couldn't be certain, but he was fairly sure that Alex had never seen one of these before, and he certainly hadn't until he'd stumbled upon it, in the 'special' catalogue that he'd found in the trash at the Omar store. That catalogue had been a great eye opener, and now, that wasn't all it was going to open, thanks to the vibrating, inflatable, butt plug, that a Mr. T White, had ordered over the web for home delivery.

Holding the rounded end of the plug device up to the camera, Terry continued to smile as, with his other hand, he unscrewed the top from a jar of Vaseline, and applied a generous amount around the point, and down the slightly widening sides of the plug.

Putting one leg back up on the stool, Terry angled his rear towards the camera, before he started to ease the small, blunt end of the plug up into his bottom, past the slight resistance of his sphincter muscle, and on up into his rectum. Pushing slowly, and carefully, he felt it start to slide in easily until it got to the wider part a couple of inches down from the end. At this point it did start to stretch him out slightly, but as he knew only too well, just as it started to get painful the widest part slipped inside him, and his grateful sphincter got to close around the much smaller base of the plug, so that the flat base was tight against the outside of his bottom, with only the tube, with its little rubber pump at the end hanging down.

That was as far as he went with the plug for now. Later on, he would pump it up a little more so that it was a very snug fit, but for the moment it was doing a good enough job in making sure that his erection, remained, pointing out, in front of him. That said, just the small matter of putting his foot back on the floor from where it had been on the stool, made the teenager sigh with the fullness that he now had. That sensation similar to wanting to go to the toilet, urgently, and yet oh so differently, especially as with the controls hanging down from between his buttocks made him look like he had a strange tail.

Taking a few minutes to demonstrate his new tail to the camera, Terry eventually picked up the ball gag from his box of tricks. This too had come from the Omar's special catalogue, and was a perfect fit. The bright red hard rubber ball, totally filling the space between his teeth, inside his mouth with the leather strap going around behind his head where he, after some previous practise, could buckle it closed. Yet, that wasn't enough, and picking up a small padlock from his collection, he clicked this closed through the buckle on the gag, just to make sure the gag couldn't be removed without a key, not that he could push it out, any other way, anyway.

It was now time for some good old fashioned rope to play it's part and Terry started with a four foot long piece, of soft cotton clothesline, which he'd washed to make softer. This he folded in half before looping it around his ankles several times until there was only a foot and a half left. This he then turned inwards so that it went between his ankles, tightening the remaining rope into what was, more or less like, a pair or rope handcuffs, but with knots instead of keys.

A second length of rope, repeated the same process, higher up Terry's legs, just above his knees, to ensure that his legs would remain bound completely together although this did make it difficult for him, when the time came for him to stand up again, meaning that, in the end, he had to push himself up with his hands, rather than trust his legs as he normally would have done, but then that was half the fun of being tied up. Not being able to do things that you normally did without thinking.

Once more standing at the equipment table, Terry picked up the twin leather cuffs, and after showing them to the camera, before buckling one, and then the other onto each of his wrist. The cuffs were both fully lined, so as not to leave marks on his skin, and to make sure that they were comfortable for the sort of things that Terry was about to do. Now, came the hardest part of the entire operation. Getting back onto the stool.

A small pair of steps stood to one side of the stool and this is what Terry used to get back up onto it. It took time, of course, as he couldn't just walk up the steps but had to jump up each one, while supporting himself with his hands, on the top of the steps, but after around ten minutes he made it back up onto the top of the stool, where he was ready for his games to really begin.

Making sure the camera could see what he was doing, Terry felt around behind him for the controls to the butt plug, squeezing the bulb four or five times making the plug expand inside him. Then when it was as large as he could take it, he twisted the small button at the end, before pressing it, to start the vibrations. Those wouldn't show on the video, of course, but Terry would sure know what was going on, each and every time the plug did it's thing, deep inside him.

Finally, Terry was ready for the last part of his plan, and reaching back up above his head, he found the chain still hanging there from the roof, and using the two padlocks that were loosely attached to the D-rings on his cuffs, he attached himself to it. Then, after once more testing his weight on the chain, he slowly inched his found feet forward until, they went over the side of the stool, and into the open air.

It all worked perfectly and Terry couldn't have been any happier. He'd done it. He was now, apparently completely helpless, tied up, gagged, plugged and hanging naked from the roof of the garage with his feet only barely able to touch the floor. He could only imagine how good it would look on camera as he twisted and turned in the air, with his 'tail' flapping around the backs of his legs, as he made mumbling sounds into the ball gag, that were almost drowned out by the clinking of the chains up above his head, while the plug itself vibrated away inside him, touching him in places that they'd never mentioned in his school sex education classes but which was so much better than anything they had mentioned.

"Hey, White, where are you?"

The sound of another boy's voice calling his name, caused Terry to come out of whatever place his bondage was taking him, with a massive crash. And, unfortunately, it wasn't going to be the only crash of the day, either.

"Where are you?" The familiar voice repeated, "Dad wants to know if you can do a shift today, or not?"

Crap! Terry said behind the gag, it was the twins 3; well one of them anyway 3; How the hell had he got in the house? And, more importantly, would he think of coming out the garage? Whichever Terry couldn't take the risk. He had to free himself and quickly.

Naturally, as part of his plans to tie himself up, Terry had also made plans so that he could free himself once the experience was over. All he had to do was to swing his body to one side, and bending his legs put his feet back onto the stool. Then, once he was stood back up again, he could unhook the chain from the roof, allowing him to jump down onto the floor, and then go over to the table where the keys were that would unlock the chains, cuffs and gag. After that, he could remove the ropes, get dressed and go see what his visitor wanted. However, it didn't work out like that.

Terry started swinging okay, but in his haste he over did it, and before he could bend his legs, his feet connected with the stool, knocking it not only out of the way, but completely over, along with the steps that had been his back up plan. And, it wasn't exactly quiet.

"You in the garage?" came the voice of the young boy, quickly followed the sounds of a pair of overly heavy footsteps come up the wooden decking path leading from the house, and then the door opened.

The closely cropped head, peered around the door, looking into the garage, and looked directly at where Terry was suspended. "Shit!" the ten year old said, before taking another look around, both inside and out, and then slipping inside, closing the door behind him.

Carefully, the boy dressed in tight black jeans and sleeveless red t-shirt that showed his skinny arms, crept forwards, around the edges of the garage, checking out the entire room, no doubt making sure that there was no one else in the room, before finally he stood up and asked the most obvious question of all. "What's going on?"

OF course Terry couldn't answer due to the ball gag he'd jammed in his mouth, and which the smaller boy soon noticed, and, realising his mistake took a step towards the hanging boy, before he spotted the problem he'd have removing the gag. "Where's the key?"

Still unable to talk, Terry nodded towards the equipment table, directing the boy towards it.

"Ah right! Hang on." The boy said heading to the table and routing around, to find the key, however in doing so he uncovered some of the other things Terry had left there, like his clothes, and, more importantly the instructions he'd written himself about just how he was going to achieve his ultimate self tie up.

It didn't take long for the penny to drop inside the ten year old's head. "You did this yourself, didn't you?" he said, turning to face the bound boy.

The answer was obvious, so no one needed to say it, which was just as well, given that all Terry could do was grunt through is gag, but that didn't stop the blush from engulfing his entire body, which was confession in itself. Meanwhile the boy was continuing to put two and two together.

Looking from the over turned stool, up to the chains hooked over the roof, and then back down. "Oh, I see how you did it. You climbed on the stool and then stepped off, but the stool fell over didn't it, and now you're stuck."

Terry, having no other option nodded his head, whilst using his feet to point towards the stool.

"Oh right, the stool." The boy said, picking it up, however instead of putting it down under the bound feet Terry had raised up, he pulled it to one side, and sat on it. A smirk on his lips.

"You know it's a shame Jake ain't here to see this, as he'd love to see what you've done to yourself." The boy Terry now knew had to be Jordan Omar said, "I bet you couldn't get out of that even if I went and got him."

Terry panicked again, struggling, and mumbling through is gag, not that it made any difference, as Jordan continued to talk, "Looks like you've been busy with Dad's special catalogue too, cos I think we're the only people that sell that plug you've got up your bum, but let me check."

Getting up from the stool, Jordan Omar, ducked around Terry's far side, so he could grab the rubber bulb, that hung at the back of the teenager's knees. Peering it at, he read what Terry knew was there. The Omar, mark. "Yeah, thought so." Jordan said, triumphantly, giving the bulb and extra squeeze so the balloon inflated a little more, inside the older boy.

"You must like having stuff up your bum too," continued Jordan as he returned to stand between his seat and the equipment table, "Cos you really hard, you know."

Terry just mumbled some more.

"Oh yeah, right, the gag. Hang on."

In a second Jordan had found the keys, and using the step ladder climbed up behind the other boy, so he could try each one, until he was able to open the small padlock that held the gag in place. From there, all he had to do was undo the buckled, before the ball was eased out of Terry's mouth.

"The stool. Please!" Terry gasped as soon as he could..

"No chance." Came the start reply. "You did this yourself, didn't you."

"Yeah but 3;"

Jordan interrupted, "And, by the looks of it you've done it before, and I bet no one knows you do this either do they?"

"No but 3;"

The youngster, hearing what he both suspected and wanted, played his trump card, "If that's the way you want it to stay then you'd best do everything I tell you from now on, right?"

"What? You can't be 3;!" that was as far as Terry got, before the ball was stuffed back into his mouth, and buckled back into place.

"Oh, looks like you need to be taught another lesson, like back at the store and when you were meant to be babysitting me and Jake."

Terry didn't like the sound of that, but other than doing a little bit of thrashing about, there was nothing he could do about, as all Jordan had to do was wait until he was done, before he continued right where he'd left off only this time with a little more 'hands on' way.

Stepping to one side of the suspended boy Terry's hand flashed out and took a tight hold on the teenager's groin, and squeezed hard enough to get Terry's complete attention, and stillness.

"That's better. Now I think you need to know who is charge don't you."


The youngster's other hand lashed out behind Terry, landing firmly on his bare bottom in such a way that it didn't hurt all that much, but did make the teenager jump.


A second blow landed on top of the first, making Terry's bottom warmer than it had been, but also pushing on the butt plug in a fashion that gave Terry a quick thrill.


Two more blows followed, quickly, and again these didn't hurt too badly, even though Terry's bottom was starting to heat up, mainly due to the commotion they also caused to the butt plug.

"Two more, I think!" Jordan laughed, before carrying out his treat.


The two blows sounded like gunshots echoing around the garage as the smaller boy put everything he had into them, causing Terry to attempt, and fail, to shout through his gag, even though Jordan was already moving away from him, in the process releasing the hold he'd had on his body.

"Have you learned a lesson?" the little boy asked, a few minutes later, "Or do you want another spanking."

Quickly Terry shook his head. All he wanted to do, was rub his stinging bottom and, of course, get down from where he'd locked himself, and there was clearly only one way that was going to happen. If he cooperated.

"That's good. Now 3; no wait.. I've got an idea." Jordan turned towards the door, but then changed his mind. "I'll be right back!"

As soon as the closely cropped head had vanished behind the closed door, Terry renewed his escape attempts with added vigour. Struggling wildly, swinging himself from side to side, and back to front in an effort to get his bound feet up onto the steps which had been left just a little way to one side. Just too far away as it happened.

"Trying to escape again are we, you naughty boy." Jordan returned, before Terry had even noticed, carrying a few items that he put onto the equipment table, before, suddenly spinning around, and landing a huge spank directly across both of Terry's buttocks.


The blow caused the unbalanced teenager to swing wildly in the air, making Jordan smile as he waited until once more Terry was able to stabilise himself with the balls of his feet back once more on the floor.

"You must like being spanked," Jordan said slowly with some menace in his voice, "Or you wouldn't keep trying to get away from me."

Terry mumbled something that was fairly obvious even if no one could actually understand what he said.

"That's what I thought." Laughed Jordan, "I mean it's not as if you can tall anyone what I did is it, not without telling them what you did first. About how you tied yourself up naked, in the garage with a plug up your bum. What do you think everyone would think about that?"

There was no need for Terry to answer that as they both knew the answer already and, Jordan wasn't even waiting for an answer. Instead, he just took a digital camera and started taking pictures of Terry's humiliation from all sides, and all angles.

Eventually the pictures stopped but Jordan didn't put the camera down, he just held it in his left hand while his right hand reached once more for the teenager's privates. Taking Terry's penis between his thumb and index finger, the smaller boy gently pulled on it so that, blood would flow into it, which it did despite, or perhaps because of the humiliation Terry was feeling, that only increased as his erection grew until it was poking out from his body at a 45-degree angle.

"That's more like it." Jordan said, himself panting slightly for no apparent reason.

The pictures then resumed, with Jordan making sure that, in as many as he could, the teenager's erection was so very clear, and yet, even as he was doing this, Terry was trying his best to make his erection go away and failing.

"Brilliant!" Jordan said once he was done, and he gone back through the camera's display to check everything had worked out. "Now, I'm going to have to get back before Dad misses me, but don't worry I'll tell him that you were a 'little tied up' so couldn't come into work today."

Chuckling like only a little kid can at his own joke, Jordan carefully picked up the stool and moved it closer. "There that should be close enough for you to be able to reach it like you were planning to do, ain't it."

Terry nodded, pleased that his ordeal was, at last, nearly over.

"Good, but before I go, there's something I want to try."

Reaching back onto the equipment table, Jordan picked up a few small items that Terry couldn't see too clearly, especially as, with his other hand Jordan was, once more squeezing a part of his body that he wasn't used to being squeezed. This though wasn't his testicles again, but rather, the skin around his nipple, which he pushed up into a little peek before, clipping on a clothes-peg (the thing in his other hand!)

Terry felt the sudden sharp pain on his chest and instinctively tried to move away from it, only for Jordan to spank him once more.


"Keep still. I'm going to put the other one on, anyway and the longer it takes the sorer your bum will be, and the longer it will be before you can take them off again. Understand."

It made sense in a strange kind of way, so Terry forced himself to keep as still as he could, as a second peg was put onto his other nipple and yet, even though these hurt, it was also like they were hot wired directly to his erection that was soon throbbing in time to them.

True to his word, Jordan then left the garage, taking the camera with him but purposely leaving the garage door open, giving Terry even more reason to free himself, as if he didn't have enough already.

This time, everything worked perfectly. Terry managed to get his feet up onto the stool and, for the first time in over an hour stand up properly. With the tension taken off the chains he was then able to flip them from the hook in the ceiling and his arms could come down from over his head. However, this caused such a shift in his balance, that it actually threatened to tumble him from the stool, so he had to jump down before he fell.

The landing on the cold concrete floor wasn't good. Terry attempted to part his legs to stop himself from falling, but of course couldn't, and fell over anyway. Landing in a breathless heap on the floor but at least it also knocked the clothes pegs from his nipples in the process.

It was a few minutes later before Terry found the energy to attempt to get up. The first thing he did was to roll over into a sitting position but doing that made him cry into his gag once more, once his spanked rear came into contact with the rough floor.

From there on Terry remained on his side, shuffling across the floor until he could reach the equipment table and the keys that would both free his hands from the cuffs, but also the gag from his mouth too.

Still panting and gasping air into his lungs, Terry reached back to turn off the vibrations from the butt plug, and to deflate it, releasing the pressure on his secret place into the process. Next came standing up.

It took time, and Terry had to pull himself up on the stool until his legs could take his weight once more, but, as he already knew, sitting down was out of the question for the time being, given that his bum was tender from the spanking he'd had. Not to mention the plug stuffed up inside it.

Bending slightly over the stool, Terry inadvertently showed his red bum to the video camera that was still recording in the corner of the room, as he spread his cheeks to first ease the plug out of his rear, and then to clean up any spare Vaseline that was smeared between them.

Eventually, some twenty minutes later, Terry was finally able to collect up all his toys, put the stool and ladder away, and finally leave the garage. He headed back into the house, still naked, and up to a well deserved and rewarding bath, already planning to send Alex the video, completely unedited, just to see if his friend to could beat him. Something that he very much doubted he could. Not after what he'd just been through.

Chapter Nine

Just like his best friend and cousin, Alex Fletcher could also remember the first time he'd tried to tie himself up which gave him the perfect change to work it into the dare he was going to carry out, as although he hadn't heard anything he was sure Terry would have complete his part of the dare by now, and Alex needed to get going, as it would be Halloween soon.

It had all started instantly enough, when Alex had received a new bike lock so he could ride himself to school and still have a bike when home time came. The one he choose was in the shape of a big D, with a solid metal semi-circle of steel that could be looked by the swing arm, that came around and fastened across the two ends. However, although his parents approved of his choice that wasn't the only reason Alex had bought it as he'd instantly had other ideas the moment he'd seen the lock in the shop.

That first day, he 'forgot' to leave the lock with his bike for the morning and instead, kept it with him in his bedroom, until he was sure his parents wouldn't remember. Then he got up onto his bed, and after moving his pillows out of the way, sat up right against the headboard with his back pressed against the high bars, that it was made off. Then he picked up the lock, opened up the bar, before pushing the U-shaped section up over his neck so the ends came out behind the bed. Then he swung the locking bar into place, where it closed with a clicking sound.

The sensation was great for Alex, as it was just like he'd been locked into his room, and being punished for something or other. Perhaps, he thought, he could be locked like that while he did his homework, and only released when he was done. Of course, he had a key to free himself at any time, but he was sure there was something he could do about that.

It took a few weeks before Alex came up with a solution to his 'problem' of instant release, during which, he would indeed do his homework, or perhaps watch TV whilst he was locked to his bed. Then, he stumbled upon the idea of freezing the key into a block of ice so he would be unable to release himself until the ice thawed, from a passing remark he over heard at school one day.

From then on, Alex's 'homework' sessions started to take longer and longer, not that his parents minded in the slightest, as they were both relieved that, their son was buckling down, whilst giving them the peace and quiet they so rarely had anymore. They did wonder, why Alex now always took so much ice in his drinks, that he required a section of the freezer to himself, but that was a small price to pay for his improving grades.

Every morning, Alex would put a small cup containing water and a small key, into the back of the freezer where it would be ready for him once he got home from school. Then, once the evening meal was out of the way, he'd take the ice upstairs, along with is bike lock, and once fastened to the bed frame would have to stay there until the ice melted, which normally took around three hours, even if he didn't actually have any homework. ON those occasions he'd add to his game by chaining his hands together, with a length of chain and two small padlocks, either in front of him, if he needed them for something, or behind his back, if he didn't.

Time moved on, and soon Alex became blaze about what he was doing, right up until the time when he first got caught by, of all people, young Josh Hammond.

Alex was actually doing his homework when it happened and still had nearly an hour to go before he would be finished, when he heard footsteps on the stairs heading towards his door but there was nothing he could do other than to drop the book he'd been working on, down over his groin, before the door opened and in walked eleven year old Josh.

The blond boy started to apologies, for interrupting but then he saw just what he was interrupting, and the words dried up in his mouth, until he was just starring at the older boy, tied to the bed. "Er 3; what are you doing?" he eventually said.

"My homework," Alex shrugged as best he could, given his neck was locked into place.

"But 3;" Josh pointed.

"It's so I don't stop doing my homework before it's all done." Alex continued to explain about the ice and the key arrangement and how it was like his teachers had joked about them being locked up until they'd done their homework.

"It doesn't hurt?"


"How long have you got."

Alex thumbed through his text book and then glanced at the ice, "About an hour. I think."

"Oh right. And you've got to finish your homework before you get free, right?"

Alex nodded. Sort of.

"In that case. I can help." The smaller boy came forward picked up the ice container, and turned to leave. "You can have these back once you've finished your homework."

For the next hour, Alex really was stuck where he was doing his homework, while the other boy sat on the other side of the room, watching the TV through headphones, with his back to bed, just like he was a real jailer.

That was a month or so earlier, and from that time, Alex had taken to saving up his homework until Josh came around, which the younger boy now did most evenings, as his parents were working late. However, although Alex was meant to be looking after him, that soon turned out to be the other way around.

Up in the older boy's bedroom, Alex would visit the bathroom, and then get up onto his bed, dressed just in a pair of small gym shorts, and allow Josh to use the bike lock to fasten him to the headboard, then chain his hands in front of him, with enough slack between them so he could still write but also with his legs tied, both together, and then to the foot of the bed. There the fourteen year old would have to stay until all his homework was done. There was now no ice involved, as Josh controlled everything, from his seat in front of the TV – something he wasn't meant to really do – until the time came for them to go to bed.

This plan worked perfectly, until such time as Alex gained extra homework, and couldn't actually finish it all in the allotted time, before they were due to have a snack before going to bed. There was nothing else for it but for Alex to be released from the bed, only Josh didn't unchain everything. He freed the teenager's neck and legs, but left his hands connected to each other, which is how Alex had to go downstairs, and fix the snack the younger boy wanted, whilst trying not to rattle so much as to wake his parents. Then came both Halloween and the being caught in self bondage challenge.

The idea was simple, and something that Josh had loved the first time he'd heard it. Alex was going to go trick or treating as "Convict cub" while the younger boy got to be his jailor. The costumes were simple. Josh wore, fairly standard black trousers, and white shirt with a badge on it, plus a bunch of keys hanging from a belt, along with a pair of toy handcuffs. A peaked cap on his head, over the shades that hid his eyes. Alex's costume, however was somewhat more complicated, not that Josh would know that until the very end of the day although he was there for the early preparations for it. Not that the knew.

"I've got too many keys." Alex told him the day before Halloween, while the were sorting out all the equipment they would need.

"For these padlocks?" Josh held up the new, sturdy padlocks they had just bought and which he was sorting through.

"Yeah, sort of. We need to get rid of some of them."


That, of course, was the question Alex had been waiting to hear, and he had the perfect answer, telling Josh to go downstairs with the keys and a hammer and to flatten the extra ones so they couldn't be used, while Alex, got changed.

When Josh returned to the bedroom, Alex was indeed ready, once more wearing the old cub scout uniform from Alex's childhood but with a few extras fitted into it, for his costume, the most obvious of which was the chain connecting his ankles together, to form a rough sort of shackles. Not to mention the sturdy chain that was teenaged cub was holding. "Can you refasten it for me, I don't think it's tight enough."

Josh was only too glad to help.

The chain was looped around Alex's waist, just above the top of his shorts but before Josh could lock it, Alex told him to make sure the cub jumper didn't become caught in it. Only when that was done was the eleven year old, allowed to thread the new padlock into place, and after pulling it as tight as he could, he locked it.

"Now lock the handcuffs to the chain, but we'll get something to eat before we do anything else. Okay."

Josh agreed using the second lock to fasten the handcuffs into place on the chain.

The two boys went downstairs, with Josh leading the way so he never noticed just how carefully Alex was taking the stairs, although if he had done so, he may have just put it down to the tightness of his old shorts on the older boy. Josh, then fixed a snack for them both, cleared up, and then they were ready.

"Okay put the handcuffs on now."

Alex turned his back on his young friend, and placed his hands around into the small of his back where the handcuffs had been gently rattling for the last half an hour. He gasped slightly as the cold steel was moved around his wrists, and then shivered as the clicking sound of the locks closing, started to sound but didn't do anything until the cuffs were as tight as they would go.

"Now the gag!"

"Why?" Josh paused, "People in prison aren't gagged it would be on the telly."

"No, but they don't put cub scouts in prison either, do they, we're just making it up, so go on."


Josh ran to get the rubber dog's bone that Alex had redesigned to be his gag. He'd cut off the two bulbous ends to that all that remained was the four inch long two inch long rubber hollow shaft. Through the centre of this he'd thread a thin length of chain, which could be locked with another of the new padlocks.

"Open wide!" Josh said, holding the rubber gag up, and he wasn't kidding either as Alex really had to open his mouth wide, before the bone could be pushed in first between his teeth and then slotted in behind them. Then he had to bend down slightly so that Josh could pull the chains behind his head and lock it into place.

"how's that?" Josh asked, but all Alex could manage in reply was a set of muffled mumbles that made the other boy laugh, "I'll take that as an 'okay' then. Right let's go then."

The trick or treating went without incident, as the two boys went around the houses in the street where Alex lived. Several of the old people who lived there commented on the costume, and gave them extra treats as a reward for being so inventive. Only one expressed any concern about the way Alex was chained up, but they felt better once Josh had explained who's idea it was, something that Alex could confirm with a nod of his head. It wasn't until they got back home, that the problems started.

"Where's the keys?" Josh asked, the moment they were back home, but of course, Alex couldn't answer him.

"No seriously where are they, I can't find them?"

Alex nodded to the bunch hanging from the boy's side.

"Those only fit the padlocks not the handcuffs, and I want to take them off first so you can help with the rest."

Alex shrugged, although he would have been smiling had he not had a rubber bone stuffed sideways in his mouth, as this was his plan all along. The handcuff keys had been the once Josh had flattened, and that idea was just coming into the younger boys mind.

"Crap, I think I busted the wrong keys. Shit."

In the next few minutes Josh managed to release his friend from all the chain around his waist, the gag, and the leg shackles but there was nothing he could do about the handcuffs. "We'll have to get your dad to cut them off." He suggested, but Alex didn't look all that keen.

"We can't. Not yet." Alex confessed.

"Why not?"

"It's 3; I can't 3; it's too embarrassing." The teenager blushed.

"What? More embarrassing then going outside dressed like a little kid."

Alex nodded which only intrigued Josh more. "So tell me."

"I tied a rope, and now I won't be able to undo it because of 3;" Alex shock his hands, in the cuffs behind his back.

"Oh!" Josh didn't understand. What rope? He hadn't seen any rope, when he'd been up in Alex's rope, and there was no rope in his costume. "What's the rope tied to?"

"That's the embarrassing part, and you can't tell anyone."

"I won't." Josh held up the middle three fingers on his right hand, "Cubs honour."

"Very funny!"

"Yeah, I thought so. So where's this rope tied."

Alex didn't say anything else. He just nodded again, only this time when he did it, it wasn't to say yes, but to point to where the rope was tied, something that Josh didn't catch onto straight away.

"Oh!" he said, the blush that came into his face, lighting up his freckles.

"Could you 3; you know 3; undo it for me?" Alex asked.

"I guess."

"You'll have to take my shorts down cos I can't."

"Oh right. Hang on."

The operation didn't seem to bother the younger boy as much as it would have Alex himself, but then, Josh had pulled his shorts down before, so he could smack his bum, so this probably wasn't too much different. At least to start with.

The shorts took a bit of working down, given the tightness of them, but when there were two things were instantly apparent. One was that Ales wasn't wearing any underpants, and the second was the string. Or rather what the string was doing, a sight that made Josh gasp and not without good reason.

Alex's usually loose hanging scrotum was pulled, by the string wrapped tightly around it's base, into a tight little sac of smooth, and almost purple flesh beneath the not as limp as it should have been, penis.

"Aw, that looks painful." Remarked Josh.

"Yeah, it is. Can you get it off?"

Josh slipped down to his knees and, once more without as much reluctance as Alex had anticipated, reached out for his first touch of the teenager's genitals, which he lifted gentle so he could peer underneath for the knot that had to be there.

The string had been wound around at least a dozen time, with the knot on the underside. The string itself was fairly thin, but strong, but since having been pulled tight several hours earlier, had since tightened up some more. Still, the instant he saw it, Josh knew he'd be able to undo it, fairly easily. He just wasn't in a hurry to do so.

Using his other hand Josh, apparently absentmindedly, picked up the teenager's penis, under the ruse of moving it out of the way, while he leaned in even closer. So close, in fact, he could actually smell the sweat, and what he guessed was, cum, of Alex's groin. "Why'd you do this?" he asked as a distraction.

"Don't. Don't know." The teenager mumbled as he felt his penis give a little twitch from the way it was being handled.

"Really. And yet you clearly like being tied up, not to mentioned spanked and stuff."

"I don't!" Alex said, but it was at best half hearted and they both knew it, especially as his penis had already extended to its full size, and was now pointing out in front of him. Not that Josh seemed to notice.

"Erm 3; I can't get it. Perhaps if you lie down, and lift your legs up, I'll be able to see what I'm doing."

Alex agreed and lay back on his bed, but not without making a strange gasp the moment he sat down, which at least took his attention away from Josh, for just long enough for the younger boy to adjust himself, before he returned to continue his work on the knot.

With his knees up by his chest, Alex couldn't see what was going on but then he knew he didn't have to, as he'd be able to see what Josh was doing later when he looked back over the video that was currently being recorded by his video camera that was innocently sitting over in the corner to make his record to show Terry.

From where he was, Josh had a clear view of everything that most boys go to great pains to keep hidden, from Alex's still hard erection, across his oddly coloured balls, and down to the small hole between the rounded buttocks, he knew fairly well. Only the hole didn't look quite right. At least he didn't think so, but couldn't be sure as, after all, he'd not seen that many boy's arse holes, and could hardly stare at it, while he had other things to do, and other questions to ask.

"You ever let anyone else tie you up then?"

Alex didn't say anything, just let out a light sigh as the cord started to loosen.

"You know," Josh continued, "Perhaps some day, I could tie you up."

"You already do!" Alex gasped, as the cord came free from the twine, and almost instantly his privates started to return to their normal colour.

"No, I meant properly, not the play stuff we've done so far, but don't worry, I won't do nothing that you don't want, or hurt you or nothing. You know that?"

"Yeah, sure."

It was at this point that Alex realised that although his balls were now untied, Josh was still holding his erection in his small hand. What's more he wasn't just holding, but working it, slowly, peeling the foreskin back over the already slick end, before letting it slip back into place over the glands.

"Is there anything else you like to do?" the kid asked, softly, as he continued to work the erection up and down.

Alex could only answer in a gasp. "My bum!"

"Yeah, you like it spanked. I know." Josh laughed, using his other hand to do just that, only for Alex to gasp in a strangest way imaginable as Josh's hand brushed against the something that shouldn't be there.

"Have you got something up your bum?"

Although he'd known this question would be coming, Alex found himself more humiliated that he could have guessed, when he answered that he had indeed. Not that Josh seemed all that bothered himself, as he just laughed.

"Well, well. Guess that's something to think about ain't it but guess we'd best get you out of the cuffs first before your folks come home and wonder what they heck we've been up to."

Initially disappointed by the sudden change in the youngster's attention, Alex really wanted to ask Josh to wank him off first, but couldn't bring himself to ask another boy to do such a thing, especially one three years younger than himself. Still, by the time he bought his legs down, and was able to stand up again, he had to admit that his wrists were hurting from being cuffed for so long, so followed Josh out to the garage.

The only option to remove the cuffs proved to be a hacksaw, but as Josh had never used one before the progress was slow, as he didn't want to slip and cut his friend. So it was another half an hour before the metal teeth of the blade finally made it through the chain connecting the cuffs to each other, and Alex was able to bring his hands around in front of himself. However there was no time left to remove the cuffs themselves, so Alex had to spend the rest of the evening with long baggy sleeves on, to hide them, and then slept with them on, until he was able to cut them off himself in the morning.

Alex's wrists would be sore for a couple of days after Halloween, plus his balls, ached a little, but, all the same he pretty much maintained a constant erection whenever he wondered just what Josh had in store for him, the first time the younger boy was going to tie him up 'properly.' First though, he had to hear how Terry's self bondage thing had gone, and to see what his friend had been up to for Halloween himself.

Chapter Ten

"You ready?" Josh Hammond asked, when he turned up at Alex's to find the older boy waiting for him on the doorstep. "You got everything?"

"Yeah!" the teenager blushed, holding up the bag that they both knew was empty. Josh having already told him that he wouldn't be needing anything for the few days he was going to be 'looking after' his young friend.

"Good!" the tow headed blond youngster nodded, "Let's say goodbye to your folks and get going then."

It was a full fifteen minutes before the two boys came back out of the house, their heads full of instructions and contact details, neither of which they had any intention of either following or using. Starting from the moment, the front door closed behind them, at which point Josh reached into his pockets and took out a pair of handcuffs and a small leather collar. "You know what to do." He said to the older boy.

Alex was nervous as, after all, he was still on home ground, with his parents less than ten feet away, not to mention surrounded by neighbours who could see and report back, but, all the same, he'd half suspected the order would come sooner or later, especially when he'd received Josh's orders about what he should wear.

"Hurry up," snapped Josh, prompting rapid actions from his friend. Alex wrestling himself out of his shirt in a second, followed almost as quickly by the track suit trousers he'd been wearing, leaving him in nothing but a too small pair of bright blue shorts, that having once been Josh's were overly tight on the fourteen year old's frame.

The two boys walked the short distance from one of their houses to the other's, during which time neither of them said a word, right up until they reached the second doorstep. At this point Josh started to lay out some of the rules he'd been reading up again.

"No shoes in the house." He said, waiting until Alex had complied, removing his trainers, and leaving them there, before Josh opened the front door and the stepped inside.

Once the front door was closed, Josh laid out the second rule. "You don't get to wear any clothes."

"Oh!" came the reply, in a mixture of both surprise and excitement as he felt himself start to harden inside his shorts.

"Come on, strip before you split my shorts," laughed Josh looked him up and down

The teenager's blush increased slightly from knowing that his erection was now so obviously displayed, pushing out the cloth of the too tight shorts. Still there was only one thing he could do about that, was to dig his them inside the waistband, and peel down the tight shorts, before standing back up again. His hands, naturally coming to rest over his privates.

"Next rule is that you're not allowed to cover yourself, so move your hands."

Swallowing hard, Alex moved his hands allowing the younger boy a full, good look at the hardness that was poking up from his still bare loins, above his low hanging nuts.

"Better." Josh nodded his approval before dismissing the older boy, telling him to go upstairs where he would find a surprise on his bed.

On the bed in the Hammond's spare room was a small, sturdy cardboard box that still had it's shipping label on, along with a white envelope which Alex took no time in opening.

Inside he found a small computer printed note that told him, to open the box and put on the things he found inside and the come downstairs again.

The box had already been opened – no doubt so Josh could check what was in there – so it took no time for the teenager to find the four leather cuffs that it contained on it's top layer. Each had small metal studs like those around his collar, and were clearly meant to go around his ankles and wrists. They were also heavier than they looked, thanks to the buckles having added attachments, so the attached padlock could be used to hold them in place.

Having never seen anything like them before, Alex soon had his right leg up on the mattress, placing one of the cuffs around his ankle, pulling it tight, and then snapping the padlock closed. It felt good. So good, in fact, that he was soon doing the same to his left ankle and then to each of his wrists.

It was only when he had everything on, that Alex realised there were no keys included in the parcel, but he wasn't overly concern about that. In fact, if anything, it made his erection all the more stiff, especially when he turned around to look at himself in the mirror that was behind him. His erection bobbing and bouncing around, just like his nuts were doing inside their descended sac. Desperately, the teenager wanted to masturbate, but instead, he returned to the box of gifts to see what else there was.

The next item was a thick steel chain, that was about two foot long, and was labelled as being for 'hobbling' so Alex knew meant it was to go between his ankles, so he bent down and connected each end of the chain to the leather cuffs around his ankles.

There was now only one item left in the box, but Alex wasn't sure what this was. Although, given that there was a padlock left, it was clearly meant to attach to something, but he couldn't work out where, or how. So instead, he decided to take it downstairs and ask.

Walking proved an interesting experience as he could no long use the full gait he was used to, thanks to the hobbling chains between his ankles. Not only that but the chain made a lot of noise as it dragged and clunked along the floor, especially when he was going downstairs.

Josh was waiting for him in the living room, with his back to the door, but turning around until Alex was stood right next to him, although he obviously must have heard him approaching before then.

"I put everything on but this," the teenager said, holding up the final item whilst trying to act if it was nothing out of the ordinary for him to be standing there in nothing but leather and chains.

Josh looked him up and down once more before waving the extra item aside, "We'll get to that. First thing you can do is make some dinner in the kitchen. Go."

Slightly disappointed by the reaction, Alex nonetheless, turned around and headed into the kitchen where, just as he'd suspected she would, Mrs. Hammond, had laid out a menu plan, with detailed instructions, of what he should make for their various meals but, also like Alex suspected, Josh had made several amendments to it. None of them healthy.

It took the naked teen over half an hour to grill the beef burgers, and cook the oven chips, rather than the cold meat salad that had been suggested. When he was done, he loaded the two plates onto a tray, along with a can of drink, carrying it back into the living room where Josh was waiting.

"About time too." The youngster snapped, "come here and put your hands behind your head."

Slightly confused, Alex put the tray down and walked over to stand beside his young friend, who he saw was now holding the odd device which he had slightly dismantled, so that he was left with a small, rubber ring.

"Keep still, while I put this on you, now that I can."

Alex wondered about the last part of the sentence, spotting the unfolded instruction sheet that was now on the table in front of Josh, but he was distracted before he could make out any of the drawings, by the feeling of a small hand on his nuts. It was only then that he noticed that his erection had gone down, and everything made sense.

The small ring was passed, rather easily over the end of Alex's now soft penis, although getting both his nuts through it proved a little more tricky, the teenager groaning and moaning on several occasions as they were squeezed through the ring until it was firmly in place right at the base of all his privates, ringing them all, and pushing them out from his body, making him feel even more exposed than just being naked had done.

Josh read the next page of the instructions, picking up the small cage part of the device, and slotting it over the top of his privates, where it attached to the ring and was locked in place with the final padlock.

"How's it feel?" the smaller boy asked, as the both checked out the new attachment which now formed a tight little cage over the top of Alex's nuts and penis, the latter of which was now held in a constant downward curve.

"It's tight." The trapped boy said.

"That's the point as, how else would it stop you getting stiff."

"but 3;"

Josh cut his friend off before he could say anything else, "You don't have to worry about that one anymore."

"What one?"

"That one." Josh pointed at the trapped organ between Alex's legs. "Now all you have to worry about this one."

Moving his finger slowly, Josh turned his around from pointing at Alex, until it was directed down between his own legs.


Josh smiled, his pointing hand moving down into his lap so it could rub across the front of his jeans, where his own erection was just about making itself visible and which was all that was needed for Alex's organ to start to strain against the cage it was now in. At which point he stopped what he was doing and changed the subject. "Let's eat. Then you can clean up, and go to bed, as there's a couple more things we can do upstairs."

It was still rather early by the time the two of them made it up to the bedroom, especially for two boys who where being left alone for the first time, but neither of them was going to be complaining about that, although by this time, Alex had taken to fingering the collar around his neck, prompting Josh to ask if it was too tight.

"Not really." The teenager admitted.

"Good. Now go to the bathroom and do what you have to do, while I get things sorted in here."

By the time Alex was back from using the toilet and brushing his teeth – his toothbrush having been about the only thing that had actually been in his overnight bag – Alex had already fixed a set of chains onto the bed. One end of each, anchored somehow to a corner of the frame.

"Oh wow!" was the teen's reaction, although when he wanted to climb up onto the mattress to try them out, Josh stopped him by tipping out the contents of a small plastic bag onto the bed.

The item was made of rubber, round and bulbous at one end, tapering down thinner and then flanging back out again at the other. "It's a butt plug." Josh said, simply.


"The narrow bit, make sure it stays in, once it's put in." the youngster added. "I've got some lubricant too, so it won't hurt or nothing."

"Oh!" Alex said, which Josh took to be an okay.

"Get on your hands and knees so I can lubricate you."

A few seconds later and Alex had pretty much forgotten about the plug, as he found out just what sensations he could have from a small finger moving up and down, and around the crack of his buttocks, and especially concentrating on his hole. He enjoyed this so much that when Josh had applied a liberal amount to the area, the teenager actually sighed in complaint when the fingers were removed.

"Take a deep breath, and relax or else it will hurt."

Alex was about to ask what would, but didn't need to as he saw the butt plug being picked up, and then felt the added pressure on his hole as it was slipped into him. Gradually getting larger and larger until he was starting to stretch out.

"Nearly there!" Josh reassured him, even though he didn't stop until the plug was all the way in and nestled deep inside the teenager's bottom.

"You can stand up now. It's in."

Naturally Alex was aware of the first point, although the simple task of standing up proved a little more interesting now he had a plug inside his bottom which only made his caged penis attempt to swell up, not that it could of course.

"Right up onto the bed. Face up."

Tentatively Alex did as he was told, rolling over onto his back in the centre of the mattress, where he was pleased to find out that the plug in his rear, wasn't anymore uncomfortable now he was resting on it. Meanwhile, as he did this, Josh started getting him chained to the bed, first by unchaining the hobble, and then adjusting the bed chains so that he could attach each one, to the leather cuffs around Alex's wrists and ankles with padlocks.

When it was done, Alex couldn't help but test the limits of his bondage, moving his arms and legs as far as he could in his spread-eagle position, which wasn't all that much and did little to stop his penis from continuing to try to expand inside the chastity device.

"Don't worry about that." Josh laughed, noticing what was happening, "Try to get some sleep, as you've got loads of stuff to do tomorrow."

The next minute Alex was left alone, chained to the bed, in the other boy's house, listening to the strange noises that came in from the slightly open window behind his head and unable to think of anything other than first getting an erection and then taking care of it, but, of course, he could do neither, with his privates locked up, and his arms stretched up above his head. Yet, all the same, his penis continued to leak sticky clear stuff, and each, and every time he moved, the plug in his bum, jabbed him in a place that just made his penis twitch even more.

Until, eventually, he fell asleep.


When Alex awoke in the morning he found Josh was already standing there, holding the keys in his hands waiting. "I thought you were never going to wake up." The youngster sighed, starting to unlock him from the bed, "Let's get you into the bathroom and cleaned up."

Somewhat sticky, especially around the middle, Alex walked stiffly into the family bathroom where was allowed to urinate – which he had to do sitting down due to the cage around his penis – but that was all, as after all, he still had a large plug up his rear.

"I'm going to give you an enema, so you won't want to go to the toilet for the rest of the day." Josh told him, without leaving any room for questioning. "Get back down on your hands and knees, and spread your legs on this towel."

He'd noticed the large bath towel laid out on the floor and now knew why it was there, so he could kneel down on it, with his caged genitals dangling between his wide spread legs, somewhat uselessly.

"I'm going to take the plug out first, so take a deep breath like before, okay."

Thankfully removing the plug proved to be rather easier than putting it in had been, mostly due to Alex's sphincter having been stretched all night, and now that he was more used to having something in his bottom. So much so that he actually felt empty without it.

"Now I'll put the enema nozzle in."

The feeling of emptiness was short lived as the cold, yet narrow enema nozzle slipped into his rear, barely touching the sides until it was lodge deep within him. But there was more to come.

The clamp was opened on the hose attached to the nozzle, a few seconds later Alex was gasping and grunting as the warm water began to fill him up, from behind. His penis throbbing, against the bars of the cage, as it did so. As he filled up and his belly began to distend.

The cramps hit a few minutes later, giving Alex only just enough time to climb up onto his feet, and then onto the toilet before he was once more empty inside. Not that that lasted all that long, as once he was off the toilet the butt plug was once more put back inside him.

A shower was the next order of the day, which Alex was allowed to take on his own, complete with all his leather gear, remaining in place. Then when that was over, he went downstairs to make breakfast for the both of them, and do the chores that, by rights, should have been Josh's but which now he had delegated down to his 'slave' as he was now calling Alex.

The last chore on the list was to take the rubbish out, which naturally Alex had to do in what he was already wearing, including the heavy hobbling chain that was now back on between his ankles. This meant he couldn't run and, in order to keep his balance had to keep the bin in both his hands, although that did allow him to use it to cover himself up, not that anyone was there to see him. At least no one but Josh.

"You covered yourself up." Alex was told the moment he got back into the house. "You will be punished for that. Bend over and grab your ankles."

Alex swallowed hard but nonetheless this wasn't all that unexpected especially given the number of times that Josh had already spanked him in his life so he just bent over and grabbed his ankles with his hands.

"Ten should do it. Count them." Josh told him as he stood beside him, and raised his right arm up for the first blow.




"Ow. Two!"


"Oh." Alex sighed, quickly adding, "Three."



Josh didn't raise his arm this time, but left it down gently rubbing Alex's bottom which had already turned a rather bright shade of red, just long enough for the teenager to relax.


"OW, Five. I wasn't ready." Complained Alex,

Josh spoke with his hand. SMACK!



The next two landed right after each other, giving Alex little time to count them, although he made up for that when it was all done.

"Ow! Sev 3; Ouch! Seven. Eight!"


The last two also came together, but this time Alex was ready for them, and counted each in turn, even though they seemed to have driven the plug even deeper inside him, adding to the gasp in his voice as he shouted out the number of the blows that had landed.

"Jeez you make a lot of noise. Stand up." Josh told him, "But I can fix that."

He held a ball gag in his hand, and didn't need to explain what it was for this time, as Alex already had his mouth open ready to accept the red rubber ball that was then pushed into his mouth, and then buckled into place behind his head, where it to was sealed with a padlock.

Already breathing hard from the pain and humiliation of the spanking, the added pressure of the ball gag did little to make it any easier for the teenager, but he did his best to adjust to both it, and everything else that had happened to him to him so far. It being only now that he suddenly wondered about just how and where, his little eleven year old friend had managed to not only get all this stuff but learn how to use it.

"I think you can spend the rest of the day in the shed." Josh suddenly said.

Suspecting that there would be more jobs for him to do, Alex, followed, and was somewhat surprised to find that the shed had already been cleared out. Not entirely cleaned as there were still a few things in there, although most of the junk had gone, but for a small table on which there were some things that were covered with a cloth and, even more oddly, a wire metal dog cage. More questions filled Alex's head but of course he couldn't ask any of them, in fact all he could was nod when Josh asked him if he needed a pee.

He had to go outside in the garden, behind a bush, as Josh wouldn't let him back into the house, but that was okay as he was getting rather used to moving around in the shackles he had on, and, strangely peeing crouching down, through the cage over his penis. Some of that though, was about to change as when he got back into the shed, Josh had some more chains ready for him.

The first thing was a new chain for his ankles. This one was a lot shorter than the other, half the size in fact, at only a foot long, meaning that any chance Alex had previously had of actually walking was now gone as all he could now do was shuffle a few inches at a time, and then only just.

"Hands out!" he was told and when he did another chain was attached to the D rings on his wrists. This one was even shorter having only a couple of inches long. Just long enough for the padlocks to be attached, that will keep his hands tight together.

"Right get down on your hands and knees again."

As this was third or fourth time he'd been told to do this, it no longer seemed a strange thing to ask, so although it took a little time and he had to be careful about doing it, Alex didn't have a problem following the instruction. However the next one he wasn't so sure about it.

Stepping in front of the teenager, Josh, opened the door to the dog cage saying simply, "get in."

He paused. But only for a second. A moment later Alex was crawling forward as best he could in his chains, until he was in the cage which wasn't quite as small as it had first looked as he did have some room to move around. He could sit, or perhaps even curl up on his side, or just stay how he was on all four. He could even turn around, which is what he'd done, as the door started to close.

"You can stay in there, until it's time to go." Josh said, closing the door and then locking it with not just one, but two, overly large padlocks.

Without further word, Josh just turned and left the shed, turning off the light, and locking the door with another padlock, from the outside and all Terry could do was wonder what his friend had meant by the word 'Go'.

Chapter Eleven

"This must be the place," Josh Hammond said, bouncing slightly in the seat at the front of the rear cabin of the large limousine, as he peered through the window at the sign fixed to the gate they had stopped in front of. "Yeah, this is it, we're here Alex."

"Mmph! Mmph!" was the only thing the other boy in the car could say, since he had a large ball gag strapped tightly into his mouth, and buckled around the back of his head, where a small padlock held it firmly in place, just as it had been since he'd left his friends home, nearly an hour earlier. In fact, since he'd been allowed out of the dog cage, Alex had only been allowed to have a short trip to the bathroom, before his wrist cuffs were attached to the ring in his collar, and he'd been taken out to the front of the house, and straight into the car that was waiting for him. And there was nothing he had been able to do about it. Not with the way he had allowed himself to be tied up. And naked.

Sitting in the middle of the large rear seat of the limousine, the fourteen fidgeted nervously, whenever the car made the slightest motion, giving away that not only was he still tied up, but that, buried deep inside his bottom, the butt plug continued to press against that magic spot. His hands were held permanently up towards his neck by the chains connecting them to the wide collar he still wore around his neck, matching the shackles holding his ankles no more than a foot apart. Both these meaning that he could do little to hide the small cage that imprisoned his privates. Once more, he could only watch as his penis attempted to get hard from the sensations the plug was creating, only for it not to be allowed to do so, inside the cage, and then shrink down again, where the entire thing would start all over again. And again.

The limousine, pulled through the gates, continuing down a wide, ornate driveway before it turned sharply onto a smaller track that was only just wide enough for the expensive car. Then it came to a halt.

Alex froze on the back seat, wondering what would happen next. He wasn't overly worried, as he was fairly sure that his young friend would never hurt him, but the trip out had been most unexpected, and he had no idea what was going to happen next, especially as he didn't have a clue where they actually were.

The driver's door opened, and then slammed shut again, as the so far unseen chauffeur got out and started to walk down the side of the car. Seated where he was Alex could see the large shadow of the man, as he moved paused them, thankfully not stopping when he reached either of the doors on that side, but continuing to walk, away from the car and, if the footsteps were to be believed, away from them completely.

"Okay, he's gone." Josh had been watching the same thing, "We can get out now."

Naturally at this thought Alex became a little freaked, as he didn't know who was out there, and who would see him in his current highly embarrassing state but, once Josh had opened the door, got out, and picked up the leash that had been attached to the front of Alex's collar, the teenager had little choice but to shuffle himself forward on the seat – a none too comfortable experience with the plug in – and then jump down onto the drive way.

It took a few moments for Alex's eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight after the dullness of the tinted interior of the car, but soon he was able to make out a large house through the trees behind them, down the track they had come, while in front was a smaller, structure, with iron walls, and a long slopping roof that opened out onto a yard of some sort. There was also a small figure standing there, waiting for them.

"Great you made it, Josh!" a voice shouted out.

"Yeah!" the eleven year old, tugging on Alex's leash so the pair of them could move down the small pathway towards the figure, which, as they approached, Alex was somewhat relieved to notice was another boy. And a young boy at that. One probably even younger than Josh, if his height was anything to go by.

The other boy, dressed in jeans and red sleeveless T-shirt, didn't say anything, as he peered passed Josh to have a good look at the naked, boy on his lead. "Did he give you any trouble?"

Josh gave the leash an extra tug, making Alex stagger slightly, which caused his various chains to clatter on the hard ground, "Not really. It went just like you said."

"Nice one. Oh and you got the cage on him too, brilliant."

"Yeah!" nodded Josh, his thin chest puffing up beneath his own shirt.

A silence fell over the three boys for a few minutes as the new comers had a quick look around them, leaving it to their host to take charge once more. "We've done it all like we said we would. Want to see?"

Naturally Josh did, although also naturally, Alex wasn't so sure, but with one of the youngster's pulling on his leash he had little option but to follow them both down the track the rest of the way towards the low, single story structure that turned out to be a stable block, with a large steel door at one end, with a series of small barred windows running down the side.

Inside the stable block looked just like anyone would expect it to, with a long open space, with a series of segregated stalls running down the side, with walls that reached up to the ceiling, fronted by a gate made of four foot high steel bars, and closed with a large bolt, and padlock combination. The only missing was any actual horses.

"We're using the last one." Their guide said, answering the unasked question, moving them down to the last door, which was also the only one that was closed. "This is it. He'll be sharing."

The heavy gate was unlocked, and pulled back on its hinges, so show that there was already someone in there. Another boy, who like Alex was also naked, laying on his side, curled up slightly, and chained by his collar to a large iron ring set into the floor.

That was the only glimpse Alex got of him, though, before he was being led by the leash into the stall, and his view was blocked by the two younger boys who set about removing, the leash from his collar and replacing it with a similar chain that fastened him to the back wall of the stall. The two lads then told him to turn around where, rather to his surprise his gag was unfastened, before the youngsters left the stall slamming and locking the gate behind them. There was however, one more surprise waiting for Alex when he turned around. The other boy was awake. And he knew him.

"Terry?" he gasped, his mouth dry and tired from being gagged for so long.

"Hi! Alex!" the other teenager said, stretching himself out, showing off just how naked, and hairless he was. His penis flapping lazily, across his scrotum.

Alex didn't say anything else as he had a desperate urge to have urinate, but all he could see was a bucket in the corner. One he couldn't possibly reach on the short chain that he was now attached by.

"I'll get it." His friend offered, spotting the problems, and feeling a little guilty for pushing the bucket so far way in the first place. Scrambling forward, he turned over, and on hands and knees, stretched out against his own chain until he could reach the bucket which he pulled back and put in front of his friend.

Alex blushed, "I can't do it standing up."

"Why?" Terry asked, but then blushed when it became obvious why not. The cage. Carefully he moved the bucket around behind his friend and then, politely turned his back while Alex did what he had to do.

By the time Terry turned back again, he had an erection that pushed his penis out and up from his clearly shaved loins, that throbbed and bounced in time to his pulse and which made Alex rather jealous as, of course, he couldn't do that for the same reason he had to urinate sitting down, like a girl although that was quickly forgotten as the two friends started to catch up.

For the next hour or so, the two fourteen year olds, told each other of all the dares they had carried out and, of course, the events that had followed from those, leading them to where they were now, chained up naked in a stable. At the end of it, both of them felt somewhat more relaxed as they now knew that whatever was going to happen was going to happen to both of them and that, made them both feel better even if they didn't have an idea what was coming up.

The End

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