PZA Boy Stories




The affectionless parents of 12 year old Jory sign a Parent/Pedophile agreement with a commercial pedophile. Every week they get a progress report.

Publ. Nov 2007 (Nifty); this site Nov 2011
Finished 9,500 words (19 pages)


Jory (12yo) and Russell

Category & Story codes

Consensual story
Mbcons anal oral


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

This is a sex story set in a possible near-future. As such, it is obviously fiction. Adults only – No minors allowed – sorry, boys.

Dedication: I'm grateful to Miguel for his assistance, Trey for his solicitude and ? for his 3; well, he knows.

[I lost contact with Parrafan. His e-mail address is inactive since 2011, Celadon]


"Jory's been a pain in the neck lately. More so than usual, I mean." Monica lay in her bed, staring up at the starlit ceiling of her bedroom, thinking aloud about her only son. Reece, her husband, half-dozed alongside her.

"Little wise-ass. Never stops grumbling. Asking for stuff all the time. Wanting me to take him here, there and god knows where. Must be puberty or something. What is he now, thirteen?" he muttered into the pillow.

"He's twelve and a half, dear – you should know that very well! Remember we were taking a holiday in New Baghdad at Christmas when Jory decided to arrive six weeks early? You had to fly my Ob-Gyn over in your jet."

"Shit, don't remind me. I knew we should have gone to Antarctica that year. Now look at the place – there's no ice shelf left hardly at all!"

Monica hummed tunelessly to herself. "Well, let me think about it some more. Maybe something will occur to me 3; hopefully before I strangle him."


The next night, Monica had a little more to add to the discussion. "I saw that daytime TV show today – Doctor Phil Junior," she mused, staring at the ceiling again.

Reece moaned, something between agreement and exhaustion. "Isn't he the guy whose father was on TV way back when?"

"That's the one. He took over the show after his daddy retired. Anyway, he suggested to the audience that some boys need the affection of a pedophile when they are approaching puberty, just to give them the close, undivided attention that they need, which only a man dedicated to boys can provide."

Reece groaned. "Where the hell are we gonna get a pedophile from? Both your brothers are family men, aren't they?"

"It doesn't have to be an uncle, it could be anyone in the community," Monica retorted. "Since President Pelosi approved the InterGenerational Relations Bill, a whole new industry has sprung up. I think they even advertise in the Yellow Pages now."

"The IGR Bill? Didn't I hear some wag calling it the 'No Child's Behind Left' Bill?" Reece smirked.

"Now, come on, darling, don't be like that. Unless we bring in a professional, you might have to do some actual parenting yourself, you know"

"Yeah, yeah, alright. You look into it, willya?" Reece muttered before dozing off.


"So, where's Jory this evening? Or shouldn't I ask?" Reece grumbled as Monica placed a dinner plate in front of him.

"Oh, up in his room, I suppose. Where he always is. He thinks you don't like him, that's why he won't have dinner with us."

"Little bastard – who does he think pays for that room? And that computer system he plays with night and day?"

"See, now, that's what he means," Monica countered. "He thinks all you care about is money – that you don't really care about him. Look, I did some research today. Well, actually, I just looked at the classified adverts in the newspaper-"

"They don't still print those things, do they?"

"The online version, dear. There's a whole section devoted to people offering their services under the new Bill." Monica manipulated her palm-puter with a few deft touches of her fingertips. "Here's one – 'Pedofriends: a big brother to your little man'. How does that sound?"

"A bit cheesy. What else have you got?"

"Okay, what about 3; 'Ped-a-rest: Your Personal Boylove Alternative. Guaranteed to bring out the affectionate side of your little boy. Hourly rates available.'"

"Sounds too mercenary. Anything else?"

"Hmm 3; let's see 3; there's the usual ads for altar boys 3; scout troop members 3; choristers 3; ooh, here's one: 'Surly son? Pre-teen prima-donna? Angry adolescent? Give me six weeks with him and I'll give you back a boy you can be proud to call your own.' That doesn't sound too bad. And it's a local number. I'm going to give him a call."

Reece looked up from his meal. "Make sure you get a firm quote. And see if he gives a warranty!"


"Thank you for coming so soon to see us, Mr Dillon," Monica greeted her visitor at the door. "Please come through to the study, my husband is waiting for you there."

"Thanks for inviting me, Mrs Jefferson. And please, call me Russell. I take it your son is at school?"

Monica nodded as she led the man through her house to a well-lit conservatory. "We thought we should meet you, um, away from Jory. I'm afraid he doesn't trust us too much at the moment, poor lamb." Reece rose from his seat to shake Russell's hand and the three adults sat down, the visitor resting a slim leather portfolio on the arm of the overstuffed chair.

Reece stood and began pacing up and down. "I, uh, want to thank you also, er, along with my wife, um, for coming today, uh, Mr Dillon"

"Russell, please," the visitor interrupted.

"Right, sure, Russell. Okay, look, I'm a bit wary of this whole thing, I gotta tell you. It's my wife's idea, really. Um, have you got any, er, references? Any previous satisfied customers? Because in my business, it's proven results that count; everything else 3; qualifications, publications, that's all bullshit. Can you show me anything to convince me that this is a good idea?"

He stopped his pacing up and down and resumed his seat. Russell opened the slim leather valise he had brought with him and withdrew a sheet of paper, which he passed to Monica. "This is a letter the Mayor was kind enough to write for me. His son was drifting in with a bad crowd. I was able to make a small difference in his life."

Scanning the letter quickly, she smiled and passed it to her husband. Russell pulled out another letter and gave it to her. "And this is a few generous lines from Mr Don Franklin, who has the Second Commercial bank here in town. I believe he's one of your business associates, Reece?"

Monica perused the letter. "Don writes here that he was on the verge of throwing his son out of the house! Now the boy's an honour student!" She passed the letter to her husband, whose face told a story of increasing respect for Russell's abilities.

"Well, er, Russell, I must say, my impression of you has risen somewhat. I think I can speak for my wife when I say we would like you to, er 3; what's the phrase I'm looking for, dear?"

"Seduce our son and bring him out of his shell?" she suggested, eyebrows raised.

"Yes, that's exactly it, thank you dear. So, would you like to stay for a meal with us, so we can introduce you? How do you normally proceed in these situations? – I'm at a bit of a loss here, I'm afraid" Reece confided.

"Well, there's a little paperwork you need to fill out first," Russell explained. "I'm sure you're very familiar with contract negotiations, Reece. Some of it covers our agreement, and some are required by the IGR Bill, as a safeguard for both parties." He pulled some more forms out of the valise and passed them around. Reece scanned the six-month Parent/Pedophile agreement while Monica ran her finger down the IGR checklist.

"It says here we can specify which activities you will, er, be participating in with Jory. There's a tick box beside each one: Masturbation, Oral Sex, Frottage, Rimming 3; is all of this really necessary? I don't mean the, er, activities, I mean the, uh, rather intrusive and explicit, um, detail. I don't even know what some of these are."

Russell shrugged. "Congress wanted the parents to keep control over the relationship between their son and the, ah, older friend. if you like, just tick the box that says 'All Of The Above' – that gives me free rein. So long as that's okay with you both, of course," he added, looking from one parent to the other.

"I never tie a guy's hands when he's working for me. Tick the 'All' box, Monica. Of course, I'll expect progress reports, Russell – don't keep me in the dark, or try to spare my feelings."

"Naturally. When we get to the stage in our, er, relationship where I'm spending time with your son in his bedroom, I'll put a monitor in there so you can hear everything that happens"

"Is that 3; er, such a good idea?" Monica asked cautiously.

"Well, it's another safeguard, for both me and your son. And you can always turn it off if you'd rather. As for meeting Jory, well, I'd prefer it happen under circumstances where Jory feels in control." Both parents looked at Russell for clarification, so he proceeded. "Basically, I've found that when the parents 'set up a date' for the boy, it doesn't succeed so well. Matter of fact, at our last Annual Pedophile Conference, I chaired a workshop on 'The First Meeting', in which the group shared various opening gambits. And there are plenty: I could arrange for some bullies to chase your son, with me coming to his rescue; I could insinuate myself into your family through some imaginary work connection of Reece's; maybe you could send him to me for music lessons or tutoring 3; there's quite a few techniques available to me. Perhaps it would help if I could see his room – and perhaps a recent photo?"

"Of course," Monica agreed, springing to her feet. "Come this way." She led the visitor to a staircase which she ascended gracefully. Along the way she pointed out several portraits of Jory which adorned the wall adjacent to the stairs. "This one's the most recent – it was part of a studio set I had commissioned for his twelfth birthday," Monica pointed to a mournful, narrow-faced lad staring glumly out of an 8 by 12.

"This is Jory's room," Monica said, somewhat redundantly, holding the door open to allow Russell entry. He strode straight to the boy's copious library.

"Jory's a reader, then?" he surmised.

Monica rolled her eyes. "Constantly. I suppose it's good in one way – he excels at his schoolwork. Except for any subjects that require physical co-ordination or dexterity."

"I see he's been following the Third Hogwarts Chronicles series. The daughter of the original author wrote these, under a pen-name, you know, after she came back from that ridiculous Martian colonization fiasco that NASA dreamed up. Hmm. Jory's got the most recent one: Professor Potter's Peril. That suggests a possible way for me to meet him, and have him think it was his idea. Does Jory frequent the local library?"

"He haunts the place – even though we've got every book known to the western world online," Monica sighed. "He usually goes there straight after school, spends an hour at least"

"Very well," Russell decided. "I'll collect my paperwork, and report back to your and Mr Jefferson in a week's time. Please don't do anything to make Jory suspicious, but be open if he wants to talk about, er, us."

Monica nodded again, and led him back down the staircase to the study, where he collected his papers and shook hands with Mr Jefferson. "You'll hear from me in a week, Reece," he assured the man.

Week 1

"So, how's things progressing? Fucked him yet?" Reece asked as Russell sat at the Jefferson's dining table for a light salad lunch. A week had passed since their first meeting.

Monica frowned sternly at her husband. "Really, dear, we're at the dinner table. There's a time and a place, you know," she added pointedly.

"Hey, I told Russell I expect to be fully briefed. He knows the score. So, how's the project moving along?"

Russell put down his knife and fork and primly dabbed at his lips with a linen napkin. "Well, I spent last weekend leasing a room at the Library and a flat near your house, and establishing my credentials. Monday was observation day – I followed Jory around to find out some of his regular behaviours. Tuesday I put my plan into action. In the end it was simple – I knew where Jory would be, so I positioned myself a few metres in front of him on the footpath, and executed quite a reasonable 'dropped book ploy', if I do say so myself. As I expected he would, Jory rushed to my aid and picked up the book I had 'dropped'. He saw me struggling with the remainder of my books, and offered to help me carry them to the Library."

" 3; and?" prompted Reece.

"And 3; we had a little chat. I showed him some books, he told me what he was reading, and then he said he had to be getting home. Look, in this game, you have to be patient. Slow and steady wins the race, and all that. I knew that Wednesday would be the real test, whether he would come back. He did. We talked some more, about books, school, and things. I gave him a little pat on the shoulder."

Reece looked puzzled. "What's the significance of that?"

"Well, if a boy comes back the next day after you've made a physical contact, that means he at least condones it, if not enjoys. And he did. Come back, that is. Yesterday. So, we chatted, again, about this and that, and I gave him a little hug. Just with one arm around his shoulders. You know, progressively increasing the amount of contact."

"Upping the ante?" Reece observed.

"If you like. So, matters are progressing nicely. I'll see him again this afternoon, I expect, after school lets out and he calls in to the Library. I'll come see you again next Friday, for lunch. Trust me, I've done this before. He'll soon be putty in my hands."

"Well, I've already noticed an improvement" Monica observed, "This morning, I only had to tell Jory once to get out of bed. Up 'til now it's been as many as four or five times. And he took a shower, without being told. And 3; I think he sneaked down to our bathroom, dear, and used some of your deodorant!"

"You can tell when the deodorant can has moved?" Reece replied, through a mouthful of cucumber slices.

"A wife always sees the little things, dear," she answered coyly.

Week 2

The following Friday, the three adults were again seated around a small dining table at the Jefferson home.

"I won't say it this time," Reece began, as the three made salad rolls for themselves from a platter of ingredients. "But, how's the little guy, uh, coming along?"

Russell paused before answering. "Quite well, I think. Each boy is different. Oh, Monica, I remembered to compliment him on his nice fresh aroma when he saw me at the Library last Friday afternoon. I hope he has continued those clean habits?"

Monica glowed. "He's showering every morning, without being nagged into it. He even asked me to get him some deodorant of his own! I bought him something subtle. And, I've noticed he's brushing his teeth both morning and night, without even me mentioning it! I'm beginning to like our 'new little boy'!"

Russell smiled. "It's always good for the parents to see early results. It makes you feel the project is going to be a success. And I think it will be. Jory did come to the Library last Friday, as I expected. I gave him a very prim and proper hug, hands above the waist, and I felt him lean into it like he had been hoping for it all day. We talked about school, about teachers and other kids in his class, and I read him a short story 3; When he eventually said he had to go home, I sensed he was hanging around, you know, lingering, maybe wanting another hug, so I made a production of it, you know, holding my arms out; he just fell into them, so this time I ventured below the belt line and let my hands linger on his bottom just for a few seconds."

"Is that 3; 'first base' 3; in your, uh, line of work?" Reece enquired.

"Darling!" Monica chastised her husband.

"It's quite alright, Mrs Jefferson, uh, Monica," Russell interjected. "I quite understand that, er, the mainstream community might sometimes be curious about the processes involved. Basically, Reece, 'first base' was reached and crossed when Jory returned to the Library after I had touched his shoulder. Think of it as a long-term campaign, rather than as a hurried one-night stand in the back seat of a car. So, where was I?"

"You told us about Friday. Jory was out all morning Saturday – was he with you?" Monica asked. "I know it sounds like I'm a terrible parent, not knowing where he is, but he just hates it when I ask – he grumbles about being interrogated 3;"

"Yes, the Library operates Saturday mornings. He was there waiting for me when the doors opened. I got the impression that he took careful notice of the direction from which I approached, so I casually let slip my street address. When we got inside to my little room, he made it clear he wanted a hug, and gave a little wriggle when I settled both hands on his bottom and squeezed. We talked for a while-"

"What on earth does he talk about? I haven't been able to get three words out of him for months!" Reece groaned, exasperated.

"Oh, well, books that he likes, you know. His teachers. The two of you. Video games. Things he's been thinking about 3;" Russell mused. "Anyway, at around ten I invited Jory to come with me for a cup of coffee down at the mall"

"But 3; I didn't know he drank coffee," Monica sighed, feeling helpless.

"The coffee was for me. Jory had a milkshake. There's a cinema there at the mall that was showing the latest Simpsons movie – Simpsons Five I think it was. Jory had already seen it but wanted to see it again when I suggested it. Near the start of the movie, I found his hand and held it. Later, I let go of his hand to rub my eyes, and when I put it back in my lap, Jory found it and held it for the rest of the movie."

"How sweet," Monica sighed.

"So, what does that signify, the hand-holding?" Reece asked.

"Well, simply that Jory is looking for physical contact," Russell answered.

"Does it mean he's gay?" Reece blurted out.

"Darling!" Monica expostulated.

"It's quite all right, Mrs Jefferson. It's one of the first things fathers ask when I contract to seduce their sons. The answer is, I don't know – yet. Harvard Medical has a diagnostic test that's still in the research phase that it hasn't released to the journals to date, but of which I have obtained a copy – I could test Jory without him knowing, if you like; it's just a series of abstract designs in varying colours and shapes, but the researchers already claim it has an 85 to 87 percent success rate in predicting adult homosexual orientation. It's a longitudinal study following thirty thousand males from childhood to-"

"Do it," Mr Jefferson interrupted. Monica gasped.

"Of course, if he is gay, nothing I have done or could do would change that – modern research suggests that it's all locked in by age two. But with the new fertility regime developed by that French medical team, you could still be grandparents – it just means instead of a daughter-in-law, you'd have a son-in-law."

"Just do the test," Reece repeated.

Turning to Monica, Russell continued "Of course, knowing that your son is gay is a big help when he finally comes out to you – studies show that parents who accept their son's orientation are much more likely to keep their sons in the family network than those who bury their heads in the sand, so to speak."

"We'll 3; love him no matter what he is," Monica replied.

"And, it's entirely possible that he's gay and doesn't even know it yet. Part of my job is helping him to come to terms with that reality. Er, where was I?"

"Um, you took Jory to the cinema on Saturday?" Monica ventured.

"Oh, yes, that's right. I think we went for another coffee and soda afterwards. I gave Jory my mobile number in case he wanted to call me about anything. I didn't receive any calls, but I did see him on the Monday. The first thing he said when he walked into my room at the library was 'What's that?' – referring to a little box I had brought in with me that morning. I told him it was a podium he could stand on, so that when we hugged, I could look straight into his beautiful chocolate eyes."

Monica sighed when she heard this – Reece made a gesture suggesting he was about to throw up.

"Did it work?" Monica asked.

"He stepped straight onto it and held his arms wide for a hug. Naturally, I obliged. Jory melted into me, and I didn't waste any time rubbing his back – my hands went straight to his bottom. I could feel him wriggling under my palms, he was really getting into it. I gave him a little peck on the lips, and he asked me why I did it. I said I did it because he is so cute, and kissed him again, just lips.

"How sweet," murmured Monica.

"I untangled us and sat at my desk. Since I had deliberately taken away the other chair, Jory had to sit in my lap, something he didn't seem to mind. I read to him, kissing him from time to time. When he said he had to go, I noticed a little bulge in the front of his school shorts. Something to work on for Tuesday, I thought."

"I noticed he was a little 3; flushed 3; when he came home on Tuesday evening," Monica remarked.

"Not surprising, really. When Jory arrived at the Library on Tuesday afternoon, he made straight for the podium. I sensed he was already aroused, so when I hugged him, I just turned my hip a little into his crotch, and ground it against him. I could feel his erection under my hipbone. He gave a gasp, and I slipped my tongue inside his mouth. I gather it is the first time he has been french-kissed?"

"Well, of course it is!" Monica answered. "As 3; as far as we know 3;?"

"He seemed to catch on pretty fast. He asked what it was, and I said that our bodies were talking directly to each other without words, and it only happens when two people love each other."

"And he bought it?" Reece grunted in astonishment.

"Certainly. Jory is very trusting, wouldn't you say, Monica?"

"Well, he 3; he used to be, before 3;"

Russell nodded. "I told him not to worry about his erection, it just showed how happy he was to be with me. We kissed some more, then sat at my desk together and read again. This time I played with his erection through his shorts while he sat in my lap. He was panting when the time came for him to go, so I guess that explains the condition he was in when you saw him, Monica."

Russell paused to gather his thoughts. "Well, go on," Reece urged impatiently.

"Sorry. Wednesday marked a turning point in our relationship. I knew that if he came back to the Library after I had fondled him the previous day, that he definitely wanted more. He must have ran, or walked very fast, from school that afternoon, because he was puffing when he came into my study. He also turned the latch on the doorknob after closing it, something he had not worried about previously. He marched right over to the little podium, stood on it and opened his arms wide, even wiggling his fingers to entice me over. Naturally, I put down my pen and obliged.

"But this time, I didn't give him the tongue first up. I could feel he was expecting it, so I kissed along his jawline to his earlobe and whispered to him how much he meant to me, and how excited he made me. With my free hand I groped the front of his shorts, and asked him if he wanted me to play with his dick. I didn't give him a chance to answer, covering his mouth with mine and slowly unzipping his shorts."

Monica shifted in her seat, more than a little aroused by Russell's narrative. Reece was also showing signs of edginess. "When I got the top button undone, and the zipper all the way down, I reached inside and felt his cock on the outside of his undies. Ungluing from his mouth, I went back to his ear, whispering how big he was, how hard, while continuing to feel his package."

"But 3; he's not really that big 3; yet? Is he?" Monica asked, a little sadly.

"Oh, no, not at all. But all boys like to be told they are. I'm sure you know that, Mrs Jefferson," Russell confided. Monica shot a guilty look at her husband before nodding her head.

"By this stage, his shorts had fallen to his shoes. I whispered to him that I was going to put my hand inside his undies and feel it, then kissed him just as my fingers made contact. I felt a shudder go through him with the hand that supported his back, and his knees nearly gave out. Just so you know, Monica, Jory is still dry-cumming. I gave him two more climaxes with my hand, so he was quite exhausted by the time I helped him pull his undies and shorts up. We only read for a little before Jory decided to head home. But he did call me later that night, around eight-thirty."

"That's his bed-time," Monica offered.

"Jory wanted to talk about how it felt to be touched intimately 3; not in those words, of course, and to say he loved me. I replied in a similar way, naturally. He said he could hardly wait until Thursday, when he could see me again. I told him he could play with his dick and pretend it was me playing with it."

"He could have done that anyway!" Reece burst out.

"True, but it's different when an adult gives a boy permission to play sexually – there's less guilt on the boy's part, and hence more pleasure. So, to Thursday. Jory seemed a bit shy when he slipped through my open doorway and locked the door behind him. He had a little confession to make: he had been so excited during school, he couldn't stand it; anticipating what would happen when he got to the Library, he said he had to go to the boys' washroom to pleasure himself. He said he'd never done that at school before, and it was thrilling and scary. By this time he had mounted the little podium. I gave him a cuddle, whispering in his ear as I did so."

"What is it with all the whispering?" Reece moaned.

"With some boys, especially ones who are not used to talking openly about their sexual feelings, whispering can be a way of communicating that they are more comfortable with. Don't worry, I'll soon have him talking openly. Slow but steady progress, remember. So, anyway, I told him I was going to pull his shorts down, then his underpants, and I wanted him to tell me the best way to make him feel good. Also, he had to tell me when he was getting close."

"Goodness me," Monica gasped. "Do we absolutely need to hear all the, er 3; intricacies?"

"Sorry – I can shorten it for you Monica – basically, I manipulated Jory to a drawn-out orgasm, during which he eventually told me exactly how he liked it done to him, in shameless detail. I teased him a bit near the end, by slowing down when he said to speed up, but he was gasping for air when he finally came. He's a hot tomato, that boy, when you light his fire. Which brings us, I think, to the next phase in our relationship. It's time for me to officially meet you."

"Oh?" Reece observed. "And how do we manage that?"

"Shouldn't be too difficult. I expect Jory at the Library again this afternoon. When he's leaving, I'll give him my business card. I'll tell him that I'm on a volunteer sitter program the Library has for parents such as yourselves, and leave it up to him. For your part, you are to suggest that you want to go out together tonight, but your regular sitter is unavailable. Leave it to Jory to give you my card. I think tonight will be Jory's first experience of oral sex."

"Giving, or receiving?" smirked Reece.

"That depends on how long you two can stay out!" Russell replied, grinning back at him.

Week 3

"He's been perfectly charming all week!" Monica gushed as she opened the front door to Russell on the following Friday. "On Tuesday, he even brought me a flower that he found on the way home from school! And on Thursday he helped Jhamila with the dishes! Without being asked!"

"Never mind that, tell us about last Friday night!" Reece interrupted. "You left so soon after we got home, I didn't get a chance to hear how things, er, developed."

Jory's parents had both attended the front door to let Russell in, like a couple of big kids who eagerly await a surprise. Both wanted to monopolise their son's lover's attention, and hear all about the week's activities with their boy. Russell made them wait until they were all seated again at the luncheon table.

"Jory was so excited last Friday when we agreed to have you sit for him. You should have seen him run to the door when you arrived! I hadn't seen him so 3; enthusiastic 3; about anything 3; for, oh, ages!" Monica gasped happily, while putting together a salad roll.

"Yeah, he's been almost bearable this week," Reece grudgingly conceded. "But tell us what happened. Tell us everything. Start with the afternoon before you got here."

Russell smiled. It made his job all the more enjoyable when the parents got caught up in the excitement of having their son seduced. "Well, Jory got to the Library at his usual time, and came to my little study. I hid behind the door, and caught him around the waist as he crept through, just for fun. I latched the door, and took him to my desk where I sat him on my lap. We cuddled and kissed a bit, then I suggested we had too many clothes on. Now, up till then he had only ever taken his pants down for me, so this time I suggested to him that I wanted to feel all of his warm body against mine, and that I would strip off as well."

Monica sighed. "He's been so self-conscious for, goodness, it must be years. You're doing a marvellous job with him, Russell, you really are."

He smiled in gracious acknowledgement of her praise. "We matched each other, item for item. Shirts, pants, underwear; it was almost like a choreographed dance as we watched each other strip nude. Neither of us worried about our shoes. I finished just before Jory and sat on my chair – when he shook his foot to discard his undies he sat on my lap. This was the first time he had seen my erection as well – up till then he had only felt it when we hugged on the podium."

"It didn't 3; bother him at all?" Monica asked cautiously.

"I think he pretty much already guessed the proportions of it from when we hugged on previous days. When I sat him on my lap, I opened his legs a little to let my erection protrude through between his thighs, next to his much smaller one. We both got a laugh out of that. So, basically, we kissed some more, I frigged him slowly until he was panting for breath, he gave my dick a few gentle touches, then our time was up. After we dressed, I gave him the business card and told him to give it to you 'if ever you needed a sitter'. You know the rest."

"He was ever so excited when he gave it to us, and even more excited when we agreed," Monica remembered. "So, how did things go after we left?"

"Well, as soon as we heard your car drive off, I gave him some choices: he could go upstairs and change into his pyjamas, then come back down and cuddle with me while we watched TV, or, he could go to bed right away, and I would come up and give him a sensuous back rub."

Monica smiled. "How did he choose between the two? Knowing him, he probably wanted both, at the same time!"

"You know him too well, Monica. He tried that, but I said we didn't know when the two of you were going to return, so he could only have one – tonight. I left the way open for more visits in the future. After a little pouting, he chose the backrub. I told him he didn't need pyjamas for that, and sent him on his way. I told him to be ready for me in 2 minutes."

"That would be a record for Jory!" Monica laughed.

"Well, he had incentive," Russell quipped. "I had brought a little bottle of essential oils with me, and I called out from the bottom of the stairs that I was coming up. I expected to find him still dithering, but he was lying on the bed face down, fully nude, with the bedlinen turned down. The only thing I had to change was the pillow – he had his head on it so I turned it around and placed it lengthwise under his torso. I also quickly slipped my own clothes off.

"We talked while I stroked and kneaded his shoulders, back and thighs. Oh, and his bottom, too, of course. When I told him to turn over, I moved the pillow so it was under his bottom, elevating his hips. He was erect, as I expected-"

"Is he 3; er 3; normal?" Mrs Jefferson asked, tentatively. "I mean, compared to other boys his age? You must have seen so many 3;"

"Well, I have seen quite a few. And yes, if you mean his erection, it's normal – whatever that means," Russell reassured her. "Straight, smooth, with a well-formed head and ridged glans, about the same length and thickness as, say, Mr Jefferson's index finger." Monica stole a glance at her husband's digit. "So, anyway, after rubbing his chest and thighs, I told him it was time for something special – something to show him how much I loved him. I gave him a blow-job. He was startled at first – most boys are – but he got into it pretty quickly."

"Lucky bastard" Mr Jefferson muttered under his breath.

"What was that, dear?" Mrs Jefferson enquired sweetly.

"Oh, nothing, darling, I was just thinking out loud how lucky Jory is to be living in, you know, more enlightened times than, say, back when we were in school. They used to persecute gays back then, you know. Now we've got a gay Vice-President, and what, is it twelve gay State Governors?"

"It's actually fifteen, now, Reece; after the Governor of Utah and his life-partner came out last week," Russell corrected him.

"It was Utah led the way in changing those archaic age-of-consent laws, wasn't it, Russell?" Monica asked. "They're much more realistic and flexible now."

"Well, yes, I think they are," Russell mused. "Basing the law on chronological age never really made much sense when there's so much variation between individuals in their rate of development. Now it's based on menarche for girls and spermarche for boys. Plus, of course, any child with a parent-approved pedo-contract, such as we've got with Jory, can start as young as seven. It just legalises what they're already doing anyway."

"Not wanting to change the subject, but, er, did Jory return the favour?" Reece enquired.

"Indeed he did, Reece. Oh, by the way, I got the orgasm from his first oral sex on digital video for you. Turn the sound up when he starts to whine, and you can hear him squeal and see his hips arch off the pillow when he cums. Yes, after I blew him we cuddled and kissed for a bit while he calmed down, then I offered him another one – in the sixty-nine position. He's just at the stage in our relationship where he's willing to try anything I suggest. So I told him it would be a sign that he loved me if he swallowed my juice," Russell grinned.

"Fuck! He fell for that?" Reece cursed, making Monica raise her eyebrows.

"Sure did," Russell confirmed. "A bit of it leaked out onto his cheek, so I scooped it up on my fingertip and fed it to him. He opened his mouth and licked it all off, so I suggested there might be a bit more 'in the pipeline'. Jory went down on me again and nearly made me hard, he was so 3; attentive."

"Okay, alright, so Friday night was successful. What about Saturday? Jory was out until after lunch!," Monica asked.

"Well, I wanted to give him the chance to turn down a visit – just to see how strong the attraction was between us. I sent a message to the Library that I had hurt my knee, but that if Jory should ask where I was, they could tell him I was at home, injured. He arrived at around ten – when he came in I joked that doctors don't make house calls any more. Since there was no podium for him to stand on, he jumped into my arms and wrapped his legs around my waist. It's a good thing my injury was fake – otherwise I would have crumpled! After we kissed a bit, he whispered that he knew a way to make me feel better. I carried him to my bedroom and let him do all the work.

"Jory undressed me and gave me a very creative blowjob. He must have spent quite a bit of time during the night thinking about how I had blown him the night before, and how he could improve on that. Afterwards, I got him to brush his teeth and we wandered around my apartment naked – we even played hide and seek: the winner got another suck from the loser. But when that's the prize, nobody really loses, do they?"

"He's improving tremendously, sounds like," Monica observed. "I hope these new habits become more evident around here as well. Although I know they will, it takes time."

"You remember that test I told you about, Reece? The one you said I should give to Jory?"

"To find out if he's gay, you mean?" Reece replied.

Russell nodded. "I administered it to Jory on Monday, at the Library. I told him it was a kind of puzzle I needed his help with. He passed!"

"Passed?" Monica asked.

"With flying colours!" Russell concurred.

"So that means 3;?" Reece turned his eyebrows upwards.

"That Jory's as queer as a three dollar bill! Even though he may not realise it yet. But he will, by the end of the contract. Which makes this weekend more significant. See, if a boy is straight, I usually only fuck him once, because, let's face it, nobody else is likely to ever get the chance, and it gives him a reference point for later life. But with Jory being gay, I'll want to fuck him every chance I get – starting with this weekend. When Jory comes home this afternoon, I want you to tell him that you've decided to go away immediately for a two-day trip, but you're not sure if he's well-behaved enough to trust with a sitter for the whole time. Find some excuse to punish him, and tell him I'll be performing the punishment when I arrive. Then go – and enjoy your weekend!"

"Sounds like a plan," Reece agreed. "It's been, what, years since we had some overnight time to ourselves, huh honey?"

Monica nodded. "Will you be, er, filming the later proceedings again, Russell?"

"Certainly. I like all my customers to have a visual record of the high points of the contract. I'll deflower him on your bed, to make it extra special for him. And for you."

Monica nodded, blushing in gratitude. "Er, how did the rest of your week go?"

"Well, for the remaining days I concentrated on showing Jory how to vary a blowjob to make it more exciting. On Tuesday, I manoeuvred him up against the wall of my study room in the Library and made him hold his hands on his head while I sucked him off. He gave me a return blow in a kneeling position on front of me – he should get used to that. I told him lots of men like it that way. Wednesday, let's see 3; oh, yes – Wednesday was ball-sucking practice. I demonstrated on him how to suck one testicle after another into the mouth, and then he did it back to me to show me he had understood the technique. He got quite proficient at it, too, Monica – after twenty minutes of feeling my balls rolling around in his mouth, I shot all over his face. We both had a good laugh at that, and he cleaned himself up with his fingers, which he licked off, of course. Now, Thursday, I did a bit of advance preparation for this weekend. While blowing Jory, I inserted a finger up his ass to stimulate his little prostate gland. I showed him how to give someone a hands-free orgasm with only a finger in the butthole, which he promptly did back to me. In fact, he got another facial, but he was quite used to them by then."

Reece smiled. "What I don't get, is how are you gonna convince Jory to 3; you know, let you punish him? In front of Monica and me?"

"Not that difficult, really. I'll tell him it's the only way we can spend the weekend together, and, it will be a way for him to prove he loves me. You just wait and see how he handles it. He'll make you proud!"

Week 4

It was Reece who opened the door for Russell, grinning broadly as he welcomed the pedophile into his house. "Monica's having her hair fixed. Didn't look broken to me, though," he laughed. "She said not to wait for her. So, we watched that video you made, together on Sunday night – man, it made Monica so hot! But even before that, when you punished Jory and we left – she was so horny she asked me to pull over into a lay-by so she could 3; well, I don't want to embarrass you, Russell-"

"Not to worry, Reece. I'm a professional. I'm guessing you got a little head that evening?"

Reece's smile looked like his face was going to split apart. "First time since before we were married! In fact, we both agreed we should double your contract fee!"

"Well, that's very kind of you – I'll gladly accept. In fact, it often happens that there are positive side effects when your son is being introduced to sex by an older man."

Reece shook his head in admiration of the other man's skills as a seducer. "I'll never forget what I saw last Friday night – when you told Jory to go upstairs and undress, and he came back down wearing only underpants! I didn't know what to expect!"

Russell smiled. "Women – mothers – often feel a sense of loss when they don't get to see their sons naked after their boy has grown a little and becomes self-conscious. And, Jory needed to see that I was prepared to spank him in front of the both of you. I just thought I'd combine the two."

"Man, when you told him to pull 'em down and lie over your lap like that – then those two spanks on his bare cheeks – and to cap it off, Jory walking over to her with his little cock stiff, and apologising for yelling at her and gave her a hug – Monica couldn't stop talking about it all weekend!"

"I'm glad things are working out to your satisfaction. That's the best reference I have, my satisfied customers."

"That video you gave us is a keeper, for sure," Reece continued. "It looked like Jory was good and wet before you fucked him. I bet he was tight 3; like his mother"

"I told him earlier that I would spank him in front of you both, but that I would be right up to his room to kiss it better. I gave his bum, and his little butthole, a thorough licking before carrying him to your bedroom. I guess you saw the rest"

"Boy, did we ever – and heard it! He squealed like a girl when you nailed him – I hope he didn't keep that up all weekend, heh heh."

"No, most boys settle down after they get over the strange feeling of the first hard cock up their ass. Jory got over the pain faster than a lot of other boys I've seduced. I was a bit worried at first that he might not get any enjoyment out of the first few fucks, as can sometimes happen with boys. But after some initial sobbing, he settled right down and took it all the way. I carried him back to his own bed and let him rest for an hour or so, then got him up on all fours and banged him again. I told him it was better to get the first few fucks out of the way, so we could enjoy ourselves. I stayed up inside him all night after that. Next morning we went about the house naked, experimenting with different positions in different rooms and on different pieces of furniture – that chair you're sitting in got a bit of a workout – and I began to encourage him to think about how he liked it best. By Saturday evening he was asking for it, wanting to ride me. I even took him outside and fucked him on his back next to the pool. Sunday, we went for a little drive and I let him blow me in the car before stopping at a park. We sat at a picnic table, and he rode me on my lap with his shorts pulled down in back so I could slip my prick up inside him and fuck him while some old ladies walked their dogs past us! Jory thought it was hilarious!"

"So he still 3; you know, er, sucks you? I though that might be old hat?"

Russell sensed a certain longing in Reece's voice. "Well, he still enjoys it, that's for sure. I think it's part of his feminine side, which is beginning to come to the fore: he wants to be looked after by a man, and be told what to do, and to please his man. And I'm doing all I can to encourage it – jesus, the fuck he gave me on Sunday after we got back here from the park!"

Reece licked his lips. "I don't, er, suppose 3; would he, uh 3; see, Monica doesn't, uh 3;"

"No need to be shy, Mr Jefferson. You're wondering if there's some way you can get in on the action. It's quite a common reaction, really, once the father understands the direction in which his son is progressing. I only wish you had mentioned it earlier, we could have made it a part of the contract, and I could have been conditioning Jory towards it these last four weeks. As it is, I think I can still accommodate your wish – you want him to blow you, right? You don't want to fuck him?"

"Hell, no, not fuck him – I'm straight. But Monica 3; well, she doesn't always want as much sex as I do, and even though she's getting a revival of interest lately, thanks to your videos, it's sometimes still not 3; enough. I'd love to get a blow job, say, once a week?" Reece looked hopefully at the pedophile.

"Well, I can sure see why you would 3; once you feel those little fingers of his wrapped around your prong 3;"

"Oh jeez" Reece gasped.

" 3;and feel that raspy little tongue of his go round and round your cockhead, and poke inside your piss slit 3;"

"Oh god" groaned Reece.

" 3;and then hear him moan about how he likes it, wants it, and begging you to shoot your slime into his mouth, and all the while rubbing your cock up and down, giving your ballbag little scrapes with his fingernailsv"

"Oh, man, you're torturing me!" Reece wailed.

"Am I? Sorry. Well 3; ," Russell pondered. "I guess Jory's about ready for the next phase 3; I think it's time he came out to you both 3; maybe I can combine the two? Tell you what. I'll invite Jory out for the weekend to a friend of mine's. He's a flamboyant queer as well as being a pedo – he often hosts parties at his mansion where men and boys enjoy each other pretty much nonstop. I'll get him to make a pass at Jory – he's an old hand at that – and I'll make sure at least two or three other men and boys at the party also come on to him. By the end of the weekend, Jory should be a lot more comfortable with his gay nature. So much so that I'll propose to him that he should admit to both of you that he's a homosexual, and he's been having gay sex. Then I'll suggest to him that you, his father, might need a little extra loving."

"Sounds good so far," Reece remarked.

"I take it you'd prefer Monica not know about you wanting to fuck Jory's face?" Russell enquired.

Reece opened his hands in a gesture of compliance "Well, I can't see how it would help her – she's been happy as a clam lately, with Jory's improved attitude, why worry her?"

"Okay, then, so what you'll need is a discreet signal 3; How about this? Whenever you want some head from Jory, give him a fatherly pat on the shoulders, but then slip your fingertips onto his earlobe and rub it. If Jory is willing, he'll 3; um 3; he'll ask you to help him with something in his room, or in the yard, or anywhere more private. If he's not interested, he won't say anything, and you've missed out. Bearing in mind, of course, that Jory will naturally expect some 3; consideration in return for helping you in this way."

"Consideration? You mean 3; I'll have to pay him? Pay my own son to blow me?" Reece blustered. "He already gets everything he needs – and nearly everything he wants."

"Pay? Well, perhaps not with money. But there are some things he might want that have a steeper price."

"What? More than money?" Reece guffawed. "Such as?"

"Well, he might want you to take him to stay overnight at the home of one of the new friends he'll soon be making. He'll expect you to introduce yourself, and be accepting of them, even though you'll know they're going to have sex. Or he might want you take him to an adult emporium so he can buy some sex toys. He may even want you to accompany him to the boutique while he purchases some feminine undergarments, as he explores his girly side."

"Fuck! Undergarments? Can't Monica do that?"

"Is Monica the one that's going to be getting the blow jobs?" Russell countered.

Reece thought for a moment. "I'm beginning to see what you mean about a high price. Okay. I can do it. I can smile while shaking the hands of a faggot who is going to ride my boy's ass all night – I can even smile when I pick Jory up the next morning. And ask him how his date was, for chrissakes!"

"That's the spirit!" Russell praised the boy's father. "It's just like in business – you have to give the other party what they need if you want something from them."

Week 5

"Jory broke the news right after you dropped him off last Sunday!" Monica gushed as she opened the front door to admit her son's lover. "We – Reece and I – both played our assigned parts quite well, in my estimation. Reece is upstairs helping Jory with something at the moment – I can call him if you want?"

"No need to bother him," Russell assured her. "I'm sure Reece is engrossed in whatever it is. It's good to see the two of them spending more time together, isn't it?"

Monica smiled broadly. "Oh, it's been wonderful. Quite often now I see Reece giving Jory little hugs, holding him close, you know, maintaining contact – but in a manly way, of course. I was a little worried that Reece would be 3; you know, turned off 3; by the thought of having a gay son, but it seems to have made them even closer. I know Reece is making a big effort, going out of his way to be interested in whatever Jory is doing. And Jory is trying hard to include his father in his life – lately he's often been asking Reece to help him with some small task or other – two months ago they weren't even on speaking terms!"

"So, the big revelation went off without any dramas?" Russell enquired.

"Oh, yes, it was quite touching really – Jory made us both sit on the couch together, then he stood in front of us and gave his little speech, you know, the one you prepped him with, I guess. Then he asked us not to hate him, and to try to understand him. We both held out arms out to him and let him hug us. I did most of the talking, of course – I knew Reece would start to blubber if he tried to day anything. It all went off 3; well, better than I'd dared hope."

"I'm glad," Russell remarked. "For you and Reece, and for Jory."

"There is 3; one thing, I'm 3; not quite sure how to broach the subject," Mrs Jefferson hesitated momentarily – "so I'll just blunder in, I'm sure you'll understand. How do you, er, intend telling Jory that it's all over between you two – that you've just been doing a job, and you're moving on – to the next boy, presumably?"

Russell relaxed back in his chair. He had been expecting this question, and he had his answer prepared. "Well, to answer the easy part first; yes, there is a 'next boy' – he's a ten year old whose family has strong political connections. Bright as a button, and already been seduced, rather clumsily, I gather, by an aide of his grandfather's. So my next six months are spoken for. But as for Jory, I have already begun the process of gentle separation. I've introduced him to new gay friends, both young and old. I've taken him to parties and other meeting places for gay youth. I've explained to him that his life is here with you for now, as he is still under age, but I asked him to invite me back for his thirteenth birthday or his first ejaculation, whichever comes first. I promised to 3; well, I'm sure you can figure out what I promised to do."

Monica blushed a little and bowed her head. "I think you've done a wonderful job, er, with Jory, and I'll make sure Reece writes you an excellent reference, to add to your collection. You've given us back our son, and we'll always be grateful."

"The pleasure was all mine," Russell responded, smiling, as he shook her hand and made his way to the door.

The End

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