PZA Boy Stories




This story is about an immortal shape-shifter falling in love with a human boy.

Publ. 1999-2000 (Nifty); this site Dec 2016
Finished 23,500 words (47 pages)


Johan (14yo) and Luke (looking 15yo)

Category & Story codes

Boyfriend story/Science Fiction
tb – cons no explicit sex
WARNING: some violence


If you are under the legal age of majority in you're area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Céladon's Note

I did some editing, mainly correcting interpunction and spelling errors, but I also did change some words. The author did not add his e-mail address to the story back in 1999. From the writing style, the grammatical errors and certain other features in the text (before editing) I got the strong impression this story is written by Pyro (see for his other stories the author's list).


Chapter 1

My life is a weird one, well it is from a human's point of view. Before I get into telling you about my first love maybe I should tell you a bit about myself. Usually when people tell you about themselves they start with a name, but you see I don't have one. It's true every now and again I choose a name to keep for a couple of years, but if I get bored of it I change it, now I think of it the strangest name I have ever had has to have been D'kreak. No wonder the bloody Aztec civilisation ended in war, people kept on getting their names wrong! You know that can really piss people off, especially the Aztecs they were such a proud people.

I suppose you want to know what I look like too, well; this is where it gets a little tricky. You see I can be anything I want, because I am what your species call a shape-shifter. For those people who don't know a shape-shifter is a creature that can, well, change its looks at will. In my natural state I just look like a puddle of slimy jelly, I know it's not very attractive but it's me. I am not an alien though, in case that is what you're thinking, I have been on this planet since its creation. I saw the dinosaurs rise and fall, I saw various empires rise and fall, I have been with the human race every step of the way along the evolutionary scale, I just can't believe such a interesting species has evolved from monkeys, I used to eat monkeys! Wait before you go there I don't actually need to eat or drink, my body generates its energy from the sun, just like a plant, but god damn food tastes good.

I know you're asking yourself if I'm immortal, so I'll put your mind at ease. I don't like to say the word immortal; it's true I have not actually found anything that can kill me but who knows what could be made in the future, you could create a virus that could kill me. I do have emotions and I can feel things but I don't feel pain in the same way as you do, like the pain you would feel from a broken arm would feel like a pinprick to me.

If you're wondering if I am the only shape-shifter out there, well don't; in my time on this planet I have only met one other like me. I guess I'm not what you would call a 'goody too shoes' I have done my share of nasty things in my time, but the other like me was pure evil and hatred, all I'm going to say is the encounter did not go well. Ok, I guess I can tell you, I don't really have any magical powers, well except for the changing shape thing, but I can, if I concentrate really hard, alter a human's perception of reality. If you're wondering what I'm talking about, I can make people see things that are not there. Cool huh?

I have another secret too; do you want to hear it? Well, I guess I can be any gender I want but I like to be the male of the species, I only become a woman when I have tried to get a man into bed while been a man and he won't go. I don't really like having sex with women, so I guess that makes me sort of gay – if that is possible.

Well I'm not rich, but I do have money. You see I used to be a pirate and I have various bounties hidden all over the world, so if I ever need a bit of money I just dig it up and sell it. Well I guess I better get on with the story huh? The story is about my first love, well technically my second love. You see after I fell in love all those years ago and I watched my lover die of old age, I vowed to never love again, it just wasn't fair on me or them and so I didn't ever love again, until I saw Johan.

It was the turn of the century, the year 1999. I had just been wondering around the world, going from place to place, changing from shape to shape as easily as changing my name. I came to Los Angeles, I decided I wanted to get back into society again. With some of my money I bought a secluded house up in the hills. The house was nice, in fact the nicest one I had been in for years, it had like ten bedrooms, I spent the rest of the day shopping I bought all the new gadgets and set up home.

The next day I wandered the streets thinking of the simplest way to get back in to society, to get a few friends to hang out with and talk to, I was actually very lonely, my last friend died in the Second World War. It was getting dark and quite chilly and I heard the streets weren't safe at night, I looked around to see if anybody was looking, thankfully the street was empty. With the assurance nobody was looking I morphed into a mean looking figure, a muscled man with low set eyes and a sloping forehead, I found while travelling people tend to stay away from the people who look like murderers. I continued to walk along the streets minding my own business when I heard a scream. I looked around quickly to see where it came from, I morphed my ears into that of a bat and pinpointed sounds coming from the nearby alley. With my ears back to normal I rushed over to where I could see what was happening.

I couldn't see fully what was happening so I morphed into a mouse and slowly made my way to where I could get a better view. There in the alley were two teens who looked to be around 18 years old, both would be what you refer too as jocks, there were not good looking. In fact they looked like someone had punched them one too many times in the face, they were all scrunched up in a look of disgust. There kneeling on the floor in-between them was a boy of about 15 years old. He was crying loudly, his hands were tied behind his back and his pant's where down around his ankles, I couldn't see the boy's face but I could tell he had been gagged since the scream I heard.

"Look at that Bill, the fagot is crying," one of the teens said while swatting the boy on the head.

"Awww is the little cock sucker crying? Don't worry honeybee you'll have this meat up your arse soon," the other teen who I guessed was Bill said, while laughing out loud and grabbing his swollen dick through his jeans. This only made the boy cry even more. Now I think of it, these teens even sounded ugly, they had low deep voices that sounded like they were continually belching. Bill reached forward and bent the boy over to expose his hole to the air, while the other teen unzipped his pants. They were obviously planning to rape the poor boy; I wasn't going to let it happen. I scurried behind the Dumpster near them and morphed back into the mean looking man again. I stepped out behind Bill, the one who was holding the boy and grabbed him by the back of the neck. The other teen just looked at me with a look of shock on his face, his penis rapidly deflating. He looked at me and to his friend Bill who was trying his best to wiggle out of my grasp.

"Look dude, just let him go ok? Were only playing with the kid, we weren't going to hurt him I swear," I could hear fear in his voice.

"Really? It looked to me like you were going to rape him," I spoke in a low deep voice that sounded like a growl, striking more fear in to the two would be rapists.

"But he deserves it! He's a fucking fag!" he gestured to the boy who still hadn't moved, not even to turn around and see what was happening.

"So what! So am I, maybe I should rape you," the teen's eyes grew wide and he shook his head while stepping back, I took Bill and pushed him onto his friend causing them both to fall over. With a little bit of pushing and shoving they managed to get up and ran out of the alley. I turned to the boy who was hunched over. I undid the rope that was binding his wrists.

"Hey kid are you ok?" The boy slowly and shakily got up, he pulled his pants back up covering that wonderful ass and took the gag out of his mouth throwing it on the floor. He turned around and gave me a fierce hug and started to cry again.

"Thank you, oh thank you so much, I thought they were going to rape me for sure." His voice was so cute it had a deep sexiness to it but still had a touch of the high pitch notes, he must have just been going through puberty. What really surprised me was the fact that he wasn't scared by my appearance.

"Would you like me to take you home?" He let go of me and just smiled through his tears. I looked at him, his dirty blond hair hung down to his chin and his blue eyes were hypnotic, although a little red and puffy from the crying. His face was a little dirty but I could tell he had no spots, his red lips were so kissable, I noticed he had a cut on his cheek, the blood had dried leaving a scab.

"Sure but we will need to get a car, my house is miles away." We walked out of the alley and back on to the street, and stopped the first cab we saw, he told him were he wanted to be and the cab was off.

"So what's your name?" He had stopped crying and was smiling at me, he had such a wonderful smile, it was so innocent.

"Johan, what's yours?"

Shit I need a name quick. "Bob."

The boy shivered. "Bob's the name of the other guy." He hung his head and looked at his feet. I couldn't help but laugh to myself, in my head though. I mean Bill and Bob; it's just so well predictable.

"Oh I see, do you know them?"

"Yeah they go to my school." He started crying again, "they're just going to get me again."

God I felt so sorry for him.

"What school do you go to?"

"St. Vicuna High," he said with a puzzled look on his face, he didn't ask why I wanted to know which school he went to, thank god.

"How old are you?"

"Fourteen, fifteen in five months." He wiped his nose on his hand.

"You will have to go to the police." I placed my hand on his arm, but he pulled away.

"NO! I can't do that because then they will ask why they did it and I will have to tell them I'm gay and my parents will hate me." So he was gay after all.

"Oh I see."

The taxi pulled up in front of a nice house, although not as big as mine it was still nice.

"Thank you Bob stopping me from been raped." He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and got out of the car, closing the door behind him. He quickly ran across his lawn and into the house giving me a little wave before he closed the door. I gave the taxi new directions to follow and we set off.

I couldn't believe it, I had only known him for like 30 minutes and I was already falling in love. I knew I shouldn't but I just couldn't help it. I decided right there and then that getting back into society through going to school was going to be easy, plus I would get to be near Johan, and I would be able to protect him from those two bullies. When Monday rolled around St. Vicuna High would have a new pupil. Great now I'll have to create a new look.

Chapter 2

Now I know I'm not exactly what you would call a teenager, y'know, considering I'm like as old as the planet, but it doesn't stop me from acting like one. I stood in my house looking in my mirror while listening to some CD's I had bought the day before. It was currently the Hanson CD Middle of nowhere. Now usually I don't listen to much music but I thought now I was going to be acting like a teenager again I had to get into the groove. I know normal teenagers go through the phase of trying to look their best and always thinking that they looked ugly, and this makes them stand in front of their mirrors for hours on end looking at themselves hoping by some fluke of nature they look good.

But like I said that's normal teenagers but I'm not normal, I'm a shape-shifter. I never realised until I wanted to be a teenager again that having the ability to shape-shift your own clothes was a virtue as well as a curse. This meant I would never have to buy any clothes and if I wanted it I could just think it and 'pop' I would have shifted my body so I'd be wearing it. But also it meant that now not only did I have to choose a form but I also had to choose some clothes, of which there is so much to choose from!

I stood looking at myself in the mirror. I was in a liquid jelly type form but I still retained the shape of a human, although I had no features like eyes or a nose. I decided I should change my skin colour first, and I morphed through and endless supply of colours. I thought purple was the nicest but I decided to stick with a nice pinkie white colour which looked slightly tanned. Now I had to decide on the body, should I go for the Arnold Schwartzenegger look, or the weedy geeky look? I settled on a nice firm lean body, almost that of a swimmer. I had a nice six-pack and amazingly lean muscles in my arms and legs and a good slightly chiselled chest. Although not too much as I would only be around the age of 15. Now to work on the face. I spent some time on this morphing into various faces, at some point I sort of looked like a Picasso painting. I settled on a face that looked like a cross between Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Taylor Hanson.

Boy, I looked hot.

Now for the hair and eye's. I decided on green eyes and black hair. In my hair I decided to put little bits of red and blond to make me stand out. I wore it short and brushed forward, almost spiky – in fact it's the ends of the spikes on the fringe which were coloured red and blond – and fashionably scruffy, but not too scruffy. It looked like it had been styled to look scruffy, if that makes sense!

All I had left now was the little touches, like body hair, which I decided to have none; I wanted to be totally smooth. I also worked on my penis, which I decided to have a really cute uncut one, which was 4½ inches [11 cm] soft and 7½ inches [19 cm] hard. I decided I also wanted to have medium sized balls. I worked on my voice for a while going through all the different chords and settled on a sound that was just a perfect specimen of a teenage voice, it had the squeakiness of youth but the deepness of adulthood (sometimes) but I angled it so I could sing beautifully.

I looked at myself naked in the mirror for a while after finishing off my new body observing my new-found form. I was a lady killer, too bad I was after Johan. I just hope Johan found it as sexy as I did.

Now the hard part, what the hell am I going to wear? I grabbed a catalogue off the table next to the mirror and started to flick through, at each page I found something I liked and must have looked a total idiot just sat there morphing my clothes at the turn of each page. I finally rested on what I thought made me look cool. I wore baggie white khaki trousers with a pair of really nice black leather walking boots. I had a nice white T-shirt on which was so tight it showed off all of my muscles (the few I had). And on top of that I wore a leather coat which flowed down to my ankles almost like the one that Wesley Snipes wore in Blade. That may have been a little too much I know, but I liked it and I didn't care what other people thought. I mean I'm brainy, popularity still goes on how intelligent you are and not by the way you look doesn't it? To top it all off I morphed a pair of sleek Ray Ban glasses on to my face. I looked one more in the mirror and I realised I looked like a super hero. Sure as hell I looked good, I just hope Johan likes what he sees.

I was sat in my car, god I loved this car I just saw it in the shop and thought 'I just got to have it'. It was a brand new Volkswagen Beetle, which I affectionately named hereby. Now I'm not too sure if a 15-year-old is supposed to have a car, so I'll have to park it away from the school. I sat in my car going through an unusual experience, it was fear and I was actually nervous. I do experience emotion which I usually can suppress it, but the more I tried the worse it got. I ended shaking like jelly, little ripples flowing all over my body. I sat for 15 minutes to control myself; I was finally back to normal and on the road.

I parked away from the school and started walking with the rest of the kids, I got some strange looks from some of them but I just returned it with a nice smile full of perfect white teeth.

"Hey, like aren’t you hot in that? I mean it's like a oven out here."

I turned to see a very pretty girl pointing at my leather jacket.

"It's hot? I really didn't notice, but thanks for telling me." I gave her a sexy smile and almost made her melt.

I walked around the school and I got even more looks, some people even started to whisper behind my back 3; I loved it all! I finally found the office and walked up to the rather fat woman sat at the desk.

"Hi may I help you?" She had such a sexy voice for such an ugly face, I imagined her been one of those women on the other side of the phone on a sex line. I struggled to hold a giggle, jeez I think been in a teenage form is starting to effect me.

"Yes I'm a new student and I would like to sign up." I gave her a cute smile as I pushed my shades up to rest on the top of my head.

"Ok, may I have your papers?"

Now you get to see my power of altering reality.

"Sure they are right here."

I placed my hand in front of her face and concentrated hard on making her see what I wanted her to see, which was the papers I needed. AHA! See what I want you to see lady!

"Ah yes I see." She started to type away on her computer, typing in my imaginary data. "I am sorry, the form seems to be smudged. Could you please read it too me?"

"Sure." I started to reel off information about the imaginary school I used to attend and details about my age and address. Than came another hard part my name. I was never any good at making them up, I quickly looked around and I saw a bird.

"Birdboy." DAMN IT!

"Excuse me?" I looked around again, and I saw a star wars poster. Obi-wan Kenobi? Nah that's stupid, I know 3;

"My name is Luke Birdman." I know, I know it's a stupid name but it was the best I could come up with.

"Ok Mr Birdman, I'll just print you a copy of your timetable."

Wait a second, how do I know I'll have any classes with Johan?

"I want you to listen to me, I want you to put me in the same classes as Johan 3; err 3; Johan, shit I don't know his last name!"

"Ok I'll put you in the same class as Johan Shit-I-don't-know-his-name."

It was kind of creepy and funny at the same time, she was almost zombie like.

"I want you to run through your school data base and see how many people by the name of Johan you have, and tell me there ages."

She started typing away at her keyboard.

"We have three," shit, "one is 18, another is 11 and one is 14." Bingo!

"Put me in the same class as the one, who is 14."

She complied with my request and handed me my timetable. I glanced it over and memorised it in a second. It turns out Johan is a gifted student and was in mostly advanced classes. I scrupled up the paper and threw it away. I headed off to my first class. History, I should be good at that.

I walked into the crowded class. It had already started and I interrupted it, everyone turned to look at me and I could hear them whispering about me. A rather mean looking old woman approached me with a stern look on her face; I just gave her a smile.

"Can I help you?"

Oh my god! Her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

"Yes, I'm supposed to be in this class."

She cocked her head on a side and looked me up and down trying to evaluate how much trouble I would be.

"Let me see your papers."

Oh shit, I threw them away! And I didn't want to really use my powers in front of a whole class. I acted like I was checking all my pockets, creating as many new ones on the inside of my coat as possible.

"I know I had them a second ago." I opened my coat to show what must have been at least 100 pockets, various giggles went up around the class. "It must be in one of these"

"I don't have time for this, just take a seat and we will sort this out another time."

I nodded and turned to find an empty seat. I scanned the class looking for Johan, he was sat at the back of the class on his own. I made my way through the class, a lot of girls turned their heads and gave me sexy smiles; some of the boys did too. I stopped at Johan's desk, I looked at him and he seemed at that moment the most beautiful person I had ever seen. His blond hair had been washed and almost shone like the sun when the light hit it right; his skin still had that nice tanned appearance. I swear he looked ten times better than I remember. He looked in my direction his blue eye's looking straight at me.

"Can I sit here?" I gave him one of my sexiest smiles.

"No, it's taken." He quickly spread some of his stuff over the rest of the desk.

"Yes, by me." I pulled out the chair and sat down, resting my arms on the desk while smiling at him.

"Fine," he sounded kind of pissed and started taking his stuff back.

"At last, now I can start my lesson again."

I snapped my head back towards the front of the class to see the teacher tapping her foot and some of the girls blowing kisses at me. About five minutes into the lesson I realised I didn't have any equipment like paper or pens, I can be such a dope! But who cares I was sat next to Johan, time for a conversation me thinks.

"Hi my names Luke, what's your name?" I whispered to him while extended my hand.

"Leave me alone, I don't want to know you."

That really hurt me. He didn't even look at me, he didn't seem like the same person I had met a day ago. I hope Bob and Bill hadn't got him again. He went back to work and I faced the front again. This was going to be harder than I thought. A couple of seconds later the teacher made an announcement that she need to go to the toilet and told us to keep on working and put the class geek in charge. As soon as she left an almighty cheer went up and I felt Johan cringe.

"Hey new kid."

I turned to see what I assumed to be the class slut/bitch/trap trying to get my attention.

"It's Luke." I gave her a fake smile but she loved it anyway.

"Whatever, look I wouldn't sit next to him if I were you." She pointed to Johan sitting next to me who had buried his head in his arms. I looked around to see everyone in the class looking towards us.

"And why is that? Is he a murderer or something?" I said leaning back on my chair and folding my arms while glancing at Johan.

"No even worse."

"And what would that be?"

I already knew the answer especially since some of the other kids had been whispering the word fag. I could tell Johan was quietly sobbing to him self. I wanted to hold him but I'm sure that wouldn't have been good for either of us.

"He's a fag."

Surprise, surprise.

"Has he actually said it or is it just a rumour?"

"Well he hasn't admitted it yet," again surprise, surprise. "But Bill and Ben said so." Ahh the flower pot men.

"So it's just a rumour then."

"They say rumours are just unspoken truths."

This definitely was one stupid bitch.

"I heard a rumour too, it was about you. They say that you’re the class slut and you would go with anything as long as it had legs, even women and dogs. I mean it was a rumour so it must be true, right? Unless of course rumours are fake. I guess you give a whole new meaning to the word 'doggie style'."

Her face dropped a mile as the entire class burst out in laughter, even Johan giggled a bit. She was about to say something back when the teacher walked in and the entire class went back to working. I placed my hand on Johan's back.

"Are you ok, don't listen to them, they're just idiots."

He turned his head to look at me and gave me a smile. His cheeks were streaked with tears and his eyes were red and puffy.

"Don't you care about what they say? Most people hear that stupid rumour and run, while calling me every name under the sun." He wiped his nose and the tears off his cheeks.

"Hell no, if I listened to every rumour out there I would have never talked to anyone."

We both laughed at the thought that there were rumours about everyone.

"My name's Johan."

We shook hands, I was on cloud 9, I felt electricity running though my body and I got an instant erection. From that moment on I knew everything was going to turn out ok.

Chapter 3

'Fagot boy!' 'Cock sucker', 'pillow biter'.

We had just left history and was walking down the corridor towards our next class, I was listening to some of the abuse been hurled at Johan while trying to hold a conversation with him. He was trying to be strong on the outside, but I knew on the inside he was hurting badly, but at least now he had a friend to talk to. I knew I had made one enemy already from that girl in the history class and I knew I would make more as the day wore on.

"That's it. I have had enough."

I stopped in the middle of the hallway and Johan and the rest of the student body just stopped to look at me. I looked at Johan and he was looking towards the floor with a hurt look on his face. I think he thought I was going to end our new friendship; not a chance in hell, up to now he's the cutest boy in the school.

"Listen up--," I made my voice loud enough so every one could hear me, "Johan is my friend, and I look out for my friends. This means that the next person to pick on him has to deal with me, do you all understand?" To emphasize the point I turned around and punched the closet locker, causing everyone to jump as I made a big hole in it. A gasp went up from the crowd.

"Looks like Johan's found a boyfriend." Giggles went through the crowd and I turned around to see who said it. There stood this stuck up kid, trying to look important and big and failing miserably. The crowd went quiet as I faced him, well except for a bit of whispering.

"What did you say?" I pinned the kid against the locker and breathed in his face, he was petrified.

"Nothing. I'm sorry – I swear."

"Don't apologise to me, it's up to Johan if I should beat you in or not." I gave the kid a smile, I think then he realised he was in for it, in that split second he remembered all the insults he had pelted at Johan. He looked to Johan for help, I looked too. Johan had this big smug smile on his face, as he looked at us. He was so cute I couldn't help but love him even more.

"Johan please, I'm sorry, please," the kid pleaded with Johan. The crowd just stood around looking in amazement.

"Well Johan what will it be? Shall I hit him for picking on us or shall I leave him alone 3; till next time?" I so wanted to hit him. Johan thought to himself for a minute before replying.

"Let him go, I mean you did already total his locker, and punching him in the face MIGHT be an improvement, but I don't think you could make the hole in his head any bigger." Giggles flew through the crowd again and I could literally see Johan's self-confidence growing. I stepped back, and pushed the kid into the crowd.

"Let this be a lesson to you all. If anyone picks on Johan or any of my friends, I might not be as kind enough to let someone else decide your fate."

I walked towards the crowd in the direction of my class and it parted like the red sea. "Johan, you coming?" Johan quickly followed me looking as smug as ever, it was so cute I wonder when I should make my move on him? We were just about to go into the classroom when he stopped me.

"Luke, I really don't like this class. The teacher doesn't like me at all, and that's why I'm failing this one." His eyes filled with tears as he looked from me to the classroom.

"Don't worry if he does anything I'll teach HIM a lesson." I started to laugh and Johan perked up a bit. We walked into the class and took our seat at the back. A few of the kids looked back at me and waved. I think I was coming popular. A second later the teacher walked in, boy he looked grumpy, he walked with a slight slump and he wore glasses and a tweed jacket, his head was bald and shiny. He sat at his desk and started to read off the register, rolling off name after name; he had one of those tired boring voices.

"Oh what was his name, I always forget, what is it you kids always call him?" he asked the class.

Johan leaned towards me and whispered in my ear. "He always does this, he likes to get them to make fun of me."

"Why?" I looked at Johan; he seemed like he didn't want to answer that question so I left it alone. I noticed none of the kids answered the teacher.

"What is no one going to answer? What's got into you? You're usually all over him with your comment's, fine!" He looked towards the back and ticked the register. "I see we have a new face in the crowd," he looked at his list. "Yup you have been added, Luke Birdman, right?"

"That's right." I gave him one of my patented 'I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing' looks.

"What are you doing all the way at the back next to Johan? Haven't you heard the rumours?"

"Yes I have, but I would rather sit here, y'see I can't stand the sun shining in my face." I slowly drummed my fingers on the desk as the class looked to me and than to the teacher.

"But son, the sun is shining on your back right now. Surely if you moved to the front you wouldn't have the sun shining on your back and you won't definitely have it shining in your face." He had a look like 'should this kid be in the advanced class' on his face.

"I wouldn't be too sure you see your head is like a bloody mirror and I don't want to be blinded."

A loud murmur went up around the class. I could literally see the blood flowing to his face as his anger rose. I could hear Johan next to me trying to suppress a giggle.

"Young man! I would like to speak with you outside NOW!" he shouted and caused Johan and the rest of the class to jump. I slowly got up and walked toward the door, a huge smile on my face. The teacher followed me out and slammed the door behind him; I actually started to worry about what the kids were going to do to Johan when I wasn't there. The teacher stood there with his arms folded, tapping his foot on the floor.

"Shouldn't we be learning stuff?" I asked.

"Look you little shit, I don't know what your game is but I suggest you do as I say, do you understand? Leave Johan alone."

"And why is that?" I used my powers on him, sending him into a trance like state (one of the many useful things about making people see what you want them to see is been able to get them to say stuff 'cause you appeal to there subconscious).

"I tried to get him to suck my dick for a better grade, and he wouldn't," he said in an almost zombie like state.

"Oh really? Now listen to me, I have pictures of you doing stuff with boys, if you don't stop it doing that stuff, and start treating Johan with respect, I'll show these pictures to everyone. Do you understand?" I held my hand in front of his face as it turned white; he obviously could see these 'imaginary' pictures.

"Where did you get those?" He seemed nervous and not like the man who was all cocky in the classroom a second ago.

"Do you understand?" I was more forceful now.

"Yes I do." He seemed defeated.

"Good now let's rejoin the class."

I opened the door and walked back in. I quickly scanned to see if Johan was crying, thankfully he wasn't. In fact he was smiling ear to ear, so I smiled back. I took my seat next to him as the teacher started the lesson.

"You won't believe what happened," Johan whispered into my ear.

"What?" I whispered back.

"No one picked on me while you and the teacher was gone, in fact some people were been nice to me."


Johan seemed really happy and I was so glad it was I that was helping him be this happy. The lunch bell rang and we headed to the canteen, talking a mile a minute, about the usual teenage stuff. He just loved to talk. We arrived in a crowded canteen, I saw an empty table and told Johan to grab it and I would get the lunch.

"K," with that he ran off while I joined the dinner cue. There was so much to choose from, but I rested on burger and chips with a chocolate cake and some cokes. I turned and headed for the table Johan was sat on I put the stuff down and sat down.

"Thank you Luke." He seemed so sincere.

"It's only lunch dude," I smiled at him.

"No I mean about everything, like sitting with me, and stopping the name calling, and all in one day. What's next world peace?" he laughed and I laughed with him, thinking back to the time I tried to make world peace, that turned out totally wrong.

"It's ok," I almost didn't finish my sentence when three people came and sat next to us on the table. I saw a look of shock on Johan's face as each one said hello to him, a second later we were all chatting along like old friends, I even saw Johan laugh, it made my heart swell with love. I just couldn't believe in on day I had become a bad boy rebel and I loved it!

Chapter 4

From the time that people actually sat with us on the table in the canteen (my first day) little over a week had passed, I hadn't made any moves on Johan but I was going to soon. Over the week Johan and I had become quite popular, we had our own quite impressive circle of friends, although they were very nice most were just geeks and seeking my protection. I didn't care though because Johan thought it was amazing that he had so many friends now. I hung around so much with Johan, at school, after school and he's even spent the night sometimes, although I have had to lie to him quite a bit. Like when he asks me about my past. All the teasing (as far as I knew) had stopped and I hadn't seen Bob or Bill around. I was dreading it actually, I don't like fighting y'know but I knew I would have to. The reason they hadn't been around was they were out with their football team doing a sport thing, but today they were due back. Me and Johan were sat in geography class just talking about nothing in particular. He knew Bob and Bill were supposed to be back today and I knew he was nervous.

"Luke?" he turned to face me he had a puzzled expression on his face.


"How come I have never met your parents since I'm always at your house?" he sat there waiting for an answer. Shit I need an answer quick 3; err 3; I know!

"They're business people and like to travel, I'm left home alone a lot." I faked a pained expression on my face. Johan reached over and gave me a quick hug. That hug sent shivers all over my body as I fought to retain my shape. But you know how you get that gooey feeling when you're in love? Well every time I thought about it, it got harder to hold my shape. He let go of me when he felt the shivers.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that," he said as tears formed in his eyes.

"Johan I don't mind I swear, I'm just cold." I caused the skin on my arms to get goose pimples and showed them to Johan.

"You don't mind?" he said while eyeing me suspiciously, than he giggled and smiled the most wonderful smile I had ever seen, then he went back to his work. I wish I knew if he liked me, I'm sure he did, but I couldn't be certain, sometimes I would see him looking at me and we would make eye contact but he would break it and give me a shy smile. He has never actually made any major type of advances towards me, unfortunately. I knew I would have to do it all, which I planned to.

"Johan? You know this Friday would you like to spend the night and also stay on Saturday too?" I said hope reflecting in my voice.

"Sure, but I have to meet a new student on Friday so I will be late coming over."

"Cool." I was hyped this would be when I tell him I love him, I can picture it now. I would tell him and than he would kiss me and we would make out and than have sex all night long, it would be so cool and romantic.

"Mr. Birdman, could you please come to the main office," the robotic like voice came over the speaker and repeated a couple of times. I side glanced at Johan.

"I wonder what you've done now," he said while giggling.

"I don't know, I shouldn't be long but if I'm not back in time 3;" I smiled at him and he blushed. Awwwwww how sweet.

"I'll take your stuff to gym class," he said while trying to hide his face. With that I turned and walked out, to find my way to the main office. I arrived to see the woman who signed me in on my first day typing away at the computer.

"Hi I'm Luke Birdman, you asked me to come?" I gave her my most innocent look.

"Ah yes, Mr Birdman, I was looking through my computer and I noticed that your information was wrong and doesn't seem to make sense."


About 30 minutes later I had finally managed to sort all that out, I hope this doesn't become a weekly thing. I headed over to where my gym class was been held just in time to see them al finishing their showers. I looked around at all the naked teenagers surrounding me, wow. I just loved this class, some of the boys had HUGE cocks while others had small ones, it was cool to see all the different shapes, colours and styles. Of course if I saw one which was better than mine I would change mine to match, ahhhh the power I hold.

Although most boys paraded there stuff you would get the odd few whom would hide it, like Johan much to my regret. Just the sight of his smooth teen chest, with those steadily developing muscles sent chills down my spine, well it would have if I had one. In fact it made me feel as light as air just watching him, he was in the process of getting dressed and had pulled his jeans on. He noticed me staring and gave me a shy smile before turning around. I heard a few lockers slam shut behind of me and some type of grunting which I assumed to be laughter. It was Bob and Bill, they pushed there way passed me heading for Johan. The entire changing room grew quiet as Bob and Bill stood between Johan and his locker.

"Hey cock sucker!" Bill grunted.

"Miss us?" Bob said as he poked Johan in his shoulder, they both broke into a laugh I though only horses could achieve. My anger was building by the minute.

"Go on, get down and rub your face in my crotch, go on you know you want to. I bet you would love this big dick up your butt," Bill said as Bob tried to force Johan to his knees. What they didn't know was that Johan had changed while they had been away, he had become emotionally strong. Bob finally gave up trying to force Johan down and turned to the crowd of spectators that had gathered.

"Every body after 3 what is he? He's a fag!" Bob bellowed trying to get the crowd to participate. No one said a word. While everyone was watching Bob make a Pratt out of himself trying to get people to say something about Johan. I morphed a pair of sleek Ray Ban shades onto my face. I stood there wearing a pair of blue jeans, black boots, a white T-shirt, and my trade mark long black leather coat. I looked like one bad ass mother fucker. The room had an eerie, silence to it; the only sound that could be heard was the sound of my footsteps as I made my way towards where Bill, Bob and Johan were.

"Who the fuck are you?" Bob said as he noticed my approach through the crowed.

I just gave him an icy smile.

"I'm your worst nightmare," I know, I know it was so cliché 3; but it sounded so cool.

"Hey Bill, looks like we have another cock sucker here, what is little Johan your boyfriend?" He made kissy kissy faces at me and doubled over with laughter. The crowd was alive with murmuring. My hand found its way to Bob's chin. He immediately stopped laughing as I brought his face up to mine, I got so close to him that out noses almost touched.

"Johan is my best friend, I suggest for your own sake you leave him alone," I said in my calmest voice. Bob just stood there, I think in shock. I released his face and glanced at Bill who had moved to stand next to us, I think he was in shock too, was someone actually standing up to a jock and helping a faggot? He looked around at the crowd, I think Bill was one of the more intelligent of the two.

"Come Bob, we have stuff to do, we can deal with this," he looked me up and down sizing me up, "person another time." They both turned and headed for the door.

"What's happen to everyone while we have been away?" I heard Bob mumble as he turned the corner. The crowd soon dissipated and I walked over to Johan.

"Oh my god! I can't believe what just happened, they just walked out," he said in an excited voice while placing both his hands on my chest.


"And did you see I was strong, they tried to force me down but I never went." He was so excited it was so cute.

"Yup you were, I'm proud of you." Our eyes locked and we just starred at each other, the air became thick with tension. He quickly glanced away.

"Umm thank you, but they will be back."

"And I'll be here waiting for them, I will never let them hurt you Johan 3; I promise."

He looked at me tears in his eyes, and just smiled. I think I'm making leeway, I just couldn't wait until Friday. Every day until than passed uneventful but I just had the amazing feelings filling me up inside, I just couldn't wait, I felt like shouting everything all the time!

Friday came and I eagerly awaited Johan, he was late, I would have been panicking but he had rang and said he would be late, it was something to do with the new kid I think. I just sat on my couch watching Jerry Springer, every so often looking out of the window for Johan. I occasionally thought of what would happen when I told Johan I wasn't human, maybe I should do it on Jerry Springer the title could be 'guys who love other guys who aren't human!' well that would be a show to remember, I chuckled to myself. The clock beeped 8 o'clock when Johan finally came. I welcomed him in and we sat on the couch. He seemed unusually quiet, almost nervous, maybe he knew what I planned to do. I went to speak when he butted in.

"Luke, I need to tell you something 3; but you might get mad at me."

Hmmm I wonder what it is, I couldn't contain my smile.

"Johan, I'm your best friend you can tell me anything."

"You know that rumour about me? Well it's true." He didn't make eye contact with me but kept looking at the floor waiting for me to start shouting. I moved closer to him on the couch and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him hard, he seemed very surprised.

"I know, I think those pink socks you wore on the first day I met you clued me in."

We both glanced down to see if he was wearing them today, he was. We both burst out in giggles.

"Heheheeh 3; you mean you don't care?" he quizzed.

"Hell no 3; in fact I 3;"

Johan butted in again. "This is so cool because I have something I have to tell you." He took my hand in his. Oh god it's really happening. "I have fallen in love." He looked deep into my eyes. "And I want you to meet him, he is so cool, can I ask him to come over?"

Oh 3; I just sat there with that fake smile on my face occasionally nodding, while listening to how they met, it was the new kid of course. On the inside I wanted to scream, my heart (if I had one) had broken into a million pieces, the only guy I had loved in thousands of years loved another.

"So can he come?"

"What?" I snapped back into my shitty reality.

"Can I invite him over?" He looked at me, concern showed on his face at my zoning out, but he never asked about it.

"Whatever," I just shrugged and looked to the floor as he rushed of to use the phone.

I quickly got up and headed to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and locked it. I fell to the floor and with all the hurt and pain inside I felt inside I let out a long painful silent scream, tears that I didn't know I could simulate fell down my cheeks. I pounded the floor as hard as I could, cracking it into a hundred pieces. As I lay there I felt my shape start to melt away, I felt empty drained of everything, a gooey pile of goo of the shape I used to be. I didn't have the strength to retain any form at that moment in time. I became a puddle of goo on the floor, just there; no emotion no thought's just me and the quietness of my surroundings. Than I heard Johan pounding on the bathroom door.

"Luke are you ok in there?" he listened for a response. "Luke? Speak to me are you ok? I heard a thump." He sounded more panicked. "That's it I'm finding a screwdriver to open this door."

I heard him walk away. I couldn't let him see me as goo, I started to take my shape on again but it was hard, my concentration just wasn't the same, it was taking so long. I heard Johan on the other side of the door with the screwdriver fumbling at the lock. I had to be strong for Johan's sake, he needed me, I'm the one making him strong. If he's happy I'm going to be happy for him and anyway teen romances never last long, and I'll still be there for him, than he will notice me and like me. Just as Johan burst through the door, I had finished reforming. He looked at the shattered floor.

"Whoa when you fall you fall dude, are you ok?" He offered me his hand which I accepted.

"Yeah I'm ok, just slipped."

He gave me a quick check over and than a fierce hug, tears falling down his cheeks.

"Damn you Luke, why didn't you answer? You could have been dead for I knew for fuck's sake and I would have never got to say I 3; I 3; never mind."

I was about to press the matter when the doorbell rang. We both just glanced towards the door neither of us wanting to move. It rang again and we parted the hug and headed toward the door. On the third ring we answered it. Stood in the doorway was an amazing sight, he looked like a younger version of Adam Rickett, except his hair was get black and his eyes were a piercing blue and he didn't have as many muscles. We all just stood there no one saying a word. Johan leaned towards him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. They both smiled brightly.

"Makole meet Luke."

He smiled a sinister smile at me, no it must just be a coincidence, it can't be him 3; can it? He extended his hand to me and I gingerly took it, that's when I felt it, down in my gut's. LEND ME A VOWEL BECAUSE 'O MY GOD!' It's him!

Chapter 5
The Flashback

The bible although looked to for spiritual guide is quite a canny historical reference, it tells of the battle between me and my evil counterpart, although like most stories over the years it was changed and embellished until it was finally written down. The year was around 6000 BC (give or take a few thousand years) it was a time when the human race was very young, and believed anything. It was the time that I met my counterpart, an evil being, which wanted to take over the world and rule humans like dogs (pause for simulated evil maniacal laughter). He possessed all the same abilities as me. I had been travelling using the form of an angel to get everywhere and everything I needed easily, they thought I was a messenger from above. I had been using the name Makole. I had even massed a few followers, they would follow me every were I went trying to do everything for me so they could be sent to heaven.

I had been on a long journey through out what is now Asia and settled in a quaint little inn for the night to sleep in exchange for a blessing on inn keepers family. The innkeeper was a big round mean looking man, he had a face like a dog and stubble covered all of it, he smelt like horse-shit. He locked the doors to stop all my followers from breaking in. He had asked me to eat with his family that I did. I sat at a long wooden table with them all sat around looking at me, I felt so clean compared to them I was totally white and they were all dirty. Before I took my seat I wrapped my wings around me almost like a cape. Now it could have been my imagination but I think him his wife and this two kids all looked the same 3; butt ugly.

On the table was a whole roasted pig with an apple in it's mouth, least I think it was a pig I wasn't to sure the light in the room was very poor it was lit by a few candles and an open roaring fire. The innkeeper got a big cleaver and started to cut the pig in to pieces, as soon as it was done the entire family started digging in like a pack of wild dogs. I felt slightly sickened as the juices flowed over there chins which I'm sure they each had three of and dripped onto there rags of what I think they thought of as fashionable clothing. I felt a slight tugging on one of my wings and I turned to see one of his children crunching on a piece of charred meat and tugging on my feathers. His mom smacked him on the back of his head with the leg of pork she was eating when she noticed my discomfort. I myself started to nibble on a piece of pork while listening to the innkeeper say how poor his family was and how good he had been blah blah blah blah 3;

"BOY WINE NOW!" the innkeeper bellowed so loud that it echoed around the room. I heard someone moving around in the kitchen and than a loud clatter of pans. "I 3; I 3; I'm sorry sir I'll clean it up I promise," a voice came from the kitchen, it sounded young.


"I'm sorry sir nothing is broken sir," the boy sounded panicked and almost in tears. The innkeeper's wife turned to me.

"You just can't get good slaves these days," she started to laugh and the whole family followed. After a few minutes of listening to there horse laughter they died down and the door to the kitchen opened and in stumbled the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. He looked to be around 14 years old, he had olive coloured skin (well I suppose it could have been all the dirt) his eyes seemed almost black as he looked directly at me in awe. His lips were thick and a dark pink, while his hair was a mass of black curls that hung down to his chin, almost obscuring his pretty face. His body looked like it had muscles, probably from harvesting the innkeepers' crops. He was staring directly at me and the innkeeper noticed.

"WHAT'S A MATTER WITH YOU BOY! A SLAVE LIKE YOU SHOULD BOW BEFORE A MESSENGER OF GOD," the innkeeper bellowed at the young lad and he quickly bowed his head and started poring the wine.

"Kind sir you are truly blessed and I thank you for your hospitality, but would I be imposing if I ask to wash myself using some of your hot water and your slave boy?" I asked. The boy looked up at me for a second giving me a sly smile than went back to pouring out the wine.

"Of course you can, but if he gets out of line just smack him across the head or whip him if you want," the innkeeper said while swatting the boy on the butt causing him to wince in pain.

Dinner was over with and I went back to my room to await the call for the bath. I sat quietly meditating a trick I learnt from an old man in the Himalayas. The boy was setting up a big bucket of hot water for me to sit in at the other side of my room, a few minutes passed of him coming in and out carrying water when he called me.

"Sir, your bath is ready." I stood up and stretched my wings as far as they could go, I heard the boy gasp in surprise and I looked just in time to see him look away. In a split second I managed to morph away my white robe to reveal my naked body. In the form I was in I appeared pale white almost glowing. I was tall and very slender, my hair was blond but appeared white while my eyes were bright blue, my lips were full and pink, I appeared around the age of 22. I had a nice uncut 7 inch [18 cm] penis that I was very proud of, plus I was totally hairless. I had had quite a few people offer themselves to me in the past (of course I always partook 3;). I stepped into the steaming hot bath and instantly felt relaxed, I almost felt like turning to goo. I let my wings drape over the edge of the wooden tub and I tried to get comfy. I sighed out loud. The boy picked up the washcloth and gingerly started to wash me down. I grabbed his wrist and he looked at me with fear and than looked away.

"How are you supposed to wash me from out there? Why don't you get in with me?" I asked.

The boy gave me the sweetest smile. "But kind sir, if the master finds out I will be whipped for sure. He would be mad that I took a bath but he would be even matter if it was with a messenger from god. And there is hardly enough room for you how would I fit to?" he asked with a sly grin, now this kid had a point. Instead of answering I morphed my body, instead of looking like a 22-year-old 7-foot [2 m] man I became a 14-year-old wingless 5'5" [1.65 m] teenage boy. I still possessed the white hair and blue eyes and pale white skin, I was just younger. The boy stepped back in amazement and tripped up.

"Wow" was all he could say.

"I won't tell if you won't tell, are you joining me?" I asked. The boy quickly undressed a big smile across his face. He stood before me, covered in dirt, his developing muscles showing through his skin. He had hardly any body hair except for a light dusting on his arm's and legs and a patch around his limp 3½ inch [9 cm] cut cock, I was mesmerised. I watched as he extended a leg over the side and stepped in, his balls at that moment were just hanging there looking so perfect, they were about the right size to fit in my hand. With a little splash we were both sat awkwardly in the wooden tub, our legs pressed against each other's, he let out a long sigh. After that brief moment of relaxation he picked up the rag and started to wash me down.

"So what is your name boy," I asked.

"I'm Amal." Such a nice name.

"Nice to meet you Amal. I'm Makole," I said and he smiled at me. We chit chatted while he washed me, I found out he didn't know his parents and he had been a slave all his life and he really hated working for this mean innkeeper. He even gingerly washed around my erect dick and balls. He took a long time doing that and I didn't mind I was feeling great as he moved it about with his hands to clean it.

"Done," he exclaimed a bright smile covered his face. Damn I was getting pretty close to my orgasm. We just sat there for a second looking at each other, than I reached over and took the rag and motioned for him to sit between my legs with his back facing my chest. He complied.

"What are you doing?" he asked a bit unsure if he wanted to do it.

"I'm going to wash you now."

"But sir I'm just a slave boy and you are a messenger from god, you can't was me I don't deserve it," he said almost panicked. I turned his face to meet mine and slowly wiped the dirt off it to reveal more of his beautiful face.

"Don't you ever say that, you are more worthy than you think."

He quietened down and allowed me to wash him, I slowly ran the rag over the scars he had on his back from a severe whipping. He winced as I touched a fresh one. I continued washing him gently and carefully neither one of us saying a word, he was really enjoying it though, I could see his 6 inches [15 cm] sticking up out of the water while mine was poking him in the back he slightly ground into it.

When I had washed everything but his penis I dropped the rag and traced my hands around his shaft. He gasped in surprise when I did this, but relaxed when I started kissing his neck. I slowly ground my own penis into him as I kissed my way around his neck and back. My grip on his penis tightened and I sped up my pace. He started to whimper as I gently bit his neck and started to suck. My clenched fist started to work faster and faster on his stiffened tool, splashes of water covered us, as my fist continually broke the surface. He started to thrust his hips up into my fist to get the maximum feeling, water was spilling over the sides of the wooden tub. His thrusting was sending my dick sliding in-between his nicely rounded as checks. His breathing had increased and became heavier as his whimpering echoed around the small candle lit room, I could tell he was close. I relished in the feel of this boy's young flesh and I ground my sensitive rod into him. A few more strokes and he came, spurts of his boy cum arched through the air and landed in the water just floating there. His whole body stiffened and than relaxed as he came back down from the orgasmic high. I started thrusting into him, tingly feelings were running through my body and I rubbed against him faster and faster. Than I felt it, that usual weird warm feeling starting in my feet and in about half a second it raced through my entire body as I hit orgasmic high. My orgasm hit it's high as I cried a silent scream as my body was over took by joy. We just laid there in the cold water for a while relaxing in the after glow of what we had done. But I didn't want him to get all wrinkly.

"Let's get out of this water, and tonight Amal you sleep with me."

We dried off and I walked him over to my bed and we laid down together him tightly hugging my chest. I rolled onto my back taking him with me so he was laid asleep on top of me. Than I morphed my wings around us like a blanket of feathers and fell asleep together like that.

I fell asleep that night with Amal in my arms my wings wrapped around his naked body that was pressed against mine, my limp penis resting in his ass crack. I know I had only just met the boy but I knew I was already falling for him I was reacting out to him. I wanted to help him so much. I decided that night I would take him with me, I would love and hold him and make him mine. I was awoken that morning by screams of pain and anguish. I quickly morphed some clothes on myself and changed back into the man and not the form of the boy I was in the night before. I looked around my room and noticed Amal was gone. I followed the screams of pain through the house to just out side, what I saw there sickened me. There was the beast of an innkeeper a leather whip in one hand, raised for a strike. Amal was chained to a wall naked, he was in so much pain he couldn't stand up, his back was covered in a criss cross pattern of whip marks, very sore and red 3; some even bleeding.


My anger seemed to rise in a flash. Before he had a chance to bring the whip down on Amal I jumped between him and the boy and caught his arm, my wings flared right up to give me a look of supremacy. Through gritted teeth I spoke in a calm tone, my eyes turning a fire red.

"Don't you dare hurt this boy anymore."

The innkeeper fell to his knees in fear and cowered before me. I turned around and undid the chains holding Amal up. He collapsed into my arms and I gently picked him up wrapping my soothing wings around his sores.

"But holy one 3;," the humble innkeeper started.

"I will be taking this boy with me," I said not even looking at him.

"But we need him."

"Trust me, you wont need slaves were you are going 3; you will be slaves."

The innkeeper's face turned as white as mine. I took Amal out the front door and onto the transport I had, a cabin carried by some of my followers. There in the comfort I attended his wounds, I gently dabbed them with a moist cloth I had received off one of the followers. He winced in pain and tears streamed down his cheeks. He turned around and clutched me tight hugging me for dear life.

"It's ok little one, you're safe now, I wont let anyone hurt you I promise."

He didn't say anything just cried even more on my chest than he fell fast asleep.

Weeks past and we grew even closer, we would occasionally partake in love making which we both found very enjoyable, in fact I found him to be very horny and he always wanted it, it's like he was never soft 3; but I liked it.

I had been hearing rumours about the evil being that has been travelling around too. They say he was unspeakably evil killing or hurting anyone. They also say he was interested in finding me. I must admit I wanted to find him too, his description sounded very nasty, I wanted to learn everything about him, was he another like me? All to soon we were to meet.

The days were long and hot, the months dragged on and years past, more rumours surfaced about this 'evil being' and I knew we were drawing close. Amal and me had become lovers (constantly 3;) he had made my days passed and I had seen him grow into a mature teenager ready to take on the world. We treated each other like equals although I knew he still revered me as a god. The number of people that followed me had dwindled in the bad times but flourished in the good times. Amal if not by my side was helping some of our followers, he helped gather food and helped bandaged the hurt ones. They all loved him, and so did I.

Amal had been bathing in the river and I watched on admiring the body of a young man, he saw me watching sometimes and gave me his cute bashful smile, even though I sensed there was something he was hiding, I never had before but today he just seemed different. We had just had sex and as he bent over to wash his legs his swollen puffy boy hole was revealed, I had the strange urge to go over there and stick my tongue deep into it, but I refrained. About an hour passed and we made our way back to the camp my followers had set up, I noticed Amal seemed nervous for some reason, he was looking around and looking back at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked. I was starting to get nervous myself.

"Can't you smell it? And doesn't it seem a bit quiet?"

Now that he mentioned it, it was quiet. I didn't hear anything not a bird or even the wind, the air had a weird smell to it. I recognised the irony smell 3; it was blood.

"Amal stay behind me," I ordered as he slowly withdrew the dagger I had given him for protection. We walked up on our camp or what was left of it, massacre was the word to describe it, bodies lay all around, it looked like an animal had attacked, they all had claw marks everywhere. The ground was one giant puddle of blood and it had become mud, fly's buzzed all around. I had never seen such horror men; women and children lay dead. I glanced briefly at Amal and tears streaked his emotionless face.

"Help 3;," I heard someone cough and splutter over in the distance, I cautiously made my way over. I found an old man, his clothes covered in blood and a big gash across his chest.

"Are you ok, old man?" I asked kneeling down and resting his head on my lap.

"No I'm not, you ignoramus, I'm dying 3; who are you," I felt like dropping the old fool and carrying on.

"I am Makole."

The man's face gained a crooked smile, than I felt something dig into my back. My body quickly morphed so I was facing my attacker, my heart literally broke when I saw it was Amal. He stepped back now seeing I was looking at him his knife sticking out of my chest, I pulled it out and tossed it on the floor, my jelly like body quickly covering the hole up. I heard cackles from behind me, and I turned to see the old man morphing into a beast, his skin was red and his body was muscled, instead of normal feet or legs he had ones like goats and they bent backwards. He was three times my size, he had no hair but on top of his head was a set of small horns, and out of his buttocks hung a tail with a serrated metal tipped edge. His hands were huge razor type claws that I guess did all the damage to my poor followers. His eyes were black as night and they were looking straight at me; he smiled showing a set of sharp shark like teeth.

"See I told you he could do what you do," Amal said to beast.

"Yes you were right, he does have the same abilities as me, very well done my slave 3; my name is Belelsaf."

I stood up and morphed myself bigger so I could meet his gaze. I turned to look down on Amal who was smiling wickedly.

"I loved you and you betrayed me, we are no more."

His face lost all emotion and his eyes watered up. "But he said we shall rule the world together; me, you and him and I will become a god, then I can truly be with you on your level, I did it for us," he was starting to plead it was pathetic.

Even though my heart was going out to him, I still loved him but he had betrayed me, I just turned back to Belelsaf who was grinning widely.

"Why did you kill all these people?" I asked, my voice bellowing loud and far.

"Why not? They're dogs and fleas. We are better than them, we can rule over them; just me and you."

"Hey what about me?" I heard Amal shout from behind.

"We are obviously as powerful as each other we were meant to be gods," he continued.

I was getting sick; I didn't want to rule them, god do you know how much hard work that would be?

"You are evil, pure evil and I would never join you in ruling this world and I will stop you no matter how hard you try." I spread my wings out as far as they would go to make me look more powerful and to give my statement that extra umpth.

"I'm sorry you said that," before I knew what hit me I was on my back. He had made a gash on my chest which was taking longer to heal than usual, my body was wracked in an unpleasant sensation which I later found out was pain 3; my first experience of true pain. I lay there clutching my chest in agony as he laughed above me.

"I take this to mean we can hurt each other 3; I wonder if we can kill each other, let's find out shall we?" He raised his claws high in the air and was about to bring them down.

"STOP! You said you wouldn't hurt him,"

Amal said. Belelsaf looked at him and grinned. "That was if he was to join us 3; step aside and me and you shall rule together. Think of all that power you would hold."

Amal just stood there thinking about the prospect of been a god, he looked at me and the pain on my face. Belelsaf raised his claws once again and brought them down, but instead of hitting me he hit Amal, in the last moment he had made up his mind and jumped in front of me and took the blow.

"AMAL!" I screamed as loud as possible. "Now it's time to pay." I rose to my feet, my wings spread out as far as possible, but instead of normal feathers they were pure sharp pieces of metal, in my hands I morphed a long sharp crystal sword. My chest still hurt a little but I didn't care. "Let's go."

He came charging at me, I wrapped my wings tight around me as I blocked his attack. I quickly opened them when he was finished and thrust my sword at him, it caught him in the ribs, he buckled over in pain. I stood for a moment waiting for him to make the next move, strands of my now golden hair fell over my now crystal blue eyes. I held my sword up and my wings spread out ready for the attack. He jumped up spinning around slicing my arm with his tail. I screamed loud as I myself spun, catching him off guard and slicing him badly with my wings. He fell backwards onto the ground, cuts covered his body.

"This isn't the end, I will be back." He changed back to his liquid state and stated and disappeared into the earth before I had the chance to finish him. I stood for a second before I went over to where Amal's mangled body was.

"Makole? (Cough) I'm sorry."

I picked him up in my arms and cradled him, blood dripped down from the cuts on his body.

"I know, thank you for saving me, I couldn't have won if you hadn't have taken that blow."

"I love you Makole and I'm sorry I was tempted by power."

"I love you too," he smiled but still even that was in pain.

"I'm scared Makole," he started to cry and so had I, I loved him so much.

"Don't be." I leaned over and gently kissed him on the forehead, when I finished I realised he had died. I sat with him cradled in my arms for days, crying. I spent the rest of that week digging a mass grave and I promised myself I would get revenge on that evil thing someday.

And now he was back in my life, stood in my doorway as the boyfriend to Johan, I quickly pulled my hand away, and we just stared at each other, an evil smile appearing on his face.

Chapter 6

I just couldn't believe it, there in my doorway was him, the evil shape-shifter, the one who I had encountered all those years ago. He was really here and stood there with an evil shit eating grin on his face with the boy I love who didn't have a clue how evil and sadistic his new boyfriend was. A minute or two of silence passed between us. And do you know what's even worse he knows I know 3; why else would he use the name Makole? It was like he was rubbing it in my face 3; and because Johan didn't know about us I had to pretend to be nice to him. I contemplated telling Johan everything but that ran the risk of him hating me and eve ran the risk of Makole killing Johan 3; he was probably going to do that anyway. I quickly dismissed all thoughts of that happening out of my head and promised myself I was not going to let Johan die.

"So 3; you're Makole?" God I wanted to kill him.

"Yea and I'm guessing you're Luke right? I've heard a lot about you. You seem kind of familiar, have we met before?" he smiled slyly at me. God I so wanted to kill him.

"I seriously doubt it." I had an edge to my voice, which I guess Johan picked up on because he gave me a strange look. Makole may have had a different body but he was just how I remembered him, confident, slimy and very, very annoying. I knew if I wanted to defeat him I had to use these qualities to my advantage.

"Are you sure? Have you ever been to 3; the Holy Land?"

Well if that wasn't blatantly obvious I don't know what is.

"You have been to the Holy Land?" Johan asked his new boyfriend with awe on his face. Makole just ignored him and kept staring straight at me.

"I have been there 3; although you can't be the person I'm thinking of 3; he was a total idiot, couldn't do anything right, and so easily defeated it was pathetic," I said.

Makole quickly lost his smile. "Yea and you can't be the one I'm thinking of, because that guy was a total weed, he didn't notice that I had romanced his guy out from under him, and he didn't know me and his guy had a WAY better time in bed."

Ok that hurt.

He looked at Johan than back at me, and gave the puzzled Johan a kiss on the lips. You could easily tell they where using tongue 3; it made me sick to my stomach. I coughed and they broke the kiss, Makole with that horrible smirk still on his face.

"Shall we go inside?" Johan said.

I really didn't want to let him into my house, but I had no choice. I stepped aside letting them get past me. I closed the door and followed them into the living room.

"This place isn't very clean 3; or stylish," Makole said.

Now if I didn't want to kill him before I sure did now. I couldn't believe it this place was so clean and o so very stylish.

"Makole be nice now," Johan happily said while sitting down on a couch practically right on top of Makole. He snuggled up close to him. I sat on a couch opposite them both, just watching the guy I love feel his new lovers chest. I could feel Makole's eyes watching me. He was playing a game of cat and mouse with me, every time Johan looked away from him his face would shift to looking like the creature, which had killed my last boyfriend all those years ago, and when he looked back it would be normal. This was soooo pissing me off I needed to know what he was doing here I had to get him alone.

"Hey Johan."

Johan cocked his head in my direction with a dreamy smile on his sexy face, he was so in love.


"I'm hungry. How about you go down to the local pizza shop and rustle us up some grub? That way me and Makole can get to know each other better."

"Aww I don't wanna."


"Johan I'm hungry too, please?"

It surprised me when Makole wanted Johan to leave as well. Any case, after been asked by Makole Johan was all too happy to go. With a hop skip and a five-minute kiss from his boyfriend Johan was gone.

"What are you doing here?" I asked; my anger showing in my voice.

"Wow, you should see your face, you are so jealous," he laughed out loud.

"I said, what are you doing here?" I got up out of my chair and walked over to him picking him up and forcing him up against the wall.

"Now, now Luke, I like it rough but not that rough." He quickly licked my nose with his long black tongue. I backhanded him across the face and threw him to the floor; he just lay there laughing.

"Is this anyway to treat an old friend?"

I had the shock of my life when he morphed into the shape of Amal 3; a naked Amal at that. His beautiful olive skin just the way I remembered it, the way his thick black curly hair hung down and bounced over his eyes, and those succulent thick pink lips, and that perfect penis. I started to get hard thinking about Amal. Makole didn't keep that shape for long, the shape started to slowly become more rotten.

"This is how he looked when I found his body in that grave and I fucked it once more for prosperity." He put his rotten fingers into his asshole and moaned, his jaw cracked and fell off just hanging there in mid air by a rotten piece of flesh, even without a bottom jaw I knew he was smirking at me. Almost in the blink of an eye he was back to his original form.

"You are truly pathetic, what are you doing here?" I spat at him.

"Well let's see, after out last encounter I started thinking to myself, imagine if I could get you on my side we would be invincible and imagine the sex we could have all those different positions and shapes. So I though what the hell I have nothing better to do so I followed you around, I learnt more about you and well what can I say you are truly sickening, all those good deeds you did. Well now here I am, I'm asking you to join me let us become one entity we could rule these pathetic humans like dogs, we could rule the world," he smiled evilly at me.

"My you never learn do you, this rant sounds all familiar, oh wait I remember where I heard it last, it was when I kicked your ass. How about we skip the pleasantries and I get right down to kicking your ass again? You know I just can't believe you followed me around that is truly pathetic, wow my own stalker."

You could tell I had struck a nerve; he was no longer smiling or laughing.

"Join me Luke, and we can leave right now. If you don't I'll be around a lot longer making your life a living hell, making Johan's life a living hell." He walked over to me and got right in my face.

"I'd never join you and I'd never let you hurt Johan. Last time we met I hurt you bad I'm guessing that this means I can kill you, and trust me I will kill you, especially if you hurt Johan." The minute I said that I knew it was a mistake, I knew than that he knew how much I cared for Johan.

"Aww how sweet you care for Johan, and yet I have him 3; remind you of something? And you can't kill me you know. Haven't you heard of the old Chinese proverb? Good cannot survive with out evil, the whole yin yang thing."

Huh? What did he mean? If I kill him does that mean I die too? God I didn't want to die 3; the thought of dieing sent a chill of fear down my spine, well if I had one.

"You have no proof that's true."

"Oh yea? Think back to just now when you hit me across the face, every time you hit me you feel it too and vice versa 3; go on admit it you know I'm right."

I thought hard about what he was saying, then it hit me he was telling the truth, I did felt something when I hit him it was a very dulled feeling but there was defiantly something there 3; shit. Both our heads turned towards the door when we heard Johan struggling to open it from the other side. I turned around to see Makole grinning evilly at me as he lay down on the floor. I wondered for a second what he was doing then I realised all too soon as he turned his face back towards me. His eye was all swollen and black and his lip was bust and his cheek bruised, he looked like he had been in a fight.

"Ouch! Please no more please!" Makole shouted out loud. Johan stepped into the room to see his boyfriend cowering before me on the floor begging for mercy. He rushed over to his side when he saw the state his lover's face was in.

"LUKE! What have you done? How could you!"

He helped pick his boyfriend up and they started walking to the door, Makole leaning on Johan and limping away.

"Johan wait! I didn't do anything," I shouted after him, the frustration showing in my voice.

They stopped and turned around.

"DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! What let me guess, those cuts and bruises appeared on his face by magic, did they?"

He gave me a disgusted look before turning around and walking out with Makole who was grinning at me the whole time. I paced around that house all night trying to think of a way out of this situation, I even tried ringing Johan but he wouldn't even talk with me, it even got to the point where he shouted he hated me down the phone 3; that was the last time I called, it hurt to much to do it again. I even contemplated leaving town, this way he might follow me and leave Johan alone, but than again he might not and I couldn't leave Johan at the mercy of those two assholes Bob and Bill. I dismissed the idea of skipping town and just gave up; I just didn't know what I was going to do.

But if the worst came to the worst I would have to kill Makole. I worried all through the night about what Makole was doing to the guy I loved, I worried so much I morphed into a bird and flew to Johan's window to check up on him. Much to my relief he was safe and sleeping alone, a box of used tissues beside his bed. It looked as though he had been crying. I flew back home and waited till the morning came.

The weekend, which I had planned for Johan and me had been totally ruined. I was so depressed I just didn't know what to do. I had no one Johan was really the only person I truly befriended. I made it through the weekend sulking my ass off, occasionally shaping into weird objects to amuse myself, but that only lasted a short while. I occasionally checked up on Johan too, he never left the room he seemed so down. Every hour I tried ringing him, his mom in the end told me not to ring anymore or she'd call the police.

Finally the dreaded Monday rolled around, I dressed in my usual attire, the black jacket, blue jeans and white t-shirt. I totally wasn't prepared for what I saw, in every one of my classes I sat next to Johan, and had Makole sat between us. I managed to make it through the day with out talking to Makole although I could sense his smirk, I even tried talking to Johan but Makole stopped it. Johan looked so lost and confused I had to talk to him, I just had to. After school had finished and the halls had cleared, I was left just me at my locker. I got the books I needed for the homework I had been set today and made my way down the main stairs to go home. About half way down I stopped dead in my tracks; I turned around to see Makole stood there grinning at me.

"Wow you have it bad for Johan don't you?" He walked a couple of steps towards me.

"What do you hope to accomplish here?" I asked, not like I expected an answer but I asked anyway.

"You're no longer the most popular person of the school you know, I take that position now, or at least I will in a day or two. I'd like you to meet my new friends 3; Bill, Bob," he called over his shoulder and behind him out of the shadows stepped Bill and Bob.

"Wow it's true scum attracts scum, I wonder what Johan thinks of you befriending the two people in the school he hates the most." I could see that comment annoyed all three of them, you could see it in their eyes 3; they wanted to kill me.

"Johan will think what I want him to think. You know I never did truly get to grips with that mushy side of human emotions, I always found them to be a weakness," he said as an off handed remark.

"Well what you see as a weakness I see as a source of strength."

"Talking about strength, I have grown strong since our last encounter Luke," he smirked evilly at me.

I just turned around and started walking down the stairs again, on the bottom step I paused, and looked back over my shoulder. "You may have grown strong Makole 3; but I have grown stronger."

I walked out of the school with a new sense of renewal. I knew the time would come when we would fight, but I also knew that I would win 3; well I hoped I would.

Chapter 7

I paced up and down in my bedroom. I just didn't know what to do, it had been a whole week since I found out that Johan's new boyfriend was my old enemy. What could I do? Tell Johan the truth? He'd probably like I 3; I just don't know.

Makole had systematically made me the most unpopular person in school, making him and the twosome gruesome top dogs again. It started with the little stuff like making me look stupid in front of people, the worst thing is I was told that if I did anything back they couldn't be held responsible for anything that would happen to Johan. It soon graduated from that to Makole taking my shape and causing trouble. Three times this week the headmaster had threatened me with expulsion; I couldn't defend myself either because it was him that caught my double vandalizing his car.

Things just seemed to be going from bad to worse; I just didn't know what to do anymore. I wondered if Johan was all right, he had totally avoided me all week, and whenever I tried to get close to him Makole stopped it. I knew Johan wasn't happy you could see it in his eyes, that little spark of life he had there before had totally gone, especially when he was around Bill and Bob, they still teased the shit out of him, especially now the prom was coming up they kept saying he was going to wear a pink frilly dress. I rubbed my temples trying to think of a simple way out of this, it just didn't work I just couldn't think of anything.

I glanced at the clock to realise I had only a few minutes left to get to school, I quickly morphed into a bird and flew out the bedroom window. When I was within the school grounds I landed behind a tree and making sure there was no one around I quickly morphed back into my original shape. I made it to class and to my seat with seconds to spare. I hated this class, usually the seating arrangements went me Makole and than Johan, but today we were missing Johan. I immediately feared for his safety. I leant over to Makole to whisper in his ear while attendance was been taken.

"Where is he!" I demanded.

"Where's who?" he asked while trying to hide his smirk.

"You know who I'm talking about," I growled.

"Humm refresh my memory for me," he snickered.

"Don't fuck with me Makole, if you have hurt him I'll kill you." I stared at him coldly he looked all-serious for a second or two before he broke out in that smirk of his again.

"You know Luke, I have started wars, I have killed hundred's of people and raped countless others while following you around this godforsaken rock, and I have never been to such an amazing place as a high school. I have never had so much fun causing so much trouble, I really like it here, I think I'll stay, and have a little fun at the prom 3; have you heard of the phrase going postal?"

Wait a second doesn't going postal mean he's going to either deliver mail 3; or kill loads of people.

"I'll never let you get away with this."

He just chuckled.

"And who's going to stop me? You 3; Ha! Yea right, I'm tired of this conversation." He shouted something to get the teacher's attention, "Miss, Luke's threatening to hurt me."

That was all it took considering I was already under watchful eyes before I was told to leave and go to the principal's office. With a serious slap on the wrist, I used my powers on the principle to wipe his memory of the incidents; I had done it so many times already I wondered how many more times I'd have to do it. By the time I had got out the office it was lunch time, I made my way around the school looking for any sign of Johan, Makole or the gruesome twosome. I couldn't see them anywhere I was so worried. I collapsed behind a tree and quietly cried into my hands. Johan was the reason I returned to live in the human world and now for all I knew he was dead.

"You feel emotions?" An unfamiliar voice broke the silence. I looked up to see a pair of piercing blue eyes looking at me, the where slightly hidden behind a slightly wavy mop of dirty blond hair. To say this guy wasn't cute was ridiculous he had an angel's face. He wore the typical skater's gear and carried a skateboard beneath one arm.

"Excuse me? Of course I do." His earlier statement offended me, but like he's cute so I'll forgive him 3;

"Strange I thought only humans had that quality."

Excuse me?

"I 3; I don't understand."

He raised one of his eyebrows.

"Neither did I. I saw a bird land and than I saw you 3; you are the bird."

Oh no 3; It had to be Makole it just had to be. I quickly got up and forced him roughly into the bushes away from peoples view and I forced him up against a tree.

"Damn it Makole I'll fucking kill you I swear I have had enough of this."

He thrust his hands in my face to try and defend himself, then I noticed a scratch on his arm which was bleeding. I realised instantly that Makole can't bleed and this was a real human. I almost had a heart attack and quickly dropped him to the floor, he lay there trying to catch his breath. I got down on my hands and knees and tried to make sure he was ok. He recoiled in panicky when I got near.

"Keep away from me." He backed up against a tree.

"Please! Please! I'm sorry, I thought you where Makole, I swear I wouldn't have hurt you, I swear, I would never hurt anyone."

He gripped his throat where my red handprint was, I felt so guilty.

"Won't hurt anyone huh? What about Makole? What did he steal your spaceship or something?"


"I'm not a alien! I'm just another animal on this planet like you, god I'm really sorry I swear."

"It's ok I guess 3; you sure you're not going to kill me?"

"I'm sure." I slumped down against a tree and he came and shuffled over to me.

"So why so bothered about this Makole person?" I sighed heavily.

"He's a creature like me but pure evil, he killed my last love and he's got my current love and he's planning to kill everyone at the prom."

There was a short silence.

"Wow heavy 3; where do you come from?"

The fact everyone was going to die and that I almost killed him didn't seem to really phase him 3; I liked this kid. He seemed very well adjusted.

"It's a long story," I tried to get out of telling him the story.

"I have time 3;"


"Well 3;," I started recounting my whole history to him in the shortened form of course. I got the occasional 'oooo' and 'ahhhh'. I was a pretty good storyteller if I do say so myself. But what now? I couldn't erase his memory, the least I could do was make him believe this was all some type of dream, but I guess it was nice having someone to talk to. I got up off the grass.

"Man that's a horrible story, and you say he's going to kill everyone here?" There was just something freakily unnatural about this kid.

"I just realised I never asked your name."

"It's Jake, you're Luke right? I've seen you around but I would have never guessed you where like a shape-shifter. never mind gay! I mean it's only my first week here I would have never ever guessed this school was going to be this cool." He smiled happily at me I smiled inwardly, a new kid?

"So now you know 3; what you going to do?"

He gave me a sly smile.

"I'm going to control you and take over the world." There was complete silence for a second or two before he broke out in a fit of laughter. I soon followed he had an infectious laugh. "You – hahaha – should have – hehehe – seen your – hahaha – face!"

"That was so not funny." It was hard to be serious when you're laughing. I hadn't laughed for ages, I really liked this kid.

"I thought it was. Well I think I have made my very first friend here." He stopped laughing and watched for my reaction.

"You haven't made any friends yet?"

He lost his smile.

"No 3; no one wants to know the brainy skater new kid."

I felt sorry for him.

"Well I do 3; friend." I offered him my hand; he quickly took it and pulled himself up.

"You can't tell 3;" he cut me off.

"Tell what? That I made a new normal defiantly human friend? Of course not, dude your secrets safe with me."

We walked out the bushes together. Stood in front of me was Makole with the usual smirk on his face.

"Humm I wonder what Johan would think of you been in the bushes with another guy."

I went to hit him but Jake held me back.

"So, I take it you're Makole? You're the one who is going to kill everyone?" Jake asked.

Johan raised his eyebrow and looked from me to him, I think he was surprised I told him about that.

"Who said I was going to kill everyone? You know Johan is looking a bit mentally fragile defiantly open to suggestions." He started laughing and I lunged at him, he quickly dodged me and disappeared into the soil the only thing that could be heard was his laughing. Jake stood there open mouthed.

"Cool!" was all that he could say.

"I should go now, Jake."

"Where you going?" He looked so sad.

"Home, see you around."

I morphed into a bird at the delight of Jake and flew home. I know it was a risk leaving someone who knew my secret but I liked Jake a lot and I didn't want to mess with his mind. I was barely in the house for a few minutes before I heard a frantic banging at the door. I quickly ran to open it, there stood in the doorway was a beaten and bruised Johan.

"Luke?" He collapsed in the doorway. I couldn't stand this anymore I had to let him know what was going on, I had to have my revenge on those assholes.

Chapter 8

I gasped in horror at the sight of a beaten Johan passed out on my doorstep. I mean I've heard of an entrance, but this was ridiculous. I quickly fell to my knees and picked him up, and I carried him up the stairs to my bed. He was so exhausted I decided to let him sleep. I laid him softly on the silk sheets. His lip was swollen and bloody and his eye was black, crusty blood all around his nose, this was just his face I dreaded to think what his body looked like. His clothes where all tattered and muddy, I decided to help him out of them. I removed his shirt to see bruises all over his chest and stomach.

Anger started to bubble inside me and I wanted to kill Makole, how could he hurt someone so beautiful just to get back at me? I unbuttoned his pants, and gently removed them. He wasn't wearing any underwear. I looked over the beaten naked frame before me. His hips where so slender, red hand marks could be faintly seen on his pelvis, his penis hung there soft, a nice plump 4 inches [10 cm] crowned by a small patch of dark pubic hair. It looked so perfect I looked away shamed at myself for thinking dirty thoughts about an unconscious Johan.

As I looked down at the pants in my hands I noticed in the seat where his bum would be was a little slimy wet spot. I put it to my nose and I recognised the smell as sperm. The realisation hit me, Makole couldn't produce sperm 3; but I know who could.

I started to cry, how could I let this happen to him? I was supposed to protect him how could I be so stupid to let this happen? I was so angry with myself. I had to have revenge, I covered the sleeping Johan up with the silk sheets, one of his slender legs stuck out from beneath the silk sheets and I knew why I loved him. I walked to the window and with one last look at my love I morphed into a majestic eagle and flew out the window, intent of taking Bob and Bill out of the picture.

I soared high above the clouds with an eye out watching out for the gruesome twosome, after ten minutes of flying over the city I found them bullying my new friend Jake. They where in the park away from public view inside a small gathering of trees. I landed behind them and I saw Jake's face light up when he saw me, but it soon grew to astonishment when I started to morph, into a huge ball of pulsating flesh, with tentacles, my flesh was black and oily and I looked like a kind of big leech.

"Hey Bill, I'm getting fucking horny again where's Johan when you need him." They started that horrible snorting laugh of them, talk about the wrong thing to say. My anger skyrocketed, my black oily skin started to burn a bright fire red. Jake just watched in astonishment, I think I scared him a bit.

"It's ok Bob, we have Jake, I'm sure he'd welcome a fuck from two of the hottest men in the school," they laughed again, and Jake looked at them with the same astonishment that he looked at me with, than his face broke out into a sly smile.

"Something tells me that I won't get that fuck, something tells me you're fucked."

He pointed behind them where I was waiting, I wanted to see their fear before I struck. Bob looked at me and I could see a wet patch developing in his pants.

"God you're a cocky little shit, man where going to have fun fucking you," Bill said while laughing. He smacked Bob on the chest in a friendly type manner, then he noticed that Bob was looking absolute fear at something, he turned to see himself. He quickly passed out. Bob just looked at me; I morphed an eye on top of my head like a snail's eye and I looked back at him.

"Mommie" was all he could say before he turned and tried to run. I was to fast for him, with an ear-piercing screech I launched one of my tentacles at his feet, tripping him up, I dragged him slowly backwards towards me his fingers dug into the mud he was screaming loudly. I lifted him and hung him upside down by his feet, he was crying and by the smell I think he pooped his pants. With another tentacle I picked up the unconscious Bill and hung him next to Bob.

"Please don't hurt me," he cried out loud, I was so angry, what a pathetic asshole; I was going to enjoy this. In my gut I morphed a set of spinning blades ready to chop them up, when Bob saw this he passed out, there went all the fun 3; o well I guess they will wake up dead. I was about to drop them in when Jake called out.

"WAIT!" My snail type eye looked to him.

"Luke, is that you?"

I morphed a pair of lips under my little snail eye.


"Stop what you're doing! You can't kill them," he protested.

I just didn't get this kid at all, they were going to rape him.

"But why? The world would be better off without them, they raped Johan and they where going to rape you too, they have bullied loads of people, they deserve to die." I was so angry.

"I know you're angry but are you angry at them? Or just at yourself because you promised to protect Johan and failed."

Now I thought of it I wasn't sure 3; but what he was saying was making sense. I was angry with myself for failing to protect him, but I was even angrier with them for raping him.

"I have to do this," Jake seemed thrown off by this. He looked like he was searching inside him for something else to say.

"Ok," he just shrugged.

Huh? Umm that like threw me off, but it was what I wanted 3; wasn't it?

"Good 3; than I'll do it."

Jake was wiser than I gave him credit for. He saw that I doubted myself now and struck. "I mean if you want to be like him 3;"

"Like who?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Makole 3; you say you hate him because he's evil and kills people. You say you're the 'good one', yet what are you about to do! You're going to kill these two. I mean granted out of all the people in the world they probably deserve it, but if you kill them you will become the thing you hate the most 3; Makole."

He had a point, I morphed back to my usual shape but I still had the two tentacles holding the gruesome twosome sticking out my back. I fell to my knees, defeated. I almost killed them I almost did the unthinkable. I dropped them both on the floor and made the tentacles disappear. Jake came over to me and knelt at my side, he put his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek, this surprised me, I didn't think he was gay. But that one kiss made me smile even thought it was a sad smile.

"Thank you Jake," he just smiled at me. He was about to say something when Bill and Bob started to wake up. They where still shit scared, they looked at Jake and me like we where monsters. I saw Jake get a wicked smile on his face.

"HOLY SHIT WHAT'S THAT!" he screamed as loud as he could.

Bill and Bob looked behind them shit scared, screamed loud and ran off into the bushes. I glanced at Jake and shook my head.

"What? Aren't I allowed a little fun?"

I just burst out laughing and he followed. The sound of clapping drew our attention to the shadows.

"How 3; entertaining, but I'm so disappointed."

Was that? No it couldn't be. Out of the shadows stepped Johan, he was still naked and covered in bruises.

"Johan?" It couldn't be him 3;

"Guess again," he laughed as he morphed back into the form of evil 3; Makole. The Johan which was in my bed 3; it wasn't him at all.

"YOU SICK SHIT!" I screamed at him I got up and Jake jumped to his feet too.

"Aww poor little Lukey upset, I was only having a little fun," he smirked at me, then looked towards Jake.

"My, my, my, who do we have here, you sure move fast Luke what a cutie." He walked over to Jake and circled him slowly eyeing him up, Makole squeezed Jake's ass. Jake turned around and slapped him across the face, I think Makole liked it.

"You're Makole, I guess."

"My reputation precedes me I see."

"I don't understand, Bill and Bob were your friends, why did you get Luke angry enough to make him want to kill them?" Jake asked.

Makole smirked at him and was about to speak when I butted in.

"Because he's evil, they weren't really his friends just his tools. He hates humans and wants to rule them. He was finished with them and he wanted to test me and I almost failed, he wanted me to kill them."

"Wow, it's like so creepy you know that about me, now I'll have to find them and kill them myself. Don't let his innocent look fool you, Jake, I have followed him for years and his hands aren't clean, I assure you," he laughed out loud.

"He probably had a good reason, unlike you."

"I have my reasons you know 3; pleasure, the best reason of them all."

"You're sick," Jake said while giving him a 'you're a piece of shit stare'.

Makole looked him up and down and just smiled.

"You're going to the prom? I hope you are, it's going to be a scream."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, I mean I can't wait to see Luke kick your ass," Makole just laughed out loud.

"It's been nice talking with you, no trust me it has 3; yeah, anyway I have to go, you know things to do, ex-'tools' to kill and a boyfriend to fuck." He looked towards me when he said that and winked, before he quickly ran off into the shadows. It was futile to follow him there was no chance in hell I'd find him.

"So 3; what you're going to wear for the prom?" Jake asked looking at me. I couldn't help but laugh, he was so strange.

"I'm afraid I have to go. I have someone I need to go and see."

Jake nodded and I knew he understood. I had to go see Johan I had to make sure he was ok and I had to tell him everything. Maybe he knew what Makole was planning. I turned around and was about to morph when Jake grabbed my arm.

"Before you go 3; who you taking to the prom? If things between you and Johan don't work out Luke, I'll be here."

I melted inside he was so sweet but my true love is Johan. I took a step towards him and kissed him lightly on the lips. The feeling of his soft silky lips on my own drove me crazy.

"I know Jake, I know 3;" With that I morphed into an eagle and flew off high into the sky leaving Jake alone watching after me. There was only one place I was heading now; I had to go to Johan's house I had to tell him how I feel and what was going on I had to tell him everything I had to let him know. I flew across the town surveying all I saw, I noticed a couple of ambulances heading in the direction I came from and I knew Bill and Bob where no more, not that I'll miss them.

I flew high above the clouds. The awesome magnificence of the view I was seeing was amazing, I always loved to fly up hear when I was troubled it always helped me think. The sun streamed across the blue sky and rolled over the canopy of the soft white clouds. I sighed heavily before swooping back down below the clouds to face my problem. I landed behind a bush at the bottom of Johan's driveway and morphed back into my usual form. I walked up and banged on the door I waited silently. A few minutes later a small little girl in a pink dress with blond hair in pigtails answered the door. She had big blue eyes and she looked so innocent, she looked like Johan so much. She gave me a big smile and I noticed her two front teeth where missing.

"Is Johan home?" She nodded and ran off. I cautiously entered the house, she ran up the stairs and pointed to a door, I assumed that was his bedroom. I walked up the stairs I felt weary almost like Makole was going to jump out at me at every step I took. As I got to the door the little girl giggled and ran off back downstairs. I knocked on the door slightly and I opened it, I popped my head slightly around the door and saw Johan in all his beauty wearing just boxers lying on his bead looking up at the ceiling. I sighed heavily and he looked towards the door and was shocked when he saw me.

"LUKE!" He sat up on his bed surprised to see me and tried to cover his perfect chest and legs up with his blanket. I stepped in and closed the door behind me.

"You shouldn't be here, I'm mad at you for what you did." He looked away from me to the floor.

I noticed his eye was all red and swollen.

"What happened to your eye?" I asked my heart skipping a beat.

"I fell and knocked it." He looked out of the window.

I gazed at his long slender neck and wished I could be kissing it.

"Did you happen to fall on to Makole's fist?" My heart broke when he looked at me with tears in his eyes; he came rushing over to me and hugged me tight. He started to cry, I slowly fell to the floor and he followed and he sat in my arms crying. Makole was so going to pay.

"I miss you Luke."

I lifted his chin up and I kissed him, for the first time I kissed the guy I loved, and it felt so great, it wasn't a big passionate kiss like you would expect but just a small peck on the cheek. I loved him so much and his lips felt so soft and warm. I finished the kiss and his chin rested in my hand and he looked stunned. Now was the time to tell him everything.

"Johan, I have something I need to tell you 3;"

Chapter 9

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Johan fell back on his bed in a fit of laughter, although I found his laughter intoxicating he was laughing at me and it was pissing me off. I had just finished telling him my entire story, and all I got was hysterical laughter.


"HAHAHA 3; you expect me to believe that? HAHAHAHAH! I mean believe that you and Makole are SHAPE-SHIFTERS!!! HAHAHAHA!" he gripped his stomach, tears where streaming down his red cheeks 3; time for a demonstration me thinks.

"It's true Johan 3;"

"HAHAHA 3; yea right, things like that don't 3;"

I morphed into a bird; his eyes grew wide with astonishment and fear.

" 3; HOLY SHIT!"

I think an old woman half way cross the world shushed him, he blinked a couple of times to make sure he saw me change into a bird, I changed back and went to take his hand. He scooted away from me so fast he fell off the edge of the bed; all I saw was his legs stuck up in the air.

"Johan? You ok?"

I poked my head off the edge of the bed to see a shocked Johan just lying there.

"You're 3; you're 3; you're 3;" that was all he could say

"A friend of yours," he jumped quickly to his feet.

"WAIT A SECOND, if everything you've told me is true than how do I know you're not the evil shape shifter? And Makole isn't actually the good one?"

I walked over to him and softly ran my thumb over his bruised eye.

"Because Johan, I love you too much to hurt you."

He looked at me with those sweet eyes of his.

"You 3; love me?" A smile spread across his face.

"I love you too, I have since the first day we met at school."

I leant forward and kissed him slightly on the lips. He grabbed the back of my head and forced his tongue down my throat 3; he was more forceful than I had expected. The sweet taste of his mouth was amazing, I was completely hooked, this was the boy I loved. His warm soft lips pressed hard against mine as his tongue rolled around my mouth. I felt a lump pressing into my groin. I broke the kiss and looked deeply into his eyes. He smiled warmly at me. I sighed heavily, I had so many things I wanted to share with him, but not the time.

"The prom is tonight 3;" That once sentence broke the romantic mood we where both in.

"I know Makole keeps saying, he can't wait 3; now I know why."

"Do you have any idea what he's planning? Well besides murder."

"No, he just said it's going to be fun. Oh Luke, how are we going to stop him? I mean he's like you 3; he can't be killed."

My heart or what ever it was right now sunk 3; there was a way to kill him, the yin yang principle, evil cannot survive without good, to kill him would be to kill myself 3;

"Just let me deal with him, I fought him once and won and I can do it again."

"JOHAN! Makole's here," a woman who I assumed to be Johan's mom shouted up.

Now was not the time to fight, not here.

"Oh my god, you have to get out of here," I ran to the window and quickly opened it, I perched myself on the window's ledge.

"Be careful, don't let on you know anything."

"I love you."

I jumped out the window and morphed into an eagle, soaring high into the sky. I really didn't want to leave Johan alone with him but I had no choice, I had things to think about. I perched in a high tree overlooking the gym where the prom would be held. I thought back to all the things over my life, the wars I'd seen, the people I had helped and the ones I had let die. I wondered what death was like, would I feel it? Would it hurt? I knew if I wanted Johan and everyone else to be safe Makole had to die, which meant I had to die too. For the first time in a while I felt afraid. I had just got Johan and now I have to die, I bet Shakespeare would have loved to have heard me tell this tale; I know he loved the one about Romeo and me. I sighed heavily 3; Romeo was such a hunk. I watched the sun slowly go down, the pinks blues purples and warm golden oranges filled the sky, then the night sky came bringing the thousands of stars. I watched as people started heading into the gym and music filled the night, I morphed into a squirrel and hurried down the tree, when I was at the bottom I morphed back into my human form.

The music boomed out loud from every speaker around the room, the disco ball hung in the centre shimmering light off in every direction, making the room look like it was snowing. Paper hung all around the room as decorations; the whole theme was an underwater one so the occasional fish littered the wall. Tables spanned around the edge of the dance floor, against one wall was a table full of food and drinks, a couple of kids stood there sneakily pouring what I guess was alcohol into the punch bowl. On the stage was a band, I recognised some of the members from various classes I had, there weren't bad either. A mass of withering bodies danced on the dance floor, I breathed in heavily, my very first prom 3; too bad I couldn't enjoy it I was too nervous about what was going to happen.

I was dressed in the usual tuxedo but with a difference, mine sort of resembled the one that Will Smith wore in men in black, but the jacket was leather. I looked around to see if I could see Makole or Johan or even Jake, but none where to be seen. I saw someone waving at me from the other side of the room, it was Jake, he was wearing a white tuxedo and even though he was you could tell he was still a skater dude 3; he just had that look about him. I walked over to him.

"Wow nice tux dude, very stylish," he said while feeling my arm, I wasn't sure if it was so he could feel the leather or because this way he could touch me.

"Thank you, you too. Have you seen Johan or Makole?"

"No, not yet."

"Jake, when I give you the signal I want you to pull the fire alarm and get Johan out of here to safety ok?"

He just nodded and I went back to watching for them. I didn't have to wait long, the doors to the gym burst open and in came Makole followed by Johan, he smiled when he saw me. Makole walked to the centre of the dance floor, and I followed, people danced all around us, while we just stood there eyeing each other up.

"Don't do this Makole, they're just kids totally 3; well mostly innocent." I knew he wouldn't listen to me.

"All these wars I've started, all these ways I've tried to take over the world, I realised at last I was going about it in the wrong way. The way to control the future of earth is to control the present."


"Wow, when you start saying crazy things like that that don't make sense you know you're truly demented."

"You know Luke you're not as smart as I thought you where, but if you need it spelling out for you I'm going to control these children 3; brainwash them. Then move on to the next school soon when the time is right the whole world will bow to me and my army of children."

"Don't make me laugh, we might be able to temporarily make people believe what we want but it's never permanent, we defiantly can't control them."

"I told you Luke, I have grown stronger, on my travels I encountered a old witch, she taught me all I needed to know."

Something tells me this is going to be bad. He made his way past me towards the stage; I didn't do anything to stop him, as I was curious to see what was going to happen. Makole jumped up on the stage and took over the microphone, the music stopped and the crowed mumbled a couple of complaints. He started to speak in a language I vaguely recognized as the old tongue, a very powerful language I watched as the children started to fall quiet and watch Makole, their eyes growing even more vacant.

"Hey what the hell do you think you're doing!" The headmaster walked onto the stage, Makole stopped speaking and looked at the poor old frail man, with a quick morph of his arm he had a long silver sword. He quickly swiped this at the headmaster's neck, screams of the female adult teachers filled the hall, blood slowly dripped down from the wound, as the body collapsed to the floor the head rolled off into the crowd of children. Not one of them flinched, all their eyes still transfixed on Makole.

I nodded to Jake, but I noticed he wasn't watching me anymore but was watching Makole. I quickly made my way towards him, I smacked him hard across the face, he snapped out of whatever trance he was in. He made his way to the fire alarm, a few seconds later the sound of the loud piercing bell filled the air. Makole stopped the spell and looked at me with pure hatred. Everyone slowly started to come out of the trances they where in, when they realised the fire alarm was going off they quickly rushed outside, of course someone had to notice the decapitated body on the stage, screams filled the air. The dust had settled and the people where gone, all that were left where me, Jake, Johan and 3; Johan, SHIT! In the mass evacuation of the gym Makole had taken the time to morph into a double of Johan, Jake hovered to the side unsure of which Johan to grab and drag outside.

"Luke! It's me, I'm the real Johan!" one of them said.

I approached cautiously, watching them both for any signs.

"Don't believe him I'm the real Johan!" said the other 3; this was going to be hard. I looked them both over, something had to be different, I looked deep into each of there eyes 3; then I noticed one had a black eye and the other didn't. I knew than which was which.

"I love you Luke!" said the Johan impersonating Makole; I walked slowly over to him.

"I love you too."

I morphed into my natural state of goo and oozed over Makole, he too turned into his natural state, and we mixed. We fought and struggled right down to the very cells of our being. Shrieks and screams could be heard emanating from us both. I was faintly aware of Jake dragging a crying Johan away to safety. I felt an immense pain deep within me and I oozed off Makole and took on my human shape again. I watched the puddle of goo, the puddle of hate as it slowly took on its human form.

"Why do you keep doing this Luke?"

"Because you're evil."

"You know you can't kill me without killing yourself, we could rule them together."

"I don't want to rule and I'm not afraid to die."

I saw fear fill his eyes at what I said and I knew than he wasn't fighting for fun but he was now fighting for his life. He morphed into a huge creature with big black wings. His body was like a huge bodybuilders but a deep red covered in a fine layer of short black hairs. A long serpent like tail protruded from his buttocks, while little sharp spikes. His face took on the appearance of a dog, with the exception of two big bulls like horns sticking out of his temples. His teeth and claws where razor sharp and he was ready to try and stay alive, to try and beet me unconscious while not killing me.

I morphed a pair of golden angel wings on to my back, and a long silver sword into my hand. I crouched, posed ready to strike, I waited for him to make the first move, I didn't have to wait long.

He started to mutter something in the old tongue; he placed the palm of his hand out towards me, little sparks of light started to buzz around him, they started to go faster collecting in to a small ball of energy at his palm, with a shriek the ball of energy flew towards me. I managed to jump out of it's way jumping high over Makole's head, as I came down to land I sliced him down his back. He let out a mighty roar as he stumbled forward in pain. The energy ball that was meant for me had struck the electrical equipment on the stage causing it to burst into flames. Unfortunately the entire room was filled with paper decorations 3; so it didn't take long for the fire to take hold. Smoke filled the room and fire flared up around the dance floor. I morphed back into my human form, and got rid of the sword, I assumed the lotus position, and started to focus all my energy deep inside myself, I wasn't sure why or how I was doing this but it felt totally right. I closed my eyes and felt the amazing power within me building up, ready and waiting to be released. Makole howled loud.

"You'll never win, Luke. I am far more stronger than you, all I need to do is keep you alive, trust me when this is over you will wish you never met me."

He charged at me shrieking, his wings up an flared and his claws extended outwards. This was my time to strike, I quickly lost my shape and turned to goo, lifting myself off the floor I pierced his chest and shot straight inside him, where I took on my human form again, ready to release the built up energy I had inside.

"What 3; what you doing?" Fear echoed in his voice. His cells tried attacking me but they didn't have a chance 3; I released the pent up energy I had in a burst of light. I heard Makole scream in agony as his body slowly started to turn to rock, with me still inside. I turned to my natural state and oozed out of a small crack near his groin, there I reformed and watched as he turned to stone, watched the fear in his eyes, he watched me quietly his monstrous frame slowly turning to stone while surrounded by fire, the look of fear on his face, it was truly amazing.

"I'm afraid to die 3;" With that he was totally stone. Something felt odd inside me, something was missing, I knew right than he was truly gone, and I was next. I laid back and looked up at the disco ball rotating above my head. I thought about my life, it was strange I was really calm; I had no feelings at all. The heat of the fire slowly licking my skin, and the smoke surrounding me.

"Luke? LUKE!" I heard Johan shouting and I turned to see him and Jake rushing towards me, the picked me up and helped me outside. I lay on the grass surrounded by the entire student body. I watched the stars they where so beautiful, the sound of sirens in the distant. Johan knelt at my side and placed my head in his lap, Jake rushed to my other side and held my hand.

"Is he gone?" Jake asked 3; I merely nodded.

"What's wrong Luke? You don't look so well," Johan asked worriedly.

"I'm dieing."

Johan started to cry.

"But you can't die remember, nothing can kill you, you told me remember." He stroked my face gently while tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Without Makole I can't survive, the balance is gone," I coughed I felt a cold darkness filling me from inside.

"But I love you, I only just got you, please don't leave please Luke I love you." He was crying like a mad man, snot was slowly running from his nose 3; I loved him so much. The darkness was all over my body now, just my head left to go 3; than I'd be dead.

"Jake 3; look after Johan for me."

"I will 3; I'll miss you Luke," he said, a single tear rolling down his cheek 3; cool to the end.

"I love you Johan 3;"

"You're a true hero Luke," I heard Jake say. The darkness enveloped my head, my soul my life. I felt like I was slowly slipping away, it was so quiet. Been dead was kind of boring, pitch black quiet, serene and where the fuck was this 'white light' that everyone talked about? Damn. I felt something I had never felt before, a beating deep within my chest. I didn't like it. It sent a rush of energy to my head and I felt dizzy. The blackness didn't seem as near to me as it had before. In fact I felt it slowly retreating, I struggled to open my eyes to see if I was still alive to see what the fuck was going on. My eyes opened to a blurry light, I blinked a couple of times and a picture slowly came into focus, there in the light was Johan and Jake, they where smiling at me happily. I looked around me and realised I was in a hospital bed. I sat up; my head still dizzy and full of questions about why aren't I dead.

"Where am I?" I asked

"Hospital," Johan replied.

"What am I doing here? Is this heaven?"

"God I hope not," said Jake.

"Why aren't I dead? Is 3; Makole still alive?" It was the only reason I could think of for me still being alive.

"Nope I don't think so," Jake said.

I shakily got out of bed, something didn't feel right, I felt different. I noticed I had a hospital robe on and I ripped it off. I stood there in front of Johan and Jake completely nude, Jake blushed and Johan Giggled. I tried to morph some clothes onto myself. I waited a couple of seconds and nothing happened, I tried again but again nothing happened 3; something was definitely wrong. I gingerly picked up the hospital robe and covered myself up; Jake couldn't help but burst out laughing. Johan came over and gripped me by my arms.

"They took a sample of your blood for testing," he smiled warmly at me.

"But I don't have blood, only humans and animals have blood."

"Exactly." He kissed me gently on the lips.

I didn't get it, is he trying to say I'm human?

"I'm human? I can't be, how can this be?"

He took my hand and placed it on my chest, I felt the beating of my new heart. "WHOA!"

"Yup, you're one of us now Luke, and after you made me say all that mushy stuff," Jake said.

I just couldn't believe it, I was human totally human, I don't know how or why this happened but damn I'M HUMAN!

"I love you Luke."

"I love you too Johan," I hugged him tight. I felt a slight tingling in my penis and a warm wet patch developed on the front of my hospital robe I felt so embarrassed, I wondered where the hell it came from.

"Did you just pee?" Johan asked kind of surprised.


"Yea, you know like urinating, are you telling me that you never pissed before?"

I had a feeling I had a tricky road ahead of me.

"I never had to before, it just sort of passed right through me, I just empted it on the night time."

"Looks like we have to potty train you," Jake said.

I knew right than that my life would be hard from this point I had so much to learn about being human. I didn't know it was so complicated, I even had to look forward to zits! But I had Johan as my boyfriend and Jake as my best friend 3; my life was going to be great and when death finally comes I wont be afraid 3; well not a lot I'll just piss myself and hope he slips in the puddle and breaks his neck.

The End

I hope you all enjoyed this story 3; I hated it :0p n e way I hope u enjoyed it, thanx 4 reading it.


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