PZA Boy Stories

Treacle Tower

Camp Initiations


What started out as a makeshift placebo for Matthew's homesickness becomes an initiation ceremony repeated yearly with new challenges, bells and whistles.

Publ. Oct 2016
Finished 5,000 words (10 pages)


Matthew (narrator, 6-13yo), Jake (6-13yo), Lucas (9-13yo) and Kit (10-13yo)

Category & Story codes

Tie-up & Camp story
bb tt – cons mast – bond


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

I have deliberately left out character descriptions, for I think it makes stories more accessible and lets the reader decide what the character looks like. I present the character's age, drop a handful of small details about them in throughout the story (if appropriate) and leave it at that.

Scouting here is based on the British model of Scouting, the ages and names of the sections vary from country to country.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at treacletower(at)hotmail(dot)co.uk or through this feedback form with Treacle Tower: Camp Initiations in the subject line.


Our scout summer camp was just getting started and my best friend Jake and I had been looking forward to it as we always do, though we had our own reasons, not just the usual things like archery, climbing and canoeing that we do.

No, we had something else we did together at the start of every camp. It started off a small, light hearted thing as a bit of fun between us, and we simply embelished it with extra things with every passing camp. It had developed from a simple one-on-one thing to this. Next year had promised to be even better!

Perhaps it would be beneficial if I started from the beginning. Our first camp as little six year old beaver scouts in the lodge was great fun, the first time we were away from home for the night. At that time we both had teddy bears that went everywhere with us for sleeping purposes – mine was a brown bear called Bert, and Jake had a white one he called Rupert. These came on the beaver camps we both went on and provided a key link to home.

I was however feeling horribly homesick when push came to shove and not even Bert or Jake provided me with enough comfort and if I'm honest, I just wanted to burst into tears and go home. This wasn't unusual for most beaver scouts but it was the only way I had to vent my feelings. It was either that or be physically sick. That would guarantee me going home but it would be a pointless sleepover.

Jake could see what state I was in and moved to take my mind off the matter – all he did was shuffle his sleeping bag to be next to mine and then he proceeded to use Rupert to tickle my left armpit through my pyjamas for a few seconds – lightly but reassuringly. I've no idea what happened in my head at that point but all the homesickness feelings that had been building up inside me dissipated while Jake/Rupert gently tickled me and I felt great when he'd finished. I hugged Bert tightly and immediately drifted off to sleep with my bear in my arms.

I must have either enjoyed or appreciated this somehow, because the next beaver camp we went on I felt homesick again and I asked Jake to get Rupert to tickle me for a bit longer and with a bit more intensity. However there was a limit to the amount of tickle intensity a teddy bear could provide through pyjamas so I took my shirt off and Jake 'got' Rupert to tickle me shirtless instead, providing the reassurance I craved.

At this age I didn't quite 'get' what it was that I enjoyed about this, but it felt great because it was Jake doing it to me and it gave me a thrill. Anybody else and I may have bottled out. However this felt like a drug I had gotten used to, having to have more of it to get the same effect. Next year I knew we had to step it up.

Our next camp was as cub scouts. By now what Jake was doing to me we were calling it an initiation, primarily because it always happened on the first night of the camp. When you come into cubs you can stop on camp over a full weekend, so our initiation 'ceremony' expanded to match.

By now Jake wanted to be initiated as well – what had started as a placebo for my homesickness had become a ritual between us. Because we were now cub scouts and sleeping in tents, we decided to make the initiation progressive by expanding the tickling from our armpits to our feet, and make it more challenging as well.

In order not to disturb anybody else, we moved our ceremony on the first night of camp to the mess tent after all the leaders had gone to sleep, though this was a challenge on its own as it meant stopping up until like 1am.

Nevertheless, there was usually a table of some sort already set up ready for breakfast the following morning in the tent and round the back was spare rope, camp equipment and what not. Jake decided we'd tie each other to the table in a four point restraint, do our tickling and then get out of there.

We left our tent barefoot and shirtless, wearing only some pyjama shorts each. In the mess tent under controlled torch light, Jake tied me up as we'd agreed, but plunged us into darkness for the actual tickling. We'd grown out of our teddy bears by now so Jake used his fingers on my armpits, finally forcing a squeal of laughter out of me. He was careful not to tickle me so much I screamed the place down, but he was thorough enough to make it worthwhile.

When it came to tickling my feet, Jake found he had a problem. Because I was fairly ticklish on my feet, it was quite easy for me to defend myself by waving my foot around. He solved this by straddling my legs, pinning me down and tickling me that way, he could now hold my foot and tickle it that way. I loved it, especially in the dark as it didn't give me any clues.

We repeated the setup for Jake, as I tied him down the same way he'd tied me down and proceeded to tickle him in exactly the same way. Because this was his first 'initiation', I went gentle on him.

The following year was more of the same, but the year after that would be our final camp as cubs, so we upped the ante more by not doing our ceremony in the mess tent. On the way in we'd spotted a fairly rural looking and unoccupied forest area still on the camp site but well out of the way. We decided to do our initiations there, again at some ungodly hour in the morning.

Jake had managed to get his hands on some handcuffs and we 'borrowed' spare tent pegs. To make life more interesting for us both, we left all our clothes in our tent and arrived at the forest both stark naked with the restraints, pegs, hammer and our (more powerful) torches. It would be the first time we were naked on camp.

Because we were further away from our camp site (and as far as we could tell from most of the other camp sites), the noise we made was less of an issue. However we made it a challenge to have the hell tickled out of us and try not to make a sound where possible.

We found a suitable spot and drove two tent pegs into the ground as a test. We didn't need the hammer in the end, the ground was soft enough for what we wanted it for. Jake attached the handcuffs to the pegs, and asked me to lie down in a four point restraint while waving a torch in my direction. He locked the handcuffs on my wrists and then attached two more pairs of handcuffs to my ankles and two more pegs, then pushed them into the ground firmly to put me in a secure but not too tight four point restraint.

I watched as Jake put the torch under a near tree and shone it in my direction so he could see what he was doing. I writhed in anticipation as I knew what was coming when he straddled my stomach and I could feel his skin come into contact with mine.

Jake had just began to tickle my armpits when we both heard a noise that sounded like another person walking around. Grabbing an unlit torch, Jake lit it, rolled off me and swung the torch round to check. There, illuminated in the torchlight, was somebody we both recognised.

It was one of the cubs in our pack, a boy called Lucas, who had followed us out here, dressed in his full cub scout uniform. A faily sociable and creative chap, he was in our year at school, so while he wasn't a total stranger to us, I wouldn't say we were 'friends' as such, more good acquaintances. Like us, he had been a member of the scout group for ages.

"I know what you two were doing on camp last year," said Lucas. "I watched you tickle each other, I heard you coming here tonight."

"So?" asked Jake.

"Let me play and I won't say anything," replied Lucas, coming closer to us. "You can compete against each other if I do the tickling, just tell me what you want me to do. First to laugh loses."

"Yeah okay," I said after a brief hesitation, and Jake liked the idea too. After briefing Lucas, Jake found himself being staked into a four point restraint next to me, as neat and secure as I was. There was a gap between us that Lucas had left for himself to sit.

Without waiting, Lucas put himself at our feet and began to tickle us – firstly me for a few moments then Jake. It took all our concentration not to burst into laughter or make a sound, as Lucas had a good tickle technique that gave our soles a good work out. Neither of us cracked under the pressure, but when I saw Lucas shuffling up the grass towards our pits, something clicked in my head and I saw Lucas in a new way.

The torch light illuminated the fully uniformed cub scout Lucas and I thought he looked absolutely adorable in his uniform. His tormenting us in his uniform while we lay here naked was now going to be, for me at least, the highlight of this camp. Especially when he straddled my stomach and worked my armpits invoking pearls of involuntary laughter out of me. Delighted with my reaction, he turned his attention to Jake and did the same thing to him as Jake lay there, trapped and giggling like a baby.

We were done and Lucas unlocked the handcuffs from our wrists and ankles. Pulling up the tent pegs and collecting all our stuff, all three of us headed back to camp having been initiated. We arrived without disturbing anybody else, collapsed back into our tents, happy and I had had my annual rush.

As it turned out, Lucas did indeed keep his gob shut – for the most part anyway. He couldn't keep the secret from his friend Kit so he found out but apart from that, Lucas told nobody else, and swore Kit to secrecy too. We only knew Kit from how he conducted himself in class – he was a quiet, goody-two-shoes boy, short for his age but mostly friendless – Lucas appeared to be his only friend. Whether this was out of pity or not was anybody's guess.

The following year would have been our first as scouts but it was sadly cancelled due to lack of interest (Lucas, to his credit, tried to recreate the experience by tying me up in his back garden but while I was grateful, it didn't feel the same. I felt I was craving the 'in the middle of nowhere' thing which isn't possible in the back garden).

The disappointment this year of not going on camp pretty much overwhelmed me, though it was beyond anybody else's control. In the end, fed up of me moping around with a face like a wet weekend, Jake boarded with me onto a rural bus – one so rural it only ran once a day in each direction – and took me to a country farm on what would have been camp day to raise my mood. Looking at baby animals never fails to make me happy and I ultimately came away feeling better, even more so after Jake bought me ice-cream.

The following year the annual camp fell fell on my 12th birthday. So we went on scout camp as we'd done every year since we were first beavers. This time our self-made initiation ceremony featured four of us – me, Jake, Lucas and his friend Kit, who had been introduced to Scouts by Lucas primarily for what he was doing with Jake and I, so this was his first scout camp but not his first actual camp – I later found out he often went camping with his family, so I figured that even if he couldn't tickle for toffee he knew which way round to drive tent pegs into the ground!

With every passing camp we upped the ante even more and this time Lucas wanted one on one action – he could concentrate on tormenting one boy and Kit the other. We also went big on the initial trek – Lucas and Kit handcuffed our hands together behind our backs and frogmarched our naked selves to the initiation ceremony, which was by now so far away from where we were camping we had to cross a piece of road to get to it and it was well after 2am when we arrived. Any disturbances we did create were only likely to get witnessed by sheep or bats.

After the usual four point restraint setup for us, I was pleased to be straddled by Lucas, now attired in his scout uniform and he looked as adorable as ever in the torchlight. He had the idea to tickle his subject for longer and with more vigor than previously, so he did.

Kit had been briefed to do Jake the same way so we both lay there, writhing in pure agony and laughing uncontrollably trying not to piss ourselves. Lucas danced his fingers expertly and agressively over my armpits, extracting every morsel of agony from me as he worked. I knew Jake was in the same position, being tormented by Kit and as I glanced over, I could see tears streaming down his face.

The boys moved to our feet and swapped over in the process, so I was now being tickled for the first time by Kit. Once again I soon found myself screaming the rural environment down through relentless laughter and helpless writhing and I could hear Jake was in a similar spot of trouble. Kit came close to finishing me off when he ran his fingers along the underside of my toes and I came out with a scream so high-pitched it could probably only be heard by any stray dogs in the area.

Eventually though, that ordeal was over but Lucas and Kit wanted more. They wanted a competition between themselves but didn't want to get more boys from the camp involved. The solution was simple – and it involved us.

After a quick discussion with Kit, Lucas sat next to me. Kit put himself next to Jake and they faced each other, looking over both our naked bodies in the torchlight. After a visual countdown using their fingers, Lucas grabbed my dick and began to tug, pull and play with it, sparking off an erection. Kit did the same with Jake.

It appeared that the competition between Lucas and Kit was to see who could wank their boy off first. We didn't have a lot of say in the matter and to be perfectly honest, I was fairly tired by now, having been up for the best part of about 20hrs straight, however we couldn't go anywhere until Lucas and Kit had finished this and let us out.

I could only watch as Lucas worked on and stroked my member thoroughly and relentlessly, constantly checking what state Jake was in compared to me. Jake and I were both fairly early developers and though I can't vouch for him, this here now was not my first wank. It was the first time somebody else had wanked me off though, so the idea of not being in total control was totally mind-blowing to me.

Eventually, I felt a twitch in my balls, it only being a matter of time before I would cum. With every stroke the pressure built up inside me, tormenting and playing with me. There was only one method of relieving the pressure – and it was being controlled by Lucas. I think he could tell by my breathing, the scrunching of my legs together and the pained expression on my face I was close to popping.

I tried to regain what control I could by thrashing my legs around and trying to lift myself up at the waist but Lucas defused this by straddling my legs, pinning me down securely to the ground. I was now totally dependent on him to relieve the pressure inside my cock.

After a quick glance towards my friend Jake, who was also fully erect but seemingly in considerably less sexual agony than I was, Lucas proceeded to wank me while gripping my erect dick tightly. Ultimately I could hold on no longer and I gasped in frustration trying not to scream as Lucas made me cum onto my stomach. Lucas had won his challenge with Kit and did a little victory arm-waving dance.

Leaving me lying there quietly to recover, Lucas moved over to Jake to help Kit finish him off. I watched Lucas straddle Jake's arms and tickle his armpits to break his concentration. It was then I noticed while he was working Jake, Lucas was also coaching Kit on bringing the boy to climax! I couldn't hear what he was saying over Jake's squeals but Kit was clearly taking in what Lucas was telling him – he adjusted his technique and from there it didn't take much, other than a few more squeals of laughter, for Kit to push Jake over the edge and cum as well.

Happy for this year at least, Lucas and Kit cleaned us up, released us from the handcuffs holding us to the ground and pulled us to our feet. All of us did as we were taught in scouts, to clean up after yourself and leave no trace of your presence, before we all wandered back to camp, tired and delirious.

In fact Lucas and Kit were both so out of it they took off all their clothes en-route back so we all arrived back at base at like, four thiry in the morning all totally starkers and bleary-eyed to boot. I have no idea what we did the rest of that weekend but it probably involved lots of sleeping.

And so to the present day. The camp initiation ceremony we started that we just tacked things onto every year is still ongoing – this year we're not going out to the middle of nowhere to get wanked off and tickled loads – it was Kit's idea we're staying on the camp site, in full earshot of everybody else in a full-on no holds barred initiation. If we get caught or spotted, so be it, we'll take all the consequences.

This year we're using Kit's second idea to make the ordeal progressive – neither me or Jake have been to the bathroom since we finished school so we're both, like really desperate to piss. We're challenged to hold our pee until we're released. I loved the concept and the way this boy's mind worked, proof if any was needed that it was always the quiet ones you had to watch out for, but they had all the greatest ideas.

So when 2am finally rolls around, we're staked out naked under moonlight and a clear sky into our four point restraints, writhing more than usual because of the urine. Kit straddles my stomach, ready to tickle me. It seems like everything he does stimulates my bladder and my ever increasing need to pee and I suspect he's doing it on purpose to annoy me. By 2am neither Jake or I had peed since about 4pm.

The moonlight gave everything an beautiful white glow, it was off to our sides and illuminated our naked bodies beautifully. No torches were needed tonight, that's for sure. There was enough light for me to see Kit in his full scout uniform. I didn't think he was as adorable in the uniform as Lucas, but I didn't say anything as Kit looked like the sort of boy who'd burst into tears at the drop of a hat.

As Kit settles, I gaze over as Lucas makes himself comfortable stradding Jake's stomach, while the naked boy writhes in clear agony at his full bladder, and then Lucas and Kit silently communicate with each other to start tickling together. Moving their hands towards our armpits, I brace myself ready.

With it being a new camp, Lucas and Kit have upped the intensiveness of the initiation and also its duration too. Jake and I had tried to 'train' for this over the last few weeks with little success to try and defeat Lucas and Kit – whatever they were doing to us we couldn't reproduce on each other – Jake reckoned it was because he and I were best friends and we had the mutual respect thing holding us back, whereas to Lucas I was just a weird kid who liked being tied up, so he probably saw me as a glutton for punishment with no holds barred.

Anyway, as soon as Kit touched my armpits, I began to writhe. The entire concept of me lying here naked with a boy in full uniform tormenting me really turned me on. I tried to concentrate exclusively on not making a sound as Kit tickled me and I could often hear the sound of fabric being brushed as the other scouts rolled over in their sleep. I was right outside one tent, it wouldn't take much noise to wake them up.

As Kit really dug his fingers in to tickle me to the bone, I was distracted by my need to pee and also by what I thought was somebody on my feet. I could see Lucas working Jake to my left so I presumed it was a spider or something that had crawled onto my foot, an unintentional extra obstacle.

It was Jake who committed us to our fate. Lucas must have found a sensitive spot on his armpits, because Jake giggled and squealed so loud it bought the other scouts out quickly to see what the hell was going on. The game was well and truly up as they saw the scene folding out in front of them – two naked spreadeagle boys writhing on the ground having the hell tickled out of their armpits by two other boys. It was fairly humiliating to say the least.

As the other scouts gathered round, in varying states of undress, tiredness and sticky-up hair, Lucas and Kit continued to torment us and we were forced to keep on laughing, screaming, writhing and trying not to piss ourselves as they worked, now with a bigger audience to egg them on. I coud feel myself going bright red with embarrassment, not that it would have shown in the moonlight.

Lucas stopped tickling on us both, took charge of the situation and askied a few of the bleary-eyed scouts to take over tickling duties so he and Kit could wank us off.

After coaching the other scouts to do what he wanted, Lucas and Kit positioned themselves back to back sitting next to our defenceless genitials. Kit was eying up my nuts as I continued to struggle to hold my urine. On the word of Lucas, all three things started at the same time.

Scouts tickled my armpits, my feet and worked my cock all together, all three sensations fighting with my need to pee and the fact I'd been awake for hours on end. It was quite a volatile mix of feelings I was feeling with all these emotions and I'm sure Jake felt the same – it was pure torture.

I didn't know whether I wanted to laugh, cry, piss or squirm, all these wants fought equally with each other. Once Kit had bought me to a big enough erection I wouldn't be able to piss anyway so that problem eventually took care of itself.

However it didn't matter how erect my cock became as it wouldn't mask the bigger situation – primarily the crowd and the fact I was constantly laughing and shrieking from four pairs of hands attacking my feet and armpits. I considered it more embarassing that I had a full erection so I tried to concentrate on that, except all sensations were drowned out by the relentless tickling. I was sure I could feel sweat running down my brow.

Kit continued to methodically wank me, quick enough to get the blood flowing but slow enough to really make me work for this. Soon I reached that point again where I was pretty much committed towards heading towards the point where the only way out was to cum. Kit had clearly been further coached by Lucas as to how I and my body behaved in this situation from last time as Kit tried to control me to stretch this ordeal out.

The pained expression on my face told him, and the crowd, I wasn't far off. It had been one thing to be tickled naked in front of my fellow scouts, but to be made to cum was quite another and a slight step too far in my eyes. However we had agreed to suffer the consequences and it meant cumming in public and completing our humiliation.

The relentless tickling drowned out everything that was going on with my cock as it continued its relentless march towards the inevitable conclusion at the hands of Kit. The way I was forced to laugh, squeal and plead as I struggled to catch my breath meant my ability to concentrate on anything was non-existant through tiredness and the distraction of Jake's laughter, his torment evident in his voice, ringing in my ears.

Eventually Kit put an end to my misery, by giving my dick a tight squeeze and a sharp tug, pulling me off the ground slightly. From there I was pretty much putty in his hands as I knew I was a stroke or two away from cumming. Kit milked this for all it was worth, letting the pressure build.

In one fell swoop, he gave me one final stroke which nearly pushed me over the edge, and simultaneously shouted out to stop my tickling. As the tickles eased, Kit stroked my dick again to finish me off. Defeated and exhausted, I gasped loudly as I cum onto my stomach and then just lay there panting quietly. Kit gave me a thumbs up as I glanced across to see what was going on with Jake.

Jake was still being relentlessly tickled, I could see tears running down the side of his red face. He hadn't cum yet but was close and I watched as Lucas eventually finished him off the same way as Kit had finished me off – tight squeeze, sharp tug and an extra stroke or two equals defeat.

I must have fallen asleep shortly after that because I have no memory of what happened after that. The next thing I remember is daylight, we're still staked out in our four point restraint with the teg pegs and the handcuffs, but there is no sign of Lucas or Kit or anybody else who shared in our humiliation last night.

I crank my head up to look down my body, I can see dry semen stains on my belly and I could swear I stunk of piss. It suddenly came back to me, I was desperate to piss last night so I must have done it in the night without being aware as I didn't need to go now.

Still tired, I laid my head back and must have dozed straight back off again. Next time I woke up I was still lying there naked but I had been released from the handcuffs and my scout uniform was sitting next to me in a neatish pile. I looked around and saw Lucas grinning at me.

"What a great initiation ceremony you two had!" he said, with a big smile on his face. "Same again next year with new stuff?"

"Long as you don't cut my cock off, fine," I replied.

"Yeah you did piss yourselves, you and Jake did. I think you should go shower," continued Lucas, throwing a towel in my direction. "Well done Matthew," he said before disappearing off somewhere.

I woke Jake up (primarily by kicking him) and we went off to get the smell of piss off. My mind raced as I stood under the hot water. Lucas had really grown on me, I loved it when he was tormenting me and I found myself immediately looking forward to next year and being dominated by Lucas.

Yeah, I thought I'd suggest that for the next session. I didn't want Kit – don't get me wrong, he's a great kid – but I wanted to be totally under Lucas's thumb next year. Jake had similar feelings and thoughts but he felt he responded better under Kit.

Lucas sowed seeds in my head when I returned from the shower – if I was really good to him, I could initiate Lucas next year. It was almost like he'd read my mind. The resulting vision I had of me in full uniform stradding the staked out and naked Lucas on the ground, my hand working his dick – it was far too powerful to ignore easily and is probably going to fuel some wank fantasies for a long time to come. Damn it was going to be a long year.

The End

Send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Treacle Tower: Camp Initiations in the subject line.

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