PZA Boy Stories

Mikey Smith

Reluctant Young Boys

Three Short Stories


Short stories about 10-12 year-old boys discovering that for sex you need a partner, but if the partner is an adult man, he wants other things than the boys initially want.
  1. Angelito (10,500 words / 21 pages)
    The new neighbour of Angelito and his friends has no kids to play with, but he has some fancy cars.
  2. Joselito (8,500 words / 17 pages)
    In the bus home 12 year old Joselito meets a black and a white man who are both very interested in him.
  3. Matthew (4,500 words / 9 pages)
    11 year old Matthew wants more than just jack-off on his own. Than Tom comes to live in town, and everyone is saying Tom is a cocksucker.
    Publ. 2010 (Nifty); this site Jan 2013
    Finished 29,000 words (58 pages)


Various boys of 10-11yo and adults

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy stories
Mb – reluc mast anal oral – some interr


The content and opinions expressed in this story are not necessarily the personal view of the story's author and not necessarily those of anyone responsible for this archive or website.

This story contains depictions of sexually explicit erotic acts. In some cases these acts may be of a homosexual nature, if this is illegal where you are at, please stop reading now.

This story depicts simulated sexual acts between adults and minors. If this type of material is offensive to you, then stop reading now. By reading further you declare or affirm that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to read this material, furthermore you declare that you will not hold the author and the archive or website publishing this story liable for any damages incurred from reading this story.

This is a work of fiction and as such, should be treated as that. I do not endorse anything that happens in this story, nor do I encourage anyone to participate in any activities like this. This is a fantasy (Or nightmare/daymare). If you feel that you are in danger of molesting or harming a child, then you should seek immediate psychiatric help. Remember in most countries there's nothing illegal about having those thought, but if you act on them that's an entirely different matter. Any similarities to real people or places, is completely coincidental.

This is fiction, it never happened, isn't happening, won't happening.

Don't do it! It ain't good, it's BAD!

I don't approve of people who do this, never have, and never will, and NO!

I haven't, don't, and won't!

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Mikey Smith - Reluctant Young Boys in the subject line.


The new neighbour of Angelito and his friends has no kids to play with, but he has some fancy cars.

Angelito (9yo), Mark (11yo), John (7yo), and Mr. David Crewe (42yo)
Mb – reluc mast anal – interr

The three boys had been waiting for months.

Finally, the big old house on the corner sold, and they were watching for signs that the new owners were moving in, hopeful that they'd have kids their age to play with.

Finally, a whole month after the 'SOLD' sign went up, a moving truck pulled up in front on a Friday afternoon at about 4:15 p.m. The three boys went over to Angelito's house to watch the workmen unload it, watching closely for any signs of kids inherent in the cargo.

As the last of the new owner's belongings left the truck, they sighed. There were no signs of kids, other than the Xbox360 Kinnect, Nintendo Wii and PlayStation3. But on the bright side, there were also a boatload of kewl high end electronics!

Just as the boys were about to adjourn to to Mark's house to play Call Of Duty, all three of their mouths dropped open at once as they watched a black Lamborghini Murcielago drive up the street, and pull into the brick house's driveway. A tall black haired man got out, and stood in the driveway looking at the house. A few moments later, a Ford F-450 Heavy Duty pulled up in front with a 3-car carrier loaded with a Dodge Ram Magnum V10, Cadillac Escalade ESV, and a Ferrari F50.

The tall man walked confidently over to the truck and watched as the driver set about unloading his babies from the trailer.

The casually dressed man watched as the Cadillac, the the Dodge truck, and finally the Ferrari were backed off the trailer and driven up the driveway. The driver handed the man a clipboard and waited as he signed the papers, before turning to leave. The tall dark-haired man turned towards the boys, smiled broadly, waved and nodded his head, then turned and walked through the front door of his new house and closed it to begin the arduous task of sorting through and storing his belongings,

The boys just stood there in awe for a moment, amazed that a man with such a hot collection of cars was their new neighbor.

The next day, Mr. Crewe continued sorting and storing his belongings in the morning, then went out to wash his Ferarri after lunch.

The boys were playing at Johnny's house when they heard the unmistakable purring of the Italian V-12.

They dropped everything at once, and went over to to Angelito's house to watch the handsome man lovingly wash the hot Red car. The man looked over the rim of his Oakley Aviators, but continued washing, then waxing his car.

When he was finished, he wasn't too surprised to see the boys still oogling his pride and joy from a distance. He threw the buffing rag in the bucket, and waved the boys over.

"Hi boys! Want to take a closer look?" he asked with a big smile.

The boys looked at each other for a second, grew big smiles on their faces, then dropped their bikes and ran at full tilt over to to the handsome man and his Ferrari. They surrounded the car, and peered open mouthed into the interior and the engine compartment with their faces glued to the glass. Mr. Crewe was smiling as he watched the cute boys perv over the hot car! He opened the door and stepped aside Mark made it to the open car door at about the same time as Johnny, but hip-checked the smaller boy aside and practically jumped in the driversseat.

"Calm down, boys! It's not going anywhere. You'll all get achance to sit in her." Mr. Crewe said as the 11 year old started feverishly touching all of the controls and moving the shift stick from gear to gear as if he was racing.

After watching impatiently for three and a half minutes, Johnny got impatient, and poutingly said, "You've been there long enough! Give me a turn!"

Mr. Crewe sighed and said,"I guess you have been there a while. Let him have a turn."

Mark let out a loud sigh, turned, and got out of the driver's seat while glaring at his four years younger friend. Johnny smiled broadly and excitedly squeezed past his mad older friend, and sat behind the steering wheel. He mimiced the older boy and made the same racing noises as he turned the wheel as far as he could and shifted while pretending to work the pedals.

Angelito stood shyly and patiently waiting for the two years younger friend to enjoy the rare experience when after five minutes Mr. Crewe finally looked his way and noticed him pouting patiently.

"Alright,time to let your other friend have a turn."

Johnny looked up at thehandsome man, slightly hurt that his turn was coming to an end, then looked over at the cute hispanic boy.

"Okay, it's your turn Angel." he said, "Sorry I took so long." and got out of the sexy car.

Angelito waited for the younger boy to get out of the car and step away.

Mr. Crewe wasn't a touchy feely man, but he put his hand on thecute brown boy's back, and pushed him gently towards the driver's seat.

The slim boy sat in the powerful car but made no sounds as he timidly explored the controls and shifted the stick.

Mr. Crewe decided the quiet cutie needed reassurance, so sat down next to him.

Angelito moved over, being squeezed against the center console as the six foot [1.80 m] man sat beside him.

Mr. Crewe pulled his legs into the car, then put his hands under the cute boy's arms, lifting him up and swinging the boy onto his lap.

"Here ya go!" he said, as the boy's bottom landed on his lap. He immediately got a hard on as the boy squirmed a bit, and his body began emitting pheromones. Mr. Crewe had never had a reaction like that to boys before,and shrugged it off as a fluke.

Angelito felt the bent rod under his bum,but didn't know what it was, but the handsome man's pheromones triggered an instant erection, and the sexy boy began emitting pheromones of his own.

Mr. Crewe's body picked up on the boy's invisible emission, and his uncomfortably bent erection spasmed in response. He put his left hand on the steering wheel, and his right on the key, cradling the responsive boy while stepping on the brake with his right foot and the clutch with his left.

The small boy was going no where. "Let me start 'er up for ya!" He said as he turned the key.

The Ferarri's 12 cylinder power plant purred instantly to life, and the boy glowed with excitement as his friends watched jealously. The man reved the engine, and the boys smiled and giggled happily.

Without thinking, the man put his hand low on the boy's stomach and slid it down onto his crotch. He couldn't help but feel the boy's small hard on. His fingers started to close around the slim shaft before he realized what he was doing.

When he did, he immediately slid his hand back up to the boy's stomach.

"How'd you like to go for a ride? Would you like that?" the man asked the smiling boy in his lap.

Angelito's smile got bigger, and he nodded his head enthusiastically.

"You wanna come too?" the man asked the hot boy's two hot friends.

They both nodded at once and said, "Yeah!"

"Then get in!" the man responded, leaning over and opening the passenger door.

The two boys ran around to the passenger side of the car, and climbed into the two seater, climbed in, and closed the door.

"Okay, here we go!" the man said, reving the engine three times before letting out the clutch.

Mr. Crewe put his hand on the back of the passenger seat as he looked over his shoulder and backed slowly out of his driveway with all three boys smiling and giggling happily,

Angelito still happily on his lap.

The handsome man gunned the sports car as he drove down the street, giving the boys a thrill as he did.

Angelito was pushed back against his chest, and his bubble butt ground over the man's still cramped hard on causing him to sigh with pleasure.

The car went through the corners fast, telling himself that he had to in order to properly impress the cute boys with the exotic car's handling capabilities, and each time he found himself putting his hand back onto the exotic boy's crotch 3; to steady him through the turns 3; he told himself.

The cute boy was always as stiff was he!

After a short jaunt through the city streets and a quick shot down the freeway, Mr. Crewe drove back to his house and parked the car in his driveway.

"Well, I hope you enjoyed yourselves!" he said with asmile.

The boys all nodded happily with 1000 watt smiles on their faces.

Johnny said "Yeah! that was awesome!" with a giggle.

"Good! I'm glad you enjoyed it!" Mr. Crewe said with a big smile he purposely dimmed to a mere 500 watts. He'd really enjoyed showing off his supercar's speed and agility to the cute boys, he thought as he looked at the blushing Angelito.

"I appologize boys, I'd love to stay and chat, but I have to get ready to go out. I'm supposed to pick up my girlfriend in half an hour, and she'll kill me if I'm late.

"Okay, bye." said Mark.

"Bye!" said Johnny.

"Bye," said Angelito, shyly.

Mr. Crewe was especially amourous with his girlfriend that night, and when they finally got into bed at her house that night he gave her an especially hard pounding while trying to keep the picture of a brightly smiling Angelito out of his head!

A few days later, the boys saw Mr. Crewe in his driveway polishing his Lamborghini. They'd told their parents all about meeting their new neighbor and how he'd given them a ride in his super hot car.

Angelito had somehow forgotten to mention that the man had felt him up a bit, but that was his private business, and his parents didn't need to know about that!

None of their parents had any real problems with the boy's encounter since the man was now a neighbor, so neither he nor the boys saw a problem with another visit.

"Hi boys!" Mr. Crewe said with a 700 watt smile as he saw the boys come walking up his driveway with sparkling smiles of their own. Just as with the Ferrari, the boys were drooling over the exotic. Mr. Crewe didn't understand why, but he couldn't resist glancing at the boy's crotches, especially Angelito's. It wasn't like him, he was astraight man and engaged to be married before long!

He dragged his eyes away from the boy's centers, after wondering how much dick the two white boys had to offer and wondering what Angelito would look like naked.

When the boys were within five feet [1½ m] of him and his exotic, he once more offered the boys a chance to sit behind the wheel just like they knew he would.

This time Johnny was the first to sit in the driver's seat as Mr. Crewe held Mark back when he once more tried to hip check the much smaller boy.

"Let him be first once in a while, eh?"

Mark sighed as he looked up at the handsome man, and nodded quietly while watching the lil red headget in and start playing with the controls.

After five minutes, Johnny opened the car door, and got out.

"Your turn." he said brightly, as he got out and stepped away.

Mark practically leaped into the car and played around with all of the controls just as his younger friend had while Angelito waited patiently.

After seven minutes, Mr. Crewe reminded Mark that the hispanic hadn't had his turn yet, and the cute towhead reluctantly relinquished his position behind the wheel.

"Your turn, Angel!" Mr. Crewe said sweetly as he gently pushed the boy towards the open driver's door.

After the boy swung his legs into the car, the man closed the door. Angelito once more played shyly with the car's controls, and Mr. Crewe once more took pitty on the brown eyed beauty. Again, he opened the door and sat down next to him. The small boy was again squeezed between the center console and his 40ish friend.

Again Mr. Crewe picked him up by his underarms, and moved him onto his lap. Another instant hardon, this time pointing to the left. His body released another tremendout outpouring of pheromones. The boy responded with an erection and pheromone release of his own.

Both males opened their mouths a little as their breathing became slower and deeper, Angelito immediately felt the log shaped rod under his slim bottom. He wriggled around which caused the man to gasp with pleasure as the boy settled in, squeezing his hardon uncomfortabley between his hip and the boy's butt.

He turned the key, and the car roared to life!

Angelito got a huge smile on his face, and wriggled some more.

Mr. Crewe put his hand on the boy's stomach, and again slid it down to just above the slim needle jutting from his crotch.

Why wasn't he surprised or upset to find the boy was hard?

The man rolled down the window, and yelled, "Hey, wanna go for a ride?" to Mark and Johnny.

The boy's crew instant million watt smiles, and ran around to the passenger side.

Johnny got in first, and Mark wedged him against the center console as he sat next to the window. Mr. Crewe reved the engine a few times, put his hand over the back of the passenger seat, and backed out of the driveway. Once in the street, he reved the engine again, and burnt rubber as he pulled away to the boy's excited cheers!

Since nothing been said about his previous joy ride with the boys, he immediately headed for the freeway and smartly let the car accelerate up to cruising speed.

It took all of four seconds with Angelito bouncing and wriggling around on his lap the whole time.

Mr. Crewe drove the boys to a local pizza parlor and ordered a Meat Lover's Pizza with garlic, and played video games with them while they waited.

They got back into the car in the same places, with Mark and Johnny holding the pizza on their laps as Angelito snuggled into the man's lap.

This time, Mr. Crewe got in first and made a smart adjustment, subtly pointing his cock north while the Mark and Johnny were settling into their seat and Angelito was looking around the parking lot thinking how lucky he was to be riding in such a nice car with such a nice man.

Mr. Crewe called Angelito over, and the boy climbed on his lap.

Both males noticed that this time the fat log nestled snugly between the boy's small buns.

Angelito let out a gasp. Sitting with the man rod running through his furrow was a lot like sitting on a horse!

When they got back to his house, Mr. Crewe invited the boys inside and they all gladly accepted.

He brought them to his newly appointed Game Room, and served them free-flowing soda from the built-in bar.

The boys had a fantastic time playing Playstation3, xBox360, and Nintendo Wii! They also promised not to say anything when Mr. Crewe (Now David to the boys) allowed them to see some straight but hard core porno!

Everything went fine for a while. The boys visited three to four times a week and always behaved themselves while rough-housing between video games, but were frustrated when David Crewe disappeared into his always locked home office for several hours while they played amongst themselves and watched T.V. No matter how hard the boys tried to sneak at least a peak inside the super secretive office.

They never managed to pull it off!

Then disaster hit!

The boy's parents started hearing rumors that the kindly man made his living by selling homosexual porno! And worse yet, it was legal too!

They were worried that the man whom they now thought of as Mr. Crude (Some even thought of him as just plain Crud!) might have designs on eventually recruiting their innocent children to pose or even act in his films!

They didn't want their kids hanging out with anyone who had anything to do with porno, especially NOT gay porno!

They all forbid their cute impressionable sons to ever speak to the handsome well-to-do man again much less enter his magnificent home again!

Mark and Johnny both reluctantly complied, but Angelito thought it was stupid, and refused to obey such a stupid order despite Mr. Crewe's insistence that it wasn't worth the stress of fighting his parents!

Angelito kept visiting his new adult friend, and threw several temper tantrums when the man insisted he turn right around and leave so as not to make more and bigger waves for him and his fiancé.

After a week of fighting with the strong-willed boy, David finally gave up, and told the boy he could come over for so long as his 'rents didn't find out!

Angelito happily agreed, glad that the man saw the brilliance in Angelito's 9-year-old reasoning.

Angelito occasionally succeeded in getting his friends to sneak in a visit the kewl man's lair for a few minutes at a time, but always ended up playing video games alone or watching tv on the 72-inch t. while the man worked on whatever-it-was in his very private office!

This only served to make the curious boy scheme on ways to get into the locked room to discover the innocent truth about what happened in there.

He finally decided to come on a day when he usually didn't (A Tuesday?) sneak into the house and into the usually locked room! He just knew his plan would work!

The following week, he put his plan into action!

Angelito hurried home from school, and dumped his books in his room. He quickly downed a few cookies and a glass of chocolate milk before going out the back door and over to the side fence.

He peeked over the fence, then climbed it, and quietly lowered himself to the ground.

Mr. Crewe's dog, Butch heard movement out of the corner of his eye and started barking as he ran over to investigate the intrusion. He pushed through the bushes, immediately recognized the crouching hiding boy, and wagged his tail as he licked his face.

"Quiet! Or you'll ruin everything!" Angelito told the full grown rottweiler as he petted it's neck. The dog wriggled around happily as the boy peeked out through the bushes and decided that it was safe to proceed.

He stayed in a crouch as he half ran across the 10 feet [3 m] between the hedge and the kitchen door.

He waited a few seconds, then tried the door handle. It was open. He turned the handle and pushed the door open.

The big dog tried to push past him, but he quickly grabbed his collar and used all his strength to hold on.

"No. Stay outside! And keep quiet!" he demanded as he pushed past the dog and into the house.

He had to push the dog back so he could close the door behind him."Stay outside, and don't bark!" he whispered harshly. The big dog was a little upset not to be allowed inside the house, but accepted his small human friend's order, wagging his tail hopefully as the door closed in front of him.

Once inside, he listened for a moment, then closed the door behind him. His cocklet sprang to instant hardness as his body responded to the pheremones the unseen man had been oozing as he edited video for his website over the last hour.

The boy adjusted his cocklet, then ever so quietly snuck through the kitchen and into the hallway that led to the playroom and the carefully guarded office 3; and it's secrets.

The small boy super quietly walked down the carpeted hallway, still in a crouch, until he reached the office door. He was in luck! The door was open!

He carefully peeked through the doorway, and saw Mr. Crewe sitting at a desk with his back to him, working at a computer with three screens, editing video footage together as he prepared the next film for his website.

Angelito gasped, and covered his mouth just in time to keep the sound from escaping his mouth!

On the screens was video of an old, fat, naked, grandfatherly white man on his knees on a carpeted floor in front of a couch behind an equally naked young looking 18ish hispanic man-boy. As the camera moved around the joined couple, Angelito was shocked to see that the man-boy in the video looked alot like him! So much in fact, that the older almost hairless man-boy could easily pass for an older version of him!

The boy subconsciously reached for his cocklet, squeezing, stroking, and pushing down on the tiplet of his hard boy-bone through his tight jeans.

He quietly stepped into the room to get a better look at the video, moving to within one foot behind the handsome man's high-backed leather office chair, continually fingering his achy rodlet the whole time with his mouth open, breathing slow and deep as he responded to the visual stimulation of the hot video and the man's freely flowing pheromones. His immature boy body began emitting pheromones of it's own in response.

Mr. Crewe had been shocked by the unbelieveably strong resemblance between his small hispanic friend and the barely legal man-boy in the video's publicity pics when he first saw them, and was sure that this is what the small hottie would look like in just a few years.

He hadn't hesitated, and had immediately paid the $350.00 [€250] fee for exclusive rights to the video and pictures along with right of first refusal for any of the man-boy's future work, and for the first time ever felt a little guilty to be editing it for sale to his customers.

Mr. Crewe's fat cock grew harder and spasmed as the boy's pheromones hit him, and he massaged his hard cock as he watched the old man root the cutie under him.

'What would it be like to root Angelito in the same manner?' he wondered. 'Could the boy handle it?'

Well, it didn't matter because the boy was far under age, so it didn't matter one way or the other.

Angelito watched the video intently over his older friend's shoulder, watching intently as the camera moved around the fucking couple in the video. He was horrified when the camera first showed the older boy's ass, he didn't know it was possible to put a cock up a guy's ass! and he was even more amazed when they showed the older boy's face! He was smiling as he panted and writhed through the hard fucking!

The guy was actually liking getting rammed by the old man's long thick fuck stick!

He watched and watched, and watched, unable to tear himself away from the man/boyish-man fuck video despite the imminent danger of being seen by the secretive man in front of him.

What would he say if he saw the small boy watching the nasty video over his shoulder?

Angelito realized it was time to leave, and took two steps backwards, but he'd forgotten he had stepped to the side when hecame in the room, and kicked a brass waste can.

"What the 3;???" Mr. Crewe yelled out as he jumped out of his chair and turned on his heel to confront whoever was behind him.

His eyes opened wider and his jaw dropped visibly as he was confronted by the sight of the arroused boy still fondling himself as he stood frozen with his own wide-eyed and open-mouthed pose.

Both were afraid for different reasons.

Mr. Crewe was afraid the boy was going to tell his parents and friends what he'd seen, and Angelito was afraid his man-friend was going to tell his parents or even bend him over his knee and spank him!

Neither needed to worry.

Neither wanted anyone else to know what the boy had seen!

Mr. Crewe didn't want anyone to know the boy was still coming into his home.

"What areyou doing here?" Mr. Crewe demanded in a loud voice.

Angelito had never seen the man mad before, and he was scared.

"I-I-I-I-I 3; I just came over to see what you were doing in h 3;" Angelito started to say.

"You came over here to spy on me?" The angry and somewhat scared man said.

What would happen now?

He'd just unintentionally corrupted a minor!

That wasn't good!

It was even illegal!

"Y-y-y-y-y-yes 3;" Angelito responded as he struggled for an answer. How was he ever going to get out of this?

"Well, you found out, are you happy now?" the man answered. How was he going to get out of this? He looked around trying to find an answer. He leaned towards the computer, intent on killing the video on the monitors.

"No! Don't! Please don't shut it off!" Angelito yelled. He still wanted to watch the amazing footage playing out on the three screens in front of him.

The old man and the young guy were both huffing and puffing. Moaning and grunting as they rutted away in front of the cameras. The boy could also hear the squishy noises of the hard man meat pounding in and out of the boy-man's ass!

He was transfixed by the sight and sounds, and his cocklet was throbbing between his fingers. He noticed the long fat man rod tenting out his older friend's pants, and couldn't help but stare at it for a few moments. He wanted to see it!

The man noticed, and stared at the boy while instinctively covering his crotch with one hand.

He was really in trouble now!

The boy knew he was aroused!

Angelito looked up at the sexy man's face. His cocklet jerked between his fingers as the man stood there open mouthed. Then it hit him, the man didn't want to be told on either!

He instinctively pumped harder on his slim cocklet. He was in charge!

"You don't want to tell on me, do you?" he asked, suddenly feeling braver. "You'll get in trouble too!" he said with a smile. He was still shaking, but he realized he could get what he wanted. He could get what he wanted! He stepped forward.

"Let me see it," he said looking down at the bulge in his man's jeans. He stood there for a few seconds as the man stood there, frozen in shock. He looked up at the handsome man's face for a few seconds, then back down at his crotch.

"I've never seen a man's cock before. I wanna see!" He reached out, and put his hand on the man's swollen jeans covered organ.

Mr. Crewe gasped and jumped back a step as he felt the exhilarating shock of the boy's touch. His cock jerked excitedly and his body oozed more pheromones. Angelito immediately felt the effect of the man's hormonal emission, and licked his lips.

"Come on, I won't hurt it. Honest," and he reached out and petted the man's crotch again. This time the man didn't move, and just sighed at the pleasant feeling of the boy's small hand stroking his man rod. Angelito instinctively stroked up and down, and oozed more pheromones of his own. Then the boy grabbed the waistband of the man's pants, and quickly pulled down his zipper. Mr. Crewe gasped at the brazen move, but found himself unable to react as he then felt the boy's small hand slip through the opening and grasp his man rod through his boxers!

"WOW! It's so hot and thick," the boy said as he looked up into the man's sex glazed eyes with sex-glazed eyes of his own. He slid his hand up and down it's length several times.

"What's this?" he asked as his hand got wet with the man's leaking goo.

"That's called pre-cum. It's a special lubricant that a man makes when he's excited." Mr Crewe told the curious cutie.

"Oh." The boy said said as he rolled the thick goop between his fingers. He brought his slickened fingers to his nose, and sniffed.

"It smells sweet! "he said with a smile on his face as his eyes sparkled.

He thought about it for a minute and sniffed it again. He looked up at the man for a second, then stuck out his tongue, and licked it, the small glob now stuck to his tongue. His pink tongue disappeared inside his mouth. The man's pheromones started working more vigorously on the boy as he tasted the natural sex lube.

"Hey, it doesn't taste like anything," he said.

The boy decided he needed to see the man's cock, but when the man grimaced as he tried to pull the turgid weapon through the fly.

"Sorry," he said, looking up meekly, then quickly undid the button on the man's jeans, and pulled down the boxers. He saw more precum glistening on the leaking peehole, and had an unresistible urge. He wiped more stuff off the man's leaking tip with his fore and middle fingers He liked the feel of the mysterious stuff on his fingers, and loved the scent and texture of the thick man goo in his mouth. He looked down at the man's powerful cock, and started moving his hand up and down the wrinkled man-stick, jacking it.

Mr. Crewe gasped at the pleasurable feeling, causing Angelito to look up into his eyes again with a mischievious smile on his face. He liked the effect he was having on the sexy man. He squeezed a little tighter, and jacked a little harder. His dicklet got hard in his tight jeans, and he reached down to adjust himself so he was pointing true north. Angelito's body started oozing more pheromones of his own.

"NO, really, you shouldn't do that!" Mr. Crewe gasped, trying to find the will to stop the boy. The boy's pheromones were having an effect on him too.

"Let me see your balls!" the boy said, shoving his hand into the opening between the man's boxers and his dick.

"OW!" the man groaned as the boy's small soft hand stretched his scrotum, and his fingers wrapped around his hairy nuts. The boy was on a roll, and wasn't about to stop. Then he heard more sex noises from the video playing behind him. He looked over his shoulder, and swooned as he saw the manish boy who looked so much like him getting banged hard on the screen.

"Stand up, let me pull these down!" he said excitedly as he yanked on the man's arm.

Mr. Crewe groaned and let himself be pulled to his feet. The boy had already seen his junk, so no harm would be done by doing as he asked.

The boy quickly pushed the man's jeans and boxers down to his knees, then down to his ankles.

"Now sit!" the small skinny boy ordered as he pushed the man back into his leather chair. Mr. Crewe obeyed.

Angelito sat on the man's lap, facing the video monitors. It felt uncomfortable with the man's thick rod beind him, so he got up, pushed it down, and guided it between his legs as he sat back down. It rubbed against his sensitive balls and even the tip of his covered cocklet as hemoved around trying to get comfortable. Mr. Crewe moaned as the boy's body rubbed against his. It felt so right! Angelito reached down and started jacking his cocklet in his left hand and the man's in his right, comparing the length, width, and texture of the two organs, and thrilling in it! Both males increased their production of pheromones, getting more and more aroused as the boy's masturbation of himself and his man continued. Mr.Crewe started producing even more precum, and little Angelito couldn't help but wriggle around as he got more and more excited! Finally, he couldn't take any more! The man-boyish man action on the screen combined with the sex sounds and the sexy feelings in his body combined with the skin-on-skin contact with his sexy man was too much! He had to have a cock in his butt, and he had to have it now! Without warning, he got up off his man's lap, the fat fuck-stick scraping through his furrow as he moved forward, and got on his knees in front of the handsome man.

"Come on!I want it up my butt! I have to have it! NOW!" he said as he grabbed the man's engorged boy prodder.

Mr. Crewe was shocked, even a little horrified if he was to be honest. The situaation was getting increasingly out of control. His little friend just told him he wanted to get raped, and he didn't see how the boy could survive such a feat, or how he could even get his fat rod in him to do it. He gasped in pleasure as the sexy boy pulled on his cock. What was he going to do? The boy had him over a barrel, but he didn't want to kill him! He didn't move.

Angelito realized he was going to have to be firm with the man. He released his grip and grabbed the man by the nuts.

"Oh!" he yelped as he jumped forward.

Angelito smiled. 'That did it!' he thought, and sure enough, the man moved off the chair and knelt behind him.

'This isn't happening, it just isn't possible!' Mr. Crewe thought as he knelt behind the slim rump of the cute boy. WOW! Did he everlook sexy!

Angelito gave the man's balls another jerk, pulling him into position behind him. "Come on! Let's do it!" he said impatiently.

Mr. Crewe just knelt there, wondering how to respond. 'This isn't right!' he thought.

Angelito's cunt was tingling. He needed cock now! He grabbed the man's dick again, and pulled it forward, angling the mushy head down towards his waiting pussy. Mr. Crewe gave another pleasured groan as the boy instinctively rubbed his cockhead up and down through his crack. He gave a small, instinctual thrust forward as his leaking cockhead slid over the boy's pinpoint pucker. Angelito gasped at the pleasurable sensation. 'This feels SOOOOO RIGHT!' he thought as he pushed back.

Mr. Crewe was surprised, but pleased by the boy's reaction. He couldn't help it, he was losing his resolve, and felt so good! If it was good for the goose (boy), it was good for the gander (man)! Mr. Crewe finally put his hands on the boy's hips, he rubbed the silky smooth globes, and gently humped at the boy's sexy rump. 'Yes!' he thought, "this is good!' He grabbed his cock in one hand, and held the boy's hip with the other as Angelito got on all fours pumping his slim ass back at the sexy may who was finally in position behind him. He humped at the boy. 'Maybe if I just hump off on him? That'll be alright, won't it?" he thought. 'There's really no harm if this is what the boy wants 3;' He let stopped humping for a moment, and let his hand wander under the boy and felt his crotch. His little 2 inch [5 cm] dicklet was ramrod hard! He jacked on it, squeezing his fist as he slid it back and forth over slim boy spike.

Angelito moaned with pleasure, and looked back glassy eyed at his sexy man. 'This is soooo perfect!' he thought!

Mr. Crewe felt the boy's tiny nuts,pulled up tight in his smooth sack. He squeezed and pulled on them, then rubbed them before returning his hand to the boy's rodlet. He stroked it with two fingers, up and down, back and forth, twirling his fingers on the boy's sensitive tip before squeezing and pulling his fingers back down the short stalk. The sexy boy moaned and squirmed in ecstasy under the man's practiced fingerwork. Mr. Crewe moved his hand back to the boy's hips, and humped harder agains the kid's sexy rear. He instinctively pushed harder still as his slick gland slid over the tiny pucker. The more he did, the slicker the unused sexport got, and the kid's cocksleeve started to relax. Mr. Crewe could swear his cockhead was starting to slip into the boy's fuckhole 3; just a little 3; and it was!

After a few minutes, Mr. Crewe's cock was no longer slipping up and down through the boy's now slimy crack, but always centering it's penetrative effort's squarely on the kid's virgin pucker. The horny man grunted as he pushed at the resistant portal while pulling backwards on the kid's slim hips. Angelito was fully into the spirit of things, rucking his hips backwards and pushing at the man's fat boy plugger, trying with all his might to get on the thick fun pole so he could experience the ecstasy that his older doppleganger in the video was enjoying.

Mr. Crewe's resistance to fuck had reached an all timelow. He now wanted to probe the boy with his prong. He somehow knew itwas meant to be. And why not? The boy, as young and tight as he obviously was obviously wanted to be fucked! But no matter how hard the rutting pair tried to couple, it seemed no use. The boy was just too darned tight! Mr. Crewe, his resistance now completely gone knew what he had to do. He sat back on his haunches and gently rubbed the boy's satiny cheeks, leaned down kissed each perfect globe, parted the boy's cheeks with his thumbs, and then finally kised the pretty pucker in between. The boy tasted clean and fresh with just a hint of sweet sweat, just like a tasty boy ought to!

Angelito giggled and squirmed! 'That was better than having his man's fat fuckstick pushing at his hole!' he thought.

Mr. Crewe kissed his pulsing pucker again, but this time stuck out his tongue and drilled. The man's tongue entered the pretty pussy to a tiny extent as the boys squirmed, wriggled, and giggled with glee. 'This is the best thing yet!' he thought. Mr. Crewe steadied the boy's randy rump in his hands, and kissed again, licking deeper still. The boy giggled hysterically, squirmed and pushed his bucking hips back at the man's nasty tongue. Mr. Crewe licked harder and deeper, then licked his thumbs and pushed them into the slightly parted pussy pucker, and stretched. Angelito groaned in pain! That hurt!

"Don't worry,sweety, it'll get better, I promise." the man said gently, then moved up over the boy and kissed his left cheek.

Angelito believed him, and why shouldn't he? The proof was right there in the video playing out before his lust filled eyes!

"Tell you what, honey. I know a way to make this easier on you. Stay right there, and I'll be right back. I just need to get something out of the bathroom," the man said, then got upto get the needed thing.

Angelito groaned again. Despite the pain of having his virgin cockport stretched, he really did want to go through with it and get his first fuck. Part of him was afraid his man would change his mind and come back dressed. He needn't have worried. Mr. Crewe's cock was making all the decisions now, and it had decided the little angel's pussy needed to be popped. Mr. Crewe came back with a tube of vaseline in his hand, and quickly resumed his position behind the cute boy.

The horny man knelt down with a comforting smile on his face and gently rubbed the boy's tender cheeks. He bent down and kissed first the left cheek, and then the right.

He rubbed the silky smooth cheeks in a circular fashion a little longer, then once more slid his thumbs into the shallow crevasse, and parted the beautiful glowing white globes.

Angelito gasped, and Mr. Crewe put his pointer fingers to work on the boy's tender pucker. He stroked around it, circling it carefully, then once more centered on the center of the portal and pushed. The boy winced again. Mr. Crewe sighed. As much as he wanted the added friction of a dry fuck, the boy really did need the to be well lubed.

He kissed the boy's waiting cunt, and licked inside one last time, then opened the tube, and squeezed some onto his fingers. He spread the messy, but required jelly onto the boy's pucker and pushed some inside. The lil cutie gasped as the man's thick finger easily penetrated his virgin pussy spread the goo around inside, then started moving in and out, twisting them as he pumped.

Angelito got a strained look on his face as the horny man finally began to properly prepare him for his first fuck. In and out, twisting and turning, bending this way and that, exploring the cute and horny boy's sex hole for the first time, delighting in the way the boy strained, and gasped as the man began to stretch him out.

As soon as the boy seemed to relax and loosened his cunt's vice like grip on his finger, the man drove a second finger in beside the first.

Angelito gasped and tried to bolt forward as he felt himself stretched to double the width.

Mr. Crewe quickly hooked his right hand around the boy's hip, stoping him in his tracks. He chuckled silently to himself! 'What was the boy going to do when he felt the man's fat fuckstick power into him for the first time?' he thought.

He grabbed the near virgin's cocklet (still hard!) and jacked it for a few moments, perving over the way the cute fucktoy strained into his fist. He slid his finders down to the kid's cumless nuts and squeezed. Angelito opened his mouth wide and threw his head back in a silent scream as he thrust forward with his slim hips. Mr. Crewe smiled and rolled the young berries between his fingers, and pulled on the satiny bag containing them. A big smile quickly grew on the boy's face as the talented man manipulated his jewels.

He bent down again, and gave the unused fuckhole another deep tonguing, continuing to delight in the way the sexy 9er squirmed and writhed as he sexed him up, jacking his dicklet and feeling his nuts while he alternately dined on his sexy ass and reamed it out with his fingers.

He felt the boy relax again, and slid a third finger in beside the other two.

Angelito tensed like never before, but he was going to have to stretch at least that much if he was to take Mr. Crewe's thick rod in his bum.

He kept jacking his tiny cocklet and feeling and pulling on his balls for another two minutes while continuing to eat and ream his squirming ass, keeping the small boy on the cusp of climax the whole time.

Finally, he felt the boy was as loose as he was going to get, and he truely didn't think he could want another minute. The time was now. He straightened up and moved forward, preparing for the first boy-mounting of his life.

He spread vaseline over the length of his cock, pushed it down, and lined up for the fuck of his life. The bulbous tip scraped through the boy's furrow til it was gently pushing at the boy's pleasure portal. He jacked on the boy cock a few more moments, then gripped the boy's hips, and thrust forward, pushing against the boy's yawning, but still tight entrance. Angelito gasped as he felt the thick cock pushing against his sex ring, trying to stretch it further still. His sex ring instinctively tried to clench tight as the man tried to enter for the first time. As much as the lil boy wanted it, he no longer thought he could take it, but his formerly reluctant man was now determined that he would.

The man wasn't surprised that he didn't slip right in, and began humping rythmically against the slim boy bum, thrusting forward, then holding the pressure before backing off, only to repeat the proccess over and oer again.

"Push out, baby, push out!" he coaxed the boy gently.

The boy grunted in response, being rocked forward as the man thrust homeward, determined to connect.

Finally his cock began to make headway, stretching the resistant fuckhole

He kept the pressure on the tight opening, the boy grunted and occaisionally spasmed as he felt his tiny pucker start to give way. The tight boy muscle finally stretched so it was just barely wide enough for the man meat to squeeze thru! Mr. Crewe gasped as he felt the sexy boy's muscle spasm.

He froze for a moment, then applied a little more pressure.

His cockhead slid roughly through the opening until the boy's muscle started to grip below the head, sucking the thick cock in.

In just two seconds, the boy's ring snapped tight behind the man's mushroom head and the boy yelped.

He was in! Angelito whimpered and squirmed as Mr. Crewe slid another 2 inches [5 cm] inside, securing his enviable position within the sexy boy.

"You alright, baby?" he asked, not really concerned. He'd seen enough videos of popping virgins to know what to expect.

"It huur-rrRRTS." the boy whined as he continued to squirm a little and started feeling his bumhole where the man's thick shaft entered him. He slid his hand up and down the exposed portions of the man's rod, feeling how much wasn't inside his super tight cunt.

He looked over his shoulder, evaluating his fucker carefully. Was the man going to try to put the rest in? Would it fit? How much more was it going to hurt if he did? How long before the would it be before he started feeling the good feelings his older look-a-like was so obviously feeling? Could he take the pain until it started feeling good? Would it really start feeling good?

He wasn't sure about doing it anymore. He whad been sure it would feel great from the start. It didn't.

He whimpered a little and instinctively squeezed his pussy tighter around the man cock.

"Push out and it won't hurt so much, okay, baby." Mr. Crewe softly told the boy as he continued to hold his slim hips.

The sexy, and still somewhat naive boy did as told, and when he did, Mr. Crewe quickly slid another two inches [5 cm] inside his incredibly tight love tunnel. The feeling of the young boy's hot, moist, tight, and quivering steaktube was incredible! Far better than any female pussy he'd ever fucked!

Angelito gasped, and instinctively tried to pull off, out from under, and away again. Mr. Crewe held firm, maintaining his position now 5 inches [12½ cm] inside the cutie's quivering fuck hole.

"That's it baby! Do it again for me! Let me in that beautiful cunt of your's!"

The slim brown boy was wriggled and squirmed, trying to get comfortable on the fat slab of man meat taking his no longer virgin hole. He pushed out again, and once more Mr. Crewe shoved more of his drooling man cock inside.

"Ahhhhhhh!" the boy yelled loudly as he felt the hard thickness of Mr. Crewe's cock being shoved deeper inside him. He tried to jump up, But Mr. Crewe held his hips firmly, keeping the pressure on the boy's pussy, continuing to creep deeper inside even as the boy tried to pull free.

He squirmed some more, and once more felt the stretched lips of his fuck port, and the shorter length of man shaft not yet encased inside his wonderful cunt.

He squirmed, rocked back and forth, and gasped. A full 7 inches [18 cm] were now jammed deep inside the innocent hottie.

He decided he'd had enough. As much as he'd wanted to do this, it wasn't for him after all! He just wasn't cut out for this. Regardless of how much his older look-a-like liked or even loved it, it huuRRRT!

"Take it out! Please!" he whined, the strain of the fuck obvious in his young voice., "Take it out! It hurts too much! Please!" he begged.

He continued to wriggle and squirm, rocking forward and back as Mr. Crewe maintained his position on and in his hot man pleaser. He instinctively pushed out again, and Mr. Crewe was loving being inside him too much to stop now. He thrust forward again, quickly driving the last inch inside the boy's silky hole.

Angelito gasped as he felt Mr. Crewe's hairy crotch slammed against his smooth buttocks followed momentarily by the man's low hangers slapping below his own.

"Ummm, take it out! It hurts! Let me up! Please!" he begged looking back over his shoulder, then trying to get up.

Mr. Crewe held his hips firmly, keeping his ass tight against his crotch and his cock deep inside his quivering warm pussy.

"Relax baby, it'll start feeling good soon, I promise." Mr. Crewe said, bending down and licking his ear, then nibbling it. Angelito gasped and squirmed some more, moving his stretched pussy on the man's cock.

Mr. Crewe reached down, and grabbed the boy's stiffy. The cutie gasped, and immediately hunched his hips forward into the man's tight fist. He gasped and raised his head back as far as he could, unable to help himself from humping into the man's fist and so too humping his ass on the man's thick rod.

Back and forth the boy humped, forward into the man's fist, backwards onto the man's cock. Each time he humped forward hungrilly, the handsome man let his hand be pushed a bit further forward, thusly forcing the boy to slide his ass further along his thick cock. Instinct and lust made the boy shove his ass ever further backwards, impaling himself further and further onto the man's steel hard cock despite the strain and the pain. His need for the stimulating feeling on his virgin cocklet forced him to all but ignore the pain in his cunt, and as he fucked front and back, the pain in his pussy became less and less, and it combined with the tingly feelings in his dicklet until he no longer recognized it as pain. It just became an exquisite form of heightened pleasure.

He humped and pumped, eyes wide and glassy, mouth open and tongue hanging out. He was even drooling with his head moviing from fully up and back to dropped and looking back past his legs at the heavy swinging man balls beind him, or twisting his head back and forth, it didn't take long before his pussy loosened up, and he was feeling his man's curly hairs slapping against his smooth bottom. He couldn't believe how great it felt each time the man cock rubbed over that spot inside his bottom.

Just then, an orgasm shook his brownish body, he stretched and strained with his cocklet throbbing and his pussy muscles spasmed wildly around the powerful boy stimulator ravaging his tight, boyishly muscled body.

'No wonder his older look-a-like was having so much fun doing it!' he thought, now that his pussy had loosened up a bit. The only problem was that he was trying to watch the video while he got fucked, and that damned thick dick squishily pumping in and out of his boy cunt was distracting him with the funny tickly feelings it caused inside him as it moved in and out.

Mr. Crewe was now fully into the fuck. He couldn't believe how wonderful it was to be fucking the little guy! He truly had no regrets about taking the willing boy's virginity now!

He was obviously loving it as much as he was!

"The gods has surely smiled on me today!" he thought as he gently guided the boy's hips, keeping him lined up properly so he could penetrate him as deeply as possible.

He was sweating from excitement. and was fighting to keep from cumming too soon.

Now that he accepted the fuck he was giving the boy, it was starting to bother him that he didn't have the kid's complete attention!

"Come on, let's go somewhere more comfortable," he said, putting his right foot on the ground and pulling the panting boy to his knees, and pulling him back so his back was pressed against his chest, and held him.

Then he maneuvered the boy's legs so his was sitting in a crouch, the man's thick root still buried deep in his fuckhole. He then slipped an arm under the kid's knees, and stood up.

"H-hey!" the boy said as his man lifted him and turned towards the doorway.

"It's alright. We just need to go somewhere more comfortable. This carpet is killing my knees 3;" he said by way of excuse as the boy craned his neck to continue watching the sex video as Mr. Crewe began carrying him out of the room.

"I wanted to watch that!" Angelito said with a slight pout,

"We don't need a video to show us what to do. What we've got going between your legs is much better than that, trust me." He told the boy as he walked down the hall, and started climbing the stairs. You can watch it later if you really want to.

He moved his hand so it was now under the boy's bottom, and toyed with the boy's cocklet, then pulled, squeezed, and massaged his balls.

"Uuuuuuhhhh!" the boy moaned as the near orgasm inducing sensations wracked his small body.

They reached the top of the stairs, and Mr. Crewe took the boy into the master bedroom, and straight to the bed. No reason to dawdle. He needed to fuck!

He stood at the foot of the bed, and told the little angel to put his knees down. He adjusted the boy's position so that his feet and half his shins hung over the edge of the bed. He put his hands on the boy's shoulders, and pressed forward, pushing him back into the puppy position.

Angelito wriggled a little, spread his legs, then looked over his shoulder, not sure of the man's plan.

Mr. Crewe reached under and checked his status.

Still hard and pointy!

He jacked the cocklet a bit, then moved his hand to the boy's hip. It was time to fuck!

He pulled back, hesitated a second,then pumped in, exploring the fit in the new position. Angelito gasped and wriggled as he felt the first thrust in the new position.

Mr. Crewe pulled back, and thrust again, this time without hesitation and with more power.

It really felt great now, knowing that he had the boy's undivided attention, and the boy seemed to respond better to his fuckstrokes in his ever so tight boy cunt!

In and out, back and forth he humped and pumped, one hand on the boy's left shoulder, keeping him down, and the other on his right hip, keeping him lined up. His cock squished and squashed as he pumped in and out, back and forth, drilling the boy's loosened but still boyishly tight cunt as his hairy crotch smacked against the boy's silky buns and his balls slapped up between his hairless thighs and into his chicken nuggets. The boy was still squirming as he stroked through his fuck chute but he took the liberty of feeling his thin, barely muscled chest. He squeezed the boy tits, puulling and twisting them, getting more sexy gasps and moans from the slim kid as his cock continued to drill powerfully in and out of his achy pussy.

He pulled out, flipped the boy onto his back, and quickly pushed his thin legs up to his chest. He briefly gazed at the boy's pussy.

It was an amazing sight! What had been a tiny pink wrinkled pucker with a tighly sealed pinpoint opening just a few minutes ago was now a widely gaping red raw opening dripping with saliva, lube, and precum He looked for signs of ripping or tearing, but saw none. He dipped two fingers inside, and slid them around the cunt lips, they game back slick with lube, but no signs of blood. Angelito was laying quietly on his back, instinctively holding his legs up and out as he watched his man examining his fuck hole, eyes still glazed with arousal. He let out a short "Ooooooooh!" as the man's fingers explored his abused opening.

"Lookin good." was all the handsome itallian said. Then he grabbed the boy by his hips, and pulled him to the edge of the bed, bent his cock cuntward, and quickly slid back in while looking his conquest in the eye.

Angelito gasped as he was refilled, and the man went to work, humping and bumping, intentionally eliciting a gasp from his young partner each time he bottomed out in the boy's still tight chute.

With the boy in the new position, he bent down while fucking and kissed his little mate on the lips, forcing his tongue between his lips and past his teeth as he did so. Angelito had never been kissed like that before, and briefly struggled to avoid trading tongues. Mr. Crewe persisted, and the boy was soon into it, swapping spit, and chasing his man's tongue back into his mouth as the man played with his tits, teased his cocklet, and squeezed, pulled, and even twisted his young balls while continuing to fuck. Angelito shuddered through another cumless climax, screeching out a series of "OOOOO's, AAAAAAH'S, Oh YEAH's and HA, HA, AH, HA, HA, HA's" till it was over. Angelito's arms and legs went limp as he tried to recover from his most intense dry climax yet.

Mr. Crewe showed no mercy. He rolled on his back, taking the little sexpot with him, and told him to "Move up and down." Angelito was tired. He didn't know sex was such hard work, and now the man was making him work at their coupling while he laid there watching.He held the boy's hips as he rose to the kneeling position above him, sitting on his cock.

"Come on, babe! Up and down, up and down!" the man demanded of the worn out boy. Angelito just sat there, feeling exhausted, and staring at his man with his mouth open and tongue out, eyes still sex-glazed, not believing it wasn't over yet.

"Come on! Get busy!" Mr. Crewe demanded, and thrust up with his hips.

Angelito bounced into the air, but Mr. Crewe kept him centered on his cock, the boy's bottom slapped down onto the man's crotch, once more fully impaled on his cock before he could tell his muscles to tense for the gravity drop.

Mr. Crewe repeated his upward thrust, and the boy bounced upwards again, but this time he tensed his leg muscles for the drop, and impacted more gently. He was truly worn out, but realizing that he had not choice, he started raising and lowering himself using his own strength.

"Now jack yourself!" the he ordered.

When he realized the boy didn't know what the term meant, he said, "Like this!" he grabbed the slim two-incher [5 cm] between his thumb and two fingers and demonstrated. Angelito lost his balance and fell to the side. He just laid there for a few seconds.

Mr. Crewe sighed, "Get back on it!" he said with a huff.

The boy took a second, then restraddled his man in the kneeling position while the man held his cock in position with one hand, and guided the boy down with the other.

There was barely any resistance as the boy lowered his weight on it. Then it slipped in effortlessly.

"Now play with yourself!" the man ordered.

Angelito knew what to do now, and quietly did as told, panting from the dual cocklet and prostate stimulation.

Mr. Crewe laid back and watched the sexy kid fuck and play with himself for a bit. It was a sexy sight, but the inexperiencd boy wasn't pleasuring the full 8 inch [20 cm] length of his cock as he slowly raised and lowered his aching cunt over it. Just as the boy started to gently lower his pussy further onto the thick cock, he thrust up, fully spearing the gasping boy for a few seconds before dropping his butt back to the bed before repeating the process.

After a few minutes of this, he pulled the boy close, and rolled on top of him. He fucked for a few more minutes, then pulled out again, and bent the boy over the edge of the bed, the boy's legs were too short to reach the floor, and he quickly re-entered. It felt better when he bottomed out as the boy no longer bounced off his crotch when his hips slapped against the boy's smooth buns. After a few minutes, he picked the boy up, and pushed him against the wall, his feet not touching plowed a few more minutes before returning the boy to the supine position on the bed for the finish.

His fucking became more furious as his climax approached.He thrust in harder, and pushed for a few more seconds each time he bottomed out, getting as far into the hottie's cunt as possible. After another two minutes of hard fucking, he slammed in hard, and his thick cock finally spat out it's seed into the boy's tight innards.

Mr. Crewe bent down, hugging the boy close, and rolled on his back with his cock still burried deeply in the boy's cunt, a white ring around the reddend, and now black and blue speared portal.

After a few minutes rest, he pulled out and examined the boy's cum drooling cunt.

Some of the cum did have a slight pink tone to it, but all in all, the sexy temptor had survived his first fuck in great shape!

He got up and took a piss. Then came back and carried the boy to the bathroom for a needed cleanup and clean out.

The End


In the bus home 12 year old Joselito meets a black and a white man who are both very interested in him.

Joselito (12yo), John (black adult) and Bill (blond adult)
Mb – reluc mast oral anal – interr

It was 3:30 p.m. on a friday afternoon, and school had gotten out half an hour ago.

The slim, short haired 12 year old hispanic boy was tired after a long day at school, and had stopped at the local burger joint with some friends. The boys wolfed down their burgers and fries while talking about all the mischief they'd been up to over the last 24 hours before they parted company for the weekend. He took a piss before heading off to the bus depot to catch a ride home. When he got to the terminal, the number 9 bus had just left so he had to wait another 15 minutes for the next one to come by. His backpack weighed a ton It seemed like all of his teachers had assigned homework for the weekend! All he wanted to do was go home and play WarCraft.

As he sat in the terminal, he noticed a scruffy-looking, older black man with a slightly greying beard and mustache looking at him. He looked back, and then away again. He glanced back, and the man was still looking at him. He'd noticed lots of men looking him over over the last few years. It hadn't really bothered him before, but now he noticed his friends looking at girls in the same way, so it made him uncomfortable.

He got up from the long bench to take his mind off of it, walked over to the candy machine, bought a Hershey Bar, and found another seat facing away from the man. He ate his candy bar, and then looked over his shoulder to where the man had been sitting. He was still there, and once again he caught the man looking at him. He held the man's gaze for a moment, and then snapped his head around fast when he realized he'd been looking back too long. He pulled his PSP out of his backpack to pass the time, and played Gran Tourismo until the bus finally came ten minutes later. He was happy to see the man was still sitting in the same place when he got on the bus two minutes later. He was glad to be leaving the man behind.

He took one of the last seats on the bus. As he was looking around to see who he was squeezed into the sardine can with, the black man got on the bus. There were only one or two seats left, and the man chose to stand, holding onto one of the straps hanging from the grab bar. The place he chose was near, but across the aisle from the cute hispanic boy. A few moments later a youngish blond man got on the bus, and took a seat a bit further back 3; behind the black man. The boy had seen him around for a while, and although they had never talked, he was comfortable with him.

The black man, John, decided it was time to make his move.

"Those are nice shoes you've got there. What are they, Nike Shocks?" he asked, knowing the answer was yes.

The boy's nervousness came back, and his dual, and competing social and safety mandates kicked in simultaneously.

1.) Don't talk to strangers!

2.) Be polite!

The boy took a moment before replying as he decided how to react.

"They're Nike Shocks." he replied weakly, looking past the black man to the white man sitting a few feet behind him.

The black man had been hoping for direct eye contact, and when he didn't get it, he followed the cumly boy's gaze past himself to the white man. The two adults looked at each other, and then the white man looked past the black man, and into the eyes of the nervous hispanic boy.

John immediately sensed that the two knew each other. He looked back at the cute boy sitting directly behind the driver, and then looked forward and out the bus' windshield. Advancement towards his goal seemed impossible.

The bus lumbered on. It made two stops over the next ten blocks, and John couldn't help but think there must still be a way.

Ten blocks later the bus made another stop and a seat opened up next to the blond man.

John took the seat, and decided to make small talk, and see what happens. The boy noticed, he was keeping an eye on the black man.

As the two men talk, a delicate bond developed. The men somehow knew they had something in common.

Two stops later, more people had gotten off the bus than had gotten on, and the men had a cushion of a few empty seats around them. John decided to take a chance.

"He sure is a cute one, isn't he?" John asked carefully.

The blond man was startled by the statement, and jumped a little, then he was the black man's wink.

"Uhhh, ummmm, yeah, he is." he answered in a very quiet, conspiritorial tone.

"They just don't come much prettier than them brown boys now, do they? mmmmm, mmm!" John continued. "You ever had one?" he asked, trying to figure out a way to to get a chance with the boy.

"Ummm, well, not one that young."

"Yeah? So you've had a few boys before?" John asked, thinking he had misjudged the man.

"Well, no. Just 18 and 19 year olds" the blond man answered.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I could sure use a piece of boy ass right now, and he's looking mighty fine!" John said with a conspiritorial tone. "What's your name?"

"Bill," the blond man answered quietly.

"Well, Bill, I think we can get him if you'll work with me" he added as he adjusted his stiffening cock in his tight jeans. "I can have you dickin' im in about an hour! Are you in?"

Bill looked away from John, and over at the boy for a moment, then carefully looked John in the eye as he too adjusted his cock. "Yeah, I'm in. What do I have to do?" he asked.

"Just play along with me, and let me do the talking." The horny black man said. "I really think he likes you. Do yo uknow where he gets off?" he added.

"Yeah, at the Super Deluxe Market . It's just a few stops away."

"Perfect!" said John, licking his lips as he looked over at the cute young hispanic.

The bus lumberred on, and the boy looked over at the horney men a few times. He knew something was up. He didn't think the two men seemed like they'd naturally hang out together. They were like night and day, not just black and white.

He looked up ahead, and out the bus' windshield, watching his stop approach.

Someone else pulled the Stop Signal a block before the Super Deluxe Supermarket, and he slung his backpack over his shoulder. When the bus stopped, he went out the front door. The two men followed, walking quickly to catch up as the boy passed the supermarket.

"Hey, what's your name?" John asked as he came within two feet of the boy. The boy slowed, and turned. He hadn't realized the men were following him. He was a bit shocked to find them both so close to him.

He shook a little, looked back and forth between the two me, then answered. "José, why?" he asked.

John put on his best boy-seducing smile, showcasing his pearly whites. "José! It's nice to meet you, Joselito! How you doing?"

"Ummm, fine. Uhhh, can I help you?" José asked, sure that something was up.

"Well, My name's John, and here's my friend, Bill! We just wanted to talk to you for a moment, that's all. Is that okay, Joselito?" John asked.sincerely, as both men closed the distance between themselves and the boy to about one foot.

"Umm, yeah, I guess so." Joselito said weakly. "What you what to talk about?" he asked suspiciously.

"Well, nothing in particular. You just seem like a really kewl boy, that's all. I like to know kewl boys." John said. "You've got a real sense of style. I respect that."

"Uhhhh, thanks."

"I'm Bill" the white man added, butting into the conversation, trying to make a good impresion on the cute boy.

"Hi!" Joselito said with a shy smile.

"So, Joselito," John started, "would you like to go have an ice cream with us. I'm buying," he added with a big smile.

Joselito noticably tensed up, and rocked backwards a little bit. He wanted to know the white man, but wasn't really interested in the black man. It wasn't that he was prejudiced or anything, it's just he was so much older than him, and he was kinda scruffy! It made him nervous.

"Heyt, come on! Loosen up a bit!" John replied. "It's not like I'm asking you to come home with me or anything!" John said. 'Not yet anyway,' he said to himself. "We'll be in a public place with lots of other people around. You'll be safe. Come on! What can it hurt? You'll have fun! I promise!"

Joselito bowed his head slightly as he looked over both men.

"Yeah, it'll be alright. I'll keep you safe! I promise!" Bill added. "Whattayasay?"

Joselito smiled with out parting his lips as he thought about it, and looked at the two men thoughtfully.

"I can leave whenever I want?" Joselito asked with a half-smile.

"Yeah, anytime you want." Both men said at once.

"No strings attached." John added.

"Mmmmmm, okay. Coldstone's?" Joselito asked.

"Yeah, sure! Any place you want!" John replied. "Come on! Let's go!" John added, putting out his hand.

Jolselito stepped forward, stepping in the direction he'd just come from, and John put his hand behind his shoulders, and pulled the cute boy in close. Bill closed in on the other side, but stayed a respectable one foot away.

John hailed a cab, and the two men and the boy sat quietly during the one mile ride downtown.

They got out of the cab in front of Coldstone's, and went inside.

"So, do you know what you want yet? John asked. Most boys he'd spent time with already knew what they wanted to order, and Joselito proved to be no different.

"Yes." Joselito answered with a smile on his face, finally loosening up a bit.

"Okay, go ahead and order."

"What size can I get?" the boy asked with a nervous smile.

"Any size you want!" John answered. "With all the toppings you want!" He wanted the boy as happy as possible as he started working on seducing the boy in earnest.

"Okay." Joselito said nervously before turningto the college boy behind the counter.

"I'll have a Gotta-Have-It Sweet-Cream with m-n-m's, cookie-dough, nuts, chocolate-chips, and marshmellows," the boy said. He looked back at John with a nervous smile as he finished placing his order. John just smiled, put his arm around the boy's shoulders again, and pulled him up tight against his side again. Joselito's nervous smile became a giddy smile, and he laughed as the man behind the counter started preparing his treat.

The man finished the sunday, and handed it to the cute hispanic boy. "Who's next?" he asked, expectantly.

John nodded at Bill, and Bill placed his order. When that was ready, John ordered his Like-It Cake-Batter with Chocolate-Chips and Marshmellows, then paid the tab.

"Let's go out here," he said after tipping the college boy. Bill and Joselito followed him out back to a table in the far rear corner of the store's privatew patio. The three ate their ice cream quietly for a few minutes, and the boy relaxed further. John started asking the boy questions about his family, where he was from, how many brothers and sisters he had, what grade he was in, how his grades were, if he liked his teachers, and if he had a girlfriend yet. He wasn't surprised to find out he didn't.

"Have you had sex yet?" John asked, as he looked intently into the boy's eyes.

Joselito blushed furiously, and laughed, looking down and turning his head as he did so.

"No-o-o-o!!!" he answered giggling as he reached down to adjust his suddenly hard cocklet.

John smiled broadly, and Bill let out a laugh, "But you want to, don't you?" John asked sincerely.

"Yea-a-a--ah!" Joselito answered, still blushing furiously as he giggled and bounced around in his seat.

"Do you know what to do with a girl?" John continued, carefully setting the hook so he could reel the boy in and take him soemplace private.

"Yeaaaaah." Joselito answered, still blushing furiously as he tilted his head and looked at the two men shyly. Joselito knew that sex included sticking his dicklet into a girl's cunt, but he didn't have any ideas about sex beyond that! Bill was smiling broadly and chuckling quietly while John did all the talking.

"Have you ever seen a Stag Film?" John asked.

"No." Joselito answered.

"Would you like to?"

More near hysterical giggling and shy smiling from the boy.

"Yeah, I guess so 3;" Joselito answered.

"Well, is that a yes or a no?" John asked, trying to make the boy commit one way or the other.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Come on, let's go! I have a good one for you!" John told the still blushing and giggling boy as he pushed back his chair, and stood up.

Joselito continued smiling and giggling, covering, and even rubbing his hard cocklet a little, as he thought about the proposition and looked shyly at the two men.

"Come on! Let's go! We don't have all day! What time do you need to be home?" John insisted.

""6:00." Joselito answered, still giggling and blushing wildly.

"Kay, come on! Let's go! We've got just enough time to show it to you!" John said, adding, 'and fuck you too!' silently to himself. "It's a good one!"

Joselito giggled and blushed some more, covering his very stiff cocklet and rubbing it a little.

John stood up, and Bill followed his example. Both men looked expectantly at Joselito. The boy was still giggling, blushing, and laughing. It was clear to both men that the boy wanted to see the film, but wasn't sure if he could trust the two men.

"Come on! Let's go!" Bill said as h emotioned with his hand. Joselito stayed put for a few moments later, then suddenly pushed his chair back, and stood up.

He'd decided to ignore his mom's warnings. These men were alright! They just wanted to have a little bit of fun and show him a kewl flick! The cute boy just stood there for a few seconds, then John said, "Come on! Let's go!" then turned, and started heading for the door, Bill was right behind him. José took ten running steps to catch up to the pair. Bill had to hold the door open for three seconds as he waited for Joselito to catch up.

"So, where we gonna see it?" Joselito asked, curiously as the three males walked down the sidewalk.

"Well, one of my buddies gives me a hotel room free when ever I'm in town. All my stuff including my DVD's is there." John answered matter-of-factly.

Joselito tried to discretely adjust his cock. It was bent at a weird angle, and he feel he could make it another block without bending over in pain if he didn't. John and Bill both noticed, and had a laugh at the unsuspecting boy's expense, but Joselito was too busy thinking that he was going to be the first guy in his group to see a fuck film to notice! He was giddy with excitement!

It took the three horny males eight minutes to walk the ten blocks to John's hotel. It was an older building, dating back more than 100 years, and although it was obvious that the present owners had put some money into it, it was still not up to Marriott standards, the only level of hotel that Joselito had ever stayed in.

John said "Hi!" to the desk clerk as the trio walked through the lobby and up the stairs to the second floor. Bill and Joselito looked around the dated interior, neither having ever had any reason to go into, much less stay at a budget hotel before and John led them all the way to the back of the hotel.

John's room was the last room on the left,. When they finally got there, John opened the door, and stepped aside, showing his guests into the small, cheaply furnished room.

Surprisingly, Joselito was the first one through the doorway without any coaxing followed closely by Bill.

John hung the 'Do-Not-Disturb' sign on the doorknob, and locked the door, and turned to see Joselito sitting on the bed with Bill sitting on a ricketty chair by the window. He walked over the the 3x5 television, turned it on, then turned on his portable DVD player and opened his suitcase to pick out the best disc for the seduction at hand. He decided to start with a Man-Girl video, and then switch over to a Man-Girl-Boy video, before finally switching to a Man-Boy video 3; if they were still watching videos when the first two ran out.

John sat down next to Joselito on the bed, making sure that their legs touched when he did. The boy nervously pulled his leg away and half stood at first, but then relaxed, sat back down, and let his left knee rest against the black man's right thigh.

The video started, and as the horny middle aged man started kissing and groping the 11 year old girl, John looked over at Bill, and motioned with his eyes for the white man to move closer and sit on the other side of Joselito.

Joselito was distracted by the man-girl action on the television screen and the reaction it caused in the crotch of his jeans, and didn't notice the white man get up until he started to sit down next to him on the bed, sandwiching him against the black man.The boy once more started to stand, looking for a little more space between himself and the two horny men, but John quickly put his arm the slim boy's shoulders and pulled him back down.

"Relax Joselito, it's normal to be a bit nervous. Is your dick hard? Is that why you're all nervous?" the black man asked as he boldly put his hand on the young boy's crotch, immediately feeling the boy's slim 3 inch [7½ cm] erection through the thick jean material. The man could tell it was trapped in an uncomfortable position.

"I see what the problem is!" the man continued as he quickly unzipped and then unbuttoned the virgin boy's jeans. Joselito gasped loudly as John grasped the boy's stiff member through his undies, and rotated it into a more upright position. "That should feel better!" he said as he gently jacked the boy through his thin undergarment.

As John jacked Joselito's cocklet, he signaled Bill to pull the boy's shirt up and off. The boy was panting hard from the erotic feelings shooting through from his excited cocklet to his brain and back. and didn't resist as the white man lifted the boy's arms one by one, and pulled them out of his t-shirt before pulling it up over his head. He quickly tossed it into the far corner, and John stopped jacking him long enough to stand him up enough for the white man to quickly pull his open jeans and tighty-whities down past his knees.

John sat down again, pulling the boy with him, then took the boy's small hand in his and guided it to his own zipper.

"Open it up Joselito." He strongly suggested to the arroused boy, "Take my cock out!" he said urgently.

Joselito looked over at the man, then down at his crotch, and then back up and into the man's eyes while Bill squatted down, untied his sneakers and pulled them off his feet. He tried to pull his hand away, but John held it firmly.

"Take it out, Joselito!" He said more strongly.

Joselito looked stunned. The way the man said it made it sound like it was only a suggestion, but because of the way the man was holding his hand, he knew it was more of an order. He grabbed the zipper tab between his thumb and forefinger and pulled downward. The zipper didn't drop.

"Use both hands, Joselito." John said.

Joselito did as he was told, holding the waistband with one hand while he unzipped the man's pants with the other.

"There we go. Now undo the button." John said. Joselito hesitated a moment, then did as ordered, and the man's pants opened in a wide V. John lifted his ass off the bed "Pull 'em down for me Joselito. They'll be in your way otherwise." John told him. Joselito hesitated again, and looked up into the black man's eyes nervously.

"Come on! We don't have all day!" John said impatiently. Joselito looked at Bill for help, but found none. He didn't want to pull the black man's pants down.

"Joselito! I'm over here! Look at me when I'm talking to you! Hurry up and pull my pants off! We don't have all day, ya know!" John said loudly and impatiently. "And you! Hurry up and pull his pants off, will ya!" John ordered the white man as Joselito finally got with it. The boy paused for a moment when John's long fat cock came into view. He'd never seen or imagined such a huge piece of man meat existed!

Bill finished removing the boy's pants and underwear, then tossed them into the corner with his shirt and shoes.

"Come on, hurry up!" John ordered the now naked boy. "Take 'em off!"

Joselito tugged the man's pants down to his knees while the black man lifted his ass.

"Come on, now! My boxers too! You know that!" John ordered the nervous boy.

Joselito looked over at the T.V., and saw the girl in the video was naked and kneeling between her man's legs, sucking his big cock.

"That's it, Joselito. That's a good boy!" John said as he sat back down. He grabbed the boy's small hand again, and guided it to his fat 9-incher [23 cm]. The boy's hand jerked back as it came into contact with the man's naked cock flesh, but John held it firmly.

"Come on, Joselito! Don't be shy now! You'll do alright! Bill. Put the other video in, would you please." John said as he closed the boy's fingers around is big coal black cock. The boy's small hand felt good wrapped around his cock, just like every other boy's hand had, and he pushed his hips up ever so slightly at the contact.

Joselito felt his cocklet spasm excitedly as he felt the man's heated member. He couldn't help himself, and instinctively moved his hand up and down a little 3; until he realized what he was doing. Then a sweet scent hit his nostrils (Along with the man's pheremones). He looked down at the man's big cock just in time to see a milky white droplet ooze out of the piss slit as he felt hsi breathing become slower and deeper. He was entranced by the man's big cock as he watched his hand jacking it automatically.

"That's it, Joselito, that's a good boy." John said, praising the boy for cooperating Joselito started dropping his head towards the long, thick, black cock, driven by his desire for the sweet scented ooze and over-powering urges caused by the black man's pheremones. His own body started emitting it's own special pheremones, raising the sexual excitement in the two already excited men.

Joselito went into a trance-like state, barely realizing what he was doing as he lowered his head. He sniffed deeply at the candy-sweet scent of the precum, barely noticing the thick musky scent of the man's crotch.

As the boy opened his mouth, and stuck out his tongue, moving in to lick the sweet smelling cream droplet from the tip of the very black cock, John moved his hand in behind his head. Joselito didn't know it was there until he felt it pushing his head down onto the thick cock a moment before his tongue made contact with the clear, tasteless ooze. Joselito took his hand off the John's thick black cock, pulling back desperately as he felt the mushroom head push against his lips.

"No!" he yelled out, but his desperate yell was quickly muffled as the thick organ pushed through his lips.

"Oooooh yeah!" John groaned as he felt the boy's warm, wet inexperienced mouth envelope his fat cock. "This is what I'm talkin' 'bout!" He said as he looked over, smiling at Bill.

Bill looked back, surprised to see Joselito being held with his mouth firmly held over John's thick cock. He felt sorry for the boy, but it was a sexy sight all the same.

"Push the play button, then get over here and give the kid a blow job!" John ordered as he easily held the struggling boy on his cock. "And as for you, settle down and suck!" he told Joselito. "You aren't goin' no where and it ain't gonna hurt you none! Besides, I know you're gonna like it once you get used to it!" Bill hit the Play button, and quickly scooted back over to the bed.

Joselito was squirming and kicking as he struggled to disengage his mouth from John's big cock, but the man wasn't going to allow it.

"How do I do it when he's thrashing around like that?" Bill asked. The man was clearly inexperienced when it came to sex.

"Just grab his hips and push his legs down." John said, slightly irritated that the white man needed so much direction. The boy was clearly over powered by the black man. How hard could it be?

John swivelled around, his cock acting like a pivot as he kept Joselito's mouth in place on it. He stood up, pulling the boy so that his shoulders were positioned at the edge of the bed.

"Help me roll him on his back, that should make it easier for you." John said. He was glad when Bill seemed to be able to do that without detailed instructions. He pushed Joselito's head down, tilting it back, while keeping his cock in the boy's mouth, giving him a straight line at the boy's throat.

"Now take his cocklet in your mouth, and suck on it!" John told the white man.

Bill pushed Joselito's knees down with his right hand while he held the boy's groin down and pointed his small cock up with his left, and lowered his mouth to the virgin organ. He hesitated for a moment, sniffing at the boy's pure scent then opened his mouth and sucked the 3 incher [7½ cm] into his warm wet mouth. He immediately liked the taste and texture of the young cock, and immediately started bobbing his head up and down as he swirled his tongue around the sensitive head.

Joselito gasped as he instinctively pushed his hips up against Bill's face. driving his cocklet further into the warm wet orifice he suddenly found surrounding it. His struggles stopped immediately, but he couldn't resist the urge to pump his hips a little at the hot mouth enclosing it!

"That's it, Joselito. Just relax and enjoy it!" John told the suddenly cooperative boy.

Joselito did just that, and therein lay the problem. John reached down and lightly slapped the boy's face.

"Hey, Joselito! Just because you're gettin' sucked doesn't mean you get to take a vacation from suckin' me now! Get back to work!" Joselito was stunned out of his pleasured bliss, and raised his head upward, onto the thick black meat sticking into his mouth, gagging himself as he did so. He dropped his head back, and some precum drooled onto he roof of his mouth, causing him to swallow and rasp his tongue against the flat of John's cock's helmet. The black man groaned in ecstacy as he instinctively humped forward, his cockhead pushing in until it was wedged into the entrance to the boy's tight throat.

John gently humped at Joselito's throat, gradually pushing his cock deeper and deeper into the boy's mouth. Joselito gagged repeatedly, and John kept telling him to "Swallow! You'll stop gagging if you swallow when you start to gag." After gagging a few more times, Joselito finally got the hang of it, and John was able to push further and deeper into his hot mouth!

John could tell Joselito was starting to get comfortable with what the two horny men were doing to him, and decided it was time to step it up a bit.

Now start feeling his ass! John instructed Bill. The man moved his hand from the boy's tiny balls, and started stroking his baby-smooth ass-cheeks. Curiosity quickly got the best of him, and he was soon moving his fingers into the boy's crack, stroking his fingertips gently through the shallow cleft, and along the bottom of his furrow. Joselito jumped the first time Bills fingertips slid over his rosebud. Bills instincts prompted him to move his fingers back to pin-prick sized entrance, and concentrate on the tickilish virgin entrance, and probe it.

"Put some lube on your fingers and it'll go in easier." John instructed.

Bill looked around, and didn't see any, so he licked his fingers, and went back to work. At first the boy clamped down so hard you'd have needed a jackhammer to get through, but with pheromones flying, and his dick demanding release, the man soldiered on, stroking and probing the tight entrance to the tight virgin paradise until the boy's cunt-muscles tired of the fight, started to relax a bit.

"Lick his cunt!" John ordered. "You have to lick it to really get 'im to loosen up!" Bill was feeling really horny now, and desperately needed release. He pried the boy's firm buns apart, moved his face in close, and sniffed at the tiny pink rosebud nestled between the two smooth light brown mounds.

He didn't understand why, but he liked the scent of the boy's shit mixed with his sweat. He moved his mouth to the boy's virgin hole, and kissed it. Joselito jumped, shocked at the naughty kiss, bumping his ass against the man's face as he did so. Bill liked the boy's reaction, and was starting to feel more comfortable with what he and John where doing to the boy. He stuck his tongue out, and licked at the boy's rosebud, tasting the boy's sex for the first time. Joselito was both shocked and excited by the sexy lick, and his mouth jammed hard onto John's stiff rod as he reflexively lifted his head with lightning speed. John felt the boy's throat squeeze over the cap of his thick black cock as the boy gagged on the thick meat, and instinctively pushed a little harder into the boy's mouth, driving his rod into the boy's throat.

Bill became more excited by the boy's excited movements, and licked harder against the boy's now slightly open hole, dipping slightly into the boy's cunt for the first time while he pried it open with his fingers.

He realized that the boy's pussy was starting to open, and was inspired to work harder, excitedly licking, prying and fingering the never before used hole while the boy alternated his attention between the boy gettig fucked on the tv, and John's thick cock pumping his mouth.

John noticed the progress Bill had made, and decided it was time to advance to the next stage.

"Time for the next step." John said, temporarily turning his attention to Bill. "Under the bed there's a shoebox, take it out, please"

Bill and Joselito both sighed as he temporarily took his mouth off the boy's hard cock and his hands away from his balls and nipples to search for the mystery box. He found it in a few seconds, and put it on the bed. He opened it out of curiosity, and saw three different sized dildos and a jar of Vaseline.

John looked over and noticed smudges of shit on dildo shafts. He'd forgotten to clean them after doing that 10 year old red head yesterday.

He thought about it for a moment and decided it would be alright. It wasn't like Joselito would notice, and Bill was horny enough to do as he was told.

"Smear some of the lube on the smallest dildo, then push it up this punk's ass!" John ordered the white man.

Bill looked down at the boy's tight little pucker hiding between his smooth buns and then at the selection of dildos before him. In truth, the smallest dildo wasn't very big. The small plastic torpedo shaped object with spiraled ribbing was no bigger than the boy's penis, but it still seemed hard to believe it would fit in his bottom. He flipped the cap on the tube of Vaseline, and squirted some onto the dildo and spread it around.

"Put some in his hole too." John ordered, "We wanna make it a bit easy on him." Bill squirted some more out onto his fingers, then smeared it around the boy's barely open hole.

"Push it in there. Make him nice and slick so it goes in easy." John complied, coating both the boy's hole and the dildo liberally with the sticky lubricant.

Now put it to his hole, and slide it in. Joselito, push OUT like you have to poop when you feel it touching your hole, ok?" Joselito's mouth was still stuffed full of John's fat black cock, so he could only grunt. Neither man was sure what he meant by it, but it didn't matter too much. All three dildos and both men's dicks were going to go up Joselito's tight brown bum before the hour was out, and there was nothing he could do about it!

Bill did as ordered, and positioned the small tool at Joselito's entrance.

Joselito instinctively pulled his butt away from the cool object and tried to clench his hole closed at first. Bill pushed the slimy tool against his opening, and the the plastic prong wedged into the boy's pucker, stretching and filling him. Joselito tried to whimper in protest, but John's cock was still filling his mouth and sometimes sliding into his throat. Joselito glanced at the tv, and saw that the boy in the video was now taking the full length of the man's cock up his bumm, and as the camera moved around the man-boy couple, he could see that, just like him, the boy in the video was wincing and whimpering as his man rode him hard.

Bill held the dildo still, giving Joselito a few moments to get used to the feeling of having something stuck in his pussy, then started moving the slick projectile in and out while he toyed with the boy's small genitals, jacking him slowly, and pulling on his nuts.

Joselito started squirming when Bill began pumping the dildo in his pussy.

The tickle-tingle in his cocklet combined with the stretch-filled feeling him his pussy to elevate his sexual stimulation to heights he'd never dreamed possible, and as he strained to take the prodding in his rear along with the pumping in his mouth. His gyrations calmed down somewhat after a few minutes, and Bill decided on his own that the boy could now handle something bigger. He looked over at John as he started to reach for the next dildo, and hesitated when his eyes met the black man's. John only nodded at him, saying, "That's right, give him the next one! He's ready for it now." Bill pulled out the middle-sized dildo, also still stained with the red-headed 10-year-old's shit, and spread the lube over it's length before pulling the boy-sized tool from Joselito's little ass. The boy felt a cool breeze inside his pussy when the seal with his opening was broken.

He was surprised to find he missed the stretched-filled feeling the plastic tool had given him. A few moments later he felt the larger, teen-sized probe kiss his sex-hole. He pulled his ass away a moment before settling back. His sex hole resisted He thought it was the same toy as before, and didn't understand why they'd taken the dildo out of his ass if they were just going to put it back in.

Bill didn't hesitate this time, and immediately pushed the larger fuck-toy into the boy's semi-stretched hole.

Joselito yelped a little as his rear portal was stretched wider than before, but his cunt-muscle was too tired to offer any resistance as it was quickly dilated to accommodate the thicker, longer, and ribbed rod.

Bill again gave the cute boy a few moments to adjust to the larger dilation, then carefully began working the penis substitute back and forth in his pussy. In and out, back and forth, adjusting the angle to search out the boy's sensitive areas.

Joselito whimpered and gasped as the tool worked it's magic in his hot hole. He was trying to stay calm and relaxed, but between John's thick, coal black cock pumping his face as it drooled pre-cum into his mouth and the special ribbing on the dildo Bill was pumping in and out of his ass, he really couldn't help himself. He was really getting to enjoy being a sex toy for the two men.

Finally Bill decided that he'd given Joselito's hole enough time with the teen-sized prod that he should be ready for the final, and MAN-sized sex toy!

John's dick grew just a bit harder as he watched as his new friend pulled out the man-sized boy-splitter, and lubed it up. The boy-virgin was finally getting into th spirit of things! He kept humping gently in Joselito's mouth, and when the white man just started shoving the bump-textured dildo up the boy's tight pussy, he lost it! He immediately shoved his cock deep into the boy's throat and pumped two squirts into his stomach. He regained some control, and pulled back so that the next two shots went into his mouth.

Joselito gagged and coughed. Some of the cum flowed down into his nasal cavity and then shot up and out his nostrils onto the thick black cock it had just come out of, then dripped down onto the boy's smooth cheeks and rolled down into his eyes as John slowly slid his cock back into the boy's tight throat.

John sighed deeply as the exquisite feeling ebbed, and pulled back so that Joselito could breath, but kept the head in the boy's mouth.

Joselito sucked down the cum the man had deposited in his mouth, massaging the dark cockhead with his tongue as he did.

John caught his breath, and then started pumping at the boy's throat again. It wouldn't be long before the boy's pussy was stretched enough for him to take a stab at it with his cock!

Joselito's pussy resisted entry for a few moments before letting the thick dildo inside.

Joselito winced and gasped as the cucumber sized tool pushed into him.

Bill held the device still for a few moments to let the boy get used to it's size, then started pushing it back and forth in the tight channel.

He was fascinated by the sight of the thick plastic tool sliding in and out of the boy's tight pussy, and the whimpers and moans the boy made as the bumps stimulated his super-sensitive sex ring. The boy writhed as the pleasure-pain sensations shot out from his cunt, making him scrunch up his cute brown face. After a few minutes of pump action, Bill lubed his cock and moved up between the boy's skinny legs. He pulled the dildo out, and pushed the sexy boy's legs up, then aimed his cock at the boy's loosened hole.

John watched closely, smiling to himself as the white man pulled the dildo from the boy's steak tube and then crouched over him, aiming his cock at the boy's yawning entrance. The white guy was looking into the boy's eyes, and the boy was looking back, trying to prepare himself for the man's cock.

Did the guy actually think he was gonna let him be the first one in the boy's hole? It didn't matter what he thought, it wasn't gonna be!

"Hey! Back off! You gotta wait yer turn!" the scruffy black man said as he pulled his cock from the boy's mouth.

"Go on now, back off!" he said as he stepped closer to the boy's smooth rump. Bill sighed, and stood up, backing off towards the tv. A thick string of pre-cum drooled lecherously from the tip of his cock and onto the floor.

"I get him first, my man!" John said as he put his left hand on the boy's right thigh, pushing it up. Joselito jumped as the man's calloused hand touched his tender skin, and tried to roll away.

"Hey! Behave yourself!" John said as he kneeled between the boy's legs and pushed his right thigh up to join the left.

"This is gonna be NICE!" he said as he aimed his boy-spittle-lubed and pre-cum drooling cock at the boy's open cunt.

He looked up at the boy's cute, worried face for a few seconds as he lined up his cock, then back down at the boy's pussy as he made first contact with his reddened lips. He looked back up, and into Joselito's eyes.

"Push out now!" he commanded, then shoved his cock against the boy hole.

Joselito giggled, then whimpered as the man's long, thick rod jammed against his slightly opened hole. John grunted with pleasure at the initial man-cock to boy-cunt contact. John pushed harder. Joselito's hole resisted for a few seconds, then the tired sex-muscle gave out, and John's steel-hard pole started pushing in, spreading the young, virgin boy cunt wider still. The boy whimpered and wriggled as the man rod forced it's way in, stretching and heating the boy's tube as it filled him. It hurt, but it felt good too.

The boy arched his back and rolled his head from side to side, then he felt he wasn't being stretched any wider, and at the same time he felt his little pussy start to suck the man's cock inside. Then his pussy lips clamped tight being the head of the man's invading pole, and he yelped loudly as another 2 inches [5 cm] of man cock took it's rightful place inside his heated hole.

John smiled down at his newest young conquest. Joselito grimaced and slowly scanned down the thick, pudgy salt and pepper haired body of the black man on and in him til his eyes locked on the thick coal-black member jutting into his slim body below his hard cocklet and tight hairless balls. He pushed his hips down a little, tickling John's cock, and causing him to shove a little further into the previously virgin boy and groan with pleasure. Joselito whimpered again, and looked up, opening his mouth and moving it as if he was trying to say something, but nothing came out.

John smiled like a Cheshire Cat.

"You alright, lil man?" he said as the boy wriggled beneath him.

Joselito scanned the room til his eyes rested on Bill standing by the television, watching the mating black man and hispanic boy, jacking his cock.

John pulled back a little, then shoved a little more cock in the boy's tight, brown hole. Joselito opened his mouth wider and let out a silent moan. His head turned immediately back to the face of the big scruffy man riding him.

"Keep your attention on me, lil man." John demanded as his smile faded a little.

Joselito once more scanned down the black man's body to the man's thick cock. As he watched, John pulled back a little, and then pushed still more of his hard cock into the boy's supple body, causing another gasp.

Joselito's hands automatically went to the man's hips, holding them in a barely suppressed instinct to push the man off of him.

John sighed with pleasure and scanned down the boy's thin, barely muscled body to the place where his body joined the boy's own.

He smiled again, and pulled back, then pushed still more of his cock into the young fuck beneath him.

The cute boy opened his mouth a little, and gasped again as he watched and felt more of the thick black fuckpole slide into his warm pussy.

It hurt having the huge fuckmeat pumping in and out of his little hole, but there was also something delicious about the way it stretched, filled, and heated his little cunt. It also felt somehow comforting having the man on and in him.

John pulled back slowly until his corona was pulling against Joselito's pussy lips, then slowly pushed back in until his huge dick bottomed out, and then pushed further still, forcing more of his fat organ into the tight, young boy-cunt. After another five minutes of patient work Joselito felt the tickley sensation of the man's salt-and-pepper colored cock hair touching his crinkly scrotum. After two more strokes, he felt John's hairy pubis pressing hard against his stiff 3 inch [7½ cm] cocklet, crushing it against his hairless pubic mound.

"You alright?" John asked with a knowing smile on his face. He was proud of his ability to seduce the young, and proud to once more have another cute boy under him, and on his cock!

Joselito thought for a second, and the stretched, stuffed, and heated feelings in his pussy intensified tenfold. He clenched his mouth a bit tighter, and nodded yes.

"Good!" John said, "It would be kinda hard to stop things at this point anyway. You ready to get fucked now?" He said with a lecherous smile.

Joselito froze as the reality sank in. This was it. He was gonna get fucked.

John held the position for about 30 seconds, waiting for the boy to get used to the stretched, heated, and full feelings in his previously virgin pussy, then pulled back an inch slid his fat meat back in.

Joselito grimaced and whimpered as John started fucking him. John smiled as he watched the slim preteen react to to the beginning of his first and best fuck.

In and out John started making longer and stronger fuck strokes in the boy's tight hole. Squish, squeesh sounds came from his never before used ever-so-tight boy-cunt. Uuuuh, Unnnngh came from the boy's mouth, keeping rhythm with John's fuck strokes.

The boy's immature prostate was sending excited messages to his brain each time the man's fat cock brushed hard over it as it moved in and out at a faster and faster pace. On the third fuck-stroke, the boy's tight pussy lips clamped tight and spasmed wildly and the boy's dicklet quivered.

Joselito was having his first fuck-induced boygasm.

In, Out, unnnngh, Uuuuuugh, back, forth, squish, squeesh, slap, slap, oooooh, aaaaahhhh.

John didn't let up, and kept fucking hard, extending and increasing the boy's climax as he did so.

Joselito was tired as his boygasm slowly petered off, but his cocklet never lost it's youthful hardness.

On and on the fuck went, it hurt Joselito's lil pussy, but the longer it went on, the less it hurt as the boy's tight cunt started to loosen up.

He started off wriggling his ass around as John pumped in and out, his big, hairy, low-hanging balls slapping rhythmically against the boy's smooth ass as they fucked.

John reached down and took the boy's pencil thin dicklete between two fingers and his thumb and jacked it gently, occasionally sliding his thumb over the purplish colored head. Joselito moaned in exquisite exstacy and arched his head backwards sexily when John did this. He'd never experienced such pleasure before, and knew that the stretched, filled, heated, and aching feelings in his tight lil pussy were somehow making his pleasure that much greater.He started pumping his slim hips back and forth, driving his cocklet in and out of John's tight fist and also driving his pussy back and forth on John's thick cock!

John smirked to himself as he continued pumping the boy's young ass. It was always the same, the way a boy reacted to his first fucking, and Joselito was no different than the rest of them! He pulled out, his fat cock coming put of the boy's tight hole with an audible plop, rolled the boy onto his belly, then quickly drove it right back in 3; all the way to the hilt. He fucked the panting boy in that position for a while before raising up and pulling him to his knees while pushing his head back down to keep the boy's shoulders on the lumpy old mattress.

Joselito looked back between his legs, watching the man't cock repeatedly slam in and out of his now reddened and bruised pump hole and the fat grey-haired low-hangers slap into his small ass and then looked over his shoulder at the older, mostly grey haired black man skillfully pumping his tight boy cunt.

John noticed the boy's deep brown eyes were still glazed over and that he was still taking long, slow, deep breaths 3; sure signs of his continued arousal. He took a hand off of the boy's slim hips for a moment, and reached underneath, grabbing the small boy cocklet. It was still hard as ever, and his tiny balls were still drawn up TIGHT! He jacked on the cocklet and squeezed and pulled on the balls, eliciting a low moan brom the cute 12 year old hottie. Joselito turned his head straight ahead and raised it, looking straight ahead, and then let it hang as his first fucking continued.

John felt smiled and arched his head back as he slammed his hips harder into the cute latino boy a few times. He felt his balls start to pull up, and knew he was about to cum, so he pulled out once more, and flipped the slim boy onto his back again, and re-entered the still snug fuck hole.

He slammed his dick in hard five more times before he felt his cum boil up and shoot into the boy's warm pussy.

Joselito responded in kind, pushing his slim brown hips excitedly up at the large man fucking him while throwing his head back as he grunted and squealed out his excitement. He'd just had his second boygasm as his first fucker filled his heated bowels.

John made four more thrusts into the boy's heated chamber as his orgasm lost it's intensity, then laid down on top of the slim boy, and rolled onto his back. The tired, sweat glazed boy hugged the man as he felt the big boy-fucking cock slowly grow limp. Joselito caught his breath, then looked over at the white man, the only reason he'd agreed to have ice cream with his first fucker, and to go to the hotel room. He didn't know when exactly, but he knew the white man would be fucking him too.

The End


11 year old Matthew wants more than just jack-off on his own. Than Tom comes to live in town, and everyone is saying Tom is a cocksucker.

Matthew (11yo) and Tom (adult)
Mb – reluc mast oral anal

The cute and slim hazel-eyed, light-brown-haired 11 year old had been horny for months, well, actually, he'd been a faithful jackin' addict since he accidentally found out how good it felt to rub his dicklet when he was 5, but things were worse now. Far worse!

He no longer was satisfied with his nightly rub-offs on the sheets, lately he also had to do it in the morning, every morning, and even sometimes in the middle of the afternoon! He was starting to get frustrated by it all.

No matter how good it was, it never seemed to be enough, or to be good enough!

And now, well, he almost couldn't stand it anymore! It was always good, never quite as good as the first time, but good enough.

But now he needed more. He needed to do something to make it better. But he didn't know what that something might be.

His friends were talking about this and that.

"This feels good, that feels better, and you have to try the other thing!"

And he did, faithfully. But it wasn't enough. It never was.

Then there was the gossip.

"He did that with him."

"She did that with her."

"Did you hear he did the other thing with him? That's SOOOO GROSS! I'd never do that!" they'd all say.

And so the neighborhood gossip went.

And his friends bragged about doing this, or doing that.

Same old, same old.

And it stayed that way.

Until a new man, a 51 year old UN-married man moved into town, into their neighborhood.

"He's a cocksucker!" one of his friends said.

"How do you know?" said another.

"'Cuz Johnny's dad says so." said a third.

"And they're all boys our age." said a fourth.

That got the wheels turning inside Matthew's head.

He really wanted to try getting his cock sucked, but wasn't about to ask his friends to do it. He actually wanted a girl to do it, but he didn't know any well enough to ask them.

And the man his friends were talking about? He was a man, and wasn't all that attractive, but he wasn't all that un-attractive either. And if he got him to do it, he probably wouldn't tell anyone since it was illegal and all that.

But how to go about asking him? He hardly ever saw the guy!

That all changed a week later when he was riding on the shuttle. The cocksucking man was already on it.

Now he just had to find some way to start talking to him, and get him alone.

The man sat down on the only available seat on the bus 3; the one next to him.

They sat there, both stealing glances at each other before quickly looking away again, then repeating again and again.

Both knew the other had caught him looking.

Matthew's heart was racing.

Matthew decided to be brave and break the ice.

He 'accidentally' bumped his knee into the man's knee. A jolt of electricity passed between them as he made first contact, and his cocklet jumped. Matthew's breathing instantly became slower and deeper, his mouth opened, and his eyes got a bit glassier.

He quickly appologized for the 'mistaken touch', while briefly looking directly into the man's eyes, then quickly, like a scared rabbit looking at his feet. His eyes moved over to the man's feet, and traveled up the man's hairly legs.

The man watched quietly, carefully regarding the attractive boy.

"T'salright." He said quietly. The boy glanced back into his eyes, and the pair looked into each other's eyes again, carefully studying each other for a moment before looking away at the passing scenery.

He waited a bit, then he did it again when the shuttle bounced over a bump.

"Sorry." he said again.

Man and boy once more looked into each other's eyes again, and held their gaze longer.

The man gave the boy a gentle smile. Matthew smiled back, both were now a little more comfortable with the other.

The shuttle went a few more blocks and hit another bump. Matthew again let his knee bump into the man's, but this time he let it stay there.

The man's cock stirred. He carefully looked down to where the boy's bare hairless knee was touching his own, then further down his long slim legs to his sandled feet.

"Very nice." he thought.

The shuttle entered the downtown area.

Matthew gulped nervously. It was now or never.

"Where you goin?" he asked.

"I'm just goin' for a walk on the beach." the man said truthfully. "You?" He didn't know where this conversation was going, but he liked the boy, so he decided to play along.

"Oh, I'm just goin' to the video store store."

"What you gonna rent?"

"Oh, I'm just seein' when 'Harry Potter' is gonna come out. My dad's too cheap to take me to the movies."

"Sorry to hear that. You'll have to wait a few months for it. Well, this is my stop. It was nice meeting you."

The man got up, and Matthew looked up longingly, and scared he'd lose him. He had to pursue this further. He quickly stood up, clumsily. The man smiled.

"You're getting off here?

"Uhhhh, yeah. That okay?"

"It's alright with me, but the video store is way down there!" the man said with a laugh.

"Well 3; is it okay if I walk with you for a bit?" he asked pleadingly.

"Yeah, I guess so. I don't know why, but if you want to."

"Yeah, I want to." the boy said excitedly. He didn't want to seem too desperate, but he was. His cocklet was screaming for attention.

The pair got off the shuttle and started walking towards the beach. The boy could get to the video store that way, but he was taking a long detour. The man didn't mind, he was enjoying the boy's company.

"So, where do you go to school?"

"Just the Middle School. Where do you work?"

"I own my own business, I work out of my house." the man replied with a smile.

The pair reached the sand, and the man sat down to remove his sneakers. Matthew kicked off his flip flops and waited.

The man stood up, and the pair started walking towards the shoreline, then along the breakers, their feet getting wet every time a wave came in.

The man, Tom Smith took his shirt off and stuffed in in the back of his shorts.

Matthew did the same a few seconds later.

They walked on, getting further and further away from the other beach goers 3; and the video store.

The man knew there was more to the pleasure of the boy's company that he was letting on.

When they reached a spot where they were out of sight of other beach goers, Tom sat down on a rock. Mathew sat behind him.

They talked about this and that, hobbies, vacations, and what Matthew wanted to do in the future.

Finally, Tom decided to bring up the video store.

"You're not really going to the video store, are you?" he asked, glancing over at the cute boy, and then out to sea.

"Oh, uhh, uhh, uh, well, I was going to, but then I met you, and decided to tag along." the boy said nervously.

"Oh, okay. Just bored then?"

"Well, yeah, I guess."

"That's all right. So what made you want to hang out with me?" Tom asked quietly.

"Just did, that's all, Is that alright."

"Yeah, it's alright, and I enjoyed your company."


"You're welcome."

They sat there for a few more minutes, enjoying the view and each other's company. Matthew had once more allowed his knee to touch Tom's. They both enjoyed the innocent contact.

"Well, I have to get goin'. Got work to do, and it ain't gonna do itself." Tom said, really not wanting to leave this, his favorite spot.

"Yeah, I guess I should go to then."

"You still goin to the video store?" Tom asked with a smile.

"Nahhh." it can wait. Just goin home."

"What time you have to be back for dinner?" Tom asked.

"Not til 6."

Tom looked at his watch. 6:00 was still four hours away.

"What time is it anyway?" Matthew asked.

"Just past 2:00." Tom answered.

"Hey! I got an idea! Why don't you come to my house and we can play Warcraft! together!"

"No. I'd better not. What would your parents say if they came home and found a strange man in their house playing with their son?"

"They'll never know! They're not gonna be home until after 7!" Matthew said, the exasperation clear in his voice."

"Oh. I see. They're leaving you to make dinner for them, eh?"

"Yeah." Matthew said, wanting to stay close to his new friend, and hopeful that he could somehow find a way to get his achy dicklet taken care of."

"And what will the neighbor's think?"

"They'll think you're a workman, maybe the Meter Reader." the cute boy said with conviction.

Tom thought about it for a while. It didn't sound like a good idea to him.

"Well, it sounds nice, but I think we'd better not."

"Why? No one will know you were ever there! I promise!" The boy said in a pleading voice.

"Nah, I'd rather not. It's a nice idea, but it just isn't sm 3;"

"Oh come on! Please! For me! You like me, don't ya?" the boy said, laying the guilt trip on his new friend.

"Yea, but 3;"

"Okay then! Its settled. We get off at the next stop!" the boy said happily.

Tom sighed. What had he gotten himself into. He just didn't see how this could turn out well, but he didn't want to let the boy down.


"Good! You won't be sorry! I promise!" Matthew said.

The shuttle rolled on and stopped at the next stop.

"Come on!" Matthew said, excitedly pulling Tom by the wrist as if he were three years younger. The man let out another sigh, then resignedly allowed himself to be pulled to his feet and off the trolley.

"Come on! It's this way! Matthew said as the man started walking beside him.

Tom looked around at the beautiful tree-lined street with all of it's large spanish-styled homes. It truley was a wonder place, and as they continued walking down the street, he started to relax again. He and the boy talked about everything and nothing. After two or three blocks, the boy turned left, and the man turned left too without needing to be told. Finally, after another block and a half, the bou turned left up a driveway. Tom stopped and looked at the beautiful 5,000 square foot [450 m2] house.

"This is it." Matthew said as he walked up to the front door, fishing the key out of his pocket as he went.

He opened the door and stepped inside.

"Come on!" he said.

Tom sighed again, and walked to and through the open door. Matthew closed the door behind him, locked the door, then went to the far end of the foyer, and turned on the air conditioning.

"Wanna drink?" he said as he turned and walked towards the kitchen.

He got out two glasses, then poured himself a glass of apple juice from the fridge.

"I'll have what you're having." Tom finally answered, and the boy poured him a glass also.

"Come on!" Matthew said as he walked across the hallway and into the family room. He sat down on a leather couch and turned on the t.v.

Tom walked in and sat in a chair caddy-corner to the couch.

Matthew giggled.

"Sit over here with me. I'm not gonna bite cha!" the boy said as he held out the glass of juice.

Tom got up, and sat next to the cute boy with a couple of inches between them.

Matthew handed him the glass and he took it gratefully.

"Ahhhh!" he said, after taking a sip.

Matthew channel surfed til he found something good, Home Alone 2." He giggled and Tom smiled at the pranks.

Matthew channel surfed some more, and stopped on Alien vs. Predator. The scary parts gave him an excuse to cuddle against his new friend.

"I thought we were going to play Warcraft?" Tom said.

"We can if you want, but I don't really feel like it right now." Matthew while said snugling against the man.

The movie played on, and Matthew grew more comfortable with the man.

Tom became more comfortable too.

Matthew started timidly feeling the man's torso through his road cloth button-down Ralph Lauren shirt.

Tom pushed his hands away a couple of times, but there was really nothing wrong with what he was doing. Just a kid learning about a man's body.

Matthew became more intimate, and his dicklet became achy and stiff. He noticed a bulge in the man's crotch that he didn't think was there before.

Like he had with his dad, uncle, and even a few of his friend's dads, man-neighbors. and his dad's work associates, He started asking innocent questions about sex.

Tom became a bit nervous, but the boy had reason to ask such questions. He was a growing boy after all.

But as the boy's questions became more and more intimate, his hand did to, slipping further down and into the man's pants until it reached his wiry short hairs.

Matthew gasped and jerked his hand back as his hand first touched the man's bush. He had no idea it would feel like that. He thought it would be smooth and silky like the hair on his head, the only hair he had.

Tom gasped and jumped, and his cock stiffened up to full readiness. It bumped into the boy's hand spreading it's slippery slime over it as it did so.

"What's that? Is it pee?" Matthew asked as he took his smooth hand out and examined the slippery goo, rubbbing it between his fingers as his little cocklet jerked excitedly.

"That's pre-cum. It makes it slippery when you put it in a girl." The man explained honestly as he watched the boy lift his fingers towards his nose and sniff it.

"Oh. Smells sweet." he said. He pushed his hand back into the man's pants and grabbed his hard dick, instinctively jacking it as he got examined the unseen probe.

"S'big!" he said. "How big is it?" he asked as he stroked up to just under the head and then down all the way to the hairy base. He couldn't believe it's length.

He pulled his hand up over the top, feeling the wide and somewhat rough mushroom head. It's FAT too!" he added with a grin, looking up for a moment, and then back down. His dicklet was throbbing in his pants, and he had to reach down to adjust it as he enjoyed playing with the man's full-sized organ. He realized that Tom was really enjoying what he was doing to him, and decided to take it further.

He unbuttoned and unzipped the man's jeans and pulled his boxers down.

The man's resolve was gone. He couldn't resist if he'd tried, and he knew it. He lifted his ass up, and the cute boy beside him tugged his shorts down. The boy was amazed at the sight before him. His cocklet twitched.

He put his hand back on the man's stiff menber, and started jacking it as the man laid back and enjoyed it.

The precum was oozing plentifully, and some got on the boy's hand. He once more brought a cummy hand to his nose and gave it a sniff.

"Go ahead, give it a taste," the man said. Matthew stuck out his pink tongue as he looked the man in the eye, then did just that.

"Doesn't taste like anything at all!" the boy remaked in surprise.

Then he scooped up a healthy finger-ful, and stuck it in his mouth. It still didn't have a taste, but he liked the feel of it in his mouth.

He put his hand back on the big dick, and resumed the addictive man-jacking.

Tom was full on horny now, and was through fighting his urges. He put his hand on the boy's shoulder, rubbed it gently, then slid it up onto his head, then started gentlu pushing it downwards.

Matthew resisted for a moment, but then lowered his head to the waiting cock he was jacking. He watched fascinated for a few moments,

"Go ahead, take it in your mouth. It won't bite cha." Tom urged applying a bit more pressure to coax the horny boy into giving a blow job.

Matthew opened his mouth, and slid it down over the man's erection.

"That's the way! Just watch your teeth!" Tom sighed as he felt the boy's warm mouth encompassing his cock.

Matthew gave it a few timid up and down bobs, then stopped for a moment. He decided he liked what he was doing, and started bobbing his head more rapidly, licking at the oozing knob and sucking in his cheeks as he went.

Tom rolled his head back as he continued petting the boy's head.

"That's it!" he said with a smile, "You're a natural born cock-sucker!" as he watched the boy's head bob up and down. He didn't know if the cute boy would swallow, and didn't want any cum on his shirt, so he pulled it up and off, tossing it on the floor in front of the couch. Then decided he'd like to see more of the beautiful boy sucking his cock. He gently started pulling the boy's shirt up.

Matthew became nervous, and suddenly pulled his head off the man's cock.

"Easy baby, easy now. Everythings alright, I just want to see more of that beautiful body of your's" he said, pushing the boy's head back down towards his crotch.

Matthew was still nervous, but allowed it and was soon sucking again as the man pulled first his left, and then his right arm out of his shirt sleeves.

Tom let the boy suck a bit longer, but he was getting close. He wanted his time with this horny babe to last.

"Okay, hang on a second. Slow down now. I don't want to blast too soon." he said, pulling the boy up by the shoulder.

"That's it now, don't worry. I'll let you do that some more in a moment. But first, lets get the rest of these clothes off."

With that, he stood up, and pushed his jeans the rest of the way down, then pulled off his running shoes, socks, and kicked off his shorts while Matthew watched impatiently.

"Now you." he said, pulling Matthew gentlhy to his feet.

He got down on one knee and grabbed the boy's waistband.

Once again, Matthew's innnocence showed as he jumped back when the man's hand touched his soft belly.

"Its alright now, don't be nervous. I just want to make us more comfortable, and see what you've got." the man said quietly.

Matthew stood still, nervous, but excited, as Tom unbuttoned, then unzipped his shorts. They dropped to his now bare feet.

Tom pushed them down to reveal the boy was wearing a pair of Spongebob boxers.

"Very nice. Very nice indeed." Tom said with a smile, then carefully reached for the boy's waistband.

He slipped his fingers inside while looking the boy in the eye, smiling the whole time, He then pushed his hands towards the back, and pushed the boxers down over the boy's cute butt, then browght them forward and pulled them down revealing the boy's hairless 3½" [8½ cm] cocklet and a pair of small balls held up tight in a hairless wrinkled boy pouch!

"Very nice! Very nice indeed!" he said, then slowly pushed the boxers down to the boy's knees.

He reached up, and gently took the boy's cocklet in his hand, Matthew swooned as the glorious feeling of another's hand on his silky unit swept through him like wildfire.

His knees felt week, and he had to grab onto the arm of the couch to keep from falling.

Tom started to jacked the boyrod gently for a few moments, then bent forward and took it in his mouth.

"Its true! its true!" he gasped as he felt a warm mouth on his favorite toy for the first time ever."You are a cocksucker!"

The man kept sucking gently, and reached a hand up to fondle the boy's crinkled sack, feeling the little nuggets held inside the little boy bag.

Matthew let out a little sigh, and grabbed the man's head to steady himself, "Ohhhhh, yeah! Suck it! Suck me good!" he shouted as his most private dream started to come true. He was getting his first ever blow job, and he was loving it.

Tom sucked and slurped on the tasty boy rod. He'd really wanted to suck the boy and his friends from the first time he'd seen them, but was trying to keep a low profile in his new beachfront hometown. But now he had him.

He suckled the youngster for a few more moments, then slowly pulled off.

"Ohhh! Please! Keep sucking, Keep sucking it!" he said, trying to pull the man's face back to his crotch."

"No, wait a minute, young stud." , he said, "We gotta get these off first. Then we can continue."

Tom pushed the boy's boxers down to his feet, and held them while the boy stepped out of them and his shorts.

Tom held the boy by the hips for a moment, apraising the fine young specimen of boyhood before him. "Very nice! Very nice, indeed!" he thought as he gazed at the smooth, slim 11 year old before him. He pulled the boy towards him again, and took his slim boyrod into his mouth. the boy humped eagerly at his face, and Tom had to hold him back a bit as he sucked on the boy's sensitive tip. He finally relented, and let the boy slide all hte way in so he could reach around behind him and feel his smooth butt.

He felt one silky smooth cheek, and then the other before sliding his fingers into his tight crevasse.

As he sucked on the young stalk, he slid his fingers up and down int the smoth crevase. back and forth, up and down, then down over the tiny dot of a boyhole.

Back and forth over the tight pucker, then centered on it, circling it.

He withdrew his finger for a moment, sniffed it, smelling the boy's special scent, then licked it, wetting it, before putting it back to the boy's virgin pucker.

He stroked, then circled, and finally pressed on the tiny dimple. His slickened finger entered to the first knuckle.

"Oooooooooooo-ooooooo-oooooooooooooooooo!" Mathhew squealed as his pussy was violated by something other than a thermometer for the first time. He instinctively hunched his hips foward in quick jabs into Tom's' mouth.

"Hey! What are you doing?" the boy yelped, knocking the man's hand away from his bumhole.

Tom gently released the boyrod from his mouth.

"Easy, baby. Relax.I'm jusrt trying to reach your Love-Button."

"Love Button? What the hell! I ain't no girl!" the boy yelled.

Like most boys, Matthew had a limited understanding of his own anatomy. He didn't know that there was such a thing as a Prostate Gland, or that a Prostate Massage coud increase his pleasure.

Tom stroked the boy's firm, silky butt-cheeks as he stared up lovingly into the boy's eyes.

"I never said you were. There's a special place just inside your asshole, right about here," he said as he gently reinserted his finger into the boy's tight pucker. He pushed in to the second knuckle. Matthew grimaced as the man's finger drove into his pussy. Tom curled his finger, touching the boy's immature prostate. A shiver ran up the boy's spine, and he threw his head back as a wave of pleasure washed through him. "And if someone strokes it just right, it feels really good, and can make your orgasm even better."

Tom pulled his finger out, and reached for his shorts. Reaching into a front pocket, he took out a small packet. He opened it, and Matthew smelled oil and cherries.

Tom squeezed some out onto his fingers and spread it around, then Reinserted his lubed finger into the boy's hole.

He gently took the boy's rod back into his mouth and resumed his blow job. When he felt the boy's hole relax, he started finger fucking. After a minute, he slipped a second finger in while he continued his suck job.

Matthew whimpered, and Tom paused til the boy's cunt relaxed enough for him to continue, but kept sucking and licking on the boy's sensitive rodlet. It only took a few moments for the boy's rear passage to relax enough, and then Tom was pumping his fingers in and out, twisting them and stroking the boy's sensitive button until the boy was on the brink of orgasmic heaven. He pulled his mouth off the boycock and slipped his fingers's from the tight cunt. Matthew groaned in frustration. he was almost there! Tom stood up, and hugged his young lover, and stroked his back. "Let's go to your room." he said. Matthew looked at him uncertainly. He'd meant to get a good suck in the living room, blow his dry load in the man's mouth, and then tell him goodbye. He needed to get off, so he turned towards the stairway. Tom took his hand and walked with the slim cutie. Matthew paused and looked at the handsome naked man, wondering why he wanted to go upstairs, and then turned again and led the way. They reached the top of the stairs, and he turned to the right. Tom put his hand on the boy's back, and slid it down to his waist as Matthew led the way to his room. The naked boy walked into his room and turned when he reached his bed. This was it. Whatever the man had planned would happen here. Tom stepped up to the boy and hugged him, his hard cock pressing against him from his belly to his sternum. He kissed the boy, and pressed him backwards. Matthew sat on the bed, and Tom laid him down. He slid his hand down the boy's back to his butt, and stroked him from his thigh to his flank.

The End