PZA Boy Stories

Phillip B



Two men are commissioned to abduct the 18-year old son of an important politician and to transform him from a normal heterosexual eighteen year old into a boy loving paedophile.
Publ. 2003 (GNCSS); this site Mar 2012
Finished 24,500 words (49 pages)


Nelson (18yo), Taddy (9yo), Sami (8yo), Jerry (7yo) and Arthur (6yo)

Category & Story codes

Non Consensual Man-Boy story
Mb – non-cons/reluc anal oralinterr bond mc spank


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area ,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Orphan story

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author.
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Are you the author, please contact me.

Céladon's note

In my archive I have stories by
  1. "Phill" - "Phillip" - "Phillip B" - "Phillip Brown" (active 1998-1999 with e-mail phillb@ 3;, and in 2003 with e-mail phillb51@ 3;),
  2. "Philip Burbidge," (active in 2000-2003 with e-mail philip255@ 3;).
  3. "Phill aka Brian," (active 2003 with e-mail broadcasteriam@ 3;),
From the type of stories I think it are three different authors. On PZA, I use the underlined pen names.

In the present story, the ages of the boys are slightly adapted to meet PZA conditions. Chapters and chapter titles were added by me.

This story was sent to me, with many other ANCGS stories, by Henry.



The two middle aged men were sitting comfortably in armchairs, smoking the very best Cuban cigars and sipping on glasses of brandy. They were alone in the room which was lined with books and in the centre of which was a green leather covered desk.

"Well friend what do you say, are you willing to do this for me?" one of the two men asked.

"You are willing to pay three million dollars 3;," the second man started to say.

"Two million you rogue," the first man interrupted with a laugh.

"Two and a half million?" the second one asked quizzically.

"Okay two and a half," the first answered.

"You are willing to pay two and a half million pound for this youth to be abducted and then turned from the normal eighteen year old he is into a boy loving paedophile. Is that correct?" the second man asked.

The first took a long drag on his cigar before replying.

"I want pictures and video proof that you have succeeded," the first man replied.

"All this to revenge the wrongs that his father has done you?"," the second man queried.

"His father almost ruined me when he revealed to the party selection committee my particular leaning towards prepubescent girls and produced those tapes to back him up. Any chances that I had of becoming president went out of the window then. From our college days we have always been in competition with each other. He stole the girl I was courting from me, she is the mother of his pup. He has tried to ruin me throughout my business life by attempting to undercut my companies or outbid me in takeover bids. I hate him from the depths of my soul and now that I'm able to afford revenge, revenge is what I will have."

"But why don't you hire a hit man to kill him, why get at him through his son?" the second man asked.

"Killing him would be to easy a way out for him. I want him to suffer. His eighteen year old son is an only child and the apple of his eye. He worships the youth and intends that he takes over from him when he retires. It will tear his guts out to see his son reduced to a boy loving bastard and, when the pictures and tapes are circulated, it will ruin him and his family," the first man explained.

"Well I see no problem in getting this carried out. Money to be paid in advance and, once I've given the order for the operation to start, there will be no going back. You must understand that," the second man warned.

"You will have the money in your bank within forty eight hours. But be very careful my friend, the youth's father is the second most powerful man in this country, only the president is more powerful. He has information from every strata of society at his fingertips and it will be difficult to keep secret the location where you hold his son," the first man warned.

"Don't worry, he will not remain in this country once he is abducted. I will not tell you where he will be held, sufficient for you to know it's a country where his father has no influence at all. Now as soon as I have confirmation that the money is in my Zürich bank I will set the wheels in motion. Once I've done that the matter will be out of my hands. I will be given the necessary pictures and tapes which I will hand on to you," the second man stated.

The two raised their glasses and touched them together in a silent toast. Then they drained the contents as the first man stood up.

"Shall we join the ladies?" he asked and the two black men left the room.


Four days later the newspapers, radio and television were all full of the mysterious disappearance of the Interior Minister's eighteen year old son. The deputy Minister stated that all of the countries security organisations were searching the country for the youth. The following day there was no mention of the disappearance, nothing in the papers, on the radio or television and nobody asked the authorities any questions about it. The sixth day a short statement was issued by the Interior Ministry to the effect that the Minister's son was taking a short break from his studies.

Chapter 1
Do You Want a Girl or a Young Boy?

Far away in a European country a black eighteen year old youth regained consciousness to find himself lying naked on a large bed. The room he was in was well furnished but did not appear to have any windows. The last thing he remembered was picking up a very sexy looking girl as he left college on his way home. She had been thumbing a lift so he offered her one. Then his mind was a blank. He got out of the bed and his head started to spin so he sat down for a few minutes. He stood up again and walked across to the door, tried to open it and found that it was locked. There was little he could do now but wait to see what was going on.

He looked at himself in a full length wall mirror. Reflected back he could see a rather handsome youth standing there. He had short tight curly black hair, large brown eyes, a broad flat nose with wide nostrils, a large mouth with thick red lips and the most beautifully white teeth. He was quite well developed physically, nice pecs with large purple nipples, well pronounced abs and a very nice looking penis. It was soft at the moment but even in that state it was seven inches [18 cm] long and hung over his big balls. His pubic hair was thick, black and curly but the rest of his body was brown and smooth.

"Nelson what the fuck is going on?" he asked himself in a deep masculine voice.

Then he sat down in one of the armchairs.

After thirty minutes the door opened and a young lady of around twenty walked in. She was white and wearing a bra and panties only. Her breasts were large and she was very pretty with long blonde hair and green eyes.

Nelson stood up as she entered and his cock started to stiffen straight away.

The girl was carrying a tray with a large glass of cold water on it.

"Drink this Nelson, it will make you feel better," she purred in a very seductive voice.

"Where am I? Who are you? What's going on?" Nelson asked the questions tumbling out of his mouth non stop.

"Don't be silly Nelson, you know where you are. Now drink this water, it might help you remember," she said as she moved so close to him that only the round tray prevented them from touching.

Nelson reached for the glass and drained it. His cock was rock hard already.

"I can't remember, how did I get here, who are you?" Nelson asked again.

"Sit on the bed next to me and I'll remind you," the girl purred.

They sat down on the bed and Nelson could feel an overwhelming urge to get on top of her and fuck her coming over him. He fought to control himself as the girl snuggled up close to him.

"We had a lovely time last night Nelson," she whispered, "aren't you going to take my bra off and play with me?"

Nelson cock was throbbing and his whole body cried out to him to take her. Nelson, at eighteen years old, was a randy youth at the best of times. He would fuck any girl who crossed his path given the chance. He loved white girls, they really sent him crazy, the contrast in their skin colours was truly erotic. His hands shook slightly as, not caring where he was and how he got there, he pulled off the girls bra and started to fondle her big nipples. His whole body seemed to be burning for sex, he wanted it badly and he sure was going to get it.

"Hold on a minute tiger," the girl whispered as he reached out and stroked his big cock, now a full ten inches [25 cm] long.

The girl reached out for a cable that was lying on the bed near to the head board. Nelson was not paying too much attention, he was too busy pulling down her panties. The girl took hold of a manacle fixed to the free end of the cable and snapped it closed around Nelson's bicep before he could do anything to resist.

"What's that for?," he mumbled as he had his face buried in her pussy.

"Don't worry Nelson, it will just add a bit of zip to our fun," the girl purred.

Nelson put the matter out of his head, his brain was telling him to fuck the girl. He tried to lay on top of her but she wriggled away, got off the bed, and stood in front of him in a provocative pose.

"Do you want to play with my pussy?" she asked fingering her cunt as she spoke.

"Yes girl, come here," Nelson said as he reached out to grab her and then the most peculiar thing happened.

His whole body jerked and spasmed as a jolt of electricity went through him. He shook and trembled as the shock wore off. Then he looked at the girl and she was still standing there playing with her pussy.

His brain said 'grab her, take her, fuck her,' and he reached out for her again.

Another huge jolt of electricity passed through his as he jerked and jumped around.

Then a disembodied voice sounded.

"Girls are bad for you Nelson, you want young boys," it said.

Nelson looked around confused.

"What the fuck, who the fuck are you?" he said to the thin air.

The girl was now sitting on an upright chair just yards away from Nelson. She had her legs wide open and was busy playing with her pussy. Nelson's brain told him to grab her and fuck her. 'Don't worry about the shocks, just grab her,' his brain said.

Nelson reached out to grab hold of the girl and the third shock passed through his body. He jerked and trembled and jumped around as every nerve in his body was affected.

The voice sounded again.

"Girls are bad for you Nelson, you want young boys," it said.

For the next three hours this continued. For some reason Nelson's brain kept insisting that he should try and fuck the girl despite that each attempt ended in a powerful shock. Throughout this period his cock remained fully erect and his whole body ached for a fuck. But after each shock the voice told him that it was young boys he wanted not girls.

At the end of three hours Nelson's body was a quivering wreck of tortured nerves but still his cock was hard and still his brain told him that he needed to grab the girl and fuck her.

The girl solved Nelson's dilemma; she got to her feet, smiled sweetly at the black youth, and then left the room. Nelson watched her leave as his brain told him to run and catch her and fuck her on the floor. All that stopped him was the cable around his arm that was secured to the bed frame and from there to a point in the wall.

Nelson lay shaking on the bed as the man who had been watching through the one way mirror turned away as the girl entered.

"Well done Gloria, that drug will soon wear off. We will let him have a couple of hours sleep and then you take him a nice cup of coffee. Make sure to put the right amount of drug in it."

As the man spoke he stopped the video camera that was running and then he left the room.

It was, in fact, three hours before Gloria entered Nelson's room. He was wide awake as she came in carrying a tray with a cup of coffee and clad only in a tiny black pinafore. Nelson no longer had an overwhelming urge to fuck her, instead he wanted some straight answers to questions. He took the cup of coffee from her and sipped the hot contents. It tasted real good.

"Now lady I want some fucking answers and I want them now," he said. "Where the fuck am I and how did I get here?" he asked as he took another mouthful of coffee.

"Why Nelson silly, you must know where you are. You brought me here remember," the girl said with a very seductive smile.

Nelson's cock was stirring as he drank some more of the coffee. He looked at her and though how good it would be to fuck her. He shook his head violently backwards and forwards as if to clear his brain.

"Don't give me that shit," he snapped, "I had never seen you before until you came into this room earlier. Now what the fuck is going on?" he asked.

The girl raised the bottom of her tiny pinafore to wipe some tears from her eyes. As she did so Nelson got an eyeful of her pussy.

'Go for it boy, get your cock up there,' his brain told him as he drank most of the remainder of the coffee. 'She wants it Nelson so give it to her,' his brain whispered to him.

He reached out to grab her and again his body was convulsed by a powerful electric shock. Then the disembodied voice filled the room.

"Girls are bad for you Nelson, you want young boys."

This continued for two more hours. Nelson's brain urged him to grab the girl and fuck her, when he obeyed he received a terrible electric shock and the message that told him he wanted boys not girls.

At the end of two hours Gloria left the room again.

Nelson lay on the bed as his whole body ached for him to be able to have a good fuck. He reached for his cock with the intention of having a wank to relieve himself but, as he did so, he received another powerful shock.

The voice came again.

"You don't want a wank Nelson you want a nice young boy to fuck," it said.

Nelson groaned as he gingerly reached out for his cock again. The result was the same, a powerful shock and then the voice telling him he wanted a boy.

As the effects of the drug wore off so did Nelson's urge to wank himself off. He was terribly confused, he had no idea where he was, how he came to be there, or anything else about the situation. As he lay racking his brains trying to recall what had happened when he'd stopped to pick the young girl hitch hiker up he fell asleep.

The man in the other room switched off the video cam and left the room. He smiled as he recalled the confused look on Nelson's handsome face. Tactics would change slightly the next day he decided.


Nelson woke up to find himself still attached to the cable. He tried pulling on it but it was too firmly anchored somewhere out of sight for him to shift it. He had not been awake long when a black hooded figure wearing a long white robe entered the room. The hood covered the figure's head and face with just two slits for the eyes, another for the nostrils and one more where the figure's mouth was. The robed person was carrying a pair of handcuffs and what looked like a pole which was three feet long.

"Who are you, where am I, what am I doing here?"

Again Nelson's questions tumbled from his mouth.

"Put your arms behind your back with your hands together," a man's voice ordered from beneath the hood.

"Like fuck I will," snapped Nelson, "I want some answers to my questions," he said.

The hooded man held the metal pole out so that it touched Nelson's thigh and then he pressed a button on the handle. A powerful shock passed through Nelson's body as he gave a strangled cry of pain and the leg that had been touched jerked up and down.

"Obey my orders or next time I'll touch your bollocks with the prod," the robed figure ordered.

Nelson could do nothing to resist as he was still secured by the cable. He put his arms behind him and touched his hands together.

"Move to the side of the bed with your back to me," the voice ordered and again Nelson obeyed.

The black eighteen year old felt the handcuffs snap closed around his wrists.

"In a moment I'm going to remove the cable you will then get off the bed. You will get down on your hands and knees and crawl to the door. Wait there until I have unlocked it," the voice ordered.

Nelson waited whilst the manacle was removed from around his bicep. He was gathering his wits together as he decided the best thing to do. Should he try and overpower the man before the door was unlocked or should he wait for the door to be opened and then try and make his escape. He had noticed that the lock on the door was a combination lock and decided to wait for his captor to open it and then he would try and escape. The cable was now off his arm and Nelson got off the bed, went down on his hands and knees, and crawled across to the door and waited.

The hooded man went to a cupboard in the room and took out a leather collar and leash. He fastened the collar around Nelson's neck and kept hold of the end of the leash. Now Nelson was truly just like a dog that was about to be taken for a walk. The teenager's hoped of freedom were dashed as he realised that if he tried to escape now his captor would be able to use the prod on him whilst keeping hold of the leash.

"When I open the door you will crawl out in front of me. Turn left and pass two doors. Wait at the third door and I will open it," the voice again ordered.

The door was opened and Nelson crawled along the passage and waited by the third door. That was then opened and he entered to find himself in a bathroom. There was a very long thin chain attached to one of the walls. The hooded man snapped the manacle at the end of the cable shut around Nelson's left ankle. Then he removed the handcuffs but left the collar and leash on the teenager.

"You have thirty minutes to use the toilet, shave and shower. I will return then and you had better be ready to leave," the voice instructed.

The robed figure then left the bathroom locking the door behind him. The chain to which Nelson was attached was long enough for him to use all the facilities which he did. He was feeling very depressed and confused. Nobody would answer his questions and he had no idea what the hell was going on. He was ready and waiting when the robed figure returned. Then he was led back to his bedroom on hands and knees. There was a meal waiting for him on the table in the room and the robed figure, not speaking, left him to eat it.

After a while the man came back and ordered Nelson back onto his hands and knees.

"Please answer me for fuck sake," Nelson pleaded as he got down on the floor. "What the fucks going on, what sort of game is this. If you don't let me go soon my dad will be hunting you down and then you'll be fucking sorry," the black teenager said.

"Shut up or I'll shove this prod up your shit hole," the robed figure stated.

He led Nelson along the passage and they entered another room. This room was very daunting as it looked like a torture chamber. There was a second hooded man in the room. A tall, six and a half foot [2 m] white man, heavily muscled and tattooed. Apart from his hood and a pair of small shorts the man was naked and his body gleamed under the lights.

He did not speak as Nelson entered the room. The robed man ordered Nelson to his feet and then he was told to put his arms in front of his body with his hands together.

"What the hell is going on?" Nelson asked close to tears. "Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?"

His questions were ignored as the almost naked man lowered a rope from the ceiling whilst the robed man handcuffed Nelson again. Then the end of the rope was attached to the connecting chain of the handcuffs.

There were two manacles cemented by very short chains into the floor. They were about four feet [1.20 m] apart. Nelson was made to stand with his feet wide apart so that the manacles could be fastened around his ankles. Then the rope attached to his handcuffs was pulled back up towards the ceiling by an electric driven pulley. Soon Nelson's arms were stretched above his head and then his whole body was stretched taut between the ceiling and the floor.

The robed man now left the room. The hooded man remaining now spoke for the first time.

"Do you like girls Nelson, do you enjoy a good fuck?" he asked.

"Who are you, where am I, what the fuck's going on?" Nelson asked his voice betraying the panic that he was now feeling.

The hooded man took a whip from a rack. He swished it about as he took a position to one side of Nelson. Then he raised the whip shoulder height and brought the lash whistling through the air to strike Nelson's back. As the leather thong bit into his flesh Nelson let out a scream of protest and distress.

"You answer my questions, you don't question me," Nelson the man wielding the whip said.

Then he brought the lash down hard once again across Nelson's shoulders. The black teenager let out a scream of panicky pain as, once again, the thong bit into his flesh.

"Do you like girls Nelson, do you enjoy a good fuck?" the man asked again.

"Oh god, you're fucking insane, just wait until my dad gets his hands on you. He's the fucking Minister of the Interior and 3; oooow," howled Nelson as the lash struck him across the middle of his back.

"Do you like girls Nelson, do you enjoy a good fuck?" the man asked patiently for the third time.

"YES, FUCKING YES I LIKE GIRLS AND I FUCK THEM," screamed Nelson as he realised that failure to answer would mean more of the whip.

"Do girls like this do anything for you," the man asked as the door of the room opened and Gloria, totally naked walked him and stood in front of the teenager.

Despite his pain Nelson couldn't help feeling sexually excited as he saw the lovely naked young white woman standing in front of him. She stuck out her little red tongue and ran it seductively across her lips.

"Yes," groaned Nelson, "they make me want to fuck them," he replied as his cock stiffened slightly.

Gloria now approached Nelson and started to stroke his cock with her hand as she knelt down in front of him. Nelson's cock rapidly grew to its full ten inches [25 cm]. As she stroked her hand up and down his cock it was throbbing excitedly and Nelson wanted to cum.

Suddenly he let out a loud shriek of pain as the whip bit into his back.

The man's voice now said, "you don't want a girl to do that to you Nelson, just ask for a boy to do it instead."

"Ooh god what's going?" on groaned Nelson as Gloria continued to stroke his hard cock.

Then the lash whistled through the air and struck him again. Nelson screamed as Gloria did not miss a stroke. Again and again the whip bit into his flesh as Gloria kept his cock hard.

"Just ask for a boy to wank you off Nelson, you don't want girls doing that. Ask for a boy and there will be no more whipping, he'll just wank you off," the man said.

Gloria smiled up at Nelson who was whimpering and groaning as she kept his cock fully erect with her hand. Then Nelson was screaming again as the lash once more started to bite into his flesh. His shoulders, back and buttocks were now criss crossed in deep red lines and some of them were bleeding where his skin had been cut.

For exactly one hour Gloria kept Nelson's cock hard whilst he was whipped unmercifully at the same time as he was told the whipping would cease if he called for a boy.

The hour up, Gloria left the room, whilst the hooded man lay down the whip. Then the door opened and a naked boy entered the room and walked over to stand in front of Nelson.

He was just over four feet [1.20 m] tall and had a slim build. His hair was auburn with a few yellow streaks. His eyes were a lovely blue, his nose thin and his mouth wide with red lips and lovely white teeth. He had two pink nipples on his undeveloped chest, a deep belly button and skin that was white and smooth. Too young to have pubic hair, his five inch [12½ cm] long uncut cock was fully erect and stood out from his belly like a spike. Well formed buttocks, smooth thighs and legs completed the picture of the boy.

"Nelson, this is Taddy and he is nine years old," the hooded man said.

Nelson groaned as Taddy took hold of his semi hard cock and started to rub it.

"No," Nelson groaned, "no don't do that. Leave my cock alone"

"You like it Nelson, feel how nice and soft his hands are. Look how your cock is already growing hard. Isn't that better than having some girl play with you?" the hooded man asked as the boy skilfully stroked the ten inch [25 cm] long black cock.

"No, oooh god no, this isn't right," groaned Nelson as his cock throbbed with excitement under the skilful hand of the boy.

"Wouldn't you like Taddy to suck your cock, would you like him to suck it for you Nelson?" the hooded man asked.

"No, oooh god yes, oooh yes suck my cock boy, suck my fucking cock," groaned Nelson.

The hooded man gave Taddy a signal and the boy opened his mouth and closed it around Nelson's throbbing cock head. Then he started to suck on the black tool as he moved his lips down the shaft. Soon the boy, clearly a cock sucking expert, was swallowing most of Nelson's cock as he moved his lips up and down the shaft.

"You like being sucked by a nine year old boy do you Nelson?" the hood man asked.

"Oooh yes, suck my cock you little bastard, oooh god Taddy make me cum," Nelson replied.

"I want to hear you say you like your cock being sucked by a nine year old boy, otherwise he stops doing it," the hooded man said as Taddy, whilst sucking Nelson's cock now started to play with his big black balls.

Nelson was too far gone now to want this to stop. His balls were reaching boiling point and soon he would be shooting his load.

"I want nine year old Taddy to suck my cock," Nelson groaned, "I want him to make me cum and I want to fill his nine year old gullet with my sperm," he gasped as Taddy now swallowed virtually all of his cock.

The boy's mouth worked up and down really fast now as he sucked hard on the black cock in his mouth. He tugged on Nelson's balls as his lips moved up and down the hard shaft and he felt the cock head swelling.

"I'M CUMMING, OOH SHIT I'M CUMMING. OH GOD THAT FEELS GOOD, I'M FUCKING CUMMING," Nelson screamed as he started to fill Taddy's mouth with his cum.

As he started to shoot his cock head was in Taddy's mouth and, as his cock continued to spurt the cum out, Taddy slowly swallowed the whole length of it all the while sucking as hard as he could. By the time he'd taken all ten inches [25 cm] down his throat, Nelson's balls were empty. Taddy sucked the last drop out of Nelson's cock and then pulled his mouth away.

As the black teenager's cock began to soften, Taddy stood up and then left the room.

"Now Nelson, wasn't that much better than having a girl suck you off?" the hooded man asked.

"I didn't want to do it, I didn't want a boy sucking my cock. I'm no pervert or faggot or any shit like that, all I want is to have sex with girls," Nelson mumbled as hot tears of shame poured down the brown cheeks of his face.

The hooded man left the room as Nelson hung by his wrists still mumbling that he didn't want a boy sucking his cock.

He was left alone for two hours and then Taddy returned to the room carrying a glass of cold water.

"I've brought you a drink," the boy said shyly as he stood on tip toe with an up stretched arm so that he was able to hold the glass to Nelson's lips.

The man could feel the heat of the boy's body close to his and felt the boy's free hand resting against his chest to hold him steady as Nelson drank the water. When the glass was empty he looked down at Taddy.

"Thank you Taddy that was very kind of you," he said.

The boy smiled at him and left.

Half an hour passed and Nelson's throat was parched and he badly wanted another drink. His cock was fully erect and all he could think of was some way of getting rid of his erection. He needed a fuck real bad. The door opened and Gloria entered. She was carrying a plastic mug of water. She approached Nelson and held the plastic mug to his lips and he was just about to take a drink went a jolt of electricity passed through his body.

He jerked about as best he could with his ankles and wrists tethered. So violent was his head movement that he had knocked the plastic mug out of Gloria's hand and she had stood well back as the contents went flying.

A voice came over the speaker system.

"Boys are good, girls are bad," and then there was silence.

Gloria left the room with poor Nelson badly in need of a drink. She returned a short while later with another plastic mug full of cold water. Again when he tried to drink he received a powerful charge of electricity and the mug and water went flying. This was followed by the same message as before.

The two men were watching from the control room. The robed man was talking to the other.

"The water the boy gave him had a powerful drug that works rather like Viagra. It will keep him hard for hours and all he will be able to think of is ways of getting his end away. A side effect of the drug is that it dehydrates the body and now he is badly in need of some water."

"How long are you going to keep this up?" the near naked man asked.

"Gloria will take him some more water which he will knock flying. Then Taddy will go in with a glass and Nelson will be able to drink that. After that Gloria will keep trying to relieve Nelson's balls but, of course, she will fail. Taddy will succeed when he has a go."

"How long will it take to change the black cunt?" the near naked man asked.

"Does it matter? A week, two weeks even longer. There is no time limit on this. I'd say that the way things are going it will be sooner rather than later," the robed man answered.

For the rest of the morning and afternoon the treatment of Nelson that the robed man had outlined continued. Every time Gloria was involved with him he received an electric shock. Only when Taddy helped Nelson was he free of the treatment. The afternoon came to a close with Taddy once more sucking Nelson off, much to the black teenager's great relief.

Chapter 2
You Want Me to Fuck you Taddy?

For three more days things continued this way until Nelson shuddered every time Gloria entered the room. He began to hate it when she was near him as it meant either a whipping or electric shocks.

Taddy, however, was a different matter and Nelson was begin to get a warm feeling whenever he saw the boy enter the room. He loved to feel Taddy's smooth boy body next to his and to feel his hot mouth around his cock as the boy sucked the juice out of him. On the sixth day Nelson ceased to receive drugs to help him maintain an erection. The two men in charge of his treatment watched with interest as, like every other morning, Nelson was led into the treatment room and suspended by his wrists from the ceiling whilst his feet were manacled to the floor. He had received no drugs since the previous afternoon.

Gloria entered with a plastic mug of water for him. Nelson shuddered as she approached him.

"I'm not thirsty," he said, "I don't want a drink, please take it away."

"Come on darling," Gloria purred as she rubbed up against his body, "have a nice cold drink of water."

Nelson used his chest to push the glass away.

"I don't fucking want it, take it away," he said.

With her free hand Gloria stroked Nelson's brown body as she held the mug to his lips.

"Come on darling drink up," she purred but Nelson knocked it out of her hand with his chin.

"I don't want it," he snapped.

"Do you want me sweetheart, would you like me to suck your cock?" Gloria asked as she rubbed up against Nelson's hard body.

"Get away bitch, fuck off," he panted as his cock remained as soft as butter.

For over an hour Gloria tried to arouse Nelson but all her attempts were in vain. He refused every offer she made to him and kept telling her to fuck off. When she saw that she was having no effect on the black teenager Gloria left the room.

Thirty minutes passed and Nelson hung by his wrists as he thought over the fact that no shock treatment had been used on him despite the close attention that Gloria had been giving him.

As he thought of her he kept saying to himself, "the bitch, fucking cow, why the shit doesn't that whore keep away from me."

At the end of the thirty minutes the door opened again and nine year old Taddy walked in carrying a glass of cold water. Nelson saw him approaching and smiled at the boy, his smile revealing his set of fine teeth. Taddy got on tip toe and held the glass to Nelson's lips and the youth started to gulp it down greedily. He could feel Taddy's free hand resting on his chest as the boy stretched up with the glass and Nelson's cock started to stiffen slightly.

When the glass was empty Taddy stood it on the table. Then he went back to stand close to Nelson. He rubbed his warm hands over Nelson's chest and belly and then started to play with the teenager's nipples.

"Do you like me Nelson?" Taddy asked as the youth's cock became fully erect.

"Yes Taddy," whispered Nelson, "I like you a lot," he replied.

"Do you like me more than Gloria?" Taddy asked and then ran his tongue over Nelson's right nipple.

"Ooh god boy that's good," groaned Nelson, "yes Taddy I like you a lot more than Gloria," he replied as Taddy now licked and sucked on his left nipple.

Taddy looked up at Nelson's face.

"If there were six real sexy girls playing with you as well as me, who would you prefer?" the boy asked as he now stroked Nelson's throbbing cock.

"You Taddy, you boy, I don't want any fucking girls. Ooh that feels so good Taddy make me cum, please make me cum," Nelson replied.

Taddy gave a little giggle, bent down and kissed the tip of Nelson's throbbing cock, picked up the glass and ran from the room. Nelson remained with his cock fully erect and his balls aching to cum.

A few minutes later Gloria came back into the room.

"Wow I see you are ready for action now big boy," she purred as she rubbed herself against his hard body.

"Fuck off you bitch I want Taddy," Nelson hissed as the feel of her against his body made him want to be physically sick. "I don't want you or any other fucking bitch, I want Taddy," he said as his cock started to wilt.

Once again she used all her feminine wiles to try and excite Nelson. She was on a losing wicket because, no matter what she did, her closeness was making him want to vomit and his body kept tensing up as if ready to receive another powerful electric shock.

Having failed in her task, Gloria eventually left the room.

In the control room the two men were well pleased. Certainly the aversion therapy seemed to have done it's job. Now, however, they had to try and turn Nelson from a normal eighteen year old youth into a paedophile who only wanted young boys.

"I'm going to reward him tonight, I'm going to allow Taddy to share his bed with him. After he's had his evening meal, used the bathroom and gone to his bedroom I shall send Taddy in to him. He will probably fuck the boy but not because he's turned into a boy lover. Purely because he associates Taddy with good sex."

"You mean if another boy went into his bedroom he wouldn't want to touch him?" the near naked man asked.

"Exactly. But once he's tasted the delights that Taddy offers I'm hoping he will change. Tomorrow I've a couple of tricks up my sleeve that may well help things along," the robed man replied.


Three hours later Nelson was back in the bedroom. For the very first time he was not attached to the wall by a cable. He lay on the bed with his eyes closed trying to make sense of what had happened over the past week. It seemed to Nelson as if it had been a lifetime. He was half dozing when the door opened and Taddy crept into the bedroom.

"Hello Taddy, what are you doing in here?" Nelson asked as his cock gave a twitch.

"I thought you'd like company tonight, can I get on the bed with you Nelson?" Taddy asked.

"Yes of course you can Taddy, come and lay by my side," Nelson said as his cock got just a little stiffer.

Taddy got onto the bed and lay on his side facing Nelson. Nelson put his arms around the boy and pulled him closer and then he kissed him on the lips. Now Nelson's cock was fully erect and throbbing with erotic passion.

"Nelson do you want to fuck me?" Taddy whispered.

For a moment Nelson was shocked and then let go of Taddy and pushed him away.

"Don't be silly Taddy, I couldn't fuck you, I'd never be able to get my cock up your shit hole even if I wanted to and I don't," Nelson said as his cock started to leak precum.

"I'd love you to try Nelson, I would really love you to fuck me," Taddy said as he pushed hard up against Nelson's warm body.

The eighteen year old black teenager felt Taddy's smooth skin again his. It felt real lovely to Nelson and he thought how much he needed a good fuck. He'd not had a fuck since being abducted a week ago.

"You sure you want me to fuck you Taddy?" Nelson asked in a husky voice.

"I'm sure, Nelson, I'm really sure," Taddy replied as he took hold of Nelson's hard cock and started to rub his hands up and down the shaft.

Nelson groaned with pleasure.

"Okay Taddy, I do want to fuck you real bad," he whispered to the boy.

"Wait just a moment," Taddy said as he hopped out of the bed.

He went to a drawer and came back to the bed with a tube of KY. Then he squeezed some onto his fingers and started to rub it on Nelson's hard cock as the youth moaned with pleasure. Having got Nelson's cock well lubricated Taddy put the KY to one side. Then he lay on his back and pulled his legs up so that his knees were over his chest and his feet on the bed above his shoulders. He held each thigh with his hands and pulled them apart so that his buttocks spread and his shit hole was exposed. Nelson, still laying on the bed, saw Taddy with his buttocks in the air waiting for him to get on top.

The black teenager saw Taddy's tiny shit hole, the brown lips smooth and welcoming. He gave a groan of despair as, unable to help himself, he got astride the boy and lay over him. Holding his big ten inch [25 cm] long cock with one hand he placed it against Taddy's hole. The experienced nine year old boy strained to relax his sphincter muscle, thus opening his hole. Nelson pushed down with his body and his cock entered Taddy's tight hole as both teenager and boy groaned with pleasure.

Nelson thrust harder down and his cock slid deeper into Taddy's bowels as the boy whispered words of encouragement to the youth.

"That's good Nelson, oooh that's lovely. Man you've an awesome cock. Fuck me hard, Nelson, let me have the whole length of your cock," the boy was whispering as Nelson buried his cock to the hilt.

Then Nelson started to thrust in and out of Taddy's tight hole and his movements got faster and harder as Taddy thrust his buttocks up and down keeping time with Nelson's movements. The black youth was enjoying his first all male fuck. Taddy's hole was better than any cunt that he'd ever fucked and it felt so tight around his plunging cock. He could see Taddy's face, twisted with sexual lust, as he thrust in and out of the boy's body.

"Harder Nelson, harder, fuck me harder you lovely black stud," Taddy whispered in a voice heavily laden with sexual desire and Nelson did his best to oblige.

The black youth had been waiting too long for the chance of a real good fuck. Now he was having one his balls started to boil and he knew that he could not hold back any longer.

"I'M CUMMING TADDY, I'M FUCKING CUMMING. OOOH YEAH BOY I'M FUCKING CUMMING," Nelson shouted as he thrust in and out of the tight hole as hard and fast as he could.

His big black cock started to spurt it's seed filling Taddy's bowels with his juice. Nelson thrust in and out as his cock kept spurting his cream until his balls were empty. Then he collapsed exhausted on top of young Taddy with his cock still inside the boy.

"That was lovely Nelson, you really do know how to fuck," Taddy whispered to the black teenager laying on top of him.

Nelson slowly pulled his cock out of the boy's arse.

"Taddy that was the best fuck I've ever had," he said and kissed the boy on his lips.

Nelson got off the nine year old boy and Taddy lowered his legs and lay by the side of the black youth who had just fucked him. They kissed and cuddled for a while as Nelson marvelled to himself at how lovely the young boy's smooth body felt in his arms. Then Taddy turned over onto his other side so that his back was pressing against Nelson's hard chest.

"I'm going to have a rest now," Taddy murmured as Nelson wrapped his arms around him.

Nelson lay cuddling young Taddy as he lay feeling very contented in the after effects of his first good all male fuck. Without thinking his hands were stroking Taddy's smooth chest and belly as the boy lay dozing in his arms. Then one of his hands dropped down a little further and started to fondle Taddy's boy cock. He found himself enjoying the feel of the young penis in his hand and started to stroke his fingers up and down the shaft. Soon Taddy, still dozing, had a full erection and Nelson thought how much nicer it was to cuddle a boy and play with his cock than cuddling a girl who had no nice little spike to get hold of and stroke. Then Nelson drifted off to sleep.

Taddy remained with Nelson all night and twice the black teenager woke the boy up and gave him a good fuck. He kept Taddy laying the way he was, on his side with his back and buttocks up close to his body. He was able to slip his cock into the boy's tight shit hole and fuck him long and hard without having to get on top of him. When he was finished he left his cock inside the boy's bowels until, of it's own accord, it slipped out as they both lay sleeping.

The robed man in the control room was well pleased with everything. All that had happened was now recorded on video tape.

In the morning the next phase of the transformation of Nelson would take place.

Chapter 3
A Young Boy or a Young Girl?

On the morning of the seventh day of Nelson's treatment Taddy woke up and crept out of his bed and left the room very quietly. Nelson was sound asleep and snoring.

The robed man entered the room and woke Nelson up. He told him it was time to get up and then let him out of the room so that he could go to the bathroom. By now the black teenager had learnt that it was pointless to ask the man any questions as he never received answers from him. He also knew that escape was impossible; even if he overpowered the robed man he could not open any of the doors without knowing the various codes. There were no windows that he had seen and the main door at the end of the passage was made of steel. After a week Nelson was used to the morning routine and used the bathroom and then returned to his bedroom where a meal was waiting for him.

Having eaten he waited to be taken to the torture room. He was expecting to be tempted and goaded by Gloria only to be whipped each time she got near him. He was also looking forward to having Taddy close to him again. As he thought of the boy and the great night that they had spent together his cock started to stiffen.

He was no longer on any drugs so all his bodily movements were natural and brought on by his thoughts.

Nelson was very surprised when the door opened and a girl he'd never seen before entered. Well not really a girl, the female who entered must have been in her mid twenties and looked rather shop worn. Her clothing was very sparse being a bra and a small pair of shorts. Her big boobs almost overflowed the bra and she was heavily made up.

"Hi darling," she purred as she got on the bed beside Nelson.

Involuntarily he moved away from her.

"Come on darling," she purred as she reached out a hand and took hold of his soft cock, "let's play."

Nelson pushed her hand away.

"Go away, I'm not in the mood for you," he said.

"Come on sweetie," she whispered as she bent her head over his cock and started to suck on it.

Nelson was tense, fully expecting to receive a shock or some other punishment for letting the girl suck his cock. Nothing happened however and, in reaction to her mouth working on his cock, he started to get a full erection. Unfortunately the girl was not very skilled at cock sucking, or so it seemed to Nelson, because he kept feeling her teeth scraping his cock and it made him wince. He thought to himself how much better Taddy's mouth had felt when the boy had been sucking him off. Despite all of this Nelson's cock was soon at it's full length of ten inches [25 cm].

The girl now moved to lay on top of Nelson and planted her pussy over his rampant cock. Nelson instinctively started to thrust up and down with his buttocks whilst the girl worked her cunt up and down his cock. Again Nelson felt discontented. The girls cunt was so loose and sloppy. He hardly got any sexual sensations as he fucked in and out of her hole. For twenty minutes Nelson fucked in and out of the loose fitting hole as he thought how it would need a fucking horses cock to fill the girl. He was not getting any pleasure at all from the fuck and found the girl's big boobs pressing into his chest an irritable distraction.

- He suddenly turned on the bed tipping the girl off him.

"You're nothing but a fucking whore and I don't want you near me bitch," Nelson hissed as he moved off the bed.

"You're a fucking faggot," sneered the girl as she got off the bed and left the room.

Nelson sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. He wondered what was wrong with him; a week ago he would have fucked any female, young or old, tight or loose. Now he was becoming choosy. He sat like that for several long minutes totally confused about everything. Then the door of his room opened and a boy came in carrying a tray with his meal.

Nelson looked up and say this naked young boy who put the tray down on the table.

"I'd eat this now Nelson whilst it's hot," the boy said in a high voice.

"Thank you," Nelson said as he sat down at the table.

The boy was standing by the bed looking at the black man.

"Do you like Taddy more than me?" the boy asked suddenly.

Nelson looked at the boy. He was Asian, younger than Taddy and slightly smaller. He had straight black hair, lovely big brown eyes, a broad nose, red lips and beautifully white teeth. He was a nice olive colour and rather slender. When he stretched you could see his ribs. His flat chest sported two lovely pink nipples and he had quite a deep belly button. Lovely smooth thighs and legs and the most adorable little cock imaginable. His foreskin covered his nob completely and his soft one inch [2½ cm] long cock hung over his tiny ball bag. Nelson had noticed as the boy had walked across to the bed that he had two beautiful buttocks with a crease running down between them. Under the table Nelson could feel his cock stirring as he looked at the delightful child.

"Well I don't know you do I, I don't even know your name or how old you are?" Nelson replied to the boy's question.

"My name is Sami, spelt S A M I, and I'm eight and a half years old," the boy replied.

"That's a very nice name Sami," Nelson said with a smile as his cock throbbed beneath the table.

Nelson had almost finished his meal.

"Is it a nicer name than Taddy?" Sami asked.

"Oh I think both names are as nice as each other," Nelson replied diplomatically as he pushed his empty plate away.

Sami got off the bed and ran across to the table. As he collected up the empty dishes and put them onto the tray he stood very close to Nelson so that their bodies were touching. Nelson's cock was fully erect as he felt the warm flesh of the boy touching his own. Then Sami picked up the tray with the dishes, flashed Nelson a big smile, and ran out of the room.

The robed man in the control room had been watching all this. He turned to the near naked man.

"I think that it is time for the hypnotist," he said.

Then he used a phone in the control room and a short time later another fully robed man entered. He too was wearing a hood with just eye, nose and mouth slits. The leader who was the first robed man called him over to watch Nelson. The man had already watched all the tapes that had been made.

"Well do you think that he's ready for you?" the leader asked the man who had just joined them

"Well you know that I cannot make a subject do anything that he is adverse to doing. I've watched the tapes and I think that he certainly prefers the boys to the women. I'm not sure what will happen if you introduce a young girl to him, say one the same age as the boys," he replied.

The leader was a little impatient with what he saw as a negative reply.

"All I want to know is whether or not you think its worth hypnotising him now and planting the suggestions in his head," he said.

The Hypnotist pursed up his lips for a few moments.

"Well it can't do any harm to try. He definitely is attracted to Taddy and Sami but that may merely be because of the aversion treatment that you have used."

"Let's do it," the leader said. "I'll have him taken to the training room."

"Better do it in his own room where he is in familiar surroundings. I can put him under very quickly," the hypnotist stated.

"Right, get on with it then but remember. Under no circumstances answer any question he might ask. You simply put him under and plant the suggestion in his head," the leader said.

They watched from the control room as the hypnotist entered Nelson's room. Nelson sat up on seeing the hooded and robed figure enter. He wondered what was going to happen but knew how useless it was to ask questions. He was surprised when the silent man sat down opposite him. The man clasped his hands together, almost as if in prayer, and Nelson's eyes were drawn to a large gem in a ring on his finger. The gem was shining brightly and Nelson could not move his eyes away from it as he heard the robed man's soft voice.

"You are feeling tired Nelson, your eyelids are heavy, you want to have a sleep," the soft voice said.

Nelson was finding it very difficult to keep his eyes open as they stared at the gleaming gem. He felt so tired and his eyelids were so heavy, he really did need a sleep.

"Lay back on the bed and close your eyes, then simply listen to my voice," the hooded man said softly.

Nelson lay back on the bed and closed his eyes. Now he felt so warm and comfortable and he was at peace with the world. All he could hear now was a soft voice in his head.

"Nelson you hate all women and girls. You especially hate young prepubescent girls. When you see their sleek bodies with pussies and no cocks it makes you feel physically sick. You can't bear to touch them, you shudder when they get near you. If they touch you then you feel revolted and your stomach turns over in disgust," the soft voice said.

Nelson heard the words in his head as he lay feeling at peace with the world.

"When I snap my fingers you will count aloud to ten and then wake up and open your eyes. You will forget you heard my voice but you will remember how you must feel when women or girls get near you," the voice said.

Then Nelson heard fingers snap.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine ten," Nelson counted aloud and then he sat up on the bed as he opened his eyes.

Apart from himself the room was empty and he wondered where the robed man had gone.

In the control room the leader remarked to the hypnotist that they would soon see if it had worked.

Nelson was still trying to think what his visitor had wanted when a girl entered his room carrying a plastic mug full of water. She was no older than nine, completely naked and looked really lovely as she walked in. Her blonde hair was shining, she had bright blue eyes, a lovely nose and face. Her chest was just beginning to show the beginning of breasts. Her smooth white flesh shone in the light and her hairless pussy looked as if it had never been touched in all of it's short life. She was enough to make any red blooded man want to jump on her and have a good fuck.

"What do you want?" Nelson asked edging away from her as she approached him.

"I've brought you some cold water," the girl said trying to hand him the plastic mug as her free hand touched his knee.

As she touched him a feeling of revulsion came over Nelson and he started to feel his stomach churning. He knocked the mug out of her hand and sent it flying across the room.

"I don't want your water and I don't want you near me, now fuck off out of here bitch," Nelson said angrily.

"Come on Nelson, I'm a virgin and I'll suck your cock for you," the girl said in a wheedling tone.

"I don't want you near me bitch, fuck off," hissed Nelson feeling physically sick at the proximity of the girl.

"Come on Nelson you can fuck my virgin cunt, you can take my eight year old cherry," the young girl whispered as she tried to take hold of Nelson's cock.

Nelson pushed her violently away as he jumped up on the bed and moved to the far side to get as far away from her as possible.

"You're nothing but a stinking fucking whore, now get out of here you bitch," Nelson said with venom hanging from every word.

The young girl turned away, picked up the plastic mug, and walked out of the room as Nelson started to calm down.

"Well done, it seems to have worked," the leader said patting the hypnotist on the back.

"I'd let him have one of the boys for the rest of the day and then, tomorrow, we should repeat the treatment," the hypnotist advised.

"But what about turning his liking for boys into an overriding necessity to have them. So strong that he takes them by force and rapes them?" the leader asked.

"As I read the situation you are very lucky with this subject. I am sure that, unbeknown to anybody, he is a boy lover. He probably does not know that himself. Get him used to fucking the willing ones and it will be easy to convince him that what he really needs is virgin boys that he can take by force. Yes I think we will manage that quite easily," the hypnotist stated.

"Good," the leader said and gave the necessary instructions over the phone.

Nelson was sitting on the edge of his bed once again. He was thinking about what an odd day it was turning out to be. First that lovely young boy Sami had visited him, then a robed man with a ring that had a large gem stone in it and who never seemed to say anything. He had disappeared into thin air so's to speak. His next visitor had been that repulsive young girl. Why the hell she should have come to his room he just did not know. He heard the patter of bare feet across the floor and looked up. His heart gave a big jump as he saw that Sami had entered with a glass of cold water.

"Would you like a drink Nelson?" the lovely young boy asked.

"Yes thank you Sami," Nelson replied reaching out his hand as he thought to himself that he'd like more than a drink from the boy.

He took the glass of refreshing cold water and drank it down very quickly and handed the glass back to the boy who was standing in front of him.

"Can I stay with you for a little while Nelson?" Sami asked shyly as he took the glass from the youth.

"Sure you can Sami, put the glass on the table and then come and sit next to me on the bed," Nelson replied with a big smile.

The eight year old boy scrambled onto the bed and sat down with his young thighs touching Nelson's.

"Taddy said you let him play with your cock, can I play with it too?" the boy asked.

"Only if you let me play with yours Sami," Nelson answered as he put an arm around the boy and hugged him. "Tell you what, we'll both lay down on the bed and play with each others cocks," Nelson said.

Then he moved so that he was laying full length on the bed and Sami got on it beside him. The young boy lay on his back with his head level with Nelson's groin whilst his own groin was about level with Nelson's neck. They turned towards each other and, as Sami reached out and started to stroke Nelson's fully erect ten inch [25 cm] long cock, Nelson took the child's one inch [2½ cm] cock between his finger and thumb and started to move the foreskin up and down the shaft.

Nelson was fascinated by the boy's lovely olive coloured cock and amused at how quickly it got stiff. He was enjoying the feel of the boy's small hands rubbing up and down his own cock. He leant his head over Sami's waist, bent down and whilst holding the boy's cock started to lick the cock head.

Sami began to groan with pleasure as he felt Nelson's tongue working on his cock so the boy started to copy the youth. He stuck out his own tongue and began to lick Nelson's big cock head sending shivers of erotic pleasure down the teenager's spine.

After a few minutes of mutual cock licking, Nelson opened his mouth and closed it over Sami's stiff cock which had now grown to two inches [5 cm] in length. He started to suck on the boy's cock as his lips moved up and down the stiff stem and Sami was moaning and groaning with delight. Then, once again, the boy copied the eighteen year old youth. He closed his own small mouth over Nelson's cock head and started to suck on the nob as he tried to move his lips up and down them stem.

Nelson soon realised that Sami was no novice at cock sucking. The boy was soon deep throating him and swallowing more that six inches [15 cm] of his log cock with no trouble at all. At the same time Sami was gripping his big balls and pulling and twisting them. This sent the most wonderfully painful sexual sensations through Nelson's body so that he could feel his sap rising and knew that he was near to cumming.

Sami was swallowing more than seven inches [18 cm] of Nelson's cock and working his mouth up and down the hard shaft. He was sucking hard as he pulled on Nelson's big balls.

"Oooh shit Sami I'm cumming, I'm going to fill your mouth with my cum," Nelson groaned as the boy pulled his head up until he was only sucking on Nelson's cock head.

Then the youth erupted and started to fill Sami's mouth with his cum and he could feel the boy sucking it out of his cock and swallowing the lot eagerly. Sami sank his mouth down the shaft as he sucked and Nelson was shooting his load all the time and filling the boy's gullet with his cum. As he was shooting his load down Sami's throat he was sucking the whole of the child's genitals in his mouth.

With his balls sucked dry by the hot mouth of the eight year old boy, Nelson let Sami's cock and balls drop from his mouth and he pulled his own cock out of the youngster's mouth. He lay for a few minutes recovering from one of the best cock sucks he'd ever had, and plenty of girls had had his cock in their mouths. Then he grabbed young Sami and pulled him around. He pulled him up the bed until the Asian boy's face was level with his and then he started to kiss him.

As their lips met they started to kiss passionately, poking tongues into each others mouths and sucking on them. Nelson used his to explore the cum covered inside of Sami's mouth and managed to swallow some of his own cum which he licked off the roof of the boy's mouth. After they had kissed for a while Nelson pulled away from the boy.

"Are you going to fuck me soon?" Sami asked.

Nelson was a bit shocked by that. He was sure his cock would be much too large for the slender boy's body to take.

"I don't know about that Sami, I think I'm too big for you my boy," Nelson replied.

"I've been fucked before by bigger cocks than yours Nelson," the young boy boasted.

The boy, laying flat on his back, threw his legs up in the air and then lowered them so that his knees were over his chest. He reached around to his buttocks with his hands and pulled them apart. The position the boy was in they were sticking up in the air. Sami looked at Nelson who was still laying beside him.

"There you are, I'm ready to be fucked," the boy said.

Nelson's cock was throbbing with excitement as he saw the randy young boy just begging to have the teenager's big black cock up his shit hole. He reached for the KY and started to lubricate his cock.

"You asked for it Sami," Nelson whispered to the boy as he crouched over him with his big cock pointing down at the child's hole, "so don't blame me if it hurts."

Then Nelson leant his weight down on the boy forcing his cock to open Sami's sphincter muscle. His big cock head entered the child's body. Sami gave a loud grunt but did not scream as Nelson's cock went deeper into his bowels. The well trained boy started to work his arse muscles on the invading cock and also pushed upwards with his buttocks.

Nelson groaned with pleasure as he felt the boy's ring squeezing his hard cock and enjoyed the erotic feeling of the boy's pulsating bowels around his thrusting cock. He kept pushing down on the boy and was amazed when he felt his balls pressing into the warm flesh of Sami's buttocks. The boy had taken all ten inches [25 cm] of his cock without uttering a single scream.

"Fuck me Nelson, fuck me hard," the eight year old panted.

Nelson started to pull his cock out of the boy's tight cunt and then thrust back hard again. Out once more and back in, out and in, out and in. Soon Nelson was thrusting in and out of the lovely tight hole as hard as he could. Sami was still using his arse muscles to squeeze the cock that was fucking him. He was also moving his buttocks up and down on Nelson's cock as the teenager thrust in and out.

The boy was mewing with pleasure as Nelson's cock massaged his prostate. Sami had first been fucked by an adult when he was only four. Hardly a day had passed since then when he was not sucking cock or being fucked by cock and, over the years, Sami had come to enjoy it. He loved it when his prostate was worked on because it sent the most wonderful sexual feelings through his body and often made him go into a frenzy as he had a dry cum.

"More, more, more, fuck me harder, fuck me harder," Sami groaned as Nelson, sweating like a pig, drove in and out the boy's hot hole.

This was the second boy that Nelson had fucked and, like the first, it was turning out to be a far better fuck than he'd ever had with a girl.

For more than an hour Nelson was fucking the young boy. Twice Sami had gone into a dry cum frenzy and his body had stiffened, his cock had throbbed madly and his ring had gripped Nelson's cock like a vice. Now it was Nelson's turn to cum. His balls tightened up and he started to shoot his load.

Sami felt the hot cream filling his bowels and started to milk the youth's cock with his arse muscles.

"I want your cream Nelson, give me your baby making juice, fill me with your cum," Sami groaned the words he had been taught to say as he felt his bowels filling with Nelson's cum.

The black teenager was panting and grunting as he emptied his balls into the boy. Then, his nuts milked dry by young Sami, he lay heavily over the slender child as he recovered his strength after what had been a wonderful fuck.

"Shit Sami that was good," whispered Nelson to the boy, "that's about the best fuck I've ever had."

"Was it better than when you fucked Taddy?" the boy asked as he tried to use his arse muscles to hold Nelson's softening cock inside him.

"Well, certainly as good Sami, certainly as good," Nelson said kissing the boy on the lips.

Then he pulled his cock out of Sami's behind and lay back down on the bed with his face looking up at the ceiling. Sami lowered his legs, gave a little giggle and got on top of Nelson. He put his legs either side of Nelson's chest as he faced the teenager's cum covered soft cock. Then he took hold of the youth's black tool, stuck out his little red tongue, and started to lick the cum off it as Nelson groaned with delight.

Nelson could see young Sami's buttocks in front of his face. He could see his cum leaking out of it and he was being sent crazy as Sami licked the cum off his sensitive cock. He raised himself up, placed his hands on Sami's hips, and started to lick the boy's cum filled hole.

Sami wriggled his buttocks to show how happy he was as he felt Nelson's tongue working on his hole. He could feel the teenager's tongue inside him licking his bowels clean and he loved the way it made him feel as he continued to lick all the cum off Nelson's cock and balls.

At last both were finished and Sami twisted around on top of the black youth. He moved up so that his face was looking down at Nelson's and then he bent down and kissed the teenager on his lips and Nelson responded.

Then the boy got off Nelson and lay by his side. They both started to doze off. Later Sami started to play with Nelson's cock again and soon Nelson was fucking the youngster once more.

Sami stayed with Nelson for the rest of the day and the night. Nelson fucked the boy another four times during that period. All Sami had to do was smile at the teenager and Nelson's cock would spring to attention. Eventually the black youth fell into a very deep sleep totally exhausted by the capricious sexual nature of the eight year old boy.

Morning came and Sami, in accordance with his instructions, crept out of the room without waking Nelson.

Nelson was woken up by the near naked hooded man who had previously whipped him. He was taken to the bathroom and then back to his bedroom.

"From today you will be able to leave this room by yourself in the morning and evening in order to use the bathroom. The only doors that will open for you are the bathroom door and the door of this room so don't think about trying to leave," the hooded man said his voice coming out from under the hood slightly muffled although quite understandable.

Nelson decided to try his luck as the man had spoken to him.

"Why am I here, why the fuck are you keeping me here? Please answer me," he pleaded.

The hooded man turned on his heel and left the room without replying.

Nelson's breakfast was brought to him by the same young girl who had tried to sexually arouse him the day before. As she entered the room with the tray of food Nelson moved to the far corner.

"Eat this whilst it's hot," she said sweetly to Nelson as she put down the tray.

She stood by the table waiting for Nelson to sit down whilst she started to finger her hairless pussy in a very suggestive manner.

"I don't want you here whilst I'm eating," Nelson said not moving from the corner of the room. "Come back when I've finished and collect the tray or, better still, send Taddy or Sami to get it."

The young girl pouted at Nelson and then turned and walked out. The teenager, feeling a deep sense of relief, moved to the table, sat down and began to eat. Later the girl came back and took the tray away. Nelson kept as much distance between them as possible.

A short while later the hypnotist walked into the room. He followed the same procedure as the previous day. He was followed by the young girl who did her very best to seduce Nelson and. once again, failed. Then Sami joined Nelson and, apart from a stop for meals and making use of the bathroom, the two spent the rest of the day having sex together.

Nelson no longer had any guilt feelings, he knew now that he loved to fuck young boys. He had no wish to fuck another female; just the idea made him feel sick.

For a further three days this routine was followed then a further three day passed when the girl and Sami carried out their parts in Nelson's treatment but the hypnotist played no part. Nelson still remained hostile to the girl whilst spending as much time as possible having sex with Sami.

The next thing that happened was that the hypnotist returned to Nelson's room. He quickly put Nelson to sleep. Then he told Nelson to forget everything he'd been told about hating females. Nelson was to behave normally towards females as of now. Then, after the count of ten, Nelson woke up to find that the hypnotist had left. He was now used to the man's sudden disappearances and thought nothing of it.

A little later the young girl came in carrying a glass of water. She handed it to Nelson who drank it as he looked at the pretty child.

"Pity it's a girl," he thought to himself, "fuck they look so ugly without a nice boy cock and balls."

He returned the glass to the girl and she put it on the table. Then she sat on the bed close to Nelson and started to reach for his cock. Nelson pushed her away, his cock remaining soft.

"Go away girl, I don't like you touching me like that it's not nice," he said to her.

She pouted at him in the way that girls (and even women) think is so attractive to men.

"Wouldn't you prefer me to play with your cock? I'm a virgin and you could take my cherry," she whispered seductively.

Nelson screwed up his nose in disgust at the girl.

"You sound like a fucking whore, now piss off," he snapped as she failed to arouse him at all.

The leader in the control room looked across at the hypnotist and smiled.

"Seems to have worked better than we could ever have dreamed of he said. "He can have Sami for the rest of the day and tomorrow we start on the final phase."

The hypnotist nodded his agreement and then left the room.

A few minutes later Sami entered Nelson's room. Nelson smiled at the young boy.

"Come over here Sami, I'm as horny as hell. See what you can do about it for me," he said.

The rest of the day and night was spent the same as the previous few with Nelson fucking the shit out of the boy.

Chapter 4
I Love to Fuck Young Boys

Nelson was now entering the final phase of his treatment to turn him from a straight girl loving black teenager into a youth who would prey on innocent young boys and rape them.

Sami, having spent the night with him, had left him sleeping. Nelson woke up and went to the bathroom and, once finished there, returned to his room. Sami walked in carrying Nelson's meal on a tray. By now the black teenager was used to this routine and sat down and started to eat. He was, however, surprised when Sami told him he had to return to the kitchen and would collect the tray later. Normally the young boy remained talking to him as he ate. Nelson finished his meal and then went and lay back on the bed. He was becoming bored with his captivity by now although all such thoughts fled from his head when he had young Sami in the room with him.

Nelson was surprised when the hypnotist entered the room. This was not the normal routine. Of course Nelson did not know that the man was a hypnotist, all he knew was that he was one of his robed and hooded captors who rarely spoke and never answered questions.

The man sat down and clasped his hands and Nelson's eyes were immediately drawn to the big gem stone and he could not move them away. The hypnotist quickly sent his subject to sleep before he implanted certain suggestions in the teenager's head.

"You love young boys Nelson," the man said in a soft voice, "very young boys really. What you love more than anything is boys aged seven or under who are virgins. Little boys who have never been fucked," the hypnotist said in a soft droning voice.

"You want to slide your big cock up their virgin shit holes. You want to hear them scream as you fuck them and you want them to take the whole length of your cock," the hypnotist said.

"Nelson you love all young boys, virgin or not, and you like to fuck them all. You love to play with their cocks and suck their cocks whilst they suck yours. But Nelson what you love most is fucking virgin boys and the younger the better. You want to rape them and hear them scream. Remember these things when you see boys, remember you want them all but most of all you want virgins. When I click my fingers you will count to ten and then wake up. You won't remember hearing my voice but when you see a boy you will remember that you want to have sex with him," the hypnotist said.

Then he clicked his fingers and left the room. As he left he could hear Nelson counting up to ten.

"Will it work?" the leader asked the hypnotist in the control room.

"Well he's already a boy lover so we are three quarters of the way there. Send in Sami and one of your new untouched boys. Make sure Sami tells Nelson that his companion is a virgin. We'll see what happens then," the hypnotist answered.

The leader agreed and used the telephone to relay his instructions elsewhere.

Nelson in the meantime had been lying on his bed. He was playing with his cock which was semi hard as he fantasised about a six year old boy that he was holding naked across the table. He was fucking the boy as hard as he could, a boy who, until being put across the table, had been an innocent little virgin. As Nelson was deep in his day dream and his cock was stiffening due to his erotic thoughts he heard rather than saw the patter of feet on the floor. He opened his eyes and saw Sami and another boy walking across the room towards him.

Sami had a big smile on his face whilst he was hand in hand with the other boy, also naked, who was younger then him. Nelson had to use all his self control not to snatch the younger boy up, lay him over the table and stick his cock up his shit hole.

"Hi Nelson, this is my new friend. His name is Jerry and he is seven years old," Sami said.

Nelson smiled at both boys.

"Come on jump up on the bed and give me a kiss," he said to them.

Sami helped Jerry to get onto the bed and then he got on too. He moved close to Nelson and kissed the black teenager on the lips. Nelson took hold round the boy and returned his kiss and then they sucked each others tongues. Then Nelson released Sami and looked at Jerry.

"Come here Jerry and let me give you a kiss as well," he said softly as every bone in his body urged him to start fucking the young kid.

Nelson still controlled himself. The young boy moved up on his knees so that he was close to Nelson's head. Then the black youth cuddled the child to him and started to kiss the boy on the lips.

"Can I show Jerry how I play with your cock?" Sami asked.

Nelson's cock was fully erect and throbbing with excitement as he stopped kissing Jerry and let go of him.

"Sure you can Sami, are you telling me that Jerry's never played with a cock before?"

Sami looked very seriously at Nelson.

"Jerry is new here and he's a virgin. He's never seen a big cock like yours before. I know he wants to touch it," Sami replied.

"A virgin!" exclaimed Nelson. "Sure Sami show Jerry how to get me all excited," he went on.

As Sami showed Jerry how to stroke Nelson's cock and the youth felt the boy's tiny hands around his black weapon he looked carefully at the youngster.

Jerry, at seven years old, was a lovely looking boy. Golden hair, green eyes, pert little nose, big mouth with red lips and pure white tiny teeth. His body was chubby and he had sweet tiny brown nipples on a chest which seemed to be all fat. Little rolls of flesh around his body and then a sweet little small boy cock. Jerry's cock was soft and almost one inch [2½ cm] long and he had a tight scrotum beneath it. His white body looked so smooth and beautiful that Nelson wanted to clasp the boy tightly to him. Instead he watched and enjoyed the child as he played with his big brown cock.

Sami, the little rascal, now got Jerry to put Nelson's cock head in his mouth. He told Jerry to suck on it and, as Nelson groaned with pleasure, the young boy sucked as hard as he could. Sami, as instructed, now left Jerry sucking on Nelson's cock.

"I've got to go back to the kitchen for a little while, will it be alright if I leave Jerry with you?" Sami asked.

Nelson's heart started to pound hard in his chest.

"Leave him here Sami, I'll take good care of him," he replied in a voice dripping with lustful anticipation.

"I will probably not be able to come back until this evening, you sure you don't mind having Jerry with you all day?" Sami asked.

"He'll be fine Sami, you piss off and do whatever it is you have to do?" Nelson replied irritably wanting the boy out the way.

"Remember Nelson he's a virgin, don't try fucking him will you," Sami said laughing as if the idea was some big joke.

"Fuck him, who me?" Nelson asked looking at Sami with big open eyes, "it's you I fuck Sami not Jerry."

Sami jumped off the bed giggling and ran out of the room leaving Jerry on the bed sucking Nelson's cock.

Now the older boy was out of the way Nelson pulled Jerry's head away from his cock. He lifted the boy up and onto his chest so that the kid's face was looking down at his.

"I bet you'd like to be fucked Jerry, would you like your Uncle Nelson to fuck you?" he asked the innocent young boy.

"You ain't my uncle," Jerry giggled, "and I don't know if I would like you to fuck me."

"You don't know Jerry, why don't you know," Nelson asked as he kissed the young boy on the tip of his nose.

"I don't know what fucking is," Jerry answered. "I want to go and find Sami," he said.

"Forget Sami you're staying here," Nelson replied.

The eighteen year old black youth got off the bed and closed the door.

"Don't want any fucker sticking their nose in here," he said as he returned to the bed.

Then he sat on the edge of his bed and started to lubricate his cock whilst Jerry lay watching him.

"Why you doing that to your cock Nelson?" the boy asked inquisitively.

"It will make it easier for me to fuck you," laughed Nelson.

In the control room the three men involved in Nelson's training were watching.

"Looks as if we get out first tape of the bastard raping a young kid," the leader said smugly.

"If all goes well he'll let the young shit scream his head off as he rapes him, I placed the suggestion in his mind that screaming would be good," the hypnotist remarked.

"When Jerry comes out of there I want the little fucker," the near naked man said. "I need a young boy real bad."

"You leave him alone until we've finished this job," the man in control replied.

They turned back to watch on the screen what Nelson was now up to with Jerry. He had the seven year old boy kneeling on hands and knees on the bed and he was busy putting KY on the outside of Jerry's shit hole.

"In a moment I'm going to get my cock in this hole," he was busy telling Jerry as he lubricated the outside of the boy's hole.

"Please Nelson you're not going to hurt me are you?" Jerry asked as he turned his head to look at the black teenager.

"I've no idea whether it will fucking hurt you or not, I've never fucked a virgin boy before," Nelson replied quite offhandedly.

Now all preparations had been made. He told Jerry to lay on his back on the bed and the frightened youngster obeyed. Nelson also got on the bed and knelt by the boy's feet. The black teenager's ten inch [25 cm] long cock was painfully erect and throbbing.

"Get your knees on your chest and your feet down by your shoulders," Nelson ordered the young boy remembering how Sami had lain on the bed the first time he fucked him.

"Please Nelson don't hurt me, please don't hurt me," the young boy pleaded in a frightened voice.

"If I hurt you then fucking scream," Nelson replied heartlessly.

All he wanted was to get his cock up this bastard's virgin shit hole. He crouched over the boy with his legs either side of young Jerry's thighs. He bent over the boy and guided his hard cock to Jerry's shit hole. He could feel and see the boy trembling beneath him and it sent shivers of erotic pleasure through his body. He could see the fear in Jerry's eyes and it just made him want to fuck the boy even more. He rested his hands on the bed, just above Jerry's shoulders. Then he let his weight bear down on the boy. His cock head started to press against the lips of Jerry's arse as the boy's sphincter muscle tried to prevent the intended rape.

That muscle was no match by a long way for the weight and strength of a full grown man, albeit Nelson was only eighteen years old. It opened reluctantly and Nelson's cock slipped through and into the first virgin hole that he had ever fucked, that is a male's virgin hole.

Nelson let out a huge sigh of utter sexual pleasure as he felt the boy's shit hole squeezing his plunging cock. Then a tingle went through every nerve end of his body as young Jerry started to shriek his head off.

"STOP NELSON, STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP. PLEASE STOP NELSON YOU'RE KILLING ME, YOU'RE HURTING ME REAL BAD," the young boy was screaming at the top of his voice.

His shit hole was being split almost to breaking point by the teenager's black cock as it entered him.

Nelson's head was spinning with sheer erotic pleasure as he forced his cock deeper into the boy. Somehow he had known that the most wonderful thing on earth would be fucking the shit hole of a very young virgin boy. He drove deeper into the screaming child's hole and felt the boy's warm bowels around his cock. Deeper still down the tight tube he went savouring every moment of the rape.

Jerry was screeching and screaming for him to stop but nothing on earth could have stopped Nelson now. He was determined to use all ten inches [25 cm] of his cock to fuck the shit out of the young boy.

Deeper and deeper Nelson forced his cock. Five inches, six inches, seven inches and then eight [12-15-18-20 cm] was thrusting in and out of the screaming boy's tight shit hole as Nelson fucked in and out as hard as he could.


With sweat pouring off his body, Nelson dove in and out of the boy even harder. He was using nine inches [23 cm] of his ten inch [25 cm] cock to fuck in and out of the little one's shit hole.

"Scream my beauty, beg me to stop my lovely little virgin boy," panted Nelson. "Make me happy you cunt, work your arse muscles boy, squeeze my cock just like Sami does," Nelson groaned as he fucked in and out of the boy.

Ten inches [25 cm] of cock was now being thrust in and out of seven year old Jerry's virgin arse hole as Nelson used the full length of his fuck pole to roger the screaming young boy. He was now fucking young Jerry as hard as he could and each downward thrust saw his big black balls pressing into the white flesh of Jerry's buttocks.

Nelson had been fucking the virgin boy for almost an hour and was still not near to cumming.

"You like my cock bastard, you love my black cock up your boy cunt don't you?" Nelson panted as he drove in and out of the child.


Another fifteen minutes of hard fucking followed as Jerry screamed his head off. Then Nelson started to shoot his load into the boy's bowels filling Jerry's back passage with his cum. Jerry felt the warm cream flooding his bowels as Nelson unloaded his sperm.

"Milk my cock you cunt, milk my fucking cock you bastard," Nelson moaned as he shot more cum into the boy.

Jerry, more in reflex action to the fucking he was getting than for any other reason, was working his arse muscle to try and expel the cock that was fucking him so hard. In fact all the boy was doing was squeezing Nelson's cock in a most delightful manner and Nelson was now groaning, "that's the way boy, that's the way."

At last Nelson's balls were empty and he pulled his cock from Jerry's hole. However he made the boy remain in position with his knees on his chest and his feet over his shoulders. Nelson lay on his stomach looking closely at Jerry's shit hole. The tiny hole was still wide open and filled with the teenager's thick white cream. Nelson could see the boy's pink intestines pulsating inside Jerry's bowels. He stuck his finger up the boy's hole enjoying the way the back passage felt. He withdrew his finger now covered in his own cum. Put it in his mouth and sucked on it.

He made Jerry remain as he was and moved around to the boy's head. He knelt down and his cum covered cock head rested on Jerry's lips.

"Open your mouth cunt and start sucking my cock," he ordered.

The frightened boy obeyed. As Jerry started to suck the cum off the youth's cock, Nelson leant over the boy and started to lap with his tongue at the child's cum filled shit hole. He felt Jerry's mouth sucking harder on his cock as he pushed his tongue into the boy's cum filled cunt and started to lick the sperm out of it. For the time being both boy and youth were happy.

It took Nelson almost half and hour to clean the boy's bowels out as far as his tongue could reach. At last he'd finished the task and moved away from young Jerry and allowed the boy to put his legs straight out in front of him on the bed.

Jerry was sniffing and whimpering as he looked at the teenager laying beside him.

"I've got to go and find Sami and help him," he said half crying.

"Okay," replied Nelson his sexual needs satisfied for the time being. "Before you go Jerry, tell me did you enjoy me fucking you."

The boy burst into tears.

"No Nelson it hurt me and my behind still hurts a lot. I hated it when you fucked me, I hated it," the boy replied.

"Hm, well ask Sami if he hates it and whilst you're about it ask Taddy too," Nelson said. "Those two bastards sure seemed to enjoy me fucking them. Now if you've got to go then piss off and let me get some sleep," he said pushing Jerry away from him.

Jerry scrambled off the bed and went running from the room.

In the control room the three men were well pleased. The leader looked at the other two with a big smile on his face.

"That men is one real hot tape we've got there. Our client will be well pleased with that."

"I suggest you send Jerry back to him later, let him take Nelson his evening meal. By then the black bastard will have recovered. I want to see what he does when a boy he's raped earlier walks in on him," the hypnotist said.

The leader immediately agreed saying that Nelson could rest for the remainder of the afternoon until his evening meal was taken to him. Then the recorders were all turned off.

Nelson, thoroughly exhausted by the rape he had earlier carried out, slept for the rest of the afternoon. He did not wake up until Jerry arrived carrying a tray with a hot meal for Nelson on it. Nelson sat up on the bed as he watched the boy placing the tray on the table. Already his cock was beginning to stiffen as he watched the young boy carrying out his chores. A strong desire to have Jerry kneeling between his legs whilst he sat at the table overcame Nelson as he got off the bed.

"Are you staying here till I've finished eating?" Nelson asked the boy in a husky voice.

Jerry looked at Nelson with fear in his eyes. The boy had been ordered by his masters to remain with Nelson throughout the meal and then bring the tray with the empty dishes back to the kitchen. When he had complained that Nelson had hurt him a lot when fucking him his masters had told him that what Nelson did was up to the black teenager and they could not interfere. Thus Jerry, seven years old and very frightened, found himself alone with the man who had hurt him so much.

"I've got to stay here till you've finished your food and then take the dishes back to the kitchen," Jerry replied nervously.

"Good," Nelson said as he pulled the boy to him and lifted him up in his arms.

He gave Jerry a kiss on the lips and sat Jerry on his lap. Then he took hold of the boy's tiny cock and started to fondle it.

"I loved fucking you earlier Jerry, you really did make me feel good," Nelson said gently as he played with the boy's rapidly stiffening little cock.

"Now I want you to make me even happier Jerry," he said.

Tears welled up in Jerry's eyes.

"I don't want you to fuck me, you hurt me a lot. Please Nelson don't fuck me," the boy wailed.

"I'm not going to fuck you right now you little silly," Nelson said to the whimpering boy. "I want you to get under the table and kneel between my legs. Suck my cock and play with my balls whilst I eat. Now that's not too hard for you to do is it?" Nelson asked.

"You won't fuck me will you?" Jerry asked hopefully.

"No, I'm going to fucking eat," Nelson answered.

Jerry slipped off Nelson's lap and got beneath the table. Nelson's cock was rock hard as he felt the boy's soft body kneeling between his legs. He closed his legs tightly enjoying the way that they pressed into the soft boy flesh. He gave a deep sighing gasp of sexual satisfaction as he felt Jerry's warm mouth close over his cock head. He started to eat the very good meal as Jerry sucked on his cock.

Nelson quickly finished the food; he had been very hungry. But he did not tell Jerry that he'd finished eating as the boy sucked on his cock head. Instead he sat enjoying the sensation of the seven year old sucking his cock.

He reached down and placed his hands on Jerry's head and started to exert pressure. Now Jerry could feel the cock head touching the back of his throat and he started to gag and retch. Nelson pulled the boy's head up and off his cock. Then he swung around on his chair so that his back was to the table.

"Come out in the open Jerry and get between my knees again. I want to watch as you suck my fuck stick," Nelson said.

With relief the robed man in the control room watched this change in tactics. Now he would get some good pictures on tape of Nelson forcing the boy to suck his ten inch [25 cm] long cock. He watched with approval as Jerry knelt between Nelson's legs and, once more, closed his lips around the black cock. He smiled as he saw Nelson's hands taking hold of Jerry's small ears. Clearly the black teenager was going to help Jerry to swallow his black cock.

"Suck you little bastard, suck fucking hard," Nelson grunted as he pulled down on Jerry's ears.

With a big cock filling his mouth the young boy was unable to squeal as he felt the pain. By Nelson pulling down on his ears, Jerry's mouth was forced to take in more of the youth's hard cock. The cock head was pressing against the back of his throat and the boy started to gag and retch. Nelson pulled Jerry's ears painfully upwards and the boy's mouth moved up the shaft of his cock giving relief to the youngster. Not for long however, Nelson pulled down on Jerry's ears and his mouth moved back down the black shaft. This time to thick cock head entered his throat.

Jerry's face turned red and then purple as his air supply was cut off. Nelson pulled the boy's head up again and Jerry was able to breathe. Then back down and he swallowed more of Nelson's cock. Up again, a deep breath, and then back down and even more cock was in his throat.

"That's the way Jerry," panted Nelson, "take the whole of my cock down your throat. Suck you lovely little cock sucker, come on you sweet little fuck pig suck as hard as you can on my cock."

Poor Jerry was having to quickly adjust to the cock being thrust up and down his throat. He found that it helped if he breathed through his nose; he found it less painful on his ears if he moved his head up and down voluntarily; he found it helped if he swallowed as the cock was thrust down his gullet and all the time he kept sucking.

"Pull on my balls, twist them and pull them as you suck my cock," Nelson panted as he let go of Jerry's ears and gripped his mop of golden hair.

Using the boy's hair he pulled the kid's head up and down the shaft of his cock as Jerry played with Nelson's big balls in addition to sucking and swallowing his cock.

Once again Nelson could feel the familiar sensation of his balls reaching boiling point. He was pulling the boy's head up and down the shaft of his cock as hard and fast as he could. At the same time he was thrusting up and down with his pelvis whilst Jerry kept sucking as hard as he could.

Nelson pulled the boy's head up until only his nob was in Jerry's mouth.

"Suck you bastard, suck you little fucker, come on cunt fucking suck," panted Nelson as he felt his sperm rising.

Then he started to shoot his load into Jerry's mouth. The thick cream quickly filled the youngster's mouth and started to run down his throat.

"Suck and swallow, suck and swallow, come on cunt eat my fucking baby juice," Nelson groaned as he forced his spurting cock all the way down Jerry's gullet so that the boy was swallowing the full ten inches [25 cm] of thick black cock.

Jerry had no choice but to swallow. Failure would have meant him choking to death. He sucked and swallowed and took Nelson's sperm all the way down his throat and into his stomach as Nelson pulled most of his cock out of the boy. When only his cock head was in the boy's mouth, Jerry managed to clear most of the cum by swallowing hard. He was beginning to enjoy the strange taste of Nelson's cream and started to suck hard to get some more.

Nelson sat, legs now wide open with the seven year old boy kneeling between them, and his hands rested gently on Jerry's head. He was enjoying the feel of the boy's suction on his cock despite the fact that his balls were now empty. He closed his eyes in order to get the full benefit of the wonderful sexual sensations. He knew that no girl could ever have made him feel the way that this seven year old boy managed. For ten minutes Nelson sat like that as Jerry sucked happily on the black teenager's cock head. Then he pushed Jerry away.

"That's enough Jerry, thanks for making me feel so good," Nelson said with a grin. "Did you enjoy sucking my cock?" he asked.

Jerry stood up and started to put the empty plates onto the tray.

"It has made my mouth ache and my throat feels sore but I enjoyed the taste of the stuff that came out of your cock," the boy replied as he picked up the tray.

"Good," said Nelson, "I'm hoping that I'll be able to feed you plenty more of my cum," he went on as Jerry left the room.

Nelson lay back on the bed to gather his strength whilst the three men in the control room smiled at each other.

"Send Jerry back in after Nelson has used the bathroom. Make sure the boy understands that he is to resist any attempt by Nelson to fuck him again. If the black fucker takes Jerry by force then I would say the task is completed," the hypnotist said.

"The final test will be carried out tomorrow if he rapes Jerry tonight," the leader stated.

Chapter 5
Raping Jerry

Later, having digested his meal and had a long rest, Nelson got up and walked down to the bathroom. Having used all it's facilities he returned to his room and flopped down on the bed. He wasn't really tired but had nothing else to do. He lay with his eyes closed thinking about how strange life was. He was getting so used to where he now was, comfortable room, all mods and cons, good food and, so far, young boys to keep him happy. He smiled as he heard the door open and raised one eyelid. His smile was broader as he saw Jerry creeping across the room on tip toe to place a glass of water on the table.

"What you doing Jerry?" Nelson said sitting up on the bed and making Jerry jump.

"I've brought you some water Nelson," the boy replied nervously.

"And how long you stopping this time?" Nelson asked with a grin.

Jerry had been told to be honest with Nelson.

"Only as long as you keep me here," the boy replied edging his way to the door.

Nelson hopped off the bed and stood in front of the door stopping Jerry from leaving.

"And if I keep you here all night what then?" Nelson asked.

"If you tell me to stay all night I have to," Jerry confessed.

"Do you want me to fuck you again?" Nelson asked as his cock throbbed with excitement at the thought.

"No I don't, you hurt me last time. I don't want to be fucked," Jerry answered.

Nelson picked up a chair and placed it under the handle of the door so that the boy could not make his escape.

"Come here you little fucker, I've got the hots for you," the teenager chuckled as he made a grab for Jerry.

The boy scampered away and jumped onto the bed but Nelson was just as quick. He leapt onto the bed after the boy and grabbed him.

Now Jerry had been told by his masters that he could do whatever he pleased to try and stop Nelson from fucking him. So the boy, seeing Nelson's hand gripping his arm, bent his head and started to bite him. Nelson cursed and gave Jerry a hard clout around the head and the boy started to scream. Then Nelson picked Jerry up bodily and threw him face down on the bed.

Jerry was sobbing and screaming as he tried to get away from the youth. Nelson was having none of that so he punched the boy in his ribs. Then he grabbed Jerry by the legs and pulled him across the bed until, from waist down, he was hanging over the edge. His belly upwards was laying on the mattress and the child was screaming and yelling.

"LET ME GO, LEAVE ME ALONE, DON'T YOU TOUCH ME," the boy screamed.

"I'm going to teach you not to bite," snarled Nelson angrily.

He squatted on Jerry's back facing the boy's behind. Jerry could not move because of the teenager's weight on him. Nelson bent forward so his face was over the boy's lovely white buttocks.

"Now you little cunt see how you like being bit," he snarled.

He opened his mouth and closed it over part of Jerry's left buttock. He pressed hard down with his teeth as he closed them getting a mouthful of Jerry's buttock flesh. The child screamed and shrieked as Nelson bit into his buttock but the youth held the warm flesh firmly between his teeth. Nelson's cock was throbbing excitedly as he heard the shrieks of pain from the boy. Then he opened his mouth and released the boy's buttock from his teeth.

Imprinted on the youngster's flesh was a perfect set of teeth marks, each one showing a spot of blood where Nelson's teeth had punctured the skin.

"Now let's do that again," grunted Nelson and gripped part of the child's right buttock between his teeth.

Jerry shrieked and howled and beat the bed with his tiny hands as Nelson bit as hard as he could into the boy's flesh. He released the boy from his mouth after a minute and now Jerry had a perfect set of teeth marks on both buttocks.

"Now boy I'm going to fuck you and I'm not using any KY. You want to fight me, you want to bite me, okay but you're in for a rough fuck now," Nelson growled as he got off the bed and stood behind the screaming young boy.

Very roughly he kicked Jerry's legs wide apart whilst holding him pinned to the bed by planting one hand on the small of the boy's back. He spat on his free hand and rubbed the spittle on his throbbing cock. Then with that same hand he took hold of it and guided it to Jerry's small hole which was still very sore from his rape of the day before. Without wasting time, Nelson pressed forward with his pelvis forcing his cock head into Jerry's boy cunt. The boy shrieked even louder as he felt himself being stretched by the black teenager's cock.


Nelson was to busy ramming his big cock up Jerry's back passage to bother to reply to the boy. Soon he had all ten inches [25 cm] of cock in the bowels of the boy he was raping. Then he started to thrust in and out as hard and fast as he could.

"STOP NELSON, OH PLEASE NELSON STOP," Jerry screamed as he felt the big cock thrusting in and out of his guts.

It was hurting Jerry badly, far worse than the first time, because Nelson was giving him a real good hard rough fuck.

The black teenager leant over Jerry's back and his mouth found the boy's neck. He kissed it as he fucked in and out of the little chap. He speeded his movements up and opened his mouth and sucked in some of the flesh of Jerry's neck. Then he closed his teeth around that flesh and started to bite hard as he fucked in and out of the boy's cunt.

Jerry was sobbing, screaming, shrieking and banging the bed with his hands. But he was helpless under the savage onslaught that he was receiving at the hands of Nelson.

As Nelson fucked the child he bit him on his shoulders as well as on his neck. The boy's flesh was a mass of teeth marks, some of them seeping blood. Nelson had been fucking Jerry like this for just on thirty minutes. As he slammed in and out of the boy he was gasping and panting as he enjoyed the tightness of the boy's cunt. Then Nelson started to shoot his load and his cum was filling Jerry's bowels. Nelson continued to slam in and out of the boy until he had drained his balls. Then he pulled out.

His cock was covered in cum, blood and shit and looked a terrible sight. Without wasting a moment Nelson picked the screaming boy up off the bed. He held him in his hands as he backed towards a chair and sat down on it. Then he put Jerry on the floor and twisted him around by pulling him to the required position by the hair. Jerry was sobbing as he was forced into the kneeling position between Nelson's legs.

"Now you little bastard I want to see you lick all the blood, shit and cum off my cock," snarled Nelson and then you can tell me how sorry you are for biting me and for trying to stop me fucking you."

Jerry knelt between Nelson's legs and started to lick all the mess off the man's cock. he was a very unhappy boy as he carried out the task. Nelson was the opposite. He was very happy indeed. He'd just had another wonderful fuck and soon he would take the boy onto his bed and play with his lovely young body for a while. Then he would fuck the little bastard again. Nelson found himself hoping that Jerry would try to resist once again.

Once the boy had finished cleaning Nelson's cock, the eighteen year old youth stood up. He bent down and lifted Jerry up and carried him across to the bed. He tossed the whimpering boy onto it and then got on it himself. He leant across Jerry, who was laying on his back, and started to lick and suck the boy's tiny cock and balls. Nelson loved playing with boys genitals, they responded so quickly to his touch and they afforded him many delightful ways of enjoying them. After a little while, with Jerry's cock fully erect, Nelson gripped the foreskin between his teeth and started to try and pull it up and down. This was extremely painful for Jerry and had the boy shrieking in pain.

When he got tired of that, Nelson moved up to Jerry's tiny nipples. They looked like little buttons on his chest. First Nelson used his fingers to tweak them, pull them, twist them, until they were fully erect. Then he started to suck them, Jerry enjoyed that a lot. Then Nelson started to nip them with his teeth, hold first one and then the other between his molars, and pull and shake them as hard as he could. Jerry's purrs of pleasure changed to yelps and cries of pain as Nelson's teeth held the tiny nipples securely.

Still nibbling on the child's nipples, Nelson reached between Jerry's buttocks and started to finger fuck the boy's sore shit hole. First one finger went up Jerry's hole, then two and soon Nelson was thrusting three fingers in and out of the boy's sore bowels as he continued to bite and suck Jerry's nipples.

The young boy was sobbing bitterly as Nelson took his pleasure of Jerry's body. He played with him like this for almost two hours and then he raped the boy again.

It was a very hard night for Jerry. Nelson, having rested most of the day, was not at all tired. If he wasn't fucking the boy he was spanking him or biting him, finger fucking him or sucking on his cock and balls. In all, by the time they eventually fell asleep exhausted, Jerry had been fucked eight times.

In the control room the men were delighted.

"We've got so much tape that our client will be more than satisfied," the leader remarked, "and there is no question but Nelson was the willing partner in all this. He was alone in that room when he raped the boy time after time. He was alone when he bit him and spanked him."

All three men agreed that Nelson's transformation was complete. He was certainly a boy lover and boy rapist to boot.

"Tomorrow we complete our mission. I hope all the field cameras are in place," the leader said.

"Everything is ready," the near naked guy replied, "tomorrow he will wake up in what he thinks is a park and the fun will begin."

They looked at the man and boy, both dead to the world.

"Make sure his breakfast is laced with the drug. I want him to wake around noon," the leader said. "In the meantime send Taddy and Sami in to bring Jerry out of the room. They are not to wake Nelson up," he warned.

The two boys went and collected Jerry and covered his mouth with their hands so that he did not call out. They helped the poor child out of the room and left Nelson, sleeping like a baby, on his own in the bed. The youth was smiling in his sleep, clearly he was having pleasant dreams.

"Good," said the leader in the control room, "come tomorrow and we bring this operation to an end."

They turned the recording equipment off and then they too retired to bed.

Chapter 6
The Final Test

Nelson woke up to find himself alone in bed. He lay for a few minutes recalling the wonderful feelings he'd had when he'd raped young Jerry throughout the night. He guessed that the boy had made his escape as soon as he was able. Nelson wasn't too worried, he was sure that the boy would be bringing him his breakfast and then he'd slip the little fucker another length of eighteen year old black cock.

He got up and went to the bathroom and carried out his morning routine. Then he waited for breakfast to arrive. He was very disappointed when a young girl came into his room carrying the tray with his breakfast.

"Where's the boys, why are you bringing me my breakfast?" he asked of the naked young girl.

It was the same one that had tried to seduce him a few days ago.

"They are busy Nelson," the girl replied with a shy smile.

Then she sidled up very close to him as he was sitting on the chair.

"I'm good at cock sucking Nelson, I could keep you happy whilst you eat," she whispered as she rubbed her naked nubile body against his warm black flesh.

Nelson moved away from her.

"Piss off you whore, I don't want a bitch like you touching me," he replied.

The girl gave a shrug as she turned to leave the room.

"You're nothing but a boy fucker, a pedo pervert," she sneered.

"Yuk!" exclaimed Nelson as she flounced out of the room.

Then he tucked into his hot breakfast and cleared the plate completely. Having eaten, he felt very tired so he got back on his bed and lay down. Within five minutes he was fast asleep just as the leader of the team had planned.

The three hooded men, two of them robed, now came into the room. The near naked man was pushing a wheelchair which he moved close to the bed Nelson was on. Using all their strength the men lifted the eighteen year old black youth off the bed and placed him in the wheel chair. Nelson snored throughout the operation. Then he was wheeled out of the room and, in fact, out of the house. He was placed in the back of a van the floor of which was padded. Once they had got him into the vehicle they managed to put a pair of shorts and a T Shirt on him. Then, with the hypnotist in the back and the other two in the cab, the van left the house.

It drove for more than thirty minutes along a dirt track before arriving at what looked like a park. There was a children's play area with swings, play houses, see-saws, slides and concrete tunnels and also a very large sand pit and a paddling pool. There were flower beds, shrubs, a large lake and footpaths as far as the eye could see. In fact, although it looked like a public park, it was part of the grounds of the house that the team owned.

Running down almost to the children's play area was very thick bushes with gaps in them. The men lifted Nelson out of the van and laid him down on a grassy slope which overlooked the children's play area but was also very close to the bushes and, in particular, to one of the gaps through which you could penetrate those bushes. Nelson remained fast asleep as the morning sun shone down on him.

A mini bus drew up and several young children got out together with a couple of adults. There were four young girls between six and nine years old and two boys, one being eight and the other six. They were all scantily dressed with the girls wearing tiny bikini type clothes and the boys wore small shorts. They started to play on the swings and other apparatus and soon their shrill cries of joy were sounding loud and clear.

Nelson woke up to hear these cries and didn't know what to make of it. How had he ever got into this park he wondered to himself. But then his eyes were drawn to the two young boys who were playing separately. The older boy was with two of the girls playing on the swings. The younger boy was by himself playing in the sand pit and the sand pit was the closest part of the play area to Nelson.

As the teenager watched the young boy playing happily by himself his cock became fully aroused.

One of the adults now called out.

"Whose coming for ice cream and cold drinks to the kiosk?"

All the kids jumped up and ran to her saying that they were except the young boy who remained playing in the sand pit.


The young boy looked up.

"NO MISS I DON'T WANT ANYTHING," he called back.


Then the whole group left to walk down the footpath leaving Arthur by himself. Soon the group were out of sight and Nelson looked around. There was just him and the boy in the area.

Nelson knew that he wanted that boy badly. He wanted to play with him but not the sort of games that the boy was now playing. The games he wanted to play with Arthur were ones that might well not be to the boy's liking. He looked around again and, apart from the two of them, there was nobody else in sight. Nelson stood up and walked quickly across to the sand pit.

"Hi Arthur, you've got to come with me," Nelson said as he bent down and picked up the young boy.

"Where we going?" the boy asked. "Miss told me I had to stay here until she got back," he said.

"Well Miss has now told me to take you to a special place in the park," Nelson replied as he quickly left the play area and passed through the gap in the bushes.

He found that there was a path of sorts and he started to follow it. He had to push through some dense undergrowth and a couple of thick bushes but he kept going. Eventually, well away from the play area, he came to an open area and also to a wooden pavilion which appeared deserted.

Arthur had remained silent up to now but now he was a bit restless.

"Where you taking me mister?" he asked.

"Call me Nelson and we're nearly there Arthur," Nelson replied.

He carried the boy up the three wooden steps and onto the pavilion veranda. Then he pushed the door and it opened and he took the boy inside.

"Here we are Arthur," he said as he put the child down on a large padded bench.

"What we got to come here for Nelson?" Arthur asked anxiously.

"I'm going to play with you Arthur and you're going to play with me," Nelson replied laughingly.

He now sat on the bench by the side of the boy.

"Shall we have your shorts off Arthur?" he asked.

"What for?" the boy asked screwing his face up into a frown.

"So I can play with your cock boy, that's what for," answered Nelson.

Arthur tried to get off the bench but Nelson held onto him.

"I don't want to take my shorts off," the boy protested.

"Too bad," answered Nelson as he picked Arthur up and laid him down on the bench on his back.

The eighteen year old black youth got onto the bench and sat astride the child's belly. There was no way that Arthur could move him. Nelson reached down and undid the stud on the waistband of the shorts and then lowered the zip. His head was spinning as he felt the boy's genitals against his hand; Arthur was wearing no underwear. Nelson took hold of the legs of the boy's shorts and quickly pulled them upwards which, at the same time pulled Arthur's legs up into the air. Within a matter of seconds Nelson was tossing the boy's shorts into a corner of the room.

Still sitting on the boy who was not crying or protesting but, in fact, was giggling, Nelson reached for the youngster's one inch [2½ cm] long soft cock. He started to rub the foreskin up and down between his finger and thumb. As he did so the boy's cock stiffened and Nelson spoke to him.

"How old are you Arthur?" he asked.

"I'm six years old. What are you doing to my willy?" the boy replied.

Nelson breathed in sharply, a six year old boy. 'Shit I'm definitely going to fuck the little brat,' he thought to himself.

"I'm just making your cock grow bigger Arthur, doesn't that feel good?" Nelson asked.

"Um yes it feels great but we're not supposed to play with our willy," the boy answered.

"When you're with me you can. Now don't try and jump off this bench whilst I take off my shorts," Nelson said without wondering how he came to be wearing them.

He stood up and dropped his shorts and then removed the T shirt and stood naked in front of Arthur. The boy could see Nelson's fully erect ten inch [25 cm] long cock and his eyes stood out as if on stalks.

"Wow Nelson your willy is huge, it's awesome," the boy said breathlessly.

"And you're going to play with it," Nelson said with a grin.

Arthur was now having second thoughts about Nelson. He was suddenly remembering what he had been told before going to the park that morning. He had been told that a black man might take him away and he was to go with him. But if the man started to play with the boy's willy or make the boy play with his then Arthur was to try and get away from him.

The boy saw Nelson bend down to pick up his shorts and saw his chance of escape. He jumped off the bed and darted for the door as Nelson dropped the shorts that he'd picked up and managed to grab hold of Arthur's arm.

"And where the fuck do you think you're going?" he asked the boy as he pulled him back to the bench by his arm.

"I want to go back to the park, I don't want to stay here with you," Arthur said as he started to cry.

"Looks like it's time to teach you a lesson, you never try to run away from me," Nelson said as he sat down on top of the bench with his legs hanging down over the side and his feet on the floor.

He lifted Arthur up and lay him face down across his lap with the boy's head and shoulders hanging down one side and his legs sticking out the other.

"Now let's see how red we can make your buttocks become. I'll teach you not to run away from me you little bastard," Nelson said as he raised his arm in the air.


Nelson's hand descended to strike young Arthur across his buttocks and the boy screamed.





four more hard blows had Arthur shrieking and screaming as his buttocks turned bright red.

"Are you going to run away again?" snapped Nelson as his hand descended another three times to slap Arthur's lovely young buttocks.






four more hard slaps across the boy's arse.

"I've got to teach you a lesson you'll never forget Arthur," Nelson said grimly as the boy shrieked and screamed.

In all Nelson slapped the boy's behind more than thirty times and when he had finished it was a bright red and burningly sore.

"You will do everything I tell you from now on will you?" Nelson asked the boy in a very stern voice.

"YES, BUT DON'T HIT ME ANYMORE," screamed Arthur, "PLEASE DON'T HIT ME AGAIN," he pleaded.

Nelson lifted the boy up and then sat him down on his lap. Poor Arthur wished that he could have remained the other way up. Just sitting with his sore burning buttocks on Nelson's lap was sheer agony. The black teenager started to stroke young Arthur's cock and soon had it fully erect, a lovely two inches [5 cm] in length.

"You've got such a lovely cock Arthur," Nelson murmured as he nuzzled the boy's left ear. "I hope that your cunt is just as lovely when I come to fuck you," he said.

The young boy shifted uneasily on Nelson's lap. He loved the feeling that having his cock played with was giving him but his buttocks were burning and felt so sore.

"Please Nelson can I go back to the sand pit?" the boy asked.

Holding young Arthur tightly, Nelson stood up. He moved around slightly and laid the boy face down on the bench making sure that his legs overhung the edge. Arthur's bright red buttocks were now sticking out over the side of the bench. As Nelson was doing this he answered the boy's question.

"No you fucking can't go back to the sand pit. I'm going to fuck you now boy and then we'll play some more. Fuck it Arthur I do hope that you're a virgin," he said as he picked up some KY that had been left conveniently on a table.

As Arthur lay trembling face down over the bench Nelson started to lubricate his ten inch [25 cm] long black cock. When he was satisfied that it was slick enough he used one hand to spread the boy's tiny buttocks apart and reveal the sweet brown hole. Nelson loved the sight of the boy's rectum and bent and kissed it's lips. Then, as Arthur groaned with pleasure, Nelson licked all over the boy's shit hole but he did not try to force his tongue through it's closed lips. Having licked it and kissed it, Nelson spread a little KY on the outside of the hole.

"Arthur has anybody ever put anything into your poo hole, a finger or a willy for instance?" Nelson asked feeling pretty sure of the answer.

"Course not, people don't do things like that," Arthur answered trying to twist his head around to see what Nelson was up to.

"Don't they my lovely little six year old virgin boy," Nelson chuckled as he stood close behind the child holding his big cock head against Arthur's closed shit hole, "you mean they don't do this?" he asked.

Then he thrust forward with his pelvis forcing his cock head to press hard against Arthur's tiny hole. It seemed that it could never open wide enough to take a thick adult cock but it did. The sphincter muscle gave way and Nelson's cock started to slide into Arthur's rectum, the tightness of the ring sending wonderful erotic feelings of pain through Nelson's penis.

Arthur started to shriek from the pain as his tiny anus started to stretch to accept the black cock being forced through it.

"STOP, OOOH STOP IT'S HURTING, IT'S HURTING. MISTER PLEASE STOP, OOH PLEASE, PLEASE STOP," the child was screaming as Nelson forced three inches [7½ cm] of cock into the virgin hole.

"Boy are you tight," panted Nelson thrusting forward harder. "Your cunt is just wonderful Arthur, it's magic," Nelson said as he penetrated the boy's body with more of his cock.

"STOP NELSON, STOP, STOP, STOP," screamed Arthur as the black eighteen year old youth forced six inches [15 cm] of cock into the boy's hitherto virgin hole.

"You like it you faggot, you love my cock up your cunt you dirty little prick teaser," Nelson said as he started to pump in and out of the boy.

Each time he thrust his cock back in, he went ever deeper. He'd been fucking Arthur for ten minutes and had forced seven inches [18 cm] of cock into the screaming child.

"Yeah you white boy cock lover you want me to fuck you," panted Nelson, "you flashed your cunt at me just begging me to get my cock up it," he said as he continued to pump in and out of the screaming boy.

Eight inches [20 cm] of black cock was thrusting in and out of that white arse. Arthur had forgotten the pain from his sore and burning buttocks. The pain from this brutal rape was far worse. He couldn't have screamed or shrieked any louder, he was yelling as loudly as he possibly could and still Nelson forced more of his cock into the boy's body.

The black teenager was loving the tightness of Arthur's shit hole and the heat from the boy's pulsating intestines. Arthur's bowels felt so good to his thrusting cock that the youth was having to use all of his will power not to shoot his load. He was slamming in and out of Arthur's body as hard as he possibly could and now he was using all ten inches [25 cm] of his black cock to fuck the white boy.

As he drove in his balls smashed into Arthur's tiny buttocks, then he pulled out until only his cock head was in the boy's hole. Straight back in, all ten inches [25 cm] of hard muscle ramming it's way up Arthur's back passage as the boy shrieked and screamed.

"Yeah boy you're good," panted Nelson, "you're a real good faggot boy with a lovely hot juicy cunt. Aren't you lucky you met me and teased me you bastard, aren't you just enjoying this great fuck?" he asked as he banged in and out of the boy as fast as he could.

Nelson had been fucking the screaming boy for three quarters of an hour. He could feel his juices rising as he thrust in and out of that lovely hole. He was puffing and panting from the effort he was putting in as he felt the sperm coming. He pulled his cock all the way out of Arthur's hole which remained gaping wild. Then the boy gave a wild scream of pain as Nelson drove all ten inches [25 cm] back in. As he drove in his cock started erupting and he was filling Arthur's bowels with his cum.

"Milk me boy, fucking milk me," Nelson panted as he drove in and out with his cock still firing out his sperm.

Arthur just shrieked and screamed from the pain although, if he had been able to speak, he would not have known what Nelson was talking about.

Nelson's thrusts became slower and much less forceful as his balls emptied of his seed. Arthur's bowels were full of cum now and Nelson's cock was making a slurping sound as he thrust in and out of the boy.

Having finished fucking Arthur, Nelson slumped over the boy with his cock still planted inside him.

"Wow Arthur you just don't know how good fucking young boys like you is," Nelson whispered. "We'll have a little rest and then I'm going to fuck you again."

Poor Arthur, no longer screaming but with his behind feeling very painful, wanted the black youth to get off him and leave him alone.

"Please Nelson let me go, please mister don't fuck me again it hurts me too much," young Arthur pleaded sobbing all the while.

Nelson pulled his cock from the boy's behind and knelt down behind him. He was spellbound for a minute or two as he saw what had been a tiny shit hole now gaping wide open. Sperm and blood was dribbling from it and he could see the child's pink intestines gently pulsating. He placed his mouth against the boy's hole and started to lick it.

Arthur found the teenager's tongue gently soothing on his hole and slowly his crying stopped as Nelson started to lick all his cum from out of the boy's bowels. For ten minutes Nelson worked on the youngster's shit hole enjoying the taste of his cum mixed with the boy's body fluids. Young Arthur was groaning with pleasure as the terrible feelings he'd had whilst being fucked slowly ebbed away.

Nelson, having finished with Arthur's behind picked the boy up and gently laid him flat out on the bench on his back. Then he leant over him and kissed the child on his lips. He forced his tongue into young Arthur's mouth and started to lick the boy's tongue, the inside of his cheeks and the roof of his mouth. Then he withdrew his tongue and managed to suck on Arthur's instead as the boy lay helpless under this treatment.

Then the black teenager reached down for Arthur's cock and started to rub his fingers up and down the soft stem quickly bringing it to a full erection. As he did that he moved his mouth away from Arthur's and started to suck on the boy's nipples. He made them rise into firm little buttons which he was able to tweak with his teeth. Arthur was groaning, half from pain and half from pleasure as Nelson worked on his cock with his fingers and his nipples with his teeth.

Then Nelson licked all the way down the boy's smooth body as Arthur squirmed with delight. When his tongue reached the boy's navel he started to stick it into Arthur's deep belly button. He swirled his tongue inside that tiny hole as Arthur groaned with delight. Then his tongue moved further down the boy's smooth body until it was close to Arthur's little cock.

He stopped rubbing the boy's penis with his fingers and looked down at the fully erect little cock. The nob head was a beautiful red colour, the piss slit, tiny though it was, was wide open and the foreskin stretched hard down the shaft. Nelson put his warm lips on the lovely red nob and kissed it gently as Arthur squirmed with delight. Then the youth took the boy's cock into his mouth and started to move his lips up and down the stem.

Arthur couldn't help himself from crying out as he felt Nelson's warm mouth working miracles on his cock.

"Oooh yes Nelson I love that, oooh Nelson that feels great," the boy groaned as the man moved his tight lips up and down the two inch [5 cm] long cock.

Still sucking hard on the boy's tasty little tool, Nelson pressed the middle finger of his right hand against Arthur's shit hole and penetrated the boy's bowels. Then he started to move his finger in and out as he sucked up and down on Arthur's cock. Arthur instinctively began to thrust his buttocks up and down on the finger as he enjoyed what Nelson was doing to him.

As Nelson worked away on the boy, now with two fingers fucking Arthur's boy cunt and then using three all the while sucking on the delicious tasting little cock, the youth's cock became fully erect.

Nelson knew he had to fuck the boy again. He needed to get his cock back up that lovely tight boy cunt. He removed his fingers from young Arthur's hole and his mouth from the boy's cock. He jumped onto the bench, knelt down, and then took hold of Arthur's legs and pushed them up over his chest. Arthur's knees were touching his chest whilst his feet were down on the bed just above his shoulders and his buttocks were sticking up in the air.

Nelson straddled the boy and placed his cock head against the lips of Arthur's arse.

"NO, NO, NO, PLEASE DON'T FUCK ME NELSON," the frightened boy wailed at the top of his voice.

Nelson looked down at Arthur's terrified face.

"Piss off faggot, that's what your boy cunts for," he said as he thrust his cock into Arthur's tortured body.

The boy shrieked from the pain as Nelson's cock once again split his body open. Nelson groaned with pleasure as he thrust all ten inches [25 cm] of his fuck stick into the youngster's tight hole. Then he started to fuck the young boy again.

He thrust in hard and fast and then, after fifteen minutes, he slowed the action so that he was thrusting in and out very slowly. All the while young Arthur was screaming and begging Nelson to stop. The black teenager slow fucked Arthur for a further fifteen minutes and then he started to speed up again. He rammed his ten inch [25 cm] cock up the boy's back passage as hard as he could and then he pulled it back out. In again, just as hard and back out once more. In again and out, in and out, in and out, the pace never slowed as Nelson enjoyed his second wonderful rape of the day.

Mercilessly he fucked poor Arthur as the child screamed himself hoarse. Nelson managed to fuck the boy for ninety minutes before starting to shoot his load. Once again he filled the boy's bowels with his thick cream as he emptied his balls into the child's body. Then he pulled out of Arthur's shit hole as the youngster sobbed bitter tears of pain.

Nelson looked at the boy and then gave him a pat of his battered buttocks.

"What the fuck's the matter with you Arthur?" he asked, "all I've done is fuck you."

"You hurt me, you hurt me a lot, I hate you, I hate you, I really hate you," the boy croaked.

"Hey kid you sound as if you've a sore throat, too much screaming I guess," Nelson said.

He moved away from the bench and Arthur gratefully lowered his legs and lay watching the black youth with terrified tear filled eyes. The boy was sobbing quietly now.

Nelson looked around the room and saw a fridge standing in the corner.

"I wonder if there's something cold in there that you can have to drink," he said to the boy as he crossed to the fridge.

He opened the door and saw a large bottle of cold coke.

"There's enough for us both there," Nelson said with a laugh as he took the plastic bottle from the fridge.

It was one of those family size bottles. He saw a couple of glasses on the table and he poured out a coke for himself and one for the boy. He told Arthur to sit up on the bench and handed him the glass of cold drink as he picked up his own.

"Come on Arthur drink up, it will do your throat good," Nelson said as he sat on the bench beside the child and emptied his own glass greedily.

Arthur watched Nelson and then, as the black teenager started to sway about, the boy moved away from him and jumped off the bench. Nelson tried to stand up but his legs gave way beneath him and he fell unconscious to the floor. Arthur started to make a dash for the door when it was opened and he saw the hooded and robed men standing there.

"Well done Arthur, you were a good boy not to try and drink the coke," the leader said. "Do you think that you can find your way back to the playground?"

"Yes sir," the boy answered.

They let him leave and Arthur followed the path back to the playground where one of the adults immediately bundled him into a car and drove him off for medical treatment.


Back at the pavilion the hooded but near naked man had joined the other two. He had driven the van by a back lane right up to the pavilion and they loaded Nelson into the back and drove him back to the house.

Then the leader contacted his client to announce that the job was completed and the final tapes of Nelson raping Arthur were on their way to him. He was told that a van would collect Nelson to return him to his own country and the client complimented the leader on a job very well done.

As the three men watched the drugged form of Nelson being taken away for good the hypnotist turned to the other two.

"You know, although Nelson did not realise it, he was a paedophile at heart. All we did was to lead him down the path that he wanted to follow. I wonder what will happen to him now?"

"Our client holds all the cards now," the leader remarked. He can use the tapes to have Nelson arrested and the scandal will rub off on the family. Or, better still, he can use the tapes to blackmail Nelson's father. He can make the man remain in post as Minister of the Interior. With all the crooked deals our client's involved in, nothing better would suit him than having the head of the police eating out of his hand. It will also mean that he can indulge his taste for young girl flesh without the fear of arrest or prosecution. Yes I think we've earnt out money, I'm sure our client will think it was money well spent."

"And Nelson?" queried the near naked hooded man. "Will he revert to girls again?"

"No never," the hypnotist replied. "No young boy will be safe when Nelson is around. Either his father will have to lock him up or he will have to use his powerful office to ensure that his son does not get arrested. One thing for sure, so long as Nelson is free and at large, he will be raping very young boys."

"Talking of that," the near naked man said, "I guess I've a date with Sami."

"Good for you," the leader answered, "as soon as Arthur has been treated by the doc he's being taken to my bedroom. I'll see if I can make him scream louder than Nelson did."

Laughing the three men returned to the house well pleased with their work.

The End