James Stuart
SummaryFlavius, a young bisexual Roman soldier, visits a Greek ruler for negociations and during dinner he learns everything about the Greek passion for pederasty. He manages to resist the temptation, but the next morning is gets a present 3; four presents to be exact, eleven to fourteen year old presents 3;Nederlandse vertaling: De Vier Dansers .
Publ. Nov 1997 (ASSGM); this site Nov 2007
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CharactersFali (11yo), Sato (12yo), Botis (14yo), and Kalo (14yo) and several other slave boys (6-13 yo)Category & Story codesBoy-Slave story/antiquityMtb tb – cons oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerThis story details explicit gay sex between men, teens and boys. If you find this kind of thing distasteful, or if you are underage where ever you live, then stop reading this now, and delete this file. The story is completely fictional, the author does not condone or encourage any of the acts contained therein. |
Author's noteThis tale is set sometime in the early centuries BC, just after the defeat of Greece by the Roman empire. At this stage the empire is still a republic, and is led by two consuls elected by the people to serve one year. The consuls were responsible for domestic rule in Rome, but more importantly led the campaigning armies that expanded the empire. Below is the story of one Flavius, an envoy of the aforementioned consuls.Thank you for taking the time to send feedback with this feedback form. |
The DinnerAs Flavius rode to the top of the pass he looked down on the small Greek city that was his destination for this long journey. He was relieved to have finally got here, it had taken three weeks, longer than planned, but was also a little anxious as to the outcome of his important mission. The sun was beginning to descend into the hills to his west, and so eager to get there before nightfall, the Roman soldier spurred Groncello, his horse, into a gallop and he rode down the pass and into the valley below. He reached the city, as the sun set, and when challenged by the Guards at the Gate, he announced that he was Flavius, son of Trucius, envoy of the consuls of Rome, who had come with an important message for his excellency Plenfor. Plenfor was the city leader, a tyrant as he had not been elected, most Greek city states having lost this ancient tradition, in favour of dictatorships. He was amongst the tyrants that had remained in power despite the Roman takeover due to his decision to side with the invaders, many of the other cities had had a Roman imposed puppet take charge.The Guards supplied Flavius with an escort and he was led to Plenfor's palace, located deep within the city. When he arrived he was greeted by a thin faced man, called Drufus, who said he was the leader's advisor. "Hail Flavius" Drufus declared. "We are honoured by your visit, how it gladdens us that Rome should have time for our small city." Flavius dismounted from his horse, and patted his faithful mount, who had borne him for this long journey. He eyed up Drufus, a small, scrawny man, who was obviously just a bureaucrat, and had given the normal bullshit greeting he expected from his type. "I need to speak to Plenfor, tonight, as I must ride out again tomorrow." He said. "His Excellency, is holding a banquet tonight for some of his chieftains, but now you are here you will be the guest of honour. I am sure he will be able to speak to you during the meal." Flavius nodded his agreement, and the advisor continued. "But firstly I am sure you will want a chance to rest and bathe, if you will follow me I shall lead you to your quarters" Drufus shouted out to a nearby servant boy to take the soldiers horse. "You take good care of this horse boy" Flavius ordered "I expect her to he well fed and watered, and properly brushed down, or else you will be to blame." The boy looked terrified at the young soldier but assured him that his wishes will be carried out. Flavius was shown to a spacious, and luxuriously furnished room, at one side of which was a large bath. As he was removing his amour, a number of servants entered carrying buckets and soon the bath was filled and wisps of steam snaking towards the roof. The Roman then finished undressing and lowered himself into the water. He laid back and relaxed, it was his first bath since he set out on this mission, and the warm water felt wonderful on his aching limbs. He closed his eyes and went over once more why he was here. The consuls for this year had decided to take action against another of the Greek states that had been causing trouble further north from here. They had stopped paying the expected tribute, and from the news that had come back to Rome, the Roman garrison in the area had been destroyed, and the whole of the empire's interests in the region were now threatened. As such, one of the consuls would be coming over this summer at the head of three legions to deal with the situation, and crush the rebels. Flavius was here to arrange for the army to be re-supplied at this point, a vital necessity if the campaign was to be pursued further north. The young soldier had been chosen for the mission, firstly because of his excellent command of the Greek language, and secondly because he had served in the army during some earlier Greek campaigns so was familiar with the country and its people. Flavius opened his eyes and reached for the soap that had been supplied. He wanted to make sure that the mission was not put at risk by his excellency thinking that the soldier smelled. As he picked up the bar he noticed that a young boy, of around 12-13, was standing silently in his room just inside the entrance. He was a fine looking lad, with jet black hair, and a slim waist. The boy was dressed in nothing but a small loincloth. "What do you want boy?" Flavius asked. "I am here to help with you bath, Sire." "A soldier is perfectly capable of bathing himself." The boy hung his head and said no more, but he did not leave. The young Roman started to wash his arms and legs, but as he reached round to clean his back he winced as his tired muscles ached. "Since you're here you might as well clean my back," Flavius said to the boy. The young lad's face lit up with a wide smile, and he rushed up to the bath, and with one swift movement untied his loincloth, which fell to the ground leaving him naked. Flavius thought it was odd for the boy to think this was necessary, but assuming that he had been commanded to make sure his clothes (what little he wore!) remained dry, then he thought nothing more about it. The soldier leaned forward and let the boy wash his back. The child's soft hands felt good on his aching muscles, so the Roman relaxed, and let the servant do all the work. The boy thoroughly cleaned his back, soldiers and neck, and then continued to massage the man, making use of some oils that lay near by. Flavius felt his aches sail away as the massage continued, clearly the boy had been trained in this art. After some minutes he decided this was enough and commanded the boy to stop. "If sire wishes, I will enter the bath and wash you all over," the youngster announced. Flavius turned round and replied, "That will not be necessary as I am finished now." Again he saw that flash of disappointment as the boy hung his head. "Pass me a towel now," he commanded. The man stood up and took the offered towel, he stepped out of the bath and started to dry his well toned and muscular body. When he was almost finished he looked round and noticed the servant boy staring straight at him. "What are you gawping at boy?" he asked. "I am sorry sire, but I was admiring your strong muscles, you must be a great warrior, one day I hope I will have a body like yours." Flavius was amused by the cheek of the boy, but flattered by his praise. "When your older, maybe you will," he replied. The young soldier then noticed that the boy's penis was fully erect, standing at about 3 inches [7½cm] hard against his belly. The boy made no attempt to hide his erection, and seemed completely unaware of it, as if it was perfectly natural, however the lad noticed that the man's eyes was fixed on his young assets. "Is there anything else I can do for you sire, anything at all?" By the look of the cheeky grin that had crossed the boy's face, Flavius knew only too well what he meant by that. It had been a long time since he had lain with a woman, and the young man was momentarily tempted as he stared at the ravishing youth stood before him. Yet, seconds latter, he mentally berated himself, fool, he thought, this mission is to important to get side tracked, and besides he was engaged to be married when he returned to Rome, and it was hardly honourable to cheat on his wife to be with a young servant boy. Actually Flavius had only met his prospective wife once, and that was some years ago at a feast his family had organised. His father had arranged the marriage to cement relations between his and the girl's family, and Flavius being a dutiful son had not objected. His father had assured him that she was a beautiful girl and would bear him many strong children. Snapping back to the real world, Flavius said. "No, that is all you may leave now." For the third time the boy's head fell, and he mumbled softly, "as you wish, sire." The young lad then scooped up his loin cloth and left the room. Flavius shook his heads, and not for the first time thought, these bloody Greeks. He noticed that he had been supplied with fresh clothes, which consisted of little more than a plain tunic and a belt, but the Roman removed a fresh uniform that he had been keeping in his bags for this day, He would leave off his breast plate, and would not carry his sword, but experience had shown him that in situations like this a Roman uniform commanded more respect then when one dressed informally. He wanted to ensure that Plenfor never forgot exactly what he represented, and whom the leader would be defying should be prove uncooperative. When he had dressed he left his room and commanded that he be led to the feast. A servant bowed to the soldier and then told the Roman to follow him. As Flavius entered the feasting hall, it was clear that things had already started. After the young Roman had arrived, then the room fell silent and all eyes turned on the new guest. He progressed to the far end of the hall, and sat at the head was a tall man dressed in an elaborate robe, with a large golden chain around his neck. It was obviously Plenfor. "Hail Flavius, envoy of Rome, friend of Greece. The news of your mighty deeds in battle have ridden before you, honoured are we by your visit." The latter part was clearly a lie, as Flavius had no doubt that his excellency had never heard of him before today. Still it had to be answered in kind. He bowed to the ruler and said. "Hail Plenfor, wise and kind ruler of this City. The consuls send their greetings to you, and salute you, their greatest friend in Greece." With the diplomatic crap out of the way, the soldier sat down on some cushions beside the ruler, and soon the other guests returned to their conversations. He picked up some sweet bread that lay on a platter before him and surveyed the scene in front of him. There was no table, the guests sat on cushions in a wide circle, with plates of foodstuffs laid out before them. The Greek passion for pederasty was well know, but it was immediately clear to Flavius that Plenfor's interests lay exclusively in this direction. There was no serving girls, as in most halls, indeed there were no females present at all. All the serving staff was made up of homely boys aged, he guessed, between 12 and 15. These scampered about the hall dressed in only a skimpy loincloth, carrying fresh platters of food, or removing empty plates. Positioned directly behind each guest was a much younger boy, 8 or 9 at the most, completely naked. He held a vase of wine, and when so commanded step forth to fill the cup of his assigned diner. Flavius noticed that many times when this was done the guest fondled the youngster's genitals, or ran his hand over the boy's ass. The effect of this was frequently to cause the child to start giggling or shaking, and much of the wine he was pouring out splashed onto the floor. Two adult male slaves stood by supervising the distribution of the food, and frequently clipped a hapless lad round the ear should he be deemed too slow in his allotted task. Around the edge of the room stood a number of guards, armed with spears. These men stood silent and still, as their office demanded, but it was clear that their eyes were wandering over the young boys at work. Flavius had seen a lot of evidence of Greek passions for boys during his time in this country, but this scene certainly ranked as number 1. Pederasty had certainly been growing in popularity within Rome itself, particularly as so many of its Senators grew rich and fat on the profits of the expanding empire. However in Rome sex with boys was something carried out mostly in secret, and was not something that was normally discussed in public. Yet here in Greece it was all so open, he had even seen men walking down the streets holding and fondling their chosen catamite. As the meal progressed the men started to take ever increasing liberties, particularly with the older serving boys. Loincloths were ripped off, and not restored, so that soon the serving boys were also all nude. Young pricks were grabbed and pulled until they become hard, or some yanked a lad onto his knee and kissed him deeply. In such cases the boy put his arms around the guest and returned the kiss. Flavius just shook his head in disbelief, still he was not here as a spectator he had to talk to Plenfor so turned to his host. Plenfor was seated directly to his right, and on the rulers right was another young teen boy, a similar age to those serving the food. However this boy was dressed in a rich and elaborate tunic, so it was clear that he was no slave. Plenfor frequently fed the boy directly, or received a similar service from the lad, and when not eating he was often whispering to him, or kissing him, which made the boy laugh. To the boy's right was Drufus, who sat silently watching the proceedings, his master, and more often than not, the Roman. Flavius coughed and then addressed the leader. "If your excellency would be so kind, I really need to discuss with you the purpose of my visit." Plenfor turned to the soldier, and smiled. "Yet of course my good Roman, I am always ready to listen to the envoys of the empire." "Perhaps we should discuss alone." "I see no need, but if it pleases you we will talk in Latin." Flavius nodded his assent and the conversation switched to the language of Rome. It was hardly that important, as all the guests were too occupied to have listened in anyhow, and from Drufus's reactions it was clear that he also had no problem with understanding Latin. The boy was clearly taking no notice but continued to flirt with the leader, which caused long pauses in the discussion as Plenfor kissed or fondled him. Clearly this annoyed the hell out of the Roman. In any case Flavius explained the consul's wishes to Plenfor, and gave him the details of the supplies that would be required. As instructed he did not say what the army was to be used for, other than to assure him that they would not be used against his excellency's city. However when Plenfor added that he expected the army was to be used to quell the troubles up north, it was clear that he already knew the purpose of the coming campaign. There then followed a heated discussion as to the exact terms, in other words what Rome was willing to pay for the needed provisions. Although a cash sum was part of the deal, Plenfor seemed very concerned about a piece of disputed land with a neighbouring city state. Flavius agreed that Rome would adjudicate the matter, and would obviously look favourably on his own city's claim. One thing that Flavius did not request was any troops. Like many of the Greek leaders the loyalty of Plenfor was highly suspect, and the Roman commanders did not want such a man with his own army standing at their rear. Throughout the proceedings, Drufus was constantly whispering things in his leader's ear, but the way Plenfor frequently brushed him aside proved that at least he was his own man. After about an hour of bargaining, a deal was struck that both sides seemed content with. Plenfor relaxed, and smiled, it was obvious that at the end he had become bored with the discussion, and it was mostly Drufus speaking as the final small details were worked out. "Now that's decided," his excellency declared "We can start the entertainment, bring on the dancers." The young Roman was not in the least bit surprised when the dancers turned out to be boys. They were of a similar age to the servants who served the food, and were dressed in light blue tunics, richly decorated around the hem, with a bright yellow belt tied around their waist. Their feet were bare, and the entered in a tight formation of two ranks. The two boys at the front were smaller than their companions behind them by about half a head. All four were very pretty having the normal Greek characteristics of dark hair and olive coloured skin. The slightly older of the younger boys was the most radiant, with a smile that would melt the heart of any boy lover. They walked steadily into the circle of guests and then approached Plenfor, bowing low when they were just a few feet from him. They then wheeled towards Flavius and bowed to the guest of honour. A small musical band of boys and young men had also entered the banquet hall, and positioning themselves in one corner started to play. At the start the music was slow and quiet, and the four dancers backed into the centre of the room and started a calm steady dance. The boys movements were smooth and gracefully and as their arms swayed one way or the next they were in perfect synchronisation with each other. As the slow dance continued Flavius noticed that all the guests were watching the young group spellbound as they continued their performance. No one was eating anymore, and the young serving boys had now all sat down beside one of the guests, and they too watched the boys in the centre. Suddenly the pace of the music changed, it became slightly louder and faster, and at the same instance the boy's dance became more invigorating as the started to twist and swirl and use up more of the area in the centre. They danced back and forth frequently swapping places with their fellow dancers, and as the boys swirled their tunics rose up giving the guests a tantalising view of their smooth asses and hairless pricks. The pace of the music changed again, and now the younger boys were leaping into the arms of the elder companions who spun round and flung them in the air, yet they always landed surely on their feet. The boys then started to do cartwheels and somersaults, and each time their tunics curled down to their waists and gave the guests a longer view of their youthful assets. Then the four boys each danced to the edge of the area, and turned to face each other in a large square. They undid their belts which dropped to the ground. No sooner was this done when they dashed together into the centre but each arrived a split second away from the others giving time for a somersault and a dash back to the edge. Left in the centre were the four tunics neatly piled on top of one another, and the dancers were as naked as they were born. From the glistening of the bodies it was clear they had been well oiled. Now the music changed again, to something softer and more sensual, they once more gathered into the centre of the area and the dance became wild and erotic as they rubbed their bodies together whilst their arms flayed around and intertwined, but their movements remained in harmony. Flavius was amazed to watch as their young penis all started to harden at the same time, slowly arching up until they were flattened against their bellies. Yet he was aware that they were not alone, he also had rigid member, and he was glad that it was hidden under his uniform. Glancing around the other guests it was clear that the Greeks had no such reservations, their erect penis were already out as they or a young slave boy companion pulled on it. A couple of guests had the slave suck them as they watched. Suddenly one boy dashed out of the group and ran to within just a foot of one of the guests. There he treated the man to an obscene display as he shook his erect member, or flashed his ass. After just a few moments the man could stand it no longer and reached out to touch the boy, but like lightning he sprang away, leaving the hapless guest with naught to touch but air. As he returned to the centre another left and treated another guest to the same, and so it continued where that each time they danced away as the man reached out. It was the gorgeous second youngest boy that danced for Flavius, but the Roman was determined to resist and just watched as the boy twisted and turned, all the time looking straight into the young soldiers eyes, as if to hypnotise him. It was the Romans resistance that gave him the longest close up dance as the boy grew more daring , so that by the end his swaying prick was within inches of the mans face. The soldier's erection was immense but he remained motionless until the boy sprang away. The music changed again, and now the younger boys jumped into the eldest arms and twisting round had their faces to their holders crotch whilst their legs twisted round the neck of the older boys. The boys then started to suck one another, but the dance continued as their bodies remained swaying. Then the two pairs, slowly started to move, still sucking frantically as they walked, and Flavius was aware that they were heading towards him. When they were barely 3 feet [90cm] in front of him the music changed again, only this time it became wilder, faster and louder than at any time before. The younger boys dropped down and faced the Roman like cats on all fours. Behind them the other boy ground his penis between his companions cheeks as they simulated intercourse. Yet it lasted just a moment, before the boy behind leapt up and his pal backed up underneath, so that their positions had been changed. This time the younger boys ground their smaller members between the slightly larger ass cheeks. Seconds later they changed backed again, and it went on and on, and became faster and faster until all one could see was a blur of youthful flesh as they leapt and shuffled. Suddenly the music stopped, the four dancers collapsed prostrate in front of Flavius, and all was still. For a few brief seconds all was completely quiet, except for the steady movement of the dancers chest as the lay panting to get their breath back. Then a loud applause broke out and their was much shouting, clapping and whistling. This broke the trance that had taken hold of the Roman and returning to normal he looked round. It had clearly been too much for some of the guests as their exploded sperm lay all over their hands and clothes. "They were good, eh Flavius," Plenfor said at last. "Yes certainly," he asked "They have obviously been well trained." "Which one do you want?" "Huh?" the Roman answered unsure what he meant. "Which of these four do want for your bed tonight, you can have all four if you would prefer." Flavius was about to leap on the man, yelling, I do not fuck boys, but thought better of it. He paused to think of a good excuse before answering. "It is most kind of you excellency to offer their services, but I will rise very early tomorrow, and I need my sleep." The Greek leader laughed. "Well it is true that any of these hyperactive four can keep a man awake all night, so I understand your decision. However perhaps you would like to use my nephew here, he is much more gentle, and well trained in all the arts of sex as I taught him myself." "If you would like, sire," the boy added, "I can help you achieve relief in a very short period of time." The boy at Plenfor's side was smiling sweetly at the Roman, and Flavius reckoned that he was keen to round out his education by sleeping with one of the master race. Well he could just forget it. "I have been riding all day, and I am quite worn out, you must understand your excellency that I really just want to sleep." Plenfor's nephew looked rather disappointed, but his uncle then added. "It is your choice of course, though I will admit few men have ever refused the charms of these boys," he waved at the four dancers, who had still not moved. He patted the head of his young nephew and speaking to him. "Never mind, I'll make sure your lovely ass gets serviced tonight", and then he kissed the boy full on his lips. Flavius had seen enough, he needed to get away now, before he had to deflect any more offers. "If it is all right with your excellency I would like to retire to bed now," he said. "But of course, I will have Drufus draw up what we have agreed tonight, and you will have a written document to take with you in the morning." He then turned to one of the serving boys who was close by, and ordered, "Boy, escort our honoured guest to his quarters." Flavius knew exactly where his room was and felt that he needed no escort, but he did not argue, he had denied the leader too often tonight already. As he rose, he hailed Plenfor, and bid the other guests goodnight. "I will not be awake when you leave tomorrow," the leader said, "So I bid you goodbye, and a safe journey. Until we meet again Flavius." The Roman bowed his head and then following the naked serving boy walked out of the hall. It was just a short distance to his room, and he was relieved that he could finally be alone, all these temptations and erotic sights was just too much. As he pulled the curtain aside that separated his room from the corridor outside, the young boy beside him spoke. "If you would like, sire, I can give you a massage to help you sleep." Flavius was amazed, these boys just never gave up. "No I do not, just ensure that I am woken as soon as the sun rises tomorrow," and then he entered his room and was alone. Flavius undressed, climbed onto the bed and shut his eyes. It had been a long day, sleep would come quickly he thought. Yet he was wrong, however much he tried he could not get the images of that erotic dance out of his mind. He had never taken his pleasure with a boy, and he briefly wondered what it would have been like to have one of those four boys lying with him now. He quickly dismissed the thought, after all he was a Roman, he should not sink to the debase pleasures taken by the Greeks, the race his people had conquered. He tossed and turned in bed, but the best he could achieve was a kind of shallow rest state. Flavius' alert senses brought him back when he heard noises in any adjacent room. He was unsure if he had slept, so he did not know how long it was since he left the banquet hall. When he strained his ears he could make out the noise, it was flesh slapping against flesh. He did not doubt for a moment that it was anything other than a mans thighs hitting a boys buttocks, some lad in the next room was getting ass fucked. The volume of the noise increased slightly, and then these were added to by low gasps from the two lovers, which steadily grew louder and louder. Flavius could clearly make out the harsh low voice of a man, and the higher shriller gasp from of a boy. No doubt the thick pole shoved up his rear had increased the lads voice by an octave or two. As the voices became cries of pleasure, Flavius heard yet more voices starting in the other adjacent rooms. He held his hands to his head, how the hell was he supposed to sleep. He tried covering his ears with a pillow, but he could still hear the cries, and when he shut his eyes all he could see was naked dancing boys. It was no use, he needed something else to help him sleep, and he decided that the best thing was to go and get some wine, and drink himself into a stupor. Flavius put on his tunic and headed out of his room back to the main hall, he was sure that there would still be some wine pots lying around. As he passed the rooms of the other guests, he noticed many had not even bothered to close the curtain separating their quarters from the corridor. One guest was busily fucking a boy who stood against a wall, his ass well stuck out, whilst another was passionately kissing one boy whilst one of the very young wine serving boys was sucking his prick. The Roman wondered if those that had closed the curtains was either sucking a boy or having one fuck them. Of course such an act was taboo for a Greek man, who was never allowed to have another males organ penetrate him, anally or orally. Yet it was a common joke amongst the Roman soldiery that Greek males acquired such a taste for sperm during their boyhood, that they still craved it after they become an adult, and would suck a boy in puberty until he had given them his sweet juice. When he reached the banquet hall, it was just a giant orgy. Only a few of the guests had remained, but clearly the servants had carried on without them. Mostly they were in pairs, either a man and a boy, or two boys, but in some places whole groups of boys were rolling around together sucking and fucking. The guards had abandoned their post the spears cast to the ground and they were amongst the throng. Flavius just shook his head, these Greeks were just unbelievable. He remembered why he was here, and seeing a wine flask lying close to two little boys of a very tender age, that lay asleep in each others arms, he seized it and headed for the exit. Just as he had almost reached the door he felt a hand grasp his ankle. Spinning round he saw two young teens staring up at him, and by the glazed look in their eyes it was obvious that they had been drinking the wine. "Please, sire, we need a man," one of them said, and then they both span round presented their smooth asses. The boys reached back and pulling apart those glorious globes bared their small pink assholes to the astonished Roman. Flavius panicked and ran out of the room, feeling his resistance weakening. When he reached his room he tore off his tunic, and flung himself on the bed. He was immediately aware that he was carrying a massive erection, and the thick purple head of his manhood was clearly visible. Grasping hold of his seven inch [18cm] stick, Flavius knew that he had to have relief, or he would never sleep. He rapidly pulled on his prick and tried to recollect the face of his wife to be. Yet the image would not come. So he tried to recall the face and body of one of the harlots he had slept with, but again he had no success. All he could see was the lithe young bodies of the dancers as the swayed one way or another, and it was with such an image in his brain that he finally shot his load, and collapsing on the bed exhausted, fell asleep.
The PresentFlavius was woken early in the morning by a gentle shaking of his shoulder. When he opened his eyes he saw a servant boy standing next to him."Sire, it is just sun up, you asked to be woken. Drufus is waiting for you outside." Flavius nodded and sat up. The boy was nude, obviously he hadn't bothered to dress yet. "Go and tell Drufus that I will join him shortly." The boy bowed, and walked out. Flavius was a little surprised the boy had not asked him for a fuck, perhaps their sexual hormones finally calmed down after a nights sleep. He got dressed, fixed on his armour and attached his sword. He then gathered up his belongings and left. As he walked down the corridor passed the other guest's rooms all was now silent, and in the rooms where the curtain had been left open he could see various nude bodies intertwined with one another. In the main hall, it was a similar scene with sleeping nude boys and men scattered round on the various cushions. A few servant boys had already arisen and were busy clearing away the mess left from the night before. Like the boy who had woken him, they had not bothered to dress. When the Roman reached the courtyard he saw Drufus standing in the centre, along with his horse, and the page that he had given the horse to. Close by stood another group of boys. "Ah, Good morning Flavius," Drufus said, "I hope you slept well." He handed the soldier a piece of paper and added, "Here is the written confirmation of what we agreed last night, as you can see his excellency has attached his seal." Flavius took the document and quickly read through it. When he was happy that it was completely in order he carefully rolled it up and stored it in one of his bags. His horse had already been saddled, but he check this over and ensured that she was ok. She looked well groomed and fed, and addressing the boy holding the reigns he said. "She seems to be in order, you may leave now." With a look of relief in his face, the boy bowed and departed. Flavius eyes then fell on the small group of boys standing around 10 feet [3m] away. He was surprised to see that they were none other than the four young dancers that had entertained the guests so splendidly the night before. The were dressed in plain white tunics, and wore rough sandals on their feet. "What are these four doing here," he asked. "I really do not have the time to watch another dance." "What they do or do not do is now a matter for you alone, as all four of them are now yours. They are a gift from his excellency." Flavius almost fell over in a mixture of surprise and shock. He grabbed the other man by the arm and leading him away hissed in his ear. "Look there is no way I can take these four with me, I have a long journey ahead." "I do not think you fully understand," Drufus answered. "His excellency was most impressed with you, and wishes that you will long be a friend of our city. As a token of his appreciation he has given you these boys. It is no small gift as they are his finest dancing troupe. It would be, 3; well 3; unwise not to accept it." Flavius stood and collected his thoughts. He had the agreement that he had wanted safely in his hands and he had no intention of risking this with a breach of protocol. He would have to take the boys, and find a way of ridding himself of them later. "Will you thank Plenfor for his most kind gift, and tell him how much his gesture honours me," he said, somewhat reluctantly. "His excellency will be most please to hear your words. If you require some chains for the slaves, these will be provided." "That will not be necessary" Flavius said and returning to his horse, he took the reigns and prepared to mount. Immediately the four boys ran up before him and bowed. The eldest lad then said, in barely incomprehensible Latin. "Master 3; we you serve 3; loyally." "Speak to me in Greek boy, and I might be able to understand what you saying." "I am sorry, master, but we thought since you will be taking us to Rome, that we must now use the language of the empire." Flavius just looked at the boys and shook his head in disbelief. 'There is absolutely no way you four will be accompanying me to Rome,' he thought, but for the moment he kept this to himself. "Until I say otherwise only speak Greek, and then only when I say you can speak, is that understood?" The four boys nodded their heads and bowed. "Good, stay behind me, and do not dawdle." The Roman mounted his horse and gently trotted through the palace gates and out in the city, the four young slaves right behind him. As he glanced back he saw Drufus waving him off, a huge smile spread across his face. It was clear he was enjoying seeing the Roman in this uncomfortable situation. By the power of Jupiter, Flavius thought, the things I have to do for my country. The small group passed quickly though the deserted streets, and soon reached the city gates, which had only just been opened for the day. As he rode through the gates, a number of the guards gave him a strange look as they saw the boys following behind, but this quickly turned to a smile, and no doubt a hearty laugh after that the Roman thought. Once out of the city he quickened his pace to a quick trot, and the four young lads behind him had to jog to keep up. Once the trail passed into a nearby wood he assumed the unbound slaves would seize their chance of freedom and bolt into the trees, but after a half an hour of riding they were still right behind him, following him like a dutiful dog. Energetic as the young dance troupe was, he had seen the evidence of that the night before, it was clear they would never be able to keep up this pace all day. Since they would not leave on their own accord Flavius decided he had no choice. He suddenly pulled up his stead and turned to them. "Look boys 3;", but then the words died in his throat. He was about to tell them that they were now free to go, no longer slaves they could go seek their fortunes wherever they pleased. In short he was going to tell them to get lost. However it quickly dawned on him how naïve this approach was. These four could never survive in the outside world alone, and if abandoned would have no option but to head back to Plenfor's city, and his excellency would see how the Roman had treated his gift. No, he had no option but to keep this accursed little band until they reached the territory of the neighbouring city state, which he hoped would be sometime the next day. He would then get rid of them there, and damn Plenfor would be none the wiser. He gazed down at the boys who had also stopped and were waiting for him to finish what he had to say. " 3; just keep up with me. I will go a bit slower." And so he started off again, but this time at a gentle trot, which allowed the boys to keep up with a brisk walk. By midday they had reached the bottom of the hills, and was about to start the descent up to the pass out of the valley. Flavius decided to take a quick break here, so dismounted and told the boys to sit down and have a rest. He returned to his horse, removed one of his saddle bags, and then sat down on a nearby rock. From the bag he pulled out some bread, a little dried meat, and started to eat. The four young boys stared at him intently, but said nothing, and it quickly dawned on the Roman what they were thinking. "I don't suppose you boys have brought anything to eat?" They shook their heads, and Flavius just sighed in despair. "It seems you former master, was kind enough to give me you lot, but gave little thought to how you were going to travel with me or what you were to live on. Did he expect you to eat thin air?" The lads did not answer, just supplied him with blank looks. Flavius knew that if they were to make anything like a good speed for the rest of the day they would have to have something to eat. So he removed some more food from his bags, and handed it round the young group. They thanked him profusely and quickly gobbled down what he supplied, so that Flavius removed more food and distributed it to them. He had been given enough food for about two weeks, but with five mouths to feed it was clear it would not last that long. He would have to purchase more when he reached the next town. This gift was going to do nothing but cost him. The group sat and ate, until Flavius, finding the silence worse than talking decided to speak. "Since it seems I am stuck with you four for a while, you might as well tell me your names." And so, after a brief conversation he found out that the youngest boy was called Fali, and was just 11 years old, the beautiful faced next oldest was Sato, he was 12, the two older boys were both 14 and were called Botis and Kalo. Their little faces lit up as their master spoke, as if they were so honoured that he should wish to find out their names. He quizzed them about what they thought about their previous master, hoping he may discover something about his character, and found out that Plenfor had treated them quite well, and had always enjoyed their dances. When Flavius had stopped talking, Kalo, thinking that they had permission to continue talking, asked a question. "Master, have you ever seen any Greek plays whilst you have been in this country?" Flavius was a little surprised that a slave boy should ask such a question, but deemed it a harmless enquiry. "No, I am afraid not, I am sure I would have enjoyed it, but I have simply never had the chance or the time. A soldiers life is not one with much opportunity for such pursuits." "That is a shame," Kalo added, "I have read many, but I would truly love to see one acted out live. It was such a pity that our former master had no interest in such, since no performance was ever arranged in our city." "Hang on, do you mean you can read Greek?" "Oh yes Master, we all can, but only I can read Latin, but as you noticed I speak it very badly." The Roman shook his head in disbelief , then added. "You seem to be very well educated for mere slave boys." "Oh, but master, we have only been slaves for the last year, before that we were in the dancing school that was part of the temple of Aphrodite, in another city further east from here. We were taught how to read and write, and we danced at many of the religious festivals." "So how come you are slaves now?" Flavius asked. "Why, because of the war, master," Sato said, taking up the narrative. "Our old city, and that of Plenfor's had a disagreement, we do not know over what this was, and this led to a war. After some hard fighting our beautiful city was taken and destroyed. Most of the men were killed in the fighting or butchered shortly afterwards, and the surviving women and children were sold into slavery." "But we were very lucky," Kalo continued. "For when his excellency saw us dance he decided to keep us as part of his palace slaves. Many were taken for work in the field or the mines, where we have heard tales that things are very unpleasant." Flavius just could not understand the Greeks. The Roman empire posed the greatest threat to their freedom in their entire history, and yet they still continued to squabble and fight amongst themselves. It was little wonder that the Greek empire had never risen to the kind of size the Roman one now was (Not counting Alexander the Great of course, who was a Macedonian). As it was time to continue Flavius ordered the boys to get up, and put the saddle bags back on the horse. He mounted his stead and then started up the path, closely followed by his four young slaves. The path was quite steep and narrow, but they continued on at a steady pace for a few hours. Yet soon Flavius found that he was having to often stop and wait for the boys to catch up, or would be forced to give the boys short 10 minute breaks. By the late afternoon things were getting worse, and particularly the two youngest boys were progressing very slowly. The Roman's patience was wearing thin. "Look can't you lot go any quicker, I am determined to get to the top of this path before nightfall." "I am sorry master," replied Botis. "Sato and Fali seem to be very tired. Me and Kalo will carry them to ensure you are not slowed down." And so they started to do just that, but it became clear that if anything the pace was getting slower as the two young teenagers staggered up the hill with a load not much lighter than themselves." "Look this is just hopeless," yelled the soldier. He dismounted from his horse, and seizing the youngest boy picked him up and plonked him down on top of the horse. He repeated this with young Sato, placing him behind his companion. Flavius could see the surprise on the boys faces, and as they were about to protest their unworthiness for such treatment the Roman spoke. "I don't want to here a word from any of you. Just hang on to the saddle, do not pull the horse's mane, or kick her, is that the clear." The tired young boys nodded, and the irate soldier grabbed the reigns and continued up the path. The Roman just could not believe his position, he Flavius, son of a Roman senator, was having to walk whilst two of his slaves rode his horse. He was just too soft. The pace picked up somewhat after that, as the two older boys, ashamed at what their master had been forced to do endeavoured to keep up with the soldier's long strides. As they finally got to the top of the pass it was nearing nightfall, and Botis and Kalo were visibly shattered. Flavius realised that it would be impossible to continue much further, but they had achieved his objective, so he decided to stop and make camp. After he had found a suitable spot he helped the two boys down from his horse and then ordered the young slaves to go and gather some wood for the fire. They did their assigned task, even though it was evident that they were having difficulty moving. Flavius removed the saddle from his horse, and then searched through his bags for the tinder box. "Right, which of you four can light a fire?" They all shook their heads, and the Roman said in disgust. "I should have known. Well just sit down close by and stay quiet whilst I get this fire going." It took the soldier about 10 minutes before he had lit some dry grass, and then building up the wood around this managed to get a fire going. "I want an early start tomorrow, I am determined to get to a trading town by noon, is that clear?" But when the Roman looked up he found he was talking to himself, his four young slaves lay just a few feet away, huddled together in a little group. It was clear they had fallen fast asleep. Now of course it was strictly forbidden for a slave to fall asleep before his master gave permission, but the young soldier just smiled, it was clear that no matter how energetic these boys could dance, they were clearly not used to a long day's march. Flavius took some food from his bags and ate slowly whilst we watched the flickering flames of the fire. When he had finished he walked to the top of a small nearby rise, and looking into the valley below could see how far they had come. Not too bad he thought, but he would have been much further had he been alone. He was already a few days later than originally planned, and was determined to make up as much time as possible. There was no doubt about it, those four boys would have to go. He watched the moon as it slowly rose above the mountains, and could see the small distant lights of the city they had left behind. He wondered if the orgies had started already. The air at this height was quite cool for spring, so the Roman returned to the camp, and retrieved his blanket from amongst his belongings. He wrapped it around himself and walking back to the fire glanced down at the four sleeping forms on the ground below. They looked so peaceful, they cute young faces were calm and relaxed, as if they did not have a care in the world. The simply white tunics that they wore were very short, dropping only slightly below their crotch. Clearly Plenfor liked his slave boys to show off as much of the thighs as possible. The Roman gazed at their slim, beautiful legs, and then noticed goose pimples on their skin, caused by the cool breeze that ran through the pass. It was clear that the boys would awaken with the cold once the fire had started to die down, so Flavius without thinking what he was doing, unwrapped the blanket from around him, and gently laid it down to cover the four sleeping bodies. He crouched down beside them and softly ruffled the hair of the two youngest boys. He was unsure of why he did that, but it is what he had always done when tucking into bed his younger brothers and sisters during his youth. The man rose and walking over to his horse, poured some water into his helmet so that she could have a drink. "Well, old girl, do you think I am too soft?" The animal did not answered but lapped away at the water, and then raising her head licked the Roman on his face. Flavius brushed his stead down, and then let her wander free. He never tethered his horse when they were in the wild, as he preferred to let her choose what ever patch of grass she wanted to eat. He knew she would never go far. Returning to the fire the Roman, settled down and shivered in the night air. How he wished that he had brought a second blanket. He mentally berated himself on his weakness, he had slept in far colder conditions whilst on campaign. He threw some more wood on the fire and was soon drifting off to sleep.
Sold 3;?Flavius was the first to wake the next morning, just as the sun had risen. He rose and stretched himself, and saw that his four young slaves were still soundly asleep, covered by his blanket. The soldier walked over to the boys and slowly pulled it off them. During the night the boys own movements had caused their tunics to rise up to their stomachs. Two of the boys lay face down giving the man a view of their splendid smooth backsides, whilst the other two lay on their backs showing off their hairless pricks, which had already stiffened to a young boy's normal morning hardon. Flavius gently woke them, and then ordered them to get ready to leave. He put his saddle back on the horse, and since they had not eaten the night before he gave the four boys something from his rations, before reattaching all his belonging. Flavius rode the horse first, but he was determined to make good speed and the boys were clearly still a little weary, so after a while he let Botis and Fali ride for a while, and then swapped them for the other two latter on. This time his slaves made no attempt to complain. By resting the boys this way, and due to the fact that the trail was now mostly downhill the group was making good time, and by late morning had reached the trading town which was his destination.The Roman left the four boys with Groncello, his horse, and went to find out where he could offload his gift. He discovered that there was a slave trader at the edge of town, and so he decided that he may as well sell the lads, and at least get some small sum to compensate him for his trouble. He rejoined the boys and then headed off in the direction he had been shown. When he reached a small compound, he guessed this was the place, so after tying his horse to a nearby post, he walked inside, followed, for the last time he hoped, by his young band. Shortly after they had entered he was met by a smallish man with a very sharp and bony faced. "Good day, sire, we are not often honoured with a visit from a Roman, what can I do for you? I have many good slaves available for purchase, at a special price to you of course." Flavius surveyed the man and took an instant dislike to him, still that was unimportant for the matter in hand. "I am not buying, I am selling, what will you give me for these four boys?" the Roman said, and waved his hand at the four lads standing behind him. "Hmm, they are a reasonable looking bunch, but I will need to examine the goods properly before I can quote you a price," the man replied. "Very well you do that. I need somewhere for a drink and a wash, do you have a well nearby?" "Not a well sire, but we have a water trough in the building over there," the old man pointed out a stone building about 100 yards from where they were standing. "You are welcome to make use of it." The young soldier nodded and leaving the slave dealer with the boys he made his way towards the building. He was not really interested in what price the man would offer him, as he intended to take it in any case. All the mattered was that he would be rid of the boys and he could finally make his way back to Rome at full speed. When he had reached the building's door he pushed it open and stepped inside. The first thing that struck him was an overwhelming stench coming from within. He could see the trough, but the water inside did not look very clean. Flavius became aware that he was not alone in this room, and swinging round he saw that the building was in fact filled with a large quantity of slaves. They were of both sexes and all ages, and so cramped together that each slave barely had room to sit down. The overpowering smell of urine and excrement indicated that the hapless slaves were sitting in there own filth. The feet and arms of the slaves were chained, and an additional chain was around their necks. All were either naked or dressed in just rags. Some had their backs to the Roman, and he could see that many had been lashed, with fresh deep cuts in their skin. As Flavius surveyed the horrific scene, his eyes finally came to rest on an old slave, who sat with his back to the wall, his eyes staring forward and his mouth wide open. A great many flies buzzed round the wretched man, and it soon dawned on the young soldier that he was dead. Flavius had seen enough, he span round and left the building, his thirst having flown from his mind. As he walked away the only image he could see in his brain, was his four dancing boys, as they slept peacefully beneath his blanket. The thought of them being shoved into that nightmare and treated worse than cattle was more than he could bear, he would not let it happen. As the Roman strided back to the slave dealer he could see that the Greek had removed the boys tunics and was currently roughly squeezing their young buttocks, to check for firmness. The look of distress in their young faces was clear. When Flavius was close the dealer spotted him and spoke. "Four nice boys, but as you can see, they are a bit thin and weak. I'll offer you two drachma for each, and that's a fair price." "Forget it," Flavius answered. "I have changed my mind, they are no longer for sale." "You drive a hard bargain, sire, and as they are quite pretty I will offer you three each, four for the two young ones." The man persisted. "I just said I'm not selling," and turning to the boys the Roman ordered then to get dressed. "I see you are a good judge of a slaves true worth," and with that he grasped Sato by the hair, causing him to cry out in pain, the man span the poor boy round and bent him over. The dealer slapped the lads ass quite hard and then added, "Here is the real value of this boy, very well, I will give you six drachmas for him and four each for the others, I assure you I will make almost no profit from this deal." The actions of the young soldier took the trader completely by surprise, a knife suddenly appeared at his throat, the movement having been so fast that it was if it had been formed in the soldiers hand from thin air. The startled Greek looked straight into the rage filled Roman's eyes and immediately released Sato from his grasp. It became clear to him that he had misjudged the soldier's change of mind, which he had assumed was just a ploy to get a better price. "I think we have a communication problem here," the soldier hissed. "When a Roman says something is not for sale, then that means exactly that. No sale at any price." "Of course 3; sire 3; as you wish," the man stammered, as he prayed to the Gods that this strong soldier would not slit his throat. The two men remained still for a moment, as Flavius slowly calmed down, and then he gently lowered his knife, and returned it to it's sheaf. With that he strode off and the four boys, still nude with their tunic's grasped in their hands ran after him. The Greek stared hopelessly at the four pretty pairs of buttocks as they left the compound. They could have made him a handsome profit he thought. Flavius walked quickly back to his horse and then turned to check the boys had followed him. Of course they were right behind him, and Sato immediately threw his arms around his master's waist and hugged him. "Oh, thank you master for not selling us to that horrid man." The other three boys had fallen to their knees in front of the man, as if to emphasise their gratitude. This caught Flavius somewhat off guard, and he was unsure how to react. He gently prised the boys arms from around his waist, and spoke. "Well that is my right. Now please put your tunics back on and stay quiet, I have some thinking to do." Flavius walked back into town and when he found a horse's water trough, he dropped onto his knees and plunged his head into the cold water. What was wrong with him, he thought, how could be so soft and weak. He, Flavius, who had dreamed of the day he would make Consul, when he would lead the Roman legions to conquer new territory. With his word thousands of men would clash into battle and perish, his enemies would tremble at his very name, and he would return to Rome for the victory parade, with the crowds cheering in his ears, as he displayed the bountiful booty and lines of captives. Yet now all that seemed so distant when it was clear that he did not have the will to sell four young slaves. After all his father had many slaves that tilled their land, he knew that many lived in terrible conditions. The slave trader had offered him a good price, he should go back and take it. When he pulled his head from out of the water, he looked straight into the faces of his four boys. They stared down at him with big brown eyes, and from the look on their faces you could almost sense that they could see their master's anguish, and waited for him to pass sentence. With that look, his resolve instantly melted away. This young group, who only two days before, had been living contentedly, although in servitude, as dancers for their former master, he would and could not be the one that handed them over to that slave trader brute. With his mind made up, his sense of purpose returned. What were the alternatives? He considered trying to find them a new home amongst some of the townsfolk here, but quickly discarded the idea when it was obvious the treacherous Greeks would sell them straight to the slave trader the moment he had ridden out of town. No, he would keep them for the moment, and if necessary he would take them all the way to Rome. He was sure that his mother knew many couples that were desperate for their own child and would take one or more of the boys in. The priority now was to be able to make better speed. If they carried on as they were, he would arrive in Rome just in time to meet the Consuls departing with their armies. "Do any of you boys know how to ride?" he asked at length, and after a brief period of quizzing them discovered that the eldest two had some riding experience, although it was very basic. That was fine, the boys were still small enough so that a horse could comfortably carry two of them. The group went back into town, and Flavius soon found some stables that had horses for sale. He slowly walked round surveying the animals on display, and all the time his slaves were scampering around like young children, stroking the horses, and shouting comments like "Master, here is a nice horse, will you buy this one?" Flavius ignored their cries, he knew what he was looking for, and eventually chose two placid, although healthy beasts, which he hoped the boys could handle. He also purchased two saddles, that were wide enough to seat two boys. That done they went to the market and bought some extra food and bags to store them in. Sato wanted to ride with Kalo, and as the Roman was not bothered he helped these two into their saddle, and then got the other two ready. The younger boy rode at the front with his older companion behind holding the reigns. Flavius could tell the boys looked nervous, they were clearly unused to be in charge of such a large animal. He mounted his own horse and the little group left town. The soldier knew that the boys would never manage a gallop, but seemed ok with a quick trot, which was the normal long distance travelling speed anyhow. Flavius was glad when they had the town was retreating in the distance behind him. It was not the sight of those poor slaves, or his dislike of the slave trader that was bothering him. It was what this morning had taught him about himself, that concerned him most. Perhaps he was not as tough as he had always thought, or was it that he was slowly feeling a sense of responsibility towards his young charges, or maybe even something more deep. As the journey progressed it was clear that the boys riding experience was even more limited than he had hoped. They frequently lost hold of the reigns, toppled about on their horses, led the horse off the path, and on a few occasions fell off completely. Fortunately due to their acrobatic training they always landed safely on their feet, but they would apologise profusely to their master, and said they would try harder. Despite his wearing patience, the Roman had lost the will to shout at the boys, at least for today anyhow. He kept telling them what they were doing wrong, and generally coached them on handling the animal better. Eventually they trail passed closed to the edge of a small lake, and as the sun was slowly sinking in the sky, Flavius decided it would be a good place to stop. They dismounted and removing the saddles and bags from the horses let them wander down to the lake for a well earned drink. The Roman sat down on a nearby rock and admired the beautiful spot were they had stopped, with the calm clear lake, and the tall mountains in the background. "Master," Kalo asked. "As we are quite hot and sweaty, would you allow us to bathe in the lake." Flavius looked up into the gorgeous face of the child and answered. "Firstly gather some wood for a fire and then I will decide." Instantly the boys dashed off in each direction hunting for any bit of wood or bush they could find, and in no time there was a nice pile in front of the soldier. The lads then stood patiently watching for a sign from their master, and when he nodded his assent white tunics flew into the air, sandals were kicked off and four slim nude bodies ran into the lake. Flavius was sure that the lake water would still be cold this early in the year, but children always have such a passion for water that they never seemed to notice this. He sat and watched the lovely boys for a while as they splashed each other or would scream when one of the older boys would lift a smaller one in the air and throw him further into the lake. As he listened to their laughter and observed their play a part of him almost envied them. They behaved as if they did not have a care in the world, the memory of today's encounter with the slave trader wiped clean. To them life just flowed past, with all its pleasures and horrors, but they showed little concern as they had no control over what maybe coming next. The Roman on the other hand, although a free man, had all the troubles and responsibilities that came with his job, and the ever pressing burden of maintaining the honour of himself and his country. After the soldier had lit the fire, he saw that the sun had almost slipped beyond the horizon, and it was starting to get dark. He called out to the boys to get out of the water and come and join him by the fire. They immediately left the lake and did as he commanded, but did not bother to dress and sat silently round the fire, the warmth drying their naked skin. "Now then, which of you can cook?" Flavius asked. When all the Roman got was sorrowful shakes of the head, he threw back his head and laughed. "What a useless bunch of slaves Plenfor has given me. You can't light a fire, you can only barely ride a horse, and now it seems you can not even cook a meal. If it was your former masters wish to torment me with his gift, then he has most certainly succeeded." "We are so sorry master," Sato whimpered, "that we are so unworthy of you, but all we can really do is dance, would you like us to dance for you now?" When Flavius surveyed the injured looks on the boys faces, he instantly regretted his harsh words. He could hardly blame them that they could only do as they had been trained. His voiced softened when he spoke. "And you dance beautifully, but for now sit still, whilst I cook for us." The young lads faces lit up with his praise, it was indeed the first kind words he had ever really said to them. Flavius decided to cook a soup, and roast some of the meat they had purchased, and soon he had the boys dashing back and forth fetching him things from the saddle bags, or water from the lake. The boys enthusiasm was evident as they were so happy to be of some use to their master as he cooked at the fire. When the food was ready, Flavius distributed it round, but noticed that his boys never demanded the food, or said it was their turn, but sat patiently round the fire, and thanked their master when he gave them something. When it was finished Flavius sent the boys to clean all the pots and plates they had used, and soon they were again all sat round the fire silently listening to the night sounds around them, and enjoying the warmth of the flames. It was not that cold though, as they were much lower down than they had been the night before. At length the Roman spoke. "It's been a long day boys, and I want to get off again at sun up, so you should try and get some sleep now." Flavius looked around for a soft place to lay, and seeing a good spot moved a saddle bag there that he could use as a pillow. When he looked up he noticed that the boys had not moved. "Well, what are you waiting for?" "Master," Kalo said, with a strange tremble in his voice. "We were wondering which of us you would want to give you pleasure tonight." Not again, the Roman thought, he should have known this was coming. "I will not be needing any of you," he said. "Oh," the boy replied, "are we not pretty enough for you, master?" "That's not it all," the Roman said. "It is just that some men do not take their pleasures with boys." The boys looked at the soldier very strangely, as if they had never heard of such a thing. Then in a very quiet voice little Fali asked. "Would you object, Master, if we play amongst ourselves." Flavius had heard enough, it seemed that Greek boys were permanently horny. "Do as you please, just do it quietly, and don't complain if you are tired in the morning." With that he grabbed the blanket that lay nearby, and pulling it over himself he laid down and shut his eyes. At first everything was very still, but after a few minutes the Roman could hear very quiet movements as the boys slowly moved to a place where they could lay. A twig broke with a loud snap as one of the boys stood on it, and Flavius could here a sigh of dismay. Soon the initial noises had stopped and all was still for a few more minutes, but then, although quiet, the unmistakably sounds of skin rubbing together, and soft moans began. The sounds were different to what he had heard two nights before coming from a neighbouring room at Plenfor's palace, those had been frantic almost animal sounds of lust, but these were slow, more passionate and intense. The Roman screwed his eyes shut, but he knew that he could not sleep, he just had to look to see what was happening. When he opened his eyes he could see only two of the boys, Kalo and Sato. The other two had obviously paired off on the far side of the fire, and as he was laying his sight of them was blocked. Sato lay on his back, with the older boy on top of him. They were currently engaged in a very passionate kiss, and Kalo was slowly rotating his hips. Every now and then the young teen would slightly raise his bottom in the air giving the Roman a view of their young hard penises below, which had just moments before been rubbing against one another. Kalo's hands were running up and down his lover's sides, whilst the younger boy gently stroked his companions buttocks. The movements of the fire on the smooth skin of the boys only served to further enhance the eroticism of the scene before him, and as much as he tried Flavius could not tear his eyes away, his own prick stiffening with every passing second. After a while Sato leaned his head forward and whispered something into Kalo's ear. The older boy nodded, and as he lifted himself partly from the young boy beneath him, Sato pull his knees up and apart. A moment later the teen using a hand for guidance penetrated the young boy to the hilt, and then slowly started to move his hips back and forth whilst he fucked him. Sato's pretty young face soon screwed up in pleasure, and his hands pushed down on Kalo's ass, as if to get deeper penetration. The fucking increased in pace, and the younger boy's head was soon trashing from side to side in ecstasy, but suddenly, without warning, his eyes shot open and he looked directly into Flavius own stare. The Roman, embarrassed at having been caught watching, immediately closed his eyes, and hoped the young lad was so absorbed in his pleasure that he had not noticed. Yet strangely everything went silent, and Flavius assumed that the two had finally shot their loads and dropped to sleep. After a short while, he was about to open his eyes when he felt something wet and warm slowly slithering down his still rock hard member. The Roman had not realised that his blanket had fallen free, giving the fucking boys a clear view of how his body felt. As his eyes shot open the startled Roman was treated to the sight of his own prick slowly disappearing down Sato's throat. His initial reaction was to throw the boy off, but as the pleasure nerves shot from his prick, up his back he was frozen, unable to act. The man just let out a low moan and lay down on his back, and the young imp beneath him followed his movements and soon started to bob his head up and down on his master's cock. Flavius had to admit this lad could suck like a pro, he was as good, if not better than any harlot he had had. As he watched the boy service him, he noticed that Kalo had moved to his side, and bending his head started to suck on the man's nipples, with hardened instantly on touch. As the two young hot mouths worked on his body, the Roman's pleasure just continued to build, and he could feel the cum building in his balls, waiting to explode. Yet as if he too had sensed the moment, Sato withdrew the prick from his mouth, and expertly squeezed the man's cock head to kill the building orgasm. He then got onto his knees, and swinging one leg over Flavius' body straddled over his groin, and lifting the large organ to vertical nestled it just beneath his ass. The boy then looked enquiringly into his masters eyes, as if seeking permission. Flavius was surprised the boy had bothered to ask, as he had started the sucking with no such request. Perhaps it was considered polite before ass fucking. In any case the Roman grunted his assent, his aching cock dying to be somewhere warm again. The boy then pushed down his rear, and the hard organ popped into his tight ass, and slowly began the steady descent. Flavius watched the boy's face as it initially winced in pain at the penetration but as he sank down and the mans entire cock was lodged in his ass, he grew accustomed to it's size and his face slowly relaxed. Then the most beautiful smile spread across his face, and he looked down into his master's eyes. The feelings the Roman was having was more than he could have imagined. The boys incredibly tight ass was squeezing his cock like nothing had done before, and when the lad started to lift himself up and down as he rode the rod inside him, the pleasure just grew and grew. In addition he soon felt a soft tongue lapping at his exposed balls and it was clear that Kalo had moved behind to perform this service. As Sato moved his hips up and down his head slowly sank until he was face to face with Flavius and the boy pressed his lips to those of the man. The gentle embrace was enough to discard whatever inhibitions the soldier had left, and using his own hand to push the boys face harder into his own, he pushed his tongue deep into the young boys mouth and the two kissed deeply for a long time. Now the Roman's blood was up, his body filled with lust, he was no longer content to lay and take no active lead. This boy want to be buggered, so bugger him he was going to do. He seized the boy by his sides and flipping them both over had the boy on his back and the Roman still lodged inside him on top. Sato at first looked startled by this unexpected move, but he quickly grinned and spread his legs to afford the man better penetration. Flavius now started to vigorously fuck the boy's tight ass, and pulling Kalo towards him seized the young teen's hard member shoving down the younger boys mouth, who quickly began to suck greedily on it. The Roman then hugged Kalo to him and crushed his lips to his own. He moved his hands down to the teen's firm fleshy ass globes and rubbed all over the soft smooth skin. The speed of his fucking increased, and his heavy balls banged into the boy's young ass with each stoke. It was soon more than he could bear and he shot his load deep up the boy's rear, and his cock kept on pumping more and more seed as he had the orgasm of his life. Young Sato who had been pulling on his own 3 inch [7½cm] prick was soon brought over the edge by the feeling of the hot liquid inside him and he fired his little stream onto his belly. This sent Kalo off as he shot a more substantial amount of spunk into his companions mouth. The three remained coupled for a few moments as their passions slowly cooled down, and then they fell exhausted onto the ground. Flavius reached down for the blanket and was about to cover all three when he noticed that the other two boys, who had obviously finished themselves, had been watching the action. He invited them to join them, and they did not need to be asked twice, as the leapt over to the other side of the Roman, and pressed their nude bodies against him. Flavius pulled the blanket over all of them, leaving him sandwiched between four naked boys. The tired youngsters soon fell asleep, leaving the Roman to reflect on the incredible thing that had just happened. As he lay on his back he stared up at the shinning moon, now high in the sky, and the only witness to the erotic scenes below. All in all, Flavius thought, maybe the Greeks weren't quite so stupid as he thought. When he awoke the next morning, Flavius could see that the boys were still sleeping. The blanket had slipped off all of them at some point, but the spring sun meant it was quite warm. The Roman wondered if any early traveller might have spotted him laying with the four nude boys, but quickly released that in this country no one would care that much. He wandered down to the lake and washed himself in the cool water. The three horses were about a hundred yards away munching contentedly at some grass. Flavius returned to the four sleeping boys and sat back down between them. One of the young teens, Botis, was laying on his stomach, and had his cute ass slightly raised. Unable to resist the young Roman started to caress the boys globes, enjoying the smooth skin, which had been warmed by the sun. After just a minute or so, the boy slightly adjusted his position and parted his legs, to give the soldier better access. The Roman smiled, it was clear the lad was now awake, and no doubt horny again. He pushed his hands between the boys legs and stroked the incredibly soft skin between his balls and asshole. Finding the hole he pushed a finger inside, and it entered Botis with ease. The young teen was now squirming in pleasure, and his moans soon woke Fali who had been sleeping next to him. The youngest member of the dancing troupe smiled at the Roman, and started to gentle pull on little 2 inch [5cm] hardon. Flavius pushed a second finger up the boy's ass, and this just resulted in him moaning more loudly and rotating his hips faster. Flavius' own prick was steadily growing as he watched the boy, and when Botis caught sight of this he reached over and grasped it. The feel of the boys warm hand on his cock made him much harder, and he increased the speed of his finger fucking. Botis then looked up at his master and asked. "Please, master, fuck me now." Soon after he had said it, little Fali shouted out, "Oh no, fuck me master, please, please." The two the astonishment of the Roman, two more boys behind him shouted out, obviously also awakened "No me, me." "Master did you yesterday, Sato," Botis exclaimed, "It is not fair that you are next." "Well maybe master likes my ass better," young Sato yelled back. Flavius had heard enough arguing and brought matters to an end. "Boys, Boys," the Roman shouted, "I thought I was the master here and you are the slaves, whatever we do or do not is my decision." The four youngsters hung their heads in shame, and Botis mumbled. "We are so sorry master for forgetting our place, you must beat is to remind us of our position." Flavius gently lifted the boy's face with his hand and wiped away a tear that was forming in the lad's eye. He had little doubt that the over enthusiasm of this young four had earned them a few beatings in the past, but he had no wish to flog them now. "Well do exactly as I say, and that should not be necessary, and hopefully we can all have some fun. First I want to watch you four suck each other, so pair off with Botis and Kalo on top of you two younger boys." The lads obeyed eagerly, Fali and Sato laying on their backs, with Botis and Kalo reversing round and getting on top of their usual partners. All four boys were already hard, so without further hesitation four cocks disappeared into hot wet mouths and some vigorous sucking commenced. The Roman was content to watch the horny scene for a while, whilst he gently stroked his larger erection. The two teens frequently sucked the entire gentiles of their young playmate into their mouths, whilst the younger ones would suck a cock or licked the balls of their pal. Fali's balls had still not dropped and were just two tiny little beads held close to his cock, clearly he would not be able to shoot cum yet. Positioning himself between the boys he stroked the back and buttocks of the two teens on top, and then shoved a couple of fingers up each of their pink assholes. He could see the affect he was having on the face of the boys, and as he finger fucked then harder, so their sucking became faster, enhancing the pleasure of the lad underneath. After a couple of minutes of this the soldiers cock was aching for a fuck, so withdrawing his fingers he moved round to behind Botis. He commanded Fali to stop sucking the young teen for a while, and to use his mouth to get Flavius' own cock wet and slippery. The young scamp did just this, using his saliva to ensure the man was well lubricated. When he withdrew his cock he could tell that Botis knew what was coming next, and was wiggling his ass and shivering with excitement. Flavius lined up his cock with the boys hairless pink asshole, and without further delay shoved himself in. He was surprised how easily he slid in, and was soon fully embedded into the boy his crotch hair pressed against the kid's smooth ass. Clearly this was a well fucked hole, and from the moans of the boy he knew that he had grown to love it. He remained still for a while laid down on the young teen enjoying the feel of his stomach against the soft skin of Botis' back. He used his hands to ensure he did not put his full weight on the lad, or that would have crushed the poor child at the bottom. After enjoying the sensations the hot asshole was having on his cock he started to pump in and out, buggering the lad proper, getting ever increasing moans from him. After a relatively short fuck it was clear that this was too much for Botis, you had already been sucked to the brink of orgasm and Flavius felt the boy tense up and shoot his load down young Fali's throat. The Roman enjoyed the sensations on his cock as the boy's ass contracted as he came, and then slowly withdrew, leaving them to continue sucking at a more gentle pace. Moving to the other pair Flavius positioned himself behind Kalo, and since his cock was already well lubricated shoved his cock up the boy's ass burying himself to the hilt in one movement. A gasp of surprise from the lad below indicated that the boy was so engrossed in the sucking he had not noticed the man behind him. However, as his ass pushed back in the soldier to get more cock it was evident that he was not complaining. Flavius started to vigorously bugger the boy and continued until Kalo was also driven over the edge, giving Sato his precious seed to drink. The Roman moved round to Kalo's head and presented his cock for the smiling boy to suck, who did so without delay, despite the knowledge of where it had just been. Flavius then gently rolled the two boys over, so that Kalo was underneath, and he now had a view of Sato's gorgeous ass. He gently stroked the first boy bum to have given him pleasure, but from the boy's wiggling it was clear he was impatient to getting speared. The Roman did not disappoint him, but penetrated him rather more slowly than he had the two young teens. He steadily increased the pace until Sato was squealing in delight, unable to continue sucking his mate. The devilish Kalo, sensing his friend's predicament sucked both his cock and balls into his mouth lavishing them with his darting tongue, which soon rewarded him with a small but tasty amount of fresh boy cum. Soon after Flavius had watched the boy's orgasm, he gently withdrew, moved over to the head of Botis and rolled the pair over. He looked down at the small ass of the youngest boy, and hesitated while he wondered whether he may be too young for fucking. Yet it soon became clear that the child had no such concerns and reached behind him to pull his two cheeks apart giving the Roman a view of his tiny pink hole, which seemed to wink at him invitingly. Too filled with lust to worry any longer Flavius positioned his cock at the entrance then with a strong push rushed into the breach. He then applied gentle pressure to slow push himself further inside, but it took some time to gain full penetration as the boy was incredibly tight. Once in he stayed still, as it was clear from the boy's face that he was in some discomfort. He passionately kissed the back of Fali's neck and gently stoked the face of the cute boy until it was clear that his ass had widened as it become accustomed to the invader. The little boy then gasped "please master, fuck me", and the Roman did not wait to be asked twice as he at first slowly, but soon much more forcefully commenced to bugger the boy. As he rammed in and out of the tight chute Flavius knew that the boy was incapable of a full wet orgasm, but at that age what they lack in intensity they make up for in quantity, Fali had already cum twice whilst being sucked by Botis. So after just a minute or so the boys shivering indicated that the sensations of being fucked had made him come again. Yet Flavius was too aroused too transfer to another ass and just kept on buggering the boy until Fali had come yet again, and the contractions of his ass muscles finally caused the Roman to deposit his massive load up the young boy. The soldier then groaned out loud, before collapsing on his back, his four young lovers lay panting at his sides. Well his mind was made up, whatever it took he was going to keep these four dancing boys. As he sat there in the sun, he wracked his brain for what in the hell he was going to tell his mother.
The EndThat's all folks, I know I will not win a literature prise with it, but it was my first story. I may get back to further adventures of Flavius and his merry band, but for the moment I am working on a new rather longer story.The Erotic Historian.