ParrafanDreams of Stardom |
Summary'Boys 9 to 12 years wanted for feature-length production, approx 15 weeks duration' reads an advertisement for a new film.
Publ. Dec 2006 (Nifty); this site Jan 2017
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CharactersTaren (13yo), Chayse (12yo), Ryder (11yo), Sunshine (10yo), Eben, and Mr Howerd, fild director.Category & Story codesConsensual storyMtb tb – cons anal oral (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThis story is for use by adults only. Even though some of the names, places and things you find in it may seem familiar to you, they are all made up. Really. If there are any celebrities who have the same names as my fictional characters, I imply nothing about their sexualities. Keep material such as this out of the reach of children. All of the events described herein are complete fiction, and not to be construed as any kind of recommendation for behaviour. Especially the unsafe sex parts. Dedicated: To every boy actor who diligently slept his way to the top. And to some helpful and gracious guys from the niftywriters chat room, Dru and Kip (hope I remembered your names correctly). And to Kent, of course. And Mr Malaprop. N.B. Parrafan does not respond to e-mails anymore. |
"You're not seriously going to insert this in Gaiety, are you?" Pierre exclaimed in his most incredulous voice. 'This' referred to the piece of paper he was now waving strenuously in front of my face, as though it was alight and he was attempting to shake off its flaming tongues . In fact, the sheet of paper simply contained the typed copy for my new advertisement, already lodged in the latest issue of the actors' trade magazine Gaiety. "Why not?" I responded with a forced calm. "What's wrong with it?" I really did not need this on a Monday morning. "What's wr-! What's-!" Pierre's power of speech appeared to have temporarily deserted him as he choked on his own exasperation. "This advert! It's 3; it's 3;" "It's what?" I replied mildly, hoping my careless attitude might soothe Pierre's excited temper. It didn't. "It's positively obscene, that's what it is!" he shouted, sounding much like a grandmother upon inspecting her granddaughter's new bathing suit. Pierre strode up and down the sound stage in a fury, waving his arms and brandishing the sheet of paper like an indictment. I made his mood worse when I blithely admitted that the ad had already been placed in Gaiety. "You mean to tell me that they accepted this 3; this 3; pornography?!" he exclaimed dramatically. "Oh, come on, Pierre. Stop acting like a horrified maiden aunt and tell me honestly and plainly what you don't like about my copywriting," I sneered, getting tired of his theatrics. "All right, I will," he countered, flourishing my sheet of typescript to an imaginary audience. He began to read from the page:
Boys 9 to 12 years wanted for feature-length production, approx 15 weeks durationWell, I suppose that bit isn't too bad," he sniffed. "But what about this:
Prefer slim build, unbroken voices; acting experience not essentialIt reads like you're looking to populate a boy harem!" Pierre shrieked. "No it doesn't," I drawled dismissively. "Those are stock standard phrases, readily found in other Gaiety adverts." Pierre was not mollified. "What about this then?
Must be open-minded and flexible in outlook; some incidental nudity may be required. Several principal roles available.You might as well say we're filming a skin flick full of little boys!" Pierre groaned. My associate producer's negative attitude was beginning to try my patience. "Look, Pierre, every single word in that advertisement was cleared by our lawyers. Now, I admit, the way you read it out made it sound like there was more to it than I put into it, but I'd rather tell all the aspirants up front what we can expect from them. Better for them to know before they audition, than for us to find out three weeks into shooting that the boy won't bare his bottom on film." "It's a bit more than a bare bottom, isn't it?" Pierre simpered. "A flash of boy butt I could cope with. But I seem to recall from reading your script outline that there's also a skinny dipping scene, a bedroom scene, a spanking scene, a bathroom scene for goodness' sake, some ball grabbing and oh, yes, let's not forget the boy-on-boy kissing. How much of this movie do you think will be left after the MPAA get done making their suggested cuts to get a 'Suitable for All Audiences' rating? Ten minutes? Or maybe just the credits?" I scowled at him. "Come off it, Pierre. You're making way too much of this. The advert was published in Gaiety today, I expect the portfolios to start rolling in as early as tomorrow. The keen ones will deliver them by hand or courier this afternoon." "And that's another thing," Pierre continued his rant, "why aren't we using a casting agency like we did on Island of Gold – the kids that Melstein Associates got for us did a fair job on that, didn't they? Why do we have to reinvent the wheel on this one?" "Agencies are fine, and Melstein's one of the better ones, but when you use an agency you only get the kids that are registered with that agency," I reasoned. "Maybe if I was pressed for time, I'd use Melstein again. But for this project, I wanted to cast the net a bit wider, maybe get a few boys that aren't already convinced they're the next Culkin." "Who's going to weed through the portfolios – assuming we get any?" Pierre scoffed. "You?" "Why not me?" I argued haughtily. "Maybe if none of my movies go down in history, at least I might find lasting fame as the director who discovered the next James Dean. Besides, it might do me good to take more control over the process, get a strong grip on the project from the outset. I say 'bring 'em on!'" "Bring on a migraine, more like," Pierre muttered. He would have continued his tirade, I have no doubt, but just then my secretary buzzed with an announcement. "Courier's here, Mr Howerd. Looks like about twenty parcels," her nasal voice sounded over the speaker. "Thank you Miss Hatherway, I'll be right there," I yelled towards the squawk box. I stood up and gave Pierre my brightest smile. "Time to earn a crust," I joked weakly. "An early grave, Don, is where you're sending me. Early!" Pierre added, stalking back to his own office. *** The lines at the bottom of my advertisement in Gaiety that my longtime friend and colleague Pierre omitted to mention were
Apply in writing to Don Howerd, Ganymede Productions. Include colour headshots and full body (bathing suit), brief resume, no portfolios returned. That put the obligation on the child actor (or more usually, his mother) to send me the most daring photo they could, knowing that they were not going to get it back. Some movie moms were known to send pictures of their sons fully naked, little cocks rampantly erect, in the hope that their precious offspring might be able to fuck their way to a starring role, followed by a glittering career. The advantage of not sending portfolios back (apart from saving on postage) was that I could simply deny that I ever received any pornographic photos. As a result, I had amassed quite a collection of candid snapshots, carefully stored in my trusty floor safe at home, to keep me amused in my old age. But my dotage had not quite arrived as yet, and now I had nineteen express delivery parcels awaiting my attention. No doubt they were all in response to the Gaiety advert – movie moms were nothing if not quick off the mark. I sorted the stack of parcels into 'thick' and 'thin' piles. I started on the 'thin' pile first. I guessed that it might contain portfolios of newcomers to the acting game, boys who might not have been around long enough to accumulate large volumes of photos of their acting credits. The first parcel contained a folder from a ten-year-old, Sunshine Matthews. Honestly, what sort of a life would parents condemn a boy to, calling him 'Sunshine'? Might as well have named him 'Punchme'. Sunshine's headshot showed him to be a curly-headed blond (what a surprise) with blue eyes and plenty of well-tended teeth. Sunshine had two years of dance under his belt, and one year of acting class, which had resulted in precisely no actual acting jobs to date. He had received a few assignments for catalogue modelling, but no genuine time in front of a movie camera as yet. He looked very innocent to my jaded eyes, and he had full, sensuous lips, so I put him in the 'maybe' pile. Who knows, he might have an undiscovered talent for dick sucking. The next two boys were too old for the parts I had in mind – one had the shadow of a moustache on his upper lip for god's sake, and the other sported a prominent Adams' apple. Obviously their parents were clutching at straws. If a boy hasn't got a speaking part before his first shave, he's got no chance as a child actor. The fourth portfolio made me stop and take notice. Taren Jamieson's declared age was thirteen, but he could have passed for a ten year old. Seven photos were supplied, along with the written bio. Five of the pictures were standard headshots and casual beach wear, but the last two were keepers. The first showed Taren stretched out face down on a white bedsheet (on a double bed – probably his parents') wearing a French style pair of pale yellow Speedos. His right hand was dragging one side of the bathing suit down to expose a nice portion of buttcheek, and his face was turned to the camera with what I can only describe as a "Please lie down here right now and fuck the daylights out of me" look. The final picture completed the sell job the photos were obviously designed to achieve. It showed Taren standing at a window, silhouetted by the daylight pouring in. He was leaning on the windowsill, slightly bent forward, looking towards the sunlit outdoors. He wore an oversize sleeveless t-shirt which reached to mid-thigh, with big droopy armholes, and apparently, nothing else. The light had the clever (and quite erotic) effect of turning the garment almost transparent. The cleft of his bottom was clearly visible, as was the side of one large brown nipple. He might as well have had a speech balloon coming out of his mouth saying "I wish someone would sneak up behind me and lift the hem of this shirt and ream my little ass for me." Taren's portfolio went onto the 'definite' pile. The next eight parcels contained unremarkable collections of prosaic snapshots and humdrum resumes, none of them worth a second glance. They were all tossed onto the 'unlikely' pile. I wasn't really sure what I was looking for, but I was confident that I'd recognise it when I saw it. And I was pretty sure I saw it when I opened the folder belonging to Ryder MacLane. (Honest to god, the kid's name is Ryder. How I long for a few good old Jimmys and Franks and Joes – I am so thoroughly sick of Dakotas and Rivers and even Macaulays). Ryder was eleven years old, had never taken an acting lesson or a dance or voice class in his young life, and only supplied four photos, along with a brief handwritten note. The photos were enticing enough: Ryder barechested, in very short cutoff jeans and riding a horse; a head-and shoulders showing Ryder leaning on a football goalpost showing his smooth underarms; a full-length swimsuit shot from behind, Ryder's dark blonde hair plastered to his head, boardshorts fashionably low on the hip with about two inches [5 cm] of crack showing; and finally a full-length frontal with Ryder wearing only blue satin boxers and drinking a glass of milk, some of which had spilled onto his bare chest and dribbled down to his innie navel. But it was the note that got Ryder into the 'definite' pile: it was a masterpiece of innuendo. Written in an adult's hand, it made me salivate like a horny hounddog:
Ryder is available anytime for you. He is very responsive and is quick to grasp most anything! He would love to be under the Director of Island of Gold, and learn all the ins and outs. He is a hard worker, and he can bone up all night if need be. I'm sure he can pull it off if he wants to, he just needs the right person to take him in hand. Feel free to use him in any position you want as he is very accommodating and flexible. It was signed C MacLane (Mrs). I fought off the desire to find a box of tissues immediately and relieve myself, placing Ryder's folder on top of the 'definite' pile. I made a silent promise to my dick that it would soon be thrusting up Ryder's bottom, so it should let me get on with my work, and it grudgingly conceded. The 'thick' pile beckoned. A thick folder tended to indicate that the boy had already acted or modelled in some movie or magazine or catalogue, and his doting mother made sure every single camera angle was included in her son's portfolio. Next time I'll put something in the advert like "Put your six best photos on the top of the folder – all others will be disregarded," but it probably won't save any trees. First on the thick pile was a boy of mixed parentage. He was definitely cute, and judging by his resume he was also talented and experienced, but I didn't want to confuse the messages in my film by adding any element of race. So, into the discard pile you go, Nguyen. Following him into the discards was a boy whose mother clearly did not read the section of my advert that said "prefer slim build." Did she not realise that 'prefer' means 'must have'? Am I filming a remake of Laurel and Hardy meet Fat Boy Slim here? Hello? I skimmed through the rest of the stack with little interest. I really did not want a boy who had picked up bad acting habits from earlier assignments, even if they were only K-Mart catalogues. "Miss Hatherway?" I buzzed my secretary. "Can you contact the mothers of the boys whose folders are in my blue tray please? Set up a time on Friday morning, both boys at once is fine, I'm taking the afternoon off, maybe going to the health club. See you in the a.m." *** Tuesday morning's mail was, as I predicted, full of parcels from eager young hopefuls attracted by my advert in Gaiety. Most of these would find their way into the discard pile by this afternoon, but I diligently looked at every one. I was hoping that some screen mothers took the phrase from my advert seriously about 'some incidental nudity', and included a nude study or two or their sons. I was not disappointed. The very first parcel was bulky and irregularly shaped because it included a VHS tape, unlabelled, which I slipped into the VCR, my curiosity having gotten the better of me. Immediately, a boy's face filled the screen, as though he was standing only a few inches from the camera. "Hi!" the head said cheerfully, showing a big toothy grin. "My name's Eben, an' I wanna be an actor! Come see my room!" The shirtless body of Eben took off up the stairs of a comfortable-looking suburban house, with the cameraman (who might have been Mom or a friend) struggling to keep up. "Here's my room!" Eben declared rather unnecessarily, a little out of breath. "That's my dog Jack," he explained, pointing to a Jack Russell terrier lying on the bed. It was a typical preteen boy's sanctuary, model planes hanging from the ceiling on fishing line, oversized posters of popular musicians on the wall (I was surprised to see Michael Jackson among them), homework-related clutter all over a desk, clothes piled up on top of a chest of drawers, a bookshelf with DVDs of the Harry Potter and Simpsons series stacked alongside a pile of DC and Marvel comics. The camera panned all around the room while Eben jumped on the bed and wrestled with Jack the dog. Eben then jumped up and yelled "Let's go outside, I wanna swim!" The boy pushed past the camera operator, bumping his or her arm so that the picture jolted before focussing on Eben hurtling down the same staircase and through an open glass double door onto a sheltered patio. "That's our pool! Neat, ain't it!" the boy declared, pointing to a kidney-shaped in-ground model. With that, he skinned down his shorts to reveal no underclothes but an all-over tan (his back still to the camera) and raced over the small lawn to leap into the cool water. Turning to face the camera, armpit deep in the now disturbed water, he yelled "We're nudists! Mom's nude too but she's got the camera! Hi Mom!" A blurry hand appeared briefly waving in front of the lens, presumably Mom's, as Eben thrashed about like a drowning man in the pool. "I loved Island of Gold I seen it four times!" Eben yelled to the camera. "I woulda liked to play Jamie in that. Sometimes me an' my friend Chris act out the movie. I play Jamie an' he plays Captain Rogers! Hope I get an audition! Bye!" The movie faded to black with Eben enthusiastically waving and jumping about in the water. Now, normally I frown on this kind of blatant toadying. And by 'frown' I mean it earns its author a quick trip to the discard pile. But a nudist boy (complete with nudist Mom) opened up some interesting possibilities. The role from Island of Gold (an earlier film of mine, for those who aren't following the story) that Eben referred to was that of the principal child actor, Jamie Farrows. Imagine Lord of the Flies, plus a healthy dash of Peter Pan, if it had been written by Robert Louis Stephenson, and you get the flavour of it. Captain Rogers is the bad guy who falsely befriends young Jamie in an attempt to steal the eponymous gold for himself, but Jamie outsmarts him (of course). Toadying notwithstanding, Eben did earn some credit for researching my earlier work (and for having a cute build). I placed his tape back into his envelope and put it into the blue tray, for Miss Hatherway to phone later. Before I could pick up the next envelope, Pierre breezed into my office. He grimaced at the stack of mail, and couldn't resist aiming a barb at me. "Today's batch of Shirley Temples?" he sneered, hoping to imply something about the sexuality of any boy who would answer my advert. He was a fine one to talk, having lived in a stable relationship with a man his own age for the last eight years. I was an equal opportunity employer – I didn't care who my employees and work colleagues slept with, as long as they accorded me the same freedom and privacy. "Some of them look pretty good," I countered. "I'll keep an eye out for a boy with a rich widowed mother for you, if you like?" "Ha 3; ha 3; ha," he drawled sardonically. "I suppose you'd better tell me the big secret then, if I'm going to be of any use at all around here." Pierre referred to my habit of keeping the script (which I usually wrote myself) close to my chest until shooting was about to begin. I had an irrational fear that someday I would wake up to find that some other director had already filmed my movie. "Remember that 90's flick Milk Money – about a couple of horny preteen boys who save up their pocket money so they can get a hooker to put on a strip show for them? Only the hooker ends up falling for the father of one of the boys?" I began. Pierre put on his painful 'I'm thinking' look. "Sounds vaguely familiar. Ed Harris played the dad?" "That's the one!" I agreed, glad that my colleague at least knew what I was talking about. "I take a similar starting point. Only in my movie, the boys discover the father's gay porno stash, and, this being the 21st century and everyone is open-minded, they decide to fix up dad with a nice boyfriend. Only the boyfriend prefers them a bit younger, and falls for sonny boy instead." "Jesus H Krishna!" exploded Pierre. "Now I know why you wouldn't let me see the whole script sooner! Is there anything else, or is that the worst of it?" I regarded him disdainfully. "There's a couple of subplots. A neighbour boy has a crush on the son 3; and when the two boys find the porno stash, they 3; er, fool around a bit 3; oh, and a local councilman is trying to get the dad kicked off the school board, so the son, er, seduces and then blackmails him." I said the last part in a rush to get it all out before Pierre interrupted me with another cartoonish expletive. "You can't have kids deliberately using their sexuality as a weapon against adults. You just can't. No way will we be able to screen this anywhere in this country, even if you were able to finish it," Pierre warned. "There are some precedents. What about The Crush? A fourteen year old chick steals an older guy's used condom out of the garbage can and smears his jizz on her gash, then goes crying to the cops that she's been raped. Poor bastard doesn't have a leg to stand on," I recounted. "At least that's female/male blackmail. Anyone could understand that. You're talking about a boy, a preteen boy, having sex with an adult male so he can threaten to expose him or else. It'll put ideas into a million young heads!" Pierre complained. I was not about to be swayed. "So, maybe we won't screen it in this country. Europe has been making movies like this for decades. No-one over there gives a hoot if they see some little kid's dick hanging out. Look at Barnens Ouml; – it's got an eleven year old boy's stiffie in full view! And another boy boner pops up in that Italian/French flick '1900'! And those are just the mainstream movies – I could name a hundred more." Pierre's reply dripped with scorn. "So, you plan to make a European style coming of age slash comedy of manners type film, using American actors speaking with American accents, and then sell it to Europe? Why should they buy it? And who have you got lined up to play the father, anyway? Oh, no, don't tell me – oh god – you wouldn't dare – !" Pierre gasped, realisation dawning on him. "Why shouldn't I?" I demanded. "I know the role backwards, because I wrote it. I have a natural rapport with boys. And, it will save the company money. Eastwood does it all the time. So does DeNiro." "Maybe, but the good directors never appear in front of the camera," Pierre sniffed. "What about Hitchcock?" I parried, sending Pierre off in a huff. He hated having his idols used in evidence against him. I continued working my way through the stack. I was sure Pierre would come around; he usually did. Three more applicants made it into the blue tray. Much to my delight, one of them did provide a side-on nude shot showing the boy, in silhouette, with a straight-arrow boner. It was quite artistic, really, although you've never see it in any art gallery in this country. Thank god for digital cameras and home printers. *** Now that I had begun, I was anxious to start auditioning the boys, even though more applications might come in tomorrow's mail. I was impatient to get something happening, some chemistry to inspire me, and hopefully, some boy sex. "Miss Hatherway," I buzzed, "One of this yesterday's applicants, a Chayse Matherson, did you get a contact number for him? Good. Call his mother, see if they want to come in this morning, around 10 will be fine. Thank you." Chayse (I cringed every time I saw it written down) was twelve, blond, and had a background in gym and dance, but no prior acting nor modelling. His photos showed a lithe boy in a leotard, a happy boy wrestling with his dog in a suburban back yard, a studious boy in a Halloween Harry Potter costume, and finally a beach shot of the boy running through shallow water with the aforementioned dog. Miss Hatherway buzzed me back. "Mrs Matherson and Chayse will be here in twenty minutes, Mr Howerd." "Thank you Miss Hatherway," I responded politely. I paced up and down my converted warehouse/studio while awaiting the boy and his Mom. The spider waiting for the fly. I had a sudden inspiration and scurried to the Properties (props) room. In addition to a sound stage and a couple of offices, my revamped warehouse has all the necessary doings for a small budget production. If I need interiors (realistic-looking insides of homes) I just get a month's lease of one of the dozens of vacant mansions around the City. I laid out a couple of boy-sized leotards on the costumes bench and returned to my office just in time to greet Mrs Matherson and her son Chayse, who were being ushered in by Miss Hatherway. "Welcome, and thanks for coming in so soon," I greeted them effusively. "Miss Hatherway, please draw up a cheque on the Number 3 account for five hundred dollars for Mrs Matherson's travelling expenses this morning. Then can you prepare the paperwork for the release and confidentiality agreements, please?" She nodded and turned to go as Mrs Matherson protested feebly about being paid. "Not at all," I reassured her. "I don't believe a young aspiring actor's family should have to be out of pocket just because a director calls him in for an audition. Just don't expect every studio to do it, that's all," I added jokingly, and she enjoyed a laugh along with me. Now that I had relaxed Mrs Matherson a little, I took the opportunity to cast an appraising eye over Chayse. The boy was turned out like a junior version of a successful business exec on his day off: beige sports jacket over pastel polo shirt, light grey slacks, black leather shoes. Just as I had hoped. I invited Mrs Matherson and Chayse to follow me out of my office and into the body of the warehouse, where I had a few comfy chairs, a coffee machine and a mini-bar. "By the way, did my secretary mention to you that I wanted Chayse to show me some movement this morning?" I asked Mrs Matherson innocently. Of course I had told Miss Hatherway no such thing. "I'm guessing she didn't, judging by the way he's dressed. It seems a pity for you both to have come here but not be able to show me what Chayse is capable of." I paused for a moment to allow Mrs Matherson to begin the inevitable profuse apology, then interrupted her with my 'sudden inspiration'. "Wait a minute – maybe we can work something out," I suggested, offering the desperate Mrs Matherson a lifeline. "I'm sure you'll find something more suitable for Chayse to wear in our props room! It's at the other end of the building, you can't miss it. Meanwhile, I'll go see what's holding up that paperwork." With that, the grateful movie mom hustled her son down to the properties room while I made small talk with Miss Hatherway. I suppose I could have set up a hidden camera, or a two-way mirror to watch the boy undress, but I have found that playing it cool gets the best results. Mrs Matherson practically pushed Chayse at me when they returned after a few minutes. It was clear that she found the leotard I purposely left out, and had made Chayse change into it. It was cut in a boy's style, armless but with ankle length legs, in a metallic silvery colour rather like a cross between a pair of biballs and a tight space suit. Very light material, clingy, and so thin that I could immediately see that there were no tell-tale underwear seams showing through. Hmm – I wondered was that Chayse's idea, or his Mom's, to leave off his undies. I felt a momentary pang of regret that I had not set up that hidden camera. "Ah, yes, that's much better," I congratulated them. I waved Mrs Matherson into a chair and offered her the coffee machine or the mini-bar (she took the latter), then asked Chayse to walk up and down like a catwalk model for me. He aimed a quizzical look at his mother, who was sipping a rum and coke, then began a rather effeminate sashay up and down in front of me, arms akimbo. "Now with your hands on your head, please Chayse," I called out, and the boy dutifully put both hands up, making the swivel of his slim hips even more pronounced. I could see a small bump, like a pubescent girl's nipple, pushing out the crotch of the leotard about an inch [2½ cm], making me keen to give it a grope. "Okay, Chayse, just step over to the foam pit and stand with your back to it. When I tell you, fall back into the pit like a statue toppling over," I instructed. The foam pit was one of my favourite installations in the warehouse. A pool of water was too high-maintenance, so I use a sunken pit about 6 feet deep and full of blocks of foam rubber, much as you might find at an indoor athletics venue. Most boys find it a heap of fun, and you don't get wet or injured. Chayse obliged, even adding a salute as he keeled over into the blocks of soft rubber. Mrs Matherson meanwhile helped herself to another drink. Time for me to get some action. I walked over to the pit and helped pull Chayse out by the hand. "Looking good so far, Chayse," I complimented him. His shy smile showed he was loosening up a little. "This time, I'm going to throw you into the pit, but half way, in mid-air, I want you to yell out and wave to your mother. Okay?" He nodded his understanding, so without waiting, I positioned him alongside the pit, slipped my hand between his legs from behind, and lifted him up, tossing him into the foam rubber. The surprised look on his face as I grasped his crotch through the thin material of the leotard was priceless, but he was enough of a trouper to do as I asked, and yelled "Hi Mom!" before gravity took over and he flopped into the foam. Mrs Matherson gave a confused half-smile in response, preoccupied as she was with her third rum and coke. I assisted Chayse out of the foam pit again, and led him by the hand to where his mother was seated. "Doing well, Chayse," I commented. "Now I want you to imagine you are a snake, and slither all over this seat next to your mother." Chayse's response was to look confused, first at me, then at his befuddled Mom. "First thing to remember in this business, Chayse, and I'm sure your mother will back me up here, is that an actor always does what his Director tells him," I advised him sternly. " 'Sright, Chayse. Do what th' d'rector sez," his mother slurred. Chayse gave a little shrug of the shoulders, and began slithering. Every edge and corner on the chair rubbed his little crotch, making his little protrusion show out a little more each time. Time to cop another feel. "Okay, Chayse. I'm going to carry you to the pit, and throw you in. On the way, I want you to imagine I'm a giant, tossing you off a cliff, so I want whimpering and struggling, but not too much, since you realise your position is hopeless." Right in front of his mother, I lifted Chayse up in the crotch grip again, his stiff little tool now between my fingers, and carried him slowly to the pit. His squirming was half-hearted, as I requested, and only served to grind his little package into my palm. To reinforce the lesson about actors following directions, I set him on his feet and flexed my hand as though it was sore from the effort. Chayse stood waiting submissively for me to pick him up again, which I did, trapping his skinny, stiff prick between my fingers and holding it there for a few seconds before heaving the wriggling lad into the pit. He had the presence of mind to give a convincing, but short, wail. I gave the boy a hand out of the pit again, then led him again to where his increasingly besotted mother was seated. Positioning him with his back to his mother (so I alone could feast on the sight of his stiffy pushing out the front of the silver leotard), I suggested he sing me a song. "If you can't think of any, just sing The Star Spangled Banner – every boy knows that one," I added. Obviously unused to singing in front of strangers, Chayse blushed a pretty shade of pink, but bravely stood to attention, cleared his throat and began a shaky, high-pitched warble. I felt sorry for him by the time the twilight had gleamed its last, and motioned for him to stop. Relieved, his hands drifted to cover his crotch, a posture I wanted to prevent. "Okay, Chayse, I want you to put your hands up to your shoulders and hug yourself. Imagine you are kissing a supermodel. Eyes shut, I want to see passion in your face." Embarrassed again, the boy flushed brightly but did as he was bid, caressing his shoulders and forearms while puckering his lips and kissing the air. His boy boner pointed straight at me. When his hands reached his waist, I stopped him. Mrs Matherson was staring, glassy eyed, at the ceiling. Time to pick up the pace, I thought. "Mrs Matherson, does Chayse have any scars I should know about? You will recall the advert mentioned incidental nudity. Tasteful, of course," I hastened to add. "Shcars?" the boy's mom slurred. "He got his 'pendix out two years back. I guess that left a scar. Show Mr Howerd yer 'pendix scar, Chaysey," she ordered. The poor boy gave her a pained look but complied, slipping the right shoulder strap of the leotard off, and pulling his elbow out to lower the right side of the shiny suit down far enough to expose his appendix scar. Unfortunately for the boy's modesty, the material of the garment did not stretch far enough to allow it, so I beckoned him to come closer. When he was within reach, I slipped the left shoulder strap off, pulling the whole garment down to his waist. Chayse made a feeble grab for the material, but I was faster. Pulling the leotard down past his bony hips, I gathered it to just above his crotch. There was the scar, just above his right groin, barely visible. "Ah, yes, that will be no problem," I smiled at him. The material of the leotard was now bunched all around Chayse's lower belly, giving him the relief of concealment. But not for long. Before he could pull the straps back into place, I innocently asked his mother "No scars or blemishes on his bottom?" She just waved a hand, so I pulled the flimsy garment down to mid-thigh, making Chayse gasp. His little pecker turned out to be circumcised, a fact which I had suspected from my earlier observations. His hairless scrotum was tight against his body, balls barely discernable. Chayse's embarrassment did not extend to his little cock, which stiffened under my attention, bouncing up proudly as I held the boy's hips, swivelling him around to check his bottom for any unsightly markings (not that I cared). "Might as well check his thighs and legs while I'm here," I remarked to his mother, who gave an I-could-care-less toss of her head. "Boys are always skinning their knees, aren't they," I chatted conversationally to Mrs Matherson as I pulled her son's borrowed garment all the way down to his ankles. He tried to cover his little package with one hand, so I pulled both his hands away from his body and continued my conversation with his mother. "I see you've had Chayse circumcised," I observed, making it clear to both of them exactly where I was looking. "Doctor did a fine job, too, from what I can see," I added, to rub it in. "Did it in hoshpital, er, hospital, when he was born," Mrs Matherson slurred. "Easier t'keep clean." "Yes, you're right, Mrs Matherson. And they don't feel it so much when they're babies, either, do they," I concurred, fondling the exposed knob of Chayse's little pecker. He still had his back to his mother so she could not quite see what I was doing. I pushed a little further. "And Chayse's balls haven't dropped yet, that's a good thing," I enthused, tweaking the boy's scrotum as I did so. "It means his voice won't be breaking for some time yet. Nearly ruined the first Potter movie, you know," I whispered to Mrs Matherson confidentially, still groping Chayse's package like a greengrocer feeling a tomato. Her eyebrows raised with interest, keen to hear some insider gossip. "Oh, yes, when Dan Radcliffe's voice broke three weeks into shooting they nearly canned the whole thing. Just between us," I leaned in towards her, lowering my voice (but still rubbing Chayse's tool) "Dan was very good **off-camera**, if you know what I mean." Mrs Matherson sniggered, then fell back in the chair grinning widely. I decided it was time to raise the stakes. "Well, I've seen all I need today, thanks both of you for coming along. No, it's alright Mrs Matherson, I'll take Chayse down to the props room to get him dressed, you just stay right there," I added, as Mrs Matherson made a feeble attempt to get out of the deep-cushioned chair. I slipped the leotards off Chayse's ankles, then took his hand, walking the naked boy back to the properties room. Chayse's clothes were laid carefully on the bench where I had put the leotards, but there was no sign of underwear. "Where's your undies, Chayse?, I asked, releasing his hand. "Mother put them in her handbag," he replied, reaching for his trousers. That confirmed my decision to proceed. I put my hand on his arm to stop him from picking up his slacks, then sat in an old armchair. "Would you like to give me a blowjob?" I asked conversationally, as though it were the most natural thing in the world. Chayse's neck and face flushed pink, and he scowled at me. "I'm going to tell my Mother what you just said," he declared in a low growl, starting for the door. When he reached for the handle, I played all my cards. "Sure, tell your mother if you like. It will be your word against mine. But ask yourself this: what do you think she'll say? What did she say when I put my hand between your legs and carried you to the pit? What did she say when I pulled down your leotard to look at your bottom? Did she tell me to stop when I touched your balls and cock? Right in front of her? Have you had enough time to think about why she made you take off your undies before putting on that leotard? And which do you think she'd expect you to do? Give up a promising acting career before it starts by being a tattle-tale? Or would she say 'It's no big deal, just suck some dick Chayse' ? You know her better than I do, Chayse. And you can bet no studio is going to want a tattle-tale 3; a crybaby 3; a squealer, a boy who runs to Mommy every time some director asks for a little head. It's only sex, after all, I'm not asking for a lifetime commitment here. Who knows, you might like it. And if you do me, I'll do you! right back. Whattaya say?" Chayse's dick, which had softened on our walk to the props room, answered for him. On hearing I would blow him back, it pumped up to its full length of nearly three inches [7½ cm] in a couple of seconds. Still scowling, but now with shoulders slumped in resignation, Chayse walked away from the door and back to me. He knelt on the floor between my knees, frowning furiously. "Now remember Chayse, don't do this unless you want to. I bet there's plenty of boys in this town wanting to become actors, who would blow me willingly. So I don't want a half-hearted effort. Remember where you Mother put your undies – she wouldn't have done that unless she had a pretty good idea of what we were going to be doing in here, would she?" Actually I had not a clue why Mrs Matherson put the undies in her bag – but I was betting Chayse didn't either. I pulled my sweats down in the front to release my dick. With one last look at me, Chayse opened his lips and bowed his head down to swallow my knob. I must say, there are few better sights in the world than the top of a boy's blond head bobbing up and down in one's lap. I think this was Chayse's first time, with a grown-up anyway, judging from his amateurish performance. But it was pleasurable enough for me, and hey, we could work on it. After only a couple of minutes I lifted his head up carefully with my hands under his jaw and told him I was going to cum. "I'll be shooting my jizz soon Chayse, so swallow it all down, that way we won't make a mess," I lectured him calmly, before lowering his head back down. Ten seconds later I bucked my loins upwards and squirted into Chayse's mouth. He obediently swallowed, licking around my knob to get the last drops, then stood up. I was delighted to see his boner still rigid. "Good boy," I praised him. "That wasn't so bad, was it? Not the end of the world, eh?" I chided. He blushed again as I said "Now your turn. Take my place," I explained as I got out of the chair and swung Chayse's skinny body into it. I pulled his legs forward so he was slumped down in the large armchair, then without fanfare I engulfed his pencil-sized dick in my mouth. Chayse jerked on first contact, then sighed deeply as I settled in, tonguing and bobbing. Without breaking my rhythm, I eased my hands under his bottom, which was hanging half over the edge of the chair, and lifted it upwards slightly in time with my sucking. Chayse's hips soon got the message, first flexing, then pumping, then bouncing on my hands until the boy arched his back and stifled a groan, his cock drumming against my swirling tongue. I let his buttcheeks down slowly back to the cushion, then helped the boy to his feet. Unexpectedly, Chayse stood up on the armchair's seat and threw his arms around my neck and hugged me, sobbing a little into my neck. "Hey, it's okay, Chayse, I like you too," I comforted him. "You'll have plenty of chances for sex, with me, and with boys your own age, if you continue in this business. Enjoy it while you can." I gave him a peck on the cheek, my hands cupping his bottom. He pecked me back with a shy smile, then hopped down off the chair and grabbed his slacks, quickly dressing while I watched, smiling encouragement. We walked back to Mrs Matherson together, who looked blankly at us as though we had never left. "Chayse is all set now, Mrs Matherson," I assured her jovially. "Here's my card, with my home address and phone number on it, Chayse can call me if he wants to learn more about the business. Meanwhile, my secretary will be in touch with you when filming starts. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to find a part for Chayse." " 'Swunnerful news, juss wunnerful," Mrs Matherson slurred as she rose unsteadily to her feet. Chayse smiled ruefully at me as he helped his mother to the door. Just before it shut on the pair, Chayse blew me a silent kiss. I smiled back, hoping that I would hear from him soon. *** Combining the roles of producer and director makes for a busy week. The days just fly by. Before I knew it, Friday was upon me, which meant three more boys to audition: Taren, Ryder and Sunshine. They all arrived before the set time, which meant that my modest foyer, where Miss Hatherway ruled, was filled with three boys and three screen Moms well before the ten o'clock audition time. I wandered out a minute before ten a.m., saw the expectant faces and invited them all through. "Greetings one and all!" I declared, trying to win them over with my charm. "Please, ladies, find seats; boys, to one side please, you won't have time to sit down." One of the mothers chuckled a little at this, which encouraged me to continue. "Coffee machine to your left, ladies, mini-bar on your right. Please help yourselves, but no alcohol for the minors, I beg you!" That got another chuckle. "First of all, thank you all for coming along today, I know that everything is always busy, busy, busy when you have a son who wants to act." I stepped over to the door and called out "Miss Hatherway, please cut three cheques for travel expenses for Mrs Matthews, Mrs Jamieson and Mrs MacLane, five hundred dollars each, thank you." The ladies looked at each other to try to decide who was going to argue with me, but none of them did. They all smiled, though, maybe imagining what they would do with their windfall. The boys stood patiently off to one side, not speaking to each other. Time to remedy that. "Okay, gentlemen, your hour has come," I addressed the boys. "The purpose of this audition is so I can find out if you have the right stuff for my movie. I'll be asking you to do a variety of things, and I expect instant compliance. Your mothers will be sitting in these chairs, watching all of you, as will I. Some of the things I will ask you to do relate to the movie, and some are just so I can see what you're capable of. None of the roles has been definitely cast as yet, so you're all in with a chance. It's up to you, what you make of it." Not quite the Gettysburg address, but it would have to suffice. I summoned up my courage, addressing the mothers as much as the boys. "To begin – the first pivotal scene in my movie involves a kiss between two boys." Two of the mothers shifted uncomfortably in their chairs, as I continued. "Now I appreciate some of you boys might find this a bit confronting, but I'm asking you to think about your craft. Heath Ledger kissed a guy in Brokeback Mountain, and the universe didn't collapse. No-one in the business thinks any the less of Heath because of it. So I want you boys to forget any schoolyard nonsense about 'gayness', and think about 'gay-ning' a part in this movie. First, can I have Ryder and Taren." The two nominated boys shuffled forward, sneaking a glance at each other as they did so. "Good. Now I know it's hard to relax when you have to kiss another guy, so I'll try to make it as painless as I can. Ryder, put your hands on Taren's shoulders, and give him a peck on the cheek, please." Without a glance at his mother, Ryder did exactly as I asked, bussing Taren's face and smiling at his mother afterwards. "Well, now" I exhaled with relief, "the world didn't come to an end, did it?" Nervous chuckles from the mothers, and the boys relaxed a little. "This time, I want Taren to kiss Sunny. On the lips, please Taren, but you don't have to prolong it. Just a brush of the lips will be fine. See how you go." I didn't want to expose Sunshine to ridicule by saying his full name, so I abbreviated it in the hope that the other boys wouldn't pick up on the unusual forename. Taren didn't let me down, giving Sunshine a little hug and rubbing lips with him for half a second. "You're doing great boys, well done so far. Ladies, did I mention the coffee bar and the mini-bar?All of the drinks are complementary, the company pays for it in some kind of complicated tax dodge that I don't quite understand, so don't feel you are robbing me. Tuck in." A giggle from the mothers as they stirred themselves out of their seats to get their drinks. They had obviously decided that nothing inappropriate was going to happen while they were present, so they lowered their collective guard. Leaving me my opening. "Great stuff so far boys. Sunny, I think it's your turn, but before you do, I'd like you all to take off your shirts. In the actual scene, the two boys are in their bathing costumes. Is that alright with you ladies?" I enquired, turning towards the three mothers. Mrs MacLane was helping herself to a whiskey and soda, and assumed the role of spokesperson for the group. "Sure, why not," she asserted. "Ryder never wears a shirt around the house. And they're only boys, what harm can it do?" "Okay, shirts off, fellas, Sunny, I want you to give Ryder a smooch on the lips, only this time, when your lips touch, I want you to hold that position until I say 'Cut!', okay?" Sunshine and Ryder both nodded, Ryder's dark blond hair shaking like a lion's mane as he did so. That sight put some lead in my pencil, I can tell you. "Ready fellas? 3; and 3; Action!" I directed. The two boys embraced, lips lightly touching. Ryder was a few inches taller than Sunshine, so he had to bend his neck a little to put their lips on a level. The boys were holding on to each other's shoulders, so I stepped behind Sunshine and dropped Ryder's hands down to Sunshine's waist, then stood behind Ryder and did the same to Sunny's hands. "And 3; Cut! Well done, boys. Taren, I hope you were watching, because you're next with Ryder. This time, I want you close enough so your chests are touching, got it?" There was no real need to ask Taren if he was watching – his eyes were glued to the scene of two boys kissing like it was a pot of gold. I could hear the three mothers chattering a few feet behind me, all three talking at once as women are wont to do, so I thought it was time to get a little action for myself. "Sunny, come here, please. Stand on this box," I ordered, motioning toward a rigid plastic milk crate I had dragged over to the group of boys. "Now this kissing scene is vital to the whole movie. I have an idea in mind of how it should look. I'm going to demonstrate on Sunny how I want it to go, then you two should follow what I do. Got it?" Ryder shook that delicious mane of his, Taren also nodded, and before Sunny could object I wrapped my arms around him and plastered my lips onto his. My hands moved slowly up and down his back as I rubbed lips in a dry kiss with a surprised Sunshine. "Okay," I declared, releasing Sunny from my grip. He seemed a little reluctant to let me go, I might add. "Now you two try it." Taren and Ryder kissed with a modest improvement in passion on their previous effort. I broke them up after a minute of dry snogging and chaste groping. "Not too bad, boys, you're getting there. Taren, here to the box please. Ryder, you're with Sunny. This time I want eyes open and looking into each other's eyes. Remember, you're not kissing your mother here." All three boys made a nervous giggle at my feeble joke. I stepped up to Taren, who had already mounted the milk crate (a little eagerly, I thought), took the boy in my arms and joined my lips to his, pushing my tongue straight into his mouth. Taren's eyes flew open in shock, staring at me, so I stared right back, sloshing my tongue all over his teeth and gums, prodding at his smaller tongue and stroking his back, grazing over his jean-clad bottom a few times. Before Taren could regain his senses I reversed the suction to draw his little tongue into my mouth. His eyes, already wide, opened still further as I sucked and prodded his dainty tongue, swirling it around in my mouth. My wandering hands gave his bottom a gentle squeeze each time they passed, once even wandering into his denim-covered crack. Our lips parted with a small pop as I released the boy, who seemed to swoon for a moment, so I helped him off the milk crate. "Thank you Taren, very well done," I praised him. Sunshine and Ryder had finished their kiss, the mothers paying us no attention at all, so I led the boys over to the pit. "Now, boy, I want to see some throws. Has anyone seen a pit like this before?" "I have, Mr Howerd," piped up Taren. "It's used in gym, for soft landings." The boy smiled up at me, very anxious to please, it seemed. "Spot on, Taren. Would you like to show the other two boys how it work by jumping in?' I thought it an appropriate reward, and it wouldn't hurt to encourage friendly feelings in the boy. He grinned and threw himself into the foam rubber pieces, then climbed out of the pit, laughing. "Now boys, don't be embarrassed," I explained, "but I need to know if you are all wearing underpants. Doesn't matter what kind they are, boxers, briefs, coloured, white, I don't care. But the next activities are a bit vigourous, and I see two of you are wearing tailored slacks. They might not stand up to this treatment. If anyone isn't wearing any undies, no problem, I can get some shorts from the props room for you." "I got boxers," declared Ryder. "Me too, Mr Howerd," added Sunshine. "I've got briefs, Mr Howerd," chimed in Taren. "Excellent, lads. Run over to your mothers and slip your trousers off, fold them neatly, shoes and socks off too please, then back here on the double. Chop chop!" I ordered. The boys scampered to their Moms to follow my instructions and undress down to their undies. I did not detect any protests from the mothers, so to cap it off I called out to the seated women "Just a quick wardrobe change!" The ladies giggled, and as I had hoped, the mini-bar was doing its job. The three boys returned almost simultaneously, panting a little, ready for the pit. I smiled broadly at them, each boy now dressed in next to nothing. "Now that Taren has demonstrated how harmless – and fun – the pit is, I want to see each of you be thrown into it. I'll give you a bit of an idea of what I'm looking for 3; let's see 3; er, Taren, can you be my first model?" Dressed only in powder blue briefs with a white waistband, the boy eagerly ran to my side. Obviously, my kissing ability had won me a heart. "Very good. Now I'm going to lift you up and toss you into the pit, and I want you to make it as spectacular a dry splash as you can. Got it?" The boy nodded like a frisky puppy, standing with legs slightly apart so as to allow me to employ the 'crotch grip' once again. Taren felt somewhat underendowed in the genital department to my grasping hand as I hoisted him up to my waist, then hurled him into the foam rubber blocks. "Cowabunga!" the happy boy shrieked in his high voice as he sailed into the pit. The other two boys needed no further prompting, but they couldn't decide who would be the thrower and who the throwee. Ryder's more masculine build settled the matter as he lifted Sunshine with the same grip I had employed on Taren. The two boys clambered out, Sunshine immediately grabbing Ryder to get revenge for the first throw. Taren looked at me a little sheepishly, so I beckoned him over. "This time boys, try to lift like this," I demonstrated on Taren, taking hold of both his narrow hips like a ballet move and lifting him straight up before releasing him to gravity and the pit. Taren seemed a bit disappointed that I didn't grope him, so I decided to remedy that on the next throw. Sunshine and Ryder were roughly equally matched, so it probably helped matters that I stuck with Taren. "One more throw each, boys, we've got more activities to get through yet," I advised. I saw Ryder trying to climb onto Sunshine's shoulders to get more height into his jump, so I called Taren over again. "Looks like you and me, Taren. One last throw?" I asked, expecting him to comply. The boy grinned widely and stood in anticipation on the edge of the pit, legs quite spread apart. I approached him from behind and traced my fingertips down his back first, making him shudder. My other hand felt around his chest and tummy, as if to locate the ideal position for launching a throw. This time, instead of cupping my whole hand on his package, I just used four fingers. Twisting my thumb around, I lodged it right in the middle of Taren's crack, pressing on what I calculated was his hole. He gasped, so I pulled my hand away, but he frowned in dismay so I returned my hand to the same position, applying a little more pressure with my thumb. I could hear Taren's breath coming in little pants, so I picked him up and asked "Ready?" He nodded, waiting for the throw. "Are you sure you're ready?" I asked again, increasing the pressure of my thumb on his hole. He nodded again, so I gave an almighty heave and hoisted his body to sail into the pit. All the boys were starting to tire from the physical exertion (as was I), so I led them over to their mothers for a water break. As they sipped chilled water from little paper cups, I chatted to their mothers, making small talk, mostly about the movie industry. I brought up the subject of disfiguring scars, asking the group whether their boys were blemish-free in the areas presently covered by their undies, explaining myself by reminding them of the 'incidental nudity' clause in the Gaiety advert. Mrs MacLane surprised me by taking the initiative. "Ryder's got no scars, that I know of," she declared confidently. "Come over here, Ryder," she ordered her son, who stepped over to where we four adults were seated. "Turn around and drop your shorts, Ryder," she commanded, in a tone that left all of us in no doubt that she would be obeyed. Ryder turned and dutifully pulled his boxers down to his knees, showing two quite impressive pristine globes. "No scars there, Mrs MacLane, thanks for that," I remarked, mentally filing the sight of Ryder's bottom away for future reference. There followed an awkward pause of about a second and a half before Mrs Matthews called out a little more demurely "Sunshine! Come here please." Ryder and Taren looked at each other as though they weren't sure whether to burst out laughing or not, but I averted any possible faux pas by interjecting "We've been calling him Sunny, for short, I hope that's okay Mrs Matthews?" She nodded, taking hold of her son's hips and swivelling him around in front of her so that his back was towards her, then pulling his boxers down to mid thigh. Clearly, she didn't trust him to do it properly himself, a curious fact which I similarly filed away. Sunshine displayed a skinny, almost straight-sided bottom, not rounded like Ryder's, but still free from any disfigurement. After all the mothers and I had inspected Sunshine's derriere and declared it unscathed, Mrs Matthews pulled up his boxers and gave him a little slap on the bum to send him on his way. Taren surprised me for about the fourth time that day by obviating his mother's call, positioning himself in front of me, facing away, and telling his Mom "It's okay, Ma, I can do it." He pulled his blue briefs down to his knees and pushed his tiny bottom out towards my face. Unlike the posture adopted by the other two boys, Taren's exaggerated pose had the effect of spreading his cheeks a little, so that I could clearly discern a fading, pale yellow bruise radiating outwards from his hole, the unmistakeable sign of sexual activity. I reached out and turned Taren's hips a little so that the mothers could not see what I could see. "Looks fine, Taren," I assured him, slipping his undies back up his legs and giving him a pat on the bottom as I had just seen Mrs Matthews do. Mrs Jamieson gave me a little smile of thanks, leaving me with only one task – to tell the boys that they were all under active consideration for a role in the movie. Many smiles and much sighing with relief followed, I passed around my personal cards, the boys dressed themselves (except for Sunshine, whose mother helped him dress). I ushered the six of them out the door, my hand on Taren's shoulder as I did so. "Call me," I whispered to Taren just before the door shut on the chattering group. *** Pierre dropped in for a visit that afternoon. I sensed he had been waiting for me to get rid of the young starlets and their mother hens. "And do we have a title for this flick as yet? Or shall I wait to see it in lights?" he taunted. Honestly, if he wasn't the best associate producer I've ever known I would have kicked his ass out the door long ago, friendship or not. "I haven't decided yet. What do you think of Getting Evan With Dad – it's a pun on the Culkin/Danson movie? It could work, if the second lead's name is Evan," I suggested. Pierre sneered. "Maybe A Series Of Unfortunate Script Choices might be appropriate?" he simpered. "Come on now, Pierre, be positive. How about Marrying Dad? It's got the virtue of simplicity, and it's a bit intriguing as well." "Trying to attract the redneck audience now, are we? How about My Son The Matchmaker?" Pierre suggested, starting to get serious. "Not bad, not bad," I responded, "but it gives away too much in the title. We need something 3; enigmatic! What do you think of Misplaced Affections?" "Hmm. Sounds a bit girly. You might have a lot of twenty-something females turning up expecting a chick flick. Would they be in for a surprise!" Pierre noted. "No, I think if you're genuinely going after the 3; (ahem) alternative lifestyle demographic-" "You mean the gay audience?" I interrupted. "As I was saying, a film such as this maybe should have the word 'boy' in the title somewhere to tip everyone off that it's a 3; well, an avant-garde slice of modern mores," Pierre explained. "You mean it's a gay film so maybe it needs 3; er, a French title – like La Cage Aux Folles, or Ma Vie En Rose? Hmm. That might attract the indie crowd as well. It's got possibilities, Pierre, well done. Now I know why I keep you around," I smirked. "The French word for 'matchmaker' is 'le marieur'. How about we go with that for now? Until you come up with something better?" "As you wish, Don. It's your show," Pierre conceded, although I think he was secretly pleased by the French title. I cleared my desk and locked up the warehouse to head for my home in the hills. *** Toast and breakfast coffee were respectively burning and bubbling in my kitchen when the squawk box for my front gate sounded. Like most of the homes up here, mine had a strong set of security gates guarding a long driveway. Puzzled as to who on earth would be buzzing me at (I checked my watch) Ten After Eight! I pressed the answer button. "Yes?" "Mr Howerd? Is that Mr Howerd?" I heard a crackly female voice over the intercom. "Is that 3; Mrs Matherson?" I hazarded. "We're sorry to call so early, Mr Howerd," the scratchy voice of Chayse's mother continued, "but-" "It's all right, Mrs Matherson, come on up. The gate should be opening now," I cut in, not wanting her to have to explain herself while standing at my front gate. I opened my front door to greet her, only to find both Mrs Matherson and her son Chayse walking up my driveway. I guess I just assumed they would be in a car. "I left the cab 3; waiting outside 3; the gate, Mr Howerd," Mrs Matherson explained, out of breath from the walk up my drive. "I know it's short notice, but you did offer 3; Chayse wanted to visit you and discuss the movie 3; I hope we haven't been too presumptuous 3; the cabbie is going to take me to a medical appointment – it's nothing serious 3; I'll ring before I come back for Chayse 3; probably this afternoon, if that's alright?" I was flabbergasted. Mrs Matherson was willing to leave her son with me for most of the day? Chayse had already stepped inside the door, carrying a small valise, and had turned to farewell his Mom, who was already disappearing down the driveway. Bizarre. I turned to Chayse. "Well, lad, have you had breakfast yet?" He shook his head in the negative, so I led him to my kitchen, after closing the front door. The valise was a bit of a worry. I decided to let Chayse know where he stood from the outset. I sat on a kitchen stool and called Chayse to stand in front of me. "So, are you wearing underpants today, Chayse?" I enquired. He blushed and lowered his face. I lifted his chin so I could see his eyes. "No place for shyness here, Chayse. Say what you think. Did you want some breakfast, or would you rather have my cock in your mouth again?" I deliberately confronted him so he would be an active participant in whatever we might get up to, not a docile follower. Full of surprises, Chayse raised his chin off my hand and said "Both! But not at the same time!" Laughing, I hopped off the stool and warmly squeezed him in a quick hug. I lifted him onto the benchtop and leaned my face close to his, lightly kissing his cherry lips. "Okay, food first, then sex. Excellent," I declared, gathering the ingredients for a quick omelette. *** Mid-morning had come and gone before I was able to think rationally again. A naked Chayse lay curled up on my bed alongside me (also naked), one pale skinny leg thrown over my thighs, a tiny hand resting on my bare chest. I traced my fingers up and down his knobbly spine. I'm yet to find a boy that doesn't find that exhilarating, and Chayse was no exception. He stirred into wakefulness, glancing at me several times as if to reassure himself that the last two hours actually happened. "You're a sexpot, that's what you are," I teased him. "Honestly, I might need to start taking Viagra to keep up with you." Chayse blushed, something he had done a lot of recently. "You're the one that's sex mad," he countered, "licking my bumcrack like that." "Did you like it?" I nudged him. "It sounded like you did, from all that moaning." "I loved it. I hope you do it again, and soon," Chayse replied gamely. He stretched like a cat, giving me the opportunity to stroke his flanks all the way down to his knees. "We've missed morning tea, but maybe you don't need any, judging by how much of my jizz you swallowed," I tormented him, but he just smiled at me. "You only gave me three loads, old man. I sucked you dry," Chayse declared, rubbing my hairy belly before letting his hand stray down to my tumescent dick. I let him fondle my tool for a minute before continuing our chit-chat. "Which did you enjoy more?" I enquired, "when I sucked your toes, or when I fingered your tight little bumhole." I felt Chayse's body give an involuntary shiver when I mentioned my intrusive finger, so I let my hand linger near his crack, waiting for his answer. He looked me square in the eyes. "I loved the feel of your finger. But you give a pretty good toe suck too, for an old guy. Maybe I need more experience before I-" Our post-fellatial banter was rudely interrupted by the squawk box next to my bed, announcing a presence at my front gate. What the hell was going on? Not even noon on a Saturday, and I have a second caller? Don't people have any sense of propriety any more? "Yes?" I answered brusquely. "Uh, Mr Howerd, it's me, Taren. Taren Jamieson? You said I could call and see you? Only Mom's already driven off. Can I come up? Please?" the crackly voice pleaded. I buzzed him through the gates, fixing my gaze on Chayse. "Taren's another boy I'm auditioning for the movie," I explained. "I'll be friendly to him, and I expect you to be as well. If you're feeling jealous, get over it, and fast. He's another up-and-coming actor, just like you. I suggest you get dressed, like I'm going to do, and when he gets here, treat him like a long-lost brother. There's enough of me for you both to share, just as I plan to share him with you. Got it?" "Better put your pants on, old man, he'll be here before you know it," Chayse chided, showing a newfound maturity. "It'll be good to meet someone who can keep up with me in bed." I cuffed him over the ear lightly, chuckling as I did so. Boys. They always manage to surprise you. I settled for boxers covered by a robe, but Chayse pulled on shorts, slacks and a shirt. I met Taren at the door, and damned if he didn't carry a valise as well! Did I have some kind of secret sign at the gates saying 'Waifs With Luggage Welcomed Here', or what? "Hello Taren, I wasn't exactly expecting you, but I'm glad you're here. This," I stood aside to reveal a shyly smiling Chayse, "is another young actor who's trying out for my movie, Chayse Matherson. Chayse, why don't you take Taren out into the yard, have a look around, and I'll catch up with you shortly, these breakfast dishes won't wash themselves." Chayse took the older (but smaller) boy's hand and practically dragged him across the spacious open-plan room to my side doors, which were glass sliders. "Hey, Mr Howerd!" Chayse yelled. "You got a pool! Can we go in? Can we? Please?" The two boys, Chayse still holding Taren's hand, were hopping excitedly on the spot, so I quickly relented. "Well, boys, there is a skinny dipping scene in the movie, so I guess now is as good a time as any to find out how well you can manage it. Run upstairs then, Chayse, you know which room it is, get undressed, fold your clothes up neatly – Neatly! – and you can come back down for a swim. I'll bring some towels out for you when I've finished up in here." Grinning insanely, the two boys scampered up the stairs (still holding hands) while I fussed with the debris of breakfast which I had previously ignored in my eagerness to get Chayse into bed. I was bent over, stacking the dishwasher with plates and mugs, when the boys stampeded back down the stairs, through the side doorway and out into my yard. It didn't bother me that I missed Taren's nude debut; I was confident I'd be seeing all his charms pretty soon. The tinkling sound of boy laughter, mixed with splashing, assured me that all was well outside. I slipped upstairs to my bedroom, taking the two valises with me. The boys' clothes were neatly folded and stacked in two piles on my unmade bed, which pleased me. I dropped my shorts and added them to the bed, but kept my robe on, then descended the stairs to catch up with the boys. I considered opening the glass doors quietly, lest I disturb the boys, but I saw instantly that I need not have worried – an explosion would not have distracted them. Chest deep in the shallow end, the two boys were wrapped in a passionate embrace, completely oblivious to my approach. I spread the towels out on the grass under a shadecloth awning, then carried a folding chair over to the side of the pool nearest the boys. Chayse was the first to see me. "Hi Mr Howerd," he greeted me cheerfully, breaking his liplock with Taren. "We were just practicing the kissing scene again," he explained cheerfully. "Weren't we, Tarrey?" The smaller boy nodded shyly, with a look on his elfin face that suggested he couldn't believe his luck. "I should have asked you both if you can swim, before letting you go in here," I scolded myself aloud. "But you look okay to me. Just to be sure, you can show me how well you swim by racing to the far end and back, quick as you can. Before you start, do either of you mind if I join you? I'm nude, like you guys." "Sure you can! It's your pool!" Chayse laughed. "That's cool, isn't it Tarrey? This old guy won't gross us out, will he?" Taren giggled. "Not me! I seen worse." "Okay boys, you can push off from the wall. Set? Go!" The two water babies took off in a flurry of flailing arms and legs, allowing me to slip off my robe modestly and edge into the water. The level of water at the shallow end came up to the boys' nipples, but was only waist deep for me. I had not quite gotten over the shock of the cold water, when Taren and Chayse completed their race. I sensed that Chayse held back a little to ensure an even finish. He was impressing me more and more, that boy. Chayse waded over to me and gave me a hug around the middle. He glanced over and saw Taren hanging back, so he let go with one arm and waved the smaller boy to join us in a group hug, which was another nice thought from him. Grinning at me mischievously, Chayse asked "Now we're in a real pool, can you throw us like you did at the pit?" Taren also looked at me pleadingly, like a stray puppy, so I had choice but to relent immediately. "Okay, but only a couple of throws. I'm an old man, remember," I joked. "You go first, Chay," Taren suggested. He still seemed a bit reserved, even though Chayse was doing his best to include him and bring him out of his shell. I turned Chayse around into the optimal position, then reached between his legs for the crotch grip. He gave a happy squeal, then a louder one as I catapulted him upwards and into the deeper end. His little pecker was not affected by the cold water, I guess it must have stiffened up when the two boys kissed. Taren had the same condition, I noticed, when I picked him up, feeling his smaller (but just as stiff) tool as I lifted him into the air. He gave an ear-splitting screech of happiness, cut off only when he hit the water. Two more throws for each boy tested the limit of my endurance, so I drifted to the edge and hauled myself out of the water. "Can you boys join me under the shade so we can plan our day?" I invited them. A flash of disappointment flitting across his face showed that Chayse wasn't finished having fun in the water, but he obediently got out anyway, helping Taren as well. The two wet, naked boys sat with me on the towels. "First off," I began, "I want to see whether your kissing practice in the pool just now has led to any improvement in your technique. Chayse, you first," I nominated, pulling Chayse to me before he could argue (not that he would). I turned our bodies deliberately so that Taren could see me swapping spit with Chayse, running a hand up and down his wet body, including between his legs. Taren stared at us, open mouthed, nervously squeezing the end of his little stiffie. I broke off the kiss and Chayse moved aside to give me some room. "Very good, Chayse. Now you, Taren," I ordered. Adopting the same policy, I was sure Taren was aware that Chayse could see exactly what we were doing as I first cuddled him, then invaded his warm mouth and tongue-duelled with him. I reached down with my spare hand to fondle his boner, humming into his mouth as I did so. I felt him moan back, so I pushed his inner thigh a little to see whether he would open his legs wider. He did, permitting me to tickle his shrivelled balls as well. Breaking the kiss, I kept hold of Taren and pecked at his lips a couple of times. Each time, he brought his lips closer to mine, as if he wanted more. I stopped my kiss game and looked into his dark hazel eyes. "Taren, would you like Chayse to give you a blow job while I kiss you some more?" I asked, smiling. Chayse didn't even wait for Taren's answer, he edged closer to us and dived onto Taren's now exposed dick like a seagull on a sick prawn, pushing his thighs wider apart to get in closer. Taren let his eyes fall shut. I planted my tenderest kiss on his lips, then pushed through with my tongue. The boy relaxed in my arms, so I decided to put part two of my plan into action. I have this theory, you see. My theory is that calm, affectionate sex, when used on boys, makes an excellent truth serum. There was some information I wanted from Taren, so I had guided the proceedings towards this moment to extract it. Among my many weaknesses is a fondness for boys who are already sexually active. I don't much care for virgins – I hate being the one to rob their initial innocence, but I'm not above taking a slice from a cut loaf. Fact is, I found Taren's anal bruising, which I saw at his audition, a huge turn-on, and I felt a compelling urge to find out how it arose. I pulled my lips away from Taren's, and lightly stroked his cheek with the back of my hand. He seemed to revel in my touch. "So, Taren," I whispered, "is Chayse giving you a good suck? Feels nice, does it?" "Uh huh," he whispered back. "It's my first one." "Is it? Well, congratulations. It won't be your last one today, bet on that. Do you like Chayse?" "Uh huh," came his reply. "He's nice." "He sure is," I agreed. "And he sucks really good, too. He gave me a great suck before you arrived this morning. I gave him one back too. Maybe you might like to give him one back later." "Uh huh," Taren murmured. "Taren, I want you to tell me how you got the bruise around your bumhole," I urged, willing him to open up to me. Chayse's tongue did the trick. "It was at school," he whispered. "I needed to pee, so I went to the bathroom. I get nervous at the, you know, the trough thing, so I went into a toilet stall, the sit down part. I didn't sit down, though, I just pulled down my pants. I must have forgotten to latch the door, 'cause next thing I know, a boy, a big boy, Tommy is his name I think, he's fourteen I guess, he pushed the door open and yelled at me." "You're doing great. Keep going. What did Tommy yell?" I cajoled. "He said 'Why's your door unlocked? Only faggots leave the door open! You a faggot?' I didn't know what to say, he just kinda barged in. Then he said 'I guess you must be, lettin' someone else in the toilet with you'. Then he unzipped his pants and 3; and 3;" I continued stroking Taren's face. He wasn't crying, but he wasn't far off it. I could see by his eyes how vivid this memory was for him. "How long ago did this happen? When Tommy fucked you?" I breathed. Chayse kept sucking. "The first time was two weeks ago. When I got home I found some blood in my undies, so I hid them in my cupboard. Next day, one of Tommy's fr-friends d-did it to me," Taren sobbed. I soothed him some more until he could continue his sorry narrative. "I saw them coming toward me so I ran into the bathroom to hide, but I saw Tommy send one of them in after me. He found me and pulled me into the stall and shut the door. H-he pulled my pants down and p-put his c-cock up my bottom. It hurt some at first, but then the pain went away. I tried to stay out of their way after that, but they still got me a couple times. The last time 3;" "Go on, you're doing great, Taren, let it all out," I consoled him. "The last time was on Thursday, the day before I came to 3;to the audition. Tommy and his two friends found me in the corridor, and they just grabbed me and walked me to the bathroom. They were laughing, and they s-said they were going to take t-turns. They got me in a stall, and got my pants down, but before they could start, the school janitor, Mr Mendez, heard them laughing and told them all to get out or he'd start breaking arms and legs. They all ran and left me." "So, you were rescued. Excellent!" I encouraged. "Mr Mendez pulled my pants up, and took me to the utility room, you know, where he keeps his mops and buckets and stuff. He sat me in his lap. I 3; I cried a bit. Then he said he wanted to check my bottom, see if it was ok. I said he could, so he pulled my pants down, all the way off, and my shirt too, until I was naked. Then he got a funny look on his faced and just hugged me. Then he started kissing me, you know, like you did at the audition. It was nice. He 3; he touched me everywhere, and I liked it. Then he unzipped his pants and 3; and pulled me onto his lap again, only this time, he 3; he 3;" Taren's voice faltered. I interrupted to let him gather his composure. "Mr Mendez fucked you? After rescuing you?" I asked, somewhat bemused. "No, no, it wasn't like that!" Taren insisted. "It wasn't like when Tommy and the others did it. Mr Mendez was gentle, and nice. It felt 3; awesome! He cuddled me and kissed me the whole time, and after, he cleaned my bottom with some tissues and kissed me some more. I went back to his room after school, but he had gone. A sign on his door said he 3; he wasn't coming back. Ever. The next day we had the audition, and when you kissed me like Mr Mendez did, I thought 3; I thought you 3; might 3; be nice to me like he was. And then this morning, Mom was cleaning my room and she found the undies with the blood. She made me pack a bag and took me to the bus station. She was sending me to my dad's place in Nebraska. But I hate him. So I came here instead." "You walked 3; what, five miles [8 km]? From the bus station?" I gasped. "I had your card, with your address. It only took two hours to walk here." Chayse left off licking Taren's scrotum and piped up. "He's a smart kid, Mr Howerd. And a great kisser, too! And he's got a nice dick! Hey, I know! Why don't you let Mr Howerd lick your hole, Tarrey? He's really good at it. He did mine this morning, it feels way cool!" Taren looked at me with that pleading look again. Not like he needed to twist my arm, but I had to be sure it was what he wanted. "Would you like me to lick your hole, Taren? Right here, in front of Chayse?" I asked the boy in my arms. Taren smiled and nodded his head. Normally, I prefer a more definitive request for sex from my boy partners, but I was willing to relax my rule in Taren's case. He needed some healing, not the physical kind, but the emotional sort. Chayse surprised me again by offering to let Taren lie on top of him, while they practiced their kissing some more, thus elevating Taren's bottom to a convenient height for my lips. "Good idea, Chayse, I like the way you think. But it might get a bit uncomfortable for you, and besides, Taren offered to suck on your dick. Let's try this way." I laid the two boys side by side in a conventional sixty-nine position; they needed no further urging and began sucking dick and stroking buttcheek straight away. To complete the three-way, I lay behind Taren, but reversed, so my head faced his cute buns. Chayse helped by pulling Taren's cheeks apart, once he worked out what I was doing. Much sighing and groaning ensued. It didn't take Taren long to get off , because of all the previous oral attention he had received from Chayse. I was the only one missing out, but I felt it was an investment. I gave his hole a thorough licking, even making my tongue pointy and poking it inside a short distance. I think that might have triggered Taren's first climax – I hope so. I heard Taren's high voice give a long sigh, which suggested he'd finished sucking Chayse's dick (for now), so I took the initiative and suggested to the boys that a bite to eat might be nice about now. They didn't need asking twice, jumping up immediately and shaking the towels, wrapping them around themselves so they looked like diminutive Roman citizens returning from the Baths. We headed inside, relishing the cool of the indoors after our heated activities under the shadecloth. I was still a little concerned about Taren, so I questioned him gently while making sandwiches for all of us. "So, Taren, whereabouts does your dad live again?" I began. "In Nebraska," he responded unenthusiastically. "Columbus." "Uh huh," I replied. "What does he do?" "He drives a truck. Sometimes he's away for days and days. I think that's why him and Mom broke up. He lives with Grampaw now." "I see," I ventured, even though I didn't, really. "I guess I was kind of wondering what was going to happen when the bus from here gets there and you're not on it. What do you think will happen?" "Dunno," Taren answered listlessly, showing the sandwich more interest than our conversation. I got the impression that he was afraid that if he gave out too much information, he would make it easy for me to send him away. "And where did your Mom go after dropping you at the bus station?" I pressed. "She said she was going to visit her sister in Carson City for a few weeks," Taren supplied, but there was a hint of doubt in his voice. Chayse picked up on it too, because he gave me a knowing look. "Okay, Taren, it looks like you're stuck with me for the time being, and I'm pleased as Punch to have you here. Chayse's Mom is going to call by later this afternoon to pick him up, but we'll be seeing him again when shooting starts. So it'll be just you and me after that, for a while. Say, do you think we should phone your Dad, tell him you're okay and not to worry. I know I'd feel a lot better if we did," I added, hopefully. Taren shrugged, and after finishing his sandwiches and milk wrote down his father's name for me. I was surprised to note that Taren didn't have his father's last name, but I don't think Taren saw my surprise. I used my cell to call the operator. "Hello? Yes, good afternoon, ma'am, I wonder if you could find the number for Robert Joseph Orensdoerfer in Columbus, Nebraska? Sure, I'll wait 3; Um, yes, could you connect me please? Thank you ma'am, you're a treasure 3; Hello, is that Mister Orensdoerfer? Mister Robert Joseph Orensdoerfer? 3; oh, that's your son 3; Yes I'll wait 3; Hello, Mr Orensdoerfer? This is Don Howerd, calling from Los Angeles, I'm a movie producer, I've got your son Taren with me 3; yes, he's fine 3; no, she didn't tell me anything 3; she did? Well, Taren said that she told him she was going to visit her sister in Carson City? 3; no, Taren didn't want to go to Columbus 3; I guess so 3; no, I didn't get that impression 3; you do? 3; really? 3; well, that's mighty nice of you Mr Orensdoerfer 3; yes, I've noticed Taren is a bit, er 3; yes, he is 3; uh huh 3; well, I sure will 3; like he was my own boy, Mr Orensdoerfer 3; sorry, er, Bobby 3; yes, I'll be sure to do ! that 3; thank you Bobby 3; did you want to speak to him? 3; okay, that's fine 3; yes, we'll be in touch 3; thanks again, Bobby. Bye." I looked at Taren with a mixture of happiness and amazement. That he could have flourished under parents like he had was simply astonishing. Taren was eyeing me with suspicion – I'm sure he thought the jig was up, and he'd soon be shipped off to Nebraska like some inconvenient return-addressed parcel. I held my arms open to him. "Looks like I've got a new son," I said simply. Taren squealed loudly enough to shatter glass and leapt off his chair, the towel falling off in the process as he threw himself into my embrace. Chayse watched us, genuine affection in his eyes. Letting Taren go after a good long hug, I picked up his towel and handed it to him, suggesting that the two boys might like to go upstairs to practise their kissing some more, then maybe get dressed in case Chayse's Mom came by soon. Chayse grinned and grabbed Taren by the hand, practically dragging him up the stairs. I watched the two happy boys, smiling. One wearing a big white bath towel around his waist, the other wearing it draped over his shoulders. I called my lawyer on my cell and gave a succinct account of Taren's circumstances. He agreed that some paperwork was needed from Mr Orensdoerfer, and promised to get it started. I cleaned up the lunchtime dishes. It occurred to me that maybe I'd better not be wearing only a towel around my waist when Mrs Matherson arrived to collect Chayse, so I wandered upstairs to have a quick shower and get dressed. I was not too worried when I heard grunting and moaning coming from my bedroom, nor was I overly concerned when I reached the doorway to be welcomed by the erotic sight of Chayse kneeling on my bed behind Taren (who was on all fours), fucking him vigorously. My shower could wait. I sat on the edge of the bed, smiling at Chayse, who was pumping his hips feverishly, in short rabbit pokes to ensure his dick didn't fall out. He licked his lips, keeping up his stroke rate as he turned towards me. "Taren thought up this role-play game," he said, almost out of breath. "He's playing himself, and I'm playing Tommy, the boy from his school. It was his idea, honest," he panted, holding Taren's hips and rocking the smaller boy back and forth as he plunged and withdrew, plunged and withdrew. Chayse's hair was plastered to his forehead with perspiration. "I already came once, but he wanted me to fuck him again," he puffed, grinning at me. "Good thing I don't make sperms yet, or Taren either, or your bed would be a mess! Jeez, I'm, urgh, coming 3; again!" Chayse gasped, pulling out of Taren's bum and falling back on the bed. "Go get a shower – I'll take over," I whispered. Taren's bum was waving back and forth, as if looking through its one blind eye for the pole of meat that would make it whole, complete again. I crouched behind him and ran my fingers down his back. "It's Mr Mendez, Taren. Mr Mendez," I whispered, leaning close to his left ear. "Mr 3; Mendez? Is that you?" he whispered back, his bum pushing back to try to touch me, satisfy himself that Mr Mendez was really there, not just a voice in his head. "Yes, Taren, It's me, Mr Mendez. Have you been a good boy, Taren?" I whispered. This kid is either a brilliant little actor, or seriously mentally disturbed. It suited me to believe the former. "Oh, yes, Mr Mendez. I 3; I've been good, but 3; Tommy, he 3;" the boy moaned. "You let Tommy fuck you again, didn't you Taren?" I whispered, now rubbing my free hand all over his shoulders, back and bottom. "He 3; he wanted to, and 3; and I 3;" Taren whined. "You liked it, didn't you Taren?" I pushed, my hand still roaming all over his back, bottom, and between his thighs. "You like it when Tommy fucked you, didn't you?" I whispered seductively in his ear. "He 3; he made me 3; I didn't 3; I was frightened, I 3; it hurt," he whimpered. "It hurt at first, when he put his cock in your tight little hole," I whispered next to his ear, now concentrating my stroking in the region of his bumcrack, "but after that, after you had his cock inside you, after you felt it moving inside your asshole, it felt good, didn't it, Taren." "It 3; I 3; couldn't help it 3; it felt so 3; good, so 3; full, and alive 3; I 3; let him do it," Taren stammered. "Then, that day when I took you to my utility room, you wanted me to fuck you, didn't you, Taren? You let me take all your clothes off, and you were naked, and I touched you all over, touched your bottom, and your stiff little cock, didn't I," I continued murmuring in the boy's ear. "I 3; you 3; I wanted 3; ," the boy panted. "Are you hard now, Taren?" I whispered close to his ear. "Is your little cock hard for Mr Mendez?" In a demonstration of his lust, the boy spread his knees apart a little further so that my roving hand, which until then had been tracing lines up and down his inner thigh and crack, could reach through and feel his prick, which was indeed rigid and throbbing. I sensed a presence behind me. Chayse, clad in a white fluffy towel, had returned from his shower and stood in the doorway, grinning at the spectacle of a man seducing a willing boy. Can the willing actually be seduced? Hmm – might make a good storyline for a movie. I gestured with my eyes towards the low set of drawers alongside my bed. On it sat a tube of lubricant. Chayse caught on right away, and picked it up, gingerly edging around the bed towards me so as not to disturb Taren (whose eyes were shut anyway). Instead of simply handing me the tube, which I expected, Chayse unscrewed the lid and squeezed a glob onto his fingers. Then, in an act of pure unselfishness, he carefully applied the gel to my cock, slavering the slippery stuff all around it. I was about ready to burst, from the sheer erotic intensity of the situation, and from Chayse's gentle application of the lube. Chayse nodded towards Taren's butt, and I returned the nod. I switched my free hand from between Taren's legs to around his waist, and leaned my hips forward. Chayse lined up my cock and Taren's hole with one hand, pushing my bum slowly with the other. "Oh!" Taren squeaked, when my knob made contact with his rosebud. "Ah!" he sighed, as my dick's head was slowly engulfed by his elastic little opening. "Unh!" he moaned as I pushed forward a couple of inches, my tool being swallowed by his back passage. His next noise was a kind of whiny gurgle as my cock bottomed out in his ass, Chayse pulling his guiding hand away just in time. It was one of those perfect moments when you hope time would stand still, as I let my prick soak in Taren's hot, snug tube. The other reason I hoped for time to stop was my unmistakeable feeling that I'd be climaxing in only two or three strokes, and I didn't want this particular fuck to end. Added to that, Chayse's towel had fallen from his waist (by accident, of course) and he was relieving the tension in his own swollen pricklet by frantically jerking off not a foot away from where I was kneeling lance-deep in Taren. Instead of stroking in and out, I strained to keep my loins still as I reached around for Taren's stiffie and started rubbing his foreskin over the knob end. I had heard that there were some boys who have a series of anal contractions when they climax; if Taren was one of them, we could both orgasm together. I could simply let his rectum bring me off. Still supporting my weight with one hand on the bed, my other hand frigged his dick with an increasing momentum, making the boy pant like a puppy. Before too much longer, the thin body under me shook like a jelly all over as Taren's orgasm took hold. His ass sucked at my dick, bringing me over the edge with him. I collapsed forward, rolling to the side lest I crush my new lover, pulling him to my warmth, spooning him. Chayse, who had finished himself off, dressed himself then leaned over me with a giggle. "I get that next time, alright old man? – when you recover!" he smirked, pecking me on the cheek. The squawk box chose that precise moment to screech noisily. Chayse's Mom had returned. "You stay, I'll go down. I'll tell her you're having an afternoon siesta. She already thinks movie people are weird, so no big deal. Don't forget – you owe me a fuck!" He left me to doze off. If there was any boy likely to make me break my personal vow to zip up around virgins, it was Chayse. Taren backed in to me, snuggling closer, pulling my arm to his chest. *** We dozed for a couple of hours, during which time my cock softened and plopped out of Taren's ass. Recovering consciousness, I mentally compared my coupling with Taren to assignations with other aspiring boy actors that I had fucked over the years. He certainly was the most enthusiastic of them, his lovemaking quite inventive. I half hoped that today was not a one-off, just another boy trying to sleep his way to a plum role. I tickled his ear with a finger, trying to annoy him into waking up. After brushing his ear a few times to dislodge my finger, he groggily said "All right! I'm awake!" in his high voice. He rolled over and smiled at me. "What's for dinner?" he asked. Boys! Always hungry! "How about we take a shower together, then I'll take you out to a nice restaurant and show you off," I offered. Taren's smile widened, and he jumped up off the bed, yelling "Race you!" I didn't have time to wonder how he knew where the bathroom was, but simply followed his bare buns down the hallway. Our combined shower was uneventful, except that I remarked on Taren's small size, for his age. He just gave a shrug and a wan smile. "Mom once told me I should try out to be a jockey. Only I don't like big dumb animals" "That lets me out, then," I riposted, eliciting a giggle and a gentle punch in the arm from Taren. We dressed, Taren pulling some fresh clothes from his valise. I took Taren to a nice restaurant, one that I knew had semi-private booths. They do a nice meal for kids there, an open burger with fries. I had a steak. Just before the dessert trolley came by, Taren knelt up on the bench to give me a hug (we were both seated on the same side of the booth). "I have to tell you something, Mr Howerd," he whispered in my ear. "Oh?" I replied, interested. "You really do want to be a jockey instead of an actor?" "No, silly," he giggled and punched me on the arm again. "It's about what I told you this afternoon. About Tommy. And the other boys. And Mr Mendez." "I'm all ears," I replied, pulling my ears outwards to amuse him. Taren smiled at my joke, then began his tale. "Some of what I told you was true, sort of. I did get, uh, fucked, by a boy called Tommy, only he wasn't any kind of bully. He was a real shy kid, in my class, and I had to practically drag him into the bathroom and force him to do it to me. I had seen his big dick in showers after gym, and I just, well, I wanted him. It wasn't blood Mom found in my undies, it was Tommy's, er, jizz." "I see, I think," I replied, evenly. "And Mr Mendez?" I prompted. "He was my class teacher in sixth grade. I had the hots for him so bad, but he was happily married. No matter what I tried, he never laid a finger on me. He's my favourite fantasy, whenever I get really horny I imagine he's, er, fucking my brains out. I use this rubbery thing I stole from Mom's room, it's a, kind of 3;" "A dildo?" I finished for him, guessing what he meant."Or a vibrator, if it's got batteries," I added. Taren's face lit up. "They come with batteries now? What a world we live in!" he sighed, forcing me to tickle him mercilessly. "Anyway, you were so nice to me, I had to tell you the truth. I didn't before, because I didn't want you to think I was a 3; a 3; er, what's the word for a slut who's a boy?" I blinked. "I'm not sure that there is one. Maybe we could make one up. What about a 'tarrey'?" The boy scowled good-naturedly and tried to tickle me back, but I was too quick for him and managed to pin his hands behind his back. He was panting with the exertion of trying to free himself when the dessert cart finally arrived, laden with tortes, cakes, pastries, eclairs, puddings, and all manner of toppings and sauces, along with ice cream (of course). We looked at each other, then burst into laughter as we helped ourselves to our favourite sweets. I could honestly not recall a more pleasant evening out, than I had enjoyed that night, in Taren's company. It's a brilliant feeling, knowing you're out on the town with a boy you like, and who likes you, knowing that you're going to fuck him when you get home, and that he's going to be as eager for it as you are, a boy who wants to be fucked as much as you want to fuck him. No need to try to seduce him with money, or professions of love, or promises of acting jobs. No pretense about what you're going to be doing later, just walking hand in hand from the restaurant back to the car as contented as a couple of newlyweds. We did fuck that night. Quite a bit, really. I wasn't sure whether Taren would be up for it, given what we had already done that afternoon, but Taren would not be dissuaded. He even decided the position. He wanted me to do it to him in the missionary position (the first time), with him on his back, his arms around my neck, his legs around my waist (they weren't long enough to allow him to lock his ankles in the small of my back), me crouched over him, resting my weight on my elbows, see-sawing my cock back and forth in his well-lubricated hole as he sighed and moaned in-between deep kisses which left him gasping. I was beginning to have strong feelings for this boy, which left me puzzled about what I felt for Chayse. *** We showered together the next morning, chastely again (except for some kissing while drying Taren with an oversized fluffy towel). I suggested that as it was a Sunday, we had no need to get dressed, we could just laze about the house for a few hours naked, before deciding what to do with ourselves. Taren grinned his approval of that idea, even giving my half-tumescent dick a little kiss as I stood towelling myself off. At the breakfast bar, omelettes were again the popular choice. The ones I make are quite light and easily digested, a good start to the day. Taren suggested, after insisting that he stack the dishwasher, that a swim might be fun, maybe energise both of us. My counter-suggestion was that we might spend the day (or part of it) at the beach. I knew an unofficial nude beach in the area that was reasonably safe for kids, quite a few families frequented it. "I've never been to a nude beach," Taren observed pensively, then brightened up a little as he wished aloud that Chayse could come with us. "Give him a call," I prompted. "He left his number and address by the phone. Tell him we're going to a nude beach, and we'll drop by and pick him up if he wants to come too." Taren grabbed the phone gleefully and called Chayse's number. It sounded to me as though Chayse might have been waiting by the phone, judging by the speed of his reply. Taren's squeal of delight told me Chayse was successful in obtaining his mother's permission, so I loaded a backpack with bottled water and cold meats and fruit, and suggested to Taren he might like to wear shorts and a shirt in the car, at least. "Can you come upstairs and help me get dressed?" Taren pleaded in his most winsome voice. The lustful way he licked his lips, wriggled his bare bottom and fluttered his eyelashes at me indicated he had something else on his mind than selecting clothes. I vaulted the stairs hot on the trail of the squealing boy, who reached the bedroom ('our' bedroom) just before me. Without ceremony he took my dick in his hand and led me to the bed, pushing me backwards till I fell full stretch on top of the sheets. "I never got to suck on this yesterday, or last night," he explained, giving my hardening cock a few pumps. "Chayse told me it was good fun, and that you like it a lot. Plus, I don't want you to get embarrassed at the nude beach if you pop a stiffie, so I'll take care of him now." Taren didn't explain any further, mouthing my knob and testing how much of the shaft he could accept comfortably. I recalled that he had some practice yesterday on Chayse's compact dick, and he was putting that practice to good effect right now. "It's funny, but on the..urghhh 3; nude beach, aaah, it's not really a sexual thing, to walk around 3; uhhhh 3; naked, so you, ohh, don't get the same 3; mmmmm 3; impulses you might get 3; ugh 3; otherwise." I was trying to explain to Taren that the problem of erections on nude beaches did not 'arise' as frequently as non-nudists believe, but his raspy tongue on my knobhead was proving to be an irresistible distraction. He locked his lips behind the ridge of my glans and hummed, while pumping my shaft, and that did me in. Resisting the urge to hold his head, in case he wanted to avoid a mouthful of semen, I grabbed two handfuls of sheets, arched my lower back and shot my hips upwards. Taren held on bravely, swallowing my whole load, milking the last few droplets out manually. He licked his lips and grinned, making me keen to continue, but Taren wisely advised that we promised Chayse we'd be at his house in twenty minutes. "You can make it up to me later, Mr Howerd," the boy offered. "Now let's go get Chay and find that beach!" *** There a few sensations as exhilarating as walking along the sandy shore of a nude beach, naked as a jaybird, holding hands with a boy on either side, who are equally naked, with the gentle sea breeze wafting around one's masculine equipment. Beats drugs any day. And yet, as I tried to explain to Taren earlier, it wasn't necessarily erotic. Sensuous, maybe, but in the way that a backrub can be sensuous without being sexual. Chayse summed it up as only a boy can. "This is way cool, Mr Howerd. Thanks for inviting me. I never been to a beach like this before," he chatted. "It was Taren's idea to invite you, actually, but I'm happy to claim the credit because it was my idea to come here in the first place," I joked. "Now, I think we need another application of sunscreen, followed by some frolicking in the water, then food," I proposed, although by the time I finished my sentence I was talking to myself as the two boys let go my hands and raced each other to our beach umbrella and began slopping sunscreen all over each other's nude bodies. Darn! I wanted that job! After our swim, the three of us sat under the umbrella and demolished some cold roast chicken and strawberries and peaches, washed it all down with bottled water, then packed up our camp and headed back to my car. Chayse advised us that his Mom didn't expect him back until dinnertime, so Taren suggested we could swim some more at home. That pulled at a heartstring, hearing the little guy refer to my house as 'home'. "And maybe Mr Mendez might drop by for a visit," I joked with Taren, who blushed and grinned. Chayse chimed in with "Yeah, and Tommy, too!" *** I brought Taren with me to work on Monday morning – well, I could hardly leave him at home all day, and it was school vacation time now anyway. On top of my desk I found the FedEx parcel that my lawyer sent over. A quick glance confirmed it was the temporary guardianship documents from Mr Robert "Call Me Bobby" Orensdoerfer, giving me some relief from fears of a kidnapping charge. I had several plans for the day, and for the week. I felt an implacable urge to get moving on the project. Movies don't film themselves; in fact, they are very inert creatures, resembling comatose elephants both in scope and reluctance, and they need constant prodding. I wanted to see Ryder again, and maybe get my hands on that cushiony ass of his; I wanted to feel Sunshine's thick lips around my cock; and I wanted to take Taren back home and fuck him all day long. But, that's a grown-up's lot in life – making choices between equally desirable alternatives, prioritising. Pierre minced in and disturbed my reverie. "Good morning Don. And I see we have one of the new young stars with us today," he smiled expectantly at Taren, so I obliged. "Taren, this is Pierre de Leon, my associate producer and right-hand man. He's the one who has to keep the wings of my flights of fancy glued on," I explained. "Pierre, meet Taren. He'll be playing the neighbour boy." Taren hopped off his swivel chair and walked over to the doorway where Pierre was still standing, awaiting my invite to enter. "Please to meet you, Mr de Leon," he greeted Pierre formally. "That means 'lion', doesn't it?" "By name, but not by nature, I'm afraid. I'm more of a pussycat," Pierre joked, shaking Taren's hand limply. Releasing it and turning to me, he said "Can we talk, Don?" "Taren's Mom left him with me for a few days," I responded to the implied question underneath Pierre's spoken question. "He'll be helping me around here as well. I don't have any secrets from him." I didn't want Taren to feel that he was excluded from the 'grown-up's world', and in any case, whatever affected the movie affected him, too. He surprised me by stepping around Pierre and climbing onto my lap, as if to say to Pierre 'you might be a pussycat, but I'm HIS pussycat!' Pierre flinched a little, making some mental adjustments to accommodate the new balance of power, then continued his briefing. "I've thought over your concepts for the project, and I think I can see a way forward. It'll mean a few changes, but they're essential," he started, all business, and not at all bothered that I was stroking Taren's hair. This was what I employed Pierre for, after all – to mould my ideas into marketable celluloid realities. "First of all, which boy have you settled on for your son? I don't want to be calling him 'the son', I know how you hate it when I do that," Pierre asked. "That would be Chayse," I smiled. Taren settled himself into a more comfortable position in my lap. "Fine, and were there any other boys, apart from Taren of course, whom you think will have lines?" he continued. 'Lines' meant a speaking part, not just a face in a crowd. "In order of preference, I hope we can find something for Ryder, Sunshine and Eben. That reminds me, I need to audition Eben pronto. Miss Hatherway?" I pressed the 'talk' button on the intercom. "Yes, Mr Howerd?" came her prim reply. "Did you manage to contact Eben Wishevsky about an audition yet? And I need you to get in touch with Mrs MacLane and Mrs Matthews about callbacks for Ryder and Sunshine, please," I ordered. "Already done, Mr Howerd. Eben and Mrs Wishevsky are arriving at ten this morning, and Ryder and Sunshine, along with their mothers, will be here at eleven." I should have guessed that Miss Hatherway would have anticipated my requirements – any personal assistant that can't read the boss's mind needs to look for other employment. Pierre picked up the ball and started his run. "I think the movie will work if it is simplified, but without taking out the germ of the original idea," he explained. "We need to make it more comfortable for U.S. audiences. They're the ones who fill cinemas, after all. They want drama, sure, but they also want 'nice', without too much confrontation. If it also works in Europe, that's a bonus. We have to lose the blackmail angle; you don't need that. We need to tone down the boys' kissing. And I think we should separate the idea of the boys finding the 3; er, adult magazine stash, from the matchmaking idea. Since Taren is going to be the neighbour boy with the, ahem, unrequited love for Chayse, I suggest we make him the matchmaker. He'll be trying to get his divorced Mom hooked up with you, so that he and Chayse will become brothers. Or step-brothers, anyway. And we soften the 3; ah, interaction between the boys, Chayse, Ryder and Sunshine, and maybe Eben, when they find the! magazines." He finally took a breath, waiting for my response. I picked Taren up under the armpits to move him to a more comfy spot on my lap, then lay my hand carelessly on his chest, slowly stroking him with my fingertips. He purred softly, smiling. "Go on, Pierre. I think you're onto something. It would mean a bigger role for Taren, of course," I observed. "I'm sure you would not have selected him if he was not up to it," Pierre declared gallantly. "Most of your original idea is marketable. The whole project will be, if you can accept these changes." "How does Taren actually get me and his Mom together? What's his angle?" I probed. "I've been thinking about that," replied Pierre. "I envisage a series of devious little ruses by the boy, er, sorry, by Taren, such as making his Mom's car unserviceable somehow so she has to ask her handsome and clever neighbour – you – to fix it." "Handsome and clever, eh? Do you think I can pull that off, Taren?" I asked the lad himself. "No probs, Mr Howerd," he replied sleepily. "Okay, Pierre, what else?" I asked. "Well, next, Taren might smuggle some frightening animal or insect into the house to scare his Mom, who will obviously need you to rescue her from its clutches. Or its feelers, or whatever they might be," he added. "Hmm. Handsome, clever AND brave? I might need to cast a more believable Dad for this role. Pity Steve Irwin's permanently unavailable," I mused. "No way!" Taren spoke up, twisting in my lap, wide awake now. "You're my Dad, and that's final! In the movie, I mean – uh, my stepdad-to-be, anyway," he added, a little too late to conceal what he honestly meant. "Okay. I like what I'm hearing. But how do I explain my stash of gay porn, if I'm going to be making cow-eyes at Taren's Mom?" I wondered aloud. "Well, would it be a crime if it was straight porn?" Pierre reasoned. "I mean, we would also have to explain how a person who keeps gay porn has a son in the first place. I think audiences might more easily accept the concept of: straight dad, happy marriage, one beloved son, loses wife tragically, boo hoo so sad, resorts to straight porn for understandable relief, neighbour boy (with Mom but no Dad) envies your relationship with Chayse, decides to horn in by bringing you and his Mom together, badda bing, badda boom, ninety three minutes of film, box office success!" I tried to act unconvinced, but deep down I knew Pierre was right. "Isn't it a bit formulaic? It sounds so familiar. Patty Duke made this movie about seventeen times playing opposite herself as her own twin, didn't she?" Pierre sighed. "The good thing about formulas is they work. They're reliable. Put the chemicals together and you get the reaction. Every time. People don't want unpleasant shocks. Well, maybe the few dozen who watch Art House movies do, but the ones who pay their eight bucks fifty at the Plaza Theatre don't. Let's make this movie, Don, not the one you want to make but could never screen anywhere on this planet. Please?" Pierre awaited my decision, but I suspect he already knew it. "What do you think, Taren?" I asked the boy in my lap. "Keep my original idea, or make Pierre's Disney version?" Taren looked pensive, as though weighing up the options. "Mr de Leon's movie sounds good. I'd go and see it. Your movie, well, it'd be fun to make, but, you'd probably get arrested if you ever tried to show it anywhere," he opined. "That's why you keep Mr de Leon around, isn't it, to turn your crazy ideas into regular movies?" I smiled broadly, accepting the truth of what he was saying. "Crazy ideas, huh? I think you might need a good talking-to from Mr Mendez later," I threatened. "Promises, promises," Taren giggled as he squirmed in my lap. Pierre butted in. "Who is this Mr Mendez? Anyone I should know?" "That's going to be my character's name in the movie. Don Mendez," I replied, ruffling Taren's hair. Miss Hatherway buzzed that Eben and Mrs Wishevsky had arrived. *** I didn't need to sweeten Mrs Wishevsky with a five hundred dollar 'travel expenses' cheque in order to get Eben out of his clothes without complaint – he shucked them off as though they were on fire, when I brought up the subject of disfiguring marks. I still asked Miss Hatherway to draw one up though, because all screen Moms gossip among themselves when they get together. The rest of the audition went as smoothly as with the earlier boys, Taren making the valuable point that his character should also be friends with Chayse's friends – after all they were neighbours, it wasn't so unlikely. Eben impressed me with his open-mindedness – he kissed Taren without hesitation, he frolicked naked in the foam-rubber pit as if it was his backyard pool, and when I suggested to Taren that he take Eben to the props room to 'see if Tommy was there', the two boys skipped off happily, one nude, the other soon to be, I was sure. I made small talk with Mrs Wishevsky about the challenges of raising children in the naturist lifestyle for ten minutes, then excused myself to 'check that the boys weren't up to mischief'. I didn't enter the props room because I could see through the glass insert in the door that they were busy. Taren was laying back on a chair, his ankles on Eben's shoulders, while Eben, kneeling facing the chair, rapidly pumped his thin cock in and out of Taren's ass. From the looks of pure lust on both their faces, I'd say the boys were delighted with their new friendship. By lunchtime, the MacLanes and the Matthewses had also come and departed. I had to rely on Taren to fill me in later how events took the course they did, curled up on my lap in 'our' home. "It was awesome, Mr Howerd, a really fun morning," Taren enthused, laying in my arms and wearing one of my black mesh T-shirts. On Taren, it was well oversize. When he came downstairs wearing it I nearly came in my shorts at the sight. At the bottom of the stairs, he said he found it in my cupboard, and asked if it was okay if he wore it because it felt nice and smelled like me. "Just come over here and I'll give you an instant demonstration of how okay it is," I had growled sensuously. He had stepped demurely over, teasing me, pretending to be timid. Just before he was within the reach of my arms, he paused, did a half turn, and lifted up the back hem of the droopy shirt to reveal a beautiful bare bum cheek. "Oops!" he squeaked coquettishly, index finger holding up his chin. "I seem to have forgotten my knickers, tee hee hee!" His teasing had the desired effect. I lunged for him, grabbing his hips before he could skip away, and pulled the boy onto my lap, kissing him a little more fervently than I had the previous day. The hand that wasn't holding up Taren's back was inching its way between his legs, up his inner thigh, searching for the boy's cock. When my hand reached it I began lightly squeezing the end of it, as I had seen Taren do to himself. I broke our kiss for a moment. "I read somewhere that boys kiss a whole lot better when their peckers are being played with," I whispered breathlessly to him, continuing my fondling of his dick. "Really?" Taren gasped, straining to push more of his cock between my fingers. "Oh yes. I have it on the very best authority, an impeccable source," I spoke softly next to his ear, nuzzling my cheek on his. "Huh?" he replied. "I saw it in a book once. Truly. I think the title was 'The Life Story of Taren Jamieson, the Most Beautiful, Sexy, Fuckable, Horny Boy In The World'. Some guy called Mendez wrote it, I think." I licked Taren's ear, making him squirm. "Now, you were going to tell me what happened with you and Ryder and Sunshine this morning. I have the strangest intuition that you were behind that whole thing. That it was you who somehow got Sunshine to suck my dick." Taren smiled. "I got a theory of my own," he smirked. "I reckon if you get blown by other boys now and then, you'll realise how they aren't as good in bed as me, and you'll always keep coming back to the best. Me!" he giggled. I kissed him again for that, grazing my lips on his face and making him search for my lips with his. "Your theory has much to recommend it, Professor Jamieson," I mused, putting on my Freudian accent. "Although it may need more extensive scientific testing, with, er, numerous field trials for ze purpose of verification." Taren giggled again and began his yarn. "Okay. So you remember how you got Ryder's and Sunny's Moms together at the coffee machine, and you were sitting with them?" Taren recited. "Yes," I recalled. "I told the Moms that your Mom was out of town, but you had agreed to come in and help with the rehearsal. I got the three of you to strip down to your boxers and gather around the box of TV Guides, pretending they were porno." "That was when you told us to move over onto the carpet square, for comfort," Taren interjected. I had a 12 foot square of deep shag pile carpet located not far from the foam rubber pit, but just far enough that the boys' voices did not carry back to their Moms. Or me, for that matter. "Yes, that's it. I was regaling the Moms with coffee and some offscreen gossip about Elijah Wood, I think, and making some quite smutty references to his very appropriate surname, as I recall." Taren continued. "Well, we prob'ly spent about two minutes looking at the TV Guides, making out that we were looking at hot chicks when Sunny, er, Sunshine, asked us what is porno anyway. Me and Ryder looked at each other, but we didn't laugh, and I said it was pictures of men and girls doing sex stuff. Ryder said it was fun to look at, but Sunshine said he couldn't understand why anyone would want to. So I said, well, it was a lot more fun to do it than just look at pictures of it, and Sunshine said, what do you mean, do it?" "Were you getting the impression by then that he'd led a bit of a sheltered life, Taren?" I asked. "Boy, was I ever," Taren grinned. "Turns out Sunshine is home schooled, has never had a Dad at his home or any uncles, no friends his own age, and got no idea about, um, sex stuff. So I made up this story about how boys at schools are always giving each other blowjobs all the time, every day, just like shaking hands, and how it was a pity he missed out on it because he was home schooled. I gave Ryder a wink, and he played along." "Sunshine asked us what a blowjob was, which I kinda expected he would, so I told him, and his face went all funny, like he just bit a lemon. Don't knock it till you tried it, I told him. Watch, I said, I'll demonstrate on Ryder, and he can tell you exactly how it feels. Ryder was sitting with his back to the mothers, so they wouldn't be able to see what I was doing. I pulled down the front of Ryder's boxers and showed Sunshine Ryder's stiffie. It's pretty cute, like Chayse's only a bit bigger. Then I went down on it while Ryder told Sunshine how great it felt." "I'm sure Ryder didn't have to pretend," I observed, and Taren giggled. "I didn't go all the way with Ryder 'cos I didn't want to make the Moms suspicious, in case he yelled out or something. But then Sunny asked if grownup men like blowjobs too. Sure they do, I said. Me and Chayse already gave Mr Howard a coupla blowjobs, he loved 'em, but girls don't do it much 'cos they're so stuck up. They don't even like talking about it, so that's prob'ly why your Mom never told you," Taren recounted. "Sunshine then said he had been looking for something nice to do for you, such as maybe get you a bunch of flowers or write you a poem, seeing as you'd been so nice to him an' all, giving him this movie part. I said, like, flowers and poems is for girls, or Moms. If you wanna thank Mr Howerd, why not ask if you can just give him a blowjob? You got nice big lips for it, I'm surprised you haven't been asked for a blowjob by lots of men." I smiled at Taren's on-the-spot invention. He certainly had a storyteller's gift for it. "What happened next?" I prompted him, still manipulating his foreskin. "Well, Sunshine said his mother took him to the Art Gallery once, and when he went to the bathroom a man there had also told him he had nice lips for a boy, and would he like to wrap them around something hot and hard, but he didn't know what the man meant, so he just finished his pee and left. There you go, I told him, that man was just asking for a perfectly normal blowjob. So Sunny said he thought he might ask if you'd like one, and I told him, sure, go ahead." "Then the three of you came over to the coffee machine for a water break, and Sunshine asked me to show him the props room," I filled in the next detail. "Well, I had to figure some way of getting him away from his Mom, and getting you out of there as well, so I remembered what you said about 'looking for Tommy' when Eben was there before," Taren explained. "Well, it sure worked a treat," I concurred."No sooner had we got in the properties room, when Sunshine turns to me and says in his sweetest voice, 'Mr Howerd, you've been so nice to me, can I give you a blowjob, please?' I nearly shot off in my pants when he said it, especially since I was still horny from watching you and Eben earlier. I let him unzip me, then I sat in the same chair you and Eben used, and he licked me up and down a few times before engulfing my knob completely. In fact, I sensed some similarities between his technique and yours. I take it you gave him some tips?" Taren smiled demurely back at me. "He's a quick learner. He picked it all up from when I practiced on Ryder. Now, by the way, I seem to remember something about a talking-to from Mr Mendez that someone threatened me with this morning? Or are you too tired out from Sunshine's little thank-you poem?" "I'll show you tired," I growled, standing up and picking him up in the one movement, throwing him over my shoulder like a sack of chaff. "I'll show you what happens to boys who talk dirty and wear sexy T-shirts and no undies around here," I continued, walking to the bottom of the stairs, one hand holding Taren's legs to my stomach, the other slipped under his shirt and feeling his bottom. "Sunny was a delicious entree, but you, my boy, are going to be the main course!" I began ascending the staircase. Taren beat on my back (gently) with his little fists, shrieking "Help! Help! A big strong handsome stranger is going to have his wicked way with me! Over and over! He's going to lie on his bed and make me sit on his big hard cock, and make me bounce up and down until he squirts his hot juice in my little bottom! Then he's going to turn me face down on his bed and prop my hips up with a pillow and ravage me again! Oh dear! Then he's going to suck on my little balls and pecker until I scream! Oh my! Then he's going to spoon me and leave his big hot dick up my ass all night! Oh goodness!" "Are you done?" I enquired, smiling, as I reached the bedroom doorway. "Or do we need to down and back up the stairs again?" "I'm good," he smirked, as I eased him off my shoulder and onto his feet. And indeed it was true. He was good. Very, very good. *** Making feature films isn't all fucking little boys' asses 3; some actual cinematography must inevitably take place, and that's where Pierre's strength lay. He was also a whiz at organising all the other people who come together to make a movie – electricians, costumiers, stuntmen, boom operators, clapper loaders and suchlike. For me, it was as though Le Marieur was already made. I could see it playing on a wide cinema screen in my mind. Pierre turned my mind's vision into an hour and a half of wholesome family entertainment, replete with dashes of humour and some teary scenes. My five boys, Chayse, Ryder, Sunshine, Eben and of course Taren, put in seven weeks of hard work, on and off screen. Taren even made some dialogue suggestions to Pierre, to turn sombre scenes into amusing ones, and Pierre was gracious enough to hear him out without condescension, eventually incorporating two of Taren's ideas into the final cut. I ran a closed set on several scenes so that the boys could misbehave a bit. When you see Le Marieur at the cinema, you won't see any of the good bits that I had to cut out, but you can be sure they never hit the cutting room floor – they're on my Director's Cut reel, a quite different movie, which also lives in my floor safe at home. I promised the boys I'd look out for them when my next project is ready to begin, and also keep an ear to the ground for other directors wanting just the right sort of boy actor. They didn't have many years left as child stars, after all, and they had to cash in while they were still bankable. Ask Haley Joel how many scripts he gets invited to read nowadays. At our cast party on the night of the last day of filming, I got to plunder Chayse's virgin ass. Taren put me up to it – Chayse had been waiting and willing for weeks. Taren returned Chayse's original favour by lubing me up, but he wouldn't let Chayse sit on my dick; that was his reserved position. I took Chayse from behind, after licking the length of his knobby backbone. Taren stood by the bed giving suggestions, stroking and patting both of us for encouragement, finally kissing Chayse as I came inside his bottom. I think my next project might be to locate a country on this crazy planet that allows men to marry thirteen-year-old boys. And make movies. The End |
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