PZA Boy Stories


The Bully
and the New Boys


The story involves, as the name suggests, the anti-social and unacceptable behavior of bullying of teenage boys in high school.
Publ. 2000 (ASSM); this site Mar 2013
Finished 6,500 words (13 pages)


Bobby Lee (12yo) and Lance (c. 12yo)

Category & Story codes

School boy story
bb – non-cons mast oral – humil


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Orphan story

The following story is entirely fictional and involves, as the name suggests, the anti-social and unacceptable behavior of bullying of teenage boys in high school. If you are under legal age or not interest in homosexual behavior in teenagers, please go elsewhere.

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author.

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My name is Bobby Lee. Actually my parents named me Robert Jefferson Lee and that makes me Robert Jefferson Lee, the Third. I guess they hoped I would follow my father in establishing some sort of dynasty but I can tell you now that will never happen. However, that is getting ahead of my story. I want to tell you about the worst period in my life – so far, at least.

We moved to Milford because my father got a promotion and that is where the branch factory was located. It was a bigger city than where I had been born and I knew no-one. The move came in the middle of my first year at Junior High. I was 12, almost 13. I was small for my age and pretty timid. It was a very confusing time for me. I guess it is for most guys going through puberty but I felt very isolated and alone and was beginning to figured I was probably gay. My Dad was OK, I suppose, but he was always at work and I rarely saw him even on weekends. My mother's life seemed to be fully occupied caring for my twin sister who were six. I guess I was supposed to be old enough to look after myself. That was OK in Bellview where I had friends and an uncle who was a real cool dude. But here 3; God I was lonely.

The school year was half over and friendships and gangs already established and no-one paid much attention to me. At least not at first. My classes came easy for me because I already knew most of the material we covered. I guess this made me look smart but really I wasn't. At home – Bellview, that is – I got mostly B's and some C's on my report card. Then in math class one day I was able to answer a question another student – a guy called Lance – really fouled up.

The following morning I was bailed up by Lance and some other guys at the school gate. They were all about six inches [15 cm] taller than me and scared the shit out of me when they formed a circle around me.

"So who's the smart-ass who likes to show off in class? You some junior Einstein or something."

"No. I'm not that smart but we studied that in my last school and happened to remember the answer. That's all."

"So you think we're all a bunch of retards here, do you. Well you better learn this and learn it good. I'm the boss around here and I don't like be shown up by a little shrimp like you. Got it!"

"Yes. I got it. May I go to Home Room now?"

"Not yet shrimp. My Pa was broke this morning so I got no lunch money. Give me yours."

I hesitated.

"When I say do something, you do it. Right? And we might as well make this a regular meeting. You meet me here every morning and give me all the money you got. I can always use the extra to buy a pack of fags. Now hand it over or I'll take it from you and you don't want to get your shirt dirty 3; do you, pretty boy?"

I handed over my lunch money and raced through a gap in the circle into the building. At lunch time I saw dejectedly under a tree feeling hungry and sorry for myself. A guy I recognised from my geography class dropped down beside me.

"Hi. My name is Dave. You're Bobby, right?"

"Yea 3; Hi."

"I see you have joined the wide circle who help support all of Lance's bad habits. Here 3; want an apple. I always pack fruit in with my books. So far Lance only takes my money and never looks in my bag."

"Thanks, Dave. So it isn't just me then?"

"Nah! There's lots. He's a fucking bully but what can you do. Everybody is afraid of him and his gang of ass-wipes. Before you got here a guy by the name of Dean tried to stand up to him. Lance's gang caught up with him in the park out back after school and while three guys held him, Lance beat the shit out of him. To make matters worse he stole Dean's school bag and his pants. Several people saw it happen but nobody said a word. Someone called the cops and an ambulance. They carted him off but he never came back to school again. The next day at assembly the Principal asked if anyone saw anything or saw the three Latinos who assaulted and robbed Dean. The cops were there to take statements if anyone saw anything suspicious. You can guess the response they got. Zero! Zilch!"

"Fuck!" – I couldn't think of any other response.

Sudden Dave rolled onto his belly and covered his head with his arms, whispering loudly, "Hide the apple for Christ sake. Here comes Lance."

Lance and two of his scaly gang appeared. The three of them towered over us and Lance kicked the sole of Dave's shoe.

"I been looking for you Davey. It's time for you to show us your stuff again. Move your ass. We'll see you there in a few minutes."

Dave hurried off without responding.

"And how are you, Bobby? Got any more bright ideas about fucking me around in class? I fucking hope not."

"No, Lance – never."

"Good! See you in the morning for you daily tribute."

The next day in class I saw Dave and asked him what was going on the previous day with him and Lance.

"Don't ask and hope you never find out for yourself."

Other than getting robbed by Lance every morning, I had no trouble with him for several weeks. Then one day I went into the gym toilet at morning recess to have a piss and blundered into Lance and the gang while they were giving a hard time to Joel. He stood in the middle of the circle with his pants down around his ankles. Lance was saying something but stopped when I entered.

"What you doing here Bobby. You weren't invited."

"Sorry, Lance. I just came in for a pee. I'll leave."

I tried to make a hasty retreat but he grabbed me by the arm.

"Not so fast. You must learn your manners. Get out of here Joel. NOW! I'll see you again later."

Joel adjust his pants and fled. Two of Lance's apes grabbed my arms and frog-marched me to the center of the circle.

"Just so you remember, give me your pants."

I said no and tried to fight my way free but it was hopeless. I did manage to kick one of then in the shin but he merely twisted my arm behind my back.

"Won't you ever learn? Now I'll take not only your pants but your underwear as well. Help him, Mole."

While two held me, the one called Mole undid my belt, opened my fly and pulled my pants and underwear down and off me feet. Stepping forward, Lance lifted my shirt tail and looked at my privates. The warning bell for class rang.

"Since you seem to like this place, you can stay here for the next hour and think about that piss you wanted. Just to prove that was the reason you're here, I want to watch you doing it when I return before I return your pants 3; maybe."

"But Lance, I'll miss class," I pleaded.

"So fucking what? That's your fucking problem."

With that, I was left – pantsless – and hiding in a cubicle – hoping he would return and contemplating the need to pee while they watch. Even at the best of times I find it difficult to pee in public. I drank as much water from the hand-basin as I could manage in the fervent hope that would do the trick.

That was the longest 55 minutes of my life but right on schedule Lance, Mole and another guy called Toad returned.

"OK, Bobby. Now you can take your piss and be quick about it."

I stepped up to the urinal and tried. Nothing. I shut my eyes and tried to picture waterfalls, gushing rivers, anything. Suddenly I felt a stream of warm water hit my left leg. I opened my eyes to see Lance pissing on me.

"Maybe this will get you going Bobby Boy and hoick up your shirt; I want a clear view of proceeding."

Whatever the cause, my water started flowing. This didn't dissuade Lance from peeing on my leg. The fluid ran down my leg, soaked my sock and filled my shoe. It was disgusting but what could I do?

After emptying my bladder, Lance grabbed my prick and shook out the last drops before handing me my pants and dropping my jockey shorts into the urinal trough. Mole and Toad had been giggling throughout and now all three burst into laughter as they left me in disarray and despair. I hid the soggy shorts were I could reclaim them later and raced to my next class.

In the afternoon I was summoned to the Vice-Principal's office to explain missing the morning class. I stumbled out an excuse saying I had felt sick to my stomach and stayed in the toilet. I was sent off to see the nurse but there were no further repercussions, thank God. I was afraid I would be sent on to be dealt with by the Principal. I think my so-far clean disciplinary record saved me.

The Principal, Mr. Schmidt but called Schmuk by the students, was a real bastard. I don't know where he learned pastoral skills – from some Nazi I suspect. Anyone who got sent to him was sure to end up on stage at the next weekly assembly. They had to stand front center stage while the announcements or whatever were made and then had to describe the event which caused their appearance there and apologise to one and all for their misbehavior. Schmuk called us all 'miscreants' and threatened us with everything including the fires of Hell.

The same week as my run-in with Lance, he and his gang collared an 8th grader and force him to put on his underpants over his jeans and then shoved him into the girl's HomeEc class. The girls screamed and laughed but Miss Butler didn't think it was funny and sent him directly to Schmuk. The whole school, including some of the teacher, knew the cause of such bizarre events. The guy's explanation and apology were greeted with jeers and applause but we all knew that, except for the Grace of God, it could be us up there. Lance had never been caught while up to his tricks and everyone was scared to squeal on him.

A few days later I happened to be in the hallway and saw Lance slam shut his locker and hurry away. When I walked past it I noticed that it hadn't locked. I was tempted to steal something from it but then had a better idea. My next class was maths. The teacher, Mr. Ford, always took off his jacket and draped it on the back of his chair. I had previously seen that the inside pocket contained and expensive looking gold-colored pen. I thought my heart was going to force itself out through my mouth when I found the opportunity to go for the pen. I took it as well as a small pocket calculator. I got a hall-pass to take an urgent shit and put the two items into Lance's locker, making sure it locked this time. I printed a note with my left hand saying I thought Lance had stolen something from him and snuck it onto Mr. Ford's desk at the end of class. By the end of the day whispers were circulating that Lance had been caught thieving. I almost floated home that afternoon.

At assembly the next morning, Lance was center stage. Others in the same position usually hung their head in embarrassment but not Lance. He scanned the auditorium seat by seat, row by row. If looks could kill, we would all have been dead meat. Schmuk called him the worst form of miscreant who refused to own up for his own actions but tried to lay the blame on others even though the stolen property was found in his locker to which no-one else had access.

When Lance's turn came to speak, he spat out his words claiming in the end that it was all a practical joke that went wrong. No-one believed him but only I knew the truth and I was damn sure I wasn't going to claim any credit for Lance's predicament. I didn't want to end up in hospital or worse.

Things settled down for a while and the teachers tried to keep an eye on his every move. The regular daily tribute was collected by one or another of the gang while Lance hovered threateningly in the background. A couple of guys that Lance suspected as causing his grief got beaten up but at night and well away from the school.

My next contact with Lance was a couple of weeks later. Dave and I were walking past the gym after school when we were confronted by Lance and the rest.

"I've been looking for you Davey. You've been avoiding me. It's past time for your regular inspection and you fucking well know it. And you two, 'Bobby boy'. It's time you started fronting up for inspection as well. Now move! Into the gym bog and be quick about it."

We were hustled unceremoniously inside and lined up in front of the urinals.

"OK, Dave. You know what to do so just get on with it."

Dave hung his head and blushed. Avoiding my eyes, he undid his jeans and let them fall to his ankles before pushing his underpants down to the same level and unbuttoned his shirt.

"Since this is your first time Bobby, I'll explain things to you just once. I'm always on the look out for new members of my club like Mole here and the rest. The prime requirement is cock size and the ability to unload your jizz onto the floor so drop those jeans and show us what you can do with your cock."

I was horrified. I had been playing with my penis for some time and could achieve a three inch [8 cm] erection but only a few drops of fluid ever emerged. I was just beginning to find a few hairs sprouting down there. If Dave blushed – I must have looked like a beet.

"Get on with it or we'll take your bags and not return them this time. How to you feel about walking home with the wind blowing up your naked ass?"

I shucked my jeans down to my knees and reached for my cock. It was no use. It shrank even smaller than usual.

"Cut the crap, asshole. I want to see what you're doing. Don't try hiding your willy behind that long tee-shirt."

He nodded to Mole and he and another creep hoisted my shirt over my head and toss it to Lance.

Despite my best and earnest efforts I just couldn't get an erection. I glanced over at Dave to see him fisting his four inch [10 cm] rod. He was finally able to release a few drops of fluid into the palm of his hand. He showed the result to Lance before licking his palm clean. All of the gang within my view were rubbing their crotches and showing an obvious result. Then all attention turned to me.

"You're fucking useless, Bobby. What are you a girl? I've seen fucking clits bigger than that toy you're playing with. Get down on your knees and I'll show you what a man can do!"

Hands forced me down onto my knees while Lance extracted his hard, stiff rod through his fly. It was at least six inches [15 cm] long and uncut. He started jerking on it. A small pearl of clear fluid swelled at the mouth of his piss opening. He stepped forward and wiped the end of his cock across my face. I felt a moist line traced onto my upper lip.

I glanced at Dave again. He was staring at Lance's cock. I guess he was as fascinated as I was. I had never seen a erection of that size and had never seen another guy masturbate. By this time the rest of the gang were fisting their cocks as well.

"OK, Bobby boy, open your mouth. I want you to taste some of my hot cream."

I clamped my lips shut. The thought of tasting someone's cum sounded disgusting but extremely tantalising at the same time. Someone behind me reached between my legs and squeezed my balls. I screamed in pain.

"That's the way, Bobby boy. Keep it open or we will make a fucking girl out of you."

He stepped forward and let fly with shot after shot. I closed my eyes but felt the sticky blobs land on my face and a couple flew between my lips and onto my tongue.

"OK, guys. Anyone who wants can give him a shower now."

The gang members crowded in around me and one by one let fly with their load onto my face, chest, back and even my hair. When they had all finished, Lance tossed me my tee-shirt.

"Here! Wipe your face and the rest of you. We don't want you leaving here looking like you been in a sex orgy now, do we. But take this as a warning. If you can't crack a fat next time, I'll shove my cock into your mouth and make you milk me dry. Understand? Good! And if that don't make you hard, I'll shove my dick up your ass. You ever been fucked by a man, little boy?"

They all thought my predicament was hilarious. After cleaning myself as best I could I was allowed to put my clothes on again. Dave was already dressed by this time and we fled the scene of my defilement. Neither of us spoke as we went our separate ways. My tee-shirt was smeared with cum and looked disgusting but the odor of the drying man-seed achieved what my fist had been unable to deliver earlier. I got home unseen or at least unnoticed to find the house empty. I went to my room, removed the tee, rapped it around my stiff dick and masturbated. My few drops of clear fluid soaked into the cloth and the experience was a real buzz. I rinsed out the shirt and hung it on the clothes line, telling mother I'd spilled something on it which of course was at least partially true.

After my tension was relieved I stretched out on the bed to review today's events. I was sure I could expect another 'inspection' from Lance. If I couldn't get hard next time he asked, he would make me suck his cock and everyone in school would soon learn of my humiliation. On the other hand, the idea of sucking a hard cock made my small specimen hard again.

In the meantime, Lance and his gang took delight in harassing a boy named Mike. Mike was in the same grade as Lance but while I was small for my age, Mike was huge. At least he was tall – almost six foot [1.50 m] but skinny as a bean pole and self-conscious as a result. He tried to slouch around to make himself look small but that only made him more obvious. He was also extremely shy. This made him a perfect target for Lance.

I gathered that he had been subject to Lance's 'inspections' for some time only now they became more frequent and public. Mike was coerced into meeting the bastards in the park behind the school every Monday after school. Dave broached the subject on lunch time.

"You heard about Lance 'inspecting' Mike out back after school?"

"Yea, I heard."

"I'm told some of the guys and even a few girls sneak out there and watch. Want'a go have a look this afternoon?"

"I don't know. What if we get caught. I sure as hell don't want to join Mike."

"I think Lance already knows – Mike certainly does. I think that's what Lance wants so everyone will see his power over all us guys."

Lance and his acolytes were already there by the time Dave and I snuck through the bushes to where the action was to be centered. We saw but tried not to see others on the same mission. In a clearing, Lance was sprawled on the grass smoking a cigarette. Mole was casually massaging his groin. Mike entered hesitantly, head bowed, and stood in front of Lance. Lance appeared to be giving instructions but we were too far away to hear. Mike retreated to a park bench and began to disrobe. When he was finished, he was starkers. He looked at Lance and then at the surrounding bushes. I wondered how many of us he could see. Dejected, he climbed onto the bench and began to play with is cock. He looked skyward as if in search for some inspiration. Whatever, his cock hardened and lengthened. It looked to be a good seven inches. Lance seemed to give further instructions and Mike's free hand disappeared behind his butt. I couldn't be certain but he seem to be finger-fucking his ass.

My concentration on the tableaux was interrupted when I felt Dave's hand on my ass from where it slid between my legs. He couldn't reach my cock because it was hard and pressed painfully between my body and the hard ground.

"I know I shouldn't say this but that kind of action makes me randy. You think that makes me queer?"

"Don't know. My cock is hard too," I confessed for some reason, "but this is no place for any exploration."

Mike's fist picked up speed as did his other hand. Letting out a mournful cry he achieved orgasm. He caught his jizz in the hand that had been up his ass and then lapped up his cream and licked all his fingers. Having completed his task, he seemed to shrink. He started to step down from the bench but Lance stopped him. Mike stared fixedly at his toes before bowing from the waist toward Lance before turning and bowing several times to the surrounding bushes. Dave had been right; both Lance and Mike knew of the audience.

As a final act of humiliation, Mike watched while Mole and Toad distributed his clothes, piece by piece, around the edge of the clearing. He retrieved them one at a time thus ensuring that each of the viewing audience got a clear, close view of his naked body. Only after he had collected every item was he allowed to get dressed.

"Fuck! I don't think I could do that. I think I'd hang myself first. Shit," Dave whispered hoarsely. "Still 3; it is a fucking turn-on. I'm still hard. What about you Bobby? Want to go to my house and we both jerk-off? My folks are still at work so nobody will be there."

I was surprised at the invitation but I jumped at it. Other than the forced exhibition staged by Lance, I had never seen another guy jerk off. I watched myself in the bathroom mirror sometimes but that wasn't the same. I wondered whether Dave would let me touch him.

The door of Dave's bedroom was no sooner closed behind us when he rapidly shed his clothes. I had a good, long slow look this time. I had been too ashamed and scared in the gym. He was bigger than me in most regards – taller, heavier but I couldn't see his penis – his hand obscured my view.

"Come on Bobby. Get your gear off. I seen you almost naked once but this time I want a good look."

As I said earlier, I'm usually shy even when trying to pee when anyone else is there but not that afternoon. I didn't even turn my back because then I wouldn't have been able to see Dave working on his cock. When I dropped my jockey shorts I was already hard.

"Good one, Bobby. Let's compare and see whose is the biggest."

A close comparison was unnecessary. Even from where I stood it was obvious Dave's cock was bigger than mine. That didn't stop him however. He stepped up close and held my hard-on beside his in his hand and pressed them together. I almost fainted.

"You win, Dave. Yours is longer 3; thicker too."

"Will yours get any longer if I do this?"

He stroked the two cocks simultaneously, slowly and with just the right pressure. My cock didn't lengthen but I was in jerk-off heaven. I guess I must have sighed.

"Yeah! Feels good, doesn't it. You want to take a turn."

Christ! Did I ever! I replaced his hand with mine and stroked, trying to copy Dave's easy action.

"The other week when Lance blew his spunk on your face 3; well 3; did 3; did any of it get in your mouth. What did it taste like? I've tried pumping my cock into my mouth but I still only dribble out some thin fluid 3; not like what Lance blasted you with."

"A couple of drops did but most of it ended up on my face. I was so scared at what they might do next I just swallowed and don't remember any taste at all," I confessed.

Dave didn't say anything; he just put is hand over mine and took control of the rhythm but it was still my hand holding the adjacent meats. Without thinking what I was doing I put my free hand on Dave's shoulder and then let it slide down his chest and draw circles around his nipples. He seemed to enjoy everything that was happening. He closed his eyes, tossed his head back and moaned softly.

I felt Dave's cock get even harder. His hips thrust forward and I felt warm fluid flood onto my few pubic hairs. That sensation set me off as well. My hand was wet with the joint discharge but Dave continued his hand action. I was on cloud nine. That was the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced.

When we came down from our highs we collapsed onto Dave's bed. Neither spoke for the longest time.

Dave was the first to speak. "I wonder what an orgasm is like when you have to stand on a park bench and do it with God knows how many people watching?"

"Don't know. If it was me, I still be standing there jerking myself at dawn. Poor bastard 3; Look, I had better make a move. My folks will be wondering where I am and I guess your's will be home soon. We don't want them to find us like this and get any wrong ideas."

"You mean the correct idea, don't you. Yeah, you better go 3; but 3; well I'd like to… do this again 3; if you want to," he said questioningly.

Boy, did I ever but I tried to pass it off easily. I was pretty certain I was gay but I didn't know about Dave 3; better safe than sorry.

I never went near the park after that but Mike's ordeal continued. The teachers knew something was wrong but were unable to find the truth. Mike started missing days, particularly Mondays. Then he stopped coming to school at all. We heard that he had run away from home. I stopped playing with my privates. I wanted to be as prepared as possible if Lance called for an 'inspection'. Most of all I didn't want to end up as Mike's replacement. Dave was right – better dead than being Lance's slave.

My fears came true the week before the Easter Holiday. Toad collected my lunch money at the gate and said Lance wanted to see me behind the bike shed at lunch time 3; 'just for a quick inspection' and he laughed crudely. I'm sure a couple of other guys heard but looked away. Glad it wasn't them, I imagine.

I passed Weasel at the corner of the shed. Only Lance, Mole and Toad were waiting for me. The others appeared to be standing lookout.

"OK, Bobby boy. You know the drill. You don't have to undress this time, just pull it out and show us what you can do. I hope you can do better than your first effort. But again, maybe not," he laughed. I can just see you going to afternoon classes with your shirt all spatter with cum."

At first nothing I did would make my pecker hard. Then I closed my eyes and imagined my self back in Dave's bedroom. That did it. Before long I deposited my few drops of juice onto the dry leaves. "That's much better, kid. Still ain't man size. Some other time I show you what men do. Ever been fucked? I'd love to get my bone between your sweet little cheeks but that's for another time. Just remember I've promised myself your ass-cherry so you better keep it safe for me"

I raced away, almost sobbing with relief but fearful of this threat.

That night at dinner Dad announced that a new colleague at work would be moving into the house next door – that he had a son my age who would start school just after the Easter holiday – and I was expected 'to be nice to him' and show him the ropes at school. That was all I needed. I couldn't take care of myself so what was I supposed to do with another new-boy.

I was introduced to Tony the day the Rogers moved in and got to know him a bit over the next few days. He seemed like a nice guy. He was average size, looked like he had a solid body although I didn't seen any of it, was respectful of elders and very self effacing about himself. He asked about the teachers and the school but I chickened-out on telling him about Lance and company. He would meet them soon enough.

When school resumed, Tony's mother drove him there so she could register him and I went along with them so as to lead them to the office. That was the first day in months I still had money in my pocket after passing through the gate. Weasel was the collector that day and gave me a dirty look when I passed him accompanied by an adult. As luck would have it, Tony ended up in all the classes I was in. At lunch time, with Lance hovering in the background, I couldn't avoid telling Tony about the local Mafia.

"Tony! See that group over there by the drinking fountain? The ones looking our way. They're the local crims. The one in the center with the big nose is Lance; he's the leader. The others are his rat-pack. Be careful around them or you may end up in the shit."

I briefly described the marauding behavior of the group over the last few months, including the story of Mike on the park bench. Tony didn't say anything – he just stared at them.

The next day Tony and I walked to school together. Lance was at the gate himself and barred our entry.

"Morning, Bobby boy. Aren't you gonna introduce me to your new friend."

"This is Tony Rogers, Lance. He moved in next door to me."

"Hi Tony. Has Bobby told you about me and how things work around here?"

"Yes, Lance," Tony replied in a loud voice. "Bob told me about you and as far as I am concerned you can go and fuck yourself."

Lance's gang crowded around and others nearby paused. No-one had ever tried to stand up to Lance before and they expected a brawl right then and there.

"You fucking little turd. I run this place. Nobody talks to me like that and gets away without a bloody nose and minus their pants. I'll be seeing you later."

Tony interrupted and looked square at Lance. "Yeah, I suppose the seven of you could rough me up but what about you Lance? I think you're a chicken-shit fuck-wit who couldn't punch his way through a wet Kleenex. If you didn't have this bunch of ass-wipes around you, you'd be nothing."

"You got a big mouth, Tony. Bigger than your pecker, I'll bet. Just you wait 'til I get my hands on you then you'll see who is boss cock around here."

"Deal! We'll go one on one if you dare – winner take all," he continued as if an afterthought, "And the loser must perform an act of total submission. You up for it, cunt face? One on one – winner takes all! All you gotta do is name the time and place."

Lance's face turned bright red. I though he was going to explode. He glance around and saw that a small crowd was listening intently to every word. His bluff had been called and he and everyone else knew it. It would be all over school within the hour.

"You're on, you scrawny motherfucker. After school – in the park – Bobby knows the place. You'll regret the day your mother got fucked and spawned you. I'll spend the day thinking of all the ways I'm gonna fuck you over after I grind you into the dust."

Lance forced his way through the onlookers and headed into the main building. The crowd scatter. I was wrong about it taking an hour for the story to spread. Everyone would know within five minutes.

"Tony," I said, "your fucking mad! Lance may be a fucking clod but he is bigger than you. You have no idea what you are letting yourself in for."

"Maybe, maybe not. We'll just have to wait and see, won't we. In any event I'll never give in to a bully like that without a fight. Let's get to class. I don't want to get detention and disappoint Lance."

I don't remember anything about the rest of the school day. I was trying to figure out how to explain to Dad how Tony had gotten the shit beaten out of him on only his second day in school.

Tony held me back at the end of our last class.

"No hurry for a funeral, Bob. They won't start without us. Looks like the whole school is going to be there. One way or the other, we'll make history today."

We calmly strolled to the clearing in the park where Mike had been humiliated. Fellow students were crowded around the periphery. Lance and the gang stood in the center. I thought I caught a glimpse of Mr Roland, the gym teacher, in the background. Bold as brass, Tony walked up to Lance and started to unbutton his shirt.

"I thought this was just going to be the two of us. I knew you weren't man enough take me on by yourself."

If Lance had harbored any thoughts of trickery, he was undone. Tony had spoken loud enough for all the watchers to hear. Lance was trapped into defending his so-called honor.

"I can deal with you with one hand tied behind my back, you little shit."

Meanwhile, Tony handed me his shirt and started to remove his pants.

"Hold these for me, Bob. My mother doesn't like it when I get my clothes all grubby."

"So sissy-boy doesn't want to get dirty. Just wait. Your shirt won't cover what I intend to do to you face and being mostly naked will make completing the job just that much easier."

"Only time will tell who gets naked first. Are there any rules to this game?"

"Yeah, I make them up as I go. You ready for your lesson in respect? If so, you other fuckers back off and don't interfere. You can help me have fun after I've finished him off."

We started to back off when Lance made a sudden lunge at Tony. Tony sidestepped and tripped Lance who sprawled out on the grass. Fuming, Lance tried again with the same result. Enrage, Lance tried kicking Tony in the balls. Tony grabbed his foot and twisted or something and Lance landed on this back again. It suddenly dawned on me that Tony knew judo and my spirits brightened. Maybe I wouldn't have to explain anything to Dad after all.

All the effort, during which he had failed to land a blow, was taking its toll on Lance. Even at a distance we could hear Lance's labored breathing while Tony hadn't even raised a sweat. Suddenly, Lance was on the ground 3; on his belly 3; and Tony was on his back twisting one arm forcefully up toward the nape of Lance's neck. Tony leaned forward and appeared to whisper into Lance's ear. Lance nodded his head meekly and Tony stood up. Arms folded across his chest, he stood above his vanquished tormentor.

For the first time I really looked at Tony. For one so young, he had a great physique. He had broad, strong shoulders, a narrow waist and a beautiful butt. I wondered how big his cock was and whether he could shoot real man-seed. My cock got hard just thinking about the possibilities.

Lance rose from the ground completely avoiding Tony's gaze. He walked slowly to the park bench and climbed onto the seat. He appeared to have his eyes closed while he did a full strip. Tony picked the clothes and distributed them around the edge of the circle of viewers. I looked for Mr. Roland but he was nowhere to be seen. Had he gone to get help, I wondered?

"Get on with it Lance. I'm told you like exhibitions so give us a good show."

Tony reclaimed his clothes and quickly dressed. A sudden movement caught my eye. Someone had picked up Lance's pants and tossed them high into one of the surrounding trees. Within moments, the remainder of Lance's wardrobe hung provocatively and precariously from various branches. Lance's gang member had already melted away.

Tony walked back to Lance and said something I couldn't hear. Returning to my side he said, "Let's get out of here. I don't give a shit whether or not he succeeds in tossing off. Seeing him try is enough for me."

"That was wizard, Tony. Where did you learn to do that," I inquired while we headed for the street.

"There was a bully at my last school who had it in for me and a couple of other guys. Dad said I had to learn to fight my own fights and paid for my judo lessons."

Mr. Roland met us at the park gate. "Everything OK, boys? Anything I need to know about?"

"No, Sir. Everything is OK so far as I know," Tony replied.

Lance and his whole crew missed school for the rest of the week. When they finally returned, they were subdued and subjected to derisive laughter for the rest of the school year. In class it was fun to see some of the guys fist the air at their groin whenever Lance was in view.

Tony and I became good friends but I was never able to see his 'prize package'.

The End