RanduThe Best Uncles are Adopted |
SummaryUncle Phil is really good in baby-sitting his 10-year old nephew.
Publ. Jan 1994 (; this site Mar 2008
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CharactersRyan (10yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy story/loveMb – cons mast oral (Explanation) |
Warning & DisclaimerThis story contains consensual sex between an adult male and a MINOR male. If that's not your cup of tea, don't read it. You have been warned.This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual individuals, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. |
Author's note© 1994 Randu. All rights reserved.Permission is hereby given to distribute this story via electronic means only, for non-profit use. This header must remain intact. All rights to this story remain the property of the author. Replies and comments may be sent using this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
Chapter 1Uncle Phil was babysitting me tonight. Personally, I thought I was getting a little old to really need a sitter – after all, I turned 10 almost two months ago – but I didn't mind when it was him. He usually brought along a movie to watch, something my mom and dad wouldn't let me rent at the store and I had told him secretly to bring along. Once I asked him to bring Dawn Of The Dead, but he said I wasn't old enough for one that scary yet. That made me want to see it even more, so I kept pestering him until he finally brought it. It was about walking dead people eating living people, and after watching ten minutes I was closing my eyes and telling him to turn it off, it was so gross. He never said "I told you so" or anything, and after that I trusted him when it came to movies. Tonight he brought Aliens. I liked sci-fi movies with awesome special-effects, like Terminator, or Star Wars.Uncle Phil was real old – I think he's 35 or something – but he was always a lot of fun. He had a mustache and a short beard, brown hair like mine, and he was kinda thin like me, too. Whenever he came over he seemed to pay more attention to me than to my parents! Ever since I was real little I'd climb into his lap while he talked with my mom and dad and demand to be tickled. Then he'd start tickling me all over, sometimes pulling my shirt out of my pants so he could tickle my skin. I'd scream and yell for him to stop, but he wouldn't until I said 'uncle', and then he'd start all over again. My dad would say, "Ryan, Uncle Phil didn't come over just to tickle you, ya know." And Uncle Phil would say, "Sure I did! You don't think I'm here to see you, do ya?" (meaning my dad). That made me feel kinda special. He could play Nintendo pretty good too, sometimes even beating me at a few games. He was kinda like a big kid. Maybe it's because he isn't married. He didn't even have any girl friends, which was OK by me since I didn't care much for girls myself. After my folks left he told me to get into my pajamas and he'd start making some popcorn for the movie. I went into my room and pulled off all my clothes, putting on my pajama bottoms but no shirt. Uncle Phil would always rub me when I snuggled next to him and I didn't want a shirt to be in the way. It was warm in the house anyway. Uncle Phil looked me up and down when I came into the kitchen. "No shirt?" he asked. "Nah, It's too hot in here." "Suit yourself. That'll just make it easier for me to tickle you," he said, grinning at me. I went over and leaned against him by the stove, the smell of the popcorn popping making my mouth water. Uncle Phil made the best popcorn of anyone I knew. He was shaking the pot with one hand and he put the other on my shoulder, rubbing up and down my back. When the popcorn was finished he salted and buttered it and said, "Why don't you get some cans of pop and I'll take this to the TV room." "OK," I said, going to the fridge. When I got to the TV room Uncle Phil had already started the tape, fast-forwarding through all the beginning crap. He had told me before that he would only show me these movies as long as I didn't start talking like they did; you know, swearing and cussing and saying the F-word. Uncle Phil said only people with a small vocabulary swore all the time, because they couldn't think of anything more intelligent to say instead. I sat down on the couch beside him and gave him his pop, as the movie started. He put his arm around me, hugging me close, as we munched away on the popcorn, watching Aliens. I was really getting into the movie; that Ripley is one tough lady! The popcorn was gone and Uncle Phil had put the bowl on the floor. "Ryan, get up a minute so I can lay down." "OK," I said, standing up and then laying down beside him. He was on his side, holding his head up with one hand, and I was on my back. I put my hands behind my head on the pillow, hoping he would rub my belly, and sure enough, he put his hand on me, slowly going over my chest down to my belly-button. His hand was soft, and it felt good on my skin. I think he liked it as much as I did! Sometimes he would rub over my titties, making them get all goose-bumpy. It felt so good my penis started to get stiff, making my pj's poke out a little since I wasn't wearing any underwear. Uncle Phil pretended not to notice, but I could see him looking at my pants once in a while. I wondered what it would feel like if he rubbed me down there , too, but I didn't know how to tell him it was OK and I was afraid of what he might think. I know you're not supposed to let anyone touch your private parts, but I still wanted him to. I'd let Uncle Phil touch me anywhere. I reached down and unsnapped the top button on my pj's, trying to give him a hint, and his fingers went just under my waistband, going below my belly-button and over my hips. He was only an inch away from my penis, but he still didn't touch it. Maybe he didn't want to because he was afraid of what I would think! Uncle Phil woulda said it was a waddyacallit, a di 3; a dil 3; a dilemma. I think that's what it's called, anyway. I didn't know what to do about it though. When the movie was over Uncle Phil said it was time for bed. Naturally I complained, even though I was tired. It was already way past my bed-time. Uncle Phil always let me stay up late. He didn't listen to me though. Instead he picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder, carrying me to my room and pinching my butt along the way, making me scream and wiggle. He threw me on the bed and pinned me down with my arms spread out and my legs hanging over the edge as he got on his knees between them and yelled, "SMOOCH ATTACK!!" and started kissing me all over; this was something we did every time he came over, and I loved it, even though I yelled for him to stop. I guess I might be getting a little old for this stuff, but it was still fun and Uncle Phil seemed to like it, too. He kissed my nose, eyes, mouth, neck, smooching real fast everywhere, going from one spot to the next like a bird pecking at something. Then he started kissing my chest and belly, and my underarms, his beard and mustache making me giggle even more when it tickled my skin. He would even kiss my titties! I was laughing and trying to get away but he had me pinned. My pj's had slid down my hips a little and he started kissing my hip bones, then going back up to my chest. When he figured I had had enough he let me go and I crawled into bed. I sat up and opened my arms for a hug and a kiss, and when Uncle Phil hugged me I kissed him on the mouth, putting my lips on his and holding them there, instead of the quick kiss I usually gave him. I decided to be daring; I opened my mouth a little, like I'd seen people do it on TV, and after a second he opened his mouth too, and his hands started rubbing my back and sides, holding me tight. My dick got hard again and I was breathing fast as we kissed and I wondered if this was what it meant to be 'turned on'. When we stopped Uncle Phil was breathing fast too, and I thought he liked it as much as I did. "Wow!" he said, looking surprised. "That was some kiss!" "Did you like it?" I asked, hoping he wasn't upset. "Sure, I liked it. Just don't ever try kissing your Mom like that!" I giggled. "No way!" I loved my mom but that was different, somehow. Then he put me down and tucked me in, looking at me like he was trying to decide something. Finally, he asked, "Did you know there's going to be a lunar eclipse next weekend?" "Really? Can you bring your telescope over? I've never seen an eclipse before." He had a really cool telescope. Sometimes he brought it here and would set it up in our back yard, showing me all kinds of neat stuff until my mom or dad called me in for bed. "Well, I was thinking maybe you'd like to come over to my place and spend the night, if you want. I'm sure your folks wouldn't mind, if I asked them." "Yeah, that'd be great!" I'd never been to his house overnight before. "OK. I'll tell your mom and dad and pick you up next Saturday. How's that?" I hugged him. "I love you Uncle Phil." It didn't sound mushy saying it to him. "I love you too, kiddo. Now go to sleep before your folks get home and you get me in trouble for being up so late." I rolled over onto my stomach, knowing that he would rub my back until I was asleep. "Uncle Phil?", I said, as he started massaging. "Yes?" "Are you my dad's brother or my mom's?" I had never been able to figure this out. "You mean you never asked anyone before?" I shook my head no. "Well, actually, I'm not related to either one." This was a surprise. "Then how can you be my uncle?" I asked, sitting up again so I could see him. "Well, your parents and I have been good friends since before you were born. When you came along I kind of became your honorary uncle, and you were like my adopted nephew. I'm an only child like you, so I can't ever be anyone's 'blood' uncle; but if I could I'd want a boy just like you for a nephew." He stopped, looking at me. "I hope this doesn't mean you're gonna stop calling me 'Uncle'." I thought about it. It seemed to me the fact that he wanted to be my uncle made him all the more special. I hugged him again. "Don't worry Uncle Phil. You'll always be my 'uncle'." "Good. That makes me happy. Now go to sleep before I tickle you into unconsciousness," he said, poking my ribs. "OK, OK. Rub my back?" "Of course." "G'night, Uncle Phil. Thanks." "Good night, Ryan. Sleep tight." I fell asleep with his hand going softly over my back, dreaming about next weekend.
Chapter 2I didn't think the weekend would ever get here but finally it was Saturday and Uncle Phil was picking me up. My mom put some clean underwear, socks, a shirt, and my pajamas in a bag, giving me a kiss on my cheek, and off we went. I was really excited; I'd never seen a lunar eclipse before. I'd never spent the night with Uncle Phil before, either. I hoped he'd let me sleep with him.On the way to his house I sat right next to him, begging him to let me drive. Since we were on a back road he said OK. I was thrilled! My dad never let me do this! Uncle Phil said I was pretty good, too. He had his arm around me, and his hand was on my bare leg (I was wearing shorts). He always seemed to be touching me, somewhere. I liked it, though. When we got to his place it was still a coupla hours before night so we played games on his Nintendo. He's the only grown-up I know that has one. Just before dark he fixed some spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, and after that he got out his telescope, leaving the dirty dishes in the sink. His house was kinda messy, kind of like my room at home. Like I said before, he's like a big kid, with no one to tell him to pick up after himself. That was fine with me. I helped him carry his telescope lenses and filters outside, and he took the telescope. I think it weighed more than I did, it was so big. Even the tripod was taller than me. While he set it up I went back inside for a chair to stand on. When I came back out he had everything ready to go. "When does the eclipse start?" I asked. "In about an hour. What do you want to look at while we wait?" "How 'bout Saturn?" That was my favorite. You could actually see the rings around it! "OK, but you have to point it out, first." He thought he had me. I looked up at the stars, finally seeing what I thought was Saturn. It was in the right place, anyway. "Right there," I said,pointing. "Hmmm. OK, what constellation is it in?" "Saggitarius. The Teapot." I couldn't help smirking at him. "Think your smart, huh?" he said, grinning back. "You're the one that taught me!" "I guess there's no one to blame but myself then. OK, let's get Saturn in here." We spent the next hour looking at Saturn, a few nebulas, and open star clusters, until I noticed the moon seemed to be getting smaller. It had been full, but now a small edge was dark. I pointed this out to Uncle Phil, afraid that we'd miss it, but he explained that it would take a while for the whole moon to dissapear. We started watching it through the telescope, Uncle Phil letting me aim it and focus it; he trusted me to be careful. You could actually see the earth's shadow moving slowly across the craters! The whole time Uncle Phil was explaining what caused an eclipse, while I asked questions. He never talked to me like I was a dumb little kid, the way most grown-ups do. I think he liked teaching me, and I liked learning from him. When the moon was almost totally gone he said that in ancient times people thought some kind of god or space beast was eating the moon; I could see why. It was kind of spooky. We didn't wait for it to come all the way back out again since it was after midnight, and I was yawning. We packed everything up and went back inside. "Time for bed, Ryan," said Uncle Phil, tossing me my bag. "Here's your pajamas. You can use the bathroom down the hall to change." "Are you going to bed, too?" "Yes, I'm going to bed too," he said. "It's late." "Can I sleep with you?" I asked, looking at the floor. I hoped he'd say yes. "Sure you can. I'd like that. Now get your pj's on." "All right!" I said, smiling at him as I ran to bathroom. I stripped naked, pulling on my pajama pants and leaving the shirt in the bag, the thought of actually sleeping with him giving me a hard-on as I decided, no matter what, tonight he was going to rub me everywhere . I ran into his bedroom and saw him in his underpants, opening the bed. "Don't you wear pajamas?" I asked. "Nah. Usually I don't wear anything, but since you're here I figured I better wear these." I didn't know if he was serious or teasing me, but I turned around and went back to bathroom, taking off my pj bottoms and putting on my underpants. I wanted to be just like him. He didn't say anything when I came back, but I saw him look at the little bump my penis was making under my shorts. I hoped he didn't think I was bad or anything. I climbed into bed and Uncle Phil turned out the light, climbing in next to me. The moon was almost full again and shining through the window, and I could still see him. I could smell his aftershave lotion too; he smelled good. I snuggled up next to him and he put his arm around me, with my head on his shoulder. Then all of sudden he started tickling me! He tickled my butt, my sides, ribs, my hips; he knew all of my ticklish spots, like he had a map or something. I was screaming and wriggling, trying to get away – but still liking it – when he grabbed me in his arms and rolled onto his back, taking me with him and knocking the covers off, so that I was on my back on top of him. Then he gave me a bear-hug, squeezing the breath out of me – but being careful not to hurt me – and tickling me some more. Finally, when I was out of breath he quit, letting me lay there on top of him. "You can rub my belly, if you want," I said, putting my arms up over my head on the pillow and stretching out. He didn't say anything, but his hands started going slowly up and down my chest to my shorts, rubbing softly over my skin and making me shiver. His fingers played with my titties, making them get all stiff 'cause it tickled, and then going down over my stomach. My penis was sticking up hard under my shorts but his hands only went as far as my waistband. It was like having an itch that he wouldn't scratch. I didn't see anything wrong with him touching me there if I wanted him to, so I decided to take a chance. I lifted my butt, pulled down my underpants and took them off, tossing them on the floor. "There," I said, "that's much better." I stretched back out on top of him, my dick poking up for him to touch. I only hoped I hadn't ruined everything. Uncle Phil was quiet, like he was thinking, and then his hands started rubbing me again. This time they kept going down, over where my shorts had covered, over my belly and hips, and then down my legs almost to my knees. Then he brought his hands back up, going over the inside of my legs, and then his fingers went real softly over my balls and my dick – it felt like a spider – and going all the way back up to my neck. Then he did it again, going slowly up and down my body; sometimes stopping to rub my titties, or my belly, or my crotch, and I stretched out as much as I could on top of him, spreading my legs so he could rub me everywhere. Just when I thought it couldn't feel any better he took my penis between his fingers and softly squeezed it, making it get even harder, and then he started rubbing up and down it. "Ooooh, that feels good !", I said. "Is this what you want me do?" "Oh yes! Please don't stop. I like it!" I could feel his penis under my butt. "Your penis is stiff too, isn't it." "Yes, it is. It's called an erection, in case you didn't know." His fingers went slowly up and down my 'erection', making me moan, it felt so good. His other hand was playing with my balls, one finger sometimes going between my butt. That felt good,too! I figured out how to use the muscle in my crotch to sort of make my penis get harder each time his fingers went down it, making it feel it even better. It had never felt this good when I played with it in the bath-tub! Uncle Phil kept going slowly over my dick, and I started pushing my hips up, kind of rocking, and it was feeling better and better each time. I was pushing my penis up harder and harder through his fingers, going faster and faster, when all of sudden it felt like I had to pee or something, and the next thing I knew I was jerking and yelling on top of him and it felt like jolts of electricity were going all through my body, going on and on until I was almost scared, it felt so good! Finally it stopped, and I was breathing fast as I rolled off of my uncle. "Gosh, what happened?! Did something break inside of me?" I was really surprised at how good it had felt. "It's called an orgasm," explained Uncle Phil. "Nothing broke. It's completely normal. When you're older and you have an orgasm, or climax, sperm comes out. An orgasm is just about the best thing you can give to someone you love very special. Did you like it?" "Like it?! It was great! I've never felt anything like it before. Can we do it again? Oh, wait. Can I give you an orgasm? I love you, too!" "I'd really like that, but are you sure you want to?" "Sure! I want to make you feel good, too!" Besides, I wanted to see what his penis looked like. I'd seen my dad's before, when he came out of the shower, but it wasn't stiff or anything. "OK, I guess I better take these off then," he said, taking off his underwear. It was too dark in the room to see anything very good, so I got out of bed and turned on the light, making both of us squint. His penis was big, and kinda red on top, and his balls were big and hairy. He had lots of hair down there, like my dad. I sat down on the bed, staring at it. "When will I get hair around my penis?" I asked. I didn't know too much about this stuff, and my parents didn't seem to want to talk about it. I knew I could ask Uncle Phil, though. "Different boys start growing hair at different ages," he said, "but usually it's around 13 or 14. Don't be in any hurry, though. I like you just the way you are." "Can I touch it?" "Sure. Just remember it's just as sensitive as yours though, so be gentle." I laid down beside him and he put his arm around me, like before, and I started feeling his dick. It was really stiff, like mine, but a lot bigger, and it felt warm and the skin was real soft. Uncle Phil had his eyes closed, and his hand was rubbing over my butt. "Mmmm 3; That feels nice," he said. "Rub it up and down like I did yours." I started rubbing my palm over it, and I guess I was doing it right 'cause he moaned a little, hugging me tighter. I kept rubbing up and down, and all of sudden he started jerking and moaning, and big globs of white stuff came out of his dick, shooting all the way up to his chest!! "Are you OK?!" I thought maybe I'd hurt him or something! "Oh baby," he groaned, "that was great ! Yes, I'm OK now. You gave me an orgasm, just like you had one." "Is that white stuff sperm?" I knew what sperm was. It made babies. "Yes, it is. Why don't you go get a towel from the bathroom so I can clean it up." I got up to get the towel, feeling kinda proud that I could make my Uncle get all hot and bothered like that. He wiped himself off, and I got back in bed. His penis was soft now, but mine was still stiff. He turned on his side, taking me in his arms, and said, "Thank you, Ryan. That really felt good." Then he kissed me! "You're welcome!" I said. "Do you want to do it again?" I wanted to see if I could have another orgasm. "I'd like to, but it's really late. Maybe tomorrow, OK?" "Promise?" "I promise. Why don't you turn off the light so we can go to sleep." I did what he asked and snuggled back up to him, pulling up the covers. I put my head on his shoulder and he started rubbing up and down my back, just like at my house, only this time I was in bed with him, and we were both naked! "I love you, Uncle Phil." "I love you to, kiddo. More than you know." I didn't know what he meant by that. I fell asleep with his hand going up and down my back, even over my butt. I really did love him.
Chapter 3When I woke up I was all tangled up with my Uncle. My head was on his shoulder, my arm was over his chest, my leg was over his belly, and his hand was still rubbing softly over my back, like he hadn't slept at all. When his hand rubbed over my butt I realized I wasn't wearing any underpants, and I was kinda surprised, but then I remembered last night. I rolled over on my back, stretching, and his hand rubbed over my ribs and then down to my penis, tickling it. It was always stiff when I woke up, for some reason."Morning, sleepy head!" he said. "Morning," I mumbled. My mom said I wasn't a 'morning' person. "What time is it?" "Almost 10 o'clock." "How long have you been awake?" "Oh 3; a while. I kind of liked having you sprawled all over me, so I didn't wake you up." He was still playing with my hard-on. "I'm hungry," I said, getting up. "What's for breakfast?" "Cereal, toast, milk; you know, the usual breakfast stuff." I threw a pillow at him and he grabbed me, turning me over on my stomach, and started spanking my bottom. Not real hard, but making me yell and try to get away. "Oooh, stop , I have to pee !," I yelled. He let me go and I got up and went to the bathroom. I had to wait a second before anything would come out of my erection, and I heard Uncle Phil come in and stand next to me, both of us peeing into the toilet at the same time. I smiled up at him, and he smiled back. I finished before he did so I went into the kitchen, looking for breakfast. I didn't feel like getting dressed yet; it felt good walking around naked, and I knew Uncle Phil wouldn't mind. I found the cereal (Cheerios) and the milk, but I couldn't reach the bowls. Uncle Phil came in and got them down. He hadn't gotten dressed, either. When we finished we put all the dirty dishes in the sink. I felt guilty about making this mess for him to clean up. "I'll help you do the dishes, if you like." I smiled to myself as I thought of what my mom would think if she heard me say that. "Thanks," said Uncle Phil, "I guess we should clean up a little." We did the dishes in the nude, having a water fight at the sink, both of us laughing at the suds all over. We cleaned up the mess and Uncle Phil said, "Since we're already wet, shall we take a shower?" "You mean together ?" Gosh, he was full of surprises. "Sure! Why not?" he said, raising his eyebrows at me. "OK, I guess." This was turning into a good weekend! It was like, now that Uncle Phil knew that I really loved him, we could do anything together. I was glad. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him, and his hand was feeling my butt again. We went into the bathroom and he put me down, turning on the water and letting it get hot, and we climbed in and pulled the curtain shut. "Will you let me wash you?", he asked. "OK," I answered, wondering what he'd do next. He got behind me, going down on his knees, and started rubbing the soap all over me, lifting my arms and cleaning under them, then going over my chest and my belly. Then he took the soap and started rubbing it over my crotch, and when it got real soapy he started rubbing with his hand on my dick. It felt good and I started getting a hard-on, and then his other hand went between my butt, and his finger was feeling my hole. It sure felt good! I looked over my shoulder and I could see that Uncle Phil's penis was stiff too. "You like touching me, don't you." "Yes, I do," he said. "I think you're beautiful and very sexy, and touching you makes me feel good." "You think I'm sexy ?!" I didn't know boys could be sexy. His hands were still rubbing the soap all over my crotch, and my dick was poking up real hard. I leaned back against him, relaxing. "To a guy like me you're very sexy. I think you're better looking than any girl you could show me. That doesn't bother you, does it?" "No 3; "I was trying to understand. I turned around to look at him, and he put his hands on my hips. "Are you gay?" "Not exactly. I don't like men, if that's what you're thinking." "But you like boys?" "Yes, I do. I think boys like you are the sexiest creatures on earth. Most men, like your dad, love women. Some men are gay, and they love other men. A few, like myself, love boys. Unfortunately, I could get sent to jail for being a 'boy-lover', so we can't tell anyone." "Gosh, why could they put you in jail ?!" I didn't think he was doing anything wrong. "Because it's against the law for a grown-up to have sex with a kid, like we've been doing. People would say you're to young to understand what was going on, or that I had forced you into it. It doesn't matter what you think, or that you said it was OK for me to touch you." What a dumb world this is! I mean, what's wrong with us making each other feel good if we both say it's OK? I think the world would better off if kids were running it. We know what really matters . "Don't worry, Uncle Phil," I said, hugging him under the shower. "I wouldn't ever do anything to get you in trouble." "Thanks Ryan. I knew I could trust you. I wish I could tell the whole world how much I love you." I kissed him. I didn't care if we were breaking any dumb old laws. Then I thought of something. "Do you do this with any other boys?" I asked. I felt, Idunno, jealous I guess, thinking he might love someone else, too. "I've only ever dreamt about doing this," he answered. "You're the first and only. I was always afraid of trying to get to know a boy like you, because somebody might have found out. When you unsnapped you're pj's last weekend, it was the hardest thing I ever did to stop myself from touching you down there." "Why didn't you? I wanted you to." "I was afraid of what you might think." "I wanted to tell you it was OK but I was afraid of what you would think," I said. I was right, it had been a dilemma. We smiled happily at each other, glad that everything was OK now. We finished taking our shower (my fingers were all wrinkly, we'd been in the water so long) and Uncle Phil dried me off, like I was a real little kid. I didn't mind though, now that I knew he liked touching me so much. After he dried himself off we went into the bedroom. "You promised you'd give me another orgasm," I reminded him. I wanted to see if I could do it again, now that I knew how. "Yeah, I did," he said. He took me over to the side of the bed and I laid down on my back, with my legs hanging over the edge, so he could rub me all over, like last night. He got down on his knees, and I spread my legs so he could get between them. Then he grabbed my arms and stretched me out, and I thought he was gonna yell "Smooch attack!", but instead he said, "Can I kiss you like we did last weekend?" "OK," I grinned, opening my mouth a little. He kissed me with his mouth open too, and then I felt his tongue in my mouth! It felt weird,at first, but I thought it was neat. We kissed with our tongues for a while, and it made my dick get all stiff again. It was poking up against his belly, and I started rubbing it against him. Then he started kissing my titties! It was like a 'smooch attack', but he was doing it real slow, and even using his tongue, making my titties get stiff too, as he took turns sucking on them. I had my eyes closed, really getting into it, when he started kissing my belly, and poking his tongue down my belly-button, making me giggle. Then he really surprised me. He kissed my dick!! He had let go of my arms, and I sat up on my elbows. "Gosh, isn't that dirty ?" I mean, Jeez, I peed through it! "No, it's not dirty. I just washed it, remember?" "Yeah, but 3; " That wasn't what I meant,really. Oh well." I guess I don't mind if you don't," I said, laying back down. He started kissing it again, real soft, and then he started licking and sucking on my balls. It felt real naughty, but I liked it. He took my penis all the way into his mouth and started sucking on it, like it was a lollipop or something, and I could feel his tongue moving all around on it, making me shiver. He was going slowly up and down my penis, and his hands came up and rubbed over my titties. I couldn't help moaning, it felt so good . I was pushing my penis in and out of his mouth, feeling an orgasm coming, and when it did I yelled out, and my whole body was jerking under my uncle. When it stopped, Uncle Phil came up and kissed me. "How was that?" he asked. " Great ! It was even better than the first one!" I gave him a hug. "I don't think I could do that to you, though. Yours is too big." "That's OK. I'm happy just doing it to you." I said I'd rub it for him, though, and after he had his orgasm he said it was time to bring me back home. We got dressed, combed our hair, and went out to the car. Uncle Phil let me drive a little bit on the way back, with me sitting on his lap. When we got to my house my mom asked if I'd had a good time. "Yeah!" I said. "It was great!" I don't think I'd ever had a better weekend! I thought I was luckiest kid in the world. every boy should have a 'boy-lover' for an Uncle!!!! The End |
Author's note:Now that it's finally finished, please let me know how I did :).And before anyone else asks: No, I'm not planning on any sequels, in spite of how it sounds in the story :). |