Chapter 1 New School and
"What the hell am I doing here, just cause mom and dad want to go to the ends of the earth doesn't mean us kids have to follow."
"This sucks man, bloody Australia, what's down here, a lot of friggin' overgrown rabbits jumping around and the guys all talk funny, mind you they don't look too bad all tanned and everything, bet schools a drag as well, still can look at the suntans, hehehe, I wish."
"Mendoza, what the fuck is a half Italian half Spanish kid from Canada doing way the Fuck down here, bloody mom and dad must be crazy."
"Well I better get this email off to JC he told me to write as soon as I could, he was real good to me on the chat, sheeit we had a laugh or two in that room they didn't know I was only fourteen, hahaha, thought I was older, some nice people there though, wonder what the brother thought about it all, the time I spent chatting, typical twin, nosey as shit, wish he'd leave me alone at times, let me do my own thing for a change."
He sat there, fourteen years old all his friends now 12,000 miles away wondering what was to become of his life, no friends, no real close friends, like Jason was, he thought they should have done a little more than what they did but then again they were only fourteen, he looked again at the mirror on the wall of his room.
"Hrumph, well supose it could be worse, 5'4" [1.63 m] tall, hazel eyes, blonde hair, pretty fit from soccer, wonder if these Australians play soccer, don't look much like soccer players, all big and brassy the way they talk, slurring their words, worse than the yanks down south, oh well suppose I got to put up with it, dad said two Fuckin years here for the government, who'd want to be a diplomat, friggin' stupid, no family life, just getting to know Jason and they uproot us and we're off to this god forsaken place."
"Bloody, Ricky Mendoza, fourteen years old, short and a soccer player. What hope have I got here, these big bastards are gonna kill me if they find out, oh well school tomorrow, have to wait and see."
He finished typing his email to JC and shut down the computer after sending it off, well dad said there was always tomorrow,
"Yeah right, send the ambulance to pick up the pieces of Ricky Mendoza from the school yard, that'll be the call tomorrow or when those big bastard Australians find out about me, why couldn't we just stay in Canada, at least Jason was there for me, now there's nothing, and those bastards are going to pick on me cause I'm a bit smaller than them and foreign as well, shit got to get some sleep, hate school, hate exams, hate Australia, hate this life, shit where's Jason when I need him."
"Fuck sake Ricky man, go to friggin sleep, shut that thing down man, I want to see what the girls look like tomorrow, Fuck it man go to sleep."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm doin it."
"Have to be a friggin twin didn't I, couldn't be just me, no, god wanted two of us to piss off, fuck it, might as well sleep the last time before those fuckers get to me, why me, what'd I ever do to god, why did he make me like this, shit I miss Jason."
"Hrumph, whasit, what?"
"Come on Ricky time to get to school, your brother's already gone, come on son up you get."
"Ok, mom, ok. I'm awake."
"Hurry up son it's getting late, you don't want to be late on your first day, do you?"
Yeah right like I don't want to go at all.
"Ok mom, I'm up."
"You've only got twenty minutes to get there Ricky, we don't have the extra car now you know, you'll have to hurry up."
"Ok mom, ok. Why didn't bro's wake me?"
"Now Ricky, you know what your brother's like."
"Yes mom."
"Come on son hurry up."
Why argue?
"Yes mom."
"Ok last check, shirt? yes, pants? yes, shoes? yes, bag? yes, cut lunch? yes, what's this cut lunch thing don't they have civilised canteens here? these guys are just soooo primitive, hate all this, seven times in the last ten years we've moved to some stupid place just so they can get a better appointment in the government, bullshit, oh well got to move or mom will be yelling at me again."
The hot Australian sun beat down on the small figure as it made its way down the road in the red wind blown dust of the road, it was 102 degrees [39°C] in the shade, if you could find any shade to measure it, as the boy felt the sweat run down his back as he walked the 500 meters [1,500 feet] to the gates of the new school, blowflies settled on his back to suck up the moistier from his shirt as he watched the red dust settle on his once clean shoes, thoughts of the snow and ice he'd left behind timbled through his mind as he watched the dry sedge grass bowl along with the wind.
"From the fucking fridge to the frying pan in two days. Please god send Jason here, I'll pray to you every night, promise."
"Shit here's the gates, well better go face the music, where's that brother of mine, oh yeah there he is, chatting up the local girls already as usual, look at him, all smiles and nicey nicey. Look out girls he just wants your panties off, hehehe, that would piss him off if I told them what he was up too."
"Now where do I go, oh that's right over to that room, fuck man look at the size of that guy, he's got to be nearly six foot [1.80 m] tall, wonder what class he's in, oh well he'll kill me quick anyway, fucker that big wont even break a sweat with me, well no soccer fields here by the look of it, so much for my exercise, wonder what they do play here?"
"Young man, yoohoo, young man?"
"Me Miss?"
"Yes you young man."
"Yes Miss?"
"Are you the new boy, Mendoza, Ricky Mendoza?"
"Yes Maam."
"You come with me young Ricky, that's your brother over there, am I right?"
"Yes Maam."
"Good, okay come with me, young Ricky."
"Yes Maam."
"Now young Mendoza R, you're going to be in the fourth form, we supply all your books and such like, okay? now if you have any thing you need to find out just give a yell to the office, okee?"
"Uhm, yes I think so Maam."
"Don't worry young Mendoza R you'll get used to us soon, we haven't eaten anyone for about a year now, hehehe."
"Yes Maam."
"Now your brother will be in another class, we dont like to have twins in the same class, starts too much confusion."
I'm going to like this school after all, keep the bro away from me for a while anyway.
"Yes Maam."
"Now young Mendoza R this will be your form room, C4 okay your master is Mr. Barret he'll be teaching you."
"Yes Maam, where is the next class held Maam?"
"Next Class? oh, oh, that's right you change classes in Canada don't you, no Mendoza R we don't change them here, you stay in the same class with the same teacher and any subjects he doesn't teach then a substitute comes in to cover it, ok?"
"Uhm, yes I think so Maam."
"You'll get the hang of it Mendoza R, just wait and see, you'll be right."
"Uhm, yes Maam, thank you Maam."
"Ok Mendoza R in you go, just grab a seat and wait till the rest get here."
"Yes Maam, thank you Maam."
He entered the room with trepidation, what was waiting for him in this strange country where they all talk funny and the kids are bigger than tree trunks, the dust even stinks and the sun is way to hot, he looked up as he entered the room, the same chalk smell as back home and the odd bit of musky sox smell as well, the dry arid heat in the room was not relieved by the open windows but only accentuated it, strange bird calls rang through the air as he found a seat at a desk in the rea of the room, then a thick set boy in the corner spoke up, he had red hair and pimples with a face full of freckles and was as big as a house to the diminutive Mendoza R.
"Woodn sit there mate."
"Ahh, why not?"
"Gizza's seat mate."
"Gizza's seat?"
"Yeah mate, big fukka, slap ya titfa's for yah."
"Sorry, I don't get it."
"Oh, right, fukkin yank, ees gonna slap yah ears mate, yah caan sitin is seat mate."
"Uhm yeah ok, thanks."
"Nuttin mate."
Mendoza R moved to another seat and settled down pulling his bag close.
"Hey yank, yah fukkin dumb or sumptin."
"Huh sorry?"
"Thats Baza's seat mate, hee's biga than Gizza, knock your block off ee will."
"Ok, so where the fuck do it sit, and I'm Canadian not a fuckin yank."
"Same thing yank, on the floor fars I'm consern, just pick a seat not taken, any idiot knows that,
3; fuckin yanks, no brains."
"Uhhm, what's your name?"
"Scabby, wass your's?"
"Yeah ok Short Ass, whasseva yah says."
Chapter 2
3;New Friends
Ricky looked around the room and decided to sit in a seat at the end of the second row from the front as the room began to fill with other students, they looked at Ricky sitting there alone and he heard sniggers and giggles as they went to their seats, Scabby's voice piped up again.
"Hey Yank, you happy there?"
"Yeah, I'm ok, and I'm a Canadian," he mumbled.
"Wot eva."
A slim looking girl with bright red hair and dark green eyes came into the room and looked at Ricky as she moved to sit at the desk beside him, she turned to Scabby asking.
"Who's the new one, Scabby?"
"That's Short Ass, Marlene, bloody Yank."
"Canadian," mumbled Ricky
"Gidday Short Ass, I'm Marlene but everone calls me Marl."
"Hi Marlene, I'm Ricky, FROM Canada."
Ricky looked around the room again and saw only smiles and leers on the faces, all the places were filled now except one, Baza's seat was still empty. Then he heard the door open and the rest of the room grew silent, Ricky turned around to see who it was, there stood a giant of a kid, or more like a man, he had to be nearly six feet [1.80 m] tall, shaggy red hair, and unlike most redheads he had a deep dark tan, his eyes were such a dark green that they looked like two dark emeralds planted in his face, they looked hard and bright as they surveyed the room finally settling on Ricky, the reddish brown eyebrows lowered as they took in the new addition to the room. It seemed to Ricky that the mountain decided to go to mohammed as the boy headed straight for Ricky's desk, two large and scarred fists lowered to the desk top in front of Ricky as the eyes cut through his head and seemed to shred Ricky's mind as they pierced him and stripped him page by page as the boys eyes bored into him, the head lowered a little and Ricky could see the small white scars on the face, thin white lines criss crossing over the freckles and skin as those damn eyes tore into him.
Without lifting from his inspection the boy said to Marlene as he tossed a brown paper bag to her.
"Mum, said you forgot this again Marl, she said get your head outve it and stop thinkin about Peter Pan all the time."
Those green eyes cutting through Ricky never left his face.
"Who's the new sheila?"
Ricky went white as the words rang around the classroom, how could he know, he can't know about me, no, no this isn't happening.
"That's Short Ass, Baza, she's a Yank."
Ricky looked around for a hole to crawl into as the truths struck him like heavy blows, the face hovering above him didn't change as the words were said amongst the giggling and smirks of the students. Ricky waited for the first blow as the giant in front of him began to straighten, then the right arm began to move in slow motion, the muscles clear and wrything as they corded to lift that solid piece of flesh, it lifted further then hovered over Ricky like the great cranes he'd seen on building sites back home as they lifted huge steel beams into position. Mesmerised Ricky watched it descend toward his head, the fingers begining to flex and open like steel claws as they got closer to him, the fear Ricky felt left him unable to move a muscle, then he felt it, those steel like claws digging into his shoulder and lifting him up from his seat with sheer raw power in the arms of the boy giant.
"Come with me Short Ass, yah sit here with me now, these desks're for girls, I like ya even if you're a bloody Yank, Scabby move your ass let him sit there."
"Uhhm, Canadian, ahhm, Baza."
"Wot eva, Yanks a Yank ta us."
Ricky seemed to understand the nasal drawl of the boys a bit better but the way they drawled everything out and then shortened words was still a bit confusing to his ears.
"Ya like ta jump brumbies, Short Ass?"
"Uhm, sorry?"
Marlene turned in her seat.
"He's asking if you can ride a horse, Yank."
"Ah oh yeah, I can ride, not an expert but I can stay on."
"S'okay, yous comin to the station after school then?"
"Uhm where's the station, I didn't see any railroad tracks here?"
"Sheeit bloody Yanks, not one uv those stations Short Ass, hang on a minute mate, that's right you call them ranches or sumit."
"Oh yeah, right, uhm would it be ok? like how far is it?"
"Hey Short Ass I invitid ya, it's about half an hour from here, can take you out in the ute, ok?"
"Ahm, well yeah, thanks Baza."
"No probs Yank, wees nock off here at 2.30, to bloody hot after that for school, so's we can get started then and me'n me mate Boonga will take you walkabout on the station for the day, ok?"
"Ahm yeah sure, ahm who's Boonga?"
"Ova there, the half abo kid, been me mate since he was a baby, only abo in the school, good kid you'll like him, ya eva want ta go walkabout hes the one to teach ya, knows all about the dreamtime and stuff, same age as yoos too."
Ricky looked over to the corner of the room where a small dark kid sat alone, the tips of his hair were strangely blonde, the eyes were black and the nose was flared out at the tip, his skin was copper coloured and what Ricky could see of his teeth were brilliant white and looked even and neat, folks back home would pay a dentist thousands to have teeth like those. The boy looked up for just a second at Ricky then turned again to look at the desk top as the teacher made his entrance into the now quiet room.
"Morning all?"
"Mornin' sir."
The answer was given as an automatic response without the feeling of being interested in what a teacher was doing.
"I see we have a new student with us, Mr Ricardo Mendoza?"
"Yeah Sir, he's a Yank."
"Is that right Wilson, well then you better get the map down and show us where he lives?"
"Ahhhhhmmmmmm, well sir
3; ahhhhmm, well he kinda didn't tell us that bit yet, Sir."
"Then you better shut up for a bit and you just, and I repeat 'Just' might learn something, Wilson."
"Yes Sir."
"Have you got all your books, Mendoza R?"
"Ahh, I think so sir."
"Right you lot Maths first, I want all your homework, NOW."
The room became a shambles of moans and groans as the students searched for forgotten home work books and sent them to the front."
"Mendoza R, I think it might be better if you just sit and listen today, this'll be all new to you I spose."
"Yes sir."
"You lookin' after him Hamilton B?"
"Sir," replied Baza.
"Right then do it properly."
The day dragged on until the bell finally went at 2.30 and the school began to empty in one almighty rush, Baza grabbed Ricky by the arm and lead him to a beaten up old utility truck, the grey of the original paint mostly replaced by pink primer and the odd spot of rust showing through.
"Your dad going to drive us Baza?"
"Wha, shit no I'm drivin Short Ass, c'mon Boonga, shake it."
The dark boy began to run and as he jumped for the back of the ute Baza rammed his foot down on the accelerator and the ute spun dust up as it powered out of the school yard. Ricky could hear that the engine was at least a V8 and seemed to his ear to run like a new one, the truck might be old but that motor was definitely new.
"Uhm, nice motor, Baza?"
"Huh, oh yeah the donk is a V8 we rebuilt it last month, the old man helped me. After the accident he reaconed I might's well kill meself next time."
"Don't the ahh mounties pull you up for driving?"
"Mounties? what the, you goin' on about, Short Ass?"
"Well you don't seem sort of, like old enough for a license."
"License? who needs them, I bin drivin' since I wuz 10."
"But what about the you know, Cops?"
"What about them, you think the old man is gonna run me in."
"Old man?"
"Yeah, the cops my old man."
"Oh, uhm, how far is it to the station?"
"Half an hour, bout forty five miles [70 km]."
Oh shit what have I got myself into this time, Ricky thought to himself as the dust billowed out the back of the ute as it speed at break neck speed down the unsealed road toward the distant hills.
"Don't spose you got any Williams, Short Ass?"
"Boots, same as these, s'all we wear out here, those coon shoes you got aint gonna last long out here."
Ricky looked down at his brand new pair of Nikes now covered in red dust that seemed to soak into eveything in sight, then looked down at the short elastic sided boots on Baza's feet, they looked solid if a bit scuffed but he could see the sense in them for this place.
"No Baza, I don't."
"S'ok Marl is about the same size as you she'll have a pair for ya, try to ride in them you'll be bum up in the mulga fore ya know it."
"Uhm, Baza?"
"Why does everyone call me, you know, Short Ass, there's another guy there same height as me?"
"Oh yeah, that's Shorty, so Scabby musta thought you was close and coudn't use the same name as him, to confusin', besides how tall you anyway?"
"5'4" [1.63 m]."
"Ah that's it then."
"What is?"
"He's 5'5" [1.65 m], got an inch on ya, so your Ass is closer to the ground than his."
"Does everyone have a nickname?"
"Yep, wouldn't know who ya was talkin' about otherwise."
"But all the other kids must have proper names?"
"Spose so, don't know any though, they gets a name when they's younger and it kinda sticks with them."
"Oh ok."
"Don't sweat it Short Ass, you'll be ok, you're with me and Boonga, she'll be right mate."
Chapter 3 A Horse Named Jipa
As Ricky watched through the window of the ute at the expanse of red dust before, behind and on both sides of them he again wondered what he was doing out here alone with two strange boys barreling along at break neck speed with dust billowing out from the fast turning wheels as they churned up the dirt road toward this mythical 'station'.
"So Short Ass, your folks krauts?"
"Eh, what, krauts?"
"Yeah, ya know, Germans."
"Ah, well no, why you asking that?"
"Oh just blonde hair and blue eyes, thought ya might be, what're ya then?"
"Well, I'm mixed Italian and Spanish."
"Aha, so you're a bloody Dagoe then, we got lots uv them in Aussie."
"Sorry, ah Dagoe?"
"Yeah Ities, Italians, we call tham Dagoes cause they got the longest day in the world."
"I don't follow Baza, there's only 24 hours in a day, how can they have the longest day in Italy?"
"Jeez you're dense yank, they got the longest day in Italy cause it takes nine months to make a Dagoe, hahahaha, hey Boonga, gota teach this yank something bout Aussie sumtime."
Ricky felt the heat rise into his cheeks as he blushed at being caught out so easily by Baza and his joke. Ahead of them through the haze he could see the outline of a long low ranch style house built from red brick and as they got nearer he saw it had a wide open veranda going right around the house so that there was always shade to sit in on the veranda, all the windows were wide open he assumed to let any breeze flow through the house, on the step was a tall women, standing with her hands on her hips watching the ute come barreling up to the house in a cloud of dust and sliding to a halt near the steps.
Baza jumped from the ute calling out to Boonga at the same time as he swung his arm in a gesture for Ricky to follow him, then the woman called out in a loud and sharp voice.
"Barry, what've I told you about driving like that, and don't you go using that sort of language around this house young man, you use Warringal's proper name around here, who's that with you?"
"He's a yank mum, new kid at school, names Short Ass."
"Barry what'd I just say, now bring the boy here and introduce him properly."
"Yes mum, c'mon Ricardo."
"Just Ricky, Baza, sorry Barry."
They approached the woman on the steps and as Baza spoke to her Ricky stepped forward and offered his hand.
"Mum this is Ricky Mendoza from Canada, he's just started at school with us. Ricky this is me Mum."
Ricky was taken a'back a little to realise that Baza/Barry knew all along who he was and where he came from. Ricky looked up at Mrs. Hamilton, she was still a young looking woman but you could see she was as hard as nails underneath the smile and the light cotton summer dress.
"Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Hamilton."
Ricky felt his hand gripped in a vice as he shook hands with Baza's mother.
"Welcome to Australia and to our home Ricky, don't let this big lout take advantage of you, you have any trouble with him you call me. Hello Warringal, how was school today?"
"Hi Mrs. H, good thanks."
Ricky realised these were the first words that he had heard from Boonga/Warringal's lips, his voice was clear and had very little accent, his smile radiated as he looked up to Mrs. Hamilton's face.
"So Barry, what've you planned for today, your dad will be late tonight. They had trouble at the carroboree last night, he's trying to clear it all up before he comes home."
3; Warrin and me is taking Ricky for a ride round the station."
"Warringal and I, young man. Ok, do you all want something to drink before you go out? I've got some fresh ginger beer ready."
"I'm sorry Mrs. Hamilton, I'm not allowed to drink beer, I'm too young."
"Oh, Ricky it's not that sort of beer, it's a soda drink we make from a ginger bug we only call it beer, I think you'll like it. Ok come on in all of you I've got some baking done as well, might as well fill up now if you're going riding, do you have anything to wear, Ricky?"
"Just what I have on, Maam."
"Oh god those wont do, Barry go to the back room and open that older suitcase, those trousers of yours should fit him, and check in Marlene's room for those new boots for him, grab a decent hat as well."
"Yes mum."
Ricky followed the other two boys into the house, inside it was open and spacious, the main room was huge, the walls were covered in old style paintings about Australian history and scenes of mountains and the sea, the floor was made of a blue coloured stone and their shoes clattered on the hard surface as they followed Mrs Hamilton into the kitchen, it was also big and again the floor was of stone but the rest of the kitchen was modern and all the utensils were up to date. There was a very dark, almost black woman working over the big stove at the back wall, all the windows were wide open and the scent of a strange flower was drifting into the room.
"Ricky, this is Warringal's mother, Jema."
The woman turned and Ricky could see she was a very large lady with dark piercing eyes that looked into your soul like Barry's had earlier in the day, she had very wide hips and her nose was broad and flat, her hair was wirey and very curly, as she grinned at Ricky he could see two teeth missing in the front. Ricky thought he caught a look at Warrin from the woman and a nod, then she turned back to the stove to continue with her work.
"Jema doesn't speak much English Ricky, but she's the best cook for hundreds of miles around as you'll see. You staying for dinner aren't you?"
3; ah Mrs. Hamilton, my folks don't know where I am at the moment, I would have to ask them first."
"BARRY, come here this instant."
"Yes mum."
Barry appeared carrying some boots and pants with a hat hanging on his arm.
"Barry Hamilton, did you drag this poor boy all the way out here without letting him tell his parents."
3; uhm
3; I
3; sorta forgot mum."
"Do you know the phone number at home yet, Ricky?"
"Yes Maam, it's 09-6223-0045."
"Thank you Ricky, now you leave it to me and I'll sort it all out for you, you just have something to eat and then go enjoy yourself, if this oaf ever gives you trouble you call me, ok?"
"Yes Maam, thank you Maam."
"Mrs. H is enough Ricky, that's what everyone calls me round here."
"Thank you M
3; Mrs H."
"Ok boys, eat drink and dont get in the way, now shoo."
Mrs. Hamilton turned to go back into the main room as the boys settled down to eat, Jema kept pushing food and ginger beer at them till they could hardly move a muscle. The ginger beer was a great drink to Ricky, it fizzed and bubbled, it was slightly cloudy but the bight of the ginger came through as refreshing and sharp on his tongue. Ricky noticed that Warringal's eyes hardly ever left him except when Ricky looked up at him then he would lower his own to the table, Barry was watching the two of them with a smile on his face as he crammed more fruit cake into his mouth.
"Ok you two let's get a move on, come with me Ricky, you can change in my room out back, you want to get the horses ready Warrin, get Jipa ready for Ricky."
"Yes Jipa."
"Mmmmmmmm, ok, you sure?"
"Yeah he can handle him, can't you, Ricky?"
"Eh, what, uhm I don't know."
"You'll be right mate, he's a doddle, you'll do it easy, c'mon you can get changed in here."
Ricky blushed a little as he removed his Nikes and lowered his baggies in front of Barry as he stood watching Ricky with what seemed like a critical eye, when he was down to his boxers Barry whistled.
"Hey Ricky, what type of grunts're those?"
"Under daks, underpants?"
"Oh sorry, they're Tommy Boxers, most people back home wear them, they are more comfortable than briefs."
"Mmm, I see, well they make your arse look good anyways."
"I said they make your arse look nice."
The comment took Ricky completely by surprise, this great hunk of a teen couldn't be gay as well. Ricky's 5½" [14 cm] dick jumped to attention at the thought, he turned quickly as the front of his boxers pushed outward trying to hide it from Barry's steady stare.
"Hmm, not bad in front either, for a little guy, hahaha don't worry Ricky, I'm not after your arse, but I know someone who would like to be. Ok, come on get it on boy let's move, Warrin'll have the horses ready by now."
With shaking hands Ricky dressed in the unfamiliar tight riding pants, they were a little worn but clean and fit quite well although he was conscious of the bulge now in the front of them. The boots were new and tight but they felt good on his feet after the heat of wearing his Nikes all day, they felt heavy on his feet at first but he soon got used to them and the large brimmed hat was an unusual feeling to his head but as soon as he got outside he could feel the difference in that the heat of the sun did not strike his pale face with so much glare and the brim gave him a better veiw now his face was in the shade provided by it.
The two boys made their way around the house to where Ricky could hear the sound of horses snorting and champing at the bit. Warringal stood there holding the reins of three big horses, he had also changed and Ricky felt his breath grab in his throat as he really saw the boy for the first time. He was dressed in nothing more than a very short pair of shorts, no shirt, no boots, no hat, just the very small shorts, his long slim legs looked to thin to hold him up, his hips were so slim he seemed to go straight up and down from shoulder to feet and as luck and bad habits dictated Ricky's eyes went lower and noticed a longish solid muscle pointing to the right hand side of the boys hips. Ricky blushed red as he saw that Warringal had been watching him the whole time, the dark boy smiled at him and turned to the horses as Barry took one pair of reins and offered the others to Ricky.
"Jipa's ok but a bit skittish at first, here take this crop, if he starts to pig jump give him a good one with this over the shoulder to let him know who's boss then he'll be ok."
Ricky looked up at the dark chestnut horse, he had to be sixteen hands high, strong wrything muscles under the reddish coat. Ricky remembered his grandfather telling him to meet a horse by looking it in the eye and breath your smell into his nostrils till it turned its head away, he would then know your smell and would be able to trust you to ride him. Ricky had never done it but by the look of this beast anything was worth a try, he took the reins from Barry and stepped to the horse's head and pulling the head close he began to breathe into the horses nostrils softly, after about two minutes the horse pulled its head away and Ricky moved to the stirrups and mounted, the horse shook just a little, much like flicking a fly off its hide then at Ricky's light kick the horse moved forward after looking to check who was sitting on him. Ricky heard Barry exclaim.
"I'll be buggered, where'd ya learn that one, never seen it done before, shit Jipa likes to dust your arse the first time then let's you ride him after he's seen you in the dirt. Shit Yank you're one sneaky bugger, hell I'll have to tell the old man about this, he'll shit himself, Jipa's always managed to dump him every time and dads a good rider, boy Yank yoos gonna get the royal treatment tonight, fuck me never seen it before, what ya reacon, Boonga?"
"Meant to be, Baza."
Ricky looked over at Warringal sitting bareback on his horse, long thin legs dangling down the side, the shorts now looked even shorter as he sat there on the grey horse. Ricky felt himself stir again at the sight of all that naked flesh, he'd never looked at anyone darkskinned before. He wasn't racist or anything, he just never thought of darker boys as possible fun time partners but this boy had something different about him, he seemed to have a depth to him that other kids his age didn't have. Warringal now looked at him with clear and wide open eyes not looking down as he had on other occassions.
"You did that real well Ricky, I can see that horse is yours now, you'll never need another one with him around, you trust him he'll look out for you."
"Thanks Warringal, uhm
3; how can you tell he's ok now?"
"His eyes telling me Ricky, same as yours're telling me what you're thinking."
Ricky blushed at the memory of his thoughts about Warringal and hoped the boy was joking with him, the hardness in his groin was trying to tell him something else.
"C'mon you two let's go, think we'll head out ta six mile. tank Boonga, take a dip and then over to ten mile for a while, we can do a bit of roo chasin on the way over there, don't spose you been roo chasin before Yank?"
"No Barry, what is it or is this another of your jokes?"
"No Short Ass, it's not a joke it's a bit of fun we have now and again, and you can cut the Barry now we're out the house grounds now. After what you did with Jipa I think you earned to hear it straight from now on, damn that still gets me the way you did that with Jipa, fuck man they aint gonna believe it at school, yoos gonna be a hero Short Ass, nobodies eva rode Jipa straight off like you did."
"So what's this roo chasing thing, Baza?"
"Well you see we gota lot uv roo's here on the station so now and again we chase them down on the horses and clip them in the ear with a stirrup, knocks them cold then we cut their throats and hang them in the mulga for the dingos to eat or sometimes the abos take them back home for a feed."
"You serious Baza, why don't you use rifles or something?"
"We do Short Ass but this is how we have a bit of fun, if wee's culling them then we go out and shoot them by the hundred, but this is like a bit of sport, wait till you try it they're cunning buggers when you try to run them down, it's really fifty fifty with who wins. Ask Boonga he got dusty teeth last time,hahaha, he was spitting dirt outa his mouth for a month, the roo zigged and Boonga zagged, pow into the dirt face first, his black arse was in the air for ten minutes before he woke up again eh boonga, hahaha."
"Just like your legs last time Baza, hehehe, he was chasin this big buck roo, Short Ass, all of a sudden the roo had had enough and turned on Baza, the roo leaned back on his tail lifted both feet off the ground and kicked Baza's horse in the chest. The horse nose dived into the ground and Baza was in the air heading for Sydney in the express lane, hahaha, the cloud of dust when he hit the ground sent the emergency mob into over drive, they thought it was a dust storm coming, hahaha."
Ricky was not sure if he was being had or not, but he could see that these two once away from the others at school were really as close as brothers could ever have been and he thought of his twin brother back in the town. Oh well he was missing some real fun not being here and Ricky thanked whoever it was that protected him for giving him these two for friends, they were so oposite to each other that they were closer for it and Ricky was aware of his strange feelings begining to emerge for the young Warringal. The more he thought about the boy the less his colour seemed to be an issue. Ricky glanced ahead at the other two as they rode in front of him, the sight of Warringal's shiney golden skin with its light sheen of sweat as the sun glistened off it showed better to Ricky the underlying ropes of muscle that he'd not seen before, now he could see that the legs although thin were the same as the boys back in that they hid fine ropes of muscle that moved like silken cords as the boy rode with an ease born of many years practice and also a natural balance. He seemed to glide with the animal as it moved, that hot feeling in his groin told him how the rest of his body felt about the part aboriginal boy as his five and a half inches [14 cm] told him it needed some attention. Ricky swore under his breath as his groin tightened and the borrowed pants seemed hotter than normal. As he was thinking how to get the pain out of his groin Warringal turned to look back at him and smiled as thought or say 'not long to go Ricky' then turned back to the front as they rode onward into the flat dusty country side.
Chapter 4 Chasing Roos
Ricky watched the two figures in front of him as they broke into a trot, the horse under him easing up to the speed of the others without any need to be told by Ricky. Barry turned and with an arm motion called him to come up level with the two in front, before Ricky could respond Jipa opened his gait to a canter and as they drew level the other two horses broke into the same gait. The canter was the most economical gait for the horses in this heat and at the same time consumed the ground under their hoofs so that the distance was eaten up very quickly.
"Jeez Boonga, look at Jipa, the bastard's matching his gait to Short Ass's movements, aint seen that before, what you do to that horse, Short Ass, he's never done that before, usually tries ta pull you friggin arms out."
Ricky looked down and saw that the gait of his horse was a little shorter but quicker than the other two, making for a smooth ride for him, no jolts or sudden movements, he felt as though he was gliding along on the horse.
"Wont nobody else be able to ride him now Baza, he's Short Ass's horse now."
"Yeah Boonga, looks like it, the old man aint half gonna spit tacks ova this."
"He'll know Baza, Jipa needs the right one for him, he's been waiting for Short Ass to come."
"Ahh shit Boonga, you and ya dreamtime shit."
"Not dreamtime Baza, just Jipa
"Yeah right Boonga, hey Short Ass, if you want to slow him just push your feet forward in the stirrups and sit back in the saddle, he'll know what ya want."
"Thanks Baza."
"No probs mate, she'll be right."
They cantered across the barren landscape, the red dust thrown up behind them as they rode side by side until Warringal pointed ahead of them and spoke to Barry.
"By that big Mulga, Baza."
"Yeah I see im Boonga, slow him down Short Ass, got sumthin ta show ya."
Ricky pushed forward with his feet and sat back as Barry had said and Jipa slowed to a trot then to a calm walk as they neared an old scrubby Mulga bush. Warringal lifted his finger to his lips in a gesture of silence as the horses came to a halt ten feet [3 m] from the bush, Warringal pointed to the ground for Ricky and made the signal to dismount, as Ricky got down so did Warringal and taking a small hand full of leaves from Barry's saddle he handed them to Ricky and moved forward. Ricky saw the bush move and as the red dust started to fall from the slight mound under the Mulga Ricky saw the strangest animal emerge from under the bush, it stood about 18" [45 cm] at the shoulder, and about two feet long [60 cm], a thickset and round solid body with a head like a small bear and stubby legs with powerfull claws at the end. It gave a small grunt almost like a pig and its beady eyes watched the two humans as they neared it, Warringal gestured to Ricky to put out the hand with the leaves he had given him toward the beast and to squat on the ground and not to move. Ricky did as he was told and watched as this weird looking animal approached him warily, then it was standing only inches from his hand as it began to munch on the leaves. Ricky could smell the muskiness of it as it ate all the leaves and then with a final look at the two of them he turned and slowly made its way back to the shade of the scrub bush.
"What was that, Warrin?"
"Wombat, you don't usually see them this time of day, must be hungry from the drought."
"Stinks a bit."
"They don't like water cept to drink, so they keep the bugs down by dust baths. You're lucky, not many people get to see them like that, you got a good heart Short Ass, or the animals wouldn't like you, just like Jipa."
Ricky marvelled at this encounter with the first of the Australian marsupials. He had never dreamed that he would see any let alone get to feed one from his hand, the day had been one of the best in his life already and it wasn't over yet. The two boys remounted and they began to head out toward the distant rise in the ground in front of them.
"That's the tank ova there, see the flats rise a little, we'll have a dunk and then go to ten mile and chase up a roo or two."
The three of them cantered onward and then as they neared the rise Ricky could see birds circling around the area of what Barry had called the Tank. Most of the birds Ricky had never seen before and those he recognised from books were very few, the sounds were all new to him, squarks, screeches, twitters, loud raucous calls, sing song whistles, they all created a noise his ear were not accustomed to, bright flashing colours and dowdy greys and browns mixed in a plethora of flashing light, there were birds with bright yellow crests on their heads and others that looked the same type of bird but had pink and red crests, large black parrots with flashing red breasts and wing tips fought for space at the water tank with small green and blue parakeets and the loud calling lorikeets as they all flashed and dived to get close to the water to drink.
"Sounds like a bloody barm yard here today, Boonga?"
"They get thirsty to Baza, ya knows that."
"Yeah, right, ok last in is a woos."
Barry was diving off his horse as he stripped of his cloths and seemed to hit the water naked in one movement as the horse was still coming to a halt. Warringal's shorts were in the air as he dived straight off the back of his horse and into the tank of water. Ricky sat there wondering what had happend then Jipa gave a shudder as though to say 'move it boy, they waiting for you'. Ricky slid off the horse and began to strip, all thoughts of modesty long gone as the water asked him to dive in, Warringal's copper bronze colour could be seen as he snaked under the water to appear under Barry and toss him up and out of the tank with effortless ease, Barry landed with an almight crash as his stomach hit the water first.
"Jeez Boonga, that was a dirty one, I never grabbed your nuts before ya bastard, I'm gonna get your arse for that."
Ricky stripped off the last of his clothes and as he dived in he felt two smooth hands pass over his skin, he surfaced and saw Warringal smiling at him.
"No worries Short Ass, we gonna have time later."
Ricky wondered about what he meant and then saw Barry grab Warrin by the crutch and with his other hand on his butt bodily lift him out of the water and throw him six feet [1½ m] out into the tank.
"How's ya black arse feel now, Boonga? hahaha."
Warrin surfaced laughing as Barry swam over to Ricky.
"Want a toss, Yank?"
"Too late, Yank."
Ricky felt those big hands on his small butt, grasping each cheek and the next thing he was flying through the air, the water five feet [1½ m] below him and as it came up to meet him he tucked his head down and hit the water like a cannon ball but the feel of those two big hands seem to stay on his butt as he went under and came up spluttering. He turned and looked to where both Barry and now Warringal were standing laughing.
"Hey Boonga, he's gota nice arse, small and tight hahaha."
"Yeah Baza, but he's got more'n that."
"What ya mean, Boonga?"
"He's got sumthin you aint, Baza."
"Brains Baza, and he feels the animals, he'll have a dreamtime soon, haveta take him walkabout one day."
"Jeez Boonga, you going abo on me now?"
"Shit yoos know betta Baza, it's in him is all."
"Ok, ok, let's get out and dry then head for ten mile. Come on Short Ass come get dry, don't worry about that little thing you got, we haven't any snakes here that chases worms, hahaha."
Ricky realised he was blushing at the straight forward talk of Barry and Warringal as they lay naked in the sun drying, he went to lay down beside them and saw that Warringal was hard and erect as the sun warmed him, his shaft was almost silken in its smoothness, he was circumcised and about six and a half inches [16 cm] long not to thick but not thin either. Against his slim dark figure his rod looked larger than it would have on someone taller, he had a small patch of black tightly curled pubic hair but apart from that he was hairless everywhere else, he lay there at peace with his surroundings. Ricky saw that Barry had a big bush of dark red hair above a very large uncircumcised rod, his balls were large and hung low, the pubic hair ran up his stomach in a thin line to his navel, there were no tan lines on him so he had to spend a lot of his time naked in the sun, even his butt cheeks that Ricky could see were the same dark tanned colour. He lay there flacid where as Warringal was rigid and tight, Ricky felt himself begin to rise to the occasion as he saw the other two lying there, he was about to turn his back for the sake of modesty when Barry said.
"Don't worry about it Ricky, it's ok mate, you just be yourself with us, we're not going to kick the fuck outa ya, Warrin's like you that's why we get on good apart from bein almost brothers, he's gay to so you're safe with us."
3; h
3; how did you know, Barry?"
"Saw it in your eyes soon as I came into the room, knew then I had to look out for ya. Besides Warringal likes ya and he's my brother so to speak, he likes ya then I likes ya. You two got to get together sometime, be good for both of ya, now settle down Yank and dry off, you're among friends here."
For the first time in his life Ricky relaxed and felt as though he belonged.
"Nuther thing, Yank."
"Get ta know Shorty, he's like you two, nice kid, tough home life, his old man's a drunk but he's a real nice kid, just call him Mark one day, he'll know I told ya and that you're ok with him."
"Mark, hmm, ok, thanks, Barry."
Ricky looked over at Warringal expecting to see some sort of jealous look in his eyes as he liked Ricky but there was only deep friendship in them and a glint of possible closeness should Ricky want it. He smiled at Warringal and nodded his acceptance of the young dark boy, a bond was established with that one look between them.
"Ok, you two stop making googoo eyes at each other, we gotta move, let's have a look at ya Yank, make sure ya dry or you'll get the itch, it'll drive ya crazy."
"What's the itch, Barry?"
"If ya don't keep your crutch dry out here in this heat ya get a rash, drives ya bonkers for days if ya not careful, c'mon here let me see ya, got the towel there, Boonga?"
Warringal walk over to Barry's horse and reached into the small saddle bag taking out a hand towel and returning to where the others were standing holding it out to Barry watching as he inspected Ricky's groin area. Barry took the towel from Warringal and began to dry around Ricky's inner thighs and under his sack rolling his balls around gentley in his hand as Ricky stood there stunned at the familiarity Barry was showing.
"Don't worry Ricky, I'm straight, but out here you gotta be carefull with hygiene, ya can get infection out here real easy, if I aint here then ask Boonga, don't let things go for later ya can end up real crook pretty damn quick."
Ricky stood there red with embarrasment his rod up and hard as his ball sack was dried and then his inner thighs, the touch was more gentle than he though the big redhead was capable of.
"There ya go Short Ass, don't put those fancy boxer things back on that silky stuff'll make ya sweat to much just slide the daks on you'll feel better when ya heat up chasin roos."
Ricky did as he was told and slipped the coarse cotton trousers over his bare skin, the feel was cooler than he thought it would be and the padded seat of the trousers felt good on his bare butt as he mounted his horse again. Warringal jumped onto his horse naked tossing his shorts into the saddlebag on Barry's saddle his skinny tight butt seemed to nestle down onto the horse's back with ease. Barry took out a pair of loose baggy drill shorts and put them on stowing his other clothes in the bag with everything else.
"Here Yank, put this on the sun'll fry ya."
Barry tossed him an over large tee shirt to cover his torso already sweating with the heat it clung to him as hundreds of black blowflies appeared like magic to suck up any moisture. Now he could see the reason for the small corks strung around the brim of the hat he'd been given, the movement kept the flies from landing on his face. As soon as the horses began to move the flies seemed to disappear and the speed of the canter created their own breeze to cool them down, the deserts dust and heat was still a shock to Ricky but in the new and now somewhat familiar clothes he felt more comfortable. The horses built up to a good steady canter again the rythmn and movement under him gave Ricky that floating feeling again as Jipa altered his gait to Ricky's needs.
After twenty minutes Ricky saw Barry reach down and unstrap his two stirrups from the saddle.
"Hey Boonga, here catch, look ova ta the right."
Barry threw one of the stirrups to Warringal as Ricky looked over to his right and then saw his first kangaroos, a heard of about twenty were sitting back on their hind legs their small rabbit like heads looking toward the three boys. With a loud whoop Warringal broke his horse into a flat out gallop guiding it with only his legs as he swung the stirrup iron around his head, the horse seemed to know the game and was flat out in a long ground eating gallop, the kangaroos seemed to also know what was happening and took off in different directions as Warringal thundered down on them.
"Stay here with me Ricky just watch the fun, we'll give ya a go later on."
Ricky watched in amazement as he saw the kangaroos take flight from the crazy human galloping at them swinging the stirrup iron above his head, the roos were at top speed within a few bounds, where the horse had the edge in straight out speed the kangaroos had the advantage of their long ground eating leaps, their tiny front paws tucked up tight under their chin and their bodies stretched out paralell with the ground as the large solid tail balanced them and the huge oversized rear legs propelled them in might leaps reaching a speed of around 30 miles and hour in two hops. Warringal picked one out of the heard and was after him while Ricky and Barry cantered along behind watching the chase as it zigged and zagged throught the mulga scrub and sand ridges and gum trees scattered about the flat plain.
"Thats a young buck he's picked out, Boonga'll have him soon, it's not old enough to have much experience to dodge about like an older one."
Ricky watched as Warringal closed the gap and then noticed that the horse was not following the roo in every turn but was cutting corners at certain times shortening the distance without having to run to hard, then they were up beside the leaping animal and Ricky then saw how devestating the stirrup iron could be as Warringal leaned over and swung the iron down at the head of the roo connecting just to the side of the pointed ears. The roo seemed to stop in mid stride then nose dived into the dust as Warringal rode on past slowing his horse and turning back to his trophy, Barry took Ricky up close to where Warringal sat on his horse above the young animal waiting.
"Ya want him for tucker, Boonga?"
"Yeah Baza, looks in good nick, got the knife there?"
Barry reached into his saddlebag and drew out a wicked looking sheath knife, its edge showing bright and sharp in the sunlight, he tossed it down to Warrin now on the ground waiting. Once he had the knife in hand he turned quickly and leaning over the young kangaroo lifted its head and with one quick movement cut through the throat holding its head back to let the blood cover the ground in a bright red fountain. Ricky felt a slight churning in his stomach at the sight of so much blood but the excitment of the chase and the newness of the game had made him as hard as a rock and he forgot about the blood spewing onto the ground as he watched facinated by Warringal's actions. Once the roo had stopped bleeding Warringal dragged it to a large nearby gum tree and hung it up out of reach of ground animals to be collected on their way back to the homestead.
"Give the Yank your stirrup Boonga he can have a go at the next one, reacon ya can handle it, Short Ass?"
3; yeah
3; well I'll try, Barry."
"Gud onya mate, that's the way, have a go, it's fun."
3; Barry do we have to kill it?"
"Nah you kin just clip him and he'll be ok later, givs em a headache for a while but they get goin again if ya don't want ta do him in, she's right mate, you're here ta have fun so's do it your way."
The three went looking for the group of kangaroos again to pick one out for Ricky to ride down and 'clip in the ear' as Barry put it. They were now scattered among the sparse gum trees and mulga scrub still alert to the three boys riding toward them.
"Ok Short Ass, see that big red one standing to the side of the others, he's the boss of the heard, head after him, he's an old one and sneaky as hell but you'll have fun trying him on, go get him, Yank."
With that piece of advise Barry brought his hand down on the rump of Ricky's horse and he was off toward the big red male out to the side of the heard. The kangaroos saw him coming their way and began to scatter, with a small tug on his reins Ricky headed Jipa toward the big roo, the horse knew what was going on and took up the chase in a ground eating gallop as the big male set off away from the rest of its group, through the rush of the wind in his ears from the speed of the horse Ricky could hear the other two boys yelling and whooping as the race began. Ricky felt the muscles bind and flow under him as the horse galloped and with twists and turns was gaining on the big red in front of them, scrub and gum trees were a blur as they raced on, the adrenaline bringing Ricky to the greatest high he'd ever known as they closed the gap, then they were beside the big bounding animal, without a thought Ricky was swinging the heavy stirrup iron over his head as he'd seen Warringal do. Then he was falling head first toward the red dust the roo no where to be seen, something was trapped around his left leg as the ground rushed up toward him, he could see every grain of sand and blade of course tough grass as they rushed to meet him, then he felt the sharp raging pain as he hit the ground hard, flashing lights shot through his head and the taste and smell of hot dust and dry grass filled his nose and mouth as the darkness overtook him, his last thought was the headstone with the inscription,
Ricardo Mendoza Killed in action in Australia aged 14 yrs R.I.P.
Chapter 5 Ricky and Warringal
Ricky's eyes fluttered as his vision cleared, there was no pain only a hot almost rancid smell, and then it struck him, the priest back at home had been right when he told him the day Ricky had said he didn't want to go to church any more because of the hypocracy as well as his orientation.
The priest had ranted and raved at Ricky, telling him that he was the spawn of the devil and he would go to hell when he died, now Ricky knew he was right. The strong acrid smell must be brimstone, above him stood the devil himself, a cloven hoof (or Ricky thought it was a cloven hoof) was planted on each side of his shoulders covered in thick coarse red hair just like the pictures showed. The devil's hot breath blowing into his face as Satan snorted at his little body on the banks of the river Styx, the boatman Ricky saw as a dark shadow standing to the side of the hoofs.
The devil's henchmen screeched and yelled at him from a far off place as he resigned himself to purgatory, it had to happen the priest said it would and then darkness, blessed darkness returned as the devil drooled onto his face.
"Fuck Boonga, we gotta do sumthin, that fuckin horse wont let us near him, hes hurt bad Boonga, can you get that crazy horse to let us near him?"
"I'll try Baza, but yuh know what an animal's like when he's protecting somethin."
"Try to get to him from on your horse Boonga, Jipa might let you near him."
Warringal mounted his horse and rode toward Jipa as he stood over Ricky's prone shape on the ground, the horse lifted its head nostrils flaring, eyes glaring at the approaching rider, he snorted again in warning, it was his job to see his little rider was not hurt by these humans and he wasn't going to let them near him.
"Damn it Boonga, we got ta get to him, looks like his wrist's broken and that left leg don't look to good neither."
"I think it might be better if I go for help Baza, I can cut straight across and be at the house in half an hour if I go up Chinaman's Gully."
"That's friggin suicide, Boonga."
"Gotta try Baza, can't leave him here."
"Yeah ya right Boonga, you go for it I'll stay here, if that friggin horse'd only let me get to him."
"I'll try to get your dad to come out Baza, he might be able to get Jipa to move, see ya soon, I hope."
"See ya Boonga, hey, take it easy in Chinaman's Gully, don't want two of ya down."
As Boonga disappeared in a cloud of dust Ricky's accident played through Barry's mind again. The kid had almost sconed the roo with the stirrup when Barry saw the left stirrup strap on Ricky's saddle snap with the added weight, even though Ricky was a fly weight it had been enough. The strap must have been worn and all it took was a little more force and then little Ricky was air born. Barry had never in all his life felt so guilty as he did at that moment. If only that friggin horse would back off and let him get to Ricky then he could help him but Jipa had made up his mind that the little guy was his mate and no one was going to hurt his mate.
Now and again Ricky's eyes fluttered open only to see that Satan was still standing over him, his huge red chest no more than 2 or 3 feet above him, he reached up his hand to touch and feel the devils chest, Satan again blew hot air into his face as he felt the coarse hair just above him and then the blackness again as the hard packed banks of the river Styx made his place uncomfortable to lie on. He tried to move but as he brushed the devil's leg a sharp agonising pain shot through his left arm and he passed into oblivion again to the sound of a henchmans strange braying.
"Fuck it Jipa, you stupid fucking dingbat, I'm trying to help him for fucks sake."
It was nearly two hours before Barry heard the distinct throbbing of a helicopter as it came at top speed toward the two figures, the horse lifted its head and gave another loud snort and flicked his tail in anger.
Not wanting to scare the horse the chopper pilot landed a good safe distance away from the two boys and then let his two passengers out as he cut the motor. Barry saw a limping Warringal and his father still in his khaki uniform coming toward him.
"Dad ya gotta help us, this friggin horse wont let us near Ricky."
"Ok Baz, now what happened?"
"We was chasin roos, Ricky was just gonna scone one and his stirrup snapped he did a head over turkey and I think his wrist is broke, leg looks bad but not broke I dont think."
"Is this the young fella ya mum told me about on the phone, Canadian boy?"
"Yeah Dad, he's a nice kid, he's like Boonga so I though I better look out for him."
"Ya did the right thing Baz, to many bigots round nowdays, ok so why can't ya get him then?"
"Friggin Jipa wont let us near him."
"Why not?"
"Bloody horse took a likin to him and protects him from all of us."
"Givus that box of sugar lumps Warringal, see if that works, it used to with him."
Barry and Warringal watched as Brian Hamilton moved slowly toward Jipa with his hand outstretched holding a dozen sugar cubes. The horse lifted his head scenting the air and the familiar sugar smell he liked so much, then he snorted at the man that had reared him from a colt as though to tell him 'no way Jose you not going to trick me', Jipa lowered his head in warning as he stood sentinal over his little mate.
Brian backed off a little and turned to the two boys watching him.
"What the hell did the boy do to Jipa, Ive never seen him like this?"
"Well before he got on him he
3; well
3; he breathed up his nose and Jipa just turned into a lamb for him."
"He did what?"
"He sort of breathed up Jipa's nose, in about two minutes the bloody horse musta fell in love with him."
"Bloody Jipa loves bloody Jipa, no ones eva got near him like that."
"Don't know Dad, but he wont let us near him, thinks we gonna hurt him or sumthin."
"Ok then if he likes the kid that much then we gotta go for broke, he'll never hurt the kid so we gotta rush him. Baz you think you can lift the boy and run like hell to the chopper with him?"
"Sure Dad, what ya gonna do?"
"Warringal you go round the other side of Jipa and get his attention, I'm goin to try for his bridle and hope like hell I can hang on, soon as I have that bridle Baz you move and do it damn quick boy, we wont get a second chance."
The three of them began to move toward the horse and his charge laying on the ground. Warringal began to make sudden movements to distract the horse as Brian moved quietly but smoothly forward, it had to be split second timing, they wouldn't fool the horse a second time.
Warringal leaped high and landed with a thump on the ground and as Jipa started and looked at him Brian grabbed for the bridle. Barry's heart was thumping and his breath was coming in short gasps as he raced to Ricky scooping him up and then he was pounding over the hot red dust covered ground toward the chopper, he heard a loud snort followed by two loud yells then the one sound he had feared, the drumming of hooves coming towards him.
The pilot had seen what was going on and thinking they had a mad horse on their hands started the rotors whirling as the young boy with his burden came sprinting toward him yelling loudly. The big red horse was pounding over the ground catching up fast. Barry could almost feel Jipa's hot breath on his back as he threw himself forward and into the chopper's doorway. Almost immediately the chopper began to lift off, Jipa was bucking and tossing his head around as he pawed the air trying to get the human that had stolen his little mate.
Barry cradled the small unconscious figure in his arms as the chopper turned toward the homestead. The pilot was calling the flying doctor service for assistance and telling them to meet him at the homestead where they would put the boy to bed.
Tears began to flow from Barry's eyes as he looked down on his little charge, the tension and strain of the last two odd hours taking their toll of his emotions. He knew it was an accident but his emotions and thoughts kept puting the blame on his shoulders. This really great kid was now in danger and all he had done was try to be friendly with Warringal and himself, Barry knew then that he would always be there for Ricky no matter what.
The chopper landed on the front lawn of the homestead and Barry's mother was all business as she tried to lift Ricky from Barry's grasp.
"No Mum, I'll carry him, it's my fault he's like this, no one's gonna carry him but me."
Barry's Mum looked at the tear stained face and knew better than to try to argue with her son at this time. She lead her son and his burden through to the guest room she had made up just after Brian and Warringal had left in the chopper to find the two boys. Once in the room Barry laid Ricky down gentley onto the oversized bed and as his mother watched he began to undress the boy with more tenderness than his mother had ever seen him use on any living thing.
Mrs. H left the room as Barry continued to undress Ricky to fetch some warm water to wash the dirt and dust covered boy before the doctor got there, taking the basin into the bedroom she tried to start to wash Ricky, but was stopped by her son.
"No Mum, I look after him no one else."
"Ok Barry, I understand."
Mrs. H left the room and Ricky to the tender mercies of Barry to wait outside for the flying doctor to arrive.
When the doctor and nurse arrived they bustled into the room telling Barry to leave the boy to them.
"No way Doc, I stay."
The Doctor looked at Barry's face full of concern for the boy on the bed, the tear stains still fresh on his face. The doctor just nodded and got to work checking Ricky over and was glad to see that only the wrist was broken, the leg had a nasty strain at the ankle from the stirrup but it was not serious and the boy would be able to walk about in a couple of days although with the aide of crutches, but the wrist was going to be a longer haul for him.
The doctor got the nurse to start getting the plaster ready for a cast and after giving Ricky a shot to make sure he felt no pain he reset the bones in his wrist and began to set a cast over it. Barry stood beside the bed as the two medics worked on his friend never letting go of his right hand as they worked.
The doctor and nurse left the room as soon as they had done as much as they could to talk to Mrs. H and give their verdict. Barry sat on the floor beside the bed holding Ricky's hand as he had done the whole time.
It wasn't long before Barry heard the chopper again and ten minutes later his father was standing beside him in the bedroom looking down at Ricky, Barry looked up at him the tears begining to flow again.
"I'm sorry Dad
3; (sob)
3; it's all my fault
3; (sob), I should've looked out for him better (sob)."
"No son, you did all you could, I'm proud of both you and Warringal for what you did for the boy, coming to get me was the wisest thing you could've done. He's in good hands now, your mum has rung the boy's parents and told them. They'll be out tomorrow to see him, the Doc says he has to stay in bed for three or four days and is not to be moved, so you and Warringal will have to look after him, ok?"
"Thanks Dad, yeah we'll look out for him where's B
3; Warrin?"
"He's bringing your horse back, he's got a bad cut on his leg from a fall in Chinaman's Gully but wouldn't let us stop to fix it, said we gotta go now to get this guy. I put a t-shirt of yours on it so he can ride home, should be here soon."
"Where's that friggin Jipa?"
"Language son, you know what your mother's like about that."
"Sorry Dad, I'm just worried about Ricky."
"Ok Baz, don't know about Jipa, you beat him to the chopper by about half a yard, he was gonna have your arse come hell or high water. When you took off he turned and took off somewhere we ain't seen him since, bloody horse has gone mad I reacon, might have to put him down if we can find him."
Brian Hamilton looked again at his son. The big cop was known around the district as a hard bastard, took no nonsence from anyone and was always on duty but as he looked at his only male offspring sitting on the floor holding the young Canadian's hand he felt a tear welling up in his throat. The sense of pride he felt for his son and the actions he and Warringal had taken, for all his size Barry was only just over fifteen and though he had been brought up out here on the station it was still a lot to ask of someone his age to take on what he had had to do this afternoon.
Brian turned and left the room knowing it was useless to try to get his son to leave the boy even though the shot the doctor had given him would keep him out for hours yet.
Just before dusk Barry heard the sound of a horse and as he looked out the window he saw Warringal riding his horse into the yard. Warringal looked totally beat as he slid off the horse, the yellow t-shirt bound around his thigh had a blood stain on it. Brian took the reins from Warringal's tired hand and as he lead the horse away Barry's mother appeared and clasped Warringal to her then helped him into the house. Ten minutes later Barry heard the shower going and a further twenty minutes and Warringal was standing in the bedroom beside him with a fresh bandage on his leg.
"You go wash Baza, I'll stay with him."
"You sure Boonga, you wont leave him?"
"Promise Baza, I'll be here when you get back."
"Ok then, but you don't leave him, Boonga."
"S'ok Baza, go on clean up I'll be here."
Barry took a last look at the small figure in the big bed and turned to go to the bathroom and shower. As he got into the shower the water blasting at full preassure hot and steamy, the day replayed itself once more and he let the hot water wash away the tears that bubbled forth.
When he left the shower Barry heard his mother call him into the main room.
"Yes Mum?"
"Jema is making a plate of sandwiches and hot drinks for you and Warringal, will that be ok or would you rather something hot to eat?"
"No that's fine Mum, I got to get back to him Mum."
"Ok son, you go ahead Jema will bring it all in for you."
Mrs. H watched as her only son turned and left the room trying to figure out what had changed Barry so much. He had never been so concerned about anyone other than Warringal like this before, and she knew that Barry would protect Warringal with his life if he ever had too. What was it about this young man from Canada that made Barry so protective of him. Oh well boys will be boys, he was a teenager and would set his own values as he grew up.
As Barry entered the bedroom a small smile cracked open on his lips, there on the bed fast asleep beside Ricky was Warringal, one arm under Ricky's head the other over his chest in an attitude of protection and maybe a little more. Warringal was naked and his small tight bronze butt made Barry smile to himself as he settled down in a chair he pulled over from the far wall and sat beside the bed to watch.
Barry must have dozed off for the next thing he knew was being shaken awake by Jema as she handed him the plate of sandwiches and put the hot drinks on the bedside table, Jema paused and looked at the two boys asleep in the bed, she looked at Barry.
"Gut fa dem two bois, needs eachutha."
"Yeah Jema, they good for each other."
"White bois gotta go walkabout soon, near time."
"Yeah maybe, Jema."
"No maybe, he goin."
"Thanks, Jema."
Barry watched her leave the room and after trying to wake Warringal without success ate a couple of sandwiches and dozed off again.
Barry didn't know what time it was only that it was dark as the thunderous crashing of splintering wood and flying glass brought him to instant alertness, but one look and he knew it was too late as the big red horse smashed its way into the room. The foaming lather of sweat on its body flung over the drapes as it barged in. The scratches and cuts on its hide loosing blood on the floor as it came toward the big bed where Ricky and Warringal lay still asleep.
Barry was on the far side of the bed and knew he was not going to make the distance in time. The horse snorted and flared its nostril at the unfamiliar scent of the room, these humans had stolen his little mate and now he was here looking for him. The horse lifted its head the eyes a little wild as he looked at Barry across the bed, then he moved closer to the two boys just as the door crashed open and Brian Hamilton came into the room his Glock service pistol in his hand.
Brian Hamilton paused in raising his pistol as the horse stopped near the bed where the two boys still lay asleep and unaware of what was going on.
Jipa craned his neck forward and gently touched Ricky's arm with his nose, smelling it to make sure it was his little mate. As though it was a sign Ricky opened his eyes to see and feel the large nostrils touching his arm and raised his hand to feel the softness of the nose, at this and with a soft snort and a glare at the other humans in the room Jipa began to back out through the broken French doors, satisfied that his mate was ok.
The horse clumped off the veranda and then stood on the lawn to wait for his Ricky to come to him.
Ricky looked around him not recognizing the room and then he felt the tightness around his chest and shoulders, he looked down at the dark brown arm holding him and smiled.
"Baz I'm going to call your mother, you better get that black arse of Warringal's covered before she comes in. You can leave him there with the boy, looks as though he needs the comfort."
"Thanks dad, I'll do that."
Ricky looked up into Barry's face and smiled at the concern it showed, then without thinking shuffled back a little until he could feel the closeness of Warringal against his side.
"You comfy there, Short Ass?"
"Yeah, what happened?" (giggle)
"You took a croppa when the roo dodged and your stirrup broke."
"My left leg is throbbing and I can't lift my arm."
"So you want the good or the bad?"
"The good news or the bad news?"
"Ok both."
"The bad news is your wrist is broken and will take about three months to heal, the good news is your ankle is only strained and you have to stay here in bed for three or four days to mend and then you can get up and move around."
"What about my Mom and Dad?"
"Me Mum has called them and they'll be her tamorra, but you stay here, not allowed to go home yet, me an Boonga will look out fer ya."
"Hey Barry?"
"Yeah Ricky?"
"Hehehe, Warringal feels nice there."
"Does he, hmm, better get your tin pants on then."
"What, tin pants?"
"If he starts dreamin of yah you'll feel it, hahaha."
"Ooh, Barry he wouldn't,
3; would he?"
3; uhm
3; that's ok
3; I kind of like him."
"Thought ya might."
The two boys heard the adults coming and stopped their talk till later, Warringal moved again pulling Ricky a little closer with his arms.
"Well they look comfy, don't they Brian?"
"Yeah Beth, they do, I'm gonna leave them there for now."
"Yes do them both good I some how think."
"Now Beth, don't you start."
"Really Brian, damn look at my doors, that damn horse will get it when I catch him, where's he gone anyway?"
"He's standing out on the lawn waiting, just leave him for now. I think he's gone gaga over the boy, strangest thing I eva seen."
"How do you mean, Brian?"
"Busted in here all ready for a fight, saw the boy and became a pussycat, sniffed him and when the boy touched him he just turned and went out to wait."
"Well horses are like men, Brian."
"What ya mean, Beth?"
"Stupid and stubborn is what I mean."
"Now Beth, no need for that."
Brian Hamilton put an arm around his wife and gave her a squeeze as he smiled at her.
"Don't try to soft soap me Brian Hamilton, now how's Ricky doing?"
"I'm fine thanks Mrs. H, a bit sore but not bad."
"Good, you ok with that boy in there with you?"
"Hum, yes Mrs. H it feels nice to have someone holding you, I sort of feel safe."
"Good ok then you try to get some sleep, your parents will be out in the morning to see you. I've told them that you will have to stay for a few days and they're happy with that."
"Thanks again Mrs. H."
The two adults left the room with a smile on their faces as they looked back at the two on the bed, Beth looking at her husband and lifting an eyebrow as they went.
Barry took up his blanket and moved back to the chair he had been using.
"Why don't you go to bed Barry, I'm ok here and Warringal will look out for me."
"Not on ya life Short Ass, I stay put till I'm sure you're ok."
"Well thanks Baza, I've never had friends like you two before."
"S'ok Ricky, you looked like you needed some when you came to school and Boonga said you was ok so that's that fars I'm concerned."
Ricky dozed off feeling comfortable and safe in the dark arms surrounding him. Barry watched the two boys and smiled to himself as he thought of the possibilities for his brother Warrin, being part abo, no one at school had much time for him or his feelings and this young guy seemed to warm to him as soon as they had met. It left Barry dozing off with a good feeling in his belly.
Ricky was brought back to consciousness with a soft whispering in his ear.
3; Ricky?"
Ricky turned toward the boy beside him.
"Yes Warringal?"
"I like you a lot Ricky."
Ricky looked over to where Barry sat in his chair fast asleep and whispered back at the face and lips so close to his, the dark soft eyes and long lashes only inches away from his own. The contrast of the dark hair with his own almost platinum blonde was striking.
"I like you a lot too, Warringal."
Warringal pushed closer and Ricky felt the hardness of a sizable rod pushing into his hip, with his right hand he reached down and closed his fingers over it feeling its hardness and thickness, the foreskin sliding a little in his hand.
"Is this ok for you, Warringal?"
"Ooh yes Ricky, ooohh I've waited for you for so long, can I
3; hold you too?"
Ricky thought he would be to embarrassed when this time came but with this beautiful dark boy beside him he felt safe and it felt right.
"Yes Warrin
3; please."
A smooth soft hand closed around his now rigidly tight shaft, although Ricky was only of small build he was not all that small down there, at 5'4" [1.63 m] his penis seemed quite big at 5½" [14 cm] and Warringal's 6" [15 cm] was not miniature either.
Ricky began almost subconsciously to move his hand up and down the hard shaft in his hand as Warringal returned the favor for him.
"Yes Ricky?"
"Can I
3; can I
"What Ricky?"
"Can I
3; kiss you?"
His answer came with a softness surrounding his lips, he poked out his tongue a small way and felt the suction as Warringal tried to pull it into his own mouth which Ricky was only to happy to oblige and so pushed across the tender lips before him feeling the sweetness that was his first boy.
Warringal was very aware of Ricky's injuries and was careful not to put to much pressure on anywhere that was hurt but Ricky's urgent tongue and hand were making it difficult to concentrate.
"Have you ever done 'it', Warringal?"
"No, you?"
"No, you're the first boy I've been with."
"Same here, I don't think we should just yet though."
"Why not?"
The urgency in Ricky's voice was evident but Warringal knew Ricky was in no condition to go that far yet, besides it was something to look forward to should they work things out together.
"Well I really like you a lot more than 'like' but I want you to feel the same about me, if you don't then I understand but I think it should be something special so we should wait"
The breathes of both boys was coming faster as they buried their tongues once again into each others' mouths their hands going faster.
"If you two can wait a minute I'll go get a towel for you then take a walk so you can finish in peace."
The two boys now red faced and panting shot a look over to where Barry was seated grinning at them, embarrassment showing bright red on their faces.
3; how long you been watching?"
"Long enough Short Ass, you two would wake the bloody dead, you whisper as quiet as a truck horn and I won't go into the grunts, now wait till I get something for you to clean up the mess you're going to make and I'll take a walk for you."
The two boys smiled at him with mutual embarrassment as he left the room only to return in a minute with a towel in his hand and with a smile left the room to go outside and leave them in peace.
"He really doesn't mind us, you know, doing this?"
"No, he's my brother and has been wanting to see me happy for a long time. He even tried to get a couple of the guys for me at one time, Mark wanted to but, well
3; uhm if the others knew about it, you know me being half abo and all they would have given him a hard time, and he's to nicer a guy for that."
"And what about me then if the other guys find out?"
"No way, Barry would kill them and they know it, but Mark isn't sort of in any crowd, he's a bit of a loner so they would pick on him soon as Barry wasn't around to help him."
"Yes Ricky?"
"Kiss me again."
A pair of hot lips covered Ricky's mouth again in answer to his request, the long tongue pushing in urgency into his mouth as he sucked it in to feel the velvety softness of it.
Both hands were now moving in almost synchronized movement as the two boys came closer to the end and then Warringal pulled his lips away from Ricky's.
"Wait, I want to do something for you special, it's my first time but Barry told me how to, ok?"
3; what is it?"
"Wait and see."
Warringal threw back the sheets and it was only then that Ricky realized for the first time he was completely naked, it had not even dawned on him before now even though he had felt the naked skin of Warringal on him.
As Warringal moved down the bed his shaft left Ricky's hand pulling the foreskin back over the head, Warringal helped Ricky to roll onto his back then he knelt between his spread legs and with a smile at Ricky lowered his head.
The first tentative touch of the tongue on his swollen glans was like an electric shock to Ricky as Warringal tasted his hard throbbing shaft, then slowly he took a little more of Ricky into his hot moist mouth sucking his cheeks in to create pressure.
Ricky knew almost instantly what was going to happen as the hot wet lips descended down his shaft, before Warringal was half way down Ricky's testicles were telling him he was going to loose it, his muscles felt like tight wires as they felt the impending climax coming.
"Warri, Warri, I'm
3; I'm
3; arrgggghhhh,goooooooooddd, Warrriiiiiii."
Ricky felt the power of the climax and wondered why it was still hot and moist around his now pulsing member as shot after shot was wrung from him, he tried to look down the bed in his orgasmic haze to still see the dark head of hair covering his rod as it continued to shoot out its juice more than any time before.
"Oh Warri, I'm sorry I tried to warn you."
"It's ok, you taste so nice I wanted it all."
"Oh Warri, I
3; I
3; don't
3; know
3; how
3; to
3; do
3; it
3; for
3; you."
"It's ok don't worry about it. I wanted to do something special for you, that was just for you."
3; but
3; what about you?"
"I can wait till you're better."
"No Warri, come up here, please let me do it for you."
"You don't have to Ricky."
3; I
3; want to try for you."
Warringal worked his way back up to Ricky and helped him to sit up a little in the bed then knelt beside him offering his dark brown shaft for Ricky's mouth.
It smelt clean and the head was red as it poked through the foreskin at the tip, the slit was small and tight but dripping precum as Ricky lowered his head toward it, there was a faint musky smell, not bad but more like open desert and dry sand plus that distinct hormone smell of a boy in need.
Ricky pushed out his tongue toward the dark shaft licking just the very tip, tasting for the first time in his life the sweet and salty taste of precum as he sucked his tongue back into his mouth, he reached up and took Warringal by the hips with his right hand pulling him closer as he open his mouth to take more of that sweet salty taste into his taste buds.
Ricky's saliva began to run at the taste and this helped him to lower his head a little and take the first two inches of Warringal inside. The fullness and hardness of that rigid member in his mouth started to take effect as he began to harden again and then he felt Warringal's hand close over him and begin to stroke slowly as Ricky swallowed more of the hardness between his lips.
The hard yet soft head was pushing against the back of his throat and as he swallowed he felt the head slip into his throat and as he began to choke Warringal pulled back so that the head was only just sitting in his mouth.
"Are you ok, my little Pony Boy?"
Ricky tried to nod his head, he didn't want to release that first taste he had ever had, it felt good and strong in his mouth and he lowered again to take in as much as he could.
It took only a few more strokes of his lips before Warringal gave a loud gasp and Ricky felt the hot gush filling his mouth, he tried as best he could to swallow as much as was possible the sweet taste sending him over the edge with his second orgasm in as many minutes.
Both boys collapsed down beside each other as the after glow over took them. Warringal's dark member covered in the moister of Ricky's mouth and his own sperm, Ricky's chest and stomach covered with his own and some of Warringal's dribbling down his chin as he looked at the boy beside him and then he knew what it was that he felt.
Warringal rose to kneel beside Ricky with the towel in his hand and began to clean them both off and looking into those eyes of the boy he knew he loved and couldn't tell him that he did.
"Are you ok, my Pony Boy?"
"Oh Warri, I never felt like this before, that was awesome."
"You know you're a very beautiful boy, my Pony Boy, there's no one around here like you."
"Warri, oh Warri, I
3; well I
"Well you two ready for sleep yet?"
Ricky in a panic reached to pull up the sheets but couldn't reach them.
"Don't worry Short Ass, I've seen it all before, I'm the one put you to bed dummy."
3; but
3; but"
"Well was it worth the wait, hehehe?"
"Piss off noddy, leave him alone."
"Oh Warri, you looking after your Pony Boy, hehehe?"
"Baza, I'll dong ya if ya don't quit it."
"OK Boonga, I'm only joking with ya, I'm really glad you to could be together, you both deserve it, really."
"Thanks Baza."
"S'ok little brother just make sure you look after him or I get you're arse boy."
Barry gathered up his blanket and as he left the room he looked over his shoulder.
"Looks as though you two will be safe for the night and won't need me till morning, see ya both then."
The two boys spoke in unison.
"Night Baza and thanks."
"No probs little brothers, just be good to each other."
The two boys snuggled into each others arms and with a final kiss drifted off to sleep once again.
Chapter 6 Four Days In Bed
The morning dawned like all the others in this land, hot, sultry and a little dusty, Ricky stretched as much as he could while still being held in the arms of his newfound special friend.
Warringal moved in his sleep, closing his arms a little more on the firm small body beside him and then with a little start realized where he was and lifted his head to look around with bleary eyes as the happenings of the previous night came back to him.
"Morning, my Pony Boy."
"Morning Warri,
3; I
3; I
3; uhm."
"S'ok my Pony Boy, I know what you mean, I feel the same way."
3; you do?"
"Well yeah, I'm pretty sure it's the same as you, now let me get up so's I can get a basin of warm water to give you a wash."
Ricky blushed at the thought of being washed by someone else then he shrugged and remembered what Warringal and he had done last night so he just smiled and nodded his head.
Warringal returned carrying a basin of water with a towel and some soap and with a smile pulled back the sheets covering Ricky as he lay in the bed, soaping up the small face cloth he started at Ricky's feet and worked his way up toward his groin. Ricky could feel the soft hands and the warm cloth working their magic on his skin and something else was feeling it as well as his shaft began to tighten at the touches.
Ricky looked down the bed at the smiling dark face below him.
"You feeling frisky, my Pony Boy?"
"Ahhm, Warri it's (giggle) sooo nice."
"Wait till you gotta piss, that gets real interesting."
The warm soapy cloth never stopped moving on his skin as Warringal moved higher on his legs, now on the inner thigh Ricky let out a soft moan as his rod jumped at the closeness of those dark hands as they rubbed closer to his groin.
The hands stopped and Ricky could now feel the dry towel being moved over his skin and then Warringal was up near his head and the cloth was rubbing over his chest and stomach in the same smooth motion as before. His shaft was now ready to give up the fight as the erotic nature of the bathing took over his senses. A sudden sharp pain hit Ricky and as he jumped with the fright he heard the giggle from Warringal and felt his shaft deflate rapidly.
Looking down he saw that Warringal had flicked his glans with his finger quite hard and it was now down laying on his small mound of pubic hair as the surrounding area was washed and dried.
"Ok Pony Boy, time to do the back, let me help you roll over,
3; yeah that's the idea."
Ricky was now laying on his stomach and the whole torture began again as his special friend washed every inch of him even to the really private spot between his small butt cheeks. He couldn't help give out a small moan as the warm cloth with a thin finger inside it rubbed over his tight bud making him harder than before as the finger wriggled a little bit when it got there.
After the towel was used to dry off his back Warringal helped him to turn over once again and when he saw Ricky's pride and joy standing to attention he smiled and used his flick trick again to bring an instant soft to it.
"Yah wanna have a piss?"
"Yeah Warri, I need one bad."
Warringal reached under the bed and brought out a hospital bedpan. Ricky startled at the sight of it, the bowl shape flattened at the bottom and the almost obscenely large nozzle like end on it. Warringal placed it between his slightly spread legs and then taking Ricky's now deflated shaft in his hand placed it into the top of the pan
"Warri, I can't, it wont come."
"Yes you can, come on just close your eyes, that's it, now think of a wet rainy night, the water pouring down over the roof and dripping onto the ground outside your window."
Ricky did as he was told and he could almost hear the rain falling and he could hear the sound of it as it hit the ground, then a hand was shaking and squeezing his shaft he opened his eyes to see a big smile on Warringal's face as he took away the bedpan that had a sloshing sound coming from it.
"See told yah it was ok, feel better now?"
"Oh Warri thanks so much, yeah I feel a lot better."
"Ok, you lay back and I'll go get some breakfast for you soon as I get me pants on."
Ricky suddenly became aware that his Warri was still naked and he liked the thought of waking each morning to the sight of the bronze skin close to him.
After Warringal had insisted on hand feeding him with his breakfast Barry and his mother came in to see how he was doing. Ricky lay there waiting for his parents to appear and how they would take it when they found out that he had slept with Warri all night or even worse if they found out what had happened between them.
Warringal sat beside his bed all the time chatting about things at school and around the district telling Ricky all about the people and what made them tick and who was a good guy and who to avoid. The time passed slowly and then he heard a car pulling up outside the homestead.
The sound of his parents' voices brought home to Ricky where he was and what they might say to him if they were to find out about him and what he had now admitted to himself he was.
There was bustling and urgent sound outside the door and then his parents were standing there at the foot of the bed, Warringal had just had time to release his hand before the adults had entered. Mrs. H had a small smile on here face as she saw Warringal drop his eyes for a fraction of a second.
Ricky's mother was the first to speak as his father stood there firmly looking down at his boy and his companion.
"Oh Ricky honey, are you alright, how bad is it, do you need anything, are you going to be alright, what can we do, is your arm ok, how's your ankle, what do you need, we've got some clothes for you, when will you be coming home, how did it happen, is this the boy that saved you, what can we give him."
"Mom, I'm ok, I don't need anything, Warringal is looking after me, it's ok."
"Ricky we were so worried when they told us, what on earth were you doing on a horse anyway?"
"Chasing roos mom, just having fun."
"Chasing roos, what do you mean chasing roos?"
"It's a game Mom, we were just having fun and I fell off, I'm ok, don't worry."
Ricky looked up at his father standing there silently studying Warringal as he sat beside the bed clearly anxious about his friend laying there.
"Well my boy, from what I've heard from the constable this boy saved your life by nearly killing himself. I think you owe him a lot, we'll have to do something for him so you have a think about it and let me know."
Ricky wasn't sure but he thought his father actually winked at him but he knew that couldn't be right. His father was always stern and very particular about his conduct in front of people. He had a position to maintain and even at home he wouldn't let his demeanor slip.
The buzz of conversation continued around him with his mother being a mother and his father again looking in Warringal's direction with a small half smile on his lips as Mrs. H talked with his mother. Finally the adults agreed to leave the two boys alone and went through to the main lounge to chat some more and have something to calm their nerves after the fright of seeing their son prostrate in bed. As he left Ricky's father turned a last time to look at the two boys and with a smile and a nod of his head looked right into Ricky's eyes.
"Anytime you want to talk to me boy, about anything, just ask, I know how it is you know."
Ricky's jaw dropped at the open way his dad looked and spoke to him. What did he see, what was it he had noticed about the two boys, he couldn't know how he felt, until last night even Ricky didn't know how he felt, well not about his Warri anyway.
The worst of thoughts began to fill his head as he lay there unable to work out what his father had meant. He had always assumed his father would be really mad if he found out that Ricky was more interested in boys than girls or maybe he just misunderstood his father's meaning.
Ricky felt his hand taken into a soft grip by Warringal as the doorway was filled with another body, he looked up a little startled that Warringal never released his hand at the entrance of the new person then he saw it was Barry coming towards them with a huge smile on his face.
"Well I see's you two got through the night alive, how's the bod feel, Short Ass?"
"Not to bad thanks Baz, and I got a good pain killer here so it's ok."
Ricky squeezed the hand holding his and smiled at his Warri who in turn squeezed back and blew him small kiss.
"Ahhh, aint that sweet, two love birds and one bed."
"Knock it off Baz, you know he's special to me."
3; Warri
3; hehehehehe, don't get your shorts in a twist, just funnin with yah."
"You're just jealous anyhow, you only got your hand, hehehehe."
"Up yours lover boy, so Ricky how you feel, gonna be ok by the time the weekend comes?"
"Yes, I think so Barry, but I don't think I'll be lifting very much for a while."
"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that Short Ass, Boonga aint got much to lift, hahahaha."
"Right, Baza your arse is mine."
"You and who else's army Boonga. Look at you two, ones short of a hand the other is short of a leg, great army you two make. Lucky the best parts of you still work."
"Whatcha mean, white boy?"
"Jeez with the bloody noise you two made last night something had to be working, hehehe
3; Pony Boy and Warri, what a bloody performance."
"Just cause you getting none, white boy."
"Yeah Boonga, but I got class, so I don't need arse."
"Right, I can see the calluses on your hands from all the action you get."
"Damn me Ricky, what you done to Boonga, he hasn't said this much in ten years, you musta shot him full of sumthin. Here Boonga, lift your arse and let me have a look, hahahaha."
"You couldn't handle the competition, white boy."
"Ok, ok, you two enough is enough, damn you two are like brothers, all the time at each other."
"Want me to come and have a bit of you, Yank?"
"Don't you start on me, Hick."
"Hick, me a bloody Hick, damn you fight dirty Yank."
The three boys decided on a draw as they broke up laughing at all the byplay and then Barry got a serious look on his face.
"Ricky, your dad said something to me before they left so I thought I better tell you so you can think it over."
"What was it, Barry?"
"Well he asked me who was sleeping with you last night and he had a funny look in his eye when he asked me."
"Shit, shit, shit, what did you tell him?"
"Just that both you and Boonga were injured and passed out so dad said it would be easier to look after both of you if you were in the same room. He sorta smiled and then dropped it."
"What am I going to do
3; he knows
3; I'm sure he knows?"
"Hey, just lay there for the next three days and forget it, if he says anything later then I'll be here to help you, so will Warri. Now all you got to do is get better so we can go out and get that bloody roo for hurtin yah."
3; but
3; he's going to shit himself if he finds out, his job with the government will be in trouble if they find out his son likes other boys."
"Look Ricky, you can't do anything for now so forget it and get better first then we'll worry about it. Now you two want something to eat, it's nearly lunch time and I'm starving?"
"I don't know if I can eat, shit he's going to kill me."
"Nah Short Ass, he aint gonna do that, probably kick the shit outa yah but he won't kill yah, besides Warri will protect yah, won't yah Boonga, hahahaha."
"Fuck you, whitey."
"Not now Boonga, you got a boyfriend to look out for, hahaha, see yah both soon I'll get some grub for yah's."
Barry left the two boys alone as he went to the kitchen to organize some lunch for them.
"What am I going to do, Warri?"
"Nothing you can do for the mo, Ricky, just hang in there till you're on your feet then we'll look at it again. Come on my Pony Boy buck up, I'm still going to be here for you all the time, if he gets snotty about you then we'll worry about it then."
The two boys were startled out of their worries by a loud snort from the still broken French doors.
Jipa, his head stuck through the doors was looking directly at Ricky laying on the bed and the darker boy beside him, he gave another loud snort then went back out to the lawn where he had kept his vigil all night to wait and to protect his little mate.
"Jeez Ricky, you sure got that bloody Jipa tied in knots, never seen a horse do what he does."
Barry came back into the room carrying a large plate of toasted sandwiches and a big bottle of coke.
"Did I just hear that bloody horse in here again?"
"Yeah Baza, he just popped in to see his mate then went back to the lawn."
"Bloody weirdest thing I've ever seen that horse, ok come on you two let's bog in and get this lot down our necks before me front shakes hands with me back."
With the plate on the bed close to Ricky they set about demolishing Barry's efforts with a relish. The hot food felt good to Ricky as he munched and chewed his way through three of the thick toasties. The fillings were of everything that Barry could find in the kitchen that could be eaten and although they would not win any prizes for Haut Cuisine they were just what the boys needed after having eaten nothing really solid for two days except for breakfast that morning.
As he filled up Ricky began to relax and with Warringal's hand in his he felt a small buzz of love and safety come over him as his friend slowly caressed his finger tips with his own.
By Friday, the third of his forced stays in bed, Ricky was starting to feel like an old man as the enforced idleness began to drive him crazy even though his boy friend was with him every and all day he still felt he had to get up and start to move around.
The nights were filled with Warringal holding him in his arms as they slept and it felt to Ricky like the safest place on earth to be. Barry ran about looking after the both of them as well as trying to stir up a good old fashioned slanging match with Warringal over the blossoming love between the two boys.
Ricky and Warringal had found that a mutual 69 position suited them both because of their respective injuries although Ricky kept having a deep seated feeling of wanting something more, something to fill him with the love he now knew he had for the young mix raced boy that was a part of his life and he knew he would never find anyone like Warringal again so there was a need to fulfill the bonding between them.
Saturday dawned as they all did in this part of Australia, hot, dry and dusty but with a faint smell of over night moisture. Ricky was as usual wrapped up in the arms of Warringal the hot breath on his neck telling him his boy friend was still sleeping but that other parts of him seemed to have a life of their own as Ricky felt that familiar hardness against his back and smiled at the comfort he felt in those golden arms.
The throbbing in his wrist and ankle had receded over the last three days and he wanted to get up and move around so with as much care as he could manage he began to slip out of Warringal's arms and move to the side of the bed in an attempt to make it to the bath room unaided. To his surprise at the first attempt to move those arms tightened around him, pulling him back against the warm body beside him and a muttered "Stay" came from the nearby lips.
"You awake, Warri?"
"Mmmm, sort of, don't move Ricky this is to nice."
"Got to go you know where."
"Oh don't need me now you're all healed up?"
"Warri, I will always need you, but I gotta go piss, I'm bursting."
"Promise you'll come back to bed?"
Ricky turned around to face Warringal and kissing him lightly on the lips he replied.
"Well ok Pony Boy, but if my belly gets cold I'm coming looking for you, you sure you can make it on that ankle?"
"If I take it slow I think I can."
"Hmm, ok but you call me if you get into trouble."
"Sure, can I call you even if I don't get into trouble?" (giggle).
"Hell yeah." (giggle).
Ricky slid his butt over to the side of the bed and swung his legs onto the floor, the first tentative push with the ankle on the floor seemed ok so he put all his weight on it and pushed himself upright.
Ricky saw the floor coming up at him as the sharp pain shot through his ankle then he was wrapped up in two warm strong arms as Warringal took his full weight under the armpits to support him. Ricky wobbled as he lifted the damaged leg off the floor and with tears of pain beginning to ease from his eyes he looked up in gratitude at his savior.
"Damn, damn, damn, sorry Warri, I thought it was ok, thanks my love for catching me, how did you move so quick?"
"I was half outa bed when you tried to get up, I knew it wouldn't be strong enough yet but I wanted you to see for yourself. Now lover let me help you to the loo, want me to hold it for you while you piss?" (giggle)
"Hmmm, nice thought might let you if you're a good crutch for me to lean on."
"Come on Pony Boy, put your arm over my shoulder and lean on me, I'll get you in there safely."
The two naked boys made their limping way out of the bedroom and down to the bathroom ten steps away; they were just about to enter the bathroom when a deep voice sounded behind them.
"Now there's a sight you don't see every day, looks as though everything in the world is black and white after all."
The two boys looked over their shoulders with the reddest blushes ever seen as they recognized the sound of Brian Hamilton's voice. He stood in the hallway dressed in his uniform ready for work or just getting home from another night of long patrols.
3; uhm
3; uhm."
"It's ok boys, I'm glad to see you up and around Ricky, just didn't expect to see all of both of you." (chuckle).
3; uhm
3; Mister Hamilton
3; uhm."
"Go on boys, finish what you started, if you want some breakfast before the others get up then come on into the kitchen I'll wait till you get there."
"Thanks Mr. H, come on Ricky let me get you sorted out and then we can cover up your bits." (giggle).
"Damn it Warri, what about your bits." (giggle).
"Oh don't worry about mine, they've all seen them before." (giggle).
"Go on you two get your arses in there, I've seen enough for one day."
The two boys moved as fast as they could with their handicap and disappeared into the bathroom.
As the two boys were washing up Ricky looked over at Warringal and gave him a light peck on the cheek then smiled into the mirror at his boyfriend.
"Mr. H is real neat Warri, I mean he didn't go ape over us being bare assed."
"Yeah Ricky he's a good guy, he is one real hard arse cop when he's on duty but he hates bigots. I think that he is probably the most liked cop ever to be here, sometimes they send a young one here for experience and they try to get carried away with their power but Mr. H soon sorts them out."
"I wish my mom and dad were like him."
"Your old man may surprise you Pony Boy, I saw the look in his face the other day when they were here, I think he knows more than he's letting on."
"I don't think so Warri, he always seemed to take my twin brother's side all the time because he was into real sports and was chasing all the girls at school. Dad never seemed to talk much to me, nor mom either for that matter."
"You ever think that maybe he was waiting for you to talk to him about how you feel?"
"But I couldn't do that, he'd kill me if he knew about me."
"My sweet Pony Boy, I some how doubt that would happen, you're still his son and that goes a long way with most folks."
"Well I still don't want to say anything."
"Ok my lover, then let's go eat before the others get up."
Warringal took Ricky's arm and pulled it over his shoulder to support him again as they limped back to the bedroom to dress and then make their way into the kitchen to eat.
The smells coming from the kitchen made Ricky's mouth water as they both got nearer to the doorway leading into the large area. Brian Hamilton was sitting at the table with his first cup of tea of the day waiting for them, Warringal's mother was standing over the stove cooking and humming to herself as she stirred and clanged various pots and pans.
"Well you two look a bit more decent, ready for some breakfast?"
Both boys nodded embarrassingly as their faces turned red again at the thought of the meeting in the hallway.
"Ok come on sit down and let's eat."
Jema began to pile plates with hot food and set down two large glasses of milk for the boys giving Ricky a soft look and almost a smile as she said something to Warringal in her own language.
"What did she say, Warri?"
Warringal seemed to blush a little as he looked at Ricky and smiled.
"She said you make a good boy for me and we should go walkabout soon."
"Oh god, are you going to take him bush with you, Warringal?"
"Well mum seems to think it's good idea Mr. H."
"Ok I suppose it's really up to you two, you think it's needed for Ricky though, Warringal?"
"Mum says there's something special about Ricky and he should go find it out there Mr. H."
"Hmm, ok when you thinking of going?"
"Not time yet Mr. H, but soon."
Ricky looked on at the two of them talking about him and this walkabout thing, he was meant to do but could not make head nor tail out of it. Oh well his Warri would look after him if it came to that and the love he felt for this young friend would never be broken by anything that could happen. He knew that deep inside himself there was something trying to get out but could not identify it. It was just a yearning in his stomach that something was missing so maybe they were right about the whole thing, he'd just have to wait and see what happened.
Ricky returned home after another day at the Hamiltons, his ankle a little stronger but his wrist still bound up tight in the cast, before he left he took a special walk out into the garden to talk to what was now considered 'HIS' horse.
Jipa snuffled his chest and gave his light blonde hair a work over with his velvety lips as Ricky giggle at the soft touch. The horse only glared at Barry and especially at Warringal as he supported Ricky's weight with his shoulder.
When the horse was satisfied that his little mate was ok he snorted at the other two boys and made his way out of the garden and into a nearby paddock but not before he gave Ricky a last look and a soft snort which Ricky thought was a lot like a smile.
Barry and Warringal were returning to school the next day so it was decided that Ricky should go back home in the morning and that they would drop him off at his house on the way. Then, if his parents agreed, they would pick him up again after school finished for the day, Ricky was hoping that his parents would agree for him to be with the two friends overnight each day, especially his Warri. Ricky could not bare the thought of not spending every moment without his Boyfriend.
When it came time for bed that evening before returning home Ricky knew that this had to be the night to ask his Warri for that last step into their relationship, to seal it with his inner most need, to give Warringal the one thing that no one else could have or take from him.
They as usual closed the gap between themselves as soon as they were under the sheets, arms entangled, lips closing together, hot bodies pushing against each other, not in a hard frantic lustful way, but with a smoothness that told of the love and respect they had for each other, just enough to be touching from their toes to their lips, a molding of two young lovers and the need of one for the other.
Ricky pulled his lips from the caressing touch of Warringal's and leaned back until he could see into the eyes of the only boy he had ever loved, he whispered softly.
"Yes Pony Boy?"
"Warri, I love you."
"Pony Boy, I love you."
"Warri, will you do it to me tonight, I need you, like
3; you know
3; inside me?"
Ricky watched as a small tear rolled down Warringal's face, he leaned in and kissed it away.
"Warri, why are you crying, what have I said, I'm sorry
3; love
3; please I didn't want to upset you."
"Oh my Pony Boy, you didn't upset me, that was a tear of happiness, that's the first time you said you love me, no one has ever said that to me."
3; will you
3; you know
3; do it to me?"
"My Pony Boy, there's nothing more I want to do than spend my life inside you, but we agreed that we would wait until you are fit and healthy again and that we had real time to sort out our feelings about each other."
"But I know I want this Warri, I want to show you how much I love you, I want you to have the one thing I can give you that no one else has ever had."
"Ricky, oh my Ricky, you would give me your virginity to prove your love?"
"Yes Warri, it's the only thing I have that I can prove my love for you."
"Hey Pony Boy, there is nothing more I would want from you and have dreamed of it all the time but we have to wait, please it is very important that we do it at the right time."
"When is the right time if not now when we have just made our love real."
"Soon Ricky love, very soon, when your ankle is good enough we will find the right time."
"Yes Pony?"
"I love you."
"Oh Pony, I love you so much too."
"Kiss me, Warri."
Ricky and Warringal leaned into each other at the same time, their lips meeting with a new tenderness as their feelings for each other were projected through the contact. Their slim bodies pushing flesh on flesh as the heat in their groins began to take on a new feeling and hardness.
Their 69 that night seemed to Ricky to be more intense than ever before, it was slower and done with a tenderness that he didn't think he had in him, the smoothness of Warringal's skin as he ran his hand up and down the slim copper coloured hip and thigh as he swallowed the rigid pole standing erect and proud before his waiting lips.
The feeling of the hot moist mouth of his lover as it lowered slowly down the length of his own shaft, once fully holding the length of each other they stopped with their lips pressed hard against the pubic mound of the other and rejoiced in the feeling of fullness they now encompassed.
The warm breath of the other coming in small puffs from their noses as they settled there for a few moments, then the slow withdrawal of the two sets of lips as they worked their way upwards again to at last caress the now sensitive head with their tongues.
The two lovers kept this up for so long that when the final thrust of mouth and now hips came, it was a mutual explosion that was like a duet of two souls reaching a final destination that was a seal on their lives forever.
As the two now exhausted boys turned toward each other their lips met again to mix their love offering with that of the other, taking in the taste and the energy of their love to mix and mingle so that they were completely one with the other.
The next morning at the first cry of a cockatoo out in the gum trees that surrounded the homestead, the two boys opened their eyes to gaze into longing look of love from the other, lips pouted toward each other and the good morning kiss again caused a rising lower down.
As Warringal smiled at Ricky and lifted an eyebrow in askance a voice sounded from the end of the bed.
"When's the wedding?"
Warringal was the first to speak.
"What the
3; Baza fuck off."
"Oh the little Boonga not feeling well?" (chuckle).
"I'm gonna dong ya, Baza."
"Not while Short Ass has his arms around yah you aint." (chuckle).
"Hey Okker, leave my boyfriend alone."
"Ooooh, the Yank is alive and kicking."
Barry leaned over and grasping the bed clothes gave a hard yank and pulled then clear of the two boys as they lay naked and close to each other in the bed.
"Well I can see what Boonga sees in you, but what the hell you see in his scrawny butt I don't know."
3; piss off and let us get dressed."
"Why, we all know what your little snake looks like. Now Ricky, hmmm well he aint doin bad in that area either." (giggle).
Warringal lowered his voice to a deeper growl.
"Ok, ok, I'm outta here, but hurry up we have to drop Short Ass off before school."
Barry left the two boys laughing to himself at the rude awakening he had given them, the sight of the two naked bodies clasping each other didn't bother Barry in the least, he was just glad that at last his little brother Boonga had found his lover.
As Barry picked Ricky up and placed him in the front seat of the ute he felt again that sharp pain in his stomach, it had been there now for two days, must be all the rubbish I been eating lately, he thought to himself as he lowered Ricky down onto the seat.
Ricky had heard the faint gasp as Barry had lifted him and looked up at him with concern.
"You ok, Barry?"
Warringal looked over at his lover with a question mark lifting of the eyebrow again.
"Nah, it's ok Ricky, just indigestion, eating to much rubbish lately."
"Oh ok, you sure you're ok?"
"Yeah fine now, just a twinge when I pick something up, she'll be right."
Barry went around to the driver's side and hopped into his seat and then with the usual roar of V8 and cloud of dust they were speeding down the driveway as Mrs. H stood on the veranda shaking her head and smiling at the disappearing vehicle.
When Ricky reached his house Warringal insisted on helping him into the front room and setting him down on a chair as Ricky's mother began to fuss over him, his father stood off to the side smiling at the scene before him. His boy was home and he knew inside himself that the slim Aboriginal boy seemed to be a lot more concerned with Ricky's health than he and his wife did.
Warringal finished settling Ricky into the chair and then with a smile told him he had to run or he would be late for his first day back at school.
Ricky reached up a hand to caress his lover's cheek then remembered where he was and took hold of Warringal's hand instead and with a short shake said.
"Thanks Warringal, see you after school, ok?"
"Sure Ricky, as long as your parents don't mind?"
Ricky's dad looked up at the two of them.
"Why would we mind Warringal?"
"Well Sir, he's been away for four days and I thought you may want to keep him home."
"What did you have in mind, just a visit or something a bit more after school?"
Ricky's dad had a strange smile on his face as he looked at the two boys, Ricky spoke up as the question was asked.
"Dad, I asked Warringal and Barry if they could pick me up after school, well you know, I won't have any company here for the whole day,
3; and well I thought I could spend some time with them afterward and they could tell me about what home work I had to do."
"Oh I see, yes well, hmm, home work, well I suppose you have to do that to catch up, hmmm yes well how long is that going to take and why cant you do it here?"
3; uhm
3; Dad
3; I have to
3; well sort of look after my horse as well."
"Ahhh, yes your horse, how did you get a horse, I don't remember buying one for you?"
Warringal could see his lover getting nervous at the questioning and jumped in to protect him.
"Well Sir, the horse that Ricky was using has been given to him by Mr. Hamilton, he said no one else would be able to ride him now so he is Ricky's, but Ricky has to go out each day and look after him."
Warringal hoped that Ricky's dad wouldn't see through he small white lie, it was partly true in a sense that Jipa would now never let anyone else ride him but Ricky and it was a way of making sure that the two of them could be together as often as they could.
"So Mr. Hamilton gave the horse to Ricky, did he?"
"Uhm yes Sir, sort of."
"Hmmm ok, well I'll talk to Mr. Hamilton later today about it, now when did you think you might be home, Ricky?"
"Ahhh, well Dad, Uhm I was hoping I could
3; well stay out there and come home each morning."
"I see, so what about your mother and I, don't you want to live with us any more?"
"Of course I do dad, it's just, well it's just
3; uhm."
Ricky's shoulder slumped as he realized that their plan was not going to work and that he would not be seeing Warringal and be alone with him for ages now as he looked up at the thoughtful set on his father's face.
"Well Ricky, I'll tell you what I will do, I'm going to finish work early today so I'll be home about 2.00pm, you have a think about things until I get home and then we are going to talk, just you and I, if I'm happy with our discussion then you can go out with Barry and Warringal each afternoon. As to staying all the time overnight, well I will have to talk to Constable Hamilton about that, sound fair to you?"
With resignation in his voice Ricky answered that it was fair but he knew deep down inside that he was going to be made to pay for his feelings for Warringal but also knew that it had to be brought out into the open today whether he liked it or not. He was certain now that his father knew all about his dark secret and that he was going to be parted from his love forever.
Ricky noticed a tear forming in his mother's eye as she looked at his father and nodded her head toward him, this was his final day of disaster, the day his twin can crow about for the rest of his life, the day he will hear his father disown him and send him back to Canada to a boarding school, never to see his Warri again.
A tear began to fall down his cheek as he took a last look at his boyfriend, knowing that this was the parting he had never wanted to happen, his beautiful Warri left alone just as they had begun to find the deepest love either one had ever had.
Ricky felt a touch on his shoulder and as he looked up he saw his lover give a small smile and then with a wave of his hand he left the room to go to school. Ricky knew that would be the last sight of him as he disappeared through the doorway.
Chapter 7 A Father-Sons Talk
Ricky spent most of the day moping around the house, the worrying about what his upright and strict father had to say was on his mind the whole time as he went from one room of the strange house to the other aimlessly.
The afternoon sun began to sink as Ricky heard the dreaded noise of a car coming up the short driveway to the house and then the dull thud of the drivers door closing with what he though was the finality of his new found life with his special boy friend.
The steady clip of shoes on the path then the front door opening and closing.
"I'm home Ricky, let me get out of these clothes then we have our talk, ok?"
3; yes dad."
Ricky went into the lounge to await his last moments in Australia, a noise made him lift his head to see his father standing in the doorway looking over at him.
Here it comes, thought Ricky.
"Well Son, how you feeling?"
"Not bad, Dad, still a bit sore in the wrist."
"Well Ricky do you have something you want to tell me?"
3; what do you mean, Dad?"
"I think you know what I mean, Ricky."
3; err
3; well
3; ahh."
"Ok Ricky, let's stop all the crap. Do you think you're gay, Ricky?"
3; "
"Ricky I'm not stupid you know, I've been around a long time and know what's going on in the world."
3; but
"Ricky Mendoza, I'm your father, both your mother and I love you regardless of what you are. I'm not going to say we're overjoyed but if that's you then we'll have to accept it, now my Son let's hear the truth, I've seen the way you and young Warringal look and act toward each other."
3; well dad
3; I think
3; I think
3; uhhmm."
"Just say it Ricky, you know I've pretty well guessed everything already it's only up to you now to admit who you are and a lot of your worries will seem a bit easier to live with."
"Dad I
3; well
3; I think I love Warringal."
At last he had said it, it was out in the open now for all to see and hear, a perceptible feeling of relief ran through Ricky's body as the words left his mouth and a tear left his eye as he looked down at the floor waiting for the final tirade from his father.
Suddenly a great warmth overcame him and a pressure surrounded him as two large arms encircled his small slim body and he felt himself being drawn into the hard and safe chest of his father, feeling the touch of a gentle kiss on top of his head.
"Have you told your brother, Ricky?"
"Yes Dad, but he didn't believe me, just said I was trying to fool him."
As he hugged his father for what seemed the first time in many years he heard again the front door opening and the sound of light footsteps coming toward the lounge.
"Hey Dad, so you got home at last to did you, Sprat?"
Ricky looked over at his twin brother and glared at him, he hated the name 'Sprat' after all there was only ten minutes between them when they were born. Ricky didn't bother to reply but he felt his fathers arms loosen around him.
"Go sit over there on the sofa, Ramon. Ricky you go sit beside him."
The two boys sat side by side as their father lowered himself into an over stuffed chair opposite them.
"So Ramon, how is Mark?"
"You're ready to be honest yet, Ramon?"
3; what
3; what
"Ramon, I asked you how your boyfriend was, don't you even respect him enough to answer me?"
Ricky's jaw refused to close as he gaped white faced at his now scarlet faced brother, no not even, his brother, the girl chaser had a boyfriend, this is too weird
"Well Ramon?"
3; I
3; I
3; how did you know?"
The look of defeat in Ramon's eyes startled Ricky as he managed to close his mouth at the news that his twin was just the same as him.
"Ray, Ricky, your mother and I brought you into this world, do you honestly think we don't know you well enough to see that even though Ray covers up his true feelings by chasing every skirt in town that we wouldn't know?"
The twins sat there on the sofa lost for words as their father divulged what they thought had been their deepest and darkest secrets.
"Well boys, what are we going to do about it?"
Ramon as the older took the lead as usual and answered his father haltingly.
3; we
3; don't know Dad."
"Well I think that the first thing you need to do is talk to your friends and make it clear that they are welcome here any time. Now some ground rules, if you have your ahhh
3; boyfriends over here, there's to be no hanky panky in front of your mother or I, if you need to get close to him then go to your room and close the door. If we see the door closed we won't enter."
The twins sat there stunned at the openness of their father's talk.
"Now guys truth time. How far have you both gone with your respective friends?"
Again Ramon was first to speak, "Gone Dad?"
"Sex, buddy you think I don't know how your hormones rage when you're with someone you have feelings for."
Ricky broke his silence when he understood that his father was trying to help and understand them both.
3; well just sort of played around a bit Dad, I don't know about Ray and Mark."
Ramon spoke up with a lighter tone in his voice now his secret was out in the open, he had always been the extrovert of the two boys.
"Well Dad we haven't done 'it' yet, just mucked around is all."
"Ok boys, fair enough, now if you do get to a time when you feel you want to try 'it' then you come to me and I'll help you with what you need to know. I've spent some time over the last year looking at sites on the internet so that I can try to help you, so you come to me, ok?"
Both boys blushed at the frankness of the conversation and answered for the first time in their lives with one voice.
"Yes Dad."
"Now Ricky, until you return to school you can visit each night with Warri, that's what you call him, isn't it?"
3; how did you know that?"
"Let's just say a little bird told me. Ok, when you go back to school you stay here for the week and then you can spend the weekends with ahh
3; Warri as long as the Hamiltons don't object, ok?"
"Yes Dad, and ahhh
3; thanks
3; you know
3; well
3; for understanding."
"Ok Ricky, Now Ramon, where have you and Mark been going apart from out the back of the football stadium?"
3; how
3; oh damn dad."
"Well where have you two been going, I don't want you taking risks anymore, ok? So from now on you can both come here and spend time with each other but the other rules apply, ok?"
"Yeah Dad
3; thank's
3; for well, for the same as Ricky said."
Ricky looked quickly at his twin as he heard for the first time in years his brother use his name instead of 'Sprat'.
"Ok guys, that's all for now, don't ever forget that both your mother and I love you equally so if you need anything come to us, that's what we're here for. Now get out of here, Ricky I think your 'Warri' will be here any minute to get you so behave yourself at the Hamiltons. Ramon, I suppose you will want to ring Mark and tell him it's safe to come over now?"
Again the twins answered as one when their mother with a smile on her face joined their father and hooked her arm in his and snuggled a little closer to him.
A loud tooting from the driveway told Ricky that Warri and Baza were there to get him and with a smile and hug to both parents he half limped and half ran toward the door to give his Warri the good news.
As usual Baza picked up on the light hearted way Ricky was trying to move and yelled out loud enough for the whole town to hear, or so it seemed to Ricky.
"Hey Short Ass, hurry up, your boyfriend's getting nervous."
Ricky gave him the finger as was expected and smiled at Warringal as he opened the door to get in. Half on top of Warri's knees and half on the seat, he let out a soft sigh as Warringal wrapped his arms around him and smooched his neck.
"Hi Pony Boy."
With a small blush Ricky answered him by nibbling his ear and whispering to him.
"Hi Warri, I love you."
"I love you to, Pony."
"Jeez you two, give it a rest, go on 'Warri' kiss him and get it over with."
"Up yours, whitey."
"Ooooh nasty, black ass, ok you two ready for a jump in the hay
3; hahahahah!"
Barry pulled out of the driveway in his usual manner, leaving a cloud of dust and gravel spread over the lawn as he turned toward the homestead. Both boys now dreamily looking into each other's eyes, their lips almost but not quite touching as the ute rocketed out of town.
As they pulled into the long driveway of the homestead Ricky saw Jipa pounding at full gallop toward the ute as it sped along, his long loping strides almost matching the hair raising speed of the vehicle as he tossed his head and snorted at the familiar smell coming from the ute.
Barry slowed to a more sedate speed, that is to say he was now only doing about 50mph [80 km/h]. As they arrived at the house, his mother was no where to be seen until they were getting out of the cab.
"Barry Hamilton, come here right now."
"Uh ho, sounds like she's gonna have your ass, whitey, heheheheh."
Before Barry could answer there was a loud snorting and panting horse standing over Ricky nuzzling his hair, Ricky reached up and rubbed the soft velvety nostrils as they breathed heavily, ruffling his hair like a small breeze.
"Hey Jipa."
The horse nodded his head as though in understanding at the familiar voice and then stood still as Ricky ran his hands over the glowing hide of his new friend.
Jipa's hide flinched as he saw Warringal take hold of Ricky's waist and pull him a little closer. Jipa gave a soft snort and then as though in recognition of the closeness they had lowered his head and batted his eyelashes at Warringal.
Barry reappeared with a rather blushed look on his face and saw his two friends holding each other close as they talked to the horse.
"Get reamed, Baza?"
"You know what Mum's like, Boonga."
"So drive slower."
Barry looked closely at Ricky's face and noticed that the boy was glowing a bit more than usual.
"So what you happy about, Short Ass?"
"I wanted to wait till you got here Barry before I said anything."
"Well there's a couple of things really."
"Fuck sake Short Ass, spit it out before you end up as dog tucker."
"Dad came home early today and we had 'that' talk."
"Ok, so?"
Ricky snuggled in a little closer to Warringal.
"He knows how I feel about Warri, he said it was ok but we're not allowed to do 'it' unless I talk to him first."
"See, told yah so, thought your old man would be on your side, what about your Mum?"
"She just smiled and nodded her head."
"They happy about you and Warri then?"
Warringal spoke up before Ricky could say another word.
"They're real happy Baza."
"How you know Boonga, and don't give me that dreamtime shit either."
"Talked to Mr. Mendoza yesterday after school."
Ricky's mouth dropped open at the revelation of his boyfriend.
"Why didn't you tell me, Warri?"
"Your old man made me promise not to."
Barry had stood back as the two lovers finished their short talk and then spoke up again.
"So Short Ass, what else is new?"
"Well you know that other kid like us, Mark?"
Ricky saw the quick frown run across Warringal's face and then disappear.
"It's ok love, I'm not after him, so Baza you seen him around much lately?"
"Uhm no not really, mind you when I have seen him he seems a lot happier about something. Another funny thing too, he used to walk home straight from school and now he goes for a wander around past the footy fields. It's like he wants to go the long way home all the time now."
"Want to know why?"
Ricky smiled at the confused look that came over Barry's face.
"Ok, spit it out."
"He's got a boyfriend."
Warringal and Barry stood and stared open mouthed at Ricky at this sudden disclosure.
"How the hell would you know, Short Ass. You haven't even been at school to see him."
"I know who his boyfriend is, I see him every day."
Ricky felt pumped at the fact he finally knew something no one else knew.
"Well spill it, who is it?"
"Who the fuck is Ramon?"
Ricky just stood there with a smile on his face watching the other two trying to work it out. Suddenly, as though lightening had struck them both, Barry opened his mouth and stuttered out.
3; Y
3; Your brother, holy shit, two of you in the same family and twins as well. It's a wonder your parents aren't going ape shit."
"They said they've known about both of us for ages."
"Well I'll be fucked, what yah reckon, Boonga?"
"Makes sense Baza, twins are usually alike in most ways."
"Hey this is cause for a good piss up, what yah reckon. I'll ask dad if we can have a barby on the weekend and get your brother and parents here to celebrate, I know Mum and Dad wont mind, besides not often we got to lots of boyfriends to party with."
"Won't your parents kick up a bit about have two outsiders partying here as well as both being gay?"
"Hey Short Ass, remember it was my Mum and Dad that put Warriboy in your bed?"
"Uhm well ok, but I have to ask Ray as well if he and Mark want to come."
"Leave Mark up to me and as far as your sneaky brother goes just tell him Mark's coming so if he wants to see him Saturday he has to come as well, see no probs
3; Pony Boy
3; hehehehe"
"Scratch it, Baza."
"Scratch it?"
"Yep, go have a wank." (giggle).
"Bloody Boonga has rubbed off on you Yank, or rubbed in you." (laughter).
Warringal surrounded Ricky with his arms and pulled him close while sticking out his tongue at Barry. The boys began to move out of the hot sun in the yard and settled into chairs on the front porch of the house to be in the shade as Jipa tossed his head and with a last look at Ricky walked off toward the paddock and a little hay for dinner.
Chapter 8 Appendix and Bullies
Barry became a buzz saw of perpetual motion as he set about organizing his parents for the weekend BBQ and determined who and what was going to be going on and how he could arrange for the now two sets of lovebirds to be alone for the night.
That night Ricky was curled up tightly in Warringal's arms as they slept spooned in close together. The door to their room was left open as they felt they had no secrets to keep from anyone else in the house and the two adults only smiled at the two boys asleep in each other's arms whenever they happened to pass by.
Although Warringal seemed to have a wisdom way beyond his tender years he was the one to often take the more passive role when the boys were snuggling together watching TV or sitting around the house. It had become almost a custom for Warringal to sit between Ricky's legs on the floor and lean back against his boyfriend so that Ricky could wrap his arms around him from behind and hug him close.
Both boys knew it was coming close to the time when they would take the final step to being true partners and it was assumed by both of them that Warringal would prefer to take the passive role even though Ricky thought he would also like to have Warringal buried deep inside him as well.
The final act was never discussed but as they were so close they felt that they could read the desire in each other's eyes. Warringal moved in his sleep and Ricky opened his eyes just a fraction to make sure his lover was not in any discomfort them with a kiss on the back of that golden neck he settled down once again to hold close his treasure.
The first bird calls woke the two boys as the sun sent its sharp light boring through the open window causing Warringal to back up against Ricky until Ricky felt the heat from the tight butt cheeks pushing hard on his morning erection.
"Feeling frisky, my Pony Boy?"
"Always when I'm with you, Warri."
"How's you're leg coming along?"
Warringal tried to climb into Ricky skin a bit harder.
3; which one Warri, all three of them feel good at the moment."
3; well the middle one would be nice about now."
Warringal pushed back harder and raised his top leg until he felt Ricky's hardness slide between his cheeks then clamped down to hold him tight as the hotness swelled against him.
3; That's so nice, my Pony Boy, you feel so good down there."
"God Warri I want to do it so much."
Warringal wriggled his butt to feel Ricky twitching with desire, the throbbing and slight pushing of the shaft between his legs began to increase the heat he was feeling deep inside himself.
"Do you think you could walk any long distances on it yet?"
"Yeah I thinks Warri, it's more stiff than sore at the moment but I think if I took it slow I'd be ok."
"Right then after the B.B.Q. on Saturday take a good rest all day Sunday and we go walkabout on Monday. We'll take the horses with us for most of the way but the last few miles have to be done on foot."
"How far is the last bit, Warri?"
"Bout six miles but it's rugged country up where we're going but there's no hurry to get there. Mum will get everything set for us."
"What's all this walkabout stuff, Warri?"
"It's a place we go to find ourselves, Pony. Mum says you have to go as well, she said it was in her dreamtime she saw you with me and you have to be there."
"Warri you know I'll do anything for you, I love you with everything I have."
"I feel the same way about you, my Pony Boy."
"Well it looks like I'm back at school tomorrow so we can be together a lot more."
"Aren't you worried about the other guys there?"
"They don't matter, only you matter to me, Warri."
"Well at least Baza will see that we're left alone."
Ricky rose the next morning after giving his boyfriend a morning snuggle and as he dressed for school he saw Barry starting the ute ready to take them in to Ricky's first day back in class.
Ricky felt the warm arms of Warringal surround his waist as he tucked his shirt in and then reached for his book bag and arm in arm they made their way out to where Barry waited for them.
Getting into the ute the two boys noticed Barry give a small grimace as he leant over to open the door for them.
"You ok, Baza?"
"Yeah Boonga, just a bit of a guts ache."
Barry straightened up and with his usual roar of V8 motor, sent the ute away with a cloud of red dust billowing up behind them. The trip to school was as usual uneventful apart from scaring every living thing in a ten mile radius with the dust and bellowing motor.
Barry parked the ute and as the three boys got out of the vehicle Ricky looked over at Barry just in time to see him turn white and collapse on the ground beside the open door. Immediately both the boys were around to Barry's side trying to help him up from the ground where he lay moaning and holding tightly to his stomach.
"I'm going for a teacher Ricky, you stay with Baza."
Warringal raced away to find a teacher while Ricky cradled Barry's head on his lap. The pain evident on the prostrate boys face as Ricky smoothed the hair out of his eyes and tried to make him comfortable while they waited.
Within minutes a teacher was beside the boys and with a glance sent Warringal off to call for an ambulance to take Barry to hospital.
"Looks like appendicitis to me, keep him comfortable Mendoza until the ambulance gets here then you two boys get to your class."
"Yes Sir."
They both answered together as the teacher left to tell the front office about the trouble and to get Barry excused from the role call.
A small crowd had gathered when Barry had collapsed but was now dispersing to their own classes as the bell rang for the beginning of another day of toil while Ricky and Warringal sat with Barry and waited.
The ambulance arrived within ten minutes and loading Barry into the backset off at high speed for the hospital nearby as Ricky and Warringal headed for their class room and without realizing it held tightly to each others hands as they made their way across the deserted play ground.
Morning classes were hard to concentrate on as the vision of their best mate kept running through their minds and at last the bell rang for the lunch break and the two boys made their way outside to be alone and to worry about Barry.
Sitting under the only tree in the yard the two boys were lost in their thoughts, fingertips touching and leaning against each others shoulder for mutual support.
"So you's two is poofs, who's fucking who?"
Startled the two boys looked up only to see about five larger boys surrounding them. The talker was bigger than Barry but carried a bit of fat around his middle and his pimples looked inflamed and raw where he had picked at them.
The sneer on his face said it all and before either boy could react the boy sent a viscious kick at Ricky's partly healed ankle causing Ricky to scream in pain as the heavy boot made contact. Warringal was on his feet in a flash to defend Ricky but the other boys moved in and he was quickly pummeled to the ground as two more boys rained punches at Ricky's helpless body on the ground.
The first boy stood back laughing as he saw his minions go in for the kill to teach these poofters a lesson they would never forget. Ricky felt a weight fall on his back and a pair of dark arms wrap around his head to protect him as Warringal tried to cover his body with his own and take the beating that was being given to his lover. Ricky heard the grunts and gasps as Warringal was attacked with brutal blow after blow that was meant for him.
"Kick that Abo slut, teach him to mix with white boys."
The voice of the first bully could be heard above the grunts and yelps of Warringal above him.
>From a distance Ricky heard a loud voice yelling and then he sank into the comfort of blackness as the pain in his ankle flared up again.
Ricky opened his eyes to the white walls of the hospital again and by turning his head he could see the golden skin of Warringal swathed in bandages laying on the bed next to him. Ricky felt tears of frustration and anger well up inside him as he saw his lover laying there unconscious and beaten.
"What happened, Ricky?"
The familiar voice of Brian Hamilton came from Ricky's other side and as he turned his head in that direction he saw the big cop sitting beside his bed a small notebook balanced on his knee with pen in hand.
"I don't really know, we were just sitting under the tree thinking about Barry when those boys attacked us and that's all I remember apart from Warri covering me to stop them hitting me."
"Ok Ricky, I've got the five boys locked in the back of the wagon and I'm going to charge them with assault as well as tell the parents about this. Most of them are good people and will set their boys straight but the ring leader is headed for the slammer, his old man is a drunk and an ass hole so he won't do anything about it. I'll let the court do it this time, he's old enough to do time for it."
"How's Barry?"
"He'll be ok, his appendix burst but they got it cleaned out in time. He'll be here for about four days then will be kept home to get better, you two will be released in the morning after observation."
"Can't feel my ankle?"
"It's in plaster, that bastard broke two small bones in your foot when he kicked you. Looks as though the homestead will be a hospital ward for a week or more this time. You guys really know how to get time off school, that's for sure."
Ricky groaned as the pain hit him again as he straightened up in the bed, his own soreness put aside as he looked over at his boyfriend in the other bed lying unconscious and bandaged.
As the tears of frustration and pain began to fall down his cheeks he felt the calloused hand of Brian Hamilton softly brush them away and then give him a light grip on the shoulder in comfort.
"He's going to be ok Ricky, you'll see, he'll wake soon and then you can talk."
"Why, Mr. H why did those boys do this, we weren't hurting anyone, we just want to be together?"
"Some people are just like that Ricky, lack of tolerance can ruin even the best of intentions."
"But they hurt Warri for no other reason than he was with me."
"Well they won't be hurting anyone else for a long time Ricky. Now your mother is outside waiting to see you and your dad is on the way over as well. Is there anything I can get for you?"
"Will you
3; uhm
3; push my bed next to Warri, please?"
Brian looked down at the injured boy and with a smile and a grunt pushed the bed over until it was touching Warringal's then straightened up and with a nod turned and left the ward.
Ricky reached out with his right hand and laid it on the forearm of his still unconscious boyfriend as the hot tears once again fell down his cheeks. A small sound made him look up and into his mother's tear stained face as she saw her son holding onto the boy that had now become to mean more to him than family.
Ricky's mother just stood at the foot of the bed watching silently at the two young men who needed each other so much that one would be prepared to sacrifice himself for the other.
A moan and small movement of the arm under Ricky's hand made him look back at Warri as his boyfriend started to come out of the unconscious state he had been in. The swelling around his eyes and cuts to his face told only part of the story of the brutal beating he had taken in his attempt to save Ricky.
Stark whiteness met Warringal's opening eyes and then he felt a warmth on his left arm and with a painful groan turned his head to look in that direction only to be met with his Pony Boy's tear laden blue eyes.
In an almost whispered broken voice and with a painful smile Warringal spoke to his boyfriend.
"I love you."
3; oh god Warri. I'm so sorry you had to be part of this, I never wanted you to be hurt, I love you Warri."
"Is ok Pony Boy, I wasn't going to let them hurt you."
With that Ricky lightly squeezed Warringal's arm again and let the tears fall again, his mother stood without saying a word and watched the two of them, now she knew for certain that these two were meant for each other. It settled many questions that had been in the back of her mind ever since she had found out about Ricky's orientation and his devotion to this dark boy from Australia.
Although both boys were banged up pretty badly the hospital had said they could return home by Friday and that Barry would be also able to leave at about the same time, so Brian Hamilton had decided to go ahead with the BBQ on the weekend so that everyone could be together as families should be.
Chapter 9 Ramon and Mark
On Saturday the patio of the Hamilton homestead looked like a military hospital as Barry, looking decidedly pale and drawn after his operation, lay on a sun lounge in the shadow of the veranda with Ricky, his leg in plaster once again and the bruises from the fight showing lay beside him on his right hand side.
Warringal was on his left and looked to be the worst of them all with the black eyes and broken nose as well as various cuts about the face as he lay with a smile on his face every time he looked over at his Pony Boy.
Brian Hamilton had the BBQ out and ready while Mrs. H piled a trestle table with salads and other goodies for the guests to pick and choose as soon as they arrived.
A faint hint of thin white clouds hung on the horizon as the boys sat and watched the adults doing all the work for them but Ricky could tell that Barry was brooding over something and when asked Barry would just smile at him and say he would fix it later.
Much to Ricky's surprise Barry had reached out and taken both him and Warri by the hand and clasped them tight as he looked at each of them in turn.
"You ok for your walkabout on Monday, Short Ass?"
"How'd you know about that?"
"Can see it in Boonga's eyes."
3; but
3; well damn it."
"Oh shut up Short Ass, I knew you were going with him sooner or later."
Just then a cloud of dust appeared down by the gateway to the homestead as Ricky's parents and his brother drove into the parking area close to the house.
Barry raised his voice to his father.
"Yeah son?"
"Need beer, party time."
"In a pigs eye my boy, you get what you're given and no bull from you just cause you're an invalid."
The twinkle in Brian's eye belied the rough words meted out toward Barry.
Ricky watched as his parents left the car, noting his father looking back into the rear seat and giving his embarrassed brother a jerk of the head to tell him to get a move on and join the rest.
Ricky's mother smiled as she saw the three boys on the veranda and without a word went to them and to Ricky's astonishment stopped beside Warringal and bending down kissed him on the forehead before looking at Ricky.
"So why not, he's saved you twice and if you love him then he gets the first kiss, you've had enough to keep you going for a while."
Ricky's mouth dropped open at the words as his mother's laughter tinkled around the patio.
Ricky's uptight staid father also surprised him by going to Warringal and clasping his shoulder in a gesture Ricky had never seen him use, smiled down at his boyfriend.
"Welcome to the family Warringal, I hope we can live up to your good standards."
The resulting blush on Warringal's face told everyone how he felt about being accepted into the Mendoza family.
"Come on Ramon, get out here and let your brother see that delightful boy of yours."
Ricky had never seen his father in such a good mood and the way he had just accepted both his sons being gay and having boyfriends still stunned Ricky.
At last the boy Ricky knew as a brash and girl chasing brother appeared with his boyfriend who was trying to hide behind Ramon's shoulder as he recognized the local cop standing by the BBQ and then he saw the other three boys on the veranda and gave a small tentative smile in their direction.
Barry was first to speak to the pair.
"Well next to these two war veterans you guys got to be the best looking couple I seen for a long time."
The two embarrassed smiles said it all as they both took nervous steps toward the three boys.
"Well Ramon, so we meet at last, can't say I'm sorry your gay though, with your looks I wouldn't have got a girl for love or money with you around."
Ricky laughed out loud as he saw his tempestuous brother turn bright red and pull a little closer to the smaller Mark standing beside him.
"Come on you two, up here with the walking wounded, you're allowed to snuggle up here but not down there near the BBQ, might get the oldies to hot." (chuckle).
Ricky heard Brian Hamilton grunt something about fixing Barry with a belt as Ramon and Mark made their way onto the veranda with the other boys. Ramon sat on the step just below where Ricky lay and Mark immediately sat between the twin brother's legs and leaned back so he was nestled into his boyfriend.
Ramon at first hesitating and at last realizing he was among friends wrapped his arms around Mark and nuzzled his hair with his lips as he got a far away look in his eyes.
"Jeez, do you Yanks always fall for the first boy you see?"
"Up yours, Bazza."
"Now, now Pony Boy, don't be like that."
"Ahh, you're just jealous cause you haven't got anyone."
"Well with Ramon coming out I've now got more chance."
"Yeah and cows drive cars and pigs fly in jets."
"Damn me Short Ass, you got a real mean streak when a man is down and crook."
The boys had not noticed the parents watching the byplay as they threw harmless insults at each other and laughed at the retorts.
It was not until the first of the steaks hit the hot BBQ that the boys realized they were hungry and the parents were already holding a cold drink in their hands as the boys had their fun.
"Come on dad where's the beer for the invalids?"
"Same place as it is for the underage guys, locked up tight."
"Ok, then I'm turning gay at least people will talk to me nicely."
"I don't think you would like that boy."
"Why not?"
"Those other four would be to much competition for you."
"Aww dad, you're no fun."
The parents broke out into laughter as Mrs. H went to the chilli bin and got out five cold bottles of her homemade ginger beer.
"This is the only beer you boys get while I'm around, Barry."
Barry sank into silence knowing he was beaten when his mum made the rules.
To Ricky's surprise Ramon jumped to his feet to take the drinks and a plate of snacks from the table and with an unaccustomed caring attitude he served the three invalids before himself and his boyfriend.
Ricky's mouth dropped open at the kindness he showed to them as previously he had always given Ricky a hard time about being younger and smaller than he was and the way he stood before Warringal and with a blush told him what he thought about the way Warringal had saved his little brother twice and that he wanted to thank him for being there for Ricky.
What Ramon did next shocked Ricky. Ramon walked over to his brother and leaning down planted a soft hot wet kiss on his lips and then said.
"I'm sorry for making your life hell Ricky, I was afraid that everyone would find out about me and I tried to put it on you all the time so they wouldn't know, I'm sorry."
Ricky couldn't answer as he looked at the moist red lips of his nemesis as Ramon straightened and pulled Mark close to his side.
"Ricky I really hope you are as happy with Warringal as I am with Mark, I do love you brother and I hope you'll give me a chance to make it all up to you."
"Ray you don't have to make up anything, just keep being my brother is all I want."
Ricky felt Barry's hand squeeze his own as Ramon sat again with Mark between his knees and began stroking his hair.
The day progressed slowly as Ramon took his duties seriously and fussed over the three invalids like a mother hen stopping only long enough to now and again give Mark a hug and a peck on the cheek as he went past.
The adults had moved further away under a tree that spread its branches wide to create a haven of shadow from the boiling midday sun, the cold drinks and food making them relax and chatter among themselves as though they had been friends all their lives.
Ricky looked up into his brother's eyes as he stood at the foot of the lounge he was laying on.
"Something's wrong here, Ricky."
"Wait, now I've got it."
Without further words Ramon went to the side of Ricky's lounge and bent down to ease his arms under Ricky's body and lift him up.
"Mark can you pull the lounger over the other side near Warringal?"
Mark followed Ramon suggestion and soon Ricky was lying beside Warringal and Ramon with a smile on his face looked down at the pair of lovers.
"That looks better than having that Aussie oaf between you trying to keep you apart for his own fun."
Barry smiling looked over at Ramon.
"You gonna pay for that Mendoza, now who am I gonna hold onto?"
"Same one you had last night Aussie."
Ramon looked down at Barry's crotch and smiled.
"Bloody Yanks."
"Canuks, Aussie."
"Bloody second class Yanks you ask me."
Ricky reached out to hold Warringal's hand as the other two got into a slanging match that only the smiles on both faces told everyone present that it was harmless fun.
"Jeez Short Ass, no wonder your brother is a pain, he fights as dirty as you."
"Not even close, Bazza."
"Well don't you start then, Short Ass."
The afternoon became a long lazy day and as the sun started it's last gasp of the day Ricky's parents came over to say goodbye to the boys as they began to get ready for the trip back to town. It had been agreed earlier that all the boys would stay the weekend at the Hamiltons and at the last minute both of Barry's parents decided to go into town with Ricky's parents and make a night of it there together.
Brian Hamilton gave a last parting shot as he revved up his Police 4x4.
"Barry no booze and stay safe, we'll be back about lunch time tomorrow."
"Thanks Dad, we'll be good, well I will be, I don't know about the yanks."
"Famous last words from the biggest hoon in the town have fun boys."
With the last remark Brian boosted the motor and left as Barry always did, with a cloud of dust and a roar of engine.
"Well Bazza, now I see where you get your driving habits from."
"Shit Short Ass, don't let the old man hear you say that."
"Yeah Ricky?"
3; I mean, are you really ok with the four of us here like this?"
"Hey Ricky, if I didn't like it none of you would be here, just cause I'm straight doesn't mean I don't think you should be with the one you love just cause it's a he instead of a she."
To prove a point Barry swung his legs off the lounge and with a grunt and a little pain showing on his face he pushed against the side of Warringal's lounger until it was touching Ricky's.
"Now you love birds can snuggle a bit."
Ricky as usual blushed at the gesture from Barry but it didn't stop him from turning toward his Warri and trying to climb into his skin. It, as to be expected was accompanied by the sharp grunts and groans as their various injuries told them they were not healed yet.
As the crimson sky told of the last of the daylight was about to disappear Jema walked out onto the veranda with plates piled high with food for the boys and after a look at the two couples holding each other smiled down at Barry and in her broken English asked him.
"When you get one?"
"One day Jema, one day."
"You lucky now, lotsa brothers."
"Yeah Jema, lotsa brothers."
Jema disappeared back into the house with a giggle on her lips as the boys remembered they were still hungry.
After they had finished eating Jema came and cleared away the leftovers and the boys went into the house to watch TV and snuggle a bit before bedtime.
"Ramon, Ricky and Warri have their own room so I put you and Mark across the hall from them, anything you need just help yourself. Oh and by the way, not to much grunting, the rest of us might want to sleep."
Ramon's blush was dulled only by that of Mark's as the two of them held each other closer at the thought of the new freedom and protection of being among friends that didn't mind who or what they were.
At last the night came to an end and as Ricky and Warringal hobbled to their room and Barry headed toward his own lonely bed, Ramon leaned in and with more passion than he could remember ever having, kissed Mark deeply until they both had to part to catch their breath's.
Ramon took Mark by the hand and led him toward the room Barry had pointed out for them, once inside Ramon looked at the king size bed with relish as he pulled his boyfriend closer.
"Baby I loved you the first time I saw you, are you ready for this?"
"Yes Ray, if it's what you really want."
"It is baby, I've done nothing but dream of this night with you, I wanted so bad to be with you, those quickies behind the stands just didn't do it for me."
"But Ray, you sure you want me to
3; well you know?"
"Yes baby, it's all I could think of, I want you to fill me, all of you, deep inside."
"But you know how big I am, I don't want to hurt you."
"That's part of your charm my love, no one would have thought you were built like that but I want all of you tonight. I want to wake in the morning with you still deep inside of me."
"Ray, I love you so much, I've waited so long for you, but I don't want to make you have pain."
"It's ok Baby, I've read a lot on the net, I got plenty of lube stuff and I'll tell you what to do, besides I love you and if I have to have a little pain to prove it then I don't mind."
Once in the room the two boys faced each other and Ramon as usual was the first to make a move as he reached out for the tee-shirt that Mark was wearing and slowly began to pull it up over his head.
When the shirt was laying on the floor Ramon stepped back to admire the smaller frame of the boy before him. It was not full of muscle but was in that stage between early teens and the ripening of young adulthood. The chest was hairless and the small nipples were upright and hard.
Mark's waist was narrow and Ramon could almost put both his hands around him and touch his fingers together, the arms while thinner were perfectly formed for the small frame of this Aussie boy he had fallen for.
Mark's eyes sparkled with anticipation as Ramon ran his fingertips down his torso to finally rest on the top of the waist band of his pale and faded blue cut off jeans, the bulge at his crotch obvious for anyone to see.
"Baby, you're so perfect, I love you."
Mark let a small hum escape from his lips as he stared up into Ramon's eyes completely taken by this boy from Canada.
Ramon let his fingers do the walking as he began to unsnap the top button and then slowly lower the zipper on Mark's cutoffs.
The bulge moved inside the shorts as Ramon ran his hand down over his boyfriend's joystick, still hidden by the jeans.
Ramon pulled open the top of the shorts just enough to show the snowy whiteness of Mark's small tight briefs underneath and the obvious wet spot forming where the hardened head of his large rod poked outward through the fabric.
Mark was one of those anomalies that while small of stature had been given something special by nature to make up for his lack of body size. Mark knew that he was bigger than most older teens in the penis department and this had made him become very quiet and withdrawn from embarrassment when he was pointed out at the pool for being like a horse.
The comments and teasing had taken their toll of his self-esteem and after a while he had just withdrawn from all sport and stayed alone only to be bullied by those less well endowed.
When the boy from Canada had made his first appearance Mark had fallen head over heels for him but had held out no hope of ever being able to fulfill his dreams until one day he had looked up from his place at the back of the bike sheds where he liked to be alone.
There stood his dream boy, a small smile on his lips as he looked down at Mark. The boy's opening line had almost knocked the wind out of Mark's sails.
"You're Mark right? Do you believe in loving another boy?"
This had to be a put on, Mark had seen this guy all over the local girls and knew this had to be a set up for some fun at his expense.
"Don't know what you mean."
"Yes you do, Mark."
3; but
3; well
3; I
"Mark, my name is Ramon Mendoza, I'm in love with you and I want you to be my boyfriend."
3; fu
3; wha
3; I
3; but
"Mark, I love you, I have from the first time I saw you, if you won't be my boyfriend then I'm going to follow you all over the place until you are."
3; but
3; fu
"Is that a yes?"
Mark had sat there staring up at his dream boy, feeling the wetness running down his cheeks but couldn't decide if they were tears of joy, fear, or long desired lust.
"Well do I follow you for the rest of your life or are you going to say yes?"
3; I
3; I
3; damn it yes."
Ramon had reached down and pulled Mark to his feet and then planted a long and lingering kiss right on his lips, the heat had made Mark bone up immediately, Ramon had pushed against him.
"One day you are going to bury that deep inside me and then I'll always be yours, Baby."
That one word 'Baby' did it for Mark, as long as he lived that would be one name he would never let others use on him, this was Ramon's name for him and it was only Ramon that he was going to let use it.
Now for the first time they were alone and safe from prying eyes, his beautiful boy friend was slowly undressing him in the safety of a house instead of the quick jerk offs they had had at hidden places around town. This was their night to make a union of not only the flesh but of their inner souls.
Ramon leaned in closer and took Mark's left nipple in his soft mouth and began to suck lightly on it teasing the tip with his tongue in a light flicking motion, when Mark's nipples was as hard as it could get Ramon moved over to the right side and did the same.
Mark moaned and writhed under the ministrations of Ramon's talented tongue as it worked its magic on his bare flesh. Ramon's hands were working at his waist freeing the fabric from around his slim hips and then he felt both his shorts and briefs descending down his legs, as his sizable rod was set free.
Ramon's tongue began its slow torturous way down his torso toward the final goal, only stopping long enough to explore and enjoy Mark's small navel, the feeling of his now very tender glans rubbing on the underside of Ramon's chin was driving him into a frenzy.
Then it happened, a moist hotness touched the very tip of his cock head and two soft lips surrounded the glans and gave a gentle sucking motion to the very tip. The motion was not repeated but the feeling remained as Ramon stooped down to remove the last vestiges of clothing from Mark's legs.
As Ramon began to stand up he ran his hot tongue up the inside of Mark's tender thighs until he reached his now very tight sack with its normal sized eggs which made his large rod look even bigger than it was.
Ramon ran his tongue over the two eggs as they nestled in their hairless sack and then with a sudden movement stood erect to wait for his Baby to open his eyes.
"Your turn to undress me, Baby."
With a sudden intake of air to ease his bursting lungs, he had forgotten to breathe as Ramon had done his work on him, he opened his eyes and with total love in his eyes mixed with a lot of lust he began to undress Ramon in the same fashion, following exactly what had been done to him.
At last the two boys were standing body to body, their hard shafts touching in mutual need for each other. Ramon was a normal 5" well 5 and ½" [16 cm] if you counted the extra skin at the end of his uncircumcised rod, but this time the skin was hard back and the bright glistening head was open to the night air.
Mark was circumcised but the girth and length would be hard for a boy five years older to match and while Ramon had had it in his hand during their infrequent jerk off sessions, to now see it in all its glory free of all coverings was almost too much for him to think of it being deep inside him.
With a small shake of his head Ramon put the thought of that huge weapon inside him out of his mind and concentrated on the ultimate feeling it would be when his lover was deep inside him and then waking in the morning with him still buried deep.
Their arms moved together as though synchronized by nature itself, they curled around each other and with a tenderness belying the desperate need for sexual satisfaction they pulled themselves together in a heart felt and loving embrace.
"Baby, I need you, make love to me."
Mark looked up into Ramon's face and with an embarrassed smile nodded his head as they took the final step to the edge of the bed. Ramon lay down on his back looking up at Mark as he stood there in all his glory, his magnificent rod standing out hard and rigid in front of him.
Ramon opened his arms and then his legs for Mark to climb carefully onto the bed and lay between the open legs as his shaft rested against the small tight butt cheeks of Ramon.
In his desperation mark was leaking his clear fluid in long streamers onto the sheets as he waited for Ramon to reach for the tube of lube he had earlier placed on the bedside table.
"Baby, I'm going to use plenty of this stuff on both of us, no matter what happens I want you all the way inside."
"Ray, I'm scared, I'm to big for you, and I'll hurt you."
"It doesn't matter Baby, I want this, I need this, you're my first, and you'll be the only one that I'll ever let in me."
Ramon began to cover Mark's rigidity with plenty of the cold slippery lube and then by raising his legs high he began to put copious amounts of the lube onto and into his small tight rose bud, forcing finally three fingers as deep inside himself as he could reach.
"I'm ready Baby, just take it slow. But please Baby, don't stop until I have all of you in me."
Mark looked down to his now raging weapon, the size he knew was not going to fit into the small hole in front of him, but his lover asked him and he couldn't stop now, his hormones were taking over as the tightness before him beckoned him to start the entrance.
Mark felt the slickness of the lube as he took himself ion his hand and guided the throbbing head toward the final goal, he lifted his eyes to look into those deep blue pools of Ramon as his glans reached and then with a small push, nudged Ramon's hole.
Ramon lifted his legs high until they were right back by his chest as Mark pushed a little harder, the pressure on Ramon's hole was starting to make itself felt as the large head asked the started to demand entrance into his inner being.
Again a harder push by Mark and Ramon's eyes popped open wider as the sheer size was felt for the first time, the head had not yet reached his sphincter muscle and already the feeling of being over full was upon Ramon.
Ramon closed his eyes to summon his inner strength and then with a mighty heavy he thrust himself upwards onto Mark's huge shaft. The head with a power of its own forced its way past Ramon's sphincter and as the golf ball sized head pushed its way past Ramon let out a loud yell of pain that could be heard throughout the house.
Out of sheer terror at the pain he had caused Mark tried to remove himself from Ramon's vise like grip on his rod as the tears rolled down Mark's face. Ramon looked up at him with his own tears of pain showing and shook his head then reached up with his hands to grasp Mark by the butt cheeks to stop him from moving.
Ramon gasped out his message.
"No Baby, no, stay there, I'll be ok soon. I knew it was going to hurt that's why I pushed so hard so it would be over quickly, please baby don't cry, I'm ok."
Mark waited until Ramon began to relax and he felt the sphincter loosen a little, the intense feeling of heat and tightness was beyond anything Mark could imagine.
"Ok Baby, just a little more, do it slow."
Mark pressed forward slowly, easing another inch of his massive tool into Ramon, and then stopping while Ramon took stock of the fullness inside him.
Ramon looked up at his lover above him and gave a weak smile.
"Well Baby, that's the first inch, only six [15 cm] more to go."
After the first inch Ramon had moved his hands to either side of Mark's hips and with small pressures on them he was able over the next twenty minutes to help Mark enter him slowly. They found that if Mark pulled back a little then pushed forward Ramon could accept another inch of the rigid mass of muscle with less pain.
At last Mark was buried deep inside Ramon, he could feel his light patch of pubic hair resting against Ramon's smooth silky butt flesh. Both boys were sweating profusely at the energy used to gain entrance into Ramon's no longer virginal hole.
Ramon made a small movement to adjust the hard muscle to the left so that his colon could take up the extra length but the absolute feeling to being over full stayed with him and the pressure on his prostate with that huge weapon inside him was already wanting to make him cum in a gushing outpouring of fluid. Ramon knew that it would only take a small movement by Mark and he would loose it.
Ramon pushed against Mark's hips to tell him to ease out a little and as the fullness began to leave him he pulled down with his fingers on Mark's hips to feel himself be filled again. That one action was enough for his overworked system and with another house waking yell he unloaded everything he had onto his face and chest, it was the biggest orgasm he had ever had and all he saw was the bright flashing like stars in his head as Mark rested his shaft deep inside him with the pulsing sphincter trying to drive him over the top as well.
Mark stayed supported on his hands and knees as Ramon seemed to pass out from the feelings he was having, the control need by Mark surprised even him as Ramon's inner muscles tried everything to get him to cum as Ramon tried to recover.
Time stood still as Ramon came down from his orgasmic high and when his eyes cleared he smiled up at his patiently waiting lover.
"Baby I'm ready, fuck me hard Baby, make me yours."
"Fuck me Baby."
Not wanting to disappoint his lover Mark started to pull his huge shaft from Ramon's hole and when he felt his glans close to the exit he pushed in one log stroke deep back into Ramon.
The moan Ramon let escape had to be heard throughout the house as Mark began to get the hang of the rhythm needed to keep his lover satisfied. Youth and raging hormones soon took over and even though he could see the occasional grimace of pain in Ramon's face he began to stroke faster and harder as his orgasm came closer, then it was on him.
The swirling lights hit him, his muscles seemed to bunch up and with a yell to rival that of Ramon's he felt his soul pouring out into Ramon's inner sanctum, Mark had not even noticed in his own frenzy of sexual release that Ramon had cum twice as he had pushed and pulled in and out of him.
With a last thrusting motion Mark buried himself back deep into the welcoming hot oven that was his lover's hole and collapsed on top of Ramon with a feeling of haze and softness of total release and the pent up feelings held back for the last two years because there had been no one for him to love.
This had been the one act that had eluded them both and now that they were joined in more than just mutual feeling there came over both boys the feeling of belonging to each other.
Ramon kept Mark buried deeply inside him the whole night and after the first pain of entry was over he accepted Mark's man sized muscle working his insides four more times during the night until both teens dropped from exhaustion into the sleep of the satiated and loved.
How they were going to explain the loud noises to the others in the morning didn't concern them in their bliss and love for each other.
Chapter 10 The Dance of the Brulga's
Ricky and Warringal had at first giggled with each other at the sounds that had come across the corridor during the night from the two lovers.
At the first loud yell by Ramon, Ricky had wanted to go to him and see what was wrong but Warringal had pulled him back into his arms and explained that it was what the two boys wanted and not to interfere with their love making.
The noises had meant that Ricky and Warringal had got very little sleep during the night so had to make up by making out with each other to take their minds off the sounds of pleasure next door.
Breakfast became a catch as catch can affair with the two new lovers being the last to appear in the kitchen only to be greeted with questioning eyes and large smiles by the others. Ricky was the first to speak and on closer inspection revealed a glint in his eye that Ramon had not seen before.
"Well Ray, did you manage to kill that cat last night?"
"What cat, Ricky?"
"The one that was screaming all night long by your door."
At the embarrassed look on Mark and Ramon's face the other boys broke into loud laughter as they made sucking noises and the usual groans and moans that go with them.
Mark managed to partially hide behind Ramon as he slipped into a chair at the table as Jema arrived with large plates filled to overflowing with food for needy appetites.
The rest of Sunday was spent relaxing and watching the adoring looks Mark was giving Ramon, it seemed that he could not take his eyes off Ramon for more than a few minutes before he would blush again and stare into Ramon's eyes till it was noted by the others and comments were made.
The parents arrived back later in the afternoon than expected and with a quick glance at the two love birds seemed to know that their love had been consummated and only smiled but asked for no details.
Warringal looked over at Ricky and with a little concern on his face asked in a quiet voice.
"Will you be ok to travel tomorrow?"
"I think so, my leg doesn't hurt to much as long as I don't put to much weight on it for to long."
"Well the horses will take us most of the way then we can just take it easy, Mum said we have to go tomorrow or it'll be too late."
"I'll make it as long as you can help me some times."
"Course I will, Pony Boy."
"What about you though, you still look bad."
"Most of it is only bruises and I'm a bit stiff is all, a walk about will do me good, loosen things up."
"As long as you're sure Warri, I can make if you can."
"Ok Pony Boy, we'll leave at about six in the morning. Mum said she'll have everything ready that we'll need."
The night was as also quiet and as Ricky's parents and Ramon along with Mark had to return to the town to be ready for the next day, they left just on dusk with a final fair-well to Ricky and Warringal wishing them luck for their walkabout.
The sun was just peaking over the horizon as the two boys stretched and gave small groans as they began to prepare to leave the homestead for their destiny out in the desert. Jema was waiting for them as they made their way to the kitchen for a last meal before the adventure began.
Warringal was dressed in only a small pair of shorts as he had been when they had first gone riding, his golden skin was alive and vibrant as he went to a shed at the back of the kitchen and came back holding various pieces of wood that were carved into what to Ricky was rather crude shapes. One he recognized, as a long spear but the rest were a mystery.
Jema handed Warringal a small sack with a few items in it and then in her own language said something to Warringal and turned away leaving the two boys to finish their preparations for the travel.
"What did you're mum say, Warri?"
"Just reminded me about things I have to do when we get there."
"What things?"
"You'll see, it's just things."
"So my boyfriend is a mystery man?"
Warringal smiled at Ricky showing his sparkling white teeth and the glint in his eyes.
"Trust me Pony Boy, you're going to love it all, now how does the foot feel?"
"Bit tender but I think if I use that short crutch to walk with I can make it, what about you?"
"I'm good, bit stiff but it'll come good as soon as we start to move."
"What's all those bits of wood?"
Warringal picked up the strange implements and placed them on the table.
"This one as you can see is a spear, and this one is a woomera, it's used to throw the spear, see this small piece at the end, the spear notches into that and then you use it to add power and distance to your throw."
Ricky looked at the flat piece of hand carved wood, it was an elongated shape about 15-18" [40-45 cm] long and about 4" [10 cm] wide, at one end it was narrow so that you could hold onto it and at the other it had a small nub of wood bound on it where the spear would fit.
"I can use it for digging as well, now this one is a boomerang, if I miss the target then it circles around and with luck comes back so I can try again."
The item that Warringal held was shaped like an open V with the angles about 90 degrees from each other, the underside was flat and the top was slightly curved giving it the look of an aero-plane wing, it was about 3" [8 cm] across and the ends were about 15" [40 cm] apart.
"What we need them for Warri?"
"Well Pony Boy, ever tried to catch food with your bare hands?"
3; no, but I thought your mum put food in that bag?"
"No Pony, that's just some stuff we need for the walkabout, this is the last food we get from a house or store until we get back, from now on we catch what we eat."
"You never told me how long this is going to take?"
"Sorry Pony, I don't know."
3; you don't know?"
"No, each walkabout is different, it ends when we find what we need to find, we'll know when that time comes, trust me Pony, this is for both of us."
"Warri, I could never not trust you. I'll always love you, my Warri."
"And I you, my Pony Boy, ok you ready?"
"Well yeah I guess so."
"Ok let's go get the horses, usually my people walk but Mum says it's ok this time because of who you are, do you think you can handle Jipa without a saddle or bridle?"
"That's up to Jipa, but I think so."
"Ok Pony, it's the only thing we have to do is not take any white-man's gear with us."
"Uhm what about my clothes, they're white man's stuff?"
"Those come off later."
"What all of them?"
"All of them, same for mine."
"But the sun is going to cook me raw?"
"Leave that to me, I'm not going to let anything happen to my Pony Boy."
With those words Warringal picked up the small bag slinging it over his shoulder and turned toward the door as Ricky got to his feet with a feeling of excitement mixed with apprehension at the start of this extraordinary journey.
The boys walked out into the first of the rising heat of the day and turned toward the paddock where the horses were happily feeding, at the first sight of Ricky Jipa tossed his head and in an instance was at a full gallop toward him.
At the last second Jipa stopped dead to stand in front of his again injured friend and with his head lowered nuzzled Ricky's shoulder as though giving him a welcoming but wet hug.
Ricky reached up into Jipa's mane and tussled his long flowing strands then moved to his velvet nose and rubbed gently while the horse seemed to smile at him with those large, dark and understanding eyes.
Warringal had whistled up his horse and without any thought of his actions, threw off his small shorts and leapt naked onto the back of his mount.
"You don't have to yet Pony, it just feels better and more natural for me."
Ricky looked up at the golden boy mounted on his stead and thought back again to the history lessons and the pictures of golden Greek hero's and saw why he was so deeply in love with this boy.
What the hell, Ricky thought to himself as he began to strip away the symbols of civilization and with a last blush dropped his jeans and boxers on the ground and stepped out of them to stand naked before the rising sun.
"Nice ass."
Ricky spun around and automatically began to cover himself with his hands at the sound of the voice. Barry stood leaning on the rail of the fence with a smile on his face as Ricky imitated a red traffic light.
Barry grinned again.
"Didn't want you to leave without this."
Barry held up a necklace made with a narrow leather thong hanging from it a strange soft looking green stone in the shape of a triangle, on it were carved three symbols. The first was a footprint of a bird then three wavy stripes and lastly a dot that looked much like an eye.
"What's this, Bazza?"
"Something an old guy once gave me, said it protected people on their walkabouts, I want you to have it."
Forgetting his nakedness, Ricky walked over to Barry and as he reached the fence Barry leant over and placed the token around his neck.
"Good luck. Short Ass, and hey?"
"Nice Ass."
Ricky blushed again and with a smile to his friend went to Jipa and mounted then joined Warringal as he headed toward the far side of the paddock.
The feelings Ricky had as he sat naked for the first time on Jipa's back gave him some very strange sensations as the coarse hair of Jipa's back titillated the smooth and tender skin of his inner thighs and the ribbed backbone massaged his bare butt crack gave him the only result that could happen
3; instant boner.
Ricky squirmed a little as Jipa's spine worked its way deeper between his cheeks and the hair tickled his scrotum as his boner jumped up and down against his lower belly with the movements of the horse.
What made it harder for Ricky was the sight of all the bare skin of Warri as he sat astride his own horse, his delightful small golden rump seemingly nestling down closer to the smooth moving muscles of his mount. This Ricky decided was exciting and a lot erotic as the fresh morning air swirled around his naked flesh; it was, he thought, true freedom.
They had been riding for half an hour when, as they entered a small stand of eucalypts that Ricky felt the first real blast of heat on his back as the sun rose clear of the horizon. Warringal signaled for Ricky to stop and dismount as they came under a large tree.
Warringal had carried Ricky's single crutch slung over his back on the opposite side of the small bag and as they came to a stop under the tree Warringal slid off his horse and came over to Ricky.
Ricky almost without thought realized his, at first hard and raging bone, had subsided as he became one with his big red friend and the soothing movement of those steel like muscles under him had become just another part of the adventure.
Warringal reached up a hand and with such gentleness and yet a lot of wiry strength helped Ricky to the ground and then slid the crutch under his hand and guided him to the base of the eucalypt tree.
"That ok, Pony?"
"Yeah thanks Warri, god I had such a boner I thought it would never go down." (giggle).
"Well I see you have no probs now, Pony." (chuckle).
"It was a great feeling, thanks for giving me the idea, it's so kool to feel Jipa moving under you like that."
"Yeah that's why I like to ride naked. You get to feel the animal under you and it sort of makes you closer to him."
"Yep, why did we stop here, Warri?"
"Got to look after you, the sun's getting up so I got to do your skin for you so you won't burn. Mum gave me some old medicine stuff that's better than the store stuff you get but first I got to look at your bum, got to make sure that your skin doesn't get rubbed up bad so lay down and turn onto your stomach."
Ricky lay down on the dry leaves that had gathered under the tree and although at first the seemed to be hard and dry he soon relaxed as Warringal laid his hands on the back of his thighs and prized his legs apart.
"Hmmm, well Bazza was right about one thing, Pony."
"What's that, Warri?"
"You got one fine ass."
As he said that Warringal slowly ran one finger lightly over Ricky's tight little bud and then slapped him on the right butt cheek. At first touch Ricky gave out a loud sigh and then a yelp as the dark hand cracked his butt.
"Not yet Pony, now let me look at your thighs,
3; Hmmm
3; Yeah you're a bit red there from Jipa's hair and the rubbing."
Ricky could now feel the slight heat between his thighs as Warringal ran a finger over them then he watched as Warri took up the small bag and looked into it before lifting out a small round tin that had seen better days. It was about the size of a 50c piece and had once had some writing painted on it.
Warringal gave the lid a half turn and Ricky saw a black sticky mass inside. Warringal dipped a finger in it and then reached down to Ricky's thighs and began to rub the goo gently into the skin.
Ricky felt instant relief from the heat of his skin as the goo was massaged in and the feeling of Warringal's hand gave him another feeling as his boner returned and pushed hard into the leaves underneath him, Ricky moaned at the mixed feelings.
As Ricky was about to be taken to another place by the sensations there was a hard slap on his butt again that jerked him out of his reverie.
"Save it for me, Pony."
3; mmmmm
3; ok."
"Now I'm going to put some other stuff on you that'll protect your skin, the bits that aren't tanned will get nice and brown by the time we get to the place and you won't burn."
Warringal went back to the bag and took out an old glass milk bottle with a wooden stopper in the top. Ricky could see through the glass a darkish grey green liquid that filled the bottle.
When Warringal opened the top Ricky was hit with an acrid smell that took his breath away, as he gasped Warringal tipped a small amount of the rancid liquid onto his hand.
"Don't worry Pony, the smell goes away in a few minutes but this stuff is the best sun screen you can get, one of my uncles makes it for Mum, we use it on the pikininis until they can get used to the sun."
"What's pikininis, Warri?"
"Babies and small kids, they need the protection from the sun until their skin toughens as they get older."
Rocky felt the smooth strokes as Warringal began to rub the liquid into his back and legs.
"Ok Pony, turn over."
Ricky rolled over and saw that his flagpole was now resting in it's normal place as Warringal started to rub in the lotion for his skin. Warringal covered all of Ricky's skin in flowing movements and then paused and with a smile took Ricky's now semi hard pole into his hand and as he rubbed the lotion onto it the reaction was a fore gone conclusion, he was up and hard again.
Warringal laughed as he rubbed up and down Ricky's now leaking shaft.
"Well Pony, I'm not going to put that gunk in my mouth so this will have to do till we get where we're going."
So saying Warringal got down to some smooth long stroking until Ricky's breath caught in his throat as the rushing in his belly became a torrent and with a loud shout he erupted over his chest and stomach and at the same time coating Warri's hand.
Ricky gasped and panted as Warringal slowly rubbed the fresh white sperm over Ricky's skin as he smiled down at his Pony Boy.
"S'ok, Pony, no water to waste here and it will soon come off."
Ricky sighed at the relief and easing of the built up pressure from inside himself.
"Thank you Warri, damn I can't wait any more, let me do it for you?"
"Sorry lover, from now on we got to go without until the right time."
Ricky looked at Warringal's up-right and throbbing shaft and knew he wanted some relief but he wasn't going to give into it like Ricky had.
Warringal helped Ricky to his feet and then assisted him onto Jipa's back, taking the crutch and draping it over his shoulder gain with the piece of rope he had tied to it back at the station, the bag hung on the other side.
With a last check of Ricky's fibre-glass cast and the coverage of the lotion he jumped onto the back of his horse and this time rode along side Ricky as they left the trees and went out into the full heat of the desert sun.
Ricky noticed that the smell from the lotion had disappeared and that the heat of the sun wasn't as harsh on his skin as he thought it would be, the lotion seemed to have taken a lot of the heat from it and although there was a definite hotness to his skin it wasn't that hot burning feeling that signaled sun burn.
Two hours later Warringal told Ricky to pull up and wait for him under the shade of a stunted tree. The land around them had become more and more barren as the red sand and dust stretched further than the eye could see only to be broken by the occasional Mulga bush or stunted tree. In the far distance Ricky thought he could see another stand of gum trees but the shimmering heat was deceiving and he couldn't work out how far they were.
Warringal left him under the tree and walked over to a large pile of red sand about two hundred meters [600 feet] away and kneeling began to dig at the bottom of the pile. Ten minutes later Warringal returned with a large brown bulbous root in his hands.
"We going to eat that, Warri?"
"No Pony, it's for drinking."
"Drink? It's a vegetable."
"Not really Pony, it's kind of hollow and takes in the moisture from the night time coldness and saves it for when the plant needs to produce seeds and flowers."
Warringal proceeded to cut into the root with a knife he had taken from his bag, Ricky saw that the inside of the root was soft and spongy as the pith was taken out by Warringal's hands and then he held it up for Ricky to open his mouth under Warringal's hands as he squeezed it and the drops of almost clear fresh water dripped into Ricky's open throat.
"We'll get to a small bilibong this afternoon and stay there for the night and then it's only two more days and we start to walk."
Ricky looked as far as he could see and all there was in front and around him was red sand, how could there be a small watering hole out here in this faceless desert, Ricky thought back to his love for Warri and knew that he was in no danger as long as he was with his boyfriend, if he said there was water then there was water.
The two boys moved on after satisfying their thirst and with a smooth ground-eating pace the horses ate up the distance until as the sun got lower and Ricky's stomach rumbled louder, he saw in the distance a small cliff rising through the heat haze.
When they were only a mile from the solitary red rock Ricky saw that it was like an old monolith standing alone like a sentinel of the surrounding lands. At the base he could just make out a splash of green and the calling of the raucous cockatoo's drifted over the barren landscape.
Jipa's muscles twitched at the smell of water but he knew better than to hurry even though he was in desperate need of the life giving water. His concern was for his small hairless friend on his back so he kept his desire to gallop down and maintained the same even canter so his friend would not be uncomfortable.
Half an hour later and the two boys had stopped the horses by the side of a small clear pool of water nestled close under the overhanging cliff. It was surrounded by small trees and scrub but had an ample covering of grass close to the edge of the pool for the horses.
The boys dismounted and lay down on their stomachs and began to sip the clear semi cool water as the horses moved a little away from them and did the same, slurping vast quantities into their parched throats.
At last the boys were sated and Warringal looked across at Ricky.
"What you think so far, Pony?"
"It's hard work Warri, but it's also totally awesome."
"Yeah the desert grows on you if you give it a chance."
"Yeah but it makes you hungry and I'm starving."
"Don't worry dinner will be along soon, it's good to go hungry at times, makes you appreciate what you have when you get it."
Ricky looked around at their camp for the night; there was a small shelter that had been made by someone. It was built close to the cliff face and was of a few thin sticks bent over to form a semi oval shape and was covered with dry tree bark. At the front was a circle of red stones to set out a fireplace. The cliffs towered over the two boys and their horses. Ricky thought it must be about two hundred feet high and straight up with no way to climb it.
Ricky stared up at the monster rock and his mind began to wander over the surface of it and he wondered what this ancient rock had seen in its long life as the only sentinel of this place.
A slight chill brought Ricky back from his daydreaming as a sound penetrated his drifting mind. Looking up he saw Warringal appear from around the cliff with something over his shoulder.
"Have a good snooze, Pony?"
Ricky looked around him and noted that the sun had lowered quite a bit since they had stopped and realized he had drifted off to sleep and had not noticed Warringal leaving.
Ricky looked at the young kangaroo body laying over Warringal's shoulder and lifted an eyebrow in askance.
"Yep Pony this is dinner, you just lay back there and let me get a fire going and then we can have a cuddle while it cooks, I'm going to cook the lot so we can take the rest with us, saves having to hunt later."
"What's it taste like, Warri?"
"Like kangaroo, (grin) you going to love it Pony, it's kinda like steak, sorry no veges this time but I'll get some tomorrow as we travel."
Warringal set about starting the fire with one side of the woomera and the butt of the spear to create friction enough to start the small dry tinder he had gathered from the nearby dead tree.
Soon there was a nice fire going and without ceremony Warringal threw the small kangaroo body on the fire, skin, hair and all to set cooking. Warringal looked at the shocked face of his lover and with a smile said.
"It'll be ok when the time comes, Pony."
When the meat was on the fire Warringal went down to the pool and washed off the blood from his skin and then returned to where Ricky was not resting with his back against the cliff. Sitting down between his legs he snuggled back onto Ricky's chest and sighed as the arms of his boy friend pulled him closer as they watched the flames.
As the sun sank below the far off horizon and the smell of cooked meat wafted into Ricky's nostrils the calmness of the desert night came over them like a blanket of security and peace.
Once they had eaten and as Ricky licked the last of the taste from his fingers he belched and giggled as the naturalness of the event came over him and Warringal again sat with his back against his chest as they watched the glowing embers of their first fire settle down and in unison they sighed with contentment.
Ricky was brought back to consciousness with the sudden chill he felt and as he shuddered Warringal woke and with a quick kiss on Ricky's neck got up and built the firs again and then with an extended hand led him into the small shelter and lay down with him.
The next day was the same as the one before and Ricky could feel himself being seduced by the agelessness of the desert around him. Very little moved around during the heat of the day but Ricky realized he was seeing more things than he thought could live in such a desolate landscape.
The sudden appearance of a snake or wombat as the horses cantered over the land became common place for Ricky's eyes to catch or the sudden cloud of dust as the startled a dozing herd of kangaroos or the ungainly but fast Emus as they scattered from the approaching horses.
On the third evening they reached the bottom of another towering cliff but this one was one of many that made up a sort of mountain range, scraggly trees and scrub covered the lower slopes but higher up it was as barren as the desert around them.
The camp this time was a deep cave and as Ricky entered it for the first time he saw that the walls were covered in strange ancient paintings of the desert flora and fauna with stick like figures holding long spears and animals of all types being hunted. The most prominent of the paintings was a large snake like figure that stretched the length of the cave seemingly protecting the smaller paintings underneath it.
Ricky was spell bound by the artwork and with his mouth agape he turned to Warringal.
"Warri this is amazing."
"This is a special place for my people Pony, you're the first white fella to see it, this is where our dreamtime starts, tomorrow we go up the top and find ourselves, if we're meant to be together then we'll know then."
After setting the horse free to roam around the area for feed and the small watering hole to drink from the two boys went into the cave to sleep for the night before the tough climb up the ragged cliff.
Ricky's sleep was filled with strange noises that throbbed and vibrated through his body, weird animals came and talked to him and he seemed to understand what they said but when he tried to remember it all the next morning it was just all a blur.
The one thing that stood out to Ricky was a beautiful bird with long legs and wings outspread as it seemingly danced among the stars of a clear dark blue sky above him.
Morning came and Warringal was holding a small amount of water in his cupped palms for Ricky to drink from. Warringal was looking at Ricky with a deeper penetrating look than Ricky had ever seen as he sipped the offered water.
"What's wrong, Warri?"
"I see you had your dream."
"Yeah well I had all sorts of dream things, it's funny I don't usually dream but this was so real, I can't remember most of it except for this bird with long legs and it's wings were spread out wide and it sort of danced."
"Ahh good, same as mine. That's the Brulga, very special bird for my people."
"What did it mean, Warri?"
"You'll see tonight Pony, now drink this up, it's all we can have to day, we have to be clean inside and out when we go up there."
An hour later and the two boys began their climb up the cliff; while it was difficult it was not impossible even with the added difficulty of Ricky's crutch. By midday the two boys at last came to the lip of the plateau and with a heartfelt sigh of total exhaustion and thirst Ricky was lowered down under an overhanging rock by Warringal who then leant forward and kissed him on the lips before saying.
"Rest here Pony, I've got something to do then I'll get you a little water, we can't have to much or it breaks the dreamtime."
Ricky lay back against the rock as the exhaustion took him into another realm, the aching of his over stretched leg muscles and the pain in his arm from the crutch left him wishing for a soft bed as Warringal quietly moved away. The last thing Ricky heard before dropping into a bone weary sleep was an unusual booming sound that permeated the surrounding hills with its vibrating sound.
Ricky was awakened by the feel of wetness on his lips, as he opened his eyes he saw the smiling face of Warringal above him and then he realized that they weren't alone. Ricky looked over Warringal's shoulder and saw five men standing silently watching him.
The oldest of the men was grey haired and had wrinkles around his eyes, his skin was as black as coal dust as were the other four, two of which were maybe in the twenties and the last two were older teenagers.
3; who
"It's ok Pony Boy, they're relations of mine, they come to take us to the dreamtime together."
The small group of men talked to Warringal in their own language as Ricky tried to watch them. One of the teens smiled at Ricky then broke into laughter as he said something to Warringal who blushed a little then spoke quietly with the older man.
"This is our leader Pony, he's going to make a drink for us and the others are going to paint some designs on us, just lay back and let them work."
Ricky watched as the older man took some stone implements from his bag and began to chatter with one of the twenty something men. Ricky watched as he took out first a stone mortar and then a small pestle, when that was done he sent one of the teens away to get something and then took out a small nut like object and began to peel back the outer skin.
Inside the husk of the skin was a small pinkish nut that seemed to be quite soft and the man placed it into the mortar and then added some white powder and a short piece of green leaf. Once all was in the stone mortar he began to mash it with the pestle and soon the teen returned with a little water in a skin and poured it into the mortar as the man continued to mash the contents into the thin paste.
The two older men and the other teen had mixed water with different ochre's and ashes until the had three different coloured pastes and then began to pain Warringal and himself with patterns of dots and lines, when finished with the two boys they started on themselves and soon all were covered with patterns of white, black and red designs.
The sun had sunk below the horizon and Ricky could see the reflected light of a large fire out on the flat area to the side of where they sat. The old man came up to Ricky and offered the stone mortar to him.
"Take about three sips Pony then give it to me, it tastes like shit but I know you can handle it."
The smell was almost nothing but when Ricky took the first sip of the paste like liquid he found it was sharp and tart, his tongue and lips seemed to be numb on first contact with it. After his three sips he held out the mortar for Warringal and felt his body relax as the concoction took over his senses.
Somewhere there came a haunting throbbing sound, it had its own inner beat and seemed to come with highs and lows in some sort of rhythm that Ricky could not quite get a hold on. His muscles began to take on a life of their own as he lay there and let the vibrations of noise run through his body.
Finally he could lift his eyelids and he saw right out on the edge of the darkness his golden Warri with the strange paintings over his body. He was standing on one leg with the other raised as if taking a step but was on freeze frame. As Ricky watched he saw his magnificent boy friend begin to change.
Firstly his legs appeared to get longer and thinner, darkening to a shiny grey colour, then his outstretched arms began to lengthen and broaden until they were wide spread and the skin became softer and the colour changed as the feathers covered them. Warringal's head twisted and changed until it was narrow and held upright proudly, the eyes piercing but at the same time almost loving as they stared back at Ricky.
Rocky now knew what he saw before him, it was the same bird he had seen in his dream the night before, what did Warri call it? That's right, a Brulga. What had they done to his beautiful Warri, the throbbing sound continued as he stood up to go help his lover.
Ricky's long legs were at first unsteady but then as he spread his own wings and flicked his feathered tail he found his balance as he moved toward the dancing female before him.
"Long legs?"
`Oh god what's happening to me? What's all this about? I'm a bird, but I'm not, I'm Ricky Mendoza, I'm in love with my Warri, what're they doing to me?.
The throbbing became louder, interspersed with high notes like the scream of a bird as it called to its mate. Ricky began to listen to the sounds and as he watched his soon to be mate he stepped out toward her.
His wings spread out and his long slender neck arced back as he pranced toward his mate. He made his light steps high and dainty as he twisted and turned until he was side by side with his life mate. The two Brulgas began to prance and step in unison as the throbbing continued to set their pace.
Brulga Ricky, felt the heat of his passion rising as he danced with his mate as she matched him step for step and twist for twist, their necks coming together to touch in brief moments of contact as they told each other of their need and love.
Finally the moment came when with a last fast strut his mate lowered herself to the ground with her tail held high in the age old gesture of surrender to her mate and at this sign Brulga Ricky moved in close and with all the heat of the moment entered her with a deep penetrating thrust that had her call out in her high pitched voice. It was a screech of pain and at the same time pleasure and acceptance of her mates place in her.
The mating was at first furious and then as the sounds of the throbbing receded it became more tender as if recognizing the love for a life time and the final act of consummation that this night had brought them. Five times Brulga Ricky mounted his mate, each time taking longer than the one before but also with more and more tenderness as the depth of their mutual love grew from the inside.
A buzzing in his head woke Ricky and as he lay there he could feel the softness of the ground under him, there was a warmth surrounding his lower regions and he was being lifted slightly every few seconds.
Suddenly it dawned on his foggy mind that he was still buried deeply into the smooth hot hole of his Warri, the feeling of having been inside his boyfriend all night came over him and then the recall of the dance of the Brulga's.
`Was it real? Was he really a bird? He felt as though it had all been real and as he lifted slightly to ease his Warri's body under him he saw on the ground beside them two small grey feathers placed side by side near their heads much like the crest of the bird he had been like last night.
Warringal sighed underneath him and tightened his cheeks around Ricky's shaft. Ricky made to pull out of Warri but the tightening told him not to move yet.
"Stay there Pony, please, you were magnificent last night, there was never a Brulga that could have competed with you my love."
"Were we really birds, Warri?"
"Did you feel like one, my love?"
"Well yes but at the same time I was me looking at me being a Brulga."
"In that case we are meant to be, the old man left these two feathers for us as a symbol of our joining."
"I love you, my Warri Brulga."
"I love you, my Ricky Brulga."
"Brulgas only mate forever, we'll never be apart."
"But what about when my parents go back to Canada?"
"You'll stay."
3; but
3; How."
"You'll see."
At last Ricky eased himself out of Warringal's body and with a small sigh he took his new mate in his arms and with hot passion filled lips kissed his life mate deeply as though sealing for all time their true love for each other.
The End