PZA Boy Stories


Adventures of 11-year-old Boys

Seven Short Stories


Seven short stories about 11-year-old boys having sex adventures with their fathers or other adults.
  1. Daddy's Boy Campout (5,000 words / 10 pages)
    Danny goes on a hike and weekend campout with his father. There his father teaches him what he himself learned from his father.
  2. Elias and his Father (2,200 words / 4½ pages)
    Elias and his father travel from California for a family visit in South Dakota. Elias discovers the other side of his father.
  3. Donnie and the Neighbor (6,000 words / 12 pages)
    Marc, the new neighbor, gives Donnie his first sexual experience. In the second chapter Marc tells a story of the kidnap of his school friend.
  4. First Night (2,500 words / 5 pages)
    The visit of his father's friend means a great adventure for Danny.
  5. Lawn Money (4,750 words / 9½ pages)
    Danny earns money for a bike by lawn mowing. One of his clients invites him do to another job with him and his friends.
  6. Terry and Older Men (1,500 words / 3 pages)
    Terry meets a nice man in the cinema.
  7. Web Buddies (1,500 words / 3 pages)
    Charley tells an internet friend he wants to seduce a 10 year old boy. The friend offers his 11-year old son.
    Publ. 2006-2009 (Nifty); this site Mar 2009
    Finished 24,000 words (48 pages)



Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy stories
Mb – cons anal oral – first


These stories are a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts of boy's discovering their sexuality. They contain graphic scenes of sex between underage boys and adult males... If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

If it is illegal to read such material where you live or if you find the topic deceitful the please leave now.

Author's note

© 2008 Wolf, All Rights Reserved.

These stories are the property of the author. They can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission.

If you enjoy the stories or if they evokes memories of your own, please let me know. I am happy to write stories from outlines.

You may contact me at whitewold999(at)icqmail(dot)com or through this feedback form (please mention the story title in the subject line) if you like. All flames will be ignored.


Daddy's Boy Campout

Danny goes on a hike and weekend campout with his father. There his father teaches him what he himself learned from his father

Danny (11yo) and his father Mike
Mbcons oral anal – first

The car pulled out of the driveway and headed for the Interstate highway. It was late at night and the boy ridding in the passenger seat. He was excited about going with his father for a weekend together by themselves but even with all of the excitement it was not long before the sound of the humming engine put him to sleep. He was thinking about what the weekend it would like.

Danny had grown up as the apple of his father's eye. They lived in a modest home near the cost. They were not a modest family by any stretch of the imagination. About the only time a bathroom door was closed was when someone complained about the stench. As a result Danny grew up knowing about the physical difference between men and women.

His mother was attractive enough by most standards. Her hair was naturally a brown and she dyed it blonde. She sometimes allowed the roots to show a little too much. Her breasts were large and sagged a lot more than she wanted. Her hips were wide and her lower belly sagged because a hysterectomy scar cut across her tummy allowing it to look soft and lumpy. Her pubic hair was darker than the roots on her head. Danny found the smell of her crotch repulsive most of the time. Even after she bathed her wet hair smelled rather fishy.

His dad on the other hand was very attractive. His name was Malcolm, known as Mike to all of his friends. He had sandy blonde hair. He was a carpenter by trade. Working outdoors in the sun most of the time allowed him to work stripped to the waist most of the time. He preferred to work in shorts too. His body was tanned as soon as the weather was good enough to work without a shirt. He was about five-foot ten [1.78 m]. He was a slender man with strong arms, shoulders and back. He kept his hair cropped short almost military style and his eyes were a clear blue-gray. Danny had always been impressed with the size of his father's cock. It had to be at least ten inches [25 cm] long in its flaccid state dangling between his legs. Women were always flirting with him but he seamed to not notice their advances.

The reason they were headed out of town so late at night was so they could avoid the traffic on their outing for Father's Day. The two of them were going on a hike and weekend campout together. It was a father son outing to get some quality time together. It was a five hour drive to reach the base of the mountains they were going to hike. They parked the truck in the dirt lot and got out their gear and hiked to the ranger's shack to be in front of the line to get a tour permit for a weekend in the high country.

Danny's pack was not as large as his father's but he did have all of his personal gear and some of the food they were going to use over the next couple of days. Because Danny was a city boy his legs were not used to having to step up and lift his weight up a trail and he had to work hard to keep up with his father. The trail made a lot of switchbacks and every time the trail came back to a creek Danny wanted to stop and get a drink of water. Slowly they got above the tree line and the trail became hard packed dirt on a shale mountain slope until they reached the crest of the saddle and crossed over they were in a little bowl with a small lake.

Mike pushed on and they rounded a bend and started climbing up another shale trail. Danny was beginning to think his father was trying to kill him. As the sun was reaching its peak they reached the top on the next saddle on the trail. From there it was a majestic view. The lake below them was so clear you could see the bottom and it looked like there was nothing growing in it.

They sat on some flat rocks and had lunch. Other people climbed the trail behind them. They all greeted them as they either passed on or stopped to eat lunch too. Pictures were taken. Then they saddled up and headed down the trail. As the trail dropped below the shale dam, water was flowing out of the rock face. The water was so cold it felt like it was coming right out of a fridge. Both Danny and Mike drank so much you would think their tummies would pop. They were soon back into the pine trees and walking around another lake. They passed a natural dam that allowed water to flow down a canyon. They passed a rangers shack that was hidden among the trees so that most people passed it and hardly even noticed it was there.

Danny was hoping this was as far as they were going but his father made a turn up a trail that led up and over another crest. It was not as heavily used as the one they had been on all day. In fact they never saw or met another person on the trail. When they dropped down into the next valley they circled the lake and found a nice little clearing among some the pine trees. They were far enough from the trail that even if anyone were on the trail they would hardly even be able to see anything but a speck even if they were out in the open.

They set up camp before the sun started to set and Mike produced a back pack stove and soon had water boiling. He assed a package of dehydrated food to the water and stirred the mix until it was smooth. He put a lid on the pot and started heating another pot of water. By the time that pot was hot and he had added the mix of sweet smelling power to it the first pot had cooled enough and he poured equal bowls for him and Danny.

He turned the fire down to started more water after putting a lid on the second pot. They sat on a log while they ate. The package said a serving for four but the only people Mike knew that would consider that four servings would be eighty pound [36 kg] anorexics. The two of them finished the pot and there were dried fruits that they soaked before eating them. They ate the pudding and licked the pot clean. They washed the dishes and some of the water was used to make a little coffee.

As the light faded they had made a small fire to sit around. It was located in among some rocks and very sheltered. They talked about what a great day. Mike checked out Danny's feet to make sure they did not have any blisters. It was a warm night with just enough breeze to keep ant mosquitoes down.

Mike stood up and said, "It is time we went native."

With that he stripped off his long sleeve shirt and kaki pants. Then he took off his boots and socks. He put on light aqua socks. It felt like he had just taken ten pounds [4½ kg] off of his feet. Then he pulled his underpants off and rubbed his crotch. He cock looked magnificent by the fire light. The scrotum dangled between his legs as he rubbed them. He folded a blanket and sat it on the log before sitting down.

Danny saw the look his father gave him and stood up and removed his clothes. For an eleven year old he had a good boy. There were just a few sandy colored hairs above his three inch [7½ cm] cock. The cocks were both uncircumcised. He copied his father by scratching his scrotum before sitting down next to his father on the log.

Mike put his arm around the boy's shoulders and hugged him. He told his son, "You can never tell anyone what I'm about to tell you."

Danny agreed quickly.

Mike went on, "Besides my being a nudist I have a special desire for a kind of sex that society objects too." He paused before saying any more. He wanted to see the reaction on Danny's face. He almost whispered "I am attracted to young boys like you sexually. I have been waiting for you to grow up enough to understand how I feel about you."

Danny knew enough about sex to have an idea about what hid father was talking about. He remembered all of the times his father had tickled him until her almost pissed his pants. He also began to understand why seeing his father naked pleased him more than seeing his mother naked.

Mike told him about how his father had taken him on a camping tip and taught him all about sex between a man and a boy. By the time he finished his story the fire was almost out and it was getting cooler. Mike suggested they go to bed now.

They entered the tent. Danny went in first. Mike was right behind him. Mike had unrolled only one sleeping bag. He had brought only one anyway.

They were already naked so Mike lay down so that his head was at the opening of the tent and had Danny lay down next to him. He asked Danny if he wanted to find out what it was like to have sex with a man. Danny cuddled up close to him and even went so far as to kiss his father on the cheek. His face was covered with a days worth of growth and it scratched Danny's tender cheek. His father had hid right hand resting on Danny's chest. Danny's answer was to kiss him on the mouth and place his hand on the shaft of his father's cock. He felt the blood filling it and making it hard. It did not get any longer but it did get fatter.

Mike returned the kiss and placed his big calloused hand over his son's basket and felt his son's little dick spring to life. He lifted the hard little scrotum and then placed two fingers around the boy's cock and used his thumb on the other side so that he could masturbate his son.

Danny felt like his cock was going to break off. On the other hand his father's skin was so loose that he could pull the skin up and down until the head was completely exposed and then pull it back up until the foreskin had at least two inches [5 cm] of excess shin dangling over the end of his cock. The two of them milked each other for a short time.

Mike did not want to cum right away, so he removed Danny's hand from his cock and then turned his body around so that he was lying across Danny's body and he took hold of Danny's legs and spread them wide. Mike moved his head down close to the boy's cock and blew air on the head of his cock after pulling the foreskin back to expose the little wet knob. Danny's cock was jerking around as a result of the air being blown over his pecker. His father opened his mouth and put his mouth over the boy's pecker and sucked on it. He rolled the little boner around in his mouth and used his tongue to massage the meat in his mouth. With his right hand he gently felt the boy's scrotum and rolled the testicles between his fingers. He took his time and sucked the boy for a long time.

Danny was not mature enough to have a climax. As excited as it was to have his cock sucked he did not cum. In time the pleasure turned from unbelievable pleasure to almost painful. He placed his hands on his father's head and pushed him away.

Mike understood why his son was pushing him away and lay back on the sleeping bag and cuddled the boy. He had filled the stuff sack the sleeping bag had been in with their jackets and was using it as a pillow. Danny's head was resting on his arm close to his armpit. The boy could smell the body odor of his father. He wanted to please his father and knew his father would enjoy it if he sucked his cock for him.

Danny almost sat up and he curled his body over his father's body. Just wrapping his hand around his father's magnificent cock was enough to send a shiver through Danny's body. He actually was able to actually place both hands around the shaft almost like a baseball bat. When he moved his hands up and down like his father had been doing to him he found that the skin was very loose. He had seen his father's cock many times and knew that his foreskin hung past the head almost an inch [2½ cm]. Even now that it was fully erect the foreskin still had excess skin covering the head. When he pulled his hands back the knob came into view by the moon and star light coming in through the opened flaps of the tent. The head was rounded and he had to remove his left hand to pull the skin back all of the way with his right hand. When he did that he found that his father's cock was ringed by a smelly creamy yellow scum.

Danny knew what that was because he would find that kind of scum around his own knob when he pulled it back to wash his cock like his father had taught him. He and his father had showered Friday morning and had been on the road almost all night. Then they had been hiking up the mountain all day. His body smelled of sweat. Danny found the smell of his father's body very comforting. He wondered if he should try and wipe the scum off or simply put the knob in his mouth. When he tried to wipe the scum away his father recoiled as if in pain.

His said, "Son you rubbed to hard. You have to be gentle with the skin."

Danny said, "Sorry Daddy."

He decided to simply open his mouth and covered his teeth with his lips and managed to get all of the head of his father's cock into his mouth. He found the taste bitter and the scum even had a little lumpy. He was not sure he liked the taste but he continued to suck and use his tongue to swab the head. When he rubbed the head too hard with his tongue he could tell by his father's reaction and would ease up on the pressure with his tongue. While he was doing that his father was talking to him.

Mike was telling Danny, "Son the result of you sucking my cock will be that I cum in your mouth. Cum is the liquid that has a milky look that carries the sperm from my testicles out of my penis. When I shot a load into your mother's cunt it was how you were conceived. You may not like the taste at first but in time you will become as addicted to cum as I am. When you feel my cock pulse pull your head back to allow room so that you can catch the cum."

Danny worked at sucking the cock but it was so large that every few minutes he had to lift his head and work his jaw to relax the muscles. He was starting to enjoy the thrill of sucking on his father's big cock. Then he felt a surge with his right hand as he hung to the shaft. He tasted the gooey liquid of his father's pre-cum. There was very little taste and he kept sucking and jacking off his father. Then he felt another surge and this time he felt a gob of the warm liquid splash against the back of his mouth. There was a gag reflex and he slightly opened his mouth a little. That allowed some of the gooey liquid to flow down the shaft and over the web of his hand. He closed his lips just as a second and third squirt of cum splashed against the back of his throat. He swallowed the stuff and as he swallowed he heard his father moan in his pleasure.

Mike said, "In time you will even be able to tell from the taste of cum what some of the things a man had been eating. You will taste onions, corn and even some meat or milk products if you have not been eating the same thing."

When Danny finished swallowing all of the cum and licked his hand he turned around and wrapped his leg over his father's thick thigh and rested his head on his father's shoulder again. When his father kissed him on the mouth he returned the kiss lovingly. They drifted off to sleep. Mike woke up early in the cool morning air and draped the sleeping bag over their naked bodies without disturbing Danny.

When the sun came up over the mountain the tent heated up quickly. The two campers started to stir. They both felt the urge to relieve their bladders. Mike untangled himself from Danny and unzipped the mosquito netting and crawled out of the tent. Danny was close on his heels. They both put on the aqua socks and headed for the trees. They stood there next to each other and it seemed like the pee would never stop flowing. Danny never took his eyes off of that rubber-like hose as his father shook off the last couple of drops. Danny did the same thing and felt his cock getting hard.

They made something to eat and the rest of they day they lounged around and did some fishing. They carried with them cushions to sit on because they never bothered to dress. Danny could not keep his hands off his father's cock. If they were climbing over rocks with his father in the lead his cock would be dangling between his legs. Danny would reach out and wrap his hand around the shaft. Mike would stop and allow the boy to play with it a little but he would stop him short of allowing him to make him cum. Then they would continue on to the next location to fish.

At one point they came to a large rock with a hollowed out spot where water must have pounded on it for centuries. The water fall must have filled it with early snow melt. Now that it was summer there was not as much runoff so there was no water refilling the pool and the sun was heating it up. The lake was too cold to swim in for long so the warm water felt good. They relished cleaning off the dirt from the trail. Danny was sure to not only clean is own cock head but he lay between his father legs and skinned back his foreskin and cleaned his head too. Then he sucked his father's cock for the second time.

Mike relished how quickly Danny was getting into the sex. He was thinking about when he should start teaching him about anal sex. As Danny was sucking him he pulled the boy around so that he could rest his big hand on the boy's smooth butt. As the boy was bringing him close to a climax he dug his fingers into the boy's butt and toyed with the tight little sphincter. He whispered, "Relax Son."

When Danny relaxed his sphincter he felt his father's index finger invade his butt-hole. For some reason unknown to him his little pecker sprung to life. It jerked with every stroke his father's finger made. It was having the same feeling that his father's sucking had on it the night before. This time he knew what to expect when his father started cumming in his mouth. He swallowed all of it. Then they rinsed off and reclined on the rocks to sun dry themselves. They worked their way back to camp as they fished.

They stopped far enough away from camp to clean the fish so that there would not be any smells to attract bears or anything to camp. They ate fresh fish that night along with some dehydrated food and more fresh pudding. Mike made up a bottle of dehydrated milk and put it in a creek to keep it cool for the morning meal. They sat on a log and talked after cleaning up the dishes and securing everything for the night. They did not want to attract any animals with the smell of food.

Danny wanted to know when his father found out he was attracted to boys. Mike laughed, "You grandfather Roy taught me about sex when I was your age."

Danny thought about Grand-Pa Roy. He was a little shorter that his father and heaver. He had sandy hair that was turning gray at the temples. He had a gray walrus mustache that tickled him when Grand-Pa kissed him. The hair on his chest was gray too. He thought about all of the time he had sat on his lap and his Grand-Ps had nibbled on his ear. He had felt his grandfather's cock through his pants but never suspected that he was sexually aroused.

Mike told him about the first time his father had taken him hiking. He had done to him what he had done to Danny the night before. He also added that Grand-Pa is very anal. He loved to fuck boys in the ass.

Danny felt his asshole pucker just thinking about what it felt like to have his father's finger in his asshole.

Mike told Danny do you want me to start stretching you anus. It will take time before you will be able to be fucked by a man. It will hurt but in time you will look at a man and have an empty feeling in your ass just wanting him to fill your asshole up.

Danny thought about that as the air started to cool even before the sun dropped down behind the western mountain slopes. He looked at his father's blue eyes and said, "I want to learn all about sex Daddy."

Mike had prepared for this day by bringing along a tube of lubricant that had a heating ingredient. He held the tent fly open for Danny and followed him in. They removed their water socks and Danny lay on top of the sleeping bag and watched his father open the cap and squeeze some on his fingers. When he sat the tube down he used that hand to turn Danny over onto his tummy and he started playing with his butt cheeks. He spread them with the fingers of his left hand and placed a dab of grease right on the boy's red sphincter. He traced the opening with the tip of his finger before sticking it in the hole. When the boy started to moan with approval he added another finger. Eventually Danny relaxed and was getting into the feeling of two fingers in his asshole. He felt like he could not take three fingers but he did. Only now he was sweating and it hurt but he kept quiet.

Mike could tell that Danny was in pain and was as gentle as he could be. He lay on top on Danny's back so that his breathe was right in Danny's ear. After a short time he removed his fingers and wiped his fingers off on his cock. Danny knew what was coming and he puckered up tight. Mike slapped his butt and said relax. As Danny did Mike lowered his hip over the boy's butt and that long pole pressed against the opening.

Danny bit his lip and cried out, "It hurts Daddy pull it out. Please pull it out."

Mike didn't listen to the please. He pressed his full weight downwards and the knob of his cock slid past the sphincter. He had planned on letting the boy get used to that before driving all of it home. But in his present sexual need he didn't stop. He had all of the cock in the boy's ass before he rested.

Danny could hardly breathe with the full weight of his father on his back. The pain had tears rolling down his cheeks. His whole body was dripping wet with sweat. At the same time his own cock was fully engorged and pressed between the sleeping bag and his lower tummy. It felt like his cock was going to brake off but at the time the pain in his asshole felt like a hot poker had been inserted. He could not even beg his father to pull it out.

Then Mike pulled up a little. That was all it took to make Danny feel like he was passing the largest turd he had ever passed. The change was enough to reduce the pain. But when his father shoved his hips forward again the pain caused him to let out a painful Oh! Then his father started fucking him. At first he went slowly. Danny was getting used to the feeling as his father started getting randy and he started fucking faster. His breathing in Danny's ear got louder. Just when Mike started cumming in his ass he bit Danny's ear. He continued humping the boy's ass and the cum made the boy's hole very slippery. Cum was leaking out and dribbling down the boy's scrotum onto the sleeping bag. Danny could feel the slippery goo under his balls. His own cock was being rubbed in the slippery mess. Mike finally just rested on the boy's back until his cock went limp and the thing just slipped out of the boy's asshole. Cum was dripping from his cock. He wiped himself off on the sweaty thighs of his son before rolling off of him.

This time Mike had to pee afterwards and left the tent to find a place to pee. Danny lay there feeling like a telephone pole had been pulled out of his ass. He reached back to feel the hole and it was gapping open. His first thought was that it was going to remain gapping open like that the rest of his life. He could picture himself shitting in his under pants the rest of his life. Whenever he tried to pucker his sphincter the pain came back. As long as he lay there very still the hole was numb. He lay there when his father came back and he pulled him on top of his chest and held him. He was pleased that he had made his father happy. Eventually he fell asleep listening to his father snoring.

The next morning when they rolled out of the tent Danny was walking straddle legged like a cowboy that had been in the saddle for days. Mike led him to the lake and the squatted down in the cold wetter and washed their butts and privates with cold water. The water was very cold to Danny but it relieved some of the sting. He eventually sat down on the pebble bottom of the lake. Just getting the dried sweat off felt good felt refreshing. After drying off and having cereal and milk they cleaned up the area. Mike packed up the sleeping bag and stuffed the tent back into its bag. He strapped them to his pack. Then they spent the morning doing some fishing. This time they just caught them and released them.

By noon they ate lunch got dressed and packed up their packs and headed back up the trail over the pass. They retraced their path back out of the same trail they came in. When they got home everyone was there to great them. They unpacked their dirty clothes and even the sleeping bag. They put them in the washer before taking a hot bath. When they were dressed and ready for a steak dinner Danny saw the look in Grand-Pa's eyes.

When the three of them were in the garage putting the camping gear away Grand-Pa asked Danny if he liked sex with men now. Danny looked at his grandfather and grinned. He kissed him on the mouth and felt his basket.

Danny said, "The three of us have to go camping sometime together."

Grand-Pa laughed, "You can start by introducing your mouth to my little man."

With that Grand-Pa unzipped the front of his pants and pulled out of his boxer shorts a cock that was every bit as big as his father's. Danny went to his knees and sucked on the big uncut cock. Only Grand-Pa's foreskin didn't completely cover his cock head. When Danny pulled it back the skin on the underside pulled the head down. It also caused him some pain. He was quick to shove his cock into Danny's mouth. Unlike his father Grand-Pa drove the thing down his throat. Danny almost choked on it but Grand-Pa was fucking his mouth so quickly that he was breathing between strokes. He tasted his grandfather's meat but when he came the head was down his throat and he never tasted his cum.

Grand-Pa wiped the traces of cum off on Danny's cheeks and put his meat back in his pants before zipping them up. They went back into the house and started planning another camping trip for the three of three of them.

The End

Elias and his Father

Elias and his father travel from California for a family visit in South Dakota. Elias discovers the other side of his father

Elias (11yo) and his father (45yo)
Mbcons anal oral mast – first

When my Dad announced that I could go along with his to visit his brother in South Dakota I was thrilled, because it would be a big adventure for me. It would mean we would get to camp out along the way as we drove from Los Angeles to Rapid City, South Dakota. I was 11-years old and had never camped out before.

The plan was to take the Ford F-150 with a camper shell on it, and we would set up a tent and sleep in sleeping bags, rather than stay in motels. We left home in evening to avoid the summer heat heading east on the 10 highway to the 15 highway. I slept most of the way. We turned east when we reached highway 40 at Barstow. We stopped at Needles for gas and we stopped at a Mc Donald's for egg Ms Muffins, sausage, hash brown, coffee and milk. When we crossed the Colorado River Dad pulled off of the highway far enough so that we could not hear the traffic and set to camp. He just wanted to sleep a few hours.

When we found a likely place to set up the tent we found out Dad had forgotten the sleeping bags. At least there were a couple of blankets in the truck. We use a couple of stuff bags with clothes in them as pillows. When the sun came up the tent got too hot to sleep so we packed up and continued heading east.

While on the road my father went a little natural. He didn't want to shave in cold water so he let his beard go. A lot of the time he didn't shower and relied on 'Right Guard' (or as I called it Rat Guard) in the place of showering. Dad was 45-years old, about five-feet nine [1.75 m] and average built. His brown hair was receding pretty fast. I don't remember ever having seen him with a full head of hair.

A lot of people may appreciate the wilderness of Arizona but it was boring to me. We were in no hurry. We would stop and see the sights and check out the roadside shops when we would come to them. I was not interested in Indian jewelry, western hats or two headed farm animals.

We had to stop at the Grand Canyon south rim and check out view. We spent the day sight seeing. In the afternoon we headed east along the south rim to an Indian Reservation and had a cold dinner before setting up camp. I was tired from sitting in that warm moving truck and was ready to bed down.

We took off our clothes except for our underwear. I kept my jockey shorts on and Dad had his boxer shorts on. I curled up on my left side and drifted off to sleep. Dad had cuddled up against my back. Sometime during the night I woke up. Something was rubbing my asshole. Eventually I realized my underwear was pulled down in back. My dad was rubbing my asshole with his finger.

I asked, "What's going on?"

Dad was moving his finger up and down my crack, "Be quit and everything will be all right."

Then he moved his hand around my body and stuck that finger in my mouth. He pushed it in and out until he was satisfied that it was coated with my spit, before he went back to rubbing my asshole. This time he shoved his finger into my asshole. It hurt like hell. He started finger fucking me slowly. While he was doing that he whispered in my ear, "God-damn your ass is tight. I want to fuck your ass, will you lit me fuck you?"

I was frightened and didn't know for sure what he was talking about but I had an idea. I said, "Sure."

I was only four-foot four [1.32 m] back then, and no more that 120 pounds [55 kg]. There was not much I would do to prevent him from doing what ever he wanted.

Dad started kissing the back of my neck, and when I turned my head he kissed my mouth. While he was doing that, he started finger fucking my ass faster and added a second finger.

I pleaded, "You're hurting me!"

Dad said, "You need to relax! I need to get you ready for my dick."

There was no further need to complain, he was not going to stop, so I just had to endure what ever he was going to do. He told me, "Get on your knees and stick you ass up in the air."

When I complied with his command he got behind me and started licking my asshole. I could not believe my father was actually doing something so nasty. He was still sticking fingers in my asshole and it felt very good to me. He played with my asshole a little longer before he told me, "Turn over and lay on your back."

When I lay on my back, he turned his body around and squatted over my head. Even with the small amount of light in the tent I could see his ass. My father has a smooth ass, and his dick is about seven inches [18 cm] long and un-cut. He has thick balls, and the sack is very hairy. There are even dark hairs around his asshole. I could smell his asshole as he lowered his butt down to my face. He demanded that I lick his asshole.

There was nothing I could do to stop him from sitting on my face. His ass crack was sweaty and hairy. I thought I would hate the taste of his asshole but found that I actually like the taste. While I was licking his asshole he started grinding his butt around for awhile. He told me to lick his balls at the same time he was rubbing them on my face. It was strange licking his hairy balls. I sucked on each nut in turn, until he was satisfied. I had never sucked a cock before, but he wanted me to get his cock wet. While I was sucking on the head of his dick, he rolled my body up, and bent over to lick my asshole too, and to make sure it was wet he left plenty of spit all over my asshole.

He turned around again, and straddled my hips, and guided his cock against my asshole. I watched it spread my asshole, it hurt worse than when he had put his fingers in my ass. He was fucking me in the missionary position just like I was a girl. Dad was kissing me like I was a girl too. He was being very gentle with me, but as he got closer to coming he got rougher and faster. When he squirted cum in my ass, and pulled that thick monster out of me, I reached for my ass and felt just how big my asshole opening was. There was warm cum dripping down my back to the blanket. Dad took hold of my little dick, and jacked me off, until I squirted a little clear cum on my belly. We settled down and my father cuddled up behind me again, but this time he was holding onto my dick.

In the morning we packed up and headed for Flagstaff to find a place to eat. I would have never expected it to be raining in Arizona during the summer, but it was. We stopped at the Meteor Crater and Painted Desert on the way. Every night when we camped he fucked my ass again, and we sucked each other's cock. When we reached Albuquerque, New Mexico we turned north on highway 25. When we passed Santa Fe the traffic thinned out, so Dad would push his bucket seat back and pull his cock out of his pants, and tell me to suck his cock. It was a little uncomfortable lying across the consol, and the damned steering wheel would hit the back of my head, but I would suck him until he would cum in my mouth. He would also tell me to lick his pits too. He would raise a sweaty arm and I would lick his smelly armpits. That got me into man smells that I still enjoy.

It was early morning when we crossed over the Raton Pass into Colorado. We stopped to watch a couple of Golden Eagles, ridding the morning up drafts, looking for food for their chicks. The drive to Denver was hard to say much about the surroundings because I was busy sucking his cock most of the time. I was becoming a pretty good cocksucker. There were times that he would get horny, and would pull off the highway and fuck my ass when ever he felt like it. We were doing it in the back of the truck, in the tent, and sometimes out in the open. He was fucking me three and four times a day. We only stopped in Cheyenne Wyoming long enough for gas. As we kept going he stopped wearing deodorant and was having me smell his pits while dry humping me. Whenever he was too tired to fuck me, he would enjoy finger fucking my asshole. He would even reach over and jack me off while we were driving, or he would watch me jacking off.

One night he asked me to give him a foot-job. He had to tell me what to do. What he wanted was for me to stick my foot between the cheeks of his ass, and force as many of my toes as I could into his asshole. We were doing that a lot, after that. Eventually, we reached highway 90 and headed towards Rapid City. We had to pass through Sturgis.

It was bike week and there must have been 50,000 Harley Davidson's all over that small town. I had never seen so many tattooed people and so many naked tits. There were women walking around town with biker chaps on, and nothing else under them. Their pussies and butt's were hanging out for everyone to see. We didn't stop until we were far enough away to feel safe. When we finally got to my uncles place we had a great reunion.

My father let my uncle watch me jack off and even allowed my uncle to watch him fuck my ass. Dad told him that he could fuck me too, but my uncle begged off, because he didn't want to cheat on his wife while she was in the house. (Who would guess he had a moral code.) Before we left for home he did let me suck his dick for him. It was not easy because his cock was even thicker than my dad's. It was all I could do to get the head of his dick in my mouth. I eventually just jacked him off.

On the return trip home we headed west through Wyoming. From Casper we headed for Rawlins where we picked up highway 80 to Salt Lake City, and then south on highway 15. Dad had not bathed after leaving his brother's house, and was getting raunchy smelling. I loved the smell when we would bed down for the night. He would sit on my face, and make me lick his asshole until it was clean. I don't even know how many time he fucked me during that trip.

We did stop in St. George to eat and met a lone biker on his way home, from Sturgis. Dad took a liking to him and allowed him to follow us to the north rim of the Grand Canyon. There is not as much of a tourist development there, but when we settled down that night the bike shared our tent. I sucked both cocks and got fucked in the ass by both of them before we settled down to rest. The biker smelled of cigarettes, and the leather's he had been wearing for more than a week.

When we got to Las Vegas we visited the casinos, after Dad cleaned up. I was too young to gamble or see the strip shows, so I actually thought the place was a waste of electricity. When we got back to California we stopped at Calico Ghost Town.

Because of the heat there were not a lot of visitors. We had a good time checking out the town, and the old gold mines. It was so hot at night that we just slept under the stars. It was very exciting to lay under the stars naked and cuddled up in my father's arm, while jacking him off. I enjoyed peeling back his foreskin, and licking his knob. It mattered not if he came in my mouth or my ass, by that time. I was a confirmed man lover.

When we got home I was ready to seek out other men to have sex with. My father also saw to it that he shared me with his closest friends.

The End

Donnie and the Neighbor

Marc, the new neighbor, gives Donnie his first sexual experience. In the second chapter Marc tells a story of the kidnap of his school friend.

Donnie (11yo) and Marc (30yo), and Marc's nephew (20yo)
Mbcons anal oral mast – first (chapter 2: reluc oral anal)

Chapter 1

There was a sexy looking man that lived next door to Donnie's family. He had a crush on him from the day that he saw the guy move into the house next door to their Juniper, Florida home.

He rushed next door to introduce himself to this Adonis. The man stopped long enough to set down a pasteboard box and shake Donnie's hand as he told him that his name was Marc. Donnie offered to help him but he was only a four-foot five [1.35 m] boy of eleven. He carried what he could into the house and placed them where Marc told him.

Donnie bombarded him with a million questions. He quickly found out that Marc was an Italian from New York that had move south for the weather and a job that he liked and he had a lot of family living in the area His job allowed him to spend a lot of time on the Ocean doing marine research. That was why he had such a great tan.

The man was at least six-feet [1.80 m] tall with a muscular build. He had dark curly hair and a tan that was even all over. He was unpacking the truck dressed in nothing more that kaki shorts and leather sandals. His body, arm and legs were covered with dark hair.

Donnie was so enamored with the man that he was always next door when Marc was home. Marc liked the boy. Donnie was a cute blond with long hair that looked very feminine. The sun bleached hair stood out even more because he had brown eyes. He had not entered puberty yet so he had some baby fat on his body.

Donnie's parents found him to be an interesting man and had invited him over many times to share in the family barbeque and occasionally asked him to baby sit for Donnie. Donnie had even joined Marc on the research vessel. Donnie learned that was how Marc acquired such a great tan because he spent all of his time at sea in nothing but a Speedo bathing suit.

One summer afternoon Donnie's mother beseeched Marc to keep an eye on Donnie while they spent the weekend down at Miami on business. That was great news for Donnie because that meant that he was going to sleep in Marc's home for a couple of nights.

That night he bathed in Marc's tub and put on his pajama bottoms. He did like to sleep with the top on. The bottoms were well worn and the heels were frayed because the legs were to long and his heels wore them out walking on them. When he was in them he went into the living room and found Marc sitting in his favorite chair reading some sort of papers.

Donnie didn't ask permission to sit on his lap, he just took a couple of quick steps and jumped as he turned his body in midair and he landed on Marc's lap.

Marc only had on those kaki shorts. When Donnie landed on his lap he felt something poking him in the butt. He knew what it was but had never given much thought to a cock because it was just something he held while peeing. But as he squirmed on Marc's lap he felt his cock grown under him. He had not noticed that Marc did not have underpants on and his cock had been lying past the bottom of the right leg of his shorts.

As Marc's cock came to life Donnie felt the thing poking his bottom. The thing was actually driving his pajama bottom's up between the crack of his ass. To his own surprise his own little cock was getting hard too. It was not getting any thicker but it was getting longer and stiffer. He was a little confused why it was reacting like that. It was not long before his little boner was sticking out of the opening of his pajama's fly.

Marc had known that Donnie had a crush on him from the day they met. It had been cute and he did find him sweet. It turned him on just knowing that his cock was being wedged between Donnie's butt cheeks. He sat down his reading and felt Donnie's chest with his fingers. That excited Donnie even more and he was squirming around which drove the pajama's even deeper up his butt.

Marc could not take it anymore. He picked up Donnie and sat him on the floor between his legs. Donnie thought he was being rejected. It hurt his feelings. Then he watched as Marc unfastened the front of his shorts. He lifted his butt just enough to pull the shorts down.

That was the first good look at Marc's cock. It look huge to him. The cock was fully erect and standing up almost touching his navel. The foreskin covered most of the knob. (They later measured it and verified that his cock was 9-inches [23 cm] long and 1.5 inches [4 cm] wide.) There was a thick mat of pubic hair above the cock. The scrotum was a heavy sack resting between his legs on the chair. There were scraggly hairs all over the sack. The inside of his thighs were about the only part of his legs not covered with hair. Donnie also noticed that there was no tan line on Marc's body. He didn't figure out why his tan was so even. He just liked the look of what he was seeing.

Marc reached for Donnie and pulled him between his legs and used one hand to wave his cock in front of the boy's face. Donnie got the idea that he wanted and opened his mouth. It was all he could do to get half of the shaft in his mouth. Marc took hold of his head with both hands and demonstrated how he wanted him to move his head up and down. When Marc warned him that he was about to cum Donnie had no idea what he was talking about.

It came as surprise when Marc started squirting cum in his mouth. Donnie choked on the warm liquid being pumped down his throat. When he recovered from the shock of what had happened he wrapped his right hand around the cock and held on until Marc showed him how to jack him off. Marc enjoyed a long session of being jacked off by the boy.

When he had enough he picked up the boy and sat him back on his naked lap and kissed him on the mouth to thank him for drinking his cum. The cum on his face had started to dry and the boy smooth cheeks looked like glue had dried on his face. While he was doing that he reached down and took hold of the boy's cock and started jacking him off.

Donnie was not mature enough to cum but he did enjoy the feeling of his idle playing with his cock and balls. Marc used his other hand to play with Donnie's nipples on his chest. After Marc had stimulated him as long as the boy could stand it.

Marc casually mentioned that there other ways that they could have fun. He slipped a finger into Donnie's asshole. Donnie felt the way Marc's cock was growing under him and asked, "Are you going to put that in me?"

Marc said, "Yes!"

Marc carried him to the bedroom. He pulled the draw string and allowed the pajama bottoms to fall to the floor before he placed him on the bed. He curled up behind Donnie's back and while he continued to play with his nipples Marc spit into the palm of his hand and rubbed it all over his cock.

Donnie would have done anything for his hero. He was not sure what he was about to do but would have done anything for him. He feared that it would hurt but he could not refuse Marc.

Marc propped himself up on one elbow. Then he lifted Donnie's upper leg and guided the head of his cock against his little puckered asshole. Just to loosen Donnie's ass he stuck a finger in the hole and then two. Donny relaxed and allowed Marc to guide his cock back in place and then he felt the knob pressing against his hole. It felt like a hot poker had been inserted but he only gritted his teeth as he pushed his hips back against Marc and the whole cock entered his butt.

Marc fucked him slow for a long time because he had cum earlier. When he climaxed there was still an abundant amount of cum making Donnie's asshole slippery. When he pulled his cock out, he held the leg up so that he could check out the boy's asshole.

The hole was gapping open the size of Marc's cock. The sphincter was inflamed and raw looking. Donnie could not pucker his asshole without it hurting like hell. Marc could see right down into his bowl. There was a copious amount of cum pooled that was starting to leak out his ass. Eventually while he watched the sphincter started to relax and close by its self. Marc reached over and pulled out some Kleenex and wiped Donnie's asshole before he lowered his leg.

Donnie's butt was so sore that he could not sleep so he turned to face Marc and slipped under the covers to study his marvelous cock. He had never seen one as big as Marc's before. It was dark under the covers and could not see it. He had to rely on touch, smell and taste.

(We are what we eat.) Some people have skin so acidic that their sweat eats the base metal on that's of cheap wristwatches and some that their PH is so natural that their skin is oily.

Marc was one of those men that had naturally oily skin. It may have been the Italian habit of using olive oil on everything from salads to bread. At any rate as Donnie lay under the covers between the legs of his idle he found the body odor very erotic. He could not get enough of the aroma of his body. As he wrapped his hand around the shaft of his cock he reveled in the way the loose skin slid up and down the long shaft but because the foreskin was so tight if he pulled it down too far the ligament that attached the foreskin to the underside of the knob it would cause Marc pain.

Marc would have to place his hand over Donnie's and caution him not to pull the skin back so far. After having Donnie suck him off and having fucked the boy's ass his ability to withstand sexual activity was getting to the point that any activity was becoming painful. It was driving him crazy when the boy licked the head of his cock. When Donnie tried to force his tongue under the tight foreskin to wipe his tongue around the knob under the foreskin, it was more than Marc could stand. He had to stop Donnie from playing wit his cock. Marc pulled Donnie up from under the blankets and with him lying on top of his belly while he kissed the boy on the mouth.

Donnie felt Marc's beard rubbing his face like it was coarse sandpaper. It had been at least 20-hours since Marc had shaved and his beard grew thick and fast. Donnie's cheeks were red from the abrasion. Donnie's was getting excited again causing his little boner to be wedged between their bodies.

Marc rolled them over so that he could bend down and suck the boy's cock. He could take the boy's cock and scrotum into his mouth and use his tongue to play with the two little marble sized testicles. He added to Donnie stimulation by sticking a finger up his asshole while he sucked on the boy's cock. He did not stop until Donnie was practically crying and begging him to stop.

They eventually fell asleep with their arms and legs wrapped around each other. They slept well past noon. Marc finally felt nature's call. He gently untangled himself from the boy so that he could slip into the bathroom. When he lifted the toilet seat and stood there aiming his cock at the bowl he felt like there was never going to be an end to the stream of pee.

His absence from the bed turned the bed cold and woke Donnie up. He could here the sound of water splashing and knew where Marc was. He rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. He stood there watching the yellow stream flowing from the head of his Marc's cock for a moment. The sound of running water was enough to remind him that he needed to pee too. He moved to the side of the toilet and aimed his cock at the bowl. He found it amusing crossing streams of pee and stated giggling.

Marc ruffled his hair while he shook the last drops of liquid from the end of his cock. He could feel the slim on his teeth with his tongue and knew that his morning breath could probably be smelled yards away. He moved to the sink and picked up his toothbrush and squeezed a generous amount of toothpaste on it. He brushed his teeth vigorously. He even brushed the surface of his tongue. After rinsing his mouth he felt his jaw with the palm of his hand and felt it necessary to give himself a close shave.

Donnie pulled the seat down and sat watching Marc lather up his face before taking a safety razor and shaving until he was satisfied by the feel that he had shaved close enough. He rinsed his face with a warm washrag before drying his face. When he was finished he had planed on making breakfast for the two of them but as they left the bathroom Donnie took him by the hand and pulled him back to the bed.

Donnie sat on the bed and while Marc stood in front of him Donnie took hold of the man's scrotum and sucked on each tactical one at a time. The cock was resting on his forehead while it was growing. When it was fully erect Donnie let go of the scrotum and guided the cock into his mouth.

Marc had no intention of letting the boy suck him off before he fucked him again. When he was satisfied that his cock was ready he pushed the boy's head away.

Donnie almost cried because he felt his advance was being rejected, before Marc bent over and kissed him on the mouth.

Marc picked the boy up and placed him on his hands and knees on the side of the bed with his sweet little ass facing him. As he had done the night before he spit into his hand and moistened his cock. He took hold of the boy's hips and moved his body around until his boner was lined up with the still red sphincter and thrust his hips forward. The cock entered the boy's ass with one long stroke.

Donnie was gripping the bed sheet and biting his lower lip but he was thrilled that his lover had his magnificent cock actually in his body. Marc had fully recovered over night and after a sweaty fucking he filled Donnie's butt with cum. When his cock slipped out of the boy's ass the white cum leaked out of his gaping asshole onto the sheet. There was nothing to do but take a shower together after that.

Wile they were showering Donnie didn't want to let go of the man's cock. It did not take long before Marc placed both of Donnie's hands on the tile wall and spread the boy's feet with his own. He had to bend his knees to line his cock up with the boy's asshole. When he climaxed he filled Donnie's butt with as much cum as the first time. Afterwards Marc washed out Donnie's asshole for him and they dried each other.

When they came out of the bathroom they were both starved. Breakfast was no longer the answer to their hunger. They agreed that they would call out for pizza from a local Italian restaurant that would deliver. A fast food pizzeria was not what they wanted they wanted one with Italian sausage, pepperoni, onion slices, bell pepper and olives.

Donnie stayed in the dinning room and Marc slipped on his favorite Kaki shorts without underwear and an oversized polo shirt to answer the door when the delivery boy arrived. The delivery boy turned out to be a 20-year old nephew. He brought him into the dinning room and insisted that Donnie give him a blowjob as a tip before sending his nephew on his way.

The nephew was almost as well endowed as Marc. He was every bit as hairy as his uncle. Donnie found that the nephew's cock had a foreskin longer than his uncle's. When he pulled it back he could see the whole knob. He sucked the cock until he got a mouthful of cum. Afterwards Marc escorted the nephew to the door.

As soon as the door was closed Marc returned to the dinning room and took the pizza out of the box and the smell was enough to remind the two of them just how hungry they were.

Marc poured wine for the two of them and they proceeded to devour the pizza. They managed to leave nothing but a grease spot in the box that was taken out to the trash.

Donnie begged Marc to take him back to bed and fuck him again. The thirty-year-old laughed at the boy. "I do believe you are trying to kill me."

Marc allowed the boy to pull him back to the bedroom. He pulled the polo shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor as he unfastened the shorts and let them fall so that he could step out of them. Donnie had already plopped himself down on the bed. He awaited Marc's return to bed. Marc had paid so much attention to his ass he wanted to explore Marc's ass too.

Donnie asked him to lie on his belly for him and Marc had no objections so he did as requested. He crossed his arms and laid the side of his head on his hands. Donny lay across his body and ran his hands all over the hairy back. He slowly worked his way down to the smooth butt. When he parted the man's ass she saw that there were plenty of dark hairs ringing his asshole. His anus was darker than the surrounding skin that was whiter because the skin between his butt cheeks did not see the sun but his butt was nice and brown. It was obvious that Marc must spend a lot of time naked outdoors. There was also a sweet smell emitting from the anus that attracted Donnie. He moved his face between the cheeks and smelled the asshole. Spittle was dripping from his mouth before he ever stuck out his tongue to taste Marc's asshole.

Marc felt his cock grow between his body and the bed sheet when he felt the boy's tongue lick his asshole. He felt the boy move around on his back until he had his cock lined up with his asshole and the boy's cock entered his ass with ease. Donnie fucked him for a long time. When Donnie grew tired of the action Marc turned over under the boy.

Donnie's cock came out of his ass. He took hold of Donnie's hips and positioned him over his hips. Donnie was squatting over him and looking between his legs as they lined up Donnie's asshole over his cock. Donnie lowered himself onto the shaft and bounced up and down until Marc came inside of him. The excess cum leaking from his asshole matted Marc's pubic hair to his body. Donnie never wanted his cock to come out of his butt. He sat on Marc and ran his hands all over the hairy chest.

Donny did not move his butt until Marc recovered and his cock came back to life. Marc's cum made his ass slippery but the heat and friction turned the cum to a frothy cottage cheese around the opening of his ass. This time when m arc climaxed he had to push the boy away. His wet cock lay limply against the crease between his right leg and his body.

Donnie turned around and actually started licking the cum from Marc's cock. Marc was looking right at the boy's gapping red asshole. He lifted his head up and stuck his tongue into the boy's asshole. While the boy licked him clean Marc licked the cum out of the boy's ass.

They fell asleep with the boy lying on top of him in the reversed position. They slept for a good three hours. It was dark by the time they woke up. They talked about Donnie going out on his marine vessel. He was assured that they could sunbath all they wanted and have all of the sex they wanted. When they were rested they took turns fucking and sucking all night long. When their cocks were swollen so much they could not even touch them they slept most of the day.

When it started getting dark they showered again and got dressed before Donnie's parents would get home. They were too hungry to cook dinner so they headed for a fast food restaurant. They ate their fill before returning home. They both smelled of french-fries by the time Donnie's parents got home.


For the next eight years Donnie became Marc's Deck Hand or First Mate when he was not in school. Donnie is now in his second year of college and he still returned home when he can to renew his relationship with the 38-year-old Marc. They both have golden tans from the time they spend on the Ocean. Donnie's cock had grown into a respectable member capable of leaving Marc's ass sore for a day or two.

Chapter 2
The Crazy Man Story

While Marc was enjoying Donnie's company on the research vessel he told him a number of stories about growing up in up-state New York. One of the stories he told was about when he was a boy going to a Catholic Grammar School.

The school was run by an order of Benedictine Nuns. It was located in a mountainous area. It was known for the up thrusted limestone slate that caused a number of waterfalls that flowed into lakes in the lowlands. It made for picturesque vistas.

The nuns would take the boys and girls for long walks for physical exercise. When the students were off of the school grounds they had to march in an orderly fashion, two by two on roads and single file on mountain trails. They normally separated the girls and boys on different trails but when they got back down to the road leading back to the school they would let the girls lead the way back to school. The nun's were like mother hens looking after their chicks.

When he was in the fifth grade there was in incident that set the community on its ear. One summer a crazy guy showed up in the area. When he had an audience he would strip off his clothes and toss them up into the air until they would land over the power lines right in the middle of the market square. Then he would command them to come down. Of course the local constable would arrive and take him into custody. There was no law forbidding nudity so the only charge they could charge him was creating a public disturbance.

He would parade around naked. He was the talk of town. The crazy guy had long scraggly hair and beard. The feature that got the attention of all of the observers was the sight of his cock. It was always in full state of arousal. The girls in the school would hide their faces behind their hands but would giggle when talking about seeing it for days.

One of the afternoons when the students were coming back to the school and reached the road they were confronted by the mad man standing in the middle of the road stark naked. The nun's hustled the girls past the man and back through the safety of the gates of the school compound, while admonishing them not to look at the unfortunate man. Of course all of the girls looked at the naked man as the scurried past him.

The boys tossed stones at the man to drive him away. That caused him to chase the boys in all directions. He was running in all directions until he managed to catch one of his 11-year-old classmates. The boy happened to be a friend of his.

They had been running down a grassy slope. The crazy man pulled the boy's clothes off. The boy was screaming. The rest of the boys and the nuns froze in their tracks at the sight off what was happening. The boy started peeing and the man took his cock into his mouth and drank his piss. All hell broke loose. The boys started screaming and throwing rocks at him.

The man picked up the boy and disappeared from sight in the brush. The nun's were frightened to let the boys look for the man and called them all back before they got out of sight. They called the police and a man hunt was started. They searched all night.

The town's people were called in and tracking dogs were brought in. They followed every trail after the dogs lost the scent when they came to a stream. Teams went up and down both banks trying to find where they had come out of the stream.

Marc said that he knew the area well enough to know that the higher they went up into the mountains the rockier it got. There were a number of streams and rivers cutting through the area along with many waterfalls that may not have been seen by men for decades. There were shear rock cliffs that attracted only experienced rock climbers. There were known to be caves up there that had never been charted too. The boy was found a week later still totally naked. They rushed him to the hospital and kept him from public sight for awhile. It was reported that the boy had been molested but had been found in good shape. Apparently the man had fed the youth, kept him warm and bathed him under a waterfall.

When the hospital released the youth, his family took him home and made plans to sell their home and move to another area where no one would know what had happened to their son.

Marc said that he had been friends with him at school. They had even had participated in some circle jerks. His family had allowed Marc to visit him at their home. At first he didn't want to talk about what had happened but eventually he opened up and started talking about what had happened to him after they lost sight of them in the brush.

He told Marc that the guy covered his mouth and carried him down stream and hid in the brush until the searchers passed them and after dark he carried him upstream. He picked some plants along the way. When they came out of the stream he dragged the plants behind them to mask their scent. He carried him and dragged him up trails until he came to the cave close to where they found him.

The cave was where he had been living for sometime. It had bags of old clothes and blankets. He had carried in pine needles that he used to make a mattress on a shelf in the cave in case water was to flow through the cave. There was a trickle of water flowing from the back of the cave that flowed out of the mouth of the cave. There was some brush growing over the opening of the cave that made it hard to see the opening.

There were rocks riled in a circle in the back of the cave. There was a small shaft, no more that a crack back there, that allowed the smoke to escape without smoking up the cave. There were rusty cans piled up against one corner. He had some candles in soup cans that he used to light the cave at night.

As soon as he got him to the cave he threatened him. He was crazy looked and that was enough to convince him that the man would do what he said. He never heard anyone looking for him until they found him sitting in a pool under the waterfall.

Marc said, he asked him what he had done to him.

The boy got a strange smile on his face before he closed his eyes and started talking about his adventure. He said it was freighting when he was carrying him away and then dragging him up to the cave. It was dark in there even during the day. It took him awhile to see anything. When he saw the makeshift bed on the shelf the man was already dragging him in that direction.

The guy sat him on the bed and he straddled his body and sat on his chest. The guy had hold of his wrists. He tried to struggle but he was not strong enough to get away from the man.

He said, "Remember how long that guy's cock was when we saw him naked? Well as he sat on my chest that long tallywaker was right in front of my face. He demanded that I open my mouth and if I bit him he said he would knock all of my teeth out."

"That guy's cock was unbelievable. It was all I could do to get the knob in my mouth. He looked clean enough but his body odor was strong. Apparently the guy augmented his food supply with wild onions. The smell and taste of his skin reflected the strong onions. His cock was choking him as the man tried to stuff all of that cock into his mouth."

He went on about him fucking his mouth until he filled it with warm cum. He made him swallow it. He made them something to eat. He added a lot of wild onions to the soup. It was strong but he ate it anyway. At least after he ate the onion soup he no longer smelled them on the crazy old man.

The old man would not let him put anything on to cover up his naked body. When it grew dark outside the old man made him lay on his makeshift bed. The man would not let him cover his body so the only way to keep worm was to cuddle up against his body.

The old man's cock was rubbing against his butt. He said that he feared what the man was going to do. He could hardly see with so little light from the moon and stars filtering through the cave entrance. He felt the beard rubbing against his back. The man had his hand wrapped around his waist gripping his dick. He was jacking him off slowly. The man eventually wedged his cock between his legs and fucked him until he shot cum all over the insides of his thighs.

In the morning his legs were crusted with dried cum. The guy used a rag and dipped it in the trickle of water running through the middle of the cave to wash his body. He was ranting about all kinds of things.

The man was taking to him about how everyone was destroying the environment and how everyone needed to return to living like the American Indians did. He was friendly to him as of he was starved for company. Sometimes his ravings were not coherent. His threats had him scared for a couple of days. He made breakfast for them. He would not let him out of the cave for fear that he would try and escape or one of the search parties might see him.

That afternoon the guy got horny again. This time he used the only lubricant he had. He greased up his cock with Crisco (caned cooking lard). The boy figured out what he was planning to do with his cock and tried to get away but the man grabbed him and forced him to his knees. He made him assume a position like a Muslim and got behind him before sticking his greasy cock into his asshole. The pain was terrible. All he could do was whimper because the man held his hand over his mouth while he fucked him. When the man squirted his cum into his ass he pulled out of him and let him curl up on the bed.

He said that he could feel the wet cum oozing out of his ass. He just curled up and cried for awhile. To comfort him the man made him turn over so that he could play with his cock. When he was good and hard he sucked on him. It felt great having the guy suck on it. He would have been happy if the guy had just sucked his cock. The old man seemed to never get enough. It would only take him a short time to recover.

The guy would soon have another hard-on and want to fuck him again. He told Marc that he would beg him to let him suck his cock just so he would not fuck his ass again. Sometimes it worked but more often the man had made up his mind to fuck his ass. He lost track how many times he fucked him and how many times he sucked the man's cock. Day turned into night. All they did was eat, suck and fuck. When either of them needed to go to the bathroom the man would tie a rope around his waist and lead him to another cave where they would relieve themselves and cover their waist up with dirt to keep the smell down.

By the third day he began to enjoy the feeling of the cock inside him. He would get a raging boner while the man fucked his ass. By the fifth day the man would admonish him to stay in the cave while he foraged for food. He had traps set up to catch small game and he knew what plants were eatable. He would return with food and would prepare the food for them to eat. By the sixth day he would allow him to follow him to the pool to clean up. The seventh day the man felt safe enough to go looking for food while he bathed.

That was where he was when the rescue party found him. As they were carrying him out of the mountains he saw the man hiding behind a tree. He did not tell the party he had seen him because he hoped he would get away. The search parties spend weeks looking for the crazy man but the cave had been cleared out. The only reminder that it had been occupied was the blackened rooks in the back of the cave. The pine needles were still in place but the blanket was gone.

Telling the story had made bother of their cocks hard so they sucked each other's cock until they had dry climaxes. They never got the chance to dry fucking each other. Marc only got to visit with the boy a couple of times before his parents sold the house and moved the family to an undisclosed location.

The End

First Night

The visit of his father's friend means a great adventure for Danny

Danny (11yo) and Philip (adult)
Mbcons anal oral mast – cross-dressing

Daniel was thrilled when his parents told him that his father's best friend, Philip, was coming to stay with them while he looked for a job in the area. When ever Philip came to visit he was great fun to be with. He would take him places and the two of them would have a great time at amusement parks.

The best part for the eleven-year old was that Philip would be using the guest bedroom next to his room. The bedroom was fully furnished and had a full sized bed. It was going to be a great adventure having an adult friend to talk to.

When he arrived he had brought along basically a weeks change of clothes and a couple of business suits for interviews in case he was called back for extra interviews. He put them in the closet to prevent wrinkling along with dress shirts. What few changes of underwear and socks in the dresser.

He had arranged for a few interviews before he came to town but while he was waiting for the business to decide on who they were going to hire he used the classified ads to seek additional interviews. He was able to go to two or three interviews a day and still get home well before Danny's parents would get home from work. That allowed Danny and Philip to become close friends.

They shared a bathroom so they became accustom to seeing each other in the nude. Danny admired Philip's build. He was not all the muscular and his waist was at least as big around as his chest. He was a middle aged man with a generous amount of body hair. Dan could not help checking out what his cock looked like.

Philip's cock was just about average size in length but it was a thick cock. It was un-cut and the foreskin was thick and did not completely cover the head of his cock. His hair was brown but his pubic hair was kind of reddish.

Danny was a chubby eleven-year old with sandy hair. His childish cock was circumcised and his scrotum had not dropped yet. He had just started growing a few strands of pubic hair. He was envious of any male that had a larger cock and a full bush of pubic hair.

One after noon when Danny got home from school he went into the bathroom to relive his bladder. When he entered the bathroom he walked in on Philip jacking off. Philip was sitting on the toilet with his legs stretched out in front of him. He was pumping away on his cock with his right hand. He was mildly surprised when Danny walked in on him but he was too close to coming to stop. Danny stood there watching him squirt his load all over his own leg.

Danny had learned about jacking-off from a friend that had an older brother that had taught him. He was just starting to produce a few drops of clear pre-cum. He was fascinated by the sight of the gobs of white cum squirting out of the head of his cock and then dripping down his leg. There was not a lot said about the subject between them as Danny watched Philip wipe the cum from his leg and toss the toilet tissue into the toilet and flush it.

That night when it was bedtime they used the bathroom together and Philip invited Danny to join him in his room. Danny got a boner just thinking about the prospect of sleeping with an adult. Danny went to his bedroom and closed the door and put on his pajamas and crew socks so that his feet would be muffled when he quietly slipped out of his bedroom and into Philip's bedroom.

The only light in the room was the moon and street light coming in through the second story window. Danny saw Philip in the bed and he was holding the covers up to invite Danny to join him. When Danny discarded the cocks and crawled into the bed he could make out that Philip was still naked. He cuddled up against Philip's body and relished the manly odor of the man.

Philip started feeling up Danny's body while he was unbuttoning his pajama top. He had shaved before going to bed but when he kissed Danny's face the boy could feel the rough texture of his stubble around his mouth. When Philip pulled Danny's top open he bent over and started sucking on the chubby little boy titties.

While Philip was sucking on the nipples he was untying the drawstring of Danny's pajama bottoms. He pulled the flap until the snaps popped open and he pushed them down the smooth legs as far as he could without pulling them from under his butt. He gently felt the small cock and tight little scrotum until Danny could hardly stand it. Then Philip leaned over he put his head under the covers and took the cock into his mouth and started sucking on the boy.

Danny had never had any of his young friends ever suck on his cock before. He was so horny that he climaxed in Philip's mouth in just a few minutes. When Philip finished sucking up all of his pre-cum he lay back down on the bed and rested his head on his pillow. He placed his hand on the back of Danny's neck and forced him under the covers. While he pulled the covers over Danny's body he forced his head down to his cock.

Danny could not see anything but he could smell the man's crotch and when his mouth came in contact with the head of the cock he didn't want to open his mouth at first but Philip rubbed the wet knob against his mouth. As the foreskin slipped back to expose the round knob Danny opened his mouth and the cock was forced into his mouth. The fat cock filled his mouth and he almost retched when the knob touched the back of his throat. Philip was holding onto his neck as he lifted and pushed his head up and down. Danny was not able to get away from the cock and had to relax while Philip fucked his mouth. Danny's jaw was aching by the time Philip smashed his nose against his reddish pubic hair. The warm cum squirted into his mouth in jerking spasms that filled Danny's mouth. His head was held down until he swallowed a generous amount of cum. He gagged and coughed as small amount of cum sprayed out of his nose. Tears were flowing when he was finally allowed to move his head away from the cock.

Philip pulled Danny up and held him in his arms and stroked him until her relaxed and until Danny fell asleep. In the morning Philip woke Danny up early and led him to the bathroom where they showered, peed and brushed their teeth.

When Danny got home from school Philip was waiting for him and after kissing him he led him to the bedroom where he undressed him and draped him over the bed and greased up his ass so that he could fuck him while Danny moaned in his discomfort. They were dressed casually and Danny was doing his homework when his parents got home.

He was getting fucked twice a day for most of the next month. During that time a friend of Danny's father passed away and his parents were pleased when Philip offered to look after Danny in their absence. They drove out of town north to Omaha on Friday night. When they were comfortable that his parents were too far away to turn around because they had forgotten something Philip undressed Danny and he provided him with tight girl's panties and an A-cup bra. He even had a nice wig with the same color hair as Danny's. He even applied eye shadow and used a pencil to shape the eyebrows before applying thick eyelashes and red lipstick.

Philip removed his own clothes and they watched porn videos while Philip felt Danny up. He masturbated Danny until he squirted his little load of cum in his panties. When he pulled down Danny's panties he worked his cock into the boy's ass while they watched videos. Danny spent the weekend either naked or in girls underwear. He got fucked a couple of times Friday night and at least four time Saturday. Sunday he got fucked a couple of more times before they cleaned up.

Even after Philip found a job he continued to live with them until he could find a place of his own. He found a loft down town that he liked. It was perfect for him. He had a roomy garage on the ally behind the retail store he lived above. It was a retail outlet for medical supplies like wheelchairs, bedpans, canes, walkers, shower chairs and other helpful supplies for handicapped people. The store was closed before he got home and he was heading to work before the owner opened the store in the morning.

The loft was spacious. What had been employee bathrooms had been modified into two bathrooms. They still had the blue and white male and female caricatures on the doors. They both had granite counters with stainless steel sinks and toilets along with tubs and clear glassed in showers. There was a large bedroom. But the rest of the space was open. The kitchen was against the old rustic brick wall. There was a granite topped island and breakfast bar facing the dinning table and living area. Philip loved the loft for a variety of reasons.

Like most cities the down town area almost became a ghost town after dark. There were a few restaurants on the main drag and a couple of movie theaters but for the most parts the streets were the domain of the homeless after dark. On weekends it looked like scenes from movies depicting the end of the world. He had all of the privacy he could ever want. It did not take him long to get acquainted with the cops that patrolled the area. They knew his white Honda Civic and didn't hassle him after they knew he lived down town.

When Philip moved out Danny was hooked on sex and masturbated two or three times a night. When he would stop by for a visit he would get dressed up in a maids black costume with fishnet stockings and delicate panties. If he was not sucking Philip's cock the cock was up his ass. There came a time when Philip told Danny to get dolled up and wait in the bedroom because he was inviting a guest over that would enjoy fucking a boy-girl.

He had become very adept at putting on makeup and he had on his wig in no time. He felt so sexy when he dressed up in the maid's costume. He loved the feeling of the tight nylon panties restraining his cock and balls. When he was all dolled up, he checked out the effect in a full length mirror. He had to admit he did have an ass girls would love to have. He lay on the bed while he awaited the arrival of the guest.

He heard the doorbell and heard Philip open the door. The space was so large he could only make out the sound of two male voices. He was rubbing his crotch wondering when Philip was going to bring the guest into the bedroom. It seemed like hours before he heard footsteps approaching the bedroom. He almost fainted when he saw the two naked men entering the room. The man holding Philip by the cock was his own father.

It took his father a moment to recognize that the boy-girl on the bed was his own son in drag. He crossed the space and sat down on the bed. He said, "I knew Phil would seduce you when he came to live with us but I had no idea he was going to make you into a slut like me."

Danny was slow understanding that his father was telling him that he was a cock slut. His father cradled him in his arms and started feeling him up while he told him about himself.

When he had been a boy and used to visit his grandparents his uncle seduced him in the hay barn. He loved sucking his uncle's cock and learned to enjoy having his uncle fucking him. He met Philip when he got to high school. He became his best friend.

They enjoyed hunting and camping out. The first campout they went on, after setting up a tent and were getting ready to bed down Phil announced he preferred to sleep in the raw. His father agreed that was the best and they both took off their clothes. When he bent over to enter the tent Phil goosed him. Rather than object he stopped entering the tent and let Phil feel his ass. When he entered the tent he assumed the submissive passion on his sleeping bag and waited for Phil to fuck his ass. He told Danny that he would do anything Phil wanted him to do.

Danny wanted to know if his mother knew. He told him that she knew about their relationship before they married and even enjoyed using her strap-on dildo to fuck him after parties. She suspected that he had renewed their relationship when he moved back to town. She even commented on how close Danny Philip were becoming. She speculated that Danny was just like his father.

The idea that his mother suspected that he was having sex with a man old enough to be his father was strange but no stranger than lying on a bed with his naked father and their boyfriend while the two men felt him up.

Danny had had an overwhelming desire to taste his father's cock. He turned around so that he would handle his father's cock. His father was circumcised too. He swallowed his father's cock and sucked on it for all he was worth. While Danny was sucking his father's cock Philip pulled off Danny's panties and licked his asshole right to the brink of making the boy cum.

Then the two men moved the boy into position so that his father could fuck him in the missionary position. When his cock was safely embedded in the boy's ass Philip got behind the father and eased his cock into his father's ass. With every thrust of Philip's hips it drove his father's cock into the boy's ass. Danny was the first to climax and squirt his little load of cum all over his chubby tummy. Philip was second to cum in his father's ass. When his father started to cum he pulled out of Danny's ass and squirted white gobs of cum all over Danny's tummy. He rubbed the slippery cum under the costume and bra as he played with the boy titties.

Danny became a regular whore. He would relish having sex with his father at every opportunity and any man Philip brought to the loft. His dream was to get married to an understanding woman that would allow him to educate their son's in the ways of men.

It was Philip that found a sweet submissive lesbian that was willing to live with him as husband and wife while they educated their children.

The End

Lawn Money

Danny earns money for a bike by lawn mowing. One of his clients invites him do to another job with him and his friends

Danny (11yo) and Mr. Williams
Mb tb – cons anal oral mast – first ws cross-dressing

Mowing lawns was the way I earned money to buy the new bicycle of my hearts desire back in 1955. I had my eye on an English 3-speed bike that had a $60 price tag. I was pretty much like most of the 11-year old, Irish-Americans in the area. My family could not afford the price of the bike I wanted. I took it upon myself to earn my own money.

My family lived in the middle class area of Stratford, Connecticut. That is located due north of the Igor Sikorsky Memorial Airport. It was near the Boston Ave route. There was a retail store facing the main boulevard that backed up to my family's backyard. A portion is called Barnum Ave. Highway 95 bypasses the town now. The homes were each different from each other, small and were built close together.

In those days boys like me were a little naive when it came to sex. We got most of our information from older boys that tried to impress younger boys with their knowledge, but some of what they told us was grossly wrong. Our exposure to pornography was limited to nudist magazines, black and white photographs taken before World War II, and little, 2.5 by 4 inch [6x10 cm], comic-books of popular news paper correctors. When ever I got my hands on that kind of material I would masturbate until my cock would be so swollen it would be swollen for days and even have blisters on the skin.

I was a 11-year old, blond, blue eyed, slim, five-foot [1.52 m] tall, honey boy at the time. It was a good thing most of the lawns were small because my lawnmower was an iron wheeled push mower. I canvassed the neighborhood for lawns to mow. Most of the ones I got were for no more than a buck and a half.

One of the houses I got on my list was about four blocks south of my home. There were three people living there, two men and a woman. I had only met one of the men. He was the one that agreed to let me mow their lawn. I would mow their lawn every other Saturday. I only saw the other two coming and going.

All three of them were clean and well groomed. They were just older people to me then, but I guess they were in their thirties. In those days people were not into alternative lifestyles. People were pretty much like everyone else.

When I would finish cutting their lawn and trimming it, I would knock on the back door and let Mr. Williams know. He would come out and check the work I had done. If everything checked out he would say, "Danny come in the house while he get the money to pay you." While he was doing that he would offer me a glass of water or ice tea. I would sit at the kitchen table and drink it while he would get the money to pay me. He would pay me $2.75 to 2.00. Sometimes he would be in a talkative mood. We would chat for awhile. That went on for most of June and part of July.

One day I came to the back door and he did not come out, he said, "I just got out of the bath." He was wearing a white terrycloth bathrobe, his hair was wet. He told me to come on in and he would pay me. I entered the house and took my normal place at the kitchen table. I was dripping wet with sweat. All I was wearing was cut-off jeans, sneakers and no T-shirt.

Mr. Williams came back and placed two bucks on the table. He asked, "Would you like tea?"

I said, "Please it was hot work this morning."

He got a pitcher from the fridge and glasses from the cupboard and poured the tea into the glasses before returning to the table. He placed one of the glasses in front of me. It was at that point that I looked up and saw that his rove was open. I was looking right at a large flaccid cock dangling between his legs. I froze in place, and my throat went dry and tightened up. I tried to clear my throat quietly. I must have looked stupid, the way I was staring at his cock as my mouth fell open. I was unable to speak and scared to move a muscle.

His cock was about 6-inches [15 cm] in the flaccid state. He was circumcised with a mushroom head, there were blood-veins running all over his cock.

He finally spoke, "Haven't you ever seen a man's cock before?"

All I was capable of doing was shaking my head slightly from side to side in response.

He gave me an incongruous look, "Not even your father's?"

My response was the same to that question. He gave me a big grin, "Okay! You can touch it.", followed by "it's harmless."

I don't know why I did it, but I ran my fingertips down the top side of his cock to the base and then ran my dingers under the length of the cock to the tip before I pulled my hand away. I was still holding the glass of tea in the other hand. I was still unable to speak.

He did not have any hair around his cock. Even I had grown some blond hairs. I found it fascinating that he must have shaved his pubic hair off. To me that was strange, because I looked upon my own pubic hair as a badge of manhood. Why would a grown man want to look adolescent?

While I was staring at his cock, I saw droplets of clear pre-cum drop from the head of his cock. I thought I was going to cum in my shorts. There I was a 11-year old sitting in the kitchen of a man I hardly knew, with a cock growing only inches in front of my face. I could not resist continuing to run my fingers up and down the shaft, as it started to stand up with a about a 30 degree angle as it got longer.

Mr. Williams asked in a soft voice, "Does my cock excite you?"

I managed to give him feeble, "Yes Sir."

He asked, "Would you like to kiss it?"

Again I said, "Yes."

"Well!" he said.

I was unable to move, so he placed his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me closer to his body. I could see what I thought was pee dripping out of the hole in the middle of his mushroom head. He said, "That nectar is called pre-cum. You will come to love the taste, go ahead lick it off."

I stuck out my tongue and did just that. It tasted slightly sweet and I licked it again. I opened my mouth and took that mushroom knob into my mouth while licking my tongue against that hole. I started to slide my mouth down over the shaft.

He told me, "I told you so."

I could not respond because my mouth was full. I had to pull my head back to say, "I thought it was pee."

He said, "That will come later." Then he slid the head of his cock into my mouth, and said, "Suck on it!"

I did as he requested. He began to slowly move his hips forward to drive the cock deeper into my mouth. I would not explain why but I wanted to find out what it was like to suck cock. I sucked as hard as I could and pressed my face against his smoothly shave pubic bone. I almost gagged when I felt the head touch the back of my throat. Mr. Williams started fucking my mouth. We did that for awhile and his cock seamed to get harder and harder. Suddenly without warning he pulled it out of my mouth and said, "Easy, boy. I want you to show me your cock."

I didn't want to stop, but he pulled me to my feet and said, "Drop your cut-offs." He was surprised that I was nor wearing any underwear. My pink little cock was no more than 3-inches [7½ cm] long, it was standing straight out in front of me as hard as it had ever been. He began caressing it slowly. I felt my knees weaken as I moaned.

He said, "What a sweet smooth body you have." Then he lifted me up and sat me on the table. He had me lie back on the table. He placed my heels on the edge of the table, so that my legs were bent and spread, fully exposing by crotch for him to inspect. He continued to caress my little cock and balls. Eventually he leaned over and took my little cock into his mouth and sucked on me. He even licked my balls.

I could not believe how fast my heart was pounding, and it was also hard to breathe. While he was doing that he placed his hands under my butt and spread my cheeks apart. It shocked me when he licked the center seam right down to my asshole. He spent a lot of time licking my asshole. He told me how sweet my asshole was. My little dick was jerking around like mad. He wet his middle finger in his mouth and attempted to insert it into my ass, so he wet it in his mouth again and worked it into my asshole. It hurt but I had been using my own finger while playing with myself, so it was not all that bad.

At this point he could have done anything he wanted. I was so excited I was dizzy. I would have done anything and wanted anything I could get. When his finger was all the way in my ass he began to work it in and out while he started licking my balls and sucking my cock again. I did not expect it when he moved his body over mine and licked my lips and pushed his tongue into my mouth. When he pulled away he whispered to me, "I want you to suck my cock again"

I said, "I want to suck it Mr. Williams."

He straightened up and took his still hard cock in hand and rubbed it up and down between the cheeks of my ass and made sure he wiggled it around against my asshole. I feared that he was going to try and stuff it in my ass. He said, "This will come another time."

He pulled me off of the table and forced me down to my knees, then he whispered, "If you want to please me, when I cum in your mouth you should drink it all as fast as you can."

I asked, "What is come?

He assured me, "It is the stuff of my passion, it is white milky liquid that comes out of my pee hole in gushes. If you really want to do it right, don't loose a drop."

I wanted to please him so much. He told me, "Open your mouth wide," as the mushroom shaped head entered my mouth I licked the pee hole, there was some pre-cum. His cock slid deep into my mouth again. I closed my lips around the base as he began to hump my face, slowly at first but he was increasing the speed with every stroke. It felt like it was getting bigger, as he started moaning and shouted out, "Suck it hard you little cock sucker, here it comes".

With that, my mouth filled with hot creamy stuff in big spurts, one after another. I swallowed as fast as I could. Some of it did leak out around the base of his cock, and dripped down my chin. I didn't want it to ever stop. His cum tasted so good and I wanted more. I was still sucking it clean when it went soft, and he pulled it out of my mouth. He dropped to his knees, kissing and licking all over my face, while telling me how great it was for him, and what a good little cocksucker I was. He made a simple statement that gave me a boner, "You belong to me!"

He cleaned me up with a warm washcloth before I put my cut-offs back on. He was telling me all about the wonderful things he would teach me. He said that he had friends that would love to meet me, and how it would be fun for me. Just before I left, he tongue kissed me again. I put my tongue in his mouth, and reached inside his robe, to wrap my finger around his cock to pull on it until he moaned down deep in his throat. He said, "Easy baby, I have to pee!"

I said, "me too!"

He took me by the hand, "Let's go!" He led me to the bathroom. When I took out my little dick and started peeing into the porcelain bowl, he put his finger into the stream, before he tasted his fingers. The next time he put his fingers in my stream he rubbed them across my lips. He said, "Taste it." I licked my lips. "Doesn't that taste nice?" he said. All I could do was nod my head.

He took his cock out of his robe, and aimed it at the bowl. There was a thick stream of dark yellow pee that I was watching. He said, "Piss takes on a whole new meaning once you have enjoyed sucking a hard cock and drinking warm cum."

It looked like he was about to finish peeing, so I lurched foreword and took the head of his cock in my mouth while he was still peeing. He filled my mouth quickly, and I swallowed maybe three or four times before the stream stopped.

He said, "I know you're going to be a hit with everyone. Slow down or you're going to get sick."

Mr. Williams washed my face for me and patted my butt, "Can you come back tomorrow?"

I asked him, "I will be over right after church, if that is okay."

He assured me that it would be fine. I left his house, knowing that I would not be able to think about nothing else until tomorrow.

Sure enough, when I got home I was unable to think about anything other than what I had done with Mr. Williams. That night while I was in bed I played with myself until my dick was swollen and painful to the touch. I could not resist fingering my hole, while wishing I had something larger to put in there. I went to the kitchen, and got a screwdriver, before returning to bed. The screwdriver's handle was about one inch [2½ cm] in diameter. I didn't have anything more than shampoo to lube the handle with. I was great pain and burning that I got it into my ass, damn it hurt, it did subside a little after about fifteen minutes, after that it felt wonderful.

Sunday morning I was up early. As soon as we got back from church, I changed into my cut-offs and T-shirt. It was about 11:00 am when I knocked on Mr. Williams' back door. He opened the door wearing the same white terrycloth bathrobe. He was very happy to see me. He told me he had someone for me to meet. I followed him upstairs to a bedroom. When he opened the door, there was a naked man sitting on his large bed, stroking his hard 7-inch [18 cm] cock. Mr. Williams said, "This is my goof friend and lover, Tim. I want you to go say hello to him."

I followed instructions, and went directly to Tim. He took hold of my hand and pulled me so close I was standing between his legs. He said, "Jim (Mr. Williams) tells me you're a great little cocksucker. Is that so?"

I said, "I hope so."

Tim said, "Let's get a good look at you." He pulled my T-shirt over my head. Then he pulled my cut-offs down. When he saw that I was naked under my cut-offs, he used both hands to reach around me and grab a couple of hand's-full of my ass, before he pulled my cheeks apart. His cock was rubbing all over the front of my body. He was smearing pre-cum all over me.

Jim came over to where we were, he had discarded robe, standing before us totally naked, and had half of a hard-on. He whispered in Tim's ear, "He is going to be a hot one, don't you think?"

Jim wiped his finger up and down the crack of my ass. "I think he will work out just fine!"

They both were covering me with kisses. Jim's finger entered my asshole while Tim's tongue was being crammed into my mouth, while he was holding my butt cheeks apart for Jim. I was thrilled beyond belief, being sandwiched between the two men. Jim's was working in and out of my asshole. Jim started sticking his tongue in my left ear, so he could whisper in my ear, "We are going to make love to Tim, and we are going to fuck him. Would you enjoy that?"

"YES!" was all I could say.

Jim removed his left hand from my ass, and placed it on top of my head and pulled me over so that my head was level with his pre-cum dripping cock. There was nothing to do but lick that big mushroom head clean, before I sucked it deep into my mouth. I loved the taste. Jim shoved his hips foreword driving his cock to the back of my throat, which gagged me. Jim let out a slow moan. My body was kind of sideways so that Jim could keep finger fucking my ass with one of his fingers. With every thrust of his finger my head was shoved down on his cock. His hips were being thrust forward to drive the cock deeper. Eventually Jim withdrew his finger from my ass. Tim got up and stood next to Jim.

When I looked up at them Jim had his left arm around Tim's waist and Tim was sucking on Jim's middle finger, the one that had been in my asshole.

Jim said, "Virgin asshole, doesn't it taste wonderful?"

Tim moaned again, in a sound that must have been an agreement. Both of them started tongue kissing and caressing each other. Tim's cock was rock hard by then. I switched from Jim to Tim's cock, to enjoy a fresh cock for a while before switching back to Jim's. While I was switching back and forth the two of them were giving each other a long tongue kiss. I was one happy cocksucker.

Jim broke up the action with the announcement, "Tim I want you to get on the bed, so I can fuck you. Danny I need your help."

I asked, "What can I do?"

Jim said, "In order for me to get my cock into Tim's asshole, it needs to be worked on."

"How do I do that?"

"Tim will get on the bed on his hands and knees, (Tim was already starting to get in the position) I will hold his butt cheeks apart, so that you will use your mouth and tongue to lick his hole until it is slippery. Do you think you can do that?"

I shook my head and got behind Tim's ass. Jim patted my head and spread Tim's butt. I was looking at his gaping asshole. I could only guess that Tim had been fucked so many times that it was easy to relax. I wanted to fuck him myself. I leaned in and licked his gapping asshole.

Jim was extolling me to show Tim how much I loved him. He wanted me to kiss it.

I pucker my lips and put them on his asshole. I was assailed by the sweet smell of his ass, then the taste of his flesh. Jim was telling me to stick my tongue into his asshole, while he was stretching his butt even farther. I drove my tongue as deep into his hole as I could. I was giving him the biggest tongue kiss I had ever given anyone. Jim was telling me what a great job I was doing. He was telling me what to do with my tongue at the same time he placed his hand on the back of my head and smashed my face into his ass until I could not breathe. I was probing the inside of his bowel with my tongue. The taste was kind of bitter. I knew I was giving my new friends one hell of a good time.

Jim asked Tim if he was ready, and Tim said, "Danny would do that to me the rest of my life."

Jim told me to move to the side and watch closely. He moved between Tim's legs, while he was stroking his cock. He held it up for me to give it a wet sucking to leave as much spittle on it as possible, then as he guided it towards the hole. I watched that fat mushroom spread Tim's asshole even father. I could not believe that it actually was able to enter his asshole. Eventually his dark pubic hair was pressed against Tim's ass.

Jim wanted me to lay my head on his lower back so that I could watch him fuck Tim. He suggested that I reach under Tim and stroke his cock for him. I was doing as told while watching Jim fucking Tim. I could smell the aroma of hat flesh rubbing against hot flesh. That was the biggest turn on, I had ever seen.

Jim said, "I know what you want, you little fucker." My head was pinned between Tim's lower back and Jim's flat belly. Jim pulled his cock out of Tim's ass with a popping sound. He quickly stuck the knob in my mouth. I suck the knob as hard as I could. I could taste Tim's love hole, it was bitter sweet.

Jim pulled his cock out of my mouth and plugged it back into Tim's love-hole. He repeated that several time before he began to fuck Tim faster and faster. He was moaning a quivering all over. I knew Jim was pumping loads of hot cum into Tim's ass. I felt a little left out.

Eventually Jim slumped over and Tim rolled over onto his left side. They were slobbering all over each other. I watched them kissing each other. It took them a few minutes before they noticed me and reached out to me and pulled me in between them. Jim said, "If you want, you can clean us up."

I started to get up, thinking he meant with a washcloth. Jim grabbed me by the cock, "I meant for you to use your mouth on my cock and Tim's butt-hole. I didn't have to be told twice. I sucked that slimy stuff off of Jims cock, and then turned my attention to Tim's asshole. I saw Tim's cock jerking and knew he was about to cum. I grabbed it in one hand and took the knob in my mouth. I had already swallowed Jim cum, but when Tim reached his climax I could not believe how much he squirted out of his cock. I was wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, when the door opened.

I was startled and sat upright quickly. Jim and Tim were casual about the door being opened. They placed their hand on my shoulders and held me down. The woman that was standing there was the woman I knew lived there. She asked, "Well did you fuck the little sucker yet?"

Jim said, "Ease up Mary! That will come soon enough."

Mary said, "I want to have my friend, Joan, and her daughter over next Saturday. Will the little fucker be ready?" She turned and left the room before Jim could respond.

Jim asked, "Can you be here Saturday?"

I was intrigued, "Sure!"

I was so fascinated by what I had witnessed and participated in, and puzzled what Mary was planning. I relieved the tension by using the screwdriver in my ass all week. I had to mow my laws early on Saturday. I worked as fast as I could, and was sweating profusely but I mowed all of my lawns in record time just so I could get to Jim's house as quickly as possible. The walk to his house allowed the sweat to dry. I knew that I must smell of grass though.

When I knocked on the back door I was met by Mary. She was very curt with me and told me I was all hers, and I had better mind her. She stripped me of my sweat stained cut-off shorts. With the removal of my old tennis shoes I was totally naked. She insisted that I put on tight lave panties a frilly dress. I felt foolish putting on such a grille dress. Then she put a girl's wig on my head and she applied makeup on my face. I was apprehensive about what was going on.

Shortly after that her friend, Joan, arrived with a very sweet looking girl I guessed was about 15-years girl, all dressed up to kill. I was told that I had to obey their orders. The first order I was given was to eat the pussy of the girl. To my astonishment the girl turned her back to me and hoisted up the back of her dress. She pulled down the back of her panties to expose her round butt.

Mary told me to lick her pussy. All I saw was a pink asshole, and was puzzled by her referring to it as her pussy. Before I could ask Joan pushed my face into her ass by placing her hand on the back of my head and shoving my head into that sweet smelling asshole.

I dutifully started sticking my tongue in her asshole as demanded. All I heard from the girls was moans of pleasure. After a short time, when they were sure I was going to do as told they placed me on the floor and held me down while they removed my panties. I was looking up at the teenaged girl as she removed her dress and panties. She was sporting a four inch [10 cm] dick and tight little balls.

What I had thought was a girl turned out to be a very attractive teenaged boy. He was called Tonnie. When he was told to fuck the little bitch he mounted me from behind and I felt his cock being shoved against my asshole. I did everything I could to relax as his cock entered my ass. When I felt his full weight on my back I knew it was all the way in. She fucked me fast and hard. When Tonnie came I thought I was bleeding from the ass. It just turned out to be her cum. They made me suck her clit clean of her cum and anything by bowl had deposited on the shaft. We both received so ass smacking, and we were called little pussy whores. When they were ready they invited Jim and Tim to join them.

I had no idea that we had been watched from another room. Marry and Joan had been feeling each other up while I was being fucked in the ass. Their clothes were a mess, tits hanging out as they left the room to do their thing.

Jim and Tim took us to a bedroom and placed us face down on the bed beside each other. They took turns fucking the both of us. At least Tonnie cum made my asshole slippery enough to accept Jim's big sausage. There was no rest Tim replaced him after fucking Tonnie.

The rest of the summer I was Jim's little pussy slave. He had some other plans for me.

The End

The story continues here

Terry and Older Men

Terry meets a nice man in the cinema

Terry (11yo) and 'the man in the cinema'
Mbcons oral mast

It was a big adventure when I was allowed to go to the cinema on my own shortly after my eleventh birthday. I was under five-feet [1.50 m] tall at the time, brown hair and eyes. My friends called me a pretty boy.

Normally my parents let me go to the weekend matinees, but this late afternoon during the middle of the week I had permission from my parents to see an old movie at our Oxford cinema.

It was a minor cult movie that only people that were interested in the old Sci-Fi genre would care to see. Unlike many boys my age I didn't like to sit down front. I preferred to sit far enough back to hear the speakers on the left and right.

The sun was up when I entered the theater that evening. I had arrived early, and the house lights were bright. There were very few people there on a Wednesday evening, so I could sit just about any place I wanted. When I entered the theater, I went to the left side, out of habit. I walked down the isle about half way, and moved across the row right to the middle of the theater. I sat down to wait until the movie started.

Like all 11-year olds, I had very little patience. I was relived when the house lights went down, and the curtain started to pull back to reveal the screen. The projector was already showing the reminder about the treats in the lobby. There were the obligatory movie trailers about coming movies that seamed like they would never end. Finally the Distributing production company logo of Lyon Studios came on the screen. The movie was an old black and white movie that was very dark most of the time. I was watching the movie, and hardly noticed when a man moved down my row, and sat down just to the right of me.

At one point the man leaned close to me and asked, "Would you like a chocolate bar?"

Of course I had a sweet tooth. I said, "Yes!"

He said, "Well, reach in my pocket and help yourself!"

I reached in his pants without thinking about it. The only thing I felt was the shape of a thick hard cock. Before I could withdraw my hand, he grabbed my arm and held my arm in place. While my hand was in his pocket, I went ahead and felt his cock. I found it exciting to be doing something so naughty and forbidden. His cock felt large.

I had seen my father's cock before, so I was comparing his cock to this guy's. If my father's cock was average his was very large.

When the screen was brighter, I could make out that the guy was average looking, slim man, in his mid- twenties. I was squeezing his cock gently. The movie was almost over, and I had seen it before, so when he suggested that we leave early I was willing.

When we exited the cinema it was dark. We walked in the general direction of my home. When we came to a barn on the outskirts of town he entered it, and I followed him in. There were a large number of bails of hay stacked against the far wall. The man approached a lone bail of hay. When he was in front of it, he pulled down his pants. He did not have any underwear on. I was looking right at his cock, as he stood in front of me.

He told me to have a seat on the bail of hay. "Now just watch." He stood there in front of me wanking his huge cock, with his right hand. He stopped short of climaxing, and told me, "Take off your pants and underpants."

I didn't even question his command. I just unfastened my pants and pulled them down along with my underpants, while he continued squeezing his cock.

I learned later what was appearing and dripping from the end of his cock was pre-cum.

He breathing was getting harsh and his voice got deeper as he told me, "I want you to lay across the bail of hay, and hold your bum cheeks apart."

I was scared to death that he was doing to stick that thing in my bum. I did as he demanded, just the same. I felt him slide his cock up and down the crack of my ass. It felt exciting when it rubbed past my asshole. Then I felt warm cum squirt up the crack of my ass, and then run down to the small of my back.

The man picked up a handful of straw, and wiped my back. We pulled up our pants, before we headed in different directions. We agreed to meet again the next night.

We did almost the same thing the next time. I jacked him off for awhile before he draped me over the bail of hay, and rubbed his cock between the crack of my ass until he came. Then rubbed his cum into my asshole, and rubbed the cum all over my balls and dick. We got together a total of five times before I lost contact with him. I never found out why I never saw him again.

I never had the nerve to approach any classmates or older men about the sexual desires I had. I just wanked myself off a couple of times a day.

The lack of success finding another man did not stop me from looking for another man at the cinema. You could say I was groomed for my next encounter. When I was 15-years old, I met an older gentleman at work. We talked a lot at work about a variety to topics for months before the subject of sex came up. When he asked me if I had ever had sex with a man, I admitted that I had. I even told him about what we had done. When he told me that he would like to suck my cock I agreed to let him do it. He asked me to accompany him home.

When we arrived at his flat we took our clothes off and he knelt in front of me and sucked my cock. He would not let me cum in his mouth though. He took my cock out of his mouth and aimed my cock at my own belly when I started to cum. When I finished squirting cum on myself he rubbed it all over my skin. Then we changed places and I sucked his cock.

This guy had a long un-cut cock. It was not anywhere as thick as my first man. His helmet was small under that foreskin. I found that I was able to skin back his foreskin all of the way, to expose the helmet. It was very wet. I loved the feeling of that wet satiny knob in my mouth.

He patted me on the top of my head when he was about to cum. I hesitated a little too long because I got a mouth full of warm cum. I had wondered for years what cum would taste like and was pleased to find out that it had very little taste. I decided right then and there that I would be willing to suck cum any time I had the chance.

We longed around his flat naked for awhile. I got the chance to get a good look at this older man's body. He was not the athletic type at all. He was not muscular, in fact he was soft looking. He had a plump bum and I told him so. He proudly turned his back to me and bent over and spread his cheeks to show me his asshole. The puckered rosebud was darker than his white skin. It opened up when he spread his ass to allow me to see inside his bowl. He invited me to fuck his ass and I was not about to turn it down.

He knelt down on the floor like a museum praying to Mecca. I straddled his hips and aimed my cock at his opening and was thrilled to watch it slide into that dark hole. He was moaning like he was enjoying the feeling of me fucking him. I had never felt anything as good before. I came in his ass far too quickly. I just rested on his hips, enjoying the feeling of my meat sheathed in that tight bowl. I could feel the way his sphincter pulsated with every beat of his heart. It felt so good that I got another hard-on right away. I started fucking him again. It took much longer before I was able to cum again. This time there was very little cum, and it was almost painful when I did climax.

The End

Web Buddies

Charley tells an internet friend he wants to seduce a 10 year old boy. The friend offers his 11-year old son

Loki (11yo) Charley and Thor (adults)
Mbcons anal oral mast

Charley was so excited about getting to meet his web buddy for the first time. It had all started one weekend when he logged onto his computer from his Bainbridge home and went to the chat room he normally like to flirt with the guys. That evening he came across a guy named Thor, from Washington and got into a private conversation with him. The guy turned out to be from Seattle. They talked about what kind of sex they liked the most. They seamed to have a lot in common.

They exchanged pictures of themselves and they liked what they saw. They went to a video chat room and talked to each other. Charley was sitting in front of his computer with his web camera facing him so that Thor could see that he was naked at least to the waist. So Thor pulled his polo shirt off to expose his hairy chest. Thor requested that Charley show him his package.

Charley had a second camera under his desk set up so all he had to do was switch cameras and Thor was looking at him sitting in his leather office chair. Thor complemented him on what a nice package he was sporting.

Charley was totally naked. The man could see that he had a nice sack resting on the chair and he had a six inch-cut [15 cm] cock. Charley reached down and started jerking off for his new friend.

Thor pushed his chair back away from his desk and he was sitting here in a black silk running shorts. He pulled his cock out of the right leg and showed Charley his own package. Charley was impressed with what looked like an eight inch [20 cm] un-cut cock. He stroked himself until he was hard before he pulled the shorts off. His scrotum was a baggy wrinkled sack. The two of them jacked off until they squirted their loads on the floor in front of them. After the came they called it a night but made arrangements to get together again the next evening.

Charley was at his desk before the time they had agreed to meet. Right at the appointed hour Thor came on and they went right to their video room. Before they started jacking off they stood up and showed each other what their bodies were like. They even bent over at the waist and pulled their butt apart to show each other what their assholes looked like. They both had expressed their interest in anal sex. They showed each other their favorite dildos before they shoved them up their asses and sat back down and jacked off for each other. This time they came in heir hands and licked the cum out of their hands before they called it a night.

They met each other every night for several weeks. They would type dirty messages to each other and requested each other to do things. Charley had a cock pump and he showed Thor that he could stretch his cock in the Plexiglas tube at least a foot [30 cm] long. Thor showed Charley that he had jewelry he could attach through his foreskin so that he could attach weights to his foreskin and stretch it several inches past his knob.

One evening while they were chatting before getting down to jacking off Charley was telling Thor about how an older man had seduced him when he was 10-years old and how he had a fantasy about finding a boy that age to seduce.

Thor was visibly laughing before he made a motion to someone off camera. As he rolled his desk chair back from the keyboard and spread his legs as a boy no more that 11 came into the frame. He was a charming toe headed boy. This lender body was totally naked. He had his little cock in hand and was skinning back his foreskin for the camera. The little knob was shinning because it was wet. Thor explained that his son had been off camera every night jacking off while watching the monitor.

Charles moved close to the monitor so he could study the youth. Thor told him that his son's name was Loki. While he was typing the boy was jacking off his father. Charles didn't miss a stroke. Before they signed off Thor offered to bring his son over for a visit. It was agreed that they would catch the Saturday morning ferry over to Bainbridge.

Charles was waiting for them to arrive as they walked off of the ferry. He drove them to his modest home and showed them around the house. He was as nervous as a school girl on her first date. He made poured both a stiff shot of whiskey and gave Loki a Coke. Thor was the one to suggest they retire to the bedroom and play.

When they entered the bedroom Thor recognized the room because the computer was in the room. Father and son helped Charles take his clothes off. They both pinched and stimulated his nipples before they took turns milking his cock a little to insure that he was fully aroused before they disrobed themselves.

Thor removed his own clothes before he disrobed his son. He lifted his son up and placed him on the bed next to Charles. The boy lay on his back while the man kissed him and felt him up. The boy's cock was bouncing around like a flagpole blowing in the wind. Charles could not resist licking the smooth body as he positioned himself on he knees at a right angle to the boy so that he could take the little uncut cock into his mouth.

Thor was feeling up Charles' ass and he stood beside the bed and bent over and took hold of the cock from behind and milked it like it was the teat of a cow. He also licked Charles asshole to add to the man's sexual experience. Charles loved the feeling the man was giving him as much as the opportunity to suck the cock of the youngster. It came as no surprise when he felt Thor get on the bed and guided his magnificent cock towards his asshole.

He took a deep breath in anticipation of the invasion of the man's cock. He was not disappointed. The pain was mind blowing when the knob spread his asshole. He gripped the bed sheets with both hands as hard as he could while he continued to suck the little cock. When the man's cock was all of the way in and he started fucking his ass Charles felt some relief when he pulled out but when she reversed the direction he felt the burning pain again. He endured it just to enjoy the boy's cock. When Thor grabbed his hips and buried all his cock in Charles' ass as he squired cum in his bowel the ass became very slippery. The cock slid in and out with ease for the first time.

When Thor sat on the bed next to his son the boy took the cock into his mouth and sucked it clean as it went soft. The boy didn't have to be told what to do next. He got out from under Charles and took the position behind him and used his tongue to lick the gapping asshole. It was his goal to lick up every drop of his father's cum from the man's asshole.

Charles had the largest boner he had ever had as a result of the way he had been fucked and now tongue fucked by the boy. He was almost in pain because he needed to cum in the worst way. He took hold of Loki's hips and draped him across the bed and watched as Thor greased up his son's ass with KY that Charles had handy. Then Thor stood behind Charles and guided his cock into his son's asshole.

The boy showed very little discomfort because he had been fuck many times by his father and the friends of his father. He did enjoy the feeling of a cock in his ass and the sweat from the man's body dripping on his back.

Thor stood back and watched as his sexy son was being fucked by the man. He could not resist jacking himself off while he watched. He started slowly but as the excitement over took him his hand moved faster. He made no effort to miss squirting his second cum on Charles' back. The cum dripped down Charles' back and followed the valley of his ass until the few drops of cum were captured the hair's ringing the asshole.

Charles was caught between the desire to cum and a raging bone that would not allow his muscles to relax enough to cum. He was sweating like he had just run a 4 minute mile. He was about to cry when Thor helped him by reaching around his body and pinching his nipples. That was all it took for him to squirt load after load of cum into the boy's butt. He continued to fuck the boy until his cock went soft and just slipped out of the boy's ass. The cum that had collected around the base of his cock in the pubic hair had turned into a white frothy foam. It was starting to a dry sticky mess.

Charles wanted Thor to stay the night but Thor insisted that he and his son had to leave. Charles was very disappointed to see them waving good bye from the decks of the ferry. He had the feeling that he would never see Thor on the computer again.

The End