PZA Boy Stories

Herb Cat

Three Dads and Five Boys


The story of three fathers who enjoy a weekly orgy with their sons aged 8-15.
Publ. May 2011
Finished 8,500 words (17 pages)


Travis Spencer (14yo), Carl Spencer (12yo), Randy (Randall) Jeffers (14yo), Tony Jeffers (8yo), Eddie Whitman (15yo), their fathers Mr. Spencer, Mr. Jeffers and Mr. Whitman, other high school football players and classmates, a few girls, the Coach, and the art teacher

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mbcons oral anal


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

this story depicts oral and anal sex between a man and a seven-year old boy. If this offends you or is illegal to publish in your jurisdiction, or you are under the age of 18, read no further.

The characters, locations & incidents are fictional. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. As an author, I welcome feedback on my writing. Please send any comments about this story, positive or negative, to Herbcatwriter(at)yahoo(dot)com or through this feedback form with Herb Cat - Three Dads and Five Boys in the subject line. Thank you.

© 2011 Herb Cat. Do not reproduce or distribute this story without the author's permission.


Chapter 1

First off, before you read my story, you got to understand one thing: I'm straight! My cock was made for nailin pussy. I'm straight, just like my dad. So, just cause I might fuck another guy on the team now and then don't mean I'm gay. Even Coach says so. And sure, I let the faggots in school suck me off and sometimes I reward them by fuckin their assholes, but that don't make ME a faggot. And yeah, I know what you're gonna say. Since I've had a few cocks up my shithole, that must mean I'm at least bi. Well, hell, you're wrong. I'm straight like my dad! I ain't a queer even though I do put on a dress every Saturday.

OK, now that we've got that cleared up, let me tell you about football practice last week. When I showed up twenty minutes late, Coach was mad. I knew he would be. I couldn't tell him it was all Amy Putnam's fault. So when he told me I had to help Delmore with something, I just said, "Sure, Coach," and followed my teammate back to the locker room. I was still thinkin about Amy of course.

I'd seen her in the hall after seventh period and I said, "How about a kiss, Darlin?" and she said, "Not here!" so I said, "OK, come with me." And I took her to the art supply closet.

Last fall, I got detention for drawin in art class, which I really think was unfair. I was drawin a nice chick in a cowgirl hat and boots. That's it, just hat and boots. I gave her lovely big boobs and just the tiniest bit of muff to hide her pussy. It was a masterpiece. Trouble is, I was supposed to be drawin the apple and candlestick and book on the Mrs. Lowell's desk like the rest of the class. Jimmy Shapiro saw what I had on my paper and started gigglin and Lowell came back to see what was up and I had to show her what I drew. "Travis Spencer, see me after school."

When I got back to her to serve my sentence, she was busy makin a bowl on the potter's wheel and she told me I'd have to straighten out the supply closet. She told me the key was in her top drawer. So, I spent over an hour puttin everythin on the right shelves accordin the labels, and throwin out the trash (at least I fuckin thought it was trash, but sometimes Lowell uses junk to create what she calls "found art," so I'm not sure). Anyway, I finish up and tell her I'm goin now and she says all right. She didn't give me a lecture or anythin about drawin naked ladies; maybe she recognized my talent. The next day, Lowell asked me if I returned the key and I told her, "Sure I put it right back in your drawer cause your hands were full of wet clay yesterday," and she said she looked there already, but of course when she opened the drawer this time the key was right there in plain sight, and I put my hand in my pocket and felt the copy I'd made at Walmart. I figured all those cans of spray paint might come in handy some day. Later, she tells me I did a real good job in the store room and she wrote a note to my parents. And of course I didn't give it to them. Hell, if they read how nice I cleaned up the supply room, they'd be all over me about my messy room at home.

So, with that key, I was able to bring Amy last week to a place where we could be alone. And we started kissing, with lots of tongue you know. And pretty soon, I had my hand up her blouse and was coppin a nice feel of her boobs. She had on a sports bra. Her tits aren't as big as Ellie's but I didn't tell her that. They was nice and firm and as i played with them, I felt her nipples harden and then she was the one coppin a feel. I felt her hand on my crotch and my cock was practically screamin to get out. I guess she must have heard it cause as we kept kissin and as I kept feelin her boobs, she opened up my pants and took matters into her own hands. I figured her titties wanted release also, so I pulled her bra up off them and she started moaning. Then she dropped down and gave me an awesome blow job. And that's why I was twenty minutes late to practice.

So Delmore leads me back to the locker room and i wonder what I gotta help him with, and he drops his pants and tells me to drop mine. "Oh, come on, Delmore." But I knew I had to do it. Coach always tells us we're a team and as a team we gotta be willin to give up our ass to anyone on the team who needs it. I mean we're all straight just like Coach, but sometimes you know you just gotta get your rocks off and for Delmore this was one of those times. So I dropped trou and bent over the pummel horse. I could feel him back there pushin his dick against my hole and he kept pushin and pushin and nothin was goin in. And he says oh shit. And I know he'd gone soft. That's what happens to some guys when they wait too long. So I told him to switch places, so he did and I fucked him real good, cause after that blow job I wasn't soft at all! And we was both screamin so loud they probably heard us outside. And when we was through, the pummel horse was all sticky and it wasn't from me. So poor Delmore got his rocks off anyhow.

And when we got out on the field the coach asked Delmore if I helped him out and he said I sure did. And Moody punched my arm and smirked and I didn't care. When you've had a good fuck, you really don't care about anythin else. And Delmore's boicunt is a good fuck even though he is a dude. Not as good as Amy or Ellie of course, you understand! After all, I am straight!

I'm straight. My dad's straight. Mr. Jeffers and Mr. Whitman are straight. And Randy Jeffers, – he's my age, 14 – he's straight. And Eddie Whitman, – he's a year older, in tenth grade, – is straight too. Of course, little Tony Jeffers says he's straight but hell he's only eight, what the fuck does he know. And my bro, Carl, swears he's straight too, but he just started cummin this year and so far hasn't nailed a chick yet. Sure, he fucks those faggots at school, but that don't make him one, just like it don't make me one. And what we do on Saturdays doesn't make us queer either!

Poor Delmore. Of course he never told no one we switched places in the locker room. And hell I didn't snitch on him either. What's the point? He's a good dude and all, and we both got our rocks off, and he's a great wide receiver. Go team! Now if it had been Bulldog who needed my help that day, he wouldn't have gone soft. No way. Bulldog Kelly is our halfback, a senior with the biggest cock on the whole damn team. After tryouts when I first got on the team, the Coach had me and Hargrove and Maggio the other two rookies meet the rest of the team and that's when we learned about the "give up your ass to anyone on the team who needs it" rule, and Coach explained it didn't mean we was queer, cause he knew we was all just as straight as him. And it sounded pretty good to me cause I know there'd be times when I'd wanta get my rocks off, and now I had a whole locker room of asses to pick from, and no matter which one I chose, he'd have to spread his cheeks for me. So when Coach asked us if we understood, I answered, "Yes, Coach!" real cocky like. But of course it works the other way round too. And the next thing I know, Bulldog is tappin me on the shoulder and rubbin his crotch real hard. He sneers at me to drop my pants. I forget now who got Hargrove and Maggio, but there we was all three of us lined up with our pants around our ankles givin one up for the team, while the rest of them stood around and watched and wanked, includin Coach himself. And I heard Hargrove whimperin beside me like a baby and I seen Maggio on the other side shakin like a girl and I like smirked and I felt Bulldog's big cock attackin my hole and I just gritted my teeth and took it like a man, and I think the rest of the team was impressed. I know Coach was. A couple times this year he called me into his office cause he had to get his rocks off. I never dared ask him if that meant I could fuck his ass too.

What Coach and the other guys didn't know, – and I sure as hell had no reason to tell them, – was that Bulldog's was not the first cock I'd had up my hole. Three others have gone there and they've been plowin my ass now for almost four years.

Randy just texted me with the answers to my math homework, so now I don't gotta waste time on that and I can keep writin my story. Randy's my best friend. We've been in the same class since Kindergarten. His dad is cool. He coached Little League when we was younger, but I got bored and dropped out. I also quit Scouts and Band. Dad says that's somethin I'm really good at: quittin. He made a bet with Mom that I'd quit football, so I'm gonna prove him wrong this time.

We was all over at Randy's house last Saturday. When I say all, I mean the three dads and the five boys. The Spencers and the Jeffers and the Whitmans been gettin together every Saturday for almost four years now. Well, the males that is. The wives don't come and Randy's sister, eleven-year old Gloria, ain't invited, which makes her mad. But Randy says his dad spoils her the rest of the week so she's got nothin to fuckin bitch about. And of course, Beth ain't invited either. She's our sister, Carl's and mine, but hell she's only six. Mr. Jeffers didn't even let Tony join us until his eighth birthday. He wanted to make sure the kid was old enough to keep his mouth shut. Cause you see what we do when we get together is secret. The reason we was at Randy's house was that Mrs. Jeffers and Gloria got tickets to see Justin Bieber so they was out of the house. Gloria thinks Bieber is some sort of god or something. She's got his posters all over her room. Hell, she's still a little girl. She don't even got boobs. Probably don't have hair on her pussy either.

So, anyway, Dad and Carl and me get to the Jeffers house and Eddie Whitman and his dad is already there and they're all shootin hoops on the driveway so we join them and we team up, four against four, and little Tony's on my team, the shirts, but he's been practicin and he shoots pretty good but of course he can't block for shit. Carl's on the other team, the skins. And we really work up a sweat, especially Mr. Whitman, who's kinda fat. He was a skin. We play like an hour and then Mr. Jeffers calls for the pizza and we go inside and the men pop open some cans of beer, and Eddie and Randy and me are allowed to have beer. Well, just one can. But Carl's gotta wait til he's 14 which pisses him off so he drinks soda with Tony, the baby, and tries to outbelch everyone. And the pizza comes, and Mr. Whitman pays for it cause he's got money comin out of his ass. And he still has no shirt on. Cause after we finish eating, we're all gonna take our clothes off anyway you know. The men finish quick and they start naggin us to finish, but we tell them to fuck themselves and we take our own fuckin time to eat and by the time the pizza is all gone, the three men is sittin there with nothin on and three big hardons.

So then, we boys we get our backpacks and we take off all our clothes and get our dresses out of our backpacks and put them on. And then we start usin our girl names. I'm Lily and Carl is Gwen and Randy is Janet and Eddie is Yvonne and when Tony joined us a couple months ago he became Samantha. Now, I know what you're thinking. But you're wrong. We ain't gay or queer or faggots. A couple years ago, the three dads got this brilliant idea that us boys, – there was still just four of us, – ought to wear dresses for our Saturday get-togethers. We bitched about it, but of course we did what they said. We're not angels, no way, but we do listen to our dads.

So after we got our dresses on, Carl (oops I mean "Gwen") and me kneel down in front of Dad and take care of his hardon with our hands and tongues, and "Yvonne" sucks off his dad and little "Samantha" sucks off his dad while his brother "Janet" gets behind him to rim his sweaty asshole. And the dads is moanin and all cause well you know it feels fuckin good! I know when Amy sucked me off in the supply room it sure felt great! So then we start movin around and I leave Gwen with Dad and start to rim Mr. Whitman. And after a few minutes, I'm suckin Mr. Jeffers. And by that time, he's ready to blow his first wad, so he leans me over the arm of the couch and pulls up my dress and pushes his cock against my asshole. And it's plenty wet with precum so I just scrunch my eyes and pretend to shit and my hole opens up and he pops inside. And he's holdin my hips and poundin away and Carl is on the couch practically kneelin on my head kissin Mr. Jeffers.

And when Carl moves his knee a little, then I can see little Samantha is on his hands and knees on the coffee table and Dad is fuckin him doggy style. I know Dad's not goin all the way, maybe about halfway in. Which is more than last week and lots more than the first time. The first time, Tony "Samantha" was tryin to be brave, cause he wanted to do everythin the big boys did. He caught on to suckin real fast, but gettin his little hole opened was a struggle. His eyes was all teary and he kept makin burblin sounds but he kept lettin the men stick their wigglin fingers in there until finally Mr. Whitman felt it was ready and he popped his cherry. He just put his cockhead in, that's all, but he filled the kid's hole with jizz and then Dad took over and finally Samantha's own dad and so he was drippin jizz on his new dress the rest of the night as he sat and watched the rest of us get screwed. But now he don't sit much. He wants to get as many fucks as anybody else.

Dad always told Carl and me we can go ahead and fuck whoever the hell we want to all week long but for the Saturday get-togethers we have to be bottoms. And the other dads give their boys the same rule. I wouldn't mind stickin my cock in one of their asses, especially Samantha's, but that's the rule. Only the three dads can fuck. That was the rule from the beginning, but of course none of us boys could cum then anyway. Eddie was only 11, me and Randy was 10 and Carl was the baby at 8. But in a couple years, Eddie Whitman had pubes and I guess the men realized that boys grow up and so they told us we had to wear dresses to remind us that only the dads can fuck on Saturdays. But they don't make us put or wigs or makeup or shave our pubes or anythin like that, thank God. It's only the dresses and the names. We ain't fuckin drag queens or nothin cause we ain't gay like I said.

Chapter 2

Hell, I don't mind the dress too much, cause the other boys is all wearin them. And it's fun when we buy them. You see, we wear the same dress week after week so it looks pretty ratty after a while, so when one of us has a birthday, we all take the birthday boy to the store to buy him a new dress. It's so funny. The seven of us walk in (well, now there's eight) and we tell the sales lady that he needs, – well, let's use Carl as an example, – we tell her Carl needs a dress for a school play. So then we go to the racks for Carl's size and we pick out a whole bunch of dresses for him and he takes them into the dressin room and he has to put each one on and come out and show us and we laugh and whistle and make cat calls and Carl turns all red, and all the time he's tryin not to spring wood cause he's all horny and that cock seems to always want to pop up and he ain't wearin nothin under the dress. Mr. Jeffers cops a feel and makes sure of that. So finally, we decide which one Carl should have and Mr. Whitman hands the lady his credit card and Carl is happy to get out of there, but not as happy as the sales lady to see us leave. And on the way out of the mall, Carl takes his old dress out of his backpack, that's covered in a year's worth of dried cum, and leaves it on the floor of the men's room for someone to find. And then when it's my birthday Carl gets me back cause now he's one of the ones laughin and I'm the one turnin red. But of course we're in a different store. We can never go back to the same store twice.

So when Tony turned eight earlier this year, we all took him to buy his first dress and he thought it was silly but he had fun puttin them on and then later that day he found out about suckin cock and poppin cherry. Of all of us, he looks the cutest in a dress. I drew a picture of him in his dress and gave it to him. His dad said it looked good, said I had talent. Samantha keeps the pic hidden with his dress.

So, after Dad fucked Samantha last Saturday, Mr. Whitman came over to fuck him, and Dad came to me to suck him off to make him hard again and he was kissin Yvonne. It takes a while for old men (they're all about forty) to recharge and they all want to fuck all five of us so that's why we're usually there til after midnight. We do our best to fluff them by suckin and rimmin and kissin. We got no trouble shootin our wads ya know (well, I don't mean Samantha, of course.) Even Gwen now that he ain't the baby no more shoots, but it's not as thick as mine. I'm always sprayin cum at our get-togethers; a lot of it ends up in my dress, but sometimes it goes on the furniture; hell, I can't help it. Mr. Jeffers had a big pile of cum rags so when the dads was fuckin other kids, I tried to clean up any puddles I could. Hell, here I was in a dress usin a cloth to clean off the table like a fuckin bitch!

It's easier in the warehouse. When one of the moms is away, we all go to that dad's house for our fun, but most of the time we go to this warehouse that Mr. Whitman owns. Then we don't gotta worry about the furniture. He's got a room there just for us. It's got a pool table so we shoot pool to get started instead of basketball or baseball. We still have pizza delivered. It's also got a couple big beds and some couches so there's lots of places for them to fuck us.

It's a lot more comfortable fuckin on a bed than on the ground in a tent. That's where we was when this whole thing got started. It was almost four years ago. Mr. Jeffers and Mr. Whitman and Dad were talkin one time and Dad said he used to go campin with Grandpa, and Mr. Jeffers said he did too. And they decided to take me and Randy and Eddie campin that summer. But when Carl heard about he went cryin to Mom so she persuaded Dad to bring him to. And like I already told you if you was payin fuckin attention, Eddie was 11, me and Randy was 10 and Carl was 8 so he was the baby. Tony, of course, was only four then. The dads went out and bought three tents and sleepin bags and Mr. Whitman bought a little boat and motor and a trailer to pull it and a whole lot of other stuff for cookin and fishin and bug spray and I forget what all. And we drove way upstate to this place he knew about. Not a real campground, just some woods and a lake and miles from nobody! We left home while it was dark and it was still late afternoon before we got there. Dad said we had to make too many pit stops and bawled us out for drinkin too much soda. Then the dads decided where to pitch our tents and they went a ways into the woods and hung a plastic bag with a roll of TP on a tree and put a little shovel there and told us after we did our business to bury it. So we called it the shit tree. And they had us go around and get firewood and they built a campfire and we cooked hot dogs on sticks and had bags of potato chips and soda. And they started tellin ghost stories and it was neat bein in the woods with our dads. And since there was no women around, they used words like shit and fuck and hell. And then the fire went down and we got cold and went into our tents.

And in the night, Carl had to pee and he woke me up to go outside with him cause he was scared and I told him he was a baby but I went and peed anyway. And there was a million stars in the sky but we was so fuckin cold we quick got back in the tent and in our sleepin bags. So the next mornin, Dad said he didn't sleep at all cause it was so fuckin cold and I told him if he wasn't sleepin then there was a bear snorin in our tent and Carl laughed and Dad told me to fuck myself. He hadn't had his coffee yet. And Mr. Whitman said he wasn't cold but he didn't sleep cause he felt every rock in his back. And Dad asked him why he wasn't cold and he told us him and Eddie opened both their sleepin bags and zipped them together to make one big bag so they kept each other warm. And Dad snickered and Mr. Whitman punched him and said it wasn't gay, it was just fuckin smart. And then Mr. Jeffers said he wished he had Mrs. Jeffers in his sleepin bag cause he didn't sleep cause the woods made him so fuckin horny. And Randy said, "Dad, did you ever fuck anyone before Mom?" and then the three Dads started talkin bout all the bitches they'd ever fucked and shit it was so cool and they told us not to tell our Moms about what they said that men gotta keep secrets and we liked when they called us men and they said we'd be fuckin girls soon cause soon we'd be gettin pubes and well not Carl of course he'd have to wait a while. And he got all grumpy.

So we drank hot cocoa and Mr. Jeffers cooked us bacon and eggs over the fire and it was a great breakfast and we all took turns goin to the shit tree. And then Mr. Whitman put his boat in the water and we went out fishin and I caught the first fish and Dad took my picture and altogether we caught enough fish for lunch but Carl didn't catch any and he got grumpy again. And by the time we finished lunch the sun was hot and we decided to go swimmin.

And Randy and me was the first ones in the lake and right away we was out again cause it was fuckin cold. And Eddie and Carl was laughin at us and they just tippy toed in the water and shivered and so we started splashin them and Carl got mad and said he'd tell Dad and then we seen the men comin to the lake and Mr. Whitman was bare assed. He said he forgot to bring a bathin suit and what the hell we're all men and so he decided to swim naked and then his son Eddie yelled "skinny dip" and took off his suit and then he grabbed Carl's trunks and yanked them down and Carl was grumpy again but Dad was laughin and takin off his own suit so Carl couldn't get no help from him so then we all got naked and got down in the water to hide our "privates" and laughed and kept sayin it was too fuckin cold but no one wanted to get out.

And finally Randy stood up and we all looked at him and giggled cause his dick was so tiny. And Dad said that's cause of the cold water and he stood up and I never seen Dad's cock so small. And all our dicks were shrivellin away and Carl began to get worried. And Mr. Jeffers said "Well, there's only one way to make it big again!" and he started jackin off. And then Eddie starts jackin and then we're all jackin like crazy to stop our dicks from shrivellin. And then Dad says, "Here, Carl, I'll help you." cause Carl wasn't doin it right. And Dad said I shoulda teached my brother how to jack off. So then I grab Mr. Whitman's cock and soon everyone is grabbin everyone's cock and helpin save their cocks from disappearin. And no one's laughin no more. We're all like quietly moanin enjoyin a good jack. And then Mr. Whitman shoots his wad right in my face. And Dad shoots too and gets Randy in the chest and we all look at Mr. Jeffers and Randy is jackin him and he's sayin "Oh yeah, oh yeah." And it seems to take like forever and then he shoots and there's this big jizz shower all over the lake. And Mr. Jeffers sits down in the water exhausted and says, "Shit, I needed that!"

And so then since our cocks had been saved from extinction, we could have a nice swim and stayed in the water a long time and dived and threw a soccer ball around and we kept coppin feels and the dads was feelin us kids and we was feelin the dads and sometimes we got stiffies and it didn't matter and Dad shot another load but made sure he didn't get anyone in the face. And Carl thought it was so cool cause he probably never thought that men got stiffies too. But then he got grumpy again cause no matter how hard he tried his dick was always smaller than anyone else. So Mr. Jeffers says he knows a way to make it bigger, and the other men stop splashin and look at him. And he winks and tells Carl it's somethin Mrs. Jeffers does to make his cock bigger. And his son Randy says "Dad!" like he shouldn't talk bout things like that, and Dad and Mr. Whitman are coughin and wonderin what to do. But Mr. Jeffers justs ignores them cause Carl looks so happy that he can make his dick bigger. So Mr. Jeffers sits down in the water in front of Carl and pulls him toward him between his legs and then opens his mouth and starts suckin Carl's weewee. And shit, you shoulda seen Carl's eyes; they opened up like big frisbees. And the rest of us just stood bout and watched. And then Carl closed his eyes and you could tell he was really likin it. He wasn't grumpy at all. And suddenly he starts to shake like all over. And then he stops shakin. And then he lets out a big gasp. And then Mr. Jeffers stops suckin him and looks up at his face and smiles. And Carl whispers, "Shit thanks, Mr. Jeffers" and he goes up on the beach and lies down and closes his eyes and his little dick is stiff as a pole pointin to the sky and it stays that way for like a half hour.

And suddenly, Randy and Eddie and me is all askin Mr. Jeffers to suck us off and he laughs and says the other dads are gonna have to help him and Dad says, "I'll suck you, Travis, but only so you learn how to do it, cause then you're gonna suck me off." So then for the next hour or so we're all suckin each other there at the edge of the lake, and no one is cold no more, and after Dad sucked me and I sucked him, then I sucked Randy and he sucked me, and then I sucked Mr. Whitman only this time I sucked him so good he shot another load right in my mouth and I had to spit it out in the water cause I didn't know what else to do.

And we went back to our tents and put our clothes on and sat around and we was all kinda quiet then cause I think we was all thinkin the same thing. And finally Eddie says, "Dad, was that gay?" And Mr. Whitman said "No!" and Dad said "No!" almost the same time. And Dad said, "Look, none of us is gay. We're all straight." Then he points to the other dads, "Hell, we're all married for fuckin sake." Then Mr. Jeffers says, "Well, I for one liked it, and if you like somethin and it makes you feel good, then I say do it." And Carl says, "I liked it too." And Mr. Jeffers went on, "There ain't no women here. We're all men, and we all know what men like, and we all get horny, so there's nothin wrong with playin with each other's cocks and suckin each other if there's no bitch around to do it for us. Of course, Boys, when you get a little older, it'll be nice to get a bitch to do it for you, cause I know you're all just as straight as we are. And now you'll be able to teach her how."

So that night we ate supper and told more stories around the campfire and while we was listenin we was also rubbin each other's crotches and sometimes we took someone's cock out of his pants and rubbed it or sucked it and sometimes the dads shot their loads again, and one time Eddie kept his mouth on Dad's cock and let him shoot it all down his throat and we watched his adam's apple bobbin and knew he was swallowin and we asked him how it tasted and he said good and grinned a sticky grin. And Dad said he wished Mom would do that. And the other men nodded.

And it was gettin cold so Eddie and Carl and Randy and me took a last piss and then got in our tents and Carl and me could hear Randy unzippin his sleepin bag and zippin it again and we knew he was zippin it to his dad's sleepin bag so they could keep each other warm. So Carl and me upzipped all three of our bags and we zipped two of them together and put the third one underneath so we wouldn't feel the rocks as much cause we figured there was room in there for Dad and us both cause Carl was little.

So Carl falls asleep real quick cause he did a lot today. Then I hear the men talkin outside and they like are reassurin each other that no they're not gay. That you can jack or suck another dude and still be straight. And then they startin talkin bout bein pedo and again they was reassurin each other that no they're not pedos. They'd never go fuckin a strange little kid in a park bathroom or anythin like that. That this was a great way to bond with their sons. They used the word bond a lot. Then their voices got even quieter and I had to really listen careful. Mr. Jeffers said he was still horny and he missed sleepin with Mrs. Jeffers, and Dad said he could sure use a good fuck himself and Mr. Whitman said, "A boy's ass is as good as a bitch ass and almost as good as a pussy." So I kinda knew what they was gonna do next.

So then I hear them pissin and I know they're gettin ready to come to bed. And I'm wide awake and I wonder what it's gonna be like when Dad uses my asshole. And it's pitch black in the tent and I can't see a fuckin thing. And then I hear the tent zipper open and then he zips it close again. And then I hear him takin off his clothes. And then he's feelin around and he feels where Carl's sleepin and he feels where I am and he snuggles his body between us in the sleepin bag and sure enough there's room. And he whispers, "You awake?" And then I know it isn't Dad. It's Mr. Jeffers.

Chapter 3

"Where's Dad?" I whisper.

"He's sleepin with Eddie tonight."

"Then where's Mr. Whitman?"

"He's in my tent with Randy." Mr. Jeffers put his arms around me and I can feel he has nothin on. He even took off his underwear. Then he put his hand into my pjs and grabbed my cock. "You like when I do this, right, Travis?"

"Yeah, I do." And like in two seconds my cock is ramrod straight.

"I think you'll feel better if you slip off your pants, Travis." So I did and then I feel his other hand pokin at my asshole. I naturally jumped a little. "Just relax, Travis. It's OK. Your dad and I have an agreement. He knows what you and I are goin to do tonight."

"He does?" Trouble is, I didn't know. I laid there a fuckin long time while he rubbed my cock and fingered my hole. Finally, I said, "You want me to suck you again?"

"I'd like that very much, Travis." So he wriggled up in the sleepin bag til his top half was out and I could get my mouth on his cock. He didn't seem cold or anything. I started suckin. And I remembered what he said about wishin he had Mrs. Jeffers in his sleepin bag cause the woods made him so fuckin horny. And I kept suckin and he started moanin and pettin my head and sayin "Good Boy, Travis." And I know he's gettin real hard and so I start wonderin should I keep my mouth on it and let him shoot his load in my mouth like Dad shot in Eddie's mouth? cause if I took my mouth off then the jizz would go all over the sleepin bag and I wasn't sure that would be good or not. So I'm wonderin this while I'm suckin.

And then just when I think he's gonna shoot it, he lifts my face off his cock and snuggles back down into the sleepin bag and I figure well, that's that. But that wasn't that, cause then he turns me away from him and I feel his cock all wet with precum and my spit pressed against my asshole. "Now, Travis, this may hurt a little bit, but it won't hurt so much if you just relax. You hear me?" I nodded even though it was pitch black and he couldn't see me noddin. "You're a big man, Travis. So I know you can take it like a man." Now I'm startin to shake a little, and I'm mad at myself cause I want to take it like a man like he said, but I couldn't help it. So he keeps whisperin, "I want you to pretend you have to shit, Travis. That will relax your hole and make it easier for me to get in."

There. He said it. The word IN. He's goin to put his cock IN. I'm goin to have it IN me. I couldn't believe it. What's it goin to feel like. I realized somethin else. That meant he was goin to fuck me. just like I was Mrs. Jeffers. So I said to him, "Does that mean we're gay, Mr. Jeffers?"

"No, Travis, don't you worry. I'm straight. You're straight. Your dad knows what we're goin to do and he knows we're both straight. Now don't worry. Just be quiet and do what I said. Pretend to shit." So that's what I did. I grunted and I couldn't believe it. My asshole opened a little, and his cock started comin in. And it hurt like hell. And I wanted to scream. But I also wanted to take it like a man. And I didn't want to wake up Carl. And I didn't want Dad to hear me screamin like a baby. So I just scrunched up my face and bit my pillow and he kept pushin his cock into my asshole. And I tried to be quiet, but I heard Eddie in the next tent. He wasn't screamin but he was makin a lot more noise than me and I realized Dad was pushin his cock into Eddie's hole. And just then, Mr. Jeffers pushed real hard and I couldn't help it. I screamed. And I felt so bad. And I hoped Dad didn't hear me, but of course he had to. I hoped he didn't stop fuckin Eddie to come to me. But he didn't. And now, Mr. Jeffers was pushin his cock in and out of my hole, in and out, in and out, and he kept goin faster and faster and he's gruntin like a pig. And I hear Carl askin "What you doin, Dad?" cause he can't see if ain't Dad. But Mr. Jeffers can't talk now and I can't talk now. We're busy fuckin. And then he suddenly stops pushin his cock in my asshole. He just holds it there for like an hour. Not really of course, but it seemed a fuckin long time then. And then I realize he's blowin his wad right inside my asshole. And when he does that, he starts slobberin the back of my head with kisses and he goes back to rubbin my dick. And he says, "You did good, Travis. You did real good." And Carl says, "Hey, you ain't Dad." and then both me and Mr. Jeffers start laughin cause it's so funny. And his cock got soft and flubbed out of my asshole. And he turned over and put one arm around Carl and kept one around me and he was all full of sweat. And the tent stank real manlike.

"So what was you two doin?"

"We was fuckin, dummy," I said. "Fuckin like men."

"I ain't a dummy. And I'm a man too." Then he was quiet and I think Mr. Jeffers was huggin him and maybe lickin his face I ain't sure. "So where's Dad?"

"He's fuckin Eddie, dummy. And Eddie's father's fuckin Randy."

"So when do I get fucked?"

And I was gonna say when you grow up, Dummy, cause you're still a baby. That's what I was gonna say, but Mr. Jeffers said to him, real sweet like, "I can fuck you right now if you want me to, Carl." And I couldn't believe my ears.

So then he takes his arm off me and turns his ass to me and I know he's playin with Carl and lettin Carl play with him, and I hear him whisper, "Now, Carl, this may hurt a little bit, but it won't hurt so much if you just relax. You hear me?" And I hear Carl say, "OK." And then Mr. Jeffers says "You're a big man, Carl. So I know you can take it like a man." And I knew Carl was smilin cause Mr. Jeffers called him a big man even though he was only eight. "I want you to pretend you have to shit, Carl. That will relax your hole and make it easier for me to get in." And I wonder what Mr. Jeffers will do if Carl shits for real, but I hear him gruntin and I know soon Mr. Jeffers' cock is goin to be inside my brother. And then I hear him sayin "Ow, ow, ow," and I know it hurts him bad. And Mr. Jeffers says to him, "Go ahead and scream, Carl, it's OK." And I wonder why he didn't tell me it was OK to scream. So Carl screams real loud and I know Dad can hear him and I wonder if he knew Mr. Jeffers was gonna fuck my brother too. And would he come runnin over. But he didn't. And now I felt Mr. Jeffers' ass goin back and forth so I knew his cock was goin in and out of Carl's hole and then I smelled piss and I realized Carl was wettin the bed. And he was screamin less now. Just whimperin like the baby he was. And then Mr. Jeffers stopped again. And it got real quiet. And then I hear him kissin the back of Carl's head, and I know he's rubbin Carl's little stiff nail. And he says, "You did good, Carl. You did real good." And Carl doesn't say nothin. And soon we hear Carl's soft breathin that he makes when he's asleep.

So the next morning, Carl and me get up and climb out of our sleepin bag and it's fuckin cold and we put on all the clothes we got with us. And Mr. Jeffers is still asleep in the bag. I tell Carl I guess we wore him out. And Carl giggles. And I ask him how his ass feels and he says it hurts a little and I say so does mine and he smiles, and we put our arms around each other and unzip the tent and go outside. And there's Eddie and Randy and they're tryin to start the fire. And we're all lookin at each other cause we all heard each other last night. And when Eddie stands up to get some more wood I can see by the way he's walkin that his ass hurts too. So I know Dad fucked him good last night. And he finally got the fire goin and it felt fuckin wonderful. And we're all standin round the fire tryin to get warm. And then Dad comes out of Mr. Whitman's tent wearin just his sneakers and a pair of boxers. He smiles at us.

"Ain't you cold, Dad?" Carl asked him.

"Nope, Son. Eddie here really heated me up last night and I still feel fuckin warm." He smiled at Eddie, but then he started wavin his arms around like a fuckin bird to get warm, so we knew he was lyin. He came over to the fire and stated blowin in his hands and his mornin wood was stickin right out over the burnin sticks.

"You want me to suck you off, Dad?"

"I'd like that a lot, Carl." Shit, why didn't I think to do that. Carl got on his knees in the ashes and started suckin Dad's cock. And then the other dads came out of the tents. Mr. Jeffers was wearin only his jeans and his socks and joined us at the fire. Mr. Whitman was wearin his rubber boots, his briefs and a vest and went off to the edge of the campsite and watered the trees. By the time he joined us, Randy was suckin his dad, so Mr. Whitman turned to Eddie, "Hey, what about mine?"

Eddie laughed and told him to fuck himself and then Mr. Whitman started chasin him but he's so fat he was soon out of breath. And by then the other dads was laughin at him. So he said "Next one who laughs doesn't get breakfast!" And there was dead quiet. For two seconds. And then we all laughed. So Mr. Whitman made us pancakes for breakfast anyway. They was burnt some but he made plenty of coffee and cocoa. And we took turns at the shit tree and then went into the tents to change our underwear for the day and the dads all had to get dressed anyway. So in the tent, Dad asked us if we was all right and we told him we was. And Dad asked if we was mad and we told him we wasn't. And Carl asked him if he was gonna sleep with us tonight or Mr. Jeffers again. And Dad asked him who he'd like. And we both said Mr. Whitman. And he laughed and looked at our sleepin bag and tried to imagine fat Whitman in there with both of us. So he talked to the other dads and they all agreed. Whitman would sleep with us and fuck us. And Dad would move to Randy's tent and fuck him. And Mr. Jeffers would fuck Eddie. And then we took the sleepin bags and brung them outside to hang in the sun cause Carl peed when Mr. Jeffers fucked him. And we was afraid the other guys would laugh but then we seen them hangin their sleepin bags out in the sun too and so nobody said nothin.

And that night when we headed off to bed we was all gigglin and laughin cause it was gonna be fun gettin fucked again. Fat Whitman was nothin like Mr. Jeffers. He had us perch up on top of him and we bounced up and down on his cock and it felt like all his belly fat was jigglin. His cock wasn't as long as Mr. Jeffers but it felt fatter. He fucked Carl first and then it took him a long time to recharge and I was afraid he'd never fuck me. But he did. And the next day, I talked to Eddie and we compared notes on how Mr. Whitman fucked us. And then I asked him how good a fuck was Dad and he said he was good and asked me about his dad. And I told him he fucked good too.

So, by the end of our four-day campin trip, we'd caught a fuckin lot of fish, ate a fuckin lot of burnt food, buried a fuckin lot of crap by the shit tree, swam a fuckin lot in the lake, and got our young asses fucked by all the dads. And the dads kept tellin us they wasn't gay and they wasn't pedo. So they decided we should all go campin every summer. And then Mr. Whitman said why wait a whole fuckin year. So then they decided to get together every Saturday and that's what we been doin ever since. But the next time we went camping, Mr. Whitman bought a popup trailer and Dad had a cap on his pickup, and Mr. Jeffers rented an RV. No more sleepin on the ground. Not that we did a hell of a lot of sleepin anyway.

Eddie says when he gets his drivin permit next year, he won't be comin to our Saturday get-togethers no more cause he'll be pickin up bitches. And then we'll be back to four boys and three dads. And then the year after that Randy and me will get our permits and so we'll be busy fuckin chicks on Saturdays and then there'll only be Carl and Tony and hell will their asses be kept busy. And it will only be Tony in the end gettin it in the end. So our Moms better get busy and make more brothers for us or else our dads will have to adopt kids. Or maybe they'll wait for Grandkids. Hell, I don't want to have kids just so Dad can get his jollies! But hell, I'm only jokin. Our dads don't really gotta fuck boys, cause like I told you already a million times, they ain't queer. They're straight.

The End

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