The Devil's AdvocateSanctuaryThe challenge was to write a short story with the following setting: This large town is located in the desert and looks run-down. It is best-known for a tumultuous history and its beautiful park. Also, rumor has it that the inhabitants are hiding something. |
Publ. Sept. 2015
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CharactersDrew (13yo)Category & Story codesNon-consensual storyMb – reluc oral anal – enema humil feminisation (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with The Devil's Advocate - Sanctuary in the subject line. |
PreludeThe Sahara desert has many major oases. There is one, however, that you won't find on any map. Not anymore anyway. About 70 years ago it was a vastly growing city well known for its tumultuous history and its beautiful large park. Many of the structures in the large city still stand. However, a ton have been removed in order to allow the park to be expanded. The park is so large now that it is more a jungle than anything else. It is 5 miles [8 km] wide and 14 miles [20 km] long. It is an amazing sight to behold. A huge patch of green in an otherwise empty ocean of brown sand. Not that just anyone is allowed to see it. If you get within 30 miles [50 km] of the place you will quickly find yourself surrounded by guards. Needless to say, there are many rumors about what the inhabitants might be hiding. What they don't realize is that it is actually the inhabitants that are being hid. The original plan for the place was to build a huge mansion in the middle of the jungle. A good number of run down stone homes were left standing on both ends of the 14-mile [20 km] stretch of jungle. This is where all the hired help were to stay. The jungle was grown and a road built down the center to allow the help to easily go to and from the mansion. They even cleared out a quarter mile section in the center for the mansion itself. However, the billionaire owner died just weeks before the foundation was to be poured. The billionaire's son had no desire to build a home in the middle of nowhere. That is not to say he didn't find a good use for the oasis. 1.Butterflies flap around in 13-year-old Drew's tummy as he looks out at the vast park/jungle. It is the day of the monthly enslavement race. A day he has dreaded since his arrival here. Three weeks to be exact. He has good reason to fear the race. The losers spend a week as sexual slaves to the adults that run this place. Despite the dread of the horrific race, he has to admit that overall it hasn't been as horrible in this place as he first expected. Though, it is still pretty bad sometimes. Sure, he still gets picked on by some of the older boys, but he has also made plenty of friends. Granted, all of those friends are 'Pinkies' such as himself. Or at least that is what the non-Pinks call them. Their small all-male community has a three-color system 3; Pink, Green and Blue. Everyone wears a collar with their specific color on it. However, with rare exception it is pretty easy to tell which group each person belongs to. There are currently 11 Greens, 22 Blues and 12 Pinks. The Greens are all the boys 13 and younger. The Blues are all the boys 14 and up. The 'up' being 17 years old. Or at least that is the oldest any of the Blues seem to be to Drew. It's not like he hangs out with any of them and can ask. The Pinks can be any age. However, they are the weaker boys. Or at least they become so within a couple months of their arrival. Unlike the Greens and Blues, the Pinks get a regular diet of estrogen and other drugs. Drew tries not to think about the drugs they put in his food. He tells himself the drugs won't affect him as much as the other Pinks. However, he is already noticing small changes in his body. Though, he has to admit that most of it is probably in his head. His muscles seem weaker though. And he is pretty sure that his breasts are on the verge of budding. Or at least his areola seem a little puffier than those on the Greens and Blues. Of course, he has a long ways to go before he looks anything like some of the veteran Pinks. They look more female than male. The only thing that gives them away is the penis dangling between their legs. Something which is hard to miss considering everyone has to walk around naked. Most of the veterans have nice tanned bodies. Drew, however, measures his skin in shades of red. He was a very pale white when he first got here. Well, that isn't exactly true. He was actually dropped off in the desert some 7 miles [10 km] away. By the time he made it to the oasis he was lobster red. Thankfully, all of the dead skin has pealed away and left his body a lot less red. The adults running this place don't actually stay in the oasis. None of the boys know where their 'base' is. When you look out at the desert you see nothing but sand. Their best guess is that there are a variety of security stations deep in the desert surrounding the place. The adults do visit though. They come for race day of course. They also bring them things like food and water each week. With this in mind, it is unclear to the boys why they drop newcomers off deep in the desert. Some are convinced it is their captor's way of ensuring newcomers realize how hopeless escape from this place is. Drew believes they do it just because they can. Just some cruel joke. Drew has to admit, however, that the experience has given him a bit of a phobia of the desert. It is a phobia that most others here seem to share. Most won't even theorize escape plans, let alone actually orchestrate one. It is just as well. Even if the desert didn't claim them, their captors would easily track them down before they could reach safety. Heck, for all they know it could be hundreds of miles to the nearest community. That is not to say that no one ever leaves this place. One or two go missing permanently after almost every race. Or at least that is what others tell him. Of course, they tell him many things that he's not so sure is true. For example, some of the older Pinks told him that he can slow down the estrogen process if he stops masturbating. It sounds silly to Drew. That said, he still stopped. Better safe than sorry. It hasn't been an easy habit to give up either. He used to masturbate two or three times a day. While the addiction has been hard to break, he has found dealing with the humiliation to be of equal difficulty. He gets hard all the time now. And it is pretty close to impossible to hide it when you are naked 24/7. His 'condition' has been pointed out by many of the boys. However, not all do so in order to embarrass him. Some of the Pinks are blatantly gay and have offered to help him with his problem. The thought is too disgusting for Drew to even contemplate. As bad as these offers are, the offers from various Blues are even worse. They are more interested in receiving pleasure than giving it. Drew has seen what happens to Pinks that take Blues up on their offers. The Pinks are treated like slaves. They fetch food and water and do other errands for their respective Blue. And of course you can hear the Pinks' groans and even screams sometimes at night as they are sexually abused by their Blue 3; and sometimes the Blue's friends. The Pinks get something out of the exchange as well of course. While some might enjoy a bit of the sexual attention, most do it for favors. Those favors vary based on how cute the Pink is and how good of a negotiator they might be. The agreed on time period for the 'enslavement' plays a huge role as well. For example, a week of enslavement might get you a pair of 'rental' shoes. All newcomers arrive wearing shoes. That and their collar is all they are wearing as a matter of fact. However, most are so confused and exhausted from the long hot walk to the oasis that they make easy targets for thieves. Drew's shoes were stolen right off his feet. A group of boys ran out about a half mile to help carry him the rest of the way. And somewhere during that one of them took his shoes. Drew didn't think anything of it at the time. He had much bigger things on his mind at the time. Little did he know that shoes are worth their weight in gold here. Not only do they help you navigate the hot sand but they are a huge advantage during the race. "Hungry?" The sudden comment makes Drew jerk in surprise. He knows who it is even before he turns. He would know that female voice anywhere. It's Darla. The 16 year old isn't a real female of course. Though, one could easily argue that she has more female attributes now than male. She is one of the veteran Pinks. "Sure," Drew says with very little enthusiasm. So far, eating here has been the absolute worst experience for Drew. The experience is far worse than just the fact that they have estrogen and other drugs in their food. It is the manner in which Pinks are required to eat. As they run through the hot sand, Drew can't help but feel appreciative to Darla for all that she has done for him. She was Drew's first friend here. She is the one that showed Drew around and told him about the community rules. The community's rules are pretty simple. No violence or other physical bullying. Even the enslavement agreements are not allowed unless you get approval first. While the concrete and stone structures in the community look rather crude and run down, they are all wired with an elaborate surveillance system. To add insult to their captivity, the boys are even required each day to dust off the solar panels which power the equipment. The cameras are well hidden, but most have been found by the boys. Drew and Darla arrive at the Pink feeding area all to soon. Drew feels ill as they enter the structure. The smell isn't that pleasant but it is the humiliation that Drew dreads the most. Well, that and the taste of the food itself. Why couldn't I have been a Green? It is a question Drew often asks himself. He hadn't done anything wrong that he knew of. His captors simply snapped a Pink collar on him and dropped him in the desert. It all seemed so random and very unfair. Had they given him a Green collar then in a year he would even be a Blue. Life as a Blue in this place is significantly better. Especially when you consider the fact that they aren't being turned into shemales. Actually, the Blues and Greens often call Pinks 'sissies'. Or at least that is what they call them when they aren't using the term 'Pinky'. Blues and Greens not only get to eat better food but they get to do so with a ton more dignity. Drew walks over to a 'trough' that runs the length of one side of the room. Though, the trough would probably better be described as a ditch of sorts. He turns his back to it and gets down on his hands and knees. He then crawls backward until his knees are at the edge of the ditch and his feet are safely on solid ground on the other side. He then waits for his dinner. There are a couple Blues at a table at the far end of the room. Drew watches them out of the corner of his eye as they fill a couple dog bowls with slop. Drew has found that it is best not to watch the Blues too closely as they prepare meals. The Blues are well known for adding 'special ingredients' to the dishes. It isn't unusual to see one or two jerking off into the kettles of slop. And if they catch you watching they often will spit into your bowl as well. "Here you go sissies," one of the Blues says as he puts a dog bowl full of slop in front of each of them. Believe it or not, many Blues actually volunteer to feed the Pinks. The place may smell a bit but humiliating a Pinky brings a bit of excitement to an otherwise boring day. At least for those Blues that don't have a Pink of their own to play with. "You are turning into a pretty one," the Blue says as he checks Drew for pubic and other body hair. About the only supplies the Pinks are guaranteed to get is hair removal cream. And of course failure to use the cream is punishable. Not that most pinks grow that much body hair below the neck thanks to the drugs they get. As the Blue finishes his inspection, he reaches down and gives Drew's 5" [13 cm] long and 1" [2½ cm] thick hard penis a tug. Drew blushes and swats the Blue's hand away. Pinks aren't supposed to lift their hands from the floor until they are done eating. However, the Blue's actions are out of line. The Blues aren't supposed to touch Pinks or Greens unless they agree to be touched. Not that Drew would dare report a Blue for such an infraction. Especially with the race so close at hand. Upset by the swat, the Blue goes to his knees next to Drew's face. Drew blushes when the older boy's hard cock comes within inches of him. The Blue then starts jerking off. This isn't all that unheard of in the Pink feeding area. Especially if you are there alone with the Blues like Drew and Darla currently are. Technically, this is something a Pink could report also. However, the violation is a bit of a gray area. Yes, it is sexual and even a kind of bullying. However, the Blue isn't actually touching the Pink. Well, not with their body anyway. Needless to say, Drew regrets the earlier swat. It had been instinct though. He has spent the last three weeks swatting his own hand away from that area. Having a stranger touching him there was exponentially more alarming. "You can use your hand if you want," the Blue whispers to Drew. This is the third time Drew has been in this situation. He knows that if he refuses to help the boy jerk off then the cum will be shot in his face. This is what happened the prior two times. Drew blushes profusely as he reaches up and grabs the boy's cock. It is the first cock he has ever touched besides his own. While this is humiliating, it pales in comparison to having the cum shot in his face. He just wishes that Darla wasn't here to witness it all. Granted, if she wasn't here then these boys would probably try to get him to do something even worse. Around here there is definitely power in numbers. Drew just wishes that they would have waited until more pinks were present before entering the 'dining' facility. The cock is soft, yet hard at the same time. It feels very warm and so foreign to Drew. It is nothing like when he touches himself. He isn't sure if it is because it is someone else's cock or if it is simply the size of the thing. It is about 8" [20 cm] long and 1¾" [4 cm] thick. It dwarfs Drew's much smaller penis. A lot of the older Blues have large cocks like this. It is something Drew couldn't help but notice. He also noticed that most of the older Pinks have small penises. Many are smaller than his own in fact. Drew fears that the drugs they feed them is a result of this. He can't help but wonder if maybe the Blues get drugs that help increase the size of their cocks. Oh, why did they make me a Pink? Drew thinks in sorrow as he begins to stroke the older boy's cock. "That's a good girl," the Blue says as he shuffles even closer to Drew. "How about you put the head in your mouth? You are going to end up eating the cum anyway." Drew frowns at being called a 'girl'. He knows it is something he will be called more and more as the drugs transform his body. However, right now he is still very much a boy. Considering what little time he might have left in this regard, the least others could do is continue to refer to him as such. That said, he has to admit that there is a certain logic about taking the load directly in his mouth. Thanks to Drew's hand job, the older boy might now be nice enough not cum on Drew's face. However, he will still make sure the cum goes into the dog bowl. So, Drew will be eating it one way or the other. Logical or not, there is still a huge difference between eating it with his food and taking it directly in his mouth. Or at least there is to Drew. "Oh!" Drew groans in surprise and pleasure when he feels a hand on his cock. At first, he thinks the older boy has somehow reached his cock again. However, when he looks back he discovers that it is Darla touching him. While this shocks him a little, it isn't completely surprising. While he and Darla have only been friends, it has become clear to Drew that Darla is attracted to him. Drew would be lying if he said he didn't get plenty of hardons when looking at Darla. Of course, after three weeks without masturbating he gets hard if the wind blows just right. That said, the idea of being romantic with Darla makes him feel a bit ill. She may have some lady parts but she is still a boy 3; right? Any other time and Drew would see Darla's actions as a betrayal. However, he knows that Darla is aware this is Drew's first time touching a boy. Darla is no doubt trying to make the ordeal more tolerable by not only participating in it herself but also adding pleasure to the experience. "No," Drew tells her in a whisper so low that it is clear that he isn't sure he actually means it. Darla continues as though she didn't hear him. Drew nibbles on his lower lip as he lets out a moan of pleasure. He knows it is wrong, but this feels so much better than when he touches himself. Two more Pinks walk into the feeding area right when Drew is seconds away from cumming. He blushes profusely and pulls his hand away from the Blue's cock. At the same time he reaches back and pulls Darla's hand off his own. "Don't worry, they've seen this before," the Blue says as he gently pulls Drew's hand to the cock once more. Darla's hand returns to Drew's penis as well. Drew tries to push them away again but they persist. After three weeks of abstinence it doesn't take but a few seconds longer for Drew to give in. He tells himself that he isn't a willing participant but deep down he knows better. Disgusting or not, he can't deny the pleasure Darla is giving him. The two other Pinks arrange themselves at the trough across the room. At first, Drew is relieved that they went there and not closer. However, when he glances over he realizes that setting up across the room has given them an unobstructed view of the activities. Drew blushes even brighter as he quickly averts his eyes. The Blue's cock is drooling precum like crazy. It isn't long and Drew has the length of the cock shiny with the natural lubricant. Drew's hand makes sloppy wet sounds as it pistons back and forth. Another minute passes and the Blue then presses the head of his cock against Drew's lips. Drew turns his head though, creating a slimy wet trail from his lips to across his cheek. "Mmm," Drew moans as Darla doubles her efforts. In addition to stroking his cock, Darla is now using her other hand to tweak his nipples as well. Drew's nipples become hard and his areola expand out slightly. It is an odd sensation for the 13-year-old. His nipples are sensitive and Darla tweaking them makes Drew feel like pulling his hair out. Yet, that same sensation is sending an odd electric current directly to his hard penis which takes his arousal to new heights. Drew isn't sure why but he finds himself slowly turning his face back toward the Blue's cock. He will later come up with many excuses as to why. However, the truth is that part of him wants to take the Blue's cock in his mouth. Well, the head anyway. He finds it silly to believe the entire thing could ever fit in there. I can't believe I'm really going to do it! Drew thinks as his lips touch the head of the cock. "Oh," the Blue moans as Drew sticks his tongue out and gives the head a tentative lick/taste. "That's a good girl." Drew is surprised to find that the taste isn't as horrid as he had imagined it would be. In fact, there is hardly any taste at all. As he gives the cock head another lick, Drew can hear the Blues across the room cheering their buddy on. He is also pretty sure he can hear the two Pinks giggling. His blush deepens. And yet, the humiliation of it all somehow heightens his pleasure even further. It is something that Drew can't even begin to understand. Drew slowly parts his lips and let's the head of the large cock begin to slide inside. "MMM!" Drew suddenly moans in pleasure as his small penis begins to shoot cum on the sand below him. As he rides his climax, the young Pink sucks on the head of the Blue's cock as hard as he can. He is rewarded with a good tablespoon of precum. He quickly swallows and tries to suck more out. The Blue's moans make it clear to Drew that he is about to get more than just precum. For an instant he is almost looking forward to slurping down the older boy's cum. However, Drew's climax comes to an end and he realizes exactly what he is doing. His pleasure is rapidly replaced with revulsion once more. He quickly pulls the cock from his lips and points it at his food bowl instead. "Oh! Oh!" the Blue groans as he cums into Drew's food dish. Drew feels ill as he watches squirt after squirt of the white slime coat the top of his dinner. The disgust is only outmatched by his utter humiliation with what he just played a willing part in. He can't help but wonder if this now makes him gay. He has to struggle to hold back his tears. He doesn't want to be gay. "Get eating Pinky," the Blue says with a chuckle. Drew gags as he licks across the top of the bowl full of slop. He gets some of the stew underneath, but mainly he just gets a mouth full of cum. It has a much stronger taste than the precum did earlier. It is a tad bitter with a little salt mixed in. It isn't the worst tasting thing he has ever eaten at this place. However, it is still the most disgusting. He gags in disgust again when he tries to swallow. The slimy cum wants to go down in one big glob, yet it still somehow leaves a gooey trail behind. As Drew is dealing with the cum, the Blue leaves and briefly returns with two enema bags. He attaches them to hooks high above the ditches. "Oh!" Drew grunts as the enema nozzle is forced in his asshole. The Pinks get these enemas every day during breakfast and dinner. Drew has been especially dreading this particular enema. Unlike the pure warm water they normally get, on race day there are drugs added to the dinner enema. This will be Drew's first time experiencing them. "Oh! Oh!" Drew says when he feels a kind of burn deep inside. It takes all of Drew's willpower not to fight against the enema. He squirms for almost a minute before he finally calms down. The Blue chuckles. The older teen is very familiar with the drugs' effects. He has been caught by Hunters several times and had to endure plenty of sexual enslavement. And he has been given the drugs many times during each enslavement. They are fast acting drugs and last for several hours. The drugs confuse the mind and give a rather pleasant feeling. The Blue hooks Darla up and then goes back to Drew. He runs his hands back and forth on the boy's rump. He also reaches underneath in order to feel the liquid bloating out the small boy's belly. The hand job was nice but what he wouldn't give to have this boy riding his cock. He is tempted to take the boy back to his shack after the feeding is complete. That would be a huge violation though. Once drugged up, the Pinks are off limits on race day even if they agree. Besides, the Blue knows he needs to save his energy for the race. "I'll be keeping an eye on you Pinky," the Blue says as he gives Drew's rump one last feel and then leaves so he can 'serve' the other two Pinks. Drew doesn't really hear much of what the Blue says. His head is floating on clouds. He barely even notices his insides being filled to the brim. Heck, even the foul taste of the cum covered food no longer bothers him. He just gleefully slurps it from his bowl. Drew and Darla slurp what they can from their bowls and then look up at the Blues. This is a sign for another Blue to come over to ensure they have eaten all the food. There of course is always still some left in the bottom. The Blue lifts the bowls up and then tilts them so the sissies can drink the rest down. He then takes the bowls back to the table so they can be used for the next customers. Simultaneously, another Blue walks over to them and removes the now empty enema bags. Despite the drugs, Drew still manages to blush as the nozzle is pulled from his rump. Some of the fluid squirts out and into the ditch but Drew manages to hold the vast majority inside. With their feeding now officially over, the two sissies are allowed to stand and use their hands again. This is a lot easier said than done with their bloated bellies and the drugs in their system. The Blues at the table laugh as they watch the two sissies struggle to stand. "I bet the little one falls in the trough," one of them says with a chuckle. For an instant, the Blue's prediction almost comes true. Drew loses his balance and starts to lean toward the ditch. However, at the last second he saves himself by grabbing hold of Darla. The two managed to stumble out of the structure and into the one across the street/path. This building is set up exactly like the other with the troughs along the walls. The only difference is that there are no Blues allowed in here. While a Pink is allowed to relieve their bowels in the 'eating' room, this room provides a ton more privacy. Plus it is just bad form to empty your bowels at the dinner table. Miraculously, Drew and Darla manage to squat over one of the troughs and relieve themselves without falling in. There is no toilet paper of course. Luxury supplies like that are controlled by the Blues. And that means doing favors in exchange for them. Drew and Darla have to settle for a hand full of sand instead. 2.Their heads swimming in drugs, Drew and Darla walk around aimlessly for a rather long time. Their instinctive need for water eventually guides them back to Darla's tiny one room 'home'. The water helps clear their system a little, but their heads are still swimming when they hear a loud blast in the distance. "It's time to gather," Darla says. The drugs brought such pleasure that Drew had almost forgotten about the race. That is no small feat when you consider how horrid the race is. Drew thinks of it more as a hunt than a race. The race is a bizarre sick game. Every full moon, the boys race 14 miles [20 km] through the park/jungle to sanctuary (the structures on the other side). They then stay there until the next full moon. Then there is a race back the other direction. The Pinks are released first. They get a ten minute head start. Then the Greens are released. Ten minutes after that and the Blues are released. The Pinks are fair game for anyone. If you are a Green collar and get a pink's collar then you are exempt for the rest of the day. A Blue is exempt for this race and the next one if they get a Pink's collar. A Blue can also settle for a Green's collar and get exemption for just the current race. If you are a Pink or Green and lose your collar then you are screwed. You go to the center path in the jungle and wait to be collected by the adults running the oasis prison. This is where the truly sick part comes in. Once collected you are driven off to become a slave for a week. During that time you are forced to perform sex acts with guests, guards and others that help run the oasis. It may sound like a raw deal for the Pinks. However, the Pinks have one major advantage. They only have to make it to the 7 mile mark with their collar in place. The race is over for them at that point. However, the Greens and Blues have to run the entire 14 miles [20 km]. And a new element is added for that final 7 miles [10 km] 3; hunters. For the final 7 miles [10 km] a Blue can still capture a Green in order to get immunity for the rest of the day. However, the Blues are usually more concerned about the hunters. The hunters are guests and other adults whose goal is to hunt down the Blues. The hunters are the Greens' best friend. As Drew and Darla make their way to the jungle entrance they are joined by others. The Blues and Greens practically jog to the gathering point. Most of the Pinks, however, are still staggering. Drew and Darla are staggering a bit but they are doing better than most. There are various Pink strategies when it comes to the race day drugs. Some, like Darla, like to go to the feeding area the second it is open. This allows time for the drugs to wear off a little before the run. Thus giving you a better ability to strategize. Others, however, wait until right before closing. That way they will still be rather 'high' during the race. The logic being that the high will allow them to run harder and further before having to slow to a brisk walk. The drugs not only deaden the pain from the exertion, but also helps for all the damage the bottoms of their feet take. Assuming of course that they don't have shoes. Drew is in awe as they approach the jungle. There are dozens of adults roaming about. The Pinks are lined up in front. The adults go from Pink to Pink handing out plastic bottles of water. They also have each one blow into a device. It doesn't take much for Drew to figure out that they are testing to make sure all of the Pinks are properly drugged up. "Go!" an adult yells after all the Pinks are checked. It takes Drew a second to realize the race has started. At first, he and all the other Pinks stick to the path that runs up the center of the jungle. The sun is going down but the path is still rather hot. There is a maze of paths in the jungle that get plenty of shade. However, they aren't a straight shot like the main road/path. This path will allow them to get maximum distance before the Greens and Blues are released. Many start to break off, however, around the 15 minute mark. They know that the Greens were released about five minutes ago and will be closing in soon. Some of the Pinks keep running as they enter the jungle. Others, however, look for hiding spots instead. Their goal being to hide and wait a couple hours until dark. With luck, most of the Greens and Blues will give up looking for them by then and continue onward. Before he knows it, Drew finds himself at the front of the pack. He looks back and sees four other Pinks still on the path. They have stopped running though. It takes Drew's dizzy mind a second to realize that these are probably the Pinks that have some kind of arrangement with the Blues. They either have an immunity agreement or they plan to sacrifice their collar to a Blue in exchange for privileges once they return from their week of enslavement. Drew isn't so sure he would just stop like that even if he had such an arrangement. They are taking a big chance that a Green might not honor the Blue/Pink agreement. Most Greens would be too scared to infringe on such an agreement. However, a Green that is about to become a Blue might. Drew suddenly slows when it dawns on him that Darla is no longer with him. He chastises himself for not looking out for her. She might be several years older, but Drew is significantly faster. He's probably a half mile ahead of her by now. He prays that she has left the path and is safe in the jungle. Drew speeds back up when he sees five or six Greens closing in fast. All of the rest have apparently left the trail. Not far behind them is a small pack of Blues. It is clear to Drew that the Greens still on the path are racing to get him before the Blues can catch them. Drew can tell, however, that the Blues will catch up to the Greens long before the Greens catch up to him. For a moment, he is proud of his simple strategy and running skills. However, when he glances back a moment later he sees that the Greens have scattered into the jungle and several of the Blues have stayed on the path. It then dawns on him that those Blues were never after the Greens, they are after him 3; the grand prize. "Fuck they are fast," Drew groans as he pushes himself even harder. The Blues are less than a block away and Drew is certain he still has at least 3 or 4 miles [5-7 km] to go. There is no way he is going to make it if he stays on the main trail. He takes a quick drink of water and tosses the bottle. He knows he will regret tossing it later but right now he needs to shed every ounce he can. He cuts off and into the jungle at the first sign of a path. He is afraid, however, that he has waited way too long to do so. Drew lucks out and happens upon a good hiding spot near a large rock. He holds his breath as the Blues run right past. However, one stops and doubles back. Apparently he is aware of this hiding spot. Drew tries to run again but it is too late. The Blue is on him in seconds. The Blue has a necklace with a key attached. It is something handed out at the start line to the Greens and Blues. The Blue uses the key to remove Drew's collar. "Got him!" the Blue yells out to the others. The other Blues return shortly to find Drew crying and their Blue friend holding the pink collar up in triumph. None look that happy at missing out on getting Drew's collar. Todd, Don, Jacob and Bull 3; Drew knows these Blues very well. These four are some of the oldest boys at the oasis. They are also considered the fastest runners, as Drew can attest to. It was Todd that got Drew's collar. "Where do you think you are going?" Bull says as Drew begins to walk back toward the main path. "Why not hang out with us for a bit? The other Pinks will be coming through here soon. If we manage to catch four more than we would have an extra collar we don't need. If you are nice to us then we might consider giving it to you." Drew blushes and swallows hard. He promised himself on day one that he would never make a deal with a Blue. That, however, was before he lost his collar. He is now facing a guaranteed enslavement if he doesn't broker a deal. "W 3;what would I have to do?" Drew manages to bring himself to ask as he glances at the four boys and their now hard cocks. "Cute," Bull says with a laugh. "Get the fuck over here." Drew wants to say 'no' and run away but he knows these boys are his only hope. He just prays that they are able to catch four more Pinks. "I caught him, he's mine," Todd informs everyone. The other three give him a dirty look but don't say anything. Fair is fair. Drew trembles as he slowly walks over to the older teen. Todd is just under 6 feet [1.80 m] tall. His body is glistening with sweat which helps highlight his well defined muscles. Despite the dread of the situation, Drew can't help but be impressed. However, the view also makes him rather sad. Todd's body is the exact opposite of a sissy's body 3; what Drew will soon become. "You're virgin, aren't you?" Todd says as he sits on a small bolder. Drew stays silent but his blush tells Todd all he needs to know. "Don't worry," Todd whispers as Drew finally reaches him. "I'll break you in good." This comment brings a fresh set of tears to the young Pink. In his youthful naivety, Drew had planned to 'win' every race. Deep down, he always knew that he would someday be caught. That said, he always thought it would be one of the adults in charge taking his virginity, not one of the Blues. Todd's hard cock is 7" [18 cm] long and 1½" [3½ cm] thick. While the thought of that going inside him is frightening, Drew knows the adults probably have just as big, if not bigger, cocks. What is adding to Drew's dread is the fact that Todd will always be able to hold this over him. And Todd will make sure that all the other boys know all the details. Drew won't be able to ever look any of the boys in the eye again. Especially Todd. Drew kneels down and wraps his small fingers around Todd's hard cock. His hope is that by volunteering to do this Todd might have pity on him and settle for a handjob. His hopes aren't that high though. Thanks to the sweat and Todd's precum, Drew's fingers easily slide back and forth on the cock. "Give it a lick," Todd moans after a moment. Drew's blush deepens. He knows he has to do it if he wants them to honor their agreement. It still takes him almost a minute to comply. Before leaning in, Drew gathers enough willpower to glance back at the other Blues. He is surprised to find that the other three boys are gone. This pleases him. Not only is there no audience to witness his fall but it means the three Blues are out searching for other Pinks. He swallows hard as he leans in. He did this just hours ago but it was very different then. Unlike at the food area, Drew has virtually no control over what will happen next. If Todd decides he wants to cum in Drew's mouth then that is what he will do. He continues to stroke the cock as he sticks his tongue out and gives the wet head a lick. His tongue comes away with a good amount of precum. He reluctantly allows it into his mouth and swallows. Todd's juices taste a ton saltier than the Blue Drew tasted earlier in the day. Drew concludes that this is a result of all the sweat. Drew licks the head of the cock several more times. He then stops stroking the cock so he can lick up and down the sides. The sides taste much saltier than the head. Drew feels a kind of sick pride when he hears Todd moaning in pleasure. He is disappointed, however, when the older boy pulls him away before cumming. He tries to reach for the cock again but Todd won't let him get hold of it. The older teen takes several deep breaths and waits a good minute before he let's Drew resume. Drew starts licking the sides of the cock again but Todd gently guides the younger boy's mouth back to the head. Drew is greeted by a ton of precum leaking out. "Yuck!" Drew thinks as he lets out a groan of disgust and starts licking and sucking up the slop. Todd's hand goes to the back of the sissy's head. The next thing Drew knows the head of the cock is no longer at his lips but deep in his mouth. He doesn't struggle, however, until he feels the head of the cock pressing against the back of his throat. "No more will fit!" Drew tries to say around the cock. Yet, Todd keeps pushing. Drew struggles but he is no match for the muscular teen. There is a great deal of discomfort and then something happens that Drew hadn't expected. The cock slides into and down his throat. Drew has heard the other Pinks talking about deep throating. However, he always thought they were making it up. He never thought something like this was physically possible. Not without killing the Pink anyway. "Good sissy," Todd says as Drew's pouty lips press against the teen's pubic hair. "No gag reflex. You really are a special one." Drew doesn't know what Todd is talking about but he can tell that the comment is meant as some kind of compliment. He doesn't feel pride though. All he feels is fear that he is going to suffocate. It takes him a moment before he realizes he can still get some air in through his nose. He is alarmed again, however, when Todd pinches his nose shut. While there is a tad of cruelty in this action, Todd does it for reasons beyond that. He knows from experience that a Pink is a lot more pliable once you deprive them of oxygen for a bit. Todd suffocates the young Pink until he is sure Drew is about to bite. He then let's him up for air. Drew only gets in a few breaths, however, before he feels the pressure on the back of his head again. "No!" Drew tries to say as the cock presses against and then down his throat once more. Todd repeats the process close to a dozen times before all of the fight goes out of the sissy. He lets go of the nose and then starts fucking the boy's throat. The next five minutes are a blur to Drew as his dizzy head is jerked up and down. He's fucking my throat! It is about the only thought the young teen can muster during the ordeal. He is aware enough to realize it is actually happening, yet he somehow still can't bring himself to believe it. The throat fucking gets even worse when Todd stands and starts thrusting into the boy. Drew is so weak now that he can do nothing but accept the treatment. "Good sissy! Good sissy!" the older teen moans. The throat fucking is so vicious that Drew is actually thankful when it becomes clear the older teen is about to cum. The last thing he wants is a mouth and throat full of cum. However, anything is better than what the boy is currently doing to him. Sure enough, the Blue lets out a loud grunt and starts cumming. The first shot goes deep into Drew's throat and straight to his tummy. Todd pulls back, however, for the following shots. There is just something about the look in a Pink's eyes when you fill their mouth with cum. Todd just can't get enough of it. Drew's eyes don't disappoint. Todd chuckles as Drew starts swallowing the gunk and scrunching his face up in disgust. Yeah, that is the final look we was waiting for. Todd sits back down on the boulder and catches his breath. As he does so, he looks down at the crying Pink before him. "Don't cry sugar," Todd tells him. "You did a good job." Drew wants to give the boy an evil look. However, he continues to look down at the ground in humiliation as he re-supplies his own body with oxygen. "No," Drew barely whispers as Todd grabs a hand full of the young teen's hair. "Clean it off," Todd growls as he moves Drew's face to his cock once more. Drew reluctantly starts licking and slurping the remaining cum from the older teen's semi hard cock. He begins to worry when he feels Todd's cock hardening under his lips and tongue. Sure enough, Todd brings the tip of the cock to Drew's lips and pushes it inside once more. Drew fights his instinct to resist. He doesn't even resist when the cock is forced into his throat again. Thankfully, Todd is a ton gentler with him this time. The older boy even lets go of Drew's head so the younger boy can throat fuck himself at his own pace. "Mmm!" Drew moans in protest when Todd angles him and starts toying with his rear end. Todd goes straight for Drew's rosebud. At first he just rubs the tip of his middle finger back and forth across it. "MMM!" Drew moans much louder when Todd forces the tip of the finger inside. While there is some discomfort, most of Drew's protest is just to let Todd know he doesn't want to be touched there. This of course only makes Todd want to do it more. "Oh!" Drew moans around the cock. Todd's finger has gone deeper and is touching a sensitive spot inside. It causes a very odd sensation for the young Pink. There is a kind of discomfort. Yet, it also sends jolts to his hard cock. "I think I found your ass clit," Todd chuckles as he watches the young boy dance around on the tip of his finger. "Wait until I get my dick up in there." Drew swallows hard when he hears this last bit. Part of him had hoped their sexual encounter was nearing an end. This announcement lets him know it is just beginning. He quickens his pace on Todd's cock. He would rather have another mouth full of cum than something this big up his asshole. Todd knows what the little minx is up to but he doesn't get angry. In fact it brings a smile to his lips. This will make his story even more entertaining when he tells the other Blues later. That of course is assuming the Pink doesn't succeed in his little plot. It takes all his willpower to pull the young boy away from his cock. He then lays down on the ground and motions for Drew to join him. It becomes blatantly clear to Drew that the older boy plans to mate him now. Drew knew all along that it might come to this. However, now that the moment has arrived he considers running away again. "Don't even think about it," Todd says as though reading his mind. "Be a good sissy and come ride my cock. If you are a good girl then I will be gentle with you." Drew slowly gets down on the ground next to Todd. He blushes profusely as the older boy positions him. Todd has Drew straddle his waist. Drew tries to face Todd's feet but the older boy insists that they face each other. Drew nibbles on his lower lip as his own penis and balls press up against Todd's warm muscular stomach. It becomes even warmer when Todd pulls Drew's body down against his own, thus trapping the younger boy's penis between them. Drew isn't sure what he is supposed to do so he just kind of hugs the older boy's upper body. He shivers in fear when he feels Todd's large cock being positioned. The next thing he knows, the head of the large cock is pressing hard against his hole. "Push against it," Todd whispers. Drew wants to disobey but he fears how much worse it will hurt if Todd does the pushing. Reluctantly, he tries to push himself down Todd's sweat-slick body. "OH!" Drew grunts when the head of the cock almost pops inside. He quickly pulls himself the other direction to relieve the pressure. It had been pretty uncomfortable, but he realizes it was more the shock of it than the actual pain. He slowly pushes the other direction once more. This time when the head threatens to pop in he holds his ground. He bites his lower lip as he pushes back even harder. "OH! OH!" he gasps as the head pops inside. "Good girl," Todd whispers as he grabs hold of the boy's hips to ensure he doesn't try to retreat again. Drew collapses once more against Todd's chest and stomach as he takes several deep breaths. He can't believe there is a cock inside him. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Drew moans as Todd pushes him further onto the cock. While there is a little discomfort, sinking deeper on the cock doesn't hurt anywhere near as bad as when the head had popped in. His moans are more out of the oddness and shock of having something pushed so deep inside. He lets out an especially loud moan when the head of the cock presses against and then slides past the magic button deep inside. It feels even better than when Todd touched him there with his finger. The odd pleasure from his ass clit makes him involuntarily hump back and forth on the cock. He does this for several seconds before he can get his hips under control. Todd just chuckles in response. Pinks always play hard to get. However, they almost always lose control once you start stimulating their ass clit. Todd holds Drew tight against him for well over a minute before he starts to withdraw his cock. "Oh! Oh!" Drew groans as he feels the cock sliding across his clit in the opposite direction. Todd slides Drew's sweaty body upward until the head of his cock is about to pop out. He then pushes the smaller boy back the other direction. "OH! OH! OH!" This time the loud moans from Drew are nothing but pleasure. The cock sliding across his ass clit in combination with his own penis sliding against Todd's slick tummy is enough to trigger Drew's climax. He holds Todd tight and moans into his chest as his hips rut against the older boy's stomach. The climax is more intense than anything Drew has ever experienced. "That's a good sissy," Todd says when he feels the Pink's cum squirting between their bodies. Normally Todd would be spanking a Pink right now for cumming on him. Blues cum on and in Pinks, not the other way around. This is Drew's first time, however, and Todd knows it is his duty to make the experience special for the boy. That is how you get them to come back for more. The spankings will start during the next visit. And Todd plans to ensure there is a next visit 3; and plenty after that. The older teen gives the boy a moment to catch his breath. He then starts fucking him again. Only now playtime is over. Instead of giving Drew a sense of control, Todd simply holds the boy tight against him and slowly thrusts his own hips up and down. Drew lets out a steady rhythm of moans as the older boy fucks him from below. The physical discomfort is all but gone now. However, the mental anguish is still very strong. In fact, it is doubly so now that Drew's arousal is gone. He is left with nothing but the humiliation of what is happening and the shame from having taken pleasure in it earlier. I'm gay now! His primary focus might be on the cock driving in and out of his bowels, but deep down this thought keeps going through his head. If what happened earlier in the day didn't make him gay then he is pretty sure this has. He tries to convince himself that he can only be gay if he likes the boy fucking him. However, the sloppy mess between their bodies reminds him how much he very much liked Todd and what they were doing just moments ago. Todd pumps up and down into Drew's hole for what seems like an eternity. He is slow for the first couple minutes but starts going at full speed once Drew loosens up enough. Drew's humiliation is complete when he realizes his own penis has gotten hard once more. He tries to fight against the please of his button being pressed but he only lasts a minute before he is cumming between their bodies once more. Todd feels the young Pink tighten down on his cock. However, he is too close to his own climax to notice Drew squirting again. In fact, it is the tightening of Drew's hole that finally puts Todd over the edge. "Oh! Fuck!" Todd groans as he shoots his load deep inside the boy. Drew can do nothing but cry. He doesn't know which is more humiliating and disgusting 3; that he just came again or the feel of the hot cum filling his bowels. Todd holds Drew tight for over a minute and gives the boy a few last thrusts. He then pushes the sissy off him. Drew gets to his knees and looks down at the ground in shame. "What are you waiting for?" Todd growls. "Get down there and start cleaning." Drew's eyes get wide. The cock had just been inside his ass. He is about to state the obvious but he knows it will do no good. The sun has pretty much set but Drew can still clearly see the older boy's cock in the moonlight. He is glad to see that it looks rather clean with the exception of cum and some ass juices. He thanks his dinner time enema for this. He is forced to lick Todd's stomach clean first. Slurping his own cum up has it's own disgust factor. It still pales in comparison to what he knows the second course will be. He licks at Todd's stomach until it is sparkling clean. He then scrunches his nose up in disgust as he leans in and starts cleaning the older boy's cock. Todd just lays back and looks at the stars. Life doesn't get much better than this around here. "I'm next." Drew jerks away from the cock when he hears Bull behind him. He turns two shades redder at the thought of how much Bull may have witnessed before making his presence known. He looks back to see the older boy standing there stroking his hard cock. Drew notices that there is a pink collar in Bull's free hand. He is please to see that they are one collar closer to giving his own back. Most of his attention, however, is on the larger boy's cock. He nibbles on his lower lip as he considers the boys 8½" [21 cm] long and 2" [5 cm] thick monster. He looks up at Bull's face in fear. He then looks back at Todd with pleading eyes. "Get back to sucking," Todd says in response. "I think I have at least one more load to feed you." Drew glances back at Bull's monster one last time before he leans back in and starts licking and sucking at Todd's hardening cock. Even as he feels Bull lining up his cock, Drew can't believe the boy is actually going to try to push that monster inside him. Despite the discomfort he knows is about to come, Drew can't help but wonder how good that large cock will feel if it actually gets inside and starts rubbing his clit. 3.Todd and his three buddies take turns with Drew for hours on end. It becomes clear to Drew after the first couple hours that the Blues have no intention of tracking down an extra pink collar. However, he is too exhausted and overwhelmed by the gangbang to put up any real protest. At some point Drew passes out from exhaustion. When he wakes he finds himself alone in the dark jungle. He waits around for a good hour just in case the Blues are out looking for the extra Pink collar. He finally gives up waiting and walks back to the main road to wait to be collected. He sits on the trail crying another hour before an adult in a extra long golf cart stops near him. The man can tell that the boy has been through a bit of an ordeal. This isn't uncommon on race day. He just chuckles and has Drew take a seat in the back. The captor drives him to the center of the oasis. Along the way they pick up several more Pinks and Greens. The cart then takes them out into the desert where they are loaded onto a cargo truck. They wait there for an eternity. Every 30 minutes or so the golf cart returns with more victims of the race. By the time all of the boys are accounted for and the race ended, the cargo truck is stuffed with naked boys. Drew is pleased to see that Darla wasn't captured. At the same time, he is upset with himself for not sticking with her earlier. He may not have been captured if he had done so. Drew counts at least 25 boys in the truck. He knew a lot of boys got caught each race but he had no idea it was this many. Despite how crowded it is, Drew and most of the other boys manage to fall asleep as the truck makes it's long journey. When they arrive at their destination, the back door opens and they find themselves inside a large warehouse of sorts. They are herded like cattle out of the truck and through a processing line. Their cuts and bruises are tended to. They are also given back their collars. For an instant, one of the female workers mistakes Drew for a Green. She is in the process of putting the green collar on when someone corrects her. "Sorry, sugar," the worker says when she sees the disappointment on Drew's face. The best part of the line is the showers. It feels good to have an actual shower. The only drawback to the showers is that it is immediately followed by an embarrassing public enema. Drew quickly realizes that the enema is drugged like the one he got earlier in the day 3; or was that yesterday? Regardless, he welcomes the dizziness and warm feelings. Anything to take his mind off what has happened to him recently and what will no doubt happen in the days to come. After relieving themselves they are fed. The Blues and Greens get green beans and meatloaf served on a paper plate with plastic forks. As usual, the Pinks' meals are less than desirable. It is a white liquid served to them in baby bottles. The form of delivery is humiliating but it is still better than eating from a dog bowl. "Get used to it," one of the workers says with a chuckle when he sees Drew's reaction to the flavor. Drew had thought the bottle contained milk. However, his taste buds quickly tell him otherwise. It tastes a lot like cum. However, there is something very off about it. He turns pale when it dawns on him this is indeed cum, just probably not human. He wants to protest but knows better. They will just punish him and make him drink it anyway. So, instead he bathes in the warm fuzzy feeling of the drugs in his system and nurses on the bottle like a good Pink. Once the horrid meal is over, each boy is escorted to one of the multitude of doors lining each wall in the warehouse. Drew has heard about these doors before. These are large bedrooms where each boy will live during their stay. They will share the room with a captor/master. Darla told him that sometimes there are two masters even. And sometimes there are two or three boy slaves per room. Sure enough, Drew notices more than one boy being taken to a few of the rooms. He almost manages a smile when he sees two Blues being taken to the same room. All of this may be new to Drew but he is smart enough to know that the two boys will probably have to play together in that room 3; among other things. This will give him something to hold over the two Blues if they try to bug him in the future. Drew is relieved when they take him to a room by himself. Not that he is actually alone. There is a large man standing just inside the room when Drew arrives. "Your slave, sir," the woman escorting Drew tells the man. The large man, Charles, thanks the woman but doesn't look all that pleased. A part of Drew is disappointed that he doesn't please the man. Is there something wrong? As a matter of fact, there is. Charles was told he would get a sissy. This boy looks 3; well, like a boy. "Get in here," he growls at Drew. "We have a lot of work to do." Unlike the other customers, Charles isn't here just for pleasure. He is here to barter an agreement with the owner of the establishment. Among other things, the owner has a need for a steady supply of American boys and Charles happens to have an extra 'reject' sissy from time to time that he needs to find an owner for. They are cute sissies that are well training in the area of sex and what have you. However, they fail to meet most of the academic standards his high end clientele normally demand. Charles of course could still find a home for them a lot closer to the states. In fact, he often does just that. However, it is hard to find owners where he knows the boys will be taken care of and not abused too much or even killed. It is something he and the owner of this place see eye to eye on. While he finds the owner's oasis project fascinating, Charles hopes he can show how his sissies will spice everything up a notch and entice more customers to not only participate in the monthly event but also seek to buy more of the boys. He brought one of his own sissies for the owner to sample. Now all he needs to do is show how the owner's other boys can benefit from exposure to these sissies and their advanced training. By giving him this Drew kid, the owner is clearly putting Charles's methods to the test. A week is a very short time to train a sissy and there is no time to waste. He has Drew sit on the bed. They will be joined shortly by a couple of Charles's recent sissy graduates. They will teach Drew about makeup, how to talk, etc. In the mean time, Charles figures he might as well test the boy's ability to handle a cock. "You will address me as Dean Miller," the man says as he unzips his fly and pulls out his 9" [23 cm] long and 2.5" [6½ cm] thick cock. Fresh tears come to Drew's eyes when he sees the man's gigantic cock. It is going to be a long week. (For more on Dean Miller and his school, read the "Christian's School of Humility") The End |
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