PZA Boy Stories


The Curious Odor


A House Master helps a new boy with a curious odor.
Publ. Jan 2015
2,000 words (4 pages)


Jenkins (12yo), unnamed House-master.

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-boy story
Mb – cons mast oral anal


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

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This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

This is just a short-short story about an imaginary conversation.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Dillon – The Curious Odor in the subject line.


– Jenkins! Come in my boy! Come in!

– Sit down lad. There, on the couch, across from me.

– My goodness, where are my manners. I plopped myself down and never thought to offer you tea.

– Nonsense my boy, I insist. The kettle's just come to a boil.

– There we go. Be careful! Still hot!

– Milk? Sugar? Help yourself. And a biscuit; can I interest you in a biscuit?

– No! Oh come, come boy. A growing lad like you; of course you're hungry.

– Now, Jenkins, I make it a habit to visit with all the new boys. As your resident director, it's my responsibility to see that you're settling in. The move from day school to boarding school isn't always easy. Some boys struggle a bit. Rest assured that I'm here for you day or night, no matter what. There's no question or problem too small. Learn to confide in me and the next six years will be the best of your life.

– Now, how are your studies? I'm hearing good things from the faculty.

– Ahh 3; not to worry. Most boys struggle with maths. Dr. Hendricks assures me that you're doing well and that you're applying yourself. Are you seeing the class tutor?

– Wonderful boy, wonderful! Make sure you remain diligent and keep up with the work. Nothing worse than falling behind. And classical history with Mr. Keating, how's that going?

– Yes, yes! That doesn't surprise me. He does have a way with making the subject come alive, wouldn't you say?

– Tell me, has he gotten to the Peloponnesian War? Oh my, my! I love his description of the rebellion of Thasos in Ionia against their Athenian overlords. About how in order to punish the Ionians, the Athenians took the young sons of the governor and his staff, stripped them bare and proceeded to --.

– Oh dear, how I do let me imagination run away with me. But, I'm afraid, no spoilers for you. Nope, you'll just have to wait for that part of the lesson.

– Now, how about sports? You know that in addition to PE, we require all our boys to participate in a sport. Any thoughts on that yet?

– No trouble my boy, no trouble. Still time to decide. May I offer a thought?

– Gladly lad, gladly. You see, I coach the rugby team and 3; well, I could help but admire – I mean observe you in the shower the other day. Such a strong boy like you, your body so sleek, your muscles so strong; well, you'd be perfect for the sport.

– I know, I know; and I share your concern. It is a rough sport and the boys on the team are often quite tired and sore after practices and matches. It concerns me greatly. That's why I don't leave the fitness of the team to the training staff alone but pitch in myself. The field tends to be quite muddy so I like to see that all the boys get a good scrubbing. And, it's critical that young muscles get stretched and relaxed properly so that they don't tighten up and cramp. So, after showers, you'll find me in the training room providing a vigorous rubdown for all the lads that need one. The large muscles of the thigh and the glute are especially prone to cramping and require special attention. Yes, despite the extra time it takes, you won't see me leave until every boy is tended to.

– The glute? Why, that's your buttocks, boy. Didn't you know that?

– Ahh 3; no surprise; more of a scientific term. Well, anyway, give it some thought. I'd love to see you on the team.

– I noticed you seem to have settled into dorm life well. Made a special friend with Phelps, I see.

– Yes, yes; he's a good lad. He'll keep you on the straight and narrow.

– Anyone bothering you; having trouble with any of the other boys?

– Good! Good! Glad to hear that.

– No, no lad, don't go yet. One more thing we need to discuss. Bit of a delicate issue, I'm afraid.

– Now, don't look so concerned. This is a bit touchy, but I'm sure we can work through it.

– You see, I have a letter signed by several of the boys in your dorm and it concerns 3; well, it's about an odor.

– No, they mean an odor coming from you. To be quite blunt, they are complaining that you stink a bit.

– No, you cannot see the letter.

– Because I promised the other boys their confidentiality. They like you and they don't want this to hurt their friendship with you.

– Of course you don't! We all have trouble smelling our own body odor.

– Yes, as I matter of fact, I have noticed it.

– Jenkins! Please! Let's stop with the denial and, instead, work to get to the bottom of it. Remember! I told you that I'm here for you. Now, let's not waste time. Stand up and come over here.

– Now Jenkins, let me ask you, what are the smelliest parts of a boy's body?

– Right! Good! So, let's have you slip off your shirt and take a look.

– Oh, Jenkins, please! I've seen hundreds of boys without their shirts on. Don't be ridiculous.

– Arms up and move closer. Perfect. My, my, not a speck of hair. Very smooth, too.

– Stand still boy and keep your arms up. You're jumping around like a two year-old. Let me sniff.

– Oh my! Heavenly! I mean, no sign that the problem's there. Nope, you're doing a good job keeping yourself clean there. Now Jenkins, where else do you think boys get stinky!

– Exactly Jenkins! So, slide down your trousers and shorts and let's take a look.

– Oh Jenkins! For the love of god! I'm doing this all for you, boy. Now, quickly.

– Move your hands aside boy; I must be able to see. Oh my, perfect.

– Of course I'm holding on to your arse, boy. You're jumping around so that's it's hard for me to hold on. Yes, yes, so soft and silky.

– Yes, Jenkins, I am a bit out of breath. This isn't easy work, I'll have you know.

– Jenkins, since I'm down here, let me ask if you know what phimosis is?

– No! No surprise there. Most boys don't. Retched how a boy's education in personal matters is ignored now-a-days. Phimosis, Jenkins, is a constriction of the foreskin such that it doesn't slide easily over your penis. Very dangerous and really quite common in boys like you that are about to go through puberty. It's important that you exercise your foreskin every day, just the way I'm doing to you right now.

– Don't be embarrassed by that, Jenkins, it works better if you have an erection. See, just like this; back-and-forth, back-and-forth.

– Now, let me peel this back and check beneath your foreskin. Hmm 3; not bad overall, but could be better. You see Jenkins, your penis should be clean enough that a person could 3; could, hmmm 3; well, clean enough that a person could suck on it just like they could their own finger and never notice a bad taste. Take mine for instance. Hold on, let me fish it out. There, see how clean I keep that, even under the foreskin? Go ahead Jenkins, hold on to it and see for yourself. Better yet, get onto your knees boy, that's right. Now, go ahead, put it in your mouth and suck on it.

– Oh Jenkins! Don't be foolish. This is only a learning moment. Gone on, boy!

– That's right, that's right. Perfect, just like that. In-and-out, in-and-out. Notice any foul taste? Of course not boy. I take pride in my personal grooming. In-and-out, in-and-out! Woah! I think you'd better stop now before 3; well never mind.

– Jenkins, it's vital that you exercise your foreskin like this every day in order to keep it supple and loose. I would suggest in the shower or in bed at night.

– Oh, trust me Jenkins, you'll know when you've done it enough for one day.

– Now, on your feet. One more place to examine.

– Turn around, bend over, hands on the coffee table. Perfect. Now, just let me spread these apart.

– Oh my! So 3; so 3; Hmm 3; yes! Umm 3; well, it's clean on the surface, but it's what's inside that worries me. This is the likely place to find that pesky odor.

– A good probing is what it's going to take Jenkins. We'll just have to dive in and find out what's there.

– Here, a bit of Vaseline on the finger. Don't wince boy! I'm the one back here doing the dirty work. Ahh 3; yes, a bit of back-and-forth and let's see what we have.

– Hmm 3; well, good news and bad news. As you can see, Jenkins, it's pretty clean inside, at least as far as my finger can reach. The bad news is that if the odor is coming from up inside, it's probably buried deeper than my finger can reach. I'll need to find something that will go deeper. Hmm 3; what would that be 3; what would that be.

– Why of course. Here it is, the answer was right in front of me the whole time, still slick from your oral ministrations.

– What? Oh don't be silly boy, it's not that big. The important thing is that I'll be able to get it further inside. Just a bit of lubricant and 3;

– Stand still Jenkins! Just a bit more pressure.

– AHHH!!! YES!!! Oh my, oh my! It's soooo tight!

– Oh quit your whining Jenkins, I'm the one getting practically squeezed to death. Let me rest for a second otherwise I'll finish too quickly.

– No Jenkins! A quick finish is NOT what we want. You must be thoroughly probed if we're to get to the bottom of this issue.

– Ah! Yes, here we go now. Oh my, my.

– Since I'm back here, I should probably reach around and exercise your foreskin, don't you agree? It will save you from having to do it later.

– Oh, that's nice. Don't! Squirm! So! Much! Boy!

– Quiet boy! You're grunting will disturb the others!

– Well, I can't help it if my balls are slapping against yours. Get your hand away!

– Almost!

– Done!

– Just!

– A!

– Few!

– More!

– Thrusts!! I mean probes! Probes!

– Getting!

– A!

– Good!

– Sample!

– YES!!! AHH!!!! That's done it!

– A moment boy, let me catch my breath.

– There we go. Now, let's have a look.

– OH! MY! Look at that. On the table there; where you were bent over; did that come from you?

– Well, my boy, mystery solved. It's that fluid that's the source of your problem. My probing your anus and exercising your foreskin is what brought the culprit out.

– Of course it's a relief 3; to finally understand, I mean. Yes, yes, I think we both feel better now. Well, there's nothing else to do. We'll have to see that fluid comes out once a day. Yes, it's a must.

– Nonsense Jenkins, it's not a bother at all. You come by each day after class and we'll get you past this small difficulty. I'm only too happy to help, my boy. Think of what a relief it will be for the other boys. Yes, a win-win all around.

– Up with your pants boy. You may want to stop at the loo on the way back to bed, just in case. You may experience a bit of seepage from the 3; umm 3; probing you took. Don't want to make a mess in your shorts now, do you?

– No, no! No need to thank me Jenkins. I told you that I'm always here for you.

– Oh, and Jenkins. Could you send that other new boy, Peters down here. I'm afraid I have a similar complaint about him. But, that's strictly hush-hush. Just between the two of us.

– Oh, one more thing. Wait about an hour before you send him down. I'll need a chance to recover 3; I mean, get some grading done before I'm ready for another go!

– Yes! Goodnight, to you too, Jenkins!

The End

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