CowraGranddad's Dungeon |
SummaryThis is about a young man and a boy who meet innocently enough, but discovers their love for each other and the love of bondage and S & M. The man is wealthy, the boy poor; soon to be the property of another, what will be the outcome of the struggle for the boy and his body.
Publ. Dec 2010-...
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CharactersRyan Hale (24yo), Brayden (14yo), Gloria (Brayden's mom), Sly (Gloria's pimp)From ch. 8: Damian Steele, Ryan's friend, Kyle and Tanner, two 12yo boy-slaves Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy story/bdsmNB Non-consensual and coerced BDSM with a boy is included
Mt – Mdom/cons/coerc/non-cons mast oral anal – bd bond tort (Explanation) |
DisclaimerThis story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.
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Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Cowra - Granddad's Dungeon in the subject line. |
Chapter OneAt 24 years old, I'd prospered well, and was financially set for life. It had cost me a personal life however; my parents were killed in a plane crash when I was ten. The money from the insurance and the resulting lawsuits my grandfather had filed left me with a very large sum of money. Granddad had invested well for the both of us and he left his entire estate to me when he died, I was twenty-one when he passed away. I also made my own fortune after college, so I'm set for life times ten.Granddad had been my only living relative, and when he died I didn't have anyone. The house he and I lived in was somewhat secluded from the city we lived in. He bought the house and surrounding land years ago dirt cheap, kept fifteen acres and deeded the other three hundred to the city for preservation and a park. The deed was written so that the land could never be used for anything else. There were other homes with families nearby, but they couldn't see me nor I them. Not that I never talked to the people walking, biking or driving by; they just kept going. The house was pretty well set back from the road, and didn't appear inviting to strangers, so no-one stopped by. I was alone. Now don't go feeling sad for me, I have professional and personal friends; well maybe just a small group, but I do see them now and then. It's just I never connected with anyone. A couple of times a year I would have a party (more like a gathering) and invite people to my home. It's better than a lot of places, but you won't see it in a magazine. I have a large (80' x 30' [25 x 10 m]) pool with a heated spa and Jacuzzi and lots of patio space around it. A beautiful grill and cooking area, tennis court and lots of open area in the back. Granddad and I kept it simple so we could take care of it ourselves. What else was there to do with my time. I have a cleaning crew that comes once a week for inside the house and I do all my own cooking, so I don't need a housekeeper. I'm a very good cook, but I don't like to brag. The kitchen would make a restaurant chef green with envy. There is also a living room, dining room, den, library, study/office, two bathrooms and walk-in storage rooms that take up the first floor. In the back looking out over the pool area is a screened-in patio and a attached oversized three car garage on the side of the house. On the second floor there is my master bedroom with a huge bathroom. I have four more bedrooms, each with its own small bathroom; and there is a laundry room, more storage rooms and a small study (not too bad don't you think). The third floor is a walk-up attic with lots of space. The basement is clean and dry; half of it has storage with locking doors and the rest is open space, which I turned into a gym. There is one little secret I'll share with you if you promise not to tell anyone; Granddad had a room built a level below the cellar, it's not actually under the cellar, but you have to open a concealed door (you won't be able to find it, so don't ask) and walk down several steps to get to this room. I guess it's like a bomb shelter; thick concrete reinforced walls, ceiling and floor. OK, if you really want to know, it's a dungeon. The room is complete with rack, X-cross, T-cross, Y-cross, pummel horses, adjustable frame, pulleys, chains, whips, ropes, cuffs; you name it, he had it. He liked to play with young boys and girls. He did a pretty good job hiding it from me. You see, he only played when I was away at school. I would have never known about the dungeon or what my grandfather liked to do down there until one of his former 'boys' came to the house after granddad's death. He was around thirty, well built and wanted to pay his respects to me. The room's location slipped out after Bill had had a few drinks in our (my) den. Bill showed me how to open the secret door, and we went down the stairs into the cavern. Bill told me it hadn't changed at all and he started to tear-up when he told me the fun he had down in 'The Room' as Granddad had called it. Bill told me he was leaving the country and flying to Burma to live and asked if I was interested in giving the room a try, I declined. Bill said he understood and said it was time for him to leave. As he departed, Bill handed me a folder and told me it contained his phone numbers and important papers I would want to read, and then he left. I left the folder on my desk in the study and went to get a drink from the wet bar in the library. I have a small wet bar in the office as well as one off the den in a butler's pantry. Granddad sure knew how to live. I went outside to sit and think about what Bill had shown and told me. I knew Granddad liked to play, and I kinda suspected things, but I was too embarrassed to ask him. Grandmother and he had built the house together, so I'm sure she knew, or at least I think she did. She died before I was born. I decided to go to bed and read the folder the next day. I'm not a prude; in college I had my share of fun with the girls, but there was something lacking, it never fulfilled me. And yes I fooled around with guys, but I never wanted to commit. Since we're being honest with each other; yes I was (am) attracted to guys more than girls. I graduated college when I was twenty; yea I know it's an early age, but I took accelerated classes and got my MBA. If you don't believe me, too bad for you. Anyway, I developed some software that the big boy corporations when crazy over. I have enough money to last me ten lifetimes, I know, I already told you this. I won't bring it up again. At twenty-four, I am in great shape. 5' 11" [1.80 m], 190 lbs. [86 kg], blond and blue eyed with an athlete's build. I work out three to five times a week, depending on my boredom. I know I could travel, but I don't want to. I've done enough traveling during school, college and my brief work career. So I stay home and work out and work on my yard and buildings. Oh yea, I have a separate combination barn and carriage house. Did I mention I have a German Shepard? He's a big boy, one hundred pounds [45 kg] of pure muscle and no brains. Hey, he's my dog so I can say things like that. Gertie loves to run and dig, and not in that order sometimes. He is very protective of me and the property (when he's not digging it up). His bark and snarl, will scare the toughest dude. But once he gets to know you, he's a friend for life. Unfortunately, he doesn't know he is a Shepard, he thinks he's a lap dog. But I love him and we are always together.
The next day, after breakfast, Gertie and I were outside sitting on the farmers porch that runs the length of the front of the house and around to the kitchen side. You can see out to the road and watch life as it passes by. Before I cleared some of the large hedges, shrubs and brush you couldn't see the road at all. But I wanted a little bit of view, so here we are. The house is set back about two hundred yards so casual conversation with passersby doesn't happen. There is still sufficient vegetation that I have enough privacy. I had just finished mowing the front lawn and was having a lemonade and Gertie was having bottled ice water (I spoil him don't I) in one of his many water dishes. Looking out toward the road, I had seen a boy riding his bike back and forth for the last half hour. Gertie had noticed him too, but hadn't growled or even barked, which was unusual. Even more unusual was his tail flicking back and forth in a slow wag. I asked Gertie if he knew the kid, but all I got for an answer was a tilt of his head. The boy hadn't gone by the house for awhile, which seemed to disappoint Gertie (and me too for some reason). I started to nod off for a nap when Gertie gave a gentle woof and sat up. I looked down to the end of the driveway and saw the boy from earlier walking slowly up to the house, pushing a damaged bike. He saw the two of us looking at him and gave a hesitant wave and stopped. I got up, Gertie following my lead. I said hi, and Gertie not to be left out gave one loud bark and his tail started wagging in earnest. The boy stopped and stood still, probably afraid one or both of us were about to eat him. I called out to him that the dog and I were friendly and he could continue up to the house. As he got closer, I gave him the once over; he looked about fourteen, a wavy mess of surfer-boy blond that hadn't seen a comb or brush in awhile, a muscle shirt that clung to his thin but well defined frame, an old pair of cargo shorts that showed strong tanned legs. He reminded me of the boy from the Blue Lagoon movie. On his feet were flip-flops. When he got closer, I noticed he had two leather cords tied around his left ankle and a rainbow ribbon on his right wrist. Both his knees were bloody, and his left shin had a cut oozing blood. His left side was dirty, apparently from falling off the bike. I asked him what happened and he said he'd been riding the trails behind my house, hit a rock and fell off the bike. He said his front tire was blown and asked if I had a pump. Looking at the bent front fort, broken spokes and a huge rip in the side of the tire, I knew the bike was finished and told the boy. He started to tear up, then stopped, wiped his right forearm across his eyes and started to turn around. I asked him where he was going and he said he was going to walk the bike home seeing how it couldn't be fixed. I told him to hold on, I had a garage with loads of tools, and maybe we could fix it. A smile like sunshine came over his face and he walked towards us. Gertie bounded down the steps and went right over to the boy, who again froze. Only Gertie wasn't going to eat him, he pushed his nose into the boy's right hand and flipped his head up, his subtle way of demanding a head scratch. I told the boy what was expected of him and he laughed, obeying Gertie's command. I introduced him to Gertie and said my name was Ryan. The boy smiled and said his name was Brayden. I invited him up onto the porch and have a seat. Brayden said thanks, then gave a quick glance at the pitcher of lemonade. Seeing the furtive look, I offered Brayden a glass. He politely accepted and sat down. I looked at his legs and said he needed first aid before the bike did. Brayden said he could take care of it at home, but I insisted and went into the house for the first aid kit. Returning, Gertie had his head in Brayden's lap and was getting his ears rubbed. The big dummy looked like he'd stay there forever. I ordered Gertie down, which he did with great reluctance and lots of pitiful groans. Brayden laughed and said I had the best dog in the whole world. I thanked him for the both of us. I asked Brayden if he minded that I cleaned and fixed his wounds and he said it was OK. I had also brought out a bowl of warm water and towels. I told Brayden to kick off his flip-flops and raise his left leg. I cupped the bottom of his heel and used a wet wash cloth to clean the dirt and dried blood off his shin and knee, I could have sworn Brayden let out a quiet almost sensual moan. I looked up at his face, and his eyes were closed and those beautiful lips slightly parted, showing a hint of brilliant white teeth. I have no idea why I did what I did next, but I lightly rubbed his leg from his foot to the hem of the shorts with the wash cloth, then used a towel to dry the leg. I applied disinfectant and I repeated the process with his other leg. Brayden squirmed in his seat and sighed. His feet were dirty from riding in the woods so I gave them a wash and rub; Brayden cooed and curled his toes several times. Then, some unknown and dumb reason, I sniffed his feet. Brayden opened his eyes, looked at me with a puzzled stare and said maybe he should go. I blushed and made some excuse that I was checking for cuts on the bottom of his feet. He didn't seem convinced. Hoping to save the day, I asked him if he was hungry. Brayden looked down at the floor and said yes. I told him I'd made a chicken salad for lunch and asked him to join me. He appeared reluctant to agree, so I told him I always make too much and I'd love some company as only Gertie and I lived here. Brayden's mouth dropped open and then he asked if I owned the home, I replied it was all mine. I told him to come inside and we would grab the food and eat out by the pool. Brayden stopped in his tracks and said he couldn't believe I had a pool, I told him I had lots of things and would give him a tour of the place after lunch. Brayden walked into the house barefoot, with Gertie by his side; his head whirling back and forth looking at the size of the house inside. In the kitchen, Brayden told me he lived in a small apartment with his mother near the industrial park. I know this area to be pretty rundown and bad and knew Brayden's family had little if any money. We grabbed sandwiches, chip and the rest of the lemonade and went outside. Brayden almost dropped the food he was carrying when he saw the size of the back yard and pool area. I asked Brayden if he liked to swim, he said "Oh yea, I love to, but there aren't any good places near me, the pool where I live is filthy so it's been awhile." Looking at his clothes, I knew Brayden didn't have much, other than the dirt from the fall, his clothes appeared dull and thread-bare. Brayden saw me looking at him and blushed. I asked him who else he lived with, and he said just him his mom. Then he hesitated and said "Well, sometimes Ma has different boyfriends stay with us, but they usually leave pretty quick, I think it's because of me". "Why do you say that," I asked. "I've heard a lot of them tell Ma I'm a brat and get in the way 3; some even told her to get rid of me, like I'm interfering or something." Brayden said looking down at the patio tiles. I could tell this was causing Brayden some stress, so I dropped it; for now. Brayden wolfed down two sandwiches and finished off the chips and drinks and he still looked hungry. I wondered how often he went without food. His mother appeared to be less than nurturing. Brayden said thanks for lunch; he didn't get that much food very often. I asked Brayden how regularly he got to eat, and he said sometimes just once a day, his mother claimed there wasn't enough money to pay for food and rent. While talking to me, Brayden kept his head down, obviously ashamed. My heart was breaking for the kid; "Does your Mom work" I prodded Brayden. Brayden said "She doesn't really have a job; she works for a guy who sends her boyfriends." Brayden was blushing bright red, so I knew he was aware what his mom was really doing, turning tricks for a pimp. I couldn't believe she was doing this with Brayden in the apartment. I needed to lighten up the mood real quick, so I asked Brayden if he wanted to go swimming. Brayden looked up at me with a big smile, which faded right away, "I don't have a swim suit." Brayden whispered. I told him not to worry, I'd kept all my old suits from my teen years and he could wear one of those. Brayden's smile returned and he agreed. We went upstairs to one of the guest rooms and I pulled out a drawer that was full of my old suits. Brayden looked at them and said they looked like underwear. I laughed and told him I was on the swim team and these were Speedos. "I'm not sure I'll fit in these, they look tiny." Brayden exclaimed. "Sure you will, I was about your size in high school, grab some and try them on, use the bathroom." I told Brayden and pointed to the door across the room. Brayden looked doubtful, but picked up a floral thong, a blue and a red Speedo and went into the bathroom. I hoped he would wear the floral, it was the smallest. Brayden smiled and when into the bathroom to change. Sitting on the bed, I was troubled by my thoughts, I'd never been interested in such a young kid before, but Brayden made me tingle, had he awaken a beast inside me? I needed to think and go slow. Brayden came out of the bathroom wearing the floral; I could feel my dick starting to get hard. There was a red tint to his face and chest, he was blushing so profusely. "This is the only one that fits OK, but it's so small and tight, I feel weird." Brayden stammered. "It looks great on you," I croaked, "Where are your clothes?" Brayden said in the bathroom and asked why. I told him while we were swimming, I'd wash them so they wouldn't be dirty when he went home. Brayden came back with his stuff and handed me the shirt and shorts, no underwear. When I asked, Brayden said "I don't have any, Ma won't buy me new ones and the old are ratty and too small." I said "OK, let's go downstairs, I'll throw your things in the wash and you can go swim." "What about you, aren't you going swimming?" he asked me. "Oh yea, I completely forgot to get my suit." I said. I started walking down the hall to my room and realized Brayden was following me. What to do next. I just went to one of my dressers and grabbed a board suit, went into my bathroom and changed. When I came out, Brayden looked at me and howled, "No fair, I have to wear this thing, I'm almost naked, you have to wear one too." "I may have a Speedo, but nothing like that." I laughed. Brayden crossed his arms and looked at me, so I went and grabbed a black Speedo and changed. Brayden looked at me up and down and smiled. Why did I feel like a piece of meat? Both of us went downstairs and I put his clothes in the wash. I had emptied his pockets and was dismayed by the contents, an old cell phone, one dollar and the key to his apartment was stamped with the name of a no tell motel, it really wasn't an apartment at all. I was horrified that Brayden would be in the room while his mother plied her trade. I needed to think out a lot of things. I went and grabbed some towels and we went out to the pool. Now in case you forgot my description of Brayden; well in a thong he was unbelievable. Perfectly proportioned for his height (5' 05" [1.65 m]) and weight (120 lbs [55 kg]), he had a defined body and six-pack abs. His chest tapered down to a thin waist and strong arms and legs that where tight and muscled. He had a tan that was rich and golden, a bronzed semi-god. And he didn't have any tan lines, did this kid sun bath nude? Brayden asked if I had any lotion for tanning. I said there were different lotions and sun block in the cabana. Brayden picked out a tanning lotion and came back and sat down next to me on the chaise lounge. "Could you please help me, I can't do by back." Brayden said and laid down on his stomach, stretching out for me. My mouth went dry. I squeezed lotion onto his back and worked it slowly across his shoulders and downward to his perfect tight butt. I ignored those perky globes; the thong he was wearing left his beautiful rear exposed. Using more lotion on his legs I stated rubbing and lightly squeezing them as I worked down to his feet. When I got to his ankles, I noticed both ankles had a slight ring around them. I figured Brayden had been wearing a bracelet on them but had removed them. Brayden was softly cooing, but stopped and looked up at me and giggled "Why didn't you put lotion on my butt, I don't want to burn there." I said "Are you sure, that's a private area." Brayden said "Yea, go ahead, I've had wors 3;" but his last words trailed off and he didn't say anything more. So I put lotion on that cute butt and stroked and squeezed and caressed them. Brayden coughed and brought me out of my stupor. He turned over and I could definitely see he had a chubby going in the little pouch holding his jewels. He looked at me and smiled and said "You might as well do me in the front too." Now it was my turn to start coughing as Brayden giggled at my discomfort. As I slowly working the lotion down his neck to chest, circling his nipples until they became aroused and hard Brayden was moaning and writhing on the lounge. I worked my way down to his stomach, and he was breathing in short little gasps. I worked the lotion between his legs and rubbed leisurely, lightly and softly brushing his testicles. Before anything could happen, I worked down his legs to his toes, caressing them and the soles of his feet. Brayden had an arm across his eyes, his mouth was open and he was grunting. I looked at his penis and saw he had a full blown erection now, the head sticking out of the pouch, purple and throbbing. Mine was throbbing too. Without warning, Brayden jumped up ran to the pool and jumped in. He did several laps then swam to the steps of the pool and sat there, half out of the water. He looked at me and smiled. I dove into the pool and swam over and sat next to him. By now his erection was gone and he had adjusted his pouch. I asked him if the water was warm enough and he said it was perfect. I told him if it got too cold, I could turn on the water heater. "No way 3; you can heat the water; when I swim in the pool at the motel 3; I mean apartment and it's always cold." Brayden faltered; afraid he had given away a secret. "Hey" I said, "Don't worry about where you live, you can visit here whenever you like." I thought I was cool, doing the right thing, but Brayden put his head down and I saw a tear run down his cheek. "What's the matter, is something wrong, did I say something wrong?" I blurted. "No, you're OK, it's just I need to find a job and give Ma money so we can stay at the apartment and now my bike is broken, I won't be able to come here and see you and Gertie." Brayden said in one breath, and as more tears came down his face. I put my arm around him and pulled him close. I said "I've got an idea. I could use some help around here, but I haven't found the right person. How about I hire you to work for me. I'd even get you a new bike so you can ride over here." "You're just saying that, you really don't need me." Brayden sobbed. I cupped his chin in my hand and pulled it up close to mine. "I don't make idle proposals, I really could use some help and why not hire the best looking kid in town." I smiled down at Brayden. Brayden looked at me, unsure at first and then smiled back and hugged me tightly, resting his head on my chest. We stayed there, in the pool for a few more minutes then I suggested we get out and lie down on the chaises. Brayden lay on his back, his body glistening from the water droplets. I told him I'd get us some cold drinks. I needed the cold air of the house to calm me down. Gertie was lying next to Brayden, and he had one hand slowing stroking Gertie's back, his tail flicking once or twice and what I can only describe as a smile on his face, if dogs could smile. I was smiling too. I needed to clear my head and figure out the best way to carry on. I didn't need any unwanted attention. I brought out our drinks, a bowl of ice water for Gertie; couldn't forget him now could I and sat next to Brayden. His eyes were closed, a slight smile on those gorgeous lips. Gazing at his taut body, wet platinum blond hair plastered to his head, perky nose, silky neck; this was a boy-god. I suggested to Brayden that we look at his bike in the hope we could repair it. Brayden signed and sat up, looking at me, trying to decide if I was trying to get rid of him or not. I smiled at him and rubbed his upped leg, causing a giggle and said "Let's head to the barn". Brayden got up and followed, barefoot with the rear string of the thong wedged in his butt crack. I had to stay in front of him, or I would have grabbed the kid and who knows what would have happened. OK, I know what you're thinking and you are right. I had him get his bike and we walked to the front doors of the carriage house and Brayden asked "Is this really a barn, it looks like a house." "It's a carriage house, back in the old, old days horses, carriages, saddles and stuff life that were kept here. Most of these types of buildings were built to look like a house." I explained. Inside, there was a large work space, tools of very kind in large tool chests or hanging on the walls. Brayden did a slow complete turn, mouth hanging open, taking it all in. I think his mind was on over-load, what I took for granted, this kid probably never seen and might never own. There were also some antique carriages from the earlier owners and a couple of resorted sport cars, and two pickups for work. I had a three car garage at the house with a Lincoln Navigator, Jaguar and Lexus in their respective slots. I opened a tool chest and went to work on the bike. The rim was bent, this bike had seen its last day and I told Brayden that. His shoulders slumped and his lip quivered, but he didn't cry and didn't say a word. My heart was breaking, I knew this bike was the only thing he probably owned and now he had nothing. In the back of the carriage house were my old bikes, I had about six. I decided Brayden could pick the one he wanted and it was his. I lifted his chin with my hand and quietly said "Look, it's not that bad, I have some old bikes in the back, why don't we see if there is one you might like." "I couldn't take a bike from you, I haven't earned it." Brayden said, looking down at his bare feet. "Not to worry, I have more than I need and you have a need." I chuckled. Besides, you'll earn it I evilly thought. What the hell was wrong with me, thinking that? Brayden and I took a look at the bikes and picked a blue Mongoose mountain bike. Not a bad choice, I had it for about two years so it was in great condition. I told Brayden to hop on so I could adjust the seat, peddles and handlebar for him. Looking at him sitting on the bike, almost naked with a smile as big as the Hoover Dam, I just started laughing. Brayden looked at me puzzled, and asked "Why are you laughing at me?" I stopped and said, "That's a happy laugh, you look gorgeous sitting on the bike in that thong." Brayden got off the bike, walked over to me and gave me a hug, then pulled back his head, looked me right in the eyes and then gave me a full kiss on the lips. I was so surprised, I never moved. Brayden ended the kiss and looked at me again and put his head on my chest. We held the embrace a bit longer. Brayden asked me what time it was and when I told him close to 3 o'clock, he said he had to leave. "Let's get the bike back to the house then you can take a shower and get your clothes back so you can get home." I said, disappointedly. He looked dejected and worried at the same time but said nothing further. I brought Brayden into the house, grabbed his shirt and shorts from the laundry and said he could use any shower upstairs. "Can you show me, I don't want to pick the wrong one." "There's no wrong one, but come on, you can use my shower." Brayden followed into my room and then turned to me and asked if I was going to take a shower too. I stammered "I'll take a shower later." Brayden looked disappointed and turned to head into my bathroom. A few moments later Brayden called out "Ryan, I don't know how to work this shower, can you help me please? I realized the shower I had was not your normal every day type. Please don't be mad at me, it came with the house. It can hold four people, there are shower heads in the ceiling and walls and a control that look like a cockpit of an airplane. I was laughing as I walked into the bathroom but abruptly stopped when I saw Brayden standing there, completely naked. My mouth hung open as I took in his beauty. He had a total; I mean a complete body tan. Over his penis was a small turf of golden pubic hair, his cock was about four inches [10 cm] soft and lying over a perfect set of boy balls, the sac hanging down and hairless. I snapped my mouth closed so I couldn't drool. Brayden giggled and did a 360° turn so I could take everything in. I quickly snapped out of it, and showed Brayden how to work the water controls; he seemed disappointed when I started to leave. "Please stay Ryan, even if you don't want to take a shower with me, we can talk, can't we?" That pitiful plea was killing me, I wanted more than anything to be naked and in the shower with this boy, but I wasn't sure how far it would go and I didn't really know Brayden or his history. Brayden had such a heartrending look on his face; I couldn't help but give him a smile and pulled off my Speedo, took his hand and pulled him into the shower. We soaked ourselves, and then I grabbed the body wash and started to bathe Brayden. Slowly, from his neck down, I caressed this beautiful boy, his body warm and tight. Brayden's eyes were closed and he was leaning towards me. His pectorals firm and defined the nipples hard and pointed, down to his stomach, smooth and taut, with a hint of a treasure trail leading down to the prize. My hands I massaged his back, circling around to his front, and back down to his butt cheeks. Unhurriedly I rubbed my hands on his rear, then his thighs and finally to his manhood. Brayden was moaning, his knees bent from the overload of sensual pleasure; his hands on my shoulders for support. I cupped his testicles in one hand, rolling them and fondling them. With the other hand, I had taken his penis; already hard and sprouting six and a half inches [16 cm] of pulsating flesh and stroked leisurely back and forth, then using one finger from the glans down the rigid shaft to his scrotum. I knelt down and put his cock in my mouth; up and down, in and out. Brayden suddenly stood ramrod straight, pushing up on his tiptoes and started grunting. With a squeal, Brayden started to cum; I opened my mouth wide and collected his boy juice. Brayden was leaning on the shower wall, breathing heavily. We looked at each other and smiled. Brayden looked at me and then lowered his eyes to my penis, eight inches [20 cm] and thick, it too was pulsating. Brayden got on his knees and took me into his mouth. So shocked at this, I just stood there as I received the best blowjob of my life. Brayden swirled his tongue in ways I didn't think possible, alternating sucking pressure, he sent me into spasms of joy. When I finally erupted, Brayden's mouth was a vacuum, sucking me dry. It was my turn to lean against the shower wall and sag. I was in heaven and turmoil. A fourteen year old boy I had meet a little over two hours ago, was naked and sporting an erection in my shower and had just sucked me off. Where would this lead? Would Brayden suddenly realize what he had done and freak out? I stammered "Brayden, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen, are you OK?" Brayden looked at me and lowered his head, "I thought you liked it, you gave me so much and I wanted to repay you, I just wanted to 3;" and his words tampered off. I grabbed Brayden and hugged him, "I'm sorry, that was mind blowing, I just want to make sure you're OK with what we did." "Oh yea, it was great, better than anyone else." "You've done this before?" A look of shock came over his face and he turned away. What was this kid in to? I reached for him and placed a hand soothingly on his shoulder, then gently turned him around to face me. Brayden was crying, "You hate me don't you, you think I'm a freak." "Brayden, I've known you for two hours, I don't know anything about you or your life, but I do know I like you a lot and think you are one hell of a cool kid, and pretty damn cute too." Brayden softly smiled at me and sighed "There's so many things I should tell you but I can't." I wanted to say more, but decided Brayden needed to pick the time and place to tell me. Right now I needed to get the both of us out of the shower and dressed. We'd end up looking like prunes if we spent any more time in there. Shutting off the water, I told Brayden to grab two towels from the rack. Brayden's eyes got wide as he looked at a large selection of towels. Grabbing two, he handed me one and began to dry himself. I couldn't keep my eyes off him; he was so perfect, so innocent (I would learn soon enough he wasn't so innocent). Both of us dressed; I know, so anti-climactic, but as I said we (I) needed to go slow with things. Downstairs we exchanged phone numbers and Brayden with Gertie following him went outside. Brayden hopped on his new bike and waved goodbye. I told him to come by tomorrow. Gertie started to follow Brayden down the driveway and it took two commands to get him to come back, very strange. As Brayden pedaled home, he was happy but worried. How was he going to explain his new bike to his mother? She wasn't the most understanding and might smack him around until she got the answers, or have one of her 'boyfriends' beat the truth out of him. Best to hide the bike and tell her that the other was stolen by a gang of kids, that might work. There was an old shack nearby; no one had used it in years. Brayden had kept an eye on it to make sure it was totally abandoned. After deciding it was safe for him to use, Brayden had hid out there a few times since; staying clear of his mother when she was really drunk or high or one of her meaner boyfriends was at the efficiency apartment at the motel. Brayden covered the bike with a tarp and went home. Inside, his mother was lying on the only bed, sleeping. There was a small couch he was allowed to use for sleeping and a small kitchenette; there was also a small bathroom and two closets. Brayden had spent time in one of those closets when his mother entertained. Most dates just pushed him inside the closet and locked the door telling him to be quiet. His mother had a twisted taste for the rough trade and many of her clients would eye Brayden with degenerate interest. A few of them would tie Brayden up, always in painful and contorted positions, leaving him in the closet for hours, while Mom and friend had sex. Brayden had already been farmed out to a select few of her friends. For the right price, Gloria (Brayden's mom) would let a few privileged friends have Brayden for the night. His first time with a man was at ten years old.
The man had taken Brayden to a room a few doors down and once inside, told Brayden to strip. When he refused, the man struck Brayden with his belt several times. Crying uncontrollably, Brayden stripped down. The man ordered Brayden to put his hands on his head and bend over. The man took a jar of petroleum jelly and smeared Brayden's anus then using two fingers, raped Brayden. The man told Brayden to lie on his back, tied his hands to the bed posts painfully stretching his arms and then lifted Brayden's legs up and secured them to his wrists. Brayden was bent in two and his butt hole exposed. A ball gag was shoved in his mouth and tightened cruelly behind his head. The man grabbed a large vibrating dildo and slowly worked it in and out until giving a final push. Brayden felt a new sensation; it was his prostate being stimulated. When the man turned the vibrator on, and worked the intensity controls, Brayden writhed and moaned, overcome by these strange wonderful feelings. Brayden was covered in sweat, it rolled down his chest and pooled on his stomach, his hair plastered to his forehead. Drool slide out the sides of his mouth, and down his neck. Brayden lost track of time, he was feeling cramps in his hands, legs and feet. His penis was hard and his butt was sore. After what seemed like hours, the man pulled the vibrator out with a sudden jerk and entered Brayden with his huge erection. Several quick thrusts and Brayden felt hot wet blasts in his bum. The man pulled out, grabbed Brayden small cock and stroked it until Brayden gurgled behind his gag. Brayden had his first dry cum. The man untied him and thinking it was over, got up. A punch to the side of the head and a command to lie on his belly told Brayden he was in for a long night. The man hogtied Brayden, using lots of rope. Brayden couldn't move the man strung a line from a hook in the ceiling to the ropes connecting Braydens hands to his feet. The line was pulled until Brayden was six inches [15 cm] off the bed. A tray with candles on it was slide under Brayden. The candles were under his penis head, belly and nipples. They were lit and Brayden's moans turned to screams as the candles heated, but not burned his tender parts. Other candles were lit and placed on his back and sole of his feet. As the candles melted, the hot wax dripped down the sides and pooled on his bare skin. Brayden thought the wax would leave burn marks, but that didn't happen. A thin rope was wrapped around his balls and several pounds of weight were hung from the rope, Brayden screamed into his gag and the man push on the weights causing them to swing back and forth. For added fun the sadistic man used a whip on the soles of Brayden's feet. He'd walk with a limp for days afterward. This was the first of countless acts of sex and torture Brayden received from various men and groups the next four years. While he wasn't the property of Gloria's employer, Sly (Gloria's pimp) was making plans to add Brayden to his stable of boys. If Gloria gave him too much trouble about it, he'd either take the kid by force and use him or get rid of Gloria and sell the kid at auction. Either way, Sly would make money.
Back to the present. Brayden looked at his mom, even though she was a whore and a drug addict; she was still his mother and he loved her. Brayden looked in the cupboards, hoping there would be something he could cook for him and his mother. Brayden was worried about how thin she had gotten over the last several months. She refused to see a doctor or go to the emergency room to get checked. After many arguments, Brayden stopped pleading with her. He tried to ask Sly but only got a punch to the side of the head. Brayden found a can of soup, opened it and heated it on the hot plate. He gently woke his mother, who smiled at her son for a brief second. Brayden longed for those moments when she smiled at him or stroked his hair. These acts of tenderness were getting rare. Brayden tried to get his mother to eat some soup but she knocked the spoon out of his hand and yelled at him for wasting food. She told him to get out, then said "No don't leave, Sly coming to get you, you're staying with him tonight." Brayden blanched, this was his mother's way of telling him he'd be used tonight by men, and it most likely wouldn't be fun for him. Whatever money Sly made on Brayden; and it was a large sum, his mother received a small percentage. All Brayden expected to get was pain. Gloria told Brayden to wear an old T-shirt and shorts and be barefoot when Sly came to get him in an hour. "Can't I stay home with you, I don't feel too good I fell off my bike and cut my leg." Brayden asked. Gloria screamed "You'll do as I say you spoiled brat, don't I give you food and clothes. I don't have a lot of money and you cost a lot to keep, so just do what I tell you 3; you rotten little piece of shit." She got up to smack him, but tittered and fell back onto the bed. Brayden ran to her, even as her words stung him badly. "Mom, are you OK, do you want some water?" "Get away from me, just be ready for Sly or we'll both kick the shit out of you." She hissed as bolts of pain wracked her body. Gloria knew she was gravely ill but wouldn't tell the boy or anyone else. Best to toughen up the kid then coddle him with love. She would never tell him, but she loved her son. "And what the fuck happened to your bike, where is it?" "I told you, I fell off the bike then a group of kids grabbed it and took off, I tried to chase them but I couldn't run too good." "Yea, well now you don't have a bike, so if you want another you're going to have to work even more for Sly." A coughing fit stopped Gloria from saying anything more. Brayden went to his one drawer in his mother's dresser and pulled out a ratty T-shirt and a pair of gym shorts a size too small, then looked for a pair of underwear. When he found a presentable pair of briefs, Brayden's mother grabbed them and threw them back in the drawer. "Shorts and T-shirt only you little asshole, don't you fucking listen to me?" "I'm, I'm sorry, i 3; these shorts are real tight and show my stuff." Brayden whimpered. "That's the idea, gets the old fags hot and they'll pay more, now change and be quiet." Brayden started towards the bathroom to change but was stopped by him mother yelling "Change here, I want to see how big you've gotten and to check for bruises, new one will cost those old bastards if they mark you." Brayden stripped and stood naked as his mother inspected him. He never got use to this. "Good, good, I see you've got a full tan, no tan lines like Sly ordered." Gloria didn't notice the thin lines around Brayden's ankles in the dim light of the room. Brayden wasn't about to say anything about them either. He had got them from being tied up most of the time while working for Sly.
Sly wanted him to have a tanned, golden-brown body and to get Brayden that way he would take him to the roof of his building and strip him then put ankle cuffs on Brayden. Sly would lock a heavy chain to the ankle cuffs, which would allow him to leave Brayden alone, and not worry about the kid escaping. A dirty blanket was left for Brayden to lie on. Sly would then rub tanning lotion all over Brayden and leave him on the roof for hours. Brayden was told to lie down and keep turning to get a nice tan; he felt like a Christmas turkey being basted. After a few hours, Sly would return, remove the chain but not the ankle cuffs and bring Brayden downstairs. He would cuff Brayden hands to a pipe over his head, forcing him to stand tiptoed and then spray Brayden with a hose, cleaning off the lotion. If Brayden complained, Sly would force a ballgag into the boy's mouth and leave him hanging from the pipe soaking wet. Sly would release him from the pipe, handcuff him behind his back and bring him to a room where it was set up as a dungeon. A metal collar was locked onto his neck and he was forced into a small cage to wait for his customer. A bowl of water and a small plate of stew were left on the cage floor; Brayden had to eat like a dog.
Brayden was waiting when Sly came into the motel room without knocking. "Get in the fucking car kid" Sly barked at Brayden. "Here's your payment for the kid, don't use it all in one night." Sly laughed at Gloria as he threw three packets of white powder on the bed, walking out the door. Brayden was in the front seat when Sly got into the car. Sly turned to Brayden and told him to put his hands behind his back, then handcuffed them, cinching them tight. "Kick off those sneakers; I said only T-shirt and shorts. Hope those aren't your favorite, 'cause you're losing them tonight." Sly laughed. Sly then secured Brayden's feet with ankle cuffs connected by a ten inch [25 cm] chain. Brayden would have to shuffle in order to walk. Sly ordered Brayden to turn around on the seat and kneel down on the floor with his upper body resting on the seat. A ball-gag and blindfold were locked on Brayden and Sly drove to the night's action spot. Brayden tried to track the route but Sly made several turns and Brayden became confused and gave up. What seemed like a half hour ride ended with the sound of tires on gravel for about a mile. When Sly shut off the car, he told Brayden, "Listen cunt-boy, I want you to do everything I say and obey orders or you'll regret you were born and moms won't fair too good neither 3; understand shithead?" Brayden tried to say yes sir, but the large gag muffled the words and came out "Mmmph ur." Sly laughed and slapped Brayden behind the head. "Stay still while I put this collar on you." Sly growled. A heavy leather collar was wrapped around his neck and buckled tight; Brayden heard a padlock click and lock the strap behind his head. The three inch [7½ cm] collar had four silver D-rings attached to it; Sly clipped a leash to the front ring and jerked Brayden forward. With the short chain connecting his bare feet, Brayden stumbled but didn't fall. Sly held the lead close and Brayden shuffled forward as fast as he could. Brayden's feet hurt on the gravel as he was pulled by Sly towards a large building. Sly was greeted by several men who admired his boy and copped a feel of Brayden's balls until Sly warned them off. Brayden could tell they had entered a building from the sounds, and continued to shuffle onward to his night of torture and sexual abuse. Barely able to walk due to the short chain connecting the cuffs, Brayden shuffled behind Sly; hands reaching out and grabbing his ass or slapping it. Brayden would squeal when a pinch or slap was especially hard. Sly would just give the leash a hard yank and laugh. After a couple of minutes, Sly told Brayden to stop. Sly decided to remove the blindfold and give Brayden an eyeful for what was in store for the kid. After adjusting his eyes to the light, Brayden gasped, sucking in the gag, and pulling back from Sly, resulting in a hard slap across his face. What had startled Brayden was the 'show' he was looking at. There were about twenty boys ranging in age from six to seventeen; they were white, black, Asian and two Native Americans, all were naked and in some form of bondage. Brayden looked at Sly with questioning eyes. "Wondering what's going on, why you here?" Sly asked, Brayden nodded once. "Well shithead, this is kind of a show and auction rolled into one. Slaves are being put on display and sold and others are rented for the night 3; you're one of them!" Sly laughed. Brayden shook his head several times, but Sly ignored him. Brayden took in scenes around him; a boy about eight was tied to an X-cross, his mouth forced open by an O-ring gag, two thin blood trails trickling down his chest from the serrated nipple clamps connected by a chain and weight. Electro-sim wires were wrapped around his little dick and a dildo was shoved up his rear. Men paid money to shot urine at the boys open mouth from high powered water guns. Brayden could see the boy was in distress and crying uncontrollably. Another boy, around thirteen years old was hanging upside down; his feet tied together with heavy hemp rope and hung on a chain. His hands were tied behind his back and kept in place by rope wrapped around his balls and penis. The boy slowly spun in circles as he was whipped all over his body, a scream erupted each time contact was made. The boy was covered in thin stripes and welts, some oozing blood. There were other boys being tortured, but Brayden's attention was drawn back to Sly when the pimp grabbed a handful of the boy's hair and pulled backwards, forcing Brayden to grunt and look up at Sly. "Look around kid, notice a difference between you and the other slaves?" Sly growled, Brayden couldn't answer of course, but he guessed as Sly stated the obvious, "They all naked and you aren't, but that will soon change!" Sly grabbed the leash and pulled, forcing Brayden to follow. They stopped in front of a small stage, and Sly dragged Brayden over to the steps, forcing him up the stairs onto the stage. Brayden looked around, but the stage was bare. He looked at Sly with a puzzled glance. Sly saw it, and pointed for Brayden to look up. Hanging directly over Brayden was a noose. Brayden started shaking and trying to pull away from Sly, but was held tight. Sly gave him several back and forth slaps, drawing blood on the left side of Brayden's mouth. "Relax kid, I ain't gonna kill you, you're worth too much." Sly snorted. Sly removed the leather collar and signaled a man standing behind the stage; the noose was lowered until level with Brayden's neck. Sly grabbed the rope and pulled it over Brayden's head and tightened around the boy's neck. Sly then removed the ankle cuffs and wound a heavy rope in a figure 8 pattern around the boy's ankles. The handcuffs were also taken off and Sly tied Brayden's wrists behind him using lots of rope. On his signal, the noose started a slow ascent. Brayden felt the pressure on his neck, forcing him to stretch and then stand on his tiptoes. As soon as his body was taut and his bare toes just barely touching the rough wood Sly finally ordered the man to stop. Brayden was breathing heavily out of his nose, the ball gag tight in his mouth. Sly looked at Brayden and asked "Want that gag out kid?" Brayden nodded as best he could, eyes pleading at Sly. Sly removed the gag, and opened a bottle of water, "Drink up kid, this will be the last for a while." Brayden opened his mouth and Sly raised the bottle to Brayden's lips, at first he allowed Brayden to drink slowly, then Sly tipped the bottle up and forced the water to come out faster, Brayden coughed at the flow, water running down the front of him, down his legs. "Now look what you've done, you spoiled bitch, I guess I'll have to punish you!" Sly laughed. Sly picked up a cruel looking gag and waved it in Brayden's face, it was a four inch [10 cm] molded penis, three and a half inches [9 cm] round. Sly grabbed Brayden's hair, pulling it so Brayden had to open his mouth. Sly forced the rubber penis into Brayden's mouth, causing him to buck and struggle; Sly pulled the strap's tight and buckled the gag severely around Brayden's head. "OK punk, this is how it is, you're wearing clothes; not much, but still wearing some. People are going to bid on removing your shirt and shorts. So they'll only be two guys, but they get to take your clothes off any way they choose. Should be real fucking interesting, huh?" Sly giggled, and then slapped Brayden hard across his face, forcing his to hop and regain his balance. Sly left the stage and Brayden alone. A bright spotlight was shown on him and men stopped now and then to look at him and make crude comments. Brayden stood there, sweating from the ache of standing on his toes and the pressure of the noose. A tear would roll down his cheek, mixing with the drool caused by the cruel gag. Brayden looked around, watching as boys in ropes and chains were lead around the hall, on display and men slapping and punching them as they went past these sadists. Brayden wondered how long it would be until it was his turn for pain. Regrettably he didn't have to wait too long as a crowd started to gather around the raised platform. Sly announced that two lucky winners would have the chance to remove the kids' shirt or shorts, depending on the winning bid. They would have thirty minutes with the kid. After he was naked, bids would be taken for the remainder of the night with the slave. Brayden flinched when he heard slave, he knew he was in for a lot of pain. The bidding was brisk and loud. Time was money and Sly wasn't going to waste either. A biker won the right to remove Brayden's shirt and a mild looking man bid the highest to remove his shorts. Hoots, insults, vile and suggestions rang in Brayden's ears; some of the things they wanted to do to him were unreal. The biker, a fat bearded giant with a heavy beard and tattoo's all over his body approached Brayden, smiling and blowing kisses at him. He carried a switchblade in his hand and a small whip in the other. Brayden tried to hop backwards, but he couldn't move more than an inch in any direction. The biker went to work on Brayden's shirt, slicing it vertically into small strips. The shirt looked like a grass skirt when the biker finished. "Twenty-five minutes left." Sly yelled advising the biker and crowd. The biker rubbed his hands all over Brayden's chest; he wasn't allowed to go below the waist. Pinching, twisting and pulling on Brayden's nipples caused yelps of pain to escape from Brayden's mouth. The gag was so tight in his mouth; Brayden couldn't sallow his saliva, and drool leaked out the sides of his mouth, rolling down his body. The biker licked the drool and then spit it back onto Brayden's face. The spittle hung on his nose then slide onto his chin. Tears came to his eyes from the pain and humiliation. The biker sucked, licked and chewed Brayden's nipples and chest. The front of him became red from the irritation and hickeys. Using the whip, the biker slowly lashed Brayden's chest and back; slicing away pieces of the shirt. Alternating between soft and harsh, the biker whipped Brayden for ten minutes until only the collar remained. With his teeth, the biker took the collar in his mouth and ripped it from Brayden's neck. Then using his tongue, licked Brayden upper body, tasting the sweat and tears until his time was up. Brayden tired to hang his head in shame, but he noose prevented him from looking down. The next winner, a small quiet man came onto the stage, he too carried a whip but had a razor knife. Slowly cutting holes into the shorts, the man produced an intricate pattern of openings. Knelling in front of the boy, the man started to lick the front of the shorts and sticking his tongue in the holes, touching the tip of Brayden's cock with electrifying jolts of pleasure. His actions caused the desired effect, Brayden's dick head popped out of one of the cut holes. The crowd cheered and yelled for more. The man brought out the whip and struck Brayden all over his shorts, ripping them to pieces, Brayden screaming into his gag from the pain. The shorts split in the back and hung off of Brayden's erection. Again knelling, the man took the shorts in his teeth, twisting, jerking and pulling the fabric around Brayden's ball sac and cock. Brayden was moaning and his cock twitching from a new sensation. Precum was dripping out of his piss slit and the man slowly licked from the base to the head, twirling his tongue around Brayden's rigid member. When Sly yelled there were five minutes left, the man poked his fingers into Brayden's hole and ran his fingers up and down Brayden's pulsating cock. Taking the entire length into his mouth, the man sucked Brayden into a mind-blowing orgasm. Brayden hung by his neck on the stage, naked, his upper body reddened from bite and whip marks, his cock, hard and throbbing, leaking small amounts of cum onto the floor. Sly walked back onto the stage and had the boy lowered until his feet were flat on the floor. The noose was removed and a metal collar locked around his neck. Sly untied his feet and put the manacles with short chain around Brayden's ankles. His hands remained tied behind his back and the gag stayed in his mouth. Sly then announced another bid for the boy. The winner could have him all night and the only limits were no permanent scars or injuries. The bidding was hot and heavy, slowly members dropped out, the bids too high for them. It came down to two men; driving the price to new records and bringing new cheers for each bid. Finally the winner doubled his offer and the loser stalked off, swearing. Brayden shook with fear, who would want him that badly? When the winner walked onto the stage, Brayden almost fainted; his owner for the night was Ryan. Sly attached a leash to Brayden's collar and gave it to Ryan. Ryan gave a hard yank of the leash and told the boy to follow them. Sly brought them to a private room, filled with all kinds of devices for the torture and pain of the boy. Ryan handed Sly five thousand dollars in cash, told him to leave and locked the door. Ryan pushed the boy onto his knees and told him not to move. Brayden was bewildered, he thought Ryan was a friend; but he had paid a huge amount of money for him for one night and was now going to torture him. Ryan had a large satchel and was rummaging through it. Brayden watched closely as Ryan pulled out a small box and turned it on. After a few minutes, Ryan pulled out another box and turned that on. Brayden was confused and frightened; would these boxes be used on him? Ryan turned and looked at the boy with a stern face; Brayden lowered his head in shame. He didn't want Ryan to know what he did because of his mother and Sly and now here he was naked, tied and gagged, kneeling in front of him. Tears welled up in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. Ryan walked over to Brayden placed a hand under the boy's chin and yanked his face up so they were looking at each other. Ryan then bent forward so he was inches from the boy and softly spoke to him, "Brayden listen very carefully and don't move. This place is wired for video and sound. I've turned on a box that makes white noise, static for the audio, they can't hear us, but they can see us. I'm going to try to get us both out of here. But I may have to do some things to you. Please understand I don't want to, but if they become suspicious, they'll come for you. If you understand, blink once." Brayden blinked the once and to rub his chin in Ryan's hand. Ryan gave a gentle squeeze and continued, "I can't leave the static on too much longer, they'll come in. I went to your motel, I wanted to talk to your mother, but I saw you being forced into the car and followed you here. Lucky for me my grandfather belonged to this group, I'd have never got in. Almost didn't, I had to pay off the doorman big time. But now I'm here and I've got to figure out how to get us out. It may not work. I will do everything I can. For now you are going to suffer, I'll be as gentle as I can, but you need to make it look worse than it is. They're taping us for a video; they think we don't know but my 'toys' confirm it. I'm sorry you're in this mess." Ryan shut off the static box and pulled out a parachute cage for Brayden's ball sac. "Stand up you worthless piece of shit, you're in for a night of pain." Brayden could see the sorrow in Ryan's eyes, and knew he was acting for the hidden cameras; Brayden knew he had to put on his best act if he wanted to escape with Ryan.
Ryan also knew he had better start working on the boy, or they would be getting a visit from Sly, who was surely watching them on the hidden cameras. Ryan grabbed Brayden's collar and yanked him to his feet, pulling the boy close to his face. "I so sorry Bray, I'm gonna have to do things to you, please understand and play along or we're both in trouble." Ryan whispered. Brayden mewed through his gag, letting Ryan know as best he could he would do want ever it took to make it look good. Brayden knew he would suffer pain and be made suck and fuck Ryan and the thought of it made him hard. Ryan saw Brayden's stiff cock and grabbed it, yelling into the boy's face. "So the idea of pain and humiliation excites huh boy, well you get lots tonight I promise you." Ryan, still holding onto Brayden's collar pulled him over to the bed, a mattress on a wood frame, nothing else. Brayden felt himself being pushed face down onto the bed. His feet were unchained then his legs pulled wide apart and tied off to the ends of the bed frame. Brayden's hands were untied then spread to the top of the bed and also tied off. Brayden was spread eagled, taut from the bindings, his ass exposed. Brayden unbuckled the cock gag and removed it from Brayden's mouth. Brayden coughed, his mouth dry from the cruel gag, Ryan took a handful of Brayden's hair and pulled the boy's head back harshly. Brayden yelped as Ryan pulled it back further, and then nastily tongued the boy, kissing him cruelly and biting the boy's tongue and neck. Brayden was overcome with desire for Ryan, but reacted instead by twisting his head away and yelling at Ryan to leave him alone. Ryan pulled Brayden's hair harder, this time causing Brayden to scream in real pain and plunged his tongue into Brayden's mouth, the two then kissing and sucking on each other's tongue for several minutes. Using his free hand, Ryan alternately rubbed, and then slapped Brayden's butt cheeks, back and legs. Ryan would grab a handful of boy butt and squeeze hard while kissing Brayden whose eyes would widen and whimpers of bliss escaped from his lips. Ryan would work his fingers into Brayden's hole, working the boys love nut; Brayden vibrating from the pleasure waves. Ryan grabbed a bottle of lube off of the table near the bed and squeezed the liquid between Brayden's butt cheeks. He slowly worked the lube into Brayden's hole then laid on top of the boy, his rock hard cock twitching, ready to penetrate the fourteen year olds sphincter. "I'm gonna fuck you now kid, long and slow and hard. You better do a good job of getting my nut off, or you'll pay." Ryan growled into Brayden's ear, loud enough for the microphone's to pick up. Then quietly whispered, "I'm sorry." Brayden wasn't sure what was happening; he was horny and excited that Ryan was about to fuck him, but also frightened about the look he had seen in Ryan's eyes. It was the same look the others had when fucking and torturing his body. Brayden prayed it was an act, meant to convince Sly and his partners Ryan was as demented as they were. Ryan crawled between Brayden's leg; the boy's body shaped like an X from the tight bondage. "I'm gonna fuck you now, boy' long and hard. Hope you enjoy it, I know I will." Ryan laughed as he lay on top of Brayden and slowly inched his cock into Brayden. Brayden moaned as the thick mushroom head entered his puckered hole, resisting the intrusion. Ryan pushed harder, his rigid cock invading the quivering tunnel; Brayden whimpering and sucking in his breath. Ryan would pull back slowly, and then push in farther, a little more each thrust. The two prone figures starting to sweat from the close contact and sexual tension. Ryan was stretched out on top of Brayden, his hands running up and down Brayden's arms and stroking the boy's head. Ryan placed his hand over Brayden's mouth then quickened the tempo of thrusts; ramming his cock into the boy at a feverish pitch. Brayden was grunting and mewing, his prostate setting off wave after wave of sensual jolts. Ryan was pounding the teen's ass; his balls slapping against Brayden, the boy squeezing his love chute around Ryan's cock, pleasure rocking them both. Ryan rammed his cock into Brayden, grunting and cursing as he blasted load after load of cum into Brayden's distended hole. Brayden for his part, screamed as his cock burst its nectar between him and the mattress. Ryan exhausted; lay on top of the boy. Brayden, unable to move because of Ryan on top of him and the course ropes holding him taunt; waited for his master to get off him. His master? "Is that what I think of him now? Am I just a slave boy that doesn't deserve anything more than this?" Brayden thought as he lay on the bed. Ryan had got up and was moving around, Brayden trying to follow him with his eyes only, not wanting to move his head. For some reason fearful that if Ryan saw that he was being watched by the boy, he would be enraged. What Brayden couldn't see was Ryan checking different whips, paddles and belts he would be using on the boy. Part of the deal to use the boy had been Ryan had to beat the boy after each sex scene to remind him of his place. Ryan at first said no, but when Sly told him he would take the boy back and give him to the second bidder; Ryan relented and agreed as long as only he would be allowed to strike the boy with whatever he choose to use and the boy would not be damaged. Ryan selected a short rubber whip with several tails that he hoped would raise some red welts, but not hurt the boy. He then picked up a ball gag so Brayden's screaming wouldn't affect his performance. When Brayden saw the whip and ball gag, he was genuinely scared. He pulled and bucked against the ropes, but was held fast by the heavy rope and wasn't going to break free. Brayden looked at Ryan with tears in his eyes and begged, "Please master, don't whip me, please. I will do whatever you want, I will suck you and you can fuck me, but please, please don't whip me." Then Brayden broke into another fit of tears. "Silence, you worthless piece of shit, I will do what I want to you. You will suck me and I will fuck you, after I whip you. This gag will keep you quiet; open your mouth you little shit." Ryan growled as he grabbed Brayden's hair and pulled the boy's head back painfully, forcing Brayden's mouth open enough for him to stuff the ball gag in and securing it tight. Releasing the boy's hair, Brayden's head fell back on the mattress, his crying muffled by the gag, but his tears flowing freely. Ryan felt a rage building up inside of him; a rage he never knew existed and was frightening in its intensity. "Why am I so angry with the boy, shouldn't I be directing my rage at Sly and the others that run this house of horrors?" Ryan questioned, as he looked down at the struggling, weeping boy. "Shut the fuck up!" Ryan screamed as he brought the whip down hard across Brayden's exposed back. Brayden went rigid from the shock of the blow and the force of in which it was delivered. Brayden tried to suck in air, but why the ball gag effectively sealing his mouth, little air entered through his nostrils. The poor lad also passed out. Ryan, struck four more blows, this time barely touching the skin, but delivered so quickly, Brayden screamed and bucked, fighting the ropes. His wrists and ankles rubbed raw from the rope digging into his skin from the auction an now the torture room began to bleed. Again and again, Ryan struck Brayden with the whip from his shoulders to the soles of his feet, until he was a mass of red welts and new found pain. Ryan had been able to keep from drawing blood, but he could see the boy was in severe stress. Ryan quickly untied the boy, removed the gag and turned him over, eliciting new groans and sobs from the boy. Ryan grabbed a bottle of water and brought it to Brayden's lip telling him to drink slowly. He soaked a rag and dabbed Brayden's wrists and ankles; cleaning the rope burns. Holding the boy's head in one hand, he wiped the sweat and tears from Brayden's face; not caring at the moment what Sly might be thinking as he watched the hidden video feed. Ryan caressed the boy's face and kissed him gently. Whispering in the boy's ear how sorry he was and he did love him. Brayden looked into Ryan's eyes and knew he was telling the truth and closed his eyes and sighed. Untying the boy, he picked him up in his arms and carried Brayden over to the shower stall. Placing Brayden in it, he turned on the water and washed the boy's tortured body. Brayden's back, butt and legs were covered in welts and whip marks, but his front was untouched. Looking around, Ryan saw the bench. He would place Brayden on it and secure him with the leather cuffs and chains, then torment the boy further. "Bray, I sorry but there's more pain for you in a few minutes. Try to drink some water." Ryan softly spoke as he raised a bottle to Brayden's lips. "A few more hours and it will be over, I promise." Ryan whispered. "A few hours, how much more can I take?" Brayden thought as Ryan washed his body and gave him water. His back felt as if it was on fire, and he didn't think he could walk. What more can he do to me? Ryan lifted Brayden up by the arm and pulled him over to the bench, made of thick heavy wood. About three feet wide [90 cm] and six feet [1.8 m] long; eyebolts lined the sides of the bench every six inches [15 cm]. Holes had been drilled into the surface of the bench for chains or ropes to be pulled through and secured underneath to additional eyebolts. Ryan had Brayden lie down on his back and raise his arms and hands over his head, fastening heavy leather cuffs on each wrist and connecting them with a clip. Ryan added a chain to the clip, pulled it through a hole and locked the chain onto a bolt. Ryan next attached leather cuffs to Brayden's ankles and pulling the boy downward on the bench until he was taunt. Ryan had to pull a bit more to lock each ankle to a bolt, causing Brayden to groan, his arms and legs pulled tight, his chest showing his ribs. Taking a rope, Ryan wound it around Brayden waist, tying off each end to a bolt and holding Brayden fast to the bench. Ryan was done however. Taking a thin nylon cord, Ryan separated and tied off Ryan's balls, then connected the cord to a pulley above Brayden and added weights to it. Brayden screamed as the heavy weight, pulled his ball sac up and stretched it. Ryan next placed electric strips around Brayden's cock and roughly pushed a metal egg into the boy's anus. He attached all the wires to a control box. When he turned the box on, Brayden let out a pitiful continuous scream as an electrical current tormented him with varying intensity and time. Ryan picked up a small bull whip and began to strike Brayden across his chest, stomach and legs, alternating light and heavy strokes. Brayden continually screamed throughout the whipping and electrical shocks until finally, his mouth remained open, but his screams were silent. Brayden's cock, hard, swollen and purple; bounced from each shock, precum flowing down the teen's shaft and pooling on the bench. Brayden wanted to cum but couldn't his balls and cock tied off, holding back his eruption. Ryan looked down at the boy, covered in sweat, his body criss-crossed with whip marks, some oozing blood. Ryan removed the electrical wires and eggs from Brayden and united the nylon cord. Brayden groaned in relief. Ryan then started to stroke the boy's cock, slowly, and then increasing in speed until his hand appeared as a blur. Brayden tried to hump Ryan's hand, but secured as he was, couldn't move. Brayden his toes curling, his fists clenched, let out a high pitched scream as he erupted, cum flying out in massive bursts, covering his stomach, chest and face. Ryan continued to milk the boy until there was no more. Ryan lay down on the mattress, leaving Brayden covered in sweat, cum and blood, still chained to the bench. An hour later, Ryan awoke with a start, realizing Brayden was still chained to the bench. Ryan's eyes were closed, but tears ran down his cheeks in a constant stream. Ryan removed Brayden's restraints and once more carried him to the shower stall, this time getting in with the boy and cleaning him carefully and with care. Brayden rested his head on Ryan, purring as his body was caressed. "Brayden, we can't stay in the shower too much longer. I am going to have to tie up again and bring you back to Sly." Ryan whispered into Brayden's ear. Ryan could feel the boy stiffen in fright, and held him tighter. "I know how scared you are, but I will do whatever I can to save you from this asshole. You need to be brave and trust me." Ryan said as he held the boy close to him. Pulling Brayden out of the shower, he ordered the boy to try him. Brayden, shivering from the shower and still wet, dried Ryan off, then helped dress him as commanded. Ryan ordered Brayden to knell and place his hands behind his back. Ryan then crossed Brayden's wrists and tied them tight. The small ankle chains were locked on Brayden's ankles, the leather collar fastened around Brayden's neck and the ball gag firmly placed in the boy's mouth. Ryan added the lease and gave it a sharp tug, indicating Brayden was to follow. Brayden rose up and followed Ryan out to the main hall. Brayden eyes widened as he took in the activity before him. There must have been close to twenty or thirty boys in the hall, all naked like him. Some were tied the same as Brayden, others were tied to posts, X-crosses or hanging by their wrists from a pulley. Ryan pulled on Brayden's lease and brought him over to where Sly was standing. Sly saw them approaching and his smile grew wide. "I trust you enjoyed this little slut?" Sly laughed as he grabbed the leash from Ryan and pulled roughly, Brayden shuffling awkwardly to Sly. "I enjoyed him very much." Ryan said coldly, trying to keep his cool and not strike Sly. It would go badly for both if he hit Sly. Ryan needed to maintain his cool and try to negotiate with Sly for Brayden. Sly laughed hardly and looked up and down Brayden, the boy's body bruised and covered in welts, but otherwise in good shape. The kid's mother wouldn't be too pissed off and a couple of bags would satisfy her alleged anger. "So, what happens now? There seems to be some kind of show about to start." Ryan asked Sly, hoping his tenseness wasn't noticed by Sly. Luckily for him, Sly did not notice, being a little drunk and high. Hopped up on booze and drugs; and from the money he had made tonight, Sly was happy and feeling fine. "Well dude, some of these fine boys are going to be auctioned off tonight. I heard there was some buyer from the Middle East who was looking to buy a bunch of boys for some group he represents." Sly giggled. "Should be real interesting to see who goes on the auction block tonight." Sly chortled, yanking on Brayden's lease, and breaking into fits of laughter. All Ryan could do was stand there and glare at Sly as Brayden shook in fear, wondering if he would be one of those boys.
The Ringmaster ordered all the stock to be lined up shoulder to shoulder by height. A grease pencil was used to write a number on each boy's chest. Brayden was in the middle of the boys and was number thirteen. The Ringmaster walked the line, inspecting each boy, roughly turning them around, bending them over, and inspecting every part of the boy's body. When his inspection was complete, he conferred with his staff and had them read aloud the ten numbers selected. Brayden tensed, shaking with fear until he heard "Fourteen, sixteen, seventeen and nineteen", the selection process over. Brayden thought he would pass out, his knees weak and bending. A sudden crack of a whip across his butt brought him up right and pulled out of line by auction assistants. He and the others not selected where herded back into a dark room and shoved into a caged area. The twelve boys inside the cage were ordered to sit down on the dirt floor as metal collars and chains were attached to them. Two boys, around ten years of age, started to cry and were set upon by the assistants; slapping their faces, pulling on their hair and yelling a string of obscenities. The assistants warned all the boys to be quiet or suffer for it. The cage door was locked and what little light was on, got turned off. Once the door to the room closed the boys were in darkness. Five boys sat on either side of the small cage, facing each other. Chained by the neck to each other, naked shoulder against naked shoulder. A small comfort for them, not knowing what was to become of them. While unable to see each other, quiet moans, and an occasional sniffle could be heard. The boy on the right side of Brayden rested his head on Brayden's shoulder and moaned. Brayden, attempting to comfort the boy as best he could, rested his head on the boy's head and gently rubbed it. Brayden thought of Ryan and the beautiful house, the kindness he had been shown and felt the tears slowly roll down his cheeks. He prayed that Ryan would save him. While Brayden sat naked and bound in the dark room, Ryan walked around the auction floor; mingling with the other men, trying to glean as much information about this group as possible. He asked no questions; afraid that as a new comer he would draw instant suspicion, instead moving from one group to another, taking mental notes. Ryan listened as men described how some boys had been obtained, horrified that some of these men were fathers or family members; trading their boys bodies for cash or other boys. To his shame, Ryan was both astonished and aroused. The lights dimmed on the floor and brightened on the raised platform that the boys would be auctioned from. The same platform Brayden had been on earlier that evening.
An announcement over the public address system stated the auction would start in twenty minutes. Those wishing to bid would need to register and receive a numbered paddle in which to make bid offers. Those bidding would be allowed to sit in the front rows, all others would be in the rear sits or standing. Ryan as well as the others did not know which boys would be auctioned, so there was a flurry of activity as men registered for the auction. Ryan received his paddle and found a seat in the third row. He sat next to an older man who told him this was his twentieth auction; and was looking for a young boy about ten years old, dark haired and smooth, with some muscle definition. He brattled on about how he used the boy as a slave, working in his house and field; tending to his gardens. He told Ryan how he loved to torture his boys at night; listening to them scream and beg. He admitted sheepishly that he always went overboard on tormenting the boys; most never making it to their fifteenth birthday. He droned on, explaining he was here for another young boy to replace the last boy who was about fourteen; but became very ill when he was left naked and nailed on a cross too long in adverse weather; and almost died of pneumonia, he sold that boy to a mid-eastern brothel. Ryan was saved from further conversation when the auction started. A boy of twelve, blond hair cut in a bowl style was brought on stage. His hobble had been replaced with a two foot [60 cm] chain, the better to show off the boy. His hands were tied behind his back and a rope from his neck to his wrists pulled his arms into the small of his back. A red ball gag filled his mouth. The boy was placed in the center of the stage, and told to slowly turn in a complete circle. Murmurs of approval could be heard around the stage as the boy reluctantly showed off his body. The boy was just twelve, snatched off the streets of a small east coast town and spirited away to be sold. He was five foot five [1.65 m], one hundred and ten pounds [50 kg] and well defined from years of sports and farm work. It had taken several weeks of whippings, electrical torture and depraved acts to finally break the boy's spirit. Caleb was his name and after his kidnapping he had fought his captors every day, but could not overcome the constant beatings and rape. Caleb now stood on the stage, hands painfully bound, naked and legs spread and stared off into space, his eyes glazed, and spirit broken. The boy was well endowed for his age, his cock six and a half inches [16 cm] long when hard and large balls in a low hanging sac. Much of his torture had been directed to his stuff as he had like to call his dick and balls before his capture. Caleb had discovered his 'stuff' around the age of nine and liked to jerk off several times a day. His captors had whipped, paddled, electrified, burnt, waxed and milked him for hours each day for two weeks, in addition to the other tortures his body had suffered. Caleb was defeated and ready to serve his new master, whoever that may be. Ryan placed two bids on the boy and stopped, allowing others to bid higher and higher. This was not the boy Ryan was interested in. A South American won the bidding war at thirty-five thousand dollars; considered a bargain by many. The drug lord had purchased him as a toy for his son's fifteenth birthday. The man was ashamed of his son's sexual desires and decided a slave boy kept inside the house would prevent his son from going after the children in the village near his compound. Caleb was perfect for whatever his son perverted needs might me. The auction continued, boys displayed for sale then sold to the highest bidder. The final sale was announced and a boy of eight was put on display. Golden white shoulder length hair, a firm body and cute circumcised cock with a small ball sac complimented his flawless skin. The owner of this boy; his uncle, had been having sex with him for three years and turned him into a sex toy by physiological and painful torture; unique in that he used hot and cold temperature methods as well as electrical implements designed to not leave any marks or scars. The boy caused a bidding war among several men; some coming close to punches. Young Alex stood on stage; staring wide eyed at the men who wanted his body. Naked and bound, his little cock stiffened as bid offers where shouted and men yelled cruel insults at him. Alex imagined the tortures and sex he would have to endure and precum leaked from his glans. Men went wild and two tried to climb onto the stage, having to be dragged off the platform and removed from the building. All this excited Alex, unable to understand his uncle's careful training had produced a sex pig. His legs weakening, Alex fell to his knees, overcome with craving and humped the air. Bidding increased dramatically; men wanting to own this angel of a boy. The winner, a billionaire from Asia; paid ninety thousand dollars for him, a record price for a boy. The boy scampered off the stage, his chains jingling as he ran to his new owner. Laughter and clapping erupted in the hall, and then the men slowly made their way to the exits. Ryan was relived and worried at the same time, Brayden had not been one of the boys auctioned, but what had happened to him? Would he ever see the boy again? Ryan decided to seek out Sly and find out Brayden's fate. Sly was talking with two men who appeared to work for him, as Sly did all the talking and the men only nodded and said nothing. Ryan walked up and waited until one of the men saw him and nodded to Sly in the direction of Ryan. "Hey man, what's up. Happy with tonight's show and your little funfest?" Sly chuckled. Ryan forced a grin and replied, "I enjoyed it all, but I thought there would be more boys auctioned." "Well there were so many, that the Ringmaster decided to limit the number and he chose the one's to go." Sly mumbled. Ryan maintained a casual tone and said "Your boy wasn't one of them, too bad. Any reason he wasn't one?" "Yea, because he wasn't 3; you seem to be interested in him why?" Sly growled. Needing to calm Sly, Ryan put his hands up chest high, "No reason, I'm just asking, I'm always on the lookout for hot boys." Ryan hoped that Sly wouldn't get suspicious and question him more. Sly relaxed, his shoulders slumped and he smiled at Ryan. Sly figured he had a new customer and would cultivate this one carefully. "Let's get a drink and talk." Sly purred and motioned his men to complete their tasks. "So you interested in just this kid, or do you have a wider range of pussy in mind?" Sly asked while handing a beer to Ryan. "Pussy, what do you mean?" "Boy or girl pussy, young or old; it's all pussy to me." Sly laughed. "Well, I've had it all, but I like young boy 'pussy', as you call it." Ryan said. "I just have the kid right now, but I could find whatever you want or need, no problems; just tell me what you want." "The kid I had tonight is fine for now; I would be interested in renting him, if that's what you do." "I DO, lots of things, but yea, he can be rented, depending on what you want him for and for how long you want his hot little ass." Sly laughed. "No offense, but he looks a little like you, are you two related?" "That's getting a little personal, but the bastard isn't my kid, I own him." Sly hissed. "Sorry, I wasn't prying; I just didn't know if you had limits on the kid if he was yours, I want to follow the rules ya know." Ryan hoped his words sounded like he was groveling before Sly. "He ain't mine, and there are two rules; payment up front and don't bring him back dead." Sly laughed again and slapped Ryan on the back. "I like you man, you can rent that kid anytime you want him." "Thanks, I may take you up on that, how do I get in touch with you?" Sly handed Ryan a card with a phone number on it. Hand written was the numbers 15 in red and 101 in blue. "Call that number, just say you want number fifteen and your number is one-o-one; you'll be given instructions." As Ryan was about to ask if it was Sly's number, Brayden appeared between the two men. He was blindfolded and gagged, naked and still tied with chains locked on his feet. Ryan looked the boy over; he was covered in sweat, dirt and bruises. Two tracks of dried tears ran down his cheeks. Ryan's heart broke as the two men held Brayden tightly by his arms, their fingers digging into his biceps. Sly reached out and grabbed Brayden's flaccid dick and gave it a brutal yank, causing Brayden to scream into his gag and try to bend over, but prevented by the two men's strong grip. Sly grinned and said "Throw him in the van and get him to the house, I'll be there in a while." Brayden was dragged away, held by the two men and pulled towards the exit. Brayden was unaware that Ryan was so close, but powerless to help the boy. Brayden did know however tonight at the house would not be pleasant for him. Ryan watched as Brayden disappeared out the door, his hand cruelly tied behind his back, his feet hobbled in chains, trying to keep up with the men as they pulled and shoved the nude boy; slapping his ass and cuffing the back of his head. The men swore at Brayden as he shuffled as fast as he could and tripped several times because of the short length of chain securing his ankles. Ryan watched in dismay as Brayden disappeared into the night. Outside, the men opened the doors to the van; each grabbing inside Brayden's thighs and his arms, lifted him up and threw him inside. Brayden landed hard on his stomach and groaned. As one of the men sat in the driver's seat, the other wrapped a course rope around the boy's ankles several times, then to the boys tied wrists, pulling feet and hands to into a brutal hogtie and finishing by tying the rest of the rope around Brayden's neck, forcing the boy to arch his body back to keep from choking. It would be a very painful and uncomfortable ride back to the house. Ryan held the card and looked at it, he asked Sly "So how does this work, I call and you tell me were to meet you?" Sly's eyes narrowed and he stared at Ryan for several seconds, "You sure have a lot of questions don't you man?" "No, no, it's just I want to get this right and not cause problems for anyone, hey don't you want me to know the rules and what I'm supposed to do?" "Yeaaa, ok. You call the number, me or someone will answer, give the two numbers written on the card, then tell me or whoever how long you want that number, a price will be given, no haggling. You will be told where to pick up the number. That's it." Sly said, watching Ryan closely for his reaction. Ryan smiled and said "Cool, that's perfectly acceptable, I guess I'll be in touch." Sly smiled and offered his hand, which Ryan took. It was warm and damp and Sly's grip was not firm. Ryan shook and forced a smiled back. "Gotta go man, peace." Sly said, turned and left the building. Ryan waited a moment, left the building and hurried to his car. Once inside, he turned on the activator for the tracking device on Sly's car. The GPS screen came to life and Ryan watched the dot start to move. Ryan waited a minute then left the lot. It would be easy to follow Sly from a mile away, the tracking device was working fine and he had a strong signal. Ryan's only fear that Sly would not be heading to the house where Brayden was being taken, he hoped he was wrong as he got onto the highway and followed the signal from Sly's car. Ryan thought briefly about contacting the police but just as quickly as he thought it, decided against it. Too many questions, not enough answers for the cops to be satisfied, and most importantly; he could lose Brayden forever if the police got involved. Nope, no cops Ryan deliberated. If I need help, I have the right contacts, no questions asked for the right price. Ryan watched the dot on the GPS screen, the signal strong and moving at a steady pace. If Sly suspected anything he wasn't letting on and Ryan felt Sly wasn't that smart. Sly drove on towards the house. Well actually a warehouse, but he and his crew fancied themselves cunning by calling it a house. Anyone overhearing them would assume it was a traditional house, not an abandoned industrial warehouse. A smile broke out on his face; Sly had made almost nine grand on the kid tonight. He was going to be a goldmine. Even after paying off his two goons at a thousand apiece, he still had a huge profit. Sly tried to figure how much money he could make on the kid, just renting him out nightly to his regular customers and their friends (after they were vetted of course) against an auction netting him an even bigger score. Sly figured even if he only rented the kid out two to four times a week, he could gross well over a hundred grand a year, for at least four more years before the kid became worthless and expendable. Then Sly would sell the boy to anyone that wanted him, no questions asked. Another thirty minutes and twenty miles [30 km] and Sly arrived at the warehouse. It was in the same neighborhood as the motel Brayden lived in, a half mile [1 km] down the road. Sly laughed, not even Gloria and Brayden knew of this place, he had others too. All kept secret from them and his employees. Can't be too careful Sly rationalized, its every man for himself. The van was inside; the boys had unloaded Brayden and tossed him onto the cold concrete floor. Naked and still hogtied, Brayden could only whimper and hope he'd be released soon. Ryan pulled off a side street and shut off his car. He was a quarter mile [500 m] away from the warehouse. The GPS had pinpointed the location and provided a street number and address. He searched online and got a satellite image of the building and surrounding area. Ryan decided not to get any closer or attempt to approach the building until after he had the place checked out by professionals. He didn't want to set off alarms or detectors by being overly anxious. He would hunker down and watch the place until morning light. He hoped the van and Brayden were also inside; and he worried what might happen to the boy. Sly walked over to the two men and paid them their share for the night, then walked over to Brayden and looked down at the trussed up boy. Even after a rough night the kid had endured, he still looked hot. Sly ordered his men to untie the boy and bring him to the shower stalls in the old locker room of the warehouse. Brayden hands were cuffed above his head to a pipe, forcing him on tiptoes. Sly stripped down and turned on the water, getting it hot. He then slowly and gently washed Brayden's body, paying special attention to his cock and balls. Sly's cock stiffened and he rubbed it all over Brayden's lower body. Sly got behind the boy and gradually entered the Brayden's abused rectum, humping faster and faster until Sly unloaded his semen into Brayden. Sly pulled on Brayden's hair, forcing his head back exposing his neck. Sly licked and kissed his face and neck, then forcing his tongue into Brayden's mouth. Sly slapped Brayden hard on his ass, laughed and walked away, leaving Brayden naked, wet and hanging by his wrists. Brayden lowered his head to his chest and cried.
"Is this all I'm good for?" Brayden thought as he shivered, naked and cold from being left wet in the old warehouse. Brayden's hair hung in his eyes, too tired and sore to move; water dripped down from the curly strands onto his face, and then rolled down his chest. Brayden tried to move, but he was stretched out too tight, his arms numb, his toes screaming in pain. Brayden wasn't sure how long he hung there, but he slept in fits, waking from the pain, then passing out. The last time Brayden woke, sunlight was streaming in from a window high above him; he figured he had been hanging for at least six hours. The sound of closing doors in the distance brought Brayden alert with fear and even a slight bit of hope. Fear that Sly was back and hope that just maybe Ryan had found him and was here to rescue him. Brayden dropped his head down when he heard Sly laughing as he walked into the shower room. "Hey kid, how's it hanging?" Sly chortled, thinking himself a comedian. "I really wasn't sure what I'd find when I came back. You're one tough little shit, still alive and all." Brayden lifted his head slightly, looking at Sly; a flash of hatred directed towards Sly. Sly caught the look and was momentarily shocked, then angered at the bravado of this punk. "Hey you fucking little shit, I brought you breakfast, you should be thankful and show more respect to me 3; or else." Sly growled, somewhat disconcerted. Walking over to Brayden, he un-cuffed him and laughed when Brayden fell to a heap on the floor, his leg and legs numb from being hung from the pipe all night. Sly threw the bag of McDonalds next to Brayden and told him to eat. "When you're done, get over there and put on those clothes." Sly pointed to a table on the other side of the room. Brayden inhaled the breakfast sandwiches and orange juice then limped to the table. Dismayed, Brayden saw an old pair of cutoffs, a half T-shirt and flip-flops. The shorts and shirt were a size too small for Brayden, but he squeezed into them; it was better than being naked. Sly grabbed Brayden by the arm and said, "Let's go, time to bring you home to mommy." Sly told Brayden to stop when they got to the door leading outside, and produced pair of handcuffs and a black scarf. Brayden looked at Sly fearfully, wondering if this was a trick. "Relax shithead, this is a precaution, I don't want you to see where we are and see the route outta here and the cuffs are because I like control. Now put your hands behind your back." Brayden, turned around and did as told, Sly closed the half ring around each wrist and tightened them until Brayden yelped in pain. Laughing, Sly then wrapped the scarf around Brayden's head, cutting off all sight and daylight. Sly grabbed Brayden by an arm and pulled him forward, heading outside and to his car. Brayden tried to keep up and not fall, tripping over debris scattered around the parking area. Only wearing flip-flops, Brayden banged his toes against unseen items, whimpering and moaning from the pain. Sly grabbed Brayden harder and barked at him. "Keep up, shut up or I'll gag you too, ya little fuck." Brayden stumbled along, biting his lower lip to keep silent; he definitely did not want to be gagged again. Sly pulled up short, and Brayden could ear Sly using a set of keys to open something. "OK kid, I'm gonna pick up you up and put in the trunk, I can't run the risk of some nosy cop seeing you blindfolded. So get in and enjoy the ride." Sly picked up Brayden and tossed him into the trunk, causing Brayden to strike a metal box with the small of his back. Brayden couldn't help but yell out in pain. "God damn it, I told you to shut the fuck up, you bounce off a little box and you act as if you were being murdered." seethed Sly. "Well now you pay." Sly grabbed a rag and shoved it in Brayden's mouth and tied the ends behind his head. He then grabbed a rope and wound it around Brayden's ankles several times; then around his wrists and finished it off with a hangman noose around Brayden's neck. Sly stepped back to admire his work and laughed. Brayden was in a strict hogtie and groaned from the pressure on his neck. "If you stay real still, you won't strangle yourself. You better home you make it home ok." Sly laughed as he slammed the trunk shut. The ride home seemed like it was hours, in fact it was only thirty minutes. Brayden started sweating as soon the trunk lid closed the air stifling and rancid. When the car stopped and Sly opened the trunk, Brayden was covered in sweat and crying, the rope around his neck tight from the bumpy ride. "OK kid, get out." Brayden waited, unable to move bound in the cruel hogtie, knowing Sly was playing his mind games again with him. Brayden didn't grunt or move, knowing if he kid it would give Sly a reason to hit him; or worse. "I guess I have to drag you out, seeing hows you're all tied up." Sly grabbed Brayden by his wavy blond locks of hair and pulled hard; Brayden yelped into the gag, the pain from his hair being pulled felt like a hot poker on his skull. Sly dumped Brayden on the ground and removed the blindfold, gag and restraints from the boy. Kicking him somewhat gently, he told Brayden to get up and go inside to see his mom. Just as Brayden got to the door, Sly yelled at him, "Hey those are my clothes, give them back." Brayden looked at Sly, unsure what to do, he was right at his motel door, should he go in or did Sly want him strip right here, in the parking lot? "Hey, gimme the fuckin clothes 3; now." "I, I uh, can I take them off inside and give them to you please Sly?" Brayden stammered. Sly looked at Brayden with discus and amusement then agreed, "Yea, go ahead inside ya little pussy, I'll follow you in and get the cloths." Shit Brayden thought, that's exactly what he wanted, to be able to come inside. Brayden left the door open as he entered, looking for his mother. She was passed out on the bed, quietly snoring, reliving Brayden, who had thoughts of finding his mother dead from an overdose. Sly walked in and laughed, then yelled at the top of his lungs, "Wake up Bitch, your little boy is home." Gloria groaned and rolled over, looking at the both of them. Sly turned to Brayden and yelled "Get out of those clothes and give them to me!" Brayden hastily striped and handed the short, shirt and flip-flops to Sly. He opened a drawer to get a pair of underwear when Sly barked at him, "I didn't say it was ok to get dressed, get over to the corner of the room, knell down and put your hands behind your head. Don't freakin move until I tell you to." "My little baby has a cute ass, bet he earned his keep last night." Gloria croaked, her mouth dry from the drugs. "Yea, he did ok, he could do better." "Got anything for me?" Gloria asked Sly, hoping for another fix. "Hey, you got paid last night, a deals a deal." Sly hissed. Brayden hoped Sly wouldn't give his mother any drugs now or later. He was afraid Sly would one day give Gloria a "hot shot" (lethal dose) of drugs and she would die. He knew Sly wanted him for his sex trade and as a drug runner. Brayden could only knell in the corner naked, quietly crying and praying. Gloria looked at Sly, anger growing on her face; she yelled at Sly that without her kid, he wouldn't be making any money. She wanted to be cut in, or she'd find someone else that was willing to share the profits. Brayden could only hang his head in shame, his mother; caring only for money and drugs, not an ounce of love for him. Sly looked stone-faced at Gloria, she was becoming a problem and he didn't need any more problems. May be if he agreed for the time being, she would lower her guard and her expectations and Sly would have a plan to be rid of her permanently and the kid would be his to do as he wanted. Sly let a grin grow on his face and spoke quietly to Gloria, "Ya know, you're right, it's only fair I share fairly with you. I mean without that boy's ass over there, we wouldn't have anything." Sly of course was lying he had lots of thing going and he was making money. But he needed Gloria to think she had what he needed and was willing to play the game for a while. Then, she would be gone. "How bout I give you 3; say thirty percent, I mean I'm doing all the work, and taking the risks, so I should get more, don't you think." "Well Sly 3; 'honey', I think without me or the kid you ain't got nothing. I want half." Sly kept smiling and but inside he was seething. This fucking drugged out whore was demanding too much. But he kept his cool, play the game he kept telling himself. "Look, I have a lot of over head and I have people I have to pay, I'll give you thirty-five percent, that's more than generous, and if I can have the kid more often, you'll make more. And to show you I'm a good loser, I'll throw in some baggies each week as part of the deal. OK?" Gloria thought for a moment, the money would be coming in and she would get drugs for free, it was time to agree, least Sly decided the two of them weren't worth it and got rid of both of them. Hell, if it came to that, she would give the kid to Sly, but she'd never tell him that. The brat was her only bargaining chip. "OK Sly, it's a deal. But if I think I'm being cheated, well 3; you don't want to go there." Gloria said, with more bravado then she had. Of course Brayden heard all of this and knelt quietly in the corner, naked and afraid. He had to think of a way to get away from these two, before he was sold or dead. He hoped he would be able to see Ryan, maybe he could help him. The thought of Ryan caused Brayden's cock to get semi-stiff. Brayden looked down in panic, if Sly or his mother saw his dick getting hard, they would be unmerciful. Thinking of Sly quickly deflated Brayden as thinking of Ryan got him hard. "Shit kid, put some fucking clothes on, why are you still naked?" Sly laughed. Gloria and Sly watched Brayden as he walked to his bureau drawer and pulled out underwear, shorts and a jersey. Brayden dressed and then looked at Gloria, asking if he could go out for a while and visit some buddies. Sly looked at him carefully, "You ain't going to the cops or trying to run are you boy? You know that would be a bigggg mistake." "No, I'll be good; I just want to see some friends." Brayden signed. "Didn't know you had friends, you been holding out on me you little shit?" Gloria hissed. "No Ma, I told you I had friends and even their names, maybe you just forgot." "Let the kid go, so long as you are back by 9:00 PM, you're gonna need rest for what I got planned" Sly told Brayden. Gloria told Brayden to get the fuck out and yelled at Sly she was the kid's parent, she would decide what he could do and where. Brayden left quickly, shutting the door and the other two kept arguing. Brayden went to the shed where he had hidden his new bike, praying it was still there. Pulling back the trap, Brayden let out a happy whistle, it hadn't been touched. Pulling it outside, Brayden looked around making sure no one saw him. Satisfied, he hopped on the bike and rode towards Ryan. I hope he's home Brayden sang song like as he pedaled as fast as he could. Ryan had returned home and was sitting at his desk, when his eyes drifted to the thick folder Bill; a friend of his grandfather, had left him on his visit a few days ago. Ryan opened the folder and was startled to see a letter from his grandfather on top of a thick, flat binder. The letter, two pages in length was private, but explained to Ryan the binder contained information, names and services that would help Ryan in anyway if problems arose. Ryan had read the binder carefully, awestruck as to what his grandfather had been involved in. Ryan had never known the scope of the things granddad had done while alive. His legitimate dealings where dwarfed by his illegitimate dealings. His grandfather had advised all his associates that if Ryan was to ever call for help, they were to assist in any way possible. Now Ryan was at home, working the phone, talking to an extended list of his grandfather's contacts, devising a plan on how to rescue Brayden and handle Sly and Gloria. Ryan had called one friend of his grandfather who was a specialist in dealing with sensitive and dangerous situations. He and the man, named Levitt, talked for awhile and Levitt agreed to come out and access the problem. Ryan had wanted Levitt to stay at the house, put Levitt said it would be better if he stayed at a hotel nearby. Ryan agreed as long as he could pay all of Levitt's expenses. Ryan made several other calls to men his grandfather knew and who could probably help Ryan. They all approved of Levitt getting the ball rolling and would wait to hear from Ryan. Ryan sat back in the office chair, Gertie lying next to the desk, sad eyes watching Ryan's every move. Ryan got up and walked to the kitchen, Gertie following. Ryan got himself a beer and poured Gertie a bowl of water. Gertie stopped and raised his head, tensing and then barking and running to the back door, tail wagging back and forth furiously. Ryan looked at Gertie, who was trying to get out the door. "What is wrong with you, you crazy dog? Is there a cat outside?" Ryan looked towards the driveway, and his heart skipped a beat, there was Brayden, riding his bike up the drive towards the back door, smiling and waving at the both of them. Ryan opened the door before Gertie had a chance to knock it down, the dog when tearing out of the house, barking and whimpering with joy at seeing Brayden. Ryan stood there, his eyes tearing up. Brayden got off the bike and was immediately knocked over by Gertie; the dog barking and licking Brayden's face, overjoyed that his friend had returned. Brayden lay on the ground, laughing and hugging Gertie; letting Gertie soak his face with big slobbering dog kisses. Ryan was incredulous; Gertie never acted that way towards anyone, including him. He was also jealous, he wanted to jump and run to Brayden, to hug and kiss him. But he let the two roll around and get it out of their system. Brayden unwound himself from Gertie, got off the ground and walked to Ryan. They looked at each other, then closed the gap between them and hugged. Tears of joy ran down both sets of cheeks and they held each other tightly. Brayden didn't want to let go of Ryan, but Gertie was making so much noise, they looked at each other and laughed, separating. Sitting down on the porch swing, Gertie sat next to and up against Brayden, who slowing scratched and head rubbed the dog. Moments of silence passed between the two, both waiting for the other to speak. Ryan took Brayden's free hand and held it. "I'm so sorry for what happened to you the other night and what you had to go through." Brayden nodded but didn't say anything. "I wanted to grab you and get you out of there, but I'd checked the building and it was well guarded, I didn't think I'd have a chance of being successful and would probably get us killed." Ryan explained. "It's OK Ryan, I know you wanted to help, I've been in that place before, so I know it wouldn't have worked." Ryan looked at Brayden, a beautiful young boy, so handsome and serene, what horrors had he endured in his life so far. Ryan resolved he would rescue this child-god and, and what he thought; keep him, adopt him? What did Brayden want? "Brayden, we need to talk. You can't continue to be used by Sly and your mother this way. I am so afraid something will happen to you and I will lose you forever." Ryan said, his voice trembling. "I hate the way Sly uses me and I want a normal life too, but my mom is sick and she needs me, what can I do? I have to do it to help my mother." "Ryan, being used and sold by Sly as a sex slave is not helping your mom. What does she get out of this?" "If I make enough money, maybe she'll be able to get help and I can stop. I have to do this, don't you understand!" Brayden screamed at Ryan, standing up and looking like he was ready to run. "Please, don't be mad, I know you want to help your mother. But what you are put through is wrong. Maybe now that we know each other I can help you." "Look, let's go inside and have something to eat or drink and talk some more, OK?" Brayden agreed and they went into the kitchen, Gert next to Brayden, tail now wagging because he could sense the tension was ebbing. The dog went to his water bowl, slurped loudly and then went to his dog bed and lay down, watching the two. Ryan got some sodas and sandwiches and placed them on the table. They ate is silence until everything was gone. Brayden looked at Ryan and smiled. Returning the smile, he took Brayden's hands in his and started talking. "I never thought I'd say this, especially to a boy; but I love you. I want to protect you and get you away from Sly." Ryan felt Brayden tense, and held the boy's hands tighter. Looking directly at Brayden, he continued. "I know how much you love your mother; I only wish she loved you as much. Brayden, I can't say it any other way 3; your mother loves drugs more than she loves you. Why else would she sell you to Sly and put you through hell?" Brayden pulled his hands away, and looked at Ryan, his face clouded with anger. "How do you know what she doesn't love me? What makes you so smart? I know we're having a rough time, but I love my mom and she loves me and you don't have any fucking right to talk about my mom that way!" Brayden screamed at Ryan. "I like the sex, I like being tied up, you don't know anything!" "Brayden, please, just listen to me, if you continue to work for Sly, it's going to end badly for all of you." Brayden ran outside to the pool area and sat on a chair, burying his head in his hands and crying. Ryan when outside and sat next to him, remaining quiet while the boy sobbed. Ryan let him get it out of his system. They put his arm around the boy and held him. Brayden didn't pull away and sat there, his tears slowly drying on his cheeks. "I know you love me and I know you want to help me, but what can I do? My mother is the only family I have. If I lose her, I will be all alone in the world." "Brayden, I know this stinks; and how afraid you are about the future, but 3; and I know this is very selfish of me; I'm all alone too. My parents and grandparents are dead. I have no family. It's just me and Gert right now. I want you to be my family." Brayden looked and Ryan and smiled, tears again running down his face, this time however they were tears of happiness. Somebody really did want him. Because deep inside him, he knew his mother could care less about him. "OK, I know you're right, but how are you going to stop Sly and help my mom?" "Let's go inside and I'll explain what I've found out and what my plans are so far." Ryan beamed.
Ryan explained he had lots of contacts that could find out things for him and handle any kind of problem without drawing attention to him. He explained that over the years his grandfather's business had grown and he had to be careful with some of his dealings with others. Ryan had met many of these people and, for lack of a better word, inherited them. They were loyal and trustworthy, and were paid well for their services. Many of the men and some women worked within the boundaries of the law, definitely skirting it a bit sometimes; while others worked completely outside the law but were just as useful, if not more efficient. Ryan told Brayden he had gathered enough intel on Sly that he was ready to move on him and if he was successful, and he was sure he would be; Sly would be out of the way for many years, if not permanently. "How do you know so much about Sly and what are you gonna do to him?" Brayden asked, a worried look on his face "Bray, you may not know it, Sly runs a pretty large drug operation in this city. Plus a lot of other things that earn him a sweet profit." Ryan explained. "What I am going to do is have my group set him up which will either get him arrested or make him disappear." Ryan paused then continued, "He's going to get caught with a large shipment of drugs, he will get arrested and that's just the start. The fed's will get involved and he's going to owe a lot of money in taxes as well as his own people." "I don't understand, you have to pay tax on something illegal?" "Well, it's not that simple, but the government goes after people and wants tax money on profits made, income more or less. That's the easiest way to explain it to you." Brayden looked confused, but didn't say anything else. Ryan continued telling Brayden the plan, and how he hoped it would work out. What he didn't tell Brayden was that there was a good possibility that Sly would fight back and then a final solution would be activated. Sly would never be seen again. "But what about my mom? What will happen to her, she's really sick and can't work, Sly gave her money to help us live." Brayden whispered. "Don't worry about her, I'll arrange for her to enter a hospital and get the best care to get her better. While she's there, you will live with me as my nephew." Ryan exclaimed. "Oh Ryan, thank you so much, I love you!" Brayden yelled, throwing both arms around Ryan and putting him in a bear hug. Laughing, Ryan returned the hug. Both held each other for minutes, Ryan feeling the boy's heartbeat, his warmth washing over him. Brayden pulled back and looked Ryan in the eyes; pure love pouring out in the form of tears. Ryan cupped Brayden's head in his hand and pulled him to him, their lips touching, and then kissing each other. Ryan rubbed Brayden's back and arms, feeling the boy's taunt body, his penis hardening from the contact with the beautiful boy. Brayden squirmed and slide into Ryan's lap; also sporting an erection. Ryan smiled and laughed; Brayden giggling as the two got up and walked up the stairs to Brayden's room, holding hands as lovers do. In the bedroom Ryan slowly undressed Brayden, admiring the naked teen. Brayden stood there, his penis hard and pointing straight out, his balls hanging low. Firm legs slightly spread apart, abdomen compact, defined six pac and pec's muscled and hard. Skin tanned and smooth, needing to be touched and caressed by loving hands. Brayden's angelic face was framed by soft golden hair, full lips and a dazzling smile. Ryan was overcome by lust, quickly striping and scooping the boy up in his arms and carrying him to the bed. Brayden laughed as he bounced on the bed, squealing as Ryan jumped on top of him, bodies touching, penises rubbing against each other. Ryan kissing the boy all over, his face, chest, belly, and cock. Brayden responded; arching his back, moaning with desire, returning kiss for kiss. Brayden slide his head down, licking and kissing Ryan until he took Ryan's penis in his mouth; sucking, kissing, licking and touching. The two in their own bliss, Brayden bringing Ryan close to orgasm then pulling away. The two continued their foreplay, each bringing the other to near climax; bodies now drenched in sweat. Brayden performed like a wild man, Ryan finally dragged over the edge of desire and need, exploding in a mind numbing ejaculation. Spent, exhausted from the experience, Ryan lay on the bed, arms thrown out, penis softening. Brayden snuggled next to him, his head on Ryan's chest. Ryan ran his fingers through Brayden's hair, both content for the moment. Brayden lifted his head and brought his lips to Ryan, kissing him. Ryan smiled and said "I love you sweetie, you are the best thing that ever came into my life, the possible exception being Gertie." Ryan said, looking dead serious, and then laughing. Upon hearing that pronouncement Brayden looked at Ryan, happy then bewildered. The boy jumped up and attached Ryan, tickling him and rolling around on the huge bed. Ryan got Brayden on his stomach, and was lying on top of the boy and felt the familiar stirring. Ryan reached down and pulled Brayden's leg apart, then reaching over grabbed a bottle of lube. Squeezing the bottle, Ryan worked the lube into Brayden's ass; the boy moaning and grinding his pelvis. Applying more on his rock hard dick, Ryan slowly pushed the tip of his cock into the puckering hole of Brayden. Ryan felt a slight resistance; amazed and pleased Brayden was still tight. Ryan pushed deeper, then pulled back; entering again, Brayden mewing and groaning in erotic ecstasy. Ryan continued the rhythm; slowly at first, then faster and deeper, looking for the boy's sweet spot. Ryan's balls slapped against Brayden who was pushing back, begging Ryan to fuck him harder, the two in sync, rocking back and forth hoping for that climax, but not wanting this to end. Later, the two lay next to each other, soaked in sweat and sex; too tired to move, fingers interlocked and eyes closed. Ryan turned his head slowly, gazing upon the beautiful form of the boy. A leg slightly bent up, his flaccid cock lying over two succulent orbs in a hanging sac. A tight abdomen gently rising and lowering with each breath the boy-god took. Ryan could feel himself getting hard again but willed his cock to soften, they needed to shower and eat, then get Brayden home before Sly and Gloria got suspicious. Their showered together, washing each other's body, running their hands over each other, stroking themselves to another climax. Ryan was astonished at the recuperative powers of the boy; beaten, whipped and brutalized; Brayden was glowing with life and appeared fine. Ryan hoped that was the case. Perhaps a call to a doctor friend of his to talk with Brayden after several matters had been settled would be in order. Ryan wanted Brayden to be mentally fit as well as physically. Once dressed and in the kitchen, Ryan put out a spread of cold cuts, potato salad, chips and pickles and watched open-mouthed as Brayden consumed large quantities of food that would have made a lumberjack groan. Gertie received tidbits from Brayden and now lay at the boys' bare feet, the third member of this little group, happy and sated. "Brayden, as much as I want you to stay, you have to get back home." Ryan sadly stated. Brayden's shoulder's slummed, a look of despair changing his facial contours. The boy's eyes reddened and welled up, but no tears flowed. Ryan got up and went to the boy, wrapping his arms around him and holding him tight. Ryan too was overcome with emotion; he didn't want Brayden to ever leave him again. "I know you want to stay, and god knows that's what I want too, but we must work this plan that I talked about, and Sly can't suspect anything has changed. It could be devastating to you and me." Ryan whispered to Brayden as he stroked the boy's hair, lightly kissing him on the head. The two parted and walked towards the door and Brayden's bike, Gertie got up and followed, hoping they were going out to play. When the two hugged again and Brayden got on his bike, Gertie lay down, his head on his front paws and whimpered. Brayden and Ryan exchanged I love you's, and down the driveway the boy went. Gertie got up and ran after Brayden and it got three strong commands from Ryan for Gertie to return. Ryan was mad at the dog, he too felt something special in that boy and understood Gertie's pain and confusion when Brayden left them. Turning back to the house, Ryan and Gertie slowly trekked inside, deep in their own thoughts. Ryan entered his study and started making phone calls, he wanted his plan put in action and Sly removed from the picture. But now he had a change in those plans, he wanted Sly gone 3; permanently.
Ryan spent several hours on the phone discussing his wishes, the man he had put in charge of the operation explained all the options and ramifications of Ryan's new plan and by the end of the conversation Ryan had to agree with his top 'agent' that the final solution was best left to the group who would handle the project. Ryan was satisfied but angry. He had let his emotions get in the way of a sound plan and was reacting to personal desire. He was also upset and somewhat confused as to his flipping back and forth on a decision. It had always been his way to decide a course of action and stay with it. No second guessing or changing of plans. He trusted his associates and agreed to stick to the original strategy. When Brayden got home, he knew his mother was in serious trouble. She was lying on the bed, white as a bed sheet and sweating profusely. She had vomited on herself and was moaning. Brayden tried to wake her, but wasn't able to. Panic and fear overcame the boy, and even though his mother and Sly had told him to never call 9-1-1, he did just that. Then Ryan called Brayden and told him what was happening. Brayden contacted his agent, who in turn contacted his field agents who add the motel and surrounding area under physical and electronic surveillance. They reported back Sly had arrived and had taken the boy before any emergency units had arrived. A team was following the two as they spoke. An ambulance and a fire engine arrived shortly after and were inside tending to Gloria. One, then three police units arrived, quickly followed by detectives. Ryan was made aware that the first part of the plan was in play. His main concern now was Brayden and where he was being taken. The organization that worked for Ryan was vast and well trained. All employees were former military, government or law enforcement trained and highly versed in all types of clandestine operations. Following Sly and setting up surveillance on his men and operation was fairly easy. Sly though himself a clever man who could outsmart anyone, but it truth he hired less than capable people, and worked basically on intimidation. Sly had been watching for the kid at the motel for a while and was getting more upset as each hour passed. He had given Gloria a more powerful dose than normal, his plan was to get her out of the way and get control of Brayden, adding him to his stable of boys and girls permanently. Sly saw Brayden enter the room and called two of his men to come grab the kid. Sly entered the room and saw Brayden cleaning his mother, begging her to wakeup. Sly told the kid there was nothing they could do and Brayden would be leaving with him. Sly was shocked when Brayden told him to fuck off and that he had called 9-1-1 for help. Shock turned to rage when Sly heard that. He pulled a knife and told Brayden unless he went with him right now, he would cut his mother and she would bleed out before the ambulance arrived. When Brayden didn't move, Sly advanced toward Gloria. Brayden relented and agreed to go with Sly. Brayden asked if they could wait until the ambulance arrived, but instead of answering the teen, Sly backhanded Brayden across the face, knocking him to the floor. Sly grabbed the boy and pulled him out of the room. Inside the car, Sly called his men and told them to stay away from the motel, and instead meet him at the farm house. Sly then turned towards Brayden, his eyes ablaze. "No fucking little punk ever talks to me that way, I should beat you until you are dead, you fucking little piece of shit." Sly screamed at Brayden. Brayden, pushed back away from Sly, hoping to avoid a punch. But it never came, Sly continued to drive, screaming and swearing at him, and making phone calls on his cell. About twenty minutes later, having driven outside the populated area, Sly pulled over and shut off the car. Brayden started to shake in fear, what was Sly going to do to him? There were all alone out here, Sly still looked mad, but appeared a little bit calmer. Unbeknownst to either, a tactical team had been following the entire time and was set up off the road, and using long distance night vision, watching the two as they got out of the car. Brayden didn't know it, but Ryan had agreed to a plan where the tactical teams and special units he employed would follow and record all of Sly's movements and activities. Ryan was made aware that Sly had several young boys and girls hidden away somewhere and he had agreed with his top commander that they should attempt a rescue of these children. The commander had informed him that Sly had been kidnapping, terrorizing or buying young boys and girls for his stable of sex slaves and either renting them out or selling them. As distasteful as it was to Ryan and he hated himself for it; he agreed that Brayden would not be rescued from Sly unless his life was in immediate danger of death. They had to locate all the other kids and rescue them too, if possible. Ryan knew Brayden would be sexually used and tortured before they would rescue him, and he cried tears of frustration at his inability to help Brayden. The team had two snipers trained on Sly, any sign of a weapon and an overt movement to harm Brayden and Sly would be taken out. But Sly wasn't about to hurt or kill one of his best moneymakers. Outside the car he ordered Brayden to strip. Brayden hesitated, he was unsure what to do. A slap to the face, compelled Brayden to start undressing. Once naked, Sly opened the trunk and removed several coils of rope. Seeing this, Brayden's shoulders sagged. He knew what was next. Sly ordered him to put his hands behind his back. Winding the rope around and between Brayden's wrists, Sly pulled the knots tight, Brayden groaning in pain. More rope was wrapped around his upper arms and then down to his wrists, thereby preventing Brayden from getting his hands in front of him. Sly completed tying Brayden's ankles and knees, then forced a ball gag in the boys mouth, blindfolding him and then placing him in the trunk of the car. Slamming the lid closed, Sly got in and started out again on the quiet road, not a car had been seen or heard. The tac team reported in to the command center on Sly's activities and announced they were again mobile. Unknown to Sly every vehicle he owned had been bugged with a GSP locator and listening devices. Everything said was recorded, every movement tracked. Brayden lay inside the trunk, naked, bound and afraid. He thought of his mother and prayed she was OK. He thought of Ryan and wondered if he knew what was happening to him. A tear rolled down his face and he hoped this would all end soon.
Minutes later the trunk was opened and two men peered down at the naked boy. Sly appeared next to the two men and told them to pull the kid out and bring him inside. Brayden was roughly jerked from the trunk and then each man grabbed an arm lifting Brayden easily off the ground and carried him into a large building. Still blindfolded and gagged, Brayden could not see where he was being carried and could only grunt and moan from the pressure of the men's grip and the added tightness of the ropes around his arms and chest, pulling painfully on his groin. Inside the building Brayden could hear voices talking, shouting instructions, and laughter. He also heard the far too familiar sound of boys in pain. Moans, screams, yelps and pleading mixed all together. Brayden heard the crack of whips, and chains rattling amongst the confusion of what appeared to be a large gathering. Brayden was lowered until his bare feet touched the cold hard concrete floor. His blindfold was pulled off and he looked around, eyes wide again from the shock of the sight before him. It seemed like the same last building he was taken to by Sly, but this was different. It was larger, the floor was cement, not dirt and the place well lighted, with spot lights focused on boys at different torture or display stations. Brayden stood still, trying to maintain his balance; his feet, ankles and thighs tied and his hands behind him crossed at the wrists and tied. The gag in his mouth pulled hard against his teeth and lips, his jaw hurting from the pressure. The two men stood beside him, silent. Neither one spoke to the other nor at Brayden or even looked at him. But that did not stop numerous others from stopping and making lewd comments or reaching out and twisting a nipple, or squeezing his boy cock; causing Brayden to get an unwanted erection and his eyes water from the painful pinches and groping. The two men beside him did nothing to stop men from playing with him unless they became too excited and then they were told to stop, the voice of the men cold and menacing. Brayden started to slump against the men from exhaustion and the difficulty of standing with his feet and legs tied; a leather collar was produced and fastened around Brayden's neck, locked with a small padlock. The metal clip was hooked to the back ring and a rope tether was pulled through a pulley, and then retied to Brayden's collar. He was held fast, his feet still on the floor, but his heels slightly raised up. Not quite on tip toe, the balls of Brayden's feet took most of the pressure of his body. The tethered collar forcing him upright, his sweat covered body stretched tight and inviting all to look and touch. Brayden felt like a piece of meat being displayed at a butcher shop (for those of you who remember those wonderful places, but I digress) only the meat this time was being touched and fondled by the customers. Brayden's body ached from the cruel bondage and the men pinching, squeezing and groping him for what seemed like hours. His smooth flawless skin was now red and bruised; welts and abrasions covered him head to his round bubble butt and thighs. His feet were numb from standing on the balls of his bare feet; his fingers without sensation from his wrists being restrained for so long. Tears rolled down his face, mixing with the sweat on his handsome chest. His nipples were hard and standing out from the constant abuse, red and irritated. The awful gag in his mouth prevented him from swallowing his spit and he drooled constantly; a thin line forming on his lower lip and dripping onto his bouncing erection, down onto his balls and dripping on top of his feet. Brayden knew he was in serious trouble this time, this place was different. He saw boys being led by chains and ropes around the expansive floor area; on display for all. The men pulling the boys shouting out degrading suggestions and the boys statistics; height, weight, cock size, what they could be used for, Brayden realized this was an auction. And he feared he would be sold tonight. Sly was really angry with him for calling an ambulance for his mother, this was probably his way of getting back at him. Now the thought of his mother brought on a wave of tears and he sobbed into his gag. Would he ever see her again? Brayden worried and wondered if she was even alive. Maybe he could beg Sly not to sell him; he would be his slave, do anything Sly wanted, if only he could see his mother. Brayden tried to lower his head to cry, but the gag harness and ropes kept his head up for all to see his misery. Men stopped and laughed; making fun of the crybaby, pinching and punching him until the two men appeared again and stopped the abuse. One of the men removed the gag and offered Brayden some bottled water with a straw. Brayden sipped as fast as he could, draining the bottle, then begged to speak to Sly. The man said nothing; he pushed the gag back into the boy's mouth, secured it tight and left. Brayden followed the man with his eyes, hoping to see Sly. Brayden closed his eyes and wondered what would happen to him tonight. Unpleasant thoughts filled his head and caused him to shake under the harsh spotlight. Ryan meanwhile was speaking with his top agent, they knew where Brayden was being held and were In the process of gathering a team together in the event a raid and rescue would be needed to save Brayden. Two undercover teams were inside the auction barn; providing video and audio through state of the act communications equipment. While the men felt outrage and wanted to help the captive boys; their primary mission was Brayden and he was first priority. Sly was working the crowd; he wanted Brayden out of his hair immediately. His anger grew, but he kept it in check. This boy was a money maker, but had caused him grief calling the ambulance for his mother, which could bring in the cops and attention that he didn't need. He decided quickly that he'd sell Brayden while his drug addicted mother was in the hospital. He was hoping there would be a bidding war on the kid and he would get a nice sum of cash. The auction would last the weekend, his plan was to put the kid on display and try and hold him back from the plainer looking kids and the put him out there for the buyers that represented wealthy foreigners and Middle East brothels that paid huge sums of money for the hottest boys. Sly cracked a thin, evil smile thinking of the obscene money he could make this weekend. Sly spoke with the men who were guarding Brayden. "Leave him here a while longer and let the crowd have its fun, I want this little shit to suffer for a while. Then put him in a cell by himself and chain him to the wall." Brayden tried to get Sly's attention, yelling and pleading through the gag; but it came out garbled and Sly just looked at him, and then slapped him across his face. Brayden would have Sly's handprint on his right cheek until it faded way. Brayden's eyes watered, but he didn't cry, forcing himself to toughen up. If he was alone, no one there to help him, he needed to be clearheaded and think of a way out. Where is Ryan Brayden thought, he must know I'm missing; maybe he found a new kid and doesn't care anymore, eyes welling up. "No, that's wrong, I know Ryan loves me, he told me so, and I know he is looking for me." Brayden assured himself. "I'm gonna be rescued by Ryan, I know I am." Building up his courage, Brayden's mind worked, trying to devise a plan to escape. But being naked and tied up as he was, it would be difficult. The two men, employees of the auction; came to get Brayden and put him in a cell. The rope to the head harness was removed and the ropes binding his feet and knees were removed. With his upper legs still tied however, Brayden could only take small steps. He was held by his arms by both men and taken to another part of the building. Entry was gained by an electric keypad. Once inside this area, Brayden saw all kinds of torture devices, chains, ropes and cruel instruments lining the walls. Further inside were a row of cell doors. Some were like jail cells with iron bars; others were solid metal or wood doors, with a small window at the top. Brayden was brought to a cell with a wooden door and pushed inside. He was untied, and then told to kneel down with his back near the far wall. Brayden did as he was ordered; he didn't want to get beaten again. Two metal cuffs were locked on the boy's ankle and connected together by a lock. Chains from the wall where attached to the cuffs, pulling his feet up and off the floor, his knees taking all his weight. Brayden moaned, but didn't say anything. His arms were cuffed behind his back and another chain was clipped to the links of the handcuffs. This chain was pulled back and up, causing Brayden's arm to extend out and up, strappado style; the pain in his shoulders, arms and knees intensifying. A metal collar was locked around his neck, a chain from the back also locked to a ring in the wall behind him. A second, smaller chain was hooked to the front and to his cock and balls, where a parachute harness was attached. The chain from the collar was connected to the ball harness and then a rope was tied to the chain and harness and pulled brutally down to a ring bolted to the floor and tied off. Brayden was now secured and immobile, knees screaming in pain, arms pulled up high behind him and his neck locked to the rear wall and floor. Brayden was unable to move and when he did, pain swept through his entire body. A large rubber wedge was shoved in his mouth and buckled behind his head. A leather blindfold added the finishing touch, plunging Brayden into darkness. The boy broke and started crying, truly alone and frightened for his life.
Brayden knelt in the cell, naked, cold and shivering. The chained bondage was the worst yet. With his feet chained together and pulled off the floor, his knees took all of his weight. The rough surface dug into his skin and he could do nothing to relieve the pressure. His arms were numb, cuffed and pulled up high to the point he thought his shoulders would dislocate. Brayden couldn't move his head, it being chained front and back. And that damn gag, once again causing him to drool down his chest and cock, puddling between his knees. Brayden was trying desperately not to piss; his bladder was full and trying to get relief. He knew it was just a matter of time before he peed all over himself, humiliation complete. Every movement, even a slight swaying hit him like a sledge hammer, the pain intensifying each time. Brayden passed out a few times when the agony got to be too much and overwhelmed the boy. Unable to lay down, not knowing how long he had been in the cell, Brayden cried; moaning and pleading through his gag, wanting someone to save him. Ryan had been working around the clock; his operatives inside the barn keeping the team informed of the activities taking place. They had sent streaming video to Ryan, showing Brayden being moved to the room and zoomed in on the keypad. Ryan had been assured by Felix; his chief commando that the door and keypad could be easily compromised. The problem being, where was Brayden once they breached the door. Ryan and his group knew there were only two entrance and exit for the entire site. The only way Brayden could be taken from the place was through that locked door. It was decided that until Brayden was seen again, no action would be taken. Ryan didn't like it, but for now he went along with the plan. He was afraid what they were doing to the boy, and feared the very worst from time to time. His only comfort knowing Sly's greed would not allow something fatal or injurious to happen to the boy. Brayden was money to this slime ball, and nothing more. But the boy wouldn't be worth anything if disfigured and killed. Ryan was also making plans to attend the auction of the boys; he planned on purchasing Brayden's freedom at any cost. That failing, an all out tactical assault to rescue Brayden and as many others as possible. They planned on saving as many boys as they could, turning them over to authorities and any videos they had, after editing themselves out of course. The auction was set for the following two days; Ryan wanted to have everything ready and checked the plans repeatedly with Felix. Sly had been speaking with two prospective buyers; both from the Middle East. They prized American boys; and would pay top dollar for one. The A-rabs as Sly called them behind their backs; enjoyed torturing the teens and pre-teens, exacting revenge on the boys because of their hatred for America. They also enjoyed having lots of demented sex with them, passing them around their huge encampments and families. The boys would suffer pain and degradation until no longer desirable, and then sold to mine owners for slave labor. Sly knew all of this and could not have cared any less. Once he had his money, Brayden was a fading memory. There were others ready to take his place, none willing he knew; and laughed even harder.
Sly had other boys working for him, selling drugs or their body. Some did both. He had sold several over the last couple of years and had made a nice profit. All of these boys were either runaways or cast off's; no one missed them. Some had tried to get affection from Sly; this only hastened their disappearance from the area, having been sold to all kinds of cruel, demented men, whose only pleasure seemed to be the complete degradation of the boy through torture, humiliation and depraved sex. Sly knew all this, could not have cared any less and actually enjoyed hearing the torrid stories told by previous buyers. Sly laughed and slapped their backs, inviting them to the auction this weekend, letting all of them know he had a prime teen boy he was selling, and this one by way was the hottest piece of boy ass yet. He told them he would fetch top dollar at this auction. Being the degenerates that they were; the men formed groups, pooling their money together so they could purchase this wonder boy and all take turns using him. Sly entered the holding area where the cells and torture room was located. He unlocked the cell door, finding it highly amusing that the door was locked; no way was a naked, chained or tied up boy going to be able to get out. The doors were in fact locked to keep others out of the cells, less an unscrupulous seller hurt another man's property. Sly being one of the more unprincipled sellers. Sly walked into the cell and looked at Brayden. The boy's head was down as far as the collar and chains allowed, moaning softly. Brayden was covered in a thin sheen of sweat and most disgusting to Sly was that Brayden had pissed all over himself, unable to hold it any longer. Sky walked over to the boy, who sensed someone was in the cell, raising his head as best he could, and moaned through his gag, mewing pitifully. Brayden hoped they would release him and let his clean himself. He had cried when he pissed on his legs, the warm urine running down his legs and puddling underneath him. The odor from the urine and from him, having not showered in a couple of days was awful. Sly slapped him on the side of his head, startling Brayden and causing him to sway, a new wave of pain racking his young body. Brayden screamed into his gag, trying to beg Sly not to hit him again. Brayden knew it was Sly even before the man spoke, no one else being allowed to strike a boy except his owner. "You little piece of shit, you pissed all over yourself and you stink, I'm gonna have to pay to have you cleaned." Sly screamed at the boy. In reality, Sly would not have to pay; he just liked to play mind games with Brayden, trying to break him down. It was working; Brayden tried to apologize to Sly, a series of grabbled words bursting through the boy's gag. "I can't understand a single word, shut the fuck up or you will know real pain." Sly growled. Sly cuffed Brayden on the head again and grunted. The attendants would feed the boy, and then clean him. On the day of the auction, he would be cleaned again and his body oiled, making him more appealing to buyers. Sly left the cell and told the attendants they could feed and water the boy at any time, but only let him stand under a cold shower, no washing until sale day. Then tie the boy in ropes and lay him on a thin blanket, he wanted Brayden to be able to walk and move easily. The chained position he was in now would cramp his arms and legs and may lower the sales price. Sly went back to the main hall, dreaming of huge profits and expanding his empire. An hour later, two attendants enter the cell. Brayden stiffened immediately. This was new; two men were in his cell, he was frightened by this new event. Why two men? What were they going to do to him? Brayden felt them begin to removed the neck chains, then release his arms from the strappado and lower his arms. Brayden moaned loudly through his gag, pins and needles racking his arms and shoulders, and seeing stars. Next his feet were unchained from the wall and the cuffs removed. Brayden was lifted to his feet, but being chained over a day, he had no strength and fell forward. The attendants caught him with ease, anticipating his problem. His hands stilled cuffed behind his back, they held Brayden almost gently until he got the feeling back in his legs and was able to stand without assistance. Cuffed, gagged and blindfolded; Brayden was led out of the cell into the main torture hall. He was guided to the shower room where the men removed all restraints and stepped back. Brayden blinked several times, the light hurting his eyes. He tried to say thank you but his voice was hoarse and he croaked thanks. He was told to stand under the shower head and the water was turned on. Cold water gushed down on him, soaking him and he started to shake; his teeth chattering. The attendants took pity on him and turned the control know, warming the water. Then disobeying Sly, they gave him a small cloth and allowed him to wash himself. After a few more minutes the water was shut off. Brayden looked at the men, unsure what was next. He smiled at them, and whispered a thank you. The attendants suppressed smiles, smitten with this golden boy god. They longed to take him into a small room and fuck him, but they knew the consequences. They did however take two towels and together dried Brayden, enjoying the feel of his athletic body. They each grabbed and arm and escorted him to a small room with a table and chair. He was told to sit and his feet were shackled to the front chair legs. One of the attendants left and returned moments later carrying a tray of hot food and cold milk. The older man said he could take his time eating, but don't abuse their kindness. Brayden flashed a brilliant smile at the two and said he would obey them. After eating his fill and drinking two glasses of milk. Brayden's feet were unlocked from the cuffs and he was told he was being returned to his cell. Brayden's heart dropped and his eyes filled with tears, would he be chained up again in that cruel position? Brayden slowly walked back with the two men, his head hanging. Upon entering the cell, Brayden saw a blanket on the floor. Was that for him? He looked at the two attendants for answers. The older man told him to lie down on the blanket. He would not be chained, but tied this time. Brayden sighed, but knew this was better than the alternative. The men pulled Brayden's hands behind his back and tied them. Then rope was wrapped around his chest and biceps. Rope crossed around his chest and neck and more rope was added around his waist and wrists, immobilizing his upper body. Next, his ankles, knees and thighs were tied tight. A rope when from his wrists down through the crack of his ass and tied around the base of his cock and balls, but not before being pulled severely taut. A leather blindfold and a large rubber ball gag completed the bondage. Brayden lay on his stomach, strictly tied, but at least he was allowed to stay flat, not hogtied as usual. One of the attendants patted him gently on his butt, his hand lingering on the firm, smooth boy flesh. The warmth and feel of his flawless skin excited the attendant. However he knew this was as far as he should go, attempting any more could result in pain for him or the kidnapping of one of his young sons. The man knelt down and whispered into Brayden's ear, "Kid, I wish I could help you; it's best you get as much sleep as you can. I'm sorry for what's gonna happen next." The man stroked Brayden's head and shoulders, trying to comfort Brayden then locked a metal collar and chain around Brayden's neck. He got up and the two attendants left the cell and closed the door, locking it. Brayden lay there, tied so well, he could move except to roll around. He found a somewhat comfortable position on his side and tried to sleep. What did that man mean about what was going to happen? Brayden was so afraid, wondering if he was going to be tortured or killed or even both. Exhaustion overcame his fear and he fell asleep. Ryan however was awake in his bed. The planning was complete, men in place. He kept going over the details, he couldn't see any problems. There was nothing else he could do tonight; Ryan would be leaving in the morning to attend the auction. If everything went as planned, Brayden would be home with him soon. But plans can go awry.
Chapter 7Brayden lay on his side, naked and tightly bound. He slept in fits; waking every couple of hours, the ropes harsh against his skin, making any movement painful. The metal collar kept Brayden from moving too much and he couldn't sit up. The boy could hear faint noises outside his cell and wondered what was going to happen to him. Brayden tried to move his legs and arms, but the rope held fast, unable to reach any knots, Brayden gave up and laid there, a single tear running down his face. He didn't know why he was even trying to get loose; how would he get out of a locked collar?As Brayden lay in his cell, Sly was busy talking with possible buyers who might be interested in bypassing the auction and buying Brayden direct. The man who controlled the auction did not like outside sales, but allowed a seller a chance to do so once a year as long as he was paid double the commission he got from a usual auction sale. Both parties would have to agree and would have to divulge the final price before the sale was approved. What Sly was doing however was talking to several different men, trying to up the final price; amounting to his own private auction. If the auctioneer found this out, Sly would forfeit all money and the boy, buyer and seller would lose out. Those who violated the rules more than once were never seen again. Ryan was unable to sleep knowing Brayden was locked away and he couldn't do anything about it. His agents knew the boy was still in the secure area of the building, but didn't know anything else. Ryan's men were secretly recording the goings on inside the building. Boys ages six to sixteen were on display for possible buyers and many were being tortured for the entertainment and amusement of the men there. A six year old boy was strapped to a metal grate; spread eagled on his back. Several candles hung from a twisting mobile like structure you might find over a baby's crib. This one however, spun slowly over the boy dripping hot wax all over his body from his toes to his head. Once enough wax had collected on him, the grate was raised and men bid for the right to using a flogger to whip the wax off the boy. Two twelve year old boys were also spread eagled between two poles, their bodies completely off the ground, held in place by heavy chains locked to metal cuffs on their wrists and ankles. Covered in sweat from the awful tension and pain from their bondage, the boys were being used as targets for men who paid for the chance to shot rubber tipped arrows at the boys. The tips were suction cups and several of the arrows had stuck to the boys bodies. Each time an arrow hit the boy would scream as the arrow had to be fired at high velocity for it to stick to the sweat slicked skin of the target. The prime targets were the balls and cock of the two boys, but so far no arrow had stuck, however many had struck their target and each time the boy would shriek and shake in his chains, rubbing his wrists and ankles raw. Several other boys hung from their wrists or ankles or from a cruel hogtie. All were subject to floggers, whips, paddles and other forms of pain and torture. The building echoed with the crying and screams of boys and the laughter of men. Naked boys shuffled throughout; feet chained apart a mere ten inches [25 cm], carrying trays of refreshment for the men. The boys were gagged, nipples clamped and cock and balls encased in a metal cage. They too would be auctioned off. The door to Brayden's cell opened and the two attendants that had tied Brayden went to him and without speaking, started to untie the boy. Once free, he was lifted up and held under each arm by the two large men; allowing his blood to circulate and get some feeling back in his legs and arms. "Walk out the door and turn left or if you can't walk, crawl," an attendant said dispassionately. Brayden was let go and staggered, almost falling over. He took a few steps; looking like a toddler learning how to walk. After slowly walking towards the door, Brayden felt strange; realizing he hadn't been free of bondage in a few days. As he walked out the door, he thought for a moment about escaping; then laughed to himself; 'Where would I run and escape to? I'm naked and don't have anything to attack these guys with. I don't even know where the door is to get out.' Brayden turned left and stopped. Sly was standing there and smiling at him. Standing next to Sly was a tall man, dressed in a very expensive suit. He was eyeing Brayden up and down like he was a piece of meat. The man said something to Sly to which Sly barked at Brayden, "Get yur ass over here you little whore, this man wants to look you over." Brayden slowly walked forward, his body shaking in fear; for some reason this man frightened him more than any one or thing ever had. Brayden stopped in front of the two men, looking back and forth at the two; his eyes wide in fear. "Put your hands on your head and spread your legs so I may inspect you boy," the stranger quietly spoke. With trepidation, Brayden slowly raised his arms and placed his hands on his head while spreading his legs wide. The man walked around Brayden appraising him like a side of beef. He didn't touch the boy once; he just inspected him and returned to stand next to Sly. Sly was surprised the man hadn't groped the kid or at least run his hands over the boy, and couldn't read the man's thoughts about the boy. Was he interested in the kid, or what? Sly tired to keep his face neutral but Brayden picked up the uncertainty from Sly and wondered if the stranger did too. The man indeed picked up on Sly's uneasiness, but kept his features disinterested. Sly's discomfort would be his undoing and he was not going to let on to Sly any sign of what was to come. Sly being Sly, figured (wrongly) that the man had rejected Brayden and lashed out at the boy. He swung his arm backhand and connected the back of his hand to the side of Brayden's face, staggering the boy, who fell to one knee. "Don't do that," the man said; his voice like ice. "If you damage him in any way, the price will be reduced significantly." The stranger reached out and helped Brayden stand, looking at the boy dispassionately, then turned to Sly and looked at him and walked towards the exit door. Sly looked stricken, he hurried after the possible buyer, hoping he could mollify the man. Turning to the two attendants as he scurried by Sly hissed "Throw the brat in his cell and tie him up the way I like." Brayden was taken by each arm, but more gently by the two men and brought back into his cell. He was told to lie down on his stomach and behave. The attendants then trussed Brayden up. His wrists secured to his ankles so his butt stuck up in the air, rope was wrapped around his biceps and chest and his knees and legs separated by two short spreader bars. A leather collar was buckled around his neck and a ball gag and blindfold were the last to be tied. The boy was left in an awkward position, his butt in the air, and his legs spread wide open. Brayden lay there wondering what would happen now. He heard the men leave and the door closed and locked. Despite his nakedness and bondage, Brayden had to laugh, why did they have to lock the door, where did they think he was going? Then he was overcome with sadness and a tear trickled down his face, he knew the locked door was to keep others out and not him in. Sly had caught up with the stranger and walked beside him. Both silent as they strode about the main hall, the sounds of crying and screams coming from every corner of the room. Sly screwed up his courage and asked the man, "Is everything OK? Did you like the boy? I was just correcting him; he's wild and has to be trained to obey better," Sly rambled. The two walked in silence for several minutes before the man stopped and looked at the pimp and drug dealer. "I don't appreciate the way you handled the situation. You have no idea what I was thinking, but you lashed out at the boy in confusion. You could have injured him and made him less valuable. Learn control." The man resumed walking, leaving Sly standing there seething. No one talked to him like that, but he swallowed hard and caught up to elegantly dressed man to apologize. "You are right, I need to be in control of my anger, and I shouldn't have hit the kid, I mean if he's damaged that's less money for me ain't it?" Sly laughed. "Quite correct sir. The property must be maintained in pristine condition before selling or you lose profits. And then you won't be in business for long," the man stated with a cold smile. Sly felt a slight shiver down his back and wondered just who this person was. The suit he wore was high end and fit perfect, but Sly could see he was powerfully built. And strangely he appeared out of nowhere but seemed to know the right people as he moved about, inspecting several boys that were to be auctioned. Was he working for someone or a group, or was he here on his own? Sly needed to ask some questions, but very carefully, he didn't need any more problems, especially with this one. As he stood there, he remember the brat was in his cell and his anger rose. 'Fuck it, the little bastard is gonna pay a price for embarrassing me,' Sly thought as he went back into the holding area. Unlocking and pulling the door open, Sly looked at Brayden kneeling on the floor, his head was turned towards the wall, but when the boy heard the door open, he lifted his head and turned towards the sound. A muffled groan from the gagged boy escaped his lips, as he heard footsteps approaching him. What was going to happen now he thought? Brayden heard the whooshing sound then felt a stinging slap of leather across his back. Then the searing pain exploded and Brayden screamed into his gag. His body jumped, but he couldn't escape, trussed up as he was. Several more blows struck his back, scorching misery felt with every strike. Brayden's back was covered with crossed whip marks, some bleeding. His body glistened from sweat, his nostrils flared, trying to suck in air. Sly was breathing hard, he had taken out his anger on the boy, and he still wasn't finished. Sly took off his clothes, kneeling behind the boy. Spitting on his fingers, he worked one then another finger in and out of Brayden's ass, probing and fingering him. Brayden squealed and groaned from the invading fingers, pain and a perverse pleasure wracking his body. Brayden's cock swelled, growing to its full five inches and bobbing to the rhythm of Sly's attack on his backside. Brayden's hole was red and distended, the hole gapping at Sly. Without lube on spit, Sly stroked his huge cock to full erection and rammed it into Brayden. The boy's screams could be heard throughout the holding area. Brayden was so tightly bound, he could do nothing but rock back and forth; he felt as if his guts would be rammed into his throat. Sly continued to thrust harder and harder until he unloaded himself and pulled out with a loud pop. Brayden's anus remained stretched open, cum and blood mixed together, slowly leaking out and running down his legs. Brayden cried and moaned, snot dripping from his nose, tears escaping the blindfold and pooling on the floor. Brayden was covered in sweat; his body ached from the punishing rape and position he was tied in. The boy was lost in another dimension, his brain shutting down from the horror it had been put through the last few days. A nonsensical humming and occasional giggle could be heard from Brayden. Sly looked at the boy and realized he needed to do something and do it quickly and quietly. Sly told an attendant to get the doctor and ordered the other one to untie the boy completely and cover him with a blanket. Sly then stood in the corner, thinking how he could get out of this mess and still make a profit. He didn't care what happened to the boy as long as he made money and if he couldn't, well the kid would just disappear. There were always a fresh supply of boys out there. The doctor arrived and ordered Sly out of the cell. Sly was about to object when two other men entered and looked at Sly coldly. These men worked for the group holding the auction and wouldn't take any of Sly's crap. He left and went into the main hall again. The stranger appeared next to him, his eyes narrowed and burning into Sly's. Sly was shaken; none of the attendants had left the holding area and no one could have known what was going on. But somehow this man seemed to know. Sly cleared his throat, but remained silent. "Is there a problem with the boy?" The man said, his voice barely audible. Sly looked around, no one seemed interested in the two men talking to one another. If they had they would have seen one man nervous and fidgeting and the other controlled anger. "No, there's no problem. Why do you ask?" Sly mumbled. "I'll ask again, this time I expect a truthful response. Is there a problem? And be specific; is there a problem with the boy?" The man asked through clenched teeth. Sly looked at the man, given the circumstances and location, he was at a disadvantage. If he was in his element, Sly would have laughed at the man and had his men do his dirty work. But he was here, in this building and he knew he had to be very careful how he acted and responded to this man's questions. "Yea, well there is a bit of a problem, the kid kinda flipped out for some reason. I have the doctor looking at him now. Shouldn't be a big deal. You'll win the bid," Sly lied. "I am not concerned about the bidding, you fool. That boy had better be in perfect condition or there will be a bit of 3; difficulty for certain parties." "Don't worry, the kid should be fine in a few days," Sly said, and then realized his error; the auction was two days away. If Brayden wasn't healthy, he wouldn't be put on the auction block. And if it was determined Sly had damaged his own property, the boy would be seized and Sly banned from the group, or worse. "A 3; few 3; days? What is going on? Bring me to the boy now," the man demanded. Sly was in a panic. He had agreed to sell Brayden to him. The auction was a formality. A minimum bid would be announced and all but one or two would bid on the boy. The man had agreed to a price far more than what Brayden could have fetched. Visions of a huge payoff were vanishing before Sly. If he saw the condition the kid was in, the deal would be off. Promises had been made and Sly would have to answer to someone. Sly told the man he couldn't enter now; the doctor was working on the kid. The buyer was not pleased and let Sly know it. "Listen, we made a deal and you agreed to it pretty quickly. I gave you a ten grand bonus and I expect you to keep your word. Now if there's a problem with the boy, I want to know. If it's as bad as I think, you owe me the bonus and the deal is off," the man fumed. "Hey, it ain't my fault if the kid fucking freaked out. You paid me the money so you would get the bid on a minimum open price. I'm keeping my end of the deal and the bonus," Sly sneered back at the man. Not wanting to cause a scene that would attract the interest of others, the buyer backed off. Sly went back into the holding area and checked on the kid. "Son of a bitch, this little bastard better be ready for sale in two days or he's gonna pay dearly," Sly hissed. Sly was nervous and pissed, the kid was becoming a huge pain and he wanted him gone, sold or otherwise. He thought about the guy that had rented him and wondered if he might want to buy the boy, damaged or not. If he had to he could reach a deal with the foreign buyer, give back most of the bonus and still make some money off this piece of shit. Sly walked into the cell and looked at Brayden; he was quiet and appeared to be sleeping. "Well doc, how's the fucking brat? He gonna be fine for the auction?" Sly asked. "Sir, this boy was put through tremendous ordeal within the last couple of hours and probably days; his mind basically overloaded and shut down. I won't know until tomorrow or maybe the next day if he will be ready for sale or if ever. And I must say, it's probably your fault for the state he is in now," the doctor sniffed. "Hey pal, the kid should be used to being fucked and taking a beating. Just have him ready, and I don't need your shit either, so 3; shut the fuck up," Sly screamed. Turning on his heel, Sly stormed out of the cell. "Shit, shit, shit, what the fuck am I gonna do? This kid is costing me big bucks," Sly thought to himself. Sly thought about the guy again, trying to remember his name. Then it hit him, his name was Ryan and he seemed really interested in the kid, asking a lot of questions. Sly had been leery of Ryan, but after watching him fuck and beat on the boy on the closed circuit TV, he was convinced that the guy was as big a degenerate as any other. Sly needed to contact Ryan as soon as he could and work out a deal for Brayden. Then he'd deal with that foreign guy. Permanently.