PZA Boy Stories

Phill later Brian

Bobby's Holiday


Tim worked for 25 years in Asia and Africa, in these boy-lover's paradises Tim was used to have sex with 8 to 10 year old boys. Retired back at home in Europe became a period of abstinence for Tim, and he thought of going to live in Thailand. But, then his sister asks him to have her 8 year old son Bobby for three weeks.
Publ. 2003 (GNCS); this site Jul 2012
Finished 26,000 words (52 pages)


Tim (45yo), Bobby (8yo)
In chapter 1: Tim (20yo) and Ahmed (8yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mbcons oral anal – first interr ws


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Orphan story

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author.
<broadcasteriam@yahoo.co.uk>: host mx1.mail.eu.yahoo.com[xx.xxx.177.9] said:
    554 delivery error: dd Sorry your message to broadcasteriam@yahoo.co.uk
    cannot be delivered. This account has been disabled or discontinued [#102].
Are you the author, please contact me.

Author's note

I am not going to tell you not to read this if you are underage – I can't think of anything more likely to make you go and do just that! Forbidden fruit always tastes sweeter.

For the boy's age, see the note on Phill later Brian's author page.

Table of Contents

  1. Uncle Tim's first experience
  2. Bobby's first night with his Uncle
  3. Bobby learns to suck cock
  4. Finger fucking and cock sucking
  5. Bobby loses his virginity
  6. Bobby has a hot drink
  7. The Conclusion

Chapter 1
Uncle Tim's first experience

Tim was sitting at home feeling rather depressed. He was 45 years old, 5 feet 8 inches [1.73 m] tall, slim build, brown hair, blue eyes and clean shaven. He was not particularly muscular although he was fit for his age. He was wearing a pair of blue shorts, that being what he was most comfortable in, and nothing else. On his feet were a pair of flip flops. The man's chest had a matt of brown hairs, very prominent nipples, deep belly button and, from below his belly button, a thin line of brown hair disappeared into the waistband of his shorts.

Tim had returned to this country from Asia some three months ago and was already missing the Far East. At 20 years of age he had taken a job in Egypt and from then until now had worked continuously in the Middle East and Far East. On return to this country he had made sufficient money during the past 25 years on which to retire in comfort. He was not married, and in fact was not sexually attracted to men or women, so throughout his working life he had only spent a small proportion of his salary. Very little, in fact, as he did not drink alcohol or smoke.

He had a younger sister, she was aged 35 and had a 12 year old son and a 8 year old son. He got on extremely well with her and her husband but, on returning to this country, had wanted to settle in the country and not in the city.

He bought a nice house set in 2 acres [8,000 m2] of secluded grounds, mainly woods so there was not much upkeep involved. His nearest neighbour, a farmer, lived 6 miles [10 km] away. The house had been modernised and was very roomy. The main drawback was that it took five hours for him to reach his sister's house in the city.

Tim had only returned from a three day visit to his sister and her family that day and he guessed that it was one of the main causes of his depression. He had a lovely three days playing with the two boys, Bobby and Dave. Bobby was 8 years old and Dave 12 and he had played football with them, baseball, taken them to a theme park and to see Scooby Doo at the movies. He also played games with them on Play Station 2 and, as a treat, bought them the game Spiderman The Movie which they both loved. Now he was back home, alone, and feeling depressed.


He sat sipping a cup of coffee as he reflected on his life. He smiled wryly as he recalled landing in Egypt to take up his first post having dropped out of university. It was in shipping and he quickly settled into life in the capital, Cairo. Cairo was a hustling, bustling city where just about everything one wanted could be found. It was there that, two weeks after arriving, a colleague from work took him out for a meal and offered to 'show him the town'. His colleague had a few drinks but Tim stuck to soft drinks and then his colleague took him to a brothel. Tim had never before been in one before and did not like it. However, he had to keep up appearances in front of his colleague, so he picked a girl and went to her room. She stripped off and then helped him undress but he could not get a hard on. She tried every way possible to make him hard but his body would not respond. He paid her the full price after securing her promise that she would not tell his colleague what had happened. She took the money, called him a fairy or boy fucker and promised to keep quiet about what had occurred. To her credit she did.

That was the first and last time that Tim was naked with a woman. He was not at all interested in sex. It was also the first and last time he went on the town with his colleague from work.

Two months later Tim was sitting in an Arab Café drinking the strong black coffee Arabs are so fond of. An Egyptian, about 30 years old, asked if he could sit at the table as the café was pretty crowded.

The Egyptian spoke good English but Tim responded in Arabic, his knowledge of that language was improving by leaps and bounds, by saying of course the man could join him. The Egyptian was impressed that a foreigner should be bothered to learn Arabic and they soon got into a friendly discussion. It was more than two hours later that Tim bade the Arab, Ali, goodnight.

Two days later he met Ali in the same café and after that they met most days. Two weeks later Ali invited Tim to his house for a social visit. Ali lived in a very nice house on the outskirts of Cairo and Tim found that he had a wife and one son. The son, Ahmed, was 8 years old. As is normal with Arabs, Tim did not meet and was not introduced to Ali's wife. As the two men laughed and talked together young Ahmed was playing with some toys on the floor. He was wearing a white vest which reached to just above his knees and nothing else, nothing at all else.

As the young boy played Tim caught occasional flashes of a lovely little brown cock and balls, or a glimpse of the most adorable buttocks that one could see. He tried not to look at the boy but his eyes kept being drawn towards him. Tim could feel his cock growing hard and was twisting in his chair as he tried to hide the fact from his host.

Now Tim was wearing, as was the custom for most foreigners, a pair of khaki shorts, a white short sleeved open necked shirt, a pair of light brown sand boots and grey socks. His shorts were rather tight and the legs had ridden up around his thighs as he sat talking. He was very conscious of the tent in the front of his shorts which he had no power to control.

"You like Ahmed don't you Tim?" The Egyptian asked in English.

As Tim guessed that the man did not want his son to know they were talking about him, he also used English.

"Yes Ali, he's a lovely boy and you must be proud of him," he replied.

The Arab laughed.

"I meant that you really like Ahmed," Ali said laying emphasis on 'really like'. Then he went on in a soft voice, "I'm not blind you know, you can't keep your eyes off him and look at the pole sticking up in the front of your shorts."

Then the Arab laughed.

He went to the door and called to his wife in Arabic that they were not to be disturbed for the rest of the night. She asked him if he wanted her to take Ahmed and Ali answered that at 8 years old he could stay with the men. Then he closed the door knowing that there was no way his wife would leave the women's quarters for the rest of the night.

Tim was feeling really embarrassed by what Ali had said to him and yet, even now, he just could not keep his eyes off that lovely young boy as he caught glimpses of his little brown cock and balls.

Ali sat down saying in Arabic, "Tim you are young. You may speak our language but you do not really understand us." Then he called to his son "Ahmed come here."

As he spoke the youngster left his toys and went over to his father whom had now spread his legs wide open. Ali was wearing a white shirt and white pyjama style trousers fastened around the waist by a cord. He whispered to his son "make the snake stand up."

Ahmed, his little fat brown face one big grin, took hold of one end of the cord fastening his father's trousers and pulled it. The knot immediately came undone and the flaps of the trousers dropped open. Tim gawped in astonishment as he saw his host's big fat soft brown cock with a large mushroom type head. The man was wearing no underpants.

Tim's eyes were wide open with amazement as he saw the 8 year old boy take hold of his father's soft 7 inch [18 cm] long circumcised cock in his pudgy little hand. Then the young boy, whose head just came up to his father's waist, bent his head and opened his mouth wide. He lowered his head and his mouth closed over the big mushroom cock head belonging to his father. Then he started to suck on it.

Ali started to groan quietly as his son began to suck his father's cock and then the boy started to rub his hand up and down the rapidly stiffening shaft. Within a couple of minutes Ahmed had made his father's 'snake' stand rigidly to attention and Tim could see that the 2 inch [5 cm] thick cock was now more than 9 inches [23 cm] long. Then Ahmed started to move his head up and down the shaft of his father's cock as he sucked it. Clearly the young boy had done this frequently as he was taking that thick cock into his throat with no apparent discomfort. After about ten minutes Ali told his son to stop and he looked across at Tim with a big smile.

"Is that the first time you've seen a boy suck a man's cock?" he asked.

Tim gulped. His cock was rigid and throbbing, he'd never had a hard on like this before. He had found the scene to be awesome.

"Wow," he exclaimed "I've never seen anything like that Ali," he said.

"Would you like my son to make your snake rise," Ali asked softly in English.

"Would you let him?" Tim replied, "would you really let him suck my cock?"

"Of course," Ali replied. "Are you wearing underpants?"

"Yes I always wear them," Tim answered.

"Go into the next room and take all your clothes off and come back with only your shorts on. Nothing on underneath them okay?"

"Understood," Tim answered as he walked quickly into the other room only too aware of the fact that his cock was pushing the front of his shorts out like a big tent pole.

The next room was, in fact, a large bedroom. Tim quickly shucked all his clothes off so that he was totally naked. His uncircumcised cock was a rigid 5 inches [12½ cm] and 1 inch [2½ cm] thick. As Tim pulled his shorts back on he wished that his cock was much bigger. It would not be too long before he was only too pleased that it was the size it was. Then he returned to the other room.

Ahmed was still sucking on his father's big fat cock and, as he did so, he was playing with his daddy's big balls. Tim sat down.

"Attend to our guest Ahmed," Ali hissed at his son, "make his white snake stand up just like you make mine stand."

No soon said than done. The little brown Arab boy crossed to where Tim sat and stood between his legs. Tim loved the look of Ahmed's black, curly, hair, his brown chubby face with big black eyes and startling white teeth. The boy had lovely thick lips and a sweet slightly flat nose. He looked beautiful.

Tim had never looked at a young boy in this way before; he had not really paid any attention to kids. Now, looking closely at this adorable youngster, Tim thought how incredibly sexy he looked.

He was brought back to earth by 8 year old Ahmed unzipping his fly. The boy reached in with his tiny fat hand and pulled Tim's big hard cock free of the material of the shorts. Then he turned to his father.

"This white man's snake is already standing up daddy," he observed, "shall I suck it for him."

"Yes Ahmed give it a good suck and licking. Make the foreigner groan with pleasure but stop before you make him cum."

Then Tim, who by now was past caring what Ali or anybody else for that matter might think of him, gasped with pleasure as he felt the boy's warm mouth close around his hard cock. It was the most wonderful feeling that Tim had ever had in his life; he had not known that, by a boy closing his mouth around his cock, he would get such an awesome erotic feeling. Then he felt Ahmed sucking on his cock and the young boy's hands started to pull and twist on his balls and Tim was in heaven. As the boy went to work with real skill on his cock, Tim moaned and groaned with pleasure. He had never felt such intense pleasure as this 8 year old boy was now giving him. Ahmed sucked and licked Tim's cock as his mouth moved up and down the shaft and Tim just wanted it to go on for ever. He squirmed and squealed with pleasure as the young boy stuck his tongue in his piss slit and lapped on the man's precum.

"He's a real good cock sucker," Ali remarked in English, "he's been sucking cock ever since he was 6 years old."

Then switching to Arabic he said, "that's enough for now Ahmed I don't want you to make him cum."

Tim felt as if the world had come to an end as Ahmed removed his lovely hot mouth from his cock and let go of his balls. Ali, still speaking in Arabic said, "Would you like the boy to sit on your lap so that you can play with his cock and balls whilst I talk to you?"

Tim nearly shot his load when he heard Ali say this. The 20 year old did not know what had gotten into him as his cock throbbed with pleasure at the thought of Ahmed sitting on his lap. He began to realise that this young boy was doing what no girl, woman or man had done before; he was really turning him on.

"Yeah," Tim replied in a strangled voice, "I'd just love that."

So Ali instructed his son to sit on the foreigner's lap and keep him happy. Ahmed quickly climbed up and sat with his back pressing against Tim's rigid cock. He pulled up his night shirt type vest so that the hem was around his waist.

Tim, his hand shaking slightly, reached around the boy and took hold of Ahmed's circumcised one inch [2½ cm] long cock with his finger and thumb. He started to rub it gently and within seconds it had grown to a stiff little 2 inch [5 cm] long wanger. Then Tim, his spine tingling with sexual pleasure started to play with that adorable tiny little cock. He rubbed the cock head and piss slit with the tip of his finger; he rubbed his finger and thumb up and down the stiff shaft; he rolled the tiny ball sac in the palm of his hand and then back to rubbing the cock again. The man had never felt such a deliciously wonderful thing before in all of his life. His cock, pressed against the hard spine of this young child, was throbbing with sexual pleasure.

As Tim was playing with his son's cock and balls Ali began to speak. He spoke in English, clearly not wishing his young son to know what they were talking about.

"Have you no girl friend, or maybe it's a boy friend you have?" asked Ali.

Tim replied frankly, "no Ali, I've no interest in men or women, I guess that I'm just not interested in sex."

Ali laughed, "you say that with a fucking big hard on whilst you are playing with a 8 year old boy's cock and balls," he said. "You're interested in sex alright but maybe not with men or women."

Then he asked curiously, "have you never had a fuck?"

Tim decided he could be totally honest with his friend. After all here he was, virtually buck naked with the biggest hard on of his life whilst he was playing with his friend's son's cock and balls.

"I have never had a fuck in all my life and I have never had my cock sucked until this evening. I went to a brothel a couple of months ago but couldn't get a fucking hard on. I was just not interested," Tim said.

Ali looked directly at Tim.

"You're a boy lover aren't you, you'd love to fuck my son wouldn't you?" he asked.

"I don't know," Tim cried, "I just don't know. I've never felt like this before, this is the first time I've felt sexually attracted to anybody and it happens to be a 8 year old kid. Does that make me a boy lover?"

Ali smiled.

"That's the trouble with you Europeans," he said, "you've all been brainwashed into believing that child sex is wrong. We Arabs are far more civilized and we understand that some men need sex with young boys and young boys need sex with men. We are discreet but only because we do not want the wrath of the mighty US to come down on us. The US are hypocrites because there are probably more boy lover's there than in the rest of the world put together." He paused and then went on, "enough of that I've a proposition to put to you if you are interested."

"What's the proposition?" Tim asked cautiously as he continued to enjoy playing with this young Arab boy's cock and balls. His own cock was as hard as ever as it pushed against the spine of this adorable boy.

"Ahmed is a virgin," Ali said. "I would like you to take his cherry whilst I video you doing so."

Tim was open mouthed as he took in what the boy's father had said.

"You want me to fuck your virgin son?" he asked in an astonished voice.

"Is that a problem?" replied Ali with a smile. "Come on now Tim just don't fool yourself. You are a fucking boy lover or, to put it another way, a paedophile. I suspect that it will turn out for you that the younger the boy is the better. Now here is your chance to find out just how much enjoyment you will get from fucking a 8 year old boy's pussy."

"But why don't you fuck him, you're his daddy and obviously you're into boy sex otherwise you wouldn't have him sucking your fucking cock?" Tim answered.

"Look at my cock," replied Ali. "Could you imagine a 8 year old boy, or even a young teenager taking that? I'd love to be able to fuck Ahmed but I love him dearly and I will not do anything to harm him. You've got a lovely cock for fucking young boys, you don't know how lucky you are. If I can video the fuck session then I'll be happy watching that as young Ahmed sucks my cock."

For the first time Tim was thankful that his cock was so small. Maybe it was like that because his body knew it was meant for fucking very young boys. Tim licked his lips and realised that he was still playing with young Ahmed's cock and balls.

"Wow Ali, I would take it as a great honour if I could fuck your virgin son," Tim replied in a very serious tone of voice.

As he spoke, inwardly he was laughing and singing with joy. He realised that he really did want to fuck this darling boy, He wanted to find out just how it felt and he wanted to know if it was true about him being a paedophile. Certainly this 8 year old boy had kept him rock solid hard for more than three hours.

"Ah good," Ali said with a big smile. "You are able to stay all night are you?" he asked.

"I'll stay just as long as you want me to," answered Tim, "just let me get started. I'll need a few words of advice because I've never fucked anybody before in my life, let alone a lovely young boy like your son."

Ali, Tim and Ahmed went into the bedroom together. Ali had a video camera and said he was going to video the whole performance. He advised Tim to prepare his young son by getting him to lie on the bed on his back. Then Ahmed should stick his legs up in the air and Tim should push them down towards his head until his feet were on the bed just above his shoulders. That way the 8 year old boy's butt would be sticking up in the air. Next he should lick Ahmed's boy pussy inside and out. Then once he had given him a thorough tonguing he should get some KY lubricant from the bedside table and lub the boy's pussy on the outside but not to insert his fingers as the first real thing that Ahmed should feel up his boy cunt was Tim's cock not his fingers. However he should lubricate his cock thoroughly. Then it was up to him. Tim could either fuck the boy virgin there and then or he could get him to kneel on hands and knees on the bed and fuck him doggy fashion.

Having advised Tim, Ali told him to get on with it.

Tim had listened carefully and his cock was throbbing madly as he positioned the lovely 8 year old boy virgin on the bed the way Ahmed's father had suggested. Then Tim knelt behind him. He asked Ali if that was the way he wanted him to get a good video shot of the action. Ali told him not to worry about the video filming; he would take care of that. All Tim had to do was take care of Ali's darling son. Tim now, for the first time, placed his hands on the boy's lovely buttocks. The cheeks of Ahmed's tiny butt fitted just perfectly into the palms of Tim's hands and the white man shivered with pleasure as he held them. He loved the satin smooth feel of the child's skin and his head swam with pleasure. Tim knew then that he wanted young boys for sex.

He pressed his hands down onto those lovely boy buttocks and spread them wide. Now he could clearly see at the bottom of Ahmed's crack the beautiful, slightly puckered, lips of his hairless boy pussy. Tim could not resist the temptation that lovely sight offered. It would have made no difference if the whole of Cairo had been watching. He wanted this lovely young boy. He stuck out his tongue and for the first time in his life he licked a young boy's anus (for that matter it was the first time in his life that he had licked any anus). He drew his tongue across the sweet pink lips as Ahmed mewed with pleasure.

Tim found the taste of that boy pussy was awesome. He licked all over the boy's lovely shit hole and then he pressed his tongue hard against it. Ahmed's daddy had briefed his son well in private before Tim arrived and the boy knew that when he felt pressure on his boy pussy he was to 'try to shit but don't'. So he strained and his sphincter opened just slightly and, for the first time in his life but not the last, Tim's tongue entered the hallowed portals of a boy's virgin cunt. Then the white man started to lick.

Tim thought that he would pass out, so lovely was the taste of Ahmed's boy pussy. As his tongue licked in and around and up and down inside young Ahmed's cunt Tim was getting the full taste of a young boy's inner body. A slightly shit taste true, but delicious nevertheless. Tim tried to force his tongue deeper into that lovely boy hole as Ahmed started to squirm with pleasure.

For thirty minutes Tim licked, sucked, slurped and enjoyed that lovely virgin boy pussy. At one point Tim's mouth was covering the lovely hole as he sucked hard on it and Ahmed, unable to control himself, let go a real loud fart. Tim got the full taste of that fart in his mouth together with the smell of it up his nose. He thought that he was going to faint or even shoot his load on the spot so erotic was the experience. Finally Tim pulled his tongue away from the moaning, groaning young child.

Then he leant over the boy and said in Arabic, "did you enjoy that Ahmed did you enjoy it? Are you ready for me to fuck you now."

"Yes, yes," the young boy replied, "I loved your tongue up my boy pussy; daddy told me it would be good and it was. Now I'd like your white man's cock up my boy cunt as you take my cherry and then I won't be a virgin anymore."

Tim had totally forgotten that Ali was making a video of him and his son so wrapped up was he in the delights of the young boy's body. Now the white man squeezed some KY from the tube onto his fingers.

Then he ran his fingers all over Ahmed's lovely boy pussy as the youngster shivered at the touch of the cold lubricant on his warm skin. Then Tim thoroughly lubricated his own hard 5 inch [12½ cm] cock. As he did so he again thought to himself how lucky he was to have a cock just the right size for breaking young boy virgins in. Finally Tim told Ahmed to get onto his hands and knees with his legs spread as wide apart as they would go.

He knelt behind Ahmed and now everything was coming naturally to him. With one hand he held his cock head against the closed lips of Ahmed's boy cunt whilst his other hand was pressing down onto the small of the boy's back. Then he started to push forward with his hips.

As Ahmed felt the cock head pressing against the lips of his boy pussy he strained to open his shit hole. With all the pressure from the white man's cock together with the boy's straining the sphincter muscle relaxed and those lovely lips opened. Tim shoved his cock head into the boy hole. Two things happened.

Ahmed let out a loud scream of pain whilst Tim let out a howl of sheer sexual enjoyment.

Ahmed had never felt such pain before as his boy pussy stretched to allow, what for him was, the big white cock belonging to his daddy's friend. And so he screamed.

Tim had never felt such sheer sexual pleasure as he felt when he entered the warm young body of Ahmed. The boy's pussy ring was real tight around his cock and he could feel the warm interior gently pulsating on his cock head. This was pure magic and now Tim knew that he would never fuck anybody other than a young boy; and he did mean a 'young boy'. If he was over 12 years of age he'd be too old, but no age below that was going to be 'too young' for Tim.

Tim was now holding both sides of young Ahmed's body as he pushed forward with his pelvis. His cock slid deeper into that lovely tight boy hole as Ahmed continued to scream. Tim looked rather worriedly at the young boy's father who was busy videoing the scene. He wondered whether Ali would tell him to stop as the boy appeared to be in pain.

Ali realised what was going through Tim's head as he quickly called out.

"It's okay Tim don't stop, my son is feeling a little pain because your cock is stretching his cunt, he'll soon get over that."

Reassured, Tim continued to push his cock deeper into the young boy's body. He did not stop until he felt his balls pressing into the lovely smooth flesh of Ahmed's buttocks. He knew that the boy had now got all 5 inches [12½ cm] of man cock inside him and he rested for a moment.

Ahmed's screams had slowly petered out as his body adjusted itself to the man cock inside it. Now all that Ahmed could feel was a slight ache in his boy hole ring where it was stretched wider than it had ever been. He could also feel the throbbing cock head which seemed to be deep into his guts and he could also feel the white man's cock shaft stretching his intestines as they'd never been stretched before.

Then the young boy felt the big cock being slowly withdrawn from his body and he gave a deep sigh. Next moment that same cock was driven, just as slowly, all the way back from where it had come and Ahmed let out a deep moan of satisfaction. He liked the feel of the cock moving slowly in and out of his boy hole.

And so did Tim, it felt real awesome. He could feel the young boy's innards pulsating gently around his cock as he moved it slowly in and out of the darling boy's hole. He started to speed his movements up and at the same time began to rotate his hips. Now his cock was moving faster in and out of young Ahmed's tight boy cunt.

Then the boy let out a loud groan, not of pain but of sheer pleasure. Tim's cock had found young Ahmed's prostate and, as it rubbed against that gland whilst moving in and out of the youngster's body, it was sending signals of sheer erotic magic to the young boy's brain.

Tim was fucking harder and faster into that delightfully tight boy hole. He could now feel Ahmed's buttocks responding to his ever harder thrusts. Each time he thrust into the darling boy's cunt Ahmed pushed his buttocks out to meet the incoming cock; each time he pulled out of that lovely tight passage young Ahmed withdrew his buttocks.

"Try to squeeze my cock as it fucks you Ahmed," Tim panted to the boy, "use your arse muscles darling and try to squeeze my cock hard."

Tim had no idea why he should have said that; it was just something that he felt the child could do. And he was right. Now, as he thrust in as hard and fast as he could, Ahmed tightened his ring around the man's cock and it was wonderful, just sheer magic.

Now the white man could feel his balls tighten and his sperm start up his cock shaft and he started to pant and groan.

Young Ahmed could feel the cock throbbing harder as it drove deep into his guts and he too moaned and groaned with pleasure. Then, as Tim drove in harder than he had ever done, Ahmed felt the cock head growing even bigger inside him. Then he heard the foreigner yelling.

"I'm cumming, I'm cumming, oh darling I'm fucking cumming," Tim shouted as he spewed his hot thick cream into young Ahmed's guts.

The man's cock seemed to young Ahmed to be shooting the cream into him for ages although, in truth, it was only moments. Ahmed's boy hole was opening and closing around the shaft of the cock that was inside the boy. The child was milking every drop of cum possible out of that lovely man cock. And then it was over. Tim's balls were drained, totally drained, of his cum and he now just lay exhausted over the young boy.

Ahmed, for his part, kept as still as possible as he enjoyed the feel of the man's cock inside him. He did not want it to leave his body just yet. He could feel it getting smaller inside him, no longer was it stretching the walls of his intestines, but Ahmed loved the feeling it gave him, just having the cock up his boy hole was all he wanted.

Then Tim pulled slowly out of the dear boy's body. As he did so Ahmed's daddy took a close up of his son's lovely boy hole as Tim's thick white cum seeped out between the boy's beautiful pink cunt lips.

Tim rolled over onto his back on the bed.

"Thank you Ali and thank you Ahmed, that was the most awesome experience of my life," he said.

Then Ali, Ahmed and Tim played together on the bed for hours as Ali and Tim licked Ahmed's boy hole clean and then Ahmed sucked both their cocks, one at a time. Later that night, or rather in the early hours of the morning, the two men fucked the boy from either end.

Ali mouthed fucked his darling son who was well able to take most of daddy's big cock down his throat; he had been doing so for a couple of years now. Tim fucked the boy's lovely tight boy hole again as he watched Ahmed's daddy fucking his kid's mouth. And the two managed to shoot their loads at the same time.

And that was how Tim discovered that he was a paedophile!

Chapter 2
Bobby's first night with his Uncle

Tim got up and walked out to the kitchen and got a cold glass of water. Then he returned to the living room.

As he sat down he started musing again.

He recalled that, for more than a year, he used to visit Ali and Ahmed regularly. Then the young boy's father finally got to fuck his son and wanted to keep him all to himself. Fortunately this coincided with the time that Tim got posted to Port Said. It was there that he discovered just how easily it was to pick up young Arab boys. For the remainder of his three years in Port Said he was never without a young boy to fuck. Most were willing participants but, whilst there, he discovered the joys of fucking young boys without their consent. He guessed that it could be called rape. His tastes were definitely for young boys and the youngest he fucked was a kid of 7 years but most were between the ages of 8 and 11.

Then he moved to Aden for three years and found that the supply of young boys were just as abundant there. In all he spent six years in that part of the world before moving to Asia.

In Asia the first country he worked in was Brunei, part of the island of Borneo. The young Chinese and Malay boys that he fucked there were the most adorable little kids that you could imagine. The Chinese boys tended to be tubby, straight black hair, lovely round eyes and the most adorable smooth olive skin imaginable. The Malay boys tended to be much skinnier but again with lovely straight black hair. Their smooth skin was darker, more brown than olive but delicious to touch and stroke. There was one more difference between them; all Malay boys were circumcised whilst a lot of the Chinese boys' cocks were uncut. Tim loved both types of cocks, but he had never come across uncut boys' cocks until he played with his first Chinese boy.

From there Tim moved around the Far East a lot because of the requirements of his employment. He moved to Malaysia and had a fantastic time there. Again the boys he played with and fucked were mainly Chinese and Malay but he now found young Indian boys as well. They were so delicate, almost girl like in many ways, but they had such lovely cocks which were at least one inch [2½ cm] longer than most Chinese or Malay boys.

Tim loved to suck on a 8 or 10 year old Indian boy's cock for hours on end. Teasing the lovely nob with the tip of his tongue, moving his tight lips up and down the stiff little stem feeling the foreskin move up and down as he did so. He would take all 2 inches [5 cm] of the stiff little cocks into his mouth and then suck in the lovely tiny balls as well. For a paedophile it was like living in paradise.

Then he moved to Singapore and still found an abundance of lovely young boys. Hong Kong next and still the same. In Singapore and Hong Kong most boys were Chinese.

Next to South Korea. Here the South Korean boys were a pure delight. Chubby little darlings who, in the very cold winters were wrapped up in so much thick clothing that they looked like little bundles of fur running around. Yet in the extremely hot summers they ran about quite naked. Tim spent some time in Seoul before moving to the coastal city of Pusan. He had a wonderful time with the lovely Korean boys there. There were very few boys of other races in South Korea but Tim was as happy as a sandboy playing with and fucking these lovely young Korean kids.

Whilst in Korea he made several trips to Japan and found that, using a few contacts that he had made in South Korea, he was able to sample the joys of young Japanese boys.

Then he returned to Hong Kong for another tour there. Then to Thailand, that was the most awesome place that a paedophile could possibly visit. The supply of boys was never ending and nobody seemed to be worried. It was such a free and easy going society where sex was just a natural way of life. In Thailand Tim, in the main, stuck to 8 and 10 year old boys; he did not have to bother about older ones.

And so he continued moving around the Far East having the most wonderful time wherever he went. He did have short breaks where his skills were required elsewhere. A six month tour in Kenya, African boys were something else again and he loved them. A short stay in Libya where life was much more difficult. All foreigners were treated with suspicion and closely watched. The three months there was a period of abstinence for Tim. Then he returned to Malaysia before, eventually returning to Europe and retiring.

Now, three months later, he had not found a way of meeting the young boys he so desired. Europe was a much more strait laced continent than Africa or Asia and in some countries, such as UK, there was near hysteria and mass panic at the thought that a paedophile might be living in the area. Tim was seriously considering returning to Malaysia or Thailand and retiring there. In the meantime he really did need a young boy badly.

Bobby, his sisters youngest, was the one that he had his eye on but there were drawbacks. He and his brother were inseparable and there was no way that Bobby would be allowed to stay unless Dave accompanied him. Even then it was unlikely that Tim would be allowed to have the boys stay for a week or so. His sister considered that, because he was still a bachelor, he was unreliable and would not possibly know how to look after her boys for a couple of days, let alone two or three weeks.

As Tim sat musing and feeling really down the phone rang. It was his sister asking a special favour. She had agreed that in a month's time Dave could go away to summer camp for three weeks. Now Bobby was in a terrible state because he was too young to go with his brother as the boys had to be 11 or over to attend the camp. But he had told his mother that he would be able to bear it if she would ask Uncle Tim if he could stay with him for a holiday. His sister was all apologetic at having to ask Tim such a favour but she thought that, if he did not agree to have Bobby, the boy would be so heartbroken that she would have to cancel Dave's holiday at summer camp.

Tim's heart pounded for joy and his depression disappeared in a flash. He said that of course Bobby could stay with him for the full three weeks. Then his sister told him that she and her husband would bring the boys down in a month's time. They would like to stay overnight and next day she and her husband would leave with Dave and drop him off at the summer camp. They would collect young Bobby three weeks after that and would like to stay the night once again. Tim agreed to everything. He wanted that 8 year old nephew of his to be his guest for three weeks, he would sure show that lovely young boy how to enjoy himself.

The next month went pretty quickly for Tim. He put his house on the market and contacted a very good friend of his in Thailand and asked him to find him a decent house near to Bangkok but not actually in the city. It should be secluded, a decent size and have all mod cons. Tim wanted to be on his way to Thailand as soon as possible after the visit of Bobby. He wanted to live in a country with a decent climate and a ready supply of lovely young boys of different races.

Finally came the day when his sister, her husband, Jack, and the two boys arrived. He gave them an evening meal and his sister was pleasantly surprised not realising what a good cook he was. She saw how clean he kept his house, was very impressed by the fact that there were no major roads and no rivers or ponds in the area. Just a large garden and plenty of fields. She knew that Bobby would be safe here. Next day his family left and now Tim was alone with 8 year old Bobby.

For the rest of the day he played with the boy, took him for a nice walk in the fields. Had a game of hide and seek in the bushes that bordered the fields. Had pretend wrestling with young Bobby making sure that the young boy won. Then, in the evening, Bobby played with Play Station and at eight o'clock in the evening Tim told the boy that it was time for him to have a bath and go to bed. Of course Bobby wanted to stay up but Tim was adamant. So he took young Bobby along to the bathroom and told the boy to undress whilst he ran a bath for the little darling.

And so Bobby took off all his clothes not at all worried about doing it in front of Uncle Tim; at home he always undressed whilst his mum or dad was around and then they bathed him and gave him his pyjamas to put on. Tim was watching the little boy undress as he ran the bath for his nephew.

Bobby, at 8 years old, was four feet [1.20 m] tall; his head reached Tim's waist. He had tight brown curly hair and lovely big blue eyes. A little upturned nose, red rosy cheeks and lovely red lips. The young boy smiled a lot and had beautifully white teeth. He was not fat, more an athletic build, with lovely little pecs and the merest hint of tiny pink nipples. His belly was lovely and flat and he had a sweet little belly button. At the bottom of his belly hung the most delightful 2 inch [5 cm] uncut cock imaginable. The tiny red nob was completely covered by a twist of puckered foreskin. Beneath the boy's cock was a tiny pair of balls which had not yet, of course, dropped. As Bobby turned and bent over to pick up his clothes to put onto a chair Tim saw that he had the sweetest of behinds, lovely firm buttocks, a well defined crease down the centre and, best of all, a delightfully fuckable shit hole.

Best of all of course, the thing that Tim loved above everything else about young boys, he had no hair on his body. Tim loved to see a young boy's body against his own hairy one. To see that young smooth hairless skin against his, that was magic and a real turn on for Tim.

Now that Tim had seen how beautiful his young nephew looked his own cock was rigid and throbbing. The man ached to take the boy, bend him over the toilet and thrust his hard cock straight up that lovely virgin boy cunt but he knew that he must resist the temptation. He had to take this slowly and carefully so that young Bobby would love having sex games with his uncle.

So Tim put the young boy into the bath and helped him to have a wash. He loved it when, in all innocence of course, he had to wash his darling's genitals to make sure they were clean. Then he had to soap his finger and rub it around young Bobby's shit hole to make sure that was clean as well. The young boy giggled as Tim was doing this and said his mother never used her finger to wash his poo hole but used a flannel to do that. Then Tim lifted the young boy out of the bath and put a warm soft towel around his body. He helped young Bobby to dry himself. Tim, of course, made sure to dry the boy's lovely young penis and tiny balls and also the cheeks of his arse making sure that the towel dried that lovely crease thoroughly.

He carried the naked boy into his bedroom and sat him down on his large bed. Then he went to a chest of drawers and withdrew a white night shirt.

"Put that on Bobby it is more comfortable than pyjamas in the summer and it won't make you feel too hot," Tim said.

The boy, with a little giggle, put his head into the night shirt and then his arms. It had short sleeves and the bottom came to just below young Bobby's soft cock.

"There," said Tim, "I'm sure you will find that very comfortable. Tonight you can sleep in bed with me as it's your first night away from home and I don't want you to wake up frightened. First though I'll give you a glass of milk and a chocolate biscuit and you can sit on my lap and watch one of your favourite videos. I've got it specially for you."

"Oh what is it Uncle Tim, what is it?" squealed the boy excitedly.

"You'll see," replied Tim as he carried the boy downstairs and into the lounge.

There he sat Tim in a comfortable armchair, the type that has a leg rest, swivels and rocks.

"I'll just get your milk and chocolate biscuits," Tim said, "but first I'll pop upstairs and put something more comfortable on."

A few minutes later Tim returned to the lounge carrying the milk and biscuits. He was wearing a yellow vest and a rather skimpy pair of blue shorts and nothing else. He told Bobby to drink the milk and eat the chocolate biscuits whilst he put the video on. When he saw that the boy had finished eating and drinking he took the dishes back to the kitchen and then returned to the lounge. Lifting young Bobby up he sat down in the arm chair and let the boy sit on his lap. As Bobby sat down his night shirt rode up so that it was now above his waist. Tim could see the boy's sweet little cock resting between those lovely legs. Using the remote he started the video and Bobby clapped his hands when he saw that it was Scooby Doo and The Witches Curse. The boy loved Scooby Doo.

As Bobby sat watching the video Tim was gently running his hands up and down the lovely smooth skin of the boy's thighs. Bobby did not seem to mind. Tim could feel his hard cock pressing against the thin material of his shorts, and knew that his cock head must be pressing into one of the cheeks of Bobby's arse. The boy did not seem to notice. Then Tim's hand brushed the boy's cock as he was stroking the inside of Bobby's thigh. Bobby turned to look at Tim.

"Uncle Tim," he squeaked in his high voice, "you touched my willy."

Tim gave a little giggle and said, "is that what it was. I thought you had a worm in your lap and I was going to throw it outdoors."

"No it's my willy Uncle Tim," Bobby replied. "Look you see it's my willy," and giggling he lifted the hem of his nightshirt to show Uncle Tim his proudest possession.

"So it is," replied Tim as he took hold of it between his finger and thumb, "and it is a lovely little willy Bobby, you must be proud of that."

As Tim was speaking he was rubbing the boy's foreskin up and down between his fingers. Then the man pretended to be surprised.

"Oo look at that Bobby," Tim said, "your little red nob keeps appearing and disappearing."

Bobby looked down with a giggle and his tiny cock had sprouted from two inches [5 cm] long to a lovely stiff three inches [7½ cm].

"It doesn't now Uncle Tim," he giggled, "you can see it all the time now because I've got a stiffy." Then he started to sing, "I've got a stiffy, I've got a stiffy," as he bounced up and down on Uncle Tim's lap.

"And I've got a stiffy too," sang Tim, "and I've got a stiffy too."

Bobby wriggled his lovely little butt in Tim's lap.

"I can feel it Uncle," said Bobby. Then, "I can feel your stiffy Uncle, I can feel your stiffy Uncle," young Bobby sang.

"Would you like to see it Bobby?" Uncle Tim asked, "would you like to see my stiffy?" he repeated.

Bobby's eyes opened wide.

"Can I see it Uncle, will you show me it?" he asked disbelievingly.

Tim, using the remote, switched off the video and the television. Then, lifting his young nephew into his arms, he stood up.

"Come on darling," he said to young Bobby, "let's go upstairs to the bedroom."

"Aw do I have to go to bed already?" asked Bobby complainingly, "I wanted to see your stiff willy."

Tim switched out the light and started up the stairs with the boy in his arms.

"We're going to the bedroom but that doesn't mean you have to go to sleep. I'm going to show you my stiffy and then I will show you how we can play together," Tim explained.

On entering the bedroom he put the boy down on his bed. Then he sat on the bed by the side of young Bobby.

"Can you pull the zip down on my shorts Bobby and open them up? You'll be surprised at what might pop out," Tim said with a big grin on his face.

Eight year old Bobby sat up and reached across to the zip on his Uncle's shorts. He lowered it and parted the front of Tim's shorts. The man was not wearing any underpants and his erect cock now stuck out from his shorts like a big pole.

"Wow," said Bobby staring at his Uncle's rigid cock.

The foreskin was peeled hard back and pulling on the purple cock head. This was also making the lips of Tim's piss slit widen and the boy could see a pool of clear liquid in the slit. He thought that it must be his Uncle's pee. Bobby had seen his daddy's cock before and also, of course his older brother's. But he had never seen his daddy's cock stiff like this one of his Uncle Tim's.

"Would you like to touch it darling?" Tim asked the boy in a husky voice.

"Oh yes please," Bobby said as he reached out his lovely little hand and felt his Uncle Tim's cock.

He moved his hand down the shaft feeling the heavy veins with which it was lined. Then he felt the top of his Uncle's cock with his finger making Tim sigh and give a little groan. As Bobby ran his finger across the sponge like cock head some of Tim's precum from the piss slit stuck to the boy's finger and looked like a silver thread from the slit to the finger.

"What's that on my finger Uncle?" Bobby asked, "is that your wee?"

"No you silly little fucker," chortled Tim, "that's precum. Lick your finger and see what it tastes like."

"Oooh you used a naughty word Uncle, you used a naughty word," laughed Bobby.

Then he stuck his finger in his mouth and sucked all the precum off it.

"Did you like that Bobby darling?" Tim asked.

"Mmm Uncle," Bobby answered licking his lips, "it tastes sort of sweet. It's nice though, yes it's nice," he replied.

Then the boy drew his finger across his Uncle's piss slit again and then sucked all the precum off his finger.

"I'll tell you what Bobby," Tim said, "you take your nightshirt off and I'll take my vest and shorts off and we will play some nice games with each other. You will like these games I'm sure."

"I like playing games Uncle," Bobby said peeling off his nightshirt.

Tim was taking off his vest and then he slipped out of his shorts.

He gathered both his clothes and Bobby's nightshirt up and tossed them onto the floor. Now the man and boy were both naked.

"First we will lay on our backs alongside each other," Tim said.

This they did and Tim looked into the mirror set in the ceiling above the bed. He loved the sight of himself lying next to this 8 year old boy. His hair covered chest, his hairy arms, his erect cock surrounded by thick brown pubic hairs and his hairy legs were all in stark contrast to the smooth hairless body of the young boy lying next to him. Tim loved to see this contrast and what turned him on most about it was to see a boy's totally hairless belly from beneath his belly button right down to where his cock joined his tummy.

Now Tim turned over on his side to face his lovely 8 year old nephew.

"Tell me if you like this darling," he whispered to the boy.

Then he leant over him, took hold of young Bobby's stiff little cock between his thumb and finger and started to rub up and down.

"Oooh that's nice Uncle Tim, oooh that's nice," young Bobby gurgled.

"See if you like this darling," Tim murmured to the gurgling little boy.

Ho bent his head over Bobby's waist, stuck out his tongue and licked across that darling tiny red nob as he held the stiff cock between his finger and thumb.

"Oooh," groaned Bobby as he enjoyed the feel of his Uncle's rough tongue on his cock "that's lovely Uncle, that's lovely," the youngster answered.

"And this?" enquired Tim as he sank his open mouth over young Bobby's cock and closed his lips around it. Then he started to suck on the boy's cock as he moved his lips up and down that stiff shaft.

Bobby began to writhe about on the bed with pleasure. As Tim's lips moved up and down his lovely young boy cock, Bobby's buttocks rose and fell, rose and fell.

"Oooh it's good Uncle, oooh that's so lovely Uncle. Uncle my willy feels so nice in your mouth and it's making me all shivery. Oooh I love it Uncle, I love it," the boy panted out in a high pitched little boy voice.

Tim sucked his nephew's lovely little cock for about ten minutes. Now and then he sucked the young boy's tiny little balls into his mouth as well. Bobby was squeaking and squealing and wriggling about caught up in throes of ecstasy. Tim loved the taste of his nephew's cock. The slight young boy piss taste that it had. It was lovely but he needed to move on as it was beginning to get a little late and he wanted Bobby to have a good nights sleep.

Removing his mouth from Bobby's cock he suggested that the boy might like to put his hand around his Uncle's stiff rod. Bobby did and wrapped his fingers all the way around his Uncle's 1 inch [2½ cm] thick stiff cock. Then Tim told the boy to move his hand up and down and he did. Tim lay back enjoying the tight grip of that young boy's hand on his cock and loved the feel of his foreskin being rubbed up and down. Next he suggested that Bobby lick the top of his cock.

"That will make me so happy," Tim said, "and I know that you want to make your Uncle Tim happy."

Tim was right, the boy did want to make him happy.

Bobby bent over his Uncle and started to lick his cock head. Young Bobby liked the taste of his Uncle's cock. Then he licked some of the precum from the man's slit. He swallowed it; that was a real good taste. So he stuck the tip of his tongue into the slit and started to lap the precum up. Now Tim was moaning and groaning with pleasure as Bobby did this to his cock.

"That's the way my little darling, ooh yes you beautiful little fucker lick all my precum out of my piss slit, lick that fucking slit clean darling," Tim gasped.

A few minutes later Tim suggested that young Bobby open his mouth and close it around his Uncle's cock head.

"Do it just the way I did it to you darling," he suggested to the boy.

So far everything that his Uncle had suggested he do, Bobby had done and had enjoyed doing it. So he had no qualms now about what he was about to do. He opened his mouth real wide and lowered his head taking his Uncle's cock head in. Then he closed his sweet young red lips around the base of the cock head and started to suck hard on it.

This was sending Tim crazy with lust. He loved the movement of the boy's mouth on his cock as he sucked it as hard as he could. Tim body was telling him not to waste another second but to stick his throbbing cock straight up Bobby's boy hole and fuck the shit out of the little bastard. The man's brain was urging caution, reminding him that he should take everything very slow. He had three weeks to break this young fucking nephew of his in. If he did it gently over the next 48 hours he'd be able to fuck the little cunt silly for the rest of his stay with him.

Tim did not force his cock any further into young Bobby's mouth but contented himself with the boy sucking on his cock head. He did not want to cause any discomfort in Bobby's throat by forcing his cock into it. The man started to rub the shaft of his cock as the hot mouth of the 8 year old boy sucked very hard on his cock. Then Tim started to groan and to hump backwards and forwards as he felt himself about to cum.

"Keep sucking darling, keep sucking, keep sucking," Tim panted as he felt his sperm moving up the shaft of his cock.

Bobby was sucking as hard as he could as he felt the cock head he was sucking on swelling and throbbing in his mouth. Then he felt some warm thick stuff shoot out of the cock and into his mouth. His first instinct was to pull away from Tim and spit the cock and the goo from his mouth but Tim held the boy's head firmly in place as his spurting cock filled Bobby's mouth with his cum.

"Swallow my darling Bobby," Tim hissed, "you'll love my cum and it'll do you good so swallow it all right now."

Young Bobby did not have a lot of choice really if he were to continue to breathe. With a mouthful of cock and cum he had to do something and Tim was stopping him from pulling his head away from his Uncle's cock. So he started to swallow and Uncle Tim's cum began to slide down his throat and into his stomach. After the first taste of the slightly salty but certainly not unpleasant cream, Bobby swallowed more willingly until his mouth was empty. Tim pulled his cock from his nephew's mouth and told the boy to lick the top of it whilst he held it in place for the young darling. Then Bobby stuck out his sweet tongue and licked all over the sensitive cock head cleaning all the remaining cum from it.

When the boy had finished Tim let go of his now soft cock. He looked at the flushed face of his darling little nephew and saw trickles of cum had dribbled from the boy's mouth and ran down his chin. So Tim leant over the little darling and licked his cum from the boy's chin. Then he gave him a lovely kiss on the lips.

"That was lovely Bobby, your mouth felt real good on my cock," Tim said. Then he went on "I think we're going to have a lovely three weeks together. Are you happy darling, did you enjoy sucking my cock and swallowing my cum?" Tim asked.

Young Bobby was now lying on his back. He looked with loving eyes at his Uncle.

"Yes Uncle Tim I'm really happy and I love staying with you," he replied. "I loved it when I had your cock in my mouth and your cum tasted real cool." Then he looked at his Uncle and asked, "why has your willy gone all small?"

Tim laughed.

"That's because you gave it such a good time that it made the man cream that you swallowed. The stuff that we call 'cum'. Now it is happy and tired and wants to have a rest so it's made itself small to let me know how it feels."

Tim laughed again and gave the boy a kiss on his forehead, then on his nose and finally on his lips.

"I think that we should both go to sleep now and tomorrow we will play some more lovely games. We will call them 'our big and small willy games' and they will be our own secret games."

"Wow that will be fun," Bobby said in a sleepy voice, "our big and small willy games, yeah yours will be the big willy Uncle and mine will be the small one."

Tim stretched out his hand and started to fondle his nephew's tiny cock and balls and within minutes young Bobby was fast asleep. It was not long before Tim was also sleeping and they both slept soundly for the rest of the night.

Chapter 3
Bobby learns to suck cock

Tim woke up at 8 in the morning feeling refreshed after a good nights sleep. He looked fondly at the naked figure of his 8 year old nephew sleeping next to him. The boy was lying on his back. His mouth was slightly open as he breathed. One of his hands was holding his tiny cock whilst his other hand lay across his Uncle's penis. As Tim looked at the darling boy his cock started to grow and Bobby's hand slipped off it but the boy slept on.

Tim decided he must get up as he had things to do. Having completed his ablutions he returned to the bedroom and put on his blue shorts but nothing else. Then he woke young Bobby and took him to the bathroom and told the youngster to use the toilet and call him when he was ready for a shower. Once Bobby had showered and cleaned his teeth Tim took the boy back to his bedroom. He went to his chest of drawers again and took out a pair of red shorts.

"Put these on Bobby darling," Tim said handing them to the boy, "you don't need to wear anything else as it's a lovely warm day."

Bobby put on the red shorts and they were the skimpiest and tightest shorts that the boy had ever worn. When he moved his buttocks strained against the thin material and the adorable little crease in his arse could be clearly see. The legs were cut off so short that every movement the boy made allowed glimpses of his tiny cock and balls; glimpses that were the most seductive sights imaginable.

They ate a nice breakfast then Tim took Bobby into the garden to play a while. When they went back into the house the phone was ringing. It was his sister to check that Bobby was okay. When she spoke to her son he told her that he was having a lovely time and so she was happy that Tim was taking good care of her darling son.

It was about 11 in the morning and Tim was feeling really randy and wanted to make some more progress with Bobby. So he suggested to the boy that they go to the bedroom and have a rest.

"Can we play another 'big willy, little willy' game?" the boy asked eagerly.

"Of course we can darling," Tim replied laughingly as he led the boy upstairs to the bedroom.

Once there they removed their shorts and were both naked.

"Ooh," said Bobby, "your willy is already stiff Uncle Tim, does that mean it's had a good rest?"

"Yes my little sweet darling," Tim answered, "it's had a real good rest and is now ready to play, that's why it's so stiff."

Uncle Tim looked at Bobby's tiny soft cock.

"I guess I'll have to wake your willy up Bobby and see if that wants to play too," Tim said as they both got onto the bed.

Young Bobby lay down on his back and Tim, also on his back, leant over the boy. He took hold of young Bobby's cock, just below the covered up cock head, between his thumb and forefinger and slowly pulled the foreskin down so that the lovely ruby red nob was revealed. Then he licked that beautiful nob as Bobby squeaked his approval. He opened his mouth and just closed his lips around the base of the boy's lovely cock head and started to suck. Bobby began to moan and groan with pleasure as his hips writhed around whilst Uncle Tim started to move his lips up the stem of the boy's cock which was now a stiff little rod. Then he moved his lips all the way back down again still sucking as hard as he could.

Bobby was having the time of his life as he felt his Uncle's warm lips moving up and down his cock pulling the boy's foreskin up and down at the same time. This felt so good, Bobby did not know that he could feel this good as his hips bucked up and down. He placed his hands on his Uncle's head and started to help Tim's head move by pushing up and down as well.

Now Tim sucked the boy's tiny ball sac into his mouth along with Bobby's cock. He sucked real hard on his lovely mouthful and Bobby squealed and gurgled with pleasure. For more than 30 minutes Uncle Tim sucked on the boy's cock and sometimes on his cock and balls together. When only Bobby's cock was in his mouth he kept moving his lips up and down the stem sending the most delicious sensations through the young boy's body, so delicious that Bobby was screaming with pleasure and lust. The boy wanted his Uncle to keep sucking his willy forever.

At last Uncle Tim removed his mouth from Bobby's cock.

"Did you like that darling, did that feel good?" he asked his 8 year old nephew.

"Ooh yes Uncle Tim it was lovely, my little willy loved you sucking it, it felt real cool," young Bobby panted, "why have you stopped Uncle, I don't want you to stop. My little willy wants to be sucked again."

"Well Bobby," Tim answered, "my big willy wants to play too. It wants you to play with it just like I played with your little willy. Do you think that you can do that?"

"Of course I can Uncle," Bobby replied with a laugh, "just you watch me and see how good I can do it."

With that the young boy leant over his Uncle and started to lick Tim's throbbing cock head. Tim groaned as Bobby's tiny tongue licked his piss slit which was oozing precum. The boy swallowed and found the taste just as nice as the night before so he licked some more out of the slit. As he was licking both his tiny hands were around the hard vein lined shaft of Tim's cock. The boy's tongue was sending the man crazy and he was moaning and groaning with pleasure.

"Oh Bobby suck my big willy, suck my big willy," Tim groaned as the boy's tongue worked hard at licking his cock head.

Then Bobby opened his mouth wide, lowered his head, and his beautiful red lips closed around his Uncle Tim's cock head. Then the boy started to suck on the throbbing purple nob in his mouth. Bobby loved the taste of his Uncle's cock especially as he kept getting drops of precum into his mouth. As he sucked he played with Uncle Tim's piss slit with the tip of his tongue almost sending the man crazy with passionate lust.

Tim allowed the boy to play this way for more than ten minutes. Then he decided that Bobby was hyped up enough to be made to swallow a little more man cock. Uncle Tim placed his hands either side of the boy's head and pulled downwards as, at the same time, he thrust up with his hips. His cock head, just inside young Bobby's mouth, was pushed forwards and touched the back of the kid's throat. Immediately young Bobby started to gag and Tim pulled the boy's head up slightly so that his cock pulled away from the back of Bobby's throat.

"Now darling," Tim said in a husky voice, "I'm going to get my big willy into your throat. You must try to swallow as I push in and that will make it easier. At the same time start breathing through your nose as you won't be able to breathe through your mouth. Look breathe like this."

As Uncle Tim said that he sniffed hard through his nostrils making Bobby try to laugh which was impossible for the youngster to do as he had a mouthful of man cock. Then Tim pulled his cock from Bobby's mouth and told him to try to breathe through his nose a couple of times to get used to it.

Laughingly young Bobby took a couple of deep sniffs just the way that Uncle Tim had just shown him.

"That's good my little cock sucking hero," Uncle Tim said praising the young boy. "Now just do that when my big willy gets into your throat; my big willy wants to try to get as far down your throat as it can."

"But it made me feel sick just now when you pushed it in Uncle Tim," complained the young boy.

"Don't worry darling, I promise you that if you make my big willy happy by getting as much of it as you can down your throat then I will be making your little willy very happy and I'll also make your poo hole happy as well," Tim replied kissing the young boy on his forehead. "Now darling take my willy back in your mouth and I will help you swallow it," Tim said in a soothing voice.

Bobby trusted his Uncle Tim and so leant over him, opened his mouth and closed it over Uncle Tim's cock head. Once again the boy started to suck and Tim smiled as he saw that he was also practising to breathe through his nose. Then Tim held the boy's head between his hands and slowly pulled downwards.

Bobby, unable to resist the pressure of Uncle Tim's hands, felt his lips begin to move down the hard shaft. As his lips moved down that cock shaft the cock head was being pushed deeper into his mouth until, once more, it was at the back of his throat. This time Tim wasted no time. As he heard and felt the boy begin to gag he thrust up with his hips, pulled Bobby's head hard down with his hands, and his cock head was now well and truly in the young boy's throat.

For a moment Bobby thought that he was going to choke as he was unable to draw any breathe. Then he remembered that he had to breathe through his nose and he began to get some air into his lungs. He also remembered that he had to swallow; he could hardly forget because Uncle Tim was yelling at him.

What Tim was yelling was "swallow my cock, fucker, swallow my cock. Come on you little bastard, breathe through your fucking nose and keep swallowing and sucking."

As the young boy tried to obey his Uncle tears were flooding his eyes. Sucking and swallowing a big cock that was filling his throat did not seem much fun to the boy.

Then Tim pulled his cock out of young Bobby's throat so that only his cock head was in the boy's mouth.

"Listen you little fucker," Tim panted, "you've got to do a lot better than that. I want you swallowing the whole of my cock before we break off for lunch."

Tim now changed his hold on the boy's head. He took hold of young Bobby's ears. Then he told the boy to start swallowing his cock again and reminded him that he should keep sucking it. As Bobby tried to swallow some of his Uncle Tim's cock head, Tim pulled the boy's head down hard by pulling on his ears and at the same time he thrust up with his hips. This time the man's cock entered Bobby's throat more easily although the youngster still gagged slightly. Still pulling on Bobby's ears and thrusting up with his hips, Uncle Tim managed to get his cock well down the kid's throat.

"Suck that cock darling," panted Tim, "suck my fucking willy you lovely little shit," he cried as he tried to force yet more of his cock down the 8 year old boy's tight throat.

Then he pulled out again until only his cock head was in Bobby's mouth and the boy gratefully sucked in air. Next moment Tim was forcing the child's head back down as he used young Bobby's ears for leverage. His cock went into the boy's throat with ease and now Bobby was swallowing almost 4 inches [10 cm]. Tim pulled out again.

"Good boy," he murmured "well done my boy, it won't be long before you get your reward."

Then he released young Bobby's ears, much to his nephew's relief, and placed his hands on top of the boy's head. He thrust forward with his hips as he pushed Bobby's head down and the boy, swallowing hard, managed to take the cock into his throat without gagging at all. Tim kept thrusting up with his hips and pushing down on Bobby's head until the boy had swallowed just over 4 inches [10 cm] of cock. Then Tim pulled out again, straight back in forcing four and a half inches [11 cm] into the boy. Out again and back in. This time Tim did not stop pushing and thrusting until his balls were pressing into Bobby's chin and the boy's nose was pressed into his Uncle's pubic hair.

"Oooh fucking shit boy, fucking shit," Uncle Tim exclaimed as he held the boy's head firmly down on his cock. "You've got the whole of my cock in your mouth now kid, fucking shit boy it does feel good. Now you lovely little fucker start sucking as I start to fuck your lovely tight throat."

As he said that to the boy who was desperately trying to suck on the cock that seemed to be almost into his stomach, Tim started to pull his cock up the boy's throat. Then he thrust it back down, then up again and back down, up and down, up and down as the 8 year old sucked on that plunging man cock as if his life depended on it.

Tim was moaning and groaning with sheer pleasure as he felt the boy's tight throat sucking on his cock. Bobby's throat was a pure joy to any paedophile, really tight but his suck had plenty of suction and his mouth was so lovely and warm, whilst his tight red lips felt so good around the shaft of Tim's cock.

Tim thrust his cock in and out of the boy's tight throat for almost ten minutes as he made sure that young Bobby got used to sucking on his weapon and his throat adjusted to the cock abuse. Then he pulled all the way out of the boy's mouth.

As Bobby lay gasping for air Uncle Tim gave him a big kiss on the lips.

"You've done well so far my darling," he said as slowly the boy's breathing returned to normal. "You've taken the whole of my big willy down your throat and you've kept sucking it like a real young hero, I'm sure that one of the Power Rangers couldn't have done as well."

Bobby's chest swelled with pride and he had a great big smile on his face.

"Gee Uncle Tim I thought that your big willy was going to choke me at first. But I did do it properly didn't I Uncle, I really sucked all of your big willy just like it wanted me to didn't I?"

"You did my boy, I think that I'll decree that you're the champion cock sucker of the world. Now Bobby my big willy wants your little willy to join in the fun. What you've got to do is lay face down on top of me and I will suck your little willy in my mouth. I think that you can reach my big willy with your mouth if you lie like that. I want you to take all of my big willy into your throat and suck it real good. Whilst you're doing that grab hold of my balls and twist and pull them just as hard as you can. But whatever you do, make sure that you keep sucking my big willy."

The young boy got on top of Uncle Tim and lay face down. He placed his legs either side of his Uncle's head and his hard little cock was quickly sucked into his mouth by Uncle Tim. As he felt his Uncle's hot mouth around his little willy young Bobby gave a deep sigh of satisfaction. Then he leant his head over his Uncle's cock. Tim had been right; the boy's body was just long enough to reach. Bobby opened his mouth and sank his head down and closed his lips around the rock hard shaft of his Uncle's cock. Then he too started to suck.

Uncle Tim had no problem getting Bobby's beautiful 3 inch [7½ cm] cock into his mouth and he was sucking as hard as he could.

Young Bobby was forcing his lips down Uncle Tim's cock and swallowing it inch by inch. The boy kept sucking hard. Then he pulled his head up before pushing down again and he swallowed some more of his Uncle's hard cock. Bobby pulled up again and then back down swallowing and sucking and now he had all of 4 inches [10 cm] of hard cock down his throat. Up once more and down again. As his lips ran down the shaft of his Uncle's fuck pole the youngster had hold of Tim's balls and was twisting and tugging them as he swallowed yet more cock.

All the while Uncle Tim was helping his nephew by thrusting his hips up each time that Bobby sank his head down on Tim's cock. At the same time the Uncle was sucking hard on the youngster's 3 inch [7½ cm] stiffy which he had safely in his mouth.

Again Bobby raised his head pulling his lips most of the way up the shaft of his Uncle's cock. Then back down again, swallowing and sucking, swallowing and sucking and this time the boy did not stop.

He kept pushing down until his Uncle's balls were pressing into his nose and he had to let go of them. Young Bobby now had all 5 inches [12½ cm] of his Uncle's throbbing manhood down his throat. The boy sucking hard, raised his head until the cock was almost out of his mouth and then he pushed his lips all the way back down to the base of his Uncle's cock.

Young Bobby was now into a rhythm as he moved his mouth up and down the shaft of his Uncle's cock. He was sucking hard as the cock went down his throat, sucking hard as it came back up. Now his movements were getting faster and faster and Uncle Tim's hips were thrusting up and down, ever quicker, keeping in time to his nephew's movements.

Then Uncle Tim could feel his balls tighten and knew that soon he would shoot his load. He grabbed hold of the boy and then managed to turn his body completely over so that now he was lying on top of his nephew with his cock still buried deep in Bobby's throat. Still sucking hard on young Bobby's cock Uncle Tim started to face fuck his nephew by thrusting his cock in and out of the boy's throat.

Bobby was still sucking as best he could although his jaws were aching pretty badly. He could feel his Uncle's cock pounding in and out of his throat as he tried his best to keep sucking. Then he felt the cock head swelling and the shaft of the cock throbbing. Uncle Tim pulled out of his nephew until only the tip of his cock was in the boy's mouth. Then, with a savage thrust, he forced his hard cock non stop all the way down the boy's throat not stopping until the base of his cock was pushing against young Bobby's lips.

At that point Uncle Tim started to shoot his load. His hot thick cum spurted out of his cock deep down in Bobby's gullet. The boy started swallowing, swallowing, swallowing as the thick cream threatened to suffocate him. Uncle Tim pulled his cock a short way out of his nephew's throat then drove it back again sending another spurt of cum into his darling boy.

Bobby loved the taste of his Uncle's cum; it tasted good last night and still tasted good today. He kept sucking and swallowing as best he could as the weight of his Uncle threatened to squash him flat.

Then, pushing his hands under Bobby's back and holding the boy firmly, Uncle Tim turned over again onto his back. Once again young Bobby, Uncle Tim's cock buried in his throat, was lying on top of the man.

The boy slowly pulled his mouth up his Uncle's softening cock. When only the cock head was in his mouth Bobby took hold of the shaft and started to suck hard on the head once more and then he started to lick it. The young boy cleaned all of his Uncle's cum from the man's cock head and licked it all out of the piss slit as well.

Throughout this time Uncle Tim had kept Bobby's cock in his mouth. He had sucked that tiny stiffy; he had licked it all over, the tip of his tongue had explored the piss slit and then he resumed sucking.

Bobby's 8 year old cock was throbbing with pleasure as his Uncle gave it his undivided attention.

Then, still with his nephew's stiffy in his mouth, Uncle Tim pulled the boy's head off his cock. Bobby gave a long sigh as he fondled his Uncle's balls.

"Wow Uncle that was awesome," young Bobby croaked, his throat feeling rather sore from the fucking, "I loved it, I really loved Uncle I loved it even when it hurt. Oh Uncle I do love your cum and I want you to give me some more soon."

Whilst Bobby was speaking his hips were moving up and down as Uncle Tim sucked on his cock. Then Tim, most reluctantly to be sure, let the boy's stiff cock slip from his mouth.

"Well my boy I guess we'd better take a break," he said looking with adoring eyes at his nephew.

"Can we do this again soon Uncle, can we do it again soon?" asked young Bobby eagerly.

"Well you lovely randy little fucker," Uncle Tim replied with a chortle, I'm going to have a few minutes rest on this bed and then I'll go and cook us a meal. I want to take you for a walk this afternoon so that we both get some exercise."

Uncle Tim stopped and kissed his nephew's lovely lips.

"We'll come to bed early this evening and I'll let you suck my cock again. Then I want to finger fuck you for a while so that your lovely little boy cunt gets stretched a little. I will probably play with your cunt for a long while tonight. Tomorrow I want to take your virginity; I want to fuck you so hard that you'll remember your first fuck for the rest of your life."

Bobby lay next to his Uncle with a little smile on his face as he thought about what had been said.

"Uncle may I ask you some questions?" young Bobby asked.

"Okay, but don't make them too hard my boy will you," Tim replied.

"Where is my cunt Uncle?" the 8 year old asked.

"Well it is your poo hole, but when men like me fuck it then it becomes a boy cunt," Tim answered.

"What's my virginity uncle?" Bobby asked.

"When a boy has his cunt fucked for the very first time that is called taking his virginity. So, until you've been fucked you're a virgin. Does that make sense to you my boy?" Tim replied.

For a moment Bobby was silent digesting this.

"Yes Uncle I'm a virgin now but when I'm fucked that means I'm losing my virginity doesn't it?" Bobby said.

"Bobby my boy you're a clever little fucker," Tim answered with a laugh.

"What does fuck mean Uncle Tim?" asked Bobby. "I know it's a naughty word because my mummy told me and slapped me for using it," he said.

"Well Bobby it's a naughty word to use in front of your mum and dad but it is okay to use it when you talk to me," Tim explained. "As to what it means, well tomorrow I'm going to stick my hard cock into your boy cunt and that is called fucking. This evening, when I stick my fingers into your boy cunt that is called finger fucking. Okay?"

"So you stick your cock into my boy cunt to fuck me and then I'm not a virgin," Bobby announced triumphantly.

"Yes my little fucking darling that is it exactly," Uncle Tim said. "And once I've taken your virginity by fucking your boy cunt then I will fuck you at least once every day. That will keep us both very happy."

Once again Uncle Tim kissed the boy on his lips.

"Now then you randy little pig I'm off downstairs to make us a meal. You can stay on the bed playing with your cock until it's ready if you like or you can come downstairs and play in the garden or whatever," Tim stated as he got off the bed.

Bobby opted to remain upstairs until the meal was ready.

Chapter 4
Finger fucking and cock sucking

Later, after they had eaten, Tim took his nephew for a nice long walk. The walk lasted all the afternoon as they were playing games like hide and seek during the walk. Eventually they both returned home tired and happy. Then Bobby watched some cartoons and after that they had a light meal. In the early evening Uncle Tim played Bobby at games on Play Station 2.

Around seven o'clock Uncle Tim took Bobby to the bathroom where he had a nice bath. After he had been dried Bobby asked Uncle Tim where his nightshirt was. His Uncle told him that he did not need it any more, as of tonight they would both be sleeping naked in bed. Then he told young Bobby to go downstairs to the lounge and watch kids TV or play with Play Station 2. Tim went to the kitchen and prepared a glass of milk and a couple of biscuits which he gave to Bobby telling the boy that he was now going to have a bath himself. It was almost nine o'clock by the time that Tim had returned to the lounge having had a good bath himself. He walked in and Bobby saw that his Uncle was just as naked as he was. He also saw that Uncle Tim's big willy was standing erect and obviously ready for action.

"You've got a stiffy, you've got a stiffy," sang out Bobby as he bounced up and down in the armchair.

"Yes and you will soon have one yourself you cheeky little fucker," Uncle Tim said fondly, "come on darling let's go to the bedroom and have some more sex fun together.

"Carry me on your shoulders Uncle, carry me on your shoulders," Bobby cried as he stood up in the armchair. Tim knelt down with his back to the boy and Bobby put his legs over his Uncle's shoulders as he grabbed hold of Tim's hair to steady himself.

Uncle Tim took hold of Bobby's ankles which were resting on his chest and stood up with the young boy on his shoulders. He loved the feel of the warm smooth skin of his darling's thighs against his neck and he could feel young Bobby's willy pressing into the back of his neck. Tim quickly climbed the stairs with his darling on his shoulders.

On entering the bedroom Tim leant forward over the bed tipping the giggling young boy head over heels onto the mattress. Then Tim got onto the bed along side him.

"Now my fine little cock sucker," Tim said with a grin, "let's get that little willy of yours nice and stiff."

Then he held the two inch [5 cm] pecker between his fingers as he closed his mouth over it and started to suck. Immediately young Bobby's cock reacted and the boy was sporting a lovely three inch [7½ cm] long stiff willy once again. Tim removed his warm mouth from young Bobby's cock and started to rub the boy's foreskin up and down as Bobby moaned with pleasure.

"Right my lovely randy little fucker," Tim said to the boy, "tonight I'm going to introduce you to finger fucking. I want to lick and kiss your lovely boy cunt first to get it ready for some finger action. Then tomorrow, my darling, probably in the morning I'm going to take your virginity; I'm going to fuck your boy cunt like I've never fucked a boy cunt before."

"Oh Uncle Tim can't you fuck my boy cunt tonight, do I have to wait until tomorrow?" wailed Bobby.

"It will be best to wait till tomorrow because, by the time I've finished finger fucking you tonight, you will be ready for a good sleep," Uncle Tim replied. Then he kissed his darling nephew on the lips. "Don't you worry darling," he said, "from tomorrow until it's time for you to return home I'll be fucking you silly every day."

Bobby had a big smile on his face when he heard this. He had no idea what it would feel like being fucked but he was sure that it must be real cool because his Uncle had told him so. "Can we start playing Uncle, are you going to play with my boy cunt now?" asked Bobby eager for the nights fun to begin.

"Kneel on the bed on hands and knees and spread your legs as wide as they will go," Tim instructed. Bobby scrambled to obey.

Tim lay behind him and realised that it was not the ideal position for him. "No I've changed my mind," he said to Bobby whilst fondling the boy's hard willy. "I want you to lie on your back and put your legs up in the air." Bobby once more scrambled to obey and lay on his back with his legs high in the air.

Tim knelt in front of him with his knees either side of Bobby's head. Then he grabbed the boy's ankles and pulled Bobby's legs forward and down so that the kid's feet were on the bed either side of his neck.

Then he pushed Bobby's feet apart until they were on the bed level with the boy's shoulders. Now young Bobby's butt was sticking up in the air and his legs were wide spread which opened the crease of his arse just the way Tim wanted it. Uncle Tim, kneeling in front of the boy, placed the palms of his hands on the cheeks of the youngster's arse in order to keep the kid's body steady. He could see young Bobby's lovely boy cunt in all it's glory now. The tiny pink puckered lips of that glorious virgin boy hole were closed but they gently pulsated as young Bobby breathed.

This was one of the sights that Tim really loved. The closed hairless virgin boy hole just waiting for a man cock to enter and pick the cherry which was ripe and ready for plucking. But Tim was not going to pluck that cherry just yet; he was going to make sure that everything was ready and that, hopefully, young Bobby would enjoy his first fuck. Many times in the past when he had a boy in this position and knew that time was short he'd simply slam his cock straight up that enticing boy hole and fuck the kid silly.

Other times, like now with Bobby, he would make sure that the boy's cunt was well prepared for it's first fucking and try and make it a real cool experience for the boy.

The reward in such cases was that generally the boy would frequently return to him wanting to be fucked. Now Tim stopped his musing as he stuck out his tongue. His body trembled slightly at the thought that he was about to taste his lovely nephew's boy hole for the first time. His warm tongue licked those lovely pink lips as Bobby gave a surprised gasp of pleasure. Tim swallowed savouring the lovely taste of 8 year old Bobby's boy hole. He licked it some more and then pressed the tip of his tongue against the closed lips and pushed hard.

Bobby's sphincter was not going to be a push over and resisted the pressure. Tim stopped pushing with his tongue. "Bobby darling I want you to do something sweetheart," Tim said, "I want you to open your boy cunt for my tongue. Just imagine that you're sitting on the toilet and trying to have a poo. Strain hard as if you're pooing but don't actually poo. Will you do that for your Uncle Tim?"

"Yes Uncle Tim," panted the young boy, "I'll do try to poo now."

Tim pressed the tip of his tongue against the lips of Bobby's boy cunt and could see that the boy was straining hard. He pushed down with his tongue and suddenly those lovely pink lips opened slightly and his tongue slipped into the boy. Tim immediately started to lick inside that lovely boy hole and the sensation of his Uncle's tongue inside his poo hole almost sent the boy crazy with the most erotic feeling that he'd ever had.

"Oooh Uncle that's cool, that's real cool," the boy cried. "Wow Uncle your tongue feels so good."

Tim was much to busy to bother replying as his tongue licked in and around the inside of young Bobby's lovely boy cunt. Uncle Tim was enjoying the boy taste of that lovely hole immensely. It was a taste of shit but not the horrible taste the way an adults shit smelt. Rather the pleasant taste the way a young boy passing wind smelt. Deliciously tasty with the merest hint of young shit. For 15 minutes Tim licked and sucked young Bobby's virgin cunt whilst the boy moaned and groaned with pleasure.

Then Tim decided that it was time to progress. He licked and sucked on his first finger. Then he pressed the tip of his finger against young Bobby's cunt.

The pretty pink lips, already slippery from the spittle Tim left whilst licking, opened easily and Tim's finger entered the boy. Bobby gave a sharp gasp as he took a quick intake of air. The finger had slightly stretched his cunt ring as it entered the boy. Then he felt Uncle Tim's finger pushing deeper and it really felt good, it was not painful at all.

He felt the finger pushing into his body until the base of the finger where it joined the hand was pressing against his buttocks. Then he felt it being withdrawn before it was pushed back into him again.

"Oooh yeah Uncle, oooh that's lovely," Bobby gasped as he felt the man's strong finger moving up and down inside him.

"Good boy," Uncle Tim whispered, "I guessed that you'd love being finger fucked but I need you to change position again." Uncle Tim withdrew his finger from that lovely warm and tight hole, it had felt real good and Tim knew that his cock would love entering young Bobby tomorrow. "Now Bobby my darling," Uncle Tim said, "I want you to get on your hands and knees with your legs spread apart as far as they'll go."

Bobby rushed to obey because he badly wanted Uncle Tim's finger inside his boy cunt again. It had made him feel so good the first time that he wanted more. Once he was in position Uncle Tim lay on the bed behind him and between his legs. He sucked and licked his first finger again, pressed it against Bobby's cunt whilst the boy strained hard to open his hole. Then Uncle Tim's finger entered the youngster again and Tim thrust it in all the way.

With his free hand Tim reach around young Bobby's waist and took hold of the young boy's stiffy. He started to rub the foreskin up and down the three inch [7½ cm] hard stem as his finger moved in and out of Bobby's tight cunt. Now the two sensations were sending the 8 year old boy crazy. He was pushing his buttocks on and off Uncle Tim's finger and this resulted in him pushing his cock in and out of his Uncle's fingers. Bobby was moaning and groaning with pleasure, pleasure such as he had never felt before.

"Oooh I love this Uncle, I love this," Bobby panted, "it's awesome Uncle, oh please don't let it stop."

"This is nothing my darling, just wait until tomorrow when my big willy goes into your boy cunt, now that will be awesome," Tim said. Then he pulled his finger out of young Bobby's boy hole and put it in his mouth and sucked it.

He loved the taste of young Bobby's body that was adhering to his finger.

Now he stuck the second finger of his hand in his mouth to join his first finger. He sucked them both whilst continuing the rub his nephew's foreskin up and down with his other hand. He took his two fingers out of his mouth, pressed them against Bobby's cunt hole and forced them through that tight ring.

Bobby gave a yelp as his ring was stretched some more but, as he felt the two fingers pushing into his body, the boy pressed hard back with his buttocks. The two fingers slowly penetrated him as far as they could go stretching his fuck tube in a most delightful way. Tim was enjoying the feel of the boy's tight cunt on his fingers. He loved the hot insides of young Bobby's intestines and the way they pulsated around his probing fingers. He could hardly wait for the time when it would be his cock not his fingers inside that lovely boy. He started to push his two fingers in and out of young Bobby's cunt as the boy moaned and groaned with pleasure.

And still Tim continued to rub Bobby's foreskin up and down his stiff little cock. Tim finger fucked the boy like this for at least half an hour. Every now and then, with his fingers just inside the boy's cunt, he would open them in a scissor like movement to stretch Bobby's ring piece just a little more. The boy would gasp when that happened, then moan and groan and beg Uncle Tim not to stop finger fucking him as he thrust his buttocks backwards and forwards on his Uncle's two fingers that were pushing in and out of his tight cunt. Then Tim took both fingers out of Bobby's cunt and stuck them in his own mouth. He sucked on them long and hard enjoying the slight boy shit taste that they now had. Then he put his middle finger in his mouth to join his other two. He sucked all three fingers as he rubbed his other hand up and down Bobby's lovely little cock. Then he took his fingers out of his mouth and pressed all three against the young boy's cunt. He pressed hard and first the tip of his middle finger quickly followed by the other two entered that beautiful boy pussy. As Bobby felt the three fingers enter him and stretch his ring piece even wider he gave a little scream.

"That hurts Uncle, that hurts," young Bobby cried as Uncle Tim forced his three fingers further into his darling boy's cunt.

"Shush fucker," muttered Tim, "it'll only hurt for a minute and then you will love having my three fingers up your boy cunt." As he said that Uncle Tim forced his fingers all the way up young Bobby's tight cunt. Then he pulled them down and back up again.

Suddenly young Bobby started to yell. "Ooh Uncle that's good, oh what are your fingers doing. Oooh Uncle I love you finger fucking my boy cunt. It's lovely Uncle, it's lovely, it's lovely," the youngster was yelling as his Uncle's fingers were thrusting in and out of Bobby's cunt.

What had happened, of course, was that Uncle Tim's fingers had found the boy's tiny magic button. As he thrust all three fingers in and out of Bobby's tight hole they were massaging the young boy's prostate gland. This in turn was sending the most erotic sensations through young Bobby's body. It was like an electric shock, but much better than that; it made Bobby's spine tingle; it made his tiny nipples stand erect, it made his hair feel as if it was standing on end and he could even feel the sensations in the tips of his toes.

"Faster Uncle, faster, faster, faster," panted the boy as he thrust his buttocks backwards and forwards. Uncle Tim finger fucked him hard and fast, then slow and gentle and hard and fast again. He rotated his three fingers just inside young Bobby's cunt as the boy's sphincter stretched even wider.

Every now and then Uncle Tim would withdraw his fingers completely and stick his hot tongue into that lovely arse whilst Bobby would scream with pleasure begging his Uncle not to stop finger fucking him. Throughout this time Uncle Tim had been rubbing Bobby's foreskin up and down the child's stiff cock. Now he changed things again slightly.

Still with his three fingers inside Bobby's cunt, Uncle Tim leaned his head around the boy's waist. Now Bobby's stiff little cock was near to his mouth. Uncle Tim opened wide and clamped his lips around the stem of that delightful stiff willy. Then he started to suck Bobby's dick whilst moving his lips up and down the stiff stem. At the same time he was finger fucking Bobby's cunt, massaging the boy's prostate gland each time his fingers went in and each time they were pulled out. Bobby was now beside himself with pleasure. He was drooling as he sobbed for his Uncle never to stop. He had never in all of his short life felt the way his Uncle was making him feel right now. He was so happy that he was a boy and had a nice boy cunt that his Uncle wanted to finger fuck because, for Bobby, it was the best thing that had ever happened to him. Tim was also enjoying himself immensely; he loved the feel of the boy's love channel around his thrusting fingers, so warm and so velvety as it gently pulsated as young Bobby breathed. He loved the way the young boy's sphincter kept gripping and loosening around his fingers. It wasn't something that Bobby was controlling, it was just reflex action to Uncle Tim's finger fucking. Last but not least Uncle Tim loved to have the little boy's stiff willy in his mouth as he played with the youngster's boy cunt.

It felt so good; it tasted so good it was just such a delightful way to play that Tim's cock was throbbing madly and the man knew that he was close to shooting his load. He had been finger fucking Bobby's cunt whilst sucking his lovely cock for near on two hours. It was well after 11 at night now and Tim wanted young Bobby to have a good sleep so that he would be ready for a good fucking the next day.

He withdrew his fingers from that lovely tight boy cunt as he removed his mouth from young Bobby's little cock. Then he moved so that all his body was once more behind that of young Bobby's. The boy's sweet pussy was still wide open the lips not having closed since he had removed his fingers. Tim pressed his open mouth tight against Bobby's cunt and then stuck his tongue inside the boy's ring and started to lick. Bobby pushed his buttocks hard back into his Uncle's face as he tried to get every inch of Tim's tongue up his shit hole.

Then Tim licked and sucked that adorable hole for another wonderful ten minutes. Eventually Uncle Tim rolled over onto the bed. He now lay face up whilst his young nephew knelt beside him doggy style. "Bobby you've got the most wonderful boy cunt of any that I've yet tried," Uncle Tim said to the boy. "Now then my lovely little cock sucker, I want you to get between my legs and suck my cock until I cum into your mouth just like you did last night. This time darling you can just keep my cock head in your mouth as you suck. But suck hard and I'll give you a real big mouthful of my man cream to swallow."

"Oh goody," Bobby replied as he scrambled between his Uncle's legs, "I love eating your cum Uncle Tim it does taste ever so good." Then the boy put his lips around Uncle Tim's cock and the man groaned with pleasure as he felt the boy start to suck. Then Tim wriggled with delight as the young boy stuck his tongue in his Uncle's piss slit and started to lap up the precum. Then, with his Uncle's cock head resting on his tongue, the youngster started to suck. Tim could not resist the great sensation that passed through his body as the young kid started work with his mouth on his Uncle Tim's cock.

He placed his hands on the boy's head, thrust his hips upwards, and drove his cock head straight down Bobby's throat. The boy swallowed hard as he realised what was happening and then he started to breathe through his nose. In no time at all he had swallowed all five inches [12½ cm] of his Uncle's throbbing cock. Now that his cock was buried deep down the boy's throat, Tim realised that he would be shooting his load any minute. The boy started to move his head up and down on his Uncle's stiff fuck pole and Tim assisted the boy by pushing on his head up and down. Then Tim felt his balls tighten and his sperm shoot up the shaft of his cock. Bobby felt the cock head throbbing madly as it started to swell. He swallowed his Uncle Tim's cock right to the base and then, sucking hard, felt the cum shoot out and straight down his gullet. The young boy swallowed greedily and sucked some more eager to get every drop of the man cum. Tim pulled his cock up out of young Bobby's throat and then thrust it back down again as he let another wad of cum shoot out. The boy sucked hard once again trying to get every drop of the cream. Tim was now totally exhausted and pulled his cock from Bobby's mouth. The boy was not satisfied however and grasped his Uncle Tim's now soft cock tightly. He held it firmly as Tim moaned and groaned with pleasure and then the boy stuck out his little red tongue and gave the sensitive cock head a real good licking.

When he had finished not a drop of cum was left on Tim's purple cock head. Bobby still did not release his grip; he hadn't finished yet. He stuck his little tongue into Uncle Tim's piss slit and licked it out very thoroughly as Tim writhed about on the bed. His cock was ultra sensitive now that he had shot his load and Bobby's tongue at work on it was sending his Uncle Tim crazy. Then Bobby, using the hand that was not grasping Uncle Tim's cock, put a finger either side of the piss slit and pressed the slit wide open. Now the red inside could be clearly seen and Bobby ran his tongue all around it. Tim was almost out of his mind with erotic delight as the boy thoroughly tested his cock. It got too much for the man and he pushed Bobby's head away from his cock and pulled his hand off it.

"Shit Bobby you're driving me insane you randy little fucker. I didn't realise that you'd love to play with my cock this much," Tim said.

"I like your cock a lot Uncle Tim," Bobby answered in a serious voice, "and I love your cum as well, it does taste good. I like that precum you make the most though, it's really lovely and sweet."

"Well Bobby if you want me to fuck you tomorrow you'll have to let my big willy have a good nights rest now. I think that you should also have a good sleep. Look it's gone eleven o'clock so it's well past your bedtime my boy." Then Tim pulled his nephew up close to him and cuddled him and kissed him.

Bobby snuggled up close to Uncle Tim. "Uncle Tim I do love you, next to mum and dad I love you the most. I have had such a wonderful day today. Uncle I love the sex games that we play," the boy said in a sleepy voice. Tim cuddled and kissed him some more and within a few minutes the boy was fast asleep. It was not long before Tim was also asleep and both of them slept soundly throughout the night.

Chapter 5
Bobby loses his virginity

It was almost 10 o'clock in the morning when Tim woke up.

He jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom and had a shave, shower and cleaned his teeth. He returned to the bedroom and woke young Bobby up. The boy yawned and wanted to go back to sleep.

"No Bobby you've got to get up and have a bath and clean your teeth darling. This morning is our big day when you cease to be a virgin,"

Tim told him. Bobby sat bolt upright, blinked a couple of times and then jumped out of bed. "I'm ready for my bath Uncle, can I have it right away," the youngster cried.

Tim laughed and told him to have a piss and shit first. When Bobby looked at him rather dubiously Tim said that to piss was what he did when he had a wee and shit was what he did when he had a poo. He also told Bobby that when the boy was with him he should always say 'piss' and 'shit' not 'wee' and 'poo'. When he was at his own home Bobby should always say 'wee' and 'poo' or else his mother would be angry. Then the boy used the toilet whilst Uncle Tim ran a bath for him.

When Bobby had bathed and dried himself Uncle Tim combed his lovely hair.

Bobby asked for his clothes but Uncle Tim told him there was no need to dress as they would soon be back in bed. After they had a late breakfast and Tim had cleaned the dishes he asked young Bobby whether he was ready to be fucked. The boy clapped his hands and said excitedly that he wanted Uncle Tim to take his virginity. So the two went upstairs and both got on the bed.

"First my lovely little darling I must prepare you," said Uncle Tim to Bobby. "Now you know how you lay when I first started to finger fuck you last night, well I want you to lay like that again now."

Bobby lay on his back with his legs up in the air and Uncle Tim pulled them forward so that Bobby's feet were on the bed by his shoulders and his lovely little butt stuck up in the air. Then Uncle Tim took a tube of KY from the bedside table and lay it on the bed where he could easily reach it. Then he bent over Bobby's butt, placed his hands on either cheek and spread them so that he could see the lovely pink lips of Bobby's virgin cunt. Next he licked the outside of that beautiful boy hole as young Bobby groaned with pleasure and the boy's tiny cock grew stiff. Uncle Tim then pushed the tip of his tongue against the lips of Bobby's boy cunt and the youngster started to strain. The sphincter gave way to the onslaught and allowed Tim's tongue to enter. Then Uncle Tim gave it a good five minute tongue bath before sucking on his first and second fingers and thrusting them into Bobby's hole. The boy grunted and then started to groan as Uncle Tim thrust his two fingers in and out of the boy's tight cunt helping it to loosen. Having got his two fingers working freely Uncle Tim sucked on three fingers next. His first, second and third fingers.

Then he pressed them against young Bobby's sphincter muscle and, with no fuss at all, it opened and the man's three fingers entered the young boy. This time Bobby grunted and gasped as his cunt stretched to accommodate the three fingers. Again for five minutes Uncle Tim worked his fingers in and out of the boy's tight shit hole. Once Uncle Tim was satisfied that he had loosened Bobby's cunt as much as he could he withdrew his three fingers, put them in his mouth and sucked all the lovely boy flavour off. Then he picked up the tube of KY and squirted a dollop onto Bobby's cunt. The boy gave a quiver as the cold lubricant touched his skin.

"What's that Uncle?" Bobby asked, "what have you just put on my boy cunt?"

"It's KY my darling," Uncle Tim replied as he worked the lubricant into Bobby's cunt, "that's a lubricant which will make my cock slide into you more easily so you won't hurt too bad when I first fuck you. I'm going to put some on my cock as well before I start to fuck you. That way I should slide in quite easily." Having lubricated the boy to his satisfaction Uncle Tim told Bobby to kneel on the bed on his hands and knees with his legs wide apart.

As the boy got into position Tim spread some KY onto his own cock paying particular attention to his cock head. Now Bobby was in position and Uncle Tim's cock was throbbing with passion. He knelt behind his darling nephew and held his stiff cock with one hand whilst his other hand was pressing into the small of the boy's back. Then, using his hand to guide it, he pressed his cock against Bobby's well lubricated boy cunt.

"Now you sweet little darling," Tim whispered to the young boy, "don't forget to strain as if you were going to have a shit."

Uncle Tim thrust forward with his hips as his cock pressed hard against Bobby's boy cunt and the young kid, obediently, started to strain. The combination of Uncle Tim's cock pressure and 8 year old Bobby's straining opened the kid's sphincter and, with a grunt, Tim got his cock head into the boy. Bobby let out a shrill cry of pain as Uncle Tim's cock head, just inside his cunt ring, was stretching it so that if felt as if it were splitting. Tim held his cock in position enjoying to the full the sensation of Bobby's ring squeezing his nob as if it were in a vice. He ignored the youngster's screams.

"Oh stop Uncle, stop, stop, stop," Bobby was yelling, "your cock is hurting me bad, please take it out Uncle," the poor kid cried.

Uncle Tim simply ignored him. Then Tim thrust forward again hard and now his cock head passed right into the boy and the terrible pain started to ease. Bobby was still crying as his cunt was being stretched badly, but he was no longer screaming. Now that Uncle Tim's cock was inside his young nephew Tim let go of his cock. He took hold of the boy's hips with his hands and thrust forward again at the same time pulling Bobby onto his cock.

Now his cock head was being forced up Bobby's narrow love passage and the boy could feel his intestines being stretched. He was still sobbing, but even that was dying off as he got used to the big cock inside him.

"There you are my darling little fucker," Uncle Tim whispered to his nephew, "you've now lost your virginity, you're no longer a 'cherry boy'. Soon you're going to feel as if you're floating on a cloud as I start to fuck you proper." Bobby did not reply as his whole back passage ached. Uncle Tim thrust forward again as he pulled the boy into his body.

Now he had got about three of his five inches [12½ cm] up young Bobby's cunt. The man kept pushing forward forcing more of his cock into his lovely nephew. Tim knew that it was best to get the whole of his cock up the boy before he started to give him a real good fuck. Three more hard thrusts did it and all five inches [12½ cm] of his cock was in the boy. He rested on young Bobby's back, his balls were pressing into the lovely smooth flesh of the child's buttocks and his cock was deep inside his young darling. The boy was no longer crying as his body got used to his Uncle's cock. His cunt was aching slightly as Uncle Tim's cock kept it fully stretched. After a couple of minutes Tim started to slowly withdraw his cock from the boy. When it was almost all the way out he slowly pushed it all the way back in again. Slowly out again and then, just as slowly, back in.

Tim loved the way these slow movements in and out felt. Bobby's cunt was even tighter around his cock than he had thought it would be and Tim loved it. The boy's love channel was so warm and velvety smooth. He wished that his cock could remain inside this lovely young fucker for ever. Bobby was beginning to enjoy being fucked. His cunt was getting more used to his Uncle's cock each time it was slid in and out. The young boy loved the strange feeling he got as the cock head slowly moved all the way into his body and then, just as slowly, moved out. Uncle Tim started to move a little faster. His cock, although not flat out, began to speed up as it moved in and out of the dear boy. At the same time Tim began to rotate his hips and this made his cock move about inside the boy as it was driven in and out. Suddenly Bobby's body seemed to go rigid, his sphincter clenched vice like around Tim's cock and the boy let out a shrill cry.

"Oooh yes Uncle Tim, oooh yes that's lovely, oh fuck me like that again Uncle Tim, do it again."

Uncle Tim's cock had touched the boy's prostate gland and it sent the most wonderful shock imaginable through young Bobby's body. Now Uncle Tim moved faster with his thrusts and each time he drove in his cock rubbed against Bobby's prostate and each time he pulled out it rubbed that gland again. Bobby was moaning and shrieking with pleasure as his body twitched and quivered. Uncle Tim removed his hands from the boy's hips as Bobby had started to thrust his buttocks backwards and forwards as his Uncle drove his cock in and out. Tim reached around young Bobby's waist and found the boy's stiff cock. Using just his thumb and finger he started to rub the boy's foreskin up and down producing fresh squeals of joy from the boy. Now Uncle Tim started to fuck the boy real hard as Bobby continued to yell, moan, and writhe about with pleasure.

"Do you like your Uncle's cock up your shit hole fucker?" he asked the deliriously happy boy.

"Yes Uncle, yes Uncle," Bobby panted as he pushed his buttocks hard onto Tim's driving cock, "I love being fucked Uncle, I love your cock up my cunt Uncle, oh keep on fucking me please."

"Do you want my baby, would you like me to make my baby in you?" Tim asked as he fucked the boy harder.

"Anything Uncle, anything, anything, anything but keep on fucking me," Bobby squeaked as his Uncle's cock drove in and out of his cunt and his Uncle's fingers rubbed his cock up and down. Tim was now fucking in and out of young Bobby as hard as he could.

He could feel his sperm rising but could not stop now, he had to shoot his load deep into his young darling. He pulled almost all the way out of his young nephew and then drove hard all the way back in as he continued to masturbate Bobby. Then Tim's hard cock began to throb madly and he started to shoot his cum into the boy. Bobby knew what was coming, he had felt Uncle Tim's cocking acting just the same as now when it was deep in his throat.

"Give me your cum Uncle, fuck me hard and let me have your cum," the young boy panted as he felt his guts filling with the thick cream from Tim's cock. Tim, who had been moaning and groaning and puffing like a steam engine as he shot his load into the boy now pulled his cock a little way out and drove in again. He could feel the boy's arse muscles milking his cock as they clenched and unclenched around his fuck pole and it was the sort of feeling that he loved. Slowly he leant over until he was resting on Bobby's back with his cock buried deep inside the boy.

"Bobby my darling that was a real good fuck and now you're no longer a virgin," he said.

"Uncle Tim I loved it when your cock was moving up and down inside me," Bobby replied. "It still feels real good having your cock in my boy cunt."

"Well in a minute I'm going to have to pull it out of your lovely tight hole my sweet darling," Tim said, "and when I do I want you to lay between my legs and lick all my cum off my cock. Will you do that darling just for me?"

"Of course I will, I love your cum," answered the boy eagerly not realising that his Uncle Tim's cock might also have his own shit on it as well as his Uncle's cum.

Slowly Tim pulled his semi hard cock from Bobby's delightful love channel. He was most reluctant to pull out of the boy but knew that, if things all went right, it would not be long before he was fucking the kid again. His cock left Bobby's tight hole making the sort of noise a cork drawn from a wine bottle makes. Then both Bobby and Tim started to laugh as Bobby let go a real loud fart. Tim rolled off the young boy and lay on his back with his legs open. Bobby immediately crawled between them and could now see his Uncle Tim's cock. It was semi hard and covered all over in white cum, the cum having streaks of brown in it.

The young boy could also smell his Uncle's cock and it smelt very strongly the way his shit smelt when he used the toilet. Tim wrinkled up his nose in disgust.

"I don't like the smell Uncle," the young boy said, "your cock smells just like my poo smells."

"Just lick my cock," Tim said impatiently, "once you get started you will find that it tastes good. If you don't lick my cock it won't be ready to fuck you again for a very long time." Bobby really did want his Uncle Tim to fuck him again. His boy cunt felt terribly empty now that Uncle Tim's cock was not up it and he was no longer getting those wonderful jolts through his body that he had been getting as Uncle Tim's cock thrust in and out of his body.

So, despite his feelings of disgust, young Bobby took hold of the shaft of his Uncle Tim's cock and then drew his tongue across the cock head and swallowed.

He did love the taste of Uncle Tim's cum but now it was just a little different. It had a slight taste of shit as well as of cum and the boy found that he liked it. He licked around the sensitive cock head this time and then across it again swallowing the results of his licking with pleasure. Uncle Tim was groaning with delight as he felt the boy's lovely tongue begin to get to work on his cock, then he let out a mewing cry of pleasure as young Bobby stuck his tongue in his Uncle's piss slit to lick the cum and shit out of it. The more that Bobby worked on his Uncle's cock with his tongue the more the boy enjoyed the rather pungent taste of Tim's cum. He had now thoroughly cleaned his Uncle's cock head and started to work on the shaft. As Tim's cock was now a lot stiffer than when he pulled it out of the boy's cunt, Bobby was able to let go of it with his hands. He licked his tongue all the way down the rapidly stiffening shaft and then licked around it to. Then he ran his tongue back up, over the cock head and all the way down the shaft again cleaning every drop of shit streaked cum from Uncle Tim's fuck pole. At last his Uncle's cock was spotless and the boy opened his mouth wide, lowered his head around the purple head and closed his lips tight.

Then he began to suck hard. Tim was in heaven as the boy got his man cock fully erect once more. He groaned with delight as the boy's mouth really went to work on his cock.

For another 20 minutes young Bobby sucked his Uncle's cock. Every now and then he would swallow it all the way down his throat then raise his head until only the cock head remained in his mouth. Whilst sucking his Uncle's boy fuck stick young Bobby had grabbed Tim's balls and was twisting and tugging them as hard as he could.

Tim was beside himself with erotic pleasure.

Then he pulled Bobby's head away from his cock. "God boy you've a real cock suckers mouth," he said, "you have really made me feel on top of the world with that magic mouth of yours." He gave the boy's hair a friendly ruffle with his fingers as he looked down at the darling still lying between his legs. "Now Bobby would you like me to get you something to eat or do you want me to fuck you again now?" Tim asked.

"Fuck me, fuck me, oh please fuck me Uncle," the youngster eagerly squealed. "I want your cock to fuck my boy cunt again, please Uncle let's not eat yet."

"Okay," said Tim with a laugh, "I'm sure I'd rather be fucking the shit out of you than getting some fucking food to eat. Now get astride me and use your hand to position my cock at the entrance to your boy cunt. Then lower yourself down on it."

"Do you want me to face you Uncle?" asked young Bobby as he now knelt between his Uncle's legs with Tim's stiff cock standing erect in front of him.

"Yeah face me fucker and get down on my boy fucker. Then start moving up and down," Tim replied.

Eight year old Bobby moved so that he squatted over his Uncle with his feet either side of his Uncle's hips. This spread his buttocks just beautifully. Then he took hold of his Uncle's stiff cock and moved it so that it was touching his boy cunt.

He lowered his body at the same time straining as if to shit. The weight of his body forced his sphincter to open and Tim's cock went straight into him. Bobby gave a gasp, a stifled scream and then bit his lips as the pain from Uncle Tim's cock entering him seemed to be overpowering. As Uncle Tim groaned with pleasure the boy sat down hard on Tim's cock driving it up his back passage right to the hilt and the Bobby could feel Uncle Tim's balls pressing into the flesh of his buttocks.

"Oooh yes," groaned Bobby, "wow Uncle your cock feels lovely in my boy cunt, I love it Uncle, I really love it."

"God Bobby you've such a lovely tight boy cunt it's just fucking magic boy," Uncle Tim groaned as Bobby sat on his cock without moving. "Shit, shit, shit," Tim exclaimed, "what a randy cock loving little bastard you are. Now fucker start moving up and down on my cock." Then young Bobby started to fuck himself on his Uncle's joy stick.

He moved his body up until the man's cock was almost out of him and then he sat straight back down driving the hard weapon all the way back up him. As he drove up and down on Uncle Tim's hard cock Bobby's prostate was being massaged in a way that sent the most wonderful jolts of electricity through the boy's body. Each time that Bobby sat right down on his Uncle Tim's cock his own hard 3 incher [7½ cm] would lay buried in Tim's pubic hair. As the boy pulled up his tiny cock remained standing straight out at right angles to his body with the beautiful tiny red nob head pointing straight at Uncle Tim's face. As for Uncle Tim he was away in the clouds. The sensations that he was receiving as the boy worked his tight cunt up and down Tim's fuck pole was all that the man could have wanted. He knew that, as he had only a little while previously shot his load, he would be a long time cumming again. So he was quite content to allow young Bobby to fuck himself on his Uncle's hard cock as fast or as slow as the boy wanted. Bobby enjoyed himself for more than 30 minutes fucking up and down on his Uncle's cock and then Tim decided that it was time for a variation.

"Right my lovely little fucker," Tim said, "I want you to sit down hard on my cock and stay there. I'm going to hold you on it and at the same time turn over so that you will be on your back. Then grip your fucking legs hard around my waist and I'll fuck you whilst you are under me." Bobby sat hard down so that his cock was lying along Uncle Tim's belly and his Uncle's balls were pressing into his buttocks. He felt his Uncle's strong arms around his back holding him firmly and then his Uncle turned so that they were both on their sides. Uncle Tim turned some more and now Bobby was lying on his back looking up at his Uncle looking down at him. "Get your legs round my waist and cross your ankles behind my back," panted Uncle Tim. Bobby did as he was told.

Now his buttocks were off the bed and resting on his Uncle Tim's thighs as the man knelt on the bed. Tim's cock was still buried deep inside the boy and Bobby's ankles were locked behind Tim's back. Tim moved the boy's body further upwards as he bent forward over him and now only Bobby's head, shoulders and upper back was resting on the bed.

He was ready to be fucked again but this time Uncle Tim would be dictating the action. Tim pulled his cock almost all the way out of Bobby's body and drove back in again as the boy started to groan with pleasure.

Out again and in, out, in, out, in as fast as Tim could go.

Then he slowed the tempo and started to thrust his cock in slowly as he rotated his hips bringing the boy to fresh depths of sexual pleasure.

"You're my little fuck pig and your fucking cunt belongs to me now," Uncle Tim panted as he fucked his little darling. "What are you fucker and what belongs to me now shit head?" he asked the boy.

"I'm your fuck pig Uncle," squeaked the little boy, "and my fucking cunt belongs to you."

Tim loved to talk dirty to his boys as he fucked them and get them to repeat his words, even if they did not understand fully what they meant. He was speeding up again driving in and out real hard and making Bobby moan aloud with delight. "I'm going to fuck the shit out of my darling little bastard," Tim panted "what am I going to do you cock loving little shit?"

"Oooh Uncle Tim that's good, your cocks real good," Bobby groaned then went on, "you're going to fuck the shit out of me Uncle that's what you're going to do."

"Yes you little bastard that's right," his Uncle said, "you're a real man cock loving little 8 year old bastard shit head. What are you?"

"I'm a man cock loving little 8 year old bastard shit head," recited the lovely little boy as Uncle Tim started to fuck him more slowly again.

"When I've finished fucking you this morning," panted Uncle Tim, "I'm going to let you have a drink of man piss straight from my cock. I'm going to turn you into a piss drinking, cock loving little fucking bastard. What am I going to turn you into?"

"A piss drinking, cock loving little fucking bastard," Bobby gasped out as his Uncle's cock sent fresh tremors of delight through his body. Uncle Tim was having the time of his life as he fucked his young nephew as hard as he could and heard those sweet lips repeat some of the filth that he had been speaking.

"Time for another change fucker," Uncle Tim grunted. "I'm going to pull right out of you now. I want you to get off the bed and lay face down on it with your feet on the floor. Make sure your legs are wide apart."

With that Uncle Tim pulled his hard cock out of that deliciously warm and tight boy cunt. Bobby unlocked his ankles and scrambled off the bed only to lie over it again face down with his feet on the floor and legs well spread. The youngster was keen to have his Uncle's cock up his boy cunt as quickly as possible. Uncle Tim stood behind the boy and pulled him a little further off the bed so that Bobby's stiff little pecker was free of the side of it rather than, as at first, resting on the bed under his body. Then Uncle Tim bent his legs and stuck his cock against Bobby's open boy cunt.

He reached around his little darling and found the boy's stiff cock which he took between two of his fingers. Then he drove his cock all the way back up young Bobby's cunt as he lay over the boy's back with his hands around the kid playing with that child's lovely cock. Then Tim started to fuck the boy real hard once again sending shivers of ecstasy through Bobby's body as his prostate started to be rubbed again.

"Yeah fucker you like this don't you?" Uncle Tim grunted as he fucked the boy. "You love Uncle Tim's big cock up your baby boy cunt don't you?" he said. Then, not giving the young boy a chance to reply "you want my fucking baby don't you cunt? You're nothing but a dirty little cock loving fuck pig who wants Uncle Tim to fuck you until you have his baby. What the fuck are you shit head, what the fucking hell are you, you little bastard?" Tim snarled as he fucked the boy's cunt as hard as he could.

"I'm a dirty little cock loving fuck pig who wants Uncle Tim to fuck him until he has his baby," the 8 year old boy quavered. Then he said without prompting "oh yes Uncle fuck your dirty little fuck pig, give me your baby Uncle, fuck me real hard and give me your baby."

Tim could feel his cock throbbing as he listened to his young nephew. The man had been fucking this darling boy for close on two hours now and he knew that any minute he was going to shoot his load. "Get ready you dirty little cock loving piss drinking cum eating fuck pig because I'm going to fill your guts with my man cream," growled Uncle Tim at the boy as he slammed his cock into him as hard as he could.

The boy started to scream "yes, yes, yes, ooh Uncle give me your cum, give me your cum," as he felt the man cream spurting out from the throbbing cock deep inside him. Tim pulled his cock half way out of the boy's lovely cunt and drove back again shooting some more cum into his little darling.

"Milk me bastard, milk me fucker, come on you little cock loving shit, milk my cock," Tim panted as he felt young Bobby's boy cunt muscle tighten and loosen, tighten and loosen around his cock. Once again Uncle Tim had filled the boy with his cum. Now he started to pull out. With a popping slurping sound his cock left the boy's much fucked cunt and oodles of cum ran down young Bobby's inner thighs. Tim jumped onto the bed and lay with his legs wide open. "Come on you cock loving little lump of shit," he called to young Bobby who was still lying across the bed with his feet on the floor. "Come and give my cock a good cleaning with your fucking cum loving mouth, come on you little fuck pig get to work on your Uncle's cock."

Bobby crawled back onto the bed and lay once more between his Uncle's legs. He had no problems this time as he took hold of the shit streaked cum covered shaft of Uncle Tim's cock. He licked his tongue across the cock head and swallowed as he enjoyed that tangy cum flavour once again. Then, as before, he gave his Uncle's cock a real good mouth bath. Whilst Bobby was cleaning his Uncle's cock with his mouth, Tim was laying back propped up on his elbows watching the boy's tongue at work on his fuck stick.

"That's the way you little fucker," Tim growled in a satisfied tone of voice. "When you've got my cock spotless cunt we will have some more fun together. It's time you tasted my hot piss." Then Uncle Tim gave a groan as Bobby's tongue dipped into his piss slit and cleaned all the cum and shit out. "Yeah you cock loving little bastard," Uncle Tim went on as he enjoyed the wonderful experience of having his cock washed by his nephew's tongue, "I want to stand over you and fill your mouth with my piss. Before long you'll need a drink of Uncle's piss every day. I'll probably try yours as well, I often drink young boy's piss straight from their lovely little cocks." Uncle Tim smacked his lips as he thought about this whilst Bobby just carried on with his cock licking.

But at last he had finished and not a drop of cum or shit remained on his Uncle's cock. Then the boy stopped his licking and proved that he had been paying attention to everything that his Uncle had been saying.

"Can I have some of your piss now?" he asked eagerly.

"Wow boy," Uncle Tim exclaimed, "what sort of cock sucking little animal have I set loose here. You can't wait for me to piss into your fucking mouth; what a lovely dirty little bastard you are," Bobby's Uncle said approvingly. Then Uncle Tim sat up on the bed. "Okay my little fuck pig we'll go to the bathroom and have a piss session. Then I really think we should have something to eat as time is getting on."

"I'm not hungry Uncle," Bobby protested, "why can't we have another fuck after I've had a taste of your piss?"

"Whoa boy, slow up you randy little cunt, I've got to get my fucking strength back before I fuck you again. Let's get on with our piss session and then I'll decide what to do after that," Tim said laughingly. Then they both got off the bed and went into the bathroom.

Chapter 6
Bobby has a hot drink

In the bathroom Uncle Tim asked Bobby whether he had ever had a drink of piss before.

"Yes Uncle," Bobby surprisingly replied, "Dave pissed in a bottle once and we both had a drink but we didn't like it much."

"Well my cock sucking little fuck pig you won't be drinking piss out of a bottle," Tim said. "Lay down on the floor of the shower. Lay on your back with your mouth wide open." Bobby got into the roomy shower cubicle and lay down on the floor.

There was plenty of room for his small body and he lay there with his mouth wide open.

Uncle Tim now got into the cubicle and stood over young Bobby with his legs either side of the boy's waist. "Now Bobby I'm going to start to piss in your mouth. Swallow as I piss but don't worry cunt, when your mouth gets full I'll stop so that you can swallow it all."

Bobby lay looking up at his Uncle Tim. Uncle Tim was holding his cock and it was pointed at the boy's face. Bobby saw the piss slit widen and then a beautiful golden arc of piss spurted out and hit him on the chin. Uncle Tim quickly adjusted his aim and the stream of golden water entered the boy's mouth which quickly filled. Uncle Tim cut off the supply as he saw the boy swallowing hard to drink the piss in his mouth. Then he saw that Bobby was ready again and immediately he sent another stream of golden hot piss into that boy's lovely open mouth. As Bobby's mouth filled he cut off the supply once more and the kid quickly swallowed it all.

"How do you like my piss, cunt?" Uncle Tim asked the boy.

"Mm it's pretty hot Uncle Tim," Bobby answered, "and it tastes much better than Dave's did."

"Would you like some more fuck head?" Uncle Tim asked the boy.

"Oh yes please Uncle I'd like some more please," Bobby replied.

"Okay Bobby," Uncle Tim said, "now stand up and take my cock into your mouth. Make sure your lips are real tight around it and remember to keep breathing through your nose."

Young Bobby was quickly on his feet. He opened his mouth and closed it around his Uncle's semi hard cock. His lips were tight around the base of the cock head and the boy was breathing through his nose.

Then Uncle Tim started to piss again and this time his piss went straight from his cock down the young boy's throat. Bobby was swallowing as fast as he could to try to keep up with the flow but even then some of the piss dribbled out of his nose but most went down the youngster's throat. Bobby loved this way of taking his Uncle's piss.

It was real hot, very acrid and came out of the cock with some force. But Bobby was finding that not only did he love to eat precum, enjoy the taste of man cum, lapped up man cum mixed with shit but now he wallowed in the taste of hot Uncle piss straight from the man's cock. Tim was amazed at how precocious his 8 year old nephew was. Very few boys of his age had been able to suck his cock, be fucked by his cock, eat his cum, be fucked in the cunt by his cock and drink his hot piss straight from his cock all in the space of 48 hours. Yet Bobby was not only able to do all that but just did not want to stop. Tim knew that the remaining days of the boy's holiday with him would be packed with sex games and that they would both have the time of their lives. However back to the present and Tim's cock was now dry. Young Bobby had taken all of his piss. Now Tim felt thirsty for boy piss.

"Do you feel like a piss, cunt head?" he asked lovingly.

"Yeah Uncle Tim, can I piss in your mouth?" the boy asked eagerly.

"But of course you stupid little fuck pig," Uncle Tim said laughingly to take the sting out of his words. "Do you think that I would let you waste your golden nectar down the toilet? It's fucking going down my throat or I'll want to know the reason why not," he said. Then he told young Bobby to stand up with his legs open.

Then Uncle Tim sat down on the shower floor with his legs between Bobby's open legs. "Now darling I'm going to take your cock into my mouth. When I'm ready for you to start pissing I'll pat you on your lovely behind. As soon as you feel that give me all the piss that you've got."

Uncle Tim closed his lips around young Bobby's still erect little member. He held the boy's cock really tight in his mouth so that none of the piss would dribble out between his lips. Then he patted the boy on his behind. Uncle Tim felt the piss surge up the shaft of Bobby's hard little cock and then it was shooting straight down his throat as he swallowed as quickly as he could to keep up with the flow. He was surprised at how strong a stream of piss young Bobby was giving but he loved every second of it. Uncle Tim really did love young boy's piss. He sometimes gave them lots and lots to drink so that they could piss it all back into his mouth. A young boy's piss is not nearly as acrid as that of an adult's. It is just as hot when it comes straight from the boy's cock into a man's throat. As Bobby pissed as hard as he could Uncle Tim tickled the boy's balls with his fingers making young Bobby giggle a lot. Then, after only about a minute, the flow of piss ran out.

That was the greatest pity of all Uncle Tim felt; the fact that a young boy's bladder was too small to retain a decent amount of piss. Still you couldn't have it all ways and what piss a young boy could hold did taste fucking good.

"That was lovely," Uncle Tim said as he stood up smacking his lips with approval. "I did love that drink you just gave me. Now my little fuck pig make sure that whenever you want a piss you tell me so that I can drink it. I don't want it wasted down some fucking shit hole. You understand cunt, you tell me, okay?"

"Of course Uncle," Bobby answered. The boy had really enjoyed pissing in his Uncle's mouth. It had felt good to have a piss with his Uncle's lips closed tight around his cock. So far nothing that his Uncle had shown him or done with him had been nasty. Bobby had enjoyed everything, just everything.

"I loved your piss too Uncle but you made a lot more than I could. I'm not sure that I could always drink all of your piss," Bobby said in a serious voice.

"That's okay you dirty piss loving little slut," Uncle Tim said adoringly, "when I piss in your mouth and you feel that you've had enough just pat my buttocks like I did to you and I'll stop pissing into you." Uncle Tim leant down and gave the boy a kiss on the lips. "Now darling we will have a shower together and then go downstairs. I'll rustle up a meal and after that I think I'll be ready to fuck you again."

"Oh goody Uncle," Bobby said clapping his hands "will you fuck me real hard again, I love your cock fucking my boy cunt and I do want your fucking baby real bad."

Then they showered. Later Uncle Tim and Bobby had a meal together. By the time they finished eating it was six o'clock in the evening. Uncle Tim took Bobby to bed and fucked him for another two hours non stop. After that they spent almost three hours romping about on the bed sucking each others cock, grabbing each others balls.

Uncle Tim had Bobby suck on his nipples as if the boy was a baby feeding at his mother's breast. They licked and sucked each others shit holes and kissed each other all over. Just before midnight Uncle Tim fucked young Bobby for the fourth time that day. After that they both slept like babies.

Chapter 7
The Conclusion

For the remainder of the three weeks, that is to say 19 days, Uncle Tim fucked young Bobby at least three times a day. They played sex games almost all day long. Bobby was an expert cock sucker by the time he had to return home. He could also drink all of his Uncle's piss without letting a drop escape from his mouth no matter how much Tim had to give him. He loved to lick his uncle's shit hole and went potty when his Uncle reamed him. There was virtually nothing the boy wouldn't try if his Uncle suggested it. On Bobby's last day with his Uncle they sat in the lounge quietly together.

"Bobby," Uncle Tim said, "you've given me the best three weeks of my life. I only wish that you could stay with me forever. I'd take you to the Far East with me and you would be able to enjoy being fucked by lots of different men, some with great big cocks, much bigger than mine."

Bobby had tears in his eyes. "Why can't I stay with you Uncle Tim, I'd really love to stay with you," the young boy said.

"No Bobby your mummy and daddy loves you and needs you and what about young Dave? What would he do without his younger brother to play with," Uncle Tim pointed out.

"Yeah I suppose so and I do love mummy and daddy and Dave and I do want to see them again. But Uncle Tim I'll miss you so much," the young boy said.

"Now Bobby are you going to tell your mummy or daddy or anybody else about the games we have played, about how I fucked you and how you sucked my cock and all of that?" Uncle Tim asked quietly.

Bobby giggled. "Course not Uncle Tim my mummy and daddy would go berserk, they would never understand. I won't tell Dave because he'd go running to mummy and daddy and tell them just to get me into trouble. No Uncle Tim, I won't tell anybody and I don't want you to either. Please Uncle promise you won't tell mummy and daddy about our games, please promise," the young boy pleaded.

"I won't tell them Bobby, I love you to the ends of the world and would never tell anybody if you didn't want me to. Okay my darling little fuck pig we will both keep it a secret forever," Tim replied, reassuring the boy. Later that day Bobby's parents collected him and he kissed Uncle Tim goodbye.


That was the last that Tim ever saw of young Bobby as a couple of months later he was on his way to Thailand where he spent the rest of his life. Bobby never did tell anybody of his three weeks holiday with his Uncle. It did not seem to have done him any harm as he grew up a well balanced person, married and his wife had a couple babies, both young girls. Bobby never had sex with a male again and lived happily with his wife and children.

Uncle Tim indulged his tastes for young children to the full. He settled into an ideal situation where he used to live with two boys at a time. One would be around 13 years old whilst the other between 7 and 9. He used to fuck both boys a lot but what he enjoyed most was to suck the older one's cock whilst fucking the younger boy's cunt. He used to try and get the older boy to cum in his mouth as he shot his load of cum deep into the younger boy's guts. He also loved to make the younger boy suck his cock whilst the older boy fucked the younger one's boy cunt.

Uncle Tim used to change the boy's every year or so and so always kept them around the age he loved. Of course he was not adverse to picking up other young boys to fuck, especially at times when he felt like a bit of non-consensual sex. Then he would find some young kid and rape the little fucker silly. But all of that is another story that may be told one day. For now, suffice to say that Uncle Tim was a very happy and contented man.

The End