PZA Boy Stories


The Prince's New Servant


Peter's dad gets arrested and since his mom had died long ago, he's homeless and sad so he walks around town and saves the prince from a horseriding accident and becomes his new servant after they find out his situation. And since the prince can make him do anything, he finds some great ways to get his questions about puberty and sex answered.
Publ. 2004 (Nifty); this site Jul 2009
Finished 18,500 words (39 pages)


Peter (14yo) and Prince Lucas (11yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Boy erotic story/love
tb cons mast oral anal


This story contains descriptions of sexual acts between minors. If this is not to your tastes, or is illegal wherever you live, please leave now, unless you wish to be educated and/or have an open mind. Nothing was hurt in the making of this story except for maybe a headache here and there when I wrote it too late at night. This story is pure and total fiction and if you don't realize that after the first paragraph, you've been smoking some funky stuff. Any resemblance to any individual, alive or dead, is completely coincidental. This story expresses my and everyone's attraction to little boys and is obviously fictional.

Author's note

I lost contact with the author. Are you the author, please contact me.


This story takes place in a generic city from video games like Morrowind and Baldur's gate

"Hello? Anybody home?" I asked as I walked around the house looking for my dad. "Dad?" I had just gotten home from the market and had some of the things he wanted me to get. I continued looking but found that the house was empty. I walked back out and saw a guard walking down the street. With a sad look on my face I approached him and asked, "Excuse my sir, mind if I ask you a quick question?"

He nodded so I asked, "Did anyone get arrested today?"

"Yeah, we picked up two guys in the bar for getting in a fight," he replied and described how they looked.

I knew that one of them was my dad. He was always getting in trouble at the bar. Usually he got out jail in a few days but the guard said that he was going to be there for a long, long time this time. I thanked him as I walked away trying to hold back the tears. When I got back into the house I finally let it all out. I cried really hard as I lay there on my bed. My mom had died a long time ago and now my dad was in jail and wasn't going to be out for a long time. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't live on my own. I was just a fourteen year old boy, why was all this happening to me? There wasn't a single person in the city I could call a friend. I barely got any food as it was because my dad rarely showed up at his job and got paid accordingly but now there was no way I could live. I continued crying until I couldn't cry anymore. Then I decided to go for a walk to think about things because I knew there was nothing else I could do now.

I walked down the street with my head down and didn't really pay any attention to where I was going. Soon I ended up outside the royal stable next to the king's castle. The public was allowed to watch as the royal family and guests rode around the horses. There was nobody else around so I stopped at the fence and half mindedly watched what was going on. The young prince was on a horse with the trainers and he was being taught some riding tricks. From what I heard around town, the prince was only eleven years old. He still had a bit of the royal brat syndrome that many royal children had but he was also sort of shy about acting that way. It was a strange mix. He was a little under five feet [1.50 m] tall and had light brown hair, bright blue eyes, and very fine clothing on. I watched as he nervously sat on top the horse and the trainer described how to make the horse run really quickly. All of a sudden, something spooked the horse and he jumped up then took off leaving the trainer behind. He quickly ran after the horse but it was much faster. The horse ran around crazily in every direction and the prince looked terrified. I couldn't believe that the horse trainer was just running around after the horse. Anyone, even I, knew that horses ran even faster if they were chased. The perfect solution popped into my head and I wondered why the trainer hadn't thought of it. I stayed there leaning on the fence as I got more and more agitated that the trainer was only making the situation worse. When the horse started running nearer to the fence where I was, I couldn't take it anymore.

I jumped the fence quickly and ran at top speed towards the horse. I was a very fast kid so it didn't take long before I got in the perfect position. I jumped from the side of the horse directly into its past and spread my arms out and yelled. The horse immediately dug its feet in and its back legs came off the ground. When it was tilted forward enough I wrapped my arms around the terrified prince and lifted him off the horse and quickly spun to the side as the horse continued tipping over. It flipped onto its back and then rolled to the side, got up, and continued running around. I was crouched on the ground and still holding the prince tightly in my arms. I could feel him still shaking and I quickly let him go. Touching the prince if he didn't want to be touched was a crime punishable by death. I couldn't help asking if he was alright though.

"Yes, I'm fine," he said in a relieved voice.

"That's good 3; um 3; sorry for intruding on the royal stable but I figured I ought to help you out," I quickly apologized now that I realized that that was also a crime. I doubted that they would punish me for helping out the prince but I wasn't completely sure. Before the little prince could say more, the horse trainer came running over. I judged the look on his face as well as I could and it looked like he was still worried to me.

As soon as he got near us I stayed on my knees and said with my head down, "I'm so sorry for intruding on the royal stable sir 3; I 3; I'll leave now."

I nervously got up and was about to quickly walk off hoping he wouldn't say anything when he said, "Now don't be so quick in leaving."

I turned to him and looked utterly frightened as I met his eyes. I figured he was going to punish me for what I did and I was already having the worst day of my life so I felt really terrible. I started crying and put my hands over my face. I was going to beg for him not to punish me but I was crying too hard to speak. I didn't care what either of them though because I was too caught up in my horrible situation. No parents, no money, no food, nothing. And now I was in danger of getting in some serious trouble.

"Whoa now, why are you crying, kid?" asked the trainer.

I continued crying and barely got out, "I'm so sorry, please don't punish me. Please, today is not a good day for me."

"I'm not going to punish you. You just helped out the prince. I was going to thank you," he replied.

I felt a little better but I was still thinking about my circumstances and I continued crying softly.

"Is 3; is there something else wrong?"

"Do you really want to know?"

He nodded and I stopped crying and told him about my situation. He thought about it for a while then asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I can't ask you for anything, I just broke two of the royal laws already. I'll just leave now and go somewhere I guess if that's alright with you," I replied with my head down once again.

He hesitated for a second then asked, "Well would you at least like to stay for a little food?"

"Are 3; are you sure it's okay? 3; you really want a lowly peasant boy eating with you?" I asked in a weak voice.

The prince suddenly broke in, "Oh come on now! Quit acting like a kicked puppy and come eat with us. You deserve it after helping me out."

"Thank you," I muttered and I slowly followed the two into the small house near the stable.

There was some delicious looking food on the table and I sat down and waited. I was very nervous and I didn't want to do anything wrong now that I was in the company of the one and only royal prince. I didn't know if some food was only for him or not so I just waited.

"Well go ahead, dig in," said the trainer.

"Isn't it proper to let the prince start eating first?" I asked in a quiet voice without looking at either of them. I realized I really was like a kicked puppy. I was a really nice boy and yet life had kicked me right in the stomach and it hurt really badly.

"Oh I don't care. We're out in the stable. I don't care about manners most of the time anyway. Why would I care about them now out here?" replied the prince.

"I'm 3; I'm sorry 3; I don't want to do anything wrong 3; I'm really sorry," I needlessly apologized.

I still sat there without taking any of the food. I was afraid I'd still do something wrong and get in trouble and I didn't want to screw up my life any more than it already was.

The prince just started eating but the trainer said, "Is what all happened really bothering you that much?"

"Yes, I don't have any way to get money or food. I've got a place to live but now I have to live by myself. I don't know what I'm going to do," I replied and barely held back the tears.

"Oh yeah 3; I guess I never thought of all that," the trainer replied and grabbed some of the food.

I could tell he felt really bad for me. If I wasn't so modest and shy I would have asked them for a little help whether it be money or food, but I didn't. The royalty didn't just run around helping out poor peasant boys either. I decided to finally eat some food and then leave and try to figure something out. Even though the food was great, I was really sad and eating seemed like a chore. I ate really slowly and not much. The prince happily downed a whole bunch of food. He sure was a growing boy. After we had all eaten, I prepared to get up and leave, still looking and feeling really sad.

"Well, I'm glad you're okay, your royal 3; princeness," I quietly said and stood up.

The prince giggled at my improper address but I didn't know what exactly to call him. I stepped away from the table but the trainer told me to hold on for a second.

"I've got an offer for you. Would it be alright if I asked the king if you could become a servant in the castle? I know it's not the best job in the world, but you'd have your own room and would be well fed," he said.

I thought about it for a second then looked over at the trainer and replied, "I guess that would be fine. It's about the only choice I've got right now."

"Okay, I'll be right back then. You just stay here for a minute," he replied and walked out the door.

Silently I sat there hoping the prince wouldn't say anything. Talking wasn't something I really wanted to do right then. I knew that becoming a servant would be the best thing I could hope for but it finally hit me what being a servant would really be like. I could never go anywhere on my own and I always had to do whatever the royalty said. That really didn't sound like something I wanted to do but I had no choice. It was either that or try to beg for money on the streets. That was something I really didn't want to do so I guess becoming a servant was the lesser of the two horrible choices. I probably should have been at least a little relieved but I didn't feel that way at all. Without a friend in the whole town, I wasn't very good at talking to people and didn't feel very comfortable around strangers. I just wanted to be left alone. It would be so great to just get away from it all for a while. My life had just changed so quickly and it was all too much for me.

After a few moments of staring down at the table silently I heard the prince say, "So 3; I guess you've got it pretty hard."

I shook my head and felt even sadder. I could tell that even he felt sorry for me. It sure didn't make me feel any better though.

"Well hopefully you'll be able to become a servant. Thanks again for helping me out with the horse, that was very brave of you," he continued.

"I wish the horse would have landed on me," I replied in a really quiet, weak voice.

The prince didn't know what to say to that. He just sat there silently until the trainer returned. I looked over when the door opened and was shocked to see the king also enter. I got up and quickly gave him a bow and then kept my head down waiting for him to speak.

"So you're the unfortunate young man that wants to become a servant?" he asked.

"Yes, your majesty," I replied and felt my heart beating really hard. I was so nervous now that I was in the presence of the king. I figured he could see me shaking and that only made me more nervous.

"Well, let me take a look at you for a second," he said and put his hand on my chin and tipped my head up. He looked all over my body and closely at my face. "Well, you look like a healthy, strong young man. Sort of skinny 3; are you very athletic?"

"Yes, your majesty, I am very athletic," I truthfully replied. Although I regretted being examined like a regular barnyard animal, that's about what I felt like. My life was pretty meaningless now and the king had every right to do whatever he wanted. Normally I would have cared but I just didn't.

"Well, I think you'd make a great servant. How would you like to be a personal servant to my son?" he asked.

"You mean the prince?" I stupidly asked.

"Yes, that would be my son, prince Lucas," he said and pointed at the prince.

"Oh, I'm sorry 3; I 3; I should have 3; sorry 3; I'm really nervous," I stuttered and my face turned bright red.

The king just replied, "Well there's no need to be nervous. Just follow me and I'll show you your quarters and tell you everything you need to know."

I did so and the king led me and the prince into the castle. He showed me what I would all have to do. I would have to get up before the prince did and pretty much stay with him doing anything he told me to all day. I would have a short time to eat meals and then it was right back to waiting on the prince. It didn't sound too bad because I knew that he didn't seem like the type that would find it funny to purposely give me really hard jobs or ones that I really didn't want to do. I really couldn't imagine what he would all ask for though. I did know though that I was going to do the job as well as I could so I could stay a servant there without having to worry about not being good enough and getting kicked out. As we walked I got a pretty good map of the castle in my head and made sure I knew exactly where the prince's room was. When we finally ended at my quarters, I walked in and noticed immediately that it was about the same as my room at my house. It had a bed and a few other pieces of furniture including a dresser.

"So I guess you should head back to your house and pick up anything you want to bring," said the king.

"Yeah, thank you," was all I said and I walked out of the room and castle and headed for my house. When I got there, I picked up all my clothes and a few other possessions I had including my prized dagger that my grandpa had given me before he died.

When I got back to the castle, I found prince Lucas sitting in my quarters waiting for me. The horse trainer was there too. I guessed he was going to help me with all my stuff. He looked a little surprised though that I had only brought the small amount of clothes I had and the few other things. I greeted them with almost no emotion and immediately started putting the clothes in the dresser. It only took about a minute then I turned around and looked a little scared when I thought of something.

"Um 3; now don't freak out or anything 3;" I warned and pulled out the dagger. "Can 3; can I please keep this on me? It's the dagger my grandpa gave me before he died and I couldn't bare to lose it."

"Yes, I guess that would be alright. Just don't stab the prince with it I guess and you'll be fine," he joked.

"Oh I'd never. I'd only ever use to it to fight off an attacker. I'd protect him with my life if it came to that," I replied.

The prince smiled and the so did the horse trainer. I slipped it onto my belt in its sheath and stood there waiting for the prince to decide what to do.

He stood up and smiled and asked me, "So what's your name?"

"I'm Peter," I replied and continued standing there like a statue.

He walked over and circled around me once slowly and examined me closely. He giggled and said, "Yeah, you'll make a great servant. You look pretty strong and healthy. Can you lift me?"

"Yes sir, I bet I could. Would you like me to?" I asked.

"Sure, why not?" he said with a smile. "And you can just call me Lucas."

He stood in front of me and I reached out my hands and put them under his arms. I lifted him up and then set him down and he smiled.

I still stood there without saying anything. I was still in a bad state after how quickly my life had changed. I was yet to find out if it was going to go from bad to worse or better. The prince looked at me funny and then smiled and said, "You two, fight to the death."

I was shocked for a second and I looked over at the trainer. Then I put my hand on the dagger handle and said, "Shield your eyes, Lucas 3; weapons or no weapons?"

Lucas fell over on the bed giggling as I waited for a response. Finally he collected himself and said, "Oh Peter, I was just kidding. Geeze, don't you have a sense of humor?"

I took my hand off the blade and waited for my next command. I didn't feel like doing anything more than I had to right now and I surely didn't want to do anything wrong. I would have much rather laid on the bed by myself to try to forget about everything but I couldn't because I was a servant now.

The prince stared at me again and then walked over and asked, "You're funny. What would you do if I did this?"

He kicked me swiftly right below my knee and I cringed slightly. It wasn't very hard or painful so I just stood there.

"Don't you care?" the prince asked insistently.

"Truthfully, if you weren't the prince 3;" I started then decided not to say it.

The prince just smiled then, to make amends for my previous statement, I said in a quiet voice, "You could stab me with my own dagger if you wanted, I don't care."

I looked down and my eyes started to fill with tears. To my surprise the prince saw me and wrapped his arms around me. I totally froze and didn't know what to say or do. There wasn't one time I could remember that I had been hugged by a little boy. It felt good but I was too nervous to enjoy it. I couldn't figure out if he was just playing with me or if he was really a total brat who didn't care about my feelings. He looked up with a big grin on his face and saw how surprised and confused I was.

"I'm sorry. I'm not mean like that. I'll be nice."

"Do whatever you want."

"Oh come on, be a little bit friendlier. It'll be boring to just have a servant who doesn't talk about stuff with me or do anything unless he's told."

"I 3; I'm sorry, Lucas 3; I 3; I'll try 3;" I said and felt really bad that I already did something wrong.

He looked at me like he was waiting for me to say something on my own like he instructed.

"Um 3; so 3; what are we going to do now?" was all I could come up with.

He rolled his eyes but looked reasonably satisfied so he replied, "How about we go practice at the archery range?"

"Why are you asking me?" I asked then realized that was sort of rude.

Lucas sighed with frustration and walked out the door with me following him. The horse trainer headed back towards the stable after saying goodbye to the prince and me. When we got out to the archery range we stopped in the area that had a bunch of bows in it. I tried to be more 'friendly' like Lucas wanted me to by asking him which bow he would like.

"Grab that one," he said and pointed at a small one that looked perfect for him. I grabbed it off the rack and handed it to him. He stared at me for a second and then said, "Well 3; pick out one for yourself. Are you any good at archery?"

"Yes, I've shot a bow many times before and I'm very accurate," I replied and grabbed a really powerful one.

He smiled happily and we headed over to the range. I was feeling a little bit more comfortable around him but I didn't really know just yet what he was really like. He lined up with one of the targets and took an arrow out of the holding stand. I stood behind him and watched him load the bow. He drew it back and shot and hit the target about a half a foot away from the bullseye. He turned around and jumped up and down happily. Apparently that was a pretty big accomplishment for him on the first shot.

"Ha ha ha, beat that," he happily exclaimed as he spun around. He got a little tipped off his spinning axis and the edge of the bow that he was holding out smashed right into my cheek. I quietly placed my hand over the injured area and closed my eyes. I didn't want to complain or make the prince feel scolded at all for accidentally hitting me so I did my best to look like nothing happened.

After giving me a strange stare he asked, "I hit you in the face, right?"


"Oh I'm so sorry 3; I bet it hurts doesn't it. Sorry, I was swinging it really fast. How come you're not acting like it hurt?"

I ignored his second question and just answered, "Don't apologize. Getting hit with a bow doesn't mean much to me 3; nothing really does anymore 3; I don't care what you do, there's no need to apologize because of me."

"Well I'm still sorry 3;" he replied and looking sort of guilty. "Well it's your turn to shoot."

I lined up with the target and got my feet in the right position. I brushed my fairly long bangs away from my eyes and loaded an arrow. I pulled back, lined up the shot, and hit the target right in the bullseye area. I turned around and saw the prince frowning.

He crossed his arms and unhappily muttered, "Hey, you did better than me."

I had a panicked look on my face as I quickly said, "I'm sorry 3; I'm very sorry your majesty junior 3; er 3; mini-majesty 3; oh I'm sorry. I won't shoot anymore. You can kick me again if it'll make you feel better."

I put my head down again and worried about what he'd do to me. It already seemed like he didn't like me but for some reason, I just couldn't bring myself to care about myself or my future at all. If he decided he didn't want me around, I would be out on the streets trying to survive that way and it was all just so much of a shock to me still that I could barely feel anything.

I looked up for a second and saw him with a loaded arrow in his bow. It was pulled back and aimed right at my chest. My eyes got wide with worry then I put my head down again and waited for him to shoot me.

"Oh come on!" he exclaimed.

I didn't quite understand what he meant by that but I started to cry and said, "I'm sorry, I'll move closer."

The tears landed on the ground in front of me and I continued waiting for the arrow to hit me. I was shaking and I knew I must have looked totally pathetic but I didn't have a choice and I didn't really care. He was the prince and I was just a lowly servant that he had the right to do whatever he wanted with. My life really sucked and I didn't care if he ended it right then or not. I didn't make any effort to move closer like I said I would, I just couldn't make myself move. After a few more moments without the prince saying anything, I got up and walked forward without meeting the prince's eyes.

I knelt right in front of him and asked between sobs, "Please 3; just aim for the heart so I don't have to suffer."

I felt bad for requesting anything of the prince but I didn't really care now. I was already in about as much trouble as I could be in. I was shaking like a tree in the wind and trying to hold back the tears but I couldn't.

Finally I heard the bow fire and I closed my eyes tight and held my breath. When I didn't feel the terrible pain anywhere in my body that I was expecting I wondered if I should look up or not. I slowly raised my gaze and saw the arrow sticking in the ground right between the prince and where I was kneeling. I stared at the arrow and wondered if it was possible for him to miss that badly. The bow must have misfired.

"Oh you're pathetic!" exclaimed the prince.

I looked back down at the ground after his insult and cried harder. I waited for him to reload.

"Oh get up," he said.

I figured he wanted to have a bigger target but I couldn't stand up even if I tried then. I stayed kneeling and hoped he would just shoot me in that position.

"Didn't you hear me?" he asked and sounded irritated.

The only effect that comment had was making me cry harder. I wiped some tears off my face with my hand and fearfully continued kneeling and shaking and crying.

The prince sighed and said, "You really can't take a joke can you?"

I stopped and thought for a second. I looked up and saw that he hadn't reloaded the bow and I knew he wasn't serious about shooting me. He probably didn't even care that I had done better than him. I was sick of him messing with me like that for a second then I just didn't care again. I was so sick of what my life had turned into. I didn't even have a life anymore, it belonged to the prince now. I felt like a totally worthless boy that was totally alone in the world and I wished he would have shot me.

"Please just shoot me," I replied and put my head down.

"Didn't you hear me? I was just kidding," he declared.

"Didn't you hear me? I don't care," I snapped back and then felt terrible for saying it. "I'm sorry 3; just shoot me, I'm sick of living."

I figured the joking little prince had no idea what to say. All of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Now don't talk like that. It's okay now, you have a place to live 3; I'm sorry for doing that. I didn't know you were so sad about what all happened. I shouldn't have done that, it was really mean."

"Don't worry about me. Say and do anything you want; I don't care. You're the prince," I replied with the saddest voice he had probably ever heard.

"No, I'm not going to. I want to be friends with you," he explained.

I looked up at him and had already stopped crying. "You 3; you really want to be friends with a poor, peasant, servant boy? Well don't waste your time 3; I'm totally worthless."

"It really doesn't matter to me," he replied and knelt down with me. "I don't have any real friends. It's nice to have a boy around that's sort of near my age. You're not worthless at all."

"If you don't mind, I'll just be your servant for now 3; I'm really sorry 3; I just 3; today's not going so well for me as you've probably noticed," I replied and still felt really bad.

"Well okay 3; I guess 3; I know a lot happened," he said and looked uneasy. Then he just leaned forward and gave me a big hug. "I hope you feel better soon."

I froze again. I didn't get many hugs since my mom died a long time ago. My dad never hugged me and there wasn't anyone else that was close enough to me to do it. He looked up and saw me blushing with an uneasy look on my face.

"What's wrong, don't you like hugs?"

"Um 3; I 3; I never really get hugged."

"Aw, that's kinda sad," he replied and patted me on the back.

"Oh, I'm your servant, I shouldn't be hugging you," I said and let go of him and stood up.

"It's okay 3;" the prince started to say, then remembered that I just wanted some time to get used to the huge change in my life.

"Would you like to keep shooting?" I asked in a servant-like voice.

"Yeah 3; mind giving me some tips? You're really good at archery," he kindly asked.

"It doesn't matter if I mind," I said unemotionally and then added, "I'll show you some good techniques."

I taught Lucas everything I knew about archery. After a while, he was standing with the perfect posture and aiming correctly and shooting with the right eye open and everything. According to him, he was doing a lot better than normal. He even got a few bullseyes. He asked me to shoot too and I got mostly bullseyes. He was really amazed and I just thanked him for his compliments without much sincerity. Usually I would jump at the chance to have a friend but today was much different. I didn't know what to think or do. It was like my world was spinning out of control around me and I wanted nothing to do with it.

We finished up after a while and I retrieved the arrows from the target. I put the bows back and silently followed him. He asked me what I wanted to do next and I just replied, "Doesn't matter."

He looked a little disappointed and said, "Come on, let's go eat."

I didn't realize it was suppertime already. We headed into the dining room and he invited me to eat with him at the royal table.

"I'm not very hungry," I lied because I just didn't feel like eating.

"Okay," he said in an understanding voice.

I stood there like an emotionless statue as the little guy ate. He paused for a second then turned around to look at me. I saw that he had stuffed a bunch of grapes in his lips and he looked really funny. I couldn't help smiling when I saw him and he immediately started laughing and all the grapes fell out. I snickered a little. Young boys could sure be silly. That lightened up my mood for a second but I just said, "Careful, I wouldn't want you to choke."

He turned around and started eating again knowing that his attempt to cheer me up didn't work. I guessed from the look on his face that he would finally give up his futile attempt to bring me out of the depressed, unemotional, suicidal state after it had only been less than one day. After he was done eating dinner, we headed to his room. He started reading a storybook and offered me one. I declined and sat down on his bed with my face on one of the pillows.

A few moments later he said, "Um 3; Peter."

"Oh 3; oh I'm sorry," I quickly cut in and jumped off his bed. "I 3; I'm sorry, I shouldn't have laid on your bed without asking."

"No, I don't care," he quickly said and then explained, "I just wanted to ask you something."

"Yes sir, I'll answer anything you ask," I replied in a shaky voice, forgetting about the sir thing.

"Lay back down," he kindly instructed. I carefully did so making sure this time not to mess up his bed.

"Um, do you mind if I ask you about your parents?" he asked gently, trying not to make me any sadder.

"You can ask anything you want," I replied in my completely emotionless voice.

"Don't say that! Prince or not, I don't want to make feel worse."

"Ask away."

"Okay 3; um, what happened to them?"

"My mom died a long time ago and now my dad got arrested for fighting in a bar today and that's how my life got ruined," I answered and wiped a tear from my eye while I kept a straight face.

He saw me and looked down, "That's really too bad."

I just shook my head and he turned around and started reading again. A few more tears rolled down my face and I wiped them off and flipped over onto my stomach. I laid there while I finally got a chance to be alone with my feelings. My thoughts raced as I finally, fully released then to run around in my mind. I considered everything that had happened so far and how my life was before and what it would most likely be like from now on. I kept coming to the same thought that a friendship that was formed when the price could make me do anything he wanted wasn't much of a friendship. I couldn't really ever be myself. Friends went through good times and bad but if it came to a bad time, he would kick me out and then I'd be in big trouble. Maybe he'd even do something worse than kicking me out. It was really dangerous being the prince's personal servant. My thoughts were running out of control.

All of a sudden, I heard the prince's voice call out something and I slowly turned over and saw him still sitting at the desk.

"Pardon," I said.

"I said I don't like you anymore."

"Wha 3; what? I'll do anything for you 3; I swear 3; I'm a good servant."

"Well I don't like you!" he snapped back and reached down to his side. He pulled out a blade that I had no idea he had and jumped at me so fast I couldn't react. After the blur stopped, I saw the blade stuck in between my ribs. I coughed and blood trickled out the sides of my mouth. I turned my head back and forth and tried to talk but couldn't. My mind cried out "NO! NO!" but I said nothing. All I heard was the prince laughing as he turned and walked back to the desk. Then all of a sudden I felt a strange force that seemed to come out of nowhere. It hit me lightly and the world faded away. I opened my eyes and everything was clear.

"Peter 3; Peter, what's wrong?" asked prince Lucas as he shook me.

I turned to look at the source of the voice and sure enough, it was Lucas. I felt my chest and under my shirt as he looked at me looking totally puzzled at what I was doing. I knew as soon as I passed my hand over the area a few times that I must have fallen asleep and dreamt it all. I was relieved for a few seconds, but then I couldn't help thinking that he could and maybe even would do it in real life if I made him mad at all or he finally gave up on trying to be nice to me and didn't want me around anymore.

"Peter, what's wrong?" he asked. "You were screaming 'NO! NO!' and 3; were you dreaming?" he asked.

"Yeah, I was 3; I'm so sorry. I 3; I fell asleep in your bed. I'm so sorry 3; oh no, I'm supposed to be with you all day, not sleeping 3; oh no," I said and jumped off the bed as quickly as I could.

I stood there with a nervous look on my face as I hoped with all my might that he wouldn't be mad.

"It's okay, I was just reading. I don't care," he replied trying to calm me down.

"But 3; but 3; it's your bed. I'm really sorry," I said and bowed to him like I did for the king. I stayed down and continued hoping he was being sincere in saying that he wasn't mad. I wouldn't want anyone sleeping on my old bed at what used to be my house and I wasn't even a prince.

"It's alright," he said again and ran over to me and made me stop bowing. "I really don't mind. I bet you're really tired. You can take the rest of the day off if you want."

"I 3; I can't leave you alone. It's my job. I'm your servant. I promise it will never happen again," I replied.

"Suit yourself then," he said and turned around and sat back at the desk.

"Sorry for interrupting your reading," I apologized and moved over to the wall and leaned back against it.

I double checked to make sure there was no possibility of doing anything that would interrupt or anger the prince. I felt my nerves still tingling around the area where I had gotten stabbed in the dream. I looked down and one thought popped into my mind. "My life is terrible. One more slip up like this and I'm either out of here or dead." I started to cry but I made sure the prince wouldn't hear me. I closed my eyes for a few moments then heard the prince ask, "Is it about the dream?"

I opened my wet eyes and saw him turned around and looking at me. He must have heard me. I just shook my head yes slowly and sadly.

"Mind if I ask what it was about?"

I collected myself and said as calmly as I could, "Someone stabbed me in the chest and I was coughing up blood and then the world faded away."

"Aw 3; you even feel bad in your dreams. That's terrible," he said and got up. He walked over and gave me another hug. His little arms wrapped around me and his face nestled up against my chest. I couldn't help putting my arms on his back too. I had no idea that boys were so affectionate and caring 3; even a royal prince.

"It's okay now 3; nobody stabbed you. It's alright. Um 3; mind if I ask who how it happened in the dream?" he curiously asked. He always asked so many questions. His curiosity was the one thing that always surpassed his desire to be polite and friendly.

I hesitated and then answered, "You got up and said you didn't like me anymore and looked really mad. Then you pulled out a dagger and stabbed me right in the chest. Then you walked away knowing that you could always get another servant 3; one that's a lot better than me." He was absolutely shocked but I continued, "I'm sorry, but I'm just so afraid that that would happen. I'm just a parentless, poor, servant boy that so far hasn't been a very good servant. I'm just so afraid of what might happen especially since I'm such a useless kid. Yesterday I had a dad and a house and everything 3; I just don't understand how it came to this. It was so nice of you to let me come live with you, but 3; I think I'm just messed up from everything that's happened. I can't stop thinking about what might happen. If my life changed so much in one day, it could easily do it again."

His amazed little face finally looked down and he squeezed me again. He put his little hand on my chest where I had been rubbing it when I woke up and said, "I didn't know you were so scared. I promise I'd never do anything like that 3; I couldn't. I'd hate to stab someone. And so far, you've been a very good servant. You did everything I told you."

"Thanks," I said weakly.

"You don't have to be worried. I absolutely promise that I won't do anything like that to you. I want to be friends like I said before," he continued.

"You 3; you promise 3; you won't even do it if you got really mad at me?" I asked.

"No, of course not. I promise. Then I'd be more alone and that's so boring," he said with a wink and a smile.

"Okay 3; I guess you've got a point," I said but still wondered if he was telling the truth or not. Who knew if this royal kid could be as much of an angry, spoiled brat like many royal kids were? I heard stories about princes that went through servants like clothes because they weren't perfect enough of just because they could. Little boys were really quite unpredictable.

Lucas hugged me for a few more moments then broke away and stood in front of me smiling.

"Ya like hugs any more now?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess I do," I said and blushed.

He smiled and asked with a giggle, "Am I good hugger?"

I smiled a little and replied, "Well you know I don't have much experience getting hugged 3; none really 3; but you're definitely the best yet."

He smiled and leaned forward and hugged me again. I felt so much better. I doubted that such a caring, hug prone boy could ever do anything like stabbing me or throwing me out of the castle. I guess there was nothing I could do but try not to make him mad and maybe even try to work out a friendship like he wanted. The thought just hit me that having such a kind, true friend would be great in my current state. It would still be really weird to have a friendship where he could tell me to do anything and I had to do it. I decided just then that my life was already very screwed up so I might as well risk it and just try to be friends with the prince. If something bad happened and I got kicked out of the castle or worse, then that would just be too bad, but I was going to go for it.

He looked up at me again and saw me smiling and said, "Aw, I knew you could smile."

I grinned a little wider and replied, "Well, I guess there's no reason for me to think that you're going to hurt me or do something horrible to me. If you said you won't then I guess that's good enough for me."

"That's good 3; um 3; can 3; can we be 3; um 3; friends now?" he nervously asked, hoping he wouldn't make me feel bad again.

I stopped and considered everything again quickly before answering, "Are you really sure 3; nobody's ever been my friend before 3;" I looked down sadly then muttered, "I don't even like myself 3; how could you like me?"

He hugged me so tightly I had to tighten up my stomach muscles so he didn't hurt me then said, "Don't say things like that 3; you seem like a good friend to me. You really need a friend and I guess I do to."

"A friend is exactly what I need right now I guess. Don't get your hopes up though, I 3; I don't exactly have a lot of experience being friends with anyone," I reminded him again.

"No problem," he replied and kept smiling. "I think we're a perfect pair. You're only a few years older than me but that just means you know more stuff."

"Well, I guess if you put it that way 3;" I said and smiled a bit too.

Lucas finally stopped hugging me and just looked up at me excitedly. I guess he really didn't have any friends his age before. I could tell that he was friends with the horse trainer, but he was an adult. When I looked into his eyes, I could almost see him thinking about what he could finally do with a boy near his age. He could run around and play and have someone who would do the same things along with him. Then I felt the same feeling inside of me now that I knew I could play around and finally be able to act like a boy and also have a happy little boy to do the same things with me. We were both grinning from ear to ear now and I could practically feel the childlike magic between us.

It was like his face was saying, "You're going to be my best friend" and mine was replying "You don't know how much that means to me."

We were just two happy little boys now, not a lonely prince and a boy who was down on his luck. I waited for him to suggest something, but I could tell that he was much too excited.

"So 3; what would you like to do now?" I asked.

"Let's go ride some horses with Brian," he replied.

We happily walked down the hallways until we were outside and at the stable. We greeted Brian and he asked me if I was feeling better. I told him I was and he said he was glad to hear it. A few minutes later, we were on the horses and riding around. I already knew how to ride a horse because I had done it a few times before. It didn't take long for the Prince and me to decide to play tag on the horses. It turned out he was pretty good at horse riding compared to me. He was practically running circles around me as I tried to tag him back. After a while, I came up with a great plan. I had the horse run up alongside his and I jumped off and onto the back of his. My horse slowed down and stopped while the one we were now both on kept running. Lucas turned around for a second and giggled when he saw my little trick. I was a very acrobatic boy and could balance and jump really well so my little stunt wasn't very difficult for me. He slowed the horse then stopped it.

"Hey, that's not fair!" he giggled. "You can tag me easy now."

I forgot that I hadn't actually tagged him yet. Instead I just wrapped my arms around him and gave him a big hug saying, "Oh, I wasn't gonna tag you. I just jumped over to say hi and give you a big hug."

He giggled a whole bunch and then made the horse gallop over to where Brian was.

"Hey, you guys should be more careful," warned Brian.

"Aw don't worry, I'm a regular acrobat," I said and smiled back at him.

He just shook his head and laughed. We played around on the horses until the sun set. I even showed him how I could stand up on the horse as it ran. He was amazed like only a little boy could be. It was like I was the most amazing person in the world at that moment to him. I did a back flip off the horse and landed perfectly on the ground and he told me many times how amazing it was.

When we were done riding and the sun was setting, we headed back to the castle.

"So Lucas, are you tired yet?"

"Sort of 3; I'm getting a little sleepy I guess."

"Is there anything I can do for you before bed?"

He hesitated for a second and I could tell there was something he was thinking of asking me to do but he didn't know if he should or not.

"Um 3; I dunno 3; just come to my bedroom for a second and I might think of something."

I nodded and followed him to his bedroom. When we got there, I realized that I had totally forgotten about what all happened to me. I had a great friend now and that was all I cared about. I started getting his bed ready for him to sleep in and he smiled. He didn't say a word though until I was done and I wondered if he was still thinking about whatever was on his mind before. He headed over to the dresser and pulled out his royal pajamas. They looked like they were silk and very, very comfortable. As soon as he put his hands around the bottom of his shirt, I realized that he was going to change with me there. I felt really embarrassed and respectfully turned away and looked at the painting on the wall at my side.

Lucas giggled and said, "Aw, you don't have to look away. I don't care about being in my undees in front of you."

I looked back over and watched silently as he slipped his shirt and then pants off. I felt really uneasy as I saw the young prince standing there in his underwear. I had never seen a little boy, or anyone, with this little amount of clothes on. My gaze naturally fell to his crotch because I was so very curious what another person's body looked like compared to mine. I realized what I was doing was incredibly rude and I quickly looked back up at his face. I wanted to look back down there though just because I was so curious. I was so embarrassed at seeing my first nearly naked person and I could feel my cheeks glowing.

"Ha ha ha! Geeze, your cheeks are bright red," giggled Lucas. "Well there's nothing to be embarrassed about."

I smiled and felt a little bit better. I explained, "Well 3; I've never seen anyone in just their underwear before."

"Really? Wow 3; well, I guess now you have," he said with a smile. He walked over and stood right in front of me and smiled. "Don't be embarrassed, this is no big deal. There's just really no reason to be embarrassed. I wouldn't care if I saw you in your underwear. I'm just a kid in my undees, I don't bite 3; in fact 3;"

He smiled at me then yelled, "I don't bite, I hug!" He gave me a big, energetic hug and giggled.

I like his hug but I wondered why he said that part about seeing me in my underwear. Did he want me to strip down to my underwear too? I knew how absolutely curious I was and how much I wanted to look at the areas nobody saw in public. I was pretty shy though so I wasn't going to do it unless he asked me directly. Lucas put on his super comfortable looking pajamas and jumped into bed. I smiled at him and said goodnight. I could tell by the look on his face that he was still thinking hard about something. I didn't want to pry so I just asked, "Anything else?"

He hesitated for what seemed like a long time then replied, "No, you can go to bed now."

"Thank you," I replied and headed out of the room. Instead of walking back to my room though, I headed to the bathroom. Nobody was there so I closed and locked the door and went. Then I thought for a second if I should do what I was thinking of or not. I decided I just had to so I put my hand around my penis and pumped it until it got hard. I closed my eyes and pictured things that I would never even speak of in public until the happy moment came and I turned around and squirted my white juice down the hole that led to the underground pit where all the waste was kept. I sighed from the great feeling and sat there enjoying it for a moment then pulled my underwear and pants back up. I happily walked to my room with a smile on my face. I was very tired so I took my clothes off and hopped into bed. I always slept in just my underwear but if I had some pajamas like Lucas' I would wear them every night. They looked so comfortable!

Before I fell asleep, I thought about everything that went on. I was just so happy that I finally had a great friend. I didn't care about anything else that went on or my dad or my old house or even my old life. All the changes might just be for the better because now I finally had a friend. I wasn't at the mercy of a bratty prince; I was friends with a really nice, young prince. I would get to do all of the fun things that he did all day. It wasn't bad doing whatever the little guy told me too either. He even 3; hugged me. I felt myself blushing a little bit when I remembered his great hugs. They felt a little weird at first, but then just felt good. I slowly slipped off into dreamland as my thoughts swirled around about everything and anything.

The next morning, I woke up early and remembered that I had to try to get to prince Lucas' room as soon as possible. I got up and jumped into some new clothes. I walked quickly over to the prince's room and slowly and silently opened the door a crack and peered in. It was dark inside but I could see the little guy still sleeping on his side in his bed. I saw the blankets rise and fall slightly and I knew that he was still sleeping. I closed the door and leaned up against the wall outside the door. I kept my ears sharp so I could hear when he got up. Normally I would have waited until he got dressed but he was comfortable with being in his underwear and I was still very curious. I had never gotten to see anyone in that little bit of clothing and I really wondered what their bodies looked like. I really wished I could see a girl in minimal clothing or naked though, because I had no idea what they really looked like at all. While I thought about what a girl might look like, I noticed that I was getting hard. I looked down the hallway and saw another servant walking. They walked past and I couldn't help blushing as they greeted me. They pretended not to notice and just greeted me as they walked past, but I knew they noticed. I felt really embarrassed even after they were gone.

When I finally heard some noises inside the room, I opened the door a crack and respectfully looked away from the prince as I greeted him just in case he felt differently this morning about changing or even just being in his pajamas with me around.

"Well hello, Peter," he said with a smile and jumped out of bed. He immediately motioned for me to come in so I did and closed the door behind me. He happily pulled his pajamas off and started making his bed in his underwear. He was wearing some very thin, soft looking underwear.

"Oh no, let me do that," I said and walked over and started making the bed for him.

"Thanks Peter," he said and hugged me. I was shocked when I felt his hard penis poking against my hip as he hugged me from the side. Apparently, I wasn't the only boy who was hard every morning. I didn't say anything and he walked over to his dresser. While I made his bed for him, I heard him pulling open and closed some drawers.

"Hey Peter, which one do you think I should wear?" he asked.

I turned around with a smile but when I saw him, my smile broke apart and I stood there with my mouth open a little. Lucas wasn't wearing anything. Apparently he changed his underwear in the morning and he was in the process. The little guy was standing there completely naked holding up two shirts and smiling.

He saw how shocked I looked and just giggled and asked, "What?"

I just stood there and then finally said as my face turned bright red, "I 3; I've never seen anyone naked before ever 3; I'm sorry 3; it's just really weird the first time I guess. Don't you feel embarrassed at all?"

"Nah, what's the big deal? I'm just not wearing any clothes. It's really fun being naked actually."

He dropped the two shirts and ran over and started jumping on his bed and giggling. I watched as the first little boy organ I had ever seen flopped up and down as he jumped. He jumped off the bed then came over and tackled me onto it. He pinned me down with his knees on my hips and his hands on my chest. He smiled wide and then collapsed and gave me a great big hug. I felt his now soft penis against my chest and I noticed that it really wasn't all that embarrassing. He was still a nice little boy, just without any clothes on. Hugs felt pretty good no matter if he was wearing clothes or not. He didn't seem like he was embarrassed even one little bit either. It made me seriously wonder if he knew about sex yet. I figured that if he did then he would be a little shyer about jumping on me like this on the bed. I smiled at him and hugged him right back. His back was really soft and I liked touching it.

When he got off me I suggested the shirt that he had been holding in his left hand. He smiled and put it on. Then he got some underwear out and put it on. I was very glad that I had gotten to see him completely naked. He looked just like me when I was that age. His penis was a bit longer than mine was at that age, but other than that he looked just like I did. I saw his skinny body and little boyish butt. I still couldn't believe he had willingly stood in front of me naked let alone tackle and hug me on the bed. He sure was a crazy little guy.

"So 3; would you like me to make you some breakfast?" I offered.

"Nah, that's what the cooks do. You don't have to do any cooking," he explained.

I sighed and said, "Oh good because I'm a really bad cook."

He giggled and slipped his pants on. Now he was fully dressed and ready to go. He suggested that we go play on the horses again so we headed out there. I was surprised to find a person I didn't know sitting on the fence as we approached. He was wearing a cape but didn't look like a rich person. By the look on the prince's face I could tell that he didn't know him either. We walked up to him and I asked who he was.

"Oh, I'm just a peasant."

"Well you aren't supposed to be in here then."

"Well, I've got a good reason," he said as a strange smile crossed his face. "The king seems to think that shutting down my shop was such a great idea just because I didn't provide 'good enough services.' Well now I'm going to get my revenge."

With that, he pulled a short sword out from behind his cape and swung it down at the prince. Lucas didn't have time to react because he was so scared, but I sure did. I already had my hand on my dagger because of what the man was saying before he drew the sword. I quickly unsheathed it and put it in the sword's path, blocking it from hitting Lucas. I glared at the man when he looked over at me and I punched him right on the side of his face. I wasn't exceptionally strong so he didn't fall over. When his attention was off the sword I forced it up and kicked him solidly in the stomach. He took a few steps backward and bent forward a little.

This evil man had just tried to kill the prince just because he was mad his crappy shop had been closed down. I was quite mad, but I knew that fighting with anger would only dull my reflexes. I took the opportunity to kick him right in the face with a really fast kick. I could see blood running out his nose as he fell over backwards. I was really surprised when he was still conscious as he lay there on the ground. I quickly turned to the prince just to make sure he was alright. He was still pretty shocked about what had happened.

"Please my prince, take a few steps back so you don't get hurt. I will fight to the end to protect you," I quickly said and then turned and saw the man getting back up.

He gathered his senses and got his sword ready in both hands. I got my dagger ready and knew that he wasn't going to give up unless I killed him.

"Look away, you probably aren't going to want to see this," I said to the prince without turning backwards to address him directly.

I didn't know if he did what I requested or not. The man ran at me and I quickly sidestepped and gave him a light gash in his side. He screamed but turned around quickly. As soon as I saw him turning around, it was almost too late. His blade was coming down on my shoulder and I quickly put my dagger in its path like before. The force made my own weapon cut through my shirt's shoulder and give me a cut there. I ducked down as fast as I could and punched him in the stomach then held my shoulder. My hand came off it full of blood but I knew I couldn't worry about it now. I quickly gave the man an uppercut and then stabbed him as many times as I could now that his chest was right in front of me, undefended. It ended up that I stabbed him five times then decided to make sure and cut his throat before he fell. I breathed deeply and held my injured right shoulder after he hit the ground. I finally examined my injury and saw that it was just a long cut that wasn't very deep. All the extreme speed I had put into the fight was taking its toll now. I was so tired, I had to kneel down and rest like that for a while. Lucas came running over to me but stopped right in front of me without touching me because he knew I was hurt.

"I'm alright prince Lucas, it's just a cut. It's not that bad," I said, but still kept showing how much pain I was in.

"Oh no 3; I 3; I'll go get help right away," he nervously said and turned around. He stopped though when he saw Brian and the king and two armed guards coming towards us out of the castle. I was shaking a little from the fight and the pain by the time the king approached. I was glad I was already on my knees.

I put my head down and said, "Your majesty."

"What happened here?" he asked as he looked at my shoulder then the dead man.

"Sir, this man attacked the prince because he was mad that you closed his shop. I fought and killed with my dagger," I explained with my head still down.

"Dagger?" he asked, sounding surprised.

"Yes sir 3;" I said and knew that he was not happy that I was carrying a weapon around the prince. "I 3; I'm sorry. Brian said it would probably be alright to carry it. It was given to me by my grandpa before he died and I just couldn't stand not carrying it on me."

"It's alright I guess 3; so you killed this man by yourself?"

"Yes you majesty 3; I'm very fast."

"Well go ahead and get up."

"I 3; I'd rather not sir 3; my shoulder 3;"

"Is it bad?"

"No 3; just a big cut, that's all. It hurts really badly though and I'm quite tired."

The pain in my shoulder seemed to be getting worse. I cringed and covered it when the wind gusted over it and he could probably tell how much pain I was in. The shoulder of my shirt was all full of blood and I was starting to get a little dizzy. I reached my hands out in front of me and stayed there on all fours trying to make my head stop spinning. Sweat dripped off my chin and my right arm shook from the pain in my shoulder. I could no longer use it to support me and I fell forward onto the ground.

I heard everyone gasp and I heard the king yell, "Quickly, go get a strong servant and the doctor."

Brian came over to me and Lucas also knelt down next to me. Brian asked, "Peter 3; try to stay awake, okay? You're going to be alright, we're gonna get you a doctor. Just relax and try to stay awake."

"Okay," I weakly replied.

About a minute later, the doctor arrived and gently examined my shoulder. I kept the screams of pain inside and just tried to relax.

"It's okay to move him, let's get him inside," ordered the doctor.

I felt the servant lift me up into his arms. He carried me into the castle and into my room. He laid me down on the bed and Lucas stood at the side of it looking worried. He doctor came in a few seconds later with bandages. He took my shirt off and wrapped my whole shoulder. It felt a lot better now that he had done that. As soon as the doctor was done and everyone was done asking me questions, they all told me they hoped I felt better. The king thanked me for saving Lucas also. I told him it was the least I could do and he smiled and left. Then Lucas and I were alone in my room.

I smiled at him and said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

He smiled and looked like he wanted to hug me, but held back because he didn't want to hurt my shoulder.

"Thank you so much for saving me 3; I was real scared."

"No problem. Like I said, I'd do anything for you. That's my job. If I wouldn't have had a dagger, I would have stopped it with my bare hands. I couldn't stand it if anything happened to you."

"Aw 3; that's so nice 3; I wish I could hug you."

"Yeah 3; I like hugs 3;"

He thought for a second, then leaned over and planted a kiss right on my cheek. Then he drew back and blushed. I smiled wide at his lovely attempt to show me his gratitude.

"Thanks, you're so nice," I said with a kind smile.

Lucas and I talked for the rest of the day until supper. He had brought me some lunch and we ate together before, but I felt a lot better now so I offered to come eat supper with him. I slowly got up and he went to the dining area. We ate together happily and joked and laughed. I really liked having him as a friend and I could tell that he liked me too.

We headed to his room and I offered to read him a story. He picked out a great storybook and I read stories until it was bedtime.

"Well, I probably ought to be going to bed now," I eventually said and started to get up.

"Hey 3; can I um 3; sleep in your room too?" he asked shyly.

He must have really liked me now if he couldn't bear to be away from me, even overnight. I didn't see any reason why it was a bad idea so I agreed. He changed into his pajamas and we left his room. We walked slowly, mostly because of me, to my room. When we got there though, I realized that I had only one bed and there wasn't enough floor space to make a temporary one even if it was appropriate for a prince to sleep on the floor. I figured that it wouldn't be so bad for me to sleep on the floor with one of the blankets from my bed if I was very cautious of my shoulder.

I smiled at Lucas and said, "You can sleep in the bed."

"Okay, sounds good to me," he replied and climbed into my bed.

I grabbed the top blanket off and Lucas asked me what I was doing.

"I'm sorry 3; I'll get my own blanket if you want both. I can't sleep without anything covering me though cuz I'm kinda cold from all the blood loss," I said and turned around.

"What? Just jump in," he said.

I paused for a second then turned back around and asked him just to make sure, "You mean you want me to sleep in the same bed as you?"

"Well yeah, why not?" he asked and motioned for me to join him.

I pretty much figured out for certain that he definitely didn't know about sex or he would have been a little bit shyer about sharing a bed with anyone even though we were both boys. To him we were just good friends and there was nothing wrong with us sharing a bed at all. I realized that I shared the same feelings. We were just friends and plus, we were both boys. I told myself, "Oh, there's nothing wrong or awkward about it at all" and I approached the bed with a smile. When I got to the edge though, I realized I hadn't taken my clothes off yet. I felt really embarrassed about doing so for a second, but then I told myself that it was no big deal. He had actually stood in front of me naked before so I couldn't be shy about just stripping down to my underwear. I did so and climbed into bed slowly, cringing from the pain that it caused in my shoulder. As soon as I got my clothes off I felt really cold and Lucas noticed I was shivering. He looked at my bandaged arm and got a really sad look on his face.

"I'll keep you warm, okay," he said kindly and moved closer to me.

It was a good thing I was comfortable with everything now because he came right up to my side and put his arm over my chest. He was careful not to touch my shoulder as he moved a little closer. When he finally got close enough, he put my leg that was closest to him between his two. I could feel his little penis against my thigh as he cuddled closer and closer to me, smiling the whole time. I felt a little nervous about what he was doing, but I still liked his friendly cuddling and hugging. When his arms were around my shoulder and across my chest and his legs were wrapped around mine, he started whispering in my ear.

"Thanks so much for saving me, Peter. That was really brave of you. You're the best friend I could ever have."

"That's real sweet, my prince. I'd do anything for you."

"You don't have to call me 'my prince,' Peter. Just call me Lucas."

"Okay Lucas, goodnight."


He closed his eyes and the smile on his face turned into a blank expression as he prepared to fall asleep. Right then I really wished I had taken some time away from Lucas to go into the bathroom and relieve my now hard penis. I always did it twice a day but it had been about a day since I did it and I really wanted to. I just closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep with Lucas' warm body touching mine in so many places. It felt really good to have such a great source of warmth while I felt so cold. I didn't mind at all that it felt so good to be sleeping next to another boy in bed at night. Sex never even crossed my mind once while I lay there with that cute little guy snuggled up with me. Soon I just fell right asleep.

In the morning, I was woken by Lucas stirring while he held me. We were still in the same position as last night and I was quite glad that I hadn't turned over onto my shoulder. It was feeling a lot better that morning too. Lucas and I had woken up at the same time and when he opened his eyes and saw me looking at him, he smiled. I loved seeing him smile. Seeing people happy always made me happy.

"Good morning, Lucas."

"Good morning, Peter."

As soon as he moved a little more, I noticed that he was hard and so was I. I hoped he wouldn't mention it but then he did something I dreaded. He moved over on top of me and lay on my chest as he gave me a big, good morning hug. His hard penis pressed right up against mine and I thought I saw him smile a little wider right when they met. I wasn't going to say anything about it so I just thanked him for the hug as he lay there with his head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and suddenly felt the strong urge to press my hips upward. I held myself back in my confusion though, as my penis stayed very hard. I wondered what made my body feel like that. Then the thought came to me about sex. I didn't like boys like that though at all. I had heard of males that liked other males. They even had sex with them but I didn't feel any urge to do that at all. I sure felt something for girls though. It felt like I wanted to have sex with them so badly, I could barely take it. The only thing that helped out was jacking off. It felt so good, but somehow I figured that real sex felt a whole lot better.

Lucas stayed hard too and I wished I knew what he was thinking about as he lay there on my chest for the longest time. He finally got up and we both got dressed. I headed right to the doctor to get my bandages replaced and then met Lucas at his room. We had a great time all that day even though I had to take it easy because of my shoulder. Lucas only asked me to do really minor things for him and we laughed and joked more than ever. At the end of the day, we were in his room reading again. He picked out a story with pictures and I read it to him. I was surprised when one of the pictures showed the little boy who was the main character naked as he jumped into a pond to go swimming with his other friends who were also nude. Lucas giggled when he saw them and so did I.

When the story was over he asked, "Hey Peter, would you like me to keep you warm tonight too?"

"That sounds wonderful Lucas," I answered even thought my blood flow was warming me almost as much as normal. We both stripped down to our underwear and then he did something totally unpredictable. When I turned back to him after getting the bed ready, he was completely naked. I saw his little boy butt as he put his underwear in the laundry bin. When he turned around, I saw his penis again like the other time.

He smiled and said, "Hey look, I'm the boy from the story."

I wasn't too embarrassed or uncomfortable, but I wondered why exactly he did it. He must have just felt like being a silly little boy. To my surprise though, he laid on his back on the bed naked with his little boyhood lying limp to the side.

"Come lay with me 3; I 3; um 3; there's 3; um 3; something I want to ask you," he nervously said.

I couldn't imagine what he was planning but I obeyed. I laid down in my underwear on my back next to him.

"What is it, Lucas?" I kindly asked.

He smiled and looked relieved when he saw that I was going to answer any question he had.

He turned to me with totally red cheeks and asked, "Do 3; do you know about sex?"

"Yeah, I know a lot about it," I said and kept the smile on my face. I didn't know how exactly I felt about talking to him about it though. I would have loved to answer any of his questions and clear it all up for him, but it was just such an embarrassing topic that nobody talked about very often.

"I know a lot about it too 3; Brian told me and I heard a lot about it from a few other people too. I 3; I 3;" he stuttered as he turned even redder and sounded really embarrassed. "I've been feeling like I really want to do it lately. I guess I'm growing up. It's just so strong 3; I don't know what to do. There aren't any girls I can ask and from what I've heard, boys my age never have sex yet anyway." He looked so desperate and sad and frustrated and I felt really sorry for him. "I 3; I just gotta do something." He got even closer to me and paused before saying, "Peter, I heard that two boys can have sex together 3; cuz 3; well, they've got a hole down there too that can be used. I 3; I was wondering if 3; if I could do it with you. You're such a good friend and I heard it feels good for both of us. Please Peter, I just can't stand not doing it."

I wasn't surprised much at all because I felt the same way when I was his age until I learned how to masturbate. He obviously didn't know how to yet. I smiled at how much of a little boy he was just then. Such a little sex crazed boy just like everyone else, me included. It also finally hit me that he must have been thinking about sex with me all the times he looked like he was going to ask me something then didn't. That must have also been why he wanted to sleep with me and be naked in front of me. One more, sort of disturbing thought crossed my mind too. By the desperate, pleading sound of his voice at the end of what he said, I just knew that if I refused, he would most likely order me to do it. I didn't want it to come to that so I made up my mind. After all, he seemed a bit like a girl 3; a lot more so than an older kid. I wouldn't want to have sex with a boy my age because I really didn't like their bodies at all in that way but Lucas' was alright with me if I really had to do it with him. His skin was smooth and there was only a very fine hair covering his body. Plus he was a very handsome young man. I could have just taught him to jack off too, but I really wanted to feel sex for myself. I was so curious about what it would feel like to have another human pressing up against me like that or sucking on my penis. My brain perfectly summed it up with "This is going to be fun!"

"Well Lucas, I'm your servant and you can to anything to or with me that you want. That's not why though 3; I would really like to try doing it with you. It sounds like a ton of fun and 3; well, I'm hard just thinking about it so let's do it!" I happily exclaimed.

The look on his young face was absolutely magical. He looked happier and more excited than I had ever seen a boy before. He rolled over on top of me and kissed my chest as he hugged me.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you, Peter. This means so much to me! It's gonna be SO FUN!" he yelled.

"You bet it is! So, do you want to do the normal sex stuff too like kissing and rubbing and all that?" I asked.

He thought for a short moment then replied, "Yeah, let's do everything!"

He jumped off of me and waited at the side of the bed for me to take my underwear off. I got up and happily slid them down and stepped out of them. He stared at my crotch like I had done when I saw him naked and I let him take his time in doing so. I had a good amount of hair down there and I knew he was so happy to finally see what another boy looked like. Then I set my underwear aside and gave Lucas a gigantic, warm, naked hug. My hard penis met his because he was only slightly shorter than me. Our penises were nearly the same size too. His looked about four and a half inches [11½ cm] long and mine was a little over five [12½ cm]. I reached down and fingered his penis a little and he smiled wide.

"Does that feel good or what?"

"Yeah 3; wow, I can't believe this! It 3; it can feel like this if you just rub it like that? Oh my gosh 3; why didn't I ever try that before?"

"It's okay, Lucas. You would have figured out accidentally that it feels really good and figured it out really soon after. That's how I found out when I was about your age. You've sure got a long one for your age though."

He blushed and kindly thanked me for the compliment. I stopped massaging his penis and laid him down gently on the bed on his back with his legs on the floor. I followed his body right down and kissed him on the chest again. I rubbed his sides and kissed him everywhere on his chest. I noticed that he giggled when I kissed one of his nipples so I focused on that area and he giggled like crazy.

"Oh, you like that, don't you?" I laughed.

"Yeah 3; wow 3; this is just all so great 3; I can't believe it's finally happening!" he exclaimed with absolute joy.

I slid up a little and ran my hand through his hair a few times. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck and shoulders and gave him a big, long kiss right on his lips. He happily closed his eyes and enjoyed the experience. As far as I knew, that was the first kiss of that type for both of us. A few moments later, we broke off the kiss and caressed each other. Then I got off him and he moved so that he was lying on the bed the long way. I gently got on top of him again and we hugged and kissed a whole bunch more. I rubbed his chest and he rubbed my back and the feeling was totally amazing. Every time our lips met, they tingled and we both loved it so much.

After a few minutes of playing like this we decided to finally start the real fun. We discussed with each other how it would go.

"Lucas, I don't think you're old enough for me to put my penis inside of you. It would probably hurt you, but I'm older and you're a little smaller so you can do it to me all you want."

"Okay, sounds good to me I guess. Maybe when I'm older, I'll get to feel what it feels like to have a penis inside of me. But 3; I feel like I'm not going to make you feel good."

"Well 3; if you don't mind, another really cool thing that we can do together is just sucking with our mouths. If you want to do that to me you can, but you don't have to if you don't want to," I said and hoped he would agree to sucking me. I really wanted to see what it felt like.

"I'd love to, Peter. I'll suck you really good!" he said with a smile.

"Okay, great. Well, I'll let you go first. I'll suck you a little to make you nice and wet so you can slide into me easily, okay?"

He nodded and I moved down to his hard penis that was pointing right up at his head. I took it into my mouth and soaked it the best I could. He moaned and sighed as I moved my tongue around his penis. He really loved the feeling from what I could tell. I couldn't wait until he did it to me. His hips wiggled a little bit and he whimpered a little between his quick breathing. When he was thoroughly soaked, I took my mouth off of him and he stood up after he slowed down his breathing a little. I got down on my knees against the bed and leaned forward. He approached me from behind and slowly spread my buns apart. Then I felt his little, hard pole pushing against my hole. I loosed up my muscles the best I could as he slid it inside of me. It felt very strange and hurt a little too. When I let out a gasp that Lucas could tell was caused by pain, he asked, "Peter, are you alright? Did I hurt you?"

"No Lucas, you can keep going. Just take it really slow at first please. It doesn't hurt too much."

I wasn't exactly lying because it was nothing compared to my shoulder when it got cut. He slowly slid the rest in and it continued hurting a little. Something felt sort of good though and I told Lucas. The pain was definitely bearable and I wanted to feel more of the curious new feeling inside of me so I told him to start going back and forth slowly. He did so and increased his speed a little each time. The pain died down a little but was still there. The great feeling was totally increased though and I started to really like it. Lucas was panting behind me and kept commenting on how great it felt. He sounded like he was totally swimming in a sea of pleasure. I was feeling pretty good myself, but I knew that it would be even better when he sucked me. After a few more minutes of Lucas happily having sex for the first time, he announced that something felt funny.

A few moments later he said, "I 3; I think I'm going to 3; um 3; you know 3; when the stuff comes out. I'm going to do that now I think."

"Heh heh heh, that's called ejaculating, Lucas. It's totally the best part. Just relax and let it happen and you'll feel so totally good."

He continued plowing his excited little penis inside of me until I heard him pant and gasp a lot followed by a warm feeling inside of me. I felt his first juice ever to leave his body in this way flow through me. I really liked how it felt. I felt him lean forward onto me and his little head lay on my back as he panted and sighed. When he finally got up, he pulled out of me and I turned around to see the look on his face. His mouth was slightly open in a relaxed smile. His first time must have felt so good, he'd never forget it. I scooted over so I was right in front of him and I embraced him in the most loving hug I could manage. I kissed his cheek lightly then pulled him tight up against me. I felt his little heart beating like crazy and his chest rose and fell as he rubbed my back and hugged me too.

"That was SO awesome!"

"I know 3; it felt pretty good for me too. I remember the first time I did it with my hand. It felt so good that I just couldn't wait to do it again. I've pretty much done it a whole bunch of times every single day since then."

"Wow," Lucas giggled, "Sounds like what I'm planning to do right about now 3; except 3; with you if that's okay."

"I would absolutely love to do it with you whenever you want, Lucas. You're such a great friend 3; I really love you, Lucas."

"I love you too Peter. You're the best friend I could ever imagine."

We continued hugging for at least a minute until Lucas finally pulled away and said, "I'll suck you now. It sounds like a lot of fun."

"Great 3; oh I can't wait! I've only ever done it with my hand but from what I've heard it's a lot better when someone sucks you. I just can't wait to feel it."

"Okay 3; but 3; um 3;" he started then nervously paused. "What about when you 3; uh 3; ejacmalate?"

"It's ejaculate actually," I said with a smile then continued, "and you don't have to swallow it if you don't want to. In fact, you don't even have to suck me until I squirt. I'll just warn you and you can do it with your hand at the end if you really want."

"You mean 3; I can actually swallow it 3; it's not bad?"

"Oh no, of course not. People swallow it all the time. It's not bad for you at all."

"Oh 3; well then I'll do it. How does it taste?"

"I really have no idea myself, but I heard it sometimes tastes a little sweet."

"Alright! I'm gonna suck you and drink it then. You can squirt all over in my mouth, I don't care."

"Okay. If you change your mind though, I won't mind at all."

We got into position with me lying on the bed and him kneeling at the end of it. He crawled overtop of my midsection and lowered his head onto my hard penis. As soon as his lips tightened around it and he started sliding down, I felt a feeling that was much stronger than when I just used my hand. It felt really good and I told Lucas so. He happily started bobbing his head up and down and licking like crazy with his tongue. I couldn't believe the feeling; it was so wonderful! I breathed uncontrollably and twitched all over from the strong pleasure. His tongue was going crazy over my penis and he kept his head bobbing up and down. He looked up for a second and smiled when he saw how much I was loving it. He kept going at it until I felt like the best time ever was building up.

Between breaths I said, "Lucas 3; I'm gonna squirt 3; you don't have to continue if you don't want to."

His only answer was speeding up his tongue and head as he sucked. I had my answer; he was going to go through with it. I relaxed and let the juice build. I finally shot it out and Lucas paused. When I was done emptying my happy little pole, Lucas moved his head up so just the tip was in his mouth. He paused for a little longer and then took a big, gulping swallow. He licked my penis clean on the way up and I shuddered from the sensitivity of it. He swallowed again and then smiled.

"So 3; um 3; how was it?" I asked.

"It was great. It was kinda fun sucking you and it didn't taste all that bad. Kinda sweet and gooey," he answered with a smile.

"That's great 3; come here little guy," I said and motioned for him to come lay right on top of me. I still felt absolutely wonderful from the best ejaculation I had ever had. He scooted up and kept his smiling little face right above mine. That smile was such a happy little boy smile. He looked like the happiest little boy that could ever exist on the face of the Earth. The smile just wouldn't leave his face; he was so satisfied with what had just happened. Lucas could now finally have sex like his body was screaming for him to do even if it wasn't with a girl. The same was true for me too. There was nothing wrong with us two boys having fun with each other. We both loved it! What could possibly be wrong with that?

"Peter, thank you so much. Oh I just can't thank you enough. Can we do this every night?" he asked again.

"Sure 3; I love this so much 3; and 3; I love you too Lucas. I really do. It was so nice of you to let me become your servant. I'll do anything for you 3; I owe you so much. But now we did this and I feel so absolutely good. I like seeing you happy too. You're a pretty cute little kid and you smile all the time and you're just always so happy. You're the best friend I've ever had and 3; well 3; you're really sort of the first too. And now we can do this together 3; I just love everything about my life now. You really saved me, Lucas. Thank you so much."

I gave him a giant hug and rubbed my arms up and down his back. He didn't even flinch as my hands passed over his soft butt and back up. I couldn't get enough of this close touching. This was the first time I had ever even been this close to another person let alone lay together naked with one. The love and happiness we both shared was so strong, I never wanted to be apart from him.

"Aw Peter 3; I don't know what to say," he said and blushed. After a few moments though he said, "It was nothing, really. It was the least I could do for you after you pulled me off the horse. You've done everything for me. You saved my life and now you even agreed to have sex with me. I hope you're not too weirded out by it."

"No way. I love it too. What's wrong with two boys having fun together? It feels so good. I want to do it every day."

"That's awesome! I love the feeling. It's even kinda cool touching like this. I've never done it before but I sure like it."

"I know 3; I've never been this close to anyone. You're such a cuddly kid."

"You are too," Lucas said with a blushing giggle. Then we kissed again.

After a few more minutes of close cuddling and kissing and caressing I asked, "Well, I'm pretty tired. How about you, Lucas? Would you like to go to sleep now?"

He nodded and laid his head next to mine. With his chin just above my shoulder, he lightly whispered in my ear, "I like being close like this. Can I please sleep close to you?"

"Sure 3; wanna sleep naked too? I don't mind at all. We might be poking each other in the morning a little if you know what I mean, but I love feeling you so close to me."

Lucas giggled and I felt his little body wiggling on top of mine as we did so. I grabbed him tight and kissed him on his cheek and he finally replied, "I would love to." Then he giggled again and said, "And if we're all pokey in the morning, I might just have to poke you right up your butt."

"I can't wait. It feels pretty good and I bet it won't hurt much the next time."

And with that we got up and under the covers together. We hugged each other close and said goodnight. Then we gave each other a big goodnight kiss and stared into each others' eyes until we finally drifted off to sleep as we continued our embrace.

When I woke up in the morning, I realized that Lucas wasn't awake yet. I smiled as I thought of the perfect way to wake the young prince. I slid my hand down his side and onto his thigh. Then I slid it in between his legs and started gently stroking his hard penis. He stirred a little and after a while he opened his happy little eyes and grinned.

"Just couldn't wait, huh?" he giggled. "Well, I wanna stick it up your butt now. It feels so totally wonderful!"

"Alright you little sex addict," I jokingly giggled. "Oh I'm just kidding 3; I was the same way when I was your age. In fact, I'm the same way now, really. I can't stop having sex. You know how I told you that you can do it with your hand? Well I just can't stop doing it. It feels so good 3; but nothing compares to your amazing little lips and tongue."

He giggled, blushed, smiled, and gave me a big hug. I smiled and said, "Be right back."

I ducked under the covers and found his hard little penis. I placed my lips around it and coated it with a thick layer of saliva. Then I came back up and found Lucas smiling wide at me.

"That felt really good 3; I just love it. But if you roll over, I'd feel really, REALLY good."

"No problem, Lucas. My butt is all yours," I said and we both laughed.

I rolled over onto my stomach pinning my hard penis between me and the bed. I knew it would be my turn soon and I just couldn't wait. Then I felt Lucas' light body climb on top of mine. His wet penis started sliding between my buns and then he stopped at my hole.

"You've gotta relax, Peter. I don't want to hurt you."

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry Lucas. I forgot," I apologized then loosened up all the necessary muscles.

He shoved as much of his penis in as he could. I had a very flat, small butt since I usually didn't get much to eat before now so he got a good portion of himself inside of me. He started happily pushing in and out of me and sighed and moaned.

"I love doing this 3; I love this feeling 3; thank you so much, Peter 3; Oh, sex is just so awesome!" he exclaimed.

I smiled at his total love for sex. I really wished at that point that he was big enough for me to fit inside of him. It's possible that he was, but I really didn't want to hurt him and it felt totally amazing to have his lips around my penis as he sucked away. That was more than enough for me. Lucas kept humping up and down and breathing heavily as he felt the wonderful feelings of sex once again. He squirted his juice out without warning and then collapsed on my back.

"Oh 3; that was so great, Peter," he said. "Um 3; mind if I ask you something?"

I rolled over onto my stomach, placed him back on top of me under the sheets, and smiled then replied, "You can ask me absolutely anything, Lucas."

Lucas smiled and looked down for a second, then brought his head up just enough for me to see his silly smile and shy eyes and he asked, "What's it feel like?"

"Well 3; it felt pretty good this time. It barely hurt at all," I answered with a smile. "There's something inside there that really likes getting touched I guess."

He smiled and then blushed and said, "I bet there's something inside my butt that likes to be touched too."

I reached both of my hands down his back and grabbed onto his soft, small buns. I started to massage his butt and he smiled wide. Really, I was just stalling as I rolled the idea around in my head. There was no way that I could ever hurt the prince or bad things might happen to one or both of us. My penis wasn't all that big or wide though and the prince was a little taller, older, and bigger looking than most boys his age. The little guy must have already started the growth spurts that came with puberty.

"You know it's going to hurt quite a bit the first few times 3; maybe even longer depending on how big you are, right?" I cautiously asked.

Lucas' response was a long kiss on my lips. Then he pulled away and stayed close to my face as he said, "I just want to try it. Maybe I'll like it."

"Okay, I'll be really careful. Tell me if it hurts too much and I'll stop, okay?"

He nodded excitedly and moved off of me.

"Hey, can we do this on top the sheets so I can see exactly what I'm doing so I don't hurt you?" I asked.

"Good idea," He replied and we both climbed out of bed.

He excitedly jumped on top the covers and spread his legs apart waiting for me. I stood at the side of the bed and laughed a little.

"You know, it's really going to hurt if you don't get me a little wet first, Lucas."

Now he giggled too and he got off the bed and knelt in front of me. His wonderful, soft lips were around my penis immediately and he slowly sucked, waiting for a lot of saliva to be formed. It felt so good, I almost didn't want him to stop as he took his mouth off of it, leaving it absolutely soaked and very slippery. As soon as he was done, he dove back onto the bed and took up his original position on his stomach with his legs slightly spread. I stared at his boyish butt for a few moments and liked what I saw. For some reason, it didn't matter at all that he was a boy and so was I. His naked body was beautiful in its own way. We both loved each other like close friends and we both sure liked sex, so what could possibly be wrong with us two having the time of our lives together? Friendship, love, sex, it was all just so wonderful!

I positioned myself on top of his young body and said, "Okay Lucas, now just relax as much as you can."

My hands lay on the bed next to him as I lowered my torso and felt my penis start to slide between those soft, little buns. I didn't meet nearly as much resistance as I thought I would when it got to his hole. His little ring of muscle wasn't nearly as small as it could have been. When I had about half of me up his butt, I asked him if everything was okay.

"It's okay 3; it doesn't hurt too much," he calmly replied, but I saw that his right hand was clenched tightly on the sheets.

I massaged his back a little and didn't continue pushing inside of him. I whispered in a kind voice, "I don't want to hurt you 3; just try to relax more. It feels like you're big enough down there so it will feel better after a while, I promise." I brushed my hand through his wonderful hair and then rubbed it down his back. From what I could see, he wasn't feeling any pain anymore. He was completely relaxed now. As slowly and gently as I could, I moved my penis into him the rest of the way. When I was as far in as I could go I relaxed also and set myself down on his back. I felt his soft skin and small, warm body under me as I kissed him on the cheek from behind and I gave him the best, gentlest hug I could in this position.

"Mmm 3; it doesn't feel so bad when you do that," Lucas sighed.

"Are you okay? If it hurts too much, we can stop for now."

"Just let me rest for a while. I'm just getting used to it for a second."

I rubbed his hair and kissed him as he rested there, experiencing the feeling of my penis up his butt. I just enjoyed the warm, wet feeling around my still hard penis and the incredibly soft butt that my hips were resting on. It just hit me then how much I really loved this young boy. It was close to what I felt about girls, but without the natural sex urges I felt whenever I was around them. This relationship was based totally on love. I almost said out loud, "oh my gosh 3; I'm actually in love!" I didn't care at all that it was with a boy because I loved him and I didn't care what everyone else though about males loving males like this. Sex felt so good, but it was the close love that I really enjoyed with this boy. Nobody had ever loved me as much as he did before and I certainly didn't love anyone like this before either. There was no better feeling in the world than love.

"Okay Peter, you can start now," Lucas said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Alright, just tell me if it hurts and we can stop. I swear, the last thing I want to do is hurt you. Don't feel like you have to do this, okay?"


And with that, I raised my hips a little and my penis pulled out of his hole a little.

"Ooh 3; that felt pretty good," Lucas immediately said.

I plunged back inside of him and all his muscles tightened like he was in pain. I set myself back down on his back and whispered in his ear lovingly, "Everything okay, little guy?"

"Yeah, it just hurts a little on the way in but I like they way it feels when you're pulling it out," he explained.

"Okay, I'll keep going. Just tell me if it gets too sore down there," I replied and started moving in and out again. I went as slowly as I could and I could tell from his body that he was getting more and more used to it. I sped up a little and it started to really feel good for me. I could have ignored how Lucas felt and just humped him at top speed until I squirted, and let him deal with the pain but there was no way I'd ever do that. I loved Lucas so much and I really didn't like hurting him even this much.

While I continued the wonderful movement, I gently said, "Lucas, my young prince, did I ever tell you that I love you more than anyone in the whole world?"

"Awwww," he replied and then said, "Peter, I love you a lot too. You're definitely my best friend."

I thanked him then decided the easiest way to finish up without hurting him much was to really focus on what I was doing and try to squirt with only this minimal, slow motion. A few minutes later, it worked and I warned Lucas that I was about to do it.

"Okay Lucas, I'm gonna squirt. This is gonna feel kinda weird but I liked it so you might too."

"Okay Peter, I'm ready."

And with that, I let all the building juice out inside of another person for the first time and it felt amazing. I stopped with my penis stuck far inside of him and soaked his insides with my warm liquid. I sighed as I shot and as soon as I was done, I took my penis out of him and lovingly flipped him over and embraced him. I was in such a giddy mood from my best time ever that I couldn't help giving Lucas a mischievous smile. He looked a little confused until I started tickling his skinny sides. Then he giggled with his cute little boy laugh and kicked his legs and grabbed his sides.

When I finally relented he said between residual giggles, "Aw Peter, you're so fun to be with."

"You are too, Lucas," I replied and we embraced each other close. We kissed and then put our faces next to each other and lovingly rubbed our cheeks together. We stayed like that for a long time before we finally stopped hugging.

From that time on, Lucas and I had a great relationship. We made each other feel so good every night and we loved every second of it. My life had definitely changed for the better and I was having the time of my life.

The End