PyroIn Time |
SummaryA 14yo gay boy goes to a new school and after a difficult start he makes many friends. A sweet and very lovey-dovey vanilla story.
Publ. July-Nov 2000; this site Jan 2017
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CharactersBrett (14-15yo), Alex (14-15yo) and their friendsCategory & Story codesBoyfriend storytt – cons mast anal – vanilla (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Céladon's CommentsPyro, who used first the pen name T B, wrote between 2000 and 2005, thirteen stories about gay boys of 13-14 year old going, who find homophobic bullies, teachers and other adults on their way to happiness. Despite the fact that Pyro wrote that In Time is his first story, because of certain similarities in style I suppose the story Shape by 'Luke', published in 1999-2000. Years ago, in 2011, Pyro wrote me that he wanted to publish his stories on PZA. I gave him my e-mail and never heard anything again. Then I forgot, but recently I found his stories again, mostly in my archive. I will check them and a few of them I will publish in the next months/years. Pyro also contributed to Sid G's series Arkansas Vacation . His e-mail address is no longer available, thus like several other authors, Pyro has vanished... |
Chapter 1"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I woke up screaming, awakened by the nightmare of the auto accident four years ago that took my parents from me. We were heading home from dinner when a truck ran a red light and hit us head on. I was in the back seat and was thrown forward, but thank goodness I had my seat belt on. I remember the sound of the screams and the shattering glass. I made it out OK; my parents did not. The doctor said I would recover in time. My adoptive parents came running in to the room, and my new mom held me, letting me cry. First let me introduce myself to you. My name is Brett Iran Mikells, I am 14; have auburn hair, brown eyes, stand 5'6" [1.68 m] and weigh 130 pounds [59 kg]. I was adopted when I was 11. Let me describe my adoptive parents. My new dad is about 6'1" [1.85 m], 180 pounds [82 kg], with brown hair and brown eyes. He is a doctor, and is very loving and understanding. My mom is about 5'5" [1.65 m], 110 pounds [50 kg], with red hair and green eyes. I look like them both, even though they are not my biological parents. They knew all about my background, including my nightmares. I don't have the nightmares that much, but when I do they are terrible; and I cry for a very long time. I am gay; and my adoptive parents know. I told them when I was 13. I kept getting those strange feelings every time I looked at boys. When I looked at girls, I didn't feel anything but friendship. It was different with the boys, in that I wanted to have them next to me, to hold me and kiss me. There have been many nights when after the nightmares, I would go back to sleep and have wet dreams. The dreams were always good, and I would wake up wet and sticky. One night, about two or three months after I accepted the fact that I was gay, I was feeling alone and scared. At the dinner table my dad made the comment that any day now I was going to have girls hanging off of me, and I was going to have to beat them off with a stick. I looked at him and thought how disappointed they would be, and started crying and sobbing. I jumped up from the dinning room table and ran to my room, throwing my self on my bed still crying and sobbing hard. My parents came up to my room. Mom sat on the end of my bed and rubbed my back talking softly to me. "Oh honey it will be all right. What's wrong? What did we say, or do to hurt your feelings?" she asked. I was scared and couldn't say anything. I just started shaking and crying harder and harder. "Son, what is wrong? You know we love you and care for you. We would never say or do anything intentionally to hurt you. Please talk to us," my dad said. " I can't. Y'all will hate me, and I will be a disappointment to you," I said sobbing and shaking, crying harder and harder by the minute. "What ever it is, Son? We promise not to hate you, and you aren't a disappointment to us. You never will be, to me or your mother," my dad said, sitting down next to my mother. "I 3; I 3;," struggling to say what I felt I had to say, and what I needed to say, "I 3; I'm 3; gay," I said fast, and yet almost in a whisper. I cried harder and began really shaking. I couldn't breath, and started to hyperventilate. "Hold on, Son," my dad said, and ran out of the room to grab a brown paper bag. He brought it in and held it over my nose and mouth, telling me to just breath slowly and easily. "Concentrate on breathing," he said. I nodded my head, scared of what they are going to do next, and afraid I was going to be asked to leave. "Son, we are not going to kick you out, and we are not mad at you," my mom said rubbing my back. I started crying some more, thinking of what a disappointment I must be. As if they were reading my thoughts, my dad said, "Son, you are not a disappointment to us. Not now, or ever. I had a feeling that you might be gay, but didn't know how to bring it up; just in case I was wrong." While gently rubbing my shoulders, he said, "So, I am assuming that the comment I made about the girls got you upset, thinking that we would hate you and be disappointed, huh?" I just nodded. I started breathing regularly, and everything was coming back to normal. We finished talking about it; my parents reassuring me that I was not a disappointment. And, should anyone say anything to my parents about it, the outcome would not be good. So we went back down stairs to finish our dinner. That was a year ago. *** "Son, are you OK?" my mom asked me, as she came running into my room. I was still screaming. I just started crying and held on to her. "You had the nightmare again, didn't you?" she asked wiping my brow with her hand. I just nodded and continued crying. My dad came in and gave me two tablets which I knew were sleeping pills. I only take them when needed, like now. I thanked them, took the pills, gave them both a kiss goodnight, and went back to sleep. My mom tucked me in, kissing my forehead; then left. The next morning I awoke about 10:30 in the morning. It was a school day, and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to go, but I was so scared. We had moved over the summer because my dad had gotten a better job offer at a Hospital here in Savannah, GA. I got dressed and went down stairs. My mom was in the kitchen reading the paper. "Hi, Son," she said, as I walked in. "Feeling better?" she asked with a smile. I smiled and gave her a hug. "Yes ma'am. Thank you," I said, as I got some toast and butter. After I had eaten my breakfast, I went outside and wandered around my new neighborhood. I hadn't had a chance to really see it the week before, because we were busy finishing the unpacking and arranging the furniture. I walked down the road and saw two boys playing basketball in one of their front yards. One was blonde, and about my height; 5'6" [1.68 m], maybe 110 lb [50 kg]. The other boy was about my age also, but about two inches [5 cm] taller, and maybe 115 pounds [52 kg]. He was a little better built than was the other boy. I thought he looked hot. As I was walking past them, the taller of the two stopped and looked at me. He said something to the other one, and they both smiled, and then started playing again. I thought, Oh well, I guess they think I'm a geek or something, so I kept on walking. About an hour later I returned home. My mom was getting lunch ready and I went upstairs to use my computer. My parents gave me my own phone line and my own computer; so that I could talk to my friends I had moved away from. I logged on, checked my e-mail, and decided to start reading. I went to Nifty, the High School section, and looked for something new. A few stories I hadn't seen before were posted, so I started reading. My mom called me down for lunch after a while. I ate some sandwiches and watched some TV. After I had my lunch, I went back upstairs and continued reading the book I had started, called Bloody Bones. It was from a series of books I had been reading, that I enjoyed immensely. Before I realized it, it was about 6:00 PM in the evening, and my mother was calling me down for dinner. It surprised me how the time had passed by so fast. My dad was home, and we all sat down and started eating and talking. Dad told us how his day at the hospital had been, and what all had happened. He told us about one boy my age who came in with his hand cut. Dad looked at me and said that the boy seemed nice, and maybe I would end up at the same school with him and get to meet him. He also said that we might even become friends; then who knows, and smiled at me. I blushed, and tried hiding my face. My parents laughed, and that started me laughing too. I asked him to quit. I went to my room and started reading again. About nine, my mom came in and told me to get ready for bed. I brushed my teeth, and used the bathroom. Returning to my room, I undressed down to my jockeys, and got into bed. My parents came up to say goodnight, and turned off my light. As I lay there, I thought about the two boys I had seen earlier in the day, and my dick started getting hard. I pushed down my jockeys and started rubbing my five inch [12 cm] play toy. I took the bottle of lotion from my night stand and put some on my right hand. I started thinking about the boys while rubbing my dick up and down slowly. My left hand played with my nipples, pinching slightly and pulling a bit. I soon started going faster, feeling the pleasure rippling through me. Quietly moaning, I kept going faster and faster. With a low moan, I shot five hefty spurts of my cream up on my chest. I just lay there, letting my breathing slowly return to normal. Reaching under my bed, I pulled out a towel to clean up myself. I threw the towel under my bed, pulled up my jockeys and closed my eyes. I slowly drifted off to sleep, thinking of what tomorrow might bring; and hoping for the best. Chapter 2The next morning my alarm went off at six. I had to be at the bus stop by 6:45, so it was hurry and get ready. When I awoke, my 'best friend' was standing proud, tenting the front of my jockeys. There was no time to play, so I got up and put out my school clothes. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. Finishing that, I wrapped a towel around myself and headed back to my bedroom, dressed, and went downstairs. My mom was making breakfast; dad was already dressed and reading the paper at the kitchen table. "Morning, Son, are you ready for your first day at school?" my mom asked as I sat down. She put bacon, eggs, toast and a glass of milk in front of me. "Yes ma'am, I hope so," I said, as I started eating, "I'm still scared somebody is going to find out about me." "Son, it will go fine. Just be yourself, and try not to stare," my dad said, eating his breakfast. Mom sat down and started eating as well. When I finished, I went upstairs, brushed my teeth, and grabbed my book bag. Telling my parents 'bye,' I headed out to the bus stop. When I got there, about ten other kids were already there waiting for the bus, including the two boys whom I had seen talking and playing the day before. I stood back from the crowd, by myself. The two boys saw me, and started talking and laughing. I had a feeling they were going to make my life hell. The bus pulled up and we headed off to school, Bartlett Middle School. This was my last year in middle school, then I would be going to High School. I sat to the front of the bus, near the driver; feeling that sitting there, no one would bother me. As I sat and just stared out the window, those two boys took their seat behind me, and I could hear a little of their conversation. "Hey Jarad, you hear that there are a lot of fags starting school this year?" one of them asked. "Yeah, Billy, I did, I think they should have there asses beat," the other one said, and they both started laughing. I just grimaced and didn't say anything. I knew there was a possibility that something like that may happen if anyone found out. The bus pulled up in front of the school and everyone got off. I went in and found Room 21, my homeroom. I had received a class schedule when we registered here last week. Mrs. Barlem was in the room as we entered. One of the two boys was in my homeroom. I groaned quietly to myself. He sat near the back while I sat at the front. The teacher then put us in alphabetical order, but we still were not near each other. She went over the rules and gave each new student a map of the school, so we could find our way around. The bell rang, and we headed to our first class of the day, which for me was Gym. I dreaded it, because I was afraid that we would have to take showers; and I that I would pop a boner seeing the other boys naked. Luckily, neither of the two boys was in my first period; I was safe so far. There were a lot of cute looking boys there. Most of them seemed OK, and were talking as if they had known each other before. I sat on the end of the bench. When the coach came in he silenced everyone. He told us we wouldn't be having showers, but to bring deodorant to get rid of any smell afterwards. 'Thank God,' I thought. He went on to explain that we would need shorts and a white T-shirt for the class. If we didn't dress properly, we got an F; if we didn't participate, and had no doctor's excuse, we got an F; three tardies and you failed for the quarter. He told us some of the things we would be doing and I groaned, because I didn't like sports. I think I may get my father to give me a permanent excuse, so I can drop this class 3; I really hate sports. After the coach left, there were only fifteen minutes of class left, so he let us talk and get to know each other. I figured no one would talk to me, so I pulled out my book and started to read. It was a surprise when one boy came over to me and started a conversation. But what surprised me the most, was his eyes. They were like sapphires; blue as blue could be, so beautiful you couldn't help but look into them. "Hi, my name is Alexander Daniels, what's yours?" he asked, sitting down next to me. Alex is about 5'8" [1.73 m], maybe 120 pounds [55 kg], with blonde hair. He looks as if he works out; he's gorgeous. "Hi, my name is Brett Mikells," I said shyly. He looked at me and smiled. I liked him the minute I saw him. "You're new here, aren't you?" he asked. "Yeah, moved here a few weeks ago," I replied. "Yeah, cool, I moved here about five years ago. My dad works at the hospital, he's in administration at Memorial Medical, and my mom is a real estate agent. What do your parents do?" Alex asked. "Oh, my dad is a doctor at Memorial. He was asked there because of his work in genetics and brain surgery. My mom is a stock broker," I replied, thinking it cool our dads worked at the same place. "Hey, that's cool. Wait, you're Doctor Mikells' son, then. He helped a friend of mine the other day when he scratched up his hand. Jimmy said it didn't even hurt when your dad bandaged it; that your dad was really great. This is so cool, both of our fathers working at the same place," Alex said, laughing. I started laughing, too, and we talked till the end of the period. As it turns out, he and I have four out of six class together, including our lunch period. We walked to our next class, Biology, and took our seat. The teacher came in, as the rest of the students were filing in and taking their seats. She called the roll and then started telling us what we would be doing, and how we are going to be working. When she finished going over the rules, she let us talk. Alex and I talked till the end of the class period; when the bell rang, we went our separate ways. He went to Art and I went to Music. I noticed that one of the two guys whom I had had a bad feeling about was in my music class. The same thing happened there as in the other classes; stating the rules and then allowing us to talk. After that class I headed to English. Alex and I also had this class together. The only bad thing was that the two, whom I now considered bullies, were also there. They sat behind us and started talking. Alex and I ignored them, but I knew that something might happen. The teacher came in and went over the same things as in the rest of the classes; the rules and passing out the books, and then letting us talk. "Hey, Billy, you know, I think we may have a fag in here with us," one of the boys laughed. "Yeah, I think so too. He seems too shy, and looks too pretty to be straight," Jarad said. They laughed, and we ignored them. The bell rang for Lunch. Alex and I went into the cafeteria, got our food, and found a table. Some of Alex's friends came over and he introduced them to me. They seemed really cool, and we had a good time talking and laughing. After lunch we went to our next class, Math, which I hate! Math was never my favorite subject. I just wasn't good at it. We had the same boring procedures; rules and stuff. Both of the bullies were there as well. History was my next class, while Alex went to Social Science. Each class started the same way, as if the teachers felt that if they didn't repeat the rules, we would forget them or something. That was our last period. Now the day was over. When I got to my locker, I was surprised to see that Alex's locker was right next to mine. I hadn't noticed him there that morning. "Hey Alex, how was your first day?" I asked. He looked at me and put his hands around his neck, making a gagging noise. We just laughed 3; "It was all right, but why do these teachers have to go over the rules every time? I hate that," he said. I agreed. "Hey, can I have your phone number, then we can talk this evening, and all?" I asked, hoping he would say 'yes.' He is really cute, and I wanted to get to know him better, even though I knew I didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of being close to him. "Sure, give me yours too," he said. So we swapped phone numbers and left for the day. When I got home no one was there. I fixed a snack and headed to my room to do my homework. Once in my room I realized I was hard, and 'my friend' wanted to play. Taking off all my clothes, I laid on my bed. I took the lotion bottle and poured some in my hand. I was thinking of Alex as I slowly started to jack off. He was so cute. I imagined that it was his hands rubbing up and down my hard shaft; that he was leaning over me, kissing me, and licking my neck. My left hand started rubbing and pulling slightly on my balls. Thinking of Alex, I started pumping faster, and was really getting excited Letting the index finger on my left hand slide down between my balls and ass, I worked it into my hole. Slowly circling my hole, it became intense, and I shot a huge load all over my chest. I lay there panting and exhausted. When I regained my breath, I cleaned myself up. Dressing again, I started to do what little homework the teachers given us. By the time I had finished, my mom was home and making dinner. I turned on my computer and checked my e-mails, then started reading the Nifty archives. As soon as my dad got home, we ate. I told them how my first day had gone, and about my new friend, Alex. They both smiled, and I blushed, telling them that it wasn't like that. All they said was, 'Yeah, OK, we believe you,' in that irritating way adults have. After dinner I watched some TV for a while, and then went to bed, waiting for another day of school to come. The first week went pretty much the same; we were playing volleyball in Gym. That was fun, but it was also a problem talking with Alex, looking at the other boys, and not getting hard. The first few months were pretty much like that, the bullies picking on people and everything. They never really bothered me, and I didn't understand why. I also noticed a bunch of girls looking at me. Wouldn't they like to know 3; hehe, was all I thought. Alex, it turned out, was the quarterback for the school football team. Even though I didn't like football, I decided to go and watch the first game. I seems that all the guys I was hanging around with played on the football team, and were really cool. Whenever one of the bullies tried saying something to one of their friends, these guys were there looking out for them, it was so cool. Well, as always, everything good has to come to an end. One day, while in the lunch room, I passed the bullies' table and one of their comments caught my ear. "Hey Jarad, I heard that Brett Mikells is a fag," Billy said with a smile. "Oh really, well we are just going to have to teach him what we do with fags," Jarad said, laughing. I don't know how, but they found out, or they were just making guesses. I ate lunch with the fellas, and thought nothing of it till after school a few days later. I was waiting for Alex, because we had a report for Biology to do, and I was going to his house to work on it. Billy and Jarad came out of nowhere and walked up to me. "Hey Brett, we hear you're a fag, is that true?" Billy asked me. "No, it isn't," I replied, turning and looking at the other boys, hoping that my fear didn't show. "Well, we saw you checking out the boys in the locker room. You were looking at them more than you should have; so yeah, we know it's true," said Jarad with a wicked smile. "Well, whatever y'all think y'all saw, it isn't true; so go away and leave me alone," I said turning away from them. I was scared, and was afraid that they were going to hurt me. "Well, we know it is true, plus we saw your mom in Barnes and Noble picking up an XY magazine for you. We heard her say, 'And Brett wanted XY.' We recognized your mom from when we saw her pick you up one day, so we knew it was for you. We wondered what it was, so when she left, we went and looked at the mags and saw it. When we opened it we saw what type of mag it was. So yeah, we know you're gay," Billy said, smirking and coming closer to me. I turned around and just looked at them with tears in my eyes. I was speechless and starting shaking. "Wait till the school finds out; you are going to get it so bad," Jarad replied with laughter in his voice. "Come on guys, you don't know what you are talking about," I said, trying to believe myself and not them. "Yeah we do, and now you are going to get it. Oh, here comes Alex now," Billy said. When Alex came up to us he gave them an hard look, and just stared at me, noticing I was crying. "What's going on, Guys, you trying to beat up my friend here?' he asked in a rough and hefty voice. "Naw, we don't have to do that, Man; not after you hear this?" Billy said smiling. "Hear what?" Alex once again asked the two boys. "Well, just to let you know, we saw Brett's mom in the Mall one day and she was picking up a magazine for Brett. We heard her say his name and the name of a magazine, and when she left we looked for it and found it. It was XY Magazine. If you aren't familiar with it, don't worry, only fags truly know what it is. Right Brett?" Jarad said. The two boys saw more tears streaming down my face and laughed. They said 'bye' and ran off laughing. I looked at Alex, he had a stunned expression on his face. "Brett," he said. Just saying my name, I knew he knew. I just stared at him for a minute, then turned around and ran home. I lived about four miles [6 km] away, and ran there in about thirty minutes, never stopping to breathe. By the time I got home I was out of breath and still crying. I ran up to my room, threw my book bag down and fell on my bed. I lay burying my face in the sheets, and just sobbed and screamed. My final thoughts were that everyone knows, and my life would be over. With that, I passed out. Chapter 3I awoke a few hours later laying in my bed exhausted. The memories of that afternoon came back to me and I started to cry all over again. I remember looking into Alex's eyes when he heard what was said and not knowing what to think. The boy I had fallen in love with over the last few months now hated me. I wanted him as a friend, if not a boyfriend, but now it's too late. I can't even have him as a friend. It was only Wednesday and I didn't know what to do. I was scared and I didn't want to go back to school. I knew by Monday it would be all over school. The sounds of talking and laughing coming from the kitchen waffled up the stairs. With tears in my eyes I got out of bed heading downstairs to see my parents. I went into the kitchen and my parents stopped talking when they saw my face. "Brett honey, what happened?" my mom asked coming over to me. She hugged me and that was all it took and I started crying harder and shaking like I have never shaken before. I was crying so hard I started to hyperventilate. I was trying to catch my breath and the next thing I knew I was darkness. I awoke a few hours later in my bedroom with my parents sitting on the bed talking quietly. "I wonder what happened to make him cry and pass out from fright?" my mom said. "I don't know but I hope he will be ok and that nothing bad has happened," my dad replied pressing a damp cloth on my forehead. I looked up then and saw them watching me. "Honey please tell us what happened," my mom pleaded. "Mom, dad they know, they know about me," I said starting to cry. My parents looked at each other in astonishment. "How?" was all that was asked. I went on and told them about Billy and Jarad and what happened this afternoon. I told them how I felt about Alex and knowing that he would probably hate me and not want to be my friend now. I was scared, starting at a new school, getting friends, and now losing it all. I just cried and cried until I was so tired, I fell asleep. My parents stayed with me a bit longer then went downstairs letting me rest. While I was asleep, Alex stopped by and talked with my parents. He told them he didn't care if I was gay or not but he was hurt because I didn't tell him. My parents went on and explained to him why I didn't and he understood. They tried to wake me up but I was so exhausted that I wouldn't wake up. So Alex left and my parents went to bed. When I awoke the next morning the sun was up and it looked like it was about 9 or 10 in the morning. I stumbled downstairs to find my mom sitting there reading the paper and drinking coffee. "How come y'all didn't wake me up?" I asked, sitting down at the kitchen table. "Well, we figured you could use a few days off from everyone. So you won't have to worry about school till Monday," she said getting up and fixing me some breakfast. "Thanks," was all I could think about. I couldn't have picked or rather, the system couldn't have picked, the best parents in the world for me. Yes, there were times when we had our problems and I was bad, but every kid is. They did what they had to do as parents and I was punished, but I still loved them. "That's ok. By the way, Alex stopped by last night. We tried waking you, but you were so tired you just wouldn't get up. So we let you sleep. Alex is ok with you being gay, honey. He was upset at first because you didn't tell him, but when we explained why and the hatred that some people may have, he understood," mom said setting a bowl of cereal in front of me. "I don't want to see him yet, ok mom? I don't want to talk with him. He may have only said that to talk with me to see if I was trying to hit on him or something. I don't know, but right now I don't want to talk with him yet, please," I begged bringing tears to my eyes once again. My mom got up and came over and hugged me. "It's alright darling, you don't have to talk with anyone that you don't want to right now. He will be dropping off your school work but I will just tell him that you are in bed resting," she said letting me go. "Thanks, I love you," I said with a smile on my face. "I love you, too, sweetie now finish up and go play or something," she said. When I finished I went up to my room and got on my computer. I wrote some of my friends who knew I was gay and told them what had happened. I knew they were in school so I didn't worry about a response yet. About 3:30 the doorbell rang and my mom got it. It was Alex. He brought my homework in and talked with my mom. She told him I was resting and not ready to talk with anyone yet. He said he understood and left. He sounded so sad. I wanted to run after him and hug him and hold him to let him know I loved him. But I couldn't, he doesn't love me. He would never, could never, love me. The rest of the day went on as usual. I did my homework, then went and ate supper with my family. I was so depressed I didn't even jack off that day, hell that entire weekend. The next day at 3:30 when Alex came over again and dropped off my homework he didn't ask to see me, he understood. I loved him so much it hurt me. The weekend went by slowly with me doing nothing except watch TV, play on the computer, listen to my radio and just stare out my bedroom window thinking of what Monday would bring. I finally went to bed Sunday evening scared and worried. Monday came and I was up and dressed for school. I ate breakfast then left for the bus stop. My parents already said if things got too bad to call them and they would come and get me. My dad gave me a doctor's note for the two days I missed so they wouldn't be held against me. I knew that everyone would have heard about me by now and I might get teased or picked on. It started the minute I appeared at the bus stop. The whispers and snickering, the occasional 'fag', 'fairy' and other slurs. I ignored them the best I could. I wanted to go home, but knew I needed to try to get through the day. When I got on the bus, I sat by the bus driver knowing I would be physically safe for the time being, but the slurs still came and I heard them all over. When I got off the bus I was walking and a guy came by me and bumped into me and said "Watch it, fag boy," I about started crying. I didn't want this, I didn't deserve it but it still happened. I got to homeroom and the slurs were still there. The teacher got to the name roll and told us about the pep rally in two weeks for the football game. She seemed to ignore the slurs that were being made at me as if she didn't care. My first period was gym, which was the scariest, because the other boys may try to hurt me. We got out to the bleachers and the teacher called the roll. We were doing tennis and I was good at this game, so I did better than most of the other kids. Alex tried talking to me several times but I ignored him. I wasn't ready to face him yet. The others said little to me, except to call me names and push me a little. One even said, "Don't get too close boys, he may try and grab you." They all laughed and I hung my head down. When the gym teacher saw what was going on, he called the class to order. Then he pretty much cussed them out. "OK, this ends now!" he hollered. We all froze where we were. "I have heard about what happened and I don't care. And neither should you. Just because someone is different doesn't mean you can be mean to him or her," the coach said. I felt a little better knowing that I at least had him somewhat on my side. "But coach, we don't want a queer in our school. He doesn't belong here," one of the other boys said pointing at me. The coach got up in his face and simply said, "One more remark like that from you or anyone else, one more time I see that anyone isn't showing sportsmanship, they get an F for the semester, do I make myself clear?" he hollered. We all looked at him and said, "YES, SIR!" He dismissed us but before we got too far he hollered out one last thing, "That includes the locker room, too," We all went into the locker room and got dressed. No one said anything to me, but they still kept their distance. The rest of the day went on with people saying snide remarks and making fun of me. I almost cried but did a pretty good job of keeping it in. At lunch I grabbed my tray and sat by myself at a table in the back of the cafeteria, I figured that Alex and his friends wouldn't want me there. After I ate I went to the library and stayed there. I did the same rerun all week long. Never talking with anyone, any time Alex tried to come near me I would turn and walk away. When I got home I just went to my room and cried. If Alex tried calling I had my parents tell him I wasn't there. They knew I was upset and they started worrying seeing signs of depression start. I think they thought I would try and kill myself, but they needn't have worried. I am not that dumb. Finally Friday came and as I was at my locker getting my books ready to go home. I saw Alex approach me. I hurried, trying to get my stuff together. I was starting to leave when two of the football jocks stopped me. I tried turning the other way and there were two more. After a minute, all of them were in front of me. I was getting scared, and I started to cry. I haven't cried at school yet, because I saved it for when I got home. But with them all here I was getting scared and I mean the whole football team. Alex stepped in front and I saw him in front of me for the first time all week. "Chill Brett, no one is going to hurt you, we just want to talk," he said, his face all serious. "Don't worry, I didn't look at any of y'all, ok? You won't have to worry about it, I won't bother y'all, I promise," I said choking back a sob. "Well first, don't worry, we don't care if you are gay. What bothers us the most is that you didn't tell us. When I talked with your parents and they explained why, I finally understood and accepted that you just needed some time alone. All week you have been ignoring me and our friends. That bothered us more than anything. We know you don't try and take a peek at us, ever since we've known you, you haven't tried anything so we know that you wouldn't. They understood why you didn't say anything to us and they are cool," he said. I looked at the other guys and they all nodded their heads. I was feeling relieved. Alex continued, "From now on, if anyone bothers you, find one of us if we aren't already there. We don't care that you are gay, man. You have been a real friend helping us all out with our school work and all. Hell, most of us would have been kicked off of the team if not for you tutoring us. And if anyone bothers you, we will take care of it, ok?" Alex said smiling and holding out his hand. Oh god, how I would love to hold you and tell you I love you, but I am not ready, not until I talk with the team first, Alex thought to himself. Tentatively, I took it and we shook, then he pulled me into a hug. Not the kind of hug that a boyfriend would give his girlfriend or other boyfriend, but a friendly hug. Then all of the other members did the same thing. After that they left and had to get to football practice. A few of the other kids that were in the hall just stared open mouthed at me. I felt pretty good. When I got home my mom was there and asked how everything was. I told her what happened and she said, "See, those are your true friends," I guess she was right. For the rest of the week some people still made snide remarks, but unless you were a bully, most just left me alone. Having the football team back me up meant something. The day after the football players cornered me, I was in the cafeteria getting my food and was about to go to the table to sit by myself. When I turned around after paying the cashier, Brad and Eric, two of the football jocks, were there. I looked at them and they just smiled and pointed to the table where the team sits. "You mean y'all still want me to sit with y'all?" I asked, still amazed. "Yep, Alex figured you would try and go to the other table, but as we told you, we don't care about you being gay. And if anyone has any problems with it, have them come talk to the football team," they said loud enough that the people around us could hear. Then they escorted me to their table. I sat down and everyone just smiled. "I figured you would try and sit there by yourself, so I sent them for you. Now eat and enjoy and explain how come you beat me at tennis," Alex said with a smile. The minute he said that, all hell broke loose as they started teasing the big quarterback at having me beat him at tennis. He blushed and started laughing, so I started laughing. I explained that I took tennis and bowling lessons before I moved. The minute I said bowling, the whole table stopped. I thought I'd done something wrong, when one of the guys got up and sat next to me. All he did was sit there, smile and stick his tongue out at the rest of the table, then everyone started laughing including me. "Ok, ok, so what just happened?" I asked in between giggles. They just laughed harder at me giggling and I kept it up and started to blush. "Well, you see, I love to bowl and they keep teasing me saying that I wasn't anything special. Well, I challenged them to a game of bowling and I won. Now they still tease me, but not quite as much. Now that you are here, they can just bite me because I know we can beat them anytime. Two against 12," Brain said laughing. I started laughing again and so did the table. After that everything started going fine. People started to talk with me again and I started making some real friends. My feelings for Alex kept getting stronger and stronger and I didn't know what to do. I wanted him as my friend and I wanted him as my boyfriend. I knew I couldn't get him as my boyfriend, but GOD, it was getting so hard trying to be his friend and not touch him or want to hold him or kiss him. I talked with my parents and all they said was give it time. In time things will work out. I still didn't know what to do. The following weeks things were going great. This Friday was the first football game of the season. What I didn't know was that Alex was talking with the football team about something when they all got together without me. What ever it was, they all seemed happy and smiled at me whenever we passed more than usual. That seemed strange but I figured it was because of the first game that was coming up. The team had the coach save me a spot on the fifty-yard line and I watched the game. Even though I hated football and the team knew it, I was still there as their friend to cheer them on. I was mainly there because of Alex. After the game all of the students that were there from our school were outside waiting for the team to come out. We'd won our first game and everyone was really happy. Billy and Jarad, two of the biggest bullies ever, were there as well. They came up to me and started trouble. "So, waiting on your bodyguards?" Billy asked. I soon came to realize that he was the ringleader of the two. "No, my friends," I said then turned away from them. I knew they wouldn't leave me alone and I wished that my parents were still here instead of waiting at the car. "Well, why don't we help you out," Jarad said grabbing my left arm. Billy grabbed my right and started pulling me away from everyone. A few people saw but no one said anything. Probably thought that the 'fag' was going to get his. "No, let me go," I said, pulling away from them. It turned around and started towards the door when I felt someone pull on my shirt and started choking me. I started coughing and they let me go and I fell down. When I looked up Billy and Jarad were there smiling at each other. The next thing I felt was a kick in my stomach. It hurt and I fell forward. Someone kept kicking me and someone kept punching me. Somehow I got hit in the face and I was blinded for a minute. I saw a foot coming at me again but before it could get to me it was thrown backwards. I saw the end of what looked like a football jacket coming near me. I felt two arms pick me up and hold me. "Are you ok?" Alex asked me. "Yeah," I barely whispered out. I was hurting and scared, I started to cry. I clung to Alex like he was my lifesaver. Which at the moment, he was. "Hold him," I heard Alex say. He gave me to Brad, one of the other football players. He was holding me making sure I wouldn't fall. I felt lightheaded and my stomach hurt. I looked up and saw Alex go over to where Billy and Jarad were being held by the other football players. The football players were pissed and Billy and Jarad knew it. I could see the fear in their eyes. "I thought you guys got the point that he wasn't to be messed with," Alex said getting up in their faces. "Hey, he's just a faggot, he doesn't matter," Billy said. Before Alex could say anything, Eric swung Billy to the ground and got in his face. "Brett is our friend and we don't care if he is gay or not. Hell he's a better human being than you or Jarad will ever be," He picked him up and held onto him. Alex stepped forward and with a voice so icy it made me cringe said, "You two or anyone else ever pick on Brett Mikells again, I will have your ass. Even if it isn't you, I am going to assume it is and the football team will come after you two. Do I make myself clear?" Alex said in his face. "Yeah, clear, real clear," Billy said scared. I noticed that he'd peed his pants he was so scared of Alex and the football team. "Good, just know what will happen if you mess with him or anyone else again." With that they let Billy and Jarad go. The others standing around saw Billy's wet pants and started laughing. Eric whispered something in Alex's ear and he looked at me. The look on his face broke my heart. It was the look that he'd let someone down. Someone he cared about a lot. He came over to me and took me in his arms. Brad stepped back and the football team encircled us. "You ok?" Alex asked looking at me like he was going to cry. "Yeah, a little sore and scared, but otherwise ok. Thanks, guys," I said blushing because of all the attention I'd gotten. They said don't worry, but they didn't make a move to leave. They all looked at Alex. I was wondering what was gong on when I looked into Alex's face and saw him crying. "I thought I was going to lose you to those bullies. I don't think I could have handled that," he said sniffling. He choked back a sob and continued, "I love you." With that he kissed me and it was beautiful and amazing. When he pulled back I looked into his eyes and that was all, I passed out. Chapter 4I woke up with a pounding headache and not knowing where I was. I felt someone stroking my hair and holding my hand. I slowly became aware of voices. It was my parents and Alex. I slowly opened my eyes, due to the light in the room. I looked around and saw Alex on my left and my parents on my right. Alex was holding my hand and stroking my hair. He was telling them about what happened. They looked at me with concern on their faces. I slowly realized, besides my head; my chest, ribs, and arms were hurting too. "Hey sweety how are you feeling?" My mom asked me. "Fi 3; fi 3; fine" I was able to get out, my throat was dry and hurting. My dad went and got a nurse and they brought me some ice chips. I sucked on the ice chips a bit, and my throat slowly stopped hurting and I was able to speak. "What happened? " I asked. I looked at Alex, and noticed his eyes were read and swollen like he had been crying. "What do you remember?" Alex asked me. I thought about it and it slowly came back to me. I looked at Alex with surprise and gladness on my face. My eyes were showing how much I loved him. He looked back at me the love and sadness. "I remember Billy and Jarad kicking me, and then you and the football team came up and stopped them. I remember everything you said and what you did 3; " I trailed off, not looking at him thinking it was a dream. "You mean the kiss?" he asked, with hope in his voice. I slowly nodded and looked at him. He had tears in his eyes again. I took my hand from his and brushed them out of the way. I looked into his eyes as my hand held his left cheek. "I was afraid it was a dream. I remember you coming up to me, looking sad like you let me down," I said. He started crying harder. "I 3;I 3;I did let you down," He choked out the words. I looked at him, deep into his eyes. "No you didn't you were there when I needed you the most," I slowly bent forward and brushed my lips against him. We heard the clearing of a throat, and then we remembered where we were, and who was around us, to top that off, a doctor and a nurse were standing at the door watching us. I felt heat rise-up my face, and I laid back down. "Well you seem to be feeling better after everything that has happen in the last day," the doctor said, as he and the nurse came into the room shutting the door behind them. I looked at them like they were crazy, then something dawned on me. It was daylight. I looked at them with questioning eyes. Alex saw the fear in my eyes and grabbed my hand. I was to scared to resist. What did he mean by 'day?' 'How long have I been out?' These questions and others were floating around my head. "How long have I been out of it?" I asked, scared to know the answer. "About two days Son," my dad said. I looked at him in wonderment. "How? Why?" I asked, starting to cry, thinking something was very wrong. "Well, the two boys that were hitting and kicking you did a major number on you, " the doctor said. " You have a concussion, a few broken ribs, and we had to operate to take your appendix out. They did a number on you that will leave you hurting for quite a while, I am afraid." At that point I started bawling. I was scared; I didn't want to get hurt for this. It isn't my fault that I am gay; why did this have to happen to me? Please God I just want to die. "Brett, don't worry, Billy and Jarad got arrested the same night you were sent here. The police showed up. You see after I kissed you, and you passed out I started screaming for someone to get help. Your parents showed up and asked what happen. I was crying so hard that Eric and Brian had to tell them what happened. They called an ambulance, and I held you 'til they got there. They wouldn't let me go with you, but I came with your father. Your mother road in the ambulance with you. I haven't been home yet. My parents showed up here, after Eric called them and told them what happened. I told them the truth Brett 3;" He said he started crying. "I told them 3; that I loved you 3; that I was gay and I wanted to stay with you." At that point, he broke down completely. "What happen Alex?" I asked, holding his hand tighter. "He looked up but couldn't speak. My mother took over for him. She came around the bed and started rubbing his back. "Brett, because he is gay his father pretty much kicked him out of his house. His mother didn't say anything. She just looked sad, and walked away. I don't know what will happen, but for right now he will be staying with us." As she said those words, Alex started shaking and sobbing. I sat up in bed, and not caring who was watching lifted Alex's face and made him look at me. With tears streaming down his face I brought our lips together, and kissed him. A gentle, loving reassuring, kiss. When I broke it off I looked into his eyes, he was still crying but now they were tears of joy and happiness. "We will make it work. I promise," I said, looking into his eyes. No one said anything; they let us have our minute together. He just nodded and held hand. The doctor said I should be released in the next couple of days. So, I could go back to school come Wednesday. My parents left shortly after that, saying they were going to get something to eat and bring something back for Alex. I asked them to bring me something from McDonald's. They said they would ask the doctor, and if he says it is OK, then they would, if not then sorry, but they couldn't. I said, "OK," and they left. Me and Alex just watched TV for a little bit, then something came to my mind. We were siting there holding hands. I turned off the TV, and Alex looked at me with a questioning look on his face. "Alex what about the football team? You kissed me in front of them and the school. What are you going to do about it?" I asked, scared for him. He just looked at me and smiled. "Brett, a week before the game, I asked to talk with the coach and the team. I sat them all down and I told them. I told them; I was gay, and I was in love with you. A few seemed kind of uneasy at first. I told them I haven't changed, and I am not looking into trying to get it on with any of them. I told them it is still me, and that nothing has changed, they just know a little bit more about me. Then I asked them, who would want to date there ugly ass's any ways? With that, they busted out laughing. Some told me it would take a little while to get used to it, but to give them time, and they will, but, they will always be my friends. Some said they already knew and was just wondering when I was going to say anything, or if I was at all. And, as for you, some said they already knew about you too before you came out, and they were just wondering how long until we hooked up. Some even had a side bet going to see how long," he said, then I started laughing, and so did he. I stopped shortly after, because my side started hurting. He looked at me and I told him I was fine. He finished telling me that is why all of the team was smiling at me, because they knew he was going to tell me after the football game. My parents came back and they brought us food, I love McDonald's. We ate and talked. Then they all left. Alex kissed me bye and I blushed, because of my parents being there, and they started laughing. "I love you Brett," Alex said looking into my eyes. I looked back and smiled. "I love you to Alex thank you." With that he kissed me again, and they left. The next day about 3:30 in the afternoon I was siting waiting on the doctor to come and check up on me. One more day and I am out of here. I still have to take it easy, but I can go back to school. The door opened I was expecting it to be Alex. It was, but he wasn't alone. The coach and the football team were all there. I looked shocked. Alex came over to me gave me a quick kiss, much to the amusement of his football mates. There were some catcalls and hoots. They started laughing, but really started when Alex turned around, shot them a bird, and stuck his tongue out at them. They all quieted down and the coach started talking. "Brett, we are all sorry for what happened to you. After Alex told us about himself, and how he felt for you. We each took our time getting used to it. By the time the football game came around, Alex was nervous and quite upset. We all saw this, and decided it was time. We brought out a plaque that had his name on it, and said, 'the best player of the year.' He was shocked, and started crying. He asked "Why?" And, we explained it took courage to do what he did. and come out to us all. We all told him we are fine with it. We noticed, that he didn't look at any of the other guys anymore than they all do, which is to size each other up," When he said that, they all looked surprised, like, 'how did he know?' I saw their expression, and started laughing, and so did the coach. "Aw come on guys I was a teenager once, I know what y'all do in the locker room. Well anyway. After the game, and what Alex did, and was holding you when you passed, out we all decided something. He loves you so much, to out himself in front of the school, and the world. Lose his parents, because of their prejudice. Yes, we know about that. Well, anyway, we decided that we need him in good shape. So, as of now, you are an honorary part of the football team." The coach handed me a jacket with my name on it. I saw it and started crying. I was thanking them, and they all came over and gave me a hug. They asked when I would be out of here, and I told them tomorrow, and I would be back at school on Wednesday. They said their good-byes, and left me and Alex alone. I looked at him and he looked at me. He came closer and slowly bent down and gave me a kiss. Not any kiss, but one of passion and love. I felt his tongue at the entrance to my mouth and I opened my lips. I felt his tongue pass mine as he slid his tongue into my mouth, and mine into his. We kissed for the first real time, a real kiss, full of love and all of the feelings that go into a kiss like that. We slowly parted our hands still together. There was a sniffle behind Alex. I looked, and there were my parents, my mom had tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. My father's face showed one of pride and love for his son. But, what got my attention wasn't my parents, but Alex's. I looked at Alex and he knew something was wrong. He turned around and about dropped to the floor when he saw them standing there. "Mom, dad what are y'all doing here?" he asked, both scared yet angry. The anger was winning over. "You told me you didn't want a faggot in the family that you disowned me. So what in the hell are you doing here?" he asked again. He was standing in front of me like he was protecting me from them, I couldn't see them, but I could feel the tension. I closed my eyes and waited for their response. "Son we came to say we are sorry," Mr. Daniels said. I could hear the sadness in his voice. "We are sorry Son. Please forgive us. We got scared and upset. Upset, because we didn't know and wanted grandchildren, and scared, because of what may happen to you in the world when they find out," Mrs. Daniels said. She started crying. I was expecting to say anything, but like always, my mouth over took my head. "No matter what you should always love him, and stay with him, and help him. However, you just turned tail and ran. Hurting him more then you should have," I said. Alex moved back and let his parents see who he loves, and what has happening. When they saw me they gasped and looked away. No one said anything about what I said, because they all knew it was the truth. "You are right and we are wrong. I don't admit I am wrong a lot but now I am. I want to ask you both to forgive me. Alex you are my son and I love you no matter what. I am asking you to forgive an old foolish man. And Brett, I am asking you too for forgiveness. For hurting Alex and hurting you. Maybe we didn't cause this, but maybe if we were more opened minded we could have seen what was to come," Mr. Daniels said. Me and Alex looked at each other. We nodded our heads. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels came over and gave Alex and I a hug. The doctor came in to see how I was feeling. I told him fine, just a little sore, and the cast itches. Oh, didn't I mention; that some how while Billy and Jarad were hitting me, they either hit or kicked my right arm and broke it. The problem is I am right handed. I can't write or use my hand at all. So, I can't even jack off. Now I don't know about you, but a 14 year-old that loves to play with himself and he can't; well lets say, that is torture hehe. The next morning the doctor came in around 10, looked me over, and let me go. My mom came and got me and we went home. We got something to eat and waited for Dad to come home from work to go to dinner. I learned how to eat left handed. I tried writing, but gave up. At about 4:30 Alex and a few of the football players showed up. I was in my room on my computer. There was a knock on my door, and I told who ever it was to come in. "Hey baby how are you?" Alex asked, as he came up behind me and gave me a hug. "Fine and you? How was practice?" I asked, turning in his arms, I was about to kiss him when I noticed Eric and Brian there looking at us smiling. I blushed and hid my head. They started laughing. "Hey stop laughing I am a hurt man here," I said, showing my cast, and trying to look innocent with puppy dog eyes. That just made them laugh harder and me too. After we quieted down, we told each other how our day went. "Football practice went OK. Kind of slow, and school was boring," Eric said laughing. I noticed that Eric and Brian were always together and it made me wonder, but decided not to ask. "Well today was OK, I learned how to eat left handed, but writing, forget about it, I can't do it," I said. They said don't worry, they will take my notes, and Alex said he will help me with my homework. I said OK. Eric and Brian left shortly after, and me and Alex finally kissed. There was a knock on my door and we jumped apart. We looked at each other and started laughing. My mom said Alex's mother called and wanted to know if he was staying for dinner or not. I looked at him begging with my eyes. He said he would. My mom left and I jumped in his arms knocking him down. "I love you Alex Daniels," I said. "And I love you Brett Mikells," He responded. We looked deep into each other's eyes and kissed. When Dad got home we went and got something to eat. Me and Alex on one side of the table holding hands under it, and Mom and Dad on the other. We got a few stares from some of the kids that were there, that went to our school. We ignored them not caring. After we ate, we took Alex home. I walked him up to his door. Before he went in, he kissed me long and hard. I loved it. After he walked in after he hugged and kissed me again. I went back to the car. My mom and dad were smiling at each other and at me. I just smiled back and ignored them. When we got home, I got ready for bed. With Alex helping me with my homework, I got it all done for the days I missed. I tried playing with myself in the shower, but with the plastic covering on my right arm, I couldn't do it. Hell, even without it, I can't with the cast. I tried it with my left hand, but it didn't feel as good. When I went to bed I decided to try something I read on the Internet. I pulled down my jockeys and grabbed the towel from under my bed. I placed it where my dick would be and laid down on it. I slowly started rubbing my dick back and forth. I tried it and I didn't feel anything at first, so I grabbed the lotion and put some on it. I rubbed it in with my left hand then laid back down. This time it felt good and different. Better with the lotion, it was smoother. I knew the sheets would feel better, but I didn't want to get anything on them hehe. I was moving back and forth, and I felt the cum boiling in my balls. I started moaning and groaning, and shortly I came. I felt it shoot on my stomach, and dick, and balls. I laid down exhausted for a minute. I turned over, took the towel, and wiped myself up. I threw the towel under the bed and pulled my jockeys back up. I laid down, covered up, and thought about Alex, his face, his body, and his lips. I closed my eyes and slowly feel asleep with a hard dick, and thoughts of making love with Alex floating in my head. Chapter 5I awoke about 6:30 the next morning; my ribs and head hurting. I slowly opened my eyes with the light hurting them. I gradually got out of bed wanting to cry I was hurting so bad. I got dressed and headed down stairs. When I got into the kitchen, my parents were already eating breakfast. As I came through the kitchen door, my mom looked at me with concern and worry on her face. "Are you all right dear?" she asked, helping me sit down. "I'm fine, just my head and ribs are hurting really bad right now." When I said that my dad got up and came over to me. He had me take my shirt off and he looked at me. He examined my ribs and took a pocket flashlight and looked into my eyes. "Well your ribs are still swelled up and are probably putting pressure on you. You are still suffering from the effects of the concussion. Are you sure you want to go to school today? If anyone accidentally bumps into you, you are going to probably be hurting quite a bit," my dad asked me. "I have to try. If things get too bad, then I will call mom and have her pick me up," I replied slipping my shirt back on. "OK son, if you are sure," Dad said. I nodded my head, took my medication, and began to eat. After I ate, I picked up my book bag and put it on. Just picking it up hurt me. I took the backpack off and took out everything that was not essential to me. So basically, everything was left in there. It was still heavy, but I didn't let the pain show on my face. I was about to walk out the door when my dad stopped me. He told me to wait and he would take me to school. I said OK, and waited. Dad dropped me off at school. As I got out of the car, I told him I loved him and would see him tonight. He said OK, and told me to call mom if I got to hurting to bad. I said I would as I shut the door, and turned around and started walking to the doors. The students that were outside, stopped and stared at me, and some kept whispering as I walked by. My ribs, chest, and head kept pounding. As I walked through the doors I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulder. I couldn't turn around fast enough to respond because of the pain I was in. I was thinking that someone was going to try and hurt me. The hand on my right shoulder took my backpack off and held onto it. I slowly turned around and saw Alex, Brian and Eric standing there smiling at me. When I saw them I smiled, but my eyes went straight to Alex's. Alex slowly walked up to me and took my hands in his. "Hey baby. We saw you get out of the car and the look of pain on your face when you lifted your book bag. So, we decided to help you out. How are you?" he asked with worry and concern on his face. I smiled and said, "I'm doing OK, still sore but doing better. My dad looked at my ribs and said they were still swollen and I was still suffering from the effects of the concussion." "Well we will be here for you baby," Alex said and smiled at me. I smiled back and just stared into his eyes. I felt tears brimming mine, and I looked away. "Why the tears Brett?" Alex asked me. "Because 3; Because 3; I Love you so much 3;" I trailed off letting the tears fall from my face. Alex turned me slowly toward him remembering I can't move that fast and made me look at him. "I Love you too, Brett now and always," Alex said, I saw tears in his eyes as he slowly leaned into me. His lips brushed mine in a slow chaste kiss. It felt great. There were a few kids and teachers there with a look of uncertainty on their faces, but they knew better than to argue with someone who had the football team backing him up. "Get a room you two," someone said behind me. I turned around and saw Trent, one of the football players, looking at us. I smiled at him and turned back to Alex. Alex smiled and replied to Trent, "We do have one." "Oh really, where at?" Trent asked, with a smile on his face and laughter in his eyes. "Your room," Alex said and started laughing. I started giggling which only caused Alex and the other football players standing around to laugh harder, then I started blushing. "I don't think so and I don't want to know," he said laughing. "And if you ever did do anything on my bed and got something on the covers, I would have to kill you." We all laughed and started heading for our homerooms. Alex, Eric and Brian took me to mine and made sure I was OK. One of the JV football players was in there and looked at me and nodded. So I knew everything would be OK. As the teacher started the homeroom lecture she looked at me and smirked. I just stared at her in disbelief. How could she think this was funny? I had to do something. I raised my hand and asked to go to the nurse's office because my ribs were hurting and she said no. I couldn't believe it. I just stared and started crying. Then the bell rang. The football player named Chris came up to me as I was getting up and grabbed my book bag. "You OK?" he asked. "Yeah, just real sore and I don't feel good," I said wiping the tears from my eyes. "Well let's get you to the nurse's station. OK?" Chris said. "Yeah, please." He took me there and told the nurse what had happened, including the fact that the teacher would not let me come and see her. The nurse looked at me; she knew what happened because she was told by one of the other teachers. Plus, unbeknownst to me, my mom called and told her about me this morning. The nurse said she would be right back and walked out of the office. I don't know what happened, but a few minutes later she returned. I found out later that she'd gone to call my mom. Chris got up and said he was going to be right back. The nurse gave him a hall pass. About 5 or 10 minutes later Alex came running into the nurse's station and came right next to me. "Hey what happened?" he asked crying and holding my hand. The nurse did nothing but smile and went back to reading her book. I told him what the teacher did and he got angry. I could see the fire in his eyes and knew I had to calm him down. "Babe calm down, I'm feeling a little better. OK? Please don't say anything, and don't do anything stupid, please, for me," I begged. He looked and noticed the fear I had in my eyes and said, "OK." He stayed with me a little while. Then my homeroom teacher came in. She saw us there and had a mean look on her face. "Brett what are you doing in here? You need to be in class, and Alex so do you," she said coming toward us. The nurse stopped her. "What do you think you're doing in my station ordering people around?" the nurse asked her. "Brett is in my homeroom and Alex is in my art class," she said, like that explained everything. "The nurse glared at her and said, "I don't care when you get them, right now they are in here and in my care, now get out," she said the last two words with force. Mrs. Barlem didn't budge and the nurse took her outside shutting the door. We could hear them arguing outside of the room. When Mrs. Barlem made her last statement, I already knew how she felt. "Those faggots don't deserve to be here," she said loud enough for Alex and me to hear through the door. The door opened and the nurse came back in. She sat at her desk and picked up the phone. Mrs. Barlem came in and looked at us. Alex turned and looked at Mrs. Barlem and calmly said, "I hope you didn't want your job ma'am, because I am letting my parents know what you said." She looked at him and laughed, "you, you can't do anything. It's my word against yours and they will believe me because I'm a teacher," she said. "No, they won't. I heard you say it, Brett heard you say it and the nurse heard you say it," Alex said smiling. Mrs. Barlem looked at Alex, then me, and finally the nurse. The nurse was smiling and nodding her head up and down. "What did you hear Alex?" my mom asked when she walked in. Mrs. Barlem looked at her and went pale. "Mom!" I said, surprised to see her here. "Uhmmm, nothing Mrs. Mikells. Alex is just upset," Mrs. Barlem said. "Oh really, well I would like to hear it from him," my mom said. My mom looked at Mrs. Barlem as Mrs. Barlem looked at Alex with pleading eyes. "Well, one of my football friends is in Brett's homeroom. Brett's ribs and head started to really hurt him and he asked her if he could come here and she said no. Well, Chris, the football player, brought him here after homeroom was over. Then Chris left when the nurse came back from the office and came and got me. I came here to see how Brett was doing. Mrs. Barlem came in here and told us we had to go to class. The nurse stopped her from talking to us and took her outside. Then they started arguing and we heard Mrs. Barlem say and I quote 'and those faggots don't deserve to be here' end quote. The nurse came in here and sat back down. Mrs. Barlem came in and I told Mrs. Barlem that I hoped she didn't want her job because I was going to tell my parents and I am pretty sure Brett was going to tell you and Mr. Mikells. She said that y'all won't believe us because she is a teacher and we are just students. Then I said that not only did I hear it, but Brett and the Nurse also heard it. That's when you walked in," Alex said smiling as he finished, staring at Mrs. Barlem. "She said what?" my mom yelled. Let me explain my mom. I love her to death, but if you ever, and I mean ever, hear her holler, then you know that you are in deep shit. She looked at Mrs. Barlem, and Mrs. Barlem backed up. "Let me tell you one thing, right now. I am going to sue you and the school for slander and letting my boy get hurt. By the time I am finished with you, you will never work in this city ever again," my mom said getting really pissed. "What is going on in here?" said the principal as he walked in. My mom turned toward the man. "Who are you?" she asked with her eyes ablaze. "I am the principal ma'am, and you?" he asked back. "I am Brett's mother, the boy laying on the bed. He was hurt at the football game. I'm sure you heard about it," she said calming down. "Oh yes. How is your son?" he asked looking over at Alex and me holding hands. He saw that but said nothing. His facial expression never changed, as if he has seen it all before. "He is hurting, and let me tell you what Alex, my son's boyfriend, said," my mom said By the minute, as she re-counted the story, you could see his face getting redder and redder. He turned toward Mrs. Barlem. "Mrs. Barlem you have 15 minutes to get your belongings and get out of here. As of now, you are terminated. It states in the board of education rules, no one will be discriminated against, that includes sexual orientation. I will have someone take over your classes. Goodbye," he said turning toward my mother. With tears in her eyes she left. I felt a little for her, but not much. "I feel sorry for her," I said. Alex looked at me. "Why?" he asked surprised. "Because she thought she was right, and that what she believed was right, but she wasn't and it was too late for her to change that," I said. Alex looked at me and smiled. He knew my forgiving heart and loved me for it. "Well, Mrs. Mikells, I am sorry for that. I will do whatever it takes to make this up too you," Mr. Jordan, the principal, said. "I don't know right now, all I want to do is take Brett home and let him rest. I won't call my attorney on the school, but Mrs. Barlem is going to get it," my mom said. "No mom, let it rest, it's over, I don't want to fight anymore. OK?" I said looking at her. She looked at me and smiled. Mr. Jordan excused himself and left. My mom signed the papers and waited on me to get ready. Alex helped me up and grabbed my backpack and took it out to my car for me. The nurse gave him a pass for him to go back to school. Alex went to class and my mom took me home. When we got home I took some more medication and laid down to rest. The next thing I became aware of was someone stroking my hair. I slowly looked up and saw Alex sitting there smiling down at me. "Hey sleepy head, how do you feel?" he asked bending down giving me a kiss. I smiled at him and kissed him back. "I'm feeling better. Thank you. What time is?" I asked. "4:30," someone said. I looked at Alex then slowly sat up. Sitting there were Eric, Brian, Chris, Trent, Mike and Jimmy of the football team. "Hey guys how long have y'all been here?" I asked sitting all the way up. Alex got up and sat behind me. Putting his legs on either side of me and wrapping his arms around me to hold me. I snuggled down and rested my hands on his as his rested on my stomach. "For about 40 minutes. Prince charming didn't want to wake you. He kept saying, 'awww, he looks so sweet asleep,'" Brian said. We all cracked up laughing as Alex blushed! I kissed Alex and he smiled at me. "Thanks guys. So how was school?" I asked. "It was good, the talk of the school was how your mom blasted Mrs. Barlem and she got fired for discrimination. A lot of the students were happy and some weren't. Oh well, life's a bitch." We all laughed. They gave me my assignments and we started on homework. I helped them the best I could. Even with what I missed of school, I was still doing pretty well. We finished about an hour later. My mom came to see if everyone was staying for dinner. Chris, Mike, Trent, and Jimmy said they had to go, but maybe next time. Brian and Eric said they would stay. My mom said dinner would be ready in about an hour. We said OK, and started talking. Me and Alex would kiss every few minutes. As I looked at Eric and Brian, there was something in their eyes, I could see, that was upsetting them. "Hey guys what's wrong? I can tell there's something going on," I said. They looked at me, then at each other, then the tears came. I looked at Alex and he shrugged his shoulders. "Come on guys, you can talk to us, Hell, y'all know about me and Alex," I said. They looked at each other again and nodded. "Alex, Brett we have something to tell you," Brian started. I could see Eric reaching for Brian's hands, and then it clicked. "You're gay," I said in almost a whisper. They looked at me and Alex and nodded their heads. We smiled at them and they started crying. "What's wrong guys?" Alex asked. "We don't want anyone to know, OK, but we had to tell you. We can't keep hiding it from everyone. It hurts, but since you two came out we felt we had to tell y'all," Eric said crying. We asked them how it happened, and they said they've been together since they were 12. We were shocked to find they'd been together for so long. They explained how they met at school, and how they found out about each other. They each found the other writing the other's name over and over again on paper and found it at each other's house. Eric found Brian's first, then he made sure Brian found his, and here they are now. Their parents found out and almost kicked them out. Then Eric tried to kill himself, and then their parents decided there was nothing to do to stop them. Over two years, things have been better, and the families are best friends. I slowly felt myself drifting off to sleep in Alex's arms. Chapter 6It's been about a month since Eric and Brian came out to me and Alex. The four of us have been hanging out getting along really good. It's now Thanksgiving and things are going to be interesting. The reason? Because some family is coming in and they don't know I'm gay. Plus I have a boyfriend and we kiss and hug in front of my parents. The family is not going to like this, but as my dad said, it's their problem let them handle it. They started coming in Tuesday evening and we got out of school that day as well. Alex was already over to stay the night with me and my family when the rest of the relatives showed up. "Brett you know you and Alex are going to have to share your room with your cousin, Michael, right?" Dad asked us. "Yes sir, I know, I don't like it, but I will do it," I said getting a little sullen. Alex and I were on the love seat and mom and dad were on the couch. About that time the front doorbell rang. My Aunt Doris and Uncle Mike had arrived. I hated it, but I had to be polite. My aunt has the habit of making people listen to her religious crap. I believe in God, just not all the bull my aunt puts into it. My uncle for the most part keeps his mouth shut. I think this is going to be an interesting weekend. My mom let them in and they started talking. Michael stayed quiet and didn't say much. Not even to me. He was 16 and thought he was better than everyone. Guess what? To me he's just a punk. He stands 6'1 [1.85 m], about 185 pounds [85 kg] and a lot of muscle, but he was always a total asshole to me and I hated it. He reminded me that I was adopted every time that the parents weren't around. "Hey shrimp, what you up to?" he asked coming over to me and Alex. I looked up at him and responded, "Nothing much, you?" "Nada, just the same ole stuff." I just nodded and continued my conversation with Alex. The parents stopped talking and my aunt and uncle came over to us. "Hi Brett, so who is your friend?" she asked. "Aunt Doris meet Alex, Alex please meet my Aunt Doris and my Uncle Mike," I said smiling at them. Alex said hi and then stayed quiet. After a while Alex and I went up to my room and played on my computer. Michael came up to the room a little while later and walked in without so much as a word and laid on my bed. "Guess one of you gets the floor," he said. "Nope, you get the floor. Alex and I are taking the bed. If you don't like it, go talk to my parents," I said turning back to the computer. "I don't think so," he said getting up and coming over to me. He pulled me back from the computer and grabbed my shirt collar and pulled me up. Alex saw red. "What did you say, punk?" Michael said. "Put him down," Alex hollered. Michael just looked at him like he was crazy but the look in his eyes said he would hurt him. Michael let me go and seeing me hit the floor hard and wince in pain was all it took for Alex to swing at Michael. Alex hit him right in the nose. Michael hit the ground hard and started screaming. The parents came up to see what was wrong. Michael's parents went to him and mine came to me. "What happened here?" asked my aunt. My uncle went to get an ice pack. "The little punk just hit me for no reason," Michael said. "I did not hit you for any reason except when you picked up Brett by his shirt collar," Alex said. "I doubt he would do that, young man, maybe you should leave and let our family be together," my aunt said. Alex just looked at me and my family and I shook my head. "I said leave," my aunt said getting up in Alex's face. With that I shot up off of the floor and got in my aunt's face. "If anyone should leave it's him," I said pointing to Michael. "As long as I have known him he has made my life miserable, always reminding me that I am adopted. Never liking me and always being mean to me. Alex is my boyfriend and if you don't like it get out," I hollered at the top of my lungs. By that time I was shaking and starting to cry. My aunt had a shocked look on her face. I don't know if it was from me hollering at her or from me just outing myself, oh well. My mom came up to me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back then turned to Alex. He had a smile on his face. I smiled at him and went to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck and we hugged. We loved each other enough to stand up for each other. We pulled back from our hug and looked into each others eyes and slowly kissed. My Aunt gasped. "You allow this in your home? How could you?" she asked my mom and dad. They just looked at us and smiled, "Because we love him. We have known he was gay since he was 12 and we don't have a problem with it. Those two love each other dearly and we consider Alex like another son now. If you have a problem with it then you can leave." Wow, my dad just told his own sister that I love that man. She looked at him and then to us as we were still holding onto each other. I was to Alex's front and his arms were wrapped around me. She looked mad but didn't say anything. "No, this will be fine, but Michael will not be staying in a heathen's room," she said looking at my dad. He looked at her with anger on his face. "Don't ever call my son a heathen. If you do, then you and your family can just leave. I will not tolerate bigotry in my house," my dad yelled at her. She looked surprised but nodded. "Fine, I apologize, just don't let me see that again," she said indicating our kissing. We looked at her, then my dad. "They do that all the time. We will try and have them not do it in front of you but because they are used to doing that when they are on the couch or cuddling together then get used to it," he said. She nodded then she and my uncle and my cousin all went downstairs. "Sorry, dad," I said feeling guilty about something. "There is nothing to be sorry for. But what happened?" he asked. I told him and he was mad. They gave Alex and me a kiss then headed downstairs. As we were undressing Alex said, "Thank You." He came over to me, wrapped me in his arms and kissed me. I smiled back at him. "No apology necessary," I said he smiled at me "But still thank you for standing up for me against your aunt," he said hugging me. "No apology necessary," I said again smiling at him. We got under the covers cuddled up and went to sleep. The next morning after our shower and breakfast, which was very quiet, we went to the park. We met up with a few of our friends and Alex played some football with them. Since I don't like the game, I just watched them and laughed at some of their fun. Afterwards we all went back to my house. While we were outside my aunt and her husband came out of the house. I don't know if it was the amount of kids there or the fact that I was between Alex's legs and his arms wrapped around me in front of them but they looked shocked and went back inside. Turns out later they went and told my dad and he simply told her that Alex was the quarterback of the JV football team and that they all supported us and made me an honorary member of the team. She was shocked but kept her mouth closed. Alex left that evening to go back home and we were on the front porch kissing when my cousin came out. "EEEEWWWW gross, go somewhere else," he said. I simply looked at him and said, "Hmmmm no if you don't like it, like my dad said, you can leave." I smiled then turned back to finish my kiss. Alex finally left and got in the car with his parents and they waved and drove off. "You mean his parents are ok with it?" Michael asked. I simply nodded and went back inside. I sat on the love seat and watched TV. About 11 o'clock I went to bed. The weekend was ok with a few exceptions because of my aunt. When they left I said 'Bye' and Alex grabbed my hand and we ran inside laughing our ass's off. For the next month school went ok and me, Alex, Brian and Eric went on quite a few double dates. Nothing was said at school because people knew better than to mess with the football team. Slowly Christmas break came around and I was busy trying to think of what to get Alex. I already had a few things but that was for a private present. I talked with my parents and told them a few ideas. At first they weren't sure, but then I told them how much I loved him. What I didn't know was that Alex's parents and mine already thought we would buy what they thought we would and got together and decided if that was what we wanted to get for each other then we could. Christmas day came and we spent the morning together by ourselves and with my dad's parents. Turns out that Aunt Doris had called my grandparents and they pretty much told her that they knew about me. And that if she didn't like it to not come here, that they still loved me and that was that. That evening in front of the Christmas tree and in front of my parents, grandparents and Alex's parents, we exchanged presents. "Here, open mine first," Alex said smiling at me. "No, open mine first," I said smiling at him. "Open them at the same time," came the reply from our parents. They looked at each other and started laughing. We exchanged gifts and started opening them. When I took off the wrapper I noticed it was a ring box. It was from the same jewelers that I got Alex's from. I looked at my parents and at his and they smiled. I opened it and smiled. I took it out and looked at it. I saw an inscription and read it. A.D + B.I.M 4 Ever I looked at it then looked up at Alex. I saw him looking at me with the same smile I had for him. The ring I got for him said: B.I.M +A.D 4 Ever We looked at each other and as if we had a telepathic connection, took the rings and instead of us putting them on ourselves, I put the one I got for him on his right ring finger and he took the one for me and put it on my right ring finger. "I promise one day we will have them on our left hands and be together forever when the time comes," Alex said with tears in his eyes. "Forever," I said smiling with tears in my eyes as well. We kissed each other gently and lovingly. We held each other all night on the floor while we watched TV. Our parents just smiled. Around 11:00 we headed for bed. We said our goodnights and went upstairs. When we got to my room and shut the door Alex took me into his arms and gave me a passionate kiss. I looked into his eyes and smiled. "I have another present for you," I said as he looked at me with wonder in his eyes. "What?" he asked. I took him to the bed and had him sit down. "I love you Alex Daniels, now and forever." With that I went to my radio put in a CD and had it turned on for about 5 or 6 love songs. I went to him and we started kissing. Slowly our kissing got more erotic and he was kissing down my front. He took my shirt off and started kissing to my belt buckle. He slowly undid that and pulled down the zipper. I was hard and he saw it. He looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back and said, "See something you like?" I laughed lightly and he smiled at me. He took the head of my cock into his mouth and slowly sucked on it. I moaned out my pleasure and he sucked harder. I stopped him and turned him over. I did the same thing with him. Started with his shirt and worked my way to his belt buckle but I didn't stop there. I took off his pants and his underwear and looked at him in all his glory. I got up and slowly erotically took off mine as well. I crawled back on top of him and started kissing him. Our cocks battling it out between us. We moaned in gratification and wanted more. I moved to the side of him and grabbed the KY I bought. I put some on my hands and lathered his cock in it. He moaned from my ministrations and started kissing me again. I got some more and put some on and in my asshole and crawled on top of him. "I want to give you my virginity. I love you Alex and I want to be with you forever. This I give you as a sign of my love," I said to him. "You don't have to. I know you love me," he replied. "I know, but this is something I can give to you and no one else. I have waited for the right time. We both have and with these rings we have given each other now is the time," I said. With that I bent down and kissed him. I took my right hand and grabbed his cock behind me and aimed it at the passage way to my asshole. I felt it at the opening and moaned. "If this hurts you then stop, OK? I love you too much to hurt you," Alex said to me with concern in his eyes. "It will hurt a little, I know that, but I promise if it hurts too much I will stop," I reassured him. With that I kissed him and slowly relaxed my opening and I felt the head go in. I grimaced at first and stopped. He looked at me and I told him I was fine. Slowly the pain went away and his cock slid into me. Slowly and gently it went in. Once I felt his bush of hair tickling my ass cheeks, I looked down and smiled at him. He smiled back. "Turn us over slowly," I told him. He did as I requested and found himself on top of me. "Now start going in and out, but slowly," I said as he looked into my eyes and nodded. He bent down and kissed me and slowly started moving out. When just the head of his cock was in me he started pushing back in. It hurt just a little bit then stopped. With each motion he keep hitting my prostate and sending electric currents throughout my body. "Oh Alex I love you," I said loudly. I cover his mouth with my lips before he could respond. When we broke our kiss he finally said the same thing. "Oh God Brett, I love you so much. I can't hold it much longer," he said while starting to move a little faster but still going slow enough to make it enjoyable for me. "Cum in me, my love, and let me feel your love for me fill me up," I said panting. My own orgasm started and we started kissing. At the same time I let loose with a loud moan and so did Alex. I felt him cum in me as my cum erupted between us. He lowered himself down on top of me with my legs still wrapped around his waist and we laid there for a minute. We were catching our breath and kissing little kisses. Alex's cock got soft in me and slipped out with a slight pop. He slid next to me and cuddled me into his arms. "I love you Brett, I will always love you. That was so special," Alex said with tears of happiness in his eyes. I cuddled more into him and replied, "I Love you too, Alex, now and forever and that was special for me as well." I turned my head and we kissed one final time before slumber took us to dream land. Chapter 7It is now February. We celebrated Valentines Day and had a special romantic dinner together that evening. We spent the remainder of the evening in bed making love to each other. We have made love to each other on numerous occasions. We soon found out that I enjoyed having him in me and he enjoyed being in me more than me in him. We still switched every now and then but we mainly keep it with him in me. Our parents have been spending a lot of time together and have gotten to become best of friends. School has been good and the new homeroom teacher made a speech the first day letting us all know that he will not tolerate any type of bigotry in the classroom and if anyone had a problem with it then they can take it to the office and notify them. As he said that I smiled to myself and had a good time in class for the first time. No matter where I went there was always a football player close by. Even though the majority of the school now accepted Alex and me together, there were still a few that didn't. Like Jimmy Hoggs. He made sure that whenever a football player wasn't near that he made some kind of a comment. But what I didn't know was that some of the football player's girlfriends or friends were around and they told them what happened. Well needless to say, one day Jimmy found himself tied to the flag poll with a letter tied around him saying he was a gay basher. Everyone laughed. The school called his family and at first they were pissed that no one was caught but when they showed him the letter and questioned him they changed their mind. They said they didn't bring up a gay basher and he would be punished. He would help out in the local gay youth club and keep things quiet there. He didn't like it at all. Our relationship became deeper. There were times when the only time we were apart was when we had classes. Our parents saw this and decided to come up with a plan. We had no idea what was in store for us. One day at school we saw a boy sitting by himself being quiet who seemed very upset. I told Alex and the others what I saw and they agreed to see what we could do. I walked over to him and said "Hi" with a smile. "Oh hi, am I at your table?" he asked looking scared. "Na, I sit over there," I replied pointing the table where the other football players were sitting watching me. "OH, you're on the football team. I hope I didn't do anything," the boy said almost in tears. I felt bad for him. I sat down and looked at him. "No, you didn't, we saw you sitting here and you looked sad so I thought that I would come over and see if anything was the matter," I said looking at him. He looked like he was about to cry. "No nothing is the matter," he said with a single tear running down his right eye. "If nothing was the matter then you wouldn't be crying. What's wrong?" I asked him. I touched his right arm and he flinched. I looked at him questioningly and I pulled up his shirtsleeve. What I saw amazed me. There were black and blue marks all up his arm. He looked at me and tried to pull away but I held on tight. I grabbed him and put him in my lap and he started to squirm. After a few minutes he stopped. "What happened?" I asked in a quiet voice. "Nothing. Please don't hurt me," he said shaking and crying. "I am not going to hurt you; I promise you that. I am going to take you to the bathroom and I want you to show me what else you have, ok? I swear to God I am not going to hurt you." He looked at me and nodded. I looked at the table full of football players and swung my head. They understood what I meant. I got up with the boy and we started walking out. "What's your name?" I asked. "Billy Ward." "Cool name, I'm Brett Mikells," I replied. We walked into the bathroom and I had him clean his face. While the water was running and he was washing his face the football team walked in. When he was done he looked up and saw them. He got scared and tried looking for a way out. "You said you weren't going to hurt me," he said crying. I walked over to him and slowly put my hand on his shoulder. "We are not going to hurt you, I told you that. This guy here is my boyfriend Alex. Behind him is the rest of the football team, well most of them. That's Brian, Eric, Todd, Michael, Trent, Chris, Robert and there are a few more but they're on the next lunch," I said. When I said Alex was my boyfriend Billy got this wide-eyed look on his face. When I finished the rest of the names he looked at me. "He is your boyfriend. So the stories I've heard about you two are true then?" he asked. I smiled and nodded my head. "So let me see the rest of your chest and back, ok?" I said in my softest tone. He looked around and got nods from the rest of the guys. He slowly pulled off his shirt and I about died right there. His chest, arms and back were nothing but a sea of welts and bruises. "What happened?" I asked tears running down my cheeks. Alex put his arms around me and held me tight. "Nothing," he replied looking at me and not understanding how a stranger to him would be upset that he looked this way. "Please tell me," I pleaded looking at him. He looked at me then opened his mouth. At first nothing came out then he spilled it all. "My step father. He caught me and a friend of mine kissing and doing other stuff. He came in my room one night and started hitting me. My friend wasn't allowed over anymore and I barely see him. When I do, he sees my arms and starts crying, that's why I wear long sleeves from now on," he said breaking down in tears. I walked over to him and hugged him gently. "What about your mother?" I asked. "She doesn't know. He told me if I told her he would hurt her, too, and that she didn't need a faggot in the house." With that he started breaking down and crying even harder. I had him put his shirt back on and I took him to the nurse's station. "Hey, I need you to call my mom and my dad," I said to her. "Why, Brett?" she asked. "Please do it before I go and kill someone," I said still in shock. She looked at me then went to the phone and dialed the house number. She told my mom what I had said then hung up. My mom was going to call my father. About a half an hour later they showed up. When they came in they saw me sitting there with my arms around a little boy and Alex's arms around me. "What's wrong Brett?" my father asked me when he saw I was crying. He came near me and when I looked up I leapt into his arms and started crying harder. He got me calmed down and I told him what Billy told me. He had Billy take off his shirt and he examined him. He said there were some series bruises and maybe a few cracked ribs and other bones. He needed to take him to the hospital. I asked to come along, as did Alex. The nurse called Alex's mother and got permission and explained what was going on. We got to the hospital and started taking x-rays and other tests to see how far the damage extended. Good thing he did. Billy was in such a mess. They said his spleen was about to rupture and his appendix looked like it may burst. He had three cracked ribs and a cracked vertebra. When Mrs. Graham and Mr. Graham, Billy's mother and stepfather, came in, I saw red. I walked right up to Mr. Graham and knocked the hell out of him. When he fell down, I fell on top of him and started punching him. He didn't see it coming and was too shocked to do anything about it. Alex and my dad had to grab me and pull me off. Mrs. Graham was hollering and trying to figure out what was wrong. With Alex and my dad holding me back I started screaming at him and telling her what was going on. "What's going on? That bastard has been beating on Billy and has really hurt him. He caught him and another boy kissing and messing around and started beating on him. That's why he's wearing long sleeves. He told Billy that you didn't need or want a faggot in the house and that if he ever told anyone that he was going to hurt him and you," I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was still wiggling trying to get at Mr. Graham when I felt a shot in my arm. I looked at my dad and he was holding a needle. He said something but I couldn't understand what it was. All I saw was darkness. I awoke a few hours later in a room with Alex and my parents there. "What happened?" I asked. Then all of a sudden Billy came back to me. "Where is Billy? What happened with him? How is he doing?" I asked all at once. Alex came up to me and put his arms around me, quieting me down. "Remind me never to piss you off. You know you really hurt Mr. Graham," Alex said to me. He kissed my check and I relaxed a little. My parents came near me and sat on the bed. "Well, after I gave you that shot you passed out and Alex and I put you in a chair. Mrs. Graham just looked at Mr. Graham and asked him if it was true. He said, yeah that he didn't want a faggot around, and that when Billy got out he was going to do it again to straighten him out. Well, Mrs. Graham did not like that. There was a policeman there and she had him arrested for assault and battery to a minor and child abuse. He couldn't believe it. She told him that Billy was her son and she didn't care if he was gay or not that she loved him for him. Well, Mr. Graham was taken out of the hospital. We talked and I explained who you and Alex were and then Alex explained what happened at the school. She called her lawyer and is filing for divorce. Billy had to have his spleen and appendix removed but he is doing much better. When Alex told him what you did he cried and said to tell you, 'thank you.' He doesn't understand why another boy would do that. So I explained to him about your real parents and how protective you were of other kids. He smiled and is happy. Well, a few hours later another boy appeared named Jamie. He was the boy that Billy was with. When he saw Billy lying there he started crying. Mrs. Graham took him in her arms and got him calmed down. He explained how it was his fault. Even though it really wasn't, he felt it was. She told him that it was ok. Well, it turns out they talked for a long time. He told her that he loved Billy and that Billy told him he loved him, too. "What they didn't know was that Billy was awake. They heard him sniffle and they went to him. Billy said he was sorry and his mom said there was nothing to be sorry for if anything she was the one at fault for not seeing the signs. She told him that his stepfather has been arrested and will not ever be coming back. From what she told me after that she said that Billy looked at Jamie and Jamie started crying. Telling Billy that he was sorry for not coming by and helping him. She said that Billy shut him up the only way he knew how, by kissing him. She said at first she was stunned to see him do it and yet a little relieved that he was happy. She told me that Billy and Jamie exchanged I love you's and are together with her and Jamie's parents blessing." While dad was telling me this, Alex put his arms around me and held on tightly. I was happy for him and glad that he was happy. We heard someone clear their throat and we turned and looked in the door. Standing there were Mrs. Graham, a boy I am assuming was Jamie, and in-between them was Billy in a wheel chair. "Hey," I said sitting up. Since I was only in the hospital because of the sleeping shot I got, I got out of bed and went over to Billy. I squatted down in front of him and gave him a soft hug. He hugged me back and started crying. "Thank you," he said smiling at me. "No, thank you. You were the strong one for believing in me and letting me help you," I said. He just smiled and then I turned to Mrs. Graham. "Thank you. You helped him," she said hugging me to her. I hugged her back. I turned to Jamie. "You must be Jamie. I'm assuming you're his boyfriend?" I asked with a smile. He blushed and nodded his head shyly. I walked over to him and gave him a hug. "Take care of him, ok," I said. His smiled "I will, I love him," when he said that he blushed again but took Billy's hand. Billy looked up at him and smiled and kissed his hand. A few days later he was released from the hospital. He and Jamie walked into the cafeteria back at school. We saw them and I walked over to them. "Hey guys, do you two want to join us?" I asked looking and smiling at them. They looked at me, then the table of football players and were very surprised to see the team nodding their heads. "Are you sure?" Billy asked. I just nodded. They smiled got their food and started to head to our table when a bigger boy stopped them and said loudly, "Hey, the faggot's table is over there," and pointed to the back of the cafeteria. I saw Billy with tears in his eyes. I started to tear up and the next thing I knew Alex was over by Billy and Jamie. "Hey ass hole, did you say something to my friends?" Alex asked with a mean look on his face. The boy that said that looked scared and shook his head. "Good, if anyone says anything about these two, come and talk to me and my team," Alex said looking around. No one said anything and Alex took Billy and Jamie over to our table. When they got there they saw me with tears on my face but a smile as well. "What's wrong, Brett?" asked Jamie. "I was just hoping you two wouldn't have to go through that, that's all. But I'm glad that Alex was there to help," I replied looking lovingly at Alex. Alex smiled back and took my hand in his. He kissed it and continued to smile at me. After that we all ate lunch. Billy and Jamie were now a part of the table. Chapter 8I was in the car and we were driving. It was rainy and traffic was heavy. We were going through the light when I saw the truck coming. At first I thought it was just the rain, but it wasn't. I heard the metal crunch and the windows break. The funny thing was that it wasn't my father driving the car. It wasn't his head getting smashed and broken it was 3; "No, not again!" I screamed out. I sat bolt upright in the bed and started shaking and crying. Alex sat up when I screamed and wrapped his arms around me. "SHHH, it's alright. It was only a dream. Nothing's going to hurt you," he kept saying. My door opened and my parents rushed in. My mom came to my side of the bed and my dad sat next to Alex. I was still crying and shaking, not knowing what to say or do. How could I have dreamed that? I was in the back seat. NO, NO it isn't real. I just started crying harder and shaking. I couldn't breath and I started choking trying to draw breath into my body. The last thing I saw was Alex crying and screaming 'NO' before all went black. I came to a little while later. Alex was holding onto my dad crying and my mom was next to me with a bag over my mouth. I slowly started breathing. Alex turned around at my mom's request and looked at me. I could see tears in his eyes and a worried expression on his face. "Brett honey, are you ok?" my mom asked me. I just nodded my head. I didn't want to take my eyes off of Alex, afraid that he would leave me for being a baby and passing out. But he didn't leave when I blacked out, so I doubt he would leave now, but I wasn't sure. "Brett I'm not going anywhere, don't worry," Alex said as if reading my mind. I smiled weakly and took his hand in mine. "So, do you want to talk about it?" my dad asked. I shook my head and my eyes started to tear up once again. Alex let go of my dad and pulled me to him. Can he understand what happened? What will happen when he finds out the truth? Will he leave me, never wanting to be around me? Too scared that this might happen again? I didn't know the answers so I was crying for them and my parents. I was also crying because of whom I saw in the driver's seat that scared me too much. It was my father there, but in my dream, it was me. "Brett I love you, please talk to us. What was your dream about?" Alex pleaded. I shook my head again and started crying as I turned and buried my head in Alex's shoulder. I just cried until I fell asleep with Alex's arms around me. I didn't dream any more that night but when I awoke the next morning I saw Alex was awake. From the way his eyes looked all blood shot, I would say he'd been crying and had been up all night. "Alex, are you ok?" I asked scared. He just looked at me and nodded then looked down again. "Please don't be angry with me Alex, please. I'm sorry for last night, I couldn't help it. Don't leave me, please," I begged, starting to cry. Alex looked at me then took me in his arms. "SHHH, I am not going to leave you. I'm just scared I don't know what happened and I don't know how to help," he said starting to cry himself. We held each other until we stopped crying. "I am so sorry about last night, Alex. please forgive me," I said. I looked him in the eyes. He looked back and smiled. "There is nothing to forgive. You were upset. I still want to know what the dream was that scared you so much. Please let me in and tell me your fears my love," Alex replied looking at me. I looked at him and I couldn't help it. I let it all spill out. My parents' death and how it has affected me, the fact of my being in the hospital, all of it, including the dream last night with me behind the wheel of the car. He cried and I cried but he stayed beside me through it all. A few hours later after we talked, we got dressed and headed downstairs. I found a note from my parents that said they went grocery shopping and would be back in a little bit. Alex and I made some sandwiches and drinks and sat in front of the TV. By the time my parents returned we'd had two sandwiches and about two drinks each. We helped them carry in the groceries and put them away. After that we all sat down and with Alex holding my hand I told them about the dream. They were supportive as always and understood. Since it was now Sunday, Alex would have to go home in a little while and I would be alone until tomorrow. Around 8:00 that evening, after dinner, Alex went home. Of course I was upset, but what a kiss he gave me, hehe. I awoke the next morning, got ready for school, had breakfast, grabbed my backpack and headed to the bus stop. When I got there I saw the last two people I thought I would ever see again, Billy and Jarad. They saw me coming and got this evil look on their faces. I was scared. I stopped about 20 feet from them and turned away. I wasn't going to look. The bus pulled up shortly afterwards and we all got on, Billy and Jarad last. I sat near the bus driver as always and didn't look back to see where Billy and Jarad were. But I soon knew they were behind me because I heard their voices and felt them kicking the back of my seat. I was really scared now. We soon pulled up at the school and I got off the bus first. I just made it into the front door of the school when someone grabbed me. At first I thought it was Billy or Jarad but soon I felt a pair of familiar arms around me. Alex. I turned and he saw the scared look on my face. He was about to ask what was wrong when I looked past him and saw Billy and Jarad come into the school building. Alex saw me look past him and saw them as well. I made sure I was behind him and just stared at them. The next thing I knew the rest of the football team was there around us. Everyone in the lobby of the school stopped and stared not knowing what was going to happen. Billy and Jarad looked just a little scared but didn't move. The Principal came out of the office to see what had caused the students to stop moving when he saw Billy and Jarad being stared down at by the football team. He moved up to us and just stared a few seconds before he spoke. "I will tell you all this. If any harm comes to either Billy or Jarad then the whole team will be suspended," the Principal said looking at Alex. "That's cool, we aren't going to mess with them, but, if either of them hurt Brett then I will gladly get suspended for beating the hell out of them," Alex replied with venom in his voice. After the last weekend he was bound to protect Brett more then anything else in the world. "Is that a threat, Mr. Daniels? Because if it is, 'we don't do threats here' and you can be suspended for them," the Principal said facing Alex. Alex looked at him, then past him to Billy and Jarad who were now shaking, scared stiff. "No sir, no threat, that is a promise," with that Alex took Brett's hand and he and the rest of the football team headed to their homerooms. After homeroom I went to gym, my first period. After the day that I was outed and after the football incident, the other boys didn't bother me. Actually they became my friends. Alex and me stayed next to each other. In the gym we didn't hold hands or act like anything more than just friends. I think that impressed the guys. We didn't look at anyone's crotch. Just each other's, hehe! They even teased us about it and we laughed with them. We knew they were joking and that was ok with us. We all were. Even the coach would say a few things that would make us blush and the rest of them laugh. Like one day he busted out with A really funny comment that made Alex and me blush and giggle. He said, "OH come on guys, you can run faster, just imagine that Alex and Brett were chasing after y'all." With that the whole class busted out laughing. We blushed and just started walking. We were doing well in school and were happy. But now that Billy and Jarad were back, I was scared. When lunchtime came around I walked into the cafeteria and got in the lunch line. I was looking at the guys at the able and they smiled and waved at me. What I didn't know was that Billy and Jarad had gotten in line behind me. "Hey Billy, you know what gay means, don't you?" he asked with amusement in his voice. "Naw man what does it mean?" "Got Aids Yet?" and with that they started laughing. I cringed and tears started coming to my eyes. I got my food and started walking towards the table when I heard another comment from Billy and Jarad. "Hey Jarad, I guess fags really know how to watch their weight, they eat but all that sex with guys must help them lose weight." They both laughed and I felt I was getting sick. I looked up and saw Alex staring at me with a strange look like 'what's going on?' upon his face. I turned, dumped my food and ran out of the cafeteria. Alex ran out after me. I just kept running till I got to the football field. I collapsed trying to catch my breath. Tears were streaming down my face. The people out on the field were all looking at me including the football coach. Alex came to a stop next to me trying to catch his breath. "Wh 3; Wha 3; What was 3; that 3; all 3; about?" he asked sitting next to me. He turned me to look at him and saw the tears in my eyes. The minute I looked at him I broke down and started crying harder. Alex pulled me to him and I cried even more. The coach walked up to us. "Hey Alex, what's going on?" he asked squatting down next to us. "I don't know. Brett was in the lunch line getting his food and Billy and Jarad came up behind him. I saw they were talking and even glancing at Brett. After Brett got through the line he stopped, looked at me, dumped his food and ran out here," Alex said stroking my hair to help calm me down. Alex and the coach looked down at me as I started to calm down. "Hey Brett, you ok now?" asked the coach. I nodded my head and looked up at Alex. He looked at me and smiled letting me know it was ok to cry and he would stay with me. "Brett, what did Billy and Jarad say?" asked Alex. I looked at him and decided to tell them. After I told them, what I saw in Alex's eyes almost scared me. He looked pissed. If there was a word for worse I could use I would, but I don't know of one yet. He started to get up and I stopped him. "Please Alex, no. Let it go for now, ok?" I said looking into his eyes. He just looked at me then nodded his head. He held onto me as the coach talked to us. "Ok guys that is it. I am going to give those two something to really make them think," he said getting pissed as well. He got up and started walking towards the building. He turned around and motioned for us to follow him. He took us to see the Principal. When we got to the office coach went in first. By the time he got us the bell rang and lunch was over and classes resumed. We went in and the Principal asked us what had happened. Alex went first then me. When I was finished the Principal was pissed. He called Billy and Jarad's parents and asked them to come over. They arrived a short time later and saw Alex and me sitting there. "Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Adams, please take a seat. We need to have a serious discussion about your sons and their future here at this school," the Principal said. With that, the discussion got underway. We told them what happened. I even explained about what happened on the bus. They said they were sorry; they didn't bring them up like that. I think the fathers were more hurt than anything because they probably felt it was their fault. I assured them it wasn't their fault; it was that they were never taught about people like us or how to just accept us. I had an idea for a punishment. After I told them the idea, the parents and principal all agreed to it. They called Billy and Jarad into the office. When they walked in and saw their parents sitting there talking to us, they swallowed hard and just stood there not knowing what to say. "Mr. Smith and Mr. Adams we have just had an interesting talk. Earlier I stopped the football team from beating the crap out of you and then you go on and insult gays and hurt a fellow student with words," said the Principal. "We 3;," he was cut off by his mother. "Don't lie, I can see it in your eyes. You know what you did, now admit it," she said getting up in his face. He glanced at his father who just nodded then turned his head away. "Yes sir, we did. But we were only playing, we didn't think the sissy would take it so seriously," said Billy. With that there was a loud smack, Billy's mother had slapped him. "Apologize, right now," she hollered at him. "I'm 3; I'm 3; Sorry Brett," Billy sobbed. I felt a little sorry for him, but not much. Jarad was shaking, scared to open his mouth, he just nodded. His parents turned their heads away from him. With that as a sign of rejection, Jarad started to cry silently. I really felt sorry for him, but didn't say anything at all in his defense. "Well, now that that is out of the way, we have decided on a proper punishment for you," the Principal said. Hearing those words made Billy and Jarad look up scared. "I was going to expel you, but Brett made a better suggestion. Instead of expelling you, we are going to use you. Alex and Brett would like to organize a club for gay, bi and straight students. An awareness group, if you will. Well, the suggestion is this: As of now you two are both members and will help with spreading the word that at 3:00 this Friday the first Club meeting will be held in room 234. Your duties will include letting others know by passing out flyers, helping to organize dances, parties and such. Any questions? Good, because if you don't do this, you will be expelled." With that all of the adults nodded their heads. We were given passes back to our classes. That afternoon Alex and me got on my computer and started printing the flyers up. It was simple and well put: The First Gay, Bi, and Straight Awareness Club Meeting That was all that it said. When my parents came home we told them about what happened. At first they were upset that it happened, but glad that Billy and Jarad got what was coming to them. Alex and I did our homework then Alex went home. I walked him outside and once on the porch he put his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck. We looked deep into each other's eyes and slowly drew our heads together. The kiss was perfect, slow and sweet. We parted and just stared, then kissed again. Then with a laugh and a honking horn we broke apart and saw Alex's mom there laughing at us. He went to her car, got in and waved as they left. The next morning I saw Billy and Jarad at the bus stop. They didn't say anything to me and just looked kinda scared. I hated the feeling I was getting because I didn't want them to feel bad, just to know that they hurt people with their words. When we got on the bus they sat behind me. What was surprising was when Billy spoke to me. "Ummm, Brett do you have the flyers ready," he asked in a low voice. I turned, looked at him and nodded. I handed them the flyers and kept some for myself. They looked at them, and then put them in their book bags. When we got to school I got off first and headed inside. I saw Alex and went over to him. We kissed and started talking. He told me to look outside and what I saw amazed me, there were Billy and Jarad passing out our flyers. I saw them and smiled and told Alex I would be back. I walked outside, took out the flyers I had and the three of us started passing them out. When they bell rang I said bye to them and headed inside. Alex caught me in his arms, stared at me and kissed me. "I am really proud of you," he said. I smiled and replied, "And I'm proud of you for not hurting them," We gave each other a quick kiss then headed for our homerooms. For the rest of the week Billy, Jarad and I passed out flyers and got things ready for the first meeting. They were really helpful and I always said 'thank you' and they said 'no problem'. Friday came around and we were all excited. By lunch I was so nervous I could hardly eat until someone made a comment that made me laugh and blush. "Hey, for the first time ever Brett isn't hungry. I bet if Alex stripped and laid on the table he would eat him," Taylor said. With that the whole table busted up laughing. I looked at Alex and he was blushing but laughing. I know I was fire engine red. Someone pointed this out and they laughed harder. Then I started laughing. I ate my food after that. I looked at Alex and he winked at me. I think if he could get away with it he would have done what Taylor had suggested. At 3:00 o'clock I walked into room 234 and was very surprised – there had to be close to a hundred kids there and a few teachers, too. Alex and me walked up to Mrs. Mandle our guidance counselor for this club and talked to her for a few minutes. She got the meeting in order and welcomed everyone to the GBSA Club. She introduced me and Alex and we got a standing ovation. I stood up saying, "I'd like to welcome everyone and I would like to start off with a poem that I hope will make you all more aware of what hurtful words can do to a person," Alex was surprised; he didn't know I was going to do this. Hey, even he needs a little surprise every now and then. I started the poem: Words were thrown at me After I finished I looked at Alex, he had tears in his eyes and he smiled at me with all of the love in the world. I then looked at Billy and Jarad who were also crying silently. Now they know they pain they have caused me. Now they can begin to understand what I have gone through and hopefully learn to accept others as we accept others. I got the surprise of my life. Billy and Jarad got up and came up to me. They both wrapped their arms around me and cried harder. I wrapped mine around them and cried with them. They said there were sorry and would never do that again. Alex came up to them and hugged them as well. After that we got started with the meeting. We discussed what harassment was and the cause of it. We talked about homophobia and what can cause that. We also discussed ways of helping others accept themselves. We even scheduled a dance for the group for next month. Things were looking up. Billy and Jarad admitted they were wrong and apologized. Maybe now they can be come real friends. Chapter 9It has been about three weeks since the beginning of the first GBSA meeting. We have had anywhere from 50 to 100 students and teachers at a time. At first a few of the parents were not happy that they were allowing this type of a club so a few of them came to it. What they saw surprised them. They thought this was a recruiting of the gay lifestyle type of club, they soon learned it wasn't. They saw how we interacted and helped other students become aware of what gay means. Even the parents asked a few questions, at first kinda tentatively but soon things got underway. They were impressed that Alex, the quarterback of the football team, was gay and was dating another student, but what surprised them the most was how Alex and myself interacted with each other. We held hands and hugged. They saw how even if we didn't talk directly, we were still talking. We answered all of the questions asked of us by the parents. When they left the meeting they felt better knowing what type of meeting this was and how we helped other students. The parents all felt better and they said that they would be back at the next meeting. During the meeting we discussed the dance. It was scheduled for next Saturday night at 7 PM. We got a committee together to help decorate the cafeteria and to help organize things. Two girls, Barbara and Jessica two lesbian girlfriends, were going to help decorate. Along with them were Billy and Jarad and a few other students. Alex and myself were going to help, but everyone said no, we'd done enough, now let them help take care of things. I looked at Alex and he smiled back at me and nodded his head so we agreed to take a back seat on this part. Since it was Friday Alex came over to my house to stay the night. I know what you are thinking, what about me staying at Alex's house one night? Well the way the parents have it arranged is that Alex stays with me until his sister is old enough to understand what's going on. I was happy with that arrangement. She was only 8 so we didn't want to confuse the girl. What Alex and I didn't know was that my parents and his parents had set up a surprise for us. We had no idea what was going on. The parents seemed kind of secretive about what ever it was. What was more messed up is that the guest bedroom right next to my room was locked. It was never locked, but recently it has been. I know my parents put some of there stuff in there but they have never locked it before. Oh well, life is always a little weird. That evening while Alex and I were sitting on the love seat watching TV and my parents were on the couch, there was a knock on the door. I was going to get up but my mom said she would get it. Hey, I wasn't about to complain, I was comfortable sitting between Alex's legs with his arms wrapped around me. Mom came back in and behind her was Billy Smith. After he and Jarad started having to help with the club we've talked a few times but never came over to each other's house. We were just friends – well a little bit of friendship was there. I still didn't trust him or Jarad after what they did to me. Could you blame me? Anyway Billy came in and asked if he could talk to me and Alex in private. I looked at Billy and noticed that he had been crying and something told me to talk with him. I looked at Alex and I nodded my head then Alex nodded his. We got up off of the love seat and went upstairs to my room. We all walked in and Alex and I got on my bed, me in front of Alex with his arms wrapped around me. Billy sat at my computer chair and looked at the ground. I was worried. "What's the matter Billy?" I asked. "I 3;I 3;," he tried saying something then tears came to his eyes and he choked up. I got up off of the bed and went over to him. I put my arms around him and he fell into my lap sobbing. My parents came in and noticed this and got scared. I shook my head and motioned for them to leave. They didn't want to at first but Alex got them to leave. What I didn't know is that they went downstairs and called Billy's parents. "Come on Billy, you know all about us. We have no more secrets. Please tell me what's wrong," I asked starting to tear up. I didn't like seeing anyone cry. Hell, I cried at sad movies. Billy began to shake and tried and say something. It took a few minutes, but finally he was able to calm down and tell us. "I went home and took a nap. I didn't know what to do when I woke up. I have known for a long time that something wasn't right but this dream really was true. I am in love," and he started crying again. Why would he be upset that he was in love unless 3; "Billy who are you in love with?" Alex asked. He was reading my mind again. I think we both knew whom, but he had to tell us. "Ja 3;Ja 3; Jarad," he screamed and started crying harder. I looked at Alex and he at me. We nodded our heads. It made perfect sense now why he acted the way he did to us. He was scared of being found out. Wow, this was really messed up. So what should I do or say? I really didn't know but once again Alex saved the day hehe, I love him soooo much. Alex came over to me and helped Billy sit up and get on the bed. I was on one side and Alex was on the other. "So is that why you acted so mean to Brett? Because you were afraid of being found out?" Alex asked quietly. There was no venom or malice in his voice just concern for a friend. It showed how much of a good lover, and one day husband, he would make. "Yes 3; and I am so sorry y'all," Billy said breaking down and crying once again. We got him hushed up and about that time my mom came in with a glass of water and two aspirin. "Here take these. Aspirin will help you," I didn't know what she meant until I finally realized that when I was crying like that my head and/or body always hurt. He took them and thanked her. My mom looked at me and I knew now how she knew. She'd called Billy's parents. "I don't know what to do. I love him and I want to be with him but he's straight," Billy said calming down. "Well are you 100% sure he is straight?" asked Alex. "Pretty sure. He talks about all of these girls and what he wants to do with them," Billy responded finishing his drink. "Well, so did you," I said with a smile on my face. Billy looked at me and blushed and put his hands in front of his face. We all laughed and he felt better. "Well since you two have become better friends and now accept each other, maybe you should tell him. He won't turn on you. Then again he may turn around from you if you decide to stare at his crotch but then again you would be looking at his ass. So maybe just throw a towel over your head till he finishes changing," Alex said. I started laughing and so did Billy. Alex always knew how to make anyone feel better. I got up and walked over to Alex and kissed him. "You are being a smart ass my love," I said looking into his smiling face. "Yeah I know, but you love it," he said grabbing me and throwing me on the bed. I started laughing and so did Billy. After I got up we talked some more. We got him to tell us how he was feeling and he let us understand why he did the things he did and how sorry he was. We all hugged and left my room. We started down the stairs laughing, but when we got to the bottom we all froze. There were Billy's parents. He started to shake a little and didn't know what to do. I looked at his mom's face and she was smiling. His father was kinda quiet but soon his own smile came on his face. Something told me that they knew and they loved him for himself. "Mom, dad what are y'all doing here?' he asked shakily. "Well, when you got here and Mr. and Mrs. Mikells called and said that you were crying up in Brett's room we knew something was wrong. So you want to tell us?" his dad said smiling to reassure his son. Billy turned around and looked at Alex and me. "We can't make this decision for you. Only you can make that, no one else," I said. Billy looked at me and nodded, he knew what I meant. Alex took my hand and we went and sat by my parents. My dad took my hand and smiled at me. He mouthed "good going" I just smiled back and nodded. Billy stood in the middle of the room looking at his parents. Tears started down his face and I tried getting up but Alex stopped me. He looked at me and I knew what he meant. This is something that Billy had to do on his own with no one to help him. Even if I were standing by his side for support he would still be on his own. "Mom, dad I need to tell you something," he said looking at them. Mr. and Mrs. Smith just smiled. I knew they knew and they didn't care they still loved him for him. "Please don't say anything till I have finished," he said. His parents nodded their heads. "Just tell us what's wrong Billy. We will try and help as best we can," his mom said smiling at him. Billy nodded his head and started walking towards his parents. He took both of their hands in his and held on tight. With tears in his eyes he told them. "Mom, dad please don't hate me. I'm 3; I'm 3; I'm gay," with that he broke down into tears again. When at first they didn't say anything he thought they rejected him. He tried pulling his hand away but then his father stood up grabbing Billy's hand harder. Billy looked up in his father's eyes with fear, but instead of anger or hate he saw love and understanding. He father pulled him into a hug and then his mother joined. They stood there hugging and crying. After they calmed down. We all sat down and talked. Billy apologized to my parents about the way that he had treated me. They said don't worry they understand, just be a better judge next time. He agreed. Billy went on to explain his feelings for Jarad and how scared he was. My parents and his both told him the same thing. In Time all things work out. He nodded but there were still tears in his eyes for his first true love. We talked and helped the best we could, but just like me, Alex and every other gay person in the world who has had a first true love this is something that he will go through by himself. Billy and his parents stayed for dinner then left afterwards. Billy gave Alex and me a hug and thanked us. After all of the excitement Alex and I were extremely tired so we called it a night. We went up to my room got undressed and cuddled together. I was laying there in his arms when a feeling came over me. I turned and looked at him, even though it was dark I could see his eyes as he looked at me questioningly. I bent down and kissed him. He was surprised at first then got into the kiss. I lay on top of him and we started grinding our dicks together. I knew what I needed and I told him so. "I need to feel you in me, please," I begged. Alex looked at me and smiled. I got up and laid on my back next him. He reached into the nightstand and pulled out the bottle of K-Y. He opened it and put some on his fingers. He turned to me and stared then bent down and started kissing me. I spread my legs and he put his hand between them and moved them under me. He felt around and found my asshole then gently eased a finger in me, lubricating me, after a few minutes of this he added a second finger. After I was well lubed, I took the K-Y and put some on my hand. I grabbed his dick and slowly applied the K-Y. I felt him shudder and I kissed him. I lay down and he put my legs on his shoulders and positioned his dick at my hole and slowly, very slowly he started to enter me. He stopped a few times so I could get adjusted to him, and slowly I did. After he was all the way in me he stopped and let me catch my breath. He hit my prostate on several occasions and I was shuddering in pure bliss. I removed my legs from his shoulders and put them a round his waist. I locked the ankles together and told him to go ahead. He slowly started moving in and out. Slow long strokes making me feel better then I have ever felt before. I loved the sensation as he hit my prostate. He started to pick up speed, going a little faster. We were both panting and crying out our love for each other when we both groaned at the same time. I felt myself coming and I could feel Alex spill his seed inside of me. He must have spurt at least 5 or 6 times, I know I did, and that's how many it felt like from him. After he climaxed he dropped down on me and I wrapped my arms around him. We looked into each other's eyes and kissed. Alex's dick got soft and with a gentle pop came out of me. He grabbed the towel that I keep by the side of the bed and wiped us off. After he lay back down I snuggled up to him and we each said 'I love you, sweet dreams and goodnight. We each drifted off to sleep with a smile on our faces. We awoke the next morning to the sun shining in on us. I opened my eyes to see Alex looking at me. By the way it looked he had been awake for a while. "Morning love how long have you been awake?" I asked him. "About an hour. I love to look at you sleeping. You are so beautiful," he said smiling down at me. I smiled back and he gave me a little kiss. We got up, showered (separately :-), brushed our teeth and headed downstairs. My parents were gone. They went to the store and had a few errands to run. We got some breakfast and sat down to eat. Half way through breakfast the front door bell rang. I was about to get up when Alex beat me to it, so I stayed and finished my breakfast. Alex came back in and Jarad was behind him. I could tell that he was crying and I was worried. "Hey Jarad, what's wrong?" I asked him. He came over to me and hugged me then started crying. Unlike Billy he only cried a few minutes then sat down. "So what's going on and why the water works?' asked Alex. I loved him but he could be insensitive at times, hell who am I kidding, I don't care as long as he loves me. Jarad looked at Alex then me and then the floor again. "I fell in love with Billy and I don't know what to do," he said. Damn, he just came right out and said it. Wow they love each other and don't even know it. We asked him the same question as Billy, why don't you tell him? And his response was the same as Billy's because he talked about too many girls. I had a hard time not laughing but I managed it. I didn't know what to do, but I had to get one of them to tell the other. But who and how? That was the only question. While we were talking, my parents came in and said hello. They could see that we were talking and let us be. They didn't interrupt or anything. While we were talking Jarad's parents showed up. They could see that their son was upset and started questioning him. Finally Jarad broke down and told them. "I'm gay alright 3; and I love Billy and I want to be with him," he said crying. I didn't know what was going to happen. Accepting someone else is one thing but someone in your own family – that's another thing. "Son you are just going through a phase. Don't worry, you'll grow out of it," said his mother. Jarad looked at her like she was crazy, then at us and we all looked surprised. "No mom, this is how I feel and what I know," Jarad said defending himself. Mr. Adams didn't say anything just sat there quietly. "No you are not. You just think you are," she said with tears welling up in her eyes. "There are no fags in our family," when she said that we all, even Mr. Adams, looked surprised at her. I think he was pissed. "Mom how could you say that. I thought you loved me. Maybe I'm wrong," with that Jarad got up and ran out of the house. Alex and I ran after him. By the time we got our shoes on and made it outside he was gone. We came back in and I was pissed. I don't know why, but I went right up to Mrs. Adams and looked at her. When she looked at me, she was scared. I was about to say something when Mr. Adams got up. He walked over to me put his hand on my shoulder and moved me slowly away from his wife. I think he was afraid I might deck her or him for that matter. He moved me over to where Alex was and Alex took me in his arms and held onto me. When he turned around I don't know what was on his face but Mrs. Adams was scared. "How dare you?" he hollered at her. "He is our son. I don't care if he is gay, bi or straight. He is and always will be our son. If anything and I mean anything happens to him, it will be your fault. Do I make myself clear?" he said turning away from her. He had a look of disgust on his face. "But honey we don't want him gay, even you said that," she said defensively. "You're right, I did say that, but I also said if he turns out that way then so be it, I will still love him," he said. I looked at Alex then back at them. I took Alex's arms from around me and started walking out of the room. With tears in my eyes, I said my piece. "If anything happens to him, the blood will be on your hands Mrs. Adams and no ones else's," with that I went outside. I grabbed my bike and started peddling. I started looking for Jarad. I remember at one time him telling me that he and Billy used to go to the creek and sit on the bridge there. So that's where I headed. When I got there I saw Jarad sitting there on the bridge's ledge with his face in his hands crying. I slowly walked up to him. The bridge boards creaked and he looked up. When he saw me I know he was surprised. "Don't be surprised, I remember you and Billy talking about coming here all the time," I said as I came up to him. He just turned away from me and looked down in the shallow water. "I'm sorry for what happened in there," he said. I put my arms around him and pulled him away from the edge. We stood there hugging each other when I heard tires screech to a halt and car doors slamming. Then I felt someone's arms around me. I knew it was Alex, I could feel it in my heart, our bond was too strong. "Alex, take us home please?' I asked. He just turned us and started us walking towards my father's car. As we got in I saw Billy ride up. He looked worried and scared. I shook my head and motioned to my house. He nodded and took off. When we got there, everyone was in the living room. Billy pulled up just a few seconds after we did. "What's going on guys?" he asked. I looked at him and decided I had to say something. "He and his parents had an argument, that's all," Billy nodded his head then pulled Jarad into a hug. He let him go, got on his bike and road off. I knew he was upset, but I also knew that he understood. When we got there, my mom was pouring coffee into some cups. She brought over some soft drinks for us. When we all sat down Jarad looked at his feet. His dad talked first, "Son despite what your mother may think or feel, I love you for you and if you are gay then oh well, shit happens," Jarad looked at his father in surprise, he must be dreaming I bet. Usually it's the fathers that have the worst problem with it. Jarad got up and went to give his father a hug. Jarad's father hugged him and refused to let him go. He kept telling him it would be all right. Jarad's mom was visibly upset but I think understanding soon set in. She went over to them and on knees hugged Jarad. "I'm so sorry. I'm just scared for you, please forgive me?" she begged. Jarad looked at his dad and his dad nodded and Jarad let go of his father and hugged his mother with a new round of tears starting. After they had all calmed down Alex and I explained to them what being gay is. How someone is gay and what the life is like. Hard, very hard. It's scary when you don't have the support of your family. I told them of teen suicide and why so many happened. We felt that they were slowly starting to understand. They left a few hours later and things returned to normal, well whatever that is. Alex and I cleaned up my room then went over to his house and did his. We had a ritual of sorts. First, we did my chores, then his. Afterwards we did whatever needed to be done. We didn't have much planned that evening so we decided to go to the movies. My parents gave us some money and we went to see 'X-MEN'," I loved the movie. When we got to the movies and were standing in line who should show up but the football team. Since football season was over they now had their Friday and Saturday nights off. When they saw us in line they got in with us. Eric and Brian were there and smiling. I knew this was a date for them. When we got up to the window we got our tickets but what surprised me was so did the team. Turns out they all wanted to see it as well. We got our sodas and popcorn and junk and headed inside. When we got there we had to find a row for all of us to sit and the place was filling up pretty fast. We saw that the middle of the theater wasn't being used much, so that's where we sat, me and Alex on the end, then Eric, Brian, Trevor, Taylor, Chris, Jordan and the rest. We talked and laughed and a few comments about paying attention to the screen and not each other came our way, but Alex and I laughed it off, while we were blushing; me redder than him always. We watched the whole movie with minimal kissing hehe but a lot of handholding. After the movie was finished we went to McDonalds's and got something to eat. We had a great time and talked about the dance next week. I couldn't believe it; they were all going to be there. Eric and Brian were asked if they were bringing each other and the table started to laugh, all except for Eric, Brian, Alex, and me. When the guys noticing us not laughing they asked what was going on. Eric was about to get up when Alex raised him hand. Eric sat back down. "Guys we all know that y'all were joking, even they do, but please no more ok?" he said and the guys all nodded their heads and were finishing their food. Then Brian and Eric did some whispering and Brian nodded his head. He stood up. "Ok guys we have something to tell you. I hope you won't be mad and you won't hate us. As you know Brett and Alex are dating, and they don't look at y'all or try anything with y'all. Just like the way we don't with y'all either. Well the thing is that Eric and I are going to the dance together, too," When he said that, the guys kinda looked around and gasped, but didn't say anything. "You see, Eric and I have been together longer than any of you have been with your girlfriends. We've been together for over two years now. We love each other very much and are committed to each other. If any of you have anything to say let's hear it now or otherwise shut up and finish eating," Brian said. Alex and I just seemed surprised that he stood up and said it. "Well it looks like Alex and Brett are as surprised about this turn of events as we are," said Chris. I shook my head. "We already knew, we're just surprised that he did it here," I said. The guys looked at us, then them. Then the guys looked at each other and nodded. One got up and went behind Eric and Brian. He put their arms around their shoulders smiled and said, "Just like with Alex and Brett, anyone messes with y'all they have to deal with us. Also this now means you are at our mercy for teasing and being messed with. hehehe so be forewarned just like with Alex and Brett we are going to tease y'all senseless." With that he took his seat. Everyone at our table looked at each other and started laughing. Of course I had to say something, "Well at least the teasing will be lifted from us," The guys looked at me and shook their heads with a smile on their faces. "Aww damn it. At least I can dream," with that we started laughing a gain. After we all ate we went back to the movie theater where our parents were going to pick us all up. When we got there we saw Billy and Jamie standing by themselves by a tree laughing and holding hands in the shadows. I saw this and pointed it out to the guys. We all smiled and went over to them. They didn't see us till we were right up on them. When they finally saw us they jumped apart. We started laughing and they got kinda mad. But then when we explained to them what had happened they started laughing as well. They once again took each other's hands but this time instead of behind them they held them at arms length, probably because no one could see them. I noticed something around Billy's neck. I stepped closer and looked at it closely. Then I looked at Jamie and he had a lump in the front of his shirt. I pulled it out and saw it was a ring as well. I was surprised; I didn't think their mom would have let them have something like this. They saw the look of surprise on my face and started laughing. I just smiled and showed them my own ring and they shut up. It was beautiful and shining. Alex raised his hand and showed his as well. The four of us just stood there surrounded by the football team and smiled. We each knew what the other was thinking. As if saying this is us, no one else, and these are our boyfriends and we love them. We heard a few horns honking and turned around. When we turned around we all laughed; there were all of the parents that were supposed to pick up the kids. Billy's mom came over and gave me a hug. She told me that Billy's stepfather was still in jail and that the divorce would be final this Wednesday. I told her congratulations. She also said that Billy and Jamie are happier now then they ever were. She even told me in a whisper that she heard them together in Billy's room and Billy telling Jamie how much he loved him, and Jamie saying I love you too now shut up and put it in me. I laughed a little and Billy and Jamie kinda blushed knowing we were talking about them. I gave each of them a hug then they left. The football team all shook hands and we started going our own ways. We got back to my house, told my parents about the movie then headed to bed. We cuddled then fell asleep. The next day, Sunday, was quiet. We mainly stayed in my room and just relaxed. About 8 that night Alex's parents came over and got him. They had dinner with us then they all left but not before Alex gave a goodbye hug and kiss. I went to bed with a smile on my face. That week of school was busy we were having tests and trying to get everything set up for the first GBSA dance. Finally Friday arrived. I was nervous and a little scared but otherwise okay. This was an informal dance so I was in jeans and a nice polo shirt. Alex knocked on the door at 7:30 and I went and opened it. He was dressed pretty much like me but he had flowers in his hands. A dozen red roses. I saw them and tears came into my eyes. I took them from him and smelled them. Then I kissed him. He smelled nice. He took me by the hand and led me outside where a white limo was waiting. My parents came out and smiled when they saw it. I hugged them bye and went and got in the limo. What I didn't know is that the surprise that my parents and Alex's parents had was already ready. When we arrived at the dance there were a few people outside. We got out and the driver pulled off telling us he would be back around 10. We thanked him and then went inside. What we saw amazed us. There were balloons and strippers everywhere. There were the two female signs and two male signs that showed what the gay sign was and the lesbian sign was. I loved it. As we walked farther inside we saw that the team was already there and that they'd saved us a table. As we were walking over the music turned to a slow song. I stopped, looked at Alex and pulled him onto the dance floor. At first we were the only ones then a lot of other students started dancing as well. We saw Eric and Brian smiling at each other. I know they had to have been happy to finally show their love for each other. What surprised me was that Billy and Jamie were there also. I didn't know that they were coming here let alone coming out. We were still dancing when the songs got fast. We just looked at each other and started dancing to the music. About three or four songs later we sat down laughing and tired. As we sat there I saw Billy Smith walk in. He was dressed very nicely in jeans and a polo as well. A few minutes later Jarad walked in pretty much dressed the same way. I saw them talking then Billy went to the bathroom. I told Alex what to do. I walked over to Jarad and Alex went in after Billy. "Hey Jarad how are you doing so far?" I asked he smiled a weak smile. "Fine," he replied. "Tell him, Jarad, he needs to know," with that I hugged him then went back to the table. I told Alex what I told Jarad and he said he told Billy the same thing. Then I got an Idea. I went over to the DJ and told him I needed a special song. I told him which one. He said why and I told him because two guys who love each other really need to be together and maybe, just maybe this is the way. I went back to the table and told Alex what I did. He looked surprised but happy. I grabbed his hand and went out to the dance floor. Billy and Jarad were on the edge of the dance floor and saw us start to dance when the music started.
Open up your heart to me As the chorus was ending I saw Jarad take Billy's hand and pull him out on the dance floor. With his arms around Billy's waist and Billy's arms around his neck and tears in his eyes he sang to Billy.
I figured out what to say to you At that point Billy put his head on Jarad's chest and cried. He knew that his love for Jarad was returned.
All those endless times we tried to make it Jarad lifted Billy's head from his chest and looked into his eyes he brought his head down to meet Billy's lips. They kissed a chaste kiss at first. He brought his head up and saw Billy smiling at him then bent back down and kissed him again 3;
I need you tonight When the song ended they pulled apart with tears in their eyes and they confessed their love for each other. After a few seconds they noticed they were the only ones on the dance floor. They looked over at us, they saw Alex's arms around me and we were smiling at them. The clapping was amazing. They finally showed each other how they felt. We went over to them and hugged them but they never let go of each other's hands. After the dancing and all began again about an hour later it stopped and the principal and the counselor got up on stage. "Boys and girls, Ladies and Gentlemen. We are gathered here at the first GBSA dance," Applause went up. After he got them calmed down he continued, "The counselor and the students who put up the decorations said there should be a king and queen," When he said that, we all started laughing, he understood and chuckled as well. "Anyway, students that went to the meetings filled out a questionnaire about who should be the two kings, or queens of the ball. All except two. The reason why is because we were pretty sure they would win," I looked at Alex and he looked at me and we didn't understand what was going on. "Well now is the time, will Alex Daniels and Brett Mikells please come up here?" he said. We looked at each other and went up on stage where we were each crowned and given a cap. The students started to clap, I looked at Alex and he had tears in his eyes as well. We kissed and hugged. "Now for the couples dance," When he said that, Alex looked at me and I smiled. We got on the dance floor but before the music could start Alex went over and whispered something in the DJ's ear. He smiled and nodded, Alex came back over to me and he put his arms around me as the music started:
When the visions around you I started crying right there when as he was singing it for me, he too had tears of joy and love in his eyes.
Over and over I fall I closed my eyes and leaned up and kissed him. I knew that more than anything in the world he was mine and I was his now and for ever.
Just close your eyes After the song ended the applause started I still didn't let go of Alex. We finally broke apart and walked back to our table. All of the guys were there telling us how lucky we were to have each other. I knew we were and so did Alex. I kissed him again. They started playing a fast song and I got up and on the dance floor alone. I knew Alex would follow me and, guess what, he did! We started dancing and singing to N'Sync's Bye Bye Bye. We had a good time dancing and having fun. Finally the dance ended and we went home. My limo brought us back to my house and Alex and I went in. My parents weren't home, they left a note saying that they would be back late, have fun and be safe. We shrugged our shoulders and headed upstairs what I saw surprised me. My room was huge. Since we were gone they'd knocked out part of the wall to make an archway and painted it to match my room. My new room was huge. There was a brand new stereo and a bigger dresser. The dresser drawers were labeled. Brett's Alex's. We saw this and cried. The bed and dresser were a matching pair of dark oak and were beautiful. Alex went over to the stereo and looked at it. He saw the N'Sync CD and put it on. He set it on repeat for the song that was becoming our song: This I Promise You. Alex walked over to me and took my hand. He took me to the side of the bed and slowly undressed me. Then I slowly undressed him as well. We lay on the bed and slowly made love the entire night. Chapter 10Well here it is one month before we graduate to the ninth grade. Wow it has been in interesting year by far. I never thought that my life would turn out the way it has. First I have to move to another city. I meet a great friend and his friends became mine. I think I lost him because two idiots and bullies found out I was gay. I get hurt and find a boyfriend in my best friend. We pretty much promise of ourselves to each other, and became the happiest couple in school. We meet a new small kid in school turns out he's abused and we got him help. He got a boyfriend and became a very happy kid. The two biggest bullies of my life tried hurting me again and in turn got in a lot of trouble and had to help out with the school first Gay Bi Straight Alliance. It turns out that they became some very good friends of Alex's and mine. If that wasn't weird enough Billy and Jarad (the two bullies) turn out to be gay and in love with each other and were only acting the way they did because they were scared that people would find out. They turned to Alex, and me and we helped them over come their fear. With our help, they were able to admit their true feelings for each other at the GBSA first dance. Now it is only a month away till we leave here for the next higher grades and our own little prom. Wow! I am so excited. I can't wait to see what happens between now and then. It is April 30, and things were starting to look good for us. We were popular, but that is not the only place we were popular. What we didn't know, is that the new high school already knew about us, and so did the students. Well we didn't know that until we got there. You see, a month before an 8th grader leaves, they take a trip over to their new middle school to see what it looks like and such, and to see how things work there. So here we are, there are about 100 8th graders and we are sitting in side the auditorium at Jenkins High School. It isn't very big, but it is kind of nice. The principal explained a few things about the school and what was expected of us as we entered here. One of the biggest things he said, was that 'hatred and harassment of any kind will not be tolerated here.' A few people who were sitting near us smiled and looked at me and Alex. We just blushed and kinda sat a little lower. After the principal did the intro to the school, several teachers took us in groups and lead us around the school. I noticed that a few students in the school were staring at me and Alex. I looked down to make sure we were holding hands. I know at the old school we do and no one says anything. but, this is a new school so we don't want to freak out too many people do we? Well not yet hehe. As we walked I noticed more and more students stopping and staring at us. I wasn't sure why, maybe it was because we were surrounded by the football team, or maybe because of some other reason I wasn't sure of. We got to the cafeteria and the some of the students were eating lunch. We were told we could get lunch and eat there. My group headed over to the lunch line and got in Alex and me. We were first followed by Eric, Brian, Taylor, Chris, Tyron, Jake, the rest of the football team and following were Billy and Jarad. We all got our food and saw an empty table and went to it. As we sat down we noticed more and more of the kids eating staring at us. I got tired of it and said something to my table. "What is hell is going on here?" I asked. Everyone looked at me questioningly. "What do you mean Brett?" asked Alex. "Look around most of the lunch room is staring at us. Not like you take a quick glimpse at the fresh meat about to enter the school but like they see something interesting I am tired of it," I said getting upset and scared. Alex noticed me starting to shake and took my hand in his under the table. I looked at him and in his eyes I saw all the love I needed to see to make me feel better. I slowly stopped shaking and turned to look around the table. Everyone was watching me with concern. They all knew I didn't like to fight and I was just scared and very shy in nature. They were my best friends and protectors. "Sorry everyone it is just scary being stared at by everyone," I said sadly looking down at the table. "Don't be sorry Brett. We know how you are and we won't let anyone hurt you we promise," said Brian. I looked up and everyone was shaking their heads. Just then I saw something out of the corner of my eye and turned my head to see what it was. What I saw amazed me. The Varsity high school football team was heading our way. I could feel their gaze on us and then I noticed that the football team at my table got up and stood in front of the table. I stood up but didn't go in front of the table. When the other team got to us the just stood there staring down or directly at some of the players from my school. No one said anything and the whole lunchroom was quite. The one I am assuming was the quarter back spook first. "Which one is your quarterback?" he asked. Alex stepped forward. "Me Alex Daniels, who are you?' he asked stepping up to him. They looked at each other for a minute. "I'm Brandon Michaels the quarter back for the varsity high school football team. So you are the famous Alex Daniels," he said. He looked past him at me and simply said "And you must be Brett Mikells." I nodded my head but didn't move around to meet him. He turned his attention back to Alex. "Is what I hear about you and a few of your players and friends true?" he asked simply. "And what would that be?" asked Alex not backing down. I love him to death but sometimes I just wish he would back up and breath. "That you and Brett over there are gay and going out. That a few of your team members are gay and some of your friends here today are as well," he said. By this time we had several teachers standing near to make sure nothing happened and had other students standing near as well. "Yeah so what of it. As I have told others, anyone touches Brett, or our friends they will regret it," he said meanly looking straight into Brandon's eyes. Brandon looked at him and nodded, then smiled. "That is cool man. We just wanted to say hey and welcome you here. You see my older brother is gay and I don't have a problem with it. I just wanted to meet my younger equal from another school. Me and my pack protect the smaller ones here at Jenkins. Is it true what Brett did to some guy's father?" he asked. We all breathed a sigh of relief and the football team from my table sat down and the high school football team joined us. I was still standing when Alex came over and he saw me shaking badly. Alex walked up to me and took my hand in front of the other football team. He took his other hand and wiped my face I didn't know I had been crying. I was scared and I didn't want anything to go wrong. I was still shaking and I couldn't hear Alex I was shaking so bad. He finally grabbed my face and made me look at him. He was smiling. "It's alright Brett. Everything is going to be alright. They only wanted to welcome us and see if we could protect others here as we were doing in our school," Alex said. Their quarterback came around the table towards us. I started to coward back. "Is he ok?" Brandon asked in a quite voice. Alex shook his head. "He has been through so much hell he can't stand fighting. Yeah he did that to that boy's father, I think that was the only time I have ever seen him hit anyone. He can't stand fighting. He had the hell beat out of him and was in the hospital for two days because of two bullies. The bullies after all sorts of stuff apologized and turned out that they were gay and scared that someone was going to find out. They are now very good friends of ours. They are over there." He pointed to Billy and Jarad. Billy saw how I was shaking and didn't know he had affected me so much. He started shaking and Jarad grabbed him and held him. "I 3; I'm so 3; sorry 3; Brett," he sobbed. I knew what he meant, but the pain was still there. I honestly didn't know weather I could stand another attack like that or not. The quarterback went over to Billy and Jarad. He was talking to them, and Billy slowly calmed down. He smiled at Brandon and Brandon smiled at us. He walked back over to us. "He had no idea he affected Brett like this," he said looking down at me. I was still shaking but being in Alex's arms with my head on his shoulder I was slowly calming down. After another minute I was calm. "Thanks Brandon. Sorry for how I was acting I can't help it. I am just a big baby," I said looking down. Alex lifted my head and looked into my eyes. "No you are not. You are a sensitive loving guy. You're the guy I love and if anyone has a problem with it let them deal with me," he said. I looked at him and smiled. I knew right then and there, I would love him forever. I lifted up my right hand and met his. Our two rings came in contact and I felt much better. Brandon saw this and gasped. "Wow you two are series aren't you?" he asked. We nodded and sat down. "That is so cool. My brother and his boyfriend just got married as well. That is great guys and trust me, no one will bother y'all here, not as long as we are around, and Brett with Alex by your side you will be more then protected." I smiled and blushed. "Hehe, does he always turn that shade of red?" he asked laughing. "Yes." Everyone at our table laughed and I started giggling which sent them into laughter louder. We all sat there talking and enjoying our time together getting to know the other team. Turns out they are all juniors with the exception of a few seniors. The bell rang and they headed to class and we stayed until everyone else cleared the cafeteria then we headed to the buses. We got back to school and everyone wanted to know what happened. So we told them they were amazed yeah I never thought they would be as accepting as they would be for a football team. (Author's note: I have yet to meet any football players in Savannah GA, where they accept gays. This is just fiction). School let out and me and Alex headed back to my house. When we got there we dropped off our book bags in our room and then headed to the kitchen, my mom was home early and we sat and talked while we ate a snack. She handed Alex an envelope and told him to open it. He did and a key fell out. She told him it was a key to the house, and that since he was part of the family he needed his own, that he could come and go as he pleased, as long as he let them know where he was going if he was staying the night with us. I giggled and he laughed and thanked my mom by hugging her and giving her a kiss on the cheek. After we ate our snack we headed up stairs and started on our homework. The two desks that were in there were great. One was big enough for two people and the other had a computer on it. We did our homework on one desk, and played on the computer with the other. After our homework we talked about our prom coming up and what we were going to wear. He said tuxes, and I wasn't so sure about it. He said I could go in a dress if I wanted to, and started laughing. I jumped on top of him and started tickling him until he begged for mercy. "Ok ok I give," he said still laughing he slowly calmed down he looked at me and said. "Ok no dress maybe a skirt," he started laughing and I started tickling him again. Out of no where a flash came and we turned towards the door. Standing there was my mom and snapped another picture before we could do anything. "MOM" we both hollered. She started laughing and walked away. We looked at each other and smiled. I looked into his blue eyes and could see all the love in the world for him. As he looked into mine I prayed he could see the same. As if reading my mind he smiled and nodded his head. I leaned down and kissed his lips. Soft and gentle, careful wanting to fill them all. I put my arms under his arms and turned us over with him on top of me. I loved feeling him on top of me. He looked down and smiled at me. I smiled back and we kissed again. Then once again a flash. We looked and my mom was there. I blushed and hid my head. She started laughing. Here we were on my bed kissing, her only son with another boy on top of him and if we lifted up she would be able to see out excitement. Then of course I have to blush. We giggled and this time closed the door behind her. We exhaled then started laughing. We headed down stairs and got on the love seat and cuddled up together and started watching TV. My dad got home and we ordered pizza. After we ate me and Alex stayed on the love seat. I don't know how long it was, but the next thing I know it was dark and there was a cover covering us. It was only Thursday night and Alex couldn't be here. He wasn't allowed to spend the night on school nights. I felt arms tighten on me and then relax. What happened? I slowly looked at the VCR and the time read 1:30 am. Wow it really wasn't a dream. I got up and shook Alex. "Wha 3;" he mumbled. "Alex baby come on, let's go up to our room, let's got on the bed up there," I said bending down and gently kissing his forehead. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled. "Ok" he said, as he got up it registered with him where he was. "Oh my God my parents are going to kill me," he said. The light came on and we were blinded. If took a minute to see again, and there was my dad. "Hey you two alright I thought I heard something?" he asked looking at us. I was smiling and Alex was confused. "It's like 1:30 in the morning my parents are going to kill me," Alex said. My dad chuckled and shook his head. "After you two feel asleep. Brett's mom got her camera and took some more pictures of you two together asleep and happy in each other arms. I went in and called your parents. I told them what happened and they said they would bring over a change of clothes. Well when they walked in and saw y'all together like that they couldn't believe how happy you two looked. They dropped off your clothes and said they will see you two tomorrow evening. Y'all will be having dinner there. They think it is time for you to tell your sister and brother Alex," my dad said. He nodded his head in agreement. We all said our goodnights and went to bed. Dad went back to his and Mom's room, and Alex and me back to our room. We got in bed took off our clothes and cuddled up together with my head on his chest, and fell asleep. We awoke fresh and great the next morning. We showered (separately of course) got ready for school, had breakfast then headed to the bus stop. This would be the first time that Alex ever came with me to my bus stop in the morning. When we got there everyone saw us and started giggling. I blushed and that made them start laughing more. "OK ok I feel asleep watching TV at his house that is all," Alex said blushing. We got a lot of sure and 'uh huh's,' and a lot of smiles. I couldn't help it and busted out laughing. Billy and Jarad showed up and saw us together. They must have been thinking the same thing as the rest of them and just smiled and nodded there heads. I laughed and Alex just shook his head smiling. "I swear, we didn't do anything last night," Alex said Billy and Jarad just looked at each other then us and said. "Sure and neither did we." They nodded and I looked at them. "Well I have my parents to back us up what about you two," I said smiling at them. It was there turn to blush and Billy hid behind Jarad while we all laughed. We got on the bus and started joking and having fun. The team found out about Alex staying the night and started joking and saying stuff such as, 'NOOOooo,' he stayed the night and they had nooky; on school nights bad boys, 'hehe.' A few others were bound and determined to say we were the horniest people in school. We keep denying it, and they kept going on and on about it. Hehe maybe we should have and then they would have left us alone, but we didn't. The rest of the day went fast and we had a pretty good day. The prom was coming up in about three weeks and we still didn't know what to do. After school we went back to my house to get ready to go over to Alex's that night, his older brother and younger sister were going to be told about us. His older brother was home from college I didn't even know he had one till he mentioned it a month ago. Oh well I guess he was embarrassed by him. I made sure, that was all he was keeping from me. We got home, got my stuff together, and got on the computer and chatted with a few friends we made on line. My mom came home around 5 and then we headed over to Alex's house. We got there and we all went in. My mom talked with Alex's mother and me and Alex went into his room. We walked in locked the door, then locked lips. We got to the bed and laid down with him on top of me and kept kissing until a knock at the door stopped us. "Shit" I said whispered. "Yes?" Alex asked. "Hey little bro open up," came a guy's voice. Alex looked at me and there was a slightly scared expression on his face. "My brother" he said I nodded. He got off me and I sat up on the end of the bed and grabbed a magazine to look at. Alex straightened out his clothes and opened the door. The guy that walked in was definitely his brother. He looked liked an older version of Alex, or Alex looked like a younger version of him. They hugged and then looked over at me. "So how is your friend?" his brother asked. "Oh Wil this is Brett Mikells, Brett this is my brother Wil," Alex said with a grin on his face. I got up and shook his hand. He gripped it and shook my hand when he saw me since he let go. "Oh damn man sorry didn't mean to hurt you I keep forgetting my own strength," Wil said. I nodded my head and said that was ok. We talked for a few minutes then Wil headed to his room. By this time his dad had returned home, and his sister was there, and dinner was almost ready. We went and got ready for dinner then headed down stairs. When we arrived at the table everyone was already sitting down. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels were at both ends; Wil was to Mr. Daniels' right, with Sarah his sister to his right next to her mother. Alex sat as his father's left, and I would sit next to Alex and his mother. We had roast, with potatoes, corn, carrots, and salad. We made small talk about what happened at school today and how Wil's college was coming along. Sarah talked about being excited about summer coming up and Mr. and Mrs. Daniels talked about their day at work. After we all ate and had pecan pie for desert, Wil and Sarah were about to get up when there father stopped them. "Wil, Sarah before you get up there are something we need to talk about," he started. They sat back down and turned to their father. "Yes dad is everything alright?" asked Wil, with concern in his voice. His father nodded his head and I assume was trying to think of the best way to start. "Sarah with Alex staring high school next year, and there being more people over here, there is some stuff you should know about. We don't know how you will take it, or even if you will understand it. If there is something you don't understand let us know and we will help you to understand ok?" Mr. Daniels said. Sarah had a questioning look on her face but smiled and nodded her head. "Umm dad no offense to Brett but if this is a family discussion shouldn't he not be here?" asked Wil. "Well this involves him Wil. Just be patient and listen ok?" his dad advised. Wil nodded and looked at me then back to his dad with a puzzled expression on his face. "As you know we don't believe in bigotry in this house. As you know we accept everyone, and everyone's personal opinions here," Mr. Daniels started. Everyone nodded their head and listened. "Well a few months ago, actually about October something happened and we found out some stuff. At first your mother and me made a stupid error and in doing so almost lost someone we love very much. We talked it over and asked for, and are receiving the forgiveness that we so desperately wanted. We got back on the right path," Mr. Daniels stopped, took a sip of his drink and continued: "Wil, while you are going to be here this summer you are going to see some stuff that might make you uncomfortable and you may not like it. The same goes for you Sarah, but the thing is that with Alex starting high school there maybe be a few people saying stuff to you at your school, or if we have people over here you may hear some stuff." "Dad please I need to do this ok," Alex said. His father looked at him with pride and love in his eyes; he nodded his head and let the discussion be taken over by him. Alex took a deep breath and began. "Sarah some of the things you will hear are not pretty, and some are cruel. But just remember that I am your brother, and I am the same as I was before now." Alex took a deep breath and turned to Wil who was looking at me with puzzlement and wonderment on his face. Maybe he knew maybe not. "Since both of you will be here this summer you two will see some stuff, and then when school starts you may start hearing stuff. Sarah from your friends, and from others around here. I hope you still feel the same after I tell you what I have to say," he said. He started choking up and tears fell from his eyes. He looked over at me. I smiled shook my head and continued to look at him. He smiled at me and knew that I would stand by his side no matter what. Before he continued he took my hand in his and with enough courage to face a school told his siblings about himself. "Wil, Sarah, I am gay. Brett here is my boyfriend. Actually, I guess in a way my fiancee. We gave each other rings and promised ourselves to each other. One day we want to get married and be together forever. If you hate, me tell me now. Let me know and I will never bother you ever again," with this he looked at both his sister and brother. There was shock on their faces. They looked at me, but I wasn't looking at them I was looking at Alex. The courage he must have had to have. First to almost lose his parents, then give up his siblings for me. Alex turned to look at me and with a smile and tears of joy on his face, held one of my hands while with the other took my face in his hand and gently kissed me on the lips. A soft gentle kiss, one that showed our love and need for each other, to anyone looking. It was a simple kiss and it lasted for just a second, when we broke apart we were looking into each other eyes, with tears of joy on our cheeks and love showing all through out us. "I love you Brett," he said "And I love you, from now till the day we die" as I said these words we heard sniffling and turned. We were so much moved with each other that everyone else in the world for that second was gone. Just us and no one else. When we faced the table, his mother, sister and even his brother had tears in their eyes. His father was smiling and it looked as if he too had a tear ready to fall, but he held it in place and just smiled letting us know that he was completely and finally ok with us, and loved us regardless. His brother was the first to speak. "I 3;I don't know what to say. Brett do you really love Alex as much as you say?" he asked. With a smile on my face I held up my right hand and showed them the ring. "Yes I do now and forever till the day I die," I said. I looked back at Alex and he was smiling at me. Alex held up his ring and said. "Forever till the day I die" and he took my hand in his and kissed it. We smiled then turned back to the rest of the table. "Well I have to say I never saw this one coming with you being a football player Alex. I mean the quarterback, captain of the football team I never saw this one coming man. But if you are truly happy and this is what makes you happy then you have my blessing," Wil said. He got up and came around the table and gave Alex and me a hug. "Welcome to the family Brett," he said. "Thanks Wil," I said hugging him back. After he hugged us he went back to his chair and sat down. Everyone at the table turned to his sister. She sat there still in thought. I believe that she was completely speechless. "What kinda things will I hear at school Alex?" she asked. Alex and me looked at each other. Both sets of parents don't know everything that happened. So we told her. "Well from the mean people you will hear that we are fags and should be killed." When he said this, her eyes got big and started tearing up. "Shhh I know you don't want to hear that, but that is the truth I will not lie to you. Also, you will hear people saying that I am a hero, and that the football team is a hero for saving Brett's life. You will hear that Brett is a hero for saving a boy he barely knew. The boy was being beat by his stepfather when he found him and a friend of his messing around. Brett has never fought a day I his life, but when we were at the hospital with that boy, his name is Billy, and his boyfriends name is Jamie. Well, while we were there, Billy's stepfather came in, and when Brett heard who it was he went ballistic and attacked him. He about put him in the hospital. How Brett and I started the first Gay Bi Straight Alliance. How we helped younger kids. You will hear how we kissed and held hands and how we took care of each other. You will hear how Brett's mom got a teacher fired for not liking the fact that we are gay. When he was hurt and in the nurse's station; and I was there, the teacher came in saw us, and tried to make us go back to class in stead of getting some help. The nurse stepped in and helped us. Then Brett's mother showed up and saved us. You will hear all sorts of stuff some good and some bad. But one thing that you will never hear, and if you do it is a complete lie, is that me and Brett have ever hurt each other or another student except in self-defense. Those are the kinda things you will hear. I guess the question is, are you ok with us being gay?" he asked looking at her. The whole time me and Alex were holding hands. Sarah finally looked at us smiled hopped up from her chair, ran around the table and gave both of us great big hugs. She went back to her sit and we all relaxed. Me and Alex headed back to his room and sat on the bed in our usual sitting positions. With him sitting on the bed, and me sitting between his legs, his arms wrapped around me. We were sitting there quietly just talking about what just happened when a knock on the door startled us. I was about to get up when Alex tightened his grip on me and shook his head with a smile on his face; he said, "Come in." Wil walked in. He blushed seeing us like this and we told him not to. He needed to get used to it. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at us. "Can 3; um 3; can I was a question?" he asked. "You just did but go ahead" Alex said. We all chuckled at this and then Wil asked. "How did you two meet and how did you two hook up?" I looked at Alex and he looked at me at first I was smiling then the memories came back and my smile went away and a sad look came upon my face Alex saw this and tightened his grip on me. "Is he ok?" Wil asked. Alex nodded his head. "Our meeting was cool, how we got together wasn't," and so Alex started. "We met the first day of school in gym class. Turns out our dad and his dad both work at Memorial. Well, we hit it off and became friends. The football team and him became friends. Then one day after practice Billy and Jarad two good friends of our now, but not then, came up to Brett and started causing problems. And when I came up there, they basically said he was gay. Well Brett got upset, and started crying, then ran home. I came around that evening talked to his parents and understood why Brett didn't say anything. I had to do that even though I knew why. Well Brett wasn't in school for the rest of the week. When he returned on the next Monday the kids were mean and started calling him names and pushing him, his homeroom teacher didn't even care. Well finally, Friday after a week of him avoiding me and the team, we got mad. So after school one day we cornered him. We told him we didn't care that he was gay, we were just as upset he didn't tell us. We already knew he didn't try stealing glances at us and he helped tutor a lot of us, so we could stay on the team. Well once world got around that the football team accepted him then most people left him alone. Well after our first game, Billy and Jarad got a hold on Brett while he was waiting on us. They started beating him up. They would have probably killed him if not for the team coming out when they did. We stopped them, Brian held onto him while I talked to Billy and Jarad you could say. By the time I talked to them they understood that they were not to bother Brett ever again. Turns out that they got sent to juvi for about two or three months. Well when I turned around to get Brett he looked like shit and I was scared because I let him down. I talked to the team the week before and told them how I felt. Some already knew, and some just didn't care, and some said it would take time but they would be ok. Well I took Brett in my arms and we said a few things to each other and with tears in my eyes I told him I loved him and then I kissed him. He passed out. We finally got him to the hospital where he was in a sleep for two days. When he awoke I was there. We talked, he found out that Mom and Dad kicked me out, then the next day they came by to visit, we all talked and everything was fine. And here we are," Alex finished and kissed my cheek he could taste the salt from my tears on them. I still hurt living that night. Alex wiped my eyes and just held me. "Wow that is amazing. And you two are still together and happy?" he asked. We nodded our heads. While we were talking we didn't hear Sarah come in. We heard some one sniffing and turned to see Sarah, and Mr. and Mrs. Daniels in the hall bedroom. "Sorry we heard you talking. I remember that too," Mrs. Daniels said. "Oh my God I am so sorry Brett, Alex for all you had to go through," Sarah said she came in and gave us a hug. We all talked for another hour, with me in Alex's arms. Finally, we all started getting tired and we all got to bed. Well me and Alex undressed and crawled under the covers to go to sleep. Before drifting off I told Alex how much I loved him and he replied with the same. The next morning we were rudely awoken. "Alex, Brett get up love birds. Come on get your lazy asses out of bed," Wil's voice called. I liked him last night; right now I want to hurl something at him. I felt on the floor for a shoe and threw it at the door. When it hit, I heard him start laughing. I was still on my stomach with my right leg over Alex's right leg, my head on his shoulder and his arms wrapped around me. I slowly started drifting back to sleep with Alex's breathing lolling me to sleep. I thought I heard the door open but I wasn't sure. The next thing I was aware of was cold air on my ass and some one saying "What the fuck." I opened my eyes to see Wil staring at us and Alex sitting there pulling the covers back over us. "Bro you are so dead," Alex said. Wil just keep laughing. "Sorry dude didn't know you two sleep in the buff. Hehe cute ass Brett, hehehe, sorry had to say that. Come on it is 10 in the morning. Time to get up," he said. "Wil if I ever get my barongs before I forget, I am throwing you in the pool head first," I said and drew the blankets back around my head and burrowed under them. When I was down in the covers safe and warm and I thought he left I felt a pain on my ass cheek. "OOOOWWWCCCHHH what the hell was that for" I hollered coming out of the blankets. Alex and Wil were laughing their fool heads off. Well Wil was, until Alex saw me. I didn't realize I was standing up in bed till I saw Alex mouth start to water. I started giggling and Wil didn't understand until he saw Alex and the way he looked at me. "EEEEEEEEEEWWWWW guys it is too early in the morning for that," he said "Not for us" Alex responded walking over to the bed. He put his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck, I got down on my knees. We stared into each other eyes and then started kissing. I laid back and Alex got on top of me. We started kissing hard and passionately. I think we both wanted and needed this but Wil thought other wise. For the next thing we know there are two cups of ice water being thrown on us. We hollered and he laughed leaving the room. 15 minutes later we come down stairs and Wil is in the kitchen, and when we walk in everyone starts clapping and whistling apparently Wil told what he saw. I was so embarrassed I hid my head in Alex's shoulder. Alex started laughing and just said they were jealous because at least he got some. He said that his parents looked at each other and busted out with, "We got ours last night Mr. smart ass" "EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" all of us kids said. They started laughing and we had breakfast. We all asked what everyone was doing, and me and Alex said we needed to go and get some tuxes for our prom. Wil said he would take us and their father gave them his credit card. I told them we need to swing by my house so I can get my dads, and Mr. Daniels said no need just to use his. I told him I didn't have the money to pay him back. He took me by my shoulders and looked me square in the eyes. "Brett you are family now. Don't worry about it," with that he gave me a hug and a kiss on the top of my head. I wanted to cry but held it in. I said thank you and we all left. In the car me and Alex sat in back and I let a few tears fall. Alex didn't say a word; he knew I was happy that I was accepted into his family, so he just wiped them away, kissed me and let it go. We went to Oglethorpe Mall and headed to Simon's formal wear. It took about three hours but we finally got our suits for the prom. Will dropped us off at my house and we went in and showed my mom and dad the Suites. They loved them. When questioned how I got mine I told them and dad said he needed to pay Mr. Daniels back. I told him what Mr. Daniels said and my dad smiled and nodded his head. We spent the rest of the weekend at my house and relaxing. The rest of the weeks were coming and going fast and faster, in no time the prom came upon us. It was Friday night and at 7 PM at my house with all of my family, and Alex's there, the limo pulled up. We were already dressed and ready to go. We got in the limo and headed to the school. When we got there the driver opened the door and we got out. Other kids saw us and came up to us and talked with us. We made our way inside and it was beautiful. White, light pink, and baby blue. It almost looked like a wedding shower. I loved it. They were playing a fast song when we got there. We saw the football table and walked over to it. With a surprise there was Brian and Eric with each other and Billy and Jarad joined our table. I was happier than; I had ever been in my entire life. We sat down and watched people dance, when our song started; we looked at each other and got on the dance floor. We loved that song. It was, "This I PromiseYou," by N'Sync; that was our song and I loved it. As we danced we looked into each other's eyes and just held on for all we are worth. We knew that our love would last forever if we worked hard at it and learned to talk and accept things as they came. We danced and by the end of the song we were the only ones on the floor. Everyone started clapping and cheering. We finally made it. We showed people; that just because you are different, doesn't mean that you are evil or bad. We overcame our differences in this time, and we made an impression upon a lot of people. That evening after the prom and we got back to my house. My mom and dad did what I asked of them, when we walked in my room there were candles everywhere and incense of roses where in the air. Taking Alex's hand I led him over to the bed. Slowly I took off his jacket, then bent down and took off his socks and shoes. I stood up and removed his bow tie, cummerbund, and shirt. I kissed him hard long and deep. After I broke the kiss I removed him undershirt and pants. The only thing he was wearing was his jockeys. I hooked them and pulled them down. Now, perfectly naked. I pushed him on the bed and slowly started taking my clothes off, my shoes and socks, jacket, tie, cummerbund, shirt, undershirt, and finally my pants. I turned away from him and dropped my jockeys. I turned back and saw him looking at me. He smiled and stood up. He walked to me and I saw him in all of his 14 year-old glory. He was beautiful, what I needed and wanted in my life. He led me back to the bed and slowly started kissing me. My lips, cheeks, chin, neck and worked his way down to my nipples. He licked and sucked on them. Working his way down past my abdomen and to my cock. He swallowed me whole in one shot. And I about came. He bobbed his head slowly and rhythmically. He brought he head up and kissed me. I turned him over and started working my way down his body I started sucking him off then I stopped. I reached over to the night-stand and grabbed the K-Y. I applied it to his cock and rubbed it in very good and made his slippery. I took some more and applied it to my rear. I fingered myself for just a minute then stopped. I crawled up towards the front and laid down. Alex got up and hovered over me looking at me. "I Love you Brett Mikells, now and forever," he said with love and more emotions then I have ever heard from him before. "And I love you too Alex Daniels, now and forever" when I said that a tear dropped from my eye and I smiled at him. It was a tear of love and joy from me to him. I lifted my legs and he put them on his shoulder. I slowly put his cock at my entrance and when I nodded he slowly pushed in. He stopped when the head was first in, for me to adjust. After a minute he finished until I could feel his pubic hair on my ass cheeks. He pulled out a little then back in. I moved my legs till they were wrapped around his waist I smiled at him as he slowly made love to me. He moved rhythmically and lovingly, our kisses the most romantic we have ever had. We made love like it was the last time in the world. He started to speed up just a bit, but not a lot. I was getting close and so was he. We had already stopped at least two or three other times, and this time we couldn't stop. At the same time I felt my cock let go and my seed spilled forth between us, he let his go deep in side of me. I could feel it as it pumped into me. All the while with soft moans of pleasure and love, we kissed connected forever. After a few minutes of catching our breaths he pulled out slowly. We wiped each other off and our eyes never left the other. Alex laid down and with my head on his chest said our goodnights. "Goodnight Brett Mikells Love you" "Goodnight Alex Daniels love you too" "Sweet Dreams" Chapter 11It's summer time now and we are out of school and ready to party. The last day of school was great. We had a blast; all of our friends were hanging out with us but Billy and Jamie were sitting at another table, and we weren't sure why. I pointed this out to Alex and he nodded. I got up and walked over to them. As I approached the table they didn't even look up, I thought I saw a tear falling down one of their cheeks but I wasn't sure. "Hey you two, why aren't you eating with us?" I asked. They just shrugged their shoulders, but didn't look up. "Hey come on you two what is going on?" I asked really getting worried. Billy looked up and it looked like he was going to say something but couldn't then he just started sobbing. Jamie took him in his arms and held him. Everyone knew at school that they were together since the dance for the GBSA. I bent down and Billy flinched away. "Come on please talk to me," I begged with tears in my eyes. "Billy and me are upset because y'all are going away and are going to forget about us," Jamie said crying holding on to Billy. I started crying but smiling at the same time. I loved these two and they were like my little brothers. "Hey we are not going to forget about you two, I promise. You have nothing to worry about. Yes, once we start high school we are going to be busier but we will still make time to see you two and spend time together, I promise y'all," I said with tears in my eyes. Billy got up and gave me a big hug then they joined us at our table. I told Alex what was going on and he understood. All of the team did. We had a great conversation, and we had a great time together. I knew I would see the two later so I wasn't worried about it, but I still gave them a hug and that made them feel better. After school Alex and I went to my house to start our summer together, but as we walked in my mom and Alex's mom were there. We knew something was up. "Ummm 3;hey," I said tentatively. "Oh boys hi, how was your day? Did you have fun?" my mom asked. We nodded. She pointed to the love seat and Alex and I sat down. He grabbed my hand afraid that something was wrong. Our moms noticed this and laughed. "Don't worry you two nothing is wrong. We just want to talk to you about a few things," Mrs. Daniels said. We just sat there not knowing what to say. "Well we were thinking how would you two like to go to summer camp this year. I mean what would you think of that?" she asked. We just looked at each other and as before it was as if Alex and I were reading each other's thoughts. "Dunno" we said together. Mom and Mrs. Daniels nodded their heads as if they understood. "Well why don't you two think on it and let us know by the end of the week ok?" my mom said. "Ok," we said together. We got up and headed upstairs hand in hand. When we got to our room we shut the door and sat on my bed; we were both in deep thoughts about what we should do. We would like to go but I have never been before, what would happen if people found out. We didn't get a chance to talk about it because there came a knock on our bedroom door. Alex got up and opened it. There stood Billy and Jamie with tears in their eyes and a sad look on their faces. "Hey guys what's wrong?" I asked. They came over and gave me a hug then Alex. "Our moms want us to go to summer camp, but we want to stay here with y'all," said Billy crying holding on to Jamie. Jamie had his arms around Billy and was crying too. "Well don't get too upset, our mom want us to go to summer camp as well. We don't know what to do because we want to be together and if we go we may be found out and be hurt or get in trouble because of it," I said with Alex's arms around me. Sometime during the talk we got in our usual position with me leaning on Alex and his arms around me. Billy and Jamie nodded knowing what we were talking about because they wanted to be together as well. We talked for a while then they left. After my dad got home my family and Alex's went out to eat, we talked a little about summer camp but not much. Alex and I went to bed when we got home. We cuddled then fell into a restful night's sleep. The week was going ok and we were still talking about camp and what we should do, Billy and Jamie along with Billy, Jarad, Brian and Eric all came over everyday to talk. We were all asked about camp as if our parents have gotten together to send us to camp, but none of us knew what to do. We saw the brochures and were sure that the all-boy's camps would have been fine but our parents wanted us to go to a normal camp, we just didn't know what to do. Friday was approaching and we all had to have a decision by then. We didn't want to upset our parents but we knew that we really didn't want to go. So after one more talk me, Alex, Billy W, Jamie, Jarad and Billy S, decided 'why not?' We let our parents know that Friday night and they were happy. It turns out that they wanted us to go because they all wanted a second honeymoon. The following Monday we would all be on our way to camp. The camp was called Camp Kawana. Monday came and we all headed to the pick up point. We brought along five pairs of shorts, three pants, eight shirts, a lot of socks and underwear our bathing suits and our shoes. We all met at the pickup point and loaded onto the bus together. There were about 60 kids on the bus and since we were three couples we decided to sit together in the back. We were all talking quietly and noticed that a big kid came and sat in front of the seat that me, Alex, and Billy W were on. Billy S, Jarad and Jamie all sat on the one across from us. The big kid heard us talking and kinda snickered but we ignored him. Something told me we may have problems but I wasn't going to say anything unless he did. It took about an hour and a half for us to reach the camp and we all were both excited and scared. Excited because we've never been to camp yet scared because we were afraid that someone was going to find out and hurt us. We pulled up to the camp and got off the bus, as we were lining up we noticed that the fat kid was near us and would laugh or snicker at something. The councilor came up to us and started talking saying the normal 'welcome to camp' speech that I have heard in the movies. Since me and Alex and Billy S and Jarad were all the same age we would be in the same cabin, we were excited till we found out that the big kid would also be in there. We also found out that Billy W and Jamie wouldn't be in with us but in another cabin. We were upset that we wouldn't be able to all be in the same place. We made plans to try and meet later and eat together if we can. We all went to our cabins and unpacked and got settled. A horn sounded and we went to the dinning hall to eat lunch and get together. We walked in and found out that the tables were set by cabins and that we weren't able to sit with Bill W and Jamie, but we were able to sit next to their table. The head of the camp went on to explain about the different arts of the camp that we can join. There was sports for the sports people, arts and crafts for the ones who enjoyed those, nature hikes and talks, poems and reading material, and loads of other stuff. I knew that Alex would do the sports and I would do the nature, and reading and writing activities. Even though I didn't enjoy sports I knew I would be there to support him and cheer him on. I talked with Alex and he was ok with the fact that I was doing my activities and he was doing his. We agreed to spend time together late at night whenever we could get a chance. After lunch and the meeting Alex, Billy S, Jarad, Jamie and Billy W all got together and took a walk. When we were far enough in the woods that no one could see us we each took our partners hands. "So what do you guys think of the camp so far?" I asked holding Alex's hand. "It's ok, I hate the fact that we can't show our true feelings for the ones we love," replied Jarad reaching over and placing a simple little kiss on Billy S' cheek. This caused him to blush and us to start laughing. After walking for five more minutes we sat down and I cuddled up to Alex in our position. Billy S, and Billy W also took the same position with their boyfriends and we all smiled at each other. Our boyfriends put their arms around us and we put our heads on their shoulders. "I agree with Jarad, I mean Jamie and I are in our cabin and there are all of these other boys around, and don't get me wrong they are cute, but Jamie is so much cuter and I can't even give him a hug or a kiss and tell him I love him. I hate that," said Billy W with tears in his eyes. I knew how much they meant to each other but didn't realize till now how much they also needed each other. "I mean he practically lives with me. His parents are cool with it and God knows my mom is and we spend the night at each other's house all the time. Since I live closer to school he stays with me on the weekdays and I stay with him on the weekends," he said. That surprised me and the other boys. Hell, even our parents didn't let me and Alex stay together any more than Friday and Saturday nights. Alex and me started the giggling thinking of what they did together every night. Billy S and Jarad must have been thinking the same thing because they started giggling too. At first Billy W and Jamie didn't get it until I motioned with my hand to my mouth in a sucking motion. They both started blushing big time, which sent us into more laughter. Billy and Jamie soon joined us in the laughter. After we all laughed a while longer we calmed down and just sat there with our boyfriend and watched the sun set. It was so magical. There were all these colors, red, orange, yellow, pink, purple, and blue; it was as if you could actually see the universe in all its wonder at that moment. It made me think that if nothing else came of the trip, we were there watching this magnificent sight with the ones we loved, but like all good things it had to end as the bell for supper rang. We didn't realize that we spent all afternoon talking and relaxing and enjoying each other's company. We got up gave our lovers a kiss and started to leave but before we did I stopped Alex. I looked at him and smiled. "I love you Alex Daniels and with this sun set as it is, I want you to know I will always be with you, and always be here for you. All you ever need to do is ask," I smiled letting a tear of joy fall down my cheek. Alex looked at me too and tears welled up in his eyes. "I love you Brett Mikells and with this sun set as it is, I want you to know I will always be with you and always be here for you. All you ever need to do is ask," and with that he leaned down and gave me a gentle kiss. The kiss was one of passion and love, a simple kiss. We turned around to leave and saw the others each kissing their boyfriends. We smiled and grabbed each other's hand and walked past them. A few feet away they caught up to us, we kept on walking and we let our boyfriends hands go before we even got to camp just to be on the safe side. We went and ate dinner together then headed to our separate cabins. We had to take a shower then get ready for bed. The showers room was a big room but there were cubicles so people could have their privacy. We all took our showers and talked a little while as we washed and joked around. We got dressed then headed back to our cabin. As Alex and I were walking to our cabin we saw a few girls walk by. They stopped stared and smiled; we smiled back but keep on talking and walking. "UGGG I hate that," I said. Alex giggled and then whispered to me. "Baby you have nothing to worry about, I am not nor will I ever leave you. Not for another boy and certainly not for a girl," he said that. I looked in his eyes smiled and nodded my head. By the time we got back to the cabin there were only a few boys there. We sat on our bunks and started talking. "So what are you going to do tomorrow?" I asked Alex. "I will probably see if there's a football team going on or something like that. What about you?" he asked back. "I'm not sure, maybe I'll see if the Poetry and Reading cabin is starting anything. Or the nature activities. I'm not sure yet," I replied. Alex nodded his head. "That's cool so we still having lunch together tomorrow?" "Yep as always," By this time we were sitting on my bunk. Alex had the one above me, and we were playing cards. We stopped talking and just played, a few of the other boys came over and wanted to play so we dealt them in and we had a hand of poker going. The big kid that was laughing at us came in and wanted to play so we dealt him in and started playing over again. After a few minutes the councilor came in and told us 'lights out' in ten minutes. We all groaned but nodded anyway. We played a few more hands then we separated and went to our bunks. Alex was whispering to me when the big kid came up to us. "So what are you two talking about, sneaking out later tonight and butt fucking each other?" he asked laughing. I couldn't believe he said that. I wanted to cry. Alex got up in his face and settled it. "No fat ass we were talking about what we are going to do tomorrow in our activities. So why don't you butt out and get away," Alex said. The big kid just looked at him all mean and such then turned and walked away. We climbed in our bunks just as the lights were being turned out. I hoped tomorrow would be a better day. The next morning we awoke to the sound of a horn. I pulled the pillow over my face and the blanket over the pillow. I started dozing off again. When someone pulled the blankets and the pillow from me, I was about to holler at them when I looked up and saw Alex standing there smiling down at me. I smiled back and I was about to reach up and kiss him when I noticed where we were. I frowned for a minute then got up. We changed our clothes then headed to the mess hall. When we got there a lot of the other campers were already there. We sat at the table that we sat at yesterday, after we got our breakfast. Let me tell you, pancakes and eggs with sausage and milk would be good if the milk wasn't almost warm and the food wasn't either cold or burnt. Talk about overkill or underkill on food. I saw Billy and Jamie walk in since Jarad and Billy S, were already with us. I saw that Billy was crying and I figured that maybe he just missed home; boy was I wrong. I saw him sit down and Jamie went and got their breakfast. When he returned he put the food in front of Billy but all he did was push it away. Jamie looked like he was about to cry which I don't think I could have handled, hell I was already about to cry since Billy was crying. I told Alex I would be right back and went over to them. "Hey Billy what's wrong?' I asked him sitting by him. Billy turned looked at me then threw his arms around my neck and started sobbing. Jamie started crying and Alex came over and put his arm around him to comfort him. "Hey, hey why the tears?" I asked. He just continued to cry and soon I felt like I would cry too. He finally lifted his head and whispered in my ear what happened. "When we got up this morning I had a boner and I couldn't help it. I looked at Jamie and he had one too. Well I started walking over to him forgetting where I was and was about to kiss him when some of the boys started laughing. I was scared, I thought Jamie would hate me for forgetting where we were, but instead he turned and told them to shut up, they did, but our councilor came in and saw me crying and asked what happened. I didn't want to say anything but one of the other boys told him that it looked like I was about to kiss Jamie and they were giggling, then the boy told them that Jamie told them all to shut up and they did. Well the councilor looked at us in disgust and said it looks like we have a couple of fags on our hands and we know how to deal with them. Then he turned around and walked out," when he finished he started crying again. About that time Billy and Jamie's councilor came up. "What do you think you are doing at my table? You belong over there, now leave my boys alone especially my little funny boys," he said looking mean. I don't know what happened but all of a sudden I let Billy go, turned around and punched his councilor in the nose. I am very protective of Billy especially after what happened. Alex has always protected me and I will always protect Billy. The lunchroom went quiet. All of my anger came up once again. "How dare you?" I hollered at the top of my lungs. "He's 12 years old and you embarrass and threaten him. I don't think so." By this time Alex grabbed me in a bear hug and hung on for dear life; I think he was afraid that I may do to him what I did to Billy's father, I think I just might have. By this time some of the other councilors and the nurse were there with the head of the camp. "What is going on?" asked the headman. "That little punk hit me for no reason after I told him to go back to his table," he said. Billy's councilor was looking at me as if telling me I better not say anything about what happened. He was wrong. "For no reason. I don't think so. You threatened Billy, embarrassed him and hurt him because he's different. Well fuck you, I'm gay too asshole now what do you think of that?" I asked. I wanted to bring Alex in it but I don't know if he wanted me to or not, that was up to him. I found out my answer when Alex said what he did. "Brett here is my boyfriend you idiot, and if you keep looking at him like that we are going to see if we are going to have a repeat of what he did to Billy's ex-stepfather," Alex said with venom in his voice and anger in his eyes. "Now calm down everyone, what is this about Jake here threatening Billy and who is Billy?" he asked. About that time Billy came out from behind me. When I turned around I saw Billy S and Jarad with looks of disgust on their faces at Billy's councilor I shook my head and they calmed down some what. Billy S may have turned out to be real soft but when it came to hurting his friends and other gays, well let's say his attitude is mean very mean, worse than when he was a bully. Jarad was the same way. Billy came from around me and stood in front of me. Alex let me go but kept his arms around my waist to hold onto me just in case I went after Billy's councilor. Billy looked at the head of the camp and started crying. I put my hand on his shoulder and he turned and wrapped his arms as far around me and Alex as he could. I lifted his chin smiled at him and nodded my head. He smiled then turned back around. Billy's councilor was looking at him shaking his head and then held up a hand like he would hurt him, I saw red. I jumped from Alex's grip before he knew what happened and started punching the guy. He blocked most of my punches but I did get a few in. It took Alex and another councilor to pull me off. I kept struggling to get to him and Alex did the only thing he could to calm me down. He pulled me away from the other councilor, turned me towards him and kissed me. It took a few seconds to realize what was going on but when I did I relaxed and closed my eyes. We broke the kiss a few seconds later, Alex looked at me and smiled then I looked at him and smiled back but started crying. He held me and wouldn't let me go till I finished calming down. By that time everyone in camp was there staring at us and we didn't care. I soon regained my control and with Alex's arms around me turned to face the others. There were a few smiles as if saying way to go or I wish I could do that, but there were also a few not so sure looks but nothing mean except from Billy's councilor Jake. "See what I mean fags are here," he said. I just cried. I was tired of fighting and I couldn't handle it anymore. I think Alex got mad but before he could do anything a hand came from around us with a body attached and slapped the councilor. It was the kitchen lady, Helga. We were all startled. "How dare you say that in my kitchen. These are fine young men and woman in here, and these two boys love each other and just because they are boys you want to harass and cause them problems; I wouldn't be surprised that the entire group doesn't sue you and this camp for bigotry," she said in a broken German accent. I smiled at her when she turned around and she smiled back. She looked at the two of us and just nodded her head and went about her way. By this time the head of the camp just looked at us all. "Well I don't know what Jake was thinking but this camp is open for everyone. Jake since you don't like it and you did threaten a camper and this could possibly put us in danger of being sued you are hereby terminated and you have 30 minutes to get your belongings and get out of here. You are no longer welcome here and if you ever set foot on this property again, I will have you arrested. Do I make myself clear?" he asked. "Yes sir, and let the little faggots have the camp I don't care anyway, so fuck off," Jake hollered. I was getting madder and madder but Alex kept a firm grip on me. The head of the camp turned and looked at me. "I am sorry about that. By all rights you could be sent home for this but since I can see why it happened and what happened, I would let it drop. But from now on any problems and you come and see me, ok?" I said 'yes sir' and turned around to see Billy and Jamie hugging each other. I walked over and hugged them as well. As we were sitting down to finish our breakfast the head of the camp, Mr. Ryle, we soon learned that was his name, went over to the microphone and made an announcement. "As of now I will say this one time and one time only. This is an open camp to all boys and girls. No matter your age, race, country of origin, disability or sexual orientation, if any of you choose to harass or hurt someone else because of there differences then be forewarned we will send you home. There is no bigotry at all in this camp and it will not be tolerated." With that said Mr. Ryle sat down to finish his breakfast as well. I didn't think any of the guys would talk to us at our table probably thinking we will want to hit on them or try something with them, but I guess I was wrong. They asked questions and we answered them. "So you two really gay?" one of the boys asked. "Yes we are," said Alex smiling at me. I smiled back and took his hand in mine under the table. "You two are boyfriends so you aren't going to try anything with any of us are you?" asked another boy kinda nervously. I looked at Alex and he looked at me and we started laughing. "No, we aren't. We are committed to each other. I love him too much to cheat on him. Also I don't believe boyfriends or girlfriends should hurt each other especially that way, let alone fiancées," I said smiling as I held up my ring to show them. Alex just smiled and held up his. "But those are on the wrong hand. They should be on the left," one of the other boys said. "Well we decided that for right now they will be on our right hands, then later on maybe after we graduate high school will we put them on our left hand and make it permanent. We are engaged and happy with each other," I said smiling. A few of the guys congratulated us but the big kid from our cabin didn't say anything until we got up to go. "I am going to see if I can get transferred to another cabin," he said "Oh really, and why is that?" asked another boy at our table sarcastically. "Because I don't want to be around these two fags and their shit," with that he got up and went to talk with the councilor. Apparently it didn't turn out as he wanted it to, because all he did was get mad and storm out of the building. I shrugged my shoulders and walked the other way. Alex did find the football team tryouts and went out to see if he could get on it. He did, of course. I went to the reading cabin and found out that a poetry contest would be held and we would be discussing Hemingway later in the week. I couldn't wait. After dinner that night and our showers Alex and I were on my bunk sitting and talking. Out of respect for the other boys we didn't sit how we usually did but we did hold hands. A few of the boys noticed and made funny comments that we all laughed at. At one point I just busted out with, "You're just jealous because I can get some whenever I want!" Some of them laughed, some went 'eeeewwwww' but the boy who said it blushed and ran outside. I thought for a moment then told Alex I would be right back. I went outside and found him sitting on the steps with his knees drawn up to his face. "You alright?" I asked as I sat down next to him. "Yeah," was all he said. "Come on Peter what's wrong?" I asked. He just shook his head and I could tell from the moonlight that he was crying. I put my arm around him and he just started crying harder. I could tell he was because his shoulders were shaking, even thought he cried silent tears. He finally calmed down. "You're right, I am jealous. I want a boyfriend too. You see I'm 14 and I've known I was gay since I was 12. When what happened in the mess hall happened I was so happy that I wasn't the only one, but seeing you two together makes me want someone for myself. There are a few boys here that I would love to be with, one in particular. We live in the same city and go to the same school but he is straight. His name is Steven." I told him I was sorry but who knows maybe things would be all right just wait to see what happens. He agreed then our councilor came up to tell us lights out and saw us talking, he asked if everything was ok and I assured him it was. He just smiled nodded his head then went inside and yelled. "Lights out in 10 minutes," he turned around then went to the bathroom. We walked in with my arm around his shoulder and he was smiling and laughing. I told him I had to tell Alex and he said ok. I went over to Alex and whispered what happened. He was surprised but understanding. I smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss when I thought no one was looking I was wrong. "Ok I saw that, no more. If I can't find a girl to kiss I don't want to see you two. And no bed squeaking going on either," he said laughing, everyone started laughing, and then I did it, I did the one thing to make them laugh harder, I blushed. When they saw this they just kept laughing. I threw my arms around Alex and hid my face in his shoulder. He just laughed and hugged me back. Let me explain one thing about my blushing that makes everyone laugh. When I blush I turn ripe red, I mean so red that I look like a cherry, and it's very noticeable. After that we all crawled into our own beds and settled down for the night. As I was dozing off I could have sworn I heard a few beds springs squeaking and a few moans. I guess some of the boys had to relieve themselves, hehe. Chapter 12The rest of the first week past and we had a pretty good time. Only the big boy caused any real trouble and that was just name calling that we all ignored. We went swimming and on nature walks and such. Alex played football and I was there to cheer him on. The other campers were kinda surprised when they found out that Alex was the Captain and the quarterback for the Junior Varsity football team back in Savannah, and he was gay. 'That was some kinda mix there,' a few of the guys said. I smiled and nodded my head, knowing I loved Alex and he loved me and we didn't care what others thought. Billy W, Jamie, Billy S, Jarad, Alex and myself always walked around holding hands. Now that we were out it didn't matter, in fact we even got some 'good goings' for doing what we wanted and being us. Some of the other boys were still a little uncomfortable, but that was only when we took showers. I think they were scared that one of us was going to peek at them. All I said was this, "Why peek at y'all when I've got this," and pulled off Alex's towel. The boys all laughed and Alex blushed and started chasing me. I was only wearing a towel as well; he caught me and tore it from me. I stopped running around the shower area and was still laughing when Alex came over and hugged me laughing. We only hugged for a second then went and got dressed. The other boys teased him about being a tease, and me for being a pervert. We only said, "your point?" Which got everyone, including our camp counselor, Doug, to start laughing. One evening, Alex and I were sitting on the front porch of the cabin we were staying in, looking at the nighttime sky. One of the boys tried turning on the outside light, and we said to keep it off, we were star gazing. He said cool and joined us. After a few minutes it was like the rest of the cabin was there. I saw Peter next to Steven talking. Steven nodded his head and took Peter's hand, I smiled at them in the moonlight; they smiled back. Now they were both happy turned out they wanted each other but, just like Billy and Jarad, were just too scared to say anything about it till the night after Alex and I came out. Our counselor came up and saw us and joined us telling us in a whisper that 'lights out was in 10 minutes.' We said OK, and went back to watching the stars. Alex got up and sat behind me, surprising a few of the boys. They'd never seen our regular position of sitting with each other like that till then. A few smiled and a few giggled, but they were cool with it. With my head on Alex's shoulder we saw a shooting star, and we both made a wish. We looked at each other and I knew we wished for the same thing, "that we stay together for ever," After a few more minutes we all got up and headed inside. Before Alex went in he stopped me, turned towards me, and under the stars with the moon shining down on us, kissed me long and passionately. We broke apart, smiled then headed inside. When we got inside they started laughing and making comments. "Ohhhhh sucky faces," one boy said. We all laughed. "Uh oh, they may get frisky. Everyone stay under your covers and cover your ears," another said. We laughed again and I blushed which only made people laugh harder. Our counselor came in to see what all the laughing was about. When one of the boys calmed down enough, he told him what happened. Then the counselor started laughing, saying a few things himself, which made me turn red as a cherry. We all changed into our pajamas or shorts and crawled into bed. I raised my hand up and grasped Alex's, that was hanging over the side, he gently squeezed my hand and I squeezed back. We drifted into sleep. "NO, NO, NO!" I shouted as the other car rammed into the front of our car. I was shaking and crying, calling out for my parents. I felt a hand on my shoulder then turned around. I awoke with the light in the cabin on and Alex shaking me. I looked up and screamed. The other boys looked on and the counselor ran into the cabin. "What in the hell is going on?" Counselor Doug asked. "Brett's having a nightmare," one of the other boys said. I finally came to my senses and grabbed onto Alex. He held me while I shook and cried. "Is he going to be ok?" asked Doug. Alex nodded his head, and explained. "His real parents died in a car accident, he was in the back seat. That was a little over three years ago. He's been having nightmares ever since. Some nights he's fine and some nights he isn't." Alex grabbed a washcloth someone had giving him and started wiping the sweat from my face. Alex held me in his arms as I calmed down. I finally relaxed and that is when I noticed that all of the boys were there. "Sorry guys," was all I could come up with. They said it was OK, and went back to their bunks. Probably thinking they were lucky it wasn't them. I bet that when they got home, they gave their parents a big hug. Alex was still holding me when Kyle, another boy in the cabin, came over. Billy and Jarad were sitting on the end of the bed holding hands and staying next to me. They have turned into some great friends. "I know how you feel," said Kyle, as he looked down at me with tears in his eyes. At first I didn't understand then it dawned on me. His parents were killed as well. "They died in a house fire," he started saying with tears sliding down his face, "along with my baby brother, I was asleep and woke up to my mom shaking me. She grabbed me and we started downstairs when she fell and hit her head. She told me to head outside and I did. Dad was coming down the stairs behind my mom with my baby brother in his hands and he looked at me smiled and nodded his head. I thought he was going to make it, so I ran out the front door, the next thing I knew I heard a scream and the roof collapsed on them. All I could do was cry; one of my neighbors got me and held on to me. I had to go to a home as well, and I finally got adopted. I was 8 years old, when they died and 9 when I got adopted I'm 14 now. I still have nightmares every now and then, but not as much. So if you ever want to talk just let me know, ok?" He said. I nodded my head and hugged him. It made me sad that his parents died when he was so young, but at least I knew I wasn't alone. After a few minutes of me and Kyle hugging and crying, we let go of each other and he went to his bed. Billy and Jarad headed to their beds after giving me a hug. I just looked up at Alex and he was smiling at me. "You alright now?" he asked. I nodded my head, and he bent down and kissed my forehead. He tried getting up. "Please stay a little longer?" I asked. He nodded his head and just held onto me. Doug looked at us, smiled then turned off the lights. Soon I was drifting to sleep in Alex's arms. I had no more nightmares that night. I awoke the same way, with Alex holding on tight and a few of the boys giggling at us. I looked up and smiled at them, they put one of their pointer fingers on top of the other, while smiling, gave up the 'shame shame' sign. I just giggled and they went to use the bathroom. I untangled myself from Alex's grasp gently so I didn't wake him. I scooted out of bed and put on my day shorts and a clean shirt and headed to the bathroom. I did my business then returned to find Alex still asleep. I tiptoed over with a few of the boys watching to see what I would do. I bent down and gave Alex a gentle kiss, a few seconds later his eyes fluttered opened and he smiled at me. "Morning," he said yawning. "Morning yourself. Come on get up," I said. He nodded, took my hand and I helped him up. He looked at me then gave me a hug. "You ok after last night?" he asked once again. "Yeah I am, thanks to you, and thanks to Kyle for letting me know I wasn't alone with the nightmares," I said giving him a gentle and reassuring smile. He nodded, bent down and kissed me. He got dressed then we headed to the mess hall and had breakfast. I saw Billy W and Jamie sitting talking quietly, when another boy of about 12 or 13 came up and started talking to them. They nodded their heads and he joined them. I saw them talking quietly and having their heads close together. I saw the boy smile and nod towards a redhead about their age sitting at a table. Billy and Jamie smiled, the other boy got up and got his friend. They both came back to the table and they had breakfast together talking and laughing. I smiled; glad that they still had friends and were still making friends. Me, Alex, Billy S, and Jarad all went about our ways. I went on a nature hike, Alex went back to the football team, and Jarad and Billy went to the reading room and read a story written by Hemingway. We met back for lunch, and had a great lunch; we all had a blast. After lunch we all went swimming and had fun splashing around and trying to dunk each other. I saw Billy, Jamie, and those two boys walking together laughing. Billy and Jamie were holding hands, and those two boys were awfully close to each other. I think that the two boys were boyfriends but didn't want anyone to know, but they told Billy and Jamie, because they needed someone else to be around. I was happy that they found someone else to be with and get along with. Our time was coming to an end with camp. It was a sad time for us, and all of our new friends that we'd met. The last day we cried and hugged our new friends and exchanged e-mails and such, especially with Pete and Steven. I hoped that they would stay together and be happy. The bus left later that afternoon and just like before, me, Alex, Billy S, Jarad, Billy W, and Jamie were all sitting together in the back of the bus. We saw the big kid get on and start heading our way. He saw us but didn't say anything as the bus started and off we went. As we were driving Billy W and Jamie told us about the brown-headed boy and the redheaded boy. "Well Trey, the boy with the brown hair that first came up and talked to us, asked a few questions. He told us; him and his boyfriend were there too. When he nodded his head toward the other table that day, it's when we saw Sean, the redheaded boy. Well as you know, he went and got him and they had a great conversation. They told us how they met and what had happened between them," Billy W explained. Jamie continued with, "They met at school, became best friends, then one night when Sean was staying with Trey, he started to cry and when Trey asked him what it was about, Sean finally told him that he was in love with him. Sean was afraid that Trey may tell his parents and Sean's, but instead reached down, picked up Sean's head, kissed him on the lips and told him he was in love with him too. And well, the rest is history." Then Billy W added more to the story. "They aren't out to anyone and never will be, not until they are either in high school or college. They feel in love and enjoy being with each other. They have done a few sexual things but they haven't gone all the way deciding that they wanted to wait for that special occasion," he finished with. We all smiled and agreed with him. The bus pulled up to where our parents were waiting for us, as we were getting off the bus the big kid stopped us, he looked at each of us smiled and nodded his head. "I just want to say thank you," he said smiling. We all looked at him dumb founded. "Umm, not to sound ungrateful, but for what?" I asked. He laughed. "Well I didn't like faggots, oh sorry, I mean homosexuals when I first came on here because a friend of mine is one. But, after seeing the way you all act around one another and not bothering anyone or putting any pressure on anyone about it, and answering any questions that were asked of y'all. Well, I wanted to say thanks for enlightening me. You didn't know it, but I listened whenever someone asked you a question and you answered it honestly and truthfully. I respect that. So I wanted to say thank you for helping me understand that lifestyle. If you ever want to talk please e-mail me. Oh by the way, my name is Brent," he said with a smile handing me a sheet of paper with his e-mail address on it. I smiled at him and stuck out my hand for him to shake. He shook my hand then pulled me into a hug thanking me. He turned around wiped his eyes then left. We were left speechless. When we got off the bus our parents where there and we went through the normal 'how was camp?' 'What happened?' 'Did anyone find out?' Hehe yes, that too. We told them all that happened with the exception of the playing around that we each did with our lovers' hehe. They said that they were happy that we were able to change people's opinions about what they thought and us. We also told them about the sunset the first day, they smiled and said that shows true love. We smiled nodded our heads then got in the car and left. Wow only two more months until school starts; I can't wait to see what happens when we finally start HIGH SCHOOL. Chapter 13Summer was finally over and the new school year was about to start. I didn't know what to do. I knew I wanted to stay with Alex Sunday night but I also knew I couldn't since school is now starting the same routine as before summer started, weekends only. Which really sucks, but hey what can I say, nothing. Well, my Birthday came and went over the summer and so did Alex's, turned out we are three days apart and he is older. My birthday was July 14th and his was July 11th, and we had a blast. Had some friends over and just partied. Billy W and Jamie were there of course and they had fun as well. We promised them again that we will not forget about them and we are going to keep that promise. Two more days and we will be freshmen. I'm both scared and happy, scared because we're gay and I don't know what is going to happen yet and happy because we will be together through it all. The weekend before school started we stayed at my house and his and just relaxed, we didn't want to rush anything so we had fun just being with each other. I just wish I knew what would of happened before it did. Monday came and I got up at 6 for school, I took my shower got dressed then headed down stairs. I had my breakfast then went to the bus stop. There were the middle school kids but also the high school kids as well from this block. Billy S and Jarad were there and they both looked nervous, as I was. "Hey guys, how's it going?" I asked "Pretty good, scared but otherwise OK," Billy said leaning into Jarad. Jarad leaned into Billy and nodded his head in the affirmative. I knew how they felt; I was scared too. The middle school bus pulled up and the middle school kids got on. A few minutes later the high school bus pulled up and we got on scared and nervous. I was the first to walk on. It was kinda quite for it being so early, but I knew that some of the kids weren't awake yet, which was cool with me. I was about to sit down by myself when a hand on my back made me stop. I turned around and smiled when I saw the person touching my back was Alex. I sat down quickly and Billy and Jarad sat across from us. I wanted to hug Alex so badly but I wasn't sure how the kids on the bus would react. What we didn't know is that Brandon, the QB for the Varsity football team, was on the same bus. Alex, Billy, Jarad and myself spoke quietly all the way to school. When we pulled up we all took a big gulp of air and started getting off of the bus. We walked off the bus and looked at all of the kids there. Some of the ones directly in front of us that were out there talking quit talking when they saw Alex and me. I was starting to get a little scared when I spotted our group, so that's where we went, to where the JV team was. I was glad that they were there and I felt much better. We were quietly talking when a voice interrupted us. "Don't worry about anyone around here guys." We all stopped talking and turned around to see Brandon standing there smiling at us with a few of his football team. "They know which ones are gay and they are either going to try and start trouble or leave you alone. If they start trouble let us know," he said. "Well, most of us don't care, we're more worried about Brett here. We can take care of ourselves but Brett is a different story. We take care of him, he helps us with our homework and our studying, he makes sure that we pass our classes and can stay on the team, we protect him for that. Even if he didn't do that he would still get our protection," said Tyler. I turned around and saw Tyler and his girlfriend smiling at me. They nodded their heads and I lowered mine down. One for shame because I couldn't protect myself and also out of embarrassment. Alex grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I looked up at him and he smiled letting me know I had nothing to feel sorry for, I smiled back and squeezed his hand. I was about to pull back but he wouldn't let me. I looked at him questioningly and with the look on his face I understood. The school already knew about us so why hide it. I nodded my head smiled at him and stepped closer to him. I couldn't believe we were going to do this, but hey life is a bitch. Brandon looked at us, then smiled and nodded his head. "Well, if anyone tries anything and y'all need some help let one of us know OK?" he said. We all nodded said thank you then he left. I took a deep breath then with Alex's hand in mine turned around to face my new school and classmates. Alex looked at me and smiled, "It's OK babe, they know about us so no more hiding OK?" "OK, I love you Alex," was all I could think of, he smiled then leaned down and kissed me on my cheek. I kissed him back, then turned to face the front of the school, there were a few kids there who were smiling and a few who weren't and looked like they wanted to kick our ass's, but knew if they did they would have to deal with the football team, I felt safe in public at a school for the second time in my life, and I was happy. As we started walking towards the door people got out of our way, some said a few remarks but I let it pass; why get upset they're just words, yeah they hurt, words will always hurt, but I won't let them get to me no more, well not if I can help it. We walked through the front doors and saw the Principal standing there. I didn't know what to think, here we were holding hands and he just looked at us. He smiled and pointed towards the auditorium. We smiled, nodded our heads, then with me holding Alex's hand, we walked in there. We found some seats big enough for all of us and sat down. Most of the kids that were in there were from our school and they knew us. They saw Alex and me holding hands and gave us the thumbs up with a smile. We smiled back and I put my head on Alex's shoulder. The principal got up to the podium and started his speech. He welcomed us here and went over all of the rules that we needed to know; at one point he was looking directly at Alex and me when he said what he did next. "Also please remember there will be no harassment of any kind in my school. If I find out that a student is harassing another student because of his/her color, ethnic background, his/her sexuality, where he/she comes from or for any reason that may cause the student harm then the student doing the harassment will be suspended and if we feel that is it necessary, expelled," he said as he smiled at me and Alex and we smiled back. After he finished his speech we were sent to the cafeteria to get our schedules. As we stood in line me and Alex talked with a few of the students and they said it was as if the Principal was looking right at Alex and me. We told them we agreed and that we couldn't wait to see how the school year turns out. When Alex and me got our schedules we compared them and found out that we had only about three classes together but that was all, the main one we did have together is gym. It was as if they were going to make sure I had someone there for me. A few of our friends got their schedules and we compared them. I had at least one or two JV football players in each class. I pointed this out to Alex and he smiled. He was happy that I would be safe. The first few periods were cool and nothing too hard, English, math, and science. Alex was in my science class and apparently the teacher knew of us because she made the comment to the class, if any of you talk too much and play around you will be separated. She finished that by looking at Alex and me and smiling at us. I slipped down in my desk and blushed which made Alex chuckle. We made it through that class then headed to lunch. When we walked into the lunchroom we saw some of the other team members, and we also saw Billy and Jarad there. We got our lunches then joined everyone at a table that soon became known as the JV table. Unless you were a football player or were asked to sit with us no one sat with us, except the Varsity football team, that is. As we were sitting there I saw two mean looking guys dressed all in black head to a table where another 9th grader was sitting reading and not bothering anyone. They went up to him and knocked his book out of his hands. Let me take a second to describe this boy, he was maybe 5'0 even [1.52 m] maybe 110 lbs [50 kg] soaking wet with brown hair and brown eyes and he wore glasses. He wore the latest clothes and his hair was nicely done in the latest fashion, so he wasn't a geek by any means. After knocking his book out of his hands they pushed him out of his seat and threw his food tray at him, covering him with the food. He lay there for a minute then started picking himself up when one of the boys put his foot on his back and shoved him back to the floor using the poor boy as a foot stool. Alex saw this and got red. Alex got up and with the rest of the team went over to the boys. When he got there this older, taller meaner looking teen looked up at Alex like he was stupid or something. Well that was until Alex pulled him out of the chair and throws him on the ground. Alex put his foot on the boy's back and just stood there for a second before he said anything. While this was going, on the other boy tried getting up but the rest of the JV team stopped him. While Alex spoke I got up and went over to the boy who was originally sitting at the table and helped him up. "You OK?" I asked. He nodded then looked up to see who was helping him. He couldn't believe what he saw. "Wow you guys really do help the younger guys don't you?" he asked. I just nodded and helped him clean up as best he could. Alex bent down to the boy he was holding and talked to him. "So you think you're so big and bad for doing that? Well how does it feel to have it done to you? Not very good does it?" he said. I noticed some of the regular high school football players' come in. They came up to us and smiled then looked down at the scum on the floor. They just looked then walked away letting us handle the situation. "Well I think you should remember one thing, if you ever try and hurt anyone again you can deal with us. Got it?" he said loud and clear. All the boy under his foot could do was nod his head and grunt his assurance. Alex got his foot off of him then we all walked back to the table. I later found out the boy we'd helped was named Mike. He just watched us walk away. He was dreaming it was he and Alex smiling at each other. I wish I had only known, what was going to happen. The months went by and we all did very well in school. We still hung out with Jamie and Billy W, like we promised we would and they were happy at school. Turns out they are the presidents of the GLBSA, we were proud of them. We were all passing our classes with me helping the JV team and Varsity team as well. Everyone was happy. We had very little problems out of bullies or anyone from wanting to hurt us if he held hands. Things were going great. My relationship with Alex grew. We made love on the weekends and held each other during the week. Things were going good, too good. One day I was walking down the hall after school going to meet Alex like I did every day, as I turned the corner I couldn't believe my eyes, there was Alex kissing another boy. I couldn't believe it, tears started to stream down my face and my heart started beating faster and faster, I silently keep saying "no, no" as the tears streamed down my face. The boy he was kissing was Mike; the boy we helped a few months ago. I turned around and ran out of the school, I heard Alex calling my name. I ran out the front doors of the school and took off. A few of the kids saw me and were wondering what was going on. I just kept running. After running a few blocks I stopped and rested, I saw a pay phone and called my Mom. She came and got me and we went home. I couldn't figure out what just happened? Why did it happen? These thoughts and questions I kept going over and over in my head. My Mom tried finding out what happened but I wouldn't talk. When we got home I ran upstairs and cried myself to sleep. When my Dad got home he too tried talking to me but I wouldn't talk, even Alex called and came around but I refused to see him. I did see him long enough to call him a lying, cheating, sonofabitch. I think that hurt him but I didn't care. For the next week all I did was cry at night and stay alone. I didn't sit with the football team or associate with them. I saw Mike a few times and he smiled at me, I just stared at him then ran to the bathroom and cried my eyes out. I didn't know what to do. Why did Alex want him over me? What does he have I don't? I didn't know but I knew I was just too tired to try. I went home for the weekend and sat alone. I felt like this when I first started Bartlett, well I guess I didn't know anything, about love and relationships. I guess Alex never really loved me. I cried that weekend and hurt like I did when I was beat up, wishing things could be different, and praying I would die, but I didn't want to, I wanted to live and prove to everyone I could survive and make my life better. The next Monday they had an assembly in the auditorium. I didn't care what it was for or why. All the kids the week before saw how I was, and saw I didn't care anymore, and that I didn't care what happened around me. Even Mike, that guy that Alex was kissing, noticed and I even saw him upset because of the kids and the way that I didn't stop anyone from being beat up. In fact I almost got beat up myself by a few bullies the only thing that saved me was a few of the varsity football players came by at the time and I was able to get away. So there I sat in the middle of the auditorium sitting around some of the football teams, both of the teams actually. I tried getting up but they wouldn't let me. I looked to the side and saw Brian and Eric sitting there shaking their heads no. I just sighed and sat there not really listening. The Principal droned on about what has been happening and that the JV football team is now a part of the Varsity football team. I was glad and happy for them. Then he said something that made me stop breathing, "Alex Daniels of the football team would like to say a few things." With that he stepped back and Alex stepped up on stage. "Thank you, Principal. Well, as some of you may know there have been a few problems in the JV team as of recent and I would like to put them straight. First, we have all gone through the trials and passed to get on the team, we did not get on it any other way. Now for the biggest message, this is personal and with the Principal's permission, he has allowed me to say some things about what happened between me and Brett Mikells." When he said my name I tried getting up only to be pushed down again by the teams. I slipped down in my seat and just listened. "Now let me start by saying the following," and with a deep breath he began, "Brett, I swear to God above I did not kiss Mike. Before you showed up he came up to talk to me and, he said, to thank me for helping him. I told him it was no big deal. He asked me what I was doing and I told him I was waiting on you. He said oh, OK and cool, as I was about to turn around he threw himself at me and kissed me. When he broke off I saw you and started hollering for you. I swear Brett I didn't cheat on you. I told you when we got our rings that I would never cheat on you and I haven't. As I ran after you, Mike ran after me, when I couldn't find you he even told me not to worry that he would always be with me, I told him no, I didn't love him and never will. I told him I loved you and that I would be faithful to you till I die. Brett, please believe me I love you and to prove that I am going to sing this song from the Back Street Boys. I love you Brett." With that music started and Alex started to sing.
About that time I started crying, I knew it wasn't his fault and now I can say I'm sorry. I got up but this time no one stopped me. I went to the aisle and started walking towards Alex on the stage. As I got there, Alex bent down and started singing directly to me.
It's true Alex helped me up on stage and held my hand, and sang while we faced each other.
I'd do anything to make it up to you The song ended and Alex and I hugged. He pulled back and kissed me in front of the whole school. We got a standing ovation; we smiled at each other then got off the stage. We sat down together holding hands. The rest of the day went by fast. Alex came over to the house and Alex and me stayed in the room until supper. My Mom noticed us together and figured out we must have had a disagreement and fixed things. I loved my parents and Alex to death. Thanksgiving, then Christmas came and went and we were still together and happy. This year we gave each other necklaces. They were beautiful, gold hearts with our initials on them. We stayed together Christmas evening again and just like last year I gave myself to Alex, besides it was our anniversary, you could say, and believe it or not even my Aunt and Uncle were there with my idiot cousin. He was going to try and stay in our room but I told him he couldn't that Alex and I were going to celebrate our engagement together. He understood and stayed downstairs. That was one of the best Christmases we ever had. One night, around the middle of January, I was asleep. It was Friday night and Alex couldn't stay because he was supposed to go to his Aunt's house the next day, that was cool, I understood and we were happy that we would be able to see each other Sunday. I awoke Saturday morning screaming. I had this vision of Alex getting hit by a car. I calmed down and got out of bed, something didn't feel right. I walked downstairs and saw my Mom and Dad sitting at the kitchen table. They had tears in their eyes. Now I knew something was wrong. "Mom, Dad what's wrong?" I asked getting upset. My Mom looked at me and in that look I knew Alex was hurt. She opened her arms and I flew into them sobbing. Somewhere in between sobs I asked about Alex. "What happened to him, where is he?" I asked sobbing. My dad got up and put his arms around me and Mom. "Son, he's at Memorial Medical, he was hit by a car this morning. He was coming over here to see you. Turns out his Aunt was sick, so they couldn't go. He was crossing the street when a drunk driver hit him. He's in critical condition. I am so sorry son," my Dad said with tears falling down his face. I was crying and sobbing now. "NOOOOOOOO this can not happen, not now," I cried. My Mom and Dad held me. They calmed me down enough for me to get dressed and go to the hospital. I dressed and cried. We got in the car and drove to the hospital, I saw the different places around me and remembered all the times Alex and me would go to places and play around, just having fun. We pulled up at the hospital and got out. For the first time in my life I was afraid of the hospital. I didn't want to go in but I knew I had to. We went up to the second floor where the critical patients were, and found Alex's parents. When his mother saw me, she hugged me and started crying. We cried for a few minutes, then she let go of me. They showed me where his door was and I went there. It took a few minutes before I could open it but I finally did. What I saw shocked me so badly that tears started down my face. Alex was lying in the bed, with tubes and hoses going into and coming out of him. His head was bandaged and his right arm and both legs were in casts. I wanted to scream but all that came out was a silent cry and a silent scream before all went dark. Chapter 14I heard people talking, but I didn't open my eyes, not yet. I didn't want to believe that it was real; soon I heard them say he was in a coma and I knew it was real. Tears silently left my eyes as I lay there. I turned on my side and silently sobbed into the pillow. I felt the bed being sat on and my mom's hand stroking my head. "Oh honey, it'll be alright. Please come on baby, shhhh," she said trying to smooth my feelings of hurt. I slowly sat up and buried my face in my mom's shoulder and cried. A few minutes later I looked up and saw my dad standing there smiling at me, he knew I was scared but he knew I could do what was expected of me. Alex's mom and dad came over and put their arms around me as well. I let them hug me, that's when I noticed that I wasn't in Alex's room. I was in a small room on a sofa, not a bed. Wow I must have really been out of it not to notice the difference. I looked as the door opened and saw a doctor come in. "Excuse me Mr. and Mrs. Daniels if I could talk to you for a few minutes please," he asked looking at Alex's mom and dad. His mom got up and simply said, "Doctor this young man is Alex's boyfriend I think that whatever you have to say, you can say in front of him and his parents," she said it with pride and then turned and looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and went to stand beside her. At first the doctor looked uncertain then nodded his head. "OK, please have a seat," he said. After we sat down with my mom and Mrs. Daniels on either side of me he began. "Well, as you know both legs are broken and so is his right arm. His brain is still slightly swelled and I believe that's why he's still in a coma, that and he's been through so much that his body feels the need to rest and the brain is not letting him wake up, till some of the pain has left. Mr. Daniels, Mr. Mikells since you are both doctors I believe you understand this?" he asked looking at them. They nodded and then continued to talk. I just zoned out thinking of Alex lying there in bed not moving. And, like in a dream, I got up. Everyone stopped talking and just looked at me. With tears in my eyes, I approached the door, opened it and walked out. My mom and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Daniels and the doctor followed me, not saying a word just watching. At first I stopped at a window and looked out. I looked up and smiled, saying a silent prayer. I think that this dumbfounded them but they didn't say a word. I continued walking down the hall towards Alex's room. When I got there I just stared at the door for a minute, out of the corner of my eye I saw my mom start to walk towards me and my dad stopped her. She looked at him and shook his head, she nodded and everyone there all knew I had to do this on my own. I slowly opened the door and walked in. I didn't look up at first because I didn't want to but then something happened; a peacefulness came over me I looked up and smiled. I don't know why but something told me that everything was going to be OK. I slowly walked towards his bed and then stopped at the bedside. I looked down at him; I slowly bent down and kissed his cheek. Then I slowly whispered, in his ear, I whispered so low that no one but him, God and me would know what I said. "I love you Alex, and I will be here till you wake up, and when you do I will help take care of you, you have been so strong for me, now it's my turn to be strong for you. As we said at Christmas: Forever, and you know what, forever hasn't come yet. So baby I am here till you are well again." With that I kissed his cheek, turned around and brought the chair that was in the corner of the room over to the bedside and sat down. I carefully took his left hand in mine and smiled down at him. I just looked and remembered all the time that we spent together, just watching the sunset or sometimes getting up early enough to catch a sunrise. I remember when he saved me and helped me. He was my strength now it was my turn. I didn't care who was watching or who was listening. I said what I had to so only he could hear; now the rest didn't matter. "Hey baby, I hope you can hear me. This seems weird talking and not seeing your eyes, looking at me, but you know what, I don't care. You are still beautiful to me and no matter what I will stay by you and help you. Remember when we went to summer camp and the sunset that we saw. That was so beautiful and I remember looking into your eyes right before we kissed. God that seems like ages ago. Oh well at least we still have the memories," I smiled saying that, and kept on talking. Laughing at some stupid joke every now and then and no one said anything to me. Matter of fact I think that the adults left me be for a while because the next thing I know mom is bringing me some lunch. Wow I didn't know I was ever hungry but she did. Later in the afternoon Billy S, Jarad, Brian, Eric and the rest of the old JV's came by. They saw him and some wept and some didn't but we all talked and laughed, I could tell that things were going to be OK. They even said when he woke up and was able to come back to school that they would help me take care of him, I smiled told them thank you. A little while later they all left. The Varsity team came by around 4:00 and saw him and we all talked and laughed and had a good time. At one point a nurse came in and saw them and said that we shouldn't be joking, it isn't appropriate, I told her that this is what Alex would like and if she didn't like it to get a doctor. She left red faced and I laughed. Apparently she did get a doctor but all he did was come in tell us to keep it to a minimum roar and left smiling. I smiled and thanked him and told him we would. Apparently the nurse didn't like it and said so the last thing I heard was him say, "Nurse sometimes a patient like Alex needs to hear normality around him, who knows it may even help him. Now be a good nurse and go back to work." I laughed at that and so did the team. They left and around 6:00 dinner was served. Apparently someone told them I was staying and no one asked why except that nurse but she was told it was none of her business. Around 7:30 Billy W and Jamie showed up. At first they were a little scared to come in but they did. Billy just saw him lying there and started crying. He turned and with tears in Jamie's eyes as well they hugged. "Hey come on, it will be alright, I promise you. I can tell he will be just fine," I said smiling at them. They turned to face me and rushed into my arms. I got them quieted down and explained why Alex was in a coma. They didn't like that word but they understood what it was and knew I wanted them to use the proper terms so they wouldn't be afraid of it. After a while they too left and that was it for the visitors for the night. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels came back from dinner and we all talked. I told them about that peaceful feeling I got and why I thought everything was going to be all right now. They nodded their heads, smiled and agreed with me. They left around 9:00 and I was left alone with Alex. I took his hand in mine and laid my head next to his, I slowly fell asleep and dreamed of Alex. The next morning I awoke to a woman's voice. "HUH, that is disgusting. You evil boy you, get away from him." It was the same nurse that caused problems the other day. "What are you talking about?" I asked her shrugging her hands off of me. She tried grabbing me again but I got away and went around Alex's bed. "What you were doing holding his hand and laying your head next to his, that is disgusting, friends don't do that," she said. "Well, he is more than my friend; he's my boyfriend now get over it. His parents and mine are fine with it and if you don't like it then fuck off," I said getting mad. She looked at me in surprise then came around the bed and slapped me. "How dare you talk to me like that you ungrateful little shit. You both are fags and are going to hell," she said trying to hit me again, but this time I pushed her away and hit the emergency button next to the bed, with in 10 seconds there was a doctor and another nurse and two orderlies there. "She is not allowed back in here," I said loud and clear. "Why you little, how dare you say that, you and your faggot ass can get out of here and let normal people be. You probably corrupted him and turned him gay, how can decent folks like us live with faggots like you. You are going to hell," she said approaching me. At that point I saw red, I started walking towards her with a fire in my eyes that I don't think anyone has ever truly seen before. She got this scared look in her eyes and slowly started backing away from me. "Me, going to hell? I don't think so, you bitch. You are a homophobic right wing fruitcake. How dare you hit and tell me I am not decent, well honey you are going to jail for assault and battery to a minor, I hate people like you. Alex and me have been together for over a year. When we graduate from high school we are going to get married. It is people like you that don't know anything and it's people like you that cause teens to kill themselves. You are nuts woman, and as far as I am concerned you are going to jail," by that time two security guys showed up, I looked at them and simply said "Arrest her she slapped me and threatened me. I want her gone now," I said. She tried to say something but the doctor and the other nurse stopped her. "I thought I heard you say faggot and other words that are not acceptable here, and I thought I heard a slap, I guess I was right. Nurse Myers you are hereby dismissed from your duty and are under arrest," said the head nurse. I just looked at Nurse Myers and smiled. "You can't do that, it's his fault and his filthy ways," she said, I shook my head and pointed to the door. The security staff took her and handcuffed her and led her away. After that they checked on Alex, and the doctor left as well. They sent food up to the room and I ate while watching TV, I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up and saw my mom and dad there, with Mr. and Mrs. Daniels. "So I hear there were some problems this morning," my dad said, I smiled and nodded. I told them what happened and Mr. Daniels said that there were others who complained about her behavior and such I guess she finally got what she deserved. On a good note they caught the drunk driver that hit Alex and he's in jail for the following: Hit and run, DUI, leaving the scene of an accident, assault and battery on a minor, and reckless driving. He will be serving about 20 years in jail, hehe serves the ass right. The day went by slowly and calmly with a few visitors here and there. Alex's brother and sister came by and we all talked and by lunch they left. I ate and just watched TV; I went of for short walk but not going to far from Alex's room. When I returned they were wheeling him out I thought something had happened. "Alex what's going on?" I asked running up and stopping them, a nurse came up to me and smiling replied. "They're taking him for some tests, nothing more, you can either wait here or walk with them," I sighed in relief and decided to go with them. I held his hand and talked to him while we walked. "I guess I made a real brat of myself just then hmmm, you are probably laughing your fool head off, but that's OK I still love you and the rings still mean more to me than anything," I said. The orderlies didn't say anything, just smiled and we keep on walking. It took about two hours to run all of the test and to see what was going on, they said the swelling had gone down and his body was slowly healing but they still aren't sure why he is in a coma. That scared me and I started to cry. They told the Daniels and my parents the same thing. Later that day a nurse came in and said that they had to give him a sponge bath I told them I could do it, at first they weren't real sure but then the doctor told them who I was and the nurse smiled and said "So you are the one who got Myers fired, thanks" she winked at me and I smiled back at her. She showed me how to bath him and put on a fresh gown. I was slightly embarrassed because while I was bathing him I got hard, hey, what can I say, 15 and a boyfriend naked on a bed, you do the math hehe. After we finished, the nurse left and me and Alex's parents sat there watching TV. I was holding his hand the entire time. I wasn't sure but I could have sworn that I felt his hand slightly tighten on mine. At about 9:30 Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Daniels left. I watched a few more minutes of TV then went and used the bathroom and changed into some shorts and a T-shirt my mom brought for me. I finished up my business in the bathroom and took my seat by Alex's side. I said a silent prayer then put my head down and fell asleep. I don't know how long I slept but the next thing I know someone is silently saying my name or trying to at any rate. I slowly lift my head up and wipe the sleep from my eyes, there I see Alex looking at me, and I couldn't believe it. He tried saying my name but not a lot came out. Earlier that day they took him off of life support saying that he could breath on his own and that was a great sign. I looked into his eyes and silent tears of joy fell down my face, he smiled at me and I tried getting up to get a nurse but he wouldn't let my hand go. He shook his head and smiled at me, I nodded back and hit the call button, the nurse came over the intercom. "Yes Mr. Mikells what can I help you with?" she said. The nurse knew who I was and decided to call me Mr. Mikells when they found out that Alex and me were engaged, a few faked a sigh of hurt and I giggled at them. "He's awake nurse, please get the doctor," I said smiling at him. "What, you serious?" she asked. "Yep, very," I said smiling. A few minutes later a doctor and the nurse who was on duty came into the room. They turned on the low light so they wouldn't blind us. They saw Alex and I looking at each other, oblivious to anyone else. "It's a miracle," said the nurse. Alex shook his head smiling at me with tears of happiness down his face I nodded and turned to face them. "No miracle, just love," I said then turned back to see Alex nodding at me. The doctor looked him over and had a hard time with him refusing to let my hand go but they were happy that he was awake. A few minutes later my parents and Alex's showed up; the nurse had called them and let them know what was going on. By then Alex could talk, getting sips of water to help. "So baby how are you?" his mother asked after the doctor did his exam and said Alex was much better but would still be in the hospital for a few more days. "Fine, when I woke up and saw Brett here I thought it was a dream, but I guess it wasn't and you know what?" he asked looking at me. "No, what?" I asked smiling back at him. "I remember what you said, how I took care of you and now it was your turn. I love you Brett," Alex said with tears running down his cheeks. I smiled with tears of joy and leaned in and gently kissed him in front of the nurse and doctors, and families that were there. After a while I noticed that the sun was up and Alex was back asleep. I laid my head down and fell asleep as well. When I awoke next I felt someone rubbing my head. I looked and saw Alex staring at me, I smiled and leaned in and kissed him, and God it was so good, being able to feel his lips again. Someone clearing their throats brought us back to reality, we turned and saw the nurse smiling at us and I blushed, which she laughed at. "Does he always turn that color of red?" she asked bringing in some pills for Alex. "Yep," Alex said and chuckled. The nurse giggled, gave Alex his medicine and left, I knew by night shift every nurse was going to hear about that and I was in trouble of being teased hehe. Later that day the old JV that was now part of the varsity team and the regular varsity team came by at one time to see him. We all had a good time and no one said anything about my holding Alex's hand, they just smiled and nodded their heads. They stayed for about 30 minutes then left, later that day a florist came and there were tons of get well cards and flowers added to the ones that were already there. Billy S, Jarad, Billy W, and Jamie all came at one time to see Alex, they smiled and gave him hugs and a kiss on the cheek. "So when are you going to get out of bed and stop lazing around?" asked Billy S, with a smile. I just rolled my eyes and laughed, like everybody else. "Whenever the doctor lets me," was Alex's reply. We all nodded and smiled; we couldn't wait. "When I saw you there I just 3;just," Billy W started to say, but started crying. Jamie took him in his arms and held him tightly. I walked over and gave him a hug, he stopped crying after a minute then Alex said the best thing he could. "Hey little bro, don't sweat it, I always come back," he said with a smile. I smiled at him and so did Billy. I could tell that he was very happy now. I'm not sure if it was the little bro or the come back part but he was much happier after that. I personally think it was the little bro remark. They stayed a while longer then left, with smiles on their faces. "This has been a very busy day," I said with a sigh and a laugh. Alex giggled and I went over to him and kissed him. I saw the sheets rise at a certain body area and grinned. He nodded and my hand slowly slipped under the covers. I brought them to his pride and joy and slowly stroked up and down. He sighed and suppressed a moan, I smiled and kept on going, I slowly let my hand drift away and I lifted the sheets back and put my head underneath. As my mouth made contact with his tool he breathed in deeply and I smiled around his piece and went to work. A few minutes and a loud moan later he shot his load in my mouth. I got from under the blankets and found him asleep with a smile on his face. I smiled and went to the bathroom to relieve myself. The next couple of days were kinda hard, I learned all that I had to, to help Alex and it was hard but worth it. He was released on Wednesday and we went back to his house, when we got there a bunch of my clothes were there and his mom said that she figured that I would be over here to help him and my mom brought some of my clothes over. I said thank you and just lay down with Alex. Slowly the week went by and the weekend, we were doing a few small exercises so his legs wouldn't freeze up and they wouldn't hurt him so much. Monday he was allowed to go to school but had to go in a wheel chair. We got caught up on our schoolwork with the guys coming over and helping us and bringing our homework. With the exception of a few assignments we were in pretty good shape. We got up early on Monday and I took a quick shower then went and gave Alex his sponge bath. We took the opportunity, well I did, and relieved a big problem he had. All of the times that he helped take care of me now it was my turn and I loved it. After his bath I got him dressed in shorts and a T-shirt. Because of the cast he couldn't wear pants and even though it was slightly cold outside he had to wear them but that was OK we put a blanket over his legs to help keep him warm. His dad took us to school, when we got there Alex was nervous until he saw the football team there to help him. I got out and waved at them then went around to help Mr. Daniels with Alex. I got the wheel chair and he picked Alex up and put him in it. I put the blanket over his legs and Alex held our book bags. I wheeled him around the truck to where the football team was waiting. They saw him and smiled. Patted his back and then took up position on all sides of us, once at the doors they opened them for us and we went in. The students there stopped and stared, Alex didn't pay them no mind he just put his hand over his shoulder and grabbed my hand, he held it tight as we went to the office and gave them his passes. The Principal was there and talked with us for a few minutes too see how we were doing, we told him fine and then he gave us a surprise. He changed my classes to match Alex's so I could help him. We thanked him and went to our homeroom, we walked inside and I wheeled Alex over to my desk. I sat down and as we started talking a few of the kids that were there stopped talking and just looked. I was getting irritated and when the teacher walked in I went and talked with him. I told him I was tired of the gawking and if Alex agreed I was going to make a quick statement. He agreed and I went and talked to Alex about it, he was OK with it and said I was doing a great job of keeping my cool. I smiled at him and grabbed his hand and held it. The teacher took roll, and then said what was needed to be said then let the class know I had something to say. I got up and looked out over the class. With nervous butterflies in my stomach, I started. "Hello everyone, as you saw, Alex is in a wheelchair. For those of you who don't know, two weekends ago a car hit him. He was in a coma and by the following week he was out of it. Both of his legs are broken and are in casts, that's why he's in a wheelchair and the blanket is over his legs, please let your friends know what is going on and please stop staring. It makes us uncomfortable, him because it makes him feel like he is different when really he isn't and me because I feel what he feels, thanks." With that I took my seat and Alex took my hand in his cast-enclosed hand and with his left hand turned my face towards him, he bent forward and gave me a quick kiss and a smile. I smiled back. Everything was going fine and a few of the kids asked how Alex was and Alex let them know he was fine, just in a little pain. And, of course, the football team had to ask if Alex had given me a ride yet, this coming from Graham the most quiet of the bunch, everyone laughed even Alex and I blushed and laughed and responded no, but that is something we should try, which only made us the ride of jokes hehe. After school Mrs. Daniels was there and Brandon the QB helped put Alex in the back seat while I put up the wheelchair, he said he would like to accompany us so he could help get Alex out of the truck. We agreed and I slid into the back and put Alex's legs over mine and Brandon climbed up front. It was a quiet ride to the house, when we got there I got out and grabbed the wheelchair and Brandon got Alex out and put him in it. Alex thanked him and Brandon asked to use the phone to call his mom to have her pick him up. Alex's mom said sure, help yourself. He called and she said she would be here in 30 minutes. So we went up to Alex's room with Brandon carrying Alex and me the wheelchair. I tell you Alex would probably have been lighter hehe. We went into the room and Brandon sat Alex on his bed and took a chair by the computer desk. I came in and set the wheelchair by the closet then climbed on the bed and sat next to Alex who grabbed my hand and held it. Brandon just looked at us and smiled. "You two are really in love aren't you?" he asked. I just smiled and nodded. Alex smiled then looked at Brandon, "If Brett was dying and I was a match I would give him my heart just so he could live," When he said that I felt tears running down my face. He would give me his heart to make sure I lived. I knew I wanted to be with him forever. I Looked at Alex and he looked at me. "Me too," was all I could say, Alex bent in and kissed me. We all chatted for a few minutes then Brandon got up and left. After we had dinner my parents came over and asked if we were going to the house for the weekend and we agreed to. There would be a lot more room and that is what Alex needed on the weekends. After I showered and sponged down Alex we crawled into bed. Since Alex could only sleep on his back I snuggled up to him on his left side instead of the right like I am used to and put my head on his shoulder. "Brett, what I said this afternoon about giving you my heart if you needed it, that was true, you know that right?" he said gently. I looked up at him and smiled. "Yes I know it's true and I would give you mine," I said as I smiled and kissed him. I don't know how we did it but very carefully we made love that night. Slowly and carefully, with all of the love in the word with us, we made love till late in the night. Chapter 15It has been about a month since Alex got out of the hospital, I am still there helping him whenever he needs it, whether it's for physical or emotional help, I am there by his side. There have been nights I have cried myself to sleep after he has gone to sleep, praying that he gets well soon, not because I don't want to help him but because I want to be able to walk with him again and hold hands instead of him being in that damn wheelchair. I cry because he hurts and there isn't much I can do to help ease the pain, except be there for him. We have made love many times since he came home, we have been very careful about how we do it but we still manage it, very well. I awoke this morning with Alex beside me as always, where I am the one who is usually awake first this morning he beat me, looking up I see him smiling down at me and just staring. "Morning beautiful," he says in a sweet low voice. "Morning yourself handsome, how long have you been awake?" I asked knowing for at least 20 minutes because the sleep has left his eyes. "Oh about an hour, I love to look at you sleep you are beautiful when you are laying there, you look so peaceful," he said smiling down at me, I lean up and start to kiss him; he always tastes good no matter when he gets up. About that time there is a knock on the door and someone comes in. "AHHH not again come on you two it is way to early for that," Wil, Alex's brother says, we just giggle and lay in bed. It is a Saturday morning, and we are at Alex's house. "Nope never to early to cuddle and kiss," I said smiling at him. Wil smiled back and walked out; even though he teases us we know he's just kidding. He doesn't mind, he has seen how we are and he knows how we love each other. Wil is only home for this coming week, before he heads back to school, he cares for Alex and me very much. One day we were all in the mall and some punk apparently from our school tried to start some problems until he saw Wil. Wil has gained a lot of muscles over the last month and has been working out heavily, so when this guy saw Wil he stepped back and left, I can't believe with just one look he walked away, I loved it. We finally got out of bed with me helping Alex and getting him to his bathroom. He hates the fact that I have to help him but I don't mind, I love him, so it makes no difference to me. We finished our business in the bath and start to head downstairs. Now here is where things get sticky; I am not strong enough to lift him up like he is strong enough to lift me. I didn't want to call anyone because I know they must be getting tired of having to help us and I know they must be getting upset at me for not being strong enough, I have never said these things out loud but that's how I feel. I am thinking about the best way to help him down the stairs when his father and brother come up. I move out of the way and let them carry him downstairs, I just stay there for a minute not knowing what to say, or do; I felt so helpless right then. After they got him downstairs in his wheelchair he turned and looked up at me, he was smiling then had a puzzled look on his face. "You coming down?" he asked me, I just stared at him for a minute. "Umm yeah, just give me a minute, ok?" I said turning away not wanting him to see my tears of shame, I walked back to his room, closed his door and lay on the bed and started crying. I felt so helpless I can't help carry him or lift him; I am weak and puny, even though I have been working out with him and his brother I haven't gained any real muscle, my body wasn't made for muscle, I am slim and almost like glass. Well that's how I feel at any rate. I start crying harder and then I hear the door jiggle, I calm down and turn away from the door as it opens, I don't look to see who it is now sitting on the bed or who it is that rubs my back, I'm too ashamed to look at anyone right now. "Honey what's wrong?" asked Mrs. Daniels I just lay there not saying anything and silently crying. "Let me guess, is it because you can't help take Alex down the stairs? Do you think that since you can't do that and help him move around in certain areas that you aren't strong enough for him?" she asked me. I just started shaking and nodding my head yes. "Aww honey, don't worry Alex knows what you are feeling, believe it or not he does. He said when he looked in your eyes when you were standing at the top of the stairs that's what you were thinking. Just because you aren't physically strong doesn't mean you aren't strong, you are the one who pushes him in his exercises and his therapy. He told me that you are probably upset thinking that we think you are helpless and can't help him," she said. I just nodded. She made me sit up and took me in her arms, "Oh honey, none of that matters, we know you are strong for him and we know you are doing the best you can. Don't worry, we don't mind helping carry him and move him when you can't. You're the one that helps him in the bathroom, and to help clean him, you have taken care of him, time and time again, we only help when we have too and we don't mind, I know you must be tired and exhausted all the time but you don't show it and you battle on, that's real strength Alex knows this; he's actually more scared that you are getting so tired of doing so much that you just want to leave and be by yourself, did you know that?" I shook my head. "I don't mind helping him; I love it and I love him. I don't care how tired I get I just hate the fact I am not strong enough to help move him and I feel that there isn't anything I can really do to help him," I said crying into her shoulder, she held me tight I felt a hand on my shoulder but didn't look up, I thought it was Mr. Daniels at first till I felt a kiss on my neck. I looked up into Alex's eyes, he was smiling at me, slowly he bent down and brushed his lips against mine, I blushed because I was still in his mom's arms but right then I didn't care. "Brett I love you and to me you are strong enough. You have helped me through so much and I don't think I would have survived if not for you, you may think you are physically not capable of caring for me by picking me up and maybe you're not but you are stronger in other ways, ways I am not, between us we make one person, me the strong physical half and you the emotional half, you are my other half, Brett, and without you there is no me. You have shown me through your love all that I need to be strong, you Brett make me strong, that is how I go on, and you do make a difference my parents know you can only help me so much trying to move me around they don't mind helping the rest of the way, let me guess you think that physically you are small and weak and you can't help, well you are wrong, to me you are strong and big, not weak," he said looking into my eyes. While he was talking he got himself on the bed, I turned and hugged him and buried my face in his neck and cried tears of happiness, I felt the bed weight lift and heard the door close, Alex kept his arms around me. I lifted my head and he smiled at me, I smiled back and kissed him. We left the room a few hours later, his dad and brother came up and got him, this time I followed them down the stairs. It was about noon now and we were hungry. I went into the kitchen and made us some sandwiches and got us a few sodas, when I returned to the living room he was sitting on the couch, smiling at me. I gave him his food and sat next to him. We ate then finished watching TV. For the day we stayed in except when his parents made us go out back. Wil helped Alex down the back stairs and I carried the wheelchair we got him settled in and tossed a football back and forth. Around 3:00 that afternoon Billy W and Jamie came over, we all sat under the shade of a tree and just talked. "Well guess what happened Friday at school," started Billy, Jamie started blushing and it made me wonder. "What?" Alex and I both asked at the same time. We looked at each other and started giggling. Jamie was still blushing but smiling and had his arms around Billy's waist as Billy snuggled up to him. "Well, we were in the cafeteria talking and eating, when this new boy came in, he was maybe 5'7, big, with black hair and these awesome blue eyes. Well me and Jamie were sitting with our friends discussing the next GSBA meeting and what we were going to plan when this boy came over to our table and looked at us, I asked him if I could help him and he said maybe were we the local fags at the school, well I just stared at him in shock and kinda got scared well Jamie here got pissed, he stood up and looked at this boy and said yeah, why." "Well, the boy started saying that he was new here and at his old school they beat up faggots and he was going to do that here to make sure that normal kids could go here. I started laughing about then, what he didn't know is that the football team a few of the ones that were there last year and the new ones were standing right behind, him." "Jamie just smiled and said, no, dude you aren't because you have to mess with the football team. This kid started laughing saying that he was on the football team at his old school and once he got on this one he was going to make sure we got hurt." "He was laughing when Mike from the team tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around I think the new boy paled because standing there was the whole football team, Mike just looked at him and with a smile on his face shook his head, he asked what was going on and I told him and he laughed and said, oh really, well I think we need to have a little chat." "He told the new boy that the football team protected the gay kids and that if he wanted to keep going to school here and if he even wanted to try out for the team that he would have to change his attitude real quickly. The new kid said why are you protecting a bunch of fairies? Mike just grabbed him and looked him real mean in the face and told him if I hear you say anything else mean or derogatory about gays again then he was personally going to kick his ass." "The boy just turned to us and I nodded my head about that time Jamie turned me to face him, made me stand up and in front of the new kid, kissed me. And I mean what a kiss I saw stars, OMG I didn't want to stop but someone clearing their throat made us, we turned and saw the Principal, apparently he heard about what this new kid, said, well we just smiled shyly and sat back down and he grabbed the boy by the collar and told him, to come to his office and talk about his future at that school." "The football team then sat down with us and we all had a good time, of course they had to tease my love about that kiss," Billy said giggling, he turned to Jamie and Jamie was blushing something big, I told him not to worry that Alex has done that to me and that made Jamie feel a lot better. After about an hour the boys left and me and Alex went back inside, this time his dad came and got him and I followed with the wheelchair, when we got inside my parents were there and I went and kissed and hugged them as did Alex, they asked him how he was doing and he said, thanks to me, much better, I blushed and looked down and they kinda giggled at me, but I smiled back shyly, Alex came up to me made me look down at him (hey he is still in a wheelchair) and brought my lips down to his, the kiss he gave me was so strong that I went limp kneed and slowly sank to the floor, after the kiss I just stared at him with everyone laughing at me, at that point I didn't care. I hugged Alex and just hung on till they said dinner was ready. The following week at school everything was going well, Alex was getting better the kids were being nice and even the teachers were being nice, I wish I knew why everyone was being so nice to me, then it happened, I figured it out. One day at lunch the football team put up a banner announcing the first gay/straight club at the school, and named Alex and I as the president and vice president, wow what a day, everyone clapped and we agreed to it. I couldn't believe that this was happening. After the first meeting a few more kids came out and things started getting better at the school. There were still a few bullies that came and like always they went. The first dance after Alex got his cast off was the spring dance, we went and it was so beautiful. I don't know who told the DJ, but during the dance they played 'I Need You Tonight,' by the Back Street Boys. Billy S and Jarad danced, that was their song, and so Alex and me got everyone off of the floor. The whispering started about why and when the song ended everyone clapped to their embarrassment. They came up thanked us and gave us a kiss on the cheek. Near the end of the dance the DJ played 'This I Promise You' by N'Sync somehow everyone knew that this was mine and Alex's song and this time no one ever came on the floor. Alex held me tight and I looked into his eyes as the song played and he sang it to me. I remember tears coming down, they were tears of happiness for our love and our life, through all of the pain and sorrow we have been there together and to this day we are still together. EpilogueEric and Brian stayed together throughout high school then went their separate ways, they stayed close friends but each found a partner that they loved more than anything and stayed with them till this day. Eric got a degree in biochemistry and is working for a company making over a million a year. Brian got his degree in computer science and is working for one of the largest computer agencies in the US. Billy S and Jarad have stayed together. They went to the same college, Billy got his degree in Computer Programming and Jarad got his degree in Medicine and is in Medical school becoming a doctor. Billy W and Jamie have also remained together. They're in their first year in college at AASU in Savannah, they have their own apartment and their parents are helping them with the rent as they work and go to school. They went to Hawaii after high school with their families and got married, they are happy together and want to both work to get a degree in Psychology to help gay teens. Alex and myself are still together. The summer after high school me, Alex both of our families, Billy S, Jarad, Billy W, Jamie there families, Eric, Brian and the football teams all went up to Vermont to see our wedding. We got married up in Vermont and the vows we said we would stay with us through it all.
You are my soul mate, I will love you Those were our vows to each other and to this day we hold them tightly. We have both graduated. My degree is in history with a teacher's certificate and I am now teaching at a private school. I'm the teacher advisor to the school's first Gay and Straight club. Alex got a major in phys ed, he is at the same private school as me and is the football coach. We have been together for 10 years and as it looks we will be together forever. I hope you have all enjoyed this story. I have enjoyed writing it and seeing how things turn out. I know most of you wanted this to continue but like all good things there must be some end, it is not really over because they will always be available to read, and if you can use your imagination you yourself can see what happens with them. The End |
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