PZA Boy Stories


Innocent to Indecent


A young boy has many adventures and lovers.

Publ. Mar 2017
Under construction, Mar 2017; 9,500 words (19 pages)


Little Dude/David (11-12yo), Various boys and men

Category & Story codes

Boyfriends story
bb Mbcons mast oral anal


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutter09: Innocent to Indecent in the subject line.


Chapter 1

When I was eleven I went to live with a foster family. I had been in the county welfare system for a couple of years and this was the first time I had been placed in a foster home. My real mother was horrid, and my father worse.

So, I found myself living with Mr. David Oliver and his wife Gretchen. They were nice people, went to church every Sunday, never said bad words, and had a real clean house. I shared a bedroom with their real son, Gray.

I was so excited to be with a real family, and tried very hard not to rock the boat. You know, I offered to help with the dishes, and was polite, saying "yes sir" and "no ma'am". That kinda stuff.

After a few days, I was beginning to like it here with them. We were getting into a routine where I showered first, then Gray would take his shower. I sat on the bottom bunk (we had bunk beds in our room), waiting for him to finish. We usually played a few video games before going to sleep.

Gray finished his shower, and came in with his towel wrapped around his waist.

"Sorry little dude, I forgot my underwear," Gray said as he took off his towel.

Gray was almost fourteen, and I had never seen any older boys naked. Boy was I surprised. I know I was still growing, but I didn't think I would grow that much in just a couple of years. His dick was thick and swinging back and forth as he walked around. It looked huge compared to mine.

"I guess if we're gonna be living together, and sharing a room, we're gonna see each other eventually. Right?" Gray stated.

"S 3; Sure, Gray. No problem," I answered, my eyes never leaving his swinging dick.

Gray seemed to take an especially long time to find and put on his underwear. I had seen him in his underwear before, I just didn't pay attention. I still wore pajamas to bed. He always came back from the shower already in his underwear.

The next night after dinner we went to our room. Gray hadn't finished his homework before dinner so he had to do that. I sat quietly on my bunk.

"Do you like your new school?" Gray asked, not looking up from his work.

"Yeah. The teachers are nice. The kids are ok too," I told him.

"Any pretty girls in your class?" he continued.

"A couple."

"You didn't say anything to Mom about last night, did you?" he asked.

"What about last night?" I asked confused.

"Me forgetting my underwear."

"Why should I say anything about that? We're like, gonna be brothers. I don't want you telling on me if I forget my underwear."

Gray turned and smiled at me. "Thanks. No I won't tell on you either. What happens in this room, stays in this room. Right bro," He held out his hand offering a pact.

"Right," I said shaking his hand.

"I'm almost finished here. You want the shower first now's the time."

I took my shower and when I came out, Gray was waiting, naked. I acted like it was nothing, but I did get a good look at him again.

When he came out, I noticed his dick was puffier, and kinda red looking. He didn't have a boner, but it was bigger than last night.

He saw me looking at it. "Sorry little dude. I was just thinking about Mary Jane Hemsell in the shower"

I didn't understand his explanation, but he laughed a little, so I did too.

The next night, I was sitting on my bunk reading, when he came out. I see his feet come right next to where I'm sitting, so I look up and his dick is inches from my face.

"Dude! Watch where you're pointing that weapon," I said swatting it from my face as I back up.

"OW! 3; Oh 3; You're in for it now," Gray says as he grabs and starts tickling me.

We're wrestling all over my bed. He's tickling me and I'm squirming and trying to get away.

"Stop 3; Stop 3; "

"No, you hurt it's feelings."

"Stop. I'm gonna pee myself," I said laughing.

"No. you hurt it's feelings. Now you have to kiss it," Gray said, digging into my ribs again.

"Okay, okay. Just stop before I pee."

Gray stopped. I opened my eyes to find Gray on his knees right in front of me.

"Kiss it or I start again."

I scrunched my eyes closed, and puckered my lips, and leaned in for a quick peck.

"Not good enough. You really hurt his feelings. You gotta really mean it."

I puckered my lips and leaned toward him again. I kissed his dick, and it throbbed a bit.

"There," I said and I jumped up, and ran to pee.

When I came out, Gray was in his underwear sitting in his desk chair. I could tell he had a boner, but I didn't say anything. He didn't either. I just sat on my bunk and looked at him. We didn't play any video games that night.

The next night, I sat on my bunk in my pajamas, Gray got his underwear from his drawer and lay it on his bunk, just above my head. When he came out after his shower, he stood in front of me, as if reaching for his undies. His plump dick was right in my face again. I heard him whisper, "Kiss it."

Not wanting to be tickled again, I leaned in and kissed it. It got thicker and longer and stood out.

"Again. Better."

I kissed it longer, and he pressed it against my lips.


"No" I said.

"Just a little. A good brother would," Gray informed me.

I opened my mouth a little, and Gray pressed forward.

The tip of his dick went in a little.

"A little more."

"Uhn uh,," I mumbled.

"Please?" he begged.

I wanted him to like me, so I did it. My mouth opened a little more, and his dick took advantage. Soon I had the whole head in my mouth.

Gray moaned, and I moved away. He acted as if nothing was different. We played video games and went to bed as usual.

I woke up later when I noticed the bed moving. Not like when someone turns over in their sleep, more like steady shaking that seemed to go on a long time.

The next day was Saturday. Gray went to his friend Eddie's house, and I helped Mrs. Oliver around the house. After dinner, I helped her with the kitchen. She was pleased that I had been so helpful today, and said so.

Back in our room, I heard the shower running already, so I started to read. When I sat on my bed, I noticed Gray's underwear on his bunk, just above where my head would be again. When Gray exited the bathroom, I was sitting just where he expected, and he stepped up to the bed. I looked at his dick as he stood in front of me.

He didn't immediately pick up his underwear, instead he acted like he was busy with something over my head. His dick moved back and forth with whatever he was doing up there. It also started getting longer and thicker. Soon I was looking straight at the slit on the end.

I knew Gray wanted me to kiss it again. That's why he was standing there. The slit wanted me to kiss it too. I could almost hear it talking to me. I stared at that engaging slit for an eternity before I took it into my mouth. Gray let out a moan, and so did I.

Gray moved back and forth a couple of times, pushing more into my mouth each time. I didn't leave it there long. Just long enough to stop hearing that slit calling me. Then I stood and went for my own shower. When I got undressed, I noticed I had a three inch boner sticking up. It stayed that way until I peed in the shower. Don't tell Mrs. Oliver I did that.

Gray and I didn't talk the rest of the night. We both just read on our bunks.

Sunday morning we went to church. Then had lunch at Denny's. Gray said we always have lunch at Denny's after church.

Back home, we were told to change out of our 'Sunday clothes' and go play. Gray got naked as soon as we were in our room. He stood silently by the bed as I got down to my underwear. I didn't want him to see that I had a boner from seeing him naked, but he did. He smiled at my little tent, and waited. I sat on my bunk, and he moved in front of me. His dick was already hard by then, and there was no reason to hide anymore, so I just took it into my mouth.

That slit was telling me to show it some love, so I swirled my tongue around it. Gray let out a moan and pushed deeper into my mouth. I wanted that slit in my throat, and I tried to take it there. I coughed and choked a bit, and Gray pulled back. I leaned forward to not let it escape, so Gray began to move it back and forth in my mouth.

"So good," Gray whispered.

I kept trying to get it in my throat, and Gray would pull back again just as I started to choke. Then Gray pushed into my throat, and I could see my nose mashed against the little tuft of hair he had at the bottom of his dick. I had that slit in my throat at last.

"Jesus 3; Cumming."

At first I thought Gray said "Jesus is coming," which kinda scared me, after the sermon we had just heard in church. Jesus was coming, and I had Gray's dick in my mouth.

Then I felt Gray's dick throb, and realized he was putting something in my throat. It was funny cause my nose was in his hair, his dick was in my throat, pumping god knows what down there, and my fingers were squeezing my little knob.

No, not funny, exciting. I was excited. Because we were doing something so wrong, that I was afraid of Jesus catching us doing it. Yet my dick was hard at the same time.

Gray pulled his dick out of my throat, "Thanks little dude. That was great."

That was all that was said about it. We played outside for awhile, then went back to our room and played video games ,just like best friends.

At bedtime, I showered first, and was waiting in my spot when Gray came out. He smiled at me.

"Waiting for something little dude?" he asked.

I was a little embarrassed because he knew I was waiting for it. But I nodded shyly.

He stepped closer, "Is this it?"

In answer, I wrapped my lips around his rising dick. He didn't have to move back and forth, I did it.

After about a minute, Gray said, "Lick my balls."

I had never touched his dick before, other than with my mouth, but I grabbed it and lifted it up so I could reach his balls with my tongue. Gray moaned again as I licked his balls. Then I looked that slit right in it's eye, licked it once, then swallowed it.

I put my hands on Gray's butt cheeks, and pulled until I felt his hair against my nose again. I kept pushing and pulling on his butt, until I got what I wanted. His legs trembled and his dick throbbed as I felt him squirt in my throat again.

"Cumming little dude," he groaned.

Monday after school, I hurried upstairs, Gray was right behind me. I sat on my spot and waited. Gray just stood there looking at me. Then he said, "You want it?"

I nodded.

"Say it."

"I want it," I said.

"Want what?"

"Your dick," I replied. And I did want it. Bad.

Gray unzipped and pulled it out. I latched onto it quickly.

"Damn, that feels good. You like it?"

I nodded without letting go of his dick. He grabbed my head and started going in and out of of my mouth. He pushed into my throat, and out again. He did this a while, never letting go of my head.

"Cumming," he said. But he didn't push into my throat this time. "Taste it."

I could feel it squirting on my tongue. When he finished, I swallowed it.

Gray looked at me funny.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, not at all," he answered.

That night I started toward the shower, "When you finish, don't put on your pajamas," Gray ordered.

I was scared because no one had ever seen me naked. I was scared, but hard. My three inch spike pointed straight up at my belly button.

I came out with my towel wrapped around me. Gray looked at me.

"Lose the towel," he said.

I dropped the towel, and put my hand over my little dick. I was still embarrassed for him to see it.

Gray made a swirling motion with his finger, indicating he wanted me to spin around. I did.


I turned slowly. When I was facing the bed, with my back to him, he said, "Stop."

"Mmm," he said. I heard him stand and then I felt his hand on my butt.

"Nice 3; Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back."

I think it was the quickest shower he ever took, but to me it seemed like I was standing there forever. I hardly moved at all, just waiting to find out what Gray had on his mind.

He came out, led by his hard dick. I watched it swing back and forth with each step he took. He got on my bed, and lay on his back.

"Okay, now you can have it."

I crawled up beside him and swooped down on his dick. After a minute, I grabbed it's base, and looked at it. My small hand barely covered half it's length and didn't close around it. The fat head and mostly the slit, is what really captivated me. I licked the whole shaft, then concentrated on that slit.

As I played with his dick, Gray reached over and put his hand on my butt. When I licked the head of his dick, I felt his finger at my butthole. I stuck my tongue into the slit, and he stuck his finger in my hole.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked.

"Does it hurt?"

"No, it's just weird."

I lowered my head to his dick again, and I felt him press deeper with his finger. I started bobbing up and down, and Gray did the same with his finger.

"That's funny," I said pulling off his dick.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, I guess," I answered after a moment.

:Turn this way a little,," Gray instructed.

I did as I was told, and he pushed his whole finger in.

Oh…," I moaned.

Gray pushed my head back to his dick, and I took it in. He moved his finger in time with my head. I could feel his knuckles on my buttcheek, so I know his whole finger was going in me. I bobbed faster, so he would move his finger faster.

"You do like it," Gray observed.

I nodded and kept sucking.

"I'm gonna cum little dude."

I wanted to taste it again, so I pulled back a little, and his dick deposited a bunch on my tongue.

"You're special," Gray said, as he got out of my bed. He went to the bathroom, then turned out the light and climbed up to his bunk. "Good night little dude."

I didn't know what he meant by that, but I was glad he thought I was special.

Tuesday was a repeat of Monday. Almost. We got home from school, and I sat on my bunk. Gray was paying no attention to me though. He piddled around the room doing nothing really, and I was waiting.

Finally I almost yelled, "Gray!"

"What little dude?" Gray answered.

"Come on. Okay, can I have it, please?"


"Your dick," I groaned.

"Oh. Are you ready for your treat?"

I nodded anxiously.

Gray slowly unbuckled his pants, pulled them off, then slid his briefs down. My eyes never left his crotch as his dick sprang into view.

He sat beside me on my bunk, and I was on it instantly. Gray put his hand on the back of my head and showed me the rhythm he wanted. Then he rubbed my butt.

"Open your pants."

I did it without taking my mouth off his dick. His hand slid down the back of my pants and underwear. His finger found my hole, and pushed in. I was starting to get used to it being there so I didn't react.

Gray suddenly jumped up and went to the bathroom. He came back and lay down beside me again. "Put your butt up this way again," he said.

I got in the same position I was in last night, and went back to his dick. I felt his finger b at my hole, and pushed back at it. But it was different, thicker. I figured out he had two fingers in me. They slid back and forth easily, and I kinda liked it.

Gray felt the front of my pants. "Little dude, you have a boner. You like this don't you?

I nodded, "Mm hm."

He worked my butt a little more then said, "Want to try three fingers?"

I nodded again.

He pulled out, then I felt pressure, and his fingers began to enter me.

"MMM," I groaned."

I was having trouble concentrating on his dick while his fingers went in and out of me.

He stopped, and I pushed back with my butt.

"Suck me, while I finger fuck you."

Finger fuck? I had heard the word fuck. Gray was fucking me with his fingers?

I moaned again, swallowed his dick and pushed my butt back on his fingers.

Gray got pretty excited and began to really finger my butt hard and fast. Suddenly he shot his juice in my mouth.

"Don't stop… suck it….Oh jesus you're good."

He relaxed after a minute. His breathing was heavy. "Did you like that little dude?"

I nodded.

"Want to do it again tonight?"

I nodded faster, and smiled. "Can we?"

"Sure. That's what brothers are for. We do things for each other."

Gray said the magic word. Brothers.

That night I was anxious to show Gray I could be a good brother. I would do things for him. If that meant sucking his dick, well that was okay with me.

I sat on my bunk waiting for him to get out of the shower. He came out, his dick was already hard, and looked kinda shiney. So did his hand.

"Lay on your tummy," Gray instructed.

I did as he said, and his finger went straight to my hole. It slid in easily, he worked it a bit, then he added a second. After a minute, he added a third finger.

"Do you like that?"

"Mm hm," I replied.

"Are you ready for your treat?"


"What do you want," he asked leadingly.

He always made me ask before he would let me suck his dick. "Your dick," I replied, expecting to get another creamy load in my mouth.

I felt the pressure on my hole again, but it wasn't his fingers. He lay on my back, and pushed his dick into me. It hurt, but felt good at the same time. It went deeper than his fingers, and I moaned.

"You like that?"

"Yes," I whispered.

"You're a good little brother," Gray said as he pushed even deeper.

He slowly pulled almost out, then back in. Then again, and I felt his balls against mine. Gray moved in and out of me for a few minutes, groaning the whole time.

"Little dude, I knew your butt would feel good, but this is awesome."

He liked being in me. My big brother liked me.

Gray started going faster, "Tell me you like me fucking you."

"I like it Gray. I like you fucking me," I grunted.

"You know, if I cum in you, you're mine," Gray whispered in my ear.

"Cum in me Gray. "lease, cume in me."

"I'm gonna cum in you little dude. Gonna make you my wife."

Wife? I wanted to be his brother.

Gray pushe real deep and I felt his dick throb. I knew he was cumming in me.

"Little dude, you are something else. I love fucking you," Gray said, as he pulled his dick out of my butt.

"Really Gray? You love fucking me?"

"Sure little dude, you're special," he said as he climbed into his bunk.

I had a sudden need for the toilet, and dashed in. When I came out, Gray laughed a little.

"Too much for you to hold?"

"Yeah," I laughed too.

"You'll get used to it."

Wednesday after school, I sat on my bunk and waited for Gray to let me have my treat.

"You need some treat now to hold you till tonight?" he asked.

I nodded my head, and he unzipped his pants.

As I sucked it, I thought about how it felt in my butt. It wasn't bad, I kinda liked it actually. I took his dick from my mouth, and looked at it. I couldn't believe it had been inside me. It was so big.

"You really love my cock, don't you little dude?"


"Then show me," Gray demanded.

I took it back into my mouth, until he shot his stuff into my throat.

That night, Gray again told me not to put on my panamas. When I came out of the shower, he said, "Wait for me on the bed. On your stomach."

As I waited, I noticed my little spike was hard. I rubbed it against the sheet, and it felt good. I was sorta moving my butt up and down, enjoying the sensations, when Gray came out and saw me.

"Little dude is anxious again. Don't worry, I'll give you what you need."

Gray got on my back and put his dick at my hole. "You want it don't you?"

"Mm nmm."

He pushed in. It hurt, but I didn't yell. "Is that what you want? You want my dick in you?"

"Mm hmm"

"Say it."

"I want your dick in me," I replied.

He fucked me for a few minutes, then said, "Before you came, Eddie slept here when he spent the night."

He fucked me a little more. "Maybe he should spend the night again. I bet you would like him to fuck you too."

"But I'm your wife, not his," I argued.

"If you're mine, I can share you with whoever I want."

He fucked me real hard for a minute, "Say It."

"I want you both to fuck me," I groaned, as I got a really nice feeling in my pecker.

Gray pulled his dick out of me after it got soft. This sent another tingle to my dick.

"I'll ask Mom if Eddie can come over this weekend," Gray said, as if it was a promise of good things to come.

I wondered if that feeling I got was what Gray called cumming. At least now I knew why he liked fucking me.

Thursday afternoon Gray got his dick sucked as usual. I was really getting used to doing it, and kinda looked forward to it. Gray knew it too.

"I asked Mom. She said Eddie could come over. Just think, tomorrow you will get to suck two dicks."

I was excited and scared. What if Eddie didn't like me sucking his dick? Maybe he wouldn't even want it. What would Eddie's dick look like anyway?

That night Gray fucked me really hard. "I don't want you to forget who you belong to," I guess I liked it because I got that feeling again.

Eddie came over after school. He brought a sleeping bag with him. The door to our room was barely closed, when Gray said, "This here is the best wife a boy could have."

He pulled out his dick, and I took it into my mouth right away.

"You were right Gray. The little fag loves that shit."

"Try it for yourself," Gray invited.

Eddie unzipped. His dick wasn't as big as Gray's, but I didn't mind. I sucked it just as good as I would Gray's.

"Oh Dude. He's fucking amazing," Eddie said as he shot his stuff in my mouth after only a minute.

"Told ya. Wait till you try his ass," Gray bragged.

When we went to the room that night, Gray said, "Go ahead and shower first little dude. You definitely won't be needing your pajamas tonight, though."

He and Eddie high fived and laughed at that. Eddie showered next.

"You're my guest. You can have him first while I shower. Did you lube?"

Eddie pulled off his towel and showed Gray his shiney dick.

I lay on my stomach, but Eddie said, "Turn over."

I turned over. "Aw you have a cute little dick," Eddie said, then added, "But i'm only interested in your pussy tonight."

He got on the bed, "Lift your legs," Eddie found my hole and pushed in. Then he leaned down and kissed me. I put my arms around his neck and he started fucking me. It was different than the way Gray does. I kinda pushed my butt up at him as he slid in and out of me.

"You may not have tits, but you sure kiss like a girl, and fuck like one too."

Gray and Eddie fucked me twice each before we went to bed. Eddie didn't want to sleep in his bag. He slept with me. He fucked me twice more too.

We woke up Gray. and he said, "Give it a rest man, I'm trying to sleep."

"You get him all the time. This is my only chance," Eddie said and kept fucking me.

Well it wasn't his only chance. In fact, He and Gray fucked me for the rest of the school year. Most weekends Eddie stayed over, and they took turns. I'm surprised I ever took a shit again, one of them was in me all the time. I never complained though. I liked it a lot.

First week of summer, Gray and I were alone in the house. He liked me to tell him how much I liked his big dick while he was fucking me. He was right, I did. And it had gotten even bigger since we had first started fucking.

We were on our knees with Gray sliding his dick in me.

"Oh yeah. Gray. Fuck me with that big cock. I love your cock in my ass."

That is when the door opened, and Mrs. Oliver fainted.

Chapter 2

Mr. Hudson was not happy to see me back at the county home. He was not a happy man to begin with, and if you saw his wife, you would know why.

I had been gone eight months, and now was twelve years old. The older the kid, the harder to get rid of him. People liked taking in younger kids, older ones they figure are too warped. I guess that is true. I was certainly more warped than I was before going to live with the Olivers.

The boys section of the county home has a long hallway with rooms on either side, leading to a large 'dorm' room. The dorm room has ten single beds on each side, and four bunk beds at one end. The dorm is for younger boys, the rooms on the hall have a set of bunk beds and desk and a chest of drawers. These rooms are for older kids.

The rule of thumb being thirteen and older got a room, under thirteen was in the dorm. Of course there was some grey area when on older kid had to be in the dorm, until a room was vacated. Or a younger kid got a room until a bed in the dorm was vacated. Seems that someone thought older boys need more privacy, and had only to share with a roommate, not twenty seven other boys.

When I had been there before, I was in the dorm with the little kids. On my return, I got a room. Carlos was my roommate.

Carlos was new to me, he hadn't been there before I left. Some of my friends were gone, and new kids were there. That was the nature of a county children's home.

The first night in my new room, ten minutes after lights out, the metal framed bunk bed started shaking. I immediately recognized the rhythmic shaking. I wondered what Carlos was packing between his fourteen year old legs. He was older than me but shorter. I wondered if his dick was short and squat like him.

By the third day, I had gotten pretty friendly with Carlos, even playfully bantering back and forth. Every night, like clockwork, Carlos beat his meat ten minutes after lights out.

On the fourth night, when the bed began to shake, I whispered up at Carlos, "If you would stop hammering your nail, it might grow."

The bed stopped shaking. "What?" he whispered back.

"Stop jerking off, I'm trying to sleep."

He didn't say anything else, but a minute later the bed started shaking again.

I waited for him to finished, then I started. I was making sure to shake the bed as much as possible.

"See dude, you do it too," he whispered.

"You made me," I responded.

The next night, same thing. "Again, Carlos?" I whispered.

He was quiet for a moment, then said, "What did you mean last night?"

"About what?"

"You said I made you," Carlos replied.

"I was thinking about what you were doing, and got hard."

After another silent minute, "You want to watch?"

I got out of my bunk, and Carlos pulled his covers back. With the light coming in the window, I could just make out his dick. It wasn't as big as Gray's, but it was bigger than I expected on such a little guy.

He started stroking his dick, then asked "Are you hard?"

I nodded. He couldn't see from the top bunk, but I was rubbing my dick too.

"Let me see," Carlos said, and leaned over and looked down at my crotch.

I stepped back and pulled the front of my pajamas down.

The whole time Carlos is wailing on his dick. "You don't have any hair."


"Can you cum?" he asked.

"Not yet," I admitted.

"Turn around. Let me see your butt."

I turned and dropped the back of my pajamas.

"Your butt is so pretty and white. It looks like a girl's butt."

I turned back just in time to see Carlos let loose with a huge load. I don't think he saw me subconsciously lick my lips.

The next night, he started again.

"Hey, You're gonna make me want to do it too," I whispered up at him.

He mumbled something I didn't hear, so I got out of my bunk and stood looking at him "What?"

"I said you could do me instead," he repeated.

I wasn't sure if he was serious. I slowly moved my hand under his cover. Carlos flipped his cover off, to expose his hard dick.

I was still hesitant, "You sure?"

In answer, Carlos moved his hips closer to me. I grasped his dick and started stroking it. I realized it felt different than the others I had stroked. He was uncut. My first uncut dick.

Mmm. You do that good," Carlos complimented. I stood on the rail of the bottom bunk to get closer and better leverage. Carlos reached down and grasped my dick through my pajamas, giving it a little squeeze. His hand slid around and squeezed my butt too. That was enough to set him off. He shot another huge load all over his stomach.

We didn't talk about our late night play the next day. It was if it never happened. Until lights out.

I heard Carlos clear his throat, the way you do if you're trying to get someone's attention. A minute later he did it again, only louder.

"What?" I whispered.


I stood on the rail of my bunk again and looked at him. He removed his cover, waive his dick at me, and said "Do it."

I reached for his dick, and began stroking. After a minute, Carlos said, "Suck it."

I wanted to. But I couldn't let him know that.

"Let me have the top bunk, and I will."

He was quiet for a minute then said, "Five times."

"Deal. Come down."

I sat on the bunk and he stood in front of me, Just like Gray used to. The moment I took him into my mouth, Carlos let out a moan and grabbed my head. He fucked my mouth quick and hard. I barely got to taste his dick, before he shot in my throat.

The next four nights, ten minutes after lights out Carlos would climb down and I would suck him. He got better at it, letting me suck for awhile before grabbing my head and fucking my throat quickly.

We never talked about it. During the day it was business as usual. At night I sucked.

After his fifth blow job, Carlos lay on the bottom bunk, and I climbed up on top. Later I felt the bed shaking, but he didn't say anything.

The next night, after lights out, I whispered, "I think I like the bottom better."

He mumbled something. I looked over the edge and down at him and said, "What?"

He replied, "I like your bottom too."

I climbed down. "I'll let you play with my bottom for the bottom bunk."

"Five times."


Carlos stood, and I could see the tent in his pajamas. He pawed at my butt a bit, then turned me around.

He wrapped his arms around my belly and tried to hump up at me. I was too tall for him, so I bent my knees a bit, and lowered my pajama bottoms.

Carlos immediately started thrusting his pajama clad dick in the crack of my butt. His arms were around me again, so I reached behind and slid his pajama bottoms down. He leaned out a bit, and let his dick spring up and into my crack.

"Mmm, nice," Carlos said as his dick slid up and down my crack. He must have really liked that because I felt his cum on my back shortly.

After lights out the next night, I climbed down, and Carlos jumped up. I lowered my pajama bottoms, and Carlos reached for some hand cream on the desk. It wasn't there earlier, so he must have brought it out just for this.

With his dick all slicked up, I bent my knees, and Carlos slid his slippery dick up and down my crack. He did it real slow for him. Usually he likes to go fast.

My knees began to hurt, so I raised up for a minute. When I bent them again, he pushed up, and his dick head went right to my pucker.

"Sorry," he said, and adjusted his angle to slide up my crack.

"It's ok," I said, and he kept humping my crack.

I straightened up again. When I came back down, and his dick went to my hole, he paused again.

"It's okay Carlos," I said, and went a bit lower. His dick pushed against my pucker, and Carlos pushed up. He slid inside, and we both let out a moan.

"Sorry," he said.

"I'm not. It's okay just do it," I bent over so he could get deeper. He fucked me fast, and groaned when he emptied inside me.

The next night, I spread my towel on the floor to lay on. Carlos greased up his dick and lay on top of me. I put his dick at my hole and he pushed in. He was slower this time, wrapping his arms around me as he moved in and out. When he came, he let his dick slide out as it shrunk, then he kissed my neck before he got off my back.

The next two nights was the same. Each time he went slower and I think he wanted me to enjoy it too. I did. My dick rubbing the towel, while his plowed me inside, made me cum. Well not cum, but orgasm at least.

After our deal was completed, he went back to the top bunk, and I to the bottom. We had another quiet night of both of us jerking off by ourselves.

The next day was Sunday. We always have warm donuts for breakfast on Sundays. I guess it's the kitchen staff's day off, because we have sandwiches for lunch, and pizza for dinner. The rest of the week we had good meals. The head cook was really good.

Most of us like the donuts, me included. We are allowed to get two at a time. If we want more we have to wait till everyone has gotten two.

I had already eaten my first two, when Carlos sat down.

He saw me watching the line, "Going back for more?"

"Yeah, just waiting for everyone to get through the line," I answered.

"Here, take mine. I'll get back in line," He handed me his plate.

Now, this might seem like just a friendly gesture. But it's huge. I've been in the system for years, and nobody does this, especially not Sunday donuts.

That night after lights out, I whispered "Thanks for the donuts, Carlos."

"You're welcome."

I lay there for a moment trying to not seem anxious. "Got any more hand cream?"

I think Carlos flew off that top bunk. And I was on the towel before he got greased. But I lay on my back, and raised my knees. Carlos grinned down at me, and got between my legs. He kissed me on the lips as he slid his dick into me. I think his lips never left mine as he fucked me a long time, slowly moving in and out of my butt.

When I felt him spasm in me, I had an orgasm too. Only it was different. Then he pulled away, and he saw me smiling.

"What?" he asked.

"You made me cum."

"Don't move," he said, and got a penlight from his drawer.

Shining it on my belly, we see two little drops of cum.

Carlos's face lit up brighter than the penlight. He leaned down and licked the cum off my belly, then took my dick in his mouth to get the last drop from it.

"Thanks," he said.

Every Monday, our weekly chore list is posted. Since I had been back, Mr. Hudson had been giving me the shittiest chores. Last week it was mopping. It's hard because we use these huge industrial mops and have to do the dorm, hall, break room, and bathrooms.

This week, I was on trash detail. It's not really hard, but nasty and smelly. The only good thing about trash detail is your the last one to do your chore, so you get to spend the time in the break room watching tv or doing a jigsaw puzzle or something.

Just as I was starting to gather the trash, Carlos comes in. "Let me do that for you."

It may not seem like much to you, but this is even bigger than giving me his donuts.

Monday night, the lights went out, my towel hit the floor, Carlos was on me and in me within one minute of lightsout. He was smart enough to keep his lips on mine, so we didn't make too much noise. But I'm sure that wasn't the only reason.

I should explain here, that there is a girls section too. If you look at the building from the air, it kind of resembled "The Starship Enterprise". The dining hall and offices were the body of the ship, the two 'wings' of the ship were the boys section, and the girls section. The place could house a little over a hundred kids. In the back, connected by a breezeway, was the Rec Hall.

Even though the kids were taken by bus to public schools, we weren't allowed to be away from the home. We really couldn't have friends on the 'outside' because we didn't get to socialize outside.

So, many of the older kids had girlfriends and boyfriends that were also in the home.

If you were lucky, you would get to hang around them during Rec Hall activities. Whenever we weren't in school, or doing chores. There was a lot of time in the Rec Hall, and after school, and during summer.

Sometimes on Saturday nights, we would have a film in the Rec Hall. You could sit with your girlfriend/boyfriend, maybe hold hands when they turned down the lights for the film. If you were lucky, or one of their favorites, you might be able to sneak out around back of the building and smooch with your girl.

Well, Carlos had a girlfriend. Celia. Cute girl, but she also was taller than Carlos. And like all boys that age, he would brag about getting blowjobs or whatever from their girls.

Tuesday morning, Carlos again did the trash for me. After lunch, we were sitting in the breakroom watching tv, when Don came in.

"Hey Carlos. I heard you broke up with Celia. Why?"

"I have my eye on someone else," he said, then grinned at me.

Let me tell you, Carlos got his eyeballs fucked out that night. And every night after.

He turned into a pretty good lover too. He always made sure I had cum from him fucking me. If not, he would suck me.

There are two bathrooms in the boys section. One large, one small. The large one is next to the big dorm. It has four toilets, four sinks, and a big shower with six shower heads. Most of the little kids would shower six at a time. The older boys too would double or triple up in there. But they weren't allowed to shower when the little ones were in there.

The small bathroom near the opposite end of the hall, had only one toilet, one sink, and one shower stall. Unlike the big bathroom, it also had a door with a latch.

I wasn't allowed to shower with the little boys, and I was embarrassed to shower when any big boys were in there, because I still didn't have any pubic hair. So I preferred to use the small bathroom shower.

So, a couple of days later, I was in the shower, and I heard a light tapping on the door. I stuck my head out of the shower, and unlatched the door to see who it was.

Carlos pushed in quickly, and latched the door. He threw off his robe, and stepped into the shower with me.

We were taking a big chance, but we didn't care. He bathed me from head to foot, and I washed him too. Then I bent over and let him have me, right there in the shower, long before lights out. When he shot his load in me, I squirted on the tile wall.

That night he fucked me again after lights out.

None of the rooms have doors, but the closets inside the room does. Sometimes during the day, we would go in the closet for a quick suck or fuck. I guess we were literally 'in the closet'. More than a few times, we were almost caught.

For my thirteenth birthday, Carlos gave me a ring. It couldn't have cost much, and I have no idea where or how he got it. It was just a plain gold band, but it meant a lot to me.

Two weeks later, I came in the room, to find Carlos packing a bag. He was crying.

"What's going on?" I asked dumbfounded.

He turned and looked at me. Tears streaming down his face. I had never seen anyone so sad in all my life. Then kissed me, hard. He left the room and ran down the hall to the main part of the building.

I just sat on my bunk in shock. I was still sitting there, I don't know how much later, when a shadow crossed into the room.

It was Tommy. "You know I get the top bunk, right?" Were his first words to me as roommates.

Tommy was sixteen, had been there a long time, and was one of the 'favorites' of the staff. He had been in the first room, of the hall forever it seemed. It was a little larger and had two closets, and was furthest from the noisy machinery of air conditioning, heating, etc. for the whole building, which was just outside the boys section.

"Take it," I said with a wave of my hand. I sat there as Tommy took over all of Carlos's space, making several trips up and down the hallway with his things.

I didn't go to dinner that night. I sat in my room for a few minutes, then decided to shower while no one was around. I reached into my drawer to get clean underwear, and on top of my undies was an note.

"They are sending me to live with my grandparents in Missouri. I hope I don't see you before I leave. I don't think I can leave if you are near. This is really tearing me up inside.

I love you."


I cried all through my shower, and was still crying when Tommy came back from dinner. He saw me crying, and muttered, "Pussy," Then left to go watch tv.

Tommy wasn't usually mean to me, or anyone really. I guess he was pissed because he had to move 'down' to my room. I'm sure it was a major blow to his ego, not to mention his status in the pecking order.

He returned later, grabbed his shower stuff, and left again. Ten minutes later he came back with a towel around his waist.

After showers, we hang our towels on the metal bed frame to dry, so they don't get moldy in the laundry basket.

He takes off his towel, and hangs it on the frame. Suddenly I'm faced with the biggest dick I have ever seen. It was at least a couple of inches longer and thicker than Gray's, and close to twice the size of Carlos's,

He's standing there, probably getting his bunk ready, but in my head,I'm suddenly back with Gray. I guess I was in some form of shock at the loss of Carlos, because I just reached out and grabbed that big dick.

Tommy jerked away so fast, he almost pulled me off the bunk.

"Hey 3; Dude… What the fuck?"

I guess he noticed the look on my face. He leaned out the door, and peered up and down the hall. Then sat beside me, and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" he ask with real concern.

I shook my head no.

He pulled me close, and my hand went on his knee. I saw the ring Carlos had given me, and I started crying again.

"It's gonna be alright," Tommy said, giving me a reassuring squeeze.

My hand moved up to his dick. I felt it respond to my touch, just as Tommy pulled away from me.

"Did you and Carlos 3; you know 3; do things?" he asked.

I nodded, and cried harder.

He jumped up and peeked up and down the hall again.

"Shh 3; It'll be alright," he said, sitting back next to me.

"What am I gonna do without Carlos?" I blubbered.

"Well, to start with, Don't just grab my cock like that."

"I'm sorry."

"You have to wait til lights out before grabbing a guy's cock," He said with a grin.

Just after lights out, Tommy whispered, "Still want to?"


He came down. He sleeps in just his briefs, and they barely contained what was inside. I reached for his waist, and pulled down his briefs. I tried to swallow his whole dick, but didn't come close.

"Oh, Jesus. You're even better than Deb," Deb was Tommy's girlfriend.

I suddenly remember a rumor that he had been caught fucking Deb on the bus a couple of days before. It was summer, so the bus isn't used much, unless a bunch of kids are going somewhere.

I took my mouth off. "Is it true you were caught fucking Deb on the bus."

"No. I was about to when they caught us. If they had only been fifteen seconds later, I would have had my dick in her."

"Have you ever… you know… fucked a girl?"

"To be honest, no. But don't tell anybody. I have a reputation to uphold."

"You want to?" I asked, looking at his big, scary, dick.

"Sure, dude. Know anybody who will?" He laughed.


Tommy looked at me curiously. "You sure?"

I threw my towel on the floor, and handed him the hand cream.

As I lay down and put my feet in the air, Tommy realized I was serious.

When his fat cock penetrated me, I let out a groan. Tommy put his hand over my mouth, and waited for me to calm down.

"You have to be quiet," he whispered.

"Carlos would kiss me to be sure we didn't make too much noise."

Tommy nodded, and leaned down to kiss me. He began working his way into me a little at a time. God does he have a big cock.

We were both moaning pretty good as he went deeper than anyone had before. Soon I felt his balls on my butt, and he began long strokes.

I don't know if I'll ever forget Carlos, but Tommy's big cock could sure take my mind off the loss for a few minutes.

After a few minutes, Tommy pulled his lips from mine. "Now I know why Carlos dumped Celia. Your ass is way better than any girl could be."

"Do you mean that?"

"Yes, for sure," he said as he gave me a few morel deep strokes.

"You can have me anytime. If you stop seeing Deb."

"Consider it done."

He fucked me to two orgasms before leaving his load in me.

Tommy may not be as sweet as Carlos, but he is a hell of a good fuck buddy.

Tommy dropped Deb the next day. I rewarded him with a blow job. I couldn't take his whole cock into my throat, but I did what I could. He didn't shoot as big a load as Carlos, but it was very tasty.

After a week of taking his cock every night, I had become addicted to it. He could fuck for a long time, and always made me cum too. At least once. I could hardly keep my hands off him. Getting dressed in the morning, I wanted to play with his cock. Most days he would let me.

When he came back to our room after showering, I would blow him, if we could. After lights out, we fucked like bunnies.

Then one day Mr. Hudson got mad at someone else. Robert. Changes were made, Tommy was moved back to his former room, and Robert was moved to mine.

Robert is a nice enough guy. Not as tall as Tommy, and stockier. Very muscular, black, and known for his dancing abilities.

I found other things he should be known for. He wasn't as tall as Tommy, nor quite as long. But he was much thicker, and had a huge head on his cock.

It was his second night as my roommate, when he came back after his shower. He asked me to apply some greasy stuff to his hair.

I wasn't familiar with it, and he said "It's a black thing."

He sat at the desk with his towel around his waist as I applied the stuff. His towel parted enough for me to see that fat knob laying on the chair. I almost dropped the stuff.

So I'm standing there putting this stuff at his roots, and combing it. But my eyes kept dropping to that towel gap. When I finished with one side, I went around the chair to start the other. My own erection brushed against Robert's arm, and I actually had to draw my midsection away from him to apply the stuff or it would have been on him as I worked. He saw me in the closet mirror, sorta hunched over his head, with my pajamas tented.

"Something got you excited?" Robert chuckled.

"Uh 3; No," I lied, and glanced back at his lap.

I noticed that that fat knob was now a little more exposed. I watched as it stretched, sliding along the towel covered chair, then lifting off the chair. As it rose, it came up in the gap, and separated it more till his cock was sticking up passed his belly button.

"Jesus Christ," I whispered.

"You're looking at it like my girlfriend does, just before I stick it in her. Hurry up and finish with that shit."

I finished the application, and Robert went to the shower to rinse it off or something. He returned just before lights out.

He took off his towel and stood in front of me.

"Better get it good and wet. I'm gonna tear that white ass up."

"There's cream on the chest," I said.

He reached for it just as the lights went out.

"On your knees," Was all he had to say.

He covered my mouth with his hand and pushed that fat knob into me.

I've never had anything that hurt so bad. And after the initial pain, I never had anything feel so good.

He wasn't as good as Tommy, but he was enthusiastic. He fucked me hard, like he was trying to hurt me. It did, but I liked it too.

"Man you got yourself a nice boypussy. I'm gonna like it in here a lot."

I wasn't as addicted to Robert as I was to Tommy. I mean, I liked getting fucked by him but I really liked Tommy and how he fucked better. Robert's thick head did some amazing things though. It was like a plunger, churning my insides.

The problem was Robert was black. The kind of black kid with a chip on his shoulder. To him everything was the white man's fault. I don't mean to sound racist, I know I'm not. I'm an equal opportunity fuck. I had fucked white guys, but I also fucked Carlos, a mexican. I also didn't give a second thought to letting Robert fuck me. Hell, I like getting fucked.

But Robert considered it a conquest over the white man. He had a white sex slave from his point of view.

Carlos and Tommy made love to me. They even dropped their girls for me. Robert treated me like shit.

"Get down on your knees and suck this cock, Cracker," He'd say. Or "That white pussy loves black cock, don't it."

I wanted to tell him I love cock. I didn't care what color it was. After a week of his shit, I was getting tired of it. I could get fucked by whoever was my roommate, and I didn't need to be treated bad to get it.

I wrote a note and slipped it under Mr. Hudson's office door. I just said, 'Come to room one in the boy's dorm after lights out.'

Several things happened that I didn't count on. The first was that Robert would invite a friend to fuck me that night too. Not that I minded two at once. It's just that in our world, you didn't want anyone to know you were involved in homosexual behavior. It could be the kiss of death for you.

Carlos and Tommy never told anyone because they had a reputation to maintain. Guys in prison or institutionalized in any form, can be straight, but still be involved in gay stuff just to get release.

I also didn't expect the reaction from Mr. Hudson. I thought he would come in and find Robert fucking a younger smaller kid, and move him to another room.

What Mr. Hudson found that night was me being spit roasted between Robert and his friend Riley. Robert was trying to shove his fat cock down my throat, while Riley was sliding his longer but thinner cock, in and out of my ass.

We had been at it a while, and I had concluded that Mr. Hudson didn't get my note. So, I was just getting into the fucking I was receiving, when the light in my room came on.


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