Part 1 The FSF-12
The excited group of favored sales reps eagerly awaited the unmasking of the newest of the BoyToy models. A suave middle-aged man took the podium.
"Good afternoon gentlemen. My name is Boyton Forbes and I am the executive vice president of BoyToys, Inc. I see we have a good crowd here for unveiling of our new line of BoyToys. As you no doubt have seen in the promotional literature, we are excited to be not only presenting the latest models of our usual lines, but are happy to announce a completely new upgrade on one of our long time standard models, the FSF-12, and two entirely new models, the FTVS-1, and the PFSF-1. As you know, with the new revolution in both bioengineering, cybernetics, and in the newest gene-splicing techniques, we are now able to bring you production units that just a generation ago would have been merely someone's wet-dream. For today's presentation allow me to presently the renowned Dr. Maximillian Dogood. Doctor."
A rather young looking man, in good shape and a big smile entered the room. He seemed to have boundless energy and his enthusiasm was quite evident.
"Good afternoon gentleman. I am in charge of research and development at BoyToys, Inc. As you know there have been profound upgrades in current BoyToy selections over the past decade. However, the three models I will be showing you today would not even have been contemplated 10 years ago. The new gene-splice technology has revolutionized the industry. We are now able not only to give to you serviceable boys that will be able to fulfill your current needs and demands, but these new units will now be able to be kept in productive use for upwards of 50 to 60 years!"
The doctor was rightfully proud of this accomplishment and allowed the buzz to go around the room at such an astonishing pronouncement.
He continued: "With the latest technology and drug therapy, we can now hold off the onset of puberty in our new models permanently! This afternoon you will be viewing three models that are currently at the ages of 10, 12, and 14, in physical development, and none of which has been allowed to advance into full puberty nor will they ever. Fifty years from now their morphology will still exhibit the physical ages of 10, 12, and 14, and will have maintained their prepubescent looks."
"I know you are all anxious to see these new units so without any more preamble my assistant will bring in the first, a total remake of an old model, the new unit, the FSF-12!"
From the side door a young black man, totally naked except for a waist belt onto which were attached an obvious chastity device and the enlarged end of an obviously large butt plug. An indication that this young man was well endowed was that this chastity device was a full 10 inches [25 cm] in length even if the length had to be measured along a 2/3rds circle into which his penis was constrained to assume! There was a metal and leather collar around his neck, and a strap arrangement about his head that fitted a leather pouch over the bottom of his jaw and mouth. It could be supposed, by the way the man's jaw was distended, that within his mouth was a rather large mouth gag. The man also wore a set of shackles on his ankles attached to a set of metal and leather ankle bands. Similar bands encircles his wrists but these were unencumbered for now. The fellow appeared to be a healthy 20 to 25 year old of slim but toned build. It was assumed by all that this "assistant" was also the doctor's personal slave.
This assistant was leading on a chain leash, a much smaller black boy also almost completely naked. A few remarks expressing delight was elicited from the audience. This new boy was sheer perfection of boy pulchritude. He was slender with only the tiniest hint of musculature beneath, yet there was obviously not an ounce of fat. He too shuffled along as he was apparently hobbled by a stiff clear plastic rod about a foot [30 cm] in length. The boy's arms were trapped somehow behind him, so that he was a bit off balance as he entered. The boy's small testicles hung in a small pendulous sac between his legs and a perfectly proportioned penis stuck straight outward. It was pitch black in color and had a slight helmet shaped glans fronting a 4 inch [10 cm] penis – quite long for a 10 year old. It was seemingly as rigid as steel. Around the boy's neck was a dull finished metal collar about an inch [2½ cm] wide and perhaps a half inch [12 mm] thick. It was tight enough that it rested in the muscles of this boy's neck rather than resting on his collar bones. What was really strange, however, was the entirety of the boy's naked head seemed to be encased within a thin clear plastic or acrylic hood that conformed totally to the boy's face and naked head. Although it could be seen that the boy's eyes were open, they too, seemed to almost have on goggles as the encasement was total. The boy's mouth, was also being held fully open, and within the opening, part of the same encasement, appeared to be the only opaque portion of the encasement, white in color. The small prepubescent boy had no other adornment, except what appeared to be a small flattened ring of metal encircling his small testicle sac just below his stiffly and almost obscenely protruding penis.
The boy's posture appeared to be very tense and hesitant, as he seemed to scan the audience. His head seemed to turn with a jerky movement, and he seemed at the same time trying to move his arms which were apparently held fast behind his back.
"Stand still boy facing these gentlemen. We want them to see you."
The boy was apparently well trained as he instantly quieted his movements and faced the audience. The small whimpering noises that seemed to have been coming from the boy's throat also stopped.
The doctor continued. "Beautiful isn't he? Note that this is a total remake and upgrade of our FSF model 10b. This unit, as you can see, has been fashioned from a very black Negro boy and now exhibits a physical age of 10 years. However, please note that due to suggestions and numerous requests from our past customers, who wanted a boy capable of understanding more complicated instructions, this boy, when acquired five months ago, had a physical age of 12 years, and a mental age of 15. Through new gene splicing techniques, we were able to regress his physical appearance by almost two years. Specifics are in the brochure before you. Also note that because of this new ability, we can be much more discriminating when selecting a new recruit. For example, this boy was first determined by brain scan and other determining characteristics to be exclusively homosexual in orientation and of an extremely submissive nature. We have found out through the years, that these abiding mental characteristics provide us with units that in the long run provide the best service to our customers."
One potential customer asked question: "Doctor, may we ask exactly where you get your, ahem, recruits?"
"By all means. We have numerous agents throughout the 4 planet federation always on the lookout for potential subjects. This particular boy was one of several boys so far brought to our attention by a certain pediatrician, who shall remain anonymous for obvious reasons, over the past several years from the capital city of Devlon IV. As you well know that particular planet does not even allow consensual pediastery. However, he has been able to secretly test over a thousand prospective boys always on the look out for ones that would suit our particular requirements. Of course we must be careful when we later kidnap these boys so that the doctor remains entirely above suspicion. In the case of this unit here, he was kidnapped right out of his home during the night."
The same gentleman asked a further question: "What I am concerned about is this. What if, in some strange circumstance, the boy is asked who he is or where he is from, wouldn't that be able to put many people in jeopardy?"
"A very good question sir." The doctor then faced the boy and asked: "Tell me your name boy?" After a hesitation the doctor prompted: "Don't you know it?"
The child seemed to get moisture in his eyes and finally answered with a negative shake.
"I wanted to demonstrate that this boy is totally incapable of leading anyone back to his family or even his home town. Through advanced memory erasure techniques, about which I can divulge only little, this boy's memory of his family member's names, or any other name that could connect with his hometown have been erased. Although he still has memory of the people who had been in his life, he can never recall their names."
"Good gentlemen, let us continue." With that the doctor reached down and easily picked the boy up by his waist and placed him sitting on a high bench next to his podium. Immediately the small boy started to twist and turn and moan. There was a small murmuring coming the few gentlemen sitting in the front row.
"Ah, I can see that some of you have noted the small droplets of liquid dripping from the boy's erect penis. I would like to point out that this boy's original testicles have been replaced with the newest SEP units. These sexual enhancement producing units, when the boy is sexually aroused, secrete the very newest enhancement drugs. Also note that now the entire trunk of this boy's body has been made into an erogenous zone, hence what happened when I touched his slim waist. Only a few drops, and your libido, stamina, and general overall sexual enjoyment will be sharply increased. You will also note that with changes made in the boy's brain pathways, along with chemicals being produced by the boy's own greatly enhanced and enlarged prostate, this boy will forever experience a libido of a minimum 0.6 on the Menchner Scale. For those of you that are not familiar with this technical jargon, that would make this boy about three times as horny as the typical 17 year old when sexually aroused. Please also note that this current unit is also wearing the optional neural stimulator. It is that small band of metal you can see affixed to the boy's scrotum. If you would kindly turn to page 7 of your brochures, you can see by diagrams 12a through 12d, that there is a small projection of this ring that actually transects the boy's scrotum. This small rod passes through his scrotum and there are fine filaments which penetrate and are annealed to the nerves that previously enervated the boy's testicles. Watch what happens when I touch this remote."
Suddenly the boy gave out a deep throated whine and started dancing from leg to leg. Then the boy started a severe thrusting motion with his groin.
"Stop moving boy" the doctor commanded.
With what seemed to be monumental effort the boy quieted but still kept up a loud whimpering.
"Note gentlemen, that while this neural implant is firing, this boy 's libido will stand at a staggering level of 0.91 on the Menchner scale. Note that this would cause most men (or boys) to immediately start raping the nearest hole. With the boy's recent conditioning to obey all commands, he is only then with great effort able to stand relatively still."
The doctor hit the remote again and a quiet sigh could be heard from the boy's throat and he noticeably relaxed. The boy started to look at his audience again and seemed to be in severe embarrassment. Again he made a futile attempt to move his arms.
The doctor addressed the boy. "Boy, stand still. You know by now that your hands and arms are permanently encased behind you. You will never be able to use them again."
The boy stopped moving and gave out heart rending whimper.
"That brings us gentlemen to describe the specific features of this new enhanced model. Note first of all, the clear bands about his ankles. These bands are an inch [2½ cm] wide and appear on the surface to be about ¼ inch [6 mm] thick. However, they are not plastic as you might have guessed, but a revolutionary polymer that will actually bond with a person's body tissue under the right circumstances. Those bands you see extend an additional ¼ inch [6 mm] into the boys body and there are even additional tendrils that attach to his very bones. Needless to say they are very permanent. Now this rod that is also permanently attached can be used for a number of things. As it is now, about a foot [30 cm] long, it acts as a very effective hobble. Note that it only flexes at his ankles. Now observe what happens when I pull downward."
Immediately the rod grew in length until it was a full 3½ feet [1 meter] wide. This of course forced the boy's feet wide apart.
"Note now it is a very effective spreader bar. And again."
The doctor pushed upward and the bar retracted.
"The bar can be made to stop at any distance from 1 foot [30 cm] to 3½ feet [1 meter] merely by letting go. The bar is permanent. This boy will never walk normally again."
The doctor then turned the boy around and propped up his very cute butt. He then had his assistant wheel over an odd machine with a couple solid state controls and a long wand. "Watch the meter when I insert this variable width prong into the boy's rectum." The prong at this time was merely ½ inch [12 mm] thick. The boy let out a small moan upon penetration. Also the boy's rectum could be seen spasming upon the thin rod. "If you watch the screen you will note that the pressure upon the rod is very consistent with the normal rectum of a small boy of this one's size. However, watch as I press this remote. The reading doubled and then tripled; the small boy seemed to be in his own world and started moaning.
"The boy is showing extreme sexual arousal and even experiencing quite a bit of sexual pleasure himself. That was another observation we have made over the years. In spite of many people thinking that we merely have to train a boy correctly, we still get much better results if the boy enjoys what he is doing. Watch now as I hit his much enhanced prostate."
In seconds the boy started shuddering an emitting a solid moan that gradually reached higher and higher notes. The boy stayed in orgasm for more than a full minute before his passion started to subside. From his small but rigid penis came a small quantity of clear liquid. Just the sublimated effluvium from this gave just about every one in the room their own rigid boners. Those that didn't have one already.
"Note gentlemen that this clear liquid being produced by the boy, as I've said earlier, is a powerful aphrodisiac." The boy was still breathing heavily as the rod was removed from his rectum. The doctor then hit a control on the machine and the once thin rod expanded to a diameter of a full 2 inches [5 cm].
"Now watch and observe." With that, the doctor, holding the boy tightly, steadily pushed the now thick rod into the boy's rectum. There was a muffled squeal and the boy tried to escape the deep thrust, but the doctor resolutely held him and easily controlled the situation. The squeal came from deep in the boy's throat that increased in volume as the rod was pushed further and further. The doctor was undeterred by the boy's now heavy struggle and loud muted scream as thrust the rod in and out of the tiny butt hole. Then almost suddenly the boy quieted to a throaty moan and started shuddering again; he even started pushing his rectum onto the rod. This continued for several minutes whereupon the boy's rectum started spasming as the meter indicated.
"Note gentlemen that the boy's rectal grip with his greatly enhanced sphincter muscles will give anybody's penis quite a massage. Now watch as I remove the invading probe."
Quickly the boy relaxed his body but then started whimpering. Then shaking a bit as he looked back and tried in vein to impale himself upon the probe.
"We see the results of the extreme conditioning of this boy and the great enhancement of his sexual need. Also note the action of his small rectum. The person riding his little ass will get the fuck of his life. The rectum of this boy has been greatly strengthened and enhanced to provide all the tight feeling and muscle contractions one could possibly dream for. And with proper rectal maintenance it will never slacken off during the many years of service this unit can provide.
There was another question directed at the doctor.
"Doctor, what was happening when the boy seemed to be screaming and trying to escape the probe's penetration?"
"Good question. It just so happens that the particular buyer of this unit wanted this boy to feel some of the pain involved in thick penile penetration as normal for a little boy. He was feeling up to class two pain, significant but not excessive. But as you can see the boy's voice is quite muffled. When the pleasure of his own started, then the boy became a willing participant in his own fucking. Also, as it is shown in your brochures, depending somewhat on the original physical make up of the boy, specific models can be enhanced to take up to 3 inches [7½ cm] of diameter without any preparation or any chance of damage."
The passive nature of the boy or unit in question could be seen as the boy was now leaning back into the doctor, seemingly reveling in the tactile contact.
There was another question. "Doctor, I've noticed that throughout, even during his period of pain, that the boy has sported a quite rigid boner. Is this normal for this model?"
"Yes it is. The chemistry and glands of this unit will cause and permit this unit to maintain a near perpetual erection. Remember that this unit will always be experiencing some substantial measure of sexual need. He will always be ready to be used, either rectally, orally, or both. Now let us proceed with the review."
The doctor then told the boy to stand on top of the high bench. He immediately tried to obey but needed the doctor's assistance.
He turned the boy so that his back was to the audience. "Note that the boy's forearms and hands are also encased with his hands forever held in a small fist next to his elbows and behind his back. This is another measure to maintain complete and utter control of the unit. This clear covering is the same as that of his other bonds. It has fused with his very flesh and is permanent. This boy will NEVER use his hands and arms again. We have also implanted neural stimulators within the arms and hands which, when signaled during the unit's sleep and recovery periods, will maintain proper muscle bulk and tone."
There was an immediate question. "I noticed doctor that the boy occasionally tries to move his hands. Hasn't he been conditioned yet not to do that?"
"Actually that is a good question. It brings me to another subtle but what we think is a more charming response from the boy. What we did was to cause a chemical restriction in that small part of his brain which regulates the conscious regard of modesty. We stopped his brain from ever putting information of his nudity in front of others into long term memory storage. Remember when a teen, perhaps you had a dream of suddenly finding yourself in front of say your entire classroom, stark naked. That dream is a reality for this small boy, and further this condition will never change! His reaction is sometimes so strong that he tries to cover himself up in spite of 'knowing' that he can't."
There weren't few titters throughout the room. The doctor again turned the boy to the front.
"Next note the perfectly formed penis. This can give certain users hours of pleasure in sucking if they so desire. The skin and tissue has been so enhanced to be incapable of skin breakdown or chaffing. Also the unit will respond accordingly with near continuous orgasms so that the aphrodisiac produced by the boy's scrotum will continue to drip out. Next we come to the boy's nipples. These will be a source of greater stimulation for the boy, but considering that his entire body trunk is now a erogenous zone, you might not see a significant difference in response. At the neck we see a small metal collar. Its dimensions are given in your brochure on page 26. This is much more than a standard collar. Inside is a powerfully discriminating computer that regulates all sensory input that the boy receives. When the boy first started into this room he had to be led since the only sensory information he was receiving was the sight of my assistant who was leading him. Note the clear head covering. This covers eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. It is bonded permanently onto the boy's hairless skull and face. His head is permanently encased within. In conjunction with a small brain implant, this covering, and the computer in the unit's collar, with only one exception, ONLY commands and sensory input that is sexually stimulating to the unit will register in his brain. This is a vast improvement from older models of this same type. Neurologically, a person's brain takes at least a fourteenth of second before any sensory information registers in conscious thought. This processor notes the unit's reaction to any stimulus, decides if the boy's response is sexual, and if not, stops the sensory input from registering consciously by means of the brain implant. So folks. With the exception of direct commands, this unit will ONLY experience sensory input that elicit's a sexual response. This will allow this unit to function at a consistently much higher level and respond without unfortunate interruptions."
This brought a large murmuring response from the audience. One person finally asked the question that was on many people's minds.
"Doctor, you mean to say that this boy will never again have any experiences that are not sexual in nature?"
"Almost but not quite sir. All commands will be recognized even if not of a sexual nature. Also we are speaking of conscious regard. Those experiences which are neurologically reflexive will also register, such as pain if he is struck, or touch if he is touched, and so on."
"Doctor, what about the boy's conditioning? He seems quite willing to obey."
"Right you are. His conditioning, except for what I've already explained, consisted of nothing more than teaching him his trade so to speak. How to suck and fuck to put it crudely. The boy, however, before any commands were given, was fitted with a brain implant which monitors his response to commands. As soon as he consciously becomes aware of a command, with some necessary exceptions, he will immediately start to feel increasing measures of pure pain until he complies. The result is as you see. He instantly obeys MOST commands. The implant was also made to differentiate commands that would cause the boy physical harm and those are the exception. For example if one were to command the boy to sit onto a burning fire he is free to refuse."
"Doctor, can you explain a bit more about this new facial encasement as you described it. It looks like the boy's mouth is plugged or something."
"You note correctly. But let me start with the top and work down. First the eyes. The lenses allow free eye movement, but no passage of anything through the covering. The ears are covered, along with the nose. Note that small interior tubes, not apparent unless you peer quite closely, exit the mask only at the back of the neck. This allows the boy to continue breathing even if someone sits on his face. Also these tubes extend all the way into the boy's trachea. Thus no mater what is shoved down his throat, which can accommodate penises up to 10 inches [25 cm] in length and 2¼ inches [5.7 cm] in girth, he will still be able to breathe. By the way all his teeth have also been removed. There is also a new energy restrictive field at present at all times within the boy's mouth and covering it. For the boy, unless something disrupts it, it will seem that he is forever gagged and quite profoundly. Within his mouth his tongue is held frozen, except for a minor movement to allow him to swallow occasionally. But what this shield does do is make it impossible for anything to enter his mouth except the following. Any penis of course will gain instant entrance. The boy is conditioned to suck proficiently. The only other item than can gain entrance is the boy's feeding and watering tubes. His tongue, with appropriate enhancements, is also capable of rimming a client's butt hole when the client's anal ring makes contact with the boy's lips. I noted before that his tongue's movement were restricted. This one exception, however, requires him, through his conditioning, to provide his client a delectable rimming.
"Doctor, that is the one thing you haven't talked about. What is needed to take proper care of the boy? And exactly how is he fed?"
"Each unit comes with complete care instructions, and an automatic feeder. The boy's needs are simple. Let me have my assistant bring in the care unit."
A few minutes later the doctor's slave assistant brought in what resembled small cabinet on wheels. The upper portion resembled a small casket although it was somewhat deeper and broader. Underneath were several reservoirs and tanks. The entire audience had seen nothing like it before.
"Gentlemen, as you see here this is revolution in specific BoyToy care. Each time the unit needs its normal daily sleep and care period, six hours will usually suffice, this mechanism here will save an enormous number of man hours. The instruction booklet is complete and need not be detailed here. All you need to do is place the boy unit into this top chamber, and hook him up. It is that simple. This tube here is placed into the boy's mouth. This small slender socket will fit over the boy's penis and adhere to it until this indentation is touched allowing it to detach. When attached, a small catheter will insert itself into the boy's urethra to make sure all urine is totally removed. This plug is likewise inserted into the unit's rectum, and again removes all feces. Not only will the mouth and rectal probes act as stated but will clean and freshen the respective holes to make them ready for the next day's use. Note there is a hollowed out groove here so that the boy's arms will be comfortably accommodated. As the unit's head is fitted snugly into its cradle, a source of air is automatically hooked up to the end of its breathing tube. Further, the lens portion of the head covering, although pretty impervious, is checked for any scaring and repaired if required. When this lid is closed the boy's movements are restricted enough to insure no possibility of injury. Also sensors within the tubes and probes will determine exactly what the nutritional needs are and deliver them. Also a refreshing bath will also commence. All items within are of course water proof. This will be the unit's life. Easy care during its rest period, and all the sucking and fucking you could ever want during its use cycle.
The boy on the bench started shaking upon this pronouncement. One observant fellow wondered and asked: "Doctor. The boy evidently heard that last statement. You said that only sensory input that elicits a sexual cognitive response can be heard."
"So right you are. A fascinating boy, don't you think? One of the reasons he was selected."
The boy, not unintelligent, was now fully realizing just what his future bode for him and started to cry. Sobs wracked his thin frame. To forever and only be an object of sexual gratification for men. He was indeed a BoyToy for his future clients' use. His only consolation was that he at least would be able to enjoy his future's sexual episodes. And even the fact that he was so 'used' he realized was strangely sexually stimulating. He decided to try to make the best of it. He had no other choice anyway.
The doctor had the unit escorted away. "We must allow this unit to be processed for shipment. It will be delivered to its new owners, Boys for Pleasure, Inc. They have just opened their new vacation facility on Tringus III. I have been informed that this unit will be required to service clients up to 16 hours a day for the remainder of its life. At all other times it will be resting in its service module.
Part 2 & FT (VS)-1
Later that morning, after suitable refreshments and other delicacies (in the form of able and willing BoyToys (or not so willing depending on the man's preference) were made available to members of the audience, the doctor continued his presentation.
"Gentlemen, I am glad to see that you have enjoyed your break." He waited patiently while a few gentlemen were still pulling on some articles of clothing.
"I would now like to introduce to you a revolution in BoyToys. In the holo-image here you can see resting quietly and serenely is an example of young teen pulchritude. This boy, FTVS-1, which stands for forced torture with variable scenario, has been specifically recruited. This boy has been selected because of his former pampered home life and total lack of life problems. He is the epitome of boy innocence. Nothing 'bad' has ever happened to him in his entire 14 years of existence. Until now. Or at least it is about to happen."
The audience almost as one snickered to themselves.
In the holo-image could be seen a very typical small teen, about 14 years of age, although small and slender for his age at 5' 2" [1.57 m] in height, and about 105 pounds [48 kg]. Slender but with a good hint of future musculature. The boy seemed to be of Chinese ancestry with sultry brown eyes in a face all the girls would sigh over. (And many men). His darker skin was totally unblemished. His slim penis strangely stuck outward to a very hard 5 inches [12½ cm], but his nearly hairless testicles indicated that the boy had been barely into puberty. His testicles, showing attached to the underside of his penis, were small egg sized in a wrinkled pouch. The boy just sleeping there however was definitely NOT the same boy that had been kidnapped six months earlier. Many changes had taken place although outwardly almost none of them were manifest. One of which was the fact, when and if given the proper medication, he was capable of an extremely intense and lengthy orgasm of his own.
Allowing the audience to take a few minutes to admire the next BoyToy to be introduced, Dr. Dogood was awash with anticipation not only as he thought about what was soon to happen to this boy but also with the knowledge that he will be privileged to participate in the boy's very first torture and rape.
"As you can see gentleman, outwardly this would seem like your not quite typical 14 year old boy. Not so typical I mean in regard to his slightly smaller stature and of course his stunningly cute looks. But in fact this boy was acquired almost six months ago and has undergone extensive physical modifications. And because of the newest in gene-splice therapy, implants, and drug regimen, he will NEVER look substantially different 50 years from now. And one further item that places this particular BoyToy unit apart, his future memory is now totally controllable."
The doctor picked up a small vial. "One small injection of this drug, and his altered brain chemistry will ABSOLUTELY AND TOTALLY forget every detail of his existence since he had been first abducted. Therefore, we control his entire existence. After any and every injection, he will revert back to the exact moment we sedated him at his moment of capture. And by the way he will have no memory of that episode either. His last memory will have been of falling asleep while watching a holo-movie, awaiting the return of his parents and family. Parents and family that he will never again see."
There was a first question. "Then do I understand that when he awakens it will be the very first moment that he realizes that anything is amiss?"
"Exactly! And just think of the possibilities! Imagine! We can have this boy start any scenario we want, including his very kidnapping if we wish, and then, after an injection, be able to restart a totally new scenario. The boy will never know the difference."
Another member of the audience spoke up. "You mean we can say rape and torture this kid, so long as we don't inflict any permanent injury, and then do it for the 'first' time all over again say next week?"
"Yes! Beautiful right?"
A loud murmur went through those present as the untold possibilities were understood.
"Thus we can rape the boy today for the first time in his experience and then rape him again tomorrow and have it still be his first experience!"
"Doctor, you said he had been extensively modified over a six-month period. This just for the brain chemistry change?"
"Definitely not. All kinds of enhancements have been made so that this boy can withstand any oral or rectal rape, and up to class four torture repeatedly, with no irreparable damage or even notable change! And even more, his recovery time will be less than two days, where in the past, both forcible rape and also class four torture would require sometimes as much as two to three weeks and then there could still be some permanent damage."
"Doctor, I find it hard to believe that after say several hours of such painful torture, even if just class four, that this boy will be unchanged."
It needs to be noted here that class one through three torture involves only the skin, and musculature. Class four can also involve limited low level electro-torture.
"Please let me explain. All of the following aspects of the boy's physiognomy has been enhanced. His skin, musculature, and even tendons and ligaments have been severely upgraded so that even after light whipping, caning, severe paddling, beating with light to moderate belts, hot wax, and even if they leave minor lacerations, all this the boy's body, with our advanced treatment facility, will be repaired within 40 hours. Also, thin myofilaments have been stretched all along his skeletal structure, and his shoulder sockets have been upgraded. This along with the usual bone strengthening techniques will allow this boy to be hung by either hands or feet, or both indefinitely without harm. Of course there will still be the requisite pain involved."
"But doctor, I have recently read that the psychological trauma of even extended class three and four torture invariable changes a person's brain pathways and gradually results in serious emotional trauma. This surely will adversely change this boy for our continued use."
The doctor had been anticipating just this question. "I am glad that you have pointed this out, and congratulations for being at the forefront of this topic. I should also point out that forcible male rape also affects heterosexuals and homosexuals in vastly different psychological ways. There is an even greater differentiation from severely submissive personalities and also those who are natural masochists. We have been able to guarantee that this boy will remain adversely unaffected for three reasons. First, we took this boy for more than his good looks and innocent life. He is totally homosexual and even has shown definite brainwave patterns of the submissive even if undeveloped psychologically. Also there is the matter of pain endurance and tolerance. In this boy it is very high. Then there is a third factor. We have actually implanted a 'safety valve' so to speak within the boy's neural system. What this does is monitor the boy's total mental response to any torture and pain. If it is judged to be getting too high, it will automatically modify the transmission and the boy will actually not feel the total force of the pain involved."
"So doctor you got a masochist who likes pain and
The doctor was a little peeved, and cut the off the remark. "No, we did not. For our purposes in fact we deliberately sought a boy that was not at all masochistic. The idea is for our clients to enjoy giving the boy pain – pain that the boy most definitely does not want. However we have also enhanced the boy's ability to enjoy and maintain orgasm. After all the boy deserves some enjoyment for his enforced slavery. In fact we envision some scenarios in which the boy will even enjoy the entire episode in which he finds himself. Note that there are many clients out there who just want to have an enjoyable session of man-boy sex with a total novice. In fact some of these clients find it a challenge to make sure that the boy in question even wants the episode repeated. In this regard, although not able to produce sperm, this boy's orgasms will be extremely intense and so quickly repeating, that they will seem nearly continuous. We have also increased the boy's libido a full 340%. With proper stimulation, this boy's libido can reach between 0.50 and 0.57 on the Menchner scale. This will be one super horny teen!"
There was an additional murmur through the crowd. One man shouted out: "Hay, how about kidnapping me next time?"
Taking time for the laughter to subside, the doctor continued. I also want to point out to you this this boy's immune system have been so improved, that minimal contamination from forced anallingus will have no deleterious effect. Except for his experiences that is."
A few deep throated snickers could be heard.
Finally another member of the audience asked: "You have shown us this boy on holo. Will we see him in person?"
"I have a real surprise for you all. We intend to carry out a three hour scenario with this very boy as soon as we can decide just what we want to do. And you will have the vote. See the materials provided."
Twenty minutes and some chaos later, it was finally decided. A scenario involving a simulated kidnapping, forced sex, and then a brief but intense torture session will be conducted ending in a short but brutal episode of electro-torture will end the scenario.
The room in which the boy, Chen Yew was ensconced was an exact duplicate of the family room from which he was abducted in this hometown. But this time he will not be immediately sedated. The first time he was sedated without ever knowing anything was amiss. So as the scene unfolds, Chen, dressed in the exact duplicate of the clothes he had on six months prior, was sleeping on the easy chair in front of a holo-movie, again the exact one he was watching before. This time two men would approach the boy and as soon as they are seen, before the boy would be able to sound the alarm, one man is to grab and hold a hand over his mouth, while the other gives him an injection. But this time the drug, within 10 seconds or so, will render the boy incapable of voluntary motor activity yet allow him to fully understand what is happening. The shot would only last for about 15 minutes but that would be more than enough time to subjugate him.
The boy Chen awoke and stretched. He felt like he'd been asleep forever. Hearing a noise he looked at the holo and realized that his movie had almost finished. Thus he determined he had been asleep only 20 minutes or so, although he felt a bit puzzled since he REALLY thought it seemed a LOT longer. He was then wondering if his parents and younger brother were home yet. As he stood he heard a noise behind him and instantly panicked as two scary men approached from the kitchen. He tried to run, and screamed as one of the men tackled him and grabbed his arms. He struggled pretty well for a small 105 pound [48 kg] boy but was no match for the 200 pound [90 kg] adult. As he started trying to yell for someone, again the man wrapped his smelly hand over his mouth. He tried to bite him but then the other guy, a smaller black man, grabbed his thin arm and touched him with an high pressure hypodermic. He tried to pull his arm away but he got some kind of shot and started feeling real lazy sort of. He felt good but suddenly he couldn't make his muscles work. He got real scared thinking he was going to die as he collapsed against the large smelly man.
The other smaller black guy spoke up: "Don't get too worried kid. We need you unharmed."
What the hell does someone need him for? This didn't make sense. He tried to talk but couldn't. It was so frustrating. The big guy picked him up easily and laid him on the large couch. He then though of his parents and hoped they would return in time so he could be rescued. The guys left and he tried to move again but couldn't. He heard them come back a minute later carrying a big crate easily three feet by three feet [90 x 90 cm]. Not only was the lid removed but undoing a few clasps, and the front was pulled down on hinges. The boy saw that there was a weird kind of padded chair inside with padded arms. He got real scared when the big guy lifted him up and placed him in the chair. He saw that there were straps and tried to move so desperately. But nothing.
"Kid, we are sending you on a little trip in this crate. Now don't panic. You will not be harmed." "Not yet anyway," the man thought to himself.
The two men quickly strapped him into the chair with the wide belts and straps. The first went around his waist like seat belt and pulled snug but fortunately not too tight. Then next one over his chest. Then his ankles were strapped to the bottom legs. Then even his upper knees were strapped in. The boy was strangely starting to make some mewing sounds in his throat. Finally his arms were finished.
The boy started to get quite a boner as he found himself strangely stimulated by being so trussed up. Then the front of the box was reattached and the boy realized that the top of the box just cleared the top of his head. By this time the boy suddenly realized that he was able to move just a little bit and gave out a low moan.
"Hay Dex, the boy's coming around," the black guy said. The big guy smiled and replied. "Good, I really like to see them struggle."
Suddenly the boy found he could speak and he started yelling. And pulling on the straps. Someone had to hear him. Please! "HELLLLLLLLLP! HELLLLLLLLP!" He struggled even more but the damn straps were impossible to budge. He was part crying and part yelling by now. "PLEEEEASE! Please let me go."
But the men just laughed. How come his parents weren't back yet? Then the smaller black guy tried to stuff something round into his mouth. He tried to shake his head but the guy had him by the hair and pushed down on the corners of his mouth and it hurt so much he opened up.
The mouth gag was then fastened behind his head. By this time the boy was mostly out of fight and was just whimpering.
The black guy spoke up: "Listen kid. See this radio? We have someone tracking your parents right now. And they are still shopping. There's no hope for you kid. None at all. By the time they get home you will be long gone. And they will get left a note explaining that you ran away from home, because you were gay and you realized that they wouldn't want you any more when they found out."
The words really hit home. It was partly true. He did suspect he might be gay, and was REAL worried how his parents would react if it were true. But run away? He never really did think about that.
Then the big guy put this long tank into a corner of the box and then started pouring some yucky liquid onto his lap and all over. He cringed where it touched him. It mostly settled in the bottom of the crate. The boy looked up to see what else they were going to do when suddenly he felt a little warmth on his shoeless feet and something weird happen to his feet and legs. This foam was suddenly exploding upward! He was afraid that he'd drown in it. He started trying to yell through the gag and tried again to get loose, but the foam started to harden and suddenly he felt like he was being imprisoned inside a foam package. And he was! Fortunately the foam stopped just as it got to his chin. And soon he realized he could almost not move anything. The black guy then fitted some mask over his face like he'd seen in doctor shows. He then could feel air coming out of the small plastic mask over his face. Then he saw another jug being poured into the box. Quickly his entire head was encased in foam. He was now glad for the mask. But he could hardly move at all. It was now when he really started crying. He could barely make out some dull ratcheting noises and then he could feel his box being lifted.
The box was carried just a short distance and replaced onto a small plate that started to move simulating like the box being put into a large carrier. That was what the boy certainly believed. Then the gas in the air mix put him to sleep.
This was the end of kidnapping scenario.
The scene of the fake kidnapping had also been sent out via Internet to special customers. It had also been recorded. In fact many of the scenes digitized by BoyToys, Inc added fabulously to their corporate wealth.
The crate holding Chen Yew was transported to a different room filled with a huge padded table, pearly mirrored walls, and various pieces of both statuary and painted art depicting ever more graphic scenes of man-boy sex. And even some depicting some cruel torture. Looking at a few of the more graphic works, one could almost hear the screams of the boy being utilized for another's pleasure. Totally encircling this room, though behind the newest in filtered sight systems, will be the general audience. With the advanced technology, the audience will notice almost no perceptible barrier, yet those in the room will feel isolated, with no sight or sound encroaching their own little world.
Inside the crate Chen's tears finally stopped but he was so scared about what was to happen to him that he could barely breathe normally. He felt himself suddenly getting pretty sleepy and realized that perhaps there was another drug in the very air he was breathing.
Although he had no idea of how long his transport took, Chen suddenly found himself awake and could experience no more movement. That it had been no more than 5 minutes he would never have suspected. Finally he could feel something happening, and then he could see light as a large part of the easily torn foam was ripped away. He felt limp from the abating surge of adrenaline and was easily man handled out of the crate and placed onto high padded table. He started pleading and then yelling as neither of the two men unloading him seemed to give him any heed other than to threaten him if he did not allow then to strap him to the table. It only took a single zap of a small electrical prod to his testicles to get his full cooperation.
"Aaaaahhh!" he screamed when he was finally able to recover his breath. Finally he yelled. "Please don't hurt me! Please!"
The small guy next to his face leaned over him and asked: "You will cooperate now boy?"
"Yes! I promise, just please don't hurt me again."
The boy allowed himself to be strapped onto the gurney which was then wheeled a short distance into a room about 20 by 20 feet [6 x 6 m]. Because of his recumbent position he could only see the top portions of the 4 men there to great him. Two of them were wearing weird leather straps and one even had on a sort of half mask.
"What's happening? Please don't hurt me. I'll be good. But what do you want?"
Significantly, the boy, now that he was not in any real pain, was sporting a very stiff boner that was tenting his pants.
In the stands to the side of the room in which the boy had been wheeled, and at a higher elevation for sustaining a good view, the doctor continued his talk.
"As you can see, because of a combination of the boy's natural submissive and homosexual nature, along with the drugs which his altered testicles and prostate are now pumping out, this boy is for the first time in his young life, experiencing quite a sexual arousal. Except during periods of intense pain, his focus and experience will be largely sexual in nature. For some of this proceeding he will even enjoy the sexual charge and experience for the first time, extreme orgasmic episodes which can for him, stretch out as long as a minute or more and be repeated as fast as every five to ten minutes. As frequently happens during a very pain filled sexual experience, he will be very puzzled by his own reactions."
Soon the boy was wheeled into the main viewing area. Everyone watching felt an tremendous anticipation to see a boy raped and tortured for the very first time. Chen tried to look around and his fear was almost palpable. The two wheeling him into this new room were joined by two more men whose attire totally shocked the boy. Or rather their lack of attire. These men were wearing a series of leather straps that left nothing to the imagination. Chen gasped as he saw a big black man sprouting a boner fully 8 inches [20 cm] in length.
The two other men who had brought him there immediately undressed. He finally could not escape his surmise that he was going to be used for sex. Strangely, though very scared, he was also as excited. His own penis was straining at the fabric of his pants. And the feeling in his loin greatly surprised him. It was something new. More like a physical longing that he could not quite understand. He just noted that it was pleasurable.
The smaller white guy, looked at him and smiled. "You know what is going to happen to you?"
The boy was pretty sure but shook his head no.
"Well, no matter. You will soon find out. We are going to molest you. Such a small word for such an undertaking. You may even enjoy some of what we are going to do to you. But remember one thing. The only thing we are interested in is satisfying our own sexual fantasies. We are going to molest you, and then rape you. And please yell and beg all you want. We find that arousing and enjoyable."
The boy went white. He was suddenly VERY frightened. He gasped as the men quickly released his hands and arms and then forced him to hold still as each of his wrists were placed into heavy leather and steel shackles. Then chains were attached and he yelled as his arms were quickly pulled upward and outward, pulling him half off the gurney. The remaining bonds were released and he was soon hanging by his wrists.
"Please!" The crying boy pleaded. "Let me go. This hurts."
Then the doctor secured a three foot [90 cm] spreader bar between the boy's wildly kicking legs, attached two more chains to the outside of each ankle manacle, and attached them to bolts in the floor, thus seriously limiting the boy's ability to move at all. Of course it got him screaming louder because even more stress was put on the boy's wrists and arms.
It was Dr. Dogood himself that lead the 'attack' on the cute boy. With a relatively light prod, using minimal current with the intent more to get the boy's attention rather then to torture him, the good doctor touched the boy's neck. With a sudden scream, the crying boy acknowledged the touch. The doctor now had the boy's total attention.
"No. NO! Don't!" the boy yelled as the doctor brought the prod near the boy's face.
"Good. I want you quiet for now. Is that understood boy?"
A barely coherent crying boy tried to say "yes," and nodded.
"Now, pleading, or yelling, or screaming will not stop what we will be doing to you. You are old enough to understand that you WILL be molested, but if you are a smart kid, perhaps you should try to enjoy it."
"Please, no. Please stop."
"We will remove your clothes. Notice that we will be cutting them off. Do you understand boy what that means?"
"No." The boy was crying, but interestingly, now sprung quite a boner.
"It means that you won't ever need them again. It means that you will never need clothes again."
The boy went white, or a sort of dusky white. "Please don't kill me. Please."
"Wrong guess boy. You are much too valuable to kill. It's just that sex slaves never need clothing."
As two of the other men, both essentially naked except for some sort of harness, started cutting off the boy's clothing, Dr. Dogood started roaming his hands all over the boy's slim body, concentrating on the area near to the boy's testicles. The boy's boner was quite evident and the boy started breathing rather heavily.
Dr. Dogood smiled. The boy had been so reconstructed to make sure that he'd react in a positive sexual manner to any act of molestation, fucking, or even tactile torture. And that he would always be aware of his great sexual arousal. The boy himself was entirely confused about his reaction. But it was so overwhelming that he gave into it.
"So boy, it looks like you really like this. You will make a great sex slave." It seemed even the idea of being a sex slave seemed to increase the boy's arousal.
The boy again tried to deny his reaction when it was put this boldly but again he gave in and started to enjoy what was being done to him. Even being stretched so much seemed to enhance his arousal. Occasionally he tried to deny his enjoyment but to no avail. And the attempt was totally abandoned as one of the men lubed his finger and inserted it up the boy's butt hole. At the same time, the other man forced the boy's mouth open and crushingly kissed him, inserting his tongue forcibly. Dr. Dogood took this cue and swallowed the boy's penis in one gulp.
The boy started moaning and thrusting his hips. In short time he came explosively in Dogood's mouth even if it contained no sperm.
"You taste good boy. I'm glad you liked that. But now it's our turn."
The boy started convulsively crying not only because he felt guilty, but also realizing that these guys were intent on raping him and probably were going to really hurt him.
They removed him from his present restraints but this was only to move him to a large padded table with two strange holes in it about one foot [30 cm] from the top. The boy was placed onto this table face down. He started protesting both vocally and physically. Of course this only caused the men to get even more aroused, and did nothing toward helping the boy. His upper body was bent at the waist and was forcibly pushed down onto the table. The boy's kicking and lashing out with his thin arms was to no avail. His arms were pushed through the two holes, which were appropriately spaced, while his head was forced into a small cradle-like cage that seemed to be attached to the top center of the table. His shouting now became a bit muffled as his face was forced downward into the bottom half of the leather and generally form fitting cradle. There were only holes for the boy's nose and a larger one for his mouth. His head was quickly held fast by the tightening of three heavy straps. Then a stiff strap was brought over the boy's back at his waist and tightened down. Very tightly. Next his wildly flailing legs were attended to. They were widely stretched to the side, effectively picking his feet off the floor. First both the calf and the thigh of the boy's right leg were forced into two sleeves temporarily loose as they had adjustable front and back halves. The boy's left leg was similarly attended to. Then his flailing arms, now extending below the table were seized. Leather mitts were forced onto the boy's hands, forcing them into fists. These were strapped tightly and their top edges affixed around his wrists. Then a short strap was attached to a metal ring extending downward from each mitt and secured to a second ring in the floor below. They were pulled securely tight. The boys arms and legs now had little room to move. Of course what was to soon come would have the boy's muffled screams. A remote was touched and Dr. Dogood was thrilled as the boy's head was forced upward enough so that his mouth was pointed outward at just the right height for the boy's mouth to be forcibly used. All was needed now was a ring gag to force the boy's mouth to remain open. The boy seemed to have quieted a bit and his own rigid erection was visible sticking down under the back edge of the table. The boy started moaning loudly as Dogood forced a ring gag into the boy's mouth. He could now not close it. But this gag was special. It's two halves could be further expanded thus REALLY stretching open the boy's mouth.
Next a heavy sleeve was fitted onto the boy's now engorged cock. There were remote servos attached to the gag, the cock sleeve, the straps holding tight the boy's arms, and on the top and bottoms of the 4 sleeves holding the boy's calves and thighs. Dr. Dogood gave the signal. One remote was touched and the boy's arms were pulled downward. It was stopped just as the boy started to scream at the strain on his arms. Next the sleeves about his legs were tightened as another remote was touched. Again the boy started screaming. However, this time it didn't abate as the boy's calves and thighs became pin cushions as 20 thin quarter inch [6 mm] needles were inserted into the boy's legs. Then the mouth gag expanded with another touch. The boy's screams intensified as his mouth was stretched further. Then his arms were given one last stretch. His ligaments stretched to their limits. And only previous enhancement with one of the gene-splices allowed then to remain uninjured. Finally, the sleeve about the boy's penis started discharging electricity into the shaft of his penis. The boy's yelling hit a new crescendo. Eventually his cries abated somewhat as he was simply too overwhelmed by pain. This was when both his rear and mouth below were assaulted by the men's engorged cocks. Dogood, taking position on the shelf below, rammed his mouth and throat, while a 8 inch [20 cm] black cock rammed his rectum. A small hole, barely noticeable in the boy's throat opened up allowing him to breathe as Dogood's huge cock filled his mouth and throat. The boy's enhanced sphincter muscles clamped down hard onto the 8 inch [20 cm] cock. The boy, however, even though he felt the full pain of the penetrations, did not suffer injury because of his previous body modifications. As each man climaxed, other cocks took their place as all the observers started filing into the room. For over an hour the boy was continuously reamed from both ends. Part way into this scenario, the torture of the boy's extremities and cock were suspended. The mouth ring was slightly relaxed. The boy now was allowed the benefit of being able to concentrate on what was happening to his two holes. It was about halfway through this assault when Dogood touched another control and a very powerful chemical entered the boy's bloodstream from his gene-spliced enhanced prostate. In less than 5 seconds his raging hard-on returned. In 20 seconds it was copiously dripping pre-cum. In thirty seconds the boy was breathing hard, and was experiencing the most amazing arousal of his short life. A minute after that the boy was observed actively flexing his rectal muscles, and using his mouth and tongue on the penis moving in and out of his throat. A minute later the boy started having intense spasms with the onset of his own almost incomprehensible orgasm. His rectum and anus were now reflexively and powerfully clamping onto their invading penises. His mouth almost seemed to have a will of its own as it started sucking powerfully on its invader.
Chen suddenly found himself in his own world of sexual climax that seemed to have no end. With amazing clarity the entire program of his kidnapping, torture, and rape filled his mind. Only now it was almost as if his own memory was being rewritten. When he was finally released 10 minutes later, with the sudden subsidence of his own sexual crescendo, he collapsed into Dr. Dogood's arms. Just before he passed out he was heard to have whispered: "Wow,
3; thanks."
Part 3
The Installation of Unit PFSF-1
(5 months earlier)
The frightened boy could barely comprehend what was happening to him. "Ok boy, here's what'll happen. And you will have no choice. Over the next several months you will be modified for eventual use as a sex slave. We already have a buyer for you and he has given us explicit instructions in how you are to be modified and enhanced."
On hearing these words, the small boy was unsure what to think. Other than that he was really REALLY scared. This was even worse then when he was first taken. Even when they had told him that he had been sold. And even the time when he had been transported here in that large crate. At least he slept through much of that. But this guy couldn't be serious though. Made as a sex slave? And especially since he wasn't even able to have sex yet. He was hoping that these men would let him go. He wondered if a ransom was going to be asked for. But he really started to suspect that what this man said was actually true. He just couldn't imagine how. Even life at home didn't seem so bad now compared to what je was now imagining.
He tried to say something but that thing they forced into his mouth made him not able to talk. He tried desperately to get it off when it was first put in his mouth but the strap somehow locked behind his head. And the thing pulled on the back of his lips and was really uncomfortable. The men just laughed then too. And how was he able to say anything? He suddenly realized that they didn't want to hear anything he had to say, and he got even more scared. Could they really mean what they were saying?
The boy started to panic and even if it seemed futile he nonetheless tried to escape the room he was now in. His sudden dash toward the door only brought laughter from one of the men. The door would not budge. Terror struck at his very heart. He suddenly now believed just what the man with the glasses had said. But why would someone want him for sex? He wasn't even mature yet and didn't even give sex much thought. It was his brother that had suddenly gone girl crazy last year. But even though he was at about his brother's age now when that had happened, he couldn't seem to get any enthusiasm in looking at girls as many of his friends did. Of course he wasn't really mature yet. And although some of the thoughts he found himself thinking had him a bit worried a time or two he was sure that when he went through puberty all would be OK.
With certain ease the large black guy with the bulging muscles simply lifted the boy by the front of his shirt and put the boy back onto what the boy thought of as a strange dentist's chair. He never saw one with a separate thing for each leg though. He started trying to break free when he saw the lab coat guy start putting that belt thing around his waist. He tried to yell for them to stop but all that came out was a high pitched mumble. And all his efforts got him were a few strained muscles as the black guy and the other bulging muscle type seemed to hold him down without even breaking a sweat. Of course his 70 pound [32 kg] frame was no match for even one normal adult let along two monster hulks. He suddenly gave up struggling and left the men strap him into the chair. But then he got apprehensive again when they didn't stop with just the belt around his waist. There was another put around his chest and even others around his thighs and calves. Even his arms were fastened in two places each. How dangerous did they think he was? Did they think he was some karate wiz? About all he knew about the marshal arts was what he'd seen in the movies. But then he suddenly became aware of something that terrified him even more that the words just spoken to him. All the manhandling of his body got him totally erect. And even worse he LIKED what was happening to him. At least on some level of his awareness. And even more to his own amazement he was more curious about what the man said than apprehensive. How weird was that?
The man with glasses continued as if nothing had happened: "Along with some training we will be modifying your body as per instructions of your prospective owner."
What the hell did modifying my body mean? The boy started getting scared all over again. But also a tiny bit intrigued at the same time. He remembered some of the stories he'd read on the Internet. But those were just fiction,
3; fantasies. And most of the really weird stuff couldn't be done anyway. But what did scare him was maybe they were talking about castrating him. Now he REALLY got all upset. He suddenly wasn't particularly intrigued anymore. The real thing was so much different than a few harmless fantasies.
He wanted to be home! He'd even let his step-dad hit him with that damn strap again. Hell, he'd bring the bastard the strap himself! And he'd pretend to his mom that he wasn't worried about being gay after all. He decided what was a couple years of acting compared what was maybe gonna happen to him now.
And for the millionth time he couldn't believe how stupid he'd been. He was remembering the start of it all. Running away from home with so little planning and trying to get to his uncle's house halfway across the country. And he was REALLY pissed when the breakfast he'd finally gotten to eat he wound up throwing up anyway when the men grabbed him. The stranger seemed so nice and kept listening to everything he was saying like he really cared. And for some reason he couldn't understand he told the guy things he'd barely even told to himself. The guy offered to drive him all the way to the city where he could get the bus. He never did get that bus. Instead he saw the man getting paid some money just as the two big guys grabbed him and picked him up and literally threw him into the back of the van. The last thing he remembered was seeing a small guy with a hypodermic coming at him as one of the big guys got in the back of the van with him and too easily held him down. Now that he thought back on it he realized he didn't even scream or yell. It was all so unreal.
The next couple weeks had been a continuous nightmare interspersed with a few happenings that he didn't want to even admit to. Because those things were even worse than what the was being done to him. The first thing he remembered when he woke up was that he was terribly thirsty and had a slight headache. And he realized that he was in a very normal room in a very normal bed, but there ended all normality. He needed to pee real bad and he tried to get out of bed and suddenly fell half onto the floor when something grabbed his right ankle. His right ankle was in a manacle which was chained to a ring in the floor! And that was when he realized that he had no clothes on. And he only found out later but he was being monitored all the time he was in this room. He was trying to get back up when a guy with glasses, and almost as small as he was, came in and made him get back in bed. He tried to cover himself but the guy seemed not to care one way or another.
"You probably need to pee; use this." And he handed me a plastic jug. He really tried but with the man watching he just couldn't pee any more. Him watching froze me all up even if I was under a sheet.
The boy tried to ask him what was happening and a whole bunch of other stuff be he was simply ignored. When the boy wouldn't stop yelling the man picked up a metal prod thing from his belt and touched the boy's arm.
(From the boy's perspective)
I couldn't help it, I threw up all over the bed. So much for my breakfast. But it HURT SOOOOOO much I couldn't believe it, and none of my muscles would work right for quite a while. I also started crying. The guy threatened to zap me again if I didn't shut up and help change the bed. I don't think I was much help since I was using all my will power not to cry. One thing I finally noticed was that my right foot was grabbed by a huge leather cuff that was chained to a big ring bolted right into the floor next to the bed. This was getting real scary. All I could think of was not to get this guy upset again and if they were going to eventually kill me. And why did they want me? I was just a skinny not too good looking kid. Very average actually. But I was afraid to ask any more questions. I got something to drink a bit later and it was so good to get that foul taste out of my mouth. The guy also turned on an air conditioner and the smell in the room started getting much better.
About two hours later (hoping something would happen since I couldn't sleep and there was nothing to do – not even a TV set), a guy in a fancy suit came into the room accompanied by the small guy looking after me and another guy with a big satchel. It turned out that this guy was some kind of doctor I guessed since he gave me some kind of physical. They even tried to drain me of blood filling several glass tubes. It got SO embarrassing when they made me bend over and the doctor stuck this ratchet thing up my butt and sort of opened it up. I was especially embarrassed when I sprung a really hard boner. And the guy wouldn't stop touching me in my privates. But the very worst part that I didn't want to really think about was that the whole thing sort of excited me. And what made matters even worse if that were possible was that the doctor guy even mentioned this to the guy in the suit. They seemed all interested that I was responding this way.
Over the next couple weeks I was not allowed out of the room and they even brought me stuff to eat usually fast food. Another really embarrassing thing was every morning I was made to take a bath with the some guy always there with me watching. They unlocked the chain from my ankle from the floor and relocked it to a hook on the wall above the tub. It didn't even allow me to get my right foot all the way into the tub.
Now sometimes I am really dense in spite of supposing to have this high IQ. It wasn't until I was halfway through my first bath that I realized that none of these arrangements were specifically for just me. After all the room and its rings in the floor and wall had to have been there quite some time. I was even more afraid when I realized that I was almost certainly just one in a line of kids that they had kidnapped. But so frustratingly I could not get a single bit of information from the guys that kept me there. After the second zap that had me gasping for air for a while and shaking in pain, I decided not to ask about anything again. I was just praying that I'd not be killed. Of course I tried to rationalize that why go through all this trouble if some one was going to off me.
Of course I finally realized that I was in that room for a reason. DUH! The third day there a few men were led into my room by the suit man (I never did know his name). And here's where I got real scared. They made me display myself totally naked. I even had to bend over and one of the men put his finger into my mouth and then into my butt hole. I felt so embarrassed and scared, but beyond it all I was also thrilled somehow. And I couldn't stop from getting a really hard bone that wouldn't go down no matter how I tried to change my thoughts. For some reason all the men liked that. What was also demeaning was that they discussed me as though I was just some object that they could use.
And another DUH! It wasn't until the next group of men showed up the next day that I realized that I was on display to be SOLD! Another couple of groups showed up the next two days but then it was just boring for a week. I should have been happy with boring. Because at the end of two weeks I was apparently sold and on my way to my new owner. Or so I thought. It wasn't until I reached my next destination that I learned that this was where I was to be "modified" and "trained." I didn't know this yet, but had instead all kinds of fantasies about my "new owner" built up in my imagination. My imagination apparently was not near up to the task as I was to eventually find out.
Someone I'd never seen before brought a large rectangular lidded box into my room. It had wheels at one end and a handle at the other. It seemed pretty small and I wondered what it was for. But of course by this time there was no way I was going to ask any question. The last jolt from that prod was the last one I ever wanted. (If I had only known, I would gladly have suffered a hundred of those jolts to have gotten out of where I am now). My leg shackle was taken off and I rubbed my leg where it had gotten a little raw.
"Into the box boy. Now!"
I looked up honestly puzzled. Even as small as I was I couldn't fit. Well I was wrong. I did not see the guy with the prod until it was too late. I stepped into the box and lay on my side in a fetal position with my head bent in but I did barely fit. One guy reached in and taped my mouth shut.
"Now don't pee yourself boy if you don't want to live with that smell."
I was more worried about cramps. And after I felt the lid closed and locked, and the box wheeled outside somewhere, I was then worried about freezing to death. Fortunately I was then lifted onto a truck that had heat, but unfortunately bad suspension. I was now wondering if I would be bruised to death. Fortunately this ride was relatively short. Eventually my box came to rest, and the lid opened. I had to be helped out. And then I panicked as I saw huge shipping crate – with a boy-sized pocket. Later, as I lay ensconced within the crate, I still couldn't believe they were actually shipping me in crate like a piece of merchandise.
After dozing off and on, the air bag thing I had been enclosed in I could feel was being lifted intact out of the crate in which I had been sealed for quite sometime but a time that I was very unsure how to measure. I was evidently drugged and was dozing off and on so had no real way to measure it. But it seemed VERY long. Well anyway I could feel the bag in which I was ensconced being lifted free of the crate and then put onto something flat that moved on wheels. I was thinking something like a gurney and I could feel straps holding me fast over my legs, waist, and upper chest. Did they think I was about to run on them? I only wished they'd let me out of this thing that I feel like I've been in forever. Just to be able to stretch my arms over my head would feel like an unimaginable luxury. Or even just one hand.
After going through interminable corridors we finally stopped and then I felt myself going down in an elevator a couple of floors. And as I said here was when I met the guy with glasses that kept saying stuff about training and modifications.
Then someone jabbed my neck with a needle and I don't remember much until I sort of woke up and found myself strapped onto this movable cart thing. I also felt funny. I suddenly realized something was REALLY REALLY wrong when I tried to speak and I couldn't figure out how to make any words! It was like I could remember them all but I no longer was able to figure out how to say them. It was unbelievably frustrating. And I almost started to panic. They said modifications. What had they all done to me? I started crying as I realized that this not speaking alone was almost unbearable. Then I was wondering if it would wear off somehow. I was to find out that it was permanent. They had done something to my brain. I then tried to move and fond myself so strapped down that nothing could be moved. But the real shock came when I tried to move my fingers and realized that they were no longer there! They cut off all my fingers and thumbs. How was I to do anything? This was crazy. I started really struggling then and also discovered I had no feet. I think it was then that I sort of despaired. I sort of just stopped struggling. What was the use. They had already done terrible things to me. And there was no going back. Strangely I sort of felt an immense feeling of pleasure in my groin area just thinking about this. What was that all about? And I realized that I was even excited a bit about being used like this. I wondered if I were already driven insane. Maybe.
(present time – with guests assembled for unveiling of the third of three new BoyToy units – the PFST-1)
Dr. Dogood was rightly proud of this latest of his BoyToys, the third to be introduced this day. He was still somewhat energized by having just participated in the torture and rape of the previous BoyToy. He looked out into the audience and noticed a new face. He smiled. This was the new computer wiz just hired. He had been given a special pass to get to see this last BoyToy to be shown today.
(Perspective of Jim, a recently hired computer expert)
I was very thrilled to be invited to the installation of this new and unique BoyToy unit. It was to be one of the newly designed permanently installed units, thus the 'P' part of its designation. I had been very recently employed as a computer programming expert and was pleasantly surprised to get this very invitation from Dr. Dogood himself. Along with two other BoyToys just introduced today, this will mark not only the first use of the advanced gene-splice technology of the Zephyr Corporation on Grendola IV, changing not just the boy's physiology but also the boy's brain pathways. This company was far enough away from Federation Space to be unconcerned with their laws, but close enough to enjoy a thriving market for modified human flesh. This particular laboratory has been in the production of specialty boy-toy units for over 150 years. But today marks the beginning of something truly special. Not only can we now enhance and manipulate specific body features, but also change the very fabric of an individuals internal neural response. The innovations in this new frontier of medical technology was mind boggling.
I could hear the old gurney being brought into this installation room. He thought it quaint that Doctor Dogood sometimes liked using anachronistic apparatus and devices. Hence, instead of merely using one of the more powerful hypnotic drugs on this unit, he favored just using brute force. As the gurney was wheeled into the large room, he could see its occupant, a boy of very youthful aspect, tightly strapped down with a number of bonds over his naked prone body. These held tight his calves, thighs, forearms, upper arms, waist, and upper chest. Covering the entirety of the boy's head was a leather-like materialized bag that conformed tightly to all his features. So much so that it must have been made specifically for this BoyToy unit. The bag was tightly locked into place around its neck. There were NO openings whatsoever. The unit was throwing its head back and forth and making a barely audible deep throated breathing sound. The unit was evidently tightly gagged also. And there was a not so evident opening under a slightly raised flap of skin at the base of the boy's throat through which it was breathing – one of the many modifications made over the past few months to the unit's so young body. Of course, the past life of the unit was terminated a while back. It was no longer a boy, but a BoyToy unit, a play thing for anyone fortunately rich enough and so inclined to that specific type of sexual activity. This unit now, and for the remainder of its life, had only one purpose – to be used as a sex toy. The unit being brought here today will be installed into its newly prepared bondage apparatus. Not only will this unit never be permitted to act under its own volition, it will even be kept in restrictive bondage so that no movement, apart from that demanded by the expressed and narrow use of the unit's sexual purpose, will be allowed or tolerated. The unit will be spend the remainder of its life – and in this case easily 40 to 50 years – in this very modular unit which will soon be shipped to its final destination. The BoyToy unit will only have one purpose, the sexual gratification of its "clients."
(Back to the general observation of the boy's installation)
Doctor Dogood was very happy with the outcome of this unit's progression through its many body modifications. He also LIKED this particular type of unit. Designated PFST -1, the 'F' standing for forced. Non-consensual. And not by mental manipulation or even by the use of drugs, but by the sheer application of brute force. Of course the boy will necessarily respond according to a the nature of changes and enhancements made in his neural pathways – day after day, week after week, and year after year.
Since the unit was barely of the physical age of a 12 year old, and a small 12 year old at that, a single strong adult could easily overpower this BoyToy unit and force compliance. But the boy's future compliance will not be forced by the type of physical manipulation which will attend today's installation of his physical body into the near rigid structure of its future and permanent "home." The unit will have now certain needs that will soon become apparent to the unit and Ds. Dogood was eagerly awaiting the look on the unit's face when it fully comprehended what had been done to him and what it's future held. As for its physical placement, when completely ensconced within its apparatus, it will be allowed no movement except for some minor wiggling and the use of its own oral and anal openings to perform its primary functions – to yield up the use of its anal and oral orifices to anything wanting entrance. But other than exercising its newly enhanced sphincter muscles and facial and throat muscles, no other purposeful movement will be allowed the unit. It is now time for its final installation. And again Dogood wanted to watch as the unit was made aware of exactly what will be happening to it. And just how it was achieved.
Doctor Dogood was anxious to explain the situation to the few guests who had paid handsomely for this privileged occasion of the unit's permanent installation. Dogood always made sure that his BoyToys fully knew what was irrevocably happening. He liked also to witness their struggles to avoid their fate, and even their screams. That is why he liked the installation of "Forced" boys.
The "P" part of the boy-toy's designation referred to the fact that boy would be forever and permanently bound in continuous and strict and unyielding restraint. There was absolutely no need to allow for the boy's own purposeful movement. Its life of single minded purpose unwavering and unforgiving. And Dogood wanted the unit to be fully aware of its fate. He liked to see the units expression as all possible hope is taken from it as its installation is completed and it is put to use. And it becomes fully aware of just what modifications had been made to its body and mind. And the full alarm when it finally realizes just what its use will forever be, when the BoyToy comes face to face to its own reality of total and complete bondage and servitude. It is now a thing, a unit with one purpose.
Dr. Dogood started his explanation as the gurney came to rest and all eyes were on the now feebly struggling boy. Jim, the computer expert, just watching the boy, knowing what was in store for him, made him almost cream his pants. Dr. Dogood addressed his eager audience:
"As we see, the current unit here was an 12 year old white male when first brought in to be modified for its new owner. That was 6 months ago and as we can now see quite a lot of exterior modification that has been performed. I would like to point out that both feet of this unit have been removed from just below the ankles. Furthermore, all fingers and thumbs have also been removed. Although this will make easier its final installation, we did this right from the start so that the unit quickly learned that its former life was no longer an option. You can see the obvious adjustment to its throat and trachea. This breathing opening will allow future users to be able to use the BoyToy's toothless mouth for extended periods. His mouth and throat muscles have been enhanced to be capable of extended use for many hours. Also note the metal encasement of its testicles and penis. This device is actually not just a covering but also a stimulator. Because of the enhancement of his prostate and the change to his testicles, this boy can have extremely intense and long lasting orgasms. And the liquid escaping from the hole in this metal encasement is actually now a powerful aphrodisiac that its anal user can ingest to help his own pleasure. Also watch."
Dr. Dogood started rubbing his hand over the slim boy's obviously undeveloped chest. And at this the boy started to moan and shake with intense desire and need for sexual release.
"It happens now that most of the trunk of his small body has been turned into one large erogenous zone, and the boy will be totally at the mercy of his users."
"I just like the idea of taking such a youthful and innocent boy and stealing from it every vestige of it's former humanity. This boy has been reduce to a thing, something to be used at entirely our pleasure. Never again will this unit be addressed as anything but a toy to be used for the sexual amusement and gratification of our many clients. His entire life is forfeit to a continuous use as a sexual BoyToy. And I especially like the non-compliant model of unit as it makes its last fruitless and despairing struggle to avoid his ultimate fate."
"Let us now start the process of this unit's installation."
The boy heard everything said and started trying to resist what he dreaded was to happen to him. Already he realized that a part of him was no longer under the control of his own mind. He was quite sexually aroused and the actual idea of someone's penis being forced into either of his openings was strangely exciting. He also realized that indeed he was breathing through a hole in his throat. His mouth and tongue felt funny. And after moving his tongue around realized that he no longer had any teeth! Also he kept feeling a sense of need coming from his testicles that he had never felt before. And when they started rubbing him he felt his whole body going into a weird overdrove of sensual pleasure. He really liked that. But he had no control over it. And with that hood over his head he couldn't see anything.
But just then the hood was removed and in a few minutes his eyes had adjusted to the light. Again he felt total frustration when he found it impossible to speak. He simply found that he no longer knew how to form words. And when he tried, he couldn't even make a single noise! He finally started moaning in his frustration. Of course the only sound heard was a small breathing sound at his throat. Dr. Dogood smiled.
"This BoyToy will be perfect for his role. And now to proceed with its permanent installation."
Two hefty men, unstrapped the boy (or unit) from the gurney and very easily picked him up by his four extremities. They then moved a few feet to the side and held the boy over a strange looking framework.
Dogood then smiled and said: "Let the unit see its final resting place."
At this the boy was pulled upwards by his arms so that he could see the weird contraption. He started renewing his struggles. Dr. Dogood said: "I love this portion of the project."
At this point, watching the boy thrash around and wiggle in the hands of the two men had Jim, the computer guy, dripping pre-cum from his penis. This was so utterly sexually stimulating. He was happy to know that a holo-recording of the entire event would be given us as they left later. He would be forever thankful for Dr. Dogood's thoughtful invitation.
What the boy had seen was that he had been brought into one end of a small rectangular enclosure, about 15 feet [4½ m] long and 6 feet [1.80 m] wide. About in the middle of the room was a partially erected divider going wall to wall above which extended at right angles a quite sturdy looking beam extending in equal parts on each side of the thick divider. Atop one end of this beam was a row of eight large bolts aimed upwards. These exactly spaced bolts were to be inserted into eight previously anchored bolt receptacles placed into the thoracic vertebrae of the unit. To the front end of this beam was a round frame with an additional 5 bolts arranged around its perimeter. These five shorter bolts would be attached to the prepared fittings already anchored in the back the unit's skull. This circular frame was attached very strongly to the main frame with an adjustable hinge which allowed the unit's head to be angled to suit the current clients use of the boy's mouth and throat.
The boy was positioned over the thoracic bolts and one by one all eight were inserted permanently into his spine. This was done with much effort to hold the struggling unit in place since Dr. Dogood was describing to his audience what was happening and the unit realized what was to be his permanent fate.
Dr. Dogood added: "Note that we have reinforced the vertebrae of this unit over the previous months so that there will be no possibility of any of his vertebrae breaking, or of dislodging the bolts. Note also that the chemical being used on the threads of the bolts will insure their permanency. Now as the final bolt is put into place I would like to state the obvious. This unit will NEVER be removed from his current position within this frame."
Jim could see the look of horror in the boy's eyes and could see the look of ultimate despair. It seemed that the fight had gone out of him as the placement of the five bolts into his skull were almost anti-climatic. The framework also had temporary extensions onto which the unit's legs and arms were affixed with small straps to disallow any severe thrashing of the boy's as yet unfettered limbs
Dr. Dogood continued: "Also note that the unit's skull has been also reinforced. Those five bolts will allow the unit no movement of his head other than the slight up-and-down movement allowed by the frame so that it can always attain the perfect position with respect to the person who is using the boy's mouth."
The unit was now only able to look upward. Its eyes were roving wildly as he realized his predicament. The level of its breathing also increased.
Dr. Dogood was absolutely beaming at this unit was recognizing its ultimate fate. "Now I would like to point out the section of wall to our left which will now be lowered onto the boy, isolating his head and arms on one side of the room's partition, and his trunk and legs on the other side. The opening has been precisely measured to seemingly cut the boy in half. Indeed this units new owner intends to make use of each half of this unit in totally separate rooms. One room for the utilization of the boy's mouth and throat, and the entirely separate room for a client wanting to use the boy's rectal opening and also make use of the boy's now modified penis and testicles for stimulation of the boy to produce quite a powerful aphrodisiac."
The boy looked upward – the only direction which was allowed – to see the placement of the section of wall which would forever put the two parts of his body seemingly into two separate worlds. As the divider was bolted into place the boy felt the weird sensation of thinking that it was as if the lower half of his body was no longer his. And then the next immediate realization that no part of his body was truly his. And following this realization, coupled with the bondage in which his small body was experiencing, he shuddered and spasmed as a monstrous orgasm took control not only of his body, but of his mind as well. The modifications and enhancements of brain pathways already in place was already determining just how this BoyToy would be responding to his future use.
Most of the audience caught the small production of a mostly clear liquid escape the metal encased penis of the small boy as spasm after spasm shuddered through his small body. Dr. Doogood was estatic to see the fruition of all his new work.
He again addressed his audience: "You will all note that not only will this boy automatically respond sexually to the use made of his body and body orifices, but his neural system coupled with conditioned brain pathways, will make the use of his mouth and throat, and also his rectal sphincters work to enhance the enjoyment of the unit's users. The contractions of the boy's rectal muscles will forever provide the tightest and maximum stimulation of the clients penis. His mouth and throat will likewise perform automatically."
Jim looked down at the now nearly collapsed boy and wished he could be one of the boy's clients.
Dr. Dogood continued: "Come around to this side of the enclosure and we will show you the completion of the boy's installation."
The boy himself, barely recovered from his intense orgasm felt someone take hold of his footless right leg, lift it into the air, and position it all the way back to the dividing wall. He remembered back to the day when such total horror stopped his mind from comprehending what had been done to his feet. With a growing despair at the realization that his feet felt so "wrong" he attempted to touch his right foot only to discover not only was his foot missing, but all his fingers and thumb were likewise missing. His scream could be heard done the hall all the way to Dr. Dogood's opulent office.
Right now he was to discover another reason for the removal of his feet. He could feel the part of his leg from knee to ankle being positioned into a slot exactly conforming to its form. Then something was pushed up against the back of the upward pointing leg and it felt like his entire lower leg was fully enclosed into the partition of the wall. And that is exactly what had been done.
Dr. Dogood explained: "As you can see, the boy's foot was removed to allow the total encasement of this boy's lower leg into the wall. Now for the boy's left leg."
The boy started to panic as he realized that this was to be his permanent disposition. But his other leg was no match for the men encasing the lower portion of this limb into the wall and soon both of the boy's lower legs were being held in their permanent position in the very wall that now extended above him seemingly cutting his body in half.
"Note now the upward tilting of the boy's quite cute butt and the easy exposure of the boy's enhanced butt hole. Also the boy's penis is now pointing upward for easy access. Let us all now proceed to the other side of the middle partition to witness the completion of his installment."
The audience repositioned themselves to view the side which contained now the boy's head, arms, and shoulders. The boy was now crying and had discontinued all struggle. The right arm was disengaged from the restraining strap, moved to an angle away from the boy's body with the elbow about even with the emergence of his shoulders from the wall, and his forearm was enclosed into a slot in the wall in similar fashion as was the boy's lower legs.
"You will note that the entire lower arm and what is left of the boy's hand will forever be positioned within this wall. The fingers and thumb have been removed so that it was easier to modify the limb for permanent installation without worrying about poor blood circulation."
The boy gave a heavy breathing sound as his other arm met an identical fate. Strangely, the boy's crying has totally stopped and Dr. Dogood recognized the boy's reaction.
"You should all note that this unit is again undergoing extreme heightening of his sexual libido. This conditioning of this unit was engineered in order to insure his future users of a proper response to their use of the boy's openings."
The audience could see that the unit could move his eyes and mouth parts, and manipulate its shoulders slightly, but that was all. This was similar to the other end of the unit's torso where only small movements of his butt were permitted. The permanence of the unit's installation caused quite a reaction from several members of the audience. Some of them remarked that the entire installation process caused them to soak their underwear with pre-cum and they were about to explode.
Dr. Dogood made some final remarks: "The installation is essentially complete gentlemen. This unit will never again be anything but a toy used exclusively for the sexual gratification of its owner's customers."
The unit was moved away on a grav sled and prepared for shipping to its new owners. This was a conglomerate that ran a large vacation resort where almost any pleasure could be had for a price.
"Now that the unit can not hear I want to describe to you its future. With all the modifications that have been performed, it life expectancy is considerably reduced. But we still expect at least 40 or more years of good service from it. What it will not realize until the time comes for its use, almost any contact by its users along the main trunk of its body will proceed to send it into a severe need for sexual release. In crass terms it will be supper horny, and to such a degree that almost no other thought but sexual release will occupy its thoughts. Of course this release can be accomplished only by two methods. One can be accomplished by touching the metal encasement around the boy's small penis and testicles. The other of course is by being forcibly raped."
"So that the unit will always react as if this is the first time that its is forced to do such thing, soon after its transference to his permanent location, a drug will be forced into his brain which will make memory transference to permanent memory impossible. Not only will the ensuing day be the first day of the rest of its life, it will be the only day – over and over again."
Jim, startled to hear about the future lack of memory transfer opined: "Well at least the boy will not have to suffer an entire of 40 years or so of the same thing day after day."
Dr. Dogood replied: "As you recognized, every awakening of the unit will seem to it to be the very first day of use as a sexual pleasure device. But there is real purpose for this: 1) to maintain the allusion to the customer that he one of the first persons to so rape or to otherwise use this unit; 2) so that this unit will not suffer a total emotional destruction and thus limit its effectiveness as a sexual pleasure unit, which has happened too much in the past; and 3) so that the unit responds as so conditioned and does not 'learn' anything that could compromise its mission. In fact, it will be incapable of learning anything new ever again."
(Perspective of Jim, newly hired computer expert)
I returned to the guest lounge, and picked up the advanced hype about this new unit. I finally also read that this unit will remain as an apparent 12 year old for the remainder of its entire life. I had been wondering about that. I was so consumed with lust for this boy (or unit) that I made a call to my financial agent to find out about my immediate cash reserves. I then called the resort who had purchased this unit. I arranged an immediate reservation for a suite at their resort and purchased an hour of time with unit PFSF-1. I was looking forward to watching it eyes as I force my penis down its young throat. And later to feel its rectal muscles clamp down onto my seven inches [18 cm]. Just the idea of its total helplessness had me instantly hard. To see its eyes realizing that this now was the entirety of its existence! I spurted just thinking about my use of its body. A body that will never grow up. A body that will never experience the living any real life of its own. A body totally at the will of its users. A body that will never leave its framework.
(Perspective of the 'unit')
That very next day, I was still somewhat in shock. Strangely I was no longer panicking. And I wondered if that strange doctor guy had realized that he had left the intercom in the room they put me temporarily was on. To keep reliving the same day over and over. At least I finally realized that this was actually better than a remembered lifetime of the exact same day over and over with but minor variation. I guessed that if this were to happen to me then it was better that it was always a first day experience.
I was both frightened but then strangely excited. I had heard what I was going to be forced to do, and strangely I felt something I'd never quite felt before. My penis was very stiff and I had a kind of electric excitement centered around it. I realized that this was what they meant by being horny. And for some reason I liked the prospect of guys raping me! Just the idea got me so excited. And to be forced to swallow someone's penis! I was both revolted and excited at the same time. But I was sad when I realized that I'd only have another 40 years or so. But if this was all that I'd now have in life I decided to enjoy it. I was so determined never to think about what I will be missing out on. I was looking forward to my first meal of cum. And my first rape!
Two days later the unit's module was put into place alongside several others. Its new owner was addressing himself to the now thoroughly resigned boy.
"Enjoy your life boy. Just think. Day after day of sexual use but we are allowing you at least your own sexual enjoyment. Be grateful for that. Also your daily cleaning and feedings will be done with the utmost care. You are valuable property after all."