PZA Boy Stories

The S's and the M's

two Fan Cha Phaw stories


Two stories of boys discovering S&M.
Publ. 1 Jan. 1995; this site May 2010
Finished 8,000 words (16 pages)


The S's: Narrator (17yo) and a boy (10yo)
The M's: Narrator (c. 12yo) and Eddie (7yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story/love
tb bbcons oral anal – first spank


Disclaimer & Author's note

The following story is a true-to-life account, as reported in the Young, Hung, & Promiscuous Zine, a true-to-life accounting of sexual adventures from the childhood of boy-lovers.

This material has been submitted anonymously.

This material is copyrighted by YOUNG, HUNG, & PROMISCUOUS. All Rights Reserved-1994

Fan Cha Phaw does not condone the activities of the persons in this story. Fan Cha Phaw does not condone the breaking of any laws known to mankind.

If you are under the age of 18, or under the age at which you can legally read adult sexual material, exit now and do not continue reading.

If you are offended by stories of childhood sexual activities, exit now and do not continue reading.


This story may be distributed freely, as long as this header remains intact, and Fan Cha Phaw. is credited, along with the author.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the webmaster through this feedback form with The M's and the S's in the subject line.


The S's

Little, and sometimes not so little boys, have always loved to be rough, tough, and have always enjoyed tumbling, wrestling, and other 'manly', violent behavior. Boy-boy sex play often contains these rough elements as well. How many times have boys used wrestling with each other as an excuse or chance to rub off on each other. Show me two boys wrestling, and I will show you two hard-ons. Even when nude or semi-nude, this rubbing off takes place with aggression and minor violence, during the wrestling event.

Watching the average young boy jack off, one wonders if he might injure himself in the process. I often say it's a good thing that their dicks are so well attached, or they would be left with them in their hands. Two boys jacking each other off erupts in the same rough and tumble activities as always. The boys wither and yip as their dicks are almost ripped from their bodies, all while they are tugging away at their playmate's dick.

Mutual or solo cock sucking amongst young boys can often be a painful experience. Boy-jobs often contain nips and outright bites, or clenching and stretching of dicks caught between tightly sealed boy lips.

Watching two boys dry hump each other either front or back, is an experience. How the wind is not knocked out of the fuckee each thrust, is beyond me. When their dicks finally find their way into each other's assholes 3; OUCH! The roughest fucks I have ever received have all come from young boys fucking as if they were riding bronco.

Anyone experienced with having sex with little boys is well aware that three quarters of the sex is rough and tumble play. A dick is not lovingly caressed, at least not for too long, it is squeezed, and pulled. Little boy's beliefs are that nuts are for cracking, and they will try to do this whenever they can.

Throughout my years I have run into my share of sadist boys. Some were interesting, in a kinky sort of way, whereas others were a real pain 3; literally! I met one boy of about ten, when I was a ripe old seventeen. Prior to this boy I had always maintained loving and gentle relationships and sexual encounters with my little friends. There would be rough and tumble now and again, however, for the most part is was good old fashion cuddly boy sex.

This one ten-year-old come from a rather large family, which was partially the reason for my interest in him. As far as I could tell, boys ranged in age from diaper totters to definite shooters of thirteen and fourteen. There were at least ten or eleven kids, depending on what time you decided to count them.

I loved finding families with multiple brothers, because I could usually make my way through the ranks, something which I love, second, that is to having brothers together in bed for sex. This family interested me even more because of one aspect of their makeup, which was definitely my favorite 3; eight-year-old identical twins!

I befriended the ten-year-old, which I decided was no easy job. He was a rough, bully type of kid, with a mouth which uttered obscenities which I had never even heard. When he agreed to hang around with me one day, I was ecstatic, I thought that it would be an easy trip into his pants.

After playing around for a few hours, I suggested that we go to one of my hideout spots for a while. He asked what we were going to do there, with kind of a sneer. To tell the truth, it kind of sent a shiver down my spine. Recovering quickly, I told him that we could hang out there for a while, and that once in a while girls came by, and perhaps we could talk with some. "Talk?" He asked, "Who wants to talk?"

He did agree after a while, telling me that perhaps if we were lucky we could get a blow-job, or even a hand-job, if not a fuck itself. His laugh was cold and cruel. I questioned why I was with the boy in the first place. We went to my hideout, where few other people ever wandered, and sat around waiting for girls for almost an hour. All during this time the boy treated me to graphic descriptions as to what he would do with a girl, and what he had done in the past, including with his cousin and younger sister. According to him said cousin, twelve, and younger sister, seven, spread their legs for him whenever he wanted. Whether or not he was all talk was questionable. I tended to believe that he was speaking from experience. I knew the difficulties of getting into the pants of a ten-year-old who had already found pussy, let alone double pussy on a regular basis.

When it was obvious to him that no girls were about to show up, he started getting anxious to leave. It was then that I went into full gear, saying something like, "Man, I wish they showed up. I'm horny as well. I got a bonner that won't quit." I thought that I was being very convincing, however, he shot me a look which told me otherwise. This little boy knew that I was on his dick.

Eventually I mustered up the courage to suggest that since we were both horny, that we might as well jack off. Without missing a beat I asked him if he had ever jacked off with another boy. In response he laughed, and said that he had been jacking off since he was two, and all his brothers jacked off all over the place all of the time. I almost suggested that we go to his house and have a big jack off, but I wisely decided against it.

The young ruffian agreed to a jack off, and took his pants first down, and then off. I noticed two things at once. He was not wearing any underwear, a trait that I liked, and he was hung, with a capital HUNG! I knew that he knew that I was checking out his dick, and his sneer came back, seemingly saying, "Go ahead and reach for my dick and see what happens faggot."

After depantsing myself, we propped ourselves up against a grass-covered dirt mound, and busied our hands. As the boy stroked himself, I began to fear that he might be as large, if not larger than me when he finished popping his bonner. He was impressive as all hell. I was beginning to think that he had a little too much dick for my tastes. While he leveled out at about four and a half inches [11 cm], what really made his size impressive was his width. His dick looked like one of those cut outs that men make, pasting the dick of a grown man onto a picture of a young boy. The proportions didn't seem to match. The boy had a monster dick, and he knew it.

After half-heartily stoking ourselves for a little while, I asked him if anyone else had ever jacked him off, say like another boy-type someone else. He looked at me with an unreadable look for a few seconds, and then laid back, spreading his legs a little wider, saying, "You want my dick, don't you faggot?"

In such cases I know well how to handle myself. I knew it was time to bail out, so gathering my courage, I lowered my head and mumbled, "Yes."

"Go ahead faggot, play with my dick. It's bigger en'yours anyway." I refuse no offer to play with a boy's dick, and so I meekly reach out and try to fit my hand around his arm-size dick. He had to be at least four inches [10 cm] round, and perhaps much more. All I knew was that I had seen fat boy dicks in my time, but none that fat, especially on a prepub body.

"Go ahead queer boy, suck it. Suck it like it was your baby bottle." the monster said, almost yelling, laughing at me all the time. I moved forward beginning to take him up on his offer, and then stopped myself. I did not like the way that things were going. Just as I was about to tell him so, he grabbed onto my head and pushed it down into his crotch, rather forcefully.

"Suck it faggot," he commanded. His crotch did not do much for me. I do not mind the sweet sweaty smell of boyhood, as a matter of fact I think it should be the national scent and that it should be made into a cologne, however, this boy was ripe. It seemed to me that it was a long while since his crotch seen water, and there was a good chance that he still pissed the bed, as he had a strong urine odor about him being that close to his club.

Oh well, when in Rome, and so I took his monster into my mouth. After becoming accustomed to his size, I attempted to give him good head, hoping that my sucking would wash away the somewhat bitter taste of his unwashed cock. I was counting my blessings that a surgeon's knife had taken away his foreskin. I would have died if I had to suck whatever was under that.

The young hood remained quiet during my blow-job, short of snorting and huffing and puffing with pleasure. Although it gave me some satisfaction to be able to tame him, even if only for the length of a blow-job, it was not one of my more memorable conquests.

When boy wonder began to reach climax, he grabbed onto my head again, and this time directed me up and down his dick, half choking me to death in the process. I half expected to have my mouth filled with his sour boy juice, however, he was a bump and grinder, and not a shooter. I continued to suck him until he went soft, hoping that my sucking was irritating to him.

"Not bad faggot, " was my thanks for putting up with his filthy groin and jewels. He reached down, took my underpants, and wiped his cock and balls off in them. This boy was quickly becoming a nightmare. When he put on his pants it was a signal that it was over, but when I reached for mine, he told me to wait, and he would do me.

"Do me 3; DO ME?" I asked myself. Do me how? Although intrigued with the thought of my being able to shove my dick down his throat, I worried that he might really do me, and do me good.

Having me lie down, he reached over and took hold of my dick. I braced myself for the torture to my genitals which I could feel coming. Instead, however, he began to stroke me up and down, with fairly nice practiced strokes. He was definitely good at giving hand-jobs. When he had me right at the brink of shooting, he stopped, and cupped my balls, squeezing them a bit, muttering "Not yet," almost under his breath.

While he had my balls in his grip, he decided to take advantage of the situation. Squeezing them hard, and then grinding them together to get my attention, he said, "If you tell anyone that I played with your dick, or that I sucked you off, I'll kill you, understand?" An additional squeeze brought an immediate response from me. "I'm not kidding," was his next and final warning before he lowered his head and swallowed me whole.

I began to understand that part of his behavior must have been learned. The way that he handled a dick, both in hand and mouth, told me that he was no stranger to them. I would bet anything, that he was forced into servicing his older brothers, if not all his male relatives.

Without batting an eye, and without coming up for air even once, the boy sucked me dry, not even one little sperm remaining anywhere on or in my dick. When he was finished, he licked his lips, wiped them on his arm, and then got up, and said, "I'm going now. Be here again tomorrow, I wanna fuck ya."

For the rest of the day, throughout the night, and into the next day, the encounter with the boy troubled me. What troubled me even more was the fact that I wanted to go back and feel his dick ripping its way into my ass. I was with the belief that after he was through, he would offer up his ass as well.

Finally the appointed time was at hand, and I found myself heading out to meet the little terror. Confused was my state then, and all through that day. When I arrived at my hide out I was relieved to see that he wasn't there. Just as I was about to leave, however, he appeared. In tow, was a diaper clad boy (?) about three or four. When I looked questioningly at the baby, older brother said, "He's not here for anything, it's my turn to watch him." With that he began to undress, and indicated that I should follow suit. Normally I am not shy about undressing in front of any boy, regardless of his age, but somehow with the little nipper standing there half in and half out of his diaper, with his thumb in his mouth, I felt shy.

My little Adolf, however, cured me of this shyness, when he bellowed for me to strip. We began pretty much like the previous day, first playing with ourselves, and then me reaching over to play with his dick. When my hand wrapped around the boy's dick, the baby giggled. When eventually my lips found the boy's cock, the baby laughed outright. While I sucked older brother, I glanced over at baby brother. If I were not mistaken, there was a bigger bulge in the front of his diaper than before.

Tiring of my oral talents, the boy told me to roll onto my stomach, that it was time for him to fuck me. Simple as that, he was going to fuck me. When older brother positioned himself over me, and rubbed his spit into my crack, baby brother cooed. When I grunted in pain as the boy's dick forced its way into my ass, the baby actually clapped his hands together. He was enjoying the show. The little fucker thought that this was all for his pleasure.

As we progressed, and my ass was stretched to its limits, baby brother hand his hand down the front of his diaper, obviously caressing his little bonner. I mentally thought to correct "little." If he were anything like his brother who was presently ripping my ass apart, he had a dick like a twelve-year-old. As kinky as it sounds, I was dying to find out. My opportunity came when baby brother sat down in front of me, a few feet away, obviously enjoying the faces I was making each time his older brother poked me with his club.

Reaching out my arm, I grabbed onto his leg, and pulled him a little closer to me. At first he looked panic stricken, and I felt guilty, but as I began to stroke his thigh, he relaxed and smiled 3; almost leered like older brother did. God, that family was scary.

I wasn't sure if older brother was paying attention to me, or if he even cared at that point, but I reached out my arm, and began to rub the little guy's belly. This he liked, and he pushed himself a little further to me. This gave me my perfect chance. Reaching to either side of him, I released the already falling apart adhesives, allowing me to pull down the front of his diaper.

There before my eyes was a hard-on almost two inches long. I was pleased, however, to see that whereas baby brother was well hung, he was not as thick as a tree. All in all, it was a pretty little dick, much like many of my favorite eight and nine- year-old ones. Baby did not mind one bit when I reached for his dick, and began caressing it between my fingers.

I felt older brother stop his fucking of my ass for a moment, and figured that I was dead meat. He began again, however, and ordered me to suck his little brother's dick. Me suck a baby dick? Me? OK.

Obviously little brother understood the words suck his dick. He got a big smile on his face, and stood up, his floppy little bonner jumping as he stood up. I reached out to him, and he took a hold of my hand. I pulled him gently to me, slid him down on his bottom before me, spread his legs, and dived down onto his dick. After a few giggles and squirms, the little boy settled down, laid back, and cooed while I sucked his never fading dick. I had to admit that baby's crotch was more pleasant than brother's, even with baby being still in diapers. Having his little hard-on to suck on made the whole ordeal of having my insides rearranged feel better.

My sucking of baby brother continued on long after older brother busted his nut. I savored every inch of baby's dick, and sampled his tiny balls for desert. I wandered my tongue down between his legs as far as they would go, and managed a few swipes at his little asshole. I was pleased that I didn't find any surprises when there.

Older brother sat off to the side, still naked, watching me orally love his baby brother. Finally when the little guy could no longer maintain his erection, I stopped, after trying hopelessly to coax his soft little thing back to life. Brother didn't say much as I pulled baby to me, and began to caress his chest, back, and little bottom. My thoughts were at that moment if I could manage to get baby to suck me, but brother interpreted my stroking of baby's ass as my desire.

Somewhere outside of my day dreams I heard, "You can't fuck him, he's too little. Fuck him between his legs, he likes that." He did like it, and so did I.

Brother and I met again several more times, but he always came alone after that. My ass became use to his monster dick, and with each encounter he grew more and more aggressive. He would pinch and poke me, and while fucking me, he would slap at the sides of my buttocks. I might have been young, but I already knew the signs. It seemed that as he grew more excited he would grow more aggressive, and as he got more aggressive, he grew more excited. The boy was a sadist. He got off on inflicting pain. In his own little way, with all of his aggression, rudeness, and crudeness, he was making love with me.

Eventually he got too rough for me to handle. Each sex session with him included a fair amount of torture, and that torture was becoming more and more real each time. When I began to fail to show up, he would find me and ask why. Eventually we discussed his love of sadism, and he agreed that it did turn him on sexually. Totally out of character, he begged me to continue on with him. When I told him that I wasn't into S&M, he offered baby brother again, lock, stock, and asshole if I wanted, and then the twins if I so desired them.

Although the offer was tempting, I declined. It was bad enough to be roughed up during sex with one sadist, let along with his eight-year-old twin brothers tag teaming with him. To this day I wonder what it would have been like if I had agreed and stayed with him. Somehow, I think it was smarter that I bailed out when I did. As I got to know and understand him, I found that he was a great kid, but just a little too kinky, even for me.

The M's

At a few times in my life I have met boys who brought out the sadist inside of me. I have never been one for rough sex with a boy, nor would I ever even consider anything which would cause a boy discomfort, but as a boy certain fantasies would appear, and somewhere down the road a boy would also appear who would bring these fantasies to life.

I remember one day I was out in my favorite partially wooded area playing fort, or what ever it was that I played as a kid. I was alone that day, and must have been a general or an Indian chief or something, because I was in an authority frame of mind.

I was scouting out my territory when I spotted a boy walking down a trail which ran through the wooded area, my fort. I waited a bit until I could see the kid clearly, hoping that it was one of my younger friends so that I could change my games to sex ones. As the boy neared I noticed that he was about seven or eight, and that he was quite cute. I also noticed that he was a new kid, one that I had not met before.

Wicked thoughts began to flow through my mind. He was in my fort area, and I could kidnap him and hold him prisoner, torturing him for secret information which he must have in his head. I found that I had a throbbing hard on thinking about all of this, and so I did what any other kid in my position would do, I made plans to attack and capture him.

Quickly I ran to an area where there was a bend in the path. It was a perfect ambush point, and one where no one could see my capture of him. As the boy came walking through, I jumped out in front of him, made a war cry, and probably scared the poor little kid half to death. How he managed not to piss his pants is beyond me. I scared myself with the yell that I gave.

Grabbing onto the kid I told him that he was in enemy territory and that he was my prisoner. I told him that I was going to take him to my fort where he would be tortured until he gave me the information that I wanted. The boy looked at my in surprise and then did as any other kid would have done in that situation, he started to cry. I began to drag him into the bushes, not wanting my capture of him to be noticed by my arch enemies, adults.

As I half drug the boy alone through my secret paths to my fort, he continued to cry, and I thought that he might begin to scream at any moment. That wouldn't do. It would spoil all of my fantasies and games. I stopped, turned to him, still holding onto his arm, and told him that I wasn't going to really torture him, but just make believe. I told him that he could play my game with me, and that he would be my prisoner. I told him that I wouldn't hurt him, and told him that I lived a few streets over.

The boy calmed down a little, and told me that his name was Eddie and that he was seven. He told me that he lived about eight or nine blocks away and that he had been walking home from visiting a friend when I had captured him. When he was reassured that I wouldn't hurt him during the game, he agreed to play along, and began to smile a little bit.

Reaching my fort I could tell that he was impressed, as any little boy is with a fort. My fort was surrounded with bushes, which made it practically impossible to see into from the outside. The opening into the bushes was made for kids, no adults could have ever gotten inside without a pair of clippers to spread the bushes.

Inside were a few comforts such as a few pillows and old cushions, and a few crusty old blankets which were spread over the ground as a floor. Around the area were a few comforts, such as my canteen filled with kool-aid, a few munchies, and a candle melted onto an old tin can. This was a very impressive fort in these days.

I told the boy that since he was my captive, I had to frisk him to make sure that he wasn't carrying any weapons. I put him into a search position, hands out and legs spread, and went to work. My search, however, was a little more completely than that of most policemen. I ran my hands down his backside and under his legs, ending up with my hands over his crotch. When I felt his penis and testicles in his pants, I said "Ah Ha! What's this?" The boy giggled in response, and told me that it was his 'Yo Yo' and his 'Nuts.'

"Yeah, sure" I said, "That's what they all say." I told him that I was going to have to check it out and make sure that he was telling the truth, as he could be hiding a knife and bombs down his pants. The boy giggled even more, and did not stop me as I pulled out the front of his pants and underpants to look down inside of them. I could just barely see his penis nestled away in his testicles, and I told him that I could not be sure that he didn't have weapons. I told him that I could have to check further. He giggled at this as well, and said "Go ahead. I told you it's only me down there."

I liked the boy, he was fun to play fort with. I put my hand down into his pants and wormed my hand down inside of his pants until I felt his penis touch my fingertips. Once there I said, "Ah yes, what is this?" The boy laughed outright and told me that it was his 'Yo Yo.' "Yo Yo?" I asked, "What is that a secret weapon?" The boy snickered and said, "No, it's my yo yo, you know, my thinggy."

I moved my hand lower and took his small penis into my hand. I ran my fingers over it a few times, and then let my hand wander down to his little balls. All of this attention was having an effect on him, and as planned, he got a hard on. I knew from previous experience that when a boy got a hard on, he was game for sex play. When I reached back up and felt his stiff rod, I made a surprised face and said, "There see, I told you. It's a weapon. It is all hard now."

The boy shook with laughter. He told me that it was only his thinggy and it got hard because I was tickling it. I decided to back off a little so that I did not scare the boy. I knew that if he let me touch his cock and make it hard, he would be willing to strip down for more sex play, but only if it were approached correctly. I was a master at approaching young boys correctly.

I told the boy that since he was my prisoner, I would have to tie him up and torture him. I told him that I didn't want him to escape on me, so I would have to do two things to make sure that he didn't. First I had to tie him up good to my posts, and second I would have to take his clothes off so that he would not run away. My posts were branches which supported the bushes. I had a few small pieces of string which would not hold a cat tied let alone a little boy, but in our game they were as good as chains.

The boy seemed a little nervous when I told him my plans. I thought that it was because I told him that I was going to strip him naked. I began to think that I would tell him that I would only take off his shirt, and then perhaps his pants, leaving him in his underpants so that he would not be totally nude. He surprised me, however, when he asked me if I was really going to tie him up and torture him. Breaking character I told him that the string was weak, and that I was only going to pretend to tie him, but that he also had to make believe that he couldn't move. I told him that I was only going to play torture him, and not for real. The boy smiled in relief and agreed.

Grabbing onto the bottom of his shirt, I told him to put his hands up in the air. He did so without question, and I was able to strip off his shirt with no difficulty. I then reached down and pulled off his sneakers and socks. He allowed me to unbuckle his belt and pants, and then wiggled a bit to help me get them down. Once his pants were off, he stood there in front of me in his underpants. The front of his shorts stood out a bit with his little boy erection.

I brought him over to my torture chamber and tied his hands loosely to a branch. I told him that he was secured good and that he couldn't get away. With his hand 'tied' I reached up and pulled his underpants down. The boy was now naked, hard, and looked eager to continue on with the game.

Turning him around, I ran my hands over his back and buttocks. He had baby-soft skin, and small round buttocks which were firm to the touch. The boy had an ass that I wanted badly to fuck. I knew that if I played my cards right, I would be inside him in no time at all.

Turning him back around to face me, I ran my hands over his chest, stomach, and genitals. His skin was as soft in the front as it had been in the back. His penis was cute, about three inches erect, and smooth to the touch. Instead of bending at an angle, it stood out straight in front of him. I liked that kind of erection as it was easier to suck and play with, and boys with that kind of cock were nice to be fucked by, as their dick did not hurt as it penetrated at weird angles and jabs.

The boy didn't seem to mind my touching his body, not did he mind as I stroked his hard on with one hand and cupped his little balls with the other. Throwing caution to the wind I told him that I decided that I wasn't going to torture him but eat him, as I usually eat my prisoners. He giggled a bit, and asked me not to bite him. I laughed and told him that if I were going to eat him I had to bite, and he laughed in return.

I moved my lips to his chest and took his small nipples into my mouth, sucking them. They grew a little as I sucked on them. When they were as erect as they were going to get, I began to nibble on them, not too rough, but enough to cause him to shudder. Slowly I worked my way down his body, licking and nibbling at his skin until I reached his navel where I tongued, sucked and bit until he was squirming madly.

Telling him that now I was really going to eat him, I untied his hands and told him to lie down so that I could eat him good. When he was lying on the blanket I retied his hands, and returned to feasting on his body. I ran my tongue and lips over his naked pubes and began to nibble all around the area, venturing down and around the sides of his genitals. They boy was squirming quite a bit them, and a few times giggled telling me that I was tickling him. Finally I reached his penis and spend a few minutes licking it up and down and all around without taking it into my mouth.

The boy wanted badly to be sucked. Each time I would lick around the head he would raise his hips a bit, trying to shove it into my throat. I am not sure if he had ever been blown before or not, but his body knew what it wanted and was trying to get it. Instead of going down on his cock, however, I ran my tongue down onto his testicles and began to lick them all over. After thoroughly giving his balls a tongue bath, I sucked them both into my mouth and began to really work them over. I thought for a moment that the little boy would faint.

I had the boy raising and falling back onto the blanket as I worked his balls over. When I thought that the timing was right, I began to softly nibble and chew them. At first he yelped with a little pain, but he soon got use to my nibbling and began to wiggle around as if approaching orgasm. I must have chewed on the boy's balls for fifteen minutes. I was enjoying myself and was sure that he was equally enjoying my work.

I decided that it was time to work on his penis. Without any further foreplay I took the tip of it into my mouth and sucked it, nibbling a bit in the process. The boy shuddered in climax. I felt his little dick throb two or three times while his body shook. Not wanting to lose him at that point, I slowed my action down and began to gently suck on his penis, taking his entire length into my mouth. I noticed that his length had diminished a bit, but after a few more minutes of sucking, he grew totally hard again, and I was on my way to bringing him to his second climax.

The boy lasted a few minutes longer than he did during his first orgasm. I was able to have a bit of serious cock sucking before I felt him swell and then dry throb in my mouth. I held his cock tightly between my lips as he climaxes, and then as he began to come down from his crest, I slowly slid my mouth up and off his dick, kissing it when it finally laid limp against his groin. The little boy had a satisfied smile on his face, and a look of love in his eyes. A big boy had not only played with him, he had sucked him off, twice.

Wondering how far the little boy was willing to go in our game, I told him that I was going to untie him and that he had to do the same things to me that I had done to him. I told him that because he was my prisoner that he had to do them when I asked him to. I told him that if he didn't do these things then I would have to torture him to make him do them.

The boy grinned seductively when I told him this, but I could not tell whether or not he was going to play along. Untied, I told him to touch my cock. He reached out and took it into his hands, tugging at it a little in the process. When I flinched, he smiled. I told him to be a little more gentle, and he did for a minute or so, and then he tugged at it again, causing me to yip in pain. When I jumped he laughed. I decided that I had better move along before he ripped my cock off from my body.

Putting a hand on the back of his head I began to push downwards, telling him to take my cock in his mouth and suck on it. He waited until his lips were right on my dick, and then began to shake his head, refusing to open his mouth. I let go of his head and told him that if he didn't suck me I would have to torture him. The boy shook his head no in response. I said, "Okay, then it's torture." I grabbed onto him and pulled him onto my lap, turning him over in the process so that his buttocks were facing up.

I laid my palm over his small backside and asked him if he were going to suck me. Once again he shook his head no. I told him that he realized that I was going to have to torture him, and he shook his head yes. With a little smile of my own, I slapped his buttocks softly a few times and then asked him if he were ready to suck. Once again he shook his head no, and so I slapped him a few more times, this time a little harder. I felt his erection push into my groin, and realized that he was getting off by being spanked. I began to spank him steady, not too hard, but not too soft, until his buttocks were a light red in color.

Once again I asked him if he were going to suck me. He took a moment or so to decide, but shook his head no again. I told him that he should get ready because I was going to really torture him good. I felt his buttocks tighten up as I spanked him about five times hard. Instead of crying out, however, I felt his body shudder. I believe that the kid got his rocks off being spanked.

When I asked him if he were ready to suck, he shook his head yes. He got up off from me and I laid down. I told him to put his lips around his teeth and not to bite as he sucked. He looked at my much larger erection and made a practice 'O' with his mouth, which made me laugh.

The boy lowered his head and tentatively took the head of my cock into his mouth. When he didn't venture any lower after a few seconds, I reached up and pushed his head down. He took more of my cock into his mouth until heard him began to choke, and then I realized that he had reached his limit. The boy couldn't get it right for a few moments, so with a hand on either side of his head I guides his motions until he got the hang of sucking. When I released the sides of his head he continued on, giving me a fairly impressive blow job.

Just when I thought that I was going to cum, I felt a sharp pain shooting through my dick. It took me a second to realize that the boy was biting me. I almost screamed and told him not to bite. He giggled around my dick and bit down once again. I pulled him away from my cock and across my lap, and spanked his bottom again, about ten or fifteen spanks. I asked him if here were going to behave himself and suck good and he said he would.

The boy went back to sucking and did a good job for a few more minutes until he bit down again. He got spanked again, returned to his sucking, and then bit me again. Finally I positioned him so that I could reach his buttocks, and while he sucked I spanked him lightly. Whenever he would slack off or begin to clamp his teeth down on me, I would spank harder. I noticed that the harder I spanked him, the better he sucked, so by the time I was nearing climax, his buttocks were beet red, and his head was flying up and down on my dick.

Without much warning I shot my load in his mouth. He stopped for a minute and was about to take my dick out of his mouth, when I slapped down on his buttocks hard and told him to keep sucking. I shot a few more gobs of cum into his mouth and could see his cheeks begin to expand. I slapped down on his buttocks again and told him to swallow it. He grimaced a bit, but a few more taps on his little butt, and he swallowed noisily and continued to suck. My dick went limp fairly quickly, and I realized that it was pretty sore, so I pulled it from his mouth. As my penis left his mouth, he licked his lips cleaning off the semen which had seeped out between them. He looked first at my now spent dick, and then up at me, and gave me a big toothy smile.

It was obvious from looking at us that both of us were spent. I laid down on the blanket next to the little boy and pulled him up on top of me. When I put my arms around him to cuddle him, he cuddled back. I nuzzled my face into his neck, and he followed suit. When I kissed him on the lips he hesitated a bit, but then kissed me back. When I tried to put my tongue between his lips and into his mouth, he clenched his jaws. I reached down and took a hold of his genitals with one hand and then squeezed them a bit, telling him to open up. He yipped a little and then opened his mouth wide. I laughed and told him that he could close it a little bit. Over the next few minutes I taught him how to tongue kiss. All the while I tugged and squeezed his genitals, grasping both cock and balls in one hand. The boy seemed to enjoy this and kissed even better the more I applied pressure to his little jewels.

It was getting late and I knew that it was time for us to go our separate ways. As we dressed I asked him if he liked our game, and he shook his head yes, giving me another big toothy smile. I asked him if he wanted to come and play them again, and he said yes, and asked when. I told him that he could come again tomorrow and that I would capture him again and torture and eat him again. He giggled and said that I would have to catch him the next time, and I said that I would.

When we stood dressed I pulled him to me and hugged him. I told him that I liked him and that he was my new best friend in the whole world. He told me that I was also his best friend, and when I lifted his head up to kiss him, his lips met mine without hesitation.

I told him that he should not tell anyone about our game because it was a private game for him and me. He agreed, and said that he wouldn't tell a soul. He told me that he would come in the morning, but since his concept of time was not so good, I was left not knowing when he would actually come by.

As we were crawling out of the bushes I told him that when he came the next day there was another game which I could play with him if he wanted to. He asked what the game was, and I told him that after I ate him the regular way I could roll him over and eat him on the backside. He looked shocked and asked, "on my butt hole?" I shook my head yes and he responded, "Gross!" I asked him if he would let me eat his butt hole, and he shook his head up and down in an exaggerated manner.

I told him that after I ate his butt hole I could also do something which felt really good. I told him that I could take my yo yo and I could put it up inside of his butt hole and move it in and out like I did with my mouth on his dick. He looked a little surprised at this suggestion, but then smiled in a impish way, and shook his head yes. As we walked away I was in seventh heaven. Not only would the boy suck me off and take my load, he would let me rim and then fuck him. I also knew that with a little ass spanking or cock pulling, he would do the same to me as well. I went home looking forward to the next day.

The little boy kept his promises. He came back the next day, let me rim his ass, and afterwards he let me fuck him for the first time in his life. At first he wasn't sure that he liked it, but over the next couple of weeks and multiple ass fuckings, he began to love it. He also rimmed me that day, and shoved his little hard on up my ass and fucked his little heart out.

As time progressed it became clear that the boy enjoyed rough sex and that he was a M at heart. I always remembered to bring him total pleasure by not only having sex with him, but being rough in the ways which he enjoyed so much.

When at eight the boy's thirteen year old brother approached him for sex, he must have been surprised to find a little boy who knew more about boy-boy sex than he had ever imagined. It took older brother only a few minutes to realize that he could fuck the boy in his ass as much as he liked, something which he continued to do until the little boy was old enough to cum himself.

Today my little boy is a man, and a leading figure in a small, but quaint, S&M group in his home town.

The End