PZA Boy Stories

James Stuart
the Erotic Historian

Monastery Tales


This tale is set in an Italian monastery during the middle ages. After the death of his mother a 13 year old boy is sent by his father to a monastery for his education. Leo becomes well educated, although not in the way his father expected 3; And then, the abbott of the monastery is murdered and Leo's friend is falsely accused of it.
Publ. Sep-Oct 1998 (ASSGM); this site Mar 2008
Finished Length 76,000 words (152 pages).


Leo (13yo), Marco (11yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story/love
bb Mb Mtb – cons oral anal mast – spank prost


This story contains explicit description of homosexual acts between young boys, teenagers and men. If you not allowed to read such things, or have no interest, stop reading now. Note that this story is complete fiction, and no inference should be taken that the Author in any way condones the actions described therein.

Author's note

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Table of Contents

  1. A New Home
  2. A long hard day
  3. Dinner at the Abbot's
  4. A Walk in the Abbey
  1. Dramatic Events at the Monastery
  2. The Hunt Continues
  3. Adventures in Milan
  4. The Trial of Brother Manuel

Chapter 1
A New Home

Leo leaned out of the carriage and shouted to the driver.

"How much longer before we arrive?"

"I would say another two hours, Master Leo, we should be able to see the monastery shortly."

The boy leaned back, happy to hear that his long journey from his family's estate near Naples would soon be over. However he was also a little apprehensive about what awaited him when he arrived. Leo's mind once more flashed back to the death of his mother, the sad event which had led to him coming to this place. She had been the most important person in his young life, and at the tender age of thirteen the cruel hand of fate had taken her from him. He loved no one like he had her, nor she him. She had always been there to support and comfort him when he needed it. More than just a mother, she had been a lively and intelligent companion, and also been his tutor. It was she that had taught him to read and write. For Leo's mother had been a rare woman indeed in possessing these skills, as literacy was very uncommon outside of the clergy, and almost unknown for a woman. He fondly remembered the days she would read him the classics of antiquity, or even Arabic poems. She had really just one fault, and that only in the eyes of her peers, she was not very pious. Leo's mother had frequently failed to attend church, and had neglected her son's religious education. It was largely for this reason that his father had resolved to send Leo to a monastery until he had come of age, so that this short falling could be corrected. Nobody knew from where the sickness had come which struck Leo's mother, and after just two weeks had claimed her life, and virtually destroyed that of her young son.

For the first few days following her death he was inconsolable, hardly being able to eat or sleep. Yet then Leo's father came to him, and said that the next day would be the funeral, and he expected his son to be brave. He added that there would be many important guests, with several from families richer and more influential than their own. He wanted his son to remain calm and composed throughout the funeral, in order to show how strong the family was in this dire moment. The funeral was a dreadful experience for the young boy, he heard numerous whispered comments from amongst the guests, speculating on the reason for his mother's sudden death. One guest claimed it was God's vengeance on a woman that had wandered from his path, whilst another put her death down to the fact that she read too much, saying that it could not be healthy for a woman to fill her mind with things she did not need to know. Despite this, and his own desolation, Leo managed to control himself throughout the church service, and it was only when he was watching the coffin being slowly lowered into it's eternal grave, it finally hit him. He had lost his mother forever, and he collapsed to the ground sobbing uncontrollably. Leo's father made no attempt to comfort the boy, but merely hissed in his ear for him to pull himself together, and act dignified in front of all the guests.

"You can see the monastery now, out on your right," the driver's voice called out, interrupting Leo from his moody thoughts. The boy looked out to see a large building some distance ahead built on top of a low hill. From its position, it commanded the entire countryside around it. Leo could see no nearby towns, just a few villages. The monastery looked rather foreboding, for although it was no castle, it was a well-fortified house, with high walls and few external windows. It took another hour and a half to reach the monastery along the rough road that led to it, and it was late in the afternoon by the time they arrived. As the carriage made the slow descent up the hill to the monastery entrance, Leo could see some monks and boys working in the vegetable gardens around the building.

The driver called out to his horse and the carriage ground to a halt. He jumped down, and opened the door allowing the boy to step out. The man then leaned inside and took hold of his passenger's baggage, which consisted of a single bag. The main entranceway of the monastery was a large double set of wooden doors, though there was a smaller door inlaid into one of them. It was this that they approached, and the driver banged on. There was a pause of around a minute or so before the door opened, and a middle aged monk appeared at the entrance way.

"Good day Brother, I'm delivering young master Leo to the monastery."

The monk looked down at Leo, surveying him for a moment, and then turned to the driver.

"We've been expecting him, I shall take it from here, you may leave."

The driver stood still for a moment, he had already been paid, but he thought that there may be a chance for a gratuity. When the monk made no move, and he guessed that the boy had no money, he put down Leo's bag and prepared to depart.

"Well 3; er 3; I'll be on my way then, good day Brother, Master Leo," and he turned and left. The monk glanced down at the boy and told him to come in. After Leo had stepped through the doorway, the man looked rather disapprovingly at him, and then remarked.

"Are you leaving your baggage outside boy?"

Leo was not used to having to carry his own bags, but quickly realised his stupidity at expecting the monastery to have its own porters. He went back outside and retrieved his bag. It was not heavy, it only contained some spare clothing, two of his favourite books, and some small trinkets his mother had given him, which he wanted to keep near to remind him of her. The monk strode off, and the youngster followed him. They entered the main courtyard, that was in the centre of the building, and passed over to a door on the opposite side. The monastery was rather quiet, though the boy did spot a few monks and some boys scurrying round on various errands. The pair slipped through the door into a small room, and the monk told the boy to remain here until he returned, and then exited through another door. The room was sparsely furnished in the extreme, with little more than a small wooden table and no where for the young boy to sit down, so he just stood and waited. After what seemed like an age, the monk returned.

"Brother Cennio will see you now, follow me." Leo followed the monk through a few corridors and up some narrow steps before they entered a small room. Here sat another, even older monk, behind a large wooden desk. The first monk then left, leaving the boy with the older man, who was currently reading something, and had not even glanced at the boy yet. The monk continued to read for about five minutes before he eventually looked up and spoke.

"Take off your clothes child, and place them into your bag." This struck the boy as an odd request and he wondered if he had misunderstood. Leo thus paused a while before saying.

"I'm sorry sir, what was that?"

"You're not deaf are you, just do as I have asked."

Poor Leo was a little bit nervous about this, he had undressed many times in front of his mother, or one of the female servants, but rarely a man. Still, he realised he had no choice, so carefully removing his tunic, shirt and trousers, he folded them up and placed them in the bag. Dressed in just his undergarment, he could see by the old man's expression that this had to come off as well, so he slipped it down, and stood before the monk as naked as when he was born. Leo blushed red, and used his hands to cover his privates.

"Come closer child, stand in front of my desk." Leo did as he was asked, and approached to within a few feet of the monk.

"Stand properly boy, with you hands at your sides." The boy's hands dropped down, leaving his young cock and balls in clear view, and the man surveyed him for a few moments. Brother Cennio was in no doubt that the boy was a rare beauty indeed, and he could feel his penis hardening at this sight. The lad was clearly from southern Italy, he had a dark complexion and dark brown hair. His slim body was faultless, with long well shaped legs, and an upper body that was fit, but still that of a boy, showing little muscle in the chest or shoulders. He had a beautiful 3 inch [7½ cm] penis, and although his crotch was still hairless, the monk observed that the boy's testicles had dropped, indicating that he had entered puberty.

"You know why you are here child?" the man eventually asked.

"Yes sir, to help with my religious education."

"You should not call me sir, boy. You will address all monks as Brother, except the abbot, who is Father, it that clear?"

"Yes sir, I mean Brother," Leo replied.

"Very well, during your stay with us here you will learn to be at one with God. Above all you must be obedient and carry out, without question, any command a brother should give you."

At this point the monk that met Leo at the door came back into the room, and the older monk told him to see what size of habit the boy would need, and then to go and fetch it. The man approached the boy, and examined him carefully, Leo guessed it was only to determine his size, but the monk seemed to spend a good amount of time doing this, making sure he saw both sides. The man even reached out and touched the boy's backside, as if this might help him chose the correct garment. When he was finally finished, and turned to go, Brother Cennio said.

"Oh Brother, you can take the boy's things away now," and so the monk picked up the youngster's bag and headed out the door. Leo was horrified to see his possessions removed from his sight, in particular the things that reminded him of his mother.

"Brother, where are you taking my belongings?" the boy asked hurriedly.

Brother Cennio almost exploded. "Do not speak unless you are given permission, I do not normally whip a boy on his first day, but I can make an exception. You must understand that here you will be provided with everything that you need, and private possessions are forbidden for novices. We will retain your things until you leave the monastery. One of the reasons that you can not have them, is because it is best that you are completely cut from your previous material life, so that you can concentrate on your spiritual one."

Leo was rather downhearted, so far his new home was not working out like he hoped. The two remained silent for a while, as Brother Cennio was reading something. This was the letter that the boy's father had sent, when he asked the monastery to take Leo. It mentioned that the boy was very bright, and this rather concerned the monk. Intelligent boys were often the most difficult to indoctrinate with the established thinking, and may even question what they are told as absolute truths. If an independent streak started to appear in the boy, it would become necessary to beat it out of him.

The other brother reappeared in the room carrying a grey robe, and a pair of sandals.

"Go and get dressed child," Brother Cennio commanded. Leo turned and walked over to the other monk, who was standing at the entrance to the door. This gave the older man a perfect view of the boy's gorgeous buttocks, making the monk gulp at the wonderful sight. Leo pulled on the novice's habit he was handed. It was grey, unlike the brown garment which the monks wore, but was otherwise similar in that it covered his whole body, dropping down to be level with his feet. The novice's robe felt very rough against the boy's soft skin, and was certainly less comfortable than the fine clothes he was used to wearing. He then slipped the rough sandals onto his feet.

"Follow Brother Stephanus now, and he will take you to where you will sleep." Leo followed the younger monk out of the door and was led through various passages until he could here some shrill voices ahead. Brother Stephanus opened a door, and they entered into what looked like some sort of kitchen, and here was a large number of boys and a few monks, busily preparing food and chatting together.

"Where is Marco?" Brother Stephanus shouted over the din. After a short pause a young boy pushed through the crowd and appeared in front of the new comers.

"Here I am Brother," the lad announced.

"This is Leo, he will be sharing with you now. Tell him the rules he must know, and inform him of the schedule here."

"Yes Brother," the boy said, and turning to face Leo his face lit up in a huge smile. Marco was smaller than the new boy, and had a fair complexion and wavy blond hair. The kid still had the button nose of a young child, with just a sprinkling of freckles around this and his soft cheeks. He had a magic, friendly smile, and seemed so much more welcoming than the grumpy monks that Leo had met so far. The older boy had not seen many blonds before, as they were mostly descendants of the Germanic tribes that invaded northern Italy many years back, and were rarely seen in the South. The young boy greeted his new companion, and then taking his hand led him through the kitchen and out of a far door, where they passed through a short corridor then entered a room that was obviously a dormitory. It contained around 20 beds, which were relatively closely packed together, the room containing no other furniture. Marco led Leo to a bed about half way down the dormitory, and sat down on it. It was a relatively Spartan item made of crude wood, with a rough mattress, and a single brown blanket.

"This is our bed," The young lad announced.

"Ours!" Leo exclaimed, "Do you mean with have to share?" The bed was narrower than the one he had at home, and it seemed inconceivable that two boys could sleep easily within it.

"Yes, I'm afraid so. Accommodation is a bit short at this place, as it houses a lot more monks that it was originally built for. It seems that the abbot thinks that the prestige of a monastery is enhanced if there are a lot of monks. There used to be a second dormitory for us junior novices, but that was converted into more cells for the extra monks, and so we have to share a bed now. It's not too bad, and has some pleasant advantages." The little lad shot Leo a rather cheeky smile after he had said that.

"How come you were not sharing before I arrived?" Leo asked.

"Oh, my previous bunkmate has moved into the senior novice's dormitory, so that meant there was a spare space with me. Don't worry, I'm only little, so I don't take up much room. Anyway tell me about yourself." Leo told the boy he was thirteen and explained that his father owned a small estate near Naples. He also said why it was it was he was now here.

"I'm sorry to hear about your mother," Marco said, "I have not seen my own family for almost two years now. They are just poor farmers, and were struggling to feed me and my brothers and sisters. When a passing monk offered to take me to a monastery, they accepted immediately."

"Why did he choose you?"

"Not too sure, but I reckon, it was more for my looks than anything else," Marco added and winked at his new mate. "That was when I was just nine years old, and now I am just past my eleventh birthday and I'm still here. Anyway, I had better tell you how things work round here. The monastery is run on a very hierarchical basis, with Father Francisco, the abbot, at the top. Everyone has to do as he says. Next is Brother Alberti, he is the abbot's deputy and takes charge when Father Francisco is absent, which he is a lot of the time. After him, come the senior brothers, there are about ten of these. Next are the literate monks, these are the monastery's scribes, then the remaining monks, who do the manual jobs. Another level down are the senior novices, boys typically between 15 and 17 that are still too young to enter the monkhood. Last, and I'm afraid most definitely least, come the younger boys, whom make up the junior novices, that's us, welcome to the bottom of the pile!"

Marco's final statement came as a bit of a shock to Leo, the thought of being on the lowest rung of the social ladder was not nice. As a child, he was used to being largely ignored, and not considered important, but theoretically at least the servants were beneath him.

"What do we have to do, I mean what kind of lessons are we given?"

"Lessons!" the boy exclaimed, "You will be lucky to get any at all. We're treated as little better than unpaid servants in this place. The only boys that get tuition automatically are the sons of the large wealthy families that control the local areas. I know you have some noble blood, but unless you're from one of these families, you're just treated like the rest of us. The only way we can get any lessons, is to become one of the favourites of the senior brothers, which is what I have done."

"How did you become a favourite?"

"Oh, there are ways to do this, I will explain another time," and Marco's cheeky grin returned to his face again. Anyway, now I get reading tuition twice a week."

"I can already read and write, but my father was expecting me to get some religious teaching."

"You can already read!" the blond boy exclaimed. "You lucky lad, I really want to learn, then when I'm older I can earn my living in other ways than having to sweat blood as a farmer like my father. Anyway, I better tell you the daily schedule here, it is pretty much the same each day. We start with morning prayers, followed by breakfast, then we do whatever jobs are assigned to us until the mid day meal. After this there is a short free period, which we are supposed to use for meditation and the like, but in reality it is the only time we can do as we please. Then there is more work, then the evening meal, and finally evening mass, after which we must do any duties necessary for the end of the day, before we are allowed to go to bed. The evening meal will be ready soon, so we had better go out and help."

Leo led the new boy back into the kitchens and they started to help out. Although Leo had never done kitchen work before, it was something new, and he enjoyed being amongst other boys, something he rarely did at home. He was particular growing to like his young bunkmate, you seemed to chatter endlessly, and often laughed or smiled, even when other boys poked fun at him. During the meal itself, the boys first had to serve the monks, before they could sit down themselves. A senior monk then read the grace, and finally they could all start. The food was not particularly good, but was wholesome enough. The worst part was that everyone had to eat in silence, while a brother conducted a religious reading. When the meal was finished, it was the junior novices' responsibility to clear away everything and clean all the plates and utensils. They then joined everyone else for the evening chapel service, which seemed to drone on for ages, and Leo noticed a number of the younger boys struggling to stay awake. After it was finally over, the boys were either assigned duties, which generally consisted of locking doors, windows or the like, or were dismissed to go to bed, which is what happened to Leo and Marco.

As they entered the dormitory, the two went straight over to their bed, and the young fair haired boy quickly kicked off his sandals, and threw off his single garment, leaving the luscious little lad naked. He grinned once more at his mate, and then hopped into the bed, pulling the blanket over him.

"Don't you have a night shirt or something? are you really going to sleep bare?" Leo asked, rather concerned.

"I'm afraid that novice's robe is the only item of clothing we are given, and there is no way I'm going to wear that uncomfortable smelly thing all night."

Leo glanced around the dormitory, and could see lots of young naked bodies climbing into their beds, that showed everyone else was doing the same. The boy did have a night shirt amongst his belongings, but those had been taken from him. He hesitated, it was not the idea of sleeping naked that bothered him, he had done it often before on hot nights, but the thought he would have be nude whilst sharing such a small bed with another boy, seemed rather embarrassing. Despite these misgivings, he knew it would not be fair to leave his novice's robe on, as the other boy would be bound to feel it. Since staying friends with his new mate was more important than anything, Leo quickly stripped off his robe and leapt into bed before anyone could see him. The moment he had gotten in, his naked skin made contact with his young companion. Thinking this had to be avoided, he shuffled slightly towards his end of the bed, only to discover that Marco instantly followed him, snuggling up to him so that now their bodies were touching almost along their entire length.

"That's nice," the younger boy said, "I have had to sleep on my own for the last few months, and its much nicer sharing with another warm body."

Leo was a little confused by his present situation, he had never slept with anyone before, but the feel of the boy's silky smooth skin, and the heat coming from him was very pleasant. His bunk mate continued to wriggle a bit, and the resulting rubbing of their bodies was started to arouse the older boy. Marco had settled in a position that was a little further down the bed than the other boy, with his head resting against Leo's shoulder, both boys on their sides facing each other. This resulted in the older boy's penis pressing against Marco's belly, and Leo was extremely alarmed by the fact that it was starting to get hard.

Now Leo was no stranger to his own young cock, and knew how much pleasure could be gained from playing with it, which he had been doing regularly at home for well over a year. At first he had seen nothing wrong in this action, as his mother had frequently spotted him doing it, and just simply smiled and left him alone. Yet one day, a servant observed him whilst he lay nude on his bed yanking on his hard organ, and reported it to his father. The result was a hard thrashing, and the man telling him that what he was doing was sinful, and he should not do it again. The boy had interpreted this as meaning he should not be seen to be doing it, so continued to happily toy with his cock, only this time in secret. Around six months ago he had had his first orgasm, and not surprisingly loved it, and so most nights since then had he had a bed time ritual of pulling on his young thing, and rubbing himself all over, until he had cum.

Yet now that he had to share a bed, there seemed no chance of doing anything like that. Unfortunately, nobody seemed to have informed his cock that such a thing was now off limits, and it was currently growing away, totally unconcerned with the fact that it was pushing into the stomach of the younger boy. Leo decided to try to remain calm. It he acted like nothing had happened, then perhaps the other lad would not notice, unaware of the transformation taking place of his own body. After all, Leo reminded himself, his companion was quite a bit younger than himself, and surely would not understand, or realise, exactly what a stiffened penis meant. Gazing down at the cute little lad snuggled up to him, the boy's eyes screwed up closed, he looked the picture of innocence, incapable of a lewd thought, totally unaware of the kind of things that older boys did to pleasure themselves. The reality could hardly have been further from the truth.

"Your thing's gone all hard," came a quiet voice from just below Leo's head. "Are you going to make my belly wet?" Leo was a bit confused by that, surely the boy didn't think that he was going to pee all over him. He decided to try to play it cool.

"Its nothing, it happens to all boys when they get older, now try and get some sleep."

"Well it's happened to mine right now, can you feel it," and with that the youngster pressed his own little erection into Leo's thigh. "My cock is not very big, but it still gets hard."

Leo was a little shocked at what the boy had just done, and also by his use of such a vulgar word. He knew what it meant, indeed he knew all the naughty words for the bits of the body, as he had heard them from the servants. In fact, he was not at all naïve about the act of sex either, as he had once spied one of his father's man servants fucking a maid. During their rather animated love session the whole range of sexual words had flooded out, and like any learning lad, Leo had made a mental note of them all. However he had not expected to hear them from such a young child, although he quickly realised that it was hardly surprising, given the boy's low birth, and the fact that he spent all day mixing with older youths.

Marco moved up the bed and placed his head on the pillow next to the other lad. At this point their faces were so close their noses were virtually touching, and the two boys' cocks were actually in contact, although part way up in the case of the elder, due to their difference in height. Unsurprisingly, this just made Leo's misbehaving prick get even harder.

"Your stick feels really hot and hard, can I hold it?"

Yet again the boy had shocked Leo, he had never let anyone else touch his penis when it was in that state, and he was not sure why the other boy wanted to. What he did know, was that he was dying for someone to touch it, and right now, the thought of another boy doing it sounded rather exciting.

"OK, just don't pull it off."

Marco just giggled with that comment, and a few seconds later Leo felt, for the first time, another person's hand on his erect prick. At first it was a funny feeling, but as soon as the youngster started to move his hand and pull the skin up and down, the owner of the young cock started to shudder with pleasure. Fully erect, Leo's penis was a bit over four inches [10 cm] long, and the younger lad's tender hand was wrapped right round it, pulling away, sending the thirteen year old into higher and higher rapture, until suddenly the hand stopped.

"That feels real nice, why did you stop?" Leo asked.

"Aren't you going to touch mine?" came the answer, "It's not as big as yours, but it still likes to be pulled." Leo felt a bit guilty that he had been so selfish, so moving his hand under the covers he located the straining cocklet of the blond boy, which, although a bit less than two inches [5 cm] in size, was still hot to touch. He started to masturbate the boy in the same way as he normally did himself. At the same time, Marco continued his action on the other lad, and pretty soon their movements got faster and faster as they got more excited, and after several minutes came the inevitable conclusion, as first Marco and then Leo reached their orgasm.

"You've made my hand all slimly," Leo's little bed companion remarked, and pulled his hand up to show the other boy the glistening goo on his palm and around his fingers. There wasn't much, but Leo had forgotten that stuff had started coming out during masturbation in the last month or so.

"Oh, I'm real sorry."

"That does matter, I don't mind cleaning it up," and Marco started licking and sucking his fingers until he had eaten all of the young teenager's cum. This rather surprised the older boy, who had up to now simply wiped the stuff away on a sheet, not knowing what else to do with it.

"What does it taste like?" he asked.

"Nothing in particular, yours is still rather thin, but it will come out thicker soon."

The two boys were quiet for a moment and Leo started to think about what they had just done. It had been wonderful, but he suddenly started to feel very guilty about, for he had remembered something his father had once said.

"Have we just had sex?" he asked. His young companion considered this for a moment.

"Well, sort of, I guess, though it gets a lot better than that," Marco said with a grin.

"But we have made a terrible mistake," Leo hissed back, "because I remember hearing my father once telling some people that it says in the bible that two men can not have sex together, as it is a sin, and a crime against God."

"But we're not two men, we're just boys," the lad answered.

"Oh, but don't you think the words meant boys as well."

"Not according to Brother Demetrio," Marco replied. "I have also been told what you heard, but he says that what the bible was referring to was two men that had come of age, and thus a boy does not count. Brother Demetrio says that if two boys have sex, or a man and a boy, then its all right."

When Marco heard this, he was greatly relieved. After all, he was not very well versed in theology, and surely the monk that talked to his little friend was much more knowledgeable about such things. Unknown to him, the reality was that even Brother Demetrio was not certain he had correctly interpreted the true meaning of the ancient scriptures, but this had not stopped him from using this story to successfully bed a number of homely boys.

"Besides," the little lad continued, "God made our bodies, so why would he have made us so that something that felt so great would be sinful?" Leo could not answer that, so he assumed what they did was ok, and perhaps even more importantly, he was free to do it again.

"Do all the other boys have sex with each other."

"Most do, why don't you have a look."

Leo propped himself up and had a look round. It was only just getting dark outside since it was late spring and the boys had gone to bed quite early, so he could easily see all the other bunks crammed into the room. The beds were barely two feet apart, and so he could just about reach out and touch the boys in the beds either side of them, but in both cases there was no movement, indicating that the occupants were probably asleep. In the remaining beds he could see motion in three of them. With two of those, there was some rapid movement going on of the blanket in the groin area, so he guessed they were doing the same thing that he and Marco had been doing just moments before. In the other bed he was a little confused, as there was a very high lump in the centre of the bed under the blanket, as if one boy was lying on top of the other. Instead of the frantic movements he saw from the other two, all he could make out was a steady movement, as the centre of the blanket rose up and down. It seemed an odd way to masturbate each other he thought.

Leo dropped back down so that his head was again on the pillow, his face inches from that of his companion.

"Most of the beds were still, so I guess they were not having sex, or have already finished."

"It's mostly the former I'm afraid," Marco commented. "In this place the junior novices are worked so hard, that the majority don't have the energy for any games at night. They mostly do things with other boys when they get the chance during the day, this is often in the free period."

"You don't seem very tired," Leo remarked.

"Well I have a rather easy job."

"Oh, what is it you do?"

"I'm the monastery messenger boy. I have to hang around the monks' cells and work areas all day, and run up as soon as one of them wishes to send a message or letter. They also ask me to fetch drinks, bread or the like, but its mostly messages, either written, or, particularly from the non-literate monks, verbal."

"That still sound like hard work, I mean you're running all day," Leo said.

"Boy, you have a lot to learn. To a noble lad used to sitting on his arse all day, I suppose it may, but round here it's one of the dream jobs. Anyway, a lot of the time I am just waiting around with nothing to do."

"Do you like the job?" Leo asked.

"It can get boring at times, but it has the great advantage of me finding out all sort of things about what's going on in this place. If there is a little scandal, someone new is coming, or someone is leaving, I'm often the first boy to find out. This can be of great use when I need something myself."

What Marco had not mentioned was how great he was at the job now, since being such an inquisitive and nosy young lad, he generally knew where everybody was at any given moment, or at least everyone that mattered. This meant he could quickly locate the recipient of a message. He also found that many monks would ask him questions concerning things happening at the monastery, as some considered the boy to be more knowledgeable about the ins and outs of the place than the abbot.

"How did you manage to get such a position?"

"Well I have my ways of persuading people. You really have to understand that in this place us boys get treated little better than some of the monastery animals. We're not allowed any possessions, have forty of us in a room built for twelve, and must complete any work we are set without complaining, no matter how arduous or exhausting it is. In this place you have to look after yourself, and the only thing we have of any value is right here," and with that said he softly patted the other kid's ass.

Leo did not answer straight away, as he tried to think what value might be stored in his buttocks. Maybe that's where boys had to hold any gold they earned he thought, but that hardly seemed conceivable. He thought back to something else Marco said that seemed rather more important, and that's when he mentioned that the sex they had could get a lot better.

"What other sex things can we do?"

"Oh, that's a nice question, I thought you might want to sleep now."

"I not at all tired," Leo said, with his mind whirring with all the things that had happened, and he had heard, he knew he could not sleep at this moment.

"Well we could try kissing, that's easy."

"Oh, but that's not sex, I have done that with my ugly old aunts." His bed companion started to laugh at this comment.

"That's not the kind of kissing I have in mind, just do as I say, and see what you think."

The young boy moved his head even closer and started to rub noses, he then took the other lad's head in his hands, and tipping it aside slightly he kissed him full on the lips. This wasn't the kind of quick peck on the cheek he got from his aunts or his mother, but a long deep kiss, which the other boy held for the best part of a minute.

"Anyone kissed you like that before?" Leo just shook his head and grinned.

"Ok, now open your mouth slightly," Marco commanded, and as soon as the dark haired lad had done it, the younger boy pinned their lips together, and his tongue shot inside Leo's mouth. It was a strange feeling at first, having a wet slimy object slip in his mouth and slither around all over his own tongue. Yet he soon got used to it, and Leo found it very arousing, particularly when the younger boy put his arm around his shoulders and crushed their whole bodies together. In no time he was daring enough to push his own tongue into the willing mouth of the eleven year old.

"I've gone hard again," Leo admitted, when the two broke their embrace in order to grab some air.

"Well in that case I can show you something else. You will love this," and as soon as he said that, his cute little head vanished under the blanket, leaving Leo wondering what he was up to. A few seconds later he saw the bottom of the boy's legs poking out the far end of the bed, and then he felt a sensation that made him gasp, as something warm and wet wrapped around the tip of his cock. He knew it had to be his friend's mouth, and as it slowly slithered down to take in his entire length the boy just shuddered in extreme pleasure. As his cock was sucked up and down it just became more and more intense. Just when he thought he was about to burst, the mouth was removed, and the beaming sucker's head re-emerged at the top of the bed.

"What did you think of that?"

"That was great, who taught you how to do that?"

"Oh, I've picked up a few things whilst I've been here. Anyway, do you want to try fucking." Now this was a word he had heard before, and even observed between a male and female servant. Yet he thought for two boys this had to be impossible.

"We can't do that, neither of us have a hole at the front like a girl."

"That's true," the cheeky kid answered, "but we do have one at the back, how do you think your shit comes out?"

"What! but isn't that too small?"

"It can stretch if it needs to, haven't you ever had a really huge shit?"

"Well sometimes, but I thought things came out of there, not went in it."

"Well I'll show you otherwise. Since my cock's rather small it's a bit difficult for me to fuck someone, particularly in the confines of this bed, so you can fuck me."

"I don't know what to do," the elder boy admitted.

"Don't worry I'll do everything," and the lad started spitting on his fingers and then pushing his hands under the covers, it looked like he was doing something with his butt. He then twisted round so he had his back to the other boy, and Leo felt a small hand on his cock. There then followed a few minutes of awkward fumbling as the young boy tried to push the teenager's cock up his ass, which was a bit uncomfortable to the owner of the instrument to be inserted. Eventually he succeeded and Leo felt his cock head suddenly encased in something hot and tight, and this rapidly spread to the entire length as Marco pushed his ass back spearing himself on the entire length until his soft ass cheeks were nestled in the other boy's loins.

"Hmm, that's nice," the blond boy said, "do you like that?"

"It feels odd," Leo answered.

"Well just see if you like this," and then he started to slowly move up and down the boy's cock, and also began to manipulate his ass muscles to further enhance the friction on Leo's hard pole. The gasps coming from behind him, informed the boy he was pleasing his friend, so he started to speed up his movements, and directed his ass so that the cock impaling him was rubbing against his anal prostrate, which was what maximised his own pleasure. With all the foreplay, it was clear neither lad would last long, and soon Marco felt the teenager discharge his small load into his bowels, and continued to ride the softening cock until he made himself go pop as well.

They lay gasping for a few minutes, until Marco turned round again, and hugged his new friend tightly.

"I'm so happy we will be sharing a bed from now on, as I was frightened I would end up getting somebody rotten." Leo also considered himself lucky with his young companion, it was the first time he had been happy since his mother's death. The child snuggled up to him again, and was soon asleep, but it took a little longer for the older lad, as he tried to make some sense of his emotions during this first night.

Chapter 2
A long hard day

It hardly seemed anytime at all that he had been asleep, when Leo was awoken by his new friend gently shaking his shoulder, and telling him that they had to get up now. Throughout the night Leo had found out the downside of sharing such a narrow bed with another boy. Young boys have a tendency to wriggle a lot when asleep, and he had woken up a number of times in the night to find he had virtually toppled out of the side. He guessed he would eventually get used to it. From the dim light coming through the window, he reckoned that the sun had only just risen, and for a day so close to the summer solstice, that could only mean it had to be very early indeed. A couple of buckets of water had been placed at the far end of the room, close to the door, and some of the boys were crowded round washing their hands and faces. A few of the boys had already donned their grey robes, but most, including his new young friend were still naked. Marco had pushed through to gain access to the bucket, and did not seem to care whom he rubbed his bare body against. Leo decided to dress before washing, since despite the rather intimate things he had done the night before, he was still too embarrassed to walk around nude amongst all the other boys.

After they had washed it was off to chapel for the morning prayers. Thankfully these did not last too long, and there were soon in to the kitchen helping with the breakfast. This done, and the rather meagre meal consumed, the boys were all assigned tasks for the day by some of the monks. Marco quickly vanished on an errand, and Leo found himself with a group of other novices and a few monks, that were to work in the monastery gardens. Once outside the work began immediately, and mostly consisted of removing weeds, plucking out dead plants, and other gardening tasks. The worst job was digging over a new patch of land which Leo was consigned to for most of the morning. This he had to do with a crude wooden hoe, which had a largely blunt and buckled head. The ground had become rock hard in the dry weather, and it was very hard work, particularly for a lad not accustomed to manual labour. In a short while his soft hands had blistered, and wielding the hoe was becoming very painful. When he mentioned his injuries to the supervising brother, Leo got a very unsympathetic response.

"Don't worry about those small marks, they'll rub away if you work harder. Now stop complaining and start working, or else I'll add some blisters to your bottom to go with those on your hands."

Thus he continued to work, and by the time they finished for the morning he was tired and his hands were very sore. The only compensating point was the pain and weariness took his mind off his mother's death. Lunch was the usual unappetising affair, yet Leo was so hungry he quickly consumed a meal, that, just a few days earlier, he would have sent back in disgust. The free period following lunch was just what the young lad needed, and he found a nice spot under a tree in the courtyard to have a well-earned rest. Alas this was all too brief, before a bell was rung indicating the next round of work. To Leo's great relief he was not put back on garden duties, but would be assigned tasks within the monastery. This proved to be every bit as exhausting and uncomfortable as the morning, with the boy having to wash clothes, scrub floors, and polish some of the artefacts in the chapel. Utterly shattered by the end of this, he was barely able to help with the dinner duties, and during evening mass, it was only through endless prodding from Marco that he avoided dropping to sleep and getting into trouble. When the poor lad finally got back to the novices' dorm, he stripped off his robe at the entrance way, and staggered to his bed, not caring who saw him in the nude. Leo fell asleep within seconds of climbing into his bed. His young bunk mate was a bit disappointed that there would not be any fun games tonight, but felt very sorry for his friend, who was clearly unused to a day like he had just had. He snuggled up to the sleeping boy and managed to masturbate by thrusting his hard little penis against the other boy's naked flank. This provided some relief, but was a poor substitute to actual play.

The following three days were very similar to his first, although his longer time asleep than the first night, coupled together with his body slowly adjusting to it's new regime, meant that he was slowly getting better able to cope. Then came a Sunday, and whilst this meant that the sessions in the chapel were even longer, thankfully there would be no work on this day, although the boys still had to help prepare the meals and do the washing up. Grateful that even the lord rested on the seventh day, Leo wished that God had decided to take a day off mid-week as well. He spent the morning in a rooftop courtyard resting, and returned again following the midday meal, which was somewhat better than normal, the boys even getting some meat. Just a few minutes after settling down for another rest, he felt his shoulder being shaken, and opened his eyes to see the eager face of Marco smiling down on him.

"Would you like to see something fun, I've just seen a couple of brothers and some novices slipping down to the cellars." Since he was feeling well rested he readily agreed, knowing his little friend, it had to be something worth seeing. The young boy took his hand and led him down into the main courtyard. They crossed over to another building, and Marco glanced around to ensure no one was looking. When he was sure the coast was clear, he led Leo down a very narrow passage dividing two of the buildings, and then ducked down to crawl through a small hole located at the bottom of one wall. The small boy managed to squeeze through quite easily, but his slightly larger friend had a bit more difficulty. Inside was a small alcove, just large another to take the two boys, although they could not stand up. It was unclear what the alcove was used for, though was probably created unintentionally by an alteration to the building's cellars. It was very dark inside, but Marco removed some stones at the far end, and small shafts of light came through from the room below the alcove. Peering through the holes the boys were able to see a large storage cellar, filled with various barrels, sacks and boxes. Occupying the room was currently four people, two young monks, and a couple of older boys that Leo guessed must be senior novices. One of the monks he recognised as Brother Roberto, a large powerful looking man, probably in his early twenties. He had seen him working in the gardens, and the man could turn over a piece of ground in moments, what would have taken the boys hours. The other brother was younger, 18 or 19, and had probably only just joined the monkhood. He was rather thin and gangly, not overly handsome, and cut a rather awkward looking figure compared to his companion. The novices were both 15 or 16 well into puberty, but still had boyish frames, with little upper body muscles. One of the boys had soft brown hair, and a very handsome face, whilst the other had dark, almost black hair, and a rather sharp, shifty face. The four were sitting on some sacks and were obviously waiting for something, or someone. Eventually the younger of the two monks spoke.

"Where is Angelo?" he said, and turning to one of the novices he said, "Antonio, didn't you tell him to meet us here after lunch?"

"I told him," the boy answered, "he should be here soon."

Hardly had the words been spoken, when a noise was heard and the door to the cellar pushed open and two more boys entered. One was another senior novice, though he was a bit younger than the other two. The other was a much younger boy, just 11 years old or so, that Leo recognised as a fellow junior. The kid had very light brown hair, and a gorgeous cute face, and was a good head shorter than all the other boys present.

"That's Mario," Marco whispered to his friend "I wonder what he is doing here with all these older boys." It was clear he was not the only one to be thinking this, as the minute the two had got inside and shut the door, Antonio jumped up and yelled at the newcomers.

"What's that runt doing here, little pathetic juniors are not invited to these meetings."

"It's ok," the new teenager announced "this is my former bunk mate, he's a really fun lad, and he desperately wanted to come. Don't worry, he wont squeal or anything, and will do whatever we want."

"Well I say we chuck him out now," the other boy said, "he looks a bit small to be able to do much in our games, what do you think Brother Roberto?"

The eldest monk stared at the boy for a while, deciding if he could join in, and then motioned for the uninvited guest to come over to him. "We don't allow cry babies to play with us, will you do anything we say? no matter what it is," he asked the youngster.

"I aint no cry baby, I'm old enough to do anything," the young lad said defiantly.

"Do you really, well can you take a prick up your tiny little asshole."

Leo was a bit shocked by the monk's crude language, but obviously at these sort of meetings, anything could be said.

"Of course, Angelo has done it to me lots of time," he said, and turning to his former bunk mate, "tell them."

"He has a great ass," Angelo replied.

"Can you suck cock, little boy," the monk continued.

"Yes, and I do it real good, just try me."

"I might well do," the man chuckled, "All right your in, just remember that your the junior here, so you do what the rest of us tell you. Ok, now strip." The young boy looked a bit taken back by the first order, and seemed a bit nervous at having to be the first to get naked. All the same, he knew they would throw him out immediately if he refused this first request, so he whipped off his grey robe, and cast it on to the floor, giving the two men and three boys a view of his sexy young body. The boy was very skinny, with thin arms and legs, although he had a lovely bubble butt. Unsurprisingly he was completely hairless, his tiny cock barely two inches [5 cm] in length, and his small testicles pulled tight into his body. Roberto leaned over and took hold of the boys small prick between his fingers.

"I don't think this will be capable of much, I bet he can't even get it hard," he said.

The young boy looked rather insulted at this and thrusting his cock in and out of the man's fingers, it quickly became erect, gaining a little width, but not much length. He then grinned at the man, rather proud that he had proved him wrong. The monk just laughed.

"We've got a right little horny one here, ok lads, show him what a real cock looks like."

Within no time, the three other boys and the younger monk had whipped off their robes, and with their cocks all ready half hard looking at the little naked boy, they soon pumped them up to a full erection. Angelo, the young lad's friend, was the smallest endowed with just 4-5 inches [10-13 cm]. He had a small patch of soft downy hair over his prick, though none on his balls. The other two boys had good sized pricks of around 6 inches [15 cm], and although they had relatively ample cock hair, their legs and asses were still hairless. The youngest monk possessed a relatively thin, odd looking cock, although it was a good 7 inches [18 cm] in length. What was most striking about him was the mass of hair covering his legs, arms, even his chest. Young Marco spun round, and feasted his eyes on the hard pricks that now surrounded him.

"Wow, one day mine will get that big," he commented.

"You aint see nothing yet," Angelo replied, go on Brother Roberto, show him. The man got to his feet and slowly drew off his monks robe. Although a few years older than his companion monk, he actually had very little body hair apart from round his cock, and this helped to show off his superb body condition. Roberto had incredibly muscular arms and legs, although it was not these the others were staring at. His large cock was a good 8 inches [20 cm] in length, and it was still only partly hard. Taking hold of Antonio's little hand, he had the young boy pull on his prick. The feel of the kid's soft skin touching his cock, quickly had the monk's member growing as hot blood rushed into the large organ. The little boy's eyes kept getting bigger and bigger as he watched the monster expand, until it had reached almost 11 inches [28 cm] in length, and so wide that the boy's hand was quite incapable of getting right round it.

"You see, I told you, do you believe me now?" was the comment from Angelo, standing behind his little friend. It was now obvious that the teenager had dragged his little friend along to proof to him something he had mentioned about the assets of Brother Roberto.

"Yea, it is absolutely huge," was the boy's reply.

"Angelo, show you little friend how to suck it, Carlos, you can suck Brother Pietro." Both boys dropped to their knees and their mouths got to work on the monks' hard pricks. The youngest lad watched in fascination at the blow jobs being performed, in particular the one on Brother Roberto. Whilst the older teenager was managing to get most of the less endowed monk's cock into his mouth, Angelo was having difficulty getting much more than the head, and a couple of inches of the monster prick into his. To compensate, he frequently licked down the whole length, making the man groan in pleasure. As Antonio was the only senior novice unoccupied, he walked over to the young kid watching the show, and started to stoke the boy's soft butt and kiss his neck. His free hand started to jerk the child's tiny cock, and after just a few minutes, the effect of the simulations to his body plus the erotic sights filling his vision, caused the boy to shudder to a powerful but dry orgasm. His legs felt weak and he dropped to his knees, only to have the teenager start pressing his hard member against the kid's lips.

"Come on runt, prove to me that you know how to suck." Mario was determined to show that he could suck a dick, so quickly got down to the task he had been assigned. He managed to get quite a bit of the teenager's prick in his mouth, and sucked up and down like a real professional. This caught the attention of the large monk, who had by now pulled Angelo onto his feet and was kissing the boy whilst he wanked hard on the lad's cock.

"Looks like you taught him well," the monk said to the boy he was caressing, and then he shouted over to the young kid on his knees. "Come on little boy, lets see you suck on a man sized prick." Mario looked rather apprehensively at the immense member of Brother Roberto, but the plucky lad would not forgo the challenge, so he shuffled over on his knees, and got into position. He grabbed the middle of the shaft with his two hands, and opening his mouth as wide as he could, attempted to get the large prick inside. The young kid's soft hands and small wet tongue drove the monk wild, and he almost shot his load right then. Unable to get even the head in his small mouth, Mario decided to lick the prick all over, concentrating on the tiny piss hole of the large swollen head. Antonio in the meantime had joined Angelo, and the two unable to agree who had to suck, had lain down on the floor so they could suck each other at the same time. They agreed you ever shot first, would have to get fucked, and so started to suck on each other furiously. Given the rather hard wanking he had received from Brother Roberto, Angelo could not hold out for long, and soon gave his companion his sweet load to drink. He knew he had to keep his bargain, so the boy duly got onto his hands and knees, and Antonio took no time in shoving his hard prick up the boy's young ass.

In the meantime Brother Pietro had swapped places with his boy and was sucking hard on the lad's cock, easily swallowing the entire length. Alas, although young teenagers have fast recuperation powers, they lack the staying power, and he soon shot his load into the man's mouth. After the monk had swallowed the boy's seed he bent him over a nearby barrel, and was soon enjoying the pleasures of his rear hole. When Brother Roberto spotted the two fucking pairs, he looked down at the sweet young thing licking his cock and said.

"I just fancy a good fuck right now, you don't mind if I take advantage of your little ass do you?" The young boy's face took on a look of sheer horror, he just could not imagine how that giant size prick could get up his tight ass.

"Please Brother, don't, your too big."

"Nonsense lad, you told me that you had been ass fucked before," and he seized the young boy in his powerful arms and placed him face down over some sacks. Mario just lay they, scared out of his wits, and waited for the huge prick to ram up inside him, sure that it would certainly kill him. The monk looked down at the child's small bum, and laid his cock along the deep cleft in the middle. The massive prick was longer than the boy's buttocks, but fortunately for the youngster, Brother Roberto was no rapist, and had absolutely no intention of fucking a boy this young, whether the kid wanted it or not. He was however, not beyond playing with him, so he rubbed his hard cock over the child's smooth cheeks, and parted the boy's legs slightly to engage in a brief thigh fuck. The man then leaned over the boy and kissed him gently on the back of the neck.

"Its ok boy, I was only kidding you, I can wait for a few more years before buggering your horny little bottom." With that he looked back, and yelled at the two fucking boys behind him.

"Come on Antonio, show this little runt how to take a man's prick up your ass." Antonio had been watching the pair, and had been rather concerned that the his young friend was going to get seriously hurt. He quickly disengaged himself from the boy up his ass, and crawled over to the other two, where he lay down next to his old bunk mate. Turning his head he looked into Mario's cute face, and could see a look of both relief, and perhaps a hint of disappointment. The teenager knew rather better, and was certain the kid had no idea what he had just avoided. Brother Roberto in the meantime was busily massaging the somewhat fuller and harder buttocks of the boy that had joined them. He pulled the boy's cheeks apart and could see that his beautiful pink asshole was still gaping open from the recent fucking it had been receiving. Unable to hold back much longer he plunged his large cock into the breach and was soon lodged in a few inches. He then slowly started to sink deeper and deeper into the lad's ass, greatly enjoying the grip of the tight hole, whose hot walls clung to his aching prick. Mario noticed his friend grimace somewhat at the first penetration, but from the way he quickly relaxed, and the ease with which that massive cock slid all the way into him, it was clear this was not the first time the man's prick had been up this particular hole. As the two started to pick up a rhythm with Antonio pushing out each time the man slammed home, the young boy beside them noticed that Antonio was looking rather frustrated at having lost his fuckee. Feeling rather ashamed at his cowardice with the monk, as utterly unjustifiable as it was, he waved his little bottom lewdly at the lone boy. Having missed out on a fuck, Mario was eager to have a prick up him of a dimension he knew he could bear. Antonio did not wait long after receiving the invitation, and was over in a shot to take up the offer. After preparing the young boy's asshole with his tongue he got into position, and was soon yelling with joy as he ploughed the kid's narrow hole.

Leo and Marco had their eyes glued to the orgy below them, until eventually they could stand it no longer, their own young pricks were as hard as iron. Pulling their robes to around their hips they passionately embraced whilst masturbating each other. Down in the cellars below, the love cries continued unabated, until one by one the fuckers discharged their loads deep into their young lover's bowels.

The next day was back to the same hard labour young Leo had to put up with the week before. In some ways things were getting worse, his muscles were started to really ache, even in the morning, and his poor hands and feet were covered in sores from the battering they were taking. Furthermore, it seemed that some of the monks were trying to work him even harder, as if his first week had just been a probationary one, and now they expected to get some real work out of him. In particular the boy dreaded it when he was placed in the group sent to the gardens. Not surprisingly, it did not take him long to fall asleep each night, much to the frustration of his little bed companion. Marco was trying hard to be sympathetic, after all, he had a much easier day job, but he was also very horny at bedtime. Leo could sense the boy's frustration, and on the Wednesday night made a real effort to stay awake so they could play a little. Little Marco was so excited when his friend said he was ready for some sex games, that the young boy immediately turned round and asked Leo to bugger him. After around three minutes of having a hard cock poked up his ass, the fair haired lad was just starting to get the good feelings he enjoyed so much when he was getting fucked. Yet, all of a sudden, the movements of the boy behind him stopped, and when we looked behind him to see what was the problem, his exhausted bed mate had damn well fallen to sleep. The frustrated young boy had had enough. They were just going to have to make sure that Leo got a less strenuous workload during the day, or the nights were going to be absolutely no fun at all.

On the following day Marco met Leo during their free period and outlined to his friend the secret to finding a better job. The crucial man to persuade that Leo's talents were better used elsewhere was Brother Sergius, one of the senior brothers. It was his responsibility to draw up the work schedules for all of the junior novices. The young boy explained that if there was to be any chance of a better job, then it was necessary for Leo to become a favourite of the brother. He had done just that himself some time before, in order to land the rather plum position of messenger boy, although now the lad was so good at it, he could hold the job on his own merits. The main problem was that, not surprisingly, all of the young novices would do anything to become one of this senior monk's favourites. Clearly if the man accepted them all, there would be none left to do the garden labours, cleaning, and other unpleasant tasks. Consequently the man could be very choosy in which boys he took to his heart, or more accurately, to his cock. However, Marco was not put off by this, for what he saw as two main reasons. Firstly, because in his opinion, Leo was one of the best looking young novices the monastery had, a compliment that rather embarrassed his friend. Secondly the new boy could both read and write, and thus they would have a legitimate reason for explaining that Leo was completely wasted working in the fields. On hearing all this the southern Italian boy started to get very excited, as he would jump at any chance of getting out of the back breaking work he had been forced to do so far. He eagerly asked his friend exactly what it was he had to do, in order to become a favourite of the monk, though he had a pretty good idea what this would entail.

"Well you do realise that it's not just a matter of talking to him, he will want a little compensation for going out of his way to help you. Basically, you understand that it will be necessary for you to play with him, like the way we have done together at night."

"That's no problem," Leo replied, "I enjoy those kind of games."

"But you should realise that we have sex as two boys, two equals, with a man, he will be in charge, and you have to do whatever he asks."

"I don't mind, I have to do that all day anyway."

The young boy paused before he began his next point, not too sure what the reaction would be.

"You know that he will want to put his prick up your arse, are you ready for that?"

It was Leo's turn to pause now. Indeed, getting himself fucked was one of the things he had been thinking about a lot lately, particular since he had watched the orgy in the cellar on the preceding Sunday. Really, there was little else to do during the dreary labour of the day, than to think about some of the things that had happened to him here. The boy was wondering what it would feel like to have a hard prick inserted up his anus. Up to now, although he had fucked his bunk mate, he had fallen asleep so quickly every night after the first, he had not had the opportunity to repay the compliment to his best friend. He had to admit, that the idea of having someone poke a hard object into his most tender region sounded rather painful, but he had seen how much both his little friend, and all the boys in the orgy had enjoyed it, so it could not be too bad. Now that he thought about, it was really something he longed to try.

"OK, I am prepared to let him do that," the boy answered at last. A cheeky smile crossed over Marco's face as he said that, as if he had been reading his mate's thoughts.

"I know you've seen people getting fucked before, but I have to warn you that it hurts quite a bit to start with. However, once that's over, it can feel great. The nice thing about Brother Sergius is that he is very gentle and considerate towards his favourites, if he decides to accept you. Besides, I have this horrible feeling that you may one day get fucked in the ass, whether you wish it or not, by one of the meaner monks, or senior novices, and if you aint been fucked before it will hurt a lot. Being good looking can have its draw backs as well."

"Maybe it would be best if you did it to me first, perhaps during a free period, or maybe even whilst I am sleeping at night."

"I aint fucking some sleeping log! that's no fun at all, but otherwise it's nice of you to offer. The problem is that my tiny dick is not going to prepare you much for being fucked by a man, and in addition, it may be advisable to keep your ass virgin, as that would be an extra incentive for Brother Sergius to make you one of his favourites. Some men like to be the first to fuck a boy, I'm not too sure why."

"When he's done, I promise that you will be next," Leo said, and putting his arm round the other boy hugged him close. "Ok what do we do now."

"We need to go and see Brother Sergius, and tell him how important it is to the monastery that you are better used."

"Do you mean you will be there with me?" Leo said, feeling a lot happier if he did not have to face the monk alone.

"Of course, if you do not mind, it's not like me to miss out on a bit of fun. Besides, I may not be as clever as you, but when it comes to persuading some horny old monk, I'm in my element."

It was decided that they would go and talk to Brother Sergius during Friday's free period, and so Leo faced another afternoon and morning of hard labour, although both boys hoped these would be his last. As they knocked on the door of the senior brother's office, Leo was both excited and frightened at what might be about to happen.

"Come in," came the answer to their knock.

The boys opened the door and slid inside, Brother Sergius was currently sitting behind a desk, working on some document. Leo wondered if he was deciding which of the poor unfortunate novices would be sent to work in the gardens the next day.

"What is it boys, I'm rather busy."

"It's about Leo here, the new boy," Marco said "It's just we were wondering if perhaps you were not aware that he could read and write, and may thus be better occupied with some other work than the menial tasks he has been doing up to now."

Sergius but down his quilt, and raised his eyes. He had a good look at the new boy, and had to admit that he was a real beauty.

"He is too young to be a scribe, but if you should become a monk, boy, the monastery will be happy to see if you can do that task." Somehow, another five years of hard labour till then, did not seem too tempting to young Leo.

"But I am sure he can do some other task now Brother, there must be many brothers that need someone literate to help them," Marco continued.

"Can the boy not talk for himself? He would be of little use if he can write, but not actually use his tongue."

"I can read and write very well, Brother Sergius," Leo said, "Please let me do something else, I am not very good at manual tasks."

"Look boy, I can not very well assign every boy the job he wants, or no one would be digging the garden, or doing the cleaning. Then what would we have to eat?" Leo saw the logic in this, but then that it was not the good Brother here who was doing the digging.

"Please, I'll do anything," the boy whimpered in return.

Sergius smiled at that statement, he had heard it so often in the past. Yet if he had succumbed to that offer every time, there would be no one working in the gardens at all.

"I'm sorry boy, but right now, I have enough little favourites, now you had better both leave, I have a lot to do." Leo looked very downcast, it looked like all his hopes were going to be dashed, and he would have to keep on with the exhausting labour. Yet young Marco had not given up yet, he still had a few cards to play that he was sure could swing things around. Taking hold of his friend's hand he led him round to the side of the monk's desk, and pulling up the boy's robe until it was around his waist, exposed the lad's gorgeous hairless prick and balls.

"Don't you at least want to see wants on offer?" the boy said, rather cheekily, to the seated monk. Sergius turned to look at the two, and his eyes quickly fixed on the pretty package between the elder child's legs.

"This is the best bit," Marco said, and spun the half naked boy around, to show off Leo's shapely ass globes. The monk gulped hard, but remained silent. "He is very soft," the youngest boy continued, "The lad is of noble blood, so has never done much work, and of course, has always been bathed a lot, so his skin is in such a good state." The impertinent child ran his hand over his mate's young buttocks, then looked at the monk straight in his eyes. "Wouldn't you at least like to feel how smooth his bottom is?"

The poor man was beginning to perspire now, and his hands were shaking. The crafty lad talking to him was beginning to sense victory. He took hold of one of the man's hands, placing it on to the boy's bare rump, and immediately Sergius began to stroke the offered object, which started to make the owner go hard. After a few moments of feeling the boy's lovely skin, the man snatched his hand back.

"I will not let you manipulate me so easily Marco, I know your tricks," but there was a hint of weakness in his voice, and the monk's own penis was lifting the front of his gown, something the boy did not fail to notice.

"He is a virgin you know, something in very short supply amongst the boys here, you would be the first."

The brother's self-control was clearly weakening, it was time to move in with the killer blow.

"He is my bunk mate, and I can tell you how soft and warm he is, and how horny he is when aroused. If you would like, we can give you a show." With that, it was made plain to the monk, that the attractive young lad doing the talking was throwing his own body into the bargain. It was all too much for the man, faced with an offer that would tempt a saint, his last remaining resolve melted away.

"Well I hear that Brother Domingos could do with a literate lad, to help him in the library, it's possible he would consider the boy here. Nothing is certain you understand?"

"Of course not," Marco said, and smiled, well rehearsed with the kind of diplomatic language these sort of agreements were made in. "We are sure you will try your best."

With his mind made up, Brother Sergius was determined to try and take charge of the situation, and try and salvage some of the self respect so ripped to shreds by his own weakness for young boys.

"Take your friend to my bed chamber, we will be more comfortable there." Marco just beamed with his triumph complete, and turning towards his friend, drew the grey robe completely off him, tossing it on the floor. A few seconds later his own had joined it, and putting his arm around Leo he slowly led the boy towards the door that led to the monk's bedroom, giving the man the most exquisite view of a pair of slim bare bottoms walking away. He just shivered with anticipation, as he watched them disappear into the adjoining room. Of course, he reminded himself, this was all for the good of the monastery, Brother Domingos needed a boy to help him. With that in mind, he got up and made his way to the bed chamber.

When the monk walked inside, the two naked boys were stood in the centre of the room facing him. The elder lad was already erect, due to both the physical stimulation of having his backside stroked, and also the erotic effect of listening to the young boy's seductive persuasion. The monk removed his own robe and went over to sit on the bed. His naked body was nothing great to look at, but his fiercely erect penis did the old man pride. It was not too long, perhaps just a shade over six inches [15 cm], and he took a firm grip of it as he looked at the two heavenly creatures in front of him.

"OK, you promised me a show, so I want to see you two kissing and feeling each other," the man ordered.

Only too happy to comply, the boys turn to face each other, and with Marco getting on his tiptoes, they started to deep kiss, whilst their hands began pulling on each other's pricks. They angled themselves to give the man a good view of the front of their bodies, and then turning to face each other fully, they slowly span round whilst running their hands all over their partner's ass cheeks.

"Ok, I want the new boy to stand between my legs," and soon after Leo had gotten into position, the man leaned down and sucked the young lad's hard prick into his mouth, whirling his tongue around to enjoy as much of the taste as possible. Whilst doing this, he rubbed the boy's bum and the side of his body, and he had to admit that the younger lad was right, the boy did have lovely soft skin. After a few minutes of this, the horny young teenager could hold it now longer, and came in the monk's mouth, who gratefully swallowed the sweet seed. He then told the boy to lie on the bed, whilst he treated the blond lad to the same thing. Once he too had shuddered with his own dry orgasm, he lay the boy next to his companion, and softly kissed and hugged them both, whilst they were allowed to recover. This quiet period also allowed the monk to slowly calm his excitement, which was rather necessary if this joy was to be allowed to last as long as possible. Unlike the lucky two youths before him, the monk knew only too well that he would only be capable of a single discharge. After about ten minutes had passed, all the caresses and kisses the boys were getting had made them hard and horny again.

"Now I want to watch you two suck each other."

Marco reversed round so that his face was in his friend's crotch, and was soon sucking away at the available four inches [10 cm] of boy meat. Leo paused a while, he had never sucked a cock before, but having been sucked, he had a reasonable idea what to do. His mate's short prick was easily swallowed and he began a somewhat awkward, inexperienced blow job. Leo then started to imitate what ever his friend did to him, thus when Marco stopped sucking, and licked instead, so did he. Likewise when it came to time for sucking the testicles, though Leo had some difficult with this, giving that the other boy's balls where so small, and snug closely to his body. Throughout this, the monk was stoking their backs and bottoms, and generally enjoying the show.

"Ok, now I want you bugger this little tyke," Brother Sergius said to Leo, "and do it hard, to teach him a lesson for so tormenting me."

"Oh yes please," the young blond lad squealed, and rolling on to his stomach pushed his sweet ass in the air. Leo got behind the boy, and Sergius took hold of the older boy's raging hard prick, swiftly guiding it into the waiting hole. Now young Marco had been fucked by a lot more cocks than the average eleven year old boy, so the teenager's prick sank into him with relative ease. The dark haired lad then started humping his pal, like he had seen in the cellar orgy the Sunday before, and was soon being urged to go faster and harder, by both the man and the youngster he was buggering. After a few minutes of watching the little lad being fucked, the monk could feel his excitement reaching critical point, and it was time to move on to the main course.

"Ok stop now, I thinks it's time we rid this lad of his tiresome virginity. Thirteen years old is a bit old for a first buggering in my opinion, but better late than never."

The boys stopped their action, and Leo reluctantly withdrew his prick from the his buddy's hot tight hole. He knew what was coming up, and now that it was nigh, he was more than a bit nervous. Still, it was too late to back out now, he would just try and be as brave as he could. The man walked over to a table and pulled it away from the wall. He then removed the few items on it, and returning to the bed fetched a large pillow that he placed at the edge.

"Ok boy, lay down on that table so that your stomach is across the pillow, and grip the far edge."

When Leo had positioned himself in this rather exposed position, the monk ordered the younger boy to get under the table, and get ready to suck his friend's cock when so ordered. He then positioned himself behind the young teenager, and the boy braced himself for what he had been told was going to be quite painful. However, instead of the poking at his asshole he was expecting, he could feel the man kissing his bum passionately, moving swiftly from one buttock to the next. Then he felt the man's hands pulling his cheeks apart, and once again tensed up, thinking this was the time to finally get fucked. Yet once more he was wrong, as the next thing that hit him was a shudder of pleasure as he felt something wet and slimy slither over his virgin butt hole. As the man continued to lap at the anus, he quickly drove the boy into a frenzy, the more he pushed his tongue inside, the louder the groans became. Sergius found it was difficult to stay in position due to the incessant wriggling of the young lad's butt, but he gripped him hard and continued to rim him. Leo could not believe that his asshole could give him such joy, and thought, if a fucking was anything like that, he would love it.

"All right, you are ready to be fucked now, be brave my child," the monk said at last, and stood up. The man stared at the beautiful naked rump before him, and revelled in the moment that was to come. It had been a long time since he had fucked a virgin ass, and now he was so aroused, he was concerned how long he would last. The monk moved slightly to the side and told Marco to lubricate his prick, sinking himself quickly into the youngster's open. He pulled his cock free after just a few sucks, concerned he might cum down the sweet child's throat, and thus be robbed off his prize. Moving back behind the older boy he placed one hand on the lad's back, and used his other to line up his straining prick with the small pink hole. He pushed back a bit, then rushing at the entrance managed to lodge part of his cock head inside. Leo's body tensed, but he did not cry out, although the monk knew that that was the easy part. With another lunge he got a couple of inches inside, and this time the poor lad yelled out in pain. Sergius paused for a while to let the child get used to the novel sensation of a cock in his ass. Whilst Leo may have been in some discomfort, for the man it was quite the opposite, as he was going insane with the incredible tightness of the boy, there really was nothing like a virgin ass, he thought. Worried he may come to soon, he continued with his assault and kept on pushing in, despite the wails from the kid he was impaling, until he had gotten all his six inches inside. The monk then remained still, kissing the boy's neck and trying to calm him down, as well as letting his own passions cool, so he could keep this exquisite feeling going longer. Just before he started to probably fuck the boy, he ordered Marco to commence his sucking.

Leo could not believe the pain of the initial penetration, as it felt like someone was sticking a knife up his butt. However, when the man was fully inside, the pain slowly started to ebb away. His penis had softened somewhat, but it quickly became erect again as he felt it slip into his chum's mouth. When the monk started to bang his ass, in slow steady strokes, he winced with each forward stroke, although the pain was nowhere near as bad as the first time he was entered. After a few minutes, he could make no sense of the feelings coursing through his body, which were an indescribable mixture of pleasure and pain. His cock felt great, and he could sense he would soon cum, but his ass was still on fire, although he felt a quiver of pleasure each time the monk's cock hit a certain spot inside his hole. Sergius suddenly started to wail, and Leo felt a wetness being sprayed into him. Hearing the man's orgasmic cries, Marco sped up his sucking, and shortly thereafter was swallowing the older boy's sperm.

The panting bodies lay still for a while, until the monk finally withdrew from the no longer virgin asshole, retrieved his habit, and got dressed. The following moments were a bit awkward, as it was time to re- establish the normal monk-novice relationship, so the monk dismissed the boys as formally as he could, telling them that the free period would be over soon, and they should return to their duties.

The boys left the bedroom, and after getting dressed slipped outside.

"Well, what was did you think of getting fucked?" the younger boy asked excitedly.

"Hmmm, it was very painful to start with, and my poor butt is still very sore, but after a while it was not as bad."

"Did you get the nice feeling, deep inside as he went in and out."

"A little, but it was mixed in with the pain."

"Well as you get fucked more often, the pain lessens and the pleasure increases."

Leo laughed at the comment, and then replied, "I guess in this place getting fucked is more or less inevitable."

"That's certainly true for us boys, the younger you are, the more likely it is that you are the one that has to bend over, so it's best to learn to enjoy it."

"Ok, I will, when do you think I will hear about the new job?"

"Maybe this afternoon, but probably tomorrow morning, Brother Sergius is normally pretty quick about these things. You know that you will need to visit him every now and again, to sort of renew the agreement."

"Well I don't mind that too much," Leo replied. "Particularly if he decides to lick my bumhole."

The bell went to indicate the start of duties and the two boys parted. Leo did not hear about the new job on Friday as he had hoped, and on Saturday morning he was rather dismayed when once more he was placed in a group for manual work, and so had yet another exhausting day followed by a rapid falling to sleep in the evening. On the Sunday, he felt very let down, it appears that Brother Sergius had broken his side of the agreement, and having enjoyed the boy's virgin ass was not prepared to do anything to help him. On Sunday afternoon, Marco found his mate resting, and asked him if he fancied them dashing off somewhere for a bit of fun. Leo answered that he was too tired and would rather be left alone. He just wanted to rest, and he was sure the young lad could find someone else. It was not that Leo had lost interest in sex, he was just feeling bitterly disappointed, and was consequently not in the mood. In addition, part of him blamed his young mate for things not working out as planned, even though this was blatantly unfair. Marco left looking a bit down, and so the afternoon passed without incident.

The boys did not speak for the rest of the day, as Leo deliberately avoided his friend, because each time he saw him it reminded him of their failed enterprise. He tried to stop himself, but he kept feeling envious, even resentful of the younger boy's easy day job. Even at evening chapel they did not sit together, although they had done every day prior to this. When they were slowly filing out at the end of the service Leo felt an arm grab his shoulder and pull him out of the line. He looked up to see it was an elderly monk.

"Are you Leo?" the monk asked

"Yes, Brother."

"Brother Sergius informs me that you can read."

"Yes I can," the young boy said, trying to contain his excitement.

"I am Brother Domingos, the chief librarian, and it may be you can help us out in there. A lot of monks work in the library, and are constantly needing someone to fetch them documents, or books and so forth. Now currently this is done by a junior brother, but it would be nice to relieve him of this duty, so that he can do other things. Clearly I can not take any boy for this job, but if you can read book titles, and understand how things are ordered, I may be able to use you. Do you think you can do what I have described?"

"Oh yes, please Brother Domingos, let me work in the library,"

"Very well, I will take you on a trial basis, to see if you are up to the job. Don't think this will be some cushy little job, I will expect hard work."

"I'll work really hard," the boy promised.

"Ok, I'll expect to see you in the library first thing tomorrow morning, straight after you have helped clear away the breakfast things. You will still be expected to help at meal times you understand."

"I understand," the boy replied, quite happy with the continuance of the kitchen work, which he never found to be too bad. "Thank you, thank you Brother."

"That's all right, now run off to bed."

Leo dashed out of the chapel, and jumped for joy when he got outside. He spent the next few minutes just spinning round in sheer happiness, and then falling on the ground he lay for some time staring up at the sky. At last, no more back breaking garden work, no more being clipped round the ear by the miserable monk that supervised this dreadful task, and no more going to bed feeling like death. He suddenly realised that right now the most important thing was to tell Marco, so he jumped up and ran off towards the junior novice dormitory, and up to their bed. All the other boys were now in bed, including his little mate, so he whipped off his gown and jumped in to join him. Marco had his back to the older boy, and when Leo touched his shoulder to turn him round, the young lad snapped back.

"Leave me alone."

It was easy to tell from the tone of his voice that the boy was upset, and ignoring his request the stronger boy grabbed Marco's shoulders twisting him round to face him. He was shocked to see the boy's eyes reddened and his cheeks damp, he had obviously been crying.

"What's the matter," Leo asked concerned.

"Why should you care," the little lad said, his eyes starting to water, "I know you blame and hate me for not getting a new job, but I'm sorry, nothing is guaranteed in this rotten place," and with that said his tears started to flow again. It then hit Leo what a selfish, ungrateful person he had been. To lay any blame at all at the feet of a boy who had done nothing but try to help him seemed unforgivable. It only went to show that how ever tough and hard Marco tried to show he was, he was still a young boy at heart, whose sensitive feelings could so easily be hurt. Leo just felt nothing but love for his friend, and his own eyes started to water, as he kissed the boy on his forehead,

"I'm so, so, sorry, how I could ever think anything bad of you, my best little friend, I am just so horrible and selfish, like all of us of noble birth. Yet what you said is not true, Brother Domingos spoke to me just now and said I have the job in the library, yet it would mean nothing to me if I can not remain friends with you."

"Really, is that true, you have the job?" the young boy said, his voice sounding a bit calmer.

"Yes, yes, and it's all because of you, I can never thank you enough, yet all I have done is upset you, please, please forgive me."

"So you don't hate me anymore?"

"I never hated you anyway, I was just being silly."

Leo put his arms around the younger boy and the two lay in bed silent for a while, both enjoying their own sense of happiness. Finally Marco whispered,

"Of course you realise that me helping you was not solely for your own benefit. After all, a bed companion that dropped to sleep every night like a sack of potatoes was hardly what I wanted."

"That's true, but it makes me no less grateful."

"And you do remember what you promised me when we thought up the idea?" Naturally the lad was referring to the time when Leo had said that he would let the boy be the next one after Brother Sergius to fuck him.

"Of course, and payment will be delivered immediately," Leo said, and turned round to offer his butt to the boy.

"And you will make sure I'm all nice and wet first."

Leo just laughed, the plucky lad was making sure he extracted all he could in pay back for hurting his feelings, but right now Leo would have done anything for his friend.

"OK, I'm going under now," and as the young teenager's head slowly disappeared under the blanket, Marco just shivered with anticipation. This was going to the first fun night of many to follow.