BaraBoy God Darren |
SummaryDarren escapes an exploding spaceship only to be seen as a god by the people who rescue him. A tongue in cheek reponse to the Island Of Boys Challenge.
Publ. Aug 2013
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CharactersDarren (15yo) and Ahkroo (13yo)Category & Story codesScience-fiction storytt – cons oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at bara_stories(at) or through this feedback form with Bara - Boy God Darren in the subject line. |
The tale of Darren starts with two untruths. Firstly it's not set on a small island of boys and secondly Darren is not a god. True it did appear to the villagers that he descended from the skies in a shell carried in the tentacles of a giant jellyfish but how else would they describe a life-pod hanging from a parachute? It was also true to say that he had been shipwrecked, to be marooned with little or no hope of getting home, but to describe his new world as a tiny island in the vast ocean of space takes corny description to dazzling new heights. Darren lived on Earth at a time when being gay was seen as a threat to the state's ideal of the proper social order. The penalty for such disruption was exile to a penal colony which was how he came to be on a space ship on his way to New Botany Bay. He was saved because a guard failed to rape him. The guard wanted the sexy fifteen year old's body and the rape did not happen because Darren was so willing to give it. The guard experienced an encounter like nothing before and he was only just back to full consciousness when the alarms sounded. Still in heaven from Darren's ministrations the guard repaid Darren by leading the boy to the nearest life-pod. As luck would have it the guard had chosen a pod bay for his assault on Darren and it was the first pod to be launched. As explosions ripped the ship apart it turned out to be the only one that was launched. The guard died almost before Darren's pod left the ship. The villagers who saw his arrival were the descendants of another disaster many centuries before. That Darren should be found by a group of Earthmen was less of a coincidence than you might think because they were on a direct line between Earth and and a cluster of planets that were being colonised. However reverting to Stone Age technology and then recovering to a simple, harsh but not a completely unpleasant existence had left little time for remembering history and they had developed their own views on the world around them. Opening the hatch, discovering that the air was breathable and seeing humans watching him curiously was too much for Darren. Finally surrendering to the stress and fear of his escape, he fainted. The villagers looked on uncertainly. "His fall was cushioned by fire," one said, "We should take him up the mountain and return him to the fire god." "No he was carried by a jellyfish which has returned to the ocean. He's a gift from the sea god. He will be offended if we reject him." "Maybe he's a traveller through the skies," a youngster said, "Like our ancestors." "You're a bit old to be believing those fables," an older man laughed, "We become ill if we go too high up the mountains. How do you expect us to go even higher?" "The youth looked at the pod and wondered but he did not want to look foolish again. He listened to the wise men arguing over which god the stranger belonged to. The argument served no useful purpose, gave both sides a chance to defend their position whatever the facts and they did not have to do anything. It continued until an old man supported by two young boys wheezed into sight. On the old man's instructions, Darren was lifted out of the pod and gently laid on the ground. There had not been enough time to dress after his encounter with the guard and so he lay, naked and on full display. "Try using your eyes and not your mouths," the old man snapped, "What do you see?" "Just that he's a young man," one of the villagers said. "Just that he's a young man," the old man sneered, "What are you saying? That he's younger than me? Isn't everyone? Try looking again. Look at his face, the proportions of his limbs. How old would you say he was?" "About twelve summers," the youth said, "He's about a summer older than me." "Very good, Ahkroo," the old man said, "Can you translate it into the language of the ancients?" "Fifteen years old," Ahkroo replied brightly, "The legends say that the planet of our ancestors had a shorter year." "Excellent. The myths are part of us and should be kept alive even if we now know about the gods. Now what is wrong with the boy?" "He has the genitals of a man and he is bigger than a fifteen year old," Ahkroo answered. "Is he a freak or could there be an explanation?" the old man asked. "Our animals produce bigger and stronger young ones when there's plenty to eat. Maybe he eats better than us." "I must admit that I had not thought of that and indeed it could be part of the answer. His method of arrival proclaims him as being sent by a god but which one. He is young and able to cast his seed. Which one would send such a symbol of virility and life." "The sun god?" Ahkroo asked nervously waiting for the scorn and derision to descend again. The old man was also waiting but there was silence and a few were nodding thoughtfully. I've still got it, he thought to himself triumphantly, They've bought it. That'll keep me chief elder for another summer. I wonder who he really is. "At least someone is thinking," he rasped out loud, "Well done Ahkroo. As a reward I'll give you to the sun boy god. Serve him well for he has many gifts to bestow on loyal servants." Ahkroo suspected that the village elder did not think that it was a reward and that there was a possibility that he would be consumed by the boy god's power. It was the penalty for proving himself almost as clever as the Elder. Ahkroo was thirteen Earth years old, nearly eleven summers on this world. Bright and curious, he was also right about diet. He looked about twelve, nowhere near puberty but it did not stop him wanting to exact revenge on the old man. "A god deserves the largest hut in the village," Ahkroo said, "And land for his egg to be nearby. What do you think, Elder?" Ahkroo was talking about the Elder's own home but he had no choice. He had to be seen serving the boy god as well. "I knew I chose well," he said concealing his anger, "The boy god will be pleased with you." The old man's vengeance would be inflicting himself on his daughter and her slug of a husband. Making their lives a misery would keep in him going until he could deal with Ahkroo properly. Ahkroo needed time to think. He made the villagers lay Darren on the soft grass then sent them away. "The sun god will warm and soothe his own," he said, "But the boy part may need some peace and quiet." The villagers looked impressed at such wisdom from one so young and quietly headed back to the village. It was Ahkroo who wanted the peace and quiet, or rather time to admire the visitor. He gently ran his finger along the boy god's thigh. The gentle touch woke Darren. He stared at the boy admiring his cock and raised his arm to push Ahkroo's head down. Before he could react Ahkroo's lips were touching the boy god's cock which was already stirring. Ahkroo was more than willing to suck cock and it would not be the first time. He could take his pleasures where he liked until he was mature enough to take a wife, satisfy her and provide for her and their offspring. Married men still used boys but then the boys were supposed to be substitutes for the women so they would not be allowed to use their own cocks. Such was the theory, Ahkroo had never known it put into practice. But what were the rules concerning gods? Had he already committed a heinous sin and would that beautiful pole impale him like a knife, drawing out his own life blood instead of filling him with that glorious life seed that men could give him. Briefly he panicked but then relaxed. If he was going to die then he may as well do so enjoying that silky smooth, solid piece of manhood. As his mouth took in its welcome guest and his tongue licked around it in greeting so he heard appreciative groans that were definitely human and not god like. The body beneath him was definitely reacting in a very human way and encouraged, took the rampant pole deeper and deeper into his throat even daring to pause, strip then shift position to straddled the stranger. Even less god like was the way Darren eagerly took Ahkroo's own fledgling pole into his own mouth while his hands explored Ahkroo's cherry, not seeking entry but offering pleasure as he gently stroked and pushed, carefully gauging Ahkroo's reactions before exploring further. Darren could not hold himself any longer, his hips bucked and he shot jets of boy cream deep into Ahkroo's throat. He took it all shuddering in pleasure at Darren's touch and feeling his own body tense and spasm as it tried to share with the other boy. Spent they both collapsed, Ahkroo still on top of Darren but as he recovered, Ahkroo scooted round to lie beside Darren. "You're not a god, are you? Where do you come from," Ahkroo asked. At first it seemed like gibberish to Darren but as he thought about it he thought he understood the question. "I come from Earth," he replied. Ahkroo sat bolt upright. The accent was atrocious but there was no doubt. It was the language of the ancients. "We call this place Nuorth," Ahkroo replied, pronouncing every word slowly as he had been taught. He was most put out when Darren giggled at his efforts. "It sounds like Earth Standard from about three hundred years ago," Darren said, "Does Star Seeker mean anything to you?" "Only that he was a god charged with protecting my people as they came out of the great egg, but he left us to our fate to explore the stars." "OK!" Darren exclaimed, "My version is that Star Seeker was the first ship to take colonists to New Earth but it disappeared en route. The crew of my ship were talking about it just before it blew up. We were passing near where it happened. Your people don't believe space travel is possible then?" "We try to understand the world around us," Ahkroo said, "We see the storms at sea, the stars in the sky and know that men like us can't control them. If you can travel between the stars then you're more like a god than a man. What we can't understand is that if our ancestors knew so much then why did they lose it all when they got here?" Darren nodded, "I think I see. Do your boats ever sink on the ocean? Two of our ships were destroyed in the same place. Maybe it's not a coincidence. Maybe there's something that caused it. I don't know but when the supplies run out in the pod I won't know how to live off the land." "Most of my people prefer to believe in the gods," Ahkroo said, "And they think that you are the son of the sun god. They'll be angry if you try to say that you're not. Will you pretend to be him while we figure out what to do?" "What happens if I have to do something godlike," Darren asked, then added thoughtfully, "Do gods bleed? What happens if I cut my finger?" Ahkroo thought for a moment, "The elders say that we can't see the gods because they're not like us. If you can be seen then you've had to become a bit like us." "It works for me," Darren said, "I need some clothes." Ahkroo thought again, "No, stay naked. It's sunny today and you need to soak up your father's life giving warmth. I'll have to stay naked too and always walk in your shadow." "That'll be so embarrassing," Darren exclaimed, "Everyone will be looking at us." "They'll be looking at you," Ahkroo said, "We have pictures of our ancestors, they were always dressed. Why?" "I've never really thought about it," Darren confessed, "It's something we do. I think it's got something to do with modesty or maybe the opposite, you know, decorating ourselves." "Clothes take time to make. We never dress when we're working unless it's cold. Old men like Jarsoo dress all the time but I think they're just showing off how rich they are." Darren needed time to think. The idea of strolling naked through a village seemed like one of those strange dreams people have but it was definitely a turn on. Ahkroo seemed to admire his body so maybe everyone else would. His cock twitched at the thought. "OK, I'm the boy god. Who are you?" Darren asked. "Your loyal and obedient servant who's got us the biggest place in the village to live." Darren nodded in approval, "Way to go. By the way, do you have electricity. Seeing Ahkroo's blank stare he continued, "Heating, lighting, power carried in wires?" Ahkroo stared blankly, not understanding. Darren grinned feeling his cock enjoying the moment. Some role playing could be fun especially if he could supply some props. Even if he had been an undesirable when he had started the voyage, the captain had always been punctilious about safety procedures. Darren thoroughly understood the pods capabilities and the procedures he should follow in case there was space for him. He spent time going through the check list, satisfying himself that his new home was safe and could support human life. He also checked the pod's inventory pleased to find that it had arrived undamaged. Ahkroo waited patiently while Darren worked, accepting a strange, beautiful tasting liquid from a container which he could only suck from. The container shrivelled as he drank. Darren unconcernedly threw the plastic drinks containers into the recycler. Once when they took a break, Darren grabbed Ahkroo from behind, pulling him into a hug. Ahkroo did not protest, even bending forwards as Darren's cock probed his body. Moments later Ahkroo was on the ground with Darren laying on top of him, allowing the older boy to push inside him. Ahkroo was aware of Darren's gentleness as he paused allowing the younger boy to accommodate the invading mast. Darren was aware of Ahkroo's increasing responsiveness. At first the boy just submitted but as Darren took him slowly and tenderly so Ahkroo responded by tensing and allowing his muscles to wrap around Darren. Both boys pumped and bucked with increasing enthusiasm not stopping until Darren's seed was emptied into his willing partner. Darren collapsed onto Ahkroo, his mouth muzzling Ahkroo's ear. "Is this part of your servant's duties?" he whispered. "It's the best part," Ahkroo grinned, "Will you let me share your bed, Master?" "Wow. This sure is different to Earth. You sure that no one will mind." "Some are hoping that the fires of the sun god will consume me," Ahkroo giggled. Later as the sun began to set, Darren was satisfied that the pod was properly secured though not sure why, he had disabled the homing beacon. This community was not perfect but he wondered if it would want the benefits that Earth would force it to enjoy. "Change of plan, Ahkroo," Darren said, "I want you to carry these and lead the way. He handed Ahkroo a broad beam lamp and a back pack. "The servant lights the way for his Master," Darren giggled. Ahkroo nodded. The light was nothing like he had ever seen, bright enough to cast shadows despite the remaining sun light. He tried to imagine how they would look to the villagers as they approached. At first it was warnings and near panic that were spread around the village but as they got close enough to be seen so the alarm gave way to curiosity. By the time that they reached the hut some of the children were closing in on Ahkroo asking him about the light. "The Sun God gave some of his fire to the boy god who tamed it so that even I can control it. Watch!" He turned a switch and the light vanished. "And now." Ahkroo turned the switch the other way and the light dazzled them before he turned it back to its original setting. "The gods cannot be seen," Ahkroo proclaimed, "To visit us Darren must become like us. The longer he stays, the more like us he will become. Greet him as any other guest and treat him kindly. That is all he asks." With that Ahkroo led Darren into the hut and closed the door. He found a hook to hang the lamp then turned it down so that it cast a gentle light for them to see. *** Over the next few days, Darren was busy. He found himself falling in love with Ahkroo, he surveyed the area and built his own home. He also began to irritate the village elders. One of the less appealing aspects of the Earth's New Order was its highly hierarchical society. The pod that Darren escaped in was intended for senior officers. It was big enough to house ten people but it carried so much equipment that there was only space for one. Had the guard followed correct procedures he should have made his way to a crew's pod which would follow the officers pod. Darren had spent two days in the pod during which time a semi hypnotic education system briefed him further on the pod's capabilities. The first bone of contention was when Darren announced that he would not move the pod and that he would build his house around it. Elder Jarsoo supported him because he would get his own home back but others complained that he was occupying a field and taking away some of their food supply. Elder Jarsoo was thinking of his bed. "Trust the gods," he said, "The sun brings life, not death." No one doubted that Jarsoo knew what he was talking about so the complaints died down even if they did not completely vanish. A bigger complaint was that Darren took in some of the village orphans and fed them. Orphans included children whose parents could no longer afford to keep them. They provided services in exchange for scraps, the winter would take most of them and there would be a fresh supply the following year. Everyone agreed that it was a bad system but shrugged, saying that times were hard and what could they do? Often as they spoke they were dreaming of their current pleasure provider and later would give them a little extra to ease their conscience. More than anything it was the loss of willing sex slaves that made them question Darren's god status. However a rumour started circulating that Darren's power was spreading to Ahkroo. At first it just seemed that the boy was more alert, his eyes were brighter and he had a little more energy but by the end of the first week it appeared that he was filling out and even growing. The children he took in seemed to be developing as well. Incredibly they were seen gathering wild fruits and berries which everyone knew were a deadly poison. The gods had warned their ancestors of that years ago and the occasional child that ate them by mistake confirmed it. Darren's survey revealed that the villagers relied on a very limited diet and that although most wild plants were indeed deadly poison, others were nutritional beyond belief. Darren showed a boy how to use the scanner and sent him off every day to gather food. In the evening the boy had to describe every plant he had checked and its properties. As their diet improved even their memory benefited. Darren and Ahkroo built their house. The pod system did have have its good points. The pod had braces that could be fired into the ground providing a solid core. Then an inflatable geodesic frame could be released from the top of the pod. The framework was was hollow and deployed by filling it with gas. Finally the frame was filled in by thin polymer, laminated sheets. As they were slotted into place, a chemical reaction occurred which bonded the components together. The result was a structure that could withstand the most extreme of conditions. Internally it could be fitted out with an officer's quarters, a far more crowded crews quarters, kitchen, bathroom, toilet and science laboratory. The whole thing was designed to be compact in transit but offered the best chance of survival when needed. The least popular aspect of the design was the water recycling system. Thankfully, on this world it would not be needed. As more of the orphans bunked down in the crews quarters, not only did it mean that that the supply of pleasure slaves was drying up but it looked as if they would survive the winter and the village looked on the prospect of feeding them the following year with horror. They were not naturally cruel or heartless but conditions were tough and so were the decisions that they had to make. Darren's arrival was unsettling everyone because he was challenging the basic assumptions that guided their lives and change threatened what little security they had. As the orphans that accepted Darren's hospitality flourished so the villagers became more worried. Elder Jarsoo was more worried that he had given Ahkroo too much status. He listened to their discontented rumblings. "I don't know why the boy god listens to Ahkroo, so much," he complained in reply, "Perhaps the gods expected us to have more regard for him and make the effort to explain our world to him. One of us should serve him and reap the benefits of being close to him." The suggestion proved to be a mistake. Everyone else seemed to be as eager as himself to reap the benefits of serving the boy god and that first meeting degenerated into a pointless scramble for the honour. He decided on a less direct approach to control Darren and invited the boy to a meal. He also realised that he would have to invite the other elders and allow them equal access but it would be remembered that it was he who had taken the initiative. Elder Jarsoo duly called on Darren to offer his invitation. "Please sit down," Ahkroo said after inviting their guest into their private quarters, "They're called chairs and those soft things, cushions. They're so much more comfortable than a hard floor. I'll take your boys through for their own refreshments. Would you like some tea?" Elder Jarsoo had no idea what tea was but it seemed discourteous to refuse as he settled into a plush armchair. "I hope your master will approve of your generosity," Elder Jarsoo said gruffly, trying to get some authority over Ahkroo. Sometimes I have to obey him," Ahkroo explained, "There is so much I don't understand but in here we're equals. Can you explain something, please? He loves me and I try to love him because I want to. How do I know if I'm loving him or all this?" Elder Jarsoo thought he saw an opportunity, "If you only love his gifts then maybe someone else should serve him." "Ahkroo worries too much," Darren said making them both jump as he quietly entered the room, "I take him whenever I want to and he makes me feel great." Elder Jarsoo saw the smiles that they exchanged and reluctantly agreed with Darren, deciding that it might be better not to say anything. He tried to rise to greet his host. "Relax," Darren said affably, "You've never tasted hot water flavoured with herbs before. Some can make you feel funny in the head, it can be quite nice but Taren says he's preparing one that will soothe the lungs." Jarsoo frowned, "You are offering me wild plants, against the orders of your father?" "It's sad that his instructions were misunderstood," Darren said. He was used to speaking like a god by now. It made his orders to the orphans seem so much more reasonable. "There's food for us if you know what it is but there's some meant for others which is why it's bad for us. One of my tasks is to explain this and show you what is meant for you." Elder Jarsoo tasted his tea and glanced at Darren in surprised pleasure. "It's has a pleasing taste," he said, "I did not expect it to be so sweet." "Before you leave, please visit Taren," Darren said, "He'll seem to be impertinent while he examines you but he'll give medicines to help your breathing." "It's just old age," Jarsoo said, "It comes to us all." "You've lived a lifetime with a limited diet," Darren said, "And your end is approaching sooner than it should. However, we can give you a fighting chance and a little comfort. Interested? Elder Jarsoo looked at him, "If you have the power over life and death then you must be a god." "I don't have that power," Darren said, "Taren is learning to repair bodies as a husband repairs his hut. The husband can do so much but sometimes the only thing he can do is pull the old hut down and replace it. That's where our power ends. We can't replace your body." "I think I understand," Elder Jarsoo said, "You do not have all of your father's knowledge and power but you have enough to complete the tasks you've been given." Darren nodded. Neither Jarsoo nor Darren believed in the gods but neither thought that the time was right to admit it. Not even Ahkroo who had believed in the old legends of travelling between the stars was not entirely comfortable speaking disrespectfully about them. It was a while later as he was approaching his own home that he realised that he had forgotten the purpose of his visit and had failed to invite Darren. He would have to return. Briefly the thought filled him with despair but it occurred to him that he was not breathlessly gripping the boy beside him for support. "You know how to make a paillasse don't you?" Jarsoo asked. The boy nodded. "Taren told me which wild plants I should add. Some will soften it while others give off vapours to help you sleep. "Find a couple of orphans to help you to gather what you need," Jarsoo commanded, "He's right. Most of me is tired and needs rest. One part is waking up though. You'll have to put it to sleep before I can rest." The boy looked at Jarsoo in wonder and relief. Jarsoo was old, probably more than thirty five summers. The boy was relieved that Jarsoo was talking about taking his arse. It did not happen often and if it was because of his age then he would not be looking to replace the boy. However if it did not happen because Jarsoo no longer favoured the boy then he could be in for a very bleak winter. "I must return to the boy god," Jarsoo said. "Without someone to hold you?" the boy gasped. Jarsoo nodded. "It'll be an interesting demonstration of the boy god's powers," he smiled as a couple of villagers passed by. Seeing Jarsoo follow Darren's advice and become stronger might have enhanced the boy's reputation even further however a young girl fell out of a tree and onto a rock. She broke her back. It was a freak accident which no one expected and forgetting all his manners the father hurried off to the boy god to seek his help. Darren, Ahkroo and Taren returned with the father to examine the girl. "There's nothing in your gifts to me that can save her, Lord Darren," Taren said, "What can you do." Darren drew Taren and the father to one side. Ahkroo could see that he was shocked and close to tears. "We can make her comfortable," he said quietly, desperately trying to sound calm, "I'm sorry, I can't save her." "You can make Elder Jarsoo stronger," the father cried, "You put spells on the wild food to make it good. Why won't you save her?" "Because I can't," Darren sobbed in his turn. Suddenly being a god was no longer a game. He was only fifteen and the father's grief was more than he could handle. He turned and ran. "Make her comfortable, Taren," Ahkroo said before turning to hurry after Darren. "You still believe that he's the son of the sun god?" the father asked angrily turning towards Jarsoo. "I do," Jarsoo replied calmly, "I also see a boy. Remember, he is both and what son knows as much as his father?" "And what son cannot ask his father to help?" "You can ask his father to help," Jarsoo said, "Life and death is in his hands. No one else's." Jarsoo owed Darren a debt for the treatment that was making him feel so much better but the one thing that he could not explain was why Darren ran. It was a question that spread around the village eating away at Darren's reputation. Oddly Taren was not blamed. He was still asked for his medicines and all who saw her agreed that the girl passed on without pain. And it was Taren who saved Darren. He was becoming a healer in his own right and noticed changes in the girl's mother. He discreetly aimed the medical scanner at her. He took the parents to one side. "Lord Darren ran because he could not hold his passion inside a boy's body," he said, "Alone he could take on his true form and speak as only a god can. You are pregnant and I think it might be a girl." The father looked at Taren, "Are you saying that Lauren will return to us?" "I'm not saying anything except what I know," Taren replied, "But I'll ask Lord Darren to teach me about looking after unborn life so that she arrives strong and healthy." If Darren did have a god like power then it was his mouth. That evening he took Taren's maleness until Taren screamed in pure ecstasy. He lay between Darren and Ahkroo whose cock entered Taren almost unnoticed until his prostate added its own rapture. The other orphans heard Taren's howls of pleasure, determined to earn their own rewards but fearful of the boy god's power. The child was born bigger and healthier than any child born before. Darren was accepted and under his guidance the village prospered spreading outwards into lands previously considered taboo. The villagers began to accept the concept of diet and medicine but there was a rumour that a boy who accepted his seed would grow into a strong healthy man, destined for a long life. It was not a myth that Darren was keen to dispel. There are no such things as gods are there? The original inhabitants of the planet did not think that were. They understood that they were the product of some strange magnetic anomalies in their planet's core. They knew of the black star which gave out a pulse of gravimetric energy. They only became aware of physical life when a ship was damaged by the pulse and crashed on their planet. It took time to understand how human beings worked before realising that they should not enter their minds as they entered each other's. It was too late and humans saw them as gods, misinterpreting their messages when they woke from their dreams. Accepting that human dreams always end up muddled they gave up on communications and contented themselves with observation which, unfortunately the humans were subconsciously aware of. Now that they knew what to look for the planetary beings became aware of other spaceships carrying humans. They were confident enough to try to warn the captain of Darren's ship but being a staunch advocate of Earth's New Order resisted the urge to divert, sticking firmly to his orders. The guard was gay and, usually, a kindly man. He flourished by repressing his sexuality, even producing the required two children. Releasing his sexuality proved easier as did suggesting the life pod bays. Darren was bright but intelligence was not needed in the New Order. He proved remarkably receptive to the pods hypno-training and the beings own suggestions on how to behave. The humans flourished, under Darren's guidance spreading out to inhabit the entire planet. The beings flourished, stimulated by the challenge of sharing their world. In fact they all lived happily ever after but to say it would be another corny cliché. The End |
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