Part One John
Chapter 1
My name is John. I am 22 years old, and have been gay for as long as I can remember. Since I was old enough to masturbate, I have always wanted to have sex with another boy, and live out my wildest fantasies. As I got older, my taste in boys remained the same. Even though I was rising in age, I still preferred boys from the ages of 12-15. I had never thought of acting on these intentions, because I never liked the idea of going to jail or doing anything illegal.
Eventually I started taking precautions in case a young boy ever made his way to my home. I had a small room set up specifically for playing with my self, complete with handcuffs, butt toys, and other sexual objects. I kept imagining that I would use the room to spend days torturing a boy as much as possible. Some times I would take life size dolls and tie them to the bed and play with it.
Putting my sexual desires aside, I needed a job where I could be free to see all of the young boys I wanted, without being stared down by an adult. I eventually found a job at a local middle school as a swimming pool technician. My job was to maintain the pool before, during, and after school functions. In doing so, I would attend all of the school swim functions.
Every time there was a swim meet I felt like a kid at a candy store. I would always watch the middle school boys, clad in their speedos or jammers, swim their hearts out. I would always watch with desire as the shock off their wet little bodies. Some of them wouldn't notice, but they would have large bulges in the front of their swimsuits, screaming for me to suck them off. I even set of video equipment secretly in the pool room so I could watch the footage at home.
Each week I would take my footage up to my sex room and go through it to find the best shots and cut them out to add to my private collection. One time however I saw something very unexpected. My cameras picked up and zoomed in on specific movements, which was usually just frantic swimming or stretching before hand. This time it picked up on a specific boy. This boy was so hot that I nearly creamed myself just watching him. I slowed down the playback on my camera just to watch him more.
He must have been 13 or 14 years old. He had brown hair that went 3/4 s of the way down his neck. There were some freckles on his face that were faint but also noticeable. He has a hot, slender body, exactly the type I liked. He wasn't over weight by any means, but he also wasn't all skin and bones. He had a nice firm bottom that I just wanted to put my palm on and leave there. He had very nice legs that had some well developed muscles on them. His feet, which are a fetish of mine, were extremely arched and small. I just wanted to lick them all night long.
I watched on my screen as the boy slowly tussled his hair and shook off the water. He then took both of his hands and rubbed it all the way down his slender form, stopping at his waste line. He ran his fingers along the waste line of his jammer, which if you don't know is a racing type swimming suit like spandex that usually runs all the way down to the knees.
I felt like I was mesmerized. He was the perfect boy. I just knew I needed to have him, just for one night. I imagined showing him how much pleasure I cold make his body have. There were so many different ways I could fondle him and subject him to my will. Before I knew it, I came in my pants.
I had no idea how, but I had to get that boy, and bring him to my place.
Chapter 2
I had finally found the boy of my dreams, and now I had some plans to take him with me. I found out from an office computer at the middle school that his name was Austin, and he was 14 years old. I was able to use the official school computers for ordering pool supplies, so it was not hard to get in and find out information. I also found out when he had practices, and which days he stays after school instead of going right home.
I decided that instead of taking a long time to somehow form a friendship with the boy, that I would do it by chance. One rainy day during the 8th grade swim team practice, I slipped into the boy's locker room. I found his locker, which was luckily labeled with his name. Thanks to the couch's schedule book in his office I was able to find all of the combinations to the lockers.
In no time I had Austin's locker open and could put my plan into motion. I was side tracked however by the belongings in his locker. In it were all of his clothes that he wore to school including t-shirt, tight fitting jeans, brown hoodie, and boxer briefs. I picked up the briefs to examine them. The idea of any type of stretchy or spandex fabric made me incredibly horny. I took a huge whiff of the briefs, taking in the sent of the boy's manhood. I then noticed his extra par of jammers and Speedos. I went through each of them, feeling the fabric and rubbing it around my fingers.
Time was short so I had to stop my curiosity. I took his house keys and planted a note in his locker that stated that the coach wanted to see him outside of the gym after practice to talk to him. This was a perfect establishment of my plan because the coach always leaves after swim practice in the back of the school without going through the gym. I swiftly left the locker room and made my way down the hall from the gym to wait out the swim practice.
I patiently waited for my victim and his teammates to walk out of the gymnasium doors so I could swoop in and take him for my own. Just thinking about him was making me hard. I looked around to make sure there was no one else in the hallways. I continued to think of how sexy my new boy was going to be. Without realizing it I started to stroke my dick in excitement. I could clearly imagine it, Austin completely nude on my bed, rubbing his slander body and asking me to lie on top of him.
Before I knew it I was masturbating in a middle school hallway. I decided to stop before I someone saw me, and then everything would be ruined. Besides, my real orgasm could wait until that night, when it would just be me and Austin. As that thought crossed my mind, I noticed him and the other team members leave the gym. They said their goodbyes and walked away, leaving Austin there for his meeting with the swim coach. I waited a few minutes to make sure the other boys had leaved, and then I walked over to him.
"Are you Austin?"
The boy looked at me with a confusing look, but must have recognized me as the pool maintenance man.
"Yeah, why did I do something wrong when I was at the pool?"
His voice was still prepubescent, which worked for me.
"Oh no no no, I'm just delivering a message from the coach Walters. He said he had something important at home to take care of and you don't have to stay after for a meeting."
"Oh no, but I missed the after school bus to stay here. I thought coach would drive me home."
"Well if it's a ride you need I was just on my way out. If you live close I don't mind giving you a ride."
3; I guess. My mom won't be home until late at night so there really isn't any other way for me to get home, especially in the rain. Are you sure it's okay?"
"Yeah it's no problem at all. My car is just out side."
My plan was working better than expected. Without hesitation Austin had reluctantly got into my car with me. On the way to his house I explained to him who I was. My name is John, and I live just on the outskirts of town. I'm 22 and have no one living with me. I decided to get onto a topic that he might know about in order to break the ice and gain his trust. I had noticed in the school's computer that he was also a part of the gaming club so I talked about table top and role playing. We had a lot of laughs about the subject and I was even able to tell him some stuff he didn't know, thanks to the research I had done.
Upon arrival to Austin's house he started fumbling around his backpack, franticly looking for something.
"Is everything okay?"
"Oh geez, I think I left my house keys at the school. That means I have to wait here until my mom gets home."
"Well as an adult I can't just leave you here in the rain until later at night. Why don't you just come over to my place for awhile until your mom gets home and I'll drive you back here tonight."
Austin paused for a moment and thought about the idea. He had never gone home with a stranger before and wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do.
"I'm not sure about that, my mom doesn't know you."
"You could leave her my number on your home answering machine if you'd like? Then we could go to my place and I can show you all of my gaming stuff."
"I guess that would be okay, I mean you do work at the school."
Austin left a message on the home machine with a fake number I gave him that would redirect her to an offline phone number. Then we drove through town to get to my house. My house was about half a mile out of the center of town, amongst mostly trees and back roads. I could tell that Austin was still hesitant about gaming to a stranger's house, so I continue to persuade him that everything was fine.
And then, as soon as I lured him into a false sense of security, I would have him for myself.
Chapter 3
Austin and I had entered my home from the rain. His hoodie was soaked so I had him hang it on my coat rack along with my jacket. My living room was very large. I was painted white with much modernized furniture. Austin seemed very nervous so I asked him to take a seat on my couch while I grabbed us some drinks. I watched him from behind has he walked over to my couch. He was wearing a pair of windbreaker pants, unlike the jeans I saw in his locker. They outlined his bottom perfectly. I almost couldn't stop my self from grabbing him right then and having my way with him, but I resisted.
"You can take your socks and shoes off if you'd like"
After grabbing us some coke out of the kitchen I sat on the couch next to him.
"Here you go, fresh from the fridge."
"Thank you very much, for everything. I'm not use to people being so nice to me."
"Why is that?"
"I'm usually teased a lot at school. I don't really know any of the kids on the swim team, so I really don't have many friends."
"So what types of things are you into?"
"Video games and role playing mostly. You said you had some gaming stuff, can I see it?"
"Yeah we could, or I could show you something better then that kiddy stuff."
"What do you mean?"
If you want to be more popular you have to grow up before everyone else does. I was only into gaming until I was twelve, and then my brother taught me how to be older and more popular. Next thing I knew I had tons of friends. Also I had a lot of girlfriends."
"Wow really. I couldn't imagine ever having any of that. Do
3; do you think you could teach me some of that stuff. I've never felt popular before, or had a girl friend."
At this point I thought I'd have a little fun before taking him up stairs.
"Is there a girl at school that you really like, or you think is really good looking. Someone on the swimming team maybe?"
"Well there is this one girl who's really cute. Her names Katie. I think about her all the time."
"Lay your head back and close your eyes for a moment. This is the first part about acting older."
"Um, okay, now what."
Austin had put his drink down and laid his head back on the couch, just as I had asked.
"Picture Katie. Picture her in her swimsuit. She's moving her hands all up and down her body. She's pressing her hands on her breasts and squeezing them really hard."
Austin started to breathe a little heavier, but remained silent. Through his windbreaker pants, he started to get an erection. I wanted to know just how big he could go. I continued to describe Katie to him, and him picture her in erotic poses and eventually naked. He didn't notice his penis getting harder, but it eventually grew to about 5 inches [12½ cm], about the average for men. I knew now that he might be fully developed, and ready for some fun.
"I feel kind of funny."
"Have you ever felt like this before?"
"Yeah sometimes, and my penis starts to tickle."
"It's okay to feel that way Austin, it's part of being a boy"
He opened his eyes to an embarrassing site. Through his pants he had a full erection that he quickly covered with his hands.
"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to do that. This is really embarrassing."
"It's okay, that just means you are a real man. I can teach you everything you need to know."
"Sure, I mean you have experimented haven't you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Most boys your age experiment with themselves and each other with your penises. If you're not I guess you really aren't very popular."
"I didn't know people were doing that. It seems kind of strange. I really don't think I like talking about all of this."
"It's okay to feel strange. Come on, let's go upstairs and I'll show you all you need to know."
Austin was a bit thrown back from what he had just experienced. He had never talked to someone else about his private parts before, or ever had an erection like that in front of another man.
"Okay, but what are we going to do?"
"Nothing that I didn't do when I was your age. I used to be just like you. I was very shy, and I would always take peeks at every other boy in the locker room. Have you ever done that?"
In the locker room Austin was a bit shy about his naked body because all of the boys were going through puberty. Sometimes Austin would take peeks at the other boys, and notice huge dicks, or even sometimes boys touching themselves. In the shower all of them would flaunt their naked bodies in front of each other and whip around the towels, while Austin would take a shower in the corner and try not to pay attention.
"Well I have some times noticed the others have really big penises. It sometimes makes me nervous I guess."
The two of them slowly made their way up a spiral staircase at the edge of the house. It led up to a locked door, which seemed to be attic space. John had a handle lock and a dead bolt put on the door, and took a few moments to open. Austin was gulping with anticipation, because he had no idea what he was in store for. He had just talked to an adult about what he looks at in the boys' locker room, and didn't seem to understand what that had to do with being older, or what John had to show him.
John opened the door and guided Austin in first. It was a small white room with a queen size bed. There was a dresser that had very large drawers in it. Other then that the room was very empty. While Austin was gazing upon the room, John had locked the door behind them. Austin heard the door being locked and hesitated a bit.
"What are we going to do up here?"
Chapter 4
Now that I had Austin in the room alone with me, it was time to start carrying out any fantasy I desired. The first being to show him a good time.
"Just sit on the bed Austin, and we can begin."
Austin looked at me with a frightened expression. He wasn't sure what was about to happen, but he sat down anyways. His skin started to turn a bit pale, and he gulped a little, as a deep breath escaped him. I sat down on the bed next to him and put my hand on his leg.
"Don't worry about anything; this is going to feel really exciting, even though you feel scared."
I started to rub my hand on his leg very softly and peered into his eyes. His eyes grew wider and his breath became heavier again.
"What are you going to do to me? I don't really like this very much. I think I should go home."
"Relax Austin; this is going to be one of the greatest moments in your life, trust me. My brother showed me this when I was your age. You wouldn't know because you have no friends."
As one of my hands cursed Austin's leg, the other landed on his shoulder and began rubbing it as well. I moved my head in and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. He tried to movie away, but my hand reached behind his head and pulled him into m mouth. My tongue found its way in and began to explore the insides of his mouth. Austin began to whimper now. My tongue swirled around his insides and I started to french kiss him. His hands moved up to my chest to try to push me away, but it was no use.
My kiss distracted him while my free hand moved up his leg and cupped his region. He let out another faint whimper and began to pull my hand off of his penis, while continuing to push me out of his mouth. I released him from the kiss and hoisted his body onto the bed so he was lying on his back. As I let go of the kiss he gasped for air and started to get really frightened. I liked him when he was scared.
"What are you trying to do to me? I don't like kissing boys!"
"Trust me Austin; you're going to love this."
"No please stop, please!"
Austin tried to move backwards as much as he could, but was stopped by the wall. I grabbed his right foot and pulled him back into a laying position. Austin wasn't struggling much, probably from shock. I hopped onto the bed and got on my hands and knees above him. He looked at me very helplessly as I grabbed his t-shirt and yanked it over his head. He grabbed at it to try to pull it back down, but I pulled the shirt over his head, immobilizing his arms. Austin's chest was so beautiful. It was a bit muscular, but also smooth. His nipples were tiny, and were chapped with goose bumps.
"Don't, what are you doing? Please let me go."
Knowing what kind of position he was in, he began to thrash about. He was wildly swinging his legs around, while his arms, tied together by his shirt, swung from side to side. I knew that I would have to restrain the boy if I wanted to have my way with him. Luckily I had some handcuffs already attached to the polls of the bed. I took Austin's shirt completely off his body and grabbed his left arm and attached it too one of the handcuffs. He grabbed at the handcuff, struggling to get it loose, but I grabbed his right arm and did the seam to the other pole so he was in a Y position.
"Wait, take these off please!"
Austin was now pulling on the handcuffs violently while I held his legs down. The boy was frantically pleading with me but he eventually calmed down.
"Just relax Austin, I'm about to make is all feel better."
"Please stop, I just want to go home, please!"
I then slid my body against Austin's and gave him a kiss on the cheek. My body was now pressed against his, and my manhood grew harder. I pressed against Austin and moaned softly in to his ear. I moved my head downwards and sucked slowly down his neck and onto his chest. Austin's breathing remained hard, and he kept trying to struggle against the cuffs. He let out another whimper as I reached his nipples. I took my tongue and wrapped it around one of his nipples and started to suck on it. Austin lost his breath and could barely speak.
"Please, stop
3; sto
I moved my hands away from his and began to caress his backside as I continued to supple on his tender nipple. My hands continued down his back and reached around to his belly. I again began to move my head down to his navel and started to suck again. Austin let out another gasp of air. Austin was just barely struggling against me. He looked up at each of his hands and tried once more to pull them off, but again failed. He stopped struggling against the restraints and looked down at what I was doing. His slender teenage body shivered from my every touch. I moved my hands down to his waste line and slid my fingers underneath. I slowly moved his waste band down below his crotch. Austin let out another faint gasp, as he realized what I was going to do.
"What are you doing? You can't take my pants off."
I ripped his pants down his legs and off of his body. After throwing them aside I took a chance to sit up and look at my helpless prisoner. He laid there with his hand pulled above his head. His smooth chest was pounding from the experience. I noticed that he wasn't wearing underwear, but his jammer from swim practice. This was much more exciting to see hi in spandex, and it made me all the hornier.
I went back down and pressed my face against his crotch. I could hear another faint whimper escape his scared little head. I then licked all the way up the seam of his jammer, feeling the package underneath with my tongue. His bulge was now starting to grow larger, and his swimsuit grew tighter. I licked up his growing shaft through the fabric once more, as his back arched upwards into my mouth. I could see that he was starting to enjoy the pleasure, even though he was still scared.
I took my hands around the waste line of his jammer and ripped it down his legs and off onto the floor next to his pants. Austin was now completely naked in front of me. His penis was now at full mast from the arousal of it all. It was a beautiful sight. He had no body hair at all and had only just started to grow some pubic hair. I bent down again and licked up his 5 inch [12½ cm] member. Austin let out a large gasp as my tongue slobbered all over him, stopping at the head. I wrapped my mouth around his head and started to gently suck on it while my tongue slathered it.
"Wait, please don
3; don't"
Austin arched his back again in pleasure. His legs stretched out and spread open as I sucked on his head.
"I feel really wired. Pleas you gotta stop, just sto
Austin was unable to even complete sentences anymore. I started to move my mouth up and down his teenage shaft. Faster and faster I moved up and down as Austin arched and thrashed every which way, not knowing what to do. I could feel his climax coming about; this was probably his first time so I knew it would come fast. The warmth of my mouth filled his body as I pumped harder and harder. I was getting hornier by the second watching him twitch and jump at every movement I made to his boyhood.
Austin was gasping for air, and I felt his penis start to jerk, he was getting ready to climax. Just then he squirted his load right into my mouth. For a first time there was a lot of cum. His warm ooze filled my throat as I swallowed it. Austin was panting for air as I sucked the last bit of juice off of his penis. I got up off of him and let him lay there in his own sweat for a bit. Not knowing what to do with him now, I grabbed a shot out of one of my dresser drawers and quickly jabbed it into his shoulder. It was a heavy sedative to make him fall asleep.
"Now what do I do with him?"
Chapter 5
Author's Note: I realize that for the first 4 chapters I jumped back and forth between the story being narrated by John and a third-person view. From now on the story will be told in the third person.
Austin started to wake up from his time spent with John. He was dazed and confused. He had no idea what had happened, but remembered bits and pieces from the night prior. He had been violated, tied down, had his first orgasm, and then was put to sleep. As he opened his eyes and looked around the room, he started to remember his surroundings. The white painted, tiny room, the single dresser, and one door, with no windows on any of the walls.
Austin slowly sat up on the queen-sized bed, with no sheets other then the white mattress cover. His vision was blurry, which made it hard to move or get up straight. One thing had changed however; his hands were no longer shackled to the posts of the bed. With his hands free, perhaps he could escape this place, from this man. He suddenly realized the position he was in. He was kidnapped by a man he barely knew who worked at his school. To make matters worse, the man had put his mouth on Austin's penis, and made it feel weird.
Now he was at the top floor of this man's house, and he had no idea how to get out or back to his home. Austin looked down at his body. His slender 14-year-old body still looked the same. His penis was now flaccid after the experience, and nothing looked wrong with it. He squinted his eyes trying to see where his clothes were on the floor, but they had vanished. All he could see was dark green carpeting, and what looked like to be several metal clamps on the floor.
Austin decided that the only thing he could do was try to make a break for it. If he could get the door unlocked, find some clothes in the dresser, and make it outside, maybe he could find some adults. After moving his left foot not even three feet [90 cm] away from the bed, his plans were stopped. He noticed that his foot was now shackled to the bedpost closest to his left foot. Austin frantically tried to make it off the bed to see how far he could go. He was able to make it half way across the room to the dresser, but could not make it to the door.
There was nothing that the boy could do to release himself from this prison. Austin started to get very worried. He was now standing in the middle of a stranger's room, chained to a bed. He went to the dresser to maybe find a key or a saw blade, but he found something much more interesting. Inside the dresser drawers were many unfamiliar objects. He could make out handcuffs, and rubber sticks shaped like penises, but there were other things like lube, tazers, and various bondage equipment that he had never seen before. Though he was very scared from all of this, he was at the same time excited. The danger of being captured and the thoughts running through his mind of what these things were for, made him start to get a boner.
Austin looked down at his penis and notice that it was at half mast. This was nothing new to him, as it had been happening for at least two years now. However, the last time this happened, John had put his mouth all over it, and made it spew out something much different than urine. Austin began playing with his shaft, lightly stroking and caressing it with both hands. He could feel the tingles of pleasure going up and down his body, syncing with his every stroke. At that moment Austin noticed something next to the dresser, a hole in the wall that was about an inch and a half [4 cm] in diameter.
Austin stopped what he was doing and looked onto the hole. It was dark, but he could make out some sort of pink fabric. He poked his finger inside to feel around. It was wet and damp, and began to vibrate. When this happened Austin quickly removed his finger because he was scared it would rip off, but the vibrating stopped. After few thoughts he realized what the device was for, and decided to try it out. Austin wasn't sure what he was doing, just a moment ago he was thinking of freedom, but now he wanted to stick his penis in the hole, and feel the same pleasure that he did last night.
Austin's penis was throbbing with excitement. His whole body was shivering and shaking, possibly to the lack of food. His heart was racing with fear, but he kept inching forward towards the whole. He let the head of his penis grace the opening of the hole, and then slowly worked his 5-inch [12½ cm] shaft down the corridor. The inside was warm and squishy, with a moist cylinder shaped wall. As he fit his whole shaft in he let out a slight moan from his throat. It was one of the best things he has ever felt.
The hole began to tighten around his erected penis, to the point where it was almost impossible to take out. Austin had second thoughts and began to remove himself from the contraption, but it was too late, and the hole wouldn't let go. Two other holes to the right and left of Austin opened up, and from them a quarter circle metal belt began to pop out. Before Austin knew what was happening, the metal belt had gone around him and clicked into place, then fastening him to the wall. Austin was now more scared than aroused and frantically tried to remove the belt that now went around his waste line.
Austin began to buckle and arch his back while trying his hardest to pull off the metal belt. His feet kept stomping, trying to gain some leverage against it. His breathing became more erratic, and he kept gasping for air.
"Wait, what is this thing, what's going on! Help please, someone shut this off."
No one came to his rescue. The hole that engulfed his penis began to vibrate again, and it felt like a ring on the outside of the hole's surface began to move up and down his penis. The machine was now doing to him what John had done prior. Austin was now put into a shock from the immense pleasure of the device. His whole body pressed itself against the wall, and he began to move his legs outwards. As the machine ran its course, the boy began to breathe out of his mouth and let out little gasps of air, which turned into moans. The ring around his penis was moving at different intervals, sometimes only stroking the tip of his shaft and other times going really slow or fast. The pleasure was eradiating out of his body and he started to sweat everywhere.
Austin could feel himself coming to a climax again, and so could the machine. It began to pump harder and faster, and tightened around his throbbing erection. Austin's body began to pulse along with the rhythm of his orgasm. His anal cavity tightened and his throat closed. The machine was still pumping faster and faster, and he could feel the climax about to happen. Everything went hazy for a minute. His penis began ejecting his batter all over the hole, to the point where it was spilling out the sides. The metal belt around him disconnected and went back into the wall, and the hole around his shaft loosened.
Austin fell backwards onto the floor. His chest was pumping hard from the overwhelming experience. His back arched his pelvis upwards as he stretched out the last of his nerves. He laid there on the floor, dazed from the ordeal, and drifted off. The orgasm made him pass out because of the intensity, and John had watched the whole thing on the surveillance in the room. John was also out of breath. Him seeing helpless Austin being raped by his own toy made him horny, and he jacked off watching it.
After cleaning up John went upstairs and put Austin back on the bed. John gave him a shot of nutrience so Austin wouldn't starve to death, and then another sedative to keep him knocked out for at least four more hours. John cleaned up Austin's baby batter off of the floor and wall, mostly by licking it up himself. He locked the door again and went down stairs to make a phone call.
"Hello, Mike? Yeah it's me. I have a situation here, and I think I'll need your help. Well remember that plan I told you about? I went through with it, and he's here, but I think I might get into a lot of trouble for this. You need to swing by and help me sort this out. Yes you can have some fun too, bye." With that John hung up the phone, and waited for Mike to arrive.
Chapter 6
It was around 8pm when Mike showed up at John's door. It had been 27 hours since he had first brought Austin home with him, and subjected him to a blowjob. Mike was just a few years older than John, and was an average looking guy, with short black hair, brown leather jacket, and blue jeans. He looked like the type of man who could get rid of someone easy if you asked him too. John had known him since high school, and was the only person who knew about Austin.
"Alright, so where's the kid?"
"He's upstairs sleeping. I gave him a sedative that should last for another three hours or so. I think I'm in way over my head here."
"Don't worry about it, you'll be fine. As soon as you called I already knew how to handle this."
Mike had his fingers in many shady black-market connections that he had made the past few years. He dealt with everything from kidnapping to arson. One of the places he worked for was an underground child facility, known for doing unusual test on anyone who was under the age of 18.
"What are you going to do? I don't want to kill him."
"Nothing like that, at least we won't. There's this place that'll take em. I don't know exactly what they'll do, but I know you enough to know you'd want a personal recording for yourself. My suggestion to you is to use this last night to live out what you want to do with him, and then I can deliver him tomorrow. Maybe I can take a whack at em myself. Ever since you described him to me, I've wanted to bang his brains out. All I need to do is make one call."
"Well I wanted more time with him, but I guess it's for the best."
"Okay. I'll make the call outside and you figure out what you want to do with him."
Mike left the house to go make his call, and Mike ran upstairs to check on the boy. Austin was still sound asleep when John arrived, although he had already guessed that because of the camera in the small room he was in. John took a second to admire the boy's figure. It was the perfect mix of maturity and prepubescent. John sat on the bed next to the boy, who wouldn't be able to wake up if an earthquake happened; John grabbed a hold of Austin's right foot. He was captivated on how tiny the boy's foot was, and how arched it was. John put his head down to the big toe and began to suck it as hard as he could. He moved the boy's toe in and out of his wet mouth over and over again, and the moved down the line of toes. He stopped at the pinky and licked down the bottom of it, slobbering everywhere.
John knew that time was of the essence, so he stopped his silly fetish and went over to his drawers. He pulled out a clean needle and a small canister of yellow liquid. John fed some of the liquid onto the needle and injected it onto Austin's arm, which already had two marks from the previous sleep sedatives. After injecting the whole shot, he discarded the used needle in a trashcan under the bed. He went over to the dresser again and pulled out what looked to be a small nylon sack.
Meanwhile Mike had completed the call and was walking upstairs to meet up with John. Mike hustled up the spiral staircase and up to the single door at the top. When he opened the door he saw John standing above what looked to be the boy in a body bag. It seemed to attach to every outskirt of his body. It ended at the boy's neck, which was covered by a black nylon face mask.
"I thought you said he was alive?"
"He is very alive trust me, I have videos to prove that. I really want to see him struggle, and this is the perfect way. I put him in a sleep sack. It's a stretchy Nylon device that wraps around his whole body, and he won't be able to get it off. I also handcuffed his hands behind his back and tied his little fee together."
"So what now, you just watch him move around in it for awhile?"
"Oh yeah, I also have him an aphrodisiac. That way after he wakes up and starts to struggle, he'll get a sudden sexual urge that he won't be able to do anything about, which will make him toss and turn for dear life."
"Sounds like this is going to be interesting, but how long will it last?"
"It's a special blend I made up. It makes him go insane until he has an orgasm, so he'll have to get creative. It also works three times, once every twelve hours. So even after he leaves here, he'll still have some fun. It just sucks that after tonight I won't be able to do anything to him ever again."
"I can maybe swing you a conjugal visit or two, come on lets go take our seats."
Mike and John proceeded to a room on the first floor that was filled with AV equipment. There were several small monitors on one side, and a large projection screen on the other. John flipped a couple of switches while Mike grabbed a couple of seats for the two of them, After a few minutes of fiddling the projector turned on and up on the big screen was the room Austin was staying in.
"Now we play the waiting game."
As John took his seat he undid his fly in preparation for the event. The two men had been seeing each other naked since Mike was 15 and John was 12, so there wasn't any awkwardness in the room.
Several hours passed and John had begun to think that the sleeping sedative was too strong this time, but then Austin began to twitch a little. Austin once again woke up dazed and confused. His psyche had been through so much in just a short amount of time. He had been given a blowjob, and then masturbated with a hole in the wall. His head was spinning from the combination of orgasms and sleeping agents. He tried to open his eyes, but found it to be difficult, because something was blocking his vision. His eyes were wide open, but everything was still dark, and then he realized that he had some sort of mask on.
He then tried to let out a cry for help, which was being muffled by a ball gag that John had slipped in there. He had no senses at all, but he thought that maybe he could at least move around, and maybe he had left the room. He could feel some sort of fabric on his body that was very breezy. He attempted to lift an arm, but soon realized that his hands were cuffed together and underneath him. He then tried his feet, but again he realized that they were too tied together. He was completely helpless and didn't know what to do. His next thought was to just try his hardest to move around. He began to thrash around with the sleep sac on, but was only managing to move around in place. The fabric stretched to his every movement. The only thing he could do was bending his legs and arching his back.
Suddenly, something felt odd. His entire body started to heat up as if someone turned up the thermostat. His penis, which until this point he had forgotten about, started to grow rapidly, to around 6 inches [15 cm]. The aphrodisiac was starting to kick in, and it had an enlarging effect on him. Austin began to moan through his gag as his body began to swirl, and he felt like he was being tickled from everywhere. His penis was now at a full erection, and there was a clearly visible tent on top of the sleep sac.
Austin had never felt like this before. He had only felt this way when he or someone else was touching him, but it felt like he was being jerked off by nothing. Austin again started to move around as best he could in order to relieve himself. H buckled his back trying to hump anything that was there. His legs kept bending in and out, and his whole body rocked from one side to another.
John watched with excitement as his little slave boy franticly tried to jerk himself off in any way he could. Without realizing it, John had taken out his 7-inch [18 cm] dick and started to stroke it slowly. Mike enjoyed watching the boy toil around, and was beginning to get hot himself, but kept it in his pants for now. John wasn't keeping anything hidden as he slouched in his chair and began to jerk off right there.
Austin continued to thrash about. The nylon sac rubbing against the head of his dick was only enhancing the sensation rather then curing it, and made Austin all the more frantic. He was sweating profusely; so much that it was visible on the sheets underneath. Austin was screaming into his gag for bloody murder, but nothing came out except muffled grunts of protuberant sex. He began to think that there was no way that this would ever stop, but then he got an idea. Austin twisted himself until he was on his belly, and his erection was flattened between his stomach and the bed. Austin then started grinding as hard as he could on the bed to make himself cum. Austin wildly pumped his hips into the bed to get some friction going. His cock started rubbing though the nylon and onto the friction of the bed, while keeping stationed on Austin's stomach.
John couldn't hold in his excitement and creamed all over the floor in front of him, having one of the best orgasms he had ever had, especially in the past 24 hours. He let go of his cock and watched the rest of Austin's struggle. Austin had lost all train of thought. He kept gasping and moaning to every thrust he took into the bed. His legs curled up above his body and his head arched up as well. His dick started to pulse and a heat wave went through his body. He let out one more gargled scream as he creamed everywhere. Because of the intensity of the aphrodisiac there was much more sperm than usual. It went all of over Austin's chest and legs.
He rolled over onto his back and just kept squirming around in his own juices, trying his hardest to break free. Unfortunately for him his struggle went to nothing, and he just laid there soaking in what had just happened. Mike and John were thoroughly impressed with the results of the film. John composed himself, zipped up his pants, and went over to the equipment.
"I'm going to get a lot of use out of this footage for a long time. What do we do now?"
Mike had calmed his hard on and got up from his seat.
"We prepare him for his delivery."
Chapter 7
John and Mike had begun preparations to transport Austin out of the house and to a new facility. Mike was now in charge of the project and was outside in his van grabbing the necessary materials. John had been asked to go upstairs and clean up the boy to make him presentable to his new owners. John made his way up the spiral staircase and into the small white room in the attic where the boy had been sexually active for about 36 hours now.
Austin was still in the sleep sac, but was now sound asleep. After the orgasm, caused by an aphrodisiac that John had implanted in him, the boy nodded off. John was unsure of what the boy's psychological state would be after waking up and finding out he was leaving his home forever, so he started to take necessary precautions. John went over to the dresser and scurried around until he found a metal collar and a remote control that had a red button on it.
John walked over to the bed and took the black facemask off of Austin's head. John took a minute to admire the boy's face. It was blushed from the excursion. His brown hair was still damp from sweating. John then took the ball gag out of his mouth and tossed it to the floor along with the mask. He reached behind the boy and unzipped the nylon sleep sac. It was easy to stretch it over Austin's body and off of the bed. Using a small key from his pocket, John unfastened the handcuffs on Austin's wrists and ankles. The boy was now free, but was starting to reek. The boy had not showered since before his swimming practice the day before, and several orgasms had given his body the sweet scent of fantasies being fulfilled.
Austin's penis was now flaccid at 2 inches [5 cm], and the cum was now dried up and stuck to his stomach. John took this opportunity to take one last gab at his fallen prey. After sitting on the bed he slowly sank his head down towards Austin's stomach and gave it a long lick up to his chest. John made a moan as he inhaled the scent of his boy, and kissed him on the cheek. Austin made a whimpering noise as he started to wake up. John scrambled to put the collar around Austin's neck and fastened it.
Austin was now waking up again, in the same room he had woken up in three times now. As his vision became clear he saw John sitting on the bed next to him. Austin's heart sunk as he again realized that his worst nightmares were a reality. He had been kidnapped and torture to a sick pervert's will. He swallowed a big gulp as John smiled at him with a vicious grin.
"So you're finally awake Austin, now we need to get you cleaned up."
"Do I get to go home?"
John snickered at how naive the boy was.
"Oh no, you can't go back home, but it's just a bit too risky to keep you here. I'd love to do so much more with you, but instead my friend Mike is going to take you to a place for boys like you. First we need to wash you up though."
"Wait, I don't want to go to some place, I just want to go home. You need to let me go."
Austin was starting to get flustered, and began to fidget around as if he was going to bolt off. John grabbed his arm and pulled him close.
"Listen to me very carefully. You have no home anymore, and you are nothing more then a sex slave. If you don't cooperate, I'll hit the button on this remote, and give you a little reminder of who is the boss right now, understand?"
"I don't have to listen to you!"
Austin bit John's wrist and made a break for the door. John hit the button on the remote that sent a shock throughout Austin's body. He fell to the ground and grabbed the collar with both hands. The boy whimpered and cried as the shock made his whole body ache. He laid there buckling on the ground until John released his finger from the button.
"The collar I just put on you emits a powerful electrical shock. If you try to run you won't get very far. If you don't do exactly as I say, I hit the button. Now get up and stand straight."
Austin hesitated to get up, and John again hit the button. Austin again began squirming in pain on the floor. The shock seemed to hit all of the major sore spots in his body all at once. Austin was not able to scream, but simply let out a feeble plead.
"Please! Make it stop!"
John let go of the button and repeated himself.
"Stand up straight."
Austin did as the man said and stood up with his hands to his side. There was a sense of fear in his eyes. The boy had no idea what was going to happen to him next. The only thing he could think of was where he was headed. An institution where there was no one but people like John trying to poke and prod him in sexual manners. The sheer thought sent shivers down the boy's spine. However, unknowingly to him his penis wasn't nearly as frightened. It stood almost as straight as he was at this point, most likely from the sensation of the collar.
"I see that all of my hard work as paid off. It seems that you have a certain fondness for being tortured. Your little member seems to agree with me. Now turn around and walk down the stairs and into the living room. On the far side is a red door. That is the bathroom where we're going to clean you out from top to bottom."
This time Austin didn't hesitate and did exactly as the man said, before he got shocked again. They both made their way down the stairs and to the bathroom as instructed. John couldn't help admire the boy's backside. He had a smooth, hairless bottom just waiting to be grabbed. Mike was still outside getting ready, so John decided to have a little fun with his work. The bathroom was very large for a one-person house. It had a toilet, sink, large closet, bathtub, and a separate stand in shower.
"Okay now go over there and stand in the shower."
Austin slowly hobbled to the shower; afraid of how exactly he was going to be 'cleaned'. The shower had many things that were unusual for a bathroom. The walls had similar shackles the ones on the floor of the upstairs room. There were many tools dangling from the ceiling that weren't familiar to Austin. John walked over to the shower and took a hold of Austin's right leg and fastened it to one of the shackles on the side of the shower, and then again to the other foot. Austin was now fastened to the middle of the cylinder shaped shower. John walked behind the boy and grabbed what looked to be an 8 inch [20 cm] hose from the display.
There was a bottle of lubricant outside that shower that he grabbed and started to use to lather up the hose. Austin's eyes widened as he realized where the hose was going to be inserted and began to protest. He tried as hard as he could to get his feet out of the shackles, but they were too tightly locked. John noticed this aggression and pushed the electric collar button again sending Austin backwards onto the shower floor. This time John kept his finger on the button for a prolonged period of time, making sure the boy understood not to disobey him again. Austin drastically tried to take the collar off his neck as he buckled and squirmed on the shower floor.
"Stop please it hurts!"
Austin continued gasping for air as the shocks sent his body into frenzy. This time John was not as reluctant. Not only did he like to see the boy writhe in pain, but he also needed to teach him a lesson before he left the property. By the end of his journey, John wanted the boy to be an obedient slave. So John watched as the boy twitched and wiggled on the floor as the shock traveled down his body and then back again.
Austin screamed in agony, much to John's likeness. He tried grabbing anything around him that would make the stimulation go away, but still his body ached. Finally John took his finger off the button and Austin let out a yelp of relief. Tears began to run down the cute boy's face as he stood up off the floor. John walked over and buckled Austin's hands in to the top shackles of the shower. The boy was now in a spread eagle position standing up, and was completely immobilized.
"Now I don't think you'll want to try any of that again will you?"
Austin couldn't gather the confidence to respond to John, but merely gazed into his eyes. The boy struggled a bit against the restraints on his limbs, but they were too secured. John continued what he was preparing and took the hose and brought it over to the shower. He walked behind Austin and began to lube his ass hole with his own finger.
Austin gasped at the feeling of John's perturbing finger, but didn't dare scream knowing that the shock collar was still attached. John wasted no time and stuck his whole finger up the hole so he could attach the hose. John took the black, rubber hose and began to prod the boy's hole with it. The hose was much larger than John's finger at about 3 inches [7½ cm] in diameter. Austin let out a cry as the hose was shoved about 2 inches [5 cm] into his little ass hole.
"Owe that hurts! It's too big, take it out!"
"Well if I take it out, I'll just shove my penis up there, and trust me it'll be much worse."
"I just want to go home."
"You might as well stop saying that. You're never going home again."
The reality finally sunk in as Austin realized that this was his life now. Making no hesitation John shoved the entire 8-inch [20 cm] hose up Austin's canal in one motion. Austin screamed as the hose was inserted into place. He began to cru again at the excruciating pain of having his butt hole de-verganized by a machine. After the hose was securely attached, John left the shower and went over to a control panel on the wall. He pressed the green button labeled start, and the shower closed shut. Austin was now trapped in the glass cylinder with no way out. His hands and feet struggled, but he was unable to make any head way.
"This will clean you right up, trust me."
The area above the shower started to make some noises, as if hydraulics were at work. At the top of the shower there were several nozzles attached to a ring. All of them began to leak water, and the ring began spinning slowly and moving downwards. The water became more pressurized and moved down Austin's body. He closed his eyes as the water splashed right into his face. It wasn't much different than a normal showerhead, and didn't seem to faze him too much. He was much more concerned with the sensation in his rear. The hose in his anal cavity wasn't doing anything at the moment, but was still causing the boy some awkwardness.
The nozzles made another pass on its way up and Austin was now drenched from head to toe. John admired the boy when he was wet. His smooth milky white skin glistened. He looked very slippery, and John would do anything to get in there with him. Austin spit out some of the water that was able to get into his mouth, and looked up at what would be coming next.
The ring of nozzles started up again, but this time they were moving much faster, and were spitting out a lathery soap for the lad. Up and down the showerheads moved, and Austin was having trouble breathing with all of the soap going in his face. John watched as the boy struggled in his chains, meagerly attempting to release himself once again. The soap phase lasted for another 30 seconds and was finished. The boy was now completely lathered in body soap, much to his displeasure.
The machine started up again, but this time there were several different robotic arms coming down from the top of the shower. All of them had different kinds of sponges and luffas. Austin cringed as he saw all of the mechanisms approach him. All of the arms went to different points of his body and began to scrub vigorously. One of them was encircling his face, another concentrated on his stomach and backside, and two others concentrated on his legs and arms. Austin had a new problem now; his penis began to enlarge from all of the touching and feeling that the arms were doing to him.
Little did Austin know, not only was he stimulated by the soap and sponges, but the aphrodisiac that John injected him with was now entering its second cycle. Luckily Austin would not have a problem with it this time. A fifth robotic arm began to fall from the ceiling. This one was spongy sac shaped like a banana. Austin started to thrust his body around as the aphrodisiac kicked in and began filling his body with hormones. As the other arms continued to move around and caress his body, the fifth one went down to his erect area and incased itself around Austin's member.
Austin let out a faint moan as the sponge started to move up and down his shaft ever so slowly. The boy could feel the sensation moving around his whole body, partly because of the other sponges massaging him. Something unexpected happened however, the hose in his bottom began to turn on and vibrate. Austin was now at the full mercy of this contraption, with every inch of his body being flown into this orgasm. The more the sponge on his penis moved, the more Austin would thrust his body into it. The hose was not only sending a sensation to the boy's prostate, but also sucking the debris from his hole and filling it up so he wouldn't go during travel.
Austin didn't even notice the predicament he was in anymore. His mind was floating in a far away place. Every squeeze of the sponge around his penis sent shockwaves through his body. John noticed the boy beginning to arch up on his toes and knew that he would cum at any time, so he made the machine go a bit faster. Austin was nearing his climax and as now moaning with every movement of his penis. He let out a faint whimper and came all over the inside of the sponge.
With that all of the sponges retracted into the shower and a ring of rinsing water hit the boy once more. John shut off the machine and the door to the shower opened up. He walked over to the boy and started to kiss his firm wet chest and up to the boy's face. Austin was in a daze after the orgasm, and didn't even notice John reaching up to his face and sticking his tongue in the boy's mouth. John took one last taste of the boy and released him from the kiss.
John took off the shackles and the boy fell down to his knees. John pushed him down so his butt was facing upwards, and he pulled the hose out of Austin's ass hole. John took one fast pull, which left Austin whimpering on the floor.
"Alright you're all clean, now go towel off."
Austin remembered that the collar was still on this time, and tried as fast as he could to get up and walk towards the towels. Mike stepped into the bathroom and admired the naked boy for a moment until turning to John.
"Everything is all set. Bring the boy into the living room for packaging."
Chapter 8
John followed Mike into the living room. Austin stayed in the doorway, trying to keep a distance from the men who now controlled his fate. On the floor in the living room was what looked to be a thick plastic sleeping bag on the floor. There were several instruments around on the floor, which Austin could only imagine the uses for. Closer to the door there was a large wooden box, about the same length as the bag, that had a padlock on the side of it.
Austin took a large gulp, and his breath became short, almost hyperventilating. It finally sunk in that this was his life now. He was going to be shipped in a box like someone's cargo, and go to some sort of institution. Would there be men like Mike and John? Would there be kids his age? Or would he be put in some sort of machine like the shower he just experienced? The questions flooded his mind. The only sliver of hope to escape was right now, before they put him in that thing, and just as luck would have it
"Damn it, the tube is broken!"
"Is that important or can we get away with out it."
"As much as I love to see your boy struggle, they don't want him dead. This tube keeps him breathing. We need to run to the store for a new one."
"Can't you do it alone? I would love for another chance to pleasure myself with him."
"No, you just cleaned him, plus I need to talk to you privately, you still play an important role in this transaction. Just lock him up or something."
"Alright fine. Austin, come in hear now."
Austin casually walked into the living room, still embarrassed about his nudity, and covering his private area with his hands. John grabbed him by the arm and pulled him over to the kitchen. Through the kitchen and into the door next to the frig was John's room. It was a modern living space, but with no windows. There was a queen-sized bed, sliding closet, bureau, and coffee table. John threw the boy onto the bed and scowled at him.
"We're leaving, but we'll be back very soon. Stay here and don't move. You can masturbate to pass the time, but if you get anything on yourself I'll push the shock button and never stop, understand?"
"Please mister, just let me go home, I don't want to be here."
"It hasn't sunk in yet has it? You belong to whoever we tell you."
With that John shut the door, leaving Austin all alone. John secured the door with a deadbolt and padlock, to assure that Austin wasn't able to escape. Austin could here some rustling and faint talking coming from the living room. Within ten minutes he heard the front door shut and a truck start up and drives away. This was his chance to do what ever he could to get out of here, and possibly his last.
Austin frantically looked around the room for any signs of escape, whether it be a key or a time machine. There was nothing but personal belongings in the tope drawer of the bureau but personal belongings, which was the same in the next two drawers. Austin looked in the fourth drawer, and noticed something familiar. On the top was an article of clothing that actually belonged to him. It was his swim team jammer that he'd been wearing earlier.
Austin then began to wonder where the rest of his belongings were. He looked deeper into the drawer to se what other treasures it held. Throughout the drawer there were many leather ropes and other apparel. Austin pulled out what looked to be a leather mask and matching briefs. He shuttered at what may have been in store for him in this room. There was also a shoe box in which Austin opened. Inside were some shocking photographs.
The box was full of pictures of Austin at the school. Many of the shots were of him in his Speedo or jammer during races and practices. Most of them were of his back side and zoomed in on his pelvic region and butt. The amount of pictures of him was astronomical, as if he had been collecting for years. Then he started to see pictures of his locker room, when he and the other boys were naked and changing clothes.
His eyes widened as he saw a flip book representation of himself and his teammates undressing. Not only that, but thee were specific shots of the boys in the shower. Some of them were just lathering with soap or rinsing off, but others were playing with themselves when no one was looking. Oddly enough, Austin was beginning to be come aroused by all of these pictures, as if he enjoyed seeing other boys all wet, not knowing they were being seen.
Austin didn't notice that his penis was at half mast, and continued on through the collecting. Soon he began seeing pictures of other naked boys. Some were shot professionally, as if some at a studio with a backdrop, and others were of boys being forced into sexual intercourse with men and other boys. He saw many boys giving blowjobs to each other, and doing other sexual things that he had never seen. There were 20 pictures of two boys, about his age, kissing and making out.
Austin realized how much time he had wasted, and decided to put on his jammer, and find a way out of the room. He put the belongings as they were in the bureau, and started to slip on his jammer. The stretchy fabric made it up his legs and around his thighs. As Austin finished snapping it into place, he realized that his swimwear felt a bit different. He had never thought about it before, but he actually enjoyed the feel of having the jammer on. As if the spandex like fabric aroused him. He began to feel around himself and the jammer, caressing his butt. He now knew what happens when he gets this way, and what to do about it.
Austin was now experienced in masturbating, and knew how to act when he got a boner, which was now fully erected in his jammer. When he used to wear his jammer he would feel this way, but ignored it as if he had to go to the bathroom, but now he embraced the sensation. He sat on John's bed and laid his back down on the sheets. His left hand moved over his chest, while his right hand stroked his raging erection through the material. Austin let out little gasps of breath as he enjoyed his first natural masturbation.
Austin's left hand made its way up to his neck, where he noticed that the shock collar was still in place. This was also adding to the arousal of his masturbation. Spandex, being tied up, collars; these were all things that Austin now felt a sexual urge towards. Austin began to thrust with every hand movement, intensifying the sensation. His body was now synching with his masturbation. Every gasp of air that left Austin's mouth was that of sheer pleasure. The feeling in Austin's boyhood was that of sheer ecstasy.
It suddenly dawned on Austin that he had no time to play round with himself, and he had to concentrate on the matter at hand. As much as he didn't want to stop, he knew what he had to do. Still erect from his experience, Austin opened the closet door, and began to snoop around. Behind all of the clothes hanging on the wrack, he noticed a small door on the wall. Austin let out a sigh of relief as he opened the tiny door and stepped into a crawl space. He thought that hopefully it would lead to another part of the house, or at least the outside world.
Austin got on his hands and knees and scrawled as fast as he could to the end of the narrow space to another door. He slid it open and found himself in another closet. He opened it to emerge in the hallway that connected the front door to the back of the house. Austin ran as fast as he could to the front door, which had only one door hand lock, and opened it to reveal the outside. Austin's body was filled with a lot of emotions as he saw daylight for the first time since he went to school the other day.
Austin's bare feet dug into the muddy road, and his lungs filled with fresh air. He knew he wouldn't make it anywhere fast with no transportation, or even shoes, but he was determined, and began to run down the road as fast as he could, while watching for the signs of John and Mike. Running as fast as he could down the dirty, rocky road, Austin made his way towards the town. The events of the past days had left his body weaker from all of the exhaustion, but he was persistent. Soon running turned into jogging, as he felt the strain of the rocks and dirt on his feet, which were now becoming bruised and sore.
Austin, without noticing ran past a road perpendicular to the one he was on. What he didn't know was that Mike and John were driving up that road, and could clearly see him running by. As a precaution, John took the collar remote with him, and in an angry rage pressed it as hard as he could. Without warning Austin collapsed in the middle of the road, screaming at the feel of the collar pinching every nerve in his body. Austin landed in a puddle of muddy water, and squirmed and rolled as much as he could to try to remove the collar and stop his pain.
Mike and John parked the truck and walked over to the boy. Feeling a sense of accomplishment, they took a minute to watch the boy struggle. Austin pleaded and cried out to the two men, but they didn't hesitate, just smiled. The got a thrill out of watching Austin struggle to get the collar off, while screaming in pain. The men knew the had to get the boy out of sight before a pedestrian saw them, so they picked the boy up and threw him in the bed of the truck.
Austin got a sigh of relief from the torture of the collar for a moment, but the shock treatment resumed as soon as he was in the truck. Again Austin screamed and moved his body around in a violent manner. John watched through the back window, and stroked himself to the agony of the boy. After arriving at the house John switched off the collar and the men grabbed Austin by the feet and hands and dragged him into the house. They through him on the living room floor, and John quickly locked the door. Austin laid there with tears running down his eyes from the pain. Mike walked over to the boy.
"I told you to stay here! Now I'm gonna make sure they pay special attention to you at the Institution. I think I need a little fun first."
Mike had a crazy look in his eyes, that of anger. Austin cowered in fear as the man walked up to him and grabbed him by the hair on his head and dragged him over to the couch.
"That hurts, let me go!"
"Shut up you little slut!"
Mike took one hand and put it over Austin's mouth to shut him up. The other hand reached down and tore the swimwear right off of him and on to the floor. The boy was frantically moving his limbs around, trying to stop the man and get him off, but Mike was to strong for the boy. Mike put his weight on top of Austin and used his leg to spread Austin's leg's wide. Mike unzipped his pants and revealed his 7 inch [18 cm] penis, throbbing at the sight of the boy. Austin was now screaming as hard as he could, but only muffled sounds came out.
Mike made no hast in sticking his cock right up Austin's hole and as far in as he could. Austin let out another muffled scream as the intrusion ripped his asshole right open. Austin tried pull off Mike's hand but it was no use. Mike was 3 inches [7½ cm] into the boy, but pressed further and further, until his entire shaft was in him. Austin felt an immense pain as Mike drove as much as he could into Austin's tiny ass.
"Oh yeah, I haven't had a tight fit like that in awhile, but I'm not done yet."
Mike began to thrust his large cock in and out of Austin's ass. Mike let his hand off of Austin's mouth, and concentrated on holding him in place while he fucked him hard. Austin couldn't make out any words, but simply screamed in terror at what was happening. Austin could feel his prostate being hit by the tip of Mike's dick, which made him feel very strange. The thrusting of his cock sent shivers of both pain and pleasure down his spine.
"Stop it, what are you doing?! Let go of me!"
Mike ignored Austin's pleads and continued to fuck him faster and faster. Mike rolled his head backwards and enjoyed every time he slipped in and out of Austin's once virgin ass. It had been a long time since Mike had had this kind of pleasure, and enjoyed every minute of it. Mike stopped for a moment and repositioned Austin so that he was face down in the couch. Mike lay on top of him, squishing Austin's face into the couch cushions. Mike was reaching his climax, and started to pump harder into Austin. Austin could do nothing but lay there and except his fate, but still cried and protested.
Mike let out a growl from the back of his throat and came all over Austin's colon. The stream of cum seemed to last forever, as Mike filled up Austin with every last drop. Austin cried out in horror as his anal cavity became warm and gooey. Mike slowly slid his cock out of Austin's ass, leaving a cum filled, bloody mess. Austin seemed almost paralyzed from the experience, and didn't move after it was over. Mike wasn't done with his revenge yet, and soon walked over to Austin's face. Once again he grabbed Austin by the hair, lifting the boy's face to his cock.
"Lick off the remains, do it now!"
Austin could barely think at this point, and unwillingly obeyed the man. Little by little Austin stuck out a bit of his tongue to lick the remaining cum off of Mike's still raging cock. He failed to even notice that he was licking cum. His mind was blank.
"That's right lick all of it. Don't just use your tongue; put your mouth around it."
Austin did as instructed and put his small mouth over the heads of Mike's penis. Mike took the opportunity to thrust the boy's mouth as far down his shaft as he could. Austin nearly chocked as the cock filled every inch of his mouth. Mike's cock tasted dirty and salty, not at all like he thought it would taste. Mike gave a few good thrusts into Austin's mouth to make sure all of it was cleaned off. Tears were now streaming down the boy's face. Freedom was just a short distance away, but again it was taken from him. Mike released Austin's head and the boy started to cough up what he had just swallowed.
"Alright John, get him cleaned up again, and then put him to sleep. I don't want to deal with this bullshit anymore.
Chapter 9
"Alright, here he is."
John dragged the now sedated Austin in to the living room in order to 'pack' him. Mike had everything lain out and ready to go. John put Austin, backside down, in the plastic sleeping bag. The boy's hands were to his side, and his legs were spread out just a bit, around two feet [60 cm]. Mike looked at the sleeping boy, and then turned his attention to John.
"How did the second cleaning go, I didn't hear a peep out of him."
"Ha ha, I think you traumatized him. Also I sedated him before the cleaning, so he was barely awake for the whole thing."
"What about food. I haven't seen you feed him once since I've been here."
"Well he was passing out so often from exhaustion and sedatives that I decided to just give him nutrient shots. Without them he probably wouldn't have been able to run as far as he did. I guess we should have let him get a bit farther though, because I love to see his rump in those jammers."
"You have plenty of pictures to keep you busy, plus visitation rights assuming he doesn't 'sell' right away. Alright, let's strap the little bastard in before I start to fuck em again."
John and Mike got down on their knees and began to secure the leather straps that were built into the bag. There was one for his neck, chest, and stomach. There were also pairs of straps for his biceps, wrists, thighs, and ankles. The straps were tightened so that Austin wouldn't be able to move an inch. As John tightened the strap on Austin's stomach, the boy let out a lifeless whimper.
"We probably only have another thirty 30 minutes before he wakes up, and I bet that will be accompanied by that third orgasm from the aphrodisiac shot."
"God you and your shots. I don't want this kid gazing everywhere, but whatever, let's just finish this."
Mike pulled a contraption out of the duffel bag beside him. It was plastic, but shaped almost like underwear. It had a hose curving upward coming out of the private area.
"What is that?"
"It's protection. They don't want his junk harmed, so this will go around it."
Mike grabbed a hold of Austin's boyhood. The boy let out another gasp, as if he was dreaming of someone jerking him off. Mike too the plastic piece and slipped Austin's penis into the hose. He then pushed the rest of the piece on and around the sides of his hip. There were clasps that allowed the plastic device to be secured to the bottom of the bag. Austin's flaccid penis only went about two inches [5 cm] into the hose, but it was at least eight inches [20 cm] long total.
Mike then grabbed a small oxygen tank from the bag and put it into a pocket above Austin's head. Mike grabbed the tube that him and John just bought at the store and secured one end to the tank. The other end was logged into Austin's nostrils. He then took the zipper at one end of the bag and zipped it to the other end. Austin was now trapped in the bag, but Mike wasn't done with it yet.
"What happens now, we just put him in the box?"
"We don't want him flopping around too much do we? Go grab your wet-vac."
John raced to his supply closet and brought out his large vacuum cleaner. After being plugged in, Mike took the main hose of the vacuum and stretched it towards the feet end of the bag. Mike attached the vacuum hose into a hole at the end of the bag. John flipped the switch on the vacuum, and slowly all of the air dispensed out of the bag. The bag began to form around Austin's 14-year-old body. The vacuumed sucked the air out until the bag formed a tight fit around Austin's body. The hose around his penis was able to fir through a hole on the top of the bag. The boy was no encased in a vac-bed and until he is unzipped there was no way out.
"Oh god he looks so sexy in that thing. His curves are accentuated perfectly."
"John start snapping into fuckin reality for a minute. Grab one side and help me move him to the crate."
John and Mike picked up the tightly packed teenager and dragged the vac-bed over to a large wooden box. The bed fit just perfectly into the box, which was just a foot and a half [50 cm] tall. Mike shut the box and locked it with a giant pad lock. The box had a handle at each end in which John and Mike grabbed a hold of. They sluggishly carried the box to Mike's truck and struggled to get it onto the bed. Mike used some bungee cords to secure the box from moving around in the truck. With the boy locked up tight and ready to be transported. From the outside no one would know that Austin was trapped inside of the box with only two hours of oxygen sitting between him and suffocation.
"Alright, everything's set. Say goodbye to your little project John, cause his ass in in for a hell of a time."
"I can't believe that two days ago I kidnapped him from a school. My only regret is that I wasn't the one to de-virginise him, but I had a great time watching."
"Well I have to get driving before he stops breathing. The Institution is expecting him in an hour or so. Wait one week, and then call this number. Tell them you know me and you'll get a V.I.P. pass to have a visit with Austin."
"What's this place called anyways?"
"I.S.B. - The Institution for the Sexuality of Boys. They specialize in putting boys through daunting tortures and tribulations in order to study them. They also put the boys up for bidding to people to take the boys as slaves."
"Well I hope I get see him a couple more times before he's sold. I'm sure hell go quick."
"Probably. So long."
With that Mike got into his truck and began to drive down the road to deliver his precious cargo. While inside the box, Austin was beginning to wake up to yet another nightmare. Austin had gotten used to waking up to unforeseen predicaments. In the past two days he had woken up to a masturbating device, a nylon sleep sac, and a shower that practically raped him. The boy began to wake up once more, but felt a shortness of breath. After a few unsuccessful gasps from his mouth, thanks to the rubber blanket over his mouth, he realized there was a breathing apparatus in his nose.
His eyes felt like they were glued shut. His little brain began to panic as all of his senses started to kick in. Austin felt as though he was wearing a suit of rubber. He tried as hard as he could to move any of his limbs, but he could feel, not only the leather straps, but the weight of the vac-bed forcing against him. Like any other scared boy, his only reaction was to struggle as hard as he cold. Austin couldn't form many noises except for muffled erratic breathing. None to his surprise, Austin was unable to fix his problem.
It finally sunk in that Austin was being moved to this 'Institution' he had been hearing about. He couldn't even fathom what they would do to him there. Austin then realized that his penis was not under the sheet of rubber, but was trapped in some sort of device. Not only that, but he found himself starting to get very hot all of a sudden. He had a similar feeling when he was trapped in the nylon sac, and when he was being jerked off by the shower head.
There was a tingling sensation at the core of Austin's stomach as it began to churn. His head began to swirl, and his breathing once again became heavy set and erratic. Austin's penis started to get very warm, and it felt as though someone were tickling it. It suddenly grew to a whopping seven inches [18 cm]. Austin could feel his member rising, and couldn't believe how huge it felt, but there was no way to get to it. Austin began to panic. Without being able to relieve the pressure, he would have to live in this state until someone let him free.
Austin started to thrash as hard as he could against his binds, but he barely moved a millimeter. The sensation started rushing to his head as his whole body was thrown into frenzy. All of his pores were sweating and his prostate was starting to flux. It was like someone was giving his body a mild shock, but the collar from earlier had already been removed. Austin was breathing in and out of his nose at a rapid rate. His only solution to the problem was to scream as loud as he could, but he barely made a muffle.
He tried as hard as he could to move his hands as close to his penis as possible and noticed that he had a little horizontal mobility in both of his hands. Austin was able to stretch his fingers all the way to the plastic device. He knew that if he was just able to shift his erection a little, it would explode. There was no time to waste, because the aphrodisiac was causing him to hyperventilate. The pleasure throughout his body was indescribable. It was something he had never felt before, but it was also putting a strain on him.
He was able to reach his fingers to the side of the plastic dick cover, and move it up just a bit. With all of his might he moved the plastic piece up and down just a few millimeters. He was able to jimmy it loose enough to let some air out of the hole that the penis hose was coming out of. Because of this he was able to move the piece up and down about an inch, which was plenty to give him some relief. The friction on his penis felt like heaven, as it jiggled inside the hose. He could feel a flow start to form through his shaft. With every stroke there was a gasp of air, and a twinge in his prostate. As if his whole body was in sync. With a few more strokes he finally burst.
There was an explosion of cum as he came in the penis hose, filling it up all the way. The stream of cum seemed to last forever. Austin let out a muffled scream as he had the final orgasm of the aphrodisiac. Finally the last drops of baby batter were released from his shaft and his breathing began to return to normal. He slowly fell back asleep, as he did most of the time when he had a major orgasm. The aphrodisiac was designed to intensify orgasms, and would put anyone to sleep, especially a hormonal teenager.
Just over an hour later, the wooden box was opened. Austin woke up to a beam of white light peering onto him from above. There were several figures standing around him, staring at his naked body. As the lights dimmed and his retinas got used to the light, he saw the faces of what looked to be surgeons. Austin's eyes grew wide as a sense of fear traveled down his body. Just a few yards away, Mike accepted some money from a man dressed in a dark blue suit. He was an older man with short grey hair, and a sinister look in his eyes.
"What are we to expect from this one?"
"Al of his specs are written on this form. He's 14, and very energetic. He likes to swim; maybe you should play with that. I think he gets a kick out of spandex and being tied up, or at least that's what his previous owner told me."
"Has he experienced sexual contact?"
"In the past two days he's had his first orgasm, blow job, and was also fucked by a guy. He's only tasted sex, and I'm sure you'll want to give him much more."
Part Two
The Institution of the Sexuality of Boys
Chapter 10
In just a few short days, an average boy with not a care in the world had become subject to kidnapping and sexual torture. Before these trials Austin had never had any type of sexual experience, or even held someone's hand. Originally he thought he was befriending a member of his middle school staff, but a simple ride home turned out to be a ploy to enslave the boy. Now Austin had been sold to a company called I.S.B. (Institution of the Sexuality of Boys).
Helpless Austin was strapped down inside of a plastic sleeping bag. Not one inch of his body was able to move any more than a half an inch [1½ cm]. Around him were four people dressed as doctors. All had white lab coats and green face masks. They were all examining Austin from head to toe, taking good, detailed looks at his body, but none of them had laid a finger on him yet.
The look on Austin's face was that of fear. He didn't say anything, and kept looking around as best he could with wide eyes. Mike, the man who transported Austin to the Institution, had just left on his way. A man with gray hair in a business suit had conducted a transaction with Mike, and made his way over to the table that Austin's bag was laying on. The man looked down at Austin with a villainous smile.
"I just had a long discussion with the man who brought you here. He told me some very useful information. Even though you look scared, I can tell that you still need to be tamed. We'll make sure to break you before you are sold."
"Sir, can we begin the exam? We already have a room for him."
"But of course."
"Also, one of our clients has returned a purchase to the girl's Institution, and we need your approval on some things. It's Mr. Price again."
"I thought this might happen. We'll make sure Amy gets a very nice welcome home present. Send her to level 7."
"Right away."
Austin wasn't able to translate much of what was going on around him. Suddenly hands started to poke and prod the boy, and it made him gasp and jump slightly. One of the doctors began to remove the plastic piece attached to his hip area. As it slid off, Austin's cum drooped out and went all over the place. That same doctor started cleaning up the juice from Austin's skin. Another was attaching some type of suction cups to the boy's bare chest in order to monitor his heart beat.
All of the doctors were moving around his body, touching him in specific places, and examining his glands and skin. Austin was still fitted into all of the straps from the bed and wasn't able to protest much against the examination. One doctor began to rub his feet around in his hand, paying close attention to the tinniest of his foot, and the large arch at the bottom. Another grabbed on Austin's balls and fumbled them like marbles in his hand. This soft touch aroused Austin, even after having an enormous orgasm just 20 minutes ago. Austin let out a breath of surprise as the doctor moved his hands around the cock and balls, examining for any defects. Much to the doctor's surprise they were perfect.
After a long period of poking and prodding, the doctors began to remove his straps. After all of the straps were released, all four doctors picked him up at each limb and carried him to another area of the room. Austin tried to shake around as the doctors carried him, but he was feeling very weak from not moving for so long.
The doctors carried Austin to what looked a chair that was upside down. There was a long table with a leathery service that went down at a slight slope, and then a shorter table connected to it that went down at a steep slope going the opposite way. The table made a pyramid of sorts. Austin was laid on his stomach, on top of the table. His torso stretched along the long part of the table, while his waist and legs dropped down the steep end. His hands and feet were strapped in to secure him from moving too much.
As soon as he was strapped in and the doctors let go, Austin tried to move around, just in case they forgot to tighten them, but it was no use. On of the doctors wheeled over a machine that seemed to have a long prod sticking out of it. Austin peeked behind him and noticed the machine approaching, and went into frenzy.
"What is that thing, you're not going to put that inside me are you?!"
The doctors did not respond to the boy, and simply began prepping the machine for an anal evaluation. Behind him Austin could feel a hand rubbing some sort of cold, sticky liquid all over his butt. One of the doctors had begun to apply some lubricant. He reached in with his finger and gave Austin a good rubbing. Austin yelped at the feel of the finger intruding him. The same doctor then grabbed the prod on the machine and pulled it towards Austin's ass hole. Austin was now violently acting against his restraints, moving as much as he could to prevent another machine fro entering him.
"Stop it, I'll do anything, just don't put that thing inside me."
Austin could only whimper and gasp as the prod was inserted into him. Slowly it moved into his cavity, causing much pain for the boy. The machine made its way nine inches [23 cm] into Austin's body before stopping. Then it started to send a pulse of liquid into the esophagus of the boy. Austin was unable to register exactly what he was feeling at the time. It was like when Mike had shoved his cock in, and came in his ass, but instead it was a long lasting stream that seemed to fill up his whole body. His stomach began to get very warm. Austin continued to squirm and whimper over the ordeal. The machine stopped, and collected some data. After that a doctor pulled the prod out of Austin's butt.
Austin made another yelp as the prod was finally removed. Quickly a butt plug was shoved up the hole, leaving the liquid inside to simmer. The suction cups were reattached the Austin's chest and he was left alone while the doctor's walked around tapping on computers and writing on clipboards. At first Austin didn't think anything was wrong, but soon his stomach became warmer, and his intestines started to burn. It was a very odd feeling, as if he had to use the bathroom. It started as just a minor annoyance, but then the warmth became more progressive.
Beads of sweat started to drip down Austin's face, and he was getting frustrated. He moved his torso as much as he could to get the pain in his insides to stop. Soon the frustration turned to tears and Austin tried calling for help.
"What did you put inside of me, it hurts a lot."
Austin was now pulling on his chains at full force. He was now humping the table trying to make something cut loose. Much to his undoing, the butt plug remained inserted. Austin was now positive that he needed to evacuate the liquid from his rectum, but the butt plug was much too inserted. The doctor's monitoring the computer screens were carefully watching Austin's heart rate rise to an extreme high. The boy was now moving as frantically as possible, trashing around in his straps like a wild animal, screaming at the top of his lungs.
"Take it out! Take it out! It's burning me!"
The doctors talked amongst themselves, basically ignoring his pleads.
"What do you think?"
"He's almost perfect. He can definitely take a punishment. He'll make someone very happy."
"I mean the monitor
"It's border lining critical, we should probably remove it now."
One of them walked over and took a moment to admire the boy's struggle. The doctor was actually very hard at this point, and decided to gently rub Austin's back for a bit before going behind to the butt plug. In a fast motion the butt plug was ripped out of Austin's hole. He let out a scream as the liquid rushed out of him like a waterfall. The scream seemed to last for minutes as it spewed all over the floor. Finally, after the last bits of fluid came out, Austin laid there whimpering, and was very short of breath.
"Okay put on the shorts and get him into his room. Throw number 38 in with him. You know the blond one."
"What about his friend?"
"Sold this morning. He wasn't enjoying the dark room anyways. It was a little too much for him."
Once Austin had calmed down from the experience, he was released from his straps. One of the doctors grabbed his legs and lifted them up so he was almost lying completely straight on his belly. Another came over with some sort of silver garment in his hands. He stretched the material really wide and slipped it up Austin's legs and up to his torso. The garment was an extremely tight fitting pair of spandex shorts. They were tight to the point where it seemed like Austin was wearing nothing at all, and seemed to make his penis almost unnoticeable, at least when completely flaccid.
Austin seemed unable to walk, so the two of them hoisted him up by his armpits and dragged them out side of the room. The hallway of the facility was no different than the room he was just in. It was all silver and gray metals, which gave it a modern look. Austin was dragged all the way to then end of the hallway. One of the men pressed some numbers on the keypad next to the door and it opened immediately. The men tossed the boy onto the ground and walked away, closing the door behind him. Austin lay there for awhile, clutching to his stomach and whimpering quietly on the floor.
A couple of hours had passed and Austin had made his way to the bed in his small room. There was not much else except a sink and toilet. The room had only one bed and was only about three by four yards [3x4 m] big. Footsteps could be heard outside as someone started to push the keypad outside. The door opened and a burly man threw a boy into the room and closed the door.
The boy was around the same height as Austin, but with short cloned hair. His arms were tied behind his back, and his feet were tied together. There was a silver rag around the boy's head going around the mouth. He was breathing a lot trying to get out of his bonds, but seemed to be enjoying it due to the hard on he had at the time. His penis was about the same size as Austin's, maybe a bit smaller. Austin decided to be a good Samaritan and release the boy's hands from the rope. Instantly the boy grabbed onto his hard on and stroked it furiously. The boy was making some very high-pitched noises, as if he's been waiting a lifetime to grab his little member. Not soon after he came all over the floor. The blond haired boy removed the gag, which turned out to be the same shorts Austin was wearing.
"Thanks for that. Being tied up always gets me going. Too bad it had to be here I guess. My name is Brian, what's yours?"
3; Austin
Chapter 11
Austin couldn't believe his eyes. He was completely oblivious to the fact that a blond haired boy was just thrown in front of him, tied and bound. Not only that, but the first thing the freed boy did was jerk off right in front of him. This was all overlooked as Austin realized the simple fact that he wasn't alone, and there was someone else to share his woes with. Brian had a very fair build, much like Austin. He had blond hair and dark green eyes. His body was slender, with pale white skin.
As the feeling of aw drifted away, Austin's eyes drifted to Brian's now flaccid boyhood hanging in plain sight. This was the first time he had ever seen another penis of a boy his age in person. An odd feeling jumped through his spine as a bunch of mixed emotions was tumbling around. Austin had always been paying attention to girls, but at the same time had always been curious about boys too.
"I guess I should probably put these shorts on, it seems to be making you a bit uncomfortable. Or by the looks of things maybe excited, but that might just be the shorts."
Austin looked down to notice that his penis was now sticking out a bit at half-mast. He wasn't sure if this was because of the silky fabric of he spandex shorts or what he was seeing in front of him. Which ever it was Austin was left speechless.
3; I'm sorry I didn't mean to
"It's cool, I get that way all the time. Especially when they make us wear these things."
Brian slipped on his pair of silver shorts, which left just as much to the imagination as it did Austin. The shorts only went half way down the thigh, and weren't doing much for clothing.
"That's better. I think I need to lie down though. She must have had me in there for at least two hours. I got scared thinking she was going to bring me home."
3; who?"
"I guess you're new here. People can come in and rent us for as much time as they can pay for. Some people take boys like us home. This one tied me up and did whatever she wanted to me. She must have paid a fortune to get those kinds of tools."
Austin then noticed some of the markings on his body. There were several indents that looked like clamps were pinned to Brian's body. The same could be said for his nipples. There were also several areas of his body where it looked like straps had been applied for long periods of time. Brian looked exhausted enough to fall asleep on the floor, but Austin thought it would be best to lead him over to the bed.
"Thanks a lot, really. When I get up we can talk a lot if you want. I know when I first got here I had a lot of questions too. Don't worry I'll leave enough room for the both of us."
With that Brian passed out no more than 20 seconds later. He fell asleep with his body facing the wall. Austin felt awkward staring at Brian while he was asleep, but couldn't really control himself. The shape of Brian's bottom in the fabric mesmerized him. It didn't help his expanding shorts problem either. Austin decided it was best to fall back to sleep as well, since he had been through quite a lot as well. He lay on the bed with his back to Brian. He thought it would be weird otherwise. Like most teenagers, without realizing it, Austin's hand fell down towards his crotch, and started playing with himself through the fabric of his new shorts. Nothing came of it because soon Austin was just as knocked out as his new roommate.
About five hours passed before wither of the boy's awoke from their slumber. Somewhere in the middle of the night, both boys had turned to face each other. Austin opened his eyes to see Brian staring at him. Austin was over taking by the gaze in Brian's eyes. It was a huge sign of relief to meet someone who wasn't going to use him for sex or stuff him in a box.
"I was wondering how long you were going to sleep. I've been up for maybe 30 minutes."
"Oh sorry. I've been through a lot lately, so I guess I needed the rest."
"So how did you end up here? Were you taken here or did you find them?"
Austin was appalled at the mere thought that anyone would subject themselves to such things. Austin did tell his story in fact. H went into every horrific detail. How he was raped again and again, the hole in the wall that took control of him and the way he was brought here. Brian eagerly listened to every word, as though it was exciting him.
"Wow, that must have been intense."
"So how did you get here?"
"Well I really don't know actually. I remember my friend Tony and I were at his house. The only other person there was Tony's brother. We did what we normally every day. We went up to Tony's room and tied each other up."
"Why would you do something like that?"
"We loved to, it was our favorite activity. It made us feel really awesome to get tied up and feel like we were being captured. It also made us really hard. Sometimes Tony would treat me really special and suck me off while we were in the middle of it. He is 14, so because he's a year older than me he knows how to make me feel great."
Austin was wide eyed already just listening to the story. He never realized that there were boys his age who liked being tied up like that. Not only that, but they were sucking each other's penis'. Austin wasn't aware that boys played with each other like that, then again he didn't know that he had cum until a couple of days ago.
"So do you like doing things with boys like that?"
"I dunno. Tony was the only person I ever did anything like that with. That day was just like any other. Sometimes Tony's brother would even watch us, but he said he wasn't interested that day. The last thing I remember was drinking some soda that his brother had left out for us. Everything got fuzzy, and when I woke up I was here being examined."
"What kind of things do they do here? You said that we could be sold and rented?"
"Oh yeah. I've been here for at least a month now. I've had so many things done to me. At first I didn't really like being here. I was really scared, but I and Tony were already doing this stuff at home, just now it was for real, which made it better."
Austin was still not able to believe that Brian was enjoying being used as a slave boy, and being taken away from home. All this time he had hated what had been done to him, but at the same time he found it arousing. He didn't want to admit it, but when he was tied up to John's bed, it made him feel amazing. He got the same feeling when he was locked inside of that vac bed.
"I can't believe you actually like it here. Don't you miss your home? Don't you get scared when they do things to you?"
"Not really. I wasn't really connected to my parents, and I don't think they care that I'm gone. Plus I love being tied up. It makes me feel tingly all over. Don't you enjoy it, or do you just jerk off normally."
"Jerk off?"
"Yeah jerk off. You know play with yourself and then you cum."
"I didn't know that's what it was called. When John put his mouth on my penis, I guess it was my first time. I guess it sounds weird, but ever since then things like these shorts are making me feel really weird. It's almost like my penis likes being played with."
"That's how you're suppose to feel. You just didn't know because you never had anyone awesome to play with. I and Tony have been doing it for like two years now."
"I think I just want to go home, and then I'll feel a bit better. I'm really glad I met you though. It's nice to have someone here who's my age and doesn't want to chain me up for his own twisted pleasure."
"I really like you too. If you can't get out of here, I'll at least try to always be by your side. I don't think Tony is coming back. He went into a weird place the other day and I haven't seen him since. So I think I need to find someone else to keep me company."
Austin and Brian both smiled at each other. Austin finally got the feeling that everything might turn out for the better. The more he looked at Brian, the more he felt safe and secure. Even if more bad things happened to him, Brian would be there to guide him. The two boys took a long had stare into each other's eyes. Neither of them was expecting it, but Brian started to lean forward.
Austin's mind was racing a bit. In a way he knew what was happening, but he didn't seem to care very much. Austin leaned forward a couple of millimeters, as Brian move his head forward quickly. Soon the two of them were just an inch away from each other's faces. Brian closed his eyes, and leaned in to kiss Austin on the mouth. Austin was unsure of what to do. He had never kissed anyone before, and certainly never thought about kissing a boy. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he needed some sort of connection in this dark time, and Brian was it.
Soon their affectionate kiss went deeper, as Brian leaned in for a long wet exploration. Both of the boys started to tick out their tongue's to explore the other's mouth. Austin's body was surging with emotions. He hadn't had this type of experience that wasn't forced on him before. Both of the boy's hands made their way up and in front of their own chests. They soon moved them into each other and held hands for a bit. Meanwhile the long passionate kiss had turned into many kisses. Both of the boy's testosterone levels were starting to peek as they got into what ever this was that was happening.
Austin's feet began to travel over to Brian's legs. Brian was doing the same. Both of their shins became intertwined with one another. Brian wrapped his feet around Austin's ankle. The connection of the boys had reached down to their pants, where both boys had raging boners. Soon the holding hands had turned into the boys wrapping their arms around each other. Austin was no longer processing thoughts anymore. He was lost in the complete experience of making out with Brian.
As the boy's pulled themselves closer with their arms ribbing each other's backs, boners moved closer as well. Soon the tips of both of their penises were touching. Austin and Brian both let out a gasp of air from their noses, and they moved closer to each other. Soon the penises were fully touching each other. The bottom of Austin's shaft was in sync with the bottom of Brian's.
Brian did his best to pull Austin under him and pin him to the bed. Austin didn't even notice that his new friend was on top of him, and continued the making out. Austin was completely lost in this new world, and his penis wasn't helping his mind come back to reality. Brian started to grind his pelvis into Austin's and the two began jerking off to each other. Every movement that Brian mad sent shock waves through both boys' bodies. Brian broke the kiss and sat up above Austin.
Austin wasn't even present at the time. His mind was of somewhere else, as his body enjoyed the pleasure of Brian's body. He looked at Austin's hormonal state and decided to slide Austin's shorts right off of his body. Austin let out another gasp of air as his penis was released to a full six inches [15 cm]. Brian wasted no time in going down on Austin and entrapping his penis in Brian's mouth. Austin let out a moan, as if he were a woman having a great orgasm. Each time brain moved his mouth up and down Austin's shaft there was an explosion of pleasure escaping his mouth.
"Brian that
3;. Tha
3; oh it feels great."
Brian was intrigued by Austin's emotions and continued to pleasure his new friend. He slowed down his motions and concentrated at stopping at the head of the penis and working his way down slowly, as to make Austin's happiness last a bit longer. While this was happening Brian was jerking himself off at the excitement. Brian was jerking himself off in sync with Austin's blowjob. Austin was now flailing his arms from side to side, not knowing how to react to the awesome feeling.
Brian could feel Austin's penis start to jerk so he sped up his own orgasm. Austin started to moan louder as he felt the flow of his cum forming at the base of his penis. Austin's body tensed up and he buckled, sending his penis deep into Brian's throat. Not a moment later he came everywhere. Brian wasn't able to swallow everything, besides that he was busy with his own orgasm. Austin was breathing like he had just run a marathon as all of the juices escaped his penis. Brian fell backwards after his own orgasm was done and the both laid there for a while, soaking in what had just happened.
Austin's brain slowly came back to reality as the event that just took place sunk into his head. He just made out with a boy, and then the boy sucked him off. It was the greatest feeling in the world. He was a little worried though. Did this mean he was gay, or was he just over taken by this new found hobby of jerking off? He was a little scared that he enjoyed what had just happened. Brian crawled back over to Austin, through all of the juices on the bed, and lay next to him.
"That was great. I've never had that connection with a boy before. You look like you had a great time too."
"I've never done anything like that before. I never thought that I would like a boy touching me like that. Does it make me gay?"
"I don't know, I never really think about it. I do what I like. A couple of months ago I made out with a girl and I liked that too."
Austin was pleased to meet a person like Brian. Like after any other orgasm, Austin feel into a sleeping state for awhile, with Brian right next to him.
Chapter 12
Now that Austin had become a permanent member of the Institution, he was involved in all of his daily procedures. The next week was grueling at first, but because Austin now had a friend in his room, it made life a bit easier. Days were very routine. First Austin and Brian would be woken up at exactly eight in the morning for 'breakfast'. All meals consisted of the same shots that John had given to Austin before coming to I.S.B., so it wasn't anything new for him. All boys were then sent on a mandatory one hour jog on a treadmill. I.S.B. needed the boys to remain in top physical condition for the buyers.
In order to keep the peace, everyone had to wear handcuffs on their hands in the front of their body. When moving in groups, all of the boys needed to walk in a straight line, or else they were severely punished. Brian had been explaining the rules as the days progressed. There was a certain chain of punishments depending on the number of offenses and the severity of the crime. Brian was lucky enough to not get in trouble, but had heard stories from hid friend Tony.
The next four hours of every day were what the Institution called the sampling. This is when every boy was brought out to an enormous room and lined up according to number. At any time if your number was called, you were brought out of the room and into who knows where. If many numbers were called it could be because of an age group or certain physique that a person was looking for. If one or two numbers were called, either a boy was being sold or someone was going to take one for a joy ride.
Austin had only been called a few times, none of which resulted in him being permanently picked. A few people had walked over to him to take a closer look. Usually this would involve a quick look and occasionally a fondling of the private parts. According to Brian, he had already been picked five times. All of which consisted of a man or woman torturing him, or even just getting a quick blowjob. In Austin's eyes Brian had been fortunate not to have someone fuck him in the ass.
After the 'sampling' was over, boys were sent back to their quarters, or were brought to other parts of the building for various other tests. After five days, Austin was fearing the moment when they would come for him, and do who knows what. If a boy wasn't doing anything, he was taken back to his room and nowhere else. Many hours were spent between Brian and Austin. Brian would try to show him the ropes of the place and teach him what to do and not to do. If Brian wasn't teaching Austin about the I.S.B., he was teaching him about the pleasures of life.
Because of Austin's experiences he didn't like all of the same things as Brian, but was still aroused by them. Brian would spend hours tying Austin to the bed using just the sheets and various pieces of rope that were brought back to the room. Austin was now enjoying the thrill of being tied up while Brian played with him. Austin was starting to understand what it was like to have a friend that he could experiment with. Knowing what else was going on in his life, this was the happiest thing in the world.
One day Austin and Brian were in the middle of one of their 'activities', when they heard someone at the door. Brian was hogtied on the bed, and Austin was watching him try to escape while rubbing his boner through the spandex shorts. A large white man with brown hair entered the room, making Austin stop dead in his tracks.
"You, number 32. You're being brought to a sampling room. Put this on."
The man through a few articles and closed the door, waiting until Austin was done. Austin quickly untied Brian frantically so he could help with this predicament.
"Did you hear him; I need to go to a room, what does that mean?"
"Usually It means someone want to have some fun with you. It's kinda like what we've been doing, except it'll be a stranger."
"I don't want some stranger touching me. What if I get brought home?"
"What's on the floor?"
Austin went to pick the clothing off of the floor. The pile consisted of a black leather collar with a chain attached, a black blindfold, a pair of handcuffs, and a leather gag with a ring in the front of the mouth.
"Do I really have to wear all of these?"
"Unless you want to get into trouble. Each time you get out of line, something worse happens. You could ask Tony if he were here, but he got sent to the dark room. Trust me, you don't want that. Here I'll help you."
"I guess I have no choice."
Brian picked up the handcuffs and secured them to Austin's hands, putting them behind his back. The collar came next; it was very tight on his neck. Brian took the blindfold and secured it around Austin's head, making him see nothing but the black of the fabric. Brian inserted the gag inside Austin's mouth. This was unlike most ball gags, in that it opened his mouth up wider so a penis could be inserted into the mouth ring. Austin gagged a little as Brian tied it behind his head. Though uncomfortable and full of fear, Austin was aroused by the new form of restraints, maybe because Brian was the one applying them.
"Alright, you're all set. You look really god like this; you'll have to being this stuff back with you, ha ha. Just remember to do what ever you are told. If you ignore it, you might enjoy it. Just pretend that I'm doing what ever is being done to you."
"Alright, times up."
The large man came in and grabbed Austin's chain, yanking him out of place. The man noticed Brian's hard on watching his friend being carried away. As they walked outside and closed the door behind them, the man called another large fellow from down the hallway. He was about the same size, except he had blond hair and a scar over his right eye.
"Jake, come take this boy to room S12."
"Why can't you?"
"I'm gonna go back in here and have a little fun with this kid's roommate. He looks like he's dying to get fucked."
"Alright I'll cover you. Come on you little shit."
Austin couldn't help being worry. He wasn't sure if Brian would like this as much as all of the other stuff that gets done to a person here. As Austin got dragged away, the first man reentered Austin and Brian's room. Brian was lying on the bed stroking his penis through the spandex shorts. As soon as the door opened he immediately sat up and looked at the man in the doorway. He had a large grin on his face, almost like a lion that found a wounded gazelle. Brian had an unusual fear in his eyes as the door quietly went shut.
After walking down several hallways by way of leash, Austin had finally reached a room. He wasn't able to see a thing due to the gag, but could only imagine what kind of 'items' this room held. Austin was brought to the middle of the room, where the man forced Austin to his knees.
"Alright kid, just sit there. You're guest will be arriving shortly ha ha."
Austin gulped at the situation at hand. The man left the room, leaving just Austin and his bounds. Though Austin's mind was hard at work trying to figure out who he would be visited by, he couldn't help thinking about the binds on his body. The handcuffs, leash, and gag were making him a bit aroused, to the point where he had a four inch [10 cm] boner in his shorts. He gave a little gasp as he tried to move around in his binds. Knowing that he was completely immobilized was making him quite horny. In the past week Brian had taught him how to enjoy this sort of thing. Just then, the door opened.
All Austin could here were loud footsteps approaching his body. Every step was like a shot through his heart. As the person reached Austin, the footsteps went around him a few times, no doubt admiring the boy. A hand reached out and pets him down the cheek. The hand was covered in latex and made Austin shiver.
"You're cuter then when I saw you in the lineup. I think you are going to make a stupendous little slave for this play date."
Austin's mind went numb. To his surprise it was a woman that wanted him. Her name was Ms. Chambers. She had been an avid member of the Institution, using their facilities monthly for her pleasures. She was five foot six [1.65 m] with a slim figure. Her breasts were C cups, and her ass was tight. She had long brown hair, in a ponytail, and emerald colored eyes. She was wearing an all black and red latex bondage suit. It accentuated every curve of her body from her neck down to her high-healed shoes.
The room they were in was dark and rustic. There were walls of bondage equipment; everything from whips to cages. Chambers kneed down in from of Austin and gave him a kiss on the forehead. In one swift motion she grabbed the chain around his neck and stood up, forcing him to do the same. The surprise made Austin yelp through his gag.
"C'mon my pet, we need to break you in."
The boy tried to protests but found that he could too little except go limp and get dragged across the stone floor. Austin was dragged to the center of the room where there were many hanging straps from the ceiling. Chambers grabbed two of the straps and tied them tightly around Austin's ankles. Another was taken and tied around Austin's bound wrists. Once securely fastened, she reached under her suit and into her bra, grabbing a remote control. A pulley system above started to rotate and the straps around Austin's limbs got tighter, and soon were pulling him up.
Austin was getting agitated and tried to move around as best he could. His arms were being pulled up behind his head, while his feet remained on the ground. Austin's head was moving downwards as he was lifted up off the ground. He then fell forward as his feet were as well lifted up, making him completely helpless. Austin tried screaming from the pain, but only muffled agitated breaths could escape. The pulley continued pulling until Austin was turned into a U shape, with his feet and arms up in the air.
"What's wrong my pet, is that hurting you."
Austin gave a nod to the comment.
"Oh no, I guess I'll just have to proceed until you feel better."
Chambers reached over to the boy, who was now at chest level with her breasts. She reached her hand over and grabbed onto Austin's penis, which had gone flaccid. The touch sent some pleasure down his brain, making him forget about his bound self. In an instance his shaft was at full mast, making a tent in the silver shorts. Chambers grabbed a pair of scissors from the ground and completely cut off the shorts, tossing them aside like an old rag.
"Oh I see you're enjoying this now aren't you."
Austin didn't move for a moment, but gave the slightest nod for her to keep going.
"I thought you might agree to that. Your little prick is very hard; it's almost too big for my hand. But you'll have to do something for me first.
She gave his penis a little squeeze and then released him, walking to his front side. Austin struggled to move his torso any which way he could to make her return. She had no intention to, and turned her attention to the special gag around Austin's mouth.
"So I heard from the people hear that you thoroughly enjoy cock. Maybe we should bring your roommate in and have you suck him off. I think this will do though."
Off the wall Chambers had grabbed a 7 inch [18 cm] blue dildo, and brought it to Austin, rubbing it around his face. The boy started to struggle a bit again, but could do little but wiggle and bob his head. She put her hand to Austin's mouth and unzipped the zipper on his gag. This revealed a ring inside Austin's mouth, in a perfect shape for a cock to get right in there. Austin realized what she might do with the dildo not and tried to protest.
"Pwles doont. I dun wan et in ther."
With the ring in his mouth Austin could not enunciate properly.
"I'm sorry my pet but I can't hear you. Maybe this will help."
She brought the dildo up to his mouth and began inserting it through the ring. Austin could taste all of the foulness left on it from past uses. She moved the dildo in a circular motion, to make sure that he was able to get a full feel for it; before shoving it in. Austin tried to yell, but the dildo was inserted already. She was able to get it almost all the way into his mouth before he started to gag on it. She began moving it in and out, so Austin could get a real feel for sucking someone off. With every push Austin sent out a little cry of agony.
"What's wrong little slave, you do not like the dildo? Maybe I'm not putting it in the proper place."
She pulled the dildo completely out of his mouth and walked over to the side of him again. She hit another button, which made Austin's leg start to spread out, revealing his little hole. As his legs spread, Chambers lubed up the dildo for the event. Austin was now struggling as hard as possible, knowing what was about to happen. Austin's legs were now spread out at a 45-degree angle. Chambers walked over and rubbed her hand all over his little arse.
"Your skin is so silky smooth. It's been making me hot this whole time."
Chambers started to touch herself through her latex suit just looking at the boy and feeling his rump. She then brought the dildo up to Austin's butt and put the tip to his hole. Austin was reminded of the fucking that Mike had given him days earlier. He remembered the rotten smell of his cock being inserted into Austin's little mouth. He began to cry again, yelling as best he could through the ring I his mouth.
"I'm sorry slave, what did you say?
She walked over to his front, removing the dildo, and unbuckled the gag on his mouth. It dropped to the floor.
"Don't put that inside me please. Just let me go from here, I'll give you anything."
"Oh trust me slave, you'll give me plenty."
With that she jumped behind the boy and shoved 2 inches [5 cm] of the dildo straight into his hole, making Austin scream. Austin was letting out large pants as if a woman was giving child birth. This torment made her stick the dildo in more, until it was fully inserted. Austin continued to cry and struggle, but could still do little to remove the dildo. Chambers then started to fuck him with it, making sure to bring it out enough so the tip was still inside, and jabbing it as far inside as possible. She started fucking him really hard with it, until he screamed bloody murder.
Chambers was getting very hot watching him struggle against his bonds. She needed to stop, but kept going more and more just to see the reacting of him. His penis was still raging hard. She noticed this and realized that he was enjoying getting fucked. Soon she stopped, leaving the dildo fully inserted in his butt. She turned the dial at the base of the shaft, making it violently vibrate. This sent another sensation up Austin's body, feeling the vibration against his prostate. He stopped yelping, but continued to move and buckle, panting at the feeling of the vibrating dildo up his ass.
"Just as I though. You love the feeling of a good cock inside of you. I think I need a little something now though."
She walked over to Austin's front side and used the remote to lower his body so that Austin's head was at her pelvic region. She unsnapped some buttons on her hip, making part of her latex suit fall to her knees; revealing her pussie. Austin had never seen one before in real life, and it made his hard on tickle a little. Chambers started rubbing her pussie lips around with her hand, making Austin watch carefully. He had completely forgotten about his bound situation or the dildo up his butt, and concentrated on her movements. Her vagina was beautiful. It was still tight and wet, and also didn't have a hair on it. This sight was making Austin feel very strange, as his penis shot out a spat of pre cum at the sheer thought of it.
"Oh dear, I didn't mean to do that. It looks like you need to be tamed a little. You cum when I say you cum. That little spurt is going to cost you. What's sores is that I have to wait another moment to pleasure myself. You'll get a double punishment.
Chambers walked to the wall and grabbed a whip and another gag of her choosing. The whip had a short handle, and about 30 different leather straps coming off of it. Austin cringed at the sight of it. She grabbed the gag and put it around Austin's mouth. It was a red ball gag. She walked to his side and whipped him on the back as hard as she could. Austin screamed as loud as he could at the touch of the whip. Tears started running down his face. She smiled at his torture and threw down another clash. He tried to plead for mercy as best he could, but could do nothing but accept the pain. After about five swings she had stopped to admire the boy. There were large red lines going down his back, some of which were beginning to bleed. Austin continued to cry as she walked around back to the front of him.
"Now, I think you'll want to listen from now on. I'm feeling a bit dry; won't you help me a bit?"
Chapter 13
Austin was completely at the mercy of Ms. Chambers, who was subjecting Austin to the world of submissiveness. Austin's arms and legs were bound to the ceiling, leaving the rest of his body to hang there, waiting to be tortured. The boy's back was now covered in large red lines, from being whipped. His head hung down as if he were defeated. His penis was now flaccid from the immense pain on his back. He seemed to have forgotten the dildo still vibrating in his ass. Ms. Chambers stood in front of the boy's head with her pussie in clear view, waiting to be pleasured by the boy. She bent over and removed the ball gag from his mouth. Austin let out a cough, followed by panting.
"Now then slave, lick me clean, or else you'll get another lashing. Just stick your tongue out."
Austin did just as she asked and stuck his tongue straight out. Chambers bent down again and wrapped her own tongue around the boy's. She gave a nice long suck and stood back up. Austin didn't know what to do; his mind was still reacting to the pain, and not the open vagina in front of him. She took a step forward and stuck her wet pussie into Austin's face. To Austin it smelled like a mixture of perfume and other aromas. Her vagina was still very tight, and her lips were not chapped in the least.
"Okay then boy, I'm going to thrust my self into you slowly. All you have to do is suck me everywhere you can. Start on the edges and work your way to the middle. You'll know when you find my clit; trust me."
With that she moved her lady lips towards Austin's mouth. Austin wasn't exactly sure what to do, but started to lightly lick the lips of her pussie.
"That's right slave, move around in a circular fashion. Go very slow, I like it to last."
Austin was getting a boner again as he licked the lips clean. His tongue traveled around the pussie at least 8 times before she got a bit closer.
"Now use your tongue and lick deeply into my clit. Pretend you are taking your first long lick into an ice-cream cone."
Chambers could feel the boy's head start to pull away slightly, so she grabbed him by the head and shoved his face deep into her pussie. Austin's tongue went straight in and made her moan very loudly.
"Aaaah, yes, that's it. Don't stop boy, use your tongue to find my clit, move it around everywhere."
Austin lost himself in the moment. He forgot about being whipped and chained to the ceiling for a bit. He became mesmerized by this new act of eating someone's pussie. His face was now practically inside, while his tongue continued to move around and exploring. Every movement brought a moan to Ms. Chambers and a shot of pleasure to Austin as well. It was almost like moving his tongue around a pile of wet ear lobes. The taste of her was making Austin hornier than ever.
"Yes slave, dig deeper. You're almost there; I can feel your tongue closed to my g spot."
With that Austin's tongue smoothed over a small pea-shaped object deep in Chamber's vagina. She let out another large gasp of breath as the boy licked the source of her womanly pleasure.
"You've found it. Now lick it clean until it reveals itself, and then suck on it with your whole mouth like you're trying to take it out of me."
Austin felt in sync with Ms. Chambers, and did as she asked. He took one large lick with his tongue, pressing down on the clit. This sent her into frenzy, and she launched his head as far into her as she could. Austin was now engulfed in her womanhood. His whole face was being smothered by her warm vagina. Austin retracted his tongue and was able to get his whole mouth around her clit, and started sucking as hard as he could. He couldn't believe the way she was reacting to this.
When Austin was being pleasured it was because someone was pulling or sucking on his penis, but with woman it seemed to be the opposite. Anything that could pleasure her was on the inside, as deep as possible. Chambers continued to thrust her hips into Austin's face as if someone was grinding her. Not a second went by that didn't involve a large moan or cry coming from her mouth. The more Austin sucked on her clit, the louder she became.
Austin could feel chamber's insides start to convulse and squirm, as if it was being shocked or something. The he felt some liquid hit his face from all sorts of directions. Chambers had begun having her orgasm, but the fluids startled Austin. He stopped sucking and pulled way from the clit, much to Ms. Chamber's despair.
"Don't you dare stop sucking until I tell you to stop you little bastard! You obey me slave, now suck harder."
She slammed Austin's head back into her vagina, and he continued to suck, despite being suffocated. Chambers was not turned off by the turn of events and continued to have the rest of her orgasms, and enjoyed them. He eyes rolled back into her head and her legs spread a bit. Austin was amazed at the length of the orgasm and the effect on her. His own penis was rock hard again, and was enjoying the pleasure that she was having, and actually started to enjoy the dildo in his ass that he finally remembered.
Another shot of precum left his penis from the excitement, as Chambers emptied out the last of her fluids. She stepped back from the boy, and Austin let out a few coughs. Her face was completely flushed from the experienced and she took a minute to rub herself a bit. Austin tried to struggle against his bounds a bit, this time enjoying himself, and the sensation in his butt. Austin started thrusting his butt in the air, making it feel like someone was fucking him. Usually he hated this feeling, but for some reason it was amazingly enjoyable. Chambers noticed Austin enjoying himself, and decided to put a stop to it at once. With one flip of a switch, Austin was lowered to the ground and slammed on the floor.
"I don't think you should be enjoying yourself right now. I was going to let you go after this, but you decided to betray me. Do you know what I do to slaves who are disobedient? I make sure they never want to be tied up again."
Austin's legs and arms were still bound behind him. He was only able to lift his head up enough to see the devilish smile on her face. Austin had again lost all feeling of enjoyment, and again felt scared and helpless.
"Please just let me go, I promise it won't happen again!"
"You had your chance slave."
Ms. Chambers grabbed the gag on the floor and forced it into the boy's mouth. He tried to scream as it was inserted, but was unable to get a word out. She secured it tightly, until it wouldn't go any more. After clipping her panties back into place, she began to wonder exactly how she would torture the boy. The room was filled with endless possibilities. Not only were there hundreds of toys on the wall, but there were also structures in the room to work with. Chambers set her eyes on an area with some hanging chains and a board on the floor.
She grabbed some leather rope off of the wall and walked over to Austin. Austin could only watch as her mind was set in motion as to what torture would befall the boy. She walked over and used a key to unlock the shackles around Austin's feet. She then picked up the rope connected to the color that Austin had forgotten about. Chambers yanked up the rope as hard as she could, nearly choking Austin who let out a loud yelp from the surprise. Austin was weak from being suspended from so long, and it showed, as he couldn't stand up quite straight.
"I think you're enjoying this just a bit too much."
Chambers reached down and pulled the dildo out of Austin's ass. The boy let out an exhale of pleasure as it was removed.
"From now on you'll do exactly as I say, or I'll tell them that I want to buy you, and then we can play bondage all day, everyday. Understand?"
Austin nodded at the dominatrix, and hung his head. Chambers pulled on the boy's leash and led him to the other side of the room. There was a 2x4 bored on the ground lying horizontally. It had a shackle hookup on each side. Chambers led the boy over to the board and put down his leash. She gathered the leather rope in her hands and started to tie up Austin's arms, which were still cuffed. She pulled his arms all the way behind his back, stretching them. She then proceeded to tie his wrists together, and then tie the rope into a knot, and proceeded to tie his elbows and biceps in the same fashion. Austin's arms were now practically mummified.
Chambers grabbed another bit of rope and tied it to the knot round his wrist. The rope was then connected to a pulley system above. She used the same remote from earlier to retract the rope until Austin's arms began pulling upwards, making him bend forward. Austin let out faint grunts as he was hoisted up again. She stopped the pulleys and moved over to his feet. She grabbed Austin's right foot and examined it for a moment.
"Your feet are so delicious looking. They are a bit smaller, but very firm. The arch is almost perfect."
Chambers took moment to examine his feet further, and decided to have a little fun with it. At first it made Austin a bit ticklish. Chambers was poking and prodding his foot in every which way. She then took his big toe and began to suck on it like a Popsicle. This was making Austin feel weird, and was also arousing him. She then took his foot and licked all the way from the toes to the heel and then back again. Again she sucked on his toes until she had he fill and shackled his foot to the board. She did the same with the other foot.
Austin was now in an L shape with his butt presenting to who ever was behind him. Chambers walked over to his ass and gave it a good smack with her hand. Austin let out a muffled scream. Again she slapped him, again and again until his butt was red. Austin wasn't enjoying the pain very much. Chambers grabbed some ropes connected to the wall and preceded to attach them to Austin's legs on both the calf and the thigh. She hit another switch and the ropes tightened. Austin was now completely immobilized again, only able to fidget a bit. Chambers walked around him to admire her work.
"Now that you have no where to go, I think I'll have some fun with you. There's only one rule. You cum when I say you can cum. If you do it without permission, I'm going to tell the warden and he'll make sure you get a proper punishment. Understand?"
Chambers walked over and removed the ball gag from Austin's mouth.
"When I say something to you, you reply with 'yes ma'am'. When I do something to you, you reply with 'please give me more', understand?"
Austin looked up to her as best he could and replied with a slight nod. Chambers cracked the whip on Austin's shoulder, making him let out a loud scream.
"Now I'll ask you again, do you understand?"
3; yes ma'am
"Good, now let's begin."
Chambers grabbed a few things off of the wall and returned to the boy. She put the items on the ground in a pile and grabbed what looked to be a device to crack open nuts. She walked over to Austin and used the tool on his nipple, clamping down hard. Austin let out a whimper. She grabbed onto his nipple tight, so that it was almost popping right out of his chest, and then took a small, black o-ring and inserted it around Austin's nipple. Austin let out another whimper. Then Chambers whipped him across his side. Austin screamed, and realized what he had forgotten.
"Please give me more
"Very good slave, you're learning."
Chambers repeated the same process on the other nipple, both of which were now candy red. Chamber felt that the sight of his 14-year-old body, bound and hopeless, was the most beautiful thing in the world. There wasn't a hair on his body besides just a few pubes. It was making her wet watching Austin struggle against his bound self. Time was running out though, so she decided to continue the torture. Next she grabbed another dildo from the pile; this one was 8 inches [20 cm] and a bit wider than the last one. It had many more ridges on it, so it would cause much more pain on the way down. It also had a higher vibration setting.
Austin saw her pick it up and again tried to break free of his chains. He knew he would never break free, but his tie up games with Brian had made him enjoy the struggle. She walked over to his backside, where his ass was presenting to her in full view. She had in her hand a bottle of lubrication, and squirted a glob into her leather-gloved hand. She spread is all over her hands, and then started to rub it all over Austin's ass. The cold lube sent a chill down Austin's body. She made sure hat every part of his crack was well moistened. Then she put another glob on her finger and ran it around Austin's little hole. Again Austin got a chill, and let out a slight moan at the pressure on his hole. Her finger continued to circle the hole and went in and out just a bit.
"You like having my finger up your hole you little slut?"
"Please give me more
"Yeah you like your hole being fucked you little fag."
Chambers rubbed her lubed hands all over the dildo, and even squirted some more on top so it was very wet. A hint of fear sunk into Austin's mind and he fully realized what was happening. He was completely bound with rope and a woman was about to shove a large prosthetic dick into him. A week ago this subjective torture would have made him afraid and scared, but he was actually enjoying it. These things that have happened to him have changed him in a way, almost like he was being brain washed. Before much more thought could settle, he remembered that Brian had told him to just enjoy it, and a side of him was.
Before any more thought could be processed, the head of the dildo was shoved into Austin's hairless butt. His cheeks flexed as the head was forced into him. A shocking scream came out of his mouth fallowed by heavy breathing. Chambers was enjoying his pain and continued to move the dildo in. After 4 inches [10 cm] she wasn't able to get it in easy, so she decided to use force.
"Oh no, your little ass is so small, looks like I'll have to use some muscle."
"Aaaah! Ye
3; yes ma'am!"
Chambers smiled and pushed the dildo in with both hands. Every millimeter made Austin thrash around as best he could at the excruciating pain of the large dildo. Finally she managed to get the whole thing inside of him, but she wasn't done yet. In order to make sure it fit; she took it back out and shoved it in a few more times. Austin just panted at every thrust, as if he was running. Finally she left it in, and grabbed another device from the pile.
"This dildo is special little slave boy. It fucks you on its own. This attachment here lets it jerk you off at the same time."
The device in her hand was a ring large enough to fit around the boy. One side of the ring attached to the dildo, and the other side had what looked to be a solid chamber for a penis to be inserted. Chambers attached the device around Austin's throbbing cock, and attached the other ends to the dildo. She pulled a couple straps on the sides to tighten it.
"Now what do you think of this slave?"
"Please give me more
"Why of course, but remember if you cum I'll punish you good."
"Yes ma'am."
This would prove to be very difficult. Austin's dick had been waiting to burst for about 45 minutes now, and holding it in with this device on him wasn't going to end well. The device was very snug on Austin's penis, making him feel like it was in Brian's mouth. The dildo on his backside was pushing right up against his prostate. Chambers used her remote to start up the dildo. At first it just started to vibrate, but after a few moments the vibrating went from mild to extremely severe. Austin's entire torso was reacting to the vibration of the dildo, sending shock waves throughout his body. He tried his best to shake his body, but it was to firmly in place.
With another hit of the switch, Austin began to hear noise coming from behind him. The dildo started to move slowly out of his body, and then back in again. Because of this the chamber around his dick moved down his shaft and then back up stopping just at the head of his penis. Austin began thrashing around as best he could at the intensity of it all. The vibrating sensation in his butt plus the jerking off on his dick was sending flares of pleasure through him. He wasn't sure how long he could keep his cum in.
3;. Ma'am can you please let me comes, pa
3; please!"
"I'm afraid I can't just yet little boy, I'm not done having fun with you."
Chambers pulled a plastic bag from out of the pile. It had a leather strap keeping it closed, and it was about the size of Austin's head. Austin quickly imagined what would be done with it, but the combined fucking and jerking was keeping him occupied, and had now increased in speed. It was only taking about six seconds for the dildo to move out of his body and back in again. Austin was trying his hardest to hold in his pleasure, but it was no use.
"Open wide little slut. You're about to have a slight breathing problem."
Chapter 14
Austin was in frenzy, thrashing as best he could against his bounds and pleasure. He was completely tied up and could barely move. His nipples were extremely red from the pinching o-rings around them. His teenage ass was being hammered by an 8-inch [20 cm] dildo while simultaneously being jerked off by the same device. Austin was panting very heavily and enjoying the pleasure in his penis. He was unable to cum unless given permission, and Ms. Chambers was not ready for that just yet. She held a plastic bag in her hand and was creeping over to Austin's head with it.
"We're going to play a little game of erotic asphyxiation. I'm sure you'll love a little breath play."
3; You're not going to put that on my head are you? What if I can't breath?"
"I don't think that was the right answer boy."
3; Ahhhh, yes ma'am
Chambers opened up the clear plastic bag up wide and started to put it over Austin's head. Austin tried to move his head around but was unable to protest much. Fear of being unable to breath was settling in, making his juices come even colder to exploding out of his penis.
"Please stop, don't put it on me!"
Chambers ignored his feeble request and continued until the bag was completely over his face. She then pulled a zip tie so that the bag enclosed around the boy's neck. Austin's mind went blank. The dildo in his ass kept pumping away, jabbing at his prostate with every movement. When it moved out of his ass, it stopped just enough so that the head was still peeking inside. The chamber around his penis continued to jerk him off, moving all the way down his shaft and then back up, tickling the boy's head before going back down.
Now Austin had a plastic bag fixated on his head, shortening his breath. It wasn't an immediate problem, but Austin was soon finding it harder to breath. The exhaustion from the dildo was causing him to pant more, and with every breath, less and less air was entering the boy's lungs. Austin thrashed his head about trying to remove the bag, but it was tied on too securely. His heavy breathing turned into gargled noises, and his mouth opened wider with every breath. Soon he was only breathing in the plastic of the bag, which began to cut off all air circulation.
"Please! I can't breath. Ugh, ah Ms. Chambers please!"
Austin was now thrashing his whole body as best he could to find a way to breath. His small feet were fighting the shackles on the ground, pulling them as hard as he could. His arms behind him were swinging as much as possible. Any second he was going to pass out from lack of oxygen. Every second he was trying his hardest to inhale some air, but kept sucking the plastic bag more and more down his throat. Finally, without notice, every part of his body pulsed at once as he came.
This was the biggest orgasm the boy had ever encountered. His penis must have pulsed out five times what he normally has. Austin's juices filled up the entire chamber that was on his penis, and more came flowing out of it. Tiny globs of Austin's baby batter spewed onto the floor. Chambers turned off the dildo device, but Austin was still buckling from the lack of air. He continued to move around, but was not making any more sounds. All that was heard was him breathing in the plastic bag more and more.
Chambers took her time walking over to the boy and unzipped the bag, pulling it off his head and dropping it to the ground. Austin took several deep breaths and started to calm down. He let out a soft moan and twitched his body a bit, enjoying what little he could of the aftermath of the orgasm.
Chambers began to remove the restraints on the boy, starting from his feet and making her way to the nipple rings. She lowered the boy down a bit and untied the rope that was securing him to the ceiling. Austin dropped to the ground, landing on his stomach. The boy had no strength left. His arms were still thoroughly tied together, so he used his body's momentum to turn around onto his back, so his arms were underneath him.
Austin's face was flushed from not breathing for so long. His legs were spread, letting his penis and ass cool off for a bit after the ten minutes or so of being overused. Austin's little member was beginning to go limp, and hung over his belly, still dripping with cum. Chambers walked over to the boy, standing to his right side. The boy looked up at her and couldn't help notice the grin on her face.
"You look so defeated, like someone who was just saved from drowning in a pool. Normally I would give you a little good night kiss before leaving, but I didn't say you could cum."
Austin then noticed the long whip in her hands, and went completely wide-eyed. Chambers gave a huge smack of the whip across Austin's chest, making him scream bloody murder. She then cracked again, and then a third time, as hard as she could. With every shot, Austin let out another scream. Every touch made his body buckle, as though he were being electrocuted. Chambers continued to whip the boy until she had felt he had enough. Austin must have been whipped twelve times before she stopped.
Ms. Chambers turned Austin onto his belly and cut the ropes off of him and undid the handcuffs, freeing his arms. She then undid the collar and leash. She walked away to gather some things while Austin lay in his pain. The boy was holding himself tightly and went into a feeble position, trying to make the pain go away. Chambers returned to the boy with a blindfold and ball gag. She grabbed the boy by his arm and yanked him up onto his feet. Chambers forced the blindfold and gag onto him, and reinserted the handcuffs and collar.
"Okay slave, go back to your little room. I'm sure the people here will have a lot of fun with you in the next couple of days."
With that Chambers left the boy, which Austin hoped would be forever. The man that had brought him into the room in the first placed returned to lead him back to his room. The man grabbed Austin by the leash and dragged him. The man brought Austin through the corridors, but stopped suddenly when he heard approaching footsteps.
"Hello 32."
Austin recognized the voice to be the same man from a week ago. The man who was in charge of the establishment, and who always wore a nice suit. His voice echoed through Austin's head, sending shivers down his spine. The man pulled down the blindfold on Austin's face, revealing the man's devilish smile.
"I just had an interesting talk with Ms. Chambers. It seems that you were not an obedient slave for her. I don't think you fully comprehend what you are supposed to be doing here. You are our property, and you shall act has so. You're like a product that we've developed. If you don't work like you're supposing to, we'll be forced to fix you, and trust me you don't want to know how we fix things. Ms. Chambers suggest that we punish you, but I don't think normal punishments are good enough for you.
"Normally we have a set of tiers of punishment that you work towards until finally we send you to the dark room, but I have a few special things for you. It's about time that your will is broken and you realize that this is your life until you are sold. If you step out of line again, I'm not going to be as forgiving. This is your last warning. Take him away."
The man walked away and Austin was continually dragged to his quarters. The man and Austin were about three doors down from the room when the door opened. Coming out was the first guard who decided to walk back to see Brian. Had he really been in there that long? What kind of things could they have done together? Austin feared for his friend, and started imagining the worse.
"So did you have some fun?"
"Oh yeah, thanks for covering for me. I ripped his little ass apart, it was amazing."
"Let me put this one inside and we'll talk all about it. Come on you little slut."
The man threw Austin inside of the room. He threw in a fresh pair of spandex shorts and the door was shut. The room wasn't well lit, but Austin was just able to make out a key underneath the bed. The two boys had gathered quite a bit of toys, mostly from Brian, and several keys for the handcuffs used at the Institute. Austin undid his cuffs and got up to turn on the light. The sight nearly made him pee himself.
On the bed laid Brian, who had been fucked a lot, probably for the entire hour that Austin was gone. Brian was laying face down on the bed. His hands were bound to the bedposts in front of him. His feet were bound to the side of the bed with a rope connecting his feet underneath. There was one other rope tied to that one, which also connected to the end of the bed where Brian's hands were, in order to keep his feet stable. Brian's butt was straight up in the air, spread wide. There were several pieces of rope connecting his thigh to his torso. There were drips of blood all over the bed.
For a split second Austin stroked his penis, until he realized that he had to help his friend. Austin quickly undid the ropes from Brian's ankles. Austin then undid the rope connecting Brian's thighs to his stomach, making Brian's legs and body drop down to the bed. The boy made whiny grunt. Austin then undid the ropes around Brian's wrists, and turned the boy onto his back. Brian had a tight leather collar on and a rope around his head being used as a gag. There was also a black blindfold. Austin removed all of the paraphernalia from Brian's face.
Austin saw Brian's shorts on the floor, next to his own fresh pair, and decided to grab them both. Austin struggled to get Brian's shorts on. The boy was completely stiff, and had no expression on his face. Austin managed to get the shorts all of the way on, pausing to look at Brian's penis for a bid. Austin had never actually gotten up close to Brian's boy-hood before, and to Austin it looked amazingly appealing. Austin finished putting Brian's shorts on and then worked on his own. Austin lay on the bed next to Brian, rolling over too look at him.
"Are you okay? Did that man put himself inside of you?"
Brian didn't answer, but turned to his side and looked deep into Austin's eyes.
"I know what that's like; it's not a great feeling. I thought I was the one who had a bad day, but his is much worse, you know you can talk to me about it right?
Brian didn't answer again, but instead hugged Austin as hard as he could. Austin hugged back and the two of them slowly drifted off to sleep together, forgetting the trials of the day behind them.
Chapter 15
Austin woke up at the beginning of a new day. Hopefully the trials with Ms. Chambers were something he could put behind him, but he now had to look forward to the impending punishment from the people who worked at the Institute. Austin was much more concerned for his friend Brian, who had been fucked by a large man for what he assumed was the whole hour he was away. Austin was lying on his back, and opened his eyes as he turned to Brian.
Brian was moaning pretty loudly. His hand was rubbing and fondling his penis through the spandex material of his tight silver shorts. Brian seemed to be lost in his masturbation, enough to not notice Austin was watching. Brian's body was squirming, as if some invisible person was touching him. His legs moved as if he was trying to gain some distance. Austin thought that maybe Brian was touching himself in his sleep. Brian opened his eyes and turned to Austin, who himself was getting a boner from the show.
"Oh, I didn't know you were awake."
"Yeah, just now. So are you okay, did that man hurt you?"
"He fucked me, real hard. It seemed like it lasted forever. It started out really harmless. He was kissing me all over the place, and pushed me onto the bed. He slobbered over my whole body like I was a piece of food or something. He played with me for a whole while and then sucked me off."
"Were you scared? You seemed really shaken up last night."
"Usually I'm not, but for some reason this time it was different. A lot of different people have used me like that at this place, but I guess this time I wasn't sure what would happen. After giving me a blowjob he tied me down and fucked me. His dick smelled rancid, not nearly as good as yours. I was screaming a lot. It was enormous, and it hurt to have it shoved in me. He wasn't gentle at all. He didn't stop until you were on your way back."
"I know how you feel, that's how I felt when it happened to me as well. It was horrible."
"It was, but I liked it. It was one of the wildest experiences of my life. At the time I hated it, but now I'm craving someone to put themselves inside of me. Austin
3; will you fuck me, please fuck me, as hard as you can."
"Wait you want me to what?"
Austin was taken back by Brian's request. Could he really do that to Brian? Did he actually enjoy being raped by that man? Austin's penis grew hard at the thought of it, but didn't know why. Thinking of Brian as a scared boy fighting against him seemed to spark a sexual interest.
"Yes Austin please, you'll enjoy it I'm sure. It's going to be one of the best things ever."
Austin took a long pause and looked away from Brian for a moment. If Brian had asked him this yesterday, Austin would have already said no, but he had a lust for it all of a sudden. Holding down Brian and watching him struggle as Austin fucked him was beginning to turn him on.
"Alright, I'll do it."
"Alright, but you have to tie me up first."
Austin reached under the bed and grabbed some pieces of rope, a blindfold, and a gag. Brian lay on the bed face down and awaited his bounds. Austin put the blindfold around Brian's head and tied it as tight as he could. He then took a 4 inch [10 cm] long penis gag and shoved it in Brian's mouth, surprising him and making him moan. Austin walked to the front of the bed, near Brian's hands, and took one of them and tied it to the bedpost. Austin made especially sure that it was tight enough so that Brian couldn't jimmy loose. He did the same to the right hand.
Brian hadn't moved yet, which was odd to Austin because normally he would be enjoying the rope by now. Apparently that just wasn't good enough anymore. Austin went back to the side of the bed and grabbed Brian's knees, and tucked them under his stomach so that he was kneeling down. Austin took another piece of rope and tied it around Brian's kneecap a few times, and then tied the other end of the other end of the rope to the same bedpost where Brian's hands were. After securing both knees Austin went around back to Brian's feet.
Austin tied a tight knot around Brian's foot, and went over to the bedpost that was opposite of his hands. Austin pulled the rope as tight as he could, to make sure Brian wouldn't be able to move at all, and then secured to the bedpost. Austin repeated for the other foot, and Brian was completely tied up. Austin snagged a bottle of lube from under the bed. Brian was still quiet, until Austin crawled onto the bed. As soon as Austin was in a position to take over, Brian started to pull on his binds, getting a thrill from being tied and raped.
Austin couldn't believe how horny he was making Brian. He loved tie up games, but he was enjoying this so much more, as if it struck a nerve to get fucked while you are immobilized. Austin was also feeling different. He watched as Brian struggled to get free, while his little hole was in plane sight. Austin pretended in his head that Brian was actually a victim, and the thought of raping him made his excitement spike.
Austin removed his spandex from himself, and tossed it aside. It was doing much to hide his raging boner anyways. He got onto his knees and grabbed Brian's frantically shaking hips. His butt was smooth and soft, not a hair on him. Austin opened up Brian's cheeks and saw his little hole, which was pulsing from the excitement. He licked his lips, and felt a rush of sexual energy surge through him.
Austin applied some lube to his penis, being very careful to cover every last inch. He put a dab on his finger, and twirled it around the tip of Brian's sphincter. Brian moaned at the touch of Austin's cold finger. Austin poked his finger in a bit deeper, feeling the recesses of Brian's hole. It felt warm and tight. Austin wasn't able to stand the waiting anymore. He knelled on the bed and proceeded to touch his head to the hole. Brian let out a startled breath at the touch, and pulled on his bound feet. The ropes were secure and Brian was unable to move an inch. Austin gradually stuck half of his hard on into Brian. It was very warm inside, almost like being sucked off. Brian started to squeal as loud as he could, ultimately enjoying what was being done to him. The screams helped Austin envision this being a real rape even more.
Austin pounded the rest of his shaft into Brian, touching his prostate in just the right way. Austin was lost in the moment. His whole body was tingling with the sensation of fucking Brian. It felt almost as though his penis was in an oven, and the feeling of Brian's sphincter tensing up didn't hurt either. He took his dick out, just enough so the head was still inside, and then shoved it in again. Without hesitation, he began to fuck Brian in and out as hard as he could. The only noise that could be heard in the room was deep breaths from Austin, and a muffled yelp from Brian.
Brian was overtaken by Austin's forcefulness, reminding him of what the guard did. He pulled on his chains, thrashing his whole body around as best he could. The limited mobility made him enjoy being fucked even more. Brian was envisioning really being raped, and the thought of that made him feel hornier than ever. Brian already had a raging hard on, but was now starting to grind it on the bed underneath him, in sync with the motion from Austin.
With each thrust Austin was letting out a moan of pleasure that could be heard from a mile away. Austin's eyes closed as he took in the feel of raping his struggling victim. Every thrust into Brian's tight ass engulfed his shaft, making his own butt clench from the sheer thrill. Brian was getting the full feel of being raped again. His arms and feet pulled on his bounds as best he could while grinding his penis into the covers in an attempt to tame his lust for the act. Brian screamed as loud as he could, to make it sound like he was in pain. Austin thought of stopping, but the yelling only made him dig in harder.
Austin dug his claws into Brian's firm butt cheeks, and began to snarl a bit. Austin then slapped Brian's ass to show his dominance. Brian began to worry that Austin was loosing his mind a bit, and started to talk, but couldn't get a word through. Austin's thrusts became more forceful, and began to break some skin around Brian's whole, which was starting to form drops of blood. Before Brian could worry more, he came all over the bed sheets. It was just as good as when the guard fucked him, but Austin wasn't done yet.
Brian struggled against his bounds, but realized he would never break free. He had taught Austin too well how to tie a decent knot. Brian's muffled swords were now loud screams in his gag. Austin ignored the screams, which only enhanced his pleasure. Austin however could feel his penis start to tense up. He was reaching his climax, and not a moment too soon. Austin was now letting out shrieks of pleasure from his mouth. His preteen voice could be heard throughout the compound, by any and all who were interested.
Suddenly Austin let out an extended yell, as he filled Brian with cum. The stream seemed to last forever, and Austin took every chance to enjoy it. He thrust his penis in once or twice more, making sure to get every last drop before slowly pulling out. Austin quickly dropped on his butt, panting from the sex. Brian was also panting through his gag, relieved that Austin stopped before Brian bled more. After composing himself, Austin realized that he lost himself in the moment, and began to untie Brian.
After fully untying his friend, Austin curled up on the bed, a bit ashamed of what he had done. Brian took a second to relax, and cleaned himself up. Brian decided to lick his own cum off the covers, and seemed to enjoy it. He then turned to his friend to console him.
"Are you okay? You went a little overboard there, but in the end it felt great."
"I've never felt like that before. I think this place is making me enjoy this stuff more, other wise I would have never stuck myself in you, as good as it felt."
"I've heard that a lot. It's probably because of the food here."
"Yeah they put things in the food that makes sex a lot better. I think it messes with hormones and such, so they can study us. It didn't really affect me 'cause I was already doing that sort of thing."
"That's why I feel this way? I wonder what they'll do to me next. I just want to get out of this place, we both should. Where ever they take me, I want you to come."
"Why is that?"
"I just do! Because I feel weird about you I guess. You're the only friend I have in this place, or in general I guess. I've done things with you that I've never done before, and I liked it."
"I think you're really cute Austin, and you are a nice guy. I guess I love you too."
The statement took Austin back. His head flooded with many thoughts all at once. He liked girls, or he thought he did. Now he wasn't sure of himself. Suddenly the door opened, and a different guard from before was in the doorway with a black garment in his hand.
"Number 32, it's time for your punishment, and you'll need to wear this."
The guard through the piece of clothing at Austin, which turned out to be a blue Speedo.
"You have five minutes to prepare."
The door closed and Austin slipped on the Speedo. It fit around his body like a glove. Brian gazed at Austin with his eyes wide open, noticing every curve of the boy.
"I guess I'll see you after you have some fun."
Brian stood up and looked at Austin straight in the eyes. Austin wasn't sure what to say. Brian decided that actions were better than words and reached his lips out to Austin, giving him a long kiss. Austin stood there with his hands at his side, not knowing what to do. Suddenly he got lost in the emotion and put his arms around Brian's waste, taking Brian's mouth into his. After parting lips the door reopened, and Austin walked out towards the guard. The door closed leaving a still naked Brian standing in the middle of the room. "See you soon, lover."