SockluverCody and the Wombat |
SummaryThe Wombat is a small cruise ship with place for around 100 clients in luxury suites. Captain Robert Foster sails the oceans of the world providing male flesh of the teenaged variety to those who could pay for it. His scouts were always on the lookout for new cabin boys for his ship that could be trained into being the perfect companions for his guests. He had just sold off at a private auction some of his older stock and was in search of some replacements while berthed in Southern California. It was also a chance for the captain's 14-year-old son Nathan to have some fun on shore. And then he meets 15-year old Cody Gillam 3;
Publ. 2000 (ANCGS and ASSGM); this site Jun 2008
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CharactersCody (15yo), Brent (13yo), Nathan (14yo) and the Wombat boys Marco (16yo), Alec (14yo), Sean (c. 15yo), Rex (16yo)Category & Story codesBoy-Slave story/nowMt tt – nc oral anal – humil bdsm spank pierce ws, 'sock/clothing fetish', cross-dressing (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.The following is a work of fiction. It contains many things many people may find offensive such as sex between non-consenting teens and males and a lot of clothing fetish. Standard disclaimers apply. If you don't like it, or you are too young, please do not read it. If you don't like it, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThis is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. However, someone claiming to be Sockluver gave me permission to publish via the feedback form, without giving an e-mail address.Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the collector through this feedback form with Sockluver - Cody and the Wombat in the subject line. |
Chapter 1Nathan Foster had been living on the ship for the last ten years of his life; his father taking him to sea after his wife of only four years had passed away. While Australia was their home, and they had the accents to prove it, they spent the years traveling the world's oceans, offering very special cruises to a very short list of select clientele. Besides his private lessons in normal school subjects, Nate also had a far different education from the goings on aboard his father's ship. It had started out as a normal cruise ship when Nate was very young, but his fathers tastes had changed dramatically after the death of his wife.The ship was of a modest size, not as big as most cruise ships, but still could house around 100 clients in luxury suites. As Captain Robert Foster's tastes changed, so did the type of clients that took cruises. He was now rich beyond his wildest dreams, and spent his time sailing the oceans of the world providing male flesh of the teenaged variety to those who could pay for it. His scouts were always on the lookout for new cabin boys for his ship that could be trained into being the perfect companions for his guests. He had just sold off at a private auction some of his older stock and was in search of some replacements while berthed in Southern California. It was also a chance for his fourteen-year-old son Nathan to have some fun on shore. He had told Nathan that soon he could get a cabin boy of his own, but it would depend on what they could find. As always, the Captain would have the final say.
Cody Gillam shivered as he walked out of the ocean dragging his boogie board. While the southern California sun kept even the early spring days warm, the Pacific Ocean was still quite cold at this time of year. Goose bumps formed on his flawlessly smooth tanned skin as he headed for his towel and backpack further up the beach. He stretched out on his back and pulled the legs of his wet board shorts up as far as they would go so he could work on his tan. His long blonde hair that was normally parted in the middle when groomed hung slightly in his eyes as it started to dry. It was just as well that he was wet, as it would help hide the tears that came when he thought about his situation. The just turned 15 year old should have been in school today, but the beach was far more preferable then the hell that was his high school. He had just transferred there from across the county a couple of weeks earlier when his foster father had gotten a huge job promotion that required him to move out of state. The Sheltons had been the closest Cody and Brent had ever had to a real family. The two orphans, who were not related, had lived with the Sheltons and their four natural kids in a huge house and were very well provided for. The only reason Cody had a boogie board and the nice clothes he was wearing was thanks to his foster family. He had come to think of Brent, his fellow orphan who was thirteen, as his brother as they had lived together for over three years. Cody and Brent were returned to child services to get placed in another foster home. The problem was that the older Cody got, the less likely people would take him in as most were looking for a son to adopt. Brent had been luckier and placed with a very nice couple who had no kids of their own, and now had his very own room for the first time in his life. Cody was now back in a group home, sharing a room with three other boys, who so far had not given him the time of day, and looked as if they would rather beat him up then deal with him. The staff there was very nice, but he was sharing the home with a lot of problem kids, and Cody's only problem was that he had been found abandoned at three years old. Add that to the crappy part of town the home was in, and the equally crappy school district he was now forced to attend, he decided to sneak his board out of the home and catch the bus to the beach instead of school that Friday morning. He was trying to figure out why just when things were finally going so good that life had dealt him yet another set back. So as he wiped his tears with the back of his hand, he decided to take a nap and figure out his next move. There had to be something he could do!
Nate was having the time of his life! His father's ship was making a port call in Southern California to pick up another set of millionaire guests and provisions, and he finally has some waves worthy of his talents to surf on! The ship was getting some work done on the engines and would be here for a few days. Most of the places the private cruise ship that he called home visited had nice beaches and lots to see, but few had good surf. So he was delighted when his strict father, who was the captain of the ship now docked at Long Beach, had arranged for Nathan to spend the weekend at a client friend of his' beachside condo near Seal Beach. Nate had the place to himself with his father's steward/butler along as a chaperon, but this morning, Reginald had gone into the city to buy some groceries, as well as scout for more provisions for the ship, so he was totally on his own. He had been surfing for a good two hours and decided it was time for a rest. Even though he was wearing a form fitting black and red Body Glove wet suit, he was starting to get cold. He pulled his board out and was going to walk back toward the condo when he saw a kid who looked close to his own age laying out on the beach. He was blonde, as was Nate, and had a nice tan to be sure. As he got closer to the kid who appeared to be sleeping, he started to notice more details. He appeared to be around five feet five [1.65 m] or so, and looked around 120 pounds [55 kg]. His wet hair was around shoulder length, parted in the middle, and his light brown skin appeared flawless. He also appeared to be totally smooth except for a slight pubescent fuzz growing under his arms, and he had nice quarter sized brown nipples. His innie belly button was rising up and down with his steady breathing, and the only other thing Nate noticed about this cutie pie was a unique freckle right in the middle of the cutie pies right kneecap. He might be a good candidate; thought Nate as he felt his shriveled penis start to come back to life. Never being one to be shy he walked right up to the relaxing teen and said, "G'day mate, you from around here?" Startled by the intrusion, Cody snapped out of his half sleep and opened his eyes to the sight of a small blonde kid with a funny accent wearing a wet suit. "What? Oh, yeah, or I used to be anyway." Cody said, remembering that he no longer lived nearby. "I cut school today to catch some rays and contemplate life. Where are you from?" "Well I hale from Australia. Brisbane to be exact, but I haven't been back there in over a year. My dad's the captain of a ship in port here and I live on it with him," Nate replied. That explained the accent. Cody had never met anyone from a different country (other then Mexico) before. "No Shit! Wow, that must be awesome!" Cody grinned. The braces he revealed when he smiled were another gift left over from his former foster parents. Luckily for Cody they had been paid for in advance. "Well it is fun, but I don't have many mates because of it. My names Nathan by the way, but me mates call me Nate." "Hi Nate, my names Cody and my friends call me Cody!" Both boys laughed at the joke and spent the next few minutes talking about anything that came to mind, with Cody avoiding details about his situation. He was embarrassed about being an orphan and kind of jealous of this rich kid who traveled the world with his father. They discovered that they were a year apart in age but Nate seamed very wise beyond his years, no doubt because of his traveling, but also because he had a private tutor on the ship who was a stern taskmaster. There was something else about this kid that made Cody feel strange, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Soon it was lunchtime, and Nate asked Cody if he would like to pop over to the condo for a bite. "Gee I don't know Nate, I'm supposed to be in school and your dad might wonder what's up." Cody couldn't get over the strange feeling he had about this kid, but he didn't want to seem rude to the first person to talk to him in days. Besides, he was probably just worrying because he skipped school or something, he thought to himself. "My dad's not here, just Reginald, who's the butler, and he's probably not back yet. Come on mate, I don't want to eat alone." The draw of food overcame his nervousness, especially when he realized that he had not thought of food when he ditched this morning as he had just enough money for bus fare. "Wow, a butler! OK Nate, you have talked me into it." Cody grabbed his backpack and board and followed Nate up the beach toward the huge private condo. They walked up the stairs to the back yard, by a nice sized swimming pool, and through a sliding glass door into the beachouse. "Come up to my room while I change out of this wet suit, then we will see what Reggie has for us in the fridge," said Nate while walking down the hall with Cody in tow. Once in the bedroom Nate was using, the Aussie surfer started peeling off the skin tight neoprene suit. Cody was trying without much success not to stare at his new friend while he took his clothes off. Even though he had shared a bedroom with other boys his whole life, he always changed in the bathroom or made sure he was alone. He was small for his age, and didn't want to be teased. Nate on the other hand didn't seem the least bit bothered, as he was wearing nothing under the wet suit that he was taking off. Cody figured that Nate must wear a speedo type bathing suit, as evidenced by the tan line on his new friend. Unlike the rest of Nate's five foot four [1.63 m] frame that was colored a golden tan, his butt was a creamy white. Just then Nate turned around and Cody looked away quickly, afraid he had been caught staring. What was worse was that his dick was starting to grow in his shorts! Not now of all times, he thought. Nate smiled to himself. He knew Cody had been checking him out, and he saw the bulge growing in his shorts to prove it. He didn't mention it though; he didn't want to scare him off. Making sure Cody got a good view of his flopping uncut dick and nearly hairless balls, Nate walked over to his suitcase on the floor and fished out a skimpy pair of yellow footie shorts, pulling them on without any underwear. Cody was grateful that Nate was wearing clothes now. He couldn't understand why, but being around this kid was affecting him in ways he was not used to. After throwing on a T-shirt Nate led the way back to the kitchen. After eating a lunch of submarine sandwiches, which had been left for Nate by the butler, Cody was trying to think of how to politely leave. He was having strange thoughts, and was also worried about skipping school, now that he had more time to think about the consequences. "Nate, this has been great, but I need to get back soon. I have to take the bus back and be home around the time school should get out." Just as he said this, a man was letting himself into the house. He was six foot five [1.95 m] and had to weigh at least 250 [110 kg], figured Cody. He was dressed in casual slacks and a shirt and tie, but he had a very dignified air about him. This had to be the butler, thought Cody. He just looked the part. His suspicions were soon confirmed. "Hey Reggie!" Boomed Nate. "This is my new mate Cody. Cody meet Reginald, my protector, and my Dad's right hand man." Cody didn't notice the knowing look exchanged between the Butler and Nate. "Hello Master Nathan, hello Cody, pleased to meet you." the butler replied in a clipped British accent. "Hey Reg, can you give Cody a lift home if he stays for a swim?" Nate asked. Before Cody could even protest that he couldn't stay, the man, who was far more then a butler replied, "Of course Master Nathan, I would be delighted. I have some more, pickups in a while to go back to the ship." "Wicked max!" Nate exclaimed. Cody had no idea what that meant, but he! guessed it was good, and he resigned himself to the fact that he was staying a bit longer. "Right, lets go for a swim in the pool then. Whadda ya say mate?" Never having been anyone's 'mate' before, Cody found himself smiling and saying, "sure Nate, but I don't have anymore swim trunks with me. I can't go home with these wet, or they 3; I mean, I will get in trouble." He still hadn't told him about his living situation. "Hey no problem, your not that much bigger then me, I have some spare bathers packed that you can borrow." Nate led the way back to his room. Once back in his room, Nate attacked his suitcase, rummaging through it until he pulled out two bathing suits. Cody swallowed hard when Nate tossed him his suit to borrow. It was a blue and red speedo! He had never worn anything like that before, and was going to say something, but Nate just threw off his yellow shorts right in front of him again and pulled on a black pair of the same style. Cody tried not to stare at Nate's dick again he pulled on the tight skimpy garment. His own dick gave a surge as he watched the Aussie adjust his package to fit in his suit. Cody swallowed again and figured what the hell, and turned his back to Nate and pulled off his board shorts and boxers in one pull. Trying not to make eye contact with anything but the floor, he pulled on the form-fitting bikini. It felt weird to him, not to mention scary. Cody felt more then naked somehow. He turned around to find Nate grinning at him. Nate purposely found the smallest tightest speedo he had to give to Cody. He wanted to see how well this California cutie pie was hung. He could tell Cody was the shy type and was very amused when he turned his back to him to pull the suit on. That just helped Nate check out his two perfectly shaped buns, that also showed off Cody's tan line, although you could tell that the guy usually wore normal type shorts. That would change, thought Nate. He was getting a woody just watching the nervous beauty getting dressed. When Cody turned around, Nate could see he was not the only one sporting an erection. He smiled. His plan was working so far. "Looks like a perfect fit mate, but I think you and me have the same problem," said Nate pointing at his and Cody's obvious state of arousal. Cody's cheeks blushed bright red from embarrassment. "Uh, yeah, sorry dude, I just have never worn a suite like this and it feels different!" "No worries mate, we will just have to take care of ourselves before we go out to the pool." Nate pulled the front of his suit down and hooked the waistband under his balls. "Fancy a wank before we go for a dip?" He started stroking his growing rod right in front of Cody. Nate grinned even more when Cody's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head. He even turned redder then before unconsciously grabbed at his own package, which was now testing the limits of the tiny speedo. "Uh, dude I, I 3;" Cody could not make the words come out. He whacked off all the time too, but never ever with someone else. Living in a house full of people, he had always done it in the shower, about the only place he had ever had any privacy. He seemed to get hard at all the wrong times and didn't want to be known as a homo. Only fags got hard around other guys, he thought to himself. At the moment though he could feel his foreskin sliding back as he was coming around to full mast. Nate laughed at Cody's obvious embarrassment. "Come on Cody, it's just us guys here. Don't tell me you don't wank?" Cody had never heard the term wank before but he figured out pretty easily what it meant. "Sure I do, but not with other guys. That's for queers and stuff!" "Nah, it just means your horny. It's a lot more fun together, trust me." Nate advanced on Cody who was now backed up to the wall. He was sweating and shaking his head no, but he was still rubbing the crotch of the speedo with his eyes glued to Nate's full five and half inches [14 cm] of teenhood. "Here let me help you," Nate said as he brushed Cody's hand out of the way and started rubbing the stuttering kid's package. Nate grinned as he watched Cody's knees start to knock together. He could see the older kids dickhead peeking out of the waistband of his swim trunks. Without warning Nate yanked Cody's trunks down to his knees revealing his fully erect cock standing out from under his light blonde bush. "Nate, don't 3; I mean, stop it please, I like you and everything, but 3;AAGGHHhhhh!" Cody had never had anyone touch his dick except maybe the doctor a long time ago. It felt, wonderful, which is what scared him. He wanted to slap his new friend's hand away, but something kept him from doing it. He got covered in goosebumps as Nate started to jack him off in earnest, and didn't protest when the younger teen pulled him by his dick over to the bed. Nate pushed Cody onto his back, and pulled his trunks off his legs. He followed by removing his own. "Just lay back and enjoy it mate." Nate whispered to Cody. The now naked surfer kid crawled on top of Cody and positioned his five and halfer [14 cm] on top of Cody's six inches [15 cm] of prime California steel. Cody had never felt anything like it in his life. 'Does this mean I'm queer?' he thought to himself. That would explain why he never talked to girls, but he told himself that was because he was an orphan and they had no interest in being seen with the freak. Such thoughts though were put on the back burner when Nate started grinding into him with his cock, rubbing up and down on top of him, while Nate's smooth legs straddled his prone body. "Oh, shit 3; Nate, I can't hold it!" "Let er rip mate, I'm about to blow my self!" Cody was trying his best to hold the impending explosion, but when Nate reached under him and ran a finger up his asscrack, he squealed in surprise and lost all control. Soon a week's worth of pent up Cody cum was blasting between the two blonde beach boys, shortly followed by Nate's own contribution to the sticky mess. Nate dropped on top of Cody, rubbing himself around until both guys' chests and bellies were coated with a sticky mess. Cody could not believe he allowed what just happened to happen. He wasn't a fag or anything, but holy shit! That was such a great feeling. He had never before in his life experienced such an orgasm! But what did this mean? He had a million emotions running through him, and wanted to talk to Nate, but the younger of the two dudes just hopped off of him and started toweling himself off. He threw the towel to Cody when he was done and pulled his speedo back on. "Right, that's much better, let's go for a swim mate, see you at the pool!" Nate left for the backyard. Cody was shocked. He was now totally confused, not just about his friend, but his whole life. He wiped the cum off of him and pulled the skimpy suit on, and followed Nate out the door. They spent the next hour and a half playing around in the pool like any normal teenagers would. Cody really wanted to talk to Nate about the events in the bedroom, but couldn't figure out a way. He wondered if Cody was like that because of living on a ship his whole life, or if it was some weird foreign thing. He also wondered if he had just been missing out on things because he didn't have a normal life. All these things were going through his head when the butler came out and announced it was time to go. As Cody pulled on his school clothes, Nate asked if he would like to come around tomorrow. "You could meet my dad, and I could show you the ship," Cody had said. "Just ask your rents if you can come!" Cody sat down on his bed, stuffing his shorts into his backpack. He supposed he would have to tell him sometime. "I don't have parents Nate 3;I'm a ward of the state, an orphan. I live in a group home on the other side of town 3;" Cody gave Nate his abbreviated life story in a few minutes. When he was done he put his backpack on and went out to grab his board. "This is better than I had hoped!" thought Nate. He had a word with Reginald, who smiled and called the Captain, while Nate went after Cody. "Hey mate, sorry about your situation, but you should still be able to come around tomorrow shouldn't you? Reggie can pick you up if you like?" Cody was nervous. This whole thing was wrong, but at the same time, his cock stirred at the thought of the afternoon's activity. "Yeah, I can come over. No one really cares what I do right now." So on the ride back to the group home, Nate used the car phone to talk to his father. "It's all set then," he began, "Reggie will pick you up a block from your house, and then I will give you a tour of my real home, and you can meet my dad. He's a bit of a stiff sort, but I think you will get along fabulously!" Cody couldn't see the smirk the butler made at Nate's last comment. He just smiled nervously at Nate. The truth was that he was excited to go on board a real ship. He had never been in as much as a rowboat before. The small limousine dropped Cody off a block or so from the home, causing some odd looks, as that was not a common sight in this part of town. He shook hands with Nate and tried to figure out how he would talk himself out of trouble from skipping school. It was a wasted worry, as no one really paid him much attention when he got back to his room. One of his clod roommates just smirked at him when he came in. Cody knew he had made the right call then. These guys were all pricks, and at least Nate was cool to him, even if he was a queer or whatever. He still had to think about that!
"Right sir, an orphan, just like I told you. Reginald has the address of the home he lives in," Nathan was on the cell phone with the captain. "Yes sir, I will fax you the photos from this afternoon as soon as I get back to the condo. Can I keep him Dad, please? Yes sir, I know you have to meet him and check out his story, sorry sir. Yes sir, see you tomorrow then. Bye." He closed the phone. "Reg, are we going for a pickup?" "I'm going to drop you off first Master Nate, your father doesn't want you involved in this sort of thing yet." "How am I supposed to learn if I never get to do anything!" Nate pouted. "You keep that attitude up, and I expect you never will young sir!" Reginald admonished him. "I bet you will get to keep this Cody boy, and get to start on him, and the captain will see how you do. That's a good start." "Yeah, I guess your right. Sorry Reg, I just get so excited when there are going to be new boys put aboard." "Understood Master Nate!" Reggie replied. He had been Nate's caretaker as long as the boy could remember. "Lets get you home. You have a big day tomorrow." The limo sped back to the condo.
The next morning, Cody was standing on the arranged corner sharply at ten thirty as agreed. He was dressed in his best khakis, Sketchers and a polo shirt. He felt he needed to dress up a bit since he would be meeting an actual ship captain. Plus he knew that Nate was quite wealthy by the looks of his clothes not to mention the whole butler thing. He was pacing back and forth waiting for the car to show up. He found himself there after walking back toward the house three times. He was quite nervous about meeting Nate's father, who sounded rather imposing. Still, he couldn't stand being in this hellhole, and it would be a way to kill a day. After all, if Nate's father turned out to be a jerk, both of them would be leaving in a couple of days never to be seen again. He didn't notice the limo until it was pulling up right next to him. The back door opened, and there was Nate, who to Cody's relief was also dressed rather nicely, but Cody noticed, in far more expensive clothes. "G'day Cody!" Nate shouted as Cody hopped in the back seat. "Glad you could come, this is going to be great! Dad really want's to meet you!" "Cool," Cody responded, " uh, what should I call him?" "Captain will do, that is what everyone else calls him. That or sir." "OK cool. I don't want to get in trouble the first time on board a ship." "No you don't" Nate responded, but in sort of an odd way, thought Cody. He forgot about it though as they got closer to the pier. There amongst all the container and cargo ships was a smaller, but still of impressive size, passenger liner tied up. Cody could see the name Wombat painted on the side. The limo pulled right up to the gangplank, and Reginald opened the door for the two boys to get out. Cody nervously followed Nate up on to the ship where a sailor in what looked like some type of naval uniform to a snapped to attention. He couldn't be more then twenty or twenty-one thought Cody, but he was solidly built under that uniform, and the sidearm he had said he was all business. He boomed out in an accent similar to Nate's. "Welcome back aboard Mr. Foster. Your father is expecting you and your guest in his cabin." "Thanks Dobbs." Nate said as he walked by. "Follow me Cody, and I'll give you the grand tour on the way." For the next half-hour, Nate led Cody all around the top half of the ship, showing him the bars and casino, as well as some of the guest cabins, and the swimming pool. He also showed him the helicopter-landing pad on the aft deck of the huge boat. He noticed several more smartly dressed sailors going about what he supposed where the routine chores of keeping a ship like this running smoothly. Cody was totally confused and lost afterward and said as much to Nate. "Yeah, don't worry, it takes most of our guests a few days to get used to the layout too. Thankfully we aren't going to have many on this next leg down to South America" What Cody would not realize until later is that he had not been shown a large portion of the ship. The part that most of the paying guests came to enjoy. They came to a large ornately decorated door, "here we go mate, you're about to meet the captain. Nate knocked on it and they heard the "come in" from the other side of the door. Nate opened it and walked in, followed by Cody. Captain Foster was an impressive man indeed thought Cody. About as big as Reginald the butler, he was blonde like Nate, with his hair cut in a flat top. He was dressed in a uniform as well, with white pants and a white shirt with some sort of rank insignia on the shoulders. The white cotton material set off a very dark tan, undoubtedly from all the years sailing around the world. "Hello Nathan," the captain said formally, but friendly, "welcome back aboard, this must be your new friend." He looked directly at Cody with cold blue eyes that sent a chill down his spine. "Yes father, this is Cody Gillam. Cody, my father Captain Foster." "Hello sir, pleased to meet you," said Cody in a voice he was barley able to keep steady. "Hello Cody, nice to meet you as well." He shook his hand with a grip that almost made Cody wince. "Nathan tells me you met on the beach yesterday. Shouldn't you yanks be in school around this time." "Uh, yes sir, I just moved though, and things aren't quite settled in yet." He fought the urge to rub his hand. "Right. Nathan mentioned something about your situation. Bad luck all right." What he didn't tell Cody, was that after Nate found out where he lived, he set his own machine into operation and knew everything there was to know about Cody Gillam through his American contacts. No one would look too hard for him after a few well-placed deposits were made. "Well boys, lunch will be served in about an hour. Why don't you show Cody your cabin Nathan and we will meet in the main dining room. That should give you time to freshen up. Cody realized they had been dismissed. Two doors down was Nathan's cabin. Upon entering, Cody realized apartment would have been a better word for it. It had a main room, as well as a two other rooms. One was used for a bedroom and the other looked more like a study, complete with a computer, maps of the world on the wall and bookshelves full of who knew what. He let out a low whistle. "This is all yours? I have to share a room the size of your bedroom with three other guys!" "I know, I am pretty lucky." Nate said. "But I would trade a lot of this if I could have some mates around all the time. I get lonely sometimes." Cody couldn't imagine not liking this setup. At least Nate had a real father! He was about to say something to that effect, when Nate flopped down on his couch and clicked on the TV in his living room. "Hey wanna see something cool?" "Sure," Cody said. He plopped down on the couch next to Nate, but kept what he thought was a reasonable distance. "What's on?" "I have some tapes you might like mate," Nate said with a grin and pushed the play button. Cody heard groaning coming from the TV and when he looked he almost swallowed his tongue. On the screen were two boys close to his age, one with brown hair and one with red hair. That was not what surprised Cody though, it was the fact that the dark haired one was on his knees swallowing the red heads cock! Cody's cock immediately started to rise inside his boxer shorts. "Holy shit," he whispered. "Where did you get this?" Without even realizing that he was doing it, Cody was rubbing his dick. "I have my sources," Nate said with an air of secrecy. "I use em to wank to sometimes. I sure would like to do this stuff though. How about you?" "I don't think I could do that Nate, its not 3; right." Nate kicked off his shoes and undid his fly. "Well, at least have a pull with me before lunch mate," his uncut dick was now in his hands, rapidly expanding. "Nothing like it to build up an appetite." He pulled his pants and underwear off. Cody told himself he shouldn't, but he was hypnotized by the on screen fellatio. He found himself lowering his fly and pulling his dick out from the fly of his Hanes boxer shorts. He was prick was at full size and starting to trickle out pre cum as he pulled his foreskin back and forth over his dark purple cock head. He glanced over to see Nate hard at work on his own, except that his friend was naked from the waist down except for his dark socks. He moved his eyes back to the screen in time to see the red headed kid scream out and start pumping a huge load into the sucking mouth of the brown haired kid. There was so much cum though that it was leaking out all over and he was rubbing the freckled dick all over his face, smearing the spent cum on like Noxema. He was so enthralled with watching this that he didn't realize what was going on until he felt something hot and wet envelop his cock. He looked down, and to his dismay, Nate was between his legs and had his dick in his mouth! "Dude, what do you think your doing! I aint no fag!" The only problem is that he said this without much conviction. This was the most intense feeling in the world! Even better then yesterday! He found himself putting his hands on Nate's neatly trimmed head, and started guiding it up and down his now slick fun handle. What the hell, they will be gone in a couple of days and no one will ever know, he thought. He kicked off his shoes and slid his pants down his legs. His boxers stayed on as his dick poking through the hole trapped them. He wondered if this was indeed the first time Nate had done this as he was swallowing his entire six inches [15 cm] like a pro! Next Nate started tickling his balls, and Cody knew he couldn't hold out much longer. "Dude, you better stop, I'm getting ready to blow!" This just caused Nate to suck harder while kneading his balls even more. "Oh fuck dude, I'm gonna fucking cum now. Ohhhhhhh!" Cody's butt cheeks clinched together and his cum gun started rapid firing into Nate's sucking mouth! "Oh, fuck, oh my god, oh shit!" he was screaming as he convulsed and fired his wad. "Dude, sorry I couldn't help it!" Nate just smiled from between his legs, and licked his lips. "Don't worry mate. I wanted to taste your cum." He stood up, with his own stiff willy poking straight out. He walked right up to Cody. "Your turn now mate, its only fair. Don't worry, I will pull out before I shoot if you don't want to taste it." Cody gulped. He didn't want to do this, but how could he refuse after what Nate had just done? He put his tongue to his top lip and leaned forward. He froze. He could feel Nate's hand on the back of his head pulling him toward his one eyed monster that was waiting. He kept his mouth closed as Nate ran his uncovered pink mushroom around Cody's lips, leaving slug tracks of precum on them. "Come on mate, it's easy" Nate said. "It's not like I am going to tell anyone." He pushed his cock into Cody's mouth. "Watch those teeth Cody, wouldn't want to get caught in those braces," he giggled as he force-fed more of his stick into Cody's reluctant mouth. Soon Cody got over his reluctance though and started to run his tongue around the underside of Nate's cock. His moaning told him he must have been doing it right. As a matter of fact he could feel his own dick getting hard again! He continued his first blow for another five minutes or so when he heard Nate's breathing rapidly increase. "Oh Cody!" Cody felt Nate pull his off of his cock by his hair, and a millisecond later he started to receive a cum facial, as rope after rope of Nate nectar shot out of his engorged organ. Cody kept his eyes shut so he wouldn't get sprayed, as Nate almost fell on top of him as he came off his orgasm high. "Well now I know why you are late for lunch!" A loud voice boomed from the doorway. Cody looked toward the door and to his horror, there stood the Captain, Reginald, and the sailor from the gangplank of the ship! He scrambled for his pants but just succeeded in falling back on the couch while Nate quickly pulled up his pants. The sailor, Dobbs, walked over to where Cody was on the couch and violently ripped his boxers off his slender frame and started wiping Nate's goo off his face. "A true California queer boy are ya?" Cody was terrified. "Please sir, I can explain 3; Nate put on this movie and 3;" SLAP! Dobbs smacked him across the face. "Shut yer bunghole you. You'll speak only when spoken to!" "Master at arms, take the new cabin boy to the brig." Captain Foster ordered. "We will start his training once we are underway. Nathan, get dressed and come to lunch, you have some explaining to do yourself." "Yes father." Nate said and stared gathering his clothes. "What the hell is going on here?" Cody demanded. "Who the fuck do you people think 3; OOOOF!" Dobbs hit him full force in the stomach knocking the wind out of him. "I told you to keep your fucking mouth shut boy!" He pulled Cody's pants all the way off and half carried the wheezing teenager out of the room with the help of Reginald. He was taken to an elevator and felt it going down to the bowels of the ship. They came to a door where another uniformed armed sailor stood. "Another one eh? The captains men have been busy at this port that's for sure." He opened the door that led to a hallway of cell doors that smelled of stale air, urine, and worse. Cody was in too much pain to resist as he was led to a cell that Dobbs opened up. With no effort the butler ripped Cody's remaining clothes off and shoved him into the cell. Dobbs fastened an iron manacle around his ankle and without another word both men left him in the cell, closing the door behind them. Cody tried to get up and try the door but fell over when the slack on his chain ran out. He took stock of his situation. He was naked, chained by his ankle to a steel bed in a dimly lit cell. There was a tiny toilet next to the bed, but other then that there was no furniture in the eight by six-foot [2½x2 m] room at all. He crawled up on the bed and curled into a fetal position. What had just happened? Was Nate in on this the whole time? What were they going to do with him? Would anyone come look for him? With a start, he realized he had not told anyone where he was going. He started to cry, something as an orphan that he had sworn never to do again a long time ago. This was different though. He was truly afraid. He cried for a long time until he finally fell asleep 3;
Chapter 2Nate entered the formal dining room where his father, Captain Foster, was already seated at the table. He had dressed in tan slacks and a button up shirt with a tie, as he felt it might lesson his father's wrath. Nate tried to avoid his fathers glare, but he could feel those cold gray eyes boring into him. Without saying a word, he sat down next to his father at his usual seat for meals. Without a word the Captain rang a bell, and Reginald appeared with their meal, serving first the man, then his son. They ate their meal in an uncomfortable silence. It wasn't until the butler had cleared away the dishes that Nate's father spoke."You disobeyed me Nathan. Why?" He asked. "I'm sorry father, I know I was supposed to wait, but I couldn't! You've seen how cute he is, and you said I could keep him, and 3;" "I said you could keep him yes, but you weren't supposed to do anything until after we ate. We were going to drug him and he wouldn't have woke up until it was too late. You know we have to be careful while we are tied up at a pier, especially in the United States for God's sake! You could have jeopardized the whole operation! I am very disappointed in you Nathan. Stand up and remove your trousers. Reginald, bring me Nathan's whipping strap please." "Right away sir," the butler replied, and headed off to get the dreaded strap. "But Father please! I didn't mean to 3;" "You have just doubled your punishment young man. Stand up and remove your trousers NOW!" Nate swallowed hard. He knew he had gone too far at the time, and now he had to pay for his eagerness. With his father gazing hard at him, he unbuckled his tailored pants and let them drop. He pulled them off over his shoes and socks, and folded them neatly over the chair. He lowered his white briefs next, adding them to the chair, then without being told, bent over the table. It just made it worse when Reggie was watching as well. The Captain walked around behind his prone son and pulled his shirt tail up out of the way revealing the only un-tanned patch of skin on Nate's slender body. He felt the smooth twin globes, giving each of them a squeeze before kicking Nate's feet slightly further apart. "Honestly Nathan, I thought you were mature enough to handle this on your own, but obviously I was mistaken," his father began, "I really don't enjoy punishing you (which was only half true) but it is the only way you will ever learn." Reginald returned with Nate's strap. It was essentially a two-inch [5 cm] wide strip of leather, about a foot [30 cm] long with a handle on one end. The Captain had it custom made for him by a British friend of his that specialized in custom leather. It was not the only item the captain had made by him by any means, but it was probably the most used. The butler handed the strap to the Captain. "Here you are sir, Master Nathan's strap." "Thank you Reginald, I thought I wouldn't have to use this after this port call, but I see I was mistaken. And were still three hours from shoving off." "He is a bit eager sir," Reginald replied. He had known Nate since he came to live on the ship, and looked after him a good bit, but did share the Captains views about discipline. He also enjoyed witnessing a good spanking. "No doubt a good hiding will remind him to follow your instructions." Nate kept his mouth shut as the two men talked about him as if he weren't bent over the table right in front of them. He tried not to clinch his cheeks together in anticipation of the pain he knew was coming. He felt the cool leather of the strap as the Captain ran it up the back of his thigh. "Are you ready Nathan?" "Yes father. I'm sorry I jumped the gun and messed around with Cody in port. I deserve to be punished," Nate replied, not wanting to anger his father any further. He wanted to be in on Cody's training so he could make him HIS cabin boy. "Very well, you the rules Nathan." The Captain raised the strap. CRACK! "One sir," Nate replied through clenched teeth. His ass was on fire after only the first blow. He knew he was in for nine more just as painful. It was bad enough to be bare-ass spanked, but having the butler watch was even worse! He knew Reggie was probably sporting a boner from watching him get punished. CRACK! "OUCH! T 3;two sir." Cody would pay for this all right! Just wait til he is my cabin boy! CRACK 3; After the tenth stroke of the paddle, Nate was made to stand without pants in the corner while the Captain discussed details with Reginald about various items of ships business. After what seemed an eternity to Nate, the Captain told him he could get dressed, but he was to be confined to his room until 1200 GMT (the time that the ship ran on) which would be around four in the morning pacific time, when they would be well underway and back in international waters. "Make sure you are on time to start Cody's in processing Nathan," his father told him crisply, "I am willing to forget one transgression, but if you make it two I will re-evaluate you rating your own boy." "Yes Dad, you can count on me, I won't muck it up this time I promise!" The Captain just gave a grunt. "We shall see Nathan, we shall see. Now be off with you and go work on your studies. You had your surfing holiday and its time to buckle back down." "Yes sir," Nate replied and headed back for his room, glad that he was still going to get to keep Cody for his own. You never could tell with the Captain. Otherwise this would be a dull leg as there were only a few wealthy guests on this leg. They would pick up a full load at the next stop. Nate quickly stripped off his clothes and looked at his butt in the mirror. Wow was it read! No worries though, it wasn't the first, and probably not the last. He did look forward to doing the same thing to Cody when he became his cabin boy though! He started stroking his prick when he thought about that. He lay down on his side on his bed. Yes sir, it would be wicked cool to have his own cabin boy! He felt his juice boiling in his nuts. The more he thought about what he could do with Cody the hotter they became! His hand was a blur on his rock hard cock. When he thought of Cody bending over before him it was too much. He fired a huge wad of his own brand of Australian dick snot all over his bed and hand. Panting with satisfaction, he set his alarm, and rolled over into a deep sleep.
Later that night Cody bolted awake in his cell. He felt movement and realized the ship must be underway. He rubbed his ankle where the shackle was attached, while thinking about what he could do. After a moment he realized not a whole lot. He had not told a soul where he was going, and they probably wouldn't even look for him that hard anyway. He stood up and walked around his tiny cell, as best his tether would allow. There was only one small window on the door, but the chain wasn't long enough to reach there. He started shouting, demanding for someone to let him out of there. "You won't get away with this!" He screamed to no one in particular. He heard someone fumbling with the lock on his cell door. It opened up and Dobbs was there with another sailor, who was carrying a bag. "I told you before queerboy, no talking!" Dobbs said. He nodded at the other sailor, who standing at about six feet [1.80 m], also looked extremely fit. The sailor advanced on Cody, and before he knew what hit him, he was on his knees and his arms were pinned painfully in place behind his back The sailor unlocked the shackle on Cody's ankle and pulled him to his feet and placed him in front of Dobbs, who with the other sailor still holding his arms, got right up in Cody's face. "You have a lot to learn here kid. The first thing though, is to follow orders. If you don't follow orders, you suffer the consequences. You are now the property of the Wombat, so get used to it. Your permanent rank is that of cabin boy, which means you are lower than whale shit, and whale shit goes to the bottom of the ocean, which ought to tell you where you stand. Before your training really begins though, we got to make sure you're clean of any diseases or any other defects." With the last word Dobbs looked at Cody's shriveled up dick then turned to the sailor, "Seaman Wilkes, get this piece of trash presentable and take him and the other one that's awake to see the doc and start their processing." "Aye aye Master at Arms," the sailor replied. Cody was shaking in fear after the big sailor dressed him down. How could they get away with this, he wondered. He didn't have much time to ponder his fate though, because Wilkes grabbed him by the ear and pulled him over to the bag. It contained his clothes that were so rudely ripped from him earlier. "Put your clothes on kid, and hurry up." He stood back and stared at the cowering naked boy in front of him. Cody could see a noticeable bulge in the front of Wilkes' tight uniform pants. Cody decided that he could do nothing at the moment but obey. He was embarrassed to have to dress in front of this sailor that was now obviously leering at him, but at least he was getting his clothes back. "Make sure your shirt is tucked in, if you are seen dressed sloppily, you go on report," Wilkes said. Cody got dressed as quickly as he could, not wanting to find out what being on report meant. Cody looked for his underwear, but remembered that they were ripped off of him. He felt funny wearing his pants with nothing under him, but decided now wasn't the time to complain. He made sure he was dressed as neatly as possible. Wilkes walked around him, taking in his smooth body with his eyes. It figures that the Captain's kid was going to get to keep this prime piece of merchandise he thought. "Now when you get out in the hall, face the door with your hands at your side, and your heels together. That is the position of attention, do not forget it, as I will only tell you once. Now get moving maggot!" Wilkes ordered. Cody went out to the hallway as ordered and stood at attention facing the door to the brig that he had been deposited through earlier. He heard noises behind him, but he didn't dare look back for fear of getting in more trouble. He heard Wilkes yelling at someone else and could hear someone walking up behind him, then felt a hand on his right shoulder. The hand Cody felt belonged to Marco, another hapless victim of the Wombat's southern California port call. Marco was a street hustler, half Mexican, half white, who made the mistake of getting into the limo with Reggie, after the butler had offered him fifty dollars for a blow job. Marco didn't consider himself gay or anything; he just did what he did to eat. As long as he was the one getting blown, he figured his manhood was intact. The sixteen year old had run away from his drug using parents a year prior after one beating too many and had been making his living anyway he could, on the cruel streets of L.A. Marco was about five foot seven [1.70 m] at one hundred twenty pounds [55 kg] or so, and had light brown skin, brown eyes and long wavy black hair. After getting the arm lengths spacing that Wilkes had told him get behind Cody, he too assumed the position of attention. Wilkes walked in front of Cody, pressed a button on the wall and the guard outside the door opened it up. Cody saw a kid waiting outside the door, who snapped to attention at the sight of Wilkes. He was wearing a sailor uniform too, but different from the adult sailors, who seemed to double as guards. This kid was wearing a 'little boys' sailor suit like Cody had seen in old movies. It consisted of a white top, with blue stripes at the end of the long sleeves, complete with a blue kerchief that was knotted in the front and white medium length shorts. He had a black plastic nametag on his right breast that read 'Alec, USA' on it. Thin white cotton knee socks and white leather lace up shoes completed the uniform. This was Cody's first look at the duty uniform for all cabin boys on the Wombat. There were other uniforms for specific jobs as well, along with any number of unique requests from the guests. Wilkes spoke to the kid, who looked around fourteen or so, "fall in behind these two and make sure they don't stray Alec, we're going to process them in." "Aye aye sir," the cabin boy, and got behind the two new cabin boys. "Follow me," Wilkes ordered, and led the way out of the ship's brig. Cody followed the sailor while trying to figure out where he was and possible means of escape, but they were deep in the ship, and one passageway started to look like another after just a few turns. He was totally confused when they came to an elevator. He didn't even know if it was the same one they had brought him down on earlier. He did notice that Wilkes had to use a key to activate it. When they all got in the elevator, Cody got a closer look at his fellow captive and the kid in the goofy uniform. The Mexican looking dude, who was apparently tricked somehow like him, was dressed like he wanted to be a gang member or something, but looked far to scared at the moment. He had on a black T-shirt and huge baggy denim shorts, the kind that went well over his knees covering his socks that looked like they were white at one time. A grubby pair of Nike high tops completed his outfit. Cody noticed that he smelled like he could use a bath. He wondered if he did too. The kid in the uniform looked a little younger then him, but not that much. He was smaller than Cody, maybe five three [1.60 m] or so and was quite skinny. He had brown hair, cut short and neat, and had a small gold ring in his right ear. He didn't have time to look any further as the elevator stopped and he and Marco were herded out into another hallway. There were a couple of other sailors around, going about their business and didn't even look twice, as their little procession marched down the hallway. They came to a door with a sign above it that read, PERSONELL PROCESSING. Wilkes opened the door and motioned the boys inside. Cody walked into the room followed by Marco and Alec. Nate and Reginald were there. Nate was dressed in slacks and a blazer that bore the Wombat emblem. The room looked sort of like a locker room of sorts, with the floor and walls being covered in tile, and it was brightly lit. Instead of a solid wall however, one side of the room had a plexi-glass window where there appeared to be some sort of lounge on the other side of it. Several men were in there having breakfast served to them by a couple of young waiters. The two serving boys were dressed in maroon waistcoats with white shirts and bow ties, black shorts and long black socks and shoes. Cody wondered what the hell this was all about, but his attention was drawn back to the present when Nate spoke. "G'day Wilkes, I see you brought one of Reggie's catches along with Cody." "G'day Nate, yeah, this ones name is Marco I believe, and the drugs wore off him first, so I guess the Captain wants to get two of em done at a time if he can. There are four more down below who are still out cold. Anyway these are the only two that need the operation" "Right, well I watched often enough, with Reggie's help, I reckon I can get em set up well enough. Thanks for bringing them up." "Right then, Alec can stay to help Nate, but I got to get back to the brig and get the others set up." Wilkes grinned at the two bewildered boys and left the room. "Hello Cody. Sorry about last night, I kind of mucked things up a bit mate. You weren't supposed to find out anything till after dinner," Nate said. Cody was incredulous, "What the fuck do you mean find out anything you little shit? What the fuck is going on here, and what the fuck operation was that creep talking about. Get me off this tub and back home NOW!" He took a step toward Nate. Before he got a second step however Cody felt a tremendous jolt in his gut and dropped to the floor panting. He looked up at a laughing Nate. Nate gave an evil grin as he held the stun stick in front of Cody's face. It was essentially a tuned down cattle prod designed by the Captain to keep cabin boys in line. Almost all the crewmembers carried one. "That will be enough of your lip mate. I picked you to be my cabin boy cuz my dad said I could get one and you were too cute to pass up. I'm afraid you don't have much say in the matter, but if you cooperate, things will go much better for you. Believe me, if you try to lay a hand on me again, Reggie here will hurt you in ways that you can only imagine. Now stand back up next to this other Bloke." Nate looked at Marco, "What about you mate, you want to try something?" Marco swallowed. He was bigger than this little twerp was for sure, but no way was he a match for the silent butler who was standing behind him, evaluating how Nate handled himself. "No, I aint gonna start nothing," he said sullenly. "What's goin on man, this big dude behind you offers to suck my dick for fifty bucks, I get in the car and the next thing I know, I wake up in a fucking cell." This time Reginald spoke. "This is the cruise ship Wombat. We cater to a certain clientele that likes to have sex with teenaged boys. They pay a lot of money for the privilege and expect nothing but the best. We sail the world and along the way pick up the dregs like you two. Runaways, orphans, street toughs, boys that most communities would be better off without in the first place." He let his words sink in, "we will train you to pleasure our guests in anyway they desire so long as you are not injured permanently. In return, we will see to it that you are well fed, clothed and medically looked after. If you give us no trouble and cooperate, you can stay on as a permanent member of the crew when your tour is up as a cabin boy or we will arrange for a new identity for you and set you up. If you don't cooperate well lets just say there are ways of taking care of that as well. Now no more talking for either of you unless asked a question." Cody and Marco looked at each other wondering how they could have been duped so. All Cody was looking for was a friend, when he met Nate. He knew something was odd about a kid who lived on a boat, but never in his wildest dreams could he envision this Love Boat for perverts. "Strip down naked now, both of you," Nate commanded. Cody looked at the clear wall, and the assembled men watching him while sipping bloody marys. He was about to protest when he remembered the shock he had just received from Nate's little toy. He slowly started to take his clothes off, not making eye contact with Marco or anyone else for that matter. If he did, he would have seen Nate grinning watching the two boys take their clothes off. This was his first taste of power and he was enjoying it. Soon Cody was down to his pants, and he slowly lowered them, embarrassed that he had no underwear on. He noticed the men in the lounge paying close attention now pointing and talking amongst themselves. When he stepped out of his pants, he stood back up with his hands in front of his genitals. He looked over at Marco, who was down to his dingy briefs, but seemed hesitant to remove them. "Everything Marco, get naked like Cody," Nate said. Marco seemed frozen with fear. He was afraid and didn't want to get in trouble but he couldn't seem to make his hands move, not with all these people watching. In the back seat of a dark car was one thing. This was entirely different. "Please don't make me do this, I cant." "Alec, help our bashful friend here," Nate said. Alec walked up behind Marco and pulled his brief's down, while the mortified boy just started weeping. Alec made a face when he got the briefs off of the street kid. Obviously it had been a while since the would- be tough had seen a laundry. Alec picked up all the two boys discarded clothes and dumped them in a hamper for later disposal. Both boys now stood side by side, naked and trying to hide their dicks from the leering audience on the other side of the window. "Right, now both of you get under the shower head over there," Nate was pointing to a single open ended shower stall in a corner of the room. Both boys bashfully followed his instructions, giving everyone a nice view of their white and brown fannies as they walked over. Two more boys entered from a different door, both also around fourteen or fifteen and carrying buckets. One appeared Oriental and the other was a very pale white red head, like he was from Ireland or some other land that didn't see the sun too much. They were both wearing blue speedos with the Wombat logo on the crotch and aqua socks. Suddenly the water started spraying out of the shower head, and the two newcomers, without speaking a word, reached into their buckets, pulled out rough looking sponges and started to scrub Cody and Marco vigorously. Cody felt like the dog one of his foster families had owned. He was being washed in front of a crowd of leering onlookers, some of whom were groping themselves. He felt this Japanese looking kid spread his legs and start washing his asshole, paying more attention to it than he ever had. To his mortification he started to get hard with all this attention to his privates, but every time he tried to put his hands in front of his crotch, one of his bathers would brush it away. He looked over and saw that Marco was having the same problem, but "Oh my God!" thought Cody, that kids dick must be almost eight inches [20 cm]! Marco's uncut slab of teen monster meat was jutting out from a mass of dark pubes. It was easily the biggest cock Cody had ever seen, although he had to admit that was not many. He was even more ashamed of himself when he caught himself wondering if he could fit that monster in his mouth. The water shut off, and soon the boys were drying him with huge soft towels. When they were done, they left the room, the whole time never saying a word. Both boys now were standing there with their cocks at half-mast with their wet hair hanging in their faces. The men in the lounge got up and walked out a door. Cody was wondering if the show was over. It was not. "Follow the yellow line on the floor to the next station," Nate announced, trying to sound as official as he could. Cody noticed a bulge in the front of Nate's slacks. The two naked boys walked out a door opposite the one they came followed by Nate, Reginald and Alec into another room. Cody noticed that men were now in a similar lounge opposite this room, seating themselves back down. This room was smaller, and looked to be a barbershop, including a man who most certainly was a barber. He looked to be in his mid thirties, and had on a barber type shirt, with the same logo as on Nate's blazer. He looked at the two naked boys like it was most normal thing in the world. "Right then, who's first?" he asked in an English accent. Cody and Marco looked at each other. They were both quite happy with their hair the way it was. When neither one moved, Nate slapped Marco on his bare butt as hard as he could. "Into the chair, we can't have cabin boys with disgusting mops like the one you've got." Marco leaped into the chair, and a tear rolled down his cheek as the barber fastened the cape around his neck. The barber looked at Nate, who just nodded. "Right then, the usual trainee cut it is," he said happily as he turned the clippers on. Cody watched in horrified fascination as the barber put the unguarded blade of the clippers against Marco's forehead and cut a path straight back over the crown of the poor kids' head. A huge pile of damp black hair fell to the ground. It took less than a minute for the barber to complete the job, leaving Marco with only fine stubble all over his head. He looked like he was in shock. "Don't worry lad," the barber said as he undid the cape. "We only do this to you on your first day. Next!" He pushed Marco out of the chair and looked at Cody. He swallowed hard and sat in the chair. When his bare but met the leather, he could feel the heat left by Marco. The cape was applied and the clippers turned on when Nate intervened. "Cody here is different Mike," he said. "He is going to be exclusively mine, so just give him a proper boys cut that will be fine." "Whatever you say Nate," the barber replied. Marco glared at Cody while he got his hair cut. While it still ended up way shorter than he would have ever cut it, at least he wasn't bald. But he didn't like getting his other captive mad at him either. Getting singled out for special treatment could cause trouble that Cody wasn't looking for. When the barber was finished, Cody's formerly shoulder length hair was now neatly tapered with a part on the right side, in a style almost identical to Nate's. When Cody got up he thought they were done, but the barber stopped him. "Hold on lads, were not finished yet. Both of you face the chair and put your hands behind your head and spread your legs wide. Come on now, I don't have all day. I have paying customers to get to." He snapped on his clippers again. Cody was confused and could see that Marco was too. What else could the barber do? He glanced at his audience and saw that they were now all on their feet up against the glass. Some even had cameras! Nate and Reginald were grinning too, but Alec just looked bored. It became crystal clear though, when the barber bent down on his knees in front of Cody. He started shaking when he felt the vibrating clippers placed right below his belly button. What little blonde pubes that Cody had were quickly dispatched in seconds as the barber carefully went about his task checking all over for any signs of growth. By the time he lifted up Cody's balls looking for anymore signs of hair he was fully erect and fully humiliated at the same time. He could see the flashes going off from the cameras as he was being denuded of his hair and dignity. The barber inspected his armpits, but they were barren of any hair. Poor Marco wasn't so lucky. He had a sparse dusting under his arms as well as a little in his butt. When he was getting his ass shaved, Marco's impressive tool started growing to its full size, much to his embarrassment. The thorough barber went about his task with zeal, ensuring the two were as smooth as the day they were born before finally announcing he was done. Marco's hard dick looked even bigger without his dark hair around it. "Thanks Mike," Nate said. "You two thank Mike, and follow the yellow line to the next room. Both boys mumbled thanks and headed through yet another set of doors, as did the eager crowd that was watching. The next room had no viewing window and was quite small. In this room were four boys in the same uniform as Alec. Two of them had tape measures, and immediately started measuring Cody and Marco while the other two took notes. The measurements were very thorough, as all the cabin boy's uniforms were tailor made, and certain of their outfits were made to fit like a glove. This room only took minutes, and next they were ordered out into a hallway and down to another room. When they walked into this one, Cody felt what little hairs left on the back of his neck raise. It looked to be some sort of operating room or something, and he remembered Wilkes saying something about an operation. It was in fact the sick bay for the boys. An older gentleman with a white lab coat waited for them. There were two tables in the middle of the room, and when Cody looked up, he saw the familiar faces of the men who had been watching all morning. They were above the room looking down, like he used to see on those doctor shows on TV. The man who Cody assumed was the Doctor spoke. "Hello Boys!" He boomed out with an Australian accent. "Each of you hop up on a table please." Reginald looked at Nate, "I will go get your father and tell him it is almost time Nathan." "Right Reggie, I think the Doctor and me can handle it from here." Nate replied and the butler took his leave. The doctor was whistling a tune as he walked up to Cody's table. This guy acts like I am here for my annual check up or something, Cody thought. Actually that is close to what it was. The Doctor proceeded to ask him lots of questions about his past, and if he had ever been in the hospital. He looked in his ears and mouth, noting that he had braces on his teeth. Alec had a clipboard and was writing all this down for the doctor. The Doctor performed the same perfunctory exam on Marco, noting that he looked slightly malnourished. After that they were both weighed, and their height was measured. Cody was starting to get more relaxed around this guy. He relaxed too early! "Right, time for the samples. Both of you up on your tables on your hands and knees now." The Doctor ordered. He was pulling on some rubber gloves. "Alec, put some gloves on too, you're going to assist me in this." "Yes Doctor," Alec replied, actually sounding enthusiastic. Both boys nervously obeyed. Marco was terrified. He had only been to a doctor a couple of times that he could recall, and all the stuff in this room made him nervous. He looked at his partner in misery, Cody, he thought his name was, and he looked just as frightened. He must be a faggot or something because he didn't get his head shaved like me he thought. He started whimpering, trying not to cry. He had lived on the streets for a year, and considered himself able to look out for himself, but he sure blew it this time! He felt the Doctor's rubber gloves spreading his butt cheeks apart. He got goosebumps all over his body when he felt the cold sterile air of the sickbay on his exposed anus. "Make sure you get as far up there as you can," he heard the Doctor say. "Yes sir," replied Alec. He had been on the ship for a year now, and remembered his first day aboard, and the bastard cabin boy that had been helping the doctor that day. This would be fun! He dipped his finger in the lube and stuck the suppository on the end of it. Marco was wondering what they were going to do to him when he felt something very cold on his asshole. He instinctively tried to clench his cheeks together, but the doctor held them apart with a firm grip. He let out a scream as Alec shoved his finger deep inside him. He felt the cold greasy finger and something on it working it's way up inside him. Alec withdrew his finger and looked at the doctor. "Very good Alec, I may just get you to be my permanent assistant! Now change your gloves and lets take care of this young man, er uh 3;" "Cody, Doc. He's going to be mine," Nate blurted out. "Cody, right then. Come on Alec." Cody's feet curled when he heard Marco squeal when that little dude shoved his finger up his butt. Oh man, he thought. He started breathing hard when he felt his own cheeks pulled apart by the doctor. He thought of all those perverts watching from above and just buried his head in his arms in shame. All the men above had a perfect view of his pink puckered hole after the doctor had spread him apart. He could feel all the eyes boring in on him. He then saw Nate pull out a camera himself! He was looking at Nate when he felt the cold rubber stab at his rear door. He let out a yelp in shock, and Nate snapped a picture of his surprised face, as Alec worked his finger up his second bung hole of the day. Cody could feel something deep inside him. The doctor pulled off his gloves and started replacing them. "Right, those will take about thirty minutes to take effect, so lets get the urine, blood and sperm. Boys lay down on your backs if you please." Cody rolled over and lay back on the table. Nate shot forward and started strapping his legs into the stirrups at the foot of the table, while Alec did the same to Marco. They also restrained their arms to the sides of the tables and put one across their chests. They next cranked the tables up so that both could look down at themselves and see what was going on. The Doctor came over with some weird looking hard rubber things with straps on them. "They usually scream from here on out, so I am going to take care of that ahead of time," he said. He was holding hard rubber bit gags that Alec and Nate gleefully shoved into the hapless cabin boys mouths and tightened. Cody tried to fight it, but Nate just put one hand on his stun stick, and he gave up and allowed himself to be gagged. He looked over at Marco who even looked more terrified then himself if that was possible. The men upstairs were openly groping themselves now at the sight of the two naked boys strapped to the table and gagged. "Right, lets get a urine sample shall we," the doctor asked no one in particular. Marco saw the doctor step between his legs with a black thing attached to a hose with a bag on the other end of it. He greased the end of the catheter then grasped Marco's penis and pulled the foreskin back. Marco's eyes grew huge (as did Cody's, who was watching from the other table) when he placed the pencil thick device at the end of his piss hole. He let out a shriek into his gag and fought at his bounds, as the Doctor slid the lubricated, but still large device up his urethra until it finally reached his bladder and his urine started filling the bag. When he deemed it empty he withdrew the device as quickly as he could. Marco just shook his head all over and cried at the injustice of the whole episode. He lay there sweating and panting, as the doctor moved to Cody's table. Oh fuck, Cody thought, this is going to hurt. I can pee without him doing this! He tried to tell him that, but the rubber bit in his mouth prevented him from getting his message across. He almost peed from fright when the Doctor grabbed his dick, but he held back as he didn't want to make this man angry! He looked up to see one of the men in the audience had his dick out of his pants with a cabin boy on his knees in front of him sucking him off, while he watched his humiliation. He flinched when he felt the Doctors fingers pulling his foreskin back. He looked down to see the catheter approach him when Nate walked up. "Let me do it please? He is going to be mine," he begged the doctor. "Sure Nate, just slow and steady, you've done it before." "Right, here you go Cody, lets see some of yer piss." He shoved the vile device home. Cody had never felt anything like it. It hurt a lot for sure, but it was more the idea of something going up his dick than the actual feeling that made him afraid. Nate was giggling while Cody was screaming into his gag the whole time until at last the bag was full and the catheter was removed. He too lay back sweating and panting, while the doctor made some notes about the specimens. When Cody looked up at the audience he saw the man holding the kid by his hair and firing a huge load of jizz all over the kids face. The cabin boy just let the man wipe his slimy dick all over his face before putting the guys dick back in his pants, getting up, and walking out the door with the mans cock juice all over his face. The man snapped his fingers, and one of the waiter boys came over with a fresh drink for the man. Cody was disgusted, but then suddenly he felt funny, and got an intense cramp. He looked over and Marco was moaning as well. "Must be time," said the doctor. "Alec, take their fecal samples. I believe they are ready." Cody had never been so humiliated when Alec, dressed in hospital type scubs over his uniform, held some sort of catch bucket up under him and pressed on his belly. Without being able to do anything about it, he shit his guts out into the bucket. Whatever they put in his ass it was making him empty his guts like he never had before, he thought. He couldn't believe he was being forced to do all these private bodily functions in front of all these people. After Alec cleaned off his bottom with some kind of soothing ointment he went and repeated the procedure with Marco and sealed the contents up with each boy's name on the container. Each boy's blood was taken next by the doctor, and after he put those vials with the rest of the samples he came back with two more jars. "Right, last one. Sperm sample time. Nate are you going to?" "Nope, I want Cody to get Marco's to see if he can fit that monster in his mouth." Cody heard this and blushed. He had sucked off Nate yesterday, but that had been after watching that movie, and he was just horny. It doesn't mean I'm a fag does it, he asked himself. Alec undid Cody's restraints, and the rubber bit was removed from his mouth, with a couple of his own teeth marks added to it. Nate took Cody's hand and led him to Marco's table. "Right now mate, I know you can suck a dick, cuz you did mine yesterday, so get down there and feast on this burrito eh?" Nate laughed at his little joke, but Cody found nothing funny about it. Marco was just staring wide-eyed at the blonde kid in between his legs. After all, trying to get a guy to blow him is what got him into this mess to begin with. Nate pushed Cody to his knees right in front of Marco's freshly shorn cock and balls. His soft four-inch [10 cm] dick was lying off to one side and smelled nice and clean from whatever kind of soap they had used on them. "Go on Cody, take it in your mouth. We need to get this cup filled," Nate was saying while pushing Nate's head toward its target. Nate grabbed Marco's dick with one hand and pressed Cody's head with the other. Cody closed his eyes and opened his mouth and before he knew it, we was slurping on Marco's rapidly expanding tool. Marco kept telling himself he wasn't a fag, but his dick was disagreeing with him. Normally he barely got hard when he let old guys suck him off for money, but this little blonde dude sucking on his crank was getting him very excited very quick, and that worried him. Alec came around and undid his gag from his mouth. He wanted to close his thighs around Cody's head, but they were still held in place, but he did manage to slightly thrust his pelvis up at Cody, feeding him more of his now drooling dick. He could feel Cody's tongue run around under his foreskin, pushing it back over his dark brown cock head. "Hmm, oh yeah, suck my cock Cody," he said before even realizing it. Cody for his part was having trouble even getting half of this monster inside his mouth, but he was doing his best. He couldn't figure out why he was trying so hard. It's not like he wanted to be here, or even liked other boys. But since two days ago, he was beginning to wonder about the latter, even though he was sure of the former. He sure didn't want to get zapped again by that awful stick Nate had touched him with earlier. Aside from that however, Cody realized he also now had a raging boner while he sucked off this bound boy in front of him. The next thing he knew, just after he heard Marco moan with pleasure, he felt a warm wet hand on his own stiffie start sliding up and down while he continued to suck. He could taste Marco's precum leaking from the huge head inside his mouth, and it wasn't entirely unpleasant. Alec was down behind Cody, milking him with the sample cup under his dick while Cody worked on Marco. He wished he could stick his own five incher [12½ cm] up this hot dudes little pink hole, like he had done with his finger, but knew that he was hands off because of Nate. Alec remembered when he was new and all the bigger boys abusing him when they had the chance and was kind of jealous that this kid would be left alone. He started rubbing his hand faster up and down Cody's dick. He took a chance and took his other finger and touched Cody's ass hole with it. Cody jerked in surprise and almost bit down on Marco's dick when he felt the finger at his back door again. He wondered how long it would be before he got fucked. He figured it was inevitable but didn't want to think about it just yet. Right now, he tried not to concentrate on the fact that he was sucking another guy's dick, but on the wonderful feeling of a hand other than his on his cock. "Fuck man, I'm gonna fucking cum yo" Marco panted, "fuck I can't hold it!" Nate pulled Cody off Marco's cock and held the jar up to the end of his cock. "Lick his balls Cody!" Nate commanded. Cody did as he was told, and felt with his tongue the second Marco's scrotum shrank up and started firing his hot seed into the specimen jar. Marco let out a groan as he fired load after load right over Cody's face into the container. Cody stopped lapping at the hairless balls when he felt his own start to boil over. Alec seemed to sense it as well as he leaned forward and stuck his tongue into Cody's ear. He had never felt anything like that, and it sent him over the edge. With a squeal he gave his own sperm sample to the jar being held in front of his own six inches [15 cm] of teen steel. He collapsed forward into Marco's naked lap while he convulsed several more times. When he started to come down off his sex high, he started crying. How could they make him do this stuff? He couldn't understand how his hormones could betray him so and let him get so sexed up that he forgot what being normal was. He allowed himself to be led back to his table and restrained once again, minus the bit gag. The doctor looked down at him. "It's not that bad is it Cody? Don't worry, one more procedure and you will able to rest a bit." Cody wondered what could be next in this house of horrors. He saw Alec wheeling up a tray next to each bed, next to their feet. He saw also the Captain come into the room as well as Reggie. The captain took time to wave up at the assemble guests in the viewing area and then walked over to Marco's table studying his naked prone form for a bit before continuing over to Cody. He seemed to be leering at him through those hard eyes, and it made Cody want to curl up or hide his nakedness, but of course he could not. Nate walked up next to his dad. "See Dad? I told you I could do it without mucking up," he said proudly. "Yes Nathan, you did not disappoint me," the Captain replied. "They will both make fine additions to the crew I am sure." He turned to the Doctor. "Are you ready Doctor, we are lucky that these two are only ones in the lot that need to be clipped. Seems the yanks are still fond of taking care of it at birth." "Yes, lets begin shall we," the Doctor said as he wheeled a stool up next to Cody. "W, what are you doing?" Cody asked nervously. "Calm down boy," the Captain snapped. You two are to be circumcised, as are all cabin boys on the Wombat. Can't have you dirty little buggars getting infected you know. Besides," he added with a hint of cruelty, "the guests pay extra to watch it. Carry on Doctor." "NOOOOO!" Cody screamed and started fighting his bonds. Marco was starting to protest as well. "Be quite this instant or I will put the gags back in!" The Doctor thundered. Cody stopped screaming, but couldn't help crying. He couldn't believe this was happening. It was however. In front of the Captain, Reginald, Nate and Alec, as well as the audience above, Nate watched in horror as the Doctor produced a needle and inserted it into his dick. "This will sting a bit Cody, but soon you will be numb." Cody almost passed out with fright, while the men above were snapping more photos. Next the Doctor used a hemostat to pull Cody's foreskin tight over his completely shrunken penis. He marked off where the cut was to be made with a surgical pencil and let the skin go slack. He went over to Marco and repeated the procedure, almost like he was on an assembly line. By the time he got back to Cody, his dick was numb. He again used the hemostats and pulled his foreskin tight. Cody whispered one more time to please not cut him, but it fell on deaf ears. With tears falling down his face, Cody watched as his foreskin was sliced off in two quick cuts of a scalpel. The doctor quickly sutured the wound up and placed some gauze around the incision. Without a word he got up and moved to Marco. Cody didn't watch, but he heard some Spanish being screamed until they apparently gagged the poor sixteen-year-old while the procedure was repeated. Cody figured they must be done because Marco quieted down to whimpering and the audience above them was on their feet applauding. The Captain addressed the crowd. "Thank you for attending gentleman, but these two need their rest now. Let me remind you that we will be processing the next group of two in about three hours. Sadly they are already cut, so those of you lucky to witness this operation have some bragging to do to the other less fortunate guests. (Applause) Please feel free to join me for a drink before dinner in the main lounge, and at dinner we shall be joined by my own son Nathan here, who will be happy to answer any questions you might have." The Captain turned and told Nate not to be late for dinner then left with Reginald for the lounge. "Take these two to the recovery area Alec," the Doctor said. "They will be confined here for two days while they recover. I will be in to look in on them before bedtime tonight. They are to remain uncovered until at least then." "Yes Doctor," Alec replied. Together with Nate's help they wheeled the boys into a recovery room. They helped each boy, both of whom were in too much shock to complain or resist, onto a bed with crisp clean sheets. There was a table and chair between their beds. After today's ordeal, both were ready to just relax. After Alec gave each boy a drink of water and cuffed each of their right ankles to the bed, he told them he would be back with their dinner later and they should sleep a little now. As Alec was getting ready to walk out, Nate asked, "where do you think you're going Alec? "Sir, it's dinner time, and I don't have to report back here til later." "Stand at attention when you talk to me!" "Yes sir," he snapped to attention. "What did you think you were doing touching Cody's ass while you milked him? You know he is mine!" Alec touched his tongue to his upper lip. "Sir, I don't know, I mean, I was just trying to get him to squirt faster!" "Bull shit you little germ! I saw the tent in your trousers. You were perving on my cabin boy. Drop your pants Alec and grab the table." "Please sir, I won't do it again," panic was rising in Alec's voice. His hands shook as he dropped his tight white uniform shorts and stepped out of them. He was wearing the prescribed white jockstrap underneath. "Darn right you won't, now grab the table." Nate was taking his belt out of his pants. Alec bent over and grabbed the table in between the two boys' beds. Both Marco and Cody were watching the drama unfold before them. They could see Alec's knees shaking violently. He was only five three [1.60 m] and one of the smaller cabin boys aboard, but also one of the guests' favorites for he was very cute. For the first time Cody saw that Alec also had braces on his teeth too. Nate walked up behind Alec and stared down at his butt. Two dimpled quivering cheeks, outlined by the white straps of his jock looked back at him. He ran the belt slowly over the smooth flesh, teasing Alec just as his father has teased his bum earlier today. He brought his hand back 3; Both the boys in bed and Alec winced when the first blow landed. The crack it made sounded painful enough even for two boys who had just had part of their manhood cut off! Nate attacked Alec's behind with a vengeance, until Alec was a crying mess, still holding on to the table though. Nate tossed the belt aside, and slowly unzipped his fly. "I'll show you whose ass is whose around here Alec" "Y 3;yes sir," he replied through sobs. He next felt Nate press his cock up against his puckered rosebud. "Tell me you want it Alec," Nate taunted him. Alec wanted nothing of the kind, but he knew the rules. "P 3;please sir, stick your cock in me. Fuck me in my worthless cabin boy pussy sir!" he buried his head in shame. It was bad enough having to call this kid that was his age sir, but to have to submit in front of brand new guys was worse! Word would get out around the ship, and he for sure would be the target of more abuse. "That's right Alec, you'd love nothing better then some Nate-o-roo up your arse!" Nate laughed again at his own joke as he shoved his five and a half inches [14 cm] in one thrust up Alec's love tunnel. Alec screamed as Nate grabbed his just spanked buns while he thrust himself upon the other boy. Nate always got hard when he thought about spanking another boy, but that was the first time he had done it. He was going to like being in charge! He had almost squirt his pants while belting Alec, so it only took a few thrusts before he squealed himself, and gave Alec a deposit of Nate's special sauce into his bowels. "Here's your suppository you wanker," he said, as he pulled out. "Now get on your knees and clean me off!" Sullenly, Alec turned around, giving the two patients a view of his just spanked just fucked ass while he liked his own ass juices off the surprisingly sadistic Captain's son. When Nate finally deemed the job done, he told Alec to get dressed and not forget who belonged to whom and sent him on his way, humiliated for sure. He turned to Cody; "We are going to have so much fun together mate, I'm sure glad you cut school the other day! I've got to go eat with dad now, but I will look in on you later mate!" Nate left the room, and Cody was trying to fight back the tears. How could that little fucker act like we were the best of friends after what he did? Why did he have to cut the other day of all days? How could that little monster act so normal when he wanted to? He supposed his father must have a lot to do with it. His dick throbbed where the sutures were, and he gently touched the bandage and started crying more. He looked over and Marco was crying too, obviously having his own thoughts about this voyage of the dammed they were booked on. He drifted off into anything but a fitful sleep as he pondered all the questions 3;
Chapter 3The next few days were a blur for Cody. He barely noticed as Alec came in and out to change their bedpans and spoon-fed them the medicated gruel that kept them mostly sedated while they recovered from their cutting. On the fifth morning after the circumcision Cody awoke to Nate, Reggie and Dobbs in the sickbay room rousing he and Marco awake."Right mates, its time to stop lagging about. The Doctor says you can leave now, so it's time to get on with your training," Nate said cheerfully. He pulled the sheet covering Cody's naked body off, while Reggie did the same to Marco. Meanwhile Dobbs was tying each boys hands to the headboards of their beds with the built in restraints then finished with their feet, leaving them naked and exposed, secured on their backs spread eagle. Once Dobbs was done Nate grabbed Cody's dick, looking at the scar where the sutures had been, "Look at the nice purple helmet! Too bad about your skin mate, but cabin boys aren't allowed to keep em. Still you have a pretty cock, and it's all mine to play with!" To Cody's shame, his dick started to get hard as Nate manipulated it. He looked over and saw that Reggie was inspecting Marco's newly cut dickhead as well. "He's grown a bit of hair back around his crotch Nate, and I expect Cody has as well," said the butler while handling Marco's now halfway erect cock. "Let's get the Doctor to try some of his new dilapatory cream on them before we start. Dobbs, go find the Doctor. " "Yes sir," the master at arms replied and left the sickbay. For the first time in days Marco could think clearly, and the memory of the humiliation of being sucked off then circumcised in front of an audience came back to him. Anger and fear welled up inside him as the butler fondled him to hardness. Tied to the bed however, there was little he could do, while he was inspected like a piece of meat. He could see a bulge in the tailored slacks the butler wore as he continued to stroke and manipulate his dick and balls. Marco started to squirm, ashamed that his genitals were betraying him. He looked at his freshly cut dick, shut his eyes. Why had they done this to him? What was this cream shit this dude was talking about? What was going to happen? Suddenly the butler let go of his dick, and it dropped onto his flat stomach, his now very visible piss hole looking up at him. He looked over at Cody, was also hard, and also squirming while Nate ran his finger around Cody's new scar.
The Doctor was in one of his examining rooms with Alec, who was standing at attention in front of the Doctor. "Cabin boy Alec, reporting to the Doctor as ordered sir!" the five foot three [1.60 m] brown haired cabin boy said. "You may stand at ease Alec. I have talked to the Captain about you becoming my permanent assistant. He has given me the go ahead (it had taken quite a bit of persuasion on the Doctor's part, as Alec was one of the more popular boys among the guests, but good cheap medical help was hard to come by, so the Doctor won out.) so after I am done with you here today, you are to remove your things from the boy's berthing, and bring them to my cabin." "Yes Doctor! Thank you sir, you won't regret it," Alec replied excitedly. He was tired of being picked on by all the bigger boys all the time. "I will be the judge of that boy!" The Doctor began. "First things first, take off all your clothes and stand on this foot stool." Alec bent over and started untying his shoes while the Doctor sat back and watched. Yes this was going to be nice he thought. Alec was a beautiful teenage specimen and he would train him in the medical sciences, along with how to please him in his cabin at night. First though, he wanted to examine his body a little closer; he hadn't seen Alec in a professional capacity since his first days on board the Wombat. He watched as Alec removed his uniform kerchief, followed by his blouse then undershirt. He undid the buttons on his short trousers letting them fall, then stepped out of them. He was now standing in just his knee socks (with the tops perfectly folded over his garters he noted) and jock strap. Alec looked at the Doctor, who nodded, then pulled the jock off, revealing a beautiful hairless set of pink balls and a shriveled up teen boy dick. The Doctor pointed at his socks, and Alec undid the light blue colored garters and pulled down his socks, adding them to the pile of his uniform on a chair, then stood up on the foot high stool in front of his new master. "How big is your penis when it's fully erect boy?" "About 5 inches [12½ cm] sir." "Hmphh, I see, have you been shaved down here, or do you grow any hair yet?" The fourteen-year-old blushed. He had just sprouted his first hairs a few months prior, but his berth bosun (the adult sailor in his sleeping compartment) had quickly done away with them, while all the other boys in the berth looked on and laughed. "I, I was shaved a few months ago sir, but not much grows yet. Hopefully soon it will though!" He desperately wanted to be like the other guys on the boat, who had to shave their privates once a week or so. "Nonsense boy!" The Doctor said. "Pubic hair is for men, not silly immature boys. I have just perfected a new cream to take care of just that problem. Part of your new job is going to be administering it to the boys on board. Under my supervision at first, of course." "Yes Doctor," Alec replied. He didn't want to blow this on the first day, so he was doing his best to get on the man's good side. The Doctor was walking around Alec running his practiced hands all over him, enjoying the effect it was having on Alec. The kid was nervously shifting his weight from one foot to the other, while the Doctor poked and prodded him. The Doctor ran his hands along his flat tummy, then down to that sensitive spot just above the groin feeling for any trace of hair. Next he ran his fingernail over the small tattoo Alec had just above and to the right of his cock. Alec swallowed when he felt the man cup his pink ballsack hefting his teen eggs in his hand. "Nice sized testicles for a boy in your stage of development," the doc said. "How much are you squirting these days boy?" He was starting to fondle his penis now, stirring it to life. "Um, I don't really no sir" He now had a four inch [10 cm] hard on. "Yes, well I'm quite sure we will find out soon enough wont we". It was a statement more than a question. There was a knock at the door. "Get down and answer it Alec." Realizing he was not to put his clothes back on, the naked boy got off the stool and padded over to open the door, with his little stiffie bouncing of his stomach. It was Dobbs, the Master at Arms. Alec stepped back. All the boys on board were afraid of this man, as he was the one that dealt out the Captains justice. The sailor leered at the naked Doctor's assistant making Alec cringe inwardly, and spoke directly to the Doctor. "Reginald is asking for some of your new cream for the two lads in the recovery room Doctor." "Ah yes, what an excellent idea. I can't believe I didn't think of it myself, but I have been so busy with all the new boys on board. Alec will bring you some shortly Dobbs," the Doctor said. The sailor acknowledged him and left the room, heading back to the recovery room. "Alec I am going to apply my new cream to you to show you how, and then I will watch you put it on the two boys in recovery. I know you don't have any hair right now, but I think this new cream of mine will keep any from growing. While I go get it, go ahead and put your socks and shoes on for now. They will do until I get your new uniform from the tailor shop." He left the room as well. While he pulled his socks up and adjusted them according to regulation, Alec was wondering what his new uniform would look like, but he consoled himself that it had to be better then the little boys sailor suite that he had been made to wear for the last year. Who ever heard of boys pulling their socks all the way up? Although apparently in Australia or wherever the captain was from, this was supposedly the way kids had to go to school. Alec had a hard time believing that, but before he ran away from the trailer park that his step-mom lived in near Norfolk Virginia, he had never even heard of Australia much less what kids wore there. Alec had never been to school before that, having been abandoned by his biological father (a sailor himself) and left with the hooker that treated him like trash. One night after one of her john's beat him up; he left the trailer at thirteen and never looked back. One night on the streets of Norfolk he was picked up by who he thought was an undercover cop. Unfortunately for Alec the man was actually one of Captain Foster's agents and after being handcuffed and placed in back of a plain sedan, he had a chloroform soaked rag stuck in his face. When he woke up he was in the brig of the Wombat and his life as a cabin boy/sex slave had begun. While he faced terrors never known to him before, including the forced sex, some things were actually better for Alec. They had put braces on his teeth, and he had eaten better than he ever had in his life. While he hated the clothes he had to wear, at least they were clean. He was even being schooled, although the other kids made fun of him because at first he couldn't read. On the whole however, he had just gone from one nightmare to another. Here his body was not his own, and he and all the others were used at the guests of the ships will and nothing was too perverse or to degrading if they paid the right price. As he finished tying his shoes, the Doctor returned, with a large jar in his hands. "Lay back on the table Alec, and I will show you how to use this," he said. Alec lay back on the paper covered exam table while the Doctor pulled on rubber gloves. "You should only put this on areas where you don't want any hair growing for quite a while." He scooped out a large dollop with his fingers and began smearing Alec's already hairless scrotum and groin liberally. Raise your legs up so I can get your anus too boy." Alec had never lost his sense of shame at showing his most private parts like this, even to a Doctor. He grabbed the back of his knees and pulled them toward his chest, giving the Doctor a perfect view of his pink rosebud. He saw the bulge in the Doctor's trousers even under his lab coat while he felt the cold cream being applied liberally around his rear end. "Sir, I don't have any hair, why do I need this?" Alec inquired as he started to feel a slight burning sensation all over his groin and his bottom. "It's starting to burn!" If the Doctor answered truthfully, he would have said he just wanted an excuse to feel up his new personal sex toy. It was an incredible sight, this little brown haired beauty in nothing but his socks and shoes exposing his body for him on his table! If he didn't need to go take care of the two boys in recovery, he might just fuck his new assistant right now. However he was interested in seeing if it would stop hair from growing as well as just taking it off, so what better way to experiment. First things first though, his assistant had to know who was the boss here! He grabbed Alec's penis and started pinching the end of it. "That just means it's working Alec, and from now on, you are not to question what I tell you to do. Do you understand me?" "Owwwww! Y 3;yes sir. I'm sorry sir!" The cream was really starting to burn now, and Alec was doing his best not to try and wipe the cream away. "That should be enough time Alec. The active ingredient doesn't take long to take effect." The Doctor took some surgical towels and started wiping the cream away. It was very soothing feeling as the Doctor wiped all around Alec's privates. Soon he was at his full four inches [10 cm], as the Doctor smeared the remaining cream with his gloved hand up and down his smooth shaft. Alec started wreathing as the sensation of burning and pleasure mixed by the Doctor's rubber gloved hand started registering in his brain. His cock was on fire! "Oh man, it, it huuurtssss," he moaned at the same time he was thrusting his hips feeding the cream lubed rubber glove his fiery dick. The Doctor grinned as watched the effect he was having on Alec. This cream has other uses, he thought to himself. As he continued to jack off Alec with one hand, he opened his lab coat and unzipped his fly with the other. Cody and Marco could wait a few minutes! He started jerking himself off while he enjoyed watching Alec moan and whine under his other hands ministrations. "Oh Doctor! I'm gonna squirt! I can't help it!" Alec squealed. "Hold it as long as you can Alec. You have to learn control!" Alec was panting and coated in teenage sweat. "Can't, Can't hold it, Oh MAN!" His toes curled in his shoes, he gripped handfuls of the paper covering the table and his eyes rolled back in his head as he shot a long white gooey glob of scum all over his belly and chest. What a beautiful sight thought the Doctor. Just as Alec relaxed after shooting his load he felt his own loins boiling. His own cum soon joined Alec's on the prone kids chest, although some of his man seed managed to reach Alec's face, leaving a long sticky track straight up his small torso as he fired five shots of the goo out of his seven inch [18 cm] uncut snake. The Doctor looked around then grabbed Alec's jockstrap to wipe himself off. He used the towel he was using to wipe the cream off of Alec and tossed it on the boy's chest. "Clean yourself off Alec, then put your jockstrap back on. You can feel my semen the rest of the day to remind yourself not to cum when until I tell you to. We will work on your control problem at a later time, but now we have work to do so snap to it boy!" The Doctor put his dick back in his pants and watched as Alec cleaned up and put jizz soaked jockstrap on. He could tell the youngster was embarrassed but was wise enough not to complain as he stuffed his now shrunken but sore cock into the gooey pouch. He handed Alec the jar of cream and followed him out the door on the way to the recovery room, admiring the view of the white straps outlining his cute little butt. He was going to look so cute in his new uniform!
Cody was trying to get comfortable, but was having a difficult time, being stretched out on the bed as he was. At least while he was drugged up he wasn't dwelling on the fact that he had been duped onto this ship and turned into some sort of sex slave for a rich little brat. To top things off, they had circumcised him in front of a crowd like he was some sort of barn animal! Now here he was naked in front of everyone in the room, while they talked about him and Marco like they weren't even there. The clearer his mind became, the more humiliated he became. To top it off, he felt a guilty thrill every time Nate touched his dick, despite what he had done to him, and that just made him angrier. While they were waiting for the Doctor to show up with this 'new cream' they were talking about, the same two boys that had washed them so intimately had come in pushing a roller tray with some pans and bottles on it. They were now both wearing the standard cabin boy uniform versus the skimpy blue Speedos they had been wearing when they were lathering up their naked bodies with the rough sponges. The red headed freckled boy started mixing the contents of two of the jars into a bowl when the door opened and in walked Alec followed by the Doctor. Everyone stopped to stare at Alec as he walked in wearing his cum-soaked jockstrap. Nate started laughing and said, "well now we know what was taking you so long." "That will be enough of that kind of talk Nathan," snapped the Doctor. "Just because you are the captain's son doesn't give you the right to question what I do. I was showing Alec how to apply my new cream, and he had trouble controlling himself. I could talk to your father about trying some out on you!" "Yes sir, sorry Doctor," a chastened Nate replied. The last thing he wanted was for the Doctor to talk to his dad about his behavior. Next to Reggie and the second officer, the Doc was probably the most powerful bloke on board. "You'd best be young Nathan. Now lets get to the business at hand. I'm sure they are getting the show ready for these two. Alec put the cream on them like I showed you." "Yes Doctor," Alec replied. He put the jar of cream down and pulled on a set of rubber gloves. He started with Marco, dipping his fingers into the goo and spreading it liberally onto young Hispanics groin. Alec noticed the beginnings of pubic hair growth, secretly wishing he could grow hair 'down there' as fast as this kid apparently could. He smiled though when felt Marco's cock start to grow in his own hands. He got some more of the cream and worked his hand in between Marco's cheeks. "What is this stuff?" Marco said. "It fucking burns man. Shit, its burning!" "Shut your hole you!" Dobbs said. He walked to and grabbed his right nipple twisting it between his fingers. "I've warned you about talking when your not told to boy." "Get your hands off me! Let GO!" Dobbs pulled out his stun stick and zapped Marco in his armpit. Marco shrieked in pain as he fought his bondage, and suddenly forgot about the burning in his groin. While the voltage was set on low, Dobbs knew right where a boy was most sensitive to pain. He was used to getting his point across quickly to unruly cabin boys. "Put some of that shit in his armpits too Alec," he said. Marco just whimpered quietly as the rest of the cream was applied. While it burned slightly he sure didn't want another taste of that awful electric stick! Alec finished up on Marco and moved over to Cody. The blonde got shivers when the cool cream was applied to his privates, but soon he felt the burning that Marco had whined about. Cody started wiggling his but around on the sheets of the bed as the burning sensation got more intense. He looked up to see Nate staring closely at his privates, and the two other boys going about their task mixing whatever it was without saying a word. "How long will their dicks stay hairless Doctor?" Nate asked. "Hopefully for a couple of months, but these boys will be the test case. I also applied some to Alec to see how long it will keep any from growing at all." "Kewl!" Nate replied. "I hear Alec here is now your permanent assistant." "Yes, I could definitely use the help and he seems to have an aptitude for it." Nate leered at the red faced Alec, standing there in his jockstrap and socks waiting for the cream to do its work. He was about to say that's not all he had an aptitude for, but decided against it, as he didn't want to anger the cranky doc again. Nate wondered how Alec would like taking the Doctor's seven-inch [18 cm] dick up his rear on a regular basis. "That should be enough time Alec, wipe them off so they can begin with the molding process." What the fuck is a molding process, Cody thought. He plopped his head back on the pillow while Alec removed the burning cream from his loins. He felt better almost immediately, but wondered what was next as the Doctor and Alec left the room. The red head, whose nametag said he was Sean from Ireland, squirted oil in his hands, while the Japanese boy whose name he could not see was doing the same. "Right guys," Nate began, "Sean and Yoshi here are going to get you nice and hard, so just lay back and relax, but don't cum or you will ruin everything." Nate said that so casually, it took Cody a moment to realize what was going on until Sean leaned over and started stroking his oil slicked hand over Cody's rod. Cody sighed as it glided over his skin. Sean apparently had practice at this because Cody's cock started to respond almost immediately. Sean got up on the bed in between Cody's tied legs and started rubbing the oil over his balls as well. Cody was trying the best he could not to give these creeps the satisfaction of getting stiff, and thinking of anything else he could. He looked up at Sean though, and the recognition hit him like a bolt of lighting! He was the red headed boy from the movie in Nate's room! When Cody recalled the scene from the video in his mind, his hormones betrayed him and his cock started to grow. He shut his eyes tightly and tried to make it stop but it was no use. The Irish boys touch was heaven! Soon he felt himself trying to thrust his hips up into the slick hand encircling his cock, but he only managed a little being tied as tightly as he was. Cody looked over and saw that Yoshi was having the same effect on Marco as one brown boy tried to feed his cock to the other's hand as well. Dobbs leered at both boys. "I knew we had a couple of real little boy sluts this time around. Both these little bitches are already in heat." Cody wanted to die of shame right there, but the slippery hand gliding up and down his pole was sending a far different signal to his brain, despite his humiliation. There must be something wrong with me, he thought. I shouldn't be getting off from another boy! How did I ever get into this mess? "That should do it boys," Nate said. "Go ahead and get Marco Yoshi, I want to do Cody's myself!" Sean stopped and crawled out from between Cody's legs, leaving his glistening six inches [15 cm] of slippery boy hood pointing straight up at his chin. Nate grabbed a paintbrush and dipped it into the bowl that held the chemicals the two cabin boys had mixed in it. He came over to Cody and started to coat his dick and balls with a bright green substance. Cody jerked when the warm gooey liquid touched his cock, as Nate started brushing it on. "Nate, what are you doing to my dick?" He asked in a state close to alarm. Nate leaned over to Cody's face and licked his face. "I am your master from now on Cody, you have to call me sir, or master. Don't worry about this stuff on your dick, it will harden in a minute, besides, it's really my dick anyway!" Nate laughed while he continued applying the goo do his dick. Marco wanted to say something, but Dobbs was standing right there staring at him, while Yoshi painted the liquid silicon mold onto his fully erect cock and balls. He was pissed again that another dude had gotten him hard, but Yoshi, just as Sean, knew how to manipulate cock! Marco had to admit that he was good looking even if he wasn't a fag, he told himself. He could see a bulge in Yoshi's tight uniform shorts while the Asian was slicking up his dong. When both boys' dick and balls were completely covered in a thick coating, the brushes were put away and all present in the room, stood back and stared at the two bound cabin boys to be, while the silicon dried. Cody kept wishing he could wake up from this nightmare any moment now, but deep down he knew better. After about five minutes, Reggie gave a signal, and Yoshi and Sean carefully peeled the hardened silicon molds off the boys' dicks. Cody watched in amazement as Sean pulled a perfect mold of himself off his oiled cock while Yoshi did the same to Marco. Both Cabin boys handed Reginald the molds and he put them in a box. "I'll take these to the shop and they should be ready shortly Nathan. I trust you can get them to the show on time. It is sold out tonight for these two," Reggie said. "No worries Reggie," Nate replied. "We are almost ready now. Just need to milk them once more." He turned toward the two bound boys smiling; "You ready to have your first squirt since you was cut?" Without awaiting an answer he looked at Yoshi and Sean. "Right guys, get yer pants off, pronto!" What next, thought Cody? He watched as Sean bent over and revealed the backs of his freckled legs as he lowered his sailor suite shorts. Cody was surprised to see that his butt had nearly as many freckles, outlined by the ultra white straps of the jockstrap he was wearing. His already erect dick gave another stir, much to his shame. I am not a fag, I am not a fag, he kept telling himself. He looked over and saw Yoshi's perfectly smooth brown skin outlined also. He closed his eyes willing himself not to be turned on. How could they do this to him? He felt some more gunk being spread on his dick. He opened his eyes and saw Sean, who's jock was now tented out itself waxing his dolphin again, this time with some other ointment. Cody's cock started to leak slightly. Neither Sean nor Yoshi had yet spoken, and now both, after having smeared the water-based lube on their respective boys' rock hard drooling dicks, unrolled ribbed condoms onto them. Cody had never even seen a rubber in person before much less had one put on him. It was an odd feeling and not all that bad. Sean smeared some more lube onto the condom while giving Cody's already full sized cock a few sensuous strokes. He noticed the large reservoir tip at the end sticking out. "Go on boys. Milk them, and it better be good or I will let Dobbs have a go at you!" Nate warned. Cody didn't understand what was happening, but he saw the look of fear in both Sean and Yoshi's eyes when the Master at Arms' name was mentioned. Sean once again crawled up on his bed, while Yoshi did the same on Marco's. Sean, facing Cody, put one foot on either side of his chest then reached back and grabbed his condom-covered prick, and started squatting down on top of the spread-eagled kid. Oh Shit! Thought Cody, what's the hell is going on! He felt his cock being rubbed between Sean's snowy white freckled ass cheeks, as the Irish cabin boy adjusted Cody's newly uncut prick head up until he had it resting against his boy-cunt. Sean looked over and waited until Yoshi appeared ready, and then Cody felt the most incredible feeling of his young life as Sean lowered himself onto his throbbing cock. This is so WRONG! He thought, yet it felt so good! Sean reached out and started rubbing Cody's nipples as he started riding his cock, slowly at first, but then increasing speed. It was the most intense thing he ever felt and Cody caught himself wondering what it would feel like without the condom. He couldn't believe he was fucking, however against his will, another guy. He looked down to see that apparently Sean didn't really mind it either as his jockstrap was straining to keep his Irish sausage tucked inside the ribbed cotton pouch. Sean of course had had much bigger objects shoved inside him as a cabin boy, so it was nothing to squat and take Cody's six inches [15 cm] up his ass pussy. He now had his hands on the bed for balance as he increased the pace, bottoming out on Cody's hairless balls. Cody closed his eyes and curled his toes, as he felt the familiar feeling in his loins. He heard Marco next to him let out a long moan and screamed that he was cumming, and then Cody joined him, shooting his first wad since he had been cut. He squealed and thrust his pelvis up against Sean's downward thrusting boy cunt and started filling his rubber with Cody scum. It was such a great feeling, but Cody was ashamed at the same time that another boy's ass could make him cum. He should be fucking girls! As he was coming off of his orgasm high Cody noticed that Sean had a worried look on his face as he pulled himself off his still mostly hard cock. When he looked down he saw that Sean's jockstrap showed the telltale signs that Sean had got off on his task as well as Cody, as his pouch was dark with a big wet cum stain in the front. Sean tried to put his hands over his package, but Nate noticed right away. "You berk, you didn't have permission to cum. That's your third violation this week isn't it Sean." For the first time Cody heard Sean speak. With a thick Irish accent Sean tried to answer Nate. "P 3;please sir, I'm sorry it won't happen again. I haven't been allowed to cum in a while and I couldn't help it!" "Well I will see to it that you get some help," Nate said. "You are under arrest. Take off your shirt Sean, and Yoshi, escort him to the brig. You will be held for Captains Mast and my father will decide your punishment when he sees fit." "Please No sir! Not the brig, I promise I will do better!" "You should have thought of that before you ruined your uniform. As a matter of fact, Yoshi, take Sean's jockstrap off and place it in his mouth. You are to suck all your cum out of it on the way to the brig. If the guard finds any trace of your juice in it, I will double your punishment. Now not another word and get going." Nate ordered. He was getting a hardon from authority trip he was on. Cody and Marco watched as Yoshi, who had by this time removed himself off of Marco's fat tool, walked over in front of Sean and slowly pulled his gooey jock down over his sticky penis. Tears were rolling down Sean's face as Yoshi had him step out of his undergarment, and he was sobbing uncontrollably by the time Yoshi stuffed the cum soaked pouch into his mouth. He almost gagged until he started breathing through his nose. He knew what would happen if he spit it out! Sean allowed Yoshi to take his top and undershirt off, and stood by in just his white knee length socks and shoes with the straps of the jockstrap sticking out of his mouth, while Yoshi put his own uniform shorts back on. Dobbs snapped some handcuffs on the trembling red head, locking his hands behind his back and Yoshi led him out of the room. "Right, now for you two," Nate said looking at the two boys, still with cum filled rubbers on their shrinking dicks. "Dobbs unlock Marco there and I will take care of my own boy here." They proceeded to unfasten Marco and Cody from their bonds. Cody started rubbing his wrists. "Forget about that and stand up, now!" Nate slapped Cody's wrists apart. Cody was thinking he could take Nate in a fight, but Dobbs was here, and plus what would he do next? He was on a ship full of perverts out in the middle of the ocean with no where to run. He got off the bed and stood at attention, and Marco followed suite. "Hold your rubbers on your dick, and don't let them fall off." Nate told them. Cody grabbed his, and noticed how gross it felt as the cum was getting cold and gooey inside the spent condom. Both boys dicks' had shrunk to the point where the condoms were hanging a couple of inches off of them, with a large pool of cum clearly visible in each. "Dobbs get the hoods." Cody's world went dark as Dobbs put a black Spandex hood over his head. He could breathe easy enough, but was totally blind. Dobbs put another hood on Marco's then guided him behind Cody and placed his hand that wasn't holding his rubber onto Cody's shoulder. "Follow your faggot buddy here," Dobbs told Marco through his hood. Cody felt something being placed around his neck at the base of the hood. He couldn't see it, but Nate was locking a patent leather collar around him. Dobbs did the same to Marco. Next Nate clipped a leash to a ring in the front of Cody collar and started tugging on it, leading the two boys out of the room toward the 'debut deck' cocktail lounge where they were the main attraction of the evening.
While Cody and Marco were recovering from their surgery, the Wombat had been steaming steadily south, and while off the coast of a certain country, several helicopter loads of passengers were ferried out to the ship. There were now many more guests on board who were sampling all the fun the Captain could provide. Several of the new guests had seen the video of Cody and Marco's cutting, and they were among the large crowd now assembled in the lounge to watch the next stage of their initiation. The debut deck lounge was a circular affair that rotated slowly, somewhat like the space needle restaurant in Seattle, around a stage in the middle of the floor, ensuring all the guests got an equally good view. Just in case, several big screen TV monitors were setup with alternate views. Setup under bright floodlights on the stage were large wooden "X's" that were arranged back to back, each leaned slightly backward. There were manacles on each corner. Teenage waiters in their maroon uniforms were kept busy bringing drinks and food to the assembled guests who were talking excitedly about the upcoming show. Several of the men in the audience had cabin boys on their laps, feeding them snacks or on their knees at their feet awaiting their orders. The lights in the lounge dimmed, and the Captain appeared under one of the spotlights. The audience applauded. "Thank you my dear guests," the Captain began. "As you all are probably aware, from time to time we get new boys aboard to replace those who have gone on to better things (polite laughter). So tonight we have two new boys, one of who is very special, as he is a birthday present to my son Nathan, whom most of you know. Cody is a cute blonde youngster, who Nate picked out himself while surfing in California. Marco is a beautiful Hispanic youth who had all the makings of a common street whore, but we started fixing that as soon as he got on board. Tonight we will continue to bring these two fine specimens up to par with what you expect of a Wombat cabin boy. So sit back, get a drink, get a snack, and get a boy if you wish, and enjoy the show. I present to you now, Cody and Marco!" The crowd went nuts as Nate appeared leading the two hooded boys; naked and holding cum filled rubbers on their dicks under the spotlights. Cody and Marco heard all the cheering and whistling but had no idea what was going on. They did know that they probably would not like it! Cody felt the heat from the stage lights on his naked body as he and Marco were led to their respective wooden displays. Nate unclipped the leash form Cody's collar and whispered in his ear to stand at attention but keep his left hand on his dick. Dobbs told Marco the same thing. Cody was terrified, he could sense he was in front of a large crowd, and here he was naked with a rubber on his dick and what felt like a dog collar. His knees started visibly shaking as he tried to stand still. The crowd noticed and loved it! Some of the men were guiding their cabin boys' hands toward their tuxedo trousers. Suddenly Nate took off his hood while Dobbs removed Marco's. Both boys gasped in horror when they saw where they were. Marco, despite trying to keep his image as a street tough, started to cry. The sight of the shaven head brown skinned boy wearing nothing but a collar and a condom breaking down in front of them just drove the lust level up in the crowd. Dobbs attached his right hand to the manacle on the wooden X and next attached his feet. He was left leaning back on the cross, bound tightly to it with the exception of his hand holding on to the rubber. Soon Cody was in the same position. He was confused for a minute, until he realized that the crowd was revolving around him and not the other way around. The Captain spoke again, "Gentlemen, let me introduce to you our body artist, Able Seaman Jones and his assistant Rex." A sailor in a uniform appeared leading a boy by a leash. Jones was a tattoo artist from Brisbane who loved S&M with boys, so he found a home on the Wombat. His personal assistant was Rex, a sixteen-year-old that he used as his testing ground. Rex was kept with a high and tight haircut that just barely left some black stubble on the top of his head. He was wearing a leather harness along with a leather ball stretcher, black combat boots with red socks. He had both nipples and ears pierced along with both nipples and his belly button which all had silver rings. What Cody noticed the most though was the large ring through the end of Rex's dick! 'Oh fuck,' he thought, 'I hope they aren't going to do that to me! That looks awful!' Rex also had barbed wire tattoos on his wrists and upper arms. Jones let go of the leash and Rex walked right up to Cody and licked him starting on his chin and going up over his mouth, nose and stopping on his forehead. That is when Cody found out his tongue was pierced as well. Again the crowd applauded. More men were openly masturbating now. Rex continued over to Marco and licked him as well. Marco tried to move his head away, but Dobbs held it in place, while Rex rubbed his dick against Marco's bare leg while checking him out. Marco wanted to puke. The Captain spoke again, "Rex will give the boys their rings and prep them for their Wombat designs, but first, we want both boys to be comfortable, so we will make sure they have something to suck on!" (Loud applause) "Reginald, if you please 3;" Reginald appeared on the stage with two boxes. The Captain continued. "In these boxes are exact replicas of each of these boys genitals, that were made from molding we took just this afternoon." Reginald pulled out two rubber dicks out of the boxes and held them up for the crowd. Cody wanted to die right there! The butler was holding up an exact replica of he and Marco's newly cut prick and balls, right down to the veins, for the crowd to ogle. "Nate if you would take Cody's please, and Dobbs will take Marco's." Cody watched in horrid fascination as Nate took his rubber cock and walked over showing it to Cody then handed it to Rex. The next thing Cody knew, Rex was on his knees in front of him pulling the scummy rubber off his now severely shriveled cock, then standing back up and pulling it over his fake cock, adjusting it so that the jizz filled reservoir tip was right where is should be. "Right then," said Nate. "Be a good mate and open your mouth Cody." Panicking Cody started shaking his head no. Rex smiled and grabbed Cody's balls and squeezed them hard. When he opened his mouth to scream, Rex shoved the lifelike dildo into Cody's mouth. The taste of the used rubber almost made Cody puke. He could taste the remnants of Sean's ass on it, and the thought of that revolted him. Nate quickly restrained Cody's remaining free hand and clipped his collar to the back of the cross so he was now totally immobilized with scummy rubber covered copy of his dick in his mouth. He saw one of the men in the audience tearing the short pants off of a boy at his table. Rex shoved it in all the way until the fake balls were almost at Cody's chin. He ran a length of elastic cord through the small holes molded into the base of the dildo and stretched it around the back of Cody's head, attaching it on the other side, securing the penis gag securely in place. Rex moved to Marco. Marco could watch what happened to Cody on one of the TV monitors. He wanted to shout out or do something, but he didn't dare, as the huge Dobbs was standing right there while Rex quickly repeated the procedure he had just done to Cody. Soon he was staring at the cum filled condom tip at his lips. As a tear rolled down his cheek, he gave up and opened his mouth, also almost gagging, as he tasted Yoshi's ass juices on his dick. Soon his own fake cock was tied securely in his mouth. Jones was busy setting a table up next to Cody, so Rex started on Marco first. He rubbed some alcohol on his right ear, and with no pre amble, shoved a large gold stud through his earlobe. Marco winced from the shock more than actual pain. 'Fuck,' he thought, 'only fags get their right ear pierced! I am not a fag!' Then he thought what he must look like with a dog collar on, tied spread eagle to a wooden cross with a copy of his own dick in his mouth! Marco looked up in time to see one fat guy in the audience pull his greasy cock out of a cabin boy's ass just in time to shoot his wad all over the kids back. The guy sitting next to him made his cabin boy lick the guys come off of his back. 'Oh fuck, they are going to make me do stuff like that!' He made up his mind to fight as best he could, but at the moment he couldn't think how he would go about it. He looked down and wondered what Rex was doing with a stencil right up next to his dick. Rex started tracing a design onto Marco's pelvis with a pen. It tickled a bit and Marco squirmed. Rex grabbed his dick and twisted it. "Don't move or I will mess it up bitch!" He said in a menacing voice. In a few seconds he was done and moved on to Cody. Cody was looking down wondering what all the stuff Jones was messing about with was when Rex put the stencil up next to his own pubic area. To Cody's horror and shame, the feeling slightly aroused him when he was being drawn on, and his dick started going hard, much to Nate and the rest of the crowds' delight. When Rex wiped his earlobe and got ready to pierce it though, Cody was frightened. He had wanted to get an ear ring once, but the thought of the needle going through him made him chicken out, and now he was getting one whether he wanted it or not, and in the right ear none the less. He did notice that all the cabin boys on board had one there but never thought about it until now. When the needle went through his earlobe, he bit down on the rubber cock in his mouth, breaking the rubber and flooding his mouth with his own cum. He had no choice but to swallow, horrified that he was drinking his own sperm, but the dong in his mouth caused some to leak out and down his chin, much to his shame and to the delight of the crowd. Nate loved it! The sight of Cody's own cum leaking down his mouth while tied to the X was giving him a definite pleasurable experience in his own trousers! What a body he thought, staring at the trembling naked fifteen-year-old stretched out before him. He was even cuter with his little earring now he thought. 'Once he got his tattoo, I can get his cherry, and start teaching him how to please me!' Never having been inside a tattoo parlor, Cody didn't know what a tattoo needle looked or sounded like. He had no idea therefore, what it was that Jones was setting up right next to him. When he saw him pick it up and press something, he heard a buzzing sound. He couldn't look down very well do to the collar, but when he looked up, he saw that a TV monitor was focused right on his hard dick and the area right around it. He saw that Rex had drawn a small picture of the Wombat emblem right next to and slightly above his dick. Right about where a jockstrap waistband would go. Rex took two big leather straps and started wrapping one around Cody's leg, high up on his thigh, securing it tightly. Next he wrapped one around his belly, right under the belly button, ensuring that his lower region was held extra tight. Jones leaned down and brought the needle up to Cody's flesh 3; Cody screamed as loud as he could into his fake penis gag, causing more cum to flow out of it. The needle felt like fire going into his sensitive skin down there. He bucked as hard as he could, but Rex had done his job well, and the area of attention was still. Flashbulbs were going off in Cody's face as the crowd took pictures while he got his Wombat tattoo, forever marking him as a Cabin boy/whore, and property of the ship Wombat. Tears of shame and frustration fell down his cheeks. To his further horror, Rex was starting to jack his dick while he was getting inked, and try as he might; Cody could not stop his penis from responding. He had never been more humiliated, as the assembled perverts were taking close-ups of his leaking dick, while this pierced tattooed freak teased his privates. Cody felt the studded tongue run along his nipple, causing the little pink orb to go rock hard in an instant. Marco watched in horror what was happening to Cody, and dreaded his turn that he knew was coming. He didn't know what was worse, being marked for life in front of all these people, or the fact that he was going to have to perform some of the things he saw going on in the audience. He watched one boy; totally naked being forced to lick out some hairy old mans ass! His naked brown cock was flaccid, but that didn't stop men taking pictures of his groin for their before and after photos. After about forty-five minutes, Jones was done with Cody. Rex and he left him sobbing and with a hardon and made their way to Marco's cross. Marco wanted to get some tattoos before, but not near his dick! He also had no idea how painful the act of getting one could be until he too, felt the needle dig into his ultra sensitive pubic area skin. More flashbulbs went off while he spent his time under the gun, so to speak with Rex teasing him as well. Unlike Cody, he was only at about half erect when Jones finished. Soon he too was sporting a colorized picture of the ships' logo on his waistband area. When he stood up the audience cheered. Soon Jones packed up his equipment, hooked up Rex's leash and they left the stage. The captain got up and spoke. "I hope everyone enjoyed the show. For the next half-hour feel free to come up and feel the boys and take your pictures, but please don't touch the tattooed area. We will be putting bandages on them when the thirty minutes are up so they can heal properly. While of course Cody is spoken for by my son Nate (applause), we will soon be putting Marco's cheery up for bidding. He is guaranteed prime Latin virgin cherry so feel free to check him out. If you do cum on them don't worry, we will have someone clean them up." To Cody it looked like a stampede coming over the rail to the stage. Suddenly hands were all over him rubbing him and pinching his nipples and such. There were tongues in his ears, in his belly button and to his horror, he looked down and a large Mexican looking man was sucking on his cock. Suddenly he felt something warm and sticky on his thigh and looked up to see two men who had just shot their cum onto his leg. They each had there own uniformed cabin boy immediately start cleaning their dicks off with their mouths. Nate stepped in at this point and pointed the crowd over to Marco, explaining that Cody was his and his alone. The disappointed crowd moved away, but got excited anew as they moved on to the cute Latino. At this point Nate whipped his own rock hard cock out of his tailored slacks and brought it up against Cody's. "This is how it started, remember mate?" He started rubbing their hardons together. Cody cried at himself as he responded to the wonderful, but somehow sordid feeling. He couldn't understand how he could respond this way to being humiliated and degraded so much. After about the tenth stroke, Nate grinned as he felt Cody's cum rocket fire. He stood back so he wouldn't stain his pants, and let fly with his own blast shooting all over Cody's dick, being careful not to ruin the tattoo. "Wonderful mate," he said zipping his pants back up. "Tomorrow I am going to fuck that beautiful ass of yours! Goodnight mate!" Nate left Cody wondering if they were to be left tied to these crosses all night. He wanted to ask, but the rubber cock in his mouth kept him silent. A boy appeared and smeared something over his tattoo and covered it up, but left without talking to him. For his part, Marco was embarrassed and humiliated as well. He was the sole focus of attention for a group of about ten men groping and feeling him all over. One man had cum in his hand and rubbed it all over Marco's stubble covered scalp. Another guy was licking his balls, while a third was sucking him off. Just like Cody, he was humiliated that his dick responded like he wanted this. Revolted as he was by this though, the sensation of the tongue on his dick, while not as intense as Yoshi's ass had been, was enough for any normal hormone filled teen. He moaned into his gag and filled the man's mouth with his seed, cumming for the second time that day. He was crying from the great feeling and the shame as he spasmed no less than five times into the guys hot sucking mouth. When he was done, the man got up, grabbed a Jewish looking cabin boy next to him and kissed him on the mouth, transferring Marco's cum into him and making him swallow it. The man grabbed his Jewish cabin boy and left, with a trace of jizz leaking down his chin. Soon Marco felt blast after blast of cum hit him as the rest of the men gathered got off on the show they had just seen. Marco was sobbing uncontrollably as the remaining audience returned to the lounge seats, and a boy appeared, putting Vaseline and a bandage over his new tattoo. After what seemed like an eternity, while replays were being shown on the TV's. Dobbs and Reginald came and unlocked both boys from the wooden frame. Marco was led away separately by Dobbs and placed in a small room with a bed and chair and a video camera. He was still covered in cum. He was there for a while before two boys in uniform came in and laid him down on the cot, and started to gently clean him off, also removing the fake dick from his mouth. He smiled at them grateful for their kindness until they pulled out a teen sized diaper and proceeded to put him into it. He wanted to struggle and fight, but figured what's the use? The ordeal he had just been through left him exhausted. They hung a big sign that said VIRGIN on it around his neck and placed him in the chair in front of the camera. Guests throughout the ship could now bid who would be the lucky one to take Marco's virgin boy pussy. The two boys sat down and started answering the phone in the room taking down bids. Marco felt like a slab of meat in the butcher shop. Cody was wondering what would happen to him, as he was being led by Reginald, naked, through the halls of the ship. At least he had taken the dildo out of his mouth, but he could still taste ass and cum. He recognized the entrance to the captain's cabin, and was thrust through it to find the Captain and his son sitting on a couch staring at a cowering terrified boy that Cody recognized at once. There, dressed in only a pair of white briefs and white socks was his old foster brother Brent!
Chapter 4Brent woke up to smelling salts being held under his nose. The thirteen-year-old came to consciousness in a luxurious cabin laid out on a couch. When he opened his eyes there appeared to be a doctor looking at him. The man in the white coat put the smelling salts away, and spoke to an older man in a uniform. "He will be fine. I have to get back to my office now Captain. I just got Alec's new uniform delivered and I want to make sure it fits him.""Very well doctor," the Captain said. "I think we can take it from here." The Doctor left and Brent got up looking at the man who was apparently the captain. He was still a little groggy from the drugs, but he became aware of the rocking motion and realized he must be on a ship of some kind. "Where am I, who are you, what happened?" He was trying to remember. He had gotten a call from what sounded like a kid telling him that Cody had run away from the group home and needed to talk to him bad. Being the closest thing Brent had ever had to a big brother, he snuck out of his new foster parents home after bedtime and went to the park where he was supposed to meet him. When some guy asked him if he was Brent, he answered yes and where was Cody, but instead of an answer he got a chloroformed rag shoved into his face. He only struggled for a minute. The Captains associates quickly made sure they hadn't been seen and put the unconscious form into their car and sped off. After reviewing Cody's records from his connection in California, the Captain had read about his former foster situation and how long the boys had been together. He thought it might be an interesting diversion and looked up where his foster brother had been sent. After that it was relatively easy to pay for the abduction. He had many connections in that area. It did cost him a little more to have Brent smuggled into Mexico where he could be loaded aboard a helicopter and flown to the ship, but he would make it back, no worries. Brent had been kept in the same clothes now for days, and had been fed intravenously while he was kept out of it for his trip. He was disheveled and smelled rather bad and now he was rubbing his stiff joints as he sat up and looked around the room where he had been revived. He wrinkled his nose at the smell of himself. Just then the captain spoke. "Hello Brent, I am Captain Foster, and this is my son Nathan. I am captain of the Wombat, which is the name of the ship you are on now. It is a very special ship, and since we have Cody on board, I figured you might like to join him." "Cody's here?" All of a sudden his mind cleared, and he stood up. "How did he get on a ship, and why? What is going on?" "Be quiet Brent," Nate ordered. "The first thing you will learn on this ship is how to follow orders. The first one is to speak only when spoken to. Now lets see if you have learned anything. Take off your shirt." "My what? Why? I'm not taking off my shirt in front of you guys!" He was whining. "Where is Cody?" Nate walked up and slapped him in the face knocking the five foot four [1.63 m] youth to the ground. "I just told you mate, you don't talk and you follow orders. Now unless you really want to get hurt, shut up, stand up and take your fucking shirt off NOW!" Tears came to Brent's eyes as he looked back up at the foreign kid who hit him. He didn't understand what was going on. Slowly he got back to his feet and peeled off his shirt revealing a smooth tanned torso and tiny brown nipples. He was sniffling still, when he crossed his arms in front of himself. "You would do well to listen to my son Brent. He is going to be a large part of your life for the next few years so I advise you now to listen to him and obey him. That goes for any other member of the crew on this ship. You have no say in what you do or what happens to you. This is your new home and life so you best get used to it. Now take your shoes off." Brent took in what the Captain said to him and wanted to ask more about what was going on, but he didn't look like a man who he wanted mad at him, so he bent over and started untying his Adidas. They were brand new, his new foster dad having just bought them for him last week. He wanted to be back in his room right now, and kept hoping he would wake up and the nightmare would be over. What had these people done to Cody? He kicked off his shoes and stood back up. Nate walked up to and then around Brent, running his hands over him. Another boy had never touched Brent like this and it made him feel funny. "Nice body you have there Brent. Do you do a lot of swimming?" Nate asked. "Um, yeah, me and Cody used to go to the beach all the time. He taught me how." "How sweet. Well you have the body for it. Why don't you take off your pants now Brent." Nate said, but it was not a question. "NO! I can't do that. Why do you want me to take my pants off!" Brent's hands went to his fly as if to guard what was beneath the denim. "Brent, I have told you and my father has warned you. Now I am going to have to give you a spanking as well. Have you ever been spanked Brent? Really spanked, with a paddle or a cane? It hurts like hell Brent and you are still going to have to take your pants off in the end. You belong to us now Brent" Nate pushed his hands away and undid Brent's belt buckle. "Now be a good mate and take them off Brent, otherwise four grownups will come in here and take them off anyway and I guarantee you won't like that." Sobbing, Brent slowly undid his fly and lowered his jeans to the floor. He stepped out of them and stood in his sock feet with his hands covering the crotch of his white Mervyn's brand briefs. Nate knocked his hands away. "Don't ever cover yourself up Brent," Nate said. "Your body is ours' now. Now since you have disobeyed already, it's time for your punishment. Bend over the arm of the couch." Brent looked at him for a second and was contemplating refusing when the Captain lost his patience and grabbed the startled boy and threw him over the arm. "That's five more for hesitating boy, you are trying my patience! Nathan, get your strap and give it to me." "Yes father," Nate said and went to retrieve the strap, grateful it would be used on someone else's bum other than his own. He was only going to use his hand on Brent's little rump, but the frightened foster brother of Cody had made the unpardonable sin of pissing off his father! Now he would feel the wrath of the leather. He got the black strap and walked back to his father and held it out to him. "No Nathan, I want you to do it. Give him ten as hard as you can through his underpants." He looked down at the squirming youth who was face down over the armrest of the couch. "You are lucky I am letting you keep your underpants on you filthy little sod, but you haven't been trained yet. When my son hits you, I want to hear you count off the strokes. If we don't hear you, Nathan will start over. Do you understand me boy?" "P 3;please don't hit me, I'll be good I promise! Please!" SMACK! "OWWW!" The captain had hit the back of Brent's bare thigh. "You are up to fifteen. I asked you a question Brent." "Yes sir, I will count them off sir." "Very good. Nathan, you may begin." Nate took up a position behind and off to one side of Brent. He had a tent growing in his pants as he stared down at the dirty white briefs covering Brent's quivering buns. He could see his little cheeks were clinched together in anticipation of the pain to come, and that just made the sadistic teen's cock grow more. He reached down and squeezed his erection while he fondled Brent's butt cheeks with the other hand. He grinned as he brought the strap back 3; Brent had his eyes closed when he felt the hand fondling his bottom. He felt dirty when he started to get an erection and lost track of his thoughts when the first blow of the leather strap landed soundly on his bottom. He screamed out in agony, but remembered to count off, because he certainly didn't want any more blows than necessary. He just buried his face in the cushion of the couch and counted off the remaining swats, while trying desperately to figure out what was going on here. After what seemed an eternity he shouted out fifteen in a muffled cry and Nate relented on his tortured tushy. "Stand up Brent, but don't touch your ass or I will really give you something to cry about!" Nate ordered. He watched as the boy stood, teary eyed and red faced and shifted from foot to foot, trying to wiggle the fire out of his ass. The sight of the boy in his dirty briefs dancing around made Nate giggle and gave the captain a certain pleasure too, even though he didn't show it. "Very good, now just stand there while we look at your delicious little body and decide who will fuck you first." Nate and his father sat back on the couch. The Captain rang a bell, and Brent watched as a boy about his age came out dressed in the maroon waiter uniform and spoke to the captain. He left and returned later with a glass of wine and a soda, serving them to his tormentors on the couch. He noticed how tight and short the kids shorts were and wondered if he had been fucked as well or if he was being singled out for some reason. He was still very confused and frightened and couldn't fathom that a cruise ship for perverts like this one could exist. While not being overly wise in the ways of the world, he did know that there were men who liked to have sex with young teenage boys. He never thought of another boy wanting to do stuff like that however, and this one seemed to like being mean! He just stood self consciously in front of the two as they sipped their drinks and looked at his near naked body.
Meanwhile, several decks below 3;Yoshi arrived at the entrance to the brig, leading Sean, who was still sucking on his cum soaked jock strap, and rang the buzzer. Wilkes, the guard who had escorted Cody and Marco the week prior, opened the door. "We've been expecting you Prisoner. You are dismissed Yoshi, report to your berth Captain for assignment.""Yes sir," Yoshi said, did an about face and walked back to the elevator, leaving a trembling Sean with the guard. Wilkes grabbed the straps of the jockstrap hanging out of Sean's mouth and pulled it out. "There better not be any of your scum left on here boy!" He examined the soiled underwear closely. "Good thing you are a born jizz eater punk, or you would be in for worse than you already are." He threw the jock aside and unlocked Sean's handcuffs and placed them in his belt. "Get naked then stand at attention prisoner. Mr. Dobbs will be here shortly with instructions on what to do with you." Sean took off his shoes then peeled down his socks. He stood at attention, naked in the middle of the outer office of the brig. He wanted to cry, but tried to hold a straight face as Wilkes leered at his young smooth body. Owing to his Irish heritage, he was pale all over, with a good amount of freckles on his arms, face and legs. The Wombat tattoo was prominent against his pale groin and his sizable cock looked even bigger against his hairless crotch. His medium length red hair was parted in the middle, and offset his green eyes nicely. In short, he was a beautiful cabin boy. The fact that he actually enjoyed sex with other teens made him more than a willing participant in some of the events aboard the ship. Of course, enjoying it too much is what landed him hear in the brig in the first place having shot his load while he milked Cody's dick with his Irish love canal! He was one of the favorites of the guests and had been the star of several of the closed circuit movies aboard the ship, including the first one that Cody had seen, but that would not save him from his fate. Humiliating and punishing cute teenagers was what many of the guests paid top dollar for, and the more beautiful they were the better! Sean would just be making them even more money when the film of his punishment went for sale in the gift shop. Sean had only heard rumors of what went on to prisoners of the brig, but none of them were good. No cabin boy that went in ever came out the same, if they came out at all! Of course, the boys all knew of the off limits areas of the ship where 'special' guests were entertained. The more he thought about it, the more scared he became. He heard the buzzer sound and Wilkes hit a button that unlocked the door. The Master at Arms, Mr. Dobbs walked in. He walked up to Sean with a look of disgust on his face. "So the little Mick is finally mine," he said while grabbing a handful of Sean's balls. "I have just spoke to the Captain prisoner, and he has some special plans for you!" He squeezed his balls causing Sean to cry out, but he remained at attention. "You are now the lowest form of life on this ship. You no longer have a name. You will refer to yourself as prisoner, do you understand?" "Yes sir," Sean replied through clenched teeth. "I will refer to my self as prisoner." Dobbs released his grip of the terrified boys nuts, "Very good. If you obey me like that we will get along fine for your stay here. First though, we have to get you ready. Prisoners are just like animals, so we have some work to do with you. The Doctor and his assistant will be here shortly, as well as Jones and Rex. You have attracted the attention of some important guests, and after your punishment, you will be assigned to them. I guarantee you will not have to worry about squirting your jock anymore prisoner!" Dobbs started laughing, then Wilkes joined him. As the two men laughed at the terrified prisoner, Sean felt warm liquid running down his leg and he realized that he had wet himself. "Look at the little shit. He just pissed himself!" Wilkes said. He walked up to him with a disgusted look on his face. "Boy, get a mop out of the closet and clean this mess up. Then you will go into the shower room and wait on your knees. You have 3 minutes, now GO!" The naked red head did as he was told, mopping up his piss while Wilkes used a crop on his bare ass, causing him to drop the mop twice. Once he was done he ran to the shower room, a large tiled room with several showerheads sticking out of the wall, and got down on his knees in the center of it near the drain. He noticed a wheeled steel gurney in the corner that had straps attached to it, which just caused him more fear. He was doing his best not to panic when he heard boots coming into the room, but he didn't dare look up. Dobbs walked in front of him and lifted his chin up so he was looking up into the Master at Arm's eyes. "Prisoners aren't allowed to have any hair shit head, so say good bye to your pretty red locks," Dobbs said as he turned on some cordless shears. Far less gracefully than a barber, the sailor attacked Sean's scalp, shaving him down to stubble in a matter of seconds. Sean felt like his hair was being pulled out at the roots as he watched it fall to the tiled floor around him. It reminded him of his first day on the ship, but this was worse. He knew he wouldn't be allowed to grow it back this time for a long while to come, if ever. When Dobbs was done he shoved Sean down on all fours. "OK dog, now its time for you to clean up this mess. Since you are now an animal, you will clean this place up like one. Pick up all your worthless hair with your mouth and spit it out into the trashcan in the corner. Don't even think about using your hands or standing up. Do you understand prisoner?" With tears running down his cheeks, Sean answered in a trembling voice, "the prisoner understands sir." He set about his task, using his tongue to help pick up his hair, one mouthful at a time, and crawling to the trash to spit it out. Dobbs sat back to watch, massaging his hard dick through his uniform trousers until the doctor arrived to continue Sean's ordeal.
In the sickbay 3;Alec was lying naked on an exam table with his legs spread wide and secured tightly in stirrups, exposing his puckered pink rosebud to the Doctor, who was unzipping his fly. Seeing that new kid Brent in the Captains quarters had got him horny, so he decided to take advantage of having his own assistant. He pulled his enormous hairy ballbag and dick out of his trousers. "We have to get to the brig Alec, but your pussy needs a workout first. Then I have a surprise for you." He positioned his dick at Alec's back door. "Ask me to fuck you Alec"Alec was getting used to the Doctor. While he didn't particularly like being fucked, especially by such a huge dick, at least he was the only one that fucked him anymore. That plus the fact that he was tied to the table and in no position to resist made him resigned to the fact. He looked up at the Doctor and tried to sound enthusiastic, "please sir, stick your fat dick in my boy cunt." "If you like boy," the lusty doctor replied. He pulled his foreskin back and started rubbing it all over Alec's butt hole. Seeing how tight Alec was though, the Doctor grabbed a tube from the stand next to the table and squirted a glob of lubricant onto his dick. "Your lucky we are in a hurry boy," he said as he started pressing his cock home, "otherwise your saliva would be the only lube allowed." Alec bit his lower lip as the doctor forced his monster into him. He had been fucked many times of course, but it seemed more bizarre on the doctor's table. Of course by now nothing should have seemed bizarre to him on this ship. Soon he felt his bowels filled as the Doctor rammed his dick all the way into the bound assistant in one thrust. Alec let out a small yelp, but his own little dick started to rise as his prostate was massaged. The doctor noticed and started stroking Alec's cock as he fucked him. "That's it slut, I knew you liked this. Your going to be my little slut assistant from now on you bitch." Suddenly the Doctor stopped with his dick buried in Alec's love tunnel, let out a grunt, and Alec felt his ass being flooded with hot cum. After he finished spurting, the Doctor stopped stroking Alec's dick, pulled out his slimy cock, then undid the restraints. "Normally your job would be to clean me off with your slut boy mouth, but after all, we are in a hurry today," he said while wiping off his softening member with a rag. "Before I let you up and give you your surprise though, I need to give you a shot." He zipped his pants up and went to a drawer to retrieve a syringe. "Ah, a shot, sir?" Alec said, his hardon disappearing completely at the mention of needles. "What kind of shot?" With an evil grin that mortified Alec to his soul, the Doctor replied, "If it were any of your business I would tell you Alec. Let's just say it should help to make you a prettier assistant" He was back by his side rubbing one of his butt cheeks with alcohol. "Don't ask questions that don't pertain to your duties. This will sting a bit." The Doctor plunged the needle in, injecting his young charge with an experimental drug of his. Alec let out a squeak as he felt whatever was in the needle flow into him. It was cold. "There we go, now after I unstrap you, run to the bathroom and wash your ass out, then come back here." His butt cheek still stinging, Alec got up from the table, "Should I get dressed sir?" He could feel the Doctors cum running down his ass. "I didn't tell you to did I? You are trying my patience today boy. Come back out here naked and you will get the surprise I was telling you about." "Yes sir," the chastened boy replied and headed to the bathroom to douche out his cum filled ass. He wasn't sure he wanted a surprise or not. More often than not that meant trouble for any boy on the ship. After carefully washing the scum out of his ass Alec returned to find the Doctor waiting for him with a pair of underwear in his hands. "Here you go Alec, put on your new panties." The Doctor sounded pleased with himself. When Alec looked, he noticed that they were indeed panties, frilly laced white ones actually, and not the normal jockstrap that he was used to wearing. He was about to say something but thought better of it, and took the frilly garment from the Doctor and bent over to put it on. He could see the old man almost drooling as he pulled the panties on. He felt even more stupid then when he first put on the dreaded sailor suit that all boys had to wear. Alec was to learn it was only the beginning however as next the doctor handed him a pair of long white nylon stockings. "Sir, what are these?" "They are stockings boy. Come on, put them on, we are late already," snapped the doctor. Alec was mortified as he pulled on the stockings. They felt really weird, and the Doctor made sure that the seam was straight up the back of his legs. Next came a garter belt that he had to be shown how to use. Before he got to the next part, the Doctor took out his digital camera and snapped a few pictures of Alec, who was ordered to turn around and strike various poses in the female underwear. Next the doctor produced a white dress for Alec to put on. He tried to protest, but one look from the Doctor shut him up. Mortified, he pulled the nurses uniform over his head and adjusted it. The dress ended at just under his ass, so when he bent over, anyone looking would get a generous shot of his panties and garters White leather pumps completed outfit. Alec was horrified of the other boys on board seeing him like this. He was sure he looked totally stupid. To the Doctor, however (not to mention, many others on board), the sight of the young teen being forced to wear a dress and panties was enough to evoke an instant pleasurable response. Even after just fucking Alec, the Doctor was sporting another hard on. "You almost look like a proper nurse now boy," he began. "Here is the final touch." He made Alec put on a white nurses cap. "You look wonderful Alec. I have ordered fours sets of clothes for you, so from now on this is all you are to wear unless I tell you otherwise. You wanted to be my assistant, so now you look like one. What do you have to say to me Nurse?" Alec wanted to run away and hide, but he knew there was no where to go, and no options. "Th 3;thank you Doctor," he whispered. He was grateful there was no mirror nearby. "Your welcome. Now get a jar of my cream and let's get to the brig. They have a prisoner waiting for us." Alec did as he was told and followed the doctor out of the sick bay into the main halls of the ship. Every guest and crewmember that saw the boy/girl stopped and whistled at him or made lewd gestures or comments. He sniffed back a tear as they finally reached the elevator to the brig. Thankfully guests were not allowed there, he thought to himself as the doors closed. When they arrived at the brig entrance, Wilkes let them in and escorted them to the shower room. The guard told Alec what a pretty little slut nurse he was, causing more shame to come to him. Alec forgot about his own misery though, when he saw Sean spitting a wad of his own hair out into a trash can. Dobbs told him to get back on his knees in the middle of the room when he saw the Doctor and Alec. "Nice outfit for the little bitch Doc," he said. "I was beginning to wonder if you remembered our appointment. Do you have the stuff?" "Sorry, I got held up," the Doctor replied, thinking of the wonderful feeling of his cock deep up Alec's butt. "Alec has the cream, and he will apply it now if you are ready." "Oh we're ready all right, aren't we bitch?" He tweaked one of Sean's nipples. "Ouch! Yes sir, the prisoner is ready." "Put your hands behind your head please," Alec asked quietly as he approached Sean with the jar of cream. He had put on rubber gloves, and started applying it generously to Sean's groin area. Sean knew just what the cream was for as he had seen it earlier being used on Cody and Marco. This was his first feel of it though, and the burning sensation was making him break out in a sweat. He wanted badly to rub himself, but he knew that would just bring punishment. Next, Alec applied the cream to his armpits, which caused Sean to bite his lower lip to keep from crying out. When he was made to bend over though, and felt the cream being applied to his ass crack, he couldn't help crying out in pain and clamping his cheeks together around Alec's hand. Dobbs slapped him and told him to stay still. When Alec was done, he removed his gloves and stood by the doctor. While Sean stood there burning and itching, Dobbs talked quietly with the Doctor and Wilkes. Finally, he was told to stand under the shower. A blast of ice cold water hit the denuded prisoner causing him to scream, much to the delight of everyone in the room, save maybe Alec. After the cream was washed away, and Sean was silky smooth all over, he was ordered to lay on the table, where Alec was instructed to secure him tightly, with his arms in a Y over his head and his legs spread far apart. The Doctor came over and gave him a perfunctory examination feeling all the denuded areas with interest. "This cream seems to work wonderfully," he said. "Alec, get my bag and come here. I am going to show you how to sterilize the skin in preparation for a piercing." "Yes Doctor," the fourteen-year-old dress-wearing boy said and brought the medical kit over. Sean stiffened when he heard the Doctor mention piercing. He already had an earring, what else would they do? Before he could even ponder the thought, in came Rex, the piercing and tattooing assistant carrying a small satchel. He was dressed as normal for him, in the leather harness, ball spreader, and black boots. The leatherboy looked at Sean tied to the table and smiled before turning to Dobbs. "I was ordered to come here with the piercing kit sir. Since the Doctor is here, I was told I could do it on my own." Dobbs laughed, and said, "He's just a piece of shit prisoner now anyway, so what if you fuck it up?" "I won't mess up sir. I was made to practice on myself." This was obvious due to the many pieces of metal protruding from the sixteen-year-olds body, including the dangling PA that had so scared Cody and Marco earlier in the evening. Dobbs just grunted and pointed to Sean, who was now sweating and squirming on the table as the Doctor and Alec were starting to arrange some gauze and alcohol on the table next to his chest. Rex walked over to the table, smirking at Alec in his little dress. "I also have the new earrings you requested for your assistant Doctor." "Ah, very good. Let's do that first. Go ahead and put them in please." "Yes sir," said Rex and retrieved a set of little pearl earrings. "Just sit on the table between the prisoner's legs Alec so I can get your other ear." Alec was blushing bright red as he did as he was told. What was worse was that when he sat on the table, his dress rode up revealing the frilly panties to Rex who just kept smiling at him. Was his dick getting hard? He got out the percing needle and waited for the doctor to swab Alec's left earlobe. Once that was done it was a short order for Rex to push the needle through with his practiced hands. After removing Alec's gold hoop in his right ear, Rex put in Alec's pearls, furthering the effect of his feminiazation. By the time he was done, Rex was sporting a large erection. Alec had no time to worry about his predicament however, as he was told to get up and start on Sean. The Doctor looked at Dobbs. "I believe you said the septum, nipples and frenum Mr. Dobbs?" "Yeah, that is what I was told." Sean looked up from his bonds at the Doctor. He knew what nipples were but had no idea what the hell the other things he said were. What were they going to do to him? He started shaking as Alec started to rub his tits with alcohol, causing the little pink orbs to stiffen slightly. Rex snapped on some rubber gloves and hopped up on the table between his stretched legs and rested his knees against Sean's nutsack. Once Alec was done with the alcohol the doctor handed Rex a clean needle. Rex looked at Sean and flicked his pierced tongue at the frightened prisoner, then started rubbing his left nipple between his gloved fingers. He put the needle against the tender flesh, and pushed. Sean sucked in his breath as the freak on top of him pushed the needle through his left tit. While it hurt, it wasn't as bad as he expected. Rex pushed the 12-gage ring through the new hole then flicked it. This caused Sean to howl in pain, which Rex found funny. After being used as a pincushion by his master, he had little sympathy for the boys he pierced. Usually the only time they got anything more than the standard cabin boy earring was here in the brig, or if they were sold off privately to a customer. He repeated the procedure with Sean's right tit, and soon the pale boy's nubs were both decorated by stainless steel rings. "Now we need to make sure his septum is clean Alec," said the Doctor who had silently watched the amateur body modification. Sean still wondered what his septum was while concentrating on his tender nipples. When the Doctor started poking around in his nose however, he got a pretty good idea and started to panic. "What are you doing? Get out of my nose, you can't put anything in there! Pleeeeaassee don't do anything to me!" He screeched. No one paid him any mind though. Dobbs simply handed Alec a penis gag, which he quickly shoved in the protesting boy. The Doctor, irritated by the delay, placed a clamp in each nostril, explaining to Alec what he was doing. He used a swab to clean him out, and stood back so Rex could do his work. Rex crawled on top of the terrified, struggling prisoner's chest. "Stay still fucker, or I will have to do this twice," he warned. He looked carefully where to place the needle through the thin membrane, and pushed the needle through. Sean felt an instant of pain as the needle entered, but surprising to him that was it. The ring followed and he now had a ring that matched those of his nipples hanging out of his nose. "That looks good," Dobbs said. "Just like the bulls on the farm back home! All animals should have a nose ring, it reminds them of who is superior. Right Pig?" He looked down at the now still boy. Sean looked up at the Master of Arms but said nothing. He just closed his eyes and started crying silently, much to the sailors sadistic delight. "One more, then the fun really begins. Hurry up and finish Rex, and I will let you fuck him for your time." "Yes sir!" The excited piercer replied. He was usually just slapped around and degraded by his master, even for doing his job correctly! He looked at the bound prisoner boy he was straddling and just gave him a leer. The feeling of power was intoxicating to Rex, and his dick was stretching the ball spreader nestled on his nut sack. He crawled back and started fondling Sean's cut cock. Sean heard the fucking comment and resigned to his fate. After all it would not be the first time! However, he looked at the PA dangling from Rex's dickhead while he was playing with his cock and wondered what it would feel like. He was pondering this when he felt Rex's studded tongue start dancing over his dick! Even after all the trauma of being in the brig and poked with needles, the feeling of the sixteen-year-old tongue on his dick was arousing him. He hated it, but was powerless to stop it. His cock responded almost immediately and grew to its full length. Sean wondered why he stopped and started putting alcohol on the underside of his dick when it came to him. They were going to pierce his cock next! He was correct of course, and he soon found out what his frenum was, as Rex inserted the barbell in the hole he had just created with yet another needle. Sean took it in silence, just moaning slightly into his gag. "All done prisoner," was all Rex said as he hopped off the table. He was looking forward to his reward! Alec removed the gag and undid the bonds while the doctor and Rex put away all of their gear. Dobbs threw a pair of socks and shoes to Sean, who was allowed to sit up. "Put your brig uniform on bitch, then bend over the table so Rex can fuck you. Does the prisoner understand?" "Y 3;yes sir, the prisoner understands." Sean answered quietly and picked up the black and white striped prisoner knee socks that were thrown at him. While he was pulling them on, ensuring they were neatly folded over at the top, the Doctor told Alec to go suck Rex's dick so it would be nice and hard for him to plow Sean's butt. A red faced Alec got down on his knees in front of Rex and stared fondling his balls while running his tongue around the ring sticking out of Rex's piss slit. "Oh, yeah, the little girl sucks a good dick," he hissed. He pulled Alec further onto his cock so that the little nurse had almost the whole six inches [15 cm] inside his stretched mouth pussy with the large ring tickling his throat. "Oh, fuck, I am ready. I'm gonna plow me some prisoner ass!" Sean, who was now wearing his socks, black and white canvas high top sneakers and nothing else, was bent over as he was ordered to. He got a glance of himself in the mirror and started crying. He didn't recognize the bald, pierced piece of brig chicken that was staring back at him! The next thing he knew, he felt a hand on his shoulder as Rex used his other to aim his spit lubed missile at Sean's silo. "Take this you little pussy boy!" he hissed before he slowly shoved his rock hard cock into Sean's opening. Sean screamed and bucked, but Rex kept a good hold of him while he forced himself all the way in. While it hurt at first, especially since Rex was not a very experienced fucker, the feeling was not unpleasurable to Sean. The PA ring started hitting his prostate, and his own dick started flapping off his stomach when Rex started to piston his cock in and out of Sean's ass cunt. After only a few strokes though, he heard Rex grunt, and felt his bowels filling with teen cream. The leather slut was so excited from actually getting to fuck another boy that he had no control and shot his load quickly. "That's why cabin boys are only good for fucking," Dobbs commented to the Doctor as he pulled Rex out of the way. "Get the fuck back to your quarters, and be sure to tell Jones that I tried to reward you and you fucked up. I am going to call him later to make sure, is that understood?" "Yes Master at Arms," a now very frightened Rex answered. His master, Jones, was a sadistic man and like to fuck hard with boys. He would be punished severely for embarrassing him! He almost ran out the room. "Now I guess I have to finish the job properly," said Dobbs, who unzipped his uniform trousers, showing an eight-inch [20 cm] monster. "Ask me to finish the job prisoner." Sean, who had Rex's fuck sauce running down his legs, almost choked on the words that came out of his mouth in his soft Irish accent. "Please sir, please finish fucking the prisoner sir." Dobbs grinned and rammed his cock home, lifting Sean to his toes as the Master at Arms impaled him. Sean had heard stories about the man, and was going to find out they were true. He had immense stamina when fucking teen boy cunt, and where Rex's cock felt nice, this one was huge and he felt like he was being reamed out! Luckily for him, Rex's spooge was providing some lubrication. Sometime during the marathon fuck session, the Doctor and Alec left for sick bay. The older man had been immensely turned on watching his new sissy boy nurse sucking off the leather bound Rex, and all this fucking going made him want to see his assistant riding his cock wearing the nylons and garters! After to what Sean felt like an hour, Dobbs, yanked his cock out, spun him around and drenched his face and chest with man cum. "Fuck, I'm gonna like having a tight bitch like you around here," he said panting. "Of course, you probably won't be so tight after tonight. Hell night at the brig is good for braking little twat boys like you." He threw a towel at him. "Wipe that shit off you, then get over here and clean my cock with that worthless mouth of yours!" "Yes sir," Sean replied, wondering what 'Hell Night' entailed, sure he wouldn't like it! After wiping himself off, he crawled over to Dobbs and wrapped his mouth around his softening tool, tasting his ass, Dobbs' cum and whatever was left from Rex's amateur coupling. He started to cry as he licked and sucked 3;
Back in the Captain's CabinWhen the doors opened and that horrible butler guy came in with a naked boy, Brent wondered what was going on now. Then he recognized his former foster brother approximately the same time as Cody had recognized Brent. "Cody!" he screamed and tried to run to him but the Captain grabbed him and pulled him onto his lap."You didn't have permission to move Brent," the Captain said. Under the circumstances though, I will over look it this once." He looked at a confused Cody. "Brent was concerned about you, so we figured we would re unite you. Wasn't that nice of us?" "Cody, a guy called and said you wanted to see me then these guys grabbed me and 3;" SLAP! Brent's hundred mile an hour speech was cut short by a slap of Nate's strap across his naked thigh. The Captain's son looked at Cody, who was now shaking in rage. It was bad enough these pricks had caught him, but now they had grabbed the guy he cared most about in his life. Nate saw how angry he was but just smiled. "Easy there mate. Remember where you are and whom you are with." "That's right Cody," said the Captain, messaging the welt on Brent's thigh. "I thought Brent would be some nice insurance. You are Nate's first Cabin boy, and I would like you to cooperate. Here is the deal. I won't put Brent with the rest of the boys if I get good reports from Nathan about your behavior. He will be given some duties to perform, but I won't let any of the guests touch him. If you don't cooperate, well, lets just say that Brent here would be very popular and make me a handsome sum of money!" Brent started to sob. Why was his former foster brother naked? When did he get an earring? He wanted one before but the foster parents said no. What was that bandage next to his thing, and why did his thing look different? He had seen Cody a few times at home naked and his dick looked just like his. Now the skin on the end was missing. Cody looked just as scared as Brent felt, which made him feel even worse. Cody was always his protector, which is why he had come running to him when he got the mysterious phone call. Now his protector was starting to cry himself. As the Captain held him there in only his underwear on his lap, he felt a funny lump forming in the Captains pants. Cody started to sob in desperation. Seeing Brent in his underwear in that monsters lap filled him with fear and disgust, but he had heard what the Captain and Nate had said and knew he was trapped. He was hundreds of miles out to sea on a ship filled with men intent on doing anything they wanted with their cabin boy playthings, and now he was the Captain's son's new toy. "I, I will do whatever you say, just don't do anything to Brent." "That's what I was hoping you would say mate," squealed Nate happily. "Father, can I take him back to my room now?" "For the first time Nathan, you may use my bedroom!" "WICKED!" Nate bounded over to Cody and led him into the bedroom. The Captain had other reasons other than loving his son, to let him use his bedroom. Keeping Brent in his lap, he reached over to his remote and turned on the big screen TV, then switched it to his closed circuit camera channel. His room popped up to life on the screen just in time to see Nate and Cody walk in. He turned the sound up so he, Reggie and Brent could hear. Brent was still terrified of what was going on, but the screen now held his attention. Nate sat on the end of the king-sized bed, almost sliding off the black satin sheets. "Come over here and take my shoes off Cody." "Yes sir," Cody said, trying not to sound too sarcastic. He had to be very careful with Brent in the other room with the Captain. He crouched down and removed Nate's Italian loafers. Next he was told to peel down the socks and place them in the shoes. Then Nate handed his shirt to him and told him to hang it up followed by his trousers. Cody felt silly walking around naked hanging up Nate's clothes, and would have been even more mortified if he knew Brent was watching and hearing the whole show! Nate was down to his blue bikini underwear, which were now quite tented when he told Cody to get down on his knees and take them off with his mouth. Cody crawled to the edge of the bed and did just that, catching the waistband of Nate's last stitch of clothing in his teeth, pulling them over his hard Australian teen-hood and down to his ankles. Nate stepped out of them and lay back on the bed pulling Cody's head toward his crotch at the same time. "Suck it Cody. I know you really want to deep down!" Brent thought his ears had popped when he heard that! Only queers did that stuff and Cody wasn't queer! But he then noticed that Cody's dick was starting to harden, and so was his! Brent tried to wiggle and adjust himself without attracting any attention. He now knew that he was feeling the Captains hardon pressed into his butt and was scared, but also totally engrossed in the live sex show starting before his eyes! Cody was ashamed of himself. After all these ass holes had put him through, here he was staring at Nate's naked dick, and he was starting to get aroused. He told him self that he was only doing this because they were forcing him, but as he closed his eyes while he wrapped his pouty lips around Nate's turgid rod, he felt that familiar chill of excitement run down his spine. When Nate purred like a kitten as he licked and sucked, Cody's dick seemed to grow even more and he started sucking faster. "Oh fuck mate, I knew you were the one the minute I saw you. I knew you were a born yank cocksucker! Oh god I can't wait to drill your virgin ass! Mmm, keep sucking boy. My fucking cabin boy, yeaaaa!" Nate laid back in pure bliss, as his lust built. Cody was lost in his own lust, as the more excited he got, the more he forgot about being a slave on a perv cruise ship and concentrated on the fire smoldering in his loins. He started to jack himself off while he blew Nate. He remember the feeling of Sean's ass impaled on his cock, and squeezed harder, trying unsuccessfully to recapture the feeling of a tight cabin boy ass on his dick. He knew why Nate wanted to fuck him. What was driving him insane with humiliation though, is that he was starting to want it himself! NO! I can't like it! I can't be a queer! Just then he felt the first sticky drop of precum ooze from his own hard dick while Nate gently pushed him off of his now slimy cock. "It's time mate. Get on the bed and show me your cabin boy pussy!" Nate panted. He was kicking into overdrive and needed some boy butt in the worst way! Lay on your back and pull your legs up. I want to see you when I take your Yank cherry!" Cody rolled over and slid up on his back so he was in front of Nate. The huge bed almost swallowed the two teens. He looked at Nate, and started to plead for him not to, but before he could say anything, Nate took a glob of precum off of Cody's cock and ran his finger between his cheeks, just grazing the entrance to Cody's most private spot. He remembered the feeling when Nate first shoved his finger up his ass and closed his eyes. He felt Nate's finger enter and he clamped down hard on it. "Relax Cody, this can hurt or it can feel great!" whispered Nate. He smiled when he worked a second, then a third finger in, slowly running them in and out. When Cody tried to grab his own cock to stroke it, Nate pushed his hand away. "No mate, not before I do. Do you want me to fuck you now Cody? I know you do, so ask me, and ask me nice." What a bastard! "Please, please yes Nate. Please fuck me?" "Call me Sir Cody. I am your master and you are a little circumcised cabin boy here for my pleasure. But I know you want to be fucked, so try again. Remember little Brent. He would want you to I bet!" When he thought of Brent, Cody wanted to die. Until he felt Nate's fingers graze his pleasure button deep in his bowels. "OH, please fuck me Sir. I'm you cabin boy and my ass is yours! Please stick your cock in me!" Cody started crying from shame and lust at the same time. Nate was apparently satisfied with Cody's request, as he wasted no time in pulling his fingers out and replacing them with his cock. He slowly, centimeter by centimeter inserted his steel hard pleasure stick into Cody's rectum. At the same time he stuffed his fingers in Cody's mouth making him suck his own ass juice off of the slimy digits while he force fed his ass. "Oh, fuck you got a tight boy twat Cody! "Yeah," he pulled his fingers out and started stroking Cody's cock. Cody hated how good it felt! Nate had experience in fucking cabin boys and knew how to use his dick to maximum effect, either rough or nice. Cody hated being used and owned by Nate but as he felt that cock slide in and out of him it sent waves of guilty pleasure through him! He couldn't believe it when he heard himself say, "Fuck me harder Nate! Ram your cock into my tight ass, of fuck me, fuck me FUCK ME!" Nate smiled and obliged, picking up the pace. The young Aussie grabbed Cody's legs and started pounding the fifteen-year-old virgin's ass for all he was worth! "Oh fuck, I can't hold it mate. Get ready to feel your ass full of my cum!" Nate felt the familiar eruption building deep inside his volcano of lust, and with one final hard thrust that lifted Cody's ass off the bed let out a huge squeal. "I'm CUUUUUMING! Oh shit, oh YESSSSS!" He fired volley after volley of Nate goo into Cody's ass until he fell out, spilling even more cum onto Cody who was covering himself with his own mess. When Cody felt Nate's organ explode inside him, a feeling of pure pleasure shot through him. Without even touching his dick, he started firing his own load of dick snot all over his chest and face! The two collapsed on one another for a minute, until Nate calmly got up and put on a bathrobe. "Get up Cody, let's go back to see my father." Cody was going to ask for a robe, but figured that would be a lost cause and followed his young master back out to the living room portion of the suite to see his foster brother staring at wide eyed disbelief at him. Brent was speechless from the first moment when he saw his hero, the closest thing to a family he had, put his mouth on another boy's dick. It just got worse form there when he watched Cody beg Nate to fuck him. What he didn't understand, was why he was so excited that when the Captain placed a hand on his underwear he felt really funny and tingly then got scared as his cock exploded and stuff started shooting into his undies. He was afraid he had pissed himself, but had in fact just had his first orgasm. He was so confused about this whole thing he just started crying as the captain picked him up off his lap to ask Nate how it was, even though he knew the answer. Cody noticed that the TV had a picture of the room he was just in on it then realized that everyone in the room has seen what was going on. He saw Brent crying with a huge stain in his underwear, and wondered how that happened. He had never felt more ashamed in his life when Brent stammered, "you, you put your mouth on his 3;" he just started crying and ran to Cody where the two boys embraced. "Well, look how sweet that is," Nate said. "Why don't you two go in and take a shower together, then I will have your new clothes ready for you. Then we can talk about both your daily duties here on the Wombat!" Cody led Brent into the bathroom. At first Brent wouldn't get in the shower, but Cody told him that he had to, and it would be all right. "It's OK buddy, I will think of something to get us out of here. Have I ever let you down? We're brothers right?" The two boys hugged, naked under the soothing warm water, and Cody wondered how in the hell he could get them out of this mess. There had to be a way! For now though, he would have to be Nate's fuck toy to protect Brent. He started to soap up his brother, hoping to calm him down. There had to be a way! What will happen to Rex when he reports back to his master? How much more of Alec's masculinity should be taken away from him? How will Nate's growing power trip effect Cody, and now Brent? |