PZA Boy Stories




Confessions is a series of stories. They are stand alone stories, and each can be enjoyed without reading the other ones (Though you might enjoy them too).

  1. Tam (4,000 words / 8 pages)
    I somehow acquire an Asian servant boy. Now what do I do?
  2. Jerry (5,000 words / 10 pages)
    Tyler is a brash young boy looking to get laid. Jerry loves sucking young dick. What happens when the two meet?.
  3. Married Boylover (2,000 words / 4 pages)
    What is a married man to do when he knows he prefers boys?

Publ. Jan 2017-
Under construction, Jan 2017; 11,000 words (22 pages)


Various men and boys

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mt – cons mast oral anal


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutter09: Confessions in the subject line.



I somehow acquire an Asian servant boy. Now what do I do?

4,000 words (8 pages)
George (adult) and Tam (13yo)
Mt - cons oral anal

This is not something I would like people to find out about. I did some bad things on my last trip to Asia. I am an engineer, working for a large international company. I am sent all over the world to oversee large construction projects like bridges, utilities plants, or whatever the contract calls for. I make good money, but the conditions I have to live in are not always the best. Sometimes the projects are in the middle of a jungle or in the desert.

These projects always have a lot of men onsight. A lot of men means a lot of shady people also show up. Popup casinos, whore houses, booze, all that sort of thing.

Being upper management, I get certain perks, like a driver and translator, and my accommodations are usually the best the area has to offer.

On my recent trip to 3; well let's just say a city in Asia, my driver was also my translator. After a week of watching me turn down the prostitutes that made passes, Nwen said "You no like girls?"

"Not those, for sure," I said laughing.

"You like men?" Nwen asked

"Not particularly."

"Oh. I see," he said.

The next evening when he picked me up, he wasn't alone.

"This my cousin, Tam. He be your house boy. Cook, clean, everything. Fifty dollars U.S. every two weeks. You no like, I take him back to uncle."

The kid flinched at that. I had a feeling 'uncle' wasn't too kind to the boy.

I looked at Tam. Scrawny, is the first adjective that comes to mind. Maybe four and a half feet [1.35 m] tall. Probably around ten years old. It's hard to tell with these people. They are small anyway, and never seem to age. Then suddenly they look old.

I didn't like the thought of what 'uncle' might do to the boy, so I said "I pay the boy fifty every two weeks?"

"No. You give me. I give uncle. Tam no eat much. Do what you tell."

Just as I thought. I wondered how many cousins 'uncle' had working for him.

My place here was just a small house. I wouldn't really call it a house, more like a bungalow, but for this city, it was pretty nice. I was to be here until the project was finished, probably a year.

Nwen opened my door after stopping in front of my house. I stepped out as he opened the back door. He pulled Tam out by one arm and pushed him toward me, saying something to him that I didn't understand.

As the car sped away, I went to put my hand on Tam's shoulder, and he ducked away as if I was going to hit him. More confirmation about 'uncle'. I slowly reached over and patted his head, then I eased my arm to his shoulders and pulled him closer.

He shied away a bit, but I felt him relax, as I led him into the house. He immediately took my briefcase from me and put it on the table by the door. Then he went to the small kitchen and got me a beer from the fridge. I don't usually drink beer much, but I took it anyway. I watched as Tam picked up the stuff laying around (I can be a bit sloppy), then he went back to the kitchen.

The company had stocked the kitchen before I arrived, and I had eaten out most of the time. Tam was able to rustle up a pretty good meal, though I was afraid to ask what it was.

He sat on the floor by the kitchen door as if waiting for something. I tilted the beer can back, drinking the last of it, and he rushed over and took the empty can.

He rushed to the kitchen and I heard him open the fridge. "No!" I yelled at him, indicating I didn't want another beer. He came in with his head bowed looking like he was expecting to get hit.

I realized my mistake, so I smiled and said "No more beer. Thank you Tam." His face showed distrust, but he nodded and sat on the floor again. I wasn't sure if he really understood, or if he thought I was putting off beating him until I finished my meal.

I went to my room to undress and clean up. The water pressure here is terrible, so I ran a bath. I had no more than sat in the tub, when Tam entered. He sat on the floor and stared at me as I tried to relax in the warm water. I would glance at him every few minutes, and he was always looking at me.

It started to get a little creepy, so I decided to finish bathing and get out. I picked up the washcloth, and Tam jumped up and took it from me. He soaped up the rag, and began scrubbing my back. I realized then that he had been waiting to wash me. He finished with my back, then I leaned back again. He washed my chest and arms. He then jumped up and ran out, only to return with a pot from the kitchen. He poured water over my head and shampooed my hair, using the pot to rinse me off.

He motioned with his hand for me to stand, so I did. He washed my legs and butt, saving my cock for last. He used the cloth between my legs and scrotum, but then he soaped his hands and grabbed my cock.

This was the first time I ever had soapy little hands rubbing my cock, and it responded in the natural way. He was instantly washing seven and a half inches {19 cm] of thick manmeat. Other than the size, he didn't seem bothered by it. More like fascinated. I'm sure the oriental men he has seen are probably not as large.

He decided I was clean, and poured water over my lower half. My cock was standing straight out from my body, throbbing, with it's head inflamed.

Tam grabbed my robe off the toilet where I had laid it before he entered. He held it open for me, and I stepped out of the tub.

As I tied the sash, I said "Thank you Tam. That was very nice," and smiled at him. I left the bathroom, and heard splashing noises. I assumed Tam was cleaning the tub. When I glanced in, I saw his little head and shoulders in the tub I had just vacated. He quickly washed his face and hair, using my old bathwater. I noticed his shorts and ratty tee shirt on the floor beside the tub.

I left him to it, and went to the living room. I got some paperwork from my briefcase, and forgot about Tam for awhile. When I happened to think about him, I saw him sitting on the floor by the bedroom door. He jumped up and ran to the kitchen and brought me another beer.

"No thank you Tam," I said smiling at him. He took the beer to the kitchen then returned to the floor.

About 9:30, I decided to go to bed. Tam was still sitting by the bedroom door, just watching me. I went to the bedroom, turned down the bed and took off my robe. As I turned to sit on the bed, I discovered him right behind me. I hadn't even heard him follow me. My butt was barely on the bed, when Tam bent and casually took my cock into his mouth.

Oh Jesus. I wasn't expecting that. My cock grew hard in his mouth causing him to withdraw somewhat. His little mouth couldn't handle what I had to offer. I hadn't cum in a couple of days, and his talented mouth brought me off quickly. Tam struggled to keep up with what I was unloading, swallowing a couple of times. When I began to go limp, he pulled away, and went to lay on the floor by the door.

I couldn't just let him lay there on the bare floor. I got up and retrieved a blanket and pillow from the closet. He seemed shocked when I handed it to him. He reached out tentatively, taking the offering, then looked at me and smiled.

I got in bed and turned out the bedside lamp. I closed my eyes, and from the darkness came, "Thanks."

Saturday morning I woke up and stumbled to the kitchen to make coffee. Tam had beat me to it, and handed me a cup as I came in. He pushed me toward the table, then sat a plate of breakfast in front of me. Scrambled eggs with onions, peppers, cheese, mixed in, and toast. I'm not really big on breakfast, eggs in particular, but this was pretty good.

He watched me take a bite. I got up, and suddenly Tam looked frightened. His eyes darted back and forth as if trying to decide what he had forgotten to do. I got a plate from the cupboard, and scraped half the food from my plate onto it, then sat it across the table from my place. I gestured for Tam to sit, and received another smile.

As we ate, I remembered the blow job he had given me the night before. It had been a while since I'd had a blow job, but Tam was very good at it. I couldn't help thinking about the 'uncle' who trained him to do that. It was obvious that Tam was well trained to be a servant to all needs. He didn't think twice to cook for me, or bathe me, or blow me. It was all part of his training.

He watched me take the last sip of my coffee, and instantly poured more into my cup. When I had finished eating he cleared the table, and I went to get dressed.

When Nwen arrived at nine, Tam ran to the bedroom door and sat down, hanging his head as if he were trying to disappear.

"There is a market a couple of blocks from here. I want you to take us there," I told Nyen.

Nwen gave Tam a dirty look, and I thought he was going to cry.

"Tam," I said holding out my hand to him. He ran and grasped it, holding on for dear life.

At the market, I instructed Nwen to explain to the owner who I was and that Tam would be shopping for me there. I gave them a credit card and anything he picked up, would be charged to it. Then I told Nwen to explain to Tam that he should pick up anything he needed for cooking etc., then to take him home.

Tam shopped while Nwen took me to the project site.

After a grueling day on the project, Nwen took me home. I was exhausted, and headed straight to the bath. Tam came in and sat by the tub. He gave me time to relax before picking up the soap and washcloth. Repeating the things as the day before, he expertly bathed me. After rinsing me off, my cock was standing straight out again. Tam wrapped his lips around it, and gave me another excellent blow job. I had to stop myself from grabbing his head and forcing my cock down his throat. He's so small, I just knew it would choke him to death.

He put my robe on me after swallowing my load, and escorted me to the dining table. In no time I had food in front of me and Tam sitting on the floor. I looked at him angrily. His eyes darted around in question. I gestured to the chair beside me. He smiled and went to the kitchen, returning with his own plate and sat down.

Tam smiled all through dinner, though never forgetting to serve me. While he cleaned the kitchen, I sat in the living room studying project blueprints. There was a tv in the living room, though I don't usually watch it in Asian countries. Their programs seem silly to me, their commercials, even sillier. I don't understand the language, so I just don't bother.

I turned it on and ignored it, until Tam came in and sat on the floor.

"Tam," I said getting his attention.

He looked at me, and I patted the sofa next to me. He understood, and came to sit with me. I handed him the remote for the tv, and returned to my blueprints.

The first time he laughed out loud, it startled me. He quickly looked at me to read my expression. When I smiled, he smiled too and relaxed. During a commercial, Tam went to the kitchen and brought me a beer. I didn't really want it, but accepted it anyway.

He continued to watch tv, and me. He seemed to always have an eye on me. I assumed it was to gage my needs, but it may have been to see if he was in trouble. Probably a little of both.

When I started to yawn, Tam turned off the tv, and pulled me off the sofa. I didn't argue as he led me to the bedroom. He drew back the covers and removed my robe. I sat on the bed, and he reached for my cock.

"No, Tam," I said as he looked at me expectantly.

He turned off the light, and went to his pillow and blanket on the floor.

"Tam," I said, and patted the bed beside me. He understood, and got up. Even in the darkened room I could see him undress, before climbing in the bed with me.

He lay on his stomach, I thought so I wouldn't see his dick. You know how young boys can be. But he just looked at me a little confused when I said "Good night, Tam," and closed my eyes.

After a minute, I felt him turn onto his side facing me. Then, again from the darkness, he said "Thanks."

Sunday morning I found myself with a little boy in my arms when I woke up. My hard cock was against his ass, and my arm was held to his chest. Assuming he was still asleep, I tried to remove my arm without waking him. He jumped up and ran to the bathroom. He came back with something in his hand, but I didn't see what it was. I was looking at his dick.

This was not the dick of a little boy. It was probably close to three inches [7 cm] soft. His balls were loose and hanging, larger than a young boy's should be also. As he got closer, I could see a dark area just above his dick that was obviously where his pubes had been shaved off. If I had to re estimate his age, I would guess thirteen maybe even fourteen, not the ten I had previously thought.

Tam pulled the cover off me and squeezed some oil from the bottle he had brought in. He applied it to my cock then climbed on straddling me with a foot on either side. He reached under himself and gripped my cock and placed it at his pucker. I watched, fascinated, as he let himself sit down slowly on my cock. When the head popped in, Tam let out a groan, but proceeded to apply downward pressure. At about three inches [7] cm], he raised up and then slid back down, repeating this until his chute had accepted my entire cock.

I could tell it wasn't the first time he'd had a dick in him, but I'm sure mine was the largest he had taken. He raised up slowly about half way, then back down. Once he had gotten use to it, he began a steady motion, and picked up the pace a bit. From my viewpoint I could see my cock appear and disappear as he fucked himself on me. Soon his dick began to rise until it was rigid and pointing at his bellybutton. It was close to four inches [10 cm], and I could see his balls bouncing about as he continued to service my cock. I had never been in any orifice as tight as his ass. Before too long, he suddenly slowed down and his dick erupted squirting a little jet of cream on my belly. This triggered my own orgasm, and I grabbed his butt cheeks in my hands and bounced him up and down on my cock. I blew my load in his welcoming bowels, forcing my cock as deep as I could. He moaned out loud again, and another squirt of cum dripped from his dick.

Tam collapsed on my chest, breathing heavily. We lay there about ten minutes in silence. Finally he raised up and looked at me and smiled.

"Nice," he said, as he pulled himself from my cock. When it dropped onto my belly, Tam groaned at the loss.

He walked bowlegged to the bathroom returning with a warm washcloth to clean me.

"Tam, you obviously speak some English. Why won't you talk to me?" I asked as he cleaned me.

"I not want trouble," he answered.

"I promise. No trouble. If we are to be friends, you should talk to me."

When he had finished cleaning me, he went to prepare breakfast, ignoring me completely.

He didn't bother to dress, cooking and serving breakfast nude. "How old are you, Tam?"

"Thirteen," came the short reply.

"Is Nwen really your cousin?"

He looked at the floor, then shook his head no.

"How long have you been with the 'uncle'?"

He began to cry. "Tam no want trouble," he begged.

"I promise. No trouble."

"Tam orphan. Long time," he finally answered. "Tam be good. Do everything. Don't send back," he pleaded still.

"I'm not sending you back. I promise," I said smiling at him.

He smiled back through his tears. Although he was still suspicious, he seemed to accept that I was genuinely nice.

He poured more coffee into my cup, then glanced at my cock showing through the gap in my robe. Reaching down, he stroked it.

"Nice," he complimented.

"Thank you Tam. Yours is nice too."

"Tam small. You real big. Tam like."

I was hard as nails. His little hand couldn't close around my thick cock, but he stroked it admiringly.

"You want Tam again?" he asked, sounding almost anxious.

I nodded and he pulled me out of the chair by my cock.

Tam lay face down on the bed, and I quickly climbed on top. I wasn't too gentle when I shoved my cock into him, but he didn't seem to mind. Groaning out loud, then backing into my thrusts. He was actually lifting me up off the bed, trying to get all my cock into his ass.

I stopped and sat up. I drew him up on his knees, then slammed back in.

Tam cried out to whichever god he worshiped, and backed into me again. He was loving the fucking he was getting, and so was I. I fucked him harder than any woman I had ever been with. And he took it like a champ. I grabbed his little hips and really poured it to him. I didn't have to thrust, I just worked his butt back and forth on my cock, until I emptied my load into him.

We collapsed on the bed, Tam moaning "Good," and wiggling his ass on me.

"You really like it, don't you."

"Tam like a lot."

"You're not just saying that to stay here? You really like it?"

Tam nodded his head and wiggled his butt, still attached to me by my cock.

It became obvious to me that Tam was a natural bottom slut. An attribute I would take total advantage of. I'm not proud of it, if anything, I'm a bit ashamed of it.

The guilt I felt while not fucking him, disappeared when I was. Only to return when not in bed with him. I knew I treated him better than 'uncle' did, but I felt guilty just the same. I tried to waylay that guilt by paying Tam the same as I paid 'uncle' for his service.

The first time I paid him, I said "Tam, put this away, and don't spend it. It might help you to get away from 'uncle' some day."

He was shocked that I gave him money. I suppose he saved it. He had no reason to spend it, since I paid for everything else he needed.

The project took longer than expected, of course. I was there sixteen months. I spent much of that time buried in Tam's ass. He was a devoted servant, and an incredible lover. The hormonal drive and lust of a teen, combined with an unrestrained outlet for that lust, made him easily the best lover I ever had. Willing and able to please in any way.

When my time there was up, I gave Tam a goodbye gift of two thousand dollars. In that country, two thousand is a great sum of money. It was a tearful farewell, with promises to stay in touch. I gave him my parents' address in Atlanta and told him to write to me there, since I travel so much.


My next assignment was at a refinery in the gulf coast region of Texas. I had been on site a couple of weeks when I got a call from my mom.

"George, you need to come home."

"Hello to you too Mom. What's up? Is something wrong with Dad?"

"No. You're father's fine. Just get your ass home."

My mom is not a woman who curses. The worse thing I ever heard her say was "Shoot," I remember telling her that I heard a comedian say "Shoot is just 'shit' with two O's"

She has also never been even the slightest bit abrupt with me. So, when she said "Just get your ass home", I did.

I arrived around eleven p.m. and opened the door with my key. Mom and Dad just turned and looked at me from in front of the fireplace.

"What?" I asked.

Then both of their heads swiveled toward the kitchen, just as I caught a blur out of the corner of my eye, and was tackled by an extremely excited Tam.

Next thing I know, I'm looking up at my mom, who is looking down at me on the floor saying "You've got some explaining to do."

I had known Tam to be smart and resourceful, but the little shit had managed to smuggle himself out of the country and right to my parents' house.

"Mom, Dad, this is Tam. He was my houseboy on my last assignment."

"We got that much out of him. But, what is he doing here?" Dad asked.

"Good question, Dad. Uh 3; Tam, what are you doing here?"

"Tam want to be with George."

I took Tam to a motel for the night. Yes, I fucked him. A lot. I hadn't been laid since my return to the U.S. He was very happy to have my cock back in him too.

I informed my company that, for the foreseeable future, I will only take assignments in the U.S. I'm trying to find a way to make him legal. When I do, he can travel with me. For now, I have the best houseboy in the world, and he makes a pretty good wife too.

The End


Tyler is a brash young boy looking to get laid. Jerry loves sucking young dick. What happens when the two meet?

5,000 words (10 pages)
Tyler (13yo), Brad (13yo) and Jerry (27yo)
Mt - cons oral anal

Our town has one large park. It has hiking trails and cycle paths and a small stream that runs through it. A lot of people walk their dogs there, weekends it's busy with family picnics etc. During the week it is quiet and I like to have my lunch among the shady trees.

I know, at night, lots of couples go there and make out in the woody areas along the hiking trails. On several occasions I have been fortunate enough to hide and watch, as a couple gets hot and sometimes even fuck in the woods.

On one such occasion, I caught just a glimpse of a couple as they ducked off the trail. It was just about sunset, so the woods were getting dark. I followed them, hoping for a show.

I found them easily, having been there before. There is a drainage area where rain water feeds into the stream. The concrete drain sets about ten feet above the stream.

They were sitting on the concrete ledge making out. As I got closer, I discovered it was just couple of kids. No more than thirteen or fourteen.

The boy was really laying it on thick. Kissing and fondling the girl. I saw his hand cupping her almost non existing breast over her blouse. She pulled his hand away and kept kissing him. He put it back on her breast, and she removed it again.

After another minute, he tried again, only this time, he caught her hand and placed it on his lap. I saw her rub what she found there, and his hand snuck into her blouse and grabbed some tit. It took her a minute to realize where his hand was, because she was distracted by what was in her own hand.

"I said no, Tyler," the girl yells at him. She pushed him away and left. He was trying not to fall into the stream below, and barely hung on.

"Fuck," he mutters as he righted himself. He looks for her in the darkness, then mutters "Shit." He stands and tries to adjust his erection to be more comfortable in his shorts, then decides to stroke it instead. His hand slipped down into his shorts and starts moving up and down.

I'm not all that stealthy, but he was preoccupied, and didn't hear me approach. "If girls got blue balls, they'd never leave a guy like that," I said to him.

His hand jerked out of his shorts, but his cock was tenting them obscenely.

He recovered quickly and put on the macho act. "Yeah, fucking bitches," he said.

I looked down at his shorts and said "You're really packing. Let me take care of that for you."

Before he realized what I was talking about, I was on my knees in front of him, and pulling down his shorts.

"What the fuck, Dude?" he said trying to grab his shorts.

But he was too slow, and I had a mouthful of teen cock.

"Aw 3; oh 3; Shit 3;"

I sucked him into my throat, his bulbous head sliding down a bit. "Fuck dude 3; That's good."

He resigned to the feelings, and grabbed my head. I love it when a guy face fucks me. I had never had a guy this young do it though. As he starts pumping his hips back and forth, I see that he has only a few pubes at the base of his cock. Somehow this thrills me.

I put special effort into pleasing him, and he rewards me with his cream. "I'm gonna cum, Dude. Oh 3; I'm 3;Ahh." He pushes deep in my throat and unloads.

I want to keep sucking it, but he pulls up his shorts and starts away. "I'll be here tomorrow same time," I yell at his back.

I've known all my life I was gay, but rarely get any action. I say all my life, but I mean from the time I was about eleven. Now I'm twenty seven. I don't go out much, at all really. I haven't had a boyfriend ever, if you don't count the drunken frat boys I blew on a bet. Six in all. Then one occasionally when he couldn't get laid.

I don't drink. Hate the bar scene. Don't go to a gym, or church. I work and go home. That's why I like to catch couples in the park. It's about the only thrill I get. But this was the first time I went any further than watching. I don't even know why I did. But, I'm sure glad I did.

I was back in the park the next day, as I had told him I would be. I waited about thirty minutes and was about to give up when I hear someone approaching. It was Tyler.

He didn't say anything, he just dropped his shorts. I didn't say anything, I just dropped to my knees. He knew I was there for his pleasure, and nothing else mattered to him. He came specifically to get a blow job, there was no need for pretense. He held my head and fucked my face.

"Gonna cum dude," he announced.

This time he didn't rush away though. I swallowed his offering, and he allowed me to nurse on his dick for a few minutes. Then he started to pull up his shorts. I stood and reached into my pocket. I had written my number for him in case he did show.

"Thanks, Dude," he said as he turned to leave.

"Here. Call me," I said giving the number to him.

Tyler took it, then said "Tomorrow same time?"



Next day same thing. No pretense, no preliminaries, just on my knees giving him his pleasure.


The next day, it was raining. I thought he probably won't show. But I wanted his cock. I wanted it badly. I decided to go to the park and hope he shows.

I was just about to leave my house when my phone rang.

"It's raining, Dude." That's all he said, but it was enough to know it was Tyler.

"535 Maplewood Drive," I told him.

"That's just around the corner. Be right there," he answered.

A very wet Tyler entered my house. "Man it's really pouring," he said.

"I can give you a ride. What time do you have to be home?"

"Not till midnight," he answered, and started to remove his wet jeans.

"We're much safer here, than the park, If you want to come here instead."


He removed all his clothes, and I had my first look at him in the light. Even cold, wet, and limp, his cock was about three and a half inches [9 cm]. His body was gorgeous, sculpted, but not too muscular. Dark hair, brown eyes, a chiseled jaw.

He sat on the sofa, and I was on my knees in a split second. I could feel him watching me as I admired his body and worshiped his cock. Tyler was hard in an instant, and I took it into my mouth.

"Dude, you are really good at that," Tyler said after a minute.



"My name is Jerry."

"Oh 3; yeah 3; Jerry. Well Jerry, you suck good."

"You've had a lot of blow jobs, have you?"

"Uh 3; well 3; not really," he confessed.

"How many?"

"This is my fourth."

Just as I thought. He'd never had any till I did it. "How old are you Tyler?"

"Aw 3; uh 3; oh don't stop 3; Thirteen."

I looked up his face, then licked his balls, and up the underside of his cock.

"Oh 3; God 3; Oh 3; suck it, Jerry 3; I'm gonna cum."

I engulfed his cock just in time. His boy cream spurted into my mouth and down my throat.

"You suck a lot of cock?" Tyler asked after he calmed down.

"Yours is the first since college," I answered and licked a stray drop of cum from the side of his cock.

"How did you know my name?"

"That's what your girlfriend called you, just before she tried to push you into the river."

"Oh 3; yeah right. She's not my girlfriend though. A friend said she puts out, so I was trying to get some. All my friends have gotten laid, and I haven't."

"Would you like a Coke?"


Tyler followed me into the kitchen, without bothering to get dressed. It was difficult to not stare at him as I got the drinks.

"You know, Tyler, most guys your age are lying about their experience. I'm sure you have acted all 'Macho', and talked about all the pussy you're getting too. They all do. Now on the other hand, you have had a blow job every day this week so far. How many of your friends do you think can honestly say that?"

He smiled real big, "Yeah, you're right. But you're a dude, not a girl."

"Glad you noticed. But a mouth is a mouth. Besides, I hear guys give better head than girls."

"So far, I'd have to agree," he laughed.

That made me smile.

"You like sucking cock?" he asked on the way back to the sofa.

"Yeah I guess so. I've only sucked a few. Over the course of the last ten years, you are the seventh. The other six was when Mike's full house beat my full house during a poker game in college.

"That's cold, Dude. They made you suck their dicks?"

"That was a bet I really didn't mind losing. Although, I really thought I would be the one getting the blow job that night."

I reached into his lap and took hold of his dick again. "Is this okay?"

"Hey, knock yourself out, Dude. You won't hear me complaining."

"It's Jerry."

"Oh yeah, shit. Sorry Jerry."

Tyler wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he had a really nice dick, and he let me suck it. He slouched down on the sofa, and I got on the floor between his legs again. The great thing about being thirteen is, you can get it up again in minutes. I sucked that dick like my lottery winnings depended on it.

Being round two, Tyler could hold off longer. I had gone down to lick his big balls when he said "I hear fags like to have a dick in their butts."

"I've heard that too," I responded.

"Have you had a dick in your butt?"


He hesitated a moment then finally asked "Want one?"

"I hadn't anticipated doing that tonight. Maybe next time."

"Sure, Dude 3; uh 3; Jerry."

I sucked two more loads out of him before taking him home. He was right about it being just around the corner. It was around the corner and three blocks down. I had seen the house before. It always looked junky. The yard wasn't kept up, there was a broken down truck on cinder blocks in the drive, and a dog that looked eaten up with fleas.

"Thanks, Du 3; uh Jerry."


The next night was Friday. Around six, my phone rings. "Jerry, you busy?"

"Let me check with my social secretary."


"Sorry, bad joke. Come on over."

I wasn't sure why, but I prepared while I waited for him. Just in case.

"Hey, Jerry. Wassup?" Tyler said as he sauntered in.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Sure, Dude."

"What time do you have to be home?" I asked sitting down with the soft drinks.

"My old man is out. He won't know if I'm there or not. So, tomorrow."

"Great. I'll order us a pizza for dinner."

"Yeah. Later Dude, uh Jerry."

He sounded anxious for some action, so I reached over and unzipped his jeans. He helped by raising his hips and sliding them down. I bent and took his hard cock into my mouth.

"Damn you're good at that."

After a minute, I felt his hand on my ass. First he just lay it there. Then he began to rub it.

"Did you think about what I asked yesterday?" he asked as he tried to slide his hand under the waistband of my jeans.

"Mm hm," I said with my mouth full of his cock.


I sat up and said "You sure you want to?"

"Shit yeah, man," Tyler said excitedly.

I stood and took him by the hand. He started to shuffle with his pants around his ankles, then tore them off and followed me to the bedroom.

I undressed and got the lube from the nightstand. "Nice dick Jerry," Tyler said when he saw it. I'm about seven and a half inches [19 cm].

He wasted little time in getting in me. Finesse is not his strong suit, or patience for that matter. It hurt, but I was able to bear it. Tyler started pounding me right away. Being a horny thirteen year old, he didn't last long. After no more than a minute, I felt him shove in hard and his dick pulsing inside me.

"Shit, Dude, I'm putting my goo in your ass," he said as he collapsed on my back.

I let my chest fall to the bed, with Tyler still attached and laying on me. Soon he started round two. Again no finesse, just pounding away at me. I somehow didn't mind. It was as if I was only there for his pleasure. When he had cum a second time, he got off me and went to the bathroom.

He returned and sat on the bed with his back to the head board. "That was awesome, Dude."

I was still face down on the bed beside him. "Jerry," I reminded him.

"Yeah, Jerry, it was awesome. Suck me and get me hard again. I'll fuck you some more," he promised, as if that was a gift.

I moved over to reach his cock with my mouth, and sucked him.

Tyler fucked me six more times before he left the next day. Not once, did he touch my cock. Not once, did I cum. Not once, did he show interest in anything except self gratification. I felt like a whore, without the money.

Though he was always complimentary. "That's some good ass you have there Jerry." Or "You're a great fuck, for a dude." He even went as far as to say "Man, I love your butt, Dude."

Yes, I know it wasn't a great relationship. But it was all I had.

Saturday night around ten, there was a knock at my door. I opened the door to see Tyler there, but he wasn't alone.

"This is my buddy Brad," Tyler said as he stepped in.

"Hi Brad. I'm Jerry," I said extending my hand.

"Oh, yeah. This is Jerry."

"Hi," Brad said a little nervously.

"Brad's spending the night at my house, but my old man is out again. So, I thought I'd introduce him to my friend."

The boy was maybe a little older than Tyler, close to if not already fourteen. He had blond hair and blue eyes, dimples, and cute.

"Okay 3;?" I said cautiously.

"Have a seat Brad. I'm gonna talk to Jerry in the other room a minute," Tyler grabbed my arm and drug me into the kitchen.

"You gotta help me out here, Dude," he whispered when we were alone.

"Help with what?"

"I invited Brad to my house to get friendly with him. He has a sister who's a real 'mattress back'."

"A what?"

"A slut. She puts out for everybody."

"I still don't understand what this has to do with me."

"So, we were talking and I told him I wanted to fuck his sister. Well, it seems his sister fucks everybody but him."

"Still not following."

"I told him I knew someone who would blow him, if he would introduce me to his sister."

"Tyler, in spite of the way you treat me, I am not your whore."

"I know dude, but I really want to fuck his sister. Please, do this for me and I'll never ask you for anything again."

I really didn't believe him for a second. But seeing an opportunity to end things with him, made me stop and think about it. I glanced into the living room. A chance to suck that very cute boy decided it for me.

"If I do this, I don't want to ever see you again. You can't go treating people like your own personal whores."

He seemed stunned that I wouldn't want continue sucking and fucking him. "Uh 3; okay, dude. Whatever you want," he said returning to the living room.

"So, Brad. Uh 3; Jerry's cool with you crashing here if you want. Or you can come back to my place. But tomorrow you introduce me to uh 3; uh 3; Layla."

"Her name is Lola."

"Yeah, Lola, that's what I meant. Okay. I gotta jet. See ya."

Tyler was out the door a second later.

"Can I get you something to drink?" I asked trying to be hospitable.

"That would be nice. Coke is fine if you have it. Thank you Jerry."

"Well, Brad, how long have you been friends with Tyler?" I asked upon returning with the drinks.

"I'm not, really. We have some friends in common. We were at a party at Jake's house and Tyler suddenly insists I stay at his place."

"Who's Lola?"

"My sister. As soon as we got to his house, he starts in about how cool it must be to have Lola as a sister."

"Why is that?"

"Lola 3; well 3; Lola has a reputation of being 3;"


Brad looked down and nodded. "He actually thinks I was 3; you know 3; with my own sister."

"Tyler isn't the brightest kid around."

"Tell me about it. Anyway, I told him I was 3;.well, that I didn't do that with her. He seemed shocked that I didn't. He said if she were his sister, he would be tapping that every day."

"Not bright, and crude," I added.

"Yeah, for sure. Then he said he knew someone that would 3; That is if I introduced him to Lola, he could get 3; well 3; Anyway, next thing I know we're at your door.

"You told him you were a virgin, and he offered to get you a blow job in exchange for meeting your sister."

Brad looked at the floor again and nodded. I studied him for a minute. He was obviously brighter than Tyler. Cuter too. He had a light dusting of fine hair above his lip. Damn I love that. I could see a bulge in his jeans, but he wasn't hard, so who knows what was lurking in there.

"Your parents know you are spending the night at his house?"

"Yeah. But after seeing it 3; I mean, it's kinda trashy. I might just go home instead."

"I really don't mind company, if you want to stay here."

"That would be cool. I don't want to have to explain to my parents why I didn't stay there."

"Come on, I'll show you to the guest room." I took him down the hall and to the guest room. "Bathroom is there, should have everything you need."

"Are you going to bed now?" Brad asked.

"No, I'm gonna stay up awhile and watch some tv."

"Thanks. Sorry to put you out like this," Brad said. At least he has manners. More than I could say about Tyler.

I went back to the living room and turned on the tv. A few minutes later, Brad appears wearing a terry cloth robe, with wet hair. "Is it okay for me to use this?" he asked, indicating the robe.

"Sure. That's what it's there for."

"What are you watching?"

"Some stupid vampire movie. Sit. Want something to eat?"

"No thanks. I ate a lot of snacks at the party earlier."

He sat on the sofa next to me, tucking one leg under him. The robe parted a bit, and I could see his bare leg up to mid thigh. His skin looked flawless. I love nice skin. Young boys have such nice skin.

I tried to watch the tv, but my eyes kept going back to that leg. I leaned forward to get my drink from the table, and tried to look under the robe. All I could see was darkness. Damn. I need to get a spotlight on the other side of the room, and point it toward the sofa.

After a few minutes I asked him "Are you going to introduce Tyler to your sister?"

"I don't know. I mean he's kind of a dick 3; Uh 3; sorry 3; he's your friend and all. I know if I introduce them, she's gonna do it with him. She really is a slut."

"So he gets what he wants. What about you?"

"What about me?"

"You should get what you want too," I said and reached over and untied the robe.

"Are you gonna 3; Oh shit," he said as I bent and took his dick into my mouth. He quickly grew to about six and a half inches [17 cm] of solid steele.

"Oh shit, Jerry, that feels good."

I stopped sucking him long enough to push the robe off his shoulders. Then I just sat back and admired his body.



"You are absolutely beautiful," I said as I bent to take him into my mouth again.

He began to moan and thrust his hips up at me then he said "Stop 3; Stop."

I thought I had gone too far, so I stopped.

"Can 3; may I see yours?" he asked.

I couldn't get naked fast enough. This kid at least cared about others. When I was naked, he tentatively reached out and took hold of my cock.

"You've got a nice one."

I went back to sucking him, and soon he maneuvered around into a 69 position, and put his lips around my cock. Believe it or not, this was the first time anyone had done that for me. I am usually the one sucking cock. But here was this beautiful kid blowing me.

He started moaning again, and pushing his hips at my sucking mouth. He stopped blowing me long enough to shoot his load. I swallowed his cream gratefully. Next thing I know, he's back to sucking me.

Now this is a good kid. He didn't stop just because he got his nut. He went on to be sure his partner got off too.

"Brad 3; I'm gonna cum," I warned. He didn't pull away, he took what I gave him. I even saw him swallow, and keep sucking.

"Thanks Brad. I wasn't expecting you to do that."

"I wasn't either," he laughed. "But I'm glad I did. That was the best thing that ever happened to me."

"Which part? Giving or receiving?"

"Both," he said smiling.

"You seem like a decent kid. Why would you hang out with the likes of Tyler and his friends?"

"His friends are older and uh 3; rougher kind of guys. If I hang with them, I know I won't get beat up and stuff. When school starts, I'll be in eighth grade. Then the next year, high school. I need to get friendly with them now so they won't kick my ass later."

"Smart move. But try to stay the way you are. You know if you introduce him to Lola, he's going to fuck her, and so will all his friends.

"Yeah. Another reason they might not kick my ass. She really is a slut. She would probably let them all fuck her at once."

"How old is she?" I asked out of curiosity.

"We're twins."

"A thirteen year old slut. Damn."

"Well, fourteen next month. Not that it's that much different, she's still a slut."

"How did that happen?"

"Mom caught her with the next door neighbor when we were eleven. He was sixteen."

"Ut oh."

"Yeah 3; they had to sell their house and move away to pay mom not to send him to jail. But I know he wasn't the first. And definitely not the last. Mom has caught her several times since then. Mom gets a payoff, they disappear, Lola gets fucked all she wants."

"I have to ask. Does your mom know you're here?" I said half seriously.

He laughed. "No. I promise. I can't be like that. Lola is just like my mom. I guess I'm more like my dad. Of course he's still paying her too. Alimony, child support, and whatever else she wants. I think she must have pictures of him with a goat or something, cause she keeps getting more money from him."

"I don't think Tyler's dad has any money, and I doubt if he did, he would use it to keep his son out of jail."

"No. Tyler she would fuck for free. Besides he's underage too, I don't think she could use the same ruse."

"You are a very astute young man."

We had been setting there on the sofa, nude. I saw his cock begin to rise.

"And you have a beautiful cock," I said reaching for it.

"Thanks. Oh, and thank you for giving me my first 3; you know 3; blow job."

"And thank you for giving me my first blow job too," I told him.

"What? Really?"

"Yep. You were my first too. Well on the receiving end that is. I have given a few."


"I'm glad you're happy that I've had to wait twenty seven years for a blow job."

"No 3; I meant I'm glad we were each other's first."

"That is kinda neat, isn't it," I said as I bent to give him his second. I enjoy sucking his cock a lot more than sucking Tyler. I don't know why it took me as long as it did to get tired of him. I guess I was just lonely.

Brad really got into the second time. He was responsive and let me take him where I wanted. I led him to the edge, and let him down, just to go there again. The nervous tension of the first time gone, he was able to relax and enjoy it, and so was I. His body is a dream, and his cock is delicious.

When I had sucked him dry, I was still nursing on him, he asked "So why are you friends with Tyler?"

"I honestly don't know. I ran into him at the park one night. He was trying to get laid, and I was lonely. I blew him. He's been getting blow jobs ever since. I have no excuse, I guess I just like sucking boys."

"Oh," Brad said, sounding a bit dejected.

"I especially like sucking on yours. I admit I was coerced into it, but I really wanted to do it, or I wouldn't have."

"Coerced? How?"

"Tyler practically begged me to do it, so he could meet your sister. I accused him of treating me like a whore, and told him I didn't want to see him again. A chance to get rid of Tyler was certainly attractive. Getting to be with you is what sold the deal."

"So you knew that's why we were here?"

"That's why Tyler took me to the kitchen. After he left, you seemed too sweet and shy to be into it. I didn't think it was going to happen, and I really did just offer to let you stay so you wouldn't have to go back to his place.

Then you came out here in that robe. Damn, you looked hot. I kept looking at your thigh, and wanted to lick it. I couldn't help myself, you were just too tempting."

"I know what you mean. When he brought me here, I thought he was taking me to some girl's house. I was scared to death. After he left, I still wasn't sure what was going on. Then you offered to let me stay. I was in the shower, and thought 'Shit. Now I'm never getting a blow job.' I started to go to bed, and heard the tv on. So I came out here. As we were watching tv, I kept thinking I wish it was you who was supposed to blow me. You're so attractive, and I was really afraid of being with some slut like my sister."

"I hate to disappoint you, but if Tyler knew any female sluts, we would never have met."

We chatted a bit longer and finished our Cokes. "Brad, you don't have to sleep in the guest room if it's too lonely for you?"


"I mean, if you want, you can sleep in my room."

He smiled real big. "Thanks Jerry. I'd like that."

Once in the bedroom, I got out the lube.

"Really? Are you sure? I was excited just to get a blow job. Now this. Best day of my life."

Brad is a much more attentive lover, and larger than Tyler. I enjoy the night tremendously. He stroked my cock as he stroked in and out of me. I orgasmed the same time as he did, spraying a huge load on the sheets.

I woke up spooned in behind him. Somehow it felt, right. I lay there wondering if I should move before he woke up. My arms were around him and my cock was in his crack. I didn't want to frighten him.

"Get the lube," I heard him whisper.

I reached over to the table to retrieve the bottle, and passed it to him over his shoulder.

"No. It's for you," he said pushing his butt against my cock.

"Really? Are you sure?" I said, just as he did the night before.

"Yes. I want to try everything. Boys are suppose to experiment. It's my time to experiment."

"If you change your mind, let me know, and I will stop."

"Thanks, Jerry. I trust you."

I was so unused to partners who actually wanted a mutual experience, I was surprised by Brad's interest in getting fucked. He was interested, and I obliged him eagerly.

"Oh god, Jerry. It's so good. Jesus, don't stop. Oh shit 3; You're gonna make me cum 3;"

I guess Lola's membership in the slut club is intact. Brad introduced her to Tyler the next day, and he fucked her within the hour. Brad left them alone to do the deed, and came to see me. I guess I'm a bit of a slut too, Brad fucked me twice and I did him once before he left that day.

Married Boylover

What is a married man to do when he knows he prefers boys?

2,000 words (4 pages)
Jake (14yo), Darrell (13yo), Narrator (19 & 29 yo), Kay (narrator's wife), and Levon (Darrell's father)
Mb MF - cons oral anal – interracial cuckold

It was summer 2001, I was at a friend's house for a couple of weeks while my parents went to Europe. His little brother and I were in the pool, just horsing around. Jake, the little brother, got out and was going to jump on me from the side of the pool. As I started away from where he was going, I noticed that his white swim shorts were transparent when wet. Not only transparent, but sticking to his boy goodies too.

Even cold and wet, his cock was bigger than mine. He was fourteen, I was nineteen. I froze and stared. This allowed him to take aim and jump right on me. The collision jarred me from my state of shock enough, that I managed to get a feel of his cock as his body slid down mine into the water.

We splashed around a bit more and I bet him he couldn't get me again. So he repeated the climb out and jump on me. I was ready this time, and got a good handful of his goodies. He grinned at me, and climbed out of the pool again. It was plain to see that his cock had engorged some, and by the time he jumped again, I could feel a very hard cock.

He grinned at me again. This time though, he put my hand right on his junk.

"You like it?" he asked me.

Totally dumbfounded, I could only nod.

"Follow me," he said.

Now up to this point in my life, I'd had sex a total of one time. It was prom night, I was drunk, I don't remember much except that it was over quickly, and the girl hasn't spoken to me since.

Jake led me to his room. I stared as he took off his wet shorts. His hard, thick, seven inch cock sprang out. It was gorgeous.

"Let me see yours," Jake said, standing by the bed.

My five inch [12 cm] (on a good day, I swear it is) thin dick was straining for release. When I dropped my shorts, Jake took it between two fingers and stroked it a couple of times. Then he sat on the bed and leaned back, his cock flopped onto his belly making a noticeable sound. I was still standing, staring.

"Suck it," was all he had to say, and I was on my knees, worshiping his boyhood.

I stayed with them for two weeks and sucked his cock at least once a day. Usually more if we could work it out. He never touched me again. He would just nod in the direction of his bedroom, and I'd be there a few minutes later sucking on him.


Fast forward to 2011. I'd been married to Kay three years. We had just finished another, for her, unsatisfying session in bed.

"I'm sorry babe. I tried to hold back," I said breathily.

"It's okay. I liked it," she lied.

She's a sweet girl who would never purposely hurt anyone's feelings, especially mine.

"Did Mike and Charles 3; could they make you cum?" They were her only two lovers before we met.

"Don't worry sweety. It was good. I liked it."

I'd had a drink or three, so I had to press it. "Really Babe. Did they make you cum?" I kept at her on, and on, till she finally broke.

"If you must know then, yes, they did. Now go to sleep," she said turning her back to me.

The cat was now out of the bag, and it was clawing at my mind.

I snuggled behind her and kissed her neck. I played with her tits, which is one of her weaknesses.

"Was it because they were bigger than me, or that they lasted longer or what?" You have to remember that Kay was only the second girl I had been with, and the first hardly counted. I really didn't know shit about women.

She glared over her shoulder at me, then realized I expected an honest answer. She sighed and reluctantly nodded her head.

"Yes to which? Bigger or lasted longer?"

"Both. But It's not your fault sweety. I know you try hard."

That was the beginning of a long, gut wrenching, tearful conversation. In the end, I told her to find a lover.

Two months passed with us talking about it off and on. Then one day she said she found the right guy. He was a little older than us, divorced, not interested in a relationship because he shared custody of his son. I told her to invite him for dinner.

Imagine my surprise when he turned up on our doorstep, and was very black. I hadn't expected that. I guess that was part of the appeal for her, and for me. He was less likely to try to steal her away from me.

Dinner was good even though the conversation was somewhat uncomfortable, and there was obvious nervous tension in the air. After dinner I picked up our wine glasses and went to the living room. Kay and Levon (his name) followed shortly, but Kay said she was going to show him the rest of the house.

So I sat and sipped my wine trying to wrap my head around the situation. When I realized they had been gone for half an hour, I went upstairs to see what was keeping them.

I soon discovered the answer, when I heard the moaning. I peeked into our bedroom to see his ass pumping up and down on my wife. I crept back downstairs and waited, rather impatiently.

An hour later, Levon comes down dressed as he had been, shakes my hand nervously and departs. I turn out the lights and lock up, before going upstairs.

Kay is sprawled out, probably just as he had left her. Her pussy was gaped open and cum was running out. I shook her arm.

"Babe, are you okay?" I had never seen a woman like this.

She looked at me through glazed eyes. "What? Oh yeah, sweety. I'm fine." Her head dropped back to the pillow.

I got undressed while staring at her abused pussy. By the time I was naked, I was hard. I got down close to her and couldn't believe the condition it was in. Something made me lick it. I was immediately taken back to Jake's bedroom where I had first experienced that taste. I began devouring his juice from her. In my mind, it was Jake's juice.

Two weeks later he was back. Same scenario, only this time when they went upstairs, I followed shortly after and watched from the doorway. I could not believe what was hanging between his legs. It was hard to imagine it wasn't on something with four legs and a mane. This time, he spent the night and most of the next day fucking my wife.

So it went, every other weekend Levon would come spend Friday and Saturday nights fucking Kay.

We talked about it a lot as you can imagine. I usually got hard, and would fuck her for about a minute. She swore it was just the sex, and I believed her. She really didn't seem to like him too much, well at least not above the waist, anyway.

Then one Friday, Levon calls just before he was due to come over. His ex wife had gone out of town and dropped the son off with him. Kay wasn't about to give up her weekend of depravity, and told Levon to bring his son with him. We could cook out and his son could swim in our pool. It would be fun for him.

So Levon brought Darrell and we cooked out. Darrell wore a red swimsuit, that became just as transparent as Jake's had. And at only thirteen, it was obvious Darrell was packing even more than Jake. I almost burned the steaks on the grill while staring at Darrell's package.

After dinner, Darrell was back in the pool, and I was cleaning the grill off, when Kay and Levon disappeared. Darrell came over, dripping water, and I couldn't keep from looking at his crotch as I pretended to pay attention to what I was doing.

"You know he's up there fucking your wife," he informed me.

"Uh 3; Uh 3;"

"He told me you watch him fuck her too."

"I 3; um 3;"

"It's ok. I understand. You like big black cock as much as she does."

"What? No."

"Sure you do. You've been staring at my junk since I got here."

"Well, It's just 3;"

"It's ok, really. I don't mind. Here have a better look," he said and pulled down the front of his swimsuit.

I was in brain lock. I just stared at his large cock. It wasn't as big as his father's, but it was probably eight [20 cm] thick inches.

"You can touch it. Go ahead."

On it's own accord, my hand reached for his cock. I could feel the power in its thick shaft. It grew hard in my hand. I felt his hand on my shoulder, pushing me to my knees.

"I know you want it. Go ahead have a taste."

I did want to taste it. I was drawn to it. My mouth opened, and he guided my head to it. It slid to the back of my throat and down before he let the pressure off my head. Then he held me in place as he moved his hips back and forth. After a minute I discovered he wasn't holding my head, and he wasn't moving. I was blowing my wife's lover's thirteen year old son.

He stopped me abruptly and said, "Let's go upstairs, and bring the olive oil." He then strolled naked into the house.

I did as I was told, and met him at the top of the stairs. We could hear Kay, "Oh god, I love your cock Levon. Keep fucking me with that big cock."

Darrell gave me a shit eating grin, and turned toward the guest room.

"Get naked," he commanded, and I did.

"Now I see why she likes my dad's cock so much," he said upon seeing my deminutive appendage.

He began oiling up his cock and said "Get on the bed. I'm going to give you a bit of what your wife is getting.

I knew what was coming. I may have even wanted it. Either way, I didn't try to stop him. Once he pushed that fat knob passed my muscle, I was his to do with as he pleased. And he did. He worked that big cock into me and started to plow fresh ground. My little dick went soft at first then became a nail. He reached under me and grabbed it.

"My little girl has a big clit," he said as he stroked into me. He only held my dick, and soon I was squirting a load on the sheets. I collapsed onto the bed, and Darrell followed me down. He reached under and around my shoulders grasping them to hold me in place. I wasn't going anywhere. He made me cum a second time without even touching my dick. I felt it when he unloaded inside me, and I found a new kind of contentment.

He woke me in the night and fucked me again. That's how Kay and Levon found us in the morning, Darrell spooned behind me with his large teen cock still lodged in my ass.

Throughout the weekend whenever Kay and Levon went to the bedroom, Darrell would have me on my knees. Either sucking him or taking his cock in my ass. Always saying what a good little girl I am. Telling me he loves my tight pussy. I tell him It's his pussy any time he wants it.

That's how it's been. Darrell has grown to be as big as his dad. Kay and I each have our own black cock to worship. Darrell will be going away to college soon, but Levon promised to bring his nephew with him when he comes over. He's only twelve now, but I don't care. In fact, I can't wait.


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