PZA Boy Stories

Scrub aka Simon

School for Safety


A boy is interviewed by the school owner at his new school.
Unpublished old story, on this site Nov 2008
Finished 1,500 words (3 pages)


Simon (12yo)

Category & Story codes

School Boy story
Mb – oral – humil


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

These are old stories and published as is. Theyt were mostly written by one finger typing on software without such things as spell checks. The author is not that illiterate.

Most of my stories are huge gothic tales which are unfinished. The reasons:

  1. The official: Once I have set the scene the reader can complete his taste in his mind and this I cannot do for him.
  2. The real: get bored with the story which has been written for my fun.
If you shouldn’t be reading it, you shouldn’t be reading it but I can’t stop you so just ask your mum! But you better not show her.

If you don’t enjoy reading it – don’t read it – the story will get worse so you better stop now!

Comments welcome through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. It will be forwarded to the author.

Thanks for reading.


Some years ago I responded to the requests of some parents in a newspaper. They were worried that strangers or indeed schoolmates might molest their children as this paper had published account after account of such horrific happenings. I had a large home in an isolated area and I felt that I could capitalise on such fears. I used it essentially to foster boys whose parents had these worries.

They gave up their parenting responsibilities to me together with a large donation. They understood indeed they appreciated that they should have no visiting rights as another parent might have designs on their kid and if he could visit. Moreover the exact location should remain a secret. They could send e-mail via an intermediary and the same applied to normal letters birthday cards and so on. They would get two videos at the end of each term – one from their kid the other from me. I had to spend more time on the kids' videos to ensure there were no hidden messages but none have got past me and the kids trying were very sorry indeed! I should make it clear I am NOT a pedophile. I am a boy molester and torturer. The boy lovers have done so much harm and made my fun so much more difficult to engage in safely.

Anyhow I took my time setting up the home, as I wanted. The staff consisted of me and a doctor who could no longer practice as the BMA had banned him. I also had my boyfriend, David, who was now 16 too old for it to be interesting for to me to torture him but he devotedly wanted to treat other boys as he had been treated and a boy, John, who had been brought up in a very similar fashion but was the doctor's own son and this boy had a great imagination! David would be the head boy of the school and John his assistant.

I decided to take in boys in pairs but unless they were brothers, I would avoid having boys who knew each other at the same time. I also decided to leave at least six weeks between intakes to give us plenty of time to break in the new arrivals. I realised this would limit the size of the school but my object was to have fun with the bodies of boys and that did not need a lot of bodies! Indeed I have found that six new boys a year is best. The boys stay with me typically for two years when I pass them on to friends. Most of these friends haven't time to break in a new boy but want a slave who will not contemplate running away. I advice my friends on security and they never actually try to escape. A third 'ball' is often inserted into the boy's scrotal sack and heats up if the boy gets any distance from a transmitter or if the transmitter is tampered with. The boy is thus a prisoner in the house and even if he tries to reach the telephone he would be rendered impotent in a very painful way. No boy dared try it!

However it was not the disposal of the boys that is the main thrust of this tale. The new boy would be picked up by a taxi at a railway station a long way from his recent home and equally far from my place. The boy was taken to a hotel in a very small village nearby and care was taken to check that no one had followed him there! The next morning at about 3 a.m. he was collected by a private car, blindfolded and given a strong sleeping potion. When he awoke, he had arrived! He would be stark naked tied firmly to what was in fact a hospital gurney but he would not know that. He has been injected with three drugs, one of which will turn him on {like viagra} and the second is a modern-day truth serum while the other will make him need to get approval by obeying any request however against his training it might be.

A typical lad was Simon who was one of the fourth pair of kids to join the school. He was a blue-eyed curly blond haired kid who had just celebrated his twelfth birthday. According to his private school he was very brainy but a good sportsman particularly at swimming and gymnastics. I started to question him on anything and everything that he would find difficult to talk about but the drugs would ensure that he had to answer FULLY.

Q How are babies born?
A from their mother's stomach You can see that the stomach is swollen before the baby is born.

Q But how do they get there?
A Mummy and Daddy make love.

Q How?
A By kissing each other on the lips and wanting a baby.

Q Why is your thing, which I am playing with so hard?
A I don't know. It gets like that sometimes. Is it something wrong with me?

Q Yes. Do you like it when it gets like that?
A It feels funny – kind of nice.

Q What happens then?
A If I am alone I squeeze it and then it gets even harder and quivers a bit. Then it gets soft and if I'm in bed I go to sleep.

Q Does anything come out of it – piss or whatever?
A What's piss? I think I make water as it becomes damp but there's very little so I don't know what it is? I don't want to wet the bed.

Q Who was the last person to see it and when was that?
A Our doctor when I had flu about three years ago.

Q Did you mind?
A Not then, but I don't like you seeing it particularly when it is hard. Please cover it up for me.

Q You NEVER tell me what do. I will squeeze it and rub it a bit. Good now it is quivering. Do you like this?
A NO. PLEASE stop. I will wet myself.

Q You are a crybaby. What will your new schoolmates think after all they are watching?
A No please! I am naked they shouldn't see me like this it is so wrong.

Q Haven't you seen any of your friends from your previous school naked then?
A No! NEVER. It would be VERY VERY wrong. I saw my especial mate's thing when he was peeing but he didn't know and it wasn't all stiff like mine is now.

Q Well the boys here will see you naked all the time, as new boys have to earn clothes. Stop blubbing or they will think you a girl! Now lets see if I can get the stuff out of yours and see what it is! My! You are shaking. Well there is a drip of something. It isn't pee. See I have put some on my finger and now like my finger. Does that taste like pee that's the stuff that comes out when you make water?
A Horrible but naturally I have never tasted THAT!

Q When open your mouth, as I will make my water into your mouth so you know what it does taste like and swallow it all – there will be quite a lot. Don't you are be sick as you will have to lick that up. You let a little go – so I will punish you for that later. Is it the same? STOP making a fuss and answer me at once.
A No 3;o. It's not the same. Please 3;

Q 'Please' what? Do you want more to drink or what?
A No. Please stop.

Q Why! I am enjoying myself. Now I will pause, as I want to take some photographs of you.
A Please don't!!!

The boy was untied and stood up. Still blindfolded on now on his knees he had to suck the other boys off swallowing their cum. He was told each boy's name and warned that he better remember each boys taste as he would be tested every day until he got 100% right for three days in a row! It was then play time and the boys were sent into the playground so he could get to know them better.

That evening I tested his sucking ability and he brought me off three times without me resting. His companion was being tested by the doctor who preferred privacy so I can't tell you exactly what happened. The boy was still an anal virgin but had a well caned backside. The new boys were given time to get used to the place before they were gang raped. It was two more days still before we used their arses, as both the doctor and me were much larger than the kids.

The End ?