Chapter 1 Tanner's happy discovery
Tanner's head lolled to his chest, his head turned slightly to the side, twitching occasionaly.
3; dad, why does my willy keep doing that?"
He looked down at his naked lap where his penis was standing tall. He'd never spent a single day in school, so he lacked the peer interactions that would have made him more worldly wise. Nor had his parents seen fit to educate him about sex or puberty. It was not something that they foresaw that he would need.
His father looked over the shoulder of his seated son at the boy's erection.
"Standing up like that you mean?"
"It means you're excited."
"I don't f
3; feel excited," Tanner said, with an involuntary shrug of his shoulder.
"It's a different sort of excitement Bub."
Tanner stared down past his right hand which was clawed and drawn up to his chest. Beneath his treasure trail and a thick but compact bush, his penis stood proud of the bath water, seven inches in total and he tried to process what his father was telling him. He strained as hard as he could, but meaning refused to come into focus.
"I d
3; don't get it," he eventually said, his stammer made worse by the effort.
"Well, it's like your body is excited. Can't you feel a kind of nice tingling in your goolies?"
Although Tanner was far too old for childish terms like 'goolies' and 'willy', his parents had always used them, and without external references that revealed how juvenile they were, Tanner took their usage as normal. He had no alternatives.
Tanner thought about his father's question for quite a while, analysing the sensations in his own body.
"I bet it feels nice huh?"
Tanner smiled towards the bathwater. His circumcised penis was very hard indeed, and his glans looked very different to normal.
"That means that you're nearly a man."
This was not a conversation that Brett had ever expected to have with his youngest son. He had no prepared answer. The last thing he wanted to do was start explaining to Tanner about sex and girls, and pregnancy. It just didn't seem fair as the boy would almost certainly never get to experience any of them. He flubbed an answer.
"Well, when your willy gets hard, that just means that you're a man."
An hour later, Tanner was watching TV, and Brett was in the kitchen with his wife.
"Janice, Bub got an erection in the bath earlier."
She smiled.
"I'm not surprised. There's no reason why THAT part of his body wouldn't work perfectly normally."
"And he gets them all the time when he's pissing."
"I expect they're automatic. He's responding to the warmth of your hand. I've noticed the same thing. And he's left a lot of other
3; evidence as well."
Brett frowned, momentarily failing to comprehend her meaning.
"Every week or two, in his underpants. And I've found more than a couple of wet sheets."
Brett placed a cup of coffee on the table in front of his wife and sat in the chair opposite holding his own cup.
"He asked me about his erection."
"What did you say to him?"
Janice was a little less casual now. This was an important moment.
"I just fobbed him off by telling him it meant that he was nearly a man."
"Was he satisfied with that?"
"I think so, but I think that it's something we're going to have to address. Other boys are masturbating or even having sex by now. Do you remember Travis? He was beating off like it was going out of fashion at his age."
Janice smiled, remembering their other son's journey through puberty. Suddenly he started spending a lot more time in his room, taking four showers a day, and their toilet paper use jumped up through the roof.
"What do you think we should do about it?" she asked.
"I don't know. It doesn't seem fair to tell him about WHY people have sex, but can't we at least let him know that it exists? "
"That doesn't seem fair either if he's never going to enjoy it."
"That's true but I know when I was his age, I had a full fantasy life."
Brett mimed a masturbating hand. Janice laughed.
"But he can't even do that. I really feel as though it's better left alone."
"He admitted to me that they made him feel good. I can only imagine the frustration of having all these boners, and not being able to do anything about them. Not even being able to enjoy them."
"Brett what are you suggesting?"
"I don't know that I'm suggesting anything, but would it really be the worst thing if we showed him some porn in the privacy of his room. He'd probably enjoy it, and it might be a valuable release for him."
"But he can't
"He might not be able to masturbate, but I'm sure he'd enjoy getting horny at least."
Janice sighed deeply, thinking about her husband's proposition.
After a long pause she said, "Well, I'll leave it up to you. If you don't think it will do more harm than good. But you'll have to explain it to him as well."
Brett nodded.
Three days later, Brett wheeled his son into his room.
"Why, wh
3; why are am I going to bbbbed? It's only n
3; n
3; nine thirty."
Brett lifted his son out of the wheelchair. The boy was emaciated. Difficulty swallowing, leading to malnutrition was just one symptom of his condition. He weighed almost nothing.
Brett laid him on his back on top of his comforter then started to undress him.
"You're not going to bed. I have a special treat for you."
Tanner lay on his back looking up at the ceiling, his muscles too weak to sit up. He lay naked, helpless, hands clawed to his chest by muscles and tendons that had tightened over the years.
"A t
3; treat? What k
3; kind of treat?"
Brett pulled the boy's pajama top on. It was brushed cotton with a soccer player motif and elasticated sleeves. In many ways, his parents still treated him like a little boy. He did have a little trouble thinking and expressing himself sometimes, but he wasn't that far behind the curve intellectually. Their behaviour was a natural consequence of having a son who was totally incapable of doing anything for himself; even eating or going to the bathroom.
Brett had brought a beach towel with him. He opened it and draped it over Brett's wheelchair, covering the chair back and the seat. The boy's room was always at a pleasant ambient temperature. Without the ability to move at will or ingest sufficient calories, it was important to keep him warm.
Brett lifted his son, carefully supporting the boy's head, and placed him back in his wheelchair.
"Daaad, I haven't g
3; got any trousers on."
Brett turned on his son's 40 inch flat screen TV and a laptop he'd hooked up to it. Then turned to his son smiling.
"I know Tanner. I thought you'd be more comfortable like that."
Tanner lacked the muscle control in his face to form the nuanced range of expressions that most adults have, but his father recognised his son's confusion. He said nothing. Instead he raised the head support at the back of his son's chair, and drew the strap around the boy's forehead that would ensure his head didn't loll towards his lap. He secured another safety restraint around the boy's waist so that he would not slip down in his wheelchair, then he addressed the boy.
"Tanner, you know you were asking in the bath why your willy gets hard?"
Tanner's mouth lolled half open. He looked at his father curious. Innocent.
"Well I didn't tell you the whole story. When a man's willy gets hard like yours did, he can do things with it. It's a lot of fun. One of the most enjoyable things a man can do in fact."
Tanner was watching him with great interest now.
"Can I d
3; do it?"
"Not exactly like they do. But maybe you can still have fun."
Tanner looked sad. His entire life was a constant reminder of his limitations. Brett wondered momentarily if he was doing more harm than good, but he was sure that he would be helping his son in the long run. He turned to the laptop and loaded the media player, then navigated to a playlist he had created earlier than day.
He reached down and pulled his son's legs apart to give his genitals more room to breathe. He turned the wheelchair's foot supports outwards with the boy's feet on them so that Tanner's legs were not simply dangling off the chair. He looked down at his son's lap, five inches [12 cm] of flaccid meat lay there, extended along the towelled seat, and beneath, a man-sized pair of balls rested on the seat, enclosed in a large, loose scrotum.
His son had come up massively short in his physique. Skinny, bony, short for his age, and rendered utterly dependent by his genetic disorder, but nature had been more than generous when it came to his genitals. It was the ultimate joke, Brett supposed. To give him the balls and dick of a stallion, but no possible way to use them. He hoped that this little experiment might help to alleviate that restriction.
Brett reached between Tanner's thighs, and lifted his testicles and penis in a cupped hand, before laying them back onto the towel, ensuring that they had freedom to move without chafing.
Tanner was used to being touched for bathing, urination, clean ups, and when he was being dressed and undressed, so his father's actions didn't strike him as particularly odd.
"I'm going to play some videos for you Bub. Just remember all the people you see are having a good time. I'm going to leave you to watch them on your own. I'll come back in half an hour, is that okay?"
Tanner was confused, and apprehensive about his father's vagueness, but he said, "Ummm, o
3; okay."
His father clicked play, walked to the door, flipped the light off so that there would be no distractions, then left the room.
In the living room, his wife was sitting.
"Everything alright?" she asked.
"I started it and left him to watch on his own. I guess we'll find out in half an hour."
Thirty minutes later, Brett returned to his son's room. He opened the door.
"I'm turning the light on Bub, watch your eyes."
He turned the light on and entered the room. Tanner was staring at the screen, his eyes wide, breathing deeply. He didn't acknowledge his father's arrival. Brett couldn't tell if his son was in shock or transfixed. He moved closer and looked down to Tanner's lap. The boy's cock was standing up like a 45 degree flagpole, hard as iron, there was a long drool of cum dangling from the end. A fresh pool of cum glistened on the towel between his son's legs, but judging by the size of the wet patch, it wasn't his first orgasm. For the first time in many years, his tics and twitches had all stopped and the only part of his body that moved was his impressive penis, which intermittently twitched and rose between his legs as his libido clenched in an unconscious desire to be part of the action on the screen. Brett clicked the stop button to end the show.
"Bub are you alright?"
His son swivelled his eyes towards to him, and slowly, a huge, slack-jawed grin spread across his face.
Brett smiled back at his son.
"So you liked that huh?"
His son continued to smile at him, unable to articulate the extent of his pleasure.
"That's called sex. Grown ups do it when they want to have fun."
His son listened in awe.
"How did that make your willy feel?"
The answer was obvious, but Brett wanted to be absolutely sure. The boy grinned sheepishly.
"Good yes?"
"A lul
3; lot,"
"I think you had some extra nice feelings didn't you Bub?"
Tanner's brows dropped slightly, indicating his confusion.
"Did you see that the men squirted after a while?"
"Did you see that white stuff that squirted out?"
"It squirted out of your willy too. It does that when you're very excited."
A lightbulb lit Tanner's expression.
3; that's what you mmmean by 'exsssited'?"
"Well that's the end of it. When you were watching I expect you felt excited all the time didn't you?"
He looked down: his son's impressive erection had not diminished in the slightest.
Tanner grinned, a goofy grin, almost as normal-looking as any horny teenaged boy.
"But sometimes a lot more excited right?"
A smile.
"Would you like to watch more of that again?"
Tanner's grin spread so wide it almost split his face.
His father reached down and picked up the bottom of the towel that was almost dangling on the floor. It was then that he realised there were also streaks of cum on the oak floor. He grinned. His son had obviously had a VERY enjoyable half hour. He reached up and wrapped the end of the towel around his son's drooling, still hard glans. The boy flinched, still hypersensitive in the aftermath of multiple orgasms.
"Come on then, let's get you cleaned up and into bed."
"Well, how did he get on?" Janice asked when Brett returned to the living room.
He held up the bunched towel.
"Let's just say I don't think you're going to have to worry about wet sheets tomorrow."
"He came?" Janice asked, genuinely surprised.
"More than once I'm sure. There must be half a cupful on here."
"Ewww, too much information Brett!"
Brett grinned, he was being deliberately mischievous.
"Let's just say that this won't be the last time he watches porn."
"You're going to show him more?"
"Of course. After all, we didn't only make love once!"
Now it was her time to smile.
"How often do you think
"Once a week. Couple of times a week even. Darling, it's one of the few moments of happiness in his life, and if you saw how happy he was, you wouldn't think twice."
"Alright honey. But you're going to be the one doing the cleanup."
Brett nodded smiling.
"It's the least I can do."
For the next month, Brett set Tanner up once a week, making the porn a Saturday night treat for his son. Then on a Tuesday in the fifth week, whilst Brett was bathing his son, Tanner quietly said, "D
3; dad, can I watch that porn more often?"
"You want to watch it tonight?"
"Yes please," Tanner said politely. "B
3; b
3; b
3;" his stuttering always worsened when he was nervous or stressed.
Brett massaged his son's shoulders to calm him. He noticed that his son was hard again.
3; but can I watch it m
3; more than once a week?"
Brett thought back to his teenage years. He used to beat his meat at least twice every single day.
"How often would you like to watch?"
3; two or three t
3; times a week?" Tanner offered, low-balling it in the hopes his father would agree.
"I think we can manage that Bub. Just one other thing, which videos do you like best?"
So that he didn't push his son into any particular type of porn, Brett had included a range of videos, gay, straight, lesbians, older, teen. But if he was going to really make his son happy, he wanted to know what his son preferred.
"The ones with boys in," his son answered without hesitation, no hint of a stutter.
"Boys with girls, or boys with boys?"
"Boys with b
3; boys. They're very
3;" his borrowed his father's euphemism. "exciting."
If there was one benefit of never having been through the public school system, it was the fact that Tanner had not been exposed to its institutional homophobia. It didn't even occur to him that there might be anything wrong watching young men having sex together.
"Do you like the girls at all, or just boys?" Brett asked, careful not to inflect his voice.
"Just boys."
And so it was settled. From that point on, Tanner watched nothing but gay porn.
Chapter 2 Furlough
"Well, is it true?"
The young marine stood with his hands on his hips, his posture aggressive.
"I'm perfectly willing to discuss this matter with you Travis, but not if you adopt that attitude. And can you keep your voice down; I don't want Tanner to hear."
"It's fucking sick! You're making him watch gay porn. Why are you trying to make him gay?"
Brett turned his back on his son and walked from the kitchen down into the basement. He simply refused to have this discussion if there was a chance of Tanner overhearing.
Travis followed him down, furious and determined for a confrontation.
"Don't walk out on me dad. What are you fucking doing to Tanner? Do you stay in there and jack him off too?"
In the basement, Brett turned on his son, furious.
"How DARE you fucking speak to me like that Travis! You're only here two weeks a year, if that, and now you're going to come here and tell me how to take care of your brother?!"
Travis opened his mouth to offer an aggressive rejoinder but Brett cut him off dead in his tracks, shoving him hard in the chest with an open hand.
"No! You shut the fuck up. You have NO IDEA what's happening in your brother's life. Let me fill you in some facts."
Travis was momentarily stunned. His father had never laid a hand on him.
Brett continued.
"Tanner was horny all the time. He was having wet dreams every week, and almost every time I took him to the lavatory, he was hard. The kid was so horny it was driving him crazy and he didn't know why. So I started showing him porn as a way for him to understand why he felt like he did, and to let him blow a little steam off. Nothing different to the way YOU watched porn when you were his age. Nothing different to the way you still do."
Travis looked at his father still angry.
"But why are you showing him only gay porn dad? Are you trying to make him into a fag?"
"I'm not TRYING to make him anything. Unlike you, I didn't just assume he was straight. When I started, I showed him every type, then after a month, I gave him a CHOICE about what to watch. I don't suggest any particular type. He chose the stuff with guys in."
"Tanner's gay?" Travis said, softening his language now that he was starting to understand the truth.
"It fucking seems so doesn't it? And without all that shit that happens at school, he's fine with it. No guilt, no embarrassment, and I'd be happy for it to stay that way please."
"So DO you jack him off?" Travis asked, still trying to insinuate wrong doing to justify his anger.
"No I don't, but frankly, if I thought it would make him happy, I'd do it for him."
"So what, he just watches it. Nothing else?"
"He sits in his chair naked. I leave him alone for half an hour, then I come back and clean up the mess. Are you happy now?"
Travis was starting to feel really guilty.
"How often does he, you know?"
"Cum? Every time. Sometimes a couple of times by the look of it. I don't stay and watch, but he's always REAL happy when I come back."
Travis laughed.
"No not cum dad, how often do you let him watch porn?"
"Oh," Brett grinned at the misunderstanding, "A couple of times a week. I guess he'd like to do it more, but, you know, it takes time to clean up."
His voice softened.
"Look Travis, your brother's condition is worsening. His hearing is going. His eyesight is going. He has no friends and no life apart from your mother and me. He may not even be ALIVE in five years, let alone ever having a girlfriend." He corrected himself. "Boyfriend. This is the one thing that he enjoys. And boy does he enjoy it!"
Travis grinned at the observation. His father continued.
"Do you know he said to me the other week that watching porn was the happiest thing in his life? If I didn't think it would ruin it for him, I'd let him watch it 24/7. Are you really going to tell me you have a problem with that? The one piece of pleasure in your brother's life? Do you really care if he gets that watching porn? Or that he gets it watching boys instead of girls? He can't even take a piss without someone holding his dick for him, but now here's something that he can really enjoy in spite of the fact that he can't even sit up without being strapped to a chair."
Travis was feeling shitty now. His father had never been anything but supportive towards him and his brother. He should never have doubted him. And the news about the decline in his brother's condition was devastating. He'd always known that it was not a condition with a long life expectancy, but five years?! The sudden reality of it was a sledgehammer blow.
He spun around and walked out of the basement without saying another word. A mixture of macho pridefulness and emotion prevented him from saying he was sorry. Also, he wanted to get out before his father saw the tears in his eyes.
A few days later, Travis cornered his father in the kitchen and handed him a bag.
"What's this?"
Their relationship has been simmering the past few days. Travis was not a person who found it easy to apologise.
"It's for Tanner."
Brett reached into the bag and pulled out two boxes, both were plain white. He wrinkled his forehead, curious now.
Travis said, "I was thinking about Tanner just sitting there waiting to cum. I mean, it's better than never cumming at all, but it's still kind of frustrating."
Brett opened the larger of the boxes. It contained a vibrating massage wand with a sheath designed to wrap around the head of a penis. Brett grinned from ear to ear, then laughed from his belly. He reached out and grabbed his son's head, pulling their foreheads close.
"It's a fantastic gift. I think I can say with absolute, 1000% certainty that your brother will love it."
"I'm so sorry dad. I should never have gone off on you like that without checking the details first."
"No, you shouldn't. But I can understand why you did. I hope that you can learn something from this?"
"I already did. I learned that Tanner is a horny little fucker!"
He grinned.
"You don't know the half of it. You don't have to clean up after him!"
"Awwwwwwww, ha ha ha ha ha – daaad!"
All of the tension from the past few days evaporated.
"So how do I use this? Have you ever used one?"
"Weeell, there was this one time in a massage place in Thailand
Brett was seeing his eldest son in a new light. He was adventurous, worldly.
"Go onnnn."
Travis coloured now, embarrassed in front of his father.
"Well, long story short, you put that ring over his helmet and it vibrates. It feels incredible."
Brett reached into the bag and took out a smaller box.
"What's this a cable?"
"Nah, that's in the bottom of the box."
Brett opened the second box. Inside was a stiff latex covered ring, connected via a short angled arm to a small oval head two inches [5 cm] wide. Brett frowned.
"The ring goes over his dick. The ball shaped bit presses against his nuts. It vibrates. It'll drive him wild I promise."
Brett realised that his eldest son was a lot more sexually adventurous than he would have imagined.
"I think that this is going to change his life. You may have just bought your little brother the best gift he will ever receive. But I think you're going to have to show me how to put it on him."
"Dad, seriously?"
"Hey Bub, Travis has got a really nice surprise for you."
Tanner sitting on his bed naked, supported by his father as the man pulled his pajama top on.
"He bought you a present to make this feel even nicer. It goes onto your willy and vibrates. Travis said it will feel really exciting."
For some reason, they continued to use the euphemism.
"Yeah Tan, it's gonna make you real horny!"
3; horny?" Tanner asked.
"Excited. It's a better word for excited," Travis explained. "It's what we use in the marines."
The mere thought of something even better was enough to turn Tanner on. His penis quickly rose in his lap until was facing his chin. His father looked down at it.
"It only points that high when he's really excited. I guess you like the idea huh Bub?"
"Yyyeah," Tanner responded grinning.
His father lifted him into the wheelchair and secured him in place.
"Over to you," he said, addressing Travis.
Travis had had his share of times taking his brother to urinate. He'd even wiped his bottom a few times, but this was much more intimate. Travis overcame his reluctance touch his brother's erection by reminding himself that he was doing it because he loved the kid. He was like a doctor, nothing more.
He knelt in front of Tanner and slid the ring along his brother's cock.
"Wow Tanner, you've got a big dick. It's grown a lot since I last saw it."
He pulled his brother's large nuts forwards in their loose sack, then positioned the oval lozenge so that it was on top of them both, then he ran the power cable across his brother's leg, and plugged it into the extension block that sat on the floor to the side of the wheelchair.
He took the wand out of its box and connected the transparent rubber sheath to its head.
"You gotta lube it up or it will be like sandpaper on his dickhead."
For some reason, Brett mentally tensed against his son's crude language. He instinctively wanted to protect Tanner's innocence, as though his physical dependence meant he should be babied for the rest of his life. He realised the incongruity of wanting to protect his son from words such as 'dick' and 'horny' when the boy was a teenager. He put it aside to contemplate and maybe discuss with his wife later.
He watched as Travis smeared lube on the inside of the sheath. It was covered in tiny nipples designed to provide erotic pressure points. Travis reached between his brother's legs for the second time, and gripped the shaft of the boy's thick penis in his left hand. With his right, he slid the sleeve over the head of Tanner's glans. Tanner gasped as he felt it slide over him. Travis looked up at his little brother's face.
"You okay TanTan?" he asked, using his childhood pet name.
"Yah. Sen
3; sensitive."
"Yeah," Travis agreed, "it sure is."
He positioned the wand so that it sat in the crook of the boy's thigh, then he lead the cable up across his brother's hip, out the back of the chair and down into the socket.
"All set?" Brett asked.
Travis nodded.
"Hey Bub, look we're going to stay this time, just the first time, to make sure everything works right, okay?"
Having grown up completely dependent upon his family for every bodily function, Tanner had never developed a sense of self-consciousness about his body. Even his regular public erections during baths and at other times ensured that he did not see them as anything to be ashamed of, and his parents had always carefully avoided shaming him for something he could not hide, nor had any control over.
"Kay," Tanner responded, eager to get on with it.
He'd not watched any porn for five days since his brother arrived home on furlough.
"Okay ready then, here we go."
Travis turned on the wand.
It started buzzing at low speed.
"It's got different speeds Tan. I'll turn the speed up, and you tell me what speed you like."
He turned the dial slowly. His son said nothing until it was close to top speed. Travis grinned up at his brother, but Tanner was staring straight ahead.
Horny little fucker, Travis thought to himself.
Then without warning, less than 20 seconds after the wand had been turned on, Tanner ejaculated hard. The boy let out a short gasp followed by a few panting breaths.
Travis looked at his brother's face. The boy's eyes, staring straight ahead, were wide. Surprised at the suddenness of his own ejaculation. The wand continued to vibrate, milking him
"There," Tanner said in a soft, hoarse voice.
"I think you're already done bro," Travis said, as his brother's cock stopped pumping.
"We can try again another day if you like."
Travis turned off the wand and slipped the sheath off his brother's penis.
3; stop!" Tanner said, alarmed. "Whu
3; whu
3; why are y
3; you t
3; taking it off?"
His stammering was worsened by his urgency. Travis looked at him kindly.
"You just squirted Tan. I think you're finished for today."
3; that was only the first whu
3; one."
Travis looked at his father who was standing behind his brother's wheelchair. Brett was grinning. He raised his eyebrows as if to say 'Told you so'. Travis shrugged.
"Okay bro, you're the boss."
He slipped the sheath back over the glans his brother's still hard penis and turned it on. It resumed its high speed buzzing.
"Ok, now I'm going to turn the other one on. You're going to feel it on your balls."
Travis turned the vibrator on and Tanner immediately took a deep intake of breath and arched backward in the chair as fast as his restraints allowed him, his head turning upwards within its strapping. His father moved to the front of the chair so that he could see his son's face. The teenager's eyes were rolled back in his head, and his clawed hands were vibrating against his chest. Brett feared the boy was having a seizure. It was another side-effect of his condition.
"Bub! BUB!" he slapped the boy's cheek lightly to draw his attention.
Tanner's eyes rolled back down in his sockets and he looked towards his father gasping. It took a second for his eyes to focus.
"Bub are you okay?"
For a moment Tanner's mouth opened and closed without making an articulate sound, then he said, "Feels sss
3; so good!"
He whimpered, writhing spastically in his chair, as his body was electrified by paroxysms of ecstasy.
"Do you want me to leave it on Bub?" Brett asked.
"YES!" his son said emphatically, without a second's hesitation.
Travis rose from his knees, and walked behind his brother as his father pressed play on the laptop, and the gay porn show began. Tanner's eyes fixed on the screen as his body trembled under the euphoria of his first masturbation.
Travis consciously looked away from the screen towards his father. The man was wearing a 'see, told you so' expression on his face. Travis dropped his head, shaking it and grinning at his brother's elation. Travis was happy to bring this much joy into his brother's pitiful existence. He leaned forwards and kissed the back of his brother's short cropped head.
"Have a good time bro," he said.
But Tanner was already midway through his second orgasm.
Travis and his father went and sat on Tanner's bed. As they played cards to while away the time, Travis tried shut out the sound of teen boys having sex that was emanating from the TV. Occasionally he or his father glanced over at his brother whilst Tanner experienced the best half an hour of his life.
Chapter 3 Marathon
"How long has Tanner been watching porn today?"
Brett turned to answer his wife.
"It's just coming up on two hours. I'll go and turn it off in a few minutes."
"Are you sure it's healthy, masturbating for that long Brett?"
"Well, I can't see any reasons why not from a physical point of view, and I don't think he's ever been so happy in his life."
"No, I'll give you that! But do you think it's right," she asked, "just seeing other boys as sex objects?"
"I don't think there's any need to be a social just warrior about this honey," Brett said, gently chiding his wife. "What's he going to do, go out and start raping other boys?"
She smiled, accepting his rebuke in good humour.
"No, I don't suppose he is, and IS nice not to have to worry about soiled sheets or underwear anymore."
"That's the spirit. In fact, he's asked me to leave him hooked up overnight some time."
"You're not going to are you darling?"
"No, no, of course not. I wouldn't leave him that long without checking up on him. But I think he's going through that normal phase that all teenagers go through, of wanting to experiment. To see how far he can push it. I remember when I was a kid, I wanted to see how many times I could jack off in a single day."
She grinned, imagining her husband as a boy, sitting with his legs crossed, hunched over and jacking himself stupid like a horny monkey.
"How many did you manage?"
"Eleven," he said, returning her smile. "Then my nuts were completely bone dry!"
She chuckled at this hitherto unrevealed insight into his youth.
"Anyway, there's no way we can leave him hooked up all night," he continued, "but if he wants to go for a marathon, who are we to stop him? In a way, I'm happy that he has the same drives as any other teenage boy. So what I suggest is he can do it during the day. That way I can look in on him every couple of hours, and make sure he's okay."
"Well, if you don't think he's going to wear away his pecker, it's your call as always."
At 4pm Brett looked in on his son for the second time.
"Are you okay Bub?" he asked.
Tanner didn't answer. He was staring at the screen as though hypnotised. Brett entered the room and glanced up at the screen, four boys in their late teens dressed in Scout uniforms were lying in a circle noisily giving each other blowjobs. Tanner's cock was rigid in his lap, his glans bloated. He was breathing in deep, shuddering breaths.
Brett put his hand on his son's shoulder.
"You okay Bub?" he asked again.
"Unnn," his son grunted "G
3; go away dad!" he said, irritated at being pulled from the fantasy in which HE was part of the circle.
Brett backed away.
"Sorry Bub."
At 6pm Brett looked in again and tiptoed up not wishing to disturb his son this time. His son's penis was still standing up stiffly. Tanner ejaculated and Brett recognised the ecstatic writhing his son had displayed earlier. He didn't squirt as much as formerly, but still, the fact that five hours after he had started, the boy was still squirting at all was pretty incredible.
Brett grinned. He couldn't believe that his son was still horny after so long. He was unaware that his son COULDN'T lose his erection, even if he wanted to. Which he most certainly did. The root of his cock had started aching just after the 4pm check up, and his remorselessly drained balls had started to hurt soon after. And still he felt desperately horny.
He was unaware that his father was in the room, and he had long since ceased caring about what was on the screen. Now he simply stared straight ahead in an effort to get through this. He realised he had been too ambitious.
Brett shook his head and tiptoed out amazed.
At 8pm, Brett entered for the final time.
Cheerfully he said, "Well Bub, that's it. Times up! If you go any longer I think your balls will disappear."
He looked at the floor in front of his son. It looked as though someone had spilled a bucket of hand soap. Squirt after squirt of boy-cum formed large puddles on the floor near to the chair, and further away long streaks, more energetically launched, striped the floor up to five feet in front of the boy.
3; sss
3; sss
3; sss
His son couldn't form coherent words. Stress had robbed him of his vocabulary. He wanted to scream "STOP! TURN IT OFF! ENOUGH NOW!" But he couldn't say a thing.
Brett looked at his son's face.
"What that Bub?"
He waited for his son to speak again. Tanner simply looked at him, hoping that his father would understand in time.
Then against all his hopes, he started to ejaculate yet again. Although he hadn't been counting, this was in fact his 77th orgasm in eight hours. For the past two hours, he seemed to squirt only every third or fourth orgasm, as his testicles and his prostate recharged his reservoirs. This was one of the times he did squirt.
In his peripheral vision, his father noticed the small jet of cum, leaping a few inches from his son's twitching cock. He looked down and grinned. Amazing, after eight hours the horny pup was still squirting!
He assumed incorrectly that his son had been trying to warn him of his impending orgasm. He stepped back towards the door.
"You're still going. Shall I give you a last half an hour Bub?"
He was just reaching for the door when Tanner mustered his senses for another effort.
Tanner never raised his voice, but Brett recognised the panic in his son's voice now. He returned to his son's side.
"Are you okay Bub?" he asked, not thinking to turn off the buzzing equipment working on his son's genitals.
His son's voice trembled and gasped as he tried to speak.
3; huh
3; hh
3; hh
3; ee
3; enough now. T
3; t
3; tuh
3; too many times."
"Shall I turn I turn this off now then?" his father clarified.
"Huhhhh," Tanner whined in a high pitched tone.
His father reached down and turned off the vibrator. He slid it carefully from his son's penis. There were purple marks in the tender skin where the nipples had been pressing. Tanner could feel pressure growing in his balls as the testicle vibrator continued to work. His father seemed to be moving agonisingly slowly. He was unplugging the vibrator and putting it back in its box. Didn't he know how urgent this was?
For the first five hours, Tanner's orgasms had come fairly regularly – ever five or ten minutes at first, then decreasing to about every fifteen minutes. But hours of repeated forced orgasms short circuited something in his brain, and for the past hour and a half minutes, Tanner had been orgasming every 90 seconds.
He looked down at his father as his father put the wand box down and reached for the testicle simulator. But he was too late. Tanner came again, this time dry. He writhed in the chair as the testicle stimulator kept him aroused. His father frowned, and reached for the latex ring, sliding it off his son's incredibly hard cock. The stimulation was finally gone, but the orgasm, once started, needed to play itself out.
Brett placed his palm against his son's tummy to calm him as his final orgasm subsided.
"Alright Bub?" he asked.
3; no. Too many," his son repeated, his face sheathed in sweat. "No more than two hours nnn
3; nnn
3; next time!"
The End