Bill AndersonA Suitable Candidate |
SummaryTim arrives at a party hosted by his wife's boss. The party itself proves to be very boring for Tim. But he encounters the boss' son, Tristan, who makes it a memorable experience.
Publ. this site Jun 2012
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CharactersTristan (11yo) and Tim (33yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy storyMb – cons oral (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at bill_anderson(at)hushmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Bill Anderson - A Suitable Candidate in the subject line. |
Chapter 1When my wife announced to me that she intended to bring me along to a Friday party being hosted by colleagues from work I shuddered inside. I then did my very best to beg-off from having to go; knowing as I did that these affairs were invariably tedious and all but ruined my Friday evenings. Time which I usually preferred spending cruising the internet for little boy pics with which to fuel my weekend masturbation fantasies. But she was determined to have her way in this matter. And after a suitable amount of shouting and screaming from the both of us, I gave in and agreed to go.I worked as a staff accountant at a property management company outside of Baltimore. I had been working there in the ten years since graduation from college, pretty much without ever getting a promotion to any higher level of responsibility, a fact of which my wife, Ann, was now more and more continually in the habit of reminding me of. It didn't help matters at all that while my career had turned immediately into a cul-de-sac she had soared ahead in her career in pharmaceutical sales. I was quite content with this situation. I was not exactly an ambitious soul. But more and more I sensed that she resented the fact that in the ten years since we had graduated from college and married the husband she was forced to present to her equally ambitious and successful friends seemed destined to forever be a low-flyer. We arrived at the party at 7pm. It was being held at the home of an account manager at her company. And as I had been told by her during the 45 minute drive, Ben Baxter was in charge of a number of large accounts that she was hoping to be able to work on, in what would apparently be yet another timely boon to her career. At the party we made the rounds, performed the introduction, engaged in the chit chat as required at these sorts of events. As usual I found the whole affair to be irritating and emotionally exhausting. At the first opportunity, I pealed off from Anne and wandered outside. The house was large and impressive and sat right on the Chesapeake Bay. Following a trail leading towards the water, I discovered a jetty with a gazebo, where I plopped down and stared out at the moonlit bay, as content as I had been for the first time that evening. I sat for some time, thinking that perhaps I could be grateful to Anne for what was turning out to be a peaceful and agreeable evening for me, when I was disturbed by a small voice. "Shouldn't you be at the party with the other people?" I turned around slightly startled at the sudden interruption to the almost meditative state I had been in to see that I was being addressed by a little boy. My reliable pedo brain instantly did a full and complete analysis on him, and I grinned happily when I saw that it was a damned sexy little brown haired boy of about 10 or 11 who had entered my life that evening. "Did my wife send you down here to find me 3;, by the way, what's your name? I'm Tim, 3; by the way." "I'm Tristan. This is my house. Or it's my dad's house. And no, no one sent me. I was just out walking and saw someone sitting in the gazebo. Thought I'd come over to see who it was." Ah! So it was Tristan Baxter. "You wanna have a seat? I could use some company." "Ok. Sure." Tristan sat down next to me. He really was a perfect little guy, very, very cute, without actually being too pretty. He had shaggy brown hair that covered part of his ears and got into his eyes, and he would brush it out of the way every couple of minutes as we talked. He was wearing shorts and I felt every temptation to start rubbing his leg in an ostensibly friendly manner but resisted the temptation. My cock had sprung to life as it usually did anytime I was close to an attractive young boy. I had to adjust myself occasionally and I prayed he didn't notice me touching myself. We chitchatted happily for what seemed like a very long time. I mostly listened. He talked about movies and games of which I knew practically nothing. But I dearly loved the sound of his young boy's voice and I found it all to be more interesting than anything I could remember hearing about in quite some time. After a long period of this unalloyed pleasure with Tristan, I checked the time, and seeing that we had in fact been sitting together like this for over an hour I felt that I had better get back to the party to see if Anne was looking for me. I would have been surprised if she had, shocked, in fact. It was only a little before 10pm. And I knew from the bitterest kind of experience that we would likely be here until at least midnight. But then, I had Tristan now. And suddenly I didn't feel at all bad about staying for as long as dear Anne dictated was necessary. As we walked up the trail quite on its own my right hand brushed Tristan's arm, and before I knew what was happening he took my hand with his. And quite on its own my hand squeezed his and we walked hand in hand back to the house. As we neared the well lit house, I though it best to turn Tristan loose. It was a painful shock to longer feel his warm hand in mine. Tristan waved good by, and I honestly could have collapsed in tears in front of the guests as I watched him walk away. I found Anne sitting on a sofa talking in an animated fashion to a bunch of people from her company. She did not notice me. And so I saw no reason to draw attention to myself and quietly slipped outside once again. I felt like an idiot having lost Tristan for what now seemed like a pointless excursion back to the house. And I still had at least a couple of more hours of what promised to be tedium to get through. I thought about going hunting for Tristan. But I knew that that could just be asking for trouble. With all these people around, what might they think when presented with the sight of a 33 year old man prowling after an 11 year old boy? And they would be right to think it, too. I did not head back down to the gazebo, which was now a place of sad but sweet memories for me, for the brief time I had with Tristan. Hungry, I maneuvered my way through the crowd inside and grabbed a couple of sandwiches, a can of coke, and found my way back outside. Off to the side of the house, I found an unoccupied lawn chair in the dark and sat down and ate. I finished my sandwiches and was starting to drift off into a blissful, meditative state once again, when I was interrupted. This time it was not the sweet, melodious sound of a young boy's voice that I heard. "Tim, THERE you are, been looking all over! Even Anne said that she hasn't seen you for a couple of hours." Shit! It was Ben! Tristan probably told him that I tried to molest him! What an idiot I had been! It's all lies! I'm married! I like pussy, really, truly! I was glad that it was dark. The look of panic that I had on my face would have been quite embarrassing. "Hey, Tim, wanna come inside, got a couple of things that I would love to show you!" Ben sounded REALLY friendly. "Uh, Ok. Sure." I was more than a little confused as I got up and followed Ben. We didn't head back through the entrance at the back of the house, which is where the party was going on. He lead me around towards the front. "By the way in case you haven't heard from Anne, I gave her the accounts she was looking for. So she's going to be pretty happy this weekend. In fact she's going to start working on them this weekend. So I'm afraid you won't be seeing much of her. I'm sure that's going to mess up your weekend." There was distinct sarcasm in that lasts bit. I could almost see him grin. "Oh, yes, tragic news. Sorry to hear it. Weekend completely ruined." I could see how Ben got where he was in sales. I had known him for all of one minute. And I already felt like he was my best friend in the world. And I had let fly with a smart assed remark that I almost couldn't believe I said, albeit it reflected exactly what I had been thinking. "Always keep the wife happy. My wife works for the company, too. Damn good sales lady, Ruth. I make sure she spends as much time overseas as possible. She's happy. I'm happy. It's a good arrangement." We went in through the front door. Rather than heading back towards the huge living room where the party could be heard we veered down a short hallway and then down stairs into a recreation room. And who was it who I saw sitting on a couch watching television? It was Tristan! "Tristan, buddy, can you keep our new friend Tim here entertained for a little bit? I need to go put the party on auto-pilot for a little while." "Sure dad! I was speechless, and hugely confused. Ben was smiling mischievously. "I'm just going to tell Anne to keep things going. She lives for this kind of shit." I laughed. "No shit!" I had no idea what the hell was going on. At that moment I thought that Ben was just being very friendly. I knew that Anne was destined for great things in the company. And Ben was obviously a very considerate guy. He probably could tell that I was out of my element here and just wanted to see that I had a nice time for Anne's sake. Ben left the room. I looked at Tristan, and he smiled at me. "I had fun talking to you earlier! Did your dick get hard?" I had a complete out of body experience. I hovered over the couch and saw Tristan ask the man on the couch (me) if his (my) dick got hard. "Uh, no, Tristan, no it didn't. My dick didn't get hard when we were out there together." "LIAR!!! I SAW you touching your dick a bunch of times! And I bet that it's all hard again, now!" Oh, yes it was. He was so right. Suddenly in a couple of seconds it had swelled to its full size inside my boxers. "I know when a guy REALLY likes me, likes boys. My dad taught me to look out for men who look at me that way. You looked at me that way for sure!" How the hell had I been that obvious? Tristan grinned evilly at me. "If you're all boned up right now, I can take care of it for you. I suck really good!" He was sitting right next to me. And so as soon as these stunning words left his dirty mouth, his hand had jumped over to my crotch, and he started massaging my erect shaft through my pants. I was instantly numb and helpless to this attack. Powerful desire like I had never known before suddenly took over, and all I could do was moan my assent to what he was doing to me now. Tristan smiled as he massaged me even harder. "Yeh, I thought you'd like this. But I know what you really, really want." I must have had a look of pure shock on my face as he stopped his rubbing attack on my crotch, and he suddenly slipped off the couch onto the floor so that he ended up kneeling between my legs. He then began to unbuckle my belt, and then moved to undo my pants. Shit, he was completely serious! He was going to suck my cock! I was about to get blown by a little boy! Some tiny part of my brain, the more sensible part, desperately tried to wade through all the lust and horniness to a place at the forefront of my consciousness, where it made a valiant attempt to right the situation before it was too late. 'This is crazy,' it screamed at me! 'You are about to have sex with a little kid!' 'Yeh, I know. It's going to be great!' And with that the sensible part of me drowned in a sea of desire. Which was also the instant Tristan had succeeded in pulling my shaft out of my pants. "Mmmmm, you got a nice one!" I felt a huge sense of pride at the words Tristan had said about my cock. I felt that he desired me every bit as much as I desired him. He fisted my cock a few times, before lining it up to take into his mouth. I stared at him wide eyed and still in disbelief that he was actually going to do this for me. But then, sure enough, he opened his mouth wide and descended on it. And suddenly about half my cock was engulfed in his warm, wet mouth, and his tongue was all over the place. I groaned with a pleasure that little boys just were not supposed to be able to provide. I then sank back into the couch, helpless, and just let Tristan take me to the happy place he wanted us to go together. I knew I wouldn't last long at all. I had only ever known a blowjob from my wife, and a few other girls from high-school, and then college. But this was way better. Just the knowledge that this hugely desirable boy was down on the floor, between my legs, making all those loud slobbering noises, as his slick mouth and tongue went up and down, up and down on my long shaft 3; I felt like a king! My hand went out and I gently grabbed him by the hair, and I babbled, "Yeh, suck me little boy. Suck me!" Tristan could sense I was getting close. He obviously had a lot of experience at this. He grabbed my shaft with both hands and then started going at it even faster. This was more than I could ever hope to endure for very long. "Oh, Jesus, sweet baby, I'm gonna' cum!" I involuntarily pressed his face into my crotch with both hands, while at the same time thrusting my crotch into his face as hard as I could. I held him there as my jizm streamed out of me, and went straight down his throat. He didn't struggle at all as I held him there for what seemed like a long time. I then released him, and collapsed limply back into the couch. My cock was utterly deflated. I had never been so satisfied in my life. "Damn! You came a lot. It all went right down my throat. I didn't even get to taste it." "Sorry, little guy. I'll make sure to jizz right on your tongue next time." And I prayed there would be a next time. I felt actually proud that this little kid had wanted me, wanted my dick. But I was also in disbelief. Had this really happened? The fact that my wet dick was sticking out of my pants convinced me that it did. I got up and zipped myself. I badly needed something to drink. There was also what looked to be a small wet bar in the room. I walked over to that and found a small refrigerator. I grabbed a coke for myself, as well as one for Tristan. He looked so happy, so pleased with himself, like he had done something important and good. I guessed that this little boy just loved to please! I spontaneously gave the kid a hug. He at that moment seemed more cute and appealing than ever before, with a goofy cocksuckers grin he had on his face, so very proud of himself, seeming to say "I just did something soooooo cool!" And I also couldn't help myself, and I leaned down and kissed him right on the mouth. And he returned my kiss, his tongue going right into my mouth. We stayed like that for a while, me all wrapped around him, sucking face like two lovers. But then I was startled when I heard Ben returned to the room. "Well, sure had you pegged! Leave you alone for Tristan for 20 minutes, and you're all over him, like a priest!" There certainly was no condemnation in his tone. And I was not surprised by the flippant way the man seemed to be dealing with the site of another man deep-kissing his son. Tristan had after all said that his dad had taught him to cruise for men like me. And I had sensed all along that Tristan's actions had the man's blessing. "You blow him already, Tristan?" "Yep! Sure did, dad!" "Good boy." Ben walked over to Trisan, as I stepped aside. He then leaned down and kissed the boy, and fondled his crotch. "Mmmmmm, dad, I sure do need to cum! Sucking Tim made me all horny!" "I need to talk to Tim for a while, kid. So why don't you go to bed, and play with yourself if you need to." "Ah, shit dad! I'd rather you do it!" "Look, Tristan, I'll be up in a while after the party. I'll spend all night poking your butt. You can hold out for a little while longer, ok? " "Oh, ok. I guess so." Tristan looked at me before leaving to go to bed. "I liked sucking you! Hope dad let's me do it again!" "Me, too, Tristan!" Ben then said, "Don't worry guys. You'll be seeing a lot of each other!" What did this evil man have planned for me?
Send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Bill Anderson - A Suitable Candidate in the subject line. |