Daddy Rob 2This Must Be Love |
SummaryA young lad, his father and the bodyguard who not only protects them but brings them so much closer.
Publ. August 2016
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CharactersBern (adult), Fields, Darcy (boy) Category & Story codesConsensual storyMb – cons mast oral anal implied – incest (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.
If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at Daddyrob2(at)hushmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Daddy Rob 2: This Must Be Love in the subject line. |
The phone rang and began to dance about on the kitchen table with a buzzing undertone. Bern grabbed it up glancing at the caller I.D.: work. "Hi, it's me, live and in-person." "Hey, buddy. It's Cal. I've got a sweet gig for you. Saturday, high roller, towing in with himself, nanny, kid, and his own chef. Needs a couple of shadows; one for himself and one for the nanny and kid. Could be a few days. Depends on how well he plays. I've got Freddy for the guy. How's about you take on the remainder?" "Sounds good." Bern had already made his way to the computer. As Cal gave the particulars the data was entered. As it unfolded he began to run scenarios through his mind. In typical Bern style he was already on the job. Bern was a power-house of a man. Full running back in college he had been scouted for the NFL but he had another career in mind and his degree in police sciences gave him the boost to get into the FBI. Being accepted had been the proudest moment of his life. Year after year he moved where directed, began to use his analytical gifts, and moved up and into behavioral analytics. Then the big league. Case after case, many high profile, Bern saw the aftermath of twisted minds: the bodies, the degradation, the unbelievable stench. He rode it out another five years before he met the case that quashed his dream. He only ever referred to it as the case. It was enough. If more was mentioned then the nightmares might begin again. So what does an ex agent do for work? He becomes a gun-toting, suit-wearing body guard. Presenting himself at the agency downtown they were impressed with his hulking presence and great background checks and he was impressed with the huge payoff. Bern loved the usually calm pace (the famous had their own challenges) and all the perks that come with the rich. And, sweetest of all, there was no travelling. Client came in, was met at the airport (usually), was informed of how his itinerary had been synced with Berns' expertise, and was covered until he departed. Sweet, few complications, and often several days off between gigs. Bern had a modest home with a mortgage easily handled, one he could not have afforded as an agent, a decent car, and a good solid group of friends. If there was anything missing he coped with it. Why pick when the bush was this rife? If he didn't have it all, he had most of it. On the day Bern and Freddy met the entourage at the airport. Mr Fields was a friendly kind of guy, happy face, big smile, toting his kid in his arms. Darcy, too, sported a winner of a grin. Even the nanny, Ms Walsh, beamed as she brought up the rear. Freddy snorted, "Oh, geeze, it's the fucking Von Trappes." As Freddy laid out the basics everone was ushered into the limo. The chef had arrived on an earlier flight much to Berns' annoyance. "We have to be kept in the loop on any changes. He should have been met by us." "He's the chef. Darcy has a peanut allergy. You're mostly hired to keep my son safe. I lost his mother a couple of years ago." Glancing at the blonde kid he uttered, "It was more than enough loss in a lifetime." Turning to Bern he steeled his voice, suddenly the sweet face took on a menacing visage. "No more." Bern nodded slowly. Then offered his confirming half smile which relaxed his client. Bern liked the guy; solid priorities. And the boy was curious and alert and solidly secure. Yup, this Mr Fields was solid. The hotel suite was massive; bigger than Berns' three bedroom bungalow. Ornately adorned, it sported six bedrooms with its own bathroom, separate living, dining, and kitchen. There was a professional looking bar and a ballroom with a full white grand piano. Ms Walsh saw to the bags being slightly peeved that neither bodyguard would assist. Freddy explained: "We have one job. We are always armed. Hands must always be free. We never tote, fetch, or lug." She may have been ticked but the chef, Ray, burst out into uproarious laughter. Freddy sidled, "The other Von Trappe." After their lunch a tour about town was on the agenda. The limo toured through the upper shopping districts which prompted Mr Fields to order a stop and the entourage walked with Freddy at eleven o'clock of Fields and Bern at five behind Walsh. Bern enjoyed the family outing. Darcy being a typical kid wanted that laptop or this toy or that sweet or a new phone. "Gee, daddy, it has GPS." And Fields was unrelenting if not amused. "So where will you go – Outer Mongolia? You've got a phone." "You have a desktop. What do ya need a laptop for? Planning on taking a meeting?" "No sweets. You just ate." "You are not getting that. I'm not made of money, honey." And both Fields had the same kind of rolling laugh. Even Freddy cracked a grin or two. After the evening meal Freddy and Mr Fields went in their way. As Darcy was given his bath Ray chatted amiably with Bern. And Ray proved to be a fountain of information. Fields was a tech genius who had made his fortune in electronic parts. Now the patents allowed the dough to roll in. Lots of jealousy in the industry and even more regular people looking for hand outs with their oh-so-sad stories. Walsh was single and had been with them for about four months. The others never stayed too long – too much travelling. Darcy had the allergy but otherwise was a regular kid. Ray had been with the Fields for ten years. As Ray gabbed Bern took in any nugget that might prove useful. The next few days were more of the same. The basic routine was in play: breakfast, sightseeing, back for lunch, more sightseeing, dinner, Fields and Freddy off downstairs to the casino, Darcy bath and bed. Then Fields came back, either happy or not, and everyone in bed. Freddy and Bern split couch duties – one night Freddy got the couch and Bern the room, the next it was reversed. The couch was comfortable enough but there was never a deep sleep, especially with a hot gun tucked in quick grasping reach. Then came Wednesday night 3; Bern was laying back on the couch as Freddy gave the signal before allowing Fields to open the door and enter. Fields was grinning. "You boys want a drink?" Bern nodded. "Go ahead, Freddy. I've got this." But his partner declined. Neither was a drinker. Even wine at dinner would have been unusual. As Cal always said: "Show me a B.G. who can pack it away and I'll show you a dead client." A drink at the wrong time could get a guy fired. After a round of chit-chat the two men headed off letting Bern lay back to doze. He pondered the life the Fields lived. It was summer so Darcy wasn't in school. He wondered if the kid went to school or was tutored. Probably not. Fields was a good father. Most likely a day school. Let the kid have friends, peers to gang with. Yeah, nice life. And so young still. Fuck, he had a cute smile. Nice green eyes. Big. Open. Taking in the world. Jesus, he was a heart breaker. Bern turned on his side. No point thinking like this or he'd never get to sleep. At least not without release. Bern grinned. How long had it been since he'd even done that? Five, maybe six, days. Okay, don't think about it. Count sheep or bullets or 3; The slight noise alerted his adrenaline. Still with a forced steady breathing his ears began to detect. Hushed voice. Female. Slight rustling of cloth. Getting closer. Far end of couch. Three o'clock of his feet. Time now: close to two-thirty. Soft female murmurs. Then he heard: "But it's so late." That was Darcys' whisper. Hand under the cushion. A grip in the handle. Swift slide out and he was up, gun drawn on the kid and the nanny. She was dressed in slacks and runners – not a good sign for this miss priss. The wide-eyed of fear gave her away. "Talk." She stared at the cold steel then the even colder eyes. She sputtered several starts but gave up trying. She was frozen. "Darcy. Behind me. Now." The boy still confused by this change of game ran and stood behind Bern. With his hands holding onto the back loops of the bodyguards belt he poked his head around. Boy, did Miss Walsh ever look strange. "The piece doesn't move til you talk." She stared. She shifted her weight but froze when she heard a soft warning of "don't." Walsh tried to breathe. "Agent." The sudden boom of Berns' voice caused her to jump. Then Freddy appeared in T-shirt and boxers, gun drawn and raised at his partners quarry. "I got her." Bern slipped the piece inside the back of his pant waist, pushed the kid further back, and quickly moved in. Pulling her wrist she was spun before the other was grabbed and both yanked up her back. "Ow! You're hurting!" "Talk." He pulled the cuffs from his front pocket and she was manacled. Staring at Freddy she stammered out her pitiful tale of an abusive boyfriend, she was forced into this, she liked the kid, blah, blah, blah. Both men had heard it all before. "She's clean," Bern said after a rough pat down. He nodded to Freddy who lowered his gun. "Get the boss."
The next day started much later for the Fields. The guards were up with Ray who'd missed the excitement. Even in his horrified state he pulled together a winner of a breakfast. The Fields got up in time for lunch. The conversation was dotted with references to Walsh, the police, the kidnap plot but the mister would then steer the conversation towards happier thoughts if only for the kids sake. The afternoon at the zoo was fine but both Freddy and Bern were sensitive to Mr Fields constant anxiety. It would take days to calm the fear away. Dinner was done and Freddy and client headed downstairs. He called twice in the first hour just to check on his son. "Come on." Darcy tugged at Berns' meaty fingers. Bern grinned. "What do you think you're doing?" "Bath time." Bern stared then laughed. "All right, little man. Bath time." Darcy let out a howl of laughter as he was flung over one of the bears shoulders. Giggling he flew backwards with arms stretched out before him. He was plunked down on his bathroom floor. As Bern set to filling the tub Darcy undressed. "Do you like warm or hot?" Bern asked feeling the gushing water. "I never thought about it. The nanny's just fill it and I get in." He mulled it over. "How hot does it get?" "Don't worry. I won't scald you." "Ready." Bern looked over his shoulder before slowly turning about on his knees. He eyed the boy over quickly but making notes. Pale skin, small nips, lightly colored, inny navel, small dick, cut, small scrotum, knobby knees but well proportioned thighs and calves. He reached under the kids armpits and hovered the dangling feet above the water. "I'll go slow and you let me know if it's too hot." He saw the toes slowly submerge. "Okay?" "Okay." Bern looked in front and found he was staring at the kids crotch. For a moment he stopped, caught himself, then brought the kid down. Letting go he watched Darcy sit in the water. "Well?" "It's good, fine." Darcy reached for his boats. As he played Bern sat on the toilet lid. "I never had a guy nanny before." "Still don't. Guess you'll get a new one when you get back home. For now my duties have expanded not changed." Darcy looked up with a beaming smile. "I think you'd make a good nanny." Bern sat up with his own grin. "How's that?" "The bath is perfect." Darcy lifted the bar of soap. "Here. You can wash me now."
Bern sat back on the couch nursing a cola. At least the little fucker was finally asleep. And when the guys returned he headed off to bed. As he slowly soaped his hirsute chest he remembered the feel of the lads flesh. The muscles, the softness of the skin. The firmness of the bubble butt 3; Bern was surprised by the firmness of his own erection. Between the soap and the pulse of the shower it was a healthy slow and troubled climax. At least now he'd sleep deep. And during the night he felt the need for another release. As he reached the point of no return he softly groaned the kids name.
Another day followed and then on the next Mr Fields announced a change of plans. "I'm going to San Fransisco for the afternoon. I'll be back about noon tomorrow. Fred, you come with, Bern you watch my son." "But I wanna go," Darcy complained. "Nope. Business. You'll be better off here. I'll be back around this time tomorrow." Bern was non-plussed but for twenty four hours he was willing to play nanny-bodyguard. Darcy grinned at Bern and Bern smirked back. He knew what the monster was thinking. Bern took Darcy to an afternoon matinee and a stroll through the park. He rented a paddle pontoon so they could tour the small lake. Bern loved the way the kid laughed. And Darcy got the bright idea of going for a swim so Bern picked up a bathing suit before they headed back to the hotel. Once dinner was done they both donned their suits, wearing them under shorts and tanks they headed to the fifth floor swimming pool. In the change room Bern took a locker which he charged to the room. Darcy stared in awe as Bern revealed his muscular physique. The boy had never seen a man of such stature. Bern looked like a god. When he closed the locker and grinned down at Darcy the kid felt giddy. This mountain of a man was his bodyguard. His alone. They swam and splashed in the crowded pool, laughing in their horseplay. They had so much fun that they played until it closed at ten. "Guess I don't need a bath after all that swimming," Darcy grinned. "Nice try. You gotta get rid of the chlorine and God knows what else." As Bern filled the tub the kid reluctantly submitted to his nightly bath and stripped. By himself he climbed into the tub sitting as the water rose. "You should get in the bath, too, and clean off the gunk." "Not going to happen." Bern chuckled at the lads chagrine. "I'll shower after you go to bed." "But you could fit in here. I don't take up much room." "No, you don't. But that's not going to happen. If you have a bath with someone maybe it should be your dad. Have you ever asked him?" "Daddy? Do you think he would?" "Don't know. Only one way to find out." "What if he says no or gets mad?" "Nothing to get mad about and a no is just a no. At least you tried." Darcy pondered that for awhile. "If he won't will you then?" Bern laughed. "See to your dad first." Darcy spent the next day planning his strategy. But the move happened at dinner when the boy asked his father to stay home and much to his delight his father agreed. "Come on, daddy. Bath time." Darcy led his father into his bathroom. He began to strip as the water was adjusted by his dad. "What did you do in San Francisco?" "Hmm? Oh, just business stuff. What did you get up to?" He listened as his son regaled him with full details. "Sounds like you had a good time with Bern." "Yeah, he's nice." Darcy put his arms about the kneeling mans shoulders. "But it's more fun when you're there." Fields held his naked son. "I try to be there as often as I can but I do have to look into my business every now and then." He lifted the lad into the tub. "Now you play and get clean." He steered one of the boats as his boy manoeuvred the other. "Don't go so far back. I can't reach," he chuckled. "You could if you got in," Darcy grinned mischievously. "Think so, hunh?" "Why don't you?" Then he spoke excitedly. "Yeah. Come on, daddy. Get in. Let's play boats together." Fields let his fingers wade. He looked at his happy son. "You really want me to?" "Yeah. It'll be fun!" Fields pushed back from the tub. Standing he began to undo his shirt. Darcy clapped "yeah" as his dad closed the bathroom door then toed his shoes off. He watched with a big grin as the shirt came off then the socks and pants. Without hesitation the shorts were slipped down and off. His daddy wasn't hairy like Bern except for his big bush. As the man climbed into the deep end Darcy said innocently, "you're really big, hunh?" "Not really. Just compared to you. There are guys lots bigger than me." Darcy handed over a boat. "Here. You can skipper this one." And they played their own version of battleship. As the game petered out Fields soaped his sons chest and shoulders. "You wash me better than anyone, daddy." "Well, maybe it's because I love you better than anyone." His soapy hands washed the tummy. Then he slid the soap over the boy's submerged sex. He marvelled at their small perfection. "That feels good, daddy," Darcy said softly. "I can tell," he grinned. His fingers danced on the little hard-on. "Every guy likes to have his dink played with." Darcy looked at his handsome father's face. "Even you?" Fields half-smirked, "oh, especially me." He planted a light kiss on the pert nose. "Do you want to try?" Without further ado, Darcy plunged his hands down and began to feel his dad's cock and balls. "You feel so big!" "No. I'm pretty average. You'll probably be about my size when you grow up. See even now as hard as it is it's only about six inches or so." "Feels really big to me!" "Yeah, I guess it does." Fields rose out of the water on his knees. He watched the boy fondle his proud hard-on. "I have to admit, your small hands make my cock look gigantic." He petted his sons head. "I've had enough bath time. Let's get out of here." As the water drained Fields dried his son then himself. He put PJs on the boy then plodded down the hall naked, clothes bundled in one arm and his free hand holding his sons. The door was locked shut then the bundle tossed to the floor. The night table lamp was on. Fields pulled back the covers. "Whee!" Darcy squealed as he was lifted and dropped on the bed. Laughing the kid rolled over. He looked up to see his father gripping his hard-on. "Can we still play?" "You better believe it." Lifting Darcy to his feet the pyjamas were removed. "Much better." His fingers fondled the young sex. "You've gotta nice pair of ballys, son. Very nice." Darcy was laid down as Fields climbed in beside him. They both began to grab at each other's dicks. "Your hands feel so good, son. I've been dreaming of this for a long time." "You mean playing like this?" "Well, that, too." Fields pecked his sons lips. "But that's only a small part of it backed up by lots of love and need." He pulled the boy into his arms, hugging him fiercely. "It is time for you to take your rightful place beside daddy." He sniffed the boy's hair. "Oh, I do love you. And I want to show you how much."
Bern and Freddy played cards. The Fields only seemed to emerge for meals. It was fine with the bodyguards. A nice easy gig. After a few days Fields and the kid were finally ready to get out of the hotel. The four took a sightseeing tour on a bus then stopped at every store they could find including a jewelry store where father and son bought matching rings and watches. They seemed to be lost in their own private world though there was still plenty of laughter between them. Freddy once again accompanied his boss on a two night stay in San Francisco leaving a moping Darcy behind. Bern soon pulled the kid out of his funk. They found an arcade and spent the better part of the day there. And after dinner and a couple of sitcoms they were once more in the bathroom. As Bern drew the water he asked, "how was your dad doing?" "Busy but he misses me. He's getting me a new phone for me as a present." "Nice." The boy climbed in. "Will you come in, too?" "No, I don't think so." "Daddy said it was alright." Bern cocked his head. "What do you mean?" "I asked daddy since he wasn't here if you could have a bath with me and he said it was up to me but he was okay with it." "He did, hunh?" "No, really he did. I promise. Now he has bath time with me every night." The child radiated happiness. Bern grinned. "See. I was right. All you had to do was ask him. I'll bet he enjoys it as much as you." "More" and the kid broke into a million giggles. Bern stood. He pulled his belt free before unbuckling. "Okay, little man, I'm diving in." Darcy watched with undiluted admiration as the hulk disrobed. The lad was fascinated by the large biceps, packed chest, and ribbed abs. But the cock was something to behold. Much larger than daddies it hung low and far with silky purplish knob that was also plump. The dick practically hid the big hairy nutsack. And as he climbed in and sat in the shallower end the whole set swung heavily. Darcy grinned in open admiration. "You're so much bigger than daddy." Bern laughed. "Maybe so but he loves you more." Boldly Darcy crawled further up between the splayed legs. He stared at the sunken treasure. "Can I touch?" Bern rested his arms on the shelfs of the tub. "Not sure you should." Darcy wore a look of sheer anticipation. "Pretty please." "Do you touch your dad's?" When the kid blushed deeply the man grinned. "Thought so. Go for it, kid. I'm all yours." What surprised Darcy most was the hefty weight of it. As he squeezed the cock with slow deliberate intent rose up fatter and stronger than he could have imagined. His hands by themselves were too small to grasp fully so both hands were used to pull up and down Berns' pole. "That feels so good, baby." He closed his eyes as the lad explored every part of the body before him. Those small hands roamed over every curve and hairy bump until the water cooled. "Darcey? Why don't we drop this bath and have us some real guy fun?"
Bern gentley lay the boy down. His hands soothed over small frame. Fingers tweaked the nipples and played in the bellybutton. They felt the thin chest and tummy and felt the strong thighs. Carefully he spread the legs allowing his fingers to trail up the inner thighs. Bern lowered his body down lifting the legs over his shoulders. His eyes watched lustfully as fingers fondled and pulled at the tiny peas and the pencil dick. The oh-so-soft flesh of the small bag made his heart thunder. His face lowered. Nearer and nearer until his tongue lapped at the boyballs. They bounced and rolled over his tender tongue. The boy's sighs encouraging the exploring tongue. Light nibbles teased the balls before the prick assault. The warmth moved easily over his slightly parted lips until he reached the tiny knob. With the tongue moistening the head he began to suck. The pricklet throbbed and wavered as he suckled. Then lowering his jaw he scooped in the balls to now suckle the boy package. Darcy sighed as his body was enveloped in a man's desire for him. Fingers combed through Berns' thinning hair as he experienced a new kind of blowjob. Releasing his treasure the legs were pushed up the boy's body allowing his tongue to find the sweet hole. The prodding tip sourced the rim teasingly. As he darted against the sweetness he could taste a sore rawness. Bern grinned as he thought lucky daddy. With force the tongue slid into the raw vessel coating the boy in sweet spit. As Darcy felt his legs find the bed he opened his eyes to see Berns' rugged face hovering above his own. "That was good," he sighed. "I think your daddy has poked your virginity away. Your boyhole tastes a little tender. Does daddy fuck you?" Darcy smiled shyly. "Do you want to suck some fat cock?" The lad grinned. As Bern rolled onto his back Darcy quickly scooted over grasping the hefty meat. Laying his head on the hairy abs his tongue flicked about the swollen knob. The heat was amazing. The little tongue flitted about the piss slit coaxing for the juice Darcy had come to crave. Bern wasn't as juicy as daddy but it was awfully big. The boy had to really stretch just to get half of the knob in his mouth. "Oh, fuck, sweety. You've got a great mouth. Suck my fat cock, baby. Take care of me." The boy sucked greedily mounting the pressure as the dribbles of precum coated his tongue. He wanted more. No matter how he manoeuvred his mouth could take no more in. He stopped trying and just sucked on what he could. His tongue flicked as he happily sucked cock. "Fuck, baby, that's good. Sweet mouth. You want some German cum, baby? Would you like that, honey?" Bern flipped the boy on his back as he straddled the smooth torso. He pumped his cock hard as it leaned close to the boy's face. "I'm gonna shoot for you, baby. Gonna get you a load of cum for my sweet young cocksucker. Yeah, baby, so close. My sweet little cockboy." Darcy heard the pants and groans and opened his mouth anxious to taste cum from a fat cock. The body above began to twitch and rock. Then suddenly the knob was sitting at his mouth. And the flood began. "Take it, baby. Sweet Jesus. My fucking cum 3; Your mouth 3; Swallow, swallow. Oh mother of god! Ash! Take it, sweet bitch. Swallow my cum." Darcy did his best. The strong pungent essence flowed down his throat just the way daddy had taught him to. Lovely gooey cum. Happily he swallowed most of it and knew he'd be able to coax another load or two before the night was out.
Mr Fields returned with the promised phone for Darcy. The manager came up to the suite as Fields settled the bill. Bags were packed and the following morning they were dropped off at the airport. Bern saw both Fields to the tarmac as Freddy inspected the plane. "Got a new client lined up?" Bern looked at Mr Fields. "Probably. I'll get a call in a couple of days or so. And you two? Straight home?" "Yeah. It'll be good to put my feet up in my own place." He hesitated a moment. "Darcy likes you. He told me about your time together. I like to have people around who think like me. Want to work for me full-time? You'd have to live in. Darcy is a good cocksucker but I can take all the cock you've got." He handed over a business card. "My private cell. Think it over." Bern did think it over. Guess what he did? The EndSupport this site by a donation today. |
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