UnknownwriterWhat's In Store? |
SummaryA boy missing his big brother, tries to find ways to make him feel like a little boy again. Thankfully he meets someone who can help and his real little brother, who doesn't.
Publ. May 2015
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CharactersToby Madison (14yo), Blake (11yo), Doyle Quinn (16yo), Ritchie (11yo), and various local boys Category & Story codesTie-Up & Spanking Boy storyt(solo) bt tt – cons – bond spank clothing age-regression diapers (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Unknownwriter – What's In Store? in the subject line. |
Chapter OneToby Madison sat looking at his computer like he did every time he was home alone, trying to sum up the courage to do the one thing he'd always dreamed about, to make himself back into the baby brother he'd once been to his parent's first born son. Those were some of the happiest memories the fourteen year old had, even though they were now over ten years old, but still he clung to their memory, as if that could block out that fate full day when his big brother hadn't returned home from a trip to the shops. No one had explained to the then four year old Toby, how the accident had been no one's fault and that these things just happen. Toby just missed the big brother who used to take care of him. Time had passed, and Toby adjusted as best he could to the role that came along a year later of himself becoming the oldest sibling to his little brother Blake, but being the one who was expected to know everything didn't really suit him, especially when it became clear that Blake himself was somewhat gifted, meaning that these days the eleven year old was already surpassing Toby at school and elsewhere. This being what had lead Toby to start to imagine their roles were reversed, and that Blake was his big brother rather than three years his junior. A teenager's mind is a strange thing, so in thinking through this possibility it seemed logical to Toby that he could make it happen, he just had to find out how that could be done, so like nearly everybody else on the planet when faced with a problem he couldn't see a solution to, he went on line. At first the search was totally fruitless but then Toby hit upon the magic words 'age regression' and from there it all started to slot into place first with school based tales of public school boys being put back into short trousers and treated as junior boys, and then with more modern tales of the same things happening at home. So it was that Toby started to ditch the jeans, of his peers, and began wearing shorts all the time, at least around the house, as he daren't wear them at school for fear of ridicule, but he did wear them at nearly all other times which was a started, but there was one more step he seemed destined to take and that was into nappies. It hadn't occurred to Toby at the start of his search but for nearly all the time he'd been the younger brother, he'd been wearing nappies as he'd been a little late to toilet train. Yet this thought didn't emerge until he came across what he would later learn was a double age regression story. In the first part of this, the teenager in question went back into short trousers as in all the other stories he'd found, but when that didn't cure his rebellious streak, his punishment was taken one stage further, and he was reduced in age for a second time. Over all the teenager went down to the age of ten and then all the way down to toddler hood, complete with nappies, eating in a highchair and sleeping in a cot. Everything that Toby had been doing at the age of four. From that moment on, Toby's research shifted away from teen-to-preteen regressions and into teen-to-baby ones. Some of the same sites he'd used previously now provided this new twist, but soon he was forced to widen his search to others, and it wasn't long before his mind was being opened up to the world of teen babies, and those teenagers like himself who wanted to re-live the carefree life of a toddler rather than the hectic one they current went through day in and day out. In doing so the nature of his reading matter changed too. Soon he was no longer reading stories of teenagers who had been forced into nappies, and instead, he found seemingly endless accounts of teenage boys who wanted to wear nappies. Which is where the idea now floating around inside his shaggy head came to him. Why couldn't he do that too? It had been the week before when in a conversation about something else entirely, Blake had mentioned how the internet could be used to find just about anything to buy locally, that Toby had appeared to challenge his brother to 'find nappies big enough for an adult or even a teenager.' In a few key strokes the eleven year old not only bought up a list of dozen of such places. A list that Toby later retrieved for himself, and which was now on his own computer where he'd gone through it one by one, knocking out anywhere where it was the slightest bit possible he'd know someone, or that someone would know him, until he was left with just two choices. Both of them were on the other side of town, with one being right near the end of the same bus route that ran across the end of the road Toby lived on. It was this one, that Toby made plans to visit. Both the Madison brothers were given a healthy allowance of which Toby spent very little so money wasn't going to be an issue so it was just a matter of waiting for the right time to go and get the nappies. Oh and to summon up the courage to do it. Dressed in his favourite white shorts and blue sleeveless shirt, Toby waited sat on the bus, thinking everyone was looking at him, and knew what he was doing, but, as the bus got nearer and nearer to the end of the run, Toby soon found himself sitting alone, his mind wondering back to those golden days when he had a big brother to look after him. The conductor shaking his shoulder, had made Toby jump but it was just to tell him that they were at the end of the line, and soon he was standing in the strange part of town, where they sold nappies. He arrived, at the shop that surprised him by looking like every other store he'd ever seen, even if the window displays of wheelchairs, ramps, and crutches were a little unusual to say the least. This theme was continued inside, with all sort of apparatus that wouldn't look out of place in a hospital, as befitting somewhere listed as "Medical supplies." There in the middle, and lining almost the entire length of the wall, along with several side isles, was the things Toby had come looking for. Nappies. He headed towards it, with some confidants, right up until he found the sign saying "Youth Nappies – Age 12-14" when he suddenly became so self conscious that he had to stop once more to see if anyone was watching him. Only there wasn't. In fact, he now noticed, there was no one there at all. Turning his attention away from non-existing watchers, Toby found himself faced with a choice of three brand names, as well as a couple of generic packs of nappies, all in his size and all, as far as he could tell, pretty much the same making his decision of what to buy even harder than it already was, until that is, he spotted a special offer marked on one pack, saying they came with a few pair of plastic pants, which although he didn't want, a bargain was a bargain so it was that pack he took up to the counter a short time later. There was no one there either, but a sign said 'Ring Bell for Assistance' so that's what Toby did and sure enough a few seconds later, a figure emerged from the back room. Not wanting to spend any longer buying nappies than he had to, Toby, acting as if he did this every day said, "Just these thanks." "Sure thing!" came the reply in a voice that made Toby look up from where he'd been watching the front door, to find himself looking at a youth not much older than himself who's name badge proclaimed him to be Doyle Quinn, sales Assistant. Even so Toby asked if he worked there. "Only at weekends." The youth replied, while picking up the nappies and running them over the bar code scanner. However when he'd done that, he paused, looked over the counter at what Toby was wearing and then whispered, "There's some things you might be interested in." Toby in turned studied the youth, who despite his age appeared to be dressed somewhat casually in a plain black t-shirt and large track suit trousers but most striking of all was his hair which didn't suit his age at all. In fact, it was that of a much younger boy. A very much younger boy. The sort of haircut that Toby himself would have had, if he'd had the nerve to walk around looking like a pre-teen boy. "Tell you what, why don't I show you. Hang on there a minute." Before Toby could say anything, Doyle left the till, nipped into the back room, before returning with a medium-sized box in his hands a few minutes later. "These came in by 'accident' the other week, along with some other stuff in a bigger size, but I couldn't find a use for these and I thought you could." Naturally Toby wondered what the older boy meant by that, but didn't say anything until the box was opened, and he found himself looking at a selection of regular looking baby clothes, only in sizes that proclaimed they would fit a fourteen year old boy. "There's some onesies, footed sleepers, rompers, shortalls, and a couple of costumes adjusted to allow room for nappies to be worn underneath, including a junior school uniform," Doyle informed him, ratting off the list from inside his head, despite the fact that Toby didn't really know what some of these things were, and wasn't about to ask. "There's also all the usual stuff too, bottles, sippy cups, bibs, and must better plastic pants than you'll get free with a pack of disposables. Oh and even a harness that can be used as either a walker of in a cot. So how about it?" For a moment Toby didn't say anything, but when he did it was the truth. He didn't have any way to get this stuff home, as he couldn't carry it on the bus, and only had enough money for the nappies anyway." "Oh well," Doyle started to reseal the box, "But if you change your mind they'll probably still be here for you. Tell you what I'll put a card in the bag with your nappies so you can let me know if you want them, okay!" "Okay." That was as far as the conversation went that day between the two teenagers, with only one of them realising that they would be talking again, but neither knowing just how soon that would be. Chapter TwoToby arrived home with his package of nappies hidden within a double skin of plastic bags so there was no way anyone could have seen what he'd been buying, with still an hour to go before anyone would be likely to be joining him which gave him the perfect change to try on one of the items he'd just purchased. It took the fourteen year old only a split second to reach that decision, by which time he was already opening up the package as he climbed the stairs to his bedroom. He did manage to pause long enough to open up the place he was intending to hide the package, in the base of his wardrobe, but that was all he did before he was holding one of the thickly padded white nappies in his hand for the first time. Most teenage boys wouldn't have know what to do next but Toby had read enough teen baby fiction, to know exactly how to go about putting a nappy on himself, and first he had to take off the clothes he was already wearing, which he could do in a flash, as all it took was to drag the shirt over his head, and, while he did that to toe off his shoes, which he'd worn without socks. Then down came his white soccer shorts. Beneath these Toby had taken to wearing briefs rather than the more age appropriate boxers, as they made him feel younger, albeit not as young as the nappy was going to. Going to the end of his bed, Toby unfolded the nappy and laid it out in the middle, taking care to expend the sides so the sticky tabs wouldn't become trapped underneath him, when he sat down upon it, which is what he did next. Having positioned his bare bottom in the middle of the cool, nappy, Toby reached down to pull the front part up though his legs, hearing it crinkling quite loudly as he did so which reminded him of the old days, which is when he remembered that he should be using some sort of powder or oil, but figured that this wouldn't matter as it wasn't as if he would actually be using the nappy for intended purpose. He wasn't really a baby after all. Soon the tapes were fastened on the sides, and Toby was putting his clothes back on, before looking at himself in the mirror where, he was pleased to see for once that his parent's policy of buying clothes a good size too big for him and his brother paid off, as the extra bulk of the nappy could barely be seen beneath the shorts. Happier than he'd been in a while, Toby decided to continue with one of his other rituals when he was home alone, pulled out one of his 'special' DVD's from his stash and headed downstairs to watch it. The video was one he'd loved when he'd been little kid when he'd watch it with his big brother, in the same way he was going to do that day. Sitting crossed legged on the floor. The movie was only half way through when the front door opened allowing his parents, come in. "There you are Toby," his dad said, "Come on, Let's go." "Go? Go where?" "I knew you'd forget," his mum scolded him, "We're going to dinner, now come on put some shoes on and let's go." "Can't I get changed first?" Toby asked, not unrealistically given he was dressed more for a sports meet than a formal dinner. "No time," Dad replied, adding, that they were only going to a pub so it didn't matter what he was wearing. With no option, Toby got to his feet, only to be made suddenly aware of just how loud the crinkly sounds made by a nappy could be. Thankfully there was no one nearby to hear, but there was no chance to make it back to his room either for a change of clothing as his mum had already found him a pair of trainers from under the stairs and was holding them out for him to put on by the front door. Half expecting someone to ask what noise was, Toby made it to the car where Blake was waiting dressed in the sort of scruffy way that eleven year olds can carry off without seemingly putting any effort into it. Turning around to put his seat belt on, once more made the nappy cry out, but again no one noticed, and Toby was starting to think that he might actual get away with it. The pub they ended up in was some way from their house, but it was also quiet and the family were seated in a booth, with Toby in the middle, and somewhat trapped as there was no way he'd be able to scoot passed either his parents or his brother, without then noticing the sounds coming from under his shorts, especially as the seat covering seemed to make the noises even louder, so it was with some relief that once the meal was finished, he and his brother were told to go and play out back in the pub's enclosed garden while their parents enjoyed a quiet drink on their own. As it happened neither of the brothers wanted to 'play' but for different reasons. Blake just wanted to read the book he'd bought with him, and which he did, sitting not in the garden, but at the front of the pub, on a window sill. Toby, meanwhile didn't want to risk being close enough to be heard so sought out a quiet spot of his own. Which is when he ran into the group of boys local to the area, some of which he knew from school. The boys weren't Toby's friends but they weren't his enemies either, so it wasn't long before the usual greetings were given, and lives compared until they all knew as much about each other as they were likely too without actually becoming friends, and a game of pro-wrestling was suggested. This was something that was all the rage amongst the earlier years and which Toby at fourteen already thought himself above, although the reason he wanted to sit it out this time had more to do with the nappy he was wearing than anything else. It didn't take long for the other boys to notice that he wasn't taking part but a little longer for Toby to notice that his lack of activity had been spotted by which time the others had already surrounded him awaiting for the call that was soon to come. "Pile on the shorts kid." Toby didn't hesitate, as he'd been in a similar situation with his own peers, in previous years so knew what was coming and what to do to avoid it. He took off running like his life depended on it. Intending to head back to the safety of the pub, Toby instead went the wrong way and ended up in the field behind the kitchen, where he was easily talked to the ground, ending up at the bottom of a heap of sweaty boyhood, that wriggled and moved about on his, as the all clambered for the best hold whilst not wanting to become the bottom of the pile themselves. Laying on his stomach, which his arms and legs trapped by the bodies on top of him Toby could do nothing to prevent the various pinches and pokes that came his way, or the head rubs, but knew if he just lay still they would soon get bored and get off him. However that didn't happen. "Hey what kind of boxers are those?" The words caused Toby to check and sure enough his shorts had come down slightly revealing an inch or so of the nappy he was wearing. Yet before he could make up something about them being a special designer brand, another one of the boys sitting on him came up with the truth. "They look like the nappies my little brother wears." Toby was slightly cheered up when the others didn't believe this, but that feeling only lasted as long as it took for someone to pull his shorts down that little bit more until there was no doubt what he was wearing. "See, they're nappies like I said. He's wearing nappies." There was a moments pause before, as one, the entire group – but for Toby – broke out in a mixture of laughter and giggles as a variety of suggestions were made as to why a boy their age would be wearing such a thing as nappies and there was really only one reason they could think off. Toby must wet himself. "Do you need your nappy changing baby?" one asked quickly followed by all the rest which itself wouldn't have been too bad, as Toby knew he hadn't but then they wanted to check for themselves. "Yeah let's have a look!" By this time the pile had thinned out slightly so they could have a look at the band of white running around the tope of the Toby's shorts, where his shirt had ridden up, but there were still enough boys there, to hold him down while others slowly started to pull his shorts down, inch by inch until they were around his ankles and his nappy was on full show. "He doesn't look wet!" "How can you tell?" asked another and he was informed by the one with the little brother, that the front of the nappy changed colour when they were wet. "So he's no wet then?" "Shame!" "Maybe we can get him to wet for us?" "How?" "We could tickle him?" This they did, running seemingly hundreds of tiny probing fingers all over the exposed parts of Toby's body until the soda he'd drunk with his meal, plus the fact he hadn't gone to the toilet since heading out to the medical supply store, started to make a reappearance in the nappy. "See told you it changed colour when he wet himself." Cried the one who'd rightly predicted this, when the front of the teenager's nappy took on a dark colour as it filled with warm urine. The rest of the boys were silent, and some even backed away slightly, leaving Toby to try and regain control of his bladder and shut out the embarrassment of what he'd just done, wetting himself like a little boy in front of all these younger boys. But there was more to come. "Can we make him shit himself too?" There was a murmur of voices about this, a few against the idea but most in favour, loudly in favour, although it was also at this point that another voice joined the group. An older voice. A voice full of authority. The sort of authority that only a much older boy could have. It was also a voice Toby recognised. "What's going on here?" the voice demanded, causing every head to turn in its direction and then for all the gang to suddenly vanish leaving just Toby laying on the floor in with his clothes pushed aside from his obviously wet nappy, and looking down at him, none other than the very person who'd sold him the nappy, a few hours earlier. Doyle Quinn. "You okay, kid?" the youth asked, in a much kinder one than he'd just scared off the attackers with. "Did they make you wet yourself or did you do that yourself?" Slightly taken aback by the question, Toby answered honestly, "They made me." "Did you bring another nappy with you?" he was next asked, Doyle offering get either it or Toby's parents, neither of which option he was ever going to be taken up on as there was no way Toby wanted his parents to know that (a) he was wearing a nappy and (b) that he'd wet it. Plus, of course, the rest of his stash of nappies, was back at home, along with the all his normal underwear. "I don't think I've got anything that will fit you, but can't go home like that, so we could pop into the pub toilets and get you cleaned up at least, and then you might be able to go home in just your shorts, unless you think you'll likely to wet yourself again before then?" It was a reasonable suggestion, and one which, if nothing else would allow Toby some degree of dignity back so he agreed carefully pulling his shorts up over his nappy before following the older boy around to the side of the pub from where they would have direct access to the facilities, going not into the Gents, but rather into the "Mother and Baby" room, where they would have not only more privacy and room, but access to some of the supplies they were going to need. "Did you pee a little or a lot?" was the first question Toby was asked but Toby wasn't sure himself as he never really thought about the quantity when he went, he just went. "Never mind, best get your shorts completely out of the way in case they're any sort of leaks." Doyle suggested going on to do that himself, as that would clearly be easier, especially as the front of the shorts had to be kept as far from the front of the nappy as they could be. Once the shorts were down around his ankles Toby was asked to lift his feet up and step out of them, which he did, strangely obeying this older boy without even thinking about it as clearly working in a medical supply story had taught him all there was to know about nappies. "Good now lay down on this." A changing mat was produced from amongst the supplies the pub kept in the room, and placed on the floor where, very carefully Toby lay down on it, on his back, which allowed Doyle to start unpeeling the tapes from the sides of his nappy. "Try not to be embarrassed," Doyle said, when the nappy was loose, "I've done this dozens of times before. Just lift up so I can get it out from under you." Oddly, despite having wet himself in front of other boys, and now was about to be totally exposed in front of another one Toby didn't feel embarrassed, as he wasn't really all that shy about his body, at least not when compared to some of his peers, who flatly refused to shower after gym classes at school. This situation was, of course, rather different than that, and yet, at the same time similar, in that Toby was only naked out of necessity. "You know you didn't have the nappy on quite right, but not bad," Doyle continued to talk, as he set about using the baby wipes from the wall dispenser for the job they were designed for, albeit on a rather larger subject whilst explaining just how the nappy should be put on, before asking the question, Toby had been dreading. "So did you enjoy wearing a nappy for the first time?" Toby just looked up at the youth leaning over him and blushed. "Oh don't worry about it, like I said you're not the first kid to come into the store buying nappies for themselves. "Really?" "Yes, although most of them think they're being sneaky about it, but I can spot them a mile away so I try to give them advice just like I did with you." "But how 3;" Toby blurted out, "How do you know 3;" Doyle didn't answer, just leaned back, and pulled the front of his shirt up to shoe the tell tale signs of white sticking out of the top of his track suit trousers. "You're wearing one. You're wearing a nappy?" gasped Toby. "Indeed," Doyle's shirt dropped down, "So like I said, there's no need to be embarrassed. Right I think that's you cleaned up so you'd best be getting back to your family before they miss you, but make sure you wash your hands first, as the soap in here stinks so much it will cover anything else." The final tip Doyle gave Toby was a good one, as even though Mr. Madison complained about the smell of the soap all the way home, no one smelt anything else, or indeed noticed that Toby wasn't wearing anything under his shorts, not even when memories of what had happened started to cause his penis to harden enough to push the front out in a tent like structure that he couldn't wait to take care of in the privacy of his bedroom. As he watched his big brother run up stairs Blake wonder why Toby's shorts were no longer making that rustling sound and if that had anything to do with the excitement he'd exhibited in the car. He was soon to find out. Chapter ThreeA week later and Toby was once more seated at his computer, although he was actually doing his homework this time and yet all the while his mind kept drifting back to the nappies hidden in his wardrobe. He hadn't actually worn one since the day he'd both bought them and been forced to wet one, even though there hadn't been any real repercussions from that day. At school he'd thought he'd heard some giggling aimed in his direction, but then that was a regular thing amongst the younger boys so he couldn't be sure it was actually aimed at him. Thankfully there was no actual mention of nappies, and he didn't see the boys who'd made him wet himself so he figured the matter closed. Or that bullying part of it anyway. His homework soon done, Toby had the rest of the afternoon to himself, so after saving all his work to the public part of his computer, he took a trip in the private side, where he'd stashed all the files to do with 'age regression', including of course nappies. A moment later and Toby was making a round trip collecting, a towel and pot of talcum powder from the bathroom before returning to his room and once back in his room, undressed so he could sprinkle some of the powder over himself before wrapping the towel around his middle to act as a makeshift nappy which was the only option now that he'd run out of the disposable ones he'd bought at the medical store, until such time as he could get back there. Once dressed in his babyish attire, Toby sat back down at the computer, and pulled up the folder containing his favourite stories of teenage boys going back into nappies, either out of their own choice to feel younger, or being forced to do so as punishment for something or other. It being at this point that Blake walked in. The eleven year old was home earlier than expected due to his after school club having been cancelled. Upon arriving home he knew he should check in with his big brother before anything else, and normally he would have knocked, but Toby's door was open, so he just went in. Which is when he saw Toby sitting there wearing what looked like a nappy. Unable to think of anything to say, Blake, backed out of the room, going to his own leaving Toby in more shock than his little brother was, as it had never occurred to him what to do if someone actual saw him, as he'd just assumed that would never happen, and yet now it had. Yet one thing was clear to him. He couldn't just leave it, he would have to talk to his brother, and soon. It was actually nearly half an hour later before Toby, now dressed, found Blake sitting in the kitchen having a snack. When Blake saw him he looked up slowly and asked if he'd really seen what he'd thought he'd seen. For a moment Toby was tempted to lie his way out of it, as Blake had given him the perfect opportunity to do just that, but, he'd always been at ease with Blake, with the pair of them always being more like equals despite the three years between them, even though they had pretty separate lives, so instead of saying it was a joke, or a prank or just about anything other than the truth, Toby told Blake about how he wanted to be young again. "Well," Blake said when his brother was all talked out, "I guess that makes sort of sense. So is that all you've done then? Toby's head hung as he told just about everything he'd done, starting from the initial thoughts, and memories of the time he was a toddler right up to trip to the medical supply store, how helpful Doyle was, and on to the events in the pub where he'd been made to wet himself by the local boys. "Ah right," nodded Blake, "I knew something happened at the pub cos you'd been making this odd crinkling noise on the journey there and you didn't on the way back, plus it was fairly obvious you weren't wearing any undies." A fresh blush crept into Toby's face, "You noticed that? Did mum and dad?" "Don't think so, but they've got other things on their mind, so doubt it even occurred to them that their teenaged son was wearing a nappy." Toby didn't say anything to that as basically there was nothing he could say leaving it to Blake to ask a question. "So, if you had the chance how often would you wear nappies then?" "Don't know," came the honest reply, "Don't think I'd like to wear them all the time, although sometimes I think that might be sort of fun as, after all, toddlers don't get a choice when they wear them do they, so I probably shouldn't either." "Well I guess that makes sense, so perhaps you should have some rules for when you wear them and when you don't." "Like what?" Toby asked, Blake was always good at this sort of thing as he was about to prove. "Well, Ritchie's little brother sometimes has 'accidents' and so he gets told that he has to wear them all the time and can't hide them, even if he has friends come over, or like when I'm there with Ritchie." "You've seen him in his a nappies?" Toby blurted out. "Sure, it's another of the rules like I said, that when he's at home he only wears a t-shirt with his nappy no trousers, so it's fairly obvious." "How old is Ritchie's brother, again?" "Five, or six I think." Toby thought for a moment. "No, he's five cos he's just started proper school." There followed a short pause while Toby thought about this, leaving it to Blake to once more prompt him for an answer about the two rules he'd come up with and if they were okay. "I guess so, but I was thinking about 3;" Toby paused again, before finishing, "Well I was thinking about some more!" "Such as?" "Well, there are times that I want to just sit around in a nappy and that's all but there are other times when I think about what it would be like to be treated like a baby would be. Well, not a real little baby or anything, but a toddler, so I can go back to when I didn't have any problems and things were done for me. You understand?" "I think so. Well maybe a little, but I'm sure once I've read up about it I'll know more about what to do but can I ask you some questions first. When you say you want to be like a toddler does that mean you want to be just like a toddler is and everything a toddler does, like sleep in a crib, a high chair and all of that?" Toby nodded, as he blushed once more. "Okay then, so how about this then, why don't we give it a try the next time mum and dad are out of the way and see if you like it. Then, if you do, we'll see if we can do something about it after all dad did say we could do what we wanted with the basement and they wouldn't interfere." For the next hour or so, the brothers sat around talking about this and that, but mostly the older ones attraction to babyhood, and the various ways they could make this come true in a weeks time when their parents were due to be away out the evening. Each of the boys had been given the chance to invite a friend over for the evening, and Ritchie Newbury was already planning to come, but Toby didn't really have anyone to ask, but Blake had an idea to solve that issue. "Why don't you ask that guy from the medical supply store, you said he was about your age didn't you?" "He's sixteen." Toby pointed out, "Mum and dad aren't going to like having someone that old here, they'll think we're planning a party to trash the house or something." "Good point, but if you're going to be wearing a nappy all evening, then we're going to need someone to know how to put the thing on properly, not to mention we're going to actually need some nappies and other stuff to make it realistic, and obviously that Doyle guy will be able to get all of that from the place he works. They deliver don't they?" "I think so. I've got a card upstairs we can check on that." "Good. Make sure you make a list of everything you're going to need, although I guess you could just ask Doyle to bring what he things is best, to last all evening and to make you look and feel babyish." "Okay!" the teenager agreed readily accepting just how well, and fast, his brother had adapted to the situation, and was making plans as if he'd had months to think about things. That said, in the months he'd been thinking about it Toby hadn't come up with anything more than wrapping a towel around his middle, whereas, in less than an hour, Blake had constructed an entire situation for him to actually wear a real nappy for an entire evening. An evening that he was sure was going to be the best time he'd ever had. Chapter FourIt was a nervous time for Toby, as he waited for his parents to leave the house, hopefully before the visitor he'd invited arrived. The standard lecture about not to burn the house down, had been given, the emergency numbers had been given out, and Mr. And Mrs. Madison finally left their two boys alone to wait for their friends to arrive. Toby retired to his room, while Blake remained downstairs watching TV and keeping a look out which is how he, not only saw Doyle Quinn pull up in the medical supply store's thankfully unmarked van, but had him inside the house and set up before Toby was even aware he'd arrived. "So, we met again," Doyle said as way of introduction, when Toby finally was called downstairs. "Yeah, hello again." The teenager mumbled. "So, I've bought everything you asked for, so are you ready to get diapered?" "Diapered?" "It's the American for Nappy!" Blake helpfully pointed out, managing to annoy his brother in the process. "Yeah I know that, I just wondered why Doyle was saying it that's all." "Probably cos there's no such word as 'nappied'" replied Blake, "And even if there was there shouldn't be cos it sounds stupid." At this point Doyle stepped in, "Ain't that the truth, but I haven't got all night as I've got other deliveries to make, so if you wouldn't mind, I've set everything up in the basement like Blake said, so you'd like to go and get ready Toby, we'll get started." As nervous as he was about what was going to happen Toby was also pretty excited about it too, if only to see just what Doyle had bought with him, so he made his way down to the basement where he was initially disappointed not to see anything different other than for a smooth plastic changing mat having been placed on top a low table. However, when he looked closer he could see that staked beside it was an unopened package of nappies of several different styles plus a brand knew set of clear plastic pants, still in their wrapper. "You'll need to take you shorts off." Doyle said from behind him, making him jump slightly, "And then if you could lay down on the mat, that would be great." It was all done in such a matter of fact fashion that Toby didn't feel the slightest bit put out or embarrassed by the instruction as he probably would have been had a youth only a couple of years older than he was, told him to strip. But then, Doyle had previously told him that he'd done this many times before, he was probably totally used to it and, sure enough, he didn't even look like he was paying Toby any attention as the fourteen year old peeled down his white shorts, and lay down, on his back on the slightly cold, clammy changing mat. As soon as the younger boy was in place, Doyle opened up the nearest package of disposable nappies and was just about to put it on the boy laying in front of him, when the boy spoke. "Erm, Is that going to be enough cos I've been drinking pop all day." "Have you not had a wee yet then?" "No. Not really." "Well, I guess I could put two nappies on you, doubling them up, or maybe even three, I guess." Doyle picked two more out of the package. "Do you think that will be enough?" Toby thought for a moment, or pretended to, as he and Blake had worked out this little play previously, before saying "What about four? That one at the pub didn't seem to hold much, and I hadn't drunk nearly as much that day as I have today." "It's going to make them rather thick, but if that's what you want, you are the costumer after all." Doyle shrugged pulling another nappy out the package, and started opening all four out to make them into a single pad by laying them on top of each other until they made a up something that was approaching two inches thick. "Right lift your bottom up so I can slide these underneath." Doing as he was told, Toby tried not to think about just how exposed his private parts were, although once the combined nappies had been placed under him and he'd lowered himself back down again he had other thighs to think about as he could no longer feel the coldness of the changing mat underneath him, just the soft, warmth of the pile of nappies holding his middle up seemingly in the air. The smell of baby powder then filled the air as Doyle applied a generous amount over Toby's groin without once appearing to look at what he was doing. Then when that was done, he told Toby to spread his legs a bit so he could clutch up the front of the combined nappies, and bring them up between his legs to finally cover him up. "It's really thick!" he mumbled, more to himself than to the boy he was putting the nappies on, but then he was too busy to have a conversation as he now had to bring up the sides but rather than do all four at once, Doyle opted to seal each one closed, one at a time for as he explained to Toby, if he did it any other way then, not only would the nappies tend to slip, but the tapes from one might not be able to hold the weight of all of them, especially when they were filled up. This of course meant that the entire process took quite a long time, as the nappies on the top had to be peeled back slightly so the tapes on those beneath could get a good grip on themselves. Painstakingly, Doyle worked through the nappies, ensuring each and every one of the four Toby was to wear was equally well applied and as tight as they could be. Meanwhile as this went on, Toby not only got to feel the tightness around his middle, but had the strange sensation of his legs being pushed further and further apart. Finally all the nappies were in place and Doyle turned his attention to the new pair of plastic pants he'd bought with him which oddly he never once expressed any doubt over if they would fit or not. Nor did he test them in any way to see if they would. Instead, he just unpacked them, and gave them a good shake, before he started to thread Toby's feet through the leg openings, and work them up his legs. "Lift yourself up again." He instructed when he'd got them as high up teenager's bare legs as he could, so he get them up further around the back of the now bulky nappy, before he finished adjusting the front to make sure everything was tucked in, which left the tight elasticated waistband of the plastic pants just about level with Toby's belly button, with everything between there and the tops of his thighs encased in the clear, see through plastic. "Okay that's it, and just in time too, cos I've got to be out of here. You okay?" Toby didn't say anything as he was too busy getting off the changing table which wasn't all that easy given what he was now wearing, the massive bulk that it had put between his legs, and more importantly the way that his legs were now pushed apart so much that he had no option but to stand with apparently bandy legs. "Let me check you out!" Doyle had finished packing up all his gear, ready to leave, but before he did, he made a final check of the job he'd done putting the multi nappies on the teenager. Tucking in a couple of stray bits around the back before he declared that everything was ready by giving Toby's now thickly covered bottom a couple of quick pats, that caused all the air to be forced from the nappies out of the back of the plastic pants, in a sensation Toby had never felt before. Making his excuses Doyle made his exiting saying he'd show himself out, and doing so before Toby could offer to do it himself, not that he was going to, as there was no way he would be going anywhere near the front door wearing nothing but a giant nappy and plastic pants. In fact even standing in the safety of the basement he felt a little odd, so while he Doyle was talking to Blake on his way out, Toby, headed back to his own bedroom, where he looked for the old pair of sweatpants he'd decided to wear over the nappy in case of emergencies and which, of that reason, he had to make sure they actually fit. "Wow! They barely fit don't they." Blake once more stood in the doorway staring at the weird way his big brother was dressed. "Let's have a look at your nappy then." He didn't wait to be offered a look, just reached out and pulled down the side of the sweat pants. "Wow, that's a big nappy for a big baby," he laughed, before doing the exact same thing Doyle had done. Blake patted Toby's bottom. "Hey get off." The teenager complained. "Yeah like to you actually feel anything through all those nappies." "That's not the point. It's 3;" Toby's words were cut off by the doorbell ringing. "Who's that?" "Don't worry, it'll just be Ritchie. You know his mum always make sure he's early for everything." "But I thought you'd cancelled him cos we were doing 3; this." "I couldn't cancel or else Ritchie's mum would want to know why, and she'd be bound to ask our mum, who'd want to know what we were up to here on our own." Explained Blake, "And anyway, Ritchie's my mate he won't tell anyone, and he does know how to look after a little kid who wears nappies, which is more than I do, so you stay there while I go let him in, right." Toby wasn't about to go anywhere, and didn't get the chance to argue either as Blake was already gone although he did move towards the door so he could hear his brother greet his friend and then the two of them coming back upstairs heading towards Blake's bedroom which meant they'd have to walk right past Toby's only they didn't go past they stopped and Ritchie asked if Toby was ready. "Ready for what?" The teenager replied out loud. Blake replied: "For your present." "What present?" "Something special for this special occasion." He had no idea what his brother could be talking about, as he was already wearing something rather special. Four of them in fact, not to mention the plastic pants cover them all up, in as much as clear plastic could. So slowly Toby opened his bedroom door, to see the other two boys standing on the other side. His brother with a big grin on his face and his hands behind his back, while Ritchie, just had a slight smirk on his face. "Surprise!" yelled Blake slightly followed a moment later – after a prompt – from Ritchie, as Blake showed what he'd been hiding behind his back. Looking over the item hanging from the hanger in his brother's hands, Toby didn't think he'd seen anything so babyish before, if ever. He just didn't know what they were: "What are they?" "Shortalls." Blake stepped forward, forcing his brother to step back until all three boys were in the teenager's bedroom. "They're like overalls, but with shorts." "But they look like something a baby would wear." "They're made for toddlers. Like you want to be." That much was true enough, Toby thought, as they clearly had been made to allow room for a nappy, but he just couldn't bring himself to say that, not to his little brother and especially not with his little brother's best mate standing there, staring at him with a really goofy grin on his face. Or could he? "I guess I could try them on." Toby offered, but this was instantly shot down by his brother. "No, little toddler can't dress themselves, can they." "But then how 3;. Hey, what? You're going to dress me?" "Sure, that's what big brothers like me, do for their little brothers like you, isn't that right Ritchie?" "Yeah!" nodded the other boy speaking for the first time. "Okay, okay," Conceded Toby, "but can't Ritchie wait downstairs?" "No, Ritchie's my helper and advisor like I told you, so he has to help, but we can't dress you up here in this big boy's room, so we'll go down to the nursery." "The where?" "The nursery, in the basement, where little babies and toddlers get their nappies put on, and get dressed." Accepting this with a shrug of his shoulders, Toby however wasn't so sure when he was told to hold hands with the younger boys, but thinking what harm could it do, he eventually did it. The threesome made their way slowly from Toby's room back down to the basement, with the older boy walking between the other two, holding each of their hands, as he waddled slightly towards the stairs and then down them, with Blake walking in front, and Ritchie behind. Once back in the basement room that had been given to the brothers as their playroom, and which was clearly going to be the 'nursery' for fourteen year old Toby's first night as a toddler, Toby was told to get back on the changing mat. Although he was surprised to see that Doyle Quinn had left it behind, he wasn't so sure saying he could still dress himself. "Little toddlers shouldn't argue with their big brothers and babysitters." Blake told him in no uncertain terms, "They should just do what they're told or else they'll get punished like naughty little boys." Toby thought this speech was taking things a touch too far, but then this was all for his benefit, so he didn't want to make too much of a fuss as, after all his brother had given up spending time with his mate doing the stuff they liked, to help him out, so Toby just shrugged his shoulders and climbed up onto the changing table, and sat there with his legs hanging over the edge waiting to see what would happen next. "Lay down." He was told next, which he also did. Turning his head down towards his feet only the bulge around his middle from the multi-nappies was so large he couldn't actually see them. All the same he could feel how stretched his sweatpants were getting just to stay on around all that padding. "Right then, let's get the big boy trousers off him." Blake said to Ritchie, moments before they both clutched hold of the waistband of Toby's sweatpants and started to tug them down, slowly exposing the plastic pants they had previously just about managed to cover. "Lift up you bum, baby!" Ritchie instructed, so they could bring them down over Toby's backside, down his legs and then with one tug removed the sweatpants completely. "Wow that's one huge nappy." Exclaimed Ritchie. "Benny boy never had one that big." "Yeah but Ben's a lot smaller than this big baby isn't he, and it's not like we wanted him to leak is it, as you know what that's like." Ritchie's nose wrinkled up, "Too true. But these don't smell like Benny's either." "I should hope not Toby's not used them yet." Laughed Blake. "No I mean Benny normally smells of baby powder when he's wearing a nappy. At least he does when he doesn't actually smell of pee." "Oh right. Hang on, we can fix that." Blake reached down and picked up the tub of powder Doyle had used when he'd put the nappies on Toby. Then with both Ritchie and Toby watching he carefully used a forefinger and thumb to pull back the waistband of the plastic pants and the top of the nappies beneath it, which made just enough room to slip the top of the nozzle the tub handily came with, before giving it a hefty squeeze. Instantly Toby felt a rush of cool inviting powder drape across his groin area to give him a strange soothing feeling, as a cloud of the sweet smelling powder, permeated the enter room. "That's more like what a Benny smells like." Confirmed Ritchie, his nose un-wrinkling, as he picked up the shortalls once more only for Blake to suddenly remember something. "Wait let me get the other thing." He said, "Watch the baby. I won't be a minute." Blake was gone in a flash, leaving Ritchie looking down at the older, larger boy laying on the babyish changing table, looking not too unlike his own baby brother, if somewhat larger, especially in the nappy area. Neither of them could think of anything to say to each other, partly because they never really had, but more so to do with the oddness of the situation they now found themselves in. Thankfully, given the atmosphere in the room it wasn't long before Blake returned with another item of clothing. "Look at these Ritchie." "I think Benny had some of those but he grew out of them years ago." Naturally Toby wanted to see what they were talking about but he couldn't as Ritchie was standing in his way so it wasn't until Blake had walked right up to the changing table that he got to look at what looked like some sort of shirt. A long t-shirt, but one that looked a little strange at the bottom. "It's a onesie." Blake held it up so Toby could see the pale yellow colour of the item, with the thick white cuffs and collars and especially the soft pastel colours of the small Teddy bears that were scattered all over it. "It goes on like a t-shirt. So you'll have to sit up." When Toby did as he was asked, his brother rolled up the onesie, to the neck hole, which he then put over Toby's head. He then held it open so Toby, with some help from Ritchie that didn't really help at all, could feed his arms into the short sleeves. Once that was the done the rest of the onesie was then rolled down Toby's chest and stomach until it came to rest on the top of his nappy. "Right then lie down again, and lift up your bum so I can do the onesie up." Once more Toby did as he was instructed although, as yet, he hadn't actually seen any fastenings on the onesie but that didn't worry him yet at least not until he felt it being tugged under his bottom, and then had the embarrassing position of having not one, but two younger boys standing between his spread legs, as they snapped closed the poppers that fastened the onesie tight. Which not only clinched the nappy further in, but left him looking even more like a little toddler, as it did nothing to hide his nappy. If anything it made it all the more obvious than it had been before. The shortalls then reappeared in Ritchie's hand, just beside Toby's head which allowed him to see that they weren't as plain as he'd first thought when he'd seen them from a distance but were in fact also decorated with dozen of little Teddy bears, in a way that totally matched the onesie he was now buttoned into and which clearly wouldn't be covered by the shortalls. With Toby still laying on the changing table the shortalls were pulled up his legs, his brother taking one side of the shoulder straps of the shortalls, bring it over from behind Toby's shoulder to lay on his chest. Blake then repeated the process on the other side until with both the straps in place he was able to fold the bib part up and fasten the hooks on the straps over the buttons on the top of the bib. By the time the shortalls were in place, Toby could feel even more tightness around his middle, as the crutch of the surprisingly think denim not only pulled upwards but also forced his legs a little more apart. Yet despite this tightness, the pronounced bulge around his middle wasn't lessened any in fact, if anything it looked even more pronounced than before. "Wow he really looks like a toddler now?" Ritchie laughed. "That's the idea." Replied Blake before pointing to something Toby couldn't see, "Give me that will you." Soon the younger brother was holding a dummy and the older brother wasn't at all happy, especially given that it looked rather large, certainly larger than an actual baby would need, complete with a ribbon hanging from the ring. "Here you go, Baby Toby," Blake said, holding the ribbon open, "Let's put this around your neck so you don't loose it." Once the dummy was tied in place so that it dangled in front of Toby's chest, the teenage was helped down from on top of the temporary changing table which only caused the onesie and shortalls to pull up tighter on both his groin and his bladder, that seemed to instantly make him want to pee,, but there was no way he was going to do that, if he could, at least help it. "Now what?" asked Ritchie when he'd finally got bored with looking at the over grown toddler they'd created. "Now, Baby Toby can play with his toys on the rug." Blake announced, pointing to the spot in the centre of room which he was soon decorating with a selection of baby toys. "Go on Baby Toby go and play." Toby slowly and carefully sat on down where he was indicated to, while his brother and his friend, headed towards the door, reminding him to be a "Good baby" while they were gone. Sitting with this legs spread out before him – the only way he could sit given the padding between his legs, felt everything pushing on his bladder some more, increasing the urge for him to pee, so he desperately looked for something to take his mind of it. Namely the toys that were scattered around him. Some of these he actually remembered from when he'd been an actual toddler, but as he picked them up to examine them he noticed that these were new. The ball with the multi-shaped holes into which blocks could be pushed had been his favourite back then, so it was that one he started with, playing with it just as a four year old would, with the exception that he was actually strong enough now to pull the ball apart to release the blocks when he was done. The toys were simple, so simple that any other fourteen year old should have found them extremely dull, yet, Toby found himself actually enjoying himself, with the pure fun of playing with the toys that didn't tax his brain, or weren't trying to teach him something. Yet it was this state of almost total relaxation that was to be the teenager's undoing. For as his brain relaxed so did his body, including his bladder. At first the sensation of the warm pee flowing into the front of his nappy just added to his relief, but then the two younger boys returned announcing that they were taking him to the living room where they could keep a closer eye on him. Naturally Toby wasn't too sure about this, given what he'd just done, even if it wasn't very much, so he claimed he couldn't get up but the younger boys were soon taking him by each arm and helping him up onto his feet so he had no option but to walk on. "Hey he waddles like a baby does." Giggled Ritchie from behind as the three of them headed out of the basement and up the stairs to the main part of the house. Blake didn't answer this until they were at the top of the stairs when he announced that Baby Toby probably shouldn't be walking around so much and from then on he'd have to crawl on all fours, which he did, if a little reluctantly as he could guess how Ritchie was going to react to the sight of his highly padded read going up in the air as it soon was. Toby made it to the living room sofa before dying of embarrassment at the jokes aimed at his heavily padded rear, not to mention the few pats that had been aimed in his direction while he'd been in motion. This though had to stop once he was sitting down again, in front of the sofa while the younger boys sat on it, behind him, and turned on the TV. The movie was approaching the half way stage, when Blake announced it was time for snacks, much to the delight of the other two boys who were both a touch on the hungry side, as boys of their various ages nearly always are, although Toby was about to change his mind. "A bottle?" he asked when he saw what his brother had bought for him along with the two cans for himself and his friend. "Yes, a bottle, what else would a baby drink from. Now tip your head back a bit." Kneeling beside his brother Blake pushed the bottle up towards Toby's face, until the nipple brushed against his lips. The teenager naturally hesitated, but then, slightly parted his lips, allowing the rubber teat to be pushed completely into his mouth, where it remained, held by his brother, as he sucked what turned out to be regular milk from the bottle. "Wow who's a thirsty little baby then," Blake mocked slightly, adding "Do you want to be a big boy and hold your own bottle for me?" Unable to speak due to the nipple in his mouth, Toby gave a little nod, whilst bringing his hands up to grasp the bottle on either side, supporting it while he continued to drink, allowing his brother to return to the sofa, and resume the movie. By the time the movie was over the bottle was finally empty, but for some reason Toby had never put it down and maybe he still wouldn't have had Blake not taken it from him. Popping the nipple from his mouth before replacing it with the dummy that, Toby instantly started to suck on instead which he would continue to do for the rest of the evening right up to the point when Mr. Madison's car pulled into the drive, and he had to make a hasty exit before he was caught looking like an over grown baby. That night, while Toby slept in his bed, dressed once more in his white shorts, but sucking on the baby's dummy, Blake, with an excited Ritchie listening in made a phone call to Doyle Quinn, saying he'd like to take the medical store shop assistant up on his offer. Chapter FiveWeeks passed and nothing was said of the events of the night Toby became a baby brother at the age of fourteen, and everything seemed to be returning to normal. So when Blake came to Toby's room one Saturday to say he had something to show him in the basement the teenager didn't think anything off it. He just followed his little brother down to the room that he and his friend had been spending a lot of time in recently. Emerging from his room, Toby found Blake had gone on ahead, so he just followed walking through the quiet house – their parents were out – until he arrived at the familiar door, which he opened without a moment's hesitation. That was when he got his first shock. The basement had been completely redecorated since he'd last seen it. The previously bare walls had been painted in a pastel blue, but that was the least shocking thing about it, as whereas before it had just had a mix matched batch of whatever left over furniture had been left over from the rest of the house, now it had some clearly new pieces, amongst which was a rocking horse, play-pen, high chair, and even a cot. "What? What's all this?" Toby started to ask as he stepped into the room, but he didn't get an answer. What he got was attacked. Taken completely by surprise, the teenager had little chance as his shirt was pulled up over his head, blinding him, until he was tripped onto his back. AT this point hands appeared pulling off his socks, before moving upwards to pull down his shorts followed by his briefs. Reacting on instinct, at this point Toby stopped whatever slim attempts he'd been making to fight back and instead, attempted to cover himself. Only he couldn't as his hands were pinned down in such a way that left him pretty much spread-eagled, on the floor. Toby was sitting on what felt like a towel so it was with some relief when this was pulled up over his middle, covering up his embarrassment. This relief soon vanished though when he realised that the towel was being pinned in place in a way he'd tried to do so many times on his own. Someone was putting a nappy on him. "Stop!" he yelled through the shirt covering his head, which got some reaction but only for the shirt to be pulled away from his mouth, so something that turned out to be a large dummy was pushed into his mouth. A strapped tightening behind his head ensuring that it remained there, while a pair of plastic pants were pulled up his legs and over the nappy. Gagged and unable to say anything that made sense, the jumper was then pulled from his head, only to be replaced by another passing in the other direction, down over his body. This then stretched down him, all around until there was the sound of a series of clicks to hold it in place. Meanwhile, as he was being snapped into a onesie for the second time, thick gloves were being pulled onto and over his hands. These tightened at the wrist, as they were buckled firmly into place. While, at the other end of his body, little pale blue, fleece booties were put on his feet and tied in place with little ribbons. Suddenly Toby found himself released. Immediately he sat up, looking down at the familiar sight of himself wearing a onesie that had been fastened around and over, the tell tale bulge of a nappy that covered his middle. Looking at his hands he saw the gloves were fingerless mittens, that rendered his fingers completely useless. Finally he looked up at the people who had done this to him, half expecting to see the gang from the pub that had made him wet himself, however instead it was his brother and his best mate who looked back down at him, smiling at the way they'd transformed him from self-confident teenager, to helpless baby in a few seconds. For a moment Toby just sat there unsure what to do, until the realisation that he'd have to free his hand before he could do anything else hit him, but the only way he cold think of doing that was to put his hand under his arm pit and attempt to pull the mitten off that way. It didn't work. Seeing his struggles the two younger boys went into the next stage of their plan, grabbing hold of Toby under each arm, and between them lifting him up to his feet, to march him across the room towards the high chair. Naturally Toby attempted to resist, but the fleece covering his feet gave him no purchase on the wooden floor. Arriving at the chair the bigger boy was turned, backed towards it and pushed into the seat where, the moment he'd sat down, straps were pulled over his arms and chest, and tightened to hold him firmly in place, as the tray of the high chair was slotted into place, with a resounding click, that locked it there. The two young boys finally stood back to admire their work while Toby twisted and squirmed in the high chair until he finally came to realise the straps were too tight and weren't about to give. In fact all he actually could do was shake the tray in frustration. Then a voice made him freeze. "Well done lads," Doyle Quinn emerged from the corner of the room by the door where he'd been watching proceeding ready to step in if he was needed, only much to his surprise he hadn't been. Moving across the room, Doyle passed behind the high chair, which he re-aligned back into it's original position, facing the mirror on the far wall, that gave Toby a perfect view of just how babyish he once more looked. Doyle giving the teenager a few seconds to think about that before he once more spoke. "Right then, let's move on to the second part of your course of how to look after a big baby. Feeding." The boys were prepared, a white, plastic bib with a catch pit at the bottom was fastened around Toby's next by Ritchie while Blake fetched a baby's bottle from the side. This bottle was much larger than the one he'd previous used, and it was all Toby could do to stare at it, even as the strap holding the dummy was released allowing him to spit the dummy out. However, immediately he did that, the nipple of the bottle was pushed firmly into his mouth where it stayed, thanks to Blake holding it there, and Ritchie holding his head so he couldn't more away from it. However, Toby refused to dink even as the warm milk started to trickle from the bottle over his tongue. "We've got all day." Blake told him, whilst giving the bottle a slight squeeze so more milk went into his mouth forcing him to swallow it which in turn actually led to him sucking on the bottle. "There's a good baby." His brother repeated several times, during one of the several breaks when the bottle was removed from Toby's mouth so he could get some air only to be plugged back in again a moment later until the bottle was completely empty which seemed to take an age. Meanwhile as he was drinking, Toby got to look around the basement room at the play pen and cot both of which he now realised were much bigger than they needed to be for a baby to use. They also carried the brand name of the medical supply store, Doyle worked out, and in a flash he remembered what had been said about what would happen if he'd enjoyed his night in nappies. That the basement would be turned into a nursery for him. Surely that wasn't what had happened. When the bottle was finally finished, Doyle instructed the two younger boys on how to burp a baby, leading to Ritchie rubbing Toby's back until he suddenly burped causing the other three to laugh, although that was more to do with the surprised look on his face than the success of what they'd done. No sooner was that done than a bowl of pureed vegetables was placed on the tray in front of him. Blake taking up the small plastic spoon, dipped it in and lifted it up to Toby's mouth which remained firmly shut. Following Doyle's instructions Blake didn't remove the spoon, just kept it there pressing firmly against his lip until some of the puree started to slide against the side of his mouth. At this point Toby's instincts took over. His lips parted, and the spoon was pushed inside. The food didn't taste that bad but all the same Toby swallowed it quickly as another spoonful was already heading in his direction. That being followed by another, and then another, until he'd been spoon-fed the entire bowl, by his little brother. At the conclusion of the meal, the dummy was once more held up, with the warning that if he spat it out then it would be strapped in. Toby relented realising that at least he'd have some control over it if it wasn't strapped in. The meal over and the other boys cleaning up Toby had the chance to examine the highchair he was sitting in, looking around the tray for the catch to release it, eventually finding it underneath, only to discover there was no way he could operate it with the mittens still on his hands which of course the others already knew. "The big baby should always be safely restrained when you go around your work." Doyle explained to his two young students, "Either in the high chair, or if you prefer the play pen. In fact let's try the play pen now, shall we." It took Blake a split second to release the catch, while at the same time Ritchie freed Toby from the straps, showing just how much practice they clearly had put into what they were doing. Ritchie even giving him a slight push to get him out of the chair and back onto his feet where, once more Toby found he had to hold his brother's hand in order to prevent slipping on the floor, making it an easy matter for him to be lead over to the play pen. The gate was already open but that soon changed once Toby had passed through it, where it closed with a click on a latch that Toby could see he'd never be able to undo with the mittens still on. Thankfully though the bars on the play pen weren't all that high, although they were higher than a normal baby would have needed, Toby was fourteen and therefore would have no trouble climbing out, which is why Doyle was offering his brother a set of leather straps explain that if they were going to leave him there they'd have to use the straps but as they were staying they wouldn't need them For the next hour or so, the two younger boys followed another of Doyle's suggestions about how to keep the baby stimulated, so they ensured Toby played with all the toys and attachments that were either in or attached to the play pen. Making him shake the rattle, bat the beads. Pressed the buttons that made animal noises, and even spelled out words with the big blocks, which was all he could do with the mittens anyway. Part way through this the extra large bottle of milk started to take it's toll on the teenager, yet when he tried to take the dummy out to say something, Blake was there in a flash to push it back in and hold it there, until he got the message. "Ask him if he needs to go to wee-wee?" Doyle suggested. Toby's had flinched towards the dummy but he caught that his brother was poised, to stop him so instead he just nodded. "Just go in your nappy, that's what it's for." Ritchie giggled, until he was told off by Doyle for using the wrong tone with a baby. When the chastisement was over, Ritchie moved away to a table in the corner, which had a cushioned top, with draws underneath that were labelled "Nappies", "Plastic pants," and so on, giving away what it was intended for especially as all the drawers, that Ritchie opened, were clearly full. By now Toby's bladder was beyond the point of no return leaving him little option but to brace himself and then to gradually let go. Almost instantly a little pee jetted into his nappy, and in panic he stopped. Until he realised that was what he meant to do, allowing him to crouch down again and let go again. This time it wasn't a trickle that entered Toby's nappy but a solid jet that sprayed out into his nappy, until the warmth and no option but to spread right around his bottom, until the nappy could take no more. "All done?" Blake asked, when he obviously had done, at which point Toby asked, and was released from the pen after he'd climbed to his feet very carefully in case he leaked, which thankfully he didn't as he made his way over to the changing table. The onesie he was wearing was elasticated around the middle which made the bulging lower half of his body all the more obvious as it stretched out over the now full nappy making it tricky for him to climb up onto the changing table even with the small steps that were thoughtfully provided at the side. It was something of a relief for Toby to be able to lay down, and more so when Blake came up between his legs to unfasten the bottom of the onesie and fold it back over the top of the plastic pants. "Up," "Down," "turn over" the instructions came thick and fast in a practised way, as Toby's lower half was laid bare so his eleven year old brother could go to work cleaning up the pee from around his private parts and bottom. "You see how the hair down there is getting in the way," Doyle asked, from his vantage point. Blake agreed and was handed by his young assistant something that could take care of the problem. Namely an electric trimmer which he was soon putting to work, removing all the pubic hair Toby had grown in the last few months until, as was noted, he was once more as bald as a baby down there. Naturally Toby's first thought about what was happening was to get up and run away, but there was no way he would even dare to move while his little brother had a cutting implement moving around his private parts, even if it did have a safety guard fitted. When the shaving was finished, a lotion was applied that took away the odd burning sensation, Toby could feel from where his hair had once been, although that only lasted until he was once more fitted with a new, clean nappy, and another set of plastic pants were pulled over the top, followed by the onesie being fitted down over everything. Once helped to climb down from the changing table, Toby was informed it was time for his afternoon nap, for which he was led not to the play pen but over to the cot, with Ritchie running ahead to drop the side bars. Together the two young boys helped him climb in, before the bars were once more raised back up, and he was told to lay down, so thin, pale blue blanket could be pulled up over him, which was rather soothing, although when the top of the crib was pulled up and over, and latched into place, to completely encase Toby in bars, he felt somewhat less so, especially as the catch to release either the side or the top were of the same design as the one on the play pen, meaning he'd be totally unable to remove them on his own. He was in other words trapped in the crib. Toby turned onto his side, looking out through the bars as the other boys cleared up what they'd been doing but otherwise ignored him. He could still feel the warm milk in his stomach, and the dummy in his mouth, that he was soon absentmindedly sucking on despite being very conscious of the thick nappy around his bottom, and to wonder how long he was going to be kept like this and just how he was going to explain his now bare groin in the school showers. With so much going on in his mind it was a wonder that Toby could sleep, but oddly he did. The teenage baby awoke a short time later with a new problem overriding everything else on his mind. He needed to go to the toilet, and even without asking he just knew he wasn't going to be allowed to do that anywhere else but in the nappy he was wearing. But how? Hoping no one would notice, Toby soon realised he wouldn't be able to do anything sitting down, and while that position might delay what was going to happen it wasn't going to prevent it completely, so he slowly climbed up onto his knees thinking that would be better. The movement caught Doyle's attention, which he soon made sure the other two boys knew what was going on so they could all watch, although Toby himself wasn't looking as his concentration was down on the floor of the crib as he attempted to soil himself for the first time in well over ten years, if not twelve. It took some time but eventually Toby was able to push a stool out of himself into his nappy. He then paused, a little in surprise at what he was doing before he did it all again. Ritchie sniggered as the smell floated across the room, but other wise nothing seemed to happen. The other boys didn't rush over to change the teenage baby, which left Toby wondering if he should sit down again, or just stay they crouching until they changed him. Thankfully, after only a minute or so, Blake came over and released the crib's catches allowing him to climb out and waddle his way over to the changing table where Toby soon realised he was going to have to sit down anyway, in order to get changed. Having the mess he'd expelled squashing around his nappy as he sat and lay on the table was the most unpleasant thing about the next change Toby endured, which, as far as all were concerned couldn't be over fast enough, as practising with chocolate spread was one thing, but the reality was a hell of a lot smellier as Blake and Ritchie soon found out. "So lads," Doyle said once the Toby was sitting again in the play pen, and the cause of the smell had been removed, "Do you feel ready to take care of your big baby full time now?" Blake, speaking for them both, said they were. "And what about your Toby?" Doyle asked, "Is it as good as you expected to be the little brother again?" Toby was confused at first, looking to his brother who explained that he'd told Doyle everything Toby had told him about how the teenager was fed up with being the big brother and wanted to be the little brother again. So they'd converted the basement into a nursery to make that happen. Now, whenever Toby wanted he could come down here and be treated like a little kid again, wear nappies, eat in a high chair, and sleep in a crib. But if he didn't want to do any of that then he just had to say, and they'd never mention it again. For the first time since he'd been ambushed in the doorway. Toby actually smiled and whilst continuing to suck on the dummy that was still in his mouth. He nodded. The End |
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