PZA Boy Stories


Boy Vignettes
First set


Short vignettes*, mostly about boys being castrated and enslaved.
* Vignettes (literature): short, impressionistic scenes that focus on one moment or give a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting
Publ. 2014-2015 (3D Boys); this site Mar-Nov 2015
Finished This set: 24,000 words (48 pages)


Various boys, usually about 8-12yo

Category & Story codes

Eunuch/slave story
Mb bb – non-cons slave oral analcastr


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area ,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Unikue Boy Vignettes in the subject line.

Table of Contents

  1. Lent (800 words)
  2. Christmas Presents (900 words)
  3. Gems of Obedience (900 words)
  4. Collars: The Restaurant (650 words)
  5. The Last Pair of Underwear (350 words)
  6. Aunt Bettie's Farm (1,200 words)
  7. Inner City 1 (550 words)
  8. Confectionaries (900 words)
  9. Consequences (500 words)
  10. Boy's Club (1,200 words)
  11. Jonathan's First Day (1,100 words)
  12. Kennel, Pt. 1 (700 words)
  13. The Public Nudity Order (600 words)
  14. Sex Education Slaves (800 words)
  15. Summer Camp (1,400 words)
  16. Ethan (1,100 words)
  17. Kennel, Pt. 2 (600 words)
  18. The Manor (1,300 words)
  19. Not really titled 3; (1,200 words)
  20. Selective Service (1,000 words)
  21. State Fair (1,650 words)
  22. Programming Competition (850 words)
  23. The Bathtub (900 words)
  24. Benefits (1,150 words)
  25. Grade Six Enslavement (900 words)


1. Lent

For Lent sacrifices must be made.

It was the first day of Lent, so Cody and his brother were cleaning up their Lent uniform for school. His brother Joshua was ten, but was rather cute beautiful as he was naked. Cody, two years his senior, was naked as well – looking over their gowns. Their uniforms were loose fitting long shirts with their school name embroidered. They were in excellent condition so the two brothers put them on, and went to leave for school.

Their mother inspected them just before they left, the gowns went down to their knees. She lifted them up, checking to make sure they didn't sneak any underwear. She gave them a gentle tap on their bums to get them going towards the bus. All the boys at the school were going to be wearing these things for the next six weeks.

There were only two boys without the gowns in Cody's class. Last lent they had been blessed by God. They were naked with collars of obedience around their necks. Probably hadn't been able to touch their cocks since the priest locked it up. Cody got hard just thinking about those two. His teacher called him up to the front of the room, but noticed his cock through his gown.

"Samuel, get up here and take care of this please," said the teacher. One of the naked boys walked to the front of the room and put his head under Cody's gown and brought the boy to climax. His seed lined Samuel's throat as it was swallowed. Samuel returned to his seat, and so did Cody – quite relieved to be free of his erection.

At the end of the first week, was Friday noon mass. During the service, the boys all were restless. Nobody liked mass, but they were forced to go. Afterwards they all had walk in front of a statue of their Lord, Jesus Christ. One by one the boys walked by and knelt before it. Nothing special happened.

Then Cody walked before it, and went he knelt, a mechanism sprung to life revealing a cock – God's cock. Two priests behind Cody took the boy by the arms, turned him around, and lowered him on God's cock. Cody screamed as he was being blessed. His arms were grabbed, locked into the arms of God. Cody was perched on the Holy Cock, looking like a sacrifice, taking others sins upon himself.

The boy had his gown taken, and he was naked before God and all others. Behind Cody's neck was an open collar of obedience that closed around his neck.

Cody was left on the Holy Cock until Saturday when the priest came back. He masturbated the boy, and locked up his cock. The priest said to Cody: "You have been chosen by God. Your parents have been told. You are now Chattel, and will be sent to be around chattel." The boy was about to speak, but had a gag put into his mouth.

He and two other boys were driven up to a ranch north of town. On the road leaving the ranch Cody saw two naked boys about his brother's age naked and pulling a cart with a clothed boy on it. A man of about thirty met the car next to a barn and inspected the three boys. "Nice boys Johnson. I might breed this one," said the man looking at Cody, "not these two red heads though." Cody looked at the other two boys and realized they were twin red heads, at least eleven.

A chain was attached to their collars, and the man lead the boys into the barn. There were a row of perches that had two boys already struggling on them. The man told the two red heads, "You two get on those perches." The two red heads looked at each other, and then climbed up and tried to get their bums on the cock shaped perch. "Good," said he. He took their hands and tied them behind their backs. He took off their cock locks – which instantly became hard. But he didn't mind, he just took two bands and placed them on the testicles.

Cody was taken up to the loft where he saw five girls about his age. The man gave Cody a butt plug attached to a ring on the floor and unlocked his penis. "Fuck all of these girls until nightfall. Do well, and you might not be castrated."

Cody got to work and inseminated the girls. He was there for a few days, but started to help the rancher in the barn. He even castrated a few new boys. But exactly two weeks from when he came, he was told to castrate the three boys on the perches. He did the first one, then the second one, but the third one looked familiar. He looked up and it was his brother, he made eye contact as he brought the tool up to emasculate his younger brother.

2. Christmas Presents

Two twins get a surprise for Christmas.

Note: Eostre is the goddess of dawn, and in this world partially takes the place of Santa.

The Smiths were vacationing in the south this year for Christmas, it was warm enough that everyone wore shorts on Christmas Eve. The locals were in long pants, it was only 20 outside – a cold evening for sure by their standards.

The house the Smiths were staying in had a real conifer. Eostre hadn't delivered the presents yet, so there was still time for the sacrifice before bed. The Smiths had two twin boys of twelve, and a daughter of thirteen. Each child had lit their candles and set the painted eggs for Eostre. It was bed time for the children, so Mr. and Mrs. Smith put them to bed and started to put out a few presents. It was important for them to consume the hard boiled eggs but leave the painted shell remnants. After a warm shot of rum, the two parents went to bed.

The boys were always excited for Christmas, and got up at right at nine. Their sister was already up, and preparing coffee for their parents.

"Hey you two, mom and dad told me to tell you both to sit on the couch in your boxers and wait for them. They will be down in a minute." The boys, uncharacteristically for boys their age, obeyed their sister. Karen was always nice to them, and was often in charge anyways. So the boys, dressed in T-Shirt, Shorts, and Boxers took off the shirt and shorts and sat on the couch infront of the conifer.

Kyle pointed his half naked brother to the large present beside the conifer. "Sam, Eostre has been generous this year." "Yeah!"

A few minutes later Karen came out with the coffee and Mr. and Mrs. Smith. "Happy Christmas everyone," Mrs. Smith announced. The boys were excited, and their mother rubbed the tops of their buzzed heads – that always made them feel good. The boys could not even hide their excitement. The first present was for Karen, it was some new clothes, a nice new dress. "Oh thank you, this is superb!" she exclaimed.

The next present was for the twins, each had their own boxes. "Can we open them Dad?" they said in unison.

"Go ahead," said he. The boys ripped open the boxes, and inside Kyle found a red steel collar and Sam found a had a blue steel collar. "Kyle, come over here, and Sam go to your mother," their Dad ordered.

Kyle went over to his dad with the red collar, and his father took the collar and opened it up. Along the inside of the collar were two short prongs. He had his son turn around and the collar was put around his neck. The two prongs bit into his neck and he cried at the pain. The collar was closed and it mechanically fit the boys neck and beeped loudly. Sam had the same process done by his mother, but with more finess. The boys looked at each other's collars. But their father interrupted their introspection by exciting their Christmas curiosity for a slightly larger box.

The boys hurried over to it, and upon opening it had some straps and other things. Mr. Smith called both boys over with the box. He pulled out a strap that had a metal ring in it. He pulled Kyle's boxers down, and said, "Step out of them." The naked boy did as his father instructed. His penis was still excited, and a little embarrassed. His father took the metal ring and closed it around the boy's small penis at the base. Tightened it to prevent its coming off. Straps went around the back and it was like a belt.

Mr. Smith put the same thing on Sam, and took a small plastic tube with a clip on it. Lifting Sam's testicle bag, the clip went around it and the rest of the tube fitted onto the metal ring. It enclosed the length of his penis and the boy's penis was pushed towards his anus. Kyle was done the same. The two naked boys were then excited again out of their worry for the bizarre thing they have just been through and told to climb through a secret tunnel they didn't notice before.

It was a tunnel going around the back of the conifer and towards the really big box with their names on it. One by one the boys entered the tunnel, and made their way around the conifer. The boys made it to the end, and noticed some more metal. They yelled out playfully to their father, "We are here father!"

"Stick your head out of the present boys." The boys were still on their hands and feet, and each one saw a target symbol and stuck their heads out. They saw their family outside, and suddenly some metal bars were placed through the big box pinning their arms and legs where they were.

Karen took off the wrapping paper, and it revealed a slender cage the naked boys were now fixed in. The boys were about to ask questions when their mother put a tongue suppressing o-ring into their mouths. "You boys are going to be shown off today," their mother said. Their father was up behind them sticking a imprinting sticker on their bums, so their collar number will be always there.

3. Gems of Obedience

The boys are given a rare gift of precious stones.

It was a beautiful afternoon in June, when three friends from the Little Tims hockey team were in the backyard with friends and family. All the boys were about to turn ten, with the first one doing so this very day.

There were three chairs set up on the lawn with three red ruby stones were brought out. The boys saw them, and were repulsed like their free will demanded they run away. Their uncles were behind them, grabbing them before they could go anywhere.

The boys were lifted off the ground being sat down in the chairs. They were fighting to get free, and their mothers started to use scissors to take off their clothing. Bradley was first, his shredded clothing made way for his muscular body. Norman had strong legs, which he tried to kick with, but had no other muscle. Robert had the best of both of them. But any of their strengths were not good enough here, their uncles grip was too great.

The uncles sat the boys down into the chairs and held them as their fathers took the red rubies on their special strings, putting them around their necks. Robert's father said to the others, "Okay, one, two, 3;" and on the count of three the strings were pulled tight. The stones hanging in front of their chests were connected to the boys' necks by the tight string.

The stones started to glow, putting their minds in a catatonic state. Their uncles let go of the boys, their bodies already limp. They each grabbed a rod with a ring at the end of it. The ring was mated with each boys' testicles and a hollow ringing sounded out as it shrunk to the size of the bag.

The boys laid on the chairs for an hour seemingly limp. The families were preparing lunch, when the stones started to flash slowly. Eventually after another half hour the boys were starting to come back to life.

Robert was the first one, "Mother?" and as soon as he said that she was there. "Robert, you are awake."

"What happened? It felt like I was trapped in my own mind with Bradley and Norman."

"You were son, this is your ceremony. You and your friends got the conditioning stones. We got you each the rarest red ones. You can talk with your friends all you want in your minds, but your speech will be controlled. Tell that you your friends, and they will come to."

A few minutes later the boys were on their feet. They realized they were naked. "Mom, why are we naked?" Norman asked.

"Its part of your conditioning son. Most of the boys at school will be naked when you go back in August."

The boys explored each other's bodies, it didn't feel awkward as they soon were sharing more than they ever would have shared apart. They found the rings on their testicles. Bradley asked, "What are these rings on our balls?"

His mother said, "Its part of your conditioning. But never mind that, and come for lunch, we are all hungry."

The crystals started to glow a little bit, and the boys moved towards the picnic table, their behaviour affected by the stones.

The boys spent the rest of June and July playing, getting used to their new situation. But school was back in August. Seventh Grade 3;

In the school yard before the school started and the boys were not surprised to see a lot of other naked boys with various colours of crystals. You could almost match the sets up by the stones around their necks. But all of the girls were had full dresses, a very old fashioned dress in fact.

It was Mrs. Bartolli's class the three boys ended up in. They started with stories of their summer break. Inevitably the talk of the stones and rings came out. The girls were all the same, just before July they were forced to wear much more conservative dresses and got used to them over the past month.

At about noon, just before lunch hour, the three boys, and five others with aquamarine stones were called down to the room beside the office. The nurse there had three men in suits in their 20s with her.

She said, "Boys, please lay down on the benches with your stomachs at the end."

The boys hesitated to move, but the stones forced them into action. The nurse took a collar, attaching it to each of the boys' necks. The crystal around their necks were placed in a slot. She took a tool and touched it to Robert's testicular ring, it activated with the ring clicked shut with the balls releasing into her hand. It left behind no indication Robert ever had balls.

Each boy was done the same, with the nurse stamping each of their bums with a number and the symbol 'R'.

Each of the men started to disrobe. The older one said to the nurse, "Thank you nurse, we will be testing out the merchandise now."

The three naked men came up behind Robert, Norman, and Bradley. Their smooth bums looked enticing, and three hard cocks touched the outside of their spincters. Each one of the boys got a hard cock, with the men penetrating their virgin bums. Back and forth the boys were strattled, until the men ejaculated inside of them. At about the same time, the boys ejaculated into a vial placed over their cocks.

After the men came out, the boys were told to get up, and the vials were put into another slot on their collars. It was the last sample of semen that any of them will be ejaculating.

The boys remained at the school for another week before moving to the Reiman's Farm south of the city where they were employed with a lot of other slaves looking after crops and occassionally penetration by older boys and men.

4. Collars: The Restaurant

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
- Mark Twain

The Evans were going to a fancy restaurant, their two boys were excited. The twin red heads only got to go out to eat once a month! They twins knew most people went out once or twice a week, so they always felt left out.

Mr. Evans, dressed in his suit, told the boys, "Caleb and Lucas – we are going to go into the restaurant now, and you both will be taken to the back to be put into the boy's patron uniform. Do everything you are told, or they can punish you. Understand?"

Both boys nodded their heads with excitement. Their eleven years had taught them enough obedience to not question their father. After Mr. Evans had parked the car and everyone got out. Mrs. Evans had wanted to go here for a while, her sister told her it had the best cuisine. The Evans walked up to the door, which said in fancy lettering "Collar's Cuisine" – she opened the door for the boys, and walked in after her husband.

The stewart at the front said, "two plus two, would a booth be acceptable sir?"

Mr. Evans said "yes", and the stewart called a young woman up, "please take the boys to the dressing room."

After the boys went off with the young woman, he said, "This way, sir," and he lead them to their booth. A wine stewart came and offered them a menu, which they accepted.

Meanwhile in the "dressing room," the young woman told the boys, "Take your clothes off, please." The boys remembered their father's warning, and Caleb and Lucas both started with their shirts. They undid their shoes, and grabbed their shorts by the elastic and pulled down revealing their small jewels. The boys were taken into a shower for a scrubbing. The woman turned on the hot shower and scrubbed each boy down – they cried at the heat of the water and the abrasiveness of the scrubber. At the table, the Evans were ready to order, and the waiter with a spanish accent suggested some huevos de niño, which were they nodded in agreement.

The boys had just been cleaned thoroughly, inside and out. The young woman produced two thick and heavy collars for the boys, which slightly choked the boys when she put it around their necks. She matched the collars with smaller versions for the ankles and wrists. The boys were put up against the wall, with their wrists attached to their collars and their legs spread. A chef came in with a sharp knife and castrated both boys, taking their testicles back to the kitchen. There was no screaming because the collars muted their voices. The woman took a laser suiture and closed off the wound and eliminating any marks – so it appeared the boys had never had testicles.

The woman brought a small branding iron and applied it to the right bottocks of both boys, who could be heard with a raspy echo of a scream, but again the collar prevented it. Ironically, the boys were fully erect, but it always happens after the branding – that is one reason beyond marketing why they do it. She ordered them to start to masturbate but not to ejaculate. So they did as they were ordered.

They sat at a climactic precipace for a few minutes, when the chef brought out the two dishes their parents had ordered. He put each in front of one of the boys, who completed their task and ejaculated over the heuvos de niño – with the last créme of sum yung guy they would ever produce.

The boys were told to take two plates carefully out to their parents. The two boys presented their finely cooked testicles to their mother and father and sat across from them. The boys watched as their parents ate their manhood. The young woman brought out some gruel for the boys – which they ate with reckless abandon.

5. The Last Pair of Underwear

The room was clean and sterile, or at least it was. The hundred boys in it now were about to be finished their processing. The tributes were from a dozen different schools around Charleston. The ten, eleven, and twelve year olds were just in their underwear, each with a coloured id around their necks.

The support staff went around the room, and put a collar on each neck. These collars were the heavy metal type used for slave management. The boys with red id had a metal gag-like device put in their mouths, they would not be talking to anyone anytime soon.

After the collars were on the hundred tributes, they were ordered to remove their underwear. Each obeyed, pulling first at the elastic, and pulling down to reveal whatever they had between their legs. Some were hard, others were just small.

The boys were made to line up into five lines, in each case, they had their heads shaved. Their bums marked with a registration number. The boys in the first two lines had a band placed around their bags, and a plug inserted into their rectum. Their balls would be removed a few hours later.

Patrick was one of the boys who was banded. He, like the other boys, were forced to sleep on their stomachs. But he didn't get much sleep, a sharp pain in his abdomin due to his castration kept him up, not withstanding the driving force from the butt plug that tore its way into him.

But in due course, Patrick was relieved of his balls the next morning. Another plug was given, the next size up this time. He learned that he was going to go to a farm outside of town for labour.

It turned out that the farm was a large one, with a few dozen eunuch slaves tending crops, and a couple of boys breeding new slaves. The farmer always liked when he recieved new tributes. He would enjoy Patrick.

6. Aunt Bettie's Farm

It was the last day of school. Everyone was talking about their vacation plans, and Roger said, "My three brothers and me are going to our aunt's ranch in Wisconsin!"

Jiri, his best friend, said "That sounds wicked, any chance I could come with? My parents don't have any thing for me to do."

Roger said "I'll ask mom, I am sure she will be fine with it! That would be fun."

Roger and Jiri went to his house after school, and his mom had gotten home from work. "Hey sweety," she said.

Roger exictedly asked, "Mom, can Jiri come with us to Aunt Bettie's?"

She looked a little concerned but said, "I will have to talk with your mother, Jiri about it before I can answer that."

Jiri phoned his mother, explaining the request, and then Roger's mother talked to her. During the phone call she shooed the boys outside so she could talk in private.

She came out fifteen minutes later, "Jiri, I have talked with your mother and you can join the boys on their vacation."

All the family had dinner that night, and Jiri went home and was picked up the next day when they left for their aunt's farm.

They took a plane from the local airport, and five hours later landed in a small local airport. Their aunt had sent a car to pick them up. A girl farm hand and their cousin Angela were in the car welcoming them.

They drove for an hour, but arrived a little after five in the afternoon.

Aunt Bettie was preparing dinner in the kitchen when they arrived. "Hello boys! And you must be Jiri. Welcome all."

Bettie set the boys up in two bedrooms, and dinner was right away. The boys ate up dinner, and were obviously tired. So she sent them all to bed.

Jiri and Roger were in the same room. Nobody else knew it, but they enjoyed each other, and before they knew it they were giving each other blow jobs. But then they fell asleep naked.

His brothers woke Jiri and Roger up at six o'clock. Jiri and Roger were both thirteen, and Simon his next older brother, was twleve, and the last two James and Aaron were 11 year old twins.

Their aunt got them at 6:15, "Good morning boys," she said to them. "A light breakfast is ready for you all."

The boys wolfed down a piece of bacon along with a fried egg. Their aunt said, "Boys, we were going to show you around the ranch today. You are all dressed fine, just put on your shoes!"

They started walking out towards the horse corral, Bettie said "I have five horses, and they are all so beautiful aren't they?"

All the boys were positive to its truth as they admired the white stallion in his beauty. He hoped up on the fence with his front legs and all the boys saw his incredible penis for the huge size it was.

She took them out to show them the different crops that she kept, much of the money she made came from her smaller fields of specialty crops. She was especially fond of her grape vines, and let the boys try some grapes. She made a wonderful wine that was valued across the state.

They were approaching a barn with a yard out front. In front were a few poles in the ground. "Boys, the barn is where we keep our livestock. Its our 'bread and butter' so to speak."

"Can you boys take the wood there and start a fire for me?" Aunt Bettie asked.

The boys got together and in about ten minutes had a nice raging fire. Aunt Bettie put two rods into the fire. She then told the boys, "Can you take off your clothes for me?"

The boys were more than a little confused at the request. But their cousin and two other female hands grabbed Jiri and stripped him to the bare skin, and they pushed him over to another and Jiri was tied to one of the poles.

Roger is stripped next and placed right next to Jiri, then followed Simon, and the eleven year old twins now naked on the poles.

The boys were tied on the poles in such a way that their bums were right accessible, but even with their fronts against the poles their privates were easy to grab.

Surrounding the large fire, the boys were left for half an hour, and in that time they were sweating from the fire. It was almost eight.

The twins were the first to notice them back, and Bettie tied a string around each of their testicles. With the blood cut off, Aaron's testicles met the blade of a knife and was a eunuch. James followed.

The other boys tried to struggle, but Jiri had the string against his testicles and suddenly he was a eunuch as well.

Simon and Roger were last, but all five eunuchs were castrated. Bettie then told them, "My sister wanted to have you all castrated, and even Jiri your mother said yes. But for the summer at least you are livestock." She then took a rod that had been sitting in the fire for almost forty-five minutes.

She took it to Jiri's bum, and he screamed as it seared "BS" into his right bum cheek. "All livestock have my mark," she said. Each eunuch screamed in order, and finally James was the last one to have a red "BS" on his bum.

The boys were left for another hour, and then brought into the barn. Inside the boys saw about forty boys in different stalls.

Bettie put a collar on each of the boys as she put them in one of the stalls. The boys fell asleep almost as soon as they hit the hay.

A few hours later, around two, they woke up. They looked at their cocks, and each of them were hard, but it looked like they never had balls.

"I'm Eric," a boy said in the stall. The boys looked at him, and realized he was no more a boy than they now were.

Roger said, "I'm Roger, this is my friend Jiri, and my brothers James, Aaron, and Simon. How long have you been here?"

Eric replied, "About two days. My brother and I came here the day after school. We were castrated yesterday. My brother is only eight, that monster outside branded both of us." Eric turned and showed them his brand, and they realized they all had the "BS" 'engraved' on their bums.

The stalls were locked tight, but in the evening, Bettie's daughter and farmhands came and the boys were tied up to the poles again. A few minutes later Bettie came out. "Boy's, it is time I told you why you are here. I told you earlier that you are all livestock. The truth is that you are all slaves, and I own you. My sister sold each and every one of you to me, and even Jiri's mother accepted."

"You will work on this farm, and eventually I may sell you. It doesn't have to be unpleasant here, but disobedience will result in whippings."

7. Inner City 1

The inner city boys were running along side their instructor at a fast pace, they were one week into their new program trying to bring them under control. Montclaire Middle School was home to a equal mixture of blacks, arabs, and white boys – the girls were off at another school since they built the barracks at the school. All the boys at the school had to participate, and to ensure cooperation they all became 'property boys' - or prejoratively: slave.

The gang behaviour hadn't been dealt with harshly yet, but that was about to change. After the run, the boys were sent to the showers. After they cleaned themselves, they were ordered to stay naked in the change rooms until they were called out. Jake and Conner were the first called out, at eleven they hadn't quite started puberty. They showed obvious signs of embarrassment, even trying to cover up their penis, but it was all for naught as they were taken to a row of plastic molds.

The plastic molds had the shape of a boy's body and were clearly marked out them 'Boy Tray 11' – indicating the size of boy they were to hold. Conner and Jake were given thick collars, and tied down in the trays. Each boy's legs were strapped in above the knee, below the knee, and by the ankle. The arms were given a little bit more freedom, with the head given the most – the head would be supported but could move if the boy wanted to. His midsection and pelvis had a few straps to ensure alignment with a rear hole. Their penises were erect, which was entirely expected. A tube placed over the penis was held on by a ring around the testicles and lead to a tube going back into the tray.

Once Conner and Jake were strapped in, Trevon and Tyrone were brought out. These were two of the blackest boys you had ever seen – also two of the mouthiest. First thing out of their lips were "no fucking way", the naked boys were grabbed before they could run. The headmaster decided to whip them before traying them. At each stroke of the whip, more obsenities came out. Both boys were given gags and locked in.

About a hundred boys were locked in, and lifted off the ground. At about eight at night, the boys were stimulated in their penis and ejaculated. At the point of climax the boys were also penetrated from behind by a big butt plug. The boys who were not gagged screamed at the intruder. The headmaster examined the semen results, and decided to preemptively target the gagged boys - most of them were black. He pressed a button and the ring around their testicles contracted by 80% causing their testicles to start a slow march to death.

The boys were kept up in the trays for about two days, and when they were let down the boys who were castrated had their balls cut off by a crude but sharp blade. Each boy also had an imprint of a number on their bums. They were not given back their clothing, but kept their collars and plugs.

8. Confectionaries

The whistles blew as the two boys ran from the coppers. Just a few minutes before, the boys decided to steel some sweets from a local confectionary. They didn't know there was a constable around the corner as the shop keeper raised the alarm.

"Billy, come on!" Samuel yelled at his confederate as they tried to out run their persuer. The boys were not ultimately successful as Samuel wasn't watching ahead of him as another constable tripped him as ran out.

"You lads are going to be sorry you ever stole any sweets from that shop!" The constable said as the pair took the two robbers to a waiting paddy wagon.

Inside the paddy wagon the boys had their arms tied together and hung from a bolt on the side of the wall. The constable put a gag in both of their mouths, and then started sheering off their clothing. The boys were trying to protest, but their gag prevented them. The constable continued by putting a red collar around both of their necks and putting a little collar around each of their balls.

"You two colts are going to be held at the farm for a few days before you appear before the judge. Your care free life as boys is probably over now, so I would behave if I were you!"

The constable finished off by putting a self piercing numbered tag in their left ears and then injecting each of them with something in the ass.

As the wagon was approaching the stables, the constable disappeared and the boys were released from their bonds. The naked boys had never seen the other naked before. The looked closely at each other's penis and then the metal around their balls. The wagon came to a sudden stop, and the back door opened. The two boys got out, and saw about twenty other naked boys in a field surrounded by a wooden fence.

The two boys heard two other boys talking and turned around as the wagon was leaving. On the fence there were two boys fully clothed saying, "Hey Carl, two new colts – they look pretty!"

The two naked boys couldn't do anything let alone say anything, because they were still gagged. So they just went and joined the pack in the middle of the field.

One of the boys looked to be about fourteen, and said to the new boys, "Your gags will come out in about an hour. Until then, just know that we are all considered colts in here, that means that we are young and have balls. There is no guarantee that it will stay like that."

The boys were there for a full two days, staying in the field for the entire time. More boys came, and some were taken away. Then the two boys were taken themselves. They appeared in a court room that looked a little odd. Four boys were hanging from the walls in a little distress, and a few more were in a cage – all of them naked.

The boys appeared before a judge and the bailiff read out, "Colts 7698 and 7699, caught steeling confectionaries from a shop and running from constables. Evidence includes video camera and statements from all parties."

An advocate read aloud, "Your honour, my office has reviewed the evidence and the past of the colts. In both cases they grew up in stable homes. We recommend for their own benefit and for others that they be farmed."

The Judge heard the statement, and then with a bang of his gaval uttered, "It is so ordered."

The boys not given a chance to say anything were taken from the court room back to the farm. But instead of going to the field as they had been, they were joining a group of ten boys all naked and tagged in a barn.

About ten minutes later, a group of five clothed boys came in, each with tags in the ear. They didn't say anything, but all were joined a few minutes later by a middle aged man.

"Boys, you are here to be processed for farming. The boys with clothes will now take them off and put them in a box. The rest of you will lay down on the benches and put your cocks in the hole provided."

Our two boys walked over to a bench each. It was angled downwards, so when Billy got on the one bench his cock actually kept him from sliding down – but his genitals were exposed completely.

The boys were each on their benches, including the formerly clothed boys. The man started with the formerly clothed boys, bringing up a tool to their balls - which had a ring around them. He pressed a button and the metal ring quickly contracted and the boy ejaculated into the hole. His balls were severed and left behind no mark that they had ever been there.

The boys were each done this way. Our two boys, were both eleven, came with such a force that they had never dreamed possible. The youngest boy done was seven, and even he ejaculated a clear fluid.

After the colts were all done, the ones that were wearing clothing prior, put their clothing back on, and all the geldings were assigned work.

9. Consequences

The Boy 3;

and the Principal

Stephan was a beautiful boy
standing naked before the Principal.

The Principal regarded him for a second.

Stephan was scared of might happen.

The Principal was amused because of
the display he was watching.

Stephan became embarrassed
as his cock rose to its triumph.

The Principal then grabbed the boy
and placed his cock in the lococession clamp.

The clamp was tight around Stephan's cock,
but it was

"Stephan, I am bewildered by
your behaviour this morning!"

"Sir, it wasn't me!"

"Isn't that what you said last time?"

"It was Johnny, he started it!"

"You don't get it do you?
I don't care who started it."

The Principal slapped Stephan's bum.

The clamp 3;
         it is so pleasurable 3;

         Stephen had the thoughts
                  all boys had about the clamp.

The slapped bum started it.

It moved the cock in the comforting
embrace of the clamp of lococession.

It gave the pleasure and all the boy could do 3;
                   3; was pump.

Stroke after stroke 3;

But the pleasure building up inside of him.

The Principal regarded his pupil.

The boy wasn't the first in the clamp
and certainly wouldn't be the last.

He knew how these boys reacted in the clamp.

The clamp was an attempt not to misqueme
the soft hearted.

The clamp's work was almost done.

Some boys knew what was next 3;

The Principal took out the next tool
in his toolbox.

The pleasure was almost too much to bear.

At the end of the clamp was a
         big bowl.

Stephan cock just couldn't hold it anymore.

A huge sigh came from him as he started
filling the bowl.

The Principal was impressed.

The collection bowl held a lot,
more than most.         

When he was almost done 3;


The sound was echoed in Stephan's mind.

The band around his ball sack was tight.

Strangling his little boys, they died.

The Principal always enjoyed this job.

He took the bowl containing the effluvium,
brought it up to the naked eunuch's mouth and said,
"Drink this."                       

The first duty of a new eunuch 3;
         drink his last seed.

Stephan opened his mouth, and the
sweet nectar flowed in.

He thought how salty it was, but
he took it all in and swallowed.

He knew it would not be the last

The boy was given a tight collar.

A eunuch's collar, the sign of a
brothel boy. But not even a boy

"Well Stephen, you are to go down
to the brothel and see the mistress."

The Principal released the clamp.

"Yes, sir." was all he could come out with.

His balls that are now dead,
but still hanging from his now
flaccid cock will surely be
         cut off
by the mistress before tonight.

But he left the Principal's office.

Everyone knew what he was now,
there is no place to run.

But the brothel.

10. Boy's Club

Edmund had lived in Hacienda for only two months, it has been quite a culture shock. The ten year old boy has two brothers, each 11 and 12.

All the boys arrived midsummer. All the boys arrived and were given some ID bracelet that cannot absolutely be taken off. They explored on their own for a while, and quickly discovered that a lot of the boys around town were naked – in fact it was rare to see a boy with clothing on.

The whole rights situation was different in his new home. Edmund met a local boy named Roger. Roger was ten as well, and quite naked. Roger convinced Edmund to not only to take off his clothes, but ask his parents permission to join him at a club he goes to.

Edmund had the note of permission from his mother. They went over to the club, and it said on the front "Boys Game's Room". They went in and Roger spoke to the man in his twenties right inside.

"Hey, Gary. This is my new friend Edmund, I wanted to show him the club."

Gary replied, "Does he have the assignment paper from his parents?"

Roger said, "Yes he does, Edmund give him the paper from your mother."

Edmund handed the paper up to Gary, and the man took Roger's wrist ID braclet and put an attachment on to it.

"Okay, boys enjoy."

The two boys went further on. Inside the first room there was a bar with a few naked boys on it – youngest Edmund guessed was nine, oldest maybe thirteen. Some naked twelve year olds were playing monopoly on a table.

Right beside them was a brick wall with a naked white haired boy with his arms raised above his head and his wrists secured to the wall. His feet were on tippy toes he was so restrained. He had an erection, but his balls were very small.

"Roger, what is the boy doing on the wall?" he asked.

"Edmund, that is Sammy. One of the masters likes Sammy on the wall when he isn't using him, especially when he has been bad," came the reply.

"But who are the masters?" he inquired further.

"They are the men that run the boy's club. You have to do what they ask without question. We both belong to them in a sort of way."

"What do you mean we belong to them?"

"Well, because we are both members of this club, we are owned by the club. Our bodies are anyways."

"You didn't tell me that!"

"I thought you would have known."

A man was coming into the room, "Roger!"

Roger turned his head, and walked towards him, grabbing Edmund and dragging him along. Roger kneeled before the man and pulled Edmund down to do that same.

"Master Owens" the boy said.

"Roger, who is this new boy?"

"Master, he is new to the country. I wanted to show him the club."

"Very good Roger."

The man put a collar on Roger and Edmund, and had a rope to lead them on. He then tied the boy's hands behind their backs. He led them down a hallway.

There was a red headed boy chained up against the wall. His arms stretched above his head, and his legs pulled up to the same point. His mouth was covered with duct tape, and there was cum oozing out of his bum. Edmund then noticed something odd about his small penis, the boy had no balls.

The boys were then dragged on, and then came a new room. There were two other boys tied up like they were, but they were on a table with their legs spread. They had cum all over their bodies. These boys couldn't have been any more than eight.

Edmund was lifted onto a table, where his bum hung over the side. Roger was done the same.

The man spoke, "Edmund, I would like to welcome you to our country. I am assuming that Roger told you a little bit about what this club is, but not very much."

The man took a plastic syringe and injected Edmund's rectum with its contents.

"In this country, a boy has very little rights. You saw that boy in the hall way, he was indeed castrated. He will hang there for another few hours and likely be used by another dozen men. Even the boys playing monopoly at the front can be called by a master, castrated and hung up there. But most aren't. Some will just watch other boys having sex, something you probably haven't done yet.

"A lot of boys who don't join a club will likely be castrated by the government unless they are lucky enough to get a clothing permit before they turn sixteen.

"You will learn there are advantages to our way," he said, as he aimed his penis and it penetrated the ten year's anus. Edmund screamed in pain, but nothing could really stop the Master's penis from impaling him.

Afterwards, the master injected Roger with the same liquid and had anal sex with him. With both boys now filled to the brim with cum the master put a plug into each of their bums.

The master then said, "Now that you have experienced your master's penis, it is time for you to experience each other's."

The master lifted Roger up and put his mouth on Edmund's hard penis, and Edmund's mouth went right onto Roger's penis. The master said to them, "Suck each other, or I will castrate you both."

Both boys sucked and after a few minutes they were gagging on cum that came into each other's mouths.

He raised the boys up onto their feet, and said, "That was your initiation Edmund. I am going to give you both some harnesses, when I bring them you will step into them."

He brought over some leather straps and each boy stepped into them, and he released the boy's handcuffs.

"Boys, I want you to help me with these two eight year olds over here."

The two plugged up ten year olds were wearing black leather harnesses now, and he gave the ten year olds each an elastrator. "Boys, I want you to put a band on like this, and then put it over their balls and press the trigger."

The boys put a band on their elastrators and then put the eight year old's balls through the band and then pressed the trigger. The band released with a violent force that caused both eight year olds to scream.

"Thank you boys. These two were initiated earlier today and Master Dan feels that boys who recieve should not be able to give out."

The master led the two boys out to the main room where the boys at the table were still playing monopoly. He tied the two boy's hands together again behind their backs, and pulled two hooks down from the ceiling. Their harness was hooked into it, and the boys were ten feet off the ground before they knew it.

11. Jonathan's First Day

Jonathan volunteers to help the family.

Jonathan was a beautiful boy of nine, went out with his father for a trip to the market. "Dad, can we get some pomegranates?" Jonathan asked politely.

"No son, we don't have the money for that," David, Jonathan's father told him. "Johnny, do you understand what money is, and what it means to not have it when you need it?"

"I think so," he pondered, "its when you can't eat or live in the house anymore."

"That is right. There is something we can do, but you have to agree," David said – although that wasn't quite truthful.

"What can I do?" Jonathan was very eager to enquire.

"We can lease you."

The reply was short, and Jonathan thought for a moment. "Like a slave?"

"Sort of. Only for five years though."

Jonathan thought again, he was eager to do whatever he could, "I'll do it" was his only reply. It didn't matter what it involved, just that it would help the family. His younger brother was only six, but he still cared for him, and if he could sacrifice for him, he would commit without hesitation.

"I appreciate you being so mature over this. It won't be easy, but it will help us so very much," his father said.

They drove for a few more minutes, and then came to the market. It was one of those old country markets with different vendors. When they entered Jonathan smelt the familiar smell of freshly baked bread, cheeses, and meats. A few turns and they came to a vendor with only the 'male' symbol as their logo. They walked in, and Jonathan saw naked boys in cages. A man asked them, "Buying or Selling?"

David told him, "Selling. Standard five year."

The man looked over Jonathan, "Take off your clothes kid, let me look at you."

Jonathan didn't even wait for his father to say anything, his shirt was off in a flash, followed by his shoes, socks. He grabbed the elastics of his shorts and underwear and pulled them down all at once, revealing a small cock.

"I'll give you forty for the boy, full options."



The man grabbed a collar and put it on Jonathan, and stamped his bum with the temporary logo to mark him. He pointed to a cage with three other boys, and he got in. The two men worked out the fine print, while Jonathan talked to the other slaves.

"I'm Nathan," said an eight year old, "this is my brother Josh," he pointed to a naked six year old. The third boy looked about twelve, but didn't say much.

His father signed some papers, and bid his son good luck. Two more boys ended up coming in, their naked bodies joined the other boys. After some boredom, the two new boys started sucking on each other's cocks. The man didn't seem to mind, so Jonathan looked at Nathan, and their minds seemed to say the same thing and started sucking each other too.

After five, the man closed up shop. "Boys, time to go. Come out one at a time."

The first boy came out, the man put manicles on his wrists and ankles. The boy's arms were tied behind him. "Next!" he said. Nathan came out, got the same manicles, and a chain going from his collar to the previous boy's. A few minutes later, the man was leading the six naked boys out to a transport van. Each boy was released one at a time, and put into a separate cage in the van.

Off they went down the road.

A half hour later the van arrived at a small office. The boys didn't know it, but it was a Doctor's office that fixed up new slaves after hours. The boys were lined up again, and the chain gang walked into the back room. A man in a white coat, and a nurse met the boys and man. The man said to the white coat, "Tube, cut, brand, and shave." He nodded, and took a look at each of the boys.

"Open your mouths" he ordered each one of them. He paid close attention to Josh, "This boy might be a problem. He has his central incisors, but his laterals haven't come in yet. It would have to be fixed in six months."

"That's fine, just get it done," the man said. When the boys are young enough to not have their adult teeth, it can be hard to tube them. So he usually only deals with seven and eight year olds, but the young one came with the older one.

Jonathan was taken into an examination room. "Open your mouth," he said. The boy's mouth opened, and a freezing agent was applied. He took a pair of forceps and pulled out Jonathan's four front teeth, and the four beside them. There was so much blood and Jonathan was crying. But it the doctor stopped it pretty quickly. He was sent out, and the next boy came in. All six boys had the same eight teeth removed.

Four of the boys were taken to another room, where they saw four red phallic shaped tubes that were long. They looked like a thick rubberized plastic. "Boys, you will put those in your mouth as far as they will go."

Jonathan knelt before the phallic tube and started putting it into his mouth, but started to gag half way. The other boys were similar, but Josh was only a third of the way down. The doctor pressed a button and each boy had a liquid sprayed into their mouths. The doctor put his hand on the back of Josh's head and pushed his face into the tube. The gag reflex was stopped by the spray, and it went right into Josh's throat. He did the rest of the boys the same way until it clicked and a huge flow of liquid passed down their throats.

The boys were returned and were made to look in a mirror. The tube was capped by a blue cover and their lips partially covered it. This is why their teeth were removed.

Jonathan was sat on a bench with his hands still tied behind him. The doctor took a metal band and placed it around each of their testicles. During their emasculation, the doctor heated up the branding rod. He shaved their heads while it was heating up, then touched their right bum with it. They couldn't scream anymore, but would have if they could.

After they were done, every boy had a gag tube, collar, no hair and no balls. They were loaded back on the van.

12. Kennel, Part 1

Two boys have to go to a kennel when their father has to go on an extended business trip.

Nathan and Josh were getting dressed in their fancy clothes when their father yelled up to them, "Are you boys ready yet? We don't want to keep Mr. Smith waiting!" Both boys were dressed in dress shirts and long pants. Both ran down stairs being careful not to wrinkle their freshly pressed shirts.

"You both look very smart," their father beamed at the looks of his two sons. Not even twelve, both boys were very handsom. "Now put on your shoes so we can go!"

The two boys took their shoes out of the boxes they came in. The boys spent about three hours the previous night polishing them for today, so they were careful when putting them on.

The two good looking boys were in the back seat of their father's car, enjoying the view of the country. His father was going off on a business trip so he was bringing the boys to a kennel. "Nathan and Josh, do you remember what I told you?"

The boys said in unison, "Yes Father!" Nathan continued, "We will meet Mr. Smith together, and do everything he says. He can do anything he wants with us while you are away."

His father nodded, "That is absolutely right. Remember that I told you that you will both likely be naked the entire time I am away?"

Again the boys said, "Yes Father!"

He continued, "So it is very important that if he tells you to take off your clothing, you do it without hesitation."

It was turning into evening when the car pulled into a large farm with a sign saying "Smith Ranch and Kennel". The boys and their father got out of the car and met up with a man in his forties. "You must be Nathan and Josh," the man said.

The boys said, "Yes sir."

"And you are polite too," the man beamed. "I know you are in a hurry, so I brought the papers out. Boys, you can take your clothes off now."

As Mr. Smith and their father did some paper work the boys quickly took off their clothes and folded them, leaving them in the trunk of the car. By the time the two men were done, the boys were naked standing side by side. "Very good of you boys," Mr. Smith commented.

Mr. Smith came up to Nathan and put a tight collar around his neck. It had two prongs that dug into his skin a bit. "Boys, you can say goodbye to your father."

The two collared boys yelled to their father, "Have a nice trip"

Mr. Smith commented, "Because you boys are new, there are a few rules that you will be learning. But first one is only speak when spoken to, and do all the work assigned to you. You will learn more, but that is enough for now. Dinner was already served an hour ago, so you will have to wait till morning. I will put you in your sleeping quarters for the night."

Mr. Smith attached a leather rope that connected to each of the two collars and started walking, and the two boys went along with him. The two boys were led to a stall in the barn. "This is where you will be sleeping tonight. Get in and have a good night."

Mr. Smith took off the leash and the boys got in. The boys laid down in the hay, and Mr. Smith locked the stall door. It had a metal mesh roof over the boys' heads. No escape.

Soon it was dark, Nathan started to masturbate. His eleven year old cock was bare, but it was as hard as ever. Josh was only ten, but the collared boy also was hard. He emulated his brother and eventually they both let their seed fall onto the hay. They went to sleep shortly afterwards.

In the morning at six, they awoke to Mr. Smith yelling at them. "No boy in my charge is allowed to masturbate without permission! If you cannot control yourselves, then I will make sure you won't have to!" He attached two leaches to their collars taking them out of the pen.

continued in Kennel, Pt. 2

13. The Public Nudity Order

Modesty is not a thing for the young.

Andrew received the letter on the last Thursday of July. It was his Public Nudity order, selected by the government, and approved by a judge – he had to go into the processing centre right the next day.

He arrived at nine in the morning, twenty other boys had apparently been selected too. An attendant told the boys, "Everyone take off your clothing!" Andrew didn't hesitate, he was naked within ten seconds. But not every boy was so quick or eager. The attendant reiterated, "Anyone who is not naked in ten seconds will get ten lashes for every second over that!" The rest of the boys but one were done in less than ten seconds, but the final one was slow.

Two more attendants grabbed him and tore off the rest of his clothing. He was tied down to a bench, and was told "yell out the number or it won't count!" The boy cried as he said, "one, 3; two, 3; three, 3;" The boy recieved twenty lashes in total and was red all over his back and bum.

The boys were examined for defects, then lined up – nuts to butts. Andrew got a big red stamp above his left nipple that said 'PN 5434' which meant he was the 5434th public nude in Lancaster County. His bum was similarly marked and a tattoo above his bum said "Property of Lancaster County".

All of the boys were numbered and tattooed. Being selected for public nudity meant being nude until the boy's sixteenth birthday. As was obvious by the tattoo, these boys were now considered property of the county. The boys were each given a hair cut, buzzed down to skin. An attendant took the now shaven boy to the shower where he was unceremonously scrubbed down with some wicked cleaning solution that burned. Special attention was paid to the pelvis area.

The boys were all clean and waiting for whatever the attendants were going to do next. Andrew met two other boys, Roger, 9, and Mike, 12. All of the other boys were between those ages, except for one smaller boy who looked about 7.

Andrew was the first one taken for the next stage, he was sat down on a chair that secured his legs and arms. A doctor examined his penis closely. "Very nice and uncircumsized," he observed.

The doctor taped Andrew's penis up to his stomach, and proceeded to take a scalpel to his bag. "This will only hurt for a few seconds," the doctor lied. Andrew was crying out, but the doctor continued. The bag was open and his testicles were dropped out. The doctor took two metal crimps which fit on the boy's cords and squished them. Andrew yelped as his cords were crushed and cut in one motion.

The testicles were put into a jar with a preserving fluid and his PN number on it. The doctor grabbed two nuticles, or fake testicles, and attached them to the crimps and put them back in his bag. The wound was sealed by a regeneration unit – no scare would be evident.

All the boys were castrated. When they first started the program, the boys were not castrated and some older folks objected when the naked boys kept getting erections. So they decided to prevent that problem.

The boys quickly discovered that their nuticles were not just placeholders, they had miniature bells inside of them – so everywhere they walked you could hear them. For the rest of the summer the boys learned how to be a sexual being – only at special places could they get erections. Girls loved them because there was no danger of pregnancy and the bells making sounds on his strokes was amusing.

14. Sex Education Slaves

The problem with sex education, is that there are never any practical demonstrations.

On Sunday, the Governor just signed into law the Sex Education Slavery Act. By Monday she had to get the pilot program started, for that she made a committee consisting of Harriett Barner, Minster for Human Property, and Bob Campbell, Minister for Education.

A plan of action was decided on quickly, ten volunteers were needed – they all needed to be willing volunteers. So the Head Master was contacted at the Artwald Academy – Dr. Pensworth. Dr. Pensworth brought in a few boys, among them were Mike and Rob, two twelve year olds.

"The government is starting a pilot project for sex education endentures and are looking for willing volunteers," he said to them. "If you choose to accept, you will become partial slaves owned 50% by the school, and 50% by your parents. You will continue your education, but primarily you will be available for having sex with girls and boys in the sex education labs. Your term will be for five years, with an option for a five year extension – during that time you will not age." He didn't include all the details, but that was enough for them for now.

He knew Mike and Rob were secretly gay and submissive – which is why he brought them in. Those two looked at each other and both raised their hands – "We will volunteer, sir." they said in unison. A few more boys from the group volunteered, and after another group Dr. Pensworth got a total of ten boys between the ages of 11 and 12.

The government sent over a van to take them to processing. The slave processing centre takes in on average one hundred boys a day for one kind of slave processing or another – but is capable of dealing with up to five hundred. They usually have a spike in processing just before Christmas when parents are looking to buy slaveboys for their own children, and after Christmas when the parents realize how much debt they accumulated to afford Christmas.

The ten boys were lead into a line where a few boys were sitting naked beside their mother or father. There was even a couple boys in cages. Their minder told them, "Take off your clothes and put them in this box, then sit down." The minder went up to reception while they started disrobing.

Mike and Rob were the first boys naked, they figured they wouldn't be wearing any clothing for a while. They were embarrased they had erections. The first group was called out, it was half the boys including Mike and Rob. The nurse sat them down near an enema and cleaning station, "Boys you must wash yourselves down with the special soap and have two enemas." The soap stung like hell, but they used it all over their bodies. Afterwards they rinsed it off, and all their hair went with it. They each helped each other with their enemas – a skill they are taught in sex ed. After they were all clean, they moved over to five metal beds.

After she verified each of their identities in turn, she put a collar on each hairless boy. She had each boy lie down and she strapped each of them in and inserted an IV in each. She said, "You are being given growth arrester, and a hormonal modifier, you have to be gagged for surgery."

The boys were quick to start questioning what surgery, but she gagged each one until silence filled the room. A doctor came out, and spread Mike's legs, "That is a large set, its almost a shame." He used an antiseptic on his bag, and took his knife and sliced into it. Mike tried screaming into his gag, but he was relieved of his balls anyways. His bag was completely removed, and healed – never being able to tell he ever had one. The other boys had their bags removed the same way.

The boys fell asleep and were taken to a recovery ward. When they woke up three days later, they found their dicks erect – a bit bigger than before. They each had registry marks on their bums. But they were ready for release.

When Mike got home, his parents were furious with him. But at school, he was the star attraction. A eunuch with a permanent erection. In the sex education lab he fucked every girl and eventually every boy – and they fucked him back. Nobody could get pregnant, so they could get as much sex practice as they wanted.

This last for the next ten years, and it was so successful that the program expanded within a few moths to all the state schools.

15. Summer Camp

Two brothers are sent to the Boy's Experience Camp.

Wallace and Eric just left the last day of school, both were excited to the summer camp they were going to. The eleven year olds, and their two brothers were going to the Boy's Experience Camp that just opened. Their folks wanted to go away for vacation, and thought the boys would enjoy a vacation all their own.

The boys were leaving the next day, and when Eric got home his mother told him, "You need to pack your tooth brush, and maybe a book or two – everything else is provided."

"Okay mom," said he, as he kissed her on the cheek. He went into the room he and his brother shared, and found the nine year old playing chess with Wallace's eight year old brother. "Hey bro, you winning?"

"Of course!" said he.

A loud yell, "Dinner!" came from downstairs. All three of them went down. Dinner conversation was about what the boys wanted to do at their two month camp. Eric was looking forward to the sports, his brother was always more into the camping and intellectual games.

The rest of the evening passed uneventfully, and before everyone knew it, it was the next day when everyone was at the bus dropping their boys off. Eric's mother handed the driver an envelop, and many of the other parents did the same.

On the bus ride, there were about fifty boys from eight to thirteen years old. A few got to know each other, some of the older boys even planned some fun come nightfall.

When they got to the camp, the boys were shuffled into a dining room where lunch was prepared. As the boys went through lunch, one by one, they were taken by the camp staff. When it was Eric's turn, he was brought into a medical examination room.

A staff member talked to him, "Eric, I am Margaret. I need to examine you, so I need you to take off your clothing. Don't be shy, everyone is doing it."

"I don't want to be naked," said he.

"Look, if you don't do it by yourself, we will do it for you."

With the harsh tone in her voice, the boy started taking off his shirt. "Fold it up, and put them in the box on the table," she said. He folded the shirt, took off his sneakers and socks, putting them in the box, and finally pulling his shorts and underwear by their elastics, he revealed what were his private parts.

The woman noted his penis was hairless, and took some measurements. Checking his heart, and finally, he told the boy to stand on a weigh scale. She took his weight and height. Finally told him to stand with his hands at his head, and she took a picture, and reversed, and took another picture. Before he could do anything she took the box sealed it up and gave it to a man.

"Hey, what are you doing with my clothes?" he enquired.

"You won't be needing those for a while. I told you, everyone was taking their clothes off. Now, come with me."

The woman led Eric to a larger room curtained off. He was made to stand on a platform that had a frame above it. Margaret positioned a molded plastic piece against the boy's bum. He felt the embossing of the mold press in. Another plastic piece was brought up to his front and connected to the rear. It compressed tightly against his bum. He was tied to the frame, and raised off the ground and brought him back behind a curtain.

For the next hour, Eric was held in that position with the mold against his bum being rather hot, but not burning. At the end of the hour, Eric was lowered back onto the platform, and a man placed a collar around his neck.

"What are you doing to me?" he asked.

The man said nothing. The front pelvic plate was taken away, revealing his soft cock and balls. The man put a ring around the base of this penis, and another around his balls. A rubberized piece attaching to the base ring was stuck to his body, and his penis fit into it. A hard plate was pushed onto the rubber piece, locking his penis into an upright position against his body.

When Eric was let down from the frame, he felt his body with his hands and found the plate completely cutting off any access to his favourite toy. His bum felt next, had some kind of writing indented into it. Afterwards, the man put a mouth widener into his mouth which forced his mouth open – preventing all intelligable speech.

The man said, "You will form a line with the other slaves and wait to go back to the dining hall. If you don't obey, you will be punished."

Eric was shocked to hear the word 'slave' be used. But he went out and saw the line up. The boys who were in the line all were like he was. He had a closer look at the intended bums, looking more like brands. They were black, but not burned in. As each one of them left the big room they were in, Margaret put a penis gag into their mouths locking onto the mouth widener.

When all the boys were seated again in the dining room, an older man addressed them: "You have all been sent here by your families to recieve some slave training. You were selected as the first batch of indentured slaves by the community. While you will be able to have fun here, your training is paramount."

"You will do exactly as you are told, and that includes sex. Your genitals have been locked away, because slaves are not allowed to penetrate anything."

The speech went on for another few minutes, but then the boys were broken up into groups. Eric's group went on a tour of the camp. The punishment areas were of special note: the most severe was the pirch. The one leading the group around said, "Eric will demonstrate the pirch."

Eric was scared, but walked over to pirch and stepped up. There was a mesh to stand on, but in the middle was obviously meant to go right up his ass. Afraid, he put his ass onto the plug, and it started to go inside him. Up it went until it was far enough that he was on his tippy toes.

After he was released from that agonizing experience, they saw the pegs. The man said, "You will spend a few hours a day on pegs like these." The boys were brought to their bunk areas. There were about a dozen beds on the one corner of the room, with another dozen pegs by the door. Another couple smaller beds had some younger boys on them. The man locked the boys in.

Eric went over to the younger boys, and noticed they were marked on their bums in the same way, but also had a plug up their ass with a chain locked to the side of their bed. They didn't have the plate covering their cocks, but their testicles were missing. He noticed one of the boys was his brother, just by his body appearance. When he went looking at his brother's face, there was a featureless mask covering it with his name and number printed on the top.

Later that afternoon, the boys were let out to play some sports. They ended up being fairly aggressive with the plates covering their nuts. This went on for a few days. By the third day, the boys were spending at least two hours on the pegs. Some of the boys even had to endure the pirches.

There were fields on the camp grounds that were crops, the boys started working in those fields. After a month without any sexual relief, some of the boys had their covers taken off. Eric was locked down on a peg when his was taken off. His brother came up and sucked him off, he had the best orgasm of his life. He was released, but didn't have his cover put back on. He figured out why: he was castrated like his brother.

16. Ethan

Liam finds out more about his friend's slavery.

School was about to let out, and Ethan put his math work into his desk. His teacher had just finished with their math lesson, Ethan loved geometry. As he packed up his stuff, his friend Liam asked him, "Can you play tonight Ethan?"

Ethan was just ready to sign out to leave, his teacher scanned his collar. "You can go home now," his teacher ordered. "Thank you sir."

He walked out of the classroom after picking up his bag, and he turned his attention back to his friend, "You will have to ask my master." Ethan touched his collar again, reminding Liam that he was a slave. Liam had just arrived in the country, and wasn't used to slavery.

Liam wore a nice stylish outfit he got the weekend before. His mother bought it in the Gap, but he looked at Ethan and all he wore was a collar. "Don't you get cold like that, you know, without clothes," he asked.

"Does an animal get cold in the winter?" was the only reply of the naked eleven year old.

"But an animal has fur," Liam reasoned.

"September through November, my body is conditioned to be outside. The thing I can sometimes wear is a plastic clear body suit," he told his friend.

The boys talked more as they were walking to Ethan's home. "How did you become a slave, were you born one?"

"No, when I was seven my mother and father had a hard time with money. They had to mortgage me. Its like when you have a property in monopoly, and you run out of money – you have to mortgage it, but you don't have to give it up, and you get money for it," Ethan explained.

"So your master is your father?" Liam thought.


"But what I don't understand is why you have to be naked."

"Because they want to be able to tell the difference between a free boy like you, and a slave boy like me," Ethan explained. He left out some other details Liam might not be ready for.

"Did that mark on your bum hurt?" Liam asked, looking at the symbol of a cow and "ETH3495" raised under it.

"You do not know pain, until you have been branded. Lets hope you never do," was the only reply Ethan could think about, remembering the heat followed swiftly by the pain he received on his eighth birthday branding.

They got to the house, and Ethan led him to the back. On the back deck there was a chute that Ethan put his backpack through. Ethan told Liam, "You have to go to the front of the house and ask permission to play with me." Ethan put his bum up against an optical sensor in the wall and started climbing through a little door that looked like a pet door – only bigger.

Liam went around the front of the house and rang the door bell. A middle aged woman answered, "Can I help you?" Liam inferred that this was Ethan's mother.

"Yes ma'am, I am a friend of Ethan's, and I was wondering if I could play with him this evening."

"We don't have anything really planned for the next few hours, so sure you can come on in, even stay for dinner if you like," she said. She let Liam in the house, "You can put your bag and coat on the rack by the door. The two walked back to the kitchen where she was preparing dinner. He saw Ethan in a cage with a gag on. "Don't be too shocked. We have to treat him like a slave most of the time."

Liam looked at the cage, it had a cot, and a toilet. Obviously there was nothing of privacy for Ethan.

Ethan's mother told the two, "its time to eat." She unlocked the door to Ethan's cage and removed his gag. Ethan came out.

He said, "Thank you mistress." She disregarded his thanks, because she hated how he called her mistress – but it was part of him being a slave.

His mother had made lasagna, Liam thought it smelled delicious.

She asked Liam, "Ethan told me that you just came into the country."

"My family is from Canada, father moved down here for a job," Liam said.

"You must be confused about slavery, especially your first hand look at it," she said as she motioned towards her son.

"Up in Canada we don't have anything like this," he replied.

"Liam, Ethan is what is called a Class IV Slave. He cannot wear clothes, and must follow orders of certain people – like your teacher, the principal, and us. His slavery can be lifted with court approval anytime between his sixteenth and eighteenth birthday, if not, he will become a class II slave permanently," she explained.

He thought twice about asking his next question, but decided he needed to know. "Is Ethan also for sex?"

"Class IV Slaves can be used for any sexual act, he is not a virgin if that is what you were wondering," she said. "I could even give you permission to have sex with him if you wanted to. He also goes to a camp for two weeks every June for a little bit more training."

A noise was at the door, and Ethan's father came in with their seven year old son Aiden, and nine year old son Logan. Logan was naked and collared, but Aiden wore clothing. Logan hugged his mother, and she said, "Lets see"

Logan lifted up his little penis, and showed his mother. Liam saw it and exclaimed, "He has no balls!" Ethan and Liam both had the same thought and moved to cover theirs.

"We had to get him done, Ethan might need to be fixed as well," she said. "When slave boys reach a certain age, puberty can turn them into badly behaved slaves. We thought Logan would be best done before that happened."

Ethan begged his mother, "Please mother, I don't need to be fixed."

All she said was, "We will see dear. Now Liam, there is one thing you might be able to help us with. Logan is still a virgin, but he hasn't gotten his first plug yet. We have kind of delayed. You might be the right size for Logan's first. But we can talk about that after dinner. Lets sit down everyone and eat!"

17. Kennel, Part 2

The boys start getting into shape.

Mr. Smith lead the two boys out to the washing area of the barn to hose the boys down. Their arms were secured above their heads. "Time to clean you filthy boys!" he exclaimed. He took the hose and sprayed high pressure cold water over their bodies. The dirt from the pen and their indescretions the night before melted away with the purifying blast of cold.

"Your father wanted you both to be in better physical shape than when you arrived. Being that I have you for three months, I know a way I can oblige him," he mentioned to the shivering boys.

Nathan's arms were secured behind his back in a molded plastic meant to keep them immobile. A training harness was secured around the boy's upper body going from his collar down to below his navel. Finally, he gagged the boy except for a hole to give water and liquid food.

Josh was treated to the same. He touched both of their bags giving them a little tap, "If you don't perform as well as I expect you to, don't think I will let you keep these very long." Mr. Smith always found a little motivation good for the boys in his care. Rarely did he ever need to castrate the kenneled boys. A few years ago, he did have one boy kenneled by his folks who died – that boy became a slave for a few years and had to be castrated, he certainly didn't want to breed the poor bastard.

He led the two boys over to feeding stations that allowed them to suck up liquid food into their gagged mouths. "Enjoy breakfast, I will be back." The boys didn't particularly enjoy cum flavoured nutrient juice, but it was better than nothing.

Mr. Smith came back with another naked boy. "Nathan and Josh, this is my son, Quinn. He will be giving you your exercise today. You obey him as you would obey me, because you know what will happen if you don't." The boys felt their balls being touched again to remind them. Quinn was a beautiful boy of fourteen, quite comfortable nude on the farm. He pulled the boys onto an enema machine so they wouldn't go while out on the field. They didn't enjoy it, but they did get clean.

Finally, they were hooked up to a light cart and Quinn told the boys to 'mush' and sent a little whip touching their shoulders. He had attached a rein that connected onto their gags so they would feel commands of direction. New pony boys took about half an hour to break into the motion, but a few weeks to get into shape.

After a few hours of gentle riding, Quinn was a little horny, so he undid Josh and put up on the ground in front of Nathan. Nathan watched as Josh was penetrated by Quinn. He wanted to stop it, but couldn't move the cart. The boys were legally chattle when kenneled, so they could be used in any way Quinn wanted as long as they were not hurt beyond repair.

Josh was hooked back up, and Quinn had them run as fast as they could back to the barn. They were breathing heavy and sweating by the time they got back. Quinn let them have a light cold shower to cool them off. "You two ponies did very well today, but it will get harder before it gets easier!"

The boys were put back in their stall, but this time their cocks were locked and hands not released.

18. The Manor

Three boys discover life at the Manor

Inspired by another story of the same title.

Billy was visiting his Aunt in Summerside City, and it was a late Friday afternoon. Billy had just got back with his two cousins from the ValMærte Übervende.

His Aunt Margerie had come in wearing an evening gown and said, "Boys, we are going to a party up at the Manor this evening. I put nice clothes on your beds, hurry up and put them on so we can go!"

The three boys, aged eleven, twelve, and thirteen, ran up stairs and stripped off their dirty clothes. Even Billy's older cousin Steph had only a hair or two growing around his undersized dick. The boys put on the dress shorts and shirt, and ran down stairs.

Margerie checked the boys out and then said, "You will find some things different at the Manor, and you might be invited to do somethings – but do not do anything without being invited to by our host."

The boys didn't really understand what she was trying to say, but they left for the manor. They were driving up Sømærset Mountain where the Manor was situated, and as they approached they saw a few cars already there.

Margerie and the boys got out of the car and got up to the door and it was opened by a young naked boy. He greeted Margerie by saying, "Welcome Mistress. Shall I take your boys to the Anteroom?"

Margerie thanked the naked boy, and said to her boys, "Follow young Eric here, and there will be other boys you can socialize with before dinner."

The three well dressed boys followed the naked Eric, and Billy noticed there was a number printed big on his bum. When they got into the Anteroom, there were ten other boys there. Seven of them were naked.

Eric then turned to the three new boys, and said, "These are the rest of the guests. In this house, clothing is optional for boys and we encourage you to go naked if that suits you."

Billy and his younger cousin Andrew looked at each other and started taking off their shorts. In a second the two boys were naked, but Steph decided to stay clothed.

In the main room, Margerie met up with some other women, "Oh Margerie, I am so glad you could make it. I saw you had another boy with you today, who is it?"

Margerie replied, "It is my nephew visiting town. Eric certainly hasn't grown much since he came here."

One of the other women said, "Eric has been a dear. He learns quickly, and he is certainly better here than that terrible orphanage we found him in. Oh, and Margerie, we have a nice show for tonight. We have some new girls from Canada. Speaking of the girls, we wanted to breed three of them, and your nephew looks like good stock – think we can breed him?"

Margerie thought for a second, "You can breed him, if he accepts the offer. I suspect they already have him naked in the anteroom. "

The owner of the house, Mistress Riege, then said, "Your nephew is very cute, I would acquire him if I could." The women laughed a bit, but Margerie said, "I doubt my sister would like to know that her son became a castrated eunuch slave in the Manor. Remember she used to live in this town."

"Your younger boy, Andrew, I would say would look good without his balls. He certainly is young enough!" Mistress Riege said in compliment to Margerie.

"You know that my boys have always been free to make these choices in their own lives. I guess you want to breed my Eric too."

"Eric has always been a handsome boy, getting too old to cut, but a few slaves that look like him would do the manor some credit! Would you please talk to your boys about it?"

"Riege, for you, I will talk with all three of them."

The dinner party conversation carried on, while downstairs Billy and Andrew had just been serviced by the slaveboy Eric. Then Andrew tried taking Billy's cock and enjoyed the taste of his cousin's cum.

A few minutes later, the dinner was called, and all the boys who had been playing cleaned themselves up and came up to the dinner table with the ladies at one end and boys at another.

About nine in the evening, Margerie was in the Anteroom talking with her naked son, newphew, and clothed son.

"Billy and Steph, Mistress Reige has expressed an interest in breeding you both; and Andrew, she would like you to join the manor like Eric has. Truth be told, she wanted you too Billy, but I know your mother wouldn't approve. Talk it over amongst yourself, ask any questions you want."

Andrew saw how Eric lived and only asked one question, "Mom, can I see you any time I want?"

Margerie knew then that her youngest son wanted to live at the manor, "After your training, almost any time."

Andrew then said, "I want to join the manor, mom."

Billy then said to her, "If Mistress Reige wants me too, then I want to join Andrew. It is my choice, not my mother's."

Margerie replied, "Yes Billy it is."

Then Steph said, "I will help Mistress Reige, if she wants me to breed for her."

She brought the two naked boys over to a document each, and told them to read it, and sign their names at the bottom and then masturbate onto it.

The boys quickly glanced at it, and then signed. They then pumped on and off, and each liberally coated the contract in their seed.

Margerie then with a certain reluctance put collars on both of the boys. She then said to Steph, take your clothing off, and go find Mistress Reige and take these to her.

Her now naked older son brought the slave contracts to Mistress Reige. She left the party for a few minutes.

In the mean time, Margerie had brought the two naked slaves over a steam room, and had them take a bath. She then made sure they were both hairless, and put them onto metal tables that were angled down slightly. Still a little moist, the two boys were each hand cuffed to the top of the tables.

She then said, "Boys, I will be back in a few minutes."

She walked out of the steam room, and met Mistress Riege down the hall. She had brought three naked girls with her and her other naked son.

Two of the younger girls had just jumped on the tables and started fucking the two slaves, and the last girl lead Margerie's older son to another table, but let him do her.

The two slaves were in ecstasy when they cummed, and the two slave girls got off. Then Mistress Reige and Margerie left the room, and another woman came, she sprayed their cocks, and then she started opening Andrew's bag, and he screamed. But she continued and took out the boy's testicles and clamping each of them off. She put prosthetic balls onto the cords and sealed them back up in to the eunuch's bag.

His brother was still having sex when his cousin then had his bag opened. He didn't scream, but he did grunt. As she cut off the second ball, he ejaculated right onto her face. But she wore a plastic shield to prevent direct hits. Both of the slaves were now eunuchs.

The next week saw the eunuchs heal, and then they were harnessed with a butt plug and tight straps. They learned to pleasure slave girls, mistresses, and eventually even other boys.

Steph had sired about five boys with the slave girls at the manor, and they would make beautiful slave boys.

19. Not really titled 3;

Jonathan and his class were finishing up their maths class, when the bell rang. The teacher announced, "Line up outside, its time for gym class. You don't need your gym clothes today, leave everything in your bags." In Grade Six, like all the other classes in elementary school -- you line up and walk down the hallway with a teacher at the helm.

It took only about a minute for everyone to be ready to go lined up. The class had twenty four boys, and five girls, today the girls were at the back of the line. They went down the hallway, around the corner, and had to wait for another class coming up. Usually when the timing was right, Jonathan's brother's class was coming up the stairs.

One of the girls in the other class was dressed in long flowing dress. She held open the door, as another was holding a chain. Everyone's mouths dropped when they saw what it was attached to. The boys of the class were all naked, the chain was attached to a collar around the first boy's neck, and it went to the next collar, all the way to the end.

Jonathan, like the rest, were dead silent and spell bound. The boys each had their hands tied behind their backs, their cocks were hard. He looked at some of the boys as they walked by -- their bums had a number marked in black. Where their anus was, a big round red button protruded out. By the fifteenth boy that went by he realized that he didn't have any testicles. The twentieth boy was his brother.

After the naked boys had gone by, they proceeded down to the gym and into the change room. In the boy's change room, their teacher announced: "On the hooks, you will find a bag -- put all of your clothing into it, and come out to the gym. You won't be asked again, the last one out will receive five lashes."

Everyone was in a pause of confusion after the teacher had left. Jonathan just decided to do it, pulled down his pants and underwear in one stroke -- he was the first one naked and out the door. Right in the gym, he directed to a woman holding a collar. She smiled, "first one in your class," she said as she put the collar around his neck. He heard it click. He felt two prongs dig into his neck. He could barely stand the tightness. What followed was a chair with a phallic protrusion out of it. "Sit," was the only thing the man next to the chair said.

He did as he was told, lining up the phallus with his bum. But the man grabbed him, and forced him down on it. He let out a scream of agony. It was so big, it filled him right up. As he was stuck on the chair, he felt a quick heat burn his bum, then he was released from the chair -- but with the intruder still deep within him.

His hands were tied around his back, and he waited for the next thirty minutes while the boys in his class were slowly collared, and penetrated, and tied to his collar behind him.

Near the end, the girls in the class were wearing the nice dresses the other class' girls were wearing. Melissa whispered into Jonathan's ear, "you look cute as a slave." She slapped the button on his bum, and the boy ejaculated with a great force.

Melissa slapped the buttons of every boy in order. Jonathan felt the spunk from the boy behind him touch his back. He was disgusted. But the boys were all hard. A man went down the line of boys and marked all but five with a black X under their navel. The girls went to work, and on all of those boys put self-closing metal band around their testicles. Jonathan heard the cries of pain as the bands crushed the cords and finally severed the sacks of all those boys -- now without any balls.

They were marched back to their class without any ceremony. Melissa lead them, and the other girls held the door. It was near the end of the day, so the bell rang after they got back to class. The boys going back home on the bus were lead out by Melissa. Jonathan was let out first, he got on the bus, but instead of all the seats like normal, he was put in a cage. His brother was put besides him.

When the bus passed by their house, the boys were taken off the bus. Jonathan was first, and his brother was chained to him. The chain Melissa lead them with was attached to a post on the front lawn. The boys would wait their for an hour before their mother came home.

She unlocked them from the front and brought them inside and released their arms and chains. "All she said was, I am sure you both have lots of questions."

Jonathan said his first words since gym class, "Yes Mom, are we slaves?"

"Yes you are. Your school is the first school to experiment with slave boys. I see they want to try to breed you, while your brother will be doing some work in the fields – they cut his balls off. Go up stairs, and get in the big cage, I will be up in a few minutes. Remember what a slave is -- obedience is your best trait."

Jonathan lead his brother up to his room where he saw a large cage. It was setup for two boys to stand up while resting their fronts on a pad. He opened up the cage, and said to his brother, "Get in squirt. Don't really have a choice."

He looked front of the cage and saw two pairs of gloves hanging. He took the pair from his brother's side and put them on him. "Jon, I can't do anything with my fingers," his brother complained.

"I don't think you are supposed to. Now lie down on the pad."

His brother complied, and Jonathan took his arms behind his back and clipped the two gloves together. He did the same for himself, and waited for their mother.

"Jonathan, you have done well. Now, I just have to finish you up." She put a urethral plug on both boys and attached something to their buttons and finally put a feeding tube into their mouths.

"You will be fed in about an hour, just relax until then."

It was a long hour, but soon water was entering their bowels, cycling in and out. Cleaning their insides. Their first enema was not comfortable, but they soon became hard and ejaculated into the plug. The boys both received about half a litre of seminal food through their feeding tubes. It was a nutritious mixture meant to sustain them, and taste exactly like cum -- in fact their own cum was in it.

To be continued.

20. Selective Service

Most boys feared the first day of Grade 6, it was the day that they registered for the selective service. Nathan and Simon were twins standing naked like all the other boys in his class. One by one, a boy went up to the front of the room. The man took a picture for their records, and made certain measurements from head to toe, and even the size of the boy's erect penis.

The most painful part of the process was the tracking chip. Nathan was about to get one, his teacher held his arms behind his back. The man put a black ring around his ball bag, it was tight enough to not come off – but large enough it wasn't going to castrate the poor boy. Finally, the man took a large needle and injected the tracking chip into his bag.

Once the noon bell rang, the boys had been done for at least an hour and the teacher let them put their clothes back on. Every boy this year was fearing his birthday. Registration always started in July – the start of the school year. But it was their birthdays that would determine if they were selected. Previous years they only had a ten to fifteen percent chance of being selected, but this year that number was raised up to fifty percent.

So every boy faced a 50% chance they would be a treated like a slave for a year. This wasn't limited to grade 6 though, the grade 7s, 8s, and 9s had a 35%, 20%, and 10% chance respectively. As luck would have it, or rather bad luck would have it, Nathan and Simon were born on the fifteenth of July.

Selective Service, or SS1, was what most boys ended up with; however, there was another – Slave Service, or SS2, that was worst. Slave Service was usually the result of discipline problems at school such as being a verified bully, or criminal offences no matter how petty. Sometimes the boys classified as SS2 ended up castrated. A rarer classification was Guarantor Service, or SS3, which was the result of parents going bankrupt or taking out a larger loan than otherwise justifiable. SS3 were often the longest periods of service, sometimes exceeding five years.

Nathan and Simon were to appear at the processing centre at noon without clothes. There were twenty five boys present today, each one being checked in by the Service Personnel. Eighteen boys were ultimately chosen, with the remainder being sent home. Nathan and Simon were among the selected. Each boy was given a collar which sealed tightly against his neck, but was also quite heavy. Each boy was brought to what looked like a flaccid phallus, but wasn't really marked like one (it didn't look like an exact penis).

The boys were told, "You have all been selected for service level 1, this means that you will do as you are told, and your first order is to be silent unless asked a question. If you understand what you have just been told, take the phallus into your mouth."

Nathan and Simon were beside each other, looked at each other, and without any hesitation took the phallus into their mouths. They instinctively started licking it, and it rose. But it started to full their mouths and suppress their tongues. Nathan and Simon both felt a hand on the back of their heads and a little push. Their mouths went a little deeper on the phallus and it came off from the wall it was attached. Both Nathan and Simon found their mouths completely sealed by the phallus.

After all the eighteen boys were gagged, they were taken to get a hot shower, and the removal of any hair below their necks. Afterwards they received another set of rings for their wrists and ankles. They were just smaller versions of the collar around their necks. Finally, they were given special shoes and gloves which attached to the rings. Each boy was apprehensive but also clearly aroused. Each boy was given a small plug for their anus, everyone started at the smallest – but within four months would likely be at the largest.

The boys were going to be going out for the week to fix the corn for a local farmer, so the morning of the next Monday the boys were standing with the gloves and boots, with legs apart. Each boy had a jumpsuit pull up over their body. It was a parachute-like plastic that went through a ring on the collar and the arms and legs. After every boy had the jumpsuit secured, the room got warmer, and the air started to be sucked out of the jumpsuit. It was airtight because of the rings, but the sucking of the air combined with the heat caused it to be really close to their bodies. Everyone who had an erection now had to keep it with the jumpsuit surrounding their erect penis showing everyone the erection.

Nathan and Simon liked the colours on their jumpsuit, but it did say "Slave" on the back and front of it. They spent the next eight hours, taking parts off the corn plants. They slept on the farms, with the jumpsuit on all week. But finally, at the end of the week it was removed and they were allowed to shower. But they were not allowed to be free of their gags.

Nathan and Simon were selected on Sunday for a special job, given jumpsuits again. However, this time, their handlers made sure they had erections. They were led in to a room with five naked girls their age, and they even noticed who they were – girls from their grade. The boys ended up fucking each girl, making sure to give the pleasure to the girls over themselves. But they also ended up ejaculating multiple times inside the suit – so no pregnancy could occur.

21. State Fair

I have this idea where boys who are not first born are reclassified as 'livestock' – part time. Many will spend most of the week doing school like normal, but come the weekend, holidays, or summer break they will be naked, collared, and wearing manacles. Their 'master' could be a farmer, or other occupation where they work during their livestock time.

An example task could be a ponyboy pulling carts. Another aspect I want to explore is a "state fair" where the main product showing off are the livestock boys that are older than 9; younger children see them, and some turning nine become first year livestock.

Here follows one possible story about a state fair – but it needs events – what kind of events involving boys could use have at a state fair?

"Austin, get those clothes off this instant!" his mother insisted. "You have to be at the state fair in three days, so we have to get you ready for Mr. Maxwell!"

"I don't want to go! I want to stay with my friends," the twelve year old said.

"If you aren't naked in one minute, I will tell Mr. Maxwell that you were difficult – and you know what will happen tonight!" she threatened.

He started removing his shirt, and shorts. He had great developed muscle, which is no surprise given the amount Mr. Maxwell forces him to run and pull. He slipped off his underwear revealing a nice cock and testicles that just dropped a few months ago.

"Now turn around, and let me see you," his mother ordered. He turned around, and she inspected his behind. She felt the indentation around the mark Mr. Maxwell put there three years ago when Austin became part of Maxwell's stock. He screamed at the pain of it, but the boys always do. "Now turn around again, so I can put your stuff on."

He turned, and she put the boy's collar on. It was a tight job, and he never liked wearing it – even though over the last three years he has worn it almost every weekend, and holiday.

"Arms forward," she ordered. He brought his arms out, and she put on his manicles. Kneeling she put on the ankle manicles as well. She took his arms, and behind his back tied them together. "This is for giving me the trouble!" She decided to punish him with one more indignity. She put a chastity pod on his cock to prevent erections. His cock would be pointing straight back, any erection would be painful. To ensure he felt one, she grabbed a disposable plug, unwrapped it and pushed it into his anus.

He never liked wearing butt plugs, and this one was no exception. Mr. Maxwell has sometimes had one in him to make him more compliant – or to punish him. Many other stock boys always have the plug from the moment their collar goes on.

"Now go downstairs, and sit with your brother," she ordered.

His younger brother Lance was sitting on the couch playing mario. He was naked and collared, with his manicles on. But his mother rarely ever put a chastity pod on him.

"You gave mom lip again didn't you," Lance enquired. "You know Mr. Maxwell will just whip you tonight. Why do you do this to yourself?"

Austin said, "I am sick of this slave stuff, I have been doing this crap for three years, you just got your collar three months ago! You have never even participated at a State Fair before."

Lance countered, "But I remember seeing you there last year. I believe you were giving us a ride pulling the buggy."

Their older brother, Elijah just walked in the door. He was fourteen and as the first born not subject to being a livestock boy. "You two ready for your big show?"

"Shutup Elijah!" Austin said.

His mother was just coming down the stairs, "That is enough young man!" She brought a gag up to his mouth that kept him from saying anything.

Lance asked, "Mom could I have my manicles off until we leave? I am having trouble playing the game."

"Sure honey, Elijah, can you take them off."

Elijah replied, "Sure thing mom."

Elijah grabbed the keys and unhinged the manicles and set them on the table.

Lance wanted to ask his mother one last thing, "Did Mr. Maxwell say what I was going to be doing this fair mom?"

"Yes dear, he said that you had started shooting, and the tests were positive, so he is going to have you breed. Your brother on the other hand has been a pain, he was thinking on castrating him," she said.

Austin looked at his mother worried. "Yes Austin, I said castrate. You have been nothing but a pain the last few months. You will be lucky if Mr. Maxwell doesn't whip you tonight."

A few hours went by, and everyone but Austin had dinner. "Its time to go boys," their mother said. Elijah put Lance's manicles back on and put a leash on the two of the boys, leading them out to the car. They had an old station wagon, one of the ones that came back into style a few years ago. He opened up the cages, and helped Lance into the cage. He just let Austin get himself into his cage.

More often then not, when boys are in their roles as livestock, they have to be put in cages for transport. If you are stopped by the police and have naked and collared boys in regular seats, you need to have a good reason – otherwise the fine is a few hundred dollars.

Their mother and Elijah got in the front seat and were about to drive off when their neighbour Mrs. Dalton came running to her with her son Brett on his leach. "I am sorry to rush up here, but Emil had an accident and we have to go to the hospital. Could you bring Brett to the farm for me?" she frantically asked.

"I would be happy to Joan!" she said. Elijah got out of the car and took the leash from Mrs. Dalton and brought Brett to the free cage in the back. The boy was maybe eleven, and had the works – gag, pod, and plug. But he got into the cage, like a good boy. His bum was a little red, that probably explained why he was gagged.

"Thank you so much!" Mrs. Dalton exclaimed as she rushed back to the house.

The drive down to the farm was short, there wasn't much traffic. When they arrived, Elijah got out of the car first and got the boys out of their cages and connected their collars together, leading them over to a place to leave livestock outside the barn. "Have fun boys!" Elijah said.

Mr. Maxwell came out and met the boy's mother, "Nice to see you again!" He said,as he looked over at the three boys. "Has Austin been a bad boy today?" he asked.

"He was giving more trouble than normal. I think he needs to be whipped. Might as well do Brett too." their mother said.

"We talked about castration. I really think this is the only way," Mr. Maxwell said. "But it will have to wait until after the State Fair. I cannot have my best pony out of commission. "

Elijah perked up and asked, "Sir, what do you do with them before the fair?"

"Well, we make sure their roles are well practiced, we groom them, that sort of thing. For example, Austin will be pulling carts for the next few days with some of the other boys. Your youngest brother will get to meet some girls he can breed with. For the last year or two, we have been allowed to breed livestock, " he said.

"You mean that my brother is going to get laid before I am?" Elijah quipped.

"Elijah!" his mother said.

"Its okay, ma'am. He is right. But he has to understand that his brother is not a person right now. He is livestock. If you want to learn about livestock, why don't you stay here through the show?"

"Sure!" he said.

"You have two choices – you can either help out with the livestock, or you can become livestock – you can experience what they go through directly."

"Could I do both?" he asked.

"I think we could arrange that. What do you say, ma'am?"

"If Elijah wants to do it, then he might as well," she said.

"Now my boy, realize that whatever we pick you to do as livestock, you won't have any say in it, and it will be far from easy."

The boy didn't hesitate, "I will do anything you ask sir!"

"Alright then, as a test, I want you to strip to your birthday suit without delay!"

The boy took two seconds to react, and he removed his shirt, shoes, socks, and shorts in a jiffy. He underwear was put down releaving a nice small bush.

"Turn around, and let me see you," he ordered.

The boy turned, and the man looked at his bum. "Now we will have to mark you, it will still hurt – but it will wear off in a few weeks. But for now, I want you to go over to Austin and fuck him. He needs to learn his lesson. Your mother and I will get a contract ready." The boy didn't waste any time – he walked over to the livestock, pulled out the Austin's plug and replaced it with his own cock.

Their mother and Mr. Maxwell went into the house and signed off on a week long livestock contract. The only stipulation was he could not be castrated.

22. Programming Competition

Competition is fierce, but the consequences of failure is high.

Ethan, Jacob, and Adric had arrived early to meet their computer science teacher, Mrs. Cooper. The twelve year olds were one of the teams going out to a competition this afternoon and for a few days. "Boys, do you have your permission chips?" The three boys all handed their permission chips from their parents to Mrs. Cooper. Plugging them into the keyboard slot one by one, she confirmed their thrall status. "Okay boys, your confirmed to be under my supervision, take off your clothes and we can finish up before the others get here."

Usually on field trips that last more than a day, the child, especially boys, become "in praesidium" as the lawyers say. More commonly called thralls, the boys are in effect owned by the supervisor. The ownership requires nudity unless an exception is granted. Most supervisors don't bother applying for the rarely given exceptions. Most boys spend at least two weeks a year "in praesidium" where many are educated in many alternative activities.

The three boys took off their shirts, shoes and socks first. They each grabbed the elastics of their sweatpants at the same time and pulled down their pants revealing three uncut hairless cocks. Putting their clothes in the box the teacher had on his desk he took a collar off his desk and went to Ethan first. The scanner on the collar scanned his ID implant under his earlobe and displayed a five digit number on the front. The padding on the inside of the collar was put against his skin. Mrs. Cooper tightened the collar with the rotary grip on the right. Two electrodes extended tightly against Ethan's neck and the rotary grip snapped off. She inspected the collar, finding it to be very tight and no visible space between it and Ethan's neck.

"Your collar fits well Ethan, now you get the new cock collar the government has been promoting." She brought out a shiny piece of metal from her desk drawer and slid it down his cock, and through another hole she squeezed his balls. She pushed it against his body and flipped something underneath his cock which made him yelp. His cock lost any blood in it, and its flaccidity rested comfortly on top of his caged balls.

"Mrs. Cooper, it feels too tight," Ethan complained.

"You'll get used to it Ethan," she replied. "You don't want the alternative."

He nodded. The alternative was castration because they don't want thralls having erections unless their supervisor wants them to.

Mrs. Cooper finished up with Jacob and Adric, and the boys stood for inspection. "Very beautiful, boys. Now lets go to the competition!" She took a chain and linked the three collars together, and took a lead and started marching the thralls down the hallway to her transport.

When they arrived outside, the boys had a little bit of trouble with their feet on the hot pavement, so Mrs. Cooper led them quickly. In the back of her car were three small cages which she opened and unlocked the three boys from their chain.

She lifted Ethan up first, putting his head into a comfortable cushion inside the cage. The cage was short so the twelve year old had to have his legs folded up so the knees were near his tummy and attached to rope inside the cage to hold them while she put the other two boys in. After she had Jacob and Adric in their cages, she put tube over each of their cocks and ran it up to their mouths in a gag. She turned a switch on the cock collars and suddenly they were becoming hard. She closed Adric's cage, and there was a spot for his feet to stick out, but the cage had a plug that went right into his bum. The boys were each penetrated by their cages, but no sound was made because of the gags.

While on their trip the boys felt the road in the cages, but they were intoxicated in the periodic ejaculation they enjoyed but for it going right into their mouths. But eventually they got to where the competition was being held.

All the teams had naked boys, and definitely some tough competition. Out of fifty teams, Ethan's came out third. All the boys in the teams from sixth and up were brought to a room where they were all hung from a ceiling but their bodies were like the boys had earlier in the cages. Ethan, Jacob, Adric, and twelve other boys were brought up to the judges and had their cock collars set to have full erection.

The twelve boys each picked a boy hanging up and inserted their hard cocks into them. Ethan and the boy he was fucking were looking in each other's eyes as Ethan ejaculated and the boy's cock collar contracted releasing the boy's balls and came to rest between Ethan's stomach and the boy's perineum as Ethan continued to go for a second orgasm.

After the boy was castrated his cock was erect and Ethan gave him the last blowjob of his life.

23. The Bathtub

Cooper and Corey had just turned eleven and had the best birthday party ever with quite a few of the boys from school. But it was getting near their bedtime so their mother had them get ready for the bath. The two boys got to the bathroom and stripped. Both were still excited by the day and their small penises showed it. The two got onto the floor and sucked each other. It was Thomas who had shown them how good it felt, and they did experience and orgasm, but it was only dry. Before their mother caught them, they were in the tub, cleaning.

Their mother opened the door and a young man about twenty came in with her. The boys quickly covered their privates. The young man said to their mother, "The necks of a naked boy always look too bare without one of these." The man handed her a red collar that she knelt and put it Corey before he could raise his hands from covering his genitals. The collar beeped and tightened around his neck.

The man gave their mother another collar, this time a blue one. While Corey was exploring his, Cooper decided he was not going to get that thing around his neck. "Don't fight this boy," the man said as he grabbed the boy's hands. His mother put the blue collar on him and it beeped and tightened. Their mother grabbed their clothes and said to them, "You will dry off and go to bed. Put the wet towels in the hamper." Cooper quickly spoke up, "What about our clothes?" She replied simply: "You won't need these tonight."

She left the room and the boys looked at each other's collars. But the water was starting to get cold so they got out of the bath and dried each other off. Their cocks were no longer hard, and they were mortified to have to walk out of the bathroom naked. But they did, and went quickly in their rooms. Looking for clothes, they found their bedrooms emptied of any clothing except their bedsheets. They climbed into bed togther, and went to sleep.

In the morning, their mother got them out of bed and took the bedsheets with her. "Sit down at the table and eat your breakfast, without complaint." Her tone was serious, so the boys went downstairs in their birthday suits and found bacon and eggs set out for them. The boys gobbled it up. The boys cleaned the dishes as they normally do. The man from the previous night came into the house with their mother. They talked for a moment, and their mother told them to stand beside each other.

The naked boys stood at attention and the man and mother put mouth restrainers to force their mouths open while suppressing their speech. The man said, "the boys have been prepared for the show, we can see who is interested." The two boys were marched outside to a vehicle with a little open air cage on the back. The man opened it up and the naked boys were put in it.

Their mother drove with the man in the front of the vehicle to the local parade grounds where a boy show was set up. The two boys were taken out, their arms and wrists restrained behind their backs and led on a leach to the registration entrance. Their mother said to the receptionist, "These are my twins Cooper and Corey MacCloud. They just turned eleven last day."

"Ok, Ms MacCloud, we just need to stamp them." The two boys were put in a pressing machine covering their pelvis area up to their stomachs. It pushed together and pressed a number into the boy's bottoms and just above their waist. When the boys were released they also had a tight plastic clip around their balls with another number on it.

The receptionist yelled over to two men, "I need these two boys perched on display seven!" The two big men took the naked boys by the leach away from their mother and they saw a sign that said "7" with a bunch of posts over mesh wire. Cooper was the first boy walked over to the post, the mesh gave a little as he walked on it. The man positioned him over the post and leaned him back a little. The eleven year old tried to scream as the perch penetrated his bum and had him on tippy toes. Corey was next. He tried to resist but was next to his brother in no time.

As the day went on the perch readjusted itself causing agony for each boy, the other three posts had friends from their school put on them. A few people came by every so often, but eventually there was a farmer who said to his wife that the boys looked perfect for draught. A man came over, and perches raised and each boy had a sudden erection and ejaculation. The man grabbed the plastic around their balls and pulled, and each one came off.

The boys were released from the perches half an hour later and sent off to the farm. To this day they are eleven year old eunuchs pulling carts, either taking other eunuch boys out to the fields or bringing produce back in.

24. Benefits

Sometimes a sacrifice must be made, when you have no health insurance

It was with a certain hesitation that Dorothy had brought her nephew, Ryan, to Corner Wood Farms. It has been a topic of discussion at the dinner table for the last month ever since the diagnosis came.

Ryan was thirteen last Saturday, and lost both parents years ago. Dorothy and her husband Joseph took him in along with his younger brother, when they already had two children of their own. It was the most unfortunate thing for Ryan that he had contracted Svarogosis, a disease that could cause him to die within a year if it left untreated.

The arguments were sometimes intense, because a treatment was available, but Dorothy and Joseph couldn't afford it. The only way to treat it was to sell Ryan into slavery. Slave owners are required by law to have health insurance on their slaves, especially because most slaves were actually children.

It was a family decision, it started with Ryan wanting to live. So Dorothy and Ryan were at the gate of the farm. Corner Wood was actually owned by a family friend, Mr. Samson. They had discussed it with him, but there are certain legal requirements that he had to follow.

Before too long they were in Mr. Samson's office, with the pleasantries over with. Ryan can remember playing with Mr. Samson's own children on the farm just last summer at the get together they had.

Mr. Samson, started speaking, "As you are both aware, slaves are required to work four hours a day minimum, and I cannot do anything about that. Also, Ryan, I am normally required to pay your guardian at least $10,000 for you, but because you are sick, it can only be $5,000. If you both accept these conditions, put your thumbprints on the bottom of the iPad."

Both Dorothy and Ryan put their thumbprints on the iPad document, and then Ryan was legally a slave. A man named Brutus came in, and Mr. Samson told him, "Brutus, please process Ryan here. Handle him as gently as you can. I will speak with him later." The simple reply came, "Yes, sir." and Brutus lead Ryan out of the room.

Mr. Samson handed a kleenex to Dorothy who was now sobbing. "Dorothy, I wish there was another way. Ryan really is a sweet boy. You can certainly come and visit him on the weekends as long as you want. If you want to wait about an hour, you can say good bye to him before you go, he will be done then."

Holding the kleenex she nodded. Mr. Samson brought Dorothy to the sitting room.

Brutus and Ryan were in a steel framed structure, a few cages were on the wall. Two boys were gagged in the cages. Brutus told him, "Ryan, take off your clothes and put them in the box and then come over to the table."

Ryan removed his shirt and shorts, but was a little slower on the underwear, but he took his thumbs and grabbed the elastic and down they came revealing a small package. Naked, the boy was beside a table. On the table was a rather peculiar setup. He recognized the expanded collar at the head of the table.

Brutus instructed him, "Get on the table, and put your head through the collar at the front. This process is not the most pleasant, so we will be as quick as we can."

Ryan climbed on the table and put his head through the stretched collar, and it was against his neck when Brutus pressed the first button. The collar was released from its bonds and snapped with such force against Ryan's neck. It was so tight Ryan had trouble breathing at first. But, he got used to it.

Brutus guided Ryan's penis into a hole containing a ring, and pulled the ring up behind his testicles and opened the bottom and the split section went before his testicles. "Ryan, I need you to fuck the table. We need a sample of your semen."

Ryan started thrusting after Brutus pushed on his bum to get him started. Ryan hadn't touched his penis since his diagnosis a month ago. His penis responded by sending rope upon rope of cum into the hole. But then, Brutus took a plug and positioned it just behind Ryan's rectum.

Just as Ryan was having another set of orgasms, Brutus pressed the next button. In succession, some other bands were released and the butt plug was pushed into Ryan's tender ass, and it pulled on the ring around his cock causing the split bottom to contract and sever his testicles.

Ryan screamed as it happened, but Ryan was now a confirmed slave – by castration. The only way a boy could be a slave and not be castrated is if he is breeding or under eight. So Ryan had a tight training harness holding a plug into his ass, all attached by tight harnesses to his neck collar.

The next thing Brutus did while he was down, took a branding burner and put his registry number and farm logo on his right bum cheek.

After he was released he kept jumping as he was walked along, the plug was very tight as was every other thing on his body right now. Brutus sprayed a hair removal chemical over the lower part of his body and then rinsed off all the hair below his head. A short haircut was then done, and he was finally ready to see Dorothy before she left.

Brutus and Ryan walked over to Dorothy at her car. As she saw him, she cried a little bit. They hugged each other, said good byes and she drove slowly off the farm.

Brutus took Ryan to the cages, and he said, "All freshly done slaves are brought to the cages for the first two days. There is somebody that you might want to talk to."

As Ryan was put into his cage, he looked to his left and saw his younger brother in the cage next to him wearing the same training harness. He asked, "What are you doing here?" almost balling.

His younger brother only said, "I couldn't leave you alone here, so I convinced Mr. Samson that I wanted to be with you, so I signed a short term contract."

Ryan was cured of his disease. His brother and him enjoyed working together. Because of all the modern advances with farming, they usually only worked the four hours a day from eight until noon that Mr. Samson talked about. Dorothy and her family came to visit them every other weekend.

After a few months, the training harnesses were removed, and both boy-eunuchs wanted to do some sex work, as they found it was very pleasurable.

Both continued their education, and by the time both were twenty-one, Mr. Samson released them, but they continued to work on the farm. They never did like to wear clothing again, but sometimes Mr. Samson insisted when special visitors came.

25. Grade Six Enslavement

A class of boys learns what their upcoming enslavement will be like

May 14, 2163: Mrs. Robert's Grade Five Class

It was that class that every eleven year old boy feared. It was the class where a man from the Ministry of the Interior was to make a presentation and ask questions about their upcoming slavery.

The presentation started with a few items being brought into class. "Starting three weeks from now, all of you boys will be slaves for a period between three months to a year. You will lose almost all the rights you have now. If you do not perform well, your slavery period may be increased. I am going to show you a few of the things you must know, then answer any questions you may have."

The boys were nervously silent as the man showed them the collar. "This is the standard issue slave collar model B, the one most of you will be getting. When you get it passed look closely at it." He passed it to Isaac sitting in the front row. "Notice the stun bolt prods, it will be in your neck constantly. Observe the weight, as you will likely notice it every minute of every day."

The man lifted a cage onto the table. "This is one model of transportation cage. Notice that there is not much room here, we should probably demonstrate how this cage works." The man looked around the class and saw Eric, with blond shaggy hair. The man pointed to Eric, and Mrs. Roberts said, "Eric come to the front of the room."

Eric was nervous as he had ever been, "Take off your clothes Eric, you will be our demonstration slave today." The boy started taking off his clothes, taking off his shirt everyone saw that he had muscles. His shorts came off revealing boxers. "Those too," the man ordered. Eric pulled on the elastic and revealed a small cock but a set of balls hanging very loosely.

"Eric, you will get on the table and get into this cage. You will be backing into the cage."

The naked eleven year old boy got on the table, and the man opened the front of the cage. Eric got on his knees and backed into the cage. His feet touched the back of the cage almost immediately. When the man started to close the front of the cage the naked boy had to bend his down for the door to close. "Notice how Eric is tightly packed. I want you all to come up and walk behind Eric."

Harry was the first to see the hole in the back of the cage. He put his hand in and pulled on Eric's balls very hard. Eric screamed out. "I want each of your to touch Eric's balls. A slave has no rights."

All the boys played with Eric's balls one by one. By the time the last boy got a hold of them, Eric's face was flush red and his pelvis made a movement forward and he ejaculated all over his legs and floor of the cage. "Everyone stimulated Eric to the point of ejaculation. Some slaves are allowed that privilege. Others are severely punished for it.

The man let Eric out of the cage and told him to go to the bathroom naked and clean himself up. When the boy had gotten back to the classroom, he was told not to put his clothes back on.

"You boys now have a little taste of what you will be going through. I must be clear, that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Any questions?"

Isaac was the first to raise his hand, "Sir, is it true that most of us will be sent to farms for the summer?"

"Usually, three quarters of slaves go to a farm, and the last quarter to brothels."

Aaron asked the next question, "Sir, I had a friend who told me his brother was sold by his parents. Is that possible?"

"A few parents do this, but not many."

Eric asked the last question, "Sir, will we have sex with other boys or girls?"

"It may very well happen, it is up to your masters. That will be the last question for this period. Eric you can put your clothes back on. I will see you all in three weeks. Just a reminder, that anyone not here and not dead or dying, will be liable for a much longer enslavement."

June 5, 2163, the gymnasium

All the boys from Mrs. Robert's grade six class were naked in the gym. The men from the ministry were going through a boy at a time. Eric was the first boy, he got his head shaved, followed by the collar. The bolts dug into his neck a bit.

The last thing was for him to get into his transportation cage. He was gagged, and the boy went in backwards to the cage. It was like last time, but this time something hit his butt and for a moment he stopped but the lid of the cage was closing and he was forced to go back. He screamed into his gag as a butt plug went right into his bum.

The man then put a red rubber band around the boy's testicles. The gag was so effective nobody would hear his screams from the butt plug or castration. Boy after boy was castrated, but not all.

The boys are transported to their destinations.


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