PZA Boy Stories


Boy Whore


Blake discovers an easier way to make money.

Publ. Nov 2016
Finished 17,000 words (34 pages)


Blake (13yo), Bob (35yo)and various others

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mt Ftcons mast oral analone short non-consensual scene


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutter09: Boy Whore in the subject line.


It was 1975, and I was living with my mom in a shitty trailer on the south side of town. That is not a particularly good part of town either. My mom worked hard, barely able to make ends meet. I helped by mowing lawns and doing odd jobs where I could. I was only thirteen, well, almost fourteen, so not able to get a real job.

Mom sometimes dated, and would stay out late. I didn't mind being alone, and usually she brought home leftover food from wherever her date took her for dinner.

Our trailer has two bedrooms, one at each end. Between them was a living room, which was open to the kitchen, and a hall which had storage on one side, and bathroom on the other. It was small, but enough for just mom and I.

It was a Wednesday night in July, hot as hell, and the air conditioning in the trailer left a lot to be desired. Mom was out, and I didn't expect her till late. I lay on top of my bed in only my briefs, trying to stay cool. I heard the front door open and the distinctive sounds of mom tossing her purse on the counter, and then her heels, as they clicked down the hall to her bedroom. I opened my door and saw the leftover box on the counter, so I headed to it.

It was capellini with sausage in tomato sauce. I love Italian food, and lifted the box to my nose. It smelled great. I got a fork out of the drawer, and turned toward my room as I took a bite.

I'm loving the pasta, and look up as I chew and walk, only to see a man there. I have the box in one hand, fork in the other, and capellini hanging from my mouth. I stop dead in my tracks, because I'm standing there in my undies in front of a stranger. I can't even cover myself, because my hands are full.

Then to top it off, I hear mom behind me "Blake, this is John. John this is my naked son, Blake."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here," I said as I dashed into my room.

I knew my mom dated. I probably even guessed she had sex. But she had never brought anyone home. Sometimes I could tell she'd been drinking, sometimes she went straight to her room, and I wouldn't know what she had been doing. Tonight I could tell she'd had some drinks, and I guess this John guy did too.

I heard John say "I'll speak to him" and my door opened. I was sitting on the bed, still holding the box of pasta on my lap.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I thought you knew I was here," John explained sitting next to me on the bed.

"No. I heard mom come in and go to her room. I wouldn't have walked out in my underwear if I knew anyone was in there."

"She went to take her high heels off, they were killing her feet," John laughed.

He was nice looking, between 35 and 40, dark hair, nice build, smiling eyes. His clothes were nice, expensive looking, and neatly pressed.

"That's probably gone cold. Let's get it heated for you," he said removing the box from my lap. His hand lightly brushing my dick as he swept it up. He stepped through the door and I assumed handed it to Mom. "Can you heat this for him?"

He stepped back into my room closing the door behind him. "Now where were we? Ah yes. As your mom said, I'm John," he said sitting beside me again. Now though, I had nothing in my lap and I felt even more exposed.

He put his hand on my leg, patting it a bit. "Your mom and I have been dating for a few months, and thought it was time for you and I to meet," he continued, his hand resting on my thigh.

As any thirteen year old boy can tell you, it doesn't take much to get us hard. The wind blow, or just a dog fart two blocks away, and up it goes. So I'm sitting there looking at the hand that's only inches from my bulge, and my bulge begins to elongate as my dick hardens.

John was talking the whole time, but I was trying to will my dick down, and all I succeeded in doing is making it grow more. He was saying something about work and how they met, and my dick just gets harder, then starts pointing at the waistband of my tighty whities. I glance at his face, and he is looking at my crotch.

By now, my dick is pushing the waistband away from my belly, and I can see the tip of my dick, and the slit above my undies.

"Let me check on your food," he says and leaves, and returns with the pasta on a plate. He starts to set it in my lap then says "This is a little warm," he lifted the plate again brushing against my erection. "We wouldn't want to burn anything. I'll just set it over here." Then he left.

I ate my pasta, and listened to them in the livingroom. I could hear them talking and laughing. It sounded as though they may have had a few more drinks, before it got quiet in there. I peeked into the living room, and they weren't there. I hadn't heard the front door, so I knew John was still there. I took my plate to the sink and ran water in it. I didn't hear any sounds coming from my mom's bedroom, so I peeked down the hall toward her room.

It was dark down the hall, and with the light on in the kitchen, I couldn't see anything down there. I couldn't even tell if her door was open or closed. Just then John appeared coming out of the darkness. I knew he saw me peeking down there, so I said "Oh 3; Uh 3; Sorry" and I turned to head back to my room. John followed me in, and I jumped under the sheet. He came in and closed the door.

He sat on the edge of my bed. "Your mom went to sleep. Don't worry. She still has her clothes on," he said with a wink.

"I 3; I wasn't worried," I told him

"Good. You know, your mom and I will be seeing a lot more of each other. I really like her." He put his hand on my chest. "I hope you and I can be friends too." His hand slid to my stomach. "I can help your mom move up in the company too."

His hand slid a little closer to my dick. "You want to help your mom, don't you?"

I nodded.

"You're a smart kid, I bet you can think of a way to help her move up in the company," he said glancing between my face and crotch.

I lifted the sheet from my chest, and pushed it down as he removed his hand. I dropped the sheet just below my underwear. He smiled at me in our silent agreement. Then he pulled my underwear down. My hard cock was waiting. He let out a little moan as he saw it. It's only about five inches, but pretty thick. I had only started cumming a few months before, and had some wispy hairs.

He lifted it from my belly, and stroked it a couple of times. "It's even more beautiful than I thought," he said admiringly.

Then he bent and took it into his mouth. God! What a feeling that was. No one had ever touched my dick except me, and now I was getting my first blow job. From my mother's boyfriend, no less.

His head moved up and down, sending unbelievable sensations through me. He cupped my balls in his hand as his mouth devoured my dick. It felt like he wanted to swallow my dick and take it with him. At the moment, I would probably let him. It of course didn't take me long, and I was squirming, thrusting, gripping the sheets in my fists. "I'm 3; gonna 3;" My belly heaved and I shot a wad into his mouth.

He didn't back off. He swallowed my stuff like the best dessert he'd ever had. Even after I calmed down, he was still sucking it. After a couple of minutes he finally raised off my dick, and pulled up my underwear.

"You're a good kid, Blake," he said as he stood up. I could see the outline of his hard cock pressed against his expensive slacks. He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and took out a twenty dollar bill. "Buy yourself something." And he laid it on the nightstand, and left.


Thursday morning Mom was rushing around getting ready for work. "I'm sorry about last night Blake."

"No problem, Mom. I didn't expect you home so early, and you went straight to your room. I thought you were going to bed."

"We came back early because we have work today." Then she laughed. "I wish I could've seen your face, standing there in your cute little undies in front of John."

"It wasn't my face I was worried about people seeing," I said blushing.

"Aw 3; nobody cares about seeing little boys in their underwear."

"I'm not a baby any more, Mom."

She looked at me oddly for a moment, then said "I've got to run or I'll be late. Oh, and John is picking me up tomorrow night. Try to have your clothes on." She laughed as she walked out. I didn't tell her John would probably prefer I didn't.

Back in my room, the twenty dollars was still on the night stand. That would go into my stereo fund, I was thinking. I had been trying to save and buy a stereo system, but never got even close to enough money.

I decided to go see Mr. Barns. He always let me mow his tiny yard, even if it really didn't need it. My rusty old push mower didn't need gas, so anything I earned with it was profit. Barns knew how hard it was to mow with the ancient piece of equipment too, and always gave me twenty dollars for the hard work.

It was still early, but by the time I would finish, it would be hot. So I put on my Adidas shorts that were two years old, and a tee shirt. I decided to ride my bike over to see if he wanted his yard mowed, before dragging the mower two blocks.

Barns was in his yard pulling weeds, when I rode up. "Hi, Mr. Barns. Want your yard mowed today?" I said as I stopped beside him on the sidewalk. I put one foot on the sidewalk as I balanced the bike, without actually getting off completely.

"Hey there, Blake," Barns said. I noticed his eyes dropped to my shorts for a second before meeting mine again. "Uh 3; I 3; uh 3; don't know. Besides, you don't have your mower," he said and his eyes went back to my shorts.

I glanced down and saw that the old shorts were too short, and my junk was hanging out of the leg opening. It was a good thing I was wearing underwear, or everything would be out in the open. As it was, my dick and balls were hanging in my underwear with my legs spread, and the shorts pulled to one side pushing my stuff out. The shorts were drawn up tight against me, the material of my underwear also stretched to the point of being almost transparent. My dick and balls were totally on display, especially with Barns only a couple of feet away, and at eye level.

"I'll run home and get it, I can be back in just a few minutes," I was a little self conscious about being on display like this.

"Ok, but don't dawdle. Come right back," he said eyeing my shorts still.

I peddled home quickly and thought about changing my shorts. Then I remembered Mr. Barns saying to not dawdle, and the way he was looking at my shorts, gave me the impression he didn't want me to change.

I was dragging that piece of shit mower over to Mr. Barns' when I thought maybe I should be saving for a new mower instead of a stereo.

Barns watched me pushing that mower back and forth over his grass, never taking his eyes off me. When I was halfway done with the front, he offered me a Coke. I gladly accepted.

Sitting on the porch steps, I was drinking my Coke, and Barns was pulling weeds right in front of me. Or, at least he was kneeling down picking at the grass, his eyes weren't on the yard though. I could see he was looking up the leg opening of my shorts. I turned slightly and spread my legs a little more, and said something about the neighbor's yard needing attention too.

The shorts were stretched tight again, and my underwear covered junk dropped out. I heard Mr. Barns let out a slight moan.

I finished the front and Barns offered me another Coke. "Thanks, but if I drink another, I'll wet myself before I can get home to pee."

"You can use my restroom if you need to," he said, so I accepted the Coke. Again I sat on the steps and he 'busied' himself right in front of me.

When I finished the back yard, Barns was waiting on the back porch. "Want another drink?" he asked.

"No, I already need to pee real bad."

"You can use the restroom in the house," he offered.

"I'm covered in grass clippings, I wouldn't want to mess up your house." It was true too. That old mower just kicks up the grass as it cuts. Walking behind it, I get grass clipping from the waist down.

"Take off your shoes, and I'll use the garden hose on you," Mr. Barns said.

I sat on the steps and took them off, as he got the hose. He sprayed my legs, rinsing off the clippings, and getting me soaked at the same time. My junk was hanging out, and my, now wet underwear, was totally see through. I may as well have been naked.

"Let me get you a towel, so you don't drip on the floor," he said as he disappeared into the house.

Returning with a towel, Mr. Barns started to dry my legs for me. He was staring at my crotch as he did my feet first, then worked his way up my legs. My dick was hanging out the right leg opening, he dried my left quickly then did my right. His hand brushed repeatedly over my dick as he over dried me. He looked at my face as he brushed it again, and I smiled at him.

Even with the cold wet underwear, my dick started to get hard, as he brushed over it. He noticed too.

"I'm 3; uh 3; I'm afraid your shorts got really wet too. Uh 3; would you like 3; I uh 3; could toss them in the dryer for you? I mean 3; uh if you want to."

"That would be real nice of you Mr. Barns," I said standing up.

He led me into the backdoor, which is where his laundry room was. "Here, wrap this around you," he said handing me the towel.

I tied it around my waist, and reached under and peeled off my shorts and underwear. My hard as iron dick tented the towel out in front of me. Barns tossed my shorts into the dryer, looked at my briefs a second, before tossing them in too.

"Should I just wait here for them to dry?" I asked.

Mr. Barns noticed a blade of grass stuck to my foot, and bent to pick it off. He looked passed the edge of the towel that was tented out in front of me. From his angle, there is no doubt he could see my hard dick and balls.

"Uh 3; if you want, umm 3; you could wait in the living room."

I sat on the couch, and Mr. Barns sat next to me, on the side where the opening of the towel was. His eyes never strayed from my crotch. He was quite nervous, swallowing hard, and stuttering.

"You worked uh 3; hard 3; today."

"I don't mind if it's 3; hard. Do you?" I asked him.

"No. I just 3; I could pay extra. I mean because 3; it's so hard," he said.

I moved my leg a little, spreading the gap in the towel a bit wider. My dick was holding up the edge of the towel, almost exposed.

"That would be great. I mean, I'll work 3; hard. And make sure you get the results you want," I said, as I moved my leg back and forth, accentuating the tent in the towel.

"I have fifty 3; uh will that be enough for what I want?"

"For fifty, it could get even harder. And since I have to wait for my shorts, would you mind if I lay here and close my eyes a minute?"

"Not at all. Uh 3; you just relax, I'll go check on your shorts."

I lay down on the sofa with my head on the armrest. I made sure the towel was untied and my entire hip was exposed. The edge of the towel lay lengthwise along my dick, so part was peeking out too. I closed my eyes, and soon heard Mr. Barns return.

He stood admiring my body for a moment then knelt on the floor beside the couch. I felt him slowly lift the towel from my dick, then his hand lightly fondled my balls and shaft. I guess he knew for sure then that I wasn't objecting to anything, and that he hadn't misunderstood what he would get for fifty dollars.

As promised, I got even harder for him. Especially when his mouth took my dick to the root. I let him suck it a while, then I began moving my hips up to meet his mouth. He seemed to like that so I did it for a while. I felt like I was getting close to cumming, and I moaned. He sucked harder and faster, until I gave up my cream to his mouth. He kept my dick in his mouth after swallowing my stuff. One hand fondling my nuts, the other rubbing my belly. Then he went down and licked my nutsack, and took one at a time into his mouth. He even licked below my nuts down to my butt. Then he took my dick into his mouth again. I hadn't gone soft, and he worked toward making me cum again. He did too. I shot another load into his mouth and started to wilt finally. He never let it go till I was completely limp.

He covered my dick with the towel and left the room.

"Blake, your shorts are dry," he said casually, as if he hadn't just sucked me dry.

"Thanks, Mr. Barns I said standing up. The towel dropped off my lap, and I just pretended nothing was out of the ordinary. I slipped into my underwear, and then my shorts. Barns watched the whole time.

"Here's your money," he said, handing me three twenties."

"I don't have any change," I told him.

"No change. Worth every penny."

I put the money in my nightstand drawer with the 'stereo' money.


The next day, I was eating a bowl of cereal when the phone rang. Mom was gone to work already so I answered it.

"Is this Blake?" said a man's voice.

"Yeah. Who's this?"

"My name's Bob. I'm a friend of Mike Barns. He said you do a real good job on his lawn."

I agreed to ride my bike over to his house and quote him a price to mow his lawn. He gave me an address about a mile away. On the way, I was worried about pushing my old mower this far, and decided to charge extra for it. I might not get to do the yard, but if I did, it would be worth pushing that piece of shit that far.

I got to the address he gave me, and thought there was a mistake. This yard was immaculate. Every bush, perfectly trimmed, every blade of grass the perfect height.

I rang the doorbell of the really nice house, and a man about thirty five years old answered the door. Mr. Barns is like fifty five, so this couldn't be his friend Bob.

"Are you Blake?" he asked

"Yes, Sir. But I think there's been a mistake. Your yard looks good."

"Uh 3; yeah 3; But it will need mowing soon. Come on in."

I went in, it was a very nice house, well decorated, everything neat and orderly.

"So, what do you charge?" Bob asked.

"If the back is as big as the front, I'll have to charge at least thirty. I only have an old push mower, so it's a lot of work."

"Yes, Mike said it was real 3; uh 3; hard 3; on you. He said you sometimes like to take a nap after you finish."

"He 3; told you about that?" I said in shock.

"He said you were worth it though."

"When 3; do you want 3; uh 3;"

"Are you busy now?"

"Well, it was a long ride over 3; I am kind of tired 3; I could use a nap."

"You can take a nap in my bedroom. Nobody's here but me"

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to put you out any."

"Not a problem. Right this way. You can make yourself as comfortable as you want. How long will you 3; work hard, for a hundred dollars?"

"A hundred? Oh I could probably go an hour," I told him off the top of my head.

"Well, Mike said you were a good worker, and worth the money. Sounds good to me," he said opening the bedroom door. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll check on you later."

What the fuck was I doing? Am I really going to do this? I mean 3; shit 3; a hundred bucks for an hour. It would take a lot of pushing that mower to earn that much money. A lot of pushing, out in the heat, grass all over me, blisters on my hands. Yep, I'm going to do this.

I took off my clothes, even my underwear, and lay on the bed. Shit that's too obvious. Sit. Yeah, I'll sit. No, why am I sitting naked on his bed? Under the sheet, yeah. Under the sheet.

I was under the sheet, and the door opened. Bob came in. I watched through slitted eyes as he crossed the room. He was naked, and his cock looked huge. He got in bed with me, and his hand touched my stomach and then he tentatively moved it down to my dick. He let out a quiet moan, then pushed the sheet down, exposing my whole body slowly.

Once I was totally exposed he uttered a single word. "Beautiful."

He leaned down and kissed my neck, then my nipple. As he moved to the other nipple, his hard cock touched my hand. I've never touched another guy's cock, and I took it into my hand. It was huge and hard. It felt different than mine.

Bob kissed his way down my belly to my dick. He stopped to admire it, then took it into his mouth. I was still holding his cock, and when his lips hit the bottom of my dick, I stroked his cock.

His head went up and down on my dick a few times, then he grasped my hips and rolled me over on top of him. I was straddling his head with my knees, and my dick was in his mouth. Bob pushed and pulled on my hips causing me to fuck his mouth. We did this for a couple of minutes, then he pushed me out of his mouth. He brought his hand to his mouth, and sucked in his finger, getting it wet. Then he pulled my dick to his mouth again. His wet finger found my pucker, and pressed in.

I wasn't expecting that. I could feel his finger move in and out of my butt hole slowly. He must have had it in to the second knuckle. I groaned at the new sensation and continued to fuck his mouth. Just as I got in rhythm with his fingering my butt, Bob pushed his whole finger in me.

"Oh 3; Shit.," I said out loud, and Bob pulled his finger out. I moaned and he shoved it back in me.

"OH 3;" Was all I could manage, as he began sliding it in and out of me. I had to stop fucking his mouth. I had never felt anything like it. Everytime he thrust it in, he hit something that sent me into orbit.

"Unh 3; unh 3; unh," I kept grunting. I found myself pushing back at his finger. Then the fireworks came. I exploded in his mouth, and collapsed on him.

Bob got out of bed and went to the kitchen, returning with Cokes. I was laying face down, and he rubbed my back. I raised up on my elbows, and he handed me a Coke. I drank about half, before returning it to him. As I drank, I was looking at his cock as he sat cross legged beside me. It was huge, easily twice the size of mine, maybe more.

He set the can on the nightstand, as I fell back on the bed. Bob stroked my back with his finger tips, lightly teasing my flesh. His fingers trailed down my back to my butt, then to my legs. It was almost hypnotic, but arousing at the same time. He bent down and kissed my butt and squeezed each cheek. I heard the drawer on the nightstand open then close again.

I felt Bob's finger at my pucker again and lifted my hips slightly. His finger slipped in easily, then he pulled it out and I grunted. Then he pushed two fingers in me. They were slick with something, and slid in with little resistance. I was as hard as a nail. He moved them in and out of me slowly.

Then took them out and rolled me onto my side. My cock begged for attention, and he gave it. Laying beside me, Bob took my dick into his mouth. His big cock was right in front of my face. I reached out and took it into my hand and stroked it.

Bob, lifted my leg and moved his hand to my butt again. His fingers found my opening, and he jammed them in. I wasn't expecting it to be that rough, and groaned. He finger fucked me as he sucked my dick. I was stroking his cock, and getting hotter and hotter. I needed to see what a dick tasted like, and took him in. I could barely fit the fat knob into my mouth. He fucked me with his fingers faster, and I took a couple of inches of his cock in. Just the head and a couple of inches, completely filled my mouth.

I started moving my hips back and forth, fucking my ass with his fingers and his face with my dick. He slid in and out of my mouth at the same pace. All my senses were in hyperdrive. All of my body getting stimulated at once. I couldn't handle it, and blasted my load. Bob shoved his fingers deep and hard into me a few more times as I unloaded. Then, with his free hand on the back of my head, pushed his cock into my throat. I could feel it at my tonsils as it throbbed, sending his cream straight down into my belly.

He pulled his cock out enough for me to breath, and we lay there with the other's dick in our mouth. I swirled my tongue around his cockhead, tasting cum for the first time. It wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be.

Bob sat up on the edge of the bed, and took a drink of his Coke. This may have been just another day to him, but for me, it was exhausting, and exhilarating, at the same time. I had never experienced anything remotely close to what I had that day. I felt wasted and alive, tired and on an adrenalin high, all at once.

As I watched him, he turned and smiled at me. I smiled back. Bob leaned in and kissed me on the lips. His hand found and squeezed my butt. Then he left the room.

I got up and dressed, playing it all over in my head. I couldn't believe the things I had just done.

Bob was waiting for me in the living room. He was still naked, and I had a chance to really look at him. Tall, lean, muscular, big cock hanging invitingly. Brown hair, blue eyes, chiseled face. Handsome, plain and simple.

"Mike was right, you're special. Worth every penny," he said handing me a wad of cash.

I had forgotten why I had done those things. Now, I wish I had done it for free.

"Can you come over early next Thursday?"

"Uh 3; yeah 3; I guess so," I answered.


John picked up Mom around seven. I watched some tv, then went to my room. I had a lot to think about. In the last few days, I had been paid by three different guys to let them suck my dick.

One had his fingers up my ass, and I sucked him. He was also the one I liked the most. Not just because he paid the most either. I really liked being with him.

Around ten, John and Mom came in. I could tell they had been drinking, so I just stayed in my room. Mom called me in a few minutes later. "Blake baby, we brought you dinner. If you have clothes on, you can eat it in here," Mom joked. It was Chinese, which is not my favorite, but it was ok.

"Leave the boy alone, it was an honest mistake," John said defending me.

They continued to drink, and I sat and ate what they brought me. Mom went to the bathroom, and John came over to where I was sitting at the table. "You doing ok?" he asked placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for the dinner."

"Between you and me, I wouldn't mind if you were naked when you ate it," he said winking at me.

Mom returned, and I went to my room.

I must have fallen asleep, but I woke up needing to pee. The living room was quiet, I peeked in. No one was there, so I walked to the bathroom in my undies.

When I came out of the bathroom, Mom's bedroom door opened, and John came out in his boxers. I tried to act like I wasn't embarrassed to be caught in my underwear again, and just stroll to the fridge and got out the pitcher of water we always kept there. John was right beside me as I got a glass from the cabinet. I could feel his eyes on me as I poured water into the glass.

"May I have some water too?" John asked getting a glass from the cabinet. He held the glass in front of him for me to pour. His boxers were in my direct line of vision as I steadied the pitcher over the glass. He was tenting out the boxers slightly. I could just make out the shape of the helmut head of his cock.

"Let's sit and talk," John said, leading me to the sofa. He sat next to me, and I just took a sip of my water, trying to ignore the situation. Neither of us spoke for a moment, and I had a difficult time not looking at his boxers.

"It's okay to be curious, Blake," John said out of the blue.

"Sorry, I was just wondering if 3; well, if you and my mom 3; you know, did it, why are you still hard?"

"Good question. Truth is, we didn't."

"Then why are you in your shorts?" I asked.

"We were going to, but your mom passed out, leaving me high and dry, as the saying goes," he said with a chuckle.

He placed his hand on my leg and said "But even if we had done it, I think seeing you in your underwear again would have made me hard anyway."

My dick responded to his hand on my leg and began to stretch out.

"Have you and my mom 3; done it before?"

"You mean, have we fucked? Yes. She's an attractive woman. But somehow not as exciting as you."

"Oh? Why is that?" My dick was now completely hard.

"You're young, beautiful, and very taboo," he answered, and his hand slid up to squeeze my dick.

I looked at him a moment, then stood and went to my bedroom. He followed, and closed the door behind us. I pulled my underwear off, and slid under the sheet. John followed suit, giving me a look at his cock before climbing in with me. It was about seven inches, medium thickness, fat knob at the end.

John went straight for my dick, sucking it into his mouth and devouring it.

I lay back passively and let him do what he wanted. I had already cum a few times that day, so it took a little longer than last time. He didn't seem to mind though. He stroked his own cock as he sucked me. I finally shot my stuff into his mouth, and went soft pretty fast.

John got up and went to Mom's bedroom. He came back dressed, and took out his wallet and retrieved a twenty dollar bill.

"You're a good boy, Blake. And hot too," he said laying the twenty on the nightstand.

He turned to leave, and I said "For another twenty, I'll do you," I don't know what made me say it.

John stopped and looked at me "Will you swallow?"

It took me a second to figure that out, "For another twenty."

He smiled and took out two more twenties.

I sat on the edge of the bed, and he got undressed again. His hard cock was right in front of my face. I wanted to taste his cock to see if it was different from Bob's. I took it into my mouth and started moving back and forth on it. It wasn't that much different tasting than Bob's. Of course, it's just skin. The difference would be in the cum, I thought to myself.

John moaned as I worked on his cock, after a minute he said "Have you done this before?"

Taking his cock from my mouth, I lied "No." Of course it was only a small lie. I'd only had one other cock in my mouth, and I didn't actually work it, it worked my mouth.

He took my head between his hands and pushed me back on his cock. "You're a fucking natural. You're made for sex," he said forcing his cock into my throat. Soon my nose was in his pubes. I had his whole cock in my mouth, and he was fucking my face. I kinda liked that he used my mouth for his pleasure. He took long strokes in and out of my throat, I quickly learned to breath when my throat was empty.

"Take my load," he said, and pushed me hard against his pubes. His cock was shooting as far down my throat as it could reach. My stomach heaved, my eyes watered, and he just held me against him, firing streams of cum in me.

He drew his cock from my throat slowly. I managed to lick at the head on the way out. I could taste the difference between his cum and Bob's.

"Best blow job I ever had kid. You were made for pleasure," John said as he put on his shirt. I was staring at his cock, still hanging in front of me.

"Don't worry, Blake. I'll let you have it again. Your mom and I have a date next Friday too. Maybe I can get her drunk early, and then we can have some real fun together."

I didn't know what he meant by that, I thought I was being pretty fun company for him.


Mom was a little hung over the next morning, so I made her coffee, and scrambled eggs. The phone rang and she answered it.

"Oh hello Mr. Barns. Yes, Blake is right here," Mom said, and handed the phone to me.

"Hey, Blake. Can you get away for awhile?"

"Sure Mr. Barns, I can mow your lawn today. Give me a few minutes to get dressed and I'll be right over."

I put on the same really short Adidas shorts he liked so much last time. Only this time I didn't bother with underwear.

"Back later Mom," I said at the door. I was down the steps and walking down the driveway of the trailer park, when Mom called out to me.

"Aren't you forgetting something Blake."

I turned and looked at her in confusion.

"The mower. Unless you plan to chew the grass, you'll need the mower."

Damn. Now I have to drag that piece of shit with me, and I know I'm not going to use it.

"Come in, Blake," Barns said at the door. "Have a seat."

I sat on the sofa, my dick and balls clearly visible.

His eyes went straight to the leg opening of the shorts.

"Oh my. Uh 3; would you like a Coke? I'll get it. You just make yourself comfortable."

I lay back on the sofa like last time, closed my eyes, knowing that my shorts weren't hiding anything.

Barns came in, set the Coke down, and went to his knees. He rubbed my crotch over the shorts, then tugged them down, and off. He reached for my shirt too, and I sat up and took it off.

"You're so fucking beautiful. I can't believe you even let me touch you."

"I like you Mr. Barns. You've always been nice to me, and generous."

His hands moved up and down my body, like a blind person memorizing every inch of me. He licked my nipples, and down to my hard dick. I could tell he got his pleasure making me feel good. It was almost like he worshiped my body.

"I told a friend about you. I hope you don't mind."

"Bob? Yeah, he called me."

"He's an old friend. I was so excited about getting to 3; well 3; do this, I just had to brag a bit. He's a great guy, and won't tell anyone."

Mr. Barns went down and licked my balls for awhile. Then he stroked my dick. I could tell he was admiring it, loving it. The expression on his face was nothing short of awe. Finally he took me into his mouth. By then I was ready for it too. I watched as he sucked me. He was loving every second of it.

Once I had cum, Barns made sure he had cleaned all the cum, before letting go of my dick. I could tell he really didn't want to give it up, and as he stood, I could see a wet spot on his shorts. Barns had cum just from sucking me.

He handed me fifty dollars and asked if I could come back next week.

"Not on Saturday, I have to drag that mower if it's Saturday."

"How about Friday?" he asked.

"Friday morning's good," I knew John would want me Friday night. Thursday, I am supposed to be with Bob.

About a block from Barns' house, I was mentally counting the money I had in the drawer at home, and pulling that piece of shit mower behind me.

"Hey, kid!" I heard from behind. I turned and this guy jogged up to me. "You mow lawns?"


"Got time for mine? It's the second house there," he said pointing.

I thought 'why not'. "Sure."

"How much?" he asked.

"It's not too big. Twenty five should do it," I told him.

"Wesley only charges me twenty," the guy said.

"Then get Wesley to do it," I said and turned away.

"You mean you won't come down to twenty?" he called after me.

I put my hand on my hip and said "If you want to pay twenty, get Wesley. My price it twenty five for mowing. If you want me to do it, that's the price."

He looked me up and down. "Okay, twenty five. What's your name kid?"

"Blake, what's yours?"


I started in the front, and Jason sat on the steps and watched me. I stopped to get a large rock out of the grass, because those would kill the blade on my mower. Jason was staring at me, so I bent to pick it up, making sure he got a good look at my tight shorts covered ass.

Twice more I stopped to pick up something, and Jason got the full show each time. I went through the side gate to get to the back. By the time I got there, Jason was on the patio. He had a round table and chairs there. A big umbrella stuck through a hole in the top of the table. The chairs were wicker with cushions in the seat.

"Would you like some water before you start on the back?"

"That'd be nice, Jason. Thanks."

He ran into the house, and returned with two glasses of ice water. "Have a seat, rest a while," he said indicating to one of two chair that was pulled out from the table.

I sat in one, keeping my legs together, because I know my dick will be visible without underwear on. My tight shorts hugged my groin, showing an outline of my package anyway.

Jason sat in the other chair facing me. His eyes went right to my crotch.

"So, who's this Wesley guy?" I asked just to make conversation.

"A chubby kid, lives a couple doors down. Uses his dad's power mower, then spends the money on candy. He doesn't put much effort into it, nor is he as much fun to watch."

"So, I'm fun to watch?"

His eyes went back to my crotch "You are definitely easy on the eyes."

I appreciate a compliment as much as anybody. So, I thought I'd give him a bit of a thrill. When I knew he was looking, I spread my legs a little. Not much, just enough that he could see a bit of my balls, and maybe a hint of dick.

"Sweet Jesus," he muttered.

"Did you say something, Jason?"

"Uh 3; No 3; I umm 3; Just clearing my throat."

I tilted the glass back, finishing the last of my water, and 'accidentally' spread my legs a little again.

"Thanks for the water Jason. Back to work," I said getting up. My shorts had clung to my sweaty skin, so turning my back to him, I tugged my shorts away from my ass.

I had made the fourth pass with the mower, when I looked up to see Jason there with two fresh glasses of water, and a huge smile. I smiled back and went to sit with him.

"Do you bring Wesley water when he mows for you?"

"No. He could stand to sweat off a few pounds. You're perfect just as you are."

"Thanks," I said. I sat back a bit, and moved the cold glass over my sweaty face slowly, opening my legs just slightly again.

I sat the glass on the table, "I should get back to work," I said.

"No hurry. Take your time," he instructed.

I slid down a little in the chair, "This chair is so comfortable, I might fall asleep before I finish," I said as I spread my legs a little more. I know that both my balls were on display, and maybe part of my dick.

"I uh 3; I'm not going anywhere 3; Is there 3; oh Jesus 3; Is there someplace you have to be?" Jason stuttered.

"Not really, but I could be making a lot of money, instead of resting here. You know Wesley or some other kid will be doing three or four lawns I could be doing, in the time I take for a nap."

"I 3; see what you mean," Jason agreed. Though his eyes were still on my crotch.

"Besides, I couldn't nap here, I like to get comfortable, and in a bed, when I nap."

"Com 3; uh 3; Comfortable?" he stuttered.

I leaned toward him and whispered "I sleep naked."

I took another drink of my water and went back to work. Jason watched me the whole time. When I had finished, Jason was waiting at the table.

"Can I get your phone number so I can call you again?"

"Sure, got a pencil?"

"In the house. I have to get your money too," I followed him to the door.

"You can come in."

"No, I'm covered in grass clippings, and all sweaty."

"Oh 3; Uh 3; Well, maybe you could 3; um shower. Yeah, you should shower, and 3; uh rest a bit, 3; before getting back to work in this heat."

"I wish I could, but I need the money I make on those lawns," I explained.

"Uh 3; well, 3; you worked so hard on my yard, I guess I should compensate you for the lost income if you need to rest."

"I would have to shower too, and about an hour nap. I could probably make over a hundred dollars in that time."

"I already owe you twenty five. It is well worth it by the way. So, uh 3; a hundred and fifty should cover time for a shower and nap, a 3; um 3; comfortable nap?" he asked expectantly.

"For a hundred and fifty, I would be very comfortable in bed. But I might need your help in the shower, just to make sure I don't miss any grass clippings, and maybe to wash my back. That may take longer 3;"

"I can wash your back? I would have to be there through your entire shower. That might slow down the shower a bit. Maybe it might cost more, you're saying?"

"Only if you want to stay while I get undressed, and wash my back. Of course your clothes might get wet. You might have to take them off."

"Take 3; uh my 3; umm yeah that might be better. So we would be naked in the shower 3; together."

"Only if that is what you want. Of course after a warm shower, you might be ready for a comfortable nap too."

"As in, I could get 3; uh comfortable, and nap with you?" he clarified.

"I see no reason to mess up two beds, unless you would be more comfortable by yourself," I hinted.

"No, no. You're absolutely right. No reason to mess up two beds for just a nap."

There was a long pause, so I said "Would you like to show me the way to the shower?"

"Yes, of course 3; right this way."

He led me to the bathroom, and I pulled off my shirt. I turned to him and asked "Are you staying and washing my back or waiting out in the hall?"

Jason swallowed hard then took off his own tee shirt. "I think I will stay 3; After all, I wouldn't want any grass to get on the bed. I should make sure you get it all off."

"Mmm that would be nice, I've never had anyone wash my back for me."

I turned away and peeled down my shorts slowly, making sure he got a nice view of my butt. I heard him let out a groan as I stepped out of them. I lay my shorts down on top of my shirt on the counter, and turned to face him.

"Sweet Jesus, you're beautiful."

"Thank you Jason. Should I turn on the water or do you want to?"

His mind worked on that for a second. "You 3; yeah you make it whatever temperature you are most comfortable with. Take your time."

I bent over the tub adjusting the water, taking much longer than necessary. I could feel his eyes on my butt, and made sure he was enjoying the show.

Turning back to him, I saw him naked and hard. Jason was in pretty good shape for his age of about forty five. A little overweight, but not much. His cock was sticking straight out about six inches and very thick. I smiled at him as I admired his cock.

I pulled aside the shower curtain, and stepped into the tub. Jason was right behind me. I stood under the spray soaking my entire body. Jason handed me a bottle of expensive shampoo, so I washed my hair. My hard dick swung back and forth as I scrubbed my scalp with my eyes closed. I knew he was watching though.

After rinsing my hair, I opened my eyes, and Jason was handing me a bar of soap. "Would you do my back first?"

I turned my back to him and he started at my shoulders, working his way down my back, to my butt. He took a long time on my butt, especially my crack. Then he did my legs. I turned around, and he started on my legs in front. I didn't stop him as he worked his way to my dick. He lathered it and spent a lot of time washing my balls and dick. Eventually he made it up to my stomach and chest.

I asked him "Would you like me to do you, I mean, wash you?"

"Oh sweet Jesus. Yes please."

I did the same for him as he had for me, only I did his cock last. By the time I got to it, he was literally shaking. I soaped it, giving it a couple of strokes, and lathered his balls. I let the water rinse him off a bit, while still on my knees in front of him. I stoked it a bit, and a drop of pre cum appeared at the tip. I looked up into his eyes as I leaned forward and licked the cum off.

"Oh Sweet fucking Jesus," he exclaimed. I stood, grabbed a towel and stepped out. Jason stepped out behind me. I toweled my hair and chest, then bent to dry my legs, making sure I bumped into his hard cock with my butt.

"Oh sweet Jesus."

He dried off, as I bent over and shook my hair out a bit. Of course my butt was facing him, as I ran my fingers through my longish hair while bent at the waist.

"Which bedroom should I nap in?"

He opened the door and led me to the master bedroom. The air conditioning sent chills through my bare skin.

"Brrr. It's cold in here," I said as I slid into the bed. "Maybe you could find a way to keep me warm while I nap."

He took the hint, and climbed in bed behind me. He spooned into my back, his hard cock in my butt crack. His arms circled me, and he kissed my neck.

"Mmm. Now, this, is what I call a comfortable nap," I purred.

His hands roamed all over me. His lips kissed my neck, and back and shoulders. There wasn't a part of my body he didn't pay some attention to.

After about twenty minutes of fondling me, he lay back again spooned in behind me.

I wiggled my butt against his cock and said "I'm never getting any sleep with that thing poking me. Maybe I should make it go down."

I ducked under the covers, and went straight for his cock. When I got it in my mouth I heard him groan "Oh Sweet Jesus." It didn't take long for him to shoot his load in my mouth. I swallowed it, and kept sucking to be sure I got it all. He started to wilt, so I came back up and laid my head on the pillow. I lay there while he caught his breath.

Jason raised up on his elbow and smiled at me. "You are, by far, the best thing that ever happened to me," he leaned down and kissed my lips. Then slid down the bed to suck my dick.

When I gave him my cream, he nursed on my dick till I went soft. "You taste as beautiful as you look," he said as he lay back beside me.

After a few minutes, I crawled out of his bed, and walked naked back to the other bathroom where I had left my clothes. Jason came in behind me and asked "Will you still give me your number?"

"Sure. When will you need your yard done again?" I asked pulling on my shirt.

"Let Wesley worry about that. He needs the exercise. I don't want you getting blisters on those beautiful hands. But I would still like to call you, I mean if you want to come over again."

"I'd like that Jason. But, you know I mow yards because I need the money."

"I understand completely. I would just like the pleasure of your company again, you're worth the cost."

"You're sweet Jason," I said as I raised up on my toes and kissed him. I grasped his cock again and said to it "I'll see you later."

I gave him my number, and he gave me two hundred dollars.

On my way home I was thinking about how much money I had made. Two hundred and fifty dollars, in just a couple of hours. My mom works all week to make less than that. If Jason and John and Bob and Barns were right, I'm beautiful, and built for sex. Why the hell am I still dragging this mower around.

When I got home, Mom asked "Where have you been?"

"I did a couple more yards on the way home from Mr. Barns'."

"Somebody named Bob called. Wants you to call him back."

"He's a referral from Mr. Barns," I explained.

"Blake. Glad you called. Can you come over tomorrow?"

"I thought I was mowing your yard next Thursday," I said, mostly to Mom who was listening.

"If you have time, I'd like to do it tomorrow."

"No problem. I don't have any plans tomorrow," I said.


Sunday morning, I put on some basketball shorts and a tee shirt, no underwear. I was getting on my bike when Mom said "You're forgetting the mower again."

"Bob said I could use his, so I don't have to drag mine that far."

"That's nice. Do a good job."

"I'll do extra good," I promised her.

"Come in, Blake. I'm glad you could make it."

"It's no problem. I was kinda looking forward to Thursday anyway. So, now I don't have to wait till then," I said honestly.

"You were looking forward to it?" he asked.

I looked down, embarrassed that I had said that. I think I blushed a bit too.

"Tell me," Bob said, lifting my chin with his fingers, so I was looking into his eyes.

"Yes. I liked being with you last time," I answered.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you. That's why I called. I didn't want to wait till Thursday either."

He kissed me then picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. We ripped each other's clothes off and got into bed. Bob reached into the nightstand and pulled out a bottle of oil or something. He put it on his hands then put two fingers in my ass. It hurt a bit, but all I did was moan and pressed back into his fingers.

"You have the most beautiful ass I have ever seen. How many guys have fucked it?"

"What? Nobody. You put your fingers in me last time. That's it."

"You mean no one has had their dick in you.?"

"NO!" I protested.

"How long have you been doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Sex for money," Bob said as if he thought it was a bad thing.

"I 3; well 3;" I started crying. Then I told him how my mom's boyfriend gave me a blowjob and left me some money. Then the next day Mr. Barns was staring at my crotch, and I like Mr. Barns, he's always been nice to me, so I let him. Then he (Bob) called me.

"So I was only your third?"

"Yes, then yesterday I went to see Mr. Barns again. That's where I was when you called," I didn't tell him about Jason.

"The other guys only sucked you?"

"Yes," I answered as I pushed back into his fingers again.

"I love your ass. I can't believe anyone could see it, and not want to fuck it."

He took my dick into his mouth and moved his fingers back and forth in me. I was bucking and moaning. I liked his fingers in me.

"Want to try three?" he asked me.

"Yes 3; Please," I moaned.

I felt him pull out, then press back in. This time, I could feel the difference in the width of three fingers versus two. It hurt a bit, at first, then I started to like it too. I really started to get into it, and he sucked me at the same time. Then he stopped.

"Know what would feel even better?"


"My cock."

"I don't know. You're pretty big. I don't think I'm ready for that."

"Your ass sure is. It loves this."

"I don't think I can take your big cock there, it'll hurt."

"Please, Blake. You're all I can think about. I wanted to do it last time. I can't get you out of my mind. You're like a drug, and I need the big fix."

"Bob, I feel bad enough letting guys suck me for money."

"I can pay. Five hundred, just to be the first to fuck you."

"Five hundred dollars? Bob, I'm flattered, but 3; I 3;"

"Ok, a thousand, but you're mine for the whole day," he countered.

"Uh 3; did you say a thousand dollars?"

"Yes. But you're mine for the whole day. Till five o'clock."

"A thousand dollars, and you're just going to fuck me? You don't have a dungeon or anything where you'll chain me up and beat me?"

Bob laughed. "No. I just want to love you, exclusively, all day, as many times as I can."

I looked at his cock. It's huge. I liked sucking it. I love how his fingers feel in me. I am curious about how it would feel getting fucked for real.

"Ok 3; I'll try to be good for you."

"You're wonderful. First we have a few things to do," Bob said. Then he told me what to do and how. I understood, it made sense, once he explained it, but I didn't like the sound of it.

While I was in the bathroom, Bob got us some fruit and cheese and even some wine. He had a regular picnic ready when I came out.

"We're going to need to keep our strength up," he laughed.

Getting back into bed, I saw Bob's cock again, and began to get a little nervous. I can't believe I agreed to let him stick that huge thing in my ass. Bob drew me to him and kissed me. It wasn't like any kiss I had ever received. It was exciting and sweet and passionate all at the same time. By the time we broke the kiss, I was hard as a rock and anxious. I was ready for him to turn me inside out if he wanted. And considering he brought lunch, I assume that's what he intended to do.

"Look, Blake, you don't have to go through with this if you don't want to. I understand it's a big step. You're just so fucking beautiful, I can't control myself around you. I want you so desperately, but I'm not going to force you into something you're not ready for."

"Shut up and fuck me Bob."

He got between my legs and put that oil on his dick, then he stuck two fingers in me, and I moaned out loud. After a minute, he used three, I really liked that. Bob was watching my face the whole time, and soon I was ready to beg for his cock. He leaned in and kissed me again, and I felt his cock at my opening. It's a good thing Bob was kissing me. When his fat knob popped in, I screamed like he had gutted me. It felt like he had, too.

When I stopped screaming, Bob broke the kiss.

"You okay, baby?" he asked smoothing the hair from my face.

I looked up into his blue eyes and nodded. He smiled at me, and kissed me again. As he kissed me, I noticed movement. He was rocking back and forth slightly. I could feel his cock going deeper into me. It hurt some, but not like before. Then it started feeling good. Real good. Bob was actually moving in and out of me a couple of inches. His cock was deeper than his fingers reached, and it was hitting that same spot he had the last time.

I raised my knees more letting him go even deeper.

"Do you like that?" he asked me.

I was embarrassed to tell him how much I was liking it, so I just nodded.

"You're doing really well," he said, then he kissed me again, and slid a couple of inches deeper in. Then he pulled back and gave me a little more. I put my arms around him, and held him tight. He drew almost out and back in again a few times, while I just moaned.

"Are you okay?" he asked after stroking in me a few minutes.

"Mmhm," was all I could manage.

"Can you take more?"

"Yes 3; please 3; I want it all," I couldn't believe I even said that.

Bob leaned in and kissed me again, then pushed in deep. I felt his balls on my ass, and knew I had taken him. Or maybe, he had taken me.

"Oh god, Bob, I'm cumming," I yelled, wrapping my legs around him. I could feel him even deeper this way and I shot my load.

By now, Bob was starting to stroke me harder. He must have been taking six inch [15 cm] strokes, and driving me nuts. I was wrapped around him like a wild monkey.

I felt his cock throb, and knew he was cumming in me. That triggered my second orgasm. Then I collapsed under him.

We lay there a moment catching our breath. Bob started to raise up off me, and I threw my arms around him. "Please don't take it from me yet."

He gave me the biggest smile ever. "Do you like it in you?"

"I love it. It feels like it belongs there."

Bob brushed my hair from my face again, "I know just what you mean."

We lay there talking and kissing. Bob told me he was divorced, no kids. He knew Mr. Barns for years. Barns had given him his first blow job when he was about my age.

"I knew you must be really special for him to tell me about you. He has never mentioned anyone else in twenty years."

Bob's cock must have gotten soft inside me without me noticing. I did notice when it started getting hard again. It grew big and hard quickly.

"Oh god Bob, I can feel you growing in me."

Bob fucked me again, and I was glad he did. In fact Bob fucked me three more times before five o'clock, each time I loved it. I admit, I was pretty sore though.

Bob walked over to a picture on the wall, and moved it to reveal a wall safe. He turned the dial and it opened. I had again forgotten about the money. Bob handed me a thousand dollars in cash. For some reason I started to cry. It had been such a wonderful day, I loved every second of it. I had begun to think it was more than just a business deal.

I tried not to let Bob see my tears. I got dressed in silence, and headed to the door. Bob caught up to me just as I stepped out the door.

"Can you still come on Thursday?"

"Sure Bob," I called behind me, so I wouldn't have to face him.

Mom was waiting for me when I came in. "Where have you been all day?"

"Walking around, knocking on doors, trying to line up some lawn business for the week," I lied.

"My little entrepreneur. Did you get any?"

"Yeah. I have a few lined up."

I went to my room for the rest of the evening. Mom called me to dinner a little later but I wasn't very hungry. "Are you feeling ok?" she asked.

"Just tired from walking around in the heat all day. I think I'll go to bed early."

I lay on my bed, thinking about the day I spent with Bob. I really like him. I didn't want his money. I didn't want to be just a paid sex toy for him. I wanted him to really want to be with me. That doesn't make sense though. He must want me, or he wouldn't have paid me that much money. I guess I mean I wanted something more than just a 'fuck me, pay me' relationship.


I didn't go out Monday, mostly I layed in bed thinking about Bob. I jerked off twice remembering how his cock felt in me. Fucking me deeply. My butt was still sore, so it was a reminder of what I wanted again.

Tuesday, I did a neighbor's yard. The whole time I was pushing that mower, I was thinking "I can make more money getting my dick sucked and not have to work as hard."

I was lost in thought, when I noticed someone approach me. "Young man, excuse me 3; Young man."

"Sorry, Ma'am. I was day dreaming."

"That's alright. I live across the street. My husband is no longer around, and I hate mowing. Would you be interested?"

"Sure, I just have to finish here, then I can do it for you."

"Actually I was just leaving when I saw you here. Can you come by tomorrow?"

"What time would be good for you?" I asked.

"How about ten?"

"Yes, Ma'am. I'll see you at ten tomorrow morning."

Getting dressed the next morning made me realize how much I have grown in the last year. All my clothes were just too small. I hate asking my mom for money, because I know how hard she has to work just to keep up. I guess I should spend some of my money on some clothes. I found an old pair of pants that I could barely get zipped. I could wear my Adidas shorts, but I didn't think it would be right for a new customer to see me that way. Especially a lady customer.

She finally answered the doorbell after the third time I rang it. I could tell I had woken her up. "I'm sorry, I forgot you were coming today," she said, half hiding behind the door. I could see she was wearing a robe, from just her head and one shoulder peeking around the door.

"Go ahead, dear, and just ring the bell when you are through."

When I finished, I rang the bell as instructed. She answered quickly, though still in her robe. "Come in. I just made coffee, would you like some?"

"No thank you Ma'am. It's already starting to get hot out there."

"Oh yeah. Well, how about a Coke, or a beer?" she said as she eyed me from head to toe. That was the first time anyone ever offered me a beer.

"Coke would be fine," I answered.

She brought me a Coke, and she had a cup of coffee. "Sit, sit. You can't enjoy a cold beverage standing up."

I sat on the sofa, which instantly reminded me of just how tight these pants were. They almost cut me in half as I sat down.

"You're a very attractive young man. I bet all the girls are after you."

I blushed a little thinking about all the guys who had blown me recently. "No, Ma'am. Afraid not," I said smiling.

She sat next to me on the sofa, her robe separating and displaying her legs. "Really? No girlfriend?"

"No, Ma'am."

"What a waste. A good looking boy like you, taking care of things all by yourself," she said spreading her legs a bit.

I couldn't actually see anything, just a dark area below the belt on the robe. My pants suddenly felt even tighter, and I knew an erection would be difficult to hide. "It's 3; uh twenty five for the mowing," I said, trying to get out of there.

"That seems fair. I suppose I should give you a nice tip though," she said sliding closer to me. Her robe separated even more and stayed behind as she slid. Now I could clearly see she wasn't wearing panties.

"A good looking boy like you shouldn't have to take care of yourself," she said placing her hand on my knee.

"Ma'am, I 3; uh 3; charge for my time. I could be doing another lawn."

She looked at me oddly. "You mean 3;?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Well, can I see what I'm paying for?" she asked looking at my crotch.

"That would be an extra twenty," I explained.

"Twenty? Just to see the merchandise?" She appraised me for a moment. "It's been twenty years since I've seen a teen boy. Sure why not. Twenty, just to see you."

I stood and took off my shoes and socks. I pulled my tee shirt over my head, she put her hand between her legs. I undid the button on my pants and unzipped them. She leaned back and displayed the rest of her body. I wasn't too familiar with women, but I guess she was in decent shape for her age. I looked down at her pussy, the first live one I ever saw. Porn mags aren't the same as live.

I peeled down my tight pants, my hard dick springing out because the pants were too tight to wear undies. She moaned and stuck two fingers in her pussy. I pulled the pants off my feet, and stood up straight.

"Holy shit, you're beautiful. Turn around."

I turned slowly, and by the time I was facing her, she was pounding her fingers in her pussy.

"My god. You're a fucking angel. I have got to taste you," she said leaning toward me.

"That's an extra fifty," I said stepping back.

"You don't come cheap."

"Nope, my cum costs a lot."

"How much for a fuck?"

"Another hundred."

"Damn, Kid, You get many customers with those prices?"

"You'd be surprised. I've earned more this week than my mom has in the last two months working full time."

"I believe it. Can I touch you?"

I stepped toward her. She reached out and took hold of my dick. She started to stroke it, and I backed away. "A hand job is twenty five."

"Okay, okay. I'll pay the extra fifty."

She grabbed my dick and pulled it into her mouth. I didn't rush her, or hold her head and face fuck her. I held off cumming, so she would get her money's worth. As she sucked me, I ran my fingers through her hair, and then along her cheek. She stopped and looked up at me, then ran her hand over my stomach and chest. I leaned down and kissed her forehead, then put my dick back in her mouth. She doubled her efforts, and I rewarded her with my cum.

"That was the first time I ever had a orgasm while giving a blow job," she said handing me a hundred. "You're really special."

"Thanks. I try to earn my money."

"You are definitely beautiful, and worth it. I only wish I could afford more of you."

On the way home, I wanted to dump that mower in the gutter. I had tried to stay strictly to mowing and not more personal services. Yet even then, it's like I have a sign around my neck, "Boy Whore"

I knew I was a whore, though it's not like I just decided 'Hey I think I want to be a whore', I kinda fell into it. Maybe all those people are right. Maybe I'm just built for sex. They all tell me I'm beautiful. Maybe because of my looks, they have trouble resisting sexual advances toward me, and I take advantage of it.

Maybe I just like sex. Hell, no maybe about it, I love sex. I love money too. I've always been poor, so money is a good thing. Liking sex, and easy money, plus people willing to pay me, is just a bad combination. But I didn't want to whore for Bob. I want him. The others, I don't care if they pay me. I liked Jason too. But I don't mind whoring for him. Maybe that's the answer. I can be a whore for people I like, People I don't like I won't even let them touch me. Bob is different. I don't Bob to pay me, I want to fuck him for free. Shit. does that mean I love Bob?


Thursday morning, as soon as I heard Mom leave, I was out the door and on my bike to Bob's house. He barely had the door open, and I was in his arms.

"Baby, thank god you're here," he said, after kissing me. "You seemed upset when you left on Sunday. I've been going crazy. I was afraid you wouldn't come."

I kissed him again. "I'm here. Take me to bed," he carried me to the bedroom and I stripped in an instant. He was right behind me getting into bed, and I was in his arms again.

I couldn't get enough of his kisses, and he seemed to want to kiss me. I could feel his rampant cock against me and I wanted it. "I need to feel you in me," I whispered to him.

He reached into the drawer for the oil, and poured some in his hand. It was then I noticed a dozen lit candles around the room. A plate of strawberries set on the nightstand, there was even soft music playing.

"Did you do this for me?"

He leaned down and kiss me. "Yes, baby."

I raised my knees, offering my ass to him. His cock pushed at my opening, and popped in with some resistance. I groaned in pain, pleasure, and a desire for more.

"Oh 3; Oh 3;Oh 3;" was all I could say as he worked it into me. Once I felt his balls on my ass, I wrapped my arms and legs around him. "I love having you in me," I whispered in his ear.

"I love you too, Blake."

I had finished getting dressed, Bob watched the whole time, sitting nude on the edge of the bed. I saw his magnificent cock lying between his legs, finally limp. I got on my knees and took it into my mouth.

"If you get me hard, I'm just going to rip those clothes off you and fuck you again."

I looked up from his lap, "Promise?"

"You're killing me. When can I see you again?" he asked.

"Saturday?" I asked hopefully.

"Okay. If I have to wait that long, Saturday it is," he said, reaching into the drawer.

"It's only day after tomorrow," I laughed.

He pulled out a wad of cash, and handed it to me.

I looked at the cash in my hand "Bob, this isn't right," I said as tears began to well up in my eyes.

"It's not enough? How much do you want, I'll get it," he said sincerely.

"No! I mean it's not right for you to pay me."

"I don't care what it costs. I want to be with you every minute I can."

"I want to be with you too. And I don't want you to pay me to do it," I said, flinging the money at him and running from the house. I cried all the way, and was nearly home when I realized I had left my bike at Bob's.

The phone was ringing when I entered the trailer. "Hello."

"Blake? Oh thank god." It was Bob's voice. I didn't want to talk to him right now, and I hung up. The phone rang again right away. I tried to ignore it, but it kept ringing. I finally picked up the receiver, and then hung up again.

I spent most of the night crying in my room. Mom talk to me through the door, and I told her I was tired from all the lawns.


Friday morning I went to Mr. Barns'. I figured if everyone thinks I'm just a whore, then I might as well be paid.

Barns couldn't get enough of my dick. He sucked me twice, worshiping my body the whole time. I never touched him, but he had cum in his boxers when I left.

Mom didn't come home after work. She called and said they were going out but would bring me food later. They came in around nine. I went in to say hello, and John handed me a sack of food. He was holding mom up at the time, she was pretty wasted.

"There's my little boy. Look we brought you food," she said stumbling to the couch. It was a burger and fries, and still hot. They must have stopped on the way home to pick it up.

John poured her a glass of something from a bottle, and I went to my room to eat. I wasn't very hungry and only ate about half the burger. I heard John saying "It's not nice to waste good liquor. Drink up," I didn't want to be around them while they were drunk, so I took off my clothes and went to bed.

His hand in my underwear woke me up. John was standing by my bed, naked, playing with my dick. I watched his cock get hard as he played with mine.

He pulled the waistband of my underwear away from my body, and let it snap back on me. "Take these off," he instructed.

I did as he said and slipped them down and off. He watched me and stroked his cock. I lay back again and smiled up at him.

"Someone is anxious," he laughed. "Suck me."

I raised up on one elbow and took his cock into my mouth.

"Your mom is out cold. Now we can have some real fun," he held my head and pushed his cock into my throat. Then he said "Get it nice and wet," I sucked it a moment then he took it out of my mouth "Lay down."

I started to lay back, and he said "No. On your belly."

As I lay on my belly, I realized what he wanted. He was getting behind me and I said "No. I don't want to do that."

I tried to get up, but he pushed me back down. "Be still. You're gonna love this," I heard him spit on his hand, and I tried to get up again. He pushed my head into the pillow and held it there.

"NO JOHN! I don't want this," I yelled.

"Be still you little shit," he growled at me.

I felt his cock at my pucker, and I tried to kick him off. "No. Stop it. I don't 3;"

John punched me in the back, knocking the breath out of me.

He pushed forward and his cock popped in. I screamed as best I could.

"Scream all you want, your mom ain't hearing you.

I tried to reason with him "Please John. I don't want to do this. Let me suck you. I'll be good for you. Please 3;"

He pushed in further "Just be still. You'll like it as much as your mom does."

I could feel him going deeper and it hurt. He only had a little spit on there. He was basically fucking me dry. It felt like he was tearing me apart. I was crying and pleading, but he didn't stop. I soon felt his balls against my own.

"See, I knew you could take it. Now the fun begins," he started fucking me and saying things as he pumped in and out. "Oh man, I knew your ass would be good, but damn it's fucking amazing. You like that cock in your sweet ass? Cause you're gonna be getting a lot more of it. I think I'll come here on my lunch hour, let you have some more cock while your mom is at work. Your ass is milking my cock. Gonna cum in your sweet boy pussy."

He grunted a couple of times, and I felt his cock throb in me. When he pulled out and stood up, I could see a little blood on his cock.

He dressed and threw a twenty on the nightstand. "See you next Friday." and he was gone. I crawled out of bed, and dressed. The next thing I know, I'm ringing Bob's doorbell.

"Jesus! Baby, what happened?" Bob said as I fell into his doorway. He caught me and helped me to the sofa.

"What happened, Baby?"

"I didn't want to 3; He made me 3; I said no 3; You've got to believe me. I only wanted you. He wouldn't listen. I only wanted you to do that."

"Who did this to you?"

"My mom's boyfriend, John," I cried.

"Do you know his last name?"

"I think it's Henley. Or something like that."

"Shit. What's your mom's name?"


"Elizabeth Davenport?"

"Yes, how did you know?" I sobbed.

"They work for me."

I began to cry harder. Now my mom was going to lose her job, and it's all my fault. As I became more lucid, I also became aware of the pain.

"There was blood. I saw blood on his dick when he pulled it out of me."

"Baby, can I take a look. I want to see if you need to go to the hospital."

I nodded, and stood. Bob removed my pants and I lay on my stomach on the sofa. He stood looking down at me, and I saw his boxers begin to tent out as his cock rose, just from seeing my butt.

Bob pried my cheeks open and examined my hole. "You're not torn, and there's no blood running out, so I don't think you are bleeding internally. You're just very raw. Didn't he use any lube?"

"What's that?"

"Lube 3; lubricant 3; Like the oil in my drawer."

"No he just spit on it. And I was struggling, so it probably wasn't very wet."

"You'll be alright. I'm sure. Do you want to call the police?"

"Police? For what?"

"He raped you, They can run tests at the hospital and prove it was him."

"No! He'll just tell them he paid me for sex. But he's gonna do it again. He said he's gonna come during his lunch hour and fuck me again. He has a date with my mom next Friday too. What am I gonna do. I don't want him. I only want you. I'm so sorry Bob. I really didn't want him to do that."

"Why are you apologising to me? I'm the one who's sorry that this happened to you. You have no reason to apologise."

"I 3; I 3; gave that to you, just you, and he took it. He took part of me that was meant only for you," I said bursting into tears again.

"I'll run you a warm bath, I want you to just soak and relax. Don't you worry about John anymore."

Bob carried me to the bathroom when the water was ready. He finished undressing me, and I stepped into the tub. I lay there wondering what was going to happen to me next time John came to the trailer. Would he rape me again, or was tonight just because he was drunk and mom passed out before putting out.

Maybe I should just give in to him and let him fuck me. If I don't, mom could lose her job. Then I would have to either mow a lot more yards, or get and give a lot more blow jobs to support us. I've done pretty well at that, but how long can I keep up this pace.

Besides, now Bob is probably mad at me. One of his employees is a rapist, and one's son is a prostitute. I'll lose my customer, friend, and lover.

I lay there till the water got cool. My body felt better, but emotionally, I was a wreck. I wrapped a towel around me and found Bob on the phone in the den. "Yes, tonight. Then call in Jamison. Thanks."

"Baby, can I get you anything?"

I ran to him crying again. "Sh sh 3; Everything will be alright. Are you feeling better?" I nodded my head against his shoulder, and he smoothed my hair. "Does it still hurt? Let me put some medicated cream on it."

Bob carried me into the bedroom, and lay me on the bed. He went to the bathroom and came back with a tube of ointment of some kind. I was laying on my stomach. He looked at me as he unscrewed the cap and squeezed some onto his fingers. As he lay the tube on the nightstand, I saw his tented boxers. He sat beside me and using his palms, pried my cheeks apart again. The fingers with the ointment went to my raw opening. I felt the cool lotion being spread around my hole.

The tent in Bob's boxers grew to maximum size. I reached over and wrapped my fingers around it. I was afraid it would be the last time I got to feel it.

"I'm sorry, baby. Seeing you nude has that effect on me."

"Can I see it," I asked hopefully.

Bob removed his boxers and let me take a last look at his magnificent cock. I cried again knowing I was going to miss it. Bob saw my tears, turned out the lights, and got into bed with me.

"Sh sh, Baby. It's all going to be alright. I promise," he took me into his arms, and I was instantly asleep.

I awoke early, and was momentarily confused about my surroundings. Then I remembered the night before.

Bob was spooned behind me. His arms around me, keeping me safe. I could feel his morning erection against my butt and back. I began to cry again. Why couldn't I have more times like this before John had to screw it all up. Now I would probably never see Bob again.

I reached behind me and stroked his cock. He moaned and kissed my neck. "How are you feeling this morning?" Bob asked.

"Better. Thanks."

He pulled me closer and kissed my neck again. "Will you do something for me?"

"Sure, Baby."

"You see, I gave you something, and John took it. I need you to take it back. I need you to make me forget he was ever there. I promise, I'll stab him if he tries to steal it from you again, but I need you to take it back. Please, then I won't bother you anymore."

Bob had a tear in his eye. "Baby, we can do this another day. You're still too sore down there."

"Yes, and I need to be sore from you not him. Please. It will give me the strength to face him next time."

Bob reached into the nightstand drawer. When he entered me, I felt the raw tissue give way to it's conqueror. He kissed me as he reclaimed me. Pushing far deeper in me than John could hope to reach.

"Is this what you needed, Baby?" he asked, brushing the hair from my eyes so he could see them.

"Yes, oh yes," I grunted as he stroked me deeply.

"Who does this belong to?"

"It's yours, Bob. I promise. Only you."

After Bob fucked me a second time, I said "I need to get home. I've never stayed out all night, and my mom is probably worried about me."

"I'll drive you. We can put your bike in the trunk."

I had forgotten I left my bike here when I rushed out Thursday. When we got to the trailer, I opened the door, and stepped in.

"Blake. Where the hell 3;" Mom saw Bob come in behind me. "Mr. Mathews, what are you doing here?"

"Elizabeth? Are you Blake's mother?"

"Yes 3; Sir." She stuttered.

"Well, this is perfect. I needed to speak to you anyway."

Shit, here it comes. He's going to tell her I'm a whore who got raped by her boyfriend and then he's going to fire her.

"I asked Blake to come over early this morning to help with some yard work before it got too hot out. I'm sorry we didn't have a chance to tell you."

"That's quite alright, Sir. I was just a little worried when I woke up and he was gone."

"I didn't know this wonderful boy was your son. That explains where he got his work ethic."

Mom blushed at the double complement.

"It's rather fortuitous running into you like this. Tomorrow, at the office, I will be announcing John Henley's resignation. I need someone to take his place. That someone is you."

"John 3; resigned 3; ? Wait 3; Did you say I'm taking his job?"

Bob nodded, and winked at me. I'm in shock, so I can't react.

"But he's head of the department."

"Was head of the department. Now you are. It comes with a sizeable pay increase too, I might add."

"I 3; I don't know what to say."

"I have an idea. Why don't I take you and Blake, out to dinner to celebrate?"

"Uh 3; sure 3; that would be great 3; I'll have to find something to wear."

"As a signing bonus, let me give you your company credit card. Go buy yourself a nice dress. Get your hair done if you want. I'll take Blake shopping too. Then he and I will pick you up at seven."

"O 3; okay 3; Uh 3; I'm still speechless."

"I can't believe John quit just like that," I said to Bob once we were in his car again.

"He probably couldn't believe it either, till some friends of mine convinced him it would be better for his health if he was out of town by noon. That was going to be difficult too, because his car is a company car. Well now it's your mom's car."

"Can we go back to your house?"

"Did you forget something there?"

"No I just don't think it would be a good idea to give you a blow job while you're driving."

After we swallowed each other's load, I told Bob "Thank you for giving my mom a chance. Oh, and taking her to dinner, that's nice of you."

"Well, I was thinking. I haven't dated anyone for a while now, and your mom's boyfriend just left town."

"You're gonna date my mom?" I couldn't believe it.

"Well, she might not want to. But if she does, how would you feel about it?"

"Are you gonna have sex with her?"

"If we continue to date, that is generally what happens."

I know I must have looked sad, I was definitely confused, maybe even hurt. No, definitely hurt.

"Blake, your mother is an attractive woman. People would not be surprised that we are dating. If we are dating, it only makes sense that I get to know her son better. Maybe go camping, fishing trips, guys weekend trips. Who knows, maybe we will get married, and all live together. I told you, Blake. I don't care what it costs, I want to spend every minute I can with you."

"You would do that for me?"

"I'll do anything for you," he said kissing me.

"If you marry my mom, should I call you daddy while you are fucking me?"

"Hmm 3; that's an interesting thought."


That night at dinner, Bob really turned on the charm. He had mom wetting her panties before the night was over. He also had a date for the next Friday night.

Thursday, I was at his house as soon as mom left for work. We were lying in bed when he asked "Have you seen Mr. Barns this week?"


"Good. I know you don't want me to pay you for sex. Can I pay you not to have sex with anyone else?"

"I don't know 3; Mr. Barns gives a really good blow job."

"Trust me, I am quite aware of that. Who do you think he perfected his skills on?" Bob laughed.

"So you're the jealous type? Worried he can do it better?"

"No. I just don't think it's safe for you to be in that business."

"Well, I do make a lot of money at it. I mean a boy has to make a living," I picked up his limp cock and sucked it into my mouth.

"Stop fucking with me. How much to not do it?"

"What's it worth to you?" I asked as he got hard again.

"Five hundred a week?"

"Pfft 3; I can make that in a few hours," I said as I slowly licked up and down his cock.

"God 3; I know 3; and worth every penny too. Okay 3; a thousand. Stop that while I'm trying to think."

I took his cock into my throat and slowly back out again. "Only a thousand? That's all I'm worth to you?"

"Oh God 3; Okay 3;. How much do you want 3; I'll pay it."

"You really want me to stop having sex with others?"

"Yes 3; how much?"

"Ask me."

"What? I just did?"

"No. If you want me to quit, just ask me. That's all I want."

He rolled me over onto my back, leaned over and kissed me. "Blake, I know you may not understand this, but I'm madly in love with you. I don't want to share you with anyone else, and I don't want you to get hurt. I want you all to myself. I know that it's a lot to ask, especially if I will be having sex with your mom. But will you please only be with me."

"Thanks 3; that's all I needed to hear. For the foreseeable future, I am yours completely. Anytime, anything you want from me, I'm yours. I won't like that you will be fucking my mother, but I understand the reason."

"Have you ever been fishing?"


Bob picked mom up at seven for their dinner date. They brought me back lasagna. I love lasagna. They sat in the livingroom of the trailer talking and laughing. I liked the fact that they didn't drink.

I was in my room when mom called me. "Blake, Bob has invited you to go fishing with him. He has a boat up on the lake. Would you like to go?"

"Sure, Mom. Sounds like fun. When?"

"I could pick you up around four in the morning, and we could be there when the sun comes up. Best time for fishing." Bob said.

"Four in the morning? Okay, I'll get up at three. Mom can you make me breakfast?"

"Breakfast, at three in the morning 3; I guess I can." Mom said, obviously not whole heartedly.

"Or, we could just leave tonight. There's a cabin on the boat, we could get an early start there," Bob volunteered.

"That sounds better to me than getting up at three," Mom said with a laugh.

"Okay 3; let me grab a change of clothes," I said.

As we headed out, Mom asked "When will you boys be back?"

"I usually stay through Sunday 3; Is that okay?" Bob asked.

Mom agreed, and Bob turned to her and pulled her in for a long kiss. "I'll see you Monday at the office."

We had a wonderful weekend fishing. Well, mostly fucking, but we did some fishing too. Everyday, I grew closer to Bob. I see more to love about him, to admire about him.


The following Friday, Bob and Mom, came from their date, with food for me of course, and were talking in the living room. After a while, I heard them sneak down the hall to her bedroom. A couple of minutes later I went to the kitchen, and listened to see if I could make out anything. A minute later I heard Mom say "Jesus, Bob, that thing should have it's own zip code."

Mom was right about that. Bob has a huge cock. Another few minutes later, "OH GOD!" I knew then that Bob had Bottomed out in my mom. I stood there in the dark kitchen listening to them. Tears ran down my cheeks, but I didn't make a sound. The same can't be said about my mom though. She did a lot of moaning and calling out to God. I know for sure he fucked her for thirty minutes straight. I also know just what she was feeling. It tore me up inside.

Around eleven, there was a light knock at my door. Bob came in, I was laying on the bed facing the wall. He sat on the edge of my bed and rubbed my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Blake. I wish I didn't have to hurt you like this. You know it's you I love." Then he left.

The next day, Mom was in a great mood. I knew why too. Throughout the day she'd say things like "You know, Bob is a really nice guy" and "Do you like Bob?" and "Bob said the funniest thing last night." She drove me fucking nuts. I wanted to scream "He's Mine!" but I didn't.

Sunday afternoon, the phone rang. "Oh hi, Bob. Yes I had a wonderful time Friday night. Well, yes, especially that. The Smithson account? Yeah, I'm familiar with it. Seattle? I don't know how I can manage that. I can't leave Blake by himself. Are you sure, he can be a handful? Well, if it's no trouble. Okay. Yes, I'll tell him."

"Blake dear, Bob needs me to go to Seattle. He said he could watch you while I'm gone. He said you can swim in his pool, and have a barbeque, he has a pool table too. Would you mind terribly? It's really important to my job."

"I guess it will be alright. When?"

"I have to leave first thing in the morning. Bob will pick you up in a few minutes. I should be back by Wednesday, Thursday at the latest."

As soon as we were in his house, I was in his arms. He smothered me with kisses, and carried me to bed. He apologised over and over about Friday night. I really had no room to complain. She got one fuck, I got twenty. By the time she returned, Bob and I were both exhausted.

Friday, she came in late. I could tell she had been fucked again. I know the look. Saturday, Bob and I went fishing again.

When school started, Bob volunteered to pick me up after school and keep me till she got off work. Some evenings we went out as a family, to dinner or a movie.

Weekends they dated, and Bob and I did guy stuff. Fishing, camping out, whatever.

One day mom said "You and Bob seem to get along pretty well."

I almost choked on my fried chicken. "Yeah, I guess so."

"He 3; Well, he 3; asked me to marry him."

"What did you say?" I asked.

"I told him I would have to talk to you. What do you think?"

"I don't know. I mean, we would have to live in that big house instead of this crummy trailer. I would have to spend my time swimming and having tennis lessons, instead of pushing that crappy mower. What the hell do you think I think."

"Language young man. I take that as a yes," she smiled.

Mom and Bob married two months later. Bob and I spent many good times together. Especially when mom traveled for business.

I eventually got a new mower, but I was only allowed to use it at home.


In 1989 I met the woman that would become my wife. Before the wedding, I told her of my intimate relationship with Bob. Not all the details or when it started, just that we were more than just step father and son. Bob approved of my marriage and choice in a wife.

I won't say that had he not, I wouldn't have married her, but it certainly would have a bearing on it.

In 2002 Bob retired and turned the company over to me for my fortieth birthday. Mom died in 2005 of breast cancer, Bob was by her side, as was I.

I'm telling this now while I still remember it. In the thirty years Bob and Mom were married, I never once heard him tell her he loved her. He told me every day how much he loved me. In fact it was his last words.

The End

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