DuxDoomed |
SummaryAn 'impossible' boy passes the line and needs to face the consequences.
Publ. June 2015-...
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CharactersRichie (13yo)Category & Story codesWoman-Boy storyFt – femdom (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Dux – Doomed in the subject line. |
1Some said I was a punk. Others thought that a disaster was a far better description. But everyone agreed that I was impossible. I didn't do what was expected, I didn't do what was ordered, I did nothing. Well, nothing positive that is. I did like to harrass my little and my older sister and the girls in the neighborhood. The boys in the neighborhood didn't like me very much. But they let me be. I guess they didn't know how to handle me, hearing the stories of their sisters. I also guess they liked what I did but didn't want to be seen with me and get the same punishments I got. I spared my mother (showing I had a good heart somewhere deep inside me) and my father was seldomly at home. We had everything we could desire but the price was that my father had to work very, very hard. Later I discovered that he didn't just work. He had a few girlfriends but that's another story. My mother never knew about that, at least I didn't tell her. I did a lot of things a lot people didn't like but I wasn't mean. I didn't steal (well, not from the poor), I didn't abuse, I didn't fight (well, I never started a fight). To be short: I didn't do really bad things. Honestly. O yes, I forgot, I didn't lie (unless to save my ass, but that doesn't count). What I did what what I called teasing. Nothing bad, just teasing a little. And like I said: it always had to do with girls. At the age of thirteen I was already very interested in girls, in their bodies, in the 'games' one could play with them. I couldn't wait to try. But in the meantime I liked to observe girls undressing and showering and looking upskirt (if not by accident I often found a position that served me well). Later I thought I would like to see some of these beautiful panties a little closer which made me borrow a few. Really. I just was a little clumsy in bringing them back. Then, hunting for some fresh panties in the room of the nineteen-year-old girl next door I discovered worn panties. And boy, did that scent excite me. I could hardly stop myself from jerking right there. Later I thought I would have liked to see her discovering my sperm, but only as a fantasy of course. The thought of her discovering it and somehow knowing it was mine sent shivers down my spine. Her name is Deborah and she was the prettiest girl I had ever seen. I could not talk when I saw her but she didn't know that since she ignored me completely. I could hardly stand. And there was one occasion that I came in my pants. She stooped, her butt in my direction and that was too much. It was a divine bottom. I must have made some noise because she looked in my direction and then frowned. Nothing more, nothing less. But enough to make me utterly ashamed. Anyway, I spent hours and hours sniffing her panties while jerking. It didn't stop me from lifting my sister's skirts, pinching their asses and entering their room without knocking (to name a few things). But – you probably guessed it already – after a while the scent was gone. And it took me just two days to get desperate and plan to go and get another one. I was caught by her dad who was in the back of the yard and not visible in the dark. He grabbed my shirt when I entered the garage. I was never so scared in my life. "You are in trouble, my boy. What were you planning to steal?" I couldn't tell him of course. I didn't care if he suspected me trying to find some money but I would certainly die when he would discover that I was after his daughter's panties. And sniffing them, for god's sake! But my face must have shown something. I don't know what, but he suddenly said: "My god, you are a dirty little pervert. You wanted to visit my daughter's room, weren't you? I see I am right. Don't you lie to me boy. What was it you wanted to do? Don't bother, I know what you wanted. You were after her panties weren't you?" At that moment it was a little early for me to wonder what made him think of that so fast. Now I think he was more than interested himself. But at that moment I was scared shitless, shivering and almost wetting my pants. To make a long story short: I was humiliated to the bone, having to face Deborah (who couldn't decide to laugh or to be disgusted), her mother, my mother, my sisters, the police (I spent a scared night in jail), all the neighbors, including the girls I fancied, everybody in school (lots of hot girls there too). Life became hell Without me knowing there was a gathering. My parents, Deborah's mom and dad, Deborah herself, some people from school and a police-officer (female, shamefull beyond belief). It didn't take them very long (I was told later) to decide I crossed a line and that something really adequate had to happen. My father called me down the next day. My mom was there too. And Deborah. I wanted to die but in the meantime I couldn't help wondering how her panties looked. I really tried not to look in that direction but nevertheless she crossed her legs. "I don't believe this." My mother almost cried seeing me act like this. They decided that Deborah was to tell me the verdict. My face went crimson. "Ritchie, we talked about you yesterday. You were always something else and hardly tolerable. O yes, I knew you and I also knew how you handled girls. I guess I was too old to bother untill you found a way to drag me into your fantasies. You know what Ritchie? I knew these panties were gone right away. I liked them and knew I left them on the floor. There was only one way they could have disappeared. I just didn't know who did it. I should have thought of you of course. Anyway, serious decisions were made. You will be sent to a special school. A school that has an excellent reputation in handling boys like you and in making them decent citizens. And be aware of one thing. You will not leave that school until they think you are ready. You will leave tomorrow. They will come for you. I will be here too, I wouldn't like to miss that. O, and another promise: I will visit you there. You will discover soon enough that that will not entirely be a pleasure for you. No, no buts, no comments. Back to your room now. Don't look at your dad boy. I told you and that is why you will do it." What choice did I have? I obeyed. 2"Get out of bed, son. They will be here in an hour and I want you to be clean when they come. And I want you to have breakfast. It's a long ride. The school is built in the middle of nowhere and it's a long ride." O, that's nice, I thought. They want to make clear there is no chance to escape. We'll see about that. I took a long shower and washing my penis I started jerking. I like to do that while taking a shower. I was almost there when I heard a soft sound. Turning around I saw Kate, my older sister, leaning against the door frame, watching me curiously and with great interest. "Enjoy it, Ritchie. It will probably be the last little party you will have for a long long time. They will take care about that. But I see you are a real pervert and have practiced a lot. It looks disgusting, I have to tell you that. You make me sick." And then she walked away. "You bitch! Don't think you can get away with this. Watching me in the shower!!!" She came back. "O, trust me, my dear little brother. I can and I will. You ain't seen nothing yet. And you will regret that ugly word." And she disappeared again. When I came downstairs I went to my mother and inhaled to tell what Kate did. "Don't bother Ritchie. She told me and you should be ashamed talking to her like that." "But she 3;" "I don't want to hear your poor excuses. Eat and keep silent." To make it even worse I saw my shitty little sister watching closely, grinning. And then she opened her legs slowly, offering me a unobstructed look at her bright white panties. And I like bright white panties. I simply can't resist them. They sometimes show so clearly what's inside and that's exactly what they did that moment. Her lips were almost in a spotlight. For a moment I wasn't paying attention and then my mother's hand hit my head. "I simply can't believe what a sick boy you are. You can't even let your sister be for a single minute. I guess you think girls are there for your entertainment. Look at you, you even have a boner. Look Susan, look at that. See how he looks at you. For him you are nothing but a few 'interesting' bodyparts. O sweetheart, I am so sorry for you." My sis even succeeded in looking shocked. The bitch. But the words of my mother bewildered me. I had never heard her talk like that. Boner? My mother? I suddenly noticed she was a woman. Not that I didn't know that, but mothers are mothers. They don't act like mine just did. They don't have desires. They just are there. I ate my breakfast and tried to mind my own business. My sis tried to seduce me a few times but I was able to resist her moves.
Then the bell rang. When I had known what I know now I would have left through the backdoor, running as fast as I could and as far as possible. But I didn't. It didn't even scare me. How bad could another school be? Of course Susan ran to open the door. "My, look at that beautiful young lady.. What is your name?" "Susan, ma'am." "And polite too. You mother must be very proud. Well, we are here for a boy called Ritchie. Your brother, I suppose?" "Yes ma'am. Please come in." We? My now really grinning sis entered the room, followed by a woman whose eyes found me immediately and surveyed my mind and my entire being in less than no time. She looked right through me. She had a very stern face, partly caused by her tightly knotted hair. She was in black, dressed like a business-woman, perfect, not a single crease, shoes without heels. Her makeup was perfect too. I never notice makeup but with this woman I did. "Ah, the delinquent." was all she said. It sounded like a verdict and I began to understand what Deborah had meant by 'you will not leave until they think you are ready'. It suddenly became clear to me that this could even mean lifetime imprisonment. I had to get away. She was followed by two girls, both a little younger than me, maybe a year or so. They were both dressed in a schoolgirl's uniform, but I had never seen such short skirts. I was sure I was in trouble. What Susan had done earlier this morning was nothing compared with what these two could do, without any doubt. They were going to tempt me. And boy, was I right. One dropped her handkerchieve 'by accident' and bent over to pick it up. She hadn't even entered the room yet. And there was no way I was able to ignore that. "Well, it's clear why we are here dear" the woman said to Susan, who felt very important. "The minute he sees them he is looking under my girls' skirt. You are a disgrace for this family, boy. We will leave and take you with us as soon as possible. Where are your parents?" I was unable to talk so after a few uneasy moments Susan answered: "Mom will be here any moment, ma'am." And she was right. Mom entered the room, shook hands, was very friendly, said they were welcome and offered some coffee, tea or soda. And she led all the females into the kitchen, gesturing me not to think about moving. I couldn't see them but I heard them talking about me. The door wasn't closed entirely. And it sounded more threatening every minute. Mom told about my crimes and the woman and girls reacted shocked. I was doomed. I was suddenly sure I was doomed. The doorbell rang and Susan let Deborah enter the house. Deborah looked at me like I was a fresh turd when she passed me. But still I saw what a beautiful ass she had and enjoyed what probably my last free glimpse was. But I didn't know that then and it wasn't free at all. Deborah spotted me in the window and smiled. Not very friendly though. I was tempted to listen at the door but suspected they were paying attention. So I waited. It took them more then an hour. This time the door was closed so I couldn't hear what they said but there was a lot of laughter, hysterical even sometimes. I didn't understand what was so funny but didn't know then that what usually excites men makes women laugh. But finally the door opened. The woman came right to me, so close that she could have touched me if she wanted. The girls came too, one standing left to her, one at her right side. Deborah stood left of me, mom and BOTH my sisters on my right side. The woman looked at me the same way she would look at a cockroach. She looked up and down and back again. "Well young man, I am here because you seem to be unable to behave and therefore need to learn a few things. We will soon discover that you can behave very well. It's just a matter of the right approach. Your education starts now, this very moment. I don't like the way you look at me, so that is the first thing we will change. You from now on will never look at a female's eyes, unless she tells you to. You will only speak when you are asked to and you will be very polite. Whenever a female tells you to do something you will do it at once, without asking and as quick as possible. Questions?" I was so confused in this situation that I hardly had heard what she said. "What?" "This will be the last time that I will accept such a lack of respect. The next time you will be punished. Is that clear?" I could almost HEAR my sisters smile. "Yes ma'am." "Hm, so you know how to do it. I will remember that. Well, before we can leave it's necessary that you change into your uniform. Debby?" The girl on her left had flip-flops behind her back and gave them to me. She smiled, but I didn't like how she smiled. "Well?" The woman now looked at me as if I was the lowest lifeform she ever had seen. "Eeeeh, ma'am? Where is my uniform?" "You just got your shoes. The rest is under your clothes." "Ma'am? I don't get it 3;" "She means you have to strip, you dolt!" My older sister couldn't control herself any longer. She was eager to see me humiliated. The woman looked at her and she said very friendly: "Thank you miss. You are right of course, but it's better if he thinks of it himself." Then she looked at me again. "I'm sure you don't mind undressing. I was told you seem to like to see girls undressing, so it's only fair that you do it yourself now. Besides: women consider nakedness as natural as wearing clothes. Nothing special. And a boy like you cannot possibly have something never seen before. So hurry, we have to go back." I was petrified, speechless and so ashamed that I could have fainted then and there. But unfortunately I didn't. "Come on boy. I'm sure you do it every day, don't you? But if you insist, my girls can help you. Do you want them to?" It took me about two minutes to pull my shirt over my head and maybe three to lower my pants. The woman tapped with her left foot and looked more and more impatient. When I stopped undressing she looked at the girl on her left who didn't hesitate and yanked my briefs to the floor. My sisters started giggling. Louder and louder. And out of the corner of my left eye I saw Deborah grinning. Both girls stared shamelessly at my erect and teetering penis. "Well, that wasn't that hard, wasn't it? I mean, the action wasn't but your willy is, isn't it? Do you have bad thoughts at the moment, boy?" Her look made me tremble. "N n n no ma'am." "You better. Girls, do you think an examination of his willy is necessary?" The youngest one grabbed my penis, pulled a few times, shook her head and said: "There isn't a lot to examine, mom." My sisters laughed histerically now and I could also hear Deborah laugh. Mom looked as if she finally saw something that could be of any help. "OK. Boy, step into your flip-flops. It's time to leave. Anyone who wants to hug him before he leaves?" Mom hugged me, my sisters grabbed my penis and shook it. "Girls! That's not how 3;" Mom obviously didn't like what my sisters did. But the woman did. "It's ok ma'am. Now and in the future. Your son will learn that all women, old and young, are far more mature and capable than he will ever be. So he will have to do as they say, and let them do whatever they want. That is only natural. That is how it's supposed to be. So your girls did nothing wrong. When you visit him in a couple of months you will discover that he is treated like I said and that he is not only learning to accept it, but also that it is perfectly normal. So girls, do it again." This time they fumbled and fumbled and fumbled. No one stopped them. I just wanted to die. And then it was Deborah's turn. She squatted right in front of me and took a good look. "So this is what it all was about. You desperately wanted to pull your hand up and down your little friend here until you came. Well, do it for me this time. Here and now. Without seeing my panties. Just because I want you to." I was flabbergasted. I couldn't breathe. She couldn't 3; She really couldn't mean that she wanted me to masturbate in front of her and my family. She couldn't 3; There was the woman again: "Boy if you don't start in thirty seconds I will spank you like you have never been spanked before. I wasn't spanked before but I didn't dare to say that. But I couldn't. I just couldn't. Not in front of them. I knew it was something dirty to do. There could hardly be a lot of other people doing something like this. I just couldn't show them. Couldn't she understand that? But when she counted twentyeight, twentynine I grabbed my penis and started. The look in her eyes scared me terribly. I was sure I couldn't endure one of her spankings. I would soon find out that I could but not without screaming very hard. My sisters made a shocked sound when I started, the girls just smiled and Deborah didn't even look. She looked me right into my eyes and enjoyed her revenge and my humiliation. Strangely enough it didn't take me long to come. Deborah seemed to know because she stepped aside and so did the woman and the girls. My sisters gasped when they saw me spurt, time after time. I had never spurted that much and that far. And mom? I will never forget how she looked at me. She was disgusted. And I knew what I just did was something terrible. The girls both grabbed one of my arms and escorted me to the car. A driver, also female and interested in my dripping penis, opened the door and let them enter. The woman took the front seat. My family didn't even leave the house. Deborah did. Her triumphant smile will haunt me forever. The car wasn't even in motion yet when the girl on my left, who I knew now was called Debby, took my penis in her hand like that was nothing special. I wanted to protest but even that was sensed by the woman. She turned, looked at me and said: "You don't learn very fast, don't you? This is the very last time I will tell you: every woman, old or young, does with you whatever she likes. Do you understand? Yes. OK. When Debbie and Andrea want to play with your willy they WILL play with it. You will let them, just like you will let every girl. When they want to hurt you, they will. When they want to humiliate you, they will. There is nothing they can't do. Nothing. Any refusal or even protest will be punished severely. And don't worry: you will soon learn what a severe punishment is." Then she turned around again. Debby, with an evil smile, looked into my eyes and yanked my foreskin down. It hurt tremendously and I yelled. The woman spoke again: "And I'm sure you can act a little less childish in the future. I don't want to hear you unless a woman asks you a question. Is that clear too?" I sobbed. "Yes ma'am." Debby yanked my foreskin another time and another time and another time. She made me cry. I was almost sure she teared it, but I didn't even dare to look. "Let me" Andrea said. She took my penis even tighter in her hand and started jerking me. That cool girl's hand around my cock made it hard instantly. I knew for sure I would come soon. When I did she said calmly to her mother: "Mom, he sprayed his filth all over me." I didn't. She had pointed my penis to the floor, less than ten seconds before I came. I wondered how she knew. I didn't even know it myself. "Did he? We will deal with that later. Enjoy yourself girls. It's a long ride."
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