Chapter One Indentured
We were sort of rich, but not as rich as some of the boys in my school. I mean, we had a big house and two slaveboys. But it wasn't a mansion and we didn't even have our own pool. I was always popular at school; the best athlete even though I was not so tall or bulky (I excelled in soccer, swimming and track). All the girls said I was the cutest boy, which still hadn't led me to me getting laid as I was a bit shy. Mom had died when I was very young, so it had only ever been me and my dad.
Just before my 14th birthday dad found himself in all sorts of trouble. He was accused of income tax fraud, and there was this ongoing trial. When I asked him about it, he told me that he had "done the things everybody does," but he got caught.
I came home one day and saw our two slaves, Slim and Bruno, being loaded onto a truck. I was almost crying as I ran to my dad. Slim was only three years older than me. We weren't buddies. I mean, you can't be friends with a slave, can you? In fact, sometimes I teased him rather unmercifully, as a teen boy does with a slave. But he was always there to wake me in the morning, and when I got home from school he'd have a healthy snack waiting for me. Most days my dad was never around and it was Slim who would listen to my stories about what happened in school that day. Now Slim was being carted off to the auction house.
Dad told me to calm down and he explained that his trial was costing a lot of money and that we would have to economize. He said that his lawyers were very expensive and there was need for more lawyers all the time. He also said that he was "donating" money to the right people to get a verdict in his favor. And he warned me things might get worse before they got better.
The next week we moved out of our house, a lot of our furniture and stuff was sent to auction. We moved into an apartment. It was a beautiful building and a very nice apartment with a view, but it was sure a comedown from our house with all the grounds around it.
It was the day of my 14th birthday, and I had just gotten dressed for a party that my buddy Nick was throwing for me. Dad told me we had to go for a ride, and said the party would have to wait. I sent a message to Nick saying I was with my dad and would arrive late for the party. I didn't know then that I would never get to that party at all.
Not knowing what lay ahead of me I decided to approach this ride in a cheery mood. I figured dad had a birthday surprise for me, to make up for all the things I'd had to give up. But when he started talking I knew he only had bad news to tell me.
"They're going to hand down my sentence next Friday, son," he said in the most quiet and somber voice. "My lawyers advise me that it's likely I'll be found guilty."
"Wha-at?" I shouted. "B-but all that money you spent on lawyers. You sold the house, you sold our slaves. Couldn't those lawyers do anything? Does that mean you'll go to jail, Dad?"
There was an ominous pause and then he said, "The punishment if I'm found guilty is lifetime indenture."
"A slave? You'll be a fuckin' slave, Dad?" I was in shock.
But he went on, "So I need to get my affairs in order. And the first order of business is taking care of you, son. The age you are now
3; well, the government defines you as my property. And you know under the new laws boys of your age can be enslaved. If I'm indentured for life, you will be also."
When he said that, I couldn't even speak. I just slumped into the car seat and stared off into the distance.
"But I can stop that from happening, son. I can stop them from making you a slave for life."
I breathed a sigh of relief and looked at him eagerly. But before he could reply, I realized we were at the gates of the Snow estate. Judge Snow was the richest and most powerful man in Westchester County. His grandson, Percy, went to school with me. The thought occurred to me that dad was sending me to live with Judge Snow and I shuddered as I thought about Percy.
I groaned, "No, Dad. Not with Percy Snow. You know Percy is a fag
Dad cut me off. "I told you never to say such things. His grandfather is very powerful. You don't want to make the Snow family angry."
I pouted and muttered, "If you're sending me to live with somebody, couldn't you make arrangements with Nick's dad. They're pretty rich."
He snapped back, "Shut up, boy. Do you think any of this is easy for me? I have very little time before the verdict. And I had no other option."
I kept silent as he parked the car and we both walked up to the massive front door. Somehow aware of our presence the door was pulled open by a slender Asian slaveboy. His golden skin was revealed as he only wore a white piece of cloth that covered his penis and balls and went up his ass crack. Judge Snow only had cute young slaveboys, and each time I visited this mansion I was always embarrassed to see how much of their bodies were on display.
The slaveboy led us up a flight of stairs to the judge's study. The judge was in a burgundy dressing gown with black slacks. He smiled at my father and offered his hand. I put out my hand to shake his, as I had done in the past, but he just ignored me.
Dad was thanking Judge Snow repeatedly. Then the old man turned to me and said, "Stand over there under that light where we can get a good look at you, Peyton."
I looked at dad and then did as I was told. Dad cleared his throat and said, "You understand what I told you in the car. If I am sentenced this Friday to lifetime indenture, you would also be a slave for life, son. But there's a way around that. I have had you indentured and you'll be a slave to Judge Snow here
I started to protest but he quickly added, "It's only a three year indenture contract. So you'll be a free man at age 17."
"Actually," Judge Snow said, "Let me get Percy in here. You'll be his slaveboy, so this is an exciting day for him."
"Da-a-ad, not Percy," I gasped.
"What could be better than that, son. You and Percy used to be buddies at school. You used to hang out together when you were younger. Now you'll be
3; ummm, you'll be looking after Percy as his indentured servant."
I was about to tell my father that Percy and I were never friends. Percy was notorious ever since we were little kids for being a total homo. And back in fifth grade he was way too obvious about having a crush on me. When I was invited over for a 'play date' with Percy, my dad insisted I go, reminding me as he always did how rich and powerful this family was. I got to swim in the big pool, but Percy was no fun, refusing to even go into the deep end. But before our swim, Percy watched me change in the pool house. I turned my back when he seemed to be playing with himself. When the afternoon got chilly, we went back into the pool house and I tried to pull up my jeans over my swimsuit. I didn't want Percy to get another peek at my dick and my ass. He insisted that I had to shower, but I kept refusing, trying to stay polite.
Percy left the pool house then and came back with his grandfather, the rotund white-haired gentlemen. Judge Snow told me that it was necessary for me to wash all the chlorine off me. "You could get a skin rash and then sue me, lad. Is that what you want, to get rich by suing me? A lot of people do that."
"No, Grandpa, he's just shy."
I blushed as the old man remained in the pool house and watched me strip naked and go under the shower with Percy. Percy was sporting a full-on erection. I kept trying to turn my back to him. When I felt his boner slap against my hip, I turned and almost started yelling at him and calling him a queer. But I stopped myself. The judge was standing right there watching both of us. When I looked at the judge, he seemed to be adjusting the front of his pants. Then I realized the old man was rubbing the front of his pants. I stumbled out of the shower and pulled up my white briefs while I was still wet. I wondered then whether the grandfather was as much of a homo as his grandson?
But that wasn't all. Near the start of sixth grade, my father came home with the exciting news that I'd been invited to a sleepover at the Snow house. I threw a tantrum and told him all about what a pervy creep Percy was. It was the only time my dad ever slapped my face. He demanded that I was going to that sleepover and I was going to be polite to Percy and his grandfather. I brought along my heaviest pajamas and kept my underwear on as I changed into them. Percy was so excited to have me there. But I told him that I didn't want to play strip poker. I didn't want to play truth or dare. And I didn't want to compare our dicks. I wrapped myself tightly in a blanket. But as I was trying to sleep I felt Percy press against me through that blanket. He was humping me. I just closed my eyes and pretended it wasn't happening.
The problems began after that. Since I was so popular and the school's best athlete, Percy went to school and started bragging that I'd slept over at his house. All the guys started ragging on me, and then making remarks to Percy. like we were a couple of queers or something. I punched one guy and they stopped bothering me. But Percy ran to the office crying and then blamed me for making all the trouble.
At least that got me out of having to spend time with Percy. Although every so often at school I would see him looking at me in a creepy way. Or I'd turn around and realize his eyes were staring at my butt. It always made me feel funny, but I figured it was no big deal. Let him look.
But now I was standing in his grandfather's study, having just been told that I would be Percy's slaveboy for the next three years. Percy entered the room and he was practically skipping with joy. I called out, "Dad, OK, you have to sell me into indenture. But not to Percy."
"Silence, boy," the judge stood from his comfortable chair and came closer to me. "Don't you know how an indentured servant speaks to free men?"
I looked to my dad who softly said, "He had no preparation, sir. He didn't expect this and it must be very
"I don't care about that, man. The fact is he's an indentured servant. He's my grandson's indentured servant. And if he doesn't speak properly to his master and other free men, we have the right to punish the boy. If he doesn't obey orders smartly, he will certainly be paddled."
Percy stood beside his grandfather, glared at me and called out, "Strip, boy." I was frozen to the spot and couldn't move.
Then the judge raised his hand in my direction and I saw that he had an electric prod. I tugged my shirt over my head and heard the judge say, "Nice, very nice." I shivered all over. I'd never had a man comment on my body before. And such a gross old man at that.
Percy said, "Sneakers and socks!" I bent over and took off each sneaker then tugged down my white athletic socks. The carpet felt soft under my bare feet.
"Now those jeans, boy." Percy's tone was snide and his grin was wicked.
My hands were shaking as I undid the snap and unbuttoned my jeans. Then I froze in panic. I realized I had lost a bet to my best buddy, Nick, and my penalty was that I had to attend my birthday party wearing little boy briefs from when I was younger. I had found a box of clothes that I'd outgrown and managed to squeeze into cartoon briefs that I hadn't worn in almost three years. A little sob came from my throat as I pushed down my jeans and Scooby Doo was revealed.
The judge chuckled. I think my dad chuckled. Percy was grinning from ear to ear. "Y-you don't understand. I lost a bet and
3;" Before I could say more, the judge reached out a hand and pressed his small electric prod to my exposed chest. I fell on the floor writhing.
"That was set at 10%, boy, so don't be so fucking dramatic. The next time you forget to address free men as 'Sir' or you hesitate to follow an order, it will be set at 20%, and go up 10% each time after that. For a lad your size, I believe 60% will be enough to make you completely pass out. On your feet, boy."
As I struggled to my feet, I saw the look of concern on father's face. His body looked as if he was taking a step toward me to help. It was an effort to strip off my jeans that were caught around my ankles. I bent down to pull them off my feet and knew that my butt was on display in the stretched out fabric of the briefs.
I looked to my dad who looked down at the floor and mumbled, "Maybe I ought to leave now."
But the judge turned to my father and said, "As the new slave's former father, you're not helping him if he thinks he can turn to you. You should help him accept his new status. In fact, studies have shown that when someone like a father participates in a new slave's induction, it helps the boy adapt more easily to his role as a servant. He has no delusions of anyone coming to save him."
My dad was looking down and seemed to be nervous as the judge continued, "Unless you'd like to call the whole thing off. I'll cancel that check I gave you and tear up the contract. And your little brat can face lifetime indenture before next weekend."
"No, no, sir. We don't want to do that."
"You see that. There's your error. You said 'we' as if you're taking the slaveboy's wishes into account. Maybe he had opinions about his fate when he was still a free boy. But slaves have no rights and no opinions."
I felt Percy's hands on the waistband of my briefs and began to pull away. But I stopped myself as the judge raised his prod once more. Percy pushed my briefs down to my ankles as he whispered in my ear, "I've been wanting to do this for years."
I knew I'd be punished if I said anything. But in my head I heard myself saying, "I know you did, you faggot creep."
I think I'm totally straight. I only ever thought about girls when I jerked off. I had a girlfriend and had gotten my hand into her panties. Tonight at my birthday party I was hoping she would let me go further.
But you know how it is. When you're nervous your penis begins to chub up. I wasn't exactly erect. But my dick had thickened and it was standing away from my body. Even my father hadn't seen me naked since I was a little kid. Which was worse? My father witnessing this? Or that evil old man? Or that little faggot from school? No matter. I was totally exposed and could feel my dick rising a bit more in front of me.
Naturally my hands went down to cover my cock. The judge raised his prod and said, "You do know what slave display position is, don't you, boy?"
I gulped and put my hands behind my head knowing that my semi-erect penis was exposed for everyone to see. Then I suddenly felt a cutting sensation on the inside of each of my thighs. I looked down and realized the judge was holding a very small switch, one with nine leather pieces hanging from it. I could see red marks where he had slapped it across my thighs. I looked at him in shock.
"The one time you are permitted to speak, slaveboy, is when a free man asks you a question. And the answer should have been, 'Sir, yes, sir'. Do you understand me, boy?"
"Sir, yes, sir," I snapped back standing at attention as if I were a soldier.
But then I felt another slap of the tawse, this time across my chest. "And I expect you in slave display position, boy. Hands behind your head, legs 18 inches [45 cm] apart, and your face looking down at your master's feet. Understand, boy?"
"Sir, yes, sir." I had seen our two household slaves take that pose often enough and I did the same. My breathing was ragged. Ever since I'd started getting hair around the base of my cock just a few months earlier, I had felt very shy about anyone seeing my dick. Now I had no choice. There were three sets of eyes looking up and down my completely naked body.
Then in a cheery voice, the judge said, "Now it's time to examine the merchandise." The judge seemed to be using me as a model to teach Percy how to examine a slave. The judge's thick fingers were on my neck, feeling the strength, checking the glands behind my ears. And then Percy's hand was there doing the same.
Judge Snow smiled to my father and said, "Come on over, man. You used to own slaveboys. You know how to assess a hunk of slaveflesh." My dad came over stiffly and felt my neck as Percy and the judge turned their attention to my arms. "I like this muscle tone. I hate boys this age whose arms are too skinny. And I certainly don't want a slaveboy this age with big muscles all over. I like this one just as he is. And we will work him and see that he puts on muscle and definition as he gets older."
The judge then spoke to Percy, "Step back and take a good look at this V-shape. His shoulders are wide and his hips are narrow. A beautiful sight to see strapped down to a horse. And feel the muscles on his ass." There was a loud slap on my left butt cheek and I tensed up as I called out, "Ow." There was another slap and the judge said, "Stop play acting, boy. These slaves make a big deal about every little slap or prod."
I felt another pair of hands on my ass and knew it was my father. Damn. I was getting felt up by two homos who had a 50 year age difference between them. And now my own father was copping a feel of my exposed butt. "Yes, very nice. B-but, of course he's not legal for full use until he's 16. Right, sir?"
"I'm a judge! I know the law. You don't have to tell it to me. And of course in my household we follow the law."
Everyone knew that Full Use meant being able to dick a slaveboy in the mouth or up his ass. It was easy to do the math. A three-year indenture that began on my 14th birthday would mean that my final year as a slaveboy they could legally make me suck dick and take cock up my ass. I felt another slap on my rear and realized it was my father who had hit me this time.
Then it was Percy's turn as he grasped both my butt cheeks in his hands and squeezed and kneaded them. I heard a soft moan from my former classmate and shuddered once again. Percy's fingers went between my legs, He was tickling the back of my balls and I automatically pulled my legs together. I saw the judge raise the tawse and pulled my legs apart again. I looked to the floor and said, "Sir, sorry, sir."
I heard the snap of a plastic glove and then I felt something cool and slimy being rubbed all around my anus. Once again I tensed up my cheeks and was once again slapped. I tried to relax but it was impossible as the tip of the finger began to enter my butthole.
"Although the lad can't legally be fucked for another two years, it is important to check on the state of his anus. I've found boys who claimed to be straight virgins, but had torn up bottom holes that had definitely seen a lot of action."
A light slap on my butt to get my attention and then, "Are you a virgin, boy?"
"Y-yes, sir," I said loud and clear. "B-but I have a girlfriend
The judge burst out laughing and then said, "Who cares about a girlfriend? I mean have you taken dick, boy? Has anyone put a cock or anything else up your asshole?"
"No. No, sir. Never." The judge continued chuckling, perhaps because my answer had been so adamant. At the same time his finger was sliding into me, inch by inch. Damn, if this is what a finger felt like I didn't want to have to experience a thick cock up there. He wriggled his finger around and it made me squirm.
Then it was Percy's turn. It was probably for the best that the old man had gone up me first, because his grandson had no finesse. He shoved his finger in all the way without stopping. I gasped. This brought another chuckle from the grandfather.
And finally it was my father's turn. He put just the tip of his finger inside me. Then he worked it around as he moved his finger forward. I think I gave a little sob at that point, knowing that my own dad was invading my bottom that way. I heard the judge whisper, "You see. That's good. That's just what the new slave needs to learn that everyone is going to treat him like a slave.
Then I was stood up and the three of them turned their attention to my front. They each squeezed my pecs, but it was my father who kept on playing with my nipples. He mumbled, almost to himself, "Look how flat these are against your chest. It looks like you haven't even learned to play with your nipples when you jerk off. Look how mine stand out." He pulled open the top two buttons of his shirt and I saw his hairy chest. I'd seen it before, of course, but had never noticed how prominent his nipples were. They stood out from his chest like two erasers.
It was then the judge's turn to fondle my nipples. He was not as gentle as my father had been. He pulled and pinched them. Anytime I said, "Ow," or whimpered, the old man just looked at me with a scowl.
I looked down and could see a prominent tent in the judge's black pants where his dressing gown was standing open. I saw that Percy was actually rubbing the front of his tan slacks and there was a wet spot beginning to show.
I knew I was totally defeated when I saw the big tent in my own father's grey pants. I figured he was going along with feeling me up to please the judge. But as he adjusted the boner in the front of his pants, it was clear that the man who had raised me was enjoying my naked body.
It was Percy who first grabbed my balls. I automatically pulled back. Well that's what a guy does, doesn't he? The judge slashed the tawse right across my nipples and I cried out. His grandson was enjoying my testicles, hefting them in his hand as if weighing them. "I bet these are full of cum." The old man took my balls next, his hands much rougher than his grandson's. He chuckled, "I don't feel any hair down here. Very nice."
My father's voice was soft as he added, "The boy is dirty blond, like his mother was. So, I suppose he was never going to get really hairy. Doesn't take after me in that way at all." It was his turn to roll my balls in their sacs and he just sighed.
That's when Percy's fingers wrapped around my cock. "You know, he tried so hard to hide this from me when we showered together I wasn't altogether sure he had a skin on him."
Judge Snow chuckled in that creepy way he had and said, "I remember that. But he sure did put on a show displaying his ass for both of us. And what a cute, tender little ass it was."
Oh fuck! The old man had just confirmed what I suspected. He was perving and lusting after me even when I was just 11, visiting and swimming with his grandson. And he was willing to talk about my young body like that in front of my father. The judge leaned in very close to my ear and whispered, "If I had my way I'd change the indenture laws so I could have made full use of you and filled your little ass with cock back when you were here as a guest."
I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I felt goosebumps all over my body. Although I had pegged the judge as a dirty old man when I visited year's before, the way he was talking about me made me feel filthy. I suppose that was what he was after.
All this time Percy was stroking my foreskin slowly up and down. I don't know why I was so stiff as these nasty pervs (including my own dad) were feeling me up. The judge said, "He's a good size for his age." My father put his fingers around my dick now and said, "Well, I'm sure he'll grow over the next few years."
If I was blushing deep red before that, I must have turned red as a tomato. "You should do the honors, Percy," the judge said, and his grandson's hand was once more wrapped around my erection. The judge looked me up and down and said, "Slaveboy, put both your hands under your dickhead. You will catch everything that comes out of you. If any spills on the floor, and I mean even one drop, you will lick it up off the carpet."
I held both hands right under my dickhead as Percy pumped away. I didn't want to admit it to myself, but there was something very erotic about this situation. As I looked around I saw the judge squeezing the erection in the front of his trousers. I saw my father stroking his erection through his pants. Percy was grinding the front of his tan slacks into me as he jerked my cock. I could feel his stiff cock push against my bare hip.
Then my balls began to pull up to my body. I knew I was going to shoot. My dick felt so tender I wanted to grab it away from Percy, but the boy's grandfather was toying with both the tawse and the prod, so I didn't dare. I felt my cock pulse in his hand and then a spurt of my cum landed in my outstretched hands. I watched as my hands filled up with my cream. Not that long ago I only shot off little puddles of clear liquid. It was only as my 14th birthday neared that I was truly cumming loads of cream. Since then I usually shot off into yesterday's dirty underpants. So I wasn't used to seeing the volume and the thickness.
The judge dipped a finger into my semen and brought it to his mouth. He licked his lips and declared it, "Delicious." Percy licked my cum off his finger and just moaned softly. Then I watched as my own father dipped a finger into my cum-filled hands and tasted his finger. He had an odd look on his face then and stepped back.
"Now get rid of it, boy," the judge snapped.
I looked around for a sink or a bathroom. "W-where, sir?"
"Lick it up, boy. What do slaveboys do with semen?"
I gulped and said, "B-but, sir, is it allowed to
He held up his prod but then stopped. "No, if I prod you now you'll be dropping your boy cream on my nice carpet. Now, lick if up or you'll have earned yourself your first real punishment."
I brought my tongue to my palm and took a big lick. I gagged. Not that it was choking me, but just from the thought of what I was eating. I looked up at the three clothed males surrounding me and took another lick. I closed my eyes and sucked my fingers clean. I could feel tears in my eyes. I hoped that if I kept looking down nobody would notice.
"Kneel, boy." I looked up at the judge and got into a kneeling position, one I had seen slaves take, with my knees on the floor spread two feet [60 cm] apart, my butt resting on my heels, and my hands helplessly behind my neck. Percy was opening a package. I saw a glint of silver. I felt the cold metal around my throat as he clasped it shut. I knew these collars were held with permanent glue and only heavy tools could cut them off. I couldn't help it. I reached up and felt the collar that marked me as a slave. It was sleek and yet there were two handles on either side of it.
The judge then had an unusual looking tool in his hand. He commanded me to keep my hands behind my neck and not to move. Then I felt a little tickle right under my right armpit. Before I could giggle from the tickling sensation, I felt a little sting. Judge Snow then announced, "That's your GPS chip with your Slave Identification Number on it, boy."
Then he looked at his grandson and asked, "Shall we give him a slave name, lad?"
Percy had clearly thought about this and definitely wanted to call me Peyton, my free boy name. There was a smile on his face as he said, "I want to know that it's my classmate Peyton serving me."
"Perfect. Now there's just one more part of this induction ceremony. And once again it's only right that Percy goes first." The old man turned to my father and said, "All the slaves in the house are my property. This is the first time Percy has had a boy of his own."
I watched as Percy opened his pants and pulled them down along with his brightly colored boxer briefs. I didn't understand what was going on. Seeing the look on my face, the judge said, "If you were 16, your induction ceremony would end with your master taking your cherry, fucking you up the ass. But since you're 14, your master will have to settle for a handjob."
I must have still looked confused because my father continued, "Listen, Peyton, you're not a full use slave. They can't use you for real sex. That means they can't put a cock in your mouth or up your ass. But any owner would expect some enjoyment from a slave who's as cute and has such a sweet body as you."
I wanted to cry out, "You dirty fucker, you're talking about the son you raised, now naked, on his knees, collared as a slave and expected to take care of a homosexual's stiff cock." But I kept silent. What else could a slaveboy do?
Percy took my hand in his and wrapped my fingers around his cock. I remembered just a few years ago when I had slept over with Percy. He made it clear that he wanted to jerk off with me. Now as I knelt naked on his grandfather's floor, I wondered why I had objected so to touching each other's cocks. At least we wouldn't have had an audience.
As I stroked Percy's dick I speeded up my pace wanting this to be over. He positioned me directly in front of his boner, the piss slit pointing at my face. I looked up at him and he snarled, "Don't you dare move when it shoots, boy. Or you'll be in big trouble."
As soon as he said that I saw the first burst of spunk from his cock head and it landed on my face. My mouth had been partly open and some of the semen landed on my lips. I automatically licked it off. Then felt the tawse swipe my shoulder again. "Don't waste it, boy," Percy snapped. "Wipe up all my cream from your face and lick it off your fingers." I did as he ordered. I supposed if they could make me eat my own cum, they could make me eat my master's as well.
Judge Snow sat back in his big armchair. His pants and boxers were opened and pulled down his fat thighs. His legs were pale and the flesh spread out so there was no gap between them. His cock was nestled in a thick patch of black and white hair, and it was thicker than I ever knew a cock could be. He nodded down at me and I dutifully began to jerk off the disgusting old man's erection. I tried to pretend it was a task, like pumping a piece of machinery, and that I wasn't really pleasuring a nasty old homo.
He warned me to put my other hand under his cockhead to catch his load. I did, but there was a lot for such an old guy, and one hand didn't catch it all. There was white spunk in the judge's thick patch of pubic hair. And there was more that dripped onto his balls and between his thighs. He pointed to the spot between his legs and warned, "You'd better get that before it drips onto the seat. You'll be punished if the furniture is stained."
I took a deep breath and buried my face into the foul-smelling balls. As my tongue lapped at the meaty sacs, I kept gagging as I swallowed black and white pubic hairs. He pressed his thick thighs on either side of my face and I felt like I'd suffocate. Then I tried to lick the wetness from his pubic patch, but he turned my face to his still erect cock. I stared at it, not sure what to do.
"As a courtesy
3; and you'd better appreciate it, slaveboy, as slaves do not get courtesies
3; but, as a courtesy I will explain. Since you are only 14, I'm not allowed to put my cock into your mouth. I'm not allowed any insertion sex. However, it is perfectly valid for a boy your age to lick his owner clean – every part of his owner, understand?"
I stuck out my tongue and licked at the gross old man's stiff cock. He made it clear I was to lick right at the piss slit. I knew this wasn't technically a blowjob, but it sure felt like I was servicing his cock with my mouth.
When I turned to my father I saw he was already naked. I was startled. I suppose I had seen him in his boxers and knew he had a big dick. But I don't remember the last time I had ever seen my dad totally naked. And I know I never saw him with an erection sticking out stiff in front of him.
My dad asked if he could use the leather table. Then he ordered me to lie on my back. I didn't understand what he wanted to do, but I had to obey. He climbed on top of me, the front of his large hairy body pressing into the front of my smooth slim body. His face was in my neck and I felt him licking my skin sending shivers through me. Then he started to move his bulky body up and down, his cock sliding along my body lubed by his pre-cum. His hairiness was rough against my cock, but also very arousing as his moving body was masturbating me.
I moaned and buried my face in his neck. It was feeling nice. I remembered feeling safe and warm in my dad's arms. I thought to myself that if he had done this with me back at home maybe I could have liked it. Then I thought, no way, I was so caught up in being straight that I never would have let him. Naked as a slaveboy now I was able to let that go and enjoy my father's strong body caressing and grinding into mine.
I heard the judge ask, "Is this how you used to ride that cute little slaveboy you had?"
Dad kept grinding into me as he answered, "When I was too tired to fuck him, a nice naked hump session was always a good release."
My body tensed up. Had my father been having sex with our slaveboy, Slim? Of course everyone assumed that all men used their slaveboys for sexual release. Boys in school made jokes about it all the time. But I had just never thought of my dad in that way. Of course he was buttfucking the slaveboy who made my afternoon snacks.
Then I felt that tightness in my balls. My hips lurched up from the table to press harder into my father's groin. At the same time I felt my father pressing down into me as his cock shot off a load that coated both of our bodies. I lay there exhausted and very confused.
My father got up off my body and seemed almost ashamed. I slowly got up off the leather table and resumed the slave display position. I didn't know what else I should do at that point.
"Look at that mess you made on that free man's body!" the judge announced, pointing at my father's naked body. My eyes went wide. The judge cocked his head and reached for a whip, a full-size whip. I froze. No, he couldn't be considering using a whip on me my very first hours as a slaveboy. I fell to my knees in front of my father and started licking the cum off his hairy belly. I licked all the way up to his hairy chest and licked at one of his nipples, which was coated with cum.
My father's hands were brushing my hair and caressing my face, almost in a loving way. I felt his huge cock grinding into my face as I licked spunk out of his belly button. I didn't know if the cream I was tasting was mine or my dad's. Then dad humped hard against my face and his cock started shooting cream all over my face. Some went directly into my mouth and I just gulped it down.
I heard the judge laughing hard. Then he said, "I think it's time to let Percy take his new plaything back to his rooms."
Percy snapped a chain on one of the handles on my collar, then pulled my hands behind my back and handcuffed me. Then he led me out of the room. Once we were in the hallway I realized I hadn't even turned around to acknowledge my father – my father who was likely to become a lifelong slave in a matter of days, and who I'd likely never see again.
Chapter Two In Percy's Possession
I had been in these hallways before, back when I was younger, when Percy was trying to be my friend. Padding down the carpeted halls barefoot and naked, handcuffed and led on a leash, felt very strange. Being in this state in these palatial surroundings drummed into me that I was truly a slave.
Percy had a suite of rooms: bed chamber, sitting room, changing room, small kitchen, and a lavish bathroom, plus a little closet-like space with a cot which was meant as a sleeping area for a slave. Once in his rooms, Percy's hands were all over me, squeezing my biceps, rubbing my nipples, fondling my ass. He kept looking at me and smiling, which added another level of creepiness to the situation.
Then the slim Asian slaveboy entered the room. His name was Kip and he was all business as he prepared my body. But every so often when Percy wasn't looking Kip would wink at me or give me a smile. He started by shaving under my arms, even though there was no hair visible there. Then he soaped up around my dick giving me an erection. It only took two swipes of the razor to remove the small tuft of blond hair at the base of my cock. He pulled down my balls, examined for hairs that weren't there and gave two swipes of the razor just to be sure. I was glad he was skilled and confident with that razor.
Kip had moved a comfortable chair into the doorway of the bathroom, so Percy could sit back and watch the proceedings. My young master had his hand down the front of his pants enjoying my naked humiliation. Next, Kip plugged in an electric razor and trimmed the hair on my head to a short crewcut. I had always been so proud of my thick wavy hair. I could've cried, but I knew this would hardly be my worst humiliation of the day.
Then the Asian slaveboy gave me an enema, in full view of the masturbating Percy. After the third washing out, Kip declared that the water was clear and I was clean. At that point, Percy stepped out to check something with his grandfather. It was my first moment since enslavement that I was not being watched by a master. I turned to Kip and whispered, "Cleaning out my hole? I'm not legal for fucking yet."
He whispered back, "But if a master wants to play with your hole, he doesn't want to come out of it with crap on his fingers."
"H-how did you get enslaved?" I asked him.
He just put his fingers to his lips, looked around, and said, "Maybe another time." But it would turn out I never got to talk to Kip or any of the other slaveboys. Percy wanted me all to himself.
When Percy returned he was carrying the Scooby Doo briefs that I had been wearing. "These will do for slave shorts for the time being, boy."
I took them and struggled to pull them up my legs. I mumbled, "P-please, sir, I only wore these as a joke. I lost a bet with Nick."
"You should call me 'master' from now on, boy. Except those times I tell you otherwise."
He could see the briefs were too tight for me. The top of my ass crack was sticking out, and my penis was being squashed, the head of it pushed up above the tight waistband. I blushed. Oddly, it felt more humiliating to display myself in these little boy undies than naked.
Percy stood and said, "You may undress me, slaveboy."
I dutifully took off his shirt, then got down to remove his shoes and socks, before unzipping his pants and peeling them down. He made sure I neatly folded each piece of clothing, even laying out the socks flat. He stood in a bright green pair of boxer briefs, his boner sticking up prominently. He sat on a big plush couch and patted the cushion next to him.
Percy put his arm around my shoulder and smiled at me. "What would you do if you had that pretty girlfriend of yours stripped to just her panties? If you were sitting here dressed like that and she was next to you, her smooth leg pressed against your smooth leg?"
I realized he wanted an answer, so I mumbled, "Master, I would start off by kissing her and
3; umm, feel her up."
He took my face in his hands and brought his lips to mine. I'd never kissed a guy on the mouth. I'd never thought of doing it. Since Percy's face was as smooth as mine, it didn't seem so strange. I could close my eyes and pretend I was kissing a girl. To tell the truth, Percy wasn't all that bad looking. He was too skinny and needed to put on muscle. His skin was very pink and he could have used some sun. There was just something girly about him. But he had a nice face. I lost myself in the kiss for a few minutes.
Percy was kissing me aggressively, his tongue thrusting into my mouth. His hands were also all over me. Then he took my hands and put them on his smooth chest. He tongued my ear as he said, "I bet you'd feel her titties, wouldn't you?" I fingered his nipples, noticing that they did stand out from his chest unlike mine. I thought to myself, sure I would be feeling my girlfriend's tits but there would have been real boobs to fondle and not just a flat boy chest.
What Percy and I did on the couch can only be described as a make-out session – a session between two teen boys in our underpants. He was reveling in it. I was trying to obey. He guided my hand down to his briefs and I stroked his boner through the fabric. I was hoping I could make him cum so this would be over with. But he had endurance. Based on the things he was saying to me, he had dreamed about playing with me like this for years.
He pushed down on my head. I saw that his hard-on was tenting out the fabric of his briefs and there was a broad wet spot that spread out from where his cockhead was leaking. "Lick it all up for me, Peyton," he commanded. My neck tensed and I tried to pull away. Then I felt the electric prod touch my nipple. I suppose that's a very sensitive spot to get prodded. My body convulsed and Percy pushed my face into the wetness of his underpants.
"I assure you it's legal, slaveboy," he laughed. I realized then there were ways around the 'no insertion sex' rule. Percy's cockhead was between my lips, but it was covered with the stretchy fabric of his cotton briefs. It wasn't exactly like giving a blowjob. I only had about two inches [5 cm] of his cock on my tongue and, as I said, it was covered in cloth. But I could taste his pre-cum and I could feel the outline of his cockhead with my tongue.
He was tenderly brushing my newly cropped hair with his fingers and crooning, "If only you'd been my buddy. I dreamed that we would be buddies, sleeping in the same bed, playing with each other's stiffies."
Then he leaped up from the couch, grabbing me by the hand, and pulled me over to the bed. He wrapped the blankets around both of us and pushed my tight underwear down my legs. Then he peeled off his own soaking wet briefs. His legs were wrapped around my legs and he was grinding his body against me, kissing me with all his strength.
"Let's pretend we're both free boys, that we're buddies, and you're sleeping over and we're just playing together."
"Yes, master," I mumbled.
He licked my ear and whispered, "When we're like this in bed together, call me Percy. Just like when we were friends."
His thin prick was jabbing into me over and over and I thought to myself, We were never friends. I'm naked in your bed because your grandfather bought me.
Most of the sex Percy demanded of me was like that. He brought me cartoon briefs and white briefs, the kind that younger boys wear, the kind I wore when I had visited here years earlier. Percy wanted to play together, to pretend we were two kids messing around, when in fact I was his slaveboy and had to follow his commands.
His grandfather had different desires. Two days after my arrival, while Percy was at school, I was summoned to the old man's study. I stood at slave display in my white briefs and he circled me, grinning and rubbing his hands together. "Nice, very nice. Just the kind you wore when you were a younger boy, eh?" Then he gave a nasty chuckle and reached a big hand down the front of my tighty whities. A big smile spread across his face, "And hairless, too, just the way I saw you back in the pool house." That reminder that he had been perving on me even when I was three years younger, made me shudder all over.
Judge Snow directed me to the leather table and had me lie on my stomach. He peeled down my briefs and discarded them. Then he started playing with my butthole. His fingers were greasy and he worked one, then two into my bottom. I wanted to protest, to tell him that he wasn't allowed to fuck me. But I knew any words from me would lead to a punishment.
The old man discarded his robe and I saw all of his fat hairy body. His chunky cock was sticking out stiff from the thick thatch of hairs. With an effort he climbed on top of me and I felt his weight pressing down into me, pushing the air out of my lungs.
I tensed up my butt cheeks, but it turned out he wasn't trying to fuck me. I felt his thick erection, heavily lathered with some sort of lube, slide between my thighs. His dick head was pushing against the back of my balls. Meanwhile he continued to finger my ass, working two fingers around and around.
He was fucking between my thighs. He'd lift up his hips so that his dick slid back and I could feel the flared head rub on my pucker. Then he would slam forward and I felt the head of it hit into my balls once again. All this time he was moaning and talking. He told me what an expert he was on boys' asses. And how my ass was the best one he had ever felt. "And when you get to legal age, you're going to find out what it's like to get that tight little straight boy ass rammed by a thick long cock."
With that he collapsed on top of me and I felt his cock pulsating. I felt my thighs and balls flooded by spurt after spurt of old man cum. Then as soon as he finished, he stood up, put on his robe and ordered me back to Percy's rooms. I carried my white briefs with me through the hall, as I felt the old man's spunk sliding down between my thighs. I had lost my modesty quickly when I realized that there were no females in this house, only the judge, his grandson, and slaveboys who were kept as exposed as I was.
There were another dozen or so slaveboys in the Snow mansion, but I never slept in the slave quarters out behind the house. Percy always wanted me in his rooms. This made me even more isolated. Kip would come in to clean Percy's kitchen or some other task, but he always put his fingers to his lips indicating he mustn't talk to me. Percy was the only person I spoke to, and then I always had to address him as Master. Except for those times he would speak to me as if he was in some sort of fantasy world where we were school buddies and I was there willingly; as if I was letting him feel me up and I was playing with his cock because that's what I wanted to do.
At one point during one of these fantasies, when he was pretending to be my friend, I asked Percy what had happened to my father. He was silent. I reverted to calling him Master and asked, "Please, Master, tell me if he was enslaved for life or what happened?"
As if reciting from a lesson, Percy said, "Grandfather says a slaveboy shouldn't be concerned with the outside world, and shouldn't be concerned with anyone from his past life. He told me you might ask me this. But you mustn't ask and mustn't even think about it. Your purpose in life is to please your masters, boy. Your focus should only be on making your masters happy. Understand?"
"Yes, Master," I replied despondent.
One day after school there was a change of pace. I heard Percy opening the door of his room so I stood at slave rest position, my eyes looking down at the floor in front of me. But this day Percy wasn't alone. There was my best buddy Nick alongside him. Nick and I had been co-captains of the school baseball team and we'd been on the swim team together.
I couldn't help myself, the loneliness and isolation had really gotten to me. I smiled broadly and shouted out, "Nick, you came to see me
3;" But before I could say more, Nick came forward and pressed an electric prod right into the front of my white underpants. The surge of power went through my penis and I fell to the floor.
Nick turned to Percy and said, "I thought you said your new slaveboy was well trained? Glad I brought along my pocket-sized electric prod."
Before Percy could answer I looked up and said, "C'mon, Nick, it's me, your best buddy. We did so many things
3;" He lifted me by my collar and tossed me face down over the bed. My feet were on the floor but my chest was against the top of the bed. He asked Percy for a paddle. When I looked over my shoulder, I saw that the dark-haired jock had pulled off his school jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt. He lifted his arm high, the way I'd seen him holding a baseball bat, and brought the paddle down with a loud WHACK on my exposed butt cheeks. He had much stronger arms than Percy and I could feel the harder thud against my rear.
I yelled in pain and Nick snarled, "Oh, you slaveboys are so melodramatic. I hardly even touched you."
WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! As I felt my buttcheeks burning up from the intense heat, I remembered how Nick had treated the indentured servants in his own home. He was always teasing them, finding excuses to punish them, mocking them in front of his friends. I felt ashamed at that moment that I had joined in on the laughter at those unfortunate creatures. Now I was one myself.
I was still lying there trying to recover from the intense pain in my bottom, when I heard Nick ask, "How often do you paddle this slaveboy's ass?"
"Well, mostly he's very obedient and good, so I don't have to
"That's your problem, you wimp. You've got to keep slaves, especially newly indentured boys like this one, on their toes. There's always going to be something your slaveboy isn't doing fast enough, or sometime when the slave doesn't show you proper respect in his tone of voice. Damn, I should be the one breaking him in. I'd paddle him every day."
I was remembering all the great times I'd had with Nick, how we talked about everything. I was there for him when his pet dog died. Come to think of it, he was always tender and loving with the dog. Not like the way he treated the indentured servants.
"Have him get me something to drink," Nick said without any attempt to be polite, even though he was talking to Percy.
Percy ordered me to go to the kitchen in his suite of rooms and get both iced tea and lemonade. I noticed Percy was using a harsher tone of voice than he usually did. No doubt trying to impress Nick.
When I brought back the pitchers and glasses, Nick ordered me to display for an examination. He laughed about my white briefs, saying he remembered back when I used to wear those undies everyday. Then he pushed them down and started feeling me up. His hands felt my shoulders, then down my arms. Then he rubbed my pecs and tweaked my nipples. Then he got behind me and was spending a long time feeling my butt cheeks.
I felt a smack and then he said, "Bend over, slaveboy." I bent and put my hands on my knees. Then I heard the snap of a rubber glove. Did Nick actually travel with his own gloves? He was trying to push a finger into my dry anus, then he asked Percy if there was anything he could use for lube. I heard movement behind me, but I couldn't see what was going on. Later on, I would return a stick of butter to Percy's refrigerator.
I felt the creamy consistency lathered around my butthole. Then I felt Nick plunge his finger into me. I grunted from the discomfort. Nick's other hand was massaging my ass cheeks as he said, "I always liked your butt, dude. Liked how nice it looked in a pair of jeans. I liked it even better seeing you walk around in just those tight white briefs, and now bare ass naked." Damn! I wanted to shout at him. Nick and I had been straight boys. We always talked about girls and the things we wanted to do to them. I was shocked to hear him say that he liked looking at my ass in jeans.
Nick then addressed Percy as he added, "You've got to invite me over after this one becomes legal age to fuck. I'll give this slaveboy's ass a ride he'll never forget."
"Well, as we discussed, my slave can give you a hand job."
Nick came around me then and ordered me to get down on my knees. He unzipped his pants and reached in for his cock. But Percy interrupted, "If you want my slave to do anything for you, you'll have to strip down naked, Nick."
"Aw, c'mon man. It's not like I'm a slave or something, dude." There was silence and then he went on, "You just want me naked because you want a good look at my body, you little homo."
"Be that as it may. He's my slave and he can only do things with my permission."
"What the hell," Nick said as he tugged off his shirt and pushed down his school pants. With his boxer shorts exposed, he had to lean down and untie his shoelaces before he could step out of the trousers. Then it was like he was teasing Percy, playing with his stiff cock through the boxers. "Slave, take it out," he said as he stood in front of me.
But Percy objected, "Everything, Nick. I get to see you totally naked."
Nick gave a grunt of disgust as he peeled down his boxers. His cut cock popped up high in front of him, at more than a 90-degree angle from his body. He waved it from side to side, looking at Percy as he did so. Percy wasn't hiding the fact that he was enjoying this show, rubbing the tent in his own pants.
"Well, if I had to go to all that trouble to get fully naked in front of you, Percy, I want something in return." Nick opened the cupboard where all the slave punishment apparatus was kept. But instead of pulling out a whip or tawse, he grabbed a length of rope. He glared at me and said, "Put your knees up to your chest and grab your hands together around your feet."
Before I knew what was happening, Nick had me tied up like that. I think it's called hogtied. My feet and hands were all tied together up in the air. I was on my back looking up at him helpless. Then he knelt beside my face, pumping his erection.
I looked up at the leaking erection as it moved toward my face. I figured he was going to make me lick it, as others had done before. But instead he poked his hard-on right into my mouth. I spit it out and turned my head away.
Percy snapped, "Hey, you're not allowed to do that. You know he's not at the age of full use."
"Yes," Nick explained. "And you're not allowed to use a slave for insertion sex until he's 16. I know that. Everybody knows that. It's a serious crime to put your dick in a slave of this age. But it's only a crime if they catch you doing it.
"Listen, if you put your dick in a slave's asshole, somebody could find out what you did. There's evidence. They say there are fewer creases in the crack once a dude got dick shoved up there. But if you fuck a slaveboy's mouth, what evidence is left? That's what my dad taught me. Once you feed him your load, you wash his mouth out and who can prove you did anything wrong?"
"B-but it's against the law and my grandfather
"Damn, Percy, you're a pansy in more ways than one. What're you scared of, dude?"
With that Nick slid his cock into my mouth faster than I could react. He looked down into my face with a nasty expression and snarled, "And I better not feel any teeth on it or you'll get a punishment you won't soon forget, Peyton."
Percy mumbled to himself, "He's my slave. Only I can allow punishments."
Nick didn't give me any time to get used to the invasion of my mouth. He grabbed my ears and was pumping in and out. As soon as he laid his cock on my tongue, it was already leaking pre-cum. I gagged when he hit the back of my throat, but he wouldn't let up. I saw that Percy had pulled his boner out of his pants and was tugging up and down on it. But Percy wasn't paying attention to me. He was looking at Nick's naked body, and especially Nick's ass muscles as they pistoned his cock in and out of my mouth.
Just then the world seemed to stop. I heard the judge's voice, but louder than I'd ever heard it before. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?"
Nick pulled his dick out of my mouth and covered his crotch with his hands. He looked around for his clothes, but Percy had moved them to the side of the room. So he was fully exposed as the fat old man came toward him. "What you were doing is illegal," the judge intoned solemnly.
"Yeh, but, it's like my dad always says: fucking a slaveboy's mouth doesn't leave any evidence. It's not like fucking his butt where you leave evidence that could be
"Silence, boy! That doesn't change anything about the fact that what you were doing is illegal. Do you know that I'm an officer of the court? I'm charged with following the law? I could make an arrest right now and you would be enslaved before the week is out."
"No, no, you can't, Judge Snow," the boy gasped desperately. "My dad is Mr. Jonas, the industrialist. He has lots of money and he's very powerful."
There was a sly smile on the old man's face as he replied, "So that's your father, is it? That's the person who told you that you could get away with fucking an underage slaveboy in the mouth because it wouldn't leave evidence? I wonder how Mr. Jonas would fare in my courtroom if I gave him a lie detector and asked if he had ever used an underage boy's mouth?"
"No! Please, sir. I'm sorry. Just let me put on my clothes and go. I'm just a kid. I did something stupid. Couldn't you just
"You're asking me to bend the law for you, boy?" The judge sounded incredulous.
There was a pleading look on Nick's face as he turned to Percy. Percy was still masturbating himself, now with his cock out of his fly, and clearly enjoying the sight of Nick's pert ass.
"Gee, Grandpa," the boy said, not pausing in his jerking off. "Maybe you could come up with some sort of punishment for Nick right here and now? Y'know, it would be a shame to ruin his whole life for one dumb mistake he made."
Judge Snow seemed to be thinking about it. He sat back in an armchair and I saw his hand moving at his crotch. "Would you accept an equivalent punishment, boy? If you don't, I'll just have to have you arrested. And with the testimony of myself and my grandson, you'll be a slave – maybe for three years, maybe for a lot more."
"N-no, sir. Anything but that. I'll accept whatever kind of punishment you want to give me." I saw Nick's eyes wander to the punishment cabinet. Was he expecting a paddling or worse?
"Get on your knees, Nick. On your knees right in front of me."
"Are you stupid, lad? Do as I said." Nick fell to his knees directly in front of the judge's armchair and looked up at the old man. "I believe in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I wish our justice system worked that way. If you put out someone's eye, then the court would put out your eye. Do you understand what I'm getting at, Nick?"
The dark-haired boy shook his head. Then I watched as the old man pulled his thick uncut cock out of his pants. When Nick saw that, he drew back. The judge said, "Your crime was using Percy's slaveboy to suck your cock. So the obvious punishment is to have your mouth used for cocksucking."
"Y-you c-can't do that, sir. I'm a free boy. Plus I'm only 14, the same age as your slave here. If it's illegal to put your dick in a 14-year-old slaveboy's mouth, it's certainly illegal
"Don't you dare lecture me on what's legal and what's not." Without taking his eyes from Nick's face the old man called to his grandson, "Percy, you heard Nick here assure me that he's 16, right?"
"Right, Grandfather."
"And you heard Nick here tell me how much he loves sucking cock, especially for fat old men, right?"
"Absolutely, Grandfather."
Judge Snow glared down at Nick and just waved his cock. The boy moved very slowly to take the dripping cock between his lips. As soon as his lips made contact, he made retching sounds. The judge slapped his face and the boy continued. I watched the head of the old man's erection halfway disappear into Nick's mouth. Then the judge pushed down on the back of Nick's head and more of his penis disappeared into the unwilling boy's throat.
That's when the judge turned to his grandson and said, "This is a real good-looking one, Percy. Not quite as cute as the one we recently purchased, but real nice young athlete's body. Come on over here and have a feel."
Percy came over and started touching Nick's back. Nick lifted his face from the old man's cock and was about to protest, but the judge pushed the boy's head back down and said, "Keep going, boy. It's this or enslavement." Then he mused, "Perhaps I could make a provision in your enslavement order that you're to be sold in Florida. You know they just lowered the age of full use in Florida so there'd be a lot of cocks down your throat right off the bat."
As Nick sucked the old man's cock, Percy was fondling the boy's ass cheeks and rubbing his hand up and down in Nick's crack. The old man was holding Nick by the ears and pumping his head up and down, forcing the boy to slide his face up and down on the thick cock. Meanwhile, Percy was pressing his entire body against Nick's back, rubbing his cock up and down in Nick's ass crack.
I saw Percy's body tense up and knew he was shooting all over Nick's lower back and ass. At the same time the boy's grandfather pushed Nick's head all the way down into his lap. From the look of pleasure on the old man's face I knew he was pumping sperm into the boy's throat.
A moment later and Nick was laying on the floor naked, his hair was glued to his head with sweat, his face was streaked with sperm. He reached around and felt Percy's cum on his butt cheeks and made a disgusted expression. Then he looked across the room at his clothes and went to get them.
"First untie our slaveboy, Nick," Percy said, gaining authority. After he did, Percy said, "Boy, take our guest into the bathroom. Make sure he uses mouthwash and washes himself completely. That's an order to you, slaveboy, so you'd better carry it out or face punishment."
Nick was no longer acting cocky and snide. His head was down as I led him into the bathroom. I poured some mouthwash into a cup and handed it to him. In a quiet voice, he said, "I'm not gonna drink this stuff. I'm going straight home and swab my mouth and then see that damn judge arrested."
I calmly said, "Sir, you know what the punishment is for a free man who blocks a slave from following his master's expressed order. Although slaveboys are punished for touching free men, a slave is allowed to do so if someone is preventing that slave from
He knocked the cup out of my hand and said, "Fuck you, slaveboy."
I grabbed him and pulled him over my lap. I was always just that much stronger than Nick. I was always just a little bit better athlete than he was. Was his attempt to humiliate me revenge for that? Or was he just an asshole who mistreated slaves, any slave, even his former best buddy.
As I spanked him I softly and calmly said, "You could report me for this, Nick. You certainly could. And the judge would be required to punish me appropriately. But remember one thing, you stupid little twat. I'm not a lifetime indenture. I'm on a three year indenture. Less than three years from now I'll be free, I'll be back, and I could tell everybody in Westchester about how I watched you suck that old man's nasty old cock."
He fell to the floor. I picked him up and took him in the shower. I was soaping him all over, paying special attention to his butt that had been marked with Percy's spunk. As I washed him I was saying, "We were buddies. We were best buddies. We used to laugh together and call Percy names. We used to insult homos and fags and queers and pansies. But after the way you treated me today I was glad to see the judge force you to take his cock down your throat. And by the way, Nicky, I never sucked my master's cock, even though you now have."
Then I plunged the bar of soap right into his mouth. "Since you won't drink the mouthwash and I have to find a way to follow my master's orders
3;" He gagged and spit and filled his mouth with water from the shower to get rid of the taste of the soap.
At that point the door opened and Percy stepped in to watch us. He was dressed again and once again rubbing the front of his pants, enjoying the school's two best jocks naked together in the shower. Nick never looked my way again as he dressed and left.
There were many after school visits from Percy's best friend, Victor. Victor was the other boy at our school who was effeminate and obviously gay. He was overweight and always sloppy in his appearance, even though his family was wealthy. Victor liked to see me dressed in our school's gym uniform when I sat on the floor at his feet and jerked him off. He also liked to humiliate me. He would often pull off his own white briefs, always stained yellow in the front with brown streaks in the back, and shove the underpants into my mouth, ordering me to clean them with my tongue while he laughed. He often joked with Percy that the two of them should give me as a gift to our very gay teacher, Mr. Nesbitt. "Maybe the old fruit would improve my grade. I mean, you've seen the way he looks at Peyton here." I got used to Victor's visits and his degradations and humiliations stopped bothering me.
But there was another incident of degradation that really shook me up. It even shook up Percy. He had gone out to some movie he wanted to see. I would have loved to see that movie, but slaveboys were not welcome in movie theaters. Judge Snow brought me from Percy's rooms to his study. There were four other men sitting around the table, all of them old and out of shape. I recognized the headmaster of my old school, but didn't try to acknowledge him. I knew he was a man who always treated a slave like a slave.
I was there to fill their glasses and come around with food. If someone at the table said, "Cheese sandwich," I had to make one as fast as I could. If he didn't think I'd done it fast enough or if it wasn't good enough, I'd get a swat on my butt. Soon enough, as the men got more drunk, I didn't have to make any mistake to earn some swats on the butt. They had pulled down just the back of my Spiderman briefs, leaving the front in place, so they could see how red my cheeks were getting.
Soon after that they didn't care about food any longer. I was positioned under the table, giving hand jobs to the men as they demanded them. The headmaster seemed especially eager to have me work on his cock. Each time I did he would look down right into my face and caress my cheeks. Then the man pushed his chair away from the table and said, "Open wide, slaveboy."
I looked up at him and didn't do anything. He looked to the judge and said, "He is trained in drinking piss, isn't he?"
"Well, not yet
"Then I'm doing you a favor," the headmaster snapped as he pinched my nose to force my mouth open. His cockhead went between my lips and I could already taste the foul smell of pee. Then he let go and a stream went down my throat. I swallowed a little just because it came so fast. But then I felt like retching. I began to cough and the penis fell out of my lips. I was getting splashed with pee right on my face and it was dripping down my chest and onto my crotch.
"Goddamn, untrained slaveboy," The headmaster shouted as he began to smack me all over the head. He dragged me out from under the table and said, "Look at how you've soiled your master's floor. Now lick it up, every drop of it. Show that you're worthwhile for something."
I put my face down into a puddle of pee and felt the man start to hit my ass hard with a small switch he kept in his pocket. I was trying to lap up the foul liquid as fast as I could, but kept on feeling like I was going to throw up.
Then I heard Percy's voice, loud and clear, saying, "Grandfather, I need my slaveboy now." There was an emphasis on the words "My" and "Now" that couldn't be missed.
I looked up at Percy and saw that he was standing rigid, but he seemed to be shaking. His grandfather sounded kindly as he said, "Can't you see I'm entertaining now, lad? My guests are in the middle of
I had never heard Percy speak this forcefully to the old man. And I'd certainly never heard the boy cut off his grandfather in mid-sentence. He said, "Grandfather, you have more than a dozen other slaveboys you could use in any way you wish. You made it quite clear to me that this one was my property. Therefore it's my determination how he is to be used and how he is to be punished."
The room was silent as Percy came over to me and ordered me to stand up and follow him to his rooms. I dutifully obliged, never looking back at that nasty headmaster who had been abusing me. I heard the judge buzz the servant's quarters and he asked them to send up Kip to entertain his guests. I felt sorry for the Asian slaveboy.
When we got to Percy's room he broke down. There were tears coming down his face as he said, "Nothing is ever mine. How dare they? How the fuck dare he? Everything here belongs to my grandfather. If I wanted to take a switch to a slave, I'd need my grandfather's permission. But then he bought you. He said you were a gift to me. That you belonged totally to me. That I was now an official slave holder. Then what does he do
I knew it was totally wrong for a slave to do, but I put my arms around Percy and put his head on my shoulder. I patted his back up and down. I don't know how long I stood there before I realized I was probably passing the smell of piss onto Percy. I whispered in his ear, "Master, perhaps I could help you shower now?"
He looked right into my eyes and gave a little kiss on my lips, even though they still reeked of the headmaster's pee. Right then I thought of Percy as my hero. I had mocked him so much as the school fairy, but in fact he had stood up to his gruff grandfather to save me from more humiliation. I helped my young master to undress and washed him in the shower. Then it was his turn. He wanted to wash me.
We were both naked when we got to the bedroom. Percy softly said, "I want you to double-check that all the doors to my suite are locked." I did as he said. This wasn't something he normally cared about.
He told me to get on the bed on my back. But it didn't sound like an order, more like a suggestion. He stroked my cock. Then he lifted himself up and I realized his butt was hovering over my erection. He pressed my dickhead against his hole and started to work his way down onto my boner. Oh damn! Percy was fucking himself on my cock.
Without even thinking and without addressing him correctly, I whispered, "We could both get in so much trouble for this!"
He grinned down at me and whispered, "It would be worth it to me, darling boy." Then with a chuckle he added, "Besides, I'm a free boy. Nobody checks the butthole of a free boy to see if there's damage." Then he rode my cock until I shot a load of slave sperm up his butthole. He jerked off then with my cock still deep up inside him. After he came all over my chest and belly, he worked his way off my withering penis. He wrapped his arms around me, kissed me on the lips, and said goodnight.
Things went along smoothly for a while after that. I think Percy gained his grandfather's respect. Every now and then I'd hear the old man say something like, "I'm going to need a full staff to serve at the party this weekend. Can I borrow Peyton?" Percy would always say yes.
Chapter Three Moving to Florida
Then there was suddenly a lot of turmoil in the house. School was out for the year and Percy and his grandfather were going away for the summer. I had to help pack and keep inventory of Percy's extensive wardrobe. I looked forward to the summer with mixed feelings. I figured I'd be rid of the two men who were my masters. But what would I get in return?
The day before they were going to leave, they called me in to try on outfits. One outfit looked like a jockstrap in front, the mesh fabric nearly see-thru so anyone could see every detail of my cock. In the back, instead of two straps on my ass cheeks, there was just a thin string that ran up my buttcrack. Another outfit had the waistband of briefs, but just a little pouch in front and nothing to cover my cheeks. That was when I found out I would be traveling with Percy and the judge. I'd be going with them on vacation.
I knew the way slaveboys traveled. At least Judge Snow brought in professionals to put me in a cage with a water source and a tube from my penis to get rid of my piss. The workmen put the cage into a box, and I felt myself being lifted up and carried. I kept trying to identify the movements and sensations after that. I heard the sounds of an airport. When we were in the air I finally managed to sleep and didn't wake up until I felt my crate being carried. It seemed as though I'd been placed in the back of a truck.
When the crate was finally opened, I was inside a house. There was a large archway leading to a terrace and I could see the ocean from where I stood. We were somewhere sunny. I looked and saw the judge and Percy and, naked as I was, I took the slave rest position, presenting myself to them, a little excited to be somewhere new.
Then the judge said, "Welcome to Florida, boy."
There were goosebumps all over my body. Florida's laws were different from those in New York State. Slaveboys my age could be used for any sex act their owner wished. Percy and his grandfather walked slowly around me. They looked like starving men contemplating a fine dinner. The only difference being the way one or the other of them would grab at his crotch.
The two of them ordered me to move a horse from the corner. It was a leather-covered piece of furniture with adjustments on the side, and looked like an antique. I was ordered to lay on it with my belly on the leather top and my feet on the floor. But Percy wasn't satisfied. He wanted me on my back, he said, because he wanted to be able to see my face.
My arms were pulled down beside me and strapped to the sides of the horse. My hips were lifted up and my legs pulled back by leather straps, such that my knees were on my chest and my feet were in the air. I could feel the cool air of the fans hitting my spread open anus and immediately realized this would be an easy position to stick something up a guy's ass.
A latch was dropped and the panel holding my head fell back. I tried to hold my head up, but it was too much strain on my neck. My head dropped so I was looking at the room upside-down. From that vantage point I watched Percy and his grandfather get naked together. I remembered that the day I arrived both of them had pulled out their dicks for me to play with. But this was the first time I saw the two of them stripped bare together. They were smiling at each other and each stroking his own dick to erection. Then the judge reached out and fondled his grandson's stiff cock. Percy did the same in return, rubbing his grandfather's thick foreskin up and down.
"He's your property, boy," the old man said.
Percy came close to my face. I could smell his balls. He hadn't showered since our plane trip. He rubbed his leaking cock back and forth on my face, leaving streaks of pre-cum. Then he rubbed it right on my lips. I kept my mouth shut. I just felt so panicky. The judge put his large hands under my jawbone and pressed on my throat. My mouth opened and Percy was rubbing his engorged cock on my tongue.
When Percy thrust forward I gagged and he instantly pulled back. But his grandfather put a hand on the boy's bare ass and pushed him forward. "You can't let the grunts of some melodramatic slaveboy interfere with your pleasure, Percy." The old man's hand seemed to be guiding the boy's hips as the cock thrust in and out of my throat. I started to get used to it. I was sucking Percy's cock.
But my body tensed up when I realized the judge was now between my spread legs. His fingers were covered with something greasy and he was working his hand around and around my spread anus. Then he pushed one finger into me and started fingerfucking my asshole. I couldn't help myself. The movement of his finger was inflaming me and I started sucking Percy's cock more vigorously.
Soon there were two fingers in me, thrusting and working around and around. Then a third finger. I was being stretched too much and it hurt me. But I couldn't protest as my young master's cock was riding fast in and out of my throat.
"You're his master. You should go first down here," the old judge said.
Percy pulled out of my mouth and moved down between my legs. I looked up and saw him there waving his stiff prick. I felt the dickhead press against my hole. Then just the head pushed into me. "I d-don't want to hurt him, grandpa."
"Oh, stop dilly dallying around. We're here to break this boy in for proper sex. Now put it in him."
The old man stood behind Percy and pushed the boy forward so that his cock slid all the way into my asshole. I cried out. Percy slid back. His grandfather pushed him forward once again. Then Percy got into a rhythm. Here I was, the boy who had been the school athlete, so popular, always with a girlfriend, and I was strapped down to a horse, getting my ass plowed by the school pansy.
Once Percy was enjoying his ride, the old man moved back around to my head, lowered the panel again and I found my nose stuffed against his big smelly balls. He ordered me to lick off the day's worth of sweat between his fat thighs. Percy was fucking me faster and harder as I lapped at the big hairy balls in front of me. Then Judge Snow shoved his uncut cock deep down my throat. He didn't pull back when I gagged, but started off with a hard fucking pace.
So I had lost my virginity at both ends. Well, not the virginity I always dreamed of losing when I was still a schoolboy. My mouth and ass were both invaded my cocks. I was now a full use slaveboy.
Even though my face was between the judge's thighs, I could see a little of what was going on above me. I felt the judge shift his body forward and when I looked up I saw that the old man was passionately tongue kissing his grandson. As if everything wasn't already gross enough. It turned out our school pansy had been turned that way by his own grandfather.
Percy grunted and groaned into the old man's mouth and I felt him ram his dick hard and deep as it could go. I couldn't feel cum shooting inside me. That must just be something they write in porn stories. But I could feel his cock pulsing, going thicker and deeper. Percy sort of fell right across my body, so his face was close to his grandfather's crotch. The judge didn't seem to care since he pulled out of my throat right at that moment. He couldn't wait to get his dick up my butt.
The old man stood between my legs and slammed the full length of his cock all the way into me. I howled. His cock was thicker and longer than Percy's, and he was making no attempt to be gentle. I could feel his hairy bush grind into my balls. I could feel his pendulous balls rest on my smooth butt cheeks. He started to fuck deep and hard right away. He would pull his uncut cock almost all the way out of my ass, and then slam it all the way in with one thrust.
I was thankful then that Percy, with the thinner, shorter cock, had gone first up my butt. The old man was sweating heavily as he rammed my upturned rear end. He ordered Percy to "have the slaveboy clean off your cock."
"B-but, grandpa, we didn't clean out the slave in advance. It's dirty."
"Dammit, boy, you sound like one of those slave's rights idiots. Now stuff it in the boy's face."
I looked up and could see a sorry expression on Percy's face as he rubbed his filthy cockhead on my lips. I gagged tasting my own ass. Soon the workings of my tongue made Percy fully erect again. When the judge realized the boy had another hard-on, the old man slid easily out of my hole and grinned at his grandson. Percy once again took his place between my legs and easily slid his boner deep into me. His gentleness was a relief after the treatment my hole received from the old man.
But the judge didn't come back to use my mouth. Instead he stood behind Percy. His hands wrapped around the boy and he was caressing the slim body. Then the old man was doing something intently. I could barely believe it as I watched. The old man was fucking his own grandson up the ass. Percy was the middle of a fuck sandwich. His dick was in me and his grandfather's dick was inside him.
Judge Snow was going wild with passion, his hands playing with every part of Percy's naked body, and his lips licking at Percy's neck and shoulder. It was clear the two of them were used to having sex together. I wondered how many years they had been doing it – the great Judge Snow who always follows the law!
Soon enough Percy was lying forward, collapsed across my body. His grandfather was lying on top of Percy's back, breathing heavily with a reddened face.
The old man left us and Percy took me into the shower. I got down and washed around his butt. I washed the filthy spunk that was dripping down the backs of his thighs. He insisted on washing me in return, paying a lot of attention to my ass. He dressed me in a clean slave uniform, just a little strip of cloth that looked like the waistband and the front of a jockstrap with nothing in the back. "This is what grandfather has selected for you to wear in Florida."
I spent the summer servicing the sexual needs of these two males. The older man would always ask Percy's permission when he wanted to borrow me for the night. He would treat me like I was a whore, rolling around the bed with me, ordering me to lick his sweaty body anywhere he chose. He was disgusting. And always he would end with fucking me, usually on my belly with him laying his great weight down on my back.
Nobody told me that we weren't going back north. I just heard the conversations around me and realized that Judge Snow had decided to retire to Florida. I was now a slaveboy resident of a state that allowed me to be used for any sexual purpose. Percy would be going to a new school in Florida and, unlike his northern school, boys were allowed to bring slaves along with them. Of course I had to kneel beside wherever Percy sat in each of his classes. I had been a much better student than Percy, so when we got home it was my job to write his research papers or prepare him for quizzes.
It didn't take me long to realize that this school was for gay boys, and the faculty was also all gay. But the slaveboys were all straight. Or at least all of us used to be straight. Percy became very popular with the other boys, in part because they all wanted to touch and fondle me and talk about how cute I was. At lunchtime Percy would eat with a group of boys on the school's parkland. Not everyone had a slave with them, but this group usually had two or three others. There were times when Percy would generously offer my services to suck the cocks of his new buddies. No wonder he was popular at school.
I was thankful that the school did not allow any fucking on campus. But Percy's new friends were always coming over to the house to 'hang out', and hanging out always seemed to include fucking me in the butt. As one of the gay boys from school would slide in and out of my hole, Percy would tell stories about my former life. He would boast how his slave had once been captain of the school baseball team and held a record for the swim team. He would tell them about all the girlfriends I'd had, and sometimes even told them about the gay slurs I used to call him at school.
Some of these gay boys wanted to kiss me tenderly. Others wanted to bend me over the horse and work my ass with a paddle or tawse. Percy was just glad to have friends, and was too naive to see the way these boys were using him. I wondered, since all of them are gay, why aren't they kissing or having sex with Percy? But from what I heard around the school, it just wasn't the thing to do to have sex with a fellow gay student. The boys all turned to their straight slaveboys for sex.
The faculty members were shameless in grabbing my exposed ass, patting it, pinching it, or slapping it. Percy loaned me to the school for the faculty retreat. When I arrived at the cabin with eight adult male faculty members, I realized I was the only slave there for the weekend. It was a sex orgy and I would get stuffed by all of those cocks numerous times over the following two days.
Back home in his rooms with the doors locked, Percy was tender and loving to me. He preferred to have me fuck him. But often he just wanted us to hold each other and kiss. I started to look forward to this gentle time together with this boy I had once bullied in school.
Chapter Four Peyton's Dad Returns
Then, a few months into the school year, I was called into Judge Snow's study. I first saw Percy and it looked like he had been crying, his head was down and he was wiping his eyes. Then when I looked up I saw that my father was standing next to the judge. But my father wasn't dressed as a slave. He was wearing one of his fine Italian suits with a silk tie.
I couldn't help myself, I cried out, "Dad, you came for me
3;" and raised my arms up.
It was my own father who reached out with a prod and gave me a shock so that I fell backwards. I heard my father's voice say, "I thought you'd be better trained than that, Peyton."
"He is well trained," Percy pouted. "He's just shocked to see you, I'm sure."
I was told to stand at slave display so my father could examine my body. His hands were thorough and rough. He squeezed my pecs and then pinched and toyed with my nipples. As he touched me all over, he spoke (ostensibly) to the judge. "As you know I was exonerated of the charges. I didn't have to go to jail or be enslaved. I have you to thank for that, Judge. It was the money you gave me for my son's
3; I mean, for my former son's indenture, that put me over the top. The judge in my trial was very grateful for my contribution to his favorite charity." (I knew that was a polite way of saying a bribe.)
My father was hefting my balls and then sliding his fingers up and down my cock as he went on, "Of course my first impulse was to buy this boy out of his indenture. But, as you know, I was flat broke. I had to start with minimal funds. Wouldn't do for me to get myself into debt and end up indentured after everything else I'd been through. But I've had some lucky breaks since then. Got a great commission on a deal, got some tips on investments, and I've returned for my former son."
Now it was not appropriate to talk to a slaveboy or explain anything to a slaveboy, but it was clear my father's story was meant to inform me about the status of everything. I stood taller, my chest out, when I realized my father was indeed there to save me from my life as a pleasure slave to Percy. He had come to take me away.
Until I looked down I didn't even realize that my cock had gone erect in my father's hand. Then, just as if I had never been his son, he ordered me to bend over at the waist. I bent and rested my hands on my calves, my rump upturned. I felt my father's fingers spreading open my cheeks and then probing inside me. The judge said, "It's quite an exquisite ass. I hope you'll enjoy it with us."
"You did make that a provision of our contract, Judge, that I stay for a little party this evening." My father's finger was deep in my upturned butt. By this time I was used to being filled with fingers, tongues and cocks, so this shouldn't have been a problem for me. But, hell, this was my own father, the man who had raised me, who I'd trusted.
My father seemed to have a really good time at the sex party with my two masters. I shook my head at one point and realized I was lying on my side on a huge bed, my father's cock plunged all the way up my butt, and I was facing Percy, who was equally naked, and getting buttfucked by his own grandfather.
Percy and I just looked into each other's faces and started to kiss. Our bodies were intertwined as much as could be, since each of us had a thick cock up our rear ends.
The judge chuckled, "Young lovers. Maybe your boy isn't as straight as you thought. Maybe he likes boys
I stopped kissing Percy and took my hands off him. My dad was now ramming into my bottom, slamming me deeper than I'd felt before. He had his arm around me and was bending me over. He rammed in hardest of all and I felt his cock pulse inside me. He grunted loud and bit my shoulder.
As my father gathered me off the bed, Percy started crying. I turned to try to comfort him, but my father grabbed me by the arm and yanked me toward the door. "For god's sake, boy! He's not your master anymore. I'm your master and your focus must be on what your master wants,"
I knew I should be jubilant at that moment. I was with my father. I figured I was going to be free. But I felt bad for Percy. I slept very soundly that night sharing a big bed with my dad. We both just fell into the bed and were sound asleep. I slept comfortably that night, feeling assured that I'd be freed the next day and able to go back to my former life.
But then I was woken up by the feeling of something thick pushing against my asshole. I realized where I was and realized who I was with. "Dad! What are you doing?" I cried out.
"C'mon, boy, you've been taking cock from that grubby old man and his pansy grandson, you could certainly take a real man's cock."
"B-but, D-dad
3; I thought you were going to
"Look, boy, I'm a man with needs. Most all my adult life I've had slaveboys to take care of those needs. You know, a wife can say no, but a slaveboy has to put out. Last night was the first time in so long I've had that kind of physical pleasure. And frankly, boy, your ass is a lot nicer than our old slaveboy, Slim."
I pulled away from him and got off the bed. I held my hands over my exposed penis, naked as I was, and looked at him wide-eyed. "B-but, I'm your son. I thought you came to rescue me from being a slaveboy. I thought
He sat up with his feet over the side of the bed and his voice took on a clipped tone as he said, "Well, yes, as a matter of fact when I saw you at the Snow residence last night I had every intention of freeing you." There was an ominous pause before he continued, "But now I'm not so sure, boy."
I just stood there, frozen to the spot, not knowing what to say. Dad continued in a quiet, reasoned voice, "If I were to free you now, Peyton, I would have a snotty know-it-all teenager who wouldn't lift a finger to help me, in spite of the decline in my style of living." I looked around. The apartment actually seemed very nice. It wasn't nearly like the house we had lived in, but I knew my father wasn't starving.
"If I keep you as a slaveboy, son
3;" He seemed to be thinking of how he wanted to finish that sentence. His hand went down to his exposed penis and he was stroking it slowly up and down. I watched it thicken and grow longer. "If I keep you as a slaveboy, then you must do as I say and I at least get some enjoyment from having you here." I saw a droplet of pre-cum in my father's piss slit. He snapped his fingers right next to his cockhead and just glared at me.
I crawled over to him on the floor and he shoved his dripping cock into my mouth. "For the last few months, Peyton, you were the property of Percy and his grandfather. You had to suck their filthy cocks anytime they said. Well, boy, now you're my property. And you will suck my cock. Do you understand?"
I was sucking up and down, trying to get this over with but trying to block out what I was doing. MY father stopped me and grabbed me by the collar, lifting my face up as he said, "I asked you if you understood, boy?"
"Sir, yes, sir!" I snapped back obediently.
He shoved on the back of my head stuffing his thick erection all the way down my throat once more. "And don't you forget that, slaveboy. If you don't address your master correctly, I'll put you over the horse for a paddling."
I went back to sucking, no longer feeling so assured that I would be set free from my indenture. Taking care of my father's cock, I was more unsure than I had ever been. My fears were well grounded.
On any given day, I never knew whether he wanted me to call him dad or master. Whatever I said, he would find fault and give me a swat on my butt. He dressed me in the latest trend in slaveboy outfits which meant my butt was always exposed and my dick was covered by the flimsiest material. When I looked in the mirror the reflection was obscene. My penis and balls were clearly outlined in the pouch, and my butt cheeks were separated and displayed by the strap in the back.
That's the way dad started taking me out on errands. The first time he snapped a chain to my collar and dragged me to the door in my skimpy outfit, i pulled back and shook my head. He swatted my butt four times with a thick paddle, so of course my butt was gleaming red as my father led me on the chain. I just looked at the ground, trying not to feel totally humiliated.
To make matters worse, my dad's apartment was just two blocks from the main street of Gaytown, the part of this city where almost all the gays lived. And all his errands seemed to involve going to those blocks. That first day we didn't go far before an elderly gentleman stopped us saying, "That'a fine piece of slaveflesh you've got yourself there."
Dad stopped and smiled to the man. "He was my son. Some temporary financial difficulties. But he's been a good boy. He knows what's needed to help out his family."
The old man had his hand on my butt cheeks as he chuckled, "Good boy? These marks on his rear end don't seem like the result of being a good boy."
Dad chuckled together with this stranger. "Well, you know how boys this age can be. Sometimes they need to be encouraged or corrected." At that point I saw the old guy adjust his cock in the front of his suit trousers. Then I saw my father exchange business cards with that man before we went our separate way.
Later on I was hitched to the slave post out front of a store where dad was negotiating for something. Two men came over, both over 6-feet [1.80 m], one very muscled, the other one just fat, they both towered over me. And their hands were all over me, feeling me up, pinching my nipples, slapping my butt cheeks. I squirmed around, unable to move away from the slave post, when the fat one slapped my butt really hard and said, "Free men are allowed to examine a slaveboy who is left on public display in a public place."
I was stammering, something I'd never done before. "P-p-please, sir. I don't know if my master would approve."
At that moment my dad walked out of the store and said, "Whether your master would approve of what, boy?"
The fat man did the talking. "We were examining this slaveboy and he got all uppity about it."
"B-but, da
3; but, sir
3; I didn't
Dad smacked me hard across the face. "How dare you speak out like that. Don't you know a slave only speaks to answer a free man's question?" Then he turned to the fat man and said, "Of course you should have your rights because of my boy's rudeness. Will a paddle do?"
My dad retrieved a small paddle he kept in his briefcase and handed it to the man. I was made to bend forward against the side of a building. From the back there was only the waistband and the top of the middle strap that showed, my buttcheeks displayed high and spread. We were in the gay part of town. A crowd soon formed as the heavyset man toyed with the paddle. Clearly he relished being part of this spectacle and having an audience.
The first swat of the paddle was fast and hard. I called out loudly and the crowd cheered. I stayed silent for the second swat, biting my lower lip. At that point, with a crowd gathered, my father told his story: about how he'd had to indenture his own son to get back on his feet financially. Somehow this was turning on a lot of the gays in the crowd and they were exchanging business cards with my father.
The next night when dad came home, he didn't molest me like he usually did. He took out some of my old free boy clothes. Even though it had barely been more than six months since I'd been indentured, the clothes were a little tight on me. I had put on muscle during those months. Dad gave me a very old pair of white briefs, and my school uniform, including black socks and shoes. I felt wonderful being dressed! Was my dad going to take me out somewhere, maybe to a nice restaurant that didn't serve slaves.
For the first time I was leaving the building with my father and I wasn't totally exposed and humiliated. Dad brought me to a nice hotel. I saw that there was a nice restaurant and my anticipation was building. But instead dad took me up to a room on the 8th floor. When the door opened I recognized the two men from the street: the fat man who had paddled my butt and his friend, the bodybuilder. I turned to my dad but he put up a hand and said, "Remember to show these gentlemen that you're a well trained slaveboy, Peyton." I froze up and looked at the two big men. The fat one was playing with a big boner in his boxer shorts, the muscle guy had his hard-on sticking out of his jockstrap.
My dad pushed me toward these men and said to them, "Remember, he was my son. I expect he will be my son again, someday. You promised no permanent marks on him."
"Don't worry," the bodybuilder snapped. "If we hurt the resale value in any way, you could sue us and collect further damages
3; especially since he was your son at one time."
As the door was closing and my father was stepping back into the hall, he called out, "Remember, you're a slaveboy, Peyton. And these nice gentlemen have paid a lot to have you for the night."
It struck me then. I was still 14 and my own father had turned me into a boy prostitute.
The two nearly-naked men sat on either side of me, as I was dressed in my school uniform. They were touching my body all over, but through the clothes. The strongman put his hand down the back of my school pants and felt my cheeks through my white briefs. I'd been touched and felt up a lot since my indenture, but this felt strange because I was in my school clothes.
"We've been told that less than seven months ago you were a free boy, and you dressed like this for school everyday."
"Y-yesir," I said feeling unusually nervous and not sure what was going on.
"Funny thing is we can strip you and do anything we want to your body now that you're a slaveboy," said the more talkative heavyset man. "In this state, at your age, it's legal to do all that with you. But isn't it funny how just seven months ago anything we did to you would've been totally illegal."
The muscleman laughed in a way that made me think he was stoned, as he added, "Doing stuff you're not allowed to do is hot. Knowing you're doing something illegal makes it nastier." With that they announced that they wanted to pretend it was seven months ago and I was still a free boy going to an expensive school. They tied me up fully dressed, and then they pulled open my shirt and pushed down my pants. They actually ripped the white briefs I was wearing to play with my ass cheeks and my crack.
The fat guy licked out my ass and then guided the bodybuilder's cock up my hole, pretending they were raping me for the very first time. Then the heavyset guy fucked my mouth real hard and nasty, holding my ears and slamming into my throat repeatedly. Before they began the next round, they strapped me down and beat my body with a paddle.
The next morning when my father picked me up in the hotel room, he had brought a fresh slavejock for me to wear. He examined my body to make sure there was no permanent damage, attached a chain to my collar and led me out. I could tell dad was jn no mood to hear from me. When I tried to speak to him, he held up a hand and said, "Do you want a tawsing now, lad? Because I'm just in the mood to do it."
That night he kept me in just my slavejock and drove me to another hotel. When he stopped the car I quickly mumbled, "Permission to speak, sir. Please, master."
He snapped his fingers, "Make it fast, boy."
I didn't look at him. I looked down at my lap as I said, "Well, I
3; I'm your son
3; I mean, I was your
3; Please, sir, how can you sell me like I'm a whore
3; Daddy?"
He patted my thigh and in a soft, kindly voice, said, "You don't know what I'm going through to try to raise enough money, Peyton. The judge let me buy you back, but on an installment plan because I didn't have quite enough money on hand. If I fall behind on paying the judge, you and I will both be back there as slaves serving those homo creeps."
Then he led me into the back door of the hotel. This was a high-class establishment, but they didn't have any problem with slaveboys being delivered to guests. It was just that I wasn't allowed to walk around the hotel on my own. My father had to escort me to the guest's room on the sixth floor. The man in this hotel room started by showing me pictures of his son, Billy, and remarking how much I looked like Billy. I saw that we had the same shaped face, the same coloring, similar bodies, and we were the same age. I found out this man was from New Hampshire, where the age of full use for slaveboys was 18. He made tender love to me, keeping his cock lodged in my ass long after he shot his load, and kept calling me Billy, insisting I call him dad.
Another time dad brought me to a big mansion and led me in the back way. Dad and I were taken up to a grand room where a dozen men sat around. They were all dressed in the finest suits, smoking cigars and drinking brandy. A rotund silver-haired man presided over this gathering, which included all the top officers of the bank in town. This man got everyone's attention and said, "Now for a little after dinner entertainment. We have with us a father and son – really, truly, I'm not making that up. The boy has been indentured and is of age for full use sex in our state. The father is a free man who has simply agreed to help entertain us tonight."
My dad grabbed me around and kissed me full on the mouth, shoving his tongue between my lips. I was shocked. This wasn't something he had ever done in front of other people. But in fact he was performing for an audience. He whispered to me, "Be sure to call me daddy throughout, boy. It's what they're paying for."
He pulled me over his lap to spank my butt, then I got down on my knees and sucked his cock. Then he laid me across the table, lifted my legs in the air, and kissed me deeply as he pushed his hard cock into my well-used bottom. He fucked me slowly, then he fucked me hard and fast. He was dripping sweat on me and the men in the crowd cheered him on. He collapsed on top of me, his cock filling me up with spunk. Before my dad could catch his breath, the silver-haired man pushed dad off me and flipped me on my belly. I felt this man's fat tummy press down against my lower back and then I felt his thick erection slide deep into my lubed-up asshole.
Another businessman came up in front of me, unzipped and slipped his erection into my mouth. I guess it was somehow decided that the man in charge would get a slow, long ride in my ass, while all the other men would get oral pleasure from me. As I was sucking the fifth or sixth hairy cock, I heard a man say to my father, "You were so generous to provide the entertainment tonight. Come by the bank tomorrow morning. We can definitely approve that loan."
I sighed to myself. At least my father wasn't selling me cheap. I'm sure he got a very big loan from the bank. I started to get hopeful. If my dad had a big loan from the bank, maybe he could give me back my freedom? I could go back to school, go back to wearing normal clothes, and stop having sex with nasty old men. I didn't dare ask my father, but I was getting excited thinking about that prospect.
Chapter Five In a Boy Brothel
It turns out my dad had other plans for me. About a week after the orgy with the bank directors, my dad spent a long time preparing me one morning. He wanted to make sure my balls were as smooth as possible, that there were no stray hairs on my virtually hairless body. This time when he brought me down to his car, dressed in my usual slavejock, he cuffed my hands to the handles on my slave collar. Then it turned out he had a cage in the trunk of his car. He placed me in the cage. As he was about to close the trunk, I said, "P-please, daddy, wha
3;? He slammed the trunk down never replying to me.
When my dad opened the trunk I had no idea where we were. He simply lifted the cage and carried it with him, like I was luggage. From that angle it's hard to get a perspective. The next thing I knew I had been carried inside a building and I was in some kind of office. Oh crap, I thought to myself, this was going to be another sex performance, but this particular creep wanted me caged.
My father sat in a big armchair as two other men pulled open the cage and pulled me out of it. With my hands cuffed to my slave collar, it would have been impossible to lift myself up. I was standing facing a handsome, middle aged man with broad shoulders who sat behind his desk assessing me. He came around his desk and started to touch me all over, in the manner of a professional slave dealer. He knew just how he was feeling my pecs, testing the strength of my arms, then fondling my ass cheeks. He plunged a dry finger up my butthole. I'd gotten so used to this kind of treatment I hardly flinched.
Then the man sat in the armchair beside my father, looked at him and said, "Let's see how good he is with those pretty lips." Dad began to order me to take out this other man's cock, but stopped when the manager said, "He can start with you." So I unzipped my father's fly, worked his thick cock out of his boxer shorts and began sucking him. This is something I did everyday, so I was used to deep throating his erection, working my lips and tongue to maximize his pleasure.
I heard the powerfully-built man say, "Now you have my curiosity raised. I want to know if all that moaning you're doing is real or if you're just putting on a show to get me impressed with this boy." He grabbed my collar and pulled my face to his exposed cock. It was sticking up very stiff and dripping at the tip. I licked off the tip, but this man was impatient, he just shoved the full length of his meat into the back of my throat. I gagged, but just pulled back a bit and then went right into sucking him. In a strange way I felt proud that I'd become so good at giving oral sex.
Before the man shot his load, he lifted me up and bent me over his desk. I knew what was coming. This time he didn't ask my father to go first. But my father stood there rubbing his hard-on as he watched this new man fucking my ass. First it was slow and gentle, then fast and hard, then fast and gentle – he had many techniques and he had the big dick to try them all.
The man still hadn't cum when he pulled out of me. It's like he didn't care about giving me his sperm. He closed his thick erection back into his pants and pushed a piece of paper in front of my father. "This is for three years, right?" my father said, looking over the one-page contract. That got my attention.
"Since we'll have the boy on a three-year indenture, there are certain things we can't do to him. We can't treat him the way we would a lifetime indenture. However, we have a lot of clients down here in Florida who enjoy a good-looking lad, one who isn't all ornamented and marked up like a slave whore; they can pretend he's the nice, middle class kid in the neighborhood, the one who plays on the school baseball team." He laughed then. I didn't know what was so funny. He had, in fact, described the reality of who I was.
Dad was handed a check. He looked at it then looked at me and said, "I'll be back for you in three years son. I promise." Then he was out the door. I called out, "But, d-dad
3;" The man touched the prod to my nipple and my body went into spasms. "You're my property now, pretty boy. And I'll be working you hard."
Two black uniformed guards took me through the door to my new workplace. It didn't take me long to realize my indenture contract had been sold to a boy brothel. I was examined by a doctor, then cleaned out by two bath slaves (even though I told them my father had just cleaned me out that morning). Then I was dressed in a jockstrap that was too small and a pair of white gym shorts that were pretty much see through.
I was handed off to some other boys who worked there. They all looked to be around my age and all wanted to whisper advice to me. "If you don't do three clients a day you'll be in trouble," one said. Another added, "Most of them aren't so bad, just dirty old men who want some young stuff."
Being in Florida where the age of full use for slaveboys was lower than up north, this place attracted a lot of tourists from northern states, men who wanted to experience the forbidden – sex with a teen that would be illegal at home. Most of these men were middle aged or older and out of shape or worse. A lot of them just wanted to sit back and have me use my mouth to service them. Some even wanted me to fuck their flabby asses. A majority wanted to fuck me.
The two favorite fantasies my clients wanted to play out: first, those men who wanted to pretend to rape me; then, those men who would tell me they had a son just about my age and similar to my looks, and they wanted me to call them "daddy" during sex. I started to keep score of which was more prevalent. But I soon lost track.
The younger clients were the worst. It would usually be a group of two or three college guys, down in Florida on a holiday. They wanted to try something daring, and using a young slaveboy seemed pretty wild to them. Of course they were never satisfied merely to get their rocks off. They also had to humiliate me, to try to embarrass me. Sometimes I wondered – if I hadn't been indentured, if I had continued in school and gone on to college, would I be the same kind of assholes these guys were?
Each day I was expected to work out in the gym facilities for two hours, then go running on the track or swimming in the pool. I must say these were nice perks, and it was an opportunity to get friendly with some of the other boys who worked there. But in the late afternoon, clients would start arriving and we would be called up. Sometimes, for a well-heeled businessman they would bring out three or four of us for him to choose from. One time a man who clearly had a lot of cash asked for three of us together. He just wanted to watch and masturbate himself while he ordered us to kiss and touch and fuck. It was a nice change to feel firm young bodies for sex. But in an odd way it felt more gay! When I serviced a fat old man, I was just doing it because I was a slave and this was my job – I'd been ordered to do it. But fucking a hard-bodied boy the same age as me felt downright gay.
I couldn't keep track of days. Time passed and all that gym time had made me bulkier. One day without any warning, I was shackled and put into a small cage. Then the cage was put on the back of a truck. I saw one of the other boys pass by and glance at me being taken away. He and I had gotten to be buddies. But, you know what they say, You can't be friends with a slave. We were never even given a chance to say goodbye.
Nobody told me where I was going, but it was a long truck ride. I was delivered somewhere, but it wasn't my final destination. I was there just long enough to eat a slave bar and crap, then I was packed into my cage once more. This time instead of being enclosed in a dark truck, my cage was riding in the back of an open truck. I could see through the bars of the cage and the slats of the truck as we drove down a highway, then as we drove through a town. Things started to look familiar to me.
I became anxious when I realized we were driving through my old neighborhood in Westchester. I wondered whether I was being delivered to my father. He had said he would be back for me in three years. Had he finally come to rescue me? I had my hopes up when we came to a stop and I was unloaded into the back of another building.
My father was not there. This was another boy brothel, but now I was back in my own hometown. When I told one of the other boys there about my trip up north from Florida, he said, "Well, of course. You just turned 16 didn't you? Now you're legal for full use up here."
"B-but, why did they bring me back here to my old neighborhood." The other boy just laughed and said I would find out.
Soon enough I saw a newspaper ad for the brothel with my photo – a photo from the time I played baseball in school. The sarcastic headline read, "Middle School Sports Star Returns to Westchester in a New Role!" It went on, "Did you see Peyton on the baseball diamond? His butt in those uniform pants? Did you see his fine shoulders and back in that school wrestling singlet? Now he's more built up than ever and all your fantasies are legal!" There were more details, but that was enough to turn my stomach.
It wasn't long before the ad got results. My best buddy from long ago, Nick, rented me one night along with two other buddies who had been on the school baseball team with me. When I first saw them I almost reacted with joy, seeing old pals again. But I remembered the way Nick had treated me the last time he saw me. I quickly realized these three were going to be even worse assholes than the other college boys who had used me. These boys knew me. They had known me when I outshone them at school sports. They had known me when I got higher grades than they did. And they were going to pay me back.
I was passed from lap to lap, as each of them eagerly spanked me, Nick with the most fury of all. Then I was made to lick one boy's sweaty feet clean as Nick rammed his fat boner up my ass without any lube. I was rolled onto my back and fucked with my legs in the air, as Nick sat on my face and made me lick out his ass. He farted into my mouth and laughed as if it was the funniest thing in the world.
Of course I was visited by my old headmaster. He just wanted to punish me, torture me, and make me drink his piss. Fortunately, I had learned a lot more about piss drinking when I worked in the Florida brothel. It turned out the headmaster had a stubby little cock, which he stuffed in my mouth and stroked till he shot his load. I never even had to suck it.
Then there was one particularly memorable day. A hulking man grabbed me and took me into a private room. He tossed me down and started fucking me hard and rough without any lube. His hands were grabbing at my flesh like he wanted to rip my body apart. Then before he even came, he pulled his cock out of me and started peeing all over me. Now, I had learned to drink piss, but I wasn't used to having it sprayed all over my face and my chest. I tried to cover myself with my hands and tried to turn away.
"Impudent brat!" he shouted, pushing me down on my back and sitting on my face. It didn't take me long to realize that his ass wasn't clean. I could taste his filth and I could feel it on my face. He laughed and then grabbed me from the room and pulled me out in the hallway. I was dragged down the hall as this man yelled, "Don't you teach these boys any manners? I thought this place had well-trained slaveboys."
The black-uniformed managers and guards were trying to calm this man down, but he insisted I be strapped down to a rack. He then took a tawse and I felt the burn as he slashed across my shoulders and my ass. I was crying out, trying to ask his forgiveness, the pain was terrible.
Then he was gone and they had given me a pair of skimpy white slave shorts, I was so filthy and sweaty, the white shorts were dirty as soon as I put them on. My hands were chained to my collar, and a short length of chain was attached to my two ankles. I was led into the manager's office, but kept off the carpet. When I looked up I saw my father standing there, looking respectable in his fine dark suit. Beside him was a very beautiful woman who was many months pregnant.
"Is that him?" the woman said, clutching my father's arm.
"What happened? He was such an obedient boy when I
"Well, sir, maybe you didn't make many demands on him. I'm personally opposed to acquiring a boy who's been indentured by family. They never understand true obedience."
"Honey, how could we have a creature like that in our home?" the woman asked, facing my father and not looking at me at all.
I licked my lips and realized I had that awful brute's filth on my mouth. I began, "P-please, Dad, this isn't how I
3;" The manager touched a prod to my butt and I fell to the floor. I suspect it was set at a higher level than I was used to. When I was lifted up by the black-uniformed guard, a ball gag was placed in my mouth.
"Eeeeuuuuu," the pretty woman said. "He stinks of piss and shit. With the new baby coming we couldn't have a creature like that in our home."
The manager sounded like a preacher as he said, "Sometimes it's kinder for some of these boys to remain slaveboys."
My eyes were wide. I was trying to motion with my head, trying to tell my father that this wasn't what I looked like all the time. But I couldn't get any words out, and the guard held up the prod to my face as a warning.
The manager broke the silence by continuing. "And as you yourself said, the sale price we pay you will be enough for the two of you to make that move and buy the kind of house your wife wants so much."
My father gave me another look and shook his head. Then he signed the contract and was handed the check. He never looked back as he wrapped his arm around his new wife and quickly left.
The manager turned and grinned at me, saying, "Welcome to lifetime indenture, boy. We'll be shipping you off to our other facility, the one for our special clients."
I'd heard the other boys talk about the 'special facility'. It was for clients who were more sadistic, clients who weren't satisfied with simple fucking and sucking. Even after all these years as a sex worker, I suppose I was naive. I didn't know what sort of things these men could do that would bring me lower than what I had already experienced.
I'd learn soon enough. My first day at the new facility, I was marched to a dank dungeon-like room. I looked around and saw a group of about half a dozen men, all with their cocks out, all jerking off as they watched me. There was a fireplace at one end and it was practically the only light in the room. I was pushed down over a metal horse, my arms and ankles strapped in place. Then another strap was pulled taut across my middle, so I couldn't move at all. I saw a huge man toying with something in the fire. As he lifted the brand out of the flames, I knew what was going to happen.
I honestly can't tell you if I screamed when the red hot metal pressed down into my right butt cheek. I know I opened my mouth and tried to scream, but I don't know whether any sound came out. My mind must have been overwhelmed because before the hot brand was even pulled away from my flesh, I had passed out. A bucket of cold water was splashed over me. My entire body was shivering and shaking from the intense pain coursing through all my nerve endings. As if that wasn't bad enough, I then felt a splash on my recently burned ass – one of the men had shot his load watching me suffer. Damn! These men were masturbating to the sight of me being tortured!
My ordeal wasn't over. They repositioned me and a smaller brand was pressed against my chest. I saw the skin bubble up and stand away from my body in the shape of an "S." I had been branded a Slave. Then I was strapped up to a frame and pins were stuck through each of my nipples. By that time I merely whimpered, I no longer had the strength to yell out. Big ugly rings were put through each of my nipples, weighing them down. I'd soon learn that I could be led around by these rings, and that it always hurt when that was done.
I was barely conscious when I heard someone say, "We might as well remove his foreskin now. After everything else he's experienced just now, he probably won't even feel anything." He was right. It was only later when I looked down at my bandaged cock that I knew what had happened.
There were times I was beaten and then fucked. Other times I was beaten and then had a man simply masturbate all over the red marks. I felt my butt and my thighs. Even after the marks healed my flesh was still bumpy. But they had ways to deal with that, a special salve that was put on me and medical treatments with lasers. Somehow it made my skin taut and smooth again.
I wondered how long this could go on. I was a lifetime indenture. But how long would they keep me at this place. The other boys who worked there told me that after a certain number of treatments your skin would never heal again. That's when they would send a boy away. I asked where the boys were sent. One slave said, "They have brothels like this in all the cites. They'll send you somewhere where you'll be new meat." But another slave interjected, "Who knows. Some say after they've used you for enough years the skin never gets smooth again and then it's time to have a feast. The slaveboy is the main course of the meal."
Chapter Six Indentured Spouse
Then came a day I was prepared for a client. I figured it was just another day and just another client. I was washed and had my body completely shaved (they didn't trust the slaveboys with razors). And of course my butthole was washed out three times. Then, instead of being taken to one of the usual rooms, I was taken in the other direction to the manager's office. When I walked into the office I was barefoot and just wearing my collar and the small white slavejock. The manager was behind his desk and there standing on the other side of the desk was Percy Snow.
Percy had been my original master, and he looked good. His body had filled out and he was wearing cooler clothes that fit him well. He was no longer the effeminate schoolboy I'd known all those years earlier. He was a fine-looking young gay man, who looked prosperous and happy. For a moment I wanted to react with joy. I wanted to run to him. But then I remembered how hopeful I had been when my father had bought me from Percy's grandfather. And I remembered the way my father had rejected me when he returned to the boy brothel three years later. I remained in slave display position and showed no emotion.
My former young master looked me over and touched my chest, then touched my rear end and my back. He looked at the manager and said, "When I owned this boy his body was flawless. There was none of this bumpiness under his skin." The manager explained about the salve and treatments to get my skin smooth and taut again.
Then Percy wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to the manager. "This is my offer for the slaveboy."
The manager chuckled and said, "Are you kidding me? Don't you know how valuable a boy like this is to my business
Percy cut him off. "I've just offered you 50% above what you paid for his lifetime indenture contract."
"Yes, but we could make that much in a year with this boy. And the same amount in the year after and the year after that."
Percy had always been so shy and soft-spoken. I was shocked when he loudly snapped, "Don't hand me that bullshit. Even your best treatments won't work after too much damage to his skin and muscles. The way you're abusing this slave's body you'll be done with him and sell him off to the mines before two years have passed."
The man tried to speak but Percy held up his hand and said, "Perhaps you've heard of my grandfather, the late Judge Snow? All the judges in this state were like uncles to me growing up. Of course you know of Judge Twilly? He's the one leading the investigation into abuse of slaveboys."
Percy paused and ran his hand over my butt again. Then in a quiet voice he continued, "Of course you know that punishment is only permitted if a slave has been disobedient or needs correction, right? You know that Judge Twilly is cracking down on people who think punishing and abusing a slave is a game? I assume you've kept a punishment log on this boy and your other properties, keeping track of what infractions they had done to receive such severe beatings? Here's my final offer for this slaveboy." Percy wrote furiously on a new piece of paper and handed it to the manager.
"B-b-but," the man stammered. "This amount is 10% less than I paid for this boy's lifetime indenture."
Percy was like a wild animal when he yelled out, "And you'll sign the contract, you piece of shit." Then in a perfectly calm way, he reached into his pocket and took out his phone, then said, "I have Judge Twilly on speed dial. He was so kind to me at my grandfather's funeral, I really should give him a call."
The manager was flustered. Percy handed the man a contract that was already filled out, got his signature, and then handed the man a check. He attached a leash to my collar and led me out the door. The asphalt of the parking lot was hot on my feet, but I didn't care. OK, I was still a slave. But with Percy as my owner I figured I wasn't going to face brutal beatings.
Percy had a large impressive car. He led me into the passenger seat – the first time in many years I had been in the front of a car. Then he got into the driver's seat. He still hadn't said a word to me and I wasn't sure how to address him. At that moment he turned to me and grabbed me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. His face was on my shoulder and he was sobbing, big, loud, gulping sobs. When I could make out his words, I realized he was saying, "Oh my Peyton, my beautiful, gorgeous Peyton! What have they done to you." The next instant he was kissing me, planting kisses on my face, licking my ears, licking my neck. Then his tongue was deep down my throat.
I remembered when I was first presented to Percy as a gift, how disgusted I was to have to kiss the flamboyant boy. But now that he had rescued me from the S&M brothel I kissed him back, eagerly and hungrily. I found my voice and I was saying, "Oh, Percy. Oh, Master. I'll do anything for you, sir, anything at all to make you happy. I can never repay you for this."
Percy drove me back to the house where he had once lived with his grandfather. He took me to the kitchen and he himself prepared a bowl of oatmeal and some cut fruit. "I know it's not what you're craving, Peyton. But you've been on a slave bar diet. You won't be able to digest rich foods right away."
I sat at the table with him, just as if I wasn't a slave. Well, except for the fact I was only wearing my collar and a slavejock, thin white fabric that just barely covered my shaved cock and displayed my exposed butt cheeks. But Percy was talking to me as if I was his friend. He told me how sad he'd been when his grandfather had sold me back to my father. But he reconciled to it, because he assumed it meant my freedom. When he heard my father moved out to Hawaii, he figured I was out there enjoying my life, and he would never see me again. It was only when he moved back up to Westchester to bury his grandfather and put the old man's things in order, that he found out I was a slaveboy in a brothel nearby. He had come to buy me as soon as he could.
Percy and I walked hand in hand up to the master bedroom suite, the room that used to belong to his grandfather. We rolled around on the bed as I pulled off his clothes. There was no sense of one of us being a master and the other a slave. There was just the enjoyment of each other's bodies. I remembered how repulsed I had once been at the thought of taking cock. But now, with all I had been through, I wanted to suck Percy's cock and pleasure his body. But Percy had one thing in mind – he wanted me to fuck him. More than that, I made love to him. It was slow and sensuous and we kissed and caressed throughout, changing positions and continuing our intimate play for hours.
After I had cum deep in his ass and I was still lying on top of him with his legs around my middle, he smiled up at me and said, "Oh, Peyton, didn't you know what I really wanted? I never wanted you to be my slaveboy. I wanted you to be my lover."
He called in an expert to remove the rings in my nipples and heal the wounds they had left. The "S" brands would be impossible to completely remove. I decided I would wear them with pride.
For all his fine words and his protestations of love, Percy said it was difficult to try to free me from lifetime indenture. He told me that courts could be flexible in shortening the term of a five-year or even ten-year indentured servant, but lifetime indenture was considered a different sort of thing.
But Percy had a plan for us. We would be married and I would be his Indentured Spouse. The law had been on the books going back more than 200 years. Of course it was originally known as 'The Indentured Bride Act', but in our more enlightened times it now applied to either gender, and was most often used by gay male couples.
As an Indentured Spouse, I wouldn't quite be a free man, but I wouldn't totally be a slave. I could go out to stores or restaurants or parties, just about anywhere I pleased, as long as I was accompanied by Percy, my mate and my owner.
Percy controlled my diet, insisting I could only drink water and making me survive mostly on slave biscuits and fruit. I was allowed to wear clothes and could dress normally, but Percy got to select my clothes, and if he wanted me to walk around in a jockstrap in front of his friends, that was what I had to wear. Percy insisted I work out in our home gym as it was important to him I keep my body fit. Also he found a job for me working for a local construction company that used indentured servants. I would be picked up each morning in a truck, shirtless in just a pair of slave shorts and boots. During the day I would be tawsed and caned to do backbreaking labor. When I was dropped off in the evening, Percy was turned on by the red marks on my flesh and the sweat and stink of my body. He always wanted to have sex before I showered, often playing out a fantasy in which I was a "ruffian who was raping him."
The money paid by the construction firm for my indentured labor went into a special bank account, with Percy as the trustee. That pitiful amount would be mine once I became a free man (if I ever did get free). Percy liked to remind me that some indentured spouse salaries went directly into their husband's bank accounts.
At the workplace there were only a few moments during the day when I could speak with the other slaves, usually chewing our slave bars during our 15-minute lunch break. There was laughter when I first told them I was an Indentured Spouse. A dark-haired swarthy slave named Jose told me he had once been an indentured spouse, "For three whole years, then my husband got tired of me and had me carted off to the auction house." Another of the workers said his owner-husband had really loved him, but had lost his job, run up huge debts, and he had been repossessed, taken for auction. I asked if he thought his former husband might try to save him. He shook his head and explained that the man had been so distraught by the turn of events he took his own life, leaving his former spouse to face lifetime indenture on his own.
They each told me the same thing: Making it to 10 years of marriage was risky at best. Not only must I never try to win an argument with my spouse, I should never even come near to having any argument with him. He controlled whether I would go free or face lifetime enslavement.
On weekends and evenings, Percy included me with his social circle. He had a big group of gay friends, many of them in couples. We would go to their homes for dinner parties, pool parties or barbecues, or we'd go out to restaurants or have them visit our home. They were all very friendly to me, but it was awkward since I had to call all free men "Sir." In public, I even had to call Percy "Sir," which made for many odd conversations. Then too when something needed to be fetched or cleaned up, it was easy for them to turn to me, the indentured servant in the group. Percy thought it was amusing to paddle me in front of his friends, and even to let some of them wield the paddle while I had to thank them for their corrections.
We had been married a little over a year when there was a retirement party for our old teacher, Mr. Nesbitt. Back at school I had always joked with my jock buddies about Nesbitt being an "old homo," but to Percy the man had been a kind friend and mentor. Through the years everyone had acknowledged that the old teacher was indeed gay, and this was a gathering of many of the gay students he'd taught over the years.
Percy laid out my clothes for the evening and I saw that he had included a slavejock instead of my normal underwear. I asked why he wanted me to wear that and he just said to put it on, I would understand later. When we got to the event, I realized it was more than a retirement party for the old guy. He had been given just a few months to live, so it was a goodbye party as well. Then people started giving Mr. Nesbitt expensive gifts – the boys who went to that school were much wealthier than any of the faculty members.
I looked to Percy and asked what we had brought for Mr. Nesbitt, and he just took me by the arm to the men's room. He insisted I undress. I became uneasy. "Percy, what's going on here?" I said through gritted teeth. But then I remembered the advice to never have an argument with my spouse. I figured it was just going to be a joke, bringing me out to the party in just my slavejock.
Percy took out a red bow attached to a ribbon and put it on my slavejock, then he snapped a leash onto my collar and led me back out to the crowd. I was reluctant as we stepped back into the room. I looked down at the floor and the whole room was silent. If Percy meant this to be a joke, nobody thought it was funny. But it wasn't a joke. Percy handed the leash and a key to a hotel room to Mr. Nesbitt, smiled at the man and said, "My gift to you. Take him up to your room for the night."
I was in shock. Percy's best buddy from school, Victor, stood nearby and I heard him mumble, "Fuckin' hot." Then a group of them surrounded us and helped old Mr. Nesbitt take me up to the reserved hotel room. The old man was overwhelmed by the room and told me he had never stayed in anyplace so nice. Then he turned his attention to me. I sat beside him on the bed as he touched me all over and revealed how he had masturbated thinking about me when I was his student. It embarrassed me to hear about it. He must have seen my embarrassment because he said, "If I weren't going to be dead in another six months I'd be too damn embarrassed to tell you that, boy."
"Please, don't say that, sir," I softly replied.
He looked at me and said, "I've dreamed about this." Then he kissed me softly on the lips. The man wanted to lick my body, but he didn't have much energy. I helped him out of his clothes. He was rail thin. Then I sucked on his nipples before moving down to his crotch. His cock was withered, but I worked on it with my tongue and lips. Finally, there was life in his elderly dick. I sucked for a long time. I'm not sure if he fell asleep a few times during my efforts, but finally I felt a pulsing in his cock. He groaned as if his body was expending too much energy. I'm not sure if I actually felt something liquid in my mouth. I held his pulsating penis as long as I could. Then I went to sleep with my arms wrapped around the old man.
When Percy came for me the next morning, he could tell I was annoyed. I tried to calm myself. I remembered the admonition not to get into a fight with my spouse – he controlled whether I'd be free or be a lifetime slave. But Percy could tell from my body language that something was wrong. He was actually quite rational as he told me he thought this was the kindest gift we could give to Mr. Nesbitt. I looked at him and said, "That WE could give? If it was a gift from us, Percy, why couldn't you tell me in advance?" He made all sorts of excuses. I knew it was best to drop the subject, so I did.
Then about six months later another incident happened that I couldn't shrug off so easily. Two of Percy's good buddies, Victor and Evan, were marrying each other and this was a joint bachelor party for both of them. By this time I was used to Percy choosing my clothes and knew he was particularly obsessed with my choice of underwear. So it didn't faze me when Percy had me wear a jockstrap under my boxer shorts and nice jeans.
There were only a dozen of us at the party, including Percy and myself and the two grooms. The drinks flowed and everyone was at least half-wasted (except for me since Percy didn't allow me to drink), when Percy announced that he had been responsible for providing a stripper for the evening. He pulled me up onto the coffee table and it was obvious I was to be the stripper.
Everyone was cheering me on and hooting at me as I peeled off the form-fitting shirt. Percy had only dressed me in flip flops, so it was easy to kick them off my feet. Then I seductively peeled out of my tight jeans exposing my boxers. There was whistling and rude comments when I teasingly peeled down my boxers and showed my ass in the jockstrap. At the start of the party, these men had been acting like I was their buddy, like we were social equals. But now they were showing their true feelings toward me. They were smacking my ass, making vulgar comments about my body, even grabbing my balls through the pouch of the jockstrap.
I peeled down the jockstrap and Percy ordered me to take slave display position. I was certainly familiar with the pose, but having to stand like that nude for these supposed friends was a new kind of humiliation. Men I thought of as friends were grabbing at my nipples, spanking my ass, tugging my balls, and I stood helplessly letting them do it.
Then Percy announced that he was giving me as his party favor to our two hosts, Evan and Victor. The two men took me inside to their bedroom and started slapping me around. I didn't protest. They were treating me the way a man would treat a slave whore and I knew I didn't have the right to say anything. I had only been fucked a few times by Percy, usually when he was angry at me about something, so my hole wasn't as loose as it had been at the brothel. But now I was placed on all fours and Evan slammed his cock up my ass brutally and without any preparation. He started pounding my ass and laughing, "Fuck, boy, all of us are wagering on when Percy will get tired of you and put you back up for auction. You better know that every man at this party is ready to bid on you, slaveboy. But now that I have a feel for your beautiful ass, I'll outbid them all."
While Evan was fucking my ass, Victor pushed his cock into my mouth. He just held onto my ears and fucked my face. He was looking down at my face as he pistoned his hips in and out. "You're so damn pretty, Peyton. I don't mind telling you I've jerked off thinking what your cute face would look like with your lips stretched wide around my cock."
After they'd both shot their loads into me they settled back comfortably on the bed and said, "We still have more than half an hour." Did they go back to treating me like a friend at that point? No. They kept me naked and had me licking their feet clean as they thought of new ways to humiliate and degrade me. Victor sat on my face and I was starting to lick out his butt. But there was a knock on the door and someone said, "Your two hours are up, guys. C'mon we need the boy back at the party." Of course he was talking about me when he said, "the boy."
The two grooms claimed they couldn't find my jockstrap, so they brought me back downstairs in nothing but my slave collar, leading me by the leash. I saw Percy pretty much passed out on a big armchair. I knew he had a low tolerance for alcohol and usually I kept tabs on him at parties and took care that he didn't overdo it. In this case I wasn't in the room when he overindulged.
Todd, a big overweight guy who had played football back in high school, shook Percy and said, "Remember what you said about using your indentured servant, Percy? You said we could all play with him, right?" Percy was licking his lips like he had cotton mouth. Then in a slurred voice he said, "Yeh, sure, but don't fuck his ass."
At that point all the other party guests looked to me. Todd was the first to push me roughly to my knees. He pushed my head against the front of his pants, pressing the outline of his thick cock against my face. He spoke in the nastiest voice as he said, "Take it out and suck it real good, boy."
I did as ordered. The other guests were lining up behind Todd. Meanwhile someone pulled me into a doggie position so that my butt was sticking up. "Maybe we can't fuck this ass, but we can play with it." I felt hand spanks first, alternated with various fingers going up into me. Then I felt a paddle. Yelling in reaction to the hard slams of the paddle on my buttcheeks was enough to make Todd shoot his load down my throat.
Before Todd had even finished cumming, he was pushed out of the way by the next man in line. This one shoved a thinner but longer cock down my throat and the games continued. "Didn't you know Peyton used to work at the brothel at the edge of town?" someone said. There were whispers and laughter in reply. A different voice said, "I once used him there. I went with some buddies from my frat and one of them had gone to school with Peyton." There was a lot of laughter then. I heard Evan ask, "How tight was he then? I'll bet he was tighter when I got into him tonight. I don't expect old bottom boy Percy is using his rear door that much." That brought the biggest laugh of all.
My jaw was aching by the time I got through the group of excited men. At that point someone was using a tawse on my butt. It stung like crazy but I had numbed myself to all sensation. Then I heard, "Oh crap! He's bleeding." "Shit man, Percy could bring a legal claim for damage to his property." "Naaah, our pal Percy wouldn't do something like that to his buddies."
I was the only sober one at the end of the party. I helped Percy into the car. He was feeling no pain. I brought him home, undressed him, and put him to bed. Then I peeled off my clothes and went to sleep in the small slave quarters beside the big bedroom. I had never before slept there.
I couldn't get to sleep for hours thinking about all that had happened at the party. How could Percy expect me to go out with his "friends" when all of them had made clear they wanted to buy me once Percy got tired of me? Finally as it started to get light out, I fell into a deep sleep. I was awoken when I heard Percy's voice calling out, "Peyton? Where are you honey?" I stayed in the closet-size room a little longer before crawling out and presenting myself in slave kneeling position in front of Percy.
He stood over me in just his boxer briefs and had a surprised look on his face. "What's this about? Since when have you presented yourself as a slave in the morning?"
I had been telling myself all night: Don't start an argument with Percy. But I just couldn't keep it bottled up. I stayed in that position and spit out the words, "Why don't you save both of us the trouble and just send me off to the auction house now?"
"Oh, that's right, you don't have to pay a percentage to an auction house because your buddies will bid on me right here in your own home."
"What are you talking about Peyton? What got into you?"
"What got into me? How about the spunk from all ten of our supposed friends? Oh, wait, I said that wrong. They're your friends for sure, Percy. But when they pretend to be friendly to me they're just waiting to see how long before you get tired of me and are ready to sell me." Before he could speak again, I snapped, "Or maybe you didn't know they have a pool betting when you will decide to sell me, Percy? You do know they all want to bid on me?"
He had an odd look on his face. "You know how guys joke around. I just take it as a compliment that I have such a handsome husband."
"A handsome indentured husband," I corrected him. I remained in the kneeling position, but I was yelling at him now. "They made it quite clear they saw me as an indentured servant, as a slave whore, as a piece of slaveflesh." Then I turned so he could see the damage to my butt. There was dried blood.
His expression changed. "Who did this to you? Which one of them?"
"Which one of them? You wanna know which one of your rat-bastard buddies did this to my ass? How could I tell when my face was stuffed with cock for more than two hours last night? Fuck, Percy, they all did this to me."
At that point I stood up and began walking around the room, naked as I was. "Fuck it. Why should I stay in a slave posture. I might as well really give you something to punish me for. Give you an excuse to send me to the whipmaster. I'm sure your buddies would make a brunch event out of my public whipping."
He was shaking his head and whimpering, "No. No. Really, don't say that, Peyton."
"Right, Percy. With all that political pull you have, all the big people you knew through your grandfather, you couldn't get one little slaveboy freed? I'm supposed to fucking believe that, Percy?" I realized I was towering over him in a threatening way. He seemed so meek and small next to me, and I liked that.
"You're not the one who should be the master, Percy. You never were and you know that damn well. Forget about my strength or my athletic skills for a minute. You know back at school I was miles ahead of you academically. But where am I now? I'm supposed to be fucking grateful that you let me leave the house to work on an indentured construction crew where I get my back and butt paddled and tawsed all day. But, hey, that's cool because it turns you on to see my body with all the bruises."
At that point Percy turned and quickly left the room. My whole body went cold. I knew I had gone too far. Was Percy already calling the auction house to have me removed? Or how would it be done? I was about to go back into the cramped slave quarters, but then I thought better. If this was going to be my last chance to ever sleep in a free man's comfortable bed, I would take it. I curled up in the big bed under the blankets. Of course I couldn't sleep. I just lay in bed reviewing all the things that had brought me to this point in my life.
I don't know how many hours had passed before Percy came back into the room. Should I get up and take slave rest position in front of him? Hell, no. I just laid there as he came closer and sat on the edge of the bed. He tossed me some print-outs from the computer. I was trying to read them through bleary eyes. I was the one who always did computer research when we needed a new appliance or information on how to fix or do or make something. But this time Percy had gone online.
"What's this?" I asked as I shuffled through pages. "Northwest Washington State? The Humboldt Coast of California? New Mexico?"
Percy spoke in a clear voice as he said, "I love you, Peyton. And I want this to work. It's clear we can't make a go of our marriage here in Westchester. We have too much history here. There are too many people who knew you
3; well, who knew us." He took a deep breath and went on, "I've also printed out information about college campuses near each of these locations so you can consider where you want us to move. I mean, you were right. Back at school you were the smart one. And if I really cared for you as much as I say I do, I would care about you doing something with your life."
He started crying then and I grabbed him around, pressing him into my body. "I've been such a selfish prick, Peyton. I just love you so much. You were right. If I wanted to I could have gotten you free when I first bought you. B-but I figured if I did that, you would just walk out the door, find some pretty girl, get married and go on with your life. I'd be left here alone still loving you."
I kissed away his tears and he went on, "Now that you're my indentured spouse, I can't free you. Well, not till our 10 years of marriage is up. B-but if you want to live separately
3; if you don't want to share my bed anymore
3;" I grabbed him harder and pulled him down on the bed. I kissed him deeply on his mouth, our tongues snaking together. I don't know how it happened, but I knew I loved Peyton.
Very soon after that we moved to the Humboldt Coast of Northern California. I studied architecture and started taking on boutique building projects up and down the West Coast. Things were not so rigid and regimented in Northern California as they had been in Westchester. Everyone in our town knew I was an indentured spouse, they could all see my collar displayed, but nobody seemed to care. I could walk into the local stores without Percy. I could go to a local restaurant without Percy, drive my car all the way down to Monterey to see a client. No problem.
As things went on I discovered that our town's mayor, an old codger named Brady, was also an indentured spouse. I had seen him often with his heavyset wife, and was surprised when I first noticed his collar sticking out from under his shirt. He told me he had been Luanne's indentured spouse for almost 25 years. I said, "But how? I thought indentured spouses were freed after 10 years?" He told me that the owner had the option to free an indentured spouse after 10 years, but didn't have to.
I leaned across and whispered to Brady, "Don't tell that little fact to Percy." He laughed and said that his wife had already been talking to Percy about that.
But now that we're heading toward our 10th anniversary as a married couple, Percy assures me I'll be freed when we hit that date. We have a big party planned. Some have asked quietly whether I would leave Percy once I was freed. I answer with a smile, "After all these years of Percy being able to treat me like a slaveboy, I'm looking forward to year 11 of our marriage. Payback will be a bitch."
The truth is deeper than that. Being loved is a wonderful thing. I know I've been loved for a very long time by Percy, and I can't help but love him in return.
The End
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