PZA Boy Stories


Billy and Bob


Bob has been fixated on Billy for twenty years. That's strange because Bill is only thirteen.

Publ. Oct 2016
Finished 30,500 words (61 pages)


Billy (12-13yo), Bob (32yo), Billy's Mom

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mbcons mast oral anal – first


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutter09: Billy and Bob in the subject line.


Chapter 1

My mom always said "Be sure you have on clean underwear in case you have an accident," I know it was because she didn't want anyone to find out her son had skid marks in his undies. She was always worried about what other people thought. If she heard me say a bad word, it was "What would Reverend Johnston think if he heard you talk like that?" Well, I didn't care about Rev. Johnston or what he thought.

But Mom was right about the underwear thing. It was the last day of sixth grade. I was so f-ing glad to be out of school for the whole summer. I'm flying down the hill toward my house. The wind in my hair, my bike singing on the asphalt. Then BAM! I was flying without my bike.

Something must have stopped the front wheel from spinning, probably a rock in the road. I wasn't paying attention, I was too happy to be free.

I would love to see the video of me flying through the air, I bet it would be cool as shit. I must have hit the grass first, or my face would have been banged up worse than it was. I know for a fact, that I came to a stop in a driveway, just as my bike came down on top of me. I also know that bike pedals hitting you in the nuts is not a pleasant experience.

Mom would be glad that the good Rev. Johnston wasn't around to hear what I yelled. Or what I said as I grabbed my aching nuts.

Next thing I know someone is picking me up and taking me into their house. "It's alright son. I got you."

Son? Hell my dad split years ago. Who does this guy think he is calling me son. I didn't say nothing to him, I mean, he was trying to help me, after all.

He sat me on his couch, that's when I got my first look at him. Nice looking guy, probably could be old enough to be my dad. He was wearing shorts, and a dirty tee shirt. He went away and came back with a bunch of stuff to clean me up with. I noticed blood on his shirtsleeve and on his shorts. I thought why doesn't he throw those away, they're all stained up. Okay, I'm a little slow. It was my blood on him.

He had this funny look in his eyes as he's wiping my face off almost like he's seen a ghost. This worried me, because I see blood on the towel. "I don't think you're gonna need stitches here," he was telling me. Then he looked at my leg. I could see a rip in my jeans and blood around it. "Does your leg hurt?"

"Yeah, a little."

"Anywhere else?" he asked.

"My hip, and my 3;" I realized then I was still holding my nuts. "My nuts," I grunted at the reminder. I didn't even try to stop him as he unsnapped my jeans and drug them and my shoes off of me. I instantly thought what mom said about clean underwear. I actually glanced to be sure I didn't have any drippage stain. I didn't.

"This is a pretty nasty cut on your knee, but I think some butterfly bandages will do the trick," he said as he cleaned it off. "Roll to the side, let me see your hip."

I did as he said, and he pulled the leg opening of my underwear up to my hipbone to get a better look. "It's probably gonna have a nice bruise tomorrow, but I doubt it's broken."

He went back to cleaning my wounds and put medicine on all my cuts and scrapes. "What's your name?" he asked as he worked on me.

"William, but everybody calls me Billy. What's your's?"

"Bob, but everybody calls me Bob," he laughed.

He's a smartass, but a nice smartass.

"Well, Billy, who can I call for you? Mom, Dad?"

"Mom won't be home till six or seven. No dad to call. Can I just lay here a minute?"

"Yeah, but don't go to sleep. You might have a mild concussion, I think you're not suppose to let someone with a concussion go to sleep."

I put my legs up on the sofa, and bumped my sore nuts in the process and let out another groan, as I gripped my package.

"Do they still hurt that bad?" Bob asked me.

"Yeah. The pedal hit 'em pretty hard," I groaned.

"Are they swelling?"

"How the hell should I know, I can't see 'em," I growled at him. "I'm sorry," I said after I realized how bad I sounded.

He sat on the edge of the sofa next to me, then reached over and removed my hands from my package. Then, very nonchalantly, pulled my underwear down.

Two things ran through my mind. One 3; hopefully no skid marks, and two 3; he's gonna see all the hair that I started to grow in the last few months. Not like it was that much, but a few. Actually I was kinda proud of them.

My nuts had also grown a lot in the last year or so, and I could shoot a load now too. Another proud accomplishment. I did feel a little embarrassed because my dick is only four and three quarter inches [12.1 cm] long, as of last Saturday when I measured.

He didn't seem too bothered about looking at another guy's nuts. He actually picked them up and felt around in my sack, carefully felt each of my nuts. "Does this hurt?"

"N 3; No," I said, a little in shock that he would do that. "They just kinda ache. Not a sharp pain."

As he continued to examine them, I became aware of my dick starting to chub up. Shit! I'm gonna get a hard on from this guy playing with my nuts.

He finally said "I don't see any problem, I'll get you some ice though," he was gone and back in a few seconds. He had a kitchen towel folded up with ice in it. By then I was hard as a nail and pointing at my belly button.

He looked right at it, but didn't say anything. He placed the ice pack on my nuts, being careful to not put it on my dick. "I don't think this should stay on too long at a time. We don't want them to freeze, now do we," he joked.

It was cold as shit, but felt good too. I closed my eyes, and started to relax.

"Hey. Billy. Don't go to sleep," Bob said and jostled the ice pack a bit.

I opened my eyes and said "Sorry. That feels good, and I just haven't had anybody 3; you know 3; so close to my junk before."

"Well, you've got nothing to be embarrassed about. It's a fine set of 'junk'," he laughed.

"Really? You think so? It isn't too small?" I was worried about that. My friend Mark said his was seven inches [18 cm]. I think he's lying though.

Bob used three fingers to lift my dick away from my belly, looked at it for a moment, then said "Nope, not small at all. Especially for your age. What are you about twelve?"

"Yeah, thirteen next month though," I said.

Bob stroked it a bit with his fingers. "Gets nice and hard too. That's important. You still have a lot of growing time. It will be a fine cock when you're finished growing."

I smiled. I had never thought of it as a cock before. I usually call it my dick.

He took the ice away for a moment and said "Why were you going so fast?"

"Last day of school. Really glad to be out. Just in a good mood and enjoying the freedom. You know?"

"Yeah, I remember what that felt like at your age."

"How old are you?" I don't know much about judging ages.

"Thirty two. So it's been a long time since I was your age," Bob laughed.

"You're only a little older than my mom. And she says she's not old yet."

"Thank you. Sometimes I feel older than my years though," he said as he replaced the ice pack on my nuts.

It's funny. Here I was, laying on this guy's sofa with my underwear at my knees, hard on flapping in the breeze, yet I felt at ease. Actually quite comfortable. I don't feel comfortable when I have to get naked at the doctor's office. I know that next year I will be expected to shower at school after gym class, and that scares the hell out of me. But I felt okay displaying myself to Bob.

"Should I call your mom at work?"

"No, she might get in trouble with her boss. He's kind of a dick."

Bob and I both looked down at my dick and then at each other and chuckled.

"I don't think you meant that he is a nice dick, like yours."

"Nope," I answered as I watched my dick bounce as I laughed.

Bob removed the ice again, and examined my nuts. "Other than being a little cold, I think they're okay. If the pain comes back, or if you notice any swelling or discoloration, you should go visit your doctor," he said and took the ice to the kitchen.

When he returned, he wrapped my leg in gauze and taped it. The entire time I'm laying there completely on display. He looked at my dick a moment, and then reached for my underwear.

"Much as I hate to, maybe we should cover this big boy up," he said as he pulled my underwear up. I raised my hips, and he brought them up and over my hard dick.

"Would you like a snack or something while we wait for your mom to get home?"

"Do you have a coke, or water, would be fine?" I said as I started to sit up.

"Coke it is. Stay there and rest, I'll get it for you. But don't go to sleep," he said so I lay back down.

I twitched my dick, and watched it jump beneath my tighty whities. I wondered what he meant by he hated to cover it. He did call it a big boy though. I liked the sound of that.

He came back with a glass of ice and a coke. "What do you do for a living Bob?" I asked as he opened and poured the soft drink.

"I'm a writer. So I work at home."

"What kind of writer?"

"I write books. My last name is Shackley."

"Shackley? Oh my god! You're Bob Shackley? You wrote that book about the boy and the dragons?"

"Yes. I write under several different names, but that one is under my real name."

"I love that book! I even read four times."

"I hope that means you bought four copies," he chuckled.

"Uh 3; no 3; sorry."

"Just joking. I'll tell you a secret. I've been offered a movie deal for that book."

"Holy shit! Really? I can't wait. What else have you written?"

"Probably nothing you have read. So, now that school is out, you probably have big plans for the summer," Bob said trying to change the subject.

"Not really. Just hanging out, mostly. My friend Mark and I sometimes mow lawns to make some spending money."

"That's good to know. I hate mowing my lawn. Do you think your mom will be home by now?"

"Maybe," he handed me the phone. "Hi, mom 3; Yeah, I'm sorry I wasn't there, I had an accident on my bike 3; I'm just up the hill. What's the address here Bob?"

"1541 Baker."

"Bob's the guy that bandaged me up 3; Yes, it was very nice of him 3; Okay, see you in a few minutes. Bye. She's coming to pick me up."

"I could've taken you," Bob said.

"No. My mom wants to say thanks. You know how moms are."

"Yes, I do. And it probably wouldn't be a good idea if your mom gets here and finds you in your undies with an erection."

I looked down and saw that I was still hard. "You're probably right."

Bob helped me stand, and then held my jeans open for me to step into. When he tried to snap them, it just wouldn't work. So he stuck his fingers behind the snap, then pushed the two pieces together and it snapped. His fingers were right on my dick, well my underwear was there but close enough.

"I can't believe you're still hard. Oh to be young again. But pull your shirt over it or your mom will see," Bob advised me with a laugh.

"Oh my god! My poor baby. What happened?" Mom said when she saw me.

"Ah, Mom. It's not that bad. I just fell off my bike. Bob fixed me up though."

"Thank you so much, Bob. Is that Billy's blood on your clothes? Give them to me 3; I can get that out 3;"

"No worries. I only wear this when I'm working in the yard. That's how I saw Billy fly off his bike."

"Did all that blood come from the cut on your head?"

"No, I cut my leg too. Don't worry It's fine," I told her as she led me to her car. Damn I hate when she fusses over me.

Chapter 2

At home, I went straight to my room. We live in a two bedroom apartment. It's kinda small, but it's ok. Mom can't really afford much better. I looked in my mirror and got a shock. I didn't know how bad I looked. Besides the cut on my forehead, my chin looked like hamburger. I was going to have a heck of a case of road rash in a day or two.

I peeled off my clothes and looked at the rest of me. My left arm had a bad scrape too. I must have landed on that side, because that was the hip that hurt too. My jeans still had blood on them, mom would probably be able to get it out though. They were ripped just below the knee, I could cut the legs off and use them for shorts.

I took them off and looked at the bandaged leg. Bob did a good job cleaning everything up. I wondered what I looked like to him. I couldn't see in my dresser mirror too good so I decided to look in the long mirror on the bathroom door.

I opened my door and peeked around to be sure mom wasn't there. I didn't want her to see me in my underwear. The coast was clear so I darted across the hall into the bathroom. I stood there checking out my reflection. I thought I looked pretty good. I could see the outline of my now soft dick.

That is what Bob would have seen when he first took off my pants. Then I pulled my undies down to my knees, like they were at his house. I had gotten hard soon after my underwear was pulled down, so I stroked my dick a little to get it hard. I wanted to see it the way he did, so I lay on the floor but couldn't see in the mirror. I raised up with my elbows on the fuzzy rug that Mom has in front of the sink. I could see, but It was from my feet up. Bob had been sitting on the side of me.

I got on the counter to look into the big mirror on the wall. I had to kind of hover over the sink a bit, with my feet hanging off the other end, but I got the right view. I pushed my dick up with my thumb the way Bob did with his fingers. I guess it did look pretty big like this. And I could see my hairs at the base of my dick. I picked up my balls and looked at them in the mirror. I had never seen them from this angle, they looked good.

Then I remembered that Bob had stroked my dick a little and mentioned how hard I was. So I grabbed my dick and stroked it kinda slow like he did. He was right. I get really hard.

That was when mom opened the bathroom door. I rolled of the counter real fast. "Mom!"

Shit. My mom saw me laying on the bathroom counter stroking my dick in the mirror. How f-ing embarrassing is that. She quickly shut the door, but there is no way in hell she didn't get an eyeful first.

I tugged up my bvd's and thought I might as well face the music. I opened the door, but she wasn't there. I darted back to my room and into my bed. I dragged the covers over my head. I was completely mortified.

It's bad enough for someone to see you jerking off, but your mom. Shit. My mom thinks I'm still a baby for god's sake. If she hadn't changed my diapers, I doubt she would even know I have a dick.

A couple of minutes later, "Billy, baby. I'm 3; I'm sorry 3; I didn't know you were in there. I know you are growing up 3; and I know boys do 3; well you know 3; that. Maybe, you should lock the bathroom door. Or just do uh that in your room. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you or interrupt."

"Mom, please. Just leave me alone," I yelled into my blanket.

"Baby. Do you have any questions 3; I mean is there anything you would like to talk about?"

"MOM ! No. just go away," Damn, moms can be annoying.

I eventually fell asleep. I didn't even eat dinner so I wouldn't have to face her if I came out. I woke up sometime later. My dick was driving me nuts. I had gotten into the habit of jerking off right after school, and usually again before bed. Okay, sometimes in the shower in the morning before school too. What can I say? I'm a healthy boy.

After the incident in the bathroom, I was afraid I would never get a hard on again. But there it was, beating on my chest. Okay, just below my belly button. I grabbed it and went to town. I remembered how Bob had called it a cock, and big boy. I remembered his face as he looked at it. He wasn't the least bit bothered by it. In fact, I think he kind of liked looking at it. Maybe that's why he said he hated to cover it up.

I realized too late that I didn't have anything to wipe my juice up with. I had to grab my dirty sock off the floor. Oh well, Mom probably won't notice it being a little stuck together. And after last night she probably would be too embarrassed to mention it anyway.

I slept late and waited to be sure mom was gone before I left my room. It wasn't until I opened the front door, that I remembered that I had left my bike at Bob's house. That was where I was headed anyway, but now I was going to have to walk.

Bob was in his garage with the door open. He had my bike up on a workbench. "Hi, Billy. I found this in my yard. I thought I could fix it up and sell it."

"What? No."

"Just kidding. It had a few bent spokes, and the handlebars were loose. There were a few scratches in the paint but I found some touch up paint pretty close to the color. It should be dry in a couple of hours. Damndest thing though. I found a pair of nuts hanging from the pedal."

"Ha Ha, very funny. It wasn't your nuts so it's hilarious," I said giving him a slap to his arm.

"How are you feeling today?"

"Been better, but I'll live thanks to you," I said smiling at him.

"It was nothing. I'm sure you would have done the same for me," he said as he pushed the button to close the garage door. "Would you like to have lunch with me. I just put a frozen pizza in the oven."

"Yeah. I'm starved actually. I didn't eat last night or this morning."

He led the way into the house, "Why is that? Was your mom mad?"

"Oh no. She's not mad. It's just that 3; well, she kinda saw me doing something."

"Doing something?" Bob said confused.

"Well, I was 3; well I had to check my nuts."

"She saw you checking your nuts?"

"Worse," I laughed

"What's worse than your mom seeing you check your nuts?"

"Well I was checking them in the bathroom mirror. I got hard and started stroking. That's when we both discovered I hadn't locked the bathroom door."

Bob broke up laughing. "I can just see you standing there with your cock in your hand and your mom walks in," he said between fits of laughter.

"It was worse than that even. I was laying on the counter with my underwear at my knees, my ass in the sink, choking the chicken's head off," We were both laughing at the image that Mom walked in on. Bob was laughing so hard he cried. I nearly wet my pants.

Bob wiped his eyes with a kitchen towel then used it to take the pizza out of the oven, still chuckling. He took out one of those roller cutting thingys that they use to slice pizza, and started to slice. Still laughing at the images in his mind.

"Oh my god, that is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time."

"Well, I'm glad you can find humor in one of the worst moments in my life," I accused, then started laughing again.

"So then what happened?" Bob asked me as we started on the pizza.

"I ran to my room and buried my head under the covers. Mom came in later and was all "I'm sorry" and "Maybe you should do that in your room," I couldn't even look at her. I told her to go away. I mean 3; she saw my dick hard, how embarrassing is that."

"I've seen your dick hard, and you have nothing to be embarrassed about," Bob said smiling at me. I'm not sure if it was still because of what happened or because he was remembering seeing my dick hard.

"Yeah. Well, you're not my mom. I didn't mind you seeing it. But my mom. Shit. I don't know how I'm ever gonna face her again."

Did I just tell Bob I didn't mind if he saw my dick hard. There's another thing my mom is right about. I should think before I open my mouth. I hate when she's right too.

We took cokes into the living room and sat down on the sofa. The same one I had laid on the day before. "So, I take it everything is okay. No swelling or bruising?" Bob asked

"You were right. You should see the huge bruise on my hip," I said as I jumped up and unsnapped my jeans and pulled the side down so he could see the bruise that almost covered half my left side.

"Uh yes 3; I see 3; But I meant your nuts didn't swell or bruise. You said you were checking them."

"Oh yeah. I kinda got interrupted like I said. Could you check them for me?" Why did I say that?

"Well, I uh 3; I'm not sure I should."

"I know it's kinda gross. But I really can't see them too good."

"Okay. But only to make sure you're alright. If I find anything, we're going to the doctor."

I don't know why I pulled down my pants so fast. I think I just wanted him to see my dick again. To see if that is what he meant when he said he hated to cover it. He had just said I didn't have anything to be embarrassed about, so why should I be. Right?

Bob put his fingers on the waistband of my tighty whities and pulled them to my knees. Of course I was still soft, so it looked kinda little to me from my angle. I hoped he didn't think so though.

He hesitated a moment looking at my dick, then he reached up and took my nuts in his hand. He sort of rolled them around in his fingers and I instantly started to get hard. He stopped rolling my nuts around but didn't let go. Bob watched my dick rise up and point at my belly. He let out a sort of moan as it grew. Kinda like I make when I'm jerking my dick.

Bob then let go of my nuts and wrapped his hand around my dick. I let out a moan like he did. He gave it a squeeze then he chuckled a bit. "I was just thinking about your mom seeing you trying to choke this chicken's head off."

I chuckled too. His hand felt really good on my dick. Before the accident no one had ever touched my dick, except me of course. He just sat there looking at it and squeezing it every once in awhile. After a minute I asked "How do my nuts look?"

"Beautiful. Just perfect," he muttered to himself.

"Should I move closer to the light so you can see better?" I asked him.

"Uh Yeah. Probably a good idea."

I shuffled toward the light that was on the side table, and I noticed he gave his own crotch a tug, like I do when my dick gets hard and uncomfortable.

He went back to looking at my nuts. "I don't see any bruising. And the only swelling I see is in that beautiful cock," he said smiling up at me.

"Do you really think it's beautiful?" Now I knew for sure what he meant when he said he hated to cover it up. He thinks I have a beautiful cock.

"Yes. I do," he pulled it away from my belly again and rubbed his thumb over my hairs. "These are fairly new aren't they?"

"Uh huh," I moaned again.

"I bet you can shoot a load now too?"

"Yes," I said proudly.

Bob stroked my dick for just a few moments then stopped and looked up at me. "Billy, do you know what a blow job is?"

Of course I did, I go to a public school. Well, at least I had a good idea what it was.


"Have you ever had one?" Bob asked smiling up at me.

"Nope," I barely squeaked out. His hand felt so good on me.

Bob leaned forward and took my dick into his mouth. He was looking up at me while he slid his mouth all the way down till his nose pushed into my belly. I wanted to faint, it felt so good. He then slid all the way back to the very end, and wiggled his tongue under the head where it's real sensitive, never taking his eyes off mine.

My knees started to shake. I guess I made a noise. Bob pulled off my dick and asked "Is this okay Billy? Do you want me to stop?"

"No," I grunted. "Please don't stop," he slipped down to my pubes again. As he was sucking it, he pulled my pants and underwear off. Then he turned me to the sofa and we sorta switched places. I was sitting and he was on the floor between my legs. He never took his mouth off me though. He started bobbing his head up and down, sucking my whole dick into his mouth. I had never felt anything so good in my life. I didn't want it to end. But I was gonna cum soon. He watched my face the entire time. I could tell he was enjoying it as much as I was.

"Bob 3; I'm gonna 3; I'm 3; Oh god 3;" I couldn't warn him soon enough, and I started to shoot in his mouth. I thought he would pull off, but he kept going till I finished. I was kinda scared that he would be mad at me for cumming in his mouth like that. But he just swallowed and kept sucking my dick.

I opened my eyes to see him with it still in his mouth. I could tell, he really did think my dick was beautiful. He licked it and then he licked my balls too. I liked that a lot. Not as much as the sucking part, but it was nice too.

"Was that alright? Did you like it?" I could only smile and nod. "I hope you're not mad at me Billy. You can't imagine how badly I wanted to do that yesterday. It took all the strength I had not to," he explained then took my softening dick back into his mouth.

I don't know how long we stayed like that, but it was a while. Bob just kept toying with my dick, even when it got soft. There really is no way to describe how someone's face looks when they are admiring something they love. That's how Bob looked. It's kinda like awe and love and pride all rolled together. Maybe a little desire too. Okay a lot of desire, considering what he did.

"Just perfect," Bob said.


"You. This," Indicating my dick. "You're perfect."

"I'm just a kid. Pretty banged up kid right now. Look at me, I'm a mess."

"All that will heal, but even so you're still perfect to me."

I hate it when my mom fusses over me. But not when Bob did. I'm sure I was blushing. My face got warm. My dick got hard.

Bob went back to sucking it again. It's like he would never tire of it. I shifted my legs a bit to give him room to love my dick some more. He didn't seem to want to stop, I know I didn't want him to.

After a moment, I realized my foot was on his crotch. I felt something big and hard there. If that was his dick, it was much bigger than mine. I started to worry about my size again. Then I saw the look on Bob's face. He really didn't care if I wasn't big. I could see that he loved my dick.

I lasted longer this time. I'm glad, because this time I could actually enjoy all the sensations running through my body. Bob sucked it, loved it, like he wanted nothing more than to please me. And he did. If this is what sex was gonna be like the rest of my life, I was gonna be one happy guy.

Bob, again, swallowed what I shot, like it was a dying man's last meal. If he could have sucked my balls dry I think he would have.

He was still nursing on my dick and rubbing my belly as I came to my senses. I grabbed the hand on my belly and just held it as I tried to catch my breath.

Bob released my dick and said "Thank you Billy, for letting me do that. It was the greatest experience of my life."

What the hell did that mean? I should be thanking him. It was definitely the best experience of my short life.

"What do you mean, Bob?"

"Just what I said. That was the best thing that ever happened to me. Yesterday was top, now it's second to this," Bob sat beside me on the sofa.

I had to laugh, "So I'm the two best things in your life. Why?"

"You read my book, right?" I nodded. "Do you remember the main character Daniel?" Again I nodded. "Do you remember his description?"

"Yeah. I remember thinking it sounded like me kinda."

"Exactly. All of my stories and books have a boy as the main character. All of them are you. When I wrote that book, well, all of my books, I had a picture in my head. When I saw you yesterday, it was like that picture came to life."

"Even my dick?"

"Even your dick. Some of my stories describe that as well. Even your beautiful cock is perfect as the picture in my head."

"You write stories describing my dick?" I didn't understand this at all.

"Well, actually, yes. Under a different name I also write sexually provocative stories and books. Have you ever seen porn on the internet?"

"Yeah. My friend Mark has a computer in his room. He showed me some."

"It's kind of like that, only written instead of video."

"Are you going to write about this," I was a little worried. What if my mom read it. Boy would she freak.

"That's the thing. I have written about this dozens of times, yet I had never experienced it. Now, it's like I can write it better, put more feelings, more emotions into it. You have given me a great gift."

"You mean that was the first time you've done that?" I couldn't believe it. It sure seemed like he knew what he was doing.

"Yes, Billy, it was. When I picked you up and carried you in. I had no intention of doing anything. When I saw your face, then your body 3; I had to really try hard not to do something then. You were so perfect in every way. The boy from my dreams, from my imagination. The boy with the dragons. All of my boys come to life right before my eyes."

"And today? What's different?"

"Today I was weak. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken advantage of you."

"Did you hear me complaining?" I laughed.

Bob chuckled a bit too, then he bent down and kissed my dick. "You have a beautiful cock. In a couple of years it will probably grow a lot bigger, so don't worry about it. But even if it doesn't, it's still perfect. I have seen grown men with smaller ones than you have. Now let's go see if the paint on your bike is dry."

I stood and slipped into my underwear, and then my jeans. I noticed a big lump in Bob's pants as I was getting dressed. Just before I zipped and snapped my jeans I said "Hey, Bob," When he turned to me, I flashed my junk at him real quick. "Another gift. You saved my life, so I guess I owe you." Then zipped up.

He smiled and rubbed my head, like grownups do to kids. Somehow I don't mind him doing it.

I rode my bike home, not going too fast. I didn't want a repeat of yesterday, Bob might not be around to pick me up.

Bob lives on a very nice street in the back of a nice neighborhood. Our apartment building is in the back of a not so nice neighborhood that abuts Bob's neighborhood. It's only two blocks down the street, and around to the front of our building. But it's like two different worlds. Our building is old and worn down, unlike the houses in Bob's subdivision. Of course that's why my mom can afford it.

We have a small living room, open to the even smaller dining room. Then there's the kitchen, two bedrooms, and one bathroom in the hall. Our furniture is old. In fact I think mom's bed is the same one she had growing up. Mine she bought at the GoodWill store. We have a tv, (also from GoodWill) and mom has a small radio in the kitchen. She likes to listen to classic rock while she is cooking.

We don't have a lot of the 'extras' like my friend Mark's family has, but my mom loves me and takes care of me.

Mom only works half a shift on Saturdays, so she was home when I got there. "Where have you been?"

"I went to get my bike. We left it at Bob's house. Look, Mom. He fixed it and touched up the paint."

"That was very nice of him. Another thing I have to thank him for. I didn't get to talk to you this morning, I wanted you to invite Bob to dinner tomorrow."

"I can ride back over there and ask him."

"A little later, Billy. About yesterday 3;"

"Ah, Mom. Do we have to talk about that?" I had tried to forget this was coming.

"Yes, Billy we do. Now it's perfectly natural for boys to 3; :"

I stuck my fingers in my ears and started going "Na na na na na" She hates it when I do that, but this was one conversation I didn't want to have.

Mom plucked my finger from my ear and said "Billy, you are going to be the death of me, I swear. Okay we'll talk later. I need to change that bandage."

"Bob can do it when I go invite him to dinner. He has the medicine and everything."

"You probably do still need antibiotics, and we don't have any. Okay, ask him to, if it isn't a bother. And ask him if he likes fried chicken."

I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I peddled up to Bob's house, and rang the doorbell.

Bob answered with his hair all wet and still dripping. He had obviously just got out of the shower, he was even wearing one of those terrycloth robes. "Billy. What are you doing back so soon?"

"Mom wanted me to invite you to dinner tomorrow. Do you like fried chicken?" I asked as I stepped in. Bob closed the door behind me.

"I love fried chicken. Why didn't you just call instead of riding back?"

"Our home phone is ancient, and we don't have cellphones. So I didn't know your number. But it's okay, I wanted to get out of the talk with Mom."

"The talk about the bathroom counter incident?" Bob laughed.

"Yep. Besides, Mom wanted to change my bandage too. I told her you could do it since you have the medicine."

"Sure, no problem. Step over here into my operating room," I sat on the sofa and he got the stuff. He carefully removed the bandage off my forehead, and applied more medicine, then another bandage. He was on one knee and leaning forward to work on my head. The robe parted, and I could see his cock. It looked huge, and it was soft. Actually, it looked puffy and red, kinda like mine does after I jerk off. I wondered if he had jerked off in the shower, like I do in the morning sometimes. Did he jerk off thinking about what we did earlier?

"There you go Big Fella. All fixed up."

"You forgot the one on my leg."

"Oh, right."

I stood and undid my jeans. I took them off, dragging my underwear down with them. I only needed to lower my jeans to my ankles, I could have kept my underwear on. I really wanted Bob to see my dick again. It seem to please him so much, I liked that.

Bob stared at my dick for a moment, then unwrapped the gauze around my leg. He added another butterfly bandage, and more medicine, then wrapped it in fresh gauze. He had trouble concentrating on what he was doing, because I got hard.

When he finished with my bandage, he looked up at me. "Would you like help with that too?"

I smiled and nodded and sat down on the sofa. I love how Bob's mouth feels on my dick. It was my third blow job of the day, well actually the third of my life, and I was going to enjoy every second of it.

He started working on me, and I looked down at the opening of his robe. I watched as his dick swelled even more and started to rise. It made me proud that my dick made him get hard. His dick was twice as big as mine. He was really enjoying sucking my dick, as much as I enjoyed him doing it.

I wanted to really take as long as possible, so I stopped him for a second. "Can I lay down?"

"Sure, Billy. You can do whatever you want."

I lay down with my head on the armrest, so I could watch him suck me. Bob sat by my chest and bent down to take me into his mouth again. I saw part of his dick sticking up in the opening of the robe. His has a really fat head, well the whole thing is much fatter than mine. I watched it bounce up and down as he sucked me. I really wanted to touch it, but I didn't want him to get mad at me.

Then I remembered he said I can do whatever I want. I really wanted to feel his dick. I slowly reached over and took it in my hand. Man, is it big. My fingers didn't go all the way around. I had grabbed it below the head, so I slid my hand down a little, then back up to the head. Bob moaned on my dick and the felt great. So I slid down and back up again, and Bob moaned again.

Only this time he stopped sucking me long enough to untie the belt on his robe. That's when I saw the whole thing. It was twice as long as mine and three times as thick. It was huge. I could barely see his balls because they hang so low, but they looked big too.

I slowly stroked his dick and he sucked me. I had never touched anybody's dick but mine and this was exciting to me. He just let me play with it too. He didn't get mad or nothing, just kept sucking my dick.

When I got close, Bob could tell. He started going faster to bring me off. I lost it. I shot my load down his throat. Funny thing is, as soon as I started to cum, Bob did too. It was like my cum made him cum. I could feel his dick pulse in my hand then his goo was dripping down my fingers. That was the first time I made someone else cum. I felt proud again.

He went soft in my hand and I reached down to feel his balls. They felt huge. I still had his cum on my fingers, so I let him go. He did the same, reluctantly.

Bob got me some tissues and I wiped his cum off. "That was nice, Billy. But you didn't have to do that."

"I've never touched anybody's dick before, and never even seen one that big. I wanted to see what it was like. You said I could do whatever I wanted. Are you angry with me?"

Bob smiled real big. "I could never be angry with you. You can do anything here that you want as long as nobody gets hurt. What time do you have to be home?"

"Oh shit I forgot mom's expecting me back. So you'll come for dinner tomorrow?"

"Wouldn't miss it, Big Fella."

I was coasting down the hill toward home thinking about Bob's dick. He calls me Big Fella, but damn, his is big.

"What took you so long?" Mom asked as soon as I entered.

"Bob was on the phone when I got there. He changed my bandage though. He said he loves fried chicken and will be here for dinner tomorrow," I went to my room before mom wanted to 'talk' again.

I got out my copy of Bob's book and re-reread the part about Daniel's description. Oh my god. It really did sound like me. My hair, eyes, even the mole on my top lip. I could just imagine Daniel's dick was just like mine too.

Chapter 3

Mom doesn't work on Sundays, so I didn't get to go to Bob's house all day. We clean the apartment on Sundays and Mom does her shopping and laundry and stuff like that.

When mom started working on dinner I reminded her that Bob doesn't know where we live. "I guess you're right. Maybe you should go there and show him the way."

I was out of there like a cat with it's tail on fire. When I got there, I caught Bob just out of the shower again. "This is getting to be a habit for you, Big Fella," Bob said while drying his hair.

"You mean catching you all wet, or the other thing?" I said with a big smile.

"Is the 'other thing' getting to be a habit? I would like that very much," Bob told me with a smile.

I hadn't bothered with underwear, I had just worn loose shorts, and they disappeared quickly. I lay on the sofa.

Bob sat beside me, "You're gonna spoil me. I could easily get used to this," he said and he swallowed my dick again.

"Mmm, me too," I reached under his robe and found his big cock waiting for me and growing.

We made it to the apartment in time for dinner. "Sorry we're late Mrs Bexar. I was in the shower and didn't hear the doorbell when Billy arrived," Bob explained to my mom.

"That's quite alright Bob. Dinner isn't quite ready yet anyway. Please, call me Lilly. After what you did for my Billy, we shouldn't be so formal."

I'm sure I was grinning from ear to ear, because I was thinking 'What he's doing to me is pretty f-ing informal. In fact, it's real personal.' Of course I didn't say that out loud.

All through dinner, Mom just kept telling one embarrassing story about me after another. Why do moms do that? I guess to them the stories are cute or endearing in some way. But to us kids, it sucks. I don't know how many times during dinner I said "Ah Mom. Don't tell that," Of course she did anyway.

Bob laughed at all the appropriate places, gave me the occasional wink, or looked shocked at some stupid thing I did, three years ago.

Mom was surprised to find out that Bob wrote my favorite book. "That's wonderful. Billy loved that book," she told Bob. I had already told him that though.

Then Mom made coffee and we sat in the living room and chatted. Then Mom said "Billy go take your shower, and get ready for bed."

"But, Mom. It's not a school night. It's summer for god's sake. I want to stay and talk to Bob too," I can get kinda whiny when I want.

"It's okay, Big Fella. I will stay till you get finished," Bob said and gave me another wink.

I know I took the fastest shower ever, of course I had to take some time to choke the chicken again. I was comparing the way my dick felt in my hand to the way Bob's felt. He's got a big dick. I know I keep saying that. It's just that I'm worried my dick isn't gonna get big. Shit It's Sunday. I usually measure on Saturdays. I forgot with all that's been happening.

I took out my ruler and measured. Four and and seven eighths inches [12.4 cm]. Nice! A little bigger than last time. I might be over five inches before my thirteenth birthday. I put on my pj's and went back to the living room.

"That would be wonderful," Mom was saying.

"What would?" I asked, and they both clammed up. Don't you hate when people leave you hanging like that.

"Bob was just telling me a little about his work," Mom lied. I can always tell when she's lying. I hope she can't tell when I am.

"I hate to eat and run as they say. Dinner was delicious, Lilly. You have my permission to cook for me any time," Bob told Mom. She ate up the compliment. "Big fella, drop by whenever you like. And Lilly, I will see you Wednesday," And he was gone, just like that.

"Wednesday? What's happening on Wednesday? Is he coming for dinner again? Do you have a date or something?"

"You'll just have to wait and see 3; Big Fella," Mom said using Bob's pet name for me.

Shit I hate that too. Parents, or is it all adults, act more like children than us kids do.

The next morning, as soon as Mom was gone. I was headed up the hill to Bob's house. I reached for the bell, and Bob jerked the door open. About scared me to death. "Let's go."

"Go? Go where?" I was talking to his back as he got in his car. He started it up, so I jumped in the passenger's side. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," Damn!

"What's happening Wednesday? Are you dating my mom?"

"Well, she is an attractive woman," Bob must have seen the hurt in my eyes, or maybe it was the gasp I let out. He put his hand on my crotch and gave it a little squeeze. "I like this a whole lot more than anything she can offer. I'm just messing with you."

I smiled and my dick jumped. Which brought a smile from Bob. "Guess what. I've grown an eighth of an inch [3 mm] since the last time I measured."

Bob sorta smacked his lips. "Nice. Pretty soon you'll be bigger than me," I know he was joking. I can't believe anyone is bigger than him.

We pulled up to the mall. I don't get to come here often. We get most of my clothes at the thrift stores. Bob led the way to an electronics store. While he was talking to the clerk, I played on one of their video game consoles. Bob snuck up behind me and scared the shit out of me again.

"Carry this for me," he said handing me a bag. We went to the Sac's Fifth Avenue, whatever that is, and to the boy's department. "Your mother said you like to swim. Let's get you a swimsuit," I picked out a shorts style with bright colored flowers all over it. Bob picked one of those speedos for me. I know he was hoping to see my dick in that. I don't know why, I'll show him my dick anytime.

Bob paid for the suits, handing me the bag said "Carry this for me," What was I, his slave? Okay, I probably would be if he wanted.

Then we went to food court for lunch. Then back to his house. "I don't think you've seen my whole house," Bob said as he opened the french doors to the patio.

"You have a pool? I didn't know that. Can we go swimming?"

"Duh 3; why do you think we bought you a swimsuit?" That deserved the swat I gave him. "You go change, I'll get us some cokes."

Well, two can play that game. I'll just put on the speedo and tease him. He was still in the kitchen when I slipped back out to the patio. He came out a few minutes later, carrying two glasses of coke, and wearing a speedo that matched the one I was wearing.

Now I knew why he wanted me to get the speedo. Not just so we can match. But because it looks so sexy. I wondered why he would want to see me in one, when I would actually show him my dick anytime. Well, because even though I've kinda seen his dick, that speedo made me want to see more. It was like a hint of what you could have if you're lucky.

I hadn't seen him in so little clothes before now either. He is really built. I knew he wasn't fat, but I didn't know he actually had a six pack. A little chest hair but not much, with a little trail leading down into the speedo. Like an arrow pointing to the prize. He really packed that speedo too.

I realized I was staring at his speedo, about the same time he realized he was staring at my speedo.

"You're absolutely beautiful. Perfect, just as I imagined," Bob said. I saw him lick his lips. I knew what that meant. "Let me take off that bandage before you get in. I'll put on a fresh one later."

We got in the water and splashed around a bit. I jumped on Bob's back and he gave me a 'pony ride' around the pool. When I jumped off the side of the pool, he caught me. I could feel his hard dick against my hard dick. I slid off and did it again. Then I put my arms round his neck and he kinda lay back and let me ride while he went backward around the pool.

We were both hard as rocks the whole time.

He finally came to a stop on the steps that lead down into the pool. "You know you are driving me crazy, don't you?" I smiled and wiggled my dick against his. "That's it. You've gone too far now, Big Fella."

He snatched me out of that pool and dried me off, then dried himself. Picked me up and carried me into the house. Inside the door he pulled off my wet speedo, and I ran to the sofa.

I turned around and he was just dropping his speedo. I had my first look at him completely naked. As he walked toward me his big cock swung back and forth like one of those things in a grandfather's clock. When he got to me, it was sticking straight out and huge.

I had never been so horny in my life. Bob sucked my dick and swallowed my load in record time. I had my hand on his cock too, but I couldn't concentrate on stroking it. When I came, he didn't stop. He kept sucking my dick till I had a second cum.

When I finished shooting the second time, I wrapped my arms around him, and just held him, I didn't want to let go. I had never felt so close to somebody in my life, well, other than my mom.

I stayed like that for a long time. He finally said "You need to get home."

I got dressed, but I couldn't take my eyes off his dick. I wanted to do something for him. When I was dressed, he handed me the bag from the electronics store. "That's your's. Don't worry, your Mom knew you were getting it today," It was a cell phone. "My number is in the contact list."

I jumped up and threw my arms around him again. I could feel his dick between us. Bob said "I'll take care of that later. Now get going."


"And look at this, Mom. It has two cameras. And it plays music and even tv," I was a little excited, okay. I had never had anything like this. Everything in my room put together didn't cost as much as this phone.

"Yes dear, it is really nice. I hope you thanked Bob properly."

Boy did I. And I planned to 'thank' him again. Of course, maybe I should be thanking him for the blow jobs.

I only called Bob once that night, I swear. I might have texted him a few times though. Okay, thirty seven times. Not including the fourteen pictures I sent him. Thirteen, I had to delete right after, in case my mom happened to look through my phone.

Mom must have left early, because she was gone when I got up. You know what that means. Yep, I was at Bob's house ten minutes after getting out of bed.

"Hi Big Fella. You're here early. Did you have any breakfast?" Bob made me breakfast and while I ate he said "I'm gonna be pretty busy today. I'm a little behind, though I can't imagine why." The evil grin he gave told me that he was behind because of all the dick sucking he'd been doing. I just laughed and swung my feet. I was happy to be the cause of his tardiness.

When I finished eating I put my dishes in the sink like mom would want me to. Then I found Bob in a room I hadn't been in. I hadn't really been in any of the rooms except the living room and Kitchen. This was more like an office, with built in book shelves and a big desk and Bob was behind the desk with his back to me. He was on his computer that was in a work space behind the desk.

I snuck up on him quietly 3;"BOO!"

Bob jumped ten feet, I swear. "Oh, you're gonna pay for that, Big Fella," he grabbed me and acted like he was going to eat my neck. "Umnumum," I don't think he had shaved this morning because I could feel his whiskers on my neck and chin. I kinda liked it though.

"If I wasn't so busy, I would eat the rest of you," he said, wiggling his eyebrows at me. "But, right now I have to get this finished. Then we have a couple of errands to run. If you want, you can go swimming for a while or watch tv. I'm sorry I don't have a video game console."

"Can I just sit in here with you?"

Bob looked like he was gonna cry for a second. "Of course you can, Big Fella." Then he gave me the best hug.

I sat for what seemed like forever, then I remembered I have a phone now. So whipped it out and started messing around. You'd be surprised at what you can learn on Google.

"You ready to go?" Bob said.

I hadn't seen him come up, I was engrossed in the internet. He had a couple of those big envelope things for sending documents.

We went to FedEx, then to the mall again. Back to the Electronics store. I was worried that Bob was taking back my phone. I mean he can, he paid for it. But I was more worried that they would see what was on my last internet search. Bob took forever with the clerk so I played.

"Billy 3; Billy!" I didn't expect anyone to be calling me, but it was Bob's voice. I would have responded to Big Fella. He was at the counter, "Can you carry those bags, I will take the big box."

"Sure Bob." That's when I noticed the box was the latest video game system.

"This will give you something to do when I'm working," Bob told me as he finished setting up the game. "We'll put all these games under here so you can get to them," he said, indicating a cabinet.

"You didn't have to buy this for me, Bob." I was still in shock that he would spend that much money on me. I know how much this system costs. I was going to ask for it last Christmas, but I knew Mom couldn't afford it.

"I know I didn't have to. I wanted to. You don't seem to realize how much pleasure you give me, just being around. I should give some back."

I threw my arms around his neck, then whispered in his ear "You can pleasure me anytime you want."

He took me at my word, and soon had me naked. He was pleasuring me like I wanted. Like I knew he wanted too. Bob kept me on edge, never letting me go over it. He had me bucking and clawing at his head. I was about to beg him to let me cum, when he finally took me over the cliff.

Damn! That was the best cum of my life. I probably gave Bob a pint to swallow. I lay there, nearly unconscious, as Bob continued loving on my dick.

"Are you alright?" he asked me when I was able to look down at him.

"I'll let you know in a few minutes," I gasped. "What the hell did you do to me?"

"That, Big Fella, is a secret. If you didn't like it, I won't do it anymore."

"If you don't, I'll have to hurt you. That is if I survive," I warned him.

"Would you like a coke?" Bob offered and I tried to sit up. "Just stay there, I'll get it."

When he came back with my coke in a glass with ice, I could see the outline of his obviously very hard dick. I stared at it as I drained the glass of coke. I wanted to pull his pants off so I could see it up close.

I handed him the glass and collapsed on the sofa again. Bob stood staring at my body. I like the way he looks at me. It's like a cross between love and hunger. I'm not sure which I like more. That he loves my body, or that he's hungry for my body. Either or both make me happy though.

He took the glass to the kitchen, and came back to sit beside me. He started rubbing my chest lightly. I smiled at him and closed my eyes. I felt so comfortable with him. He could see me in all my glory and I didn't care or feel self conscious about it. I was truly happy.

"Big Fella, you need to get up. Your mom will be home soon."

I had fallen asleep. Bob was still sitting with me though. "How long did I sleep?"

"About two hours."

"I'm sorry. Did you sit here that whole time?"

"It's okay, I was enjoying the scenery. Besides It was my fault you were completely drained. I had to make sure you were alive, by checking your pulse every few minutes," he said looking at my hard dick bounce with my heartbeat.

I hugged him, "Do I have to go?"

"Afraid so. And tomorrow I'll be gone most of the day. You can call me though."

"Gone? I thought you were coming over tomorrow."

"Yes, I'll be there. But the rest of the day I'll be out."

"You still haven't told me why you're coming tomorrow."

"I promised your mom I wouldn't. You wouldn't want me to break a promise to you, so I won't break a promise to her either."

I hate when other people are right about something.

Chapter 4

Mom left early again this morning. I was just about to go to Bob's house when I remembered he wouldn't be there. I called him and we chatted about nothing. Mostly I just wanted to hear his voice. Or maybe I wanted to be sure he didn't forget me.

I got on my bike and went to the park. There were some guys playing baseball. I knew some of them, but I didn't play. I mean what's the point? If I made a home run, Bob wasn't there to see it. Of course he wasn't there to see me strike out either, which is a good thing.

I had only known him less than a week, and I was wondering 'What would Bob think about this?' or 'What would Bob say about that?' Jeez, I'm starting to sound a little girly.

Another call to Bob, and I didn't feel any better. I mean, what could he possibly be doing that was more important than being with me? Okay that's definitely girly.

I went back home and thought about jerking off. But it wouldn't be the same if Bob wasn't there to enjoy it with me. So I got on my phone and started messing around on the internet again.

Man! Is there anything you can't find on the internet? I don't think so. I found out all kinds of stuff. I had to plug in my phone, cause I was using it so much. But Bob would want me to use it, that's why he bought it for me.

I was still 'surfing the web' when Mom came home. "Go get cleaned up, Bob will be here shortly."

Looking in the bathroom mirror, I could see the place on my forehead was almost healed, my chin was still all scabby. I checked out my leg and realized we hadn't replaced the bandage after swimming. But it looked like it was healing ok, though it might leave a scar.

I put on clean jeans and a shirt, then took them off and put on clean underwear first. Mom saying, "Be sure you have on clean underwear in case you have an accident," ringing in my ears. I was glad I had on clean ones last week, when I did have the accident.

Mom made meatloaf, which I love, and Bob seemed to like it too. But I was thinking "What a crock of shit," I mean, they made so much fuss and all the secrecy, just because Bob was coming to dinner again? Well, that was okay. I was glad to see Bob. I had realized today how much I liked him and rely on him. Not to mention he gives great blow jobs.

"Lilly, dinner was wonderful. You are a marvelous chef."

"Why, thank you kind sir. It is a pleasure cooking for someone as noble as yourself," Mom laughed.

They made me want to puke. What's with all this pretense?

"Well, I must be off," Bob said heading to the door.

"Oh, you forgot something," Mom said and she went to the hall closet and brought out a suitcase.

"Here you go," she said handing it to Bob. "Oh, and this too," she said shoving me toward the door.

"Wait. What?"

Mom bent down and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Bye Big Fella. Be good." Then she closed the door.

"What?" I'm still a little confused as Bob led me to his car. Was my mom kicking me out? "What is going on?"

"You're spending a few days with me," Bob said as he drove.

"I 3; I'm spending a few days with you?" This didn't make sense at all. I haven't spent more than one night at a time away from Mom, and even then it was only a sleepover at Mark's house.

Still a little dazed, Bob opened the door and led me in. "I'm spending a few days with you?"

"I thought we covered that," Bob chuckled.

"How did you convince my mom to let me spend a few days with you?"

"I didn't. I let her convince me," Bob said.

"Okay, I know I'm just a kid, but could you explain that."

Bob sat on the sofa, and pulled me onto his lap. I hugged him, he hugged me. "Your mom is concerned that you are growing up so quickly. That you don't have any male role models. She asked me to have 'the talk' with you and explain things to you."

"Oh shit."

"I explained to her that I have a very busy schedule for the next week or so and she was really worried that you didn't get 'the talk' sooner than that. I'm suppose to explain all about masturbation and sex and condoms and girls and everything. I think the bathroom counter chicken choke might have convinced her of the urgency of 'the talk'. I let her talk me into having you with me so I can give you an in depth education on the facts of life."

"Just the facts? No hands on experience?" I asked him.

"That is completely up to you," Bob smiled

"You're f-ing brilliant!" I yelled as I threw my arms around him again.

"When do the lessons start?" I asked trying to lead him on.

"Do you have any questions"

"Yes. Where do I sleep?"

"Well, the house has four bedrooms and I'm only using one."

"That's the one I want," I told him in a not too subtle hint.

"Oh. So I should sleep on the couch then?" Bob teased.

"No silly. I want to sleep with you," I said slapping his arm.

"Sorry, my bad. I misunderstood you. Well, if you're going to sleep with me, you need a shower first."

"Well, if you are going to sleep with me, you will too."

"Hmm. Do you think we should save time and just take one together?"

"Now that's an idea. Wish I had thought of it," I giggled.

"I'm sure it never entered your mind."

He has a big shower, there was plenty of room for both of us. I watched him as he adjusted the water temperature. Then we both undressed in a hurry. We stood admiring each other's body and our dicks began to rise at the same time.

In the shower Bob washed me from head to foot. I only had to raise an arm or a leg. He shampooed my hair too. I watched his hard dick swing side to side as he pampered me. Then he washed himself. I did his back though.

Then he dried me off. It was strange because I felt like a little kid, and at the same time, it was very sexual. I was hard the whole time and so was he. He wrapped the towel around me and dried himself with another. Then he picked me up and carried me to bed.

I was so excited. It's been a long time since I slept with anybody. Even when I have a sleepover at Mark's house, I'm in his sleeping bag on the floor. But I was excited because I was going to sleep with Bob. I felt like a girl on her honeymoon. Well, at least what I think that feels like.

Bob laid me down and began to run his fingers up and down my body. He tortured me like this for awhile before he finally took my dick into his mouth. I was more than ready, and gave him my cum in just a couple of minutes.

When I could open my eyes again, he picked me up. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and he pulled back the blanket, then put me back on the bed, sliding in behind me.

I don't know why I did it, but I leaned into him and kissed him. That was the best kiss ever. I don't have much to compare it with, but I can't imagine a kiss could be better. My arms were around his neck and his were around my back. He pulled me in tighter and I melted into the kiss. I really did feel like a girl on a honeymoon right then.

I reached down between us and grabbed his dick. He moaned into my mouth as the kiss continued. I wanted to see it, feel it. I broke the kiss and said "Can I play with it?"

"I told you that you can do whatever you want here," he reminded me.

"Oh yeah. I forgot." I pushed him over onto his back and I sat up.

I put both hands on it and still didn't cover it "How long is it?"

"A little over nine inches [23 cm]. Right now it feels closer to ten though."

"I'm almost five now," I reminded him. "But I'm still growing."

"Yes, I know. Big Fella," Bob chuckled.

"Can I ask you something and you promise not to get mad?"

"You can ask me anything. I probably won't get mad, but I may not answer," Bob said placing his hands behind his head.

"Why aren't you married, or at least have a girlfriend?"

"I've had lots of girlfriends, I just didn't marry any of them."

"Why?" I needed to know for some reason.

"Well, what I usually tell people is that the right girl hasn't come along yet."

"But what's the real reason?"

Bob hesitated for a moment, then said "It wouldn't be fair to them. My whole life I have had this picture of you in my head. If I were to marry, my heart wouldn't be in it. They would always be compared to you and not fare well in comparison."

That was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.

"Do you compare me to the picture in your head?" I asked still stroking his big dick

"You are the picture in my head. It's always been you. Your mannerisms, your smile, your voice, even the mole on your lip. I can't explain how or why, but I have always loved you."

I thought for a few minutes and just kept playing with his dick. I just can't believe how big it is. I handled his balls too, somehow they were just as pretty as his dick.

"You said you've had a lot of girlfriends. Did you have sex with all of them?"

"Most of them, but not all," Bob chuckled.

"And did you put all of this in them?"


"Have you ever had anal sex?"

"Where did you hear about that?" Bob sounded surprised.

"The internet. So, have you?"


"With a man?"

"No. You're the only male I have ever done anything with."

"So, you put this in a girls butt?"

Bob chuckled again, "Yes."

"The whole thing?"


"Damn. That must have hurt."

"If you're careful, and you do it right, it can be quite pleasurable I'm told"

I bent over and took his dick into my mouth. Well, some of it anyway. That was really different. I mean, I liked it and all, it was just different. I never even thought about sucking a dick until then. Not even Mark's.

Bob groaned, then said "Billy. You don't have to do that."

I remembered what he told me yesterday. "I know I don't have to. I want to. You always give me pleasure, I should give some back."

I spread his legs and got between them, and bent to take it his dick into my mouth again. I was only able to get the head and a little more, maybe three inches [7 cm] in all, into my mouth. I tried to remember what Bob does to me and tried to copy it. I don't think it mattered any because Bob was real excited by then anyway.

"Oh Billy 3; You better quit now 3; Billy I'm gonna cum 3; Billy!"

He was right. I should have quit. But I didn't. I wasn't really ready for what he is able to unload. I was determined to do it for him though. At first it wasn't bad, I swallowed, but it just kept coming. I choked and coughed some up through my nose, and it still kept coming. My eyes watered and my stomach tried to retch. I never let his dick out of my mouth though. I took it all and kept trying to swallow without drowning in it.

"Billy. Oh Billy, I'm so sorry, Big Fella," Bob said when It was over.

I licked the last of his cum from my lips, and dried my eyes with the blanket. Bob sat up and held me close. I couldn't talk for a moment. Then Bob said in my ear, "I can only assume, that was your first time."

I leaned away from him, slapped his arm and said "Asshole. No, I'm a hooker and they usually pay extra if I choke on it."

Bob almost fell out of the bed laughing. I didn't think it was so funny. What I thought was funny was that I had a hard on. I was soft when I started sucking on him. I almost drown sucking his dick and I was hard as a rock.

Bob took care of that little problem though. Then I was back to feeling like a girl on her honeymoon. We cuddled and kissed and 3; well, it was wonderful. We fell asleep spooned together. Bob's arms were around me and I felt so good there. Skin on skin. Safe in his arms. Damn I'm getting girlier.

"Wake up Baby," Bob was whispering in my ear. He kissed my neck, "Time to get up." Another kiss to my neck. I turned over and planted my lips on his. He ran his hand down my back to my butt, then back to my shoulder. Pulling away, he said "Much as I would like to continue this, we have to get up."

I looked at the clock behind him and said "It's only six. Why do we have to get up?"

"Because, Big Fella, we have to be at the airport by seven. Now get your beautiful butt out of bed."

"Why do we have to go to the airport?"

"Because that is where they keep the planes."

Bob's luggage was already in the car, and the bag Mom packed was still there too. We made it to the airport, and to gate 14, that had a sign saying 'Flight 1582 Los Angeles'

"We're going to L.A.?"

"Yep. Got business to do there. Like I told your mom. I'm going to be busy the next few days. So, I had to take you with me, if we're gonna have that talk," he grinned.

"I couldn't talk last night, my mouth was full," I laughed.

"Maybe I can return the favor," Bob offered. Then said "Have you ever heard of the mile high club?"

Just think. It was my very first time on an airplane and Bob and I became members of the club. Well, does it count if only one of us cums. I think it does.

We arrived at a place called the Beverly Wilshire. I haven't stayed in any hotels before, but I think this one was nice. I would recommend it.

"We have time before dinner if you want to go for a swim," Bob said as he gave the bellhop a tip.

"I didn't bring a suit."

"I put both your new suits in your bag."

Opening the bag, I found the speedo right on top. Then I noticed that all the clothes had tags on them. Department store tags, not second hand store tags. "What's all this?" I asked Bob.

"Your mother did some shopping for you."

"Look," I said holding out a tag on a pair of jeans "These jeans costs a hundred and fifty dollars. My mom can't afford that."

"No? Hmm. Maybe they were on sale," Bob tried to explain.

"Bullshit. You bought these, didn't you?"

Bob pulled me to him and kissed me. "Do you know why we're here?"

"You said you had business here," I frowned at him.

"Yes, I do. I'm here to finalize the contract for the movie rights to the book you like so much. They are paying me a million dollars up front. Plus I get a percentage of the gross. I can afford to buy my Big Fella a few clothes."

"Uh 3; uh 3; million dollars? Holy shit!"

"That was what I said when they agreed to it. So don't worry about it. By the way, they're paying for this hotel too, so at dinner order anything you want."

We changed into our matching speedos and went to the pool. I had trouble keeping my hands off his dick and he had trouble keeping away from mine, but we made it.

At the pool, we were looking for a place to sit. I notice quite a few ladies looking at Bob, especially his speedo.You can clearly see the outline of his impressive dick. A few even looked at mine. They probably thought he was my dad, and wondered if my dick was going to be as big as his. I can only hope.

Back in our room, we were going to rinse the chlorine off us, so we started the shower and got naked.

"Ready for more of 'the talk'?" Bob asked me when I pulled my speedo down.

I liked the sound of that so I said "Sure."

"Hand me that jar of vasoline on the shelf there."

I got it for him. "You know how to jerk off right?" Bob asked me.


"Did you know there are different techniques? Take some of this and rub it on your cock," I did as he said.

"Some guys like to stroke dry. Some like lube, like this."

Vasoline is lube? I had read that term on the net.

"Smear that in good, now stroke it like you usually do."

I did. It felt good too.

"Now, with lube, you might want to try going a little slower, and gripping just a little tighter, especially when your hand passes over the head of you cock."

Oh shit, did that feel good.

"Some guys like what I call reverse stroking. Grip your cock with your thumb toward the base instead of toward the head. Yeah like that, now give it a little twist of your wrist as you get to the end."

That feels good too. I didn't know there was so many ways to jerk off.

"Some guys use only two fingers and a thumb, but they usually have smaller dicks. Not like my Big Fella."

He was right. I did it like that two years ago when I had a smaller dick.

"Jump up on this counter. I know it won't be your first counter jerk, but I have more to show you."

"Sure, make fun of the kid who's mom caught him jerking on the bathroom counter," I complained, but got on the counter.

"Some guys like to press the area just under their balls, as they're jerking off. I don't get anything from this but you might. Give it a shot."

He was right again. It didn't do much for me either.

"Some guys like a finger or toy in their ass when they stroke. Sometimes they move the finger or toy in and out, sometimes they just like something in there."

"How can they put a finger in there if they're stroking their dick?"

"Lay flat. Now spread your knees. Yeah like that. Now reach down around your cock. Can you feel your hole?"


"Or if you are laying on your side, you can come around your hip like you're going to wipe your ass."

"Should I try it. I mean a finger in there?"

"If you want to. But be sure there is lube on your finger."

I got lube on my fingers and slipped my hand down there. I pushed at my hole with my middle finger and it popped right in. I let out a little moan, as I slid it in deeper. It did feel good. Real good. I stroked my dick and started moving my finger in and out a little. Only to the second knuckle. I liked that a lot too.

I was just starting to get into it good when Bob said. "Uh 3; Big Fella. Maybe we should get in the shower now."

"Oh 3; uh right," I climbed down and thought, in less than a week, two different adults have seen me jerking my dick on two different bathroom counters. Boy things are strange these days.

We were rinsing the chlorine, and vasoline, off when I asked Bob "Is that what anal sex feels like. Like when my finger was in my hole."

"I really don't know. I have put my finger in there but that's all. I haven't had a dick in there, and dicks are a lot bigger than fingers."

"But you have had anal sex before."

"Yes, but not on the receiving end," Bob chuckled.

We went to dinner in the hotel restaurant. I ordered something called Beef Wellington. It looked like a hunk of meat wrapped in a pie shell. But man, was it good.

We went back to our room and turned on the tv. I was leaning against Bob, and he had his arm around me. I reached down and started to undo his belt. Bob laughed a little and said "Let's get naked," So we did. I love being naked with Bob.

He sat down, and I got in his lap. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. He's so handsome and big, I was back to feeling like a girl again. He kissed me a long time and soon we were laying on that sofa, all tangled up.

He kept rubbing all over my body as we kissed. I couldn't take any more. "Please take me to bed," I whispered to him.

I noticed the bed was turned down and there were chocolates on the nightstand, as he carried me in. I didn't care about that, I just wanted Bob. We fell into the bed and continued kissing.

Bob worked his way down to my dick and started sucking it. I had a thought. "Put your finger in me," I almost pleaded.

"Are you sure?"

"Mm hm."

Bob got up and turned off the lights and tv, then went into the bathroom. He came back with the jar of vasoline. He put lube on his finger then wiped his other hand off. He got between my legs and took my dick into his mouth again.

He pushed my knees up a little, then I felt his finger at my hole. It popped in and slid in a little. I instantly knew that his fingers are bigger than mine. It felt really good though, so I said "Deeper."

Bob pushed more of his finger in me, and began going up and down with his mouth. I had never felt like this.

I looked down at him and he was watching my face. I said "In and out, please," Bob knew what I meant and began sliding his finger in and out of my hole. Aw man it was good. He slid it deeper and started going faster. His mouth and finger working in rhythm. Then I felt him hit something inside me, and I lost it. He kept hitting it over and over. I thought I would never stop cumming.

When I was able, I looked at him again. He was smiling at me with my dick still in his mouth. For the first time with Bob, I was a little embarrassed. Because he knew just how much I had enjoyed that. He got up and went to the bathroom again. He came back with a warm washcloth and cleaned my butt. Then he lay beside me and took me in his arms. I was back on my girly honeymoon again.

Chapter 5

I woke up during the night needing to pee really bad. I carefully slipped out of bed and to the bathroom. Bob didn't wake and when I came back I could see his hard dick lying on his belly. It actually passed his belly button and was thick too. I liked looking at him. I like the way he didn't have any chest hair on his nipples. Even the shape of his chest hair excited me. And the little trail of hair now lay under his beautiful dick.

I didn't want to wake him but I wanted to play with his dick some more. I lifted it, and could feel, not only the weight of it, but the strength of it too. I couldn't resist and put my mouth on it. I remembered how much I could get in my mouth last time and I was determined to do better. I slid down on it as far as I could but it wasn't much more than before.

I must have a little mouth. In my internet searches I saw guys taking big dicks all the way. Even girls could do more. If a girl can do it, I should be able to. I know that Bob had been with a lot of girls and I want to be just as good if not better for him. I kept trying, I even got part of it in my throat. I couldn't breath so I had to quit.

I want to give Bob the same pleasure he gives me but I just can't. I lay back down and snuggled against him, with my head on his shoulder. He turned, pulled me in tighter and kissed my head.

We were getting dressed, well, Bob was still getting dressed, I was waiting. He was trying to get his tie right. The phone rang and Bob told me to get it. "Bob's room," I answered

"This is the front desk. There is a driver waiting for you in the lobby."

"The desk lady says there is a driver in the lobby."

"Tell her we'll be right down."

"We'll be right down," I relayed to her.

"Thank you young man," she said as she disconnected.

"We have a driver? You never heard of Avis rent a car?"

"Very funny for a kid who can't ride a bike downhill."

That stung.

The driver led us to a long black limo. The backseat area was as big as my bedroom at home. It even had a bar and a tv. The windows were tinted so no one could see in. I stuck my tongue out at a motorcycle cop and he didn't even bat an eye.

"Billy, this is Mr. Cohen. This is Billy," Bob said introducing me to a kind of pudgy looking older man.

"Pleased to meet you, Sir," I said as respectfully as I could. I didn't want to embarrass Bob in front of his business friends. I even stuck out my hand.

Bob asked Cohen "Did you make the changes?"

"Yes, and your attorney approved it. You need to sign here, and here. The last page is the amendments and you need to initial there."

All the while they were talking, Cohen kept looking at me. I was nice, my mom would be proud. I smiled at him a couple of times he looked at me.

Cohen came over to me and grabbed my chin, turned my head this way and that. Then he gave me a heavy folder and turned to a page and said "Read this."

I sat down and started reading. I recognized it. I was my favorite part of Bob's book where Daniel goes to the dragon's lair. I have read that part thirty times or more I loved it so. So I'm reading even though I don't need to.

"I mean, read it out loud" Cohen corrected, so I read.

"Do it like you are in a school play."

So I stood and sorta yelled the lines and swung an imaginary sword through the air. Mr. Cohen and Bob started laughing.

Cohen said "I don't think so."

Bob said "Well, that's how they would do it in a school play." Then he turned to me and said "Billy, do it like you think Daniel would do then."

Daniel was facing the dragon for the first time. He was scared. But he was brave. He knew he might die, yet he was willing to sacrifice himself. That's why I loved this scene. It was where Daniel showed he was a hero. Heros make sacrifices in spite of their fears.

I tried to imagine how Daniel felt right then. Standing in the mouth of the cave. I spoke for Daniel. I spoke to God. I spoke to the dragon. With the fear I knew he felt and the courage and determination to face those fears. I could actually see the cave as I called out to the dragon through my tears, because that's what Daniel would have done. He would have to dig deep to pluck up the courage to enter that cave even though he knew he could be killed.

When I finished I discovered Bob and Cohen were staring at me. I grabbed a tissue out of a box on the desk and wiped my eyes, and blew my nose. "I'm sorry. I kinda got carried away."

Cohen looked at me suspiciously "Did Bob tell you to memorize that scene?"

"No. It's my favorite part of my favorite book, and I spend a lot of time alone in my room."

Bob was smiling like he had just won the lottery, but there was pride in his face too. I liked that.

Cohen just kept looking at me up and down. I was afraid he was gonna check my teeth like you do a horse you're thinking of buying.

He turned to Bob and said "Maybe. Have we satisfied the amendment?"

"Yep. I only asked for consideration. So consider it."

"Did you color your hair?" It took me a moment to realize he was talking to me.

"What? No."

"You have something on your lip," he said pointing at me.

I rubbed my mouth. "That's a mole, it doesn't come off," I said kinda snarky.

"Where did you find this kid?" Cohen asked Bob.

"Actually 3; in a heap on my driveway. But he inspired me to create Daniel."

"Interesting," was All Cohen said.

They talked a bit more but I wasn't paying attention. We were thirty stories high and I could see for a thousand miles. The cars on the freeway below looked like ants running in a line.

"The check should be in your bank this afternoon. You need to be here when we start in case we need a rewrite."

"Nice doing business with you," Bob said and shook Cohen's hand.

"It was a pleasure to meet you Mr. Cohen," I told him as I extended my hand again.

Back in the limo I asked Bob "What was that all about? I thought for a minute he was going to eat me."

"He probably won't. But I definitely will," Bob said and put his hand on my crotch.


We had lunch in the restaurant again. It was great. Then up to our room. Bob took off his jacket and tie. "I need to make a phone call, it's probably going to take a while. You want to turn on the tv, or something?"

"Can I go get something for mom from the gift shop downstairs?"

"Sure, that would be a great idea. Just give them the name and room number and they will put it on the bill."

When I came back, Bob was still on the phone. I went to the bathroom, and he was still talking when I came out. I stood in front of him and took off my shoes and socks. I had his attention, so I slowly pulled off my shirt. Then I took off my pants and dropped them in his lap. I turned my back to him and slowly peeled my underwear down and off, making sure he had a good look at my ass. I held them out to the side and let them drop and went to the bedroom. He was in the bedroom in about a minute, also naked.

"You're a naughty boy. I should spank you, but I could never hurt that beautiful butt," Bob said as he got in bed with me.

I could feel his dick between us as he kissed me. I reached down and put my hand on his balls. He moaned, so I slid my hand higher and grasped his big dick. I whispered in his ear "I want this."

"It's your's," he answered.

I had to be clearer. "I want it in me."

Bob leaned back and looked at me "Billy. That's a really big step, and I don't want to hurt you."

"I don't care if it hurts. I want you to make love to me."

"You don't understand. There are things you need to do to prepare for something like that."

"I know. I did that. I looked it up on the internet."

"Billy, I don't know 3;"

"Don't you want me?" I was hurt. He did it to girls why not me.

"Oh, baby. It's not that. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I have dreamed of doing that with you my whole life. I'm just afraid to hurt you and for you to not like me after."

"I will love you even if you turn me inside out," I said kissing him again. "I really want this. I want to do it for you and for me," I reached over and got the jar of vasoline. "Please make love to me."

Bob lay me on my back and got between my legs. He took the lube and smeared it all over his dick, and fingers. He slid his finger in me like last time. I liked it a lot. He moved it in and out, I was kinda wishing he would keep doing that. Then he put two fingers together, and pushed at my hole. I opened up enough for them to enter, though I could feel my hole stretch to let them in. Bob slowly slid them all the way in, then all the way out again. He did this a few times and I was sorta moving my hips up and down with him.

Bob used those two fingers to push more vasoline in me then he added a third finger. This hurt a bit, but I didn't want him to stop so I didn't make a sound. I was probably pretty tense though. It took him a few minutes to get the three fingers in me. He pumped those fingers in and out awhile til I relaxed and started to move my hips again.

It had begun to feel pretty good and I closed my eyes and let him do whatever he wanted to me. My dick had gone soft, but started to get hard again. I began to moan a bit and push my ass toward his hand. I wanted him to keep doing that to me.

But he stopped. I felt his dick at my hole, I could tell it was bigger than the three fingers. "Push out like you're on the toilet," Bob said. This didn't make sense to me, because I wanted something in, not out. But I did what he told me.

All of a sudden I felt my ass open and his fat knob pop in. I had tried to keep quiet so Bob wouldn't stop, but I said "Oh shit!" And my reflex action was to try to get away from what was trying to kill me.

Bob leaned over me and kissed me. Then he whispered to me "Sh Sh It's okay, baby. The worst part is over," and he kissed me again. When he felt me relax a little, he started rocking his hips some. It still hurt, but not like the first part. He kept kissing me and I was moaning into his mouth. I put my arms around his neck and held him tight, as I felt him going a little deeper.

Once he had gained a little working room, Bob would pull out til just the head was in me, then slide back inside. He did this so slow, I hardly noticed that he was going a little deeper each stroke. I could feel the hairs of the trail on his stomach against my dick.

Bob was being so careful I finally told him "I want it all," And I lifted my knees and put my heels on his butt. He got the message and pushed more into me. After a couple more strokes I felt his balls on my ass. I had taken it all. I was proud. If I couldn't suck his whole dick I was glad I could take it this way.

I had wanted to take it so I could give him pleasure. As much as any girl could give him. What I didn't expect was that I loved the hell out of it too. Maybe it was just because it was Bob, but it started to feel really good. It wasn't long before I was bucking up to meet his strokes.

I don't know what came over me, I went kinda wild. "Oh god Bob. Fuck me. Please fuck me. Don't ever stop." Definitely honeymoon girl time. I even bit his shoulder. I was wrapped around him, and throwing my ass up at him, begging for more.

He was giving me all he had and I loved every second. Then he kissed me and shoved in one last time. I could feel his wonderful cock throbbing as he shot a gallon of cum way up in me.

"Oh god baby I love you," he whispered to me as he wiped the hair from my face, and looked into my eyes.

"I hope so. I think you just made me pregnant," I told him.

He leaned back and looked at me funny. Like does this kid know where babies come from.

"Just joking. I know we haven't got to that point in 'the talk'.

"Did I hurt you too much?"

"No. I loved it," I said and I kissed him. "And I love you too."

Bob started to roll off me but I stopped him. "Please don't take it from me yet."

We lay there kissing and cuddling. Then Bob started moving inside me again. Just as I wanted. He gave me long slow strokes. Jees I love how that feels. His cock is so big, I can feel it move from my stomach to my hole, and back again. He fucked my a long time and I didn't want it to end.

My arms were around his, my hands gripping his shoulders as he plowed me. I kept saying I love you, and fuck me, and don't stop. For a girl on her honeymoon, I sure turned into a slut.

When he came the second time he collapsed on me. If he and I had died right then I would have been happy to be discovered that way. He kissed my neck and asked if I was alright.

"I'm perfect, remember," referring to what he told me.

"Yes, baby, you are," I felt his cock slide out of me and missed it instantly.

When I finally let him go, we saw a huge pool of cum on my belly.

"How many times did you cum?" Bob asked at seeing the amount on me.

"I lost count at three," I answered honestly. "But that was just the first time you fucked me."

"I noticed you now say fuck instead of f-ing," Bob laughed.

"Now that I've done it, I can say it," I told him.

"Well, you've been fucked, but you haven't fucked. We'll take care of that later."


"You heard me. If you can take my cock, I can take your's. Do you want to go get dinner?"

"Can't we just order room service and stay in bed naked?"

Bob smiled at me. "I like the way you think, but one of us will have answer the door when they bring the food," he said as he rubbed my belly.

"Do you think we could get it free if I flashed my ass?"

"No, but it would be a great tip to the delivery boy."

"If it's a girl, maybe you should flash your cock."

"And now you say cock instead of dick."

"Now that I've had it in me, I know the difference," I said giving it a squeeze. I still couldn't believe he got that whole thing inside me.

We stayed in bed till they brought the food. Bob put on a robe and let them in. It was a young guy, maybe twenty, and he could see me in bed as he set up the table in the other room. I felt naughty again, so I moved the blanket just enough that he could see from my foot to my chest on one side, and it was obvious I was naked. I didn't actually let him see my dick or anything, just a little skin.

He smiled at me and kept looking as he worked. Bob must have noticed him looking, because he looked around the door to see what the guy was looking at. He shook his head and rolled his eyes at me. I turned so my butt was visible, and Bob smiled at me and moved out of the door. The guy stopped and stared for a second. I thought he would start drooling or something. Then I heard Bob clear his throat, you know, the way you do to get someone's attention. The guy snapped out of it and went back to work.

We ate our food naked, and I asked Bob if he gave the guy a nice tip. "No, but you sure did. He had a hard on when he left."

"No? Really?"

"Yes really. You have the prettiest ass in town. And this town is known for it's pretty asses. But I may have to spank you yet. Naughty boy"

I felt so good. Bob can spank me if he wants.

Bob made love to me again later. It was a little easier this time. I was surprised I had any cum left in me, but there was another pool of it when we finished. I guess when you're a teen ager, you produce it as fast as you can get rid of it.

I fell asleep in his arms again. I feel so safe there. His cock was against my back, even soft it feels good to me. I woke later and snuggled closer to him. I brought his hand up to my chest. He kissed my neck which sent chills through me. I swear sometimes I think I'm growing a vagina.

Bob woke me up early and told me to get dressed. I really didn't want to. I wanted to stay in bed with Bob all day. Ten minutes later the phone rang. "Your driver is here," the lady said.

Back in the limo, I wondered who I would meet today. If it was somebody who was going to give Bob another million dollars like Cohen, I would be on my best behavior again.

The driver opened the door and I got out right in front of Disneyland. Of course I had always wanted to go there, but I'm old now right. And it's just for little kids, right. I guess I will just have to grin and bare it. For Bob of course.

It was a blast. We were having a great time. I even liked the small world section which is for toddlers.

We were in line waiting for another ride when my cellphone rang. That's odd because I hadn't given my number to anyone.

"Hi, Mom. Guess what. We're at Disneyland. Yes. Yeah we're having a lot of fun. Mr. Cohen, yeah, I met him yesterday. A what? What's a screen test? Yeah he's right here. Bob, Mom wants to talk to you."

"Hello, Lilly. Yes, he's been a dream," Bob said and winked at me. "She said what? When? Yeah we can do that. Okay, I'll call her back." Bob handed my phone back and pulled out his. "This is Bob Shackley. Yes you called Billy's mom. Yes that will be fine. Okay see you then."

"What's going on?"

"Mr. Cohen wants you to come in for a screen test."

"I got that. But what's a screen test. If it involves math I'm not very good at it."

Bob laughed at that. "No, there's no math involved. They just want to see what you look like in front of a camera."

"I look like me. What the hell do they think I would look like?"

We didn't get in our room till almost eleven. We were both exhausted. We got in the shower and bathed each other. I love doing that with him. Then went to bed.

I climbed up on Bob and asked "Are you too tired to make love to me?"

"I'll never be too tired to make love to you, but tonight is your turn."

"I've never done that. Are you sure you want me to."

"I love you Billy. Just as you have given yourself to me, I want to give myself completely to you. I want you to have all of me. Something I will never give anyone else. It's been your's since I was your age. Now it's time for you to take what's yours."

I thought I was going to cry again. Now you understand why I love Bob. I did as he asked, though I'm sure not as good as he does me. Well, it was my first time and all.

But the thing is, it didn't matter to me or him. We were sharing ourselves with each other. I know my dick is not as big as his, but he loved it. He loved me. He loved having me inside him. I certainly loved being there. And even though I was doing the manly thing, even being on top, I still felt the mushy girly stuff that I always feel with him. I know they're gonna take my dick card away, and replace it with a vagina card.

Chapter 6

We got up early again, but had time to play in the shower. Bob was still dressing when the phone rang again. "Your driver is waiting in the lobby."

This time when the driver opened the door, we were in front of a huge building with a sign saying Sound Stage 4.

Mr. Cohen met us and Bob shook his hand. I was busy looking at all the activity, but turned in time to shake his hand too.

I was led over to a brightly lit area where I was introduced to two other men. One was rather stern looking and the other, well he was kinda kookie. He looked like his hair hadn't been combed in months, and he was chewing on a pen.

Bob said "Do you remember what you did in Mr. Cohen's office? Put yourself in Daniel's place and do it again. If it's just like yesterday then good or if you feel something different do that. Be Daniel. I wrote him for you." Then Bob stepped away. There were cameras and a lot of lights and it was hot. I was scared. But then so was Daniel. I'm sure I was visibly shaking, but I didn't want to let Bob down. He seem to have faith in me. Just like Daniel didn't want to let his family down.

I remembered Daniel's words as he cried out to the dragon. I remembered his strength and courage. I thought of Bob wanting Daniel to face his fear, because that's how he wrote it. Again I cried as I dredged up the determination to enter that cave. In spite of what lay ahead. I wouldn't let Daniel down, I wouldn't let Bob down. I was Daniel, and Daniel was a hero.


"Cut what?" I was confused. There was no cutting in this part. Bob appeared at my side.

"You are beautiful," he hugged me and kissed the top of my head. "When I wrote that, that was exactly how it played in my head. My god, you are my muse."

"Muse? Is that like a sextoy?" I whispered. Bob broke up laughing.

Cohen talked to Bob awhile, and at the end said "We'll be in touch."

Next stop was something called Knott's Berry Farm. I didn't see much farming going on, but it's a cool place.

It was late again when we got to our room. We only had time for a shower and a 'quicky' as Bob called it. Well, whatever you call it, it was great. Sleeping in Bob's arms is where I belong. That's the only way to describe it.

We had to be at the airport early for our flight. Only, when we got there, the gate sign said New York.

"I think we're at the wrong gate, Bob. That sign says New York."

"It's the right gate Big Fella. We have business in New York."

"Is this business worth a million dollars too?" I laughed.

"As a matter of fact, yes," Bob said like he was saying 'see there smarty.'

"So, on this trip, you are gonna make two million dollars?"

"That's the up front money. The deal with Cohen will mean a lot more once the movie starts making a profit. The deal in New York is with my publisher. The money is just for producing three more Daniel books. I will also get a percentage of book sales. You've heard of Harry Potter right? Well, Daniel may end up just as popular as Harry. Rowling has gotten very rich on Harry I might add."

I started to cry. I had never been so sad, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was totally overwhelmed and inconsolable.

Bob wasn't expecting that anymore than I was. "Oh, Baby, what's wrong?"

I blubbered "I heard she moved to a castle in Scotland. I don't want you to move to Scotland or anywhere else. I don't want to lose you."

"Big Fella, I'm never leaving you. You are my muse. You're the one that made all this possible."

I felt somewhat reassured, but why would he want to live near my shitty apartment if he could afford to live anywhere?

We landed in New York. From the air, all those tall building didn't seem so tall. But when we drove to our hotel, man are they big.

We stayed at a place called The Plaza Hotel. It's very nice, but kinda snooty. The desk clerk looked at me like I had a third eye. I felt like telling him 'Yeah, he fucks me, but you can't with that little thing between your legs.' But I just smiled. Okay, maybe I wiggled my ass a little as we walked away.

The room was very nice, the bed was huge and soft. We're gonna have fun on that.

It's a long flight from L.A. to NYC. Bob wanted to shower before dinner, I wanted to fuck. So we did both. It's fun to bounce on a big cock while water is bouncing on you. Bob sorta sat on the ledge in the shower, and I sat on his cock, with my arms around his neck and his hands moving me up and down on him. He always makes me squirt a couple of times, even during our 'quickies' as he calls it. It was getting easier for me to take his big cock, as long as we use lots of lube, I open for him without having to finger me too much.

I was excited to be in the big city. I was also kind of sad too. My mom has't been to L.A. or NYC. Here I am having fun and she's back home working. I'm going to fancy restaurants and theme parks and she doesn't get to.

I'm also getting a lot of cock, and she isn't. At least I don't think so. She doesn't have a boyfriend that I know of. I know if she ever had Bob's big cock, she would want it all the time like I do. But I wouldn't care if Bob's cock wasn't so big, I just love that it's his cock and he shares it with me.

We got back to our room after a great dinner, and I started to tear Bob's clothes off. "I'm ready for more of 'the talk'," I told him as I took off his underwear.

"Oh really? And what would you like to know?" Bob asked while he kissed me and lay me on the bed.

"I want to know about homosexuals."

Bob stopped. "Uh 3; um 3; Okay. What would you like to know."

"Do you think it's possible for a man to love another man?"

"Yes," Bob answered without blinking an eye.

"Do you think that homosexuals are born or is it a choice?"

"Shit, Big Fella, don't you ever ask any easy questions? Well, I'm not a scientist, and I haven't done any studies on the subject. I'm sure there has been though. But I would guess that there are some who really are born to be homosexual. And I think for some it is an acquired thing, because we are all products of our environment to some degree. For others it might be a choice, as in maybe a young girl is raped, and is so traumatized by it she decides not to have anything to do with men."

"What about us?"

"Shit. I knew you were going to go there. Okay, I had never considered myself as homosexual. I truly enjoyed the company and bodies of women. I had never interacted with any other males. Now though, some people might say I'm a pedophile, because you are so young. Some might call me a boylover, but the only boy I love is you. I never had a desire for boys until I met you.

"At the same time, I could never open myself to a truly loving relationship with a woman, because I have always been in love with you. I know you find this hard to believe, and so do I, but I've always known I would meet you. I knew it long before you were even born. Now that I have met you, no woman will ever compare emotionally or sexually to you."

"Do you think I'm a homosexual?"

"I knew you were going there too. Billy, almost all boys experiment with other boys, either jerking off together or jerking each other. Some even try blow jobs and anal. Boys are going to shoot their loads one way or another. Our society doesn't allow boys and girls to engage in sex so we find other outlets. Add to that a natural curiosity of how we are developing compared to other boys our age, and there is a lot of stuff happening between boys.

"You haven't had any experience with girls, so it's hard to say what exactly you are. You might decide you don't like being with me sexually at some point and decide to try girls. That is perfectly natural. You might find that girls just don't do it for you and you may go back to boys. It's way too early in your development to put a label on you. Just like I would have been labeled heterosexual until a couple of weeks ago. Now my label would probably bisexual. Though I'm not really. I'm in love with you.

"I don't really like labels. I think that all men have some homosexual tendencies inherent in them. Strictly from an animal point of view, males are territorial and try to become the leader of the herd or alpha male or whatever. I think that God gave us the ability to love other males or we couldn't walk down the street without killing each other. You see male friends hug each other in greeting, not butt heads like rams.

"So, in answer to your question, are you a homosexual, I think it's too early to tell. You have to eat a lot of ice cream before you decide which is your favorite. You may try girls, and find you like it better than boys. I know I liked them. You may decide you like both.

"What I do know is, I am going to enjoy our time together, be it a month, or a year, or a lifetime. And I am not going to pressure you into staying with me if you find out you like girls, or even another man, more than me."

"Bob. If you don't fuck me right now, I'll never forgive you."

The next morning, we were on the fiftieth floor of an office building. "Steven. Good to see you," Bob said to a tall skinny older man with glasses.

"Bob. You fucking thief. It's about time." Then Steven saw me. "Oh my."

"Steven, this is Billy. Billy meet my publisher Steven."

I stuck out my hand politely, but Steven was frozen. He literally became a statue.

"Earth to Steven," Bob said waving his hand in front of the man.

"Oh 3; uh sorry. My god, you are Billy aren't you. I would know you anywhere," Steven said. Then he looked at my crotch.

"Down boy. I just thought you might like to meet him," Bob told him.

"Oh, I definitely would," Steven said still looking at my crotch.

"Not while I'm alive," Bob warned.

I was a little uncomfortable. Thank God Bob was there. I now knew what girls mean about being undressed by some guys eyes.

"Did you do what I asked?" Bob was saying. Steven wasn't listening so he repeated it.

"Yes. But I want the signed contract first. I can't believe, after all these years, and all I've done for you 3;"

"Give me a break, Steven. I'm making you rich."

"Just the same. Doubling the front, just because I asked for two more? Really?" Steven whined.

"Keep it up and see what the third one costs you," Bob warned again.

"Okay. Okay. Fucking thief. Sign the contract, the printers are waiting."

Bob signed and Steven went to his desk and picked up two books. "The very first two copies."

Bob opened one. Turned a page, then flipped through the rest of the book quickly. "And the cover?" Bob asked.

"Still at the printers. I will send two extra along with the three dozen copies when they are ready. And the funds were wired this morning."

"Thank you Steven."

"Bob. I've got to know," Steven said staring at me.

Bob smiled a wicked smile and said "Every detail. Exactly as I said. Every nuance, every gesture 3; Everything."

"Oh 3; My 3; God. You bastard."

"Billy, say goodbye to Steven."

I walked over to Steven and hugged him around his chest. I looked up into his eyes and breathlessly said "Bye Steven I hope to see you again soon," I took Bob's hand and as we left I turned back to Steven and wiggled my fingers goodbye at him.

I heard Steven say "Holy shit," as the door closed behind us.

"Did I do okay?" I asked Bob on the way back to our hotel.

"You were perfect, as always," Bob said and kissed my head.

"What was that all about?"

"Steven is my publisher. I told you I wrote a lot of stories and books under different names, and the main character was always a boy. That boy in each story was you. Steven was my biggest fan, well actually, your biggest fan. He loved my stories about you. He encouraged me to write a book for general publication.

"The others are published through a smaller company that is owned by Steven's company. The more books I sold, the more Steven hounded me to write what turned out to be Daniel.

"Daniel is hugely successful. So Steven wanted me to write a second Daniel book. Cohen contacted me through Steven. A movie about Daniel almost guarantees success for more books. So Steven asked me for two more. I hadn't signed the contract for the movie or the second book, so I told Steven I would write two more but only if he doubled my front money for the second. He also is aware, now, if the second is as successful, the third is going to cost him big money."

"What was that about 'Every detail'?"

"Steven is definitely a boy lover, and you are his favorite boy. He fell in love, or at least in lust, with every boy in every story. When he saw you, he knew exactly who you were. He has memorized every detail about you from my stories. He wanted to know if it was all true. I confirmed that it was exactly how I wrote it. He's been wanting to fuck you for ten years."

"Well, at least I've got that going for me," I laughed.

"I've been wanting to fuck you for twenty years," Bob said with another kiss.

We got back to the hotel, got naked, and in bed. Where I like to be with Bob.

"I really don't understand how it is that you have known me that long, when I wasn't even born yet."

"Baby, I don't understand it either. But I promise it's all true. Call it kismet or destiny or karma, whatever it is, I was supposed to meet you exactly when I did."

"Why do you say that?"

Bob got up and got one of the books. "Do you remember when we went to FedEx? This is what I sent to Steven."

He handed me the open book. There was a single paragraph in the center of the page.

"This book, and all my work, past present and future, is dedicated to Billy Bexar. My friend, my vision, my muse. May he always be in my life, and may I always be in his memories."

"I have never had a dedication page in my books. I can't get it in the first Daniel book, but it will be in any future printings, and it will be on every book I ever write. I promise."

I choked up a bit the said "Gosh, Bob, someone might get the impression you like me."

"They'd be wrong. I love you. Now and always."

"Come here and let me show you what Steven is never going to have."

We didn't get out of bed the rest of the day. Girly honeymoon time again. I find myself falling deeper in love with Bob every day.

The next day the driver took us around the city, showing us the sights. I saw the Statue of Liberty from a distance, we went up into the Empire State Building. I didn't want to stop at what they call Ground Zero, it's just too sad thinking how all those people died on 9/11.

We stopped at a place called Tiffany's. It's a big jewelry store. Bob bought Mom a charm bracelet and five charms. A book, a silhouette of a boy's face, a dragon, and the names Billy and Daniel.

When we got back to the Hotel we went straight to our room. You can guess why.

Bob said we were flying home the next day so I wanted to spend our last night in each other's arms. Bob insisted on room service because we needed to keep our strength up. He was right of course, we sure spent a lot of energy that night. We had to drink a lot of water too. We expelled a lot of fluids.

"Tell me about girls," I asked Bob between fucks.

"What would you like to know?"

"What's it like being with a girl?"

"The process is basically the same. They have bigger tits of course. And they aren't nearly as tight or wonderful as your ass. They have a stronger scent and flavor."

"Is that bad?"

"Not bad, just not as good as you taste, to me anyway. I'm sure some guys would disagree."

"You mention tightness. I know I can take your cock easier now, do you think I'm getting too stretched out?"

"Baby, I could drive a bus through your ass and you would still be tighter than any girls pussy."

Bob always knows the right answer to make me want to rape him. So I did. I fucked him as hard as I could too. He even came on himself. Man did that make me feel good. I fucked the cum out of him.

We arrived home before Mom got off work. I showed Bob my room, and he sucked me right on my own bed. That was cool. It was the first time I shot a load in that bed that I didn't have to clean up after.

We were sitting innocently on the couch when Mom got home.

"Mom!" I ran to her and she hugged me real tight.

"Baby boy. Did you have a good time?"

"Yeah, it was great." Though I didn't mention what was the best part.

I handed her the bag that had gifts I had brought her. She pulled out the t-shirts and coffee mugs from the different places we had visited, admiring each one as she took it out. At the bottom of the bag was the gift from Bob. She opened it and found the charm bracelet.

"This is so cute. Thank you," she said.

"Cute? Mom, that's real gold," I explained to her.

"Real gold? Then this is a real Tiffany box?"

"Yeah. Bob bought it for you at Tiffany's. I only helped picking it out."

It's a good thing Mom was standing next to the couch, because she just dropped like a rock.

"A Tiffany bracelet? It must have cost a fortune," Mom said in shock.

"Yeah it was 3;"

"Billy! It's not nice to tell how much a gift cost," Bob scolded me.

"But, what do these charms mean?" she asked confused.

"You see Mom, Daniel 3;"

Bob interrupted me again. "Lilly, have you read my book?"

"No. Sorry I can't say that I have."

"If you would, please, I'll explain everything to you after," Bob requested.

"Okay 3; I must say I'm very curious now. Would you like to stay for dinner, Bob?"

"You must be tired after working all day. Why don't I take you and Billy to dinner instead?"

"Oh. That's very kind of you. Just give me a minute to change."

"Nonsense. You look wonderful," Bob can be very smooth when he wants, and Mom was eating it up.

Chapter 7

The next week flew by pretty quickly. Bob was coming to dinner again on Wednesday, of course I spent every minute I could with him before that.

Every day I find more and more to love about him. In fact, I can't find anything wrong with him, except that maybe he snores a little. Even that reassures me that I'm safe.

Mom actually let me spend Sunday night at his house. If she knew what we did 3; well, needless to say, she doesn't. I still can't manage to take very much of his cock in my mouth, but I take it all elsewhere, every chance I get.

Wednesday, Mom made spaghetti with meat sauce. Bob acted like it was as good as the meals we had in the fancy places on our trip.

After dinner, I help Mom clear the table and she poured coffee for her and Bob. "So, I read your book. You're a wonderful writer. I didn't feel like I was reading a child's book at all."

"Did you notice anything unusual?" Bob asked. I knew what he was talking about, but I'm smart enough to know when to remain quiet.

"Other than a remarkable resemblance to Billy, no," Mom answered.

"Precisely. I wrote that book three years ago. You see, Lilly, when I was about Billy's age I had a dream of a boy hero. I'm sure that in itself isn't unusual for boys to dream of being a hero, but I wasn't the hero in my dream. I believe with all my heart, it was Billy.

"I have written many stories about this boy and his adventures. It's always the same boy. Billy. For the last twenty years, he was always in the back of my mind. I can't explain why or how, but I know I was supposed to meet Billy.

"That day after his bike accident, I looked everywhere, in the street, the yard, up and down the block. I couldn't find anything that would have caused that accident.

"I had just got off the phone with Mr. Cohen, when I stepped outside to consider his offer. That is when Billy came flying by. Literally flying I might add. I quickly gathered up what I thought was a dead boy, and took him into the house. When I wiped his face off, I was stunned to find 3; that boy. The one from my stories. My brave little hero.

"At first I was stunned. I mean, how could my visions be right in front of me? How could my hero be here in the flesh. Honestly, I thought I was losing my mind. Then he spoke to me. Every hair on my body stood up. It was the voice in my head. When I questioned him about his injuries, he showed the grit and spirit that my hero boy has."

"You mean he was a smartass."

"Well, a little bit maybe. But the spirit was there," Bob laughed.

"So, you're saying you have dreamed of my son your entire life. And you believe he is this boy hero that occupies your thoughts?"

"I know it sounds strange, but every word is true. For another example, I decided to hold out for more money from Cohen. Because I believe meeting Billy in the flesh was an omen. They agreed to my demands. Which also included them considering Billy for the role of Daniel in the movie. All I asked for was consideration. Cohen asked Billy to read a few lines right there in his office.

"Lilly, if you had been there, I promise you, you would have had chills running up and down your spine. I know I did. When I write a scene in a story, I have to picture it in my mind in order to create dialogue and realism. Billy is Daniel. That was abundantly clear in Cohen's office.

"By having him read those lines, Cohen met the requirement of consideration. He didn't have to call Billy back for a screen test. That was completely Cohen's doing.

"At the screen test, my god, Lilly, he was perfect. There wasn't a dry eye in the house."

"Was it when Daniel goes to the dragon's lair? I cried for an hour after reading that," Mom interjected.

"Exactly. So did everyone there. Even Billy. That is why on your charm bracelet you have the book, the dragon, the boy silhouette, Billy, and Daniel. You gave birth to all of it. They're not figments of my imagination, they're your creation. Billy has given me so much. I wanted to thank you for bringing Billy into my life."

"So, my Billy has been your inspiration all these years, even before you met him?"

"Yes. Billy, could you get me your copy of the new one? The same day I sent my demands to Cohen, I sent my publisher similar demands. I asked double his offer for the second book, and that this be added."

He handed Mom the book, opened to the dedication page.

"This book, and all my work, past present and future, is dedicated to Billy Bexar. My friend, my vision, my muse. May he always be in my life, and may I always be in his memories."

Mom burst into tears.

"Trust me. I wouldn't have made that sort of commitment, if I didn't believe it one hundred percent."

"Bob. I finished the second book. It's great. I loved the part where the witch puts a spell on Daniel."

"I knew you would like that part. It's my favorite too. Oh, by the way. I have to leave town again on Friday, so I won't see you for a few days," Bob said.

"A few days? But you'll be here for my birthday party right?"

"I wouldn't miss it for anything. Daniel's dragon couldn't keep me away."

I smiled, but a tear rolled down my cheek. What was I gonna do without him for days.

They talked some more, but I'm sure I looked like my dog had just died. As Bob started to leave, I gave him a big hug. I didn't want to let go, but finally did.

Mom looked at me and said "Okay, okay. Go with him. I'll see you after work tomorrow."

"Thanks Mom !" I said giving her a hug and kiss.

She whispered "Be good for him Big Fella," And kissed me.

I leaned away and looked at her. She smiled and winked at me. I hugged her again, "I love you Mom. Thank you."

At Bob's house he asked "Want to watch a movie, maybe play video games? What would you like to do."

"You know exactly what I want to do. Get naked, and I'll meet you in the bedroom," I told him.

In the bathroom, I was preparing myself and couldn't help thinking about Mom. What did she mean 'Be good for him', I'm usually well behaved. And she winked at me. What was that about?

When Bob is on top of me, I tend to wrap myself around him like some wild monkey or something. I get really carried away, clawing at him and bucking up to meet his big cock. I go a bit crazy as he plows my bowels. I can't help it. He feels so good in me and I cum so hard and often.

His face is usually in my neck as I scream for him to fuck me harder. He kisses me and says he loves me. I know it's true. I can feel it in his cock as it slides deeply in me. The trouble is, I can't see his face.

I wanted to see his face, so when I got to bed and started kissing him, I rolled him over onto his back, and got on top. I reached behind me and put his cock at my hole. His fat knob popped in, which is always the hard part for me, and I began sliding down on it.

We hadn't ever done it like this, the closest being the shower at the hotel, but it wouldn't be the last time, it was great. I could feel him differently like this. His big cock was moving around in my stomach, and I could actually feel my insides making room for it. Not in a bad way either.

He held my hands in his, as I rode him 'cowgirl' style. In this case I guess it's cowboy, or I really am turning into a girl. I really didn't care, as long as I was pleasing him.

I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but love. I rose up and down slowly and just watch his face.

"You're so good for me Big Fella," he said. My mom's words rang in my ears and my dick erupted all over his chest.

I collapsed on him. "Are you okay?" Bob asked as I tried to get my breath back.

"I'm great," I rocked back and forth on him for a moment. Then I asked him "Has my mom asked you about 'the talk'?"

Bob was moaning each time I rocked back on him, so I stopped. "Has she?"

"No. Why do you ask?" he asked as he began to rub my dick. "Do you have more questions or something?"

"Well, you believe in omens right?" I stopped moving on him.

"You know I do. You're proof of that," he said smiling up at me.

"I think my mom knows," I told him.

"She knows I believe in omens? Yeah I told her tonight."

I slapped him on his chest, "No, silly. She knows about us. About this. About this big cock being inside me like it is now."

"Oh shit. What makes you think so?" He looked worried.

"I just had an omen of my own," I explained.

"No, you just had a massive orgasm on my chest."

That required another slap. "I'm serious. She knows."

"Was it a good omen or a bad omen. How did it make you feel?"

"I had a massive orgasm on your chest."

"That's definitely a good omen," he said. He flipped me over on my back. "Let's try for another omen."

I wrapped around him in my monkey grip and let him take me to lala land.

We hardly got out of bed the next day, except to eat lunch. Even that, we did in the nude. I have trouble watching Bob walking around nude. I want to grab his cock, or hug him or somehow be a part of him. I've seen him watching me too and know exactly what he's thinking.

Bob left Friday morning, and I didn't get to see him until Tuesday. I moped around the apartment like a zombie the whole time. Mom tried to cheer me up, she even cooked my favorite food, smothered pork chops. It was really good, but Bob wasn't there to share it with me. I called him ten times a day. He was busy, but always made time to talk to me. I hate that I'm so hung up on him that I can't go a few days without seeing him. I tried not to call him at all on Monday, but failed miserably by ten o'clock in the morning. I'm such a pussy.

He called me Tuesday morning from the airport to tell me he was boarding, and would call when he landed at home. He did, and I was waiting on his doorstep when he pulled into the driveway. We were in bed in under a minute.

When Mom was due home, I called her and explained that Bob had just got in and asked if I could spend the night.

"I expected as much. I even bought myself a burger on the way home. I'll see you tomorrow."

My birthday party was on Saturday, my actual birthday was Friday but it's better to have parties on Saturday for everyone's convenience.

Saturday morning, Mom woke me early to help her prepare for the party. I thought she wanted my help in the kitchen. You know slicing veggies for burgers and stuff like that. When I got to the kitchen, she handed me a few bags to take to the car. So I did and I got back she handed me more stuff for the car.

"What's going on, Mom?"

"Didn't I tell you? Well, the party has been changed to Bob's house. We decided to make it a swim party."

First of all, that was a surprise. Secondly, I had no clue Mom and Bob communicated enough behind my back to make these plans. Third, what else do they talk about? That was a scary thought.

We arrived at Bob's to find him setting up tables on the patio. There were balloons everywhere and a banner the read 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILLY'

"Ah 3; The man of the hour has finally arrived," Bob said bowing deeply.

"Before the festivities begin, I like to give you my gifts," he went into the house and reappeared rolling a new bicycle.

I'm sure my face lit up as I smiled. "You can have it, only if you promise not to crash onto anyone else's driveway," Even Mom laughed at that.

"I promise," I yelled.

"Second gift," Bob held out a box. It was beautifully wrapped, but I ruined that in seconds. It was a laptop computer.

"Oh my god! Thanks Bob," I said and threw my arms around him. I almost kissed him but remembered my mom was there just in time.

"I'll help you set it up later," Bob said with a wink.

"I have a confession to make too," I didn't like the sound of this.

"Remember the screen test?" Mom and I both nodded.

"I was there for it. I just knew they would want Billy to play Daniel. I was right, and they sent a contract for my attorney to look over."

"What? They want me?" I was in shock.

"Wait. You haven't heard the confession part. They offered you two hundred and fifty thousand dollars."

My mom dropped the paper cups she was holding. It's a good thing they weren't glass. "Two hun 3; two hun 3;" She mumbled.

"Yes, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Now, like I said I was there. I saw what they saw. I also saw them completely stunned by his performance. I just knew they wanted him. So 3; with all that has been happening, I mean the omens and kismet and all that, I told them you wouldn't take less than five plus points on the back end."

"Five what? What are points?" Mom asked.

"Five hundred thousand, and a percentage of gross profits. I'm sorry 3; but 3; Billy is going to be busy for the next few months making a movie."

That's when Mom hit the patio deck. Dropped like a stone. We carried her to the very sofa I had laid on when I first met Bob. He got a cool damp cloth and pat her head with it till she came around.

"Did you just tell me that they are going to pay him five hundred thousand dollars?"

Bob smiled, "Yes, plus a percentage."

"To play Daniel?" Mom was still in shock.

"Lilly. He is Daniel, or Daniel is him. Let me show you something else. Four years ago, Steven my publisher finally talked me into writing the book. That night I dreamed of Daniel again. When I woke up I drew a picture of what I saw. I submitted it with the first book about Daniel, to be the cover. I had no pull as far as being a best selling novelist, and they went with a different artist.

"I told you I made some demands and doubled my front money right. Well, the dedication page was my first demand. The second was that Steven find the picture and use it on the cover."

Bob got a book out of the cabinet we keep the video games. "These books came yesterday. This is the picture I drew four years before Billy's bike accident."

Now, I don't want to say it was spooky, but the Twilight Zone theme started playing in my head. The hair on the back of my neck stood up.

Daniel was standing on some rocks, his hands resting on a sword handle. The wind blowing through his hair. We already knew he resembled me, but this was uncanny. It could have been a photograph of me. Then came the creepy part. He looked like he had just been in a battle. His pant leg torn with blood around the tear. His head had a cut too. His chin and arm were scraped up.

"Four years before Billy's accident I drew Daniel's wounds exactly as Billy's."

Mom and I both just stared at the book cover.

"I have one last thing to show you." Bob took down an old sketchbook from the shelf.

"Some of these I can't show you, or they might embarrass poor Billy. But I want you to see this one."

It was another drawing of me. Only I was nude and curled up in a fetal position. But it was definitely me, just more pristine looking somehow. In this position, you could see just a part of my balls, which looked pretty accurate.

Mom said "Ah he looks so cute and innocent. Almost like a baby."

"Exactly. Look at the date of the drawing at the bottom of the page."

"It was thirteen years ago yesterday," Mom said.

"When Billy was born," Bob said. "I remember it like it was yesterday. I hadn't been feeling well all day. I finally went to sleep but was awakened by Billy. Now 3; . just out of curiosity. I'm gonna write down the time I woke up and started to draw this," he picked up a pencil and wrote on the bottom of the page next to the date.

"Lilly, do you remember what time Billy was born?"

"Yes. 3:15 in the morning," she said proudly. Bob turned the page to us, and of course it said 3:15 a.m.

"I could go on and on. I'm sure if we check all my drawings of Billy, they will correspond to events in his life. Billy is Daniel, and all the other boys in my stories."

"Billy fell off a slide when he was four," Mom said as if testing Bob. I guess he could've somehow made all this up.

"When he was four? Let's see 3;" Bob searched through some other sketchbooks till he found the one he wanted. "These are some I did around that time," he thumbed through the sketches then stopped at a particular one. "Did he get hurt?"

"Yes," Mom answered.

"Billy do you mind if I show her a rather embarrassing drawing?"

I was so caught up in everything I just shook my 'no'.

"Was it anything like this?"

It was another drawing of me, completely naked, full frontal, right down to the small tuft of hairs I have at the base of my dick. It was like I was looking in a mirror again. Thank god I didn't have a hard on in the picture.

Mom gasped. I'm not sure if it was because it was a nude picture or the fact that I had my arm in a sling in the drawing.

"Yes. He broke his arm. I put a sling on it till I could get him to a doctor, then they stuck him in a cast. He still had to wear a sling to keep him from banging it around."

"Do you remember the date?" Bob asked.

"No. I remember it was a beautiful spring day, that's why I decided to take him to the park. I felt so guilty when he fell."

We looked at the date, April 17.

Mom kept looking at the sketch. I noticed her eyes shift to the dick on the drawing. Then she flipped to a different page. Shit! Another nude picture of me. Only in this one, I had my hand on my very erect and spurting dick. My mom saw exactly what I look like when I jerk off and cum.

A little too slow, Bob sort of closed the book and snatched it from her. "Maybe that's enough for now. Lilly did you bring your swimsuit?"

"Yes, I have it on under my clothes. I need to finish setting things up though first. You boys go get changed and then you can help.

Either she didn't notice or she thought nothing of it, that Bob and I went to his bedroom to change. She didn't say anything though. Of course we have traveled together, so maybe she assumed we had seen each other naked already.

We put on our matching speedos and went back to the patio to help. Mom stopped what she was doing and just stared at us. I felt a little self conscious but pretended not to care. Mom couldn't decide where to look. At her son, or the hunk with the massive bulge. I could see that she was impressed with Bob's appearance. Not to mention curious about my development. She was probably judging how accurate Bob's drawing was. I can tell you, it was pretty accurate.

When my friends started arriving I got involved in entertaining them. Some of them I hadn't seen since school let out. I felt bad that I hadn't made more effort to keep in touch.

A couple of the boys had speedos on too so I didn't feel out of place. I notice the girls sure gave me looks but mostly they would whisper and point at Bob's package. Even some of the boys were interested in what was packing that speedo so well.

The girls all wore two piece suits, a few a bit more daring than others. They looked good I must say, but didn't cause me to get an erection. The other boys had to make adjustments though.

I also must admit that my mom looked pretty hot for an older lady. Funny I don't think of Bob as being old, yet he's a couple of years older than my mom.

I was curious as to how Bob would handle being around all those partially clad girls. His gaze never wandered. Not even at the boys. He didn't do anything that might make me question his love for me. Not even my mom encited the least bit of attention from him. I was the only one that he couldn't take his eyes off of. I wanted to fuck him right there in front of everyone.

The best part for the guests was, they all got a copy of the new Daniel book. It wasn't even at the bookstores yet. When they realized that Bob was the author of Daniel they were very impressed that he was a friend of mine.

He autographed each book on the dedication page, as he passed them out. When they saw the dedication and the cover art, they all sort of gasped and were in shock.

"The reason Billy hasn't been able to keep in touch with some of you so far this summer, is because Billy and I have been in L.A. negotiating a deal with a movie studio. Billy will be even busier in the upcoming months playing Daniel in the movie adaptation of the first book," Bob announced.

Suddenly everyone wanted my autograph too.

Chapter 8

"That was the best birthday party ever!" I told Mom and Bob as we cleaned up. "Did you see their faces when Bob said I'm gonna be Daniel?"

"Your are Daniel," Bob and Mom said at the same time. They both laughed and Bob planted a kiss on top of mom's head.

"She finally believes me."

"I believe you, I just don't understand it all. I mean it started years before he was even born," Mom stated.

"As I told Billy, it's fate or kismet or karma. Whatever you call it, it happened."

"What about the pictures you drew? By the way, you are an exceptional artist. In all of them he is the same age. The one you did the day he was born, I admit he looked like a baby for some reason, but he was also obviously older. The one with the broken arm, that happened when he was four, not thirteen. The cover art you did when he was nine," Mom asked in confusion.

"I've been thinking about that too. I guess the gods or whoever started this, wanted me to recognize Billy when the time came. As I said, I met him at precisely the right time. I have no doubt about that.

"You see, I was outside that day to consider the offer from the studio. I wanted to look around the neighborhood, because I was thinking I might move to L.A. With the movie deal and three more books, which will probably be three more movies I hope, I would need to be in L.A. for rewrites and consulting as the movies are made."

"What? No! You can't move to L.A," I cried out.

"I haven't finished. Only Billy flying into my life at that precise moment, changed my mind. If I was ever to meet Billy, it had to be right then. I might have moved away, and our paths never cross again. That little boy rolling into my yard was the proverbial snowball. It's growing bigger with each rotation it makes.

"I'm making a boatload more money because Billy gave me the courage to fight for it. Billy is going to be in at least one movie, and the money he will earn will no doubt help you both out tremendously. Even if the movie is a flop, and they don't make another, you will still have five hundred grand in the bank.

"Just think of how much he will earn in the profits, plus probably three more movies. That has got to make life easier for you both.

"I don't know why this is happening, I just know that it is. Maybe two people will meet on the movie set, and get married and have a kid who will cure cancer or famine. Who knows, it maybe something we never actually find out about. I do know that for whatever reason, I had a vision for twenty years, and that vision is now set in motion. It was supposed to happen and it did. I love it. I love Billy. And I'm grateful to be in his presence."

Shit ! Did Bob just tell my mom that he loves me. Shit shit shit.

"I still have trouble believing he'll get five hundred thousand for being himself. That's just too crazy for words," Mom remarked.

"Well, you still have to sign the contract. I took the liberty to have my attorney look at it. It's all in order. Well, that liberty and holding out for more money without asking you first," Bob admitted.

"Yeah, about that. I don't know if I should thank you or slap you," Mom laughed. Then she stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. "Thank you Bob. For all you've done for us. I just don't know if I can get out of work to go to L.A. It could take months to make a movie. And what about school? How is Billy going to school if he's making a movie?"

"There are child labor laws now, Lilly. The studio will provide Billy with a tutor. Of course it won't be easy for Billy. Besides his school work, he will be working full time too. Some days will be quite grueling, other's spent waiting around for hours. During the waiting times is when he'll study. At the same time, he will learn a lot and meet a lot of people. Once the movie is finished, there will be a promotional tour, tv appearances, lots of red carpet stuff. By the way, he will be paid for that as well.

"If you sign that contract, your life is going to change drastically. I have no doubt that Billy will be an overnight success. He will be famous and sought after. There'll be people who will try to take advantage of him and his success. He will be rich beyond anything you can provide for him, yet it always has a price. Mostly his anonymity."

"I can't tell if you are trying to talk me into signing or out of it," Mom pointed out.

"Neither. I just want you to know all you are getting into before you sign. If I'm right, and I know I am. Billy's star is going to soar high and fast. He will get this money for this film. The success of this film will probably mean five to ten million up front for the second film. Then ten to twenty for the third, and so on. Once he does the first movie, there is no way in hell they will trade Daniels mid stream. Just like Harry potter. Radcliffe played him in eight movies.

"But I have work," Mom said.

"I see your point. And how long does it take you to earn five hundred thousand dollars?"

"About twenty years. But, that's his money."

"I'm sorry. You're absolutely right. Billy, five years from now, when you're worth about forty million dollars, will you make your mom live in that crappy apartment because she can't afford better with her own money?"

"No fucking way," I said.

"Billy! Watch your language. But thank you," Mom kissed my head.

"Lilly, what did you want to be when you grew up?"

"Actually, I wanted to go to Law school. But Billy came along and his dad abandoned ship."

"I have a proposal. If you decide to let Billy do the movie, I think you should quit your job, and go back to school," Mom started to interrupt him, Bob held up his hand, "Wait, Lilly, hear me out.

"I have to go to L.A. to be on the set. My house will sit unattended. Leave your apartment and move into my house. After we finish the movie, you can move somewhere else if you want, or stay here til you finish law school. You will have a much nicer place to live, you won't have to worry about working. I will pay for your school, in return for taking care of my house. Between Billy's income and mine I think we will be okay without your job," he had to grin at his own joke, and so did Mom and I.

"But law school will take about six years," Mom argued.

"Yes, and by then Billy will be worth probably fifty million and so will I. But if you insist on providing for yourself, then do what makes you happy."

Mom just looked at him without saying anything.

"If Billy does the movie, and it flops, and he doesn't become a star like I suspect he will. You will want to provide better for him, and with a law degree you could. Worse case scenario, Billy comes home with his tail between his legs, and you start earning ten times what you earn now."

"And you will let us live here until I finish law school? Can I get that in writing?" Mom asked.

Bob chuckled. "Lilly, I will have a contract drawn up if you like. But even if we have the world's worst fight, and I throw you out on your ass, Billy's money would support you til you finish school and still have enough for his college and a down payment for his own house someday. But I promise that is never going to happen."

"Where would I sleep?"

"There are three unoccupied bedrooms. Choose one, and if you wish, I will have a deadbolt lock installed," Bob explained to her.

Mom looked at me and said "I'm sure that won't be necessary. Though I don't want to see either of you running around in the nude."

"Do I get any say in this?" I said harshly.

"Sure, Big Fella. What do you want to say?" Bob asked worriedly.

"Nothing. I just wanted to know if my opinion counted for anything."

Bob tousled my hair, "So, Lilly. Deal?" Bob ask holding out his hand.

"Deal," Mom agreed shaking his hand.

"This is the best birthday ever."

"I don't know when production will start, but you can move in anytime you like," Bob offered.

"I have two more weeks on this month's rent, and I should give notice at work. It will take a while to get things sorted, but I should be able to get it all done in that two weeks."

"So this is really happening? We're moving in with Bob?" I asked mom excitedly.

"It appears so," I gave Mom a huge hug.

"Which bedroom would you like? You can do whatever you want as far as decorating it."

"Whichever is farthest from your's. I'm a light sleeper, and loud moaning may keep me awake."

"Moa 3; ? uh 3; Okay it would be this room. It has a private bath, so you can hang your frillies on the shower door without pissing off us guys." That earned him a slap on the arm.

"Now I know where Billy gets his violent tendencies." Which earned him another slap. "I haven't done much in here anyway so do whatever you want to make it your home. In fact, do whatever you want with the rest of the house too. It could definitely use a woman's touch."

"Would you like to stay the night, so you begin getting acclimated?"

"No. But Billy can. I will bring some stuff over tomorrow. I need to pack up the kitchen and bathroom. What about my furniture?"

"If there is something you want to keep, we will make room. Otherwise just call someone to pick it up. Salvation Army or GoodWill or the women's shelter. I hear they're always looking for donations."

"That's a good idea. Those women need all the help they can get so they can start over."

"Tomorrow is father's day, I will be out visiting my dad. Here's the key. Come whenever you want."

"I didn't even think about that. Billy or I haven't had a father to worry about. Would you prefer Billy to come home with me?"

"No, no. My parents should meet Billy. I haven't told them about the movie deal, so it will be a kick for them to meet the actual Daniel."

Mom left and I was in Bob's arms instantly. "I can't believe we're going to live with you."

"I just didn't want you riding your bike anymore than you have to. You might fly into someone else's arms," Bob replied.

"You just want me here so you can fuck me all the time," I accused Bob with a kiss.

"What did she mean about loud moaning?" Bob asked me.

"I'm telling you, I think she knows about us," I tried to explain to him.

"Have you said anything that might lead her to that conclusion?"

"No. But you saying you love me probably didn't dispel it either."

"Oh shit. I did say that, didn't I," Bob recalled.

"If Mom quits her job, and we're living here, how will we find time to be together?"

"As long as I'm near you, I'll be happy. We'll make time whenever we can. She has to go shopping or get her haircut. She won't be here all the time.

Then we will be in L.A. for a long time. You'll probably get tired of me and fall for some teen bimbo anyway."

"You'll wish you could get rid of me that easy," I said as I dragged him into the bedroom.

We were up early for a drive over to his parents' house. An older woman opened the door when we rang the bell. I liked her instantly. She had a pleasant smile and caring eyes. Two of the things I liked about Bob. His dad obviously was a handsome man at one time. Still was, I guess, just a little out of my age range. Bob got the best features of both his parents. I had trouble not wondering if Bob's dad had a big cock like Bob. Maybe that's why his mom's smile was so pleasant.

"Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet Billy," Bob introduced. They both looked at me expectantly.

I put on my best behavior. "Mr. and Mrs Shackley, it's a pleasure to meet you both."

"I wanted you to meet Billy because 3; well 3; here," he handed his mother a copy of the second book."

"Oh look Stanley, the second book is out." Then she looked at the cover and looked at me. "Oh my 3;" Even Stanley, Bob's dad, was staring.

"Uncanny isn't it," Bob said. "I wanted you to meet Billy, because Billy is going to play Daniel in the upcoming movie."

"Uncanny isn't the word. Spooky comes to mind. Mind boggling, a little creepy even," Stanley offered.

"Did you say movie? Oh Son, I'm so proud," his mom said.

"Which brings up my second gift. Happy Father's day, Dad," Bob pulled an envelope from his pocket, and handed it to his dad.

Stanley opened it and took out some folded papers. Stanley glanced at them and plopped down in his recliner. Bob's mom took the papers and looked at them.

"You paid off our mortgage?" Nancy, (that's Bob's mom) questioned placing her hand over her mouth as she teared up. Stanley was sobbing quietly too.

Nancy threw her arms around Bob "Thank you son. We're so proud of you."

"Actually, you should be thanking Billy. He made it happen."

Nancy leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you Billy."

Bob's mom made us a wonderful lunch. Stanley kept repeating "I can't believe you paid our mortgage," and he'd shake his head. Bob told them how I came flying off my bike and into his life. He left out some parts of course. Then he let slip about us moving into his house.

"Oh, so you're dating Billy's mom then?" Stanley asked.

"No. Though she is a wonderful woman. It's not like that at all," he still seemed confused, and nothing Bob was going to say would explain things. Nancy nodded, then looked at me and smiled.

When we were leaving, Nancy first pinched my cheeks, then leaned in and kissed me. Then hugged me and whispered "Take good care of my son."

We pulled out of the driveway, and Bob said "I think my parents liked you."

I said "Your mom knows."

Bob slammed on the brakes. "Did you say something?"

"I didn't have to."

"Then why do you think she knows?"

"She told me to take care of you. You're rich, I'm poor. You're 32, I'm 13. How else am I supposed to take care of you other than how I'm taking care of you?" I said with a smile.

"You may have a point there."

"Your dad doesn't."

"No, he's always been a bit oblivious to things around him."

"It was really nice of you to pay off their house," I said and hugged him.

Mom was home when we got there. It's funny to call Bob's house home. But I guess it is, now.

"My parents loved Billy," Bob told her.

"Of course they did. What's not to love," she kissed my head.

Mom watched tv with us for a while. Bob and I were curled up on the sofa, Mom in a chair. She got up and said "You boys have a good night," and she went to her room.

I looked at Bob, he looked at me. "What did that mean?" We both asked. We snuck quietly down the hall to Bob's bedroom and closed the door.

We were standing there kissing and then Bob said "Shit. Look," he was pointing at his open closet. There in the closet was the suitcase I had taken on the trip. All the new clothes I had worn, had been washed and were hanging in his closet.

"I told you she knows," I said ripping Bob's clothes off.

I was inside Bob and he said "Mmm you're getting bigger."

"I'm over five inches [12.5 cm] now," I said with more than a little pride.

"And thicker too. I can tell."

We woke a little later and Bob fucked me. God I love how he does me. He kissed me the entire time to keep me from making too much noise. Okay I admit. I get carried away and yell things. He just didn't think my mom wanted to hear me yelling "Fuck Me Bob. I Love your cock. Deeper. Oh God," Shit like that.

We were in the shower the next morning, when we heard Mom at his bedroom door. "Boys, breakfast is ready," There is little doubt she knew we were in the shower together.

To say that breakfast was a little awkward would be an understatement.

Mom broke the silence by saying. "Bob, did I mention I have dreams too."

"No, Lilly. Do you dream of doing something in particular?"

"No. It's this recurring dream I've had for years. I first noticed it after Billy was born. I thought it was just some weird side effect of the epidural they had given me. But since then, I have it a couple of times a month. It's always the same, every time."

"Oh, What is it?" Bob asked, his curiosity piqued."

"A dragon. This happy little dragon. I can tell he's happy, the way he's flying around. Doing loops and flying upside down like on his back. Then the oddest thing. He flies passed the Hollywood sign. You know that one on the hillside. And I think 'What's a dragon doing in Hollywood?' Then it ends.

"For thirteen years that dream has appeared to me. I didn't know what it meant, until recently of course," Mom was explaining.

Bob left the table and came back with his sketchbook. "A happy little dragon in Hollywood? Did it look anything like this?" He handed her the book.

"Exactly like that," It was a drawing just as she described, a dragon flying passed the Hollywood sign. "I think that whoever is in charge wanted me to let Billy go to Hollywood. I just didn't put it together till our little talk Saturday. I also think that whoever is in charge put all this in motion for a reason. Who am I to argue with kismet. All I ask is that you don't hurt my son."

I don't know what came over me. The words just jumped out of my mouth. "Did you see the size of that thing? It hurt like hell the first time," I said over my plate of bacon and eggs. When I realized I said it out loud, I looked at them. They were both staring at me in shock.

"What? 3; Well it did. Just a little at first. Then WOW."

Bob finally spoke. "I'm sorry Lilly. Billy can be a bit crude and inappropriate at times."

"Um yes. Well that would be your problem now. I would suggest a spanking, but he would probably enjoy it. Just out of curiosity though 3; .?

I spoke up again "Nine and a half inches [24 cm] long and almost seven inches [18 cm] around," Again they're both in shock. "What? I measured it while he was sleeping. I was scared I couldn't take it. I did research on the internet before I seduced him."

"I was going to ask about all the pictures he drew of you. But now that you brought that up 3; you seduced him?"

"Mom, Bob is way too nice to do anything to a kid." It was a bit of a lie. I did seduce him into anal sex, but we had oral long before that.

"When did that happen?" Mom asked.

"In L.A., Lilly. I'm sorry I betrayed your trust. He can be quite persuasive," Bob said, knowing I had lied to cover for him.

"I wanted him to learn the facts of life. I just didn't know it would be such an in depth study," Mom recalled. "I was going to ask about the pictures. You're a fabulous artist, I can't believe how beautiful and detailed those pictures are."

The detail part stung a bit, she saw details I didn't really want my mom to see.

"I have always drawn pictures, as far back as I can remember. I was actually an art major in school. When Billy first appeared to me. I wanted to capture it, so I drew it. Later, in college, I made extra money doing street portraits.

"One day after another Billy dream, I was drawing what I had seen, when my roommate saw the picture and said 'I'd like some of that.' At first I was angry. He had lecherous thoughts about my visions. But I blew it off because I knew he was gay, and I guess if someone had a picture of a beautiful teen girl, I probably would have said the same thing."

My mom interrupted him "Girl? You weren't into boys?"

"No. Strictly females," Bob replied

"Now I'm confused, but go on," Mom said.

"My senior year, I started looking for a job. The art world isn't really all that kind to young artists. I couldn't find anything that I could make a living at. Then my roommate said I should meet a friend of his that published underground books. He said that some of the books had illustrations, and that I could sell some of my pictures to Steven. Steven had been his first lover when he was a teen.

"Again, I was angry. Billy was very personal to me. That night, Billy came to me again. Only it was different. He did things and said things that were very explicit. So I met with Steven and sold some very rough drawings, very crude, not good drawings and not Billy drawings. They appeared in a couple of books. But Steven liked them and encouraged me to write stories to go with some of the drawings. I had minored in English Lit, so, I thought what the heck, give it a shot. I started writing about Billy and some of his 3; adventures. Steven loved them and Billy. I wrote a lot of stories and books and made a decent living. Steven then encouraged me to write a book for general publication. That was the first Daniel book."

"Okay now back up to the girl part. You liked girls?" Mom wanted a lot more clarification.

"Yes, very much. I had never thought of doing anything with a man. Billy was different. He had been with me my whole life. I explained to Billy that I really couldn't marry a woman because it would be unfair to her. I wouldn't ever be able to give my all to her. Only Billy deserved my all. In the hardest parts of my life, only Billy was there for me.

"I lost my virginity to the girl next door. I even did her mother. Didn't mean anything to me. Billy was there for me. When my dog got run over by a milk truck, Billy comforted me. I can't tell you the number of times when only he could and did help me. I dated lots of girls and had a lot of sex, but I didn't have the emotional connection I feel with Billy. My roommate wanted me, Steven wanted me, countless other men have propositioned me. None do anything for me, except Billy.

"I have to say it. I'm in love with your son. But when I made the proposition of you moving in here, I really didn't have any ulterior motives, other than helping you both. I had already decided that I would stay here and be as close to Billy as I could no matter what.

"The idea had come just as I had made the proposition. After you left, even Billy thought I had made a mistake by inviting you into what could have been our safe haven, sexually speaking of course. He has also said that you knew about us already. He thinks my mother knows as well."

"We mothers have intuition, so he's probably right about that. I did think something was happening between the two of you. I didn't know it had gone as far as it had. I knew you loved Billy. I knew Billy loved you. What I need to know is, what are your intentions?"

"My intention is to be here for Billy, just as he has always been there for me. When we go to Hollywood, I intend to protect him. When his star rises, I will still be there to love him, guide him, keep him grounded and level headed. Hollywood can be carnivorous. It will chew you up and spit you out. I want to be sure that Billy doesn't suffer the same fate as many others before him."

"What do you get out of this?" Mom was really pouring on the third degree.

"I get to be with the one constant in my life. I get to love Billy, not just sexually, but on a different level than anyone I have ever encountered. Billy's movie career will promote my writing career, and vice versa. A sort of symbiotic relationship financially. I get to see my vision in real life."

"Boys Billy's age tend to 3; experiment, shall we say. What if Billy wants to be with a girl?"

"I hope he does. I would never dream of denying him a chance at what most people think is a normal life. If he wants kids and such, then great. I will be Uncle Bob. I will never say or do anything that would jeopardize that. I will even encourage him to try girls, sexually speaking. They can be a lot of fun.

"Lilly, I worded my dedication page very precisely. I always want to be in his life, but when our time is up, either from my death or a decision he makes along the way, I want to be a fond memory for him."

"May I read some of your other books about him?" Mom asked.

"No. And you will never know any of my pseudonyms. Billy has been embarrassed enough already. He hates that you saw him on the bathroom counter. He worries what you must think of him, and what you have already seen in my drawings. If you were to read the things that Billy's alter ego does in these stories, things that were written specifically to elicit a certain mental image and response, it would only further embarrass him.

"I will, but only with his permission, show you one last drawing before I lock them away from you. If they didn't mean so much to me personally, I would burn them. It's the first drawing I did after Billy was born. Exactly thirteen years ago today."

Bob brought out another book. He turned the pages to a particular one. He gestured to me, and I stood beside him. It was a drawing of Bob and I. It was the view from above our bed. How he knew what his body looks like from that angle is beyond me. But it was definitely him. I had my monkey grip on him, his face buried in my neck, much like it was only a couple of hours earlier. It was quite obvious what was going on, though you couldn't actually see the penetration. The picture was so lifelike, you could almost see Bob's muscular buttocks moving up and down as he brought me to a climax. My arms are around him, holding him, clutching him. My legs spread in total acceptance and surrender. My face held what could only be described as a mix of sexual bliss, need, desire, and most importantly love. It was all there in plain view, written all over my face. Without all the thrusting, spewing, moaning, description of a story. It was somehow 3; Pure.

"May I show her this?"

I took it from him and studied it a moment. Yes, it was obviously a depiction of me having sex, which is not something I wanted my mom to see. But it also captured my feelings for Bob.

"Mom, this is Bob and I," And I gave it to her.

She saw what I saw. Not just two people doing the nasty. She saw her son in love, and that love being returned. She cried, though they were happy tears.

The End

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