PZA Boy Stories

Steam Train

Chronicles of a Neighbourhood Babysitter


Fourteen-year-old Jennifer Dailey is a sought after local community babysitter who discovered from the moment she started babysitting at age twelve that she enjoyed dominating her male charges. Jennifer lives in a strict society that believes in making misbehaving juveniles serve the community as naked 'newdd' Juvenile Servants for a court ordered period of time. Though she has managed to avoid any formal newdd punishments, Jennifer whilst still a young teenager finds herself caught up in the new government initiative called 'Taking Back Control' which results in Jennifer and her male and female juvenile peers experiencing a range of totally embarrassing and humiliating experiences as they make their way through their formative years.
Publ. 2006 (Nialos); this site Jan 2008
Finished 92,000 words (184 pages)


multiple boys and girls (7-15yo), among the boys Aaron (13y) from Juvenile Deterrence.

Category & Story codes

Boy-Slave story/future
tg bg Fg tb tt gg – Mdom Fdom 'girl-dom' mast oral anal humil spank toy enema chast
NB: since there are chapters without boys acting all chapters have the paring (Fg, gg) below the chapter title.


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

This story develops the characters Jennifer and Caitlin Dailey introduced in chapters thirty one and thirty two of my story Juvenile Deterrence .

This story is the third of a sequel of (long) stories:

  1. Even the Modest Must Serve
  2. Juvenile Deterrence
  3. Chronicles of Neighbourhood Babysitter
  4. A Series of Most Unexpected Humiliations
  5. A Matter of Control.
All these stories can be read as separate stories. Eventually, they will all appear on this site. Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at steam_t2000(at)yahoo.com or using this feedback form with Steam Train - Chronicles of a Neighbourhood Babysitterin the subject line.

© 2006 by Steam Train, all rights reserved.

Table of Contents

  1. The Beginning
  2. Chris Miller Aged 10
  3. Jennifer Dailey Aged 12
  4. Mathew, Mark, Luke & John
  5. Mat Davis Aged 14
  6. Rebecca Shaw-Davis Aged 12
  7. Jennifer Dailey Aged 13
  8. Jennifer & Mat
  9. Nicholas Hermann Aged 14
  10. Nick, Peter, Billy & Beth
  11. Keira Drew Aged 13
  1. Patrick Bowers Age 14
  2. Terri Walker Aged 12
  3. Jennifer Dailey Aged 14
  4. Dr. Learner
  5. Dr. Robert MacPherson
  6. Mat and Nick Aged 15
  7. Christian and Caitlin Aged 12
  8. Billy Carver Aged 13
  9. Dianne Spencer
  10. Aaron Spencer Aged 13
  11. Love – Conclusion


The story is set in the city of Eastbrook at a time when the authoritarian governments that ruled the United States at that time had long reintroduced slavery and encouraged other authoritarian practises to maintain public order and stimulate economic recovery.

The social rationale behind the reintroduction of slavery all those years ago centered around the need after the great crashes of the early parts of the century to do something to try to regain economic stability in the world.

Conventional economics had failed; the tried and tested solutions applicable in the 20th century to fix things were not working. It didn't seem to mater how much governments tried to stimulate the economy, how many job creation programs were tried, how much taxes were lowered, what incentives were offered to invest in new industries, the economy remained a mess.

With higher and higher percentages of the country's wealth going on welfare spending because of the huge unemployment rate, the only options were to raise taxes to try to pay for it, or to 'print money.' There are natural limits to the levels of taxation, and with fewer and fewer people in paid employment; the tax take went down rather than up. The inevitable consequence of the continuing need to 'spend' was of course rampant inflation, and, in the end, this was what tipped the balance.

Once you needed hundreds of dollars to buy a cup of coffee and money was essentially worthless, society crashed.

Millions who had only known a life of relative luxury and ease suddenly found themselves with no savings, no jobs, no income, and no hope.

On to the political stage at this pivotal moment in time walked G.W. Shelley.

Shelley was elected as President solely on a platform of 'getting back to normal', and most electors frankly no longer cared how this was done as long as it was done quickly!

He did start with the huge advantage of overwhelming popular support. He began by attempting to stabilize the currency by what was, effectively, an act of faith, announcing the 'new dollar' to replace the devalued greenbacks which were now required people to carry around millions of them for even the simplest purchases.

As well as the actions taken to address the economic consequences of the great crashes, President Shelley's reforms had also tackled the rising tide of lawlessness that had swept over the country. To quell this, President Shelley introduced enslavement orders. This action was initially less popular, but once it was seen that they were working and some semblance of 'normal' life was returning, most of the population stopped worrying about 'rights or wrongs' and just went back to enjoying their now more 'normal' lives.

There were at the time of the crash enormous numbers of burglaries, robberies and other street crimes and the police had been unable to either detect the criminals and if they did, the procedural rules in the courts meant that they were often never properly convicted or punished.

That had all changed when President Shelley closed the prisons and reformed the courts so that the only punishment for crime was a sentence of slavery. With the criminals caught and removed often permanently from the streets, the police had more time to focus on finding and convicting the remaining miscreants and the 'positive feedback' effect meant that crimes against property and citizens were now almost curious relics of a bygone age.

It was cheaper to provide adequate food and housing for slaves rather than for the unemployed on welfare, and of course it was easier to stop them continuing to breed and adding to the problem. The theory was that a life of slavery for 15% of the population was necessary to allow the rest of the population to 'return to normal'.

The post was delivered by slaves, the garbage was collected by slaves, the streets were kept clean by slaves and. But all these slaves looked relatively happy, and in their smart uniforms they did not look all that different from the free men who had been performing these sorts of blue-collar jobs before the crash.

It was only when you went out into the rural areas that slavery really intruded into your consciousness.

In the rural areas slaves were used in very large numbers, not the cheerful, neatly-uniformed slaves that were used to perform duties around Eastbrook, but chained field gangs of near-naked laborers toiling away nurturing the crops under the oppressive hot sun encouraged in their toil by their overseer's whips.

The introduction of slavery had swept away the remaining pre crash vestiges of racial discrimination. If you looked along the rows of manacled labourers you saw blacks and whites in almost equal numbers, chained and all working together.

Even with the harsh new laws there always seemed to be a shortage of slaves, especially labourer slaves. A new industry soon grew up with legal sanction. Slaves were born and bred just for this purpose. These slaves were never considered citizens and never had any rights. They existed from their earliest years to serve and work. On these breeding farms the bred slaves were brought up in a crèche, then the nursery, play groups, and junior work groups till they were sixteen years old and were then eligible to be sold into general labouring tasks.

The great crash had also resulted in far more families becoming unable to afford their lifestyles, and when their mortgages and loans were recalled, a lot of them had no choice, if they did not want to be enslaved themselves, but to sell their only assets, their adolescent children into slavery.

This occurred mainly to adolescents aged between sixteen and twenty one years of age. If the child was younger than sixteen then an education program had to be implemented and restrictions upon the use of the slave applied and were strictly enforced. This tended to lower their value and worth greatly. Upon turning twenty one, full legal rights passed to the individual and so no parent could sell their child after they attained that age.

The ability to sell your child into slavery led to that greatest of parental threats, "If you don't behave then you will be enslaved."

Thus was the world and community that Jennifer and Caitlin Dailey had grown up amongst and which influenced their whole outlook on life and people.

1 – The Beginning

— gt —

Fourteen-year-old Jennifer Dailey, already had a very attractive figure and she used it to her advantage. She was tall and slim with blond hair, small pert breasts, a trim waist and her stomach was tight and gently rounded, while her hips had broadened giving her a very feminine appearance

Through the friends of her mother, Gail, Jennifer had since the age of twelve built up a very good business around her immediate neighbourhood in West Eastbrook babysitting. She had a client list of numerous families, all of whom used her services on a regular basis for she had rapidly built up a reputation as a babysitter who did not brook any nonsense from her charges, an attribute that most parents desired in their babysitter especially when it came to looking after their sons.

This year Jennifer's twelve year sister Caitlin had been allowed by their mother to join the business. Now they sometimes went to different residences allowing the family babysitting business to expand and cover more than one appointment at a time but at first Caitlin accompanied her big sister to jobs so she could learn all the skills required to make a success out of babysitting.

Jennifer and Caitlin's mother Gail Dailey was a single mother. Gail's husband Rodney had been killed when the girls were only four and two respectively in a commuter bus accident. Gail had received a substantial insurance payout that had enabled her to bring up her two daughters within a modest middle class lifestyle.

She had invested the money and it produced enough income to cover all their daily living expenses and afford the Dailey family a modicum of luxury as well, like the occasional holiday and a new car from time to time, however it did not run to covering the expense of a family slave. Gail had always shied away from buying a family slave. The cost of a good slave was high and the upkeep was considerable, besides Slaves were not too common in her immediate neighbourhood so the Dailey household consisted of only Gail, her two daughters and their dog Elmo.

Gail's closest friend was her next door neighbour Dianne Spencer. They had bought up their families together. Dianne having a son Aaron, who was at thirteen, a year younger than Jennifer and a year old than Caitlin.

Aaron was a very attractive looking boy, blond hair, blue eyes, and five foot two [1.57 m] in height with a slim build. Numerous girls and a not inconsiderable number of boys at West Eastbrook Middle School drooled over his looks. Aaron had the build of an Adonis and he knew it though at the same time he was a very shy boy and never took advantage of his looks in getting a steady girlfriend. As a result he often strutted around his neighborhood in either an open, flapping shirt or with no shirt on at all if the weather was warm enough. This drove the girls and boys practically wild as they feasted their young eager eyes on his smooth well-developed chest and tummy muscles with its deep bronze tan which only accentuated his good looks.

Jennifer and Caitlin had been the best of playmates with Aaron when they were younger but as the years passed they grew more apart. When Mr. Spencer walked out on Dianne and Aaron when Aaron was aged eight, Dianne had had a difficult time dealing with her divorce and wanted to do everything possible to keep a good relationship with her son so she spoiled him rotten over the next four years. Soon, she was catering to his every whim and it became obvious to her friends like Gail that Aaron was ruling the roost at home.

This new 'man of the house' attitude did not go down well with Jennifer in particular. When Aaron was eleven Jennifer started babysitting and from day one she wished she was put in charge of minding Aaron. She knew she could have quickly put him straight if she was allowed to apply her newly developed talents in controlling boys.

To her great disappointment this did not happen. Mrs. Spencer never used a babysitter, allowing Aaron the freedom to look after himself from a relatively young age. He was after all now the 'man of the house' and as such Mrs. Spencer considered it not appropriate to have him babysat.

By the time Aaron was twelve, it became apparent, even to Dianne Spencer, that she had her hands full with Aaron. His grades in school were slipping badly, neighbours were complaining about him and he had become very disrespectful and often rude to her.

Dianne continued to blame all of this on the bad company he hung around with at and after school for she was convinced that Aaron was a good boy.

Both Jennifer and Caitlin just longed for the opportunity to see Aaron naked before them. Over the last two to three years Jennifer had managed to not just see many of her charges naked but inflict a good spanking on their naked behinds as well. It disappointed her that her 'hot' next door neighbour had not fallen under her charge like so many other boys had done.

This year had also seen Jennifer start High School. She was attending 9th grade at West Eastbrook High whilst Caitlin was in 7th grade at West Eastbrook Middle School.

Since 7th grade but especially since she started high school this year Jennifer had built up a reputation amongst the local boys as a real cocktease. She had had a number of boyfriends over the past two to three years. Most of those guys had tried to score with her but failed. That is not to say she didn't score with quite a few of them.

As a babysitter Jennifer had soon learnt that she was in a position of power and authority beyond her meager years and that most of the parents who hired her approved of her stern approach to managing their children, especially their male offspring. Some had even instructed her to spank their miscreant children if they warranted it.

From the age of twelve when she started babysitting, Jennifer rapidly learnt that the male of the species was easily manipulated if you knew how to use sex to your advantage. Her practical experiences with the younger boys who she started out babysitting were quickly turned to advantage in manipulating her boyfriends.

They all thought they could get into her pants but in truth it was one hundred percent the other way. Jennifer always had her boyfriends naked and slaves to her every wish before they knew what they had got themselves into.

Jennifer soon realized that she was also very safe in dominating her boyfriends like she did. No boyfriend was ever going to tell on her, the last thing they wanted was the humiliation and embarrassment associated with any public revelation that they had willingly been stripped naked, spanked and masturbated by her on numerous occasions. Such a revelation was not good for the young male ego.

Jennifer's fourteenth year was also significant because during that year the Government had introduced the new 'Taking Back Control' initiative which encouraged parents and those in charge to take a more active role in the disciplining of their children. This initiative was of concern to all juveniles but slightly less so for Jennifer or Caitlin.

Their mother had always been a strict disciplinarian and had when they were younger often spanked the girls bare naked on their bottoms to keep them in line. They both learnt a lot from these lessons and it had now been two years since Jennifer had last been spanked but only a few months for Caitlin.

Jennifer had soon discovered through her babysitting that she enjoyed spanking her charges. She especially relished punishing the boys she was babysitting. The fact that she had been given bare naked spankings by her mother was a fact that she hoped never came out. Just the thought of any of her babysitting charges learning the truth of Jennifer's home punishment regime was too much to contemplate and would certainly have wrecked her ability to dominate over the males she babysat.

Between her own bare naked spankings and the ones she inflicted on her charges and boyfriends Jennifer realized just as the architects of the newdd system and later of 'Taking Back Control' had discovered before her, that humiliation, embarrassment, and punishment were all effective tools in correcting and limiting inappropriate behavior and so her punishment methods broadened over time from spanking to other even more humiliating and embarrassing activities.

From her babysitting charges it was a natural progression that this attitude would extend to her boyfriends.

Jennifer didn't really care one bit for the dignity or self-respect of her charges or her boyfriends; she was the perfect example of how well the Government had trained their citizens to accept humiliation, embarrassment, punishment and slavery as normal social behaviors if government sponsored and condoned.

Jennifer might well have grown into a different fourteen-year-old than the one she now was, had the world she lived in been different and had her first babysitting job not led her immediately to the realisation that she was in a position of total power and authority over her new charge.

2 – Chris Miller Aged 10

— gb —

Jennifer's very first babysitting job was just down the street for Mr. and Mrs. Miller, looking after their ten-year-old 5th grader Christopher whilst they attended a Friday night business dinner.

Jennifer was very nervous about the first job. Chris was only two years younger than her; in fact he was in her sister Caitlin's grade at school. Like most ten-year-old boys he was not too pleased about being baby sat, especially by the older sister of a girl in his grade. The fact that his new babysitter was only two years older than himself did not help either.

The Miller's usual babysitter for the past three years had just started college and had moved away from Eastbrook. Gail Dailey had suggested her daughter to Mrs. Miller over coffee one afternoon and Jennifer's new career started from there.

It was when Mr. and Mrs. Miller gave Jennifer her final instruction before leaving for the dinner that Jennifer realised that as a babysitter she was being treated considerably different than she was used to being treated when she was just, twelve-year-old 7th grader Jennifer Dailey.

"Jennifer," said Mrs. Miller, "I've written down both our cell phone numbers should you need to contact us. I'll leave my cell phone on vibration whilst we are in the hotel at the dinner. Don't be afraid to call if there are problems or questions."

Mr. Miller then turned to his son and said, "Chris if you are any problem to Jennifer you'll wish you were never born when I get home. If I get any bad reports I'll give your behind a thorough work out with my belt. You will behave and do whatever Jennifer tells you to do. Understand?"

"Yes dad!" the sullen boy replied.

Turning again to Jennifer Mrs. Miller continued, "If you need immediate help, you can always call on your mother. She is only up the road and if Chris is too naughty, I know your mum knows how to deliver a good spanking if she needs to. That's if you're shy about doing it."

Jennifer blushed at this remark. Not because she was shy about spanking Chris, she had never even thought about that before, no she blushed because Mrs. Miller had seen her receive a bare bottom spanking a few years before when she was still a little girl and this Jennifer was sure, was what Mrs. Miller was hinting at.

"Mom, you can't let Jennifer spank me. She's a kid like me," Chris protested.

"Yes your right, Jennifer is still young, but she is also your sitter and that means she has adult authority in this household. So if she decides you need a good spanking then that is fine with us," Mrs. Miller responded.

Jennifer was not prepared for such sweeping powers but readily accepted their imposition upon her. It's every twelve-year-olds dream to be treated like an adult.

"Also Jennifer, he's not good at washing himself lately. I don't know what it is about ten-year-old boys but they seen to develop an aversion to water and soap. You will need to make sure he washes himself properly. If you need to, go right ahead and check him out to make sure he's clean before he dresses in his pyjamas and goes to bed," Mrs. Miller explained.

"Mom, she can't come in the bathroom and see me naked. She isn't old enough to do that." Chris protested at this new affront to his status and dignity.

"Yes she is," said Mr. Miller, "You will let her inspect you if she requires, no complaints entered into. If you don't believe me, let me remind you there' will be a belt waiting for you when I return home."

Jennifer had not imagined in her wildest dreams that she would be allowed see the boy she was going to baby sit naked. In fact she was being allowed to inspect his naked body just like a newdd. She had seen boys naked. There were usually some newdd's at the Middle School and up at the High School she knew there were even more naked newdd's. Jennifer however had always been shy up til now to actually make a reasonable request and inspect a naked boy or girl for that matter.

"I'm sure that inspecting Chris would embarrass him awfully," Jennifer replied, "I am equally sure he can do the job properly, can't you Chris?" Jennifer replied.

"Yes, I can, you won't need to inspect me," Chris asserted.

"Well make sure you do son, but the ruling still stands, if Jennifer needs to inspect you she has authority to do so," Mr. Miller reiterated.

Then turning to Jennifer he continued, "We're working on Chris's excessive modesty and having a young girl in the house might be very beneficial, so if you're so inclined Jennifer it is ok to let Chris have a period of nude time. I know from reading the paper that the government is working on a program they hope to implement in a year or two that will bring a national approach to the issue of boys and their excessive modesty, here in the Miller household we are not waiting for that to occur."

"You mean totally nude, Mr. Miller?" a shocked Jennifer asked in disbelief.

"Yes you can make him stay totally naked for a period of time in the house. We often do, it helps Chris loosen up as far as his body image is concerned."

"Mum, Dad, this really sucks," a distraught and blushing Chris blurted out.

"You are sure it wouldn't bother you, a twelve-year-old girl making her ten-year-old charge go around the house nude?" Jennifer asked in clarification.

"No Jennifer it does not," Mrs. Miller replied, "We know your mother well and we trust you or we wouldn't leave you in charge. Actually, I raised this issue with your mother when she asked if you could to sit for us, and she replied that she half expected that you'd jump at the chance of seeing Chris naked. I told your mum I don't even mind in the future when you baby sit again if you expose Chris in the privacy of this house to your sister Caitlin and some of your friends. It would all be part of ensuring that Chris looses his excess modesty. As the experts say, little boys shouldn't be so modest."

"Well, I'll have to think about that, Mr. and Mrs. Miller. I'm a little uncomfortable right now at the thought of doing that but, maybe 3; I'll think it over."

"Of course dear, what ever your comfortable with, but now you know we are comfortable with you whilst you are his babysitter disciplining Chris and working on his excessive modesty. I am sure you will work out very well as Chris's new babysitter," Mrs. Miller concluded.

In fact Jennifer didn't inspect Chris that night after he washed. She decided she would trust him and ten-year-old boys being just that, he tried to pull a swiftie on Jennifer. Actually he succeeded but was caught the next morning by his mother.

Yes Chris went into the bathroom and ran the shower but he did not step in to wash himself. He allowed the water to run as he changed into his pyjamas whilst giving his body a spray with some spray deodorant.

Jennifer noticed the wet floor and the discarded clothing when she tidied up the bathroom after Chris, she was satisfied he had done as requested and thoroughly washed himself.

Both Jennifer and Chris were asleep when the Millers returned and so it came to pass that at the breakfast table Mrs. Miller asked Jennifer about her son's bathroom routine the previous night.

Jennifer proudly certified that Chris had washed himself and she had not needed to go into the bathroom to check.

On hearing this Mrs. Millers face broke into a sly smile. She motioned for Chris and Jennifer to follow her and she quickly exited the breakfast table and went upstairs to the bathroom.

"This towel feels might dry mister," Mrs. Miller accused her son.

"Been a while since I washed mum, it's dried out," Chris responded.

"Oh dried out has it," Mrs. Miller replied sarcastically, "Well how come it's still neatly folded. You never put a towel back in its place, I am always picking them up from the floor either here or in your bedroom. Did you fold it Jennifer?"

"Why no, Mrs. Miller, and now you point that out I did tidy up the bathroom after Chris, his dirty clothes were just dropped on the floor, but now I realise the towels were untouched. I feel so foolish. You warned me to check on him and I felt it was not necessary. I certainly have learnt my lesson from this experience Mrs. Miller," Jennifer informed Chris's mother.

Then turning to face her disgraced charge she said, "I trusted you Christopher Miller and you betrayed that trust."

It was at that moment that Jennifer made the decision that would change the way she interacted with her charges over the next few years. She felt foolish for ignoring the Miller's warnings about their son's bathroom habits. She wanted revenge for being made look a fool.

"I'm going to pull off your shoes, tee shirt and jeans, remove your undies, bend you over my knee and spank you bare naked until you are begging for mercy then I am going to personally wash every inch of your body," Jennifer boldly asserted without thinking what she was saying.

Having stated what she was feeling Jennifer then realised where she was and that Mrs. Miller was standing there right next to her listening in. Jennifer looked at Mrs. Miller half apologetically and was relieved when Mrs. Miller replied, "Go for it Jennifer, that's the attitude I like to hear in our babysitter. Make sure you spank him that thoroughly that he remembers well into the future that you are now in charge. Oh by the way I would use this instead of your hand, otherwise you will be as sore as his bottom is about to become." With that Mrs. Miller handed Jennifer her hair brush from the bathroom cabinet.

Jennifer took hold of the frightened looking 5th grader and pulled him in front of her. She bent down and removed Chris's joggers then pulled his socks off. She straightened up and pulled his shirt over his head. His upper body was hairless as she expected it would be. Jennifer hesitated momentarily with her hands on Chris's belt buckle, then started to unbuckle his jeans before dropping them around his feet and making Chris kick them off.

Chris was standing with his head bowed down unable to meet the gaze of Jennifer or his mother's eyes. He began to rub his eyes as he whispered, "Jennifer, please no, please don't strip me!"

Ignoring his pleas Jennifer knelt in front of Chris and placed both her hands on the elastic waistband of Chris's dark blue briefs and pulled them down. She pulled them completely off his legs and tossed them on the pile of discarded clothing.

Chris's hands flew instinctively to cover his genitals. He moved so fast that Jennifer barely got a look at his most private of parts.

"Oh no you don't, I want to see those," Jennifer instructed her now profusely blushing charge, "Put your hands behind your back or I'll move them for you."

The totally embarrassed Chris hesitated for a moment, glanced at his mum then realising he had no choice did what he was told, though very, very reluctantly.

Chris's two and three quarter inch [7 cm] erection was pointing straight out at Jennifer. At ten years of age he had no pubic hair and his little kids balls were still very small, his penis almost covering them totally from sight.

Lowering the toilet seat and patting her lap Jennifer instructed, "Over my knee Chris."

Nervous and very unhappy, Chris lay over Jennifer's lap blushing as his little erection poked into Jennifer's lap.

Jennifer let out an immature giggled at Chris's arousal and then to stop herself giggling any more landed a sharp spank to his bare bottom forcing herself to act out the mature babysitter routine.

Jennifer then proceeded to land a hard salvo of spanks with the hairbrush onto Chris's bottom.

As the spanks continued to reign down, Chris cried out in anguish as his bottom turned red under Jennifer's determined assault.

To Chris the spanks seemed to get harder and harder as his bottom became more and more tender. He began to cry out for Jennifer to stop and tears plainly began to show on his face.

"I won't pretend to wash ever again Jennifer. I won't!" he promised beginning to sob. "I will always wash properly in the future."

Jennifer nodded to Mrs. Miller and finished up Chris's spanking with six super hard spanks with the hair brush. "You had better not. Now get over to the bath and run the water. I am personally going to wash every inch of your body to ensure that you are properly clean."

As Chris ran his bath he looked over at Jennifer, his face instantly filled with shame as he saw that she was looking at his testicles and penis. He blushed again as she looked him in the eye.

"I hope Chris that you are going to behave yourself while I bath you and that I am not going to have to smack your bottom again."

Chris looked at Jennifer then his mother then back to Jennifer his bottom lip trembling he mumbled almost incoherently. "No."

When the bath was prepared the naked and trembling Chris was made to stand in the bath water and hold on to the safety rail that was set into the wall above the bath. Chris had to stretch slightly to reach it, as he stood there bracing himself to endure the most humiliating bath he had ever had in his ten years of life.

"Right open your legs wide and stand straight and stop squirming about," Jennifer instructed as she scooped her hand in the water and then began to lather her hands with soap.

She began with his face and worked down.

Chris could not cope with the sensation of Jennifer's soft and delicate hands gently soothing and caressing his body. His penis was still erected fully and was sticking straight out

Jennifer began to soap over his chest and as she did so she became aware for the first time of the sensitivity of boys nipples as she gently washed around them.

As Jennifer washed under Chris's arms and around his chest she had him squirming and trembling.

Chris even at his tender age knew worse was to come and was dreading the approaching moment when Jennifer would turn her attention to washing between his widely parted legs.

For a short moment she deliberately ignored his genitals and washed his shins and lathered him up to the tops of his thighs.

The first touch of Jennifer's hands on Chris's genitals was like an electric shock. As Jennifer took a firm hold of his penis Chris jerked his hips in shock as Jennifer washed his penis thoroughly, before reaching right between his legs and carefully washed his tight tender scrotum rolling his marble sized testes in her hand before applying more soapy lather to Chris's most intimate parts.

Suddenly Jennifer felt Chris beginning to throb uncontrollably and his body tremble as the acute sensation of a dry ejaculation surged through his young body.

Jennifer took her hands away momentarily allowing Chris a few moments to recover.

"Ok Chris, nearly finished. If you would just bend over so I can wash your bottom I think that will do," Jennifer instructed.

More humiliation followed as Chris was made to hold on to the side of the bath with his legs spread wide apart, while the young twelve-year-old, inserted her small hand between the cheeks of his bottom and washed him thoroughly.

Chris gasped as a slender finger was pushed against the tight muscles of his sphincter and momentarily seemed to push up against the tight virgin muscle which barred its progress.

"Right Chris," instructed Jennifer, "Let's have you out of this bath and dried off."

As Jennifer dried the Chris she used words and actions to add to his punishment humiliation. She was discovering very quickly that such things came naturally to her.

"Bend over like a good little boy and let me dry your bottom." Jennifer instructed as she parted the cheeks of his buttocks with her bare hand and then proceeded to dry between them. As she stood him up and died his chest she mad sure that the towel was constantly rubbed the tip of his penis. She mad him stand with his legs wide apart while she took hold of his penis and patted it dry. She repeated the procedure with his tight testicles, aware that boy was blushing from head to toe as she did this.

The final humiliation was when she asked Chris's mother, "Do I have to powder Chris's little boy's bottom after he has been bathed. I don't suppose you have to do that anymore, do you?"

Chris absolutely cringed with embarrassment at the remark and was glad when his mother replied, "No not any more."

The punishment and bathing over Chris was sent to his room as punishment for an hour before he would be allowed out to play.

Jennifer on the other hand received a bonus on her babysitting fee as Mr. and Mrs. Miller were very impressed with the way she took control of their son this morning and did not brook any nonsense from her charge once she found out that Chris had lied to her.

Jennifer's reputation was made though she did not know this at the time. As she walked home that morning little did she realize how much her life would change because of this fact and how dominant it would make her over the neighborhood boys during the next two to three years.

3 – Jennifer Dailey Aged 12

— Fg —

When Jennifer arrived home she was feeling on top of the world. Not only had she survived her first babysitting session but she had made more money in that one evening than she had ever made before. On top of that she had greatly enjoyed the thrill of disciplining then washing Christopher Miller.

The truth was Jennifer was feeling very sexually aroused after her humiliation and domination of Chris.

Though it was only a short walk home word of her success had already reached her mum. Mrs. Miller had rung home to report back. So when Jennifer walked into her family's kitchen her mother congratulated her on a job well done. Jennifer beamed with pride at this compliment.

Her sister Caitlin and her ten-year-old friends who had slept over the night before, Chelsea Horden, Helen Foy, Michaela Grace and Terri Walker were far more interested in Mrs. Daileys comment about Jennifer disciplining and bathing Chris Miller their fellow class mate than anything else.

They were very disappointed when Mrs. Dailey cut short their desperate pleadings to Jennifer to tell them everything that had happened and were sent off to tidy up the mess left over from the sleepover. Jennifer was instructed to wash up the breakfast dishes while Mrs. Dailey poped down to the mall to get some bread and milk.

Ten-year-old girls are not much different to ten-year-old boys in many ways and as soon as Mrs. Dailey had left they downed tools and came back into the kitched and started interrogating Jennifer all about Chris Miller.

There was much giggling and gasping as Jennifer now enjoying being the centre of attention and baking in the admiration of her sister and her friends retold every minute detail of what had happened, including a very detailed description of what Chris looked like naked.

They were all so engrossed in the tale being told that no one heard Mrs. Dailey return until she berated the girls for not doing what was requested of them whilst she was out at the mall.

Jennifer was worried, her mother sounded really pissed off and that usually meant one thing and one thing only. A Dailey family punishment session.

"Sorry, mom," Jennifer quickly apologized. "Yeah sorry mum" Caitlin added in, "We were just so interested in hearing all about Jennifer's babysitting."

"Sorry wont cut it," snapped Mrs. Daily in an angry voice, "I asked you to do some chores and you have failed to do them. Jennifer, Caitlin over here to me immediately. You other girls be thankful I am not your mother or you would be lining up to be punished with these two miscreants as well."

Chelsea, Helen, Michaela and Terri were well aware of Mrs. Dailey's penchant for strong discipline and were very glad it was their friend and her sister who were heading for punishment not them.

With her two daughters standing very sullenly in front of her Mrs. Dailey issued the fateful order that both Jennifer and Caitlin knew from their mother's demeanour was coming, "Prepare to be punished you two. Jennifer you're the oldest and should have known better, you can be first."

They both knew what this order meant. There was no use arguing about it with their mother that only increased the punishment she dealt out.

They also knew it was useless complaining about the fact that Caitlin's closest friends were going to see them both punished. This was the first time children their own age had witnessed their punishment but they knew their mother didn't care who was watching. In the past numerous neighbors and friends of their mother's had seen them punished bare naked, much to their total humiliation and embarrassment.

As Jennifer stood there taking in the consequences of her mother's command the irony of the situation was not lost on her. Within a few hours she had gone from having Christopher Miller spread naked over her lap receiving his first punishment from her to the situation where she would soon be made to sprawl buck naked over her mother's lap receiving a similar punishment in front of her sister and her sister's ten-year-old friends.

"Hurry up girl, we haven't got all day," Mrs. Dailey admonished her now blushing twelve-year-old daughter.

Very hesitantly Jennifer began to slowly remove her clothing. Everyone was staring at her and she could feel her skin blushing profusely.

Jennifer began to undress by discarding her sneakers. As she bent down she also pulled her dark blue socks off.

She had slim well shaped ankles and pretty feet .

As she straightened back up Jennifer to her humiliation and embarrassment was already fighting back the urge to sob, something that Chris Miller had not done till she had begun his punishment proper. She didn't want her sister's friends to see that she was a wimp.

Jennifer opened her belt and unzipped her jeans. As she did so she glanced over at Caitlin's friends who was standing to the side watching engrossed. Terri Walker grinned at her and Jennifer blushed an even darker shade of beet red.

Jennifer let her pants drop and stepped out of them.

She stood before her mother, her sister and her sister's friends in her white cotton panties and the light blue silk blouse she was wearing. Then she slowly unbuttoned the blouse and lifted it off her shoulders.

As the blouse fell away her naked chest was revealed. Jennifer was wearing a white training bra under her blouse. She now faced the moment of truth; she would have to reveal her breasts to everyone.

At twelve years of age Jennifer had noticeably shot up a couple of inches in height over the last six months but besides this and a gentle widening of her hips she had shown no other signs of starting puberty.

As she slowly unsnapped her training bra she could feel the eyes of Caitlin's friends all staring intently, eagerly awaiting the sight to be revealed by the profusely blushing twelve-year-old.

Her training bra undone Jennifer to her great shame and humiliation pulled her training bra away, to reveal that she had no breasts, just gentlest of swellings, her nipples were brown and little girl like.

Jennifer was feeling so humiliated she just wanted to run away and cry but this was not an option open to her. One item of clothing remained so she slowly pulled her white panties down.

Then she was totally naked and exposed in front of her mother, sister and her sister's friends.

Between her legs Jennifer had not even the hint of hair to mark her developing sexual maturity. The furrow of her slit was smooth and not the least pronounced and ran unobstructed from view by any pubic hair down the middle of the triangle created between her legs, before disappearing out of sight between her tightly clasped legs.

Terri Walker could not resist the temptation of making a comment designed to add to Jennifer's humiliation. "Why your still a little girl like us 5th graders. I'm sure by the time I'm your age I'll have titties and pubes!"

Then Mrs. Dailey prepared to punish her daughter.

Jennifer had thought that the humiliation of being draped naked across her mother's lap in front of her sister's friends was going to be the worst part of her ordeal, but when her mother began energetically to spank her bottom all thoughts of dignity and decorum vanished from her mind.

To her great embarrassment, in front of her sisters friends Jennifer began to beg for mercy, then shriek loudly and began to fight franticly to escape from her mother's firm grip. Her legs flailed the air and her crimson bottom bounced and twisted. In her frantic efforts she carelessly exposed her hairless genitals to the excited gaze of her sister and her friends.

Mrs. Dailey kept a firm grip on Jennifer's bare body and delivered a full dozen ferociously stinging smacks, by which time Caitlin and her friends felt they knew Jennifer's exposed genitals even better than she did herself.

At last Jennifer was allowed up to stand naked with her sister's friends as she watched Caitlin's punishment. Though for some time she was not capable of standing still, as all she could do was jump around the room clutching her buttocks and howling loudly regardless of how this looked in front of her sister and her friends. All of the girls except Caitlin had huge smiles on their faces at the hilarious sight of Jennifer's antics.

Jennifer's punishment session over Caitlin's began.

When her mother ordered her to undress Caitlin felt her heart pounding in her chest and tears beginning to roll down her cheeks from her eyes. Like her sister Caitlin first bent over and removed her shoes and socks. Straightening she stood rubbing one bare foot against the other gazing at her friends watching her humiliation.

Caitlin unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it off her body. She was wearing noting under the shirt exposing the fact that at ten years of age her breasts were non existent. She revealed to her friend's eyes that she had on her prepubescent chest two little bumps from which small nipples stood out.

Caitlin then unbuckled her belt and shut her eyes as she pulled her pants down. She stepped out of them and stood shaking in white cotton panties similar to the ones her sister had worn

Like Jennifer, Caitlin had shapely legs for her age which tapering down to slim ankles and pretty little feet. Her hips were still boyish and from the back you could unlike her older sister still mistake her for a boy with her shaggy blonde hair and small butt.

Caitlin then pulled her panties down around her feet and then lifted one foot then the other and tossed the white cotton undergarments on her pile of clothes.

As her underpants had hinted, Caitlin little behind was round and firm, her hips hadn't started widening like her older sister but in it's own way her bottom was just as pretty. Her slit was a typical little girl's pussy. Merely a hairless slit with most of its secret charms still hidden.

Mrs. Dailey called to Caitlin to position herself over her lap in preparation for her spanking. The ten-year-old Caitlin looked pale and scared, but never the less moved forward and knelt over her mother's lap.

Mrs. Dailey wasted no time in getting down to business. Her hand whistled down and cracked across Caitlin's bottom. After every spank a fresh red mark was raised on the white skin of Caitlin's tight little bottom. Like her Sister Caitlin yelling at the pain being inflicted on her. She couldn't believe how much it hurt and she yelled as loudly as she could to convey the fact to her mother.

Mrs. Dailey simply took no notice of her daughter's screams and pleas and thrashed her soundly, until her young daughter's previously pale cheeks were a bright red.

Caitlin too like her older sister did the dance of the spanked and hopped and howled about the room for some time after her punishment was completed.

Both Jennifer and Caitlin were ordered to complete their unfinished assigned chores naked before they could dress.

Blushing Jennifer set to work in the kitchen hurrying to finish as quickly as she could so that she could dress before anyone else saw her naked. Caitlin was helped by her friends but felt very exposed as her friends gained intimate views of her most private parts as she bent over to tidy and pick up the mess left over from last nights sleep over.

The worst lingering and sobering thought for Jennifer long after the initial pain and humiliation had subsided from this punishment session was what if Christopher Miller found out how she had been spanked.

As Jennifer built up her babysitting clientele the thought that of any of her babysitting charges might learn the truth of Jennifer's home punishment regime was too much to contemplate.

She knew if knowledge of how she was punished by her mother leaked out it would certainly have wrecked her ability to dominate over the males she babysat.

To this end it put Jennifer at the mercy of Caitlin's friends who had just witnessed her humiliation.

Over the next few days she quietly had a word with Chelsea Horden, Helen Foy, Michaela Grace and Terri Walker. After talking to them Jennifer was confident that they could all be trusted to keep her humiliation a secret except their ring leader Terri Walker. When Jennifer spoke to her Terri very quickly put two and two together and realised what was concerning Jennifer.

Instead of promising to keep her humiliation a secret Terri used her knowledge to force Jennifer into a secrt pact.

Just like Jennifer Terri even though she was only ten years old had already learnt a lot about influence and using people. She offered her silence to Jennifer at a price.

Jennifer would have to tell her all the details of all her babysitting conquests. She wanted Jennifer to try and get all her babysitting charges naked. Then tell her all about them, maybe even invite Terri over to witness the event some times if that was possible. If Terri wished, Jennifer would also have to submit to Terri in private and be punished by Terri just like she punished her babysitting charges.

So it came to pass from a very early stage in Jennifer's babysitting career that she was a cocktease to all the boys and a tormentor of her charges but the table was completely turned when it came to Terri Walker. What the boyfriends were unable to get Terri had open access too!

4 – Mathew, Mark, Luke & John

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Over the next two years Jennifer continued to baby sit for the Millers as well as building up a wide client base. The Millers were never frequent users of her services but they did manage to book Jennifer two or three times a year.

Chris never really got over the humiliation and embarrassment of being naked in front of Jennifer, no matter how many times she exposed him naked before her in the privacy of his house.

Over the next years Jennifer had even brought some of her friends with her as Mr. and Mrs. Miller had suggested on her very first visit, so as to assist in ensuring that Chris lost his excess modesty.

Her close friends were very excited at the opportunity and word spread amongst her peers that she had access to naked boys outside the newdd scheme. Jennifer was no fool and she quickly discovered she could handsomely enrich her profits from the babysitting by charging an attendance fee for girls who wished to attend one of her bookings.

If they could not pay cash, then as Jennifer had learnt first hand, there were other ways to pay!

During her first two years of being the neighbourhood babysitter most of her charges were young, aged from 5 or 6 years of age up to ten.

A typical charge of this type for Jennifer was Mathew Leahy. The 2nd Grader was 7 years of age and Jennifer regularly baby sat for his mother who worked night shifts occasionally. There was no sign of a father in the Leahy household.

On occasions Jennifer invited friends over to baby-sit with her.

One of the more memorable nights with Mathew was an occasion when Jennifer was thirteen years old and had invited two friends of one of her closest friends to accompany her. Both Angela and Kylie had willingly paid a small amount of their pocket money each to Jennifer to be allowed the privilege. If the boy had been older then Jennifer could have demanded much more money.

It always amazed Jennifer why girls would want to pay to have access to boys when the newdd programme allowed them to see boys totally naked at school and in the street. She decided that it was the private nature of the babysitting that made the difference. As a babysitter they might get the chance to not just make a reasonable request but actually wash and possibly disciple the boy as well as just inspect his naked body.

As soon as Jennifer had finished serving dinner for Mathew this night and Mathew had eaten all that was placed before him Jennifer brokered the news about Angela and Kylie.

"Mathew, these two friends of mine, Kylie and Angela are going to give you your bath tonight, so come over here to me and I will undress you so you are ready for my friends."

"I don't want to take my clothes off with these girls watching," Mathew protested.

"Don't be silly Mathew these girls have seen plenty of naked boys before, and you have nothing to hide that is different" Jennifer replied.

Reluctantly Mathew approached Jennifer and stood with his arms extended above his head as she pulled his shirt off. Then she sat him down and removed his shoes and socks. Then standing him back up she reached for the snap on his shorts and undid them. She relinquished her hold on his shorts and they fell to his ankles.

Mathew grabbed hold of Jennifer's shoulder whilst he lifted his feet to enable Jennifer to remove them. Then Jennifer quickly took down his underpants and he stepped out of them.

Mathew's penis exposed to the outside air sprung instantly to attention as the two strange girls stood staring right at it. His hands moved to cover his groin from their gaze, but Jennifer lightly slapped his hands and said, "Mathew, leave yourself alone."

Mathew's two and quarter inch boner bounced around as Mathew moved around the room naked.

Kylie and Angela both sat staring at the naked second grader as he helped Jennifer tidy up the dirty dishes. They kept trying to catch a glimpse of his boyhood whenever they could.

"Okay girls, I'll finish cleaning up the kitchen you two take Mathew up stairs for his bath," Jennifer instructed.

"I don't want them to give me my bath, I only like it when you do it," Mathew pouted.

"Mathew, Angela and Kylie are my helpers tonight and you need to do what they say. If you don't they'll spank you and then I'll spank you and I'll tell your Mom and Dad and they'll spank you. Now, don't argue, I have to get the kitchen cleaned up so my helpers will bath you, understand?"

Still pouting Mathew replied "Yes" very sulkily.

Turning toward Angela and Kylie she gave detailed cleaning instruction so the girls knew exactly what they were allowed to do and so did little Mathew.

"Be sure to clean him up well, especially his penis and ball sac and be sure his bottom is clean."

As the two girls took Mathew off towards the upstairs bathroom Jennifer called out, "And if Mathew gives you any trouble, spank his little bottom good and hard till it's a deep pink."

"Oh we will." Angela called back.

Upon entering the bathroom the girls ran the bath then soaping up two washcloths both the girls began the task.

As Angela and Kylie got Mathew's face and arms and chest done, Kylie told him to stand. Soaping up their hands they applied them to his still very erect little penis and began taking turns to rub. He giggled and tried to back off but was stopped by the glass partition.

"Mathew, quit fooling around. I have to wash you properly and you need to stand still. You don't want me to have to spank you do you?" Angela asked.

"No." The boy responded as he moved his hands away allowing both the girls access to his penis and testicles.

Angela began to rub and wash his tight little scrotum whilst Kylie washed Mathew's penis.

When they were satisfied they had thoroughly washed his groin area Mathew was turned around and the girls washed down his back and did his butt cheeks.

"Bend over a little Mathew," Kylie instructed as Angela assisted Mathew to bend over. Kylie soaped up her finger and pressed it against the boy's anus.

He wiggled and giggled at this new sensation.

Moving her soapy finger up and down Mathew's little anus she stroked her fingers tantalisingly across the tight muscles of Mathew's sphincter.

Finishing up, both girls ensured they dried every conceivable inch of Mathew's body before dressing him in pyjamas?

It didn't happen on this occasion because Mathew was well behaved but on some occasions the girls Jennifer had assisting her were given the added bonus of being able to spank their charge. Such an activity never failed to make the girls involved very horney.

The first older boys that Jennifer had babysitting contact with were three boys only a year younger than her when she was in 8th grade. She was not the usual babysitter of Mark Livermore but on this occasion his parents had been called away suddenly to a sick elderly parent and the regular babysitter who was much older was not available at such short notice.

Jennifer's reputation for no nonsense and strict disciple was just what Peter and Tiffany Livermore wanted in their babysitter. Tiffany knew Gail Dailey, so it was soon arranged that Jennifer would mind Mark even though he was only a year younger than Jennifer.

To add to Jennifer's challenge Mark had two friends, Luke Vella and John Kristos sleeping over that night. This had already been arranged before Mr. Livermore got the urgent call to attend his ailing father.

Before he left Mr. Livermore laid down the rules to his son Mark and the other two boys. He left no doubt that Jennifer was in charge and that he would broke no disrespect of their young babysitter.

However almost as soon as the parents had departed the boys began to make life difficult for Jennifer. They snuck out of the house on her and she had a difficult time getting them back home. Eventually faced with three boys who were almost her age which she was not capable of handling physically herself she rang her mother and asked for help.

"I'll be right over," Mrs. Dailey informed her eldest daughter.

"Oh, and Mom, bring a belt. I think we are going to need it," Jennifer informed her mother.

"I'll bring the big wide one that I guarantee will make an impression and should do the job really well, it always has on your bottom when I have used it," Mrs. Dailey informed her blushing daughter over the phone.

Jennifer didn't say a word to the boys about the phone call as she went into the living room to watch television with the boys.

She was forced to sit on the floor and watch the television as none of the boys would move for her even when she asked nicely.

Mark and the other two boys gloated with a gleeful smile when they forced Jennifer to sit on the floor. They felt they had won another battle.

Little did they know!

Suddenly, the front door flew open and in walked Mrs. Dailey carrying a rather large belt. Mark, Luke's and John's eyes all immediately went wider and their attention was now thoroughly on the Mrs. Dailey.

Gail Dailey handed her daughter the belt and said, "Now boys listen to Jennifer and listen well as that belt Jennifer is holding is about to give the three of you a sound reminded of who's in charge here."

"Right you little twerps," Jennifer said to the three boys, "Give me a hard time will you, well your about to find out just what hard means. A good hard bare naked strapping is what you three are about to get. Take all those clothes off now."

"No! I'm not taking off my clothes for you and you aren't going to spank me either," Mark defiantly asserted.

At that Mrs. Dailey interjected and said, "Young man you get those clothes off now or I'll do it for you and I'll whip you with that belt when Jennifer is finished if you're not very careful. Now get to it now."

The boys could tell that Mrs. Dailey was very resolute and determined in this matter.

Luke was the first of the boys to weigh up the consequences of not doing as he was told and slowly stood up.

Luke was keen to minimise any punishment so he quickly pulled his black tee shirt over his head and undid his faded blue jeans and lowered them to the carpet and stepped out of them, leaving him only in his black undies.

He hesitated only momentarily before placing his fingers on the waistband, and then slowly he pushed his undies down and off his feet.

Luke now stood completely naked before his two friends and Jennifer and Gail Dailey.

His penis had grown somewhat in the last six months and was the quite respectable size of 4 inches [10 cm] erect for a twelve-year-old. His hairless ball sack hung down low for about two inches [5 cm] and it gently swayed back and forth showcasing his chestnut sized testicles as Luke stood fidgeting nervously from side to side. He had a very small, sparse dusting of public hair extending about a half inch [1 cm] to either side and to the top of his penis.

Mark was also desperate to minimise his punishment so taking the example of Luke he quickly removed his white tee shirt then pulled down his shorts and Calvin Klein green boxers.

Mark's bobbing three and three quarter inch [9½ cm] boner instantly bounced into view. His penis though not quite as long as Luke's was thicker, and was topped by a small silky bush of pubic hair, which was thicker, darker and more noticeable than Luke's. Mark's balls had already begun dropping and were about the same size as Luke's.

John was the last to remove his clothing and he was blushing profusely. Seeing his two friends naked had only confirmed what he was dreading. He paused for what seemed to him ages before he could gain the strength and resolve to grab the waist band of his white briefs and pull them down.

Both his friends had seen that he was sporting a raging hard on. To John's humiliation, he was now forced to reveal his hairless groin and his penis in all of its three inch [7½ cm] glory for the first time to his closest friends. John was eight months short of his thirteenth birthday and he was, unlike his two twelve-year-old friends, still a hairless little boy down there where it really counted.

John had never given anyone in the past few years a chance to see him naked, it was just way too embarrassing.

His balls were no bigger than marble sized, smaller than most of the eleven and twelve-year-old guys that he had seen naked as newdd's. Even those like John who were without pubic hair, were mostly bigger in that department than himself!

John blushing profusely was not only ashamed to be naked before his friends, but feared that he would be seen as very immature for his age.

Mark and Luke both smirked at seeing their best friends little boy genitals, but they were far more interested in keeping out of trouble themselves at that moment in time than torment their friend. That could wait till another day!

Jennifer made the boys pick up their clothing items and fold them neatly before instructing Mark who was the ring leader to, "Bend over the arm of the couch."

Somewhat apprehensively, Mark moved to the couch. His erect penis, sticking out parallel to the floor, bounced back and forth with each step toward the couch. "Bend over the arm," Jennifer commanded.

After had taken up his position Mrs. Dailey said, "Mark Livermore this is what you get for not doing as you were told and doing as Jennifer instructed. Now you will be whipped real good."

Luke and John watched in fear as Jennifer raised the belt and came down with it across the globes of Mark's bare backside

It was a hard stroke and it stung. Mark reached to protect his naked bottom from another assault.

"Keep those hands away, Mark," Jennifer commanded as she landed another hard blow which landed squarely on his bottom.

It too stung badly, but Mark was a tough guy and he stubbornly refused to cry in front of his friends, Jennifer or her mother.

Again however his hands went to protect his backside but they were quickly removed when the belt came down with full force upon Mark's fingers, causing him to cry out in pain.

Jennifer continued her relentless reign of strokes; one stroke after another reigned down.

Mark couldn't hold out any longer his bottom was now becoming very sore and he began to cry.

The blows continued from Jennifer and he began pleading for his strapping to stop.

After another few blows hit their target Jennifer stopped.

Standing up the boy angrily yelled, "I hate you. I hate you both," as he rubbed his very warm bottom and began to dance around the room.

"Over there and stand in the corner whilst I deal with your two friends," Jennifer commanded as she pointed to a vacant corner of the living room.

Soon Luke was positioned face down, bottom up, just like Mark before him; his feet were not touching the ground.

Jennifer rubbed his white cheeks, brushing her fingers long Luke's butt crack. It felt nice and cool to Jennifer's touch. It wouldn't feel cool for very much longer.

Jennifer started spanking Luke and like Mark she really let him have it.

Luke started shrieking after only the first smack. He kept it up as Jennifer alternated the cheeks she strapped.

Luke was soon kicking his feet and bucking his bottom but Jennifer kept up the strapping until his bottom was cherry red. As soon as Jennifer let Luke up he started hopping up and down rubbing his very red bottom. He put on quite a show; his modesty was forgotten as he danced around.

John got the same punishment and when released he too went hopping up and down on his bare feet, rubbing his burning red bottom before he was sent to join the other two boys in the corner.

The three boys all had very erect penis's and in the case of Mark and Luke they were dripping pre-cum as they were left standing there in the corner to contemplate just how Jennifer Dailey now had assumed complete control over their lives.

5 – Mat Davis Aged 14

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When Jennifer was still twelve years of age and in the 7th grade she had her first real boyfriend. By the time Jennifer was thirteen years old and in the 8th grade there had been four boys who Jennifer classed as boyfriends.

The first, Peter Lindon was in Jennifer's grade and the second Nicholas Herman was a grade ahead of her, but both boyfriends never amounted to being more than guys she was close friends with and that accompanied Jennifer to a occasional school dance and in the case of Nicholas also to the movies on one occasion and a picnic with Nicholas's family to the Disciplinary Centre in Poulton Park in Downtown Eastbrook.

Jennifer had thought about trying out her domination techniques on Nicholas but they broke up before she built up the nerve to put her desires into action. Jennifer was never really sure why Nicholas broke off their building friendship. Just when she was prepared to make some very minor concessions to Nicholas like kissing and cuddling he left her for Keira Drew another girl in Jennifer's year.

The fact Nicholas went straight to Keira was something that Keira regularly brought up in passing comment with Jennifer for many months after that. Many of the girls in her grade adored Nick's good looks but even though he must have known he was popular and well liked he seemed embarrassed around girls and broke off his friendship with Keira as soon as it looked like it might be getting a bit heavier, just like he had done with Jennifer.

This shitted Keira no end but made Jennifer feel a bit better. After that Nicholas only seemed to go on dates with groups staying clear of any one-on-one situations that might develop.

Her third boyfriend was the first that she came to dominate. Paul MacArthur was thirteen years old like Nicholas and a grade ahead of Jennifer at school

With much urging from Terri Walker who had great influence and power over her, Jennifer finally succeeded after a number of failed attempts in convincing Paul to strip naked in front of her.

She was not disappointed in what she saw.

Paul stood 5 feet 4 inches [1.63 m] tall and when he was standing naked before Jennifer he revealed he had a nice chest, with even a few hairs growing in his arm pits. He had some muscles already and looked cute with his messed up style of dark brown hair.

Paul had a long but skinny dick as was quite common for thirteen-year-old guys. It was circumcised and surmounted by a small but thick bush of pubic hair and below his balls hung down low but were not covered with any hairs. Unfortunately Paul's father got a job promotion and the family had to move interstate, ending what promised to be a sexy if one sided relationship as far as Jennifer was concerned.

Her fourth boyfriend after she had, had her fun with Paul was Jonathan Lewis one of the really cute 'hot' guys from Jennifer's 8th grade. He was thirteen years of age the same age as Jennifer.

Jono as he was known to everyone had just turned thirteen but Jono actually looked younger than his thirteen years. He really looked as young as the new 6th graders at school but what cute looks they were. Jennifer had hoped that those young looks were just on the surface and that he had a long hairy dick like her previous boyfriend Paul.

There was one way to find out and on the urging and insistence of Terri Walker, Jono like Paul before him was about to face his moment of truth. It took some time but finally Jono was backed into a no win situation. If he resisted Jennifer's advances he had no doubt Jennifer would keep her word and tell everyone at school how the so called 'hot' guy was in fact that shy he would do nothing with a girl, if he allowed Jennifer's advances he knew his shame would be revealed. It was better he decided to have Jennifer know his secret than loose face before the whole school.

On this day despite his best efforts to put Jennifer's advances off yet again, Jennifer had stripped Jono naked except for his underpants Jennifer reached over and despite his blushing and last ditch protests pulled them down and off as well.

She gasped in surprise as she got her first look at her new boyfriend's naked dick and balls. If she was happy with Paul's body she was devastated with Jono's pathetic offering.

His penis was little boy size, being no more than 2" [5 cm] erect and his balls were equally small still tucked up tight out of view behind his pencil thin penis.

As Jennifer reached over and grabbed Jono's little penis she couldn't resist saying to him, "Is this what you were trying to hide? I don't blame you Jono; I would be embarrassed about anyone seeing such a small package."

The comments plus the humiliation of having his most private of parts felt for the first time soon had Jono bawling his eyes out like a little boy.

Jennifer felt bad about making him cry but deep within she was enjoying the humiliation that Jono was exhibiting.

After her conquest of Jono and with so little to offer her, Terri Walker soon had Jennifer move on to her next desire Mathias Shaw-Davis III.

Mat Davis as he often abbreviated his name to at school was at fourteen years of age a year old than Jennifer and a High School Freshman at West Eastbrook High

He was the eldest child of the Reverend Mathias Shaw-Davis II, the local Episcopal Minister and his wife Eleanor.

Mat had a twelve-year-old sister Rebecca, a ten-year-old brother Joseph and an 8-year-old sister Ruth.

Occasionally Jennifer had babysat the two younger children on occasions when the Reverend and his wife had a church function to attend and Mat and Rebecca were not available to mind their younger siblings.

On this occasion as the Reverend and his wife returned home the Reverend Shaw-Davis commented to his wife how well behaved his two youngest charges were under Jennifer's babysitting. The total opposite to the unruly behaviour he had found last week when Mat and Rebecca had been in charge.

Jennifer complimented the Reverend on his kind comment and seizing the opportunity with the hope she might get to baby sit the younger two siblings more often and in the wash up get to spend some time closer to Mat, she offered the idea that it was her experience that made the difference.

"I might be a year younger than Mat but I have much more experience in dealing with kids of all different ages and of both genders than he or Rebecca does," Jennifer offered.

The Reverend Shaw-Davis was a strict traditionalist and this belief flowed through to the way he had bought his family up. His father, Bishop Mathias Shaw-Davis had bought the Reverend up that way and there was no doubt in the Reverend's household who was master and head of the household. Eleanor Shaw-Davis played out the role quite happily of the subservient mother and housekeeper.

The Reverend Shaw-Davis looked at his wife and said, "You know Eleanor, I do believe Jennifer makes a very sound point. You and I both know that Gail Dailey has bought her daughters up in a God fearing household where traditional values are strong just like we urge and encourage all our parishioners to implement in their own homes. Every time we leave the children alone we come home to disruption and bad behaviour. I know Mat is a year old than Jennifer and that Rebecca is only a year younger but Gail Dailey has ensured that Jennifer has had far more experience in discipline and childminding than our two older children. I see no reason Jennifer should not be put in charge of the whole family when we have to go out."

This was more than Jennifer had hoped to achieve with her offer. Never did she consider she would be put in charge of Mat or his sister Rebecca as well as the two younger children.

Mrs. Shaw-Davis took very little convincing. She always left such matters to her husband as a good wife should though she did ask Jennifer about her experience with older children.

This was just the question Jennifer was hoping to be asked. She told the Reverend and Mrs. Shaw-Davis of her successful disciplining of Mark, Luke and John and her subsequent lack of trouble from them. She told of other boys and girls not much younger than herself that she had successfully babysat.

Hoping to set up her deepest desires she boldly informed the Reverend and his wife, "Of course I would expect full co-operation from Mat and Rebecca even though I am close to them in age. I am much more mature in my attitude than either of them I believe and I will not tolerate any misbehaviour. If they do not co-operate with my orders I will punish them with a bare naked spanking just like mum has used on me in the past on your urging and teaching."

This was music to the Reverend's ears. Yes he had encouraged his parishioners to return to the traditional values. Here now in front of him one of his young parishioners was confirming not just that she had listened but that she had acted on his sermons. No wonder Jennifer Dailey had such a good reputation amongst the congregation as a very good babysitter.

So it came to pass that Jennifer was appointed to baby sit the whole Shaw-Davis family with complete adult authority over the four of them, despite the initial vehement opposition of both Mat and Rebecca. This opposition soon turned to complete acquiescence after the Reverent threatened to give his two eldest children a bare naked spanking in front of their younger siblings.

God was on her side Jennifer decided, because the very first opportunity Jennifer got to baby sit the Shaw-Davis children after this decision was made, provided an opportunity where only the two younger children and Mat were at home that night. Rebecca was accompanying her parents to a church youth camp for 11 and twelve-year-olds. In fact Jennifer's sister Caitlin was also attending the camp.

The first part of the evening was uneventful. Mat stayed out of Jennifer's way completing homework in his room. Being a high schooler Mat was allowed to stay up a bit later than his two youngest siblings. Mat has not long come down to the lounge room to watch the TV when Jennifer ordered both Joseph and Ruth to go to the bathroom and undress so she could wash them ready for bed.

Jennifer looked at Mat as she gave this order and though he appeared to take no notice but she was sure his cheeks blushed slightly.

Mats father had been explicit in his order to his son before Jennifer had arrived that he was under Jennifer's control and discipline. Mat was left in no doubt what that meant or what the consequences would be to him if he disobeyed her instructions.

After Jennifer thoroughly washed her two younger charges, tucked them into bed and read then a story she returned to the lounge room. Mat had not moved, he was sprawled out on the lounge watching the very end of a programme.

"All in bed?" he casually asked.

"Yes all washed and tucked in tight," Jennifer replied.

"Mat it's nearly half past nine and I see that the programme your watching has nearly finished. As soon as it's over I'll take you up to the bathroom and wash you ready for bed too!" Jennifer informed Mat.

It was a bold move on Jennifer's part. How fearful of his father's wrath was Mat? Would he refuse?

Jennifer needn't have worried the effect of her instruction was startling and immediate. Mat blushed immediately his cheeks turning bright red as he opened his mouth to protest. He had to draw in a deep breath before he could even manage to utter his protest.

"I can bath myself and take myself to bed thank you," Mat politely but firmly replied.

"Oh I am sure you could but that's not the point. I am in charge here on your fathers orders," Jennifer paused for effect highlighting the source of her absolute authority.

"So as soon as the programme is finished I am bathing you so as to make sure the job is done properly like I promised your father and mother," Jennifer added to reinforce her position of power over Mat.

Mat looked up at Jennifer from the lounge. There was anguish showing on his face and tears appeared to be welling up in his eyes.

Jennifer could not miss this opportunity to drive home her new position of power over Mat. She looked Mat directly in the eyes and said, "Now you wouldn't want me to have to give you a bare naked spanking for being difficult, would you Mat?"

Jennifer continued to look him in the eyes and when he didn't maintain eye contact or respond she placed her hand under his smooth chin raising his head so that he could do nothing but meet her steady gaze.

"Would you Mat?" Jennifer asked again pressing home her advantage.

With trembling voice Mat shook his head and finally replied, "No Miss."

Jennifer's heart jumped at Mat's use of the word 'Miss', like she was his teacher or slave mistress instead of just using her Christian name.

She knew she had him!

When the programme finished Jennifer moved over and turned off the TV. To Jennifer's delight she noticed that Mat was trembling visibly and his face was bright red as he rose off the lounge and walked towards the stairs and the bathroom upstairs.

Jennifer followed behind watching as Mat climbed the stairs admiring his handsome figure which she soon hoped to see totally naked.

She felt very satisfied at this moment. She had confirmed to herself that she could establish control over boys. Not for her the acquiescent infatuation that most girls seemed to readily display to the opposite sex. Jennifer had decided last year that she wanted to be the dominant person in any relationship she built with a boy. That relationship would be on her terms not his. This was the start of putting that plan into practise.

In the bathroom Jennifer got straight into the action.

"Right Mat, take off your shoes then hand me your socks to start with and I'll put them in the dirty clothes bin for you."

Jennifer stood there watching Mat blush and tremble as he stood in front of her slowly removing his clothes. Each stage of his undressing was an incredibly arousing experience for Jennifer as she stood there admiring his smooth hairless chest and narrow waist as he got down to just his jeans.

As Jennifer turned to the dirty clothes bin to deposit Mat's discarded shirt she wondered if he would start undoing his jeans without being prompted. Hearing no movement from him she turned back towards him and she saw immediately that his eyes had began to tear up slightly as he held his hands to the clasp of his jeans, he was wearing no belt and he was making no movement to remove any more clothing.

A thin sheen of nervous perspiration had formed on Mat's body as he stood in front of Jennifer trembling, his eyes down cast and his bottom-lip quivering.

"Hurry along Mat," Jennifer ordered, "drop your jeans and be quick about it!"

Mat slowly undid the clasp button of his jeans with trembling fingers. Not daring to look at Jennifer as he eased down the zipper and slowly lowered his jeans down his thighs.

Acutely aware that he had a raging erection, which tented his cotton underpants and hoping beyond hope that Jennifer would not notice he handed his jeans to Jennifer and at the same time he covered his erection with both his hands, pushing his bottom backwards and almost crossing his legs.

Jennifer could not help but notice such a blatant action to cover up on Mat's behalf however before acknowledging she had seen what he was doing she placed Mat's jeans into the dirty clothes bin on top of the other dirty clothing she had already placed there.

Still trying to cover up Mat looked at Jennifer in fear and anguish, tears still welling up in his eyes as he stood cowering before her knowing the inevitable was about to happen.

"No covering up Mat, you know better than that. Your father would not be pleased if he knew you were playing with yourself in front of me," Jennifer instructed the blushing boy.

Mat knew this comment was correct. His father was very strict and very traditional on all maters concerning sex and bodily functions. His friends at school often talked about 'having a wank or jerking off', but he had never dared to make himself ejaculate. His father had warned him many times of the dire consequences in this life and the next for those who masturbated.

A consequence of Mat's abstinence from masturbation was that his testicles were often swollen to such an extent that they would become painful. When the problem had persisted Mat's father had taken him to their doctor to seek advice about this problem, but the Reverend Shaw-Davis had not acted upon the doctor's recommendation that Mat should be regularly masturbated to relieve the swelling and the pain.

The Reverend Shaw-Davis believed that God's way was to let nature run its course. If his son ejaculated in his sleep even if this resulted in him having erotic dreams this was natural. He could pray for forgiveness and god would understand as this was natural. He did not want to encourage Mat into masturbation even if it was on medical grounds and the doctor's offer of a visiting nurse to perform the procedure, though a satisfactory alternative, had not been well received by his son and the ongoing cost of the sessions which would have to be met out of his meagre ministerial stipend, had added to his reluctance to take the matter further unless his son's condition became worse.

Trouble was, Mat suffered for long periods of days even weeks sometimes between wet dreams and by the end the skin of his scrotum was stretched so tightly around his testicles and that they become unbearably painful to the slightest touch.

His testicles were in just such a condition at this unfortunate time. It had been over a week since his last wet dream.

Only last night as he often did when they became so sore he had rubbed his genitals against the bed sheets so that he was near to making something happen. Scared and unsure of what the consequences would be if he continued he again like all the other occasions willed himself to stop as his father would have expected, battling to overcome the intensity of feeling that he was experiencing just before he reached the point of no return.

As Mat thought about this aspect of his non existent sex life he was roused from his thoughts by Jennifer's voice.

"Stop playing with yourself Mat this instance, place your hands on your head and stand up straight," Jennifer ordered. She knew he wasn't actually playing with himself but the comment added to the deepening colour of his already red blushing face.

Jennifer waited for Mat to obey. She knew that she might have to wait a few more moments for him to compose himself, but she knew that she had him in her power now and that he would eventually comply.

Jennifer folded her arms in feigned impatient whilst she felt a thrill run through her body and a tingling between her own legs as she watched Mat stand straight and reluctantly uncover himself and place his hands upon the top of his head.

Shaking uncontrollably with nerves and blushing a beet red, Mat stood before Jennifer staring in horror as she went down on one knee in front of him and placed her silky hands on either side of the waist band of Mat's underpants.

Jennifer felt Mat shiver uncontrollably as she slid her hands down inside the waist of his underpants and slowly pulled them down. Down till his tan line was fully exposed and the lily white skin of his lower abdomen came fully into view, down until his erect penis temporarily halted the progress down his body.

Looking at Mats now exposed pubic region Jennifer saw for the first time that Mat like Paul had pubic hairs. She had expected that he would, as he was after all in high school and was fourteen years old. However she was somewhat disappointed in the amount of pubes he had to reveal.

Mat's lower abdomen was covered with just the slightest hint of golden peach-fuzz and he had only a very thin covering of brown pubic hairs which were less than a quarter of an inch [5 mm] thick above the base of his still covered penis, however, down both sides of his penis disappearing behind the cotton fabric of his underpants there was growing triangular patches of much thicker pubic hairs.

Jennifer desperately wanted to see everything revealed so she lifted the waistband of Mat's underpants over his penis, watching it spring upwards as it was freed from the confines of the material.

The sight of his naked genitals was an arousing experience for Jennifer as she now fully exposed Mat's most private secrets to her vision. Mats small growth of pubic hair was the only hair down there as his penis and ball-sac were smooth and hairless

If Jennifer was not impressed with the volume of his pubic hair his penis was another matter. It was so much longer and thicker than any of the other boys she had seen during her last year of babysitting.

Kneeling down her face was only inches away from the smooth bulbous head of Mat's erect penis, which she noted had been circumcised, as she slid his underpants down his thighs and to his feet.

"Lift your feet so that I can take them off," she instructed as Jennifer slid the last of Mat's clothing off his feet and she stood upright.

She placed his underpants in the dirty clothes bin and then before Mat could cover himself Jennifer ordered, "Stay exactly as you are Mat and tell me why you have an erection?"

The question had its desired effect as the already blushing boy turned a deeper shade of crimson. Mat could not believe he could have been more embarrassed than he had been when stripped naked but some how he now felt even worse. His mind was spinning he was beginning to feel faint, his face cheeks felt like they were on fire, and he was shaking and trembling from head to foot.

"I don't know Miss," he blurted out in embarrassed reply.

"Well I do Mat," Jennifer replied, "It's a sure sign you need relief, don't you?"

"Oh no Miss. Pa says relieving yourself is a mortal sin," Mat replied.

"Of course it is, but who said anything about you relieving yourself, no I will do the relieving, that is part of my job as your baby sitter to look after all of your needs. There is nothing morally wrong with me giving you relief, is there?" Jennifer asked leading her pray on to his doom.

As she expected Mat did not know how to answer this question. What Jennifer said sounded logical to him, even their family doctor had suggested that such action was needed, but in the back of his mind he was terrified at allowing her to touch his most private of parts to afford him relief. He knew it was ok for a doctor to do it or for a newdd to have it done, but his mind was racing and it was in such a state of turmoil that he could not come up immediately with an answer.

As he was contemplating his answer Mat dropped his hands from his head without thinking about his actions or Jennifer's specific instruction to leave them on his head. Jennifer immediately grabbed at his hands and Mat instinctively resisted Jennifer's attempts to pull his hands away from covering his groin.

Jennifer spoke sharply to Mat, "Look at me Mat." He opened his eyes which he had tightly shut with embarrassment and looked at Jennifer. "Naughty boys and girls get bare naked spankings and you know who came up with that rule?"

"My Pa!" Mat replied slowly.

"Exactly and there are no exceptions," Jennifer responded.

Without warning Jennifer moved behind the naked Mat and delivered six hard slaps to his naked buttocks.

It was such a shock to Mat that it was several seconds before he managed to gasp in astonishment at Jennifer's actions.

Jennifer spoke again, "Now hands back on your head and let's have no more such nonsense."

Jennifer was now able to examine the totally naked Mat at her leisure. His five and a quarter inch [13½ cm] penis was still completely erect and pointing upwards from the horizontal at forty five degrees. His swollen testicles had stretched his hairless scrotum so tightly that the skin shone under the bathroom lights that illuminated the room with some intensity.

She raised his arms and examined his arm pits but there was no sign of any hair there except some golden baby peach fuzz.

His lack of body hair was a disappointment unlike his man sized penis. He obviously had only grown his meagre covering of hair in the last six months or so. The thought of his lack of hair bought to mind the way the courts often ordered newdd's shaved to heighten their humiliation. Jennifer looked around the bathroom and sure enough there was the Reverends shaving kit sitting on a glass shelf next to the mirror. It was obvious what her next move was going to be.

"Boys are so much more immature than girls at the same age I find and way too modest my mum says. She says little boys should not be so modest about their bodies and I know that little boys should not be allowed to have pubic hair till they can prove their maturity so before I bath you I am going to shave off what little pubic hair you have."

"No Jennifer please don't, please Miss, please!!" protested the helpless fourteen-year-old realizing that he was about to loose the only body hair he had which really wasn't much.

Jennifer immediately started lathering Mat's father's shaving brush. Then to his continued verbal protests she applied the brush to his genitals spreading the lather evenly.

Giving Mat no time to contemplate his loss any further Jennifer took the Reverends razor from the shelf and with a rush of excitement took hold of Mat's throbbing penis for the first time and ignoring his moans of protestation, moved the razor up and down and from side to side as she began to denude his pubic regions of it's sparse covering of hair.

Mat was beside himself with utter humiliation as Jennifer lifted his penis and shaved the throbbing shaft of any small hairs that have been growing there

When she had finished shaving and wiped away any residue shaving lather Jennifer stood back and looked at her handy work. If anything Mat's new hairless look accentuated the size of his very adequate genitals even more.

Mat looked down at his now hairless groin in total disbelief. His outward sign of manliness had gone, he would have looked like a hairless little boy again except for the size of his genitals. He had waited till he was nearly fourteen years old before his first pubes had appeared now they had been removed in less than a minute!

Jennifer moved back over to Mat and this time cupped his scrotum in one hand and gently felt around the testes with the other.

Mat winched at the pain.

"Are you having much pain from your balls, they feel very swollen?" she asked in a concerned voice.

"Yes 3; miss 3; um 3; Jennifer, my Pa and our family doctor say it's a consequence of my abstinence from masturbation that my testicles are often swollen to such an extent that they become painful. As you know miss, Pa has lectured many times at church and in the youth group about the dire consequences in this life and the next for those who masturbate, though the doctor recommended that I should be masturbated by a nurse seeing that I should not do it on moral grounds to relieve the pain and swelling. However neither Pa nor I were keen on that idea," Mat replied hesitantly, unsure if he should tell Jennifer the whole story.

Nodding her head in understanding Jennifer replied, "I fully understand Mat, and agree that because of your upbringing and your father's position in our community I agree that it would be morally wrong for you to masturbate yourself to relief. However I know from the way that the courts allow relief for newdd's that if I were to give you the relief the doctor recommended at regular intervals it would prove to be a most satisfactory solution to your swelling and pain."

With that she gently grabbed Mat's throbbing penis and began to slide what loose skin there was up and down his circumcised penis.

"Ahhhhhh," Mat groaned as he felt Jennifer's fingers grip around his aroused shaft, and he felt the answering throb in the tip of his penis.

"Ahhhhhhh," he moaned again as he writhed his hips, trying to escape the acute sensation he felt deep inside his groin.

Jennifer caused Mat's next groan of misery and sensation when as an experiment she rubbed the palm of her hand over the very tip of his penis.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Mat groaned as a sensation so acute shot through him that he felt he would die unless Jennifer stopped immediately.

But Jennifer didn't stop, she continued to sensually manipulate Mat's penis and especially the sensitive exposed glans of his penis head.

Jennifer's well practiced milking motion soon had Mat gasping for breath and every nerve and every muscle of his body was on the edge.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Mat was beside himself, begging Jennifer to stop but at the same time engulfed in a myriad of the most acute sensations he had ever felt in his young life. This was where he never went when he aroused himself in bed. This was the unknown that he feared.

Jennifer felt a surge like an electric shock run through Mat's body as he suddenly arched his back, curled his toes and groaned, a deep guttural noise, a wail of utter anguish and unbelievable erotic sensations.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," His body shook as Jennifer looked at his penis which she was still rhythmically milking with her fingers.

From the end of Mat's penis erupted a mighty stream of thick white semen. Through all Mat's thrusting and gyrating of hips as he experienced his first public masturbation Jennifer did not miss a stroke in her milking rhythm.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Mat's wail seemed to go on forever as he continued to pump out copious amounts of semen from his acutely swollen and full testicles.

As Mat's whole body began to stagger Jennifer looked up at him. His head was thrown back and then lashed from side to side and his mouth was wide open gasping for air, as jet after jet of thick white semen continued unabated to burst from the tip of his penis. On and on Mat's masturbation went until the last spurts of semen were drained from him.

Exhausted Mat collapsed onto the bathroom floor ignoring the cold floor tiles and lay there at Jennifer's feet his chest heaving for breath covered in the copious quantities of cum that he had just ejaculated.

Mat sucked at the air. His mind and body were in turmoil. He had never imagined that he could have experienced such feelings. He could feel his heart racing within his chest. He could, he imagined, feel every inch of his skin as his nerves tingled. He was split between utter ecstasy and utter humiliation.

6 – Rebecca Shaw-Davis Aged 12

— ggtb —

As Mat recovered Jennifer wiped up the spilt cum off the bathroom floor then when the bath was prepared she made the still shaking Mat stand in the shallow water that she had run into the bath.

The bath was uneventful. Mat was now totally compliant. He stood there totally submissive and allowed Jennifer access to his totally naked body as she washed him from head to toe.

After Mat's ordeal was over Jennifer took him to his room and tucked him into bed. However unlike his younger siblings she sat down on the edge if his bed and began to talk to him.

At first she found it really difficult to get any sort of conversation out of Mat as he was so shocked at what had happened to him. Jennifer however persevered an eventually managed to enter into some sort of meaningful conversation with Mat.

By the time she had finished talking to Mat, the now totally compliant and subservient boy had agreed to be her boyfriend. He had also agreed that Jennifer should continue as his minder to give him relief and prevent the swelling and pain that he had suffered recently in his testicles. In addition he also agreed that the relationship between them would be different when Jennifer was minding him than when they would go out as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Mat knew his father would expect the highest moral standards from him if he accompanied Jennifer out. There could be no sexual overtones of any kind whilst they were a pair at their young age.

Of course, as Jennifer pointed out to Mat during the discussion, when she was his minder her powers and position dictated that it was the right and correct thing for her to see him naked at the appropriate times like bathing etc. and that it was also totally appropriate that Jennifer could administer on his parent's authority bare naked spankings if required. When they were out as boyfriend girlfriend this would not be appropriate.

So Mat became Jennifer's first real boyfriend. He was totally in awe of her. She completely dominated him. He feared her in some strange way yet when he was alone at night in bed his body now tingled in excitement and arousal at the thought of Jennifer masturbating him to relief. Relief which he now wished and desired could happen more often than it did!

Jennifer's friends and her younger sister were very jealous of her catch. A handsome high school boy from a very influential local community family was considered a good catch.

The Reverend Mathias Shaw-Davis and his wife were also pleased that Mat had become close friends with his minder. They were surprised that he would make the move to ask Jennifer out as he always seemed shy and insecure around girls, but they thought no more of this apart from their initial surprise not even considering the possibility that it was Jennifer not their son who had orchestrated this relationship.

Jennifer was one of the outstanding youth of his parish and the Reverend felt sure his son had made a good choice for his first girl friend. Of course he still sat them both down along with Jennifer's mother and made it very clear what behaviour he and Mrs. Daily expected of them in public and in private.

The final icing on the cake for Jennifer in the infiltration of the Shaw-Davis household was to bring Mat's sister Rebecca under her domination. Jennifer's experience with girls was not as strong as with boys though she regularly minded younger girls she had so far had little to do with girls close to her age.

Unlike boys Jennifer felt little desire to dominate the girls like she did the boys who she minded. In the case of Rebecca however this was different. She knew Rebecca well through church and church youth groups. Jennifer had always found Rebecca snobbish and unapproachable. She came across as opinionated and argumentative and always insisted that things be done the way she desire not how the wider group might wish. She also used her position as the daughter of the local minister to ensure that she got her way on most occasions within the church youth groups where Jennifer had dealings with her.

Jennifer didn't like her nor did her mentor Terri Walker. Rebecca's fate was sealed!

Two weeks after conquering Mat, Jennifer got her chance to mind all of the Shaw-Davis siblings for a night. The Reverend and Mrs. Shaw-Davis were attending a Diocesan function out of town and so Jennifer was called up for duty.

Deliberately setting up an early confrontation, Jennifer announced soon after dinner that she wanted everyone to get ready for bathing then they could come back down stairs for a while in their pyjamas and watch TV till it was bed time.

Joseph and Ruth thought nothing of this request. Mat blushed at the thought but knew by now not to question Jennifer's orders. Rebecca on the other hand was livid with indignation.

She did not bath with her younger siblings, she bathed alone when she choose, and not when some uppity baby sitter who was too big for her boots thought it was time.

"Oh I'm sorry Rebecca," Jennifer at first apologized leading the girl along, "I didn't mean you would be bathing with Joseph and Ruth, no there would not be enough room for the three of you in the bath, no I meant you would be sharing with Mat!"

At first there was deathly silence. Then the tension was momentarily broken by a giggle from Joseph who obviously thought the idea of his older sister sharing a bath with his older brother, very funny. Neither of the two younger siblings had seen their older brother or sister naked for some years. The thought of seeing just that appealed greatly to ten-year-old Joseph. Ruth at eight years of age was too young to really take in the significance of Jennifer's instructions.

"I beg your pardon," Rebecca thundered at Jennifer, "There is no way I am sharing a bath with anyone nor are you going to supervise me whilst I wash."

Jennifer knew that the Reverend Shaw-Davis had been explicit in his order to his children about Jennifer's power and authority over them. They all knew that Jennifer on their father's authority had complete adult control over them and the power to discipline them if required. Jennifer also knew that Rebecca was in no doubt what her father's instructions meant or what the consequences would be for her if she disobeyed her father's strict instructions and did not do as Jennifer ordered.

When Jennifer politely but firmly reminded Rebecca of this fact she blushed for the first time and when Mat urged her to do as Jennifer ordered unless she wanted to be given a bare naked spanking by both Jennifer and their Pa, Rebecca almost capitulated.

Her stubborn nature though was too strong and she could not bring herself to give in to Jennifer's demands without a fight.

"Like hell she'll give me a bare naked spanking," Rebecca asserted.

The two younger siblings gasped at their older sister's use of the word 'hell'. Their father would not have approved.

"Becky mind your mouth," Mat admonished.

Jennifer was confident in her authority so she pressed on using an adult tone of voice to order Rebecca about. "Right young lady that will enough of your bad language and disrespect. You know I have total adult authority over you and as you seem unwilling to believe that is so, I have decided a practical lesson in front of your brothers and sisters will set your mind clear on this Mater. Take off all your clothes now and prepare for a bare naked spanking," Jennifer ordered.

Rebecca just stood there and laughed at Jennifer. Finally telling Jennifer with total sarcasm and disrespect, "As if, you little Hitler!"

Jennifer knew she had support. Both Mat and Joseph would assist her if she asked and even little Ruth would lend assistance if requested.

It was time to act and wipe the smirk from Rebecca's face.

"Mat and Joseph would you please hold your sister whilst I undress her ready for her bare naked spanking as she seems not to understand who is in charge here," Jennifer ordered.

For the first time Jennifer noticed a look of panic and uncertainty in Rebecca's eyes.

Mat grasped his sisters right wrist and Joseph her left.

"Yes 'as if' Rebecca, you seem to be incapable of believing I have the power to do this to you so I am going to prove I have by taking off all your clothes then spanking you bare naked," Jennifer informed her now very worried victim.

"Oh no, don't do this. You can't do this. Mat please don't let her do this to me!" Rebecca began pleading, revealing her true feelings and apprehensions as her bravo disappeared into fear and worry.

"Too late Rebecca you had your chance to do this with some dignity!" Jennifer answered firmly.

Jennifer moved over and stood in front of Rebecca who was now beginning to cry whilst still pleading for Jennifer not to do this. Jennifer grabbed the crying girl's floral dress and swiftly stripped it off her. This exposed Rebecca's white bra and panties and left her wearing nothing else but her knee-high white socks.

Totally embarrassed and mortified, Rebecca cried out new wails of misery at this new indignity.

Rebecca's heart was hammering and her skin was tingling with nervous anxiety as she felt Jennifer's fingers begin to unhook her bra strap and slip it from her shoulders. Rebecca appeared to have cute little breasts, firm and pointed, they had only recently grown and she had been very proud to show off her development at any chance she got, but not so now.

When Jennifer removed her bra the watching siblings saw two wads of tissues fall to the floor and a pale chest revealed with very small almost non existent, freshly formed breasts.

Jennifer saw the beet red blush sweep across Rebecca's cheeks as her humiliating secret was revealed. Jennifer smiled overjoyed that Rebecca had been caught out so totally. Padding your breast was a real no-no. Jennifer had been tempted her self as her own breasts at thirteen years of age were still very small only filling an AA bra but she had never tried to pretend she was anything but flat unlike this little tart.

Jennifer looked at Rebecca's bra that was still in her hands and noticed that in addition to the tissues the bra was padded. With a sigh of disgust she threw the bra away saying, "I don't think you should be allowed to wear this any more. I shall report this discovery to your father and mother and suggest to them that you not be allowed to wear a bra till you show a more mature attitude and you have something there to fill a bra with!" Jennifer stated.

"You certainly don't need it at the moment anyway," she added contemptuously, flicking Rebecca's small non existent breasts with her fingers.

Rebecca's eyes filled with dismay at this loss of this, the most treasured symbol of female maturity.

Before Rebecca had time to dwell on her loss Jennifer took hold of the elasticized waistband of Rebecca's white panties.

"No, please leave me alone!" Rebecca wailed as her panties were lowered to her ankles. Rebecca was now totally exposed. Her prominent lily white pudendum was not concealed in any way by the light growth of almost invisible blonde pubic hair which allowed her vertical slit to be totally exposed to viewing.

Rebecca tried desperately to hide her exposed genitals with her hands but her two brothers maintained their grip preventing her from covering up so she franticly twisted and turned trying to hide herself with her own legs.

"Wow!" exclaimed Joseph, gawping at his sisters most private parts.

"Yeah!" agreed his little sister Ruth, "Becky looks just like a little girl, I though she was a big girl."

"Yeah so did I," Mat absently minded added to the conversation.

Rebecca just stood there held in place blushing beet red with humiliation and embarrassment.

"Now put your hands on your head and step out of your panties," Jennifer ordered in a commanding tone.

Her will broken, Rebecca obediently lifted her feet whilst Jennifer removed her underwear then slid her socks off her legs leaving Rebecca totally naked and ready for her spanking.

Sitting on one of the dining room chairs Jennifer with the help of the two boys pulled Rebecca across her knees. The totally embarrassed twelve-year old sniffled and squirmed with shame as her bottom was prominently displayed sticking up in the air for the two boys and Ruth to see Rebecca's flawless pale cheeks.

Not content in having Rebecca in this humiliating position Jennifer used her thumb and forefinger to spread Rebecca's buttocks, opening her bum crease to expose her dark puckered sphincter.

Her curiosity satisfied Jennifer raised her hand high above Rebecca's bottom and brought her palm swiftly down in a sharp smack against the middle of her bottom leaving a red handprint, split by her bum crack, across her buttocks.

"Ouch!" squealed Rebecca. Jennifer slapped again and again giving Rebecca a sound spanking that soon had her crying.

The amazed siblings watched on, open-mouthed as their sister's legs flailed the air, giving them the most intimate views of what lay between their sisters thighs.

At last Jennifer stopped spanking Rebecca's bottom and told the crying girl to get to her feet. When she did she immediately began to dance around the lounge room, rubbing her very red bottom and howling loudly.

The bathtub in the Shaw-Davis bathroom was quite large, but not large enough to wash all four siblings in at one time so Jennifer had Mat, Joseph and Ruth strip naked to join their sister in total nakedness before informing them that she would wash Mat and Rebecca together first then Joseph and Ruth next.

Mat was blushing profusely as his totally shaved groin appeared revealed to his three siblings for the first time in many years. It appeared to them as if he, at fourteen years of age had no pubic hairs just like his ten-year-old brother Joseph.

Mat like his sister did not want to share a bath with anyone let alone his twelve-year-old sister but by now he knew better than to argue.

Although the tub was big, the two older children did take up a lot of space so that Rebecca and Mat found themselves in close contact with the naked bodies of each other.

"You can get to your feet Rebecca and I will wash you first," Jennifer instructed Rebecca.

Making one last attempt at gaining back some of her dignity Rebecca stated, "But I can wash myself."

"Maybe, but today I'm washing you and that is all there is to it, so stand up or you'll be having your bare bottom smacked again," Jennifer threatened.

Rebecca rose reluctantly from the water. She was shamefully aware of the eyes of her three siblings examining her body.

Jennifer began soaping her head and neck.

"Lift up your arms," Jennifer instructed and this time Rebecca obeyed immediately.

Rebecca twitched and squirmed as Jennifer's soapy fingers tickled the sensitive shaved skin under her arm pits. Worse was to come when Jennifer began to soap her chest. Jennifer was greatly amused to find that Rebecca's nipples hardened to erection as waves of sensation flowed uncontrollably through her body.

Instinctively Rebecca squirmed away, hunching her shoulders as she reacted to this feeling.

"Stand still, Rebecca," snapped Jennifer, "or I shall defiantly have to smack your bottom again."

To emphasize her displeasure Jennifer gave Rebecca one surprisingly hard slap on her wet bottom.

"Ouch!" Rebecca strongly objected.

By now Jennifer was working her way down to the area where Rebecca's body met her legs. Rebecca knew what was going to happen even before Jennifer began to lather her sparsely haired pubic area and slit. Shameful sexual sensations began to flood Rebecca's mind and body and she gasped and squirmed to the touch of Jennifer's soapy hands as they slid over and into her most private of parts.

Noticing her paltry growth of pubic hair Jennifer decided Rebecca needed the same treatment as her older brother. "Little girls should not be allowed to have pubic hair till they can prove their maturity so before I bath you anymore I am going to shave off your pathetic excuse for pubic hair."

Rebecca tried to object but a further solid smack to her tender bottom soon quietened her down.

Jennifer immediately started lathering the Reverend's shaving brush. Then to Rebecca's renewed verbal protests she applied the lathered brush to Rebecca's genitals spreading the lather evenly over her pubic area.

Again Jennifer took the Reverend's razor from the shelf and with a renewed rush of excitement she quickly denuded Rebecca of her small growth of pubic hair.

Joseph and Ruth found Rebecca's shaving very funny and commented how she really looked like a little girl now!

The shaving complete Jennifer washed down Rebecca's legs then ordered her to, "Turn around."

She then soaped Rebecca's back.

Rebecca now knew that Jennifer would thoroughly wash her bottom just like she had her groin. She hated the thought.

"Bend forward," came the command finally from Jennifer.

Reluctantly Rebecca bent over and again felt her cheeks being pulled apart. Jennifer's soapy fingers then began to wash this most intimately private area of her body. The soapy fingers tickled her sphincter in an oddly pleasurable way and she wriggled and squirmed around as Jennifer enjoyed her opportunity to explore Rebecca secret treasure.

"Right young lady sit back down and Mat, it's your turn now," Jennifer instructed once she was satisfied she had washed every inch of Rebecca's body.

Jennifer finally ordered, "Let's have you both out of this bath and dried off," after she had given Mat an equally humiliating wash in front of his siblings.

As Jennifer dried both Rebecca and Mat she continued to subjugate them both with words and actions like, "Bend over there's a good girl and let me dry your bottom."

As she dried Mat's chest she made sure that the towel constantly rubbed the tip of his penis.

She made Rebecca stand with her legs wide part while she patted her slit dry. She repeated the procedure with Mat's penis and testicles, aware that both Rebecca and Mat were absolutely humiliated at this treatment in front of their younger brother and sister.

Finally she made Rebecca and Mat stand there in the bathroom totally naked and exposed as she washed their younger siblings.

After that evenings experience, it was no surprise that Rebecca choose the safety and security of her own bed much earlier than she needed too, at the same time that her younger siblings went to bed.

This allowed Jennifer and Mat some much wished for and needed private time where Jennifer was able to give Mat his longed for relief!

7 – Jennifer Dailey Aged 13

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The previous year, when Jennifer was twelve years old, she had received a bare naked spanking from her mother in front of four of her sister Caitlin's friends, Chelsea Horden, Helen Foy, Michaela Grace and Terri Walker

Terri Walker even though she was only ten years old at the time had somehow already learnt a lot about influence and using people. She offered to keep her silence about Jennifer's humiliating spanking at a price. She would not tell any of the boys Jennifer dominated and punished whilst babysitting about how Jennifer was herself punished as long as Jennifer agreed to a set of conditions.

The conditions that Terri Walker forced on Jennifer were that Jennifer would have to tell Terri all the details of all her babysitting conquests. She wanted Jennifer to try and get all her babysitting charges naked. Then tell her all about them, maybe even invite Terri over to witness the event some times if that was possible. If Terri wished, Jennifer would also have to submit to Terri in private and be punished by Terri just like she punished her babysitting charges.

So it came to pass from a very early stage in Jennifer's babysitting career that she was a cocktease to all the boys and a tormentor of her charges but the table was completely turned when it came to Terri Walker. What the boyfriends were unable to get Terri had open access too if she wished!

Thankfully for Jennifer in the first year after witnessing her spanking Terri was satisfied in just hearing the tales of conquest from Jennifer and on four or five occasions accompanied Jennifer to her babysitting duties and witnessing first hand Jennifer's babysitting techniques.

This changed dramatically after the episope with the Shaw-Davis family. Terri who was now eleven years of age seemed to find the whole account of Mat then Rebecca's stripping and punishment totally erotic and arousing. So much so that when Jennifer had finished her detailed description of the naked Shaw-Davis children Terri instructed Jennifer that this time she wanted Jennifer to join her in a meeting of a special secret girls group that Terri ran called 'Le Femme Chics'.

As part of her initiation into 'Le Femme Chics' Jennifer would be required to strip naked before Terri and the other members and submit to being punished just like Jennifer had herself punished Mat and Rebecca.

Jennifer was totally taken aback by this request from Terri. For the past year she had been the dominant one, the one in total control. Now with that single sentence Jennifer's whole world was reeling.

Suddenly she was experiencing domination from the other side. She had the feelings of fear and apprehension that all her charges experienced when she took control of them.

Jennifer's resolve however did not prove hard for Terri to break. Jennifer put up far less resistance than Rebecca had done to Jennifer's demands only days ago. Just like most of her charges she was soon begging for mercy and a reconsideration of Terri's demands.

Just like Jennifer's attitude with all her charges, Terri Walker proved unmovable, insisting Jennifer strip totally naked immediately and undergo her initiation or Terri would be forced to tell everyone, especially Jennifer's baby sitting charges about the Dailey household discipline regime.

Faced with the inevitable consequences of not agreeing to Terri's request and only too aware that she had often told Terri all about how she dealt with her victims if they did not cooperate, Jennifer humiliatingly capitulated and agreed to be initiated into 'Le Femme Chics'.

Terri ordered Jennifer to follow her down stairs to the lounge room. "Do exactly as you are ordered, or you will be over my lap for a spanking session. Understand?" Terri said.

"Yes," Jennifer replied meekly.

"Oh that reminds me girl. When you in a meeting of the 'Le Femme Chics' or are naked before me or being punished you refer to me as 'Mistress' on all occasions. Other times, Terri is ok," Terri informed the again blushing girl.

"Yes 3; Mistress," the now totally humiliated and submissive Jennifer replied.

Jennifer followed the smirking Terri down stairs from Terri's bedroom and into the lounge room of the Walker house.

"Girls, welcome our latest initiate Jennifer Dailey," Jennifer heard Terri announce to some one in the lounge room as she walked in. Soon Jennifer followed Terri into the lounge room, mustering all her will power to stop herself from running away.

Jennifer gasped as she saw a group of girls sitting in a circle on the lounge room floor. There were smiles and smirks on the faces of most of these girls when they saw Jennifer walk in.

There sitting on the floor were her sister's eleven-year-old friends from 6th grade, Chelsea Horden, Helen Foy and Michaela Grace along with a twelve-year-old girl from the 7th grade Amanda Hermann, who was the younger sister of her ex-boyfriend Nicholas Hermann, and a thirteen-year-old girl from her own grade, Sarah Roberts. If this was not a big enough shock to Jennifer it was the identity of the sixth person sitting in the circle that caused Jennifer to drop her jaw and stare in amazement.

Her sister Caitlin was sitting there with a huge grin across her face obviously enjoying her sister's embarrassment.

"Right Jennifer, go stand in the middle of the circle facing me and remove all your clothing," Terri callously ordered.

This bought a giggle from some of the girls and a huge blush from Jennifer.

As instructed Jennifer reluctantly moved into the centre of the circle and began to undress. First she kicked off her sneakers. Jennifer was blushing and embarrassed to even remove these simple items, items which other people regularly saw her not wearing.

Jennifer looked over at Terri; she had a huge grin on her face. Oh how she wanted to smash that smirk off her conceited face, but for the first time in her recent life she was powerless to do so!

Jennifer knew she could expect no mercy from Terri, that grin told it all. She hadn't displayed any mercy during her domination and humiliation of the boys and girls she babysat and now Terri was going to ensure she experienced the same treatment.

Jennifer trembled with nervous apprehension as she bent over and lifted one foot then the other removing her light blue socks.

Jennifer had slender ankles and pretty feet.

"Hurry up you're stalling. Get moving or you'll get the worst bare naked spanking of your life," Terri warned.

Jennifer unbuttoned her soft pink shirt and slid it off her body. Her face was red with shame as she stood in her jeans and pink AA bra. Though her breasts were basically still non existent her erect nipples were silhouetted against the thin silk bra.

"Take your jeans off next," Terri ordered.

"No Terri, please don't make me do this," Jennifer in her humiliation and embarrassment pleaded again.

When she received no reply to her plea except an impatient stare and body stance from Terri, the now gently sobbing Jennifer unbuckled her jeans, unable to postpone her fate any longer.

Jennifer pulled her jeans down around her ankles and stepped out of them. Her pink flowered panties barely hid her secrets.

As Jennifer straightened up, her lips were trembling and she couldn't meet the gaze of the still smiling Terri Walker or any of the other girls in the club.

Though what she was wearing was as much as she wore at the beach on this occasion Jennifer felt almost naked.

"Good, now remove your tiny pink bra and let's get a good look at those little tits of yours," Terri ordered.

Jennifer was by now openly sobbing. Her shoulders shook as she reached back and unhooked her bra. She initially went to place her hands over the tiny cups then realizing that covering up would earn her the wrath of her tormentor and possibly further punishment she let her pretty pink AA size bra fall to the floor and forced her hands down by her sides.

Terri and the other girl's eyes focused on Jennifer's still small, almost flat breasts which were dominated by her erect pink nipples

"Put your hands on your head," Terri ordered, "from the stories you have told me you should be familiar with that position."

Trembling and with tears pouring from her eyes Jennifer obeyed and Terri moved in front of Jennifer and felt Jennifer's flat breasts with her smooth silky hands. Terri might only have been eleven years old but somehow she knew exactly what to do. Jennifer wondered if all the other girls in the circle had suffered similar humiliation at the hands of Terri Walker!

Terri slowly circled Jennifer's erect nipples with her thumbs as Jennifer blushed an even reddened shade of shame.

"I'm going to finish undressing you," Terri informed the mortified Jennifer.

Terri then grasped the waistband of Jennifer's pink flowered panties and as Jennifer shut her eyes and let out a moan of humiliation, Terri yanked them down to Jennifer's knees, revealing a sparse growth of golden brown hair that barely fringed her slit. Jennifer's pink puffy lips clearly showed through the thin strands of hair.

Terri knelt in front of Jennifer and lifted first one of her bare feet, then the other as she removed Jennifer's panties.

Terri's eyes were now barely inches away from Jennifer's slit. Unable to resist any longer Terri reached out and easily pushing through the sparse pubic hairs parted Jennifer's pussy lips and poked her forefinger into her virgin slit.

Jennifer gasped at this forced intrusion into her most private and intimate of parts.

Then just as quick Terri removed her finger and stood back up.

"There will be plenty of time to explore in there later. For now turn around and let me see your ass," Terri ordered the red-faced thirteen-year-old teenager.

Slowly Jennifer turned, revealing her perfectly shaped buttocks.

"Nice and white, but by the time I have finished with you today it is going to be very red, very, very red and sore," Terri informed the now petrified Jennifer.

"Right stand straight and keep your hands on your head," Terri ordered, "I want to inspect your body."

Terri moved immediately to Jennifer's pussy and Jennifer was soon moaning and wiggling around in front of the assembled girls as Terri with some practised skill again pushed her fingers in and out of Jennifer's pussy.

Terri soon located Jennifer's virgin clitoris and was soon pulling, poking and stroking Jennifer, quickly stimulating her clitoris and greatly arousing Jennifer's whole body.

The naked teen was soon bouncing up and down, as Terri placed one finger in Jennifer's cunt and one in her ass. She continued to push them in and out, doing her best to make Jennifer cum. Jennifer responded to her building arousal by moaning and gasping as Terri's fingers touched first one erogenous area, then another. Finally with her head thrown back, her heart pounding and gasping for air Jennifer was expertly masturbated to her first public climax by Terri.

This first climax was not however anywhere near enough for the now very aroused Terri Waker. From a shoe box she produced a thick adult sized dildo. Again Jennifer was amazed how an eleven-year-old knew so much about sex and sex equipment. The dildo was made of clear Perspex and had two balls as a handle grip. In a few moments she would push the dildo into Jennifer's ass.

"Lie down on the floor where the towel is laid out," Terri ordered.

Slowly and reluctantly Jennifer followed orders.

"Now lie on you tummy and push your but up into the air."

Terri opened a tube of lube from the shoe box and rubbed some on the dildo then she lubricated Jennifer's asshole.

Jennifer was screaming out for Terri to stop but Terri ignored the protests and guided the dildo into Jennifer's ass crack. Jennifer screamed a different tune as the adult sized dildo cock pushed against her well lubed sphincter before it broke through and thrust up inside her virgin ass.

Jennifer was sweating; the dildo cock was hurting her. She was soon screaming at the top of her voice and bawling out loud as Terri pushed ever deeper into Jennifer with the dildo.

Soon Jennifer was crying profusely as Terri moved faster and faster in and out with the dildo. Jennifer was soon a mess covered in a lather of sweat from fear and exertion.

Every orifice in Jennifer's body had been penetrated either by fingers or a dildo, though technically she remained a virgin as none of Terri's fingers had penetrated Jennifer's vagina that deeply that her hymen had been breached.

Finally after Jennifer had had her second climax in a matter of minutes Terri withdrew the dildo but if Jennifer had any thoughts that her ordeal was over she soon discovered otherwise.

Terri presented the brown faeces stained dildo to Jennifer's mouth and ordered her to lick it clean. Jennifer gagged as she smelt the filth on the dildo. Only with a supreme effort and enormous willpower did Jennifer begin to lick the rim of the dildo slowly clean, dry reaching between licks.

When Terri had last seen Jennifer naked the then twelve-year-old had only gentle swellings that hinted of the breasts to come. At that time her nipples were perky and pink, her areolas, slightly lighter, looked puffy and swollen and Jennifer had not even the hint of hair to mark her developing sexual maturity between her legs.

The twelve months since then had not improved Jennifer's breast development much; just a slight swelling of breast had grown in that time. Her nipples however showed clear evidence of maturing and in their current aroused state were very prominent.

Between her legs however things had happened. From having no sign of any pubic hair, Jennifer now had a sparse fringe of golden brown hair. It was certainly not the thick bush some 12 and thirteen-year-old girls already had by that age and it didn't even cover her slit and pink puffy lips yet Jennifer was very proud of this growth. With her lack of breasts she could easily be mistaken for a little girl but the sparse pubic hairs were proof positive that she was a young lady not a little girl.

As well in the last six months she had started her periods. A sure sign she was a woman not a girl.

Shaving off the pubic hair of any of her victims who were old enough to have any was a favourite pleasure of Jennifer now to her horror Terri turned the tables on her!

Removing a pair of scissors from the box, Terri commanded, "Take these scissors and trim your pubes while we watch," then added, "You can then shave off what you can't get with the scissors."

Jennifer took the scissors in her hand and for the briefest of moments thought about threatening to stab Terri with them unless she allowed her to go.

The thought was impossible. Terri would tell all her secrets to everyone and now she knew a lot more detail to add to her original stock of knowledge.

She was defeated and she knew it. Terri knew it too!

Jennifer started clipping her sparse pubic hair with the scissors in front of the giggling and smiling group of girls. As she did so she was again sobbing as she carefully cut her precious pubic hairs back to stubble.

When all the hair had been trimmed as short as possible with the scissors Terri took the scissors and placed them back in the box and then gave Jennifer a hand towel, disposable razor and a can of shaving cream.

"You have to shave it all off, every last hair. I want you as bald as a little girl," Terri informed the blushing Jennifer.

Jennifer in abject misery did a thorough job with the razor.

When she was finished Terri surveyed Jennifer's handy work and thought to herself how Jennifer with her flat chest and bald pubic region really looked like a little girl.

Jennifer just lay there on the floor crying like a baby in front of everyone as she lamented the loss of her pubic hair, her most prized outward sign of maturity.

The rest on the floor was only very short for the naked thirteen-year-old as Terri soon ordered Jennifer to get into a position with her legs spread wide apart on the floor.

Terri then made Jennifer reached down and pull her pink pussy lips wide open for Terri to undertake a detailed inspection of Jennifer's most private parts.

The assembled girls focused their attention on the scene splayed open in front of them. Jennifer's delicate pink labia led into a still immature but well developed pussy with an average size clit.

Terri smiled as she again poked her finger inside Jennifer's vagina and poked around. Jennifer moaned as Terri very expertly for an eleven-year-old fondled her pussy, Jennifer's aroused clit which grew rigid under Terri's finger ministrations.

As Terri was carrying out this additional inspection Jennifer laid on the floor with her eyes closed, crying in front of her tormentor.

Jennifer opened her eyes when she felt Terri stop fingering her and gasped as she saw her tormentor pick up the dildo and lube it again.

"Please no," Jennifer begged as Terri moved the dildo cock into place between Jennifer's widely spread legs whilst Jennifer was made to continue pulling her pussy wide open with her fingers to allow the dildo to thrust up inside her exposed vagina.

"No," Jennifer screamed out as the rigid adult sized dildo penis pushed against her unbroken hymen. Then Jennifer screamed as the thin membrane tore. A trickle of blood ran out of her as Terri plunged the dildo up and down inside Jennifer's vagina.

To Jennifer's surprise the movement of the dildo in Terri's hands was starting to feel good. Soon she was unable to stop herself and began to move up and down with the rhythm of the dildo

Terri Walker watched Jennifer's erotic movement's with great satisfaction knowing that she had deflowered yet another girl, taking her total now to seven!

At this stage Jennifer only suspected, but since the 5th grade Terri Walker had slowly built up her own private cohort of girls who she had total sexual domination over and called them 'Le Femme Chics'. After her own deflowering Jennifer was about to join the other girls in total sexual subservience to their young mistress.

There was one final indignation in Jennifer's transformation from the dominant to the dominated. Her spanking!

Terri bought a dining chair into the circle and ordered Jennifer over her lap. Slowly Jennifer positioned herself face down, bottom up on Terri's lap giving Terri a perfect view of Jennifer's tight perfectly proportioned lily white round ass.

Terri admired the tan line that separated the exposed and covered skin from when Jennifer had worn her bathing suit in the privacy of her back yard pool. Jennifer's legs, torso and arms were nicely tanned, in contrast to the white skin below the bikini tan line marks that ran across her ass making Jennifer look even sexier.

Terri examined Jennifer's perfect ass that lay before her eyes with its cute little dimples and wondered how long it would take once she started spanking to turn those pretty butt cheeks crimson?

Jennifer's tormentor softly rubbed her fingers along Jennifer's butt crack. It felt nice and cool to Terri's touch but she knew her bottom wouldn't feel that cool for much longer.

Draped over Terri's lap, Jennifer's feet were not touching the ground. Terri held Jennifer's back with her left hand and reached over with her right hand to Sarah Roberts who handed Terri a professional slave punishment paddle. It was made of U.V. stabilised polymers and had small perforation holes through its surface ensuring minimal wind resistance and that the maximum impact velocity could be achieved.

Terri raised the paddle in her right hand and started spanking Jennifer.

To Jennifer's total humiliation and the amusement of Terri and the girls, Jennifer started shrieking after the very first smack. She was proving to be a real woos compared to all the children she herself had disciplined, nearly all of whom could hold their emotions in for longer than the first smack.

Terri loved how the early strokes with the paddle made solid red marks across Jennifer's pale butt cheeks which gradually merged into a nice red glow all over. As Terri continued to reign down stroke after stroke Jennifer continued to yell and plead just like her own charges had done and also just like Jennifer had done to them in the past, Terri Walker now just smiled and enjoyed Jennifer's suffering.

Soon Jennifer was crying and as the spanking continued unabated she was soon bawling like a baby whilst kicking her feet and bucking her bottom around giving the assembled girls an intimate view between her legs. Terri however had her firmly pinned down with her left hand and kept up the relentless stream of strokes to Jennifer's now very cherry red bottom.

When Terri finally let Jennifer up she started hopping up and down rubbing her burning, very sore, crimson red bottom. Jennifer put on quite a show, much more so than most of her own young charges who she had relentlessly smacked herself. Any thought of modesty or dignity was completely forgotten by Jennifer as she franticly danced around in front of her amused tormentors.