PZA Boy Stories

MC Fogel (Sid G)

The Making of a Slave

Paul's Story


The story of a 13-year-old gay boy, how he was abused by his father and brothers, how he was brought to a whore house and finally how he became his master's slave.
Publ. ASSG (1997); this site Feb 2011
Finished 19,000 words (38 pages)


Paul (13-15 / 20yo)

Category & Story codes

Boy Slave/Prostitution story
Mt Mb tt tbNon-cons/Slave oral anal – incest bdsm spank prost humil

Disclaimer & author's note

This story is a work of fiction, the complete fabrication of my perverted mind. These people never existed, these places never existed. The following is the rest of the standard disclaimer. If you are too young stop reading now! If you don't like stories involving sex with young boys, s&m, bondage, rape then don't even think about continuing.
Copying is permitted but copyright is protected and credit must be given.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area ,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Céladon's Note

Sid G. has disappeared from the story scene, and there are strong indications that he passed away in 2008.

A large part of the story describes memories from the past, these are printed in brown letters.

The barking dogs intrude into my sleep and I slowly open my eyes to the light coming in my door. Damn, why so early today. Master's party had gone late and he hadn't released me until, well I really don't know when. I had stumbled back here and fallen dead asleep. Sleep is my only real refuge and now those damn dogs had taken it from me.

I hear footsteps, but its too early for our meals. I crawl towards the door but instinct stops me in time. I go back and hook the chain onto my dog collar before I leave my home. I greeted Master once without it and he was unbelievably cruel that day so I'm not making that mistake again. But Master can't be up this early. Master must still be in bed with that new boy toy I saw him with last night.

I make sure my loin cloth is hanging properly and stick my head out the opening. The footsteps are closer now. Just one set. I come all the way out and look at my neighbors on both sides. The only difference between us is the two pit bulls don't wear loin clothes. Plus they would love to eat me alive and I don't want any part of them. They'll get their wish one day though, when Master is tired of me.

I assume my position. Down on my hands and knees, head hanging down, seeing nothing but dirt, smelling nothing but shit, mine and the dogs.

I see two feet stop in front of me but I don't move. I know my place on this estate.

"Look up at me slave."

I obey. It's a young man, I remember seeing him from time to time at the main house but Master has always kept me away from him. Sensing danger I move away, but I still look at him.

He grabs my collar. "Stay!"

I stay while he walks around me. I steel myself for the kick or punch or whatever I'm sure is coming, but it never does. Finally I hear him take the chain off me and replace it with my leash.

"Stand slave, let me look at you."

I obey and take a better look at the man. Man? He can't be much older than I am, I really don't know how old I am anymore. Time has no meaning for a slave. I think I remember three New Years Parties which would make me, no I can't remember. Doesn't matter anyway. He's walking around me, touching my body. I try not to flinch but some places are still tender from last night's activities. He doesn't seem to notice. If Master has given him permission to come to me he probably doesn't care either.

He stops in front of me and I look at his face. I feel a glimmer of recognition but I don't know why. The man puts his hands on my shoulders and pushes me down to my knees.

His cock is hanging out in front of me. Eight inches [20 cm] of limp manhood staring me in the face. I just stare at it, that's all I can do. He takes it in his free hands and slaps my face with it.

"You want it slave, don't you? Do you think you're worth of sucking on my manhood?"

I shook my head no. Nobody had given me permission to speak yet.

"You are right slave, but guess what, its your lucky day. You get to suck on it anyway."

With that he put it in front of my mouth and pushed. I opened my mouth quickly, and willingly. This was my reason for living, the reason Master keeps me alive, to satisfy him and his guests.

As soon as I had swallowed his whole cock I let my tongue go to work. Caressing the whole length of his rod which was growing harder and bigger all the time. I pulled a little bit off to adjust my position and really went to work. Like most of the men I service he's just standing there silently, watching me work on his cock. My head's bobbing up and down on his growing rod, it must be closer to ten inches [25 cm] long by now and a good two to three [5-8 cm] around. I don't know how many different cocks I've sucked, jerked and been fucked by, and I don't think even the devil himself knows how many times. But this one is different, a sweeter taste to it. For the first time in a while I find myself enjoying it. I let my ass wiggle in delight, a move Master loves to see.

The man pets my head and rubs it as I continue to work on his cock. He seems gentler than the usual guests Master has, but who am I to complain. Suddenly he pulls out of my mouth and shoots his load all over my face. My tongue darts out to grab some jism in the air, it tastes so good. I hear my neighbors barking hysterically, like they always do after they see me service someone.

When he starts to put his cock back into his pants I turn around and start crawling back into my house.

"Stay slave. I did not give you permission to leave."

I scampered back, whimpering for forgiveness. He grabs my leash and yanks me to my feet. "You're coming with me slave."

I nodded and stayed back as far as the leash would allow me, I know my place.

As we walked down the dirt path towards the main house I looked at the fine looking young man on the other end of the leash and tried to remember how I got here.

It started on my thirteenth birthday. As I said I don't remember how long ago that was, it feels like forever. During the previous year I had realized I was gay. Had a couple of furtive experiences and had finally found another gay in my class and we had become lovers. My parents had taught me to be honest with them so I decided to tell them.

It was after dinner. We had done the cake and presents routine and I was going out to meet Roger. He was going to let me fuck him for my birthday. My first fuck.

My four older brothers were watching TV. I guess I should tell you that at that point I was a lot smaller than I am now. Definitely the runt of the litter, and never the jocks they were. I was a cliche as a fag. Sissy, into art and literature and threw like a girl. My parents and I were sitting around the dining room table and I squirmed for a while with them staring at me.

"Spit it out boy," my father snapped, "I have work to do."

I took a deep breath.

"I'm gay."

My mother went white, my father red as he grabbed my shirt collar. "No son of mine is a fucking queer."

"I am dad, I didn't 3;"

I couldn't finish the sentence since his fist slammed into my mouth. I fell to the floor, trying to hold back the tears. My father moved to me and kicked me in the ribs as my brothers ran into the room.

"Dad stop, what are you doing?" One of them shouted.

"This piece of garbage said he's gay. You know how to treat one of them?"

I looked at their faces and saw the disgust in their faces. One of them grabbed me and dragged me down the basement steps. My mother had disappeared. I never saw her again.

Once in the basement they literally ripped my clothes off and tied me spread eagle on the saw horse. One by one they fucked me. Dry and hard, over and over. When they had finished for the night they untied me from the horse, led me over to the cot and tied me spread eagle. And left.

That's the last day I really remember. For I don't know how long they took turns fucking my ass and mouth. They brought their friends. For a long time they left me tied to the bed, put a dog bowl of water and one of dog food in front of me once a day. Then Ollie, the youngest of the four but still four years older than me, convinced them to take the chain that we had used for the shepherd we used to have and let me have the run of the basement room they kept me in. It was an improvement, at least I could walk around, eat sitting up like a person. Even after the way my family treated me I still considered myself a good person. But that was then.

One time Ollie was down doing laundry he looked in at me and smiled.

"How you doing?"

I stared at him. There were probably a lot of things that ran through my head but all I said was, "I'm alive, I guess I should be thankful for that. What happened to mom, she's never come down."

"She and dad argued and fought for the first week. She wanted dad to just throw you out of the house. When he wouldn't she walked out. Haven't heard from her since. That's why I'm doing the laundry and housework. At least I don't have to wash any of your clothes."

I chuckled because I knew he was trying to make me smile. "You want to fuck me Ollie?"

"No thanks kid."

"How come nobody came looking for me?"

"Dad told the cops you ran away. Got posters of you all over the area."

"I guess all of your friends are to scared to tell the truth after they had their turns."

"Nobody wants anybody to think they're a snitch or a fucking faggot."

I hung my head at that and started crying. Ollie came over and sat next to me and put his arm around me. "I'm sorry, really I am. I wish I knew how to help you out of this."


"Roger Matthews?"

"Yes, bring him here. He'll help."

From the lights and sounds outside I knew it was almost Christmas by the time Ollie snuck Roger down to see me. Roger took one look at me and turned away.

I ran as far away as my chain would let me and started crying hard. I remember thinking it was over.

Then Roger came over, sat me down and kissed me. I could feel his affection seeping through, he still cared for me.

"God," Roger said, "I wish I'd known about this I would have helped you get out."

"Its OK Rog, I don't blame anybody for this. I'm past that, I just want to get out."

Roger turned to Ollie. "Will you help us? I have an idea but I'll need your help?"

Ollie shook his head yes. "We're leaving for my grandparents on Friday for a week. You know our annual trip, and we do need someone to look after the dog." He patted my head, I licked his face."

"I think I can handle that job, and by the time you get back the 'dog' will be gone and none of them can say a fucking word about it."

We shook hands.

That Thursday night my dad and brothers came down to fuck me once last time. It was a good two hour session but I realized it was going to be the last time so I just lay there while they had their fun.

Two days later Roger came in and took the leash off me and led me upstairs to my old room. We were both shocked. It had been stripped to the walls like nobody had ever lived there. We walked through the house and anything that had been mine was gone, thrown out. The only signs that I had ever lived were the family pictures on the wall, and they had been moved to one dark corner of the den.

I took a shower while Roger ordered the pizza. It felt so good to be clean and to eat real food again. As he was cleaning up I walked behind him and leaned my still naked body into his. I kissed his neck while I felt his cock through his jeans.

I felt him stiffen.

I turned him around and looked at him. I couldn't read his eyes anymore. I don't know if it was him or me, probably both.

"Look Roger, I don't blame you for any of this. I would like to have sex with you."

"You don't have to. I'm not those bastards you call family."

"I know I don't have to love, I want to, I've always wanted to."

Roger smiled and took my hand. "Let's go up to your father's bedroom."

I laughed at the idea. The first real laugh I'd had since, well since before.

I followed Roger up the stairs and into my father's bedroom. The king size bed was all neatly made. Not a sign of my mother remained. Where her picture had been now resided a picture of some naked bimbo. I stormed over, took it off the wall, and tore it to shreds. I went over to my father's picture and destroyed it.

Roger stopped me as I reached for the next picture and took me into his arms. The press of his now naked body against mine made me forget my rage. The touch of his lips on my neck and the heat of his groin made my cock do something it hadn't done in a long time. Go hard, rock hard and quickly.

Roger reached down and gave it a squeeze. "You know its been almost five months since your birthday and I still owe you a present."

"I remember." And I did, all the happy thoughts that I had had came roaring back. And in a flash they were gone. "But first let me suck you off, and when I'm finished you can fuck me."

Roger brought his mouth to mine and I could feel my precum oozing out. Slowly I sank to my knees and took his rod into my mouth, and remembered why I liked cocksucking. Roger had grown since the last time we had had sex. Including his cock, which now came in at about eight inches [20 cm] when I finally got it hard. I used all the tricks I had taught myself. He rubbed my head as I worked on him. Roger's cock pounding the back of my throat. My tongue reaching out and caressing his balls. Slowly I could feel his load working its way out. I pulled off him and licked on his nipples. This drove him nuts, writhing in front of me like a madman.

I went back to his cock, swallowed it whole and started sucking hard. It didn't take long before he was shooting his load down my throat. As the taste of his sweet boy cum touched my tongue I shot my load all over his legs.

I looked sheepishly up at him and proceeded to lick his cock and legs clean.

"Damn." He said.

"Don't worry Rog, we have plenty of time to get the fucking in."

"No we don't. Look, after you disappeared I met a man and we became lovers for a little while."

"I understand."

Roger gave a little smile. "I called him the other day and he said he was willing to take you in for a little while. It'll mean having to have sex with him, and maybe some friends."

"You didn't do that, did you?"

"No, I didn't want anything to do with parties but I don't think you have the same choice. He's a nice guy and he'll take care of you."

"I trust you Roger." A car pulled into the driveway and stopped.

Roger saw the panic in my eyes and gave me a quick kiss. "It's him, right on time."

"You sure its not?"

"Ollie called me when they got there and said he would beep me if they left early."

I gave him a long kiss as the doorbell rang again. Roger headed down the steps without putting on any clothes, and since I didn't have any I followed suit.

I got to the bottom of the stairs as Roger opened the door just enough for a man to slip through. He had a german shepherd puppy on a leash which he handed to Roger.

As Roger headed down the stairs the man turned to me. "Hi, I'm Dan, you must be Paul."

"Yes sir, I appreciate your helping me. Roger's explained everything and I don't have any problems."

Dan walked over and ran his hands gently over my body. He leaned down and we kissed. "I'm sure I'll treat you better than they did. Let's go."

"I don't have any clothes to put on."

"You don't need any."

"I can't go outside like this. What if somebody see's me."

"You got some smarts kid. I'll back the van into the garage and you'll get in."

"OK, just let me say good-bye to Roger."

"No, there's no time. Besides he's getting your father's new dog settled in."

I didn't like it, but I didn't really have a choice. I headed out to the garage and we were off.

I fell asleep on the way and the next thing I remember was him shaking me awake when we were in his garage.

"Wow, I must have been tired, but then that's the first sleep I've had without being chained in about five months."

"No problem Paul. This will be your home for a while I guess. I'll get you some clothing in a couple of days so you'll be able to go outside. Would you like something to eat or drink, watch some TV?"

I started shaking. I tried to stop but the kindness Dan was showing me was too much. I started crying and he took me in his arms. He lifted my head up and kissed me lightly on the lips as I felt the warmth of his body. Slowly I calmed down.

"Sorry Dan, I guess I had given up hope of ever leaving that room alive. I guess Roger's and your help got to me. Could we have some soda and chips and watch some television. I don't even know what's on this year. I don't even know what day it is."

"Christmas Eve Paul, Christmas Eve."

I followed him into the kitchen and then the family room. It was a big house and far nicer than mine had ever been. He turned on the TV and I snuggled in close. He put his arms around me and gently stroked my body.

After a while I reached over and started rubbing his cock. It started growing but he took my hand away.

"Not tonight Paul, in the morning yes, but tonight I just want us to get comfortable with each other."

"OK, the morning is fine with me, especially with the blinds open. I want to see sunlight while were having sex."

Dan laughed and nodded yes. We sat back and fought over the remote control.

The next morning I woke up next to Dan. He had shown me a room for myself but I hadn't wanted to spend another night alone. Needless to say I was still naked, but oddly I missed the dog collar I had left behind for the puppy. We shared Dan's bed.

I slowly let my hand feel his body. He was in great shape, with very little body hair. Definitely attractive and sexy, I could see what had attracted Roger to him. I felt him stirring around under the covers and stopped moving around. I was suddenly afraid of what he would do if I woke him.

I lay still for maybe five minutes when he finally opened his eyes, turned his head towards me and smiled. "Don't ever be afraid of me. You need me you get me, understood?"

"Yes, sorry, I'm just nervous I guess."

"No problem. Now would you like to open those blinds?"

I popped out of bed and pulled them up. The back yard was huge. If it had been summer instead of the dead of winter I could have run around naked to my hearts content. Maybe if I was lucky, I thought, I would celebrate my fourteenth birthday here, and I would blow fourteen cocks instead of candles.

I turned and walked back to the bed, for the first time really seeing how handsome, how gorgeous Dan was. I climbed on the bed and waited. He pulled me on top of him. Our lips met. Our tongues met as our hands groped every inch of each other. I could feel both our cocks growing.

I didn't know what to do. I mean I knew what I wanted to do, but could I just do it or did I have to wait till he told me.

"Your choice," he said.

I don't know how Dan knew my question but I welcomed his answer. I left his mouth and quickly went to the foot of the bed, bent over him and took his lengthening rod in my mouth. He groaned and I stiffened but quickly realized that it was a groan of pleasure and went back to work.

During my months of captivity the sex had been purely mechanical. They just wanted their rocks off. I just did what they wanted.

Even with Roger the night before it had been barely more than that.

This was pure sex. A willing cocksucker sucking a willing cock. Feeling came back into my body. The feeling was lust, and man did it feel good. My cock stiffened as I worked furiously on Dan's cock. I used my tongue and mouth in ways I didn't remember but the music coming from his mouth told me I was doing good.

I don't know how long it took, seemed like moments to me but Dan insisted it was thirty minutes, he filled my throat with the sweetest cum ever. In one spurt he washed away the sour taste.

"Don't swallow it all," he said.

When he finally stopped I came off him and went to his mouth and we swished his cum back and forth between us. Somehow he got most of the cum back in my mouth, pulled away and said. "Stick my cum up my ass and fuck me Paul."

I came close to either spitting it in his face or swallowing it in shock but I managed to hold it as he flipped over. I spread his cheeks and put my mouth as close to his hole as I could and spit his warm sperm. I used my fingers to lubricate and widen his hole. I was getting so hot I didn't know if I could hold off until I was inside him.

Finally I got into position and shoved slowly forward. The sensations I was feeling as I entered Dan so overwhelmed me that I lost track of everything else. I woke up to feeling my body laying on top of his.

"Fuck me Paul," was all he said.

I went slowly, trying to make it last. It felt so great fucking him, and knowing it probably would happen again. My cock was on fire and much too quickly I was filling that hole with my sperm. After I caught my breath I pulled out, went back down to his ass and licked it. I could taste the two different tastes mixed together.

I swallowed and crawled back up to him. Kissed him and snuggled into his arms and fell promptly back to sleep.

Things progressed slowly. After Christmas was over Dan went out and bought me some sweatsuits. They were too large for me normally but after so long without wearing any clothes they had to be. We went out together. Shopping, movies, shows, restaurants. He said that going back to school was out and I understood that, and really didn't care.

Our sex was great and always getting better. But I wondered about the parties that Roger had mentioned.

On Valentine's Day I had my first one.

Dan had told me about it a couple of days before hand and we had spent the weekend getting the house ready. Mostly that consisted of sprucing up the extra bedrooms and putting a plush rug down in the living room.

That morning we went food shopping and spent the early afternoon preparing the meal. About four Dan sent me in for a bath and a nap.

It was evening when Dan entered my room and woke me up with a kiss.

"Our guests are here Paul."

"Great, let me take a piss and I'll be out."

"OK, but I'll wait for you."

When I got out I saw the leash that Dan was holding. I walked over silently and held my head up for him. He placed the collar around my throat, embraced me and smiled. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes Dan."

He took the leash and led me out. This time with my head up and proud.

We entered the living room and he led me into the center of the room. I was surrounded by a half dozen men besides us. All nude and all gorgeous in their own ways. I could feel my cock rising on its own.

Their welcoming smiles warmed me. I slowly turned so each could see everything. Dan led me to one man and handed him the leash.

"George you won first crack." He must have sensed me flinch, ironic isn't it. "I mean the honor of going first Paul."

"I know." I walked closer to George. "What is your wish?"

"Turn around and let me feel you."

After I finished a slow turn. "Now to your knees and blow me."

I sensed something strange but I went down on my knees and reached for his cock. It was totally limp, and it was already eight inches [20 cm] long and three [7½ cm] wide. I took hold of it and started licking its length and massaged his balls.

"Suck it now son." George said, and I did.

It was a good thing too, because if I had waited any longer I couldn't have gotten it into my mouth. I remember thinking that I hoped he was the biggest because I'd never be able to continue if it was the smallest. After a couple of shifting around I got as much of what was at least ten inches [25 cm] into my throat and started sucking. Bobbing my head back and forth as fast as I could. I realized I was leaving more and more room between my lips and his bush. But the moans told me that I was pleasing him. And after all that was what I was there for. It didn't take long but I was swallowing his load. It was as big as his cock.

George lifted me up into his lap and we kissed. "Great job Paul. Now go around the circle and do the same to the rest of your friends. I smiled and headed off to play. My wish had come true and George was the biggest but none of the others, especially Dan, had anything to be ashamed about. My hard six [15 cm] was definitely the smallest. By the time I finished up with Dan it was reminding me of the basement, but with a difference. This was fun and I wanted to do it.

After Dan blasted down my throat it was time for dinner.

After dinner? I could only wait.

By this time we had reached the front door of the mansion and he started leading me in the front door. This was so forbidden that I started pulling back on the leash which only choked me. He yanked me to the ground.

"Why do you fight me dog?"

He still hadn't given me permission to speak so I tried to convey it by hand signals.

"Speak damn it, I know you have a tongue."

"Master has forbidden me to speak without permission and to use the front door. The front door is only for people and the dogs, not slaves.

"Listen dog, when you are with me you will do what I say as if I were the Master." He kicked me in the ribs and then pulled me up by the hair. "Do you understand now dog?"

"Yes Master."

"Good, now lets go."

As we entered the front door the servants started to protest but he just stared and they went silent. This is no ordinary guest I realized.

We walked across the main hall and up the steps to the bedroom level. I was surprised when he turned towards the Master's suite. There was only one other bedroom that way and it was never used.

To my surprise he started to enter that room, but before we could get in Master stormed out of his room and into my leader's face. In the Master's bedroom I could see his new boy toy, naked and wearing a collar and chains. I could see the panic in his face. He had begun to realize what I had accepted years ago as my rightful fate. I wondered how long he would last, but not for long.

I turned my attention back to the Master and his guest. They were staring at each other while the Master calmed down. I scurried as far from both as I could without choking. I didn't think it was far enough.

"What do you think your doing bringing this filthy beast up here?" Master asked.

"We agreed that I could have him for my own, except for parties. Did we not? And I want him in here, clean and warm for my amusement whenever I want."

"Why? His place is in the kennels."

My new Lord walked up to Master and whispered in his ear. "Uncle, I told you that if you wanted me here and in the business, to be your heir then I would have this thing for my own."

Uncle, so that's why. But I expected Master's hand to snap up and slap his nephew's face. Instead a smile crossed his.

"Ah, you are indeed my nephew. If you want this thing in your chambers and to call your own its fine with me. I don't understand it when you could have a young fresh thing but its your choice."

"Thank you Uncle."

Master turned back into his room and I got another glimpse of the boy toy. The terror in his eyes as he looked at me. I couldn't tell him what to expect because I hadn't been given permission too.

I felt a jerk on my collar and quickly turned and followed him into his bedroom. He closed the door behind me and took off the leash. I stood there waiting for instructions as he walked around me.

"You will call me Lord and you will obey me as you obey my Uncle. Understand?"

I nodded.

"Good. When we are alone in here you may talk when I talk to you without waiting for permission. I do not have the patience to figure out your hand and head signals."

"Yes my Lord." I flinched in anticipation of the blow that didn't come.

"Good, you can still listen and learn. Now strip."

It took me just seconds to take off my loin cloth leaving me naked except for my collar which was welded on.

"Your body is good. It will serve me well. From now on you will live with me in this house. You will sleep in this room. On the floor or in the bed with me as I choose. But first thing go into the bathroom and take a shower. You do remember how?"

"Yes my Lord, as you wish."

"I want you spotless, including your collar."

"Yes my Lord."

He pointed to a door on the right.

I opened the door and stared in. It was the first real bathroom I had seen in years. I looked at myself and turned. "Are you sure Lord? Usually they just hose me down in the basement."

He was up and slapping my face in a second. "I gave you an order and I expect you to obey it slave."

I ran into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I looked at the toilet but decided I had better shower first before I got it filthy.

I hate to admit it but it did take me a couple of minutes to figure out how the shower worked. Somethings do get forgotten when its not your place to remember.

As I started to shower my mind flashed back to that party.

After supper I cleaned up while Dan and the others headed back to the living room. I could hear the beer bottles being opened, but knew that was one treat that I wouldn't get. I went to the john when I finished and made sure I was neat and clean for the second act.

As I reentered the room Dan held out his hand and I sat in his lap and we kissed. "What now Dan?"

"Now we play a variation of 52 pickup. Do you know the game?"

"Sure you throw the deck on the floor and tell somebody to pick it up."

"Right, except here the six of us will each pick one card. Whoever gets the high card tells you what you have to do to each of us for thirty seconds, anything goes except butt fucking."

"Sounds good to me, let's see eight rounds of fun, twenty- four minutes of sex. Let's do it."

The first round Brian got the high card and I went over to him. "Suck me hard, but I better not cum." I complied and went around the circle with the same condition. The second round was french kissing, the third was rimming them, then came the fourth.

I walked up to the only one whose name I hadn't heard. "What is your wish?"

"For you to lay over my lap and let me spank you. Only I want to go last when your ass is already nice and red."

I gulped but nodded and headed to the next man and lay over his lap. He started spanking me, a nice steady rhythm. Not too hard but by the end of thirty seconds my ass was beginning to sting. I went around the circle. Each man seeming to hit me harder and more often than the one before, even Dan. Finally I returned to the mystery man and lay across his lap.

"I think I feel a hard cock in my lap," said the man, "and it isn't mine. Dan I think your friend here likes this."

I suddenly realized he was right. My cock was hard and despite the pain it was somehow exciting. How little did I know where that hard on would lead. He started pounding my ass harder and faster than all the others combined. I could feel the hard roughness of his hands covering every last inch. I could feel blood seeping to the surface, but, when Dan called time all I could do is ask for more.

"No Paul," Dan said "we follow the rules. It's time for the next round."

I got off and the next four rounds proceeded quickly.

Finally the where only four cards left on the floor.

"Pick them up and give them to me," Dan said.

He revealed the four Aces. "Paul this means that its your time to receive. Each one of us will suck you for thirty seconds, even if you shoot before the sixth is through."

I looked around the room, not knowing how the others would take this. Six smiles told me to take my turn. I stood in front of the man to Dan's left and gave him his turn. Finally I got to Dan with a rock hard throbbing cock but without having shot. Dan threw the watch to the floor and went to work. It felt great having his mouth on my cock again. I blocked out the others for the time it took Dan to get me off. I don't know if it was inside the thirty seconds or not. I didn't care, nobody else did, and it felt so good shooting my load down Dan's throat.

When he had finished draining me Dan pulled me onto his lap and we kissed, swishing my load between us.

"Paul its time for you to go into your bedroom and get ready."

"For what, as if I don't know."

"We will all have our turns fucking that ass of yours. Each one on one with no witnesses. Whatever you and your partner agree on is between the two of you, but you both must agree."

I kissed him again. Kissed each of the others on the lips and headed into my room, lay down on the bed and relaxed.

Dan came in first and it was one of the best fucks we had had in awhile. The next five were also interesting experiences. Each had his own little thing he like do while having sex. Positions I had never even imagined, gymnastics, one even had me fuck him before he fucked me. I don't know how much time passed but it seemed like nothing.

Finally my unnamed lover came into the room. The tiredness that had begun seeping into my body disappeared. He pointed at his feet and I immediately jumped off the bed and started kissing them one-by-one. When I finished he pulled me up sharply by the hair and dragged me to the wall and forced my body against it while he went through my dresser until he found two belts.

He took the first and tied my hands behind my back, the second he looped around my throat, then he tied the two together. The only way I could breath is if I held my hands up as far as I could. He motioned me to stand with my feet wide apart. I found it almost impossible to hold my hands up and keep my feet apart enough for him. He grabbed hold of the belts and dragged me to the bed and threw me across his lap, still holding the noose tight.

I didn't have a chance to think or say anything before he started wailing on my ass even harder than before. I cried out but it got choked before it left my lips. I realized he had it perfect, as long as I just lay on his lap and took it without moving I could breath. Struggle and I choked. It was hard as hell but I forced myself to lay there. I don't know how long he went on but finally he stopped and finally spoke.

"Paul you are a smart boy. Most beginners pass out from struggling but you knew what to do."

"Thank you sir."

"As your reward I will untie the knot between your head and your arms."

"As you wish sir." I don't know why I said that but it seemed right at the time.

"Very good Paul, now I'm going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before." With that he bent me over the edge of the bed, noose in one hand and guided his cock inside me with the other. For the next fifteen minutes he rode me like a horse. He was in the saddle and wasn't letting go of the reins. I didn't have to try and stay with him, he made damn sure I did. It felt like that while he was fucking me I was fucking the bed. And when he shot his load so did I.

We collapsed on the bed and he slowly pulled out of me and took off the belts. I turned over on my back and watched him. When he was finished cleaning up he came over and kissed my forehead.

"Your part in this party is finished Paul, go to sleep you've earned it."

"Yes sir, thank you, you were great." With that I closed my eyes and I don't remember hearing the door close.

Over the next few months I continued to stay at Dan's house, there were more parties. A lot of different men but always fun. Spring came and with the warm weather I started sunbathing out back, getting a nice even tan. Needless to say no lines. I was also getting a lot of use out of the exercise equipment in the basement. I definitely wasn't a wimp any more.

Summer came around and Dan and I took a vacation to a cabin in the mountains. The fresh air, the trees, skinny dipping in the lake. Sex under the stars, man it was a great week. But as we drove home I sensed a change in Dan, a sadness. I took it for sadness at the end of our vacation.

The next few weeks passed quickly. I looked at the calendar and counted down the days till my fourteenth birthday. I had told Dan when it was but nothing else. His sadness continued. It seemed like he was withdrawing from me but I still felt the love in his arms.

Finally the day before my birthday he took me into his arms.

"Paul, I've got something I have to tell you."

"Yes Dan, I know something's been bothering you, please tell me."

He ran his fingers through my hair. "You've always been a smart boy. Look remember when we first met Roger and I told you that this was only going to be for a little while?"

"Yes." I shivered in his arms. "Are you saying?"

"Yes dear I am," Dan choked back the tears, "tomorrow we'll have a birthday party for you and after the party you'll go to your new home."

"New home? Where?"

"In your bedroom you'll find another boy who will tell you and get you ready."

"I want you to tell 3;" Dan put his finger across my lips and shook his head. "Please." Dan shook his head again, got up and walked away.

I cried for a while till I felt a hand on my shoulder. I whirled around and found a strange young boy smiling down at me. He bent down and kissed me on the lips. Slowly I found my tongue meeting his, our arms in embrace and finally having sex in my bed.

We must have sucked and fucked and kissed and held on to each other for hours before we finally rested. Before I realized that except for his shoulder length blond hair Lance didn't have a hair on his body. Someplace along the line he had told me his name. With the amount of his cum I had tasted I knew he should have at least as much hair as I did.

I let my hand feel his smooth baby soft body. Going slowly I could feel that he'd had shaved his hair off. He must have seen the look in my eyes.

"Do you like it Paul."

"Yes, does it hurt to do?"

"Only if you aren't careful. Let me shave you now so you'll be ready for the party and your new home."

"OK, but while you do it can you tell me about it."

"You mean he didn't tell you? Damn it, they always leave it to me. They never have the guts to tell you themselves."

"Tell me what Lance? Will you be there too?"

"Yes I'll be with you. Its been my home for a long time."

"What kind of place is it?"

"Its a big house out in the country. An estate really, not another house for miles. Lots of open grounds, indoor and outdoor heated pools, tanning lamps. We each have our own rooms with a television and VCR, a big bed and a closet. No dressers since we don't have any clothes for them."

"What do we do there?" I asked although I was beginning to get the idea.

"We have sex. Its a whore house for men and women who like young men, the younger the better. That's why we shave. Take that hair off you and you'll look twelve not fourteen."

"Can we have sex with each other?"

"If we're not working or if we're making movies. They treat us well as long as we behave and do what the customers want."

I looked around at my room and realized it was going to be my last night there. "Hold me Lance."

And he did.

The next morning was busy. Dan, Lance and I were busy getting the house and grounds ready for my birthday party. Dan and I hadn't said a word about the night before. No point to it really. Finally after lunch our guests started arriving. I got many compliments over my newly shaved body. Lance was right the men did like the look. In my new job that would be important.

I recognized most of the guests from previous parties but there were some new faces. We didn't play the games but Lance and I took on every cock that called us. I must have blown those fourteen cocks. As evening approached I felt a sharp slap on my ass and I turned to see the man with no name from the first party. I smiled up at him and then lowered my head in an unknown reflex.

"It's good to see you again sir."

"It's good to see you too Paul. I hear tonight you move on."

"Yes, its been good here but I guess its time to move on."

"I'm sure you'll do fine, maybe I'll even see you there and we can continue where we left off."

I smiled, "That would be nice."

He turned and walked away before I could even offer to blow him.

The conclusion of the party was Lance sucking me off then fucking my ass and then my fucking him. We got a long round of applause after we were finished.

Everybody left quickly after that. Soon I was left alone with Lance and a strange man twirling car keys in his hand.

I looked around and saw that, like my mom and Roger, Dan hadn't stayed around to say good-bye.

I shrugged and followed Lance and the man into the van and the next stage of my life.

As we drove from Dan's house I watched Lance. Constant sex and nudity were so natural for him that I wondered when he had started. He had told me a little about the house and what went on there but nothing about himself. He was so intent on looking out the window that I left him alone. I knew this trip was a special treat for him.

Finally we hit the highway and Lance moved closer to me and lay his head in my lap and stretched across the seat. I bent over and kissed him.

"How long have you lived here?"

"About six years, since I was nine."

"Nine! How the hell did you get there that young?"

"Good luck." I guess he saw the shock on my face. "Let me explain.

"I never knew my father and my mother dumped me when being a mommy wasn't fun any more. I went from relatives to foster homes in endless circle until I got to the last group home.

"This was a boys home. I was the youngest at seven and Marc was oldest at fifteen. Our babysitters were two guys doing field work for their MSWs. Well, shortly after I got there I learned what my role as the runt was. There were twelve of us, four to a bedroom and one night the other eight came in after lights out, closed the door and within seconds I was on the floor, naked, hands tied behind me.

«On your knees runt,» Marc said, «you're going to learn your new trade.»

"Terror consumed me as he grabbed my hair and shoved his cock in my mouth. I gagged horribly at first when he started pounding my mouth with his cock. At first I didn't know what to do with this growing monster in my mouth or how to react to Marc's brutality."

I shuddered, remembering that first night in the basement. "I remember that kind of feeling."

Lance grinned and continued.

"But I was a natural cocksucker. Somehow I knew how to get him to cum. Don't know how or why, maybe it really wasn't the first time. Slowly the horror subsided and I worked my jaw to get better position and used my mouth and tongue and had him off in minutes. Each of the others took their turns. The other youngies couldn't shoot but wanted their turns anyway. When they were finished Marc threw me on the bed, lifted my legs up and rammed his hard cock up my virgin hole. I screamed my lungs out but nobody stopped him. He just kept pounding away. Man it hurt. Man it felt great when he shot up my hole. Every day, every night, from then on I was having sex with one of the other guys whenever they wanted.

It was a couple of months later when Antonio came to me.

«Hi Lance.»

«Hi, suck or fuck?» It was the only reason he ever talked to me.

«Later buddy. I've got a deal for you.»


«A couple guys I know heard about you and would love to fuck your tiny ass. They'd even pay us fifty bucks, twenty for you.»

"Now I sort of realized I was getting the short end but hell even twenty was a lot more than I'd ever had.

"It was a couple of days later when Antonio and I snuck off after school and headed to where we were meeting them. It was a bit of walk, which was cool with me since I was enjoying being out on my own. Finally Antonio pointed out an apartment building and we went in. The doorman was about to throw us out when Antonio gave him a name, moments later we were on our way up.

"A man opened the apartment door and led us into the living room. The room was almost as big as our house, or so it seemed. I was looking out the window, I had never seen the city from so high, when Antonio coughed. I turned to see two men walking up to me. They were both in their mid-30s or so, thin and wearing suits that had to be worth a mint.

«Hello Antonio, is this the boy you talked to us about?»

«Yes sir, he knows what you want and has agreed to the money.»

"The two men walked over, looked me over. «What's your name kid?»

«Lance, sir.»

«Strip Lance.»

"I did and they started feelling me up as I stood there. They flipped a coin and the winner took my hand and led me into a bedroom.

«Do you really like sex as much as Antonio says?»

"I shrugged. «It's fun, it makes my friends feel good, it makes me feel good. I guess I do like it a lot.» He was naked now. «What do you want me to do sir?»

«Suck my cock, but don't make me shoot.»

"I got on my knees and took it in my hand. Even limp it was the biggest cock I'd ever seen. I quickly put it in my mouth fearing if I waited I wouldn't be able to. This man cock felt different, tasted different than the kids at the home. What I remember most though is the size. As I sucked less and less fit into my mouth until all I could hold was the head.

«Lick the head boy and use your hand on the rest.»

"I nodded and followed his instructions. Once I felt he was getting close to shooting and backed off.

«Very good Lance, I like your instincts. Now I'm going to fuck you.»

«Yes sir.»

"There was a tremble in my voice as I followed his hand motion onto the bed. He got me into a sort of doggie style, adjusted to get his rod aimed at my hole. Now I was no longer a virgin but even his slow, gentle entry seemed to rip me apart. I felt pain at first. Then only lust beginning to fill my body as his cock filled my ass. Finally I felt his balls and I moaned. He leaned over and kissed my neck.

«Daddy's going to fuck you son. You've been a bad boy and this is your punishment.»

«Yes daddy, I've been bad. Fuck me daddy, please.»

"I don't know why I said that but its a line that has stayed with me all these years. This stranger proceeded to pound my ass harder than it had ever been fucked before. Fortunately it didn't take long before I felt his load filling and escaping from my ass.

"He pulled out flipped me over and gave me a kiss.

«Good work Lance, now go to the bathroom and clean up. When you come out my friend will be waiting.»

"He lifted me up, pointed the way and started to get dressed."

"Wow, did they send you to the home?"

"No, after I did the same thing to the other guy Antonio and I went home. A few weeks later Antonio pulled me aside and after he fucked me he told me they wanted to see me again. I agreed. This time there were more guys and other kids. It was a mass orgy, even Antonio got involved."

"I would have been scared shitless."

"I think I was a little but once the action started I didn't have time to think between sucking and being fucked." Lance laughed. "Even had one guy who wanted me to fuck him, I don't think my cock reached his hole but he was happy.

"As I was leaving somebody handed me fifty bucks and said they would be in touch. I nodded as I stared at all that money. I mean it was a fortune to me, I thought about taking that seventy bucks and splitting, but then I realized if I played the game I could save some big bucks up. So about every other week or so Antonio and I would head to the apartment, have sex and make money. I guess he was getting enough so he never took any of mine and nobody stole it either. Spent some on myself but never anything that couldn't be explained."


"You grow up a street rat you better learn fast or you are dead. After two years they made me an offer. I thought about it and realized I was getting nowhere at school or at the group home. I was good at this so I accepted. I've been here ever since and I don't regret a second of it.

"And speaking of home, we're here."

I looked out the window as we pulled through a fence and up a long driveway to what must have been a mansion. I bent down and kissed Lance.

I hate to admit but it took me a while to remember how to take a shower by myself. As I told my new Lord I got washed down by the high power hoses when the Master wanted me for himself or one of his guests. It really felt nice doing it myself. Remembering things you used to take for granted. Taking a real shower with real soap, with real shampoo, using a comb, trying to straighten out my hair. Getting through some of the knots was as painful as some of Master's milder whippings. I checked the collar because my Lord had wanted even that sparkling and it was. When I finished I looked at myself in the mirror and almost recognized the boy I used to be.

I walked out the door. My Lord is standing there stark naked, holding a rope in one hand and a whip in the other.

"Come here!", he snaps.

I silently walk up to him.

"Did you do as I told you?"

"Yes my Lord, thank you my Lord."

"How does it feel to be clean my slave?"

"Very good my Lord."

"How are you going to repay your Lord's kindness?"

"With whatever my Lord wants of me."

He smiled and slowly walked around me. Running his hands slowly over my body, carefully tracing some of the deeper welt marks. I tried not to flinch but sometimes it was hard. Finally he stepped away and I heard the whip crack on the floor and the rope go around my hands, binding them tight behind me.

He led me through a door and into his own private little torture chamber. He threw the other end of the rope through a ring in the ceiling and raised my hands till they were over my head. My ass wide open for anything he desired to do. Whatever he wanted to do he would.

He is my Lord and I will accept it.

I didn't have to wait long. The whip cracked and I felt its tip on my ass, on my left cheek, in seconds the right cheek had been struck too. He was having his fun, the tip flicking on my ass and just off it, which hurt almost as much. He started taking aim at my crack, more often than not I could feel the last few inches of the bull whip reaching inside me. I yelped with pain. I moaned with delight. My Lord recognized both. He moved the whip up and down my back. Whipping me from behind so I couldn't see where he was coming from. With his skill he was getting the inside of my shoulder blades, the nape of my neck, the whip ripple down my spine. I couldn't keep from howling. Finally he stopped and moved to the side, attacking my ass length wise, the whip cross striping my ass, raising welts upon welts, I began to feel the blood flow down my legs. This till my ass was numb and I fell silent. My Lord did not appreciate this so he took a moment to turn me around and start working on my chest and legs.

Even for an experienced slave nothing is scarier than seeing the whip. Knowing the whip is coming you get used too, feeling the whip you learn to accept as your due. Seeing the whip slash towards your helpless body, that never loses its terror.

He started working my nipples, back and forth, the pain was intolerable. My nipples felt like they were going to be torn off by the next stroke, once again I felt blood running down me. Suddenly he changed his pattern, the strokes slowly descending down my chest, ripping my stomach and finally dancing around my groin, I tried not to flinch, knowing that if I guessed wrong I would get hit and if I guessed right it would only anger my Lord more.

The whip danced around my cock and balls but thankfully he never hit. Finally he dropped the whip, untied the rope and I fell to the ground.

My Lord dragged me to a rocking horse and strapped me over it. He walked in front of me and pulled my head up by my hair. Slapping my face with his cock. Had I really swallowed that cock this morning, just an hour ago? It was at least ten maybe twelve inches [25-30 cm] and thick around.

"Dog slave." He barked.

"Yes my Lord?"

"Its time you took my cock in your ass."

"Yes my Lord."

"You are going to enjoy this."

"Yes my Lord."

He slapped my face hard with the back of his hand, back and forth, "When I say something to you dog you answer like you mean it. Understand?"

I tried to bring emotion to my voice but I thought I'd forgotten how, but he seemed to be satisfied with the results.

My Lord got behind me, spread my cheeks, put his head in position and shoved. Even though my ass had been fucked a million times and had other things shoved up a hundred thousand times, the size of his cock solid and hard busting up my ass brought a yelp. I felt his balls up against my ass, somehow I had taken him all that fast. Taking a breath I started massaging his cock with my ass muscles.

I guess what made Master keep me around all this time was my skill. I knew how to use my body. I brought my stomach and ass into play to make him feel good. I let my ass muscles work on that cock as he stayed still inside me. He slowly rubbed his hands on my back, it was a gentle touch over my still red back, he started slowly fucking my ass, working it nice and smooth.

He wasn't like most of the others I had serviced, a lot just stood there and let me do my work, some just pounded my ass, trying to get it over with as soon as they could. Lord was like Master and, and, and, names mean nothing to me now, they enjoyed fucking me. People like that made it all worth while. To my Master and my Lord I am still something worthwhile for their cocks, a good fuck, not just a way to cum. I met his rhythm and got into it, working his cock in my ass, feeling it tear my insides to pieces, I found myself moaning in delight.

It didn't last long. Lord pulled out and I felt his load squirting up my back.

Surprisingly he untied me right away and brought my lips to his and he kissed me. He took the rope from around my hands, took my hands in his and led me into the bathroom where we cleaned the sweat, cum and blood of our bodies.

When we were finished, he again took my hand and led me onto his bed.

"Kneel by my side slave." I did as he lay on his stomach and prepared to sleep.

"Now cover me with your body, keep me warm as I sleep."

I did as he commanded, as he asked. I put my body over his wrapped my arms around him and kept my Lord warm as he slept.

As my Lord slept I thought back to my days at the whore house.

It was a nice warm place, had to be since we were naked all the time. There were twenty of us ranging in age from nine to sixteen. Lance and I weren't the oldest and with the body shaving we passed for younger. I was surprised at how busy we were. From ten in the morning till well after midnight there were customers. Some wanted only youngies, some whoever they felt was cute. I had some regulars who usually showed up once a week for some fucking and/or sucking.

I remember one who had me call him Arnold. Arnold was 6'3" [1.90 m] and 240 lbs [110 kg]. Bodybuilder with muscles all over. But gentle as a lamb with me. His hands, calloused from years of weight lifting, ran over my body with a feather's touch. I would stand in front of him as he touched and licked every inch of my body from toes to nose. Then he would sink to his knees and this giant of a man would suck my cock. His lips slowly rubbing up and down on my ever lengthening cock. Like most prostitutes I would make the sounds and motions with most of my clients. Even when I was fucking or being sucked orgasm was a relief not a joy. But Arnold was different. Maybe it was the contradiction between his powerful appearance and his gentle touch. Maybe it was the way he first sucked me off and then fucked me. I remember one time it took him a half hour to get me off. I was on the edge a half dozen times but he always eased off just in time. While my cock subsided his tongue penetrated into the deepest recesses of my mouth. When I finally came it was the biggest load I ever had there. I collapsed from exhaustion and gladly flopped over and stuck my ass in the air and waited for him to give me a ride.

As I said the customers kept us busy but we had plenty of time to play. We had video games, TV with VCRs. Yeah a lot of the tapes were gay porno but a lot would have been called age appropriate if we were normal kids. We weren't but what the fuck they gave us a good laugh. We ate well, clean beds, even good medical care when we got sick. They were careful for their customers too. Tested us regularly for sexually transmitted diseases and took us out of service until we were cured. Of course when one of the youngies tested HIV positive he was shunted out to someplace. While we missed him we were glad, because that was one thing we were all scared of. I mean none of us expected much of a life once we were too old but we all wanted one. I mean I was luckier than most of the others, having gone to school I could at least read and write and do some math. Most of my coworkers, friends, couldn't.

Of course we had rules. No business runs without them. Like most businesses the first rule was that the customer was always right and always got what he wanted from who he wanted. There was one customer, a much too frequent regular, who liked to abuse us. He would kick and hit us until we were semiconscious before he fucked us. For some reason he had picked Albie, one of the real youngies, as his favorite.

One afternoon he came in and picked Albie. This would have been the second time in a week and Albie went ballistic. He ran hiding behind the rest of us, behind the furniture. All along screaming that he wouldn't go with this guy. Now Gus who ran the place for the boss normally didn't put up with this shit but he had never seen one of us act this way. Even somebody in his position had to be stunned by a youngie in such terror. He started yelling at Albie to behave, but it only made Albie react worse.

The customer was fuming and I realized if he got hold of Albie now he would kill Albie, either before or after he fucked him. It was against every rule but I broke ranks and walked up to the customer.

"Take me instead sir. I'm willing to go with you, and I'll go every time you come here."

"Every time?" The customer asked.

"Paul get back 3;" Gus snapped but the customer held up his hand.

"Even if I come every day? You've experienced what I like."

"Yes I know and I'm willing to take it."

The customer turned to Gus. "I accept Paul's offer. When I come he will be mine."

"No problem sir. We aim to please and don't worry that boy will be punished."

I looked at the customer and he nodded. "No you won't, I want to see Albie here every time I come. I do like him and when Paul leaves here maybe he'll be ready for me."

"As you wish sir. Now take Paul with you and have a good time, this visit is on the house."

While he was undressing the customer talked. "Call me Lion Paul."

"Why Lion?"

"The way I chew my meat, and I don't mean steak."

"The name fits you sir."

By this time he was naked and flexing his muscles. I resisted the impulse to flinch. "I'm ready whenever you are Lion."

He sat down on the edge of the bed. "Lie down across my lap Paul."

I did as he said and found my cock dangling between his knees. Very quickly he started spanking my butt. It was a steady, hard rhythm. His hand was as solid as a rock and I could feel the blood flowing to the surface. I bit my lip as long as I could but was soon screaming with each blow.

When he finally stopped for a second I realized something incredible. My cock was hard as rock and throbbing with delight. I remembered enjoying my experiences with Dan's friend but I had forgotten how much. Lion reached between his legs and stroked my cock and I was quickly drenching the floor with my cum.

"Lion that was great. I mean it, you can beat my ass whenever you want."

He shoved me off his lap, onto the floor and kicked me in the ribs. "That was only the beginning slave. Feel my wrath now."

He kicked, pulled, yanked and punched me for twenty minutes before I finally collapsed into semiconsciousness. Not even reacting to the last series of kicks. He picked me up like a rag doll, threw me on the bed and proceeded to fuck the shit out of me. Instead of shooting inside of me he came all over my face. Then he wiped his cock off on my chest, got dressed and walked out.

He stuck to his agreement and took me as his only partner. It was hard keeping the rest of my regulars happy as well but I managed. One good thing that came out of it though was we got Gus to agree that youngies were off limits to people like Lion. Light spanking was fine but nothing near what Lion did. As I said, even someone like Gus had a heart.

Albie and I became attached. Him taking care of me after Lion was finished. Me teaching him stuff. Slowly we became lovers.

In fact one of our best love making sessions was for a movie. As Lance had told me we regularly made movies for the child porn industry. The director would come in, pair us up and tell us what he wanted. Some took place in the house, sometimes out on the grounds. I know what some people say about these movies but for us they were a special treat. You see while we could have sex with each other when we weren't busy we couldn't let ourselves cum, that we had to save for customers. For a movie though we could go all the way.

The scene between me and Albie took place on the back deck. They had dressed us in shorts and t-shirts for the opening scene where we walked up from the lawn. I remember it always felt weird wearing clothes for these scenes and always enjoyed getting out of them. Maybe that's why they put us in them to begin with. Well this time we walked up hand-in-hand and lay down on this giant pool float on the deck. As they set up the camera's the director came over.

"I understand the two of you are lovers."

"Yes." I said as Albie smiled.

"Then ignore the cameras as best you can and do what you like. The audience will be able to tell true affection."

I squeezed his cock, "Thank you sir, we'll try not to let you down. We can always do it over."

"Do it right the first time Paul, no holding back."

He looked around, saw everything was in place. Then he really said it. "Lights, cameras, action."

Albie and I smiled at each other and I took him slowly into my arms. Feeling his clothes against mine as we kissed was a special feeling. Our tongues invaded each others mouth and I forgot the cameras were there. I felt Albie's hands go under my shirt and start rubbing my back softly. Lion hadn't been around for awhile so his hands felt so good and hot. I took his ass in my hands and played with those tiny cheeks. Finally I couldn't wait and I stood him up and stripped him. He took my shirt off and I pulled my shorts off and we were naked. I knelt before him and took his cock in my hand. Now Albie was nine, still naturally hairless and incapable of shooting yet but I loved the feel and taste of his cock. I played with it for a few minutes as I licked his nuts. Then I started sucking on it. Now while he was a youngie he still had a good four inch [10 cm] cock capable of getting nice and hard. It took a bit though and he started running his fingers through my hair as I worked on him. Finally I felt his body shudder and I felt a new tanginess on my tongue, just a drop but delicious. I pulled off him without swallowing it and stuck my tongue out so he could see. He wiped it off with his finger and wiped it on my nose. I could see pride and joy on his face.

"Come here my love."

I took Albie in my arms and we kissed long and hard. Finally we broke and he pushed me onto my back. He slowly started licking his way down my body. Starting with my ears, neck, shoulders, arms, torso, legs, feet, toes, and back up again until he reached my groin. Now six years age difference is six years in growth difference but Albie quickly swallowed my balls in his mouth as he played with my seven inches [18 cm]. Slowly he ran his tongue from my nuts to my cockhead which was already oozing precum. He lightly licked it off and went down on me. Now anybody who gets as much cocksucking practice as we do can work magic and Albie used all his tricks that day. He got me to the brink twice and stopped. He bit my nipples hard and my cock was soft again. The third time he stopped he took a condom and slowly, very slowly put it on me. He squatted over my face and I tongue fucked him. Wetting that hole nice for him. He walked over and squatted over my erect cock and sat on it. Slowly taking it inch-by-inch. It was so sexually sensual that it was almost painful and I almost shot before he was all the way down.

When I was all the way inside him we both took a breath, feeling each others naked bodies like it was the first time. Finally he started slowly going up and down on my cock. It seemed like forever but it couldn't have been more than a few minutes before I pulled him off me, lay him down, took the rubber off and shot all over his chest and face. I collapsed next to him and took him into my arms.

We lay there, peacefully in each others loving arms and didn't even hear the camera crew and director leave. We slept out there that night. It was one of the happiest days of my life.

One Monday morning Gus woke us up early, screaming for us to get up. Bleary eyed from a busy weekend we all stumbled into the dining room. Lion had been in the night before so I was the last one there and I could feel Gus' eyes bore right through me.

"Sorry sir, but I'm still a little sore from last night."

"OK, OK. I know your all probably still tired from this weekend and I was going to let you sleep late but the boss just called and he's coming to visit."

We looked at each other. None of us had ever seen the boss, at least as far as we knew.

"Settle down guys," Gus continued, "we have to get this place cleaned up. Now right after breakfast shower, clean up your rooms and the waiting area. If this place isn't spotless there will be hell to pay."

In the back of my mind I wasn't sure who was going to catch it him or us. Then I realized it didn't matter, if he caught it so would we.

That morning was a buzz of activity. It was almost funny watching twenty naked boy sluts clean. I mean we always had to keep our rooms neat but Gus kept us going this time. Any customers that came one of us took care of as quickly as possible and then back to cleaning. Right before lunch time Gus gave the thumbs up and we collapsed around the table.

All through lunch we talked about the boss' visit. What did he look like, what would he want from us and what did it mean. Our biggest fear was that we were either splitting up or closing down. We were the only family any of us had and the idea of losing that frightened the shit out of me and I was at least old enough to get a real job on the outside world. What about Albie and the other youngies, on the street they'd be dead. Even splitting up was scary, who would go and where, would new boys come in, what about Gus?

After lunch we watched TV in the waiting area. Some talk show about the evils of teenage sex. We were hysterical about these people moaning about their son having had sex at fifteen. But then they weren't our reality and never could be. Albie and I were cuddling when Gus walked in with a tall man with his hat pulled low. We all sprang up, we knew this was the boss. Albie clutched my hand and I gave him a squeeze. To be honest his touch made me feel better also.

He looked us over, one-by-one. A touch, a feel, but not a word. He got to us last and after he finished with Albie he walked around me slowly. Fingers caressing the fresh bruises, hands soothingly brushing against my flesh.

"Your name son?"


"Do you like it here, do you like your work.?"

"Very much sir. This is my family, this is my home and this is the work I was made for."

"Very well put Paul. Did you have schooling before you came here?"

"I was thirteen before my father kicked me out because I was gay. Not a great student but I passed."

"Good. Do you have any questions for me Paul?"

I glanced over at Gus who nodded yes.

"We were wondering, I mean as far as any of us know you've never come here before, I mean you're not closing us down or splitting us up are you?"

He laughed and I couldn't figure the laugh out.

"No, I'm not closing this place down. Makes me too much money and I would never throw any of you out on the street. Even when you get too old to work here you will have jobs in my other companies. You will be trained in them and taught how to live in that world you see only through television. Does that answer your question?"

"Yes sir, so then this was only to check on us?"

"Partly, I'm also looking to take one of you home with me." He lifted his hat and I looked at his face. It was Dan's friend, the one who had introduced me to rough sex. He knew I recognized him. "Yes Paul, its you I've come for, that is why you've spent the last year and a half here. Will you come?"

"As you wish sir."

"Don't leave me Paul." Albie cried and grabbed my hand. Gus started over but I put my hand up and picked Albie up. "I have to go Albie, he is our boss. I want to go because I know him and he's a friend." I carried Albie and put him into Lance's arms. "Lance will take care of you my love. Maybe one day we will see each other again."

Albie nodded through his tears.

I hugged all the others, tears streaming down our cheeks. Lance was the hardest. He and I were closest in age and always, shit you know. I walked over to Gus and hugged him.

"Thanks for everything Gus and remember the deal. No S&M for these youngies or any new ones."

"You've got it Paul. Take care of yourself."

"I'm ready to go sir."

"Do you have anything you want to bring with you?"

"I have what I came with. Whoever gets my room can have what's there."

I followed him out to the garage and into a limousine. The dark windows meant nobody could see me but I could see outside.

I hadn't been off the grounds since the day I'd arrived. It was frightening and exciting.

We quickly headed further into the country. We left the highway and rode the side roads for a while until we turned into a driveway. I leaned forward and saw the mansion that was to be my home.

Master's home.

I must have fallen asleep while covering my Lord. I awoke to his poking me in the ribs.

"Hey dog wake up, its time to eat."

I jumped, immediately awake and nervous at his wrath for my mistake.

"Relax, I'm not like my Uncle. I will not strike or beat you at the slightest reason. If you disobey me yes, but you didn't. I told you to cover me and you did, I never said you couldn't sleep."

Then to my surprise he leaned up and kissed me on the cheek.

"And for sex, when we play I will beat and abuse you."

I smiled, "Yes my Lord, as you wish."

We got out of bed and I stood as he dressed. He tossed me a pair of shorts and I looked at them in my hands.

"Put them on Paul. My slave does not walk around the house naked."

"But what about my loin cloth?"

"I threw it in the garbage. It was filthy and I will not have any of the servants looking at or touching what is mine. You heard me with my Uncle. Except for parties you are mine and mine alone."

"Yes my Lord. I am yours to command."

"Very good, now lets go eat lunch."

I followed him down the stairs, trying to keep a leash length behind him even though there wasn't one. For the first time I really looked at the mansion. From the moment I had gotten out of the car I had instinctively maintained the slaves head down stance. Now I felt different, don't know why, a little less slave a little more lover. I shake my head and remember my place but my eyes still look around at the mansion. The art all over the place, the bright pastels and the dreary landscapes, the somber portraits and the brilliant abstracts. I know I have spent many times in this building but I never remember seeing these pictures or this much light. Did Master put them away for parties or did I just not see them in my slavery. No matter I can see them now.

We enter the kitchen and I can see the looks on their faces. The staff were repelled at my presence and made no effort to hide it. I started backing out the door but my Lord saw everything.

"Slave stay. Staff, he is my slave now, my house slave. He no longer lives like a dog, eats like a dog or is treated like a dog by you. If I send him down with instructions from me they are to be followed. My slave is a man not a dog. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir, we understand." Some man who must have been the head chef said. "Do you wish something to eat sir?"

"Yes Hans, make us some hamburgers and fries and bring them into the billiard room."

"Ten minutes sir."

My Lord nodded and walked out of the room. I followed him, my eyes avoiding the stares from the Hans and his staff. This new status was weird. No longer to be treated like a dog. I'm a man. I follow him into the billiard room and walk to the corner and sit on the floor.

He picks up a stick and starts hitting the balls on the table. I guess that's billiard. I remember this room, that table. Parties where I've been chained spread eagled on it to be fucked by whoever felt like it. It was a hard table with no give so I absorbed all the pounding from the men. No feeling came with the memory, I was a slave, there shouldn't be.

As I watched my Lord move around the table I once again felt recognition tug at my memory. Must be from parties here. Yes, but no. Further back than that. From the whorehouse, customer or another whore. Only one maybe Lance, but why would Master put his nephew to work there? I look at my Lord and picture him naked. No, he didn't fit Lance, something different that the years couldn't explain. Doesn't matter, he is my Lord and I am his slave. It is my place to obey and follow him.

The door opens and two of the staff roll in carts with food on it. I sniff the aroma of hot fresh beef and realize that I may get some of it too. He had said "make us some hamburgers and fries." Could I really eat real food again? Panic flared, did I remember how? I stayed in the corner and waited.

He finally put down the long stick. I wonder if anybody had put one of them up my ass. He picked two plates off a cart and walked to a table by the window. "Come Paul, lunch is here."

I walked over, picked up the plate and started walking back.

"Sit here Paul, eat at the table. I want to see if you remember."

"Yes my Lord." I sat down and waited, he waited and grinned before he picked one up and started eating.

I watched for a minute and then started eating my own.

"Good, you remember your place and look for clues in me so you don't embarrass yourself or your Lord. Very good."

"Thank you sir."

"How long have you been here Paul?"

I remembered to swallow my food first, "Don't know, ever since Master brought me here. Years I guess but I really don't know. Don't know what year it is."

"November 22, 1993, does that help?"

"Over five years then, came in 1988. Yes, five years."

Lord laughed at the pride I must have shown over remembering.

"Can you remember when you first got here? What was it like?"

"It was a big change, it was late fall when Master brought me here from the whorehouse. It was a cool day and he walked me around the grounds. I was naked and his hands stroked my back as we walked. I had known him before I had gone to live at the house and knew what he wanted and I was ready to give it to him. From the start I knew I was his slave to do with as he wanted."

"What about what you wanted?"

My father and my time at the house taught me that didn't matter. I knew that who owned and controlled me must be obeyed and followed. Master led me into the house and into his room. I stood there as he undressed. Finally he motioned me in front of him and to my knees. I thought he wanted a blow job so I opened my lips but he raised my head up and put on my collar.


"Yes Master?"

"As long as you wear this collar you are my slave and will do what I want."

"Yes Master."

"You will have sex with whoever I say, how I say and when I say."

"Yes Master."

"You remember what I like?"

"Yes Master."

"No you don't, that was light." He walked over and picked up a paddle and sat on a chair. He motioned me to lay on his lap and I obeyed. "If you hurt you may scream, but nobody will hear and nobody will help you. Ever."

With that he started paddling my ass. There had been men at the whorehouse who had spanked me, with their hands or belt. But Master handled that paddle in a special way. He started with a nice, soft, slow pace. Quickly picking up both the speed and intensity. I started moaning, first in delight, then in lust and pain and finally in pain. When it got to be real pain he stopped for a second and I caught my breath.

"Do you want more slave?"

"As you wish Master." I knew it wasn't my choice.

He flipped it over and resumed with a hard, sharp ridged side. Within seconds I was screaming, feeling blood rising to the surface and then running down my ass and legs. He covered my ass with that paddle over and over and over again. I finally stopped screaming, part because I couldn't any more and part because my ass was numb.

Shortly after that he stopped and threw me off his lap and onto the floor. I started to rise but he motioned me to stay.

"Kneel slave, I'm not near done with you. Get that back straight. Now don't flinch."

I heard the crack of the whip. Then I felt it. I tried my hardest not to flinch. Maybe I managed it for a couple of strokes but then I just concentrated on staying upright on my knees. Finally I put my hands on the floor and just braced myself for his onslaught. I don't know how long he kept this up but somehow I never fell completely.

"On the bed slave, ass up in the air." He said as I heard the whip hit the ground. I almost ran up onto the bed and into position.

Fortunately I didn't have to wait long as he climbed up behind me, put his cock against my hole and rammed it in. He pounded my ass over and over again until he came inside me. Five or six massive squirts of cum coating my innards. When he was finished he wiped his cock off on my back, took hold of my collar and dragged me to the corner where he chained me.

I stayed in the corner the rest of the day and through the night. Master came in, slept, got dressed and went out in the morning like I wasn't there. Didn't even pet me. That's when I knew I was a worthless slave whose life depended on giving my Master pleasure or whatever else he wanted. It was midmorning when one of the staff brought me a bowl of food and a bowl of water to eat. No utensils, expected to eat like a slave but that's what I am.

That afternoon Master came and took me off the chain and put a leash on the collar. He led me down the back steps into the dungeon. When we got down there he let go of the leash.

"Look around Paul. This is where we will be spending a lot of our time together. Look."

I slowly walked around. I have to admit that it excited as well as frightened me. The rack, the chains, whips, huge dildos, harnesses all intrigued me. My cock showed it too. The only thing that really scared me was that coffin thing with the nails. I knew if I disappointed him that's how I would die. I walked to the rack and touched it. Moving the lever to see it work. Master walked up behind me and took off the leash.

"Get on Paul, on your back, hands over your head. We'll start with this toy."

His gentleness and the word toy misled me. As soon as I was strapped in he started it up. After a few notches it started pulling hard, a few more and I thought my arms would pull out of their sockets. I was howling in pain, begging him to stop. He pulled another notch, and another, and I passed out.

The hard spray of ice water woke me. I was still stretched out on the rack like before. "Welcome back slave. For passing out so quickly three more notches." I swore muscles and skin tore but I fought to stay awake. No way did I want three more.

Master walked around me, touching me, playing with me. Then he bent over and whispered in my ear.

"See you after supper."

Deaf to my pleas he walked out of the room and up the stairs. Then he turned off the lights plunging me into total darkness.

Pain and fear kept me awake until the lights came back on and I heard footsteps. Master had brought a friend, slowly walking him around the room until they finally got to me. The other man was a little scary looking but for the first few minutes Master told him about the rack without paying any attention to me. Then he started playing with me to demonstrate how tight it could hold someone.

"Slave say hello to the man."

"Hello sir."

"Are comfortable in their slave?" The stranger asked.

"No sir, it feels like its ripping me apart, sir."

"Not loose at all?"

"No sir, can't move a drop."

"Very good slave, here's something for your trouble." He slapped me twice across the face and then punched me in the nuts. God I screamed. Master and the man laughed like it was the funniest joke, and I guess to them it was.

Then the man hit the release bar and in seconds all the pressure was gone and a whole new kind of pain was introduced. He undid my feet, flipped me over so my ass was up and arms crossed and hooked me up again. Slowly he stretched me again until my asshole was wide open. He went over to the wall, picked up a dildo and shoved it up my ass. Don't know how big it was but it was hard and stiff and I took it all. He fucked my ass with that dildo and my experienced ass took everything he tried. Finally he yanked it out, got on top of me and filled me with his cock. True to form though, guys who use toys never last when its the real thing. Gotten themselves too hot. After shooting up my ass he got off, put his pants on and hit the release lever again.

The two of them left me chained up but this time with the lights on and the pressure off. I was happy.

Somehow I fell asleep until I felt the pressure being put back on. I shook my head to see Master smiling down on me, his rock hard cock staring me in the face. Master didn't quite stretch me as far before he picked up the whip. For five minutes he lay a pattern up and down my back, ass and legs. Welts forming upon welts, no two strokes identical. Still being new to the game I was screaming my head off by the time he finished. I could hear him laughing. Finally he dropped the whip and mounted me. He slapped my ass for a minute as he got into position and then plunged his hard ten inches [25 cm] into my ass. All those sessions with Lion hadn't prepared me for the pain of a hard cock ramming into a ravaged ass. Once he was all the way in he stopped for a minute, letting me adjust. The pressure on my still crossed arms was killing me but I felt my cock stiffening. I couldn't believe it, nor could I believe my words.

"Fuck me Master. Fuck your humble slave."

"That I shall slave. Enjoy the ride."

Unlike his friend he kept with a nice slow stroke, keeping it going. Slowly almost all the way out, then ramming it back home. A couple of times I knew he was close but he stopped and regained control. During those rest stops I realized my cock was getting harder, starting to throb.

"Fuck me Master, shoot your load up my ass."

He slapped me upside the head, "You got it slave." He went into action, fast and hard, man I'd never been fucked like that before. This time he came, and came, and came. Shooting his load up my ass until he was finished.

"Master that was great. Your cum up my ass makes me feel so good."

He pulled out and walked around and stuck his glistening cock in my mouth. "I really don't care if you liked it slave, but you did please me slave. As a reward you can lick my cock clean."

I heard his words, understood their meaning but also the satisfaction underneath them. I sucked that cock so dry he came again in my throat. He patted me on the head and walked away.

I panicked.

"Don't leave me like this." I screamed. "Master, please don't leave me like this."

I could hear him stop and turn around. Next thing I knew he was tightening the rack and whipping me again.

"Don't you ever ask me for anything slave. I will do with you what I want."

I bit my lip. I didn't want to get him angrier. Finally he walked away and as he reached the top of the stairs turned off the light.

"I was going to leave them on."

I cried and slept in that dungeon, on that rack for I don't know how long. Next day, day after, don't know.

"Did my Uncle release you himself?"

The sound of my Lord's voice startled me. I had been so involved in my memories I forgot he was listening.

Yes, he came down without turning on the lights. First thing he did was stuff a gag in my mouth and then he released the pressure fast. The pain of release was incredible but I couldn't get out a sound. Then he released the cuffs, dragged me by my collar over to the wall and chained me there, facing him. Only then did he turn on the lights. God they hurt. When I focused it was scary. Master was standing there in full leather. He put the whip to my eyes so I saw the tiny spikes. He stepped back and went to work. I watched the whip slash towards me, saw it tear my flesh, saw and felt the blood streaming down my body. I remember struggling to remain calm but couldn't and with the gag I couldn't even scream.

This time when he finished he let me down. Took the gag out and hosed me down. He put the leash on me and led me upstairs and chained me in his room.

"Slave you've got me hot. Up to my room, now." My Lord whispered. As I followed my Lord back up to his rooms I found myself looking around again, like it was my first time in the house. I realized the difference. For the first time in years I wasn't looking at it as a dog slave but as a human slave. Slave yes, but a person with a mind.

I worried about this interfering with my responsibilities. But the stirring in my cock as I looked at his ass reassured me.

"Strip," was the first thing out of his after he closed the door. In seconds I was and kneeling in front of my Lord's naked body.

"Suck it slave, but be careful."

I started slowly getting him hard but suddenly he hit the top of my head.

"I said carefully, watch those teeth."

I was puzzled but kept sucking. I knew I wasn't using my teeth but bamm it happened again, and again.

"What did I say to you about using your teeth." He reached down and started pinching and twisting my nipples. "Keep working my cock," a hard twist, "and no teeth."

I pulled off his cock and took it in my hand. "Yes my Lord. I'm sorry my Lord."

He smiled reached down and dragged me up with his fingernails. Digging them into my chest as I rose. I looked at my chest and I could see the matching rows marching up my chest, the bruises forming around my nipples.

"What do you say to your Lord slave?"

"I am yours to command my Lord. Do to me as you wish, whatever you wish."

He pushed me to the ground, grabbed my hair and pulled me to his face. "You better fucking believe it. I may have raised you in the staff's eyes but to me you are still a dog slave."

"Yes my Lord." My head was bowed but I could sneek a peek at his face and saw a satisfaction but yet different from his uncle's look. No matter. He pulled me over to the bed by my hair and dragged me on.

"Straddle me." He went back to work with his nails, almost like he was drawing a picture on my chest. I noticed his nails were cut to the quick but the pain and the marks were all too real. I felt the pain but I also felt the lust building up inside me. I reached beneath me, grabbed his cock and stuck it up my ass as my Lord went to work on my nipples. As I went up and down on his cock his hands dropped to his side and he just watched me. Looking at my cock hardening and bouncing as I rode his cock. For the first time in a long time I felt good about what I was doing for me.

Yes I have always been proud of the way I could satisfy my Master and his guests. It was the pride of a worker at the performance of his craft. This was different. I can't explain it but I felt good as he fucked my ass and watched my cock. Part of it was pleasing my new Lord and making sure I kept my place as a house slave but for the first time in fucking years, or years of fucking, I was enjoying it. I took a chance and leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips. I saw the shock on his face and I shivered as he took my face in his hands.

His gentle touch surprised me and I stopped working his ass as he ran his hands over my body. A beautiful touch, one I hadn't felt since, since 3;Albie.

"Work my cock Paul, do what you do so well."

"Yes my Lord. With pleasure my Lord."

I followed his command with a vengeance. Between bouncing up and down and using my ass muscles he was shooting his load up my ass in minutes. As he shot he reached up and ran those invisible nails down my chest again, back up and as his cock pulsed one last time twisted hard on my nipples. I yelped with pain and delight. A scream that sounded like pure lust. The kind of scream that hadn't left my lips in years.

It scared the shit out of me.

I lifted off my Lord and rolled off the bed. I knelt by the bed, not knowing what his reaction would be.

I didn't expect what came.

"Come lie next to me Paul." He patted the bed next to him.

I lay down next to him, just inches separating us. He leaned over me. "That was great Paul, just what I needed."

"Thank you my Lord."

He leaned down and kissed my forehead. Again a glimmer of recognition and just as quickly gone.

"Do you remember your first party here with my Uncle?"

"I was still a house slave then. It must have been within the first month I was here. But then I lost all sense of time before I even got here. I was cleaned up and shaved, it was before Master had all my body hair removed permanently. I almost shone. Master told me I was going to be introduced to his friends and then I would do whatever anybody wanted.

"When we entered the grand ballroom it was pitch black. He led me to his seat and sat me at his feet. Suddenly a movie projector came on. I was surprised that he was showing a gay porn movie, didn't think his friends would have to get in the mood, but then I realized the truth.

"It was a highlight real of the various movies I had made at the house. It was the first time I had seen myself in action and I found it interesting and yes hot."

"I've seen it, you were."

"Thank you sir. Then you remember that it ends with my scene with Albie, the youngie."

"Yes gorgeous boy. Could tell you really cared for him."

"I did my Lord. Still think about him from time to time. That scene brought tears to my eyes."


"For the first time I realized that I was completely and permanently cut off from my past. That I would live and die here as Master's slave. Even with what the previous two and a half years had been like it was a shock."

"You don't have to go on."

"That was five years ago my Lord, I have long ago accepted my role in life.

When the lights came on I saw a room full of naked men. All different ages, sizes, shapes, races. They stood, bowed to Master who then motioned me to stand. When they realized who I was they applauded and started shouting for me to come to them. Master raised his hand and the room fell silent.

«You will all have as many chances at my newest slave as you desire. Slave join my guests, make them happy.»

I nodded as he unhooked the leash and I walked down the steps. A handsome man at the bottom of the steps took my hands, brought my face to his and kissed me hard and deep. Then without moving an inch he forced me to my knees. I took his waiting rod and went to work. I guess watching the movie had gotten him really hot because I was quickly tasting his jism. I started to rise but was quickly held down my another set of hands.

I don't know how long I stayed on my knees, how many blowjobs until some guy dragged me by the collar over to some pillow, threw me face down and fucked me. Master only knows how many men fucked me that night."

"Didn't it bother you?"

I was puzzled and it must have shown.

"I mean didn't it upset you being used like that."

"No," I was still confused, "why should it. After everything that had come before I knew it was my role in life to be other men's sex tool. To do what my Master told me to do as I do what you instruct me to my Lord."

"Continue slave."

I was still puzzled but I continued.

After several hours the action slacked off and I was able to catch my breath. Even move around for minutes at a time before some man would motion me over. Finally one of the servants took me to a side room to rest while Master and his guests ate. I was probably starving but I fell asleep instantly. It seemed like seconds later that I was being shaken awake by the same servant and pushed into the john. I cleaned myself up, took a shit, more cum than shit really and reemerged. I was led up a secret passageway to a room over the stage.

There I was led into a cage and tied spread eagle with added ropes around my neck and cock. Couldn't move a fucking inch but I had no problems breathing. Finally silence returned from beneath my feat, followed by some rock music. Slowly I was lowered from the room to the ballroom. A strobe bounced off my body as I slowly twisted.

Over the music and shouts I heard that unmistakable crack. It was away from me but I spasmed and gagged over the scream that had started. Then the lashes started coming. Coming so quickly. I knew it was your Uncle. I had to try not to move, I couldn't scream. I don't know how long I held out but I finally passed out.

When I woke up I was still in the contraption but he had loosened the neck rope so I could breath easier. As soon as he realized I was conscious he moved behind me and rammed his cock home. All the screams from that night came out in one massive scream. Master must have seen some of his guests flinch because he stopped fucking me long enough to belt me in the mouth. I made sure the only words coming out of my bloody mouth were words of praise for my Master and his sexual prowess.

"How long did he take?"

"Despite what he showed to his guests I think he remembered this was my first party so he didn't hold out as long as I knew he could. When he was ready he pulled out and spilled his cum all over my back. Then he had them cut me down and carried out of the room."

"Was that it for the night?"

"Yes, wait, no it wasn't. It was the end of the big party but later on I was brought to one of the guest bedrooms in the other end. After he fucked me he told me to sleep at the foot of his bed like a dog. I was only to happy to sleep, I didn't care where. In the morning I sucked him off and then he kicked me out of his room. A couple of other guests grabbed me as I wondered the hallways. Quickies then out, mostly without a word besides fuck or suck. Finally one of the servants found me sitting against the walls, he grabbed me by the collar and dragged me back to Master's room."

"Wow, that was some first experience. I guess they got easier after that."

Anger arose in me for a split second. Lord put his hand on my shoulder but I shook it off.

"I'm sorry Paul, that was a stupid thing to say."

"I'm sorry my Lord, I don't know why I reacted that way. Yes it became easier because I stopped being a person. I was a dog slave without feelings or emotions. Sex and everything that came with it became just another thing. Nothing mattered."

"Not even life."

"When you accept you are a slave you know that you don't own your life your Master does. And your Lord. But something changed today."

"What Paul?"

I saw a smile in his eyes.

"You my Lord. For the first time in years somebody, you, treated me like a person not lower than the dogs. I saw this house for the first time, saw its beauty not just the pain and the floor."

I moved away from him. I kept trying to look away from him but my eyes kept finding him. I was feeling things again for the first time. Fear was part. Love was a bigger part.

But fear is stronger than love when you've lived your life as a slave. "I'm sorry my Lord, I have said too much. Forgive me, I'll try and be the slave you expected me to be.

My Lord wiped his eyes and then came over to me. Took me in his arms and held me. I could feel the warmth and love coming through his body. I started to cry.

He lifted my head and looked into my eyes. "I don't want you for my slave Paul. I want you in my life not as a slave but in your true role."

"What is that my Lord?"

"I am not your Lord, I am your lover, your first love, Roger Matthews."

Shock turned to understanding. Now I saw what those glimmers of recognition were as we melted into each others arms. As we kissed a part of me said to be mad but my heart told me everything had been for a reason.

My Lord, I mean Roger looked up at me. "Paul I still owe you a fifteenth birthday present."

He flipped over, spread his legs and over seven years late I slipped my cock into Roger's ass.

The End