PZA Boy Stories

Charles Baudot

The Brown Mountain Incident


This story combines a placid man-boy sexual encounter with a ghost story - actually with an old urban legend theme. The man is traveling through the mountains and comes upon a 10-year-old hitchhiker who is cold, wet, miserable, and lost. He takes the boy in.
Publ. 2001 (ASSGM); this site Oct 2011
Finished 3,000 words (6 pages)


Brandon (10yo) and Charles (adult)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story/fantasy
Mbcons mast


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Orphan story

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. Are you the author, please contact me.

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January 6, 1992

The medical instrument supply company I work for, told me I had to be at a customer's plant out of state, by Monday. They gave me an option of flying or driving. Since I had relatives in that state, I decided to drive. The interstates were in good shape, and it wasn't really that far.

I made reservations at a motel near the plant and took off early for the assignment the previous Friday. I wanted to stop by to see a cousin, on the way, to say hello. I got to her house about 2:00 P.M. I had a late lunch there, and we talked about old times, family, and the idle chit chat about how to cure the world's ills'.

It must have been about three hours later, that her husband walked in from work, and we sat around for another two hours, talking. I looked out the window and realized that it was dark. I got up to leave for the motel, telling my cousin and her husband that I wanted to get set up in the motel with all the equipment I needed, etc, etc. We said our good-bye's, and I jumped in the car to go.

About fifty miles [80 km] down the road, it had begun to rain. Harder, and harder. With lightning all around. The wind just about picked the front end of the car up off the ground, it was so strong.

"BROWN MOUNTAIN," the sign said when my headlights illuminated it. Thank goodness. The motel was on the other side of this mountain about twenty miles [30 km]. I don't mind driving, but I get nervous driving through a blinding rain storm, at night, in the mountains.

My headlights caught another sign. "REST STOP..1 Mi." My bladder needed a rest and I needed to compose myself. I pulled into the rest stop and took care of business. When I came out of the facility, I headed for my car, and almost knocked over a young lad coming into the rest room.

He was soaking wet from head to toe.

"Excuse me," I said. "I didn't see you."

The kid just smiled and continued on to the rest room. I scanned the parking lot as I got into my car, but no other cars were around. Where did the kid come from? As wet as he was, he must have been standing out in the rain for a while.

"Wait!" I thought to myself. "This is weird. Where the hell did he come from? I'll stay here for a while and check this out."

I waited in the car until the kid came out of the rest room. Five minutes passed, and I saw him step out of the door. The rain had slowed down a bit, but not stopped by a long shot.

I rolled down the window, tooted the horn, and hailed the kid.

"Son? Son?" I said. "Let me give you a ride home. You're soaking wet."

The boy came over to the car quickly. I opened the passenger side door, and he got in.

I reached back into the back seat and pulled an old jacket I had and told him to put it on. Then I turned a little heat on in the car. It was summer time, but the rain was cold in the mountains. I didn't want the kid to get sick.

"What's your name, friend?" I asked, extending my hand. "Mine's Charles."

"Brandon." He said, in a shivering voice.

"Well, Brandon," I asked, "how old are you and what brings you out on a night like this?"

I figured he lived close by here. His house couldn't be too far off the beaten path.

"I'm lost," he said.

"Well I can fix that," I said. "Where do you live?"

"Burlington," was the reply.

"I'm going to Elon," I said. "Burlington is just on the other side. How the heck did you get way up here?"

"I'm lost," was his only reply.

The trip down the other side of the mountain was uneventful. The storm had slacked up. I concentrated on my driving and Brandon appeared to rest.

I found the motel at Elon and pulled in to register.

"Stay in the car, Brandon," I said, "I'll be right back."

With my room key in hand, I got back into the car and moved it to a parking spot near the room. Brandon got out and followed me in. I surveyed the room and went out to the car for my suitcase, etc.

Brandon looked so cute sitting in the chair with my big jacket around him. His hair looked like it contained a gallon of water, and his clothes were about the same. They didn't dry much in the car.

"Come on, Brandon," I said, "Let's get you dried off. You're still cold and we need to warm you up some."

Brandon and I went into the bathroom. I turned on the big overhead heat lamp that the motel had on a timer, sat down on the commode top and placed Brandon in front of me under the lamp. I took a towel and started to dry his hair. He was beginning to look like a human boy again.

"We need to get some of these wet clothes off, my friend," I said reaching for the buttons of his shirt.

He didn't resist me. He just shook his head in agreement, and allowed me to take his shirt off. Next, I sat him in my lap and took his shoes and sox off. I stood him back up and removed his outer pants. Next came his underpants.

Brandon had never told me how old he was, but from his lovely, naked, boy, body, I could tell that he was about ten years old. Dark hair, dark eyes, and a petite soft body, sporting a little petite scrotum and penis. I turned him around and started to apply the towel to the rest of his body. His cute, little crevasse along his bubbly, little butt, gave me instant arousal.

I couldn't stand it any longer. I wrapped the towel around him and said,

"Quick, Brandon. There's nothing like body heat to warm a fellow up. Go in there and jump in the bed."

I found a couple of wire clothes hangers someone had left in the room and hung Brandon's clothes up on the heat lamp fixture. I turned the lamp timer up to maximum, closed the door, and followed Brandon into the bedroom. Maybe I would get a good head start getting his clothes dry.

Brandon jumped in bed, under the covers, towel and all. I went over and placed the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the outside door, and turned out the lights. Then I removed my clothes and got in the bed next to Brandon.

"We can take the towel off now, Brandon, I said. "We don't need anything wet on your body now."

I took the towel off of him and threw it across the room.

"Quick, slide over here against me," I said.

Brandon slid over toward me. I put my left arm out, between the pillow and bed and laid his head, comfortably on my shoulder.

"Now turn on your left side, friend. We need to get real close so my body heat will help you to warm up. I don't want you to get sick from the cold."

I adjusted his body so that his crevasse was around my hard penis, as a bun around a hot dog. I pulled him tightly to me, and placed my right hand over his little scrotum and penis.

His little butt was warm to the touch around my hard dick, but his little boy, front end, was cold. My hand would take care of that. I gently began to massage his little penis, pulling and maneuvering it, this way and that. Brandon did not complain, or tell me to stop.

After a few minutes, I began to feel some life in his little boy dick. Blood was beginning to circulate and warm things up. Now, there was a more definite shape to the boy's private parts. One could tell what was what.

I stopped the massage, and cupped my hand over Brandon's alive, little scrotum, and about, two inch [5 cm] penis. Brandon let out a sigh, and began to breathe more relaxed. He was asleep. I wasn't far behind.

I awoke the next morning, from the noise of cars starting and other guest banging around. I felt something wet and sticky in my lower area. Apparently, I had a nocturnal emission during the night. Damn, what a mess.

I removed my hand from Brandon's little private parts and pulled the covers down to look. A sticky goo was in my pubic hair and all over Brandon's cute, little, hairless, butt.

Brandon was still asleep. I rolled out of my side of the bed and went into the bathroom to start the hot water for a shower. Then I went back and woke Brandon.

"Brandon 3; Brandon," I said, shaking his head gently on the pillow.

"Wha 3; Huh, mmmm," was the reply.

"Time to get up. We need a bath," I said.

I pulled the covers back from around him, and he sat up. His eyes got as big as saucers, when they focused on me. Naked Brandon and naked me.

"You don't have any clothes on," he said.

"You don't either, I said. "That makes us even 3; come on, shower time.

I adjusted the water temperature, then Brandon and myself stepped into the shower. I lathered him up, with the wonderful motel soap, and then myself. I didn't tell him why his little butt was sticky, I just washed that with meticulous care. Then I washed the rest of him. While Brandon reveled in the warmth of the shower and washed the soap off, I washed everything I had.

After I washed the soap off of me, Brandon and I stepped out and dried off with the towels.

"Feel better, my friend," I said.

Brandon looked up at naked me, and smiled. I felt his clothes for dryness, turned on the heat light again, left the bath room and went back over to the bed.

"Brandon," I said. "I want to check you to see if you are ok now. So I need you to do as I ask. It won't take long. Ok?"

I walked over to my sample case, opened it, and pulled out a stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, and thermometer.

"Are you a doctor?" Brandon asked.

"No, but I sell this equipment and know how to use it," I said.

Brandon relaxed and laid back against the headboard of the bed.

I had Brandon sit up and let me take his blood pressure. It fell into the range of what a little boy should have. Next I lowered the towel, put the stethoscope to his chest, and listened to his heart. It was a little fast, but we had just come out of the hot shower.

"Ok, friend," I said, "I need you to breathe for me. Lie face down on the bed for me."

As he was adjusting himself for that, I removed my towel and got back in bed next to him. I removed his towel so that we were both naked again. I had him lie face down on top of me, chest to chest, hip to hip, leg to leg.

I pulled the covers up around us and hugged Brandon, kissing him on the neck. I placed the stethoscope along his back and listened.

"Breathe deep, Brandon," I said. "Again 3; again 3; again."

There was no sign of mucus from a cold in his lungs. He seemed to be normal, there.

I was getting hard. I could feel my penis rising up between Brandon's legs. I wanted to stay there all day, just like this. I kissed Brandon, again. He responded with a return kiss.

"One more thing, friend," I said. "Then you can go back to sleep, if you want. I'm going to check your temperature."

I reached over to the table and took the digital thermometer out of its' case, and pushed the "ON" button. The display came up flashing "RDY," waiting for a temperature to stabilize. I reached down and gently parted Brandon's lower butt cheeks, directly above his little anus. I placed the tip of the thermometer just outside the entrance to his anal cavity. It must have been a little cold comparatively, because Brandon shook a little at the touch.

"It's ok, son," I said, kissing him again.

He got used to it being there, and I began to push the tip of the thermometer, ever so gently, past the lips of his anus, into his little anal cavity.

I let the thermometer stay in him for a few minutes, while I rubbed Brandon's back and kissed him, reassuring him that everything was going to turn out ok.

"97.7 [36.5°C], kid," I said, after I pulled the thermometer out of his little butt. "I think you'll live."

The words went unheard. Brandon's breathing was light and delicate. With my raging, hard, dick between his crotch, He had fallen asleep, lying face down on top of me. I kissed him again, and closed my eyes, too. I wouldn't disturb him for the world.

Brandon awoke first. He poked me a couple of times and called my name. The time had slipped by to 1:00 P.M in the afternoon. It's a good thing I don't have to be on the job until Monday.

"Hey sport," I said. "I'll bet you are hungry. Let's get dressed and go get something. Afterwards, we can go over to Burlington and take you home."

Brandon was a quiet boy. He never volunteered any information I had to be the heavy, and ask the questions to drag it out of him. We got dressed, and headed out for something to eat.

Lunch filled an empty spot in Brandon and me. It wasn't particularly good, but it passed for food. We got in the car and headed for Burlington.

"Now, Brandon, " I said, "what side of town do you live on?"

He raised his little arm and pointed to my left to indicate North. The kid didn't say much, just

"Franklin Street."

I had no idea where Franklin Street was, but Burlington was not that big of a town. I traveled further into the town and came upon a sign that directed me to Franklin street. How convenient? I took the left (North) turn at the intersection, and continued my journey.

"Where to, my friend?" I asked.

"You can let me out at the next corner, Charles."

I pulled over to the curb at the next corner and stopped. Brandon and I looked at each other for a few seconds, and I reached over, pulled him to me, and kissed him on the lips.

"It's been nice knowing you, my friend," I said. "Take care and good luck 3; don't get lost again."

"I won't, Charles," he said, "I'm home now."

The impact of his words had an adverse affect on me. I almost cried right there, and I didn't know why. Brandon got out of the car and took off running toward the corner house. I got over my emotional outbreak and started the car for my journey back to Elon and the motel. I hadn't been four blocks, when I noticed a small boy's wallet in my passenger seat. There was a molded picture of Roy Rogers and Trigger pressed into it. I knew it wasn't mine, so it must have been Brandon's. I haven't seen one of those since I was a kid his age.

I pulled over and looked in the wallet for his address. Behind a celluloid window, there was a small card with,

Brandon Hester, Jr.
914 Franklin Street
Burlington 4,
North Carolina

"Burlington 4, ???" I said to myself. "What the hell was this. There are postal zip codes today. The old zone system went out of use over 30 years ago. AWWH shit. The wallet must have been one of Brandon's dad's old wallet. I'll go back and take it to Brandon.

I doubled back to Franklin Street and found the corner house with 914 on it. I got out of the car walked up to the front door, and knocked.

An older gentleman answered the door with a puzzled look toward me.


"My name is Charles," I said. I have a wallet that belongs to Brandon Hester 3; does he live here?"

"Come on in, mister," the old man said, "sit down. I have a story to tell you."

I didn't quite know what to make of it, but I went in and did as the old man asked.

"Ya see, mister," the old man continued, "my name is Brandon Hester, SR."

A cold chill came over me.

Mr. Hester continued.

"My son, Brandon, JR., was with a church camping trip up on Brown Mountain thirty-five years ago yesterday. It seems that they were hiking or something, when a bad storm came up and Brandon got separated from the group. There are some wicked storms in those mountains. They searched and searched, but couldn't find him. It's as if the Earth just opened up and swallowed him inside. You see, sir, you're not the first to come by here returning this wallet. Tomorrow, the wallet will be gone, and next year this time, someone will come by here with it to give back to my Brandon."

I sat there in the man's living room, dumbfounded. Mr. Hester just told me an unbelievable story. Then he pulled old newspaper clippings, and obituary listings about the incident. The date on the newspaper clipping was 35 years ago, yesterday.

I got up to leave and offer an apology for disturbing him in this manner.

"That's alright, son," Mr. Hester said, "this happens every year. It's been happening for twenty years. Ever since the highway department put that interstate through Brown Mountain 3; Good bye now, and take care of yourself."

I went back to the motel and got deathly ill. I could hardly concentrate, while setting up my display for Monday's meeting. Hold on tight, Charles.


"They" said they found me, passed out on the floor. I didn't show up at my meeting, and I didn't check out of the motel. I don't remember. "They" say that when "they" revived me, that I kept telling "them" a wild story. It's not so wild, is it? I was so anxious for "them" to believe me, "they" had me stay with "them" for a while 3; You believe me, don't you?

I'll show 'em. I'll show 'em that it's the truth. Let me hear from you. Send me a letter and say you believe me, PLEASE! 3; I'm the only Charles on this floor. Send it to me, C/O East Central State Hospital, 7Th. Floor North, 12 Th. and Broad Street, Richmond, Va. 23212 3; Thanks.

The End

I hope you enjoyed this work of fiction 3; Charles.