StoTelAlexMy Special Sleepover |
SummaryJoey is being blackmailed by his big brother Billy, my schoolmate.
Publ. Aug 2015
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CharactersBilly (13), Narrator (13), Joey (10)Category & Story codesConsensual Boy-Boy story tb – non-cons anal oral(Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with StoTelAlex - My Special Sleepover in the subject line. |
As soon as we arrived at his home we threw our bikes against the wall and went inside. Billy took me straight to the kitchen. "Can I get you anything?" "Do you have coke?" Smilingly Billy got two glasses from a cupboard and then pulled out a maxi-bottle of coke from the fridge. After he had filled the glasses Billy asked what I wanted to do. His parents weren't home yet, just his kid-brother. "Do you have some video-games we could play?" I suggested. "I've got something better in mind," Billy said, grinning from ear to ear. He led the way upstairs and once in his room he turned on his computer. Only a few clicks later he motioned me to sit down next to him. "Watch this," Billy said and with one click opened a porn-site with all kinds of online videos. Billy went through the thumbnails and clicked on one. A new page opened and the video player started after the video had been buffered. On the screen there were two guys and a girl, somewhere around 18, 19 years old, stripping each other. I couldn't help but look at the screen. Once all three were naked the girl went on all fours on the bed and while one boy knelt in front of her so she could suck his erection, the other guy positioned himself behind her. The camera angle changed and know you saw how the second guy slowly pushed his stiff cock forward, into the girl's pussy. All this action had an effect on me that I hadn't expected. Then again, I hadn't expected Billy to put on a video like that either. I felt how my own member was getting hard and was begging for more space 3; to be freed. As I looked at my schoolmate, the bulge in his pants was evident as well. Billy shrugged his shoulders and unzipped his pants. He reached into his boxers and pulled out his hard dick, hooking the elastic waistband behind his ballsac. "Come on, don't be shy. Pull it out." I hesitated for a moment but then I did the same as Billy. We were now two naughty boys, watching an x-rated movie with our dicks out of our pants. "I guess we could use some assistance," Billy said, "Joey, come over here." There was no reaction. "You'd better come here. If I have to come over there it will not be nice." Within a minute a scared looking Joey entered the room. "You know the drill, boy," Billy said in a bitchy tone. With a trembling look of fear and anger Joey stripped completely naked and threw himself over the side of Billy's bed. I couldn't believe what was happening. Billy ordered his kid-brother to offer us his back entrance? "Please, don't," Joey still beckoned. "Stop wining!" Billy replied, "You'll do what you're told or else 3;" Joey took a big breath and buried his face in the mattress, waiting for the things to happen. Billy knelt down behind Joey and positioned his hard-on against the young boy's sphincter. Billy had put some spit on the entrance and his glans. "Here it comes, cry-baby." And at the same time as he said those words, Billy thrust his dick forward and invaded his kid-brother. Joey yelled into the mattress. He was clearly in pain from the intrusion. What was I to do? I was shocked. On one hand it was hot seeing Billy fucking Joey, but on the other hand this was rape. I should have stopped Billy, but I was too shocked to move, let alone to intervene. A few moments later, Billy started to tremble. He was clearly getting his climax. When he finally relaxed, Billy pulled out of his younger brother and turned to me. "Okay," he said, "your turn." "What do you mean, my turn?" "Now you fuck him. You know you want to. You've got the boner to proof it." I hesitated. I did had a boner. Although I had mixed feelings about what Billy did to Joey, it did made my member react. "Do it!" Billy yelled, getting inpatient with me, "Do it or I'll tell every one what happened at camp." I was shocked. Billy had sworn to secrecy. Apparently his word wasn't worth much. But I couldn't risk the whole class getting to know my dark secret. So I positioned myself behind Joey. I positioned the tip of my stiff dick against his sphincter. I then leaned forward and, with a trembling voice, I whispered in his ear how sorry I was for what I was about to do. As I said it, I thrust my dick slowly forward into the freshly fucked boy-ass. My dick was an inch longer then that of Billy, but also much thinner. After a while I got into a rhythm that I thought was best for both me and Joey and after some ten minutes I felt the familiar feeling in my balls. With a last few thrusts I shot my load of teenage cum into the young boy. After I pulled out my softening dick Joey gathered his stuff and, still sniffing, left the room, cum dripping from his hole down the back of his thighs. I couldn't help feeling heart broken for the little fellow. Billy climbed into the bed, pulled up the covers and said good night. I lay down on the air mattress that was on the floor. I had a lot of trouble falling asleep. Not only because of the uncomfortableness of the mattress, but also because I worried about Joey. A few minutes later Billy started to snore. By the way he made the sound I knew he wasn't faking it. I checked again to be sure and then I left the bedroom. A few seconds later I sneaked into Joey's room. I whispered to him to see if he was still awake. I could hear a faint sniffing. I figured he tried to stay silent in the hope I would leave again. But I didn't. Instead I sat down on the side of his bed and put a hand on his exposed back. I noticed a shiver running through the boy. "Please," Joey begged, "no more." "Don't worry," I said, "I won't. I came here to see how you were doing. I'm so sorry for what happened back there." Joey turned around and looked at me. Somehow he must have seen on my face that I meant it. "Can I ask you something?" "Sure." "What happened at camp? What was it that was so bad that Billy can blackmail you with it?" I hesitated a bit, but then I decided to tell Joey. "He caught me with another guy. It was after lunch. I was assigned to help out with the dishes and after that was done, the guy who was the assistant of the cook and I took out the trash. I had fancied him from the minute I had seen him. He was sixteen and I was eleven. He had noticed how I looked at him and, after we had emptied the trash cans in the dumpster, he asked me if I wanted to see him. At first I didn't understood, but then he lowered his pants. He put his hands on my shoulders and forced me to kneel down. As I was on my knees his teenage meat dangled in font of my face. Instinctively I grabbed it and put it in my mouth. I sucked him and when he came I swallowed all of his cum. It tasted so good." I gave a big sigh, remembering the event. "But then Billy came round the corner. He saw me on my knees, the assistant's dick hanging out and drew his conclusion. He promised not to tell, but now he has started to use it to blackmail me." I looked at Joey. "What is it that he has on you?" "How do you know?" Joey asked in shock. "You would never give yourself voluntarily to someone like Billy." Joey thought for a second and then pulled a DVD from underneath the bed. As he handed me the box I took a good look at it. It said Broke Boys Earning Money. On the front it showed a few boys' faces smiling. On the back there were full, un-cropped stills from the movie. On one Joey was alone, standing in his boxers. On a different one he was kissing another boy while holding that boy's member. "Why did you do this?" "I had made a dent in my dad's classic car and I needed money to fix it. Billy found the DVD in my room two months ago and he's blackmailing me ever since." I crawled into the bed under the blankets. And as I spooned behind Joey I put my arms around him and gave him a kiss on the back of his head. "Your secret's safe with me," I whispered. "And yours with me," he replied. Soon we fell asleep in that position. The next morning we were still lying that way. "Come, let's get up and take a shower," I said to Joey. We quickly went to the bathroom, turned on the shower and stepped under the warm running water. "Oh, oh," Joey said all of a sudden, "I have to pee." "Well, just let it go," I said and led by example. With a big smile Joey opened his tap as well and soon there was a yellow pile at our feet. I grabbed the shower gel and started to soap up Joey. It felt wonderful as my hands stroked his body. His arms, his belly, his legs. And finally his hip-section. I couldn't help fondling his cute little marbles and running a finger through his crack, rubbing his sphincter a bit. By the time I was finished his beautiful young dicky was pointing at the ceiling. Then Joey wanted to return the favor. The way his hands roamed all over my body drove me crazy. Soon my dick was at full size and my balls were tinkling. As Joey drained my balls till the last drop I could feel the strength in my legs just streaming away. I could hold myself against the wall just enough so I didn't collapse onto the floor, but landed a bit more gracious. I motioned for Joey to sit down as well. He did and sat down between legs leaning against me, looking for comfort and love. I wrapped my arms around him and as I hold him tight I said: "We need to get something bad on Billy so we can get him back at his own game." Suddenly there was a deep voice coming from behind the curtain. "I might have something for you guys." I froze and so did Joey. As the curtain was pulled away Joey's dad emerged. "What is it that he has on you guys?" Joey was completely shocked and because of that started to cry without us being able to calm him down. Finally we took Joey's dad to Joey's room and explained what Billy blackmailed us with. Joey was afraid his dad would get mad after all. His dad however did something I hadn't expected. The man sat down on the bed and motioned Joey to come closer. He then pulled Joey over his knees and started to give the lad a severe spanking. After he let go Joey's buns were burning red. "That was for damaging my car," the man said, "and for not telling you'll have to do something else." The man had his night shorts on, but they were coming off now. "Since you don't use your mouth for telling me stuff, you'd better use it for something else," he said, as he pulled out his adult stiff cock. Joey looked at me and then back to his dad. With clear hesitation Joey knelt down between his father's legs. "Why the reluctance? Don't you like sucking dicks?" "I want to be a good son and please you, dad. Because I do love you. But 3;" Joey said with tears running down his eyes. The man pulled Joey up and onto his lap. "Don't worry," he said, "I was just testing you. I would never push you into something like this if you don't want to do it. But you did like it when you did it to him, didn't you?" Joey's dad said as he nodded in my direction. Joey's face turned completely red and he slowly nodded. "As long as you do it because you like it and not because you're forced, I'm fine with it. Just promise me that next time someone blackmails you, you will come to me and let me help you, okay?" Joey looked at his dad. He slowly nodded and then threw himself around the man's neck. "Thank you, dad." After that Joey's dad left and returned a few minutes later with a DVD. On it were some videos of Billy. All nude. The early ones he was only 7 or 8, but already he was using a thick ball-pen up his ass to get pleasure. After seeing some more videos Joey and I looked at each other. "Billy certainly wouldn't like this to fall into the wrong hands 3;" That day we confronted Billy with the DVD. He quickly gave in and wanted to know what it would cost him. Not much, just no more blackmail. From that time on Billy didn't gave us any troubles whatsoever. I stayed friends with Billy. And whenever I was there for a sleepover Joey would join in into the fun. But now he only did things he wanted to do. And Billy had to admit, it was much more rewarding this way 3; The End |
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