PZA Boy Stories

Bruce Bramson

That Boy


After the death of is 84-year-old mother a man finds out he has a brother of 13 years old.
Publ. 1996 (Nifty); this site Dec 2012
Finished 8,000 words (16 pages)


Steven Jones (physically 13yo), Steven Higgins (13yo), Kenneth Higgens (adult)

Category & Story codes

Man-Boy story/fantasy
Mtcons mast oral – fantasy (age-regression, sort of) incest


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Please check the header! The following story contains some form of gay sexual content describing purely fictional events. If this is 'not your bag', do yourself and us all a favor and hit the 'back' key NOW!

Readers under a 'legal' age somewhere who happen to be reading this are used to being told to ignore the existence of this material. Doesn't seem logical to me, if they happen to like and enjoy it. As above, if they don't, they too can hit the 'back' key and be done with it. Since I have no control whatever over who does or does not read this, I think this paragraph is silly. Some hot-shot lawyer said it has to be here. Enough said.

Now, on with the show! (Hi, there, Senators!)

Oh: permission to archive and/or re-post granted, so long as the author is credited. Otherwise, © Bruce Bramson 1995.

Bruce Bramson

NB: This'n's 'sort-of' science-fiction – a bit different from my usual. – BB


The Pastor ended his prayer, and I raised my eyes. Across the top of Mom's casket, not ten feet [3 m] away, I spied him. Fourteen, perhaps, possibly younger. The face of an angel: clear, unblemished skin, wispy blond hair, long, with a center part and swept back past his ears. His eyes were closed still, revealing long lashes.

I stared as the Pastor droned on. There was just something about him which caught my attention. He wore an appropriately dark suit, with his hands modestly clasped in front, where glabrous skin shone against the fabric. I had not seen him at the funeral. He was alone, vulnerable. Those hands should have gripped an adult's, but there was no one even close to him.

" 3;and go forward in the Light of God, Amen." It was over. The casket descended as the bearers loosed their ropes, a few roses and some dirt, and it was finished. My mother in her grave, our family broken. Sis took my arm, but I watched as 'that boy' turned and walked away. His gait was, well, 'different' somehow from what I had expected. Dignified – yes, that's the right word. He disappeared from view, but not from my mind.

"Sis, any idea who that kid is, and why he was here?" I asked.

"No, no idea. I've never seen him before. I suppose he must have known Mom, why else would he have come?"

" 'Spose so. Wonder why he was alone? He seems so young!" My thoughts gradually returned to matters at hand. Mom's passing was no surprise – she was 84; now all that remained was to close up her apartment, which Sis and I would do the next day. For now, it was back to the hotel: we were both tired, having flown in from opposite ends of the country.

After dinner, I stretched out on the bed in my room and watched the TV. Not much else to do! But as usual, I was asleep within minutes. My wife's the same way: TV is a soporific for us both.


My door opened silently. 'That boy' wafted in. He sat stiffly on the chair. No words passed between us: it was as if we already knew each other. His beauty was electrifying, and my loins stirred. The dark suit just melted away, and he sat nude before me. I studied every part of him intently. His arms left his shoulders gracefully, muscles outlined dimly. He stood up; his legs parted to reveal his pink manhood, rising from his hairless groin to stand above his smooth testes. He smiled at me, and the room was filled with light.

My own clothes disappeared as well, and this angelic vision of a boy effortlessly moved over to my bed. He touched my erection; his pale hand glowed against the darker skin of my engorged self. He stroked me slowly, and in just a few moments my seed poured forth 3;


I awoke to the realization I'd had a wet dream – the first in years, and the first that involved a boy. I could scarcely believe it! Only three days away from the warmth and love of my wife, and here I was getting off in a dream – and with a boy at that! Ah, but not just any boy: it was with 'that boy' 3;

I slipped out of my clothes, wadded up the soggy shorts, and took a long hot shower. Despite my body's recent release, I found myself going back over my dream. As the hot water flowed over me, I imagined 'that boy' there in the shower with me. I felt his spectacular little body all over, cupped his pre-pubescent balls in my hand, and gripped his splendid little pecker 3;

Ye Gods! I shot another load there in the shower! What in the name of gosh-all-hemlock was happening to me, a happily married man a kid of my own? When I finally got into bed, I slept fitfully, but there were no more dreams 3;

Sis and I decided we'd just have the 'Starvation Army' haul away Mom's stuff. Except for a few family mementos, there wasn't much we wanted or needed. Neither of us had lived in this apartment, so it held no fascination. In the dark reaches of a closet, I came across a strong-box of modest size, with my Dad's name stenciled on it. There was no key, so I set it aside to take home to peruse its contents another day.

Two days later, Sis and I were in the Attorney's office. We'd assumed Mom had divided her estate equally between the two of us, there being no one else in our generation. Our only sibling had died years before in childhood – scarlet fever, I think. So, it was with some amazement that we discovered Mom had divided her estate three ways, with a third to go to a 'John Doe' through a bank connection. There was no explanation offered, and the attorney knew nothing of who John Doe was. However, since Dad, a well known M. D. and researcher had left Mom 'well off', and since she'd invested wisely, there was plenty of money to go around. So Sis and I signed the papers, and left the logistics of probate to the attorney. With fond farewells, we took leave at the airport to fly off in opposite directions. It was finally finished; or so I thought 3;

Back home, I put the box I'd rescued on a corner of the workbench in the garage, and forgot about it as I got back into the swing of work and home life. A few weeks later, on a whim, I used a bolt-cutter to break the lock. Inside I found a stack of laboratory notebooks, filled with notes in my Dad's inimitable (and often undecipherable) hen's-scratch. Formulas, tables, graphs, notes, all quite foreign to me, flashed by as I fanned through the musty pages. At the very bottom of the pile was a bound book labeled 'diary', which I decided might be of interest. I took it inside the house, and began to read:


8 Apr '46 – My project at the Institute is winding down. Money's still tight, and no one has yet discovered my little extra project that I've squeezed in alongside the real one. Only Marian knows anything about it. She has no idea what I plan to do, but it's clear I have to get on with it soon.

10 May '46 – The kittens are now four years old. They are still kittens. The pituitary extract that's taken me so long to prepare actually works! They're so cute: they play and tussle as all kittens do, quite unaware they'll do so for the usual life-span of a cat, around 12-13 years or so. Marian loves them. She's quite amazed by what I've accomplished.

5 Sept. '46 – Ten more pits arrived today. Really difficult to get. The undertakers who supply me are forever raising prices. They know they could be in trouble if word ever got out, but I assure them they have nothing to fear. My connection with the Institute helps a lot. My studies suggest I only need about 20 more, and I'll have enough.

20 Feb. '47 – 6 more today.

14 March '47 – 7 today. Some sort of epidemic at the Childrens' Hospital.

1 Apr. '47 – 12 pits arrived today. That makes 45 in all, frozen and ready. Now begins the long process of extractions. See Vol VI pp 34 et.seq. of lab notes.

17 June '47 – Finished! 10cc pit ext on ice. I've decided to perform my last experiment next week. Marian will figure it out someday, but I just can't bring myself to ask for her permission, because I'm sure she won't approve. Steven is ready. Dr. Murray is primed: it will be scarlet fever on the certificate. The new parents are at the ready.


STEVEN! My Brother! 'That boy'. John Doe! Holy Christ!

Sweating profusely, I read on:


24 June '47 – It's done! Steven is 13 years old forever. His boy-beauty captured forever (if the experiment works). I believe it will work – all my experimentation says it will. The 'Jones's' have him now. Too bad he had to 'die'. Marian is heart-broken, but Shirley and Ken are there to comfort her, and I as well. She'll survive. Faking an attack of scarlet fever was no problem – just an irritant injection to raise his temperature and the cooperation of Dr. Murray. And Johnson at the mortuary. I'll miss having Steven around of course, but I can visit the Jones's any time. It's the only way to prove my theory is correct. The kittens are still fine, and still kittens 3;

24 June '48 – Anniversary! Spent the day with the Jones's and Steven. He is recovered from the 'discovery' that his mother and siblings were all 'killed' in a car crash – from which he miraculously 'survived'. He hasn't changed a bit. I measured his body today, as I always do on his birthday, and compared the measurements to those of last year (see Vol VII, pp. 85). Absolutely no signs of secondary characteristics, his penis is still exactly 9 cm [3½ inch]. Voice unchanged. He adores me, and I him. The fruit of my loins and the culmination of my project – my 'life's work' wrapped up in a bundle of beauty that's still breath-takingly beautiful.

24 June '49 – Anniversary II. Steven is adorable, and unchanged. He evinced some interest in sex today, got hard when I measured his penis (13 cm [5.1 inch] erect). I confess I got hard myself. He is so pretty! To think he will be this way for 60 years or more, bringing delight in his splendid boyhood to who-knows-how-many before his life is ended? I won't be around long enough to see it, but many others will 3;

24 June '50 – Anniversary III. Oh, little Steven, how I adore you! When you hug me on my visits, I melt inside, knowing you will be forever young. I wish I could tell you how handsome your brother is, or how beautiful your sister is, but for you they are no more. But for me, you are the culmination of all my work, and while I choose not to reveal my discovery to the world, I will go to my grave knowing I succeeded beyond my wildest dreams. When I take the measurements of your beautiful body and watch it respond to my fondling I know I was right to use you, my darling son, forever young and tender. I really love you, Dearest Steven!


There were no more entries. Dad had died of a heart attack in December of 1950. The revelations of this diary churned in my mind. Steven would now be 61 years old. Was 'that boy' really my brother? Who else could it be? Should I try to contact him? How would I do this? I fell into a light sleep, the diary in my lap, as I pondered these things. Once again my dreaming thoughts returned to 'that boy'. We were walking together, somewhere, out in the country. His hair shone in the warm sun, and I held his hand in mine. I heard his boyish laughter and he looked into my eyes and smiled his radiant smile 3;

But the laughter was really that of my own son who found me flaked-out on the family-room sofa. The old book was open, upside-down, in my lap, only partly hiding the erection in my pants. Stevie (yes, we'd named my son after my departed brother) eyed the old fabric-covered book: "Geez, Dad, is that the first-ever issue of Playboy?" he asked.

"Why, no, Son, what makes you think so?"

"Looks to me like it had the same effect!" Stevie giggled.

"Oh, no, that's just a good old piss-hard," I replied. I'd always been very open with Stevie: watching him grow up had allowed me to re-live some of my own boyhood, and I'd never forgotten the simple amusements I'd had with other boys my age. With a famous Doctor for a Dad, playing 'Doctor' was a natural enough past-time. It never seemed to me this healthy 'investigation' of my neighborhood chums had affected my adult life, so I watched with amusement (and some envy) as Stevie and his friends did their own exploring. We had no secrets.

Stevie leafed through the book, and put it back in my lap. He could not be bothered to read the tiny hand-writing, though he seemed a bit skeptical of the explanation for my erection. He jumped into my lap; he'd always been a 'cuddler'. I hugged him and inhaled deeply through his sand-colored hair. He smelled good. He was approaching his 14th birthday, but his physical awakening was a bit late. I wondered for a moment what he might think of having a 'younger' brother suddenly appear out of nowhere, but quickly dismissed the thought as impractical. The chances of my finding Steven – Jones, I presumed – in a population as large as ours seemed quite remote.

Stevie sat in my lap often, but his presence had never stimulated me before as it was doing now. My erection refused to abate, perhaps because Stevie's buns were astride it. I had a sudden flash-back to the wet-dream stimulated by 'that boy', and I found myself wondering if Stevie had yet experienced an orgasm. I should not have been surprised when my hand grazed the front of his trousers and found my Stevie also had a hard-on, but I was.

"Well, well! Have you been reading Playboy, Stevie?"

"Naw. My thing gets like that all the time. It just feels good to sit here with you, and I can't help it. But, you know, you said a while back you'd show me some things I oughta know, and you haven't yet 3;" His voice trailed off.

It was true: I'd been contemplating teaching Stevie about the 'birds and the bees', but had put it off. This seemed as good a time as any, since he was in the mood, and I, too, was a trifle horny.

"OK, son," I said: "upstairs to your bedroom, I'll be right up. Just have to get rid of this piss-hard." Stevie slid from my lap and scampered off.

He was sitting on his bed when I stepped into his room; my bladder was empty, but for some reason I was still half-hard. Stevie looked up at me expectantly, and I realized quite suddenly he was a very cute kid. In form he resembled his name-sake, though his hair was several shades darker and naturally curly and thick. I sat down beside him and squeezed his leg affectionately.

"Well, to begin with, Stevie, the 'thing' in your pants has several functions: you know about peeing, of course, and later on when you marry you'll use it for making babies; but for now, you need to know it is an instrument of pleasure. I know you and your friends have been 'exploring': why don't you tell me what you've learned so far, eh?"

"Hmmm. Well, Donald and Rob have both shown me theirs; I even touched Donald's, uh, – he calls his a 'pecker' – mmm, his pecker the other day. He said it felt neat when I put my hand on it."

"How big are Donald and Ron's peckers?" I asked.

Stevie thought for a moment. "I guess Donnie's about the same size as me, and Ron's a little smaller. He's only twelve. We three were out in the orchard the other day and, well, Donnie was peeing against a tree: Ron and I couldn't help but watch, and then Donnie all of a sudden said, 'I wanna see your peckers', so we took our pants down and just sorta compared 3;"

"Did either of them feel yours?" I asked.

"Um, no, no, I don't think so. We all got hard-ons – that's what Donnie said it's called – and looked at each other an' stuff. I know I play with myself sometimes, and it feels pretty good: usually just before I go to sleep. Gee, Dad, what you're doing now feels real good, too!"

I had been massaging Stevie's rigid pecker through his pants as we talked. "Yes, it should," I said, but we need to get your clothes off, because they interfere with what I want to show you."

Stevie stood and unabashedly shed his pants, then popped his tee-shirt over his head. His dick stood proud! The sight of him this way stirred me in ways it probably shouldn't have, but I had to admit he was a sexy boy, standing there on the threshold of puberty, fully trusting me to instruct him. I stood and removed my shirt and unbuckled my pants. But I left them on, and sat on the bed again. I patted my leg, and Stevie propped himself against it. I felt the heat of his buns through my trousers, ran my right hand along his smooth boy-thighs and grasped his dick, which throbbed in response to my touch. I began to slowly jack him off 3;

"Stevie, what I'm doing now is a called masturbation, and it feels like nothing else in the world. You'll hear your friends call it other things, like 'jacking off', 'jerking off', things like that. All boys do it, usually by themselves, but sometimes with others like we're doing now. Do you think it feels good?"

"Gosh, yes, Dad! I don't think I ever felt quite like I do now 3;"

My left arm around his waist steadied my son, and his right arm clung to my shoulder. As the pace of his breathing (and of my hand) increased slowly, the faintest whiff of sweat from his hairless armpit struck my nostrils. I knew my son was about to have his first orgasm in the safety of his own father's embrace. Vague memories of my own youthful experiments ran through my mind, and I read the signals Stevie's body was sending: his leg muscles were beginning to tighten up, his mouth opened to admit more air, and his eyes closed. I leaned forward and let my warm breath flood his ear, and my left thumb gently rubbed his nipple 3;

Stevie instinctively moved towards me: his hip collided with my stiff penis. My fingers grazed his scrotum on each stroke; his balls pulled up tightly below his rigid pecker. He was almost gasping for breath now, and his legs were as rigid as the rest of him. He was right on the edge; for that matter, so was I.

"Ohhhh, Dad!" Stevie cried out hoarsely, "Oh, WOW, ohhh, unhhh 3;"

Stevie's wand pulsated in my hand: he thrust his pelvis against my hand, gripped me around my neck, and lunged this way and that; and he sang out his joy at having his first orgasm. His youthful body thrashing against my cock almost pushed me over the edge. "Oh, GOSH, Dad, I never felt any thing like that before; oh, oh, wow!"

He came down from his high slowly. It had been a dry orgasm. I felt his body relax, unwind, and his weight back on my leg. His breathing slowed, and his eyes opened. He turned and put his lips to mine: I ran my tongue over his lips and tasted the salt of his sweat gathered there. "Thanks, Dad," he said 3;

I pushed him upward far enough to maneuver my pants from beneath me and down to the floor, then resumed our position; my engorged cock now pressed against his handsome youthful leg. His eyes widened as he looked down to see what the hot thing he felt there was.

"One last lesson today, Son," I said. "You can tell your friends what will happen in just a few months when you jack off: you'll soon be getting something out the end of your pecker when you do it."

I placed my palm against myself and pressed my rod against the flesh of his thigh: he pressed his leg against my hand, and with scarcely more than a rub or two, I ejaculated, my jism bursting forth to anoint his leg. I spread my copious load around his leg, then slathered it on his balls and still-hard pecker. Stevie moaned, and rapidly stiffened up and went into orbit a second time. We very nearly came together, so quick did he cum again.

Stevie went limp; I pulled him close and heard his rapid heart-beat. His puerile dick shrank and his balls dropped back into their supple little sack. We held each other for some while, our bodies in close communion. Then, with the enthusiasm reserved for the young, Stevie jumped up, pulled on his clothes and was ready to move on to something else.

"Thanks, Dad: I can't wait to tell Donald and Ronnie what I learned today! I think maybe Donald can make stuff come out of his pecker."

"You're welcome, Son," I said. "Have a good time with your new knowledge!"


That evening, I told my wife about the diary. Not unexpectedly, she was quite shocked. "Ye Gods, Ken, that's criminal!" she exclaimed.

"Now, Shirley," I said, "You yourself have remarked more than once that our Stevie is a very nice looking boy: but I can tell you, if posed against Steven, he'd look plain in comparison." I decided not to tell Shirley how sexy Steven was (or Stevie, for that matter). "But that aside, it seems likely he is my brother, and I'd really like to see him again. Problem is, how would I go about tracing his whereabouts?"

"Let sleeping dogs lie," Shirley mused sleepily, and we drifted off.

We dropped the matter, but the truth is I became obsessed with the notion of finding my brother. So when my next vacation rolled around, I told Shirley I was returning to Chicago to see what I could find. She was not pleased, but a 'bribe' in the form of a week in New York for her and Stevie quickly reduced her opposition.

Part 2

My mother's attorney refused to help. If he knew anything at all, he was NOT going to tell me. The bankers were equally useless, and phone directories had so many 'Steve Jones, Steven Jones, Stephen Jones, S. Jones' entries (with dozens of middle initials) I couldn't possibly call them all. Besides, I didn't know if 'that boy' even lived in Chicago: he could just as well have come there for the funeral, as I had done, from some other part of the country.

I enlisted the aid of a private investigator, but only told him I was tracing a 'relative'; I gave him what information I had. He agreed to spend a couple of days on it, which left me with too much time on my hands and nothing to do. I could not seem to put the image of Steven aside. I even poked around in a couple of Chicago's better known gay bars, hoping to find some companionship, but the 'generation gap' worked against me. I ended up wanking alone with my mental picture of 'that boy', over and over.

One morning as I mulled over these events, I recalled I had not seen 'that boy' at the funeral: but that didn't mean he wasn't there! Within half an hour I was at the Funeral Home, poring over the remembrance book the guests had signed. Sure enough! In a boyish scrawl, there was 'Steven Jones' – and nothing further. I'm not sure what I'd expected to find: no one else had signed their name with an address, of course! Dejected, I left the mortuary and decided to look once again through the diary for clues.

Back in my hotel room, I went through the thin volume yet again. This time, my eye fell upon Steven is ready. Dr. Murray is primed: it will be scarlet fever on the certificate. The new parents are at the ready. Doctor Murray! Could I trace this Doctor? With some quick mental math, I figured the doctor would now be close to 80 perhaps, but it was all I had to go on. I leapt for the phone book! In the white pages I found many listings for Murray, but towards the end I found 'Thomas Murray, MD'! In my excitement, I overlooked the fact there were two numbers listed: quickly I dialed the first one.

"Doctor Murray's office, can I help you" – the voice was that of a receptionist.

"I need to see Dr. Murray, today if possible," I replied.

"Is this an emergency," the voice inquired?

"Uh, well, not life-threatening, but it is a personal matter of some importance 3;"

"Are you a patient of Dr. Murray's?"

"No, no; a family acquaintance of sorts, in town just briefly," I lied.

"Dr. Murray has afternoon rounds; he returns to his office to give me his reports, usually about four o'clock. If you could be here then, I'm sure he would have a few minutes for you, then, Mister 3;"

"Higgins, Kenneth Higgins. I'll be there, and thanks very much." I rang off.

There followed one of the longest days of my life! Dr. Murray's office was about an hour's drive from my hotel, but it was not yet noon. I decided to have lunch sent up to my room; while waiting for it, I fell into a light slumber, and found myself in thrall to my mental image of 'that boy' once again. Consequently, I was on the threshold of jacking off when a tap on my door signaled the arrival of my meal.

I stumbled to the door, to be greeted by a very handsome bell-hop bearing a large tray. He moved into the room with the grace of a gazelle, put the tray on a small table, and handed me the tab. I fumbled and dropped it, and when he bent to pick it up his pants pulled tight over his legs, revealing strong, lithe muscles. He handed me the chit again, this time glancing rather obviously at my crotch, a favor I returned. As he handed me a pen, our hands touched for just a moment; his other hand he thrust in his pocket, re-arranging himself. Oh, how I was tempted! But a look at his face showed me he was just angling for a large tip (on the check, that is!) so I added several dollars to the tab, signed it and handed it back, amazed at how easily he had 'earned' his gratuity. He tipped his cap and sauntered out, giving me a nice view of his shapely buns as he closed the door 3;

Much later, in Dr. Murray's waiting room, I found myself sweaty and uncertain. I was not sure how to approach my subject with the Doctor. So I was thrown totally off-guard when a tall, lanky chap of perhaps thirty or so entered from the office door and extended his hand in greeting.

"Mr. Higgins? I'm Doctor Murray. Have we met before," he asked warmly?

"No, no, – uh – uh – I had it in mind you would be much older!" I blurted out.

"That will come soon enough," Dr. Murray chuckled infectiously, "but what gave you that idea?"

I had a sudden insight: "Was your father also a doctor," I asked?

"Why, yes, my Dad is – was – he's retired, of course – a surgeon. Did you know him perhaps?"

I clung to that 'is': still alive! A 'lead' at last!

"I know of your father, slightly," I said. "You say he is retired"?

"Yes, and still sharp as a tack! Perhaps you'd like to meet him?"

"Uh, maybe. You see, Doctor, I've made a rather startling discovery. It might be best if you and I discussed it before I meet your father. Could we possibly get together over dinner very soon?"

"You're in luck, Mr. Higgins: my wife plays bridge tonight, so I'm on my own. I have about half an hour's work to finish here, then we could meet 3;"

"I'm from out of town: you'll have to name a place."

"Oh; well, there's Anderson's just down the boulevard a few blocks. Suppose we meet there, say, 6:30?"

"That's fine with me." Dr. Murray shook my hand warmly. "See you there, then," he said, and showed me to the waiting-room door.


I sat at the bar in Anderson's. A double scotch-and-water worked its magic, and I was well along with a second. I'd reserved a table in a quiet corner, to which we repaired when Dr. Murray arrived. I found I liked this man: he was utterly unpretentious. I felt he might not be 'ready' for what I had to reveal to him, especially as it concerned his father. But I had come this far, so there was no going back. I'd decided to just let the doctor read the diary and 'take it from there'.

I watched his face intently as he strove to decipher my fathers's tiny scratchings. There was little reaction, until he read the passage about his father: at that point his face clouded a bit. Sipping coffee slowly as he read, he got to the end, closed the book thoughtfully, then looked at me and said, "This would be science-fiction, except for the curious reference to my Dad: but where do you fit into the picture?"

I recited the details, judiciously leaving out my sexual excitement engendered by my sightings of 'that boy', emphasizing my interest in finding my long-lost brother. I concluded by pointing out there was no reason to believe Dr. Murray's father actually knew anything about my father's experiments, but it was the only 'lead' I had come up with.

Dr. Murray nodded in agreement. "Still, medical ethics back then weren't what they are today. Dad might have known; I suppose the only way to find out is to ask. I expect if he does know anything, he'd be quite willing to share it now. If you'd like, we could visit him tonight: I know he stays up very late, and I'd only have to phone ahead 3;"


Father and son greeted each other effusively with much back-slapping and joking. The elder, Dr. George Murray, was, at 82, still hale and hearty, silver-haired but handsome in a way. He had comfortable bachelor 'digs', with a lounge crowded with book-shelves. He accepted me with a strong handshake. His son and I had agreed Thomas would get the ball rolling.

"So, to what do I owe the favor of your company?" Murray senior asked.

Thomas went straight to the point: "Does the name 'Steven Jones' mean anything to you, Dad?" he asked.

His father paused, looked at me for a moment, then replied, "Yes, yes it does." He looked at me again, fathoming that I had some connection with this visit, and with Steven Jones. Then a look of comprehension swept his face: "Ah, 'Higgins' – that's your name, Tom said, so you would be Fred Higgins' son, right? Fred and I graduated from Medical School together: he was brilliant, absolutely brilliant!"

Memories flooded back. "Fred's research in endocrinology was a terrific piece of work: his text is still in print – I suppose you get royalties to this day, eh? But his masterpiece never saw the light of day, and by Tom's opening pot-shot, I'd say that's why you are here, right?"

"Exactly!" I exclaimed. "Mother died a while back, and I found Dad's research notes, and a diary. It's a long story, but it's led me to you."

The old man closed his eyes. "And now you want to find your long-lost brother, I expect. I've wondered for many years if this might come to pass. I can tell you this: Steven finally coaxed his story from me, and shortly before your – and his – mother passed on, he visited her, although she never knew who he really was: to her, he was just a 'neighbor boy' who took a fancy to a lonely old lady."

"Do you think I should contact Steven?" I asked, now less certain than ever I was doing the right thing; "does he know of my existence – and of our sister as well?"

The old gent's eyes popped open: "But he told me he visited you right after the funeral! And 3;" (the old man's eyes twinkled and his mouth smiled wickedly) " 3;he told me you were a horny bastard!"

I felt blood rush to my face, and although I opened my mouth to speak, I could think of nothing to say! There was an awkward silence. This was totally unexpected.

"Relax, Son," the old fellow said, "my son and I are doctors, remember: we've seen and heard it all." Thomas nodded in agreement.

"You see," George went on, "your father's experiment succeeded beyond his wildest expectations, as far as Steven's physical development is concerned. But we will never know if the extracts which brought that about had the side effect of making Steven gay, or whether it might have occurred without the intervention of the 'experiment'.

"But, but, but 3;" I stammered, "that scene in the hotel was just something I imagined! It could not possibly have been the real Steven there." 3; "Could it?" 3; My mind raced!

"Well, Steven described it pretty graphically to me, and now that I think on it, he gave a pretty accurate description of you as well."

"Perhaps the right question," Thomas Murray interjected, "is, 'did Steven say he enjoyed the meeting'?"

George chuckled knowingly: "Oh, yes, he said it was an experience he'll never forget! It was, after all, his first time 3;"

"What?" Now I was confused! "In all these years the poor – uh – kid never had sex?"

"That's right: and as far as I know, not with anyone his own – um – age, either. You see, due to his obvious arrested development, Steven has lived pretty much as a recluse. Your father's estate paid his bills, and he felt no one would ever take his claim to perpetual youth seriously. After your Dad died, I was the only living soul who knew his 'secret', and it was safe with me."

"But Father," Thomas chimed in, "don't you think the world should know about Fred's discovery? You've kept this to yourself all these years?"

"Thought long and hard about it, Son. But I wasn't privy to Higgins' notes – he never revealed to me exactly what he'd done. And, I have to admit, the uncertainty about whether the side effect was homosexuality or not helped me decide not to follow the matter up. Besides: how would the world get on if no one ever grew up? Steven is a boy: he is physically a boy. He's also mentally a boy!"

We all pondered these words silently for a time.

I broke the silence. "So, Steven is now, chronologically, 61 years old; physically he's 13, and presumably will remain so for, oh, maybe twenty years. His future is that many more years of living in the 'twilight zone', so to speak?"

"Can you suggest an alternative?" the old man asked. "Do you want to deal with this situation on a daily basis?"

"My son Stevie, an only child, is just a year older than Steven; physically they're on a par. I think they'd get along famously!"

"But your son will grow up, Ken! – Steven will not. What are the ramifications of this?" Thomas asked.

There was a long silence as we mulled over his question. The father finally broke into our trains of thought. "I have a theory: it's only – a theory 3;"

"From what I recall of my days in practice, I have the notion Steven's – ah – 'condition' – might change if he were not to remain isolated. In other words, if other aspects of his life were to become – ah – 'normal', he might resume a more-or-less conventional pattern. That's as far as his physical being is concerned: I doubt his homosexuality could be changed, though I could be wrong on all counts."

"You could very well be right, Dad!" Thomas exclaimed. If Steven's endocrine system could be stimulated, he might just grow up! I suppose there is a risk he might grow very fast, and age too rapidly, but after, what? 48 years of hormonal inactivity, I shouldn't think that would happen. It would be a continuation of Fred's experiment!"

"And, from what I can gather, uh, Higgins here can probably steer him and his son in the right direction!" the old man chortled, the gleam back in his eye.

My face flushed again. Fleeting visions of 'that boy' and my son danced in my head. "You make me sound like the original 'dirty old man'," I said, a trifle annoyed. After all, that was my first time with a boy, too!" I decided not to mention there'd been a second time, with Stevie.

"How might your wife figure into this?" Thomas asked. "I mean, does she even know about all this?"

"Oh, yes: we have no secrets. Hmmm, well, there may be one or two. But I think I can bring her around. She's often said she'd like another child, but there were complications with Stevie and she can't bear another 3;"

It was growing late. "Let's all think on this matter, and get together again tomorrow," the wise old doctor said. "A good night's sleep on something as momentous as this seems a good idea."

With agreement all around, we went our separate ways, with plans to meet again the next evening.


We met as before in his lounge; Dr. George poured us each a thimble of ruby port. I studied the fingers climbing the glass, formulating my thoughts. As the wine calmed me, I finally screwed up my courage and spoke.

"We sit here, discussing Steven's possible future, but we've not heard from Steven himself! Aside from my own admittedly selfish desire to – if nothing else – see him again, I'm inclined to think his desires might be worth considering, don't you?" I postulated.

"Absolutely correct!" old Murray said. "Knowing this would occur to you, probably sooner rather than later, I've taken the trouble to make an – ah – 'arrangement'."

"Which is 3;?" his son asked.

"Steven – in the flesh – is in my bedroom adjoining as we speak. And, I should add, is very anxious to be with us, instead of in there!"

My heart pounded in my chest. Steven – my brother – 'that boy' – here! I gulped the last of my port.

George Murray grasped a wooden cane propped against the wall, and tapped it vigorously on the floor three times. At this signal, the door opposite me opened slowly, and there stood my brother, dazzlingly beautiful, exactly as I remembered him from that day at the funeral. He wore the same dark suit; he moved dreamily across the room, smiling, and climbed into my lap. He looked up into my eyes, ignoring both of the others, and whispered, "Hello, brother Ken: I am very glad to meet you – again."

"Oh, Steven, at last I've found you!" My arms flew around him and I pulled him to my chest. He buried his splendid face in the front of my shirt, snuggled against me just as my own Stevie liked to do, and closed his eyes in contentment. If he had been a cat, he would have purred! Despite my tumbling emotions, I felt a heat in my loins where his lovely buns pressed against me. My heart pounded furiously. The doctors, I scarcely noticed, had disappeared into the kitchen.

I stroked Steven's wispy blond hair, the feel of it electrifying. I wanted to cry tears of joy, but for some reason I could not. This was a moment I had dreamt of many times, but now that it was a reality, I was overwhelmed.

After some time had passed, the doctors returned with re-fills of port. They sat unobtrusively, chatting quietly. Presently, I realized Steven was asleep in my lap. I took another sip of wine, then gently shook my sleeping brother. I had the fleeting thought that there is nothing more beautiful than a thirteen-year old boy rubbing sleep from his eyes. Tossing back his golden locks, he turned to address Doctor Murray. "Thanks, Doc," he said in a lilting boyish voice; "only you knew how much I wanted to see Ken again."

Again! Again!

"Steven, I have to know: did you really visit me in my hotel room after Mom's funeral?"

"Oh, yes! Silly of you to leave the door unlocked and then drop off to sleep. You could have been robbed, you know! It happens all the time!"

"Well, you did rob me, in a fashion: you stole my innocence."

"The pleasure was all mine!" Steven was laughing gaily, his voice like silver bells on a Christmas Tree.

"And now?"

"I want to be with you. I want a father! Oh, I know, you're really my brother, but, as things are, you can be the father I never had. And your Stevie can be my brother, too! I've never had any fun! It's time I had a family!"


Things were quickly settled. That very night found Steven and me back at my hotel. I had a roll-away bed sent up, but in truth I had no expectation of using it. Steven pranced around the room, bounced on the big bed, and behaved exactly as my Stevie did when he was excited. I drank in his boyish exuberance, reveled in his flawless beauty, and touched him as often as I could. His giggle was infectious, the dimples that formed when he smiled were endearing, and his joy, joyous! Here before me was a bit of my own flesh and blood, a bundle of enthusiasm, just beginning to break out of a 48-year shell of loneliness and despair. We played together for at least an hour, just getting to know a bit about each other. Every few minutes Steven would throw his arms around my legs, or grasp my hand and nuzzle it, or climb into my lap again and run his glabrous hands over my face as though he were blind. All the while, my hormones were racing, my manhood rose and fell time after time. I finally realized Steven was teasing me! Now and again his hand or leg would brush against me in a way clearly calculated to arouse, and it never failed to do so.

Around midnight he tripped me quite deliberately and I sprawled on the bed. He jumped upon me, playfully pinned my arms against the spread, and stared briefly into my eyes. Then, slowly and delicately, he brought his face down to mine and kissed me. His arms folded, mine, freed, flew around him, and I pulled him against me. Our bodies met fully, he ground his hips into my groin, and our tongues entwined.

Steven's long blond hair fell forward and splashed around me. His odor was intoxicating. We drew each other's tongues into our mouths in turns, sharing our saliva. His eighty pounds [36 kg] or so rested so lightly upon me I'd have scarcely noticed his presence but for the insistent motion of his hips. When at last we broke apart to catch our breath, he spread apart my coat, bunched my shirt up around my neck and buried his face in my chest, reveling in my blanket of fur. My hands found their way under his shirt, where I felt his silky skin, hot to the touch. My crotch was ablaze, my rigid cock mashed against my stomach by Steven's groin. Welling up somewhere in my gut was a long-pent load of seed 3;

"Oh, Ken," Steven whispered, "make love to me!"

With some effort, I rolled him to my side; my hands flew to his clothing and in a trice he lay naked. Boldly, he unzipped my pants and released my throbbing member: when he grasped it, electricity shot to my brain and I had to restrain him. I knelt between his legs, grasped his ankles, pulled his perfectly shaped hairless legs up over mine and massaged his lovely thighs. As my hands found his boyhood, he began to tremble. He stiffened as I placed one hand under his pink ball-sack, and when I bent over and plunged down on his erection, he began to shoot. He shook violently, thrusting up into my mouth, each lunge propelling a flood of youthful juice into my hungry throat. So exciting was this, that as he finished his ejaculation, my hand flew to my meat to aim my own release out over his gorgeous young body.

I collapsed upon his spent form, my shirt soaked up my effusion, and we kissed passionately yet again. We explored each other dozens of ways that night, showered together about four in the morning, and finally fell asleep, our bodies fully entwined.


"My God!, Ken," Shirley exclaimed. He is beautiful! I can't believe it 3;"

Steven flew across the airport lounge and leaped into my arms. "Dad, I can't believe how big that airplane is! It's huge! And flying way up in the air is such fun!"

"Glad you liked it, Son," I said, as I hugged him then put him back on his feet. "Now, it's time to meet your new family! Shirley, meet Steven. Steven, meet Shirley."

Steven appraised my wife for – oh – thirty seconds or so, then stood on his toes as she bent to kiss his cheek. Tears welled in Shirley's eyes: "Please, call me 'Mom', Steven."

"Sure, Mom!" Steven planted a wet kiss on my wife's cheek.

"And, Steven, meet Stevie" (I pulled Stevie from behind Shirley and thrust him forward): "Stevie, meet your new brother, Steven."

The boys eyed each other warily. This was the only moment I thought might be a bit sticky. After persuading Shirley we could afford another 'child', I had explained to Stevie as best I could our family was going to expand by one. There had been little time for him to get comfortable with the idea.

"Hi," Steven said. "Ya like to play Scrabble?"

"I think I'd like to if you'll teach me how," Steven said. "I've never played it 3;" he extended his hand.

Stevie shook Steven's hand. I knew what that felt like, and I saw Stevie's eyes light up; "All right, Man," he exclaimed: "I think I'm gonna like having you for a brother!" As we turned to head for baggage-claim, Stevie sang out, "Race ya!" and scampered off with Steven in hot pursuit. I heaved a big sigh of relief: it was going to work!


The boys are off at school now. Old Murray's theory seems to have been right: Steven is growing up. Only his prematurely grey hair suggests anything odd: 'it runs in the family' takes care of those who enquire.

As for sex, I know the boys sleep together, and Steven is popular with the other kids on the block. But Shirley and I have resumed our love-life. I fantasize about the boys occasionally, and maybe one day I'll look in on them when I know they're having fun 3;

The End