Mike SDor'rel's Experiment |
SummaryEver wonder if there are other inhibited planets beside Earth? Or who is the God or Gods, that created humans? Some speculate that humans were created 50 thousand years ago by a race that needed workers. What if that same super race (Elders) created beings similar to humans, only 50 thousand years before us and on the other side of our galaxy? A young scientist from the planet Ter’ran, sets to prove that Myth about Elders creating race on the distant planet Earth is truth and decides to investigate 3;
Publ. Oct 2016
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CharactersTer'rans: Dor'rel (17 [looks 13-14] yo), Nir'rdal (21 [looks 18yo), and Ar'rel (a young boy, looks 10yo)Humans: Mitch (adult), Shannon (12yo), his daughter; Colin (14yo), Kevin (10yo). Category & Story codesMan-Boy story/fantasytt Mt Ft gt – cons oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Mike S: Dor'rel's Experiment in the subject line. |
Chapter 1Dor'rel woke up during the middle part of Secondal Sun and looked out the window of the three hundred's floor communal he was sharing with his partner, Nir'rdal. Dor'rel hated living on the lower levels, but Nir'rdal had severe acrophobia and was mortified even going on visits to their friend Ur'rdel's communal which was located on one thousand fifties floor. As for Dor'rel, even when he used floater which allowed him to freely float some three thousand feet [1 km] above street level he felt claustrophobic inside this man made jungle. Dor'rel commended 'window out' and the window disappeared and got replaced by the wall. Dor'rel got back to the sleeping quarters and was about to set his sleeping mode to the start of the Primal Sun. Suddenly his glimpse fell on Nir'rdal's forms as he floated in deep sleep face down. His legs were slightly ajar and the ever so visible hole was very inviting and Dor'rel got hard in an instant. Although it's been just over a year since his first ejaculation, seventeen year old Dor'rel wanted finally take his partner. Nir'rdal was four years older than Dor'rel, but his facial features were like those of a fifteen year old Ter'ran boy. That's why he would always get upset whenever someone assumed Dor'rel was the older one. This being the reason, Dor'rel was afraid that Nir'rdal would say no. If that was the case, he would have to try to take his partner by force if that was ever possible. Once more looking on sleeping Nir'rdal's body, Dor'rel wanted to have him even more. He went to the sleeping confinement and said 'No Gravity', and then 'Awake' and entered inside. Being rudely awakened Nir'rdal panicked. "What's happening, what's going on?" Dor'rel floated towards his still groggy partner, kissed him deeply on the lips and said, "I need to take you, now!" Feeling no objection, Dor'rel drew his partner's body closer to his and whispered, "Like they say on Earth 'I'm gonna fuck you baby, hard!'" The last words he whispered in English. Hearing his young partner's remark, made Nir'rdal grimace. He was sick and tired of the kid's new obsession with this mythical planet. No one even knew for sure what life there was like anyway, but then he decided not to spoil the moment of ecstasy and replied with a smile, "It's about time you asked to take me. I thought you never would." Then he became serious and continued, "After pleasure time, we'll need to have a serious talk." Dor'rel didn't hear Nir'ral's last words as he plunged his hard and throbbing dick inside his partner's ass and started pummeling it. As soon as he was in, Nir'rdal started to moan, "Oh that feels good! Now baby push it in a bit further and find that spot. That's it! Keep on and I'll cum in no time 3;" A few minutes later Nir'rdal stiffened up and shut his orange stuff into the vacuum around them. Seeing his partner's cum floating around them, made Dor'rel grab some with his mouth and taste it. The sweet citrusy taste of Nir'rdal's cum and the fact that he was still inside of him, send Dor'rel to the next level and he exploded inside Nir'rdal with burst, after burst of his cum. After both of them calmed down, Nir'rdal switched 'No Gravity' off and the set down on the ground. He settled the young boy on his lap and drew him closer until their bodies met. They kissed again and Nir'rdal placed his hand on the younger boy's butt, holding him tight. Then he started, "Dor'rel, this is very serious matter! For the past month you've been raving about this distant planet called Earth, which is located some millions of light years away, on the other side of our galaxy. Today, you even started to talk in their language; I'm really worried about you." Dor'rel jumped off his partner's lap and in emotional disdain started to make wild gestures. Then he willed himself to calm down turned to Nir'rdal and spoke. "Nir'rdal I know you wish well, but how could you be so blind! Anthropology is my way of life! Studying the ways of beings from another planets; their rules, their hobbies, the way they conduct everyday life events, and on, and on 3; Ever since I remember myself, ever since I learned that Ter'ran is not the only inhabitant planet in the Universe 3;" Nir'rdal drew the younger teen towards himself, kissed him on the lips and then with fear of been interrupted he continued. "I understand, I understand that at seventeen you're not only the youngest scientist on Ter'ran, but one of the smartest individuals in the Galaxy. Yet why Earth? The locals did not even achieve the multi-dimensional travelling yet. Heck, most of them don't even believe that there is an intelligent life outside the Earth. Besides, the early reports from the scientists who did visit the Earth indicate that earthlings are extremely paranoid and hostile society." With that he placed the youngster back on his lap and as the boy spread his legs while trying to resist, Nir'rdal took advantage of that and started fondling his genitals. Getting frustrated with Nir'rdal's lack of understanding Dor'rel tried again to get up, but much larger young man held him easily in place.
"Let go of me and stop playing with my balls!" Dor'rel said with frustration. He was getting upset that his partner didn't see the significance of the Earth. Dor'rel wanted to get up, but Nir'rdal's strong hand kept him in place and that made him even angrier. "Come on let go of me and I really need to tell you something important about Earth." Dor'rel was now getting desperate and wanted to get away from Nir'rdal's grip. "Not until I'll love you first, my baby boy!" Nir'rdal lightly squeezed the young boy's body and kissed his still hairless cheek the he gently started to insert his middle finger inside Dor'rel's butt, trying to rub his prostate gland. Finally as he hit the spot, the boy's dick sprang to life making the teen moan. "Oh, what are you doing to me! Stop it!" Nir'rdal started to swirl his finger inside Dor'rel's ass while stroking his smooth dick. A few minutes later Dor'rel shut his eyes while leaning his head on Nir'rdal's shoulder, his dick started to pulse and he shot his semen all over his partner's legs. Nir'rdal scoped some of the cum from his leg and put it in his mouth. "Umf, you taste good, sweeter than ever," he commented about the boy's nectar. Then he grabbed him by his smooth legs, brought him up towards his chest and then slid him down, impaling on his hard cock. "Oh, Nir'rdal!" Dor'rel moaned and pressed his face against his older partner's. Nir'rdal started thrusting hard into the boy's butt. "Oh, oh, oh 3; I love you Nir'rdal!" Dor'rel moaned continually. Then Nir'rdal held the younger boy's body real tight, gasped and exploded into his insides. A few moments later while still holding the young boy in his arms, yet trying to be true to his words Nir'rdal asked, "Now I'm listening, so what's so important about Earth?" Dor'rel got excited instantly, "When you were mentioning facts from early reports, you forgot to mention that Earthlings are the closest species physiologically related to us. In fact our DNA is 99.8% compatible with theirs and I bet the other .2% difference is due to planetary ecology." This excitement left Dor'rel out of breath and made Nir'rdal interested in the subject. "So you're saying that Earthlings could be the third civilization created by the Elders? If this proves to be true, it could be a major discovery." Then his face became sullen, "Of course this information was provided by drones, the genetically engineered beings with no attached emotions. The completely verified findings can be made only by live Ter'rans and it is still very risky for humans to travel through the wormholes for such a long distances. Besides even if someone do gets there, Earthlings are a young race and can be very unpredictable. Then as a leading Anthropologist, I should lead expedition to the Earth!" Dor'rel said adamantly. "You're crazy little kid; no one will give you permission or resources to do that!" Nir'rdal said with perplexed look on his face. "Then using my own resources and connections, I'll get a ship and needed materials and instruments and go to Earth on my own!" the youngster said with rebellious look on his face. Nir'rdal was now getting angry. "Even though you're this smart-ass big time scientist, you're still punk-assed underage kid and without my permission you won't be able to get anything and that means you're staying put! Little shit! In fact, I'm gonna bend you over my knee and spank your ass until it's scarlet red and you'll be crying like a baby!" Hearing this Dor'rel came over and laid himself across Nir'rdal's lap and began. "You can spank me all you want, you can fuck me all you want. After I'm done crying I'll find the way to get all that I need for my trip to Earth, with or without your help or permission. Now you can beat me as much as you want and I'm not gonna hold my tears either." With that Dor'rel let his arms hang loose, shut his eyes and prepared himself to be spanked. Seeing his cute little partner lying helplessly on his lap, made Nir'rdal lose his anger and a wave of compassion came over him. He halfheartedly slapped his butt then picked him up by his armpits, held him up in the air and after kissing the boy's lips asked, "Tell me what you need for the trip?" Dor'rel's reaction to the question was priceless which proves that sometimes even the smartest kids in Galaxy can have meltdowns. As Nir'rdal let down Dor'rel, the boy with confused look on his face asked. "You mean, you're willing to help me find a ship for my trip to the Earth and you not gonna spank me?" After Nir'rdal answered no both times, a flood of tears came down Dor'rel's eyes, leaving Nir'rdal completely stunned. He met Dor'rel as a six-year-old little tyke and never ever in eleven years he saw him cry so hard. The young man drew the boy closer to give him a hug and then something utterly unexplainable happened. Dor'rel's bladder let go and he sprayed everything and everyone with his bitter-sweet smelling, purplish-yellowish urine. By the time he finally stopped, both of them and the entire sleeping quarters were totally soaked. Nir'rdal picked up the now totally hysterical boy and took him to the washing section. There he placed still unresponsive Dor'rel into compartment and ordered ten minute cold water wash down. After ten minutes of squealing and pleading, door opened and Dor'rel ran out shivering but not crying. When both of them went again for complete wash, Nir'rdal asked Dor'rel what just happened the teen looked at him with a blank stare and replied, "Shit happened!" The older guy smirked in response and answered, "Not so sure about shit, but there was plenty of piss to pass around!" With that both of them had a good laugh and Dor'rel gave long and hard hug to his partner and said. "I love you Nir'rdal!" *** After breakfast, both guys went to their respective workplaces. Dor'rel's opinion was needed on whether intelligent species found in the system some thousand light years away required special consideration by Ter'rans, or sending drones would be sufficient enough to gather their cultural information. Nir'rdal and his partner at work were struggling to find solution to stabilize the engine they've been working on. Then in a matter of fact he asked the guy that his young partner and he are interested in obtaining multi-dimensional traveler capable to handle large distances. "Again your little twerp looking for stuff to get your cute ass into? I'll see what I can find for you." As he slaps Nir'rdal, he licks his lips. "Mm, such a nice butt. I bet your little boy-toy doesn't even know how to use his pecker properly. Yet he's smart, famous and very influential." Dor'rel on his end talked with a few of the lower level scientists, who pilot their own ships while on expeditions. He was asking how hard is to pilot the ship manually and in general how hard is to get a dissent multi-dimensional ship for self recreational purposes. One scientist seemed to be genuinely helpful and even offered to help finding a ship capable for outer-galactic travelling. When Dor'rel told him that he and his partner might take him on his word, the guy still agreed, but was not as eager. Dor'rel just smiled then to himself. "I bet he just wanted to get me laid." Upon returning home, Dor'rel wanted to share his experience with that older expedition guy, but after hearing Nir'rdal's story that old Yor'rav tried to get into Nir'rdal's pants he decided to proceed another way. Dor'rel briefly described his encounter with old scientist and concluded. "I guess when you're young and cute everyone wants to get into your pants." He came over to still smarting Nir'rdal and guided him to sit on his lap. After squeezing and smacking the older boy's love seat he stated. "From now on all non-work related extracurricular activities we'll perform together to avoid unwanted sexual advances and even forced sex." Then he looked at Nir'rdal who still looked kind of upset and whispered into his ear. "I wanna have you, again!" Nir'rdal nodded in agreement and before he could even react Dor'rel undid his jumpsuit removed it and tossed together with Nir'rdal's into the cloth bin. Dor'rel locked up his hands together with Nir'rdal's and started molesting his mouth with his tongue. Going further down, Dor'rel's mouth and tongue went through his lover's chin and neck, before settling on his chest. Looking for something to devour, Dor'rel's teeth attacked the poor boys' nipples leaving him begging for mercy. After brief satisfaction, Dor'rel's bloodhound tongue found its next victim, Nir'rdal's belly button. Together with its partners, the teeth they attacked and ravaged the belly button, leaving Nir'rdal howling like a werewolf. Finally tongue and teeth found the crown prince of the kingdom Nir'rdal, the cock, together with his two little brothers, the balls and demanded, "Surrender your sweet nectar, or face the consequences!" "Never!" the cock replied. "Never!" squeaked the bouncing balls. Then the mouth attacked, it went up and down, up and down, stroking and pounding its helpless victim. In between the mouth's attacks, the teeth started terrorizing the balls, trying to separate each from its brothers. Soon Nir'rdal's cock couldn't contain the relentless attacks by Dor'rel's mouth and exploded filling the mouth with coveted orange nectar. Feeling satisfied Dor'rel's mouth declared. "Now we gonna send our crown prince, The Cock to ravage your little sister, princess Ass-hole! Hahaha!" "Nooooo!" screamed Nir'rdal's devastated Cock and Balls and went down. For the complete domination of Kingdom Nir'rdal, Dor'rel's cock ordered hands to turn Nir'rdal's body sunny side up and after that was achieved, to spread the legs apart. Now it was prince cock's turn to conquer the princess Hole and make her his property. With one thrust, the prince went inside her and then started pummeling and ravaging her. After a while prince Cock felt princess Hole to be ready and filled her with his sweet nectar. Finally both Dor'rel and Nir'rdal kissed and became merry forever after! "That was lovely and much too needed love affair," Dor'rel said, hugging his partner one more time. "Now let's get down to business. I want to get us two ships; I'll be travelling in one while the other one will be for emergency. If I'll run into some kind of emergency, you'll be able to swoop in and bail me out. Also we'll need two emergency multi-dimensional beacons, two communication devices and a few universal translators and just in case a cloaking device. The rest of the stuff I'll pick up as it deemed necessary." Chapter 2The acquisitions went very well, with Dor'rel's status plus Nir'rdal's legal age, both of them were able to pick up the best available merchandise. Both of them took a few test flights using both ships where they pulled out from the worm hole just before ground, to avoid any detection. They even picked the spot where Dor'rel will land his ship. It was in Mid-eastern part of what they called North America. He would land in a sparsely populated area not far from one of the most populous cities on Earth, they call New York City. Physiologically, both Ter'rans and Earthlings are virtually identical with a slight difference in the coloration of the skin, but with so much ethnical and racial mixes in the area, no one will bother looking at him, just another weird looking teen. The launch and the trip went as planned; they were in constant communication as the ship went through the hole. With a few hundred feet to the Earth, Dor'rel shut the engines down and let the ship to glide to the ground below him. Suddenly a strong gust of the wind knocked the light ship off its course and it got stuck in the trees. Dor'rel tried to use steering device to get it loose, it didn't work. "Nir'rdal, the ship is stuck in the trees and I can't get it loose!" Dor'rel yelled into the transmitter with anger. "Okay, transport yourself to the ground and stay away from the ship as far as you can." Nir'rdal told him, trying to maintain calm voice. About two minutes later Dor'rel was back, "I'm on the ground about two hundred yards away from the ship." Looking through the screen readouts Nir'rdal realized that Dor'rel didn't provide him with his location on the Earth. "Dor'rel you twerp, you forgot to give me directions to the Earth, but that's okay I'll get then from beacon readings and 3;" At that moment there was another gust of wind which got the small ship loose and it came down crushing to the ground. After that it stopped working and all communications went dead. Nir'rdal was trying to save the readings of the beacon, when he heard the crush and then everything went dead. He tried in vain to reach Dor'rel, but the transmitter was dead. "Poor little kid, stuck thousands of light years away, somewhere on Earth. Well he is a smart kid, he'll find a way to reach me even from there. I'll give him two weeks then I'll contact the authorities." On the other end of the Galaxy, on planet Earth, young Dor'rel stood and watched in disbelieve as his ship came crushing down to Earth. When all communications with Nir'rdal went dead, Dor'rel realized that something happened with the beacon and rushed to the ship. When he was half way to his now smoking ship, Dor'rel saw with a corner of his eye an Earth vehicle travelling towards him with what seemed like great speed. Dor'rel was aware that running away was no option so he just stood still and raised his hands. *** Mitch Sawyer was coming home from a meeting with a client and he was in a very good mood. He just finished a huge job for his client's company, a project that made them a great deal of money and to show their appreciation and recognition, they gave him a quarter of a million dollars as well. As he was going home Mitch was thinking that now he'll be able to take his wife and daughter to that elusive Hawaiian vacation, he's been dreaming for years. Suddenly he heard a loud crushing noise coming from his right and what he saw looked like a small space ship just crushed to Earth. Then he saw a small figure running towards the ship. Without thinking twice Mitch turned his SUV and raced towards the crush. When he got closer he realized that the figure looked like a boy of about thirteen or fourteen with a very beautiful face, the one that you just want to take in your hands and kiss. The boy had shoulder length orange-red hair and a bronze colored face, certainly not from this Earth. His facial features were like those of angels from classical painters like da Vinci or Michelangelo. A few seconds later, the boy looked at Mitch's car, stopped running and raised his hands, like he was giving up. Mitch got out from his car and started walking towards the boy, who started talking in some language unknown to Mitch. Then the boy repeated in English, "Mister, please don't hurt me, okay?" Still continuing walking until he reached the boy, Mitch put his hands on the boy's shoulders and lowered his arms then he said, "Why would I hurt such a beautiful young boy." Then he looked towards wreckage and said, "Come on kid, let's take a look at your ship." As they opened the hatch, it was too dark to see inside so the man turned to the boy and said, "Stay here, let me get us some light." He brought his car to the ship and with front lights, illuminated the inside of the ship. It looked totally dark and dead. Suddenly the boy ran inside the ship and started pressing some control buttons, but nothing got lit. The boy's eyes got welled with tears and he said, "It's dead! Now I'm stuck here on Earth and will never be able to go back to Ter'ran!" Tears overwhelmed him and he started to cry. Mitch came over to the boy, gave him a hug, kissed his cheek and as the boy raised his head, again on the lips. Sweet smell of oranges hit him in the face overwhelming his senses. Mitch started kissing all over the boy's face then dried his eyes with the thumbs and said, "Never give up, never surrender! We will strip this ship and then blow it up. It must never fall in the hands of authorities!" That's when Dor'rel remembered the reports from the drones, about Earthlings doing experiments with captured aliens. He took Mitch's hand and said, "Come on let's go and strip this ship!" As they took from the ship whatever they could, Dor'rel found self destroy button and set it to ten minutes. "We better hurry up and leave before this thing blows!" Mitch said as both of them ran to the car and left. *** As they drove off, Mitch looked to the cute young boy next to him and asked, "By the way, I still don't even know your name, I'm Mitchell but you can call me Mitch." Mitch offered to the boy his hand and as Dor'rel shook it started blushing, "I'm Dor'rel, nice to meet you Mitch!" Mitch was quiet for a minute then went on, "Dor'rel, a cute name for a cute kid. Anyway, what made a little kid like you go to another planet?" Dor'rel thought it over and went on, "In my case it was work related curiosity. I should have listened to Nir'rdal and nothing would have happened," Dor'rel said and sighed. Mitch looked on Dor'rel now seriously, "You got me confused there, young man. What do you mean work related and who's Nir'rdal?" At that point there was a huge explosion behind them. Mitch looked in the back window. "Your ship just exploded, now watch what's gonna happen next," he continued with a sly smile. Two minutes later four police cruisers and a few big black SUVs rushed up in the direction of the explosion and then two military helicopters followed them. Mitch shook his head, "See that, and don't even wanna know what would have happened if you were back there." Then as two more cruisers went the other way, Mitch opened the glove compartment and told Dor'rel, "Dor'rel can you take that cap out and put it on." As Dor'rel put the cap on, he smiled to Mitch, "I know my orange hair." Mitch nodded, "You are smart kid!" A few minutes later Dor'rel looked on Mitch and went on. "Mitch, you were asking me about my work and who is Nir'rdal. Well let me start with my age, I'm seventeen and according to my partner, Nir'rdal, I'm one of the smartest people in the Galaxy although I think I'm pretty ordinary." Then Dor'rel proceeded to tell Mitch everything about his life. For a few minutes they were quiet then Mitch looked to Dor'rel and replied, "Well my boy even though you're seventeen and top scientist, to me you're still a cute little kid." With that he grabbed at the cap and pulled it down on Dor'rel's nose. After they pulled inside the garage of the Sawyer residence and unloaded all the salvaged equipment into the basement, Dor'rel with big curiosity looked over the house. "Interesting, on our planet we like to live in these ten thousand feet [3,000 m] tall buildings and you live in a tiny two-storey house and yet you have much more space than we do," Dor'rel said and suddenly became sullen. "I wonder how's Nir'rdal out there, all by himself. Poor baby, probably all lonely," Dor'rel said as tears started rolling down his cheeks. Seeing this gorgeous looking young boy in the state of despair, broke Mitch's heart. "Tell you what, tonight we'll put together all this equipment and try to contact your Nir'rdal again, alright?" A thin but hopeful smile appeared on the boy's face and as Mitch spread his arms in anticipation of a hug, the boy leapt at him and as Mitch caught Dor'rel both of them fell on the couch. As they fell Dor'rel landed on top of Mitch's belly and instinctively Mitch grabbed him by his ass. "Oh wow, you have such a soft butt!" Mitch said squeezing him. The feeling of being touched by another man and the fact that he was lying on top of him gave Dor'rel an instant huge boner. To make matters even worse, the boner was sticking right into Mitch's belly. Feeling the boy's excitement and embarrassment, Mitch decided to defuse the situation. "Whops, I think both of us just went out of bounds!" He said with a laugh, but Dor'rel felt embarrassed and tried to get out from older guy's embrace. "I'm so sorry I didn't want it to happen this way." Yet tight embrace kept him at bay and Dor'rel got even more excited and now was on the verge of cumming. He desperately looked on Mitch, "You really have to let go of me or 3;" 3;and he couldn't hold on and soiled his briefs and jumpsuit. The sweet smell of the boy's manhood spread all over the room. Still out of breath, Dor'rel looked down on Mitch and said, "I think I just soiled myself and I'm feeling real sticky. Can you help me out of my jumpsuit?" Mitch tried to figure out how to take off the suit, but it had no zippers, buttons or any other openings. Seeing confusion on Mitch's face Dor'rel just said, "You see the arrow pointing down, press on it and slide it." Mitch did as he was told and suit disappeared and then was on the floor next to Dor'rel's feet. Mitch picked it up saying, "Neat trick, they don't make stuff like this here on Earth." Then he noticed that suit looked freshly cleaned and nicely smelling. To that Dor'rel just replied, "It's self cleaning." Mitch just shook his head as he placed it on a couch. "I think I could use a few like this, especially for Shannon!" Then Mitch turned back to Dor'rel and started to peel off his soiled underwear, at least these looked like human. "I usually don't wear these, but since I was going to Earth, I decided to wear a pair." As he was pulling down Dor'rel's undies, Mitch couldn't help but to kiss the boy's ass, making him giggle. "That tickled!" Dor'rel said laughing. The man picked up soiled underwear and threw them into waste bucket. He said that he'll get a few new pairs and then checked out the boy's nude body. Here on Earth he's definitely no older than fourteen. Mitch thought of the boy's age. He was on a smaller side about five foot three [1.60 m], even for his Earth age, but he had perfect body. He was lean and well built, no fat and no extra muscles. The body was well proportioned with no blemishes what so ever. He had a small, about three and half inches [9 cm] flaccid penis and well rounded soft butt. Mitch came over to Dor'rel and said, "Come on little one, let's give you a bathe." As he picked the boy up, he estimated his weight to be no more than one hundred twenty pounds [55 kg] . Mitch made Dor'rel wait until tub got filled with hot water and as the boy was climbing into bathtub, he smacked his bare bottom. Then he received double dosage of complains about hard smack on the butt and about hot water. "Soak up a bit while I finish up some chores around house," Mitch told Dor'rel and left. First Mitch hid away his big check and then he changed into everyday clothes. Then he went to clean the mess Dor'rel and he left after unpacking what was left from Dor'rel's space ship. Finally when he came up upstairs he found the kid half asleep in a hot water. He didn't resist nor complained about a few ass smacks and hard scrubbing Mitch administrated to his body. Finally Mitch took him out from the tub, dried up his body and dressed him in one of his t-shirts. Afterwards he placed Dor'rel under the covers inside his bed and said, "I'm going to pick up Shannon from camp now. I want you to get some rest and I'll see you later." Dor'rel just nodded in reply. When Mitch came into the bedroom a few minutes later, the boy was sound asleep. *** Mitch was at a campsite with some time to spare. He even had time to relax in the air conditioned car until the bus arrived fifteen minutes later. As Mitchell greeted his daughter, Shannon gave him a hug and a kiss and informed him that she had a big lunch and was not hungry. "You need to go to the bathroom?" he asked her a standard question. Shannon shook her head and then her father said, "I have two very big surprises for you and mom, which mom does not know about. First, I got the big check I was talking about. Now four of us, can have a trip to Hawaii!" "Yay, awesome!" Shannon clapped her hands, but then asked, "Why four?" "Now that is another big surprise!" Mitch said with a sly smile. Then he told her how on his way home he met Dor'rel and why he took the boy home. "So now he's sleeping in our house back home." He finished his story and was now looking on his daughter who looked totally stunned by her father's story. A few minutes later she said, "And I thought that I had a busy day." 3; And then, "I guess telling my friends that I have a new ET brother is out of question?" Mitch just gave her a look and said nothing. In Walmart they didn't spend that much time, just some clothes for Dor'rel and a few small extras. When they arrived to the house it looked as peaceful as ever only a faint smell of orange flavor was still in the air. Mitch opened the door to the master bedroom, Dor'rel looked to be still asleep and Mitch shut the door as quietly as possible. "He still sleeping, let's go back to the living room," Mitch whispered to Shannon and both of them left. Mitch started to read Sport's section of Star Ledger, the local New Jersey newspaper while Shannon got her IPad and started playing games. Half an hour or later, Dor'rel came out from bedroom wearing Mitch's t-shirt. "Hi Mitch didn't know you were back, I guess I fell asleep". Then he noticed Shannon who was watching him from behind her IPad. "Hi Shannon, I guess you've heard about me I'm Dor'rel. Your dad told me so much about you." Dor'rel was about to sit next to Shannon when Mitch interfered. "Dor'rel, my boy how about we first go and get you dressed." As her father led the boy away, Shannon took a good look of his back side. Like any twelve year old girl, she started to notice cute boys and this one was gorgeous. He had a flame orange shoulder length hair, kind of beige or bronze looking skin and what she could tell from under her dad's t-shirt tight little ass. The best feature of him though was his face. He had the face of an angel and OMG he was about to sit next to her! Then her dad had to pry him away to get dressed, damn it! She needed to see more so she went to the bathroom to look in the small hole that she made to spy on her parents back a few years ago. In the mean time Mitch took Dor'rel to his room to show all the clothes he'd bought. As he started to unwrap all the clothing Dor'rel choked up. "Why are you going all this for me? You've just met me a few hours ago and yet you've done to me then I could have hoped for. Thanks so much!" With that he came over and hugged the older man. Mitch was a bit stunned by the display of emotions from the young man in front him, but he played it down, "I just did what anyone would have done in my place. I saw a young boy who needed help and that's what I did." Mitch spread all the clothes that he wanted Dor'rel to wear now on the bed and said, "Give me back that old t-shirt and let's get everything else on." As Dor'rel took off Mitch's old t-shirt, he got his new underwear he said, "A little bit tight, but other than that, its fine." "Let me see?" Mitch asked and squeezed the boy's ass then he put his hand inside underwear and spread his fingers apart then he repeat this procedure in front and at the end smacked Dor'rel's butt. This procedure with the underwear gave Dor'rel a big boner and he started to giggle after being smacked. Mitch noticed the kid's boner and said, "Make sure this thing's down, after you leave this room." Dor'rel giggled again and Mitch just shook his head. After they put the rest of the clothes on, Mitch showed him the mirror, "How do you like it?" "It's perfect!" the boy yelled out, then leapt in the man's arms and kissed him on the lips. At this moment Shannon who was hiding in the bathroom couldn't control her excitement and accidently pressed on the lock and revealed herself. Mitch gave his daughter a death-ray stare and asked, "How much did you see?" To that question Shannon blushed scarlet yet answered, "Everything!" Mitch looked on his twelve year old daughter and asked her again, "And what do you have to say for yourself?" Shannon looked to a cute boy in front of her and said, "He is gorgeous!" That remark made her father laughing and Dor'rel with a cute smile on his face came over and kissed her on the cheek. For a second shocked Shannon stood still then she squealed and hugged the boy as tight as she could. Highly amused Dor'rel told he, "You can let go of me now." As Shannon let go of the boy, Dor'rel brushed off her hair and kissed her forehead and cheek again. Suddenly the girl made fists, started shaking and then burst in tears. Dor'rel looked on Mitch for some kind of explanation, but the guy just spread his arms and shrugged his shoulders. Then he got up and told, "I'll leave you two alone." As he left, Dor'rel took the girl by the hand, lead her to the bed and as he set, he let her sit on his lap. Still mesmerized, Shannon put her head on the boy's shoulder and took a lock of his hair and felt it with her fingers. Then she touched his cheek and as she did, Dor'rel took and kissed her hand. She touched Dor'rel's lips again and with a smile said, "You are the cutest boy I've ever seen." Dor'rel touched her nose and as he dragged his finger down, she grabbed it and kissed. Suddenly Dor'rel leaned forward and kissed Shannon's lips and she kissed him back. As she did the boy whispered into her ear, "You know something, you are the first girl I've ever seen and touched. In fact, you are the only female I've ever seen!" Shannon looked in amazement on the teen and asked, "You mean there are no women on your world, what happened to them?" Dor'rel told her the story of their two worlds and how all males live on Ter'ran and females on Ter'rana. Being a typical female, Shannon started comparison act, "Now that you know me, whom do you like better, boys or girls?" Dor'rel smiled at her and answered, "Shannon, you're the only girl I've met and to me you're like a little sister, so I cannot answer that question." The young girl at first pouted her lips, but then cuddled against the older boy and replied, "I've never had a big brother and now all my friends will be so envious of you!" They stared taking about different things, mainly what it's like to live on each world, Shannon got excited to learn that Ter'ran had two Suns. As they started talking about personal lives, Shannon strokes Dor'rel's body with her finger and said, "You know I've seen you naked and you have such a HOT body I wished that I can be your girl, but at least being your sister I can do this 3;" And with that she started biting Dor'rel on a stomach. The teen screamed and pushed the girl off him down to the bed. Then he playfully started spanking her ass, making her squeal. Hearing commotion and screams coming from the bedroom, Mitch decided to go in and check what's going on. What he found was both kids on the bed laughing; with Dor'rel lying down and covering while Shannon on top, hitting him with a pillow. Mitch smiled and thought to himself, I think I gonna like this kid. Then he quietly left. About fifteen minutes later both of them came into the living room, still laughing. As usual Shannon started first, "Dad, Dor'rel was spanking me!" "That's because you were biting me!" the boy fired back. Then all three of them shared a good laugh. Chapter 3Linda Sawyer, the boss lady of the Sawyer clan came home around six thirty. From her phone conversations with Mitch, she already knew much about Dor'rel. Now it was time to meet the boy personally. After talking to him for about fifteen minutes, she found him to be irresistibly cute, polite, very smart and just plain adorable. She also liked the way Shannon hanged around Dor'rel and nodded at every word the boy said. Maybe he will set little missy straight and to be more respectable of her mother, she thought with a smile. Also Linda noted the way Mitchell laughed every time the boy said something funny. I think this boy will be a good addition to this family, especially if I can set him my way. Linda thought and nodded. As she looked over the boy's appearance, she noted that although his orange hair was the best part of his body, they definitely had to go. "Are you gonna shave my head?" Dor'rel asked Linda. "No silly, of cause not!" Linda said and kissed the boy's cheek, "I will dye them blonde, like my or Shannon's." Dor'rel agreed without second word, but then Shannon came running, "But mom, orange color is the best and the most exotic part of Dor'rel. You can't dye them!" she stared protesting. "Shannon darling your mom is right, I can't go out with orange hair. Besides I have some in here 3;" He raised his arms showing a little bit of orange inside his armpits. "What about there?" Shannon asked with a sly smile looking on the boy's crotch. "Those are private," the teen replied blushing. As she started laughing he began tickling at her sides. I think she's adorable, too bad we have no girls on Terran, Dor'rel thought to himself and blushed. Meanwhile, Linda found a bottle of blonde dye and nodded to Dor'rel, "Come honey, let's get you ready before we go out." When they came into bathroom Linda said, "Let's take off your clothes so that they won't get any dye on them." Linda undressed the boy, leaving him just in his underwear. A few seconds later she removed them as well and turned the boy around. Looking on a gorgeous boy in front of her, she thought, No wonder Mitch so in love with him. Linda put her hands on the teen's shoulders and slowly went down. When Dor'rel saw the look on Linda's face, he knew that sex play will follow. He figured that somehow his body had this effect on humans that gave them sexual arousal. First it was Mitch who was all over him, in fact Dor'rel thought (and hoped) that he would fuck him. Even a little Shannon almost had her first orgasm when Dor'rel touched her hair. Now it was Linda who was all over him as well. As she squeezed the teen's nipples and forcibly stuck her tongue inside the boy's mouth, he became hard as a rock. Now he felt it was his turn to act. Dor'rel grabbed Linda's pants and pushed them down together with panties. Then for the first time in his life he pressed his finger on her pussy lips. "Oh God what you're doing to me boy?" she asked while completely losing control. Then he helped her to sit on the sink and as she opened her legs, he plunged his rock hard dick inside of her. "Oh boy, if I'm to become your mother, what we're doing is called incest," she pleaded, but he was beyond listening to her. Dor'rel started pummeling her pussy and Linda had to bite her lip to stifle the cry. For the next ten minutes non-stop Dor'rel proceeded to ravage, thrust and pummel her cunt and finally when he came inside her, the whole room started smelling like oranges. As they washed and just before Linda started to dye Dor'rel's hair she asked, "You've never been with a woman before yet you were amazing, like a real pro, honey!" Linda said kissing the boy. "I never said that I wasn't experienced, I just said that I haven't been with a woman before. In fact I've been with my partner Nir'rdal this morning." Suddenly Dor'rel stopped and tears swelled up on his eyes. The teen had to bite hard on his lip to prevent himself from crying. "Oh honey, I'm so sorry!" Linda who was now dressed, started kissing the boy to make him calm down. Finally after his hair was done Linda looked on the boy and hugged him. "Baby, you look like a Rock Star!" She span Dor'rel to face the mirror and as he did, he barely recognized himself. In fact he had to touch his face to prove it was real. "Wow Nir'rdal would never recognize me now!" He exclaimed in excitement and then after he did realized what he just said his tears started to flow down. As he started to sob, Linda again started to kiss his face, eyes and nose. Then she started slurping on his tears and even his snot. He stopped crying and looked at her with surprise, "What are you doing?" She kissed his nose one more time and asked, "Unbelievable, everything in your body tastes like oranges, does your farts smell like oranges too?" Then she pinched his bare ass, making him laugh and nodd, yes. After they finally made it out, after uhs and ahs, Dor'rel and Shannon went to the backyard to play. Mitch asked his wife, "What happened, what took you so long and why was the boy crying." Linda told him that after he looked on his newly blonde hair, he remembered his partner and started crying. It took her a while to finally calm him down. Mitch looked at the kids running around, playing tag and then asked his wife," Let's go to the basement and try to figure out what to do with the stuff I got from the boy's space ship." Then while the kids were playing outside, Mitch and Linda were reconnecting all the communication components of the ship. After they were able to connect the beacon to the communicator, Mitch decided to send a test message to Nir'rdal on Ter'ran. "I'm calling on behalf of Dor'rel to Nir'rdal, please respond." Mitch was able to repeat the message a few times and then the beacon went dead. About fifteen minutes later the kids returned to the basement and Mitch showed Dor'rel what they did and that they were able to sent a few messages to the other side. "What color was the beacon after message went through?" Dor'rel asked Mitch stressing the importance of the color. "It certainly was not red," Mitch replied. That made Dor'rel very happy, "Excellent that means that message went through and Nir'rdal is aware that I'm alright." Mitch asked how Dor'rel knows for sure that message went to Nir'rdal and not to someone else. Dor'rel explained that when two beacons set up, they're calibrated to the precise frequency. That means that there won't be another frequency anywhere in the Universe with that particular DNA. Then Dor'rel wanted to find out why the beacon does not work. Soon enough he found that all components were operational except for one magnet which probably got lost when the ship crushed to Earth. Dor'rel said that he won't have any problem finding the needed size and Mitch informed that he will order it online. Dor'rel also informed that if anything inside the house is needed to be done, he'll gladly fix, modify or make one for them. Also from now on he considers the Sawyers to be his new family and he is sure Nir'rdal will as well. Upon returning back to Ter'ran he will get two trans-dimensional portals and install one in each household. That way all five of them at any given moment can transform themselves from one place to the other within seconds. Hearing all this information gave Mitch one major headache, he put his hand on the boy's shoulder and said, "Slow down there son, now I know for sure that you are the alien because even though you were talking in English, I didn't understand a single word you said." That statement, made all of them laugh. Linda made reservations to a fine Italian restaurant and was complaining that Mitch didn't buy for Dor'rel anything normal to wear. Trying to make the boy look more presentable, Linda unzipped his shorts and neatly tucked in his polo shirt inside them. Mitch who was standing there together with Shannon got annoyed and said, "Maybe you should pull down his underwear as well?" That remark got lots of giggles from Shannon and made Dor'rel turn from bronze scarlet red. Linda gave her husband a death stare and said, "Stop embarrassing the boy, you big moron!" That made Shannon laugh even harder and Linda ordered both Shannon and Mitch to leave. As they were leaving Shannon looked up at her father and said, "Now she'll definitely pull down his underwear." And as both of them started laughing, Linda just waved her hand, "Don't pay attention to them." While fixing his shirt Linda accidentally touched Dor'rel's member and it immediately came to life and right in her face. As she was getting up Linda said to the teen, "That was a very bad timing on your side, boy!" So as they were leaving the garage, she smacked Dor'rel's ass with all her might. Even though he didn't respond in any way at the time, as soon as they got into the car, Dor'rel desperately started to rub off sting out of his butt. Looking into the rear view mirror, Linda watched the boy dance and gave him an evil smile. A few minutes later after Dor'rel stopped 'dancing' and settled down Linda went on, "Dor'rel honey, using your name in public could be a little eccentric and even dangerous, how about we give you an alias?" Dor'rel shrug his shoulders and nodded in agreement and after a few minutes Shannon came up with one. "How about Daren, it sounds like Dor'rel and it's a cute one." Then she added in admiring tone, "Just like Dor'rel!" and sighed. To that she got immediate "Knock it off!" from both Mitch and Linda and giggles from Dor'rel. So it was official, from now on in public, Dor'rel will be known as Daren Sawyer, Mitch's nephew. As they arrived to the restaurant, they met their friends Paul and Michelle Paudwelly and their children Colin and Ava. As they said their hellos, Michelle looked at Dor'rel and said, "And who is this good looking young fellow?" "This is my nephew Daren, he's gonna be staying with us for a while." Michelle, just like most of the people so far, was totally smitten by Dor'rel. "Such a gorgeous looking young boy!" Paul, true to his Italian heritage wanted to check out new kid and squeezed his hand while shaking it, but Dor'rel recognized his traits and after withstanding initial squeeze, squeezed back and got approving look from the guy. "Not bad, handsome and strong as well, working out a lot?" Dor'rel who by now established Wi-Fi connection with Sawyer's computer, found the best answer. "Sort of, In Venice Beach we do a lot of surfing and swimming, plus some pushups and sit ups as well." Paul gave another set of approving nods, "Oh, so you're South California guy. No wander for your tan and physique." Then Paul looked around, put his hand on Dor'rel's shoulder and said, "Walk with me." As they went a few steps to the side Paul turned Dor'rel to face him and asked, "Daren, how old are you?" "Fourteen, sir," Dor'rel was now getting into his role. "The same age as my Colin," Paul said and Dor'rel looked on the cute skinny boy standing next to his mother. "I want you to kind of befriend him, bring him out of his shell, if you know what I mean. You have a charm about you, my boy." "I'll see what I can do sir, but one thing I'm certain we'll become friends real fast." Paul nodded and shook Dor'rel's hand one more time. "Hi Colin, I'm Daren, how you doing tonight?" Dor'rel came over to kid and offered him his hand. Another jock dad sent to please me, Colin thought looking to Dor'rel. Although this one is a real cute one. Let's see what 's he gonna do when I squeeze him. Colin squeezed Dor'rel's hand, but instead of making big deal, this kid squeezed him back and hard and suddenly pain shut up from Colin's arm. The boy bit his lip to prevent scream, but his eyes never the less got filled with tears and one of them actually made it down his cheek. After squeezing the boy's hand, Dor'rel noticed that the boy's eyes got filled with tears and when one of them dripped down his cheek, Dor'rel instinctively swiped it and licked it up. "Do you always lick other kid's tears, after you hurt them?" Colin asked Dor'rel with a smirk. "No, just from those whom I like." Dor'rel looked on the cute boy in from of him and suddenly wanted to kiss him. "You wanna go outside for a while?" he asked Colin and as the boy nodded he went to Mitch and told him that they'll go out for some fresh air. "Go, we'll call you when the table is ready," Paul answered and waved them off. When they went outside it was getting dark, yet passing cars and restaurant patrons kept the boys on the edge. "Let's go to the back, its more quiet there, I gonna ask dad to give me a call when the table's ready." Dor'rel didn't quite understood what he meant, but nodded anyway. As they got to the back, Colin looked around to check for the privacy. Then he grabbed Dor'rel's arm and asked, "When you told that you like me, did you mean it?" As Dor'rel nodded, Colin kissed him on the mouth. Their tongues met and started to caress each other inside Dor'rel's mouth. Finally as they broke off Colin was all flushed and breathing very heavy. "Oh Jesus, Daren I need to cum, can you help me?" Dor'rel unzipped the boy's fly, took out his raging cock and started stroking it. First gently, then increasing speed with every passing second. It took Colin less than a minute to reach culminating point and as he did, Dor'rel squeezed out every little drop with his fingers and then licked them clean. "Mm that was delicious, salty, gooey and delicious!" Then he kissed Colin both on the check and on the mouth, letting the boy taste his own cum. Afterwards, he put away now soft manhood where it belongs and zipped Colin's pats up. Colin looked on Dor'rel with admiration and amazement. "I think I'm in love!" he said, looking into the bigger boy's hazel eyes. Dor'rel laughed at it and then said, "Get into the back of the line. Ever since I came to the New Jersey, everyone proclaim their love for me. First it was Mitchell, then little Shannon, then Linda; with her it went even further, I've got to fuck her in a bathroom this evening 3;" "You've fucked Linda?!" Colin asked with wide eyes and opened mouth. "Does Mitch know about it?" Colin continued. "I don't know, but I think he suspects it," Dor'rel answered. "Anyway, I don't think he would mind as long as I let him fuck me. But before I'll let him do me, I'll spend all day with you so that we can fuck each other's brains out. In fact you gonna be the first boy on Earth to fuck me." Colin looked suspiciously on Dor'rel and asked, "Daren, what do you mean 'first boy on Earth'?" At that moment Colin's phone rang and Paul said that the table is ready. As they started going back Colin still insisted, "Daren really, why did you say on Earth?" Dor'rel winked at the boy and replied, "I can't tell right now, but I will I promise." When both boys went inside, they were introduced to another family who joined them for dinner, Jimmy and Dina Forrely with a little ten year old cutie pie, Kevin. When Dor'rel got introduced to Jim, they shook hands and he got curious look over. Dina on the other hand was vocal, "Wow, what a gorgeous looking young man!" To that Dor'rel bowed his head and replied, "Thanks you ma'am, I've heard it a lot lately." That comment made everyone at the table laugh. Other than that there were very few incidents. One when Colin put his hand on Dor'rel's shoulder and whispered something into the boy's ear. Dor'rel nodded and then both of them smiled. Mitch caught that exchange and commented, "Looks like Colin and Daren became good friends." To which Paul replied, "I sure hope so, Daren is a smart kid." Dor'rel mouthed back thank you to him and Paul replied with a wink. In the other instance, little Kevin spent all dinner long staring at Dor'rel with his mouth, open. At one point Colin looked on Kevin with his open mouth and said. "Kevin close your mouth, or you might catch a fly." Then he looked on Dor'rel and said out loud, "Hey Daren, looks like you got another young admirer." And pointed to Kevin. Dor'rel came over to Kevin, picked the little lad up and kissed him on the forehead. Kevin put his hands around Dor'rel's neck and kissed him passionately on the lips. Everyone at the table started to laugh and Paul looked at his son and said, "Colin you better watch out, you have competition!" Dor'rel decided to make it memorable for a little tyke kissed his cheek, let him back down on his chair, made a heart with his fingers squatted next to the boy and placed it on his chest. Then to everyone's surprise little Kevin grabbed Dor'rel's hand, pressed it to his chest and didn't want to let go. As Dina went to her son to try to reason with him, the little boy started to cry and yelled through his tears, "No, he's mine!" Finally Dor'rel kissed the little boy's wet eyes and said, "Kevin let's talk, right now you're ten years old and need to grow up and get big and strong. How about I'll come back in eleven years, when you're twenty-one, then I'll be all yours." "Promise?" The little boy looked at Dor'rel; the teen looked on Kevin and very seriously replied, "Cross my heart and hope to die!" Kevin let Dor'rel wipe off his tears then hugged the older boy and declared, "I'll wait until I'm twenty-one and then you're mine." And they shook on that. As Dor'rel straitened up Dina hugged him and whispered, "Thank you for saving the rest of the day!" After finishing his main course Dor'rel excused himself and went to the restroom, Colin followed him as well. As he relieved himself Dor'rel found Colin staring at him. "Daren we need to talk," the boy asked him with determined look on his face. "What about it" Dor'rel asked, but he already knew what's coming. "Daren, everyone men, women even children like Kevin and my sister are in love with you, but that is not the point. What did you mean that I'll be the first one on Earth to fuck you?" Dor'rel thought it over, looked on waiting Colin and started. "Colin, you're adorable little kid and I really like you so before we become together I want to tell you who I really am." As Colin nodded in anticipation, Dor'rel asked, "You want to show you or tell you?" "Show me what?" Colin started getting impatient. Dor'rel looked around and then motioned to Colin to follow him. "Alright, come with me." He took the boy into the stall and pulled down his pants and undies. At first Colin got excited about seeing the naked boy, but then realization hit him, Daren didn't have a tan line and his pubic hair was orange and kind of alien. Still the excitement of seeing the naked boy overshadowed the realization that the boy in from of him was not human. Colin started to play with silky soft skin of the boy next to him. Then he dipped his hand into thin line of orange hair making Dor'rel moan, "Oh yes, Colin!" Finally, Colin's hand reached the desired tool and started stroking it. Sweet orange smell escaped from Dor'rel's body and sent Colin into state of complete euphoria. Colin started bopping his head on top of Dor'rel's cock and sent the other boy into state of ecstasy. Dor'rel screamed, "No Colin don't! I gonna cum!" Colin ignored Dor'rel's plea and Dor'rel exploded with burst after burst of his sweet cum inside Colin's awaiting mouth. In his excitement Colin swallowed every bit of Dor'rel's semen and demanded more from where it came from. "Hey, I'm a boy and not horse, I can't produce so much cum, you know." But Colin still continued to slurp on Dor'rel's now soft dick. Finally Dor'rel was able to pull Colin off his cock and said, "Thanks for cleaning up my dick, Colin." Then he dried it up with toilet paper, pulled up his underwear, zipped up his shorts and was done. Colin who was sitting on the floor next to Dor'rel was now completely confused. "Daren! Is your name is really Daren, or it's something else?" Dor'rel helped the boy to his feet and said, "Actually my real name is Dor'rel and Daren is the alias Shannon gave me, not to confuse other people." Colin looked on Dor'rel and asked, "What's the name of your planet?" "It's Ter'ran, come on let's go before your dad and Mitch start to worry about us." As they walked to their table Colin mumbled, "Dor'rel from Ter'ran, sound royal. Are you?" Colin tried to hug Dor'rel by the waist, but the teen made the fist and smacked Colin's butt, making him scream, "Ouch, that hurts!" Dor'rel made an innocent smile and replied, "Good, and I'm a regular boy, just like you are." The rest of the evening went by without any surprises. Although on the way to the cars, when no one watched, they kissed goodbye. On the way home Dor'rel told in the car. "I told Colin about myself and he is fine with it, but he wants me to tell him everything when we meet tomorrow." Chapter 4The next day Dor'rel went together with Mitch to drop off Shannon at camp. Mitch was in a hurry for his 9:30AM appointment, so he left Dor'rel at Shannon's camp. As soon as Mitch's car was out the gate, Shannon jumped into Dor'rel's embrace and started making out with him. Just for the sake of it Dor'rel decided to play along and gave Shannon a big kiss on the lips. At that Shannon was barely able to contain herself. On the other hand a few girls who saw them kiss, were all over Shannon as soon as she made it to them. Dor'rel increased volume to magnify his hearing and listened to what Shannon has to say. She went on that Daren is her cousin from California that he is now working for Paudwellys and that he totally digs Shannon in every way. Just then Paul pulled over in his Mercedes SL. Dor'rel waved goodbye and started heading his way. Paul saw the boy and waved him over. When Dor'rel reached Ava, he shook her hand and then kissed her forehead, making girl squeal. After he made it to Paul he wanted to shake his hand, but instead Paul hugged the boy and kissed him on the cheek. As they drove off, Paul mentioned that he needs to stop by his office. Outside the office building, Paul invited Dor'rel to come in. Once inside, Paul offered the boy a bottle of beer. Although Dor'rel never had alcoholic beverage before, he was too tempted to try one and agreed. After he was half way through he started seeing stars. Dor'rel tried to get up and his head started to spin, "Paul, I don't feel too good," he heard himself say and then everything went blank. When he came back, Dor'rel was lying on the folding bed in the backyard of Paudwelly's house. Colin had just put a cold compress on Dor'rel's head and that what brought him back. Dor'rel tried to get up, but his head stared to spin again and he had to sit back. "Slow down there boy, how come you didn't tell me you've never had beer before?" Paul appeared next to Colin and looked on Dor'rel. This time Dor'rel made it to his feet and started telling, "I just wanted to try some 3;" "You all want to try some. Colin also passed out last year, after trying some wine." Then Paul stuck two fingers into Dor'rel's face. "Daren, how many fingers am I holding?" "Two!" He answered with a smile. "Yeah, he's fine. I have tah ran now, Colin call me if anything happens, otherwise I'll see you at 4:30 after I pick up Ava from camp." Before leaving Paul looked on Dor'rel and said, "Be good and no more of that stuff, okay?" Then he smacked the boy's butt. Dor'rel just nodded without saying a word. As soon as Paul left, Colin was all over him. "Dor'rel, are you feeling alright? Do you have alcohol on your planet?" "Yes we do have something similar to it, but I've never tried it. I think it was stupid thing for me to do." "Let's get naked and go together for a swim," Colin said and began to take off his clothes. Dor'rel followed his lead and soon both of them were sitting naked by the pool. "You have cool body!" Colin said and started stroking Dor'rel's right arm and chest. Colin looked at the water inside the pool and asked, "Are you really good at swimming, or was it just to impress my dad?" "I don't know, let's see," Dor'rel said. Then using Wi-Fi capabilities inside his head, he connected to Paudwelly's home computer, got all necessary information, processed it and proceeded by jumping into the pool. His medically engineered body responded well to the commands given by his brain. First he did one lap under water then one lap each using backstroke, breaststroke and finally freestyle. "Wow that was awesome, how did you do it if you never have done it before?" Colin asked looking amazed. "I think it's mental, medical and physical conditioning that my body underwent as a child and that I keep maintaining to remain in shape." Then Dor'rel motioned to the boy to jump and as Colin jumped Dor'rel caught him as he entered the water and held the boy tight against his body. Both of them then shared long and passionate kiss and then Colin asked. "Make love to me right here, in the pool." Dor'rel made his way to the pool's edge and brought up the boy's body to the needed height. Then after aligning his cock with Colin's hole he plunged inside, making the boy scream with both pain and desire. Steadily he started to nudge himself inside Colin's butt and then started to pick up speed making the boy yell in excitement. "Oh God Dor'rel, don't stop!" After few minutes of pummeling and thrusting Colin's cock which was rubbing against Dor'rel's belly started pulsing and then shut its load into water on top of Dor'rel. After making Colin cum, Dor'rel brought the boy's body even closer to his own and vigorously started thrusting inside him. After another five minutes Dor'rel slammed his cock inside Colin's body and exploded with barrage of his orange cum. Few minutes later both of them were lying on top of the folding bed outside the pool. "You wanna do me now, or wait until later?" Dor'rel asked the smaller boy while kissing him everywhere he could. "Let's wait until later," Colin answered while rubbing his middle finger on the other boy's hole. For a few more hours, both boys were just swimming, fooling around in the water and outside the pool, or just lying around and doing nothing while bathing in the sun. Finally as Dor'rel was laying face down on the bed, Colin jumped on top of him and started rubbing his dick on top of the Ter'ran boy's ass. "Mm you have such a soft and fuckable ass!" Then with one hard push he impaled his dick inside Dor'rel. Afterwards he just grubbed Dor'rel by the hips and began driving his cock in and out of the boy's ass. A few minutes later Dor'rel changed position turning on his back. He let the boy fuck his ass as they continued to explore each other with their tongues. Finally after some moaning and groaning Colin filled Dor'rel's ass and they settled down cuddling each other on the bed. The rest of the day they spend time just fooling around. Although at some point in afternoon the did do sixty-nine which sent Colin into frenzy as he proclaimed Dor'rel to be not only the cutest, but also the tastiest boy on the planet Earth. Back home at the Sawyer residence Mitch said that he was able to order that elusive magnet and now it was only a matter of fact and time until beacon is operational and Dor'rel will be able to reunite with his baby again. Shannon was all screams and squeals as she described the prank she and Dor'rel pulled on all her friends at the camp. The rest of the week went the same way as the day before except each day after day thanks to Dor'rel's intervention Sawyer's house, at least on the in inside started to look Ter'ran. Friday started the same way as any other day. Linda left for work at eight and Mitch dropped off both Shannon and Dor'rel at camp and Colin's respectively. At around noon UPS truck arrived and brought in what turned out to be the coveted magnet. The beacon and communicator were both ready and all Mitch had to do was to place the magnet into place. Suddenly green light went on in the beacon and Mitch sent message in English. "This is Earth to Nir'rdal please answer if you can hear me." On the third try what sounded like a child's voice came through. He sounded un-understandable and Mitch asked to talk in English. "Is this about Dor'rel? Yes? Please hold on!" Suddenly beacon lit-up and an image of an older looking Ter'ran teenage boy appeared in front of Mitch. "Hi you must be Nir'rdal. I'm Mitch Sawyer, sort of like Dor'rel's adoptive father. Oh, you look just as cute as Dor'rel described you!" Mitch gave compliment to the young man on the other end. The face on the other end lit-up with a big smile. "Nice to meet you Mitch of Earth and thank you for compliment. We do look kind of young here on Ter'ran. By the way where is Dor'rel, I really miss that little bugger!" Nir'rdal looked on Mitch still smiling. "Oh he is at his friend's house building him a visual effect's tower," Mitch answered while examining Nir'rdal and a little Ter'ran boy who stood beside him. "That definitely sounds like Dor'rel, with his superior intelligence he always builds something extravagant, even by Ter'ran standards." Then Nir'rdal's face turned greenish orange. Mitch heard some excitement and what sounded like celebration coming from a young man and a boy on the other side. Excited Nir'rdal appeared on video communicator and informed Mitch that they can be on Earth within next half an hour. Mitch looked sternly at the older boy and said, "Nir'rdal my boy, listen to me very carefully. I want you to be very calm and collected and don't make any mistakes Dor'rel did. Besides you have a little boy to worry about. Understand? And what's little guy's name? I don't think I got it the first time around." When he spoke next, Nir'rdal sounded less excited and calmer. "Thank you for trying to calming me down sir, I've got a bit carried away with excitement of coming to Earth. The little one here is Ar'rel and I'll tell you more about him as we come to Earth." Then communication ended and beacon went dead. Mitch just set there for about five minutes and thought about finally meeting Nir'rdal and that cute little Ar'rel. Also about the prospect of visiting another planet located more than a million light years away. Then he called Linda and told her about his conversation with Nir'rdal, about little Ar'rel and about the fact that they'll be here in less than an hour. They were about to end the call when house suddenly shook up like from sound boom, but there was nothing to follow it. Mitch just shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Probably nothing, anyway I'll see you in half of hour. Drive safely!" As they hang up, there was a loud banging sound in a backyard door. "Can't be them, it's too early." Mitch thought to himself, but as he looked on the clock it was almost an hour since he talked to Nir'rdal. When he opened the door there were a young man and a little boy dressed in a jumpsuits similar to Dor'rel's which he worn, when he arrived a week ago. "You boys came rather early 3; and you must be Nir'rdal?" Mitch looked on the older teen, which looked to be eighteen, was tall (5'10" / 1.78 m) and very well build. He had short orange hair, greenish-hazel eyes. His skin was light bronze, more like olive in color and he also had dark red full lips. Overall, even though he was much taller and more muscular than Dor'rel, yet his face looked somewhat younger. Then Mitch embraced very good looking youngster and gave him mouth to mouth tongue twisting kiss, that left the boy totally breathless. Then he smiled and said, "Welcome to the Earth my boy." It took Nir'rdal a few seconds to catch his breath and while still being flushed he replied, "Wow, what a welcome! Thank you, sir!" Then Mitch turned to Ar'rel and as little kid looked up at him, Mitch reached down and picked him up. "You must be Ar'rel, right big guy?" With that Mitch kissed the boy's nose and poked him in the ribs. That made the little boy giggle, then he put his head on Mitch's shoulder and smiled at him. As Mitch was showing around the house, door opened and Linda came in. "Oh, I see our guests arrived, well hello everyone!" As she came over and introduced herself to the boys, she kissed Nir'rdal on a cheek making him blush scarlet red. "That's okay my boy, it's quite normal to blush when you see a woman for the first time in your life." Then Linda turned her attention to Ar'rel, who was now sitting on Mitch's lap. As she brushed off sweaty, glued together hair from his forehead and Linda ripped at Mitch. "Mitch can't you do something, the boy is all sweaty from heat." Without waiting for her husband's response she came over to the child. "Ar'rel honey, come stand here sweetheart." Then Linda removed his jumpsuit and as she feared Ar'rel's whole body was covered with sweat. She looked at Nir'rdal and Mitch, shook her head and said. "One thing Human male and Ter'ran have in common, they're clueless when it comes to taking care of a little child." Then Linda took Ar'rel to bathroom. "Come honey let me wash all this grime off of you." Half way through the bath Linda called on Mitch, "Why don't you go to Walmart and get some clothes for the kids." Mitch actually agreed with his wife and left. After Linda finished washing the little boy, she left him on top of the closed toilet bowl. When she came back with one of Shannon's t-shirts, Ar'rel was nowhere to be found. Linda found him jumping up and down on a living room couch. As Linda approached him with t-shirt in hands, he shook his head and went on jumping. Linda caught him in midair and set him down on her lap. "Ar'rel, why don't you want to put this t-shirt on?" Ar'rel shook his head again, "I always run naked at home, why would I need to wear one now?" Linda gave up trying to persuade the boy and started to tickle his belly. To her surprise Ar'rel didn't mind. After a bit of laughing and squirming, Ar'rel just laid there and seemed to clearly enjoy being handled by adult. He cuddled up to Linda and as she kissed him Ar'rel said, "You remind me a lot of my Ter'rana mommy, she was just as nice." About ten minutes later Linda left Ar'rel to play by himself and left to check on Nir'rdal. She found him checking out one of Dor'rel's latest inventions and came over hugging the boy from behind. "In the name of elders, you scared the wits out of me, Mrs. Sawyer!" Nir'rdal jumped from being unexpectedly grabbed by a woman. "I'm sorry to scare you, but I thought you might wanna take a shower. I bet you're just as sweaty as Ar'rel." Linda led the boy into the shower stall and went to find him one of the Mitch's t-shirts, to cover him after the shower. As she came in to leave Nir'rdal t-shirt, she found shower curtain tucked in the corner and Nir'rdal's wet naked body well on display. For a minute she admired his well built body and very cute boyish face. Then Nir'rdal opened his eyes, saw Linda and called her over. "Oh Linda, since you're here can you wash my back?" As she started washing his back, Nir'rdal let Linda to continue with the rest of his body. As Nir'rdal let her wash his privies, Linda became puzzled with his change from a shy teen to self assured young man with no signs of modesty. Nir'rdal saw a bit of confusion in the way Linda acted as she washed his body. As Nir'rdal asked her what was the problem and as she explained her concerns, Nir'rdal said that in his culture if someone offers to do something for you, you entrust this person in doing this. Thus if you are to wash someone, you are to do it all the way and everywhere. "As far as modesty is concerned, I already know you, why should I then be ashamed or afraid if you touch my body?" Nir'rdal finished his explanation with earnest look on his face. "In other words when I offered to give Dor'rel the bath, he just took me on my offer, not because he is a little kid, but because there is no such thing as shyness on your planet?" Linda asked young man. Nir'rdal just nodded as to something obvious. "Well my boy, you just opened my eyes and showed that Earthlings have a lot of growing up to do." Then she told Nir'rdal that for the most part it is not okay for people to display their nudity and sexuality the way they do on Ter'ran. In fact in some cases especially when it comes to nudity and expressing sexuality for children is illegal and adults who exploit it most likely will end up in jail. Hearing this about Earth culture, send Nir'rdal in a state of terror. "You mean if I lived here on Earth and if someone would have found out that my son and I are running around naked inside my own house, or that I enjoy sex with my under aged partner, I will go to prison? What kind of sick society is this?" Linda tried to smooth out his concerns by saying that Earthlings are still young society, but Nir'rdal shook his head and said. "I'm sorry, I might come to visit here for some periods of time, but I don't think I can live all the time in such sick society as here on Earth." As for their Ter'ran looks Nir'rdal decided to shave his head and Linda offered to do it, but for the little Ar'rel Linda and Nir'rdal decided to keep him as is. He looked natural with orange hair. Mitch arrived with clothes for boys at around 2:30. As expected little Ar'rel didn't want to get dressed and it took hard time for all three of them to convince him otherwise. First thing, they decided is to get Dor'rel from Paudwelly's and send Ar'rel to pick him up. As was planned Ar'rel rang the bell. When Colin opened the door he asked. "Hi, you must be Colin, is Daren there? I'm his little brother Ari from California." Colin looked down on a cute little orange haired boy and answered, "I bet you are! Why don't you go to the backyard and I'll get Daren down for you." As soon as they got to the backyard Ar'rel saw a swimming pool accessed computer information of what is it and what it's for and shouted in excitement. "Wow, a swimming pool, I've never been in one!" Colin bent down to face a little boy and asked, "You wanna go for a swim" Little kid nodded excitedly, "Sure, can I?" A minute later Ar'rel striped to his birthday suit and dove into water. Colin just shook his head as a little kid started doing laps like a dolphin. Colin went upstairs to face Dor'rel who was finishing up on one of his projects inside Paudwelly's house. "Dor'rel, how come you've never told me that you have such a cute little brother?" he asked. "What brother, I don't know what you're talking about?" Dor'rel answered looking at Colin totally surprised. Colin started laughing and then said, "There is this cute little Ter'ran boy, who claims to be your little brother Ari. He is right now swimming naked in a pool and breaking all Olympic swimming records." Dor'rel looked out the window and saw a kid swimming laps in a pool and looking like the professional swimmer. He got down to the pool area and yelled at Ar'rel in Ter'ran. "Who the hell are you and why are you pretending to be my brother?" Seeing a muscular Earth looking teenager with long blonde hair screaming at him in his native tongue scared Ar'rel and the boy started crying. "Dor'rel what a fuck are you doing, you scaring the boy!" Colin said, chastising his friend. Then Colin turned to Ar'rel, "Come here baby, he didn't mean to scare you. He's just a big doofus who doesn't know how to be with kids." As Ar'rel got out of the water he started shivering and Colin wrapped him up in beach towel. Then he set down in a folding chair and let the boy on his lap. Dor'rel took another chair and seated himself next to the boys. Seeking more protection, Ar'rel snuggled more toward Colin and looked wearily on Dor'rel. "I'm sorry I yelled at you and made you cry," Dor'rel started apologizing. "It's just that seeing another Ter'ran who claims to be my brother got me both angry and anxious at the same time." Ar'rel who now was back to normal looked at Dor'rel and said, "I am your brother; Nir'rdal adopted me after you went to Earth." Then he came over to Dor'rel and touched his blonde hair. "How come your hairs are blonde?" he asked the teen. Dor'rel brushed the boy's hair with his hand and said," Linda dyed my hair blonde so I would look like others." Suddenly Ar'rel started to laugh and exclaimed, "And she completely shaved Nir'rdal's head!" Picturing bold Nir'rdal, Dor'rel started to laugh as well. Then he looked on the boy and asked, "Where is Nir'rdal?" Ar'rel pointed outside and relied, "In the car, with Mitch and Linda, waiting for you." "In the name of Elders, why didn't you tell me that before?" Dor'rel grabbed his head, and then he looked on Colin, "They're probably hot and thirsty, Colin honey, can you bring them here?" As Colin left to bring in Nir'rdal and the Sawyers, Dor'rel looked on Ar'rel. "Let me look at you, you little rascal 3;", but the boy looked back at pool and started pleading. "Can I get inside the pool, please?" Dor'rel sighed and nodded and then watched as the boy's little cute ass disappeared in the water. Two minutes later door opened and Colin showed in to Linda, Mitch and Nir'rdal. Dor'rel looked at Nir'rdal's bold head and burst out laughing, "Linda what did you do to Nir'rdal, he now looks like bowling ball!" That prompted everyone to start laughing especially Ar'rel who kept chirping out from inside the pool, "Mr. Bowling Ball Head, Mr. Bowling Ball Head 3;" Finally Nir'rdal and Dor'rel embraced and kissed. Suddenly Colin sighed and his eyes filled with tears. Dor'rel broke off his kiss with Nir'rdal came over to Colin, kissed and hugged him as well. Colin couldn't contain himself and first started sobbing and then bowling as tears started cascading down his cheeks. Dor'rel tried to console him, but soon looked on Nir'rdal for help as a young boy started to choke on his tears. Nir'rdal took over from Dor'rel and whispered something into Colin's ear. Then he picked up the boy and as he settled on a chair, placed him on his lap. A few minutes later as Colin started to calm down, Nir'rdal wiped his face clean using tissues provided by Linda. After Colin finally calmed down, Nir'rdal took his face into his hands and kissed him all over then asked. "Feeling better?" As Colin nodded and smiled, Nir'rdal was about to get up when Colin grubbed his arm and asked, "Why did you helped me to calm down and feel good?" From his conversation with Linda and Mitch, Nir'rdal started to understand the way human mind works and the basic ways of human sociological brake down. Once again he looked on all the people sitting around him and on the young boy sitting on his lap and began. "Colin, let me ask you a question, if I'm living with a person with whom I'm deeply in love, right? Then my love meets another person and falls in love with him or her, right? In your opinion should I consider this third person an enemy or friend?" he asked the boy. "An enemy of course, this third person is about to get between you and your love and steal him from you!" Colin replied instantly. "Thanks for your answer, Colin," Nir'rdal smiled to the boy and kissed his cheek. Then he looked on both Linda and Mitch and they seemed to agree. Nir'rdal looked on Dor'rel who by now finished dressing up little Ar'rel and now was cuddling him as the boy settled down on his lap. "Dor'rel, what do you think the answer to this question is?" Nir'rdal asked his partner. Dor'rel looked on his partner and said. "First let me correct your question, it should be an enemy or love and the answer love of course. If your love falls in love with another boy or even girl that means that you have to love him or her the same way as your original love. Just look at us here. When Nir'rdal fell in love and brought little Ar'rel into our family, I fell in love with little tyke as well and when I fell in love with Colin, Nir'rdal became his lover as well. With that Nir'rdal brought Colin closer to him and kissed the young boy while Colin kissed Nir'rdal as well." I think what two of you just said is absolutely beautiful and Linda and I have a lot to learn from two of you, my boys! Mitch said wiping his eyes. "And like I said before, Earth and its people have a lot of growing up to do!" Linda said as both she and Mitch hugged and kissed each other. As Linda and Mitch started to get ready for the trip to the camp to pick up Shannon, Colin asked, "Guys can I come along? I don't feel like staying home alone today, at all" As Mitch counted everyone present he said, "Let's head home and pick up our minivan. Murano doesn't have enough space for everyone." After changing cars it took them extra ten minutes to get to the camp and Shannon was on the phone asking what happened. "We'll be a little late, but we have a little surprise for you honey." It was Linda, who answered the phone. "Before we go anywhere, how about we make up names for Ar'rel and Nir'rdal," Dor'rel asked looking around. "That's easy, how about Ariel or Ari for Ar'rel and for Nir'rdal it will be Neil," Colin said smiling proudly. As they got there, most of the kids were gone except for Shannon, Colin's sister Ava and another three younger boys. Suddenly one of the boys twisted his ankle, fell on the floor and started crying. All the available counselors and the rest of the kids were next to him, but the kid was wailing nonstop. "Mommy, I want my mommy, no, no, where is my mommy 3;" Dor'rel came over to the crying kid and asked, " I know its hurts so bad, but maybe you can let me look at your foot." Suddenly the boy stopped crying and asked Dor'rel to pick him up. As Dor'rel seated the boy on his lap, one of the counselors removed the boy's snicker and iced his ankle. Just then the boy's mother rushed in and to her amazement found her son hugging an older blonde boy. As she approached the little boy smiled, but wouldn't let go of Dor'rel. "Hi mommy, I fell and hurt my ankle, but Daren made it feel better for me!" When she tried to take him, the boy wouldn't let go. "I'm staying with Daren!" After some long talk Dor'rel had with a boy he agreed to let go, but only after a hug and a kiss. As Dor'rel was handing over the boy to his mom she asked, "Are you a new counselor?" Dor'rel shook his head and answered, "No ma'am, I was here to pick up my sister when your son hurt his foot so I just decided to help." Young woman didn't say another word, just placed a huge kiss on Dor'rel's lips. As she was leaving, Linda who heard commotion came out to check on what's going on. The young woman stopped her and asked, "Is Daren you son? He's such an angel! I wish everyone was as good and as compassioned as him!" Then the little boy in her arms called out, "Bye Daren. I love you!" Linda came over to Dor'rel, kissed him on forehead and said, "I see you made two more fans, what did you do this time?" This time it was Ava who described what just happened. As she was talking camp director came over to talk to Linda and Dor'rel. She said that she observed the way Daren handled the situation with little Justin, one of the most difficult kids in the camp and she was very impressed. She wants to offer him position of senior counselor for the remaining six weeks. As excited as he was Dor'rel said that he needs to think it over and discuss it with both his parents and friends, but he will definitely give his final decision before camp resumes on Monday. That answer left camp director very impressed. Just then both Shannon and Ava looked back with their mouths open and then both started to laugh. When Linda and Dor'rel looked back they saw Colin holding Ar'rel on his back and the young boy was riding him like a horse. "Come on horsey, faster, faster, faster 3;" Ar'rel tried to land his foot into Colin's butt. As they reached the others, Dor'rel snatched little tyke off Colin's back. "What are you doing to Colin? Answer me?!" Dor'rel demanded and started playfully spanking the boy's butt. Nothing, he was my horse, but now I'm declaring you to be my apple pie." With that the boy started kissing and biting all over Dor'rel's face. "Okay, that's enough!" Dor'rel said and let Ar'rel to the ground. Immediately the boy turned to the girls, "Hi I'm Ari, I'm ten and this is my brother Daren. My other brother Neil is in the car with my uncle Mitch." Ava decided to play along, "Hi I'm Ava, I'm twelve and your horsey is my big brother Colin." As she said that she pinched Ar'rel's cheek and concluded, "So cute!" Ar'rel giggled and replied, "Nice to meet you Ava!" Then he came over and kissed girl on the lips. That left her stunned for a second then she just shrug it off. Then Ar'rel turned to Shannon and asked, "Hi, and what's your name? " Ar'rel looked up to the blonde girl. "I'm your cousin Shannon, you doofus!" Shannon answered a bit frustrated that the boy didn't know who she was. Linda wanted to yell on her, but Dor'rel shook head not to. "Nice to meet you Cousin Shannon, can I have a hug and a kiss?" Ar'rel answered cheerfully and spread his arms. As Shannon nodded, Ar'rel began kissing her over and over again. Soon Shannon started pleading, "Please help me, I can't breathe!" "Maybe if you'll nicely ask Ari to forgive you for calling him doofus, he will stop acting like one," Dor'rel replied to Shannon's plea. After Shannon asked Ar'rel for forgiveness and told him that she was the one who acted like doofus, he stepped back smiled and offered his hand. "Friends?" he asked older girl with a big smile on his face. As Shannon hugged and kissed the boy, he gently hugged her back once. Then he hugged both girls and three of them went away. Linda looked with amazement on Dor'rel, "How did you know what's gonna happen?" "We're brothers, right?" the boy answered to her with a sly smile. A few minutes later Ar'rel came back and asked Linda, "Can we go back to Colin's house for more swimming?" Hearing Ar'rel's question Dor'rel became excited as well. "Oh and I want to finish wiring as well as show Nir'rdal some of the work that I've done." Dor'rel looked on Linda pleadingly. "I'm not the boss; you have to talk to Paul about it," Linda said crossing her arms. "Let me talk to Paul about something," Mitch said and went away. A few minutes later he came back with his cell phone out and Paul on Skype. "Hi everybody," Paul went on. "Mitch just gave me a great idea to through a pool party tonight. Everybody's invited! Now, Mitch mentioned that Daren needs to finish something as well as show his brother some of the work he's done. Fine by me. As for the little one, let him swim in the pool, but Ava and Shannon, I want you to watch over him." Mitch and Linda dropped off kids at Paudwelly's house and left to do their chores. As soon as they got to the pool area, Ar'rel stripped naked and started towards the pool. Seeing him naked, both girls started to giggle. Seeing girls' reaction Nir'rdal told the boy to cover himself to which he replied, "Why, I always swim nude in the pool." Nir'rdal just shrug his shoulders and looked on Colin. "Have the girls to watch over Ari and come inside." As Nir'rdal and Dor'rel went inside Colin looked on the girls and said, "Come on go get changed, I need to help guys inside." Suddenly Ar'rel came out from the pool and went to the diving board and as he started jumping, his little pecker started jumping as well. As girls started laughing again, little Ar'rel spread his legs and started making gesture like he's peeing on them. Seeing the little boy playing with himself gave Colin a huge boner. He then chased girls inside the house and yelled on Ar'rel. "Just jump in the water already, little tease." Feeing that Colin was angry for something he did made Ar'rel jump and swim to the far side of the pool. With all the commotion and Colin's yelling, Dor'rel came outside. He immediately started laughing as he saw the big boner inside Colin's pants. "What happened?" Dor'rel asked looking at the erection inside Colin's pants. "Your brother, that's what happened!" Colin said and pointed to the little kid. Then he restated what just happened which made Dor'rel laugh even harder. Then he told the boy to go inside and cool down and he'll stay here and wait for the girls. When Colin left, Ar'rel swum over, got out of water and set next to Dor'rel. "Why did Colin got mad at me?" the little boy asked his brother. Dor'rel giggled and then said, "Because you started playing with your thingy here, in front of him and it gave him a big boner right in front of the girls." Then he grabbed the little kid and started kissing him all over his body. As Dor'rel was about to start devouring the boy's manhood, he heard the girls at the outside door so he settled for the yummy belly button. When the girls unwittingly barged in on Dor'rel's desert, Dor'rel sighed as he just started to enjoy his new brother, both of them did. Then to Dor'rel's surprise Ava looked on him and asked, "Is it okay if we do some more playing with Ari?" Dor'rel nodded and said, "Just make sure he doesn't get hurt." After Dor'rel retuned and left Ar'rel with the girls. The boy wanted to get back into the water, but Ava stopped him. "Oh Ari, why don't you stay here a while and play with us?" Being surrounded by the girls and left behind by his big brother, Ar'rel had no choice but to agree and immediately was placed on Ava's lap. Both girls started to play with the boy's hair and as Ava took a strand of Ar'rel's silky orange hair she said, "He has such a soft orange hair Shannon, have you even seen hair like this before?" Even though Shannon knew that it was typical Ter'ran color, she shook her head, "No". As both girls started to kiss the boy and play with his body, Ar'rel developed a boner and Shannon was the first to notice it. "Oh Ava look, Ari's Mr. Happy awoke!" Both girls giggled and started playing with Ar'rel's erection. The boy spread his legs to let access to his balls and hole and both Ava and Shannon began sucking the boy's cock and licking his balls and hole, little Ar'rel spread his legs as far as he could and started moaning. "In the name of the Elders, this feels so go-od!!!" As girls continued to suck and lick him Ar'rel felt like he needed to pee, but he didn't want girls to stop sucking. Then the feeling grew into something more bigger stronger and Ar'rel instinctively arched his back. The feeling in his gut got to the enormous proportions and he felt like his body was about to explode 3; Then something gave and a sense of pleasure came all over his body and Ar'rel felt like he needed a nap. "Oh look, Ari had his first orgasm!" Shannon said and started kissing the boy. "He is so cute!" Ava seconded her and kissed him as well. Feeling tired and sleepy Ar'rel got on Shannon's lap and as she started to cuddle and kiss him, he fell asleep. Sometime later after Nir'rdal, Dor'rel and Colin finished their installation work; they changed into bathing suits and went to the backyard for swim. To their surprise they found Ava and Shannon sitting on recliners and quietly talking with Ar'rel in Shannon's lap, sound asleep. "What's going on here, why is Ari asleep?" Dor'rel asked, looking suspicious. "Nothing, Ari was just tired and fell asleep," Ava answered. "Okay, now tell me the truth," Nir'rdal replied looking at both girls. "That's the truth, we were playing around and then Ari came and fell asleep," Shannon said and looked to both Nir'rdal and Dor'rel. "That's better, now let me take him and you can go and play as well." Dor'rel answered and wanted to pick up the sleeping boy, but Shannon shook her head. "Can I keep him awhile longer? She asked and stroked Ar'rel's back. Then she kissed his cheek and the boy smiled without awakening. "Fine, but if you need me I'll be in the water," Dor'rel nodded and joined in the pool the other two guys. Half of hour later, Dor'rel came out and found Ar'rel awaken and hugging Shannon with both hands. "Hey buddy you wanna go swimming?" Dor'rel asked looking to Ar'rel. "I'll go together with Shannon and Ava," Ar'rel said and took both girls by their hands. A few minutes later all three dove into the pool. Chapter 5When Paul and Michelle got home they found all youngsters in the pool. As they came in and said hello, everyone left the pool to greet them. As Paul looked over the crowd he noticed a tall and muscular young man coming towards him. "Hello Sir, I'm Neil Sawyer." Nir'rdal came over to Paul and offered his hand. The handshake left Paul very impressed. "That's quite a handshake you got there, son! Then looked on his young looking face and asked. "How old are you anyway?" "I'm eighteen, Sir" Nir'rdal replied giving Paul Earth equivalent of his age. "So you're in charge of the kindergarten here," Paul said with a laugh and then, "Oh I'm Paul, second in command in this household to my wife and don't call me Sir, it makes me feel like I'm at work and old. Paul is just fine." Nir'rdal introduced himself to Michelle and she found him as irresistible as Dor'rel. Just then Paul noticed the red-orange haired boy behind Ava's back and as he came out Paul was shocked to find him completely naked. "Hi, I'm Ari and I'm ten!" Ar'rel introduced himself to Paul. "Aren't you a bit too old, to be running around nakey?" Paul asked the young naked boy. "No, I'm always like this when I'm inside, or in a backyard or in a pool. I only get dressed when we're going out." Paul smiled to the brave determination of the young boy and his lack of modesty. "Well, let's pretend that you are outside, there will be a lot of people coming over and I'm sure you don't want to be naked in front of them?" he asked the boy. "No, I'm staying naked!" Ar'rel wouldn't badge. "If you'll make him wear his clothes, I'm getting naked as well, dad!" It was Ava who came on defense of the young boy. "Me too! I'm getting naked as well!" It was Shannon, who was now defiant of Paul as well. Then Ava turned to her brother, "Colin, are you with us?" "Leave me out of this, I'm not getting naked" the teen mumbled back. "Traitor!!!" All three kids were glaring at Colin, with their fists clenched. "Son, you better watch out, or these three will strip you naked in no time," Paul cracked with laughter at his older son. Then he turned to the trio and said, "Okay Ari, you can stay naked for as long as you like, just as long as you don't go outside!" Just then Mitch and Linda pulled in with the stuff for the party. As they came in Paul met them with the important news. "There was threat of mutiny for tonight. Your daughter, my daughter and your little one threatened mutiny and nudity, if I won't let Ari run nakey tonight." Out of nowhere Ar'rel came running and greeted, "Hi Mitch, hi Linda!" Linda picked the boy up and asked, "Ari, aren't you cold running around naked all the time?" Ar'rel shook his head and was off and running again. At around seven fifteen the Forrely's had arrived. Paul and Mitch handed Jim a bottle of beer. Then Mitch introduced Jim to Nir'rdal. "Hey Jimmy this is my nephew Neil." As both young men shook hands and in process flexed their muscles, Paul nodded to Mitch towards them. "Now Jim met another muscle buff." Meanwhile Dina took Kevin to the pool area to be with Linda and Michelle. Michelle looked on the boy and said, "Kevin honey, why don't you take off your clothes and join the kids in the pool." Kevin started crying and Dina informed everyone that Kevin forgot his trunks. "You wanna go swimming un your undies?" Michelle asked. Kevin shook his head and started to cry even harder. Just then the younger kids; Ava, Shannon and Ar'rel emerged from the house with Ar'rel being as usual nude. Kevin stopped crying and now was staring on the naked kid in front of him. Ava came over to Kevin and asked, "Hi Kevin, why are you crying?" When she was informed that he forgot his bathing suit, she shrug her shoulders and pointed to Ar'rel. "You can swim naked like Ari if you want." Kevin looked on cute kid with a flaming red hair and angel cute face and piglet tail like, cute little dick and decided to get naked as well. Then he looked on his mom and got scared. "Come on honey, here is another little boy who left his bathing suit at home," his mother encouraged. "Actually my little Ari got naked as soon as he got here from his summer camp," Linda told Dina, making young woman's jaw to drop. "And he almost made my Ava and Shannon to drop their clothes as well," added Michelle. That made Dina a really happy camper. What happened next though was a complete eye opener for all three women. Shannon came over to little Kevin and said in voice loud enough to be heard by everyone by the pool. "You wanna play truth or dare? I dare you, If you'll take off all your clothes then Ava and I will take off our clothes as well." Shell shocked Kevin nodded his head in total agreement. This got interest from the two boys at the pool as both Dor'rel and Colin started cheering them on. "Do it, do it, do it 3;" As three women in total disbelieve watched two twelve year old girls and one ten year old boy dropped off their clothes to join another naked boy. With that, four naked kids paraded their bodies and jumped into pool. Twenty feet away four men watched as their kids got naked and jumped into pool. Paul looked on Nir'rdal, shook his finger at him and said. "It's all your brother's fault." At that all four of them started laughing. Three women looked on four laughing guys and Michelle said, "Look at them choking from laughter. I bet it all started when one of them farted." With that they joined the men in hysterical laughter as well. Disregarding adult presence the kids went on to content with their own pleasures. First the girls started kissing and cuddling each other. Then it progressed to fingering each other clitoris' and finally to rub each other until both of them came in one muffed moan. Dor'rel and Colin swam to the furthest side of the pool where Dor'rel held the smaller Earthling to the wall, pulled down his trunks to just above the knee line and penetrated him from behind. He thrusted inside Colin and then plowed his hole for some five minutes at a very brisk pace until finally exploding inside the boy's butt. Thankfully in both cases adults were too busy to do their own things and paid no attention to the kids in the pool. As for the younger boys, right after they entered the pool Ar'rel offered to Kevin to show some new swimming moves. As he did he rubbed his hand on the boy's little cock as well as rubbed his face and kissed the boy's butt. Ar'rel wanted to have some more fun with the boy and asked if Kevin wants to go to the bathroom with him. Outside they told Linda about the bathroom tour and were wave on. Inside the house Ar'rel took Kevin to the second floor bathroom and once inside locked the door and started rubbing his cock together with the boy's. After both of them got really horned up Ar'rel went down and started sucking on Kevin's cock. That made him cum almost in no time. After that Ar'rel asked Kevin to let him fuck his ass. As Kevin laid himself on top of the sink and spread his legs, Ar'rel couldn't help but to admire perfectly rounded plump, soft and freshly scented by being soaked in the pool, ten year old boy's ass cheeks. He began pinching, squeezing and even biting the boy's ass. After finally getting satisfied, Ar'rel started rubbing his cock on top of the boy's pink hole. Soon enough the boy became really hard and in one hard shove penetrated Kevin's hole and slowly started to fuck the boy's butt. Few minutes later Ar'rel developed a steady in and out routine of fucking Kevin's ass. Then the constant rubbing of Ar'rel's cock on Kevin's prostate made the boy to squeeze on Ar'rel's cock, in response Ar'rel started to jerk Kevin's hard little cock. Awhile after that Ar'rel collapsed as he came inside Kevin's butt and Kevin came as well, for the second time. Boys made it out of the house without even been seen and spent the rest of the evening either swimming or eating. Even to his oven surprise Kevin enjoyed every moment he spent clothes free and thought that it would be nice to do it more often at home.
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