Chapter 1 Jenny's Trip to the Mall
Little Jenny, while going to the mall with her mother, remembers a previous trip.
Jenny hated going shopping with her mom. She sat in silence in the back of the van as her mother drove towards the mall. Her mother could spend hours shopping, slowly wondering from store to store, at the end of her mother's shopping excursions Jenny would be completely exhausted but she was still expected to continue her normal duties once she returned home.
Jenny looked out at the passing scenery, concentrating on keeping her mouth firmly shut, remembering her mother's warning earlier.
"It's important you're on your best behavior while we're out. This will keep you quiet and polite," she had said as she inserted the device in Jenny's tiny mouth. The device was a remote button. She had to keep her mouth shut at all times to keep the remote in place and had to use her tongue to push the button to the roof of her mouth. If the button were released, or the remote slipped out IT would turn on.
IT was the large dildo held into her pussy by the chastity belt she had been locked into on her pussy she had been locked into two years ago on her sixth birthday. Once the button was released it would start vibrating and pulsing and she wouldn't be able to stand it. Of course her mother had another remote transmitter that could activate it, and if she were to wonder too far from that remote it would also activate. She knew that if it were activated her squirming would embarrass her mother and she would be punished for it.
A strong vibration jarred her back to her senses. Her mother was glaring at her in the mirror, the second remote in her hand.
"You're not even listening to me! We'll deal with this once we get home," she smiled, still glaring at her Jenny, "I said, you're going to wear your backpack the entire time we're shopping and are not to sit or rest the entire time we're in the mall."
Jenny looked nervously at the back-pack on the seat next to her. It was a normal looking children's back pack but her mother had packed it with 35 pounds [15 kg] of weights and Jenny would soon be sore form lugging it around. To make matters worse her mother often insisted that they use the stair rather than the escalators and elevators.
Jenny groaned as the van pulled into the parking space at the mall, her mother had chosen the first open spot, near the far edge of the parking lot, and Jenny realized she'd have to not only walk all the way to the mall, she'd have to make the same walk to return to the van. She carefully climbed out of the van and grabbed her backpack when her mother opened the door. As she slid the backpack onto her shoulders she was surprised by the weight of it.
"I put a few extra toys in there just in case they're needed," her mother stated, "And I won't hesitate to use any one of them for any reason. Now come on!"
Jenny struggled to keep up with her mother. Her mother took long strides and made no attempt to slow down for the girl. Jenny's plight was made worse by the fact that under her short pink skirt her thighs had been tied together, further shortening her stride. She practically ran to keep up with her mother, her only relief knowing once she was in the mall, her mother normally walked much slower as she looked around.
Jenny thought back to the last time her mother had brought toys to the mall.
Her mother had prepared a surprisingly large breakfast and had encouraged Jenny to eat, in addition she poured Jenny glass after glass of Jenny's favorite, Cherry Kool-Aide. On the way to the mall her mother had given her a large bottle of water and told her it had to be all drunk by the time they got to the mall. Jenny opened the liter [35 fl oz] bottle and began obediently drinking. Once at the mall her mother had continued to give her bottles of water out of her backpack, insisting that she drank them all. Jenny was happy to continue drinking, feeling her backpack grow lighter with each bottle she drank. After about three liters [100 fl oz] of water Jenny realized what was happening. She had to go to the bathroom but realized asking her mother if she could use the bathroom would be breaking the rules. Still her mother made her drink and she continued to suffer. After five liters [1¼ gallon] she had to fight the urge to throw up with each drink. Finally, all ten liters [2½ gallon] of water that were in her backpack were gone. Jenny and her mother had grabbed some burgers from the food court and to add to Jenny's torment her mother insisted they sit by one of the fountains in the mall to eat. After finishing her burger Jenny was aware that the seat of her pants felt damp. He mother stood and Jenny immediately followed, looking at the small wet spot as she began to walk away. Her mother, seeing Jenny look back, looked as well. Seeing the wet spot she immediately looked at Jenny's pants, and began marching her to the nearest bathroom. Jenny felt totally humiliated, sure everyone could see she had wet herself, and afraid of what her mother would do. After checking to ensure the bathroom was totally empty Jenny's mother locked the door, and turned to face Jenny. Jenny was shaking with fear.
"You've embarrassed me today and the day isn't even half over!" Her mother shouted, then, gaining control of her emotions continued in a lower tone, "Prepare yourself for punishment."
Jenny instantly completely undressed, neatly folding her clothes and placing them on the counter next to her back-pack. She then bowed down before her mother and recited, "Mistress, this slave is not worthy of your attention but needs to be punished."
Her mother/mistress took a step towards the shivering child and opened the backpack. She pulled out a ball gag, lifted Jenny's head off the floor by her hair and placed the gag in her mouth. Jenny returned to her position when her mother released her hair and stayed still while her mother fastened the leather straps of the gag behind her head. Her mother then ordered her to stand. Her mother opened a on of the stall doors and threw a rope over the bar on top of the door. She positioned Jenny in the open stall door and tied the ropes to Jenny's wrists. She then tied Jenny's ankles to each side of the doorframe, spreading her legs and forcing Jenny to stand on her toes.
Jenny heard water running behind her and was surprised when she looked up to see her mother hanging an enema bag to the bar over Jenny's head.
"Oh dear, it seems we left the KY Jelly at home," her mother said with a grin.
Jenny grunted as she felt the large nozzle enter her bottom and felt the warm water flow into her. She then heard water running again. Her mother hung a second bag over her head and as the first bag emptied she switched over the second, taking the first bag back to the sink to refill it. After taking three full enema bags her mother quickly pulled out the nozzle. Jenny clenched her bottom to prevent any of the fluid from leaking out. She looked behind her just in time to see her mother pull out a large butt-plug. Jenny groaned through her gag again as her mother inserted the plug. A swishing noise was the only warning Jenny had before a sharp pain across her bottom indicated her mother planned to whip her as well. Blow after blow landed across her bottom as Jenny squirmed in her bonds. Knowing her mother would ask once the gag was removed Jenny tried to keep count of the blows.
The whipping continued mercilessly as Jenny tried to keep count.
Jenny's head hung limply as and she looked down at her distended belly while she continued to count to herself.
Jenny's bladder which had little relief from the small accident earlier, was in pain, begging for release.
Jenny felt a small amount of urine flow out and run down her leg. She concentrated on holding her bladder more and hoped mother didn't notice.
She lost control and her bladder emptied itself onto the floor. Her mother quickly stepped away and watched as Jenny continued to humiliate herself. Once the flow had stopped Jenny once again heard water running. Her mother was splashing water on the floor and Jenny watched as it ran down the drain of the stall in front of her, tears rolling down her face.
Once the water was mostly drained Jenny's mother stepped up behind her. Jenny shivered as she felt the riding crop trace her spine from her butt to the nape of here neck. With a quick flick of the wrist brought it her across Jenny's shoulder blades. Jenny tried to remember the number 16 as her mother lay into her back with a series of quick blows. Jenny counted eight when her mother started talking.
"You just continue to embarrass me! Forcing me smell you while you act like an animal," her mother said, continue to rain blows down on the child. Jenny continued to count and was at 18, remembering 16 still.
The blows continued as Jenny's concentration began to falter. She was at 23, 16, why was that number important 16, now 24 blows, what was she trying to remember? She began to panic as she realized she had forgotten something that was very important. 27,28,29,30, Jenny tried to keep count of the blows across her back now not even sure if that count was correct. At 33 her mother stopped. A sense of dread and relief mixed as her mother removed the gag from her mouth. Once she was released from her bonds Jenny quickly took up her pose on the floor.
"This slave thanks it's mistress for the lesson," Jenny recited before kissing her mother's shoes.
Jenny was still shaking as her mother looked down on her.
"How many times did I whip the slave?" her mother asked.
"The slave was whipped 33 times on its back," Jenny stuttered, unsure of herself.
"And what of the whipping on the slaves bottom?"
Jenny began to shake as she tried to remember what the number was she had forgotten.
"Do you need a reminder?" her mother asked as she began moving Jenny back towards the ropes.
Jenny was in a panic as she was lead back towards the stall. Some writing on the stall wall caught her eye.
'Jenny was here' it read, the irony not lost on the small girl. Under it was written a date.
The date stuck in Jenny's mind even as she allowed her hands to be secured over her head. The number was there! She knew it but didn't know which.
She felt her left leg be tied once again. It couldn't be 98 she thought to herself. Her mind was racing between the 12 and 16, unsure which it would be.
She felt the ropes on her right leg, spreading her and once again forcing her to rise up on her toes.
Her mother was reaching around her with the ball gag, Jenny's time was running out. Her mind raced as she made a decision.
"16!" she nearly shouted, "The slave was whipped 16 times on her bottom"
"16 times? Are you sure slave?" Jenny's mom asked.
"Jenny was shaking, "Yes mistress, the slave received 16 to it's bottom and 33 to it's back. Thank you mistress."
Jenny felt more confident in her answer after saying the phrase and was relieved when her mother pulled away the gag.
Jenny was completely unprepared for the three sharp swats that followed, landing on the back of her thighs. She nearly cried out but quickly bit her lip and held back.
"Do you know what that was for?" her Mother asked.
"N-no mistress," Jenny stuttered.
"What is the punishment for lying?"
"Th-three hits," Jenny answered, suddenly realizing what had happened. Her mother had realized she wasn't sure of the answer and had caught her in that lie. "This slave thanks you for the punishment and is sorry for lying to its mistress."
Jenny's mom quickly untied the girl and threw the ropes in the bag. Jenny had resumed her bowing on the floor.
"Get up, we still have a lot more shopping to do," her mother snapped. "And clean yourself up!"
Jenny used some damp paper towels to clean the drying urine and traces of blood off her legs. As she bent down she became aware of the enema still in her and the small cramps that were starting. She knew a few hours of walking around with this and she'd be struggling to follow her mom around. As she stood back up she looked at her back, a network of marks criss-crossed her back and bottom and the three welts on her legs were bright red. Surprisingly only a few were bleeding and most of those had already begun to clot.
She caught her T-shirt as her mom threw it at her but was surprised when her mom put her pants in the backpack. She put her shoes and socks on her feet and wondered what her mom planned to have her do. Surely she wouldn't have her walk around the mall with no pants on!
"Tie this around your waste, make sure no one can see you have no pants on," her mother said, handing her the jacket she had worn into the mall.
Jenny quickly tied the jacket on, thankful it could easily wrap around her thin waste and checking to make sure it didn't reveal too much of her bare thighs. Although it was a cool day out most of the other shoppers would assume Jenny had worn shorts to the mall, Jenny would have to be careful though, a wrong move would easily reveal her secret, bringing on still further punishment. She walked towards her back pack and was surprised at the pain the coarse fabric of the jacket caused to her raw butt cheeks. When she placed the backpack on her shoulders she grimaced at the pain the weight on her sore backside caused.
Jenny spent the next three hours following her mother around the mall. The fluid in her belly, combined with the backpack and jacket rubbing on her raw backside made it one of the most unbearable shopping trips she had ever experienced. She was grateful when she and her mom finally left the mall and hardly felt it as she stood in the frigid air while her mom pretended to be unable to find her car keys, the wind whipping at her bare legs and arms.
Jenny and her mom had finally arrived at the front doors to the mall. Ever since that trip to the mall Jenny never doubted whether her mother could or would punish her anywhere at anytime. She smiled to herself as she entered the mall. It was a warm day and all she had on was her short sun-dress and a pair of sandals. Even if her mother decided to punish her in the mall again today, there was no way her mother could make her go around in less clothing.
Chapter 2 Jenny's trip to the mall continues
Jenny followed her mother into the mall. The air conditioned mall was much cooler than the summer heat outside and Jenny's nipples became hard. She looked down and saw they stood out prominently from the thin tight T-shirt she was wearing. Although only 8 years old, the frequent tortures and stimulation her nipples had received over the years had made them very prominent. She became scared her mother, seeing he nipples so erect, would become embarrassed, any embarrassment to either of her parent's would result in severe punishment and with a heavy backpack full of unknown toys and torture devices she didn't want to find out what the punishment would be. She quickly pulled her long, fine, blonde hair so that it hung in front of her shoulders and partially covered both nipples.
As she followed her mom through the mall they passed the food court. In there Jenny was surprised to see a bunch of girls wearing little more than swimsuits and sandals. Little did Jenny know that the Catholic Girls School's swim team had a meet earlier in the day and had taken the team to the mall afterwards as a treat. The girls had just finished lunch and began to wonder in groups around the mall. Jenny's mom was well aware of the swim meet today and knew the girls would be at them mall. It was part of her plan for Jenny's punishment if she were to misbehave today.
Jenny's mom smiled at the thought. It wasn't if she misbehaved, it was when. Although Jenny had progressed very far in her training her mother was always able to find ways to test Jenny's endurance. She was sure that Jenny wouldn't be able to keep the remote button in her mouth pressed the entire visit to the mall and once pressure was released from it the dildo trapped inside her would come alive, resulting in behavior that would be considered embarrassing.
Sure enough Jenny's tongue was beginning to tire from holding the button in her mouth. And as she tried to mover her tongue a little to ease the pain the dildo kicked on. Jenny was surprised by the sudden feelings but was able to shut it off before the feeling became too much.
However she did stop walking behind her mother during this and realized to her terror that she was getting dangerously far away from the remote her mother carried that would also activate the dildo. She struggled to run after her mom, her heavy backpack, and bound thighs, making it very difficult. She finally did catch up to her mother and continued walking behind her while trying to catch her breath.
After visiting most of the stores on the first floor Jenny's mother headed towards some stairs to visit the second floor. By now Jenny was beginning to wear out and as her mother approached the stairs she didn't slow down her pace one bit. As Jenny came to the first step she realized her bound thighs were going to make this very difficult. She struggled her way onto the first step, using the railing to pull herself up. Her mother was already four steps above her. Jenny struggled to speed up, watching her feet as she carefully climbed step after step. A quick glance up showed her mother was already halfway up the stairs while Jenny was only a quarter of the way. Jenny continued on, struggling with the effort. As Jenny got to the halfway point she looked to see her mother at the top of the stairs. She was relieved to see her mother had stopped to look at a small advertisement near the top. Jenny continued her efforts.
Jenny's mom, while pretending to look at an advertisement, looked down the stairs at her daughter. She was struggling at the halfway point of the stairs and she knew it wouldn't be long before Jenny wouldn't be able to keep up with her. She was tempted to start walking off now, quickly moving too far away from her daughter and leaving her helpless on the stairs as the dildo kicked on. She decided to toy with the girl some more first. She waited until Jenny was on the second to last stair before quickly turning and walking away.
Jenny was nearly to the top, just two more steps to go. A sense of triumph was building in her and for a moment she had a feeling of hope that she'd be able to keep up with her mom the entire shopping trip. Theses hopes were quickly smashed as her mom strode away and Jenny felt the dildo begin to operate. She struggled to ignore the feelings and finish the climb. Once on the second floor she began running after her mom, trying to get back within range of the remote. This time her mother was even farther away than the first time and Jenny was already very worn out. Her plight was made worse by the feeling building from her cunny. She was getting closer though, her mother was only 100 feet [30 m] away. Then 75 [25 m]. She pushed on, her mother now only 50 feet away. Suddenly she felt her footing give out and too her horror she was falling to the floor.
As she hit the floor her mouth opened and the remote slid across the floor, then over the edge of one of the second floor railing. She heard it land with a splash in the fountain below. The feelings of the dildo were too much and she was squirming around on the ground. She felt hands lifting her and was surprised to see it was two of the girls off the swim team.
"Are you okay?" one of the girls asked
"Y-yeah," Jenny said while trying to stand on shaky legs and hide what the motion of the dildo was doing to her.
"This backpack weighs a ton, what's in it?" The other girl asked.
"Just some school books and stuff," Jenny answered. Just then she saw her mom glaring at her from a few feet away. "I've got to go, thanks."
Jenny struggled to walk over to her mom as the two girls walked off saying "See-ya".
As Jenny made it to her mother and stood in front of her, still fighting the feelings from the dildo. Despite being close to her mother's transmitter there would be no way to turn it off unless she could get her remote from the fountain.
Jenny continued to struggle as her mom grabbed her arm and nearly dragged her across the mall. They entered a newer section of the mall that was still under construction. Jenny and her mom continued to walk farther into the new section and gradually the sounds of the other customers faded away. Her mother began trying different doors, all of which were unlabeled, until she finally found one that was unlocked. Jenny was dragged into this room by her mother and suddenly plunged into darkness while her mother closed and locked the door behind the two.
Jenny was quickly blinded by the bright, cold florescent lights being switched on. Still having the feeling in her cunny build, she nervously looked about the room. It was a small room still under construction. There were exposed pipes and scaffolding all about the place and tools and other building supplies lay all about. There was no drywall up yet and Jenny could see the fiberglass insulation exposed in the walls still. Jenny's mom led here to a nearby table and gave the order Jenny was dreading.
"Prepare yourself for punishment!" her mother shouted.
Jenny noted the way her words sounded in the room and assumed, correctly, that it was pretty well soundproofed. Jenny quickly placed her backpack and sandals on the table next to her and neatly folded her sundress to place it alongside. She then bowed in front of her mother, the standard punishment position, and recited a the line she had become very familiar with.
"This slave is not worthy of your attention but needs to be punished."
The vibrator continued to work at her insides and Jenny felt herself nearing orgasm. Jenny thought hard to push away the feelings, knowing that an unauthorized release would result in worse punishment.
"You've been lagging, slowing me down, all day, slave," her mother began, "I probably should have punished you when you first walked in here and showed you nipples off to everyone you worthless whore."
Jenny gasped, partially form the dildo, and partially because she hadn't though her mother had noticed.
"And then you embarrassed me by climbing the stairs so slowly and tripping while trying to catch up. Also, back there you talked to strangers, two of them!" her mother continued, "What is the punishment for talking to strangers?"
Jenny wracked her mind to think what the punishment was. She knew it was against the rules but couldn't remember what the punishment was or if she had even been told it.
"This slave doesn't know the answer to mistress's question." Jenny finally answered. Tears welling up in her eyes
"What do you think the punishment should be?" her mother asked.
Jenny carefully weighed the question, trying to look at it the way her mother would. If she suggested too light a punishment she would get a much more severe punishment and if she answered too harshly she would suffer more than necessary. After deliberating she carefully answered .
"This slave deserves 20 hits for talking to the strangers." Jenny carefully answered, again feeling the dildo push her dangerously close to release.
Jenny's mother smiled, "That sounds reasonable, 20 hits for talking to strangers, and since there were two of them you'll receive 40!"
Jenny nearly missed the last part from concentrating on holding back the feelings that had built up from the vibrations. She didn't know if she could bear 40 hits.
Her mother quickly led her to some scaffolding. She pulled a pair of leather cuffs out of the backpack and placed them on Jenny's wrists, a similar pair were placed on her ankles. Then Jenny was forced to stand on a crate while her mother attached the clips on her wrist cuffs to bolt-holes in the overhead scaffolding. Jenny's arms were spread painfully apart and she was forced to stand on her tip-toes.
Suddenly her mother kicked the box out from under her, and Jenny was hanging by her arms. Picking up a piece of pipe, laying near by, Jenny's mom placed one end of it against Jenny's right ankle cuff and held it in place with some duct tape that was lying nearby. She then spread Jenny's legs and secured the other end to her left cuff, again securing it with the duct tape. Jenny's legs were spread painfully far apart. Jenny's mom then removed two of the seven five pound [2¼ kg] weights that were in the backpack and hung one from each of the ankle cuffs.
Jenny groaned with the weight and struggled to resist the stimulation her cunny was getting. Her mother walked around in front of her and showed two nipple clamps, connected by a chain to the bound girl. Jenny's mom began rubbing and pinching her nipples to get them to once again stand erect from the stretched skin of the small girls chest. The stimulation was too much for Jenny to ignore and as her nipples became hard she was pushed over the edge into the throws of her orgasm. She was so overtaken with it that she didn't even feel her mother attach the nipple clamps. Seeing no the pain wasn't registering with the girl, Jenny's mom Pulled another weight from the back pack and hung it from the chain between the nipple clamps.
As Jenny came down from her intense orgasm she became aware of the intense pain in her chest. She looked down to see the five pound [2¼ kg] weight hung from the cruel clamps mercilessly stretching her nipples downward.
"Slave, what is the punishment for cumming without permission?"
Her mother's question brought Jenny completely back to reality.
"This slave should receive 25 hits for cumming without mistress's permission," Came her answer.
"So how many hits does the slave deserve now?"
"65," came Jenny's answer after quickly adding them up.
"Each of the three weights hung on you are for each of the three times you've embarrassed me today," Jenny's mother said, "And now you'll receive your whipping."
Jenny obediently opened her mouth to allow her mother to insert the gag. She listened carefully as her mother drew a riding crop out of the back pack, heard the footsteps of her mother walking up behind her. She listened to the whistling of the crop through the air, braced for the impact, but felt nothing.
Jenny's mother laughed as she watched the young girl flinch as she swung the crop through the air. Twice more she swung the crop making the noise without hitting the girl, finally the fourth practice swing the young girl didn't flinch.
Jenny counted the times she heard her mother swing the crop, practicing for when she had to count the actual hits. Finally, on the seventh swing she felt the impact. Completely unprepared for the pain Jenny almost didn't remember to count as four more blows rained down on her back. Five, she was at five hits she thought to herself. Her mother quickly brought five more blows down on the child's back, bringing the count up to ten. Five more followed, now at 15. Jenny was glad her mother was doing this in groups of five, it would make it easier to keep track, but she knew she had to be careful. If her mother hit her only three or four times in an effort to fool the child her punishment would become worse.
Twenty, twenty-five, thirty. Her mother kept the pattern up. The girl was having difficulty keeping track of the individual hits and the feelings from the dildo were beginning to build again.
Another group of blows came down. Jenny nearly counted 35 to herself when she realized that wasn't a full five hits. 34 she said to herself. Her mother continued raining down groups of five until she got to 64 hits. The girl was nearly senseless as her mother began to remove the gag from her mouth. Once the her mouth was free Jenny quickly mustered her senses.
"Mistress this slave is not through being punished. This slave only received 64 of the 65 hits."
Jenny's mom smiled, walked around behind the girl and gave her one final blow to her back. The force of the blow nearly made Jenny cum again but she held back.
"For taking all of your punishment so well and ensuring you received the full punishment you are allowed to freely cum the rest of the day," Jenny's mom said.
No sooner had she heard the words then Jenny she and convulsed with her second powerful orgasm of the day.
"I think I'll leave you here to enjoy your privilege until I'm done shopping," her mother said, "I hope you don't mind hanging out here."
"This slave thanks its mistress." Jenny managed to say as her mother left the room.
Jenny hung in her bonds, enjoying the feelings from her cunny, as she came a third time she noticed that her shaking caused the weights on her nipples and ankles to pull. She gently swung in the air as a fourth orgasm built. She had never been allowed to cum four times in a day and was beginning to feel sore. Still the dildo continued its effects and she groaned as it continued it's vibrating and pulsing. She noted that it was beginning to slow down and become less intense, and assumed the batteries were dying. This made it even worse, now it was bringing her even more slowly towards another painful climax. For nearly three hours it slowly worked away inside her. During this time she became aware of how sore all her joints were and how much her nipples hurt. She was very close to her fifth orgasm when the dildo died completely, she was glad for the reprieve but felt she still desired relief. In her frustration she shook in her bonds. She tried vainly to reach another orgasm. The pain in all her joints was too much. Tears were streaming down her face when she heard the door open and shut behind her.
Jenny was flooded with relief at the thought that her mother was finally here and her bondage could end.
Chapter 3 The Boys
Jenny was glad to hear her mom walking into the room. She had been hanging in bondage for hours and was extremely sore. Long ago the batteries to the dildo, trapped in her tiny cunny had died, leaving her to concentrate on the pain caused by the weights that dangled from her body as it was suspended from the scaffolding in the unfinished room in the new section of the mall.
She heard the door close behind her and footsteps into the room. Something was wrong though, they weren't the firm steps of her mother, they were different, and sounded like more than one person.
"Nobody'll be back here, we'll be safe," she a heard male voice say.
"Now come on, let's see it," anther voice said, also male.
"Alright but if dad finds out I took it from his room he'll beat me senseless," a third boy said.
Jenny heard the rustling of paper and gasps from the boys.
"They really tie women up like that? All naked?" one of them said.
Jenny realized they hadn't seen her yet and must be talking about a dirty magazine.
She heard the boys walking again. "Set it on this table so we all can see," one of them said.
Jenny realized in horror they were probably standing right next to the table her clothes and back pack were on. There was no way they could miss those items.
"What's this stuff?" One of the boys said, making Jenny's blood run cold. "A dress and a back pack?"
She heard them unzip her backpack and gasp at what they saw inside. Her mother had been sure to pack an assortment of bondage implements for their trip to the mall today. Despite the cool air in the room Jenny began to sweat. If they took her back pack and clothes what would her mother do? She heard them dump the items in the back pack on the table and start to sort through its contents.
"This stuff is great just like in the magazine." One of the boys squealed.
"Hey, Johnny, come over hear and check this out."
To her left Jenny could see two of the boys by some nearby scaffolding. Jenny held her breath, hoping she wouldn't be seen. She heard click of some handcuffs and one of the boys stepped away. She saw a boy, about six years old, with his hand secured behind his back. Moving her head a little she could see handcuffs connecting his wrists, the chain from the cuffs wrapped around the scaffolding.
"Come on Tim, let me out!" the boy, apparently Johnny cried.
"Oh, don't be a baby" The other boy, Tim, said. Tim appeared to be about four years older than Johnny but looked like his brother.
The third boy, who was about Tim's age, spoke up, "Your brother's always such a pain, maybe it's time to teach him a lesson."
The color drained from Johnny's face as the two boys began comparing the items on the table with what they saw in the magazine. Johnny, panicking now, began looking around for an escape. The handcuffs were securely fastened to his wrists and couldn't be slipped off. The bar he was handcuffed to was firmly bolted to opposite sides of the scaffolding. He looked around the room for something, anything, that would help him. Then he saw the girl bound to the scaffolding nearby. The boys had missed the naked child earlier. He watched the sweat glistening on her body, temporarily forgetting his own plight. Seeing the naked girl made his tiny immature penis become stiff.
Jenny made eye contact with the small boy and shook her head to try and get him not to say anything. The boy nodded and seemed to understand. He wasn't sure who the girl was and couldn't explain why he was attracted to her but wanted to help her. All the superhero comics he had read had taught him you need to protect tied up girls from the bad guys and to him his brother and friend were certainly bad guys.
Jenny looked on helplessly as Tim and the other boy walked up to Johnny. Johnny looked at them nervously when suddenly Tim pulled down his little brother's pants and underwear. Knocking him off balance the young boy's pants were quickly removed, along with his shoes and socks. Johnny stood nervously in just a T-shirt, with no way to cover his erect man-hood form either of the boys or the girl nearbye.
"Look at that, he's excited! He likes it!" the friend said, pointing to Johnny's penis with a riding crop.
"Looks like my little brother's a homo Mike," Tim said.
Mike gave Johnny's penis a light flick with the riding crop. Fear showing on Johnny's face as he moved his legs to protect himself. Then Mike whipped Johnny across the front of his thighs.
Johnny screamed at the pain and hopped from foot to foot. While Johnny's mouth was open screaming, Tim placed a ball gag in Johnny's mouth and quickly fastened it behind his head. Then Tim and Mike began tying Johnny's feet to the scaffolding, pulling his legs apart and leaving him completely exposed.
Jenny, seeing this, found herself becoming more and more turned on. She felt for the young boy's plight but she herself had been in worse bondage and thought he should be able to endure it.
Mike gave Johnny's penis three solid hits with the crop. Johnny's feeling the intense pain arched his back and shook his body. Tears rolled down his face. Tim approached his bother with a section of rope, tied one end to the scaffolding behind Johnny and the other was tied in a slip knot around his balls.
"Hit him again, watch what happens," Tim said to Mike.
Mike again gave a painful blow with the riding crop to Johnny's abused penis. Johnny arched his back at the torment and felt the rope around his balls pull tighter. He relaxed and moved back towards the scaffolding but his brother had tied an excellent knot and the noose did not loosen. Tim grabbed the crop from Mike and gave his brother five more painful hits. Johnny was writhing in pain and the noose grew tighter with every motion.
Johnny looked down at his tortured privates and saw the rope cutting into his skin. He shook his lower body, trying to get the noose off his balls, but it wouldn't release its tight painful grip. Mike and Tim had gone back to the table to compare some of the other toys to the magazine. Johnny looked to Jenny, tears streaming down his face.
It was all Jenny could do to keep from yelling at the other boys to leave him alone. She knew she was just as helpless as Johnny and could only hope the other two boys didn't go too far, or worse, see her.
Mike approached the young boy holding a large cylindrical object. Johnny didn't know what it was but was sure they only would inflict more pain with it. Jenny recognized the dildo as being one of the larger ones from her parents inventory and knew there was no way Johnny could take it without being seriously hurt. Mike squeezed a liberal amount of KY Jelly onto it and then walked around behind the scaffolding Johnny was tied to. He placed the tip of the dildo at the entrance to the young boy's anus and began applying pressure. Johnny struggled but quickly stopped as he felt the noose become tighter. Johnny then tried clenching his butt cheeks together to repel the intrusion. Mike was caught up in the moment and didn't care if the young boy was hurt. He applied more pressure and to Johnny's horror, he felt his butt cheeks begin to part as the dildo was forced closer and closer towards his tightened sphincter muscle. Johnny closed his eyes and bit down hard on the ball gag, preparing for the pain. Tim watched in fascination as Johnny slowly gave up and prepared for the pain. Jenny held her breathe, watching the torture of the boy with a morbid fascination. She so much wanted to help little Johnny but was herself still helpless to do anything.
"Oh no." escaped Jenny's lips even before she realized it.
Suddenly all eyes were on the bound girl hanging nearby. Mike moved the dildo away from Johnny while Tim walked over to where Jenny was trussed up. Jenny struggled feebly in her bonds, knowing it was useless, that there was no escape. Johnny looked in horror at the girl, there was no way he could help her now he thought to himself.
"This day keeps getting better and better," Tim said as Mike walked up behind him. I guess that was your dress over there."
Tim ran bag to the table and grabbed her dress. Jenny started to protest at the boys to let them both go. Mike quickly pulled out a pocket knife and cut Jenny's dress into strips, then used them to gag and blindfold the girl. Johnny tried to shout through his gag while Tim and Mike began to nervously run their hands over Jenny's body.
None of them heard the opening and closing of the door or the footsteps across the floor towards the children.
Chapter 4 Mother takes care of the boys
The boy's hands explored the forbidden fruit of Jenny's body as she broke out in a cold sweat. No longer able to see what the boys were doing Jenny became scared and began to shake. This caused her weighted nipple clamps to sway, increasing her agony. The boy's watched her nipples, entranced by the motion of the clamps and weights.
Little Johnny secured nearby, saw the figure moving across the room towards the children. He tried to shout through his gag but the mewing sound that escaped fell on deaf ears. Johnny watched as the figure stepped into the light and took in the scene.
The figure was a tall attractive woman, in her mid-thirties, but in very good shape. She looked carefully at each of the children, assessing the situation, and walked up to the table. She calmly set her shopping bags down next to the table and pulled a thin leather belt from one of the bags, and grabbed a bundle of zip-ties from the table.
She then calmly walked up to the two boys who where molesting Jenny, completely undetected by them, and in one quick fluid motion swung the belt striking both boys across their bottoms in one hit.
The sudden pain caught both boys off guard and they look at each other, confused at what was happening.
"Get away from her!" the woman's yelled.
Jenny recognized the voice as her mother's and was relieved when she felt the weights being removed from her ankles and nipple clamps. She then felt an egg crate being placed under her feet and the cuffs on her wrist released from the scaffolding. Finally her mother removed the blindfold and gag that used to be Jenny's dress.
Jenny stood on the egg crate blinking while her eyes became adjusted to the light. The two boys stood trembling as the dominating figure of Jenny's mother hovered over them, her face completely emotionless. Something in her eyes told the boys not to toy with her.
Little Johnny, relieved to see the woman helping Jenny hoped she'd free him soon as well. His arms were becoming sore and the presence of now two females in the room made him more aware of his exposed privates. Johnny saw Jenny look in his direction and tried to look brave for her but his eyes still had a pleading look in them.
"What is going on here?" Jenny's mother asked.
Both the boys started babbling unintelligible nonsense. Jenny noticed, to her amusement, that Tim had wet himself out of fear.
"Silence! Both of you!" Jenny's mother shouted, "What are your names?"
"Mike Thompson" Mike said.
"T-tim Mason" Tim managed to stutter out.
Jenny's mom looked furious. "You will both end everything you say to me with Mistress," she growled at them.
"Y-yes mistress," both boys said in unison.
"And who is he?" Jenny's mom asked, gesturing towards Johnny with the belt she still held.
Both boys flinched but didn't say anything. Jenny's mom continued to stare at them, waiting for an answer.
"It's my little brother," Tim finally said, "Johnny. M-mistress."
"Does he piss himself like a little baby too?" Jenny's mom demanded, leering at Tim's damp crotch.
Tim cast his eyes downward, ashamed and humiliated that this lady had noticed. Mike started to laugh at his friend but was silenced immediately when the belt caught him across the front of his thighs.
"And you were the one that cut up my daughters dress," Jenny's mom said towards Mike, "Now is it fair that she has no clothes because of you?"
Mike started to protest but was again silenced when the belt landed across his thighs.
Jenny's mom gestured for Mike to stand, which he did immediately. Then she told him to strip, he hesitated at this command.
"Your clothes really aren't worthy to put on a dog, but my daughter needs something to wear home. If you don't start doing what I say these little taps I'm giving you on your thighs will start to be much harder and much higher."
Mike cringed, knowing exactly what her intended target was. He quickly removed his clothes and dropped them in a pile on the floor in front of him. Standing shivering in his boxers.
Jenny's mom gave him another hit with the belt across his thighs.
"That's no way to treat your mistress's new clothes, you'll fold them neatly and present them to her on your knees like the dog you are."
Mike quickly folded the clothes and kneeled down in front of Jenny's mom, presenting the clothes in front of him. Jenny's mom gave him three quick lashes with the belt. Mike looked up in fear.
"I'm not going to be wearing the clothes you worthless dog! You'll present them to my daughter, your other mistress and home she's as merciful as I've been today." Jenny's mom said.
"Y-yes m-mistress," Mike said as he walked, on his knees over to the milk crate that Jenny stood on. Mike winced at the pain as the sand and dirt on the cold cement floor of the room rubbed his knees raw. Mike presented Jenny with the clothes.
Jenny looked from the pile of clothes to her mother. Jenny's mother indicated she was to dominate him and a smile crossed Jenny's face.
Jenny kicked the clothes out of Mikes hand and stepped down from the milk crate.
"You were told to strip and present me with the clothes and you give me a pile of rags while still dressed," Jenny shouted, getting into the dominatrix role.
The last few years of forced bondage had taught her a lot, not only about taking pain, but also giving it. She had lusted for so long for the opportunity to dominate someone and now her mother was granting her very wish. She became wet with the thought of what she could do. Of course he'd have to pay for cutting up her dress and touching her, ever since she was very young Jenny had been taught that strangers shouldn't touch her inappropriately. And then there was the cruel treatment to little Johnny she had seen. Although she didn't know much about the young boy she had developed a liking for him and wanted him to watch his tormentors be punished.
Mike nervously looked down his body. He had taken his clothes off when the lady said to, stripped right down to his underwear. She couldn't mean those to could she? He nervously looked up at Jenny. Her face was cold, as unemotional as her mother's. He slowly slipped his thumbs under the elastic waist of his underwear and saw Jenny give a small nod. He slowly pulled the underwear down, showing his prepubescent package and tight butt to the younger girl. Mike felt completely humiliated at being dominated by a girl, and a younger girl at that. His eyes welled up with tears.
Once his underwear was off he dropped them on the floor next to him and covered his genitals. Jenny stood over him, arms crossed for a moment.
"You're a slow learner aren't you?" Jenny demanded pointing at the boxers on the floor next to him and the rest of the clothes strewn about the floor.
Mike quickly gathered all the clothes, folded them neatly, and again presented them to Jenny.
Jenny took the pile of clothes from him and set them on the milk crate. She picked up his boxers off the top of the pile, pinching them with two fingers, and held them in front of mikes face. "You think I'm going to wear these?" she said, swinging the boxers in front of him.
Mike didn't know what to say. Suddenly Jenny was stuffing the boxers in his mouth. Before Mike realized what was happening Jenny had hit him on the side of the temple, knocking him off balance. Jenny quickly tied his hands behind his back with a piece of her dress. She then tied his ankles with more of her dress. Rolling Mike over she stood with one foot on his chest, hands on her hips, like Mike was some new land she had just conquered.
Jenny slowly walked around Mike, examining her new slave, and wondering what to do next. She looked to her mother, but her mother was busy with Tim.
Tim stared trembling as his best friend was forced by the young girl to strip completely naked. He thought of trying knock over the woman and girl, grab his friend and make a run for it. But with Mike completely naked he couldn't just run through the mall like that. Next he thought maybe he could make a run for it himself. Mike could take care of himself and his little brother could just stay tied up over there.
Jenny's mom stepped over towards Tim. She grabbed him by his shirt and lifted him to his feet, Mike realized now was the chance to run and was just about to take off when he felt the leather belt slip around his neck and the sharp yank backwards.
Tim landed with a thud on the hard cement and the wind was knocked out of him. Then he realized he couldn't breathe. His hands flew up to his neck and he tried to loosen the belt that was restricting his airway.
"Are you going to wallow in you own filth or are you going to get out of those wet clothes?" Jenny's mom asked the gasping boy, "The belt isn't coming off until your clothes are."
Tim realized his situation was hopeless and quickly began fumbling with the fly on his jeans. He managed to undo it with much difficulty. He felt himself become dizzy from lack of air. He struggled to undo his shoes and remove his socks. He quickly pushed his pants and underwear down his legs and kicked them off. He felt his vision begin to swim as he yanked his shirt off. Jenny's mom let go of the belt just long enough for him get the shirt over his head, then quickly tightened the noose down again. Tim, now totally naked grabbed at the noose when he didn't feel it loosen. Looking to Jenny's mom he saw her looking at the pile of clothes on the floor. Mike lunged at them, and struggled to fold them as his body became less and less responsive. He managed to get the clothes folded just as he passed out.
Jenny watched her mother for a bit then decided to get back to her own slave. She sat herself down on Mike's chest, making it difficult for him to breathe. She took his small penis in his hand and was amazed at how it stiffened at her touch. She carefully rubbed it with her hands, letting his tension build. She did this for a few minutes until she thought he was near orgasm. The she quickly ran her fingernail down the length of his shaft while using her other hand to firmly grab, squeeze and twist his balls. Mike screamed through his gag and his penis instantly went limp. Jenny rubbed on his penis to try and make it stiff again but to no avail.
"If you won't get hard the easy way," Jenny said while walking over and picking up the riding crop, "then we'll have to do it the fun way."
She gave his penis a light flick with the crop and saw him flinch in pain. A harder hit to the same area and he tensed up. She gave him a third hit and was rewarded with an agonized scream through his gag and him arching his back.
Mike rolled over on his stomach to protect his balls and Jenny was rewarded with the perfect opportunity to give him five quick swats on his butt. Mike squirmed and writhed in the pain. Seeing his bottom reminded Jenny of his treatment to Johnny earlier.
She walked over to Johnny, still secured to the scaffolding. She pulled the ball gag out of his mouth and quickly gave him a kiss on the lips. It was the first time Johnny had been kissed by a girl and was speechless as the new feelings rushed over his body. Jenny whispered in his ear to remain quiet then reached down behind him and picked up the dildo Mike had dropped there earlier.
Jenny looked at it as she walked back over to her slave, examining the dildo as she moved. Dust and dirt had stuck to the KY that covered it, giving the dildo a very grainy texture. She knew this would make it all the worse for what she had in mind. When she got back to Mike she put him in position. Mike allowed her to tuck his knees under his chest, raising his bottom in the air. He was thankful she wasn't hitting him and was completely clueless as to what was to come.
Jenny walked around in front of Mike and showed him the dildo. Mike began to shake with fear, realizing what was about to happen.
"You were going to stick this in Johnny over there. It's probably a good thing you didn't, and you're about to see why." Jenny said.
She walked around behind Mike and quickly pushed the tip against his sphincter before he had much chance to react. Mike did try to keep the intrusion out but Jenny was determined to teach him a lesson and applied more force while rotating the dildo. Mike, to his horror felt his sphincter give way and the dildo begin to enter.
"This would be easier if you relaxed," Jenny told him, "But I'm having more fun doing it this way."
Mike tried to relax his muscles to allow it to enter but each thrust of it caused him to reflexively tighten his muscles. Jenny now had two inches [5 cm] of its length in and decided to show him some real pain. She pulled the dildo back slightly and then gave a quick, hard thrust. The dildo was in four inches [10 cm] now. Mike began screaming when he felt this. Jenny felt herself becoming turned on by this and remembered the dildo deep inside her pussy. Once again she found herself wishing it still had battery life left, desiring some release. She force two more inches [5 cm] of the dildo into her slave and then another. Seven inches [18 cm] of it were imbedded in the boy's butt and his screams had subsided into sickly sobs, barely audible through the gag.
Jenny pushed Mike over onto his back again and straddled his stomach. Desiring some relief, she began rubbing her chastity belt covered cunt on the boy's sore penis.
Jenny's mom watched her daughter whip Mike and then walk across the room to the third boy, kiss him, and pick up the dildo. She found this unusual but couldn't think of it more as Tim began to come around. She had removed the belt from his neck and had taken the opportunity to use zip ties to secure the boy to another egg crate she had found lying around.
When Tim woke up he found himself in a very unusual position. An egg crate was positioned at the small of his back, his wrists secured to either side of it, forcing his back into an uncomfortable curve. His ankles were also zip-tied to the crate so that they nearly touched his wrists. His knees dug into the floor, causing still more pain. Tim found his front side was completely exposed. He struggled to his upper body to get a look around. His brother was still tied to the scaffolding, and the girl was in the process of forcing the dildo into his friend's backside. He didn't see the other lady and that's what scared him.
He lowered his upper body again, his abdominal muscles tired from the effort, and was surprised at a sharp pain on his back and a burning sensation. He quickly raised himself back up and saw the lady standing at his feet.
"That pain you felt is a small piece of plywood which I've driven carpenter nails through. I took the opportunity to slip it under you when you sat up. You'll find they're being heated by a propane torch, it's amazing what you find lying around."
Tim felt the heat rising off the nails, and could picture the nails glowing red hot, inches from his back. His abs were tiring and he was struggling to remain up. After a few minutes his body glistened with sweat from the effort and the heat. He saw the lady was holding another propane torch in one hand and the other, which was covered by a larger welders glove, had a flathead screwdriver in it.
"Now what am I to do with you boys?"
Tim couldn't answer, the effort of staying upright causing his to grit his teath.
"I have an idea though, and you'll be well taken car of. Of course I'm going to have some fun first, and make sure you know that it was very wrong for you to come in here."
Tim watched in horror as she lit the torch and heated the screwdriver until it was glowing. She held the glowing screwdriver inches off his chest. He could feel the heat coming off the tool and watched it in fear.
As it cooled and stopped glowing a feeling of relief rushed over his body. This was the moment she had been waiting for and let the screwdriver touch his chest. Although no longer glowing it was still very hot. The pain caused Tim to move back, away from it, forcing his back onto the hotter nails. He quickly pulled himself back up, his abs beginning to cramp from the effort. He watched her heat the screwdriver again and hover it over his genitals. As it cooled and stopped glowing he knew what was coming. The moment the hot screwdriver touched his genitals he reflexively tried to sit up. This cruelly pulled his shoulders painfully due to his bound wrists. He realized how helpless he was and how important it was for him to maintain his position. Again she reheated the screwdriver and held it over his nipples. This time she didn't wait as long for it to cool when she touched it to his chest.
Tim held steady as the screwdriver was brought down, holding his position despite the pain. He saw the lady walk around and stand between his legs. She kneeled down and began to insert the screwdriver up his but. Although it wasn't too big, and its recent heating's had left it not uncomfortably warm, Tim still resisted the intrusion.
Once the screwdriver was deep in the boy's ass she pulled a roll of duct tape out and taped the boy's small penis to the metal shaft of the screwdriver that protruded form his ass. She used still more tape to gag him. After ensuring the boy's bonds were still secure she looked at the torch she was still holding. And idea occurred to her that, although cruel, and dangerous, would teach the boy a lasting lesson. She turned the flame of the torch down to the lowest setting and placed it near the handle of the screwdriver.
She knew once the plastic handle had been heated enough it would begin to melt, eventually allowing the flame to begin to heat the metal shaft of the screwdriver and, as time progressed, heating his penis and anus. She wondered how long it would take before the heat would become too much for the boy. If the people she was going to contact would get there in time to prevent serious injury. She also wondered which would happen first, would the boy's muscles give out, causing his to fall on the nails, or would the people arrive. The boy was already struggling to maintain the pose, obviously he didn't exercise nearly as much as she made Jenny exercise. Jenny she knew could maintain that exact pose for up to 8 hours without hitting muscle failure. Thinking of her daughter she decided to see how she was doing.
Jenny wasn't able to feel anything through her chastity belt as she ground her hips into Mike's crotch. Still she kept doing it when she saw the rough leather of her chastity belt was rubbing his genitals raw and the discomfort he was in. She was lost watching the discomfort on the boy's face as she continued her thrusts, which had become even harder and faster out of her frustration at not being able to get any feeling out of it.
A hand on Jenny's shoulder brought her out of her trance, and looking up she saw her mom. She quickly dismounted her slave, much to Mike's relief.
"You've done a great job so far Jenny but it's about time to wrap things up, I just called the malemen to pick up some packages."
Jenny realized what her mom was saying, people who traded boys on the slave market were going to be coming for them. Although her mother would get paid a finder's fee, she couldn't be around when they came. The rules were that finders never met with the traders.
She helped her mom lift Mike up to his feet. Jenny's mom double checked the ties on the back of his hands, finding them secure she looked with pride at Jenny.
Jenny and her mother secured Mike to the scaffolding by slipping a zip-tie through a hole in the scaffolding and securing it loosely around his neck. It was just high enough that he was forced to stand perfectly straight up and rise up slightly on his toes. Jenny's mom removed the dildo from his ass and wiped it off on Tim's shirt. Jenny got another quick idea and secured his elbows together behind his back with another zip-tie.
Jenny's mom looked at her daughter with pride. Her training had taught her well and Mike was clearly in discomfort. Jenny's mom then looked over at the third boy. She'd need to get her handcuffs back from him, she couldn't leave any of her personal items behind. She walked over to the young boy. He looked up at her fearfully. She noticed his little penis was still stiff.
"Ma'm, I'm sorry for my brother," he said as his eyes looked downward. "Please don't hurt us."
Jenny, seeing her mom talking to Johnny, walked over to accompany her. She had nearly forgotten about Johnny when her mom mentioned the malemen. She couldn't let this young boy go to them, he hadn't done anything wrong. Nervous not to displease her mother she asked to speak with her privately.
"What is it?" Jenny's mom asked, a trace of annoyance in her voice.
"Mother, he didn't do anything wrong, the other two boys tied him there and, even though he saw me first he didn't reveal where I was."
Jenny's mother considered the situation. The boy, whether it was because of his brother's torments, or what he had witnessed here, was very submissive. And the fact that, even though his brother had tortured him, he was willing to ask that he not be hurt showed he was very submissive. And of course she couldn't let his attempt to protect her daughter be rewarded by selling him into slavery. Jenny's mom made a decision.
Chapter 5 Johnny
Jenny looked at the boy next to her. He sure was cute, his little cherub face and the hint of baby still on his body. He was about the age she was when her bondage training had started and she could just imagine all the things that could be done to him if he were to be trained a similar way.
Of course her mother had to decide what to do with him. Jenny had managed to keep him from having to go with the malemen. Her mother had agreed to take him home with them while she thought about other options. It was a risky move, asking her mother to bring a stranger into the house, but she felt it was worth the risk. She was really beginning to like the boy.
Jenny rolled the string she was holding between her fingers, at the other end of the string was the noose the older boys had attached to Johnny's tiny penis earlier, Jenny's mom had left that in place so Jenny could keep him from running off. He had his pants and shoes back on and looked like nothing had ever happened except for his cheeks bulging out. Mother had stuffed his underpants in his mouth to keep him silent, just as a safety precaution. Jenny didn't think he'd try anything, he seemed happy to just be standing there next to her.
Jenny adjusted the clothes she was wearing and looked over her shoulders at the other two boys. They appeared to be suffering greatly but deserved it after what they had done to Jenny and Johnny. She adjusted the backpack she once again wore, all the toys and weights had been put back into it and waited patiently for her mother.
Rather than try and walk with Johnny through the mall and risk being taped on a security camera Jenny's mom was going to pull the van next to the new entrance that wasn't yet finished. She had noticed earlier that there were no cameras yet in this wing so she could get her daughter and the other boy out without evidence.
She sighed as she stopped the van at the nearest spot to the doors and scanned the parking lot as she calmly walked up to the doors, jimmied the lock and walked to the room the children where in. Why was she taking this risk? She could have left the little one to the malemen, made quite a bit more money and never have thought of him again. But her daughter had seemed insistent that she couldn't let this happen and there was something in Jenny's voice that had convinced her to take him. Maybe she was becoming soft. For the last two, nearly three years she had completely controlled her daughter and Jenny had been a nearly perfect slave. Two years ago if Jenny had made such a request she would have been flogged severely, but she had gone through a lot of training since then and if it was important enough for her daughter to take such a risk then it was important enough for her to take a risk. She entered the room and beckoned for the children to follow her.
It was all very surreal to the young boy this morning he had begged his mom go to the mall with his big brother and now he was in the back of this strangers van as it left the mall parking lot. Why had he agreed to go with them? He certainly didn't have to worry about his brother constantly tormenting him, he seemed to have learned his lesson back in the mall and the lady said some people were taking him away, never to be seen again. What about his mom? Would she call the police? Johnny doubted it, his mom hadn't cared too much about anything when she was drunk, and she had been drinking constantly after his dad left six months ago. He looked at the girl sitting next to him, Jenny her name was, she was the only person who had seemed to care about him lately and he cared for her. Although her mom seemed mean she obviously cared for Jenny very much and maybe she'd care for him the same way.
Johnny looked at Jenny who was sitting next to him in the van. To Johnny she was the prettiest thing imaginable. He looked at the string coming out of his pants, she was still holding it, he knew she had complete control over him through that string but really she had had complete control since that kiss in the room.
Jenny adjusted the ill fitting clothes again and sighed, she saw out of the corner of her eye that Johnny was looking at her. She gave a playful light tug on the string and heard Johnny grunt. She turned to smile at him.
Johnny felt the tug on the string and grunted at the increased pressure but then he saw her smiling at him and all the discomfort was forgotten. She leaned forward a little and the shirt that was too large gave Johnny a perfect view of her nipples. His little penis became hard. As she reached over and started to undo his pants it became even harder still.
Jenny undid the little boy's pants and pulled his erect tiny penis out. She gently stroked it as the boy closed his eyes and tilted his head back, enjoying the feelings. Jenny stopped and Johnny opened his eyes to see why Jenny was still smiling at him as she pulled off the ill fitting clothes. Johnny watched, entranced as she stripped down to nothing but the leather thing she wore like underwear. Johnny staring at her chastity belt, amazed at the locks on each side that kept her from getting out of it. Johnny felt Jenny start to lift his shirt off and he made no attempt to stop her. Once his shirt was off she looked down at his pants. She had already seen him naked down there so without hesitation Johnny slipped off his shoes and pants, not waiting for a prompt from the girl.
Jenny's mom looked at the children in the rearview mirror, thankful the vans windows were tinted to passing motorists couldn't see in. It was at least an hour before they'd be home and she planned to take a longer way home to be sure the boy wouldn't know where they lived. She expected them to start playing on the way home and figured as long as the boy had no clothes on there was little chance of him trying to escape.
Jenny sat on her knees on the floor of the van and spread Johnny's legs. He gasped through the underwear that were still in his mouth as Jenny's tongue expertly massaged his small prick. He closed his eyes and basked in the pleasure as she took his entire member into his mouth and expertly sucked on it. Johnny had never felt anything like this. A tension was building in him, and was just about to burst out when Jenny stopped, he looked down at the girl, pleading with his eyes for relief, she smiled at him and started again. Again he felt the tension building, nearly bubbling over, he humped his hip at her mouth instinctively, the feelings building and building. He felt like he was on the edge of something great. He was almost there he knew it and then she stopped. He cried in frustration and tried to push Jenny's head back down onto his crotch. The moment he did this he felt a quick sharp pull on the noose. He quickly let go of her, placing his hands on his crotch from the pain.
Jenny glared at the boy, the smile gone off her face. He could feel pleasure but he'd feel it on her terms, trying to push her back down was a big mistake. She climbed onto the van seat, straddling the little boy's lap, putting her nipples at the same height as his mouth. Johnny was confused at first but then she touched one of her nipples to is lips and he understood. He gently licked her left nipple then took it into his mouth and began lightly sucking on it. His hand instinctively began kneading and massaging her right breast. She pulled back and he stopped, moving her right breast over his mouth he began to orally work on her other breast while massaging the left one. After having him switch between her breasts for almost 30 minutes his mouth was sore but when she moved away from him she saw a smile on her face. He was happy to have pleased her and was even happier when she got back on her knees in front of him. He spread his legs to allow her access and was once again thrust into bliss by her talented mouth. He watched her this time, watched as her mouth gently caressed his prick, enjoying the feeling of her running her tongue over his glans, wrapping it around his shaft. When she pulled back again before he came he obediently watched her and didn't make any effort to keep her going. Finally she went back down and sucked again. This time she kept going, she built him up to the tipping point and used her skilled mouth to bring him right over it.
Johnny was awash with a feeling he had never experienced before. It was the greatest thing he had ever felt. He writhed and moaned through his gag at the pleasure. As he came down from his very first ever orgasm he was disappointed, he wanted it to go on forever and tried to will his penis, which was quickly becoming limp to get hard again.
Jenny rose off her knees to kiss the little boy, knowing this was probably his first orgasm and how special it would always be in his memory. As she leaned over him to kiss him Johnny put his arms around the girl and they embraced in a passionate kiss. AS the two kissed Johnny felt himself become hard again. Jenny pulled away and looked down at the little boy's penis, amazed at how quickly he recovered. She was about to go back down to suck him off when the command came from the front seat.
"Jenny, blindfold him." She commanded
Johnny's heart raced as Jenny picked up his shirt and tied it around his head. Johnny was thrust into darkness, the he felt Jenny's touch. Jenny was lightly playing with his prick, sending shivers of pleasure through his young frame. Johnny was almost completely oblivious to the outside world as Jenny continued to play with him. He vaguely felt the van go over a bump and travel up a slight incline, vaguely heard a garage door closing. Then Jenny stopped and he felt himself being helped out of the van and into a house.
Jenny watched as her mother escorted Johnny into the hose and down the stairs into the basement. Jenny knew what was down there and wondered if any of the items in the dungeon would be used on Johnny. When her mom came back up a few minutes later, alone, Jenny knew Johnny would be staying down there until her mother made up her mind. Jenny tried to push her new friend from her mind as she went about performing her duties. Even though it had been a long day Jenny was still a slave and had much to be done before her parents would chain her to her bed that night.
Chapter 6 The training of Johnny begins
Continues where Jenny's trip to the mall leaves off.
Little Johnny blinked at the bright lights. He was lying on a table, looking up at the bright harsh florescent lights directly over his head. He was aware that he was still naked; he had left his clothes in the van. He smiled, remembering the fun he had had with Jenny in the back of the van. She had made him feel really good, a completely new experience to him. He wondered if he would ever get to feel her hot little mouth on his penis again.
His penis became erect at the memory. Johnny reached for it to try and pleasure himself. It was then that he realized that his arms and legs were tied down. He lifted his head to look down his body.
He saw he was strapped to a metal table and although there were bright lights over him most of the rest of the room was cloaked in darkness. Looking around the room he could make out many shadowy shapes, most of which he couldn't make out. A door to his left allowed a bit of light to stream under, revealing a cement floor.
A movement out of the corner of his eye made Johnny look to his right. His heart began racing as he imagined what horrors lay in the darkness. Nothing he imagined was quite as horrible as what reality was.
Jenny's mother sat on a chair in the darkness. Idly picking lint off the black cloak she was wearing as she watched the boy awaken and look around. This was the most important part of his training. And he had to be completely terrified as a first impression to ensure complete submission.
She knew the boy had no idea where he was really and she'd allow his imagination to run wild for a bit before she really began the training. After taking Johnny into the house and down the stairs to the basement she had administered a strong sedative. Johnny had been asleep for the last 36 hours and had not yet seen the dungeon part of the basement he was currently secured in.
The dungeon had been built four years ago in preparation of Jenny's training but as she had moved on it had been used less and less. Jenny's mother was thrilled to get to use the dungeon again.
She adjusted the leather face mask she wore and made sure the hood of the cloak covered the rest of her head, stood, and quickly walked over to the boy.
Johnny was startled when the dark figure quickly emerged out of the shadows. When it leaned over him he got his first look at the horrific mask it wore. Johnny began screaming in terror.
The figure slapped Johnny across the face and the boy fell silent, whimpering meagerly at the monster that hovered over him.
"What's your name?" the figure asked. A special collar around her neck gave Jenny's mom a deep course sounding voice. Johnny was too scared to answer. He was paralyzed with fear, unable to do anything but stare up at the dark figure, the dark unblinking eyes of the figure seeming to look straight through the boy.
"When a master asks a slave a question it should be answered immediately, without hesitation," the figure growled, "Maybe you don't know the answer. Your name is Slave from now on. You will answer to slave and slave alone. Whoever you were before you came here is dead, never to be known again."
The young boy winced as emphasis was placed on the word 'dead'.
"Furthermore," the figure continued, "You will respond to everything with Master. Do you know who your masters are?"
"N-no Master," the boy said, quickly picking up on what he had been told.
"Everyone," the figure told him, "Until you're told otherwise, everyone is superior to you and everyone is your master. Do you understand?"
He nodded his head yes.
"Apparently you don't, nodding your head is not an answer, the proper answer would have been 'Yes Master'," The figure sounded angry now, "You'll have to be punished for that."
"No, please Mater!" the young boy begged.
"That's another thing, you NEVER tell a master no," The figure said, walking towards the door, "You're punishment will give you plenty of time to think about the rules."
The figure pushed a button on the wall and walked out the door.
The boy heard the door click, as a heavy lock was slid in place. Then he heard and felt some fans turn on, blowing the cool air of the dungeon across the young boy's exposed body. Johnny closed his eyes and lay his head back on the metal table.
A few moments later he opened his eyes, he had felt something wet spray across his body. He quickly looked around but the figure had not returned. Relaxing again he lay on the table and looked at the lights. He had become more accustomed to the blowing air when from overhead a spray of water began soaking the boy. The water poured down relentlessly. The poor child's teethe rattled from the cold.
To keep the water out of his eyes he had to lay with his head turned to one side. It was then that Johnny noticed the clock on the wall. He was curious how he had missed it before. The poor boy lay strapped to the table shivering as he watched the hours tick by.
Jenny's mother and father watched the slave boy from the control room. From this specially built room, also in the basement, the two had complete control over every aspect of the dungeon as well as the rest of the basement. Every aspect, including the clock, where controlled.
The clock had been Jenny's fathers idea, after reading One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. He had realized the psychological impacts of being able to control the perception of the passage of time to someone that was being tortured.
"How much is the clock advanced, Harold?" Jenny's mom asked her husband.
"It's been sped up five times, Lori," Harold answered his wife.
"The torture only is supposed to last an hour, do you really think he'll believe he's endured five hours of this?" Lori asked.
"Of course, this is his first session, he'd have no idea how long it really lasted," Harold answered, "Remember Jenny's first time in there?"
Lori remembered Jenny's first torture session very well. It was only a few weeks after her 6th birthday when she had woken up down there. They had started her training much the same way, with Harold dressing up as the cloaked figure and terrorizing her. She had passed out from the sight so they had started the water torture while she was still unconscious, letting the little girl wake up to being cold in wet. They had kept the clock speed going as they tortured her for two entire weeks. Jenny was convinced that summer break had ended while she was locked in the dungeon and that she was a few weeks into the school year. Throwing her off in time by almost a month and a half had left her very confused and completely dependant on her parents when they finally came to get her from 'the Trainer' as they had named the figure.
It was almost a year after that before Jenny learned the Dungeon was in her own basement and as far as her parent's knew, the little girl was still completely unaware that the Trainer wasn't some dark figure her parents brought in for special training and discipline.
Slave was completely exhausted from shivering; he had agonizingly watched five hours pass on the clock when everything was shutoff. No only did the fans and water, but also the bright lights. Slave felt the bonds on his ankles and wrists release. He sat up on the cold metal table and rubbed circulation back into his extremities. He looked around the room some and saw the crack of light, still pouring in from under the door. Johnny carefully climbed off the table and began to walk towards the door, being careful not to slip on the wet concrete floor.
Lori and Harold watched the little boy walk across the room to the door, the night visions cameras making it easy to track his every move. They watched as he reached the door and turned the knob, opened the door and quickly walked through it without looking in first.
Slave heard the door close as he stepped into the brightly lit room. As his eyes were still adjusting he took a step forwards and was shocked when he bumped into burning hot object. His eyes had become accustomed to the brighter lights and he saw he was in a small room, no larger than a closet, with metal walls. He reached out and touched the walls, finding them to be burning hot. The boy turned to go back out the way he had come in. To his horror he didn't see the door he had come in. Worse still the room had not four but five walls, making it difficult for the boy to remember which way he had even come from.
From the control room the adults watched as the boy slowly turned in a circle looking at his confinement. The display indicated the walls were heated to 100 degrees Fahrenheit [38°C] by the electric heating elements in them. This room had been Lori's idea, there wasn't enough space in it for a child to sit or lay on the floor without touching the walls, which could be heated high enough to cause third degree burns. The pentagon shape of the room made it difficult for anyone who stumbles in to find the door to get back out and of course the door itself blended in with the walls and could only be opened from the outside or form the control room. The final touch was the fact that the room was actually an elevator, between the basement dungeon and an even lower level with completely different rooms.
Harold set the elevator to drop to the lower level and the timer on the door to open in four hours. He then turned to his wife who was still in the trainer costume.
"We have some time, would you like to have some fun with Jenny?" the adults grinned at each other.
Chapter 7 Jenny, The kitchen incident
While Johnny is off elsewhere in the dungeon Jenny's parents decide to have some fun to pass the time
Jenny took a look around the kitchen. She had spent the last two hours cleaning it, as she did every night after dinner. To the average observer the kitchen was spotless, the floors gleamed from the hand scrubbing Jenny gave them daily, the chairs were neatly arranged around the table, perfectly spaced apart from one another. The table cloth perfectly placed on the table so that neither side hung down farther than the other.
The attention to detail Jenny gave her chores would be considered obsessive by even the most strict standards. But she knew that this was what was expected by her parents and anything less would be unacceptable. Even still, if her parents were in the mood they could easily find something wrong with it.
Jenny turned to leave the kitchen when she saw her father standing in the doorway. Jenny quickly sank to her knees in front of him and kissed his shoes.
"Good evening father," she obediently said.
The man seemed to ignore his daughter and stepped over her into the kitchen. He began slowly walking around the kitchen, taking in the surroundings. Jenny knew what was about to happen. She nervously waited and listened as he walked around the kitchen, hearing him open and close cabinets. Jenny tried to think, had she missed anything? She didn't think she had but there was always something if her parents looked hard enough. She heard him open the refrigerator. Jenny's blood ran cold as she realized what it would be today. She had forgotten to go through all items in there, checking the expiration dates. It would only be a minor infraction but there was always the chance that their evil friend would happen to drop by.
Jenny hated the Trainer. While her parents loved her and could be merciful when punishing her the Trainer was cold, completely without personality. Jenny remembered when her training had first started, the Trainer had tortured her for weeks, although to the young girl it had felt like months.
After the water torture when she first woke up he had come in, removed her from the table and measured her height. He then placed her on the Stretcher.
The Stretcher was a table with a series of small electric winches under it that pulled cables in various directions based on how the pulleys were set up. For Jenny's first time on the device it was set up to pull her arms and legs in opposite directions, essentially drawing and quartering her. To add to her torment a pair of cables were routed down to the end of the table, up to pulleys hanging from a framework over the table and through anther set of pulleys that were directly over her chest. Jenny wasn't sure what these pulleys were for and doubted she wanted to find out. She was strapped to the table, and the enough cable was reeled in to pull her tight but not uncomfortably so. She lay there gazing up at the pulleys over her chest, not yet realizing what was about to happen.
The Trainer began to play with her tiny nipples, making them hard and erect. Jenny moaned at the treatment she was getting, not used to feeling a stranger's touch on her sensitive pre-pubescent breasts. She closed her eyes and moaned as the Trainer simultaneously stimulated both her breasts, pushing her chest up into his hands despite her bonds. When he stopped she continued to try and rise up to his touch, completely unaware of what he was now holding in his hands.
Jenny felt cool metal touch her breasts and opened her eyes just in time to see a pair of nipple clamps bite down on her sensitive flesh. Jenny screamed in pain, shaking in her bonds in an attempt to get the cruel clamps off. Her shaking only made her agony worse, shooting a pain through her body unlike any she had ever felt in her six years of life.
After a few minutes of screaming Jenny had become hoarse and weak, she stopped struggling as much and at this time the Trainer hooked the cables over her chest to the clamps, taking all the slack out of the cables.
Jenny was filled with pain anew as her tiny breasts were pulled up into the air, away from her tiny bound body. She struggled to lift herself off the table to ease the pain and had just succeeded in making it tolerable when she heard a loud buzz.
The buzz was followed by the all the winches winding in a small amount of their cable. Jenny's pain was renewed.
"Every hour it will do that," the Trainer said pointing to the clock on the wall.
Jenny groaned as the Trainer left the room.
The clock and buzzes told Jenny she had been on The Stretcher nearly 18 hours when the Trainer finally released her. Measuring her a second time showed she had indeed been stretched nearly 4 inches [10 cm]. Every joint in Jenny's body ached and her chest still felt like it was on fire from the stretching. The Trainer had left the nipple clamps on her but thankfully her nipples were now numb to the pain.
The 4 inches [10 cm] Jenny had grown that day had only been temporary, by the time her time with the Trainer was over her joints had settles again so that she only gained one inch of height over the session.
Jenny's dad was standing over her now holding a few bottles out of the refrigerator.
"Do you know what's wrong with these?" Her father asked.
"S-sorry Master, this slave had forgotten to check the expirations dates."
Her father was smiling now, "That alright slave, I'm not mad at you, luckily the Trainer will be visiting today and can help teach you about these things." Jenny's heart sank, if the Trainer was coming there was no use begging for mercy, it would only make things worse. At her father's command she dutifully rose to her feet and followed him to the dungeon.
She noticed he was taking the bottles with him as they decended the stairs to the dungeon. Jenny followed her father into the dungeon and knelt down just inside the door as her father prepared one of the racks.
He then beckoned the little girl over to the rack and had her step up onto a small platform. He then secured her hands and feet into the rack, holding her into an upright X shape and then left the dungeon. Jenny looked around the dungeon and it occurred to her she hadn't seen little Johnny anywhere. It was possible he was locked in one of the other rooms, Jenny still hadn't learned all the secrets of the dungeon under her own home, but worse still it crossed her mind that he had been sent away after all, even after she had begged her mother.
Jenny's eyes filled with tears. Her own well being forgotten she worried what was happening to him. She thought of the unspeakable tortures that would befall him had he been sent to one of the training camps. Despite her desire to protect Johnny, she was becoming aroused at the thought of torturing him.
Jenny was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she hadn't seen or heard the Trainer enter the room. Jenny was taken completely off guard when the Trainer grabbed her by her fine blonde hair and lifted her head.
Jenny stared straight into the Trainer's black emotionless eyes. The Trainer held up a bottle of Ranch salad dressing so Jenny could see it.
"Do you like Ranch Salad dressing?" the Trainer asked the small girl.
"No Mast
3;" Jenny was cut off before she could finish her answer by a large ring gag being forced into her mouth.
The Trainer then walked around behind her and grabbed her ponytail.
"Too bad. If you don't like it now, you'll hate it by the end of the day," the Trainer said, using some rope to secure Jenny's hair to a loop on the floor behind her.
Jenny's head was forced back so that all she could do was stare at the ceiling. Jenny felt the Trainer's hands on her chastity belt and gasped as she heard the locks unclick. The only time her chastity belt was removed was when something was to be inserted in her pussy. If he planned to torture her with things from the kitchen she couldn't help but think the worst.
Jenny heard the Trainer going through the bottles from the kitchen. Then she heard footsteps approaching her. She saw the Trainer looking down at her and tried to cry though her gag as a jar of mayonnaise was slowly emptied into her open mouth. Jenny tried to swallow the sticky nasty stuff as soon as it was poured in but it flowed so slowly that by the time the jar was emptied.
Jenny hung limply in her bonds, gasping for air. She listened as the Trainer began fiddling with the bottles again, she heard him pour the contents of one bottle into another and then the sound of glass breaking as the empty bottle was thrown into the trash can. A large dildo was held over Jenny's face and she could smell peppers on it. The dildo was set aside and Jenny felt something enter her pussy. Not the large dildo but something pointy and plastic. She felt a liquid being sprayed into her pussy and the room was filled with the scent of lemons. Once the flow of liquid stopped the plastic thing was replaced by the dildo.
As Jenny felt a burning sensation start in her loins the Trainer whispered in her ear, "I mixed some hot sauce with some lemon juice and sprayed that up in you. Then I put a dildo in to hold it all in place, of course, first I coated it with some Jalapeno peppers."
Jenny shook as the fire raged from within, she struggled in her bonds and tried to force the dildo from her. The Trainer stepped back and watched the girl suffer for a moment before leaving the dungeon. Jenny hung limply in her bonds, trying to keep her mind off the burning.
A short time later the Trainer returned. Jenny looked up miserably as the Trainer slowly circled her. He stopped behind Jenny and she felt the tip of his cock at the entrance to her ass. Jenny relaxed her sphincter to allow him access.
The Trainer eased his cock into her and gave a few long slow thrusts. The Trainer pulled nearly all the way out of the little girl's ass so only the tip was still in her. He then gave a powerful thrust, impaling her fully on his member. Jenny felt the full length of the Trainer's manhood in her rear, felt it rub the dildo still lodged in her burning pussy. Jenny moaned at the feeling as he began giving powerful full thrusts. Jenny's tiny frame shook and shuddered in its bonds at the force of the Trainer's rape.
Finally, just as Jenny felt his hot seed fill her bowels, a sharp pain radiated from her arm and the world went black.
Jenny awoke strapped to the water torture table as cold water rained down on her body. Her jaw ached from the ring gag, her scalp was sore from her hair being pulled, and her pussy still hurt. Fortunately the dildo had been removed.
Jenny saw her mother standing nearby, away from the spray of the water, a hose with a special nozzle in her hand. As the shower form the ceiling stopped she approached the table and undid the bonds holding Jenny in place.
Jenny obediently allowed her mother to administer three douches and three enemas with the icy water from the hose before allowing herself to be lead upstairs to be bound to her bed for the night.
As Jenny drifted off to sleep her thoughts returned again to little Johnny. She felt herself become wet remembering him handcuffed to the scaffolding in the mall and the blowjob she had given him on the van ride home.
Chapter 8 Johnny is let out of one hell and introduced to another
A blast of cool air was the first indication Johnny had that the door was opened. He had tired to find a way to sit in the tiny room for what seemed like forever. There had been no way to rest comfortably without touching the burning hot walls. Johnny had finally settled on standing upright trying to rest without falling into one of the five walls. He was very tired and very hungry but what he saw through the open door made him forget his other problems.
There stood the Trainer, in one hand he held a cruel looking paddle, in the other was a bottle of water. Johnny could see condensation dripping off the outside of the bottle. He quickly stepped out of the hot tiny room and grabbed the bottle from the Trainer when it was offered. Johnny gulped down the water as quickly as he could, being careful not to spill any of the precious cool liquid. When the bottle was empty Johnny sank to his knees.
"Thank you M-master," he said, hoping to avoid the Trainer's wrath.
"You've broken the rules," the Trainer said coolly, "A slave isn't to do anything unless its master gives it permission to. You were never given permission to get off the table and you were certainly never given permission to leave the room."
Johnny began to sob as this was said.
"You'll soon find that what's in this room is far worse than what awaited you in the other room but in this room your training can be even more effective."
Johnny let himself go limp as the Trainer lifted him up and strapped his torso to a bench. Then his ankles and thighs were secured to legs of the bench. Johnny turned around to see what was about to happen but suddenly found his vision blocked by a larger barrier the Trainer set in place.
Johnny felt the Trainer begin to massage his tiny cock and balls, relaxing as the good sensations took over. The Trainer expertly massaged him right to the brink of orgasm. In frustration Johnny tried to reach around the barrier but found his free upper-body was helpless to do anything about his lower body.
Johnny relaxed back onto the table and waited for the Trainer to resume. A short bit later he felt the Trainer again begin to fondle his genitals. This time as Johnny neared his climax the Trainer stopped and gave him a quick smack across his butt cheeks with the paddle. Johnny howled in pain but quickly subdued to low whimpers as attention was once again was given to his small penis. Again he was brought to the verge of a spectacular climax, only to have it interrupted by the Trainer stopping, this time giving him two hits with the paddle, one on each cheek.
This continued with the Trainer adding another hit each time he stopped. By the time Johnny was receiving 12 hits on his now very sore ass he found he wasn't loosing his tiny erection during the paddling. At 14 he found he was becoming sleepy, unable to hold his head up. The last thing Johnny remembered before succumbing to a deep sleep was the Trainer beginning to give what should have been 19 spankings.
Johnny awoke thinking something was wrong. He blinked his eyes but saw no light. He also noticed it was unusually quiet. He was aware of a large gag in his mouth and put his hands to his face to feel it. He felt the rubber ball and traced the leather straps back around his head, only to find the gag was secured in place with a small lock. He moved to rub his eyes and found cold metal plates covering them. Feeling around the edges of the plates he found them secured to what felt like a leather mask. Similar plates covered his ears and all the plates had what felt like small keyholes near them. Johnny felt the edges of the mask and found it wrapped around his head but left his nose and the top of his head exposed.
Johnny started to sit up but found himself held down by something at his neck. He felt his neck and found a dog collar held in place by anther lock. Attached to the collar was a length of chain. Johnny followed the chain and found it connected to a ring in the cement floor next to what felt like a mattress he was laying on.
Johnny lay back down on the mattress, looking off into nothing. He began thinking back to the spanking he had received just before he had passed out. He was surprised at how he had enjoyed being spanked and pleasured. Thinking back on it his little penis became stiff again.
Johnny was pulled from his thoughts suddenly by the feeling of his semi-erect penis rubbing against something very coarse. Johnny reached down to his crotch and felt a strange device. It felt like it was made from the same materials as the mask he wore. A metal plate covered his crotch and Johnny found he was unable to slip his fingers in behind the plate in any way. The plate was held in place with leather straps the circled his waist and went between his legs. The straps were held in place with even more locks.
Johnny's silent world was shattered by a very loud ringing which seemed to come form within his head. Johnny put his hands to his ear covering in a futile attempt to stop the noise. The noise subsided and was replaced with cruel laughter.
"I guess that means the speakers are working," Johnny recognized the voice as that of the Trainer, "I guess by now you've pretty much figured there's nothing you can do to get any of that off. Let me tell you what this means. I now control everything. You cannot see or hear anything but what I want you to see and hear. You won't be able to eat or drink unless I provide it for you. You can't even go to the bathroom without my help. You're completely worthless and helpless and your very existence depends on me deciding to help you. But there's good news, I'm going to help you and I'm going to train you. You will be a perfect sex slave when I'm through."
Johnny became aware at how full his bladder felt and wondered about going to the bathroom
"I'm sure you have to use the bathroom now but don't even think about going without permission, the consequences are very unpleasant."
Johnny held his bladder. He felt someone disconnect the chain from his collar.
"Slave, stand up."
Johnny stood.
"Turn to your left."
Johnny thought for a second and executed a right turn. Johnny's head was filled with a booming laughter. He felt the Trainer wrap something around his left arm.
"This will help you tell left from right, remember, your left arm has the leather band around it, L for left and L for leather."
Johnny thought about this and realized what the Trainer meant. When ever he was told left all he had to do was think of the arm with the leather band on it.
"Now slave, turn around and take two steps forward."
Johnny did so and felt his feet step from the mattress onto the cool cement floor.
"Get down on your hands and knees and start crawling forward."
Johnny did so and followed further instructions until he was told to stop and stand. Johnny felt the metal plate over his crotch come off and the Trainer's powerful hands lifting him onto a cold ring shaped seat.
"Slave, you may use the toilette now."
Johnny emptied his bowels and once done felt the Trainer lift him from the toilette, wipe him and then replace the cover on his penis.
"Turn to your left and walk forward."
Johnny thought for a second, remembered the leather arm band, and turned in the proper direction. He began walking forward, following the instructions he was given to another unknown destination.
Johnny soon found himself stepping onto a slightly inclined platform. He felt the Trainer attach something to his collar and then allowed his hands to be secured to rails at either side of him. Johnny stood, wondering what was about to happen when the floor began to move under him.
"This is going to be part of your daily workout routine. Everyday you'll do a vigorous workout, a slave must be fit with good endurance and stamina."
Johnny's legs and chest burned with the effort. The ball gag in his mouth forced him to breath through his nose. Sweat poured down his forehead and into his eyes, causing them to burn too. Johnny was helpless to stop any of it and it was all he could do to keep from falling on the machine. He was running farther than he had ever run before and still the machine kept going. Johnny ran and ran, his pounding heart was amplified by his ear coverings, making it sound like a drum in his head. Drool and saliva frothed at his mouth like a rabid dog's and still on he ran. A few times, as he began to tire, he nearly lost his footing, but always managed to catch himself before completely falling. Finally he felt the machine begin to slow. Johnny was awash with relief as the machine finally came to a halt. Johnny stood and shaking legs, his chest heaving and his heart still racing, as his arms were released and the chain taken off his collar.
The voice in Johnny's head instructed him to get off the machine and guided him through some other basic exercises. It then instructed him to stretch. After the workout Johnny was allowed to sit as a bottle was hooked to the fitting in his ball gag. Johnny tilted his head back and allowed the cool water to run down his throat.
"Stand and turn to your right."
Johnny followed the instructions and allowed the voice to talk him across the room to a table.
"On the table in front of you are 25 weights. Each one has a different weight, the lightest being 1 pound and the heaviest being 25 pounds. You will arrange the weights in order form left to right with the lightest being on the left and the heaviest on the right. Once this task is completed you will be fed."
Johnny felt the cold weights on the table in front of them. Each one was rounded on top with a flat bottom. Johnny felt each of the weights, trying to get a picture in his mind of what he was looking at. He picked up a weight in each hand, setting the one that felt lightest to the left and the heavier one to the right. He continued doing this comparing the weights and trying to put them in order. As he worked he though of being fed, he hadn't eaten in a long time. Johnny had no idea how long it had been since he'd had any food, he figured it had to have been almost 5 days but there was no way to tell time anymore. He continued working, lifting the different weights, trying to determine which was lighter. It became more difficult trying to tell which weight went where with only a difference of a single pound separating the two. Finally Johnny had the weights lined up and took a step back from the table.
"Wrong slave, you have failed. Your food is getting colder the longer you take."
Johnny was sweating now, partially out of nervousness and partially because the temperature of the room had been steadily increasing as he worked. Johnny again began lifting the weights, trying to determine which was heavier and which was lighter.
Johnny again stepped back from the table and again was told he was wrong and reminded that him being fed was reliant on the fact that this task be done.
Johnny was beginning to loose hope. There was no way he'd ever be able to get this right by just lifting the weights to put them in order. The earlier workout had made his muscles tired and all this lifting and moving, of even the lighter weights, was adding up. Johnny picked up one of the lighter weights and felt it. There had to be another way. Johnny reached down and picked up one of the heavier weights. There was definitely a difference in their weights and they were both rounded with flat bottom. But, they weren't exactly the same. Johnny placed the flat bottoms of the two weights together and found the heavier one was slightly larger around. Johnny picked up two more weights, this time closer in weight and confirmed it, all the weights were different sizes. Johnny worked with zeal trying to get the weights in the proper order now. Once he thought he was done he double checked his work and stood back from the table.
There was silence. Johnny stood and waited. The longer he waited the more he expected the voice of the Trainer to tell him he was wrong.
"Very well done little one."
The words caught him by surprise. It was still the Trainer's voice but the words were softer. The Trainer guided Johnny to a chair. Johnny sat and felt a table in front of him. Then the smell hit him. Any he hunger he had was forgotten when he smelled what he hoped he wouldn't be eating. Johnny's head was forced back and he felt something being hooked to his ball gag. Then a powerful jet a bitter, foul smelling mush began filling his mouth. Johnny swallowed all he could as the jet continued filling his mouth relentlessly.
"This is very good for a slave in training. It's full of nutrients and is very filling."
Finally the jet subsided and Johnny's head was released. He felt the device being unhooked from his ball gag. Johnny felt nauseous but at the same time very full.
"Time to prepare you for bed."
Johnny stood and followed the instructions to walk to the bathroom. The Trainer once again helped him onto the toilette and allowed him to relieve himself. He then felt the Trainer lift him off the toilette and place him in what felt like a tub. He felt warm water begin to cascade down his body.
"Slaves that do well get special privileges like warm showers, slaves that fail," the Trainer continued as the water suddenly grew cold, "get to be miserable."
Johnny was relieved when the water began to warm up again and allowed the Trainer to soap and wash Johnny. When the shower was over Johnny was instructed over to the mattress and told to lay down Johnny felt the chain nearby and felt the open lock on the end. Johnny picked it up and secured it to his collar.
"Very good slave. You're making your training much easier on yourself by taking to it so well. I think another small reward can be arranged."
Johnny felt the lock on the gag being undone and the ball pulled out of his mouth. Johnny's mouth was sore and felt funny but he managed to say an obedient "Thank you Master."
The Trainer walked out of the room, leaving Johnny for the night.
From the control room Harold and Lori watched as the young boy as he drifted off to sleep. They were thrilled that the mask, their latest invention, had worked so well.
"I was worried that it wouldn't be waterproof but the shower you gave him has put those fears to rest," Harold said to his wife.
"This was a great idea of yours dear," Lori responded, "This will revolutionize how both professional trainers and dominant parents handle their children. You've found a way to make a slave completely dependant and excellent at following orders."
The husband and wife watched as the heart monitor built into his collar slowed, indicating he had fallen asleep. Lori pulled selected the proper MP3 file from the computer and set it to play in a continuous loop.
"We'll see how this subliminal message system works while he sleeps although I doubt he can get much more submissive." She said as she and her husband left the control room.
Chapter 9 The Maze
Johnny awoke to a bell ringing in his head. It wasn't the same loud bell that had startled him the previous day but a quieter, gentler chime. He lay on the mattress as his chain was released and followed the Trainer's orders through the same bathroom and exercise routine as yesterday. Johnny was thankful that he was ungagged for it today.
Once again Johnny was guided over to a table and once again he was told his daily meal would be served after he had arranged 25 weights. Johnny picked up two of the weights and began comparing their sizes, they were the same size! He compared two more weights, then two more, while they seemed to have different weights all the weights were the exact same size and shape. Johnny began feeling the cool metal weights, like yesterday they were rounded with a flat bottom, 25 identical domes he had to arrange. Running his fingers over the bottom he felt something different. The weight he was holding had a line and a circle carved into the bottom. Another, lighter weight had what felt like two curves touching each other. Johnny tried to visualize what he felt on the bottom of the weight and realized it was a number three. He felt all the weights, visualizing the numbers he was feeling on the bottom. Finally he was ready and placed all the weights in order. Completing the task he stepped away from the table and waited.
"Well done, you may eat now."
As Johnny was directed over to the table he once again smelled the putrid odor of his daily meal. The smell that wafted up from the dish in front of him was even worse when warm. A spoon was placed in Johnny's hand.
"You'll feed yourself today. Eat it all, don't spill any, and don't make a mess."
"Yes Master." Johnny automatically said.
Johnny reached out with his left hand and felt the dish, he lowered the spoon in his right hand down into the dish and brought a spoonful of the slop to his lips. He quickly opened his mouth and tried to swallow its contents. He gagged, but managed to choke it down. He repeated the process and managed to get spoonful after spoonful of the slop down, being careful not to drip any, and struggling to keep it down. Finally he found the spoon scraping an empty dish. He set the spoon down and waited.
After a moment the Trainer gave him directions towards a sink where Johnny washed his dish and spoon in the water that was already there. While washing the dishes Johnny became aware of a churning in his bowels. The slight churning quickly turned into cramps that had the young boy doubled over in pain. Johnny stuggled to finish the task he had been assigned and no sooner had he dried and put the dish away in the cabinet when a wave of nausea hit him. Johnny grabbed the counter in front of him and tried to keep down the food he had just eaten.
Johnny stood there, fingers digging into the counter, jaw clenched against the vomit rising in his throat. He felt around the counter and fount the sink, still full of water nearby. Unable to hold back any longer Johnny threw up into the sink. Wave after wave, Johnny continued to throw up into the sink, tears pouring down his face at the knowledge he had failed to follow the Trainer's instructions and would be inevitably be punished. Finally Johnny had thrown up all the contents of his stomach. The young boy collapsed to the floor in the fetal position, completely exhausted from the purging.
"S-sorry m-m-master," The tiny boy tried to say between dry heaves.
"ON YOUR FEET SLAVE!!" Johnny heard after a few minutes on the floor.
Johnny sprang to his feet instantly, surprised at how quickly he did so despite his weakened condition. Johnny allowed a leash to be attached to his collar and let himself be led from the dining area into the training room. The leash was removed and Johnny was left standing in the training room, waiting for his punishment.
From the control room Lori watched the little boy standing in the middle of 'The Maze'. The Maze was a room with a series of motorized floor and wall panels. A voice emulation program would simulate the Trainer's voice and give commands to move the slave about the room as the floors and walls shifted. To a slave unable to see or hear anything like Johnny it would seem like they had traveled through a large and complex building with multiple rooms and floors. Motion sensors would determine if the slave had stopped following instructions and would log the infractions for later punishment. Lori set the controls so the maze would run a random series of commands for the next 18 hours and left Johnny alone as she returned upstairs to the house.
Johnny, now alone in The Maze began following the instructions he heard the Trainer give him. Still worn out from his earlier workout and further weakened by having no food in his stomach he found it difficult to follow the route the Trainer was walking him through. Worst of all was the endless flights of stairs he had to climb. Johnny couldn't help but wonder where he was headed, he had climbed more stairs than he thought a building could have and had walked farther than he thought was possible indoors. He figured he was being kept in a large skyscraper for his 'training'. He must be very far from the town he'd grown up in because he was pretty sure there wasn't a building this big back in his home town. As Johnny continued to follow instructions he thought more about home. He wondered what his mom was doing now, if she even missed him. He wondered what had happened to his brother and his friend. It occurred to him that he didn't really miss anyone in his family. Sure it would be great to have his daddy back, but his mom had assured him daddy was never coming back. Johnny thought back to when his dad had left
Johnny had just gotten off the schoolbus and was surprised to see his dad's car in the driveway. It was very unusual for him to come home early from work and although daddy loved Johnny very much, and told him so often, Johnny got the feeling that he worked late so often mostly because mom yelled at him so much when he was home. Johnny often wished mom would get a job and daddy could stay home all day watching him and his brother. He especially wished this during the summer vacations when his mom would tell Johnny and his brother, Tim, to leave early in the morning and didn't want to see them until nearly dinner time. Tim would usually take Johnny into some nearby woods and chain him to a tree with an old rusty chain and a padlock. Tim always said it was a game but Johnny knew it was so Johnny wouldn't bother Tim while he hung out with his friends.
Johnny practically ran to the front door, excited to see his father. As he made it to the door though he could hear yelling through the walls of the run-down house he lived in. He peaked through the front window to see his mom, half undressed, with another man he didn't recognize. It appeared they were both yelling at daddy. Johnny saw mom pick up a lamp off the table and throw it at daddy. Johnny couldn't watch anymore and ran off, hoping to hide out in the woods until the fight was over.
A few hours later Johnny returned to the house, seeing his daddy's car still in the drive, and not hearing any more yelling, he hoped the fight was over and he could spend time with his daddy. When Johnny came through the front door he was shocked at the mess in the living room. Mom was laying on the couch, liquor bottles all around, and there was no sign of daddy.
"Your no good father's gone, clean this mess up," his mom mumbled without opening her eyes.
"Where's he gone and when'll daddy be back?" Johnny asked.
"He's just gone, and he's NOT COMING BACK!" his mom yelled the last three words, "Now clean this damn room."
Johnny began cleaning the living room, not wanting to get in more trouble with his mom. As Johnny cleaned the room he couldn't help but notice the large red stain on the carpet, he couldn't get it cleaned up no matter what he tried. He knew mom would be mad if she woke up and saw the stain there on the rug so he moved a chair over it.
Just as Johnny had finished cleaning the living room Tim walked in the door, seeing mom passed out on the couch he went to the room he shared with Johnny without saying a word. Johnny followed quietly.
"Mom, says Dad's gone and isn't coming back," Johnny said, on the verge of tears.
Tim just shrugged.
"Don't you think it's weird?" Johnny kept on.
"You've heard the way those two fight, would you keep coming home to that?" Tim snapped.
"But he wouldn't have left us here! He loves us!"
"He only cared about himself, he only gave you attention because you're the youngest, if you'd never come along he'd have given me all the attention!"
Johnny broke down crying at what his brother was saying.
"Also, if you'd never come along there'd be more money and dad wouldn't have to work so much and they wouldn't fight over money all the time."
Tim's words cut like a knife and Johny began crying harder, sobbing loudly.
"Shut up! If your crying wakes mom she'll come in here and beat us both!"
Johnny couldn't stop crying. He was curled up in the fetal position, lying on the floor at Tim's feet. Tim looked down at his brother. For the last two years he'd had to watch Johnny every day of summer break. After the first few days of his brother tagging along he couldn't stand having him around anymore, he began chaining him up in the woods so he wouldn't have to bother with him anymore. Watching him cry like a baby now he realized there was a good chance his crying would get them both in trouble and he wasn't about to take a beating because of the little brat.
Tim grabbed a dirty sock off the floor and forced it into Johnny's mouth. Johnny was surprised to suddenly feel the bitter tasting and foul smelling sock be shoved into his mouth. Johnny reached to pull it but was suddenly grabbed by the hair and dragged towards the closet. Johnny grabbed his brother's wrist, trying to get him to let go of his hair, forgetting at the time the sock in his mouth.
Tim dragged his brother to the closet, opened the door and lifted his brother until he was standing on his feet. Tim felt his brother grabbing at his wrist and was looking frantically for something to tie his hands with. He saw the belt his brother was wearing and managed to remove it with his free hand. Somehow he managed to get both his brother's hands up on the clothes rod in the closet and tie them together.
Johnny hung there in the closet, barely able to stand on his tiptoes. The belt securing his hands over his head was rubbing in chaffing his skin. His brother closed the closet door and Johnny was plunged into darkness.
In the darkness Johnny began to panic. He shook and kicked in his bonds, trying to get his brother to come back, trying to get free. In his struggles his pants, no longer held up by his belt, fell to his ankles. he continued to struggle for a few more minutes, causing his pants to slip completely off him.
Tim became afraid the noise his brother was making in the closet would wake his mom. He flung the door open and saw his brother's pants had fallen off.
"I want you to be quiet! Don't you understand what will happen if you wake mom?"
Johnny continued to struggle.
"I'll show you!"
Tim grabbed an extension cord off the floor and doubled it over in his hand. He raised the loop of cord over his head and brought it down across his brother's belly. Johnny's thin T-shirt did little cushion the blow and the pain caused him to shout into his gag and struggle even more. Tim swung again, hitting his brother across the front of his bare thighs. Johnny managed to twist around so he was facing the back of the closet, hoping to avoid any more painful hits to his frontside. Tim was presented with Johnny's underwear clad bottom to flog. Tim took aim at his new target and gave Johnny three quick hits on his butt. The next four hits came across the back of Johnny's thighs and the final half dozen were delivered in an uncontrolled fit to Johnny's back.
The pain was unbearable and the added tension delivered to his arms from twisting around was too much. Johnny allowed himself to turn back around to face his tormentor. When Tim saw his brother's tear streaked face he knew he'd gone too far. He felt a lot calmer now that he'd unleashed some of his aggression but at the same time knew he couldn't let Johnny tell. He needed some way to keep him quiet and knew he couldn't keep him tied up forever. Since it was a Friday he figured he could keep him tied up tonight, telling his mom that Johnny had gone to spend the night at a friend's house. She'd be so out of it from the drinking binge she'd been on she'd probably think it was her idea for him to go. Still, Tim had to completely immobilize Johnny before he could leave him. Tim grabbed a jumprope from Johnny's toybox. Making a slipknot in the rope he bent Johnny's left leg back at the knee so his heel touched his bottom. He slipped the knot over his thigh and calf and pulled it tight.
Johnny winced as he was forced to bear more of his weight on his right leg and arms. When Tim tried to lift Johnny's right leg in a similar manner he resisted. Again Tim lost his temper, using the free end of the jumprope to hit Johnny. Although the rope itself didn't hurt as much as the belt had one of Tim's hits resulted in the wooden handle hit Johnny in his tiny penis. The impact in such a sensitive area caused him to reflexively draw his knees up. This gave Tim the opportunity he was looking for to quickly tie Johnny's left leg in the same fashion. Johnny groaned in pain as his full weight pulled down on his already sore and chaffed wrists. Tim then tied Johnny's bound legs together and used the remainder of the rope to tie secure Johnny's legs to a hook at the back of the closet.
Johnny found that no matter how much he struggled he could only move a little bit side to side. Satisfied that his brother couldn't wiggle around enough to make any noise he decided to ensure his brother's complete silence. He went to his dresser and pulled out his cubscout bandanna and a Harley-Davidson dew-rag from an old Halloween costume. he tied the bandanna around Johnny's already gagged mouth to keep him from spitting out the sock. As Tim thought how horrible it must be to have a nasty sweaty sock filling his brother's mouth, now probably soaked with saliva, a malicious grin crossed his face.
Johnny saw his brother give an evil grin. A moment later Johnny was thrust into darkness as his vision was blocked by the dew-rag. Something in his brother's smile told him he couldn't hope for much mercy. Johnny heard the closet door shut and a few seconds later his bedroom door shut. Johnny hung there in the dark and thought about his daddy. Why would he go away so suddenly? How could he never be coming back? Johnny cried silently in the dark, trying not to think about the pain in his arms and how scared he was of the dark and of what his brother might do to him next.
When Tim went into the kitchen to get something to eat he was surprised to see his mother up. She was leaning against the sink trying to open a bottle of Tylenol. The bottle clumsily slipped from her drunken grasp and bounced into the sink. Tim picked up the bottle, opened it, and handed it to his mother. She promptly popped five of them in her mouth and washed it down with a half glass of whiskey she had sitting on the counter.
"Where's your brother?" she asked, struggling to sit on one of the kitchen chairs.
"I think he went to a friend's house for the night," Tim lied.
His mom sat for a second, trying to remember if she had been informed of this earlier. She remembered Johnny coming home and figured he'd probably said something about it then.
"Good, I need him out of the way. Tomorrow some people are coming by to put knew carpet in the living room. You'll need to be out of their way too," she said, "you can fix yourself something to eat for dinner."
Tim watched as his mom slowly got up and lumbered off to her bedroom, taking an unopened bottle of Jim Bean with her. Tim knew his mother wouldn't be out again tonight and probably wouldn't be up again until late tomorrow. Tim thought for a second about bringing food to his brother upstairs but quickly forgot the thought when the phone rang. His best friend from school called, wanting to go to a party.
Tim ran up to his room to change into some nicer clothes. Opening the closet door he quickly reached past his brother to get a new shirt and knelt in front of him to get his nicer shoes. Throwing on the new clothes he quickly shut the closet door and ran out to meet his friend. Although Tim hated his mother's drinking it gave him plenty of chances to do just what he wanted.
Johnny heard his brother come in the room and the closet door open. He felt Tim grab a shirt from next to him in the closet, heard him change, and leave again. Johnny knew his brother was probably getting ready to go out tonight and wouldn't be back until late. Johnny began crying again as he realized he'd probably be left tied up all night. Johnny began feeling hungry as the hours ticked by. Alone in his misery Johnny became aware of every ache, every itch, every twinge of hunger. After a few hours of hanging Johnny felt the need to go to the bathroom. Johnny hung there in the dark trying to hold his bladder, his arms now numb from their torment. exhaustion set in after a time and Johnny felt his head begin to bob. Time passed but poor Johnny had no reference to what time it actually was. Since he hadn't heard his brother come back in he assumed it still was night time. Johnny's bladder ached from the pressure, he needed to go and knew his brother wouldn't be back to let him free any time soon. Johnny realized there was no point in making his situation worse by holding it any longer. Johnny released his bladder and began to cry out of humiliation. Johnny's nose was hit with the smell of his own urine and felt cold in his soaked underwear. Johnny continued to hang in his bondage, wishing it would all end.
Tim came in from the party around 5 AM, he thought there was something he was forgetting but the alcohol he'd consumed at the party left his memory confused and fragmented. Tim stripped down to his underwear and passed out on his bed. Around noon Tim awoke to the strong smell of urine. For a moment he thought he'd wet himself in a drunken stupor but was confused to find his underwear dry. Tim slowly sat up and looked around the room. His eyes fell on the closet door and he remembered his brother.
Tim flung open the closet door to find his brother hanging as he'd left him. Johnny's underwear had mostly dried but still smelled of urine. To Tims horror he found Johnny had peed all over his shoes.
"You little brat!" Tim yelled.
Johnny was startled awake by his brother yelling. After so many hours of hanging Johnny had finally completely passed out from exhaustion. He'd been dreaming about daddy when he was suddenly wrenched back to reality by his brother.
"You thought you'd get back at me by peeing all over my stuff?" Tim continued, "I oughta go get all your friends and show them what you did, piss yourself like a baby. That's all you are, a little cry baby."
Johnny was horrified at the thought of his brother getting his friends. Johnny would never live down the embarrassment.
This gave Tim an idea. He quietly walked out into the hall and peaked into his mom's room, she was still passed out on her bed. Tim made his way downstairs and into the kitchen, he shuffled through the junk drawer until he found what he was looking for, his dad's Polaroid camera. To Tim's relief it still had a few untaken photos. Tim also grabbed a pair of scissors and returned to his room. Tim figured for his plans it would be best if Johnny was completely naked. Using the scissors Tim cut away Johnny's underwear and his T-shirt.
Johnny felt his T-shirt and underwear fall away from his body and shuddered at the realization he was completely naked and tied up. He heard a click followed by a whirring noise.
"I bet you best friend, Sam, would laugh his head off if he saw that photo." Tim said
The dew-rag over Johnny's eyes was removed and he saw his brother standing before him in his underwear holding his dad's camera.
Tim took another picture of his brother.
"That one's for your baseball team."
Johnny shook his head as Tim stepped towards him again. Tim removed the bandanna from Johnny's mouth, letting it fall to the floor. Johnny spit the nasty sock onto the floor next to the yellow bandanna.
"Please don't show anyone those photos," Johnny begged as drool ran down has face.
Tim snapped another picture.
"I dunno, you did pee all over my shoes and stuff." Tim said thoughtfully.
"I'll clean the mess up!" Johnny begged, nearly in histarics now.
"And the rest of this room is pretty messy too
3;" Tim pushed on.
"OK, I can clean the whole room, just let me down and please don't show anyone the pictures."
Another photo was snapped.
"Please Tim, stop!"
Tim got right up in his brother's face, he held the photos up to the tip of Johnny's nose.
"You know what these mean?" Tim growled.
Johnny shook his head no.
"They mean I own you. You have to do everything I say and not bug me or get me in any trouble." Tim continued, "If you can do all that, and keep me happy, I just might not get in the mood to share these photos with the rest of the town."
Johnny slowly nodded his head in agreement and allowed his brother to untie him.
He spent most of the day doing Tim's chores and later had to go to Tim's friend's house to clean their rooms. Johnny watched pathetically as Tim pocketed the $5 his friends each paid to have Johnny clean the rooms. Throughout the day of working Johnny's thoughts continued to drift back to his daddy.
Johnny had stopped moving in The Maze and was completely oblivious to the commands the Trainer was issuing. It was all he could do to squat on the floor and cry into his mask.
Lori was surprised when her private cell phone recieved a text message. Very few people knew this number. After reading the message she grabbed her husband and the two ran into the control room.
"It's a good thing the computer went to safe mode and sent off the warning message to you, he could have been seriously hurt if the Maze has continued without his moving." Harold said as the two entered the control room.
"Yeah but what happened? Did the speakers in the mask fail?" Lori asked.
"Lets see," Harold said as he activated the alarm sound from the speakers.
They saw from the control room that Johnny put his hands to his head upon hearing the noise but continued to squat on the floor. Harold looked back through the log of events, Johnny had followed instructions exactly at first but then a few hours into it began slowing down and missing instructions. Shortly after that he had just stopped. Lori began dressing up in the Trainer outfit.
"I'm sure he's exhausted but a slave must obey regardless as long as they have the means to. If he's not passed out he should be following orders." She said as she draped the dark cloak on her shoulders.
Harold continued looking at the log as his wife finished putting the outfit on.
"Hold on dear," Harold said, "He's been saying something."
"For the last five minutes he's been constantly saying the word 'daddy'."
"What do you think it means?" Lori asked
"I don't know but maybe the mask was too much psychological torture for him, we need to be very careful now, maybe call in a professional to help us design the rest of his training."
"Fine, until we know more we'll put him to sleep for a bit and remove the mask." Lori conceded.
Johnny was startled to feel a sharp pain in his arm and then felt a feeling of extreme relaxation come over him. The last thing he remembered was being carried somewhere.
Chapter 10 Mistress Jenny
"We just don't know enough to make any decisions. According to the file his father disappeared over six months ago and hasn't been seen or heard from since. His mom is an alky, the police have been to the house for various reasons two dozen times and his brother Tim is still in training at the camp."
Harold and Lori looked at each other as the man from the Slave Training Institute's Investigation Department read his report.
The man continued, "As far as I can tell there was no abuse within the family except between the brothers. Based on interviews with his brother, Johnny was extremely close to his father. It actually looks like the mother was having an affair and the father found out, it also appears there may have been foul play on the part of the mother and her boyfriend."
"Did the mother ever call the police when her sons never came home?" Harold asked.
"No, it's kinda funny actually," the man chuckled, "After we received Tim we sent some people to her house. They convinced her that her sons were removed from the home and sent to foster care. She never even bothered to try and get them back. As far as I can tell they were lucky to be turned into slaves."
"But what about Johnny? We can't continue his training if it might permanently hurt him," Lori interjected, "and we certainly can't let him go home."
"In my expert opinion I'd let his training continue but only if it were administered by someone he cares about and feels safe and comfortable with."
"Well, I guess that means the Trainer's out." Lori said.
"What about Jenny?" Harold asked.
"What do you mean Jenny?"
"Well, her training is basically over, and it was always the plan to have her become a dominatrix. Maybe we should let her take on her new role a little sooner."
"That's not a bad idea, she did seem to naturally fall into it when we were in the mall and Johnny really does like her."
"Then it sounds like you have a great plan ahead," the investigator said, "If you guys need anything else feel free to call the Institute."
As the investigator left Harold and Lori looked at each other.
"She's going to be so excited about all this," Lori said, "But let's let her sleep for now and tell her in the morning."
The next morning Jenny woke up and rubbed her eyes. She stopped suddenly and looked at her hands in disbelief. This was the first time in over two years that she had woken up and not had to wait to be unchained from her bed. She cautiously sat up and looked at her feet. They had also been released during the night. Jenny was extremely confused and didn't know what to do.
"This has to be a test of some sort," she thought to herself, "They want to see if I'll get out of bed without permission."
Jenny lay back down and waited. A few minutes later her mom came into the room. Jenny sprang out of bed and bowed at her mother's feet.
"Get up Jenny, things are going to change."
Jenny was unsure what that meant but reluctantly followed her mom out of the room. She followed her mom down into the dungeon, fear growing inside her. Her mother stopped at the bottom of the stairs and unlocked a door. Jenny had never been into this room and nervously followed her mom in.
Jenny was surprised to see a room full of computers and monitors. On the monitors she saw many parts of the dungeon which she had already been in and a few she didn't recognize. She was surprised that all these rooms were under her own home. In the corner she saw the outfit worn by the Trainer. Jenny shivered at the site of it.
Jenny's dad knelt beside the girl and unlocked her chastity belt. Jenny was surprised as the device was removed and even more surprised when her mom helped her put on a bathrobe. It was very unusual for her to wear clothes at home.
"Have a seat." Jenny's mom said, pointing to a nearby chair.
Jenny sat and faced her mom and dad as they took seats by the bank of monitors and computers.
"This is a very important day for you. First of all, the Trainer," her father started, referring to the outfit in the corner, "isn't something you need to fear anymore, it was your mom and I the whole time. We did it for the benefit of your training."
Jenny felt funny sitting in the chair, she realized it was the first time in two years that she had been completely free of any bondage.
"You've become a perfect slave over the last two years," her mother continued, "but in doing so you've learned much more. You demonstrated in the mall that you can be both submissive and dominating."
"After the mall incident, we began training Johnny ourselves," Harold said.
Jenny gasped at the mention of Johnny, not a day had gone by that she hadn't thought of the young boy.
"But we can't finish his training, it's a very delicate situation," Lori finished.
"Is he okay? Did something happen?" Jenny asked with a worried tone.
"He's fine," Lori said as Harold pulled up the small cell Johnny was in on a monitor. "We want you to take over training him. You're no longer our slave, from now on you will be a trainer like us.
Jenny seemed unsure, "What if I need to be disciplined? Not all of it was so bad, some of it was fun."
"We can still have fun together but from now on all your bondage will be voluntary." Lori told her daughter.
"Don't worry, for now we want you to watch the videos we have of Johnny's training so far and go introduce yourself to him as his new mistress, also the Trainer can always come help you but we'd prefer you handle as much as possible on your own.
Jenny spent most of the day watching the training videos from the control room, frequently looking over at the boy on the monitor. She noted he slept most of the time, only getting up when food was sent into his cell and frequently repeating the word 'Daddy'.
After many hours of watching the videos Jenny felt she understood the situation and was ready to go see Johnny herself. Jenny stood up from the monitor and found that while her mom had brought in an outfit to wear during the day. Jenny took a look at the outfit. It was a one piece black leather catsuit that cut down low over her tiny chest. It had no sleeves and tight fitting full length legs. To go with the suit was a pair of knee length high-heeled boots and a thick leather belt with a riding crop hanging from it. Jenny got suited up and prepared to meet her new slave.
Johnny was awakened by the cell door opening. He slowly rolled over to see a pair of leather boots. His eyes wondered up the shapely pair of legs. His eyes lingered on a riding crop hung on her hip. He continued his gaze up her slender waist to see the face he'd dreamed about many times looking down on him.
"Jenny," he barely whispered.
"Is that anyway for a slave to greet its new master?"
Johnny quickly remembered his previous training and bowed before the young girl.
"On your knees slave." she commanded.
Johnny quickly obeyed. Jenny began to slowly unzip the front of the catsuit, revealing her undeveloped breasts and preteen pussy to the slave. He felt his tiny prepubescent cock become hard and rub the chastity belt he was still wearing.
Jenny pressed the young boy's mouth to her pussy and moaned as she felt his tongue begin to work on her hairless lips. Jenny spread her legs wider to allow his tongue to probe deeper. She shuddered as his tongue found her tiny clit.
Johnny used his tongue with as much effort as he could, eager to please his new master. When his tongue passed over the tiny button at the top of his master's pussy she really seemed to enjoy it so he concentrated his efforts there.
Jenny was amazed at how quickly he picked up what she liked when licking her pussy and how eager he was to do it. It wasn't long before she was humping his mouth, forcing his face further into her crotch. Suddenly she was overcome by one of the most intense orgasms of her young life. As she came down she saw her slave looking up at her like a puppy.
"Good job, slave," she said, giving him a quick kiss on the lips, tasting her juices on his lips.
She then bent down and placed a collar and leash on the slave.
"Come!" she commanded.
Johnny eagerly followed her out into the rest of the dungeon and allowed her to chain him to a frame. As he hung there in the frame he couldn't help but notice how painful it was having his cock rub against his chastity belt. He looked down at it, wishing Jenny would remove it.
Jenny, seeing her slave looking at his chastity belt in obvious discomfort decided to have some fun.
"If you're a very good slave you can get special privileges, like having that removed," she said, lightly flicking his chastity belt with her riding crop, "But you have to really make me happy."
Jenny began gently rubbing his nipples. The stimulation made the discomfort his penis was in all the worse. Johnny moaned at the feelings, closing his eyes. Jenny stopped and Johnny opened his eyes just in time to see Jenny swing the riding crop and bring it down across both his nipples. Johnny screamed in pain.
Jenny waited for her slave to calm down before giving further instructions.
"Slave, no matter how much discomfort you're in you need to be sure you're pleasing your master as much as possible at all times. Whether your master is giving you pleasure or pain, you need to be sure to thank them for the attention they're giving you."
She brought the riding crop down on his chest again, lighter this time.
"Thank you mistress."
"Good slave," Jenny said, "maybe a small reward can be worked out."
Johnny's prick grew rock hard as he felt her remove his chastity device and felt Jenny begin to fondle his tiny cock. Johnny was in heaven but had the presence of mind to thank her. As the slave neared his climax he was disappointed when she suddenly quit. Knowing better than to try and force her to continue. He watched desperately as she walked across the room to a cabinet, pulled some items out, and returned to stand in front of him.
Jenny knelt in front of the boy and once again began fondling his genitals. With her other hand she began caressing his chest. Johnny again began to near a climax as Jenny stopped fondling his balls and began instead to caress both his nipples. His erection stayed and he felt so close to orgasm, if only she'd rub him down there a little longer. His hips humped the air in futility as both his nipples became hard.
Suddenly Jenny stopped rubbing his nipples and was holding two metal devices in front of him. He tried to figure out what they were as she lowered them to his erect nipples and let the nipple clamps slam shut on his sensitive nipples.
Pain shot through his body, and much to his surprise he found himself in the middle of a very powerful and long orgasm.
Jenny waited for her slave to settle down before talking.
"I'm glad you enjoyed your orgasm but you need to learn that a slave cannot have an orgasm without permission," Jenny said, "I'll be lenient this time since it's our first day training."
Jenny went back to the cupboard and removed some small weights. Hanging them on her slave's nipple clamps she watched as he gritted his teeth against the pain.
"I'll see you tomorrow slave," Jenny said a she headed out of the dungeon.
"Th-thank y-you mistress," she heard her slave say as she left.
From the control room Lori and Harold watched their daughter end her first training session with her slave, more confident than ever that they had made the right choice about letting Jenny train Johnny.
As Jenny climbed into bed that night she felt funny. During the day her parents had filled her closet with more normal clothes. She had put on a baby doll nightie for bed but found it strange. After tossing and turning for an hour Jenny got out of bed, shed the nightie, and put a pair of handcuffs on herself.
She climbed back into bed and quickly fell asleep, dreaming of the great things she can do with Johnny as her personal slave.
The End