PZA Boy Stories


Magnolia Manor

1000 Stories – 10th Anniversary

PZA Boy Stories started in June 2007 as

Pueros-Zelamir Archive
of Boy Slave Stories

For the 1000/10 jubilee an on-going story challenge is started: "back to the beginning"

Rules and Table of contents


Mark receives a slave for his birthday.

Publ. June 2016
Finished 10,000 words (20 pages)


Mark (13-15yo), Ben (12-14yo); Mark's parents and various slaves.

Category & Story codes

Slave Boy story
tb tgslavery mast oral anal – interr


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutter09: Magnolia Manor in the subject line.

My grandfather and father were hard men. By that I mean they were able to do things that most men couldn't. By the turn of the century (1800), My grandfather had built a large plantation in the south. He raised cotton and tobacco mostly. These crops require huge parcels of land to raise, and a large number of laborers to harvest. These laborers were of course slaves.

My father was aware of the change in social acceptance of the importation of slaves, and started breeding instead of buying. This became another cash crop for our plantation. His foresight came in handy when the importation of slaves was abolished in 1807.

Our slave breeding became very popular. Each slave bred on our plantation was branded with our trademark, MM, for Magnolia Manor. That trademark on a slave made it more valuable on the market, no matter how many times that particular slave was resold. If you had one of ours, and you took care of it, you could count on a good return on your investment.

When my grandfather died of consumption, my father became the head of the plantation.

I remember when I was around nine, my grandfather would sit in his favorite chair, warming his feet on one of the slave boys. He had read somewhere it was a good treatment for what ailed him. Of course it wasn't, and he died.

That slave boy Benjamin, Ben for short, was sent back to the slave quarters. Ben's sire was Thunder. He was our best breeder. He probably fathered half our stock singlehandedly. His muscular build and prodigious equipment made him very popular among the breeding wenches. His offspring always brought top dollar too.

Ben's mammy was Abigail. Abigail was a handsome woman with beautiful skin and angular features. She was also the favorite of Thunder. She eventually produced ten offspring by him. Ben was her first. Thunder was allowed to stay with Abigail so long as he still took care of the other wenches too. Which he did quite well.

For my thirteenth birthday, Father said I could pick any slave from our stock to be my personal servant. I chose Ben.

"Wouldn't you like one of the older ones that's already trained in personal service," Father asked me.

"No sir. Ben is a good boy, and I can train him as I please. He knows me from sitting with Grandpa by the fireplace. He never disobeyed Grandpa, and he won't disobey me either," I argued. Father relented, and sent for Ben.

It had been sometime since I had seen Ben, and I hardly recognized the boy. Though two years younger than I, he was nearly as tall. He had his mother's good looks and his father's build.

"Hello, Ben," I said to his downturned face.

"Mornin', Suh," he replied respectfully.

"If you had a chance to sleep here in the big house, would you behave properly and obey whatever I ask of you?" I asked, more for father's benefit.

"Why yessir. I would love to stay in the big house. But I will obey you no matter where I gets to sleep, Suh."

That was the perfect response for Father to hear. He smiled and nodded at me.

I turned to Lucia, our cook and head house servant. "Get him bathed and some decent clothes. Then have him wait for me in my room."

When they were gone father said "It's time for you to learn how to run a plantation." I already knew some but found I had a lot to learn. I was busy with Father the rest of the day.

It was just after six when I finally went to my room to get cleaned up before dinner. I had completely forgotten about Ben waiting for me there. He about scared the life out of me, lurking in the shadows of my room when I entered.

"Shit fire, Ben! You scared me half to death."

"I'm sorry, suh. I jest be waitin' like you told me," he answered, but I could hear a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Well, be that as it may. Let's get a few things straight. I personally don't agree with slavery. But it's the times we live in. I understand the need for laborers, so I live with it. So, when it's just you and me, call me Mark. If you do it any other time, I will have you whipped just as any slave would be. Understand?"

He looked a little bewildered, but nodded "Yessir, Mark, sir."

"Okay then, that's kind of a start. Now, first you need to learn to draw my bath. I like it warm, but not steaming. Got that?"

"Yessir, Mark sir."

"We're going to have to work on that."

It took him a while to get the bath ready, but when he did, it was the perfect temperature and depth. I undressed and sat in the warm water, letting it soak away my weariness. I was a little uneasy having not been nude around anyone since I was a child. But I had to get used to him being around.

He sat by the tub awaiting instructions, not speaking and not moving unnecessarily. When the water began to cool, I told him to wash my back, which he did expertly.

"Where did you learn that?" I ask him.

"Lucia washed me this mornin'. She says I be 'spected to do it fo you. I jest pay attention to what she done."

"She washed your back for you?" I asked surprised.

"She washed all of me," he said with a barely hidden smile.

"Okay, well I suppose you should do so too."

He did my arms and legs equally as well as he did my back. I was a bit embarrassed when my five inch [13 cm] nail stood straight up.

"Don't you worry none, Mark sir. Same thang happen to me, only it was right in front of Lucia. I try and cover it up, but she washed it anyway. 'Spose I should wash it fo ya," he said matter of factly.

He soaped up the cloth and went to work on my jewels. I was taken back a bit but let him do his job. Soon though, I had to stop him.

I stood and let him dry me off with a towel. "Looky here, Mark sir. You be gettin' a few hairs down there."

"Yes, so I've noticed." A little more embarrassed that he made mention of my recent development.

"Purty soon you be chasin the fillies and gettin them in the family way. You gots to be careful once you start makin the stuff," he warned me. I'm not really sure why he would be concerned about me though.

"I'll be careful," I said guardedly.

When he finished dressing me he pointed at my crotch and said "You might ought to wait fo that to go down a bit afore you goes to dinner. Yor momma gonna get a surprise ifin you don't."

I looked in the mirror and he was right. It was obvious I had an erection.

"Quite right. Thank you Ben. I think I made a wise decision choosing you."

"Yessir, ya sho did. I promise to do my best fo ya always 3; Mark." I returned his smile and sat to wait for a few minutes. I looked at his hand where our brand stood out against his dark skin. I couldn't help but consider how inhumanely brutal it was to do that to someone.

He read my expression and saw the direction of my gaze. "Don't let that bother you none. I was a baby when they done it. No different from getting my johnson snipped too. I noticed you been snipped, you don't 'member it, do ya?" I shook my head.

"See, nothin' to worry 'bout. I think you be ready fo dinner now, sir, Mark," he was right again. The swelling in my pants had abated.

"I was just about to send someone for you, Son," Father said as we entered.

Mother looked as elegant as always, and gave us a big southern smile. "Why Benjamin, it's good to see you. My, how you've grown."

"Thank you, Ma'am. I sho be grateful to be here in the big house," he said politely.

Ben stood behind me against the wall. It suddenly dawned on me that one of our house maids always stood behind Mother, and old Willy always stood behind Father. I knew that Willy had been with Father since he was a boy. I just never paid attention that he was always about. Sort of blended into the scenery I guess.

Now I had Ben. I guess Ben and I will grow old together like Father and Willy. Old Willy was much older than Father. I suppose that's why he expected me to choose an older one too. Ben is two years younger, I suspect that we will eventually become as close as Father and Willy.

Lucia had made me my favorite dinner. Her fried chicken is worth dying for. There was a huge chocolate cake as well. I dismissed Ben to the kitchen telling him to bring me another slice of cake to my room when he finished his own dinner. Mother doesn't like for me to eat in my room, but being my birthday, she didn't say anything.

After saying goodnight to my parents, I finally got to my room. I was hoping for a little alone time to work on pressing matters, but I had barely been in the room a few minutes when Ben arrived.

He was carrying a tray with a large slice of cake and a glass of milk. As he set the tray on the nightstand, I was struck by how his skin was the same color as the chocolate cake. I couldn't help myself and giggled a little.

"Did I do sumthin' funny sir, Mark?"

"No, Ben. I was just thinking they should have named you Chocolate."

He looked at the cake in his hands and made the connection. "Yo sho be right 'bout dat sir," he said with a laugh.

"Just Mark. Drop the sir part," I reminded him.

"Sorry sir 3; Mark. It jest seems disrespectful ifin I don't say sir," he said honestly.

"I understand. Just remember that you have my permission to call me by my name when we're alone. Whatever you come out with will be fine, but 'sir Mark' sounds like I belong in the queen's court or something."

He looked at me strangely, and I knew he didn't get the reference.

I started to unbutton my shirt, "Let me sir Mark," he helped me undress, and when he got to pulling off my undershorts I held onto his shoulder for balance. His face was only a few inches from my privates and I started to respond to the closeness. By the time he had retrieved my nightshirt, it was pointing at my bellybutton.

"Yo dingus likes to show off sir Mark," he laughed at my predicament.

"I suppose you will be seeing it a lot more in the future, so we will both have to learn to live with it."

"When is your birthday Ben?"

"Don't rightly know sir, but I knows I'm eleven," he answered

"I haven't seen your papers, so we will say it is today. Your new life begins today so let's say today is your eleventh birthday, and we can celebrate together always."

He smiled and said "I thinks I might be closer to twelve but eleven is good fo me."

"Okay twelve it is. Happy birthday Ben," I said, handing him the plate of cake.

Ben got teary eyed and said "Fo me sir? Really? I ain't never had no cake befo." Then he leaned in and whispered "Tho I did sneak a finger in the icin' when Lucia wasn't watchin'."

I watched him take a bite. A huge grin broke out on his face. "If this be what chocklit is like, you can change my name to Chocklit." We both broke up laughing at his honesty.

When he had finished off the cake and milk I said "I've had a long day, and an early day tomorrow," and climbed into bed. Ben turned down the lamps and lay on the floor in the corner. I suddenly realized I hadn't a bed for him in my room.

"Ben, I'm sorry. I forgot to get you a bed. I will do so first thing tomorrow."

"It's alright sir. Been a big day fo you," he said, laying his head on the hard floor.

I couldn't bare the thought of him on that cold hard floor without even a pillow. "Get up here with me, Ben. It's a big bed and I don't take up that much room."

"Don't thinks that be proper, sir Mark."

"It's proper, if I say it's proper," I replied. "Now, get up here."

He stood and undressed to his thin cotton shorts, and crawled in beside me. He lay right on the edge of the bed trying to not take up to much of my space. I had scooted over so he could get comfortable, but he remained on the edge.

I awoke in the morning to find myself spooned in behind him. I raised my head to see if he was awake, he was.

"You awake, sir Mark?"

"Just barely," I answered.

"Part of you been woke awhile now," he laughed.

I realized that he was referring to my dick lodged against his ass. The only thing separating us were two thin pieces of clothing. "I'm sorry, Ben."

"Nuffin' to fret over. All us boys do the same of a mornin'."

At breakfast I instructed Lucia to arrange a bed in my room for Ben. The rest of the day was spent much the same as the day before. Father showing me the ropes. In some cases literally. I didn't like the way some of the slaves were treated, but Father explained a lot of things to me. I also learned about cotton and tobacco farming along with the slave business.

Again it was near six when I returned to my room. Ben had my bath ready. Also again I didn't get any alone time. I was beginning to think my eyeballs would turn white as the sperm level rose in my body.

I could take care of it in the outhouse, but being an outhouse it smelled like shit. That isn't very conducive to my sexual fantasies. Ben bathed me, and I was hard as stone throughout.

"That thang sho do have a mind of it's own," Ben informed me.

"Quite. It can be bothersome at times."

During dinner, Ben wasn't content to just stand behind me. He took it upon himself to serve me a second helping of roast beef, and potatoes. He poured me more sweet tea too. This was odd because one of the serving wenches usually performed this duty. But instead of making me wait for her to return, he just did it.

Father took note and gave me a smile and a nod, as if it was something I had taught Ben to do for me. I wasn't about to discourage either one.

Back in my room, Ben appeared with enough of the leftover cake for both of us. "I figered you might like some more of yor birtday cake," Ben explained.

"Well this is way too much for just me. Will you help me with it?" I said giving him permission to have what I know he wanted.

"I brung an extry fork, jest in case you drop the first," he said with a smile.

We sat together sharing the cake. This would surely make Grandpa turn over in his grave. I learned a lot about Ben in those few minutes, and the more I learned, the more I was sure he was the best choice for me.

When I was under the covers, Ben lowered the lamplight, and climbed into his own bed. "I ain't never had me no bed like dis. It sho be cumferble."

"Glad you like it, Ben. Good night," I turned my back to him and waited a few minutes to let him go to sleep. It had been so long, I was about to burst. Just thinking about stroking it got me hard. I raised the hem on my nightshirt and found my hard cock waiting.

With my back to him, there would be minimal movement in my bed covers, and hopefully I could go about my business undetected. Just as I got a good rhythm going, "Let's me do dat fo you sir."

"What? What are you going on about Ben?" I asked guiltily.

"Ain't I yo personal servant? Den let me serve you, personly," Ben said reaching for my engorged cock.

He grasped it and began a clumsy effort at satisfying me. "I seen de older boys do it. Done it myself couple of times. Corse I don't got de juice yet."

I leaned back and closed my eyes. I sort of pumped my hips up at his wonderful hand, to get him to go a little faster. He got the message.

"It be getting good fo ya now, ain't it?" he said as my breath quickened. I could only moan in affirmation. Then in record time, I erupted all over myself and his working hand. Three days worth covered us both.

"Lordy, yo sho made a mess sir Mark."

Ben got a hand towel to clean the mess, and I saw that he was sporting a tent in his own shorts. I pretended not to notice, and turned and went to sleep.

Father was really pushing me hard to learn all I needed to know about the place. He said I was a man now, and had to start taking on the responsibilities of a man. I assumed he was talking about my age not the fact that I could shoot a load.

He did ask about Ben though. Things like, "That boy behaving?" and "Is he doing all you need?" Maybe it was me, or maybe I was feeling guilty, but I read more into it than was probably true.

Ben had my bath ready at six. He washed me, then just took it upon himself to give me relief too. I guess he considered it one of his duties now. He stroked me to a finish right after drying me. I was holding onto the nightstand as he got to his knees and grabbed it. I was somewhat fascinated at the ease of which he went about his work. Just like any other task he was assigned to perform. The only difference was the other tasks didn't cause him to get an erection. I had seen the evidence the night before, and again as he stroked me, I watched his shorts rise and tent out.

Dinner was supremely boring, with Father and Mother droning on about nothing in particular. The thought crossed my mind that I could liven things up a bit if I said 'You know Ben gives excellent penis massages.' But I didn't.

Ben as always seemed to read my mind. When he refilled my water glass he whispered "Might be you would like sumthin stronger to keep you awake, Sir?" Giving me a toothy grin.

"The 3; uh bath, drained my energy," I replied.

"What was that son?" Mother asked.

"Oh nothing, Ben was asking if 3; I would like some more rice." Ben was already dishing up more rice for me, giving me the out I needed.

Later Ben came to the room bearing apple pie. "Now, Ben, you're going to make me fat. Besides, if my mother catches you bringing food in here, I'll have to save you from the whip. I'm not so sure I can go against my Mother on that level."

Ben looked hurt. He knew he was taking a risk, but did it for me. Well, him too. I think he enjoyed our time together, sharing a dessert like friends might. I appraised him for a moment then said "That pie was really good though. Okay, I'll have some. But you have to eat some of it too, so I don't get fat." Out came that big smile again.

So that is what we did. We shared that pie and talked like friends would do. We weren't master and slave. Friends. Good friends.

He then helped me into my nightshirt. I slid into bed as he turned down the lamps. All the while we chatted, like friends. He sat on my bed and continued to talk as he reached for my cock. No differently than he had pulled back my covers and turned down the lights. Just another duty. I let him, as if I expected it from any servant.

I closed my eyes and let the warmth wash over me. His rhythm was soothing and exciting at the same time. Not so fast to get it over with, nor slow enough to lose interest. Suddenly it felt different. Wet and warm. I opened my eyes to find him gobbling my cock like it was more pie.

I was shocked at first, then the feelings took over. My god did it feel good. I wasn't even aware things like that took place. I wanted to see what he was doing to me, but it felt too good. I couldn't open my eyes if I tried. All I could do was respond with my hips. Bucking up to meet his mouth. This though, he did agonizingly slow. Drawing back on it so that his tongue dragged on the ridge of my cock head. Making me quake with pleasure. The tantalizingly slow downstroke was just as wonderful. He only had to do this a few times and I was at my limit. He knew it too. He sped up to take me over the edge, never relinquishing my throbbing member. I thought the top of my head was coming off as I unleashed my juice in his mouth. Then he swallowed it, surprising me even more.

"My God, Ben. Where did you learn to do that?"

"Fust time I seen it was my mammy doin it fo Thunder. But in the slave quarters, there ain't many secrets. I seen it a lot. Girls doin it ta boys, boys doin' it to other boys. They all seems ta like it, so I done it fo ya. Did ya? Did ya like it?"

"It was incredible. Thank you," I said honestly.

"No need fo thanks. I's 'spose to take care of you," Ben said smiling.

The next day at bathtime, Ben didn't handle my manhood any more than absolutely necessary. I was a bit disappointed but didn't say anything. At dinner he was the ideal servant as always. Back in the room later, he didn't bring dessert. I was beginning to think he was angry with me about something.

When it was bedtime, he turned down the lamps as usual. Then sat on my bed and reached for the hem of my nightshirt. "I be thinkin' you would have mo juice in ya, ifin I didn't do the other fust," he lowered his head to my cock and took it in. I was able to watch this time, and was amazed to see how much he seemed to enjoy doing it. I also watched his own tent forming rapidly in his shorts as he ministered to my loins. I couldn't help but wonder what his boyhood was like.

I reached over and grasped his hard cock. It was the first cock other than my own I had touched, even if it was still in his shorts. He moaned and stopped sucking me to see what I was doing. I fumbled with the buttons on his shorts and finally managed to open them. His cock jumped out. My mind went immediately to the chocolate cake. It was that color. Hard as stone, and about the same length as mine. It was thinner, but he was almost two years younger. I couldn't imagine how much it would grow in that time.

He returned his attention to my cock and I toyed with his. This was all so very taboo for me, yet I wanted to experience it. I don't know if I could suck him, but I liked playing with it. I picked up the rhythm he applied to me, and soon he was thrusting into my hand.

After a couple of minutes, his thrusts became a little erratic. He moaned a couple of times and his hips collapsed onto the bed. I don't know if it was the vibration of his moaning on my cock, or the fact that I knew I was making him orgasm. Whatever it was, I shot a huge load in his mouth just about the time his body relaxed.

He swallowed several times to keep from losing any. "I be right 'bout you havin mo juice. I think you done give me a bucketful," he laughed.

He pulled up his shorts and went to his own bed. I was just about asleep when he said "Sir Mark?"

"Yes, Ben?"

"Why'd you do dat?" he asked in the darkness.

I knew what he was talking about. "You know, Ben. Sometimes at the slave markets a customer will examine a potential purchase's equipment, just to be sure it works properly. I need to know these things and not be afraid to touch one if the time comes," I said as an excuse for my actions.

"So it jest be bidness?" I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Well, business, and maybe a little curiosity," I admitted.

"What's dat."

"It's when you wonder what something is like," I explained "You were curious about how chocolate cake tastes."

"Mmhm. It was good." After a few seconds, "Was yo curosty good too?" he asked in complete sincerity.

I smiled to myself, remembering the feel of his jewel in my hand. "Yes, Ben. Very good."

"Mmhm 3; Chocklit." I could almost see that big grin of his.

The next night was the same. At bedtime he turned down the lamps, and sat on the edge of my bed. Then as an afterthought, he asked "You got curosty tonight?"

I almost broke out laughing. "Yes, Ben. I think I do." He quickly shucked his shorts, and jumped on the bed. Then he grabbed my nightshirt and pulled it over my head, and completely off.

"Yo too purty to keep covered," he explained. That was a bit of a shock. I didn't know he thought I was attractive.

He went to work on my privates, this time starting with my balls. He licked them and toyed with them, even took them into his mouth one at a time. It was driving me crazy.

Then he did the oddest thing. He swung his leg over my stomach, and ducked his head between my legs. Then I felt his tongue below my ballsack. Damn, did that feel good. I looked down my body at him and saw his cock swaying above my belly. I took hold of it and began stroking.

He showed his appreciation by lifting my hips slightly and tonguing down to my asshole. I didn't know what to expect, but I found out. His tongue whisked around my hole and then darted in. What a sensation!

"Oh my god, Ben," was all I could mutter. I thought I would shoot without even being touched.

His tongue worked in and around my hole a few heavenly minutes, then he let my hips settle on the bed and scooted back. I was aching for release, and he took me into his mouth. His cock was just above my face. I knew he couldn't shoot sperm yet, so I just raised my head and for the first time ever, I had a cock in my mouth.

I was so close, I didn't last long. All too soon, I exploded in his mouth. Ben must have gotten pretty turned on too, because I could feel his cock pulse in my mouth. Nothing but air escaped though.

Ben slurped on me, swallowing all I had to offer him. Then he got up, pulled on his shorts and went to his own bed. I lay there contemplating what had just occurred. Ben had basically tongue fucked my ass, and I had a slave's dick in my mouth. Grandpa would not be pleased.

"Sir Mark?" Came his voice from the darkness.

"Yes Ben?"

"Was dat curosty too?" he almost whispered it.

"I don't know what that was, Ben," I answered honestly.

So it went for a few weeks. At night Ben would suck me, either after my bath, or at bedtime, occasionally both. I would play with his cock too, sometimes taking it into my mouth.

I also started to work on his language skills. I needed him to be able to converse properly in public as my representative, and in private as a friend. Most days I spent with Father, others were with Ben.

Some nights he would sneak dessert back to my room, which we always shared and chatted. Other nights we would just talk and play a card game. I had no friends to speak of, so Ben filled that role too.

One night Ben came back with a saucer of butter. I know some people like bread and butter, hell. I like bread and butter. But he didn't bring bread. I finally ask him about it.

"You ever seen how slippry butter be?" he asked leadingly.

"Yes," I said expecting more from him.

The butter sat on the nightstand untouched. When I got into bed (I had ceased wearing a nightshirt because he always took it off anyway), Ben sat on the edge and reached for the butter. He scooped a couple of fingers in it and smeared it on his hand. Then he grabbed my cock. His butter slick fingers stroked up and down me sending amazing thrills through me. He scooped up more butter and added a second hand working my cock. The squishy fingers slid and twisted me to places I hadn't been. I jerked and humped air and basically went nuts. Then he stopped.

I was about to yell at him to finish me off, when he stood and dropped his shorts. He lay down beside me on his belly. I was at a loss. I had no idea what was going on here.

After a minute, Ben said "Do it."

"Do what?" I asked perplexed.

"Do it in my butt," he answered passively.


"Put it in my butt," he said slowly and plainly like I was not well in the head.

"Ben, that's going to hurt," I said, questioning his sanity.

"Do it. Please Sir."

I know, according to the law, I could do anything I wanted to him. But Ben was my friend, not just my property.

"Ben 3; I 3;"


I got on his back and tried to line it up. He reached behind and did it himself. I put pressure on and I popped in. I was surprised at the ease it went in. He grunted, but otherwise didn't complain. I began working it in and I realized he had somehow prepared for this. His passage was amazingly slick and warm.

When I had completed the journey inward, I started to move with a little more purpose. Ben moaned in time with my movements, even pushing back into me. After a few minutes, he lifted his hips to allow for even deeper penetration.

"Are you okay, Ben?"

"Mmhm 3; real good. Don't stop."

That surprised me. He seemed to be enjoying getting fucked in the ass. Well who was I to deny him pleasure? I started to really pour it on. I became a madman pounding into his rear fast and hard. He grunted and moaned and all the while still pushing back.

"Is it good fo ya sir?"

"I'm in your ass, you should call me Mark," I whispered in his ear.

"Am I good fo ya Mark?"

"Your ass feel fantastic. I can't believe how much I like fucking you."

"Me too, sir 3; Mark."

I was trying to make it last, but it was just too good. Ben could tell I was getting close. "Put yo stuff in me 3; Mark."

I had no intention of stopping. Only a couple of minutes later, I bathed his insides. "Oh god," I said as I collapsed on his back. We stayed like that, both panting as if we had run a race. I didn't want to move, but I could feel my erection diminishing. It popped out, and Ben grunted again.

For some reason I kissed the back of his neck as I rolled off him. I didn't even realize I had done it till I was laying on my back too weak to move.

I glanced over at Ben, and he was looking at me with a huge smile on his face. "Give me a minute, Ben, and I'll 3;"

"No need sir Mark. I gots the feelin' same time you did."

Another surprise. I didn't know a boy could enjoy that enough to orgasm.

"Really? You 3;"

"Yessir. A big one too. You really did me good," he said with what sounded like pride. I guess I was kind of proud of myself too. "Thank you sir Mark."

"It was good for me too. I should thank you."

"I mean fo da kiss. Thank you."

Shit. He noticed the kiss.

"Well, I 3; uh 3;"

"I knows 3; Curosty," he said as he got up and waddled to his bed. "Just curosty."

Each passing day I became closer to Ben. He began to go with me on my duties around the plantation. Though Father wasn't pleased when I brought Ben along when we were to appraise some of the stock. By stock, I mean slaves. There was an auction coming up and we were thinning our 'herd'.

"He doesn't need to be involved in this, son," Father said, I think more to spare Ben's feelings, as we might be selling some of his relatives.

I looked directly at old Willy, who was astride a horse, ready to go with us. "Is there a reason Willy is going?" I said rebelliously. I could see Father begin to get upset. Then he looked at me calmly and smiled.

"You're right son. He's yours and if you want him along, then so be it."

We rode over to the slave quarters where a group of about fifty were assembled. Some had our brand, some were acquired before we started breeding, some after.

"These are the ones I'm taking to the auction," Father said.

"Females over here, Males over here," I instructed them pointing to the left and then right. Father stood over in the shade of a tree as I inspected them. I walked down the row of females, stopping occasionally to inspect one more closely. I pulled out two girls about fifteen years old, and one older fat woman.

Then on to the males. There I pulled a boy of about sixteen or seventeen, and one old man. He could be sixty or eighty, sometimes with slaves, it's hard to tell.

"I want to keep these," I told Father.

"Okay, but why?"

"Those two girls. Beautiful, and not a mark on them. Their good girls and would make nice babies with the right stud. The fat woman is probably a good cook and Lucia could use some help in the kitchen."

Father looked at the fat woman "Didn't I get you in that bunch I bought from Tulip Farms when they went under?''

"Yessuh," The woman said.

"What was your job there?"

"I was de head cook. Then massa died and missus run de place to de ground."

"Good catch son. What about those two?" he asked pointing at the boy and old man.

I had seen a resemblance in the boy and Ben, and assumed he was one of Thunder's offspring. I waved him over to us. When he was standing between Father and me, "What's your name?" I asked him.

"Shamus, suh."

I put my fingers in his waistband and pulled outward. Father and I both looked into his pants and saw a huge set of jewels. "I think he should be put with those two girls and see what happens."

Father gave me a wink and a smile. The boy looked at the two girls and smiled real big "Thank ya, young suh. I'll sho do my best."

"Surely you don't intend to keep this old man," Father said.

"He's old and can't work the fields, doesn't have our brand. He ain't worth much at auction, probably couldn't get ten dollars for him. But he can still polish silver and sweep and mop, and stuff that's tedious and time consuming but not hard labor."

"You're right again, son. I should have brought you in a long time ago," Father said patting me on the shoulder. I glanced over at Ben who darted his eyes toward a boy standing in the doorway. Then he gave me a sort of mean look.

"That boy over there should go to auction, and there is one I saw yesterday over on the back field that should go as well."

Father looked at the boy "Why?"

"I just think he's a troublemaker, and will cause problems later on. Got a mean streak in him too. The other one is a runner. I saw a bunch of scratches on his legs, and I bet if you look at his back, he's been whipped a bunch for running."

Father motioned for the boy in the doorway. You could tell by his walk he was defiant. He was strong looking and had our brand, so he would fetch a handsome sum. Then Father said to Willy "Find the other one from yesterday, and add him to this bunch."

"I'm leaving at first light tomorrow, to go to the auction. You look after things here for me while I'm gone," It was the first time Father ever said that to me. I felt proud.

Ben and I rode back to the manor together. "You done real good, Sir."

"Thank you Ben, and thanks for the hint. It was like I could read your mind."

"Yessir, I knows jest what ya mean," Ben said with a smile.

That night Ben showed up carrying a Jar.

"What's in the Jar?"

"Lard. It won't spoil like butter, and I can hide it in one of yo drawers," Ben said, not trying to conceal how he wanted the night to end.

I had to give him a hard time so I said "What's the lard for?"

Ben looked incredulous. "I thought ya could read my mind."

"Oh, yes, I got it. You want some fried chicken. Well I can't let you cook in here."

"Yo jest teasin me, aint ya. Well, sir Mark, mayhaps I'll jest take this lard back to da kitchen," he said turning toward the door.

"No. Wait. I might have a use for that lard," We rushed to get out of our clothes, and I was hard as a rock when Ben worked the lard onto my cock.

Then he lay on the bed face up. "I wants to see yo purty face while ya do it to me. Dat okay, Mark?"

"Sure, Ben," I told him as I got between his knees. I slid into him a little at a time till I was seated, the began a steady stroke.

"Oh Jesus, Mark. Dat feels so good. Do it ta me."

"You really like this? You like me to fuck your ass?"

"Yessir. I loves anythin' ya want ta do ta me."

I leaned over him, slid my hands under and grasped his shoulders. He wrapped his legs around my waist and gave himself to me completely. I kept thrusting and he began to whimper "Oh Mark 3; Mark 3; Jesus do it. I want yo stuff in me Mark.

I felt myself swelling in him and Ben moaned out "Jesus 3; yesss," Just as I unloaded, his legs dropped to the bed, like he had been shot suddenly.

When I was able to breath, I raised up off of him and felt something wet on my belly. Looking down I saw a small pool of sperm just below his bellybutton.

"Ben, I think I just fucked your first load of juice out of you," I said with more than a little pride.

Ben raised his head groggily and looked. "Dat mine?"

"Well mine is in your ass, so yes, it is."

"I can shoot juice now? Thank ya Mark."

"It was bound to happen. I'm just glad to be a part of it."


Over the rest of the year, I worked on Ben's language skills, and his ass. He spent most of the day at my side with me correcting his every sentence. He learned quickly, surprising himself as well as me. He spent nights under me, moaning and begging for my cock and juice.

We also both grew a lot. I was about 5 foot 7 [1.70 m] and he passed me by an inch. I also grew to around six inches [15 cm], and he passed that by an inch as well.

For my fourteenth birthday, Father surprised me again. The day was uneventful to the point that I was beginning to wonder if they had forgotten it was my birthday. Then at dinner, there was, my now favorite, chocolate cake. Ben stood behind me grinning all through dinner. I'm not sure if it was because he was going to get chocolate cake, or because of the double meaning it had for us.

Ben and I had just settled in for the night, though we were both still dressed, when there came a knock on the door. There stood a young girl of about ten. She handed me a note.

Dear Son,

On my fourteenth birthday, my father sent me a young wench to warm my bed at night. He said it would be good practice for when I married. He was right, and Lucia was in my bed whenever I wanted, until the day I married your mother. As you know, she is in the kitchen now, your mother wouldn't approve of her still sharing my bed.

This girl's name is Alice. Like Lucia, she can't bear offspring, so you can relax and enjoy her fully. She's a bit young (ten next week), but you can train her to do what you want. Wives are usually not as understanding. She can stay the night with you whenever you call on her or send her back to the quarters when you're done with her. Happy Birthday Son.

I turned to the girl and said "Wait outside til I call you."

Ben got pretty emotional as I read the note to him. "Are you going to do it to her?" he asked as tears formed in his eyes.

"I guess so," I said.

"Ain't I been good enough for ya?" he asked as the tears began to flow.

"Ben you know you have. It's just that it's expected of me. I don't see how I can get out of it. Hey, why don't we share her?" I said in hopes of brightening him up.

"Even if I wanted to, I don't think I should. I think she be one of my sisters. Besides, I don't want no girl. I only want you."

That's when it hit me. Ben was in love with me. I thought he was upset because our friendship was going to be invaded by this girl. No, he was hurt and jealous because he loves me.

"Ben, I'm sorry. But I have to do this. If I don't, my father will become suspicious. Then he might send you away. I have to do this for us. Someday, I will have to marry too. But you will always be a part of my life. I promise.

"Now dry your eyes, and you can wait in the hall or stay and watch. Either way, I'm going to do it."

"I understand. I don't likes it, but I understand," he pulled himself together and I opened the door.

"Alice, who was your sire?"

"Thunder, suh," I glanced at Ben, knowing he was right about being his sister.

"Do you want to be here?" I asked the girl.

"At fust I didn't. Then they tells me it was fo you. I be glad fo you be my fust."

"Why would you be glad about me?"

"Everybody knows you be a kind man. You fair and take care of ol' folk. You don't whip nobodys. They say you learnin' Ben to talk good and even read."

"Now don't go telling folks that, you'll get us both hanged," I said, neither confirming or denying it to be true.

Ben stepped into the hallway, and I closed the door. I had no idea what to do to a girl, but I know I had to try. I also wanted her first time to not be horrible.

She dropped her gown, and I discovered she was nude beneath it. I laid her on the bed, and she looked so small compared to Ben. I remember how Ben had got me excited using his hands and his mouth, so I thought that might be a good approach for girls too.

I put my head between her legs and saw how tiny her opening was. I couldn't imagine my cock fitting in there, but I was going to try. I used my mouth on her for a minute, then tried to insert my finger. It ran into some sort of barrier. I remember hearing about virgins having a covering that had to be torn through, so I wiggled my finger around in there till I got it big enough to slide into. Then I tried two fingers. I didn't quite get in but I could feel it yielding.

I went back to one finger and slid it in and out a bit. She started to get slippery, and her hips began moving with my finger. I thought "It's now or never," Thankfully I was hard. I mounted her and put my cock at her entrance, and shoved. She let out a wail, then quieted as I began the journey into her.

I didn't know if girls had orgasms or not, or if they even enjoyed sex, but I wanted to do what I could to make it good for this little girl. When I was in all the way I rotated my hips some to try to widen the path a bit. She was extremely tight, and I wasn't sure if I wouldn't actually get stuck in there. She seemed to like that so I did it for a while, then began to stroke in and out a little.

After a while, I lengthened my strokes and quickened the pace. She wasn't near as responsive as Ben, but she began pumping her hips up to me and moaning a bit. I hoped it was in pleasure, not pain. She was pretty tight, so I couldn't hold out long. Soon I emptied myself into her, and rolled away.

She was breathing heavy, and had her eyes closed. I didn't know if that was a good sign or not. I looked at her little pussy, and saw my sperm, and a little blood, flowing out of a gaping hole.

Finally she looked at me and smiled. "You wantin' to go agin?" she asked hopefully, as her hand went to my jewels.

I sat up and said "Not tonight, Alice. You can get dressed now. I will send for you when I want you again."

"You sho? I don't mind ifin ya wants to," she sounded disappointed.

"I'm sure. Get dressed," I said dismissively.

When she opened the door, Ben stepped in. He sat on his bed and started to undress. When he removed his trousers, I saw the tent in his shorts.

"Why are you hard Ben?"

"I could hear, and I knows what she was gettin'," he answered.

"Come here."

When he was in front of me I lowered his shorts. It had been almost a year since I had his cock in my mouth. He had grown quite a bit, and I had some difficulty with it. I sucked on him and for the first time I tasted his sperm. He had always cum with me fucking him, so I never sucked it. When he finished shooting I swallowed his juice.

"Did 3; did you swallow it, Mark?" he asked stunned.

"You swallow mine, don't you."

He gave me his beautiful smile, "Thank you, Mark. You don't know what that means ta me."

He lay beside me and I spooned in behind him. When my cock started to rise, he said "I want you in me, but first I want to wash that smell off you."


About once a week over the next year, I would instruct Ben at dinner time to fetch Alice for me. Father always had a shit eating grin when I did. Mother would just glance at Father knowingly.

About the third time I had her, Alice became more vocal. Crying out in orgasm as she thrust herself to me. I know my parents could hear her down the hall, but that was okay. It just help cover for what Ben and I were up to. Somehow Mother seemed particularly pleased the next day. I'm not sure if she was proud of her son making the wench cum, or if I had inspired Father to perform better.

On those nights, Ben waited in the hall, and afterward would wash my cock before he would take it into his ass. I always had to do both of them on those nights. Ben would get sullen if I didn't. I also always sucked Ben before fucking him on those nights. It was my way of an apology to him.

During that year, Ben grew even more. He was near six feet [1.80 m], and muscular. He was a fine specimen of manhood. I had reached my final height of 5' 9" [1.75 m] and my cock was almost 7 inches [18 cm]. Ben was at almost 9 [22 cm], and still growing.

Just before my fifteenth birthday, Mother and Father were going into Charlotte. There was a touring theatrical company that Mother wanted to see. And Father was meeting someone on business.

Shamus (the boy I saved from auction) seemed to be vying with Thunder as our best stud. Both those girls were about to pop, and a few others were not far behind. Another plantation owner wanted Shamus's services, so Father was taking him to work out a deal.

"Take care of things while we're gone, Son. Any trouble, you handle as you see fit. I trust you," Father said as he gave me a hug.

Mother gave a hug and a kiss and whispered "Let Alice have some time to rest, too," I didn't tell her that it would be Ben begging for a break.

So, Father, Mother, Ol' Willy, and Shamus, set off for Charlotte. Assuring me they would return before my birthday.

That night in our room, I told Ben "You know we have a birthday coming up. I want to give you something for your birthday."

He saw the twinkle in my eye and said "I told you I don't want any girl. I just like being with you."

"That's what I want to give you. Me."

"What are you talking about Mark?" he asked in confusion.

I reached for the lard, and then his cock. It became rigid instantly. I slathered lard on it and suddenly I was worried I had made a bad decision.

"You want me to 3; Mark are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. But take it easy on me, this thing is huge."

I couldn't have asked for a kinder and more caring lover. Ben was as gentle as possible. Oh, it still hurt, but could have been a lot worse. He took his time, and only when I begged him to, did he get more forceful. I couldn't believe it, but he made me cum, twice, as he took me. He was behind me, on our sides. His powerful arms around me, his huge weapon buried deep. I had the strongest orgasm of my life. Still he kept pumping me. I was on a continuous high until I felt him swell in me, and I shot another load as he did.

For the first time since his first night, Ben slept in my bed. I was content in his strong arms, his cock in my ass. I slept like a baby, until Ben started moving his renewed erection in me. I stirred and he pulled me closer. Kissing my neck, he whispered "Is this ok?"

"Mmm 3; Absolutely."

He stroked into me slowly for a few minutes, holding me, kissing my neck. "I'd like to see your pretty face," he whispered.

I started to turn over and he withdrew from me. I felt empty and wanted it back instantly. He got between my legs, placing them on his shoulders. His cock seemed to find it's home on it's own. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips for the first time, as he sent his cock to new depths.

It dawned on me that now I was the slave, and he was my master. I didn't care what he did to me, as long as he kept fucking me.

He raised up and watched my face as he gave me what I so desperately wanted. He stopped and said "I love you, Mark."

"I know, Ben," I pumped my hips up, fucking myself on his cock.

"Is that just curiosity," he said with a smile.

"No, Ben. That's desire," I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to me in a passionate kiss. When I broke the kiss, I whispered "And that is love."

He gave me the biggest smile ever, then proceeded to fuck the shit out of me.

He was still laying on me, both of us drained near to death. His face in the pillow beside my head "Thank you, Mark. That was the best gift you could have given me."

"It was pretty good for me too, you know. I think my cum has us permanently stuck together."

"I was talking about the love thing," he said as he peeled himself from me, and withdrew his deflated cock.

I grunted as he popped out of me, still not quite believing I had taken the whole thing. "Truth is truth," I said.

He lay behind me and cradled me in his arms again. "Still most people wouldn't have said it to a slave."

"I'm not most people, and you're not just any slave. You're my … man."

For the next few nights we traded places. Sometimes I was on top, sometimes bottom. Either way we both loved it.


Midday on my birthday, a wagon pulled into the gates, and right up to the front of the manor. By the time it came to a stop, it was followed by about a dozen slaves, all murmuring amongst themselves and pointing.

I went out on the porch and a deputy said "He belong to you?" pointing at Shamus, laid out in the back of the wagon.

"Yes. What happened to him?"

"There was a bit of a ruckus in town. This nigger tried to stop them but I'm sorry to say, they killed your parents. I guess they thought the nigger would just run, but he fought with them, and got shot for it. The horse doctor patched him up best he could. Stupid nigger."

I was seething. "NIGGER? 3; That 3; nigger 3; almost died trying to save my parents, and you will show him some RESPECT. Or by god I'll whip you myself. Now get your ass off that wagon and help him 3; Lucia get some help and carry Shamus to a guest room. Take care of him while I sort out this mess."

The deputy pulled Shamus off the wagon none too carefully. Four of the male slaves nearby picked him up and took him into the house, followed by Lucia.

"What about Willy?" I asked the deputy.

"Is that the other nig… uh old man? He's dead too. Both those fools tried to stop those men from robbing and killing your parents. They were outnumbered and outgunned. We only caught four of them. Witnesses say there were eight."

"How did you manage to capture four, but not all of them?"

"They was lying in the street when we got there," he pointed to the door "That one roughed them up good before he got shot."

"So you're telling me that the only reason you have four murderers in custody is because my 3; nigger 3; did your job for you?" I turned to Ben. "Fetch me Father's whip."

As word spread, the crowd of slaves had doubled. They formed a circle around that deputy, who by now looked scared shitless. Ben returned with the whip. I had never even held one, but I cracked that whip like an expert.

"What are your plans now?" I said to the deputy as I wound the whip into my palm.

"I uh 3; I have to get back to town."

"I think not. I think you will be sitting by Shamus's bed when he wakes up. And he better wake up. Then you will apologise and beg his forgiveness for being disrespectful. Do I make myself clear?"

"Ye 3; yes sir."

"Where are my parents now?"

"They're at the undertaker's."

"You won't mind if I borrow your wagon, will you?" I said as I climbed in.

"Ben, I need you with me."

As we passed the gate, I broke down. Ben had to drive the wagon into Charlotte. I cried the whole way.

First stop, the sheriff's office, where I placed a thousand dollar reward on each of the other four murderers. Then to our attorney, then the bank. Last the undertaker. Willy was in a plain pine box, which I had changed to a nice casket like my parents had.

It was near midnight when we arrived back at the Manor. The deputy was still sitting bedside as instructed. I asked Lucia to put him up in another guest room, but to be sure he was awake early and back at his post.

That was the first night Ben and I didn't have sex of some kind. Neither of us was in the mood.

I had three graves dug in the family plot, next to my grandparents. It's a lovely spot up on a hill, with beautiful views of the surrounding countryside. There were over 300 of our slaves standing by as I drove the wagon up that hill.

"I didn't realize they cared for my Father that much," I said to Ben.

"They're not here for your parents or Willy. They're here for you."

"But they don't even know me."

"They heard what you did. Threatening a white man with a whip for disrespecting a slave, goes a long way with them," he said.

I could see his point. "I didn't do it to gain their affection. I did it because it was the right thing to do."

"They know that. It's just the latest thing they have heard about you. You've got quite a reputation among your servants. There hasn't been one to run away since that auction over a year ago."

"Not even one? Why?"

"They know you to be reasonable, kind, caring, and just. Qualities they wouldn't find with other plantation owners. Their lot in life is tough. You make it as fair as possible."

We laid them to rest, and returned to the Manor. It was the next day when Shamus finally came around. The deputy was there and he apologised profusely. Shamus didn't quite believe what was happening.

I chased the deputy off with a warning to never speak to, or about any of my servants in that manner. I was holding my whip when I said it. I think he understood the ramifications.

Ben and I moved into the big bedroom, though he never slept in his own bed again. Most any night, if you were to stand outside our door, you would hear one of us say "Mmm 3; Chocolate."

The End

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