PZA Boy Stories

Herb Cat

Around the World

Sequel to Rip


In this sequel to Rip Uncle Malcolm and his newest boy lover Juan, and Juan's little brother Pepito, make a trip around the world.
Publ. 2007 (Nifty), edited and publ. on this site Jan 2011
Finished 58,000 words (116 pages)


Malcolm (adult), Maria (adult), Juan (11-12yo), Pepito (6-7yo) and other boys (8-13yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mb tb bb cons mast oral anal – interr


Please note: this story depicts men having oral and anal sex with consenting boys from age 8 to 13, in a loving and safe environment. If this offends you or is illegal to publish in your jurisdiction, or you are under the age of 18, read no further.

The characters, locations and incidents in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Author's note

When I wrote the 12th installment of Rip (the epilogue), I thought I was finished, but the characters kept coming back to me, asking to be revived, especially Malcolm, his newest boy lover Juan, and Juan's little brother Pepito. My readers also encouraged me to continue. And so I begin this new adventure, a trip around the world. You won't be seeing Rip himself much in this new story; however, since the Rip saga laid the foundation for this one, I suggest you read that story first, if you have not already done so.

One more note: Six year old Pepito hasn't mastered the the K sound yet, and substitutes a soft G sound. Thus, he says Chuggy instead of Chucky, sug instead of suck, fug instead of fuck, gog instead of cock, way-ging instead of waking, etc.

As an author, I welcome feedback on my writing. Please send any comments about this story, positive or negative, to HerbCatWriter(at)yahoo(dot)com or through this feedback form with Herb Cat - Around the World in the subject line. Thank you.

Do not reproduce or distribute this story without the author's permission.

Table of Contents

  1. New York
  2. London
  3. Brighton
  4. Paris
  5. Brussels
  6. Amsterdam
  7. Dresden
  8. Prague
  9. Rome
  10. Athens
  1. Moscow
  2. Delhi
  3. Mumbai
  4. Bangkok
  5. Sihanoukville
  6. Tokyo
  7. Sambia
  8. Honolulu
  9. Oaxaca

Chapter 1
New York

"Can I please have more mash tatoes, Señor Chuggy?"

"Of course you can, Pepito. You need to eat lots and get strong for your big adventure."

Pepito's mother, Maria, couldn't stop expressing her gratitude. "Gracias, Señor Chucky. It is so kind of you to let us stay in your apartment here in New York. And you too, Señor Ricky."

"Believe me, Maria. We would do anything for our good friend Malcolm. How about it, Malcolm? Are you and little Juan getting enough to eat?"

"I know I am, Chucky, and it looks like Juan here is eating enough for a whole army!" This remark made Juan giggle, which caused him to spit mashed potato out, and everyone laughed.

"Save some room for some of my world famous cherry pie," Ricky advised. "So, Malcolm, I know you explained this to Chucky, but I've been so busy getting ready for my upcoming fashion show, I haven't taken the time to get filled in. Where exactly are you going?"

"I'm planning on going around the world with my boys here. The itinerary is pretty tenuous, intentionally so." Malcolm pulled a paper out of his pocket and handed it to Chucky. "This is our Maybe List. It has all the places we might see."

"You didn't take me around the world when I was Juan's age," complained Chucky, half-jokingly.

"Well, the opportunity didn't present itself then. I would have loved to do this with all my boys."

Ricky continued his questions, "So, what happened that gave you the opportunity now, Malcolm?"

"Well, you remember Tony."

"Tony Johnson?"

Chucky corrected Ricky, "No, the other Tony, the tennis star. Of course we knew him as just a local kid before he made it big."

Malcolm continued, "Well, he certainly did make it big. But he's decided to quit the professional circuit. He's thirty now, and he sees a lot of young competitors biting at his heels. His father has been after me for years to sell the racquet club. Finally, with his son available now, they made me an offer I couldn't refuse, $2.5 million. Plus I get to keep a 5% interest in the club. Having Tony's name on the sign should bring in lots of new business. And what's more, I can come by any time to give private lessons to young boys."

"Wow, that sounds like a sweetheart deal, all around."

"So, I went to my accountant and he put me into some investment funds that should keep me comfortable for the rest of my life. I figured I'd worked hard for over twenty years; it was time to enjoy myself. I'd always wanted to see the world. And of course, I wanted to take Juan along with me, 'cause he's my little sweetheart." Malcolm kissed the top of Juan's head. His sweetheart was just over four feet [1.20 m] tall, not fat but well toned for his height. He had a lovely light coffee skin color, jet black hair, and big round innocent black eyes. Malcolm continued his answer to Ricky, "Then I thought Juan and his brother would miss each other for all those months, so I decided to ask Pepito to come also. I told him he'd have to share a bed with Juan and me but he didn't seem to mind."

"Nah, I don't mind, Señor Malcolm. Juan says it's fun in bed with you. I can't wait to see what you guys do. He says you guys fug."

"Hehe, yep, we do, Pepito. You'll get a chance to watch us do lots of fun things." Poor Pepito was kind of scrawny. He had his brother's skin and hair, but not his robust healthy-looking body. But he always knew what to say that would turn Malcolm to mush. Malcolm went on, "I know that two little boys can sometimes be a handful, so I was hoping Maria would might go with us. Luckily for me, she agreed to come along."

"Oh, Señor Malcolm, I am the lucky one. I've never been anywhere except Mexico and the US. My poor Pedro, God bless his soul, worked so hard but he never earned enough to do something like this."

"I'm glad I can do it for Pedro's two wonderful niños, Maria."

Ricky still had a lot of questions. "It's a long time to leave your house, Malcolm."

"Well, that's where Chucky's brother comes in. Harry was 'between jobs,' as they say 3;"

"Like always," laughed Chucky. "He was all excited when he called to tell me you asked him to housesit while you're gone. He'll get to use both the house in town and the cabin at the lake."

"And my car," added Malcolm.

"Shit, really? He didn't tell me that. Hope you still have something left of it when you get home."

"Your brother's a good kid, Chucky. He just needs to learn to focus is all."

"Well, when Harry told me you guys would be coming through New York on your way to Europe, I insisted that you stay here with us a few days."

"And I seconded that," added Ricky. "It's always good to see people from the old home town. And we finally get to use the guest bedroom."

Maria apologized, "I feel terrible taking that big bed and making Señor Malcolm sleep on the pull out bed in the living room."

"No, Maria," Malcolm insisted. "With all these men around, a lady needs her privacy. And anyway, as long as I can share my bed with your two precious angels, I'm happy. You know that."

Ricky speculated, "I'm sure you're going to be in some very interesting sleeping accommodations on this trip. Some hotels will probably assume you're man and wife."

"Yes, I thought of that. And that mistake could actually make things easier for us in some countries. And I couldn't think of a prettier woman to have as my wife." Malcolm winked.

Maria blushed. "Oh, Señor Malcolm."

"Is Señor Malgum going to marry Mommy, Juan," Pepito asked innocently. Everyone laughed.

"No, Silly," Juan said. But his brother was still confused.

"Don't you love Mommy, Señor Malgum?"

"Pepito, I like your Mommy a lot. She is the best mother in the world for you boys. But I could never love her the way your daddy did." Then, turning to Ricky, Malcolm continued, "It took us longer to get ready than I thought. The boys had to get passports, and that took a long time. They also had appointments with Dr. Gupta."

"OK," Ricky continued, "But what about the boys' school? They're going to miss a whole year."

"Juan is in sixth grade now and Pepito just went into first. Maria and I spoke to both their teachers. They filled us in on the whole curriculum, and I don't see any problem. Of course both boys are going to get a hands-on course in world geography. And we'll visit historic sites, and learn all about the different cultures. I hope they learn that all people are pretty much the same under the skin. For math, we'll be changing dollars into Euros and all kinds of other currency, as well as converting kilometers to miles and celsius to fahrenheit, and kilograms, and liters, and all sorts of practical problems like that. For Science, we'll find out what animals live in different ecosystems."

"And they'll be learning a lot about human anatomy too," Ricky joked. "At least the male anatomy. So what about reading and writing?"

"We have a laptop with us and we'll do lots of reading online about the places we go to. And we set up a blog. Juan is going to post reports about what he's doing for his teacher to read, as well as his friends, and my friends, and anyone else that's interested. And Pepito will draw pictures to post there."

"Chucky and I will watch for it. We want to learn all about what you're doing, Juan."

"Uh," Chucky decided to qualify, "I don't think you need to tell all the details, though, on your blog. You don't want to get poor Malcolm into trouble."

"Don't worry, Chucky, Juan is just as discrete as you were. You can be sure we'll be having lots of fun that you won't read about on the blog."

"Psst, Juan," whispered Pepito, "what's duz-grete?"

"That means I ain't gonna write about us fucking and stuff. That's like a secret."

"Oh, OK. Then I won't draw pitchers of that neither." Again, everyone laughed, and Malcolm gave Pepito a big hug.

One more thing bothered Ricky. "Uh, Malcolm, Chucky told me about Pepito's condition."

"I got epilepsy." Pepito announced like it was a badge of honor. Then he proudly showed Ricky his Medic Alert bracelet. "I used to get fits, but I don't get them no more."

"Pepito's right. Maria and I spoke to Dr. Gupta and the Dylantin seems to be working. The pharmacist was able to get us a six month supply, and if we run out he can FedEx more. We made sure the laptop was flicker-free, and it comes with an antiglare screen. We bought him some polarized sunglasses for outdoors. Pepito knows not to sit too close to the TV, and more and more countries are now adopting the UK standards for TV broadcasts, which has really helped cut down on problems. We might encounter some odd things in other countries like faulty fluorescent bulbs. We'll have to always be on our toes, but we'll be monitoring him, and I think we're OK. We have Dr. Gupta's number handy if anything happens. He also gave us the name of a restaurant in New Delhi. His brother owns it and he said if we get to India we have to be sure to go there for the greatest curry in the world."

"Señor Riggy?"

"Yes, Pepito?"

"I log your earring. It's real pretty."

"Well, thank you, young man. Maria, I see your youngest boy has excellent tastes in fashion."

Juan spoke up, "Señor Malcolm has a nose ring."

Chucky and Ricky looked at Malcolm, whose face was turning a little red. "Is that true, Malcolm?"

"Well, yes, but I don't wear it often. I didn't think it looked too professional at the club. And out in public, I thought it would attract too much attention. Juan, you can probably find it in my suitcase?" Juan ran to get it. "Sometimes, at home, I put it in, and then if I'm at a gay pride parade or in a real 'gay' neighborhood, one with biker bars, I might wear it."

"But I don't even see a hole?"

Juan came back with the ring and something else which he held behind his back. Malcolm slipped the ring through his septum. "Wow," said Ricky, "not many guys get their septum pierced. Yeah, I can see how that could 'cause heads to turn in public."

"I sure don't remember you having that when I used to come to your house," remarked Chucky.

"No, I got it pierced a couple years later when I was in New Guinea." Juan brought his hand out from behind his back holding the monkey bone. "Oh, Juan, you really do know how to embarrass a guy." At everyone's urging, Malcolm took out the gold ring and slipped in the bone. Pepito started giggling like mad, probably thinking of a picture he was going to draw. Malcolm took it out again. "My time with the Sambia was so memorable, I carry the bone with me as a keepsake."

"Are we going to visit them on our trip, Señor Malcolm?"

"Well, gee, maybe we should. I'd like to see the village again. And see how Torang is doing." Malcolm took out a pen and added Sambia to the Maybe List.

"I log your nose ring, Señor Malgum," said Pepito. "It makes you lug pretty." At the little boy's urging, Malcolm put the gold ring back in his nose.

"I don't like it." Juan contested. "It scratches when you put your nose in my ass." Again everyone laughed.

Chucky imagined that the monkey bone would scratch even worse. "Hmm," thought Malcolm, "I'll have to ask Torang what it feels like getting rimmed by a man with a bone stuck through his nose."

"I think your ring makes you look like Toro," said Maria. She explained how growing up in Mexico, she often saw the bulls on their way to the bullring, and they always had rings in their noses.

"Malcolm's nose isn't his only part that's like a bull," joked Chucky. For the rest of their stay in New York, he referred to Malcolm as Señor Toro, and every time it made the boys giggle. But Malcolm kept his nose ring packed away.

Juan's Blog

September 10
We got to New York two days ago. It is not like Minnesota at all! We are staying in a nice big apartment in Manhattan with these men Malcolm knows from back home. We can see Central Park. Yesterday we went to F A O Schwartz. It's a big big big toy store. We wanted to buy lots of things but we didn't 'cause we was going on a trip and it was too much to carry on the plane. But Pepito and me each bought a teddy. Malcolm said they was travel bears. I named mine Rascal and Pepito's bear is Oso. Then we went to the Empire State Building and it was like so high up I wondered if I could see my house but Malcolm said no. The next day we took a boat called the Circle Line and saw everything in the city. Mommy cried when she saw the Statue of Liberty. She said we live in a great country. Tomorrow morning, we are going to go to the World Trade Center. They once was two big buildings there that got blowed up by bad people, and tomorrow they will have a ceremony there to remember it. Then later we'll go to Time Square where they have a place called TKTS, and we will get tickets for one of the Disney shows. I don't know which one. And then the next day we will take the Red Eye. That's a plane that goes to London. We miss all our friends.


Following their last breakfast in New York, Chucky was helping Malcolm run through a final check of everything for the trip: passports, medication, digital camera, laptop, layered clothing, KY, ATM card, etc., etc. Across the kitchen table, Ricky was telling Maria about his three trips to Paris to visit the couturiers, and also the two weeks he and Chucky spent renting a villa outside of Nice. Maria thought they should add Nice to the Maybe List. Juan was busy in the corner writing his blog. After a while, Maria realized Pepito was being kind of quiet and decided to check on him. She came back in a few minutes and whispered to the three men to come and see something. Quietly, they followed her into the living room and saw Pepito kneeling beside the fold out bed where Rascal and Oso were playing, lost in his own imaginary world. Apparently, after a couple nights in bed with Malcolm and Juan, the two bears had observed a lot and were anxious to try some things themselves.

"I love you," Pepito whispered in his Rascal bear voice.

"I love you too," said a slightly higher bear voice, and the two bears pressed their snouts together, and tenderly kissed as Pepito smacked his lips over and over. Then Rascal moved down Oso's chest kissing every hair on his well stuffed pecs and abs, and finally buried his button nose into Oso's crotch accompanied by slurping noises. "Oh, yes, that feels so good," squeaked little Oso. "Now let me sug yours." Oso then went to work on Rascal's invisible beartool.

"I want to rim you now, Oso."

"OK!" And Rascal buried his furry face into Oso's furry rear end, along with more slurping sounds.

"Are you gonna fug me now, Rascal?"

"Yes, my sweet little angel bear." Pepito pressed the two dolls together front to front. "I love you so much, Oso. You are the best little bear in the whole world." But apparently, the mish position wasn't satisfying enough because then Pepito took Oso and bent him in two so Rascal could begin humping him doggy style. For two little stuffed animals just recently immigrated from F A O Schwartz, these bears were now getting into their lustful sex big time. "Oh, yes, yes, yes." Finally, Pepito turned Oso again and pulled his legs apart in a position a Steif bear was probably not designed to assume, and Rascal thrust himself between them. In no time, every sweaty hair on the little doll's body stood erect as Rascal whispered, "I'm gonna gum." The bear froze in position and then poured his imaginary bearspunk into Oso's invisible love tunnel. The two horny animals then flopped on the bed and smothered each other in loving kisses.

Ricky grabbed a nearby box of Kleenex and passed them out for all four adults had tears in their eyes. They quietly went back to the kitchen, leaving Pepito to his delightful imagination. Malcolm smiled and wondered if Steif made any anatomically correct little bears. Ricky said he had two Billy Dolls, real collectors items, but he thought the bears were probably the best for little Pepito. Chucky laughed when he thought what those bears would look like in a few months, with their fur worn off various parts of their bodies.

Maria said, "Well, I think it was really sweet. Pepito is lucky to learn so early how loving and compassionate sex could be. On my wedding night, I was scared stiff. I didn't know what to expect and poor Pedro, God bless his soul, had to exercise all his charms to get me into bed."

While Maria was packing her suitcases, Ricky took Malcolm aside. "Listen, I've written a letter to my friend Pierre. He's a very creative up-and-coming couturier with a studio in Paris." Ricky showed Malcolm the letter.

"Are you sure about this, Ricky?"

"Absolutely. These past few days I've seen what a true lady Maria is. After all she's been through, she deserves this. But, please, she mustn't know anything about it."

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

At 8 PM, Malcolm, Maria, Juan and Pepito were in their first class seats aboard British Airways flight 116 en route to Heathrow.

Chapter 2

British Airways flight 116 took under 7 hours, but with the time change, it was almost 8 AM London time when they arrived. Pepito had to be carried off the plane, and didn't even wake up as they went through customs, gathered their luggage, and caught a cab to the hotel. The young man at the reception desk assumed Malcolm and Maria were married with two young boys and gave them a room with two queen size beds. Malcolm decided to take it easy the first day and let their bodies get over the jet lag. They were only a block from Hyde Park so they walked over and watched the King's Own Royal Horse Artillery go through its equestrian maneuvers. After lunch, they took a cab to Hamley's on Regent Street, and compared it to F A O Schwartz. Malcolm wanted to find a uniquely British toy. After a couple hours of looking, he finally spotted a lead set of the Royal Horses they had seen that morning. Malcolm purchased it and had it shipped back home. He also picked up a beautifully illustrated edition of Peter Pan.

They ate an early supper and settled in for a relaxing evening of television. Juan was amazed to find that the Brits do not bleep the 'bad' words like they do on American TV. "Wow, they say 'fuck' all the time!"

Later, alone in her huge queen, Maria glanced over at the threesome in the next bed, smiled and thought to herself how fortunate she was. Little Pepito was fast asleep again. His epilepsy had been stable for nearly a year, and he could just enjoy having fun like every other little boy. This was the first time Maria actually witnessed Juan sucking Malcolm. She could see Malcolm was not as big as her beloved Pedro, God bless his soul. She turned away and entered dreamland as Malcolm began applying KY to Juan's sweet ass hole.


The next day everyone felt more energetic, so they went to Regent's Park, rented a rowboat and Malcolm rowed about the lake while the boys fed bread crumbs to all the ducks. "Wow, look at that neat house, Malcolm. It's right in the park. I wonder who lives there."

"That's a very special house, Juan. The American Ambassador lives inside."

"Wow! An American lives there? That's so cool. I'm gonna write about it in my blog."

After they returned the boat, they walked right next door to the London Zoo. They were watching the monkeys playing when a couple teenage boys next to them pointed to two monkeys and laughed, "Look at the buggerers!" After they walked on, Malcolm explained to Juan that that was a slang word for homosexual, like 'fag' or 'fairy'. And that it wasn't nice to call people names like that.

"Not even monkeys?"

"No," Malcolm smiled, "not even monkeys."

They stopped at a sandwich shop and picked up lunch, then went to Green Park for an early picnic. "Look at that house across the street, Juan."

"Wow, that's even fancier than the one we saw in the park. Who lives there?"

"The Queen of England."

"Wow! You think she's there now?"

"Look up at the roof. You see that flag flying there?" Juan nodded. "That means the Queen is at home."

"Neat. Hey, what are those people doing? They're all lining up like a parade is coming."

"It's almost time for the changing of the guard. Come on, we can watch too."

In the afternoon, Malcolm took them to the British Museum. Malcolm led the entourage and tried to make it the day's history lesson. At one point he pointed out a bust of Julius Caesar. Pepito interrupted. "Hey, I heard of dat guy. He had epilepsy just lige me! Dr. Gupta told me that didn't stop Julius Caesar him from being a great ging." Later on Pepito thought the Egyptian animal mummies were really cool. Juan thought the naked 'frisbee' thrower from Greece was the best. Maria thought her feet were going to fall off, so Malcolm got a cab back to their hotel. When they got to their room, Juan took off his clothes and grabbed the tray under the water pitcher and pretended he was the statue in the museum. Malcolm said he would have been the handsomest boy in the Olympics. He too got undressed and the two lovers began making out. Maria smiled, then laid down and took a nap, while Pepito starting drawing a picture on the computer of men in fancy uniforms riding horses. Soon, the only sounds in the room were those of sexual excitement as Malcolm fucked away at the young Olympiad's gold-medal boy hole.

For supper, they went to a pub around the corner from their hotel. Juan was surprised they were going into a 'bar'. But when they got inside, he saw many families with young children. He thought that was cool. He liked being a boy but he also liked doing things that some people think only grown-ups enjoy. Malcolm ordered fish and chips for everyone. "Hey, where's my potato chips?" Juan complained when the plates arrived. Malcolm explained that in Britain, chips are what we call french fried potatoes. Juan said he was going to write that in his blog.

After supper, Malcolm asked Juan if he had ever heard the story of Peter Pan. Juan thought a little. "I think I saw the movie once, a long time ago."

"Well, sit here on the bed beside me. You too, Pepito, and I'll read you the story. You know the man who wrote the book, James Barrie, liked to play with little boys just like I do."


"Sure. Lots of famous men loved little boys. Richard the Lion-Hearted. Braveheart. Even Julius Caesar, Pepito."

"Yeah, he had epilepsy just lige me and he was a great ging. But I never heard of dose other guys."

"Well, we'll have to look them up on the computer later. Right now, let's hear about Peter Pan."

That night, Juan dreamed about flying to the land of lost boys. And Pepito started planning the picture of pirates he was going to draw.


The next day, they took some time out in the morning to do their wash at a laundromat and get their haircuts. Malcolm smiled, thinking how interesting it was going to be to attend to these necessary chores in a new language every couple weeks.

Then they went to Hyde Park, and as the boys were walking along a path by the lake, they suddenly saw a statue of Peter Pan. "Wow, that's neat," they both agreed. Then Malcolm led them to the speaker's corner. "What's that man talking about?"

"At the speaker's corner, anyone can get up and talk about anything he wants. It's real freedom of speech."

Malcolm wanted to do something special for little Pepito, so they took a train to the Stratford Station and walked to Discover, a place built just for kids Pepito's age, where they can have fun exploring their imagination. Pepito met Hootah who comes from the planet Squiggly Diggly. His planet doesn't have enough stories, so Hootah came to earth to absorb all the stories he can (he has sponge feet) and mix them up to make new stories. Pepito and Juan slid down the monster's tongue, crawled through the willow tunnel, and had lots of fun as Malcolm and Maria sat and watched.

Malcolm thought they better start getting used to exotic foods if they were going to go around the world. So, as they walked back toward the train station, he suggested they go to a Thai restaurant.

"Do I gotta wear a tie?" Pepito asked?

"No, Pepito," Maria explained. "Malcolm means they serve food from Thailand."

As they walked into the Thailander, Juan said, "Wow, this place is awesome." Its decor was like a Buddhist temple.

After eating bowls of tomyums and dishes like tiger cry and phad thai, they ordered banana fritters with ice cream for dessert. "I like Thai food," Pepito said.

"So do I," agreed Juan. "Are we going to go to Thailand?"

"Well, I guess we should. You're the boss. I'll add Bangkok to our Maybe List.

Juan and Pepito started giggling uncontrollably, at the name Bangkok. "Come on, Malcolm, let's go back to the hotel now and bang cock!"

"You silly niño," said Maria, but of course Malcolm thought it sounded like a great idea. Back at the hotel, Maria took Pepito and Oso to the dining room for 'high tea'. She was going to write some postcards to her friends, but Pepito used his Hootah mixing bowl imagination to tell Oso and his mother stories about pirates in Buddhist temples wrapping their dogs like mummies so they can visit the queen who had a room full of buggerer monkeys, each one with a monkey bone through his nose.

Upstairs, meanwhile, Juan and Malcolm undressed each other, lay down on the bed and 69'ed. Malcolm was convinced that Juan's little dick was getting longer by the week. Soon, his own balls were crying for release. He took the KY from the bedside table, made a mental note to pick up a few more tubes at the chemist's, and lovingly applied it to his lover boy's soft sweet hole. He then put a dollop in Juan's hand and let the youngster rub it on his turgid adult cock. Those sweet little hands massaging his already throbbing mantool were almost too much for Malcolm, but he managed to hold off his ejaculation. Both of them wanted the cum to go up inside the boy's little arse, as they began calling it here in London. Juan lay back on the bed, held his knees in his hands and spread his legs invitingly. Malcolm smiled at his lover, placed the boy's little feet on his shoulders, and held his tiny waist in his hands. "Are you ready, my sweet angel?"

"Yes, I can't wait. I want to feel your cock inside me." Juan closed his eyes and felt Malcolm's knob pressing on his little sphincter begging to come in. He breathed deep, pushed as if he was going to shit, and his little boy hole opened up and swallowed that wonderful rod. "Yes, yes, yes." He couldn't think of anything else to say.

"I love you, Juan. You are the sweetest boy on earth. But 3;" Malcolm couldn't speak any more. He was holding his breath and in a few seconds, warm manmilk was exploding into the young boy's love tunnel. Thrust after thrust yielded more and more spurts. Covered in sweat, Malcolm finally collapsed on top of the boy. "Juan, you make me so fucking happy."

"You make me happy too, Malcolm." They lay there several minutes just kissing and nestling in each other's warm bodies. Finally, Malcolm said they should go shower. He picked up the baby and walked to the loo. "We bang cock real good, don't we, Señor Toro?"

Juan's blog

September 18
London is a fun city. But people spell things different here like colour and metre, and they got different words for stuff like lift means elevator and WC means toilet, and they drive on the wrong side of the road. We rode in a bus with two floors. We sat up on top and could see everything. Yesterday, we went to Wimbledon, and saw the Tennis Museum. Tony, if you are reading this, we saw your picture there. Malcolm was real proud and told all the strangers around us that he was your first coach. He told them that you was real good even as a kid and he liked taking you to tournaments. We saw the Water Gardens and we could see all over London from there. And we ate at the Renshaw Café and for dessert we had strawberries and cream. Hmm, Hmm. Did you eat that here, Tony? Then last night, we went on a 'Ghost' tour. That was so much fun.

I been doing my math. Every time we buy something, Malcolm makes me change the pounds to dollars to see how much it really is. Pounds is the money here in England. Today, Malcolm said we needed to do some Science. So we went to the Science Museum and downstairs they got this swell place where kids can do experiments and stuff. It's neat.

Everyone is talking about the weather. They use celsius temperatures here, so I have to change them to fahrenheit to know how hot it really is. Next week it's supposed to get real hot, at least for September, and our hotel doesn't have air condition, so Malcolm said we will go to Brighton for a few days. I'll write and tell you guys about it.


Chapter 3

Malcolm rented a car in London. He said they could have taken the train to Brighton; it's only an hour south of London, but they had all their luggage to carry. And anyway, it would be a good chance to see some of the British countryside. They got up early, dressed and headed off for a few days in the sun. He tried to stick to the side roads because he wasn't used to driving on the left.

Maria liked getting away from the bustle of the city. They drove through little villages with names that made both boys giggle, like Newdigate, Bewbush, Cowfold, and Henfield. Each one had a little church, and homes with beautiful neat little gardens. Malcolm wondered how his lawn back home was beginning to look under Harry's care.

"It's too bad we weren't going to Brighton in June," Malcolm remarked. "They have a famous sand sculpture contest then. Or August. That's when the gay community puts on a big carnival. I bet you boys would have enjoyed that."

"Are there lots of gay guys there," Juan asked.

"Brighton is called the Gay capital of England." Malcolm remembered reading John Hart's 1992 book, Jizz, which takes place in Brighton in the year 2012. He recalled it was about a man who needed to consume other men to survive. It was full of funny puns.

As Malcolm approached the seaside town, Juan and Pepito were amazed at what they saw. Lots of little stores, and windmills, and guys walking all around in shorts and t shirts and sandals. Juan saw a big fancy white building. "Is that the Dodger Hall, Malcolm?"

"What? Oh, you mean the Taj Mahal. No, that's in India. But this sure does look like it, doesn't it? It's called the Royal Pavilion. Maybe tomorrow we'll go inside it. And let's put the real Taj Mahal on our Maybe List."

They signed into a hotel where each room had a balcony overlooking the beach. Air conditioning didn't seem to be very common in British hotels, but with the windows open, they had a wonderful salty breeze. Maria wanted to take a shower after riding in the car all day. When she came back out with her robe on, she saw Malcolm and her two sons on the bed, all three naked, one boy tucked in each of Malcolm's protective arms, fast asleep. "I guess they're tired," Malcolm whispered. "Could you pull that cover over us, Maria? I was afraid I'd wake them if I reached for it."

"Of course, Señor Malcolm. Are you chilly? Do you want me to close the window?"

"No, no. I just thought you might be embarrassed with us lying naked here."

"He, he, Señor Malcolm, my boys, I been giving them baths since they was babies. And I seen your penis also many times already. And I even seen it like it is now, hehe. It looks very happy standing up like that." Malcolm's cheeks turned red. "I think you are the embarrassed one. I will pull the cover up for you."

"You are so sweet, Maria. Gracias. I don't just mean thank you for the cover. I mean Gracias for letting me love little Pepito and letting me make love to little Juan."

"No need to thank me, Señor Malcolm. I know that you make my boys happy, especially Juan." She looked at her two angelic sons contentedly resting in the man's arms. "You boys rest. I'm going to sit out on the balcony and enjoy the view of the sea."

After a few minutes, Maria heard sounds behind her. She knew her sons were awake again. Then she began to hear sounds of slurping and sucking, accompanied by gratified moans. Soon, Pepito came out on the balcony announcing, "Juan is sugging Señor Malgum."

"I know. Are you chilly, Pepito? You have nothing on."

"Nah, I'm oh gay." Pepito climbed up in his mother's lap and nestled between her warm robed breasts, and listened to the sounds of sex inside. "Señor Malgum loves Juan, doesn't he, Mama?"

"Of course he does. And Señor Malcolm loves you too, Pepito. He told me when you were asleep."

"Really? But he stigs his peepee in Juan's mouf and also in his poopoo hole. He calls it fugging. And Juan likes it. Do you think he might fug me like that some day?"

"He might. I think some day, Señor Malcolm might like that a lot, little Pepito. If it makes you happy." She wrapped her warm arms around his little naked body and thought how much her babies had grown, as the symphony of pleasure continued to play behind them.


They asked the manager at the front desk to recommend a restaurant. Hearing their American and Hispanic accents, he told them to try the Cactus Canteen, a few blocks away. They sat up on the roof where they could see the exciting town below, and ordered Tex-Mex dishes, which were even better than the Taco Bell back home. They started with an appetizer of Santa Fe Skins. Then the boys ordered chimichanga, Maria quesadilla, and Malcolm some sizzling fajitas. Maria had a glass of Tequila. Malcolm joked about coming to England to eat Mexican food. For dessert they had warm blueberry muffins topped with ice cream.

The next day, they toured the Royal Pavilion, and were heading across to the big pier, when a group of motorcycles drove by. There must have been hundreds. They learned that the Brightona was going to be next week. This race is held every year to raise money for a local heart charity. As they continued to walk, they passed leather men everywhere, along with an assortment of drag queens, guys making animals out of balloons for kids like Pepito, and various street musicians. It was a lively place. The foursome tried their luck at the Pitch and Putt, where Pepito somehow hit a hole-in-one and instantly became a golf celebrity. As Juan and Pepito took a spin on the carousel, Maria told Malcolm what Pepito had asked the previous afternoon. "Really? He said that? That is so sweet. When we think he is ready, Maria, I would be happy to make love to him."

"I knew you would, Señor Malcolm. I know it would make him very happy."

"None of my boys have ever been that young. I certainly don't want to hurt him."

"Oh, I know you would never do anything to hurt a little boy, Señor Malcolm. You are too kind and gentle." She did not voice her thoughts about the small girth of Malcolm's tool, compared to her Pedro, God bless his soul. "You will know when the time is right."

The boys hopped off their horses and ran over to their Mama and Malcolm. "Gee, the water looks great," Juan remarked. "Too bad we left our bathing suits back in the hotel."

"Well, Juan, let's walk down the boardwalk a little way." After ten minutes, Malcolm said, "Juan, take a look over there on the beach. What do you see?"

"Wow, the guys there is all naked. This is a nudey beach. Wow. Can we take our clothes off, Malcolm, and go in the water? Please, please."

"I don't see why not. Do you, Maria?"

"Yippee, it's just like swimming at the lake! Come on, Pepito, let's run."

The four of them got settled on the beach, and Juan, Pepito, and Malcolm started stripping off their clothes. To their surprise, Maria too began to unbutton her blouse. They soon realized that she had worn a swimsuit under her clothes. "Hey, Mama, how did you know to wear your bathing suit?"

"We're right by the sea. A mother always thinks ahead."

"Mama, that's cheating. Hehe." Juan went chasing Pepito down to the water, both their dicks flopping freely. Malcolm slipped off his briefs and followed them, leaving Maria sitting by the piles of clothes. Maria sat and soaked up the warming rays as her little ones played at the edge of the still cold water with Malcolm. They seemed so happy. Another naked little boy about Juan's size had joined them as they splashed and frolicked. Life seemed wonderful.

After a few minutes, Malcolm came sauntering back up the beach. "Brr, the air may be warm, but that water is still freezing!" He plopped his naked ass down on the sand beside Maria. "Too bad you didn't think to bring towels."

"Me, Señor?"

"You said that mothers always think ahead, hehe. Don't worry, I'll just lie here in the sun and be dry in no time."

"It's a beautiful day, Señor Malcolm. Gracias for taking us here. I was just thinking how wonderful life is. I see Juan has a new little playmate."

"Yes, you know how amiable he is. He seems to be a magnet for new friends. The boy's name is Lyle." Malcolm took another look at the boy: he was the same height as Juan, but skinnier and much paler in complexion. He had dirty blond hair that didn't seem to know which way to lie. He appeared to be about Juan's age (later he learned Lyle was only 9½).

Malcolm would have liked to share Maria's enthusiasm for the pleasant day, but he had noticed something that troubled him. It seemed they were not the only ones on the beach watching the youngsters. Fifty yards down the beach sat a naked man who also had his eye on the boys, and his hand on his dick. Malcolm could certainly understand how a grown guy could get turned on by the sight of some sweet little boy ass, but he immediately slipped into his protective and possessive mode. No other man was going to touch his precious angel. Malcolm kept a wary eye on both the man and the boys, but didn't say anything to their mother. Maria hadn't seemed to notice the other pedophile on the beach. As they say, it takes one to know one.

After about a half hour, the boys came running up the beach, three little dicks flopping merrily up and down. When they got to Maria and Malcolm, Juan said, "Adios, Lyle," and flopped down on the sand, followed by Pepito. Lyle went running on to join the man who was the object of Malcolm's surveillance. Hmm, so Lyle belongs to him, thought Malcolm. I still don't trust him, though. Maybe he uses his son to attract chicken meat for his jollies.

In a few minutes, Lyle and the man stood up, grabbed their beach bag and picnic basket and headed toward Lyle's new friend. Oh, shit, Malcolm thought.

"Excuse me, blokes. I see you didn't come prepared. I brought an extra towel that you are welcome to share."

"Gracias, Señor," Maria spoke up, taking the towel and drying her boys' shivering legs. "You are welcome to sit with us if you'd like." Lyle immediately sat down with his friends.

"Why thank you. The name's Dexter." Before Malcolm could say anything, Dexter's big bare ass was parked next to his own, and he was learning everyone's name. "Lyle says you are from the States. How do you like our little town?"

"It is so pretty. Do you live here, Señor Dexter?"

"I do, but Lyle lives up in Birmingham with his dad. He loves to come down here on weekends to visit me."

"Oh," Malcolm found his tongue. "I thought you were Lyle's dad. Are you his uncle?"

"No, no, just a friend of his father's. We belong to the same club actually. Listen, we have a big lunch here, much more than Lyle and I can eat ourselves. Please join us." And without waiting for an answer, he opened the basket and began passing out sandwiches.

"Gracias, Señor. It's just like the loaves and the fishes."

Pepito looked at his sandwich, puzzled. "What you mean, Mama? This ain't no tuma fish sangich."

"He, he, no, I mean like in the Bible. When I was a little girl, the nuns at the convent told us the story when Jesus [she pronounced it hay-soos] was by the water just like we are now, and he was preaching to a big crowd of people, thousands of them. And they were all hungry, but one little boy just like you, Pepito, had a couple loaves of bread like tortillas, and a few dried fish, and he gave his lunch to Jesus and Jesus used it to feed all those people!"

"Wow, like magic, I like that story, Mama."

"He, he, well I'm no Jesus though," Dexter laughed. "If I tried walking on that sea out there, I'd get my arse wet right quick." All three boys giggled, and even Malcolm began to warm up to the stranger, and enjoyed his sandwich.

After lunch, the three youngsters went back to the water, and Pepito convinced his mother to go with them to help make a sand castle, using the empty cups from lunch. Dexter then spoke to Malcolm, "Maria has two fine lads there, Malcolm. They must make you very happy. Have you known them long?"

"How did you know I wasn't their father?"

"I could tell by the way you look at the lady and at the boys, Mate. A father looks at his boys different than a lover."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I know how you feel about those two, especially that Juan. He's one bloody eyeful. Please, don't worry, your secret's safe with me. Lyle and I are lovers, also."

"Wow, really? Do his parents know?"

"They're divorced and Lyle's dad has full custody. Yes, he knows all about it. In fact, he has a little boy as well."

"Is that the club you talked about?"

"You got it, Mate. We're just a few men and boys. We used to be a chapter of PIE until that group disbanded in 1985. Ever hear of PIE? No? Well, Paedophile Information Exchange was actually formed earlier than the NAMBLA group you got in the states. But it couldn't survive the pressure."

"I used to belong to NAMBLA. I don't attend their meetings any more, but I still give them a donation each year."

"So, how much does Maria know?"


"What, really? You are one bloody lucky bloke. You ought to go to those NAMBLA meetings though."

"Oh, I don't need them right now. I have my angel."

"I don't mean for your sake, Mate. Do it for Juan."


"Look, I know you want to protect your old arse. The fewer people who know, the better, and all that. But I found it's good for Lyle to see that other boys and men do what we do. It shows him he isn't doing something weird."

"I never thought of it like that."

"Also, most of the time the boys have to be so secretive about their love. They can talk to their mates at school about sports, and video games, and all kinds of shit, but they can't talk about the thing that fills their life with meaning. A club gives them an outlet, a chance to talk to other boys with no worries about what they say."

"Hmm, interesting point."

"Hehe, it even gives them a chance to brag. About what they do, and about dick size, you know. All young boys like to brag when they get into sex, but our lads don't have the opportunity. I'd really urge you to reconsider attending NAMBLA meetings, for Juan's sake."

Malcolm had had a steady succession of boy lovers for twenty years and thought he had all the answers, but Dexter was giving him a lot to think about. "I'd like to talk to you some more, Dexter."

"Listen, Lyle has to go back to Birmingham tomorrow night, but I'm sure he'd love to see Juan again. Why don't you two come over to my place for breakfast tomorrow morning. Let Pepito spend the morning getting some quality time with his mum. Oh, I see you're a little concerned. Look, we don't need to trade boys or anything like that. I can tell you aren't about to let a strange bloke plow that lad's pretty brown arse. No, we'll just have some fun together, the four of us."


Malcolm and Juan got up and showered early. Maria said she and Pepito would spend the morning at the Sussex Toy & Model Museum. She thought it looked like a fun place for a little boy. Pepito was still naked when Juan and Malcolm kissed him goodbye, hoping he would have lots of fun. It only took ten minutes to walk to the beach house where Dexter rented a suite. They rang the doorbell and Lyle opened the door wearing no more than he had on at the nude beach. It didn't seem to bother him that there were crowds of people walking by on the street, heading off to work or to the beach. But then, this was the gay capital of Britain. The sight of another penis was nothing special.

"Hi, Juan, come on in. You too, Malcolm. Dexter's making us breakfast."

"Is he naked too?" Juan asked. "When I go to Malcolm's house, we don't put on clothes neither 'til we get ready to go out. And at the lake, we never get dressed." Juan was already unbuttoning his shirt.

Malcolm walked into the kitchen. "Anything I can do to help?"

"Yeah, you can start by getting your clothes off, Mate. You're making my fuckin uncomfortable." Malcolm tossed his shirt, pants and undies on a chair. "That's better. Now get the OJ and syrup and butter out of the fridge while I finish these pancakes. Oh, pour yourself a cup of coffee."

"You know, Dexter, you were right. As soon as we got here, Juan started telling Lyle about the things he and I do. Things he never spoke about to another boy his age."

"You see? I told you so." As they finished getting breakfast out, Malcolm told Dexter about the big world travel adventure. When they set the stacks on the table, both boys dug in with gusto, as their adult lovers looked on and smiled.

After breakfast, they went into the living room where each chair had a clean towel on it. "I like to have lots of towels," Dexter said. "That's why I had an extra one yesterday."

"Be prepared, as the Boy Scouts say," added Malcolm.

Juan and Lyle both started jacking their boy dicks. "Come on, Malcolm. I want Lyle to see what a nice big cock you got." Malcolm and Dexter smiled again and started jacking with their boys. Soon all four were sporting stiffies, two nails and two rods. Juan remarked casually he jacked off four times a day. Lyle countered that he jacked off eight times a day. Juan then said twenty, and Lyle said a hundred. Malcolm and Dexter laughed at this version of the age-old penis war.

"I guess both our boys do a lot of masturbating, Dexter."

"Yes, and they both seem to be real good at it also."

Malcolm didn't have any problem maintaining an erection because his eyes were focused on the love of his life, the beautiful Juan. He watched him sitting beside his new buddy Lyle and smiled, for in Malcolm's eyes, Juan's little brown dick was so much nicer than the English boy's.

Juan, for his part, was looking at Malcolm and also smiling. He was happy that now someone else could see what a wonderful man his Malcolm was. So many times he had wanted to tell his classmates about this man, and his wonderful cock, but no, it was a secret. He wished he could write in his blog about the way he made love to him, and how special Malcolm made him feel, but no, it was a secret. He would have loved to stand there in Hyde Park and shout to the world that he loved getting fucked by this wonderful handsome man, but no, it was a secret. It's awful hard for a little boy to keep such a precious secret bottled up inside. Now, this morning, finally, he could talk freely about it to his new friend.

Malcolm's carefree pleasure suddenly changed when he noticed Juan's eyes had been diverted. Instead of looking at him, they were now focused on Dexter's cock. Malcolm glanced at the other man. Oh shit. He whispered, "Dexter, my man, did you con me over here just to give me penis envy?" He knew his little Juan was making comparisons, and Lyle probably was also.

Dexter whispered back, "Sorry, Malcolm. A bloke can't change what Mother Nature gives him. Don't worry about it. I expect your boy doesn't even notice."

"Señor Dexter, you got a big stiffy." Well, so much for that supposition. "It's the biggest stiffy I ever seen."

"Have you seen a lot of stiffies, Juan?"

"Well, no, just Señor Malcolm and Pepito."

Lyle then had to get into the contest. "My Dexter has a bigger cock than your Malcolm." Oh great, Malcolm thought, is that any way to make a guest feel at home?

"I think it's too big?" countered Juan. That's right, my boy, you defend me.

"Is not."

"Is too. I bet you choke when you try to suck it."

"Do not. Here I'll show you."

"Well, I'll show you how I suck Malcolm's cock."

Both boys knelt and the competition began. But they were both enjoying it too much to make it a real contest. The two men stood, each with his hands on his lover's head and nodded to each other.

Then Lyle let go of Dexter's cock and whispered in Juan's ear, "You wanta trade?"

"Yeah," and without even consulting the two grown ups, the boys switched cocks, smiling impishly up at their bewildered faces. Juan didn't choke after all, but after a few minutes of hispanic mouth, Dexter's cock was ready to erupt.

"Lyle, my boy, I need your arse, like real soon." The boys returned to their rightful partners, and Lyle assumed the doggy position. Juan and Malcolm were both anxious to watch the penetration. Could a thick log like that really fit inside a skinny little ass like that? Dexter used lots of KY and handed the tube to Malcolm. He then pressed his cock between the waiting boy's cheeks. With a sudden lunge, Dexter plowed into the lad, as Lyle hollered aloud. It wasn't really a cry of pain however, just a way to release his emotions as his manlover began the fuck he so enjoyed. Malcolm gritted his teeth and Juan scrunched his face as they watched the piston thrust in and out of its tight cylinder. It was true that Dexter was ready, for very shortly he sent his British mancream up the arse of the lad from Birmingham. When he pulled out, the boy's hole was gaping open.

Lyle still wanted to make this a contest. So, again without getting input from the two men, he asked, "You want Dexter to fuck you next, Juan?"

"No way, man. My Malcolm fucks much better than that. Come on, Malcolm, let's show them."

Malcolm was already lubing his cock. "You know this isn't some kind of fuck-off, Juan. But I'm always happy to make love to my sweetheart. Shall we do doggy also, or spread-eagle? You always like that position." But Juan's mind was still scheming. He wanted to do it some way that would impress the two Brits.

Finally, Juan jumped up in Malcolm's arms, clung to his neck and said, "Like this." He hoped Lyle had never seen a stand up fuck.

"You're the boss." Malcolm let his boy wrap his legs around his waist, then grabbed his pretty brown cheeks and lowered him down on to his pole. Malcolm stood in the middle of the room bouncing his sweet Juan on his manmeat as Lyle and Dexter watched, both duly impressed. Afterwards they declared the First International Pillsbury Fuck-Off a draw. The competition over, Lyle and Juan lay on the floor and 69'ed, while the men went into the kitchen for some coffee.

"Tell me, Dexter, Lyle seemed quite ready to hand you over to Juan for a fuck. I'm surprised he wasn't more possessive."

"You've had other lads before Juan, haven't you, Malcolm?"

"Yeah, sure, seventeen to be exact. All precious little boys."

"Well, then you know each boy is unique, each one is different. I've had boys who are very insecure thinking I might be fucking others. Others don't mind hearing about it, but don't want to see me do it. Still others, like my Lyle, love to watch me fuck other boys. He says he likes to see me enjoying myself. And I think he's proud of me and wants to sort of show me off to his friends."

"His friends in the club, you mean."

"Yes, have you ever had a boy watch you fuck another boy?"

"Just brothers. So you guys trade the boys off?"

"Well, the men are all different also. Some are very monogamous. They want their relation with their boy lover to be exclusive. But they still like to come to meetings to give the lads a chance to relax and socialize with each other. Other blokes, like Lyle's dad, are always happy to play with other boys."

"Does he fuck his son?"

"Yes. But our boys are never forced or coerced to do anything they don't want to do. Fucking should always be fun for everybody. Say, I just thought of something. Are you going to Germany? I got a friend in Dresden. Bruce was in our club but his company transferred him to their German office. He's been there seven years. He's got two little Jungen every weekend. He calls them his Waisenknaben. Very pretty little boys. He sent me their picture. And they're just about the same ages as your two lads. It would really be nice for Juan and Pepito to meet them. And they could show you all around. I take it you don't speak German."


Meanwhile, Pepito was having a great time looking at all the old toys with his mother. Maria knew they would be leaving England the next day, so they should use up most of their English money. They checked out the museum's souvenir shop which had all kinds of toys, but Pepito was thumbing through a picture book about Brighton. "See, Mama, dere's all the motorcycles lige we saw. And dere's the funny men dressed up like pretty ladies. And dere's the sand gulp-chers Malgum toal us bout. Hey, dere's one of Julius Caesar made of sand. Dat's gool."

Juan's blog

September 27
Brighton is right on the sea, so the English people in London come here to swim and have fun. We went to the Sea Life Centre and learned about dolphins, turtles, sharks, sea horses, sea snakes, poison arrow frogs and jellyfish. Some of the things were scary, but we went swimming in the water later and we lived.

We spent almost a whole day at the Brighton Pier. It's a big amusement park built right out on top of the water, with roller coasters and rides and fun houses and arcades and places to eat and buy stuff. That was neat. I'm going to remember Brighton was where I went on lots of thrilling rides!!


Chapter 4

Malcolm got his entourage to the St. Pancras station in London and turned in his rental car. Juan was very excited at the thought of traveling under the water in a great big tunnel. Little Pepito was playing with Oso, comforting him. "Doan worry, lil bear. I'll proteg you."

Maria was excited about going to France. She kept repeating "gracias" to Malcolm. As they sped along, she couldn't take her eyes off the French countryside that whizzed past her window.

Malcolm wanted to use every opportunity to improve the boys' education, so he read to them some facts about Paris he had downloaded off the web. When he told them that Julius Caesar conquered the city in 52 BC – well, it was just a village then, – Pepito got excited. "I'm gonna gon-ger Paris too. Epilepsy didn't stop Caesar and it won't stop me, hehe."

In just over two hours, they were arriving at the Gare du Nord station in Paris but, of course, the most exciting part for Juan had been the twenty minutes spent in the tunnel.

Once they had gotten through customs, Malcolm arranged for another rental car. He was overjoyed that once again he was in a country where people drove on the right side of the road. He vowed that for the rest of the trip, whenever they were in a country that drove on the 'wrong' side like Britain, he would leave the driving to someone else. He was NOT a switch hitter.

Following up on some tips he'd gotten from Ricky and Chucky, Malcolm found a picturesque old hotel in downtown Paris. From their window, they could see the Eiffel Tower. They had a small suite – two bedrooms, sitting room – that would allow Maria a measure of privacy.

Pepito scampered around the rooms showing Oso all the old furnishings. Suddenly he called his brother to come into the bathroom, and soon after Maria and Malcolm heard both boys giggling loudly, and went to investigate. "Loog, Malgum, it's a fountain!" Pepito pressed the lever on the bidet to demonstrate. Malcolm and Maria burst out laughing. Maria explained the hygienic aspect of the strange fixture. Of course, hearing this, both brothers immediately dropped their pants and took turns spritzing their assholes and giggling madly. Juan said he wanted to write about it in his blog and Pepito said he'd draw a picture.

Maria wanted to take a bath before they went to supper. Malcolm decided to study his guide books and make plans for their stay in Paris. And Juan and Pepito closed themselves in Maria's room. Malcolm thought the boys seemed to be doing that a lot lately, but he figured 'boys will be boys'.

At the restaurant, Malcolm made Juan convert the prices from Euros into dollars, and also calculate the tip. He had to have his math lesson for the day.

After supper, Maria kissed her sons goodnight and went to bed. The three males (well, five if you count the two bears) stripped and settled into their big bed for the night. Juan and Pepito peppered Malcolm with questions about Paris. Eventually, they finally fell asleep, one boy cuddled in each arm, their tiny limbs sprawled across Malcolm's grateful chest and belly.

The next morning, as Malcolm was beginning to waken, he realized that Juan's little mouth was working on his cock. Juan had begun to do this often, and Malcolm couldn't think of a nicer way to wake up.

"Good morning, garçon."


Malcolm glanced over and saw Pepito was fast asleep hugging Oso. So he pulled Juan on to his chest and whispered, "I love you."

"You know what, Malcolm?" Juan had a silly grin on his face. "You're like that Napoleon guy."

"How's that?"

"You got this bony part, hehehe."

Malcolm laughed and hugged his darling boy. "You want me to use it, petit ami?"

"Uh huh!" Juan nodded. So Malcolm reached down to spread his tiny boy cheeks apart. Deftly, he grabbed the KY and lubed up. Then he pushed his turgid tool up into the lovely boy's chute and pumped away. As Juan cooed softly, Malcolm discharged his love juice. "That's even better than the bidet, Malcolm."

The coup woke up Pepito and so the three rose and showered together. Maria was already up and dressed. They had breakfast in the hotel's dining room and then began the tour Malcolm had planned for the day. It was a gorgeous, sun-drenched day. Of course, they started by climbing the Eiffel Tower and looking out over this magical city. They walked along the River Seine and watched artists create masterpieces. They paraded down the Champs-Élysées all the way to the Arc de Triomphe. And everywhere they went, Malcolm took lots of pictures of his angels, and Maria kept singing, "I love Paris in the springtime, I love Paris in the fall."

Juan's blog

October 4
Bon Jour (bone sure). I'm learning French! We been here in Paris four days and it's really great. When I get home I'll tell you guys all about a thing they got here called a bidet! (bidday) Today we went to Les Invalides. It's this museum, and Napoleon is buried there. He's like a big hero here. He led the army in their revolution just like our George Washington. Then he became emperor just like Washington became president. And he made lots of good laws that brought order to France. Like he made laws that said it was ok to be gay. But he fought against the British and lost at a place called Waterloo. When we was in England, they thought Waterloo was a good thing! But not here. Tomorrow, we're going to some big art museum.

Hey, how are the Vikings doing?

Adieu (that means goodbye)

The next morning, Malcolm awoke before the two boys for once. He pulled on a pair of boxers and quietly got himself a cup of coffee. He saw Maria was awake also, reading the paper. "Here is a sad story," she said. "A man was arrested and sent to jail because he had a boy friend who was 13."

"The poor man. I'm so fortunate that you understand about my love for Juan."

"I guess the police mean well, Señor, but it seems very unfair. This man might be like you, and I know you will never hurt Juan, or Pepito either. But they arrested him because the boy hadn't reached the age of consent."

"Are we going to get arrested?" Maria and Malcolm had not heard Juan come in. He looked very serious.

"No, no, Juan. Never." said Malcolm. "Come sit on my lap and let me hold you." Juan's naked ass was soon comfortable on Malcolm's lap, and he began to feel better.

"But what's age of consent?"

"Do you know what consent means?"

"When I signed up for Little League, Mama had to sign a consent form."

"That's right. That meant she gave her permission for you to play baseball. Consent means you give permission for someone to do something. When people have sex, both of them should give consent. If one doesn't give permission, it's called rape and that's a bad thing." Juan looked serious but nodded he understood so far. "Well, a lot of people think that boys your age are too young to enjoy sex. So even if you say it's OK, and you like it, they don't believe you're old enough to give consent."

"Wow. Those people are sure stupid. I love it when you stick your penis in my ass, Malcolm. It feels wonderful. It makes me feel loved." Malcolm kissed his young lover.

"You and Señor Malcolm have a beautiful love but some people don't understand that, so you have to be careful not to tell anyone what you do with him. Señor Malcolm can get in a lot of trouble. Even I could get in trouble for letting him sleep with you. And then you boys might get taken away from me."

Juan had tears in his eyes. "I will never tell nobody!!"

"I know, son, you are real good at keeping secrets." She smiled at her oldest boy. She knew the gears in his impish little head were spinning.

"So how old do these people say I gotta be to make love with Malcolm?"

"Well, that's what age of consent means. It's different in different places. Here in France, it's 15."

"Shit, people don't have sex here until they're 15?"

"And in Britain it's 16. Back in Minnesota, it's 16 also." Malcolm noticed that Maria had a smile on her face. What was she thinking?

"Hey, Niño, we got a big day today. We're going to the Louvre. You better go wake Pepito." Malcolm and Maria both smiled as Juan's naked butt went bouncing back toward his bedroom.


Juan and Pepito were not very excited when they heard about the Louvre. But when they got there and saw the huge glass pyramid, they were awestruck. "Hey, I remember that," said Juan, "it was in that movie, right?"

"The Da Vinci Code. You've got a great memory, young man."

"And is that painting inside, Malcolm?"

"There are hundreds of paintings inside, Juan. But you probably mean the Last Supper. That was the one in the movie. No, that's in Italy. But another painting by Leonardo da Vinci is here. It's called the Mona Lisa. I think it was in the movie also."

"Wow, let's go find it."

"And guess what, Juan. Leonardo loved young boys also."

"Gee, then I bet he was a real cool dude."

For the next four hours the two boys dragged their mother and Malcolm around the Louvre. Besides the Mona Lisa, they located the Venus de Milo ("hey, where's her arms?"), the Winged Victory of Samothrace ("hey, where's her head?"), the La Grande Odalisque, ("hey, where's her clothes?"), and the Ship of Fools ("hehe, that looks like fun.") Maria kept admiring all the renaissance paintings with the cute naked cherubs.

Malcolm, however, found himself distracted as he followed them from room to room. He kept remembering his conversation with Maria back in Brighton. Now, he was looking at Pepito with different eyes. Before this trip, the little one had been only Juan's little kid brother, winsome, mischievous, sickly. But now Malcolm was seeing just how cute he really was. "He's too young, too small," Malcolm tried to convince himself. "But Dexter said Bruce over in Germany has two little boys and one's the same age as Pepito. Could I really contemplate making love to little Pepito? No, I shouldn't think this way. Although, Maria sounded like she'd have no objection. But I sure as fuck don't want to upset Juan."


At breakfast the next morning, Malcolm and Juan and Pepito were doing a lot of whispering. "Maria, I know you like to go shopping, but you've been coming with us going to the places we like. Would you like to be on your own today? Look at all the fancy stores?

"Oh, Señor Malcolm, si, that would be wonderful. At least window shopping. I love to do that. Gracias. But what will you men do all day?"

I'll take the boys somewhere. Don't worry about us. Oh, here's my credit card, Maria. Don't hesitate to use it if you see anything that catches your eye."

"Oh, gracias, but like I said, I just enjoy looking."

"There's just one thing. Back in New York, Ricky gave me this letter for his friend Pierre. I have the address. Would you mind delivering it? His gallery is right nearby."

"Of course, Señor, that's no trouble."

"OK, boys, we're on our own today."

"Juan, Pepito, you two behave. Don't give Señor Malcolm any trouble."

"We will, Mama, I mean we won't. Hehehe."


"Where we going, Malgum?"

"You heard Malcolm. It's a surprise. We'll see when we get there."

"But I want to know. Are we almost there?"

"Yes, you two, sit tight. It's right up the road. You keep your eyes peeled."

"Hey, I see Miggy Mouse!"

"It's Disneyland!! Yippee!!"

Juan's blog

October 8
Bon Jour. Guess what. Today we went to Disneyland! That's right. They have one here in Paris, too! We saw Fort Comstock, and rode on the Big Thunder Mountain, and the Pirates of the Caribbean was super cool. Pepito liked Peter Pan's Flight. We read that book back in England and it was fun to pretend we were flying just like him. We almost got lost in Alice's Curious Labyrinth. We kept turning the wrong way and going over the same parts again and again. And we ate lots of French ice cream. And we bought souvenirs. Le Visionarium is this show where you don't sit down on seats because the show is all around you. 360 degrees. Star Tours was really super. I should say tres bien (tray bee-en). At the end we watched the villain parade.


"Hi, Mama, we went to Disneyland, we had lots of fun." Pepito and Juan kept interrupting each other to tell their mother all the exciting things they saw. "You shoulda been there, Mama."

"Oh, I don't think I would have lasted, my niños. You would have had to drop me on a bench and pick me up at the end. But guess what, I had an exciting day also."

"Really?" Juan turned and winked at Malcolm.

"Did you do lots of shopping, Maria? Use up my credit card?"

"No, Señor. I didn't even get to the stores. You see, I took that letter you gave me from Señor Ricky. And the concierge downstairs told me how to find the studio. It isn't too far from here. So I went there, and Señor Pierre was there. I should say Monsieur Pierre. And he read the letter and then I was about to leave, but the strangest thing happened. Monsieur Pierre said his model didn't come in today and he needed someone to try on his dresses for him and he asked if I would please help him. And I said sure, because I didn't need to hurry to the stores and I thought it would be fun to try on those expensive dresses."

"Wow, Mama. Did you wear lots of dresses?"

"Si, or Oui, hehe. Monsieur Pierre kept bringing out all these beautiful gowns. Each one was prettier than the last one. And he had me put each one on. And then he pinned it and made marks and said things to his secretary in French and she took notes. I felt so glamorous. But it was strange because I'm not a model."

"I think you are pretty, Mama."

"So do I, Mama."

"And so do I, Maria."

"And when he was all finished he asked me which one I thought was the loveliest. I mean here he is a great couturier, a great designer, and he's asking me my opinion. So I told him I really loved the one with all the roses, because it made me think of Pedro, God bless his soul. Pedro loved to grow roses. So you see, boys, your Mama had an exciting day too, while you were at Disneyland."


On their last day in Paris, Maria insisted on going to the Cathedral of Notre Dame. After admiring the beautiful windows, and all the saints, she lit a candle in memory of her sweet Pedro, God bless his soul.

The next morning, Malcolm settled their hotel bill and they packed up the car. "Next stop, Brussels."

"Is that in France?"

"No, Juan, Brussels is in Belgium. Get the map of Europe and find it."

Pepito said, "But we got all dis French money. We should spend it all before we go somewhere else."

Maria was on to his tricks. "You scamp. You just want to buy more ice cream or souvenirs."

"Well, I got news for you, Pepito." Malcolm was about to kill his scheme. "Belgium is a lot like France. Half of it speaks the same language. They drive on the right side of the road. And, young man, they use the same money. Euros. Other countries do also. In fact, we'll probably be using Euros until after Christmas."

"Oh, well." He sounded a little disappointed.

"Tell you what, Juan, for the next hour you change all the signposts we pass from kilometers to miles, and then I'll try to find a nice café where we can get some ice cream."


As they drove east, Malcolm noticed in his rearview mirror that the boys in the back seat had taken their clothes off. Softly, he asked Maria if she really liked all those naked cherubs she saw at the Louvre.

"Oh, si, they were so cute. I bought a pack of cards in the museum store. I'm going to use them for Christmas cards."

Malcolm nodded his head for her to look in the back seat. She turned and smiled. "Si, Señor, they do look like cherubs." The boys smiled at their mother. "Juan, Pepito, you should fold your clothes and sit on them. Señor Malcolm doesn't want this rental car to smell like cherub fart." Everyone laughed.

Chapter 5

"Hey, look at that sign, Mama." It was early afternoon and Malcolm was driving down the main street in Brussels.

"Which sign, Pepito?"

"Dat one dere! It says, 'Hotel Amigo.' That's Spanish. Malgum, can we stay there?"

"Well, that is a strange name for a hotel here in Brussels. You have good eyes, little one. Sure, let's stop and see what it's like."


The Amigo, with almost 200 rooms, was much larger than the tiny hotel in Paris. But again Malcolm was able to get one of the few suites. And again they had a beautiful view overlooking the city.

Maria thought it might be too expensive. But Malcolm assured her it would be worth every penny; and anyway, Pepito was young enough to stay free. Consulting his guide books, Malcolm realized the hotel was located near many historic sites, great restaurants, and galleries. The stylish old building had been updated with modern fixtures in each room, a fitness center, and internet access. So they got settled and went to scout out the city. Malcolm headed his 'family' west into the Parc de Bruxelles.

"Mama, loogit dose big people dere."

As the four of them gaped, two ten foot [3 m] giants came walking up, a man and a woman. "Bon jour," said the lady giant.

"Mama, she's talging to us. Bone shure, Madam Giant! Bone shure, Mone shure Giant!" The man in the lady costume laughed and started to walk on, but Malcolm insisted on getting a picture of them with the two boys.

Beyond the park, Malcolm then led them down a few narrow winding streets, and after a few blocks, announced, "It's time for a quiz, boys."

"Shit, like school?"

"Yup. You boys don't want to fall behind, do you? OK, Pepito who conquered Paris over 2000 years ago?"

"It was Julius Caesar. I lige dat guy."

"I know you do. And after France, he conquered Brussels too. I think he's your hero. Question 2. Do you remember that statue we saw in Trafalgar Square?"

"Yeah, he was way, way up on top of dat tall golumn. But I doan member his name, Señor Malgum. Do you, Juan?"

"Wait, gimme a minute. I'm thinking. Yeah, Nelson. That was it. He was a sailor or something. He was a hero."

"That's right. OK, last question. Do you remember the statue we saw in Les Invalides."

"Shit, that's easy. It was Napoleon."

"Bony part!" Pepito giggled.

"He was a big hero for France."

"Yes, well Brussels has a hero also. And they have a statue of him."

"Really, where. let's go see it."

"Right over there, boys." Malcolm pointed to Manneken Pis.

Pepito was the first to giggle. "He's nay-ged and he's pissing!" Then everyone laughed with him.

Malcolm explained how the little boy saved the city. "Back in the 1300s, some enemies were going to destroy Brussels. They put down some explosives and lit the fuse and then ran off. But this little boy peed on the fuse and put it out!"

"Wow, that's super cool. I'm going to write that in my blog. Imagine, a boy who pisses is a hero, just like Napoleon!"

"I can do dat!" Pepito said, pretending he was going to open his zipper.

"You leave that inside your pants, Niño. You can take it out later when we get inside our hotel room. Señor Malcolm will want to see it then."

"I sure will, Pepito."

"Hehe, Oh gay."

"Who's hungry for supper?"

Malcolm took them into a restaurant nearby.

"This menu is all in French. What's this first thing, Lapin à la Gueuze?"

"That's rabbit meat served in beer."


"The next one is beef in beer."

"Shit, do they put all their food in beer?"

"Maybe you'd like some poisson frit et frites."


"No, it's not poison, hehe. Actually, it's fish and chips."

"Now, you're talking my language, Malcolm."


"Mmmmm. That was delicious, Malgum."

Maria looked across the table. "The portions were so big. I couldn't finish mine."

"I liked the dessert," said Juan, "ice cream with chocolate sauce."

"Me too."

"Well, boys, you better be getting back to the hotel before the Kludde gets you."

"What's the Kludde?"

"He comes out at sunrise and sunset. And he attacks anyone he sees walking around."

Juan smiled. "Yeah, right, what does he look like?"

"Sometimes like a huge black dog that walks on two legs. Sometimes like a snake that swings through the trees. And sometimes he's a big hairy black cat or a black bird. Either way, you can't hope to outrun him. But if you listen real carefully, you can hear his chains rattling."

Even Pepito knew Malcolm was kidding. But he played along. "Ooooo, let's run back. Quick, the Kludde is gonna get us."

Out on the street, Juan took Maria's hand and practically pulled her through the streets. Malcolm threw Pepito up on his shoulders and trotted along. At one point, he surreptitiously took out his car keys and began rattling them. "The chain, the chain. I hear the Kludde!!"

By the time they reached their room, all four were laughing and out of breath. When they got inside, they discovered someone had come in and turned down their beds. And on each pillow was a piece of chocolate.

"Belgium is famous for chocolate, boys. There are over 2,000 chocolate shops."

"Wow, I lige dis guntry." Pepito took off his clothes and sat naked on the pillow eating his chocolate. He warned Oso not to go outside. "The glood will get you."


The next morning, Juan again woke Malcolm up with a blow job, and then lay on his back, legs up, for a morning 'coup'. He hugged Rascal tight while Malcolm pumped his ass full of 'jus'. Exuberant sounds of pleasure woke both Pepito and Maria. Malcolm had barely pulled his dick out of the little boy when he announced, "Come on, everybody, get washed and dressed. We're going out for breakfast."


Just down the street from the Amigo was a small café where the boys saw a chef making waffles right in the window. "Come on, Malcolm, let's eat there." They quickly discovered there were countless toppings to choose from. "I want to try them all!!"

Maria spoke up, "Do you boys know Belgium is famous for its waffles?"

"Waffles and chog-lit too? Let's move here, Mama."

Well fed, they headed for La Mini Europe. Here, they saw models of famous buildings from all over Europe. Standing next to them, the boys looked like the giants they had seen in the park. Some of them they had already seen the real ones like Big Ben in London, the Eiffel tower in Paris, and the Grand-Place here in Brussels. Malcolm joked, "we could have come here first and saved ourselves a lot of traveling." Other buildings were places they might see later like the Berlin Wall, and St. Peters in Rome. Malcolm took out his Maybe list.

They headed back to the Amigo and ate lunch in one of the restaurants there. They discovered there was a special chef just for the children. As they ate their chocolate desserts, the waiter asked if the boys would like to go to VIKIDS after lunch. He explained that the hotel offers a program every afternoon just for kids. They'd be well-supervised and were sure to have fun. Malcolm and Maria saw no reason why not. Maria said she could visit the little antique shops nearby. Malcolm was going up to the room to go online and send out some overdue emails. They agreed on a time to all meet back together.

In a couple hours, Malcolm heard a knock on the door. It was Maria and the boys. "Loogit what I made in Vigids, Malgum." He showed him a picture of the "Klood."

Juan added, "They showed us a funny movie all about the Klutte, and they gave us stuff, and we met other kids, and it was fun. Can we go again?"

"Well, I have something to show you also," Maria said, opening her bag, to show a very fragile little teacup.

"Wow, that's pretty, Mama."

"The concierge said he'd help me pack it up so we can FedEx it back home to Tony. I think it would be safer than carrying it around the world."

Maria wanted to rest a while before supper, and Malcolm decided to send an email to Tony. The two boys went in the bedroom and closed the door. Malcolm shook his head thinking, "There they go again. I wonder what they're always doing in there?"


Over the next few days, Malcolm made sure the boys got their lessons in science and culture by taking them to the Musée des enfants, the Institut royal des sciences, and the Musées royaux d'art et d'histoire naturelles. The boys loved Le Planétarium.

"Isn't this a lovely city, Señor Malcolm?" They had been spending the day relaxing in the Parc Tenbosch. The hotel had prepared a picnic for them to bring, and now having eaten lunch the boys were playing on the playground while the two adults just sat and soaked in the rays of a unusually warm October sun.

"It sure is, Maria. But for me the loveliest part is being here with you and the boys."

Just then, they heard Pepito shout out, "Hey, Patty, over here!" A boy on the other side of the playground heard and came running.

"I wonder who that boy is, Maria."

"Juan and Pepito are always making new friends wherever they go. It's wonderful to see them so happy."

In a few minutes, Juan left Pepito and his new friend and joined his mother. "That's Patty. Well, Pasquale, really. He's Pepito's friend from VIKIDS. He's an Italian stallion."

"He's a what?"

"Hehe, Mama, that means he has a big dick, at least for a seven-year old."

"And how do you know that?"

"We went in the bathroom in the hotel and he showed us. It's about as big as mine."

Malcolm listened, shook his head, and smiled. "Don't worry, Maria, all guys like to do that. We take out our penises and see how we measure up. Hehe." Pepito and Pasquale came running over followed by a handsome hunk in his early thirties.

"Scusami. You must be Pepito's parents. I wanted to meet you because my Pasquale is so happy he has a friend here. My name is Vinny."

"Come, sit down with us. Would you like some wine? The hotel packed much more than we could drink."

"Ah, si, I am Italian. I never turn down some vino. That's why they call me Vinny."

Juan couldn't wait any longer to ask, "Mr. Vinny, do you got a big cock too? Like Patty?"

"Juan!!! Where are your manners. You can't ask a man that, son. ¡perdón! I'm sorry. Please forgive us."

Vinny and Malcolm were laughing. "No, no, Signora. It's OK. I like a boy who has coglione. Ha ha. Son, let's just say they don't call me the Italian stallion for nothing."

"You see, Mama?"

The boys ran back to the playground, while the adults talked and became friends themselves. Vincenzo was a widower, raising his boy by himself. They lived in a villa outside Rome, but he often had to travel on business, and frequently took his son along. When he learned about their round the world adventure, he insisted they stay at his villa when they got to Italy.


One afternoon, when they got back to the hotel, the manager said a package had been delivered for Madame. He had it sent up to the room. "What in the world? Why is someone sending me a package? Here in Brussels?"

They hurried to the elevator, and the two boys kept trying to stifle their giggles. But it's hard when you're only 6 or 11 and your brother is beside you trying not to giggle also. Malcolm managed to maintain a poker face. In the room, Maria saw the box. "It's from Monsieur Pierre. Now why in the 3;" She began removing the wrapping paper. "¡Dios mío!" As she opened the box, her eyes began welling up with happy tears. "It's the dress. The gown. With the beautiful red roses. Pedro's roses." Maria sat down clutching her new dress. "Did you boys know about this? Of course, you did, that's why you were giggling!"

"Put it on, Mama, we want to see you in it."

"Señor Malcolm. Gracias. I know this was your doing."

"Actually, it was all Ricky's idea. But please, do put it on Maria. I want to see it also."

Maria went into the bedroom and closed the door. The three men waited anxiously for the door to reopen, and when it did they were stunned to see a beautiful lady standing there.

"Mama, you look so pretty!"


"Belle, très belle!"

"When we get home, I will need to buy shoes and a purse to go with it. I can't wait to wear it."

"Then you shouldn't have to, Señora. I'm going to take you out tonight."

"You're going to go on a date with Mama, Malcolm?"


"Hehe, super cool."

"There's a store downstairs that has shoes and purses, Maria. And the VIKIDS program offers a gardien d'enfants."

"What's dat?"

"I think he means a baby-sitter, Pepito."

"Juan, you are certainly learning a lot of French."

"I ain't no infant." Pepito complained.

"Don't worry, Mama. You go and have fun with Malcolm. We'll be good for the gardien d'enfants. We want you to be happy."


That evening, having found the perfect shoes and purse to go with her lovely gown, Maria set out with her handsome escort. First they had dinner at the hotel where they took advantage of the dance floor. "You dance very well, Señor Malcolm." In her mind, she wondered when he ever learned to dance with a woman.

"Now, it's time for a show, Maria." Malcolm hailed a cab, "Rue du Jardin des Olives 10, s'il vous plaît, chauffeur." In a few minutes they disembarked at Le Coucou Bar.

"Oh, Señor, a real nightclub. I'm so excited." They took their seats inside and Malcolm ordered Maria's favorite cocktail, and for himself a club soda. Though he rarely drank himself, he knew precisely what Maria preferred. He gave the waitress a generous tip. The lights dimmed and the show began. "Malcolm, the showgirls are so beautiful in their fancy costumes." Seeing the lovely ladies on stage, Maria was not surprised that the audience was predominantly male. She laughed at the show. She didn't need to know French to enjoy it. The soloists sang beautifully. The dancers were graceful. The strippers were, well, enticing, though Maria knew Malcolm was not tempted. There were even some famous celebrities on stage. She recognized Tina Turner and Cher. Gradually, however, she began to realize that all the performers were rather tall women. With good strong physiques. Suddenly, after the final number, the entire company stood on stage and took off their wigs. "¡Ave Maria! Señor, they are masculino. Hehehe, you tricked me."

"Did they really fool you?"

"Si, they are all so beautiful. Hermosa."

"Yes but, Maria, you are the loveliest lady here tonight."

"Gracias, Malcolm, Merci. I had a wonderful evening."

Back at the hotel, the gardien d'enfants had put the boys to bed. She was now reading in the living room area of the suite and peeking in on them periodically. They had slipped off their pjs but stayed under the sheet so she wouldn't know. Hugging Oso, Pepito whispered, "Psst, Juan, are you asleep?"


"Do you think Malgum is going to fug Mama?

"Nah, I don't think so."


"Why do say good?"

"Cause I want Malgum to sleep with us. It's better that way."

"OK, good night, Pepito."

Pepito was quiet a while. Then, "Psst, Juan, are you asleep?"


"Does it hurt?"

"Does what hurt?"

"When Malgum fucks you, does it hurt?"

"Not really. It feels good." Again the boys were quiet a while. "Do you want Malcolm to fuck you some time like he fucks me."


"OK, good night, Pepito."


They were walking out of yet another chocolate shop, when Juan told Malcolm he needed to pee. "Well, you can't do it like Manneken Pis. Let's see. Look, there's a public toilet. We'll wait here for you."

"Now don't talk to strangers," Maria warned him as he went scampering off. Then turning to Malcolm, "Not that that's going to do any good. He's always making friends with new people."

"Yes, Juan is a social magnet."

When he came out, sure enough, he was talking to a teenage boy, who was writing something down. Malcolm didn't understand why the boy looked oddly familiar. Juan came running back, all smiles.

"Look, look, he gave me his autograph."

"Who did? Who was that boy?"

"Malcolm knows who he is, don't you? That's Karel Jirka."

Pepito, confused, said, "Garol is a girl's name."

"No, no, where he comes from lots of boys are named Karel. He's a movie star. Last summer, Malcolm and me watched one of his movies, Czech it Out." (The porn star. Of course. Now Malcolm remembered.) "I thought it was him when I seen him in there. And hehe when he pulled out his pecker to pee, then I knew for sure. And guess what?"

"What, Juan?"

"He's making a movie right here. It's called Young Muscles in Brussels. They're using the apartment right over that chocolate store. And Karel said we can come there tomorrow and watch them make it. Can we please, please, Mama? Malcolm? I never seen anyone make a movie before."

Malcolm wasn't sure if they would really be welcome on the set, but Juan seemed so excited. Pepito asked him to tell him about Czech it Out. Oddly, even Maria was curious. So the next morning, after their usual waffle breakfast, they climbed up the stairs and knocked on the apartment door. A man opened the door; he was wearing a t shirt and jeans and had earphones on his head. He nodded for them to get inside, and continued about his business. The small apartment must have had thirty people, both men and women. Technicians, cameramen, makeup artists, directors. Probably someone here was a grip, whatever that job is, and a best boy.

"Hey, Juan, there you are." It was Karel. He had a white robe on. "I didn't know if you'd make it. And you brought the family, great. Hi, my name is Karel. At least that's the name BelAmi uses for me."

"I know. I'm Malcolm. I saw you in Czech it Out. You were really impressive."

"Thanks. I hope I gave you a good wank. I was so surprised yesterday when Juan recognized me. Usually it's old men who ask for my autograph. Oh, sorry, no offense, Malcolm."

"None taken. Yes, Juan likes watching porn movies with me. Oh, Karel, this is Juan's mother Maria and this is his brother Pepito."

"Good to meet you. Well, I'm not too surprised he likes to watch porn. I started watching it when my brother got into the movies three years ago. I was only thirteen." (Juan did the math).

"Is your brother still in porn?"

"He's too old for BelAmi now. But he hopes to find another studio soon. I hope I can stay with BelAmi a while. It's a great business. Oh, they're calling me on the set. Gotta go." Karel dropped his robe and nonchalantly walked bare-assed over to the bed.

A gruff man came over, "Usually we don't allow no one on the set under 18. But Karel said you were his friends, and your parents are both here, so we're making an exception. Just make sure you don't make any noise when we're filming."

Juan whispered to Malcolm, "but Karel is under 18."

"I know, but he isn't supposed to be."

"Why, is 18 the age of consent here?"

"No, it's 16 here. But to sell porn movies, especially in America, all the actors are supposed to be 18. Now promise not to say anything, or you can flush his career right down the toilet."

Malcolm, Juan and Maria stood along one wall. Pepito sat up on Malcolm's shoulder so he could see over all the people and equipment. A lady was putting makeup on Karel's face, another lady was oiling his body, and a man was sucking his cock (fluffing it, Malcolm explained in a whisper.) Then, another naked boy joined him, and started joking and laughing with Karel, while he got the makeup and fluffer.

"OK, Lights, Camera, 3;" Everyone in the room got quiet. Karel and his costar got serious. " 3; and action."

From his perch high above Malcolm, Pepito watched the two porn stars fuck away as cameras zoomed in close on their genitals. The only dialogue was loud moaning and screaming. " 3; and cut." One man toweled off both boys' cocks and another man put more oil on them. The fluffer offered his services, but Karel called Juan over.

"Would you like to fluff my dick?"

"Wow, really? Yeah, sure." Juan knelt down and nervously but expertly sucked the star's cock back up to its full length, as his family watched with pride.

"OK, we're ready, quiet on the set. Lights. Camera 3;"

For the next two hours, Juan and his family watched the filming of a real porn movie scene. Between takes, Juan helped in the way he knew best, fluffing first his hero Karel, and eventually his co-star as well. The paid fluffer started helping the lighting engineer. Malcolm of course knew that all these takes would be seamlessly edited together to give the impression of two horny teenagers whose cocks never went limp. When the shooting was over, Karel sat on the bed with his four new friends, not bothering to put his robe back on. They promised to buy the movie when it was finished, and Karel promised to send them an 8x10 glossy autographed. Then as an afterthought, he wrote down his address and phone number in Prague.


"I liked that hotel, Malcolm," Juan said as they drove out of Brussels, heading for Amsterdam.

"Well, Juan, Pepito, what will you remember about Belgium?

"The choglits!" Pepito shouted immediately.

"The pissing boy!" added Juan.

"The waffles. Hmmmm. Hmmmm."

"They speak French."

"But our hotel had a Spanish name."

"They use Euros."

"They gots lots of churches."

"And the age of consent is 16." (Again Maria smiled at this discussion.) "And I fuckin will never forget the taste of Karel's sweet dick, hehehe."

Malcolm said, "That fluffer looked worried. He thought he'd be out of a job."

"That looged lige fun," Pepito said. "When I get big, dat's what I want to be. A fluffer."

"Hehe, then you should start taking lessons from Juan here." When Malcolm said this, Juan winked at his brother and they both grinned.

Chapter 6

As the family drove past dikes and Dutch windmills, Juan asked, "Malcolm, What's the age of consent here in Holland?"

"Well, that's very interesting, Juan. It's 16 here also. But a few years ago, it was only 12."

"Wow. That's super neat. Why did they change it?"

"It's a long story, Juan. Lots of politics involved. A lot of complaints came from law enforcement agencies in the US. And after a while, they raised the age back up."

"But we aren't in America now. How can the US tell them what to do."

"Holland is one of the US's allies and trading partners. Holland wants to keep America happy."

"I don't think that sounds fair."

"One good thing about Holland: even though it's illegal for a man to have sex with a boy like you, Juan, the Dutch are still willing to talk about it and argue about it and do research studies and publish magazines. That's something we can't do back home. There are a lot of important men here who are willing to say they love boys. And many organizations and political parties here have gone out on a limb to endorse it."

"Wow, you sure know a lot about it."

"I try to do my homework. Some people have told lies about boy lovers in Holland. Like they claim that little boys are sold like slaves for prostitution and child porn. Even gay groups are reluctant to defend them now."

"Mama, is Malgum getting angry. He sounds mad."

"I'm sorry, Pepito. I didn't mean to upset you. I just feel strongly about this issue. Boys and men who love each other like we do should be able to show each other their love, and other people shouldn't give a fuck."

"Hehe, Malcolm sounds like those guys in Hyde Park."

"OK, OK, I'll climb down off my soap box now."

"So if 16 is the age of consent here, then everything is OK."

"How do you figure that, Juan."

"Well, Pepito is 6 and I'm 11, so together we're 17, so it's all OK, see?"

"Yeah, well, it doesn't work that way, I'm afraid."

"You could fuck two eight-year old boys, or four four-year old boys, or eight two-year old boys, or 3;"

"OK, OK, Mr. Einstein, that's far enough."


It was almost noon when Malcolm veered off the highway and followed the signs to Loevestein Castle. He felt it was time for a break. The castle was nearly empty, so the boys had the run of the place, discovering hidden wonders around every turn. The tour guide explained the castle was built in the 1300s by a vassal who rebelled against his count. He got rich, demanding tolls from the ships that sailed by his castle. As years went by, the castle often changed hands, usually through violence. Often the heavy stone edifice served as a prison.

As they wound up their tour, Malcolm asked the guide why there were so few tourists. "October is not a big tourist season in the Netherlands. Spring – that's when all the tulips are blooming."


About an hour outside of Amsterdam, Malcolm asked Maria to check the guidebook for a hotel. Each person in the car had his or her criteria for making a choice:

Malcolm: "We should get a hotel with suites. It's important for you, Maria, to be able to get some privacy and protect yourself from all these horny males."

Maria: "Well, I think it's important to have a view. While you three boys are playing your games on your bed in the middle of the day, I like to sit by the window and look at the beautiful city."

Juan: "Get a hotel where they put chocolates on your pillow each day."

Pepito: "I want a bidday!"

If Rascal and Oso had opinions on the matter, they thankfully kept them to themselves.

They finally settled into a medium sized hotel on the edge of the city, ate a delicious Dutch dinner, topped off with nice thick wedges of appeltaart. Maria headed off to bed, to prepare for a new day of discovery in a new city. In their own room, Pepito sucked his thumb while Juan sucked Malcolm's cock. Then Pepito studied carefully as Malcolm gave Juan his first Dutch potje neuken.

Juan's blog

October 23
Hallo. I gotta talk Dutch 'cause now we're in Holland! Except they don't call it Holland; they call it the Netherlands. And they don't call it Dutch either; they say it's Netherlandish. We see lots of windmills here. They use them to pump water off the land into the canals. The water in the canals is higher than the land! So it's important to have good dikes for the canals. Malcolm told us a story about a boy who saved his village from a flood by putting his thumb in a hole in the dike! He was a real good little boy. But Malcolm says I'm a real good little boy too. Hehehe. We went to this place called Madurodam, where they have all these miniature houses and we felt like we were giants. And we went to the Anne Frankhuis. Anne was a Jew and her family had to hide from the Nazis. So this nice Dutch family hid them in their house. Anne's whole family was in a tiny secret room. And Anne wrote a diary about it. Why do some people hate other people so much? Just because they look different, or talk different, or worship different, or love different? It's not right.

tot ziens (that means see you later)

On Saturday morning, Malcolm brought the boys to the Noordermarkt. They found a great assortment of delicious organic foods. As Maria and Malcolm stocked up on foods for a picnic, the boys entertained themselves in the playground in the middle of the market. Of course, they made friends with several Amsterdamer boys there. Maria saw a sign for a flea market on Monday. So she planned to return to check out the antiques and other items. She couldn't resist a sale. She told Malcolm he should probably find something else to do with the boys on Monday. Malcolm also saw a notice posted that piqued his interest and he wrote down the details. They ate an early supper at the Café Winkel, the boys warming up with mugs of hot chocolate.

On Sunday, they set out early with a picnic basket and headed for Vondelpark. This huge park was filled with families strolling about the many lakes, biking along the miles of paths, or chasing dogs around the lawns. After their picnic, Malcolm checked out the Film Museum in the center of the park, but decided a game of frisbee would be the best way to work off all that food.

"Boys, do you want to see a basketball game tonight? Yesterday at the market I saw a sign for a special benefit game to raise money for one of the hospitals. It's sponsored by Amsterdamse Lichtbond (ALB)." Malcolm drove to the gym, bought the tickets and led them inside. One thing caught the boys' (and Maria's) attention immediately; everyone in the stands was naked. Apparently the ALB is a nudist group. "Boys, one thing we're going to do often on this trip: 'when in Rome, do as the Romans'."

"But we're in Amsterdam, hehe." The boys quickly got their clothes off. Malcolm likewise. Even Maria, though she thought she had been tricked, stripped down to her bra and panties. They laid their clothes on the bleachers, sat, and started looking around. The stands were filling up with Dutch families, men, women, kids of all ages, including, for Malcolm's enjoyment, boys with single digit ages.

The young nude cheerleaders, both sexes, came out and began bouncing through their routines to generate some crowd enthusiasm. Finally, the two teams themselves entered the court, distinguished only by the color of the painted numbers on their chests and backs. Juan and Pepito loved watching ten men race down the court, dicks flying. Malcolm loved watching the little nine-year old boy who served as the cheerleaders' mascot, performing his role with juvenile gusto. Maria had fun whenever the crowd did 'quot;the wave'. There was a lot of dribbling that evening.


Maria left the hotel early on Monday hoping to get first crack at the best flea market items. Malcolm told the boys he found a nice museum they could investigate and learn a lot. The boys were not very excited at the prospect of traipsing through yet another old museum, but they knew Malcolm would insist it was part of their education, so they reluctantly got dressed for their outing.

Their interest was suddenly piqued, though, when they arrived at the Venustempel, Amsterdam's famous sex museum. One gallery had statues of naked men and women from ancient Greece and other civilizations, and phallic images from the Pacific islands. After all, the whole point of this round-the-world adventure was to learn about different cultures. Of special interest were some old Chinese silks with pictures of men and boys performing fellatio. In another wing were copies of magazines, classic Playboys, early French naturalist journals, German gay BDSM issues. Also, Vriendschap and Verstandig Ouderschap, two Dutch periodicals that celebrated intergenerational love. Another display told the history of MARTIJN, the Dutch pedophile advocacy group. Remembering his conversations with Dexter back in Brighton, Malcolm was determined to help Juan (and Pepito as well) understand that the love they shared was not strange, but rather something many men and boys had learned to enjoy throughout history and around the world.

Their minds swimming with images of dildos and spouting cocks, the men met Maria back at the hotel and briefly examined her bargain finds. However this afternoon, they were particularly anxious to get into the bedroom, and shut the door. Maria sat down by the window and relaxed while her males released their pent up energies.

That evening, they ate at the hip Westerpark. Located in an abandoned water plant, the ceiling hovered a hundred feet above their table, and the room was lit with old stadium floodlights. The dinner was one of the best they had yet enjoyed in Europe.

When they got back to the hotel, Pepito was dead to the world and Malcolm carried him up to the room. Maria suggested they not bother undressing him. She kissed Juan good night and went to her room. Malcolm and Juan, however, were still stimulated enough to enjoy another lekker potje neuken.

"I love you more than those boys in old Greece loved their men, Malcolm."

"I love you more than the men in India love their boys, Juan."

"More than the African children."


"New Guinea."

"No one ever loved a boy more than I love you, my angel Juan."

Soon words gave way to quiet moans and silent kisses. And verbal language was replaced by the music of slurping tongues, and moist genitals. Eventually, the predominant sound was that of an adult penis pistoning in and out of a well-lubed prepubescent anus, accompanied by a mixed age male chorus of excited contentment. When Juan did finally fall asleep wrapped in his lover's strong arms, copious zaad was oozing from his aars.


On the final weekend of October the Amsterdam Dance Event was held. For three days and nights, every club in town rang with the music of the latest dance crazes. Maria hired an oppas, donned her beautiful red gown from Pierre, took Malcolm's arm, and headed for the Melkweg for an evening out. The music was wonderful, but these visitors soon realized that the dancers were in a different league. They were satisfied to simply sit and watch the experts show what dancing was meant to be.

"I'm sorry, Maria, I guess I'm getting a little old for this. In two days, shit, I'm going to be 44!"

"Hehe, Señor Malcolm. Don't be silly. You're not over the hill. I'm afraid I still haven't found anything for your present. I had hoped I'd see something at the flea market but nothing seemed just right."

"Well, if I do have any youthful energy left, Maria, it's only because of your beautiful Juan. He is the best present you could possibly give me." Malcolm bent over the table and kissed his lover's mother.

"If I know my boys, they've probably already cooked up something to give you for your birthday. Lately they've been spending a lot of time closed up in their room."

"Yes, I've noticed that also. Sure does make me curious."


Though it was the last day of October, in Amsterdam only a few tourists celebrate Halloween. But for Juan and Pepito, there was something much more important to celebrate.

"Psst, Pepito, wake up. Don't make any noise."

"Huh, what?" Pepito rubbed his eyes and hugged Oso tight. "Why you way-ging me up?"

"Today's the day. Come on. This is what you've been practicing for."

Suddenly, the light bulb lit. A huge smile spread across Pepito's face and his eyes opened wide. "Hehe. Is today his birthday?" Juan nodded. "Neat. Can we do it now?" Another nod.

In his dream, Malcolm is running across a field of tulips with a boy holding each hand, – all three as naked as Manneken Pis. At the edge of a dike, in the shadow of a windmill, they fall on the ground laughing. Malcolm feels a drop of water on his face. Uh oh, the dike is leaking. They stand up and find the hole is high in the wall, above Malcolm's head. He grabs Pepito and holds him up but instead of his finger, the tot sticks his pretty boy nail in the hole to save the village. Malcolm is proud of the boy but as time passes his arms begin to tire. He is getting sleepy. He must keep up his strength. He needs a shot of adrenaline. Juan knows just what to do. He begins sucking away on Malcolm's cock. And sure enough, the man's strength returns.

"Yes, yes. That is so good, Juan. You make me feel like a strong young man. You suck so good. You are an expert, Juan."

"Thank you, Malcolm. And Happy Birthday."

Slowly, Malcolm opens his eyes. He looks up at the ceiling, and realizes where he is. He smiles, and closes his eyes again, reveling in the small mouth that knows just how to wake his cock up in the morning. Then he frowns. How could Juan have spoken to him and still kept sucking on him? He opens his eyes again and looks down his chest at the tiny head working away on his mantool.

At the foot of the bed, Juan stood laughing. "We tricked you, Malcolm!! Hehehe."

"This isn't a trick, boys. This is a treat!!" Pepito smiled, but never released his labial grip. "Juan, you taught him to suck, didn't you?" Juan giggled and nodded yes. "That's what you boys have been doing by yourselves each day." Another nod. "Well, that is a wonderful present. Now, I almost wish I had a birthday every day."

"I'm gonna go get Mama. Pepito wants her to see what he learned." In a few seconds, Juan was dragging his mother into the room, barely giving her a chance to close over her bathrobe. "See, Mama? See what Pepito is doing? Malcolm says it feels good."

"That's right, Maria, Pepito is a world-class cocksucker."

"I think he must have had a great coach, Señor Malcolm." She hugged her oldest son.

"Uh, boys, you know what the real test of a great blow job is?"

"Sure, it's if you want to shoot your wad. Shit, are you going to do that now. Hey, Pepito, let me take over now. Malcolm's going to cum soon."

"Hmmphhmph." Like a dog, Pepito was not going to relinquish his prize bone.

"OK. If that's what you want." Malcolm let loose a massive load of jizz into the tiny mouth. Pepito did his best to hold on but finally let go, his mouth dripping manjuice. Malcolm grabbed the tiny boy and french-kissed him while his brother finished the job on the cock. Maria applauded.

Author's Note: I want to thank Cel for his help in correcting some of my linguistic and cultural errors in this chapter.

Chapter 7

On All Saints Day, the saints from Minnesota crossed over into Germany on their amazing adventure. Juan was sitting naked in the back seat next to his brother on a souvenir towel printed with tulips and windmills.

"Malcolm, what's the age of consent in this country."

Malcolm quickly glanced over to Maria and just as he suspected she wore that Mona Lisa smile. What secret was she hiding?

"Here, it's 14, Juan."

"Wow, that's the youngest so far."

"That's right. If we lived in Germany, you'd only have to wait three more years for me to fuck you." Everyone in the car laughed.

"It's stupid," said Pepito, who was hugging Oso with one arm and wanking his six-year old dick with the other. "Us boys is gonna fug whenever and whoever we fuggin want to and nobody is gonna fuggin stop us." The car erupted in laughter.

"Now, my Pepito sounds like the Señors in Hyde Park."

"Don't worry, Pepito. Regardless of what the law says, more men then ever are falling in love with young boys, here in Germany just like everywhere else."

"Why did we gotta leave the hotel so early, Malgum? I didn't get a chance to sug your gog this morning."

"I promise you can suck me tomorrow, Pepito. But it's a long drive today and I'm hoping to get to Dresden before it gets dark. The manager of the hotel said it was 631 kilometers. Juan, how far is that?"

"Oh, shit, arithmetic class. Hehe." Juan grabbed a pencil and his notebook. "That's 392 miles, Teacher."

"Very good. People sure drive fast here. I'm going 75 and everyone is passing me. I would feel a lot safer if I could stick to about 55, but I think I'd cause an accident!"

"You are a good driver, Señor Malcolm. I feel very safe riding with you."

"Thank you, Maria. So, Juan, how long will it take us?"

"Shit, long division," Juan complained, like all boys his age, but of course, he loved doing math. "Shit, that's over 5 hours."

"Are you sure, Juan?"

"I did it two ways." The kid who just called arithmetic shit, was not above a little showing off. "First I divided 392 miles by 75. And that seemed too long. So then I changed 75 to kilometers, that's 121. And I divided 631 by 121 and both times I got 5 hours and um, about thirteen minutes."

"My little Señor Einstein," Maria beamed.

"Well, plus we have to add time out for lunch, and stopping to buy gas."

"Or just to look at the beautiful scenery, Señor."

"Or to go peepee!"

"That's right, Pepito. So Juan, you better add a couple hours to your answer.

"Or to go peepee!" Pepito repeated.

"Yes, we heard you. Juan is going to 3; Oh, you mean now, don't you?" In his mirror, Malcolm saw Pepito nodding his head anxiously. He pulled into the roadside parking strip and Pepito jumped out of the car and watered the plants.

"Señor, what will these people think of me? Letting my children go butt naked like, like 3;"

"Like Cherubs, Maria."


With three stops for meals, one more for gas, two more to ask directions, and four more for piss breaks, (even with no stops for scenic overlooks or for fucking around), it was well past dark when they arrived at Bruce's house, but they could see he had a large home on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by spacious rolling lawns and woods.

"Willkommen! Come in! Come in! Oh my, what beautiful boys. Süße Jungen! I'm so glad you made it. Meine lieben Waisenjungen have been looking forward to meeting their new friends."

"Señor Bruce. We're sorry we're so late. Please, can you tell us where the nearest hotel is, so we can get settled."

"Unfug! Nonsense! Look at my house. I have plenty of room here. You must stay with me, I insist. Except when meine Jungen visit on the weekends, I am all alone. Please, it would make me so happy to have your hübsche Jungen running around my lonely house. Maria, you shall have the front room at the head of the stairs. You can watch the morning sun rise over the Ore Mountains. Malcolm, you and the boys will sleep in my room across the hall from Maria. Then if they want to run in to see their mother in the middle of the night 3;"

"They better not!" Maria kiddingly frowned.

" 3; and don't worry about me, I've already moved my things out to the guest house. Meine lieben Jungen love it out there anyway. So you see, it's all settled. Today is Mittwoch. So in less than two days you shall meet my Heinrich and Rolf. They can't wait to meet Juan and Pepito. Dexter told me all about them. He was raving in fact. Rolf is 9 and Heinrich is 6. How old are you, Pepito?" Pepito opened his mouth, but never got to answer. "Verflucht! I've been talking here in the hallway, and not even being a proper host. Kommen Sie doch bitte herein! Please come in!"

They spent the rest of the evening relaxing and getting acquainted. The boys took off their clothes but said they were too wide awake for bed, so bears in hand they sat naked listening to the adults. Bruce explained that 'Waisenjungen' was an old German term for 'orphan boys.' Rolf and Heinrich lived in an orphanage thirty kilometers away and Bruce had been taking them every weekend for a year. Other men took other boys. The boys themselves had fun fucking in the dorm every night throughout the week, quickly initiating any new boys. The director and dorm proctors didn't mind as long as everything was consensual and kept hush. They didn't mind because they recognized that most boys enjoy sexual experimentation. (At that moment, Pepito and Juan were quietly 69'ing on the couch.) And besides the orphanage staff had fun with the boys as well. Malcolm was especially intrigued with Heinrich's story. He started sucking the older boys when he was 4. He began sucking Bruce on his first visit. And after watching Rolf get fucked he wanted it also. Bruce's philosophy is that if they're old enough to want it then they're old enough to have it. Malcolm looked fondly at little Pepito who was contentedly hugging Oso while sucking on Juan. He remembered two days ago when Pepito sucked him. Would Malcolm ever enter him anally?

"Señors, I think I'm going to bed. It's been a long day. Señor Bruce, Gracias for sharing your beautiful home with us. Look, I think my two sons are already in the Land of Nod."

Malcolm picked up Juan and Bruce held Pepito. They carried their gorgeous sleeping naked little bodies up to bed. "I'm also very grateful for all you've done, Bruce. I know the boys are going to love it here." As Malcolm began stripping, he noticed a plaque mounted by the dresser with this poem:

Let 'em have dignity.
Let 'em have respect.
Let 'em be safe.
Let 'em grow.
Let 'em be boys
so they can be men.

"That's beautiful, Bruce. Did you write it?"

Bruce told Malcolm about LeTM. Back in England, when PIE disbanded in '85, and the Birmingham club went on its own, a guy up in Liverpool founded his own club, the Legion of Tender Mercies; the LeTM. Bruce pronounced the acronym "Let 'em". This Liverpudian was a real romantic guy; he loved Elvis Presley and thought "Love Me Tender" was a great theme song for boy lovers. He wrote the "Let' em" poem.

Malcolm asked what happened to the Legion of Tender Mercies. "It lasted only about six months. One guy screwed up. Took a lad, 14, who wasn't willing, and coerced him. Kid complained to the authorities and the man was arrested. The other members quickly went deep underground. Fuckin' shame. Only takes one rotter to mess things up for everyone."


The next day, Donnerstag, Pepito woke Malcolm up with a blow job as promised. And Juan got the fucking he was too sleepy for the night before. When Bruce walked over from the guest house, he found Maria in the kitchen, already putting the coffee on. "Guten Morgen, Maria."

"Ah, Señor Bruce. Isn't it a lovely day? When I woke up and looked out my windows at the mountains, I was so happy you welcomed us into your home. Gracias."

"The little ones must still be sleeping."

"Or something," Maria grinned. She remembered Malcolm's promise to Pepito in the car the day before. She handed Bruce a mug. "Señor, you have a lovely home. So neat and clean. Are you sure you don't have a wife? Hehe."

"Dankeschön, Maria. But no, I am happily single. But I do have Rosita. She's my Putzfrau, my cleaning lady. She came here yesterday. Rosita is a lovely girl. Works very hard. She works for many of the families here in Dresden. And she sends money home to her family in Spain. Du meine Güte! You should meet her. She would love to meet someone from her home. No, I didn't mean you are from Spain. I just meant, well you know. Forgive me. Ich bin ein Vollidiot."

"No, Señor. You just mean someone that speaks Spanish. Si, I would love to meet Rosita. Just looking around your home, everything is so neat. Fresh flowers on the table. I know she is a caring señorita."

"Wonderful. I'll call her. I think she's off work am Samstag. You see, the other cleaning ladies in town are all from Russia, or Poland, or Turkey. I think Rosita is very lonely at times."

After a late brunch, Bruce gave the family a tour of Dresden. At the Gemäldegalerie, they saw Raphael's famous Sistine Madonna. At the bottom, the painter depicted two cherubs looking dreamily up. That detail is more famous than the entire painting. They reminded Maria so much of her own boys she had to purchase several reprints.


On Freitag Maria and the boys went for a walk, while Malcolm helped Bruce clean up the guest house.

"Is Cambodia on your itinerary, Malcolm?"

"Not yet, but nothing is set in stone."

"Then you should add Sihanoukville. Beautiful village, located right on the ocean. About three hours south of Phnom Penh. The sunsets are to die for. I used to go there every year, but I haven't been back in over two years." Malcolm had to ask why. "Well, Southeast Asia has been getting a lot of pressure from the major western powers to do something about its sex trade. As a result, they're very suspicious of single men arriving on vacation, and especially men from Germany. They're always getting picked up by the cops there for having sex with children. It's a real hassle and it doesn't even help that I have a British passport. And when their citizens do get in trouble, the German government turns a blind eye. They're hoping these men will just rot and disappear."

"The Nazis went after the gays. So now the target is boylovers."

"Yes, although there has been one ray of sunshine lately. When the ILGA, the International Lesbian and Gay Association, expelled the VSG from the ranks 3; Oh I'm sorry the Verein für Sexuelle Gleichberechtigung ("Association for Sexual Equality") is a German advocacy group, much like your NAMBLA, and our old PIE. Anyway, the ILGA expelled them."

"Yes, in America, NAMBLA can't get a seat at the gay table either."

"Yes, but here when that happened the Bundesverband Homosexualität ("National Homosexuality Association") rose to the defense of VSG. They had never been particularly sympathetic to pedophiles before, but I guess they saw it a basic human rights issue. It was really great to see a prominent gay group 'mit Eiern' to stand up for what's right."

"It's a small step I guess."

"And back in 2005, an online organization, the Krumme 13, won a court case. Prosecutors tried to convince the judge that a story, not photographs mind you or even drawings, but a written story about love between a man 30 and a boy 11 was child pornography! Well, thankfully Krumme 13 was cleared. But I'm afraid the courts are getting very tough. It's a shame."

"I should say so. Shit, there's this site called PZA that has great stories in English about men and boys who love each other. I read them all the time. No way is that child pornography! Up 'til now I've never been too political. I've always preferred to keep my views on intergenerational love low profile, but this trip has given me a lot to think about. And it started with your friend Dexter."

"Let me show you one example of what I mean." Bruce opened a drawer in his desk, and handed his guest an old magazine. Malcolm was amazed. The magazine, Jung und Frei, had excellent photography of nude children. "When I first came to Germany, you could easily buy magazines like this in any convenience store. Now it's illegal."

Maria came in from her walk, and Malcolm showed her the magazine. "Señor Malcolm, these photographs are incredibly beautiful. The little boys look so happy. I'm going to buy you a subscription for your birthday, Señor Malcolm.

"No, Maria, I'm afraid not. In the states, I couldn't even buy a magazine like this in a gay bookstore. Even if I got it in the mail, I could still be arrested for possessing child porn."

"Don't be silly. These aren't child porn. They're beautiful pictures of children who happen to be naked. Can't the law people see that?" But she didn't argue. She wasn't about to put her friend and her son's lover in jeopardy. Malcolm leafed through the magazine and noticed one very professional spread by the Russian photographer Alexander Krivon.


That afternoon, Bruce drove his van over to the orphanage. It would easily fit the seven of them on the trip back home. As he drove, with Maria beside him, Malcolm sat between Raphael's cherubs and showed them the magazine. At the orphanage, other men were arriving also to pick up their charges for the weekend. Boys of all ages were happily clamoring into Audis and Volkswagens and waving to their friends who were being left behind. Sometimes the staff would take the remaining boys on a field trip so they wouldn't feel too bad. The director gave Malcolm and Maria a tour of the facility. It was well equipped with the latest educational technology. No expense was spared to provide these children with the best. Obviously the institution had some appreciative and generous benefactors.

On the way back home, Maria again sat beside Bruce up front. But this time, Malcolm was surrounded by four happy squirming youngsters, all of whom quickly doffed their clothes. Nudity is a tongue that crosses language barriers. At the house, the boys began chasing each other around the grounds, and Malcolm couldn't maintain his reserve any longer. He pulled off his shirt and pants and ran bare-assed after them, in a wild game of tag.

Bruce pointed to a garden bench, "By the way, Maria, Rosita is coming tomorrow. She is looking forward to meeting you. She wondered if you might like to go shopping with her."

"Oh, Señor, I never turn down a chance to go shopping. Gracias." Maria sat down with Bruce, admired his roses, and watched the boys giggling and playing. "Excuse me, Señor Bruce, forgive me for asking this, but when you put your penis into little Heinrich's hole the first time, did it hurt him?"

"You're concerned about little Pepito, aren't you?"

"Si. I know Malcolm would never do anything to deliberately hurt my little niño, but a madre does worry, you know. We can't help it."

"I'm sure Malcolm knows how to approach that moment with sensitivity. In Heinrich's case, he had already seen me fuck Rolf. And back in the dorm, he'd seen plenty of boys fucking. I made sure he really wanted it and was emotionally ready. Then I used lots of jelly and prepared his sphincter with my fingers and my tongue before making penetration with my penis. He knew it would feel tight, but he also knew if he relaxed, it would be easier. He often talks to me about that first fuck. It was a very special time for him. He says he knew then what love was."

"Gracias, Señor, that was beautiful. Now I'm not as worried. Si, maybe still a little bit worried, but not as much, hehe."


Am Samstag Morgen, Rosita came by to pick up Maria. They immediately began chattering away in Spanish. "Adios, Juan, Pepito. Mama will be back later. You have fun with your little friends. And remember, behave for Señor Bruce. You too, Malcolm, hehe."

As soon as the car pulled away, the six males dropped their bathrobes, and giggling, began to paw at each other. "Orgie," shouted Rolf, and dropped to his knees in front of Herrn Bruce. Juan quickly followed suit with Malcolm, and Heinrich and Pepito began 69'ing. Shortly, Juan tapped Rolf on the shoulder and they switched men. Malcolm remembered Dexter's talk about how each boy is different. Juan seemed to be one who enjoyed sucking off different men. Dexter, Karel, now Bruce, he never hesitated to take an enticing cock in his mouth.

Pepito kept eyeing his brother and couldn't wait any longer. He released Heinrich's tiny nail and went and pushed Rolf away and gave Malcolm a blow job like the one that woke him up that morning. Rolf quickly went behind, spread Malcolm's cheeks and began tonguing his asshole. Heinrich did the same for Bruce. Malcolm, delirious with pleasure, continued his analysis. He realized he wasn't as monogamous as he thought he was. He was truly enjoying being serviced by four hungry prepubescent boys at once. As Pepito and Rolf kept working on him, he reached over, took tiny Heinrich up in his arms, put one leg over each shoulder, and began sucking his little penis. The boy lovingly held tight to Malcolm's head.

This left Bruce alone with Juan. He whispered something in the boy's ear. Juan let go of his cock, "Si, Señor." He turned around, leaned over the table and presented his Hinterteil to the German. After all, Mama had told him to behave for Herrn Bruce. He had had several men's cocks in his mouth on this trip, but now for the first time in his life, Juan would feel someone other than Malcolm penetrating his anus. Bruce politely glanced at Malcolm, who peering around Heinrich's lithe body could see his lover boy in position. But he knew now that he didn't own Juan. That every boy should be free to choose his own partners. He nodded to Bruce, who then opened a condom and proceeded to pop the brown-skinned visitor.

Die Orgie was now in full swing. Juan, Rolf and Heinrich were each fucked by both Bruce and Malcolm, while Pepito joined in sucking and rimming boys and men. When the boys acknowledged that both men had been drained dry, Rolf, still ramrod hard, dry fucked little Heinrich, and then Juan. Then, to everyone's surprise, Pepito jumped up on Rolf's lap and spread his cheeks apart. In the excitement of the moment, this littlest cherub gave up his dream of having Malcolm pop his cherry. He was being deflowered by a cock just three years older than his own; not yet capable of cumming, and no larger than Malcolm's pinky. His mouth still oozing with the cum of the two men, Pepito was grinning with pride and contentment. At six years old, he was no longer a virgin.

When Maria returned with Rosita, she found the six still in their bathrobes, quietly assembling a jigsaw puzzle. "Hehe, I thought you would be playing some active game. You men never stop surprising me. Here, I bought presents for Rolf and Heinrich." The boys came running over to her, their robes unashamedly flying open. "I believe every boy should have his own bear. Don't you agree, Juan and Pepito?" She handed the German orphans their Steifs while her own sons went to get Oso and Rascal. Then four boys and four bears sat on the floor playing.

"Jungen sind nun einmal so," said Bruce.

"Si, Herr Bruce," said Rosita.


Am Sonntag Abend the orphans were driven back to their boarding school for another week, but promised to come again the following week to play with their friends from Amerika.

"Malcolm?" Juan looked very serious.

"Yes, Juan, what is it?"

"Herr Bruce was so happy this weekend. He must feel terrible every time the boys leave."

"I'm sure he does."


"Yes, Juan, what is it?"

"Uh, Bruce is out there all alone in the guest house. Do you think he feels lonely?"

"Yes, he probably does."


"OK, Juan, what are you driving at? Come on, spit it out."

"Well, you got two boys to sleep with tonight, and Herr Bruce has no one, so I thought, uh 3;"

"You'd like to sleep with Herr Bruce tonight."

"You wouldn't mind?"

"I love you, Juan, very much. You know that. But you're old enough to decide for yourself who to sleep with. I know Herr Bruce is a wonderful man. I know he will be loving and kind. And you're right, I still have Pepito to keep me warm. Just one thing, I think you should talk to your mother about this."

"Thank you, Malcolm."

So for the next five nights, Juan slept in the guest house. Some mornings, he and Bruce came walking in well after the others were up. But each morning, regardless of the time, Juan took Malcolm into the bedroom for his Guten-Morgen-Fick. Malcolm usually found his Hintern already primed.

Am Mittwoch Rosita came by but Herr Bruce insisted she take Maria shopping again rather than waste the day cleaning. After they left, the four males reenacted 'Die Orgie' of the previous weekend, though minus two horny Jungen.


The following weekend was Martinstag. Much like Halloween in the States, it is a holiday when German lads dress up in costumes, and parade through town carrying lanterns. Back in the fourth century, Sankt Martin was a Roman soldier. At Amiens, he saw a beggar shivering in the cold, so he tore his cloak in two and shared it with the poor man. Since then, his feast day has been a time to share what one has with those in need. "Everyone should enjoy 'Einige Krümel vom reichgedeckten Tisch'." Bruce explained. Maria thought it was a beautiful idea for a holiday.

Since "Martini" is followed by the 40 days of Advent, once a time of fasting, part of the celebration is a feast of the Martinsgans, a roast goose. Maria helped Bruce prepare the bird, while Malcolm helped the four boys make costumes for the parade. Never having seen a Martini parade, and having nearly zero grasp of the boys' German, he was not aware that many German youngsters dress up in Disney costumes like in the US. Others, not showing much creativity, simply wear torn and tattered clothes in recognition of the beggar in the story.

But other boys, mit Eiern, chose to honor the saint by wearing clothes cut down the center, half exposing their little bodies to the cold November air. Rolf and Heinrich, like many of their classmates at the orphanage, were in this category. Rolf and Juan were pretty much the same size, as were Heinrich and Pepito, so Malcolm figured he could get four costumes out of one of Juan's and one of Pepito's sets of clothes. The sacrifice of a set of clothes was no big deal to either boy, who much preferred playing in the buff anyway. Malcolm selected clothes that the boys were already outgrowing. It always amazed him how much youngsters their age grew in only a few months.

Malcolm sat at Bruce's sewing machine and started with Juan's pants. He removed the stitching from the crotch that held the two legs together. Then ran a loose running stitch of string along the new edge of both halves. He had Rolf and Juan choose who was going to be the left and who the right. They each climbed into their half pants, which they could keep on by each having a whole belt. Something had to be done about their little dicks, and all agreed that jockey briefs just wouldn't give the desired effect, so Malcolm proposed using the jockstraps they had brought along for swimming. That was perfect; their boy cocks were discretely covered, but their single buttock was nicely exposed, framed even by the diagonal strap of the jock. Just one thing remained to complete the picture. When Malcolm pulled on the string he had sewn in, the pants were pulled in wedgie fashion so that the second buttock was fully covered. He then cut a shirt in half, and sewed a seam to keep it from fraying. By keeping it tucked into the pants and giving each boy a tie to keep the half collar in place, the costume was complete and very effective. As Malcolm proceeded to do the same for Pepito and Heinrich, Juan complimented him on his sewing. "Well, I'm not like Ricky, for sure. But I can manage a job like this all right.

In the evening, after their delicious goose supper, Bruce drove the van to the parade site and that's when Malcolm saw the other costume possibilities. The boys grabbed their lanterns, jumped out and joined the contingent from the orphanage. Juan and Pepito wanted to march with their friends. They got loads of compliments from the other boys as well as some smiles and some shocked looks from the Dresden parents. However, they were not the only semi-streakers in the parade, so Malcolm decided he had done the right thing. Maria insisted the boys each wear two shoes. It was a November evening after all, plus they'd look awfully silly limping along the parade route like the boy in the rhyme she used to sing to them when they were toddlers: " 3; one shoe off, one shoe on, Deedle Deedle Dumpling, my son Juan."

As the children marched, they sang:

Ich geh' mit meiner Laterne
Und meine Laterne mit mir.
Dort oben leuchten die Sterne,
Hier unten, da leuchten wir.
Der Hahn, der kräht, die Katz miaut.
Rabimmel, rabammel, rabum.

(I go with my lantern
And my lantern goes with me.
Up above the stars are shining,
Down here we're shining.
The rooster, he crows; the cat meows.
Rabimmel, rabammel, rabum.)

Juan and Pepito didn't understand a word but since every verse was exactly the same except for the fifth line, they quickly picked it up and were gustily Rabimmelling with the best of them.

When the parade ended, the boys continued singing in the car all the way home and into the house. Malcolm chimed in and wondered why adults so often feign annoyance when children sing "One hundred bottles of beer on the wall," or some other incessant refrain. How could you not love the joyful singing of happy little boys?

The boys had all secretly conspired to wear their costumes to bed that night, which added a delightful element of sensual silliness to the sex.

The next day, Maria took the now useless costumes and sat at the sewing machine herself. Skillfully, she created miniature half pants and shirts for the four bears. A souvenir for the boys to remember this feast of Saint Martin, and their newfound friends. "Dankeschön, Maria," Rolf and Heinrich kept repeating.

Author's Note: I want to thank Greg, John and Patrick, for their help in correcting some of my linguistic and cultural errors in this chapter.

Chapter 8

"Where we going now, Malgum?"

"We're going to the Czech Republic."

"Dat's where Garel lives!!"

"You're right, Pepito, I forgot that. That was three countries ago. You have a good memory."

"Wow, Malcolm, maybe we can see him. I got his address."

"Well, probably not, Juan. He's a busy movie star. The studio could be sending him anywhere."

"Can we please call him and see?"

"Sure, there's no harm in calling, I guess."


"I bet you'd like to get his cock in your mouth again, wouldn't you?"

"Hehe, or somewhere else maybe."

"Juan, you naughty boy."

"How soon we going to be there, Malcolm?"

"Well, Bruce said Prague is about 150 kilometers from his home."

"Wait, wait, let me get my notebook. OK, 150, um, um, shit, that's only 93 miles. We'll be there in no time!!" In his head, Juan again pictured the pleasure bed back in Brussels, but this time he saw himself with Karel on it. He started to sing, "Karel's gonna fuck me, Karel's gonna fuck me."

Maria spoke up. "Honestly, you boys. Cocks. Cocks. Cocks. That's all you ever think about. There's more to life than getting laid. Right, Malcolm? Oh, why am I asking you? You're as bad as they are. For the next few miles, why don't we just look out the window and enjoy this beautiful scenery." Just then they drove into a long new tunnel near the German-Czech border, and everyone laughed. "I just can't win! I'm outnumbered."


The family checked into a double room at the Hotel Josef, and learned that breakfast was included. Juan made a phone call to Karel and left a message on his machine. Then Malcolm, after giving Juan a quick fuck in the ass and Pepito a quick fuck in the mouth, set out with his charges to explore the city. By chance they hopped on 'The Nostalgic Tram' (Historic Tram no. 91) and thereby got a wonderful overview of the entire city. They made notes of places they wanted to return to. For lunch, they found a great little restaurant at the Motel Edison, where they got their first taste of Czech cuisine.

When they got back to the hotel, there was a message from Karel. He had finished the shooting for Young Muscles in Brussels and was home in Prague for a while. He had to go out that evening, but would stop by the hotel around 8 to see if they were available for a visit. Juan was all giggly at the prospect of once more seeing his movie hero. They ordered a pizza sent up to the room, but Juan was too nervous to eat much. Around 7:30, he took a shower like he was preparing for a date. Precisely at 8, the front desk called to ask if they should send Mr. Jirka up. Maria, Malcolm and Pepito let Juan answer the door by himself. There was this handsome hunk in living splendor, up close and personal. "Hi there, how's my little fluffer?"

Karel came in and plopped down on the sofa with his arm around Juan, while the rest of the family sat in chairs. He asked where they had been since Brussels and what they had done. Pepito did most of the talking. Maria thought Karel was a model teenager. He made stimulating conversation, seemed genuinely interested in these guests in his city, and except for the fact that he kept one hand inside his pants, he behaved like a perfect gentleman.

He asked what their plans were for the next day, and Malcolm showed them the list they had written on the tram. Karel asked if they would like him to come along as a guide, and Juan practically passed out. Maria thanked him profusely.

"Say, Karel, with all our gabbing, Juan hasn't had a chance to talk to you. There was a show on TV tonight I wanted Pepito to see," Malcolm lied. "So why don't you take Juan into the other room where you can talk in private. Stay as long as you want; Maria, Pepito and I will probably turn in soon."

Pepito was totally confused. He thought the other room was for his mother like at all the other hotels. But Maria knew what Malcolm was doing and kept Pepito hushed. Juan kissed his mother good night, went into the next room with Karel and closed the door. Malcolm said he'd sleep on the couch with Pepito, and hoped Maria wouldn't be too disturbed by their snoring or any other noises they might make. They did turn on the TV to muffle any sounds coming from the next room and the talk show in a foreign language was enough to put Pepito to sleep with Malcolm's cock in his mouth. Maria wanted to stay awake, but she convinced herself that the fine teenager could be trusted with her oldest child.

Indeed, once they shut the door, Karel and Juan got down to work. Kissing, they took each other's clothes off, sprawled on the bed and 69'ed. Juan whispered that a boy in Dresden had taught him something new. Karel turned over to let Juan dry fuck him. Karel moaned in feigned pleasure. Then he reversed positions and gave Juan the real thing. Juan's dream had come true. He was getting fucked by a real honest-to-goodness porn star. How lucky could an eleven-year old from Minnesota get? After Karel left about 2 AM, Juan lay on the bed, running his fingers along his ass and then sucking the precious star spunk from them. If he never woke up again, he would have died happy.

Down in the dining room, for breakfast the next morning, Maria was the only one bright and wide-eyed. Some horny six-year old had woken Malcolm up at an ungodly hour with a blow job. "So, Juan, did you and Señor Karel have a good visit? I didn't hear you talking much. I hope you were nice to him."

"Yes, Mama, I was nice."

"I wonder if Señor Karel ever has sex except in the movies. Probably not. He probably saves it for the camera. What do you think, Señor Malcolm? I don't even know if he's old enough to have sex here." Maria was smiling again.

Malcolm answered half annoyed, "In the Czech Republic, the age of consent is only 15."

"Well, let's get a nice breakfast, niños. Juan's special friend will be here soon to guide us today."

As Malcolm drove, Maria beside him, Karel sat in the back seat with the boys. Their mutual masturbation didn't stop him from delivering a running commentary on the city he loved: the Old Town Square, Wenceslas Square, Charles Bridge, Powder Tower, and the State Opera.

"Did Julius Caesar gon-ger your country?"

"Gee, Julius Caesar? I don't know, Pepito."

"You bedder find out. He's my hero."

After stopping for lunch at one of Karel's favorite eateries, they headed for Pražský hrad, Prague Castle. It took them all afternoon to tour this amazing compound.

"Oh, this is beautiful," said Maria.

"This is the place we Czechs are most proud of."

"Look, Mama, there's another church. Wow, it's big."

"That's St. Vitus Cathedral. In the old times, that was where our kings were crowned. Later I'll show you the crown jewels. Many famous Czech people are buried there. Some day this week, you must come back here before noon and watch the changing of the guard at the main gate."

"We done that when we was in London."

"No, ours is better. Now, how are your legs. You ready for some climbing?" Karel led them up a long narrow spiral staircase in the Power Tower. When the exhausted Americans finally reached the top, they could look out over the entire castle. "Well, wasn't this view worth the climb?"

Later, the boys discovered the Toy Museum inside the castle. "Jeepers, even Hamley's didn't have this many toys! That's where I got Rascal. He's my bear."

"You have a bear? I have a bear too!" Juan tried to picture his hunky horny hero Karel sleeping with a teddy bear each night. "I named my bear Medved."

"Dis is my bear." Pepito held Oso up to Karel. "He's Oso."

"That's a beautiful bear. May I hold him? I can tell your bear gets a lot of love, because the fur is worn down in some places, like here in the crotch."

"I fug him every night. He won't go to sleep unless I fug him."

"That's beautiful, Pepito. My Medved is the same way. Here, I think Oso wants to be back in your arms. I'm sorry I can't stay with you any longer, but it's Mama's birthday and the whole family is celebrating tonight. I must go."

"Is your brudder going to be there?" Little Pepito remembered Karel had an older brother in the business.

"Sure, of course."

"Is you gonna fug him? Hehe."

"You horny little boy, rohatý kluk. Well, sometimes there's no better way to celebrate something than a good jebat."

"How old is your mama, Señor Jirka?"

"Let's see, she's 44, Maria." Malcolm gulped, realizing he was as old as this man's mother.

"Well, Na shledanou. That means goodbye. I'll call you later in the week when I know my schedule better."

"Na shledanou, Karel! Děkuju, thank you for everything."

Juan's blog

November 17
Today we went to the mirror maze. It was in this building that looked like an old castle. It was fun 'cause we couldn't figure out how to get out. Hehe. All the paths were mirrors. We kept laughing and getting lost.

Yesterday we took this boat ride and it brought us to the zoo. And then we watched a puppet show. The show was The Yellow Submarine.

Is it getting cold back home? Maybe you guys will have snow for Thanksgiving. By then we will be in sunny Italy. Hehe.


For their history lesson, Malcolm wanted to bring the boys to the Museum of Communism, to see what life was like when Czechoslovakia was part of the Soviet Union. They saw a schoolroom, and a room where the police would make people confess, and even a store where the shelves were empty, because that's how it was then. There were statues of Lenin and red flags, and toys from the space race. Maria said, "You boys are very fortunate to live in a free country. Freedom is something very precious. You must work to keep it."

On Saturday, Karel invited the family to meet his family for a real home style Czech supper. He came to the hotel to act as navigator through the winding old streets. "Here we are! Mama can't wait to meet you. I told her all about you. And Juan," he winked, "I told my brother all about you. He can't wait either." Juan blushed.

Maria, typically gracious, turned to Karel's mother, "Děkuju, thank you so much for inviting us. Gracias, Señora Jirka."

The mother looked quizzical, then laughed. Karel explained, "'Karel Jirka' is just a made-up name the studio gave me. My real name's Jan Masaryk. But you can call me Karel. I'm used to that. Mama, Paní Masaryk, is Beta. Papa here, Pan Masaryk, is Miklos, and my brother is Radek Masaryk, but the studio called him Vilem Kamel."

Oso and Rascal also came along, wearing their Martini costumes. They wanted to meet Medved. The three little bears spent the evening in the living room exchanging bear gossip, no doubt telling embarrassing stories about their owners' sexual proclivities.

The humans sat down to a delicious meal of Roast pork, cabbage, and the ubiquitous Knedlíky (boiled dumplings). Then Kolache for dessert.

Again, Maria extended the gratitude of all. "That was delicious, Beta. Dekuji. Let me help you clean up the dishes. Please, I want to help."

While the ladies stayed in the kitchen to work and gossip, Karel led all the males – his father, brother, Malcolm, Juan and Pepito – down to the basement, where a family room was set up with the latest large screen TV. "OK, everyone get comfortable and we can watch some movies. This one is one of my brother's first films for BelAmi. In fact, it might be the first porn film I ever saw. Papa, you think I'm right?" The movie started, and everyone did indeed get comfortable, by gradually removing their clothes and settling in for a good communal wank. A bowl of condoms sat on the table beside several tubes of KY. No one needed to translate the action on the screen. Even Pepito understood fully what was happening. Soon he was sucking away on Malcolm, and then Juan began sucking Karel, and the big brother Radek started sucking his father Miklos. The cocksuckers moved from cock to cock and eventually all six were taking turns getting and giving blow jobs. Pepito liked the way old Miklos tenderly suckled his tiny little nail. All different generations, but all united in the pursuit of sexual satisfaction. Pepito was the first to present his rear entrance for penetration, though only by his eleven-year old brother's cumless tool. Malcolm made it a three-way by entering Juan's ass while Juan fucked his brother. The other set of brothers was also now fucking, Karel plowing into Radek who was busy sucking his father. As soon as Juan finished taking Malcolm's spunk up his lovely little ass, he turned to Karel, who quickly abandoned his older brother for the sweet tender chicken meat. Miklos took over fucking his oldest son and little Pepito lay down with Malcolm for a 69. But Karel's star-quality jizz only made Juan hungry for more, so he got his ass planted on to Radek's cock, and later even old Miklos. He wasn't about to waste the opportunity to get plowed by every turgid cock in the room. If he couldn't make his own cum, then, fuck, he was going to make sure he gets as much as he can from others.

Exhausted, the men lay there while Karel put another film on the TV. "I borrowed this from my friend Kasimir. I thought our guests would enjoy it." Mladíci ('The Cubs') was the kind of film Malcolm knew about, but would never dare keep in his house in the States. It showed men having sex with boys 11, 10, 9, maybe younger, who cooed softly as they suckled the adult cocks, and screamed giddily as they took them up their assholes. There was nothing artificial or staged about the pleasure these youngsters were having. It was genuine youthful delight.

When the film ended, the six males kissed one another, got dressed and went upstairs.

"Did you boys have a good time down there?" Maria asked, a sly grin on her face."

"Yeah, we watched some movies."

Chapter 9

Malcolm left the rental car at the airport in Prague. "And I've heard they all drive like maniacs. I'm going to leave the driving to someone else for a while." The family checked in for Alitalia flight 517 which left Prague at noon. At Milan they had to change planes, Alitalia 1039, but they still arrived in Rome, collected their baggage and were hailing a cab before 5 PM. Oso told Pepito he liked flying over the mountains.

Malcolm gave the address to the cab driver, loaded all the suitcases into the tiny trunk, and then climbed in the front beside the driver. For much of the trip, he kept his eyes shut. If they were fated to be in a car accident, he preferred not to see it coming. But the driver managed to arrive at Vincenzo's villa without mishap.

"Psst, Malcolm," Juan whispered from the back seat, "what's the age of consent here?"

"14." Malcolm didn't even open his eyes, but he wondered if Maria was smiling in the back seat.


"Benvenuto, amici, I'm so happy to see you. Did you have a good flight?"

Vincenzo's villa was beautiful. Located on the mountainside east of Rome, Maria noticed the November sun was just starting to set over the city, bathing all the buildings in a golden aura, in particular, the dome of St. Peter's. "I can't wait to see that cathedral. I've been dreaming about it all my life." Just then Patty came running out from the house. He hugged Pepito and soon the three lads were racing around the grounds.

"Per favore, come in, come in. The boys will be fine by themselves. Here, let me help you with your bags." Vincenzo had many bedrooms, so no one had to move out to make room for the Americani. Maria asked if she could have a room where she could see St. Peter's. Malcolm said he didn't need a view. When he was in his bedroom, he was either asleep or too busy to look out the window. Vincenzo said Pasquale wanted the boys to sleep in his bedroom. Maria said that would be fine. She gave Malcolm a knowing look. OK, so he wouldn't spend the night with his two little cherubs. He would find other times for their trysts.

From his bed that night, Malcolm could hear the three youngsters down the hall talking and joking and laughing. Apparently his cherubs didn't miss him as much as he missed them. He wished he had a bear to hug.


"Guess what, Mama, last night Patty was telling us all about these cat combs. They sound real neat. He said he'll take us there today."

"Pasquale, did you forget you have scuola today?"

"Oh, Papa, do I have to?"

"Si. You can show your friends the catacombs on the weekend. Now go, don't be late again."

"Si, Papa."

"Excuse me, Vincenzo," Malcolm said, "The boys and I have to do something before breakfast. We'll be back soon." Maria wore her Mona Lisa smile.

Having taken care of all their various morning routines, the visitors joined Vincenzo for a tour of the city. He started at the Church of the Bones (Santa Maria della Concezione). Juan and Pepito were captivated by all the little chapels built entirely out of human bones. "Wow, that's so eerie. I'm going to put that in my blog." Nearby was the Borghese Gardens, where the boys rode on bumper cars and ponies, and they all had a picnic on the lawn. From there they went to the Spanish Steps (The Piazza Di Spagna) and watched musicians and artists entertain the crowds. Like all boys around the world, Juan and Pepito had to climb the steps and count them (137) and since they were Spanish stairs, they counted them in Spanish! They grabbed a quick meal at the Pizzeria Le Grotte – the boys never tire of pizzerias, – before driving back home where Patty was waiting.


"Papa?" It was morning the next day.

"Si, Pasquale?"

"Do I snore bad?"

"Hehe, you never wake me up. Why do you ask me this?"

"Last night, Juan left to go sleep with Signore Malcolm. And I think Pepito might do that tonight."

"Hehe, don't worry, Pasquale. I'll find out. Now get ready for scuola."

Later, Vincenzo asked Malcolm, "If your boys prefer, they can have their own bedrooms. We have many spare rooms here."

Malcolm turned serious and asked Vincenzo to please sit down. "I have something to say, my friend. I should have been honest with you from the beginning but the boys were having so much fun with your Patty, I was afraid to say anything. I'm going to tell you my story, and then if you want us to leave the villa, I'll pack my bags."

Vincenzo listened patiently as Malcolm explained his relationship to Juan, and his attraction to all prepubescent boys.

"Amico, I'm glad you told me this. It explains a lot to me. But no, I do not want your lovely family to leave. You see I have a story to tell as well. When I was the age of your Juan, I too met a man. A wonderful man. In fact, he was the new parroco, the priest in our village. He was so kind and caring. I felt so special in his presence. I gladly gave myself to him. I didn't feel he was using me. I felt, well, I felt love.

"My mama was pleased I was going to church so much. She began to have dreams of me becoming a sacerdote too. But my papa was suspicious. He soon found out what the prete and I were really doing each afternoon. He threatened the priest and forbade me from ever going to church again. And for many years I did not go to mass.

"But I never forgot that man. I always felt sorry for priests. They have to pretend they don't desire sex, and then they have to sneak around to get it. I think many pedofili enter the priesthood for that reason.

"I knew I was eterosessuale, but I never felt any prejudice toward the omosessuale. I don't care if Pasquale is gay or straight, as you Americani say. As long as he's happy. When I married my sweet Veronica, we went to mass every week.

"Please don't leave, per favore. You and the lovely Maria and her boys have brought sunshine into my lonely house." When they got up, the eterosessuale Italian stallion kissed Malcolm on both cheeks, as men do in Italy. "And do not worry about Pasquale. I'll have a talk with him tonight."

Vincenzo took his guests to the Roman Forum and the Colosseum. Juan loved this kind of history lesson. And Pepito kept imagining Julius Caesar walking in the forum or sitting in the Emperor's special place in the Colosseum. "Julius Caesar is my hero!"

"Rome has many heros," Vincenzo told him. "When we are done at the Colosseum, I will show you a very special hero." He drove a short distance to the Museo Nuovo in the Palazzo dei Conservatori, and showed them the Lupa Capitolina sculpture. "Those boys are Romulus and Remus. They are brothers, like you and Juan. Romulus, the one on that side, was the first king of Rome."

"Wow. Why are they under that big dog?"

"That is a wolf. They were born to a slave woman, and her master tried to get rid of them. He was not a nice man. But this she-wolf took the babies and nursed them until they could take care of themselves."

"Gool. I guess that's why she's got big tits."

In the afternoon, they went to the villa to pick up Pasquale and back out to the Piazza Navona, with its fountains and statues. They sat at an outdoor café and watched the street performers.

The next day, at Breakfast, Malcolm suddenly asked, "What day is it?"

"Giovedì," Patty said.

"Dat means 'Dursday'," Pepito piped in. Patty's been teaching us Italian words each night.

"Thursday. My goodness. Do you know what that is, boys? Today is Thanksgiving." Juan explained to Pasquale what this American holiday was.

"Well," said Maria, "let's talk about the things we are thankful for. I'm happy to be here in Roma. And for this trip. And for our host, Señor Vincenzo."

Malcolm: "I'm thankful for Juan and Pepito. And for their mother. And for Vincenzo's warmth and understanding and tolerance."

Vincenzo: "I'm thankful for my ben poco Pasquale. And for having such wonderful guests to share my home with."

Juan: "I'm thankful for my cazzo!" and Pepito quickly added, giggling, "And my natiche."

"Pasquale," said Vincenzo, sternly, "you've been teaching our guests Italian all right. All the naughty words."

Pasquale: "I bet Juan is thankful he doesn't have to go to scuola like me. Ciao."

As promised, Vincenzo took them to the Vatican to see St. Peter's. "Señor, it is even larger than I imagined." They toured St. Peter's Square, and entered the huge basilica. Maria stopped to light a candle. "This is for my Pedro, God bless his soul."

"And this one is for my Veronica, may she rest in peace."

Malcolm, too, lit two candles. "These are for my mother and father. How I think of them today, and all the wonderful Thanksgiving feasts we used to share. Later, I want to call my sister Andrea."

"Malcolm, I gan't think of no dead people to light gandles for."

"Here, Pepito, you can light one anyway. You too Juan. Everyone should light a candle to make the world a little brighter."

They spent many hours walking around St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museums. Remembering Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, Juan wanted to see the Last Supper. When they looked at the Sistine Chapel, they were amazed that Michaelangelo could paint the ceiling, lying on his back. Back in the hotel room, Juan was leafing through a book Maria had bought about Michaelangelo. "Wow, look at this hunk!"

"That's David." Maria told Juan the story she had learned from the nuns, of the giant Goliath and how the boy Juan's age knocked him down with a slingshot. "So David was a great Jewish hero."

"He's not Jewish."

"Of course he is, son. When he became a man, he was king of the Jews."

"No, he's not. Look. All the Jewish boys in my school are cut. David ain't cut." Even an eleven-year old art critic could see the flaw in Michaelangelo's magnificent sculpture.


After supper venerdì, Friday, Vincenzo appeared in the living room wearing his finest suit. Pepito asked Patty, "Is your papa going somewhere?"

"Si. He and your mama are going out."

"They are? Like on a date?" Just then Maria walked into the room in her beautiful red gown. "Wow, I guess it really is a date. You look so pretty, Mama."

"Thank you, Pepito."

"Indeed, Signora. You are bellissimo. I bought these flowers for you, but they pale compared to your loveliness. Ciao, children. I promise to bring your mama back to you, but don't wait up for us."

"I'm happy for Mama," Juan said after they left. "She looked so happy tonight."

Pepito turned to Patty, "Do you think they will scopare?" Patty shrugged.

Malcolm decided to take charge. "Well, it's just us men then tonight. What do you think we should do for fun?"

"Let's take our clothes off," Juan said. It wasn't really a suggestion, as much as a statement of fact, because he and Pepito were already stripping. It didn't take long for Malcolm and Pasquale to follow suit.

"Do you know where the towels are, Juan?" Juan ran to get them, and when he came back, he handed Malcolm a small bag and then began spreading the towels over the floor to sit on. Malcolm glanced in the bag and winked at Juan. "Boy Scout motto."

They sat in a circle like Indian chiefs and began to wank. Pasquale thought it was wonderful. He kept glancing around to see how big each dick was growing. He didn't want to embarrass the family heritage. "Signore Malcolm?"

"Yes, Pasquale,"

"Can I ask you something?" His eyes were now glued on Malcolm's massive (in his eyes) mantool.

"Sure, Pasquale, anything at all."

"Do you, uh, really 3;"


"Well, Papa told me that, uh 3;"


"That you stick your pene in Juan's ano."

"Of course he does," Juan interrupted. "Here, we'll show you." Juan knelt down on all fours like a 'cane', and smiled at Pasquale. "Come on, Malcolm, let's scopare!"

Pasquale was in awe, as the big Americano fucked his new friend's shithole. He kept moving around looking at the event from different angles. Juan deliberately resisted the urge to cry or scream. He didn't want to belie any pleasure. He almost seemed stoical, except for the soft moans of contentment.

"Does he do this to you, too?" Patty asked Pepito.

"Just my bocca 3; Not my ano, 3; yet."

"Ammazza! Cacchio! Caspita!"

For his part, Malcolm was not at all stoical. He held Juan's hips and pounded away, with loud grunts of animal lechery. He screamed as he released his sperma, and collapsed in sweat on top of his young lover. Pasquale's mind was reeling, unaware of how hard his hand was working on his penis. Eventually, Juan and Malcolm came up for air and resumed their wanking and smiling. Some minutes elapsed, and Pasquale saw that Malcolm was once more fully erect. "Uh, Signore Malcolm?"

"Si, Pasquale?"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Pasquale, anything at all."

"Would you, uh, 3;"


"Well, Pepito told me that, uh 3;"


"That you stick your pene in his bocca. Would you let me do that?"

"You want me to suck your dick, Pasquale?"

"Uh, no, Signore. I want to suck yours."

So, with Juan and Pepito on each side offering encouragement and suggestions, seven-year old Pasquale performed his first blow job. "Hehe," he giggled, spunk dripping from his lips, "that was fun!"


Early Sabato (Saturday) morning, before anyone else was awake, Maria slipped out of Signore Vincenzo's bedroom and went to the kitchen to have some coffee, and think about her life. In a while, the three boys joined her. "Did you boys enjoy yourself last night?"

"Si, Mama, we had lots of fun. We got to teach Patty some new games."

"That's nice. Did you make him sleep by himself?"

"No, Mama. We all slept in Malcolm's bed."

"All of you?"

"Si. Uh, Mama?"

"What, my sweet niño?"

"Did you enjoy yourself last night?"

"Oh, Si, Mama had a wonderful evening. She danced so much. Mama is very happy."

"That's nice. I'm so happy for you, Mama. Uh, Mama?"

"What, my sweet niño?"

"Did you make Señor Vincenzo sleep by himself?"

Just then the two men walked in and poured themselves coffee.

"It's Sabato. Dat means Patty don't have to go to scuola, right?" Pepito was excited, "Yippee, dat means we gan go to da gat gomes."


In the car, Vincenzo explained that the catacombs were tunnels running under the city, which had been used for burials since ancient times. When they parked the car, the three boys jumped out and disappeared. "Don't be alarmed, Maria, Malcolm. Pasquale knows the catacombs like the back of his hand. He'll have lots of fun leading them miles through the maze of tunnels. We can go down the steps, and look at them ourselves. They're quite awesome. But don't expect to see the lads for a while. Malcolm noticed how Vincenzo tenderly took Maria's hand. For her part, Maria seemed to have a glow about her that hadn't been there the day before.

As predicted, eventually the boys did reappear, wearing sheepish grins that made Malcolm wonder what unholy acts had been committed in the dark recesses of the labyrinth.


On their final day in Rome, Vincenzo took them to Tivoli Gardens, about an hour away from his villa. They walked through the gardens, played in the hedge maze and watched the dancing fountains. At one point, Vincenzo took the three boys off in search of a particular statue he remembered seeing. Malcolm and Maria stayed back to talk.

"Maria, are you in love?"

"Oh, Malcolm, Vincenzo makes me very happy. But love? I don't know. It has been so long since I've been with a man. Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean you're, I mean of course you're a man and of course I'm with you, I'm going with you around the world, but I haven't been WITH you if you know what I mean. I haven't been with any man since Pedro, God bless his soul.

"I'm sure Pedro is pleased to see you so happy, Maria."

"Si, I am happy. But you must understand, for me love is something different than for you. You make love to a little boy. Then when that boy gets too old, your love changes. You still love him, but you don't make love to him. I know that some day Juan will be too old. He knows that too. Even Pepito will grow up some day. And you will find someone new to make love with. But me, I want a man I can stay with forever. I found such a man once, my dear Pedro. I will always remember Señor Vincenzo, but it is not a 'forever' love, no, not this time. Not with Señor Vincenzo, not here in Roma. But now I think maybe some day, maybe I will find someone else. I thank you for giving me that hope, Señor Malcolm."

That evening, Vincenzo said there was just one more place they had to see in Rome before they left. The Trevi Fountain. They must each throw a coin in the fountain, because then they will be sure to return to Rome.