The two new ponies:
Jodi, a privileged 13 year old cute small blond with flashing smile, sold into permanent slavery by his father.
Malachi, a mahogany black, not quite 12 year old from the Non-Aligned Nation of Cathland and 'acquired' by an agent of BoyAbductions, Lmt. on pure speculation, and latter sold to BoyToys, Inc.
Two of the Stable Slaves:
#3, a vivacious coal black 6 year old, the kidnapped younger brother of a rival gang member and sold to a slave dealer from a Non-Alligned Nation of Bundus III.
#6, a shy but infinitely cute 7 year old boy of Oriental pedigree placed into a 12-year Indenture by the State Welfare Agency of Califare, Bundus III.
Place: Xanadu Pleasure Dome, Bundus III. A very large and lavish resort providing the widest variety and numbers of boys for the specific use and enjoyment by the boy connoisseur.
Chapter 1 Toby: Acquisition
The Xanadu Pleasure Dome on Bundus III (not to be confused with the several 'Pleasure Domes' boasted of by the Icarus Ring-world more than 45 light years distant) was much more than just a 'dome.' First of all it traversed almost 700 square miles [1900 km2] of some of the most scenic land on the continent, but also provided a specific type of 'pleasure.' The Pleasure Dome on Bundus III, tough probably not the most sybaritic of all such resorts dedicated to the sexual enjoyment of its clientele, was nonetheless the one which most succeeded in providing the widest variety and numbers of boys for the specific use and enjoyment by the boy connoisseur. Although available in almost all sizes, along with racial and age variations, the many boys had one very important consideration in common – all were configured in both looks and physical allure to delight even the most jaded boy lover. And the entire range from readily eager to those totally forced to perform were there to provide for the client's preference and sexual enjoyment.
Also available were just about every means of boy control, instruments of punishment, and every manner of boy bondage equipment thought up by man. There was only one limiting rule – the boy could not be permanently harmed. (After all the 'boys' were quite expensive these days considering all the effort to modify and condition them for years of near continuous client use).
As one would wander about the grounds and various buildings given over to the enjoyment of man-boy sex, the genius and imagination of its owners, philanthropist and boy-lover Ben Buddingo and his financial genius brother Ted, boys were available in an almost unlimited display and in almost every imaginable way making full use of the present day gene-splice and biotics technologies. (It was a common remark to hear about Ben Buddingo's philanthropy to be almost as great as his expenditure on his own vices and enjoyments. And surprisingly it was not true since much of his philanthropy was never revealed publicly. But it did still say much about his sybaritic and notorious use of boys for sexual gratification).
The Xanadu Pleasure Dome afforded its clients all manner of traditional and non-traditional man-boy sex. There was the Gentry Mansion where men and boys could enjoy all of the traditional venues of consensual and non-consensual man-boy sex. Very formal, very staid, and 'tradition-oriented.' Manners and civility were the order of the day. Then there were the various Dungeons, each with its own theme, where all manner of both consensual and non-consensual use of almost every sado-masochistic scenario and almost every implement and mechanism of bondage can be found. (Although many of the items on display existed for atmosphere – the one rule: no permanent damage, was strictly enforced). There was one dungeon in particular which boasted of boys who were gradually transformed over the years by extreme physical modifications including partial to complete amputations, castrations, penectomies, or complete genital nullification, yet so enhanced with drug regimens that they readily engaged in every manner of sexual stimulation imaginable.
There were also quite a few specialty venues such as 'The Palace of Special Boys' which provided boys with all manner of genital variations and characteristics. And the Water World where the boys are so modified that they must remain in a water breathing environment. And others such as the various barns and 'animal-boy' enclosures, where very moderate to extreme body modifications makes boys available having a wide range of animal characteristics.
There is even the 'boy-zoo' where real boys exist but in the physical forms of animals. All their bodily functions, including some quite intelligent 'boys,' were entirely 'human,' but in manner of form they were exact replicas of quite a variety of animals – but of course in all ranges of the usual boy sizes. And many of them were even able to speak. And what most people were unaware, due to the extreme difficulty of finding boys who could be so modified, and then the extreme cost of their modifications, these were among some of the most pampered 'boys' in the entire pleasure resort, each with their own companion 'handler.' And what would no doubt surprise many of the less knowledgeable, was that almost one fifth of the boys made available throughout the complex, even a few of those held permanently in the deepest portions of all the Dungeons, were class one or two slaves and there voluntarily.
But this story is about two of the 'not quite voluntary' recruits.
One in fact had been sold into class three slavery by his own father, and the other had been 'acquired' by an agent of BoyAbductions, Lmt. and sold to the Xanadu Pleasure Dome resort after his specifications and modification options had been listed in their electronic catalogue – also a class three slave.
(Class three slaves were permanent slaves obtained from off world, or from one of the two Non-Alligned Nations of Bundus III, and thus had very few protections provided by the new Indenture, Consensual, and Non-Consensual Slavery Laws of the Aligned Nations of Bundus III. And because of their status, it was still legal to modify them without their consent to their owner's specifications).
These two boys could be seen pacing along many of the main trails which twisted about the beautiful grounds of the complex. But their 'pacing' was more characteristic of that of a pony than a boy. Indeed they were one of a 'matched pair' of pony boys with their immobilized arms and hands and the trunks of their cute alluring boy bodies attached to the forks of a small two-wheeled calash and with bit and harness controlling their bodies and providing direction. There was a restrictive harness about the hips and another about the shoulders of each boy which provided for the main attachment points. A strange contraption was also attached to each boy's penis and testicles along with some kind of controlling strap affixed to each penis via a large ring. The only other adornments to the boy's bodies was a 'tail' emerging from a sizeable butt plug and a metallic 'shoe' adorning the end of each foot.
(On some of the newer pony-boys, an alternate procedure had been done taking further advantage of new advances in gene-splice technology, their feet would look closer to that of a real pony with their heel more like a postern held permanently off the ground, and the very end of their 'foot' pivoting on an actual hoof).
Along the trail, sliding past the subtropical lake and shadowed by a tree canopy fully 200 feet [60 m] high, glided this specific carriage, giving the seated occupants magnificent views not the least of which was the two delectable pert butts, slim legs, and typically trim bodies of the pony-boy pair, as their high pacing step enhanced their look and sensual movement of muscle and skin. One might wonder at their ability to keep such a heavy two passenger chaise at such a pace, but cleverly concealed within the wheels' hubs were motor assists which provided most of the actual propulsion. The pony-boys were there for much more important uses.
On the single seat were two gentlemen who had rented the boy's services for the day. After their trip over the manicured grounds by the two prepubescent pony-boys, the two boys would frequently be 'invited' into the gentlemen's luxury suite where the pony-boys themselves would become a significant part of the afforded luxury. Though the boys were a near perfect match in size, form, and physical attributes, one was quite the quintessential blond haired, blue eyed, light skinned boy of strong Caucasian pedigree with a light golden tan, while the second was a contrast in color as he was mahogany black with almost extreme and stereotypical features indicating his equally strong Negroid descent. Both boys were 4' 8" [1.42 m] in height and just barely showing a small hint of adult musculature – but a musculature which would never see any additional development. For both boys had been specially modified in the labs of BoyToys, Inc. to forever stay at their current physical age.
The first part of this story will concern that particular blond beauty and will start for us exactly one year earlier, on the day when the barely 13 year old and still prepubescent Jodi Kanji was informed by his step-father that he had been sold. Jodi had looked up from the holo display of the latest Mark XX turbo-game cube and was startled to actually SEE his father – a person more apt to be seen wining and dining the nation's leading millionaires then peeking into his boy's suite at their summer vacation home on Bundus III. Jodi had no idea of what those words portended, and gave little credence to their literal meaning.
Unknown to the boy, his father had been trying to negotiate a substantial loan to bail out his temporary cash flow problems of his far flung business empire. A few incautious expansions of his holdings on Bundus III had culminated in even the most 'friendly' banks from sinking any more capital into a business at the verge of a hostile takeover. It was at this point when a desperate man sought help from that planet's not quite reputable and infamous money lenders – the Buddingo brothers. (In point of fact their banking interest were at least legal if not quite perfectly reputable, but it was their other interest which had spread rumor far and wide). The brothers had been reviewing what was left of Mr. Kanji's liquid assets.
One of the brothers remarked: "You do not seem to have anything here Mr. Kanji which might entice us to bargain. If we plow in the needed 60 million, and the takeover is still successful, we could loose an appreciable portion of our investment."
Mr. Kanji smiled a false smile and replied: "But I have already stated that I'd be prepared to give you a voting block in my company and as much as 20% of its stock. And as far as 'liquid' assets are concerned, I am quite aware of the current problem. But my company is basically sound."
"Sound is correct, but also quite overextended and some of your competitors have already amassed enough control to force a possibly hostile takeover. And with the loss of another 20% of its stock, you will be ripe for the pickings."
"So now you use my offer as a threat?"
"Not at all Mr. Kanji. In fact we would vote for you to maintain control for considerations of course. However, it may indeed take much more additional capital to maintain control while we could be spending our money on shall we say more interesting things."
Mr. Kanji was quite aware of the 'other' interest of the Buddingo brothers. Most of which would be outlawed on his home planet, not to mention all the other planets of the Federation. The only other exception being the Icarus Ring-world.
Before Mr. Kanji could reply, Ben Buddingo who had been letting his brother speak 'til now, moved the little naked red-head whose small genitals he had been massaging off his lap, and addressed Mr. Kanji: "But as far as we can see, Mr. Kanji, you do have only one possible 'liquid' asset in which we just might be interested. Interested enough to entice us to make this deal."
Mr. Kanji looked on in mild disgust not because Mr. Buddingo was so openly molesting a six year old, but because the six year old was a boy. On his own home world the law kept such abuse private and secret, while here, the collar around the boy's neck indicated that the boy was a slave, and on Bundus III slavery was legal even if strictly controlled. The various authorities on his home planet of course elected to maintain the fiction that slavery did not exist. Of course Mr. Kanji deigned to ignore minor details as he sought to save his business holdings on Bundus III, and the Buddingo brothers were perhaps one of his last realistic chances.
Mr. Kanji, also knowing that virtually all his present holdings were out of his reach as far as 'liquidating' was suddenly surprised to learn that one of Buddingo brothers was aware of some 'asset' of his which just might be in 'liquid' form. He was quickly reviewing all possibilities but could come up with nothing.
"And just to which asset could you be referring?" Mr. Kanji asked with a revival of hope.
Ben Buddingo seemed to deliberately demur, as he made a production out of releasing the small pert slave boy from his leash and told him to bring back another bottle of Wyman's Reserve Cognac from the solid Junary Blackwood cupboard worth almost as much as the bottle of vintage cognac itself. Upon the boy's return he reaffixed the boy's leash and draped him over his legs so as to have access to the boy's luscious butt and tiny rosebud. The boy squealed as his master's finger danced over the tight radiating ribs of flesh extending from the entrance to the inviting cavity. He looked up at Mr. Kanji to see how the prudish hypocrite was reacting. He decided that he wanted more than merely 20% of the man's business. He wanted the man's son. And to see him pretend that the fondling of a six year old slave boy was an everyday occurrence.
He pretended that having the naked boy on his lap was absolutely un-noteworthy as he continued: "Well, we can not actually be certain without more testing, but it has come to our attention that your son Jodi might happen to have the genetic background which could make him very valuable to us."
The Buddingo Brothers had extensive data gathering resources which extending throughout the Federation of Planets. Information about its wealthier citizens was considered especially valuable and information was power and could gain advantage at the most unexpected of times. And to gain leverage within one of the wealthiest of private corporations such as that operated by Mr. Kanji was even more important than obtaining suitable 'stock' for their enterprise, the Xanadu Pleasure Dome. That was merely the pleasurable 'icing' on their financial 'cake.'
The two brothers smiled at the reaction of the up 'til now seemingly imperturbable Mr. Kanji. Even Mr. Buddingo's insertion of his finger into the little slave's butt hole, and the boy's subsequent yelp, had drawn no reaction. But if the kid they had in mind actually proved a viable candidate for the restructuring laboratories of BoyToys. Inc, they were willing to make a very handsome offer. And they thought that Mr. Kanji may just be convinced to sell his boy if the price were right. An in depth probe into the lives of those concerned made known the fact that there was essentially no personal feelings between Mr. Kanji and the step-son of his long divorced second wife from a previous marriage. In fact, the son Jodi had not even seen more than a holo of his step-dad in almost a year in spite of the fact that he were now 'on vacation' with his dad on Bundus III. And obtaining the boy's medical records and bio-data was an 'easy' acquisition.
"What the hell are you suggesting?" Mr. Kanji tried to show some umbrage at the obviously illicit offer, but was apparently showing more interest than outrage.
Ben Buddingo, now twisting a second and third finger in past the boy's sphincter, looked up, smiled and then replied: "What we are offering Mr. Kanji is to advance you all the necessary capital in exchange for say 20% of your business, AND your son. I believe that he just turned 13 a few days ago. His genetic codes are quite remarkable. He would seem quite able to undergo some of the more radical gene-splicing specialized in the labs of BoyToys, Inc. If indeed this is correct we will consummate the deal."
Mr. Kanji was now only worried about possible legal ramifications. He knew quite well what was intended for his boy, even if Mr. Buddingo's demonstration would have left any doubt. But both he and his son, along with assorted personnel were now away from their home planet and on Bundus III, and that made things infinitely easier. Details were ironed out with Mr. Kanji and his brother as Bud Buddingo had finally shoved his entire hand into the boy's rear orifice. By this time a severe gag had been put into the boy's mouth to help muffle the his shrill screams. (Even with the modifications to the boy's two main 'love holes' Mr. Buddingo's hand was pushing the envelope).
Later, after Mr. Kanji thought about the accommodation of Mr. Buddingo's special request, the dismissal of his son's tutors and other personnel and subsequent monetary benefit, and of course not needing to worry about his son in the future, brought him a large smile.
One of the brothers added as they were sending details of their arrangements to their team of lawyers, added: "We will even throw in a life time membership to either our Xanadu Pleasure Dome resort or to our Isle of Circe depending on your particular sexual interest."
Mr. Kanji was only now wondering how he could complete the terms of this deal without alerting the boy's governess to the fact that her precious boy would soon be on his way to a very different life than that to which he had been headed. About the boy's welfare he had not the slightest concern. He was much more interested in the fact that a loss of 20% of his own personal holdings would still allow him proprietary ownership. He also decided to celebrate by using that membership to the Buddingo's Isle of Circe at his first opportunity.
It was the very next day when the boy's caregivers were dismissed with a half-year's salary plus benefits, stating to all that the boy was being sent to a special educational facility on the planet they were visiting, Bundus III. And it was that very night when young Jodi was surprised by a real in the flesh visit by his distant father. A person he barely knew. The boy had in fact already learned of his pending trip.
"Father, Mums Cathy told me I would be going to a new school on this planet. Is this true? I don't want to go. Do I really hafta?"
In fact the boy would never need any more schooling ever again, at least not of the academic variety. Mr. Kanji even smiled at the prospect of his step-son finally being 'useful.' In the company of his father, and two men he never saw before, young Jodi took his last journey on one of his father's transcontinental air transports. The words spoken by his father in a moment of ironic honesty about his being 'sold' never being actually considered. Some kind of weird adult humor the boy thought and as quickly dismissed.
One day later Jodi was brought into a secure underground facility owned by one of the subsidiaries controlled by the Buddingo brothers. It was where he got the astonishing news.
"Father what are we doing here? What is happening? This isn't anywhere near the Sprightly Towers." (A modern hotel complex in the city adjacent to his prospective 'new school').
"No indeed, but it is right next door to the laboratories of BoyToys, Inc."
Now the boy was truly befuddled. He had only heard the vague rumors, and understood this was the place where boys were turned into companions or even prostitutes for those who liked sex with special boys. Not that the idea didn't stir something in area of his groin. And even peeked his interest. But that had nothing to do with him.
"But father, why would I be brought there?"
Mr. Kanji even smiled, realizing that his 'boy' would soon be a new addition to one of the Buddingo brothers' sexual 'vacation spots.'
"Boy, you have finally become an asset rather than a burden. I already told you. I just happened to have sold you."
The boy was quite unwilling to contemplate the real meaning of his father's words. "But what does that mean?"
Other insistent and more strident pleas escaped the poor boy's mouth, however, as the two rather large men held onto him as his father simply left without a backward glance.
It was one of the men who actually answered. "Boy, you are to become one of the pleasure boys in one of our boss's man-boy sex resorts. In just what capacity will not be determined until a doctor can perform more extensive tests."
Jodi, watching his father touched the control to exit the electronic security portal, realized that the only door in the room most likely wouldn't even work for him if it ever closed. In sheer desperation, he brought his fist upwards into the crotch of the man standing between him and the opening door. Neither the man's bulk nor his drug enhanced reflexes were any defense against momentarily crippling pain. The huge guard, probably five times the bulk of the boy he held by the shoulder, yelled and dropped his hand to his crotch. Jodi made a mad dash for the closing door leaping at the last second and just managed to stop it closing with his outstretched arm. Scrambling toward the second door of the security portal he ducked under his fathers arm as he turned back to see what had caused the shout. Unfortunately his father had slowed Jodi down enough so that the second guard, taking advantage of his enhanced reflexes, was just able to grab the boy's foot and clamped on too tight for Jodi to dislodge despite his kicking with his other foot. A crying boy was carried back and effortlessly sat down into a chair and was about to puff a paralyzing agent under his nose when the other guard stopped his hand.
"No." He spoke heavily still in some pain. "I want the brat awake and aware."
Ten minutes later a squirming kid was staring up fearfully as one of the huge guards man easily holds him down while the other secures the boy's ankles with a tangle strap to the corner of the table. His scrawny little boy muscles are no match as his other three limbs are likewise secured stretching out the crying and struggling boy in a spread eagled fashion. The boy screams as the four straps are touched in turn drawing the boy's slight body to extreme tautness just short of injury.
The injured guard looked down at a very scared little boy and smiled maliciously: "Pay back time kid. Know what this is?"
Jodi saw the small hand held wand in the guard's beefy hand. Jodi shook his head not able to do more than cringe with significant pain already shouting through his limbs.
"It's quite a new marvel kid. New science. It simulates an electric shock without leaving any mark or injury. Let's try it on its lowest setting."
Jodi yelled as his pants were first pulled downward and then his under-shorts.
"Hay look here kid, this must excite you. Quite a cute boner."
Just recently Jodi found himself get amazingly excited, with strange but great feelings coming from his groin, whenever he even thought about other guys and especially seeing holo images of them naked seemed not to get enough of seeing their massive genitals either. But more than that, and not quite sure why, he would get even more excited by holo's of boys being bound helpless and guys doing all kinds of things to them even torture. And now that it was happening to him, he was discovering a height of arousal out of proportion to anything he'd ever felt before, and sighed in pleasure as the guard covered his 4 inch [10 cm] boner and small testicles with his other hand and started fondling them. He smiled as the boy stopped all struggling and start breathing heavily.
"You aren't supposed to enjoy this kid," and the boy screamed as he touched the prod to the boy's immature scrotum.
The pain was not excessive but the bighting buzzing pain was quite a surprise and not close to any pain he's ever felt before. The guard smiled as the boy's penis instantly deflated in the midst of his scream. The decibel rating of Jodi's yells and screams increased as the setting on the instrument was increased.
Jodi started pleading as the man pulled the probe away momentarily and increased the setting to its middle setting.
"We're just getting started boy. When I'm finished with your sex parts even thinking about them will hurt."
Jodi was now just praying for the pain to stop. Fortunately when the thing was taken away the pain stopped. Being bound and even controlled had gotten his unbelievably excited, but the pain he could not abide. Not in the least. As the instrument was being brought toward his vulnerable penis by the smiling guard, Jodi's scream would have been heard on the top floor of the building if the basement had not been soundproofed.
But Mr. Ben Buddingo DID hear the scream and watched in instant anger as he saw his valuable acquisition being tortured, or more importantly possibly being damaged. Unfortunately for Jodi, the com link to Mr. Buddingo's luxury suite in the penthouse on the 56th floor had not been initiated any earlier. It was also unfortunate for the two guards that the link had been initiated at all.
Two hours later, the two ex-guards were in secure stasis on their way to a mining operation owned by the Buddingo brothers in the inner asteroid belt. Ben Buddingo realized that the slave labor used in the mine was actually less efficient and more costly that an automated operation would have been, but he believed his satisfaction in punishing supposedly trusted and well provided for employees well worth it. The men had disobeyed explicit instructions. Three days from now there would be two more prisoners with obedience collars and without genitals sentenced to a year of mind-numbing labor.
Jodi was thankful that he never got to experience what the mid setting would have felt like. But it was 15 minutes before he stopped shaking. It was Mr. Ben Buddingo's himself who had rescued him, but he was not released until he was made to breathe in a small puff of vapor. In only seconds the boy's muscles just refused to obey the commands from his brain even though he was completely conscious. Mr. Buddingo looked down at the boy dispassionately and spoke as the crying boy tried to find out what was to happen to him. But his quite slurred words had no impact.
"You're a bit old for my taste boy, but for many others you will be perfect. You have quite a different life ahead of you."
Mr. Buddingo laid Jodi onto a small counter and proceeded to remove all his clothing. Jodi, despite his situation, was so totally enervated feeling his clothes being removed and strange hands caressing his body, especially his private most parts. He was surprised that not the slightest pain remained. Jodi was totally conflicted. The physical sensations he liked, but there was still the stark reality that his life as he knew it was over. There would be no opportunity for escape. But perversely a small portion of his mind was also more excited than scared. In addition, a certain portion of his anatomy was quite excited and liked being fondled. Even if it was quite scary at the same time.
Later he wondered where his clothes had gotten to. What he did not realize was that he would never be wearing what could be called clothing again. Nor after his stay at the labs of BoyToys, Inc. would he ever appreciably age. He would be a naked sex slave for the remainder of his life, as soon as he was modified and conditioned in the labs of BoyToys, Inc through gene-splice, drug therapy, and specialized surgeries.
Mr. Ben Buddingo left the room as two other guards took command. He went back to his luxury bedroom suite where a cute and very black six year old boy named Nubal, was awaiting him. Of course the boy had little option as each of his wide spread legs were bent at the knee with his corresponding forearms literally adhered to the outside of each calf, his small hands forced to grip each of his ankles. And those ankles had been shackled into a framework placed right on the huge bed.
Mr. Buddingo caressed the now crying six year old whose eyes seemed to be pleading to be released. This kind of treatment was new to him. But then Mr. Buddingo gave the boy an inoculation which would allow the boy total freedom from fear and anxiety but allow him free range of his other emotions. Buddingo was more into control than pain. He then put on a pair of totally impervious but quite flexible gloves, and opened a container specially delivered the day before. He momentarily looked over toward the corner of the room where a SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cage held the next successor to little Nubal. [Note: See story entitled: 'SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cage'].
This new boy, though conscious, was temporarily unable to see or hear. His name was Liam, a seven year old of dark Sumatran extraction and recently modified at the BoyToys' lab having been kidnapped from his home on old earth four months before.
Buddingo then attended to his boy.
He dipped a special drip free brush into the clear liquid and proceeded to cover most of the boy's body. His own stiff erection seemed to swell as he continued spreading the recently developed enzyme which would gradually harden the boy's skin over the next half hour eventually turning him into a rigid 'doll.' Only the boy's hair and nails were impervious to the liquid and would even continue to grow. The only areas spared included an oval area around the edge of the boy's chest which would permit him to continue breathing, and enough area around both the boy' anus and mouth to allow enough elasticity for insertion of large cylindrical objects like the huge butt plug already in the boy's well stretched anus and anal sphincters, and the equally sized simulated penis shoved into the boy's wide open mouth and down into his throat. Other areas spared included the boy's eye lids, his small genitals, and the area between his anus and scrotal sac. The boy's teeth had been removed and his mouth and rectum previously modified by gene-splice, micro surgery, and drugs at the labs of BoyToy's Inc, just next door. The small six year old would never mature and would be well able to accommodate such large objects during his life as a sex slave.
Since his recovery about a month ago, the boy had enjoyed the sexual exploits taught to him by his new owner, Mr. Buddingo. After a suitable drug regimen which had both prematurely given the boy an extreme sexual libido, and eliminating any possibility of a negative emotional or cognitive response to forced sex acts, the boy was quite happy during the previous month as Mr. Buddingo's special boy. But now he would soon be on his way to the Xanadu Pleasure Dome and take up his permanent residence in the unique Little Boy Prison, just across the lagoon from the other unique Big Boy Prison, both among the resort's more popular places. Throughout the Little Boy Prison, there were actual barred cells which held their permanent 'prisoners' all between the ages of six to ten years of age. Though many of the prison's permanent residents had been modified so that they would never mature or grow, several were allowed the normal progression into pubescence. These would then be transferred to other areas of the resort and be forced into new roles. Their manner of incarceration was quite varied and ranged from old fashioned metal shackles to more modern restrictive constructs like those using micro force fields. While some boys were placed into permanent shackles or chained to wall, floor, or table, quite a few others were held in much more restrictive restraints.
One cute 10 year old of Oriental extraction had been literally welded within a skeletal framework of copper rods, rings, and movable 'joints' which were entirely controlled by the boy's 'user.' One could see the teary eyes of the cute boy looking about in fear, struggling against his metal skeleton, remembering how a couple men had held his limbs as the rods and rings placed about him were fused into place, his small muscles no match for the men who only smiled and laughed at his crying pleas.
Elsewhere a cute eight year old blond was held within a series of force fields and grav units so that only his 'user' could reposition any of his boy parts while there was full access to every square inch of his body. All in all there was one definite theme: all the occupants of each cell enjoyed little to no freedom of movement, and with only a rare exception, never would. And in order to make sure that the boys' responses were always fresh and lively, the long term memory of each boy had been eliminated by blocking the memory synapses with an inhibitor. In each boy's experience, every day there would be his very first day.
Back in the 56th floor penthouse, Mr. Buddingo removed the boy's gag since he wanted to hear how the boy was responding to the effect of the enzyme. The boy immediately pleaded to be released. Buddingo only complied so far, allowing the boy's arms to remain adhered to his lower legs and keeping them in their wide spread position. After five minutes Nubal made complaint that he seemed not to be able to move right. Five minutes later he started shouting that he had trouble bending his joints.
His pleas became more strident and panic filled: "Please what's happening? I can't move so good."
"That liquid is turning you into a living doll."
The puzzled boy was not quite sure what that meant but didn't like it whatever it meant. "But I can't move too good. I'm getting all stiff."
"Not to worry. In about another 15 minutes you will be completely stiff."
The boy started struggling against the action of the enzyme and started crying in spite of the drug. "Please help me! I can hardly move!"
The boy's struggles and shouting escalated as he lost more and more ability to move his limbs and body. Mr. Buddingo, with newly medically enhanced sex organs, was so aroused he turned the boy over and plowed his 9 inch [23 cm] rigid penis into the accommodating but very tight rear hole of the now yelling and crying boy. By the time he was recovering from his massive orgasm 15 minutes later the boy was totally 'frozen,' and crying copiously as he still struggled to move.
Strangely, even though he felt totally stiff all over, the small boy could still feel his master's caressing hands on his own body as he was gradually masturbated to his own intense and long lasting orgasm. His complaints had momentarily turned to groans and high pitched squeals as he became totally captivated by his own sexual passion. A medically induced passion seemingly incongruous to such a small prepubescent boy.
Twenty minutes later the boy had been packed into a specialized container and started on his way to his new home, cell #23, where he would forever be 'in use' as a sex slave in the Little Boy Prison in the Xanadu resort owned by his previous master. Permanent drug implants would allow the boy to enjoy at least certain aspects of his use as a future and permanent sex toy. He did not understand why everything was happened to him but had at least some idea of his impending future. He understood that he had been purchased as a sex slave after all. But he was still trying, now with a certain amount of fear and extreme frustration, to do something he would never do again – freely move his limbs.
Two hours later his successor, the cute 7 year old of Sumatran extraction, had been released from his SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cage and was now cuddled within the embrace of his new master having just recently experienced the very best 'feeling' he'd ever, ever had, as the big man had sucked on his little stiff peepee. The boy luxuriated in the soft bed and the cuddling arms of his new master. He had been raised in an uncaring environment of a boy's home since before he could remember. And little did he realize that in just one more month, he would be back in the labs of BoyToys, Inc. and about three months later he would be inhabiting the 'Palace of Extraordinary Boys' where he would again be having that same but even more intense best 'feeling' from all of his four perfectly functioning 'peepees,' two side by side in his groin, and two others grafted to his little boy chest where his nipples used to be. He was one of the more fortunate of the resort's inhabitants as he would also experience substantial pleasure from his modified throat and butt hole as they were used to pleasure his many clients' genitals.
Fifty-seven floors below, the two new guards in that small room with Jodi were not there so much to guard their prisoner as to protect him. Given his particularly amazing looks, together with his uncommon genetic make up and predisposition for submissive man-boy sex, he was quite valuable. Thus across from the two guards there now lay a slim naked 13 years old boy on a large and comfortable bed. And in spite of his traumatic evening, and slow recovery from his period of torture, he was now finally asleep with the help of a drug, calculated to help him escape 'the usual cares and worries' which might want to attack his quite imaginative mind.
The very next day Jodi was lead across the composite floor, and though no longer under the influence of the drug, nonetheless was totally unable to resist being forced and sealed into a SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cage, awaiting delivery next door. He realized that he would never again be free to direct his own life.
After a short trip the boy was extracted from the cage, still in some kind of numb emotional shock. And for many, the look on his so innocent face would excite them, to see a formerly well cared for boy (even if never knowing the close friendly intimacy of some families) with never a want for anything at least materially, now stripped of everything including his clothing. Yesterday, at precisely 8:55 in the evening, his safe and secure world, along with his imagined future, came crashing down about him in a magnificent crescendo. His new future, though equally as secure, held almost nothing that a normal 13 year old boy could have ever anticipated, even a 13 year old who had recently started to suspect that he may not be quite entirely 'like all the other boys.'
Looking at him, especially as one could now easily see his prepubescent genitals blatantly on display, along with his slender 70 pound [32 kg], 4 foot 8 inch [1.42 m] frame, most people would think him more like an 11 or 12 year old. But the avid connoisseur of boy flesh would readily understand that the shape and carriage of the boy's head and body was merely a bit diminutive and the boy just at the cusp of entering into the new teen world of sexuality. But the entry and progress of this boy into the world of sex would now be considerably different. While the average libidinous teen thought of sex a goodly portion of his existence, this boy would soon experience not a single second without having at least some of his conscious thought on sex and his own erogenous zones, especially his own genitals and rectum. Thus this boy would soon become what his new owners had in mind when they purchased him the evening before – a totally dehumanized boy-toy, ever ready for use by the many clients of his new owners.
Four months later, Jodi was finally allowed to resume full consciousness after his long modification ordeal, not a second of which he would ever remember. In fact this was his first fully conscious moment since being delivered to the labs of BoyToys, Inc. the day after he heard of his new fate. He awoke feeling quite well and enervated, but totally confused until memory suddenly returned. He was then quickly confined within the grip of a SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cage held immobile with his limbs separately positioned and confined and his body in a sitting position. Even his head was so confined allowing him only movement of his eyes which were now trying to make out just where he was.
As his journey began and progressed, he could not take his awareness away from the strange attachments to his anatomy. First was the large but fortunately not uncomfortable gag and tube affixed to his mouth. Then the tubes he felt entering his nostrils giving him a means of breathing. Strangely he felt not the slightest fear or anxiety. He thought about that for a while and finally came to the conclusion that he should have been totally freaked out. Not only was he supposedly on his way to some resort where he would be used as a sex slave, but his very naked confinement did not disturb him in the least. In fact
"Wow!" he tried to say aloud, "Holy shit! What the hell?!" Jodi had occasion to have experienced some dry climaxes before and liked the pleasure which they gave him. And for his age was quite knowledgeable in matters of boy sex, and the feelings and stiffness in his penis which accompanied such efforts of self gratification. But shit this was SO different! In fact he felt a totally new and almost incomprehensible 'feeling' coming not just from his groin area but even his rectum. "What have they done to me?" he tried to vocalize and with much more wonder than concern. He LIKED what he was feeling! A LOT! And then new sensations were quite evidently coming from his penis and butt hole. He realized that there was something entering his piss slit and his butt hole. "Of course," he thought to himself, "his strict confinement if for any length of time, probably necessitated a method of draining his bladder – he felt strange sensations down there but among them not a need to urinate – and to stop him from messing himself."
But new sensations and new thoughts started running rampant. He felt a serious 'need' which 'felt' connected to his groin area which was new to him in its urgency and intensity. He finally put a phrase to it – sexual arousal. INTENSE sexual arousal. Or as his friends would say, he was as horny as hell. And his very confinement and even his thoughts of his impending slave status seemed to intensify these feelings. Wow! There definitely were major modifications. He wondered what else. He was told that his 'sex holes' – what he called his mouth and poop hole – were to be modified so to be both more accommodating and inured to injury and long use. And the very idea of being so used actually gave him more thrill than fear. He suspected that that thing in his butt hole was feeling 'good' rather than painful or uncomfortable because of a possible modification. He mentally tried to check out his body from foot to groin from finger to chest, but he could not discover any other real difference. Except that he was amazingly horny! He didn't quite understand that since he was also told that his genitals would be 'boy-sized' for the remainder of his life. But even if still its usual 4 inches [10 cm] his penis was ram-rod stiff!
He now started wondering just what his role was going to be. He had asked but no one would say anything before he lost consciousness what felt like quite some time ago. He new that he was headed to one of the most infamous 'boy' resorts on the planet. And he really wasn't too upset by being forced to pleasure men. He just hoped that his clients would be so rich that they would also have taken advantage of rejuvenation drugs and procedures. The thing that most upset him was his permanent slavery. He would never have his own life. Never be free to do what he wanted. The only thing he WAS told was that his brain pathways – whatever that really meant – along with deletion of some of his memories, would be part of his modifications.
"You will be mentally conditioned to not only accept your new situation but to even enjoy it at least on a sexual level."
He just remembered that. So that was why his sexual arousal was so great. His situation, both in physical terms, and in imagining his sexual use in the future, and even thoughts of his very slave status, got him so aroused. Jodi, realized that a part of him reveled in the strange visceral and sexual stimulation his situation caused within him, but still he was a SLAVE. And would be USED as a pleasure object of others for the remainder of his life! Intellectually he despaired of what was being done to him. Cognitively he rebelled at the very idea of losing his freedom and all his dreams. But at the same time a large part of him was turning traitor; it WANTED all this to happen. He was one well mixed up boy. And if he understood correctly, would be a 'boy' forever.
About 8 hours later, Jodi was jarred awake as he felt the cage he was in being jostled and moved. The smooth ride of the air flight was over. Fear and excitement warred within him. He tried to imagine what was to happen to him but had no real understanding to go on. Except that he would be soon at some resort where he would be required to avail his body to whoever wanted to use it. Someone had mentioned as they were getting him ready for his final transport, that he was now legally a slave, an idea which still seemed to him totally alien. And that he would never ever be anything but a slave. His brain seemed to be made up of two parts. On part could not seem to grasp just what being a slave meant. But the other part, that which felt his confinement, that felt his nakedness, that felt being handled like a piece of property, certainly knew what slavery was all about.
At a certain facility, at a certain resort, Dr. Bigolo had all in readiness. The resort was receiving three new boys that very morning. One was destined for the one of the bedroom suites in the Andromeda Hotel complex, where he would be physically chained to a ring in the floor in one of the several 'bedrooms' which comprised a large part of the suite. The visual effects of his obvious bondage was enjoyed by the prospective clients who would rent one of these particular suites. In this particular one there were three such 'bedrooms' each with their confined naked slave boy. With the modifications made to his body at BoyToys. Inc. this particular boy would never be released from the chain which attached to a ring on the back of his permanent metallic collar. Though there was quite a collection of other 'attachments' available to use on this boy by his subsequent clients, the collar was his only permanent adornment. But the boy would never know life outside that one large room and its adjoining 'wet' room which held a huge swirling water hot tub, mammoth shower, the usual bathroom necessities, and of course the refreshment tank where his boy's body would spend periods of time being 'fast-healed' after torture sessions.
Thus this particular boy was not of any concern for Dr. Bigolo. But the other two definitely were. He greatly enjoyed this part of his job as he 'introduced' the new boys to the extremes of their new modifications and needed attachments. These two new boys, Jodi and Malachi, were to be soon 'converted' to their permanent roles as pony-boys. He would start on Jodi first. He was especially attracted to small blond boys of heavily Caucasian heritage. And this Jodi was an absolutely gorgeous boy according to the new holos he'd received the previous evening.
None of the boy's modifications were evident at first inspection except for the barely noticeable overlap of flesh at the very base of his throat which would open if he needed to continue breathing when other routes were temporarily blocked. There were other holes placed at the necessary points of attachments of his new rings and things, but these too were not pointedly evident except at close examination. Even the boy's teeth were still in his mouth although not for very long. And he liked the way some of the boy's mods would not become evident until he initiated them during the boy's conversion into a pony-boy which he quite was looking forward to.
He liked to see the boys squirm and try to move after he was affixed to the preparation table. He really liked to hear the boy yell, cry, plead, and scream as various procedures were performed. Though there were not very many procedures necessary, some of them were quite extreme. And though the pain was not severe, to a boy unaccustomed to any real pain the reactions of the boy's was so satisfying. And it wasn't just the pain. What frequently caused the most delightful of reactions was the boy's sudden awareness of losing so much control over his very body, and over his future movements.
Besides the permanent attachments and changes, there were also, in the case of Jodi and Malachi, two boys destined to be a permanent pony-boy team, their harnesses and non-permanent attachments would also be accompanied with delightful reactions. Today he would do Jodi. Tomorrow Malachi, who would in the meantime be allowed another day of confinement in his SafeSecure™ transport boy cage. Quite a and time and effort saving arrangement. Jodi would take most of his day. He became quite sexually aroused himself just thinking about the boy's reactions when he discovered his future role as a pony-boy and was harnessed to an actual specially designed boy calash or carriage. And was then put into his 'overnight' harness and affixed for the night inside his two foot by one foot by six foot [60 x 30 x 180 cm] 'stall.'
Dr. Bigolo was to have a small audience for the upcoming procedures with Jodi. It was rumored that Mr. Ben Buddingo himself, along with Jodi's step-father who actually sold his own boy to Mr. Buddingo, would be there. And quite curiously, there was supposed to be a young 16 year old teen, by the name of Jabar Lamumba, who had actually sold himself to the Buddingo brothers to help out his financially troubled family. He was promised that he could even choose among several options just what his future role as sex slave would be. Since he was a citizen of the Aligned Nations, there were in place certain laws and protections under which he would serve out his life as a class two permanent but consensual slave. Dr. Bigolo thought that the boy must be unusually submissive and perhaps even masochistic if he were interested in becoming a pony-boy. Although he had to concede that being such a slave at this resort was much better than at many others. At least the slave would be allowed his own sexual pleasures. Indeed much of the boy's conscious future thoughts would be commanded by his nearly continuous intense sexual 'need' and to his genitals and rectum because of the 'attachments' they would be 'locked' into for the remainder of their lives. The resort had a policy that no needless torture, pain, or deprivation was to occur other than that demanded by the boy's specific station.
Of course the boys destined to one of the resort's several 'dungeons' WILL necessarily have lives filled with torture, pain, and deprivation. Dr. Bigolo smiled recalling the reactions of that 10 year old boy just two days ago whom he had permanently affixed to a torture table – NEVER to be released. He had his own intense orgasm forcing the thrashing boy into his permanent bondage. And of course he had to 'test out' the latest in pain inducing technology – all sorts of paddles, whips, canes, and floggers which quite closely matched their primitive precursors but which caused no real damage to the boy's flesh or skin. After all the boy had to satisfy his next client the very next day or sometimes only hours later. Thus even the super fast recovery times with the new gene-splice modifications were aided by innovations of the new technology.
Dr. Bigolo let his memory drift to the boy's reactions to the redesigned 'cane' as he whipped first the bottoms of the boy's feet, then his open hands, and then most of the front of his severely bound body. His yells, screams, and pleading sobs still brought a severe rigidity to Bigolo's penis. And 20 minutes later there was not the slightest sign of the torture. In fact the boy seemed surprised as the pain itself so quickly abated. Enough so that he could totally concentrate on his sucking technique as Bigolo forced his 9 inch [23 cm] monster in and out of the boy's throat.
Dr. Bigolo eventually brought his mind back to the task at hand. Everything was in readiness. He then started thinking about looking at the latest catalogue of slave boys on the open market. Dr. Bigolo was himself finally rich enough to look for his own permanent slave boy. He again wondered about this boy Jabar who would be showing up quite soon. If as masochistic as he suspected, he would be the exact type of boy he himself would be interested in. Although Dr. Bigolo took quite a bit of sexual satisfaction in 'using' non-consensual slaves in forced circumstances, for a life long companion which he was starting to really desire, he wanted a slave boy who could possibly react positively to his bondage and torture. And someone who could become more than just a slave. As he thought about Jabar's present desire to see exactly what being a pony-boy would entail, Bigolo thought: "But hell, the pony-boys here were so utterly confined within their restraints for most of their lives except for those times when used as 'pleasure boys' by their clients. And even then they would commonly still be in near totally restrictive bondage, and frequently tortured." He thought it a shame that this 16 year old had already sold himself to the resort. And that Jabar was most likely destined to make his own visit to the modification labs of BoyToys, Inc. since very few 16 year olds had a place in this resort. There was much more demand for prepubescent or barely pubescent boys.
Chapter 2 Jodi: Initial Transformation
Bigolo was quite surprised when he finally saw the boy Jabar who had voluntarily consented to permanent class two slavery. He was actually led into the room by a 'handler' at the end of a leash, and he was quite naked and in light shackles,
3; and sporting a five inch [13½ cm] boner. And his barest entry into his sexual development belied his age although it was in total conformity with his very immature physical development. He was no doubt at the very beginning of a late journey through pubescence – a journey which would no doubt soon come to an abrupt halt. His guide and handler held onto a leash which was attached to a temporary three inch [7½ cm] collar about the boy's neck. And noting how the boy was reacting to his surroundings he was apparently quite excited by just about everything, and amazingly without the slightest concern for his own modesty. His 'voluntary' status was evidently not a matter of total altruism in providing for his family. Apparently this boy was quite sexually turned on by thoughts of being a sex slave. Though not able to vocalize – his mouth gag was tightly secured even by an outer muzzle – the boy had evidently been quite intent on what was happening as he watched Jodi's transformation into a pony boy.
Dr. Bigolo learned the very next day that this was exactly the role the boy would have chosen for himself. Dr. Bigolo, however, being in favor at present with the Buddingo brothers, made his desires known concerning the boy Jabar. Mr. Ben Baddingo was not averse to rewarding his most loyal and productive employees, thus gifted the boy to Dr. Bigolo.
Ben Buddingo spoke volubly about his witnessing the transformation of the slave boy Jodi into a pony and later ended the conversation with: "However, Dr. Bigolo, the boy is a class two slave, but by law has some say in what happens to him. And his choice of being incarcerated at this resort can not be easily circumvented. However, we have another boy you might be interested in. He is a 15 year old, and with extreme masochistic tendencies especially for someone so young. After proper modification I believe that he could be capable of handling even the level of torture I know like to administer. And he is someone we need not worry about the Slave Authority. His name I believe is Nafiq and he's as black as Daneb's deepest mine."
"Thank you sir for your generosity sir."
Indeed, Dr. Bigolo was already formulation all manner of radical modifications to this Nafiq's body, and he smiled envisioning his shock when he finally emerged from the gene-splice tanks and special surgery theater at the labs of BoyToys, Inc. He couldn't wait to touch the boy's exquisite black skin, and fondle his beautifully formed genitals, install him in his permanent restraints, and introduce him to his own personal dungeon.
But to return to the beginning of Jodi's transformation into a pony. Finally all the other people had arrived and entered the doctor's clinical theater. He was quite thrilled when Mr. Ben Buddingo complicated him on his valued work. But he took an instant dislike to Mr. Kanji. His delight in his step-son's situation and screams as he was 'fitted' with the very first of his permanent 'attachments,' was not sexual in nature, but a more perverse reaction of pure maliciousness. And the boy seemed to understand his own step-father's motivations. As the procedures continued Jodi in fact seemed to deliberately and voluntarily allow his transformation. Dr. Bigolo even took a perverse delight himself in entering into some sort of weird conspiracy with the boy himself. After the second procedure he released the boy from all his restraints. At the boy's seeming total compliance his father seemed to deflate a bit and soon lost interest.
Dr. Bigolo's perspective
I was totally taken by this small seemingly totally defenseless boy, as I proceeded to transform him into a pony-boy, even if a bit disappointed that I was missing the usual attempts at resistance. Though the boy still screamed and cried quite openly at some of the painful procedures, he nonetheless remained totally passive, allowing me to do whatever needed doing. In fact he seemed to watch with real curiosity as the less painful procedures were implemented.
But I probably should go back to the beginning and detail just what was done to transform the boy Jodi into the pony-boy Jodi. (We allowed him to keep his own name which was inscribed on both his harnesses and bridle, and lettered across the mantle of his stall in the pony barn across the way).
The transport cage which held Jodi was placed onto the floor next to the chair in which he would be restrained. The two attendants who brought him there, along with the boy Malachi whose cage was put onto a shelf nearby, were polite and efficient being slaves themselves. But they were workers and not boys. The only reason I knew them to be slaves were the barely noticeable heavy silver chains about their necks. The operators of the resort only wanted the boy slaves to be noticed. The workers, many of whom had been sex slaves themselves earlier in their lives, were totally clothed, and even enjoyed quite a few amenities and even some 'free' time, something not common for class three slaves. There Malachi was reattached to feeding and evacuation tubes. (The SafeSecure™ cages were such an easy method of holding boys almost indefinitely. See story:
SafeSecure™ Transport Boy Cages
). He would be attended to the next day by someone else. I would stay with the training of Jodi. They then left with the empty cage leaving Mr. Buddingo, Mr. Kanji, the boy Jabar and his handler, and two other friends of Mr. Buddingo in attendance.
I carefully watched the eyes of Jodi as I released him from the confinement of his cage. I first touched a control which turned off all grav and micro force fields and relaxed the tight confinement of his limbs and body. He made a grunting but very muffled throat noise as he felt some freedom. I could see him trying to move his limbs and straining with the effort. I next released his head and made sure he was paying attention.
"Jodi, I am Dr. Bigolo. You understand that you are now a class three slave and owned by the Xanadu Pleasure Dome, and thus must be totally compliant. I will give orders and you will behave. Understand?"
Jodi warily nodded.
"I will be releasing you from your cage and all your attachments. You must perfectly obey all orders. Any other move will be painfully punished. Understand boy?"
Another frightened nod.
"One additional rule. You will not even speak without permission. Understand?"
Another nod.
I released the boy and had to hold his slight body before he finally regained his balance. He tried to speak when I removed his gag but I just made a voice command and his collar delivered a pulse which had him collapse to the floor in pain. His tears and gasps were heard as soon as he could regain his breath.
I gave the command again.
This time he remembered not to speak.
"Stand boy."
He very uneasily got to his feet and seemed to look at his body as if for the first time. I then realized that there had been some changes. He must have also noted the differences. He then looked up as he heard a few voices. He then tried to cover his genitals eliciting a laugh from one of those attending. Jabal seemed mesmerized, and sexually excited himself.
"I will be positioning you onto a padded contoured table. You will not resist. You will not speak for any reason."
Jodi nodded trying to control his tears. The pain brought about the pulse from the collar was severe but abated quite fast. I simply lifted the naked boy onto the table and strapped his limbs down in a spread eagled fashion. Then I added a couple restraints about his slim waist and upper chest. The boy allowed it all without any attempt to resist. His penis was quite rigid and I noted that the entire procedure had him quite aroused – an indication in art, of his modifications – in spite of his appearance. I knew this would not last as some of the early procedures were somewhat painful and even frightening.
The table was so contoured to put the boy in a semi-supine position so that he could see what was happening to his legs, feet, and genitals. Most of the holes I would be filling with rings, pegs, and other artifacts were not very noticeable. I started with his ankle cuffs. These would be permanently attached as would his wrist cuffs. Special modifications to his skin and underlying tissue, along with the micro force-fields integrated into the cuffs themselves, would allow all these attachments to be used without damage to the boy.
The ankle cuffs were a special metallic amalgam. I released his right foot and the two halves of the two inch [5 cm] wide cuff were brought together around his thin ankle. As soon as they touched they were permanently in place never to be removed. The central outer surface consisted of a band of loops which provided attachment points. I used one to restrain his leg again. The same was done to his other ankle. Jodi seemed more curious than frightened, jiggling his foot more to just get the feel of his cuff rather than trying to escape his bondage. The same procedures were done putting his two inch [5 cm] wide wrists cuffs in place – also permanent. Now for some of the painful procedures.
I brought over the boy's two 'pony shoes.' These fitted over his toes and lower foot with a further narrow bottom extension which fitted snugly along the sole of his foot and then split into an oval which fitted around his heel. When touching the ground the small horseshoe shaped extension would be evident. The entire thing weighed a bit more than a pound [½ kg] and the boy will need some practice in relearning to walk, especially when he discovered that only his 'hoof' would be able to touch the ground. The extension will force his foot to stay in a downward pointing position. When I touch a spot on the bottom of the shoe it will attach itself to the boy's flesh and even send millions of microscopic filaments into the flesh of his foot and into hid very bones. The entire process will take almost five minutes – a somewhat painful five minutes as he feels the tendrils invade his foot and ankle. After its completion the boy's ankle would only permit a minimal flexure as he trots along on his two hoofs. And these too were totally permanent. That was one of the reasons he no longer had toe nails, probably something he had been unaware. I touched the control and the boy gasped at feeling the first adhesion of the 'shoe' to his foot and entirely covering his toes. And suddenly screamed as he felt the invasion of the filaments. He tried to shake off the shoe but it was held fast. The boy shook in torment giving out wail after wail as the pain increased. I was quite excited as were most the guests.
When he could speak he started pleading for me to stop the pain. I stuffed a muffling gag into his open mouth and secured it about his head. He must be made aware that he had absolutely no say in what was done to him. And that there was nothing he could say that we would want to hear. I had the exact procedure done to me to fix onto my finger a permanent ring more to find out how it felt. The pain was not excessive but still probably more painful than any steady pain the boy had ever felt. Those watching moved in closer to get a better look at the boy's anguish. The five minutes must have seemed a lot longer to the boy who was now just moaning with tears falling freely. His muffled noises suddenly stopped. The pain stopped completely as the process finished. The 'shoe' was now permanently attached.
"Boy listen to me." I had to hold his face rigidly to get his attention. "Boy, this is necessary. You are being transformed into a pony boy and that is your pony shoe. It will never come off. Do you understand?"
The now thoroughly frightened boy tried to nod.
"Of course we still have to affix the other shoe. But before that there is the matter of your punishment. You will learn quickly that any disobedience, and any lack of total submission, will not be countenanced."
The boy was trying to yell through his gag and shaking his head vigorously.
I smiled: "Again you disobey. I said absolutely no talking."
They boy started crying and shaking as much as his bonds allowed. I brought out a remote control and again touched a control. This time I held it down for two seconds. At first the boy could not even scream. But then even through his gag when the wail came, elicited a gasp from a couple of those in attendance at the sheer intensity of the boy's reaction. It was not enough pain to cause him to pass out, but he probably wished he could. But at this stage of his transformation there could not be the least leniency. Finally his torment stopped along with his muffled wails. Tears were streaming down his face and he looked at me in abject fear – as he should.
When I took a hold of his other foot he fought me. But of course he only had little boy muscles – there was no contest. I again hit the control at the bottom of the second 'shoe' and the procedure went as the first. Amazingly the boy seemed to try to NOT scream. I saw him looking over at his step-father after the first 'shoe' was attached and there seemed to be some communication. I watched his eyes intently now and they seemed fixed onto those of his step-dad. He then seemed to make some movements of his jaw and moved his mouth in small circles. I took a chance and removed his gag. He nodded a yes. I was right. He was trying to show some kind of acceptance of what was being done to him and also tried not to scream. But as the pain increased and the boy started convulsing with pain, he started crying and despite his efforts, began gasping audibly in pain. But he never screamed or pleaded for it to stop. He seemed to be trying to defy his step-dad in some way. And I finally understood. His father seemed to take delight in the boy's pain and circumstances but it was definitely more malicious than sexual in context. Mr. Buddingo looked at the boy's step-dad and then at the boy. As the procedure suddenly stopped, the boy stopped moving and just lay there compliantly, looking down at his foot which he wiggled a bit. I looked over at his step-father who seemed to be smiling at his son's ordeal.
"Ok boy, next we will be attaching a device to your genitals. It is to insure you always give them your conscious thought. In fact you will like the feeling it gives you."
I did not mention the fact that while being used in his capacity of a pony boy – when he was trotting – his activity would even bring him to frequent orgasm. He would discover that in his own time. The device would attach itself to the very flesh of his genitals and most importantly to the nerves. When still, like when he is required to sleep upright in his stall at night, it would constantly enervate his genitals but just to bring him to a level of continuous arousal. Only when his penis pulled away from him as he trotted along via a large ring which would soon be permanently attached, and as it bounced around with his movement while pulling a carriage, would the movement, combined with the stimulation of his prostate from his tail plug, be able to stimulate a continuing string of dry orgasms. A reward for his services.
After several weeks of such 'rewards' the boy will discover that much of his conscious thought will be directed to sexual responses in his role as pony boy. Eventually this boy's life will revolve almost entirely about his sexual arousal and assuaging his nearly incessant need for climax. After putting monitors on pony boys who have been here several years, I have discovered that the boy's conscious thoughts almost completely revolved about his sexual need and that almost everything which had to do with his duties as pony boy – even their confinement in their stalls – had an overriding sexual context. Sex, and thoughts of sex will eventually fill much of this boy's entire life. And although most of the pony boys do still retain the ability to take pleasure in experiencing the beauty of their surroundings while trotting here and there through the amazing and diverse habitats of the Xanadu Pleasure Dome resort, though more commonly when they are resting or tethered to a post somewhere awaiting a new client, this is still basically a very passive cognitive or emotive response, and thus not 'discouraged' unless it interferes with their base imperative of always being ready to heed the slightest command from their client either by voice command or through their mouth bit. Even during times when a client is using them for sex, the pony boys are specifically conditioned to remain totally passive unless given a specific order. In fact, over time, a pony boy is 'discouraged' from EVER initiating ANY action on their own. They are soon taught that as a pony boy slave, they not only no longer had ownership of their bodies, they also must forfeit all command of themselves other then as required to follow out their duties as pony boy slaves.
As I brought what must have seemed like a slender tube connected to a puzzling maze of wires toward the restraining table, the boy appeared to be mouthing some words. I leaned in to hear.
"Please, permission to speak."
My first impulse was to punish the boy for disobedience but then I looked again at his step-dad and merely leaned and whispered: "Speak boy."
He whispered: "Please release my bonds. I promise to be good. You can do what you want."
I looked at the boy and finally understood. What was going to happen was inevitable. But he did not want to give his step-dad the satisfaction of being forced to acquiesce. I took a chance and released all of his bonds, but only after deciding that this could be used as a legitimate start to the pony boy's training. This submission to whatever was being done to him was an important first step in his conditioning as a pony boy. Of course I still had to punish him for speaking without permission. And I made him quite aware of that fact. He started trembling as I again hit the remote. But this time for only a half-second pulse. His yell was piercing without his gag and most satisfying. But he made no attempt to move from the chair.
The boy did not realize, however, that those would be the very last words he would ever speak. I smiled at this understanding. There would simply be no reason for the boy to ever speak again so that ability was to be taken from him. His future activities would necessarily be quite severely subscribed. A pony boy pulled his calash, from time to time was brought to a client's suite (or anywhere else they wanted) for sex, or stayed in his stall. (Ok, they were brought over to the pony boy washing station by the pony boy handlers for washing). That was the full extent of the life of a pony-boy. Of course, either some kind of gag or a clients penis will always be in his mouth after all. So any chance to speak would be quite restricted anyway. The transformation underway was just the beginning if the slave's training. This boy will be conditioned to become entirely passive. No talking. In fact just about all communication was to be entirely one way. The pony boy handlers knew never to expect or solicit any communicative response from their charges.
I decided to change my normal routine after all. I brought over a small device which when engaged would activate a microscopic relay within this boy's brain – specifically his speech center. Thanks to new technology pioneered and perfected by BoyBots, Inc. and now utilized from time to time by BoyToys, Inc. after their mutual cooperation policies, the network of microfilaments in this boy's speech center will come under control of one of the chips in his collar. I smiled as I touched the control. It was that simple. The boy wouldn't even have felt a thing.
"Ok boy. You can try to speak now all you want. I want to show these gentlemen just how the implant in your speech center works."
The boy looked up in confusion. "You may speak boy with no punishment. Are you thirsty?"
The boy opened his mouth and the only sound coming out was a low whinny. I though it quite appropriate now for a pony boy. Then as the boy started to panic he emitted quite a series of louder neighs, all quite credible as sounds one could expect from a pony. Or in this case a pony boy. For a moment the boy seemed so distraught I thought I'd have to re-secure him to the table.
"That is quite enough boy. You will now quite down and stop moving about or you know exactly what will happen if you do not."
The boy started to cry but nonetheless lay still again. Even the sounds of his crying were evocative of a pony's whinny. I was quite pleased. Mr. Buddingo knew fully well what to expect. In fact he had a preference at times to use a pony boy for sex. He seemed to like the idea that another person, even if a child, can be so completely controlled. But the other people there showed varying amounts of astonishment. Especially the boy Jabal, who tried to say something to his handler before he realized that his gag made him totally unable to communicate.
"Now boy, I no longer require you to stay quiet. You should know by now that you can no longer speak. I have just activated a mechanism in your brain which will make this condition permanent. As you have been told you are being converted into a pony boy and pony boys never have any reason to speak. And rarely to communicate at all, and this will only be at the command of whoever is your master at the time. However, though you may give voice to what is happening to you, you will submit completely to what is happening. You have no choice in this matter."
The boy looked up as his step-father started laughing. And he made a very deliberate effort to stop crying. He nodded, giving out a small whinny. Even the boy seemed at least a bit fascinated at the noises coming from his mouth. As the conversion proceeded he kept emitting different variations of his whiney or neighing sounds.
I then got back to the instillation of the boy's genital stimulation device. It would continuously direct at least an appreciable amount of the boy's conscious thoughts to his little boy sex organs and stimulate him to some degree of arousal at all times.
I took hold of the boy's small but stiff circumcised penis and proceeded to push a hollow rod into the urethra. The boy squirmed at the discomfort but there was no substantial pain due to the slick nature of the material. I pushed a full seven inches [18 cm] of rigid tube into his now engorged penis until the four radiating threads at its end abutted the piss slit at the opening in the glans. The slight curve of the rod beyond the boy's exposed penis would assure that his penis would be in horizontal display at all times. The boy seemed more curious than frightened. And more aroused than curious. I then pushed the maze of filaments in a twisting motion about the outside of his penis and then the remaining double cup of filaments I slipped over the two lumps of his fundamentally modified testicles. These orbs were so modified that the only chemicals produced was a testosterone mimic which would cause strong arousal but no onset of secondary sex characteristics. The other chemicals were a powerful aphrodisiac and sexual stimulator. When ingested by any client his performance and intensity and length of orgasms will be greatly increased and his recovery time will be greatly shortened. The pheromones emitted will also increase the libidos of both slave boy and client.
I then touched a remote control which activated the rod and system of filaments. The boy gave out a strangely altered scream and gripped the sides of the table trying his best not to interfere with what was happening to his genitals. Four filaments embedded themselves into the grans on the boy in a swirling pattern and the filaments enclosed about the outside of the penis and scrotal sac. Fibers then entered the very flesh of the penis and scrotum and grew until making contact with the nerves enervating the penis and testicles including the root which continued beyond the base of the exposed little boy penis. The pattern seemed chaotic but stood out in their silver tracery covering the entire surface of the boy's genitals. The interior tube attached itself to the boys flesh and made the boy's penis to jut out rigidly perpendicular to his body. The boy would never again have a flaccid penis. It would always be sending its signals of extreme arousal and rigidity through the nerves of the boy's sex organ. The boy will henceforth be in permanent 'heat.' In addition the nerve enervation also triggered a secondary system of nerves throughout the trunk of the boy's body – a modification made in the past four months. For the remainder of the boy's life any touch to the trunk of his body will bring an intense sexual response as if his entire chest and abdomen were an erogenous zone. Jodi will forever be one 'turned on' boy.
The boy's screams soon lapsed into a series of whimpers and whinnies and in a short time his breathing became heavy and gasping. His whole body started to shake as he seemed totally unconnected to his surroundings. Suddenly his entire body began convulsing in a series of pulses coinciding with the boy severely pushing upward in staccato movement of his groin as if he were trying to stab the air with his rigid and now dripping penis. High pitched whinnying sounds came from his mouth. Those watching finally realized that the boy was in the throws of a long and intense orgasm. Several minutes later a totally exhausted boy finally stopped his shuddering movements and almost collapsed into unconsciousness. After a minute of barely moving the boy opened his eyes and tried to sit up.
"Stay put boy. I gather you enjoyed that."
The boy smiled and was about to speak when he realized it would be futile.
But a few others there who witnessed his actions did comment. Jabal himself seemed to almost to follow the boy's actions thrusting his own pelvis. He was dripping copiously from his own rigid penis and would probably be masturbating if his hands were not secured behind him. He did not seem to care if there were total strangers also watching him. I was wondering what his past was which allowed this boy to seemingly have no concept of modesty.
The initial pain when the apparatus started their attachment to the boy's genitals and especially his nervous system was definitely substantial. I was still surprised that the boy made no effort to grasp his genitals or in some manner stop his pain. I usually enjoyed the screams and attempts of the boy's to resist their transitioning into whatever roles they would be forced into, but I suppose that this boy even engaged my own regard when he merely struggled through his pain. And his spontaneous orgasm was quite typical with the initial enervation of his genital stimulation device. In the future his orgasms will only be possible with some movement of his genitals as he trotted around the resort coupled with rectal and prostate stimulation that would occur at the same time. It was quite an incentive for all pony boys when they very soon recognize that 'rewards' come when they fulfill their duties and ONLY when they are doing so. At all other times they will be held at or near the brink of climax. The only other time of possible climax for the boy was when a client is plowing his cute rear hole so long as the boy were not held rigidly in place allowing no movement of his penis.
But we still had a few procedures that needed done, and one of them I was sure the boy would certainly not enjoy, and in almost all cases invites rebellion. But I was methodical and kept to my agenda. The boy would first be put fitted for his role for pulling carts and carriages. Thus next I needed to fit the boy to his tail. This would not be a permanent attachment. A different anal arrangement would be required for his stay in his stall. In either case, however, unless his rear hole was being used by a client, it would always be filled with some kind of plug. And all plugs were engineered to cause some kind of stimulation to his remarkably enhanced prostate which was now ten times its original size and also now completely encircled a good portion of his rectum.
As I said this would be one sexually aroused slave boy. Of course orgasm would only be permitted either when the boy was pulling a carriage of some kind, or being used anally by his client. That was of course unless he was in 'punishment' mode. But it was my observation that the pony boys were quickly broken' to their life's role. And within typically from 9 months to a year, their submission was almost always complete. Usually the only thing they kept fighting was their bridle and bit. The resort here does not install permanent bits in their pony boys' mouths as do some other resorts. The bit was only used while pulling something. It was the philosophy of those running this resort that the bit represents only one layer of control, and that is operative only when the pony boy is pulling his calash. But of course, just as with their butt plugs, their mouths were still always gagged unless being used by a client. That typifies a different level of control. Of course the most important level of the many layers of control is that which is exorcised by total imposition of their owners' will along with that of their client's, over the pony boy's entire existence. The goal, beside using these boys for satiating men's sexual and other desires, is to eventually allow the pony boy no active control over their own bodies, nor their own lives. This very understanding contributes immensely to the very physical and psychological pleasure of those who so use these boys.
And allowing these boys their own sexual stimulation and pleasure is actually a trap. It allows them to focus their efforts so single mindedly on a need so strong that it contrives to allay the fact that in all other respects they have been forced to abandon themselves totally to the will of their master, and client user. And little Jodi here is already headed down that path. Of course a little persuasive administration of pain does not hurt either.
I already knew from reports the exact dimensions of the boy's relaxed anal opening, sphincters – which were quite enhanced to retain their extreme tightness and flexibility – and rectum. The plug I had designed for this boy was moderate in size. It was only 10 inches [25 cm] in length and narrowed to a mere inch [2½ cm] across as it exited his anal opening. The interior width was variable. It also needed no retaining device. It not only widely expanded when a control was touched thus being capable of being 'anchored' in place, but also had a special molecular adhesion layer which insured the plug would not come loose or allow any leakage (except for a valve which could release pent up gases) in any circumstance unless our pony boy handlers or clients wished otherwise. At night during the pony's installation into his stall there was a special plug attached to his stall anchoring-post that allowed for the boy's fecal elimination. (We never allowed our pony boys either permission or even the situation in which the slave was allowed to freely eliminate its own fecal waste. The mechanics of our elimination butt plugs were time tested and full-proof. Although the ones most commonly in use were purely mechanical in operation, there were available hydraulic models if that ever became necessary).
I should probably explain that our pony boys were kept under total control at all times. About the only freedom they were allowed was that possibly given to them by a client when being used as a sex toy. Otherwise we allowed them absolutely no control even over their own feeding or elimination of waste products. Even urination was only allowed at specific times and could only happen by the insertion of a special fitting into the tube permanently anchored in their urethras (or in the case of some, into a separate valve between testicle sac and anal opening). As for fecal elimination, their bowels were evacuated at only two times. Every morning, or whenever needed prior to complete cleansing in preparation for use by a client. And this procedure was only done by their handlers. In fact these pony boys were never allowed any freedoms whatever except as already described. Even their feedings were accomplished by forcing the required nourishment into a special fitting in their night time mouth gag. Their bit gag could only accommodate a fitting for watering. As I said no body function was ever under the control of the pony boy itself. Well except for their breathing.
Jodi squirmed a bit as I forced the butt plug into his anus. He gasped quite vocally as the final 4 to 5 inches [10 to 12½ cm] were pushed home, and emitted a high pitch whinny as I had it attach and expand. Although his automatic reaction was to pool away from the plug's insertion, he kept trying to overcome his fear and comply by settling back down and relax his rectal sphincters. After he finally was able to relax and stopped his vocal expostulations, he seemed even interested in the tail which extended outward from his plug. He then started a low whinnying sound for the first several minutes as its prostate stimulation function was engaged. I found Jodi's reactions reassuring. He was no doubt not only quite sexually aroused by the actions of his physical attachments, it was quite clear that he was quite excited by the idea of his body being so invaded. I've seen that wide eyed look many times. Even without the physical stimulation, Jodi would still be hard and dripping. It is this aspect of his sexual proclivities, along with their enhancement during brain pathway modifications, which helped insure Jodi would be quickly be 'broken.'
Next came his large penis ring. This was fully 3 inches [7½ cm] in diameter and an eighth inch [3 mm] in diameter. Though semi-permanent, it could easily be detached by simply twisting it open into a coil configuration. But it would be removed only when so desired by a client. The ring fitted into a hole already in place just behind the glans of his rigidly exposed penis and which ran in the plain of the boy's body. As I grabbed a hold of his penis it seemed as if the boy were all over again cognizant of the fact that he was naked and his genitals were being handled in front of complete strangers. This ring's insertion was possibly uncomfortable but not painful since the hole had been created during the boy's major modifications. But the added weight and swinging motion as it moved as the boy's stiff penis swung about during carriage pulls would help with the boy's focusing his attention onto his own supercharged genitals.
In furtherance of this effort, along with the pure aesthetic value, there were also attachments for the boy's two testicles. These consisted of small cages which were separately closed about each testicle sac and from which dangled a six inch [15 cm] metallic chime. The two of the chimes dangling below the boy would not only focus the boy's attention to his scrotum and testicles, but also send out a ringing tone as they each hit other. Again they would only be removed when desired by a client. The attachment of these testicle cages brought some complaint from Jodi but no strong attempt to stop it, But a few unsolicited gasps and reflexive flinches accompanied their attachment. His quite sensitive testicles would take quite a while to get used to even this light weight, especially as they swung around while walking or trotting. But as the current discomfort faded, Jodi again seemed more curious than alarmed.
Next came the nipple rings. These were more an adornment then functional. But some of the shaft arrangements (depending on the specific carriage or chaise he would be pulling) allowed for light chains to run from the boy's nipple rings to a horizontal bar at chest level. Otherwise a simple light chain hung in a semicircle with each end attached to one of the rings. Just enough to keep the boy's attention where it was wanted.
Now to something which would no doubt bring fear and dismay to a boy so far trying to be compliant. Under most circumstances the boy's arms would never be used for anything except for possible points of attachment if his clients decided to suspend the boy by these appendages, or stretch him spread-eagled during their use or light torture of the boy. (Strict resort rules only allow the more harsh tortures of slaves so modified for this abuse). And since the boy's arms were at most times held immobile, his hands were deemed of no use. In addition, just the idea of taking away from the pony-boy even more control, the use of his hands will be taken from him. At first the boy was only intensely curious as I forced the boy's right hand into a fist with his thumb pointing outward, and covered it with a light tracery of silver filaments. But something must have alarmed him as he reflexively tried to pull his hand away even before anything painful occurred.
I reached for the remote control and the boy instantly knew what I intended. He pushed his hand again toward me and started neighing loudly. I smiled and touched the control anyway. His vocal output tripled as his body convulsed at the pain delivered again by his collar. I only allowed the pulse to last a half second but it was enough to have him crying and shivering.
"You will have to learn boy that even the smallest lack of submission or cooperation will be harshly dealt with."
The boy was nodding rapidly hoping to avoid a further punishment.
"You will note boy that you no longer have fingernails. No one wanted to be bothered having to care for them. Besides you will have no use again for your hands."
He looked up quite frightened. I then touched another control and the filamentous glove tightened around the boy's hand and in a similar manner attached itself to the boy's hand. The invading filaments here however were a bit different. These invaded his bones and held his hand quite rigidly. His hand would never again be free. I suspected his whinnying wail was at least as much at the prospect of losing movement and control of his hand as it was to the experienced pain. The boy shook and neighed loudly for the next several minutes as the filaments anchored the flesh and bones of his right hand into an immobile unit. His tears continued as the pain suddenly stopped and he looked up at me in some kind of despair. I could see it in his eyes and hear it in the tone of his whinnying. His crying increased as I grabbed his other hand, but he did nothing to delay the inevitable. Soon he had two completely useless hands. I smiled as I informed that this would be permanent.
"You have nothing to worry about boy. You will never have a need to use your hands anyway. You will be quite well taken care of by the stable slave boy handlers. They will take care of all of your physical needs."
Now to the difficult portion of the boy's transition into a pony boy but of course one of the most important. All directions to the boy while pulling his carriage or two wheeled calash was to be directed by the insertion of a bit gag into the pony boy's mouth. There were two different types. One was the normal gag which consisted of the metallic bit forced well into the back of the pony boy's mouth along with a separate portion of the gag which fit onto the metal circle which was to be fitted to each gum line in place of the boy's teeth.
The bit itself was quite simple. It was about a quarter inch [6 mm] thick rod which extended a short distance form each side of the pony boy's mouth. Each end had about an inch [2½ cm] in diameter ring which swiveled back and to which was attached three straps. One set of straps were brought around the pony boy's head and locked into place. A second set of straps were brought up along each side of the pony boy's nose joining into a single strap just between the boy's eyes. This upside down 'Y' strap then again was affixed to the strap behind the boy's head. These first two straps were quite thin allowing the boy's mane like hair to settle normally. It was this particular simple device which so determined the fact that these boys were indeed ponies and thus commanded in their movement by directions given through the third set of straps or reigns. And it was this bit which was the most difficult thing for the ponies to adapt to. It took some weeks before the pony boy's mouth could accommodate such a device without some amount of pain or discomfort. However it was quite necessary to make sure that these boys knew that they were no longer 'boys,' but were more akin to the animals whose role they were adopting.
As described there were the two metal 'bridges' which were attached to the pony boy's gums in place of his teeth. These two metal replacements – mere partial arcs of metal and joined in the back by a locking hinge – were specially designed to be semi-permanent, and only removed if so desired by the client. It was perfectly possibly, however, for the boy to suck on the client's penis without it's removal. Additional extensions also would be fitted to these metal semi-circles when the bit was in place, which extended forward from each and touched the insides of both the upper and lower lips. Extending forward from these extensions were a series of 8 pegs for the upper lip, and eight pegs for the lower lip. About a quarter inch [6 mm] above the top lip and below the bottom lip were a series of eight holes – not discernable except upon close examination, into which the pegs will be pushed through by the pony boy handler when fitting the boy's bridle and bit. Thus after insertion and fixing of the pony boy's bit, these short pegs would then be 'sewn-together' by a thin cord running through the small holes at the end of all 16 pegs which would be just protruding through the boy's lips. Though a difficult task, the handlers were quite adept at literally binding the lips of the pony boy closed with this thin cord literally 'sewing' the pony boy's mouth closed. There was, however, a small gap in the front of the mouth which would allow for the insertion of a watering tube during the day. But while wearing his bit and bridle, the pony boy would never be able to open his mouth.
The second kind of bit gag had one additional piece which extended from the center of the bit forward in the boy's mouth holding down the boy's tongue. It was used for punishment and it could even be fitted with several sharp tines which would extend from it. These tines were very short but nonetheless sharp enough to pierce both the pony's boy's tongue, and the upper fleshy folds which were added to his modified mouth to aid in his sucking and oral stimulation of his client's penis. Though not commonly used it was available for any major infraction or failure to give his total submission and compliance. (Other punishment devices were also available but we will get to those later as they were not normally a part of the pony boy's usual attachments or harness).
In addition to the bit gag there was also a feeding (or nighttime) gag which also needed to be fitted. This gag did not include the bit. Instead the mouth was opened widely enough so that the locking device at the back of the hinge at the rear of the two metal bridges affixed to the boy's upper and lower gum line would engage. This did two things. It forced the boy's mouth into a widely open configuration which he could not close until the boy's handler disengaged the lock. The other thing it did was allow the insertion of the forced feeding gag into the boy's mouth. This came in two types. The first, the simple gag, consisted of a slightly pliable tube which was designed to fit the entire interior of the pony boy's mouth. It too had those 16 pegs which pushed through the boy's lips. However, these pegs were much longer and fitted into an external muzzle which would be fixed snugly over the tube and snapped into place onto the boy's face from his nose to under his chin. Each was molded to fit perfectly and anchored the feeding tube into the boy's mouth. It was then the handler's duty to attach the feeding tube and control the pony boy's feeding. Many flavors of feed were available, and of course some of them could be used as punishment. The second type of feeding gag also had an interior extension which was literally forced well down the pony boy's throat. It was quite uncomfortable and again used as a punishment measure. With its insertion the small slit, engineered into the boy's throat, would allow for the boy's breathing since this tube could easily block the air coming from his nostrils.
But before the fitting of these gags, preparation was needed. First I needed to remove all the boy's teeth. This would not be as bad as it sounds. During modification, all the boy's teeth had greatly loosened and in fact become detached from any nerves. The boy would feel the removal of all his teeth, but definitely not experience very much pain. It was the psychological effect which was important enough so that the boy's owners wanted him to experience loosing them. It was more as a measure to impress the pony boy that much of his previous life was indeed over. No teeth – no normal method of eating. I forced into the boy's mouth a dental gag insuring its full extension. The boy gagged a bit (pun intended) but nothing excessive. Of course he was now totally frightened. One by one I pulled each of the boy's teeth laying them out in order upon a try visible to the him. He at first started to struggle after I removed the first tooth, a big molar from the back of his mouth.
"Boy, stop struggling. You must understand that you are a slave and thus must submit to anything we might wish to do to you. This includes removal of all of your teeth. You should note the lack of any real pain. Your teeth are dead and quite loose already. In this way you will be much more able to orally pleasure your client's penis. And you will never get in trouble for accidentally making contact with his penis with your teeth."
Jodi whimpered as I removed all 28 teeth. (His wisdom teeth were no longer a problem). After the last one was put onto the tray Jodi inspected the tray. It is not often that a person will ever see all his teeth laid out in two rows.
He dropped back against the table in an air of resignation giving out a large neigh. But if he didn't like the removal of all of his teeth, he will certainly try to balk at the insertion of his gags. I eventually had to strap down his head. His reflex movements which accompanied the fear inherent with doing something with his mouth had him moving too much even if I could see that he was trying to cooperate. The difficult part were the four interior pegs which I had to insert into the bone underlying his gum lines. These would bond with his upper and lower jaws, and be needed to anchor the two semi circular metal pieces which replaced his teeth even if they barely extended from his gums. But it was stark fear which caused the boy to keep moving as I was doing things inside his mouth.
"Boy, you are doing so well. But you need to lay still."
He nodded, but eventually I resorted to using straps across his forehead and another across his eyes. He actually stopped fidgeting. I had a special tool which fired the small thin pegs into his jaws. It would cause a strong but fleeting pain. Four pegs later the boy was crying quite freely. I couldn't blame him. This was indeed sharp pain, and would only slowly abate. But I was determined to do everything I had to do with out any strong analgesic. But I did give the brave boy a mild one by spray into his mouth. I now allowed the boy to rest before continuing. I needed the break myself. I also noted that the boy's step-dad had left sometime during the last hour. Jabal on the other hand seemed quite intense in his stare and was also quite sexually aroused. I was almost certain of his masochistic proclivity. The other three just liked looking at a cute boy who was being quite forcibly put under complete control. I was quite aroused myself.
I left an attendant with Jodi after locking one of his wrists and ankles to the table. The boy looked up in mild shock as I snapped shut the old fashioned lock. It seemed being so controlled and handled was arousing too as he was took on a passive demeanor as the pain faded. Several weeks from now, after the newness of everything else no longer commanded so much of the boy's attention, he would give himself over to his arousal to a much more marked degree. Of course it was the intent to make sure that sex and his sexual arousal would quite dominate all his thoughts. Every single facet of his future existence would have at least some sexual connotation. And most would engage a major sexual response. We picked the boy with the right predisposition, modified his accurately, and eventually will condition him for the responses we wanted. Several years from now sex and its contributors will be the focus of almost all the boy's attention, and account for most of his cognitive function – aside from heeding directions from his bit and bridle as he (and his team companion) was forced to pull his two-wheeled calash.
Outside of the Jodi's hearing a strong and lively discussion was occurring. Only Jabal, with mouth gag, made no attempt to participate. Mr. Buddingo I could see had quite a cute bundle of naked boy – this one of Latino extraction – in his arms. And he was lazily fondling the boy's quite immature genitals. The boy couldn't have been a day over six years of age, but was no doubt well conditioned to respond positively to his molestation. In fact he was giggling and laughing and holding onto Mr. Buddingo with both arms as he was easily held in the man's muscular arms. I recalled now that Ben Buddingo preferred very young boys of either Latin or dark Mediterranean heritage. And this boy was stunning. I wouldn't be very surprised that this was his boy of the month. The boy no doubt had no idea of what was in store for him. It was rumored, and I can attest to its truth, that Ben Buddingo usually kept any boy for only a month. This boy, like all the previous ones, had no doubt been very carefully 'recruited' and had had his brain pathways subtly modified in the labs of BoyToys, Inc. to react positively to such 'attention.' There was certainly other modifications made to allow the small boy to not just accommodate Buddingo's mammoth tool, but to even enjoy it.
During the next month that previous boy was kept in perpetual bondage in a mostly passive 'torture box' in a room adjacent to Mr. Buddingo's bedroom. He seemed to use this 'torture box about once a year. The boy's head was fitted through hole in the top of the box which sealed around his neck. A forced feeding device would be forcing high fiber content nourishment into his mouth. The one time I'd actually seen one of his 'last month's' boys so ensconced, I could hear a very weak whimpering sound coming from the round ball like structure which obviously contained the boy's totally sealed up head and face. The boy could see only very blurry dim light through the translucent mixture and hear almost nothing. Tiny ducts were obviously aligned with the corners of the boy's eyes as dripping tears could be seen from time to time from the tiny holes. I was informed that after the first week or so the tears usually stopped. To the right and left side of the box were two other round sealing constructs obviously containing the boy's trapped hands, and forcing the boy's arms to their furthest extension straight outwards. The legs of the boy were locked into a stretcher bar forcing his feet wide apart, and the boy's feet were likewise fixed into similar round balls making standing a little difficult. A harness about the trunk of the boy's body made sure there was very little movement as it was connected to top, front, back, and sides of the box's interior. Though the boy could move his feet somewhat and even lift them from the floor, this would put quite a strain on his arms, neck, and pelvic harness.
But what was going on inside the box was truly fiendish. The boy was kept in a standing position with a large butt plug entering his rectum. Another hollow rod was inserted the entire length of the boy's small penis, this connecting to a tube which drained his bladder to the back of the box into a container emptied every day. The penis rod and rectal invader were also connected to a couple other devices. Out of every hour his penis and rectum would be stimulated to respond to the drugs being pumped into his system bringing the six or seven year old boy to a very early onset of sexual arousal, and eventual dry orgasm. The sexual stimulation would follow 5 minutes of torturous amounts of electricity surging through these same genitals and rectum. Nothing severe enough to injure but enough to be quite painful. In addition to this torture there were several bars extending into the box, and would give the boy a hefty jolt if any part of his body came in contact with the tips of all the various bars which further punished any movement. Thus the boy was forced to stand relatively still except for a period of ten hours each day where the boy was allowed to rest and sleep and even sag in his harness and bondage.
The boy's butt plug had within it a mechanical and hydraulic fecal elimination device. However, it only deposited the boy's feces into the interior of the box. The boy's skin was treated with unguents which stopped it from being irritated by the excrement that came into contact. And what was even worse, after the month was ended, the boy was moved to a holding area and usually kept inside the box for at least six to ten additional months. By that time the level of excrement usually filled to the top of the box and was forced out of a hole near the very top which opened when necessary. The boy's brain activity was closely monitored until the boy finally fell into a complete waking dream state. He would then be released and would usually need several months to recover. But to the enjoyment of certain other boy lovers, he would almost always have a desperate need for sexual stimulation but also need tactile pain to help bring him to actual dry climax. With judicious extra 'conditioning' and eventual final modification in the BoyToy labs, the boy would be trained and modified for his eventual role as a fanatically masochistic slave boy. And although some of these class three slave boys were occasionally sold to an individual private owner, most ended up in permanent residency in one of the resort's torture chambers, frequently chained to a floor, or a wall, or a ceiling, or a bondage table, or even fixed off the floor via micro grav and force fields.